Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR DAVID CHILTON PHILLIPS FRS (b.1924) Compiled by Jeannine Alton VOLUME III Sections O-R Index of correspondents 1994 Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford All rights reserved University of Bath NCUACS 45/1/94 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION O ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS (ABRC) 0.1-0.261 APPOINTMENTS AND PERSONAL STRUCTURE AND MEMBERSHIP 0.15-0.49 RESEARCH COUNCILS 0.15-0.20A Heads of the Research Councils 0.21-0.25 Agricultural Research Council/Agricultural and Food Research Council (ARC/AFRC) 0.26-0.30 Medical Research Council (MRC) 0.31-0.37 Natural (NERC) Environment Research Council British Academy of Vice-Chancellors 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.38-0.45 0.46-0.49 0.50-0.58 UK SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS British Museum (Natural History) Social Science Research Council/Economic and Social Research Council (SSRC/ESRC) Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) University Grants Committee Committee and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom (CVCP) National Advisory Board for Local Authority (later Public Sector) Education (NAB) Fellowship of Engineering Royal Society Universities Funding Council D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 0.59-0.68 SCIENCE POLICY UK GROUPS INSTITUTIONS AND PRESSURE 0.59 0.60 0.61-0.65 0.66, 0.67 0.68 of Science and Centre for Technology (CEST) Exploitation Civil Service College Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) Parliamentary and Scientific Committee Science Policy Support Group (SPSG) 0.69-0.79 PARLIAMENTARY SELECT COMMITTEES 0.69-0.75 House of Lords 0.76-0.79 House of Commons 0.81-0.83 0.80 0.84 0.85-0.97 0.80-0.97 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS and Department Technology Requirements Board Trade of Cabinet Office: Advisory Council on Applied Research and Development (ACARD) Cabinet Office: Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST) SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Department of Trade and Industry: LINK Steering Group. With an introductory note 0.98-0.105 SCIENCE POLICY STUDIES 0.106-0.120 REPORTS AND WORKING PARTIES 0.121-0.123 Industry: D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 0.124-0.126 MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEES AND SUB-COMMITTEES 0.127-0.141 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND COLLABORATION 0.142-0.175 VISITS AND ENGAGEMENTS With an introductory note 0.142-0.153 UK 0.154-0.175 Overseas 0.176-0.203 ABRC SUBMISSIONS AND ADVICE With an introductory note 0.204-0.219 1993 WHITE PAPER AND BOUNDARY STUDY 0.204-0.211 0.220-0.234 0.248-0.261 0.212-0.219 | Boundary Study With an introductory note 0.235-0.247 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1983-93 MEMORANDA AND MEETINGS 1982-93 White Paper With an introductory note ADDENDUM D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) APPOINTMENTS AND PERSONAL Phillips's appointment as Chairman of ABRC in succession to Merrison, for four years from January 1983. regarded as part-time (two days per week). Sir Alec The post at that time was Includes letter of appointment, letters of congratulation, arrangements with Oxford University for reimbursement of Phillips’s professorial salary pro rata. Similar material renewing appointment for a further four years from January 1987. Appointment to Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) 1992 and renewal 1993. Letters reorganisation in 1989-90 (see O.8-O.11). former members of ABRC not from re-appointed following Miscellaneous correspondence 1989-90 with members of ABRC. STRUCTURE AND MEMBERSHIP Shorter personal correspondence with members of ABRC, staff and colleagues 1985-93. Miscellaneous on secretariat 1985-86. Ideas and memoranda on organisation and role of ABRC, by members and officials 1982, 1983, 1984. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Restructuring 1988-90 In response to the Morris report and ABRC discussions, Phillips put forward a letter to the Secretary of State (J. MacGregor) on 15 November 1989 recommending that ‘the ABRC should be reconstituted as a smaller, more authoritative, body with a specific remit to promote greater harmonisation 19 of the Research Councils’ activities’. Phillips accepted the invitation January 1990, to take effect from 1 April. to become the first Chairman of the new Board, on a full-time basis. The advice was accepted on See B.46 for Phillips’s notes on meetings and discussions on restructuring. Proposed study by Coopers & Lybrand for new model ABRC 1988. Official letters and papers on restructuring recommendation, membership of new Board, implications for Research Councils etc. 1989-90. Miscellaneous on Phillips’s remit and grading as Chairman of new ABRC 1990. and papers 1982-88 on membership of Membership See also 0.116-0.119. Miscellaneous on appointments to new ABRC and on support staff. Councils and other public offices. ABRC: Correspondence recommendations, appointments, renewals, resignations, discussions on Includes miscellaneous balance of interests, representation, rotation etc. membership lists. Research Council appointments; papers for meeting with Chief Scientists to discuss appointments, especially to NERC and SERC, 16 January 1984. Miscellaneous correspondence 1983-93 on appointments to Research D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) RESEARCH COUNCILS Heads of the Research Councils (HORCs) Correspondence and papers, some brief and formal, others more detailed, An on meetings, discussions, possible research projects, funding bids etc. important concern is inter-Council collaboration, with the concomitant establishment of Interdisciplinary Research Centres (IRCs). 1982-83. 1985-86. Mainly on Biotechnology as possible collaborative project within Research Councils. 1985-87. meetings on a regular basis. From September 1987 Phillips was invited to attend HORCs Mainly on IRCs and overlapping of Councils’ interests in biological 1988. research. 1990-92. Commons Select Committee (May 1983). The material centres on a meeting arising from Correspondence and papers September-November 1983, reports on research and development in agriculture and food by the Joint Consultative Organisation (June 1982 and April 1983) and the House of Agenda, papers and minutes of HORCs meetings September 1987 - April 1988, attended by Phillips and some with annotations by him. Agricultural Research Council/Agricultural and Food Research Council (ARC/AFRC) D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 1 the Prime Minister possible with reorganisation and streamlining of agricultural research which had been It includes letters and memoranda from considered over-administered. individuals and institutions, briefings and suggestions from civil servants, note of the meeting. November consider 1983 to General correspondence and papers on ARC/AFRC affairs, meetings, structure and research, funding, appointments, a little social and personal 1983-85. Similar 1987-90. Similar 1991-93. AFRC appointments 1990. Medical Research Council (MRC) Research Centre (CRC) at Northwick Park. Correspondence and papers 1986-90 on the proposed National Centre for Clinical Research, combining on a single site the work and resources of the Royal Postgraduate Medical School (RPMS) at Hammersmith Hospital and The the MRC Clinical Hammersmith site was the unanimous choice of the consultative committee (Chairman: Sir Robin Nicholson) in April 1988. Similar 1991-93. Correspondence and National Epidemiological Surveillance Centre for AIDS research, and proposed setting-up of two ‘task forces’ on vaccines (chaired by J.L. Gowans) and chemotherapy (chaired by Phillips). General correspondence and papers on MRC affairs, meetings, research projects, funding and budgeting, a little social and personal 1983-87. Similar 1988-90. proposed 1985-87 papers on MRC D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Papers for NERC Forward Look 1983, and presentation of reports to ABRC, at Keyworth, including move from London and development of Nottinghamshire. site Correspondence and papers 1984-87 on plans for British Geological Survey, and for Earth Sciences. Correspondence and papers 1984-85 on Ocean Drilling Programme. General correspondence and papers on NERC affairs, meetings, research projects, funding, a little social and personal 1983-87. Papers for NERC Seminar ‘Considering the Future’ 5 November 1987, including briefing for Phillips’s introductory talk. General correspondence and papers on NERC affairs 1988-90. Similar material 1991-93. Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) physics departments. Correspondence and papers 1982-83 on the Nuclear Structure Review Committee, set up by SERC in October 1982 ‘to review the state of nuclear structure physics in the UK and ... to consider the future of the Nuclear Structure Facility’ [at Daresbury]. The chairman was E.W.J. Mitchell. Includes correspondence, copy of draft report, submissions from university D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Correspondence and papers February-September 1983 on the International Subscriptions Working Group, set up by H.M. Treasury ‘to consider the contribution of international scientific collaboration as a cost-effective way of doing research in the science and engineering field, and the implications of cash planning for participation ... ’. The working group was initiated mainly to discuss and/or provide for difficulties experienced by SERC in funding international subscriptions (especially to CERN) which were vulnerable to exchange rate fluctuations. Phillips was a member. The chairman was J. Kelley (Treasury). Includes preliminary exchanges of correspondence and memos, meetings on 24 February, 14 June, 4, 25 July, 15 August, draft report, comments, final version. Correspondence and papers 1983-87, mainly on membership and cost of CERN. visits to of Includes official documents, minutes of meetings and discussions, ABRC also advice, representations from concerned physicists and departments, requests for meetings etc. Committee, Kendrew CERN, report and Similar material 1985-86. General correspondence and papers 1983-84 on SERC affairs, meetings, The material is more extensive than that for other projects, funding. Research Councils, partly because of the larger sums involved and the higher profile of the projects in question such as CERN and the Daresbury The correspondents include Council and committee officials Laboratory. and also an appreciable number of colleagues and academics writing on funding cuts, rejected grant applications and the implications of government policy for various branches of scientific activity. Similar material 1992. Similar material 1990-91. Similar material 1987-89. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Social Science Research Council/Economic and Social Research Council (SSRC/ESRC) General correspondence and papers on SSRC/ESRC affairs, meetings, social and research projects, appointments, change of name, a personal 1983-84. little Papers for Council meeting, Sunningdale, July 1984. General correspondence and papers 1985-87. Similar material 1990-92. UK SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS British Academy British Museum (Natural History) Brief correspondence and papers 1986, 1987 on channels of funding for research in the humanities. education 1983-91. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom (CVCP) 1983-90 on Correspondence and appointments of Trustees, corporate plan etc. papers Correspondence and papers on aspects of funding and research in higher links with ABRC, funding, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Fellowship of Engineering Correspondence and papers 1983-91 on funding and grants-in-aid, lectures and social occasions. National Advisory Board for Local Authority (later Public Sector) Higher Education (NAB) Correspondence, reports and papers 1983, 1987, mainly on funding and nature of research in public sector higher education. Royal Society Correspondence, reports, memoranda on meetings and discussions on science policy and funding, including Royal Society ‘Forward Look’, relations with other organisations etc. 1983-88. University Grants Committee Similar material 1989-93. Universities Funding Council Correspondence and papers 1990-91. Sciences Review, Research Selectivity Exercise etc. 1974, 1983-88. Correspondence, reports and papers on UGC matters, higher education structure and funding, review of UGC, ABRC strategy document, Biological D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) UK SCIENCE POLICY INSTITUTIONS AND PRESSURE GROUPS Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology (CEST) Correspondence and papers, minutes, meetings etc. 1990-92 relating to CEST, a private group with limited membership, established in 1988 to encourage links between science, technology and engineering, and with Phillips was a member of industry. Council, of the CEST informal dining and discussion club, and of an advisory sub-committee. It also prepared research reports. Civil Service College, Sunningdale Correspondence and papers, mainly on annual meeting of Permanent Secretaries, Home Civil Service, October 1986 to discuss Government policy Phillips attended. Also for science and technology, opened by G. Porter. a little later material 1991. directors of polytechnics and Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) the papers develop the of ‘Roundtable’ meetings of Several of industrial, academic and Whitehall policy-makers, on the model of those organised by the US National Academy of Sciences. idea This was an independent body with membership drawn from major industrial heads of companies, vice-chancellors, It was set up in 1986 under the chairmanship of James (later colleges. Lord) Prior ‘to encourage industry and higher education to work together The Director was and to represent their joint thinking to government’. Patrick Coldstream. official briefing. Material includes correspondence and papers, arrangements and official briefings for meetings. Discussion meeting with company heads of research October 1987. Papers, March 1987. Education - Government - Industry.’ ‘Strategy Document’ entitled ‘Towards a Partnership. Higher D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Council meeting May 1989. Plans for ‘Roundtable’. Mainly on ‘Consultation’ at Templeton College Oxford, June 1989, to discuss proposal to ‘set up a high-level group to meet two or three times a year to take an overview of the real issues implied in making a reality of an industry/academia/government “partnership” in science and technology’. Correspondence, Phillips’s notes, summaries of the discussions prepared by CIHE and by DES. Correspondence and papers 1989-91 on formation of ‘Roundtable’ (Phillips was a member), first and second meetings, proposed meeting with Secretary of State. Parliamentary and Scientific Committee This is ‘an unofficial group of members of both Houses of Parliament and British members of the European Parliament, representatives of certain scientific and technical institutions, some science-based companies and universities and polytechnics’. Science Policy Support Group (SPSG) SPSG was established in September 1986 on the initiative of the ESRC, with Research Councils and other funding. It aims to promote research, analysis and information on the economic and social aspects of scientific and a programme of seminars, study groups and technical change, with General correspondence and papers on meetings, functions, addresses etc. 1983-91. The ABRC was elected a member of the committee in November 1983, He addressed the Committee on several Phillips being its representative. occasions, became a Vice-President and Vice-Chairman, and also served on its Science and Technology Group and on the Editorial Advisory Board of Science in Parliament. publications. The founder chairman was J. Ziman. Correspondence and papers 1985-91 relating to the Committee’s Science and Technology Group, set up in June 1985, on which Phillips served, also proposed ‘Office of Technology Assessment’, fund-raising for ‘Science and Technology Information Service for Parliament’ (STISP), seminars etc. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Correspondence publications, appointments. and papers 1987-92 on workshops, discussions, PARLIAMENTARY SELECT COMMITTEES House of Lords Correspondence, memoranda and papers relating to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology and Phillips’s evidence to its sub- committees. Includes some annotated and amended transcripts, briefings and notes. 1985-86 ‘The public support of civil science and technology in the UK’. Agriculture and food research. Science budget. Faraday programme. Priorities for the science base. International scientific programmes. Education, Science and Arts Committee. Science budget. 1993 competitiveness. House of Commons industry and global 1984 Regulation of the UK biotechnology D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 1988 and Libraries (OAL) expenditure: science funding. Education, Science and Arts Committee. DES and Office of Arts 1990 European dimension. Education, Science and Arts Committee. Science policy and the 1992 organisation of the Office of Science and Technology. Science and Technology Committee. Inquiry into the policy and GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS Cabinet Office Advisory Council on Applied Research and Development (ACARD). Correspondence and papers 1983-87, meetings, appointments. The Council was set up in 1976 to advise and publish reports on applied research and technology, its secretariat and costs being met by the Cabinet Phillips was appointed in April 1983 ex officio as ABRC Chairman. Office. In 1987 ACARD was re-structured as the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST), see 0.81-0.83, with the same chairman Sir Francis Tombs (later Sir Robin Nicholson). Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Similar material 1991-93 including letter May 1993 on replacement of ACOST by new Council for Science and Technology to be chaired by Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST) This was the successor to ACARD, from 1987 to 1993 when it was replaced (see 0.82). General correspondence and papers 1988-90, including material on ACOST Study Group on the Science Base, Phillips’s notes for ACOST discussion with Prime Minister, meetings with ministers, comments on reports. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Global Correspondence and Environment Research (GER), chaired by G. Porter. Phillips served. Material includes arrangements for meetings, background papers and submissions, minutes, draft report and comments. on ACOST study 1988-89 papers of Department of Trade and Industry & D requirements of Technology Requirements Board, set up in November 1985 to identify the industry and technology, and to advise the R Department on strategy and the allocation of funds. The Chairman was Sir Phillips was appointed, initially for two years, on the John Collyear. The Board’s report, ‘Focus on Innovation’ was inception of the Board. produced in July 1987. It was dissolved in June 1988 by Lord Young. Correspondence and papers, minutes, conferences and meetings. Includes a little material on the LINK scheme (formerly ‘pull-through’). LINK Steering Group (LSG). The LINK secretariat was provided by the Department of Trade and Industry; several government departments, research councils and higher education institutions were involved as funding or evaluating agencies. This was set up in 1986 as a cross-government initiative to co-ordinate and promote collaborative LINK projects intended to bridge the gap between the science and engineering base and industry. Government was to contribute Phillips served on the Steering Group; Robert up to 50% of eligible costs. Malpas was Chairman. In the 1993 White Paper Realising our potential, responsibility for the LINK scheme, and hence for the LINK Steering Group and its secretariat, were The Group was to transferred to the Office of Science and Technology. report jointly to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the President of the Board of Trade to reflect the Department of Trade and Industry’s considerable sponsorship of the scheme. Meeting 27 July 1987. the setting-up and Correspondence and papers March-April financing of LINK programme (earlier referred to as ‘Pull-through’, see correspondence and papers June and November 1986 in 0.84). First LSG meeting 8 May 1987. 1986 on D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Meeting 17 November 1987. Meeting 12 January 1988. Meeting 15 March 1988. Correspondence April September 1988. 1988, Minutes of meetings 9 May, 6 July, 21 Miscellaneous papers October-November 1988. Meeting 24 January 1989. Meeting 6 April 1989. Meeting 13 June 1989. Meeting 1 August 1989. Meeting 26 September 1989. Correspondence and papers 1990-92, including publication of first LSG report February 1992. of Sussex. After preliminary discussions, ABRC announced in July 1983 its intention to The commission exploratory studies in various fields of science policy. Council. studies Organisations in France and America were involved, but most of the studies were produced by the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University SCIENCE POLICY STUDIES were commissioned by SSRC on behalf of the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Preliminary papers and negotiations October 1982 - May 1983, meetings and proposals, comments on proposals (not all favourable). Launch of proposal, meetings of Science Policy Studies Steering Group 1983, a little later material 1986-89. Brief correspondence 1984 on SPRU publication Foresight in Science: Picking the Winners (written for ACARD). British Scientific Brief correspondence 1984 and draft Performance: Some Myths Exploded (supported by ABRC and Leverhulme Trust). of Trends in Correspondence 1985 and draft of Bibliometric Analysis for Science Policy: Evaluation of United Kingdom. Research Performance on Ocean Currents and Protein Crystallography (for ABRC and others). Correspondence 1985 and draft of The Limitations of Co-citation Analysis (funded by ABRC via Royal Society). Brief correspondence 1986 on SPRU study for ABRC on Government funding of research (no other documentation). Correspondence 1987 on various SPRU projects and reports, and on publication of ABRC report on bibliometric profiles. parties on the future of MRI in Britain, ABRC commissioned a study from Correspondence and papers 1983-86, 1989-90, on a proposed National At a Research Centre for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. meeting on 14 June 1983, in response to concern voiced by interested Brief later correspondence with SPRU 1990-91. REPORTS AND WORKING PARTIES 0.106-0.108 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) R.E. Richards, completed in December 1983. Lengthy negotiations followed on the feasibility and location of such a centre, the claims of Oxford University being canvassed and pressed; eventually, the work continued at Nottingham University under the direction of P. Mansfield. The discussions involved individuals, university authorities, hospital and medical centres, research councils (MRC, SERC), government departments and instrument makers. The material includes research proposals, location costings and budgeting, notes of meetings, discussions, conversations etc. 1985-86, 1989-90. 0.111-0.114 enquiry on ‘Brain Drain’, conducted by questionnaire Correspondence and papers 1985-86. ABRC study of commissioned research, undertaken on Phillips’s initiative by Sir Ronald Mason July 1983, completed October 1983. Correspondence and papers including setting-up, draft and comments. ABRC Working Party on Private Sector Funding (Chairman: P. Mathias), report submitted March 1986. and ABRC correspondence June-August 1985, the findings being reported by Phillips to Secretary of State in September 1985. material in 0.111 but may include replies and follow-up letters). Correspondence from colleagues and recipients of questionnaire (similar to Questionnaire, summary of replies, Phillips’s letter and report, press release. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Correspondence, memoranda and papers October-November 1985 relating to the enquiry and to meetings of Cabinet Committee Misc. 119 at which it was discussed (includes analysis of ABRC enquiry). Papers for Royal Society Science Policy Forum on Brain Drain, July 1986. a Research ABRC commissioned study on ‘The capacity for change in Council: a study of the A.F.R.C.’, conducted by R. Riley, begun December 1985, completed May 1986. Correspondence and papers, copy of report as submitted. 0.116-0.119 ABRC Review of Research Councils’ responsibilities for biological sciences. The review group was set up in May 1988 (chairman J.R.S. Morris) and presented its report (the ‘Morris Report’) in April 1989. Its recommendations on the restructuring of responsibilities within the Research Councils, and a proposed single National Research Council with executive powers, aroused wide comment in the scientific community. A ‘follow-up’ meeting was held 13-15 October 1989 which led to the restructuring of the ABRC, but not to the adoption of a single national Council (see also 0.8-0.11). Correspondence and papers for ‘follow-up’ meeting July-October 1989 (see also B.46). Draft report with Phillips's comments, April 1989. Comments and reactions to report, May-June 1989. Setting-up of review group, membership and terms of reference, meeting arrangements, papers and submissions for meeting 27 October 1988, correspondence April-November 1988. Draft report and comments 1989. Review Committee on ‘The Future of University Biology’, appointed by UGC in consultation with ABRC (Chairman T.R.E. Southwood) (see also 0.58). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Material may include correspondence, lists programme, introductory, background or follow-up papers. of participants, agenda/ 1983-84. 25 April 1983. Secretary of State (K. Joseph) seminar on UK research. 12 September 1983. Prime Minister's seminar on science, technology and industry. July 1984. Prime Minister’s science briefing. 2 November 1984. (organised by R. Jackson). Seminar on the Research Councils, All Souls Oxford 1985-86. 10 January 1985. (organised by B.H. Flowers). Seminar on research policy, Imperial College London 1986-92. 16 February 1986. ABRC Seminar on ‘Barriers to Growth’. June 1992. Science seminar (organised by R. Jackson). Seminar on ‘Science and wealth creation’, All Souls 1985. Ministerial meeting on ‘Authority in science’. 28 November 1986. College Oxford (organised by R. Jackson). correspondence 1989-92. Inter-agency committee on Global Environmental Change (IACGEC). Phillips was Chairman. Setting-up papers, meetings and minutes, relations with other bodies, MISCELLANEOUS COMMITTEES AND SUB-COMMITTEES D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) inter-agency committee on Marine Science and Technology (IACMST). Setting-up papers, a little correspondence 1991-92. Interdepartmental committee on Large Experimental Facilities (ICLEF). Phillips was chairman. Papers for meeting 21 September 1987. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND COLLABORATION papers March-November 1983 on Miscellaneous correspondence and international (mainly European) scientific collaboration, proposed visits, committee etc. Correspondence, memoranda, meeting notes and papers 1983-87 on UK participation in European projects and facilities, mainly high energy and particle physics, CERN, ESRF, but also EMBL. Tripartite talks on science (UK/France/Germany). Arrangements for, and notes on, meetings 1983, 1984. Proceedings’, French ‘Synthése des Entretiens’. Arrangements, participants, programme, information on UK and French organisation of science, Phillips’s notes of meeting, UK note of ‘Summary Correspondence, memoranda and papers, ministerial meetings 1982-83 on possible Anglo-French research association. Anglo-French seminar on November 1985. Delegation of French scientists from CNRS 1984. the management of science, Windsor, 6-7 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Note of informal meeting with CNRS representatives 28 November 1988. Brief correspondence on Anglo-French collaboration on AIDS November 1988. Correspondence and arrangements, participants, programme, ‘agreed conclusions’ of UK-France roundtable, London 29 May 1991. German Federal Republic The UK organisation of these meetings and seminars was undertaken by SERC. Reports of visits to Germany by DES and SERC representatives to discuss Anglo-German scientific collaboration 1983. Seminar on Braunschweig 3-5 December 1987. molecular electronics, Correspondence and papers 1986-87 on proposed Anglo-German seminar programme (organised by DES and SERC), discussion meeting October 1986, possible topics, participants, location. Correspondence, programme, participants, discussion papers, note of meeting. Phillips gave the concluding remarks. First Anglo-German seminar, on national laboratory management, held at Cosenor’s House Abingdon, 3-4 March 1987. Brief correspondence (only) on Anglo-German ‘Round Table’, Bonn, 1990. Second Seminar on management of national research centres, Bonn, 28-29 January 1988. Phillips chaired a session and contributed to the concluding remarks. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants, discussionpapers. neural networks and _ biosensors, Correspondence, participants. preliminary meeting and discussions, programme, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Correspondence and papers 1986-87 on various proposals for collaboration and scientific exchanges with Weizmann Institute via Weizmann Institute Includes draft proposal for Exchange Fellowship Agreement Foundation. between Oxford University and Weizmann Institute. See also 0.165. Papers on ‘Japan 2000 Group’ and Anglo-Japanese science and technology co-operation. 1986-87. VISITS AND ENGAGEMENTS full, but this aspect of it at UK visits not exhaustive picture of The material is very varied in nature and extent. It ranges from official visits to institutions, laboratories, industrial companies or university departments, fully-prepared, briefed and documented, to relatively straightforward social events commemorating anniversaries, new foundations, opening ceremonies and the like. Many of the overseas visits were official, and are documented accordingly with current information on political or diplomatic factors. They The papers are arranged chronologically as far as ascertainable. Phillips’s provide a a period of officially ‘part-time’ responsibilities at ABRC, much of Some of the Research Council files include similar events, and service. many visits to universities are subsumed in Section G or referred to more briefly in the general correspondence. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (SERC). British Museum (Natural History). 10 January NERC Swindon. 22 April 12 May D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 23 May Cranfield Institute of Technology. British Museum (Natural History); opening of permanent exhibition 25 May by Phillips. November Technical Change Centre. 16 November Shell UK Research and Development Seminar. 12 December Investors in Industry. 2 February Institute of Petroleum (dinner). 8 February Hirst Research Centre (GEC). March UKAEA Culham 7-8 Laboratory (SERC). programme and documentation. and Harwell and Rutherford ABRC visit deferred from September 1983. Appleton Full 30 March 12 April 28 February. 3 October Upjohn Company (dinner). 23 March UEI (Micro Consultants Group). Marine Biological Association (dinner). May ARC Thames Valley Institutes (dinner). British Geological Survey Keyworth. ABRC visit. Unilever Research Colworth Laboratory. ABRC visit deferred from {IBM (UK) Laboratories. BP Research Centre, new laboratory inauguration. British Museum (Natural History) ABRC visit. 17 October ESRC 20th Anniversary Conference. 24 July 24 April 11 October 10 December D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 25 June Royal Postgraduate Medical School London. 28 January Silsoe College Cranfield documentation. AFRC Institute of Agricultural Engineering (Silsoe, Bedford) and Full ABRC visit. of Technology. Institute 24 February London (dinner). 20 March University College London. 22-23 June Northern Ireland. 14 July Polytechnic of Central London. Note 14 April 4 October 28 November UKAEA Board (lunch). 8 February Office. Central Electricity Generating Board (dinner). Central Office of Information/Foreign and Commonwealth No documentation for UK visits in 1989. Royal Postgraduate Medical School London. ABRC visit. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 1 May University of Leeds. 8 October British Aerospace Advanced Computing (dinner). November Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (NERC). 11 December Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Monks Wood Station (NERC). 12 February Sheffield. 19 April Oxford GlycoSystems. 29 May UK-France Round Table, Royal Society (see also 0.133A). 28 June Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol. 12 November June. 2 December NRSC. 26 November Aston University. 30 October Warwick University. 10 October Daresbury Laboratory (SERC). 11 July John Innes Institute, Norwich. ESRC facilities, Essex University. ABRC visit deferred from Institute of Food Research, Reading (AFRC). Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Furzebrook Dorset (NERC). MRC Environmental Epidemiology Unit, Southampton. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere (NERC). Smith System Engineering, Guildford. 28 February Leicester Polytechnic. 11 January 4 February 20 February 17 March 8 May D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 22 February Facility Inauguration (SERC). Rutherford Appleton Laboratory CRAY Supercomputing 22 March Leeds University. 7 May British Aerospace Sowerby Research Centre. 18 May Foundation for Science and Technology, Royal Society. 4 June Crystallography Group, Department of Chemistry, York University. 15 June ceremony. Southampton Oceanography Centre, (NERC) time capsule laying Overseas visits Washington D.C. 15-23 September 1983 Phillips’s notes, report on visit. Arrangements, itinerary, schedule of meetings and engagements, letters of thanks. Phillips combined this visit with attendance at a conference in Bethesda, see G.271. Official folder of Research Council briefing. Councils, Briefings government departments etc. on topics for discussion, and some sent from USA. from UK Research and information assembled D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) France 11-15 March 1984 Arrangements, itinerary, schedule of meetings, correspondence preceding and following visit, Phillips’s notes. Official folder of briefing and information. Sweden 6-12 October 1984 Itinerary and schedule of meetings, report on visit, Phillips’s notes. letters of thanks, Netherlands 18-21 March 1985 Itinerary and schedule of meetings, information. Portugal 27 March 1985 Tokyo/Tsukuba Japan 3-6 June 1985 Material for ‘Seaday’ seminar on board Royal Yacht ‘Britannia’: programme, participants, information. speech. Material for Council of Europe 6th Parliamentary and Scientific Conference: programme, participants, schedule, correspondence, Phillips’s notes for D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Paris 22-24 September 1985 a priority field’ organised by Material for Symposium ‘Rise and fall European Science Research Councils (ESRC) and Swedish Natural Science Research Foundation (NFR), held at Centre National de la Recherche programme, participants, summary of discussions, Scientifique (CNRS): papers submitted. of Israel 19 December 1985 - 2 January 1986 Material related to visit by Phillips as guest of Israeli Minister for Science and Development, with visits to universities and research institutes and discussions of UK-Ilsrael collaboration and possible science foundation: arrangements, itinerary and schedule of meetings, Phillips's report on visit, correspondence. See also O.140. Paris 13 March 1986 Washington D.C. 27 April - 13 May 1986 Opening of new Science Museum, La Villette (brief correspondence only). Programme, schedule, correspondence. Mainly on collaboration and the US Government-industry-Research Roundtable. follow-up correspondence. J. Government/Industry/Research Fairclough and P. Coldstream. A session was given to ‘New directions and current initiatives in British science and technology and higher education’, Main topics of the meeting were multidisciplinary at which they spoke. research and university-industry research collaboration. Correspondence, programme, participants, information, Phillips’s notes, Washington D.C. 8-9 October 1987 Roundtable, attended by Phillips, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Soviet Union 2-9 October 1988 Correspondence, programme, report for visit with Secretary of State (K. Baker) to Moscow, Novosibirsk, Akademgorok, Leningrad. Boston and Washington D.C. 14-19 May 1989 Programme, itinerary, schedule of meetings, information. Washington D.C. 26-27 February 1991 Government/Industry/Research Roundtable on ‘The Future of the Research Enterprise within the Industrialized Nations’, attended by Phillips and W.D.P. Stewart as UK invited speakers. of Phillips's Berlin and Bonn 10-12 November 1991 Brussels 12-13 February 1992 Washington D.C. and California 2-7 June 1991 Programme, schedule of meetings, briefing, report on California visit. Correspondence, programme, participants, schedule, text remarks. Participants, Phillips’s report. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, report for visit with Secretary of State (K. Clarke). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Germany 15-17 June 1992 Brief correspondence only on visit Fraunhofer Institutes. to Germany to discuss and inspect ABRC SUBMISSIONS AND ADVICE These folders comprise material relating to ABRC’s official advice to This includes successive Secretaries of State for Education and Science. reports on ‘Science and Public Expenditure’ offered annually at the outset of each Public Expenditure Survey (PES), ‘Forward Looks’ and advance budgeting, and detailed allocation advice on the distribution of the science budget once the PES outcome was known at the end of the calendar year. This timetable could fluctuate under special political or economic events but was broadly adhered to. The material is primarily official correspondence, memoranda, meetings and it may, however, include discussions, drafts and comments on the reports; representations, correspondence etc. from individuals and colleagues in addition to those from established scientific bodies. January-May. Includes draft PES submission. Many or most of the topics The papers are presented chronologically. referred to under Research Council or Government Department headings elsewhere are here brought together for decision. The extent and proportion of the documentation varies. In years when ABRC recommendations appeared controversial and aroused sometimes intense public interest, the degree of ‘outside’ or private correspondence could be In such cases it has been retained along with the official considerable. material, and attention is drawn in the appropriate entries (see especially material for 1987 and 1990). six months at ABRC, draft Forward Look. Phillips's memorandum to June-September. Secretary of State (K. Joseph) on his appraisal of British science after first Includes meeting notes, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) September-October. Material and briefing for meeting with Prime Minister 19 October on ‘maintaining the strength of the science base’. letter October-December. Secretary of State 8 December accepting ABRC’s recommendations. discussions. Includes Further bids, from Correspondence, papers, memoranda. Correspondence and November. papers, PES advice April, distribution advice January-April. correspondence and meetings on biotechnology and ‘pull-through’. Meetings and memoranda in preparation for PES advice, March-June. PES ‘strategy’, draft advice April, comments and discussions, ‘brainstorming’ session to discuss strategy document on 10 June. June, 21 July. The June 1986 - April 1987. science budget had not met the increased allocations which ABRC had considered necessary for UK research and for international subscriptions Phillips made private representations voicing the Board’s (e.g. CERN). concern. Secretary of State’s (K. Baker) letter of April 1987 thanks Phillips for his work in achieving a fair distribution of the additional allocation. Material prepared for meetings with Secretary of State (K. Baker) 3, 24, 27 Includes correspondence on allocations. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Phillips submitted his discussion The material for this year is extensive. document ‘A strategy for the Science Base’ to the Secretary of State (K. Consideration of the document was held up by the Baker) on 6 May. general election, and it was not published until 20 July. The document proved controversial. Among its recommendations were: (full range of the differentiation of higher education institutions into Type R research activity), Type T (teaching) and Type X (teaching and research in a limited range of fields); the development of inter-disciplinary research centres; responsibility for research support costs to be transferred from universities to the Research Councils thus ending the ‘dual-support’ funding system. These were the principal areas of comment and debate among the scientific and higher education communities. Many representations and comments, some very hostile, were received both at the time and in subsequent years. Because the ripples cast by the report continued for so long, the material in 0.189-0.193 extends beyond the strict limit of the calendar year. April-August. Continuing comments, drafts, memoranda. Material for meetings with Secretary of State (K. Baker), 26 March, 5 August, 28 October. February-April. Correspondence, memoranda, meetings, draft for strategy document. March-April 1987. Some are addressed directly to Comments on the ‘Strategy Document’. Phillips, some to officials or ministers and passed on to him. Some are brief notes, others are substantial documents. They are sent by individuals and colleagues, members of the Research Councils, academics and industrialists, some writing on their own behalf, some as representatives of learned societies, firms or public bodies. Some have carbon copies of Phillips's In addition, there are collections of comments replies (often detailed). assembled by DES Secretariat and passed on at intervals to Phillips. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Similar material October 1987. Similar material November-December 1987. Similar material January-July 1988. Correspondence and papers June 1987 - March 1989 on Interdisciplinary Research Centres, some commenting on the general principle, some specific suggesting submissions for IRC status. collaborative research, projects with few for a drafts, Correspondence, conference February 1989 at which a higher level establishment of nine IRCs were announced. meetings February-November, press of funding and the papers, Correspondence and papers February-November, including Forward Look meeting (March), briefings for meetings (July, November), correspondence with Secretary of State (J. MacGregor) on MRC Clinical Research Initiative. in New Scientist (see 0.198). The ABRC advice for this year aroused controversy and hostile reaction. As the Government’s science budget remained substantially the same in real be terms recommended. One of these was the termination of some projects at the Nuclear Structure Facility at Daresbury. This attracted much unfavourable comment both in the press and from scientific colleagues. Phillips wrote an article explaining the roles of ABRC and the Research Councils published in some programmes had reductions 1990-91, as in to D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) in other years, Correspondence and papers July-December. The material is less extensive (J. than MacGregor) on flexibility margin (July), drafts of ABRC allocation letter (December), reply from Secretary of State (K. Clarke) (January 1991). The ABRC allocation advice was not published in this year, which exacerbated public agitation. letter from Secretary of includes State but Correspondence, comment, representations etc. arising from PES advice, almost all relating to the Daresbury decision and its effect on physics research and education in UK. February-August 1991. Correspondence, papers, press comment August-December 1991 mainly related to Phillips’s letter published as ‘Talking Point’ in New Scientist 12 October under the title ‘A balancing act for research priorities’. Minutes, meetings, briefings, resource PES advice, January-July. management. November. Phillips’s notes. Minutes, meetings, briefings, dual support transfer, Meetings, minutes, papers, comments on allocations advice, September-October. Phillips’s notes, supercomputing, bids. allocation (December). December. Drafts, comments, final version of allocation advice, Secretary of State’s acceptance and agreement to publish. Correspondence and papers on advice (May), flexibility margin (August), D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 1993 WHITE PAPER AND BOUNDARY STUDY The General Election of May 1992 was followed by the announcement of previously unheralded changes in government organisation of education and The Department of Education and Science (DES), to whose science. Secretaries of State Phillips had hitherto addressed the ABRC’s advice, became the Department for Education (DFE), and responsibility for science and technology was transferred to the newly-created Office of Science and Technology (OST) under the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister of Public Service and Science (W. Waldegrave) with a seat in the cabinet. The Chancellor put in train a major review of the structure and funding of British science and its relationships with government, including the roles of its advisory bodies and the Research Councils. Submissions were widely invited (reputedly about 800 were received) from the whole range of A institutions and individuals, and a White Paper Realising our potential. Strategy for Science, Engineering and Technology was published on 26 May 1993 as Command 2250. The White Paper, the first major policy review of the field for over 20 years, met with general approval in the scientific community. Among its many recommendations were the re-organisation of the existing advisory bodies: ACOST was to be developed into the new Council for Science and Technology, and ABRC was to be subsumed into The the OST with a new post of Director-General of Research Councils. dual-funding system was to be maintained for the support of university research. The number of Research Councils was to be increased from five to six with a re-drawing of the boundaries between them and their detailed allocation of responsibilities. The task of chairing the study of Research Council reconstruction and the determination of the areas of responsibility between the new Councils before the they came into being in Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster shortly after the publication of the White Paper, and was completed by mid-July. April 1994 was entrusted to Phillips by for a single Research Council which was resisted as ‘too centralist’. The material below provides a detailed record of these events in British is somewhat less full for the preparation of the White science policy. Paper (0.204-0.211) since this was compiled by OST and the ABRC input For the Boundary Study, however, was only one, albeit crucial, source. which was produced by ABRC itself, the information is much more diverse. individual The correspondence and submissions as well as official material and drafts. Attached here is a manuscript note by Phillips 19 October headed ‘Draft for ABRC advice - not accepted in full’ in which he puts forward the proposal ABRC Advice October, Executive Summary November 1992. White Paper Realising our potential institutional and It folders at 0.212-0.219 include D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) DTI Input to White Paper December 1992. Drafts and papers 10, 16, 18, 19, 22 February 1993. Discussions and drafts 23, 24 February, 3, 10 March. Drafts and comments 2, 6, 13 April. this time the working title was ‘A new partnership: science and At technology in the service of the nation’. The eventual title emerged in draft of 12 May. Drafts, Phillips’s notes, 22 April, 28 April. Copy of final revise as published. Boundary Study Phillips’s letter to Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster with comments on copies of HORCs comments), meeting with draft Chancellor 12 May and subsequent draft and comments by Phillips and ABPC staff. May (includes 11 Draft 18 May (including list of comments incorporated), page proof 20 May (minor corrections), 21 May (with attached note of last-minute addition requested by Phillips but not made). Technology (OST). Preliminary arrangements for the Boundary Study had been under way Phillips had been before the White Paper was published on 26 May; approached to chair the study and had agreed to do so, his appointment being announced to the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster on 16 June. He was asked to undertake the task ‘as if fulfilling the role of the new Director General of the Research Councils’ and not as Chairman of the ABRC, and was supported by the resources of the ABRC Secretariat and of the Science Base Group of the Office of Science and The entries here conform to the disposition of material as received in tagged His descriptive titles, for some of the items, have bundles from Phillips. been retained and are quoted as appropriate. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Letters were sent to HORCs on 4 June The timescale was a tight one. requesting an analysis of their respective Council’s interpretation of the White Paper in respect of the mission and areas of responsibility of the On 7 June a restructured Councils (replies to be forwarded by 11 June). On the similar letter was sent to Departmental Chief Scientific Advisers. basis of their replies, and of material already assembled for the White Paper, an early draft was prepared (23 June), which formed the basis of meetings with HORCs 25-29 June and was also circulated on 4 July to a considerable number of individuals and key organisations, members of research councils, advisory boards etc. requesting comments by 12 July. The replies (including some sent in unsolicited before the circulation of the draft report) were analysed by OST, and on the basis of these and all other material the final report was drafted and sent to the Chancellor on 16 July. May-June. Preliminary discussions, drafts of remit, timetable and methods of work, membership of proposed group, letters sent out to HORCs and Chief Scientists. (A committee study had been envisaged with a report date of 1 October, but Phillips’s letter of 4 June to W.D.P. Stewart sets out his own intended timetable and consultative method of work with the support of ABRC and OST officials, and a report date of 16 July, and these were followed). Includes Phillips’s notes on draft report discussed at meetings. ‘Evolution of draft boundary report and covering letter, sent to Councils on 23 June.’ ‘Documents used in discussions with RCs: 25/28/29-6-93. Includes bidding letters of 4 June (to HORCs) and 7 June.’ discussions etc. ‘Letters received in advance of circulation of the draft report.’ organisations, university departments, scientific, representatives, June-July. July circulated to HORCs, OGDs and numbers of Includes revisions, for comments by July.’ 12 From industrial and official of people to be consulted. We compromised on a list ‘Development of rather long short list.’ 29 June - 5 July. ‘Draft report of concerned scientists, 5 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Also includes analysis of responses ‘Responses to 5 July consultation.’ compiled by OST officials under Phillips's guidance, indicating affiliation, and areas of agreement or disagreement for each correspondent. Most of the replies were received as requested, shortly after the 5 July A few are in response to the final report and date from late July or letter. August. In his Parliamentary Final revisions, report as sent to Chancellor 16 July. Answer on the study, the Chancellor said ‘I have accepted all of Sir David's recommendations and | have invited him to continue to oversee the further work of the Office of Science and Technology designed to effect a smooth transition to the new Research Council system by 1 April 1994.’ MEMORANDA AND MEETINGS 1982-93 This material was received piecemeal from Phillips and is complementary to that included elsewhere under ABRC business and meetings. It comprises exchanges, whether in the form of letters or memoranda, with staff, officials and ministers, principally at ABRC and the Department of Education and Science, the Office of Science and Technology, and the Cabinet Office. Other ministries are occasionally also involved. The 1982 material was sent to Phillips as background information before he took up his appointment in January 1983. Preparatory material and notes of meetings with senior civil servants, and advisers, Secretaries of State and the Prime Minister, as well as the regular the membership, structure and function of the All topics are discussed: Research Councils and of ABRC, funding bids and PES advice, general science policy and specific matters under consideration such as Council collaboration, supercomputing, research centres and the university dual- support system. meetings of ABRC, are also included. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) Meetings and correspondence 1983-85 with Secretaries of State and Prime Minister. 1987-88. November-December 1989, possible merger of AFRC and NERC. Miscellaneous memoranda April 1989 - April 1991 exchanged with J.M.M. Vereker (DES). Miscellaneous memoranda July 1990 - September 1991 sent by Phillips to P.J. Thorpe (Secretary ABRC). Submissions and correspondence exchanged with Secretary of State (K. Clarke). November 1990 - December 1991. the Duchy of Lancaster (W. Waldegrave) April 1992 - November 1993. Submissions, meetings and correspondence exchanged with Chancellor of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1983-93 This is a chronological sequence of letters and information sent to Phillips They do not emanate from government sources, as Chairman of ABRC. though some might be termed ‘semi-official’ such as requests to receive science representatives or distinguished visitors from abroad, or to attend gatherings or discussions on matters of general interest in the field of science policy. The content of the material is very miscellaneous. It ranges from relatively minor exchanges about reports, information, publicity, conferences, personal and social contacts to more substantial correspondence with colleagues in academia and industry, mainly in UK but also in USA, on research funding, PES decisions and the like. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1983-86 on meetings and discussions with reporters and editors on Press relations. 1984. Includes copy of Phillips’s letter 13 January inviting colleagues to join ‘an informal preparatory group to help [him] to plan the work of the Board’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) 1991 January-April. 1991 May-July. 1991 August-December. 1992-93. ADDENDUM (See 0.1, 0.9-0.12.) Correspondence 1992 on appointment to HEFC(E), 1993 on extension of to appointment as chairman of ABRC to September 1993 and December 1993. later APPOINTMENTS AND PERSONAL This contains material received too late for inclusion in the main sequence. It is presented in the same subject-order as shown in the list of contents and cross-references are provided where appropriate. Correspondence 1990-92 on the restructuring of the Research Council system and of ABRC, Phillips’s appointment as full-time Chairman, salary and conditions. Shorter personal correspondence, 1993. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL (AFRC) Notes and draft for talk on ‘The next ten years: a personal view’ given at ‘AFRC Directors’ Conference’, no date or place given but c.1984. SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES Information, correspondence, briefing, advice, points for discussion at Includes note of meeting. (See meeting with Prime Minister 3 May 1984. 0.121.) Similar material for meeting with Prime Minister at Chequers 8 July 1984, with list of participants and topics, timetable. VISITS (to follow 0.175) ABRC SUBMISSIONS AND ADVICE (to follow 0.203) Washington 18-22 October 1993 Programme, extensive report by Phillips on visit. 26 May. May. Agenda, Chairman’s briefing, action notes, Phillips’s notes for meeting D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) July. Agenda, Chairman’s briefing, Phillips's notes on Board’s future work Includes briefing for Chancellor of the programme for meeting 14 July. Duchy of Lancaster who attended the meeting. November. Briefing on Science Budget. December. Drafts, correspondence for Science Budget Allocations 1994-97, 23 December. This is the final allocations advice from ABRC. Boundary Study (to follow 0.219) Papers, correspondence, memoranda 1993 arising from the recommendation in the Boundary Study that the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the Daresbury Laboratory should be combined ina single organisation within the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and serve all the Research Councils instead of being owned by any one of them. MEMORANDA (to follow 0.234) July-October. October-December. November 1993 (future organisation of OST). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION P CORRESPONDENCE P.1-P.304 P.1-P.292 SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals and organisations, in alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. P.293-P.296 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Indexed, in alphabetical order. P.297-P.304 UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. INTRODUCTION The folders in the main sequence at P.1-P.292 are essentially concerned with aspects of protein research in hand or projected, in UK or abroad. They may include ideas, drafts or data for research arrangements for short or long term visits to Phillips’s and publications, some in collaboration; laboratory, or to conferences and meetings; career and appointments; some personal news may personal level, the correspondence with long-term friends such as J.D. Dunitz and F.M. Richards is The progress of Phillips’s research interests can be seen in exchanges with colleagues at different periods; in this way the correspondence provides a useful complement to material elsewhere in the collection. Examples would be work on diffractometers (correspondence with U.W. Arndt), myoglobin (C.L. Coulter, J.C. Kendrew, M.G. Rossmann, B.E. Strandberg, H.C. Watson), lysozyme (R.E. Canfield, R.B. Corey, R. Diamond, R.E. Dickerson, P. Jollés, C. Tanford) and, latterly, science policy. Ona also be included. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence of interest, and the extensive material relating to W.L. Bragg further testifies to the close contact made in the decade 1956-66 when Phillips worked at the Royal Institution while Bragg was Director. Like other documents in the collection, many of the letters were circulated to leading colleagues in the laboratory for their advice and comment, and may bear notes from, in particular, C.C.F. Blake, L.N. Johnson and R.E. Offer. The ‘Shorter Scientific Correspondence’ at P.293-P.296 is similar in content to that of the main Brief sequence but less developed and more specifically concerned with research in hand. exchanges such as requests for reprints or information, permission to borrow or quote from published materials, models and the like appear as unindexed correspondence at P.297-P.304. It should be noted that while some of the folders may include references to science policy and funding, the main bulk of Phillips's correspondence on these matters is in Section O. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Abraham, E.P. various dates 1969-88 preparation Correspondence 1969 is laboratory in Oxford; correspondence 1983 is on Abraham’s Memoir of E.B. Chain for the Royal Society. the proposal for protein on a Acharya, K.R. and others 1990-91 Acharya was a member of the Oxford Laboratory before taking up an appointment at Bath University. Correspondence on research and publications. Aldridge, W.N. Research on rat and cat haemoglobin. 1969-76 Allen, K.W. Ambler, R. Andreeva, Natalia S. Sequence data on 8-lactamase. Scanning Proton Microprobe Project in Oxford. times. Correspondence 1965 refers to the American Chemical Society meeting in Atlantic City, September 1965, at which Phillips spoke on lysozyme. Continuing general correspondence on research, publications, lectures and Anfinsen spoke at the first ‘Harden’ conference of the Biochemical visits; Society, organised by Phillips (G.63), and visited the Laboratory several pepsin. Andreeva Correspondence on research, visits, translation into Russian of Phillips’s lysozyme papers. crystallographer working on _ was a Russian 1983-84 1963-67 Anfinsen, C.B. 1965-72 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Arndt, U.W. 1957, various dates 1965-90 Manuscript letters from Arndt sent from University of Wisconsin 1957. Madison where Arndt was spending a year in the Department of Physics. on Mainly diffractometers, with some general research and personal news. collaborative publication papers design and the on of 1965-90. recollections of W.L. Bragg at Royal Institution. General correspondence on research, apparatus design, Arnon, R. 1968-80 Arnott, S. and others 1968, 1974-89 Research, visits and appointments, references and career. 1990-91 1969, 1978 Ashworth, J.M. Artymiuk, P.J. Baker, B.R. and others Dimercurial compounds in enzyme structure research. Work, data and publications on TIM, lysozyme and tri-N-acetylchitotriose. Bateson, P.P.G. Barnes was the head of the x-ray laboratory in the National Research Council, Ottawa where Phillips worked 1951-55. Barnes, W.H. 1957, 1965 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Bhargava, P.M. Visits, invitations, lectures. Blakemore, C.B. Research Centre for neurosciences in Oxford. Blow, D.M. 1983-86 1988, 1990 1964-87 General correspondence on research, lectures and publications, visits, recommendations, W.L. Bragg’s original lysozyme sketch (September 1972), appointments. Bodmer, W.F. 1985-86 Includes memorandum by Bodmer Science and medical research funding. on ‘Scientific value and the level of grant support’ and his submission to House of Lords Select Committee on ‘Priorities in medical research’. Boycott, B.B. 1978, 1981 1970-84 Bradbury, E.M. a-lactalbumin. Bradbury, J.H. Research funding, especially MRC. 1960-93 and Research publications, recommendations and appointments. Bragg, W.L. and others and publications on lysozyme a-lactalbumin, visits, P.24-P.29 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Correspondence with, and related to, Bragg 1960, 1963, 1965-71, 1991 Letter of 1960 is from New Zealand during a lecture tour by Bragg; letters of 1963 are from Bragg and Lady Bragg on the death of Phillips’s father; letter of 1965 is on lysozyme structure. The bulk of the correspondence relates to 1967-71 when Bragg had retired from the Royal Institution and Phillips and his team had moved to Oxford. it deals mainly with arrangements for visits, lectures and meetings, filming, publications, comments on research in progress and the like. Reference is also made to the Hemming-Lee benefaction arranged personally by Bragg to make up the salary deficit at Oxford of former MRC-funded Royal Lee. Institution his book on the Correspondence 1969-71 refers to Bragg’s plans for development of x-ray analysis left unfinished on his death in 1971 and completed for publication by Phillips and H. Lipson (P.26, P.27). obituary workers Bragg’s (see E.2) of and to Despite their long and close association, Bragg continued to use the formal mode of address by surname until 21 March 1967 when he first ventured on to the more familiar ‘David’ (with a relapse to ‘Phillips’ in October 1970). Correspondence 1991 is a request for a Bragg autograph. The Development of x-ray analysis Photocopies or carbon copies of Autobiographical writings by Bragg. unpublished material. Includes photocopy of Bragg’s Royal Society Personal Record (‘Green his autobiography to 1951, brief 9pp. Book’) to c.1970, photocopy of personal account, manuscript notes, calendar of events and outline for autobiography. after original publication in 1975. This book was in an advanced state, but not completed, when Bragg died. One of his last acts before entering hospital in June 1971 was to send Phillips the manuscript for comment. After Bragg’s death on 1 July Phillips undertook to see the book through the press, assisted (from October 1971) The manuscript proved to need a degree of editing and by H. Lipson. revision and, after various publication delays, was published by G. Bell in October 1975. Correspondence 1971-76, 1992 with members of the Bragg family, co-editor and publisher. Includes Bragg’s last letters April-June 1971 about the book and his wish for Phillips to oversee the final publication. Correspondence 1991-93 is about corrections and arrangements for reprint published by Dover Publications 1992 and includes some corrections sent by colleagues D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Miscellaneous redraftings of chapters, drafts for figures and legends. Selections and reflections: the legacy of Sir Lawrence Bragg. Phillips and J.M. Thomas. Edited by This was a volume published by Science Reviews Ltd. in 1990 to mark the centenary of Bragg’s birth, included some of Bragg’s articles, reminiscences and assessments by colleagues and collaborators, and a reprint of Phillips's Royal Society Memoir. and Correspondence with colleagues, contributors and co-editor, some reviews of published book 1990-91. Manuscript or typescript copies of contributions from U.W. Arndt, S.L. Bragg, S. Chandrasekhar, J.D. Dunitz, D.C. Hodgkin (with covering note), J.C. Kendrew, R. King, A. Klug, N.F. Mott, L. Pauling, G. Porter, P. Thomson (née Bragg), A. Todd. Research, science funding. British Council Brenner, S. 1982, 1986 Brew, K. 1977-78, 1986 Brandén, C-l. 1973, 1980-83, 1989 Correspondence 1982 includes report on biotechnology in Japan. Work on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus. Research on a-lactalbumin. Broadbent, D.E. 1977, 1983, 1986 Brown, F. 1984-88 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Bunn, C.W. Research on rennin at the Royal Institution. Burgen, A.S.V. Ultrastructural research at National Institute for Medical Research. Campbell, P.N. Research on a-lactalbumin, biochemistry in China. Canfield, R.E. 1971-73 1976-77 1976-89 1963-68 Canfield worked on the amino-acid sequence of hen egg white lysozyme, in competiton with P. Jollés. Research and publications on lysozyme. Capon, B. Carlisle, C.H. 1985-86 1972-74 1960-69 1973-79 Research, grant applications. Capital Plant International Ltd. Research, visits, conferences, Chance’s 70th birthday celebrations (1983). Gwendolen Caroe was W.H. Bragg’s daughter and W.L. (Sir Lawrence) Bragg’s sister. The correspondence relates to the biography of their father which she and Bragg planned together and which she completed and published as William Henry Bragg, 1862-1942. Man and Scientist (CUP New York 1978). Caroe, G.M. and others Chance, B. 1967-69, 1983-86 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Chandrasekhar, S. and others 1962-69, 1976-87 Research on liquid crystals, visits etc. Chapman, D. 1966-82, 1990 Research, publications, visits, career and appointments. Cochran, W. 1962, 1965 Correspondence 1965 is on biomolecular research in various UK centres. Cohen, C. Cohen, P. 1968, 1970, 1991 1978-79, 1984 Coppola, J.C. Cotton, R.G.H. 1984, 1988 1964-66, 1978 1962, 1965 Corey, R.B. Lysozyme. Research on pterin antibodies. at Cambridge before returning to USA) and lysozyme. Early correspondence is on myoglobin (Coulter had worked on the project Coulson, A.F.W. 8-lactamase Coulter, C.L. 1962-68, 1985, 1987 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Cray Research (UK) Ltd. Supercomputing. Crick, F.H.C. Appointments. 1984, 1988 1976, 1978 Cruickshank, D.W.J. 1957-67 Early correspondence is on research on anthracene and myoglobin. Crumpton, M.J. 1964-70, 1983 Antibodies of lysozyme, myoglobin. 1972-73 ' Davies, D.R. 1960-67, 1975, 1987 Dainton, F.C. Research funding etc. Dannenberg, A.M. and others projects. Model-building and listing programs for lysozyme, and other research Collaborative research on intramolecular charge-transfer compounds. 1969-71 1964-74 Lysozyme substrates. Deranleau, D.A. and others Diamond, R. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Dickerson, R.E. and others 1961-79, 1989 2 October 1961 - 6 December 1962. This period covers the research on lysozyme leading up to the first paper by Phillips’s team at 6A resolution (Nature 196, 1173-1178, 1962). As well as the research at the Royal Institution, similar work was proceeding under the direction of Dickerson (Urbana, Illinois), R.B. Corey (California Institute of The correspondence discusses the Technology) and P. Jollés (Paris). progress of research, exchanges of data, possible simultaneous publication, draft of the Nature paper and comments on it (includes comment from MF. Perutz that it ‘has already reached a state of perfection on which | find myself unable to improve, and it only remains for me to congratulate you on this beautiful piece of work.’), draft of short note on triclinic lysozyme by Dickerson et a/ intended for simultaneous publication in Nature. 1963-79, 1989 (including Continuing correspondence on lysozyme), lectures, publications, visits, appointments. research 2A resolution of Douzou, P. and others Lysozyme research projects, publications. Dunitz, J.D. Dobson, C.M. Research, career and appointments. 1973-93 1970-87 Scientific, personal and career correspondence. Dunitz worked at the Royal Institution 1955-57, when he took up a post at the ETH Zurich. He became and remained a close friend of Phillips. 1961-88 1957-89 Drenth, J.D. and others Research on papain, affairs of EMBL. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Dunnill, P. 1966-89 Dunnill worked at the Royal Institution 1961-64, when he took up a post at University College, London. Research, career, science policy, Biotechnology Joint Advisory Board. Dwek, R.A. and others 1973-82 Research funding and projects. Edmundson, A.B. 1972-75 Edsall, J.T. various dates 1963-90 Lysozyme, Protein Atlas project, visits. Edwards, J.H. Engel, P.C. Fenn, R.H. Fasman, G.D. Feldmann, R.J. and others Funding for research projects on protein engineering. Portsmouth University). Ruth Fenn was a research student of Phillips at the Royal Institution 1959-64 before taking up a post at Portsmouth College of Technology (status 1992 subsequently changed to Portsmouth Polytechnic Molecular graphics. and then in 1987-88 1967-87 1974-88 1964-79 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Finney, J.L. Polarisability. Fischer, E.H. Work on phosphorylase Fothergill-Gilmore, L. Research, career and appointments. Frauenfelder, H. 1967-72 1982-88 Freeman, H.C. 1971-74, 1981-82 Research, appointments, visits. 1973-74 Geis, |. various dates 1966-91 Frohlich, H. and others Collaborative research on low frequency vibrations of proteins. Geis was the artist specialising in scientific subjects who produced the illustrations for Phillips’s Scientific American article on lysozyme (F.11). The See also P.86 correspondence is mainly on Geis’s publication projects. below. after Phillips’s intervention. obtaining Includes correspondence 1979 on permission to reproduce the Scientific American article for a volume of Permission was eventually given ‘Benchmark Papers in Crystallography’. difficulties Glusker’s in Glusker, J. 1976-89 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Grahame-Smith, D.G. Plans for a Centre for Applied Neuropsychobiology at Oxford. Green, D.W. 1971-72, 1976 Includes letter from W. Cochran on Green’s death, 1976. Gupta, M.P. various dates 1962-90 Gurd, F.R.N. 1966-84 Collaborative research on myoglobin, lysozyme, TIM etc. Gurdon, J.B. 1970, 1976, 1985 Haas, D.J. and others Gutfreund, H. Research, publications, visits. 1967-78 1966-69 Correspondence on research and career. Haas worked in Phillips’s group at the Royal Institution 1965-66 before taking up posts at the Weizmann Institute and elsewhere. Appointment. Haddow, A. Myoglobin model etc. 1961-64 Hall, L.D. 1983, 1987 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Hamaguchi, K. 1972-88 Kozo Hamaguchi, a physical biochemist, was an early worker on lysozyme. He was Phillips’s host at the International Union of Biochemistry Congress Hamaguchi in Tokyo (1967) and became and remained a close friend. worked at Phillips’s laboratory July-September 1973 as a Royal Society exchange professor, working on aspects of lysozyme, and again May-June He attended the Oxford meeting to mark Phillips’s retirement (July 1980. 1991) and spoke at the dinner. Hanson, E.J. 1967, 1970, 1972 Teaching of molecular biology, career, publication. Harding, N.G.L. Organisation of health care in UK and Europe. Harris, H. and others various dates 1971-90 Harris, J.I. and others 1973-78 Scientific and personal correspondence. Includes drafts of two papers by Harris (‘Rationality in Science’ and ‘The City of Berlin and some modern approaches to the cancer problem’). Harris had been a fellow-student of physics with Phillips at Cardiff in 1942; they later collaborated in enzyme research as well as sharing an interest in Welsh rugby. Includes Phillips's address at the Memorial Meeting for Harris, June 1978. 1974-77 Research on ferritin, career and appointments, grant and travel applications etc. Harte, R.A. Hazen, E.E. Harrison, P.M. 1962-88 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Hendrickson, W.A. Higgins, C.F. Manpower crisis in biology. Hill, R.L. a-lactalbumin. Hill, R.W. and others 1967-74, 1986 Hirsch, P.B. and others 1970, 1972-73, 1985, 1989 Electron microscopy in Oxford (1970); proposed lecturership in Theory of Electron Microscopy (1972-73, with comments by colleagues); funding for research on high performance materials (1989). Hodgkin, A.L. 1977 Hodgkin, D.M.C. 1960-61, 1965 Includes notes on the ‘single file effect’ taken from Hodgkin’s 1952-53 notebook. Mainly brief correspondence about crystallographic research and equipment. Postcard of 1965 reads ‘We have got a tentative, v. plausible-looking interpretation of Guy, Margaret and Eleanor’s insulin map.’ proposed fellowship at St. Peter’s College (May 1966). Correspondence 1966 includes material relating to the move to Oxford of Phillips and his team, of which it had been intended that Holmes should be late stage from the move and the a member, and his withdrawal at a Hol, W.G.u. Holmes, K.C. 1978-79, 1985 1966, 1970-74, 1986 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Hoppe, W. and others 1970-76, 1982-83 Visits, research. non-conventional electron microscopy and scientific priority. Includes correspondence and material on early history of Horecker, B.L. Work on aldolase. Howlett, J. Huber, R. 1969, 1972 various dates 1968-86 various dates 1967-89 Research, equipment, career and appointments. lbbeken, H. 1982-83 Various collaborative projects. IBM ICI Jack, J.J.B. 1979-90 1979, 1984, 1987 Case of scientific fraud at Free University of Berlin. Work on computer graphics and other projects; conferences and meetings sponsored by IBM. 1987, 1989 Working party on the mathematical needs of biology students. Phillips was asked to chair the working party but declined from pressure of work. Institute of Biology 1973 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence James, M.N.G. 1973-80, 1989-91 Lysozyme research and publications, a little personal correspondence and historical recollections. Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd. 1984-85 Jaton, J-C. Research on rabbit immunoglobin. Jeavons, A.P. 1986 Funding for Jeavons’s research on a wire chamber area detector for x-ray diffraction studies (in collaboration with Phillips and J. Mulvey). Jeffery, J. d’A. and others Jenkins, J.G. 1976-87 1982-86 1972-73 Correspondence, review of book. Research on dehydrogenase, career and appointments. On his book The Bragg family in Adelaide: a pictorial celebration (Univ. Adelaide Foundation 1986). Autobiographical recollections 1992. Jenness, R. Baboon a-lactalbumin. Research on triclinic lysozyme, visits etc. Jensen, L.H. various dates 1959-92 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Johnson, L.N. 1980, 1990-92 Louise Johnson was a research student of Phillips at the Royal Institution, moving to Oxford in 1966 and becoming his successor as the first David Phillips Professor of Molecular Biophysics in 1990. Correspondence is mainly on matters arising from the change-over on his retirement. Many comments by Johnson on projects, research proposals, recommendations etc. are to be found in all sections of the collection. Jollés, P. 1965-90 Various lysozyme research projects by Phillips, Jollés, Canfield, especially on duck and goose egg-white lysozymes and on vertebrate lysozymes. Jones, E.R.H. Kaiser, E.T. various dates 1968-84 1978-79, 1983-86 Research, visits, appointment. 1962-88, 1992 1985-87 1976, 1980-85 Katchalski-Katzir, E. 1983, 1985 Karpas, A. Karplus, M. Collaborative research and publication on lysozyme dynamics. diffraction and by chemical methods. General correspondence on research, publications, EMBL etc. Includes manuscript draft by Kendrew on myoglobin sequencing by x-ray P.137, P.138 Kendrew, J.C. 1962-88, 1992 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Correspondence, drafts and papers 1967-69 relating to the joint |\UPAC/IUB Commission on Biological Nomenclature for the description of polypeptide conformation, chaired by Kendrew, on which Phillips served. Further material relating to the Commission’s work may be found in the manuscripts of J.C. Kendrew deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library Oxford (NCUACS catalogue no. 11/4/89). Kennard, O. various dates 1962-87 Kenner, G.W. Collaborative research on ‘Synthesis of artificial lysozymes’: discussions, grant applications. 1969-79 meetings, various dates 1964-87 Klotz, |.M. Klug, A. Knowles, J.R. Kornberg, H.L. 1973, 1976, 1977 1969, 1974 1972-74 Includes a little material relating to controversy with A. Rich. other research topics, publications, science funding. Includes Kornberg’s comments Personal and scientific correspondence. (1970) on proposed EMBL, proposed research on pyruvate carboxylase and Enzyme research on TIM at Oxford and Harvard, career and appointments. Includes a little personal correspondence. 1969-89 1969-89 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Koshland, D.E. and others 1965-74, 1990 Research on tryptophan and lysozymes, appointments, lectures and visits. Kraut, J. Kretsinger, R.H. Kronman, M.J. Goat a-lactalbumin. Kuhn, N.J. Calcium binding in a-lactalbumin. 1964-72 1970-74, 1981 1968, 1971 1986-87 Langridge, R. 1965-89 Latner, A.L. Possible x-ray analysis of human LDH-1. Layton, D.G. Possible Science Park at Oxford. Work on computer graphics, visits, career and appointments. 1970, 1981, 1984 Proposed visit to UK laboratories as EMBO lecturer. Lazdunski, M. and others Levine, M. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Levitt, M. and others 1968-87 Lysozyme refinement, protein folding, career and appointments. Lewvy, G.A. Aldonolactones as inhibitors. Liang, D-C. Relations with Chinese scientists. Lienhard, G.E. Research and publications on tetrasaccaride lactone, career. 1980, 1985 1971-75 Lipscomb, W.N. 1963-71, 1985 Lyster, R.L.J. a-lactalbumin from baboons and mares, appointments. Liquori, A.M. Lysozyme coordinates. Carboxypeptidase structure, problems of collaboration, equipment. Fleming and penicillin. Letters (from MacFarlane only) mainly relating to his writings on H.W. Florey, MacFarlane, G. 1977, 1981, 1982 1982-90 1983-84 MacFarlane, A.G.J. ‘Strategic computing’ and national computing centre. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence McKenzie, H.A. 1972, 1986-90 Research and publications on a-lactalbumin and lysozyme sequences. McMullen, A.1. Mandelstam, J. 1967-72 1974, 1988 RNA sequencing (1974), sequencing of genome of Bacillus subtilis (1988). Maslen, E.N. Research, appointments. 1965-67 1964-78 Mathieson, A.McL. Matthews, B.W. Mills, O.S. May, R.M. (see also L.34) 1958-75 1967-88 Lysozyme and other research projects, visits, appointments. Design of apparatus (1958), single-crystal intensity measurement project (1963-69, see also K.24-K.27), research, visits. 1964-66, 1975, 1982 Michael, P.C. and others 1984-88 Technical and personal correspondence. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Mitchell, P.D. Monod, J. 1982, 1990 1967-69, 1972-73 Research ideas and papers (1967-69); Herbert Spencer Lectures at Oxford (1972-73). Moser, C. various dates 1976-89 Mainly on meetings and workshops associated with CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire). Muirhead, H. Némethy, G. various dates 1968-86 1965-67 Neuberger, A. 1965-76, 1981 Conventions for polypeptide conformation, research and collaborative paper on lysozyme (Nature, 214, 363-365). laboratory Lysozyme, Phillips’s application for equipment for Oxford (Neuberger was assessor), drafts for papers, invitation (18 October 1967) to Phillips to serve on Committee of Biochemical Society, invitation (declined, 25 November 1970) to Phillips to serve on Editorial Board of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Lactate dehydrogenase, RNA polymerase. Neurath, H. Nicholson, B.H. 1968-69, 1976, 1981-83 1970-75 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence North, A.C.T. and others 1961-91 North, one of Phillips’s long-term colleagues, began work at the Royal Institution in October 1955. He was a key member of the team who moved to Oxford in 1966 and was appointed Astbury Professor of Biophysics at Leeds in 1972. correspondence and General appointments, equipment and grant applications, research funding and policy. publications, research, career on _ O’Konski, C.T. Owston, P.G. Mainly on apparatus. 1975-77, 1985 1970-73 Pasternak, C.A. 1975, 1986-91 Pauling, P.J. Perham, R.N. Perkins, S.J. Peacocke, A.R. various dates 1966-89 Research, lectures and meetings in Oxford. Mainly on proposed Biomedical Centre in London (later Oxford). Perlmann, G.E. Later correspondence is on funding for neutron research. 1974, 1991-92 1969-76 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Perry, S.V. Work on troponin C. 1973-74, 1988 Perutz, M.F. and others 1964-89 Includes letter June 1965 from W.L. Bragg on the ‘landmarks’ in molecular biology. General correspondence on research, visits, publications and, in later period, on organisation and funding of science. Peters, D. Pethig, R. Dielectric properties of proteins. 1981-85 1980-82 Pinkerton, J.M.H. Pogson, C.I. Piez, K.A. Research on collagen structure. 1971-90 1969-70 1969-73 Research on TIM, career and appointments. Phillips’s announcement of it at Atlantic City in April of that year (G.11). Poljak introduced the lysozyme problem to the Royal Institution (1960) but left after the initial work of 6A resolution. Correspondence of 1965 includes material on the lysozyme structure and Poljak, R.J. 1963-75, 1980, 1985 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Pollock, M.R. Models of lysozyme. Porter, R.R. 1967 Collaborative teaching and research plans, departmental organisation at Oxford. Post, C.B. Distribution of lysozyme coordinates. Prothero, J.C. Helical segments in lysozyme. 1965-66 Prout, C.K. 1976, 1990 Przybylska, M. 1961-67 Correspondence on diffractometer apparatus and various research projects. Correspondence 1976 is on purchase of x-ray diffractometer for Chemical Crystallography Department, Oxford. Maria Przybylska was a colleague of Phillips in Ottawa (1951-55) who subsequently worked on protein crystallography at the laboratories of the National Research Council, Ottawa. own summary evaluation of his scientific career to date. Proposed election of Phillips to French Academy of Sciences. Includes his Ptitsyn, O.B. Visits, conferences. 1979, 1986-88 Pullman, B. 1983-84 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Quiocho, F.A. various dates 1968-91 Research, visits, career and appointments. Qurashi, M.M. 1962-68 Qurashi was a colleague of Phillips at the National Research Council, Ottawa (1951-53). Correspondence relates to work 1966 on ‘A quantitative analysis of the various aspects of exaggeration’. Radda, G.K. 1972, 1979 Correspondence 1972 is on space requirements, departmental organisation, relations between biochemistry and biophysics in Oxford. Raftery, M.A. 1968-72 Ramachandran, G.N. and others 1963-90 Ramanadham, M. Work on triclinic lysozyme. Research and publications on lysozyme. Includes news of, and congratulations on lysozyme structure (1965), various researches, publications, conferences, visits etc. Monochromator design. Ramaseshan, S. Rasmussen, S.E. 1963-89, 1992 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Rees, D.A. 1970, 1981-88 Later correspondence on Research Council matters, and discussion meeting on human genome studies. Rérat, C. and others 1962-73 Lysozyme and prealbumin research, visits etc. various dates 1963-86 P.220-P.222 Richards, F.M. and others 1964-91 Richards, based in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics at Yale University from 1955 until his retirement in 1991, was one of Phillips’s They collaborated in various research oldest friends and colleagues. programmes, and on the proposed Atlas of Molecular Biology for Oxford University Press (only partly achieved, see F.95, F.96). Correspondence, mainly on scientific and publication topics but including a little personal material and some letters from Richards’s wife. Richards spent a year in Phillips’s Department 1967-68 as a Visiting Fellow at All Souls and was Hinshelwood Lecturer in 1985; Phillips was a frequent visitor to Yale when his travel schedule allowed. Richards and his wife Sally were enthusiastic sailors, and Phillips joined them for sailing holidays off the US Eastern seaboard (though not when they crossed the Atlantic in their This episode, and yacht on their way to their sabbatical leave in Oxford). other scientific and personal recollections of their long association, are recalled in Phillips’s speech at Richards’s Retirement Symposium in June Richards attended, and gave the closing remarks at, the 1991 (G.427). meeting on Protein Structure and Function in honour of Phillips at Oxford in July 1991 (A.52). 1974-78, 1982-91 1964-68 1969-73 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Richards, R.E. 1967-69, 1983, 1986 Oxford; Correspondence to correspondence Directorship of Leverhulme Trust; correspondence 1986 is on portraits of D.C. Hodgkin. matters Richards’s acceptance of 1967-69 is 1983 invitation science various on on at Rigler, R. Rodriguez, R. Pigeon lysozyme Rose, I-A. Rossman, M.G. 1979-84 1964-85 Rowatt, M.E. 1966, 1979-85 Lipopolysaccharide research. Correspondence on research, career, |.U.Cr. etc. Rossmann had contributed to the haemoglobin and myoglobin research programmes, working in the MRC laboratory Cambridge before taking up an appointment at Purdue University, Indiana where he continued work on structural studies of proteins and viruses. Research on lysozyme, visits, publications. Rupley, who was based at the University of Arizona, worked with Phillips at the Royal Institution in the summer of 1965 and spent sabbatical leave in the Oxford Laboratory in 1970. 1964-74, 1980-84 Rupley, J.A. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Sakabe, K. and Sakabe, N. 1972, 1978-88 Visit to Oxford Laboratory to work on insulin with D.C. Hodgkin 1973-75, continuing scientific and a little personal correspondence mainly on insulin research in various institutes. Photographs of Chinese colleagues in Peking and Shanghai taken on a visit in 1979 and a group photograph 1986, sent to Phillips, are at A.75. Sarma, R.H. 1981-84 Sarma was a member of the 1965 lysozyme team recruited by Phillips in Madras, 1963. Mainly on publications. Sasisekharan, V. Sawyer, L. Sayre, D. Scheraga, H.A. 1980-86 1978, 1983-88 1984, 1987 1968-89 Lysozyme co-ordinates, visits, a-lactalbumin. Research and publications on 8-lactamase, lactoglobulin. Laboratory 1968 and other visits. Research, meetings, publications on lysozyme, Sharon’s visit to Phillips’s Scrutton, M. Sharon, N. 1970-74 1964-87 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Shaw, W.V. Proposed Institute University. Shotton, D.M. Sigler, P.B. for protein science and engineering at Leicester 1987-89 1971-84 various dates 1968-81 Research, mainly on t-RNA, career. Skinner, H.C.W. 1963-64, 1984 Smith, A.D. and others 1965, 1982, 1986, 1989 Smith, D.S. 1980-81 1969-71 Smith, I. Model-building. Southwood, T.R.E. and others Smith was appointed Hope Professor of Entomology at Oxford in 1981. sequence. Zoology The Department, research projects, grant applications and appointments, and later to more general matters of research support in the university and outside. Many of the letters are manuscript and not all are dated. Those which can in their presumed be assigned a date from their content have been left A small group of undated letters has been placed at the end of the place. Southwood was appointed to the Linacre Chair of Zoology at Oxford in He served as Vice-Chancellor of the succession to J.W.S. Pringle in 1979. University 1989-93. 1978-92 and n.d. earlier material refers to Southwood’s plans for the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Sowden, B. Squire, J.M. Stein, W.H. General scientific and personal correspondence. Steiner, L. Steinrauf, L.K. Diffraction research at Ottawa; lysozyme. 1966-79, 1989 1965-67 1960-65 Steitz, T.A. 1970-90 1986-88 published paper based on specific case of a Research and career. Stewart, W.W. and others Correspondence and supporting material about ‘scientific fraud’ and a inaccurate reported experimental results, sent to Phillips, and including comments by colleagues to whom he referred the material. 1967, 1973-77, 1984 the myoglobin research team at Strandberg had been a member of Cambridge; he refers to his early collaboration with Phillips in his letter of 1 November 1978 and in the correspondence of 1992. Strandberg, B.E. and others 1963-67, 1978, 1992 Steward, E.G. Stryer, L. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Sutton, L.E. Swinnerton-Dyer, H.P.F. Mainly on higher education and funding. Sykes, B.E. Tanford, C. 1973-75, 1980 1978-79, 1983 1972-78 1964-68, 1977, 1986 Correspondence 1964-68 mainly on lysozyme research; 1977 on Tanford’s sabbatical year in Oxford; World Cultural Council. correspondence correspondence 1986 on Taylor, C.A. various dates 1963-83 Thoma, J.A. Structure of lysozyme. Thomas, E. Lysozyme. Mainly on visits and contacts at University College Cardiff where Taylor was Professor of Physics. scientific recruitment. Thomas was a fellow student at Cardiff, 1942-44 who joined the Royal Navy on the same day as Phillips, and subsequently became Captain (RN). Thomas, J. Sailing; 1972-73 1978-86 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Thomas, J.M. 1983, 1985-92 little personal correspondence. Thomas was General scientific and a Director of the Royal Institution 1986-91 when he was appointed Deputy Pro-Chancellor of the University of Wales, and some of the material relates to the affairs and funding of the Institution, the Bragg Centenary Volume (P.28, P.29) etc. Thompson, M.P. Work on a-lactalbumin. Thomson, A.R. Biochemical technology at Harwell. Tigyi, J. 1982-88 1981-82 1978-80 Tishler, M. Toyama, A. Tulinski, A. Proposed UK participation in UNESCO supported European group in biophysics. 1963-70, 1980-86 Support for research in Europe through ‘European Discovery Capability’ programme. Upjohn Company 1974-75, 1981 1986 Vainshtein, B.K. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Vallee, B.L. 1982-89 Vallee, Director of the Center for Biochemical and Biophysical Sciences and Medicine at Harvard Medical School, was the scientific director of the Harvard-Monsanto Research Agreement (see K.14-K.21) specialising in metalloenzymes and bioinorganic chemistry. He had a long association with the development of protein Phillips through their common interest structure analysis. Phillips and colleagues at Oxford collaborated with him in work on human tumor derived lysozyme, their contribution being published as an Appendix (Crystallographic & NMR studies of human tumor derived lysozyme) to the paper by Vallee and others, Lysozyme: a major secretory product of a human colon carcinoma cell line, in Biochemistry, 24, 1985. in Correspondence includes arrangements for collaborative research, data, results, publication, the Harvard-Monsanto Agreement, Phillips’s Dunham Lectures at Harvard 1989 (G.365-G.367), personal news. Vane, J.R. 1985-89 Founding and development of the William Harvey Research Institute at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical College. Vassileva-Popova, J.G. 1969-93 Vernon, C.A. Vijayan, M. Vijayan held an SRC Research Fellowship at Oxford in D.C. Hodgkin’s group January 1968 - December 1970. The correspondence dates mainly from his It deals with research, return to the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. conferences, visits (including further visits to Oxford 1976-77, and summer 1986) and publications. subsequent career. Vincentelli paid two short visits to Phillips’s Laboratory in 1968, working on lysozyme. Correspondence is on research plans, arrangements for visits, Vincentelli, J.B.1. 1967-71 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Watson, H.C. and others 1962-90 Watson held an MRC staff appointment at the Cambridge Laboratory of He was a member of J.C. Molecular Biology December 1959 - June 1968. Kendrew’s team from 1960 and collaborated with Phillips and others at the the Royal He later worked with refinement of the myoglobin structure project. Kendrew on establishing atomic coordinates. On the termination of his MRC contract he was appointed to the Department of Biochemistry at Bristol. on absorption corrections and other aspects of Institution The correspondence ranges widely, including early myoglobin research and later projects, visits and conferences, appointments and career. Watts, A. Research, funding, science policy. Webster, C. Archive preservation. 1984-85 Wetlaufer, D.B. Whelan, W.J. TIM coordinates. 1973, 1975 1967, 1971 1984-85 Wierenga, Rik K. Research on acridine. Wilkins, M.H.F. Williams, J.O. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence Williams, R.J.P. and others 1966-89 and n.d. Williams was a lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford, and Fellow of He subsequently Wadham College when Phillips moved to Oxford (1966). held the Royal Society Napier Research Fellowship while still based at the He was active in establishing Inorganic Chemistry Department at Oxford. its, and the Oxford Enzyme Group and was an enthusiastic participant in an outspoken other, independence of mind towards the organisation and funding of research and His views and his of university education at Oxford and in general. expression of them often brought him into conflict with others, including Phillips, notably over the concept and creation of Interdisciplinary Research Centres. collaborative retaining projects, research while The material includes grant applications, research reports, drafts and ideas, and many manuscript letters or notes (sometimes more than one per day), not all dated. Willis, B.T.M. various dates 1964-88 Wilson, A.J.C. 1957-82 Wood, M.F. Wolstenholme, G.E.W. Wilson was Phillips’s Supervisor at Cardiff. Includes Wilson’s support for Scientific and personal correspondence. Phillips’s application for Fellowship of the Institute of Physics (1957), his visit to India (1980), arrangements for a retirement supper for report on a Wilson at the University of Birmingham November 1982 (see also G.263). Lysozyme crystallisation. ABRC matters and meetings. Support for local research organisations by Oxford Instruments Group. Zeppezauer, E. 1976, 1981 1983-89 1969-70 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE General exchanges on research ideas and projects, publications, visits and meetings, equipment and apparatus 1963-93. Similar in content to the main sequence but less developed and usually confined to one or two letters only. In alphabetical order. UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE P.297-P.300 In chronological order. Requests for reprints, information, data, references, models, atomic co- ordinates, samples of material, information on proposed or current research and publications, sent or received by Phillips. 1967-91. Material similar to, but less developed than, exchanges in E.128 and P.293-P.296. 1980-91 and undated 1967-69 (excluding requests for reprints of Nature and Scientific American articles which are at F.7 and F.12 respectively) 1970-74 1975-79 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Correspondence P.301, P.302 Requests from colleagues, authors, editors, publishers to quote, reproduce diagrams and figures, borrow models, slides, videotapes or films for use in books and articles, or in lectures and teaching, received by Phillips 1967-91. Includes some letters of thanks. In chronological order. 1967-72 P.303, P.304 to acknowledge receipt of, Shorter correspondence to accompany, or reprints, articles, theses, draft papers, progress reports, books or samples Mainly sent to Phillips by authors and publishers but a few of material. some include scientific information on research in requested by him; progress or personal news. In chronological order. 1967-75 1976-93 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION R REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES R.1 R.2 Oxford University UK Universities Overseas Universities UNIVERSITY EXTERNAL EXAMINING APPOINTMENTS R.7-R.21 Advisory and Electoral Boards R.22-R.44 Evaluations and advice R.76-R.79 R.67 R.68 Staff and appointments Research grants R.45-R.66 Personal references AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL Cell Board research and equipment grants R.69-R.75 _— Staff and appointments SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL R.80-R.83 Research grants and comments R.69-R.83 R.84-R.104 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations R.105-R.125 UK FOUNDATIONS AND GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS R.126-R.152 OVERSEAS FOUNDATIONS AND GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS R.153-R.155 AWARDS, PRIZES, HONOURS R.156-R.159 PERSONAL D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES The material may include invitation to examine a thesis or advise on the examination, award correspondence with a co-examiner or candidate, Phillips’s notes on the thesis, suggestions for corrections, final report. arrangements degree, higher oral for of a Oxford University 1965-79. UK Universities 1964-89. Overseas Universities 1962-76, 1990. UNIVERSITY EXTERNAL EXAMINING Leeds University 1972-76. London University 1967-68. Brief correspondence only. Phillips was External Examiner in Biophysics 1972-75. Correspondence, draft papers for comment, arrangements. Phillips served on the Panel of External Examiners in Biophysics. comments, Phillips’s assessment of the course. Correspondence 1966 is on the proposed new M.Sc. in Molecular Structure submitted for validation to the Council for National Academic Awards A B.Sc. Honours Degree Course in Biomolecular Science was (CNAA). established in October 1973 and Phillips was invited to serve as External Examiner for the new course 1974-78. Portsmouth College of Technology (successively Portsmouth Polytechnic, Portsmouth University) 1966, 1974-78. Correspondence principally with J.G. Scane, arrangements for examinations, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS Advisory and Electoral Boards Cambridge John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of Biophysics (in succession to A.L. Hodgkin). Applications, commendations, correspondence October 1980 - August 1981. Essex Chair in Biological Chemistry. assessors. made. It was re-advertised in 1981. Phillips and R.J.P. Williams were external The post was first advertised in 1978 but no appointment was Applications, commendations, correspondence December 1978 - October 1981. Hong Kong Official correspondence, invitation, schedule of visit, information. a three-man ‘Consultancy to examine Equipment Phillips was one of Requirements for the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’. He accepted the invitation in March 1989, visited the university with other members of the consultancy on 24-26 July and contributed to the report submitted in September. brief correspondence. Notes and comments on University’s proposals and estimates by Phillips, members of his laboratory and other consultancy members. Draft report, Phillips’s appendix on equipment provision for life sciences, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations R.12-R.18A London Phillips was frequently asked to advise the University on appointments and a more promotions, sometimes on an ad hoc basis and sometimes in Material formalised way as ‘External Expert’ on a Board of Advisors. includes invitations, correspondence, recommendations. Board of Advisors/Standing Panel of Experts in Biophysics, 1968-76, 1980- 87. Board of Advisors on Crystallography 1968-78. External Expert in Biology 1971. External Expert, Review of Crystallography, Birkbeck College 1974. Miscellaneous appointments 1976-77. Correspondence, applications, Phillips's notes. External Expert, Chair of Biophysics, King’s College 1982. External Expert, second Chair of Crystallography, Birkbeck College 1975-76. committee’s findings 1987-88. Chair of Molecular Biophysics. members of the nomination committee. External Expert, Rank Chair of Physics in relation to Surgery, 1986. Phillips was one of the external expert Lund Correspondence, report and evaluations, appeal against the expert D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Portsmouth Polytechnic (later Portsmouth University). Establishment of Professoriat 1979-80. Warwick Second Professorship in Biological Sciences 1971. Evaluations and advice These folders contain assessments or recommendations made by Phillips in answer to requests from universities or other institutions wishing to make senior appointments or promotions. R.22-R.42 UK universities and institutions Suggestions or evaluations for candidates for senior appointments, Vice- Chancellors, Principals, Professors, Directors etc. Aberdeen 1990 Bath 1983 Birmingham 1985 East Anglia 1986 Cambridge University and Colleges 1977, 1984, 1991, 1992 Bristol 1983 Durham 1989 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Edinburgh 1975, 1986, 1993 Essex 1986 Glasgow 1983, 1986 Hull 1990 Leeds 1970-71, 1990 London 1973, 1986, 1987, 1990 Manchester 1986, 1988 Open 1989 Oxford 1989, 1992-93 Prudential Corporation 1982 Strathclyde 1990 Reading 1975 Salford 1989 Sheffield 1989, 1993 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Warwick 1992 USA universities and institutions senior Suggestions appointments, Chairmen or Heads of Departments, tenure promotions etc. 1968-91. comparative evaluations candidates for or of Requests to Phillips for suggestions for candidates for posts at post- doctoral or lecturer level, in new or expanding departments and research groups. Some in the UK but mainly overseas. Some scientific or general Many of the correspondence on research projects may be included. requests were circulated for information or suggestions to members of the laboratory and may bear their comments. 1963-89. Personal references are own for R.57 R.58 R.47 R.48 R.46 Ba R.56 N-O Ras. A Ph-Pr Pa-Pe Phillips’s individual references candidates for These appointments or promotions at colleges, universities and institutions in UK Some may extend over several years and may include and abroad. correspondence on research and careers, comparative evaluations, or updating of previous recommendations. They are presented in alphabetical order. The total timespan is 1958-93. R.66 R.59 R niSt i R.54 R.55 R.52 R.53 R.62 R.63 R.64 R.65 R.49 R.50 R.60 R.61 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL Staff and appointments 1978, 1979. Research grants 1981-87. MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Staff and appointments 1967, 1974-77, 1984-90 Appointment 1967. Training and Manpower Committee Special Panel on Non-Clinical Scientific Staff Career Structure. Training and Manpower Committee Annual Scientific Staff Salary Review. Correspondence, arrangements for meetings andrecommendations 1974-76. Correspondence, arrangements for meetings, reconsideration of decisions, Phillips’s notes, various dates November 1974 - December 1975. Appointment 1976. Correspondence, notes etc. on claim for unfair dismissal arising from panel Includes copy of Phillips’s evidence decision. given on behalf of MRC. Information, recommendations by Phillips and others. Various dates 1974- Mh The claim was dismissed. 1979. Salary reviews, appointments, promotions. National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Computing Laboratory. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Salary reviews, appointments, promotions. Information, recommendations by Phillips and others. Various dates 1984- 90. Cell board research and equipment grants 1974-78 Applications for new grants, or for extensions or renewals of existing grants, with related correspondence and information, sent to Phillips for action as Chairman of the Cell Board. August 1974 - February 1975. June-August 1975. September-October 1975. programme (see N.4). Projects related to the commissioned research 1985-86 Grant assessments and comments 1982-89 October 1975 - September 1976, October 1978. Includes grant applications, renewals and extensions and also Phillips’s comments on research in progress at MRC funded establishments especially the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. 1987-89 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL Research, equipment and appointment assessment 1966-89 The material may include correspondence, information, recommendations by Phillips and others (including members of the Laboratory), notification of full, partial or declined awards, progress reports on long-term continuation SRC grants etc. The applications are referred from various of the Council’s committees, such as the Biological Studies, Chemistry, Data Compilation, Research Enzyme Committees. Technology, Chemistry Beam and and Neutron Technology. Applications for SRC Studentships in Enzyme Chemistry and 1972 (1). 1972 (2). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations 1974 January. 1974 April-May. 1974 September-October. 1975, 1977. 1984 January. 1984 March-April. 1984 October. 1985 January. 1986, 1987. 1985 February-October. 1984. Applications for participation in proposed co-ordinated programme in protein engineering. 1988, 1989. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations UK FOUNDATIONS AND GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS Material includes recommendations for specific projects, and may also contain some correspondence on funding policies. BP Venture Research Unit Correspondence 1986. Cancer Research Campaign Correspondence 1979. Inter-University Council Application 1971. Leverhulme Trust Imperial Cancer Research Fund Correspondence, applications 1976, 1983. Correspondence, applications 1986, 1987. Correspondence, applications 1981, 1982, 1984. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Correspondence, applications 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992. National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases Applications 1980. Nuffield Foundation Correspondence, application 1975, 1978 Correspondence, applications 1979 Scottish Home Office Wellcome Trust Correspondence, applications 1984-86. Correspondence, applications 1982, 1983, 1984. Correspondence, applications 1992-93. Correspondence, applications 1984, 1988. Correspondence, applications 1987-90. Correspondence, applications 1976, 1980-83. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Wolfson Foundation References and recommendations Phillips was appointed a Trustee in September 1988 with periodic renewals. From that date the material includes meetings notes, information on funding projects and appointments. Correspondence, applications 1983, 1986, 1987. Phillips’s appointment as Trustee, correspondence, meetings, projects 1988. Meetings, projects, applications 1989. Meetings, projects, applications 1990. Renewal of Trusteeship, meetings, projects 1991. Renewal of Trusteeship, projects, applications 1992-93. Wolfson Family Charitable Trust: laboratories and institutions in Israel 1989-92. scholarships, awards, proposals, for OVERSEAS FOUNDATIONS AND GRANT-GIVING INSTITUTIONS Australian Academy of Science. Election 1971. The material is presented in alphabetical order by country (or regional grouping, etc.), and by institution within each country. Australia D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Australian Research Council. Review of Institute of Advanced Studies of the Australian National University. Phillips accepted the invitation but the dates proved impossible for him and he withdrew. Correspondence and papers 1989-90. Australian Research Grants Committee. Grant application 1978. CSIRO. Grant application 1985. Department of Education and Committee 1972. Science Queen Elizabeth Fellowships National Health and Medical Research Council. 1985. Grant applications 1982, Belgium Canada Denmark Fondation Francqui. 1990. Invitations to serve on Jury of Francqui Prize 1988, Medical Research Council. Grant applications 1966, 1968. 1976-85. Phillips was invited in 1976 to act as one of two Trustees appointed by the International Union of Biochemistry (IUB), the other being C.B. Anfinsen. Correspondence, information, recommendations for the Linderstrém-Lang Prize etc. Kai Linderstrém-Lang Endowment Fund. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations Science of in Natural Crystallography. Phillips was invited to serve on the international panel but was obliged to decline. Correspondence, information 1985. Evaluation Research research Council. European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Interview reports, references and comments on applications for EMBO Fellowships 1968-78, 1988, 1990. Technion Israel Technology. Recommendations 1987, 1990. Institute of Technology. Harvey Prize in Science and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Weizmann Institute of Science. Recommendations for appointments and promotions 1966-84, 1992. Wolf Foundation. Recommendations for prizes 1987-91. Correspondence, information, recommendations for NATO Advanced Study Institutes or Research Grants 1967, 1976, 1984. Nobel Prize nominations and correspondence 1984, 1989, 1990. Sweden D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Switzerland References and recommendations Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule (ETH), application 1990, 1991, 1993. Zurich. Appointment, Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, Berne. Application 1985. United States of America American Cancer Society Inc. Grant application 1975. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund. 1975. Grant application General Motors Cancer Research Foundation. The Foundation awarded three annual prizes (the Alfred P. Sloan, the Charles F. Kettering and the Charles S. Mott Prizes) for contributions to cancer research, and also sponsored visiting professorships in oncology, meetings and publications. Recommendation for MacArthur Fellowship 1984. Correspondence, nominations for awards under the HHMI International Research Scholars Program 1990-92. Phillips accepted an invitation to serve on the Awards Assembly in April 1985; he resigned for health reasons in April 1988 but continued to receive information and make recommendations. Correspondence and papers on nominations for prizes, professorships and committee members, meetings, Phillips’s notes etc. 1985-91. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 References and recommendations R.148-R.150 National Science Foundation. Grant and award evaluations. R.148 1966-70. R.149 1973-78. R.150 1982-91. Protein Society Stein-Moore Award. 1986-88. Correspondence, recommendations World Cultural Council Correspondence, recommendations for Albert Einstein World Award of Science 1982-92. AWARDS, PRIZES, HONOURS PERSONAL Honours 1990-93. Honorary Degrees at Oxford and Cambridge 1974, 1982. Awards and prizes. Correspondence, recommendations 1980-93. R.159 T-W information or references received from Requests for individuals 1967-88. career advice, In alphabetical order. R.156 A-F R.157 K-M R.158 P-S D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABEL, Edward ABRAHAM, Sir Edward Penley ABRAHAMS, Sidney C. ABRAHAMSSON, Sixten ACADEMIA EUROPAEA ACADEMIC PRESS ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ACHARYA, K. Ravindra ACHER, R. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA ADAMS, Margaret J. A.43 A.51, E.127, E.169 L.3,L.9,.31,L32,E.33, 62 P.1, P.140 K.25, K.26, K.27 E.100 K.1 Bal be: 7. 9 F.48 P.2, R.45 G.116, G.145 F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, F.49, F.50 E:100/E.112 P19) Pot26, Reo ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY fon ADELSTEIN, S. James A.39, A.41, G.366, K.20, K.21 (ABRC) (ACOST) AHMED, Farid R. A.25, F.6, G.240, G.386 ADENINE PRESS F.52 A.34, N.32, 0.1 - 0.261 A.51, 0.81-0.83 ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron AITKEN, Murray AKABORI, Shiro and FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL (ARC/AFRC) A.25, A.34, F.38, G.197 L.17, L.18, L.34, L.37, 0.22 E.111,E.112, G.337, G.435 0.21 - 0.25, R.67, R.68 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS K.30 A.25, A.66 G.115, G.321, G.334, G.403 M.1 0.112 G.35 F.90 P.3 F.50 ALLEGRA, Giuseppe ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALMO, Steven Craig ALTMAN, Philip L. ALBERTI, K.G.M.M. ALDRIDGE, W. Norman ALLEN, Kenneth W, ALLEN, Mark P.4 F.59 R.45 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice AMBLER, Richard AMERICAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION ANDERSON, John Stuart ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm ANDREE, Piet Jan ANDREEVA , Natalia S. ANDREW, Richard J. ANDREWS, Anthony T. ANDREWS, John ANFINSEN, Christian Boehmer ANNAN, Noél Gilroy, Baron ARBER, Werner ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS ARGYLE, Michael ARIGONI, D. A.21, A.25, G.227, J.31 io A.39, K.2 G.131, L.61 0.81, 0.82 G.216 Gidter:6 L.14, 0.215 G.328 0.250 P.7, R.134 A.17 K.3, K.4 F.53 E.69 G.145 ARMSTRONG, Dennis A.25 0.14, 0.60, 0.80 ARNON, Ruth F.95, G.215, P.10 ARNDT, Ulrich Wolfgang A.12, F.96, G.422, P.11 A.25, F.71, F.85, G.68, R.34 ARTUS, Ronald Edward ARTYMIUK, Peter J. ARNOTT, Struther ARNSTEIN, Henry R.V. ARTAVANIS, Spyros ARMSTRONG, Robert Temple, Baron A.12, A.25, D.1, F.4 G.15, G.103, L.55 M.8, M.12, P.8, P.9, P.28 See J.31A D.15, D.16, G.341, G.402 0.195, 0.200, 0.226, 0.244 R.123 ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS G.227, G.361, J.5 0.218, 0.236, P.13 J.45 E.9, E.152 M.8, M.10 ASCHAFFENBURG, R. ASH, Sir Eric (Albert) ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASHLEY, Christopher P.12, P.284 A.12, E.138, G.171 ASHMORE, Alick ASHWORTH, John Michael P.100 R.38 A.43 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents ASTBURY, William Thomas ASTON, Trevor H. ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) ATKINS, Edward ATTWOOD, Theresa Keri AVEY, Hugh P. BACHRACH, Uriel BADDILEY, Sir James BAGNALL, Jack F. BAILEY, Allen J. BAILEY, Anita L. F.32 A.12, A.25, E.7 A.20, G.432, L.33A 0.56, 0.218 P.293, R.2 L.62 R.45 G.215 A.20, G.227 L.11, L.34, L.46, L.49, L.59 P.293 R.46 A.43, G.297, G.328 G.347 BAILEY, Brian H. BAKER, B.R. J.16 P.14 A.43, 0.54, 0.189 G.451 R.46 G.230, P.118 BALL, Michael BANKS, Barbara E.C. BANKS, Leslie BANNER, David W. BAKER, John Randal E418 A.43, 0.1, 0.187 BALL, Wendy, Lady BALTIMORE, David N.3, R.73 A.39, G.351 BALDWIN, Jack Edward A.51, 0.42, 0.112, 0.215 BAKER, Kenneth (Wilfred) BALL, Sir Christopher (John Elinger) P.101 BANNISTER, Sir Roger (Gilbert) A.20, A.21, G.323, J.1, N.6 F.19 A.43 R.52 R.46 L.53, L.54 RiGe elo BARBER, James BARFORD, David BARKER, Geoffrey R. BARLOW, Sir William BARNARD, Eric Albert BARNES, William H. BARTLEY, Walter 0.53 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BARTON, Sir Derek (Harold Richard) BASTIANSEN, Otto BATCHELOR, Ivor R.C. BATESON, Paul Patrick Gordon BATTERSBY, Sir Alan (Rushton) BAVISTER, E.J. BAYLEY, John Hagan Pryce BAYLEY, Peter Martin BEAMENT Sir James (William Longman) BEAUBIEN, Mark S. BEAUMONT, John U. BEER, lan David Stafford BEETLESTONE, J. BEEVERS, C.A. BEGLEY, Michael J. BELL, Antony G.56 G.45 A.20, A.25 16 G.175, J.28, J.30 P.293 E.169 E.168, N.44, R.46 A.25, L.41 G.271 E.105 G.111 G.275 F.38 G.285 0.260 BELL, George Douglas Hutton BELL, Ronald Leslie eat A.43 G.257 A.36 R.44 F.7, G.196 BERLIN, Sir Isaiah F.87, R.43 A.12, A.25, D.11 BENDALL, Derek S. BENDER, Myron L. BENDITT, Earl P. BENTLEY, Ronald BERG, Paul BERGEL, Franz BERGER, Arieh BERLINER, Lawrence J. E.130, G.51, G.53, K.49 R.47 BERRY, Sir Colin Leonard BEVERIDGE, Gordon S.G. BERNSTEIN, Frances G. BERNHARD, Sidney A. P.293 R.138 0.218 BERNAL, John Desmond BHARGAVA, Pushpa M. A.12, F.32, K.29 E.131, R.44 BEYCHOK, Sherman AV25e E10 Pate G.451 A.43 A.14 G.306, P.17 BERNSTEIN, Joel BHAT, T.N. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BIGGS, Peter Martin BINNS, Kenneth J. BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIOCHEMISTRY BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA BIOCHIMIE BIOZENTRUM, BASLE UNIVERSITY BIRD, Richard Herries BISGARD, K. Maack BIXLEY, Philip S. BLACK, Sir Douglas (Andrew Kilgour) BLACKBURN, G. Michael A.25, L.12, L.13, 0.245 0.218 A.39, A.43 G.63, G.78, G.108, G.119 G.139, G.153, G.161, G.198 G.223, G.241, G.258, G.260 G.310, G.323, G.324, G.391 G.395 J.1 F.54; Fi55 F.56 or K.3-K.7 A.43 E.133 F.38 N.29 F.95, K.8 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron L.40 G.426 F.58 BLAKE, Ivan Ortega BLAKEMORE, Colin Brian BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth (Lyon) BLAKE, Colin Charles Frederick E.128 F.46, P.293 BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix BLAKE, Robert Norman William, Baron BLACKWELLS SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS BLACKSTONE, Tessa Ann Vosper, Baroness C.53 E86 E. 10796-1115; 6168 Ei lifa G.18, G.53, G.219, 0.107 P.279, P.287 A.36, G.367 A.25, A.51, C.60 F.19, F.37, P.293 L.34 L.37 A.36 G.86 BLOBEL, Ginter BLOCH, Eric BLOCH, Konrad Emil BLOOMER, Anne C. BLEANEY, Brebis BLIN-STOYLE, Roger John E.142, K.47, P.18 A.12, D.11, E.131, F.85, F.86 BLOUT, Elkan Rogers A.25, A.39, J.41, L.53 L.3, R.43 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BLOW, David Mervyn BLUNDELL, Thomas Leon BOAG, Jack W. BODEN, Margaret BODMER, Sir Walter (Fred) A.12, A.39, C.52 F.50, F.81, F.95, F.96 G.51, G.53, G.54, G.109 G.139, G.142, G.143, G.197 G.237, G.240, G.255, G.290 G.293, G.430 J.6, J.8, J.12 L.4, L.18, L.47, L.55, M.3 0.33, 0.112 P.19, P.64, P.155 R.18, R.138 A.39, A.55 F.37, F.49, F.95 G.199, G.206, G.240 K.10, L.55, M.3 0.5, 0.24, 0.25, 0.112, 0.214 0.215, 0.218, 0.234, 0.259 L.4 0.3 A.25, A.43 E.24, E.38, E.66, E.70, £.142 G.219, G.351 2 be ba2 32 N.4, N.7 0.4, 0.51, 0.189, 0.190, 0.237 P.20 BOK, Derek C. BOKSENBERG Alexander BONDI, Sir Hermann BONE, Roger B. BOWEN, Edmund John BORISOV, Seva BOTT, Richard K.14, K.15 0.246 BONHAM-CARTER, Timothy 0.218 0.215 P.293 E.130 A.43 0.15, 0.34, 0.109, 0.252, 0.253 L.17, P.22, R.44 A.34 L.17, L.34, L.48, L.49 N.43, P.21 BOYLE, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron BP VENTURE RESEARCH UNIT BOWIE, Stanley Hay Umphray F.15, F.47 R.33 R.105 BOWMAN, John C. BOYCOTT, Brian Blundell A.12 L.13 0.34, 0.98 BRADBURY, Edwin Morton BOYER, Paul D. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BRADBURY, James Howard BRADLEY, Clive C. BRADSTOCK, Paul A. BRAGG, Alice Grace, Lady BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAM, Stanley BRANDEN, Carl-Ivar BRANTON, Philip E. BRAUMAN, John I. BRAUNITZER, Gerhard BRAUNSTEIN, A.E. G.63, G.259, P.23 A.51 J.43 A.20, A.25, F.34, F.46 P.24, P.26, P.43 A.20, A.25, F.34, P.26 A.12, C.53 D.1:,D:2;.D.3, D:4;.D.11 EG Fa) Fe, G.12, G.14, G.21 P.24 - P.29, P.194 See also F.46, G.71, G.315 P.43, P.127 F.93 P30, P.279 G.382 A.36 K.40 G.74 BRAY, Jeremy William G.60 P.32 A.43 0.50 BRETSCHER, Mark Steven BREW, Keith 0.118, 0.236 P.293 BRIGGS, Asa, Baron BRITISH ACADEMY BRAY, Robert C. BRENNER, Sydney BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT A.36, A.39, G.46, L.7 N.6, N.31, 0.58, 0.112 R91, Raloo P.33 F.59 G.48, G.138, G.155, G.164 G.177, G.275, G.299, G.307 G.311, G.321, G.351 - G.356 G.364, G.374, G.384 J.2-J.3 G.4, G.27, G.28, G.109, G.122 G.130, G.157, G.182, G.202 G.236, G.246 J.4 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION J.5 G.146, G.388, G.390 OF SCIENCE BRITISH BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY BRITISH COUNCIL D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) BRITISH SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH ON AGEING BROADBENT, Donald Eric BROCK, Michael George BROCKLEHURST, Keith BROOKE, Peter Leonard BROWN, Fred BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor BROWN, George M. BROWN, John M. A.39 G.255, G.267, G.285, G.330 G.412 J.6 - J.12 F.60 0.51 J.13 J.5 L.11, L.12, L.14, L.47 0.48, 0.135, P.34 A.25, A.39, A.43 E.10, E.142, G.319 0.116 0.113, 0.223 1257.35 A.12 D.5 0.91 BROWN, Peter BROWNE, Win F.47 A.39 0.215 G.326 A.25, A.34 BRUNORI, Maurizio BUDD, Alan BROWNLEE, George Gow A.51, E.128, 0.112, P.293 BULLER, Arthur John BUNN, Charles William BUCHANAN, Robert Angus BROWNING, Keith Anthony BRUNDIN, Clark Lannerdahl K.11 J.31 R.26 0.4 BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David G.185, G.298 A.20, A.25, A.43 G.280, K.1 L.16, L.18, L.49, L.59 A.12, A.20, F.50 G.51, G.53, L.18, P.36 L.14, N.6, N.7, N.39 R.73, R.74 BURGEN, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent) A.25, L.11 F.38 BUNYAN, Peter J. BUNJE, Henry 0.215, 0.218, 0.244, 0.246 BURCHAM, William Ernest BURCKHARDT, G.Norman BURGE, Ronald E. E.128, G.391, 0.80, R.50 BURGI, Hans-Beat D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents BURKE, Derek C. BURLEY, Denis BURLIN, Terence BURNETT, John H. BURTON, Kenneth BUTLER, Arthur BUTLER, Sir Clifford (Charles) BUTLER, Sir (Frederick Edward) Robin BUTLER, John Alfred Valentine BUTTERFIELD, William John Hughes, Baron BUTTLE, Eileen BUTZ, T. BYCROFT, Barrie W. A.43, R.21, R.156 G.336 A.43 A.67, P.108 F:85;C17,,.E.20 0.66 A.43, R.112 0.14, 0.232 A.12, D.2, D.8 F4:) FalOteGis P.95 0.259 G.216 0.215 CAINES, Sir John A.67, 0.41, 0.143 L.47 A.43, 0.53 CALDIN, Edward F. CALVERT, L.D. G.75 G.240 0.41 F.61 E.130 0.108 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CADOGAN, Sir John (Ivan George) A.58, 0.151, 0.244, 0.248 R.37 CALVIN, Melvin CAMBRIDGE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE CAIRNS, John CALDECOTE, Robert Andrew Inskip (Robin), 2nd Viscount P.41 A.12, A.25, F.85 0.243, P.38, P.184 CAPITAL PLANT INTERNATIONAL LTD. CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN CAMPBELL, Sir Colin (Murray) CANFIELD, Robert E. CANN, Johnson Robin 0.215 R.106 0.32 P.40 CAMERON, A. Forbes CAMPBELL, Peter N. CAMPBELL, S.F. CAPON, Brian J.14, J.40 G.11, P.39, P.64 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents CARERI, Giorgio CAREY, Norman H. CARLISLE, C. Harry CARLISLE, Mark CARLSON, William CAROE, Alban CAROE, Gwendoline (Gwendy) (née Bragg) M. CARPENTER, Brian G. CARTER, Cedric O. CASPAR, Donald L.D. CASSELS, Sir John CATALYSIS LETTERS CATLOW, C.R.A. CATON, Michael P.L. CATTERALL, J. Ashley CECIL, Rupert G.216 J.17, J.19 A.12, A.21, A.25, F.32 G.123, M.1, R.57 A.25 F.96 F.34, P.43 A.25, F.34, P.43 0.189 N.4 L.50, N.37, P.69 G.434A, G.438 F.62 0.243 0.215 0.43 E.128 TECHNOLOGY (CEST) CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) CHANCE, Britton A.25, G.6, P.45, P.57 A.43, A.51, G.374, J.30 CHAPMAN, Dennis CHAPMAN & HALL LTD. CHATT, JOSEPH A.25, A.39, L.46, L.48, P.46 CHADWICK, Derek J. CHADWICK, Henry J.15 - J.24 0.59 E.142 L.47, N.29 G.388, K.31, K.36, P.44, P.65 CHANDRASEKHAR, Sivaramakrishna CELLTECH LTD. CENTRE FOR EXPLOITATION OF SCIENCE AND P.293 CHATTERJEE, Syama Das CHEMICAL SOCIETY / ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY A.20, A.25 G.67, G.75, G.115, G.118 G.124, G.131, G.153, G.183 G.270, G.328, J.25 E.130 E.134 D.14 P.293 CHILTON, L.V. CHIPMAN, David CHIDAMBARAM, R. CHIGNELL, Derek A. A.39, L.48 F.63 L.56 CHIRGADZE, Yuri N. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents CHISHOLM, Malcolm Harold CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill (Jack) CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman (Guy) CHUKNYISKI, Peter CIBA FOUNDATION CIBA LABORATORIES CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE CLARINGBULL, Frank CLARK, Brian F.C. CLARK, Charles Anthony (Tony) CLARK, Joan R. CLARK, V. Malcolm CLARKE, Bryan Campbell G.398 A.20 L.37 G.216 A.25, A.43 G.65, G.98, G.136, G.163 G.168, G.192, G.218, G.252 G.349, G.350, G.374, G.421 J.26 - J.30 G.30 0.60 J.33 A.25, F.86 G.60, G.394, G.405 0.218 P.293 D.6 0.215 CLARKE, Sir Cyril (Astley) GA77 G.338 A.55, 0.231 A.25, E.24, E.31 CLARKSON, Richard CLEMENTI, Enrico CLOWES, F.A. Lionel CLARKE, John CLARKE, Kenneth COAST, Eileen M. COCHRAN, William G.284 F.72, G.335 L.31 P.119 G.401 COAKLEY, W. Terence CLARKE, Patricia Hannah G.219, G.232, P.49 A.12, F.38, G.2, L.62 P.45, P.47, P.88, R.2 E.129 G.323 P.48 R.48 R.44 J.6 F.38, J.33, J.34 K.49 COCHRANE, Sir Ralph COHEN, Fred E. COHEN, Jack S. COHEN, Mendel COHEN, Philip COGGINS, John R. COHEN, Carolyn COHEN, Jerome B. COHEN, Louis D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents COHEN, Sydney COLDSTREAM, Patrick COLE, Martin GOLE:R.J. COLEMAN, Ronald Frederick COLLEY, Derek C. COLLIGAN, lan C. COLLYEAR, Sir John COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE FOR THE EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CODEST) A.25, N.7 A.43, G.438 0.58, 0.61, 0.62, 0.63, 0.64 0.65 P.293 N.1 A.43, 0.245 0.40 G.415 A.43, 0.84 K.8, K.9 COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND G.410, 0.52 PRINCIPALS (CVCP) COMPREHENSIVE BIOCHEMISTRY COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS CONNORS, Tom A. F.64 F.65 G.227 J.31 COPPOLA, James Ciro COREY, Robert B. CONTENT, Jean CONYERS, Bernard N.5, N.6 F.90 D.5 COOKE, Ian D. COOPER, Garth COOPER, T. COOK, David COOK, Peter G.27 Rell E.130 P.293 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE (later NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS) P52 A.20, A.25, A.66 G.48, G.270 L.9, P.293 CORNFORTH, Sir John (Warcup) (Kappa) CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE OXFORD CORNER, Edred John Henry COSTLEY-WHITE, Antony P.50, R.48 P.51, P.64 E.7-E.9 G.176 J.42 A.20, A.35, E.130, R.44 G.142 COSTES, C. COTTON, F. Albert COTTON, Richard G.H. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents COTTRELL, Tom Leadbetter COULSON, Andrew F.W. COULSON, Charles Alfred COULTER, Charles Lumen COUNCIL FOR INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION (CIHE) COUPLAND, Rex Ernest COWBURN, David COWLEY, Stanley W.H. COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon COX, John C.L. CRAIG, Barbara CRAWFORD, Bryce CRAWFORD, Sir Frederick (William) CRAWFORD, Theo CRAY RESEARCH (UK) LTD. CRC PRESS Gii7 P53; 8:1 E.134 C.52, G.11, P.54 G.438, 0.61 - 0.65 0.106 hi22 ©:275 A.12, A.17, D.14, P.43 0.245 E.168 A.35 A.43 N.4 P.55 F.66 CREIGHTON, Thomas Edwin G.295, R.156 G.41A A.33 A.25, G.142, P.58, R.107 CROSS, Sir Barry (Albert) CRICK, Francis Harry Compton CROKAERT, R. CROMBIE, lan M. CROOK, Eric M. G.406, 0.34, P.40 E.128, L.14, R.67 CRUICKSHANK, Durward William John G.60, G.142, G.143, G.219 1546. F.56;P.157 A.10, A.25, A.39 G.227, G.430 J.32, K.29, L.33, L.52 Rota Rel naloo 0.218 CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY A.25, A.54 N.1, N.4, N.6, 0.246 CULHANE, John Leonard (Celistus) G.382 0.218 A.67, L.31 J.5 F.67 CUNNINGHAM, Daniel John CURRAN, Sir Charles (John) CRUMPTON, Michael Joseph CUELLO, A. Claudio CURRIE, Sir Alastair (Robert) CURRIE, David D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents DACIE, Sir John (Vivian) DAILY TELEGRAPH DAINTON, Barbara, Lady DAINTON OF HALLAM MOORS, Frederick Sydney, Baron DALY, J.J. DALYELL, Tam DALZIEL, Keith DANIELLI, James Frederic DANNENBERG, Arthur M. DARBY, Graham DART, Ed C. DATTA, S. Prakash DAVENPORT, Neil DAVIDSON, Alan DAVIDSON, James Norman L.14 F.68 A.25, E.25, E.138, L.30 A.20, A.25, A.39, A.43, F.59 G.84, 0.106, P.59, R.41 K.26 0.198 A.25, A.43, F.82, K.11 L.12, L.46 A.12 P.60 0.27 0.212, 0.218 tava oS 0.215 F.85, K.11, L.34 DAVIDSON, P.J. DEAN, Alastair C.R. DAVIES, E. Roy DAVIES, Graeme John DAWES, Eddie A. F.37, F.39 0.2, 0.57, 0.230 DAVIES, Brian W. DAVIES, David R. DAWSON, W. DAY, Peter DAWKINS, (Clinton) Richard A.36, G.11, G.78, G.240 J.1, P.61, P.203, R.44 0.144 G.382 A.43 J.17, JAG, JA9; 5.21, 23 DENCE, Michael R. DENMAN, H. Wynne DEARING, Sir Ronald (Ernest) DENTON, Sir Eric (James) G.73, K.8 A.39, P.293 DEDONDER, R. DEGANI, Yair DENNIS, Alastair Wesley 0.215, 0.218 A.56, D.16, G.386, 0.41 DEISENHOFER, Johann DEARNLEY, Carles N. 0.218 M.3 G.57 E.29 A? 0.2 G.149 G.309 G.413 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents DERANLEAU, David A. DEVENISH, Robin C.E. DEWAN, John C. DE WARDENER, Hugh Edward DEWEY, John Frederick DIAMOND, Robert A. DIBDEN, E.H. Kenneth DICKENS, Frank DICKERSON, Richard E. DIXON, Bernard DIXON, H.B.F. DOBLER, Max DOBSON, Christopher Martin DODD, James Munro (Jimmie) DODGSON, Kenneth Scott DODSON, George Guy P.62 G.355 P.293 G.188 0.32 C.52, G.267, J.11, N.31 P.63, P.157 F.37 L.48 C.52, G.159, G.213 P.64, P.65 G.354 R.87 G.298 A.39, A.51, P.66, R.146 134,51 A.19, G.310, G.388, P.293 See also G.333 DOVER, Sir Kenneth James DOLLERY, Colin T. DONNACHIE, Alexander DONOVAN, Robert J. 0.82 O12 0.215 A.20, A.25, E.46 0.26, 0.149 DOUGLAS, K.T. DOUZOU, Pierre DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) F.44, F.90 G.131, K.10, L.33, M.3 0.192, 0.215, P.222 G.240 G.38, G.51, G.53, G.102 G.145, G.159, G.189, G.389 K.26, P.68, P.279 See also G.379 DRUCKER, Henry M. DUAX, William L. N.1, N.6, N.7, P.157 R.70, R.73, R.78, R.79 A.25, P.67 A235; B30 DOYLE, Barbara DRENTH, Jan D. DOVER, S. David DOWMAN, John J.14 R.11 L.18 DOWSON, Duncan G.351 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents DUNBAR, R.T. DUNCAN, John G. DUNCAN, W.A.M. DUNCAN, William DUNCOMEB, Peter DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) DUNITZ, Barbara DUNITZ, Jack D. DUNNILL, Peter DUPONT DE NEMOURS INTERNATIONAL DURANT, John R. DYER, Bernard S. G.185 L.47 DYSON, David J. DYSON, Freeman John DVORETSKY, Aryeh DWEK, Raymond Allen A.25, A.39, A.43, A.51 F.89, 0.140 P.71, P.134 F.59 G.351, G.353, G.356, G.374 J.3 tee EDMUNDSON, Allen Broderick R.19 E.130 G.451 G.69 A.25, L.31 EASTWOOD, E.A. EBASHI, Setsuro EDMONDS, Donald T. EBERSON, Lennart EBNER, Kurt E. ECHLIN, Patrick EABORN, Colin A.14;(0014;:2:35 A.8 F.32, F.37, N.33, N.414 0.218 A.54, N.4, N.6 G.353 A.25, G.104 A.39, P.69 A.10, A.20, A.25, A.39 G.131, G.142, G.146, G.175 G.216, K.27, L.55 P.28, P.69, R.16 See also G.298 C.55, C.56 G.79, G.226, G.227, G.448 J.18 0.16, 0.182, 0.212, 0.215 0.218, P.70 E.121, G.389, G.401 G.278, G.325, G.339, G.351, G.352, G.354, G.356 0.243 A.39, K.49 EB. 7476:17,1 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents EDSALL, John Tileston EDWARDS, John Hilton A.25, A.26, F.95 G.11, G.391, K.30 P.73, P.138 A.25, E.55 G.219, G.227, P.74 EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) J.2, 0.12, 0.112, 0.215 EGAMI, Fujio EHRENBERG, Anders EIGEN, Manfred EISENBERG, David EISENBERG, Robert S. ELDERKIN, Erika ELEY, Daniel Douglas ELLIOTT, D.F. ELLIOTT, Gerald F. ELLIOTT, Katherine ELLIOTT, Sir Roger (James) G.35 G.261, G.403, L.33 G.43, G.142, L.41 G.213, P.65, P.294 P.294 A.10, A.12, A.20, A.25 A.12, F.47, P.294 G.30, J.1 E.134 J.26, J.27, J.28 A.25, A.43, G.364 0.193, 0.194 ELLIS, Reginald John ELLIS, Richard T. ENGEL, Jiirgen ENGEL, Paul Cowper 0.241 f.70 G.216 G.45 ELTON, Lewis R.B. EMBO JOURNAL E:tot R.22 G.203 F.69 ELMORE, Norman F. ELSEVIER / ASSOCIATED SCIENTIFIC ENGSTROM, Lorentz ENGSTROM, Wilhelm EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony G.63, G.399 EPTON, Roger EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY IN G.42, G.43, G.72, G.99, G.120 G.173, G.214, G.216, G.295 K.11 - K.13, R.135 EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (EACMB) A.43, G.382 L.16, L.33, L.33A E.169, G.383, P.75 G.261, G.381 G.373 K.10 K.11 - K.13, N.33 - N.38 PUBLISHERS (ASP) (EMBL) (EMBO) EVANGELOPOULOS, A.E. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents EVANS, A.G. EVANS, Gerry EVANS, Phil R. EVANS, Robert C. EVANS, Simon A. EVERED, David Charles EVERED, Derek F. EWALD, Paul Peter G.151 A.34 G.214, G.219 B.2, FiaG, Rid? ,t09 E.132 A.25, G.349, J.28, J.29, J.30 A.43, L.34 F.39, P.26 FAIRCHILD, Beatrice M. (later MAGDOFF-FAIRCHILD) R.49 FAIRCLOUGH, Sir John (Whitaker) FAIRLEY, G. Hamilton K.8 0.3, 0.18, 0.26, 0.44, 0.59 0.123, 0.193, 0.226, 0.238 0.241 N.4 A.43, A.51, G.336 J.15, J.17, J.18, J.19, J.20 J.21, J.22, J.23, J.24 0.215, 0.239 FAIRTLOUGH, Gerard Howard FARAGO, Peter J. F.74 Ei 7, G.402, K.8 eral. P.253 FEBS LETTERS FEDER, Ned FEENEY, James FARRELL, Brian FASELLA, Paolo FASMAN, Gerald D. A.25, F.66, G.22, P.76 FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert R.49 FENDER, Brian Edward Frederick FELLOWSHIP OF ENGINEERING FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FELDMANN, Richard J. G.131, G.167, 0.128 G.171 G.50 Rat. 0.53 G.389 F.89, F.92A, R.1 G.51, J.5, L.37 FENN, Ruth H. FENNA, Roger E. FELSENFELD, Gary FEINSTEIN, Arnold FENDLEY, John A. M.1 eA D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents FERGUSON, George FERSHT, Alan Roy FIELDING, Sir Leslie FINCH, Paul FINDLAY, John B.C. FINGERHUT, John H. FINNEY, John L. FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague FISCHER, Edmond H. FISH, Sir Hugh FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FISHER, Michael J. FISK, David John FITZSIMONS, David W. FLANAGAN, Dennis Kee 7G A.51, A.67, F.72, K.29, L.61 0.140, 0.247 G.411 E.130 0.215, 0.218 Envee 0.44, P.79 A.43, J.5, 0.55 F.55, G.47, G.392, K.5, P.80 K.8, 0.34, 0.36, 0.183, 0.193 Et b2,.G1o9 P.223, P.245 N.6 0.118, 0.215, 0.218, 0.226 G.192 F.11, F.104, P.86 K.15, K.16, K.17, P.138 FOLLETT, Sir Brian Keith FORD, Norman C. G.15 E.131 G.418 A.25 0.184, 0.189 FLOREY, Margaret, Lady FLORY, Paul John FLEMING, Amalia, Lady FLEMING, Graham R. FLORENCE, Alexander T. FLEMMING, John Stanton FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron A.25, A.39, A.43 G.407, L.48 0.52, 0.122, 0.237, 0.242 0.243 A.25, L.34, L.37, L.52 FOTHERGILL, Linda A. (later FOTHERGILL-GILMORE) L.33A, L.34, L.57, L.62 0.56, 0.215, R.156 FORREST, Sir (Andrew) Patrick (McEwen) G.213 R.145 0.244 0.197 FORTY, A. John FOSTER, Brian E.132, G.80, G.232 G.260, L.20, P.81 FORSYTH, James M. FORTNER, Joseph G. E.134 A.34, A.67, R.145 FOTHERGILL, John E. FOWDEN, Sir Leslie D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 index of correspondents FOWLER, Jack F. FOX, C. Fred FOX, Leslie FOX, Manfred FRAENKEL, Dan FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FRANK, Gerard W. FRANKEL, Richard B. FRANKLIN, Raoul N. FRANKLIN, Trevor J. FRANKS, Felix FRASER, Sir William (Kerr) FRAUENFELDER, Hans FRAZER, Malcolm J. FREEDMAN, Richard B. FREEMAN, Hans C. N.6, N.7 F.85 E.55 0.192 G.219 L.45, L.50 E.120 G.269 G.381, 0.243 P.119 L.33 0.244 A.36, G.216, P.82 J.2 G.409, 0.119, P.77 A.51, F.95, P.83 E.128 A.25, A.52 P.294 D.15, P.43 G.196 P.84 ede er2 0.197, 0.198 G.45 F.90 FREEMAN, Richard F. FRENCH, Simon FREY, M. FUESS, H. FULLER, Watson FRYER, Geoffrey FRYER, Peter J. 0.218 K.23 FULLER, Keith W. FRIDAY, James R. FRIED, Josef FROHLICH, Herbert 0.218 G.157, G.291, G.293 K.32, M.10, R.44 GABATHULER, Erwin FULTON, Brian R. GABRIEL, Alan H. FURTH, R. van FUSSEY, David FURBERG, Sven E.24, E.74, E.82 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents GADIAN, David Geoffrey GANGULY, Ashok S. GARDNER, Richard Lavenham GARLAND, Peter Brian GARMAN, Elspeth F. GASSER, Robert GAZE, Raymond Michael GEE, Geoffrey GEHRING, H. GEIS, Irving GEISOW, Michael GELDER, Michael Graham GELL-MANN, Murray GENZEL, L. GERISCH, Giinther GERSTMAN, Bernard S. E.169 0.4, 0.218 A.25, A.39, L.61, 0.246, P.16 G.223, G.227, G.334 J.16, 0.241, 0.243 0.197 A.25 L.47, N.35 L.35 G.216 alto A.51 A.44, E.14 E152 P.84 G.142, G.143 E.134 D.5, J.35, J.36, L.60 J.31A A.67, G.370 G.428 L.41 GHUYSEN, Jean-Marie GIBBONS, Michael GIBSON, Quentin H. GILL, Edward W. GILLETT, J.D. G.105 A.44 E.132 GLUSKER, Jenny Pickworth GLASSER, Lesley S. Dent GLAXO-ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS G.226 A.25, A.34, A.39, A.44 N.4, 0.1, 0.26 F.44, G.205, G.304 P.26, P.86, R.45 GOMES DE MESQUITA, A.H. G.346 K.26 G.101 G.435 GOODENOUGH, Peter W. GODWIN, Sir Harry GOLDSMITH, Maurice GLYNN, lan Michael GO, Nobuhiro GODFREY, Malcolm E.131 L.47 L.14, L.17, N.18, N.42 GLASER, Robert J. GOODALL, David GOODFORD, Peter G. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents GOODMAN, Murray GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GOODY, Roger Sidney GORDON, Roy E. GORDON, Siamon GORDY, Walter GOWANS, Sir James (Learmouth) GOWING, Margaret Mary GRAHAM, Christopher Forbes GRAHAME-SMITH, David Grahame GRAINGER, Colin T. GRATIAN, David R.43 F.85, G.129, J.1 F.91 0.107 E.128, F.90, G.437, P.98 D.6 A.25, A.39 F.69, G.342, J.19, L.14 N.1, N.43, N.44 0.15, 0.27, 0.28, 0.98, 0.107 0.108, 0.110, 0.183, 0.253 P.245 Meh A.51 E.24,E-72,b.73, &-169 G.338, L.14, P.245 A.39, E.9, P.87 E.134 J.21, J.23 G.159, K.30, K.31 0.41 GRATZER, Walter B. GRANT, Douglas F. GRAY, J.O. A.10, A.25, D.7, D.12, G.3 GRAY, John C. GRAY, Ken GREEN, Cecil H. GREEN, David W. 0.215 0.218 G.361 GRAY, Sir John (Archibald Browne) A.12, A.20, A.25, A.44 E.97, G.41, L.33 N.1, N.3, N.5, N.7, N.18, N.214 N.25, N.39, N.55, N.57 0.240, R.71 A.37 F.14, F.83, G.48, P.88, R.2 See also M.1 GREENE, Sir Hugh (Carleton) GREGORY, Roderic Alfred GRUBER, Max GRUDER, Yaron J.5 J.3 F.78 A.44 GRIMSTONE, A.V. GRINYER, Peter H. G.249, M.10, M.13 A.25, L.3, L.31 GREEN, Leslie L. GREGSON, John, Baron A.39, G.38 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents GUILLERY, Rainer Walter GUISE, George GUPTA, M.P. GURD, Frank R.N. GURDON, John Bertrand GUTFREUND, Herbert (Freddie) GUTH, Oscar GUTHRIE, Roy David (Gus) HAAS, David Jean HADDOW, Sir Alexander HAGLER, Arnold T. HAGUE, Sir Douglas (Chalmers) HAHN, Theo E.152 0.242 E.130, P.89, R.3 P.90 A.36, L.17, 0.112, P.91 F.85, F.95 G.48, G.51, G.53, G.136 L.46, L.49, L.55 P.92, P.155, P.279 G.94, G.393 E.128 P.93 A.12, A.21, J.5, J.26, P.94 P.294 A.44, 0.5, 0.240 A.39, D.5, K.26 HALL, Laurance D. G.61 G.389 L.32 HALVORSEN, Harlyn O. HAMAGUCHI, Kozo HAIDEMENAKIS, E.D. HAINES, Thomas H. G.389, J.13 0.124 E.7, E.142 HALL, David A. HALL, David N. HALL, George Derek Gordon HALL, Sir Arnold (Alexander) HALL, Robert Lowe (Baron Roberthall) F.6, P.294 0.27, 0.221, 0.224, 0.238 P.107 HANCOCK, Sir David (John Stowell) A.26, D.7, F.12 G.36, G.103, P.96 HANN, Brian F. HANSON, Al W. A.26, 0.221 E.130 HANDLER, Philip HANLEY, John W. HAMILTON, Sir James HAMLIN, Ronald C. K.14, K.16, K.17 G.83 A.14, A.15, A.65, G.29 0.106, 0.107, P.95 E:2 G.372 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents HANSON, (Emmeline) Jean HARBISON, Earle H. HARDIE, D. Grahame HARDIE, William Francis Ross HARDING, Marjorie HARDING, Nigel G.L. HARDMAN, Karl D. HARDY, Sir Alister (Clavering) HARKER, David HARPER, John Lander HARPER, Peter HARRINGTON, William F. HARRIS, Sir Henry A.12, P.97 K.21 G.232 Eva D.5, E.130, R.44, R.50 P.98 R.44 A.12, A.20, A.21 A.26, D.11, E.120, E.130 A.36 J.31 A.36, A.67, G.8 A.39 FE 14,6.104, E157, E161 F.36, K.11 Lesa la L.34, L.43, L.46, L.51 N.30 P.99, P.108, P.184, P.253 R.145 11, E143 18532 HARRIS, John leuan HARRISON, Stephen C. HARTLEY, Brian Selby HARRISON, Pauline May O54 0.218 R.80 E77, Ri20v, HARRISON, A. Victoria HARRISON, Brian H. HARRIS, Martin HARRIS, Tim J.R. HARRISON, Sir Richard (John) A.12, A.20 D.11,F.19, G.48, N.27, P.100 A.26, G.269, G.383, J.11 M.12, 0.189, P.101, R.146 0.151, 0.152 A.26, E.138, F.85, F.86, F.95 G.51,K.11, L.46, L.48, N.28 0.112, R.2 HASLEWOOD, Geoffrey Arthur Dering K.14 - K.21 0.218, 0.244 HART, Michael HARTE, Robert A. 0.218, 0.244, 0.258 A.16, G.11, P.102 A.21, A.34, L.34 P.294 HARVARD-MONSANTO HARVEY, lan A. E.130, K.11, R.143 J.1 HASCHEMEYER, Audrey E.V. HASNAIN, S. Samar D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents HASSEL, Odd HASTINGS, J. Woodland (Woody) HASTINGS, Max Macdonald HAY, Alan M. HAYES, William HAYES, William HAYWARD, John F.C. HAZEN, Edward E. (Ted) HEAD, John J. HEALEY, Peter HEARN, John P. HEATON, Eric William HEDLEY, Ron H. HEFFRON, James J.A. HEILBRON, John L. HELEN HAY WHITNEY FOUNDATION G.45 E.130, G.87, G.136 F.68 0.218 A.12, L.47 0.108 G.368 A.20, G.87, P.103 Balhae 74 0.68, 0.98 G.337, 0.23 E.169 0.142 G.241 F.37 E.120 F.91, F.92, G.267, G.430 M.8, M.9, M.10, M.12 HENSLEY, David HERMANS, Jan HESS, Benno HELLIWELL, John R. P.104 0.245 A.26, G.117, J.1 HENTON, Anthony I.P. HERBSTEIN, Frank H. HERRIOTT, Jon R. HERZIG, David J. E:168; 55 7 Ors HENDERSON, Richard A.37 G.401 P.294 G.11 HENDRICKSON, Wayne A. HESLOP-HARRISON, John HENDERSON, Sir William McGregor (Gregor) A.12 G.63, G.219, K.40, K.43 P279):P.202 HIGGINSON, Sir Gordon (Robert) A.39, R.44 F.85 HIGHFIELD, Roger HILL, David A.26, A.34, L.3, L.37 HESS, George P. HEY, Donald Holroyde HIGGINS, Chris F. 0.242, P.105 0.215 F.68 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents HILL, Hugh Allen Oliver HILL, June R. HILL, Robert L. HILL, Ronald W. HILLS, Sir Graham HILSUM, Cyril A.26, A.39, A.51 E.83, G.76, L.62 R.76 F.47, P.106 P.107 0.247 0.143 HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) A.12, A.20, E.2, E.6, G.50 HINDE, Robert Aubrey HINE, Ray HINZ, Hans-Jiirgen HIRS, C.H. Werner HIRSCH, Sir Peter (Bernhard) HIRSCHMANN, Ralph F. HOBSON, John D. A.36, A.48 G.81, G.285 G.216 G.59 A.20, A.44, E.168, L.6,L.11 0.112,0.143, 0.238, 0.241 P.108, R.154 E:122 G.124 0.243 Evt2o HOL, Wim G.J. HOLDGATE, Martin Wyatt HOCH, Paul HOCKADAY, T. Derek R. HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) A.26, L.1, L.31, P.109, R.44 E.8, P.294 E.124 HOFFMANN-LAROCHE LTD. HOFSCHNEIDER, Peter Hans HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot E.1/E:2,F.36, L:24, £55 P.28, P.64, P.110 See also F.44, G.412 D.2, D.13, D.14 E.3, G.48, K.12, L.55, N.37 Rite A.39, G.379, G.397, G.398 Pott HOLWELL, Peter HOPMANN, Rudolf HOPPE, Walter HOLLIDAY, Fred G.T. HOLLIDAY, Robin HOLMES, William HOLTZ) ir: G.72, G.99, K.11,K.40, P.113 A.44 L.48 G.50 0.243 G.43 HOLMES, Kenneth Charles K.11, K.40, K.42, K.43 0.1, 0.80, 0.220, 0.221 A.20, E.24, E.76 HODGSON, Peter E. HOPTHROW, Harry Ewart D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents HORECKER, Bernie L. HORN, Gabriel HORNE, Nigel W. HORTON, Eric W. HOSKINS, Brian John HOUGHTON, John Theodore HOWARD, James Griffiths HOWARD, Judith A.K. HOWARTH, Alan Thomas HOWELL, P. Lynne HOWELLS, Eric R. HOWLETT, Jack HUBER, Carol HUBER, Robert HUGHES, Anthony E. HUGHES, Philip A.16, A.36, G.86, P.114 0.215 0.218 N.4 0.218 0.241, 0.246 N.6 G.412, J.6 0.246 F.92 A.12 A.26, M.6, P.115 A.39 A.39, F.81, F.95, F.96 G.309, P.116 0.258, 0.260 E.130 J.45, N.7, P.294 HUXLEY, Hugh Esmor HUTCHINSON, Franklin HUMPHREYS, Colin J. HURRELL, John G.R. HUMPHREY, John Herbert 0.44, 0.45 G.193 Roi; h.25) HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) A.34, A.36, G.423, N.25, N.37 P.113, P.294 A.20, A.26, A.36, A.39, A.67 Lele S214) 15 3256.37 N.22, P.97, P.287 K.23 IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN (ILL) G.35 R.107 F.83 INGRAM, Rupert H. INSTITUT DE LA VIE Reus. P.119 G.230, P.118 E.76, G.338 ILES, John F. IMAHORI, Kazutomo IBBEKEN, Hillert IBM ICI G.70, G.91, K.22 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (loP) P.120 A.6, A.12, A.26, F.73 G.1, G.10, G.16, G.71, G.81 G.100, G.131, G.144, G.152 G.355 J.32 - J.37 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS A.20, F.74 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY (IUB) INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (IUCr) INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS (IUPAB) Previously INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR PURE AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS (IOPAB) INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL G.35 - G.37, G.77, G.78, G.116 G.176, G.259 R.134 G.3A, G.9, G.24, G.103, G.104 G.117, G.158 - G.160, G.240 G.387, G.393, G.401 K.24 - K.29 G.13, G.26, G.62, G.157 G.197, G.290 - G.297, G.391 K.30 - K.37 G.49, G.74, G.93, G.327 G.389 R.107A JACKSON, John B.H. JACKSON, Robert Victor F.72, F.102, G.335 0.28 IRL PRESS IVERSEN, Leslie Lars JACK, David JACK, Julian J.B. P.123 A.44 J.17, J.18, J.19, J.20, J.21 J.22, J.23, J.24 0.239, 0.240 0.5, 0.121, 0.122, 0.123 0.192, 0.193, 0.197, 0.244 0.247, 0.260 A.51, G.146, G.216, K.5 P.68, P.294 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL LTD. JACROT, Bernard JAENICKE, Lothar A.53 K.23 £375 K.40, K.42 E.130, G.382, P.122, R.50 0.12 P.121 JACOBSON, Carl-Olof JAMES, Michael Norman George JANIS JANSONIUS, J.N. (Hans) D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents JANSZ, Hendrik S. JARDETZKY, Oleg JATON, Jean-Claude JEANLOZ, Roger W. JEAVONS, Alan Paul JEFFERIS, Roy JEFFERY, Jonathan d’Ardern JELLICOE, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl JENCKS, William P. JENKIN OF RODING, Charles Patrick Fleeming, Baron JENKIN, John G. JENNESS, Robert JENNINGS, David H. JENSEN, Lyle H. JEPSON, John B. G.189 E.132, F.95, G.59, P.294 P.124 G.367 P.125 G.171 P.126 0.14, 0.29 F.95 0.25 len P.128 0.192 C.52, F.80 G.116, G.131, G.173 P.129, P.214 G.68 G.91 P.245 E.128 G.225 A.22 0.245, 0.246 JERNE, Niels Kaj JINKS, John Leonard JOHN, Robert A. JOHNS, David J. JOHNSON, Brian JOHNSON, Louise Napier O12 R132 £'31;,6:100) E4106;E-116 £:124°6:138; £161, £:171 F.19, F.36, F.47, F.91, F.97 G.103, G.173, G.430 J.18, J.41, K.11 1:97 1.55; 57E-62 P.28, P.80, P.108, P.118 P.130, P.131, P.160, P.181, P.261,.R:279 R.99, R.146 A.39, F.90, G.89, G.264 K.40, K.42, P.64, P.131 A.12, E.14, E.24, E.26 L.9, L.40, M.1 JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) (Tim) JONES, Alun Denry Wynn E.136 P.294 JOLLIFFE, Christopher G.272, R.119 - R.121 JOHNSON, D. Gale JOLLES, Pierre JONES, Alwyn D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents JONES, Sir Harold Spencer JONES, J.G. Watkin JORNVALL, Hans JOSEPH, Keith Sinjohn, Baron D.4 G.318 G.313 A.67 0.1, 0.98, 0.100, 0.121 0.122, 0.140 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY JOYNSON, Michael A. JUDGE, Harry George F.76 Bae, F.78 F.79 - F.81 F.82 A.26, G.406 J.41 KAGI, J. G.216 A.39, G.267 KARLSON, Peter KARTHA, Gopinath KAISER, Emil Thomas KALB, A. Joseph KARPAS, Abraham KARPLUS, Martin KAMITSUBO, H. KANDLER, Otto KARLE, Jerome E.128 K.47 K.42 KARNOVSKY, Manfred L. G.176 G.87 P.134 A.22, E.130, E.131 G.265, P.133 A.26 A.20, A.26 7s 1324-34, 5:58 G.145, G.237, G.293 P.135 KATCHALSKI-KATZIR, Ephraim KATCHALSKY, Aharon P.213 K.30 P.230 KATO, Norio KATZ, Sir Bernard KAUZMANN, Walter KAY, Sir Andrew Watt K.49, P.136 F.95, G.142 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents KEAY, Ronald William John KEIL, Boja KEIR, Hamish M. KELL, Douglas B. KELLENBERGER, Edward KELLY, Anthony KELLY, Tom KEMP, Michael B. KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) A.20, G.129, P.140 G.340, G.391, G.394, P.141 KENNEDY, J.A.G. KENNER, George Wallace 0.218 A.68 K.11 KENT, Paul W. KEYNAN, Alex KENNY, Sir Anthony John Patrick KENNARD, Olga (Lady Bergen) A.12, A.26, A.36, A.39, A.44 F.95, G.23, G.227, G.240 J.6, J.14, J.33, J.40 K.26, K.27 L.20, N.50, P.139 A.20, D.13, G.227, P.24 A.20, G.290, G.293, K.31 L.4, L.31, L.49 KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman KING, Jim N. KING, Ronald KILBURN, Tom KIM, Sung-Hou 0.112 G.271 tt P.142 KIDD, Charles V. KIERKEGAARD, Peder KEYNES, Richard Darwin A.26, G.219 7, ed el 4 17S L.32, L.33, L.34, L.49, L.61 L.62 0.12, 0.55, 0.124, 0.192 0.247 G.53 0.116, 0.190 0.215, 0.218 K.4, K.40, K.42 F.37, 0.189, 0.243 0.218 N.37, N.64 A.20, A.26, A.34, A.36, A.39 A.44 G52. Ei; E:2 F.8, F.14, F.36, F.79, F.80 F.81, F.95 G.13, H.37 K.11, K.12, K.13, K.31 L.6, L.47, L.55 N.33, N.34, 0.140 P.28, P3137, P.138 G.117, G.185, P.294 G.103, G.131, G.144 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents KINGMAN, Sir John (Frank Charles) KINGSMAN, Alan J. KINGSMAN, Susan M. KIPLING, Jeff KIRKMAN, Charles A. KISELEV, Nikolai KLIMEK, Miros KLOTZ, Irving M. KLUG, Sir Aaron A.34, A.44 G.134, G.254, K.8 E11, E352 E736 0.15, 0.16, 0.41, 0.42, 0.55 0.58, 0.98, 0.106, 0.118 0.128, 0.143, 0.148, 0.253 P.279 0.112, R.51 ©At2 7 Risa 0.218, 0.234 J.5, J.15, J.16 N.1, N.2, N.3, N.5, N.6, N.7 N.18, N.19, N.31, N.32, N.42 N.55, N.59, N.60 A.66 A.51 F.95, P.143 A.20, A.39, C.52, F.79 L.6; E18 P.113, P.144, R.2 KLUGER, Ronald H. KNIGHT, C.S. G.183, P.138 G.184 0.218 E.128 KNOWLES, Peter F. KLYNE, William KNAPMAN, Roger KNOWLES, Jeremy Randall KNILL, Sir John (Lawrence) A.44 0.5, 0.36, 0.37, 0.118 0.119, 0.124, 0.214, 0.218 A.36, A.39, A.51 D9; E.195;.£.168 F.19, F.95, G.53, G.219 L.18, L.48, L.49, L.55, L.59 P.145, R.1 0.110, P.146, R.26 A.17, A.26 F.85, F.86, F.87 G.345, G.372 L.13, L.32, L.33, L.45, L.46 L.53 KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) G.246 K.27 F.86 KNOX, Kerro KODICEK, Egon KOENIG, Donald F. KOETZLE, Thomas F. KOFFLER, Murray B. G.11, P.294 P.139 K.49 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents KOSHLAND, Daniel Edward KOTANI, Masao KRATKY, Christoph KRAUT, Joseph KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KREBS, John Richard KRETSINGER, Robert Harvey KRONMAN, Martin J. KUHN, Klaus KUHN, Nicholas J. KURTI, Nicholas F.81, F.95 G.47, G.93, P.147 G.197 E.130, P.294 P.148 E.2, E.6, L.43, L.59, P.194 E.138, G.338 F.109, P.149 P.150 K.39, K.40 P.151 A.26, L.31 LACK, David Lambert LAMB, Joseph Fairweather A.12, E.24 J.44, 0.190, 0.245 P1562; R200 LEACH, Syd J. LANGFORD, J. lan LANGRIDGE, Robert LAYTON, Derek G. LAZDUNSKI, Michel LATNER, A.L. LAW, Harry D. A.20, A.26, A.44 G.263, J.6, R.52 G.11 P.153 A.32 LASKOWSKI, Michael P.154 P.155 P.180 LANG, Andrew Richard LEADBETTER, Alan James R.108 - R.110 LEHRER, Sherwin S. (Sam) LEVERHULME TRUST 0.151, 0.218, 0.259 0.218 P.24 0.33 L.18, L.45 G.22, P.294 P.40 F.86, J.24 LENNON, Derek C. LENNOX, Edwin S. LEDWITH, A. LEE, Sir Kenneth LEGGETT, Jeremy K. LEHMANN, Hermann LEONIS, J. LERNER, Richard A. G.41A G.361 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents LEVINE, Michael LEVITT, Michael LEVVY, G.A. LEWIS, Dan LEWIS, David LEWIS, Geoffrey LEWIS, Jack, Baron LEWIS, T.John LIANG, Dong-cai LIEBECQ, Claude LIEBMAN, Michael N. LIENHARD, Gustav E. LIFSON, Shneior LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LILJAS, Anders LILLEY, Derek M.J. P.156 Gi2t6.P157 P.158 R.63 G.144 A.26 G.97, G.114, G.126, G.127 A.44, P.98 E.130 Rabo G.95 E.130 P.160 P.138, P.157 0.148, 0.190, 0.193, R.46 P.254 E.134 LIPSCOMB, William Nunn LIPSON, Henry Solomon 0.218 0.215 0.41, 0.142 LILLFORD, Peter J. LINDLEY, Peter F. LIPMAN, Norman H. LISLE, J.C. LISS, Peter S. G.11, G.51, G.53, G.302 P.161 A.12, A.20, A.26, A.66 E.131, F.3, F.35, F.49, F.50 G.191, L.42, L.46, L.56 Riz6eP273Pu027 L.O7; LLEWELLYN-SMITH, Christopher Hubert LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LOMER, William Michael (Mick) 0.40, 0.245 A.26, A.44 LLOYD, June (Kathleen), Dame LONSDALE, Kathleen, Dame P.162 0.197 0.218 P.294 LORD, Richard C. LORIMER, George Huntly A.26, F.40, G.227, K.23 G.142, G.143 A.12, G.48, P.89 G.368 G.390 LIQUORI, Alfonso M. LOEUR, Gilda H. LONSDALE, Anne D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents LOVE, Warner E. LOWE, Christopher R. LOWE, Gordon LOWENSTEIN, Otto Egon LOWEY, Susan LOWY, Jack LUBORSKY, Samuel W. LUSH, Brandon LUST, R. LUZZATI, Vittorio LYNDEN-BELL, Donald LYNTON, Harry LYON, Mary Frances LYSTER, Richard L.J. D.5 0.218 A.26, A.44 D.9, G.51, L.62, P.60 E17, A.65 A.12, E.105 E.134 A.12, E.2, G.12, G.41, R.69 K.38, K.39, K.40, K.42 F23,:81, beeto R.124 E.134 A.36 E.130, P.163 McCRAE, Malcolm McCRORIE, Peter McDOWELL, M.R.C. E.67, G.338 McANUFF, John W. McAULEY, Alex McBEAN, Gordon A. McCLEVERTY, Jon A. D.15, D.123 G.67 McFARLAND, David J. A.67 G.256 K.8 G.279 McCULLOCH, Jim S.G. 0.246 0.218 E.128 McCREA, Sir William (Hunter) F.40 MACFARLANE, Alistair George James McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY McINTYRE, Michael Edgeworth A.26, G.222, G.276, G.399 MACKAY, Alan Lindsay P.164 P.165 G52 F.83 0.248 0.119, 0.243 A.26, L.3, L.57 MACFARLANE, Gwyn McGANDY, Ed L. MACGREGOR, John MACHIN, Pella MACKENZIE, C.J. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents McKENZIE, Hugh A. McLACHLAN, Andrew David McLAREN, Anne Laura, Dame McMULLEN, A.I. MADDISON, Peter J. MADDOX, John Royden MAHONEY, Richard J. MAKI, August H. MAKINEN, Marvin W. MALMSTROM, Bo G. MALPAS, Robert MANDELSTAM, Joel MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph P.166 E.130, F.92A A.20, L.31, L.47, L.48 N.4, N.5, N.6, N.7, 0.238 P.167 G.417 F.93, G.142, H.13 Ral 2aR 11 K.20 P.295 G.78 P.67, P.84, P.147, P.295, R.43 G.45, G.116, P.279, R.19 0.247 A.12, A.26, F.85 L.11, L.34 P.108, P.168, P.174 L.47 F.86 A.44, 0.142, 0.143 MANSFIELD, Sir Peter MAQUAT, Lynne MARCH, Norman Henry MANNERS, David J. MANNING, Geoff MARSH, J.T. MARSDEN, John MARK, Kai-Keung MARKL, Hubert MAROIS, Maurice MARSH, D. John 0.107 P.295 G.300 G.103 0.244 L.33, 0.14, 0.119 G.51, G.54, G.142, G.143 J.5, J.26 MARSHALL OF GORING, Walter Charles, Baron MARTIN, Benjamin Raymond MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MASLEN, Edward (Ted) N. E.130, E.134, R.44, R.53 E.100 F.40 0.247 £23, B24, £27 A.12, P.169 G.245, P.295 0.149, 0.238, 0.241 MARVIN, Donald A. MASEFIELD, Geoffrey B. MASON, Sir (Basil) John MARSHALL, Robin D. G.70, G.91, K.22 0.98 - 0.105 ee? 6 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents MASON, J. Stanley MASON, Sir Ronald MASSIE, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson MATHER, Paul M. MATHIAS, Anthony P. MATHIAS, Peter MATHIESON, Alexander McL (Sandy) MATTHEWS, Brian W. MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MAUNDER, Leonard MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT INSTITUT FUR BIOCHIMIE MAXWELL, (lan) Robert 0.218 A.12, A.20, A.26, G.207 L.47, L.48, L.61, N.5 0.109, 0.221, P.170 F.36 0.218 G.20A, G.25, G.78, G.95, J.1 A.44, 0.12, 0.40, 0.50, 0.110 A.26, E.137 K.24, K.25, K.26, K.27 A.39, A.51 G.173, G.239, P.172 L.36 A.17, A.20, A.26 P.19, R.23 0.218 G.42, K.38 - K.44 J.14 MAY, L. MEDFORD, R.D. MAY, Robert McCredie MAYNARD SMITH, John MEADOW, Henry C. 11; 13/6.31,b.48, P:295 K.14, K.15, K.16, K.17, K.19 MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) F.23 A.9 E.2, E.97, E.98, E.99, E.101 E.102, E.103, E.105, E.106 E107, 2110, al l4 se 11s E.119 G.41, G.50, G.141, G.342 G.357 J.15, J.16 N.1 - N.64, 0.26 - 0.30 R.69 - R.83 MEDICAL AND TECHNICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD. (MTP) MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) E.132, P.295 A.36, K.21 MELLANBY, Jane MELLOR, D. Hugh MEGAW, Helen D. MEHLER, Alan H. MEISTER, Alton A.20, F.84 - F.87 E.128 P.173 A.26 E.128 F.40 L.32 G.257 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 index of correspondents MERCK SHARP & DOHME MERRISON, Sir Alec (Alexander Walter) MESSEL, Harry METCALFE, Jim C. METCALFE, John C. MEYER, Edgar F. MICHAEL, Sir Peter (Colin) MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MICHELSON, A. Michael MIDDLETON, Sir Peter (Edward) MIDGLEY, E. Graham MILDVAN, Albert S. MILES, Caroline Mary MILLEDGE, H. Judith MILLER, Andrew E.122 A.26, O.1 G.94 F.86, G.257, P.295 L.4 A.39, K.29, R.44 0.84, 0.144, P.174 A.26, A.36, F.74, G.177 G.66 0.224 A.17 G.219, G.389, G.390, P.295 G.351 D.6, G.125, G.204, R.3, R.119 A.51, E.168, E.171 G.226, G.227, G.332, G.419 K.12, K.23 L.18, L.62, 0.215 0.112 ran bAs: MILLER, Peter MILLER, Stewart C. MILLS, Owen S. MILNE, W.I. L.61 G.338 0.218 E.130, G.131, G.169, P.175 MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MILLER, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre A.26, A.44, G.231 0.1,.0.6, 0.17, 0.180.149 0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.58, 0.108 0.112,0.118, 0.128, 0.135 0.183, 0.186, 0.193, 0.226 P.245, P.287 D.6 MITCHISON, Nicholas Avrion MITCHISON, John Murdoch MOFFAT, Keith MOLE, Robin H. A.26, L.34, L.36 G.357, N.7, N.33 K.47 P.138 K.47 N.14 Pil77 MONOD, Jacques MONTGOMERY, H. MIYAKAWA, Katsu MIYAZAWA, T. MITCHELL, Peter Dennis MIYAZIMA, Tatsuoki G.430, P.295 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents MOODY, Michael F. MOORE, Geoffrey Robert MOORE, John E. MOORE, Mary MOORE, Moreton MOORE, Stanford MORFFEW, Andy MORGAN, Walter Thomas James MORITA, Yuhei MORLEY, David W. MORLEY, John S. MORRIS, D.R. MORRIS, David MORRIS, Sir (James) Richard (Samuel) E.134 R.55 G.433 E.14 G.267, G.279, G.315, J.6 F.95, G.176, G.265 P.118 A.26 E.130 F.59 G.177, G.299, G.307, G.311 G.321, G.351 E.130, G.48 0.218 G.119 A.34, A.44 0.3, 0.5, 0.17, 0.119, 0.184 E.134 Gal87, G:159-R178 0.259, 0.260 A.26, E.130 MORRIS, Shirley J. MOUNTFORD, Carolyn MOVYLE, Jennifer MOTTRAM, Richard MOULT, John MURRAY, James Dickson MUIRHEAD, Hilary MULVEY, John H. K.23 F.80 A.26 L.31 MUIR, Isabella Helen Mary MOSER, Carl MOSSBAUER, Richard L. G.29, K.45, L.8 NARIN, Francis NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (WASHINGTON) NAIRNE, Sir Patrick (Dalmahoy) G.219, M.3, P.179 J.44, 0.40, 0.190 G.357 E.134 A.44, 0.243 G.349 MURRAY, Sir Kenneth MURRAY-RUST, Peter MURRELL, William G. A.35, A.36, F.88 - F.92A 237 16, E19 E.131, P.295 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD FOR LOCAL AUTHORITY 0.54 HIGHER EDUCATION (NAB) NATIONAL FUND FOR RESEARCH INTO CRIPPLING R.111 DISEASES NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES (BEIJING) K.46 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL (NERC) A.44, 0.31 - 0.37 NATURE NATURE AMERICA NEEDHAM, A.E. (Bob) NEIDLE, Stephen NEIL, Eric NEILANDS, J.B. NEILL, Sir (Francis) Patrick NELMES, Richard J. NEMETHY, George NESSA, Qamrun F.20, F.93 F.94 E.24 G.137 F.99 A.14 A.40, A.44 G.227 P.138, P.180 E.128 NEUBERGER, Albert A.20, A.26, D.11 F.64, F.69, F.86 J.31, L.33, P.181 G.120 K.40 NEUHOFF, V. NEUMANN, Eberhard NEURATH, Hans NEVILLE, A Charles NEVILLE, Adam NEWBOULD, Brian B. NEWBY, Howard Joseph E20 0.218 0.215 A.36, A.40, F.54, F.55, F.95 G.51, G.53, G.389, G.396 P3182, P-273 C.52 A.67, K.8 0.21, 0.33, 0.34, 0.46, 0.80 0.81, 0.109, 0.128, 0.131 0.158, 0.218, 0.238 0.9, 0.49, 0.118, 0.124 0.214, 0.218 NICHOLSON, Sir Robin (Buchanan) NICHOLSON, Bruce Heywood NEWSHOLME, Eric A. NEWTON, Guy F. NIXON, William Charles NISSENBAUM, Arie A.51, E.24, P.295 D.6 G.227, P.183, R.39 K.49 0.112 NOBBS, Chris D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents NOBLE, David NOBLE, Denis NOBLE, Sir Fraser NONHEBEL, Derek C. NORTH, Anthony Charles Thomas NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION (NATO) NORTHUMBERLAND, Hugh Algernon Percy, 10th Duke of NORTON, R. Christopher J.16, N.38, N.40 F.101, J.44,L.14 A.18 G.289 A.20 E.42, E.97, E.98, E.99, E.168 F316 617, 6.50, F102 G.109, G.170, G.227, G.236 G.290, G.291, G.294, G.315 J.4, J.38, J.39 K.11, L.62, M.3 P.28, P.138, P.184, P.221 R.4, R.146 E.116, G.389, R.134 R.71 A.26, A.27 N.1, N.3, N.4, N.5, N.6, N.7 N.11, N.25, N.62 R.71 NOSSAL, Sir Gustav (Joseph Victor) A.36 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION A.13, D.15, E.4, E.123, J.38 R.112-R.114A (OSTI) OFFORD, Robin Ewart E.129 R.157 G.19, G.39 NUNN, A.J. NYBURG, Stan C. NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) OAKESHOTT, Sir Walter (Fraser) OFFICE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION J.39, J.40 E.128, G.86, G.106, G.107 A.51, E.56, E.78, E.168, E.169 F.19, F.86, F.90, J.18 OGSTON, Alexander George A.44 E.142, L.46 P.185 ORMROD, Sir Roger OSSERMAN, Elliott F. A.13, A.20, P.295 A.14, G.11 O’GRADY, Francis William E23, 625..bi27) oe O’KONSKI, Chester R. OLDHAM, J.W.H. ONCLEY, J. Lawrence ORD, Margery G. P.184 L.14 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents O’SULLIVAN, William J. OTEEY,a.R: OTTESEN, Martin OURISSON, Guy OVCHINNIKOV, Yuri A. OWEN, Samuel Griffith OWSTON, Philip G. OXBURGH, Sir (Ernest) Ronald OXFORD SCHOOLS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OXFORD SEEDCORN CAPITAL FUND OXFORD TRUST OXFORD UNIVERSITY E.128 G.335 R.134 J.14 G.400, G.401 A.26, N.1, N.7, N.37, R.72 A.13, G.186, J.32, J.35, P.186 0.3 J.41 J.42 J.43 Br 36.173 G.27, G.62, G.167, G.186 G.221, G.231,G.244, G.266 G.273, G.300, G.301,G.314 G.329, G.338 OXFORD UNIVERSITY DELEGACY FOR EXTRA-MURAL STUDIES / DEPARTMENT FOR EXTERNAL STUDIES G.97, G.114, G.121, G.126 G.127, G.140, G.162, G.278 G.325, G.339 PACKARD, Michael PAINE, Christopher H. F.17 G.430 0.107, 0.108 E.134, G.130, G.286, L.4,R.1 PAI, Emil F. PAIN, Roger H. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS F.16, F.17, F.44, F.46 F.95 - F.97 A.27 PARLIAMENTARY AND SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PATON, Sir (Thomas) Angus (Lyall) PARKES, Sir Edward (Walter) E.130 0.243 G.387 PARRY, David A.D. PARRY, George S. A.34, A.44, P.252, R.33, R.58 PALECEK, Emil PALFREYMAN, John PANDIT, Upendra K. PAPPER, E.M. PASTERNAK, Charles A. 0.66, 0.67 A.51 J.32 A.27, A.44, P.187 G.327, G.395, G.396 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents PATON, Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) A.13, A.20, A.27, A.44 E.128, L.14 PATTEN, John Haggitt Charles PATTENDEN, Gerry PATTERSON, Elizabeth Knight PATTIE, Sir Geoffrey (Edwin) PATTISON, J.R. PAUL, John PAULING, Peter Jeffress PEACOCKE, Arthur Robert PEARCE, Robert Penrose (Robin) PEART, Sir (William) Stanley PEASE, Rendel Sebastian (Bas) PECKHAM, Michael J. PEERDEMAN, AF. PENNEY OF EAST HENDRED, William George, Baron PENTREATH, R.J. A.33, A.44, 0.2 0.215 G.205, G.304 0.80, 0.84 0.218 F.85, F.86 P.188 P.189 M.6 Leaieé {52 G.414 K.27 A.17 0.218 PERGAMON PRESS LTD. F.14, F.98, F.101 PERKINS, Stephen J. PERLMANN, Gertrude E. PEPINSKY, Ray PEPPER, Gordon PEPYS, Mark B. PERHAM, Richard Nelson K.25 0.218 P.295 0.21 PERRINS, Christopher Miles PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert) Charles A.27, A.44, A.51 G.143, G.153, G.216, G.219 L.55, P.190, R.57 L.62, 0.189 A.13, A.40, C.52, C.56 Dili b:2;.0 F.8, F.12, F.14, F.36, F.46 F.95, F.96 G.9, G.18, G.34, G.72, G.90 G.91, G.224, G.227, G.356 K.11, L6, L9, L.18, L-42, L55 N.1, N.19, N.22, N.30, 0.118 P.64, P.113, P.194, R.140 A.44, E:24;.6.25,5.27, 6.67, G.338, L.13, L.14, P.295 PERRY, Samuel Victor PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand P.191 P.192 A.20, L.61, P.193, R.3 PERUTZ, Robin N. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents PETERS, David Keith PETHIG, Ronald PETICOLAS, Warner L. PETSKO, Gregory A. PFEIFFER, John E. PHELPS, Charles E. PHILLIPS, Charles Garrett PHILLIPS, David PHILLIPS, Don I. PHILLIPSON, John PHIZACKERLEY, Patrick J.R. PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS PIEZ, Karl A. PINKERTON, Jean Mary Hamilton PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PITMAN PUBLISHING P.195 P.196 G.216 A.27, F.19, G.430, P.67, P.77 G.372 E.133, R.2 A.13, A.20, L.17, P.108 G.212, G.407 0.168 A.27, L.58 E.20, P.259 F.99 P.197 C.52; P:198 F.40, P.45 F.100 PLASTOW, Sir David (Arnold Stuart) PORTER, Ruth 0.30 A:274,.:2 G.34, G.389 A.13, L.47, N.33, P.201 PONZI, Dagmar Ringe POOLEY, Derek PORTER, George, Baron A.27, C.60, F.19, P.198 POGSON, Christopher I. POLANI, Paul Emanuel POLJAK, Roberto J. G.142, P.64, P.200, R.47 POLLARD, Raymond T. POLLOCK, Martin Rivers 0.243 L.3 L.20 0.239 PONTECORVO, Guido PONTREMOLI, Sandro J.5, J.26, J.27, J.28, J.29 A.13, A.20, A.27, A.40, A.44 A.66, A.67 D.2, D.14, D.15 F.36, G.224, G.309, J.5, K.8 L.32, L.33, L.57 0.55, 0.56, 0.83, 0.118, 0.193 A.36, F.85, E.46, E.168, G.258 K.40, K.42, L.31, L.34, L.62 ©. 1:12; P1108, P.195; 202 A.27 G.65, G.163, G.192, G.218 G.226, G.227, G.252, G.269 PORTER, Rodney Robert PORTER, Robert We Wf D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents PORTERFIELD, James POSNER, Michael Vivian POST, Carol B. POSTE, George POSTGATE, John Raymond POTTER; R: POTTS, Malcolm POWELL, Gillian M. POWELL, J. POWLES, Ray PRATT, Andy J. PRESS, Frank PRESTON, Reginald Dawson PRICE, Christopher PRIGOGINE, Ilya, Vicomte PRINGLE, John William Sutton A.27 0.15, 0.46, 0.98 P.203 0.218 A.27, L.34, 0.22 K.27 0.124 G.333 A.27 G.177 E.128 K.45, L.3 D.8, R.4, R.33, R.88 0.190 K.48 E264. 667E:20;E:56;6.76 E.126, P.245 PTITSYN, Oleg Borisovich PRYCE, Robert J. PRZYBYLSKA, Maria 0.65 F.101 P.204 PROUT, C. Keith PRYCE, G. Terry PROTEIN ENGINEERING 0.218 0.218 P.206 G.131, G.185, G.186, P.118 PROTHERO, John (Jack) W. PRIOR, James Michael Leathes, Baron PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY L.49, L.50, 0.243 G.216, G.295, G.335 L.33, P.207 PUTTICK, Keith PYKE, David A. PYKE, Magnus F.45 A.13, A.65 PULLMAN, Bernard PURNELL, J. Howard QASBA, Pradman K. QUAYLE, John Rodney F.102, G.335 G.274, P.208 A.54A G.177 2 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents QUIOCHO, Florante A. QURASHI, Mazhar M. G.303, P.209 A.13, L.39, P.210 RABIN, B. Robert RACKER, Ephraim RADDA, George Karoly RAE, Allan A.S. RAFTERY, Michael Augustine RAISMAN, John M. RAMACHANDRAN, Gopalasamudram Narayana RAMAGE, Robert RAMANADHANM, M. RAMASESHAN, Sivaraj F.95, G.25, G.48, L.17, N.6 F.85 A.51, E.136, G.142, G.177 L565, O12; P24 A.27, A.45 bop Rete G.400 G.6, G.24, L.3 P.137, P.138, P.213, P.277 G.419 P.214 F.41, G.240, P.215 RAMSAY, David J. G.121 A.13, A.27, K.23, R.44, R.108 READ, Colin M. RAPHAEL, Ralph Alexander RASMUSSEN, Svend Erik RATCLIFFE, John (Jack) Ashworth A.20, A.45, J.14, 0.112 0.215, 0.218 RANDALL, Sir John (Turton) RANDLE, Sir Philip (John) RAPLEY, Chris G. RASHBASS, Barbara A.27, N.6, N.7 R.79, R.119 - R.125 A.20, A.51, F.86 N:1,N.5, N.7, N.18, N.19, N.32, P.279 P.218 A.45, G.122, L.52, N.43 0.18, 0.19, 0.26, 0.28, 0.29 0.30, 0.112, 0.120, 0.190 0.193, 0.214, 0.217,0.218 0.226, 0.258, 0.259 P.217, R.146 A.40, A.47, E.31, E.171, F.102 G.335, G.417 G.193, P.216 F.36, F.41 0.258 0.42, 0.226 REECE, Sir Charles (Hugh) REES, Anthony Robert REES, Charles Wayne REES, Sir David Allan (Dai) L.24, 0.122 RERAT, Claude D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents REYNOLDS, George T. RICE, David RICH, Alexander RICHARDS, Brian RICHARDS, Frederic Middlebrook RICHARDS, Graham RICHARDS, John H. (Jack) RICHARDS, R.W. RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) RICHARDS, Sarah (Sally) W. L.62, P.295 O25 A.27, A.36, A.40 G.65, G.87, P.219 0.218, 0.242 A.27, A.36, A.40, E.168 F.80, F.86, F.92, F.95, F.96 G.8, G.22, G.93, G.106, G.159 G.252, K.34 P.220 - P.222, P.251, P.255 See also A.52, G.427 Pel; lee R.43, R.44 0.218 A.13, A.20, E.13, E.168 G.76, L.9, L.52 0.6, 0.107, 0.239 P.223, R.109, R.110 P:220, P:222 RICHARDS, W. Graham RICHARDSON, Martin J. R.59 G.335 RICHMOND, Timothy J. R.75 G.38 K.47 RIEMERSMA, J.C. RIGLER, Rudolf RILEY, Patrick A. RILEY, Sir Ralph RICHMOND, Sir Mark (Henry) G.261, G.313, G.403 K.30, P.224 RIKEN FRONTIER RESEARCH PROGRAM (JAPAN) A.45, A.67, L.7, L.49 0.44, 0.45, 0.198, 0.212 0.218, 0.250, 0.259, 0.260 R.35 G.424 A.27, A.36, A.45 El glo) eat 0.1, 0.6, 0.21, 0.22, 0.109 0.115,0.221,0.223, 0.252 0.253 0.108, 0.244, 0.245, 0.246 ROBERTS, Derek Harry ROBERTS, Gareth Gwyn RITCHIE, Donald Andrew RITCHIE, Joseph Murdoch K.40 L.47 0.43, 0.218 C.26, C.34, C.58 RINGERTZ, Nils R. RIVERS, Paul S. A.13, A.27, E.129 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents ROBERTS, Gordon Carl Kenmure F.89, F.92A, G.174, G.216 ROBERTS, K.V. ROBERTS, Paul Harry ROBERTSON, John H. ROBERTSON, John M. ROBERTSON, John M. ROBERTSON, John M. ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINS, A. Brian ROBINSON, F. Arnold ROBINSON, Garth ROBINSON, Geoffrey Walter ROBINSON, Michael H. ROBSON, Barry F.65 L.37 A.27, A.66 F.37, F.41, F.50, F.97 G.131, G.144, G.185, G.227 J.33, J.34, J.35 G.48 G.322 0.82 D.6, F.41, F.84, P.28, R.3 P.295 A.20 A.27 A.45, 0.205, 0.218, 0.236 G.177 E134, P.157 E.84, E.105 ee P.225 G.105, 0.241 0.259 A.51 RODGER, Chris RODGERS, Philip S. RODRIGUEZ, Rosalia ROE, Anthony M. A.13, A.40, D.6, D.12 ROITH, Oscar ROLLETT, John S. ROOT, Keith D.J. ROSE, David A.13, D.14 A.67 ROGERS, Don ROGERS, M.A.T. ROOKE, Sir Denis (Eric) E71, 2:97,.E.128 G.186, J.39 K.28, P.64, P.100, P.227 A.27, A.36, A.40, A.45, A.51 C.52, F.81, G.173, G.219 ROSSI-FANELLI, Alessandro ROSS, Sir James Paterson ROSENBERG, Harry Max A.35 K.4 G.14 G.87 G.77 ROSSMANN, Michael G. ROSE, Irwin (Ernie) A. ROSENBLITH, Walter A. ROSENBUSCH, Jirg P. F.19, G.219, P.226 A.27, E.74 A.45, G.384, 0.53 ROSS, John D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents ROSSOTTI, Francis J.C. ROTHFIELD, Lawrence L. ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROTT, R. ROWATT, M. Elizabeth ROWE, Albert Percival ROWE, Arthur J. ROWLINSON, John Shipley ROY, Polly ROY, Rustum ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL SOCIETY 0.112 F.85 0.109 K.42 P.228 F.41 E.133 A.33, A.51,L.55, 0.112, R.44 A.45, L.62, P.295 0.192 A.8, A.27, A.45, A.54 D.1 - D.16 G.15, G.212, G.224 - G.228 G.281, G.309 A.11-A.13, A.20, A.21,F.33 G.18, G.21, G.51 - G.54 G.142 - G.143, G.195, G.207 G.219 - G.220, G.251, G.258 G.269, G.290, G.299, G.360 G.364, G.430, G.432 L.1 -L.62, 0.55, 0.56 RUFFLES, P.C. RYDON, H.N. RUTTER, A. Jack RUTTER, William J. 0.218 P.295 E.128 0.32 RUPLEY, John Allen RUMEN, Nevenka M. RYMAN, Brenda Edith RUMBALL, Sylvia Sheat RUNCORN, Stanley Keith F.15, G.18, G.106, G.139 P.60, P.229 K.25 G.193, G.392, G.394 E.133 E.128 G.118 G.188 A.40 G.401 G.103 SACKMANN, E. SADANAGA, R. SABINE, Peter SACHS, Leo SAHA, N.N. SAITO, Yoshihiko A.13, A.27 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents SAKABE, Kiwako SAKABE, Noriyoshi SALAM, Abdus SALATA, Ted SALTON, Milton Robert James SAMMES, Peter G. SAMRAOUI, B. SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert SANGER, Frederick SANGER, Ruth Ann (Mrs. R.R. Race) SARMA, Ramaswamy H. SARMA, V. Raghuparthy SASADA, Yoshio SASISEKHARAN, Viswanathan SAUL, Samuel Berrick SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE A.27, P.230 A.27, P.230 A.13, A.20, A.21, A.40, A.68 G.46 H.37, P.296 A.27, G.143, G.387, L.3 G.56 P.245 A.27, E.2 K.11, L.46, L.47 A.27 G.238, G.400, G.402, P.231 G.305 G.103 G.306, P.232 0.192 J.44 SAYRE, David K.4, K.6, K.7, K.42 G.394 E.130, G.367, P.138 SCANE, James G. A.27, A.45, P.233 G.191 SCHATZ, Gottfried SCHECHTER, Alan N. SCHELLMAN, John A. SAWYER, Lindsay SAXON, Richard G. A.32, R.6, R.20 G.59, G.271 SCHERAGA, Harold Abraham SCHACHMAN, Howard Kapnek F.44, G.185, G.240, G.285 P.234 K.42, P.62 A.36, F.47, F.95 P.138, P.235, R.44 SCHNEIDERMAN, Howard A. SCHOMBERG, Michael G. SCHWARTZ, A. Truman K.15 G.343 0.44 P.64 K.50 E.134 E.133 SCHWARTZ, Arnold SCHWYZER, Robert SCHROEDER, K.W.A. K.40, K.42 SCHOGL, K. SCHNEK, A.G. SCHWAB, Klaus D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT (SPRU) SCIENCE POLICY SUPPORT GROUP (SPSG) SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC / SERC) SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SCOFFONE, Ernesto SCOTT, F. Alan SCOTTISH HOME OFFICE SCOULOUDI, Helen SCRUTTON, Michael SEHON, Alec SELA, Michael 0.98 - 0.105 0.68 Eniioreciis; eetdr G.110, G.132, G.134, G.154 G.169, G.178, G.222, G.235 G.249, G.276, G.287, G.399 G.409 K.8, M.1 - M.13 0.38 - 0.45, 0.135 - 0.139 R.84 - R.104 F.10 - F.12, F.104 E.134 E.43, E.55 R.115 F.36 E.130, P.236 G.49 A.27, E130, G.210, G.215 K.30, K.42, K.49 A.23, E.130, G.78 A.45, 0.69, 0.238 SHARON, Nathan SHATTOCK, Mike L. 0.197 0.151 SELBORNE, John Roundell Palmer, 4th Earl of A.45 SEYMOUR, Donald E. SHALLICE, Tim SHALTIEL, Shmuel SEMENZA, Giorgio SEXTON, Stuart G.377 J.21, 0.240 A.27, A.40, G.31, P.237 0.226 0.218 A.40 SHANKS, lan Alexander 0.4, 0.56, 0.125, 0.218, 0.246 SHARPEY-SCHAFER, John F. SHACKLETON, Nicholas John N.3, N.4, N.5, N.7 SHEPPARD, Philip Macdonald SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron SHELL INTERNATIONAL E.125 Gidi E.134 0.192 L.34 SHAW, William V. SHEARD, Brian P.238, R.44, R.54 E128, 2.119 SHEMYAKIN, M.M. SHEN) Thy: SHEPPARD, Norman SHIELDS, Robert D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents SHIMAZONO, Norio SHORE, Vi SHORT, M.A. SHORT, Roger Valentine SHOTTON, David Michael SHULMAN, Robert G. SHUSTER, Sam SICHER, J. SIEFF, David Daniel SIEFF OF BRIMPTON, Marcus Joseph, Baron SIGLER, Paul Benjamin SIM, George A. SIMONS, Kai SIMPSON, Esther SINGER, Aubrey E. G.35 A.27, A.45 K.26 N.4, N.6, N.7, N.58 E.152, E.168, E.169, E.171 E.173, G.51, P.239 F.89 L.14, N.3, N.4, N.5, N.6, R.78 G.44 A.40, A.48, K.49, 0.140 K.49 P.240 G.255, J.6 K.35, K.36 A.13, A.27, A.45 F.41, J.45, J.46 J.5 SMIT, Jan Derk G. SMITH, Sir David (Cecil) SKAPSKI, Andrzej C. SLATER, Edward Charles 0.52, R.8 G.51 D.9, G.152, K.26, K.27 G.267, J.6, J.8, J.9, J.10, J.12 D.11, G.11, P.241 A.20,E.128,L.31,L.45,L.47 G.216 0.34 A.51, P.242 SLOMAN, Sir Albert (Edward) SKINNER, H. Catherine (Cathy) W. SLUYTERMAN, L.A. SMALL, R.W.H. (Sam) SMITH, A.J. SMITH, (Anthony) David K.8, 0.80, 0.190 0.19, 0.80, 0.226, 0.243 0.246 A.27, A.54, A.67, E.28 12; Ls; 34 A.36, C.52 E.130, E.134, P.248 SMITH, Harry SMITH, Ivor SMITH, K.C.A. SMITH, David Spencer SMITH, Emil L. SMITH, Philip M. SMITH, Stanley Desmond P.244 0.112 K.45 A.45, P.243, P.245 G.227, L.37, R.24 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents SMYTH, David Henry SNATZKE, Giinther SOBELL, Henry M. SOBER, Herbert A. SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL / ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SSRC / ESRC) SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND LEARNING SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS (SVS) SOLOMON, Arthur Kaskel SOLVAY INSTITUTES SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE SOUTHERN, Edwin Mellor SOUTHWOOD, David J. SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) A.27, L.31 G.242 D.11, £.130, E.131, P.296 G.8 0.46 J.45 J.46 K.30, R.43 K.48 F.104A E.152, 0.112 0.218 A.34, A.40, A.45 E.69, E.76, E.84, E.138 E.143, E.171, E.173, L.34 0.17, 0.58, 0.116, 0.142 P.243, P.245 J.36 G.330, P.247 SRINIVASAN, R. STAAB, Heinz A. SOWDEN, Bjorn SPECK, John C. SPIER, Ray E. SPRIGGS, P.H. P.246 P.147 G.348 D.6, G.193, G.390, P.213 STALLYBRASS, Oliver G.W. STALLWORTHY, Sir John (Arthur) 0.106, 0.107 STEIN, William Howard and STEIN, Phoebe A.13, A.20, A.27, A.65, R.61 G.427 P.296 G.393 K.43 E.128 G.15 STEC, Boguslaw STEIN, Wilfred D. STEINER, Daniel STEINER, Lisa STANSFIELD, Jim R. STAROS, James V. K.16, K.17, K.20 A.13, P.249 STANBURY, Howard J. STANLEY, Eric F.96, F.97 A.13 A.27, A.40, G.34, P.248 SQUIRE, John M. STEINER, Robert E. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents STEINRAUF, Larry K. STEITZ, Thomas A. STELLAR, Eliot STERNBERG, Michael Joseph Ezra STERNLICHT, Himan STEWARD, Edward G. STEWART, Sir Frederick (Henry) STEWART, Walter W. STEWART, William Duncan Paterson STILEMAN, Richard STOCKEN, Lloyd A. STODDART, J. Fraser STODDART, John F.6, P.64, P.250 G.219 K.45 A.40, A.45, E.55 F.24, F.47, F.92A, P.135, R.61 P.147 A.13, A.27, G.33, P.252 0.32 P.253 A.34, A.45 0.12, 0.23, 0.29, 0.118 0.119, 0.133A, 0.218, 0.226 0.232, 0.234, 0.244, 0.245 0.250 F.63 ESL 0.215 A.46 STOKER, Sir Michael (George Parke) J.17, J.19,L.11,R.64, R.107 STRYER, Lubert C.52, F.95, G.26, P.254 SUBRAMANIAN, E. SUNDARALINGAM, Muttaiya STOWE, Sir Kenneth (Ronald) STRANDBERG, Bror E. A.36, E.120, P.255, R.63 0.118, 0.242, 0.246 STRONG, Maurice F. STROUD, Robert M. 0.243 K.50 G.213 SUBAK-SHARPE, John Herbert STUBBS, Sir William (Hamilton) E.2, 0.236, 0.240 A.20, A.27 G.113, G.142, P.256 A.48, E.128 G.193, G.210, K.49 L-7, G.240 G.193 0.243 F.92A, R.158 SUNDARAM, K. SUSSMAN, Joel L. SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron SUTCLIFFE, Brian T. SUTTON, Brian SUTTON, Leslie Ernest A.40, A.51, R.44, R.45 SUZUKI, Tomoji G.36 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 index of correspondents SWINNERTON-DYER, Sir (Henry) Peter (Francis) SYKES, Brian E. SYKES, Sir Charles SYKES, Richard B. SYMONDS, Neville SYMONS, Martyn Christian Raymond SYRETT, Philip J. SZENT-GYORGYI, Andrew G. TABLES RONDES ROUSSEL TAMM, Christoph TAMM, Igor A.45, G.272, K.8 PAO et ayo M.3 0.38, 0.58, 0.98, 0.109 0.190, 0.193, P.257 P.258 F.41 0.215, 0.218 A.14, L.4 G.142 G.391 R.43 G.112, G.145, G.180 K.4, K.5, K.6, K.7 G.265 TANNER, Neil W. TAO, Terence TATHESEN, Daniel TAYLOR, Charles A. TANFORD, Charles TANNER, Brian K. P.93, P.259, R.58 G.255, J.6, M.12 F.85, L.45 G.367 A.45 RAlOe E.120 TATA, Jamshed Rustom TANNER, David Williamson A.19, A.25 A.13, A.19, A.20, A.27 G.82, G.227, G.267, G.275 G.285, G.392 J.10, J.37, P.260 A.8, F.35, F.36, F.37, F.41 G.3A, G.9, G.71 THEORELL, Axel Hugo Teodor G.272 P.261 P.262 THOMA, John A. THOMAS, Emrys TAYLOR, Keith W. TAYLOR, W.H. E.76, R.62 P.296 G.256 TAYLOR, Garry L. TAYLOR, John Gerald P.254 THOM, lan R.M. THOMAS, J. Gareth D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents THOMAS, Jean Olwen THOMAS, John (Jack) THOMAS, Sir John (Meurig) THOMAS, John O. THOMAS, Sir Keith (Vivian) THOMAS, Lance THOMPSON, Marvin P. THOMPSON, Sir Michael (Warwick) THOMSON, Alan R. THOMSON, Angus M. THOMSON, David Paget THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) THOMSON, Patience THORNTON, Janet THORNTON-DUESBURY, Julian Percy A.27, A.67 P.263 A.40, D.15, F.62 G.309, G.446, L.37 P.28, P.264 E.134 A.40, A.43, A.45, E.9 0.215 P.265 A.68, 0.43 P.266 N.6 A.13 F.41 A.27 A.27, G.420 E.10 THORPE, Peter J. G.360 K.16, K.20 A.37, A.40, F.80 TINBERGEN, Nikolaas TINSLEY, Thomas W. TISHCHENKO, Galina THRODAHL, Monte C. THRUSH, Brian Arthur TIGYI, J. TIMMS, David A.20, A.27 P.296 G.429 P.267 G.192 A.18, A.20, A.21,A.27,A.40 A.66 E.24, F.74, J.5 TISHLER, Max TISSIERES, Alfred TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron G.210, G.226, R.44 A.45, G.440 0.1, 0.5, 0.80, 0.81 A.27, L.1, L.31, L.48 0.242, R.47 TOMBS, Francis Leonard, Baron G.192 F.41 P.269 TOYAMA, Atsuko TRAUB, Wolfie E.122, P.268 F.85 73, K117-8 155; P.157 TOOZE, John TOPPING, R. Malcolm TOY, F.C. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents TREDGOLD, R.H. TREGEAR, Richard T. TREHARNE, Kenneth J. TREISMAN, Michel TRENAMAN, Nancy Kathleen TRENTHAM, David Rostron TRESS, Ronald Charles TRUEBLOOD, Ken N. TRUTER, Mary Rosaleen (Jackie) (Lady Cox) TSAI, Chun-che TSOU, Chen-Lu TUBBS, Philip K. TUCK, Mary TULINSKY, Alexander TUNSTALL, Norman TURNER, David P.296 E.24, L.18, L.20, R.159 A.45, G.337 E.69 A.20, A.27, E.142 G.430 R.15, R.108 D.6 A.20, A.27, A.45, D.5,E.111 G.142, G.143, R.53 G.143 K.46 G.48 0.218 P.270, R.44 F.41 F.93 G.42 L.34 UMANSKIJ, M.M. UNIVERSITIES FUNDING COUNCIL UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE UPJOHN COMPANY TYRRELL, David Arthur John URE, Allan M. UVAROV, Olga TURNER-WARWICK, Dame Margaret (Elizabeth Harvey) P.296 A.27, A.36, A.40, A.41 G.51, G.53, G.365, G.366 K.14, K.15, K.16, K.17,K.19 K.20, P.273 G.398, G.399, G.400 L.33A, P.272 VAN CAUWELAERT, F. VAINSHTEIN, Boris K. VALLEE, Bert Lester D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents VANE, Sir John (Robert) VAN GUNSTEREN, Wilfred F. VASSILEVA-POPOVA, Julia G. VAUGHAN, Sir Gerard (Folliott) VENABLES, John A. VENKATESAN, K. VENNING, Geoffrey R. VEREKER, John Michael Medlicott VERNON, Charles A. VERNON, Kenneth VESSEY, Martin Paterson VICKERS, Tony VIJAYAN, Mamannamana A.27, A.36, G.211,L.12,L.13 0.243, P.274 G.216, G.401 R275 0.66, 0.67 0.242 P.213 G.336 A.45 P.276 A.13, D.2 A.27, A.45 G.48, J.15, L.7 N.1, N.3, N.5, N.6, N.7, N.22 N.29, N.31, N.34, N.43, N.48 N.49, N.53, N.54, N.58 R.76, R.77, R.78, R.79 A.40, G.306, P.277 Von KRAUSE E.124, G.58 P.296 G.216 VINCENT, Colin A. VINCENT, Julian F.V. G.422 0.218 P.278 G.263 A.27 L.3 K.39 VISCHER, Ernst VOGLER, K. VOGT, Marthe Louise VINEN, William Frank VINCENTELLI, Jean Bertrand Iser N.25 0.14, 0.82, 0.233, 0.249 0.260 WALDEN, George Gordon Harvey WALKER, Peter Martin Brabazon WALDEGRAVE, William (Arthur) A.45, F.19, F.22, F.81, F.92 WALEY, Stephen Gerald A.40 J.1 E.130 WADE, H.E. (Jim) WAGNER, Gerhard WALKER, Deryck G. WALKER, Nigel D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents WALKER, Robert J. WALKER, Stuart R. WALLENFELS, Kurt WALLWORK, Stephen C. WALTON, Alan WALTON, John Nicholas, Baron WARD, Jamie B. WARNOCK, Sir Geoffrey (James) WARREN, Bert E. WARREN, Peter T. WARWICK, Diana WATERS, Neil WATERSTON, Charles D. WATKINSON, Anthony R.K. WATSON, David 0.215 P.242 G.55, G.146 D.6, F.42, G.255 J.6, J.7, J.8, J.32, K.26 C.52, E.131 A.27, A.45, G.351, N.40 0.215 0.108 F.37, F.42 A.27, A.45, A.51, G.360 L.9, L.11, L.32, L.33 A.40, A.43 Daw A.54 F.47, F.63, F.97, G.176, L.17 0.218 WATSON, Herman Charles WATSON, James Dewey WEATHERALL, Sir David (John) G.296, P.280, R.64 0.112 0.41 G.90, P.28, R.44 A.13, D.5 WATTS, Bernard N. WAYNE, Richard P. WATSON, Ken J. WATTS, Anthony A.13, C.52, F.95 G.48, G.202, G.219, G.290 G.291, G.293 Ki11, 64, £:5)°Mi3,.2.279 R.2, R.73 C.52 A.48, G.210, K.49, 0.140 R.137 E.165, G.227, L.6, 0.112 R.145 WEIZMANNN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND WEIZMANN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION WEDDERBURN, Dorothy Enid Cole G.312 P.281 G.404 0.218 K.49 WEAVER, David WEBSTER, Charles WELLCOME TRUST WELLS, Michael WEIGHTMAN, Peter WEINER, David WEEDON, Basil Charles Leicester A.20, A.27, P.140 R.116 - R.118 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents WELLS, P.B. WEST, Richard Gilbert WESTHEIMER, Frank H. WESTPHAL, Otto WETLAUFER, Donald B. K.8 LA R.43 Gi55) 2.116 P.282 WHATLEY, Frederick Robert E72, Ei; 55, e106 WHEATLEY, Peter J. WHELAN, Robert C. WHELAN, William J. WHIFFEN, David Hardy WHITE, David C.S. WHITE, John W. WHITE, Steve WHITTAKER, Eric J.W. WHITTAM, Ronald WHITTENBURY, Roger K.26, K.27 0.59 A.27, A.36, F.85, F.86 P.283, R.49, R.134 A.8, G.400 0.215 A.27, G.391, K.23 G.305 A.27, G.32, G.186, J.32 A.20 G.326 WIGINGTON, Ronald L. WILCOCK, Bruce WILD, M. WILEY AND SONS LTD WILKINSON, David WILHELM, Louise B. WILKIE, Douglas R. WILKIE, Thomas D.B. WHITTERIDGE, Gweneth WIDDAS, Wilfred F. WIERENGA, Rik K. G.146 A.13, F.105 L.31 P.296 P.284 J.14 A.13, A.27, F.44, F.95 -F.97 WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick R.31 WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) G.26, N.24, P.28, P.285, R.2 WILLIAMS, Alan Frederick WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey G.243 G.277 A.27 P.253 A.45, J.44, 0.186, 0.189 A.20, E.42, 0.128 L.37, 0.112 A.40 F.99 A.68 WILKINSON, Gordon WILKINSON, Jim WILKINSON, George R. WILLIAMS, Sir Alwyn A.43, P.194 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents WILLIAMS, Sir Bruce WILLIAMS, Carrington Bonsor WILLIAMS, Carroll M. WILLIAMS, David L. WILLIAMS, Gareth L. WILLIAMS, J.O. WILLIAMS, Paul Randall WILLIAMS, Peter Michael WILLIAMS, Sir Robert (Evan Owen) WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WILLIAMS, Roger WILLIAMSON, Robert WILLIS, B. Terry M. G.272 L.47 K.17 G.177 G.331 P.286 0.197, 0.218, 0.259 0.107, 0.218 G.15, G.20 A.20, A.27, A.40, A.51 E.11,.6:24, B152.671 G.51, G.192, G.227, G.269 G.293 L.30, L.46, L.48, L.55, L.61 0.108, 0.193, P.287, R.1 0.218, R.159 O77, O:112 F.50, G.132, P.288 E.130, E.134 WILSON, Herbert C.29, C.30 - C.41, C.60 WOLF FOUNDATION WOLFENDALE, Arnold Whittaker WILSON, Allan Charles WILSON, Arthur James Cochran WINTER, Michael R. WINTERTON, Nick H. A.27 F.61 E.130 WILSON, Ian A. WINTER, Alan A.13, F.1, F.42, G.159 J.6, J.40, P.24, P.289 N.3, N.4, N.5, N.6, N.7, N.8 N.9, N.11, N.12, N.13, N.14 N.15, N.16, N.17 0.215, 0.218 A.20, A.21, A.27, F.72 G.98, G.136, G.168 J.26, J.27, L.7, P.290 WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) R.119 - R.125 A.45, R.120 E.134, G.184, R.65 E.10-E.12, G.181 A.37 0.244, 0.246 WOLPERT, Lewis WOLSTENCROFT, J.H. WOLFSON, Leonard Gordon, Baron WOLFENDEN, Richard V. WOLFSON COLLEGE OXFORD WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOOD, Bernard F.82 L.14 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents WOOD, Harry B. WOOD, Sir Martin (Francis) WOOD, R.G. WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODFORD, F. Peter WOODHEAD-GALLOWAY, John WOODRUFF, Sir Michael (Francis Addison) WOODS, John David WOOLFSON, Michael Mark WOOLHOUSE, Harold W. WORK, Thomas S. WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM WRIGHT, H. Tonie WRIGHT, Sir Norman (Charles) P.14 E.53, L.57 0.12, 0.53, 0.87, 0.106 0.107, 0.163, P.291 F.37, F.42 L.13 J.26 L.18, N.7, R.78 Av27, b.11; 12 0.37 A.27, A.40, F.49 G.185, G.225, G.267, J.6 L.33, L.55 0.112 F.85, J.1, R.46 K.50 G.106 G.48 WRIGHT, Pearce WRIGHT, Sewall J.31A G.361 L.3 E.130 A.64 E52 WRIGHT, Peter H. WRIGHT, William V. WRINCH, Dorothy M. WYCKOFF, Harold Winfield (Hal) WROTH, Peter WUTHRICH, Kurt F.89, F.92A G.216, G.290, G.293 K.36, K.37 G.397, K.11 YAGER, E.S.M. YAGI, Kunio G.240 WYMAN, Jeffries XUESONG, Lu D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Index of correspondents YANKEELOV, John A. YANKWICH, Peter E. YON, Jeannine YONATH, Ada YOUNG, Sir Brian (Walter Mark) YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) YOUNG, Geoffrey T. YOUNG, Ray A. YUDKIN, Michael D. E.129 R.44 G.312, R.49 E.130, G.193, G.210, G.215 E.4, J.38 A.20, A.27, J.26, L.41 A.27, J.25 A.27, G.103, R.44 E26, E:27,E:122 ZACCAI, G. ZACHAU, Hans Georg ZAHN, H. ZEPPEZAUER, Eila E.134 G.389, N.37 G.43 P.292 ZIMAN, John Michael ZINBERG, Dorothy S. G.339, 0.68 0.245 0.239 ZWANZIG, Frances R. ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron F.89
PHILLIPS, David Chilton
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin