PRINGLE, John William Sutton

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on correspondence and papers of JOHN WILLIAM SUTTON PRINGLE (1912-1982) zoologist deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (CSAC 117/8/86) by Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (NRA 29728) THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, 1987 No 87/3 London WC2A 1HP All rights reserved CSAC 117/8/86 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE ° British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN WILLIAM SUTTON PRINGLE FRS (1912 - 1982) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Peter Harper Margaret Erskine Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford All rights reserved 1986 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Biochemical Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Rhodes Trustees The Royal Society of London The Institution of Mechanical Engineers The Wolfson Foundation J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 NOT ALL THE MATER IAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS, BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL & PERSONAL A.1-A.17 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE . SECTION C OXFORD B.1-B.32 G.t-Coie Cor “<..26 Lectures & teaching material With an introductory note C.27-C.50 ARC Unit of Muscle Biophysics and Insect Physiology With an introductory note SECTION E E.1 -E.97 Lectures 031-B.57 E.1-E.144 SECTION D RESEARCH With an introductory note C.51-C.184 New Zoology Laboratory With an introductory note LECTURES & PUBLICATIONS and editors Correspondence with publishers E.98-E.127 Publ ications E.128-E.131 Book reviews E.132-E.144 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION F SCIENCE IN THE THIRD WORLD F.1-F.262 Introduction to Section F Items F.1 -F.239A International Centre for Insect Physiology & Ecology (ICIPE) E 6G-960 * Sérencett Resedrclalbitute (SRI) SECTION G SOCIETIES & ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.28 SECTION H VISITS & CONFERENCES Hit-H.16 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.1-J.148 BIBLIOGRAPHY . Introduction to Section J INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS, SOCIETIES & ORGANISATIONS J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE Most of the material was received from the Department of Zoology, Oxford, by courtesy of Professor Sir Richard Southwood and Mr. K. Marsland. The obituary by Nigel Pringle (nephew) from Sailplane and Gliding included in A.1 was received from Mrs. Beatrice Pringle. Pringle's work included at C.43 were made available by Dr. R.H. Abbott. correspondence on research specimens at C.45-C.47 was given by Dr. Belinda Bullard. Published papers relating to The The material relating to the Oxford Department of Zoology referred to in the Memoir of Pringle by V.B. Wigglesworth (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 29, 1983, 532) as 'deposited in the University Archives’ was with- drawn and is now incorporated in the present collection at C.51-C.184. His Zoology 1937-38 and Fellow of King's 1938-44. with the Telecommunications Research Establishment (T.R.E.) and later with the After war service on airborne radar Ministry of Transport, Pringle returned to Cambridge as lecturer in the Department of Much of his most important research, on the physio- OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF J.W.S. PRINGLE Pringle was a scholar of Winchester and later of King's College, Cambridge, where he took first-class degrees in both parts of the research career began in Cambridge in 1934 and he was University Demonstrator in Natural Sciences Tripos. Zoology and Fellow of Peterhouse. loay of cicada song, proprioception in insects, and insect flight muscle was conducted To this period also belong Pringle's marriage (1946), His period at Oxford, though not always smooth, was marked by notable in the Cambridge years to 1961. his many college duties at Peterhouse, his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society (1954) and his appointment as Reader in Experimental Cytology (1959). In June 1961 Pringle accepted the Linacre Chair of Zoology which had been offered to him in December 1960, and moved to Oxford where he remained for the rest of his life. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 achievements such as the building of a large new laboratory housing the Departments of Zoology and Experimental Psychology and the subdepartment of Molecular Biophysics, a major contribution to the founding in 1970 of the new Honour School of Human Sciences and the establishment of his own ARC unit for research in muscle biophysics and insect physiology. From the late 1960s he also developed an active interest in the problems of science in developing countries, and he was especially involved with various research institutes and universities in East Africa. Pringle retired as Linacre Professor in 1979 and died in 1982. A fuller account of Pringle's career and research can be found in the Memoir by V.B. Wigglesworth in the Royal Society series, 1983, which has been drawn upon in compiling some of the entries and is referred to in the form (Memoir, p...). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes accompany many of the Sections, sub-sections and individual entries matters of particular substance or interest. awareness of the historical interest of the documents. There is also material here career, and includes almost no documentation for his unusually wide range of outside interests. His university teaching and administration at Cambridge and Oxford are well documented in Sections B and C respectively. Section C is particularly rich in in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs aim only to draw attention to The surviving collection is almost exclusively concerned with Pringle's scientific its full account of the protracted struggles over the siting and design of the new Zoology department; many of the files were prepared by Pringle himself and reflect his own of the multi-disciplinary Honour School of Human Sciences at Oxford. relating to the ARC unit of which Pringle was Honorary Director and which was the focus of his principal research interest on insect flight muscle, including research notes, there is no surviving material here for Pringle's active contribution to the establishment ideas for seminars, and the ‘internal memoranda’ circulated by the team. Regrettably, J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 The development of Pringle's research is well illustrated by the notebooks, notes and correspondence assembled in Section D, covering the long span 1934-82 (as well as an even earlier school exercise-book of 1928). They include his early 1934 expedition to the Atlas Mountains, his important 1953 expedition to Ceylon to study cicada song, drafts for lectures and publications, notes of discussions with colleagues, talks at conferences and the like. Section E brings together drafts and scripts for lectures and publications covering a period of over thirty years, 1949-82, and also including a talk given as an undergraduate to the Cambridge University Natural Science Club. Section F, Science in the Third World, is of interest for its full record of Pringle's involvement with the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) at Nairobi, especially as a member of the Governing Board from 1972 (Chairman 1973) to 1978, and a director of research on a major project from 1973. Here too Pringle's sense of history prompted him to assemble his own file of ‘early history’ as well as a full general record. Sections G and H are relatively slight and probably do not reflect Pringle’s the ARC unit at Oxford. Drafts for published work found in all Sections of the collection have been permission on pp.119-121. and appear in the form (Bibliog. ...). A copy of the Bibliography is reproduced with participation in leamed societies or symposia. Similarly, Section J, Correspondence, is chiefly of interest for its documentation of the careers of many of the members of linked wherever possible to the Bibliography compiled for the Royal Society Memoir publication which is not listed in the Bibliography. ltems ‘at E.101, E.110, E.111 represent material published or intended for J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to all those who helped to assemble material for the collection, and especially to Dr. Belinda Bullard for advice, information and encouragement over a period of several years. We are grateful to Dr. C.E. Phelps and Dr. R.H. Abbott for help in identi- fying some of the material. Oxford 1986 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.17 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL -Azl Obituaries: The Times, Sailplane & Gliding. Memoir, by V.B. Wigglesworth, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 29, 1983. Miscellaneous lists of publications and lectures. Lectures by Pringle of special interest tohim. Some of these are additional copies of material included in the manuscript collection or the published works, brought together for ease of consultation. 'First-year biology courses at the university’. Lecture to Biology Section of the Association of Technical Colleges and Departments of Education, September 1964. Another copy is at E.17. Lecture at Offprint, with an attached | suggest, of 'Can there be a scientific study of man and society?' Oxford, October 1964, describing the initial discussions for the study of 'Human Sciences’ and Pringle's interest in this inter- disciplinary course, which was officially initiated in October 1970 (Memoir, 533-534, 547). ‘Effects of World War II on the development of knowledge in the biological sciences' (Bibliog. 1975c). note by Pringle beginning 'The attached article is, more than historical interest because the problem of world food supplies presents us with a crisis as great as that of the Second World War’. Possible research post in Ghana (declined), 1981. Election as corresponding member, American Society of Zoologists, 1965. Brief correspondence on career. ‘Oxford Zoology 1961-79". This is the 'Master Copy' of Pringle's valedictory lecture, May 1979. Another copy is at C.183. Included here is a signed copy of P.B. Medawar's lecture on ‘Oxford Zoology’ (Biology, 1944). J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 WAR SERVICE Biographical and persenal Pringle served with the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) at ° various locations, working on airborne radar. Two of the devices developed by his group, ‘Eureka’ and 'Rebecca' were used in North Africa and the Normandy landings (Memoir, pp.527-528). Rae S$.O. Notebook. betical index (includes Eureka, Rebecca and other devices). Aft rear of book, alpha- Few pages used. "The work of T.R.E. in the invasion of Europe’. 3lpp. duplicated typescript signed JWSP, +1p. Bibliography and 2pp. 'Catalogue of equipments’, with a ms. note on cover ‘Compiled and largely written by JWSP'. Normandy landings. n.d. but shortly after 2 copies. Later reports, on information theory. TRE (later RRE) reports by A.M. Uttley, 1952, 1954, A.8-A.12 1955. A.13 1960. Burden Neurological Institute report by W. Ross Ashby, A.7 September 1950 and published by Ministry of Supply. "Symposium on Information Theory’ held at Royal Society 1977, 1979 (Memoir, pp.545-547).. Programs and charts for simulated 'cross-country flying’ with variables for wind-speed, thermals, cloudbase and other factors, Pringle had a remarkably wide range of outside interests and talents and it unfortunate that almost no documentation of them survives. A.14 Gliding: 'Thermal Dice' OTHER INTERESTS is J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Biographical and personal Des ign Programs and data devised by Pringle to generate patterns similar to mosaics; 8 patterns 'for Merida design’. ; Poetry 'The Temptation'. There is another of Pringle's poems at C.81. PHOTOGRAPHS A.17 Group photograph of Cambridge Zoology Department, with hand-drawn key by Pringle, n.d., 1930s. Passport photograph of Pringle. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE B.1 -B.32 a a La Teaching material (dated) B.14-B.21 Teaching material (undated) B.22-8 25 Research notes and ideas B.26-B .32 Correspondence on supplies and specimens The material, which is in typescript unless otherwise indicated, relates mainly to lectures and experiments for undergraduate teaching in the Department of Zoology. Pringle's own research notes and notebooks are in Section D (but see B.22- B.25). TEACHING MATERIAL (dated) B.1 'Gamete secretions’, inscribed 'V. Rothschild 29-10-47'. Ip. table. 2pp. timetable for demonstrations and practical work. 2pp. timetable for demonstrations and practical work. "Techniques for the study of the microscopic, ultramicroscopic & molecular structure of cell-components, cells, & multicellular & extracellular fibres', 8-30 November 1955. ‘Optical and other Techniques in the Study of (a) the Micro- and Ulira-miscroscopic Structure, and (b) the Mechanical and other Properties, of Cell-Parts, Cells, and Multicellular and Extraceilular Structures', 9 November-] December 1954. 13pp. ms. and typescript draft. ‘Comparative Physiology', introduction to lecture course and advice on experimental method, inscribed 'new beginning 1956'. aaveS Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Cambridge ‘Part Il Zoology: Comparative Physiology’, originally a course of 24 lectures, variously dated 1958 and 1959. Extensive ms. and typescript notes and drafts, originally found tied The original order together and inscribed 'remains of old notes'. has been preserved but the material has been divided between 2 folders for ease of reference. material for lectures 2, 15, B.5 includes reading lists and B.6 material for lectures 13, 22 and 24. 3, 6and 7, 11, "Lectures on Experimental Embryology for Part II Lent 1958 S. Smith’. 2pp. synopsis and reading list for course of 5 lectures. "The mechanical properties of natural and synthetic plastics and their basis in molecular morphology. properties of cell parts, cells, and multicellular and extracellular structures'. Practicals. 1959'. Contents of a folder inscribed 'Dr. Pringle. Their bearing on the mechanical Cytology Outline syllabuses; reading lists. The original order has been preserved 29pp. instructions for practical work. Folder includes 3pp. draft of part of the above. "Cytology and Cell Physiology’, Michaelmas Term 1960 and 1961. Extensive sequence of ms. and typescript lecture notes, and related material, found tied together. but the material has been divided into four folders for ease of reference. Lent 1959, incorporated into the later course. Course outline; reading list; many originally used for lectures given in Michaelmas 1958 and notes with ms. corrections and addenda, "Part | Zoology', Lent Term 1961. Lectures 8-13, 18, 19, 23. Miscellaneous ms. notes. Lectures 1-3, 5. B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Cambridge TEACHING MATERIAL (undated) Most of this is duplicated typescript for class use. B.14 "Cell Physiology’. 2pp. outline of a course of 8 lectures. "Investigation of the function of sense organs by observation of impulses in the nerves supplying them’. App. notes on procedures for experiments. 'Cytology'. llpp. notes with ms. corrections on procedures for experiments, headed Cytology I-IV. Miscellaneous instructions for experiments on various laboratory animals. "Behaviour mechanisms = frog’. "Electrical Properties of Membranes’. App. notes with ms. corrections, including suggestions for experiments. | 'Auteur. Gip.' 14pp. notes on procedures for experiments, with ms. note from G.P. Wells: Enclosed with Hommage de | perused in haste and with awe rather than understanding your Psychological thing (as expounded over the Pint Pots at Grantchester) and should welcome a copy for more serious perusal some time. 3pp. notes, including instructions for experiments. "Surface -interactions of cells & their significance for the structure of the cell-surface’. "Factors Influencing the Cohesion of Tissue-cells'. Ip. notes on procedures for experiments. J.W.S. Pringle © CSAC 117/8/86 RESEARCH NOTES AND IDEAS Cambridge B.22 "Miscellaneous Ideas. 6 November 1945. The Institute for Synthetic Behaviour’, 2pp. ms. notes on the aims, staff, programme, etc. of the proposed institute. "Summary of work on Bombus control system; June 1956’. 2pp. draft, with a diagram inscribed 'not required’. ‘Macromolecules. Thoughts and speculations as a result of reading "What is Life?" by Erwin Schroedinger' (published 1944). 3pp. notes with ms. addenda. "Preliminary n.d. y ideas for some experiments in Animal Physiology’, Y Y 2pp. list. CORRESPONDENCE ON SUPPLIES AND SPECIMENS For similar material during the Oxford period, see C.37-C.40. This sequence of correspondence, 1957-59, concerns the supply of rhinoceros, dung~- and other beetles from Africa and India, and various specimens including stag beetles, from Britain. For similar material during Oxford period, see C.45-C.47. B.30 1958 June, July B.31 1958 September, October 1957 August =November B.S2) 1959 1958 March-May 1957 June 1957 July J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION C OXFORD C.1 -C.184 Gat =Ci26 LECTURES AND TEACHING MATERIAL With an introductory note. C272C..50 ARC UNIT OF MUSCLE BIOPHYSICS AND INSECT PHYSIOLOGY With an introductory note. C.27-C.35 —_ History and administration C.36-C.49 Research G50 Internal memoranda C.51-C. 184 NEW ZOOLOGY LABORATORY With an introductory note LECTURES AND TEACHING MATERIAL Nearly all this material consists of drafts, notes and related material for lectures, and instructions for demonstrations and practical work for the Honour School of Zoology, Unless otherwise stated, notes and drafts are in typescript. C.11 and C.20). His non-university teaching is represented at C.6, a course on intro~ particularly the biology preliminary courses 1962-80. Pringle sometimes gave a collabora- tive course with colleagues (see C.5) and teaching by others is also represented (see C.7, ductory biology for the British Biophysical Society's summer school in molecular biology Ms. and typescript notes, list of topics, reading list. Third year seminars, Trinity Term 1963, on 'Comparative Physiology of Excitable Tissues' and giant fibres. "Second half of lecture. excitation’, 1962. The vector concepts of central 6pp. incomplete draft with ms. corrections. and biophysics, September 1966. Pringle often added to, rejected and rewrote his teaching material to update it, e.g., C.18, where material has been gathered over a period of years. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford ‘Comparative Physiology’, course of 8 lectures, Michaelmas Term 1963. Extensive sequence of ms. and typescript notes and drafts, including material from lectures given in 1959. "Molecular Biology Phillips & North. Trinity Term 1964’. Spp. ms. notes taken by Pringle at a course of lectures given by D.C. Phillips and A.C.T. North, with 3pp. table 'Chemical sequences of human haemoglobin and sperm whale myoglobin’. "Biology prelim. physiology course 1964/5". Incomplete sequence of notes and drafts of course of lectures given by Pringle and others, including reading lists and Pringle's notes on others' lectures. British Biophysical Society's summer school in molecular biology and biophysics, September 1966. "Physiology of animal behaviour’, Michaelmas Term 1966. notes for course of 8 lectures (Lecture 5 missing) with Includes material from 1964 course and for a course lecture in 'Topics synopses of lecture courses; Four lectures for 'Introductory biology’ course; in Molecular Biophysics’ course; Ip. ms. notes on another's lecture. Syllabus; reading lists. on ‘Physiology of the nerve axon', by D.J. Aidley. Bundle of notes, including some material from 'Physiology of Excitable Tissues' course, Michaelmas Term 1967 and 1968, and quizzes. course on 'The Organisation of Biology’, n.d. Bundle of notes for general lectures on biology, 1967, 1968 and n.d. 'Research and Teaching at Universities (new notes: Term 1967)'; 'Information Lecture 1968'; extensive notes for Hilary J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford ° Lecture material, 1968. Material 'for Julian Jack's lectures', Michaelmas Term 1968; - "Old muscle lecture notes (put away 1968 Dec)', including material from 1963-69; draft of a lecture on physiology, 8th of a course. Group of notes for course of lectures by D.C.S. White on 'Comparative Physiology of .Excitable Tissues’, Michaelmas Term 1969, with related and updated material (1970). 'Trigonometrical functions and polar diagrams: applications’, lecture for the Biology Preliminary course Applied Mathematics Option, 21 October 1970. Draft, with related material. 'Excitable Tissues old notes', with various ms. dates in 1971 and 1973. 8pp. draft with ms. corrections; reading list re-dated 1972. ‘Biology prelim physiology course’, Hilary and Trinity Terms 1973. Instructions for course of 15 practicals, with programme; lecture programme; reading list. "Information Theory', lecture for 'Invertebrate nervous systems and behaviour’ series, Trinity Term 1971. Instructions for course of 8 practicals. ‘Comparative physiology. Practical course in the physiology of circulation, respiration and excitable tissues', Michaelmas Term 1974. Instructions for course of 15 practicals, with programme, reading list, etc. "Biology prelim. physiology course’, 1973-74. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford Notes, drafts and other material for lecture course for the Biology Preliminary Physiology Course, Hilary Term 1975. "Membrane and nerve impulse lectures', including material dated 1969 and 1971. "Active Transport’ lecture, including material dated 1967-1974. Lecture and teaching material, Hilary Term 1976. Drafts, lists of references, etc. for lecture on 'The Origin of Life', including material dated 1970 and 1975. ‘Demonstration of Nerve and Muscle Physiology’. for eight experiments in Cell Biology Course (updated from 1973-74). Class handouts ‘Demonstration of nerve and muscle physiology’, for the Biology Preliminary Cell Biology Course, 10 March 1977. ‘Practical course in the physiology of circulation; respiration and excitable tissues'; Michaelmas Term 1977. Class handouts for course of eight experiments. Class handouts for seven experiments; list of references; back- ground material; 2pp. ms. notes by Pringle on research by others. Binder inscribed 'Excitable Tissues’, containing lecture notes, quizzes, etc., variously dated 1968-77, probably last used for undergraduate teaching in Michaelmas Term 1977. Drafts, reading lists, etc., for lectures 1 and 2 of course. Binder inscribed 'Physiology of Muscular Contraction’, containing lecture notes, etc., variously dated 1967-78, probably last used for undergraduate teaching in Hilary Term 1978. "Analysis of biological regulatory mechanisms', Trinity Term 1978. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford "A. K. topics - flight', Hilary Term 1980. 7pp. draft with ms. corrections, references, background material. Undated material. Instructions for 2 practicals on 'The physiology of animal behaviour; summaries of 8 lectures on 'Cell Physiology’. ARC UNIT OF MUSCLE BIOPHYSICS AND INSECT PHYSIOLOGY C.2/ 6,35 History and administration C.36-C.49 Research Honorary Director. Pringle gives short C50 Internal memoranda lecture as Linacre Professor (C.183). reséarch and careers of the Unit's personnel. two zoologists, a physicist and an engineer’ (Memoir, p.543). He 'recruited a team of biochemists, a physiologist, a chemist, Much of the corres pondence in Section J is concerned with the appointment, The Unit was the main focus of Pringle's research into muscular contractility. accounts of the work in his papers for the ARC (C.28, C.33) and in his veledictory He first sought ARC support in 1963 and the Unit was formed in 1966 with Pringle as Continued who have correspondence files in Section J is appended : Mercola, D.A.; Newsholme, E.A.; Coombs, R.W.; Craig, R.W.; Cuminetti, R.; Neville, A.C.; Rajulu, G.S.; Bullard, B.; Cage, P.E.; Clarke, M.L.; Abbott, R.H.; Allen, A.J.; Ashe, J.; Ashhurst, D.L.; A list of those associated with the Unit Morris, E.; Pimm, J.E.; Lebacq, J.; Lehman, W.J.; Loveridge, J.H.; Luke, B.M.; Matthews, D.C.; Ogata, M.; Pau, R.; Connolly, C.M.P.A.; Dodd, C.W.H.; Bell, J.L.; Bennett, R.M.; Coffman, D.; Conn, D.L.T.; Miles, M.;. Morris, D.J.; Rodger, C.; J.W.S. Pringle’ CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford Riegg, J.C.; Savage, A.F.W.; Spence, A.R.H.; Squire, J.M.; Steiger, G.J.; Tregear, R.T.; Waters, L.; Whitehead, D.L.; Winkelman, H.C.; Wollmer, A. . History and administration C.27-C.31 ‘End of the Unit". Contents of a folder so inscribed. Principally correspondence and papers re ARC visitation, November 1976, to consider the future of the unit. C.27 Correspondence, February- November 1976 C.28 and on staff. C.29 C.30 C.3! Staff and equipment lists, 1976. Pringle's statements on 'The work of the Unit and its future’, ARC Unit report for April 1973-March 1974. ARC Unit report for April 1975-March 1976. Correspondence with ARC re closure of Unit, arrangements to transfer or retain equipment, 1978-79. some equipment for retirement research on the hive bee. Pringle proposed to retain Photograph (with key) of ARC Unit staff, n.d. Correspondence with ARC re final report on the Unit's work, 1980, typescript draft of the report, list of publications by members of the Unit, 2 photographs of insect specimens. Miscellaneous items re ARC Unit and Oxford Zoology Department. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research C.36 Hardback notebook with record of meetings of the Insect Muscle Research Group (precursor of ARC Unit), 2 December 1963- 10 February 1964. script note inside the front cover sets out membership of group and times, location and purpose of meetings. The record'was kept by B.R. Jewell. A type- Ms. and typescript notes by Pringle and others of talks, seminars and demonstrations, research reports and ideas, 1964-78. 2 folders. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes by Pringle and others of ideas for research at Oxford. 1978. Some dated 1969, 1970, 1977 and : Folder includes letter from Pringle toR.T. Tregear, 29 September 1978, on research discussions at University of Guelph where Pringle was Visiting Professor (E.63-E.76); 'Alpbach Notes', March 1977 (Pringle's ms. record of contributions from conference participants); 6pp. comments (not by Pringle) on a paper by C.W.F. McClare. Includes - "1962. Attempts to model Nyquist plots’. Miscellaneous retirement research notes, c.1979-81. extended ms. statement on 'New hypothesis for mechanism of trans= duction’. Ip. of this draft was written on the back of the first page of a letter from R.V. Jones, 20 March 1980, re ICUS and in particu~ lar whether the Unification Church tried to persuade students to give up their studies. See also J.1-J.4. Material, 1977-78, for R.H. Abbott's computer model for pre- dicting mechanical response of insect flight, including Pringle's ms. notes; also Abbott's 1974 paper (ARC internal memorandum no.44) on use of plotter (used for program). Contents of a folder so inscribed. colleagues in Oxford Engineering Laboratory and Cambridge Zoology Department. Includes correspondence with J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford Papers by R.H. Abbott and collaborators (1977, 1981 and 1984) with ms. note by Abbott explaining their relation to Pringle's work. The 1984 paper was dedicated to Pringle's memory. (Material made available by R.H. Abbott 1986.) C.44 Not used. C.45-C.47 Correspondence re supplies and specimens, especially bugs and beetles. This material was made available by B. Bullard. C.45 1965, 1968 C.46 1970-79 1980-81. C.47 technician with the ARC Unit, who moved to Kenya to establish Bioken 'suppliers of educational biological material’. Includes correspondence with J. Ashe, a ae Internal memoranda Brief research correspondence. List of ARC Unit publications, 1965-67. Muscle Group current literature bulletins for May-October 1974 and November 1974. 1 box. Sequence of duplicated papers, of varied content, including ideas and reports on research in hand, notes on lectures and papers at colloquia or conferences in UK and abroad, notes of articles, papers and research findings by colleagues. Some are in note or letter form, others with diagrams and figures prepared for publication; authors are Pringle and other members of the Unit, and occasionally colleagues working elsewhere. The papers are in numerical order which does not always correspond to chronological order. numbering runs 1, Papers by Pringle, alone or in collaboration, are 1, (draft for Bibliog. 1967c), 17, 2a; 30,39, 43, 46, 21 (draft for Bibliog. 1968d), 22, 31, the The period covered is 1966-75. The 5, 6, 8-17, 19-46, 49. 5, 6, 8, 16 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford ° NEW ZOOLOGY LABORATORY The material was received from the Oxford University Archives after the rest "of the papers relating to Pringle's Oxford period had been catalogued. It relates ex- clusively to the planning and building of the new Zoology Laboratory and related controversies. Pringle was offered the Linacre Chair of Zoology in December 1960; he accepted in June 196] after prolonged negotiations with the University Registrar. He did so on the understanding that the building of a new Zoology Laboratory would begin in 1964 and that Professor Sir Alister Hardy was retiring early so that his successor might plan new developments, from the outset. Difficulties arose over the site (half an acre in the Parks) and the design of the laboratory (a twenty-seven storey tower) and these came to a head in Congregation in June 1962 when the decree confirming the site was lost; a second decree approving the building could not therefore be put to the vote. Pringle responded three days later by presenting to the Vice-Chancellor (A.L.P. Norrington) and the tories. In August Pringle, a Fellow of Merton, persuaded the Governing Body that The University agreed to this but Holford was not able to report quickly and Pringle ingly, Pringle, with the assistance of A.L.P. Norrington (now retired from the Vice- by Sir William Holford and he recommended the use of the houses along the south of South Parks Road and the playing fields, then the College would sell them to the University’. gradually became comvinced during the Michaelmas Term that there was a lack of deter- Registrar a plan for the University to purchase Merton playing fields as a site for labora- mination in the University to act in respect of the new Zoological Laboratory. Accord- 'if the University would commission an independent investigation of the needs for science The design of the new laboratory Chancellorship), prepared a long letter to Council in which he sought public confirmation his recommendation that the Science Area should expand across South Parks Road onto of the University's intentions. At the same time he prepared an account of the affair for the national press and let it be known that he was leaving for the United States of America on 4 December 1962. It was on this day that the new Vice-Chancellor (W.F. Oakeshott) made a statement in Congregation along the lines requested by Pringle. Sir William Holford presented his report in the following May and on 18 June the Merton land, was accepted by Congregation. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 17/8/86 Oxford began again from scratch with a new architect (Sir Leslie Martin). By October 1970 the laboratory was ready for staff to move in and the official opening took place the _ following July. The material has been presented in the following way. C.51-C.154 are a chronological sequence of committees, some university, for example the Committee on Requirements and Sites, and some departmental, for example the Zoology Depart- ment Building and Services Sub-committee. | They cover in total the period 1960-72 and are interspersed with several of Pringle’s 'historical' files, for example 'J.W.S.P. New Building Campaign’ (C.77-C.91) and 'New Laboratory (third attempt)’ (C.92- C.98). C.155-C.181 form an alphabetical sequence (by topic) relating to equipment, laboratory design, the move to new premises, and soon. C.182-C.184 are miscellaneous items. Committee on Requirements and Sites The Requirements and 1960 February; 196] February, May. 1961 November (1) 1961 November (2). of 18 November. Correspondence and committee papers. Sites Committee was an ad hoc body reporting to the Building and Development Committee which in turn reported to the Hebdomodal Council. northern boundary of the Science Area. 1961 December (1). of 2 December, including letter from Pringle on revision of 1961 November (3). of 25 November, including letter from Pringle on Zoology building. Agenda and committee papers for meeting Agenda and committee papers for meeting Agenda and committee papers for meeting J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford 1961 December (2). including map of northern boundary of Science Area. Committee papers for meeting of 19 December, 1962 January (1). of development for Zoology; committee papers for meeting of 16 January. Map of Science Area showing suggested site 1962 January:(2). the Zoology building at the eastern end of the Science Area. Includes draft report to Council re siting of 1962 January (3). 27 January, including memorandum from Pringle and G.C. Varley on entomology. Agenda and committee papers for meeting of 1962 January (4). Includes drafts of report to Council re siting of the Zoology building immediately north of the Dunn School of Pathology. 1962 February (1). 3 February. Agenda and committee papers for meeting of 1962 February (2). meeting of 24 February. Includes agenda and committee papers for 1962 March (1). 3. and 17 March. museum. Agendas and committee papers for meetings of Includes memorandum by Pringle on the university papers and minutes of meeting of 5 May. 1962 May (1). Minutes of meeting of 1 May; agenda, committee 1962 March (2). of meeting of 17 March. Architect's brief for Zoology building; minutes 1962 April. Zoology Department. Includes architect's drawings of possible sitings for J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford 1962 ‘May (2). of meeting of 19 May; papers re meeting of 24 May. Includes agenda, committee papers and minutes 1962 May (3). departments 1962-82. Papers re space requirements of the science 1962 June (1). of science departments and revised schedule of space requirements 1962-82. Includes revised draft of report on requirements 1962 June (2). on requirements; new Zoology building. Includes amendments and corrections to report press~cuttings re Congregation decision to reject 1962 July. meeting of 16 July. Includes agenda, committee papers and minutes of Science Area Planning Committee 1962 September, October. for meeting of 26 September. Includes agenda and committee papers C.74 Includes papers re meeting of 11 December Memorandum by W.D.M. Paton and report on accommoda- N.d. tion of collections in the university museum. 1961 December. prepared by W.F. Oakeshott. 2 April. 1962 January, February. ‘Statement of requirements for new Zoology Laboratory’. Includes notes of meetings and 10pp. 1962 March, April. prepared for meeting of Includes agenda and committee papers J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 'J.W.S.P. New Building Campaign! Oxford C77, Autobiographical account dated 18 March 1962 and beginning ‘if my biography is ever written'. Outlines Pringle's reasons for accepting Oxford chair and subsequent frustrations in respect of the new Zoology Laboratory. Letters from colleagues written shortly before the vote in Congre- gation on 19 June 1962. "Letters of condolence’ (Pringle's designation). of sympathy and commiseration from colleagues written shortly after the vote in Congregation, with a small number of Pringle's carbon replies. These are letters cy Ce= iL C.80 O- Zand first names only. C.82-G a 1962 June. 1962 July. Poem by Pringle entitled 'Encaenia 1962'; by Pringle as ‘unfinished article written in June 1962 in expectation of approval of site for new laboratory’. Ip. draft identified Correspondence with colleagues, officers of the university and others re efforts to revive the Zoology building prograrnme, June 1962-October 1963. C a2 Vice-Chancellor of 20, 23 and 25 June, and letter from the Warden of Merton (G.R.G. Mure) of 21 June. Includes carbons of Pringle's letters to the Continued Includes correspondence with J.S. Huxley C.83 leading up to Huxley's letter of 20 July to the Vice-Chancellor, a copy of which is enclosed. Kept with this correspondence is an earlier (February 1962) letter from Huxley to Pringle about Oxford Zoology. C.86 about the new Zoology laboratory for the Vice-Chancellor and Hebdomadal Council, and the letter as sent, 31 October. A.L.P. Norrington assisted in the drafting of the letter. C.84 Oakeshott and the Registrar. 1962 August. 1962 October. Includes drafts of Pringle's formal letter Principally correspondence with W.F. C.85 1962 September. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford C.87 Chancellor arising from Pringle's letter of 31 October. 1962 November. Includes correspondence with the Vice- 1962 December. C.88 O.U. Gazette with A.L.P. Norrington's statement in Congregation on behalf of the Hebdomadal Council re the new Zoology building, 6 December. Includes photocopied extract from 1963 January. Ca J. Jewkes re Historical Buildings Fund appeal and with J.R. Baker and W.D.M. Paton re committee of Heads of Science Departments on the future of biology in Oxford. Correspondence with Lord Franks and C.90 1963 February~April, June, October. C.91 statement to the Times’. N.d. Includes draft speech in Congregation and 'draft "New Laboratory (third attempt)! C.92 Schedule for Zoology Laboratory and 1963 June. Correspondence with University Surveyor. 1962 February, April. related correspondence. 1963 July (1). and minutes of Building and Development Committee meeting of 13 July. Includes correspondence with University Surveyor Grants Committee re schedules for Zoology and Psychology. 1963 July (2). Includes papers of Committee on Elevations and Choice of Architects, revised schedule for Zoology Laboratory, correspondence with P. Chamberlin FRIBA. 1963 October, November. Martin FRIBA and papers re meeting of the Working Party on the South Parks area, 26 November. 1963 December. schedule for Zoology and copy of draft letter to the University Includes memorandum by Pringle on the revised Includes corres pondence with Sir Leslie J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford 1964 February, March. pondence arising. Reply from UGC and brief corres- Building and Development Committee C.99 1962 May. . 100 Agenda and committee papers for meeting of 1962 November. 24 November, including Pringle's proposals for interim improve- ments in Zoology Department and statement of requirements for outside accommodation. 1963 June, November, December. on the report of the Committee on the Relationship of Council and the Chest. Includes Pringle's ms. notes Includes report of the Building and Development Includes copy of letter from Sir Harold Himsworth 1964 June. to the Registrar re possible Medical Research Council support for Phillips if he moved to Oxford. 1964 March, May. Includes letter from D.C. Phillips of 25 May re possibilities for a Department of Molecular Biophysics in Oxford (7pp. + appendix). 1964 July. Committee on the South Parks Road development and applications to the MRC and the Nuffield Foundation for assistance in connection with the development of Biophysics. meeting of 13 July. 1965 June, July. Includes agenda and committee papers for 1964 December. on the new Zoology building. Includes report by the Committee for Works 1965 February, March. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 'J.W.S.P. Holford Report' ; Oxford C.108 1962 June, October, November. Registrar and Vice-Chancellor. Carbons of Pringle's letters to Correspondence with Registrar, including Pringle's 1963 January. representations on the university's administrative procedures. Folder also includes copies of earlier correspondence between Registrar and architect, P. Chamberlin. Continuing corres pondence with Registrar, on 'Planning for Science’, 7 May, and W.D.M. 1963 March-May. Pringle's note Paton's note on meeting of Planning Subcommittee of Heads of Science Department, 18 May. Correspondence with the Vice-Chancellor, notes for 1963 June. discussion at Building and Development Committee meeting, 8 June, minutes of the meeting, etc. N.d. Press-cuttings. Cult? Cd 14 Includes draft and copy of letter from ‘South Parks Road Area: Working Party 1963/4' 1963 July, November. W.D.M. Paton (Chairman, Heads of Science Planning Subcommittee) to Vice-Chancellor on the general problem of future planning. South Parks Road, Oxford’ (Press release). 1964 April, May. Notes for discussion at meeting of 30 April; "Outline Proposals for the Development of a New Science Area, 1964 February. Committee papers for meeting of 18 February. 1963 July. Committee papers and minutes of meeting of 30 July. Cy115 Carte Citas J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 University Grants Committee Oxford ]18 1963 December; with U.G.C, on 23 April. 1964 March, April. Includes note of meeting 1964 May, July, October. "Key papers giving history' G.120 GutZl Miscellaneous correspondence, 1964 and n.d. Schedule for Zoology Laboratory, February 1962. Proposed Buildings for the Departments of Zoology and Psychology, South Parks Road, Oxford. n.d. but after May 1963. Statement of requirements for new Zoology Laboratory, 30 January 1964. early sketch of appearance Draft Schedule | for new Zoology Laboratory. requirements, May 1964. Restatement of Plans of levels A-F, 12 May 1964; of entrance hall, n.d. Proposed layout for the Science Area, South Parks Road, February 1964. design', n.d. Memoranda for Building Committee, miscellaneous notes on aspects of new laboratory, August-December 1964; also undated ms. notes on layout and services. ‘Plans for New Laboratory' with ms. note ‘original schedule, incl. Hope Dept.', 14 September 1964. 'Biophysics - Schedule A', 14 September 1964. 'Re-statement of Schedule I for Zoology, with notes on functional J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford '1965-6. Services, mainly water including marine installation’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. "Some thoughts on furniture', 10 March 1965; and letter re the tropical room, 1965, 1966. notes of discussions Architect's drawings, 1966, 1967 and n.d. Equipment allocation for Zoology Department, 1968-72 (bound volume). 2 loose items re supplementary application, May 1969. "Building sub-comm. (OUSO/Dept.)! Contents of a folder so inscribed. CATs! 1967 C.186.) 190 C.138 Building Committee C.134 1969 February -July C.133 1968 April-August C.132 1968 January-March C.135 1969 September-December Correspondence, notes for discussion, minutes of meetings with Oxford University Surveyor's Office, members of Zoology Depart- ment, architects, consultants, contractors; also lists of equip- ment, space allocations, costs. 1969 January, November Minutes only of meetings of Building Committee. was composed of members of the Zoology Department and the architects and met in the Department. C.137 1967 October-December C.139 1968 January, February C.140 The committee 1968 March, April, November J.W.S. Pringle’ CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford Correspondence, committee papers and minutes. C.141 = =1968 March C.143 1969 C.142 1968 May, December C€.144 1970 Department of Zoology Building and Services Committee Committee papers and minutes. C.145 1971 February C.149° 1971 Joly C.146 1971 March C.150 1971 August C.147 =—-1971 April, May C.151 September, October C.148 1971 June C.152 1971 November, December C.154 Committee papers and minutes, 1972 C.153 = 1972 January-March EQUIPMENT, LABORATORY DESIGN, etc. In alphabetical order by topic. Zoology/Psychology Building: Building and Services Sub-committee 1968 and manufacturers’ catalogues. Architect's drawings, May and December 1970, re television installation. Printed material: University Television Newsletter, no.2, January Correspondence and papers re the installation of a system of closed CCTV C.155 «156 chor. circuit television, 1967-74. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Enzym e Laborat ory , C159 General C.160 Correspondence, etc. re aquarium and ‘vivarium display, 1970. Brief correspondence, note of a meeting with D.C. Phillips and others re proposals for Enzyme Group, architect's drawing, etc., e711. Correspondence with Surveyor's Office, note of points for dis- cussion with architects, departmental circulars, etc., 1970-71. Lecture Rooms C.16] Correspondence, equipment list, Pringle's ms. notes, 1971 and n.d. Equipment lists, minutes of meetings to discuss lecture theatre design, letter from A.C.T. North, February 1970. Equipment list, minutes of meetings to discuss lecture theatre design, correspondence, Pringle's ms. notes, March-August 1970. Architect's drawings, June 1970 and n.d. Architect's drawing, January 1967. Architect's drawings, February 1970. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Merton Playing Field Oxford The contents of this folder were divided into three by Pringle and this arrangement is respected below. Prof. Ewart Jones 21.i.76' (included in C.167) apparently applied to the entire contents of the original folder and not to any one of the three subdivisions of the material. Pringle's note ‘All sent to "Planting along N and E of Z-XpPsy Building’. Correspondence with Acting Curator of the Parks and Surveyor's Office re planting round new Zoology/Psychology Building, March~ June 1971. ‘Planting to S of Zoology’. Brief correspondence, June 1971. "Access to Merton Playing Field’. Minor Works 7170 The Move 4 Correspondence with the Warden of Merton (R.E. Richards) and the University Surveyor, June, July 1971. One letter only, from Pringle to University Surveyor, 12 January 1972. typescript notes, n.d. Departmental circulars, August, September 1970. Letter from D.C. Phillips, 26 October 1970; Pringle's ms. and Lan cigs €.173 Architect's drawing, August 1970. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Official Opening, 12 July 1971 Oxford The building was opened by A.L. Hodgkin, President of the Royal Society. Correspondence re arrangements, February~July 1971. Programme of events, explanatory notes on demonstrations, lists of teaching and research staff, current research interests. Drafts on Departments of Zoology and Experimental Psychology for printed booklet, copy of printed booklet. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes; proof invitation card. Photographs. C.180 Cale! ms. note of meeting, X Teaching Laboratories Roofs and cultivation areas Duplicated and printed background material. Correspondence, 1971, 1972, 1976; architect's drawings. Circular only re Goodrich Laboratory, 13 November 1970. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Oxford MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS C.182 Preliminary report by Chamberlin, Powell & Bon, architects on the University of Oxford new Zoology Building, May 1962; also (as loose item) letter from University Surveyor to Pringle, 1 August 1979. ‘Oxford Zoology 1961-79', lecture given in the Department of Zoology, 28 May 1979. 20pp. typescript. The 'master copy' is at A.3. 'Dreaming Spires and Teeming Towers. Thomas Sharp, P, Character of Cambridge’ (reprint from Town Planning Review 1963). The g 2p J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION D RESEARCH D,1 = D.57 Bal7-Di2 ‘ ed *Q: 29 D.30-D.53 Theses Notebooks Cicadas Bees Drawings and diagrams THESES D.1 ‘Co-ordination of movement in insects', December 1936. Typescript with a few ms. corrections. Bound. 'A physiological analysis of insect movement', December 1937. Typescript, incorporating Bibliog. 1938a. Bound. some with re At rear NOTEBOOKS D.3 School notebook of notes and exercises on chemistry, teacher's corrections, some dated 1928. Journal of expedition to Atlas Mountains to study ecology of fresh- — water springs, with A.L. Hodgkin, P.T. Cotton and K.H. Chapman. Entries run 5 July-18 September 1934 (Memoir, p.526). of book, a few later notes and draft for publication: With a ms. note by Pringle 'Thesis by P. Ulliott'. ‘The mechanism of photophobotaxis in Dendrocoelum lacteum', n.d. Soft-backed notebook with some loose pages and diagrams inter- calated. 8 October (no year given). Experimental nofes and results. Entries run 13 February~ "Insects 1936-7". J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Soft-backed notebook of miscellaneous notes and diagrams on animal nervous system and response, latest reference 1938. prepared for or related to Pringle's intended year as a Rockefeller Fellow in Philadelphia, cut short by outbreak of war in 1939 (Memoir, pp.526-27). Possibly Soft backed notebook of work on the halteres of Diptera, begun in 1938 (Bibliog. 1938d) and resumed on Pringle's return from war service in 1945} was undertaken from September 1947 and led toa fuller publication (Bibliog. 1948). pp .539-40 where the 1948 paper is described as 'a classic of beautifully detailed work’. An account of the research is given in Memoir, a systematic re-examination of the earlier data At front of book, entries run from 26 May 1938; 25 August 1945 ‘Evening 11.45 pm' begins 'Re-reading my motor paper in the light of Gasser's theory ...' and includes three new experiments todo. and circuits, 16 December on Vector theory, 12 September 1947 'Examination of old haltere records’ (continues to 8 July 1948). Entries continue 15 October 1945 on solenoids later, entry headed Notebook of notes, results, calculations, diagrams, with some loose pages intercalated. continue to August 1951. Entries begin 2 May 1946 (work on halteres), and Included as loose pages are letter and comment from R.A. Lyttelton, August 1947. Includes notes and Notebook of miscellaneous dates and content. results, July-October 1948; July 13 'Résumé of British Association paper' (on synapses); draft for lecture on ‘Zoological physiology' n.d., given at Physiology Laboratory, Cambridge; March-May 1950 work on myofibrils; Continued Includes 'Essay on the applicability to human society of the "laws of noture"', n.d.; notes, narratives and diagrams on ‘Biological Servo Mechanisms', n.d. latest reference 1946; visit 7/1/48'; extensive notes on muscle drafts on 'The Evolution of the Nerve Impulse', Theory of Excitation’ some dated November 1949, perhaps related to Bibliog. 1949; ‘Outline of paper' on 'Electron microscopy studies on the my ofibrils Notebook of miscellaneous dates and content; out. Only a few pages or items dated. notes on chemoreception in Limulus 1954. several pages torn ‘Report on London excitation by stretching; J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research ° D.11 (Cont'd.) of insect flight muscle 23/ii/50'; 'Notes for Shrivenham lecture' on 'Automatic control problems in animal movement'; 'The wing movement of the bee 18.14.57’. At rear of book, Ip. entry on ‘Scientific Laws'. Notebook of stimulation experiments, results, diagrams, calcu- lations, begun by V.J. Wilson (visiting collaborator) with comments by Pringle, continuation by Pringle. August 1950. Perhaps related to Bibliog. 1952. Includes letter from Wilson, Notebook inscribed 'Dec. 1951' of miscellaneous dates and content, with some loose pages intercalated. Includes 'Research Notes', December 1951-July 1952; 'Colombo Physiology Lab.' various dates 18 February-10 May 1953, recording work during visit to Ceylon; miscellaneous notes and calculations May, July 1954 of Arachnids' (Bibliog. 1955a); analyses of cicada song, various dates October, November 1954; (Bibliog. 19560); Vacation and Michaelmas term, n.d. draft paper on 'The function of the lyriferm organs organisation of lectures and teaching Long ‘Outline of article for Endeavour’ ; i Mainly circuits, diagrams Includes Ip. dated At rear of book, miscellaneous lists of species, bibliographical references. Loose leaf binder, with a few loose pages. and notes on equipment; also lists of apparatus and packages, to be taken to Ceylon for 1953 visit. script, etc., and a few research notes. Notebook of miscellaneous dates, on cicadas. September 1951, miscellaneous notes and drawings from August 1952 on 'Platypleura capitata from Colombo', but mainly notes, observa- tions and drawings made in Colombo on various cicada species, 14 March-30 April 1953. for ‘Physiology of song in cicadas' (Bibliog. 1953b). Small format notebook with thumb~index. addresses of colleagues or contacts in Ceylon. At rear of book, vocabulary items, useful phrases, examples of Also included as loose item is ms. draft Mainly names and J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Notebook, May 1953-September 1954. tions, calculations on cicadas in Colombo 4 May~-29 June 1953, notes and plans for papers to be written up on results (Bibliog. 1954b, 1954c), notes on cicada collections at Colombo and British Museum August 1953, continuing notes and analyses September 1953-September 1954. Continuing notes, observa- Notebook, many pages torn out. for 'Proprioception in Limulus' (Bibliog. 1956c). Surviving pages mainly ms. draft All the remaining notebooks deal with insect flight muscle which became Pringle's principal research interest. They begin in Cambridge in 1957, continuing through the move to Oxford and a change of format to loosé-leaf binders. Further related materiol can be found in Section C, A.R.C. Unit. D.18 Similar, inscribed 'Fibrillar Muscle II', March 1958. Similar, inscribed 'Fibrillar Muscle III', several pages torn out. Work by Pringle and K.E. Machin, April-July 1958, March 1959, some pages with a note 'paper'’, perhaps Bibliog. 1959b. Similar, inscribed 'IV'. Hard ~backed notebook of work on 'Flight muscle’. calculations, 31 May 1957-February 1958 and many undated pages. Work on rhino beetles. Notes, diagrams, ‘paper’ or 'film', perhaps Bibliog. 1960a. Work by Pringle and Machin, and another; experiments, diagrams, results, with several annotations, ideas and comments, 6 April 1959- 19 January 1961 (continuation of D.20). July-October 1958; at rear of book 'Catalogue of useful experi- ments to date', 16 July 1957-3 June 1961, almost all on rhino beetle. Similar, inscribed 'Fibrillar Muscle V'. Some pages with a note J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Similar, inscribed 'Fibrillar Muscle VI', several pages torn out. Continuation of D.22, pages numbered 1-40, 19 January-2 February 1961. Similar, inscribed 'Fibrillar muscle VII', not all in Pringle's hand. Continuation of D.23, various dates 17 February-June 1961, December 1962-June 1963; April 1963. a few pages used at rear of book, Similar, no inscription. Inside, work headed 'Oxford', not all in Pringle's hand, experiments, diagrams, calculations, notes on apparatus, etc., 29 December 1961- 28 June 1963. A little similar material at rear of book. Enclosed as loose items, 4pp. 'Notes on experiments August 1962! by Machin and Pringle. Notebook of work on Fibrils, kept by V. Petts, July 1963-January 1964. Few pages used. Pages taken from a loose~-leaf binder similar to D.29 and regularly used in the Oxford Department and therefore included among 'note- books'. are not in chronological order; dated pages run April 1964-July 1965. The pages were tied together with string by Pringle and The material includes notes on the literature, discussions with colleagues, notes for lectures, of lectures and papers by others, for discussions and research talks, experimental results, hypotheses and experiments to be tried. meeting. Pages from a loose-leaf binder, similar in date and content to D.27. Dated entries (not in chronological order) run from July 1964- November 1965. Research ideas, drafts for lectures and papers given or attended. Includes 'draft programme of lectures in Japan: September 1965! with drafts, notes of comments or papers given by others at Japan J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Looseleaf binder, page format similar to D.27, D.28. a 2pp. index dated April 1967 at front of book linking the material to the alphabetical thumb-index. March 1978 but are mainly 1966-70. Dated entries run April 1964- There is Some of the material in items D.27-D.29 is similar in content and sornetimes in format to that presented at ARC research seminars at C.37-C.39. CICADAS Pringle used the cicada as an experimental animal for his research on insect song and on insect flight muscles. His visit to Ceylon in January to June 1953 was important in enabling him to record many species of cicada and assemble data on their songs and habits (D.14-D.16 above ond D.30). He continued to work and publish on the subject, though D.30 Aidley, D.J. Boulard, M. F g ) | Pringle died in November. uv M. Boulard, at D.33) t is dated 10 August 1982; ! uv His last letter on the subject (to his interest was focussing increasingly on flight muscle. He intended to concentrate on of 1980-1982, but his illness and death supervened. active research on cicadas in his retirement, as can be seen from the correspondence below Included here is Pringle's report on his first visit to Ceylon, January~ June 1953. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence relating to Ceylon expedition and publications arising, mainly from colleagues sending specimens, recordings and information, 1953-55, 1962. of cicadas is wrong'.. Includes some printed matter. Pringle's letters discuss his interest in taxonomy and belief that 'the classification of the whole group Insect sounds in America. Alexander, R.D. 1980 1955, 1960 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Broughton, W.B. Terminology. Burke, W. 1963-66 Includes photographs, prints of recordings. China, W.E. - 1954-55, 1962-63 Taxonomy of cicadas, including new species from Ceylon. Fleming, C.A. New Zealand cicadas. 1967, 1969, 1970 Grant, J.A. and others 1963-65 Mainly on proposed recording of Melampsalta montana. Hudson, R.C.L. 1964-69 Josephson, R.K. 1978, 1980 Correspondence and notes re cicadas and other findings of Copy of 'Preliminary Report’ by Hudson on Madagascar D.39 University of Edinburgh Expedition to Madagascar, 1963 (Hudson was Secretary, Pringle and M.M. Swann were Sponsors). Includes Hudson's field~notes lent to Pringle. generation of the rhythm of pulses’. Correspondence 1975 includes paper on cicadas by A.V. P opov. Pringle's letter of February 1980 refers to his plans for retirement research on distribution of the synchronous and asynchronous mechanisms for 'a catalogue of song-patterns' and 'the taxonomic Michelson, A. 1973, 1975 D.40 expedition. Moore, T.E. various dates 1957-66, 1980 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research Ragge, D.R. re tapes and recordings. Schremmer, F. SirUbing g; ’ H . Wagner, W. White, D.C.S. n.d. Paper and photographs of cicadetia montana. Wohlers, D. 1980 Paper on timbal nerve. Young, D. Zahlan, A. 1956-80 Paper on cicada song in Beirut. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence. Miscellaneous data. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Research This was another long-standing interest of Pringle, which he intended to take up ive retirement research. Correspondence with International Bee Research Association ong with colleagues on various topics of research and nomenclatur 1979-80. ee G.1-G.11 for further IBRA material. RAWINGS AND DIAGRAMS Examples only. te is gratefully acknowledged. Examples of figures Sr drawings and diagrams of all topics of 1 bundle. r@leouch: made by him for papers and lectures. The advice of Dr. Belinda Bullard in selecting this material Design for stimulator apparatus, with Pringle's indication of layout ready for labelling by wor kshop. Glass slide of locust thorax. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS E.1 -E.144 Pel E297 Lectures with an introductory note E298 - E127 Publications E.128-E.131 Book reviews E.132-E.144 Correspondence with publishers and editors LECTURES The material presented here covers a period of over thirty years, 1949-80. There is one significantly earlier item: the draft of a lecture which Pringle gave to the Cambridge University Natural Science Club during his time as an undergraduate 1931~34 (E.1, perhaps also E.91, E.92). Pringle lectured to a wide variety of academic and non-academic audiences are indicated in the catalogue entries. For lectures and other teaching material at Cambridge and Oxford, see Sections to the Ratio Club (E.94). Unfortunately no material survives of Pringle'’s Croonian Lecture at the Royal Society in 1978 (Memoir, pp.544, 545). Pringle usually typed his lecture scripts himself, sometimes adding notes or as Linacre Professor at Oxford (E.15) or 'Limits of scientific knowledge', also to an corrections in manuscript. There are a few drafts or notes in manuscript only and these Oxford audience (E.34). Of interest also is his undated speculative talk on evolution his exploring more general topics such as 'The two biologies' in his inaugural lecture in Britain and overseas, principally.on insect flight, although there are examples of See Memoir, p.526. 'The Illusion of Consciousness' l4pp. heavily~corrected, with a ms. note on verso of last page 'Drafi of talk given to Cambridge University Natural Science Club while an undergraduate’. Band C. For further material on some of the conferences where Pringle gave lectures or talks, see Section H. See also Section D for Pringle's drafts for lectures and papers incorporated in his research notebooks. Bel J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications "Proletariat Biology’, c.1949. 7pp., with ms. corrections. ‘Random events in the nervous system 16 February 1951. Tea Party Talk’, 7pp., With ms. corrections and addenda. 'The Origin of Life', talk for 'The frontiers of knowledge’ series, BBC European 14 August 195 Service, first broadcast on the English Service, 6 and published as Bibliog. 1956d. Script as broadcast. 'The Comparative Physiology of Striated Muscle’, 1957. 10pp., with ms. corrections. 3pR., with ms. corrections. 3pp., with ms. corrections. ‘Insect fibrillar muscle', Hardy Club, 22 May 19 A4pp., with ms. corrections. Talk on ‘insect fibrillar muscle', Foster Club, 24 November 1960. Drafts in English and French, all with ms. corrections. ‘The peculiarities of flight in insects', Rennes, May 1961. 'The flight mechanism of the bee', Dublin, 27 April 1961. Ip. notes only. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications © 'Proprioceptive reflexes’, Anatomy Laboratory, Oxford, 12 March 1962. 2pp. typescript and ms. notes. "Insect flight muscle', Lecture to 'BIOS', 12 November 1962. 3pp. typescript and ms. notes. 'The control of power in insect flight', Society for Experimental Biology, Exeter, 5 April 1963. Spp., with ms. corrections. ‘Dynamic mechanisms of insect flight', Services summer school, September 1963. 2pp., with ms. corrections. Seminar on work of H.E. Huxley, 28 January 1964. 2pp. ms. notes only. 18pp., with ms. corrections; conference programme. 'The two biologies', Oxford University inaugural lecture, 24 October 1963, published as Bibliog. 1963b. l4pp. ms. and typescript ‘Notes used in preparing Inaugural lecture'. See Memoir, pp.532, 533. ‘First-year biology courses at the University’, Biological Sciences Section, Association of Technical Colleges and Department of Education coference, Jesus College, Oxford, 25 September 1964. 7pp., with ms. corrections. 'The Nature of Explanation in Biology', Sixth Form Conference on 'Truth & Error’, Jesus College, Oxford, 7 July 1965. "Cicada Song', Aberystwyth, 8 December 1964. Brief notes only, including some on same topic dated November J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications ‘Models of learning', Biological Organisation Group, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, 18 January 1966. 7pp., with ms. corrections. Not used. 'The Contractile Mechanism of Insect Fibrillar Muscle', Cambridge, 4 November 1966. 2pp. notes with ms. addenda. Lecture on the 'nature of the mechanisms which covert chemical to mechanical energy', Biophysics Laboratory, Harvard, 6 December 1966. 3pp., with ms. corrections. 5pp., with ms. corrections. "Insect flight', Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 17 March 1967. 2pp., with ms. corrections. Talk on insect flight muscle, Hull, 31 October 1967. 2pp. ms. notes. 'The Biophysics of Muscle Contraction’, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Oxford, 21 April 1967. Ip. ms. notes only. 3pp., with ms. corrections; table of 'The nine pairs of flight muscles in ‘Power and Control in Insect Flight', Reading, 14 November 1967. insects’. Lecture on insect flight, Marlborough, 7 February 1968. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/8 6 Lectures and publications ‘Stability and Control in Insect Flight’, Oxford Entomological Society, 8 March 1968. 2pp. notes with ms. corrections. ‘Molecular machinery', Cambridge University Natural Science Club, 23 May 1968. Spp., with ms. corrections and diagrams. 'Mechanochemical coupling in striated muscle', Glasgow, 18 June 1968. Ip. ms. notes only. ‘Oscillatory activity of the isolated contractile system of insect fibrillar muscle', Royal Society, 6 March 1969. 6épp. and Ypp. notes and drafts. 2pp. ms. notes. Ip. ms. notes only. Socratic Club, Oxford f f Z 2pp. ms. draft; Ip. list of slides. Lecture at the Weizmann Institute, 19 March 1969. Seminar at the Weizmann Institute, 23 March 1969. "The Limits of Scientific Knowledge', 2 May 1969. uo Miscellaneous notes and drafts; background material; brief correspondence. 5pp., with ms. corrections. Talk on the embryology of the chick, 26 November 1969. "Taxonomy of muscle cells', 1969. Leeds Biological Society, 11 December J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and pub lications Seminar on insect.muscle fibre, 11 March 1970. 7pp. notes, with ms. corrections. ‘Lecture on Information Theory translated into French for Professor Pringle', Marseilles, 23 May 1970. lépp., with ms. corrections. ‘Structure and composition of the Z-line in striated muscles', Paris, 28 May 1970. 7pp., with ms. corrections. 'The Physiology of Insect Flight Muscle’, Dijon, 29? May 1970. Ip. draft; Muscles of Insects', probably used for this lecture. 2pp. draft with ms. corrections entitled 'The Flight ‘Insect Singers of Ceylon', Malvern, January 1971. 6pp., with ms. corrections; Ip. ms, notes; Ip. list of insect songs. Ip. ‘Supplementary notes for B.R.A. 'The Flight of Insects', extra-mural lecture, 19 February 1971. esl 5pp. with ms. corrections; also includes ms. notes for lecture at Bochum given during visit to West Germany (see J.111). "Structural and biochemical peculiarities of insect fibrillar muscle’, Zoological Institute, Frankfurt, January 1971. See also H.1. ‘Physiology and biochemistry of oscillatory muscles’, 25th Inter~ national Congress of Physiological Sciences, Munich, July 1971. 8pp., with ms. corrections; lecture, 8th May 1971' found with it. 6pp., with ms. corrections; Ip. list of insect songs. "Insect Song’, extramural lecture, 19 March 1971. 8pp., with ms. corrections; abstract. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications ° "Muscular contraction’, Clarendon Laboratory seminar, Oxford, 28 January 1972. App., with ms. corrections. ‘Physiological Techniques’, first of three lectures given at Erice, Sicily, 4 April 1972. 6pp., with ms. corrections; synopsis; ground material. list of references; back- ‘Oscillatory Contraction of Insect Flight Muscle', Erice, 11 April 1972. Probably second in series (see E.47). Spp., with ms. corrections; synopsis; includes Pringle’s letter of thanks. list of references. Folder "Muscular contraction’, for 'Extramural Studies', 8 February 1974. Spp., with ms. corrections. f "Insect fibrillar muscle and the problem of contractility’, Second International Conference on Comparative Physiology, Ascona, June 1974. 7pp., with ms. corrections; correspondence, September 1973- July 1974, including provisional programme for conference. 'The Contractile System in Insect Muscle’, 50th anniversary meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, Cambridge, July 1974. App. draft. Miscellaneous shorter drafts. Also included here are programme and abstracts with Pringle's ms. comments, and letter of thanks to organiser. "Insect Flight', Scientific Society, Haileybury School, 3 October 1974, App. and 6pp. drafts; background material. "The Resting Elasticity of Insect Flight Muscle', Third European Continental Muscle Meeting, Budapest, September 1974. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications ° "International Biological Research’, Oxford Graduates Club, 22 November 1974. 7pp., With ms. corrections. "Insect Flight Muscle’, British Biophysical Society, 18 December 1974. Spp., with ms. corrections. "Insect Flight', Dar es Salaam, January 1975. 3pp., with ms. corrections. pondence and background material re Dar es Salaam Zoology Department. Also included here are brief corres A Lectures given during visit to Poland, 1-9 October 1975. Pringle was the guest of the Polish Academy of Sciences. related material see H.8. c For 7pp., with ms. corrections; list of references. 8pp., with ms. corrections. E.58 dated September 1975. ‘Recent researches on insect fibrillar flight muscle’, Torun, E.59 ‘Recent research on insect flight', Cracow, October 1975. ‘The Mechanical Properties of insect fibrillar muscle and E.57 their biochemical basis', Warsaw, dated September 1975. e lecture and re its publication. 'The flight of the bee', Gooding Memorial Lecture of the Association of Bee-Keepers, 5 November 1976, published as Bibliog. 1976c, and republished in 1982 in lectures. 'Third World Science’, for 'History of Science Group’, 5 May 1976. Correspondence, May 1975-July 1982, including invitation 19pp. A further copy of this talk is included at F.6. Central a volume of the Association's E.61 Ilpp. photocopy. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and pul E.63-E 76 Lectures given at the University of Guelph, Ontario, 10 September- 16 October 1978. Pringle, who had visited Guelph in 1970 (see E.76), ape the offer of a Visiting Professorship of a month's duration. The surviving material consists largely of drafts for lectures and seminars, and background material, indicating the considerable amount of teaching Pring There is also correspondence, 1977, 1978, wh includes the invitation, discussions re topics for lectures, both for individual departments and the university as a whole, requests by Pringle for information about 'human sciences' courses in British universities in relation to his lectures at Guelph, and re travelling and financial arrangements. 4 The Pringles spent a month's holiday in British Columbia before the visit to Guelph, 5 and also visited the Environmental Sciences Centre (Kananaskis), University of Calgary. E.73 includes correspondence re a proposal to put Pringle's name forward as a Visitin Killam Scholar at Calgary after his retirement in-1979. Lectures and teaching épp., with ms. corrections; transparencies. Spp., with ms. corrections; transparencies. of Muscle', for seminar at the 18 September 1978. 'lIs there a Science of Man and Society ?', lecture, 2 October . . ' E.63 ‘Comparative eae Department of Human Kinetics, 'A Statement in Human Sciences; concepts in biology’, E.64 lecture at the Department of Human Kinetics, 29 September 1978. Continued E.65 1978, probably open to the whole university (see letter of 13 March 1978). 13pp., with ms. corrections and photocopied additions to the text; booklet on the Human Sciences degree course at the University of Oxford, probably used as background material. ‘The Mechanics of Insect Flight', for seminar at the Department App., with ms. corrections; transparencies. E.66 f Physics, 10 October 1978 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications E.67 (first missing), n.d. ‘The physiology of insect senses', series of three lectures 6épp., with ms. corrections entitled 'Lecture 2. Chemoreception' Spp., with ms. corrections entitled 'Lecture 3. Photoreception'. List of references. E.68 university ‘Insect oe ', lecture, n.d., probably open to the whole th (see. Pr ple s eter of 17 March and 6 July 1978). 7pp., with ms. corrections; background material. E.69 ni. Ge ‘Undergraduate lecture. Insect mechanical sense organs', Spp., with ms. corrections. E.70 ‘Bird Flight’, n.d. 7pp., with ms. corrections; background material. Correspondence E.74 staff. 'I.C.I.P.E.', n.d. J Bac :kground material App., with ms. corrections. ‘Fundamentals of Human Biology', course outline; list of E.71 This talk may have been given at the Kananaskis Environmental Sciences Centre, University of Calgary (see Pringle's letter of 31 July 1978). in 1970. E.75 Drafts of 2 papers, by M. Locke and K.E. Boulding. ESO ingle's report on PhD Graduate Programme at Guelph, J.W.S. Pringle. CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications ‘Insect Flight Muscle’, Rockefeller University, 21 November 1978. 6pp., with ms. corrections; correspondence October-November 1978. "A Review of Arthropod Muscle’, seminar at the Society of Experimental Biology conference, Belfast, 6 July 1979. Spp., with ms. annotated by Pringle. corrections; abstract; conference programme Lectures given at the University of Liége, October, November 1979. Pringle was appointed 'Titulaire de la Chaire d'Actualités Scientifique 1979-80, and proposed to give a course of 12 lectures on Conte fie tissues’, with one general lecture in French 'Le vol des insectes' later published as ee 1979. chiefly of drafts of lectures, correspondence. a little background material, and some The surviving material consists E.79 'Li€ge lectures 1979'. 2, 4-10 of a course entitled This lecture was removed from the rest of the course ‘Lecture 3. Insect fibrillar muscle. X-ray and optical E.80 diffraction’. (see E.79) and was used by Pringle during his visit to Australia in 1980448 .13:--H. 14): Binder so inser en containing drafts with ms. corrections of 'Le vol des insectes', and lectures 1, ‘Muscle and other contractile risus! , with synopsis, ms. notes, lists of references, illustrations, etc. For lecture 3 see E.80. The lecture on 'Le vol des insectes' appears to have been written directly in French on the typewriter by Pringle. in Belgium. Correspondence, June 1979-February 1980, re programme of Background material and note on fossils collected by Pringle ‘Lecture in Liége, October 1979. French summaries’. y of French summaries of Pringle's lectures and Ps T 3pp., with ms. corrections. E.81 vv Contents of a folder so inscribed. E.83 . Pringle . 17/8/86 Lectures and publications ° 'The Songs of Cicadas', Singapore Natural History Society, December 1979. App., with ms. corrections; list of references. ‘Recent work on insect flight muscle', La Jolla, December 1979. f 7pp., with ms. corrections. ‘The evolution of fibrillar muscle in Lecture, given at the Society of Experime Oxford, 17 December 1980, publis shed E.86 8pp., with ms. corrections. lp. photocopy of draft with lis E.87 for reece. E.88 Material for illustrations. Correspondence, December 1980-June 1981. t f "Insect muscle and the problem of contractility’, ¢.1980. 4pp. photocopy, with ms. corrections; Ip. ms. notes; transparency. 3pp. Untitled slide lecture, on 'stimulation of the C.N.S. with direct current’, with a ms. note 'British Assoc. Brighton’, o lectures for the Cambridge University Natural Science Club, E.91 ‘The Basis of Pharmacology’, 4pp. opp. Undated lectures Eel, ve mt haps 1930s. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications Untitled talk to the Ratio Club; a speculative paper on geochemical and equilibrium conditions for evolution. Heavily -yorrected draft with, at end, 2pp- ms. notes of contri- butions to discussion made ia other members of the club. include W. Ross Ashby, J.A.V. Bates (secretary), T. Gold, D. Mackay, Cae Je Pantin, A.M. Turing. Names The Ratio Club, an informal cybernetics dis in London, had beén started in July 1949, fo K. Lorenz at Cambridge on animal i Be "Gold and Pringle were founder members and Pringle put forward Turing's name at the first meeting. ) on ‘Educating ‘9 a digital computer’ and in February 1952 another on morphogenesis, of which A.V. Hodges (Alc Turing : the Enigma, 1983, p.4 466) writes that 'John Pringle took up the idea as a basis for ite dis- cussion of the origin of life in the primordial chemical soup, in lecture later in 1952'. 1953a. The 1952 lecture was published as Bibliog. Turing gave a talk on December 1950 a f 12pp. ms. 'Balance' 'The Capacity for Flight in Insects 25.vii.78'. 63-E.76 for ‘Entropy and problem of evolution’ 7pp-, with ms. corrections, with note that pp.5 and 6 'removed for Guelph lecture - Insect Flight. gnt. lectures given at University of Guelph. 6pp. ms. Pon $2 rinale CSAC 117/8/86 PUBLICATIONS Lectures and publica E,95~E 7100 ‘Insect Flight’ (Bibliog. 1957c). E.98 'The control of movement in the air’. 2 versions for chapter 6 of book, one with ms. note 'nof finally included in Insect Flight’. E.99 Correspondence, 1961-68, chiefly Pringle's queries re publication of Russian edition, made without his prior consent. E.100 Pringle eventually decided not to proceed with it. Correspondence, 1971-77, re second edition of the book. "The physiology of fibrillar mus Paper given at XVth International Congress of Zoology, London, 16-23 “Joly 1958, and published in the Proceedings, London 1959, pp.464-65. Pringle was Chairman of the session on 'Comparative Physiology of Striated Muscle’ at which the paper was presented. (Not listed in Bibliog.) Proof only. 'The flight of the bumble bee (Bibliog. 1961d). ‘Physiologie du muscle de vol chez les insectes' (Bibliog. 1963d). l7pp. typescript (carbon), with ms. corrections; and legends. Brief correspondence only, April 1963, re Pringle's French transla~ tion of his lecture, prepared for publication. were divided among the authors. Correspondence only, 1959-68, chiefly with publishers and editor of Acoustic Behaviour of Animals, to which Pringle and Leston had re publication and use of royalties to fund contributed the chapter, Eventually, the royalties scholarships for young research workers. "Input and output elements of behavioural models’ Neural theory and modelling (Bibliog. 1964c). ° ‘Acoustical behaviour of Hemiptera’, wit 1964a). pips ae °; ° Brief correspondence only. f ’ f Y ota h D. Leston (Bib illustrations , contribution to J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and pub slications ° "Sound in Animals' and 'Insect Flight’, 2 articles for Chambers's Encyclopa rae dia, 1964. 3pp. and 2pp. gore copies of drafts with ms. corrections; corre spon :eNCcE [- cvclonaed Encyc!opaé Oo} re revision of artic eo 'Essays on physiological evolution’ (Bib Pringle was the editor of the English edition of the book published in Moscow in 1961 in memory of K.S. Koshtoyants, and contri- buted an essay on 'The evolution of muscle’. nREnse only, 1962-70, including morary Editor’. 'The Contraction of Muscles', article for Pears Cyclopedia, 1967. ' “ , E. 108; E.109 E.108 E.109 ‘Comparative physiology of the flight motor' (B eer 36pp. with ms. corrections. ez] teak a Sie Tables of figures, graphs, etc. 6pp. carbon copy of draft 1966, 1967, including with ms. corrections; correspondence, tation to write article. ‘Anomalous electrical conductivity with relaxed myofibrils’, with M. Ogata, 1969. in Bibliog. This is a later version of ARC Internal Memorandum no.35, September 1969 (C.50), prepared for publication but not listed in Bibliog. "Extraction of rabbit and insect myofibrils at low fonic sire with D. Busby, ¢.1970. 12pp., with ms. corrections by both authors; abstract; title page ye llpp. text and references prepared for publication but not listed list of references; . J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Lectures and publications E.112-E.114 "Insect Flight’ (Bibliog. 1975a) E.112 Text as published, with ms. corrections. 18pp. carbon copy of draft (different from published E.113 text). vorrespondence, Poe Biology Reader ° draft for second e 1976-7 /8, with new publishers of Oxford rT 2s, including photocopy of Pringle's revised 'The availability of insect fibri Ilar muscle’, ¢.1976 6pp. photocopy with ms. corrections, lists ¢ legends for figures, probably for Bibliog. 1977; me f re erences and ms. notes. E.Li6, Bia "Flight ee Honey Bee’, article for International E Encyclopedia 2” ee er ee wore eae eemne eee E.116 Miscellaneous drafts and material for illustrations. pest: \ E.118 ) t the E.117 Text; references; illustrations. Editorial correspondence, 1979-81. research on the African armyworm ai This was Pringle's contribution to a present biology in the future, for Sir Vincen t Wig mid of his eight jeth | birthday. ‘Science of a national Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi’ (Bibliog. 1980). ro E.119 and list of contributors. Correspondence, 1979. Ineludes invitation to contribute presentation to Wiggles J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Bete Le ken Lectures and publications . This was Pringle' of muscle, one o Biology. $ £2 i contribution to De evelopment and apecia alisation eatune series! of the Society for Experimental E.121 14pp. photocopy, with lists of refe E.122 reproduce maierial Correspondence, 1979. Includes Pri E.123 about his proofs and t Correspondence, 1980, 1981. Includes Pringle's complaints uo E.124 corrections, 3lpp. and 26pp., both in French. Photocopies 2 of different typescript drafis, with ms. se ‘ 25 Ee for illustrations. p and 7pp. ‘Supplement! to article; I t material 9 including initial request for 6pp. photocopy of typescript draft. ight Muscle of Insects', possibly an early version ons to French version. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 BOOK REVIEWS Donald R. Griffin, Echoes of Bats and Men, 1959. Draft only. Morton Beckner, ' 2 r 2 a The 3° Biological Way of Thought, 1959. ay ° Draft only. J.W.L. Beament, J.E. Treherne and V.B. Wigglesworth (editors), Advances in Insect Physiology, Volume 1, 1963. for Science Progr Draft; i ¥ proof. Proof only. Pringle also reviewed thi R.F. Chapman, 1969. The insects - structure and function E. Wilson et al, Life/cells, organisms, populations, n.d. Draft only. S. Pringle J. CSAC 117/8/86 _Lect ures: and and public ications CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS E.132 Academic Press, 1961, Correspondence re Pringle's chapter in The physiology of insects (listed as Bibliog. 1965b). 1962 Pi iblishing Limited, 1968 s: 1969 ‘ Correspondence re repr oduction of Pringle's diagram illustrating the song pattern of cicadas, including Pringle's complaints of inaccuracy in the drawings made from it. E.133, £.134 Cambridge | University Press, Correspon 1972. 1968, E.133 The evolution of to write and, 1972, re editors dy Experimenta i ys iegoiget Syste art § Bi bleeis » which Prit sate accepted. 1968, re proposed book nao Prin ingle declined Cambridge Monographs in E.134 1978, 1981. Comments on proposed publications. wl t ‘ 3 1979-82 | m e |'Abeille; November 1963, re the , ne scomotion but withdrew. Pr ingle had undertaken to write Brief correspondenc sgt fd R. Chauvin, Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Moti ility, This was a new journal edited by R.T. Tregear ana C.C. eae g The i Pringle was a member of the editor ial board. published in February 1980 and a copy is held at E.13 for meeting at the Royal Society, 24 March 1982. ing, 7 January, copy of first issue and Pringle's Includes book review by Pringle, agenda and E.139 minutes of editorial meeting, 11 December 1981, and arrangements 1982. 1981, of proposed contents of first issue. E.138 editorial meet whe bere es agenda and minutes of and some publicity material. Includes minutes a editorial 1980 January-March. acember. \pril, E.136 1979. Includes list report on s + Si Was E. ee: paper s J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 and publications ence Journal of Theor tic al Biology, 1980, 1981 Pr ingle wv os an adviser to the a urnal. revision of list an article (dec of fields ‘ol Brief correspondence re on which he advised, and request to write Nature, 1963~7 Beta (Bibliog. 1974c). 1974 1977. Correspondence, ore ‘Fon ee 'News and Views' on su ostum in mer Ae 1975-77. Refereei: including a ii little correspond Book reviews, 1963-7 Requests to write books and articles, contribute chapters, etc. declined by Pringle. J.W.S, Pringle AC 117/8/86 SECTION F SCIENCE IN THE THIRD WORLD F.1 - F.262 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION F International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) \ical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal ae 23, 1983, Pringle spoke and wrote about his involvement in science in the Third World on eer T a number of occasions, e.g. to a history of science group (probably at Oxford) in 1976 (E.160, F.6), during his stay as visiting professor at the University of Guelph, Ontario in 1978 (E.71) and in his contribution to Insect Bi ology of the Future 1980), Pod Sena aaa —s a ie a a f a volume 2 prepared as an eightieth birthday tribute to V.B. Wigglesworth (E. These accounts, and the Memoir, have been drawn upon here. Presidential .. vw “~ Pringle Although Pringle had visited the tropics i increasingly involved. had been especially interested n connection with his own research scientific research in developing Address to the British Association in Dublin and then in 1967 when Pringle P.M.S. Blackett with arousing his interest in Third World science, through the 1955 attended the conference of Commonwealth scientists which Blackett organised. particularly his visits to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1953 and later to Trinidad - he credited of the University of Zambia on the difficulties of pursuing countries, and it was with Africa, and particularly East Africa, that Pringle became Continued talk and a small amount of correspondence, committee papers and reports illustrative Oxford University Department of Zoology becoming ex officio a member Pringle's first contact with science in East Africa was The Serengeti Research Research Council and Pringle represented the Deleon of this connection is listed at F.240-F.262. An association between the SRl and N. Institute, Tanzania. svelopments at the SRI are outlined ! Sh pe et we ! ! i 2 4 é January 1970. 1O7 - Subsequent de nay oe se J at a meeting o Oi in Pringle's Jaen —e Teo 19 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science fin the Third World PORT ett ee ee The most important of Pringle's East African involvements, however, was with the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology at Nairobi and ICIPE material ¢ represents by far the greater part of the documentation of Third World science in the collection. In his accounts, Pringle pays tribute to the independent and simultaneous initiatives in 1969 of C. f Stanford University and T.R. Odhiambo of the Uni- 18 irobi which led has i ve 1G ae. $i international centre ee See si PAF ineart for inseci research at Nairobi with Odhiambo as irst Director. Pringle, who had been enthusias~ tically in favour of the project from the outset, joined the Governing Board in 1972, eS becoming Chairman the next year - a position he retained until 1978. One of the distinguishing features of the organisation of research at IC its early years was the appointment of honorary directors of research. These directors were usually professors of biology or chemistry in western countries charged with directing 5 parts of the research programme; they undertook to visit Kenya once or twice a year. Prine le ringle was asked to become a director of research and assumed responsibility sarch an 1 gecerrmed ethil it come as ea t 1, > > for work f row re 1 e . \ ° rc A diversity. Pringle and population maintained an interest In his review of armyworm research in Insect ic problems that arise from the study of an insect pest'. ed by noting that the research work was 'an example of the investigating such matters as flight capability and orientation, reproductive on the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), a plague insect like the locust. and salaries and research started in 1973 and continued under Pringle's direction for six project grant was provided by the British Ministry of Overseas Development for equipment in ICIPE affairs until his final illness. TON _.SasPringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World Piet 209 INTER NATIONAL CENTRE FOR INSECT PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY (ICIPE) Pot HES 7 Early History F.8 -F.158 Organisation and Committees F. ter k,234 Research Projects F200 5207 Miscellaneous EARLY HISTORY Raa er 'ICIPE: Early History' Contents of a folder so inscribed. rel ment', Science, November 1967. Thomas R. Odhiambo, 'East Africa: Science for Develop- F.4. 7 April 1970. Photocopy of published article. Report to the Council of the Royal Society on ICIPE by Memorandum and Articles of Association of ICIPE, incorporated Photocopies of letters from V.B. Wigglesworth and J.S. Fg2 Kennedy to the Royal Society, July 1969, re proposal for an inter~ national centre for insect research in East Africa. F.3 V.B. Wigglesworth and R.W.J. Keay, February 1970, and report by Wigglesworth (the Royal Society's repr esentative) on a meeting of the International Committee for ICIPE held 21 September 1970. Continued 19pp. typescript of talk by Pringle which he describes in an intro- ductory paragraph as a personal narrative of his involvement in three East African scientific organisations. talk is included at E.60 where it Science Group’. "East African "Center of Excellence": The International E25 Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology’, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bulletin, March 1972. is described as for 'History of A further copy of this Geatbiasnaiaecacac Eo 'Third World Science', 5 May Y 1 1976. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World ° F.7 — Pringle's ms. and typescript notes (July 1979 or later) re early history of ICIPE. ORGANISATIONS AND COMMITTEES Fier =. 12 Annual General Meetings eto Governing Board Meetings Executive Committee of the Governing Board Programme Committee of the Governing Board Nominating Committee of the Governing Board P98 = 147 Annual Resdeich Conferences Research and Training Council cret Strategic Work Plan ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS Minutes of fifth AGM, Nairobi, 10 June 1975. F.8 Minutes of first AGM, Nairobi, 28 May 1971. F.148-F.158 British National Committee for ICIPE byl 22-F. 147 International Committee of ICIPE/ICIPE Foundation Minutes of fourth AGM, Nairobi, 22 April 1974 (2 versions) Royal Society). Agenda and minutes of ninth AGM, Nairobi, 12 June 1979; Pringle's 4pp. 'Report on ICIPE meetings June 1979! (perhaps for tatement explaining background of extraordinary AGM and Agenda and minutes of eighth AGM, Nairobi, 12 June 1978. minutes of the meeting held at Nairobi, 11 January 1977. Minutes of seventh AGM, 14 June 1977. _ also Science in the Third World . Agenda and minutes, (lack first page) of tenth AGM, Nairobi, 29 March 1980. Minutes of eleventh AGM, Nairobi, 20 March 1981. Minutes of extraor dinary AGM, Nair obi l, 31 March 1982. Agenda and minutes of twelfth AGM, 29 April 1982. GOVERNING BOA \D MEETINGS Eris Minutes of the 29th meeting, Washington D.C., 17-19 Augu 1976. Minutes of the 30th meeting, wv Nairobi, f 25 and 26 March 1977. Minutes of the 3lst meeting, Nairobi, 13 June 1977. 1978. airobi, £ IQ F.2] Peseeroeo p and minutes of 36t & MN Meer tt of 33rd meeting, Extracts of minutes * Minutes of 35th me 14-19 January 1979. Nairobi, 6 and 7 January Agenda, committee Gand 11 J Agenda and minutes of 37th meeting, Nairobi,,12 June 1979. Agendas and minutes of 40th meeting, Natfrobi, 20 March 1981. Agenda, committee papers and minutes of 38th meeting, Nairobi, 25-28 March 1980 Agenda, committee paper and minutes of 39th meeting, 29 March 1980. 4 folders. 7 folders. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World Ag enda r 20 March 1981. committee paper and minutes of 41st meeting Nairobi, vr Miscellaneous governing board papers unattributed as to meeting. F392" T1978 1978 F.40. 1981 (2) one letter only) d minutes of 7th meeting, Washington EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE GOVERNING BOARD 3 folders. Agenda, committee papers and minutes of 8th meeting, Nairobi, 24 Morch 1980. Agenda, committee papers and minute 16 and 17 June 1980. ' Ons L J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World Committee papers and minutes of 10th meeting, Manila, 1 and 2 November 1980, 3 folders. Agenda, committee papers and minutes of 11th m 18 March 1981. 2 folders. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE OF THE GOVERNING BOARD 557 Minutes of Ist meeting g, Nairobi, 12 and 13 June 1979; ms. notes (3pp.). Pringle's Minutes of 2nd meeting, i, Nairobi, l, 11-13 September 1979. | "Research pentey Teots Committee Paper GBP/283/79). in 1979 and work plans for 1980-81! (Programme Pp _ ~ , { vr 3 folders. 4 folders. Nairobi r sis eeting, Nairobi,. Nef oo 8 a ae F.60-F.62 Agenda, 24-29 March 1980 committee papers and minutes of 3rd meeting, Minutes of 6th meeting, Nairob Report submitted to the Director and circulated to members of the committee, 20 August 1980. Agenda, commiitee papers and minutes of 5th meeting, Naircbi, 16 March 19 31. 'Research review of the medical vectors research programme’ 4 folders. t t J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World NOMINATING COMMITTE 3 OF THE GOVERNING BOAR Pre Agenda and minutes of 2nd meeting of the committee, Nairobi, 18 March 1981. ANNUAL RESEARCH CONFERENCES F.74-F.78 Agenda, minutes, correspondence, etc. re 3rd annual conference of directors of research, Naircbi, 19 and 20 July 1973. 5 folders. Agee? minutes, etc. re 4th annual conference of directo research, Nairok Bt, 15-17 April 1974, Agendas, list of participants, correspondence, etc. re annual research Eoreehcs. Nairobi, June 1975. oo ‘Report on a visit 1974 for A Ala study workshop, January 1975. »E, A. Newsholme and programme and I lis st of participants ae Higbee, 17pp. to ICIPE', 28 Sep 2 October P , f t F.80-F.83 4 folders. A folders. F.88, F.89 Programmes, list of participants, correspondence, etc. re annual research conference, Nairobi, June 1976. Programmes, abstracts, etc. for annual research conference, Nairobi, June 1977. 3 folde Programme, Nairobi, June 1978. abstracts, ms. notes re annual research conference, 2 folders. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Programme, abstracts, correspondence, etc. re annual research conference, Ritrobt,: June 1979. t 2 folders. Programme, abstracts, Pringle's ms. notes re annual research con- ference, Nairobi, June 1980. Programme only re annual research conference, Nairobi, June 1981. Research directors’ circular letters, 1973-78. 2 folders. ARCH AND TRAINING COUNCIL (RTC) F.99-F .113 I. C.LPLE. Includes terms of reference and agenda The original file cover is preserved at F.113 1977 July (1). Includes minutes of Sth annual meeting of the Poe. and minutes of first meeting, 8 and 11 June. ter 2 Pavia ies June. Commi ittees, Boards Outside COPR - ODM. 6. Research & Training Council Affairs (Apart From Recruitment)’. F.100 UNDP CUnited Nations Development Programme J/ICIPE Policy Advisory Committee, 8 and 10 June. Contents of a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas Devel c ment Administration Centre for Overseas Pest Research file entitle '8. 11. The contents of this very bulky file have been subdivided for ease of reference. Continued F.102 course on insect development. 1977 July (3). 1977 September. Includes correspondence re staff appoint- 1977 August. Includes correspondence and papers re staff F.103 appointments. F.104 ments. F.101 1977 July (2). Includes correspondence re propose J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World e F.105 executive committee, 27 October and papers re staff appointments. Includes minutes of Ist meeting of RTC 1977 October. 1977 November, December. F.106 by W.A. Sands on RTC executive committee meeting with annotated agenda; also agenda for 2nd meeting of executive committee to be held 9 January 1978. Includes ‘informal report’ 1978 January. F.107 on visit to ICIPE, 4-19 January, and minutes of 2nd meeting of RTC executive committee. Includes W.A. Sands's 'informal report' F.108 1978 February. 1978 March. F.109 of visiting directors of research and programme leaders at the ICIPE' with comments by T.R. Odhiambo, agenda and minutes re 3rd Includes W.A. Sands's paper on 'The role Ap 1978 Py tr committee meeting; 7 June; papers on at 3 from 3rd RTC executive of RTC to be held y 1978 June. srocedur PIC TRE: F.111 9391978 May. Annotated agenda Original COPR file cover. for 7 June meeting of RT facts on appoiniments of F.112 annotated governing board paper ‘Leading scientific staff at the ICIPE research centre during the period January 1976 up to 3lst May 1978 inclusive’. meetings of RTC Executive Commiitee. Contents of a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas Develop- ment Administration Centre for Overseas Pest Research file entitled '8. 13. POST-RTC APPOINTMENTS - CVs, CORRESPONDENCE’, F.116 meeting of RTC, 4th meeting of RTC Executive Committee and 6th annual meeting of the Policy Advisory Committee. Committees, Boards Outside COPR - ODM. Contents of Pringle's RTC files, 1978-79. 1978 June, July, September. Includes minutes of 5th and 6th Includes minutes of 2nd 1979 January -June. 1978 April, May 6. I.C.I.P.E. ee 5° re es. ¢ Bee Birsoce.ti/ F.113. F.115 F.117 J.W.S. Pringle CSAG 17/8/86 Science in the Third World STRATEGIC WORK PLAN F.118-F.120 Correspondence 1978-7 1978 July, August and November. 9 January. 1979 February ~April. oj ‘oO "ICIPE Strate Objectives ’ 5 February 1979 (Bound). 9 ic Research Plans: An Outline of Long-Ter 9~-1985) and Work Plans for 1979 and 19 INTER NZ YNAL COMMITTEE OF ICIPE/ICIPE FOUNDATION Ata meeting of the International Committee in Washington D.C., Aug : | . v ooaF uv np 8) rc, Pleo ate et Ss aed Bales executive body. community arena. and ICIP m objectives; (3) fund raising. tion defined fis o' bjecti 1976 June-August. meeting, etc.; Correspondence re arrangements for Washington ves as (1) acting as a link between the internation A Genera! Assembly which met once a year served as the 2) giving when requested advice on scientific activity and training *nG sas Ze ont eae Sd he Society, resolved te establish an international foundation to support ICIPE seven national academies, including the National Academy of Sciences and decision-makin g body of the Foundation while a Council of three members acted as the Governing Board. 1976 December. General Assemt bly of the ICIPE Foundation, Washington, 19 August, statutes of the Foundation and agenda for meeting of the Council, London, 17 December. lists of those att tending and of directors of research. Includes minutes of constitutive meeting of the Includes material re membership of the 1977 January-April. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World 1977 May-August. First General Assembly of the ICIPE E Foundation, Oslo, 11 and Includes correspondence re arrangements for IZ September. 1977 Se ptember (2). Miscellaneous papers found 1978 January-April. 2pp. statement of ICIPE Foundation policy. Includes minutes of Council meetings and mips er (1 Agenda ana papers Second General Assembly, 1978 September % and Captcil me ncludes minutes of Stockholm General Assembly gla: Vine COhEs io Includes summar tot m Gener Jenerat Includes Pringle 1979 May, June. 26 April. 1979 March, April. April 1979". Includes minutes of Counci! meeting, Stockholm, 1978 October-December. IC JPE Fotis, nove Cire researcn given ai Stockholm Ge Programme. 1980 February, March. London, 21 March, and statement on ICIPE Foundation Fellowship 1979 October op Deeereet and Pringle's draft report for Royal Society. 1979 September. Aictattchn, 27 and 38 S September. L da and papers for Third General Assem Includes minutes of Amsterdam meeting Includes agenda for Council meeting, dite b ITF J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 la Science in the Third World PR ots \Afize “aa cil Js si A 1980 April. establishment of a biometric unit at ICIPE. Includes report by M.G. Bulmer on the proposed 1980 September (1). Assembly, ZUrich, Agenda and — for Fourth General 14 and 15 September 1980. nber (2). oup for the 1.C.1.P.E. 1980" and minutes of Zurich Assembly. Wak a minutes of Royal Society 'Ad Hoc Foundation oe Zurich, . 1980 October. and s ee on future of the Saunders. Includes bibliography of ICIPE research 1972-80 1980 November. of the Foundation. a letter of 24 November thai he has to 'fade out of' ICIPE affairs because of an incurable medical condition. Includes correspondence and papers on future Pringle e »xplains in pi t tenes ional gt 1980 December. Agenda and papers for Fifth General Assembly, 8l September. | Paris, 28 and 29 September Includ les material re ICIPE Foundation Fellow- CGIAR ‘Ns 1981 Januvary-May. ship Programme and ICIPE's application for membership of the C Agricultural Research J. L Consultative Group on Vienna, 29 and 30 June. 1981 September-December. meeting, London, 14 December. 1982 January-May. and deativents t for Counci Agenda and papers for the Sixth General Assembly, Includes material re Foundation Council es of fondon, 16 Meat Fifth General Assembly — 1982 June. J.W.S. Pringle C 117/8/86 CSA ence in in the Third World CIPE F.14 1978 September. Royal Society, 23 October; on Administration and Finance. Agenda and papers for meeting to be held at report on the ICIPE Visiting Group 1979 March, May. held at Royal Society, 21 March. Includes agenda and papers for meeting to be 1979 June~August. held at Royal Society, 22 June. Includes agenda and papers for meeting to be Agenda, papers and minutes j 1979 November, December. Royal Socie ied, 1: 5 November. of the Royal Society that the British National Committee ee dissolved and the Centre for Overseas Pest Research for the briefing ¢ of R hal Society ein to future meetings of the ICIPE Foundation. that ad hoc arrangements be made in coop f The meeting recommended to Counci Id | pier mber. Documents 1981 June, held 8 September. August. Includes minutes of meeting of Foundation 1980 S for he T CIPE Foundation, 4 Septe 1980 February-June. Council, Royal Society, 21 March. Includes note of ad hoc meeting, 23 June. Documents re meeting of ad hoc Group to be Includes note of 8 September meeting. 1981 September. 1982 May-July. J ‘W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World -AGENCY CO! ES ON THE DEVELOPMENT ! al, < 1 Tne I long-term developm agency Cc onference, Nairobi, ! som, enr ana suppor 26 and ° ma, oo O Draft ¢ cent a and supporting paper for fourth inter: fere , Manila, 1980. fy . ! ! : JW. CSAC 11 S. Pringle 7/8/86 Science in the Third World RES EARC H PROJECTS F159-F 216! Acoustics 161A el GgeF hie Aestivation Army Aw Orm Crop Borers Electrophysiology Fine Siructure Insect/Hostplant relations Isolation Mechanisms Mosquitos 224 1971 <76 220—F3 234 Termites Orientation ACOUSTIC 5 Fos aor: 16] Sorghum Shoot Fly Salivary Gland Physiology Correspondence and papers re project for 'Studies on the acoustic component of the communication in the tsetse fly'. Principally correspondence between Pringle and Research Director, A.R. Méller (in Sweden) and copies of correspondence between Méller and Nairobi. 1975-76 and n.d. Includes grant application (phot F.160e 1974 1971-73. v P a F.161 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 AESTIVATION F.161A ARMYWORM Science in the Third World Copies of correspondence between J. de Wilde and Nairobi; exchange between de Wilde and Pringle. 1974. August 1973-September F.162-F.194 Personne} F.195, F.196 Funding Forecasting Service Miscellaneous See also unde r ORIENTATION. Personnel 1978-81 ye oy F.162 1978-80. F.163 1981. den Boer, M. Clark, J.V. F.162, F.163 Includes Clark's annual report for 1978. Includes Clark's final report on his work at ICIPE. Clark worked in the Sensory Physiology Laboratory at ICIPE where he undertook research on the sensory and behavioural basis of the selectivity of larval feeding of the armyworm. Continued Khasimuddin worked at ICIPE under Pringle's guidance from December 1973. He investigated two main aspects of the biology of the army- worm: mating behaviour and the importance of resident populations. 1977, 1979. brief unrelated correspondence. F.165 of the armyworm and bioassays for the female sex pheromone. 1974 February-August. Includes report on mating behaviour Typescript of untitled paper on armyworm research; Khasimuddin, S. f A977 N99 9 3 i mw tN Ant NAMASTE Is ‘ | | | . Y e 1974-82 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World 1974 October, November andn.d. F.166 armyworm field research (2 versions) and report on mating behaviour (some differences from version at F.165). Includes report on Includes statement of procedure F.167 to be followed in making observations on the armyworm populations. 1975 January-September. F.168 975 October-December. 28 October (iranscript from tape). Includes report from armyworm gr F.169 F.170 =1977 January-May. Includes references and recommendations. 1977 July- December. Fot/ie2- ment, outline of future armyworm research and report on eco! logical studies on the armyworm. Includes material re S Tesnans equip- F.172 1978. Includes outline of research programme. B.175SE. 181 Ma, W-C. 1972-80 id Fe ebruary -August. uddin's F.174 at ICIPE. 1980, 1982. Includes list of Khasimuddin's publications Feive conference attended at pete conference os the movement of selected species of the Southeastern USA. Includes Khasi North Caer, The le Ma, a scientist of Chinese descent but Dutch nationality, worked at ICIPE on the sensory physiology of the armyworm caterpillar, 1972-75. Continued F.178 Includes material re appointments as ARC visiting scientist in Oxford and research fellow, Universit of Queensland. F.177 tions and transcript of tape dated 14 May. Includes curriculum vitae and progress report, 974. Includes internal ICIPE memos on armyworm research. 1975 February-June. Includes references and recommenda- F.175 October 1973. 1972-73. 1975 July-December. - J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World F.179 at annual research conference in Nairobi and patent application. 1976 January-June. F.180 re patent application. 1976 July-November. Includes continuing correspondence F.182-F.184 Otindo, B.L. - 1975-78 Otindo was an East African scientist working on the armyworm programme. Much of the material relates to proposals for post- graduate training in England and Kenya. F.182 1975 June-September. F.183 1975 October, November. F.184 1976, 1978. Correspondence and papers re 1975-80 Persson, B.I.P. 1977, 1978 F.188-F.194 Rose, D.J.W. F.185 1977 February-May. Persson's appointment at ICIPE. Includes research report and related correspondence. F.186 research plans and budget. 1977 July-December. Persson was a Swedish scientist who worked at ICIPE on the army~- worm population dynamics programme. Continued Rose, a zoologist at the University of Rhodesia, was appointed Honorary Programme Leader (African Armyworm Programme) from 1 F.189 annual research conference. 1976. Principally re arrangements for Rose to attend F.188 workshop, Jan vary. 1975. Includes list of participants at Armyworm study F.187 1978. July 1977. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third World . 1977. F.190 and draft of research flow chart for armyworm investigations with the names of those involved in each investigation. Includes letter of appointment as programme leader Ft. for an ouibreak strategy’, ICIPE, 14 April. 1978 January June: Includes 5pp. typescript ‘Suggestions F.192 from Rose, 1978 July-December. Includes transcript of tape re celved 6 October and report on armyworm réaearch f from 19 oct. re with staff T t and publications lists. 1979. Includes armyworm research work plan for 1980-81. 1980. Funding raryvo Correspondence P re P possible EEC funding, Februa g Forecasting service F.. 1977-64204 F.197 F.198 F.201 981 January -A; pri F.199 1980 May~August 1980 January-April 1979 (2 forecasts only) A sequence of weekly forecasts for Kenya and East Africa. Correspondence re application to Overseas August 1980. ee research at ICIPE to Insect Miscellaneous printed material 1974-80. i he $ contributor nN on 1981 May~-August, November 1980 October-December 1982 January-April Includes 3 pl tocopy of F.204 1982 May-July F.202 F.203 Miscellan: F.204A F.200 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 CROP BORERS F.205 Science in the Third World 1979 Circular on af re programme leader of Borers Rese 18 April 197! ELECTROPHYSIOLOC 1973-79 F206, F, 20, Contents of a folder inscribed 'Prof. F. Huber Electrophysiol ogy’. F.206 to ICIPE, 10-26 November. 1973 October-December. Includes report of Huber's visit F.207 Unit, 1974-76. Includes report on the Electrophysiology Research 19 October 1974. EF. 208 cE. Contents of a folder inscribed 'Schneider, Prof. Dietric Electrophysiology' Staff appointment; se F.210 1976. Staff appointment; general ICIPE matters F.208 equipment. 1973 November, December. Principally re budget and F.209 physiology research unit work plan for 1976. 1974 (one letter yy 1975. Staff appointment; sensory physiology research F.211 unit annual report; general ICIPE matters. S ief correspondence re electron microscope vi cing, etc., January -May 1974, 1974, 1978 1977. P2919. 1978, 1979; s J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 INSECT/HOST PLANT RELATIONS Science in the Third World F.214 Letter and abstract re rice brown planthopper, June 1979. February, SOLATION MECHANISMS - F216 es Corresp pondence and papers with respect to the control of 1 ic for project on tsolc ation mechanisms eo Ae 1973, 1974 (one letter only). 1975, 1976. -Research proposals and funding. MOSQUITO A V7ar78 Bceld; Fegis Correspondence and papers for various mosquito research projects. F.218 ) t re F.219 Pepi? 1973 1974-78 Piezie-ti zee 1973-76, 1980 ORIENTATION Correspondence and papers re project to inve ee behaviour and phys ology of the armyworm in ability to orient itself during night fl ights . i 1973 (one letter only), 1974 F222 sossibly prepared for inclusion in ICIPE annual research report. Includes Ip. note on flight capability and orier tation 1980. ele F.aezZ0 ©1975 B22)... 1976 J.W.S, Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SALIVARY GLAND PHYSIOLOGY 1974-76 Science in the Third \ Vorld F223 Correspondence with T.R. Odhiambo principally on budget and funding for tsetse salivary gland programme, October 1974- June 1976. Correspondence and papers re sorghum shoot fly programme, July ai iC bi ei | sashes rs i 1974 ry Ju ib and Se; eter 1975. TE RMITE ES Put2o-F, 204 Correspondence and papers for various propos termites. F.225 pheromones, 15 January. 1972. Proposal for a research programme in termites' se five 1 F.228 Includes lett 1973 May-August. Vo 1974 May, September. Includes report by Sands on a visit F.229 funding of termite research. 1974 October, December. F.227 to ICIPE in connection with termite research. 1973 October-December. Principally re staff appointment and etter appointing W.A. Sands Director of ele IO F.226 laboratory space. Research with special responsibility for the termite research programme. i F.230 visits to ICIPE in connection with termite research. 1975 May-December. ‘ation and ICIPE on a research ee gramme in and behaviour; staff appointment. F.23 years from January 1977. 1976. Includes work-programme and budget for the Includes report on termite ecology Includes report by Sands on two Includes agreement between Swiss Principally re long-range Fezo2; and staff ap 1979. April, May. 978 June-S po intments tember. c } h Science in the Third \V World J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 MISCELLANEOUS F.235 reese F.237 »- 1979 and n.d. ' Includes $3 « © 1 . oe Miscellaneous printed material including broct ‘objectives, activities, and governance! « of pr nationa 1970). | Centre of Insect Physiology ai e OL c . mo 1r¢ 1 ! IC F.239A uding Pringle's re Miscellaneous duplicc ge affairs inc oa (Late n Be Seeds committee papers on port on visit to East addition ofter ae of ICIPE material had bee J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 the Third World -,240-F.262 SERENGETI RESEARCH INSTITUTE Minutes of meeting of Scientific Council, 9 January 1969. Annual report ent to 1969 annual report. 1 circulation only.) (Financial statements for of meeting of Scientific Council, 8 and 9 January 1970, re Brief correspondence, February-May 1970; annual report 1970. ? January 1971 , ce, May-September 1971. Minutes of m neetir ig of Scientific Council, ~ ‘Proposals for Research on the Ecology of Acridids in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania’, n.d. I inutes for mee ir © ana ifs €xecurive comm! Financial s in the Serenget September and Augi ie December 1972. , 1971 IB; repay on large mammals kille onal Park 1962-72; quarterly reports, Annual report, January-June 1972 (printed). Brief correspondence, August, December 1972. neil, 7 and 8 January 1972. of Scientific Council toe Oe ee tee, JANUG Agendas, v art t8 f syeriitt t papers and m A J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Science in the Third Worl Brief correspondence, January-March 1973; committee meetings, March, May and October nos Agenda and minutes of meetin 14 nek a es Or > nin sehr cutive comminree E PAB ts Ar te < deco erly report, t, July-September Minutes of executive committee meeting, Octobs report, October-December 1974. Annual report, i 1973-74 (printed). f / Agenda and minutes of meeting of Scientific Council and minutes of executive crue meetings, January 1975 « ¢ Se Sir brief correspondence, April, November, December Correspondence, January~May A.R.E. ncludes bee ne ign Quarterly report, January-March 1975; minutes of executive committee meeting, April 1975. Brief correspondence, 1976; minutes of executive committee meeting February 1977; 197d f Mi ARE . Sinclair or thie conservation of the Se erengeti Ecosyst notes of Pringle's interview with Tanzanian ee ! Resources ond Tourism and statement b; Correspondence, 1978; of the Serengeti National Park. report (by A.R.E. Sinclair) on the status er of J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1 - G.28 G.1 -G.11 ‘International Bee Research Association G.12-G.20 International Conference on the Unit y G.21-G.24 National Research Development Corpor G.25-G.238 The Royal Societ INTERNATIONAL BEE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, 1976-82 Pringle became a member of the Association in 1979 and was elected to the Council in the same year. In 1982 he accepted an invitation to join the Steering Com- mittee for the Third International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates, to be held in Nairobi in 1984 (see G.11). Asa member of the Finance Committee Pringle was concerned with funding for t} the association a: s research projects. committee papers. e, I The correspondence is with Eva Pringle's letter of 12 May Includes agendas and minutes sequence of correspondence and Crane, the e Director, and colleagues ' 1976-78. Information about the association. The material is presented as a chronolog © interested in the work of the association and research on bees. 1979 February-July. letters re Pringle's membership and electi on to ae é the association. 1980 March~May. meetings; brief correspondence. relates to the funding of 1980 January, Februory. of meetings; brief correspondence NaS eo 1979 August-December. of meetings. Agendas, committee papers and minutes we sndas, committee papers and minutes of Agendas, committee papers and minutes QL Qo Societies and organisations ee OOQ/f} ot ve & 1980 June-August. meen ace Sn ere meetings; corresponaence re at and Agendas funding Wer £ vy Aric i . ynmittee LP —r > s and mir ee z >I 2 of information 1980 September-December. minutes of meetings a Agendas, committ orrespondence re wae Pring i seclal meeting sonsider the long- association. 1981 Janua Q ; ebrur oe arr: of meet tr Agendas, committee papers and minutes ee an £ : ie } " ‘ i 1981 March-May. Agendas, committee papers and minutes of meet- aie i - . : Hie 1 Di as P: aot 7 1 ol aoe Re gal in e- futut > of ssociation. iehiete ; ° sie Ings; corresponaence Te funding, lon J?" Eke = the sessio i ‘ ‘Population and values’ which Pringle chair ec * ou I! M11 te ey 9th ICUS at Miami 1980; _e 3 e there is also some conference material and a few miscella e ° items. For letter referring to the Unification Church, see C.40; for letter re 7th E&./o. G.12 2S spond len ce 1980 August. given at 9th ICUS and Pringle's requests for publications on population. Includes suggestion sent to Pringle for 5 1978 (one letter only), 1980 May-July. Includes invitations from Pringle, and on his behalf from ICUS Secretary-General, to coniribute to session under his chairmanship at 9th ICUS. Pringle's refusals because of ve slik an 1981, to attend Pte iek loa participants at Abidjan, August 19 ae and 10th IC Novemk comments on conference programmes dea participation. 1980 September, October. re his back condition, in case Mellanby nad to take over Pringle's session at 9th ICUS. Includes Pringle's letter to K. Mel anby Cultural Foundation seminar ae Includes iInfc ormation on and invitai 19 OZ IAD" i . . ! ! J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Conference mater ial Societie 5 and o organisati G.16 8th ICUS, Los Angeles, 22-25 November 1979. Pringle was moderator of ae 7 ‘Sociobiology and value systems' Folder of con G.17_ Pringle's ‘Chairman's Introduction’ and 'Discussion Notes' for the Sess ion. G.18 Papers by others prepared for Session IIIB. Folder also includes paper by H.A. Krebs values: how to arrive at sound value judgements’, Session IIC. G.19 Conference material, including 'Founder's address ss oe ae ° . i 7 0 ® . PB nt : fo a 4 CO : eure ti family and Cc S un Myung Moon! by J.H. NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, In 1964 Pringle wrote to P.M.S. Blackett that 'we have recently learnt how Preliminary agenda for 10th ICUS, Seoul, November 1981 did not attend); newspaper cuttings on population and the oe ce te reprint of ‘Marriage, 1979. Continued rotary movement’. hypothesis about the nature of the mechanochemical energy conversion! to prepare from insect flight muscle a system of protein fibres which function in vitro as a direct converter of chemical to mechanical energy'. demonstrated to a mee work to develop 'a piece of apparatus which would convert the fibre oscillation into a f the Physiological Society on 6 June. ee ee a LO +) kde Oe Oe Pringle then began completed working out a comprehensive After discussion with N.R.D.C., ication for cos eee ak nition i aD peek a patent was filed on 28 May before the discovery was eee pl oe, sakes AO kA. By November he had a provisional specif Be 1964-75 Oe ete qd wy O} , ue as ‘ } SCT ‘ f 4 oR © J es J CSA fies and organi It was later (April 1965 » patent as no 'practical form of mechanical device which embodies the principle involved' had been developed Le c e . ' e However, Pringle put blished 'The contractile m 1967a), a review of the subject | ! In 1969 R rt Abt ott of the x Ci & Ui Vit he ad de: system for direct on-line control of the Solartro: 600 Tras a Digital financial G:2 ta submitted for circulation ¢ drafts of provisional specificat 4 Te 7 1968-75. 1964 June-Dec on as filed oy ri apparatus, efc. 2/° Correspondence re ‘on-line control of transfer function 1965-68. on contractile Sol ymers and 1 other p pub Bficot ions on 'th of mechano-energy conversion’. analyser’ by R.H. Abbott. « Al W Y L u - jE 1e O O 7a OY: R TH J.W.S. Pringle ESAC 117/8/ /86 SECTION H ITS AND CONFERENCES H.1 -H.16 The surviving material covers only the period 1971-81 and does not adequately reflect Pringle's travel or his attendance at conferences. For his frequent visits to Nairobi for ICIPE, see Section F. XXV International Congress of 25-31 July 1971. Physiological Sciences, Munich, Summary of Pring gle s lecture ' yet oscillatory muscles', given 28 July; See also E45 é ogy and | ) 'First Announceme A ee of Visit to Universit ity August 1972-Ma ing Letter of appointment; Pringle's report as culting. = ° “4 > Y She ve % L — invitation. EMBO Muscle Workshop, Alpbach, 13-18 March 1974. Letter from organisers, programme, list of participants, ms. H.4 Pringle's notes on the 1977 meeting. Invitations to 1977 and 1980 workshops. He declined Vth International Biophysics Congress, Copenhagen, August 1975. le opt notes made by Pringle on.the contributions of others and his (typescript) report on the workshop. ment' booklet Pringle attended the Congress as a UK delegate to the General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics Pringle's report to Royal Society; correspondence; ‘Second Announce- J .W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86é syshhivel ‘ Pe) “Holl loway Ctiece 9-12 cen ces _wTS m in biological Do Pringle's ms. notes on contributions by at 54 a 2 4 oftners; programme os | | Visit to Poland, 1-9 October 15 programme rN Ause le of lectures and vi - « > Orrangemenrs, PAA MAIMOGN te Prog jrami Insect 9th European Congress on Muscle and Motility, September 1980. Pringle suffered a slipped dise just before the withdrew. ence, including sugg for Pring sii the zoology depart of noe nental members. 1980 (declined). Correspondence; congress material. 11th Congress, September 1982, with a ms. note ‘attend’. Invitation to attend Sri Lanka ASSOCIA °; A Folder includes materia as .s i J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Visits ond Visit to Austrolia, Septemt November 1980 Pringle was a Visiting Fellow (Research Scholar) in Chemistry in the School of oe Macquarie sn 5 October 198 during his ciel and also visited natural history parks and institutions. He gave seminars at Macquarie and elsewhere ales for eight weeks from Ras Le ‘ 5op. ms. notes, dated 27 October 1980 and ins lS rils "Macqu H.14 Reaequ > SUM Up sad | possibilities i ¥ ? 10 April / os Leicester Muscle Club meeting Brief correspondence aad information only. Centos Ronacnce re arrangements; maferial re Pring a S on 'cross~bridge ela isticity and the mechanism of Gordon Conference on Muscle Proteins, Plymouth, New Hampsh 29 June-3 July 1981. a new hypothes SECTION J INTRODUCTION TO SECTION J The material Sele 5-137 vorrespondence with individuals. In alphabetical or indication of any in ientific or historic a int - unindexed correspe ices and appointment surviving Ko ei be < respondence does eel i been ie ~ i not, Se teeta unfortunate L calla nt sflect the whole span of ha a m P gle ringle's care -areer or or © hin he interests. Slee tis A oh e members of ea D..° Pi ing ee ment and subs >it vent careers of geet Goss i . | Bote Unit Abbott, f R.H. J.1-J5.4 1966-80 . Section C for list of those involved. of seniority and for varying lengths of service. ne 5 eee e the ARC to responsibility ontractile mechanism in insect fibrillar from 1967 until its cl for developing computer tions and later career, and a brief indication of these matters is given in the entries. The folders may include personal profiles, research proposals or reports, publica- Abbott was “BE inted in 1979, with s al techniques i measur it muscle. computers, devised by Abbott. Jot estimates with account of research proposed, purchase of equip- ment, etc. Correspondence on all aspects of career and research. Correspondence 1973-74 re ALGOL compiler for mini Appointment to ARC Unit, —— budg 1966-69. 1974-80. 6 ae 2 eee ee, ei ied r7/O We. oS nae ks Cel aa osure Jie J.3 J.4 ¥ J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Allen, A.J. 1975, 1978 Brief corre ey ae! technician at Oxford. nce only, re appointment as photogra ) . se 1 ' yf i uC uo ARC Unit and later at De: partment of Ae y Yr Ashe, i eita aan CAL Ashe was oeniot closure he worked in | i and research material. sec eank-) ats ea schnician ie at Kenya for BIO} As hhurst ae es eM 2 Ashhurst had a te porary app ointment af before taking eal Birmingham and Lond posts oe inet nee p ss sa eee at . ae the ARC Unit. ef. Peete £3. A Aster tts ° ipplying specime 2 Corr wr ot 1963-64 Barber, M Vidinty on pudlications. onink inettate Barber spent the academic year as a U.S. Public Health Service July-November 1978 General correspondence on research, publications, appointments. Bennett was a probationary research assistant with the ARC Unit laboretory, on Lethocerus. C Unit from January 1974 in v, eee Bennett, R.M. 1973-79 Bell, 2emM ISiTy. 1978 Pringle's ore J. hess JW.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Cor rrespor ndence Boettiger, E.G. various dates 1956-57 ence on re search a nd pub blicati fon O2n row. ae aging Vega 1uscfe researc! ¢ ony, on muscie arcn, rt t where Bullard was a Senfor Sc unti s ‘19 Bullock, T.H. and others 1966-67, 1975, 1975 et — Z ‘ mee 1966-67. bh @ Mainly re Amazon expedition on R/V Alpha 2a an invitation fo \ ‘ fe,e draw. Includes 1965-76 1976-79 Chaplain, R.M.A. and others he worked for several r re degree in biochemistry.* Cage was a Research Assistant in the ARC Unit, R.H. Abbott, January 1977-July 1979. Chaplain, an East German Biochem 1961; then as on, neeane ; Contractile Mechanism of Insect Flight He returned to East Germany and built Magdeburg, but left as a refugee in Continued a research student in the ritea tment of Zoology under Pringle's ‘Biochemistry of the in June 1966. completing his doctoral thesis on Je 20 Effect of ADP on 1965: ‘Indic ation for an Allosteric necivaes corresponacence ae eS Chapla Ge Insect Flight Muscle’; 1964 he began work In October Actomyosin ind Glyc es from a } A. uj Cua \reps, re ts 8 \ J Bie Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 iw] J.21 1966. by Chaplain. I Research and publications; includes draft paper J.22 to UK. 1967. Research, publications, proposed visit by Chaplain eeer* ARC Internal Memot AR 1 t t earch as oe ram mriteral sears sane: © SUFVIVINgG Mareriat Go 5 ae ei m, wnere a sne ee eee irra fe erred after aE io eee 1979. . . ! : © ne y 1974-75 1979-80 and others Coffman, D. J. 20321981 3.20 2 1982 sate later registering as an advance Coffman 1 Was appc inted as a research tech: sutonteis from November 1974, Administrator to ARC Unit. appointed to the ARC Unit from October 1974, resigning Conn was in March 1976 to eae Gonna D.t,T. (later Mann) sthe another post. + Connolly, 1976-77 Be ee AE ek 1974-79 Secretary ST ee | take eae ee up M.P.A. Coombs, R.W. Coombs was appointed research assistant October 1 972 leaving in 1974 to study for Sion 1o- , . a: t Croig; Ex Craig held a filarnent J.33 J.35-J 20 JeVO7 Cullen, oe was appointed a Research Assistant Air Force, working mainly in a S. he ocean ogee > e en various dates 1967-7 Levine, an American scientist, worked in for six months from dein working a eee tine 68. rer LO May KA wer ) Giant Thre, Libeca H =D. 1974 Ae . AD nits t a VAI \esearcn rUQer Loxd a le t 1967-77 Loxdale was MUS Was and others Luke, B.M. Ny oki ing at the AKC Unit. Luke was a Researck stant in the ARC Unit from August 1967. regear. worl Royal Soci 3.92 * ¥96/-69 J.94 Me ce special memori t Lod airport. Pau, Dp NI TN aed N 1977 mainly on Sic ic 1 = i ' c A pie Pa taf enrre: 1974-78 By Ji. mm. Correspondence c rief correspondence re appointment as Accounts Clerk at ARC Nike iscussions at Pringie's ARC Unit, Rajulu, G.S. 1978-79 tf els +e re ~~ as AR CM ° J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 4302, 25.103 tees, C. J.C. and others onde ENCES aa 1973- To oo get hea was a Research Assistant in the ARC Unit, working Ranch iAsesctanbunthonanG . T. Trege J 0525-107 > Rossmanith, cee Tee a aie ana ormers la ey oe 2 Aceman itt Rossman it! year with the AKC oan usted contraction. Be Correspon 1964-77 | J.108 ee Reese eee iF Otte 1 gg, J.C.A. and others ae a ee pe Ok cs lat Pye ee bak och la 's 1964-October 1965, and Pringle hoped he would jo in the event as 1ccepted a one-year ap il RUegg, a Swiss protein biochemist, ful visited Pringle in April 1964 to three years; October contact subsequently, by detailed postal exchanges. 1964 Correspondence on all aspects of research and career. igeche ahs visits and talks as well as continued to mainta i active J.W.S. Pringle CSAG ] 7k 8/86 J.112A Savage, A.F.W. 1969-76 Cort Workshop technician at ARC Unit September 1969-August 1976, i iw ¢ JEG J 116 Smith, D.S. and others 1960-67, 1980 Sr nL are duoted omit Gragual i ov: ! IOL7 ] 966 Sue a 9 ( 1960. Welle... (Bibliog. 1959a, muscle Includes re Jal 4 1961. J.115 1962-64 J.116 1965-67, 1980 Spence, A.R.H. 978 ae ‘ Nos f ees) e t Deen = g Squire was appointed to a temporary post with the ARC Unit, September 1972, before taking up a post at Imperial College, London April- P Y q f 4 | ge eg at ARC Unit. Squire, J.M. Steiger, G.J. 1971 -74,..1977,. 1982 3rief correspondence re appoiniment as photographic techniciar Steiger was a Visiting Scientist with the ARC Unit for one month, October-November 1977. Correspondence mainly Stracher spent six months sabbatical leave from America in the ARC Unit. Stracher, A. 1975-78 eee oe ae 1973 a le Sid - J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 J.121-J.125 Thorkan JW. 1964-77 Corre sspondence Thorson was a postdoctoral worker, funded by the Nc Founde oe at the ARC Unit, May 1966-May 1967 Sr shorter \ Sits &3 Correspondence on aa ee lo ~ a ~ = research, publications, career. o~ ° - om! yl Ju lez Belson Stl? J.129 1977, 1978. Trombitas, C. Research ideas, Miscellaneous biogras J.127 and conferences 1975, J.128 Research notes o insect flight muscle’, n.d. Brief corres ponasnce only. Mainly re paper submitted for publication by Trombités, which Pringle revised. Not TOO Woters was a photographic technician with the ARC Unit from 1968. Includes corrected draft cad micrographs. Waters, L. 1974 eee (ee Oh 3 Df Uh te fa 2 ae bd eet J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Fe idl ys ie White, D.C.S. 1967-81 Corre espondence ° White was a research student supervised by Pringle before taking up academic appointments. J.1S22 1971-81 Whitehead, D.L. Whitehead was appointed to the ARC Unit 1968, working on Bind reactions in insect ne. Winkelman, H.L. Winkelman was appointed Unit from October GC a the ARC Zelazny, B. Wollmer, A. 1966-67, 1972 Visit, supplies. SHORTER UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE Wollmer spent two months, July-Septembe pew Unit with D.A. Mercola, part funded fre Fund of the ARC. publications, 1964-71. ae equests to quote, reproduce diagrams and illustrations in Miscellaneous reprints only), and j . Sectctetc? work shorter exchan R > ests mh i se JS me Hl = Bea Prir le! Pringle's J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Correspondence REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS Appointments aS AP Grant applications J.146 J.147 J.148 J.145 Publications .W.S. Pringle CSAG l17/ /3 3/86 SR APHY e Reproduced with permission from Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal 2), 1983, 549-551. 1938a Proprioception in insects. cockroach. f. exp. Bi A new [. §, 101-113 type of mechanical receptor from the palps of the 19385 Proprioception in insects. II. The action of the campaniform sensilla on the legs. 7. exp. Biol. 15, 114-131. 1938e Proprioception in insects. [1]. The function of the hair sensilla at the joints. J. exp. Biol. 15, 467473. 1938d (With G. Fratnket) Halteres of flies as gyroscopic organs of equilibrium. Nature, Lond. 1939 1940 1948 19+9 19504 19506 1951 1952 1953a 19536 195+4¢ 19546 141. 919-921. The motor mechanism of the insect leg. J. exp. Biol. The reflex mechanism of the insect leg. J. exp. Biol. The gyroscopic mechanism of the halteres of Diptera. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 16, 220-231. 17, 8-17. 347-384. The excitation and contraction of the flight muscles of insects. 7. Physiol., Lond. 226-232. The flight of insects. Sch. Sci. The instrumentation of the living body. Penguin Sci. News uh 100-114. On the parallel between learning and evolution. Behot iour 3, (With V. J. W1 N) The response of a sense organ toa nae pelinsshuss § Rev. 31, 364-369. 174-215 exp. Biol. 29, 79 Wake ie The origin of life. Symp. rae Physiology of song in The evolution of living matter. New Biol. 16, The mechanism of the myogenic rhythm of certain insect striated muscles. 7. Physiol., Lond. Soc. exp. Biol. 7, cicad Notun s. Spolia sevlan. 19606 1961la 124, 269-291. 271; 29- 238 Rationaliste. Lond. 167, 144-159. B. T. Scheer), : Proc. Linn. Soc. 181, 1355-1356. (Answer to Dr G. Schneider.) 1956a 19566 1956¢ 1956d 1957a 19576 1957¢ 1958 pp. 99-115. University of Oregon Publications. rm s of Arachnids. 7. exp. Biol. 32, 270-278. The structure and evolution of the organs of sound production in cicadas. (With F. W. Darwin) The physiology of insect fibrillar muscle. I. Anatomy and innervation 1 oy geohusien de te matiére vivante. In Une discussion sur l’origine de la vie. Paris: L'Union (With K. E. Macutn) The physiology of insect fibrillar muscle. Il. Mechanical properties of of the basalar muscle of lamellicorn beetles. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 151, 194-203. Insect flight. Cambridge University Press. Static sense of Calliphora and the physical stabilizing effect of the halteres. Nature, Lond. A physiological analysis of cicada song. 7. exp. Biol. 31, 525-560. The function of the 1s The songs and habits of eater cicadas, with a description of two new sf Insect song. Endeavour 15, 68-72. The physiology of insect song. dcta physiol. pharmac. néerl. 5. 88-97. Proprioception in Limulus. J. exp. Biol. 33, 658-667 The origin of life. Eauropean Service Broadcast, B.B.C., 14 August. Myogenic rhythms. In Recent advances in invertebrate physiology (ed. Wiggleswerth), pp. 256-282. Cambridge University Press. Models of muscle. Syvurp. Soc. exp. Biol. 14, 41-68. Proprioception in arthr« (With K. E. Macuin) The physiology of insect fibrillar muscle. III. The effect of sinusoidal change of length on a beetle flight muscle. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 152, 311-330. a beetle flight muscle. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 151, 204-225. . In The cell and the organism (ed. J. A. Ramsay & V. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/8 6 1D rat shy The EE of the direct flight muscles in the bee. In XJ Int. Congr. Ent., vol. 1, p. 660 (with 16mm film). Vienna, 1960, The evolution of muscle. In Problems of the evolution of function and enzymochemistry of ] i t processes, pp. 270-280. Moscow: Publ. U.S.S.R. Acad. Sci. of the bumble Nat. Hist., N Y., August-S Tamasice) The physiology of insect (With K. E. Macuin & M. effect of temperature on a bee tle flight muscle. Proc. R. Soc. Lor [In Russ A pr liminary classification of cicada songs. In YJ Int. Congr. Ent., Vienna, np. Soc. exp. Biol. 16, 1-11. of zo ology at universities. J. Inst. Biol. 9, 77-78. of orientation. Ergebn. Biol. 26, 1-10. 2+ October. Oxford. ev. 184, {- chez les insectes. Actualités neurophysiol. (5th series), 1961d 1962a 19626 1962c 1962d 1963a 19635 1963¢ 1963d 19644 (With D. ESTON) Acoustical behaviour of Hemi iptera. Acoustic behaviour of animals 19646 (ed. R.-G. Busnel), pp. 391-411. Elsevier. (With D. (ed. R.-G. Busnel). pp. 798-799. Elsevier. Input and output elements of behavioral models. In Neural theory and modelling (ed. R. F. ON) Addendum of chapter 14 [1964a]. In Acoustic behaviour of animats Reiss), pp. 31-42. Stanford University Paae (With B. R. Jewett & J. C. Riéece) Oscillatory contraction of insect fibrillar muscle after glycerol extraction. J. Physiol., Lond. 173, 6-8. J. W. S. Pris R. Soc. Lond. B 164, 21-39. ition e be a scientific study Locomotion: flight. Press. Academic (With D. Litont& coe, C. beetle. ¥. exp. Biol. 42, 406 Moscow in 1961 in memory of K. S . Koshtoyants.) In The physiology of insects (ed. M. Rockstein), vol. 2, pp. -329. (Heteroptera). In Proc. XII Int. Congr. Ent., 1964, pp. 185-186. Biological responsibility in a technological society. Biology hum. Affairs 30, no. 3. Sees Becks on physiological evolution. Pergamon Press. (Based on a book published in (With S. B. Barer) oe ional aspects of flight in belostomatid bugs (Heteroptera). Proc. The treasure-house - nature. Adv. Sci. 23, 297-304. (Presidential address to section D of Wuite) Muscular activity during preparation for flight in a $14. of muscle. In Essays on physiological evolution (ed. 2. Pergamon Press. [Translation from Russian of 19 961¢.) muscular contraction at the Department of Zoology, Oxford. (Scientific Memo intaga nation Exchange Group no. 4.) Can of man and society? Special Lecture, Oxford, 13 October. (With S. B. Barper) The functional organisation of the ae system in Belostomatid bugs (With B. R. Jewett & J. C. Réecc) Langdaurernde Oscillation der fibrilldren Flugmuskeln von Insekten nach Extraction mit Wasser-Glycerin. Pfliigers Arch. ges. Physiol. 281, 47-48. Biology as a human science. Biologist 17, 204-207. Comparative physiology of the flight motor. Ade. Insect Physiol. 5, 163- Mechano-chemical transformation in striated muscle. Symp. Soc. exp. Biol. 22, 67-78. (With R. T. Trecear) Mechanical properties of insect fibrillar muscle at large amplitudes of rete of myofibrils and actomyosins from insect flight and leg muscles. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 169, 229-240. R. T. Trecear) The ca ae ium sensitivity of - ATPase Richard Julius Pumphrey. Biogr. Mem. Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 14, 4 (With K. Maruyama & The contractile mechanism of i insect fibrillar muscle. In Progress in biophysics and molecular biology (ed. J. A. V. Butler & H. E. Huxley), vol. 17, pp. 3-60. Pergamon Press. (With K. Maruyama) The effect of ADP on the ATPase activity of insect actomyosin at low 67¢ Evidence from insect fibrillar muscle about the elementary contractile process. 7. ionic strength. Archs Biochem. Biophys. 120, 225-226. oscillation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 174, 33-50. 19664 1967a 19675 1968a 19685 the British Association, Nottingham, September.) Physiol. §0, 139-156 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Bibl iography A vision of man (12th Darwin Lecture). Biologist 19, 223-237 Arthropod muscle. A 3 prt a te structure and function of muscle (ed. G. H. Bourne), pp. +91- 541. s (The Herbert Spencer Lectures, 1970). Oxford: s Locomotion: flight. s on higher education. .Winerva 10, 303-308. In The physiology of insects, 2nd ed. (ed. M. Rockstein), 433-176. en ic | = ect flight m mus sacl 25 in a katydi Nature, Eo ) samp biol. hung. 17, 67-78. Insect ht. Oxford fibrillar muscle and Reader no. the ptoblen functional aspects of structural materials Nielsen), pp. 139-152. North-Hol 1 the develo of World War Effects Soc, L 3 37- t k t t 0 > ) N N N © x The Obit The mt The flight of the bee. Central Association of Beekeepers and sense organs involved Veiss-Fogh. arc af in i ght. Trends Biochem. Sct. 1, 38-39. 7, 3-15. ns, Ilford, Symp. sloucester ‘Ge Ent. Soc. R. England. (Gooding Lecture.) The mechanism of knowledge: limits Vashington, D.C., vol. 2, pp. 961 - © diction. In Proc. 5th Int. Cc nternational Cultura nhanical ch aracteristics of insect fi r muscle. In Insect flight muscle (ed. R. 2, A R. of B. Re mv >. Le des D. F. lity 9816 book by V. sview In Insect 1981a . 177-196. North-Hol T. Tregear), pp. 283-298. Wigglesworth.) flight muscle (ed. of insect fibrillar tion Francophone des Croonian Lecture, 1977. 1981c 198id 1982a_ 19826 pp. "337-344. North Holland. Sciences, Miami Beech, November 1980 Goldspink), pp. 91-105. Cambridge University Press. Hard reason and deep humanity. Nature, Lond. 26 activation of muscle: function and mechanism. Proc. R. flight and vertebrate striated muscle. 7. Physiol., Lond. 317, 19-20. review of arthropod muscle. In Development and specialisation of muscle (ed. Soc. Lond. B 201, 107-130. vol Professeurs de Biologie de Belgique. insectes. Probio-Revue, vol. (With B. BuLtarp & G. Satnsspury) Localization of a new protein in the Z-discs of insect Science of a pest: research on the African armyworm at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi. In Insect biology in the future (ed. M. Locke & D. S. Smith), pp. 925-945. Academic Press. Review of Reflections on muscle by Sir Andrew Hunley. 9 Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 2, +69-+70. The evolution of fibrillar muscle in insects. (Bidder Lecture, 1980.) 7. exp. Biol. 94, 1-14. Le vol des insectes. La Recherche, no. 130, Février, pp. 158-168 Chairman of symposium Population and values. International Conference on the Unity of the J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 17/8, /86 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS, SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS J.134 G.24, J.1-J5.4 See also C.28, G.24, J.53 F.80, F.99, F.125, F.218 C.42, C.43, f See als SO Ee 1 22 G.24 ° ABBOTT, Bernard C. ABBOTT, Roger Harold ADAMS, Ruth ADKISS ON, P: > AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNC AIDLEY, David J. ALEXANDER, Richard D. ALEXANDER, William Ge« ALLEN, Anthony J. AMOS 7 Ww. B. ASHE, James Boriny, C.. 2 S ATANG, P. AUBERT, Xavier ASHHURST, Doreen Elizabeth BAERENDS, Gerard BAKER, John Rande BAILEY, N. BARBER, Saul Benjamin BELL, Cecil L. F120 BELL, Joanna Lucy (formerly PRIEST) BENNET-CLARK, Thomas Archibald Byers els Sos ee BENNETT, Fred D. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and erga nisattons td F.103, F.124, Folge Fae. Fo haz) ©.6 See ako F.130 BENNETT, R. M. BERNHARD, Carl Gustaf BETTS, Elizabeth Bree, b BRD, F. SAC 117/8/86 ! ; . Index of correspondents, Soc Clic etic oS ¢ q and org anis at io ns © DAINTY, J. DANIELLI, James Frederic DARLINGTON, Johanna P. DAVIS, Ralph E. C. DJERASSI, Carl DODD, Colin William Harry DOVIAK, J. M. C.84 E.140 F.111, F.126, F.232 C.84 F.102 F.164, F.188 G.26 See also G.21 F.80, F.100sF 70m Fore, Fa ert; F.130, F.161A, F.173, F.175, eH F 8 1 re 224, © 24 See F.80 Jl, JAZ J.40 DOWDESWELL, W. H. (Bunny) Brgs, E73 Gaz, Gs | H. DWYER, Dennis J. .88, J.90 123 EBASHI, Setsuro EDSALL, John Tileston ELLIOTT, Arthur ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY ENDEAVOUR EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY EWART, W. FRANKS, Oliver Shewell, Baron FLEMING, Sir Charles (Alexand FOWDEN, Sir Leslie FORD, Ed im md Brisco FEW & KESTER FLOREY Y Jae VC rd Walter, B J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, eae societies Oo nd organisations GALUN, Rachel GARAMVOLGYI, GEBREYESUS, 1 GERGELY, John GIBBONS, lanR. e Nicholas ! GOLDSPINK, Da vid Es GOLDSWORTHY, Graham GOLL, Darrel E. GOODMAN, L. J. GOODWIN, Graham C. GOODWIN, Leonard George GOSLIN John M . aan Sir Jam GRANT, James A. BRAY, ak A Y r James F.119 See also F.135 See J.54 C.116 D.38 J.45 C.78 G.28, 1.46 J.A7 F.262 GRAY, Peter Brian Frederic GREGOR, C. Bryan HAFEZ, Mahmoud ! GRZIMEK, Bernhard HAMDORF, Kurt HALD, Pauline M. D.54 HANSON, Emmeline Jean PAMOID D. “C.D. 1, Geoffrey Ainsworth ny 106, F.103, r.i16e. F. See ee 21, F.216 J.48, J.49, J.101 HEINRICH, HASKELL, Peter Thomas HARRIS, Her ry Pitty sae Rea? H.14 Sitts Jia HARRISOR Bernd . Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societic >s and organisations HELLE, Willem (Wim) HENDERSON, Sir William (MacGregor) HILDEBRAND, John HILL, David K. HILLERUD, Kai- Inge HINDE, Robert Aubrey HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold ! (Percival) HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGSON, G. W. HOLLAENDER, Alexander HOLMES Kenneth Charles F.215, F.216 C77, See also J.72 See F.162 G.27 3OF F ishe Be P4d Fel4e See also F.141, F.145, | Fe 135- ee 3 G .28 CH03 See also C > LOA . ae C194: £273 Rive H.6 H.3,H.4, 5.54 G.28, H.14 F.185 3.00 F,/o, F..206,98 207 HOUK, James C. HOYLE, Graham HORRIDGE, G. Adrian PoOrER; G, = Hy Ss. Jj. 51 See also E.122 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) HUXLEY, Hugh Esmor HUBER, Franz HUDSON, Richard C. HUNT, Kathryn Gs 12-6 .20 INTER NATIONAL BEE RESE NATIONAL CENTRE AND ECOLOGY (ICIPE) THE SCIENCES/INTERNAT IONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION INTER NATIONAL CONFERENCES ON THE UNITY OF H.3,; H.4, Hit6o ee See also E.16 HUXLEY, Sir Julian (Sorell) TRE EOP INISECT PUN TENG PHYSIOLOGY D4, CG. FG. ARCH ASSO IC at AT ION Fit-F 239A D.39, D.40 Jeon J.53 C.83 INTER J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations JEWELL, Brian R. JEWKES, John JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JONES, Reginald Victor JOSEPHSON, Robert K. JOUR NAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY JOURNAL OF MUSCLE RESEARCH AND CELL MOTILITY JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY KAMMER, Ann E. KEAY, Ronald William John J .55, 5.134 See also C.36 Ls 89 102;:GiZO .40 4] 89 «1 36-E. 139 -. 140 KEMP, Tom J F F J ; F F F F 7 C F F F F 96 .125, F.132, F.135, F.142 15) 59 .2, F181; 6a) 102 .85, F.179, F.185 .102-F.104, F.145 .165-F 174 75 79 177, F.178, F.180 O17 119 .261 KEPES, A. PRETILE, D. De KHASIMUDDIN, Syed KENNEDY, John Stodart KEYNES, Richard Darwin KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) C.162 F (ea0T 220 See also E.120, F.187 C. 152, C455, G.158: F .234, F.244, F.247, F.251 CATA; 352 LANHAM, DD. H. LAMPREY, Hugh F. LANE, Hon. Miriam LANGER, Helmut LACK, David Lambert Reon, J.. A. KUBO, Isao KULLENBORG, Bertil KUMAR, R. KUNDAELI, John N. C20 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations LANKESTER, J. LAW, John H. LAWRENCE, Peter A. LEAKEY, Richard Erskine Frere LEBACQ, Jean LEES, Anthony David LEHMAN, William Jeffrey LESTON, Dennis LEUTHOLD, R. LEVINE, Jon LINNEAN SOCIETY LISTON, Andrew D. C.68, C.92-C.94, €.119, GA31.°Cr133)'C 44 ee € 169, 4.183 see also C.116, C.170 F.119 5.58 J.59 E.82, J.60 F.183 See also F.182 J. E.103 F.230 J.62 E.1Gs J.63 LOCKE, Michael E.119, 63120, aes D.9 J.64 J.48 J.69 C79 LUKE, Barbara M. LUSCHER, Martin LOWENSTEIN, Otto Egon LOVERIDGE, John Harvey LOWY, Jack LOXDALE, Hugh D. LUCAS D8. iM: C.88.° GC. 27 See also C.87, C.90 E261 J.66 F.80, F.108, F.110, F.119, F.225, F.226, F.229, F.230, F.232, F.233 McCLARE, Colin William Fraser . LYTTELTON, Raymond Arthur C.86 See C.39 F.103 McCRAE, Angus W. R. McILVAINE, Robinson MACLAGAN, Michael J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations MA, Wei-Chun (Wim) MACHIN, Kenneth E. MANSFIELD, T. A. MACQUEEN FILM ORGANISATION LIMITED MARSTON, Steven B. MARTIN, Sir (John) Leslie MARUYAMA, Koscak MASHLER, William T. a. E. MATERU, M. MATTHEWS, D.C. MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MCHARO, Tumaini MEINWALD, Jerrold E.120, F.85, F.159, F.175- F.181, F.208 CAL O85 Furs IGF J.68 C96, C.116, C.36S eae 4.21, 5.07,54,70 See also E.106, E.132 F.O4, F.2167 Fee F.119 771 E.106 F.251, F.253, F.258 PgeQ; F227 MICHELSON, Axel See G.14 D.42 isz. MELLANBY, Kenneth MILES, Margaret MOLLER, Aage R. MONOD, Jacques MONROY, Alberto MOORE, Thomas E. 3.22, J3.72-4, 7a. MERCOLA, Daniel Anthony MOMMAERTS, Wilfried F. F.80,.F.159-F. 161, ee F.219 J.118 MURE, Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist MYERS, Geoffrey Morris Price C.82 See also C.83 MORRELL, Roy C. R. MORRIS, Edward Philip F.218 F.262 F.107 STS, 4p EB ee eee MORRIS, Douglas James aru? J.20 F.102 D.43, J.78 D.30, D.38 MOUCHET, J. MSANGI, Abdul S. MURDOCH, Bill H. M. | ase J.80 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents s, societies and organisations NAKANISHI, Koji F.84, F.99, F.177, F.180 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- TION NATURE NEVILLE, Anthony Charles NEWSHOLME, Eric Arthur NOBLE, Denis NOIROT, C. G2! -Gi24 E.141-E.143 J.81-J.83 See also F.184 J.84-J.87 See also F.83 J. 1o4 See F.230 NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur (Lionel Pugh) C.85,-C 86 See also C.82, C.88, C.95, C396 NORTH, Anthony Charles Thomas NYE, Peter H. te) F.231 ODHIAMBO, Thomas Risley OGATA, Michi-hiko OPLATKA, Avraham OTINDO, Bernard L. J.88-J.91 C.95 See also C.116 b.9245, 9% OLDFIELD, Richard Charles OAKESHOTT, Sir Walter (Fraser) C.75, C.80, C3985. C.87, C.99 0 ea See also C.55, C.74 C.180 PEACOCKE, Arthur Robert PERGAMON PRESS LIMITED PERRINS, Christopher C.52, C.89;,C Ora iia See also C.73, C.83, C.101 PATON, Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) J.96-J.99 C:85 Cal F.182 E.114 J.114 3. Fe PAU, Richard Noel OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PASSANO, L... M; C.47, Section F passim. E.106 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations PERRY, Samuel Victor PERSSON, Bert Inge Peter PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) Pato J, RR, PHILLIPSON, John PICKERING, Sir George White PICKSTOCK, Frank V. wii, J, . E. PINTO, John D. Pity. L St i27 See also G.27 FO104, F. 18538 167, Fete See also F.172 C.80 Cy tee, Golke See also C.159 F.185 Corsi See also F.228 C.80 See also C.52 C87 J.99A F.174 j. 167, 0.168 J.07 ds3,. 3565, J.29 J.23, J.134 PRICE, Gareth M. Passer, C. °° add Peel, kL. see BELL PORTER, Rodney Robert RAGGE, DavidR. RAINEY, Reginald Charles BAIULGS ©. 5undora C45 D.44 E.120 J.100 J.102 C.80 F.177 E.141, J.101 J. 102, 4.103 F.85, F.177, F.178 J.114 C.169 J.40 RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) RIDLEY, B. RIEGEL, Js. RICE, Martin J. RICH. Edwin: Eeriest REES, Christopher J. C. RAMSAY, J. A. RANDALL, Sir John RAYNER. N. REEDY, Michael Kay K. oA. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations ROCKSTEIN, Morris RODGER, Christopher David ROLLER, Herbert A. ROSE, Derek J. W. ROSSMANITH, Gunther Heinz ROTHKE, Ulrike ROTHSCHILD, Hon Mirlam ROYAL SOCIETY see LANE RUEGG, Johann Caspar Albert RUSSELL, Louise M. BE; te2 J.104 See F.79 F.187, F.188-F.194 See also E.120, F.60, F.184 H.14, J.105-J.107 D.54 £.139, G.25-G.28 H.5. H.8, H.14 §$,20° 5108-3112 D.30 SAIBULL, Solomon de paw. B. F.262 F.228 1245 C390 SALONEN, Neil Albert RAMUER Sd. MS F.80, Fildt=F 11%. F114 F.115, FzlZ0, F.2a7ee ce See also F.99 f C ./\,0.84, Cae Coa C.96-C 98, C.10l) CIGa C3106, C. 109-112, Gare Gell9, C.474 See also C. 52 4. See F.170 F.102, F.106, F.111, F.141, F.1/7, F «.206-Ba2lZ, Foe See also F.219 F.125, F.130 C.46 SAVAGE, Alan F. SAXENA, K. N. SCHAEFER, Glen W. SCHELTES, Paul SCHNEIDER, Dietrich SCHNEIDER, Friedrich SCHOEN, A. P1718, Faro, 21, Jae J.103 See J.112A P11? F.19] SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert SANDS, William A. W. SCHOONHOVEN, Louis M. J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations SCHREMMER, Fritz SEMB-JOHANSSON, Arne SERENGETI RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SRI) SHAG; E. SINCLAIR, Anthony R. SMITH, David S. M. SMITH, S.. SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SPENCE, Allan R. H. SQUIRE, John Michael STANLEY -PRICE, M. STEDMAN, R. Bruce STEIGER, Gerhard J. D.45 F025). F ASe es ee See also F.135 F.240-F.262 J.4 Fenn; E 26%, ee E119, E.120, E.d22) Poe Jo11 Ge 116 See F.217 Riles; eo ee J2117 J.118 F.176 F.41, F.42, F.141, F.142 J.P STRACHER, Alfred J.120 SYINDALE,:b.° 0D. STRUBING, Hildegard STRUMWASSER, Felix STRANGWAYS-DIXON, John SUTHERLAND, Dame Lucy Stuart SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron SWAMINATHAN, Monkombu Sambasivan F.189 See also F.80, F.85 D.46 F.162 C.60 G.5, G.10 C.80 F.119 See also J.131, J.132 J.29 F.42 G.12-G.14 F.119 F.145, G.10 C.80 TABER, Richard L. TABOR Ad 4S. TAN, Nalla TAINO, Co 22S; TAYLOR, T. = Ajibola THOMAS, Merlin THORSON, John Wells J18 SF A2te HR i25 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations peewee, £. BS TINBERGEN, Nikolaas TINSLEY, Thomas W. TODD, W. Murray TOWNSEND, Gordon F. Peay Ja GM, TREGEAR, Richard T. F.177 C.180 F.143 See F.99, F.101, F.122 G:5, 6.8, G.9 F.119 E;127, E.136-E,199, Betel, J.33-5.35, J/40, feeb teat J.64, J.65, J.68, J.126- J see See also C.28, C.39, E.79, 3789; 4. 120 TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES TROMBITAS, Charles TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell E.144 J.130 C.94 VARLEY, George Copley WAGNER, W. VOSS, John F.126, F.132, 6.466, Foe UNSWORTH, Joe J.105 See C.53 See C.53 WAGER, Lawrence Rickard WARREN, Peter Tolman — VAUGHAN, Dame Janet (Maria) C.80 See also C.55, C.59 See also F.122 D.47 F.137, F.139-F.143, F.145, F.146, F.150, F.152, F.154- F.156 WIGGLESWORTH, Sir Vincent (Brian) See J.130A See F.233 &,00, 3:6) WATERS, Laurence WATSON, J. A. WHITE, David C. S. WHITEHEAD, David L. WEIS-FOGH, Torkel WEISS, Irving Flor J, toa he, i.6 D248, Dita. 132 J.W.S. Pringle CSAC 117/8/86 Index of correspondents, societies and organisations WIJERATNE, Brians WILKIN, Peter Julian WILLIAMS, Carroll Milton WILLIAMS, Glyn WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WILSON, “Carrol L. WILSON, Donald M. WILSON, Victor J. WINKELMAN, Harriet Lowell . WISE, B. WOHLERS, David WOLLMER, Axel GC. J.134 See F.78 5235 C Bh Gree E217 See also F.124 J.62 D.12 J.135 C.4] D.49 J.136 YOUNG, David D.50,..H=14 YOUNG, John Zachary ee C.80 D.5] ZAHLAN, Antoine ZELAZNY, Bernhard Jzt3S?