PORTER, George Vol3

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of George Porter Kt OM FRS, Baron Porter of Luddenham (b. 1920) VOLUME III Section D: Lectures, broadcasts and publications Section E: Societies, organisations and consultancies NCUACS catalogue no. 100/5/01 Section F: Correspondence Index of correspondents by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 SECTION D LECTURES, BROADCASTS AND PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.539 D.1 LECTURE TOUR ITINERARIES D.2-D.208 DRAFTS - CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE D.209-D.368 DRAFTS - ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE D.369-D.464 CORRESPONDENCE RE LECTURES, BROADCASTS AND PUBLICATIONS D.465-D.537 UNIVERSITY TEACHING D.538, D.539 OFF-PRINTS G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications LECTURE TOUR ITINERARIES 1977-1985 Typescript itineraries for a number of major lecture tours undertaken by Porter, 1977-1985. D.2-D.208 DRAFTS - CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE 1955-1988 A sequence of drafts and related material arranged chronologically by lecture, broadcast and publication date. Inscriptions on the original folders have been incorporated in the catalogue entries where appropriate. Lecture on ‘Fast Reactions’ to local section of the Chemistry Society, Hull, 10 November 1955. Correspondence re arrangements only, 1955. P. O'Reilly Lectures, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 1960. Correspondence with the publisher, 1960-1967. Chemistry for the Modern World, George G. Harrap Ltd, London, 1962. ‘Lecture notes P. O’Reilly Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes for lectures. See also F.3, F.4. Proposed volume on ‘Flash photolysis and the study of fast reactions’, 1962. 3 folders. Advance proof copy. Copy of published volume. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Brief correspondence with collaborators, B.A. Thrush and E.R. Wooding, 1962. Contents list and chapter outlines. Typescript drafts. 2 folders. ‘Flash Photolysis’ in Technique of organic chemistry, Volume VIII, Part Il, Interscience Publishers, 1963. Correspondence with publisher and editor, A. Weissberger, 1957-1962. Author's proofs, 28 June 1960. There is some variation surviving documentation. The titles as given in the accompanying pamphlet published by the BBC (D.37) are as follows: lectures titles the the the in in of ‘The Law of Disorder’, Proc. Roy. Instn, 40, 1964. ‘The Laws of Disorder’, BBC television series, 1965. The BBC broadcast ten lectures by Porter, January-March 1965. Typescript drafts of discourse given at the Royal Institution, January 1964. See also D.398-D.402. Lecture 1 The static and dynamic worlds Lecture 2 Molecules in motion Lecture 3 Entropy Lecture 4 The second law Lecture 5 Equilibrium - limit of disorder Lecture 6 Molecules at work Lecture 7 Times of change Lecture 8 Patterns of change Lecture 9 Chemistry and light Lecture 10 Chaos and evolution. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 D.15-D.40 Lectures, broadcasts and publications of Disorder ‘Laws and Thermodynamics’. Contents of folder so inscribed: drafts and related papers for lecture series broadcast by BBC, 1962-1971. Introduction Chemical Change An_ to Set layout for the 10 programmes. D.16-D.24 Duplicated typescript ? run-through scripts with manuscript timings. Lecture 3 (see D.17) is represented by page 18 only, the last page of the script. For pp3-17 see D.304. 9 folders. D.25-D.29 Camera scripts. 5 folders. 3 copies variously annotated and corrected. 3 folders. text D.31-D.33 23pp duplicated typescript outline of the 10 lectures. 22pp typescript treatment of the 10 lectures preceded by list of possible titles and index. Annotated and corrected duplicated typescript outline of lectures VI-X, pp14- 20. 2 folders. Annotated and corrected typescript outline of lectures VII-X, pp16-23. 21pp duplicated typescript of accompany the broadcast lectures. 1 annotated and corrected copy and 1 clean copy. of booklet published by the BBC to G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Published pamphlet: The Laws of Disorder. change and thermodynamics. BBC, 1965. An Introduction to chemical Miscellaneous assembled by Porter in connexion with ‘Laws of Disorder’, 1962, 1964. background duplicated material printed and probably Includes ‘Comments by P.A.H. Wyatt on The Laws of typescript. Disorder’, 1p ‘Thermodynamics’, n.d. 54pp typescript (in two parts). Relates to the teaching of the subject in school. Probably not by Porter but found with his ‘Laws of Disorder’ papers. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re ‘Laws of disorder’, 1966-1 967, 1974. Porter on 23 at the Royal of lecture given by Institution, the second law October of and Contents of folder so inscribed: notes, For further papers re Millbank Films Ltd see C.1382-C.1388. ‘The Chemical Bond since Frankland’, Proc. Roy. Instn, 40, 1965. ‘Laws of Disorder drafts and correspondence, 1967-1971 and n.d. Film Scripts’. Annotated typescript drafts of Royal Institution Discourse by Porter. Includes transcript thermodynamics 1967 correspondence with Millbank Films Ltd (an ICI subsidiary), 1970-1971. See also C.1161. Evening Party Speech at the Royal Institution, 14 October 1966. Typescript drafts, proofs and photocopy of published version. ‘Stepping up the Pace, Discovery, 27, 1966. Duplicated typescript. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Quick as a Flash’, 4 May 1967. This lecture at a Royal Institution weekly evening meeting was repeated, 17 November 1967, when it was recorded by the BBC. It was broadcast on BBC2 television, 10 December 1967. See also C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.298, D.321, D.333, D.336, D.408. Typescript drafts. 3 folders. D.48-D.51 Nobel Symposium V on ‘Fast Reactions and Primary Processes in Chemical Kinetics’, 1967. Porter gave a lecture on ‘Flash Photolysis and Primary Processes in the Excited State’ and the ‘Summarizing Lecture’. See also D.337. Duplicated typescript of Porter's lecture on flash photolysis ? as prepared for publication. drafts of article by Porter on the Correspondence re publication of symposium proceedings. Includes manuscript and typescript symposium. Duplicated typescript of Porter's ‘Summarizing Lecture’ with typescript note attached ‘Corrected copy as submitted to the publishers’. See also D.355. The Joseph Henry Lecture on ‘Excited Molecules’, Washington DC, USA, 1967. Typescript draft introduction re Faraday and his meeting at the Royal Institution with Henry. Booklet on Nobel Symposia ‘edited by the Nobel Foundation’. ‘Chairman’s remarks at the closure of the symposium’. The Chairman was F.S. Dainton. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Paper on ‘Spectra of the Aromatic Free Radicals’ at Hydrocarbon Research Group 4th Conference on Spectroscopy, Brighton, 1968. Duplicated typescript draft. of List ?lecture correspondence, 1968-1969. slides for on history of the Royal Institution; brief Retained in original folder which has newspaper cutting cellotaped inside. Silvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture on ‘Molecules in Microtime’, British Institute of Radiology, 15 May 1969. Typescript drafts and reprint (Br.J.Radiol., 42, 1969). 2 folders. See also D.329. See also C.1071-C.1078. Typescript draft. D.57-D.66 D.67-D.72 D.73-D.75 Contents of folder so ‘RI Lectures 1969/70 Transcripts’. into six for ease of reference: duplicated typescripts. Contents of folder so inscribed divided ‘Time Machines’, Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, 1969-1970. ‘Christmas Lectures “Time Machines” Manuscripts’. inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: typescript drafts, etc. See also D.232, D.240, D.273, D.333. Liversidge Lecture, University of Essex and University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, 1970. Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: typescript drafts, etc. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 D.79-D.81 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Opening of the Bernard Sunley Theatre’, Royal Institution, 1970. Typescript drafts. Speech at Royal Institution Evening Party, 1971. Typescript drafts. Speech at the opening of a new chemistry building, Royal Holloway College, University of London, 1971. Correspondence information about Royal Holloway College and chemistry. arrangements, typescript etc; re draft; background ‘Lecture Notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript notes and on ‘Molecules in microtime’, ‘Chemistry in microtime’, ‘Chemistry of the excited state’, ‘Excited states of organic molecules’, etc. for lectures drafts set of notes Typescript drafts. the Chemical Society, 1970-1972) and ‘Man of Action’, BBC Radio Programme, 1973. Most papers are undated but one draft of ‘Chemistry of the excited state’ is identified as Porter's Chemical Society Presidential Address (Porter was President of for ‘Chemistry in microtime’ has manuscript inscription ‘Q.E. College - May 1974’. Typescript drafts; manuscript list of legends for figures. Paper on ‘Picosecond flash photolysis’ by Porter and E.S. Reid given at the Sth L.H. Gray Memorial Conference, University of Sussex, September 1973. (Published in Fast Processes in Radiation Chemistry and Biology, The Institute of Physics and John Wiley & Sons, 1975). ‘Molecules in Microtime’, Royal Institution Discourse, December 1973. (Proc.Roy.Instn, 47, 1975). Duplicated typescript. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Lecture on ‘Excited states of organic molecules’ at international conference, Lisbon, Portugal, April 1974. (Published in J.B. Birks ed., Excited states of biological molecules, Wiley-Interscience, London, 1976). Duplicated typescript. Haden Memorial Lecture of Institution of Heating and Ventilation Engineers. 2pp typescript notes with manuscript inscriptions ‘Priestley lecture’ and ‘20 May 1974’. Paper on ‘Energy dependence, and pressure effects lifetimes of aromatic vapours’ by G.S. Beddard, G.R. Gijzeman and Porter ‘for conference Sept. 1974’. on, fluorescence Fleming, O.L.J. Fleming attended the conference. Photocopy of abstract, legends for figures and figures. ‘Solar Energy’. See also D.278. 7pp typescript draft on the history of solar energy, n.d. D.89, D.89A ‘Life under the Sun’, Royal Institution Discourse, 7 March 1975. (Proc.Roy. Instn, 48, 1975). 4pp typescript draft on solar energy, with manuscript inscription ‘(House of Lords - 6 March ’75)’. See also D.277. Contents of folder. Typescript drafts for Porter's 1975 Discourse on ‘Life under the Sun’ and photocopy of typescript of Porter’s Farrington Daniels Memorial Lecture on ‘Solar Energy’ with manuscript date '30.8.76’. Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.90-D.95 ‘The Relevance of Science - 1975’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: typescript drafts for a number of lectures given by Porter on this topic, 1972-1975. D.97-D.100 Notebook used for ? notes and drafts for lectures. Many loose papers enclosed including typescript draft on ‘The relevance of science’ with manuscript inscription ‘Returned from Prof. Stoker 8/1/75’. Lecture on ‘Science and the Human Purpose (with some bicentennial reflections)’, American Chemical Society Bicentennial Meeting, April 1976. Porter also lectured on this topic to ANZAAS, Perth, Australia, August 1976, as the Cecil and Ida Green Lecture, Vancouver, Canada, September 1976, as the Pahlavi Lecture, Iran, September 1977 (D.115) and to the Royal College of Defence Studies in the UK, June 1979. Contents of folder divided into four for ease of reference: typescript drafts. Typescript draft. D.103-D.113 D.103-D.110 Lecture to Cardiff Scientific Society, [71976]. Typescript drafts of Porter's ‘Introductory Lecture’. Lecture on ‘Living systems as energy convertors’, Pont a Mousson, France, October 1976. ‘The Natural History of a Sunbeam’, Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, 1976-1977. Typescript drafts. ‘Manuscripts Sunbeam” reference: manuscript and typescript drafts of Porter’s lectures, demonstrations etc. See also C.1094-C.1128, D.262. 9 Christmas Lectures 1976-77 “The a ’. Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of of History of Natural lists G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Dild2, Dats Camera scripts. 2 folders. Plenary Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 1977. Lecture ‘Pure on and Applied Photochemistry’, 26th IUPAC Typescript draft, off-print, etc. See also D.263. Pahlavi Lectures on ‘Light under the Sun’ and ‘Science and the Human Purpose’, Iran, September 1977. Typescript drafts; correspondence re publication of lectures, 1978. D.116-D.118 Radio talks Know?’ series, 1978. on ‘Chemistry’ in the BBC Transcription Services ‘Do You 3 folders. Typescript drafts. Correspondence 1976-1978, 1981; typescript drafts. Address on the occasion of the presentation to Porter of the European Physical Society's Communications Award, September 1978. In 1976 Porter was invited by BBC Transcription Services to contribute ten short scripted radio talks. They were recorded in 1978. See also C.1296-C.1315, D.219-D.221. Lecture on ‘Humphry Davy’'s Experimental Researches’ delivered by Porter on the occasion of the two joint Evening Parties arranged by the Royal Society and the Royal Institution to commemorate the Bicentenary of the birth of Humphry Davy, October 1978. (Proc. Roy. Instn, 52, 1980). Typescript drafts. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.121-D.123 ‘Romanes Lecture - November 1978 - “Science and the Human Purpose” - Israel’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: typescript drafts. Porter delivered the Romanes Lecture on ‘Science and the Human Purpose’ to the University of Oxford, November 1978 and spoke on the same topic for the first of his Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Lectures at the Weizmann Institute, Israel, 1979. Lecture on ‘Solar Energy for Development’ at Commission of the European Communities Conference, Varese, Italy, March 1979. Typescript drafts. D.125-D.127 The Goodman Lecture ‘Evolution under the Sun - Has it a Future?, 12 June 1979. Typescript drafts. 3 folders. Typescript drafts. See also C.890, C.891. 3 folders. D.129-D.131 British Association Address on ‘Chemistry ...the Formative Years’, 1980. Typescript drafts, manuscript notes, newspaper-cuttings, transparencies etc., 1980-1985. Joint Chemical Society/Royal Institution Lecture on ‘Michael Faraday - Chemist’, May 1980. (Proc. Roy. Instn, 53, 1981). See also D.278. Keynote paper on ‘Prospects for a biological synthesis of “biomass” ’ at International Conference on Energy from Biomass, Brighton, November 1980. Alternative title ‘Solar Energy through Photochemistry’ appears on one draft. Typescript drafts. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Kelvin Lecture on ‘Kelvin and the Energy Problem’, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 12 March 1981. Typescript draft. See also D.300. Paper on ‘Photochemical Routes to Solar Energy Retrieval’ at Brighton meeting of Solar World Forum, August 1981. Typescript draft. Paper on ‘Recent Progress in the Photolysis of Water’ at Xth International Conference on Photochemistry, Crete, September 1981. Typescript draft. on Paper September-October 1981. ‘Chemical Approaches to Solar Energy’, Moscow, USSR, Typescript draft. D.141, D.142 Typescript drafts. the Royal Institution’, The abstract is dated '15.4.81’. Folder also includes ‘Summary’ of paper on ‘The Photodissociation of Water’ with manuscript inscription ‘Moscow Sept 1981’. Paper on ‘One Hundred and Eighty Years of Education in Popular Science at International Chemical Education Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 1981. Calcutta, India, 1982. Paper on ‘Interdependence under the Sun’, Congress, India, January 1982. (J. International Public Relations Association, 6, 1982). Joykessen Mukherjee Gold Medal Lecture on ‘Chemistry in Microtime’, Typescript drafts. 3 folders. D.138-D.140 9th World Public Relations G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Typescript draft. Typescript draft entitled ‘Laser Flash Photolysis and Photobiology’ with manuscript inscriptions ‘Extracts A & B included in Joykessen Mukherjee Gold Medal Lecture, Calcutta’ and ‘Brazil’. ‘Picosecond Chemistry and Biology Picosecond Chemistry and Biology, Royal Institution, November 1982. Introduction’ at one-day meeting on Typescript draft. Paper on ‘Food and energy ... interdependent world needs’ at CHEMRAWN [CHEMical Research Applied to World Needs] II, Manila, The Philippines, December 1982. Typescript drafts See also D.269. D.145-D.150 3 folders. D.145-D.147 Typescript drafts, correspondence with editor, referees’ comments, off-print. ‘Transfer and Storage of Chemical and Radiation Potential’, J.C.S. Faraday Trans. 2, 1983. Typescript drafts on ‘The Conservation and Storage of Chemical Potential’, May 1982 and ‘Efficiency in photochemical reactions’, September 1983. Found with 1983 Faraday Transaction paper. Correspondence with colleagues on solar efficiency calculations, 1982-1985. Found with 1983 Faraday Transaction paper. Found with 1983 Faraday Transaction paper. Comments on Entropy Paper, 1984-1985. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Keynote address on ‘The Photolysis of Water and Photochemical Energy Storage’ at International Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology’, Alexandria, Egypt, January 1983. Typescript draft. See also D.270. D152, D583 ‘Fuel from Water’, Royal Institution Discourse, 4 March 1983. (Proc. Roy. Instn, 79, 1983). Typescript drafts. 2 folders. See also C.892. Paper on workshop on Maratea, Italy, June 1983. Applications ‘The Sub-Nanosecond Regime in Photosynthesis’, of Picosecond Spectroscopy to at NATO Chemistry, in Phillips) Typescript draft. for Sciences in Typescript draft etc. ‘Efficiency Paper on [International UNESCO meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 1983. Organization Limitations Chemical Photochemical Conversion’, |OCD Development] Paper on ‘Picosecond Spectroscopy: Applications in Biochemistry Techniques’ (with T.A.M. Doust and D. meeting, London, December 1983. (Biochem. Soc. Trans., 12, 1984). Typescript draft. Paper on ‘Picosecond Transient Absorption Spectra of Metalloporphyrins: Zinctetraphenylporphyrin’ (T.A.M. Doust, L. Giorgi, B. Gore) at Picosecond Phenomena IV meeting, USA, June 1984. Part | at Biochemical Society Typescript draft and off-print. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications The Sir Dorab Tata Lectures on ‘Science and Power: A View from 1984’, India, 1984. (Tata Review, 13, 1984). Typescript draft ‘Citation Classic G. Porter and M.W. Windsor The triplet state in fluid media Proc. Roy. Soc. A 245 (1958)', Current Contents, 1984. Typescript draft, editorial correspondence. D.160, D.161 Presidential Address on ‘Growing up with Science’ to the Association for Science Education, University of Keele, 5 January 1985. (The School Science Review, 1985). Typescript drafts. Printed background material. Typescript drafts. 2 folders. See also D.246, D.276. D.162, D.163 Paper on mankind’ to International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 13 May 1985. ‘The contribution of chemistry and the chemical industry to Davy Lecture on ‘Photosynthesis: the first nanosecond’ to the Académie des Sciences, Paris, France, 29 April 1985. (Pure & Appl. Chem., 58, 1986). Typescript draft. ‘Race against Time’, SCOPE, 4, Autumn 1985. Typescript draft. See also D.272. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Paper on ‘Chemistry's Cornucopia’ at IUPAC conference, Manchester, 1986. Typescript draft. The Richard Dimbleby Lecture on ‘Knowledge itself is power’, 1988. Typescript draft. D.168-D.170 Sorbonne Lectures, Paris, France, n.d. Porter gave three lectures on ‘The experimental study of fast reactions’, ‘The triplet a number of aromatic free radicals’. state’ and ‘The spectroscopic and kinetic study of Typescript drafts. English and French versions. 3 folders. See also D.357. Typescript draft. Include: ‘Picosecond lecture’. ‘Transcript of a lecture by Professor Sir George Porter FRS’. Miscellaneous notes and drafts for lectures and speeches, n.d. Address on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Institute of Fuel, n.d. [21967]. ‘Hanbury Memorial Lecture - Pharmaceutical Society Introductory Remarks - lecture given by Professor R.B. Woodward’. notes, n.d. ‘Lecture Notes’. Contents of a folder so inscribed: typescript and manuscript G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 D.174-D.176 D.178, D.179 D.180-D.184 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Speeches’. ‘Misc Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript notes, predominantly undated but includes ‘Extracts from speech to Leeds University Chemical Society 1960' (D.174) and with manuscript inscription ‘Meeting at Sheffield 1963 ?’ (D.175). ‘Introductory remarks by Professor G. Porter’ ‘Misc Speeches and Articles’. drafts, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript ‘Notes’. reference: typescript and manuscript notes, n.d. Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of ‘Talks’. reference: typescript and manuscript notes, n.d. Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of Thorne Grammar School publications, n.d. notebook used for drafts for lectures or D.187-D.189 Miscellaneous transparencies, n.d. Notebook used for drafts for lectures or publications, n.d. ‘Overheads (Extras)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference, n.d. ease of reference, 1967-1975. ‘Publications: Figures’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for Illustrative material for lectures or publications, n.d. D.193-D.195 3 folders. 3 folders. D.190-D.192 D.196-D.198 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.199-D.207 ‘Lecture Demonstrations Notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript and typescript notes, background material etc re Porter’s lecture demonstrations, 1955- 1971, n.d. Porter - Lectures Demonstrations for Television’. ‘G. envelope so labelled: index cards. Contents of an D.209-D.368 DRAFTS - ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE ca 1954-1985, n.d. A sequence of lectures and publications material arranged alphabetically by folder title or topic. D.209-D.218 ‘Civil Service Lecture notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1964-1969. The Royal Institution lectures in science were given to administrative class civil servants as part of the educational programme of the H.M. Treasury Training and Education Division. See also C.1316-C.1328, C.1329-C.1335. Drafts for lectures 1964. ‘Civil Service Lecture - No.1’. Booklet of general information, list of participants, synopses etc, for lectures, 1964-1965. Booklet of general information, list of participants, synopses etc, for lectures, 1965. Includes letter from W.L. Bragg to Porter, 12 February 1965, found at front of booklet. ‘Civil Service Lecture - No.2: Thermodynamics’. Includes manuscript notes by Porter and correspondence, March 1965, found at front of booklet. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Drafts for lectures 1965: Lecture | ‘The elements and their compounds’. Lecture II ‘Molecules in motion’. Lecture III ‘Thermodynamics and chemical change’. Lecture IV ‘Biochemistry’. D.213, D.214 Drafts for lectures 1966 D.213 Lecture | ‘Matter and motion’. Lecture VI ‘Molecules’ Drafts for lecture 1968. Lecture | ‘Matter and motion’ D.219-D.221 Undated drafts for lectures. Lecture VI ‘Molecules’. ‘Patterns of Chemical Change’ Demonstrations for Civil Service Lectures. Duplicated question sheets, etc. Some papers dated 1968. Duplicated question sheets, etc. 1 paper inscribed ‘File for 1969’. Typescript draft of lecture on ‘The House of Humphry Davy’, n.d. [1978]. ‘Davy Lectures’. prepared in connexion with the bicentenary of Davy’s birth in 1978. Contents of folder so inscribed: drafts etc, undated but See also C.1296-C.1315, D.120. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Miscellaneous shorter manuscript and typescript notes and [1978]. drafts, n.d. Typescript drafts of lecture on the occasion of the two joint Evening Parties arranged by the Royal Society and the Royal Institution to commemorate the bicentenary, n.d. [1978]. D.222-D.229 ‘Historical Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, duplicated and printed background material etc. re the Royal Institution and Davy, Faraday, Maxwell, Priestley, Wheatstone and others, 1973-1984, n.d. D.222 includes correspondence 1978 re lecture by Porter to University of London King’s College student Maxwell Society. See also D.336. D.230-D.240 ‘Lecture Notes - Photochemistry, spectroscopy & bond energies’. of folder so inscribed: ca1961-1970, n.d. Contents Typescript draft, n.d., latest bibliographical reference, 1961. ‘Liversidge Lecture’, n.d. [1970]. Typescript draft. See also D.76, D.240, D.273, D.333. Typescript and manuscript notes headed ‘Fast reactions’, n.d. ‘Plenary Lecture’ on ‘Benzyl, Anilino, Phenoxyl and Related Free Radicals’. Untitled typescript draft with manuscript inscription ‘Chem. Soc. Meeting Nottingham 1969’. Duplicated typescript. Paper on ‘Photochemistry of Complex Molecules’ at the 5th International Photobiology Symposium, USA, 1968. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts: ‘Nottingham’, Aromatic free radicals’, ‘Some aspects of photochemistry of aromatic molecules’, etc, n.d. There are drafts on ‘aromatic free radicals’ for ‘Hungary’ and ‘Tokyo’. ‘Lecture Notes - Photochemistry’. Papers so labelled, n.d. 1967 or later. ‘Primary Processes’. ‘File for possible future use’, n.d. 1p duplicated typescript with manuscript inscription Paper on ‘Quantum yields of triplet formation in solutions of chlorophyll’, Livingston Symposium, Minnesota, USA, 1967. 3pp typescript notes. Talk given at General Electric, USA, 1967. 1p manuscript notes. ‘Photochemical primary processes’. ‘Atomic spectra’. Typescript draft, manuscript notes etc., n.d. ‘Photochemistry and radiation chemistry’. Typescript drafts of a ? series of three lectures, n.d.: ‘Bond energies and dissociation energies. 3rd lecture’. Liversidge Lecture on ‘Nanosecond flash photolysis’, 1970. The notes, the first page of which is headed ‘Molecular Structure and Q.M. lectures Lennard-Jones’, at Cambridge where he was Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, 1932-1953. ‘Bond Energy’. Manuscript notes so labelled, n.d. may be notes of J.E. Lennard-Jones’s G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Typescript draft, slide list, manuscript notes. See also D.76, D.232, D.273, D.333. ‘Spectroscopic analysis of very fast chemical reactions’. 3pp typescript notes, n.d. D.241-D.244 ‘Lecture Notes Research Lectures’. n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1975, manuscript ‘Very drafts: radicals. Shorter Introduction’, ‘Sub-nanosecond flash photolysis’, ‘Pure and Applied Photochemistry’, ‘Photolysis of water’, etc, n.d. notes and processes’, typescript molecular and fast ‘Free manuscript for Shorter photosynthesis’, in chlorophyll’, November 1975 and ‘Living systems as energy converters’, n.d. and quenching ‘Models transfer drafts: versus ‘Concentration typescript notes and n.d., D.245 D.245-D.247 ‘Lecture (Research) Notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1984-1985, n.d. ‘Photochemistry’. Typescript outline of three lectures of lecture course, with manuscript additions, n.d. Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts: ‘Physical processes’. ‘Introduction to “electron and proton transfer in excited state” ’, ‘Pomona lecture 4’, etc., n.d. See also D.162, D.163, D.276. Typescript notes and drafts: ‘Very fast molecular processes’, Berlin, October 1984; ‘Prospects for efficient conversion of solar energy, Birkbeck College, London, October 1984; Hans Kuhn Lecture on ‘Modelling Photosynthesis’, Gottingen, 1985. Davy Lecture on ‘Photosynthesis: the first nanosecond’ to Académie des Sciences, 29 April 1985. Typescript draft. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘The photolysis of water’, ‘Kent’, n.d Typescript draft. ‘Photochemical routes to solar energy retrieval’, n.d. Typescript draft, etc. ‘Photocatalysis’, n.d. Typescript and manuscript draft. D.248-D.275 ‘Original Manuscripts’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1965-1985, n.d. D.248 ‘Radiationless conversion in organic molecules’, final report on Science Research latest bibliographical reference 1965. No.B/SR/272, Research Council Special Grant for Porter's address is Sheffield. given as Department of Chemistry, University of of the Royal Institution See also C.1. Memorandum for the Development 6pp manuscript draft. 9pp duplicated typescript. ‘Future Committee’, 1965. 7pp typescript draft including publications list. 46pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript revision + references. ‘Reactivity, radiationless conversion and electron distribution in the excited State’, lecture to 13th conference on chemistry at the University of Brussels, Belgium, 1965 (published in conference proceedings, 1967). G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Primary Photochemical Processes. Part 14. Comparative Photochemistry of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds’ (with P. Suppan), Trans. Faraday Soc., 62, 1966. 12pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections + references, legends and tables. ‘Role of the °(n-II*) state in the photoreduction of acridine’ (with E. Vander Donckt), J. Chem. Phys., 46, 1967. 12pp typescript draft with extensive revision + title page and summary. ‘Acidity constants of aromatic carboxylic acids in the Vander Donckt), Trans. Faraday Soc., 64, 1968. S; state’ (with E. typescript 4pp references. draft with manuscript and additions + title page and ‘Acidity constants of anthracene derivatives in singlet and triplet excited states’ (with E. Vander Donckt), Trans. Faraday Soc., 64, 1968. 9pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections + and legends for figures. title page ‘Nanosecond flash photolysis and the absorption spectra of excited singlet states’ (with M.R. Topp), Nature, 220, 1968. 22pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Primary processes of photochemistry and photobiology’ + ‘First para’ and diagrams. list of references. 4pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections + references and table. ‘Penguin Science Survey - 1968 Biology’. Papers so labelled. ‘Spectra of the aromatic free radicals’, Institute of Petroleum, London, 1968. 9pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections + manuscript G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Vibrational relaxation following inter-system crossing’ (with S.J. Formosinho and M.A. West), Chem. Phys Letters, 6,1970. 3pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections and additions + manuscript summary and legends for figures. ‘Fluorescence Lifetimes in the Photosynthetic Unit’ (with G.S. Beddard, C.J. Tredwell and J. Barber), Nature, 258, 1975. typescript Two with references, tables and figures. drafts manuscript corrections and additions, + of effect ‘The Poly (methylmethacrylate)’ (with E. Avis and P. Avis), J.C.S. Faraday Trans. Il, 72, 1976 concentration pyrene triplet yield the on of in 4pp manuscript draft not by Porter with manuscript additions and corrections by him + references, latest bibliographical reference. Life sun’, Royal Institution under the 6pp typescript ‘Final draft 6/2/76’ with extensive revision + references. ‘Chemistry in Christmas Lectures, 1976-1977. the Sunshine or 14pp typescript outline with extensive manuscript revision for introduction and six lectures. 12pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript revision + references and figure. ‘Concentration quenching in chlorophyll’ (with G.S. Beddard), Nature, 260, 1976. See also D.114. 20pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript revision + manuscript lists of references, legends and slides. ‘Pure Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 1977. applied See also C.1094-C.1128, D.103-D.113. photochemistry’, Plenary Lecture IUPAC and at 26th G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications vitro models for photosynthesis’, ‘In November 1977 (Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 362, 1978). Royal Society Bakerian Lecture, 36pp typescript and manuscript draft with extensive manuscript revision. ‘News item. [1977]. Wolfson Chair of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution’, 2pp typescript draft ? press release. 2pp typescript draft with manuscripts and additions. ‘Picosecond time resolved fluorescence lifetimes of the polymethine and related dyes (with C.M. Keary and C.J. Tredwell), latest bibliographical reference 1978. 16pp typescript ‘Rough Draft’ with manuscript corrections and additions + references, tables and figures. and additions and Carbon has manuscript inscription ‘Eventually not published in Nature’. typescript 18pp corrections + title page, abstract, references, tables and figures. manuscript manuscript 5pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections; manuscript draft and carbon copy of covering letter to Nature, 26 April 1978. ‘Photooxidation of water in visible light: an in vitro model for photosystem II’ (with A. Harriman and | Duncan), draft of letter to Nature, 1978. ‘Anisotropic absorption studies of rotational diffusion using a synchronously pumped dye laser’ (with G.S. Beddard, G.R. Fleming, J. Rowe and MJ. Westby), latest bibliographical reference, 1979. See also D.144. ‘Original Manuscript for CHEMRAWN [CHEMical Research Applied to World Needs] Il Conference on “Food and Energy - Interdependent World Needs’ - Manila, December 1982’. 11pp typescript so labelled with extensive manuscript revision + manuscript abstract, tables and figure. draft with G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications photolysis ‘The keynote address at International Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology’, Alexandria, Egypt, January 1983. water and photochemical energy storage’, of 9pp manuscript draft + ‘additional references’, abstract and transparency. See also D.151. ‘The sub-nanosecond regime in photosynthesis’ K.B. Applications of picosecond spectroscopy to chemistry, 1984. in Eisenthal ed., 16pp typescript with extensive manuscript revision + summary and figures and legends. Lecture on ‘Contributions of Chemistry to Human Life’ International Symposium on Chemistry and the Chemical Industry, Kyoto, Japan, May 1985. to 10pp typescript. 13pp typescript with extensive manuscript revision. 2pp typescript so titled. ‘Molecules to Man’, n.d. See also D.327, D.345. See also D.164. ‘Liversidge. Slides’, n.d. See also D.76, D.232, D.240, D.333. 21pp typescript lecture with manuscript additions and corrections. n.d. 17pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Photochemistry of complex molecules’, n.d. D.276-D.279 ‘Photosynthesis Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1975-1985 and G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Life under the sun’, Malvern, Worcestershire, 26 September 1984. Typescript outline. Davy Lecture on ‘Photosynthesis: the first nanosecond’ to the Académie des Sciences, Paris, France, n.d. [29 April 1985]. (Pure Chem. 58, 1986). Appl. & Typescript drafts. See also D.162, D.163, D.246. Farrington Daniels Memorial Lecture on ‘Solar Energy’, Rome, Italy, August 1976. 30 Photocopy of typescript draft. See also D.89A. ‘The Photochemical Basis of Life - Ancient and Modern’, n.d. Typescript draft. Typescript draft. ‘Models for photosynthesis’, n.d. ‘A biological synthesis of “biomass” ’, Brighton, Sussex, n.d. [November 1980]. See also D.132. Typescript notes on solar energy with manuscript inscription ‘House of Lords’, n.d. [1975]. See also D.88. inscribed : 1975-1976 and n.d. D.280-D.282 ‘Pico Sec[ond] Technique Lectures and Notes’. Contents of folder so Typescript draft. Transparencies. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. Include: ‘Notes on picosecond events in chemistry’, n.d. ‘Lasers in chemistry. 3 lectures for Pulman, Washington’, n.d. ‘High power lasers in chemistry’, Science Research Council/Atomic Energy Authority Laser Meeting, Royal Society, 17 October 1975. ‘Pomona lectures. Molecules in microtime’, n.d. ‘Picosecond flash photolysis’, n.d. ‘Laser flash photolysis and spectroscopy’. Typescript draft Perth 1976’. Porter delivered the Godfrey Frew Lecture at the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1976. with manuscript inscription ‘Frew Lecture Shorter measurements’ and ‘Picosecond chemistry and biology’, n.d. manuscript typescript drafts notes and and on ‘Picosecond D.283-D.311 D.283-D.293 Schools Lectures Manuscript and typescript draft, n.d. ‘Molecular (rotational) diffusion and solvent viscosity’. Shorter manuscript notes and drafts, printed background material, etc. Includes drafts prepared for schools lecture on this topic in 1968. The papers were found in considerable disorder and are presented in the order found which is not chronological. ‘Schools Lectures Notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed: notes, drafts and background material, 1956-1984. Various ‘Molecules in motion’. paginated unpaginated lecture on 1956-1984 notes and drafts for and G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Summaries of lectures on ‘Models for photosynthesis’, 1978 and 1982. Summaries, lists various dates, 1967-1979. of experiments, notes for lecture on ‘How things move’, ‘The science of a sunbeam’. Contents of folder so inscribed: notes, drafts, summary, etc., 1971, 1979 and n.d. Notices of Royal summaries, 1968, 1972 and 1975. Institution science lectures for schools, 1968, 1975; Includes papers for school lectures in 1980. Includes 10pp draft of lecture on ‘Very high temperature reactions’, n.d. but Porter's address Chemistry, University of Sheffield. the Department of Physical given as is lecture of same title and typescript draft ‘High 1956, undated typescript draft An article Endeavour, 16, 1957. by Porter on ‘High-Temperature Chemistry’ was published in Notes and drafts for lecture on ‘Electrons in molecules’, 1964, 1967, n.d. Includes manuscript draft of lecture on ‘Chemistry at extreme temperatures’ given to Liverpool Chemical Society, of schools temperature chemistry’. The lecture on ‘What is chemistry?’ is identified as a ‘Prep Schools Lecture’. Notes and drafts for lectures on ‘What is chemistry?’ and ‘Chaos and Chemical Equilibrium’, n.d. Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Progress Report, October 1964. Miscellaneous shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, 1961- 1982 and n.d. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 D.294-D.300 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Includes papers re C.F. Blakemore’s Royal Institution Christmas Lectures on ‘Common Sense’, 1982-1983 and summary of Porter’s Dreyfus lecture to sixth form pupils ‘Energy is conserved - ok?’, 1984. For Blakemore’s Royal Institution Christmas Lectures see C.1140-C.1142., ‘Prep. transparencies etc for lectures: 1964-1982. Schools Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed: notes, drafts, The papers were found in considerable disorder and are presented in the order found which is not chronological. The lectures appear to have been given to audiences than the title of the folder would suggest. a wider range of school Contents of plastic wallet: typescript notes and drafts for lecture on ‘How things move?’, 1970, 1977 and n.d. Contents of plastic wallet: typescript notes and drafts for lectures on ‘Light and life’, ‘Chemistry of a sunbeam’, ‘Famous experimenters’, ‘Fuel from water’ and ‘Models for photosynthesis’. Typescript notes and drafts reactions’, ‘Chemistry in microtime’, etc, 1973, 1977, 1980 and n.d. for lectures ‘Light and life’, on ‘Very fast Only the ‘Models for photosynthesis’ papers are dated, March 1982. Typescript notes and drafts for lectures on ‘Patterns of chemical change’ and ‘Models for photosynthesis’, 1977, 1982 and n.d. Porter delivered the Nuffield Lecture at Chelsea College, London in 1980. Includes papers re schools lecture at the University of Sheffield, 1964 and Nuffield Lecture on ‘Ignorance and disorder in the world of energy’, n.d. Includes camera script for recording by BBC Television of Porter’s lecture ‘Quick as a flash’, 1967. See also C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.45-D.47, D.321, D.333, D.336, D.408. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications draft of ‘Kelvin Lecture’, 12 March 1981 and Includes transparencies. typescript See also D.133. D.301-D.305 ‘Schools Lectures’ and ‘Ignorance and Disorder in the world of energy’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts and transparencies, [1965], 1971, 1973, 1975 and n.d. five The papers were found in considerable disorder and are presented in the order found. Most papers undated. D.306-D.308 Contents of folder so inscribed ‘Australian science school lectures 1971’. divided into three for ease of reference: duplicated typescript of five lectures by Porter for the 14th International Science School for High School Students, Sydney. Contents of untitled folder: typescript and duplicated typescript papers for refresher course for school teachers, Sheffield, April 1965. D.310, D.311 D.312-D.315 D.316-D.319 2 folders. D.312-D.319 Solar Energy Porter delivered the Presidential Address to the Association for Science Education at its AGM in January 1985. See E.15-E.23. Papers relate to the ‘Revised Nuffield Advanced Chemistry’ course and Porter's Presidential Address to the Association for Science Education. Contents of untitled folder: correspondence and papers re the presentation of entropy at school level, 1984. Off-prints by Porter 1975, 1976. ‘Solar Energy Notes and Papers’. Contents of folder so inscribed: off-prints, typescript drafts and background material, 1975-1984 and n.d. Notes for lectures’. ‘Solar Energy into ease for photosynthesis’, n.d. reference: 1975-1984, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed divided energy, typescript drafts solar on four of G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Includes typescript photochemists’, n.d. draft on ‘Photosynthesis .. a challenge to the Includes typescript draft on ‘Diss. of water’ and typescript draft of talk to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee on ‘solar energy and its potentialities by the photosynthetic route’, n.d. Printed background material, 1979-1984. D.320-D.368 Special lectures ca 1954-1975, n.d. D.320-D.344 ‘Special inscribed: drafts, ca 1954-1975. lectures - Notes flash photolysis etc’. Contents of folder so The contents of the folder are presented in the order found which is not chronological. Typescript drafts. Typescript draft. ‘Quick as a Flash’. See also D.333, D.349. ‘Tizard Memorial Lecture’, February 1969. See also C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.45-D.47, D.298, D.333, D.336, D.408. Nottingham 1969’. Shorter typescript drafts on ‘Picosecond chemistry’, ‘Picosecond chemical kinetics’, ‘Nanosecond and picosecond flash photolysis’, and ‘Nanosecond flash photolysis’ with manuscript inscription ‘Sheffield 1968’. ‘Nanosecond Flash Photolysis’. Manuscript and typescript drafts. One headed ‘Chem. Soc. Mtg. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 25 yrs of flash photolysis’. Typescript notes, Discussion Mtg - RI 13/14 May 1975’. manuscript and first page headed ‘Given at PDG ‘Laser Flash Photolysis and Photobiology’. Typescript draft with manuscript additions and deletions. The title of the typescript draft (given above) is crossed out and replaced with ‘Excited States of Organic Molecules’. Latest bibliographical reference, 1973. ‘Cambridge’. Typescript notes for talk to Cambridge Philosophical Society, October 1969. ‘Photochemical Kinetics’. Typescript notes for Teachers Refresher Course, University College London, 1972. ‘Very fast chemical reactions’. Typescript drafts, n.d. ‘Chemistry of the excited state’. Typescript draft. See also D.274, D.345. ‘Molecules to Man’, Coventry Cathedral, 1969. See also D.55, D.56. Brief correspondence with British Institute of Radiology, 1969, re publication of Porter's Silvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture with text of lecture as prepared for publication. (Br. J. Radiol., 42, 1969). Typescript and manuscript notes for ‘Chem soc lecture’, n.d. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. Include: ‘Nanosec Flash Photolysis’. ‘Chemistry of the excited state’, Queen’s University, Belfast, February 1972. ‘Lecture to Ministry of Defence - Bernard Sunley Theatre [Royal Institution] - May 4, 1971’. Flash photolysis and some of Sweden, 11 December 1967. Duplicated typescript. its applications’, Nobel Lecture, Stockholm, ‘Flash Photolysis’. Typescript draft, latest bibliographical reference, 1960. Shorter typescript notes and drafts. Include: ‘Primary photochemical processes’, research colloquium’, July 1967. ‘U.C. [?University College London] ‘Liversidge Lecture 1970’. See also D.76, D.232, D.240, D.273. ‘Lecture notes Quick as a flash’, n.d. See also C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.45- D.47, D.321, D.336, D.408. Untitled typescript draft of ? popular lecture on high speed chemistry, n.d. ‘Recent Progress in the Study of Transient Chemical Intermediaries’, 20th Farkas Memorial Lecture, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1969. ‘Tizard Lecture’, n.d. See also D.320, D.349. Typescript draft. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts for lectures on flash photolysis, n.d. Include notes for lecture to ‘Kings College. Maxwell society’. See also D.222. ‘Quick as a flash’. Typescript notes, n.d. See also C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.45-D.47, D.321, D.333, D.408. Shorter typescript notes and drafts: ‘Lecture - Nobel Symposium Stockholm 1967’. See also D.48-D.51. ‘Flash photolysis’. ‘Chemistry of the excited state’. Typescript draft. ‘Some new techniques for the study of labile molecules’. Typescript draft in English of a lecture to be given to a German audience, n.d. to ‘experimental methods which we have developed in Cambridge during the past few years ...’. Porter left Cambridge in 1954. refers but The paper was given at Gottingen. For a German text see D.362. ‘Fast reactions in solution by flash photolysis methods’, ‘Hahnenh[?] Paper, Sept. 1959’. Typescript draft. Lecture on ‘Metastable states in photochemistry’, Conference on Chemical Aeronomy, Cambridge, The threshold chemical aeronomy. Pergamon Press, 1957. Untitled typescript draft of lecture on very fast chemical reactions given in Brussels, Belgium, n.d. The opening paragraphs are in English and French. of space: the proceedings of the conference on Massachusetts, June 1956. Published in G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, n.d. Include: ‘The simple aromatic free radicals’. ‘The spectra of diatomic molecules’. Lecture on ‘Spectroscopic detection of the simple aromatic free radicals’, Chemical Institute of Canada, Ottawa, n.d. but Porter’s address is given as the University of Sheffield where he was Professor, 1955-1966. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Lecture on ‘Very High Temperatures Reactions’, British Association meeting, Sheffield, 30 August 1956. Typescript drafts. Typescript draft. Typescript draft. Typescript draft, n.d. Fourth International Symposium on Free Radical Manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Radicals - free and not so free’. ‘Free radicals and triplet states in aromatic vapours’, Chem. Soc. Special Pub., no.9, 1958. Paper on ‘Studies of some new matrices for radical stabilization’ (with H.T.J. Hilton), Stabilization, Washington D.C., USA, 1959. chronological. ‘Special lectures - Notes miscellaneous’. divided into twenty four for ease of reference: drafts, ca 1954-ca 1974, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed ‘The experimental chemistry of transient intermediates’. The contents of the folder is presented in the order found which is not D.345-D.368 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Molecules to Man’, [Coventry Cathedral, 1969]. Typescript draft. See also D.274, D.327. John Dalton Lecture on ‘Atoms in Motion’, Manchester, 1970. Typescript drafts; 1 letter, 1972. Férster Memorial Lecture on ‘Some reflections on the work of Theodor Forster’, n.d. Forster died in 1974. European Photochemistry Association. Porter was invited to give the memorial lecture by the Typescript drafts. ‘The Tizard Memorial Lecture’. Typescript draft, n.d. See also D.320, D.333. ‘The Royal Institution’. Typescript draft, n.d. ‘Heriot-Watt University Lecture’. He agreed to talk on ‘Molecules in the excited state’, 8 March 1973. Correspondence re invitation for Porter to address a joint meeting of the Cambridge University Chemical Society and the Chemical Society (London), 1972. The lecture was given on the occasion of the award of an honorary degree to Porter in 1971. Typescript draft. See also A.64, A.65. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Notice of lecture by Porter on ‘The New Chemical Society’, General Electric Research & Development Center, Schenectady, New York, 8 June 1972. Manuscript and typescript notes for General Electric Lecture, 1972. Typescript ‘Final Draft - 10.4.72’ on ‘The Industrial Relations Act and the Professional Worker’. ‘Catalysts Dinner - 1967’. Typescript draft. See also D.358. Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts: ‘Nanosecond chemistry’. ‘Quenching of aromatic hydrocarbons by free radicals’, 25 April 1972. ‘Origin of life’. ‘Faraday’. See also C.1378-C.1381. Two typescript drafts re programme for London Weekend Television, n.d. The John Henry Lecture on ‘Excited Molecules’, Washington, D.C., USA, 1967. See also D.52. Typescript draft, n.d. Typescript drafts. Typescript notes. ‘Time machines’, Schenectady, New York, USA, 1970. ‘Photochemistry of aromatic aldehydes and ketones’. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Manuscript notes re Faraday, n.d. Duplicated typescripts re existence of God, etc., n.d. Address on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Institute of Fuel. See also D.171. Typescript correspondence re publication of the address, 1967. corrected address Porter's of for publication; _ brief Typescript draft headed ‘Catalysts Dinner. Faraday’. See also D.353. Catalysts’ Club Dinner menu cards for 1965 and 1966. Manuscript notes re history of the Royal Institution. Include notes by W.L. Bragg, n.d. and notes by Porter for ‘Lecture to G.E. [General Electric Company] 1967’. ‘The study of unstable molecules’. Typescript and manuscript draft, n.d. Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts: ‘Miscellaneous incomplete pages of lecture notes’, n.d. ‘The role of the triplet state in dye photochemistry’, Basle meeting, n.d. Chimia, 15, 1961. For an English text see D.339. Typescript draft of lecture at Gdttingen n.d. but refers to ‘experimentelle methode ... die wir in den letzen Jahren in Cambridge ... entwickelt haben’. Porter left Cambridge in 1954. ‘Neue Verfahren zum Studium instabiler Molekule’. ‘Mass spectra’, n.d. ‘The triplet state’. Typescript and manuscript draft, n.d. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Space, Spatula and Spectrogram’, Typescript draft of lecture as President ‘for this session’ of the [?Sheffield University] Chemical Society, n.d., latest date in text, 1956. Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, n.d: ‘Flash photolysis ...’ ‘Fast reactions’ ‘Photochemistry of aldehydes & ketones’. ‘Reactivity of electronically excited states’. ‘Chemical Aeronomy The Chemistry of Space Travel’. Typescript draft, n.d. ‘Trapped radicals - rocket propellants?’ Typescript drafts, n.d. ‘Pre-publication copy’, latest bibliographical reference, 1957. ‘Future of quarternary education’. Manuscript notes, n.d., latest date in text, 1963. ‘Research on Free Radicals as Rocket Propellants’ by G. Moe and DLL. Armstrong, Aerojet-General Corporation, Azusa, California. ‘Fast reactions in combustion processes’. Shorter manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, n.d.: ‘The physical basis of chemistry’. Typescript draft, n.d. ‘Photochemistry of aromatic molecules and dyes’. ‘Aromatic Free Radicals’. Two sets of notes so titled. ‘Triplet State by Flash Photolysis’. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.369-D.464 CORRESPONDENCE RELECTURES, BROADCASTS AND -~_ 1955-1986 PUBLICATIONS D.369-D.393 Invitations to lecture D.394-D.431 ‘Radio/Television’ D.432-D.464 Advisory and editorial D.369-D.393 Invitations to lecture 1971-1985 Predominantly a sequence relating invitations decline because of the extent of other commitments. to Porter was obliged to 1971-1972. D.370-D.372 Oso. 3 folders. 1974. 4 folders. 4 folders. D.377-D.380 HOLS. D.373-D.376 2 folders. D.381, D.382 D.383, D.384 1977. 1976. 2 folders. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.385, D.386 1978. 2 folders. D.387-D.389 1979. 3 folders. D.387 includes correspondence re presentation volume for the Cambridge biochemist Robin Hill on the occasion of his 80th birthday. D.390, D.391 1980. 2 folders. 1984-1985. D.394-D.431 1959-1985 ‘Radio/Television’. ‘Eye on Research’, BBC Television outside broadcast, Chemistry Block, University of Sheffield, May 1959. Contents of box so labelled: correspondence and papers re BBC radio, television and Open University programmes. Correspondence and papers, 1964-1971. ‘BBC Correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference, 1962-1980. Knows?’, ‘Who programme, December 1962. BBC ‘The Laws of Disorder’, BBC Television lectures series, 1965. Radio (Home Service) science and technology D.396, D.397 D.398-D.402 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 5 folders. See also D.15-D.40. D.403-D.407 ‘ “Horizon” - Various Programmes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re various programmes in the BBC television science series “Horizon”, 1963-1983. five Programmes include ‘The Chemical History of D.404), Horizon Special for Faraday Centenary 1967 (D.405) Priestley and Oxygen’ 1983 (D.407). a Candle’ 1964 (D.403, ‘Dr and D.408-D.410 ‘BBC TV - Various Programmes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, contracts, camera script etc, 1965-1977. Programmes include ‘Quick as (D.408). a Flash’ broadcast 10 December 1967 For further papers re ‘Quick as a Flash’ see C.886-C.889, C.1366, D.298, Drei, Discs; D336; D.411-D.413 D.414-D.420 D.422, D.423 D.415 includes papers re Italian Radio (RAI) Interview Programme on Nobel Prizes November 1967. ‘BBC Radio - Various Programmes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, contracts, transcripts etc, 1966-1979. ‘Filming (Various) at the R.I / Equipment borrowed by the BBC’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1967-1985. See also C.1272, C.1273. ‘BBC Young Scientists of the Year’. into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1980-1985. Contents of folder so inscribed divided ‘Within these four walls’, BBC Television, 1971. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘BBC OU Course and papers, 1970-1971. -1971’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence D.425, D.426 ‘Open University Programme on “Davy” - 1972’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1971-1972. D.427-D.430 ‘BBC Open University Programme on Michael Faraday (1972)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1972-1973. ‘BBC Open University Correspondence’. 1973-1979. Contents of folder so inscribed: D.432-D.464 Advisory and editorial 1955-1986 2 folders. See also D.458. 1975-1984 D.432, D.433 Chemical Physics Letters 1971-1985 Alphabetical sequence. D.434-D.436 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews D.432-D.453 Correspondence with journals and publisher, 1955-1985. D.433 includes referee’s reports by Porter. Porter was a member of the Advisory Board until 1973. March 1976) and an article by M.D. Archer and Porter, 1975-1976. Porter was a member of the Editorial Board. Correspondence and papers re establishment of the journal (first issue G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Correspondence and papers, 1977. Includes transcript of lecture by Porter on picosecond chemistry, Nobel meeting, Lindau, 1977. Correspondence and papers, 1978-1984. Includes Porter’s introduction to a poem by Davy. D.437-D.440 Nature 1969-1985 D.437 General correspondence and papers, 1969-1985. Correspondence and papers re Nature conference on the environment held at the Royal Institution, 28 April 1972. 2 folders. 1976-1985 D.439, D.440 Referee’s reports by Porter, 1976-1983. Referee’s reports by Porter, 1982, 1985. D.441, D.442 Nouveau Journal de Chimie Porter was a member of the Editorial Board. General correspondence and papers, 1976-1982. prepare a volume on ‘Photochemistry of gases and simple molecules’. Correspondence and Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 1957-1964. Porter served on the Honorary Editorial Advisory Board, and agreed to papers re International Encyclopedia of Physical D.443-D.450 Pergamon Press Ltd 1957-1970 See also D.452, D.453. D.443-D.446 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.443, D.444 Correspondence with Pergamon Press, 1957-1964. 2 folders. D.445, D.446 Correspondence with scientific colleagues, 1959-1961. D.445 L.N.M. Duysens R. Livingston D.S. McClure 1961 1959-1961 1959-1961 D.447-D.450 Correspondence and papers re Progress in Reaction Kinetics series, 1959- 1970. Porter was general editor. Correspondence and papers with publisher re general editorship, 1959. Porter was a member of the Editorial Board. Correspondence with publisher re volume 2, 1962, 1964. Correspondence etc with publisher re volume 1, 1959-1961. Correspondence with publisher re volumes 4 and 5, 1966-1970. Correspondence re editorial board, 1955-1957. Correspondence re journal and role of the editorial board, 1979, 1982. Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics 1979, 1982 D.452, D.453 Spectrochimica Acta 1955-1958 Porter was a member of the Editorial Board. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Correspondence with Patricia Wakeling, Pergamon Press, re visits by Porter to the USA, Spectrochimica, etc., 1956-1958. D.454-D.464 Shorter publications correspondence, 1970-1986 Chronological sequence Includes invitations for Porter to write. 1970-1971. Ors; toro. 1976-1977. 1981-1982. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 1986. ‘Requests for Data to be included in Publications’. inscribed. Contents of folder so D.465-D.537 UNIVERSITY TEACHING 1938-1985 Predominantly records of Porter's own university teaching but includes notes taken by Porter at lectures given by others, for example while he was an undergraduate at Leeds University or taking a wartime course on radio physics at Aberdeen. D.465-D.475 Notebooks D.476-D.503 Drafts D.504-D.537 Open University D.465 D.465-D.475 Notebooks 1938-ca 1974 Contents include notes on lectures on organic and physical chemistry. ‘Loose-leaf note book’ inscribed ‘George Porter Leeds University’ and ‘1938’ inside front cover. ‘Loose-leaf ring book’ inscribed inside front cover ‘George Porter Chem. Dept Leeds University’. Contents include notes on lectures on ‘Electronic Chemistry’ by Dr Bradley, untitled lectures by Dr Garrick, lectures on ‘Energetics’ by Professor Evans and lectures on ‘Colloids’ by ? Usher. (Marischall College) 1941’ and ‘Practical Note-Book Radio Physics’. ‘Loose-leaf note book’ inscribed inside front cover ‘George Porter Leeds University’ and on first contents divider ‘Prof Challenger 3rd Year lectures’. Topics of lectures include ‘Sugars’ and ‘Alcoholic Fermentation’. Notebook inscribed on first page ‘George Porter Aberdeen University G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Lecture Notes Cambridge 1946’ and ‘George Porter’. Notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Part | Cambridge’, n.d. Includes Kinetics’. notes on ‘Kinetic Theory’, ‘Thermodynamics’ and ‘Reaction Notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Part Il [ Cambridge] Supervisions’, n.d. Includes notes on ‘Kinetic and statistical theory’. Loose papers enclosed. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘G. Hall Molecular Spectroscopy’, n.d. Loose papers enclosed. Binder inscribed on University photochemistry’ and Porter's home address in Sheffield. inside card cover with ‘George Porter Penn State and ‘Lectures reaction College kinetics Penn’, State on N.d. Porter was Visiting Professor at Pennsylvania State University for four months in 1961. Notebook with manuscript inscription on front cover ‘Fluorescence lifetime in flash photolysis’ and ‘G. Porter’. Possibly used for lecture and conference notes during a visit to the USA. N.d., latest bibliographical reference, 1974. Untitled binder similar to the preceding containing duplicated typescript on ‘The electromagnetic spectrum’, ‘Basic postulates of quantum mechanics’, ‘The particle in a box’, ‘One-electron atoms’, etc. World War, 1946 and n.d. Contents of ‘Lecture Notes in Physical Chemistry for Undergraduates’. folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notes ? of lectures taken by Porter on his return to academic life (Cambridge University) after the Second D.476-D.503 D.476-D.479 1946-1971 Drafts G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Lecture Notes - Undergraduate - Physical Chemistry’. Manuscript notes so labelled. Lecturers include F.S. Dainton and E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes. ‘Lecture Manuscript notes so labelled. Notes - Undergraduates - Mathematical Methods’ (1946). ‘Lecture Notes - Undergraduates - Physical Chemistry (1946)’. notes so labelled. Manuscript Lecturers include ? G.B.B.M. Sutherland. Typescript and manuscript notes, n.d. D.480-D.488 ‘Lecture Notes in Physical Chemistry for Undergraduates’. folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notes, n.d. Contents of D.481-D.485 5 folders. ‘3rd Year Honours Physical Chemistry’, [University of Sheffield], n.d. 2pp duplicated typescript summary and 124pp typescript and manuscript draft. Typescript ‘Summary of Definitions of Electricity and Magnetism’; typescript draft on ‘Spectra’; manuscript notes on ‘Magnetic resonance spectroscopy’. N.d. headed ‘Synopsis of Lecture on Spectroscopy R.N. Dixon’. University of Sheffield headed notepaper and notes ‘Miscellaneous typescript notes so labelled. Incomplete Pages of Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. Lecture Notes’. Manuscript and Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. Includes notes on G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.489-D.493 ‘Lecture Notes in Physical Chemistry for Undergraduates’, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes duplicated papers re 3rd Year Honours Physical Chemistry. Includes duplicated typescript on inscription ‘Jennings Lectures’. ‘Molecular Structure’ with manuscript Duplicated typescript on ‘Diffraction Methods’. Includes duplicated typescript on ‘Basic Postulates of Quantum Mechanics’ with manuscript inscription ‘Murrell 2nd yr lecture notes’. Typescript and manuscript notes on ‘Spectra of simple molecules’ and ‘Molecular Spectroscopy’. D.494-D.497 ‘Cambridge University Examination Papers’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript, typescript, duplicated typescript and printed papers. Porter was the P. O’Reilly Lecturer at Notre Dame in 1960. See D.3. Correspondence, 1954-1955, at D.497 relates to Porter's association with the British Rayon Research Association. Porter left Cambridge in 1954 to become Assistant Director of the British Rayon Research Association, moving again to the University of Sheffield in 1955. 1957 Problems’. Binder inscribed ‘Notre Dame Lab Courses’ and ‘George Porter’ on front cover: duplicated typescript re chemistry laboratory courses at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, n.d. D.499-D.501 Contents of folder divided into three for ease of reference: 56pp photocopied typescript, first page headed ‘Summer School in Theoretical Chemistry, G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications University College [London] Undergraduate ‘Photochemistry Course for (Chemistry/Physics Students). Contents of folder so inscribed: photocopied typescript, manuscript and typescript summaries and letter from organiser, 1970. ‘University College manuscript drafts, course summary and correspondence, 1971. Postgraduate Lectures’. [London] Typescript and D.504-D.537 Open University 1977-1985 D.504-D.513 ‘Photochemistry: Light, Chemical Change & inscribed: 1977-1982. Life’. Contents of folder so D.504-D.512 Correspondence and papers re preparation of course, 1977-1982. 9 folders. D.514-D.525 D.526-D.533 D.534-D.536 Cassette tape recording, 1977. ‘Photochemistry Course Open University’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence and drafts, 1979- 1985. ‘Open University Material’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: drafts, voice-over recording script and background material, 1978-1981. Printed course material in original folder. ‘The Course File Photochemistry: Light, chemical change and life’. Scripts for Photochemistry course, 1981. 3 folders. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Lectures, broadcasts and publications D.538, D.539 OFF-PRINTS 1947-1992 Off-prints of Porter’s publications, 1947-1992. Not a complete sequence. 2 boxes. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 SECTION E SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS AND CONSULTANCIES E.1-E.338 ACADEMIE EUROPEENE DES SCIENCES, DES ARTS ET DES LETTRES ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE LUTECE ACCADEMIA MEDITERRANEA DELLE SCIENZE ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU GOTTINGEN AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ANTIOXIDANT SOCIETY (SOCIETY FOR FREE RADICAL RESEARCH) E.15-E.23 E.24 ays, E.26-E.29 ATOMIC SCIENCES INCORPORATED E.30-E.32 BELL LABORATORIES E.11-E.14 APPLIED SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LIMITED ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS BRITISH MUSEUM BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE E.33-E.53 BRISTOL EXPLORATORY &.63 BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION THE ATHENAEUM E.54-E.62 E.64, E.65 NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.66-E.68 BRITISH PHOTOBIOLOGY SOCIETY E.69-E.74 BRITISH RAYON RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 75-278 BRITISH RENEWABLE ENERGY FORUM E.79-E.81 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, FRANCE E.82-E.91A THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.92-E.98 CIBA FOUNDATION E.99-E.109 COMITE INTERNATIONALE DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE E.110 DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA E.117-E.120A E2425 E26 FARADAY SOCIETY Syapikey = alas; EMMANUEL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE E.111-E.114 DUPONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY E.121-E.123 EUROPEAN PHOTOCHEMISTRY ASSOCIATION ENERGY CONVERSION DEVICES INC./ INSTITUTE FOR AMORPHOUS STUDIES IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND: DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FAIRCHILD CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION Ewle/ce.148 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, USA E.149-E.152 E.153-E.160 NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.161-E.164 INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR SCIENCE, JAPAN E105; 166 INSTITUTE OF PATENTEES AND INVENTORS PAG INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR SYMPOSIA ON FREE RADICALS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRONMENT AND BIOPOLITICS E.169-E.173 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE E.174-E.181 E.182-E.184 INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY (UK SECTION) INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION OVERSEAS E.195 E.196 019/77; E.190-E.192 THE MOLECULE CLUB E.185-E.189 KODAK LIMITED E.193, £.194 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES E.199-E.203 OPEN SCIENCE SOCIETY NUFFIELD FOUNDATION E.204 OPEN UNIVERSITY E.205, E.206 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.207-E.210 PERKIN ELMER LTD Bit PILGRIM TRUST E.212-E.216 PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES E.217-E.220 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS E.221 E.222 E.223 REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, MADRID ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) E.224-E.261 ROYAL SOCIETY ST JAMES’ CLUB ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH E.268-E.270 SALTERS’ COMPANY E.262, E.263 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS E.264, E.265 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY SOCIETE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL SCHOOLS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE E.276-E.280 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL E20 eae SHELL (THORNTON) RESEARCH CENTRE E.266 E.267 E.271-E.274 E.283, E.284 NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.285 SOCIETY FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY E.286-E.292 TURIN SHROUD E.293-E.296 UNESCO E.297-E.300 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE E.301-E.305 UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY E.306, E.307 UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS E.308, E.309 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: CHELSEA COLLEGE E.310-E.312 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: IMPERIAL COLLEGE E.313-E.316 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE E.321-E.329 E.330, E.331 E.332-E.338 E.317-E.320 UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI WESTMINSTER SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD WOLF FOUNDATION G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies ACADEMIE EUROPEENE DES SCIENCES, DES ARTS ET DES LETTRES 1980-1982 Porter was a founder member. Invitation to Porter and Porter’s correspondence with the Royal Society and other British scientists invited to become members, 1980. Correspondence and papers re meetings, 1980-1982. 2 folders. ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE LUTECE 1980-1985 Background information, invitations to meetings etc. ACCADEMIA MEDITERRANEA DELLE SCIENZE AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN ZU GOTTINGEN ADDENBROOKE’S HOSPITAL, CAMBRIDGE 1985-1986 Invitation to membership and Porter’s acceptance; statutes of the Academy. Correspondence re Porter's election as a corresponding member. Correspondence and papers re Food Intolerance and Disease Research Appeal. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1979-1980 Porter was elected a foreign honorary member in 1979. ANTIOXIDANT SOCIETY (SOCIETY FOR FREE RADICAL RESEARCHh) 1982-1983 The inaugural meeting was held at the Royal Institution on 9 July 1982. At the meeting it was agreed to drop the word ‘Antioxidant’ from the Society's title and the name Society for Free Radical Research was subsequently adopted. Correspondence, notices of meetings, circulars, newsletters etc. 2 folders. 1974. 1975-1976. E.11-E.14 APPLIED SCIENCE PUBLISHERS LIMITED 1972-1986 Correspondence and papers. Porter acted as Scientific Consultant to the company. From 1 January 1984 Applied Science Publishers changed its name to Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. 1984-1986. 1977-1978, 1980. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.15-E.23 ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION 1982-1986 Porter served as President of the Association for 1985. At the AGM in January 1985 he delivered a Presidential Address on ‘Growing up with Science’. ose a7 See also D.310, D.311. Invitation to serve as 1984-1986. 3 folders. President, correspondence re arrangements etc., E.18-E.21 Drafts and proof of Presidential Address. 4 folders. Background papers, 1982, 1983. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers. ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS 1971-1985 In 1971 Porter accepted an invitation to become an academic member of the association. Correspondence re election and talk. Porter was elected to the Athenaeum in 1966. invitation to talk on ‘Science and its values’ at committed to speak on this topic on other occasions. THE ATHENAEUM 1965-1966, 1978 In 1978 he declined an a dinner as he was already G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.26-E.29 ATOMIC SCIENCES INCORPORATED 1981-1986 The Company operated in the field of resonance ionization spectroscopy. Porter agreed to become a member of the Advisory Board. E.26-E.29 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. E.30-E.32 BELL LABORATORIES 1970-1984 E.30-E.32 Correspondence and papers re visits, consultancy, etc. 3 folders. The Exhibition of of E.33-E.53 Porter's files and on 1981-1987 BRISTOL EXPLORATORY Exploratory was the title on Porter's principal correspondent was Professor R.L. Gregory, University Bristol, who was Chairman of the Trustees and Scientific Director. Bristol early correspondence. Subsequently the form The Exploratory Hands-On Science Centre was adopted. Porterwas aTrustee. the Exploratory was officially opened by Porter on 2 September 1986 during the Annual Meeting at Bristol of the British Association. Centre, 8 March 1982. Includes letter from Gregory to Porter, 25 January 1982, inviting Porter to become involved in project to establish a Science Centre in England and papers re first meeting to consider founding a British ‘Exploratorium’ Science Photocopy of application to Nuffield Foundation from Gregory ‘to request support for validating the possibility of setting up a Science Centre in Great Britain’, 25 September 1981. Correspondence and papers, January-March 1982. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies Papers re planning meeting and first scientific exploratory meeting, May 1982. Paper on the scheme for founding an Exploratory in the City of Bristol, July 1982. interactive science centre: the Correspondence and papers, October, December 1982. Include copy of memorandum and articles of association of the Company. ‘The Exploratory Interactive Science Centre at Bristol Plan for Action-One’. ‘Working draft’ of feasibility study and proposal, February 1983. Correspondence and papers, February-April 1983. Includes ‘proposal for financing second stage of the interactive science centre Exploratory project’ submitted to Nuffield Foundation. Correspondence and papers, November 1983. E.40-E.45 Copies of competition entries and correspondence with New Scientist, December 1983-May 1984. 6 folders. Correspondence and papers, May-October 1983. Includes ‘Proposal for a “Hands On” Science Centre for Children and Adults in Bristol The Exploratory’, October 1983. In November Porter agreed to be one of the judges for a New Scientist- Exploratory competition for ideas for exhibits. Correspondence, June 1984. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies Correspondence and papers, January-April 1985. Includes draft proposal ‘Interactive Demonstration Technique for Energy Design, Build and Use of Bristol Exploratory’, 1 April 1985. Correspondence and papers, May-July 1985. Correspondence and papers, August-December 1985. Copy of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells’ Report on Marketing and Feasibility Study sent to Porter by Gregory with covering letter, 6 February 1986. Correspondence and papers, June-August 1986. Correspondence and papers, January-October 1987. E.54-E.62 1984-1986 was President of the 1985-1986 Bristol. Printed and duplicated background material re Bristol Exploratory. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Association, Porter Presidential Address at the 1986 meeting at meeting that Porter officially opened The Exhibition of the Exploratory E.33-E.53). March 1985. and gave the It was during this (see Includes invitation from the Council to serve as President. General correspondence and papers, 1984-1985. 1984-February 1985. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies June-July 1985. Includes short articles by Porter for the BAYS [British Association Youth Section] magazine and Link-Up. August 1985. Typescript copy of talk by D.C. Phillips on criteria for national priorities in science for 1985 Strathclyde meeting. E.59-E.61 Correspondence and papers re 1986 Bristol meeting including Presidential address (E.59). Porter's 3 folders. Undated papers. 1976-1985 19/2°1975, 1985. BRITISH MUSEUM 1972-1975, 1985 Brief correspondence only. BRITISH HUMANIST ASSOCIATION In 1976 Porter agreed to serve on the Association’s Advisory Council. Laboratories and the British Museum Research Laboratory. In 1972 Porter was appointed as one of the Trustees of the British Museum. He resigned in 1974 on the occasion of sabbatical leave in California. Includes correspondence and papers re appointment and resignation. Correspondence, 1975, relates to possible collaboration between Bell G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies 1975. Recommendation. E.66-E.68 BRITISH PHOTOBIOLOGY SOCIETY 1970-1983 Conference programme, address list, Photobiology Bulletin etc., 1972-1983. 2 folders. of Spectroscopy, Brief correspondence and Photoelectric Spectrometry Group and UV Spectrometry Group, 1970-1975. Bulletin papers British re Papers kept by Porter with British Photobiology Society papers. E.69-E.74 1955-1960 was Assistant Director of the January-August 1956. October-November 1955. Correspondence and papers. BRITISH RAYON RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Porter Association, September 1954- September 1955. After his move to the University of Sheffield he continued as a consultant until June 1959. March-October 1959. Includes BRRA technical leaflets. NIST. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies August, October 1960. E.75-E.78 BRITISH RENEWABLE ENERGY FORUM 1982-1985 Porter chaired the inaugural meeting which was held at the Royal Institution, 15 November 1983. Correspondence and papers. 1982. 1984-1985. E.79-E.81 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, FRANCE 1977-1985 The scope for renewable energy in the UK. Booklet published by the BREF, June 1985. In 1977 Porter was informed that a member of the Comité de Direction du Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire had been renewed. Includes recommendation. In 1984 Porter agreed to become a member of the Comité de Direction du Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Rayonnements. his appointment as Correspondence and papers. 1977-1979. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies 1984-1985. 2 folders. E.82-E.91A CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1969-1984 the Chemical Society, 1970-1972. Porter was President of During his Presidency a scheme of amalgamation was agreed by the memberships of the Chemical Society, Royal Institute of Chemistry, the Faraday Society and the Society for Analytical Chemistry. All members of the participating bodies had the opportunity of becoming Fellows of the Chemical Society which in its new form was responsible for all activities other than the strictly professional and qualifying ones of the Royal Institute of Chemistry. After a period of official amalgamation a proposal for unification was approved and in 1980 the four separate bodies became The Royal Society of Chemistry, with a new Royal Charter and the dual role of learned society and professional body. See also E.126, E.222, £.264, E.265, E.285. Correspondence and papers. Correspondence and papers re liaison with Biochemical Society, 1971. Includes papers re amalgamation. 5 folders. E.83-E.87 General correspondence and papers, 1970-1972. Papers for meeting of Presidents of the Chemical Societies, London, 24-26 November 1969. Programme of Council, Committee and London Scientific meetings, 1969- 1970. Correspondence re newly instituted Award for services to the Society, 1971. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies Correspondence and papers re unification, 1978-1980. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society of Chemistry, 1983-1984. Speech by Porter proposing the Toast of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, n.d. but while Porter was President of the Chemical Society. E.92-E.98 CIBA FOUNDATION 1976-1978, 1985,1987 E.92-E.95 Correspondence and papers, 1976-1978, re CIBA Foundation Symposium on Chlorophyll Photosynthesis, February 1978. Energy Transfer Organisation and in 4 folders. E.96-E.98 3 folders. 3 folders. 1963-1983 E.99-E.109 Correspondence and papers, 1985, 1987. Principally re CIBA Media Resource Service. COMITE INTERNATIONALE DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE Porter was President of the Comité Internationale de Photobiologie, 1968- 1972. the Comité. The Association Internationale de Photobiologie. E.111 includes Porter's after-dinner address at the 1972 Bochum meeting of General correspondence and papers, 1970-1972. succeeded E.99-E.101 Comité Internationale of Photobiologie was by the G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.102-E.106 Finsen Awards. E02 1963. 1 letter only. 1968. E.103-E106 Se: 4 folders. Correspondence and papers re E.M.F. Roe, 1970-1972. Dr Edna Roe who died after a long illness in 1971 had been associated with the CIP for many years, since 1968 as Vice-President. Announcement of the death of Th. Memorial Lecture see D.347. Forster, 1974. For Porter’s Forster and papers re letter received by the Statutes of the Comité Internationale de Photobiologie. Printed booklet. Statutes of the Association Internationale de Photobiologie. Printed booklet. Correspondence Association Internationale de Photobiologie from members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1983. Correspondence and papers re membership etc. DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA Porter accepted an invitation to become a member of the Academy in 1970. 1970-1978 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.111-E.114 E.l. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY 1964-1982 Porter entered into a consultancy agreement with the Company in 1964. This was renewed on a number of occasions until 1973. Correspondence re consultancy agreement, 1964-1873. E.112-E.114 Correspondence with Company scientists, 1965-1982. Edt2 A. MacLachlan F.C. McGrew W.A. Sheppard V.F. Hanson 1965 1966, 1968 1967 1972 R.G. Bennett 1968-1970 1972-1982 Ealloye. to EMMANUEL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE 1967-1987 R.L. McCarthy Porter was a Fellow of Emmanuel 1954-1956 and became an Honorary Fellow in 1967. 2 folders. Correspondence re Honorary Fellowship, covenants, College magazine etc. Eee ele G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.117-E.120A ENERGY CONVERSION DEVICES INC./ INSTITUTE FOR AMORPHOUS STUDIES 1984-1985 Porter became a consultant to Energy Conversion Devices Inc. and a member of the Advisory Committee of the Institute for Amorphous Studies. The President of Energy Conversion Devices Inc. Stanford R. Ovshinsky was also a Director of the Institute for Amorphous Studies. E.117-E.119 Correspondence and papers, 1984-1985. 3 folders. E.120, E.120A Printed and duplicated background material. 2 folders. E.121-E.123 1970-1983 E.124, E.125 m2 1970, 1972. Bl lee Correspondence and papers, 1970-1983. The Association came into formal existence in 1970. EUROPEAN PHOTOCHEMISTRY ASSOCIATION 1979. Porter was a member of the Fairchild International Advisory Board, 1976- FAIRCHILD CAMERA AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 1975-1979 1976-1983. Background material. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.124, £.125 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. FARADAY SOCIETY 1965-1966 Porter chaired a committee which was set up by the Society to consider what arrangements might be made to commemorate the centenary of the death of Michael Faraday. Correspondence and papers. E.127-E.148 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, USA 1957-1958, 1967-1986 E.127-E.129 3 folders. E.130 A.M. Bueche 1980-1981, 1983 E.130-E.141 Correspondence with or about General Electric scientists a longstanding consultancy arrangement with the General Correspondence and papers re consultancy agreement, 1957-1958, 1976- 1986. Porter had Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, New York. 5 folders. Includes announcements relating to his death in 1981 and memorial fund. EGiee 135 G.L. Gaines, Jr re research, visits etc. 1972-1985 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies J.E. Pickett 1982 re visit photolysis experiments. to Porter’s laboratories at the Royal Institution to carry out flash R.W. Roberts re first Roberts Memorial Lecture delivered by Porter. Includes biographical information on Roberts. G.J. Szasz 1972, 1980, 1985 S.J. Valenty W. Vedder 1975, 1982 re Porter's 1985 visit to Schenectady. E.142-E.145 Shorter correspondence and papers with scientists at Schenectady, 1971- 1982. ‘G.E. symposia’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, programmes, itineraries etc, 1972-1979. Includes Porter’s summary of his reactions and comments on the research centre. Correspondence with International General Electric (USA) Ltd, 1985. Correspondence with International General Electric Company of New York Ltd, 1974-1981. Correspondence re the period Electric Schenectady Laboratory, 1974. of Porter’s son, Andrew at the General G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies Printed of Development Center, n.d. ca 1984. booklet work the on the General Electric Research and E.149-E.152 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND: DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Porter attended a Department of Energy Seminar on Nuclear Policy at the Civil Service College, Sunningdale Park, Berkshire, 13-14 May 1977 E.149-E.152 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. E.153-E.160 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD 1958-1985 Porter was appointed as a consultant in 1962. Correspondence with ‘ICIl Manchester’, 1976-1985. E.158-E.160 General correspondence and papers, 1965-1985. Correspondence with ‘Plastics Division’, 1970-1973. Correspondence with ‘Billingham Division’, 1958-1962. Correspondence with ‘ICI Fibres Harrogate’, 1962-1966. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers re ‘ICI Apparatus on Loan’, 1959-1967 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.161-E.164 INSTITUTE OF MOLECULAR SCIENCE, JAPAN 1977-1985 In January 1980 Porter was appointed a member of the Institute’s Advisory Committee. Correspondence and papers. 1977, 1979-1980. 1981-1985. E.163, E.164 Background material. 2 folders. 169) .—.100 Correspondence and papers. 1970-1971. NOPle INSTITUTE OF PATENTEES AND INVENTORS 1970-1971, 1977 In 1970 Porter accepted an invitation to become an Honorary Fellow of the Institute. Britain to whom information is sent about meetings. Correspondence re proposal for an independent court of appeal for the support of inventors and a possible role for the Royal Institution in respect of this. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR SYMPOSIA ON FREE RADICALS 1971-1972 Includes minutes of 1971 meeting of committee and list of those in Great G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ACADEMY FOR THE PROTECTION OF LIFE, FOR ENVIRONMENT AND BIOPOLITICS 1970 Includes manifesto, statutes and minutes of first General Meeting. E.169-E.173 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE (ISSOL) 1970-1982 In 1970 Porter agreed to be a member of the Executive Council of this new society. Correspondence and papers. 1970-1971. 1972-1978. 1974-1976. 1981, 1982, n.d. Includes Newsletters (1981) and list of members of ISSOL (undated). on 24 January 1974 and Porter was one of the speakers. The International Solar Energy Society was formed in 1954 to foster the science and technology relating to The inaugural open meeting of the UK section was held at the Royal Institution INTERNATIONAL SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY (UK SECTION) E.174-E.181 1974-1987 all applications of solar energy. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E7475 Correspondence and papers re inaugural meeting including talk by Porter, 24 January 1974. 2 folders. Register of members, their interests and activities, January 1974. Papers for 2nd business meeting of the UK section, July 1974. Papers including Department of Energy press releases, 1977. Papers re essay competition for young people aged 18 years and under, 1985. The topic was the use of solar cells in the future and Porter was Chairman of the judges. E.180, E.181 2 folders. 1959-1963 E.182-E.184 1959 In committees. Miscellaneous duplicated and printed papers, 1983-1987. INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION OVERSEAS 3 folders. Papers include assessments of candidates for university appointments and promotions in Sierra Leone and Singapore. expert adviser on Porter agreed E.182-E.184 to serve as an selection G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.185-E.189 KODAK LIMITED 1968-1981 = 1856.86 Correspondence and papers re Opening by Porter of Research Laboratory at Kodak Ltd, Kirkby, Liverpool, 25 April 1968. 2 folders. E.185 includes Porter's speech at the opening ceremony. E.187, E.188 Correspondence and papers re Opening by Porter of Extension Wing Kodak Research Laboratory, Harrow, October 1975. Includes typescript of Porter’s speech. 2 folders. General correspondence and papers, 1977-1981. Bote. 192 Background material. 2 folders. General correspondence and papers, 1968-1980. E.190-E.192 THE MOLECULE CLUB The Molecule Club at the Mermaid Theatre, Blackfriars, London sought to provide scientific entertainment for children aged 7-11. Porter became a Patron. General correspondence and papers 1976-1984. Porter was elected as a Foreign Associate of the Academy in 1974. E.193, E.194 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USA 1968-1980 1976-1984 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies Correspondence re submission of papers to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1980-1982. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN 1975-1984 Porter was First President of the Association, 1975-1980. Correspondence and papers, 1975-1984. NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1968-1970, 1984 Porter was elected to Honorary Life Membership of the Academy in 1968. Correspondence and papers, 1968-1970, 1984. E.197, E.198 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1972-1979 Correspondence and papers, 1972, 1977. 1977 papers relate to grant application for Royal Institution. Correspondence and papers re Porter’s refereeing of grant applications for the Nuffield Foundation, 1978-1979. a member of the formative committee. This was a proposed science society for Open University students whose originator, A.R. Richmond, envisaged links with both the British Association and in developments and offered advice and the Society's first meeting was held at the Royal Institution. The Archivist of the Royal Institution, J.R. Friday, was OPEN SCIENCE SOCIETY the Royal Institution. Porter seems to have been interested E.199-E.203 1973-1975 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.199-E.202 General correspondence and papers re formation of the society, 1973-1975 4 folders. Correspondence between A.R. Richmond and J.R. Friday, 1974-1975. OPEN UNIVERSITY Brief correspondence with Jennie Lee MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science re the government's project for a ‘University of the Air’ or ‘Open University’. E.205, E.206 OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1960-1968 1960-1962. 1963-1965, 1968. Correspondence and papers. E.207-E.210 PERKIN ELMER LTD 1965-1977 Correspondence and papers. Porter became a member of the Society in 1960. 1965-1966. Principally re the commercial development of scientific instruments. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies 1971-1972. PILGRIM TRUST Correspondence and papers re Royal Institution Library, 1970. E.212-E.216 PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES E.212-E.216 Correspondence and papers re meeting of world academies against nuclear war, Rome, 23-24 September. E.217-E.220 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS 1973-1980 5 folders. Correspondence and papers. The two main areas of research in which the Rank Prize Funds were interested were nutrition and opto-electronics. Porter advised on the Funds’ activities such as the sponsorship of conferences and the award of prizes, and the first prize giving ceremony was held at the Royal Institution. 1976, 1979-1980. 1973. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS, MADRID 1978, 1980 Porter became a foreign corresponding member of the Academy in 1978. He was also elected an honorary member of the Real Sociedad Espafiol de Fisica y Quimica in the same year. Brief correspondence only re membership. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY Porter represented the Royal Institution at the Royal Institute of Chemistry's centenary celebrations on 28 March 1977. Correspondence and papers re the centenary, 1977. Porter was nominated to the Honorary Fellowship in 1975. Brief correspondence only re nomination, 1975. E.224-E.261 ROYAL SOCIETY 1965-1985 ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Brief correspondence and abstracts of communications. Porter gave a paper on ‘Primary Photoprocesses in Complex Molecules’. E.224-E.244 Royal Society Discussion meetings. Porter was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1960. E.224 ‘Photosynthesis’, 22 March 1962. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies ‘Mechanism in Organic Photochemistry’, 8 June 1972 Porter was one of the organisers. The meeting was cancelled because of a clash with a meeting organised by the Chemical Society. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. E.226-E.228 ‘High-Power Lasers’, 17 October 1975 The meeting was organised by Porter who also spoke on high-power lasers in chemistry. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 3 folders. ‘Light Scattering in Physics, Chemistry and Biology’, 22 and 23 February 1978. Porter chaired a session. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. E.230-E.242 ‘Solar Energy’, 15 and 16 November 1978 E.231-E.242 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for 1978 meeting. Porter organised the meeting with W.R. Hawthorne and chaired a session. Correspondence and papers re proposed meeting on solar energy in 1975 found with papers for 1978 meeting. ‘Lecturers Suggestions 1978’. Correspondence and papers so labelled. E.231, £.232 Correspondence with Porter’s co-organiser, W.R. Hawthorne. 2 folders. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.234-E.239 Correspondence with scientists approached to advice on the organisation of the meeting or invited to make contributions. Presented in alphabetical sequence. N.K. Boardman H. Bondi B.J. Brinkworth J.B. Comley H. Durand H. Gerischer D.O. Hall H.Horster S.J. Leach G:O;GeEor A.C.B. Lovell A.J. Nozik J.K. Page H. Tabor R.C. Righelato W.H. Stephens N.W. Pirie J.L. Shay |. Solomon G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies M.R. van Overstraeten S. Wagner B.Wilson Correspondence with Royal Society re arrangements and publication of proceedings. Two annotated copies of the meeting programme. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re meeting. E.243, 444 ‘Ultra-Short Laser Pulses’, 23 and 24 May 1979. Porter was one of the organisers and chaired a session. re proposed meeting on ‘Organic E.245-E.255 Pobess Correspondence Photochemistry’, 1980-1981. and papers Correspondence and papers re arrangements. re Porter's role as assessor in respect of applications to the Fund. Correspondence and papers re Paul Instrument Fund, 1970-1985. 3 folders. E.246-E.248 1970. VOI A=1975, G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies 1973, 1976. E.256-E.260 5 folders. Includes recommendations. E.262; E.263 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS 1969-1985 Correspondence and papers re Chinese Exchanges Committee, 1977-1981. Correspondence and papers re visitors and exchange visits, 1965-1984. 2 folders. Porter accepted an accepted nomination to the Council of the Society, serving until 1980. E262) E265 Correspondence and papers. invitation to become a Fellow in 1971 and in 1977 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.264, E.265 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY 1983-1985 Porter was invited to become a member of the newly established External Relations Committee in 1983. E.264, E.265 Correspondence and papers re External Relations Committee, 1983-1985. 2 folders. ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH 1983-1985 Porter was elected to an Honorary Fellowship in 1983. Correspondence re membership, biographical information etc., 1983-1985. 1980-1985 He subsequently served on the ST JAMES’ CLUB 1968-1977 E.268-E.270 SALTERS’ COMPANY Correspondence re membership etc., 1968-1977. Porter accepted an invitation to become an honorary member in 1968. 3 folders. Porter was admitted to the Honorary Freedom and Livery of the Company ini981. Institute Committee and was admitted to the Court of Assistants. E.268-E.270 Correspondence and papers, 1980-1985. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.271-E.274 SCHOOLS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 1968-1970, 1984 The Committee was founded under the chairmanship of the Duke of Edinburgh, with the object of arresting the swing away from science in the schools. E.271-E.274 Correspondence and papers, 1968-1970, 1984. 1984 papers relate to the Standing Conference on Schools’ Science and Technology. 4 folders. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL 1982-1985 Correspondence and papers, 1982-1985. E.276-E.280 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL 1966-1971 Final Report of the SRC University Science and Technology Board National Instrument Centre Panel, 1966 Porter chaired the Panel which was set up in March 1965 to enquire into the requirements of research scientists for physico-chemical measurements carried out on expensive, sophisticated instruments and into the possibility that these measurements might be provided nationally by a centralised service. The Chemistry Committee was chaired by Porter. Chemistry Committee Report, 1968. See E.278-E.280. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.278-E.280 Correspondence and papers re Physico-Chemical Measurements Unit, 1969-1971. The Unit was established by the SRC and the Atomic Energy Authority to make government departments and industry, especially those requiring expensive equipment and special expertise. It became operational in February 1969. physico-chemical measurements universities, for 3 folders. Beal ercoe SHELL (THORNTON) RESEARCH CENTRE 1967, 1977-1978 In 1977 Porter was approached by Shell re possible consultancy in the area of solar energy conversion. E.281, E.282 Correspondence, reports etc., 1967, 1977-1978. 2 folders. E.283, E.284 Correspondence and papers, 1973-1985. 2 folders. 1971-1972 1973-1985 E.283, E.284 SOCIETE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE Porter was elected as Honorary Member of the Société de Chimie Physique in 1979. which Porter was President) and the Society for Chemical Industry. Correspondence and papers re liaison between The Chemical Society (of SOCIETY FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.286-E.292 TURIN SHROUD 1979-1986 Correspondence and papers kept together and labelled ‘Turin Shroud’, and found with Porter’s societies and organisations files. Porter appeared in a discussion about the Shroud on BBC Television on 12 April 1979. Correspondence and papers, 1979-1986. See also F.179. 286; £:287, Correspondence with viewers of the television discussion about the Shroud, 1979. 2 folders. Principally correspondence with R.P. Hoare, author of The Testimony of the Shroud (1978), 1979-1981. E.269;i.290 B29 lhe292 2 folders. 2 folders. Correspondence from M.V. Dobson about his theories on the Shroud, 1979- 1985. Correspondence re British Society for the Turin Shroud and its research proposals, 1985-1986. 4 folders. Porter served as science for the years 1981-1983. E.293-E.296 Correspondence and papers re Kalinga Prize, 1978-1984. E.293-E.296 UNESCO 1978-1984 a juror for the Kalinga Prize for the popularisation of Includes recommendations. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies A.90-A.93 See Popularisation of Science for 1976 to Porter. papers award for re of the Kalinga Prize for the E.297-E.300 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE The government asked the UGC ‘to operate a scheme for the improvement of laboratory and equipment provision in a few carefully selected centres of research’. Porter and J.l.G. Cadogan were the two chemists on the small committee which had the task of making the selection. E.297-E.300 Correspondence and papers, 1985. Includes recommendations. 4 folders. E.301-E.305 1966-1985 Eliot Professorship and Membership of the title of Honorary Professor of UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY Contents of Porter's University of Kent at Canterbury folder. Correspondence re Honorary College, 1966. University conferred The Chemistry on Porter in 1966. the same year. Physical He became a Senior Member of Eliot College 2 folders. Correspondence with re conference, teaching of science to non-scientists, publication, research etc., 1967-1968. Correspondence with Laboratory and other members of the Laboratory, 1982-1985. J.A. Connor, Director of Miscellaneous correspondence re university affairs, 1968-1985. the University Chemical Includes grant application. University Chemical Laboratory, E.F. Caldin, E.304, E.305 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.306, E.307 UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 1965-1986 E.306, E.307 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1965-1866, 1976-1986. 2 folders. E.308, E.309 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: CHELSEA COLLEGE 1980-1985 In 1980 Porter accepted an invitation to serve on the Chelsea College Restoration and Development Project Committee. He was co-opted onto the Council of Chelsea College in 1982. Correspondence and papers Committee, 1980-1981. re Restoration and Development Project Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1981-1985. E.310-E.312 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: IMPERIAL COLLEGE 1973-1985 the Chemistry Porter accepted an appointment as Department initially for the period 1978-1980 (E.312). In 1985 he was offered office and research space in the Department of Pure and Applied Biology subsequent to his move from the Royal Institution to take up the position of President of the Royal Society (E.310). Correspondence and papers re Visiting Professorship, 1978-1980. Correspondence re Imperial College Chemistry Department, 1976-1985 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973-1974, 1984-1985. Visiting Professor in Includes recommendations. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.313-E.316 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 1960-1985 Porter was Visiting Professor in the Department of Chemistry from 1967. Correspondence with C.K. Ingold, 1960. Porter's letter to Ingold of 10 October 1960 sets out ‘the facts which you requested about the early development of flash photolysis’. Newsletter of Association of University College Chemists University College London with an appreciation of Ingold (1893-1970). Papers re memorial service for Ingold, 3 February 1971. Correspondence re Appeal for Ingold Lecture, 1972. Correspondence re appointment and re-appointment as Visiting Professor, 1967-1985. 2 folders. His 1965-1979 E315; 2:36 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1968-1985. E.317-E.320 UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI Porter acted as chemistry consultant and external examiner, visiting Malawi in 1969. principal correspondent is J.A. Leisten who was a member of Porter's department at Sheffield before he took up an appointment at the University of Malawi in 1965. 4 folders. Correspondence and papers including examination papers, 1965-1979. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.321-E.329 UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD 1955-1985 Porter was Professor of Physical Chemistry, 1955-1963 and Firth Professor of Chemistry, 1963-1966. E.321-E.325 Correspondence and Department, 1955-1984 papers re University of Sheffield Chemistry 4 folders. Correspondence with the Vice Chancellor, H.N. Robson, 1970-1974. Includes recommendations. E.327, E.328 Correspondence and papers re Centenary Appeal, 1979-1983. 2 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1965-1985. 1978-1985 E.330, E.331 WESTMINSTER SCHOOL 1986-1987 Correspondence and papers re new Science/Technology Centre, 1986- 1987. make nominations in other years. Porter served on the 1980 Wolf Foundation Prize Committee for Chemistry and again on the Committee for the year 1984/85. He was also invited to ‘Proposal for a Science/Technology Centre’, March 1986. E.332-E.338 WOLF FOUNDATION G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Societies, organisations and consultancies E.332-E.338 Correspondence and papers, 1978-1985. Includes recommendations. 7 folders. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1-F.20 EARLY SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE F.21-F.203 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE A-Z (alphabetical sequence) F.204-F.231 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1966- 1987 (chronological sequence) F.232-F.251 SOVIET SCIENTISTS F.252-F.256 JAPANESE SCIENTISTS F.257-F.289 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence EARLY SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1954-1978 Adam, N.K. 1957-1958 Adam was Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southampton. Brief correspondence re ‘the photochemistry chapter of your [Adam's] book’. This may be Physical Chemistry which was published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford in 1958. Christie, M. 1954-1955 Christie was based at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge. Correspondence re paper or papers by Christie and Porter. Clarendon Press, Oxford and B.A. Thrush 1958-1960 Dainton, F.S. 1956-1965 See also F.47. 2 folders. See also D.9-D.11. Correspondence and papers re proposed book on flash photolysis. Dainton was Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Leeds. Thrush was based at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge. Correspondence re teaching of physical chemistry, visits, meetings etc; also letters of congratulation. Correspondence re research etc. Longuet-Higgins Cambridge. was based at the University Chemical Laboratory, Higgins, H.C. Longuet- 1955-1964 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Kemball, C. 1955-1956, 1960 Kemball was Professor of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at Queen's University, Belfast. Includes correspondence re departmental grants for chemistry at Queen’s and the University of Sheffield where Porter was based from 1955. Mains, G.J. 1954-1955 Mains was an American based in Cambridge. Correspondence to Laboratories, research, R.G.W. Norrish, etc. Mains visit by re the British Rayon Research Norrish, R.G.W. 1954-1965, 1973, 1978 Norrish was Professor of Physical Chemistry and Director of the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge. 1978 4 folders. Roughton, F.J.W. 1961, 1965 See also F.124, F.125. Correspondence and papers re research, publications, career, etc. papers include copies of newspaper obituaries of Norrish. Roughton was J.H. Plummer Professor of Colloid Science, University of Cambridge. 1965 papers are printed papers re the future of the Plummer Professorship and Colloid Science at Cambridge. Correspondence re visit by Schiff to Sheffield. Schiff was spending a sabbatical year at Cambridge. Schiff, H.J. 1959-1960 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Smith, D. Bryce- 1960-1965 Bryce-Smith was based at the Chemistry Department, University of Reading. Correspondence re research. Smith, R.C. was Smith Southampton. based at the Department of Electronics, University of 1965-1967 Correspondence re apparatus. Sugden, T.M. 1956-1962 Sugden was based at the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge. Correspondence re the organisation of meetings etc. Tedder, J.M. 1964-1965 Porter's Department at 1954-1965 See also F.171, F.172. Weiss, J.J. 1957-1959, 1969, 1972. Includes correspondence re arrangements arising from Tedder’s departure from Sheffield. In 1964 Tedder moved from the University of Sheffield to a Chair in the Chemistry Department, University of St Andrews, Dundee. 1962-1965. Fah, Eco Shorter scientific correspondence 19 1954-1959. Correspondence re visits, meeting etc. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence F.21-F.203 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE A-Z 1954-1986 ‘Miscellaneous Presented in original alphabetical order. Correspondence’. Contents Ad - Al m24F:25 Ba 2 folders. of boxes so_ inscribed. 1976-1984 1970-1985 1979-1985 1971-1985 icone n 1972-1985 1967-1983 Bl 2 folders. Be 2 folders. 1980-1985 2 folders. re the 10th Willis Jackson Lecture of the BACIE which was given at the Royal Institution in 1979. British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education 1975-1985 1976-1984 1978-1979 F.33, F.34. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence British Broadcasting Corporation British Computer Society British Nuclear Fuels Ltd British Petroleum 1975 1981-1984 1981 1981 British Society for Social Responsibility in Science 1969-1970 Bru-But 1975-1984 1981-1984 ‘Bye-laws’ Ca, Ce 2 folders. 1960-1961 1966-1968 1978-1985 1981-1985 Chester Beatty Research Institute Correspondence and papers so labelled re bye-laws of the Royal Institution. 1977-1985 Col-Coo Cor-Cox 1978-1983 1969-1986 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Dainton, F.S. See also F.5. 1971-1985 1971, 1985 Daly, P. 1979, 1984-1985 1984 correspondence and papers relate to a BBC history of science project. Dap-Dav Davies, D.S. 1971-1985 1975-1979 Davies moved from ICI to the post of Chief Scientist, Department of Industry. Dav-Daw 1976-1983 correspondence and papers 1979-1981 re ‘chemistry in government de Bono, E.F.C.P. Includes technology’. 1978-1985 Department of Trade and Industry Department of Industry Des-Dha Dil-Dun Deb-Den 1970-1984 1974-1985 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1969-1985 1981-1982 1979-1980 Department of Energy Energy Technology Support Unit for the Department of Energy Energy Resources Sub-Committee of the Select Committee on Science and Technology Fellowship of Engineering (Filed under ‘E’) 1984-1985 Essen, L. 1973) 1976 Faisal Foundation Ev-Ey Fag re Essen’s views on relativity. King Faisal International Prize 1965-1983 Favs: Fei-Fon Farago, P.J. 1974-1975, 1983 1982 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Food and Disarmament International 1982, 1984 For-Fox Fra-Ful Gad-Gle Gol-Gra 1977-1985 1977-1981 1972-1984 1977-1985 1977-1985 ‘Greek Universities’ 1973 1976-1984 Green, C.H. Includes photocopy of letter on ‘Unrest in Greek Universities’ published in The Times. Porter was one of the signatories. 1976 correspondence relates to the Visiting Green Professorship at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Porter was unable to accept an invitation to the Professorship because of other commitments. 1975-1985 Haa-Hai Hal-Han Gre-Gri Gue-Gut 1965-1985 1981, 1985 1969-1984 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Hea-Hew Hie-Hil Hoc-Hod 1977,1982 1976-1985 1977-1985 1976-1985 1975-1985 1979-1984 Int-lro Huc-Hux Ind-Int International Council for Scientific Development 1976-1983 Isenberg was based at Canterbury. 1985 papers relate to International Physics Olympiad. 1977-1979, 1985 the Physics Laboratory, University of Kent at Jab-Jap Jee-Joh Isenberg, C. 1973-1984 1969-1985 1981-1985 1969-1978 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Jones, A.C. 1976-1983 Jones wrote to Porter about a major error he had identified in Einstein's work. Jon-Jun ‘Kelvin Plaque’ 1973-1982 1966-1984 1970 The Royal Institution supported a proposal to erect a plaque to the memory of Lord Kelvin. 25 September 1970. It was unveiled at Netherhall, Largs, Ayrshire, on Kem-Kho 1974-1985 1984-1985 Kim-Kin Kin-Kor 1975-1985 re \llinois Science Lecture Association. 1979-1985 Las-Lee Lee-Les Lestina, L. 1979-1985 1973-1985 1981-1986 1979-1983 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Let-Lew Lic-Lit Loc-Lot Lub-Lyt McC Macdonald, D.J. 1970-1983 1967-1984 1968-1979 1976-1985 1978-1984 NITOAST/, Macdonald was the Chairman of the British Association of Inventors. 1975-1985 1978-1985 1983-1984 1975-1977 Mad-Mau Maxwell, I.R. Includes papers re Maxwell's 60th birthday, 10 June 1983. scientific programmes. Michie was based at the Machine Intelligence Research Unit University of Edinburgh in 1979. 1979 correspondence relates to the archival policy of the BBC in respect of 1975-1985 1979-1985 Mayer, R. Mea-Met Michie, D. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Miller, R.A. 1972-1985 1982-1983 Miller was based at the Institute of Urology, University of London. Correspondence and papers re collaboration on treatment of kidney stones with lasers. F.114-F.116 Mitchell, P.D. 1979-1984 Mitchell was based at the Glynn Research Institute, Bodmin, Cornwall. was the 1978 Chemistry Nobel Laureate. He Include correspondence and Communities consultancy contract, research respiratory metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. papers and re Commission of proposal the European concerning 3 folders. ‘Moonies’ 3 folders. Mor-Mur 1976-1985 F.117-F.119 Principally duplicated papers re Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Unification Church, the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences and FAIR Family Action Information and Rescue. 1976-1985 New Scientist 1976-1984 1970-1985 1977-1984 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Petakeleco Norrish, R.G.W. 1975-1979 Norrish shared the 1967 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Porter and M. Eigen. Includes requests to write obituaries of Norrish who died in 1978. Norrish’s publications is at F.125. A list of 1967-1985 1967-1978 1980-1981 Dixon, European editor of the science 2 folders. See also F.8-F.11. OMNI Ont-Osm 2 folders. Correspondence with Bernard magazine OMNI. 1974-1982 1954-1982 F.130, F.131 Oster, G. Oster was based at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn when he initiated the correspondence with Porter. He was subsequently based at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York. F.130 includes an obituary of Oster’s wife, Dr Gisela Kallmann Oster. 1974-1985 Page was Professor of Building Science at the University of Sheffield. Includes recommendation and papers on solar energy. 2 folders. Par-Pet PRs me keis: Page, J.K. 1974-1984 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence fal G5; falco Philips Industries 1977-1979 Correspondence and papers re annual Philips European Contest for Young Scientists and Inventors. 2 folders. Phillips, D.C. 1969-1984 Phillips was Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Oxford University. Includes correspondence, 1969-1970, re co-operation between the Royal Institution and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied (PHAB) 1983-1984 The charity's first Sir John Keswick Memorial Lecture was given at the Royal Institution on 19 May 1983. Pic-Pla 1982-1985 1973-1979 1985 1983-1984 Institute of Physics Pilkington Brothers Ltd Includes correspondence re research on photochromic materials. Royal Institution Master Class in Physics (Filed under ‘P’) Correspondence and papers re Plumley’s ideas on thermodynamics. Porter agreed to become a member of the Science Board for the Search for Solutions’ Project. which Company UK Ltd. ‘The This was a nine-part film series on science Petroleum Associates Phillips for Playback Playback Associates was produced by 1979-1981 Plumley, G.A.K. 1977-1981 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Polanyi, J.C. 1981-1984 Polanyi was based at the Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto (Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 1986). Includes correspondence and recommendation re research by Polanyi on photochemistry at surfaces. Folder also includes photocopy of obituary of Michael Polanyi (died 1976). Rab-Ram 1972-1985 1974-1982 1978-1985 Rap-Ray 1972-1984 1977-1984 1976-1985 1968-1985 F.l52 ee loG 1970-1985 was the correspondence During of Technology, the University of successively at the California Institute Melbourne and the Texas Tech University where he became Director of the Picosecond and Quantum Radiation Laboratory. Correspondence re research and visits. Robinson, G.W. 1970-1985 the period covered by Robinson 2 folders. Rob-Rom G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Ros-Roy Royal Television Society 1977-1986 1977-1981 Principally correspondence re a number of Society annual lectures held at the Royal Institution. Ru-Ry Sab-Sag Sai-Sal San-Sch 1968-1982 1971-1985 1976-1984 1972-1985 1971-1984 1980-1985 1971-1985 1959-1984 So-Sp Sta-Ste 1972-1983 1979-1985 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1979-1985 1975-1985 1976-1983 1977-1980 1982-1985 ala. re Tedder, J.M. Includes correspondence re 1979 House of Lords Energy Debate. 2 folders. See also F.17. Tem-Tet 1972-1982 1972-1985 1973-1986 1978-1984 Thr-Tim Tod-Tom Tre-Tri See also E.286-E.292. Correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘Turin Shroud’ 1973-1980 1983-1985 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Tur-Tyn Tyrrell, H.J.V. 1972-1984 1972-1984 Tyrrell was based in the Department of Chemistry, University of London, Chelsea College of Science and Technology. Includes an outline proposal for an M.Sc. in mathematical physiology and biology sent to Porter by Tyrrell. Unilever Ltd 1976-1977 1967-1971 Correspondence with Information Division re educational films etc. draft treatment for film on fluorescence. Includes United Nations Association in Canada Rencontre pour I'Universitalité de l UNESCO United World College of the Atlantic 1968-1982 1970 1985 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 1983-1985 United Kingdom Chemical Information Service Includes production brief and script for UKAEA educational film on radiation. 1975-1986 Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom 1975-1976 1978-1980 Vic-Vol G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1974-1983 1977-1982 1980, 1982, n.d. 1969-1983 1975-1984 1976-1985 Wel-Wes Wes-Why Will-Wood Woodward, R.B. 1975-1985 1975-1985 1966-1980 Wic-Wid Wilb-Wilk 1978-1985 1976-1984 Woodward was based at the Department of Chemistry, Harvard University (Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 1965). 1973-1982 Correspondence and papers 1979-1980 relate to tributes and memorial service for Woodward who died in 1979. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Wycliffe College, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire 1985 Porter was laboratories. a Patron of a College Appeal to finance new science Includes Appeal brochure with introduction by Porter. 1972-1985 1966-1985 F.204-F.231 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1966-1987 Chronological sequence draft’ 1970-1971. 1974-1975. M.Sc. course the 1966-1969. Includes University of Southampton. outline of proposed in photochemistry at of ‘Proposals for Collaboration between the Royal Includes ‘final Institution and the British Association in the London Area’, 24 March 1969. 1976-1979. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1981 Includes correspondence re Open University fees. 1982-1983. 1985 January-June. 1985 October-December. 1986 January. 1986 March. 1986 April, May. 1986 February. Includes Porter's comments on Royal Society memoir of T.M. Sugden. ceremony for his installation as Chancellor, Leicester University. of remarks Porter intended to make at the end of the 1986 June. 1986 July. Includes draft G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1986 August. Includes ‘Forty Years of Photochemistry. photograph of Porter. A summary’ by Porter and cee mee 1986 September. 2 folders. 1986 October, November. 1986 December. 1987 January, February. 1987 March. 1987 July. 1987 April-June. 1987 August, September. scientists in the Soviet Union. ‘Soviet inscribed: correspondence and papers re efforts by Western scientists to help dissident SOVIET SCIENTISTS Contents of folder so_ scientists 1970-1987’. F.232-F.251 1970-1987 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence ‘Appeal for Release of Professor Medvedev (organized by Dr John Kendrew FRS) June 1970’. Correspondence and papers so labelled. Correspondence and papers, 1972-1973. Includes papers re the case of B.G. Levich. F.234, F.235 Correspondence and papers, 1974. Includes papers re the case of B.G. Levich. 2 folders. F.236, F.237 Correspondence and papers, 1975. Includes papers re the cases of B.G. Levich, M. Shtern and A. Voronel. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1976. Includes papers re the case of B.G. Levich. Correspondence and papers, 1977. Correspondence and papers, 1978. Includes papers re the case of B.G. Levich and Y. Orlov. Includes papers re case of V. Brailovsky. Includes papers re the cases of B.G. Levich and the Czech scientist, D. Lim. Correspondence and papers, 1979-1980. Includes papers re case of V. Brailovsky. Correspondence and papers, 1981. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence Correspondence and papers, 1982. Porter agreed to become a patron of ‘Scientists for Soviet Refuseniks’. Includes copy of booklet The excluded from science. The story of Soviet Refusenik Scientists written and edited by Michael Yudkin and Joan Dale, and papers re the case of V. Brailovsky. Correspondence and papers, 1982-1983. Papers re the Uruguayan mathematician José Luis Massera found with the papers on Soviet scientists. F.245, F.246 Correspondence and papers, 1983. Principally papers re Scientists including papers re case of Josif Begun. for the Release of Soviet Refuseniks 2 folders. F.248, F.249 2 folders. life as the International Sacharov Correspondence and papers, 1984. The International Foundation started Tribunal of Conscience and Peace. Correspondence and papers re International Foundation for Peace and Liberty of Conscience, 1980-1985. Correspondence and papers, 1986-1987. Includes papers re the cases of Y. Orlov, A. Shcharansky, L. Volvovsky and R. Zelichenok. Correspondence and papers, 1985. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence F.252-F.256 JAPANESE SCIENTISTS 1973-1985 ‘Japan: correspondence with colleagues’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1973-1979. 1980-1981. 1982-1983. Porter was nominated as an honorary member of the Chemical Society of Japan in 1982. i. 255, 200 1985. 2 folders. F.257-F.289 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1957-1987 A chronological sequence of references and recommendations by Porter in respect of appointments, promotions, grant applications, articles and prizes. 1957, 1962-1963. G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence 1975-1976. 2 folders. 1982. Gaia ae a 1981. 1977-1978. 3 folders. F.274-F.276 G. Porter NCUACS 100/5/01 Correspondence F.276A, F.277 1983. 2 folders. F.278-F.281 1984. 4 folders. F.282-F.286 1985. 5 folders. 260 hess 1986. 2 folders.