POLLOCK, Martin Rivers

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Martin Rivers Pollock FRS (1914-1999) NCUACS catalogue no. 111/10/02 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Description level: Fonds Date of material: ca 1934-2000 Deposited in: Title: Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Extent of material: 31 boxes, ca 950 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Martin Rivers Pollock FRS (1914-1999), molecular biologist NCUACS catalogue no. 111/10/02 © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Special Collections Division, Edinburgh University Library Reference code: GB0237 MS 3215 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society Girton College Cambridge The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Royal Astronomical Society The Wellcome Trust St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE UNIVERSITY ARCHIVIST SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH LIBRARY M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH SECTION D RESEARCH SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCASTS A.1-A.9 B.1-B.15 C.1-C.30 D.1-D.60 E.1-E.101 F.1-F.123 G.1-G.82 J.1-J.80 K.1-K.8 L.1-L.454 SECTION K SECTION G SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE SECTION J POLITICS NON-TEXT MATERIAL VISITS AND CONFERENCES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Pollock in 1976 and from Julian Pollock, son, in 2000. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF MARTIN RIVERS POLLOCK Martin Rivers Pollock was born on 10 December 1914, the son of Hamilton Rivers Pollock and Eveline Morton Pollock. He attended Winchester College before gaining a place at Trinity College Cambridge in 1933 (Senior Scholarship 1936). At Cambridge he studied Medicine (pre-clinical), moving to University College Hospital Medical School, London to complete his medical training in 1937-1939. He qualified M.B., B.Chir. in 1940. Pollock held hospital appointments at University College Hospital and Brompton Chest Hospital 1939-1941 before joining the Emergency Public Health Laboratory Service as a Bacteriologist in 1941. In 1943 he was seconded to a Medical Research Council unit to work on infective hepatitis. In the Institut Pasteur, Paris. Pollock had for some years being considering the possibility of establishing a unit for teaching and being appointed Head of the Division of Bacterial Physiology in 1949. He remained at the NIMR to 1965, spending two periods (1948 and 1952-1953) studying in the laboratory of Jacques Monod at National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Mill Hill, London, initially under Sir Paul Fildes before 1945 Pollock was formally taken onto the staff of the Medical Research Council. He worked at the number of possible locations had been evaluated. M.M. Swann, the Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Edinburgh, persuaded Pollock to move north and in 1965 Pollock was appointed research in molecular biology, which would bring together bacterial genetics and biochemistry, and a He studied the mechanism by Professor of Biology at Edinburgh. Shortly afterwards, his colleague William Hayes moved from the research but maintained his growing interest in the relationship between science and art, organising Pollock took early retirement in 1976, moving to Dorset. He took no further active part in scientific MRC Unit for Bacterial Genetics at Hammersmith Hospital London. Together they established at Edinburgh the Department of Molecular Biology, the first such teaching department in the world. a major conference on the subject in 1981. He died in December 1999. Pollock’s thirty years of scientific research from the end of the Second World War, both at the NIMR and Edinburgh University, focused on enzyme induction in bacteria. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 which beta-lactamase enzymes (particularly penicillinase) are involved in the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. For his contributions in this area Pollock was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1962. In the 1970s Pollock became interested in developments in biotechnology and artificial intelligence, encouraging interdepartmental cooperation in these areas. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material in this collection is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period c 1934 to 2000. Section A, Biographical, is very slight. It includes an obituary and a copy of Pollock’s curriculum vitae. Of particular note are correspondence and papers relating to Pollock’s difficulties in obtaining a visa to visit the USA in 1967 and 1970. Section B, Medical Research Council, documents Pollock’s time at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Mill Hill, London, from 1948 to 1964, shortly before his departure for Edinburgh. It is not a large section. There are copies of contributions to the Institute’s annual reports from Pollock’s Department of Bacterial Physiology but the single largest component is material relating to a course run at the NIMR on ‘Enzymic basis of variation in Microorganisms’ in the years 1961-1962. Further material relating to the day-to-day administration of the Department of Bacterial Physiology is whom he served, C.R. Harington and P.B. Medawar. Pollock was a leading advocate. Section C, University of Edinburgh, is not extensive. However, it does include significant material relating to the events leading up to the establishment of the Department of Molecular Biology at departments of the university including correspondence and papers relating to a planned ‘Institute of Edinburgh, including the initial approaches from M.M. Swann, then Dean of the Science Faculty at Edinburgh, and subsequent material relating to the terms and conditions under which Pollock worked, staffing and accommodation. There is a little material relating to relations with other Artificial Intelligence’ that would bring together experts from a number of departments and for which to be found in section L, Correspondence, in Pollock’s correspondence with the two Directors under relating to a consultancy with the Japanese company Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd for which he was on the literature, most of which appear to date from the 1960s, and a little material 1972-1973 There is a significant group of notes and data on research on bacterial toxins from 1941 to 1945, and some material relating to work on the ‘genocycles’ in the early 1950s, penicillinase in the 1960s and bacterial genetics in the early 1970s. The section also has an extensive collection of Pollock’s notes Section D, Research, offers interesting if extremely patchy coverage of Pollock’s research work. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 asked to give an expert opinion on the production of L-lysine by fermentation. Further documentation on Pollock’s work on bacterial toxins and penicillinase may be found in section L, Correspondence, which includes many letters in which Pollock reports on work in progress. Section E, Drafts and publications, presents a chronological series of drafts, published and unpublished, from an undergraduate dissertation of c 1934 to an historical account of the Department of Molecular Biology of 1986. Although it is very far from being a complete record of Pollock’s output, it does indicate the progression of his scientific research over the years. There is also a significant sequence of editorial correspondence with journals and publishers. Section F, Lectures and broadcasts, includes public and invitation lectures from 1948 to 1977. There are detailed scientific lectures outlining work in progress and overviews of the field, as well as lectures of a more general and philosophical nature considering implications and opportunities in scientific advance. There is good coverage of three of Pollock’s most important lectures, the 2nd Louis Rapkine Lecture on ‘The secretion of enzymes by bacteria’, which he delivered in French at the University of Paris in 1960, the 3rd Griffith Memorial Lecture of the Society for General Microbiology on ‘The discovery of DNA’, 1970, and the 1975 J.D. Bernal Peace Library lecture on ‘Freedom in Science’. There is a very slight record of Pollock’s University teaching in section C. Pollock made a number of broadcasts for BBC Radio and television and educational films, and some record of this is to be found in this section. to India in 1973 and 1980, to Mexico and Cuba in 1961 and Mexico in 1983, and a ‘World Tour in 1957. However, the correspondence in section L includes frequent references to visits made or planned that are not documented at all in this section, including his visits to the USA. The second Section G, Visits and conferences, has two main parts. The first presents a partial record of main component of the section, comprising the bulk of the material, relates to a 1981 Conference on their approaches to knowledge. Pollock helped organise the conference - there is a remarkably Pollock’s visits and attendance at conferences from 1947. Among the visits recorded here are those Common Denominators in Art and Science held at the University of Edinburgh. Although Pollock had retired from Edinburgh some years earlier, this conference was very much Pollock’s inspiration. It brought together scientists, philosophers and artists to discuss similarities and differences between He was on the Left politically and much of the material relates to his active support for Section J, Politics, brings together material that reflects Pollock’s political concerns in their broadest invitations to visit declined by Pollock or for which there is no evidence of acceptance. Pollock visited a number of countries to give specific lectures; some of this material can be found in section F, comprehensive sequence of his correspondence with prospective speakers and participants, possible funding bodies etc - and the publication of the proceedings. At G.82 are a number of Lectures and broadcasts. sense. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 political causes associated with the Left, including the social responsibility of scientists and nuclear disarmament, as well as support for academic freedom and human rights in general. The largest body of material relates to the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science and to two bodies associated with it, the Working Group on International Responsibility of Scientists - of which Pollock was the convenor - and the Edinburgh Society for Social Responsibility in Science (ESSRS). Much of the material relating to the ESSRS concerns a ‘Teach-in’ on Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) at Edinburgh University in January 1969. The issue of CBW remained a concern of Pollock’s thereafter. There is also correspondence and papers relating to the World Federation of Scientific Workers and material on human rights, freedom of speech and related issues, arranged alphabetically by country. Section K, Non-text material, presents tape recordings of the proceedings of two conferences which Pollock helped to organise, the Edinburgh ‘Teach-in’ on Chemical and Biological Warfare, 24 January 1969 (J.14-J.24) and the Conference on Common Denominators in Art and Science, Edinburgh, November 1981 (G.21-G.81). Section L, Correspondence, is by far the most substantial and comprehensive section in the collection. Pollock kept his correspondence - incoming letters and carbon copies of outgoing letters - in a single alphabetical sequence ordered by correspondent and this arrangement has been retained. 1960s. undocumented otherwise, features in his correspondence with R. Knox. Also of note is molecular biologists of the day, including E.P. Abraham, M. Cohn, F.H.C. Crick, E.F. Gale, W.E. van There are exchanges of information on research in progress and planned, requests for It includes correspondence with some of the most distinguished biochemists, microbiologists and his colleague M.H. Richmond) and colleagues abroad, particularly in Hungary, to whom Pollock gave significant correspondence with researchers who came to work under Pollock at the NIMR (including wartime work with the Emergency Public Health Laboratory Service in the 1940s, virtually number not documented in section G), arrangements for visitors working with Pollock at the NIMR Heyningen, J. Mandelstam, J. Monod, G. Pontecorvo, R.Y. Stanier and C.H. Waddington, as well as encouragement. The bulk of the correspondence is scientific in nature and dates from the 1950s and etc. The correspondence sheds light on areas not covered elsewhere in the collection, thus Pollock’s strains and specimens of research material, scientific publications and conferences (including a There is also an index of correspondents correspondence relating to the day-to-day administration of the Department of Bacterial Physiology at the NIMR represented by correspondence with the two Directors under whom Pollock served, C.R. personal and social news, expressions of political views and career advice. Many colleagues were also friends and the letters may include Harington and P.B. Medawar. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL Records of the Department of Molecular Biology 1957-1993 are held by the Special Collections Division, Edinburgh University Library (reference GB 0237 Da 57 ICMB 1) The bulk of Pollock’s collection of material relating to the Edinburgh University ‘Teach in’ on Chemical and Biological Warfare in 1969 was given by him to the University of Bradford Department of Peace Studies. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper Bath 2002 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.9 1953-2000 Obituary of Pollock by R.P. Ambler, The Guardian, 17 February 2000. Pollock’s 1973 entry for Who’s Who in Education. Photocopy of Pollock’s curriculum vitae. Correspondence and papers re Pollock’s application for a visa to visit the USA. 1966-1967 Includes Pollock’s 4pp typescript ‘Memorandum on cancellation of a U.S. visa’. a Pollock’s visa was revoked in November 1966. He appealed against the decision in 1967 as he had been invited to various research institutions and meetings in the US but his application was refused. Correspondence and papers re US visa application. In June 1970 Pollock was issued with a visa for a three week visit. Pollock was to visit the US in the autumn of 1970 as a UK delegate to the General Assembly of the International Union of Biological Sciences. Pollock was on the Left politically and his public support for a number of left-wing organisations and causes was felt to indicate Communist affiliations although Pollock strongly denied this. Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA, 1955. Miscellaneous personal correspondence. 1953-1962 Includes offers of Faculty post in microbial physiology at M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Biographical Miscellaneous personal correspondence. 1965-1975 Includes correspondence re sailing dinghy, 1965; and exchange with Nigel Calder re the Lysenko affair arising from Calder’s book Technopolis: social control of the uses of science, 1969 (see also E22): Pollock’s use of Personal correspondence. 1976-1982 Includes correspondence re Pollock’s archives. Printed Warminster, Wiltshire, April 1986. exhibition leaflet for of Pollock’s paintings, exhibition, The featured work done 1966-1986. titled ‘Self-expression through Art’, M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION B MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, B.1-B.15 1948-1964 This section documents Pollock’s time at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Mill Hill, London, from 1948 to 1964. Further material relating to the day- to-day administration of Bacterial Physiology is to be found in section L, Correspondence, in Pollock’s correspondence with the two Directors under whom he served, C.R. Harington and P.B. Medawar. the Department of Correspondence re formation group at NIMR and the staffing thereof. of bacterial chemistry Contributions by Pollock and members of the Department of Bacterial Physiology for Annual Reports of the NIMR. 1951-1955 Typescript drafts. Contributions by Pollock and members of the Department of Bacterial Physiology for Annual Reports of the NIMR. 1956-1959 Typescript drafts. 1960-1962 Typescript drafts. Typescript drafts. Contributions by Pollock and members of the Department of Bacterial Physiology for Annual Reports of the NIMR. Contributions by Pollock and members of the Department of Bacterial Physiology for Annual Reports of the NIMR. 1963-1964 Typescript drafts by Pollock and M. H. Richmond, the earlier ones with extensive manuscript annotation and related 9pp correction; correspondence. This paper reported on developments since the previous MRC paper on the subject issued in 1951-1952. ‘The biochemical approach to resistance in bacteria’ by Pollock and M.H. Richmond. the problem of typescript copy as_ sent; drug M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Medical Research Council Contributions by Pollock and members of the Department of Bacterial Physiology for Annual Reports of the NIMR. NIMR Microorganisms’. course on ‘Enzymic basis of Variation in 1960-1962 Papers and correspondence re the course. This course was first run at Mill Hill as a summer school in 1960. Following this Pollock was unsure as to whether it should a number of colleagues course participants. The course was held again, in 1961 and 1962. See also L.141. be continued and questionnaires circulated wrote to and to Correspondence with colleagues. 1960-1961 Those advising on the course included D.G. Catcheside, J.F. Danielli, E.F. Gale, G. Pontecorvo and D.D. Woods. B.10, B.11 2 folders. Completed questionnaires. The completed questionnaires are at B.10, B.11 below. All those taking the course were asked to complete a questionnaire on the value of the course. List of those taking the course; summary of responses from completed questionnaires. Duplicated typescript. Information re Summer School, including programme. Duplicated typescript. Course notes etc. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Medical Research Council Notices, programme, bibliography etc for 2nd Summer School. Duplicated typescript. Miscellaneous shorter MRC correspondence. 1956-1963 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, C.1-C.30 1960-1980 Pollock moved to the University of Edinburgh in 1965 as Professor of Biology and was the founder, with William Hayes, of the first teaching Department of Molecular Biology in He remained at Edinburgh until retirement in 1976. the UK. The material is arranged as follows: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY APPOINTMENT, TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE TEACHING C.5-C.10 C.11-C.17 C.18-C.22 INSTITUTE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE C.23-C.26 MISCELLANEOUS C.27-C.30 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 1411/10/02 University of Edinburgh ESTABLISHMENT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY THE DEPARTMENT OF 1963-c 1970 and labelled of Correspondence papers Material re Pollock and Molecular Microbiology Project’. institute of molecular Hayes’ proposal to establish an microbiology, offering both research and undergraduate teaching, attached to a University (possibly the University of East Anglia). ‘Institute the This proposal was put to the Medical Research Council in 1963 but rejected. The University of Sussex was then approached before the University of Edinburgh agreed to take university Pollock had been in close contact with department. Edinburgh for some years prior to this and had mooted the idea with M.M. Swann, then Head of the Science Faculty there. See C.5-C.7. establishing forward idea by a Correspondence and papers, April-August 1963. Institute their ‘Proposal for Correspondence and papers, September-October 1963. Includes 3pp typescript ‘Outlined proposal for an Institute of Molecular Microbiology’ by Pollock and Hayes, 2 July 1963 and response of Sir Harold Himsworth, Head of the MRC, asking for more detailed proposals. Includes draft and final copy of ‘Trends and prospects in Microbial Biochemistry and Genetics’ by Pollock and Hayes sent to Himsworth, 3 October; and draft and final an copy of of Molecular Biology’, sent in response to his reply to ‘Trends and prospects’, 28 October. 1963-1964 Correspondence, December 1963-June 1964. Includes and correspondence with the University of Sussex re hosting of the institute. rejection proposal MRC the of M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 University of Edinburgh Application to the Wolfson Foundation for establish an Applied Microbial Genetics Unit. a grant to This would function in association with the Departments of Molecular Biology and Microbiology. APPOINTMENT, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1960-1977 The academic’. Correspondence and papers in folder inscribed ‘Personal & first approaches to Pollock in 1960 by M.M. Swann who was hoping to be able to establish a non-medical chair in microbiology, through Pollock’s appointment in 1965, to his resignation in 1976. material dates from the Correspondence with M.M. Swann re possible post at Edinburgh. 1960-1963 come Edinburgh, M.M. Swann, including facilities February-March Correspondence with 1964. Correspondence re appointment, April-June 1964. Includes correspondence with Sir Edward Appleton, Vice- Chancellor, re resources being made available. This includes negotiations re terms upon which Pollock might and to laboratory space. Includes manuscript notes for Pollock’s ?farewell speech at NIMR expressing his hopes for the move to Edinburgh. Correspondence re appointment. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 University of Edinburgh Correspondence Edinburgh. and papers re_ resignation from 1975-1977 Includes copy of Senatus special minute recording the University’s thanks to Pollock, 1977. Pollock resigned retirement. in 1976, three years before official Correspondence and papers re superannuation. 1965-1976 Includes Council, superannuation entitlement. letter October of appointment to required 1945 Medical Research for of calculation C.11-C.17 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1965-1976 1965-1966 conferral of Correspondence. re departmental correspondence Correspondence. Correspondence, April-December. Correspondence, December 1965-March 1966. General matters, including relations with other departments, arrangements for seminars etc. 1966-1967 Correspondence re Charlotte Auerbach, December 1966-January 1967. Personal Chair on M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 University of Edinburgh Correspondence. Includes ‘Notes on proposed telephone seminar link between Hills Road, Cambridge and Molecular Biology Department, Edinburgh’ and related correspondence; and correspondence Scotland compared to England. university entrance re in Correspondence. Correspondence. C.18-C.22 TEACHING 1969-1970 1971-1976 1970-1975 C.18-C.20 1970-1971 L. Briskman and P.G. This is a far from comprehensive record of Pollock’s university teaching. Pollock attached great importance to teaching undergraduates and this was one of the key features of the ‘Institute of Molecular Biology’ as originally envisaged by him. There is Section F, Lectures. a little further university lecturing material in Mini-course on ‘The evolution of Molecular Biology’. This course was taught with Werskey. Correspondence and papers re content and running of the course. 1970-1971 This was a short three-lecture course devised and taught by Pollock. Molecular Biology Honours Class ‘From Pangens to Polynucleotides’. Course material. List of lectures; synopses; bibliographies. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 University of Edinburgh Course synopsis; manuscript notes. Outlines of the three lectures. Molecular Biology Honours Class syllabuses and reading list for the year 1975/76. C.23-C.26 INSTITUTE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 1970-1971 or to establish a This was a proposal mooted in Federation Intelligence at Edinburgh involving the three sections of the Department of the Metamathematics Unit. Intelligence Perception Machine Artificial Institute and _ 1971 and of 1967-1971 Correspondence and papers. Correspondence and papers, April. Includes ‘An outline of proposals to form the basis for an agreement to establish a Federation, Institute or School of Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University’ drafted by Pollock. Includes ‘Summary of discussion and agreement in Principal's room, Old College, on 19th March 1971’ on the future of the Department of Machine Intelligence and Perception. Metamathematics Unit’. Negotiations on the proposed new Institute or Federation. Includes ‘Proposed Federal Structure for the Department of the Intelligence Perception, Correspondence and papers, June. Correspondence and papers, May. Machine and and M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 University of Edinburgh C.27-C.30 MISCELLANEOUS 1977-1980 Material postdating Pollock’s resignation from Edinburgh. ‘Proposed developments in research in the Department of Molecular Biology’, October. Papers re over-crowding in and the space requirements of the Department of Molecular Biology. 1979-1980 List of staff of the Department of Molecular Biology; list of research topics. ‘Epistemics’. 1977-1978 papers relating to at of after the School University Edinburgh Contents of Pollock’s folder so inscribed: correspondence and Epistemics Pollock’s established departure. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION D RESEARCH, D.1-D.60 1941-1970s The material is arranged as follows: CHRONOLOGICAL NOTES ON THE LITERATURE CONSULTANCY D.1-D.37 D.38-D.56 D.57-D.60 CHRONOLOGICAL 1941-1970s The material at D.1-D.14 appears to have originally been kept in ring binders. It is a continuous sequence of notes on experiments 1941-1945. 1941-1945 Notes, August. Notes, September. Notes, October. typescript memoranda on tetrathionate Includes reduction. Manuscript notes on experiments. 1941 Notes, November-December. Notes, January-February. Notes, March. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Research Notes, April-June. Notes, July-September. Notes, October-December. Notes, January-March. Notes, April-June. Notes, April-June. 1943-c 1948 D.17-D.22 ‘Genocycles’. Notes, July-August. Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript notes. Report on research for the year 1949-1950 by Pollock. correspondence. Contents of Pollock’s folder so inscribed: typescript and manuscript drafts; manuscript notes etc. Two annotated typescript drafts by Pollock, with related ‘Preliminary visualising the mechanism of heredity’. notes biochemical on a_ scheme for M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Research Typescript drafts. ‘Introduction’ on penicillinase, 5pp; ‘A naive speculation on the possible role of enzyme adaptation in genetics’, 4pp. ‘Some aspects of drug resistance in micro-organisms’. Paginated 1-9 but with further notes on reverse of pages. Discussion slips from Society for General Microbiology meeting. Typescript transcripts of contributions arising from papers given. Manuscript notes and figures. 2 folders. Manuscript notes headed ‘Burnet’. Graphs on work on penicillinase induction. Manuscript and typescript data. Hardback notebook. 1963-1968 Used for notes on experiments July 1963-March 1968. 21960s Typescript notes on bacterial penicillinase. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Research D.28-D.33 ‘Unstable Genetic States’. Pollock’s Contents of and graphs, miscellaneous manuscript notes on the literature, notes for lecture, jottings, bibliographical references etc. bundle so labelled: data 6 folders. Papers and Wilkinson for work on enzyme production in bacteria. research proposal Pollock by re J.F. ‘The death of Prince Albert’. Contents of Pollock’s folder so inscribed: re Pollock’s investigation of the cause of the death of Prince Albert from typhoid in December 1861. material The material includes manuscript notes on the sources, correspondence 1971. a well waters’ refreshing D.38-D.56 5pp typescript notes on ‘Genetic intrusions’. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. Pollock’s interest in the cause of Prince Albert’s death arose from an inscription on in Scotland that recorded Albert drank ‘of two its months before his death. c 1970s The notes are on science, molecular biology in particular, and the chiefly molecular history biology). The sources upon which the notes are made date from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries but most of the notes themselves appear to have been made in the This material is the contents of Pollock’s folders of his manuscript notes on books and articles read, together with some photocopies of published work, sometimes annotated by him. NOTES ON THE LITERATURE of science (again, articles of and extracts M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Research 1960s. It was arranged by Pollock in an alphabetical sequence by author and this arrangement has been preserved in the catalogue entries. A.-B. D.41-D.43 iG. 3 folders. H. 3 folders. D.44-D.46 Includes correspondence with R.C. Olby, April 1971. N.-O. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Research D.57-D.60 CONSULTANCY 1972-1973 1972 Pollock was approached by In the Japanese company Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd and asked to give an by fermentation. This was in connection with alleged patent infringement litigation in Japan. the production expert opinion L-lysine on of 1972 Includes copy of affidavit. Correspondence re first affidavit, September-November. Correspondence re second affidavit, November 1972- April 1973. Pollock submitted an affidavit on the company’s behalf and was then asked to assess research results on He did so and submitted a second samples of L-lysine. affidavit in March 1973. 1972-1973 Test results sent to Pollock for examination. 2 folders. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.101 c 1934-1986 The material is arranged as follows: DRAFTS EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.1-E.59A E.60-E.101 c 1934-1986 ‘The Mechanism of Evolution’. c 1934-1935 Undergraduate dissertation. ‘Bacterial reduction of tetrathionate’ by Pollock, R. Knox and P.G.H. Gell, Nature, vol 150 (July 1942), 94. 2pp typescript. ‘Penicillinase immunology’. Page from the Lancet, February 1943 reporting on article by Pollock on bacterial toxins. Copy of issue of Nature inscribed on front cover ‘First paper p.94’. ‘The role and properties of the inducer’. 13pp typescript. ‘Comments individuality of micro-organisms” ’. paper on by H.W. Hughes on “The 8pp typescript. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications an acquired ‘Enzymic “de-adaptation”: the character inducing of stimulus’, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B, vol 148 (1958), 340- 352. stability the withdrawal external on of Off-print only. basis of chemotherapeutic action’, Science and ‘The Health. Off-print only. ‘Physiological The Scientific Basis of Medicine Annual Reviews (1962), 34- 56. microorganisms’, adaptation in 17pp typescript draft. + ‘Not for Off-print. 4pp typescript critique of A.J. typescript annotated references, 8pp publication’. ‘Man as a subject for Science’. Photocopy of published lecture of the same title. ‘Penicillinase Jn Vitro and In Vivo: some physiological and evolutionary considerations’. Copy of obituary as published. Journal not identified. ‘What is a micro-organism’, New Scientist, 9 September 1965, 637-639. Copy of article as published. ‘Obituary. Mary Barber’. Ayer’s M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications E.15-E.18 ‘The biochemistry and function of penicillinase’ with N. Citri, Advances in Enzymology, vol 28 (1966). Correspondence re commission of article and with N. Citri re content of the article. 1963-1965 Correspondence with article. N. Citri and publishers re the 1965-1966 Typescript drafts of sections of the article. Off-print. ‘The co-ordination in space and time of metabolically coupled bacterial enzyme systems’, Biochemical Journal, vol 100 (1966), 41. Photocopy of article as published. British Medical Journal, 14 ‘Origin October 1967, 66-67. penicillinase’, of Photocopy of this unsigned Leading Article reporting on work of Pollock. ‘Heritable mass conversion of a mutant, penicillinase- negative culture of Bacillus cereus to a positive fully de- repressed state’ with Joan Fleming, J. gen. Microbiol., vol 58 (1969). Review of: N. Calder, Technopolis: Social Control of the Uses of Science, London: Mcgibbon and Kee, 1969. Marked proof copy. See also A.6. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications biological significance of beta-lactamases and ‘The cephalosporin in bacterial resistance to penicillins and cephalosporin: - some bibliographical reference 1969. the £(“penicillinase”) anomalies’, apparent penicillin latest Typescript draft + references. E.23, E.24 ‘Back to Pangenesis?’ in eds. J. Monod and E. Borek, Of Microbes and Life. Essays in Honour of André Lwoff, New York: Columbia, 1971. 1968-1970 Correspondence and papers re contributions to and preparation of the Festschrift. 1968-1970. The principal correspondents are Monod and Borek. Background material including Pollock’s manuscript notes on work of Lwoff. E.25-E.27 Manuscript notes on ‘CCCC’ [Centres of Communication and Control Coordination]. ‘The evolution of centres of communication (information) and control in biology’. Material assembled in connection with planned work on this subject. 7pp typescript ‘Draft’ outline; 2pp typescript ‘Notes on M.R.P.’s “The evolution of centres of communication’...’ by Bernard Meltzer. Includes letter from D. Michie, 13 November 1970 re artificial intelligence; manuscript notes. Miscellaneous background material. ‘Introduction’ seeking explanations for things’. beginning 4pp typescript dated January 1973. ‘Human beings are always M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications E.29-E.31 ‘Dust to DNA’. Review of: S.W. Fox, Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, Reading: W.H. Freeman, 1972, in Times Higher Educational Supplement, 1973. Invitation to review; 11pp typescript ‘Final version’. Manuscript notes, most on ‘Origin of Life’. ‘Chance in evolution. Some philosophical remarks’. Photocopy 9pp typescript draft, author’s name given but unclear. of beginning typescript 3-dimensional Untitled structures and systems mechanisms for their biosynthesis are now elements of perhaps the most important next stage in Molecular Biology’. ‘The biological sub-cellular Invitation to write review (accepted); 4pp typescript. 3pp, annotated ‘Review for Nature of [...] John Innes first Symposium’, dated August 1973. Review of: B. Benjamin, P.R. Cox and J. Peel eds, Population and the New Biology, London: Academic Press, 1974, in Times Higher Educational Supplement, 1974. 1p, dated 18 July 1976. Untitled typescript beginning ‘One of the most frequently used “scare” points made in debates on the hazards of genetic engineering concerns the escape-potential of dangerous recombinant entities’. ‘University Bulletin, 14 May 1975, 5. Copy of Bulletin with Pollock’s report on page 5. Exhibition’, Art University of Edinburgh M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications ‘Obituary: Trends Science, September 1976, N208-N209. Jacques Monod’, in Biochemical Photocopy of published article. Review of: Médecine Expérimentale, 2nd ed. New York, 1976. Introduction a I’Etude de la C. Bernard, 6pp typescript. E.38-E.40 Review of Monod’s Chance and Necessity, Pergamon Press, 1976. E. Scheffeniels, Anti-Chance. reply to A 5pp typescript dated 12 May 1977 Correspondence Pollock circulated the draft and on the wider issue of chance in biology, July-November, 1977. colleagues to whom with 3pp typescript. P.B. and J.S. Medawar, The Life Science. Review of: Current ideas of Biology, London, 1977. Miscellaneous material, including manuscript outline for lecture. 1977-1978 ‘An exciting but exasperating personality’, in ed. A. Lwoff and A. Ullmann, Origins of Molecular Biology: a tribute to Jacques Monod, New York: Academic Press, 1978. The letter is dated 18 October 1977. No evidence of publication. 14pp typescript draft, with covering letter and copy of possible illustration. Letter to The Times on ‘The Beethoven fallacy’. E.43-E.45 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications Marked proof copy. Correspondence with A. Lwoff re publication. ‘Aesthetics and (1978), 639-640. scientific progress’, Nature vol 276 Photocopy of published article. ‘Master of biological research’. Review of: ed. A. Lwoff and A. Ullmann, Selected Papers in Molecular Biology by Jacques Monod, New York: Academic Press, 1978, in Nature vol 278 (1979). Photocopy of published paper. See also G.21-G.81. Marked proof copy. E.48-E.51 1979-1981 Art and Science’ with 7pp photocopy typescript + 3pp bibliography. 6pp typescript with manuscript corrections, dated April 1979. ‘Common denominators in T. Barrett, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol 6 (1981), 214-220. 2pp typescript, undated. No evidence of publication. Letter to The Times on the Anthony Blunt spy scandal. of Lists illustrations; correspondence. possible illustrations; Material re illustrations for the article. 6 photographs for M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications Letter to The Guardian on ITV commercials, 19 January 1981. ITV documentary-play Pollock was angered that ‘Playing for Time’ about a Jewish musician in Auschwitz concentration ‘tasteless’ commercial breaks. interrupted camp, was_ an by Copy of Pollock’s article as sent to the editor and as published; copies of newspaper coverage of the TV programme and letters The Guardian arising from Pollock’s letter. to Correspondence arising, January-February. ‘The role of model-building in the practices of Art and Science. A method of analysing order and regulation in natural systems and artefacts’, Leonardo. c 1981-1982 ‘The significance of Man’, The Scientist. 6pp typescript draft; corrected copies of four pages and replacement page; correspondence with publisher. 6pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript correction; copy of published article. ‘Preformationists and epigenesists’. Review of S.A. Roe, Matter, Life and Generation and translation of W. Harvey, Disputations touching the Generation of Animals, in Times Literary Supplement, 11 June 1982, 629. 23pp typescript, dated August 1986. ‘The Edinburgh Department of Molecular Biology. A brief account of its origins’. 3pp correspondence with publisher. typescript with manuscript annotations; M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications ‘Anthropomorphism and teleology in Molecular Biology: function their enzymes’. the beta-lactams and _ and purpose in 7pp typescript. ‘Early diagnosis of infective hepatitis’. 2pp typescript with note ‘Lancet annotation’. E.60-E.101 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1945-1982 The material is chiefly requests to referee articles, review books or contribute to series. Presented in alphabetical order by journal or publisher. Annales de I’Institut Pasteur. Chiefly refereeing. Also includes some correspondence 1963-1968 1950-1975 E.62-E.65 Biochemical Journal. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Invitation to serve on editorial board (accepted). 1966-1968. Chiefly refereeing. on papers submitted by Pollock himself. 1950-1957. 1958-1965. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications 1970-1975. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1963-1974 Chiefly refereeing. Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd 1964-1973 Book projects etc. British Journal of Experimental Pathology. 1949-1954 Chiefly papers submitted by Pollock. British Medical Bulletin. 1953-1965 Book reviews etc. Cambridge University Press. 1965-1972 Chiefly reviews of books edited by Pollock. Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology. Book projects. Chapman and Hall Ltd. Monograph on enzymes. Clarendon Press Ltd 1970-1974 Refereeing. 1961-1962 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications Edinburgh University Press 1971, 1980 Book projects. Elsevier/North Holland Scientific Publishers. Possible European journal of biophysics. Genetical Research. Refereeing. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Journal of Bacteriology. 1968-1971 Refereeing. 1952-1956. 1963-1965. 1966-1970. E.79-E.82 Journal of General Microbiology. 1952-1970 1957-1962. Papers submitted by Pollock; refereeing. Refereeing. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1964-1973 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications Journal of Molecular Evolution. 1970-1971 Invitation refereeing. to serve on editorial board (declined); Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 1957, 1958. Errors in papers. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 1961-1973 1961-1963. 1966-1973. Logos Press Ltd. 1963, 1968 E.89-E.93 Nature. 1959-1977 refereeing; papers submitted by Pollock; 1955-1959. 1960-1967. Includes editorial policy. 1974-1977. 1968-1969. 1970-1973. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Drafts and publications New Scientist. 1965-1969 Includes material re nomination of M.D. Lilly Scientist award, 1968. for New Pergamon Press. Chiefly papers by Pollock. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. Royal Society. Refereeing. 1960-1971 1963-1968 Science and Health. 1957-1961 E.99-E.101 In chronological order. 1945-1964. exchanges’ with _ scientific 1945-1982, Contribution by Pollock. Chiefly requests to write or referee declined by Pollock. Miscellaneous periodicals and publishers. shorter This monograph was published by the World Federation of Scientific Workers. n.d. Includes correspondence Encyclopaedia of Ignorance. 1965-1968. 1970-1982 and n.d. re _ contribution to M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, F.1-F.123 The material is arranged as follows: LECTURES BROADCASTS LECTURES There These are chiefly public and invitation lectures. are also a few lectures delivered within the University of Edinburgh but these appear to be ‘one-off’ lectures to other departments rather than part of a regular teaching course. c 1948-1977, n.d. F.1-F.109 F.110-F.123 c 1948-1977, n.d. identify the precise rough lecture notes and figures, annotated Untitled 21948’. delivered occasion the place where the lecture was The lecture notes are manuscript, the figures are ink- drawn with both manuscript and typescript text. Most of the material is manuscript notes for the lecture, usually giving headings of main points, examples, and Many have indications of slides to be some outline text. used, referred to by a reference number. Some of the notes have an indication of date and some include a note but of comparatively few or audience. ‘Nutrition’, lecture in Almroth-Wright Lecture series, St Mary’s Hospital, London, 24 May 1949. Correspondence, list notes. ‘Enzyme adaptation’, 27 February 1950. of lectures in series, manuscript Manuscript notes. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Bacterial Enzyme Adaptation’, 11 July 1950. Manuscript notes paginated [1]-8. ‘Enzyme adaptation’, 29 September 1950. Manuscript notes. ‘Enzymatic Adaptation’, Research. National Institute of Medical Manuscript notes paginated 1-11; appendix. ‘Enzyme Adaptation in Microorganisms’, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1951. Manuscript outline; 13pp typescript. 5pp typescript. ‘Analogy between enzyme adaptation production’, annotated ‘?~1951’. and antibody Typescript outline; manuscript notes. Drug Resistance by Bacteria’, ‘The Development of annotated ‘71951’. Correspondence re arrangements; 13pp typescript. ‘Some aspects of drug resistance in micro-organisms’, Postgraduate Medical School, University of London, 12 March 1952. Manuscript notes paginated 1-5; manuscript list of French phrases. ‘Mechanism and function of enzyme adaptation in metabolism’, Paris, France, February 1952. cell M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Genetics & Evolution’, annotated ‘?1955/56’. Manuscript notes. Some pages headed ‘Royal S. Symp’. ‘Quantitative changes in penicillinase production due to spontaneous mutation or penicillinase’, Glasgow, 3 February 1956. induction by Manuscript notes. ‘Mechanism of induced enzyme formation on micro- organisms’, Department of Botany, University College London, 13 February 1957. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes. ‘The nature of enzyme induction and its possible role in physiological adaptation’, New York University College of Medicine, USA, 23 November. arrangements; 17pp_ typescript; 22pp typescript + table. Correspondence manuscript jottings. re ‘Physiological adaptation’, May 1958. ‘Enzyme adaptation in micro-organisms’, annotated ‘? 1957’. Manuscript notes. ‘Adaptative enzymes’, College London, 1958. Galton Laboratory, Manuscript notes. University M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts possible ‘Mechanisms for specific control of enzyme formation and their and heredity’, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 1958. in Institutes physiological adaptation National Health, roles of Two lectures in a series. ‘Lecture 1: Enzyme induction’. 12pp typescript. ‘Lecture 2. Enzymic reversion and enzymic repression’. 11pp typescript. ‘Environmentally-induced biochemical organisation ‘UNESCO’. changes within in the the cell’, pattern of annotated c 1958 11pp typescript + references. of Chile, remarks (in for lecture course; Medicine, University of F.22-F.27 introductory Poster Spanish); course outline. Pollock delivered this course of five lectures under the Spanish title ‘Biosintesis inducida de enzimas’. ‘Specific environmental control of enzyme biosynthesis’, Faculty Santiago, November 1959. 5pp typescript + outline. 7pp typescript; manuscript jottings ‘Blackboard’. ‘Lecture Il Enzyme induction (A)’. ‘| Adaptation in general’. illustrations of for M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Lecture complications’. Ill Enzyme induction - some additions and 10pp typescript + outline; manuscript note ‘Blackboard’. ‘Lecture IV Wider implications’. 6pp typescript + outline; manuscript notes. ‘Lecture V Biochemical basis of enzyme induction and repression’. 8pp typescript + outline. Lecture on penicillinase, annotated ‘Bristol’. Manuscript notes paginated 1-5. Physical F.31-F.35 2nd Louis 1960-1961 Tables and figures. secretion of enzymes by bacteria’, 7pp typescript + references etc. specificity of enzyme induction’, ‘The Society of Edinburgh symposium, May 1960. Royal ‘The Rapkine Lecture, University of Paris, 1960. arrangements. The Louis Rapkine Lecture, French biochemist, was instituted lecture was delivered delivered French. in honour of in 1958. by Jacques Monod. the noted The first Pollock He spoke in the second lecture in 1960. Correspondence with Biology re Institute of 1960-1961 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts 18pp corrections. typescript with manuscript additions and English language version 16pp corrections. typescript with manuscript additions and French language version. Manuscript and typescript drafts for slides. Also includes list of slides for the lecture. Manuscript notes. 1960-1962 re publication holes?’, Manuscript notes. adaptation in micro-organisms’, ‘How do Medical Research Club, December 1960. large molecules get through small ‘Physiological British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, 10 November 1960. Poster listing lectures at the British Postgraduate Medical Federation; correspondence, chiefly of Pollock’s lecture. Manuscript notes. ‘The roles of mutation and of enzyme adaptation in the development of drug resistance by bacteria’. 11pp typescript + figures. ‘Enzymic ‘2~1962’. behaviour of individual cells’, annotated M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Physiological adaptation’, annotated ‘?~1962’. Manuscript notes. ‘Bacterial resistance to the penicillins’, Warsaw, Poland, 17 May 1963. Manuscript notes. See also G.12A. ‘The natural history of an enzyme: bacterial penicillinase’, Woods Hole, USA, 1963. 19pp typescript. Lecture to the Nicholas Society, Slough, 26 February and to course for ‘Dipl. Clin. Path.’ students, Postgraduate Medical School, London, 13 May 1964. ‘Control Penicillinase’, Pittsburgh, USA, 30 October 1964. mutations structural and B. in Manuscript notes. ‘Penicillin & cephalosporin - destroying enzymes’, New York, USA, 27 October 1964. Correspondence re arrangements for lecture to students taking Diploma in Clinical Pathology course; notes on index cards. Manuscript notes. ‘Mutant Penicillinases, antibodies & evolution’, 30 March 1965. Manuscript notes. lichenformi M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts concept ‘The British Association for the Advancement of Science, Cambridge, 1965. microbiology’, organism of in duplicated 4pp annotation. typescript with extensive manuscript ‘Concept of organism’ and ‘Concept of organism in (Micro-)biology’, annotated ‘Glasgow, Oxford, Palermo’ and ‘16.2.66 to 10.4.67’. 1966-1967 Manuscript notes. This lecture was delivered under the two slightly different titles on at least three occasions. ‘Specific control mechanisms in enzyme biosynthesis’, annotated ‘Honours Biochem. Edinburgh May ‘66’. 1965, 1966 Manuscript notes for Edinburgh; exchange re lecture at Aberdeen University in 1966. giving is in of control. enzyme Mechanisms Manuscript notes. Manuscript notes. See also L.444. ‘Evolution biosynthesis’, Montpellier, France, 29 October 1966. ‘Multiple forms of bacterial penicillinases’, New York, USA, 3 October 1966. 15pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections 1p typescript ‘Preamble’ (incomplete and crossed out); ‘What University of Edinburgh 1966. molecular biology?’, Inaugural Lecture, M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts 1966, 1967 ‘Speculations on the [?] structural basis for control of enzyme synthesis & function bacteria’, Cambridge Biochemical Society, 5 July, Glasgow, 12 October 1966, Bristol University Biochemical Society, January 1967 and Sheffield University Biochemical Society, 10 February 1967. in Manuscript notes for lecture in Cambridge and Glasgow; correspondence re arrangements for lecture in Bristol and Sheffield. The lecture delivered at Cambridge had the title ‘Multi- enzyme systems in bacteria’, and that at Sheffield was also given under a slightly different title. ‘Specific control of protein biosynthesis’. Manuscript notes. Lecture to University of Newcastle upon Tyne Medical School, 28 March 1967 Institute Microbiology, ‘Natural 1967. Manuscript notes. Brief correspondence re arrangements. history of penicillinase’, Palermo, Italy, April ‘The origin and function of penicillinase’, Almroth Wright Lecture, Wright-Fleming St of Mary’s Hospital, London, 1 May 1967. 1966-1967 Pollock gave the first of the Almroth Wright Lectures for 1967. Correspondence re arrangements, 1966-1967; notice; manuscript notes. Two lectures in series. Found with material at F.56. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Lecture |. The cell as a molecular mosaic’. 33pp typescript with manuscript annotations. ‘Lecture II. Intercellular exchange of nucleic acid’. 33pp typescript with manuscript annotations. ‘Spheres of nucleic acid interaction in micro-organisms’, Biochemistry Club, Manchester, 27 May 1968. Manuscript notes. ‘Technology out of control? Centre, University of Edinburgh, 8 February 1969. A red herring’, Chaplaincy Manuscript notes. Manuscript notes. ‘Technopolis’, November 1969. Manuscript notes. 21pp typescript with manuscript annotations ‘Evolution of the B-lactamases’, Umea, Sweden, June 1969. ‘Unstable genetic states in micro-organisms’, annotated ‘Urbana Madison’, 10 April 1969. 1970 respectively. Two slightly different 16pp typescripts, both identified as being given at the same occasion but dated 1969 and ‘The origin University of Edinburgh, 1969 or 1970. life’, of Inter Faculty Lunch time Lecture, Science Centre, Stirling University, 18 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘The biochemical uses of bacterial genetics’, 1960s. 13pp typescript. international ‘The Building Union lunch-time talk, Edinburgh, 20 January responsibility scientists’, of King’s correspondence re arrangements; manuscript Brief notes. F.66-F.74 ‘The discovery of DNA’, 3rd Griffith Memorial Lecture of the Society for General Microbiology, London, 6 April 1970. 1969-1973 The lecture was published in the Journal of General Microbiology in 1971. Correspondence, chiefly re F. Griffith. Correspondence, chiefly re Griffith, January. Correspondence, chiefly of appreciation of the lecture following its publication, January-March. Correspondence, including letters from E. Chargaff re DNA and S.D. Elliott re Griffith, February-June. Griffith, R.C. Olby and P.B. Medawar. Correspondence, chiefly with R.C. Olby arising from the lecture following its publication, April-November. Correspondence chiefly with J. Lederberg re work of Griffith in the 1940s. Correspondence, including with J. Lederberg re work of M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts Manuscript notes etc for Griffith Lecture. 2 folders. ‘Bacterial Jolla, California, USA, 15 October 1970. penicillinase’, Berkeley, 13 October and La Manuscript notes. An annotation suggests the lecture was also given in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Bristol. ‘Genetic engineering’, Society, 19 November 1970. Edinburgh University Biological Correspondence re arrangements. re manuscript ‘Concept Department of Bacteriology, 24 November 1970. organism’, University of of Edinburgh Untitled manuscript notes. arrangements; of British Society for Social Responsibility in ‘Genetic engineering’, Oxford, 4 February 1971. Exchange manuscript note Organism’. Lecture to Science, 27 November 1970. notes; ‘Discussion opening Concept of 2pp typescript summary; manuscript notes. ‘The Society Discussion Meeting on Antibiotics, London, 20 May 1971. penicillinase’, Royal Penicillin and Related Manuscript notes. function and evolution of M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts Lecture to Genetics Society, Sheffield, 16 July 1971. Untitled manuscript notes. ‘Concept of organism’, lecture at Heriot-Watt University 24 November 1971 and ‘Leeds Biochem’ 4 February 1972. 1971-1972 Manuscript notes, headed ‘Revised version’. F.83-F.85 lectures Three Laboratory, Hyderabad, India, 3-5 September 1973. delivered Regional Research the at Manuscript notes. Pollock delivered three Popular Science Lectures (see also G.14, G.15). ‘Lecture | - Origins’, 3 September. ‘Lecture 3. Future possibilities’, 5 September. Exchange re arrangements; manuscript notes. ‘Lecture 2. The discovery of DNA’, 4 September. ‘Where have we got to? In Molecular Biology’, Chaplaincy Centre, University of Edinburgh, 18 October 1973. Manuscript notes. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes. ‘Origins University Technology, 21 February 1974. development Manchester ‘Genetic Workers February 1974. South East Association, engineering’, Educational Institute of Science biology’, and of molecular Scotland Edinburgh, District, 13 1973-1974 and of M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts variation ‘Biological British Association for the Advancement of Science, Stirling University, 4 September 1974. - genes and molecules’, 21pp typescript + legends for figures. Figures. F.91-F.94 ‘From pangens to polynucleotides: the evolution of ideas on replication’, Huxley Lecture, University of Birmingham, 6 March 1975. the mechanism of biological 1973-1976 This lecture was subsequently published in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 1975. 28pp typescript + 3pp references and notes. 1973-1974 1975-1976 Miscellaneous notes etc. Correspondence re arrangements, chiefly with J.L. Jinks. Correspondence re arrangements, chiefly with J.L. Jinks and R.C. Olby, and publication of the lecture. ‘Pencillinase’, Pencillinase Workshop, Newcastle upon Tyne, April 1975. 46pp typescript with manuscript corrections + references. ‘Freedom Peace University College London, 25 November 1975. A version of Censorship. See J.45, J.46 this lecture was published by Index on 5pp typescript. See also G.16. in Science’, J.D. Bernal Library, 1974-1975 F.96-F.98 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts Correspondence re arrangements and arising. 1974-1975 Poster, manuscript notes. ‘Early approaches (to the chemical basis of heredity)’, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA, January 1977. Manuscript notes. F.100, F.101 ‘The role of chance in biology: irritating irrelevancy or disturbing challenge?’ typescript 16pp underlining. with manuscript annotations and F.102-F.105 Undated lectures. antibiotics’ and 18pp typescript + references. Presented in alphabetical order by Manuscript notes. title. ‘Actinomycin and the m-RNA hypothesis’, ‘Adaptation of micro-organisms ‘Exo-enzyme and liberation by bacteria’. antibodies to B. cereus Pencillinase’. ‘Genetic engineering’ and ‘Growth and differentiation’. ‘Human genetic enzymes’, ‘Molecular engineering’, “mistakes” ‘Induced and ’ formation of ‘Neutralising M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts of enzyme induction Nutrition (typescript); ‘Physiological adaptation in micro- organism’; ‘The problem of enzyme secretion in bacteria’; drug ‘Role resistance and ‘Some primitive the mechanism of [?exotic] enzyme liberation from bacteria’. in development of views microorganisms’; determine attempts by to Untitled lecture notes. F.107, F.108 Figures for slides. This material is illustrations used for slides, numbered from 510 to 1382 (not all the numbers are used), pasted to sheets of paper. Many of Pollock’s lecture drafts refer to the slides used as illustrations by number. 2 folders. F.110-F.123 BROADCASTS 1964-1977 Duplicated typescript. Miscellaneous figures on genetic modification. Recorded 11 December, broadcast 20-24 December ‘Great Men of Science. No: 12 - “Pasteur” ’. BBC Radio. of Pollock’s Correspondence re arrangements, 1970; 2pp typescript Educational film for schoolchildren on molecular biology. Contract for Pollock’s appearance in the programme. ‘Science versus God’. Rediffusion Television. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts the was produced at Medical This Research Council responding to of the Department of Education and Science. Pollock spoke on the Biology, University of Edinburgh. of initiative request an Department of Molecular the work of the F.113-F.116 ‘Molecular Biology. BBC Radio for Open University Science Foundation Course. Recorded March and April, broadcast 20 May (Radio 3) and 24 May (Radio 4). The broadcast included preceding discussion with W.L. Bragg, R. Jones and J.C. Kendrew. Correspondence re arrangements, contract etc. 9pp typescript ‘Final draft’ of Pollock’s contribution. 12pp duplicated typescript transcript. 12pp duplicated typescript transcript. The transcript records discussion between Bragg and Kendrew. Pages 1-5 record the discussion preceding Pollock’s talk, involving Bragg, Jones and Kendrew. Broadcast in part 5 September 1973. Radio interview with P.M. Bhargava, Deputy Director of the Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad. All India Radio. 17pp typescript transcript. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts F.118-F.120 Discussion in ‘Controversy’ series. BBC-2 Television. Broadcast 2 September 1974. to Pollock was invited this discussion programme on the proposed moratorium on certain types of research involving genetic manipulation of living cells and viruses. participate in This moratorium had been originally proposed by Paul Berg, Professor of Biochemistry at Stanford University and had received considerable scientific support. Correspondence re programme; Pollock’s manuscript notes. lao ralcO Background proposed moratorium. information on DNA research and the 2 folders. of for ‘Scientifically Berg’s proposal for a moratorium on Broadcast November 1974. Broadcast discussion Speaking’ programme. BBC Radio 3. studio 25pp duplicated typescript transcript. This was a discussion programme considering Professor Paul genetic research. Pollock does not appear. Broadcast discussion Speaking’ programme. BBC Radio 3. programme This discussion engineering at the University of Edinburgh. Photocopy of transcript. Broadcast 9 April 1975. ‘Scientifically of genetic of studio for included M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Where are you taking us? No. 3: Towards a superdrug’. BBC Radio 4. Brief correspondence, copy of contract, dated ‘Aug. 1976’, titled ‘Freedom in Science’. 1p synopsis Broadcast 31 October 1976 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.82 1947-1983 to visits material Pollock’s covers some of and The The bulk of the attendance at conferences from 1947. 1981 Conference on material, however, relates Common Denominators in Art and Science, University of Edinburgh that Pollock helped organise. This includes an extensive sequence of correspondence with prospective speakers, participants and funding bodies. At G.82 are a number of invitations to visit declined by Pollock or for which there is no evidence of acceptance. a Pollock visited a number of countries to give specific lectures; this material can be found in section F, Lectures and broadcasts. Material relating to symposia organised by the Ciba Foundation can be found in section H. G.1-G.20A Visits and conferences 1947-1983 1947-1982 of abstracts by handbook (annotated Programme; Pollock). Programme; manuscript notes on proceedings. Medical Research Council Unit for Chemical Microbiology Discussion Meeting on ‘The Biological Action of Surface- Active Substances’, 25 October 1947. Pollock spoke on ‘A naive speculation on the possible role of enzyme adaptation in genetics’. 2nd Symposium on Microbial Genetics, Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, Pallanza, Italy, 2-6 September 1952. The colloquium was held at the suggestion of the informal MRC meeting held on 21 June. Pollock helped organise the colloquium and spoke on the second afternoon. Correspondence and papers re arrangements including minutes of preceding MRC meeting on bacterial genetics 21 June, and programme. Medical Genetics, 14-16 December 1954. Research Council Colloquium on Bacterial M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences International Belgium, 1955. Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels, 1954-1955 Correspondence re arrangements. Pollock symposium on Induction or adaptation in enzymology. participate invited was to in a Congress Society of Medical Officers of Health Services Group meeting, 15-16 February 1957. Fever Medical Notice; programmes; manuscript notes. Pollock spoke on ‘Development of drug resistance in micro-organisms’. World Tour, September - December 1957. 1956-1958 visit to Japan with Israel, prior to 1956-1957 See G.9 for Pollock’s report on his travels. Includes funding application for visits to the USA. Correspondence re arrangements for attendance at the International Symposium on Enzyme Chemistry, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, 16-23 October 1957. In December 1956 Pollock was invited to attend the International Symposium on Enzyme Chemistry to be He took the opportunity held in Japan in October 1957. to combine his the visits Symposium to colleagues in India, China and elsewhere in the Far East. His return from Japan took Pollock to the USA, where he visited research centres throughout the country during November. Includes itinerary. Correspondence re arrangements for visits to colleagues in Israel, India, China, Thailand and Hong Kong. Pollock spoke on ‘Precursors of bacterial penicillinase’. See also G.8. Correspondence re arrangements for visits to colleagues in USA. 1957-1958 1957-1958 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences Correspondence delivered to the International Symposium. publication re of Pollock’s paper 1957-1958 Includes typescript copy of discussion following Pollock’s paper. See G.5. ‘Some impressions of current research in microbiology and biochemistry obtained during brief visits to a number of countries outside Europe in the course of a world tour’. 13pp typescript. Working Conference on ‘The Genetic Control of Protein Specificity, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-18 September 1959. Invitation; manuscript notes on proceedings. annotated programme; list of participants; Visit to Mexico and Cuba, 1961. bacterias’, and in Cuba on ‘Role Manuscript and typescript outlines of lectures, notice for lectures in Mexico, etc. Symposium on ‘The Nature, Synthesis and Activity of Enzymes’, Luton College of Technology, 18-19 April 1963. ‘Adaptacion fisioldgica en Pollock lectured in Mexico on micro-organismos’, ‘Problemas de secrecién de enzimas en of enzymes in physiological adaptation’ and ‘Specific control of enzyme formation’. 1962-1963 Correspondence re arrangements; 1p typescript abstract with manuscript corrections; programme. Brief correspondence re lecture to Society of Microbiologists only. Pollock spoke on ‘Control of enzyme synthesis in cells’. Visit to Poland, May 1963. See also F.41. Polish M.R. Pollock NCUACS 1141/10/02 Visits and conferences Unidentified meeting, April 1964. Manuscript notes on proceedings. Visit to India, 30 August-5 September 1973. Pollock was invited to India as a guest of the Indian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research with British Council support. He visited research centres around the country. While in Hyderabad Pollock gave three ‘Popular Science Lectures’ at the Regional Research Laboratory. See F.83-F.85 for the texts of the lectures. Itinerary for visit to India; duplicated typescript report on visit. Publicity material. Leaflet; Pollock’s lectures. invitation; newspaper cuttings reporting on Brief correspondence only. See F.95 for text of Pollock’s contribution. Workshop on Penicillinase, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 16-18 April 1975. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Penicillin 50 years after Fleming, London, 2-3 May 1979. Miscellaneous papers re arrangements in India etc. Pollock visited Madras and Hyderabad. Creativity in Science and Art (a two lecture series). He lectured on G.18-G.20 Visit to India, November 1980. Programme with abstracts; manuscript note. Pollock chaired one of the sessions. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 G.21-G.81 Visits and conferences Manuscript lecture notes for Pollock’s two lectures. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes, lists slides. of Visit to Mexico, early 1983. Exchange of letters re arrangements. Conference and Science, University of Edinburgh, 11-12 November 1981. on Common Denominators Art in 1979-1983 was conference This and colleagues in the School of Epistemics at the University of Edinburgh. It brought together scientists, historians, philosophers and artists. organised Pollock by each paper and there G.43-G.81 that followed Draft and final programme; list of participants. of extensive Pollock’s expanding wallet, sequence The audio cassette tapes of sessions three and four are in section K, K.5-K.8. The proceedings were published, with Pollock as editor, but there was some difficulty with the recording of the discussions is significant material relating to Pollock’s efforts to produce an accurate and intelligible version of what was said by each contributor. At correspondence, found with possible speakers, participants and funders. Manuscript notes ‘Some quotes relevant to theme of conference’. Typescripts of papers presented at the conference. In alphabetical order by contributor. G.23-G.28 is an in 6 folders. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences ‘Some conclusions: what have we done and why have we tried to do it?’ by Arthur Marwick. Typescript draft corrected typescript version. with extensive manuscript correction; G.30-G.32 Correspondence discussions. with participants re post-paper 1981-1982 This chiefly relates to Pollock’s efforts to produce an accurate and intelligible version of what each participant said in the discussions that followed the papers. 3 folders. G.33-G.40 Typescript drafts of discussion remarks. As the cassette audio recordings of proceedings could not be used to produce an accurate and intelligible text, the first transcripts had to be considerably revised and sent to the participants for their approval. 8 folders. 8pp photocopy manuscript. G.43-G.81 Correspondence with prospective speakers, participants and funders. 1978-1983 Typescript drafts of Foreword and Acknowledgements. Report on the conference for the journal Leonardo by Christopher Cornford, November. 1980-1982 This sequence of correspondence was found in Pollock’s expanding wallet, organised in an alphabetical order by dividers. This arrangement has been retained in the catalogue entries. 1980-1981 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences Bryson, N. Bu. and first name only. Davies, I.J. 1980-1981 1980-1981 1980-1981 1980-1981 1980-1983 1981-1983 1980-1982 1980-1981 1980-1982 1980-1982 1980-1981 Ha.-Hi. and first name only. 1980-1982 1980-1982 1980-1982 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences Holloway, J.H. Kinmont, D. Knight, D. Leonardo 1980-1981 1980-1982 1980-1981 1980-1982 1980-1981 1980-1981 The editor of the journal Leonardo, F.J. Malina was to have participated in the Conference but died very shortly beforehand. 1980-1981 1980-1982 Lloyd Jones, P. 1980-1982 1980-1982 1979-1981 1980-1982 Marwick, A. Mermoz, G. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Visits and conferences Michaelis, A.R. 1980-1982 Michaelis was editor of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews which essay ‘Common denominators in Art and Science’ in volume 6 (1981). See E.48-E.51. published Pollock’s Barrett's and T. 1980-1981 1980-1982 1979-1981 1980-1982 1979-1980 1980-1981 1978-1981 Rupke, N.A. 1951-1973 Invitations declined or for which there is no evidence of acceptance. Miscellaneous invitations. Wilson, C.B. 1979-1981 1980-1981 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION J POLITICS, J.1-J.80 1955-1983 that brings section material together This reflects Pollock’s political concerns, in their broadest sense. He was on politically and much of the material relates causes associated with the Left, including the social responsibility of scientists and nuclear disarmament, as well as support for academic freedom and human rights in general. Left his the to support political active for The material is arranged as follows: ORGANISATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE J.1-J.58 J.59-J.78 J.79, J.80 order. The single alphabetical ORGANISATIONS British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) Arranged in largest component is material relating to the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, including the Working Party on International Responsibility of Scientists and the Edinburgh Society for Social Responsibility in Science. 1969-1976 For talks given by Pollock on the subject of international responsibility of scientists in 1970 and 1971 see F.65, F.78. J.13-J.26: Edinburgh Society for Social Responsibility in Science J.1-J.12: Working Party on International Responsibility of Scientists J.31, J.32: Miscellaneous BSSRS material J.27-J.30: Science and Society Trust M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Working Scientists Group on_ International Responsibility of 1969-1974 in Nature The idea of a working group of the BSSRS came from correspondence forced resignations of scientists in Brazil on political grounds and the resulting discussions about the sort of action that should letter was published on 4 October. in response. Pollock’s taken 1969 the be re in Arising from Pollock’s letter and others, it was suggested that an international body should be established by the BSSRS and sister bodies in other countries in order to monitor the situation. In May 1970 Pollock wrote proposing that the BSSRS establish a the _ international responsibility extensive correspondence with colleagues, the working party was convened in December 1970. not flourish and became moribund in 1971. working of scientists. After It did party on_ Correspondence re Brazilian scientists and wider issue of freedom of scientists, June-September. in the from letters chiefly arising Includes copy of Pollock’s letter as published. Copies of articles in Nature and other publications. Correspondence, Nature, October-December. Correspondence, chiefly discussing the possibility of BSSRS working party, January-April. 1969-1970 Circular letter from Pollock seeking support for the idea; manuscript list letter (and the follow-up letter, with annotations indicating supporters. Letters received in reply to circular, May. Papers re proposed working party, May. of those to whom the see J.7) was sent, a M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Second circular letter and further replies received, June. Correspondence arising July-September. from responses to circulars, Correspondence, October-December. Includes correspondence re case of alleged US State Department refusal of visas to Cuban scientists. Pollock was concerned that inaccurate information on this case. given been had he Correspondence and papers. 1971, 1974 ‘Proposed Working Group on Restrictions to Freedom in Science’. J.13-J.26 1969-1971 Pollock served on Printed background information 6pp typescript draft; manuscript notes. The ESSRS was established in 1969. the Committee. Edinburgh Society for Social Responsibility in Science (ESSRS) 1969-1971 Most of the material concerns a ‘Teach-in’ on Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) at Edinburgh University in January 1969. The issue of CBW remained a concern of Pollock’s thereafter. Agenda and minutes of ESSRS Committee and General meetings. The tape-recordings of the proceedings of the Teach-in are at K.1-K.4. Edinburgh on Warfare’, 24 January 1969. ‘Teach-in’ J.14-J.24 Chemical and_ Biological M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Programme of Teach-in, with manuscript notes found therewith. Transcript of ‘Teach-in’. Duplicated typescript, 114pp + figure. Reports on the ‘Teach-in’. a teach-in’ by John Lowe, Photocopy of ‘Impressions of 5 (February 1969); ‘Edinburgh University Bulletin’, 24 pages from French-language journal Atomes, vol (1969); copy of ‘Edinburgh University Bulletin’, 6 (February 1970), with Pollock’s letter on the success of the ‘Teach-in’ on pp10-11. vol vol Correspondence and papers arising. Correspondence re CBW. 3 folders. Correspondence re CBW. 1970-1971 J.20-J.22 Duplicated typescript papers re CBW. These chiefly relate to SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) interest in CBW. opposition to CBW. Correspondence with Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, and others, re documentation of Includes photocopies of press articles Newspaper cuttings etc on CBW. 1969-1971 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics of re Includes correspondence literature collection relating correspondence re documentation others’ Microbiology in 1952 (see also H.37). motion on CBW to the disposition of CBW, Pollock’s and and Society for General Pollock’s to of Correspondence, March-December. Includes correspondence re ESSRS role in the working party on international responsibility of scientists. ‘Context’, vol. 1, no.1 (June/July 1970). This was the first issue of the ESSRS newsletter. J.27-J.30 Science and Society Trust 1970-1976 This was established by the BSSRS in educational charity. Pollock was a Trustee. 1971 as an J.28-J.30 1971-1976 3 folders. Papers for meetings. Miscellaneous BSSRS material. Includes a little related correspondence. Draft constitution and related correspondence. Miscellaneous publicity material. Pollock gathered this information from colleagues Edinburgh for a paper he was preparing. with between the paper and the BSSRS is not clear. Material found in folder inscribed ‘Pure Science forms’. Questionnaire and data on attitudes to ‘Pure Science’. in It was found relationship the BSSRS material, although the M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Includes Peace. issues of BSSRS Bulletin and Science for Council for Academic Freedom and Democracy Pamphlets. J.34-J.44 Council for Science and Society 1975-1978 relating Material Scholarly Freedom and Human Rights. during 1976. Its Report was issued in February 1977. the Council’s Working Group on The Group met to Pollock was invited to join formation. The convenor was J.M. Ziman. this Working Group on its Correspondence re establishment of the Working Group, November-December. Sent to Pollock by J.M Ziman. Correspondence and papers, March-May. First draft report of the Group, April. Correspondence and papers, January-February. Photocopies of existing international legislation protecting scholarly freedom. Includes papers prepared by J.M. Ziman and P. Sieghart (members of the Working Group) outlining their initial thoughts on the remit of the Group; minutes of the First Meeting, 19 February. Correspondence and papers, June-August. 27pp typescript with manuscript annotation by Pollock. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Second draft report of the Group, July. Photocopy ‘Uncorrected’. typescript and manuscript annotated Draft of Final Report, September. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers arising from work of the Group. 1976-1978 2 folders. J.45-J.46 Index on Censorship J.45 Miscellaneous correspondence. 1974-1976 1974 Draft of ‘Freedom in Science’. 24pp typescript + references. J.D. Bernal Peace Library Correspondence. 1975-1976 Correspondence and papers re publication of text of J.D. Bernal Peace Library Lecture ‘Freedom in Science’ by Pollock (see F.96-F.98). 1967-1982 Pollock gave the J.D. Bernal Peace Library Lecture on ‘Freedom in Science in November 1975 (see F.96-F.98 and J.45A). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re Library activities. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Medical Association for the Prevention of War 1980, 1982 Correspondence and papers. Pollock was a sponsor of the Association’s ‘Appeal on Disarmament’. Scientists Against Nuclear Arms c 1981-1983 Miscellaneous papers and appeals. Society for the Protection of Science and Learning 1969-1970 Correspondence re work of the Society and support for Brazilian scientists. J.51-J.57 1955-1975 J.51 Correspondence and papers. World Federation of Scientific Workers Pollock attended the Conference. the European Molecular Biology Organisation, published in Scientific World. He spoke on Correspondence and papers re WFSW Conference on European Scientific Co-operation, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 1968. 1955-1959 Correspondence meeting between US and North Vietnamese scientists on use of chemical agents in Vietnam. Correspondence and papers re concern over US use of chemical agents in Vietnam. and papers re proposed M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Papers and correspondence re appeal for support for scientific equipment for North Vietnam. Pollock was a sponsor of the appeal. Correspondence Czechoslovak scientists. re plight of |. Malek and other 1971-1973 Correspondence re conference on plight of |. Malek and other Czechoslovak scientists. 1974-1975 Other organisations 1960-1982 Correspondence and papers re appeals for support etc from other political organisations. J.59-J.78 J.60, J.61 Brazil relating there is 1955-1981 by name the of of the freedom of plight the arrangement, HUMAN RIGHTS material the scientists, of a sequence of correspondence, circular letters, This is campaigning newsletters etc to human rights abuses, support for scientific freedom etc, throughout the world. Given Pollock’s well-documented interest in the protection a scientists overseas. particular focus on Pollock’s Following is presented country alphabetically concerned. to return the refugees to the Chilean authorities. Pollock helped organise a campaign at the University of Edinburgh to appeal to the Argentinean government not Correspondence re arrest of Chilean refugee academics in Argentina. J.60-J.62 Chile 1969-1970 1976-1981 1976 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Letters of protest signed by Edinburgh Professors and list of those signing. Letters to the press drawing attention to the protest. Correspondence re arrest of Chilean refugee academics in Argentina. 1979-1981 Cuba 1963-1970 Includes lists of scientific literature sent to support Cuban science. Czechoslovakia 1970-1973 Correspondence re Czechoslovak scientists. VTA 1973 Correspondence. Correspondence, chiefly re Professor O. Wichterle. 1969-1973 There was much support for scientific meetings held in Greece and much of the material relates in particular to a Summer School on Molecular Biology organised by F.H.C. Crick and others to be held on the Greek island of Spetsai. Correspondence, chiefly re Summer School in Spetsai. Correspondence and re response of scientists to the Greek military junta’s ‘cleansing’ of the universities. papers, chiefly a boycott of El Salvador J.67-J.70 Greece 2 folders. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Duplicated typescript and printed material re situation in Greek universities and calls for a boycott. Chiefly circulars, newsletters etc Against Dictatorship. of Greek Committee 1970, 1973 Hungary 1955-1968 Includes 1955 correspondence re export of technical equipment; of 1956 solidarity with Hungarian universities. correspondence message re South Africa J.73-J.76 Soviet Union 1965, 1969 1970-1980 Correspondence and papers. Correspondence and papers. 19770; 1972 Includes correspondence with J.M. Ziman and E.H.S. Burhop. Chiefly re issues of emigration of Jewish scientists and detention of dissidents (including Zhores Medvedev) in psychiatric clinics. 1974-1975 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and photocopies of articles. Photocopies and newspapers cuttings Correspondence and papers. Background material. USA M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Politics Vietnam J.79, J.80 MISCELLANEOUS 1966-1974 1967-1982 ‘Developing countries’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1967-1973 Papers on support for scientists and technologists in developing countries. Correspondence and papers on various political issues. 1974-1982 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION K NON-TEXT MATERIAL, K.1-K.8 1969, 1981 This section presents tape recordings of the proceedings of two conferences which Pollock helped to organise; the Edinburgh Biological the and Warfare’, Conference Art and Science, Edinburgh, November 1981 (see G.21-G.81). on Common Denominators and _ (J.14-J.24) ‘Teach-in’ Chemical January 1969 24 on in Edinburgh on Warfare’, 24 January 1969. ‘Teach-in’ Chemical and _ Biological Four boxed reel-to-reel tapes of proceedings. The tapes are numbered in a sequence 1-5. Number 2 is missing. Tape 1. Box inscribed on verso, ‘C. & B.W. 24/1/69 Tape |. 3 3/4 IPS’. Tape 5. Tape 3. Tape 4. Box inscribed on verso, ‘C. & B.W. 24/1/69 Tape 3. 3 3/4 IPS’. Box inscribed on verso, ‘C. & B.W. 24/1/69 Tape 4. 3 3/4 IPS’. and Conference Science, University of Edinburgh, 11-12 November 1981. Box inscribed on verso, ‘C. & B.W. 24/1/69 Tape 5. 3 3/4 IPS’. Four C90 audio cassette tapes of proceedings. cassette tapes record parts of sessions 3 and 4. ‘Session 3 13/11/81...11.15am-12.40pm’. on Common Denominators in Art The M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Non-text material ‘Session 2.00pm-2.45pm’. 3 13/11/81...12.40pm-1.05pm...Session 4 ‘Session 4 2.45pm-3.30pm...3.30pm-3.50pm’. ‘Session 4 4.00pm-5.30pm’. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE, L.1-L.454 1941-1983 This is the largest section in the collection. Pollock kept his correspondence, which includes incoming letters and letters, of carbons single alphabetical This by _ arrangement has been retained. a_ correspondent. sequence arranged outgoing in Although it does include extensive documentation on the progress of Pollock’s research, the correspondence is not exclusively scientific in content. There are arrangements for visits made by Pollock not documented in section G, and for visitors working with Pollock at the National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Mill Hill, London. Many colleagues were also friends and there is personal and and career advice. news, expressions of political views social Abraham, E.P. 1950-1974 Correspondence re work on antibiotics, in particular the action of penicillinase. of to Abraham 1955. for work 1956-1959. 1950-1953. penicillinase Supply on cephalosporins. Includes Abraham’s letter of 14 January 1955 referring to ‘our new crystalline antibiotic (“C”)’, the newly discovered cephalosporin c. Includes correspondence re Pollock’s induction work on cephalosporin c. Includes correspondence re cephalosporinase. 1960-1964. 1964-1974. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 1111/10/02 Correspondence 1965-1967. Includes correspondence re beta-lactamases. 1969-1974. Chiefly re beta-lactamases. Ada, G.L. Work on neuraminidase. Ada worked at the Walter and Eliza Hall Medical Research, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia. Institute for 1958-1961 1951-1981 Alfoldi, L. 1956-1974 visit by Pollock to Anker, L. Standardisation of penicillinase. Includes 1974 correspondence re Hungary. Alfoldi worked at the University of Szeged, Hungary, and then the Biological Research Centre of the Institute of Genetics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 1965-1969 Askonas worked at the NIMR, Mill Hill, London. 1958-1959 1951-1975 Askonas, I. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Bacon, J.S.D. Bacon was Head of the Department of Biochemistry at the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Aberdeen. 1946-1965 1959-1969 Barber, M. 1949-1966 the Department of Professor Mary Barber worked in Bacteriology, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School and later at the Postgraduate Medical School, London. She died in 1965 and much of the later material concerns the obituary written by Pollock for the J. clin. Path. 1949-1961. 1963-1966. draft of ‘Inactivation Beale, G.H. 9pp typescript at the Institute Beale Edinburgh. worked Includes of benzylpenicillin and methicillin by hospital staphylococci’ by Barber and G.A.J. Ayliffe, sent to Pollock for comment; 3pp typescript of Pollock’s obituary. 1955-1965 Becker was a medical researcher working in Madison, Wisconsin. Chiefly re penicillinase. of Animal Genetics, Becker, R. M. 1945-1979 1950-1961 1958-1963 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.23-L.25 Bhargava, P.M. 1958-1979 Bhargava was an Indian colleague based at the Regional Research Laboratory in Hyderabad. 1958-1966. Chiefly re visits by Bhargava to Europe. 1970-1975. Includes correspondence re visit to Edinburgh. 1979. Correspondence and organised by Bhargava. papers re science exhibition Bi.-Bj. 1969. 1962-1966. Planned visits; penicillinase. 1956-1967 1962-1973 L.27-L.31 Boman, H.G. Boman worked at the Biochemical Institute, Uppsala, then at the University of Umea, Sweden. June 1969. Correspondence re joint Swedish Biochemical Society/ Swedish Society for Microbiology meeting in Umea, 2-3 visit of Swedish colleagues of Boman to 1967-1968. Chiefly re Edinburgh. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Pollock attended the meeting and spoke on ‘Evolution of penicillinases’. 1971. Includes correspondence re visit to Edinburgh, 1971. Brachet, J. Chiefly re visit to Edinburgh, 1970. 1947-1978 1960-1970 Brachet was Professor and Director of the Laboratorie de Cytologie et Embryologie moléculaires at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Brian, P.W. 1955 re 1955-1975 1956-1970 Brenner, S. RNase and Correspondence DNase; later correspondence chiefly re visits. penicillinase, Includes correspondence re ecological significance of antibiotics. 1960-1969 Britten Copenhagen, Denmark, later moving to Institution of Washington D.C, USA. Brian worked for Botany universities. ICI successively Laboratory, the Carnegie before becoming Professor of at Cambridge Glasgow and Britten, R.J. was based at the Carlsberg M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Bunn, C.W. 1963-1965 Correspondence re x-ray analysis of penicillinase. was Bunn Laboratory at the Royal Institution, London. based Davy the at Faraday Research Burhop, E.H.S. Chiefly re political causes. Cabello, J. Chiefly re visits to Chile. 1973-1974 1962-1968 1959-1967 L.42-L.44 1955-1966 Cantoni, G.L. Cabello was based at the School of Medicine, University of Chile. Cantoni worked at the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. 1957-1972 Correspondence re Institutes of Health in May 1958. Includes correspondence re planned and possible visits. Correspondence re Health. the National 1959-1972. Pollock to the National visit to Institutes of visit by 1957. 1958. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Catcheside, D. G. 1956-1968 Catcheside University of Birmingham. was Professor of Microbiology at the Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. Chain, E.B. L.49, L.50 Cinader, B. 1950-1975 1948-1976 1955-1967 Cinader worked at of Preventive Medicine, London and then at the Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada. Institute Lister the L.51-L.62 Citri, N. 1955-1975 1965-1967. 1955-1964. Correspondence re visits, meetings etc. Chiefly correspondence re preparation of book edited by Cinader Antibodies to Biologically Active Molecules and delays in the publication thereof. Visit to work with Pollock at Mill Hill. Citri worked in the Department of Bacteriology (later the Department of Molecular Biology), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. His association with Pollock dated from a year spent working on penicillinase in Pollock’s laboratory at the NIMR, Mill Hill, 1955-1956. 1955-1956. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1957. Chiefly re paper on penicillinase by Citri. 1958. Chiefly re work on penicillinase. paper sent to Pollock for comment. Includes copy of draft 1959-1960. Penicillinase. 1961-1962. Includes Pollock’s comments on drafts (not surviving) sent to him for comment. 1963. Includes draft 1964-1965. Penicillinase; comments on drafts Chiefly work on B. cereus penicillinase. sent to Pollock for comment. with comments by Pollock. Includes data and draft on beta-lactamase work by Citri, Includes comments on drafts by Citri. 1966 (1). 1966 (2). 1967. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1968-1969. Penicillinase. 1970-1975. Cohen, G.N. 1962-1970 1956-1972 Includes correspondence re visit to England, 1956, and visiting French researchers. Cohen worked at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. L.65-L.67 Cohen, S.S. 1954-1970 1954. 1963-1964. re paper by Cohen on enzyme University of Pennsylvania Correspondence adaptation. Cohen was based at the School of Medicine. Chiefly visit to England by Cohen and arrangements for lecture on ‘Virus-induced enzymes’. and later the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. Cohn worked at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, before moving to work in the USA in 1954. He was based at St Louis, Stanford University Washington University in 1966, 1970. L.68-L.70 Cohn, M. 1950-1970 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1950-1957. Correspondence on penicillinases but also including news about colleagues, social matters and visits. scientific research chiefly re 1958-1962. Chiefly news on research, colleagues etc. 1965-1970. Chiefly visit of Cohn to Edinburgh 1966, planned visit of Pollock to USA 1967 and visit to the USA 1970. Pollock was unable to travel to the US in 1967 because he was refused a visa. See A.4. 1950-1971 1956-1965 1949-1982 Crick, F.H.C. Chiefly arrangements for Crick to lecture at the NIMR, Mill 5 October and Pollock to speak at Cambridge, 27 November 1956. 1976-1977 Curle was Professor of Peace Studies, Bradford. Csanyi School, Budapest, Hungary, though much of the correspondence dates from a year he spent in the USA, 1966-1967. University Correspondence re work on penicillinase. University of worked at the Medical Csanyi, V. 1962-1969 Hill, Curle, A. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Datta, N. Datta was based at the Postgraduate Medical School, London. 1949-1975 1965, 1967 Delaporte, B. 1971-1973 Supply of bacillus cultures to Pollock. Delaporte worked at the Université de Paris, France. 1958, 1969 Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Ltd 1949-1963 1955-1964. Dodson, B.C. at Mill Hill following Pollock’s move Correspondence re supply of penicillin and penicillinase. Chiefly letters sent by Dodson to Pollock keeping him informed of departmental business while he was out of the country, and correspondence re incoming letters received to Edinburgh. 1962-1969 Correspondence re meeting 4 November 1966 to discuss Scottish students’ access to universities in Scotland. Drysdale was an Executive Vice-Chairman of the Scottish National Party and their spokesman on university affairs. Mrs Dodson was Pollock’s secretary at the NIMR, Mill Hill. Drysdale, C.D. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Drysdale, J.W. 1967-1969 Drysdale was an Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry at MIT. He came to work as a visiting scientist in the Department of Molecular Biology at Edinburgh in 1968-1969. L.85-L.88 Dubnau, D.A. 1960-1966 an was American Dubnau researcher studying the mechanism of protein synthesis by bacterial systems. He was awarded a two year Fellowship for 1961-1963 (subsequently renewed for a further year) to work with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill. post-doctoral Dubnau returned to the US to take up a post at the Albert Einstein Medical School, Yeshiva University, New York. 1960-1961. Correspondence re Pollock and financial support therefor. possibility of researching under 1962-1963 1964. L.89-L.94 Includes renewal of Fellowship for a further year. Chiefly correspondence about research, personal and social news etc after Dubnau’s return to the US. Duerksen was an American researcher studying the mechanism of enzyme synthesis. He was awarded a one year Fellowship for 1958-1959 to work with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill. Chiefly correspondence about research, personal and social news etc. Duerksen, J.D. 1965-1966. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Duerksen returned to the US to take up a post at the University of Kansas Medical Center. 1957-1958. Correspondence arrangements for fellowship. and papers re _ application and 1959-1960. Correspondence chiefly Duerksen’s return to the USA. re research and career after 1961-1962. Career and research on penicillin fixation. 1963-1965. 1966-1967. Career. L.95-L.99 1969-1975. Chiefly work on penicillinase. Chiefly re penicillin fixation research. Correspondence re appointment to work under Pollock. researcher Dyke He joined studying 1964. Dyke Pollock’s team at Public Health Laboratory subsequently moved to Service, Colindale, London, and then worked under J. Mandelstam a Lecturership in Microbiology at Oxford in 1968. the NIMR, Mill penicillinase. Hill staphylococcal Dyke, K.G.H. post-doctoral He was appointed to was an Australian the in 1964-1972 in Oxford. 1964-1965. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1966-1967. Correspondence chiefly re Dyke’s position on Pollock’s move to Edinburgh. 1968. Chiefly re career. 1969. Correspondence penicillinase Aureus PS 80’). (‘An 1969-1972. and papers re Dyke’s unusual constitutive results of mutant on S. Research and career. Research 1960-1976 1958-1962 Elliott, S.D. Elsden, S.D. Elliott worked in the Department of Animal Pathology, Cambridge. Establishment, Porton, Wiltshire. Elsden worked in the Agricultural Research Council Unit of Microbiology at Sheffield University and was then appointed Institute, Norwich. Correspondence re supply of samples for work on penicillinase. Microbiological Director of the Food Research Elsworth, R. 1952-1969 Elsworth worked at the M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1951-1967 1965, 1968 1945-1963 Fildes, P. Includes correspondence 1945 re work on ‘tetrathionase’; and correspondence 1952 re Pollock’s motion to the Society for General and Biological personal Warfare disagreements arising. Chemical and _ Microbiology J.24) (see on Paul Fildes worked at Sir the Experimental Station, Porton, Wiltshire, before moving to the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford. L.107, L.108 Fincham, J.R.S. 1956-1975 Fleming, J. 1968-1982 1956-1973. 1974-1975. Correspondence reporting on results. Fincham was in the Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, then moving to the University of Leeds. 1955-1958 Joan Fleming was a researcher working with Pollock in the Department of Molecular Biology, Edinburgh. Féldes worked in the Institute for Microbiology, University of Szeged, Hungary. Includes correspondence re work on B. cereus strains. Foldes, J. 1960-1964 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Fraser, D.K. 1968-1970 Correspondence chiefly re work on B. cereus cells, 1968, and visit to Edinburgh, 1969. Fraser was based in the Department of Microbiology, Oregon State University, USA. L.113-L.117 Gale, E.F. 1948-1974 Sir Ernest Gale headed the Medical Research Council Unit for Chemical Microbiology (later the Subdepartment of Chemical Microbiology), University of Cambridge. 1948-1950. Includes correspondence re staphylococci resistance to penicillin, and summer school lectures at Cambridge on bacterial adaptation. 1957-1959. 1951-1956. 1960-1970. research students, and Includes correspondence re radiopenicillin. Includes correspondence re research workers, meetings of the Chemical Microbiology Committee. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Alkaline phosphatase. Department of Biology, 1971-1974. Garen worked in the Garen, A. 1960-1961 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence E20; C.120 Gell, P.G.H. Gell was at the Department of Experimental Pathology, University of Birmingham for most of this period. 1941. Includes work on research on tetrathionate. 1950-1969. 1958-1978 1941-1969 1957-1967 Glauert, A.M. 1960-1966 L.124, L.125 Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. Chiefly re Pseudomonas saccharophilia, 1962-1963. subtilis illustration, 1960, and strains of B. Glauert worked at the Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge. Glaxo supplied Pollock with penicillin, cephalosporin and other substances, tested samples sent to them, and offered advice on preparation of penicillinase. 1948-1974 Glaxo Laboratories, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire. Glaxo Laboratories, Greenford, Middlesex. 1949-1964 1949-1964 1950-1963 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Gregory, R.L. 1969-1972 Includes collaboration on ‘Dictionary of Scientific Concepts’. correspondence visits, and re possible in worked Gregory Machine Intelligence and Perception, University of Edinburgh, then moved to the Brain and Perception Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy, University of Bristol. Department the of Grossowicz, N. 1955-1970 Includes correspondence re visit to Israel by Pollock in 1957. Grossowicz worked University, Jerusalem. in the Medical School, Hebrew Grunstein, J. 1975-1977 Career. supply of Serratia and Sarcina Gyorgy, B. 1956-1966 1956-1957 Gyérgy worked in Budapest, Hungary. Correspondence re cultures to Gydrgy. 1953-1968 Halvorson was based at the Department of Bacteriology, University of Michigan Medical School and later at the Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, USA. Correspondence chiefly 1963. Halvorson, H.O. Haldane, J.B.S. penicillinase, L.133, L.134 1954-1963 genetics re of M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1953-1955. Chiefly penicillinase. correspondence and papers re work on 1956-1968. Chiefly visits and research colleagues. Handler, P. Possible proteins. symposium on _ biochemical evolution of L.136-L.146 Harington, C.R. 1945-1965 during most the As Pollock’s Head at the National Institute for Medical period Research Pollock’s employment there, this correspondence concerns the running of Pollock’s laboratory, including requests and maintenance of equipment, approval of articles, visitors to the Institute etc. conferences, of bulk purchase the of attend of to the 1945-1951. Director of Harington was National He was Includes Pollock’s request for a year’s leave of absence to work at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, 22 June 1951. Sir Charles Institute for Medical Research 1942-1962. succeeded by P.B. Medawar. 1952-1955. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1959. Includes correspondence re proposed course on ‘The enzymic basis of variation in microorganisms’ (see B.8- B.14). January-April 1962. May-July 1962. 1962-1966 1963-1965. Harris, H. Includes 2pp typescript memorandum by Pollock on ‘The future of bacterial taxonomy’, 14 May 1962. Harris worked at the John Innes Institute before being appointed Professor of Pathology at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford. Harvard University. Hastings, J.W. 1958-1976 Hastings was at the University of Illinois, then moved to M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.149-L.154 Hayes, W. 1952-1975 Director of Hayes was the MRC Microbial Genetics Research Unit at the Hammersmith Hospital, London from 1957 to 1967. He worked closely with Pollock and in 1967 Hayes and staff from his Unit followed Pollock to Edinburgh where Hayes took up a Personal Chair in Molecular Genetics and helped develop the Department of Molecular Biology. Hayes moved to Australia in 1973. 1952-1959. Includes correspondence and papers re ‘Akiba type’ induced heredity change to streptomycin resistance, and course on ‘Enzymic basis of variation in microorganisms’. 1960-1965. Includes correspondence re visit to Edinburgh by Hayes, 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Hayes’s move. Correspondence re staffing Edinburgh Department of Molecular Biology, including announcement of Hayes’s Chair. Includes correspondence and papers re equipment and accommodation for Hayes and his staff. 1969-1975. Includes personal correspondence. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Hag.-Hap. Har.-Hau. Heatley, N.G. 1957-1961 1958-1969 1949-1960 Heatley worked on antibiotics at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford. Hendler, R.N. 1954-1962 Correspondence re research on penicillinase, visits. Hendler was based initially at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, later returning to the USA to work at the Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Metabolism, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. L.159-L.161 in the Edinburgh Department of Henriques, S.B. and O.B. affiliations made it difficult to The Henriques moved to Cuba in 1972. The Henriques were Brazilian scientists who left Brazil when their political find scientific employment. Sebastian Henriques, who had worked with Pollock at the NIMR, came to work with Pollock Molecular Biology, and Olga in the Edinburgh Western General Hospital. 1964-1974 Correspondence re possible post at Edinburgh and S.B. Henriques’ plans for book on biophysics. Correspondence re post at Edinburgh. May-June 1969. July-December 1969. 1972-1974. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Herbert, D. c 1951-1961 Correspondence re work on penicillinase, visits to Porton. Herbert Department, Experimental Station, Porton, Wiltshire. Microbiological worked the at Research L.163-L.165 Heyningen, W.E. van 1947-1969 L.163 1947-1953. Chiefly Microbiology matters. correspondence re Society for General 1954. Chiefly explanation of van Heyningen’s research results correspondence enzyme _ re adaptation Includes data from van Heyningen. 1960-1967 1958-1969. Himsworth, H.P. Chiefly correspondence re visits. Also includes correspondence with Ruth van Heyningen. 1946-1967 Sir Harold Himsworth was Head of the MRC. Pollock and J.H. their concern that experienced scientific staff were not being able to make a contribution to MRC policy. Chiefly correspondence re Medical Research Council and its staff, 1960. Humphrey corresponded between the relationship 1947-1962 with him about M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Hogness, D.S. 1962, 1970 Hogness the University, California, USA. worked at Medical Center, Stanford Hughes, D.E. Includes correspondence re spore-crushing of B. cereus, 1952, and cell-wall destroying enzymes, 1958. 1944-1972 1952-1970 Hughes worked at the Medical Research Council Unit for Research in Cell Metabolism, University of Sheffield (later at the University of Oxford), before moving to University College of Microbiology. Professor Wales, Cardiff South as of Humphrey, J.H. 1952-1974 Hurwitz, J. Correspondence and papers re work on actinomycin, including data and draft of paper on actinomycin D. Humphrey was a colleague of Pollock’s at the NIMR, Mill Hill. Hurwitz was based at the New York University School of Medicine, USA. 1955-1973 Chiefly correspondence re work on penicillinase, and year in Edinburgh, 1968-1969. Ivanovics worked at the Microbiological Institute, Medical University, Szeged, Hungary. Chiefly correspondence re visits. Ivanovics, G. Imsande, J. 1964-1972 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Jackson, F.L. 1952-1956. Jackson worked at the NIMR, Mill Hill. Janczura, E. 1958-1963 Correspondence chiefly re visit of Janczura to England and Pollock to Poland 1963. Janczura was a researcher at Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland. Pollock at the NIMR in 1958-1959. the of She came to work with Institute State Jeljaszewicz, J. 1956-1964 Correspondence penicillinase to Poland. chiefly re supply of reprints and Chief of the Section of was Jerne, N.K. 1958-1969 Jeljaszewicz was a Polish colleague at the Department of Bacteriology, Medical Academy, Poznan. Jerne Biological Standardisation for the World Health Organisation in Switzerland, and later the Department of Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh, USA. 1949-1956 Correspondence re supply of and work with radioactive penicillin. Johnson was based at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, USA. Johnson, M.J. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Johnstone, R.M. 1950-1960 Correspondence chiefly re visit to NIMR, Mill Hill. Johnstone worked at Pollock’s laboratory at the NIMR during 1954-1955. She then worked at Strangeways Research Laboratory, Cambridge before taking up a post at General Hospital, Canada. McGill-Montreal Research Institute, the 1948-1953 1956-1965 Kacser, H. Correspondence chiefly re publication of proceedings of symposium on ‘The Mechanism of Biological Specificity’. Kacser was secretary of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Kamen, M. 1953-1962 1968-1969 Kalckar, B.W. Correspondence re visits. Includes correspondence with H.M. Kalckar. Kalckar worked at the US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Kamen was working at the Laboratoire de Photosynthése of Recherche Scientifique. 1955-1975 Kaplan was a Canadian physiologist based at Dalhousie University, the Department of Biology, University of Ottawa. He worked with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill, for six months 1956- 1957. Kaplan, J.G. L.187, L.188 the French Centre National de la Halifax, Nova Scotia, and later M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1955-1961. Chiefly re visit to Pollock’s laboratory; later social and personal news. 1962-1975. Visits to Canada by Pollock, 1962 and 1970, and to UK by Kaplan 1965. L.190, L.191 Kendall, P.A. Kendall was a colleague of Pollock’s who spent two years working in Cuba, 1965-1967. 1965-1966. 1953-1972 1965-1967 1967. Keynan, A. Cuba and possible Kendrew, J.C. to Correspondence employment on return to the UK. move re Correspondence re career. 1949-1981 Keynan was based at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research, Ness-Ziona. Chiefly re visits. 1960-1968 1963-1966 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Klein, H.P. 1958-1961 Work on Pseudomonas saccharophilia amylase. was Klein Massachusetts, USA. based at Brandeis University, Waltham, Kluyver, A.J. Possible visit to Delft by Pollock. Kluyver was Microbiologie, Netherlands. based at Technische the Hogeschool, Laboratorium Delft, voor The Knight, B.C.J.G. 1952-1971 Includes correspondence General Microbiology. re articles for Journal of Knight University. was Professor of Microbiology at Reading the Knox, R. Pollock in 1943-1967 the Public L.198-L.201 January-May 1943. war he continued with Knox worked with the Emergency Public Health Laboratory Service during the Second World War. After Health Laboratory Service before being appointed to a Chair in the Department of Bacteriology, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. Work on tetrathionate. Correspondence tetrathionate. June-December 1943. re research and draft papers on M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1944-1948. Personal news, comments on and progress of papers for publication. 1949-1967. Includes correspondence re papers on tetrathionase, 1949; meeting on work on penicillinase, 1963. Knox, W.E. 1953-1959 Tufts Knox was based Boston, Massachusetts, USA. at College Medical School, L.203-L.206 Kogut, M. 1953-1974 was at the Agricultural 1953-1954. Arrangements for coming to work with Pollock. Kogut later moved to the Department of Biochemistry, King’s College London. worker Research Kogut a Councils Unit for Microbiology (later Department of Microbiology), Sheffield. She did research under Pollock at the NIMR on factors affecting induced penicillinase in B. cereus 1953-1954. 1957, 1974. Chiefly work on penicillinase; research workers. Correspondence research with Pollock, chiefly re joint paper. papers arising and from Kogut’s 1955. 1956. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Kornberg, H.L. Kosikov, K.V. 1964-1974 1954-1962 Kosikov's letters are in Russian, with English translations by a colleague of Pollock’s. Kosikov worked at the Institute of Genetics of the USSR Academy the biochemistry of yeasts. researched Sciences. He on_ of Kunicki-Goldfinger, W.J.H. 1957-1963 Chiefly visits of Polish colleague and Kunicki-Goldfinger to the NIMR, Mill Hill and possible visit by Pollock to Poland. Kunicki-Goldfinger Microbiology, University of Warsaw, Poland. worked the in Department of 1952-1958. L.210-L.213 Kushner, D.J. Chiefly arrangements to come to Mill Hill. Kushner came from the Forest Biology Laboratory of the Canadian Department of Agriculture Science Service to work with Pollock on extracellular enzyme biosynthesis and excretion at the NIMR, Mill Hill, 1958-1959. 1952-1975 Correspondence arising from research 1958-1959; career options. Joint paper on penicillinase. 1962-1975. 1960. 1961. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.214-L.217 Lampen, J.O. 1959-1983 Lampen was Director of the Institute of Microbiology, Rutgers, The State University, New Jersey, USA. In 1963-1964 he came to work with Pollock on penicillinase at the NIMR, Mill Hill. He returned to work for a year at Mill Hill in 1973. 1959-1962. Includes correspondence re the Rutgers’ Institute of Microbiology and visit by Lampen to Mill Hill. Pollock to visit by 1963-1964. Visit to Mill Hill. 1965-1966. 1967-1983. Lederberg, J. Work on penicillinases; visit to Edinburgh by Lampen. Chiefly work on penicillinases. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Work on penicillinase production after treatment with actinomycin. Lederberg was Wisconsin, USA. Professor of Genetics, University of Levinthal, C. was at the Biology at Levinthal Department of 1956-1974 1956-1958 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Luckey, T.D. Luckey was Professor at the Medical Center, Department of Biochemistry, University of Missouri, USA. In 1962 he came to study penicillinase techniques at the NIMR, Mill Hill. Luria, S.E. L.224, L.225 Lwoff, A. L.224 1946-1952. 1953-1967 1960-1964 1952-1969. 1946-1971 Includes correspondence re Pollock’s visit to the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, in 1948 and year’s study there in 1952-1953. 1955-1971. Includes correspondence re researchers. Chiefly re visits to NIMR, Mill Hill, 1958 and 1963. Maas, W.K. 1958-1974 Maas was based at the New York University College of Medicine, USA. 1965-1967 Macfarlane worked at the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, London. Mackenzie was a researcher in the Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh. Macfarlane, M.G. 1951-1960 Mackenzie, J.S. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence McLaren, A.L. 1961-1975 Chiefly re Pollock’s article for ‘Science Survey’ edited by McLaren, to be published by Penguin Books. McLaren worked at Edinburgh. the Institute of Animal Genetics, Magasanik, B. Visits and researchers. Magasanik was based at the Harvard Medical School. 1945-1972 1958-1960 Malek, I. 1954-1978 Mandel, H.G. 1956-1957 Work on penicillinase. Mandel was working at the Molteno Insitute, Cambridge Includes correspondence re volume of Science and Mankind to which Pollock contributed. Malek was a Czechoslovak colleague. He was Honorary Secretary of the World Federation of Scientific Workers in the 1960s. See also J.56, J.57. 1952-1981 Mandelstam came to work with Pollock at the NIMR in the early 1950s. In 1966 he was appointed Iveagh Professor of Microbiology at Oxford. Mandelstam, J. arrangements Includes Hill, correspondence to Pollock from visit by Mandelstam to Harvard Medical School, 1958. work Mill at to L.234-L.241 1952-1958. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1959. Correspondence from Mandelstam’s visit to University of Wisconsin Department of Bacteriology. 1963-1965. Includes correspondence re joint paper to Nature on terminology of enzyme mutants. 1966. Chiefly career. 1967-1968. 1968-1969. 1969-1981. Progress of research, visits etc. Progress of research, news of colleagues etc. NIMR. Chiefly re joint paper on penicillinase 1953-1954 and visit to Pollock’s laboratory 1956. Pollock at the Manson worked on penicillinase with Manson, E. 1952-1963 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Markham, R. 1965-1970 Markham worked at the Agricultural Research Council's Virus becoming Director of the John Innes Institute, Norwich. Cambridge Research before Unit, Marmion, B.P. 1964-1971 Marmion was based at the Microbiology Department of Monash University, Australia before moving to Edinburgh to take up the Chair in Bacteriology in the University Medical School. Marmur, J. Chiefly taxonomy of bacteria. 1963-1967 Marmur worked at Brandeis Univeristy, Massachusetts, USA. 1958-1976 running of concerns the L.247-L.249 Medawar, P.B. Medawar succeeded Sir Charles Harington as Director of the NIMR in 1962. As Pollock’s Head at the NIMR, Mill Hill, London, during the last three years of Pollock’s time there, much of this correspondence Pollock’s Department, including requests to attend conferences, purchase and maintenance of equipment, approval of articles, visitors to the Institute etc. 1962-1974 Includes correspondence re lecture by Medawar to the Edinburgh University School of Epistemics, 1973-1974. 1962-1963. 1964-1965. 1966-1974. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Medvedev, Z.A. 1957-1973 After leaving the USSR Medvedev worked for a time at the NIMR L.251-L.257 Meltzer, B. 1967-1982, n.d. of the correspondence Much discussion between Meltzer, Pollock, the Earl of Halsbury and others on the philosophy of science. relates to Meltzer was based in the Metamathematics Unit (later the School of of Edinburgh. Intelligence) University Artificial the of 1967-1968. on ‘Some awkward questions Includes responses (Pollock’s included) to ‘Note by Lord Halsbury’ to empiricism and other philosophies likely to be entertained by scientists’. Meltzer circulated this prior to Halsbury’s seminar at the Edinburgh Philosophy of Science Group, 28 October 1968. related 1970-1971. 1972-1974. Chiefly on explanations of human behaviour. Includes correspondence and papers on the method of investigation in mathematics and natural science. Includes correspondence on morality and existence. 1975-1976. 1977-1978. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1980-1982. Merck & Co. Inc. 1950-1958 Supply of penicillin-related compounds to Pollock. L.259-L.261 Michie, D. 1960-1973 Michie was based in the Experimental Programming Unit, Department of Machine Intelligence Perception, University of Edinburgh, for most of this period. and 1960-1968. Meetings, career. 1969-1970. 1971-1973. Mitchell, P.D. Chiefly correspondence 1971 re Pollock’s proposal for a ‘Federation of Machine (later Artificial) Intelligence’ at Edinburgh. See also C.23-C.26. university matters. Mitchell worked on antibiotics in the Biochemistry Unit of the Department of Zoology, University of Edinburgh. correspondence Includes cytoplasmic membranes 1960. correspondence re Mitchison, J.M. Mitchell’s work Includes re science faculty and 1956-1964 on 1959-1975 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Mitchison headed the Department of Zoology, University of Edinburgh for much of this period. L.263A, L.264 Mitsui, H. 1958-1963 Mitsui was a Japanese researcher from the University of Tokyo, who worked with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill, for the its penicillinase. He worked on subtilis and 1960. year B. 1958-1959. Funding and arrangements. 1960-1963. Progress of research. 1954-1964 Not used. Mizuno, D. 1954-1958. L.266-L.268 visits and comments on Includes correspondence re Mizuno’s work on pneumococcus transformation. Mizuno worked at the National Institute of Health, Tokyo, Japan. Includes correspondence re visits. Includes literature on Japanese science films ‘The battle of microbes’, ‘Cancer cells’ and ‘The world of microbes’. 1959-1960. 1964. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.269-L.275 Monod, J. 1947-1976 Monod was a close friend as well as being a scientific colleague of Pollock’s. Pollock spent two spells in 1948 and 1952-1953 working in Monod’s laboratory in the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. 1947-1950. Includes correspondence re visits to the Institut Pasteur, 1948 and 1950. 1951-1952. Includes bactogen’ for mass-cultivation of micro-organisms. correspondence acquiring re a ‘Monod 1953-1955. R.L. 1956-1958. Includes correspondence re Pollock’s visit to Paris 1962 and Monod’s to London to deliver a Royal Institution lecture, 1963. Includes correspondence re work of Munier on analysis of penicillinase and visits by British researchers to the Institut Pasteur. 1976. Chiefly re visits, including Monod’s visit to Edinburgh for the inauguration of the Department of Molecular Biology. Includes 13pp typescript tribute to Monod by M. Cohn, 1960-1963. 1966-1971. 1974-1976. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Najjar, V.A. Chiefly re conformational change in antigens. Najjar Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA. Department worked the at of Microbiology, 1958-1965 1965-1969 1950-1976 1963-1964 1953-1965 Nirenberg, M. 1959-1960 Work on B. cereus penicillinase. Nishimura, S. 1961-1962 Work on ribonuclease of B. subtilis. Nishimura worked at Tokyo, Japan. Nirenberg worked at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 1958-1973 Chiefly re work on amylase production by 1958-1959, and visit to Edinburgh 1973. Nomura worked at University of Illinois, USA. the Cancer Research Institute, the Department of Bacteriology, Nomura, M. 1957-1968 B. subtilis M.R. Pollock NCUACS 1111/10/02 Correspondence Nordstr6m, K. 1967-1974 Chiefly re visit to the UK, 1971. Nordstr6m worked at the Department of Microbiology, University of Umea, Sweden. L.286-L.290 Novick, R.P. 1959-1973 Novick was based at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. He came to work for two years in Pollock’s laboratory at the NIMR 1960-1962 studying bacterial exo-enzymes. He then returned to the US, first at the Rockefeller Institute, then to the Public Health Research Institute, New York. 1959-1961. Arrangements for move to Mill Hill, including funding and area of research. 1964-1965. 1966-1969. 1970-1973. 1962-1963. arising from research with Progress and direction of research; visits; career. Chiefly correspondence Pollock. Visit by Pollock to USA, 1970; personal news. Visits, research, personal news. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.291, L.292 Ogston, A.G. 1953-1958 Penicillinase analyses and drafts of papers. Ogston worked on penicillin at the Oxford Department of Biochemistry. 1953-1954. 1955-1958. Olby, R.C. Olby was based in the Division of History and Philosophy of Science, Department of University of Leeds. Philosophy, 1959-1970 1952-1958 Pardee, A.B. 1957-1963 Pappenheimer, A.M. Visits, visiting researchers. Work on penicillin induction. Pappenheimer was Professor of Microbiology at the New York University Medical School. University. Chiefly correspondence re cell biology course at Glasgow and invitation to Pollock to lecture in the series. Paul worked in the Biochemistry Department, Glasgow Pardee Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. worked Biochemistry the in Department, Paul, J. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Pechére, J.F. 1962-1970 Includes draft of ‘On the possible production of several exopenicillinases by Bacillus cereus’, 5pp typescript + figure. Pechére was based at the University of Li¢ge, Belgium. Pereira, H.G. 1960-1966 Chiefly correspondence re visit by Pollock to Brazil, 1961. Perlman, D. 1956-1964 Work on bacterial penicillinases; visits. Perlman worked at the Squibb Institute, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. Perrett, J. 1952-1956 1960-1971 Perutz, M.F. Phillips, D.C. Perrett worked at the NIMR, Mill Hill. France. Phillips was working at the Davy-Faraday Laboratory of the Royal Institution at this time. Pichinoty Scientifiques, Nationale de Three-dimensional lysozyme model. Recherche the Centre Marseilles, worked for the de Industrielles et Maritimes of Recherche Scientifique, la Centre L.305-L.308 Pichinoty, F. 1960-1975 1950-1970 1966-1967. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1960-1961. Chiefly correspondence and papers re nitrate-reductase, including two typescripts drafts in of French) English and biosynthesis of in Aerobacter aerogenes by oxygen’. by Pichinoty (one ‘Inhibition on nitrate-reductase in activity one and the 1962. Tetrathionate-reductase. 18pp typescript draft + Bigliardi-Rouvier biosynthese de bacterie anaerobie facultative’. ‘Regulation la_ 15 figures by Pichinoty and J. la une Tlactivite tetrathionate-reductase et chez de de 1946-1970 in Genetics, 1962-1971. research, possible progress of 1957-1973 Pirie, N.W. L.310-L.313 Pontecorvo, G. Work on nitrate reductases, visits etc. The correspondence includes arrangements for visits and lectures, research students. 1954-1957. Includes 4pp typescript draft ‘Need for research into the genetics of infectious diseases’ by Pontecorvo, 1953. Pontecorvo worked University of Glasgow. the Department of 1946-1953. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1964-1970. Includes correspondence re Pollock’s move to Scotland. Pope, C.G. Work on diphtheria toxin. 1959-1962 Pope worked at the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent. Porter, R.R. 1953-1975 Chiefly correspondence re staffing and accommodation of the Oxford University Department of Genetics, 1968. Postgate, J.R. 1949-1967 Proom, H. 1947-1960 Work on culture samples sent to Pollock by Proom. 1965-1974 Proom worked at the Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent. the Department of Microbiology, Postgate worked in Chemical Research Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, for most of this period. 1953-1960 Sarah Rapkine was the widow of the French biochemist Louis Rapkine. Rapkine, S. Chiefly personal news. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Rattue, M.S. 1965-1976 Mrs Rattue argued that bacteria do not cause disease. Raynaud, M. 1958-1959 Raynard worked in the Service Anaérobies of the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. L.323, L.324 Reich, E. 1950-1966 1962-1968 Reich was based in Genetics, Rockefeller Institute, New York, USA. Laboratory of Biochemical the 1962-1963. 1965-1968. Chiefly re visit by Pollock to New York, November 1966. Work on actinomycins, including 3pp typescript of Reich’s ‘Summary of results with Actinomysin D’. 1958-1975 Richmond came to work with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill After a period at the University Institute of Hill, in 1958. he Microbiology, Copenhagen, returned to the University of Edinburgh, being appointed Senior Lecturer, then Reader in the Department of Molecular Biology. He was appointed Professor of Bacteriology at the University of Bristol in 1968. Reiner was an American colleague who moved between a number of institutions on the East Coast of the USA. Denmark He moved with in 1960, Pollock to L.326-L.331 Richmond, M.H. Reiner, J.M. 1946-1957 Career, progress of research. Mill Hill. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1958-1960. Chiefly correspondence re progress Copenhagen. of research at 1963-1967. Chiefly re career. 1968. Career. 1969. Includes correspondence labelled sequencing project’ Bristol and Edinburgh. relating to ‘Coli TEM pen. ase project between joint 1971-1975. L.332, L.333 Rickenberg, H.V. Includes correspondence re work on beta-lactamases and visits. on progress of joint research and publication. Rickenberg worked at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, in the mid 1950s, then spent the year 1955-1956 working with Pollock at the NIMR at Mill Hill, before returning to the Department of Microbiology, the US to work at University of Washington, Seattle. He later moved to the Department of Bacteriology, Indiana University, and then became Director of Research, National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colorado. Chiefly correspondence on Rickenberg’s return to the US 1955-1974 1955-1958. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1959-1974. Progress of research, career, visits by Rickenberg to the UK and Pollock to the US. Roddam, J. Correspondence re book. L.335, L.336 Rogers, H.J. 1948-1971 Rogers worked in Hospital, University of Leeds before joining Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill. School Dental and the 1948-1951. Correspondence re career, researchers. 1952-1971. 1969-1971 Rotman, B. 1956-1963 Rose, S.P.R. Rose was Professor of Biology at the Open University. Career, teaching at the Open University, personal news. Includes correspondence re Pollock’s move to Edinburgh. 1948-1970 Rotman worked at the Instituto de Quimica, Fisiologica y Patologia, the Syntex Institute for Molecular Biology, Palo Alto, California, USA. Correspondence re work of department and correspondence arising. Ruth Urba in Rotman’s Ro.-Ry. University of Chile, and later M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.340, L.341 Sager, R. 1959-1969 Sager Columbia University, New York, USA. based was the at Department of Zoology, 1959-1967. 1969. Includes Sagers 23pp typescript education for the future’, sent to Pollock for comment. ‘Biology draft and Sakaguchi, K. 1951-1953 Sakaguchi worked in Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan. the Department of Agricultural 1969-1970 Saz, A.K. Sanyal, A. 1958-1965 Sanger, F. Work on penicillinase in India. Sanyal was based at the Indian Institute of Experimental Medicine, Calcutta. 1948-1981 Saz headed the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland before moving to Georgetown University, Washington D.C., as Professor of Microbiology in 1965. Includes correspondence re visit by Pollock to New York in on homogramicidin S and penicillinase. Edinburgh, 1964-1970 and Saz to 1964, 1966; work M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Seelig, M.S. Segal, S. Chiefly correspondence re work in Pollock’s laboratory. 1962-1966 US Segal was based in the Clinical Endocrinology Branch of Arthritis the of and Metabolic Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland. He spent a year, 1963- 1964, working with Pollock at the NIMR, Mill Hill. National Institute Seguel, H.M. Seguel was a Chilean researcher who wished to do research in London. Senez, J.C. 1962-1968 Sermonti, G. Shah, R.M. 1960-1967 the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Sermonti worked at Rome, Italy. Includes correspondence re collaborative research. Senez worked at the Laboratoire de Chimie Bacterienne, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Marseilles, France. hee Shah was an Indian researcher working in the US on penicillinase initially at the University of Cincinnati and later Eli Lilly & Co. Includes correspondence on penicillinase research using B. cereus strains. Sheehan, J.C. Chiefly supply of penicillins. 1951-1958 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Sheehan worked Massachusetts Institute of Technology. the Department of at Chemistry, L.354-L358 Sheinin, R. 1955-1975 the Sheinin was a Canadian researcher working at Medical Research Council Unit for Chemical Microbiology in the University of Cambridge School of Biochemistry. She came to work with Pollock in 1957-1958, studying penicillinase production in She returned to Canada in 1958, taking up a post at the Ontario Cancer Institute, later moving to the Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto. B. cereus membranes. 1955-1957. Chiefly re possibility of working with Pollock. 1958-1960. 1961-1964. 1970-1975. 1965-1969. Chiefly personal news. Progress of research and publications. Includes correspondence re visit by Pollock to Canada, 1962, and personal news. 1948-1971 Shockman was an American microbiologist. Staphylococcus penicillinase; visits to the UK. Shockman, G.D. 1955-1969 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Sibatani, A. 1957-1972 Includes correspondence on Japanese science. Sibatani was at the Cytochemistry Laboratory, Yamaguti Medical School, Japan before becoming Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Hiroshima University. Silverglade, A. 1973-1974 Work on B. cereus penicillinase. Silverglade worked for Riker Laboratories, Inc. Siminovitch, L. 1953-1972 Includes correspondence re researchers coming to work under Pollock. the 1949-1975 1949-1954. of Paris and later was L.364-L.366 Siminovitch Medical Physics, University of Toronto, Canada. Professor was in a Professor in Slonimiski, P. the Department of Chiefly correspondence re personal news and progress of research. Laboratoire de Genetique, Slonimiski worked at University the Laboratoire de Genetique Physiologique, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. 1959-1975. Includes manuscript draft ‘Induced conversion of lactic- dehydrogenase (from W. Tysarowski and related correspondence. Slonimiski 1955-1958. yeast)’ by and M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Smith, H. 1965-1975 Smith was Professor of Microbiology at the University of Birmingham. Smith, J.D. Research on bacterial RNA. the incorporation of 8-azaguanine in 1954-1955 Smith worked at the Agricultural Research Council's Unit for Plant Virus Research, Molteno Institute, Cambridge. Smith, J.M. 1963-1973 at was based Smith Zoology, University College London before appointment to a Chair in of Sussex. Department University Sciences, Biological School the the of of Smith, K. 1965-1971 1968-1971. 1965-1967. L.370, L.371 Correspondence principally re Ph.D. studies. Includes typescript notes outlining the Ph.D. thesis. Smith was a Ph.D. student of Pollock’s at Edinburgh studying constitutive mutations in penicillinase. 1953-1970 of the Sneath, a bacterial taxonomist, joined the staff in Division of Bacterial Physiology at the NIMR, Mill Hill 1953. He then spent some time in the USA before joining the Medical Research Council Microbial Systematics Research Unit at Leicester University in the mid 1960s. Sneath, P.H.A. L.373-L.376 1955-1976 Sm.-Sp. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1953-1958. Chiefly arrangements to join the NIMR. 1959-1960. Chiefly career and personal news. typescript paper ‘The case microbial systematics’. for a Also includes 5pp research on unit 1962. Includes papers by Sneath ‘Studies on staphylococcal penicillinase’ new methods in microbial systematics’. encouraging case ‘The and for 1963-1970. Spencer, B. in proteins: a computer study’ L.378-L.381 Spiegelman, S. the Department of Biochemistry, Spencer worked in University of Wales, Cardiff. Includes typescript papers by Sneath ‘Introduction to session on numerical taxonomy’ (1964) and ‘Amino acid sequences (1965); correspondence 1969-1970 re B. cereus mutants. 1946-1966 Spiegelman of Bacteriology, Washington University, Saint Louis, USA, later moving to the University of Illinois as Professor of Bacteriology (later Microbiology). Correspondence on penicillinase work. Department 1946-1951. was _ initially in the M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1953-1957. Chiefly re visits to the UK by Spiegelman; arrangements for N. Citri to work in Spiegelman’s department at Illinois. 1962-1965. Chiefly re visits, establishment of an International Cell Research Organization Information Exchange Group. (ICRO) 1966. Chiefly re meeting of the ICRO to discuss the Information Exchange Group, Naples, Italy, May 1966. L.382-L.385 Stanier, R.Y. 1948-1975 1948-1955. 1956-1961. 1965-1968. this period Stanier was Work on bacteria (Pollock was to write a chapter on enzymes). visits, and proposed book on penicillinase, Chiefly correspondence re Pollock’s contribution on ‘Exo- enzymes’ to Stanier’s book on bacteria. Professor of For much of Bacteriology at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Includes 2pp typescript copy of Stanier’s review of the Proceedings (edited by Pollock and M.H. Richmond) of the Society for General Microbiology symposium, 1965. Also correspondence re visits. Chiefly re visit by Stanier to Edinburgh, 1970. 1970-1975. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Stent, G. 1956-1973 For most of the period Stent was based at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Stephenson, M. Progress of Pollock’s research. Stewart, G.T. 1962-1964 Includes correspondence on cephalosporins and penicillins. bacterial resistance to Stewart worked Children, Carshalton, Surrey. at the Queen Mary’s Hospital for Stocker, B.A.D. 1949-1968 of B. 1963. Strahs, G. Stocker moved from the Medicine, Microbiology, Stanford University, California, USA. Institute of Preventive Medical Department London Lister the to 1963-1968 L.390, L.391 Correspondence on progress of research. Strahs was a researcher in the Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois and later the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA. on crystalline penicillinase, 1964. Correspondence and papers re X-ray analysis of subtilis and staphylococcal penicillinases. Includes correspondence reporting and data from work 1964-1968. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.392, L.393 Straub, F.B. 1954-1974 Straub was Professor at the Chemical Institute of the Medical University, Budapest, Hungary. 1954-1956. correspondence on Includes penicillinase production by B. cereus, visits to Hungary by Pollock, 1955 and by Straub to London, 1956. papers work and re 1957-1974. Strominger, J.L. 1970-1973 Chiefly correspondence re visit to Edinburgh, 1973, work on beta-lactamases. biological as Dean of the Strominger worked in the Harvard University Biological Laboratories. Antibiotics Faculty of Science 1968-1971 Committee, Swann, M.M. 1944-1964 Correspondence re sciences at Edinburgh. Swann, (later becoming Principal and Vice-Chancellor) of the University of Edinburgh, had been instrumental in Pollock’s move to Edinburgh and the establishment of the Department of Molecular Biology. 1956-1971 Symonds moved from the Medical Research Council’s Microbial Genetics Research Unit to become Professor of Microbial Genetics at Sussex University. Symonds, N.D. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Szabo, G. 1955-1959 Szab6 was a Hungarian colleague who came to the UK in 1959. Talbot Rice, D. 1967-1971 Correspondence re newspaper reference to member of the Fine Arts Department. Talbot Rice was Vice Principal and Professor of Fine Arts at Edinburgh. Tebyakina, A.E. 1948-1962 1960-1967 Production of penicillinase with B. subtilis. the Biological Tomlinson, A.H. Thatcher, D. Research grant proposal. Thatcher was a member of the Department of Molecular Biology, Edinburgh. Tebyakina worked in the Laboratory for Microbiological Control in the USSR Research Institute for Antibiotics, Moscow. 1949-1951 the Thorne worked in United the Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts. Tomlinson worked for Service, Oxford. Laboratories of in post up a States Army before taking Work with B. cereus strains. the Public Health Laboratory Thorne, C.B. 1965-1968 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Tonomura, K. Correspondence and papers re alpha-amylase formation in Aspergillus oryzae. Tonomura worked in the Biology Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA. L.406-L.411 Torriani, A. 1952-1970 The correspondence ranges widely in subject matter. Torriani and Pollock were close friends and the letters include personal news as well as possible visits, progress of research and joint papers. Torriani’s letters are in French. Torriani (later Madame Gorini) was a French colleague who worked in the Institut Pasteur, Paris. In the early 1950s Torriani and Pollock worked closely together on penicillinase. In 1956 Torriani moved with her husband, L. Gorini, to the US, where they were based at the New York University College of Medicine and then at the Department of Technology. Massachusetts Biology, Institute of 1954. 1952-1953 Visit to England by Torriani; research on penicillinase; personal news. Correspondence and papers re work on penicillinase by Pollock in England and Torriani in France. Letter from Pollock of 31 May describes technique for producing his protein crystals. 1954 or 1955 Typescript draft in French with manuscript corrections in English by Pollock. ‘Action des radiation U.V. sur la biosynthése induite de la pénicillinase de B. cereus’, by Pollock and Torriani. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1955. Correspondence, papers and photograph re research and joint publications on penicillinase in B. cereus. 1956-1959. Chiefly news from stay in the US. 1960-1970. Visits, personal news etc. 1949-1966 Tridgell, E.J. 1956-1966 Tridgell worked under E.B. Chain at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy, before returning to the UK to take up Development post Corporation. Research National the at a Urba, R.C. L.414-L.419 Includes correspondence re work on cephalosporins. Ruth Urba came from the Istituto de Quimica, Fisilogia y Patologia of the University of Chile, Santiago, to work in Pollock’s laboratory at the NIMR, Mill Hill, 1957-1958. She returned to Chile to continue her research but moved to Cuba with her husband B. Holmgren following the Revolution there in 1961. They returned to Chile in 1967 but fled back to Cuba following Pinochet's coup in 1973. 1956-1975 Arrangements to work with Pollock; typescript draft of ‘Protein breakdown in Bacillus Cereus’ by Urba. 1956-1958. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1959. of Progress arrangements for December. research, social Pollock’s visit and to personal news, Chile, November- 1960-1961. Includes correspondence re move to Cuba. Most of Urba’s letters from this period are in Spanish. 1962. Chiefly re supply of diisopropylfluorophosphate to Cuba. 1966-1970. 1973-1975 Vogel, H.J. Chiefly personal news. a number of US universities before Vogel worked at moving to of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York. Genetics, Edinburgh University. Waddington was Professor at the the Department of Pathology, Institute of Animal L.422-L.425 Waddington, C.H. College 1952-1961 1956-1971 1951-1971 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1951-1959. correspondence Chiefly re UNESCO Symposium on Patterns of Cellular and Sub-Cellular Organisation, Edinburgh, 6-10 September 1957. papers and Waddington organised this Symposium to which Pollock made a number of contributions. 1962-1964. Includes correspondence re proposed Royal discussion meeting on differentiation. Society 1966-1969. Chiefly University matters. NOs. of the USA. note by Professor ‘Dinner given L.426-L.432 Wainwright, S.D. 17pp photocopy typescript by Waddington, Includes of ‘Assessment and Prognoses’, and typescript proceedings C.H. Waddington in order to discuss possible University action in the World Environment field’, 11 December. 1950-1972 After research under Sir Paul Fildes and Pollock 1947- 1950 and a period of study at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, Wainwright moved to the Department of Zoology, Columbia University, New York before joining the Chalk River Project of the Atomic Energy of Canada in 1953. He moved to the Department of Microbiology, Yale University in 1955, then to the Department University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Progress of research at options. He worked at Biochemistry, the Institut Pasteur; career 1950-1951. of Dalhousie M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence 1952-1953. includes typescript draft Wainwright’s correspondence includes detailed accounts of research in progress on biological effects of irradiation. the Also biological post irradiation treatment with iodoacetate and peptone’ by Wainwright and A. Nevill. ‘Modification irradiation of ultra-violet effects by of of 1954. Career, detailed accounts of research. 1955; Includes typescript drafts of ‘Menadione derivatives and ferrous iron as cofactors of the nitrate reductase system of a coliform organism’ and ‘Components of the nitrate reductase a menadione derivative one cofactor of the system’ by Wainwright. Escherichia system “1433”: coli of re work 1962-1964. 1956-1960. Wainwright's correspondence Career, progress of research. Includes tryptophan synthetase. 1963, 1976 Wang was Professor at the Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Academia Sinica, Shanghai, China. 1965-1972. Wang Y.-l. 1957-1976 on M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Winsor & Newton Ltd Supply of carbon black for research on whooping cough. Wollman, E.L. Wollman worked at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. 1944-1978 1951-1971, n.d. Woods, D.D. 1948-1964 Includes penicillinase to Woods. correspondence re supply of samples of Woods worked in Oxford, Microbiology there in 1955. being the Department of Biochemistry at Chemical Professor appointed of Zanini, J.C. 1951-1964 1965-1967 1953, 1978 Yudkin, M.D. Chiefly correspondence re Yudkin’s work on penicillinase formation. 1956-1961 Correspondence re contacts in Mexico, personal news. Department of Yudkin Oxford. Biochemistry, worked in the 1951-1957 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence Zanini was a Mexican colleague. L.444-L.446 Zuckerkandl, E. 1965-1974 Zuckerkandl was a French colleague and friend based at the Department of Macromolecular Biochemistry of the Centre Scientifique, Montpellier, France Recherche National de la The Pollocks spent many holidays in the south of France and some of the correspondence refers to these holidays. 1965-1966. visit 1966, including Chiefly re on arrangements ‘Considerations mecanismes regulateurs de la biosynthese des enzymes’, 29 October 1966 (see F.51). to France by Pollock, for sur lecture |l’evolution Montpellier des at Pollocks’ Zugaza, A. 1969-1974. 1967-1968. holidays at Chiefly re visit by Zuckerkandl to Edinburgh, June 1967. Zugaza worked for the Spanish company Antibiotics S.A. Includes correspondence re the Annamas in southern France. n.d. First name and unidentified. 1964-1982, M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Correspondence L.449-L.453 References and recommendations. 1955-1982 Arranged alphabetically by name of subject. B.-H. 1956-1976 1955-1968 1958-1982 1956-1979 Requests for offprints. Requests for copies of offprints of papers. 1954-1971 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABELEV, G. ABRAHAM, Sir Edward Penley ADA, Gordon L. ADAMS, Elijah L.160 EB 16eE- 1-7 L.8 L.9 ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY BoB AGULLO, M. CASTANEDA- AKABORI, Shiro ALBERT, Adrien ALEXANDER, Hattie E. ALFOLDI, Lajos ALLISON, V.D. ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice L.41 L.Q L.9 L.9 L.10 AMBLER, Richard P. AMOS, Harold ANDERSEN, Else Krag AMBROSE, Charles Tesch ANDERSON, E.B. ANGELL, W. ANKER, Leendert APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor ANNALES DE L’INSTITUT PASTEUR ARNSTEIN, Henry Rudolph Victor ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS ARCOS, José M. ARMSTRONG, John ARNHEIM, Rudolf APRAHAMIAN, Francis Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 ASCOTT, Roy ASHE LABORATORIES LTD ASHESHOV, Elizabeth ASHWORTH, John Michael ASKONAS, Ita ATIYAH, Sir Michael Francis ATKINS, John ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL, BERKSHIRE LaS AUERBACH, Charlotte BACON, John Stanley Durrant BAIRD & TATLOCK (LONDON) LTD, MANUFACTURERS OF SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS A.7, G.3 See also C.13 L.16 Lo) BARBER, Mary BARER, Robert BARKER, G.R. J.62, J.65 Eli, 18 G.32, G.44 L193 19 oto L.19 Le: L.19 BARDOROFF, Sv. BARKSDALE, Lane BARD, Jonathan B. L. BARNHART, Benjamin J. BAKER, Nicholas Brian L.22 BEALE, Geoffrey Herbert BERGER, Seymour Lat E22 G.44 Cat; Calo, L220 BARNS, I.J. BECKER, Robert BERGEL, Franz BERGER, John Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERNAL, Eileen BERNAL, John Desmond BHARGAVA, Pushpa Mittra BHASKAR, Roy BILD DER WISSENSCHAFT BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY BIQUARD, Pierre BISGARD, Knud Maack BISHOP, Marcus William Hugh BJELOZERSKIl, [?] G.44 F.97, J.47 L.22 L.23-L.25 G.44 E.100 E.62-E.65 E.66 E.99 J.53, J.54 Caz L.26 L.26 J.65 BLUNT, Anthony BOREK, Ernest BOHM, David Joseph BOMAN, Hans Gustav L.27-L.31 L.417 BORBOLLA, Robin dela E.99 G.44 E.39 BOURGEOIS, Suzanne Cohn BLACKBURN, George Michael BOOTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix E.83, L.34 BOYD, Sir John Smith Knox BRAMMAR, William John L.32 E.23 L.70 L.32 BRACHET, Jean BRADBURY, Morton BRENNER, Sydney 8.4, 364098 C.16 L.32 Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 BRENT, Leslie BRIAN, Percy Wragg BRILL, Arthur S. BRISKMAN, Larry BRITAIN-CUBA ASSOCIATION BRITISH ACADEMY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE J.72 J.7, J.8, L.35 C2 C.18, G.45 J.63 G.45 L.248 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION F.113,F.118, F.123, G.45 BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH EMBASSY, MEXICO BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL G.5,G.6 L.32 E.99 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE J.1-J.32 See also F.78 BRITTEN, Roy J. L.36 BROOK, Donald BROOKNER, Anita BRYSON, Norman BUCHDAHL, Gerd BROWN, Keith BROWN, Robert C.12, C.14 Cr; C:28 BROCK, William Hodson G.45 G.45 G.45 G.32 BRUCK, Hermann Alexander C.14, C.17 BURGEN, Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent J.6, J.39, J.53-J.57, J.74, J.80, L.38 BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley G.46 G.47 L.37 BUNTING, Arthur Hugh C.14, C.17 C.16 A.7 BUNN, Charles William BURGE, Ronald Edgar BURNS, Tom M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents BUSSARD, Alain BUSTINZA, Florencio BUTLER, John Alfred Valentine CABELLO, Julio CABY, M.R. CALDER, Nigel David Ritchie CALLAN, Harold Garnett (‘Mick’) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMPAIGN FOR THE RELEASE OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS IN GREECE CAMPBELL, J. Allan CAMPBELL, Leon A.7 L.41 E.70 J.70 C.16 L.41 CARNEGIE UK TRUST CANTONI, Giulio K. CARERI, G. Ee L.42-L.44 G.48 G.48 L.41 G.20A L.41 J.6 CARRANZA, A. MORALES- CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie CARSTAIRS, George Morrison CARPMAELS & RANSFORD, PATENT AGENTS CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY CHANTRENNE, H. CERNOHORSKY, Igor Joseph CARROLL, M.J. CHAIN, Sir Ernst Boris CHALOUPKEA, Jiri CHANCE BROTHERS LTD M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents CHAPMAN AND HALL LTD CHAPMAN, Peter F. CHARGAFF, Erwin CHAS. PFIZER & COMPANY INC. CHILE COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS CHINDABHA Sayanha-Vikasit CHOREMI, André CICMANEC, John F. E72 J.29 F.67-F.69, L.48 L.303 J.62 G.6 L.48 L.48 CINADER, Bernhard (‘Hardi’) L.49, L.50 CITRI, Nathan CLARENDON PRESS CLARKE, Bryan E.15, E.16; L.51-L.62 See also L.379 E73 C.14 CLARKE, Patricia Hannah L.63 L.63 C.12 L.64 eit L.65-L.67 L.68-L.70 COLOMB, Neil COHEN, Sidney COHN, Melvin COLEMAN, William COCHRAN, William COHEN, Georges N. COLLEE, John Gerald COHEN, Seymour Stanley CLAYTON, Roderick Kenner G.48 COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND FREEDOM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS J.71 71 L.71 COOK, Sir Alan Hugh Lv7et re Lee 2:99 COOK, Robert P. COOMBS, Eric M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 CORNFORD, Christopher CORNFORTH, Sir John Warcup CORNING GLASS WORKS CORRAN, R.F. Index of correspondents A.7 L.71 eit COUNCIL FOR ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY J.33 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY CRANE, Charles R. J.34-J.44 72 CRICK, Francis Harry Compton J.3, J.67, J.68, L.73 CROOK, Eric Mitchell CROWSON, Roy Albert CRUICKSHANK, J. CSANYI, Vilmos CURLE, Adam B.12 ale: B.1 CURY, Amadeu DAGLEY, Stanley DALGLEISH, Charles E. DALYELL, Tam DARDEN, Lindley DATTA, Naomi DANIELLI, James Frederic CURRENT TOPICS IN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY L.76 G.23, G.32, G.49, L.76, L.399 DAVIDSON, James Norman DAVIS GELATINE LTD L.76 are E.100 L.76 DAVIES, Jeff DAVIS, T.A. DATTA, Satya Prakash DAVIES, Ivor John J.19 B:3E.99)E.1007L:76 L.76 L.76 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents DELAPORTE, Berthe L.78, L.109 DELBRUCK, Max Ludwig Henning DEMPSTER,, F.J. DICK, George W. A. DICKENS, Frank DICKERSON, Richard Earl DIGBY, F. G. Wingfield DISTILLERS COMPANY (BIOCHEMICALS) LTD DIXON, Bernard DODSON, Betty C. DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) DOWNIE, Allan Watt DRATH, Linda L.79 u:79 L.81 L.81 L.390 L.81 L.80 E57 L.82 J.8, J.9, L.81 Balibis, ter CAlz, DUBNAU, David Alan DUBNOFF, J.W. ECHLIN, Patrick EDGE, David Owen DRYSDALE, C. Douglas C.15, L.83 L.85-L.88 L.84 L.81 DUERKSEN, Jacob D. L.89-L.94 L.95-L.99 DRYSDALE, James Wallace L.100 EDINBURGH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS ELEK, Stephen Dyonis J.13-J.15 E.74, G.51 FO L.100 L.100 J.25, L.100, L.434 DYKE, Keith G.H. EIKER, Mary ELITHORN, Alick Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 ELLIOTT, S.D. ELLIOTT, W.H. ELSDALE, Tom ELSDEN, Sidney Reuben ELSEVIER/NORTH HOLLAND SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS ELSON, K. A. ELSWORTH, R. EMERY, Alan Eglin Heathcote EMMER, M. ENGLER, Gideon ENGLESBERG, Ellis EPHRUSSI, Boris EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony F.68; F.68) F-71108 L.100 G.51 B.8, L.102 E.75 C.16 L.103 C.16 G.50 G.51 L.104 L.104 F.68 FELKNER,, Ira Cecil FINANCIAL TIMES J.80 FALKOW, Stanley FATT, Paul FEBS LETTERS EXCERPTA MEDICA J.52 E99 L.105 J.49 E.100 L.105 L.106 FILDES, Sir Paul Gordon EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION 2 FINCHAM, John Robert Stanley FISHER, R.B. (‘David’) FLEMING, Sir Alexander J.6, J.73, L.107, L.108 J.67, J.68 G.52 J.17 FINNEY, David John FISCH, Harold Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 FLEMING, Joan FLEWETT, T.H. FOGG, Gordon Elliott FOLDES, Joseph FORBES, Eric G. FOX, A.S. FOX, Harold Munro BOX) ahr FRASER, Dorothy K. FREW, Eleanor B. FULTON, Forrest GAAL, Vera Eto B.8, L.113-L.117 GALSTON, Arthur William GAREN, Alan GARLAND, John G.53 G.32, G.53 GABLIK, Suzi GAGE, John L.119 L.118 ie Eas GARROD, Lawrence Paul GENETICAL RESEARCH GALE, Sir Ernest Frederick GELL, Philip George Houthem L.123 GERONIMUS, Lippman H. GLAUERT, Audrey Marion GEORGE NEWNES LTD G.31, G.54, L.120, L.121 E.76 E.99 L.122 alee L.122 L.126 GERHARDT, Philipp GILLIN, Frances GLADSTONE, G.P. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents GLAXO LABORATORIES LTD L.124, L.125 GLAZIER, William GLOVER, Stuart W. GOLDBERG, Ivan D. GOLDBERG, Irving H. GOLDFINGER, Wladyslaw J. H. KUNICKI- GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOMBRICH, Sir Ernst Hans GORINI, Luigi GRATZER, W.B. GREEK COMMITTEE AGAINST DICTATORSHIP A.4 E26 L.105 L.126 L.209 26 G.56 L.126, L.409-L.411 L.130 J.70 GREGORY, Richard Langton Gi32)Gi65,J:6, JO 7 ld27 GRIFFITH, Anna N. F.67, F.68, F.69 GROSS, Samson R. HACKMAN, W.D. J.67 J.78 E.53, E.54 G.56 L.130 THE GUARDIAN GROS, Francois GROSS, Julian GRUNBERGER, Dijon L.130 L.128 L.130 L129 GRUNSTEIN, Judy GROSSOWICZ, Nathan GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION L.131 HAGIHARA, Bunji HADDOW, Sir Alexander GUZMAN, I.G. GYORGY, Barna M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson HALVORSON, Harlyn O. HAMON, Yves HANDLER, Philip HAPPOLD, Frank Charles HARADA, Tokuya HARE, Ronald L.132 L.133, L.134 E155 L.135 L155 L.156 B.12 HARINGTON, Sir Charles Robert B.6, E.89, G.5, L.64, L.136-L.146, L.373 HARRE, Romano HARRIS, Sir Henry HARTING, Anne MAYR- HARTREE, Edward F. HASTINGS, John Woodland G.32, G.57 L.147 G.3 L.156 L.148 HEDEN, Carl-Géran C.16, L.166 L.156 L156 J.3, J.59 HAUGE, Jens G. HAUGHTON, Geoffrey HAYES, William (‘Bill’) HEAD, John Juan HEATH, [?] E.101 G.58 LE 1Sf HAZLEWOOD, Carlton F. HEATLEY, Norman George C.1-C.3, C.6, C.17, G.3, J.65, L.149-L.154, L.244 L.162 HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS LTD HENRIQUES, Sebastian Baeta HENDLER, Richard N. E.100 B.8 L.158 L.161 HENRIQUES, Olga B. HENDERSON, D. HERBERT, Denis L.159-L.161 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 HERRIOTT, Roger Moss HERRMANN, Heinz HESTRIN, Shlomo HEWITT, Eric John HEYNINGEN, Ruth van Index of correspondents F.69 L.166 L.166 L.166 L.165 HEYNINGEN, William Edward (‘Kits’) van L.163-L.165 HIGGINS, H. Christopher LONGUET- C.25, C.26, G.65, J.68 HILDITCH, Thomas Percy HILL, Anthony HILTON, Sidney M. L.168 G.58 J.7 HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold Percival C.1-C.3, C.8, L.167 HINDUSTAN ANTIBIOTICS LTD L.346 HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman G.3, L.168 L.168 C.12 G.59 HOLMGREN, Bjorn HORN, Josh HOGNESS, David S. HIRSCHMANN, P. N. HOGBEN, G. Hamilton HOLLOWAY, John Henry ZO TAG, L.169 HOPTON, Jack Welsby HIRST, Sir Edmund Langley HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot L.170 HOWE, James Alexander Macgregor L.414 U170 L.170 L.170 D.40, F.67 G.6 C.24, C.25 HORVATH, Istvan HOTCHKISS, Rollin HOU Pao-Chang MOYLEE, | K. Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 HRUBESOVA, Miroslava HUGHES, David E. HUMPHREY, John Herbert HUNTER, George HURST, E. Weston HURWITZ, Jerard HUTCHINSON AND CO. (PUBLISHERS) LTD L.232 ee F.97, J.14, J.18, J.25, J.49, L.160, PAG eave, L2ae L.170 F.67 L.173 E.100 HUXLEY, Sir Julian Sorrell F.92, L.334 IMMUNOLOGY IMSANDE, John INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY INDEX ON CENSORSHIP INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY ISAACS, [?] IVANOVICS, George IYER, V.N. INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES Lev7s EC L.392 Reale JAMES ARCHIBALD AND ASSOCIATES J.D. BERNAL PEACE LIBRARY E97, 0.47 C.11, C.12, C.14 JACKSON, Francis Leslie JAMES, Derek JAMES, John Ivor Pulsford JANCZURA, Ewa M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE JELJASZEWICZ, Janusz JERNE, Niels Kaj JINKS, John Leonard JOCELYN, P. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD JOHNSON, M.J. JOHNSTONE, Rose M. JONES, Peter LLOYD JOSEPH CROSFIELD & SONS LTD, SOAP AND CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY JOURNAL OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY C.17 L.179 L.180 f.92,,6:93;G:3 C.15 ECs L.181 L.182 G.66 Ute E.78 Be O-E 82. a7. 21st KACSER, Henrik KADOWAKI, Kiyoshi JUKES, Thomas Hughes KALCKAR, Herman Moritz E.83 E.84 J.68 E.84 KALCKAR, Barbara WRIGHT- JOYCE, Charles Richard Boddington JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION L.189 KELLENBERGER, Edward KASSANIS, B. KATO, Koichi L.184 L.189 E185 L.186 L.189 L.189 KAMEN, Martin KAPLAN, J. Gordin L.185, L.439 L.187, L.188, L.417 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 KELLER, Alex KELNER, Albert KENDALL, Philip Arnold Index of correspondents G.60 A.6 L190, L.191 KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery =-90;.G:61,, 3.67, tae KENNEDY, Christina KERR, Peter Francis Walter, 12th Marquess of Lothian KEYNAN, Alex KING, E.J. KINMONT, David KIRK, John Thomas Osmond KLEIN, Harold P. KLUYVER, A.J. KNIGHT, Bert Cyril James Gabriel L.189 J.19 E193 L.194 G.62 L.194 L195 L.196 L197, KOIDSUMI, Kiyoaki KORNER, A. L.198-L.201 L.203-L.206 KNIGHT, David KNOX, James R. KNOX, Robert KNOX, Walter Eugene KODAMA, Keizo KOGUT, Margot G.63 L.194 L.202 G5 L.194 KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo L.194 KOSIKOV, Konstantin Vassilievitch KUZIN, Aleksandr Mikhailovich KREBS, Sir Hans Adolf KUNDALIA, Ramesh J.6 G.61 L.194 KREITMAN, Norman J.43, J.44, L.207 J.6 KUSHNER, Donn J. L.210-L.213 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents KYOWA HAKKO KOGYO CO. LTD D.57-D.60 LAMPEN, Joe Oliver LANCASTER, Maurice C. LANG, |. LARK, Karl G. LASER, H. L.214-L.217 C.11 L.218 L.218 L.218 LEDERBERG, Joshua miler (2, Lieto LEDFORD, R.A. LELOIR, K.F. LEONARDO LEVERHULME TRUST LEVINE, Laurence 2a A.6 E.55, G.64 G.65 L.221 L.220 G.31, G.65 LINTON, [?] LITTAUER, Uriel LLOYD, Brian LEVINTHAL, Cyrus LUCKEY, Thomas Donnell Ze G.65 22 LINSTEAD, Sir Reginald Patrick LOUTIT, Kenneth SINCLAIR- LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen Yardley E.45, J.67, L.187, L.224, L.225 LUTON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY LURIA, Salvador Edward J.7 G.6 L.221 L.222 L.223 G.11 MAAS, Werner Karl LOWE, G. LWOFF, André M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 McDONALD, Ian J. MacDONALD, K.D. MACFARLANE, Allan S. MACFARLANE, Marjorie Giffen MacGIBBON, lain C, MACKENZIE, John S. McLAREN, Dame Anne Laura MacLEOD, Colin M. MACNAUGHTEN, Kathleen McVICKAR, David K. MADDOX, Sir John Royden MAGASANIK, Boris MALEK, Ivan Index of correspondents L.230 L.230 L.230 “227 J.1, 3.3 L.228 L.229 F.69, F.70 L.230 L.230 G.67, J.1, J.3 L.231 L.232 G.64 L.233 G.39, G.67 G.13 MALINA, Frank J. MANDEL, H. George MARIN, G. MARKHAM, Roy MANSON, Eileen MARCUS, A. MARGULIS, Lynn MANNING, Aubrey L.242 L.246 L.246 MANDELSTAM, Joel D.17, E.39, J.4, J.7, J.9, J.64, J.65, L.96, L.234-L.241 E.95 MARWICK, Arthur John Brereton MARMION, Barrie P. L.243 L.244 L.245 MAXWELL, lan Robert G.68 66, F.G7giecat MARMUR,, Julius MAXTED, W.R. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents MAXWELL, William J.80 MEDAWAR, Sir Peter Brian B.7, C.2, F.72, G.69, L.247-L.249 MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE FOR SOVIET JEWRY J.74, J.75 MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR J.48 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MEDICAL WORLD MEDVEDEV, Zhores Aleksandrovich MELTZER, Bernard MERCK & COMPANY INC. MERMOZ, Gérard MEYER, Karl Ba-Bit2, C.1-C.3)C.10, Fetit2, G'3)G.5-G:7, L:96, L167, L373 E.99 L.250 C.24-C.26, E.39, J.8, J.74, L.251- LeZoy, L.258 G.70 L.246 MEYRATH, J. MICHIE, Donald MILLER, H.G. MILSTEIN, Cesar MIRICK, G.S. MICROBIAL TOXINS G.69 E.100 G.16, J.6 L.246 G.71, L.246 MITCHELL, Peter Dennis MICKLEM, Henry Spedding MICHAELIS, Anthony Rowland C.24-C.26, E.27, L.259-L.261 L.276 MITCHISON, Nicholas Avrion MITCHISON, John Murdoch Cio L.246 L.262 L.263 L.246 L.263A, L.264 L.266-L.268 MOHR, Viggo MOLLER, Goran MITSUI, Hiromi MIZUNO, Den’ichi L.276 M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 MONOD, Jacques MONROY, Alberto MONTALENTI, G. MONTGOMERY, Graeme D. MORIHARA, K. MORRISON, Robert B. MORSE, M.K. MUNIER, Roger MURAO, Sawao MURRAY, E.G.C. MURRAY, Sir Kenneth MUSILEK, V. Index of correspondents E.23, J.3, L.269-L.275 L.276 E.101 G.32, G.69 L.276 E207. L277; L.278 L.278 L.278 L.278 L.278 NATURE NEEDHAM, Joseph NEMEC, Theodor NAJJAR, Victor Assad NAONO, Shiro L.280 J.6 L.280 L.280 NEUBERGER, Albert L.279 L.280 J.39 E.89-E.93, J.1, J.3, J.9 NEILANDS, John Brian NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (USA) L.282 E.94 G.72 G.72 NIRENBERG, Marshall NEW SCIENTIST NEWTH, David NICHOLSON, Simon C.1, L.160 L.281 NISHIMURA, Susumu M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 NISSMAN, Benito NIVEN, Janet NOMURA, Masayasu NORDSTROM, Kurt NORRIS, John Robert NOVICK, Aaron NOVICK, Richard Paul Index of correspondents L.283 F.68 L.284 L.285 L.283 L.283 J.18, J.19, L.286-L.290 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION G2 OGSTON, Alexander George (‘Sandy’) OFFORD, Albert Cyril OLBY, Robert Cecil L.291, L.292 L.294 Dl i G.O9-F./.2,e.93) Gre: lees OMNI PUBLICATIONS LTD E1Od OPEN UNIVERSITY Balto iGere PARK, John PARKE, John A.C. OSS, C.J. van OTTESEN, Martin L.294 L.294 L.294 L.294 ORDONEZ, Guido A. PARDEE, Arthur Beck ORGEL, Leslie Eleazer PAPPENHEIMER, Alwin Max, Jr PECHERE, J.F. PARTISAN REVIEW PAUL, John PAVAN, C. PAYNE, K.M. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents PENROSE, Lionel Sharples PEREIRA, Helio Gelli PEREIRA, Margaret S. (‘Peggy’) PERGAMON PRESS PERKINS, Harold R. PERLMAN, D PERRETT, John PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert PHILLIPS, David Chilton, Baron PICHINOTY, Francis PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian A.6, J.6 L.299 F.66, F.70 E.95,'L°50 L.303 L.300 L.301 F.93 L.302 L.303, L.452 L.304 L.305-L.308 J.75 PIRIE, Antoinette PODRO, Michael POLLOCK, Griselda POLLOCK, Jonathan POMERAI, David de PORE, ©. Gi F.68, J.6, L.309, L.364 PONTECORVO, Guido J.7 G.73 G.73 G.73 J.25 B.8, G.3, J.7, L.310-L.313 PORTER, Rodney Robert PIRIE, Norman Wingate (‘Bill’) L.191 PORTERFIELD, James Stuart POSTGATE, John Raymond PRINGLE, John William Sutton L.314 L.303 L.159 L.318 PRADO, José Leal PREER, John R., Jr J.6, L.170, L.315 681.316 Index of correspondents L.318 O17, J.78 L.322 E.98 L.322 L.319 L.320 J.43 G.74 L.321 G.74 L.323, L.324 G.74 =-5n M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 PRITCHARD, Robert Hugh PROOM, H RABSTEIN, Martin RACE, Robert Russell RAJCHMAN, Ludwik RALPH, Ray K. RAPKINE, Sarah RATTUE, M.S. RAVETZ, Jerome Raymond RAWSON, Philip RAYNAUD, Marcel READING, H.W. (‘Bill’) REICH, Edward REID, W.W. REYNOLDS, P.E. REICHARDT, Jasia RICE, David TALBOT RICHARDS, E. Barry REISSIG, José RENNIE, Jo REYNOLDS, Donald M. G.74 L.322 L.325 L.322 L.322 L.399 REINER, John Maximilian G.30, G.75 RICKENBERG, Howard R. V. RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry ROBERTSON, Charles Martin RIDEAL, Sir Eric Keightley C.30, G.75 L.115, L.326-L.331 L.332, L.333 L.322 B.12 ROBERTS, D.C. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents ROBERTSON, Giles ROBINSON & SONS LTD, SURGICAL DRESSINGS ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION RODDAM, John ROGERS, Howard J. ROGERS, M.E. (‘Liz’) ROLINSON, G.N. ROSE, Hilary ROSE, Steven Peter Russell ROSENHEAD, Jonathan ROSSI, Rosemary de ROTBLAT, Sir Joseph ROTMAN, Boris G.75 L.339 L.265 L.334 L.335, L.336 J.25 L.339 J.8, J.27 Jet, J.3, J-4,J18,J.19, L.337 J.4, J.6-J.9 L.339 J.19 L.338 ROYAL SOCIETY SAGER, Ruth SAKAGUCHI, K. RUSSELL, W.C. RYAN, Francis A.5, E.97, J.65 G.32, G.76 J.9, J.29 L.340, L.341 RYLE, John Alfred L.339 L.339 L.339 RUPKE, Nicolaas A. SADDLER, Hugh D.W. SAMPAIO, Suzanna A. L.346 SANGER, Frederick SAMSON, Frederic SCHAEFER, W.B. L.342 J.59 G.77 L.343 L.344 L.345 SANYAL, Amitava SAZ, Arthur K. M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents SCHAEFFER, Pierre SCHMITZ, Andrew J. SCHULMAN, [?] SCIENCE AND HEALTH SCIENCE AND SOCIETY TRUST SCIENCE FOR PEACE SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL THE SCIENTIST SCIENTISTS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS SCOTT, Alice SCOTTISH NATIONAL PARTY SEEGERS, Walter Henry SEELIG, Mildred S. L.346 L.303 B.1 E.98 J.27-J.30 L.294 D.33 E:57 J.49 F.66 L.83 L.346 L.347 SEGAL, Stanton SENEZ, Jacques C. SERMONTI, Giuseppe SHAH, Ramesh M. SHAPIRO, Jim L.348 See L.349 L.350 L.351 L.46 L.352 L.360 C.16 L.353 SHEEHAN, John Clark SEGUEL, Herbert Maguire SFORZA, Luigi Luca CAVALLI- SHEARER, Janet Sutherland, Lady Avonside G.77 SHEPPARD, Philip MacDonald SHELL DEVELOPMENT CO. SHIBUSAWA, Motoko L.360 G.77 L.360 L.360 SHEIHIN, Rose L.354-L.358 SHELLEY, Julian H. SHIELDS, [?] M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 SHILO, Moshe SHOCKMAN, Gerald David SHOOTER, Ken SHOOTER, R. SHUGAR, David SIBATANI, Atuhiro SIEGHART, Paul SIGNY, A. Gordon SILVERGLADE, Alex SIMINOVITCH, Louis SINSHEIMER, Robert L. SIRCUS, W. SLONIMISKI, Piotr P. Index of correspondents L.360 L359 L.360 L.360 L.360 L.361 J.37, J.39, J.43, J.44 L.18 L.362 L.363 CHALE L.160 L.364-L.366 SMITH, B.D. SMITH, Harry SMITH, John D. L342 J.25 J.80 L.124 L.367 L.368 L.369 L.372 L.372 SMITH, Duncan SMITH, Anthony SMITH, Katherine SMITH, John M.B. SMITH, Ernest Lester SMITH, John Maynard F.66, F.67, J.24, L.114, L.163 SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SMITH, Peter Alan Somervail SMYTHIES, John Raymond CRATES C.17 L.76 L.370, L.371 SMITH, Stan M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND LEARNING J.4, J.7, J.50, J.65 SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS SNEATH, Peter Henry Andrews SPENCER, Brian SPENDER, Sir Stephen SPIEGELMAN, Sol SPIZIZEN, John SPOONER, Edward Tenney Casswell SPRINGER, Georg F. STAMP, Trevor Charles, 3rd Baron Stamp STANDFAST, Arthur F.B. STANIER, Roger Yate STANLEY, W. M. C.7 L.373-L.376 EO J.3 L.378-L.381 L.372 Bo 6.373 E.100 L.18 Eras lk Glels, L.382-L.385 L.395 STEWART, Gordon T. STOCKER, Bruce J.17, J.19 STENT, Gunther G.77, L.386 STARKEY, Robert L. STAVITSKY, Abram STEINMAN, Harry G. STEVENS, Mary Anne L.387 L.388 Ce L.389 L.395 L.395 L.395 STEPHENSON, Marjory STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SIPRI) F.67 STURTEVANT, Alfred Henry STRAUB, Ferenc Bruno STROMINGER,, Jack L. L.395 L.390, L.391 L.392, L.393 J.394 STOKES, J.K. STRAHS, Gerald M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents SUDA, Masami SUSSEX SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron G.5, L.395 J.8 C.5-C.7, C.12, C.13, C.25, C.26, L.396 SYMONDS, Neville D. SZABO, George TAL, Shomon TANG Pei-Sung TATUM, E.K. TAYLOR, Harriet EPHRUSSI- TAYLOR, Joan TEBYAKINA, A.E. L.397 L.398 L.400 L.400 L.400 L.104 F.67 L.401 E.42, E.52, J.80 THATCHER, Dave THOMSON, A.R. THORNE, Curtis B. L.402 L.400 THE TIMES THOMAS, R. J.64 EAs G.3 THOMPSON, Sir Harold Warris TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT THOMSON, Sir Arthur Landsborough TIMES HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT G.30, G.78 TOMASZ, Alexander TONOMURA, Kenzo E.101 L.412 L.404 L.405 G.78 L.403 E.29,E.33 TOMLINSON, A.H. TOPPER, David R. TORMEY, Alan M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents TORRIANI, Annamaria L.406-L.411 C.17 E.101 L.413 B.1 L.412 L.412 TOULMIN, Stephen Edelston TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES TRIDGELL, Eric J. TRIM, Arthur Reginald Henry TROWELL, O.A. TSAO Tien-Chin UEMURA, Teijiro UNITED KINGDOM SCIENTIFIC MISSION, WASHINGTON DC UNITED STATES CONSULATE EDINBURGH UNITED STATES EMBASSY LONDON UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM F.60, F.86 SCHOOL OF EPISTEMICS C.30, L.249 BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY CHAPLAINCY CENTRE J.24 C.1-C.30 F.76 UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF ADULT EDUCATION VERMEIL, Guy C.16 Cy C.3 VALLARTA, Manuel Sandoval L.414-L.419 SCIENCE STUDIES UNIT UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX URBA, Ruth C. VAICHULIS, E.M. Index of correspondents M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 VICENTE, Miguel VICKERS, Sir Geoffrey VILCHES, A.M. VOGEL, Henry James WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal J.56, L.422-L.425 WAINWRIGHT, Stanley Dunstan WAKSTEIN, C. WANG Ying-lai WATERSON, Anthony Peter WATES FOUNDATION WATSON, James Dewey WEBSTER, Charles L.426-L.432 J.6 G.6, L.433 E.23, F.68 G.79 CAs L.434 G79) 32 WILKINSON, Russell WEBSTER, [?] WECHSLER, Judith WELLCOME TRUST WERSKEY, P. Gary WIAME, Jean M. WICHTERLE, O. C.18 L.436 J.4, J.64 G.79 G:79 G.79 WEISSKOPF, Victor Frederick WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick G.81 WILLIAMS, Robert Evan Owen WILSON, Christopher Barrie WINTERBOURNE, Anthony F.67, J.1, J.2, J.73, L.436 G.21, G.39, G.80 A.6, F.66, F.71, L.436 L.436 05 G.81 L.435 WILSON, Sir Graham Selby WINER, Marc WINSOR & NEWTON LTD M.R. Pollock NCUACS 111/10/02 Index of correspondents WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOLLHEIM, Richard Arthur WOLLMAN, Elie L. WOLPERT, Lewis WOODS, Donald Devereux WOOSTER, William Alfred (‘Peter’) WORK, Thomas Spence WORKERS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION G.81 G.81 L.437 G.30, G.81 B.8, L.438 J.52 C.14 F.87 WORLD FEDERATION OF SCIENTIIFC WORKERS E.98, J.51-J.57, L.232, L.280 WRIGHT, Susan WYATT, Vivian YAMAMOTO, Takehiko L.439 F.69 YEGOREV, N.S. YONEDA, Masahiko YUDKIN, John ZAKHAROVA, M. YUDKIN, Michael D. ZATMAN, Leonard J. ZIMAN, John Michael L.442 L.443 L.442 ZANINI, Juan CARRASCO L.447 F.97, J.6, J.8, J.9, J.34, J.36, J.37, J.39, J.44, J.74, J.80 ZUCKERKANDL, Emile ZUGAZA, Alvaro L.444-L.446