NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Norman Wingate Pirie FRS (1907-1997) NCUACS catalogue no. 124/10/03 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Reference code: GB 0117 NWP Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1926-1999 Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Extent of material: 21 boxes, ca 380 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Norman Wingate Pirie FRS (1907-1997), biochemist NCUACS catalogue no. 124/10/03 © 2003 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. The Archives, Royal Society, London N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society Girton College Cambridge The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Royal Astronomical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Wellcome Trust St John’s College Cambridge N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST THE ROYAL SOCIETY LONDON N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH NOTEBOOKS SECTION C LEAF PROTEIN WORK SECTION D OTHER RESEARCH INTERESTS SECTION E DARFTS AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES A.1-A.47 B.1-B.27 C.1-C.154 D.1-D.43 E.1-E.67 F.1-F.18 SECTION G G.1-G.44 CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Dr W.S. Pierpoint, Pirie’s Royal Society Memorialist, in October 1999. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF NORMAN WINGATE PIRIE and 1940s. (later Sir After attending Norman Wingate (‘Bill’) Pirie was born in Torrance, Stirlingshire, on 1 July 1907. various schools in Scotland and England he completed his schooling at Rydal School, Colwyn Bay. He entered Emmanuel College Cambridge in 1925 to study for the Natural Science Tripos. Pirie specialised in biochemistry for Part Il, attracted by the liveliness of the Biochemistry Department highly talented young under Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, who had assembled a team of He graduated B.A. in 1929 and biochemists including J.B.S. Haldane, J. Needham and D. Keilin. was appointed Demonstrator in the Department of Biochemistry and received an Emmanuel College For the following five years Pirie worked on the purification on sulphur research fellowship. compounds, studying the chemistry and metabolism of compounds such as methionine and In 1932 he began research with A.A. (later Sir Ashley) Miles on the bacteria Brucella He retained an active interest in this research through the 1930s abortus and Brucella mellitensis. glutathione. the biochemist F.C. In 1934 he began his longstanding collaborative research with Frederick) Bawden, then with the Potato Virus Research Unit in Cambridge, on viruses responsible all Their work demonstrated conclusively that the genetic material found in research, with support from the Rockefeller and Wolfson Foundations and later the International for potato disease. viruses is ribonucleic acid (RNA) and thus contradicted the view of Wendell Stanley, who had thought the viruses consisted entirely of protein. Bawden and Pirie realized that RNA might be the infective component of viruses but they were unable to confirm this experimentally, and it was not until 1956 that this was established by others. Bawden had moved to the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, in 1936 and in 1940 Pirie moved there himself, having been appointed Virus Physiologist. He became Head of the Biochemistry Department in 1947. Pirie’s research into plant viruses had initiated his interest in properties and uses of leaf protein. Wartime food shortages prompted investigative work on the large-scale extraction of leaf protein for After the war Pirie continued this line of human food and tests were undertaken at Rothamsted. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biological Programme he worked on methods of extraction. Although the potential of leaves as a human protein source had first been mooted in 1773, the full significance of it was not recognised until the twentieth century. Pirie was the first to develop a practical technology for its extraction. Pirie argued that in many climates more edible protein could be obtained by cultivation of leaf crops than Much of his attention was given to studying suitable plants and to any other form of cultivation. developing equipment for efficient small-scale or household production of leaf protein, particularly in He was also interested in marketing it as suitable for human consumption the developing world. through use in receipes. Pirie was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1949, ‘for his researches on plant viruses, especially as regards their isolation and their chemical and physical properties. With F.C. Bawden he was responsible for demonstrating that tobacco mosaic virus and several other plant viruses were nucleoproteins. These two workers were the first to isolate a plant virus in 3-dimensional crystalline form. Much of the recent work on plant viruses has been stimulated by these important discoveries. In addition Pirie has worked on the chemistry of antigens and has also concerned himself with the Pirie gave the Royal Society assessment of purity of large molecules of biological interest’. Leeuwenhoek Lecture for 1963 and was awarded its Copley Medal in 1971 ‘in recognition of his distinguished contributions to biochemistry and especially for his elucidation of the nature of plant viruses’. In 1976 he received the first Rank Prize for Nutrition and Agronomy. 415. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The collection is presented as given in the list of contents. Pirie died 29 March 1997. His wife, the ophthalmologist Antoinette Pirie with whom he had a son and a daughter, predeceased him in 1991. For further information on the life and work of Pirie see W.S. Pierpoint, ‘Norman Wingate Pirie 1 July 1907 - 29 March 1997’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 45 (1999), pp 397- and other topics. Miscellaneous material includes Pirie’s philosophical notes on the nature of life, the scientific method development and promotion of leaf protein for human nutrition. little documentation of undergraduate work, collection is particularly noteworthy for its It includes obituaries, a copy of It covers the period 1926-1999. Section A, Biographical, is all aspects of Pirie’s research, F.G. Hopkins and H.H. Mann. Biographical Memoir, a assembled by Pirie relating to J. Brachet, J.B.S. Haldane, full documentation of The not extensive. his Royal Society and_ historical material N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 the Royal Society. Section B, Research notebooks, completes the incomplete sequence of numbered notebooks listed in the Catalogue of the Papers of Sir Frederick Charles Bawden including papers of Alfred Alexander Peter Kleczkowski and Norman Wingate Pirie (CSAC 37/1/76) and also deposited in the Archives of The sequence presented here runs from 1929 to 1996, with the missing The work documented includes Pirie’s earliest notebooks to be found in the Bawden collection. research with A.A. Miles on Brucella abortus and Brucella mellitensis, his research with F.C. Bawden on viruses, and the many facets of his work on leaf protein to the end of his life. There are also two unnumbered notebooks not included in the sequence which date from the 1940s. leaf protein work worldwide, the promotion of Section C, Leaf Protein work, is the largest section in the collection and documents the work for which Pirie became widely known. The material covers Pirie’s own research work on leaf protein, his leaf protein and the development of interest in equipment, especially suitable for use in less developed countries, which could be used to extract it. There is documentation of Pirie’s struggles within the Agricultural Research Council to find support for his work, his reports on progress and later fund-raising for his research. There is material relating to design and construction of leaf protein apparatus of various types. Pirie believed strongly that leaf protein could make a positive contribution to nutrition in poorer countries and trials were undertaken in India, Jamaica and other countries. Latterly he found backing for his work from the Find Your Feet Also of interest is Pirie’s interest in prornoting leaf charity and this relationship is documented. It It is presented by topic and includes ‘biochemical engineering’ research in the 1950s. protein, including sample recipes using the foodstuff. Section D, Other research interests, focuses on Pirie’s earlier research, including the work for which is not extensive and he was elected to the Royal Society and was awarded the Copley Medal. should be consulted alongside the notebooks in section B. research on tobacco mosaic and tomato bushy stunt viruses by Pirie and F.C. Bawden in the 1930s, There is work on Brucella abortus in the 1930s and 1940s and bracken eradication in the 1950s. also material relating to various alternative sources of protein, including seafood, which relates to his interest in nutrition. Miscellaneous material includes documentation of Pirie’s lobbying on behalf of exploration, scientific writing and world nutrition. The offprints themselves may bear later manuscript published in full, reports on research, visits abroad etc., correspondence, and letters to the press on Section E, Drafts and publications, presents drafts and related material including publications on food resources and his 1987 book Leaf Protein and its by-products in human and animal nutrition, a small The bulk of the section, however, number of book reviews and a little editorial correspondence. comprises a sequence of Pirie’s volumes of bound offprints, from 1929 to 1991 (with material for full record of Pirie’s published output, as 1992-1996 unbound). This sequence is more than just a intercalated or pasted to pages of the volumes are typescripts of unpublished work or work not nuclear weapons, the Communist party, space a wide variety of topics including including N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 annotations and typescript notes by Pirie, giving improved methods, corrections and later bibliographical references. Section F, Visits and conferences, documents a few of Pirie’s visits 1946-1989. There is material relating to extended visits to the USA in 1946, and to Czechoslovakia, the USSR and China in 1952, and later visits in connection with leaf protein work. The lack of coverage is partially compensated for by the quality of some of the documentation of the visits, including Pirie’s manuscript and typescript notes and his official reports. Section G, Correspondence, is again partial in its coverage. The bulk relates to Pirie’s work on leaf There are also individual letters from significant correspondents, from the 1930s on, protein. including A. Szent-Gyorgi, J.B.S. Haldane, G.C. de Hevesy, Sir Peter Medawar, T. Svedberg, R.L.M. Synge etc, which Pirie appears to have kept for historical reasons. The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order by correspondent. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL archives. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper A videotape interview with Pirie for the Biochemical Society is held in the Biochemical Society This material in part supplements that presented in the Catalogue of the Papers of Sir Frederick Charles Bawden including papers of Alfred Alexander Peter Kleczkowski and Norman Wingate Pirie (CSAC 37/1/76), processed by the Unit for deposit in the Royal Society in 1976. Bath 2003 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.47 1926-1999 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS A.6-A.8 UNDERGRADUATE WORK A.9-A.11 CAREER AND HONOURS A.12-A.39 HISTORICAL MATERIAL A.40 POLITICS A.41-A.47 MISCELLANEOUS Obituaries The Independent, 29 March 1997. By W.S. Pierpoint. The Guardian, 31 March 1997. By A. Tucker. The Times, 11 April 1997. OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1997, 1999 Nature, 5 June 1997. By L. Fowden and W.S. Pierpoint Off-print. ‘Norman Wingate Pirie July 1907-29 March 1997’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol 45 (1999), pp 397-415, by W.S. Pierpoint The Biochemist, 1997. By W.S. Pierpoint. 1 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS 1980, 1988, nd Biographical entry on Scientists and Engineers Pirie from McGraw-Hill Modern Photocopy. Cover for Biochemical Society video tape recording of Pirie in conversation with W.S. Pierpoint, June 1988 The video tape itself was not found with the papers. The video was made by the Biochemical Society as part of their ‘Conversations with Eminent Biochemists’ series. Pirie’s typescript notes on his background and life 1926-1928 Hardback notebook 1926-1927 UNDERGRADUATE WORK Paginated 1-59. Used for notes on the literature and notes on lectures, 1926-1927. List of contents at front of notebook. See also A.32 for Pirie’s undergraduate notes on lectures of J.B.S. Haldane, kept with biographical material on Haldane. 1927-1928 Paginated 1-29 and 1-48. Used for notes, Lent Term 1927 and Lent Term 1928 (pp1-29) and research results 1928 (pp 1-48). List of contents for 1927-1928 at front of notebook. Lecturers R.G.W. Norrish. include Hardback notebook C.R. Harington, H. Hartridge, and N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 Part Il Biochemistry notes on tumours and nucleic acid Typescript and manuscript notes. CAREER AND HONOURS 1955-1984 There is little documentation of Pirie’s career and honours. Chair of Biochemistry, Imperial College London Correspondence and papers. Pirie was appointed to the Chair in 1955. However, he felt the endowment of the Department of Biochemistry that was and declined the appointment. inadequate proposed College was the by 1975-1984 Rank Prize for Nutrition, 1976 Pirie was awarded the first of Correspondence and papers re award and 1984 event. Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts The Rank Prize Funds were established by Lord Rank in 1972 to support work in the fields of nutrition, agriculture and opto-electronics. its prizes in Nutrition and Agronomy. of the leading biologists of the twentieth century. Pirie Biographical material relating to scientific colleagues and friends, assembled by Pirie The Belgian scientist Jean Brachet (1909-1988) was one A.12-A.20 Jean Brachet A.12-A.39 HISTORICAL MATERIAL 1911-1992, n.d. 1971-1990 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 wrote the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Brachet, who had been elected a Foreign Member in 1966. Obituaries of Brachet. 1988-1989 Photocopies, typescripts and offprints. Correspondence with colleagues offering recollections of Brachet and assessments of his significance 1988-1990 Transcript of television interview with Brachet 73pp typescript. In French. With Pirie’s 1p typescript notes on the text. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. Other auotobiographical and biographical articles extracts and 1970s and 1980s Photographs of Brachet Typescript and manuscript notes for the Royal Society memoir c 1989-1990 F. Le Gros Clark served in the First World War, losing a hand and being blinded on the last day of the war. Clark became interested in the problems of malnutrition during the 1930s and first met Pirie during the Second World War when he was working for the Ministry of Food. He and Three photographs. Frederick Le Gros Clark See also G.10. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 Pirie went on Million Mouths (London, 1951). to co-author the book, Four Thousand Pirie wrote the Dictionary of National Biography entry for Clark. Correspondence re Clark Reminiscences and biographical information. Miscellaneous photocopy background information A.23-A.32 John Burdon Sanderson Haldane 1929-1992 Pirie had been taught by Haldane while studying as an undergraduate at Cambridge (see A.32). Pirie wrote biographical articles on Haldane for T/BS vol 4 (1979) and for the Indian Statistical Institute in 1992. See also E.15. 6pp typescript with manuscript corrections; photocopy of article as published. 10pp typescript; photocopy of article as published. Obituaries of Haldane ‘J.B.S. Haldane. 1892-1964’ by Pirie. vol 4 (1979). Published in T/BS ‘Social and political outlook of J.B.S. Haldane’, Indian Statistical Institute, 1992 Biographical profiles and other background material Includes letter from H. Spurway with 10pp typescript, November 1965. Correspondence re reminiscences of and information on Haldane 1965, 1967 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 Typescript notes on Haldane used by Pirie in preparation of biographial articles Typescript and manuscript notes on index cards Miscellaneous background material Includes offprints, photocopies etc. Conference on University College London, 10-11 April 1992 ‘JBS Haldane: Science and Society’, Programme; abstracts of papers. Pirie’s undergraduate notes on lectures by Haldane Hawkes was Hopkins’ daughter. A.33-A.37 Frederick Gowland Hopkins Head of the Cambridge Department Found with Pirie’s biographical material on Haldane. Biographical material on Hopkins assembled by Pirie. Hopkins, of Biochemistry and a formative influence on a generation of British biochemists, had taught Pirie as an undergraduate. 4 folders. Letter from J.J. Hawkes, 1984; typescript, manuscript etc notes Offprints, photocopies etc from the 1910s to the 1970s assembled by Pirie. A.34-A.37 Background material N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 Harold H. Mann 1911-1962 Offprints of work by Mann. Mann was a specialist on agriculture in India. 1961. He died in Manuscript and typescript notes on work of Boyle and Pasteur POLITICS 1933, 1952, n.d. Exchange re information on chemical and bacteriological warfare for anti-war exhibition in Cambridge, November 1933; 1p duplicated typescript note by Pirie on meeting of Executive 1952; miscellaneous typescript notes. Council, Peace British the of A.41-A.47 A.41-A.44 A.42-A.44 3 folders. 1953-1958 1950-1994 Correspondence MISCELLANEOUS ‘Notes. Philosophic musing. Correspondence concerning ‘manna’ and ‘Paracelsus’ Article by Pirie on Life. Chiefly typescript notes on Pirie’s views on science and the scientific method etc. ‘The Greatest Mystery on October 1950 Earth’, News Chronicle, 30 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Biographical, A.1-A.47 Civil Service Commission, English examination papers These include questions based on a passage from Pirie’s book ‘Food Resources, Conventional and Novel’. Xerophthalmia Club 1970s, 1994 Letter from D. McLaren enclosing Xerophthalmia Club material from 1973-1978. wife, Pirie’s the ophthalmologist Antoinette Pirie, was Secretary of the Xerophthalmia Club and an early editor of the Club’s bulletin. D. McLaren was a later editor. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION B RESEARCH NOTEBOOKS, B.1-B.27 1929-1996 These complete the incomplete sequence of numbered notebooks listed in the Catalogue of the Papers of Sir Frederick Charles Bawden including papers of Alfred Alexander Peter Kleczkowski and Norman Wingate Pirie (CSAC 37/1/76), that run from B.10 to B.37. The numbered sequence presented here runs from 1-55 (1929-1996), with the missing notebooks to be found in the Bawden collection. The first three notebooks have had pages removed from the front suggesting they may originally have been used for undergraduate work, for example. At B.26 and B.27 are two unnumbered notebooks dating from the 1940s. See also A.6, C.48 and D.29. 4A) 1929-1931 Loose at p.85 is October 1956. letter to Pirie from R.L.M. Synge, 23 1931-1932 Hardback notebook paginated 1-140. Used September 1929-March 1931. Hardback notebook paginated 1-134. Used March-July 1931. 1932-1934 Hardback notebook paginated 1-173. Used June 1932- September 1933, December 1933-March [?1934] (from p120) and August 1934 (pp115-119) . Hardback notebook paginated 1-125. Used July 1931- June 1932. Labelled on spine ‘FULL July 1931 July 1932’. ‘Or ‘3’ ‘4’ N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Research notebooks, B.1-B.27 ‘S’ 21932-1934 Hardback notebook paginated 1-99. Used July-October [21932] and January 1933-April 1934. ‘6’ 1932-1934 Also inscribed ‘Brucella’ on front cover. Hardback ‘Graph book’ paginated from the front 1-87. Used at the front December 1932-August 1934 and at the back for notes on the literature, c 1933. mes 1933, 21934 Also inscribed ‘Oxidation products’ on front cover. Hardback ‘Graph 1-60. September 1933 and January, May [71934]. paginated book’ Used May- 1933-1943 ‘g’ ‘9’ ‘ae and ‘Cystinuria Whole inscribed Also animal experiments’ on front cover. ‘Miscellaneous’ Hardback ‘Graph book’. Used occasionally June 1933- July 1935 and March-July 1943. Most pages not used. Pasted into notebook is letter from S.J. Folley re ‘ghost protein’, 24 February 1943. 1935-1936 Hardback ‘Graph book’ paginated 3-89. Used April-July 1934. Also inscribed ‘Sulphate formation’ on front cover. Aiso inscribed ‘Agar from book 4’ on front cover. Hardback ‘Graph 1935-March 1936. book’ paginated 1-89. Used March N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Research notebooks, B.1-B.27 ‘aio? 1935-1938 Also inscribed ‘Brucella continued from book 10’ on front cover. Hardback ‘Graph book’ paginated 180-266. Used October 1935-February 1938. ‘16’ 1938-1939 Also inscribed ‘Brucella’ on front cover and ‘Continuation from Book 12’ on first page. Hardback notebook paginated 267-349. Used February 1938-April 1939. ‘4 8’ Also inscribed ‘Brucella’ on spine and ‘Brucella 18’ on first page. 1942-1946 1A ‘29’ Also inscribed ‘Abortus’ on spine. A little loose material intercalated towards rear. Hardback notebook paginated 48-118. Used May 1942- February 1946. Hardback notebook paginated 350-377. Used April-July 1939. 1946-1947 Also inscribed ‘Hyalunoric Acid’ on spine and ‘Work done in Worcester Foundation March 1946-March 1947’. Loose material intercalated, including correspondence at rear. Hardback notebook paginated 1-58. notebook was This Worcester Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA. Foundation used for during at the Biology, Pirie’s time Experimental N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Research notebooks, B.1-B.27 ‘46’ 1971-1973 Hardback notebook paginated 353-448. Used June 1971- May 1973. Typescript notes on the work in the notebook loose at rear. Ary: 1973-1982 Also inscribed on spine ‘449-540’. Hardback notebook paginated 449-545. Used May 1973- December 1982. Data, correspondence, notebook. etc pasted to pages of the ‘48’ 1983-1984 1984-1986 1986-1987 ‘49’ ‘50’ HA Also inscribed ‘600-690’ on front cover. Hardback notebook paginated 600-691. Used June 1984- November 1986. Hardback notebook paginated from the front 546-598 and used January 1983-June 1984. Used at the back for diagrams of chemical structure (not in Pirie’s hand). 1987-1988 Hardback notebook paginated 692-784. 1986-December 1987. Used November Hardback notebook paginated 785-877. 1987-December 1988. Used December Also inscribed on spine ‘692-784’. Also inscribed on spine ‘785-876’. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Research notebooks, B.1-B.27 ‘52’ 1989-1990 Also inscribed on spine ‘879-971’. Hardback notebook paginated 878-972. 1989-September 1990. Used January ‘53’ 1990-1992 Hardback notebook paginated in two sequences 973-999, used September 1990-February 1991, and 1-69, used February 1991-November 1992. Although document continuing work. paginated separately the two sequences ‘54’ 1992-1996 Hardback notebook paginated 70-166. 1992-February 1996. Used November ‘55’ Exercise book 1943, 1944 Hardback notebook paginated 167-182. November 1996. Used February- Inscribed on front cover ‘ “Proteins” in Sea Water. June 21-25 1943. Humus April 1944’. 1945-1949 Used from the front for notes dated 1943 and 1944 , and at the back for notes on the literature. Loose typescript material intercalated. Also inscribed ‘Methods’ on front cover. Hardback Graph book N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION C LEAF PROTEIN WORK, C.1-C.154 1930s-1996 leaf protein. Pirie’s research into plant viruses had initiated his interest in properties and uses of Wartime food shortages prompted investigative work on the large-scale extraction of leaf protein as human food and tests were undertaken at Rothamsted. After the war Pirie continued this line of research, with support from the Rockefeller and Wolfson Foundations and later the International Biological Programme he worked on methods of extraction. Pirie argued that in many climates more edible protein could be obtained by cultivation of leaf crops than any other form of cultivation. (LP) could be satisfactorily obtained from many (though not all) types of leaf, including leaves of plants used for other foodstuffs, such as sugarbeet, potatoes and radish. Leaf protein LP was extracted from leaves (the younger the better) by crushing, rubbing or bruising. This released the juice which contained between 20% and 50% of the protein content. The more gentle the pressure applied to release the juice, the greater its protein content and smaller the amount of fibre included. The juice was then heated to 90 as sudden as degrees centigrade, the possible. to coagulate and separate off as a ‘curd’. As well as protein content, the LP was also a the form of carotene). The residue after pressing could be used for animal feed or silage rich source of vitamin A This caused the heating being protein (in C.1-C.56 C.57-C.102 in promoting it as LEAF PROTEIN RESEARCH Much of Pirie’s attention was given to studying suitable leafy plants and to developing equipment for efficient He was also small-scale or household production of LP. interested suitable for human consumption through use in recipes. LEAF PROTEIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE HISTORY OF LEAF PROTEIN WORK PROMOTION OF LEAF PROTEIN LEAF PROTEIN EQUIPMENT C.103-C.136 C.137-C.146 C.147-C.154 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 LEAF PROTEIN RESEARCH 1940-1992 The bulk of this material relates to Pirie’s work at the Rothamsted Experimental Station from 1940 to retirement and beyond. Rothamsted Reports Experimental Station to the Agricultural Research Council protein work leaf the on at 1951-1992 ‘Report to the ARC on the work done on the Extraction of Leaf Protein in 1949, 1950 and part of 1951’ by Pirie, D.S. Miller and M.L. Barnes typescript with manuscript correction and Duplicated annotation. 3 folders. By Pirie. 1968, 1969 ‘Addendum to Interim Report on the Extraction of Leaf Protein 1949-1950 and part of 1951’ 1965, 1967 With covering ARC ‘Office Note’. Printed reports of the Biochemistry Department from the Rep. Rothamsted exp. Stn 1965-1972 ‘The role of Rothamsted in research on leaf protein’ by Pirie 14pp typescript with manuscript annotations + references. 1970, 1971, 1972 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Found in envelope inscribed ‘LP in Rothamsted. Paper rejected for Ann Rep 1978’ ‘Improving the equipment used to extract leaf protein, the yields carotene destruction during storage’ prevention attainable and the of App typescript, annotated ‘Ann Report 1993’. Typescript notes on and tests of equipment visits to equipment manufacturers Paginated 1-19. crushing, Pirie visited manufacturers of various types of grinding and milling machinery to see which could be used in the preparation of leaf protein. C.11-C.19 ‘1940-1948 discussion on making LP’ 1940-1948 Notes on and papers for meeting at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 12 September 1940 2pp typescript; with papers tabled at the meeting: DSIR memorandum and ICI report on grass protein. 3pp duplicated typescript The meeting was held ‘to consider further the preparation of protein from grass’. Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed: chiefly papers re the response to Pirie’s proposal for the manufacture of leaf protein (C.13). ‘The manufacture of human food from leaves’ by Pirie, November protein preparations suitable ‘Note on Leaf Protein Project’ by C.S. Hanes, October 10pp typescript. 2pp typescript. for N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 C.14-C.17 Responses to Pirie’s proposal C.14 Response by A.C. Chibnall 6pp typescript + appendices. 1941-1942 1941 Response by N.C. Wright App typescript. Response by F. Yate Response by W.K. Slater App typescript. C.20-C.23 1942-1951, n.d. Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed. ‘Old experiments and new machine tests’ Comments by Pirie on the responses to his proposal Papers on the need for research into leaf protein by Pirie Notes on and paper of Agricultural Research Council meeting on Extraction of Protein from Green Leaves, London, 28 April 1948 experiments at West Learmouth ‘A case for the initiation of research on the separation from of animals of different types and of men’, 5pp duplicated typescript, April; ‘Plan of the immediate research needed on the extraction of leaf protein’ by Pirie, 2pp typescript, June. leaves of products suitable for the nutrition Typescript and on grass_ protein manuscript notes N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Correspondence and Salvage Department vegetable press papers re City of Birmingham Includes a typescript description of the plant and a sketch from with manufacturers with elevation drawing. correspondence Department; Salvage the The press had been withdrawn from service some years previously. Data from experiments 1942, 1951, n.d. C.24-C.29 ‘Leaf Protein’ 1947-1965 Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers chiefly relating to direction and Agricultural Research Council support of leaf protein research. ‘Preliminary statement on the organisation of research on the extraction of leaf protein on a technical scale’ 1947, 1950 includes notes to minutes Research Council on visits 1p typescript of Agricultural papers re Pirie’s 1p typescript. machine for Correspondence and extraction of leaf protein Also manufacturers 1948-1950. Includes meeting on Leaf Protein Extraction, 27 November 1951. 1952-1953 Includes Pirie’s ‘Comment on the work on Leaf Protein done at the Grassland Research Station during 1952’, 2pp duplicated typescript; minutes of Agricultural Research Council meeting on Leaf Protein Extraction, 27 November 1953 and Pirie’s 3pp typescript notes commenting on it. Pirie was highly critical of the work being done at the Grassland Research Station. Correspondence and papers N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Correspondence re progress of leaf protein work Correspondence and papers Council support for leaf protein work re Agricultural Research 1957-1965 ‘Note on a visit to British Glues and Chemicals 2/11/59’ by Pirie 3pp typescript. C.30-C.35 ‘Leaf protein etc’ and ‘The conservation of green material and the alternatives’ 1949-1956 Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed. ‘Note on photosynthesis’ by Pirie, February 2pp typescript. ‘The conservation of green material and the alternatives’ 5pp typescript; 4pp duplicated typescript ARC paper. ARC papers on crop and fodder conservation With copy of letter from Pirie responding. Hannah Dairy Research Institute papers on extraction of protein from grass latest reference June 1951. ‘The large scale separation of fluids from fibrous pulps’ by Pirie and D. Fairclough 11pp typescript, with extensive manuscript correction, N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Accounts of work on the manufacture of leaf protein 1954-1956 Report of D. Keilin and H.A. Krebs on visit to Rothamsted, 1p typescript, 1954; ‘The manufacture of leaf protein at Rothamsted’, 4pp duplicated typescript, October 1955; ‘The future development of research on the manufacture of leaf protein’, 2pp duplicated typescript, August 1956. ‘1950s notes on SISAL as source of L Protein’ 1948-1970 Contents of papers on extraction of leaf protein from sisal leaf. inscribed: correspondence and folder so ‘The work of the Biochemistry Department. Submitted to the Staff Council 26th September 1950’. 4pp duplicated typescript. ‘Protein preps and concentrates’ the Angus Milling Co. Ltd, enclosing C.39-C.42 ‘NIAE [National Institute of Agricultural Engineering] Tests on Silsoe Press Time/Pressure relations’ Papers so labelled: Agricultural Research Council papers on tests of Powling’s Protess (Protein Extraction) Plant etc. Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed: correspondence from ‘Crop conservation - Interim Report on the Development of a New Method and New Products’. ‘Report on test of Powling’s Protess (Protein Extraction) Plant’ and associated papers C.42 is ‘Appendix A. Details of Performance’. Equipment’ by A.N.C. on ‘Tests McDonald Protein Extraction 2 folders. 2 folders. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Second Progress Report on Nutritional Experiments with Leaf Protein Concentrates, Rowett Research Institute, November 1953 C.44-C.46 ‘Correspondence with Foundations: Rockefeller, Wolfson’ 1958-1983 Contents of envelope so inscribed. Pirie received grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and Wolfson includes correspondence with and applications to other funding bodies Foundation. material also The Rockefeller Foundation 1958-1965 Includes reports on work and applications. Pirie was awarded funding from the Foundation for work on ‘protein extraction from vegetable matter for animal and 1958-1963 (extended to 1965). 1957-1958 nutrition’, human _ and 1964-1981, n.d. 1965-1983 Wolfson Foundation Includes reports on work and applications. Correspondence with and applications to other potential funding bodies The Foundation awarded funding for three years work on the extraction of leaf protein, 1976-1979. 1961-1971 ‘Expts with N15. LP enriched with N15 was produced for feeding trials with hens’ ‘The forms in which leaf protein is available’ by Pirie, August 1959 Contents of envelope so inscribed. 2pp typescript. C.48-C.51 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Hardback notebook 1961-1964 Inscribed ‘15N Proteins’ on front cover and paginated 1- 13. Used 1961-1964. Intercalated is data from experiments (originally sellotaped to pages of the notebook), and ‘Report on greenhouse experiment to examine the effect of 15N on the extraction rate of protein from wheat’, 6pp typescript with manuscript additions, latest reference June 1963. ‘Report on the production of protein labelled with 15N, 1963’ 9pp typescript + summary and tables. Correspondence re work with 15-N 1963-1967 Correspondence with National Institute for Research in Dairying, Reading, re supply of 15N samples of inscribed: ‘Report 1961-1965 Pirie’s folder so 15N leaf protein for the ‘N15 protein production’ Pirie prepared samples of Institute. Contents on production of protein labelled with 15N, 1961. Glasshouse experiment using wheat grown in nutrient solution’, 8pp typescript + tables; typescript and manuscript notes (latter on index cards). 1964-1969 The papers are of the British National Committee for the International Biological Programme ‘Protein resources. A survey of research projects and statements showing general interest’ by Pirie Applications for and carried out Programme as part leaf protein Biological 3pp duplicated typescript. reports on work on International of the N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 ‘Comments on techniques’ 1968-1973 Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed: manuscript and typescript notes by Pirie and colleagues D.B. Arkcoll and M.N.G. Davys. Includes ‘Intensive pressing of products such as leaf fibre residue and potato tuber pulp’ by Pirie, December 1973. Undated typescripts C.57-C.102 LEAF PROTEIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE 1959-1996 C.57, C.58 General 1960-1971 the present 1960, 1961, 1963 These are typescript and duplicated typescript notes and reports on the use of leaf protein for human nutrition internationally. Excerpt from letter to Pirie on the Freedom from Hunger campaign, 1p, 20 April 1960. ‘Note on the extent to which interest is being shown in the production and use of leaf protein overseas’, 6pp, July 1961. ‘Statement on International Biological Programme and an application for support from the ARC for one facet of it’, 3pp, July 1963. information on ‘Overseas collaborations’, November 1971. 1970, 1971 state ‘A survey of research, directly connected with the use of leaf protein is being done in 1970; institutes a human food, throughout world’, April 7pp, that the as of the N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Australia Typescript note by Pirie on leaf protein work in Australia from 1968. C.60-C.73 India 1961-1996 India Interest in leaf protein for human nutrition was initiated by Professor B.C. Guha during the Bengal famine of 1943. in the use of with Indian colleagues working Pirie made a number of visits to India and retained good links in particular with S. Matai at the Indian Statistical Institute and N. Singh at the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore. field, this in See also C.94-C.97 for charity's work in India. material re Find Your Feet C.60-C.65 Visits to India 1961-1980 1961 C.60, C.61 Visit, February 1961 Background papers During his visit to India Pirie visited colleagues in Calcutta. Itinerary; ‘Report to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture by N.W. Pirie (Colombo Plan) on a five week study of the possibilities of making protein for human food from lush vegetation in India’, 12pp duplicated typescript + appendix 1959, 1970 Pirie visited India as part of the International Biological Programme, attending the Technical Group Meeting on Leaf Protein in Coimbatore. ‘Where do we go from here?’ by Pirie, 3pp duplicated typescript; ‘Notes on Spike’ by Pirie, 3pp typescript Visit, November 1970 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 ‘Unpublished India notes’ 1959, 1970 Contents of folder so inscribed found with material re 1970 visit. Typescript drafts including: ‘A plea for a more radical approach, in India to food technology’, 4pp typescript, 1959; ‘Research in India on leaf protein’, 10pp typescript, 1970. Visit, December 1974-January 1975 Report to the Royal Society on the visit, 6pp typescript draft and annotated duplicated typescript of final report; two photographs. India visited Pirie COSTED in Bangalore. Calcutta, Delhi, Patna and Coimbatore. primarily of He also visited colleagues in meeting attend to a Visit, April 1980 2pp photocopy typescript. C.66-C.69 1968-1990 Annotated by Pirie. Pirie Coimbatore. Report of ISI for 1967-1968 Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta visited colleagues in Aurangbad, Bangalore and Material re leaf protein research conducted at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), chiefly by S. Matai. Concentrate’ Includes exchange with S. Matai re research projects on leaf protein (C.68, C.69 below). ‘Improvement of by intervention IS|_ Project communities Correspondence programme 1982-1990 health status of using two Leaf N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Project ‘Adaptation of leaf protein technology in rural ISI India’ ‘CFTRI Reports + Conference’ 1964-1981 Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed: material re leaf protein research conducted by N. Singh at the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore. Correspondence with N. Singh 1978-1981 Includes minutes of meetings of the Indian Leaf Protein Research Coordination Committee sent to Pirie by Singh. Copies of papers on leaf protein by Singh 1964-1970s General and miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1972-1996 1972-1989 C.74-C.80 Jamaica ‘Concerning the 1990-199, n.d. Contents unsuccessful LP-project in Jamaica in 1960s’. envelope inscribed of 1959-1968 Pirie visited Jamaica in 1957 and 1960, on both occasions undertaking some encouraging work on leaf proteins. Following the second visit a research and development However, this proved unsuccessful project was initiated. as followed. Another visit in 1962 saw the project relaunched in a form closer to his original specifications but progress again was unsatisfactory, as in He made further visits in 1963 and 1964 but the 1963. project remained unsatisfactory and was terminated in 1965. In addition to support from the Scientific Research Council of Jamaica, the Nuffield Foundation funding. Pirie’s recommendations had Pirie discovered on project received not been a fourth visit N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Copy of letter from J. Duckworth to N.W. Manley, Chief Minister of Jamaica, setting out the case for work on leaf protein Papers re establishment of and support for leaf protein project 1960-1962 ‘The requirements for initiating work on the production of leaf protein as a human food’, 3pp duplicated typescript, 1960 and ‘Outline of the programme proposed for the scientific Pirie, 3pp duplicated typescript, 1962; Nuffield Foundation paper on the project 1961. Protein Unit’ Leaf staff the by of Correspondence with Nuffield Foundation re the project 1963-1965 Correspondence from staff of Medical Research Council Tropical Metabolism Research Unit a High the in into Protein of Diet Scientific Research Council of Jamaica report. 11pp duplicated typescript, with annotation at end by Pirie. ‘Investigations Concentrate from Leaves for inclusion Infants and Children’ the Production of ‘Analysis of factors which might affect future work on leaf protein extraction’ by R.G.W. Willcocks, April 1964, 1965 Loose inside front cover are pages on the project from the 1964 Scientific Research Council of Jamaica report on projects. ‘Note of Leaf Protein research in Jamaica’ by Pirie App typescript. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 C.81-C.102 Find Your Feet 1968-1996 Find Your Feet (FYF) was a charity established by Carol Martin in 1959, initially to support refugees from Austria. It changed its focus radically in 1968 after Martin read about the work of It became the leading sponsor of projects to advance the use of leaf protein as a low cost addition to the diet in the developing world. Pirie. first feeding trial with leaf protein was carried out in Its This showed that leaf Coimbatore, India in 1975-1977. protein source as a protein was almost as skimmed cheaper, also provided better levels of vitamin A and iron. The charity went on to support projects in Sri Lanka, Ghana, Bolivia and elsewhere. effective considerably milk and but C.81-C.86 General correspondence and papers C.81 Obituaries of Carol Martin 1968-1996 1989 These include accounts of the establishment of the charity and its support for leaf protein work. Martin criticised the report. 1968, 1969 1969, 1970 from Hansard reporting on 15pp photocopy typescript annotated by Pirie, 1969. ‘The extraction. and utilization of protein concentrates from leafy materials’, Tropical Product Institute report This report was critical of the leaf protein work which FYF had just begun supporting. Cuttings Parliamentary questions on use of leaf protein in the developing world found therewith, 1968. 1985-1996 Includes photocopy of Pirie’s later (1970) comments on the initial response in composing her letter. Reply to the Tropical Products Institute report by Carol Martin report. Martin had used Pirie’s Miscellaneous correspondence N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Typescript papers (not by Pirie) 1988, 1989 concentrate consumption ‘Leaf 2pp typescript; ‘The Committee for Engineering in Developing countries’, 6pp typescript, with typescript note by Pirie attached; ‘Leaf concentrates: human feeding studies’, 2pp + 9pp bibliography. diarrhoea’, and FYF business papers Newsletters Numbers 2-7, 10-14. Some annotated by Pirie. 2 folders. 1995-1996 1990-1996 C.89-C.102 FYF work worldwide 1972-1994 Arranged by region or country. Asia C.90 1991 C.90, C.91 Bolivia Report: Bolivian Leaf Concentrate Projects 1991-1994 12pp typescript. ‘Field September 24 - October 14, 1991’ ‘List of contacts made during Asian tour for Find Your Feet in early 1981 by Glyn Davies’, 3pp typescript. 1993, 1994 Correspondence and papers re application to Swedish Agency Developing Countries Photocopies of correspondence between FYF and Torun re work with leaf protein in Brazil. for Research Cooperation with Brazil B. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Ghana 1983-1989 Typescript papers re work in Ghana. Pirie had visited Ghana to advise on leaf protein work, 1958 (see F.7). C.94-C.96 India 1975-1994 See also C.60-C.73. Papers re establishment of first FYF leaf protein project 1972, 1975 Incomplete paper on feeding trials at Ellora and Fazalpura Photocopy annotated typescript, paginated 70-154. 2 folders. Nicaragua 1993-1994 Mexico 1984, 1986 India projects, 1988; Pirie’s 1988, 1994 Letter from G. Davies on typescript note, 1994 Reports on Leaf Nutrient Feeding Programme in Mexico 1983-1984 and 1985-1986. 1988 Report on Nicaragua Leaf Concentrate Programme 1993; photocopies of correspondence on work in Nicaragua 1994; typescript note by Pirie, 1994. ‘Project Proposal’ for work on leaf protein to supplement diet C.100-C.102 Sri Lanka C.100 13pp photocopy typescript. 1988-1992 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Also includes 1p typescript by Pirie Lanka in leaf protein 1961-1968. on interest in Sri Papers on work in Sri Lanka Papers on work in Sri Lanka Includes ‘Dietary survey of Sri Lankan pre-school children and the potential role of leaf concentrate supplementation’ by D.N. Cox et al. C.103-C.136 LEAF PROTEIN EQUIPMENT 1950-1993 Pirie designed a number of pieces of apparatus for the leaf protein extraction process, from large-scale laboratory equipment to low-cost machinery designed for village use in the developing world. C.103-C.110 ‘Patents’. 1952-1976 Large-scale drawing of vegetable press Prepared by British Wedge Wire Co. Ltd Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: copy of patents on LP press and copies of patents for ‘rival machinery’ Taken out on Pirie’s behalf by the British Wedge Wire Co. The application is in the names of Pirie, D. Fairclough and A. Wiseman-Shardlow. Complete Specification for ‘Improvements in apparatus for the expulsion of liquid from fibrous plants’ 20pp photocopy typescript 5135/55. Photocopy of Patent Specification 5135/55 draft of patent application N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Photocopies of earlier patents taken out by others 1927- 1965 Correspondence re patents 1955-1976 Agreements between Pirie and the National Research Development Corporation The agreements assign rights in the leaf protein apparatus to the NRDC. Patent dispute between Plantmilk Ltd and the English Grains Co. Ltd. Correspondence and papers. Pirie was asked to advise on behalf of the English Grains Co. Ltd Not related to leaf protein 1952-1953 Patents taken out by Pirie and Z. Hadidan. Large-scale drawing of leaf protein press Hyaluronic acid and Hyaluronidase US Patents Prepared by National Institute of Agricultural Engineering Found with preceding material. equipment patents. 1960-1967 ‘A disintegrator for This work was described by Pirie in use leaves’, Journal of of fresh Agricultural Engineering Research, vol 1 (1956) and ‘The disintegration of soft tissues in the absence of air’, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, vol 6 (1961). ‘Diagrammatic Biochemistry Dept. Rothamsted’ sketch of C.113-C.115 Leaf Pressure Cell hydraulic press at the with small quantities N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Large-scale drawings of Mark II and Mark III 1960, c 1962 Correspondence with Engineering re construction of leaf pressure cell National Institute of Agricultural 1962, 1967 Photographs of equipment 3 photographs. C.116-C.119 Village unit 1962-c 1965 Material re design and workings of Pirie’s low cost unit for use in the developing world. This unit was described in ‘Batch production of protein from Davys, Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, vol 8 (1963). and M.N.G. leaves’ Pirie by CAG seni 2 folders. 9 photographs + caption; figure. 4 large scale plans of village unit Photographs of extraction machine Coagulation apparatus for use with village unit Some of these were used in the preparation of the article by Pirie and Davys. pulper. Photocopy typescript ‘list of suggested auxiliary gear’, with manuscript sketches; 1p typescript note on coagulation tank; three photographs. Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: large-scale plans of laboratory ‘1 set of Pulper drawings for reference’ C.120-C.123 1964-1965 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 ‘A belt-press for separating juices from fibrous pulps’ by Pirie Agricultural Engineering Research, vol 10 (1965) Journal M.N.G. Davys, and of Off-print only. C.125-C.131 IBP Press and Pulper 1967-1975, n.d. The IBP (International Biological Programme) press was a large machine that could take loads of up to The ‘A Laboratory-scale press for press was described in extacting juice from leaf pulp’ by Pirie, M.N.G. Davys and G. 11 (1969). Biotechnology and Bioengineering vol Street, 1 ton. ‘Notes on the protein extraction machinery’ installation and operation of large-scale ‘A standard procedure for the laboratory extraction of leaf protein’ is missing. Figures I-VII. 20pp typescript. 3 drawings of 4. Number 1 Small-scale drawings of the press Large-scale plans of sample press Two of the photographs and the figure were used in the article describing the press. 4 photographs (with captions showing a diagram of the press. Photographs of press glued to them); figure N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 Material re the IBP pulper 1969, 1972 Sets of 1p duplicated typescript notes on assembly 1969 and 1972; 5 photographs. Typescript and duplicated typescript notes on work on potato tuber fractionation 1973-1975 Found with IBP press material. C.132, C.133 Improved small scale leaf protein unit 1977, c 1981 This unit was devised by Pirie and J.B. Butler. It was described in ‘An improved small scale unit for extracting leaf juice’ by Pirie and Butler, Exp/ Agric. vol 17 (1981). Figures for illustrations Photographs of equipment 1977, c 1981 Pedal-assisted leaf juice unit 3 photographs. 12 photographs + 2 captions. The unit was described by Pirie in for making leaf juice’, Expl Agric. vol 23 (1987). ‘A pedal-assisted unit 4 photographs mounted on sheet of paper are dated O77: Miscellaneous manuscript notes Correspondence re hydraulic ‘Pirie mill’ N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 C.137-C.146 PROMOTION OF LEAF PROTEIN 1949-1993 General publicity material C.138-C.141 Leaf protein recipes 1949, 21987, n.d. 1959, 1964, n.d. C.138 ‘Recipes seen by Dr Wokes July 24th 1959’ 1959 Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘COOKERY S.H. Green’ Typescript recipes 4pp typescript notes on preparation of recipes with leaf protein C.142-C.145 1982-1993 C.143, C.144 References for LPNL Contents of envelope so inscribed. Correspondence, chiefly with S. Matai This newsletter was edited by S. Matai ‘Letters & papers concerned mostly with publication of Leaf Protein News Letter (LPNL)’ 1993-1996 The Society was established in India in 1981. Correspondence Vegetation Research and papers re Society for Green 1982, 1991- 1993 1990 2 folders. References for LPNL number 13 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 C.147-C.154 HISTORY OF LEAF PROTEIN WORK 1930s-1986 Pirie’s lists of important dates in leaf protein research and development at Rothamsted C.148-C.153 ‘L P History’ 1930s-1970 Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed divided into six for ease typescript papers etc re history of work on leaf protein dating from the 1930s to 1970 (bulk 1940s and 1950s). photocopies, reference: offprints, of 1930s 1940-1943 1952-1955 1944-1949 Includes material re luncheon at St Catharine’s College Cambridge on the occasion of the visit of Lord Woolton, Minister for Food, 12 October 1940; the menu includes Leaf Protein soup. Also minutes of meeting of ‘B.W.C. Subcommittee on Pirie’s proposals’, 23 October 1942. Includes US material re fractionation and use of lucerne, and correspondence and papers re work of C.F. Schnabel on fractionation of green leaves. Includes Pirie permission to vist East Africa, and correspondence 1953 explaining the reason for the refusal was Pirie’s believed Communist sympathies and associations. Includes Pirie’s 3pp typescript ‘Notes on a visit to British Glue and Chemicals 3/11/59’. letter of 1959 17 October 1952 refusing N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Leaf protein work, C.1-C.154 1960, 1970 1960 material is press-cuttings re reception of Pirie’s work on leaf protein. ‘Rouelle & the discovery of protein in leaves’ 1964-1986 Contents material eighteenth century French scientist H.M. Rouelle inscribed: of envelope so re the N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION D OTHER RESEARCH INTERESTS, D.1-D.43 1931-1983 Contents of Pirie’s envelopes and folders, presented in alphabetical order by subject. ‘Animal Nutrition & Zoo work’ 1961-1979 Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed. on Pirie served the Animal Welfare and Husbandry Committee of the Zolological Society of London 1965- 1971. His particular interest was the protein nutrition of animals. Correspondence and photographs Chiefly re populations photographs. the in controlled Uganda, cropping with of hippopotamus four and _ information Correspondence and papers 1963, 1969, 1979 1953-1956 2pp and 1p typescripts. ‘Bracken. Notes & letters’ ‘Note on visit to Scotland June 1953’ and ‘Comments on the bracken papers’ by Pirie Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed: correspondence and papers re bracken eradication. 3pp typescript. includes carbon copy of Also ?draft [?Rothschild] re the report, October 1953. ‘Notes alternative to bracken” ’ by D. Fairclough observations ‘The alternatives to bracken’ by Pirie on Memo by N.W.P. letter to Victor 9pp typescript. and “The N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 Correspondence and papers, February Includes letters from S. Zuckerman and S.J. Watson and Pirie’s ‘Comment, in the light of the Plants and Solis Cty. meeting, on research directed towards the eradication of bracken’. Miscellaneous information on bracken 1953-1956 ‘Brucella’ 1938-1948 Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed. A note attached (at D.8) describes the contents as ‘Notes reports & letters concerned with work (with Sir Ashley Miles) on Brucella abortus’. Correspondence Biochemistry, University of Oxford from J. Philpot, Department of 1938-1939 2 folders. 1942-1944 Agricultural Research Duplicated typescript papers for the meeting. Typescript notes on and data from experiments Brucella Council, London, 2 March 1943 Conference, Abortus Includes photographs from runs carried out by Philpot on samples for Pirie. 1944-1945 ‘Investigations carried out on Br. abortus in 1939-1943’ by Pirie Includes notes of meetings 13 October 1944 and 31 October 1945; 7pp duplicated typescript ‘Survey of the 3pp typescript, June 1943. Papers for brucella meetings, 1944, 1945 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 of the position of studies on the properties and conditions of extraction Pirie, September 1944; and 3pp typescript ‘Draft of proposed statement to Brucella conference’ by Pirie, J.S. Paterson and A.W. Stableforth, October 1944. Brucella antigen’ abortus by Work by Pirie and J.S. Paterson Includes letter from Paterson to Pirie, January 1946, with typescript ‘Protective antigens isolated from Br. Abortus’ by Pirie and Paterson, latest bibliographical reference 1945. work on rabbits; notes and on Papers of meetings of Technical Committee on Brucellosis Agricultural Research Council 1947, 1948 Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript notes Includes notes on the literature and extracts from work in notebooks. Sirenia objects D.17-D.21 1959-1975 ‘Manatees’ Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed. ‘The investigation [International Biological Programmey} by Pirie Pirie’s interest in the preservation of Manatees and other be endangered species by the Sirenia, considered to International Biological Programme, was related to his interest in their use of otherwise little used vegetation for nutrition. 1966-1968 This memorandum was submitted to the British National Committee on Biological Programme, October 1966. International 2pp typescript draft; corrected duplicated typescript. Miscellaneous correspondence IBP in the as for the N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 References and notes Chiefly index cards. Printed and duplicated typescript background information on the Sirenia 1959-1975 Photographs 15 photographs of feeding. Manatees, including 12 of them D.22-D.24 ‘Mussels etc as protein source. Letters & report’ 1968-1977 Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed. Correspondence, photographs and papers re Spanish mussel cultivation 1968-1977 and photographs re UK _ mussel 1973-1975 Correspondence cultivation Correspondence on nutrition from other marine sources Includes four photographs of mussel cultivation off west coast of Scotland. Includes chart and three photographs of Spanish mussel rafts, 1968. 1969-1980 Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed: correspondence and papers chiefly re former abundance of salmon. Manuscript notes. Prime numbers ‘Salmon’ N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 D.26-D.31 ‘Sulfur + vesicants’ 1931-1956 Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed. ‘A reaction between aldehydes and mercaptans in alkaline solution’ by Pirie 5pp typescript + graph, inscribed ‘written 1931’. ‘The effect of cystine intake on the glutathione content of the liver’ and ‘The fate of p-iodophenylcysteine in the dog and rat’ Typescript drafts found together, reference 1931. latest bibliographical ‘The reactions of T.1024 (S) in aqueous solution: with a note on velocity constant of hydrolysis in S and H’ by A.G. Ogston Report for the Chemical Board. S on tobacco mosaic and tomato bushy 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Exercise book Inscribed on front cover ‘S. H. etc’. Used September 1943-May 1944, paginated 1-11. ‘The effect of stunt viruses’ by Pirie and F.C. Bawden acid, September 1956. Pages of typescript drafts, notes etc Also includes letter from S. Lewin, re work on thioglycollic typescript and manuscript 1940s, 1956 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 ‘Virus research with Bawden’ Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript indexes to notebooks with tobacco mosaic virus work (books 40-46, see section B); notes on work on calcium and other cations, ribonuclease, etc. D.34-D.36 ‘Viruses’ 1956, n.d. Contents of inscribed ‘Results on virus inactivations’ Pirie’s folder inscribed. so Folder also Chiefly work on tobacco mosaic virus. Letters from P. Newmark, Department of Biochemistry, University of Kansas, re tobacco mosaic virus ‘The chemical nature of viruses’ 1981-1983 5pp typescript ‘Water hyacinth’ Typescript and manuscript notes on tobacco mosaic and bushy stunt viruses Contents of envelope so inscribed: correspondence and papers re uses of water hyacinth. [ox Contents of Pirie’s envelope so inscribed: letter from M. McCabe, March 1967; typescript notes and references; index cards of notes and references. c 1935-1965, n.d. Contents typescript and typescript papers and drafts of letters. inscribed: Pirie’s folder ‘Water. Small volumes’ D.39-D.43 ‘Misc’ of so duplicated N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 These papers appear to be in although not all of them actually bear his name. all or part drafted by Pirie, This material is correspondence and papers relating to Pirie’s concerns for the organisation and priorities of biochemistry in the UK. It includes papers calling for research in biochemical engineering, for which he sought Agricultural Research Council support, c 1935-1949 antigen, September ‘The recently discovered amino acids’, 5pp duplicated typescript c 1935; ‘Survey of the position of studies on the properties and conditions of extraction of the Brucella abortus duplicated typescript; ‘Suggested improvements in the organisation of scientific meetings’, 1p typescript, February 1948; ‘A case for the setting up of a laboratory specialising in the separation and study of macromolecules’, 2pp typescript, March 1948; ‘Scientific equipment’, 3pp typescript, April 1949. 1944, 7pp 1950 1951-1953 Agricultural Research Council papers: ‘The prelude to the pilot plant’ (6pp typescript and 2pp duplicated typescript) and ‘The production and consumption of biochemists’ (4pp typescript and 2pp duplicated typescript); ‘Plan for a theoretical text book on the practice of biochemistry’, 2pp typescript, 1950. the ‘Cellulase’, 1p typescript, July 1951; ‘A case for the official support of research on contraception’, 2pp typescript with manuscript ‘The 1951; of precirculation scientific journals’, biochemical engineering’, 1p typescript, with draft of letter to ‘Victor’ [Rothschild] on verso; draft of letter to Lord Simon on population and contraception, October 1953. Policy Committee on Advisory Research ‘The organisation of research on biochemical engineering’, 3pp duplicated typescript and ‘Supplementary note on Natural end, of program at tables ‘A contents of Resources papers: 1961, 1965 annotation of June the 1952; July Council into Scientific on N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Other research interests, D.1-D.43 of micro-organisms of position biochemical engineering’, 2pp duplicated typescript, June 1961; draft of letter to Sir Ashley Miles on leaf protein equipment, June 1965. development in the N.d. Typescript kephalin and protagon. and manuscript notes on preparation of N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.67 1929-1996 E.1-E.35 DRAFTS E.36-E.39 BOOK REVIEWS E.40 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.41-E.67 OFFPRINTS 1953-1996, n.d. ‘Germ warfare’ by Pirie and F.G. Gregory, 29 November 1953 1953-1967 1p typescript; 2pp_ warfare’ (incomplete) and other miscellaneous pages of drafts on warfare; later printed material including ‘Germ warfare?’ by Pirie in The Scientific Worker, 1957. ‘Biological typescript ‘Retrospect on the biochemistry of plant viruses’ 18pp typescript + references. Annotated ‘For Biochem Soc Celebrations in Dec 1969’. Food Resources, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1st ed. 1969; 2nd ed. 1977 background notes and information. Proof copy intercalated Pasted into front is review of 2nd edition. annotations and of second edition. ‘Femininity or femaleness’ See also E.8-E.10. notes for preparation ‘Katherine’, 7pp typescript; letter to 30 July 1969; - with of first edition, N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 ‘Statement on food in the meeting, March 1973’ by Pirie light of the Club of Rome 3pp typescript ‘Revised text’. ‘For WG6 of Wolfson UKISES Panel’ 6pp typescript on methods of producing protein, latest bibliographical reference 1973. ‘Food Protein Sources’ 22pp typescript; Agreement between Special Committee of the International Biological Programme and Pirie for publication of ‘The Development of Food Protein Sources’; typescript notes. Contents of Pirie’s folder so inscribed. See also E.3. ‘Tentative beginning of About 1980’ a remodelled “Food Resources”. Draft organisms’ 14pp typescript. of ‘Chapter 1. The origins of biomolecules and Typescript outlines and notes of book 1p typescript. ‘Fermentation: a misleading analogy’ Draft of chapter four 49pp typescript. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 ‘Small-scale production of leaf protein (LP)’ 10pp photocopy typescript inscribed ‘Bangkok version’, latest bibliographical reference 1981. ‘Biochemical aspects of bulk prodution of leaf protein’ 4pp typescript inscribed ‘Rejected by TIBS’. ‘A unit for extracting juice from fresh leafy material’ by Pirie and J.B. Butler 6pp typescript + figures, latest bibiliographical reference 1982. Letter on J.B.S. Haldane Letter to unidentified science journal, with copy of covering letter. ‘Original version’ 10pp typescript. 10pp typescript 1p typescript. See also A.23-A.32. ‘The roles of clay and tar in the origins of life’ App typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1986. Letter on biological specificity and chance to the New Scientist ‘Extracted leaf protein’ N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 E.20-E.24 Leaf Protein and its by-products in human and animal nutrition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987 1986-1996 This was an updated extensively revised edition of Pirie’s 1978 book Leaf Protein and Other Aspects of Fodder Fractionation. Memorandum of Agreement with Cambridge University Press Correspondence, chiefly with publishers 1986-1996 E.22-E.24 Proof copy 3 folders. ‘Catalytic chloroplasts’ destruction of beta carotene by defatted E.26-E.28 1989-1994 [...] Correspondence and typescript notes 1989-1993 Photocopies of earlier notes and articles by Pirie ‘The origins of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol. 19 (1994) life on earth. A retrospective of ideas’, 16pp typescript + tables inscribed ‘Earlier version of 1993 paper’. published. These were used by him in the preparation of the review article. ‘A New Green Scheme’, Letter to the Financial Times 1p typescript as sent, February 1995, with reply. Not Photographs for figures N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 ‘Another Financial Times approach to Biotechnology’, Letter to the 1p typescript draft; 1p typescript as sent, 7?June 1996. No evidence of publication. ‘Farming more economically’ 5pp typescript paginated 26-30. ‘The Green Revolution’ typescript; 3pp transcript of remarks by Pirie on the ‘green revolution’. typescript undated 3pp and untitled Typescript drafts Mostly incomplete and annotated ‘Probably not published’ E.36-E.39 c 1969-1993 ‘Notes on Life’ BOOK REVIEWS Short typescript notes Contents of envelope so inscribed: typescript pages of drafts and notes. 3pp typescript. Review of; Scientific Knowledge and its Social Problems by J.R. Ravetz Review of: Man, Medicine and Enviranment by R. Dubos and Technopolis by N. Calder App typescript. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 Review of: Out of the Earth: Civilization and the Life of the Soil by D. Hillel, in Nature vol 357 (1992) 3pp typescript; photocopy as published; Pirie’s manuscript notes on the book; letter from Nature. Review of: The Seeds of Time: the Life of Sir Macfarlane Burnet by C. Sexton, in Notes and Records of the Royal Society vol 47 (1993) 7pp typescript; Pirie’s manuscript notes. EDITORIAL 1988-1996 Short correspondence re possible publications E.41-E.67 typescripts of work, 1929-1996 unpublished OFFPRINTS This presents a sequence of Pirie’s volumes of bound offprints, from 1929 to 1991 (numbered in a continuous series 1-26) with the material for volume 27, 1992-1996, being unbound. This sequence is more than simply a full record of Pirie’s published output, however. There are also not work or published in full, duplicated typescript reports on research, visits abroad etc. 1929-1984 Includes intercalated correspondence. Volume 1. 1929-1936 The volumes include intercalated correspondence, letters to the press on a wide variety of topics including nuclear weapons, the Communist party, the space exploration, scientific writing and world nutrition, and later manuscript annotations and typescript notes by Pirie either loose or pasted methods, improved corrections and later bibliographical references. volumes, giving into the N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 Volume 2. 1937-1939 Includes intercalated letter. Volume 3. 1940-1946 Volume 4. 1947-1950 Intercalated from Stephenson following her election to the Royal Society. correspondence includes letter Volume 5. 1950-1953 Volume 6. 1954-1956 Includes intercalated correspondence. 1937-1950 1940-1946 1947-1959 1950-1953 1954-1977 M. Volume 8. 1958-1959 Volume 9. 1960-1961 Volume 7. 1956-1957 1956-1986 1958-1959 1960-1994 Includes intercalated letter. Includes intercalated correspondence. 1964-1968 Includes letter from J. Needham. Volume 11. 1964-1965 Volume 10. 1962-1963 1962-1964 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 Volume 12. 1967 1966-1983 Includes intercalated correspondence and papers, chiefly on J.B.S. Haldane. Volume 13. 1968-1969 1965-1969 Volume 14. 1970 Volume 15. 1971-1972 Volume 16. 1972-1974 Includes intercalated letter. 1971-1972 1972-1989 Volume 17. 1975 Volume 18. 1976 Volume 21. 1981 1974-1975 1975-1977 1977-1978 1978-1989 1980-1994 Volume 19. 1977-1978 Volume 20. 1978-1980 1983-1994 Includes intercalated correspondence. Volume 22. 1982-1983 Volume 23. 1983-1984 1982-1992 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.67 Volume 24. 1985-1986 Volume 25. 1987-1988 Includes intercalated correspondence. 1984-1995 1986-1988 Volume 26. 1988-1991 1988-1996 Includes intercalated correspondence. Items for volume 27. 1992-1996 1992-1996 Contents of wallet inscribed ‘vol 27 (unbound)’ N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES, F.1-F.18 1946-1989 Visits to documented at C.60-C.65. India in relation to work on leaf protein are Visit to the USA, March-October 1946 Pirie visited colleagues at research centres throughout the USA, chiefly but not exclusively in connection with his research on macromolecules or work on Brucella abortus. Pirie’s manuscript notes on places visited ‘Notes on visits to a number of laboratories in the United States of America made in 1946 by N.W. Pirie 34pp typescript + 1 annotated page of carbon copy. in Nanking, on the 1952, 1956 Manuscript notes and diary entries ‘Notes Moscow and China, during September 1952’ by Pirie scientific aspects of visits Visit to Czechoslovakia, the USSR and China, August- September 1952 Pirie visited the the laboratory of Dr K. Mostovoj in Prague and colleagues at the Bach Institute in Moscow before travelling on to China. Here he viisted colleagues in research Shanghai, Peking, institutions Hanchow and Canton. This appears to be a report on the 1952 visit. ‘The academic scene in China’ by Pirie, United Asia, vol 8 (1956), pp 126-127 10pp typescript. to Prague, N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.18 Visits to India and Israel, 21 October- 29 November 1954 App typescript report on visit to India; 1p typescript report on visit to Israel; 2pp manuscript notes. Visit to Ghana, November 1958 1958-1959 Letter of invitation from Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah, outlining the areas where Pirie’s advice was sought, with Pirie’s reply following his visit, 1959; later letter on Ghana, 1959; report on visit, 6pp duplicated typescript. Pirie was invited to Ghana to advise on leaf protein, solar energy and agricultural purposes. power for electrical use of Visit to Papua New Guinea, 20 February-10 March 1965 1965, 1970, 1971 ‘Note on a visit to New Guinea and Papua and some suggestions for organising work there on the production and use of leaf protein’, 3pp duplicated typescript; later printed material on agriculture on Papua New Guinea, 1970, 1971. 1966-1969 Programme for visit; information on Borgo a Mozzano; photograph Pirie visited Borgo a Mozzano at the invitation of the Shell International Petroleum Company. Visit to Shell Italiana rural development project, Borgo a Mozzano, Italy, 6-8 October 1969 1969-1971 This visit University of Guyana, was sponsored by the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas. Correspondence support development projects; printed literature Shell Visit to Guyana, February 1971 to the Department of Biology, F.11-F.14 re for agricultural 1966-1969 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.18 Correspondence re arrangements 1969-1970 ‘Biological research in Guyana’ by Pirie 7pp report from visit. Pirie argued for the establishment of a Nutrition Research Unit at the Department of Biology, University of Guyana Correspondence and papers arising from visit These relate to the proposed Nutrition Research Unit. Background information on Guyana F.15-F.17 Third International Conference on Leaf Protein research, Pisa, Perugia and Viterbo, Italy, 1-7 October 1989 ‘Food utilisation of Africa’ by Pirie leaf protein in Europe, America and 2pp typescript summary; 10pp typescript. Exchange with P. Fantozzi re leaf protein Correspondence re arrangements; programme (annotated by Pirie) Photocopy typescript list of visits abroad 1946-1978 Includes 9pp typescript of Fantozzi’s paper delivered at the conference. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE, G.1-G.44 1937-1997 also protein. There are The bulk of this correspondence relates to Pirie’s work on leaf from significant correspondents, from the 1930s on, including A. Szent-Gyorgi, J.B.S. Haldane, G.C. de Hevesy, P.B. Medawar, The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order by correspondent. Svedberg, individual Synge R.L.M. letters etc. T. Bruhn, H.D. Bruhn was Professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 1966-1983 1981-1988 3 folders. Carlsson, R. Papers by Bruhn Correspondence Includes three photographs. Rolf Carlsson worked on leaf protein extraction at the University of Lund, Sweden. 1939, 1940 Correspondence 13 photographs. Chibnall, A.C. Photographs 1986, 1988 1986-1996 1986-1996 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Correspondence, G.1-G.44 Clark, F. Le Gros 1949, 1982 1949 correspondence on contents of planned book; 1982 correspondence biographical information on Clark. giving Croft with A. See also A.21, A.22. Pirie and Clark co-authored the book, Four Thousand Million Mouths (London, 1951). Cowey, C.B. 1969-1970 Correspondence re leaf protein in fish diets. Cowey worked at the University of Aberdeen Fisheries Biochemical Research Unit. 1969-1983 1958-1960 1948-1950 G.14, G.15 Duckworth, J. Delbriick, M.L.H. Photocopies of 4 letters from Delbriick to Pirie. Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Correspondence with Duckworth of the Rowett Research Institute concerning LP and nutritional trials 1950s-60s’. Includes correspondence (not solely with Duckworth) and papers re support for leaf protein work by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre. tape Includes recording of seminar given by Pirie and to the work of the referring Gowing 1952-1977, n.d. 1982-1986 letter from M.M. to 2 folders. Go-Gy N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Correspondence, G.1-G.44 Gregoire, J. 1947, 1950 Work on tobacco mosaic virus. Gregoire was based at the Institut de Biologie Physico- Chimique, Paris, France. 1939-1986 International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis 1982, 1983 This organisation was based in Laxenburg, Austria. J. Bibby & Sons Ltd Experiments on leaf protein. 1959-1960 J-K 1959, 1974 1938-1996 1939-1982 Use of jute leaves for protein production 1957-1973 Letters from McKee, with papers on the origin of the term ‘Occam’s razor’. McKee, H.S. McKee wrote from the CSIRO, Australia. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Correspondence, G.1-G.44 Pa-Po 1952-1997 letter from 1997 recollection of Memoir of Pirie. J.R. includes posthumous Pirie for the Royal Society Biographical Postgate Penrose, L.S. 1957, 1964 Pereira, H.C. Exchange re funding for prototype leaf protein extractor. Rose, S.P. 1962, 1991 1995-1996 the Open 1950, 1953 Royal Society Rothschild, N.M.V. Correspondence on miscellaneous matters. Steven Rose was Professor in Biology at University. On reductionism. Includes photocopy of typescript draft ‘The province of reductionism: an unttainable ideal’ by Pirie, rejected for publication by the journal T/BS, 1988. 1937-1995 was Smith researching responses to malnutrition. historian c 1990-1992 1957-1975 Smith, D. a of the history of medicine N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Correspondence, G.1-G.44 Synge, R.L.M. 1961-1995 Includes notes by A. Pirie (wife) on paper by Synge, 1967, and posthumous recollections of Synge by A.H. Gordon. Teich, M. Correspondence and papers re work in biochemistry in Britain in the 1930s. Teich was a historian of science based in Cambridge. With D.M.M. Needham, he was studying the history of biochemistry from the end of the eighteenth century to 1940. Vietmayer, N.D. 1937, 1996 Water hyacinth protein. Waterlow, J.C. Royal Society matters. Wilkinson, L. 1994, 1996 Werskey, G. Study of the science and society movement between the world wars. 1974-1983 Includes draft on the science and society movement titled ‘The letter commenting thereon. Wilkinson was a historian of virology based at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School. History of virus research. Visible College’ by Werskey, with Pirie’s N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Correspondence, G.1-G.44 Unidentified correspondents 1964, 1996 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL C.25-C.27 AINSWORTH, G.C. ALEXANDER, William Gordon ANAND, Mulk Raj ANGUS MILLING COMPANY LTD ARKCOLL, D.B. ATLANTIC MARICULTURE LTD AVERY, [?] BENNETT, Kenneth A. BENTLEY AND JACKSON LTD, PAPER MAKERS AND ENGINEERS BERTRAM, George Colin Lawder E.49 C.27 C.72 C.38 C.51 D.24 Ga G.14, G.15 C.22 D.18 BRAY, Walter J. CARLSSON, Rolf CARVER, Vida BROMLEY, Peter BROWN, Helen LANG- BRUHN, Hans-Dietrich BURCHFIELD, Robert BRACHET, Jean Di25Gi2 See A.12-A.20 C.84 C.102 C.107 G.2 G.2 BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth Lyon BRAINE, Sir Bernard Richard BRITISH WEDGE WIRE CO. LTD G.2 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BURGESS, Geoffrey H.O. CARPENTER, Kenneth G.3-G.6 N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 CHANTRENNE, H. CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CHILDS, Anthony Francis Index of correspondents CITY OF BIRMINGHAM SALVAGE DEPARTMENT CLARK, Frederick Le Gros CLARK, Ronald M. CLARK, Ronald W CLARKE, Eustace George Coverley COATES, M.E. COMMITTEE FOR RELIEF OF INTERNATIONAL MALNUTRITION THROUGH EDUCATION COTT, Hugh Bamford COWEY, Colin B. A.13 G.9 D.24 C.22 E.49, G.10 See also A.21, A.22 E52 A.26 E:53 C.50 C.46 D.1 G.11 C.28 F.9 A.26 B.17 COX, lan H. CRANE, Cyril Walter CROFT, Andy DAVIES, A.M.C. DAVIES, Glyn COX, Sir Ernest Gordon DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean F.13 C.84, C.97, C.142, Gil2 DELBRUCK, Max Ludwig Henning DEVADAS, Rajammel P. G.13 E.44 G.12 DEVONS, Samuel DOHRN, P.J. DRAYTON, Harold A. DAVIES, Gwion D.22, D.23 C72 G73 Index of correspondents N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 DUBOS, René DUCKWORTH, John DURHAM, Anthony E.H. BENTALL & CO. LTD ELTON, Charles Sutherland ERRERA, Maurice EVANS, N.P. FANTOZZI, Paolo FARRAR, Wilfred V. FEINBERG, Joseph George FELLOWS, Peter Gii2) E52 C.74, G.14, G.15 E.46 F.17 D.24 E.44 G.16 FERRIS, [?] FOLLEY, Sydney John E.26, G.16 C.81-C.102 FOX, Sidney W. FURTADO, J.I. E.49 B.8 A.21 E.44 G.16 D.37 FOSTER, John W. FIND YOUR FEET, CHARITY FILTRATION SPECIALISTS, CONSULTANTS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANISATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS GOOD, Irving John GLASCOCK, Raymond Frederick GALE, Ernest Frederick GARROW, John S. GOLLAKOTA, K.G. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Index of correspondents GORDON, Arthur Hugh GOWING, Margaret Mary GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND COLONIAL OFFICE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD GREENSTEIN, Jesse P. GREENWAY, P.J. GREGOIRE, J. GRIFFITHS, Francis P. GURDON, Sir John Bertrand GYORGI, Albert SZENT- HAFFENDEN, John G.19 HAMEL, J.L. HAMMOND, Sir John HANCZAKOWSKI, P. HARDIE, Pauline L.G. HAWKES, Jessie Jacquetta C.154 G.19 E.65 A.21 HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HELE, Desmond George KING- HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson G.19 See also A.23-A.32, Eo) E52 G.19 HOLLINGSWORTH, Dorothy Frances HICKLING, Charles Frederick HEVESY, George Charles de A.33 G.19 G.19 A.21 A.26 HOLMES, Barbara Elizabeth E.47, G.19 G.19, E.49 HILL, Robert (‘Robin’) E.65, G.19 HOWARD, Alan N. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 HUMPHREY, John Herbert Index of correspondents IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION OVERSEAS ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE J. BIBBY & SONS LTD JACOB, K.T. JONES, R. Garrett JONES, S. G.21 G.22 E.53 D.18 JOSHI, Ramchandra Narayan C.72, C.73, C.142 KENT, Andrew KIRBY, Richard Henry LEVERHULME TRUST LANDSTEINER, Karl LEDERBERG, Joshua KNIGHT, Frida KURTI, Nicholas KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery LINSTEAD, Sir Reginald Patrick LOWE, [?] LU Gwei-Djen LEE, J.W. LEIGH, Roger Index of correspondents N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 LUCK, R.J. LUGG, J.W.H. McANUFF, John W. McCABE, M. McCORD, Norman MckKEE, H.S. McLAREN, Donald S. MANLEY, Norman Washington MARKHAM, Roy MARTIN, Sir Charles James MASON, James D.25 D.38 D.25 G.25 A.47, C.50 C.74 G.24 G.24 D.23 MATAI, Shyam MATHUR, Beena C.67, C.73, C.142, G.24 D.42, G.24 MULLER, Hermann Joseph MURRAY, W.A. MELVILLE, J. MILES, Sir Arnold Ashley MORGAN, Mike R.A. C.73 C.135 G.24 C.150 MEDAWAR, Sir Peter Brian MEADOW LEE FOODS LTD A.13, E.51, G.26 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION B.17 G.24 A.41 NARAYAN, Jayaprakash See G.26 C.114 C.107, C.108 E.38 NATURE NEEDHAM, Joseph N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Index of correspondents NEW DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY NEWMARK, Philip NKRUMAH, Kwame NORTHROP, John H. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION OHSHIMA, M. OSTER, Gerald OXFAM PATERSON, J.H. PATERSON, J.S. PAYNE, Fernandus PAYNE, William J.A. PEASE, Rendel Sebastian PENROSE, Lionel Sharples PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PHILPOT, John PICOU, David PEREIRA, Sir Herbert Charles RANK PRIZE FUNDS PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS POSTGATE, John Raymond PIRIE, Antoinette PROYDAK, [?] RAISTRICK, Harold Index of correspondents N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 RAO, B.L.S. Prakasa RENNIE, Michael J. ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROSE, Steven P. C.73 G.30 C.44 G.31 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron C.27, D.41, G.32 ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS RUSSELL, Sir John SAGAN, Carl ST DUNSTAN’S FOR BLIND EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN SALAMAN, Redcliffe Nathan SALTER, D.N. E.66, G.33 A.10, C.154 G.30 SINGH, Narendra F.9 D.41 C.146 SAVANGIKAR, V.A. SHARP, D. Gordon SMITH, David SMITH, Roy H. C.70, C.146 Ci25-C.27 SMITH, A. Graham CAIRNS- SLATER, Sir William Kershaw SHELL INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM CO. SIMON, Ernest Darwin, 1st Baron Simon of Wythenshawe G.35 SOCIETY FOR GREEN VEGETATION RESEARCH G.35 G.34 G.35 STOPES, Marie Carmichael G.27 A.26 C72 E.44 STEPHENSON, Marjory SONNEBORN, T.M. SPURWAY, Helen SRIVASTAVA, G.P. N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Index of correspondents SUMMERHOFF, Gerd SUMMERS, William C. SVEDBERG, Theodor SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington TASCHDUJIAN, Edgar TEICH, Mikulas TETTEH, R. ORRACA- THOMAS, Howard TOPLEY, William Whiteman Carlton TORUN, Benjamin UGANDA NATIONAL PARKS VARLEY, George Copley G.14, G.15 WALL, F.T. WATERLOW, John C. VEEN, A.G. van VERDOORN, Frans D.2 A.41 G.39 A.26 E.46 E.41 VIETMEYER, Noel D. C. WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal D.6 Ci50; C777 C:91, G.40 WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick WATERS, William Alexander WHITROW, Gerald James WATSON, Stephen John WERSKEY, Gary N.W. Pirie NCUACS 124/10/03 Index of correspondents WILKINS, R.A. WILKINSON, Lise, Lady WITOWSKI, Jan A. WOKES, Frank WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOOSTER, Nora WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton YOUNT, J.L. ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe
PIRIE, Norman Wingate
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin