PRINGLE, John William Sutton Supplementary

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence of JOHN WILLIAM SUTTON PRINGLE FRS (1912 - 1982) Material additional to CSAC 117/8/86 Compiled by Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, 1990 Bodleian Library, Oxford All rights reserved University of Bath J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Telecom National Power Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Institute of Physics The Geological Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry JWS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION C OXFORD C.185-C. 201 C.185-C.197 Human Sciences C.198-C.200 University Committees C2201 Miscellaneous SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.29, G.30 SECTION J J.149-3.157 CORRES PONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 INTRODUCTION The material in this collection was assembled during 1989 It is supplementary to the and 1990 from various sources. principal collection of Pringle's papers and correspondence catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC 117/8/86) now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. are therefore sectionalised and numbered to follow the related material in that previous catalogue with specific cross-references The items where appropriate. References are also given to the memoir of Pringle by V B Wigglesworth (Biographical Memoirs.of Fellows of the Royal Society, 29, 1983, B25 55d): Several items are a useful supplement to the earlier relating to publications (E.145) is an unrecorded and probably Documentation Pringle's involvement in the multi- more fully recorded in items C.185-C.197. and for the University Grants Committee (G.29), anda little A.18 is correspondence with the Registrar, Oxford collection. University, relating to the offer to Pringle of the Linacre Chair of Zoology in December 1960 and the negotiations preceding his unpublished note prepared for Experientia in 1950-51. relating to Pringle's service on committees at Oxford (C.198-C. 200) acceptance in June 1961. disciplinary School of Human Sciences at Oxford, documentation for which was wholly lacking in the previous collection, is now The only ‘new’ item correspondence (Section J) complete the collection. JW S NCUACS 21/6/90 Pringle (Supplement) SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL Appointment to the Linacre Chair of Zoology Oxford Correspondence with the Registrar, Sir Folliott Sandford, The correspondence begins December 1960 - August 1961. 16 December 1960 with the invitation to Pringle to accept the Chair, and chronicles a sequence of visits and negotiations principally concerned with temporary research accommodation and the proposed new building, and also with Pringle's own housing and financial arrange- ments. the difficulties and delays of the appointment are included. Some official circulars and notes relating to There is no surviving copy of Pringle's reply of 20 December 1960 taken by the Registrar in his letter of 7 January 1961 'as an indication of interest in the offer rather than as a definite acceptance’. that Pringle's eventual acceptance was made verbally to the Vice-Chancellor at a meeting in London; letter of 24 June 1961 says 'I have arranged to see the Vice-Chancellor in London on Tuesday morning. then tell him whether I can accept the Linacre Professorship’. It would seem Pringle's I will Career and honours Election as Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1969. Invitation to serve as External Expert on Boards of Advisors in Zoology and Botany, University of London 1970. See also A.14. Election to Foreign Membership, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1977. Gliding Club 1975, minutes of first AGM of Club 1976, Pringle's resignation 1979. Gliding Invitation to serve as Senior Member, Oxford University J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION C GC. 185) 256.20) CetS5-—C: 197 Honour School of Human Sciences The establishment of this new course, and Pringle's major contribution to it, are outlined in Wigglesworth's Memoir, pp. 532-534. The sequence of events is documented here. re includes correspondence arising from Pringle's exploratory Inaugural Lecture The two biologies 1963 (C.185) and his later Darwin Lecture A vision of man 1972 (C.186); there are also correspondence, background material and press comment (not all favourable) on the eventual passing of the University Decree establishing the School (C.188) and some of Pringle's lectures for the course (C.190). Comments on Human Sciences by an observer of its earliest days 1971-72 (C.194) are complemented by an interesting file of information and opinion by early entrants compiled in 1978 as background material for Pringle's E.64, E.65). ©. 193,46 2196). Correspondence and information sent by colleagues about among his lecture topics (C.195, see also CSAC 117/8/86, items similar multi-disciplinary courses in hand or projected is inter- visit to Guelph, Ontario, in 1978 when he included Human Sciences esting as evidence of contemporary interest in the concept (C.191- the sequence (C.197). Miscellaneous academic and administrative material relating to the new School complete J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Correspondence arising from Pringle's Inaugural Lecture The two biologies, December 1963 - February 1964, 1967 (proposed Japanese translation). Correspondence 1972-73 arising from Pringle's 12th Darwin lecture, A vision of man, published in Biologist, 19, 1972. An offprint of the published lecture is enclosed. The voting in Congregation, Oxford, 18 November 1969. A group of forty-four senior members supported a Resolution to withdraw the University's decree, approving the new school. was answered by a flysheet circulated by Pringle and others and a further debate, and the Resolution was This eleventh-hour obstacle despite a demand for Press comment on the establishment of the new course 1969. Biology and the human sciences OUP 1972. Folder includes flysheet, Pringle's analysis of ‘the opposition', correspondence with colleagues on both '"sides' of the debate, October - December 1969." defeated by thirty-one votes; a postal vote, the result confirmed the decree and the first students were admitted in October 1970. Committee. These were the Herbert Spencer lectures, given in Michaelmas Term 1970 as a series ‘to help launch the new degree which had manifested itself in recent years in the possibility of integrating the biological and social sciences’. publication by Pringle as Chairman of the Human Sciences and at the same time to mark the wide interest The lectures were assembled and edited for J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Folder includes correspondence with Press and with contributors, draft of Pringle‘s introduction, blurb and index, publication arrangements and reviews, 1970-73, 1978. Drafts have been retained of the contributions by T Dobzhansky on Unique aspects of man's evolution which he described as differing considerably from the final published text, and by E Grebenik On controlling population growth which has extensive authorial corrections. 'a preliminary version' Course of eight lectures by Pringle 'intended as a general introduction to Biology for students who have done little or none before', as ‘part of the formal teaching for the qualifying examination in Zoology for medical students and ... examination in Human Sciences’. for the preliminary First given 1971, C.191-C.193 C.1O¥ 1969-71 Manchester revised 1974, 1975. In chronological order. Examination 1971, 1973, 1974. Folder also includes class handouts and draft Brochures or similar printed matter may be examination questions for Human Sciences Preliminary Correspondence and information about Human Sciences courses in Britain and elsewhere, some sent to Pringle for information, some asking for details of the Oxford course. included. Melbourne Edinburgh Coventry Salk Institute J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford 1972-74 Edinburgh (correspondence and papers from C H Waddington) Dns Centre Royaumont B F Skinner Nuffieitd Foundation Center for Futures Research California Po 5=77 Australian National University University of Guelph University of Haifa Emory University Georgia surviving. Comments on the Human Sciences School, by J K Brierly, a visitor to the University during Michaelmas Term 1971. Comments on the Human Sciences course, and on their own Attached here is the original file cover listing many other ‘Outside Enquiries' on Human Sciences than those subsequent careers, by former students (finalists at Oxford 1972-77), sent in reply to Pringle's letter of June 1978 requesting the information in preparation for his lectures at Guelph University. Includes tabulated summary of correspondents and information. £978. on human sciences or similar courses, assembled by Pringle for his Guelph lectures. Correspondence and information from academic colleagues 1918% J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Miscellaneous papers and correspondence relating to the School of Human Sciences. 1971-79. Includes submissions and questions prepared for University Grants Committee Social Studies Sub- Committee visit to Oxford (June 1971), proposals for site and accommodation (the Human Sciences Centre), copy of 'Human Sciences Enquiry' conducted by Junior Members, March 1974, notes, circulars, agendas and minutes for meetings of Standing Committee, and of Joint Consultative Committee, with a little accompany- ing corresppondence. 1974-79. C.198-C.200 University Committees These are committees of the General Board of the Standing Committee on Planning and Development and Standing Committee on Appointments. notes or memoranda, amended draft papers and the like. Faculties, whose official records are preserved in the University Archives. Material retained here refers only to matters in which Pringle had a special interest, conducted correspondence, prepared May 1968 - May 1971. Includes notes and drafts on Joint Appointments, correspondence and material on postgraduate teaching in molecular biology, ‘shopping list', notes and other papers relating to the preparation of Quinquennial Application for 1972-47. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Equipment Committee 'to administer the new This was set up in March 1968 annual grants for teaching and research equipment to The grants are usually referred to be received from the University Grants Committee from April 1968°*. as TREs in the papers and correspondence. played an active part in drawing up and assessing applications from various science departments, particularly the Zoology and Experimental Psychology departments. Pringle Committee papers, bids and submissions, notes and calculations, some related correspondence, March 1968 - March 1970. Committee on the long-term problems of entitlement. H E Griffiths, President of Magdalen, Pringle was a General’ Board This was set up by Council largely on an initiative by Pringle at a General Board meeting on 29 November, and was approved by Congregation on 25 February 1969. The Chairman was J the committee sometimes being referred to as the "Griffiths Committee’. nominee. Pringle felt himself to be closely involved with the ‘entitlement’ problem, partly because many members of science departments did not have college fellowships. A possible solution he put forward at a College Meeting at Merton in December 1968, and in a memorandum to the committee in May 1969, aimed at developing Halifax House as.a new 'Society'. He also read closely and annotated the replies by various Oxford colleges to a questionnaire circulated to sound out current practice and opinion. November 1968 - May 1970. Folder includes Pringle's memoranda and correspondence arising, committee papers and submissions, drafts and redrafts of report with amendments and annotations, J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Also included is interest in the entitlement problem, 1972, 1974. a little later material on Pringle's Miscellaneous Shorter exchanges of correspondence with University officials on leave of absence, sabbatical leave, service on Electoral Boards etc. £972, Of. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Material relating to Pringle's 1948 paper ‘The gyroscopic mechanism of the halteres of Diptera' Phil. tans .R. Soc. Lond. B 233, 347-384. Pringle sent a ‘Reply to Professor v.Buddenbrock' The Editor, The paper, described by Wigglesworth (Memoir, p.539) as 'a classic of beautifully delicate work', was the object of criticism by W von Buddenbrock who submitted a paper for publication in Experientia. H. Mislin, invited Pringle to ‘contribute in a "disputanda"' (May 1950). (not dated) and received in May 1951 a letter from the Editor explaining that publication had been delayed pending ‘a brief communication' of new results from v. Buddenbrock and his collaborator R Faust. ‘Die Regulierung des Gleichgewichtes der hdheren Dipteren durch die Halteren' Experientia 7, 1951, 265. from Pringle appears to have been published. These appeared as No reply Folder includes letters from Editor and Pringle's draft reply 8pp. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G329; G.30 University Grants Committee Joint Steering Committee [with Department of Education and Science ] on Building Costs and Procedures. Pringle served on the Biological Sciences Panel set up in March 1966 to assist the Committee in its investigation into costs and standards of accommodation for teaching and research. Folder includes invitation to serve, annotated committee papers, notes of information required and supplied by Pringle, a little correspondence, draft report. March 1966 - May 1969. British Museum (Natural History) Invitation to chair proposed Visiting Group to Entomology Department of Museum. 19753 J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J. 149-~ 3.157 The material is somewhat scanty and does not constitute a full picture of Pringle's activities even when taken in conjunction with the previous collection, cross-references to which are given when appropriate. E and religion. Cabinet Office 1971 - 1972 Pringle's comments on Green Paper ('The Rothschild Report'). Huxley, Jd S Jones, R V Hawkins & Associates 1976-1977 1972 1975 Kenya wildlife study. Comments on Human Sciences, and on papers by Pringle. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Includes copy of Jones's Closing Address, on ‘Science and absolute values' given at 3rd International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, 1974. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Organisation of protest against proposed route of M40 through the Chilterns. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Lane, M (Miriam Rothschild) 1970 J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Correspondence Oxford Scientific Films Ltd Pringle was a consultant. Southwood, T RE Williams, ET Choice of zoologists for inclusion in Dictionary of National Biography. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ASHBY, Eric, Baron BARKER, Eileen BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BLACK, John Nicholson BLACKWELL, Sir Basil BOULDING, Kenneth E BRIERLY, John K BROCK, Michael George BROOKE, John D J.149 CG. LS2 CoA9n Cc. C2196 c.194 C.200 G.A93 C.a85 CATON, Hiram COOPER, Ralph cox, BS CAMPBELL, Brian G DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean BUTTERFIELD, Sir Herbert See also CSAC 117/8/86 DOBZHANSKY, Theodosius DOBY, John T DOREY, A J J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents EDMUNDS, Frank A FRANKS, .Oliver Shewell, Baron C2187 See also CSAC 117/8/86 FRY, CH GELDER, Michael Graham GOODWIN, Brian GREBENIK, Eugene GREENE, Marjorie C.186 Cop 7 C2185 C.289,¢C 197 C.185 HAMILTON, Harold C.200 Se Osi SL C192 HAWKINS, S G HUNT, John HALL, George Derek Gordon HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorell) HARRISON, Geoffrey Ainsworth G.194,C.197 See also CSAC 117/8/86 See also CSAC 117/8/86 c.189 See also CSAC 117/8/86 Cl E85 a. 52 See also CSAC 117/8/86 HINDE, Robert Aubrey JEVONS, Frederic Raphael JONES, Reginald Victor Cant J153 J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents KNAPP, Wilfrid LANE, Miriam Louisa (Hon. Miriam Rothschild) G.29,J3.154 See also CSAC 117/8/86 LIVELY, Jack F MILLER, George A MISLIN, H C.187 Clie? E.145 MURE, Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist C.4185 See also CSAC 117/8/86 (Thomas) PAGET, E W PRICE y (Faw: MYERS, Norman NEVO, Eviator NICHOLS, David C.186 Ce l93 Cc. Lon PARNIS, Alexander Edward Libor NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) Go185,63137 See also CSAC 117/8/86 C.187 CA198 See also CSAC 117/8/86 PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) G.29 C2200 PARSONS, Dennis S J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents ROBERTS, John Morris ROTHSCHILD (see under LANE, Miriam) SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert AA8 See also CSAC 117/8/86 SCREEN, P A SKINNER, Burrhus Frederic SLATER, Joseph Elliott Crt C2392 by Hoe SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) THOMAS, Lena . J.156 See also CSAC 117/8/86 C.1.08. C.405,C.192 TURNER, Clive C. 196 WARD, John P WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WILLIAMS, Sir Edgar (Trevor) (Bill) WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron van HEYNINGEN, William Edward (Kits) ZANGWILL, Oliver Louis WYNNE-EDWARDS, Vero Copner YANAGITA, T M CG186 ae 7 G.29 C89 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence of JOHN WILLIAM SUTTON PRINGLE FRS (1912 - 1982) Material additional to CSAC 117/8/86 Compiled by Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, 1990 Bodleian Library, Oxford All rights reserved University of Bath J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Telecom The Geological Society The Institute of Physics National Power Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.18-A. 20 SECTION C OXFORD C.185=2C. 201 C.185-C.197 Human Sciences C.198-C.200 University Committees C€; 201 Miscellaneous SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS E.145 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.29, G.30 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.149-3.157 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 INTRODUCTION The material in this collection was assembled during 1989 and 1990 from various sources. It is supplementary to the principal collection of Pringle's papers and correspondence catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC 117/8/86) now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The items are therefore sectionalised and numbered to follow the related material in that previous catalogue with specific cross-references where appropriate. References are also given to the memoir of Pringle by V Royal Society, 29, 1983, 525-551). B Wigglesworth (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Several items are a useful supplement to the earlier collection. A.18 is correspondence with the Registrar, Oxford University, relating to the offer to Pringle of the Linacre Chair of Zoology in December 1960 and the negotiations preceding his acceptance in June 1961. Pringle's involvement in the multi- and for the University Grants Committee (G.29), and a little relating to publications (E.145) is an unrecorded and probably disciplinary School of Human Sciences at Oxford, documentation more fully recorded in items C.185-C.197. The only ‘new’ item unpublished note prepared for Experientia in 1950-51. Documentation for which was wholly lacking in the previous collection, is now relating to Pringle's service on committees at Oxford (C.198-C. 200) correspondence (Section J) complete the collection. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.18 - A.20 Appointment to the Linacre Chair of Zoology Oxford The correspondence begins Correspondence with the Registrar, Sir Folliott Sandford, December 1960 - August 1961. 16 December 1960 with the invitation to Pringle to accept the Chair, and chronicles a sequence of visits and negotiations principally concerned with temporary research accommodation and the proposed new building, and also with Pringle's own housing and financial arrange- ments. the difficulties and delays of the appointment are included. Some official circulars and notes relating to ' There is no surviving copy of Pringle's reply of 20 December 1960 taken by the Registrar in his letter of 7 January 1961 'as an indication of interest in the offer rather than as a definite acceptance’. that Pringle's eventual acceptance was made verbally to the Vice-Chancellor at a meeting in London; letter of 24 June 1961 says ‘I have arranged to see the Vice-Chancellor in London on Tuesday morning. then tell him whether I can accept the Linacre Professorship’. It would seem Pringle's I will Career and honours Election as Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1969. Election to Foreign Membership, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 1977. Invitation to serve as External Expert on Boards of Advisors in Zoology and Botany, University of London 1970. See also A.14. Invitation to serve as Senior Member, Oxford University Gliding Club 1975, minutes of first AGM of Club 1976, Pringle's resignation 1979. Gliding J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION C C2185. = €:201 C.185-C.197 Honour School of Human Sciences The establishment of this new course, and Pringle's major contribution to it, are outlined in Wigglesworth's Memoir, pp. 532-534. The sequence of events is documented here. It includes correspondence arising from Pringle's exploratory Inaugural Lecture The two biologies 1963 (C.185) and his later Darwin Lecture A vision of man 1972 (C.186); there are also correspondence, background material and press comment (not all favourable) on the eventual passing of the University Decree establishing the School (C.188) and some of Pringle's lectures for the course (C.190). Comments on Human Sciences by an observer of its earliest days 1971-72 (C.194) are complemented by an interesting file of information and opinion by early Correspondence and information sent by colleagues about similar multi-disciplinary courses in hand or projected is inter- esting as evidence of contemporary interest in the concept (C.191- C.193, C.196). entrants compiled in 1978 as background material for Pringle's visit to Guelph, Ontario, in 1978 when he included Human Sciences among his lecture topics (C.195, see also CSAC 117/8/86, items E.64, E.65). the sequence (C.197). Miscellaneous academic and administrative material relating to the new School complete J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Correspondence arising from Pringle's Inaugural Lecture The two biologies, December 1963 - February 1964, 1967 (proposed Japanese translation). Correspondence 1972-73 arising from Pringle‘s 12th Darwin lecture, A vision of man, published in Biologist, 19, 1972. An offprint of the published lecture is enclosed. The voting in Congregation, Oxford, 18 November 1969. A group of forty-four senior members supported a Resolution to withdraw the University's decree, approving the new school. was answered by a flysheet circulated by Pringle and others and a further debate, and the Resolution was defeated by thirty-one votes; a postal vote, the result confirmed the decree and the first students were admitted in October 1970. despite a demand for This eleventh-hour obstacle The lectures were assembled and edited for Biology and the human sciences OUP 1972. and at the same time to mark the wide interest Press comment on the establishment of the new course 1969. Folder includes flysheet, Pringle's analysis of ‘the opposition', correspondence with colleagues on both "sides' of the debate, October - December 1969. These were the Herbert Spencer lectures, given in Michaelmas Term 1970 as a series ‘to help launch the new degree which had manifested itself in recent years in the possibility of integrating the biological and social sciences’. publication by Pringle as Chairman of the Human Sciences Committee. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 C.189... Folder includes correspondence with Press and with contributors, draft of Pringle‘s introduction, blurb and index, publication arrangements and reviews, 1970-73, 1978. Drafts have been retained of the contributions by T Dobzhansky on Unique aspects of man's evolution which he described as differing considerably from the final published text, and by E Grebenik On controlling population growth which has extensive authorial corrections. ‘a preliminary version' Course of eight lectures by Pringle ‘intended as a general introduction to Biology for students who have done little or none before', as ‘part of the formal teaching for the qualifying examination in Zoology for medical students and ... for the preliminary examination in Human Sciences’. revised 1974, 1975. First given 1971, C.191-C.1:93 Edinburgh Coventry C.1g91 1969-71 Manchester In chronological order. Brochures or similar printed matter may be Folder also includes class handouts and draft examination questions for Human Sciences Preliminary Examination 1971, 1973, 1974. Correspondence and information about Human Sciences courses in Britain and elsewhere, some sent to Pringle for information, some asking for details of the Oxford course. included. Melbourne Salk Institute J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Edinburgh (correspondence and papers from C H Waddington) DES Centre Royaumont B F Skinner Nuffietd Foundation Center for Futures Research California 1975-77 Australian National University University of Guelph University of Haifa Emory University Georgia Attached here is the original file cover listing many other ‘Outside Enquiries’ on Human Sciences than those surviving. Comments on the Human Sciences School, by J K Brierly, a visitor to the University during Michaelmas Term 1971. Comments on the Human Sciences course, and on their own subsequent careers, by former students (finalists at Oxford 1972-77), sent in reply to Pringle's letter of June 1978 requesting the information in preparation for his lectures at Guelph University. Includes tabulated summary of correspondents and information. 1978. Correspondence and information from academic colleagues on human sciences or similar courses, assembled by Pringle for his Guelph lectures. 1978. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence relating to the School of Human Sciences. 1971-79. Includes submissions and questions prepared for University Grants Committee Social Studies Sub- Committee visit to Oxford (June 1971), proposals for site and accommodation (the Human Sciences Centre), copy of ‘Human Sciences Enquiry’ conducted by Junior Members, March 1974, notes, circulars, agendas and minutes for meetings of Standing Committee, and of Joint Consultative Committee, with a little accompany- ing corresppondence. 1974-79. C.198-C.200 University Committees These are committees of the General Board of the Faculties, whose official records are preserved in the University notes or memoranda, amended draft papers and the like. Standing Committee on Planning and Development and Standing Committee on Appointments. Archives. Material retained here refers only to matters in which Pringle had a special interest, conducted correspondence, prepared Includes notes and drafts on Joint Appointments, correspondence and material on postgraduate teaching in molecular biology, ‘shopping list’, notes and other papers relating to the preparation of Quinquennial Application for 1972-77. May 1968 - May 1971. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Oxford Equipment Committee This was set up in March 1968 ‘to administer the new annual grants for teaching and research equipment to be received from the University Grants Committee from April 1968'. as TREs in the papers and correspondence. played an active part in drawing up and assessing applications from various science departments, particularly the Zoology and Experimental Psychology departments. The grants are usually referred to Pringle Committee papers, bids and submissions, notes and calculations, some related correspondence, March 1968 - March 1970. Committee on the long-term problems of entitlement. H E Griffiths, President of Magdalen, Pringle was a General Board a new ‘Society’. This was set up by Council largely on an initiative by Pringle at a General Board meeting on 29 November, and was approved by Congregation on 25 February 1969. The Chairman was J the committee sometimes being referred to as the "Griffiths Committee’. nominee. Pringle felt himself to be closely involved with the ‘entitlement’ problem, partly because many members of science departments did not have college fellowships. A possible solution he put forward at a College Meeting at Merton in December 1968, and in a memorandum to the committee in May 1969, aimed at developing Halifax House as. He also read closely and annotated the replies by various Oxford colleges to a questionnaire circulated to sound out current practice and opinion. November 1968 - May 1970. Folder includes Pringle's memoranda and correspondence arising, committee papers and submissions, drafts and redrafts of report with amendments and annotations, J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Also included is a little later material on Pringle's interest in the entitlement problem, 1972, 1974. Miscellaneous Shorter exchanges of correspondence with University officials on leave of absence, sabbatical leave, service on Electoral Boards etc. 1972, 1977. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Material relating to Pringle's 1948 paper 'The gyroscopic mechanism of the halteres of Diptera’ Phil. Trans R. Soc. Lond. B 233, 347-384. Pringle sent a ‘Reply to Professor v.Buddenbrock' The Editor, The paper, described by Wigglesworth (Memoir, p. 539) ‘a classic of beautifully delicate work', was the as object of criticism by W von Buddenbrock who submitted a paper for publication in Experientia. H. Mislin, invited Pringle to ‘contribute in a "disputanda"' (May 1950). (not dated) and received in May 1951 a letter from the Editor explaining that publication had been delayed pending ‘a brief communication' of new results from v. Buddenbrock and his collaborator R Faust. ‘Die Regulierung des Gleichgewichtes der hdéheren Dipteren durch die Halteren' Experientia 7, 1951, 265. from Pringle appears to have been published. These appeared as No reply Folder includes letters from Editor and Pringle's draft reply 8pp. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.29, G.30 University Grants Committee Joint Steering Committee [with Department of Education and Science ] on Building Costs and Procedures. Pringle served on the Biological Sciences Panel set up in March 1966 to assist the Committee in its investigation into costs and standards of accommodation for teaching and research. Folder includes invitation to serve, annotated committee papers, notes of information required and supplied by Pringle, a little correspondence, draft report. March 1966 - May 1969. British Museum (Natural History) Invitation to chair proposed Visiting Group to Entomology Department of Museum. 1975. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.149 - J.157 The material is somewhat scanty and does not constitute a full picture of Pringle's activities even when taken in conjunction with the previous collection, cross-references to which are given when appropriate. Barker, E Science and religion. Cabinet Office 1971 - 1972 Pringle's comments on Green Paper (‘The Rothschild Report’). Hawkins & Associates 1976-1977 Kenya wildlife study. Huxley, J S Jones, RV 1972 1975 Comments on Human Sciences, and on papers by Pringle. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Includes copy of Jones's Closing Address, on ‘Science and absolute values' given at 3rd International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, 1974. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Organisation of protest against proposed route of M40 through the Chilterns. See also CSAC 117/8/86. Lane, M (Miriam Rothschild) 1970 J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Correspondence Oxford Scientific Films Ltd Pringle was a consultant. Southwood, TRE Williams, ET Choice of zoologists for inclusion in Dictionary of National Biography. J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ASHBY, Eric, Baron BARKER, Eileen BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BLACK, John Nicholson BLACKWELL, Sir Basil BOULDING, Kenneth E BRIERLY, John K BROCK, Michael George BROOKE, John D BUTTERFIELD, Sir Herbert CATON, Hiram COOPER, Ralph COX, BS DOREY, A J J.149 C.169 C.191 C.185 C.196 C.194 C.200 C.193 c.185 See also CSAC 117/8/86 DOBY, John T CAMPBELL, Brian G DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean DOBZHANSKY, Theodosius J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents EDMUNDS, Frank A FRANKS, Oliver Shewell, Baron C.187 See also CSAC 117/8/86 FRY, C's GELDER, Michael Graham GOODWIN, Brian GREBENIK, Eugene GREENE, Marjorie C.186 C.187 C2185 C.189,C.197° c.185 HAMILTON, Harold HINDE, Robert Aubrey Cc. 200 C.192 J.151 C.192 HAWKINS, S G HUNT, John HALL, George Derek Gordon HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorell) HARRISON, Geoffrey Ainsworth C.185705-152 See also CSAC 117/8/86 C.194,C.197 See also CSAC 117/8/86 See also CSAC 117/8/86 c.189 See also CSAC 117/8/86 JEVONS, Frederic Raphael JONES, Reginald Victor c.191 J.los J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents KNAPP, Wilfrid LANE, Miriam Louisa (Hon. Miriam Rothschild) G.29,3.154 See also CSAC 117/8/86 LIVELY, Jack F MILLER, George A MISLIN, H Ce187 c.189 E.145 MURE, Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist C.185 See also CSAC 117/8/86 MYERS, Norman C.186 PAGET, E W PARSONS, Dennis S PRICE, FV. C.193 C..187 NEVO, Eviator NICHOLS, David NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) (Thomas) PARNIS, Alexander Edward Libor C.185,C.187 See also CSAC 117/8/86 C.187 c.198 See also CSAC 117/8/86 PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) J WS Pringle (Supplement) NCUACS 21/6/90 Index of correspondents ROBERTS, John Morris ROTHSCHILD (see under LANE, Miriam) SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert A.18 See also CSAC 117/8/86 SCREEN, PA SKINNER, Burrhus Frederic SLATER, Joseph Elliott Csig1 c.192 G5 191: SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) THOMAS, Lena J.156 See also CSAC 117/8/86 c.191 TURNER, Clive c.196 WARD, John P WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal C.185,C.192 c.186 J.157 WILLIAMS, Sir Edgar (Trevor) (Bill) WYNNE-EDWARDS, Vero Copner WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron van HEYNINGEN, William Edward (Kits) ZANGWILL, Oliver Louis YANAGITA, T M