Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR DAVID CHILTON PHILLIPS FRS (b.1924) Compiled by Jeannine Alton VOLUME II NCUACS 45/1/94 All rights reserved University of Bath Sections G - N Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford 1994 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION G VISITS, CONFERENCES, LECTURES G.1 - G.451 INTRODUCTION This is one of the largest sections in the collection, reflecting Phillips’s close involvement in the diffusion of scientific information and his success therein. The period covered is 1957-93, extending over a wide range of topics, objectives and venues. includes conferences at a national level organised by learned societies such as the Biochemical Society, British Crystallographical Association, Chemical Society and Institute of Physics, or by more general UK bodies such as the British Association, CIBA Foundation and the Royal Society (Phillips co-organised five major Discussion Meetings for the Society and participated in many more). There are also the International Conferences of the International Unions of Crystallography, Pure and Applied Biophysics and Pure and Applied Chemistry, and, at a more personal level, institutions which had a special claim on Phillips’s loyalty such as the Royal Institution and University College Cardiff (University of Wales) where he made time to visit whenever possible. Many research papers and It lectures were given to specialist university departments and laboratories, or to restricted discussion groups such as those organised by the CIBA Foundation. Fs.R.S., 21, 1976), and made many successful visits to widely different types of school. From the 1980s particularly, Phillips’s growing involvement in science policy and research funding is an increasing theme in lectures and talks, often given at conferences sponsored by political and syntheses, and various celebrations for W.L. Bragg. The topics focus in pride of place on Phillips’s, and later his team’s, research: instrumentation and methodology from diffractometry to computer graphics, all aspects of protein synthesis and An element of structure, interaction, folding and dynamics, enzyme specificity and engineering. historical overview occurs increasingly with the anniversaries of the myoglobin and lysozyme industrial pressure groups. Science education was always an important factor in determining Phillips’s allocation of his time. For example he attended, often with a substantial contingent from the Oxford Laboratory, the Birgenstock Stereochemistry Summer Schools, and the SRC weekend workshops at the Daresbury Laboratory. He regularly gave Extension Lectures for the Oxford University Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, and gave frequent talks to undergraduate science clubs and societies, school-teachers and He took to heart Kathleen Lonsdale’s dictum ‘Never refuse an sixth-formers all over Britain. opportunity to speak at schools’ (quoted by D.C. Hodgkin in her obituary of Lonsdale in Biog.Mem. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures The documentation of this activity varies in detail. For some of the early period it is very scanty - perhaps a single exchange of letters, or a notice - or even has to be deduced from evidence elsewhere (see G.11). Conversely, and especially for meetings organised in whole or in part by Phillips, it may be extensive and includes preliminary arrangements and correspondence, and publication of proceedings. Most items include correspondence with colleagues, programmes and lists of participants; there may be complicated travel arrangements and the garnering of expenses from several sources. Occasionally notes or a typescript for a lecture are included, but these are rare as Phillips preferred to speak from very brief outline notes. See G.408 and note. The main sequence of entries at G.1 - G.385 itemise visits made or lectures given by Phillips though sometimes outside pressures forced a last-minute cancellation; in particular, it is clear from correspondence that the illness of his mother in the late 1960s curtailed his freedom to travel at that time. He received many more invitations than he could accept. See G.386 - G.407 and note, and also G.451 for information on invitations declined. Attention is drawn to the following points: The material is presented in chronological order (when ascertainable) of the scheduled date of the conference or lecture; the preliminary organisation and correspondence may begin up to two years beforehand. session of special interest or commitment. similar reasons, he resisted pressure to submit manuscripts before a lecture. The date-span of the whole conference is given in the entries. Phillips was not always present throughout. Increasingly often, pressure of engagements meant he could attend only for a day or bland or general terms, to enable him to include the latest research results when he spoke. For The titles of his lectures - requested many months in advance - were often phrased in deliberately of the Research Councils (Section O). Excluded from this section are official visits undertaken as Biological Secretary of the Royal Society (Section L), Member of the Medical Research Council (Section N) or Chairman of the Advisory Board D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 ADDENDUM Visits, conferences, lectures G.409 - G.451 consist of material received too late for inclusion in the main sequence. Some of the items are therefore out of chronological order, but the main bulk of the work relates to lectures and conferences 1990-93. Some of these are of personal interest such as the celebration meetings for Dorothy Hodgkin (G.412) and F.M. Richards (G.427), the Special Achievement Award to Phillips (G.437), and the many opening or inaugural ceremonies which he conducted. Others testify to his continuing involvement in science, such as his co-organising of a Royal Society Discussion Meeting (G.430). The majority, however, are concerned with research policy and funding, and the changes in government organisation affecting science and technology. These lectures, unlike the scientific assignments of earlier years, often undergo several drafts including input from ABRC staff, though Phillips continued, as far as circumstances allowed, to use a looser ‘speaking text’ which he would ‘ad lib’ or redraft on the journey to an engagement. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Institute of Physics X-ray Analysis Group, Spring Conference, 5-6 April 1957. Application form only. Visit not otherwise documented. Crystallographic Cambridge, 13 March 1958. Space Group Colloquium, Cavendish Laboratory Phillips and U.W. Arndt spoke on ‘Recent Developments in Single Crystal Diffractometers..’ Correspondence only. South University Colloquium, 28 January 1959. College of Wales, Cardiff, Department of Physics Phillips spoke on ‘Research in X-ray Crystallography at the Royal Institution.’ Correspondence, notices of meeting only. in Acta Cryst, 14, 1961) and 1958 on served from (published Material includes information, arrangements, abstract of diffractometer paper, a little correspondence. Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Fifth General Assembly, International international Congress and Symposia, Cambridge, England, 15-24 August 1960. the Congress Committee, on whose Phillips he gave a paper with U.W. Arndt deliberations some material is included; on ‘Single crystal intensity measurements by means of the automatic linear with diffractometer’ S. Chandrasekhar on ‘A routine method for correcting extinction errors in crystal structure analysis’ (published in Nature, 190, 1961, 1164-1 166). documented. British Biophysical Society and Société de Chimie Physique joint meeting, Paris, 3-4 July 1961. Phillips and C.C.F. Blake spoke on X-ray crystallography studies of radiation. Report on in Nature, 191, 1150-51. Visit not otherwise meeting D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Symposium on Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation at the Molecular Level, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 2-6 July 1962. Phillips and C.C.F. Blake gave a paper (read by Blake) on ‘Effects of X- irradiation on single crystals of myoglobin’, published in Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation at the Molecular Level, Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency 1962. Brief correspondence only. Visit not otherwise documented. International Symposium on Protein Structure and Crystallography, Madras, 14-18 January 1963. The convenor was G.N. Ramachandran. Phillips spoke on ‘Protein Crystallography in Cambridge and in London’, published in Aspects of Protein Structure ed. G.N. Ramachandran, Academic He also contributed a note on the conference, Press London 1963. published as ‘Proteins and crystallography’ in Nature, 198, 1963, 646-648. Phillips was attending in lieu of W.L. Bragg who was unable to accept the invitation. He also visited S$. Chandrasekhar in the course of his journey. Material includes information, correspondence, travel arrangements, abstract of Phillips’s paper, daily summaries of proceedings (annotated), publication arrangements. Correspondence only. Visit not otherwise documented. Phillips lectured on ‘X-ray analysis and protein structure’. Gordon Research Conference on Proteins, New Hampshire, USA, 23-28 June 1963. One-day Postgraduate course on ‘Proteins’, Slough College, 19 February 1963. research. Also included here is an invitation to the 1965 Gordon Conference. Phillips could not attend but suggested C.C.F. Blake to report on current lysozyme Phillips spoke at the session on ‘X-ray Diffraction Studies of Oxidized and Reduced Hemoglobin’ chaired by F.M. Richards. Material programme, information on participants in diffraction studies session. includes correspondence, arrangements, travel participants, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) International Congress and Symposia, Rome, 9-18 September 1963. Sixth General Assembly, Phillips, D.W. Green and A.C.T. North all attended from the Royal Institution, each giving two or three papers and/or acting as Rapporteur. Phillips gave collaborative papers ‘The determination and refinement of heavy-atom ‘Processing of automatic parameters in diffractometer data’. the study of lysozyme’ and He also chaired a session. Material includes information, travel and leave arrangements, abstracts and texts of papers, brief correspondence. of Physics X-ray Analysis Group Autumn Conference, 12-13 Institute November 1964. Phillips spoke on ‘IUCr and ACA projects to test the accuracy of single crystal intensity measurements. Recent developments in automatic single crystal diffractometer measurements’. See K.24-K.29. Notice of meeting, brief correspondence only. This was a particularly exciting meeting for Phillips as he was able to present the successful outcome of the lysozyme project for the first time in much of the a paper on correspondence reflects the intense interest aroused by the news. Phillips stayed in the US for about three weeks visiting laboratories and meeting colleagues. ‘X-ray studies of lysozyme and myoglobin’; American Society of Biological Chemists Symposium on Spectroscopic and X-ray Studies of the Fine Structure of Proteins and Nucleic Acids (Organiser and Chairman: J.T. Edsall), Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, 10 April 1965. Material includes invitation and arrangements for meeting, correspondence with colleagues about visits and research, many referring to the lysozyme results. Some of the later (August-September) letters refer to the meeting in September of the American Chemical Society, at which Phillips also spoke. There is no direct documentation for this visit other than references See here and in correspondence with American colleagues in Section P. especially P.7. Correspondence, draft of lecture. Commonwealth-American Current Affairs Unit of the English-Speaking Union Summer School, Oxford, 16-17 July 1965. Phillips gave a lecture on molecular biology in place of W.L. Bragg who was ill. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures International Organization for Pure and Applied Biophysics Commission on Molecular Biophysics Symposium on ‘Some Biological Systems at the Molecular Level’, Naples, 8-11 September 1965. NB. IOPAB was the precursor of IUPAB (q.v.). Phillips published (in collaboration) a note on the meeting published in Nature, 208, 1965, 1048-1050. Programme, lists of participants, arrangements, Phillips’s notes of meeting and discussions, drafts and correspondence on Phillips’s report for Nature. British Postgraduate Medical Federation University of London Lecture Series on ‘The Scientific Basis of Medicine’, 4 November 1965. Phillips lectured on ‘The structure of lysozyme’; W.L. Bragg, who had been asked to give the lecture but suggested Phillips as more appropriate, chaired and introduced the lecture. Correspondence and notice of lecture only. letters of on exhibits congratulation, lecture, for The Discourse was published in Proc. R. Instn Gt Br., 40. includes few a Material others correspondence with colleagues and publication arrangements, typescript of lecture. press-release, Institute of Physics X-Ray Analysis Group Conference, November 1965. Collaborative paper (to be delivered by A.C.T. North) on ‘Data collection and reduction in the study of lysozyme’. Royal Institution Discourse on ‘The Structure and Function of Lysozyme’, 5 November 1965. Visit not otherwise documented. Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, November 1965. Phillips lectured on lysozyme, date not recorded. Visit not otherwise documented. Typescript and covering letter. Letter of thanks only. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Royal Society Discussion meeting on Lysozyme, London, 3 February 1966. the Structure and Function of The meeting was organised by M.F. Perutz, assisted by Phillips who was also a principal speaker, and chaired by W.L. Bragg. Phillips gave two collaborative papers which were published in the account of the meeting, which he helped to edit, in Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, 167, 1967. includes correspondence on Material and publication, programme, drafts of Phillips’s and collaborators’ papers with manuscript revisions and corrections. organisation meeting of See also G.21 University College London Department of Chemistry, 8 March 1966. Letter of thanks for lecture. Visit not otherwise documented. Phillips lectured on lysozyme. Brief correspondence only. Visit not otherwise documented. St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School London, 2 May 1966. Invitation, arrangements, letters of thanks. University of London Department of Biochemistry Molecular Enzymology Group, 26 May 1966. Phillips gave the Almroth Wright Lecture, on ‘The structure and function of lysozyme’. also shown at the Society’s main Conversazione on 23 June. Phillips was asked to present an exhibit on lysozyme with accompanying material. The same exhibit, on ‘The structure and activity of lysozyme’, was Royal Society Soirée Exhibition, London, 12 May 1966. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Gordon Research Conference on Proteins, New Hampshire, USA, 27 June - 1 July 1966. He also visited Columbia Phillips gave the opening talk, on lysozyme. University New York and was invited to Brandeis University Massachusetts. Material includes programme, participants, Phillips’s brief notes for talk, correspondence. University Diffractometry Seminar, 5-6 July 1966. Chemical Laboratory Cambridge Crystallography Group Phillips spoke on ‘Simultaneous measurement of intensities’. Correspondence, notice of meeting. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Seventh General Assembly, International Congress and Symposium, Moscow, 12-21 July 1966. G.N. Ramachandran was Chairman of Division X (Structure of proteins and related compounds) and asked Phillips to chair a session. Phillips presented a paper himself on ‘Crystallographic studies of the enzyme properties of lysozyme’ and arranged time for papers by the Royal Institution team, five of whom including Phillips attended. Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Summer School on Mechanism of Enzyme Action, London, 23-29 July 1966. Material includes programme, participants, information (all annotated), correspondence principally with G.N. Ramachandran, abstracts of papers by be Phillips and his team, and by other UK and Soviet scientists, to presented. Material includes programme, abstract of paper, correspondence. Phillips was to attend and present a paper on ‘The conformation of the lysozyme molecule’ but had to cancel his commitment at a late stage; the paper was read for him by A.C.T. North. International Organization for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IOPAB) Second International Biophysics Congress, Vienna, 5-9 September 1966. Phillips gave a special evening lecture on lysozyme, on 26 July. Programme, invitation and brief correspondence. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Biophysical Society, in association with Oxford University Department of Zoology, Nuffield Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and with the support of the European Molecular Biology Organisation, Summer School on Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Oxford 18-30 September 1966. Phillips was on the Organising Committee, together with A.R. Peacocke, he was also the Director of the School. J.W.S. Pringle and R.H. Pritchard; At this time he was still officially at the Royal Institution, his Oxford appointment not taking effect until 1 October. Programme, participants, information. British Biophysical Society Physical Biochemistry Group Meeting on ‘Physical studies acids’, Portsmouth College of Technology, 4 October 1966. their complexes with proteins nucleic basic and of Programme, Phillips’s extensive manuscript notes of lectures and talks at meeting. National Academy of Sciences Autumn Meeting Symposium on ‘Three- origin’, Duke of macromolecules of dimensional structure University, North Carolina, 17-19 October 1966. biological CIBA Laboratories, 8 March 1967. Correspondence on meeting and Phillips’s paper. Phillips visited the laboratories and lectured on ‘Structure and activity of lysozyme’. Phillips gave the opening paper, on ‘The hen egg-white lysozyme molecule’, which was published in Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 57, 1967. correspondence on visit, arrangements and Phillips’s paper. Israel Institute for Biological Research ‘Oholo’ Biological Conference, Israel, 20-23 March 1967. Phillips gave the opening talk, and also visited and lectured at the Weizmann Institute during his visit to Israel. Correspondence 1966-67 on arrangements for lecture, and for loan of Phillips’s films to Director of Research of the Laboratories. participants, abstracts of papers, Material includes programme, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Conference in Oxford, April 1967. Letter of thanks. otherwise documented. No date or title given for conference, which is not City University Department of Physics Colloquia on Trends in Structural Crystallography, London, 24 May 1967. Phillips lectured on ‘Problems and prospects in the study of biological structures’. Correspondence, abstract, notice of colloquia. NATO Course on ‘Molecular Aspects of Protein Structure and Function’, Venice, 18-28 July 1967. Phillips gave three lectures. Material includes programme, participants, correspondence onarrangements with organisers and with M.F. Perutz, synopses and bibliographies for Phillips’s lectures. Correspondence and schedule for visit to Osaka. Text of Phillips’s lecture, with a few manuscript corrections, as published; Phillips’s 8pp notes for the lecture and instructions for the accompanying He also visited and lectured at Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka, visiting laboratories and meeting colleagues in the region. G.35-G.37 International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Seventh International Congress, Tokyo, 19-25 August 1967. He Phillips was invited to give a plenary lecture at the opening session. spoke on ‘Lysozyme and the development of protein crystal chemistry’, published in the Congress Proceedings. ‘Activity film’, written in his Tokyo hotel room. Information, invitation, correspondence on lecture and schedule, travel arrangements, publication of lecture and illustrations, Russian translation, abstracts of Plenary Lectures. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Netherlands Biochemical Society 40th Anniversary Symposium ‘Biochemie 1967’, Scheveningen, 26-27 October 1967. Phillips was a guest speaker on chemistry’, and also visited colleagues at Groningen. ‘The development of protein crystal Correspondence, arrangements. University College London Chemical and Physical Society, 23 January 1968. Phillips lectured on ‘Protein crystal chemistry’. Correspondence and arrangements. University College London Biochemical Society Annual Dinner, 1 February 1968. Phillips was Principal Guest and speaker. Correspondence only. Medical Research Council Biology Board, 8 February 1968. Correspondence, 4pp summary account of talk, letter of thanks. Société belge de Biochimie meeting, Louvain, 2 March 1968. Phillips lectured on lysozyme. Correspondence, travel arrangements. Phillips gave a ‘Noon Session’ talk on ‘The development of X-ray studies of enzymes’. for party from laboratory. Workshop for Protein Crystallography, sponsored by the European Molecular Biology Organization and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Hirschegg, Austria, 17-22 March 1968. Several members of the Oxford Laboratory attended and spoke on their work in addition to Phillips. Material includes information, programme, participants, travel arrangements D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures European Molecular Biology Organization Spring School on ‘The Physical and Chemical Characterization of Biological Macromolecules’, Elmau, Bavaria, 17 April - 4 May 1968. Phillips lectured on X-ray diffraction, and on lysozyme. Material includes information, programme, correspondence. Conference on Stereochemistry, Birgenstock, Switzerland, 28 April - 4 May 1968. Phillips spoke on ‘The conformation and interactions of lysozyme’ and went on to Biirgenstock after the EMBO School at Elmau (G.43). Material includes programme, participants, correspondence. Norway and Sweden, 8-15 May 1968. Phillips visited Gdteborg on 8-9 May, lecturing on ‘Lysozyme and the development of X-ray enzymology’; on 9 May he travelled to Uppsala where he gave the same lecture at the invitation of the Society of Experimental Medicine and the Medical Faculty of Uppsala, and visited other colleagues in Sweden. On 14 May he gave the Hassel lecture of the University of Oslo and the Chemical Society of Norway, in Oslo, on ‘Crystallographic studies of enzymes’. Correspondence, invitations and arrangements with colleagues in GOteborg, Uppsala and Oslo. International Centre for Theoretical Physics International Symposium on Contemporary Physics, Trieste, June 1968. The section on Biophysics was scheduled for 7-8 June (Monitor, S. Brenner). Phillips accepted the invitation to attend and to lecture on ‘Structure of proteins’ but had to cancel his arrangements at a late stage. Material includes programme, participants, correspondence. Material includes information, programme, participants, correspondence. Gordon Research Conference on Proteins, New Hampton, USA, 24-28 June 1968. Phillips spoke on ‘Does protein folding occur from the N-terminal end?’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Association Annual Meeting, Dundee, 21-28 August 1968. Phillips was invited in May 1967 by the President-Elect K. Lonsdale to lead a small study group for discussions on ‘Macromolecular Structure and After Enzyme Action’, with special reference to the glycolytic pathway. considerable correspondence the arrangements were made but at the last his place as leader minute Phillips had to cancel because of family illness; of the group was taken by B.R. Rabin. Material includes correspondence with colleagues on membership of the group and its scope of topics for discussion, and with organisers and officials of the Association on finance, accommodation and arrangements. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Toronto, 3-6 September 1968. Phillips was scheduled to give a Plenary Lecture on ‘Three-dimensional structures of globular proteins’. He feared he might have to cancel because of family illness but in the event gave the lecture as planned. Programme, correspondence. Feldberg Prize and Lecture, 21 October 1968. Material includes correspondence 1966, 1968 on the prize, arrangements for lecture, and a letter from W. Feldberg. Phillips was awarded the prize for 1968 and lectured on ‘The activity of lysozyme’ at the University of Frankfurt on 21 October. The Feldberg Foundation was established through the generosity of Wilhelm Feldberg from retribution payments he received from Germany, its object being the promotion of Anglo-German friendship in medical and biological science. A German and a British scientist were awarded the prize each year, each giving a lecture in the other’s country. speakers was later somewhat enlarged. Phillips was invited in August 1967 to organise the meeting, with this title The sum allowed for travel and subsistence for and these collaborators. 5 February 1968) felt contributors was £500, and the Society (letter of unable to provide an evening reception; Phillips organised a private dinner The sum available for travel for foreign for speakers at Brown’s Hotel. This was a major meeting, organised by Phillips, D.M. Blow, B.S. Hartley and G. Lowe, the papers being published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, 257 no.813, 1970. Royal Proteolytic Enzymes’, London, 5-6 December 1968. Discussion Meeting on Society ‘Structures G.51-G.54 and Functions of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Correspondence with the Society, organisers and colleagues on programme, choice of speakers, invitations, titles of papers, arrangements for delivery of papers and submission of manuscripts, accommodation. Some scientific exchanges are also included, and arrangements for overseas participants to visit other colleagues in UK. Various draft programmes, revised and amended. Correspondence and papers exchanged principally with contributors, with a few comments by editors and colleagues, about publication of papers in Phil. Trans. Correspondence and papers, exchanged principally with editors and with the Includes arrangements for advertising the Society, about publication. volume especially in view of protests from contributors (see e.g. the correspondence with W.N. Lipscomb in G.53) that Phil. Trans. was not widely circulated), discussion of what typographical conventions should be used, and a proposal to distribute stereo viewers with the volume and offprints (deemed ‘extravagant and unnecessary’). Letter of thanks only. on ‘Specific interactions between Correspondence, programme. Phillips carbohydrates and their enzymes’. Plenary gave Lecture a German Biological Chemistry Society Winter Meeting, Freiburg, 7-9 January 1969. Imperial College London Organic Chemistry External Colloquia, 11 March 1969. Visit not otherwise documented. Hull University Department of Biochemistry, April 1969. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Phillips lectured. No date or title. Correspondence, notice of lecture. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Hoffman-Laroche Ltd., Basle, 5 May 1969. Phillips lectured on ‘The specificity and catalytic activity of lysozyme’. Correspondence, arrangements. Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Pharmacology, Tilton, New Hampshire, USA, 16-20 June 1969. This was the first Gordon Conference to be held on this topic, arising principally from an initiative of O. Jardetzky. Phillips was on the organising committee, and led one of the discussion groups. Material includes preliminary proposal for pharmacology, participants, assessment of the conference. programme, a conference on molecular correspondence, Phillips’s Also included here are material and correspondence relating to the Gordon Conference on Proteins on 23-27 June. Phillips was invited, and hoped to attend, but was unable to do so. Fourth NATO Advanced Study Institute of Molecular Biology Summer School, Spetsai, Greece, 7-18 July 1969. Phillips gave three lectures on 8 July, combining the conference and that in Crete (G.61) with a family holiday. Material includes correspondence, timetable and topics of School, abstracts of Phillips’s lectures, correspondence and papers relating to the political protests (mainly by French scientists) at the participation of the scientific community at a meeting in Greece under the then régime. Correspondence, information. International Centre for Advanced Studies Ninth International Conference, on Molecular Biology, Chania, Crete, 13-27 July 1969. Phillips was scheduled to lecture but had to cancel at the last minute because of his daughter’s illness. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Union (IUPAB) Third International International Biophysics Congress, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA, 29 August - 3 September 1969. Applied Biophysics Pure and for The Congress was held under the auspices of IUPAB and of the National Phillips attended as official Oxford University Academy of Sciences. representative. Programme, correspondence with university only. Biochemical Society First Harden Conference, on Biological Role of Proteins’, Wye College, Kent, 14-19 September 1969. ‘The Structure and Harden Conferences were Research The Conferences and intended to offer similar interdisciplinary opportunities for Phillips prepared the programme for this inaugural European scientists. conference, which he chaired. the Gordon modelled on Programme, correspondence with colleagues. Laboratory Conference on National Structure, Teddington, London, November 1969. Physical Inorganic and Metallic Letter of thanks only. No date or title given. Visit not otherwise documented. Phillips chaired a conference on X-ray absorption. CIBA Foundation Symposium on Molecular Properties of Drug Receptors, London, 27-30 January 1970. Phillips gave a paper on ‘Crystallographic studies of the active site of the proceedings volume edited by lysozyme’ which was published in R. Porter and M. O’Connor, Churchill London 1970. Correspondence and arrangements. Sorbonne graduate lecture, given at Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, 16 February 1970. Material participants, abstract of paper, programme, participants. correspondence, arrangements, suggestions includes for D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Chemical Society Strathclyde Area, 26 February 1970. Phillips lectured on ‘The structural basis of enzyme activity’. Correspondence and arrangements. University of London Special Lectures, 2, 4, 6 March 1970. Phillips gave a course of three lectures on ‘Structural enzymology’, in the Middlesex Hospital Medical School. Correspondence, arrangements, letters of thanks. Luton College of Technology Symposium on ‘Control of Biochemical Pathways’, 12-13 March 1970. Phillips spoke on ‘The control of enzyme structure and activity’. Material includes correspondence, programme, participants, arrangements. Institut de la Vie Third International Conference ‘From Theoretical Physics to Biology’, Versailles, 19-20 March 1970. Phillips chaired and spoke at the section on ‘Systems of recognition command and regulation: molecular and cellular systems’. Institute of Physics Bragg Symposium, Royal Institution London, 1-3 April 1970. Correspondence, arrangements, Phillips’s notes of participants and members of the section. Brief correspondence only. The Symposium, also sponsored by the British National Committee for Crystallography Crystallography, commemorated Bragg’s work on his eightieth birthday. Phillips opened the ‘Big Molecules’ session on 3 April. and the International Union of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Workshop for Protein Crystallography, sponsored by the European Molecular Biology Organization and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, on ‘Methods for the analysis of the atomic structure of biogenic macromolecules’, Hirschegg, Austria, 6-9 April 1970. Several members of the Oxford Laboratory attended and spoke on their work in addition to Phillips. Material includes information, programme, correspondence with organisers, suggestions and notes for topics and participants, travel arrangements and financing for laboratory members. Institut de Biologie Moléculaire, Faculté des Sciences de Paris, 27-28 April 1970. Phillips gave a course of four lectures on his two-day visit. Correspondence, arrangements. Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Seventh International International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Riga, 19-20 June 1970. He cancelled the visit at a late stage for family reasons. Material includes correspondence, programme, participants. Chemical Society International Conference on ‘The Mechanisms of Reactions in Solution’, Canterbury, 20-24 July 1970. Phillips was invited to attend as ‘Discussion Animator’ and speaker at a Pre- He accepted, giving Symposium on ‘The Mechanism of Enzyme Catalysis’. as a title ‘The structural basis of enzyme activity’ and suggesting topics for discussion. Correspondence, programme, abstract of paper. Phillips gave one of the Plenary Lectures, on ‘Enzyme specificity and mechanism’. NATO Advanced Study Institute Fourth International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Oxford, 26 August - 2 September 1970. Phillips spoke on ‘X-ray diffraction studies of the conformations of proteins’. Material includes programme, correspondence, abstract of paper. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures G.77, G.78 International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Eighth International Congress, Interlaken, Switzerland, 3-9 September 1970. The Congress had originally been scheduled for Rome; Phillips was on the Organising Committee for the session on ‘Mechanisms of enzyme action’. In the event the Rome venue was cancelled because of uncertainties in the Italian academic world. The Swiss Biochemical Society then accepted the IUB invitation to host the congress at several centres in Switzerland. The symposium on ‘Mechanisms of enzyme-catalysed reaction’ was chaired by A.E. Braunstein and G. Semenza; Phillips chaired a session and spoke on ‘Crystallographic studies of triose phosphate isomerase’. He was funded in part by the Biochemical Society. Correspondence and papers 1969 on the proposed IUB conference at Rome. Correspondence and invitation, funding, travel arrangements, programme. arrangements for Phillips to meet a prospective postdoctoral student. conference; Also included are 1969-70 on Interlaken papers the Invitation and acceptance. Visit not otherwise documented. University of Aberdeen Department of Biochemistry, 10 November 1970. University College London One-day Meeting on ‘Enzyme Technology in Britain’, 30 September 1970. Phillips lectured on ‘Methods used in studying biological macromolecules’. University College Cardiff In-service Course for Physics Teachers, 18 November 1970. Institute of Physics Crystallography Group Autumn Conference on ‘Safety in X-ray Laboratories’, London, 13 November 1970. Correspondence, arrangements, draft and final programme. Phillips lectured on ‘The activity of lysozyme’. Correspondence, arrangements. Phillips was chairman of Sessions III and IV. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Lecture to schoolchildren, Oxford, 7 December 1970. Phillips lectured on ‘What are we made of?’ Correspondence only. Council for Scientific Policy Conference on ‘Problems Facing University Science’, Manchester, 4-6 January 1971. Invitation and acceptance only. Visit not otherwise documented. Royal Institute of Chemistry Cardiff Section, Cardiff, 22 January 1971. Phillips gave a lecture on ‘Large molecules’. Correspondence, arrangements. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, Harvey Lecture, 18 February 1971. Correspondence, invitations and arrangements, letters of thanks, publication arrangements. Phillips lectured ‘On the stereochemical basis of enzyme action: lessons from lysozyme’, and the lecture was published in The Harvey Lectures, Series 66, Academic Press 1972. During his visit he was in great demand to lecture and visit. In New York he gave, in addition to the Harvey Lecture, seminars at the Albert Einstein College, the Institute of Cancer Research, and at Columbia University. See G.87 for other engagements. Correspondence only. Phillips was invited for He combined this with his visit to New York, and also gave a ‘colloquium lecture’ at Harvard. to present three lectures. a week’s visit, Massachusetts Institute Chemistry, 23-26 February 1971. of Technology Departments of Biology and Correspondence with colleagues on visits and lectures, research in hand etc. Sheffield University Student Biochemical Society, 9 March 1971. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures French Biochemical Society Symposium on Structure of Proteins, Paris, 27- 29 May 1971. Phillips was invited to chair a session, and spoke on ‘Crystallographic determination of protein structures and of their active sites’. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on the Structure and Function of Proteins at the Three-dimensional Level, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 3-10 June 1971. Phillips presented a collaborative paper on ‘Crystallographic studies of chicken triose phosphate isomerase’ and also gave the closing lecture on ‘Protein crystallography 1971: coming of age’, both published in the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia series XXXVI. Correspondence on conference topics and participants and on publications, manuscripts of papers. Institut de la Vie Third International Conference ‘From Theoretical Physics to Biology’, Versailles, 21-26 June 1971. Gordon Research Conference on Proteins, Meriden, New Hampshire, USA, 19-23 July 1971. Programme, list of participants only. Phillips was on the organising committee and co-president with N.K. Jerne of the session on ‘Systems of regulation command and recognition’. Correspondence, programme, participants, arrangements for speakers, abstracts of papers, exchanges on publication of papers. XXIII International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (under the sponsorship of IUPAC), Boston Mass., USA, 25-31 July 1971. papers for publication, and research projects; programme of events. Phillips was Vice-Chairman of the Symposium on ‘Mechanism of Enzyme Action’; the Chairman was D.E. Koshland. Correspondence, principally with Koshland, on organisation, collection of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of Sydney Science Foundation for Physics 1971 International Summer School on ‘Molecules to Man’, 23 August - 3 September 1971. Phillips gave five lectures on ‘The structures, activities and evolution of biologically were by Shakespeare Head Press Sydney and later by Heinemann. macromolecules’ published important which Correspondence, arrangements, programme of school. Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Seventh Meeting, Varna, Bulgaria, 20-25 September 1971. Phillips gave the ‘H.A. Krebs Lecture’ on ‘Structure-function relationships in enzyme molecules’. Correspondence on lecture and possible publication, arrangements for travel expenses from Biochemical Society and other sources. Sixth CIBA Medal Lecture, Middlesex Hospital Medical School London, 12 November 1971. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzyme specificity’. Brief correspondence only. Brief correspondence only. Phillips lectured on ‘The molecules of life - nucleus acids and proteins’. Oxford University Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies, Extension Lectures on ‘Modern Viewpoints in Biology’, Slough Technical College, 28 January 1972. work in addition to Phillips. Workshop for Protein Crystallography, sponsored by European Molecular Biology Organisation and Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, organised by M.F. Perutz and W. Hoppe, Alpbach, Austria, 19-24 March 1972. CIBA Foundation Symposium on ‘Polymerisation Reactions in Biological Systems’, London, 14-16 March 1972. Several members of the Oxford Laboratory attended and spoke on their Correspondence, draft and final programme and list of participants. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Material includes programme, participants, correspondence with organisers and and _ their of Oxford contributions, travel arrangements and financing. with colleagues on participants selection Institute of Physics Crystallography Group Spring Conference on Phase Analysis, Hull, 5-7 April 1972. Phillips chaired a session. Information, brief correspondence only. University of York, 19 May 1972. Phillips gave a seminar on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Correspondence only. Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Eighth Meeting, Amsterdam, 20-25 August 1972. colleagues for G.103, G.104 International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Ninth International Congress and General Assembly, Kyoto, Japan, 26 August - 7 September 1972. Correspondence, list of speakers. Phillips accepted an invitation to attend as an invited speaker but cancelled in April 1972 in view of his obligations as official UK delegate and speaker at the Kyoto conference (see G.103, G.104). publication of lecture in Japanese and English. a member of the official UK delegation (leader: Phillips attended as he also co-chaired one of the ‘Frontier Topic’ Sessions on H.M. Powell); ‘Problems of accuracy in protein crystallography’ (Japanese co-chairman: Y. Sasada) and other sessions and discussions. He also gave a ‘General Lecture’ on ‘Crystallography and biology’, a Japanese version of which was prepared from a tape recording and published, but Phillips declined invitations to prepare an English version for the Journal of Applied Crystallography. papers and Correspondence and arrangements with contributions by Phillips and others, organisation of sessions, travel and finance, abstract of lecture, visits and social engagements during visit, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Official papers and correspondence for UK delegation to Conference. Society for Drug Research Symposium on ‘Drug Conformation and Drug Reaction’, London, 26 September 1972. Phillips spoke on ‘Enzyme receptors and the energy of interaction with substrate drugs’. Correspondence, programme. G.106, G.107 Lysozyme Conference, New York, 29-31 October 1972 (to mark the 50th anniversary of Fleming’s discovery of lysozyme). Phillips spoke on ‘Crystallographic studies of lysozyme and its interactions with inhibitors and substrates’ which was published in the conference volume Lysozyme, Academic Press 1974. Information, correspondence with organisers and colleagues, draft and final programme and list of participants, miscellaneous manuscript notes and draft by Phillips. Biochemistry Group Meeting on Phillips spoke on ‘The interactions of carbohydrates with lysozyme’. Biochemical ‘Glycosidases’, London, 15 December 1972. Carbohydrate Society Correspondence and papers on contribution to published volume, including protests by Phillips at unauthorised editorial changes (later withdrawn) to his paper. Correspondence, exhibition programme. An exhibition on ‘Displaying Molecular Structures’, organised by D.M. Blow and W.J. Pigram, was held concurrently with the meeting. Phillips and collaborators contributed models to the exhibition. British Biophysical Society Meeting, King’s College London, 19-20 December 1972. Correspondence, programme. Phillips chaired a session. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Science Research Council Daresbury Laboratory International Symposium for Synchrotron Radiation Users, 3-5 January 1973. Phillips arranged accommodation with the intention of attending. meeting was cancelled. The Programme, speakers, summary of papers. Lancing College, Sussex, 19 January 1973. Phillips gave a talk to sixth-formers. Correspondence only. Tables Rondes Roussel Conference on ‘Physical Methods in Structural Analysis’, Paris, 1-2 February 1973. Phillips agreed to speak on ‘Crystallographic studies of enzyme-substrate interactions’, but was obliged to cancel at the last moment. G. Petsko went in his place. Correspondence, participants, programme. Phillips chaired a session. Correspondence, programme (annotated by Phillips). Oxford University Department for External Studies Course on ‘Modern Biological Science’, Oxford, 8-13 April 1973. The course was for graduate biology teachers; Phillips lectured on 12 April on ‘Crystallographic studies of enzymes’. Dialectrics Discussion Group, Oxford, 9-10 April 1973. Brief correspondence only. Chemical Society Macromolecular Group First Meeting, London, 24-25 May 1973. Correspondence, programme, information. Phillips agreed to chair a session. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Ninth International Congress, Stockholm, 1-7 July 1973. Phillips chaired the session on ‘Glycolytic Enzymes’, in the Section on the ‘Structure and Function of Proteins’ and presented a contribution on triose phosphate isomerase. Invitation, arrangements and topics for discussion, abstracts of papers, correspondence with colleagues on research projects (to be discussed separately in the course of the meeting), travel arrangements and funding. Symposium on ‘The Structure of Biological Molecules’ (sponsored by the International Union of Crystallography), Stockholm, 9-11 July 1973. This symposium followed immediately on the |UB Congress (G.116). Phillips and collaborators presented papers, and he chaired a session on ‘Non-film multirecording techniques’. Invitations and arrangements, abstracts of papers. Also included here are arrangements for Phillips’s funding for both Stockholm meetings, by the Biochemical Society and the Lockey Bequest of Oxford University. basis of Biochemical and Biosynthesis of Enzymes’, University of Southampton, 6-7 September 1973. Colloquium Structure, Function Society ‘The on Phillips lectured on ‘Interpretation of enzyme action on the conformation’. Correspondence, programme, participants, notes and diagrams for Phillips’s lecture. Chemical Society Review Symposium on ‘Enzyme Catalysis’, University of Exeter, 18-19 July 1973. Correspondence, information, programme, travel arrangements. Third European Molecular Biology Organization Course on ‘Micromethods in Molecular Biology’, Max-Planck Institute, Gottingen, 17-29 September 1973. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic studies of triose phosphate isomerase’. Phillips spoke on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Correspondence, arrangements. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oxford University Department of External Studies Course for Defence Studies Committee, 24-28 September 1973. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallography & Biology’; the general course title was ‘Recent Developments in Medical Sciences’. Correspondence, programme. British Biophysical Society Winter Meeting on ‘Polysaccarides’, London, 18- 19 December 1973. Phillips chaired the opening session. Correspondence, programme, abstracts of papers. Birkbeck College London M.Sc. Course in Biomolecular Organisation, 17 January 1974. Phillips gave a Special Lecture on crystalline state : Ribonuclease S’. ‘The activity of an enzyme in the Correspondence. Correspondence. Bayesian Statistics into Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. One-day of Crystallography’, Oxford, 12 February 1974. ‘Introduction meeting on Chemical Society Birmingham and Midlands Section, 11 February 1974. Brief correspondence, programme of course. Oxford University Department for External Studies Extension Lectures on ‘Aspects of Contemporary Biology’, Newbury, 15 February 1974. Phillips gave the opening lecture on ‘The molecules of life’. The meeting was organised by Phillips and G. Dodson. Brief correspondence, programme, acceptances. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oxford University Department for External Studies Extension Lectures on ‘Contemporary Biological Science’, Oxford, 22 February 1974. Phillips lectured on ‘Structural molecular biology’. Correspondence, programme of course. University College London Chemical and Physical Society Distinguished Visitor’s Lecture, 26 February 1974. Phillips lectured on ‘Chemistry or molecular biology?’ and also spoke at the Society’s Annual Dinner. Correspondence only. University of Liverpool Faculty Lecture, 14 March 1974. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Correspondence only. British Biophysical Society Spring Meeting, on ‘Nucleation, folding and interaction of biopolymers’, University of Newcastle, 26-28 March 1974. Phillips introduced the meeting and chaired the first session. Institute of Physics and the Chemical Society Crystallography Groups Joint Meeting, Oxford, 8-10 April 1974. Correspondence, programme, participants, abstracts of papers, brief notes by Phillips. plans. The meeting took the form of a Symposium to mark the work of H.M. Powell on his retirement. Phillips was at that time Chairman of the Institute of Physics Crystallography Group, and a member (with G. Dodson and C.K. Prout) of the local sub-committee to arrange the meeting. The substantial material constitutes a record 1971-74 of correspondence, sub-committee meetings and arrangements, drafts of programme, budget and travel expenses, Phillips’s notes on meetings and revisions and D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Science Research Council Rutherford Laboratory Meeting on ‘Neutrons and Biology’, 18 April 1974. Phillips chaired the morning session. Minutes of preliminary discussions, draft and final programme, participants, brief correspondence, Phillips’s notes taken at meeting. Institute of Physics, London, 8 May 1974. Phillips gave one of the ‘Celebrity Lectures’ given as part of the centenary celebrations of the Physical Society. He lectured on ‘Physics in biology’. Correspondence, Phillips’s manuscript notes and drafts for lecture. It was hoped to publish the lecture in Physics Bulletin but he was unable to find the time to revise his notes. Science and Engineering Research Council Central Office, Swindon, 11 May 1974. Phillips gave a talk on ‘The role of non-biologists in molecular biology’. Correspondence, abstract of talk. Correspondence, arrangements. Association for Science Education Oxford Section Meeting, 10 June 1974. Phillips arranged for the meeting to be held in the department, and gave a talk on ‘The structures and evolution of protein molecules’. draft programme, arrangements, participants. The proposal for the symposium came from H. Gutfreund in 1972 and was put forward to the Foundation by Phillips , who also received guests when the symposium was held. CIBA Symposium on ‘Energy Transformation in Biological Systems’, London, 2-4 July 1974. Correspondence, original proposal, suggestions for speakers, comments, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM) Workshop on ‘Direct Methods Applied to Protein Crystallography’, Orsay, France, July 1974. Phillips did not attend, but helped to organise the workshop and find funding for members of his department. Correspondence and arrangements with organiser, colleagues, members of department. British Association Young Scientists (BAYS) Royal Society Lecture, Stirling, 4 September 1974. Phillips’s lecture, on ‘Enzymes and evolution’ was given during the BA Annual Meeting. Correspondence, information, draft note for programme. Biochemical Society 7th Harden Conference on ‘Enzymes: Evolution, Specificity and Control’, Wye College Kent, 15-20 September 1974. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallography and biology’. Correspondence principally with conference chairman D.M. Blow, draft and revised programme, speakers and topics, travel arrangements, participants. Phillips was the organiser of the session on ‘Substrate Recognition’, at which he also gave a paper. Oxford University Department for External Studies Course for Medical Officers in the Armed Forces on ‘Recent Developments in Medical Sciences’, Oxford, 3 October 1974. Brief correspondence, programme, participants. Medical Scientific Conference on Multiple Sclerosis, London, 17-18 October 1974 (held at the Royal Society). Brief correspondence, course programme. Research Council and Multiple Sclerosis Society D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures G.142, G.143 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Biological Recognition’, London, 14-15 November 1974. ‘The Physics and Chemistry of This was a major meeting, organised by Phillips and G.K. Radda, the papers being published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, 272, no.915, 1975. Invitation suggestions colleagues, official invitations and arrangements. meeting, scheduling, 1973) topics, (July for speakers, organise to manuscript and correspondence with notes Correspondence and papers exchanged with contributors and editor about publication in Phil. Trans. Institute of Physics Crystallography Group One-day Meeting on ‘Materials of Electrical and Magnetic Interest’, London, 22 November 1974. The meeting was organised by D. Lewis; the Group and took the chair at the morning session. Phillips was current Chairman of with and and colleagues, Correspondence acceptances, draft and revised programme, participants. organisers Tables Rondes Roussel Conference on ‘The Active Sites of Enzymes’, Paris, 5-6 December 1974. Phillips served on the Scientific Committee to organise the meeting (with R. Acher and D. Arigoni). Correspondence with organiser and Group secretary, suggestions for speakers and topics, draft and revised programme, budget, information for chairman. correspondence on research, Phillips’s report on his visit. ‘Biological Phillips crystallography’ and ‘Crystallographic enzymology’ and visiting laboratories and colleagues. Invitation, travel arrangements with British Council and colleagues, schedule, British Council visit to Switzerland, 9-13 December 1974. invitations Freiburg, Basle and lecturing on visited Zdrich, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Harrow School Biological and Natural History Societies, 6 February 1975. Correspondence only. University College Cardiff Student Biochemical Society, 11 February 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘The structure and action of lysozyme’. Correspondence, arrangements. University of Essex Chemical Society, Colchester, 6 March 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzymes and evolution’. Correspondence, arrangements. Oxford University Scientific Society Sir Robert Boyle Memorial Lecture, 7 March 1975. University College Cardiff Ilcosahedron Dining Club, 21 March 1975 Phillips was a guest speaker. Brief correspondence only. Visit not otherwise documented. Phillips lectured on ‘Microscopes, molecules and medicine’. Correspondence, programme. Senior Member of the Society. Includes invitation (declined) to become papers (annotated by Phillips). This was Phillips’s last conference as President of the Crystallography Group. He and several members of the laboratory contributed papers. Institute of Physics Crystallography Group Spring Conference, University of Lancaster, 2-4 April 1975. Brief correspondence, information, programme, participants, abstracts of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Biochemical and Chemical Societies Peptide and Protein Group, Cambridge, 9 April 1975. Phillips gave a ‘Main Lecture’ on ‘The three-dimensional structure of triose phosphate isomerase’. Correspondence, information, programme. Science Research Council General Rutherford Laboratory Lecture, 18 May 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Macromolecular architecture’. Correspondence, summary of lecture. British Association Young Scientists (BAYS) Oxford Branch Half-day Meeting, Oxford, 19 May 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystals, enzymes and evolution’. Correspondence, programme, synopsis of lecture. Royal International International Congress, Copenhagen, 4-9 August 1975. Union Applied Pure and of Biophysics Correspondence, arrangements. Phillips lectured on ‘A physicist among biologists’. University College Cardiff Association for Science Education South Wales Branch, 20 June 1975. Biophysical Society about travel grants and arrangements for Copenhagen. At this meeting Phillips was elected to IUPAB Council (see K.31, K.32 for his notes and report). The |UPAB meeting was largely concurrent with the 10th IUCr meeting which Phillips also attended as an official delegate (see G. 158- G.160) and many of the travel and other arrangements refer to both conferences. Correspondence mainly with Society and secretary of British (IUPAB) Fifth D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures G.158-G.160 International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Tenth General Assembly and International Congress, Amsterdam, 7-15 August 1975. Phillips attended as an official member of the UK delegation (leader: A.J.C. Wilson), and in his personal scientific capacity as ‘non-local’ chairman of the section on ‘Biologically important substances’ (with J.D. Drenth, W. Hol and R.E. Dickerson). Official papers for UK delegation, with a few annotations by Phillips. Papers and correspondence on congress and especially on section on ‘Biologically important substances’, schedule, suggestions for speakers, abstract of paper submitted by Phillips and collaborators, correspondence and material on workshops, meetings and other matters to be discussed at conference. Phillips’s appointment as member of UK delegation, application for travel grants for him and other members of laboratory, travel arrangements. Phillips’s letter of 22 August to Royal Society explains the complications of the two conferences and his own participation in them. glycolytic enzymes’ to the Correspondence, abstract of Phillips’s paper, programme, arrangements. Phillips of Carbohydrate Chemistry Group Colloquium. gave a paper on ‘Structures Oxford University Department of External Studies Course on ‘Recent Developments in Medical Sciences’, Oxford, 22-26 September 1975. Biochemical Society Joint Meeting with German and Swiss Biochemical Societies, Edinburgh, 10-12 September 1975. Correspondence, programme, participants. CIBA Foundation Meeting for Medical Students on ‘The malformed child’, Oxford, 3-4 October 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallography and biology’. Correspondence, programme of course. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Association Junior Meeting, Middlesborough, 13 October 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzymes and evolution’. Correspondence, arrangements. Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre New Research Laboratories Open Afternoon, 24 October 1975. Information, brief correspondence only. Cambridge University Chemical Society, 14 November 1975. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Correspondence, arrangements. Association for Science Education (ASE) Annual Meeting, Oxford, 2-6 January 1976. Phillips served on the University ad hoc committee on the meeting (Chairman: B.E.F. Fender), and lectured on ‘The relevance of the physical sciences for biology’. Material includes notes of meetings, replies (some photocopied) from heads of departments and colleagues to circular letter of 14 February 1975 on their suggestions for activities, presentations, workshops etc., arrangements for open days and workshops in the Laboratory and the Zoology Department, various draft and revised schedules of events, Phillips’s lecture etc. Correspondence, draft and revised programme. CIBA Foundation Symposium on ‘Research and Medical Practice’, London, 7-9 January 1976. Phillips attended and, with his wife, received guests at the official reception. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Science Research Council Rutherford Laboratory Atlas Computing Division Meeting to Crystallography Problems’, Abingdon, 29-30 January 1976. ‘Application Techniques Computer Graphics on of Phillips contributed suggestions for topics for discussion, chaired a session and gave the summing-up. Other members of the laboratory attended and spoke. Correspondence, preliminary discussions, programme, participants, 13pp manuscript notes by Phillips on papers and discussions. University of Leeds Biophysical Society, 9 February 1976. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Correspondence, arrangements. Includes comments on ‘Bragg book’ (The Development of x-ray analysis, see P.26, P.27) by A.C.T. North. gave the opening talk on the University of Birmingham Department of Experimental Pathology Symposium on ‘The conformation of immunoglobins and their biological function’, 12 March 1976. Phillips lectured. Correspondence only. ‘Amino acid sequence and Schoolmasters’ conference, Oxford, 21 March 1976. Phillips conformation of proteins’. Correspondence, programme, correspondence with colleagues preceding and following meeting. Correspondence, programme, participants, information. European Molecular Biology Organization Course on ‘The Crystallography of Molecular Biology’, Erice, Sicily, 28 March - 10 April 1976. Phillips was chairman of the session on ‘Proteins that bind polysaccharides’ and contributed to the session on ‘Structure refinement’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Biological Council Symposium on ‘Drug Action at the Molecular Level’, London, 12-13 April 1976. Phillips chaired a session. Correspondence, programme, arrangements. EUCHEM Stereochemistry Conference, Birgenstock, Switzerland, 9-15 May 1976. Phillips gave a Plenary Lecture on ‘Studies of the structure and activity of triose phosphate isomerase’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants. International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Tenth International Congress, Hamburg, 25-31 July 1976. Phillips gave a Plenary Lecture. He chose the general title of ‘The structure of enzymes’ as he wished to be free to include the latest results of developing research (see especially correspondence of May-June 1976). Correspondence, arrangements, requests for copies of lecture. British Association Annual Meeting, Lancaster, 1-8 September 1976. Phillips was Chairman of Section 1 (Biomedical Sciences) 1975-76 and gave the Section’s Presidential Address on ‘Molecules and medicine’. He also chaired a general symposium on ‘The Problems of Transplantation’. Correspondence, ideas, invitations and acceptances for Section 1 sessions, arrangements, schedules and programmes (some annotated), letters of thanks etc. following meeting. postponed. The conference was notified in December 1975. Phillips and several members of the laboratory applied to attend but the conference was on Science Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research, 24-26 September 1976. Conference Laboratory Daresbury Research Council D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Cardiff Scientific Society, 27 October 1976. Phillips lectured on ‘Molecules and medicine’ as part of the Society’s 50th anniversary session 1976-77. Correspondence, arrangements. Tables Rondes Roussel on Biomolecular Evolution, Paris, 3-5 November 1976. Phillips accepted the invitation to attend but was obliged to cancel at the last moment. Correspondence. Wolfson College Lectures on ‘The Molecular Basis of February 1977. Life’, Oxford, 11 Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘The shapes of biological polymers’ to the course. Correspondence, list of lectures. Gordon Research Conference on ‘Enzymes, Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways’, Meriden, New Hampshire, USA, 3-8 July 1977. Phillips chaired Session | on ‘Protein Structure’. Provisional and final programme, list of participants. Chemical Society Annual Conference Perkin Division Symposium, London, 30 March - 1 April 1977. British Biophysical Society Meeting on ‘Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Biology’, Oxford, 27-30 March 1977. Oxford University. Phillips gave a paper on ‘Structure and activity of triose phosphate isomerase’ and presented a poster on ‘Structure of a-lactalbumin’. He also visited colleagues and laboratories at Harvard and Yale. He was funded by the Gordon Conferences, the Royal Society and the Lockey Bequest of Phillips gave a Main Lecture on ‘Enzyme conformations’. Correspondence. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures includes Material colleagues, programme, participants, funding and travel arrangements, brief manuscript notes. correspondence organisers with and G.185, G.186 Fourth European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM4), Oxford, 30 August - 3 September 1977. The meeting was held in the Zoology Department. Phillips was a member of the Organising Committee (Chairman: P.G. Owston) and Chairman of the Programme Committee. C.K. Prout was Chairman of the local committee. Correspondence, information. The surviving material is relatively scanty. Later correspondence 1979-85 with colleagues and with officials of Oxford University, on the setting-up and administration of the Crystallography Fund; this was formed from the surplus funds (approximately £10,000) of the ECM4 meeting and used to support crystallographic studies mainly through help with visits. Correspondence only. Correspondence, draft proposals etc. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzymes and evolution’. St. Edward’s School Gauntlett Lecture, Oxford, 4 October 1977. University of London Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, 5 October 1977. respectively. Dutch Biochemical Society 50th Anniversary Symposium on ‘The Unity in Biochemistry’, Amsterdam, 20-21 October 1977. Phillips and J.D. Drenth gave the opening talks, on ‘Common structures and diverse structures’ and ‘Common functions Phillips lectured on ‘Lysozyme: molecular studies and medicine’. Correspondence, arrangements. functions’ and diverse D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Correspondence with colleagues and organisers about conference, papers, possible publication, draft and revised programme, abstract of paper, travel arrangements (complicated by the meeting of the Max-Planck Fachbeirat immediately before the meeting. See K.39). Chemical Society South Wales West Section, Swansea, 1 November 1977. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology: structure and activity’. Correspondence, arrangements. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society Ramsden Memorial Lecture, 21 November 1977. Phillips lectured on ‘Molecules and life’. Correspondence, arrangements. in large molecules’. Phillips and R.J.P. Williams Phillips also received guests at the Reception. CIBA Foundation Symposium on ‘Molecular Interactions and Activity in Proteins’, London, 6-8 December 1977. The idea for the meeting was suggested in 1976 by Phillips, R.E. Richards and A.R. Battersby (who chaired it), the original title being ‘Environment and reactivity gave complementary papers (presented ‘as a double act’ as Phillips put it in a letter of 5 August 1977) on ‘The interactions and reactivities of chemical groups in lysozyme’), published as ‘Physical and chemical properties of lysozyme’ in the Symposium volume (Ciba Foundation Symposium 60, Excerpta Medica, 1978). able to attend himself despite considerable pressure to do so. Material includes preliminary suggestions, discussions and arrangements for meeting, speakers and papers, drafts for abstract of joint paper, plan of joint talk (by R.J.P. Williams), correspondence on publication including Phillips’s protest at editorial changes. This was part of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Department of Physics, and also timed to coincide with a visit by D.C. Hodgkin. The organiser was R. Srinivasan. Phillips was on the Organising Committee; he advised on topics, and attempted to raise funds for participants, but was not University of Madras International Symposium on Biomolecular Structure, Conformation, Function and Evolution, 4-7 January 1978. G.193, G.194 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Correspondence, invitations to visit other colleagues and institutions in India and elsewhere, fund-raising. Circulars and information on symposium and other scientific events marking Silver Jubilee, programme, participants etc. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘Ultrasonic and radiological methods in engineering and medical diagnosis: limitations and future prospects’, London, 16-17 February 1978. Phillips chaired a session. Correspondence, programme. University of Chicago Department of Chemistry Edward Clark Lee Memorial Lecture, 8 June 1978. The Lecture was given at the University’s Spring Convention, when Phillips was given an honorary degree. He lectured on ‘Protein mobility and enzyme activity’. Correspondence. See also A.22. International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) 6th International Congress, General Assembly and Council Meetings, Kyoto, Japan, 2-9 September 1978. Phillips attended as a member of the UK delegation and was elected to Council for a second term. He also gave a paper on ‘Mobility and enzyme action in dimeric proteins’ at Symposium 13 on ‘Structure and Function of Multi-macromolecular Systems’. Correspondence, programme of colloquium. Material includes correspondence on the membership of UK delegation (leader Lord Adrian, members Phillips, E.M. Bradbury), correspondence on Symposium and Phillips’s paper, travel arrangements, conference circulars. See also K.35. Society Biochemical Techniques Group Colloquium on ‘Low Temperature Techniques in Enzymology’, Oxford, 21-22 September 1978. Molecular Enzymology and The colloquium occupied the last two days of the Society’s meeting. Phillips and G.A. Petsko spoke on ‘X-ray crystallography of proteins at sub-zero temperatures’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of London Birkbeck College, 9 October 1978. Phillips gave a seminar on ‘Crystallographic studies of the activity of triose phosphate isomerase’. Brief correspondence only. Charterhouse School Science Society, 11 October 1978. Phillips lectured on ‘Physics and biology’. Correspondence, arrangements. Chipping Norton School, 1 December 1978. Phillips gave a talk to the Sixth Form on ‘Molecules and medicine’. Correspondence, programme. British Biophysical Society Winter Meeting on ‘The Active Sites of Enzymes’, Imperial College London, 19-21 December 1978. Phillips spoke at the Conference Dinner. Programme, information, brief correspondence. a party of leading Oxford scientists invited 1.C.1. Biochemistry Symposium, Runcorn and Alderley Park, Cheshire, 27-28 March 1979. Phillips was one of for discussions and presentations of work by the Corporate Laboratory and Pharmaceuticals Division. Invitation, arrangements, brief correspondence, poster. University of London Special University Lecture, University College, 15 May 1979. Correspondence, outlines of research projects and personnel, programme, participants, arrangements. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic studies of protein mobility’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Institute for Cancer Research Eighth A.L. Patterson Memorial Lecture, Philadelphia, 24 May 1979. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic studies of the dynamic properties of enzymes’. Correspondence, arrangements, notice correspondence with J.P. Glusker on publication projects in hand. lecture. Includes a é of little Science Crystallography, Wye College, Kent, 30 August - 2 September 1979. Techniques Workshop: Research Council New in Protein was Workshop the The Phillips was Coordinator of a correspondence is principally conducted. session on ‘Protein Dynamics’ and several members of the Laboratory attended and spoke. organised Blundell whom with T.L. by Material arrangements for Laboratory members. correspondence, includes programme, participants, funding Royal Society Discussion Meeting, London, 26-27 September 1979. on action lectured ‘The mechanism of Phillips isomerase’. Brief correspondence only. Correspondence, draft and revised programmes. University of London King’s College Biochemistry Society, 6 November 1979. The meeting, originally titled ‘Neutron scattering: present and future’, was eventually titled ‘Neutron scattering in biology, chemistry and physics’. Phillips chaired Session VII on Biological systems. Correspondence, arrangements. University of Salford Biochemical Society Vice-Chancellor’s Lecture, 12 November 1979. Phillips isomerase’. triose phosphate triose phosphate and activity structure lectured ‘The on of of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Weizmann Institute Seventh Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Conference, Rehovot, Israel, 24-29 February 1980. ‘Structural aspects of Phillips gave the opening ‘Keynote lecture’ on assembly and recognition in proteins’, and chaired the session on ‘Enzyme complexes’. Correspondence, chiefly with organiser W. Traub, arrangements, programme. Wellcome Centenary Symposium on ‘Drug Research in Transition’, Royal Society, London, 19 May 1980. Brief correspondence, information. Royal Institution Schools Lectures, London, 3,4,5 June 1980. Phillips lectured on ‘Proteins: the machine tools of life’. Brochure, outline, brief correspondence. 7,8,9 October 1980. See also D.15. Phillips repeated this series on Phillips agreed to chair session III on ‘Motions in Proteins’ but had to cancel from pressure of other commitments (letter of 21 May). Gordon Research Conference on Molecular Biology, Diffraction Methods, Andover, New Hampshire, USA, 23-27 June 1980. Correspondence with organisers (R.E. Dickerson, D. Eisenberg) and with Some scientific colleagues on papers and speakers, draft programme. correspondence is included. Correspondence, invitations, programme, abstract of Phillips’s paper. on European ‘Stereochemical Mechanisms in Allostery’, King’s College Cambridge, 10-15 August 1980. Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and Israel Biochemical Society 13th Meeting, Jerusalem, 24-29 August 1980. Phillips chaired session 4 on ‘Phosphorylase’. paper on ‘Crystallographic studies of immunoglobin Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Workshop Correspondence, programme, participants. Phillips gave a fragments’. He was accompanied by his daughter. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Molecular Schweizerische European Kommission fiir Molekularbiologie (SKMB) Workshop on ‘Dynamic Aspects of Globular Protein Structures’, Kandersteg, Switzerland, 14-20 September 1980. Organization (EMBO) Biology Phillips chaired the session on ‘Amide Proton Exchange in Proteins’ and also gave a summary of the meeting at the closing session. After the meeting he wrote to participants requesting information for a literature survey to be distributed subsequently. Correspondence with colleagues and organiser (K. Withrich), programme, participants. Institute of Biology Charter Symposium on ‘Biology, Society and Choice’, London, 25-26 September 1980. Brief correspondence, programme, summaries of papers. CIBA Foundation Discussion Meeting on Organisation of Glycolysis, London, 15 October 1980. Correspondence, programme, participants. G.219, G.220 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘The Enzymes of Glycolysis: Structure, Activity and Evolution’, London, 16-17 October 1980. This was a closed meeting arranged to allow private informal discussion on topics associated with the Royal Society Discussion Meeting on 16-17 October (see G.219, G.220). Phillips took the chair at the CIBA meeting. This was a major meeting, organised by Phillips, C.C.F. Blake and H.C. Watson, the papers, which included two contributions from Phillips’s Laboratory, being published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, 293, no.1063 The meeting was originally planned for 26-27 March 1980 but was 1981. changed to avoid a clash with a Biochemical Society Meeting on ‘Glycogen Metabolism and its Regulation’ at Dundee on 28 March. discussions at meeting. Correspondence and arrangements, with Royal Society, colleagues and participants on choice of topics, change of date, invitations declined and accepted, material and ideas, some abstracts of papers, final programme and list of participants. Phillips’s notes for planning of meeting and speakers, notes of papers and D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oxford University ‘Science Today’ Series, 28 October 1980. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Molecular biophysics today’. Brief correspondence only. Science Research Council Daresbury Laboratory Study Weekend on ‘Refinement of Protein Structures’, 15-16 November 1980. Phillips chaired a session and there was a large attendance from the Laboratory. Correspondence, arrangements and (annotated by Phillips ). funding, participants, programme Biochemical Society Symposium on ‘Molecular Mobility and Migration’, St. George’s Hospital Medical School London, 15-16 December 1980. Phillips gave a paper on ‘Crystallographic studies of movement within proteins’, published in Biochem. Soc. Symp. 46, 1981. Correspondence on meeting and publication, programme. G.224-G.228 Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, London, December 1980 - January 1981. The provisional title ‘On the molecules of life’ was changed by Phillips and his daughter Sarah to ‘The chicken, the egg and the molecules’. There were six lectures; the fifth, on ‘Haemoglobin: the breathing molecule’, was given by M.F. Perutz. The importance Phillips attached to delivering material which would be both interesting and intelligible to young people is reflected in the help he enlisted from his daughter and the children of colleagues. Partly perhaps this was the reason for his speaking without a script, using only brief lists of experiments and demonstrations. (See G.226, G.408.) the RI Junior Associates News Sheet. Correspondence with the Royal Institution, invitation to deliver lectures, rehearsal and recording schedules, sketch (by Phillips and Sarah) for cover of lecture booklet, arrangements and script for ‘A Brief Profile’ of Phillips for The lectures were very well-received, the televised versions put out by BBC TV attracting an audience of half a million (see letter of 20 January 1981 in G.225). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Correspondence and papers on arrangements with BBC TV, recording schedules, later ‘running correspondence on success of lectures and videocassettes. models and experiments orders’, lists of Notes, plans, requests for help from colleagues in supplying information or models. Includes several manuscript lists of headings and experiments by Phillips but no formal script, also his list of the volunteers (child and adult) required, and notes by children on what they had seen. Correspondence with colleagues. Letters received after the lectures, from colleagues and members of the general public. Some of these raised matters of medical or scientific interest on which Phillips consulted colleagues. Almost all the letters bear a tick in the top corner, indicating a reply, though few of these survive and were probably hand-written. Letters from family and relations - addressing Phillips as ‘Chilton’ - are in Section A. In chronological order (and some undated). Brief correspondence only. Background material, some annotated. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallographic enzymology’. Oxford University Biochemical Society, 29 January 1981. IBM Conference ‘Science and Imagination’, London Airport, 5-6 February 1981. Correspondence, summary of lecture. Correspondence, presentations, arrangements. Phillips spoke on ‘Computing and the properties of proteins’. Oxford University Physics Colloquium, 13 February 1981. Phillips lectured on ‘Dynamic properties of proteins’. programme, abstracts and further references for D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Universities of Dundee and Aberdeen, 17-18 February 1981. Phillips gave seminars in both universities. Correspondence, arrangements. Hertford College Oxford, ‘Plot’ Society, 19 February 1981. Phillips talked on ‘Science and government’. Correspondence, arrangements. University of Birmingham Biochemical Society, 19 March 1981. Phillips lectured on ‘The enzymes of glycolysis’. Correspondence, arrangements. British Biophysical Society 21st Anniversary Meeting, Leeds, 26-28 March 1981. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzyme structure and mechanism’. Correspondence, list of speakers. Programme, brief correspondence. Science Research Council CCP5 Meeting on ‘Polarisability and Many-Body Effects in Condensed Systems’, Birkbeck College London, 23-24 March 1981. Phillips and his team gave a paper on ‘Water structure in the refined crystal structures of lysozymes’. Correspondence, participants, arrangements. Phillips agreed to attend the meeting and obtained Science Research Council funding to do so, but was obliged to cancel at the last minute from pressure of work. Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM) Discussion Meeting on ‘Protein Dynamics: Experiment and Theory’, Orsay, France, 22-23 May 1981. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Second SUNYA Conversation in the Discipline Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, New York, 28-29 April 1981. Phillips gave the ‘Closing Remarks’ which were published in the Conference Proceedings Vol.Il, Academic Press 1981. Correspondence with R.H. Sarma (Director) about publication, verbatim transcript and Phillips’s amended version of remarks. Gordon Research Conference, New Hampton, USA, 22-26 June 1981. Phillips accepted an invitation to attend and chair a session, but had to cancel at a late stage in order to attend the conferral of an honorary degree on E. Katchalski-Katsir at Oxford. Correspondence only. International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Xllth Congress and General Assembly, Ottawa, 16-25 August 1981. be held Phillips served on the Programme Committee, whose Chairman was F.R. Ahmed, his colleague at the National Research Council Laboratories Ottawa in the 1950s. He gave one of the main lectures on ‘Flexibility and dynamics of protein structures’ and acted as receiver of abstracts for three of the ‘Microsymposia’ (Nos. Structural Molecular Biology, and Crystallography in Biochemistry and Pharmacology). The Programme Committee met in Barcelona in July 1980 to finalise the programme; Phillips was not able to attend this meeting and T.L. Blundell took his place. on Macromolecular Structures, 1-3, Phillips’s letter of 2 April 1980 gives his detailed comments and suggestions for the Congress. The material is principally correspondence with organisers and colleagues, including members of Phillips’s Laboratory, on topics, speakers and arrangements for the Congress and its Microsymposia and various proposals for Schools, workshops and meetings to before, during or afterwards, separately or in conjunction with the main meeting. meetings on Japan-UK Science Policy (see L.27-L.29). Frequent references are made by Phillips from the earliest approach in 1979, and by others, to the overlap of dates with the IUPAB Congress in Mexico Phillips attended this as a member of Council but no City, 23-29 August. He went on from Mexico City to Japan for documentation survives here. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Biochemical Society Irish Area Pre-doctoral Student Meeting, Cork, 24-25 September 1981. Phillips gave a ‘Guest Lecture’ on ‘Triose phosphate isomerase and the dynamic properties of proteins’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme of meeting. Hoechst Eleventh Workshop Conference on between Biopolymers and Low-Molecular-Weight Molecules’, Reisenburg, West Germany, 11-15 October 1981. ‘Structure of Complexes Schloss Phillips gave a paper ‘On the enzymes of glycolysis: structure and activity’ which was published as ‘Trends in Crystallographic Enzymology’ in the Conference Proceedings Biopolymer Complexes 1982. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants, copy of version of Phillips’s paper as sent for publication. final University of London King’s College Maxwell Society, 12 October 1981. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Physics and molecular biology’. Brief correspondence, information. University of Strathclyde Biochemical Society, 29 October 1981. Phillips lectured on Molecular Biophysics. Correspondence only. Oxford University Department of Nuclear Physics ‘Science Today’ Series, 27 October 1981. Correspondence, programme. British Biophysical Society Meeting on ‘Trigger Processes and Cellular Events’, London, 21-23 December 1981. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzymes of Glycolysis’. Correspondence, arrangements. Phillips spoke at the Annual Dinner. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Technology Group Conference on University Research’, Oxford, 12 January 1982. ‘Industrial Innovation from Invitation, programme, guest-list. University of Cambridge Department of Biochemistry Tea Club Meeting, 27 January 1982. Phillips lectured on ‘Protein Mobility and Enzyme Action’. Brief correspondence, schedule of meetings. Science and Engineering Research Council Daresbury Laboratory, February 1982. Phillips lectured on ‘Protein mobility and enzyme activity’. Correspondence, arrangements, summary of lecture. Imperial College London Biochemical Society, 18 February 1982. Phillips lectured on ‘Enzyme Flexibility and Specificity’. Correspondence. Phillips chaired a session. Invitation only. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘Interferon: 25 Years On’, London, 24- 25 February 1982. research in hand. Correspondence, drafts of programme and of Chairman’s (F.M. Richards) introductory remarks, arrangements, participants, abstracts. Includes replies from invited speakers and participants with comments and information on CIBA Foundation Symposium on ‘Mobility and Function in Proteins and Nucleic Acids’, London, 2-4 March 1982. Phillips and his wife received guests at the official reception. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Central Office of Information/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Visit of Japanese Scientific Editors, 11 March 1982. Phillips attended a dinner in Oxford for the editors, who were on an official visit to UK. Brief correspondence, information. Science and Engineering Research Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Visit by Sir Keith Joseph (Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science), 22 March 1982. Phillips gave one of the presentations, on ‘Protein Crystallography’. Correspondence, programme, arrangements, participants. Institute of Physics and Royal Chemical Crystallography Groups Inaugural Meeting of British Crystallographic Association, Durham, 5-8 April 1982. Phillips, who was founder-president of the BCA, gave the first ‘review lecture’ on ‘Crystallographic Studies of the Dynamic Properties of Proteins’ and also helped to organise the meeting, invite speakers etc. Phillips lectured on ‘Structure and mobility in the activity of enzymes’. Correspondence, arrangements, poster. Correspondence, programme, arrangements. See J.6-J.12 for general correspondence on BCA affairs. London Hospital Medical College Department of Biochemistry, Guest Lecture, 2 June 1982. of programme, conference and publication arrangements. The theme of the conference was ‘Evolution of Molecules and Men’. Phillips spoke on ‘Protein Domains’ and contributed a collaborative paper with M.J.E. Sternberg and B.J. Sutton under the title ‘Intimations of evolution from the three-dimensional structures of proteins’ to the published volume (ed. D.S. Bendall) Evolution from Molecules to Men C.U.P. 1983. Darwin Centenary Conference, Cambridge, 27 June - 2 July 1982. Material includes correspondence with organisers, early and final versions D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Biochemical Society 600th meeting, Oxford, 14-16 July 1982. The first day of the meeting (14 July) was occupied by a Joint Colloquium with the Chinese Biochemical Society, on ‘Structure and Function of Proteins and Nucleic Acids’; the colloquium organiser was R.R. Porter and Phillips was one of the chairmen of the morning session. The Oxford Colloquium was part of the programme arranged for an official eight-man delegation of the Chinese Biochemical Society under the Royal Society Exchange Agreement. As Biological Secretary, Phillips attended a lunch for the Delegation at the Royal Society on 13 July. Material includes correspondence, suggestions for speakers and topics, arrangements for the Oxford colloquium, and also biographical information, official programme of activities, lunch arrangements etc. for the Royal Society side of the visit. Programme of meeting and of colloquium. International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Twelfth International Congress, Perth, Australia, 15-21 August; Royal Australian Chemical Institute Seventh National Convention, Canberra, 22-27 August 1982. Canberra meeting brief documentation only for mainly the Material arrangements, information) with congress and the visit to China. relates to (correspondence, the IUB These conferences formed part of a major tour by Phillips. He attended the first part of the IUB congress, and gave one of the ‘Convention Lectures’ at Canberra on ‘X-ray diffraction studies and protein structure’, also visiting Melbourne during his stay in Australia. He then went on to an extended visit to Hong Kong and China under Royal Society auspices (see L.30). His letter of 28 June 1982 gives a clear account of his travel intentions. Biochemical Society Molecular Enzymology Group Colloquium on ‘Proteins with Similar Structures but Different Activities’, Aberdeen, 22-24 September 1982. Correspondence, programmes of meeting and colloquia. Phillips agreed to chair the meeting (Organiser, L.A. Fothergill) and intended to fly to Aberdeen on 21 September - the day on which he arrived back from Later he decided to cancel the commitment his China/Hong Kong visit. because of pressure of time and work. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Biophysical Societies of Sweden and Germany Joint Meeting, Lund, Sweden, Nobel Committee of Chemistry/Swedish Natural Science 2-3 October; on Research ‘Biomolecular Dynamics’, Gysinge Mansion, Uppsala, 4-7 October 1982. Council/US Foundation Workshop National Science at the gave lectures ‘Crystallographic, Phillips spectroscopic and computational studies of protein mobility and its role in enzyme action’, and at the Gysinge Workshop on ‘Lysozyme, a dynamic He also accepted an invitation from the Stockholm Cancer structure’. Society to give a lecture during his visit to Sweden. meeting Lund on Correspondence, meetings. arrangements, programmes for Lund and Gysinge Oxford University Scientific Society, 22 October 1982. Phillips spoke on ‘Proteins and Evolution’. Brief correspondence only. A.J.C. Wilson (Phillips’s supervisor at Cardiff), Retirement dinner for Birmingham, 5 November 1982. Correspondence only. Phillips spoke and proposed the toast. Phillips spoke on ‘Protein structure and gene structure’. Correspondence, programme, participants, poster presentations, abstracts. Société de Chimie Biologique, Fourth Meeting of Protein Section, Marseille, 26 November 1982. Moore who died August 1982 after the invitation but before the lecture. Phillips spoke on ‘Protein structure and mobility in the activity of enzymes’; he also visited Faculty laboratories and researchers. Rockefeller University New York William H. Stein Memorial Lecture, 28 January 1983. Correspondence, arrangements, schedule; includes tributes to Stanford D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oxford University Physical Chemistry Laboratory Graduate Seminar series, 7 March 1983. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘What’s new in Molecular Biophysics - Structures?’. Brief correspondence only. British Crystallographic Association (BCA) Easter Meeting, Royal Holloway College London, 28-31 March 1983. He attended the planning Phillips was President of the BCA at this time. meetings, advised on speakers and scheduling and gave a paper on ‘Crystallographic contributions to an understanding of enzymes’. Material correspondence, programme, participants. planning includes and _ preliminary material, budget, Bedales School Eckersley Lecture, 6 May 1983. Phillips lectured ‘On the evolution of macromolecules: DNA and proteins’. Correspondence only. A. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘Mineral Phases in Biology’, London, 1-2 June 1983. This was a major meeting, organised by Phillips, Miller and R.J.P. Williams, the papers being published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, 304, no.1121, 1984. The invitation to arrange the meeting was sent by the Society in March 1981 and Phillips asked R.J.P. Williams to act as Chairman and undertake much of the organisation. Correspondence, programme, participants. Royal Society of Chemistry Perkin Division International Symposium on ‘Models of Enzyme Action’, University of Sussex, Brighton, 12-15 September 1983. Correspondence and arrangements, with Royal Society, colleagues and participants, drafts and ideas for topics and speakers, invitations, draft and final programme, abstracts. A CIBA Foundation seminar was proposed in conjunction with the meeting, to be held on 3 June. Phillips gave a Plenary Lecture on ‘Complex vibrations of enzymes’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Fogarty International Center National Institutes of Health Conference on ‘The Role and Significance of International Co-operation in the Biomedical Sciences’, Bethesda, USA, 21-23 September 1983. Phillips gave a paper on ‘Development of concepts of protein structure’, which was published in a supplementary issue of Perspectives in Biology He spent the week and Medicine, University of Chicago Press, preceding the conference in Washington visiting various officials in relation to his work for the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) (see his letter of 30 August 1983). 1986. Material includes information, correspondence, arrangements, draft and final programme, participants, background papers, text of Phillips’s contribution prepared for publication. Technical Change Centre, London, October 1983. Correspondence and papers exchanged with Director and with Department of Education and Science officials and H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer on university funding, arrangements for visit by Phillips to Centre on 28 October. Also included is material relating to conference to be held 17-18 October at Windsor in association with British Library Research and Development Phillips Department on ‘Information for Industry - the next ten years’. planned to attend but had to cancel at the last moment from pressure of work. Oxford University ‘Science Today’ Lecture, 25 October 1983. Brief arrangements. Pontifical Academy of Sciences Workshop on ‘Specificity in Biological Interactions’, Vatican, 9-11 November 1983. Correspondence, abstract of lecture, arrangements. Phillips accepted an invitation to give a paper on ‘Structural studies of enzyme interactions’ but was obliged to cancel at the last moment because of ABRC meetings. University College Cardiff Centenary Year Science Week, 14-19 November 1983. Phillips gave the British Association South East Wales Branch Lecture on ‘The dancing molecules of life’ on 16 November. Correspondence, programme, participants, arrangements. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Science and Engineering Research Council Daresbury Laboratory Study Weekend on ‘Protein Structure and Dynamics’, 19-20 November 1983. Phillips spoke on ‘X-ray crystallography and protein dynamics’ and chaired sessions on ‘Neutron Diffraction’ and ‘Theoretical Studies’. Several other members of the Laboratory also attended and spoke. Correspondence, programme, participants. Association of ‘Scientific Research in British Universities - How to Survive the Cuts’, Royal Society, London, 18 January 1984. British Science Writers (ABSW) Seminar on Phillips attended as one of the panel of speakers. Correspondence, notice of meeting. Oxford University Department of External Studies Extension Lecture Series on ‘Life Science in Oxford’, 20 January 1984. Phillips gave the opening lecture on ‘The molecular basis of life’. Brief correspondence, programme of series. Correspondence, notices of series and of lecture. University of London Royal Holloway College Inter-Faculty and Special Lecture Series, 9 February 1984. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallography and computation in the study of life’. Programme and abstract only. Darwin College Cambridge Lecture Series on ‘The Future of Research in Universities’, 14 February 1984. Phillips gave the first of the lectures, on ‘The role of the ABRC in the support of scientific research in the UK’. Royal Institution Science Lectures for Schools, London, Spring Term 1984. Phillips gave the Woodhull Lecture on ‘Blueprints and machine tools in the living cell’ on 15, 16, 29 February and 1 March 1984. Correspondence, arrangements, notice of lectures. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of St. Andrews Irvine Memorial Lecture, 21 February 1984. Phillips lectured on ‘Crystallography in the study of journey in Edinburgh to visit former colleagues A.S. and V. Shore. life’, and broke his Correspondence, arrangements. University of Leeds Biophysical Society, 16 March 1984. Phillips lectured on the contribution of crystallographic studies to the understanding of enzymes. Letter of invitation only. Visit not otherwise documented. University of Wales Colloquium on ‘Biophysical Science in Wales’, Cardiff, 27-28 March 1984. Phillips was a ‘Special Invited Speaker’. and enzyme action’. He lectured on ‘Protein mobility Correspondence, programme of colloquium. The workshop was arranged in conjunction with the Royal Society and the British Council. Phillips chaired the opening session. British Crystallographic Association Spring Meeting, Nottingham, 2-5 April 1984. Phillips was President of the BCA at this time. He gave a lecture to schools during the meeting, on ‘Crystals and life’. Correspondence, arrangements and budgeting mainly in connection with expenses for Plenary Lecture by D. Sayre. Correspondence, draft and revised programme, abstracts of papers. Science and Engineering Research Council Biotechnology Directorate Anglo- Japan Biotechnology Workshop, Royal Society, London, 2-3 May 1984. University of Newcastle upon Tyne Third 8-Lactamase Workshop, Holy Island, Northumberland, 4-6 April 1984. Phillips was unable to attend because of the BCA meeting (G.285) but four members of the Laboratory applied to go. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of Warwick Biology Society, 23 May 1984. Phillips lectured on ‘Protein mobility and enzyme action’. Correspondence, arrangements Salters’ Institute of Industrial Chemistry Conference for Schoolteachers on ‘Industrial of Strathclyde, 17-21 June 1984. Revolution’, Chemistry University Biological and the Phillips gave the opening lecture, on ‘Protein structure and enzyme action’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, list of delegates. G.290-G.297 International International Biophysics Congress, Bristol, 29 July - 4 August 1984. Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) Eighth The President of |UPAB during the period of the Congress, and Chairman of the Steering Committee, was R.D. Keynes. The Secretary-General of the Steering Committee and Chairman of the Local Executive Committee was H.C. Watson who had played a leading part in the original choice of Bristol as location. The Treasurer of the Steering Committee (from 1982) was A.C.T. North who also served on the Scientific Programme Committee (Chairman: W. Fuller). Phillips served on the Steering and the Scientific Programme Committee, and was co-Chairman with M. Karplus of the Symposium on ‘Folding, Dynamics and Solvation of Macromolecules’. Harbour site. Administrative, logistic and financial difficulties made the organisation of the Congress far from smooth. The invitation to IUPAB to hold the Congress in Bristol was made via the Royal Society’s British National Committee in June 1979, agreement having already been reached with the City and University authorities that they would welcome such an approach, and was accepted Reservations about the proposed dates (1-8 September) were by IUPAB. immediately expressed, however, and a request was made that they be moved forward, primarily to suit the earlier academic year of American This raised difficulties for the UK organisers because of the universities. national Bank Holiday weekend and the University’s staff holiday and building works programme. These problems were never entirely overcome. Clashes with other international meetings had also to be taken into account, in particular the |UCr Congress at Hamburg arranged for 9-19 August. The eventual choice of 29 July - 4 August, made as late as 1982 and largely brought about by the University’s refusal to open its Halls of Residence beyond the first week in August, clashed directly with the 9th International Congress of Pharmacology in London and was thought to have adversely industrial affected sponsorship. A professional company, Meon Conference Services, was engaged partly because neither the City nor the University were able to provide major administrative support. The Congress Centre was in the City’s Floating numbers of registrations enlistment of and the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures As Phillips was a member of both the Steering and Programme Committees there is a useful record of all meetings and negotiations as well as briefer material relating to participation by members of the Laboratory. G.295-G.297 relate to associate or satellite meetings of the Congress, in which Phillips was invited to participate, but was unable to do so (see G.298). See L.4 for material of the Royal Society’s British National Committee relating to the congress. NB. Several of the early documents refer when using Roman numerals to the VIl Congress, and there are several inaccuracies in the dates assigned to meetings and letters. Correspondence 1979-83. Includes letters (some photocopies) to City and University of Bristol and to IUPAB on invitation to hold congress at Bristol, correspondence with Committee Secretary, Treasurer and on organisation and finance. others to IUPAB, draft and Steering Committee (set up October 1979). Papers, costings, draft circulars, minutes, correspondence for meetings 15 April 1980, 9 February, 29 March, 18 May, 28 September 1982, 21 November 1983, 15 May, 17 July 1984. Steering Committee final meeting, 24 January 1985. Includes minutes, Congress organiser’s report, Treasurer’s report, draft financial statements. Programme Committee (set up October 1979). Papers, correspondence, consultations and suggestions for topics, symposia and speakers sent to Committee or including arrangements for symposium co-chaired by Phillips and M. Karplus. Congress, with abstracts of papers or contributions offered. The Committee met on 11 March 1980, 10 June, 29 October, 20 December 1982, 28-29 January (with IUPAB Council), 8 March, 5 May, 6 July 1983. Funding arrangements for members of Oxford laboratory attending revised programmes, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Workshop on Protein Folding, King’s College Cambridge, 5-8 August 1984. The workshop was an ‘Associated Meeting’ of the IUPAB Bristol Congress. Phillips was unable to attend as he was to be at the Dunitz celebration meeting (G.298). Correspondence, suggestions for speakers. Workshop on ‘Magnetic Resonance (NMR and ESR) in Biological Systems’, Oxford, 6-8 August 1984. This was a ‘Satellite Meeting’ of the IUPAB Bristol Congress, organised by A. Watts. Phillips was invited to speak at the dinner but declined because of the Dunitz celebration meeting. Correspondence, information. Meeting on ‘Structure and Dynamics of Connective Tissue’, Oxford, 6-7 August 1984. Brief correspondence, programme of meeting. J.D. Dunitz 60th Birthday Symposium, Rigi Kaltbad, Switzerland, 6-9 August 1984. This was an informal symposium for close friends and colleagues of Dunitz. Phillips gave a lecture on ‘Crystallographic studies of proteins’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants. This was a ‘Satellite Meeting’ of the IUPAB Bristol Congress. Phillips was asked to open the meeting but had to decline. Correspondence, information, arrangements. Phillips attended part of the meeting, including a meeting of the Editorial Board of ‘LINK-UP’ (see F.59), and spoke on 13 September at a Royal Science’ Society sponsored symposium on ‘China-UK Collaboration in organised during a visit by a delegation of six Chinese scientists. Phillips spoke on ‘Collaboration: notably in crystallography, molecular biology, etc.’. British Association Annual Meeting, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 10-14 September 1984. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oxford University Theoretical Chemistry Department C.A. Coulson Summer School, 9-19 September 1984. Phillips gave a guest lecture on 14 September. Correspondence only. Oxford University Science Today Series, 30 October 1984. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Physics and Molecular Biology’. Brief correspondence, notice of lectures. G.302-G.305 Visit to America, 4-17 November 1984. This was a major excursion, including visits to Houston (Robert A. Welch Foundation Symposium on ‘Chemistry in Texas’); Rice University Houston; Fox Chase Cancer Center Symposium ‘Celebrating the Patterson Function’ A Philadelphia; meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Harvard/Monsanto project also took place at Boston on 12-13 November during the visit (see K.21). and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Rice University Houston. includes correspondence and arrangements with friends and Material colleagues, programmes and schedules, publication etc. Welch Foundation Symposium Houston. the sessions of the Welch Phillips was Discussion Leader at one of he gave a seminar on 8-lactamase at Rice Foundation Symposium; he gave a paper on ‘Protein structure and function’ at the University; Patterson Symposium in Philadelphia, which was published in Patterson and and he gave a discussion seminar on lysozyme- Pattersons, O.U.P. 1987; related projects at Stony Brook. Stony Brook. Patterson Symposium Philadelphia (includes Phillips’s article prepared for publication). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Institute Indian Structure and Interactions, Bangalore, 17-22 December 1984. of Science International Symposium on Biomolecular Phillips served on the International Committee. He was invited to speak on any subject of his choice, but was unable to attend from pressure of work. Correspondence, information. British Association ‘Science Audit’ Meeting, Royal Society, London, 12 April 1985. Phillips attended. Annual Meeting later in the year. See G.311 for a Correspondence, list of participants. full session on this topic at the BA Conference of Registrars and Secretaries of UK Universities, University of Bradford, 15-17 April 1985. Phillips addressed one of the Plenary Sessions on 17 April on ‘University Research’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme. Royal Institution Friday Evening Discourse, London, 3 May 1985. Phillips spoke on ‘The silver jubilee of protein structures: from molecular anatomy to molecular surgery’. Correspondence with colleagues on ideas for lecture and demonstrations, loan of material etc. Correspondence and arrangements. Phillips’s manuscript draft for speech. Phillips spoke at the Annual Dinner on ‘Present position and prospects for research funding in UK’. Biochemical Society Meeting, Oxford, 17-19 July 1985. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Association Annual Meeting, University of Strathclyde, 26-30 August 1985. Phillips took part in the ‘Science Audit’ session on 29-30 August and gave a paper on ‘Criteria for national priorities in research’. Correspondence, arrangements, text and charts for Phillips’s lecture, copy of H.A. Kornberg’s Presidential Address given to the BA meeting (on science funding). Tufts University European Center Talloires, ‘Rencontre’ on Dynamics of Biomolecules, 31 August - 4 September 1985. Phillips led the session on ‘Fundamentals of protein dynamics’. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants. Swedish Academy of for Chemistry Royal Conference on ‘Molecular Evolution of Life’, S6dergarn, Stockholm, 8-12 September 1985. Sciences Institute Nobel Correspondence, programme of series. Correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants. Oxford University ‘Science Today’ Series, 22 October 1985. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Physics and Molecular Biology’. Phillips accepted an invitation to attend, to give a paper on ‘A structural and functional comparison of lysozyme and a-lactalbumin’ and to chair a He was obliged to cancel at the last moment from pressure of session. official engagements. and 20 June). publication, Correspondence, NB. The lecture was incorrectly referred to and arrangements, information. announced as the seventh Bragg lecture up to June 1985 (see letters of 13 Eighth Bragg Lecture, Leeds, 28 October; 1985. Phillips lectured on ‘The Silver Jubilee of successful protein crystallography’. Royal Institution, 31 October including several suggestions for D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Oyez Scientific and Technical Services Ltd First International Conference on Protein Engineering, Gloucester Hotel, London, 21-22 November 1985. Phillips attended and chaired the first day of the meeting. Correspondence, programme, participants and delegates. Chipping Norton School Certificate Evening, 17 December 1985. Phillips was ‘Guest of Honour’, presented certificates and gave a short talk. Correspondence, arrangements, Phillips’s notes for his talk. University of Reading, 20 February 1986. Phillips addressed the Non-Professorial Staff on ‘A strategy for research’. All Souls Group Meeting, Rhodes House, Oxford, 1-2 March 1986. Correspondence, programme, participants, membership list. Brief correspondence, programme. Phillips opened the meeting which was on the topic of ‘Aspects of the Green Paper on Higher Education’. Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine One-day Symposium on ‘MRC and the Development of a National Biomedical Research Policy’, Oxford, 8 March 1986. and other changes. British Association One-day Conference ‘Calling Science to Account’, London, 2 June 1986. The meeting was one of the events arising from the ‘Science Audit’ meeting on 26 January 1986, attended by Phillips. Phillips attended and took part in a panel discussion ‘In the witness box’. Correspondence, participants, programme and revisions arising from Cabinet D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Royal Society of Arts, London, 2 June 1986. Phillips gave a lecture on ‘Research in a modern society: a UK view’, which was published in the RSA Journal, CXXXIV, 1986. Correspondence, text of lecture, proof with manuscript corrections for publication. G.323, G.324 Biochemical Society Meeting Molecular Enzymology Group Symposium on ‘From Lysozyme Structure to Enzyme Engineering’, Cambridge, 3-4 July 1986. lecture on ‘From lysozyme to a-lactalbumin: protein Phillips gave a engineering and evolution’ which was published as a collaborative paper (with K.R. Acharya, H.H.G. Handoll and D.I. Stuart) in Biochem. Soc. Trans. 15, 1987. Correspondence on conference and publication, programme, abstract. Oxford University Department for External Studies Science Studies Summer Seminar, Queen’s College, 12-26 July 1986. Phillips gave the opening talk in the ‘Futures for Science’ week, on 13 July. His title was ‘The state of the UK science base’. Material includes brief correspondence, programme, Phillips’s manuscript draft for his talk, statistics and background information prepared for him. manuscript and typescript drafts, Preparation of paper for publication: comments by co-workers, data and diagrams, notes and research material. Brief correspondence, programme, text of address. University of Warwick New Biotechnology Laboratories, 14 July 1986. Phillips opened the laboratories and gave a short address. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Union International 15th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, The Hague, 17-22 August 1986. Chemistry (IUPAC) Applied Pure and of Phillips gave a plenary lecture, on ‘Crystallographic studies of the 8- lactamases from B. cereus’, which was published as a collaborative paper (with A. Cordero-Borboa, B.J. Sutton and R.J. Todd) in Pure app/. Chem. 59, 1987. Correspondence, abstract, participants. Royal Society of Chemistry Food Chemistry Group Conference on ‘Chemical Aspects of Food Enzymes’, University of Reading, 16-17 September 1986. Phillips gave the opening lecture on ‘Enzyme structure and specificity-basic factors affecting enzyme activity and kinetics’, which was published in Chemical aspects of food enzymes (ed. A.T. Andrews), 1987. Correspondence on conference, paper and publication, programme and participants, typescript of Phillips’s paper with a few manuscript corrections. Correspondence, programme. Phillips spoke on ‘Lysozyme dynamics’. Brief correspondence, timetable of lectures. Oxford University ‘Science Today’ series, 21 October 1986. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Physics and Molecular Biology’. British Crystallographic Association Biological Structures Group Autumn Meeting on ‘Mobility and Disorder in Biological Systems’, Imperial College London, 26 November 1986. Correspondence. University of London Institute of Education Society for Research into Higher Education Forum on ‘Selectivity in Academic Research’, 5 February 1987. Phillips introduced the meeting. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of Edinburgh Department of Biochemistry Special Lecture, 5 March 1987. Phillips lectured on ‘Structure, dynamics and enzyme activity’. Correspondence, arrangements. University College Cardiff Department of Biochemistry K.S. Dodgson Memorial Lecture, 30 March 1987. This was the first Dodgson Memorial Lecture, arranged to precede a Memorial Symposium 31 March - 1 April. Phillips lectured on ‘Biochemistry under the microscope: looking at life’. Correspondence, arrangements, Symposium abstracts. Unilever Research and Engineering Seminar on ‘Biosciences in Unilever’, Woburn, 30 March - 1 April 1987. Phillips accepted an the session on ‘Biosciences in the Universities and Research Councils’ on 31 March but was obliged to cancel at a late stage because of pressure of other commitments. to attend and invitation chair Correspondence, drafts and final programme, participants. Protein Engineering 87, Oxford, 5-8 April 1987. Correspondence, draft and revised programmes, information. The conference was organised by the journal Protein Engineering published by IRL Press (see F.72, F.102) with both of which Phillips was involved. He chaired the Keynote Lecture (by F.M. Richards) and the session on ‘Theoretical Aspects of Protein Structure’, and gave a paper on ‘Lysozyme and a-lactalbumin: protein engineering and evolution’. Correspondence, arrangements, programmes, participants, abstracts. Sixth International Meeting of Pharmaceutical Physicians, Brighton, 7-10 June 1987. Phillips co-chaired a session on ‘Biotechnology’ on 8 June and participated in the panel discussion. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Long Ashton Research Station Bristol Opening of New Research Facilities, 25 June 1987. Phillips performed the opening ceremony and gave a short speech. Correspondence, programme, participants, manuscript text of Phillips’s speech. Oxford University Departments of Botany, Psychology and Zoology Open Day, 30 June 1987. Biology, Human Sciences, This was aimed at parties of Sixth Formers, and included demonstrations, displays and lectures. Phillips contributed a lecture on ‘Biological Sciences at Oxford’, deputising for T.R.E. Southwood. Correspondence and arrangements, including material on current research sent to Phillips by members of various departments in answer to his request for information. initiative for new research on the Correspondence, information, programme. Oxford University Department for External Studies One-day Symposium on ‘Science and Public Policy’, 17 July 1987. Oxford International Symposium on ‘Implications of New Biology’, 13-17 September 1987. The Symposium was sponsored by the Japanese M.O.A. (Mokichi Okada Association) Foundation. Phillips spoke at the opening session. This was the concluding event in an international colloquium on ‘Science in Public’ held in Oxford 11-18 July to mark the launch of an Economic and public Research Council Social understanding of science. Correspondence, programme, participants, notes prepared for Phillips’s talk. Correspondence, programme, arrangements, abstracts, participants, a little information on M.O.A. Foundation, draft report prepared for Foundation by the organiser (P.W. Kent). Manuscript notes for Phillips’s address. University Administrators’ Research Grants and Contracts Workshop, Imperial College London, 15-17 September 1987. Phillips was a guest speaker on ‘The future of the Research Councils’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Medical Research Council Conference on ‘Prospects for Improvements in Health Care from Medical Research’, Royal Institution London, 2-3 October 1987. The Conference was to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of the US National Institutes of Health. Correspondence, programme, social engagements. University of Brussels, 22 October 1987. Phillips gave a ‘a-lactalbumin and lysozyme: evolution and protein engineering’. a symposium in honour of lecture at J. Léonis, on Correspondence, programme. Wealth from Science Conference, London, 16 November 1987. Phillips lectured on ‘National Strategies for Scientific Research’. Correspondence. The conference was sponsored by the Patent Office and the UK Research Councils to discuss academic research and its commercial exploitation in the UK. The Secretary of State for Education and Science (K. Baker) was present. Invitation, programme, summaries of speakers’ contributions. Lady Margaret Lecture, Christ’s College Cambridge, 26 November 1987. International Science Policy Foundation 23rd Annual Lecture, London, 2 December 1987. Scientific Committee on 15 December 1987. Correspondence, arrangements, text of lecture, publication correspondence and proof. Phillips spoke on ‘A strategy for science in the UK’ and his talk was published in Science and Public Policy, 15, 1988. Phillips gave a talk with a similar title and content to the Parliamentary and D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Society of Chemical Industry Public Meeting on ‘A Strategy for the Science Base’, London, 2 March 1988. Phillips gave the opening talk, published in Chemistry and Industry, 18 April 1988. See also G.359. Correspondence, programme, delegates, charts for Phillips's talk. University of Surrey Wolfson Cytotechnology Laboratory, Guildford, 19 May 1988. Phillips opened the laboratory and attended the first day of the Inaugural Symposium. Correspondence, programme and participants of Symposium, information on Laboratories. G.349, G.350 CIBA Foundation Symposium on ‘The Evaluation of Scientific Research’, London, 6-8 June 1988. Phillips chaired the symposium, his introduction and summing-up being published in The Evaluation of Scientific Research, Wiley 1989. Correspondence, draft and final programme, guest-lists, manuscript and corrected versions of Phillips’s introduction and summing up. Related material, including Phillips’s annotated programme, corrected proof of Bibliometrics and UK Science Policy by Phillips and J. Turney published in Scientometrics 13, 1988, ABRC Science Policy commissioned paper and other papers on science assessment. of thanks. General correspondence 1986-88, including invitations to Phillips to act as Patron and President of Section X, information and ideas on funding and topics, draft proposals, miscellaneous social invitations, functions and letters He took part Phillips was a ‘Patron’ and President of Section X (General). in planning and organising sessions in the lead-up to the Meeting and in various conferences, symposia etc. during the event. G.351-G.356 British Association Annual Meeting, Oxford, 5-9 September 1988. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Minutes of Section X Programme Planning meetings July 1987 -January 1988, some with brief notes by Phillips. ‘Science and Industry: Partnerships for Progress’, 6 September. The conference was organised by B.S. Dyer and accompanied by an Phillips spoke on ‘The IRC exhibition ‘Science in Business and Industry’. ‘The [Interdisciplinary Research Centre] Scheme’ with P. Duncomb on Cambridge Superconductivity Project’. Correspondence, draft programme, summaries of Phillips's and Duncomb’s talks, participants, information on exhibition. Section X Meeting ‘The Adventure of Science’ 6 September. Phillips gave the Presidential Address on ‘A life in science: from physics to biology and politics’. Correspondence, programme, material relating to the Mason Conference sponsored by the Institute for Scientific Information and organised by B. Dixon, on ‘The Value of Citation Analysis’. Section X Symposium ‘The Challenges for British Science’, 8 September. Phillips attended part of the meeting and contributed to the discussion. Correspondence, programme, participants, Phillips’s notes. Institute of Physics High Energy Physics Group Mason Conference on ‘European Research Facilities in Physics: Does Britain have a place?’, 7 September. (Directed Programme)’. See also B.43, B.44. the Material Directed Programme, project grants and research in hand, Workshop little correspondence, notes and participants etc. information relating to a meeting in Cambridge in January 1987 described by Phillips in a note dated 29 March 1990 as ‘Start of MRC AIDS Initiative Programme, invitations, information from B.S. Dyer, script for talk by G.H. Fairtlough (Celltech), Phillips’s notes. MRC AIDS Directed Programme Workshop, Oxford, 12-13 September 1988. Phillips and five members of the Laboratory attended. includes information on working groups participating in There are also a D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Consultation on Science, Royal Society London, 12 October 1988. This was a joint meeting with the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS) of the Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the British Association. Correspondence, programme, list Phillips’s notes. of delegates, speakers and chairmen, IC] Annual Research Conference, Windsor, 12-14 October 1988. Phillips was a guest speaker on 13 October. He spoke on ‘A strategy for the science base’. Participants, programme, copy of Phillips’s article in Chemistry and Industry 18 April 1988, heavily corrected in red and with a manuscript note ‘Talk to ICl managers 13/10/88. Much modified in delivery’. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on ‘The Funding of Science’, London, 25 October 1988. 4, 1989. Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation Third International Conference on ‘New Horizons in Medicine: Contributions from Science and Engineering’, La Jolla, California, 30 October - 1 November 1988. Material includes correspondence with Society and with DES officials, programme, participants, text of Phillips’s paper. The meeting was organised by E.R. Oxburgh and L. Wolpert. Phillips gave a paper on ‘Funding the UK science base: modes of support’ which was The title originally published in Science and public Affairs, proposed by the Society for his talk was ‘The funding of biology’, which Phillips thought somewhat narrow and proposed the alternative above. arrangements. the co-Chairmen and organisers were The Chairman was Cecil H. Green; R.A. Lerner and P.E. Wright. Phillips was invited to be one of the ‘Sponsors’, suggesting possible participants and topics; he also chaired Session IV on ‘Rational Drug Design’. Conference, Material provisional and final programme, suggestions for speakers, participants, includes correspondence before after and the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University of Salford Chancellor’s Lecture, 11 November 1988. Phillips spoke on ‘The UK science base: trends and prospects’. Correspondence, arrangements, text of lecture. Bradfield College, Reading, 19 November 1988. Phillips spoke to Sixth Formers on ‘The public funding of civil science’. Correspondence only. Royal Society/British Association Half-Day Conference on ‘The Science Budget: ABRC Advice’, Royal Society, London 22 February 1989. Phillips spoke, and gave the summing-up. Brief correspondence, programme, participants. G.365-G.367 Visit to America, 25 March - 4 April 1989. Phillips had originally been invited to give the 1987-88 Dunham Lectures, 1 May 1988 but was obliged to cancel provisionally scheduled 11 April - See A.41 for Phillips’s appointment as See G.365. because of ill-health. Visiting Professor of Biochemistry at Harvard. Phillips gave the Dunham Lectures on ‘The new focus on proteins’ at Harvard Medical School on 27, 29 and 31 March, with many visits to colleagues and laboratories, and engagements with members of Faculty, He also visited colleagues at MIT and graduate and medical students. Washington. material for lectures. Material relating to proposed 1988 visit: invitation, preliminary organisation for lectures and social functions. 1989 visit: invitation, arrangements, schedule of lectures and engagements with wide spectrum of personnel, abstracts of lectures. Correspondence with colleagues preceding or arising from visit, publicity D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Conference of University Administrators, University of Sussex, 12-14 April 1989. Phillips gave a Plenary Session address on ‘Trends in university research: a challenge to management’. Correspondence, versions of Phillips’s talk. Institute of European Trade and Technology (IETT) Conference on ‘The Mobility and Interchange of Researchers in Europe - Gaining Access to Funds’, London, 21 April 1989. Phillips chaired and introduced the conference. Correspondence, draft and final programme, participants, Phillips’s notes. information, Belgian Biochemical and Biophysical Societies Joint Meeting on ‘Protein Engineering’, Liége, 26-27 May 1989. Correspondence, programme, information. Correspondence, programme. The organiser was J-M. Ghuysen. ‘Crystallographic studies of protein structure, activity and evolution’. Phillips gave the opening paper on ‘A Changing Foundation for Science and Technology Discussion on Population - What Will It All Mean?’, Royal Society London, 29 June 1989. His talk, on ‘Manpower for fhe Phillips was one of the team of speakers. science base in the 1990s’, was published in Technology Innovation and Society, 7, Spring 1991. Phillips. Marine Biological Laboratory Arts and Sciences Symposium ‘Shaping the Future’, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 9-10 August 1989. Phillips spoke on ‘Geometry and life’. Correspondence, information, abstract of Phillips’s talk, brief notes by D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Macromolecules ’89 Second Euro-American Conference on ‘Functional Polymers and Biopolymers’, Oxford, 4-8 September 1989. Phillips was listed among the ‘Distinguished Speakers’; welcoming address. he gave the Brief correspondence, information. British Association Annual Meeting, Sheffield, 11-15 September 1989. Phillips attended on 11 September only, when he received an Honorary Fellowship of Sheffield City Polytechnic (see A.46). Material includes information and invitations for BA events especially the ‘Interface with Industry’ organised by BASIC, and a CIBA Foundation Debate on ‘The Greenhouse Effect: an Examination of the Evidence’. Launch of Oxford Molecular Limited, 3 October 1989. Isis Innovation (Oxford University’s Oxford Molecular was a branch of technology transfer company) set up to market computer software products. Phillips performed the launching ceremony. Brief correspondence, information on the company. Souls Group Meeting on ‘Approaches to All Education’, Rhodes House, Oxford, 28-29 October 1989. the Funding of Higher Invitation, programme, participants, Phillips's notes. Institute of Economic Affairs Conference on ‘Funding Research’, St. George’s House, Windsor, 31 October - Brief correspondence, programme. Brief correspondence, information, programme, participants, Phillips’s notes, papers prepared before or at the conference. Institutes of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Colloquium, ETH Zurich, 26 February 1990. Phillips lectured on ‘Protein crystallography 25 years after lysozyme’. 1 November 1989. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Netherlands Biochemical Society and University of Groningen Jan Drenth Symposium on ‘Enzyme Catalysis’, Groningen, 16 March 1990. The symposium was to honour J.D. Drenth on his retirement. Phillips spoke on ‘Protein crystallography 25 years after lysozyme’ and had an ABRC meeting date moved in order to be able to attend. Correspondence, arrangements, participants. BASF Laboratories Ludwigshafen, West Germany, 26-27 March 1990. Brief correspondence, arrangements. opportunities for joint research projects. The visit was to discuss potential Inauguration of London Geotechnical Centrifuge Centre, City University, 3 April 1990. Correspondence, arrangements, timetable. Also included is correspondence visit and lecture at NOVUM research centre, relating to invitation to 3 April and subsequently Stockholm, originally planned for changed to 30 March - 2 April. 31 March - UK-Canada Rutherford Lecture Series, 23 September - 7 October 1990. Correspondence, schedules, abstract of lectures, arrangements, letters of thanks etc. Phillips lectured on ‘Physics and stamp collecting: protein crystallography 25 years after lysozyme’ at Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal In Ottawa he also took part in discussions on research and Sherbrooke. evaluation, and on global environmental research. speech. University of Sheffield Structural Facilities Laboratory (Krebs Institute), 21 June 1991. Phillips performed the opening ceremony. Correspondence, some scientific recollections, Phillips’s notes for his D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Association ACOST Review Seminar, Royal Society London, 3 December 1991. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the ACOST Review Science and Technology Issues, H.M.S.O. 1991. Invitation, participants, programme (heavily annotated by Phillips ), copy of ACOST Review. Inter-Agency Committee on Seminar, Imperial College London, 18 December 1991. Global Environmental Change (IACGEC) Phillips, as Chairman of IACGEC, introduced the meeting and gave the summing-up. Information, programme, outline points for Phillips’s opening remarks. Mainly from UK universities or institutions, Invitations to lecture declined. but some overseas. Material may include information on research activities, Phillips’s suggestions for substitutes etc. 1959, 1962-89. G.387-G.407 invitations to accept visiting professorships. Many of Invitations, declined or cancelled from pressure of other commitments, to attend, give papers or chair sessions at conferences, symposia, summer schools, workshops etc., in UK and overseas. 1957-90. See also G.451. The material, basically similar to that of the main sequence, varies in substance from a single exchange of letters to full information on discussion or research topics, participants and schedules of events and sometimes the includes organisations with which Phillips was closely associated such as the Biochemical Society, IUPAC, IUPAB, IUCr, SRC, the Gordon Protein and the Biirgenstock Stereochemistry Conferences are also represented here. by a year or more. Taken in conjunction with the main sequence, the material is of interest in indicating the continuing demand for information about Phillips's current research and his skills as lecturer and chairman. On a general level it also documents the evolution of topics of interest in the scientific community over an extensive period. Several of the invitations were circulated in the laboratory in accordance with Phillips’s practice, and may bear comments from others about the proposed meeting, their wish or availability to attend etc. As with the main sequence, the material is presented in order of the year in which the conference was scheduled; the correspondence may precede this D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures 1957-68 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975-76 1977 1978-79 1980 Filofax box of lecture notes. The notes run 1966-89, though not in strict chronological order. They are all standard Filofax format, 17 x 9 cm, closely written in black or blue ink with highlights or cues in red. Many have outline headings only and, with few exceptions, extend to no more than two or three sheets. a small number of cases the notes refer Various factors make this one of the most interesting items in the collection. It contains examples of every kind of gathering at which Phillips spoke, including major scientific meetings such as the Biochemical Society, BCA, IUPAB, IUPAC, university or special lectures, talks to schoolteachers or sixth-formers, official opening ceremonies etc. The most frequent topics are aspects of ongoing research; these notes will include diagrams and cues for slides, films or overheads. There are also lectures on science research funding policy, such as the Darwin College Lecture of February 1984, unusually fully extended to 20 sheets. A few more personal addresses are represented, for example the acceptance of the Wolf Prize in 1987 and the British Association Presidential Address ‘A Life in Science’ of September to occasions not 1988. documented by surviving correspondence; it is of interest that these often testify to Phillips’s continuing links with the Methodist Church, the most recent being a talk to the Banbury Methodist Men’s Dining Club in January 1989. effects. In Phillips was frequently under pressure from conference organisers and editors to submit scripts for publication. Whenever possible, he refused, both in order to include literally last-minute research results and to preserve His lecturing and improvisatory skills the immediacy of oral delivery. emerge remarkably from the evidence of these notes, the more so when taken in conjunction with the proofs of success furnished by the letters of congratulation and renewed invitations preserved in the main sequence of the prize-winning Open correspondence. University filmed lectures of May 1976 given from an aide-mémoire with cues and timing-notes, and the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures of 1980- 81 given from apparently scrappy notes with cues for experiments and As examples one can cite D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 ADDENDUM Visits, conferences, lectures Material received too late for inclusion in the main sequence. See note in the main introduction to Section G. Science and Engineering Research Council Biotechnology Directorate Protein Engineering Programme Meeting, Alderley Park Cheshire, 7-8 January 1986. Letter of invitation, programme. Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP) Special Meeting, Edinburgh, 23-25 September 1986. Phillips addressed the meeting on Universities’. ‘Research and the future of UK Brief correspondence, notes and information for speech. Phillips was guest of honour, and gave a speech. Brief correspondence only. Correspondence, programme, participants, remarks and recollections of Dorothy Hodgkin and his own career. draft of Phillips’s opening University of Sussex Professoriate Banquet, 1 December 1989. British Crystallographic Association 80th Birthday Celebration for Dorothy Hodgkin, Oxford, 11-12 May 1990. Brief correspondence only. Association of Medical Research Charities Annual General Meeting, London, 16 May 1990 (a.m.). Phillips spoke on ‘The future of the research base in the UK’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures British Postgraduate Medical Federation ‘Fittleworth Meeting, London, 16 May 1990 (p.m.). Club’ Discussion Phillips participated in the discussion on ‘Research for the Health Service and Health Service Research’. Correspondence, participants, a little continuing correspondence. Dundee Institute of Technology Annual Lecture, 31 May 1990. Phillips spoke on ‘Scientific research in Britain in the 1990s’. Correspondence, draft of speech. University of Oxford Charles Coulson Summer School, 17 September 1990. Phillips gave a lecture. Brief correspondence only. University of Bath, 10 October 1990. University of London School of Pharmacy Charter Dinner, 17 October 1990. Phillips was chief guest and spoke at the dinner. Correspondence, text of speech. Correspondence, arrangements, information, Phillips’s notes for ‘Launch’ speech. Phillips launched the new School of Postgraduate Medicine, and also opened the Wolfson Protein Crystallography Unit in the Department of Chemistry. Correspondence only. University of Edinburgh Romanes Lecture, 19 October 1990. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures University College London, 16 November 1990. Phillips opened the new ‘Biomolecular Structure and Modelling Unit’. Correspondence. CIBA Symposium on Protein Conformation, January 1991. Brief correspondence only, symposium. on Phillips’s contribution to discussion at University of St. Andrews, 13-14 March 1991. Phillips gave the Irvine Memorial Lecture, on ‘Physics and stamp collecting: current trends in scientific research’, and also opened the new Materials and Electrochemical Sciences Unit in the Department of Chemistry. Correspondence, timetable. Brandeis University, Massachusetts, 30 April 1991. Phillips gave the prizes at the Rosentheil Awards ceremony. Correspondence, text of address. University of Sheffield, 7 May 1991. Correspondence, programme, texts of speech. Phillips gave the W.C. Williams Lecture (a version of ‘Physics and stamp collecting’). Correspondence, notes for discussion. Royal College of Physicians Academic Medicine Group, London, 21 May 1991. Phillips spoke on ‘Research and Europe’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Birkbeck College London, 29 May 1991. Phillips gave the twenty-second J.D. Bernal lecture on ‘Science policy: order and spontaneity’. He took this opportunity to give a clear statement of his views on academic science policy and funding, circulated copies of the lecture, and frequently drew on the material in subsequent talks. Brief correspondence, copy of lecture. ‘Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics. 2 June 1991. Frederic M. Richards’, 31 May - A Symposium in Honor of Phillips gave the ‘Keynote address’ at the farewell banquet. Correspondence, programme, Phillips’s speech. University of Manchester Senate Dining Club, 17 June 1991. Phillips addressed the Club. Brief correspondence only. ‘Time-resolved Macromolecular Phillips introduced a discussion. Brief correspondence only. Society Discussion Meeting on Royal Crystallography’, London, 29-30 January 1992. University of Cambridge Heads of Science Departments Dining Club, 12 December 1991. Brief correspondence only. This was a major meeting, organised by D.W.J. Cruickshank, R.J. Helliwell, The meeting was followed by an L.N. Johnson, K. Moffat and Phillips. associated informal meeting at the CIBA Foundation on 31 January. Phillips spoke to the Scientific Journalism Course. Imperial College London, 3 February 1992. Correspondence, arrangements etc. information, 1989-92. suggestions for speakers, invitations, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Royal Society and British Academy Joint Meeting on ‘The Support of Research in Higher Education’, Royal Society London, 25 February 1992. Phillips spoke on ‘The funding of research in higher education from the science budget’. Correspondence, participants, programme. Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 3 March 1992. Phillips lectured on ‘Management and research: the uneasy compromise’. An article based on the lecture was published in Engineering Management Journal, 2, December 1992. Correspondence. Institute of Biology Conference on ‘Biology in Europe after 1992’, University of Southampton, 2-3 April 1992. Phillips spoke on ‘Role of the research councils in funding biological research’. Correspondence, programme. Phillips gave the Inaugural Lecture in the new laboratory. National Commission on Education Seminar, on ‘The Next 25 Years’, Oxford 3-5 April 1992. Phillips spoke on ‘Science and Technology’. Correspondence, programme, participants, drafts. Agricultural & Food Research Council Institute of Food Research, Reading, 8 May 1992. Brief correspondence only. Department of the Environment ‘Earth Summit’ Seminar, Green College Oxford, 16 May 1992. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Miami Biotechnology Winter Symposium, on ‘Advances in Gene Technology: Macromolecular Design and Function’, Miami, 17-22 January 1993. Phillips spoke on ‘Lysozyme now’ and received the Special Achievement Award (see A.58). Correspondence only. National Commission on Higher Education and Council for Industry and National Education Lecture Series on ‘Universities in the 21st Century’, given at the Royal Society London, 10 February 1993. Phillips spoke on ‘The research mission, and research manpower’. Correspondence, drafts. Manchester Statistical Society, 16 February 1993. Phillips spoke on ‘The science budget and the funding of research in universities’. Brief correspondence, drafts. Phillips spoke on ‘The role of government - funding and organisation’. Correspondence, participants, programme, abstracts, drafts. Royal Academy of Engineering Conference, on ‘Strategies for Effective Research’, given at Royal Aeronautical Society London, 10 March 1993. Drafts. UMIST Association of University Estates Managers, Manchester, 5 April 1993. Phillips spoke on science funding (no specific title given). University of Leeds, 22 March 1993. Phillips spoke on science policy (no specific title given). Brief correspondence, drafts. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures HE Wales Research Conference, Cardiff, 15-16 April 1993. This was part of the University of Wales’ Centenary events, as well as the Phillips gave a celebration at the Royal Institution London (see G.446). keynote address. Programme, participants, drafts. Foundation for Science and Technology Lecture, given at Royal Society London, 18 May 1993. Brief correspondence only. Association of University Teachers, Weston-super-Mare, 21 May 1993. Phillips addressed the Council. Brief correspondence, drafts. Correspondence, programme, drafts. British Association Conference, on Technology and Wealth Creation’, London, 9 June 1993. ‘Investing in the Future - Science, Programme, participants. University of Wales Centenary London Event, Royal Institution, 2 June 1993. Phillips spoke on ‘Lysozyme now’, with some autobiographical recollections. Correspondence, draft for Phillips’s speech. University College London Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering, 8 September 1993. Phillips opened the Centre. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Visits, conferences, lectures Conference of Registrars and Secretaries, Birmingham, 23-24 September 1993. Phillips spoke on ‘The 1993 White Paper on science, engineering and technology: its implications for the universities’. Correspondence, programme, participants, drafts. Biopartnering '93, London, 23-25 September 1993. This was a biopharmaceutical conference organised by business sponsors in association with the US Embassy London. Phillips spoke on ‘UK research spending in the 1990s’, Programme, information, participants, draft. Invitations to attend or speak at conferences and meetings. 1990-93. Declined. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION H RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS Most of Phillips’s radio and television work was for the BBC. Documentation for this is presented is relatively slight and may be no more than a in chronological order at H.1-H.28. Some of it contract for a broadcast, and some may concern projects which did not come to fruition. In some cases, however, scripts and detailed programming arrangements remain; useful record of Phillips’s involvement with the writing and presentation of programmes for the Open University, one series of which, on ‘The structure and activity of lysozyme’, won a prize at the in particular, there is a International Festival for Scientific and Technical Films, Brussels, 1982. H.29-H.42 is a chronological sequence of shorter material relating to other radio, TV or film companies or projects. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Radio, television, films BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION 1960. Loan of myoglobin model. 1965. Film of linear diffractometer. 1965 May-November. TV ‘Horizon’ programme on lysozyme, recorded 24-26 August, transmitted and _ following 21 programme, script (with revisions and additions by Phillips). correspondence November. preceding Includes 1965 October. Contribution to TV programme, ‘Fifty Years a Winner’, on Sir Lawrence Bragg. 1967 March-April. 1968 August. 1969 January. 1967 May-August. Contribution to radio programme on ‘The Life Code’. Contribution on enzymes to TV ‘What is Life’ series, recorded 9 August. Correspondence, contract, preliminary programme outline. Interview for World Radio ‘Science in Action:- Making an Enzyme’. Material on BBC/European Broadcasting Union International Conference of Science Producers. 1967 October. Brief correspondence, on film. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Radio, television, films 1969 February. Interview for World Radio ‘Masters of Science’ (on J.C. Kendrew). 1970 September. TV programme ‘The Mind of Man’. 1972-73. evolution. Proposed TV programme ‘The Life Game’, on genetics and September-October. 1974 programme, on immunology. Proposed radio ‘Scientifically Speaking’ 1975 November. 1975-76. 1975-77, 1981-83. Minutes of meeting of BBC Science Consultative Group, retained here for practical discussion (p.9) developments of fundamental research. Phillips’s suggestion for programme on of TV ‘Horizon’ programme on enzymes ‘The Chemical Dream’, recorded Brief correspondence and December 1975, transmitted March 1976. arrangements. Festival. Two BBC/TV programmes for The Open University Biochemistry Course, code numbers $322/3 (Structure of lysozyme), $322/4 (Action of lysozyme). Meetings to discuss the programmes were held on 27 February and 19 there was a filming session in the laboratory on 27 April, a March 1976; rehearsal on 17 May and the final recording on 20 May at Alexandra Palace. In 1981 Phillips submitted the films for exhibition at the 9th International Festival for Scientific and Technical Films at Brussels in March 1982, when they won the Chemistry Prize. Correspondence and arrangements, notes of meetings, outlines and plans for programmes by Phillips and producers, later correspondence on Brussels D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Radio, television, films Draft and final scripts (many revisions by Phillips), final dubbing script. 1976. TV ‘Tuesday Documentary’ on thalassaemia: haemoglobin model. arrangements for filming 1976-77. TV ‘Horizon’ programme on ‘Darwin’s Dream’. Phillips advised. 1983-84, 1987. BBC/TV video cassette for The Open University Biochemistry Course, code number $325, on ‘Protein and nucleic acid structure’, recorded May-June 1984. 1984 March. priorities in British science. Brief Radio programme. Brief correspondence. Correspondence and arrangements, preliminary meeting and ideas by Phillips and others, marketing of cassette. Drafts and outlines, studio and camera scripts, with many additions and revisions by Phillips. Radio ‘Science Now’ programme. Brief correspondence. ‘Horizon’ TV correspondence. programme on 1984 November. 1985 July. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Radio, television, films 1985 October. Filming in laboratory for Open University programme. Brief correspondence. 1985 November. TV film on research cuts. Brief correspondence. 1988 March-April. Radio 4 programme ‘Analysis: researching success’. Brief correspondence, contract, transcript. 1992. Radio Correspondence, transcript. programme 4 ‘Analysis: no science please, we're British’. . Technical and Scientific Films Ltd. . Verity Films Ltd. Film of lysozyme model. . ATV Network Ltd. . Anglia Television. Loan of myoglobin model. MISCELLANEOUS RADIO, TELEVISION AND FILM COMPANIES 1968, 1972. James Archibald & Associates Ltd. Filming in laboratory. Proposed film on ‘DNA and protein synthesis’. 1967. National Film Board of Canada. Script, correspondence. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Radio, television, films 1968-70. Orbit Communications. Correspondence and papers on a proposed series of audio-visual recordings of lectures by leading scientists on selected topics in biochemistry. Phillips was engaged as a consultant by T. Salata (then General Manager), advised on subjects and speakers, and himself recorded a lecture on ‘X-ray analysis and the structure of lysozyme’. He was contracted for a second lecture on ‘The catalytic activity of lysozyme’, but following changes in the company structure the project went into abeyance. Material includes proposed topics and speakers, comments by Phillips, contract and arrangements. 1969. Stewart Hardy Films Ltd. 1970. Transcription Feature Service Ltd. on in Film manuscript notes and proposed treatment by Phillips. the lysozyme molecule’; ‘Activity brief correspondence, 1979. British Films Ltd. Film on quantum pharmacology. 1970. Visit and interview for proposed radio programme on North German Radio. 1990. World Wide International Television Film ‘Equinox, Blue Skies’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION J UK SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS, CONSULTANCIES J.1-J.46 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (BA) BRITISH BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY (BBS) BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (BBC) SCIENCE CONSULTATIVE GROUP BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION (BCA) J.15-J.24 CELLTECH J.26-J.30 CIBA FOUNDATION BRITISH SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH ON AGEING CAMBRIDGE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE (CCDC) CHEMICAL SOCIETY (later ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY) CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS) CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE (later NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies GLAXO-ASSOCIATION OF (ABSW) BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS J.32-J.37 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (loP) NUFFIELD FOUNDATION J.39, J.40 OFFICE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (OSTI) OXFORD SCHOOLS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE OXFORD SEEDCORN CAPITAL FUND OXFORD TRUST SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE SOCIETY FOR LEARNING (SPSL) THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS (SVS) D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY General correspondence on the affairs of the society 1970-78, 1984-86, 1991-92. Includes material on lectures and meetings, suggestions for the ‘Harden Conference’ subcommittee and meetings, recommendations for medals, awards and fellowships; correspondence on the award to Phillips of the Later society’s Ciba Medal for 1970 and the subsequent Ciba Lecture. correspondence 1984-86 is on the history and exhibition organised for the society’s 75th anniversary in 1986. Correspondence 1992 is notification of meeting at Winchester 7-10 April at which Phillips received a plaque for Honorary Membership. Phillips’s relations with the society are somewhat thinly documented here; there is for example no record of his service on its Committee 1968-72. His He also letter of attended, chaired or addressed many of its meetings, including its first pattern-setting Harden Conference which he organised and chaired, which are documented in Section G. 12 September 1984 mentions some earlier contacts. British Association, For meetings and conferences organised by including its Young Scientists branch (BAYS) and its ‘Science Audits’, in which Phillips participated, see Section G. the For Phillips’s involvement with the BA journal LINK-UP as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board, see F.59. General correspondence on BA affairs, 1974-76, 1986-90. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (BA) Correspondence and papers on meetings and proposals 1988-89. The objectives of the committee were to encourage links between science and industry and to combat ‘anti-science and anti-industry views’ which Phillips were perceived as characteristic of British society and education. was invited to join BASIC in October 1989. Includes invitation (declined) to Phillips to become BA President for 1991- 92. British Association Science and Industry Committee (BASIC). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies BRITISH BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY (BBS) General correspondence on meetings, exhibitions, conferences, some attended or chaired by Phillips, some by members of his team 1972-77, 1983. See Section G for fuller documentation. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (BBC) SCIENCE CONSULTATIVE GROUP Phillips was appointed in November 1967 to replace J.C. Kendrew. The appointment, for four years, was renewed in March 1972 and ended in December 1975. See also Institute of Physics Crystallography Group joint meeting on 17 November 1980 of the Institute of BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION (BCA) Correspondence and papers 1967-76, including letters of appointment, renewal and thanks at end of service, representations and discussions on BBC science policy, suggestions for topics for science programmes, meetings between scientists and programme-makers, correspondence from colleagues on BBC methods, costs etc., Consultative Group’s Report to the Annan Committee on the Future of Broadcasting. The papers and correspondence below represent much of the founding and Material relating to BCA Conferences, early records of the Association. including the Inaugural Conference at Durham in April 1982, are in Section G: Working Party’s first meeting in December 1980 A.J.C. Wilson was asked to Proposals to form a British Crystallographic Association were considered at Physics a Crystallography Group and the Chemical Crystallography Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry. It was felt that such an Association would reflect the increasingly inter-disciplinary range of interests of crystallographers while preserving the links with the parent institutions (the loP and the RSC). A Working Party was set up to work out detailed proposals and to draft Statutes and By-Laws. The Chairman was D.M. Blow and the members were D.W.J. Cruickshank, A.C. Skapski, S.C. Wallwork and A.J.C. Wilson. At the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies draw up a draft constitution, an amended version of which was submitted for consideration by Group Committees of the loP and RSC. By August 1981 it was felt that the constitution was in an acceptable form and it was forwarded to the Charity Commissioners in order to obtain charitable status for the new Association. It was duly registered in June 1982. Meanwhile at a Working Party meeting on 29 June 1981 a Provisional Council was formed and on 1 July Phillips was invited by D.M. Blow to become its President and consequently President of its foundation. Other members of the Provisional Council were D.M.C. Hodgkin (Vice-President), C.A. Taylor (Treasurer), A.C. Skapski (Secretary), D.M. Blow, S.C. Wallwork and A.J.C. Wilson. the BCA on Plans now concentrated on the formal launch and Inaugural Meeting of the Association during the Durham Crystallographic Meeting 5-8 April 1982. The Working Party held its last meeting on 5 April, when the unanimous resolution was passed to form the BCA, the composition of the Provisional Council was confirmed and the Working Party was dissolved, its members becoming Founder Members of BCA. The Provisional Council then held its first meeting and agreed the form of the Statutes and By-Laws to be presented at the Inaugural General Meeting held the following day (6 April). This meeting adopted the Statutes and confirmed the election of the Officers and Council members. Phillips thus became the BCA’s first President and Chairman of its Council until 1984, when he was succeeded by D.M. Blow. In the course of the Durham meeting the Institute of Physics Crystallography Group held its AGM and supported a proposal to change its name to ‘The Physical Crystallography Group’. See also G.255. With the official launch of the Association and the grant of charitable status, an intensive programme of fund-raising from industry could be initiated. The first appeal letters were sent out by Phillips as President in April 1982, and a phased programme continued throughout the second half of the year. The appeal was very successful and, together with subscriptions from members, This aspect of its activities is well gave the BCA a secure financial base. documented at J.9, J.10. Other early activities of the Association which are recorded here are the Radiation Safety Committee, chaired by D.M. Blow, founded in 1982 to advise the Association on the Health and Safety Executive Consultative Document ‘The lonising Radiation Regulations’ and other official matters, and the establishment of two new subject groups. These were the Industrial Group and the Biological Structure Group which were launched at the 1983 Spring Meeting of the Association. some overlap in the contents. The folders retain Phillips’s arrangement and titles. There is sometimes D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies General correspondence 1981-85, 1989-93. This covers the years of Phillips’s closest involvement with BCA as President and deals with arrangements for its foundation and appeal, committee meetings and minutes, nominations, scientific meetings and conferences, Trusteeship. Later correspondence relates to Trusteeship, 80th birthday celebration meeting for D.C. Hodgkin etc. Working Party and Council Committee Papers, April 1981 - 13 September 1984. a little correspondence is Many of the papers are annotated by Phillips; incorporated. Includes full records of the Inaugural Meetings and of the formation of the sub-groups, treasurer’s and secretary’s reports, accounts. Statutes, By-Laws, registration of BCA as a Charity. May 1981 - June 1982. Fund-raising, March-October 1982. 185 letters were sent. Fund-raising, April 1982 - March 1983 Letters exchanged with firms and companies contributing to BCA, letters of thanks from Phillips. Appeal letters, lists of firms, companies, research institutions, dates of mailing. The lists were compiled and sent to Phillips for despatch at intervals by A.C. Skapski, usually with a suggestion for an appropriate level of contribution. Radiation Safety Subcommittee (chairman: D.M. Blow). Correspondence and papers September 1982 - July 1984, on safety regulations for X-ray crystallography, BCA discussion meeting on the subject January 1983, response to Health and Safety Executive, work of BCA’s Correspondence and papers May 1982 - May the establishment of the Biological Structure Group, launched at the BCA Spring meeting in March 1983. 1983 relating to D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies BRITISH SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH ON AGEING Papers and correspondence 1971-72, 1976 on a national appeal for funding (Phillips attended the discussion meeting 3 February 1972), and a meeting of the Scientific Advisory Group 6 May 1976. CAMBRIDGE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRE (CCDC) The CCDC was founded in 1965 with support from SRC, and located in the University Chemical Laboratory Cambridge. Its founder-director O. Kennard was an MRC staff member. Its main purpose was the creation, maintenance and continuing development of a comprehensive library of information on molecular structures known as the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The CSD and associated software were made available on a subscription basis to academic users and to chemical and pharmaceutical companies. In 1985 discussions began on the proposal that the Centre should become an independent charitable company, with governors and an Advisory Board and, ultimately, its own premises (scheduled for opening in 1992). Phillips was a founder Governor, together with R.A. Raphael, J. Lewis, M.R. Truter and the Director. See J.40 for Phillips’s appointment to the Advisory Board of CCDC. Correspondence and papers 1985-92, on the formation and structure of the the new CCDC, meetings and negotiations, articles of association of company, new building proposal, Governors’ meetings 1986-90. Includes material on proposed funding (strongly opposed by Phillips) from the Maxwell Foundation, and correspondence with other firms and services in the field. CELLTECH outside corporate investors. Celltech Limited was set up in 1980 to exploit discoveries in biotechnology, by agreement with the Medical Research Council and the then National Enterprise Board (NEB). The initiative arose in part from the dissatisfaction felt by MRC that the National Research Development Council had previously been slow to develop important and potentially profitable advances made Funding came from the NEB and from in Council-funded laboratories. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies Phillips was involved in this enterprise from the beginning. He was a member of the subcommittee appointed by the MRC in June 1980 to negotiate and conclude the formal agreement to set up the company, and also of the later subcommittee appointed in November 1980 to oversee the the Celltech Fund derived from royalties and used for operation of fellowships and awards for fundamental research. At the end of 1981 he was invited to join the Celltech Board as a Director from February 1982. Correspondence, drafts and negotiations for the agreement July-November 1980. Correspondence December 1980 - November 1982 on the Celltech Fund, subcommittee meetings, awards etc. J.17-J.24 Celltech Board correspondence and papers 1982-91. J.21 J.22 1982 1983 vie J.18 J.19 J.20 and This deals, in varying detail, with Phillips’s participation in the company’s investments, projects affairs staff changes and board information on funding and capital appointments, meetings, discussions, science reviews, notes and reports, science policy. includes recommendations for raising, and The Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement was made to the Company in 1985. The founder-chairman of Celltech was H.W. Denman succeeded by J.B.H. Jackson. The Chief Executive was G.H. Fairtlough. later Royal Society of Chemistry, which are documented in Section G. Brief correspondence on affairs of the society 1967-72, notification of Phillips’s election as a Fellow 1974 with a manuscript headnote by him ‘I shall go to a meeting one day!’ In fact Phillips attended many conferences organised by the society and the CHEMICAL SOCIETY (later ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY) J.23 J.24 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989-91 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 CIBA FOUNDATION UK societies, organisations, consultancies This was one of Phillips’s major commitments. He was invited to serve on the Scientific Advisory Panel in 1969 and did so until 1973 when he was He invited to become a member of the Foundation’s Executive Council. retired in July 1989 after sixteen years of service on the Council. Correspondence and papers refer to all aspects of the Foundation and its include proposals for symposia, policy, arrangements and work, and programmes for meetings and discussions and the dinner meetings of the ‘Dunant Coterie’ held at the same time, requests to Phillips to officiate as chairman or speaker or to receive guests on social occasions, appointments and retirements of Directors and Trustees etc. During this period the Directors were, successively, G.E.W. Wolstenholme (to 1978), D.C. Evered (to November 1988), D.J. Chadwick (from November 1988). Other regular correspondents were K. Elliott (Assistant Director), R. Porter (Deputy Director). Many CIBA conferences attended by Phillips are documented in Section G, the correspondence below deals with smaller or private but some of discussion meetings in addition to the major conferences open to a wider public. correspondence symposium, Includes Executive Council meeting in Basle (1977), retirement symposium for G.E.W. Wolstenholme (1978). ‘Robinson’ proposed about 1976-78. 1966, 1969-75. Includes Phillips’s appointment to the Scientific Advisory Panel 1969, and the Executive Council (1973), correspondence on history of protein structure analysis, support for chemical symposia by CIBA. for symposia, co-operation with Royal Society. Includes correspondence on appointments, ‘chemical’ symposia, proposals 1979-81. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies 1982-85. Includes possible CIBA involvement in science research policy studies, establishment of Media Resource Service. 1986-92. Includes arrangements for meeting on evaluation of scientific research (G.349, G.350), lecture on future of the universities, copy of Director’s Report for July 1989 which records Phillips’s retirement from the Executive Council, social occasions organised by CIBA. CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE (later NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS) Correspondence 1973-92 with staff of Centre and with colleagues. Includes assessments and advice given by Phillips, grant applications, approaches to colleagues made by Phillips on behalf of Centre, comments on drafts. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (loP) See also British Crystallographic Association Material 1990-92 relating to the annual Glaxo Awards for British Science Writers. Phillips was President of the ABSW and judged the entries for the Awards in 1990. His speech at the Awards lunch is included. GLAXO-ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS (ABSW) is of an loP X-ray Analysis Group meeting in 1957. This was one of the principal UK learned societies with which Phillips was involved. See A.6 for material on his election as Associate Member in 1950 He attended many of its and P.289 for his election as Fellow in 1957. meetings and colloquia; indeed the first conference recorded in Section G D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies The material below is mainly concerned with the affairs of the X-ray Analysis Group (X-RAG) and its evolution into the British Crystallographic Association In April 1969 Phillips was elected Vice-Chairman of X-RAG, which (q.v.). In changed its name in December 1969 to Crystallography Group. December 1971 he was elected Chairman of the Group, for three years with effect from September 1972. Much of the correspondence and papers deals with the routine affairs of the Group such as arrangements for meetings, topics, lectures and speakers, contributions to newsletters, appointments and elections of officers and Reference is sometimes made to meetings committee members etc. attended or papers delivered by Phillips additional to those in Section G. There is also documentation for the movement towards the amalgamation of smaller specialist groups. Phillips greatly approved such a collaborative movement; see his letter of 12 October 1966 in which he actually coined the name British Crystallographic Association though this came into being only in 1982. 1963-71. Includes Phillips’s letter of 12 October 1966 about the future of X-RAG and his suggestion for a collaborative British Crystallographic Association, with a manuscript note added by him in 1990 ‘This happened much later with Phillips as first Chairman - but without him doing much to create it’. Similar ideas are repeated in his letter of 26 October 1966. Also includes material on proposed European Crystallographic Association and the United Kingdom Crystallographic Council. added by Phillips in May 1990. 1974. Includes brief correspondence October on synchrotron radiation with a note D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies General correspondence 1965-74, 1978, on loP affairs: soirées, exhibitions Includes a and loans of models, papers submitted, recommendations. successful recommendation for the award of the Bragg Medal to W.A. Coates, lecture assistant of the Royal Institution. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION on General correspondence 1968, Foundation’s proposal for a new scheme of senior fellowships in science. Correspondence 1970 1970. is OFFICE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (OSTI) Correspondence and papers 1968-69 on the problems of handling and Includes depositing large amounts of data not suitable for publication. submissions, requirements, comments, minutes of discussion meeting 29 January 1969 and Phillips’s notes at meeting. Data set up to advise on the Crystallographic OXFORD SCHOOLS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE Correspondence and papers 1969-70 on the OST! Advisory Committee on Cambridge X-ray Crystallographic Data Centre directed by O. Kennard (J.14). Phillips at first declined to serve but yielded to the persuasion of A.J.C. Wilson (Chairman- elect and Phillips’s former supervisor at Cardiff) and accepted. includes some notes and comments by her. This arose from initiatives within the University Natural Sciences and Engineering Faculties, with the aim of developing closer relationships and higher furthering education departments and teachers in schools in the Oxford region. The the Clarendon University, ‘ Advisory Laboratory and gave its agreement to the initiative but the Committee’ set up to administer the Centre was not an official committee The first Chairman of the Advisory Committee was B. of the University. Bleaney and the members were drawn from science departments and from Phillips was asked to serve from City and County educational authorities. the beginning and resigned in 1982 from pressure of other commitments. L.N. Johnson sometimes stood in for him at meetings and the material information between university and the General Board, provided space in interchange of via D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies Correspondence and papers 1972-82, including minutes, accounts, reports. OXFORD SEEDCORN CAPITAL FUND This Venture Capital Fund was set up in April 1986 (co-founders A. Costley- White and M.F. Wood) ‘to assist small businesses at start-up, early stage or secondary development by providing finance through Venture Capital funding’. Phillips was invited to become a member of the Advisory Committee in November 1987 and gave an ‘invited talk’ at the first full meeting of the Advisory Committee and dinner in December 1988. He resigned in 1990 after his move to London. Correspondence, papers, information 1987-88, 1990. OXFORD TRUST SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE exhibition of Oxfordshire schools science and Phillips opened the technology projects funded by the Trust in July 1988. This was set up as a charitable company by M.F. and A. Wood to encourage the study and application of science and technology by supporting research projects in educational establishments, by promoting interaction between research, education, industry and business, and by providing small self- contained workshops for rental by new companies with a science-based product or service. in government science funding. Correspondence, papers, information, suggestions for speakers or new of Phillips’s introductory activities 1985-89. remarks at exhibition. Includes manuscript text This was a pressure group set up in 1985 to campaign against the reduction D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 UK societies, organisations, consultancies Correspondence, founding documents, draft circulars and comments, press conference and appeal launch, exchanges on ABRC 1987 ‘Strategy for the Science Base’ document. Various dates 1985-88. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND LEARNING (SPSL) Phillips became a member of the Council in 1976 though he was rarely able to attend meetings; he was re-elected in 1980 and 1983 but resigned from pressure of other commitments in 1985. Correspondence and papers 1976-85, 1989. SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS (SVS) It went into Phillips subscribed to the Society (founded 1944) from 1958. voluntary liquidation in 1966. Brief correspondence, reports and papers 1958-68. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION K INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS, CONSULTANCIES ACADEMIA EUROPAEA AMERICAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION BIOZENTRUM, BASLE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITIES COMMISSION COMMITTEE FOR THE EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CODEST) EUROPEAN THE OF EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (EACMB) K.11-K.13 INSTITUT DE LA VIE HARVARD-MONSANTO RESEARCH AGREEMENT EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION (EMBO) BIOPHYSICS (IUPAB) INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (IUCr) INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN (ILL) INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED K.14-K.21 K.24-K.29 K.30-K.37 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies K.38-K.44 MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT INSTITUT FUR BIOCHIMIE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON DC NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES, BEIJING RIKEN FRONTIER RESEARCH PROGRAM, JAPAN SOLVAY INSTITUTES WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND WEIZMANN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, GENEVA D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies ACADEMIA EUROPAEA with the aims of This was to be a ‘European Society of Scientists’ supporting excellence in European science and developing understanding and appreciation of science by politicians and the general public. The first President was A.S.V. Burgen. Phillips attended an early discussion meeting at the Royal Society in 1986, was invited to become a member in December 1988 and attended the first Plenary Meeting in June 1989. Papers and correspondence 1986-92 including lists of donors, accounts, participants, funding problems, meetings. AMERICAN CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION Brief correspondence only 1967-71. Phillips’s original membership lapsed in 1955; terminated it again in 1971. he renewed it in 1967 and BIOZENTRUM, BASLE UNIVERSITY This was a research centre for advanced biological studies incorporated in Basle University. In 1981 a Scientific Advisory Board of international experts was set up, to meet annually to evaluate the work in progress and new Phillips was invited to become a member from the research directions. inception of the Board and his appointment was renewed in 1984 for a further four years. In 1985 he resigned from pressure of other commitments. During his membership he attended the annual meetings, keeping full notes of of research projects and personnel and writing substantial letters comment on the meetings. 1981-82. Setting-up of advisory board. Most of the material consists of detailed arrangements and information for the annual meetings, but some correspondence from individual scientists at the Biozentrum on research, career or publication matters is included. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies 1985-86. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE FOR THE EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CODEST) The Committee was set up following a decision by the Commission on 6 December 1982. ‘to assist the Commission in the preparation and implementation of its policy in regard to the stimulation of the Community’s scientific and technical potential’; this was to be achieved by selecting projects and advising on procedures of evaluation. Its purpose was standing in circles, active in national European recognised The Director-General was P. Fasella. The Committee had 21 members, appointed for four years, consisting of scientific, ‘eminent persons technological and research and development systems and conversant with national science and technology policies’. of industrial Phillips was invited to serve on the Committee in May 1983; at the first meeting held in Brussels on 30 May he was appointed a member of the steering committee and of a working party on the peer review system in assessing grant proposals. Phillips) for CODEST meetings June 1985 - May 1987. Includes setting-up information, Correspondence and papers 1983-90. invitation to serve, arrangements for meetings and Phillips’s notes at meetings, contacts of CODEST with ABRC, SERC, Cabinet Office etc., research proposals submitted to Committee or to Phillips for advice, possible CODEST conferences, workshop on Human Frontier Science Programme, proposed European Science Assembly membership. Agenda and minutes, lists of research proposals (some annotated by D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (EACMB) First newsletter (June 1986), funding proposal for support for a European Biological Science Macromolecules, a little correspondence 1986-87. Crystallography Foundation Network of in EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION (EMBO) Phillips was among the first invited to become members of EMBO on its first formalised meeting in 1964. He was elected to its Council in 1971 (renewed for a second three-year period to 1977) and was also a delegate of the European Molecular Biology Conference which supervised the Laboratory. See N.33-N.37. Material on papers recommended by Phillips for publication in the EMBO Journal is in Section F. membership and council Material on conferences and workshops sponsored by EMBO is in Section Gi service, EMBO workshops, Correspondence and papers on EMBO Council 1971-77. General correspondence on EMBO affairs 1964, 1967-78, 1983-85, 1991. Recommendations and references for EMBO fellowships are in Section R. Includes invitation to Phillips to join the new organisation 1964, nominations meetings, for discussions and comments on the proposed Laboratory. Appointments 1979-81. Meetings, affairs of EMBL and its outstations. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies HARVARD-MONSANTO RESEARCH AGREEMENT In 1974 Harvard University and the Monsanto Company undertook a collaborative research programme in the field of ‘molecular messengers’ under the scientific direction at Harvard of M.J. Folkman and B.L. Vallee with the help of large-scale tissue culture facilities provided by Monsanto. The focus of research was Tumor Angiogenesis Factor (TAF) which it was hoped might have practical outcomes in the prevention and treatment of certain Because both partners in the enterprise were conscious of the cancers. matters of public interest involved in this academic-industrial partnership, a provide Scientific Advisory Board was established from the ‘objective guidance and advice as to how best to take the public interest into consideration’ . start to Phillips was invited to serve on the board in February 1980, at a time when Monsanto was hoping that the research stage, already considerable in time and cost, might be ready to move into ‘development mode’. The Board met about twice a year, roughly in May and November, and alternately at Boston (Harvard) and St. Louis (Monsanto); many meetings and discussions between those directly involved in the project took place in the interim and notes of these and consequent decisions are sometimes included in the folders. By 1984 the company decided that it no longer felt able to continue a high-cost long-term investment, and the agreement was wound down. The material consists of correspondence (some photocopied), reports, The papers of board meetings, Phillips’s notes, travel arrangements etc. correspondents include the President and successive Deans of Harvard, Chairmen and Vice-Presidents of Monsanto, members of the Board, and B.L. For additional Vallee, the chief Harvard scientist in charge of the project. correspondence with Vallee, see P.273. The vicissitudes of a collaborative project of this nature, illustrative in many ways of the problems inherent in commercial support for academic research, were felt by Phillips to be of more than timely interest and a full record of his involvement has therefore been kept, including historical material of the His own setting-up of the collaboration sent to him as briefing material. note about the interest of the episode is included in K.14 meeting decisions. February-November 1980. Invitation to Phillips to serve on Advisory Board, arrangements for meeting 7-8 November at St. Louis, notes of meetings and discussions September- October and other briefing material sent to Phillips (annotated), note of D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies Historical material sent to Phillips. Includes ‘Statement of Principle’, Project and Charter Agreements signed between Harvard and Monsanto November 1974, a memorandum by B.L. Vallee (undated but 1980) on the setting-up of the Advisory Board in 1975- 76 and its functions in safeguarding academic freedom, first meeting of Advisory Board December 1976, some subsequent Harvard-Monsanto meetings, discussions, reports on project. February-October 1981. Boston, background Arrangements for meeting 29-30 September at information and project reports (annotated), letters of thanks and draft report on meeting. October 1981 - January 1982. Arrangements for meeting on 23 November at Monsanto Headquarters New York, correspondence, reports, information (annotated), budgeting, drafts, ‘responses and comments’ for the Advisory Board’s report on meeting. February-December 1982. Correspondence and papers. November; Phillips did not attend. Meetings were arranged in January and April 1983 - January 1984. Phillips’s notes at the meeting on 23 November 1981. correspondence, summary report. Arrangements for meeting 17 November at St. Louis; Phillips did not attend but was elected Chairman of the Board for the following meeting; papers, Arrangements for meeting 20 May at Boston, papers and correspondence, Phillips’s notes at meeting, summary report. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies April-December 1984, 1985, 1988. Arrangements, agenda, reports and papers for meeting 7-8 May 1984, Washington DC, chaired by Phillips. Brief correspondence only for a meeting 12-13 November 1984 in Boston, 4pp manuscript notes by described by Phillips as ‘rather acrimonious’. Phillips are included; they are undated but probably refer to the November meeting. Also included are brief exchanges with A. Meister 1985 suggesting a further meeting of the Board (which was not held), and with the President of Monsanto 1988. INSTITUT DE LA VIE Correspondence and information from M. Marois on conferences on the theme ‘From physics to biology’ organised by the Institut. Various dates 1968-88. For Institut de la Vie conferences attended by Phillips see Section G. INSTITUT LAUE-LANGEVIN (ILL) Phillips was nominated as representative of the SRC and elected to the ILL Scientific Council for two years to December 1974, renewed November There is no letter of resignation, but letters of 20 June and 16 1974. September 1975 indicate that Phillips was no longer a member. He noted himself ‘1 was not a very regular attender or active member’. colleagues on ILL research, ILL workshops, research proposals. served and Correspondence and papers 1973-75, including appointment, notification of - meetings Biochemistry). Phillips’s notes at meetings, some scientific exchanges with chaired Subcommittee 8 (Phillips later on D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (IUCr) Phillips was involved in the activities of the Union for many years, both in his personal capacity in projects and commissions and as an official delegate to meetings and conferences. Not all his |UCr participation is documented here. For IUCr conferences attended by Phillips see Section G. Single Crystal Intensity Measurement Project This project was one of those determined at the IUCr meeting in Rome in Its aims were twofold: to provide a quantitative comparison of 1963 (G.9). the accuracy in various diffractometers used for measuring intensities and structure factors, and to enable individual participants to assess the accuracy of their own diffractometers. S.C. Abrahams was responsible for A.Mc.L. Mathieson, Chairman of the Union’s Commission on the project; Phillips was one of the Crystallographic Apparatus, was closely involved. consultants. a standard substance proved difficult and was never The choice of satisfactorily resolved. Oxalic acid dehydrate was initially selected but was affected by efflorescence on exposure to air (see letters of September 1964). The next choice was tartaric acid, but the first batch of 2000 crystals which were distributed to participants early in 1965 proved unsuitable (see letters of July 1965) and further, much smaller, batches with preliminary screening, had to be prepared and distributed at a late stage in the time- schedule. Difficulties continued in obtaining satisfactory results and meeting deadlines and only 16 participants were able to complete all or part of their assignment; the UK contribution was very thin (see Phillips’s letter of 1970 in K.27). Association, names of members and consultants. Various dates 1963-65. Information, newsletters, reports on the aims, methods and progress of the project and of a similar project organised by the American Crystallographic The material was prepared by Mathieson (CSIRO Melbourne); distribution to participants in UK and Europe was undertaken by Phillips; the numerical treatment of the data was handled by W.C. Hamilton (USA). A statement of results was presented at the IUCr Congress in Moscow in 1966 (G.24). The correspondence and papers are exchanged with the principal organisers (Abrahams and Mathieson, who normally address Phillips as ‘Dave’) and with UK and European participants. Some reference is made to other IUCr projects and to Phillips's lysozyme work which was at its peak at this time. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 international societies, organisations, consultancies 1963-64. Setting-up of project, drafting of information and particulars, choice of material, Phillips’s suggestions for participants in UK and Europe. 1966, 1970. Includes ‘Preliminary Report to Participants’ June 1966 and report of American Crystallographic Association project. Correspondence 1970 is with Abrahams on the publication of the report; in his reply Phillips refers to the project as ‘a not particularly happy venture’ . Commission on Biological Macromolecular Crystallography Correspondence and papers 1981-89. General correspondence on IUCr affairs Includes: Meeting 1965. Russian dissident 1975. Warsaw meeting 1977. Correspondence with D.W.J. Cruickshank 1981. Perth meeting 1987. Ewald Prize Committee 1988. INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS (IUPAB) July. Phillips was involved with IUPAB and served on several of its Commissions and Subcommissions from 1966, but his participation in its affairs became much closer on his appointment as Chairman of the British National Committee for Biophysics (see L.4); he accepted nomination to the Council of IUPAB in 1974, serving two three-year periods 1975-78, 1978-81. From 1975 he also served on the Commission on Subcellular and Macromolecular Biophysics. In June 1977 he was nominated as Vice-President by the British National Committee and elected by the IUPAB Nominating Committee in D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies Phillips attended many IUPAB Conferences, sometimes as delegate, and helped in Congress at Bristol in 1984. See Section G for further documentation. the organisation of an official International the Eighth General correspondence on IUPAB affairs 1966-73. Includes: Invitation to serve on Subcommission of the Commission on Biological Nomenclature, on Polypepti de Conformation (Convenor J.C. Kendrew) 1966. See P.138. Invitation to serve on Commission on Biophysical Chemistry (Chairman J.T. Edsall) and subsequent correspondence (later Commission on Macromolecular Biophysics). 1969, Invitation (declined) to serve on Council 1971. Invitation (declined) to serve as IUPAB representative on ICSU Commission on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) 1972. Suggestions and arrangements for conferences, minutes of meetings. 1974. Includes renewed invitation to accept nomination as member of Council (accepted), topics and arrangements for IUPAB Congress at Copenhagen and IUCr Congress at Amsterdam, both in August 1975 (G.157-G.160), nominations to Macromolecular Commission. 1975. Arrangements for Congress at Copenhagen (Phillips was elected leader of the UK delegation at the May meeting of the British National Committee), correspondence on delegates, agenda and papers for Council meeting 6 August (annotated), Phillips’s notes taken at meeting, minutes, report to the Royal Society by Phillips and J.W.S. Pringle. Phillips was elected Vice-President at this meeting. 1976. Correspondence on suggestions for programme of IUPAB Congress correspondence and papers for IUPAB Council at Kyoto 1978 (G.197); meeting and joint meeting with International Union of Biochemistry, Hamburg (annotated). At this meeting Phillips was formally elected to IUPAB Council and to its Commission on Subcellular and Macromolecular Biophysics. 1977. Correspondence and papers, mainly for Council meeting 24 July. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies Council, Assembly and Commission meetings during Congress at agenda, Phillips’s notes and annotations, minutes. 1978. Kyoto, September; Phillips was elected for a second term on Council at this meeting. 1979-81. Council and of Macromolecular Biophysics Commission. Brief correspondence on meetings, nomination and officers of Joint |UB/IUPAB Molecular Biology Interest Group. Phillips was invited to serve on the Steering Committee in November 1980 and resigned from March 1982. MAX-PLANCK-GESELLSCHAFT INSTITUT FUR BIOCHIMIE Phillips was first invited in September 1976 to become a member of the Visiting Committee for the Max-Planck-Institut fair experimentelle Medizin, but declined from pressure of other commitments. In November 1976 he a four-year term on the Fachbeirat (Scientific was asked to serve for Biochimie, planned Council) he accepted the appointment which was renewed in March Martinsried; 1982 for a further four years, to December 1985. The Fachbeirat met every At its first ‘Constitutional’ session on 18-19 October 1977 three years. Phillips was elected Chairman and was thus responsible for the reports at K.44. Max-Planck Institut being the for fir on research information For the 1983 meeting Phillips used a spiral-bound notebook which is at B.50. Material includes arrangements for meetings and visits to laboratories or programmes and _ personnel, departments, correspondence on administrative and scientific matters with members of Institut and colleagues on the Fachbeirat, drafts for reports and the comments by colleagues, Phillips’s extensive notes at meetings. correspondence, statements of research programmes in hand. Travel arrangements, Phillips’s notes, summary of proceedings, draft report, Meeting 18-19 October 1977. Invitations to serve 1976-77. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies Meeting 13-14 May 1980. Arrangements and correspondence preceding meeting, agenda and site- visits programme, Phillips’s notes, correspondence and comments on Phillips’s draft report. Includes some scientific and personal correspondence. Statements of research programmes in hand, prepared for May 1980 meeting. Meeting 17-20 April 1983. reappointment to December 1985, agenda, Phillips’s programme, correspondence and comments on Phillips's draft report, and on affairs of Institut. arrangements, Phillips’s extensive notes on the meeting are at B.50. Correspondence and papers 1986-91. Reports on meetings 1977, 1980, 1983. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES (WASHINGTON DC) Correspondence 1984-86 on meetings, membership, letter of thanks on end of service. Proceedings, see F.88-F.92. the Includes Committee on Human Rights, material on Industrial Research Institute and research funding in US, joint meeting with Royal Society etc. For material relating to Phillips’s election as a Foreign Associate of the Academy, see A.35, A.36. in the Academy's For papers submitted ‘correspondent’ of invitation to Phillips to become a by Phillips for publication D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies NATIONAL LABORATORY OF BIOMACROMOLECULES (BEIJING) This was established in 1989 and attached to the Institute of Biophysics, Phillips was invited to join the International Academia Sinica, Beijing. Committee in July 1989. Invitation, information about the new Institute. RIKEN FRONTIER RESEARCH PROGRAM (JAPAN) This was a research project of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Phillips was invited to be a member of the Research (RIKEN), Japan. Council of Administrative Advisors in 1987 but resigned for health reasons in 1988. Correspondence and papers 1986-90. Includes a little material about RIKEN programmes, meetings, research report etc. SOLVAY INSTITUTES WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND WEIZMANN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION Invitation to serve on Scientific Committee of Physics of the Solvay Institutes 1989, information on meetings, Phillips’s resignation August 1991. in the course of other visits to Israel. There are also invitations to lectures, Phillips was elected a Governor in October 1981, re-elected November 1987, He was made a Governor Emeritus in and resigned in January 1989. In July 1989 an Honorary Doctorate was awarded to him December 1989. and conferred in 1990 (see A.48). The material consists of correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Board of Governors and of the Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee; Phillips was rarely able to attend though he visited the Institute D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 International societies, organisations, consultancies special meetings and conferences, including some in London under the auspices of the Weizmann Institute Foundation. Some scientific exchanges and information about work and appointments at the Institute are included. Correspondence and papers 1972, 1981-92. Correspondence 1972 is with and about A. Berger. Correspondence 1992 includes copy of speech at Foundation Gala Dinner by Margaret Thatcher in which she refers to Phillips’s work at ABRC. WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (GENEVA) based was established in Geneva, in The World Economic Forum, Switzerland in 1971 as an independent self-financed foundation under the It organised regular legal supervision of meetings in Geneva, National Meetings and an Annual Meeting in Davos national each January to bring together governments and international organisations for a week of intensive debate on proposed actions for the world economy in the coming year’. ‘chief executives, heads of the Swiss Federal Council. Phillips was invited in September 1988 to join the Forum’s Council ‘which will be in charge of giving direction to our Industry Forums’ and, in that capacity, to attend the Davos meeting, to chair the session on ‘Issues in mastering technology developments in the 90s’, and to participate in the He accepted, but cancelled because of World Health-industry Forum. pressure of commitments. He resigned in August 1991. Correspondence, information and papers 1988-91. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION L THE ROYAL SOCIETY PHILLIPS’S CAREER AT THE ROYAL SOCIETY COMMITTEES AND ACTIVITIES L.17-L.20 PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL L.21-L.30 VISITS L.31-L.33A GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE L.34-L.38 ORGANISATION OF THE FELLOWSHIP L.39-L.62 ELECTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, AWARDS The official correspondence is exchanged with successive Presidents, Officers and Executive Secretaries; there are also many exchanges with colleagues. He progressed rapidly in many aspects of service Phillips was elected to the Fellowship in 1967. to the Society, as Member of Council 1969-70 and 1971-73, as Vice-President 1972-73 and 1976-83, as Royal Medallist 1975 and most notably as Biological Secretary 1976-83. His varied involvements with the scientific and policy-making activities of the Society continued after his resignation of the Secretaryship on appointment as Chairman of ABRC; hence, the material in this Section, though clustering round the years 1976-83, is by no means confined to that period. Phillips’s relations with the Society as Chairman of ABRC are documented in Section O. Personal material, letters of congratulation received by Phillips on his election and on subsequent elevations within the Society are at A.12, A13, A.20, A.21. Material relating to major discussion meetings, several of which were organised by Phillips, or to lectures and conferences at the Society, are in Section G. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society PHILLIPS’S CAREER AT THE ROYAL SOCIETY Personal correspondence 1967-85 Includes: Telegram and arrangements on election 1967 Election to Council 1969 Representative, National Committee for Biophysics 1971 Vice-President 1972 Government Grant Board H (declined) 1973 Letter of thanks for service on Soirée Committee 1975 Letter of thanks for service on National Committee for Crystallography 1976 Nomination as Biological Secretary (and Press Release) 1976 Letter of thanks for service on Sectional Committee 8 1976 1983 for service as Chairman, National Committee for Vice-President 1976 National Committee for the thanks Letter Biophysics 1979 of of thanks for Letter International Council of Scientific Unions 1979 service British on Note of personal and ex officio commitments as Biological Secretary 1976 Letter of thanks for service on National Committee for Crystallography 1985 Resignation as Biological Secretary on appointment as Chairman ABRC (his successor was D.C. Smith) 1977-88. Phillips became a member ex officio as Biological Secretary in 1976 and an In 1985, his membership was terminated under ordinary member in 1983. rule ix, or, as he put it himself in a note (28 March 1991) attached to a letter of 1983 ‘I was eventually chucked out for not attending! ’ Replies from newly-elected Fellows, Foreign Members or Medallists to letters from Phillips Royal Society Club 1976-85 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society COMMITTEES AND ACTIVITIES In chronological order British National Committee for Biophysics 1972-78 Phillips was Chairman for six years from 1 January 1973. officio member of the National Committee for ICSU from the same date. He was also ex papers, for meetings, mainly Correspondence and concerned with arrangements for conferences and meetings, travel grants, nominations as Royal Society representatives at international conferences. Material is also included relating to affairs of IUPAB where Phillips was a member of Council. chairman’s notes Much of the material relates to arrangements for the Biophysics Congress at Kyoto 1978 (G.197), and some preliminary discussions of the Congress at Bristol in 1984 (G.290-G.297). Soirée Committee 1974 Material on Genetic Manipulation 1976-80 Silver Jubilee of H.M. The Queen 1976-78 Correspondence and papers relating to the Society’s special exhibitions and commemorative volume on scientific developments during the Queen’s reign. Minutes of meeting 12 February 1974 at which exhibits for Conversazione of 9 May were decided. Brief correspondence with H.C. Watson about exhibit by him and C.C.F. Blake on ‘Crystallographic studies of enzymes’. issued by Council. Phillips was a member. The chairman was W.F. Bodmer. Correspondence and papers arising from public concern felt about the topic and reports and recommendations by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Genetic Manipulation Advisory group (GMAG), on which the Royal Society was asked to comment. An ad hoc Group on Genetic Manipulation set up by the Society met on 7 January 1979 to draft a statement to be Includes meetings of Soirée Committee, ideas for exhibits by Phillips and others, arrangements and draft text for exhibit on ‘Molecular biology and developments in medicine’ (by Phillips and M.F. Perutz), correspondence with colleagues, contributions (obtained with difficulty) to ‘ Jubilee Book’. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society Folder includes correspondence and information from colleagues, and from other organisations involved in genetic engineering in Europe and USA, comments on meetings, draft notes of ad hoc Group meeting and copy of A final statement, continuing correspondence on the future of GMAG etc. little press comment is included, and two papers on the subject by J.D. Watson. Visit of the Officers of the Society to the National Academy of Sciences Washington, 18-20 May 1977 Schedule of visit, list of participants, list of topics for discussion, Phillips’s notes on discussions, summary report of meeting prepared by W. Murray Todd NAS. Dorothy Hodgkin Portrait Fund 1977-82, 1986, 1988 of an appeal Correspondence, principally with J.W. Cornforth and R.E. Richards on the a organisation Includes some commemorative portrait to hang in the Society’s rooms. photocopied letters from Fellows and artists, and three photographs of Dorothy Crowfoot (as she then was) in 1936. Cornforth’s letter of 30 May 1978 to Graham Sutherland gives an excellent account in simple terms of Dorothy Hodgkin’s work. choice funds, artist etc. for for of International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature (ITZN) 1978-79 Sutherland died before the portrait was completed, leaving two preliminary A portrait was eventually commissioned from Bryan Organ, and sketches. Henry Moore drew Dorothy Hodgkin’s hands. Cornforth contributed an account of the episode, with illustrations of the work of all three artists, to Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 37, 1982. 14 November 1978 and various drafts and comments were written in Correspondence and papers assembled from Fellows and Chairmen of Sectional Committees in response to a request from the Advisory Board for the Research Councils that the Society should initiate a discussion on the subject at a meeting to be held on 9 February 1979. A letter inviting opinions was sent out over the signatures of H.S.W. Massey and Phillips on Miscellaneous notes, correspondence and papers on ITZN’s appeal for funds. Growing Points in Science 1978-80 L.11-L.13 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society January 1979. After the oral presentation of the paper the ABRC requested further information with an analysis of key issues and the identification of areas of UK science of outstanding excellence deserving encouragement. A second letter to this effect was circulated on 9 March, and further information received from Sectional Committee Chairmen and others. Preliminary correspondence on ABRC funding and on ABRC report on Taxonomy in Britain, August and September 1978. Circular letter on ‘Growing Points’ November 1978 and replies received. Preparation of presentation. Preliminary draft 10 January, comments and revisions, Phillips’s assembled material and annotated version of draft, final version 1 February 1979. Second circular letter asking for further information 9 March 1979 and replies from Chairmen of Sectional Committees and individuals, with reference to and also to dual-support system for university funding. ‘growing points’ 20 May 1980: papers, statistics, briefing Ad hoc Committee on Animal Experiments 1979-83 Also included here is material assembled for ‘interview’ with ABRC on science funding, RS representatives, Phillips’s notes. The Committee was set up in 1979 (Phillips was Chairman as Biological Secretary) and met seven times July 1979 - July 1981. Its purpose was to examine the implications for scientific research of the Council of Europe’s Convention on laboratory animals and of two private bills in UK Parliament: Lord Halsbury’s Laboratory Animals Protection Bill and Fry’s Protection of Animals (Scientific Purposes) Bill. In his Presidential Address of 1983 (included), Sir Andrew Huxley who succeeded Phillips as Chairman in 1983 chose animal experimentation as his principal topic and gave a useful account of the problem and the Society’s involvement to that date. Biology and others. The information, representations, comments on the proposed legislation by individuals, institutions and societies among them the Physiological Society, the British Pharmacological Society, British Psychological Society, Royal College of Physicians, Laboratory Animal Science Association, British Veterinary Association, Society for Experimental the Research Defence Society, correspondence, extensive Mr. P. material consists of for the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society Ad hoc Committee on University Funding 1981 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence July-November. Official engagements 1977-88 Visits and social engagements in UK undertaken by Phillips as officer or representative of the Society, visits and delegations of overseas visitors to UK. Material may include arrangements, schedules and participants, official and personal correspondence. PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL In October 1971 Phillips was invited to serve as an Associate Editor ‘on the biological side’ and attended meetings of the editorial board from 7 December. As Biological Secretary he was later ex officio Editor and Chairman of the board. A notebook itemising Phillips’s editorial and referee’s expenses for the Society is at B.48. General correspondence 1970-83 with editors, staff, colleagues and authors of papers, on various aspects of publications and refereeing policy, circulation, costs and sales, attempts to expedite publishing arrangements, new nominations as Associate Editors etc. The journals concerned are the Proceedings, Phil.Trans.B, and Notes and Records whose future was under discussion in 1983. submitted via Phillips for Proceedings 1978-82, 1990. Shorter correspondence with colleagues, authors and editors on papers Correspondence etc. 1972-80 on papers submitted to Phillips as Associate Editor, some with comments or referees’ reports by him or by other colleagues. A little correspondence with authors is also included. Phillips’s referee’s comments on papers submitted for publication in Proceedings 1968-71. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 VISITS The Royal Society With the exception of L.26, this material deals with official overseas visits by Phillips as a representative of the Society or as a member of an official delegation. Official visit to USSR 12-24 September 1977 The party consisted of Prigorowski. the President and Secretaries and Miss T.A. Photographs commemorating this visit are at A.75. Preliminary arrangements and plans, suggestions for institutions to be draft and agreed schedules, topics for discussion, drafts for visited, Agreement on Scientific Co-operation and Exchange (signed during the visit), brief notes by Phillips, reports and comments on visit by members of the party. Miscellaneous reports on visits to USSR 1976-78. Delegation to Czechoslovakia 21-29 April 1978 The party consisted of the Foreign and Biological Secretaries and Professor C.W. Rees, accompanied by J.J.P. Deverill. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on Russian dissidents 1976-78. Miscellaneous reports on visits to Czechoslovakia 1968-77. Arrangements, schedules, suggestions for institutions or individuals to be visited, information on relations with Czechoslovakia, drafts of Agreement on Co-operation (signed during visit), reports by individual members and final draft, brief correspondence. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society Visit to Seychelles 22 December 1979 - 5 January 1980 This was a private visit by Phillips and his family, in the course of which arrangements were made for him to meet President René. Brief correspondence and papers relating to Seychelles and Aldabra. Visit to Japan 30 August - 6 September 1981 Phillips was one of a nine-man UK delegation to Japan under Royal Society Two major auspices. meetings were held: Other members represented ABRC and SERC. A two-day meeting on UK-Japan Scientific Collaboration, identifying 1. other Research areas of Councils) and Monbusho (the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture). possible collaboration between SERC (and 2. A two-day Science Policy Seminar. In addition there were visits to the University of Tokyo and other Institutes. Visit to Hong Kong and China 28 August - 20 September 1982 Meeting on Scientific Collaboration. annotations. Participants, presentations. Some Phillips’s report on visit. Draft and final Summary Record and Résumé. Science Policy Seminar. Participants, presentations; Session 4 presented by Phillips. Some annotations. journey. This was a lecture and visit programme to institutes in various Chinese For part of the time Phillips was with R.J.P. Williams and his wife. cities. Phillips also lectured in the Chinese University of Hong Kong on his return D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society report, Phillips’s Williams, arrangements for Hong Kong visit and lecture, miscellaneous items, brief correspondence. accounts Williams RJ.P. Mrs. and by GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE a chronological sequence on the affairs of the Society. This is Some precedes or follows Phillips’s service as Biological Secretary but the main bulk relates to that period and is addressed to him in that capacity. include science and education policy, discussion Matters dealt with meetings, official submissions to be made by the Society, foreign exchanges and visitors, small grants for research support, lectures and scholarships, grants-in-aid, international collaboration, Science Policy Fora. 1967-78 1990-92 the the 1982-89 ORGANISATION OF THE FELLOWSHIP though the material often ranges more widely. By this are understood questions of perennial concern to the Society, such Sectional Committees as disciplines, the responsible for nominations in the classification appropriate Sectional Committee, the number, distribution and age-range of Fellows and the adaptability of the Society to evolving priorities in science, nomination and electoral procedures. The correspondence is exchanged with colleagues, chairmen of Sectional Committees and with Officers of the Society. Special concern is shown with Committee 8 which Phillips chaired until 1976 (successor: J. Baddiley) of Fellows and candidates and and composition of their allocation to relevant scientific the organisation D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers 1969-82, 1988 on organisation, nominations, medals, elections etc. including notes and drafts by Phillips and a paper ‘Paradoxes in electoral procedures’ by R.M. May. See also P.173. Ad hoc Committee on Elections to the Fellowship and Foreign Membership This had its first meeting in May 1979 under Phillips’s chairmanship, the The immediate trigger being a concerns of the Committee were the number of Fellows to be elected, their age at election, and the selection and classification difficulties facing the Sectional Committees. to the President by C. Eaborn. letter The material includes correspondence, statistics and tables compiled by Phillips and others, background or historical material and committee papers annotated by Phillips. Preliminary material, statistics and information, agenda and minutes of first meeting 29 May 1979, correspondence, notes and statistics on numbers and ages. Phillips’s notes on Fellows and the Fellowship with special reference to age Agenda, minutes, notes, correspondence for meetings 23 November 1979, 18 November 1981. Agenda, minutes, notes, correspondence for meetings 12 May 1982, 13 July 1982, 10 March 1983. at election, and classification. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 The Royal Society ELECTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, AWARDS Fellowship, Foreign Membership and Officers of the Society L.39-L.57 Nominations, correspondence. recommendations and comments, draft certificates, N.B. No surviving material for 1979. L.39 L.40 L.41 L.42 L.43 L.44 L.45 L.46 L.47 1968, 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 L.49 50 L.51 D2 L.53 L.54 55 L.56 150 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985-86 1987 1988 1989-92 L.48 1978 1977-81 1970-73 Medals, Prizes, Lectures Nominations, citations, correspondence. 1968-85 Travel grants, overseas study visits D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Research appointments The Royal Society references and and recommendations by papers others, Proposals, Research correspondence Professorships, Fellowships and Guest Fellowships. Includes material 1971- 73 relating to the Napier Fund and an ad hoc committee (on which Phillips served) to advise on its use, and Phillips’s 1976 reports on the work of European Programme Fellows. Phillips and_ Society relating to Royal 1970-77 1978-92 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION M SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL/SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC/SERC) this section documents Phillips’s activities as member or advisor of various It antedates his official involvement with The material in SRC/SERC committees and working parties from 1967. the Council as Chairman of the ABRC which is to be found in Section O passim. lecturer or participant in research conferences or presentations, particularly at the Rutherford and Daresbury Laboratories 1974-84 are in Section G. His visits as References and comments on applications for SRC/SERC research grants are in Section R. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Science Research Council/Science and Engineering Research Council (SRC/SERC) Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Committee This was one of the specialist committees of the Council’s University Science and Technology Board. It was set up under the Chairmanship of Sir Ewart Phillips was asked to serve from March 1969 to Jones in February 1969. September 1970, his appointment being renewed at that date and again in He also served on the Automatic August 1971 (to September 1973). Scanning Digital Microdensitometer Panel January 1971. the committee, Correspondence and papers 1969-75 on meetings of research grant proposals and comments thereon, visits to laboratories and university departments, programme of SRC meeting to discuss aspects of on enzyme later correspondence is also crystallography studies in included. November A chemistry 9 UK). research 1971 (Phillips spoke little Also included is letter 1970 on proposed Working Party on X-ray studies at Edinburgh. Spallation Neutron Source Science Panel (SNSSP) Cray Computer Working Party Minutes and papers of Panel meetings 1-4, April-August 1976. A document proposing a Spallation Neutron Facility was put to the August meeting. Phillips was not a member, but received its papers, which he circulated in the laboratory; one bears his note (‘| am watching them - that’s all!’). at the Daresbury Laboratory and the purchase was postponed. This was set up under the Chairmanship of Sir Sam Edwards in October 1978 ‘to consider the scientific case for a Cray 1 computer in the SRC and, in particular, to judge whether the opportunities for advanced scientific research and the quality of work which might be undertaken using such a A meeting to consider the scientific case computer would justify its cost.’ and representations from potential users was held at the Royal Society on In May 1979 the SRC agreed to buy time on the Cray 1 11 October 1978. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Science Research Council/Science and Engineering Research Council (SRC/SERC) Correspondence and papers October 1978 - April 1979. machines Includes Phillips’s invitation to serve on the working party but is mainly notes and comments by Phillips and members of his laboratory on proposals meeting, and correspondence with colleagues on the desirability of the purchase and on potential research uses. Several of the documents are concerned with the relative merits of the Cray and the ICL DAP (Distributed Array Processor) machines. Society before Royal both and after the Miscellaneous manuscript notes and comments by members of laboratory on proposals, report of working party, comparative performances of machines. Papers for Cray Computer Working Party meeting at Royal Society 11 October 1978. The Daresbury Laboratory Meeting to discuss arrangements for access, funding etc. for molecular biology work at the Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SRF) at the Daresbury Laboratory. Correspondence and papers 1985-86 on the review of advanced research Includes detailed reply from computing needs chaired by A.J. Forty. Phillips’s laboratory to questionnaire on computer requirements for current and projected research. Some correspondence on the Forty Report and the Cray installation is included. 1975 notifying sanction from the DES to build the new facility at Daresbury. Correspondence and papers 1972-73, including invitation, note of meeting (held 22 January 1973), research proposals and discussion papers on areas Also includes letter of May of development using synchrotron radiation. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Science Research Council/Science and Engineering Research Council (SRC/SERC) Working Group on Instrumentation - Crystal Optics Panel Following Treasury approval of £3M for construction of the Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) at Daresbury, the Synchrotron Radiation Research Committee set up four panels of users to consider instrumentation for the new source: on Grating Optics, Crystal Optics, Beam Lines and Computing. Phillips accepted an invitation in April 1975 to serve on the Crystal Optics panel (Chairman W. Hayes) and attended the early meetings but resigned in October 1975 from pressure of other commitments. Material includes invitation, terms of reference, notes and correspondence, background papers for meetings 1-3 (May, September, October 1975), resignation, Phillips’s notes on proposed lattice structures for the meeting in October 1975, copy of panel report and Phillips’s comments May 1977. Protein Crystallography User Group, set up August 1978. The co-ordinator was J.R. Helliwell. Correspondence and papers on meetings, proposals for instrumentation and equipment, 1978-81. Franco-British meeting on aspects of synchrotron radiation, European facility (ESRF), collaboration etc. held at Daresbury 24 November 1982. Planning and setting-up of biological support laboratory at Daresbury in connection with the Synchrotron Radiation Source, funded jointly by SERC and MRC. Correspondence and papers 1978-83, including draft and final paper on synchrotron radiation in biological research by W. Fuller and T.L. Blundell 1978, plans and meeting for biological support laboratory with comments by members of Phillips's laboratory and his notes of the meeting 1979, invitation to official opening of Biological Support Laboratory (BSL) 29 November 1983. Daresbury 26 March 1987. Arrangements, background information, briefing notes. Forward look policy for biological sciences work at Daresbury SRS. Correspondence and policy papers, comments by members of Phillips’s laboratory and other colleagues. 1982, 1985. Invitation (declined) to inauguration of new Floating Point System T-20 at D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 SECTION N MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE BOARDS AND COMMITTEES N.2-N.17 Cell Board N.18-N.20 Training and Manpower Committee N.21 Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee N.22-N.47 SUBCOMMITTEES, REVIEW GROUPS, WORKING PARTIES N.48-N.52 VISITS TO MRC LABORATORIES AND UNITS INTRODUCTION N.53-N.64 CONFERENCES AND DISCUSSION MEETINGS These years saw many changes in the structure and work of the Council. Phillips’s period of service on the Council began officially with his letter of appointment of 16 April from 1976-83 he also 1974, to take effect from 1 October, and continued until the end of 1978; served as ‘Attending Assessor’ on behalf of the Royal Society. (TRMB) remained while the first two were replaced by three new Boards: and the subsequent White Paper on Research and publication of Development with its acceptance of the concept of commissioned research, impelled the Council to reorganise its structure, enlarging the number and membership of its Research Boards and defining their role in formulating and implementing positive research policies. Up to 1974 there had been three Boards: the Biological Research Board (BRB), the Clinical Research Board (CRB) and the Tropical Medicine Research Board (TMRB). With effect from October 1974, the third of these the ‘Rothschild Report’ In particular, the D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Board 1: Neurobiology and Mental Health Board (Neurosciences Board) Board 2: Cell Biology and Disorders Board (Cell Board) Board 3: Physiological Systems and Disorders Board (Systems Board) While these changes were being adumbrated during 1973, Phillips was approached by the then Secretary J.R.B. (later Sir John) Gray to accept appointment to the Council and to the two-year chairmanship of the new Board 2 (Cell Board). As chairman-designate he was closely involved with the preliminary meetings and arrangements to define its areas of responsibility, membership, Grants Committees and the like before the first official meeting of the Cell Board in October 1974. N.2,N.3 below include many notes and ideas by Phillips on these topics, and N.4 contains early suggestions for commissioned research, then a relatively new undertaking. Another, more general feature of British society in the 1970s which affected the Council along with many other institutions, was the growing demand for a new and more formal career structure providing for a scale of official gradings and promotions, provision for salary reviews and appeals for various levels of staff, and also for a systematic policy for appointments, tenure and training. As Cell Board Chairman, Phillips served ex officio on the Training and Manpower Committee, some of whose meetings he chaired. MRC grant or equipment applications or extensions, including those referred specifically to Phillips as Cell Board Chairman, and also material dealing with staff gradings, appointments, promotions and appeals are in Section R. In addition to the conferences and discussion meetings at N.53-N.64, material relating to several larger-scale conferences organised or shared by the Council are in Section G. Both before and after his period on Council, Phillips was frequently involved with MRC affairs as grant assessor, member of visiting subcommittees, participant in discussions and the like; some of the material reflects in its datespan this wider service. Phillips’s official contacts with MRC as Chairman of ABRC are documented in Section O. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE General correspondence 16 April 1974 - 23 August 1982, mainly with Secretaries and officials but also with scientific colleagues, on Council membership, appointments, general policy (i.e. not related to affairs: specific Boards or committees), press conferences and briefings for the presentation of annual reports. Phillips’s appointment 1974 and 30 Includes September 1978, nomination as ‘contact man’ for National Institute for Medical Research 21 October 1977, possible MRC participation in Daresbury facility July 1979, Computer Networks 1981. renewal July 1976 to BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Cell Board topics, early organisation allocations of responsibilities, November-December 1973 meetings, arrangements etc. Includes policy papers from the Secretariat and extensive manuscript notes by Phillips. Correspondence November 1973 - December 1974 on the re-organisation of the Council’s committees, the setting-up of the Cell Board, Phillips's appointment as Chairman (to 1976, his successor being A.C. Currie), grants, membership proposals, subject for research preliminary Board meeting 21 May 1974 and first full meeting 16 October. January 1975, notes of meetings and discussions. Correspondence June 1974 - February 1975 with officials and Board arrangements with members on ‘commissioned research’ programme; Board members to review commissioned research topics and to open discussions on Council-supported work at the Stocktaking Review 14-15 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Council Institutes General correspondence with colleagues and officials on Cell Board affairs. Includes information, memoranda and policy papers on research funding and draft on submissions, Board membership changes and replacements, employment policy and career structure in Council Institutes, research studentship allocations, budgeting and finance, drafts of Stocktaking Review and Annual Reports etc. Units, committee arrangements and and Much of the material relates to papers presented or matters discussed at Cell Board meetings and supplements the minuted records at N.8-N.16. January-June 1975 July-December 1975 Includes comments by Board members sent to January-September 1976. Phillips for Stocktaking Review, and letters of thanks on his retirement from the Cell Board Chairmanship. Cell Board meetings 1974-75 Preliminary meeting 21 May 1974. Agendas for meetings annotations. Chairman’s briefings, draft and confirmed agendas and minutes, a little official correspondence; almost all the papers have annotations by Phillips. information and agenda for October meeting, draft and agreed minutes. Cell Board meetings and agenda calendar for the year 1974-75; Agenda, papers (annotated), draft minutes. First Cell Board meeting 16 October 1974. Stocktaking review 1 July 1974. May 1974 - October 1975, with notes and papers, D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) 27 November 1974 Papers, draft and agreed minutes. Meeting and Stocktaking Review 14-15 January 1975 Papers, draft and agreed minutes. 12 March 1975 Cell Board proposed calendar of meetings 1975-76, chairman’s briefing, draft and agreed minutes and Cell Board Report to Council. 7 May 1975 Chairman’s briefing, draft and agreed minutes. drafts of minutes, copy of Cell 9 July 1975 Board Report Draft minutes only. 26-27 November 1975 Chairman’s briefing, (annotated). Training and Manpower Committee (T & MC) and tenure, and decide appeals. This was a standing Council general committee, set up in November 1973 as part of the restructuring programme. It met for the first time in October Phillips, like other Chairmen of Council Boards, was an ex officio 1974; member and took the Chair at meetings in October and November 1976, for The Committee’s terms of which full Chairman’s notes exist reference were wide, with advisory and executive functions in respect of both training and manpower; it was thus required to advise the Council on general training policies, numbers, recruitment and career structure of staff, to allocate award quotas, to conduct salary reviews, recommend promotions (N.20). D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Correspondence and papers October 1973 - December 1975 the Training Awards Committee The early correspondence is brief material relating to Phillips’s assistance Research of The main sequence deals with various aspects of the Studentships. committee’s work and with the work and report of the Training Awards Policy Panel (first meeting and November 1975) of which P.J. Randle was an active member, contributing policy papers and comments on the drafts. allocation the of in Correspondence and papers 1976 - June 1977 Training Awards Policy Panel Report - drafts, comments and correspondence (discussed at T & MC meetings July and July 1976); sources of support and subject classification for training awards. T & MC Meetings October 1974 - November 1976 Agendas, papers, minutes. Almost all the papers are annotated in varying detail by Phillips, and include Chairman’s briefings for the meetings of 21 October and 25 November 1976 which he chaired. 1972. a Council up in Phillips served as Joint Negotiating and Consultative Committee (JNCC) SUBCOMMITTEES, REVIEW GROUPS, WORKING PARTIES Invitation to serve, minutes of meetings, discussion papers 1976-78. The Committee was set representative on the ‘Official Side’ from September 1976. of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. At its meeting on 16 October 1974 the Cell Board agreed to set up a committee to review the field of molecular biology with special reference to the future work of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Some of the factors contributing to this decision were the coming retirement (in 1979) of the Chairman MF. Perutz, proposals for an increase in the establishment of the Division of Protein Chemistry (F. Sanger, C. Milstein) and the secondment of J.C. Kendrew, Head of the Division of Structural Studies, to the Directorship Cell Board Subcommittee on Molecular Biology 1974-77 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Phillips was Chairman of the subcommittee; the other members were W.F. Bodmer and B.R. Rabin (Cell Board), K. Burton (SRC), R. Dulbecco, H. Harris, The agreed terms of AF. Huxley, H.L. Kornberg and M.H.F. Wilkins. reference were: (a) to advise the Board on the formulation of Council policy for the future support of research in molecular biology, both in the United Kingdom, in universities and in the research institutes, and internationally; in view of Dr. Perutz’s retirement (in 1979) as Director of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, to have special regard for the future programmes of the Laboratory; (c) to consult Dr. Perutz and the staff of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and, as may be appropriate, any others. The subcommittee deferred its first meeting until 21 July 1975, when the report of a Cell Board subcommittee visit on 16 April to the Division of Cell Phillips was a member of this Biology at the Laboratory was to hand; subcommittee, which was chaired by Sir John Gray (N.23). Training the The recommendation of the subcommittee at its meeting on 25 November 1976 (see N.20). considered Committee Manpower and Six meetings in all were held, including a major visitation to the Laboratory on 12 January 1976 when consultations were held with the staff and oral and written submissions were received. also After considerable redrafting, the subcommittee’s report was submitted to the Board in July 1976. At its meeting on 23 March 1977 the Board agreed with the proposal to produce an edited version of the report for circulation to those who had given evidence to the subcommittee. full account of the deliberations of the The material below furnishes a subcommittee and includes correspondence, submissions, drafts and many The importance documents annotated by Phillips and other colleagues. Phillips attached to the assignment can be seen from the manuscript headnotes on some of the files. future work of the Laboratory. Setting-up of subcommittee, draft terms of reference, correspondence on membership and scope of work, comments by M.F. Perutz on current and Papers and correspondence October 1974 - March 1975 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Cell Board Subcommittee visit to Division of Cell Biology, Laboratory of Molecular Biology 16 April 1975 Programme, Phillips was a member and Sir John Gray the Chairman. schedule, draft report. The report and information were incorporated in the material for the review subcommittee whose first meeting was arranged when they became available. First meeting 21 July 1975 Background papers and reports, a discussion at meeting. little correspondence, Phillips’s notes of Miscellaneous correspondence July, October 1975 about the subcommittee and the future of the Laboratory. Second meeting 6 January 1976 12 January. of documents, draft minutes of 21 Visit to Laboratory 12 January 1976 interviews, Phillips’s notes of discussions, little material consequent on Arrangements, timetable of correspondence and submissions, including a the visit. This meeting was mainly to consider written evidence from Laboratory members and others and from Council, preparatory to the formal visit to Material includes brief correspondence on Cambridge on July arrangements, agenda and list meeting, unconfirmed minutes of 6 January meeting. by Phillips), minutes. Correspondence, Phillips’s notes, agenda, draft ‘dummy’ report (annotated of meeting of 12 January, minutes of 10 Fourth meeting 10 February 1976 Agenda, ‘Summary record’ February meeting, correspondence. Fifth meeting 15 March 1976 D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Drafts of the report, with emendations, new material and comments by Phillips and others, and letters of comment from M.F. Perutz and H. Harris. May-June 1976. The report was considered at the sixth meeting on 18 May 1976. a S. and July 1976 version of report as circulated to Cell Board, with annotations by is Phillips correspondence 1976 on various questions relating to consideration of the report by T & MC and Council, and minutes of Cell Board meeting 23 March 1977 at which publication of the report was discussed. few emendations by included Brenner. Also ABRC Committee on Research in Biology (the ‘Boon Committee’) 1975 Papers and correspondence August-September 1975 on Council’s ‘Views on support for biology’ prepared for the ABRC and presented in October 1975 (Phillips was one of the Council’s representatives). European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) 1975-88 He was a UK delegate to the EMB Phillips fell into both these categories. Conference, first Chairman of the Users Subcommittee, and a member of In addition, he was himself a other MRC bodies concerned with EMBL. founder member of EMBO and served on its Council and committees. The Council was closely involved in the affairs of the Laboratory. It was the financial channel for the UK contribution to its funding and in this capacity sent delegates to the EMB Conferences; it also had its own subcommittees such as the Users Subcommittee to review the scientific proposals put forward by EMBL. Further close links were maintained less formally through Council members who were themselves members of the parent organisation EMBO, or of the EMBL Council or Scientific Advisory Committee. representative). The material below relates to the official MRC activities relating to EMBL in which he took part, and was addressed to him as such. For his membership its affairs in his personal capacity see K.11- of EMBO and involvement in K.13. EMBL Users Subcommittee the M.R. This was a subcommittee of the Council’s Cell Board, set up in March 1975 to assess scientific proposals put forward by EMBL. Phillips was the first Klug, and chairman, (SRC N.A. Mitchison, members M.H.F. other Pollock, were Wilkins A. Burton Gardner, R.L. and K. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) The Subcommittee met on 3 June 1975 to consider the EMBL Research Programme; members were also consulted by post in December 1975 about the proposal for a Genetic Engineering facility. Material includes correspondence and papers March 1975 - January 1976 on the membership and meeting of the subcommittee, with annotations by Phillips and comments by colleagues. Also accounts of meetings of EMB Conference and EMBL Council 3-4 July (attended by Phillips and MRC staff members as UK delegates) and Phillips’s extensive notes taken at the meetings. Correspondence and papers 1977 on membership of Users Subcommittee, and on talks to Cell Board at its 11 May meeting on EMBL and EMBC, with reference to continuing UK participation. Cell Board Subcommittee visit to EMBL 1978-82 on EMBL and EMBO activities, The subcommittee was set up in October 1978 to assess the work being carried out and to advise Council on the value and cost-effectiveness of the The Chairman was Laboratory in relation to continued UK participation. W.V. Shaw and other members were D.M. Blow, W.J. Brammar (SRC nominee), D.C. Burke, J. Ingle (ARC nominee), S.G. Owen and Phillips (Royal Society nominee). The visit took place on 13 February 1979 and the report was submitted to the Board in May. General membership of committees etc. correspondence Material includes correspondence, arrangements and programme of visit, papers (annotated by Phillips), report by subcommittee and Cell Board comments on it. Correspondence 1982 on EMBL records. Correspondence 1980, 1988 on appointment of Director-General. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Council Subcommittee on Laboratory Animals Centre Accreditation Scheme 1976-77 the Subcommittee, set up in Correspondence and papers relating to November 1976 ‘for the purpose of reviewing urgently the problems which have arisen in the implementation of charging for accreditation of laboratory The members were Sir John Gray, the Earl of Halsbury animal breeders.’ and Phillips. Includes heavily annotated papers for meeting on 14 December 1976, draft and agreed statement. The Subcommittee was disbanded after the circulation of the statement in April 1977. Council Working Party on the Closure of Units 1976-78 Correspondence and papers relating to the Working Party, which was set up by Council on 22 July 1976 ‘to consider and make recommendations, as a matter of urgency, on the procedures involved in deciding to discontinue or The Chairman was Sir John Gray and the redirect the work of a unit... ’ members were A.J. Buller, A.S.V. Burgen, Phillips, C. Saunders and J.N. Walton. Meetings were held in October and November 1976 and in January 1977, then suspended until J.L. Gowans took up the post of Secretary and resumed in July 1978. Relations with NRDC 1977 Correspondence and papers relating to an informal group set up by Council in November 1976 ‘to draw up for consideration by the Council proposals which would aim to define ways in which a greater proportion of the NRDC development investment might be actively used, jointly with Council’s funds, The group consisted in the support of applied medical research projects.’ It met on 17 February 1977. Its of A.S.V. Burgen, J. Butterfield and Phillips. recommendations were considered by Council in April and led to meetings and negotiations with NRDC. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Council Subcommittee on Forms of Support of Research 1978-79 Material relating to the subcommittee set up by Council in May 1978 to study ‘the forms of support of research and the career structure for non- clinical scientists.’ The Chairman was J.L. Gowans and the members were A.J. Buller, A.S.V. Burgen, A.R. Currie, I.M. Glynn, R.F. Mahler, S.G. Owen and Phillips. The subcommittee met in June, July and October 1978 and January, February and April 1979. The material is mainly committee discussion papers and drafts and revisions of the report, with a very little correspondence. Directorship of Cell Biophysics Unit : Appointments Committee 1978-80 Correspondence and papers 1978-80. Council Subcommittee to consider the Future of the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) and the Appointment of a New Director 1980-81 A.F. Huxley, Phillips and D.A. Rees. Many of the papers are annotated by Phillips. Correspondence 1979, invitation to serve, correspondence and papers for first meeting 8 December 1980. The subcommittee was set up by Council at its meeting in July 1980. The Chairman was J.L. Gowans and the members were S. Brenner, J.H. Humphrey (co-opted), The subcommittee met in December 1980 and in February, June and October In January 1980 it was also asked to advise on the appointment of 1981. a Head of the Biophysics Division at NIMR. Division), minutes. Meeting 10 February 1981: agenda, papers (including submissions by NIMR staff), minutes. Also includes correspondence on arrangements for advice on Headship of Biophysics Division. agenda, papers (on NIMR and on Biophysics Meeting 3 June 1981: D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Meeting 2 October 1981: agenda, papers, minutes, draft report. VISITS TO MRC LABORATORIES AND UNITS Neurobiology and Muscle Biophysics Units, King’s College London 10 July 1972. Presentations, draft report. Structural Studies Division, Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge 9 May 1973. Arrangements, programme, draft report. Dr. Olga Kennard (External Scientific Staff), University Chemical Laboratory Cambridge 15 May 1974. Phillips was Chairman of the Subcommittee. Arrangements, draft report. Arrangements, draft report. CONFERENCES AND DISCUSSION MEETINGS Structural Studies Division, Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge 8 March 1979. Draft report, brief correspondence. Biophysics Division, National Institute for Medical Research 28 November 1974. in whole or in part by MRC are in Section G. These are relatively small-scale ‘in-house’ meetings, usually held at the Council premises in London, to discuss research and organisation policy matters such as the review or initiation of topics for Council support, the re- organisation and implementation of Council structure etc. Major research conferences opened to a wider scientific public organised D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Conference on cell ageing 24 May 1973. Arrangements, programme, draft report; to 18 December 1974 meeting responsibility for the field of ageing. on also included here is report of a of Board discuss division the April 1974 on image enhancement Meeting (chaired by Phillips) on techniques in radiology and their applications, following an approach by A. Klug. 1 Arrangements, correspondence, list of participants, Phillips’s notes, minutes of meeting. Conference for Programme Grant Leaders and Research Group Directors, 5 April 1974, to discuss the new Board structure and the implementation of Phillips chaired the the White Paper on Research and Development. morning session on ‘Policy’. Material includes preliminary (1973) correspondence, arrangements, list of participants, briefings and information, Phillips’s notes. Material includes correspondence, arrangements, programme, participants, chairman’s briefing, letter of thanks. Ad hoc reviewing group on Council support for pulse radiology in cancer Itis research. Letter of information and invitation to take part, July 1974. not clear whether the group met. 1974 Directors’ Conference, 23-25 September, to discuss the new Board Phillips attended as structure and relationships with research teams. Chairman-designate of the Cell Board and chaired a session and discussion group. Correspondence, annotated papers. Ad hoc meeting of Joint Cell Board/DHSS Working Group on Breast Cancer 8 January 1975. Correspondence and papers 1974-75. 1975 Directors’ Conference, 17-19 September at Edinburgh. D.C. Phillips NCUACS 45/1/94 Medical Research Council (MRC) Meeting of Board Chairmen and Secretary, originally planned to take place during the Edinburgh Directors’ Conference but postponed to 28 October 1975. Correspondence and papers. Board Cell W.F. Bodmer). Subcommittee to review Clinical Genetics (Chairman terms of Correspondence and reference, arrangements and programme for two one-day conferences 15 and 31 January 1976 to discuss special topics in clinical genetics. 1974-76 on membership and papers Correspondence (only) about meeting between MRC Board Chairmen and 17 Chief Scientists, to discuss ‘commissioned research’, arranged for February 1976. Ad hoc meeting on NMR Imaging 17 December 1976. the synthesis and semisynthesis of peptides of Agenda and minutes (Phillips was unable to attend). Review meeting on biomedical interest, 17 January 1978. Invitation, participants, programme (Phillips was unable to attend).
PHILLIPS, David Chilton Vol2
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin