PEIERLS, Rudolf Ernst Supplementary

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR RUDOLF (ERNST) PEIERLS FRS (1907-1995) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper University of Bath 1995 Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford NCUACS 57/6/95 All rights reserved R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The E.P.A. Cephalosporin Fund The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY OXFORD R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.214 A.1-A.28 Biographical and autobiographical A.29-A.53 Career A.54-A.90 Honours and awards A.91-A.137 Family correspondence and material A.138-A.148 Celebrations and commemorations A.149-A.175 — Personal correspondence and material A.176-A.205 —_Non-print material Introduction SECTION C C.1-C.51 SECTION B RESEARCH AND TEACHING A.206-A.214 Obituaries and tributes WEAPONS CONTROL AND SECURITY Addendum Organisations and committees C.41-C.44 Correspondence Introduction C.1-C.40 C.45-C.51 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION D HISTORY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS D.1-D.139 Introduction D.1-D.105 Individuals D.106-D.116 Topics D.117-D.134 | General correspondence D.135-D.139 Addendum SECTION E PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL Introduction SECTION F RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS SECTION G COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, CONSULTANCIES Introduction SECTION H H.1-H.10 Appointments, visits, research H.11-H.15 Lectures and teaching H.16-H.25 Scientific and personal correspondence UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SEATTLE — H.1-H.25 Introduction VISITS, LECTURES, CONFERENCES SECTION J J.1-J.143 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION K CORRESPONDENCE K.1-K.124 128 K.1-K.106 Scientific and general correspondence K.107-K.121 Shorter scientific correspondence K.122-K.124 Unindexed correspondence SECTION L REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS _ L.1-L.85 E.1-E.10 L.11-L.19 L.20-L.34 L.35-L.53 L.54-L.68 L.69-L.85 Theses and higher degrees Research grants and fellowships Appointments, promotions, awards Prizes, medals, honours Institutions and organisations Publications INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was assembled from Peierls’s home and Departmental office in Oxford at various dates 1994-1995. Early in 1996, and after this catalogue reference number had been assigned, the Peierls family kindly made available the letters of condolence they had received at his death. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is a substantial complement to the papers made available by Peierls on his retirement from his Oxford chair in 1974, and which were received and catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre and deposited in 1977 in the Department of Western Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library. The present collection comprises not only continuing material for Peierls’s activities since 1974, but 52/6/77 followed by the item number. 1986 of Peierls’s memoirs, with their remarkably appropriate title Bird of Passage. The book not early correspondence and papers relating to his family and career. It has therefore been treated as A crucial event roughly halfway through the gap between the two collections was the publication in a separate entity, with cross-references to the 1977 catalogue indicated by the reference CSAC impetus to correspondence from relatives and friends with family news or reminiscences, thus only includes many references to Peierls’s family, career, friends etc but triggered off or gave fresh enriching the documentation. These are included at A.20, E.78, and references to the book itself are correspondence, notably from Peierls’s father and step-mother who remained in Berlin until 1939. appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub-sections and individual entries in the Section A, Biographical and personal, provides new material on Peierls’s own career and opinions, The following paragraphs are intended only to draw attention to items of particular and on his many honours and awards, but is of special interest for its family papers and The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. also given in the body of the catalogue. catalogue. interest. Additional explanatory notes are R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 There is also some material relating to his remarkable wife Genia, including his letters to her during their long-distance courtship, written in English, German and Russian. Her influence on him, and on everyone she met, can be perceived throughout the collection, albeit indirectly. Messages for her are included in much of the correspondence during her lifetime, and many touching recollections followed her death in 1986. With the coming of war in 1939 Rudolf and Genia Peierls were anxious for their children, Gaby and Ronnie, who were evacuated to Toronto in 1940; the ensuing correspondence with their hostesses affords further glimpses of Genia’s personality as well as news of the children. The lighter side of their life is shown in the verses and sketches for some of their famous parties and celebrations. Their circular letters to family and friends (A.26, A.27) are invaluable in keeping track of the nomadic life they both enjoyed. A note about Genia’s last illness and death is appended to J.66. Section B, Research and teaching, refers to work after 1974. Because of Peierls’s constant travel and lack of a permanent base, much of his thinking and research was conducted by correspondence, and thus is often better documented than earlier work on ephemeral blackboards or rough paper. Section C, Weapons control and security, expands some of the material in the previous collection, and reflects Peierls’s continuing concern with the problems of international control of atomic and life, but, sadly, died just too soon to learn of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1995 jointly to J. Rotblat and the Pugwash organisation. accompanies this section. Section D, History of twentieth century science and scientists, includes some original material relating to the ‘Frisch-Peierls memorandum’ of 1940 on the feasibility of an atomic weapon. There nuclear weapons. Foremost among the organisations he supported was the Pugwash Movement; he maintained not merely a connection but active work on its projects right up to the last weeks of his scientists. His recollections continued to be extensively called upon by writers and researchers, and published in his own frequent reviews of books and memoirs. A more detailed introductory note drawn from Peierls’s own knowledge and contacts, and including many notable German and Russian are also many recollections, tributes etc for leading figures in twentieth century science, almost all bomb history. Section E, Publications and editorial, includes full documentation of Peierls’s long service on the Editorial Board of Contemporary Physics and also of the publication of his own later books including Bird of Passage, Surprises in Theoretical Physics and its sequel More Surprises... Section F, Radio, television, films, is a relatively short section; most of the material relates to atomic R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Section G, Committees, societies, consultancies, is also a relatively short section, as Peierls spent so much of his retirement years abroad. There is, however, material on his consultancies with the Atomic Energy Research Establishment Harwell, and the Science and Engineering Council Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory. Section H, Seattle, and Section K, Visits, Lectures, Conferences, may be considered together as records of the constant travel which Peierls and Genia had planned and carried out for their retirement, and which continued even when, after her death in 1986, Peierls had become a solitary ‘Bird of passage’. There are fuller introductory notes in both these sections. Section J, Correspondence, and Section L, References and recommendations, relate, with few exceptions, to the post-1974 period. Not all of the retirement correspondence is easy to read. Peierls recalls (Bird of Passage 44) that his parents gave him a typewriter for his birthday in 1929 and he subsequently typed most of his own correspondence. He also recalls realising, when his translation of de Broglie’s book on wave mechanism was published in 1929, that he was a negligent proof-reader (Bird of Passage 41). Many require a measure of intuition to decipher. ADDENDA thus became available at a very late date and has been dealt with in several ways. Peierls died on 19 September 1995 when this catalogue was already prepared. Additional material succession of word-processors and sophisticated printers. By then, sadly, his eyesight had begun to of his carbon copies are in addition on somewhat poor quality paper, and fading. Later he used a fail, and this, together with his proof-reading weakness, allowed many errors to slip through which C.51), D (D.135-D.139) and J. (J.129-J.143). Some items could be incorporated in the draft catalogue with no more than minor amendments of More substantial new material appears as an addendum, with explanatory note, to Sections C (C.45- dating and indexing. This has been done wherever possible. In some cases an additional item- number was required, thus breaking the original sequence; these occur at A.90A; B.27A; D.83A; D.104A; G.11A; K.51A; K.101A. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Sir Rudolf, and to Mrs Jo Hookway (daughter) for making material available and for help in identifying some of the documents and photographs. We thank Dr Olive Sayce for providing a translation of the item by E. Schrédinger at D.99. J.B. ALTON OXFORD 1995 R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.214 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.29-A.53 CAREER A.54-A.90 HONOURS AND AWARDS A.91-A.137 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND MATERIAL A.91-A.112 Parents A.113-A.119 Genia Peierls A.120-A.131 Children A.132-A.137 Other family and relations A.138-A.148 A.149-A.175 A.206-A.214 A.176-A.205 NON-PRINT MATERIAL CELEBRATIONS AND COMMEMORATIONS PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE AND MATERIAL OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.176-A.180 Tape recordings A.202-A.205 Slides A.181-A.201 Photographs R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Biographical notes and lists of publications prepared by Peierls at various dates. Correspondence and miscellaneous material on Peierls’s career, personality and opinions. Letter 1961 from Genia Peierls to New Scientist about a 'profile' of Peierls published in the journal, offering her own view of him. This is a remarkable perspective on a husband, by an unusual wife. Interpretation of quantum mechanics, 1977. Financial assistance in 1933-1935, 1981. Education, 1985. Age of retirement, 1987. ‘Meaning of Life’, 1987. Quantum mechanics and modern art, 1984. University of Berlin and the 'MAPHA’, 1987. 'dow | became a scientist’, 1988. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Three autobiographical pieces by Peierls: in English ca.1982; in German, mainly up to and including work with Pauli; recollections of life and work in Cambridge. Health. conditions including ‘Mediterranean fever’ Sephardic Jews (Bird of Passage 313-314). Correspondence, notes, etc 1966-1975, 1993, relating to medical inherited condition among an A.13-A.18 Security and politics. Correspondence and papers on various episodes; see also Bird of Passage 321-325. Letter from W. A. Akers on the employment of members of the Communist Party, 1949. Letter from Peierls to Lord Portal on communist acquaintances, 1951. Letter from Peierls to Lord Penney on ‘cold war’, 1956. Correspondence with E. Bauer on developments in Eastern Europe, 1989. Anti-semitism. Miscellaneous material. Letter from Peierls to J. R. Oppenheimer (Bird of Passage 322-323), 1954. Correspondence with Daily Mail after defamatory article about Peierls, 1951. E.78. Miscellaneous recollections of Peierls and his family, in Berlin, Birmingham, Oxford, etc, many prompted by the publication of Bird of Passage. See also R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical A.21-A.23 Interventions and suggestions. Letters and representations by Peierls on matters of political or social policy of importance to him, mainly addressed to ministers, politicians, leaders of organisations. 1974-1976. 1984-1985. 1991-1992. ‘Customer Complaints', correspondence with airlines, shops, suppliers and organisations about faulty goods, poor service, inadequate provision, etc. 1974-1993. See CSAC 52/6/77 A.14 for similar material 1962-1973. Circular Christmas letters 1979-1994. Christmas card lists 1934-1985. Retained for information on Peierls’s letters to Genia and his family during his visit to 'an important and unusual conference’ in Kyoto, Japan, 1953 (Bird of Passage 263-265). ‘Dear Everybody’. individual additions to each member. 13 March 1987-20 March 1994. Circular letters from Peierls to his children, often with Together with the family letters at A.26 these are an invaluable source of information, not least with establishing the chronology of Peierls’s many visits. Peierls’s acquaintance. the extensive international ramifications of R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 CAREER Biographical Family tree of the Peierls and Wiegert families. Early memorabilia: birth certificate 1907, swimming certificate 1919. School and University: Realgymnasium Berlin - Oberschéneweide leaving certificate 1925; Munich University 1926 - 1928 (work with Sommerteld, Fajans, with Heisenberg, Debye). Carathéodory); University Leipzig (work 1928 1929 - Letters to Peierls (then at Zirich) from friend in Leipzig April - July 1929. ETH (Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule ) Zurich. 1929-1932, as 'Assistent' to Pauli (Bird of Passage 46-81). Peierls was at ETH Peierls, during a Letter 1934 on termination Letters 1932 and 1982 on Peierls’s Habilitation. of his 'Privatdozent' at ETH on his remaining in England. Lecture on atomic physics, conference (unidentified) held in the town, n.d. 12pp manuscript. given on Zurich radio by Letter from Pauli 22 May 1933 when Peierls and Genia were moving to Cambridge during his tenure of a Rockefeller Fellowship. 4pp manuscript. Also included is (photocopy) of letter from Pauli to |. Rabi about Peierls, 26 February 1933. him) for professorship at proposed research institute in Madrid in 1933. Letter from W. L. Bragg 1933 inviting Peierls to apply for post of lecturer (unsuccessful); Sommerfeld's undiplomatically phrased reference for Peierls for post with C. V. Raman (see especially Bird of Passage 108-109). Also included is letter 1982 about Peierls’s being considered (unknown to Manchester 1933-35 (Bird of Passage 97-114). 1934; letter from Bohr N. copy of A. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Cambridge. MA Certificate (Bird of Passage 120-121). A.38-A.44 Birmingham 1937-1963. CSAC 52/6/77 B.1-B.11. 1939, (includes Correspondence certificate of naturalisation 27 March 1940), his expressed wish to ‘make himself useful’ to the war effort, including joining the Auxiliary Fire Service (certificate included). naturalisation Peierls’s about 1940 Letters 1940 on possible projects, from M. Polanyi, D. R. Hartree. NB The 'Frisch-Peierls Memorandum' on the feasibility of an atomic weapon, was written at Birmingham in March 1940. See D.107. brief visit to his children, Brief correspondence about professorships, with F. G. P. Thomson, Cambridge 1959. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence and items relating to personal and departmental career at Birmingham, from former pupils, colleagues and others. 1941-1958. Peierls’s letters to Genia March - April 1942 during his visit to Canada and In the USA to exchange news on atomic work (Bird of Passage 169-173). his journey he managed a course of then evacuated to Toronto (See A.120-A.128). Oxford. Shorter correspondence, recollections, etc. relating to Birmingham period 1974-1992. Letters future organisation and personnel of the Birmingham Department on his move to 1962-1963 E. Simon, Oxford 1955, (carbons Peierls on the only) written by R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical A.45-A.53 Oxford 1963-1992. These are relatively minor papers, complementing the previous collection. See CSAC 52/6/77 A.6, A.7, A.25-A.28, B.12-B.14. 3 Letter July 1962 confirming appointment to the Wykeham Chair of Physics. Peierls had been offered the chair in 1961, accepted in early 1962 but did not take up the appointment until autumn 1963 (Bird of Passage 289- 290). Letters and telegrams on retirement, and retirement symposium, 1974. Miscellaneous correspondence on affairs of the Oxford Department, 1974- 1991. Correspondence 1963, Sybil Owen, secretary at Oxford to 1966 (Bird of Passage 302). 1966 with Peierls’s departmental A.49, A.50 A.51 1968-1971. 1977-1991. A.51-A.53 New College Oxford. Correspondence 1968-1991 with Margaret Bradfield, Peierls’s secretary at Oxford 1966-1971 and who typed or proof-read many of his publications after her retirement (Bird of Passage 303). gift of silver menu holders, information for the College Record, etc. Correspondence with Mark Boxer 1973-1975 about the caricature drawing which the College commissioned via Peierls as an alternative to a more formal leaving portrait (CSAC 52/6/77 A.12). General correspondence 1974-1989. Peierls’s election (1974) to Emeritus Fellowship and (1980) to Honorary Fellowship of the College, his retirement R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Miscellaneous social occasions 1979-1992. HONOURS AND AWARDS Citation of US Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm (CSAC 52/6/77 A.3). not list his Who's Who entry because of the Peierls did withdrawal of his security clearance for a US Visa in 1951 (Bird of Passage 321). Private information from Peierls 1995. this award in A.55-A.70 Letters of congratulation on knighthood, 1968. recollections or personal information. Some formal, others with R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical University of Sussex, 1978. Correspondence, Honorary arrangements. DSc, Unidentified and first-name signatures. Honorary Membership, Société Francaise de Physique 1979. A-F. Letters and messages of congratulation (most with replies by Peierls). Information about Award, and conferral January 1981. Enrico Fermi Award 1980 (Bird of Passage 335). A.74-A.76 A.74 A.73-A.76 A.73 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Similar G-K. Similar M-V. Foreign membership, Royal Danish Academy 1980. NB In 1981, Peierls was elected to the Deutsche Akademie Leopoldina (See G.10). Matteucci Gold Medal of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze 1982. Correspondence, arrangements for award of medal and lecture by Peierls during the Bicentennial celebrations of the Accademia. Nomination nomination 1986-1988. for a Wolf Prize 1982; continuing correspondence on Correspondence, arrangements for 'séance solennelle’. Election as 'Associé Etranger', French Academy of Sciences 1984. Foreign membership, Yugoslav Academy of Arts and Science 1983. Fellowship, American Physical Society 1985. Brief correspondence only. Award of the Copley Medal of the Royal Society 1986. Honorary Membership, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1986. Election, for Society's meetings 1986-1990. arrangements continuing correspondence on conferral, R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Foreign correspondent membership, Academia das Ciéncias de Lisboa 1988. Emeritus Membership, Academia Europaea 1989. Foreign Membership, USSR Academy of Sciences 1989. Election, cables of congratulations, change of name to Russian Academy of Sciences 1992. Award of the Paul Dirac Medal and Prize of the Institute of Physics 1991. Foreign Associate, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 1991. Election, arrangements for conferral, etc. Honorary Membership, European Physical Society 1993. Correspondence and congratulations 1995 on 50th anniversary of Peierls’s election to the Royal Society on 22 March 1945. A celebratory lunch at the Society was planned for Peierls’s birthday (5 June). FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND MATERIAL brief stay in Britain, settled in New York where Heinrich Peierls died in 1945. Peierls’s father, Heinrich Peierls, was the managing director of the extensive cable factory of the Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft (AEG) in the Berlin suburb of Oberschéneweide. In 1898 he married Elisabeth (Elly) Weigert, his cousin. Elly Peierls died in 1921, when Peierls was fourteen, and his father shortly afterwards married Else; they remained in Berlin until 1939 when they left Germany and, after a Peierls was the youngest of three children. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Wedding of memorabilia. Elly Weigert and Heinrich Peierls 8 May 1898. Various Family tree of the Weigert family, compiled 1959. 'Erinnerung', recollections by Abraham Weigert (Elly's grandfather) (modern typed copy). Obituary of Hermann Elias Weigert (Elly's uncle). Correspondence 1982-1988 with P. Vigart, a descendant settled in UK, who made available items A.92-A.94 above. Two letters from photographs of family and relatives. Peierls Elly (not to Peierls) 1917, 1918, with three A.97-A.112 Family letters and cards, sent to Peierls often with great frequency by his father and stepmother Else, from their Berlin home or from various holiday addresses. None of Peierls’s letters have survived from the early years though it Blank pages were often used by him for mathematical calculations. is clear that he was also an assiduous correspondent. 1926. Includes a letter 4 December written in very creditable English from Else (who signs herself, exceptionally, 'Elsie') in answer to a postcard in English from Peierls (not extant) mentioning a possible visit to Cambridge, and her own reading of B. Shaw to improve her knowledge of the language. September and 6 October in English. 1928. Includes letters sent to Peierls during his visit to England, including Cambridge (Bird of Passage 35-36) and London, and letters from Else 27 G. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical 1930. Reichkanzlerplatz. From June 16, Heinrich's and Else's Berlin address was 10 This was the year of Peierls’s marriage to Genia. 1931. letters and cards addressed to him at Leningrad, and friendly letters to each of them from Else 16 April. Folder includes the Physico-Technical Institute, 1932 January-March only. birthday by Ludwig Fulda (Else Peierls’s brother-in-law). Includes a poem for Heinrich Peierls’s 65th 1933. From 16 April the address in Reichkanzlerplatz was changed to Adolf Hitler-Platz. Includes plans for a visit to Peierls and his family in Cambridge, and Also Christmas letter from Annie (née 1936. several letters in English from Else. Peierls) and Herman Krebs from New York where they settled. larger proportion of correspondence from Else. In this year conditions in Germany had become so difficult that 1938. His health was indifferent and he Heinrich Peierls decided he must leave. was temperamentally reluctant to make a final break; money and visa problems were compounded by the delay. Correspondence includes letters from Peierls to his father, to his American uncle and aunt (Siegfried and Jenny) and to UK authorities to try to make arrangements; there is also a R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical is not clear 1939. From 1 September letters are headed from Folkestone; it exactly when the Peierls left Germany. (War was declared on 3 September). 1940 March-December. letters are in English. family and news of their whereabouts. Heinrich and Else were now in America. Their Also included are letters from other members of the 1941 January - July. personal and business matters. See also A.133. Includes letters from other members of the family, on Heinrich Peierls died in 1945; there are no letters later than 1941, perhaps because Peierls himself was in America in the latter part of the Second World War. Genia Peierls Eugenia (Genia) Nikolaevna Kannegeisser was a remarkable person. The daughter of a Russian gynaecologist and surgeon who died when she was less than two years old (her sister Nina was a posthumous child) she owed much to her stepfather Isaiah Benedictovich Mandelstam. She graduated in physics at Leningrad and attended a conference at Odessa in the summer of 1930. Here she met Peierls. They seem to have fallen in love, and into companionship, immediately. After travels around the USSR, they went back to Leningrad where Peierls met her parents; in the following spring Peierls returned to Leningrad as a visiting lecturer and they were married on 15 March. They seem to have been ideally suited, either compatible or complementary. Genia's energy, endurance, enthusiasm and great wisdom became legendary. Peierls himself recounts several anecdotes in Bird of Passage; there are recollections and admiring references throughout the collection, particularly after her death in 1986, though there are no letters of condolence as such in the collection. meeting with her. Includes letter 1989 from Peierls in a Russian enquiry, giving information on Genia's family and their subsequent fate, and his own Genia Peierls was much more than the consort of a leading scientist. Memorabilia 1926-1985. Letters, various dates (few only). reply to R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Peierls’s letters to Genia 24 September 1930 - 15 February 1931. At the time of their meeting at Odessa, Peierls spoke no Russian and Genia no German. Their shared language was English, which Peierls says 'Genia fluently’, and this continued to could speak reasonably but not be the medium of their correspondence. Peierls however started taking Russian lessons ‘since the language intrigued me' (Bird of Passage 67), and it is remarkable to observe in the correspondence his use of Russian grow from brief phrases of endearment to sentences, paragraphs and eventually This, together with the accounts of his scientific, social almost entire letters. and personal life in Pauli's Zurich laboratory at this time, make this one of the most interesting items in the collection. 27 numbered letters and 2 cards, 29 April - 9 August 1931, sent by Peierls to Genia after their marriage, while she was waiting for official notification of her change of citizenship (Bird of Passage 70-73). In Russian. Letters 1 May - 13 June 1932 from Peierls in Zurich to Genia in Leningrad. In Russian. Children particular to Letters and cards October 1931 - March 1933, to Genia, from her sister Nina. 'Genia Peierls’. birthday 25 July 1978. A collection of tributes and recollections for her 70th organisation of evacuation and contact with foster-parents in Toronto. This material relates almost exclusively to the Peierls’s two elder children Gaby (b.1933) and Ronald (Ronnie, b.1935) and in their evacuation to Toronto during the Second World War (Bird of Passage 151- 152). Includes letters from Peierls and Genia on possible arrangements should they themselves be killed or a German invasion be successful (the Bethe and Fankuchen families both agreed to take the children into their homes), Letters 1939-1943 about the children in wartime. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Letters to Genia from Bernice Sanderson, Gaby's hostess in Toronto, September 1940 - October 1943. Many of the letters are numbered, but not all have survived. Miscellaneous and Nancy. letters and notes from the Sandersons' children, Douglas letters Miscellaneous school, camping, etc. Including letters from her teacher Sarah Janes later serving in Royal Canadian Air Force. from Canada 1941-1943 about Gaby's Miscellaneous material, reports, schoolwork, writings of Gaby. A.125-A.128 of Bernice Sanderson), August 1940 - September 1943. Letters to Genia from Isobel Jephcott, hostess to Ronnie Peierls in Toronto (sister Mrs Jephcott was an exceptionally affectionate and welcoming person, who became and remained a great friend are exuberant and informative but rarely numbered or paginated, and not always dated. Her letters Peierls. of the 1941. 1940. 1942-1943 and miscellaneous. evacuees, etc. Miscellaneous newsletters, etc relating to 'Canada's guests’, UK wartime Miscellaneous later material relating to Ronnie Peierls and his family. 1985, 1991. Brief later correspondence and meetings. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Letter 1970 on the marriage of Jo Peierls to Chris Hookway. Jo (b.1949) who with her husband remained domiciled in England, became a particular support of her father in his later years. Other Family and Relations A.132 Belousov, Natasha and others. 1987-1992 Cousins of Genia, in Moscow. Krebs, Herman and Annie (née Peierls) various dates 1929-1941 Peierls’s sister and brother-in-law. Later correspondence reflects anxiety over the migration and settling America of Heinrich and Else Peierls and complements material at A.112. in Also included is a letter to Annie from Peierls 1980, and a cable announcing her death. Milch, Toni. 1986-1987 Relation of Peierls on his mother's side. Strauss, Hilde. 1988-1991 Verblovski, Olga, Masha 1987-1993 Relation of Peierls on his mother's side. She settled in Israel. 1922-1992. Shorter items of correspondence from or relating to members of family Cousins of Genia, in Leningrad/St Petersburg. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical CELEBRATIONS AND COMMEMORATIONS Among the many compatibilities of Genia and Rudi Peierls were a gift for light verse and an outgoing temperament that found frequent outlet in social Their early days were marked with intense social activity; later, occasions. this was channelled into pastoral care for students and their some of families. Peierls refers to this in Bird of Passage 212-214, 299-300, and many references parties, especially in the large Birmingham house which was often a hostel or refuge for an extended ‘family' of students. the correspondence recall unforgettable in The material includes greetings or messages in verse by one or both of the Peierls for birthdays, weddings, leaving parties, conference gatherings or various other memorable occasions. Some have historical interest. Some of the recipients reply in kind, or provide material of their own for special events or anniversaries of the Peierls. Not all can be dated. Greetings and messages by Peierls and Genia, commemorating family birthdays and weddings, colleagues' birthdays, honours or prizes, a few with areply. Latest date 1993. A.140-A.146 Datable material. A.140 ‘Faust’, 1932 (on atomic theory). Verses written at or for conferences and meetings. ‘Zur Geographie einer Amerikareise’, February 1929 (not by Peierls). ‘Am Morgen nach der Schlacht'’, October 1930 by M. Bronstein (Bird of Passage 69), arising from the Odessa conference. explaining the origin and some of the references of the material. 'The Cyclotronist's nightmare’ (1939) and 'It 1944). 'To hell with the Peierls’s’ (on their leaving Los Alamos). ‘Songs for Birmingham Conference 1953', by Peierls with a letter 1976 ain't by money’ (by |. Rabi R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Various other Birmingham occasions and parties. Peierls’s 50th birthday 1957, and 60th 1967. ‘A party for the Peierls’s’, 1963 (leaving Birmingham). Miscellaneous: Retirement 1974. Golden Wedding 1981. 75th birthday 1982. 80th birthday Symposium Oxford 1987. Miscellaneous jokes and anecdotes collected by Peierls. Miscellaneous material by others. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE AND MATERIAL Beck, G. various dates 1981-1989 An old friend from Leipzig days, later settled in Sao Paolo. Miscellaneous memorabilia (Bird of Passage 216). A German physicist who came to England in 1933 working for Kodak. Private information from Peierls 1995. Berg, W. 1981-1986 Bonnevay, G. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Cassin, L. 1979, 1987-1991 Recollections of colleagues and events. Fenchel, W. See Bird of Passage, 22. Field, G. 1986-1992 Frisch, O. R. and U. various dates 1972-1995 Includes correspondence with Ulla Frisch after the death of Otto Robert. A.156, A.157 Jacobsohn, F. B. 1953, 1974-1986 Continuing correspondence 1986-1995 with widowed daughter in whose house in Brussels he Peierls’s love of travel and the exchanges of letters and cards reflect this. Lillian Krynen, Jacobsohn's She shared died. One of Peierls’s very oldest friends, a distant cousin, from Berlin days; Peierls recounts his strange career in Bird of Passage 13-15. Correspondence with Franz Jacobsen from Thailand 1953 and Heidelberg 1974-1986; includes brief correspondence 1986 with Ulrich Jacobsohn (son) on the deaths of his father in July 1986, and of Genia Peierls. classmate. A neighbour of the Peierls family in Oberschéneweide and mother of Juliusberg, M. 1963 a R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Krause, W. 1989-1994 A retired school teacher from Oberschéneweide. The correspondence is frequent and detailed, with news of old friends, family, school days etc; includes photographs of Peierls’s mother's grave and of the Realgymnasium which he attended, and also letter from Lotte Augustin, daughter of the Peierls family's gardener. Peierls visited Waltraud Krause in 1990 but Lotte had died before his visit. They corresponded regularly to the last; her last card is dated August 1995. Moroney, P. M. 1982-1994 Includes news of colleagues and friends in the University of Sydney. Rosenblum, M. and L. 1976-1993 Australian friends (Bird of Passage 336). implications of science, 20th century history, etc, and some personal news. Exchanges of ideas on politics, A.162-A.164 Rudolph, H. various dates 1922-1993 Photographs enclosed with the letters are at A.196. The school connection seems to have meant much to Rudolph; several letters commemorate anniversaries or gatherings or enclose letters from other classmates. A long letter of 24 February 1979 recounts events in Rudolph's life in the 1930s and early 1940s. Heinz Rudolph was described by Peierls (Bird of Passage 12) as 'my closest friend' at the Gymnasium in Oberschéneweide which Peierls attended 1916- He later settled in Nuremberg and re-established regular postal 1925. contact in the 1970s with Peierls who was able to visit him on several occasions in the course of conferences. 1990-1995. 1922, 1935, 1950. 1975-1989. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Sanger D. 1985 Recollections of Peierls on holiday in Isle of Wight 1920s. Thorner, H. A. and I. various dates 1982-1992 Hans Thorner was an old friend from Munich days (Bird of Passage 30, 76) who later settled in London where he practised as a psychoanalyst. Unna, |. and M. 1978-1979, 1984, 1985. Mainly addressed to Genia. A.168-A.172 Shorter personal correspondence. All periods, including some last letters 1994-1995. A-F. Miscellaneous press-cuttings and articles. Letters of congratulations sent or received. Various dates 1976-1989. Miscellaneous subscriptions and donations. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 NON-PRINT MATERIAL Tape Recordings Biographical These were specially selected by Peierls for the present collection as being of historical or scientific interest. The titles are his. ‘Talk about Fuchs’. ‘Interview about Frisch-Peierls memorandum’. ‘Cherwell-Simon lecture’ (1979). ‘Wolfson Lecture’ (1980). Photographs Peierls deposited his principal Not These are few only, and mainly personal. collection of historic photographs at the American Institute of Physics. all can be precisely dated or identified. Else Peierls, 1928. Peierls’s home in Oberschéneweide. Peierls, aged 710. Peierls, aged 21, 1928. R. E:-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical Photograph, probably of Jacobsohn children, n.d. A.186-A.188 Three group photographs, perhaps at Leipzig 1928 showing G. Placzek in his cutaway swimsuit (Bird of Passage 40). Peierls is on A.188 lower left. Card and photograph 1927 showing C. Carathéodory, Peierls's mathematics lecturer at Munich (Bird of Passage 28). Photograph taken at Hampton Court by Peierls on his visit to UK 1928. Gaby Peierls and Hermann Krebs 71934. Conference photograph, nd. Bohr, Pauli and Lise Meitner are in front second row. row; Peierls among others in the roof of the Mond Lab. [Cambridge] 1936', Peierls lecturing at Leiden February 1993 (See J.117). Photographs 1969, 1970, 1976 sent by H. Rudolph (See A.162-A.164). Group photograph ‘on identified on verso, with some related correspondence 1989. Collecting signatures for FREEZE, Oxford 1987. Peierls lecturing at Leningrad 1985. Friends at Oxford 71991. A.194, A.195 A.198, A.199 A.200, A.201 Biographical R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Slides A.202-A.205 4 boxes of slides. A.202 Bohr. Rutherford and Bohr. Colleagues and friends, 1930s, 1940s, identified. Similar subjects, identified. OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES on 19 September 1995. The letters and messages of condolence are photocopies made available by Peierls’s family in March 1996. Obituaries and press cuttings from newspapers and journals. Addresses by B.H. Flowers and Ronnie Peierls at funeral 1995; programme of Memorial Meeting 1996. Peierls died The funeral took place on 29 September and a Memorial Meeting was held in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, on 20 January 1996. A-B. Personal letters received by Peierls’s family (principally Jo (Hookway) and Ronnie), many with historical and personal recollections of Peierls and Genia. Official letters and telegrams. A.209-A.214 R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Biographical R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION B RESEARCH AND TEACHING As a theoretician, Peierls left relatively little in the way of research notes or data, or of the mathematical calculations related to a specific problem. Much of his thinking is incorporated in correspondence and successive redrafting for projected papers, sometimes over an extended period and involving one or more collaborators. The material below comprises several such topics, presented in alphabetical order, following the titles or descriptions on Peierls’s original folders. They are linked wherever possible to published work. A little material relating to lectures and teaching appears at B.40-B.43. Some shorter sequences of notes are at B.44-B.47. B.1-B.39 TOPICS B.40-B.43 LECTURES AND TEACHING TOPICS Droplets Contents of a folder so inscribed. B.44-B.47 NOTES AND IDEAS Correspondence with Y. |. Kharkats 1978-1979 arising from Peierls’s paper ‘Clustering in adsorbed films', Phys. Revs. B, 18, 1978. undated sequences of notes by both Peierls and Dash. G. Dash, 1979-1981, Correspondence, notes, drafts exchanged with 1986, related to research and to their collaborative paper ‘Characteristics of adsorbed films', Phys. Revs. B, 25, 1982. Not all Dash's letters are dated or complete. Folder also includes various J. R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Electromigration Research and teaching Contents of folders so inscribed. Correspondence and drafts 1974-1978, 1989. in May 1974 with letter and The surviving correspondence begins a comments from R. Landauer on Peierls’s collaborative paper with A. K. Das 'The force on a moving charge in an electron gas', J. Phys. C. 6, 1973. The correspondence continues through 1974 and 1975 with frequent and often complex three-cornered exchanges between Peierls, Das and Landauer. Peierls further complicated by his travels and absences. the sequence ‘postman’ arbiter, acted and is as or There is a Das 'The force of electromigration’, J. Phys. C. 8, 1975. drafts and unpublished material are also included. little editorial material about Peierls’s collaborative paper with A.K. Related preprints, May 1974 - January 1975. January - April 1975. 1976 - 1978, 1989. May - November 1975. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Miscellaneous notes on liquids and on liquid helium, n.d. Correspondence and drafts 1977-1978 and some undated, exchanged with J. Rehr and J. G. Dash, related to collaborative paper with J. G. Dash, J. Suzanne and H. Shechter, 'Note on the spreading pressure of absorbed films', Surface Science 72, 1978. Includes manuscript note, probably by Peierls, dated 22 June 1977, 'Note on adsorption and surface tension’ . Liquids B.8 R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Momentum Research and teaching Contents of folders so inscribed. Correspondence, notes and drafts 1968-1989. This was a major topic on which Peierls thought, wrote and lectured widely. It was also the subject of extensive correspondence conducted in some cases over several years (Bird of Passage 305). Peierls kept exchanges with his principal correspondents stapled or clipped together in individual bundles which may include related letters or material from others; these have been retained in his order. Peierls’s own notes and drafts are presented separately at B.37-B.39. Peierls’s principal publications on the topic, some collaborative, are: with M. G. Burt, 'The momentum of light in a refracting medium’, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 333, 1973. ‘The momentum of light in 1976. a refractive medium’. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 347, Application to Highlights of Ashkin, A. 1971-1973 a sound pulse in a slightly dispersive medium’, Proc. ‘Momentum of light in a refracting medium. || Generalization. oblique reflection’, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 355, 1977. ‘Momentum and pseudomomentum of condensed-matter theory' (ed. M. Tosi). Soc. Italiana di Fisica 1985. light and sound. ‘The momentum of Roy. Soc. A, 390, 1983. ‘Momentum of light and light pressure in a dispersive medium’ in /nteraction of radiation with matter (Gozzini Symposium) Pisa 1988. 1975-1976 Brevik, |. 1975, 1978 Broer, L. J. F. R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Research and teaching Costa de Beauregard, O. 1972-1975 Crowley, B. J. B. Davidson, W. F. Feenberg, E. Gibson, A. F. 1976, 1979 Ginzburg, V. L. (In Russian). 1974-1976 Gordon, J. Gozzini, A. and others. various dates 1968-1985 Kimber, R. M. Extensive correspondence, notes and drafts. Jones, R. V. 1973-1978 Kastler, A. R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Research and teaching B.26-B.27A Mcintyre, M. E. 1974-1989 Extensive publications. correspondence, notes and discussions on research and 1974-1978. 1981-1983. 1988-1989. Robinson, F. N. H. 1974-1977 Schréder, U. E. 1974-1975 1973, 1977 1976, 1981 Walker, G. B. Vigoureux, P. 1974-1975 Thellung, A. 1982-1983 Stinchcombe, R. 1974-1975 Tangherlini, F. R. correspondence with R. Feynman, who was a referee for the 1973 paper. Correspondence momentum for publication forwarding, in amending Proc. Roy. papers on Includes or Soc. withdrawing 1972-1983. R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Research and teaching a few Peierls’s notes on momentum and pseudomomentum, including paginated sequences, some bearing dates in September and October 1978. Undated or more fragmentary notes. Peierls’s Draft of lecture for the Gozzini symposium (published 1988). Requests for reprints of Peierls’s momentum papers, lists of recipients of preprints. LECTURES AND TEACHING Manuscript notes for physics, n.d. lectures at Pisa, on history of twentieth-century Introduction for course of lectures on twentieth-century physics, 19pp, n.d. NOTES AND IDEAS drafts, calculations, some in paginated sequences, perhaps for Notes, lectures and questions at Seattle. Problems and solutions used in Peierls’s course at Seattle 1977, and later as material for Surprises in Theoretical Physics 1979. ‘A simple model of a break-up process'. These are all short manuscript or typescript notes of undated. paper format, typeface, etc. a few pages only, They are presented in tentative chronological order based on ‘Proof of the Jacoby identity’. R.E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Research and teaching 'Heitler-London problem’. ‘On the Peierls perturbation theory’ (by J. N. Urbano). ‘System with two levels’. ‘One phonon mode". 'Wave function’. ‘Oscillation functions in Cartesian coordinates’. ‘Note on the question of faster-than-light communication’. ‘On the structure of the Cgq molecule’. ‘Hard collisions of a light particle with a heavy oscillator’. ‘Reflection of a light particle from an oscillator by a hard-core interaction’. Shorter miscellaneous manuscript notes and drafts. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION C WEAPONS CONTROL AND SECURITY ORGANISATIONS AND COMMITTEES C.41-C.44 CORRESPONDENCE C.45-C.51 ADDENDUM Peierls devotes Chapter 12 of Bird of Passage to ‘Problems of nuclear weapons’, explaining his concern with postwar dangers and the international problems involved. He writes with special reference to the Pugwash conferences which remained a lifelong commitment at national and international levels, but he also joined or was sought out by many other organisations. He wrote and lectured extensively on anti-nuclear themes and disarmament; there is a little documentation of this aspect of his activity but by no means a full record. ORGANISATIONS AND COMMITTEES FREEZE Correspondence and papers 1983-1991. This organisation, with its national offices in Bristol, had several changes of name, including (1988) Towards a Safer World, (1989) safer world project, (1991) Saferworld, reflecting a widening spread of interests. For most of the period of Peierls’s involvement, however, it was known as FREEZE and concerned with nuclear weapons, and that is the name used here. Peierls’s comments. April 1985 and a Director in November 1986, Peierls became a 'Patron' in resigning in July 1989. FREEZE was publicly launched in November 1985 and relaunched in January 1989. It organised meetings, open days, pressure groups, petitions, open letters to the Press, Government Ministers and the like, Peierls often taking an active part. he helped to organise the local Oxford Group, which he chaired and which held its early meetings at his flat (C.11). The material includes publicity, membership lists and drives, arrangements for public meetings and events, and also papers relating to the formation, constitution and changes of the organisation, Directors' meetings and minutes, often with Notably, R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security Many papers, appeal letters, draft publicity, and some of the correspondence are undated, and may be signed only with a first name. Committee or position papers are the presentation is therefore tentative. often unnumbered and unpaginated. The chronological order of 1983. Includes Peierls’s letter The Times and correspondence arising, and his support for the 'Brandt Plan' requested by 'UK Coalition for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze’. to 1985. Includes advertisement, press conference (November). Peierls’s becoming Patron of FREEZE, arrangements for launch, 1986 January - August. Various FREEZE activities including receptions to be hosted by Peierls, FREEZE Bandwagon collecting signatures in Oxford, meeting with Timothy Renton, MP. 1986 September - December. Arrangements for patrons meeting, reception at Reading hosted by Peierls, open letter to Prime Minister signed by Peierls, arrangements, papers, draft constitution for first Directors meeting (November) with comments by Peierls, draft letter to The Times. at A.200, A.201. ‘Giant letter' campaign, receptions, training days, draft new project launch, open letters, information. Directors meeting 24 January, papers and minutes, reception at Birmingham hosted by Peierls, FREEZE projects and timetable, patrons meeting 19 May. 1987 January - May. 1987 May - October. Photographs of Peierls and others collecting signatures for the ‘Giant Letter’ are R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security 1988 January - June. Directorate Review meeting (March), campaign and activity material especially in advance of Reagan-Gorbachev summit. 1988 July - 1989 January. ‘Briefings’, comments on to physics students in The University of Oxford’, list of directors, letter to The Times, correspondence with FREEZE Director of FREEZE concerns to nuclear power. R. Thamotheram and Peierls’s draft extension others ‘Letter on 1989. Directors meeting 21 January with papers, budget etc. ‘Launch of the new campaign’, comments by Peierls, ‘Safer World Organisational Review' June, Directors meeting 15 July, Peierls’s resignation 21 July. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1990, 1991. Group (later Safer World - Oxford Project Group). FREEZE Oxford Research Group of members or Includes setting-up arrangements, minutes of meetings, lists local interested individuals, members, etc. At the meeting on 19 June 1989 it was agreed that the group should not continue meeting at regular intervals and should co-operate with the Oxford Research Group (q.v.). recruiting and fund-raising, correspondence with Oxford Correspondence and papers 1987-1989. topics, correspondence, related papers and information. The Oxford Research Group, a registered charity funded by charitable trusts, was decision-making, set accountability, special reference to nuclear weapons. The Director at this period was Scilla Elworthy. Peierls became a 'Friend' in July 1989. The material includes arrangements for meetings and conferences on specific independent research mediation Correspondence and papers 1987-1995. intergovernmental similar topics 1982 to carry out up in into and with R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security 1987. NB No surviving material for 1988. 1989. Seminars and projects, association with Safer World Oxford Group, participants in discussions, Peierls’s correspondence with Ministry of Defence about Centre for Defence Studies. 1991, 1992, 1995. Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs British Pugwash Group 1972-1977. is a continuation of Peierls’s long-term commitment to Correspondence and papers 1972-1995. Executive Committee meetings (Peierls was Chairman to 1977 and continued to attend regularly to 1993), agendas and minutes, Group meetings, workshops and projects, circulars, membership lists, arrangements for international Pugwash conferences, etc. This the Pugwash movement already documented for 1960-1974 in the previous collection CSAC 52/6/77 F.23-F.34, and singled out for special mention in Bird of Passage 284- 287. 1986-1991. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security Includes material on major British Pugwash Group research project 1993-1995. on ‘Revision of UK policy on nuclear weapons in a post-bipolar world’, funded by Joseph Rowntree Trust and conducted by Peierls, C. R. Hill, R. S. Pease and J. Rotblat. a progress report on the project (n.d., perhaps 1994) and R. S. Pease's draft papers for Geneva Workshop December 1994, annotated by Peierls. Includes Peierls’s notes for An addendum containing further documentation of the project, received after Peierls’s death, is at C.45-C.51. Conferences and Symposia Some of the material is relatively slight, but may include correspondence, lists of participants and topics for working parties, press releases, Peierls’s drafts for contributions, summaries or reports on proceedings. 1974. Cracow, April. Baden, August-September. Dubrovnik, December. Breukelen, Netherlands. 1980. 1983. Venice, May. See E.4. Dagomys, USSR, August-September. London, December (Peierls spoke on 'What would be the benefits of SDI if successful?'). Meeting hosted by British Pugwash Group. Geneva, June. 1985. 1988. R. E.: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security 1990. Egham, UK, September. 1991. Beijing, September. 1992. Berlin, September. 1993. Saltsj6baden, Sweden, June. n.d. Moscow General Correspondence 1972-1973. A chronological sequence 1972-1990 relating to all aspects of Pugwash (British and international), meetings, speakers, topics, representatives, membership, funding, etc. 1975. Fundraising. R. E.: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security 1976. Includes meeting on fast breeder reactors 28 September. 1977-1980. Peierls’s resignation as Chairman of Executive Committee British Pugwash Group 1977, Peierls’s donation to Pugwash from the proceeds of his libel action (Bird of Passage 324-5) 1979. 1981-1983. Includes Peierls’s contribution to birthday volume for Robert Maxwell 1983, recalling his interest in Pugwash. 1984-1986. 1987-1990. Royal Society Group on Scientific Aspects of International Security (SAIS) to as the Lincei (often referred 1983, 1987-1988. the Accademia dei Correspondence and papers 1983-1994. After preliminary discussions and meetings, some in collaboration with the US National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society appointed an ad hoc Group to provide a forum for the discussion of key scientific issues in international security The conferences and to establish contact with Western European scientists. organised by ‘Amaldi Conferences' after the first organiser Edoardo Amaldi) were among these contacts regularly attended by Peierls (see Section J passim) who was a member of the SAIS Group from its inception. Conference Cambridge July 1991, SAIS meetings, etc. 1989-1991. Includes papers by Peierls on 'Nuclear Weapons’, 'Notes on the Rome [Lincei] Conference June [Lincei] proliferation’, ‘Nuclear reports Amaldi 1989', on R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security 1992. Amaldi Conference Heidelberg 1992, SAIS meetings, Amaldi Conference. preparation for 1993 1993-1994. Suggestions for topics at Amaldi Conference Rome 1993, SAIS meetings, representation to Secretary of State and correspondence arising. CORRESPONDENCE A chronological sequence 1979-1993. The material is heterogenous in character, including letters from colleagues and academics, organisers of pressure groups, meetings or protest letters, or members of the general public perplexed or anxious about nuclear weapons. 1979-1983. 1983-1984. 1985-1987. 1988-1993. fee The material, which was received after includes numbered documents and research papers, many with notes and amendments by Peierls, as well as correspondence with colleagues and co-authors C. R. Hill, R. S. Pease and J. Rotblat. Correspondence and papers 1993-1995 on the British Pugwash Group Report on UK Nuclear Weapons, funded by Joseph Rowntree Trust. Peierls’s death, ADDENDUM R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Weapons control and security Although Peierls was unable to attend later meetings, his continuing active participation demonstrates the centrality of Pugwash concerns in his life to the last. He died only a few weeks before the award of the Nobel Peace Prize jointly to J. Rotblat and to the Pugwash movement. right November 1993-January 1994. Documents 1-12, including timetable and list annotated by Peierls. of ‘topics to be studied’, several March-May 1994. Documents 13-28 (number 18 is by Peierls). July 1994. Documents 29-34, agenda for Steering Committee meeting 14 July. September-November 1994. January-February 1995. Documents 39-44, some annotated by Peierls, correspondence. Documents 45, 46, 47 (drafts for final report) with comments by Peierls. the Joseph Rowntree Trust, by C. R. Hill. Documents 48-55 (drafts for extended comments by him and others. Includes comments by Peierls on draft report, and final report on the project to final report), with annotations by Peierls and February 1995. March-July 1995. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION D HISTORY OF TWENTIETH CENTURY SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS D.1 - D.139 D.1-D.105 INDIVIDUALS D.106-D.116 TOPICS D.117-D.134 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE D.135-D.139 ADDENDUM As the title of the section implies, this topic is treated almost entirely in terms of Peierls’s direct experience of the science of his time. Although his own lifelong concentration on theoretical physics and mathematics required a high level very edge of scientific advance in physics and brought him into contact with virtually every eminent worker in the field. He was a student under Planck, Nernst, Sommerfeld and Heisenberg, an assistant to Pauli, and worked in the laboratories or departments of Fermi, Rutherford and W. L. working at Los Alamos in the Second World War. Bragg before becoming in 1937 a professor and leader of research in his own right. Among his an undergraduate in Berlin he found the philosophy lectures ‘unattractive’ and abandoned the courses ‘quite soon' (Bird of Passage 19). His chosen subjects of study, however, took him to the added in Britain in the 1930s Mott, Chadwick, Dirac, Kapitza, Szilard and Chandrasekhar. His earliest friends were Bethe, Gamov, Tamm, Casimir, Weisskopf and Bretscher. To these were famous 1940 memorandum with O. R. Frisch on the feasibility of an atomic bomb led to official contacts with UK and USA government advisers and with the members of the international team of abstract thought, Peierls was always mistrustful of 'philosophy' as generally understood; even as He With such connections, together with a friendly temperament and a nomadic disposition, Peierls practitioners, which he used in lectures, in his autobiography, and as a base for more formal writings rapidly acquired a great store of technical and personal knowledge of the science of his time and its particularly on Bohr and for contributions to the Royal Society series of Biographical Memoirs. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists was also in constant demand as a source of information by historians, editors, film and television producers, and members of the general public. His recollections of individual scientists, in varying detail, appear in alphabetical order at D.1-D.105. Material on specific topics, in so far as they can be isolated, is at D.106-D.116, and more general correspondence often dealing with more than one topic and often the subject of careful comment by Peierls on projects or manuscripts is at D.117-D.134. It should be noted that the material in this section by no means exhausts the historical component of the collection. Similar, though slighter, references occur en passant in much of the correspondence in section K, attention being drawn in the relevant catalogue entries wherever possible. Many of the radio and television programmes and films in section F also deal with historical themes. An Addendum at D.136-D.139 contains material, relating chiefly to 1994 and 1995, received after Peierls’s death. John Bell D.1 Niels Bohr D.2-D.6 INDIVIDUALS Two short pieces, ‘John Bell' and a slightly longer version ‘Recollections of the young John Bell’, for a commemorative issue of Europhysics News 1991. Passage 333). See also D.97, D.98. Correspondence September 1980 - March 1986 relating to Peierls’s editing of and contribution to Vol. 9 (Nuclear Physics) of Bohr's collected works (North Holland 1986). Conducted principally with E. Rudinger (Series Editor) and sending information, recollections, etc. Also includes detailed discussions of editorial principles, modifications and revisions, comments on draft material, and, from 1984, publishing arrangements. Peierls made several extended visits to the Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen while the work was in hand (Bird of colleagues but also with and historians with A. Bohr, R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists 1980-1981. Includes list, taken from the Institute Guest Book, of visits by Peierls and by G. Placzek 1930-1947. 1985-1986. General correspondence relating to articles, films, etc. Bohr, mainly on historical projects, N. Bohr), 1975 (award of 1988, 1993. a short after-dinner speech about Bohr by Peierls, on a Letters exchanged with A. Bohr 1962 (death of Nobel Prize), 1986 (early photograph). 1986, 1993. Included here is commemorative occasion, n.d. See also J.62-J.66 for celebrations of Bohr's centenary 1985. Max Born D.10 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Hendrik Casimir History of twentieth century science and scientists D.11 Peierls’s review of Casimir's autobiography. James Chadwick D.12 Includes: Brief correspondence 1991 Manhattan Project. on Chadwick's files relating to the wartime Correspondence recollections for proposed biography. 1991-1992 with A. P. Brown with information and Correspondence 1993 on publication in Notes and Records of the Royal Society of Peierls’s Centenary lecture on Chadwick. Obituary tribute to Chadwick by Sir Sam Edwards in The Caian. D.13 D.14 D.16 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar 1983 on John Cockcroft Eddington-Chandrasekhar Correspondence and controversy (Bird of Passage 117-118). recollections ‘The growth of physics in Cockcroft's time’, lecture given by Peierls at Harwell 7 May 1969 on the occasion of the unveiling of a memorial plaque. With correspondence on arrangements. hes Correspondence 1977 on a proposal to publish Davison's scientific papers for limited circulation, with a biographical note on Davison to be written by Peierls (Bird of Passage 175, 237-238). Correspondence and Allibone for a proposed biography. recollections Boris Davison 1981, 1982 with G. Hartcup, T. E. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Paul Dirac History of twentieth century science and scientists Includes copies of biographical notes on Davison by H.H. Clayton and W. H. Watson, recollections by B. H. Flowers and P. Wallace, as well as Peierls’s draft ‘Impressions of Boris Davison’. the Royal wrote Society Biographical Peierls in collaboration with R. H. Dalitz (Biog. Mem. Fs. Roy. Soc. 32, 1986), anda contribution 'Dirac's Way' to amemorial volume ed. B. N. Kursunoglu and E. His speech at the dinner of the Dirac Memorial Meeting in Cambridge (April 1985) was published in Tributes to Paul Dirac (ed. J. G. Taylor) 1985. He also wrote a short obituary for Physics Today. P. Wigner (CUP, 1987). Memoir of Dirac, Correspondence 1984-1986 with Royal Society on the preparation of the Memoir. a more appropriate author in his place, but agreed to write in collaboration with Dalitz. Peierls suggested Wigner (Dirac's brother-in-law) as Peierls’s notes and ideas. D.21-D.35 Correspondence, notes and ideas from Dalitz. Drafts, with notes and corrections by Peierls and by Dalitz. Correspondence, information, recollections from colleagues, institutions, etc. assembled by Peierls and Dalitz in preparation for the Memoir or received on its publication. In alphabetical order. H. C. Corben. Bristol University. S. Chandrasekhar. K. P. Cohen. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists Dirac 1985-1991. Margit Includes 5pp manuscript note of her meeting, marriage and life with Dirac. Extensive correspondence and recollections. C. Eliezir. V. J. Frenkel. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. S. Goldstein. G. E. Gorelik. C. G. Gray. L. Halpern. G. B. Heise. B. Jeffreys. P. Kapitza (copy of his letter to Dirac February 1937). K. J. LeCouteur. A. Kozhevnikov. N. Kemmer. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists P. T. Matthews. J. Mehra. Paul Dirac Trust (set up on the initiative of W. Waldegrave to encourage Bristol schoolchildren to take up science). C. L. Pekeris. A. B. Pippard. M. H.L. Pryce. E. Rudinger. St John's College, Cambridge. A. Salam. D. W. Sciama. UKAEA (Dirac's wartime work). A. H. Wilson. Whitehead (copy of 1936 letter to Dirac). S. Shanmugadhasan. F. H. Watt. E. P. Wigner. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists Correspondence with Physics Today and draft of Peierls’s obituary of Dirac published in the journal January 1985. Correspondence 1985-1987 with editors and with Cambridge University Press on Peierls’s contribution was originally titled ‘Some thought Dirac odd’; Mrs Dirac felt this was unsuitable and the article appeared as 'Dirac's Way’. memorial volume to Dirac. Includes original manuscript of N. Paul Dirac’. F. Mott's contribution 'Reminiscences of Correspondence, arrangements, etc for Dirac Memorial Meeting and dinner 19 April 1985. Includes seating plan and copy of Peierls’s speech later published in Tributes to Paul Dirac. Background information, and other obituaries and tributes on Dirac and his work, including substantial material by Casimir, Dalitz, Salam, L. M. Brown, Rohrlich and others. Paul Ewald D.41 ‘The contribution to physics of P. P. Ewald’ 1p only, n.d. Correspondence 1985-1992 with authors, biographers, etc. projecting work on Dirac, requesting advice, information, interviews, etc. Peierls’s recollections, for commemoration of Fowler's centenary 1989. D.42 Correspondence 1979. Norman Feather Ralph Fowler D.43 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Otto Robert Frisch History of twentieth century science and scientists Peierls wrote the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Frisch (Biog. Mem. Fs. Roy. Soc. 27, 1981), and shorter notices or tributes for Nature and the Dictionary of National Biography. Correspondence 1979-1981 with Royal Society on the preparation of the memoir. D.45-D.48 Correspondence, information, recollections assembled in preparation for the memoir or received on its publication. In alphabetical order. L. Arnold. E. H. Bellamy. R. F. Cockburn. U. Frisch. A. L. Hodgkin. G. G. Scarrott. K. N. Smith. M. F. Perutz. A. B. Pippard. N. F. Mott. A. J. Oxley. G. W. Hutchinson. D. H. Wilkinson. J. G. Rushbrooke. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists Other obituaries and articles, including Peierls in Nature and for DNB, and his review of Frisch's autobiography What little | remember. Correspondence 1982, 1983 with authors, biographers, etc. advice or information. requesting Herbert Frohlich D.51 Brief obituary notice by Peierls. Klaus Fuchs The arrest, trial and sentencing of Fuchs as a Soviet spy had a traumatic effect on Peierls and his wife, both of whom had befriended him. Peierls devotes a section of his autobiography to the case (Bird of Passage 223- 225) as well as referring elsewhere to their previous acquaintance with him. D.52 below is of special interest in documenting their reactions at the time. The remaining material - correspondence with biographers, historians, film- makers, etc - testifies to the lasting fascination of the subject. Includes script and Letter from G. dismay, and Peierls’s reply. |. Taylor to Peierls on hearing of arrest, expressing his A. Boyle. P. Davies. Brief letter from Peierls offering help to Fuchs on his release 1959. Letter from Genia Peierls to Fuchs, written after Peierls’s visit to him and his reply 6 February 1950 from Brixton Prison. H. M. Hyde 1980-1981. A. Humphreys. detailed comments (unfavourable) by Peierls 1984. Proposed 'documentary' on Fuchs. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists A. Kramish. W. Meyer. Radio programme and book about N. Moss and others 1976, 1982-87. Fuchs. Includes drafts of sections of book relating to Peierls and his wife, with comments, and correspondence with M. F. Perutz who reviewed the book on publication. J. V. Neal. M. F. Perutz. T. Sharpe. R. C. Williams. Werner Heisenberg there are also in below; Leipzig shorter frequent Most of these recurrent questions concern the Second World War, the German atomic research programme, its direction and achievement and Heisenberg's part therein. is Heisenberg's visit in October 1941 to Niels Bohr in Copenhagen, whose purpose and outcome remain unresolved. referred to A specific incident - often - attentions 1928-1929, their also engaged the key questions which Peierls wrote the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Heisenberg, in His own collaboration with N. F. Mott (Biog. Mem. Fs. Roy. Soc. 23, 1977). early connection with Heisenberg at shared research interests and diverging career paths, perhaps gave him a special involvement of professional historians and writers. Some of these are documented in the correspondence references elsewhere. and published. A related matter is the ‘Farm Hall transcripts’ made from the recorded conversations of a number of German scientists (including Heisenberg) who were a Cambridgeshire estate, where they first heard of the successful Allied atomic energy programme. The transcripts were classified until 1993 when Peierls joined others in exerting pressure to have them released, checked interned at the war in end of the Europe in Farm Hall, R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists Royal Society Memoir Correspondence with Royal Society 1976-1977. Peierls’s notes for the Memoir. Photocopies of correspondence (13 letters) exchanged 1930-1933 between Heisenberg, Pauli and Peierls. Correspondence, amendments of memoir. Heisenberg. principally with N. Includes a Mott, F. letter April and drafts, 1978 from revisions, Elisabeth D.61-D.65 Information and accounts from colleagues, historians, etc, comments on draft or published versions of memoir. G. K. Batchelor. A. Bohr. W. Jost. F. Bloch. A. Hermann. B. K. Blount. S. A. Goudsmit. K. von Meyenn. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists General Correspondence 1971-1993 Correspondence or members of the general public on Heisenberg, German science, wartime atomic work, etc., some arising from Peierls’s publications or reviews of books on the subject. colleagues historians, scientific with Some are very brief exchanges, but others are more extended and may include recollections or drafts with comments by Peierls. J. Bernstein. C. Carson. E. L. Feinberg. K. Gottstein. H. R. Jones. A. Pais. T. Powers. Includes English letter on Heisenberg and the German atomic New Scientist (Peierls’s programme, published 10 October 1992). H. Rechenberg. ‘Recollections of Werner Heisenberg’ 1991. S. Rozental. Personal recollections of Heisenberg. Correspondence, drafts, comments 1984-1985 P. mainly related to Rose's paper ‘Heisenberg, German morality and the atomic bomb 1939-1945’. and German versions L. Rose and others. of Peierls’s R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists K. Rosenwald. R. Serber (Peierls’s carbon only). G. Soreny. Includes photocopy of selections from 1953 memoirs of A Speer (written in Spandau). G. Wiemers. M. Walker. material on German uranium project 1942, 1943. Exchanges, comments 1984-1992. Includes photocopied V. F. Weisskopf. Includes copy (in German) of lecture given by Heisenberg 14 August 1945 on the atomic bomb, at Farm Hall only a few days after the reception of the news of the successful Allied project. Miscellaneous articles and book reviews on Heisenberg. Archibald Vivian Hill D.78 Frank Kearton The Farm Hall Transcripts Tribute for 90th birthday 1976. Correspondence and papers 1989-1993, about the release and publication of the transcripts. Includes copy of representation by a group of historians and scientists to the Lord Chancellor, reviews of publication, etc. Brief correspondence 1983. D.79 Recollections 1993. Hans Kopfermann D.80 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Lev Landau D.81 History of twentieth century science and scientists Peierls’s letter to Landau after his serious accident (Bird of Passage 267), 1962. Detailed comment on a proposed biography of Landau 1965. is Peierls’s preface to a biography of Landau, n.d. Included here D.82, D.83 Correspondence with historians, writers, editors, etc. 1987-1988. D.82 A. Garrett. C. Kittel. M. A. Styrikovich (in Russian). J. B. Sykes. Rolf Landauer Ettore Majorana Edward Arthur Milne D.83B ‘A personal view of early history’. Sent to Peierls 1995. Correspondence 1984 (Bird of Passage 88). B. W. Augenstein, 1995, enclosing his paper on an early work of Landau. Correspondence 1991. D.84 D.85 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Mark Oliphant History of twentieth century science and scientists D.86 Recollections 1980. J. Robert Oppenheimer D.87 Correspondence and Oppenheimer 1972-1982. papers, letters to the press, publications about Wolfgang Pauli D.88 Letter from Franziska Pauli 1959, thanking Peierls for his understanding of her husband's character. D.89-D.91 Correspondence with historians, writers, editors, etc. 1976-1991. P. Brix. Isotope shifts. F. D. Peat. D.89 P. Achuthan. A. Hermann. S. McGrayne. W. Byers Brown. Pauli and Jung. Correspondence and recollections. K. von Meyenn. Includes list of letters exchanged between Pauli and Peierls 1931-1955. William Penney D.92 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Michael Polanyi History of twentieth century science and scientists D.93 Correspondence and recollections. |. Y. Pomeranchuk D.94 Correspondence and recollections. Paul Rosbaud D.95 Correspondence (also on Manhattan Project). Joseph Rotblat D.96 fRotblat's personal account of working on the ‘A scientist's dilemma’. Manhattan Project. Ernest Rutherford ‘The multifaceted social conscience of scientists'. Pugwash address 1994. Peierls’s Rutherford Memorial Lecture 'Rutherford and Bohr’, given at Delhi December 1987 and published in Notes and Records Roy. Soc. Lond. 42, 1988. See also J.77, J.78. Drafts of lecture and Peierls’s notes. Correspondence 1986-1989 about preparation of lecture, including a few photocopies of early correspondence of Rutherford and Bohr. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Erwin Schrodinger i). 99 History of twentieth century science and scientists Correspondence 1985-1986. Includes a typescript of the article in Grazer Tagespost (Schrédinger was then at the University of Graz) 30 March [1938] under the heading Bekenntnis zum Fuhrer. Ein herverregender Wissenschaftler meldet sich zum Dienst fur Volk und Heimat, in which Schrédinger makes his Erklarung of loyalty. No year given, but written at the Anschluss 1938. A translation is appended, provided by Dr Olive Sayce in February 1995. Semyon Shubin D.100 Correspondence and papers 1989-1990. Shubin, a Russian physicist, had died of cold in a Soviet labour camp. The correspondence is with S. Vonsovsky who had adopted and brought up Shubin's family after his arrest, and was organising a Memorial Volume of his papers, with tributes by colleagues. Among Shubin's papers had been a letter written to Peierls on the Hall effect in ferromagnetism in March 1937 but not posted before his arrest. Peierls decided to send a retrospective reply to this letter as if he had received it at the time. D.101 Tony Skyrme D.102 Lev Shubnikov Correspondence, information, request for recollections of Shubnikov, who died under the Soviet regime, for a special issue of the Soviet Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 1991. NCUACS no. 10/3/89 and deposited in Birmingham University Library. Skyrme was a long-term colleague and friend of Peierls (Bird of Passage passim). NB The papers and correspondence of T. Correspondence and colleagues about memorial meeting. biographical material. papers R. Skyrme were catalogued as 1986-1987 with with Includes miscellaneous tributes and Mrs Skyrme and H. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Igor Tamm D.103 Edward Teller D.104 History of twentieth century science and scientists Correspondence 1976, recollections for a memorial volume. Peierls had met Tamm in Russia, notably at the famous Odessa conference of 1930 (Bird of Passage 62-63). Miscellaneous articles, comments, correspondence by Peierls and others 1983-1988. George Paget Thomson D.104A 3pp draft tribute by Peierls. John Valatin relating to some of the important events D.105 TOPICS Tribute to Valatin (colleague at Birmingham) to be read at memorial service. Correspondence with family 1985-1986. This assembles material in twentieth-century science with which Peierls had a direct connection and about which he was most frequently consulted. Other references occur in more general correspondence elsewhere in the collection and are noted in the entries. history of science lecture. Peierls’s chart of landmark publications in twentieth-century physics with special reference to atomic structure, 1924-1927, probably compiled for a R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists The Frisch-Peierls Memorandum Peierls most influential work, written with O. R. Frisch at Birmingham in March 1940, stating the case for the feasibility of producing an atomic bomb using the rare 235 isotope of uranium. The importance of the document and its role in the setting-up of the MAUD Committee, the ‘Tube Alloys' and ‘Manhattan’ Projects have been acknowledged in all the histories of the period. Peierls’s own brief account is given in Bird of Passage 152-156. ‘On the construction of a "super-bomb", based on a nuclear chain reaction in uranium’. Photocopy, numbered 2, 7pp. of the memorandum, typed by Peierls himself. D.108-D.110 Correspondence 1978-1994 from journalists, historians, members of the public. 1978. Includes pages of ‘Defended to Death’, book in preparation at 1981. Cambridge. 1987, 1989, 1991. Murphy, mainly on the writing of the 1993-1995. Correspondence with A. memorandum and official government reaction. Also refers to Murphy's attempt to have a preservation order made on Peierls’s former house in Birmingham. 1980-1982. Correspondence, enquiries on work and life at Los Alamos 1980-1993, from historians, students, dramatists, often of interest for Peierls’s replies. See also D.96. Los Alamos R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Solid state physics D.114 History of twentieth century science and scientists 1983. Comments on H. A. Bethe's Comments on the history of the H-bomb. 1985-1993. Correspondence and papers 1978-1979 exchanged with historians and colleagues, and principally with N. F. Mott, to launch a project for the history of solid state physics. After exchanges of ideas, a meeting was held at the Royal Society 30 April - 2 May 1979, memoranda prepared, and a volume The beginnings of solid state physics (ed. Mott) published. Correspondence 1980-1983 on international research project ‘History and Social Relations of Solid State Physics' set up following Royal Society meeting. Peierls was a member of the Advisory Committee though rarely able to attend. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence 1986 on papers for publication arising from project. These exchanges may refer to several topics or individuals, or deal with the general history of atomic/nuclear physics. There may therefore be some inevitable overlap with material elsewhere. Brown, L. M. Early particle history. includes a A-B. T. Braun, biographical note on Ilse Rosenthal-Schneider (Bird of Passage 336-337). German scientists, transcripts, Farm Hall also R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists Gowing, M. M. Hendry, J. Laboratory Cambridge, history of controlled fusion. 1981-1989. Various research projects, including Cavendish Hiebert, E. N. Hoch, P. Various research projects, with extensive comments by Peierls. of Hoddeson, Alamos/Manhattan project, solid state physics, oral history interviews. 1981-1988. projects, Various history _L. Los Ku-Ky, M. Holloway, D. 1980, 1986. Soviet atomic energy project. Kramish, A. Comments by Peierls on nuclear history publications. as The making of the atomic bomb. See E.48. L. Comments by Peierls on proposed publication on 'The use of Rhodes's book provisionally titled Ultimate Powers, published Renz, P. mathematics’. Rhodes, R. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 History of twentieth century science and scientists ADDENDUM Writings by Peierls D.135 'The Jew in Twentieth Century Physics' ‘Next Year in Jerusalem’, published by Viking Press 1976. See also E.87. Peierls’s draft for contribution to ‘Physics 1920-1945'. Draft for lecture or paper, n.d. with Jerrold Pavel and material includes The book, documents from the archives of the Niels Bohr Institute (some photocopied or faxed) and a little correspondence. editorial comment on reviews and the Anatoli Sudaplatov, and Leona Later material Correspondence and papers 1994-1995, arising from the publication of Special Tasks. The Memoirs of an unwanted witness - a Soviet spymaster, by Schecter, published by Little, Brown. One chapter of the book 'Atomic Spies' accused Bohr, Fermi, Oppenheimer and Szilard of treasonable conduct and co- operation with the Soviet Union. Miscellaneous supporting material. March-September 1995. May - July 1994. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL E.1 - E.88 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS E.89 - E.92 MISCELLANEOUS E.1-E.88 is an alphabetical sequence of correspondence and papers exchanged with editors, authors his work as a member of and publishing houses. editorial and advisory boards. Drafts or outlines for proposed publications may be included. It may concern Peierls’s own publications or The journal with which Peierls had the longest and most active connections was Contemporary His own principal Physics whose workings are well illustrated by the extensive material at E.8-E.26. publishing house for books written during the period covered by this collection was Princeton University Press (E.66-E.81). E.91 include additional such material, but not a complete tally. E.90, CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS Allen & Unwin Ltd relating to Peierls’s work as a referee for journals and publishers is in section L. An indication is given wherever possible of the range of topics treated, in view of possible overlap Further material with other sections, especially C (Nuclear Weapons) and D (History of Science). Peierls’s numerous shorter writings and reviews are itemised where they occur in the entries. CSAC 52/6/77 D.1-D.3 Correspondence about Peierls’s 'nonmathematical no-jargon account of physics' a contribution to the family financial crisis caused by the university costs of Gaby and Ronnie Peierls (Bird of Passage 219). The book was dedicated, at Genia's suggestion, 'To the Treasurer of Somerville College, Oxford and the Bursar of Caius' College, Cambridge, but for whom this book would not have been written’. The laws of nature published 1955 and written primarily as R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Birkhauser Boston Inc E.3 Publications and editorial Letter 1955 from the Treasurer, Somerville, acknowledging the book and ‘the responsibility for your inspiration’. Letter 1957 from a reader, with corrections and suggestions. Correspondence mainly 1977-1981 about possible new edition, with Allen & Unwin, Charles Scribners' Sons and Taylor & Francis. Correspondence proposed publication of Peierls’s collected papers in series 'Contemporary Physicists’. The project ran into financial difficulties and the contract was cancelled. 1982-1985 publisher editors with and on Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 1985 and a the T. Feld, CSAC 52/6/77 D.5. Cambridge University Press (CUP) Peierls contributed several articles to the Bulletin and, in response to an appeal by H. A. Bethe, joined the Board of Sponsors from March 1981. editors and Includes material on Peierls’s articles ‘Limited nuclear war?' (38, a British participant’ for on 33rd Pugwash Editor-in-chief B. Correspondence 1978-1985 with others. 1982), 'First strike fiction’ (1984), ‘Reflections of Anniversary issue August report Conference, Venice 1983 on 'Nuclear weapons policy without first strike’. Correspondence 1992, on Peierls’s Dirac lecture. Correspondence 1984-1985 on proposed book based on BBC Radio programme The ghost in the atom to which Peierls contributed. Correspondence 1977-1978, on biographies of Heisenberg. CSAC 52/6/77 D.6. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial Contemporary Concepts in Physics Peierls was a member of the Board of Editors for this series. The Editor-in- chief was H. Primakoff. Correspondence, arrangements, discussion of topics and authors, etc. 1979- 1981. Contemporary Physics CSAC 52/6/77 D.9. This was Peierls’s longest-running editorial commitment. The journal was published by Taylor & Francis (Chairman N. It aimed to publish review articles on physics and its applications, intended to Most of the be of general interest to physicists whatever their specialism. articles were invited, though some were submitted in the usual way. Book reviews were also included in the journal. F. Mott). It The correspondence extends over twenty years, 1974-1994, continuing the previous material 1959-1964 catalogued in CSAC 52/6/77 D.9. is conducted mainly with successive editors of the journal, G. R. Noakes (to December 1981), J. S. Dugdale (to December 1992) and P. L. Knight (from 1993). There are also some brief exchanges with colleagues, referees, authors and the publishers. The content relates almost exclusively to articles suggested or submitted for publication, often including detailed comments by Peierls usually sent very promptly. In the course of his frequent travels, he kept in touch as far as possible and was assiduous in trying to recruit new authors and topics from He contributed several his overseas contacts in Europe, USA and Russia. articles himself, and there is to these. Minutes of meetings, lists or schedules of work in progress are also included. 1976 January (one letter only), May - December. 1974-1975. a little correspondence relating R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial 1978 January - June. 1978 July - December. 1981 January - August only. 1983 January - July. NB No material survives for 1984 and 1985. 1986 April - December. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial Includes correspondence on publication of Peierls’s Dirac lecture in 1992. volume 33. Financial Times E.27 P. Snow's The Physicists Correspondence 1981 on Peierls’s review of C. (published in FT Sept 1981), and 1985 on Peierls’s review of L. Badash's Kapitza, Rutherford and the Kremlin (published in FT May 1985), a draft of which is included. E.28 Gordon and Breach Inc Foundations of Physics Correspondence 1982-1986 with Editor A. van der Merwe. Peierls became a member of the editorial board July 1983. discontinued. Material includes invitation to write, contract, discussions and comments, publication and review arrangements, exchanged with London and New York offices of the publishers. Also some discussion of the future of the series and its editorship, and of the new editorial board on which Peierls served. was Correspondence and papers 1977-1985 with publishers and colleagues, relating to A perspective of physics, an annual survey of the fields of modern physics. Volumes 1 and 2 appeared in 1977 and 1978 ‘introduced and put into perspective’ by Peierls. 7 May 1978 he declined to undertake a third volume. his letter of In resigned year also the series in which He in 1985, R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial 1979-1985. Peierls’s notes on material to be included, and for his introductions to the volumes. Reviews of Vols. 1 and 2 of Perspectives. Iltempo E.34 E35 The Independent Institute of Physics Correspondence and papers 1988-1991, letters for publication, etc. Brief correspondence 1981-1982 on publication of Peierls’s 'My life as a physicist’. See also Physics World (E.64) also published by the Institute. Correspondence 1975, including ‘Spontaneously broken symmetries’ published in 1991. and others, J. Phys. A 24, 1988-1993 on papers by Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 F.16-F.19. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial International Commission on Physics Education E.37 Correspondence 1983-1984 with editors on the Centennial volume for Niels Bohr published by Harvard University Press 1985. Includes draft of Peierls’s contribution 'Recollections of Niels Bohr’. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry E.38 correspondence Brief (draft Schrédinger: Centenary celebration of a polymath CUP 1987. Peierls’s review 1987 on included) of Correspondence 1978 on the launch of this new journal by physicists in Mexico Board; correspondence 1981 on an article in the first volume. agreement to Peierls’s Editorial serve and on the E.41 E.40 Macmillan London Review of Books Correspondence 1980-1986 on various book reviews and letters by Peierls. Correspondence 1986-1988 on Science, politics and the public good, a festschrift for M. M. Gowing. Peierls contributed a slightly modified version of his review for Minerva (see E.42). Peierls used this as the basis for a later publication, see E.41. Correspondence 1980-1985, including Peierls’s review ‘Forty years into the atomic age’ (Minerva 22, 1984) of The nuclear chain reaction - 40 years later. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Nature New Scientist Publications and editorial Correspondence 1975-1992 mainly on reviews by Peierls of biographies, memoirs or histories of science. 1975-1987. 1989. On Peierls’s article 'Reflections on the discovery of fission’ (Nature, 342) which he thought had been subject to unnecessary delays by the journal. Includes draft. 1992. On Peierls’s reviews of publications on Los Alamos. E.45 New York Review of Books From about 1980, Peierls frequently reviewed biographies, memoirs and histories of science; the material may include follow-up correspondence with authors or readers. Correspondence on 'Prowling around quantum mechanics’, Peierls’s review of /n search of Schrédinger's cat, published 13 December 1984. Includes Peierls’s notes on the book, his draft review and later correspondence with the author J. Gribbin. ‘Making it', November 1987). 1981-1982. Neumann and Norbert Wiener (published as 'Odd Couple’, February 1982). P. Snow's The Physicists, S. On Peierls’s reviews of 1986-1987. L. Heilbron's biography of Planck (published as ‘Conservative revolutionary’ November 1986), includes draft, and on R. Rhodes's book 'The making of the atomic bomb' (published as J. Heims's John von Einstein On C. 1982-1983. (published as 'What Einstein did’, April 1983). Includes draft. Peierls’s review of Mainly on A. Pais's book on J. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Oxford Magazine E.50 Publications and editorial 1991-1994. On Peierls’s review of D. Cassidy's biography of Heisenberg (published as 'The uncertain scientist’ April 1992), the 'Farm Hall transcripts’, and on T. Powers' book (published as 'The bomb that never was’, April 1993). Correspondence, draft and amended versions of Peierls’s article ‘Nuclear weapons’. How did we get them and where are we going?’ published in Oxford Magazine no. 51, 1989. Peierls originally wrote offering the article in error to Oxford Today with which a little correspondence is also included. Oxford University Press (OUP) is of varying material own The publications (E.51, E.52), some to specific OUP projects (E.53, E.55) and some to general consultation and advice on proposed publications (E.56- E258). nature, some referring Peierls’s to The letter of Peierls’s autobiography. Correspondence 1982-1983 on Press suggested various modifications to the draft; Princeton UP agreed ‘to publish it without reservation’ (letter of 11 November 1983) and Peierls accepted their offer. Correspondence 1978-1979 on Peierls’s proposed Surprises in theoretical physics; in the event, this and Peierls’s other books were published by Princeton University Press (q.v.), largely because a UK tax anomaly treating Peierls as a non-resident made this financially attractive (his 2 October 1978 explains). Dictionary of National Biography (Peierls declined to write on Klaus Fuchs). Correspondence 1989-1990 on Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia vol. World of Technology. Correspondence and comments 1988, 1993 on entries 6 The 1992, for the R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial Correspondence Quotations. but contributed anecdotes and quotations. Scientific Peierls declined a request to join the Editorial Advisory Board, 1991-1992 Dictionary Oxford the on of E.56-E.58 General correspondence and advice on publications 1978-1991. E.56 1978-1979. 1987-1991. Pergamon Press Ltd for E.59 E.60 Physics Today a biography of Peierls’s preface written Physical Review Letters Correspondence and papers 1983. Correspondence 1979 on Landau, 1985 on the death of Lifshitz. draft. Includes correspondence about Peierls’s obituary of Penney, and Published by the American Institute of Physics (q. v.). 1984-1990. 1991. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Physics World E.64 P M Magazin E.65 Publications and editorial 1992-1993. centenary of Y. U. Frenkel, and 11pp draft of article to be published 1994. Mainly on Peierls’s suggestion of an article to mark the Correspondence 1990-1992, mainly on 'In defence of "measurement" ' published as an ‘Opinion’ article in Physics World 4 1991, and correspondence arising. Peierls’s article Correspondence 1990 on Peierls’s article ‘Alles hat eine Ursache - nur das nicht, was in einem Atom geschiete’. Princeton University Press of problems in theoretical be Surprises in Theoretical Physics This became Peierls’s preferred publisher for all his later books, which are presented here in chronological order. This book was developed from courses of lectures of the same title given by It discusses and gives Peierls at Seattle in 1977 and at Orsay 1977-1978. whose examples physics or commonsense explanation had been shown to ‘wrong’, while those seemingly contrary to intuition might be borne out by experiment (Bird of Passage 331-332). iy Peierls was first approached about publication of the lectures by E. Tenner of Princeton UP in March 1978. He was also in correspondence with OUP (see E.51) and had himself written to Taylor & Francis, publishers of Contemporary Physics (q.v.), (E.66), but accepted Princeton's offer partly because of their favourable terms and partly because of an anomaly in UK income-tax laws for ‘non-residents’ which he had then technically become. The book appeared in 1979. Its favourable reception and translation into several languages (E.68) led Peierls to compile a follow-up collection More surprises .... which appeared in 1991. (E.79-E.81). obvious R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial The correspondence with colleagues, preceding or following publication, is often of interest (E.70-E.72). Correspondence with Taylor & Francis 1978. Correspondence with Princeton UP 1978-1982, including contract, review and publicity arrangements, etc. Correspondence and arrangements for translations into Japanese 1981- 1985, Italian 1982, Russian 1984-1987 (includes preface by Peierls and some correspondence with translator), Polish 1986-1989 (includes brief preface by Peierls written at translator's request). Reviews 1979-1980. E.70-E.72 A-L. Bird of Passage Correspondence with colleagues, some preceding publication in answer to requests for comment or dealing with problems discussed, some arising from published book and/or reviews. Es: Peierls was approached by OUP in 1982 about a possible ‘scientific autobiography’, and when in 1983 he submitted draft material the Press again strongly suggested that the book should be revised to strengthen its scientific content. his intention to produce a Peierls, however, stuck to Peierls’s autobiography, published with physicist’ in 1985. the sub-title 'Recollections of a R. E:-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 E.74-E.76 Publications and editorial personal account of more general interest, incidentally recalling the Press's rejection in 1954 of his The Laws of Nature which had sold 64,000 copies. Correspondence with OUP is at E.52. Peierls approached Princeton in September 1983 at the same time as he approached OUP and, as he also informed OUP, Princeton accepted the book promptly. A contract was issued in November and the book appeared in 1985. See E.52 for correspondence with OUP. Peierls’s early notes. Comments on an early draft ca.1984 by R. H. Dalitz, J. W. Christian. Princeton Peierls’s Correspondence with manuscript editor A Calaprice, on contract, readers' comments and Peierls’s replies, drafts, corrections, photographs, publicity and review arrangements, translations, etc. Tenner and all aspects of publication, mainly UP, E. 1983-1984. 1986-1991. paperback, etc. Mainly publicity, marketing, corrections, reviews, translations, Reviews, including also one of But the crackling is superb ed. Nicholas and Giana Kurti (Adam Hilger 1988) to which Peierls contributed an item. See E.90. Correspondence with publisher and editor 1987-1992. Correspondence with readers and reviewers, some with recollections of family, friends, fellow-refugees, incidents and meetings, various dates 1986- 1990. More Surprises in Theoretical Physics, 1991 E.79 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial Reviews. Correspondence with colleagues, preceding or following publication. Rizzoli Editore E.82 Correspondence 1982. Royal Society E.83 Brief correspondence, Peierls’s papers submitted for publication. various dates 1973-1976, 1989, mainly about Science Age Sunday Times Viking Press Times Higher Education Supplement E.84 Brief correspondence 1988. Correspondence 1986 and letter sent by Peierls for publication. See D.135. Correspondence with publisher, and with editor D. Villiers on publication Next Year in Jerusalem: portraits of the Jew in the 20th Century, and Peierls’s contribution 'The Jew in 20th century physics’. Correspondence 1983-1986 on various book reviews contributed by Peierls. E.85 E.86 E.87 R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial World Scientific Publishing Co E.88 Correspondence, various dates 1981-1993. Peierls acted as advisor. Includes correspondence ‘Selected Papers’. 1993 on proposed publication of Peierls’s MISCELLANEOUS Invitations to write or review, declined 1978-1993. Drafts for shorter articles, reviews, letters. cases. Dates approximate in some ‘Scientists, Symposium 1982. the arms Letter to The Times 1985. Letter to The Guardian 1987. race and disarmament’. Review of Pugwash ‘Physics and Homi Bhabha’ Review in Nature, 321 1986. ‘First encounter with English food’, Peierls’s contribution to But the crackling is superb' 1988. See E.77. 'How did we get into this atomic age?' Review of R. W. Clark The greatest power on earth ca.1980. ‘Energy Conservation’, n.d. ‘Is there any logic in the arms race?', published by Oxford Project for Peace Studies 1988. ‘A cold big bang’, contribution to birthday celebrations of Kundan Singwi ca.1992. Mainly in the thirties’, published in Rev. Mod. Phys. ‘Early work on solids. 65, 1993. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Publications and editorial Press cuttings, including articles, reviews, letters, on all subjects - physics, nuclear arms, history of science and scientists. Miscellaneous royalty statements. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION F RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS The principal sequence of projects is in alphabetical order by organisation or initiator with an indication of the topics in question. Shorter requests for advice or information from UK and overseas organisations are at F.10, F.11. Audio Learning Ltd Peierls was approached in 1974 by the Physics Series Editor to take part in a taped discussion series produced by Audio Learning and intended for teachers and students at 'A' level. Correspondence with editor, company, discussion partner with questions for inclusion on the chosen topic 'The elements of quantum theory’, to be recorded 2 September 1974, and continuing correspondence on the text prepared from the recording as supplementary course material. 1980-1989. British Broadcasting Corporation Bennett, J. and Rife, P. 2 Correspondence and papers 1985-1992 on radio and television programmes on which Peierls was consultant or participant. Almost all on atomic bomb history. Correspondence, interviews, suggestions for topics and collaborators for a or video on the discovery of nuclear fission. proposed documentary film Also on P. Rife's proposed biography of Lise Meitner. Includes table of contents of taped interview with Peierls 6 June 1984. December Radio 3 'The discrete charm of Niels Bohr'. 1985. February TV Anglo-American relations. July TV Newsnight ‘After the bomb; the first forty years’. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Radio, television, films 1986-1987. June TV Anglo-American wartime collaboration. January 1987 TV Quantum phenomena. May Radio 4 'Profile’. 1988. May Radio 4 British nuclear weapons programme. Includes script. August World Service. Includes synopsis. Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project. 199i. August TV Horizon ‘Hitler's Bomb’. 1992. Open University. Channel Four Television F.8 1985 ‘Unstable Elements’. September World Service. Chicago pile experiment. Correspondence on programme ‘Scientists remember Germany 1918-1945' in Open University series 'Science and Belief’. Includes transcript. 1984-1986 'Britain's Bomb’. 1986 Radiation and nuclear power. 1987 'Peace in our time’. Yorkshire Television F.9 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Miscellaneous Radio, television, films a0 Shorter correspondence 1986-1995 with UK television and radio companies and independent producers. Similar material 1982-1989 for overseas radio and television companies. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION G COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, CONSULTANCIES AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS See also E.61-E.63 for material on Physics Today, a publication of the AIP. 1973-1987. Includes correspondence on Science Museum London as a repository for the Archive for the History of Quantum Physics, and of deposit of Peierls’s collection of historical material in the Niels Bohr Library of the AIP. 1992-1993. Mainly on proposed book by Peierls in AIP Masters of Modern Physics series. ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL CSAC 52/6/77. F.3. Correspondence 1960, 1963 inviting Peierls to accept a consultancy in the Theoretical Physics Division. In his autobiography (Bird of Passage 324) Peierls describes the episode in 1957 which had led him to resign his previous Harwell consultancy. He declined the 1960 invitation. When it was renewed in 1963 at a time when those involved in the original affair were no longer with the Authority, he reconsidered his position and accepted. and others. Administrative correspondence on appointment, renewals, fees, etc. 1965- 1990. Correspondence on research problems and publications at Harwell 1964- 1979. Similar material 1982-1992, including correspondence on Peierls’s wartime files at Harwell and in Public Record Office, comments on papers by Peierls R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 BRITISH COUNCIL G.7 Committees, societies, consultancies Invitations to lecture and visit under Council auspices 1964-1970, declined after extensive negotiations. See J.14, J.59 for later visits undertaken under the sponsorship of the British Council. CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Peierls’s Correspondence and papers 1975-1994 on the cataloguing of papers, arrangements for their deposit and access in Bodleian Library, also on other scientific collections. 1975-1980. 1981-1988, 1994. G.10 G.11 EINSTEIN ARCHIVES die Frihzeit der Quantenmekanik’, published in Invitation to join International Advisory Board 1988. DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA General correspondence 1981-1992 on Peierls’s election to the Academy, donation of books to the library, formal birthday greetings, Peierls’s lecture 'Erinnerungen an the Academy's Yearbook 1990. Includes draft of lecture. Encounters’. Peierls was planning to attend a meeting in May 1995. FUNDACION BBV (Madrid) 1992-1995 about meetings and _ ‘Cross-Cultural G.11A Correspondence R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Committees, societies, consultancies INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCED STUDIES (ISTAS) G.12 Correspondence and papers 1993, Spanish research institute. International Committee. 1995 about this new Portuguese- the invitation join Peierls accepted an to NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WASHINGTON (NAS) G.13 Peierls’s election as Foreign Associate 1970, and miscellaneous personal information. Correspondence 1986-1992 on NAS Committee on Human Rights; Peierls was a ‘correspondent’. Includes information and some letters by him to various authorities about human rights cases notified by the committee. ROYAL SOCIETY See also CSAC 52/6/77 F.35-F.40. SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE 1973. Possible visit to China after retirement. 1987-1993. Mainly on visits and publications. A chronological sequence of relatively minor correspondence. AQOA. Advisory Council in December 1987. Peierls became a member of Brief correspondence 1985, GA? 1986. the R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Committees, societies, consultancies SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL (SERC) Correspondence 1981-1993 about Peierls’s consultancy at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Neutron Division. See also J.75. Appointment, renewal, fees 1982, 1993. Visits, research plans, draft papers 1981-1982. Correspondence and controversy on ‘Short wavelength sound modes in liquid argon’, 1984. Correspondence 1984, 1986 mainly with M. Warner on entropy. Correspondence 1987-1992. R. E. -Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION H UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SEATTLE APPOINTMENTS, VISITS, RESEARCH H.11 -H.15 LECTURES AND TEACHING H.16 - H.25 SCIENTIFIC AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Peierls devotes several pages of his autobiography to Seattle. Of the origins of his connection with the University he writes: Of other visits the most significant was a six-month sabbatical in Seattle in 1967. | had already been there for a month in 1962 to attend a summer "workshop", and had come back enchanted with the situation of Seattle, surrounded by water and accepted with delight. The Battelle Distinguished Professorship was supported by the Battelle Memorial Institute, an industrial research organisation that was setting up a new research and conference centre in Seattle and was kindly disposed toward the university. | was the first holder of this chair. (Bird of Passage 314) department of the University of Washington When | received the invitation to be a visiting professor in Seattle in 1967, | by mountains, and | was most enthusiastic about the people in the physics Consequently, as he explains, ‘Seattle became a kind of second home, and we returned for a month many friendships and research collaborations. or two in most of the following years'; on his retirement from Oxford in 1974 he accepted a part-time after this 'second retirement’ in 1977 he continued to make frequent shorter visits and maintained Professorship for six months in the year until the retiring age (70) of the University of Washington, partly, as he puts it, 'to implement the Oxford injunction to keep out of my successor's hair’. Even R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 University of Washington, Seattle For these reasons the material on Seattle has been treated as a separate section rather than being incorporated into the sequence of shorter visits in section J. APPOINTMENTS, VISITS, RESEARCH A chronological sequence of exchanges with administrative and scientific colleagues, including invitations and renewals, financial and administrative organisation, faculty and lecture arrangements, research and publications etc. 1966-1990. Because of the changes over time in departmental or university functions, there is some overlap with the personal correspondence files at H.16-H.25. Invitation to 1966. biographical note prepared by Institute Colloquium on Dislocation Dynamics (Bird of Passage 315-316). visit as Battelle Distinguished Professor of Physics, Battelle Peierls, arrangements, also for CSAC 52/6/77 E.11. June 1967-December 1968. 1971, 1972 (includes mention of longer post-retirement visits), 1973. 1975, 1976. note by Peierls on ‘Experience in problems of policy and ‘Regular 1974. related Professor' (not 'Visiting Professor). matters', arrangements for Includes a Peierls’s appointment as R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 University of Washington, Seattle Includes a little correspondence on absorption spectra, Peierls’s 1977. outline for his course on 'Surprises in theoretical physics' and for seminar on arms control, Professor Emeritus. with appointment as farewell party, and his 1978-1981. 1985-1990. LECTURES AND TEACHING 5pp manuscript notes for century physics, probably given at Seattle. a lecture on key dates in the history of 20th solid state physics, 1975-1976. Essay topics for Physics 520 course, Summer 1973. Seminar on arms control and disarmament, 1976 and 1977. Bibliography, list of ‘study topics', outline for seminar topics, 2pp 'Comments on the "neutron bomb" ‘ by Peierls. Lectures on Includes plans, synopsis, problem and solution sheets for Physics 568, 569 courses, Winter 1975, Spring 1976. Information, Peierls’s notes. Peierls’s ‘Einstein and his Einstein commemorative lecture on centenary of Einstein's birth, given on 14 March 1979 at Seattle. the early days of quantum physics', part in R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 University of Washington, Seattle SCIENTIFIC AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Bodansky, D. 1975-1976, 1982, 1983. Includes detailed correspondence 1976 on nuclear waste disposal. H.17-H.21 Dash, J. G. and others 1967-1989. Peierls writes (Bird of Passage 316): '| became particularly interested in the work of Greg Dash and his group on monatomic layers’. They collaborated in several papers 1970-1982. Correspondence is mainly on research and publications. personal material. Not all Dash's letters are dated. There is a little 1967-1969. 1972-1975. 1976-1978. Mainly personal. 1979-1989 and undated. Henley, E.M. 1974, 1986, 1989. Geballe, R. and M. various dates 1974-1993. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 University of Washington, Seattle Shorter personal correspondence from friends at Seattle. Miscellaneous correspondence with owners of houses in Seattle rented by the Peierls. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION J VISITS, LECTURES, CONFERENCES J.1 - J.143 This section illustrates exceptionally well the appropriateness of Peierls’s title Bird of Passage for his autobiography, covering as it does principally the period after 1974 when he and Genia could indulge their love of travel and the nomadic life. There were a few fixed points, such as the part-time professorship which Peierls called ‘one foot in Seattle’ (dealt with in section H), regular visits to Orsay and Saclay, and attendance at the annual Pugwash Conferences which are documented in section C. Occasionally Peierls would accept longer commitments of several months, in Sydney, Leiden or Brazil for example, and he and Genia usually spent the summer months in their Oxford home. Generally speaking, however, they arranged a number of short visits in a careful sequence which allowed them to circumnavigate the world more or less annually. Many of these visits, especially as the Peierls got into their nomadic stride, required lengthy planning and correspondence extending over several years. They are also sometimes difficult to date precisely, and are certainly not all fully documented; in this respect Peierls’s circular letters to his family and friends (A.26, A.27) are invaluable in keeping track of their movements. all topics given mainly in the 1980s, received after his death. Summer School on Particle Physics, Erice, Sicily, 14-31 July 1974. The main sequence (J.1-J.121) is of visits fulfilled. Invitations to lecture and visit which Peierls declined are at J.122 and J.123-J.128 respectively. travels and continued them with little slackening until his own health became more frail. An Addendum at J.129-J.143 contains notes, drafts and information relating to Peierls’s lectures on After Genia's death in 1986, there is a gap in the foreign engagements, but Peierls soon resumed his Correspondence 1974-1976 re conference and publication. This was the first occasion on which Peierls gave a historical talk, on 'The glorious days of physics'. It proved very popular, was often asked for and repeated, and, as Peierls says, ‘audience reaction... led to the idea of writing The lecture was published in the my memoirs’. Bird of Passage 312-313. Proceedings ed. A. Zichichi 1975, and a Spanish version 'Mi vida come fisico, los dias gloriosos de la fisica', given in Mexico was published in Naturalezza 7, 1976. R. E: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Visit to University of Sydney and other universities in Australia, September - December 1974. Peierls was a Visiting Professor at Sydney October-December 1974 before going on to Seattle (Bird of Passage 328-329). Correspondence, arrangements, etc. 1973-1976. Visits and lectures in North America during stay in Seattle, February-May 1975. 19 February University of California, Los Angeles. 6 March 20 March 8 May University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Princeton, The Donald Ross Hamilton Lecture. University of Oregon, Eugene. Visits to Instituto de Fisica, Mexico, July 1975 and February 1976. Passage 329-330). (Bird of Lorenz Professor at Leiden, October 1975 - January 1976 (Bird of Passage 330). Correspondence 1974-1976, arrangements for visit and lectures at Nijmegen and Antwerp during stay. Correspondence 1974-1976, arrangements, some scientific correspondence arising. he Visiting Professor for the ‘Winter Quarter’, University of California Los Angeles, January-March 1977 (Bird of Passage 331). Peierls gave the Physics 261 Course on ‘Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics’. German Physical Society Discussion Meeting, Bonn, 11 September 1976. University of Southampton, Physical Society, 26 October 1976. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Correspondence 1977, arrangements, lecture schedules, also reference to Peierls’s undertaking the Hans Bethe Lectures at Cornell during his visit (J.9 below). First Hans Bethe lecturer, Cornell University, 10 January - 1977. Given during Peierls visit to UCLA (J.8) (Bird of Passage 331). 10 February Correspondence 1976-1977, lecture schedule. Symposium on the History of Nuclear Physics, University of Minnesota, 18- 21 May 1977. Peierls spoke on 'The development of our ideas on the nuclear forces', his talk being published in Nuclear Physics in Retrospect ed. H. Stuewer, 1979. R. Correspondence 1976-1979, arrangements, topics, participants, publication, a little correspondence on historical topics with H. A. Bethe. Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette (Paris), des Correspondence, 1977-1981. Correspondence 1977-1978. Morris Loeb Lecturer, Harvard University, 17-23 April 1978. Institut November 1977 - May 1978. Hautes Peierls lectured on ‘Recollections of the early days of quantum mechanics’. Correspondence 1978, arrangements, Peierls’s report to British Council. Theoretical Physics Group, Coimbra University, Portugal, 29 October - 12 November 1978. Visit sponsored by the British Council. Peierls Nazionale dei Lincei. was a Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, May 1978. Correspondence 1977-1978, arrangements. 'Professore Ospite Linceo', sponsored by Accademia R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Sussex University, visit and lecture, 26 October 1978. Correspondence, 1978. Bristol University, visit and lecture, 27 November 1978. Correspondence, 1978. Neils Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, 10 December 1978 - April 1979. Correspondence 1976-1978, includes correspondence 1938 by Niels Bohr appealing for release from prison of L. Landau. Visits to USA undertaken during stay at Copenhagen (J.17), March 1979. 4-9 March, Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, Symposium. Einstein Centennial 9-13 March, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. E. Brown ‘'Model-making in physics', was published in Correspondence 1978-1979. Peierls’s Contemporary Physics 7, 1980. lecture on The Cherwell-Simon Lecture, Oxford, 4 May 1979. Correspondence 1978 with University of California Los Angeles on proposed visit for ‘Spring Quarter’, cancelled for lack of funds. Correspondence 1978-1980, contract, arrangements. Peierls was a 'Short term research collaborator’, working with G. and members of the nuclear theory group, on quantum field theory. Stony Brook, New York, 8-15 May 1979. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Institut de la Vie Conference 'De la physique théorique a la biologie’, Vienna. 9-13 July 1979. Peierls remarks were published in the proceedings (Springer). Correspondence 1977-1980, arrangements, programme. Institute September - 30 October 1979. Stefan' ‘Jozef Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and other institutes, 1 Correspondence scientific correspondence; includes one letter 1987 after a short visit not otherwise recorded. arrangements, 1978-1979, topics, little a_ Visits to Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, November 1979 - January 1980, 28 August - end September 1980. The visits were made in connection with the preparation of Vol. 9 (Nuclear Physics) of Bohr's collected works, published 1986 (Bird of Passage 333). with with colleagues about Not used. Institute and Travel and accommodation arrangements. Wolfson Lecture, Oxford, 28 January 1980. edition, Includes mention of Correspondence recollections of Bohr, work in early nuclear theory, etc. ‘Intrepid’ film misrepresenting Bohr's wartime role (Bird of Passage 334). Correspondence 1979-1980. Peierls gave the second lecture 'The physical world - particles and forces' in the Wolfson Lecture Series on 'The nature of matter’. Correspondence 1979-1980, arrangements, draft outline of Peierls’s talk. Stanford University, California, 19 February - 2 March 1980. Visit to Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences University of Sao Paolo, Brazil, 5 March - end May 1980. 334-335). (Bird of Passage Correspondence personal correspondence with G. Beck and H. M. Nussenzveig. arrangements, 1977-1980, invitation, including some Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay, Paris, months. 3 November 1980 for two Correspondence 1980. Institut Laue-Langevin and Institut des Sciences Nucléaires, Grenoble, and 6 February 1981. 4 Visits and lectures. Correspondence 1980-1981. Rice University, Houston, Texas, 6-12 March 1981. social correspondence. Lengthy forward little was Peierls gave the William V. Houston Memorial Lecture, and other seminars. Visit to Japan, including Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima and other centres, 24 March - 17 April 1981 (Bird of Passage 335-336). Correspondence 1978-1982, arrangements, itinerary, lecture topics, a personal and planning required because of Peierls’s peregrinations. ye Peierls was Visiting Professor at the department of Physics where a former pupil P. K. Kabir (Bird of Passage 241) was professor. Peierls received an Honorary D.Sc. at the Spring Convocation, and gave a physics colloquium talk. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 16 October - 30 November 1981. University of Chicago, 10-12 June 1981. Correspondence 1981-1982. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Correspondence correspondence on work in hand and some personal correspondence. 1978-1982, planning, topics, little a_ scientific University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 25 February - 3 March 1982. Correspondence 1982. University of Sydney and other centres, 5-24 March 1982. Correspondence 1982, arrangements for various visits and Australia. lectures in University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 30 March - 2 April 1982. Correspondence 1982. Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, May 1982. ‘The neutron and its applications’, Peierls spent a month as Emeritus Professor. Anniversary 50th Conference on Cambridge, 13-17 September 1982. Correspondence 1981-1983, arrangements, some scientific correspondence on momentum of light. The conference was organised by the Institute of Physics. Peierls served on the International Advisory Panel and gave detailed advice on organisation and topics. ‘Winter College' February - March 1984. Peierls was Visiting Professor, this being his first visit to Germany since the war for more than a few days. (Bird of Passage 337-338). Correspondence 1981-1983, including invitation to lecture again in Munich at Correspondence 1980-1982, programme and comments. Physics department, November 1982. October - 17 Technical University, Munich, 17 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Max Planck Institute of Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, 18 November 1982. Correspondence 1982, arrangements and topics for colloquium. University of Sussex Physical Society, 20 January 1983. Peierls lectured on 'The beginnings of neutron physics’. Correspondence 1982. Center for Theoretical Physics, April 1983. University of Texas at Austin, 20 March - 6 Brief correspondence 1982-1983. Pennsylvania State University, 6-8 April 1983. Peierls gave the E. W. Mueller Memorial Lecture on ‘Recollections of the early days of quantum mechanics’, and a seminar. Correspondence 1982-1983, schedule. Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, 14-15 April 1983. Rockefeller University, New York, 9-12 April 1983. Correspondence, 1982-1983. 40th Anniversary Reunion Meeting (Bird of Passage 338). Peierls’s paper ‘Models, hypotheses and approximations’ was published in New Directions in Physics ed. N. Metropolis et a/, Academic Press 1987. Correspondence 1983, arrangements. Peierls spent two weeks as Visiting Fellow before going to the summer school at Varenna (J.48). Correspondence 1982-1987, arrangements, programme, publication. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 14-30 June 1983. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences ‘Enrico Fermi School’ of ‘Highlights in Condensed Matter Theory, Varenna, Italy, 29 June - 16 July 1983. Peierls gave three lectures on 'Momentum of published in Highlights of Condensed-Matter Theory ed. M. Tosi, 1985. light and sound in matter’, Correspondence, 1982-1983. Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Vienna, 15-16 November 1983. Commemorative meeting 'Wolfang Pauli and the physics of our time’ on 25th anniversary of the death of Pauli. ich von Pauli?', to be published in a volume of writings by and about Pauli. Peierls spoke on 'Was lernt Correspondence, 1983-1984, includes text of Peierls’s lecture. Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, 29 December 1983. Brief correspondence, 1983. Santa Monica, California, 23-30 January 1984. Brief correspondence, 1983. 1983-1985, arrangements, personal Brief correspondence 1983, arrangements, lecture topics. Stanford University, California, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), 12-19 January 1984. forbidden states, "Lorentz expansion" ', Physica Scripta 33, 1986. correspondence, Correspondence Peierls’s ‘Activity report’, continuing correspondence with collaborators R. Schrieffer and F. Guinea about paper on 'Shape of solitons in classically Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, February-March 1984. R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences University of Toronto, 10-17 May 1984. Peierls gave the H. L. Welsh Lectures in Physics. Correspondence, 1983-1984, arrangements, topics. IBM Corporation, New York, 21-23 May 1984. Visit and talk in ‘Distinguished Lecturer’ series and also under contract as ‘independent consultant’. Correspondence 1982-1984, invitations, schedule of engagements. Rockefeller University, New York, 24-26 May 1984. Correspondence 1983-1984, includes a little scientific correspondence. Institut December 1984 - 31 January 1985. Hautes Etudes des Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, Paris, 5 information, publication of Proceedings Correspondence, 1984-1985. The symposium was organised by Boeringer Ingelheim International GmbH. Correspondence (including short contributions by Peierls). 1984-1985, 5th Symposium on ‘Science, Medicine and the Community: the last hundred years', Kronberg, West Germany, 8-11 May 1985. fee Peierls visited the Theoretical Physics Research Institute Helsinki 3-15 June, and attended the Symposium on 'The Foundations of Modern Physics: 50 years of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Gedankenexperiment’. The visit was supported by the British Council and a copy of his report is included. Peierls served on the Advisory Committee of the Joensuu Conference and gave a paper on ‘Observations in quantum mechanics and the "Collapse of the wave function" ', a draft of which is also included. Helsinki and Joensuu, Finland, 3-21 June 1985. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences In the course of his stay in Helsinki, Peierls made a short visit to Leningrad (J.60 below). of Correspondence with Theoretical Joensuu Conference 1983-1985 including comments on programme and a copy of Peierls’s paper. Council 1984-1985, with Research Institute British Helsinki organisers Physics 1985, with of Leningrad, USSR, 5-9 June 1985. Visits to various institutes undertaken at the start of visit to Helsinki (J.59). Correspondence 1984-1985, invitations, arrangements. Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Lund, Sweden, 2-3 October 1985, Correspondence 1984-1985, including discussion of ‘The improbable war' and nuclear weapons. Visit undertaken between the two parts of celebrations in Copenhagen (J.62, J.63 below). the Niels Bohr centennial 'The of Nuclear Niels Challenge Armaments’, Correspondence 1984-1985, arrangements, participants. Centennial Copenhagen, 26-30 September 1985. Symposium on Peierls gave a paper ‘Is there any logic in the arms race?' See also J.74. NB The Centenary of locations. UK (J.64-J.66). Bohr's birth was marked by events in many Peierls attended those in Copenhagen (J.62, J.63) and several in Centennial Volume, Harvard University Press 1985). This covered both physics and other fields Birthday Dinner on the anniversary day (7 October). dinner, apparently in less than perfect acoustic conditions. Correspondence 1984-1985, arrangements, programme, draft of Peierls’s after-dinner speech and also of his 'Recollections of Niels Bohr' (published in ‘Niels Bohr Centenary Symposium' Copenhagen, 4-7 October 1985. interest and included a Peierls spoke at the of R. E.. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Bohr Centenary Symposium, University of Edinburgh, 10 October 1985. Correspondence 1985. University of Birmingham, 16 October 1985. Peierls gave a 'Physics Open Lecture’ on Bohr. Correspondence 1985. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 23 October 1985. Peierls lectured on Bohr, who had been elected a member of the society in 1914. Correspondence 1985. She made a Visit postponed from October 1985. Cornell University, 7-12 March 1986. NB Genia Peierls’s health had given cause for concern during the summer of 1985 and deteriorated rapidly in October. Peierls kept his engagement in Manchester (J.66) without her, but other plans had to be postponed. Her condition, diagnosed as a non-malignant brain tumour causing excess fluid pressure, was surgically relieved by draining. rapid recovery and they were able to resume their nomadic life together until, in the following October, an unexpected cerebral haemorrhage occurred from which she did not recover. Department of Physics and also meeting in Department of History. Columbia University, New York, 12-19 March 1986. Correspondence 1985-1986, lecture arrangements. Visit postponed from November 1985. Correspondence 1985-1986, arrangements for visit and seminar in R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences ‘International Conference and Symposium on Unified Concepts of Many Body Problems’, Stony Brook, New York, 4-6 September 1986. Conference held in honour of 60th birthday of G. E. Brown. Peierls gave an after-dinner talk and also contributed a Preface to the Proceedings with recollections at Birmingham. acquaintance Brown dating 1949 from with his of Correspondence 1986, programme, draft of Peierls’s preface. NB Genia Peierls died 29 October 1986. Forum of Scientists on 'The drastic reduction and final elimination of nuclear weapons’, Moscow, 14-17 February 1987. Peierls spoke in Session 2 on 'Nuclear disarmament and European security’. Correspondence, programme, participants, notes for Peierls’s talk, a little material relating to meeting 11-13 July 1986 of 'The initiative group’ which was a forerunner of the 'Forum'. Peierls’s name appears on participants list. Correspondence 1986-1987. Correspondence 1986-1987, schedule. University of Pennsylvania, 7-10 April 1987. Peierls gave a Statutory Public Lecture, and other talks. Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies, 8-11 March 1987. Peierls gave the Primakoff Lecture, and other lectures, and was also interviewed on WHYY Radio Philadelphia. scientific correspondence. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 10-13 April 1987. Correspondence 1986-1987 on lectures and talks, a little personal and R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Oxford Project for Peace Studies, 27 May 1987. Peierls gave a lecture 'Is there any logic in the arms race?’ in the Oxford Peace Lectures series, which was published by the Group in 1988. Correspondence 1986-1988, including draft prepared for publication in which Peierls says he has ‘incorporated a number of the points raised in the discussion’ and another 7pp text of lecture with same title, probably that given at Bohr Centennial Symposium (J.62). Institute for Scientific Interchange, Turin, 29 June - 3 July 1987. Workshop on Scientific Opportunities using The Pulsed Neutron Facility ISIS (at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory). Correspondence 1986, ‘Comparison of liquids and solids' and 'Momentum and pseudomomentum'’. abstracts Peierls, given talks two for by on Landau Institute Moscow and Nuclear Physics Institute Leningrad, 25 October - 8 November 1987. J.77, J.78 India, 9 November - 5 December 1987. Visit planned for 1986 and postponed following Genia Peierls’s illness and death. Correspondence 1986-1988, arrangements, including letters of thanks and of condolence. This extended visit, which followed immediately on those to Moscow and Leningrad, had also been planned for 1986 and deferred after Genia Peierls’s death. 1985-1986. The main purpose was to deliver the Royal Society Rutherford Memorial Lecture, on ‘Rutherford and Bohr’, published in Notes and Records of the Royal Society 42, 1988, see D.97, D.98 for Peierls’s notes and drafts. The visit expanded to include visits and lectures in Bombay, Poona, Bangalore, Mysore and Calcutta; the smog in city induced an attack of bronchitis which incapacitated Peierls for a while on his return. Correspondence 1985-1988 with Royal Society and with colleagues in India, invitations, arrangements, lecture topics, schedules and itineraries, letters of thanks. last the R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences 1987-1988. University of California Los Angeles, 31 January - 14 February 1988. Peierls was ‘Regents’ Lecturer’ in the Department of Physics and also addressed an International Security Seminar. Correspondence 1987-1988 on problems, letters of thanks. visit, including discussion of arms race University of California Santa Barbara, 14 February - 13 March 1988. Correspondence 1986-1988. Stanford University California, 14-15 March 1988. Visit and seminar at Center for International Security and Arms Control (CISAC). received an Honorary Degree on 15 May. of Much Correspondence 1987-1988. Correspondence 1986-1988. University of Coimbra, Portugal, 10-19 May 1988. Peierls the correspondence is concerned with the elaborate procedural and sartorial arrangements, involving a personally-tailored cloak and gown which Peierls sometimes wore subsequently at formal occasions in Oxford. Correspondence 1988, information, participants, programme. International conference on ‘International security without nuclear weapons’, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 3-5 June 1988. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Landau Commemorative Conference, Tel Aviv, 6-10 June 1988. Peierls served on the International Scientific Advisory Committee, advised on speakers, topics, etc. and spoke on ‘Landau in the 1930s’, published in Frontiers of Physics (Landau Memorial Conference), Pergamon Press 1990. Correspondence 1986-1988, manuscript of Peierls’s talk. Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, 20 June 1988. Peierls gave his conference. lecture on ‘Rutherford and Bohr' in the course of a Correspondence 1988, includes Peierls’s notes on papers or speeches given at conference. International Security and Disarmament: the Workshop on the scientific academies, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 23-25 June 1988. role of Landau Institute Moscow and Leningrad, 4-12 September 1988. Correspondence 1988. Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires, Saclay, 21 September - 20 October 1988. These were E. Amaldi, which Peierls usually Peierls chaired a session and spoke on ‘Europe and SDI'. annual conferences, first organised by attended and addressed. Correspondence 1988, information, participants, programme, manuscript of Peierls remarks. Correspondence 1988, arrangements. Correspondence 1988, arrangements. Institut de Physique Nucléaire, Orsay, 24 October - November 1988. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences University University of California, Irvine, 27 March - 14 April 1989. California, Santa Barbara, 28 February - of 19 April, and Planning for these visits was conducted in includes attendance at a conference on ‘Science and Technology in Global Conflict and Cooperation’, University of California, Davis, 3-4 March 1989. parallel, and also Correspondence 1988-1989, arrangements. Conference on Standards and Technology, Maryland, 26-28 April 1989. ‘Fifty Years with Nuclear Fission’, National Institute of Peierls spoke on ‘Early work in Copenhagen and England’. Correspondence 1988-1989, manuscript of Peierls’s talk. Second Niels Bohr Symposium on 'Global Issues in an Open World: From Confrontation to Cooperation’, University of Copenhagen, 18-25 May 1989. Peierls served on the advisory board. Peierls spoke on the early days of fission discovery. Correspondence 1988-1989. Correspondence 1989. Correspondence 1988-1989, information, planning, participants, programme. Conference on 'The Role of the Scientific Academies', Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 4-7 June 1989. One-day symposium to mark 50th anniversary of nuclear fission, organised by Belgian Nuclear Society and Belgian Physical Society, Brussels, 31 May 1989. Brief correspondence, manuscript of Peierls’s 'Notes for Trieste Talk’. Symposium and Workshop on Condensed Matter, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 1-15 August 1989. This was the last to be organised by E. Amaldi, who died in January 1990. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Symposium and Festschrift for 70th birthday of L. Radicati, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 11 October 1989. Peierls chaired a session and contributed a contribution 'Remarks about broken symmetries’. Correspondence 1988-1990. Oxford University Scientific Society, 13 February 1990. Peierls spoke on ‘Nuclear weapons: how did we get there and where are we going?’ Correspondence 1989. International Conference on ‘Transition away from confrontation towards cooperation’, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 4-7 June 1990. This and subsequent conferences were organised by G. Salvini, successor of on environmental pollution. Accademia. President Amaldi Peierls spoke the as of E. Brief correspondence 1990. Yugoslavia, 9-15 October 1990. Tonbridge School, Kent, 17 October 1990. Correspondence 1990, information, participants, programme. Peierls addressed the Upper Sixth Form on 'Nuclear Weapons'. A last letter from D. Tadic, 1995, is also included here. The main purpose of the visit was to attend a Symposium to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ‘'Rudjer BoSkovic' Institute Zagreb and the 75th birthday of its founder |. Supek. Peierls gave a talk on ‘People in the early days of quantum mechanics’, published in Fizika (Zagreb) 1992, and also visited friends in Ljubljana. Correspondence references to the political situation, and transcript of Peierls’s talk. 1990-1992 on publication, including some visit and R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Moscow and Leningrad, 18 November - 3 December 1990. Visits to laboratories and institutions under the Royal Society Exchange Scheme. During the visit Peierls was formally received as a Foreign Member by the USSR Academy of Sciences. Correspondence 1990-1991. Yoshio Nishina Centennial Symposium on 'Evolutional Trends of Physical Science', Tokyo, 5-7 December 1990. end', Peierls spoke on Evolutionary Trends in the Physical Sciences, Springer 1991. 'Does physics ever come to an published in Correspondence 1990-1991, invitation, programme, participants, letters of thanks, notes (in large print) for Peierls’s talk. Osaka, 8-15 December 1990. Peierls visited Osaka after the Tokyo symposium and before leaving for California. University of California, Berkeley, December 1990. Correspondence 1990-1991. Correspondence 1990-1991, arrangements, letters of thanks. Symposium commemorating J. S. Bell, CERN, Switzerland, May 1991. Correspondence 1990-1991, arrangements, programme. Symposium on ‘Novel Trends in Nuclear Physics’ to honour 70th birthday of M. Preston, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 16-17 May 1991. Correspondence 1991. Peierls gave the after-dinner speech. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Princeton University, 28-31 May 1991. Correspondence 1991. Fudan University, Shanghai, 25-26 September 1991. Peierls visited after the Pugwash Conference in Beijing (C.25). Correspondence 1991, arrangements, letters of thanks for this visit and for hospitality in Beijing. Conference to mark centenary of the birth of Liverpool, 16 October 1991. J. Chadwick, University of Peierls spoke on ‘Chadwick's work during World War II' (later published in Notes and Records ... see D.12). Correspondence 1991-1993. Brief correspondence 1991. See also D.12. Imperial College, London, 22 January 1992. Peierls gave a Departmental Colloquium on ‘Observations in quantum mechanics’. Correspondence, programme. Cambridge, 14-17 June 1992. Chadwick Centenary Conference, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 18 October 1991. Correspondence 1991-1992. Peierls gave the Dirac Memorial Lecture, on 'Broken Symmetries' on 15 June, and also various seminars and many social engagements. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences International Meeting organised by American Nuclear Society and European Nuclear Society to commemorate ‘Fifty Years Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction: Past, Present and Future’, Chicago, 15-20 November 1992. Correspondence 1992-1993, including draft ‘Consensus Statement of the Nuclear Pioneers' drawn up for the meeting, and Peierls’s comments on it. Peierls this meeting. to Urbana-Champaign (J.114) immediately after went on University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 20-27 November 1992. This visit had originally been planned for March 1992, to follow a conference organised by the American Physical Society History of Physics Division at Indianapolis, at which Peierls was to deliver a talk. Both visits had to be cancelled because of Peierls’s ill-health, but his paper 'Early work on solids, mainly in the thirties' was read for him by D. Pines and was published in Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 1993. He was able to fulfill a programme of lectures and visits in November. Correspondence 1991-1993 relating Illinois visits, schedule, draft of paper, publication arrangements. Indianapolis conference and to to Enrico Fermi on the occasion of the and Condensed Matter Sheffield, December 1992. Correspondence 1992-1993, including comments by Peierls on draft papers prepared by colleagues for the meeting. Peierls attended and spoke on ‘An outline of physics in the world from 1920 to 1945' (to be published in the Atti Dei Convegni Lincei). Symposium dedicated to 50th anniversary of the first reactor, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 8-11 December 1992. Brief correspondence 1992. Peierls attended and gave the after-dinner speech at the conference dinner on 16 December. Conference, University Materials Physics of R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences University of Leiden, Huygens Laboratory, 17-20 February 1993. Peierls gave an 'Ehrenfest Colloquium’, and other talks and discussions. Correspondence 1992-1993, schedule. Photographs of Peierls lecturing are at A.194, A.195. University of Maryland, 3-7 May 1993. Correspondence 1993. Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm and other universities and institutes in Sweden, May - 2 June 1993. Correspondence 1992-1993. St Petersburg, 20-26 September 1993. Visit to the loffe Physico-Technical Institute for 75th anniversary celebratory meeting. Brief correspondence 1994 declining invitation to Amaldi conference in Amaldi Conference on 'A contribution to Peace and International Security’, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 27-29 September 1993. Correspondence 1992-1993, includes notification of Peierls’s election as Honourable Member of the loffe Institute 1992, formally conferred during the meeting. research Peierls contributed a paper on ‘Technology transfer through He training’, and was to chair a session on the role of the United Nations. was taken ill with pneumonia and spent some time in hospital in Rome and on his return to Oxford. Warsaw because of ill health. outlines for discussion Correspondence 1993, programme, participants, session and for Peierls’s paper, later correspondence re illness, letters of thanks. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences Miscellaneous brief correspondence on conferences and visits not otherwise documented 1978-1993. Technion, Israel 1978. Institute of Physics, 1982. Scuola Normale, Pisa 1984. Institute of Physics History of Physics Conference 1986. Brookhaven National Laboratory 1987. Stanford University Leonard L Schiff Lectureship 1990. University of California Los Angeles 1990. Amaldi Conference 1991. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1992. Imperial College London 1993. Birmingham 1993. J.122 J.123-J.128 to conferences and offers visiting including Some of the correspondence in hand, or of Invitations declined Invitations to lecture, give seminars, etc. 1973-1994. visits, Invitations professorships or longer-stay attachments. may contain information on research programmes planned or personal news. 1977-1979. 1971-1976. 1966-1969. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences 1980-1985. cancelled because of Genia Peierls’s illness. Several invitations for the later part of this period had to be 1986-1989. 1990-1993. ADDENDUM Notes and drafts for lectures, received after Peierls’s death. They include topics in nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, history of science, personal recollections, nuclear weapons and disarmament. Peierls’s list of lecture topics and materials required. ‘Broken Symmetry’. ‘Momentum and Pseudomomentum'’. Outline, diagrams and illustrations. Outline, diagrams and illustrations. Detailed tables of titles, places and frequency of lectures, 1975-1993. ‘Cherwell-Simon lecture’ Oxford, see J.19, 1979. ‘Cranking Model’. Notes. Dated Lectures J.133 R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Visits, lectures, conferences ‘Relaxation time’, Saclay 1980. ‘History of the shell model’, Orme 1980. ‘Clarendon Colloquium’, Oxford 1982. ‘Seattle - March 1986’. ‘Rutherford and Bohr' (see J.77, J.78) 1986. ‘Livermore’ 1989. Undated Lectures (with some indication of place) J.140 Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Lund, Rome, Santa Barbara, Toronto. Stockholm, Technology, Turin. Universities of Virginia, Washington, Columbia, Stanford. Miscellaneous notes. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION K CORRESPONDENCE K.1 - K.124 K.1 - K.106 SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals, in alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. K.107 - K.121 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In alphabetical order, indexed. K.122 - K.124 UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Includes a copy of Abragam's paper Amaldi, E. 1982-1989 Abragam, A. 1982-1987 all dated. Peierls’s letter Includes letter Mainly personal correspondence. ‘Théorie ou expérience: un débat archaique’. Brief correspondence, not discusses 'Two-meson hypothesis'. Amaldi's death. of Genia Peierls and her family; announcement of Andronikashvili's death. Publications, especially on the history of 20th century physics; recollections Controversy and publications in Physics Today on ‘broken symmetries’. 15 of April 1982 of condolence on Andronikashvili, E.L. 1981-1989 Anderson, P. W. 1990-1991 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Angelidis, T.D. and others. 1977-1978, 1983-1989 Comments by Peierls on papers and theories by Angelidis. Includes a letter 1985 by Peierls to Karl Popper on errors in Angelidis's paper on ‘Bell's Theorem’. Baierlein, R. 1990-1991 Physics teaching; definitions of 'mass'. Bazley, T. 1983-1992 Mainly on nuclear power, reactor safety and weapons. Bazley on ‘Religion and realism’ with some comments by Peierls. Includes essay by Bell, J. S. various dates 1977-1991 Correspondence, publications and discussions on quantum mechanics, measurement, apparatus, re-assessment of methods and interpretations in physics. 1977, 1980-1985. 1990-1991. Bell died suddenly in October 1990 while Peierls was preparing a paper replying to Bell's article ‘Against "measurement" ' in Physics World, August 1990. Correspondence 1992 discusses Heisenberg and the 'Farm Hall Tapes’. Hans Bethe and his wife Rose (née Ewald) were among Peierls’s oldest friends (Bird of Passage passim). The letters and cards deal with personal, historical and scientific matters; they continue the early material in CSAC 52/6/77 but with several gaps in the chronology. Bethe, H. A. and R. various dates 1975-1994 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Birman, J. L. Momentum. Blair, G. Single-photon experiment. Boon, M. and others. 1982-1983 Research results on 'spin’. Bretscher, H. 1987, 1990-1993 On Egon Bretscher, and authorship of a 1940 report on plutonium. copies of 1940 and 1946 letters and notes. Includes Burt, M.G. various dates 1974-1992 Bird of Passage 305 Brown, G.E. and T. various dates 1979-1993 Personal and scientific correspondence, including letters to Genia Peierls. Brown came to work with Peierls in Birmingham in 1949 and became a lifelong friend; he lodged with the Peierls and was married from their house (Bird of Passage 231-232). Peierls. Burt was a student of Peierls at Oxford, working and publishing with him on momentum. He later worked at the Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge and for British Telecom. Research, publications, career. Includes 5pp undated manuscript notes by R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Butler, S. T. and M. 1966, 1982-1991 Bird of Passage passim. Butler was a research student at Birmingham, later Professor at University of Sydney when Peierls visited in 1974. He died in 1982. the Letter 1966 is from Butler; correspondence 1982 is on memorial volume; later correspondence is with Butler's widow Miriam. Byers, N. and Milhaupt, A. various dates 1976-1992 Bird of Passage 240 Byers came to Birmingham as a research fellow in 1956, Los Angeles where Peierls often visited. later returning to Scientific and personal correspondence, including a helpful letter of advice from Genia Peierls 17 October 1982 on Byers's notoriously disorganised way of life. Cramer, J. G. 1981-1983 Cohen, E. G. D. 1983-1985 Cassels, J. M. and others. 1980, 1991 The 'Herbert Experiment’ on photons, and ‘Copenhagen Interpretation’ of quantum mechanics. Correspondence 1980 on resonance scattering; correspondence 1991 on memoir of H. Frohlich. bes Dalitz joined Peierls at Birmingham in 1949 and soon became one of his closest friends and colleagues. After a period at the Enrico Fermi Institute in Chicago 1956-1963, Dalitz returned to Oxford as a Royal Society Research Professor in 1963. Bird of Passage 234, 291. K.22-K.24 Dalitz, R. H. various dates 1957-1987 R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence The correspondence falls into discrete periods: 1957-1963 when Dalitz was in Chicago; 1973-1976 when Dalitz was in Oxford and Peierls was in Seattle and elsewhere; later shorter correspondence after 1984. The content is on all topics, research, departmental affairs at Birmingham, Oxford, US and elsewhere, appointments, a little personal material. Many of Dalitz's letters are closely written in fine longhand, sometimes in pencil; the year is often omitted from the date and the documents have been assigned from the context. 1957-1963. 1970 (one letter only), 1973-1976. 1984-1987. DeWitt, H. 1988-1989 Dyson, F. J. various dates 1975-1995 Bird of Passage passim Domb. C. Nuclear weapons and test bans. Jewish achievement in physical science. Disturbing the universe. Dyson was a long-term colleague and friend who had spent a period in the Birmingham Department (of which he is described as ‘a very unique and imaginative member' Bird of Passage 234), lodging for part of that time with the Peierls. and scientific correspondence including miscellaneous Personal items written or translated by Dyson, his obituary of Dirac 1986 with comments by Peierls and Peierls’s review of Dyson's book From Winchester to Orion. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Elliott, R. J. 1974-1975 Elliott was a long-term colleague of Peierls at Oxford and succeeded him as Wykeham Professor in 1974. Bird of Passage 291, 327. Mainly Oxford departmental news. Engel, Y. M. 1974-1992 Bird of Passage 306 Personal and career. Enz, C. P. 1986-1987 History of science - conference and participants at Geneva 1934. Epstein, G. 1974-1975 Flowers, B. H. and M. various dates 1977-1991 (some undated) Mainly personal correspondence, some from Mary Flowers (not all dated) and some addressed to Genia Peierls. Includes some verse greetings. Flowers, ‘a promising and lively experimentalist’, came to Birmingham on secondment from Harwell in 1950 for training in theoretical research; a lasting friendship developed, though in this case it was Mary who lodged The Flowers shared the Peierls's with the Peierls before their marriage. predilection for humorous light verse and celebrations. (Bird of Passage 235-237). conference. in English and Russian, some letters (in K.33) being Correspondence is It relates almost entirely to historical writings addressed to Genia Peierls. and recollections of Frenkel, Tamm, Gamov and others, and of the Odessa Frenkel, a distinguished theoretician from Frenkel was the son of Leningrad, who obtained for Peierls an invitation to the conference at Odessa in 1930 at which he and Genia Peierls first met (Bird of Passage 61- 62). Y. |. K.33-K.35 Frenkel, V. Y. 1973, 1984-1993 R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence 1973, 1984-1986. 1987-1992. Includes verses by Gamov. 1993-1994. published in Physics Today, June 1994. Includes copy of Peierls’s recollections of Y. |. Frenkel, Garcia Calderon, G. and others. 1974-1977, 1983-1987 Garcia Calderén was a D.Phil. student of Peierls at Oxford, later working at the University of Mexico. His work with Peierls on resonant states led to a joint paper 'Resonant states and their uses' (Nuc/. Phys. A 265, 1976) (Bird of Passage 329-330). 1974-1977. paper. Includes referees' comments. Scientific and publications correspondence, mainly on joint Geissler, E. 1978 1983-1987. Continuing work on resonant states. Goldstein, F. S. 1976-1978 joint paper ‘A model for low-temperature anharmonicity’ Proposed experiment to measure the apparent mass of the photon. P. Bronstein (Bird of Passage 69). Correspondence in Russian; letters 1984-1986 are addressed to Genia. On various topics in the history of science, principally Gorelik's biography of M. Publication of (J.Phys. C11, 1977). Gorelik, G. E. and others. 1984-1989. R. E.: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Gottfried, K. 1983, 1991-1994. Nuclear weapons control, density matrix measurement. Hempstead, C. A. 1975 History of semi-conductors in 1920s and 1930s. Hesketh, R. V. various dates 1976-1993 Controversy on electromigration, theory and Peierls’s joint papers with A. K. Das 1973, 1975). publications (arising from Jackiw, R. 1991-1992 Problems in quantum mechanics. Jackson, E. A. 1977 Jonah, D. various dates 1978-1995 Detailed correspondence on solitons and lattice thermal conductivity. Jonah was a student of Peierls at Birmingham later returning to Freetown Sierra Leone (Bird of Passage 259). Felix Bloch. Kabir, a former Birmingham research fellow, later settled in Virginia (Bird of Passage 241). Personal and scientific correspondence. and comments by Kabir on a paper by Peierls. Various topics in history of physics. Includes a short tribute by Peierls to Kemmer, N. 1983-1987 Kabir, P. K. various dates 1981-1992 Includes letters to Genia Peierls R. E. Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence K.49-K.51A Kirczenow, G. and others. 1975-1994 Kirezenow was Peierls’s condensed-matter and transport theory. last research student at Oxford, working on Scientific and personal correspondence, career and appointments. Some of Kirczenow's letters are undated and in pencil. 1975-1976. 1977-1979. 1980-1989. Kurti, N. 1987, 1991 Kleint, C. 1985-1992 Recollections of Leipzig Institute of Physics (Bird of Passage 32-40, 44-45), Heisenberg and other colleagues or visitors in 1920s and 1930s. Correspondence 1987 is on Kurti's anthology ‘But the crackling is superb’ to which Peierls contributed. by Peierls on 1957 paper by Kohn and Luttinger (copy included). Research and papers on quantum theory of transport. Includes short paper Luttinger, J. M. 1984-1985 Levinger, J. S. 1987-1994 Correspondence 1991 is on Farm Hall tapes. Visits, conferences, ‘three-body problem’. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Mann, A. 1974-1991 Notes and drafts for papers by Mann, mainly on perturbation theory and squeezed states. A little personal correspondence. Marshall, W. C. 1982, 1989 Marshall was an undergraduate and doctoral student at Birmingham 1952- 1954 before moving to Harwell and major appointments in public service (Bird of Passage 242-243). Correspondence 1982 is on nuclear reactor safety. Correspondence 1989 arises from a profile of Marshall published in The Observer 20 August 1989 referring to his period at Birmingham, to which Peierls took exception. Mayants, L. 1985-1986 ‘Probabilistic physics’. Some personal correspondence and recollections. Michel, L. 1973, 1980, 1984-1991 Correspondence 1973 is on invitation to Sakharov to work at Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette where Michel was principal physicist and which Peierls regularly visited (Bird of Passage 316-317). of Los Alamos, etc. Letter of 1962 is on Mondragon's thesis; later correspondence on research, visits, etc. Mondragon was a research student at Birmingham 1957-1960, later working at the University of Mexico, Mexico City (Bird of Passage 245-246). Mainly personal post-retirement correspondence, but includes recollections Later correspondence includes scientific and personal material. Mondragon, A. 1962, various dates 1976- 1991 Moon, P. B. 1985-1992 R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Motchane, L. 1970-1985 Motchane, an old friend of Peierls from 1931, founded the Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette (IHES). scientific advisory committee 1963-1974 (Bird of Passage 316). Institut des Peierls served on its Letter 1970 is carbon copy from Peierls to Motchane on the organisation and running of IHES. Correspondence 1985 includes Peierls’s note on 'My contacts with IHES'. Mott, N. F. various dates 1981-1991 Mainly on nuclear weapons, the arms race and defence. personal correspondence. Includes a little Nabarro, F. R. N. 1986-1990 Scientific and personal correspondence. E. Orowan (Bird of Passage 316). Includes Peierls’s recollections of Nataf, R. Probability density of the photon. Nelson, D. F. 1990-1991 Correspondence, papers and comments on momentum and _ pseudo- momentum. 1987-1991 Nussenzveig, a former visitor to Birmingham, was head of the Physics Institute of the University of Sa6 Paulo where Peierls paid an extended visit in 1980. See J.28 (Bird of Passage 334). Includes letter 28 February 1989 on the death of G. Beck (q.v.) and an obituary of him by Nussenzveig. Nussenzveig, H. M. various dates 1980-1993 Oliphant, M. L. E. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Orowan, E. 1984, 1991 Correspondence 1984 gives Orowan's family news and discusses his current interest in economics, in his characteristic drily humorous style. Includes an obituary of Orowan 1991, with comments by Peierls. Perrin, M. W. 1980 Klaus Fuchs and other topics in history of science. only. Brief correspondence Perutz, M. F. various dates 1989-1993 Includes recollections and discussions of Heisenberg. K.72-K.74 Providencia, J. da 1975-1977, 1984-1992 Providencia worked at Birmingham (Bird of Passage 244) before returning to Coimbra, Portugal, where Peierls later visited on several occasions. Many of Providencia's letters are in longhand and undated. 1975-1977. 1991-1992 1984-1989. on proposed visits, and on Correspondence includes detailed comments by Peierls on papers and research ideas by Providencia, also the political/economic situation in Portugal. Radicati to Genia Peierls. Radicati was a post-doctoral research student at Birmingham 1951-1953, later returning to the Scuola Normale Superiore at Pisa where Peierls was a regular visitor. (Bird of Passage 237, 333). personal correspondence including various dates 1976-1994 Radicati, L.A. and G. Scientific and letters from Gianna R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Rozental, S. and H. 1983, 1988-1990 Recollections and topics in Second World War history, Bohr, Heisenberg, etc. Includes memorial tribute to Rozental by O. Nathan. Salam, A. various dates 1979-1987 Includes correspondence 1982 on early discussions on neutrino mass, correspondence 1987 on the organisation of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Salpeter, E. E. 1985-1993 Mainly personal correspondence. Scheffler, T. B. 1985-1987 Scientific and personal correspondence. Shoenberg, D. 1983-1991 Schultz, T. D. 1986-1989 adiabatic treatment of a driven harmonic Schultz was a student at Birmingham, later working at IBM, New York. Correspondence mainly on oscillator. A little personal material. Refugee Scholars (ed. R. M. Cooper) 1992. Mainly personal correspondence, with news and recollections of refugees helped by the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning of which Simpson was the Secretary. Also the conferment of Honorary Degrees from the Universities of London and Leeds, and the publication of her memoirs Includes recollections of P. Kapitza, and Peierls’s contribution to an 80th birthday commemorative volume for Shoenberg recalling their association from 1935. Simpson, E. 1983-1994 R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Skinner, H.W.B. 1959-1960 Rochester conference. Smith, C. S. and A. K. 1984-1989 These were long-term friends of the Peierls from the period at Los Alamos, where Smith was head of the Metallurgy Division (Bird of Passage 195). Correspondence and papers mainly on history of technology and materials. Includes memorial tribute to Laura Fermi by Alice Kemball Smith. Stapp, H. P. Discussion of paper by Stapp on 'non-locality’. Stevens, K. W. H. 1991-1993 exchanges and discussions Peierls’s 1991) and arising from described by Peierls as ‘a Phys. A. 24, bright student Swiatecki, W. J. various dates 1986-1991 Correspondence on general relativity. Swiatecki, who came [to Birmingham] in 1946' (Bird of Passage 251), later worked at Berkeley, USA. Detailed papers ‘Reflections on broken symmetry' (Physics Today 44, 1991), ‘Spontaneously broken symmetries' (J. ‘Broken symmetries’ (Contemp. Phys. 33, 1992), and Stevens's paper on antiferromagnetism. momentum and pseudomomentum. Correspondence on various research problems and publications, including work by Thellung on evaluation of Kubo formulae started at Birmingham with G. in 1950s (Bird of Passage 229), V. Chester during Thellung's visit Anecdotes about Pauli, and other topics in history of physics. Telegdi, V. L. Thellung, A. 1984-1992 1987-1994 R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence K.90-K.93 Vinh Mau, N. and R. 1974-1990 Nicole Vinh Mau had been a student at Birmingham. Later she was Chairman of the Theoretical Department of the Nuclear Physics Institute at Orsay Paris where Peierls was a frequent visitor (Bird of Passage 332). They wrote non-local potentials' (Nuclear Phys. A, 343, 1980). approximation collaborative paper ‘Local to a Correspondence includes detailed correspondence, discussion, referees’ comments etc on collaborative paper, Peierls’s visits, seminars and lectures. Includes some personal and family news. 1974-1977. 1978-1979. Mainly discussion and drafts for paper. 1984-1990. Vogt, E. 1990, 1993 later director of the ‘'Triumf Weinstock, R. Correspondence on funding for the 'Triumf-kaon’ project at Vancouver. Vogt was a former Birmingham student, accelerator at Vancouver and a visitor to Oxford (Bird of Passage 240-241). birthdays, autobiography, etc. 1981-1991, some scientific correspondence on thermal conductivity and on momentum, mainly of Weisskopf's 1976, one letter only, on Dutch bureaucracy. Weisskopf, V. F. 1976, 1981-1991 recollections, celebrations 1982, 1985 historical R. E.: Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Wheeler, J. A. 1981, 1990 1990 correspondence is on quantum theory. Widom, A. 1983 Discussion paper on ‘Bohr Lagrangians and quantum measurements’. Wigner, E. P. 1975, 1986 Letter of 1986 (Peierls’s carbon only) is about Dirac. Wilkinson, D. H. 1975, 1978 (Peierls’s carbons only), 1982-1987 Includes Wilkinson's manuscript Personal and scientific correspondence. account of his research and career in Cambridge and Oxford in the 1950s (Bird of Passage 301). calculation a Wilson, A. H. 1979 Woerdman, J. P. and Kristensen, M. 1993 Letters and faxes on waveguide. On an unpublished and undated manuscript paper by Wilson on ‘The Hamiltonian theory of the motion of an electron in a magnetic field’, a copy of which is enclosed. dispersive medium’. of pseudo angular momentum in Peierls on ‘Generation of sound waves in a Comment on a note by Wyatt, A. F. G. 1985 Wong, K. 1979-1982 R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence Young, K. Thermal conductivity. Zatzkis, H. Dirac equation for harmonic oscillator. Zuckerman, S. 1965, 1984-1988 Letter 1965 is invitation to Peierls to a meeting in Washington DC on nuclear proliferation; is historical reminiscences and writings, especially on E. Teller. correspondence 1984-1985 mainly on _ SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE A-Be. Exchanges on research ideas, publications, visits and meetings; similar in content to the main sequence, but briefer and usually confined to one or two letters only. Mainly 1976-1995; the earliest letter is 1940 and the latest 18 September 1995. In alphabetical order. H. Includes one letter 1940 from F. Halla. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Correspondence comments by Peierls. 1970-1994. Requests for information, reprints, permission to quote, etc., thanks for books or articles sent or received. 1976-1994. Requests for advice on theories, experiments, manuscripts, most with UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE K.122 Requests for photographs or autographs. 1974-1992. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SECTION L REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS L.20 - L.34 APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS L.35 - L.53 PRIZES, MEDALS, HONOURS L.54 -L.68 INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS L.69 - L.85 PUBLICATIONS Bristol 1964. Cambridge 1965. Cambridge 1991. THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES Oxford 1965. With extensive correspondence. New South Wales 1979-1983. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations Oxford 1966. Oxford 1991. Sydney 1964. Sydney 1965. Invitations declined. RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS British Academy 1978. Guggenheim Foundation 1975. Australian Research Grants Scheme 1986. National Science Foundation Washington DC 1976. National Energy Research Council Australia 1979. Leverhulme Trust 1981. Melbourne University 1980. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations NATO 1982. Unidentified, n.d. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS L.20-L.28 Evaluations, recommendations, etc, and institutions in UK and overseas. in reply to requests from universities 1974, 1975. 1987, 1989: 1983, 1984, 1985. 1981, 1982. R. E.- Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 L.29-L.34 References and recommendations Similar individuals recommendations, some extending over a considerable time-span. supplied material request the at of seeking Enrico Fermi Award 1981-1993. PRIZES, MEDALS, HONOURS Australian Academy of Science 1981. Heinemann Prize, Gottingen 1975. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 1983. Harvey Prize, Technion 1986-1987. R. E..Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations Humboldt Foundation, Bonn 1983. Institute of Physics 1980, 1989. L.42-L.48 Max Planck Medal 1975-1992. Includes some correspondence with organisers, nominees and others. 1975-1978. 1979-1981. 1982-1985. 1987, 1988. 1989, 1990. OSA e. Purdue University 1983. National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC 1977. Nobel Institute 1986. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations Rothschild Prize, Israel 1984. UK Honours 1983. INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANISATIONS Open University 1985. Course assessment. Pugwash 1970. 1950-1953. 1962-1964. 19711973; L.56-L.67 Royal Society 1950-1993. 1967, 1968. Medals and Elections, including Statute 12. Includes some correspondence. 1975, 1976. 1969, 1970. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations 1986, 1988. 1989, 1990. 1992,1993; 1995. Technion, Israel 1977. Correspondence, copy of committee's report. Review of the Department of Physics. Peierls served as Chairman of the Review Committee; the other members were S. Cohen, E. M. Henley and B. Lax. Faraday Transactions 1984. PUBLICATIONS Acta Crystallographica 1981. Canadian Journal of Physics 1981. Chemical Physics Letters n.d. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations Foundations of Physics 1986. L.74-L.78 Institute of Physics publications, including Journal of Physics and Physics World. 1978. 1981-1982. 1983-1985. 1986-1988. Nature 1983. Nuclear Physics 1986-1989. Optica Acta 1985. Correspondence and papers on the ‘rediscovered discovery’ of the element Z=43. Reviews of Modern Physics 1981, 1986. Physical Review and Physical Review Letters 1976-1980. R. E.-Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 References and recommendations Royal Society 1975-1980, 1991. Carbon copies of Peierls’s referee's reports, no date or journal given. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS Where an individual appears in the index of the catalogue of the original deposit of papers this is indicated in the following way: Also CSAC 52/6/77. Where publishers appeared in the body of the catalogue of the original deposit but were not indexed this is indicated in the following way: Also CSAC 52/6/77, plus item numbers. AABOE, Asger AASERUD, Finn ABRAGAM, Anatole ABRAMSKY, Jack J.63 D.138, G.1 K.1 Eat ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI A.89, J.86, J.94, J.98, J.115, J.120, J.124 ADAMS, John B. ADAMS, René ADAMS, Ruth AKERS, Sir Wallace Alan ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice A.55 A.209 E.4 D.117 C.29 AITCHISON, lan Johnston Rhind AITKEN, Sir Robert (Stevenson) A.13 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.55 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.74, A.168, E.20 Also CSAC 52/6/77 G.8; G9 Eee 2 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.1-D.3 D15, D.109 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward ALDERSON, Thomas ALFVEN, Hannes ALLEN & UNWIN LTD ALTMANN, Simon A.209, K.107 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents AMALDI, Edoardo D.3, J.86, J.94, K.2 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS Git, .Gi2 ANDERSON, Herbert L. ANDERSON, Philip W. ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa ANDRONIKASHVILI, Elevter L. ANGELIDIS, Thomas D. ANSELM, Alexei Andreievich (Aloysha) ARAUJO, J. M. ARNOLD, Lorna ASHKIN, A. J.46 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.3 A.55 K.4 K.5 J.76 A.209 A.209, D.45, E.62 B.9 ATIYAH, Sir Michael (Francis) A.90A, A.209, C.40, D.77, K.19 G.3 - G.6 Bal D.83A BAGRIT, Sir Leon BAIERLEIN, Ralph AUDIO LEARNING LTD AUGENSTEIN, Bruno W. E.70 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL K.107 BASSANI, G. Franco BARMAN, Penelope BARNABY, Wendy BARTON, Gabriel L.56 K.6 E.18 B.21, J.47, J.48, J.96 AUSTERN, Norman BARKER, T. J. BASTIN, Ted R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 BATCHELOR, George Keith BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BAUER, Etienne BAYM, Gordon BAZLEY, Sir Thomas Stafford BEALE, Neville BECK, Guido BEG, Mirza Abdul Bagi BELL, John Stewart BELL, Mary Index of correspondents D.61 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.33 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.18, A.168, A.209, C.29 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D142) 3114 A.209, K.7 D.117 A.149, J.28 See also K.67 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.41, A.56, A.74, J.45, J.56. J.126 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.70, K.8, K.9, L.65 See also D.1, J.105 Also CSAC 52/6/77 BERGGREN, Tore K.9 2 BENNETT, John P. BERG, Wolf F. BELLAMY, Edmund Henry A.150 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.45 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.56, A.90A, A.120, A.209, E.4 J.9, J.10, K.10 K.36, K.107 Also CSAC 52/6/77 BERNSTEIN, Barton J. E.81 A.114, C.43 D.117 D.66, K.107 E.39 BERKO, Stephan BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERNSTEIN, Jeremy BERRONDO, M. BETHE, Hans Albrecht Index of correspondents R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 BETHE, Rose BETHGE, Heinz BHADURI, Rajat BINGHAM, Robert BIRCH, Gina BIRGENEAU, Robert J. BIRKHAUSER BOSTON Inc. BIRMAN, Joseph L. BLACKABY, Frank BLACKETT, Costanza, Lady BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLAIR, Grahame A.120, K.10 G.10 J.106 D.137 A.209 E.18 E:3 A.209, K.11, K.49 C.44, G.9 A.168 A.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Ko wiKal2 H.8 A.74, H.9, H.16 BLOCH, Felix BLOK, Arthur BLOUNT, Bertie Kennedy BLIN-STOYLE, Roger John BLAIR, John S. BLEANEY, Brebis A.56, L.61 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.173 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.61 See also K.48 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D:27D:37D;6"D: 77 Di62) Dit37;-J:17; 5:23 A.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.62 K.108 A.137 BOEHM, Gerda BOHR, Aage BOARDMAN, Robert BODANSkY, David R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 BOHR, Niels Henrik David BOLOTOVSKY, B. BONDI, Sir Hermann BONNEVAY, Georges BOON, Michael BORCHERDS, Peter H. BORN, Max BOSE, A.K. BOULWARE, David Index of correspondents A.36 See also D.2 - D.9, f):97..D 98 S7ad1i7; dt2o: J.62 - J.66 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.34, K.40 C.36 A.151 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.13 J.65 D.10 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.77 E70 BOWEN, Edmund John A.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.51 D.53 BRADFIELD, Margaret A. A.49, A.50, A.209 BOXER, Mark (‘Marc’) BOYLE, Andrew BRAUN, Ernest BRAUN, Thomas BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence A.36, A.38, L.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 G.5 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION K.14 el 7 B.10 BRINK, David and Verena BRETZ, Michael BREVIK, Iver D.114,D.115 D.118 BRETSCHER, Hanni BRIGGS, John S. BRITISH COUNCIL R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 BRIX, Peter BROCK, Michael George BROER, L.J.F. BROWN, Andrew P. BROWN, B. Alex BROWN, Gerald Edward BROWN Julian BROWN, Laurie M. BROWN, Lowell S. BRUN, Régis BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) Index of correspondents B.11 D.12 K.108 J.20, J.69, K.10, K.15 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.108 D.119, G.9 E187 6:29. 41.3 D.120 A.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS E.4 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.5 BYERS, Nina BURGE, Edward J. BURKHARDT, Hugh BURT, Michael G. BUTLER, Miriam BUTLER, Stuart T. Beto, mice A.209 B.12, K.16 K.17 BURCHAM, William Ernest A.56 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.209, J.8, J.18, J.52, K.18 Also CSAC 52/6/77 eR Gelih Also CSAC 52/6/77 CALOGERO, Francesco D.89 C.35 J.115 BYERS BROWN, W. CADOGAN, Peter CALAPRICE, Alice Ee/4 16:76, E./9 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS D137; 6:5, 5.6 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.6 CAPEK, Vladislav CAPLIN, David CARMELO, José M.P. CARSON, Cathryn CASIMIR, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard CASSELS, James Macdonald CASSIN, Lydia CATHCART, Brian CHADWICK, Sir James COCHRAN, William K.109 C.43 G.12 D.66 D.60 See also D.11 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.19 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.152, A.210 D.92, D.120 A.57 See also D.12, J.109 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Bes CHESTER, Geoffrey V. CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan CHOU, Pei-yuan CHOY, Tuck C. A.168, D.22, L.59 See also D.13 CHALFONT, Alun Gwynne Jones, Baron J.67 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.64 A.210 J.50 C.43 A.168 A.210, K.109 See E.73 E13, F:10 See also E.78 CHRISTIAN, Maureen CLAYMAN, Bruce P. CLEARY, Jonas CLAPHAM, Sir Michael CLOSE, Frank E. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 COCKBURN, Sir Robert COCKCROFT, Elizabeth, Lady COCKCROFT, Sir John (Douglas) CODY, Sebastian COHEN, Eddie G. D. COHEN, Karl Paley COHEN, Solly CONLON, T. W. CONRAN, Michael B. Index of correspondents D.45 A.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 See D.14, D.15 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.104, D.113 E.16, G.20, J.45, J.56, K.20 D.22 L.68 E15 A.210, E.78 CONTEMPORARY CONCEPTS IN PHYSICS E/ CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE G.8, G9 CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS E.8 - E.26 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.9 COOKE, Alistair COOPER, Leon M. COOPER, Ray M. CORBEN, H. C. CORNWALL, Ilse COTTINGHAM, Noel K.109 A.7 K.109 K.82 D.22 D.120 B.13 J.16 COOK, Sir Alan (Hugh) COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, O. K.21 A.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.57, L.5 Also CSAC 52/6/77 COX, Sir Christopher (William Machell) COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon (George) COULSON, Charles Alfred CRAMER, John G. Index of correspondents R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 CROWLEY, Basil J. B. CUTLER, Paul H. DAHLITZ, Julie DALITZ, Richard Henry DAM, Kenneth W. DAMANY, H. DANCHEV, Alex da PROVIDENCIA, Joao See under PROVIDENCIA DAS, Amal K. DASH, J. Gregory B.14 J.44 C.42 A.74, D.19, D.20, D.22, D.30, D.37, K.22-K.24 See also E.73 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.33 B.21 D.120 A.210, B.3-B.6, L.30 A.74, B.2, B.7, H.9, H.17-H.21 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.15 D.53 DEHMELT, Hans DELAHAYE, Michael DELBRUCK, Max DAVIDSON, Walter F. DAVIES, Peter K. DAVISON, Boris DE GENNES, Pierre-Gilles DE DOMINICIS, Cryano Tullio See D.16 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.146, A.210, J.29, J.88, K.110 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.16 DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA D.42, J.125 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.78 E.18 A.210 D.2 G.10 DEWAR, Robert L. DeWITT, Hugh DEVONS, Samuel R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents DIRAC, Margit (Manci) D.23 DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice DITCHBURN, Robert William DOMB, Cyril DOMBEY, Norman DOMINGOS, Joachim M. DRELL, Sidney D. DUGDALE, J. Sydney DUMMET, Michael Anthony Eardley DURAND, Mireille L.56 See also D.17-D.40, K.27 Also CSAC 52/6/77 C.29 See also C.42 K.26 Also CSAC 52/6/77 C.32 E12 J.27, J.51, J.81 E.16-E.24 K.110 J.30 DYSON, Freeman John EGELSTAFF, Peter A. EGRI, Ivan EDMONDS, Jim EDWARDS, Gerard EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) E158, 267 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.146, J.18, J.107, K.27 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.23 D.24 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.15 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ELKANA, Yehuda ERWIONT, dar, ELLIOTT, Sir Roger (James) K.110 K.110 K.110 K.110 Grit J.127 EINSTEIN ARCHIVES ELIEZIR, Christie Jayam ELSASSER, Walter M. A.47, K.28, L.64 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 ELWORTHY, Scilla ENGEL, Y. Micky ENZ, Charles P. EPSTEIN, Geoff EREMENKO, V. V. EWALD, Paul Peter FANKUCHEN, Isidor FATT, Paul FEATHER, Norman Index of correspondents C.12-C.15, C.46 K.29 K.30 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.31 D.101 See D.41 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.120 Also CSAC 52/6/77 C.41 See D.42 Also CSAC 52/6/77 FEENBERG, Eugene B.17 D.67, D.103 FEYNMAN, Richard Phillips FIELD, Gerald FENCHEL, Werner FESHBACH, Herman A.153 B.36 FEINBERG, E.L. FELD, Bernard T. C.29, C.31, E.4 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.126 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B27, Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.10 A.154 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.120 J.26 K.22 FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FINANCIAL TIMES FISCHER, Klaus FLECK, Alexander, Baron R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FLOWERS, Mary, Lady FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS FOWLER, Sir Ralph (Howard) FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FRAUENFELDER, Hans FREEZE FREIMAN, Y.A. FREMLIN, John H. Index of correspondents A.74, A.207, A.210, D.16, H.16, Ke32" E59) See also E.35 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.31 E.28,L:73 See D.43 Also CSAC 52/6/77 C:28; Defi b.238:Kg14 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.13 C.1-C.11 D.101 A.58, C.8 Also CSAC 52/6/77 FRENCH, Anthony P. FRENKEL, Marie-Louise E:37 J.28 FRISCH, Ulla A.155, A.210, D.45 FRENKEL, Viktor Yakovlevich (Vitya) FRENKEL, Yakov Ulich FRISCH, Otto Robert D.25, J.60, K.33-K.35 Also CSAC 52/6/77 See E.63, K.33, K.35 FRITZCHE, Hellmut FROLICH, Herbert A.155 See also D.44-D.50 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.137 D.52-D.58 See also A.176 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.21 See also D.51 Also CSAC 52/6/77 FRYER, G Michael FUCHS, Klaus J:38 K.111 FULDA, Karli and Ludwig R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 FUNDACION BBV FURTH, R. GARCIA CALDERON, Gaston GARRETT, Anthony GEBALLE, Marjorie GEBALLE, Ronald GEISSLER, Erik GEOGHEGAN, Gerald R. H. GERHARD, James B. GHIRARDI, GianCarlo Index of correspondents G.11A A.58 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.36, K.37 D.82 22 A.75, H.1-H.7, H.9, H.22 K.38 A.59 Also CSAC 52/6/77 H.8 B.21 GIBSON, Alan Frank B.18 GOLDANSKII, Vitalii I. A.173, B.19, D.103, E.23 GOLDHABER, Arnold S. GOLDHABER, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Fred S. GOLDSTEIN, Sydney aie C.13 D.102 A.75 K.39 GOLDBERGER, Marvin L. GINZBURG, Vitaly Lazarevich J.105, K.41 D.26 Also CSAC 52/6/77 GORELIK, Gennadii Efrimovich 0,137, 0.498, E11, E:12).3.9; GORDON & BREACH INC E.29-E.31 D.26, K.40 GORDON, Giles GORDON, James E.29-E.33 A.169 B.20 GORDON, Martin B. GOTTFRIED, Kurt R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 GOUDSMIT, Samuel A. GOWING, Margaret Mary GOZZINI, Adriano GRAHAM, Sir John GRAY, Chris G. GRAY, Peter GREEN, Anthony M. Index of correspondents D.63 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.59, A.169, D.8, D.71, D.72, D.114, D.116, D.121 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.21 J.83 D.26 J.110 A.43, J.59, J.125, J.126 Also CSAC 52/6/77 GREENBERG, O. Walter A.210, J.117A GROVES, Leslie R. GRYPEOS, Michael A.59 A.210 GUNN, J. Michael F. GUSTAFSON, Torsten G.22 HALPERN, Leopold HALLA, Franz HALPERIN, A. GUTTERIDGE, William F. J.61, K.111 Also CSAC 52/6/77 HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge, Earl of C.16, C.28, C.29, C.32,C.33 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.15 K.112 Also CSAC 52/6/77 HAMMEREICH, Charlotte HARRISON, Michael J. K.112 J.124 D.27 A.60 A.211 A.211 C.41 HARRISON, Roger D. HARRISON, Walter A. HARTCUP, Guy R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HAUGMANN, Paul HAYMAN, Walter Kurt HAYTER, Sir William and Iris HEILBRON, John L. HEISE, Gerhard B. HEISENBERG, Elisabeth HEISENBERG, Werner HEMPSTEAD, Colin A. HENDRY, John Lovat Index of correspondents A.60 A.39 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.211 A.173 A.60, A.211 G.9 D.27 D.60 See D.59-D.77, K.71 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.42 D.122 HENLEY, Ernest M. HIEBERT, Erwin N. HILEY, Basil J. HILL, Archibald Vivian A.75, A.211, E.70, H.5-H.8, H.10, H.23, L.68 HEWITT, Bob HEY, Anthony J.G. HERMANN, Armin HESKETH, Ross V. D.64, D.90 K.43 J.2, J.36 HEYDENBURG, N. P. K.112 J.123 D123 E.14 HIRSCH, Anna Maria (née HEISENBERG) HIRSCH, Sir Peter (Bernhard) HINSLEY, Sir (Francis) Harry HILL, Christopher R. HILLIER, Rodney R. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 HOBART, Robert H. HOCH, Paul HODDESON, Lillian Index of correspondents H.1 D.99, D.124 D.114, D.116, D.125, J.114 HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas A.60, K.22 HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGKINSON, David HODGSON, Peter E. HOFF, Arnold J. HOLLOWAY, David HOLT, John Riley HORA, Heinrich HUFBAUER, Kurt D.46 G.5 A.47, E.21 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.117 A.211, D.126, D.137 J.109, L.67 B.22, J.36, J.126, L.4 D.127 D.54 D.55 J.100 Eal2ce.13 HUMPHREYS, Andy HUND, Friedrich ILAKOVAC, K. ILIOPOULOS, John HUTCHINSON, George William D.64 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.46 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.37 INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES (ISTAS) INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON PHYSICS EDUCATION E.34 E.35 H.6 Giz THE INDEPENDENT INGALLS, Robert L. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS A.88, E.36, L.41 HYDE, Harford Montgomery IL TEMPO R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY INTRILIGATOR, Michael D. ISAACS, Jeremy ISGUR, Nathan JACKIW, Roman JACKSON, E. Atlee JACKSON, J. David JACOB, Maurice JACOBSOHN, Franz B JACOBSOHN, Ruth JAMES, Eric F.8 J.54 K.44 K.45 E.11, J.104 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.30 A.156 H.24 D.50 D.8 A.125-A.128 JOHNSON, Charles E. JONAH, Daniel A. JANOUCH, Frantisek JEFFREYS, Bertha, Lady JOHNSON, Louise Napier A.211, J.95 JEPHCOTT, Isobel JOHN, Ole D.8 J.109 D.127 JOHNSON, Douglas William John A.169, D.27 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.158 A.60, A.75, B.23, B26, L.4 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.211, K.46, L.31 Also CSAC 52/6/77 JONES, Greta JONES, H.R. D.127 D.68 D.65 JOST, W. JULIUSBERG, Maud JONES, Reginald Victor R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents KABIR, Prabahan Kemal (Pasha) A.75, A.211, J.34, K.47 Also CSAC 52/6/77 KAGANOV, M.I. KALCKAR, Jorgen KANAMORI, Junjiro KAPITZA, Anne KAPITZA, Peter Leonidovich KARL, Gabriel KASTLER, Alfred KATZ, Jonathan KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron E.68, E.78 D.3, J.63 10S A.170 D.28 See also E.27, K.81 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ESR et oS B.21, B.24 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.127 A.22 See also D.79 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.115 J.76, J.87 K.113, L.67 KENT, Bruce KEITH, Stephen T. KEMMER,, Nicholas KEYES, Robert W. KHARKATS, Yuri I. KHALATNIKOV, I. M. KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman A.61, A.211, D.28, K.48 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.82, K.113 KING-HELE, Desmond George KIRCZENOW, George (Yura) C.42 E.23 B.1 B.25 E.39 D.12 K.49-K.51A K.113 KISEL, Valery P. KITTEL, Charles KIMBER, R.M. KINAM R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 KLEINT, Christian KNAPP, Vladimir KNIGHT, Peter L. KOHN, Walter KOPFERMANN, Hans KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KOSTERLITZ, Mike KOZHEVNIKOV, Alexej KRAGH, Helge KRAMISH, Arnold KRAUSE, Waltraud KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) Index of correspondents K.52 K.113 E.24, E.26 J:53, J.90, K.113 See D.80 A.170 Kats D.28, D.40 D.40 D.56, D.95, D.128 A.159 A.114 KROOK, Max KUIPER, Nicolaas H. KUO) iio: KURTI, Nicholas KREBS, Herman and Annie (née PEIERLS) A.61, A.107, A.111, A.112, A.133 K.101A B15 A.157 KRUMHANSL, J.A. KRYNEN, Lillian E.M. KUBO, Ryogo KRISTENSEN, Martin J.32, J.102 D.129 KUHN, Heinrich Gerhard E.30 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.16 A.61, A.75, D.77, K.19, K.53, K.82, L.63, L.64 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.T 15 d.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 KURSUNOGLU, Behram N. KUSHNERIUK, S.A. J.69 D.37 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 KYNCH, George James LAMB, Eva LAMB, Willis LANDAU, Lev Davidovitch (‘Dau’) LANDAUER, Rolf LANE, Anthony Milner LANE, Kenneth D. LANE, Neal F. LANGER, James S. LANGRIDGE, Robert Index of correspondents A.61, D.129 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.211 A.62 See D.81-D.83 J.84 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.3-B.5, D.83B, K.114 G.6 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E12 EAs. J.31 A.171, J.80 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.114 LAURIKAINEN, K. V. LE COUTEUR, Kenneth J. LEDINGHAM, John G. G. LEVINGER, Joseph S. LAWRIE, LAX, Benjamin LEE, Tsung Dao LESLIE, Brian J.59, J.127 E418 K.114, L.68 A.171 J.68, J.126 B.23 D.29, J.36 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.114, K.114 E707 da 07 Also CSAC 52/6/77 G.5 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.211, K.54 Also CSAC 52/6/77 LIFSHITZ, Evgenii M. (Zhenya) LEWIS, John LIDIARD, Alan Brian LIEB, Elliott Hershel J.71 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 LINDOP, Patricia Joyce LITTLER, Derek J. LOMBARD, R.J. LOMER, W. Michael LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS LONGAIR, Alec LOVESEY, Stephen W. LUARD, Evan LUTTINGER, J.M. McCARTHY, Joseph L. McCREA, William Hunter Index of correspondents C.28, C.36 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.171 K.93 A.62 E.40 A.62 A:62, G.19, G.20, G.22) J.75 C.42 K.55 H.4 A.63, D.43 Also CSAC 52/6/77 McDERMOTT, Mark N. McGRAYNE, Sharon MACKINTOSH, Alan MACKENZIE, Innes K. K.115 J.8 E.41 H.10 D.90 K.115 McINTYRE, Michael Edgeworth B.26-B.27A Also CSAC 52/6/77 MACMILLAN AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS J.72 A.63, A.76, A.212 Also CSAC 52/6/77 MANDELSTAM, Stanley MANG, Hans Jérg MANN, Ady MANN, Alfred K. See D.84 See SHERFIELD MACKENZIE, Ken MAJORANA, Ettore MAKINS J.40 K.56 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents MANNER, R. MARIWALLA, Kishin H. MARK, J. Carson MAROIS, Maurice MARSHALL, Walter Charles, Baron MARTY, C. MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASON, Sir Ronald MASON, Stephen Finney K.115 EtAl K.115 J.21 A.63, A.76, A.212, C.29, D.14, G.5, J.127, K.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Ee C.35 A.212 K.115 MASSEY, Sir Harrie (Stewart Wilson) B.36 Also CSAC 52/6/77 MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MAXWELL, lan Robert MEDAWAR, Jean, Lady MEHRA, Jagdish MAYANTS, Lazar MAZUR, Peter A.212 K.58 A.171 MAY, Sir Robert (McCredie) A.63 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.10 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.30 Also CSAC 52/6/77 MERRISON, Sir Alexander (Alec) Walter J.36 C.28 J.46 D.56 MELROSE, Don B. MERMIN, N. David MEYER, Wolfgang MICHEL, Louis METROPOLIS, Nicholas A.21, D.30 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.5, K.49, K.115 A.76, K.59 Index of correspondents R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 MIHAILOVI , Mile V. MILCH, Toni MILFORD, Frederick J. MILHAUPT, Arthur MILLS, D.L. MILNE, Edward Arthur MINERVA MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MONDRAGON, Alfonso B. MOON, Philip Burton J.22 A.134 ree Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.18 K.116 See D.85 E.42 J.19, K.20 J.4, K.60 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.614 Also CSAC 52/6/77 MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin C.11 A.160, A.212, J.2 MORTON, Alan Q. MOSS, Norman MOTCHANE, Léon D.129 D.57 MOORE, Walter J. MORE, Richard M. MORGAN, G.L. MORIYASU, K D.99 K.37 K.116 E.16 MORONEY, Patricia M. J.78 A.63, A.76, A.212, D.37, D.46, D.60, D.114, K.63, L.56, L.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.63 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.62 Also CSAC 52/6/77 MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOTZ, Hans MULVEY, John H. MUKUNDA, N C.44, J.26 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents MURDOCH, Iris, Dame MURPHY, Anthony NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes NAKANO, Huzio NATAF, Roger NATHAN, Ove A.171 A.212, D.110 A.76, K.64 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.212 K.65 J.62, J.92, See also K.76 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES WASHINGTON (NAS) G.13, G.14 NATURE E.43, E.44 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.12, D.13 NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield NEEL, Louis Eugéne Félix A.21 D.114 K.116 K.66 NOAKES, G. Robert NOGAMI, Yuki NOZIERES, Philippe NELKON, Michael NELSON, Donald F. NEW SCIENTIST NUSSENZVEIG, H. Moysés E.8-E.16 K.116 J.30, J.38 J.28, K.67 NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS E.46-E.49 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.14 E.45 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.14 El K.68 See also D.86 Also CSAC 52/6/77 OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) 080 Wet, D.94 OBRYK, Edward OKUN, Lev B. OLSEN, Jérgen Steen R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents OPPENHEIMER, Catherine (Kitty) A.64 OPPENHEIMER, J. Robert OROWAN, Egon OWEN, Sybil V. OXBURGH,, Sir (Ernest) Ronald OXFORD MAGAZINE OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (OUP) OXLEY, Alan J. PAGE, DonN. See D.87 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.114, K.69, See also K.64 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.48, A.64 C.14 E.50 C.12-C.15 E.51-E.58 D.46 K.117 D.68 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.77, J.78 A.212):C.19,'C:35 See under KREBS PAULI, Wolfgang PEARSON, J. Michael PAIS, Abraham (Bram) PAL, M.K. PANOFSKY, Wolfgang K.H. PAULI, Franziska (Franca) PARKES, Sir Edward (Walter) K.82 D.88 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ES Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.96 A.35 See also D.88-D.91, K.88 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.109 D.90 A.137 PEASE, Rendel Sebastian (Bas) PEAT, F. David PEIERLS, Alfred H. PEIERLS, Annie PEIERLS, Elisabeth (Elly) R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents PEIERLS, Ethel F. A.137 PEIERLS, Eugenia Nikolaevna (Genia), Lady A.2, A.113-A.119, A.120 PEIERLS, Heinrich and Else A.97-A.112 PEIERLS, Siegfried and Jenny A.109, A.111, A.112, A.137 PEKERIS, Chaim L. PENNEY, William George, Baron PENROSE, Sir Roger PENTZ, Michael J. PERGAMON PRESS LTD PERRIN, Sir Michael (Willcox) PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand D.31, K.117 See D.92, E.62 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E15 C.32, C.41 E.59 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.16 A.65, A.75, D.130, K.70 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.47, D.57, D.58, K.71 E.88 E.60 D.31, D.47 PICKAVANCE, Thomas Gerald PINES, David PHUA, K. K. PHYSICS TODAY PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PIRIE, Norman Wingate PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS A.65 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.114 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E.61-E.63 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.17 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.39, A.65, See also D.93 L.67 D.3 E.65 L.67 PLESSET, Milton S. PM MAGAZIN POLANYI, John Charles POLANY|I, Michael R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents POLKINGHORNE, John Charlton POMERANCHUK, I. Y. POWELL, (John) Enoch POWERS, Thomas PRAKASH, M. PRANGE, Richard E. PRESTON, Melvin Alexander PRIMAKOFF, Henry PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PROVIDENCIA, Joao da PRYCE, Maurice Henry Lecorney A.65 Also CSAC 52/6/77 See D.94 C.43 D.69 K.117 D.130 A.65, J.106 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Sa E.66-E.81 A.210, J.14, J.82, K.72-K.74 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.65, D.31, L.57 Also CSAC 52/6/77 QUINLAN, Sir Michael RADHAKRISHNAN, V. C.13 J.77, J.78 K.75 RADICATI, Gianna RADICATI, Luigi A. C.16-C.36, C.45-C.51 See also E.4, L.55 Also CSAC 52/6/77 F.23-F34 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS A.213, D.70 A.213, J.13, J.47, K.75 Also CSAC 52/6/77 RAO, Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra J.78 Cr15 walal: J.118 J.114 Also CSAC 52/6/77 RAMASESHAN, Siv RAMSBOTHAM, Oliver RECHENBURG, Helmut RAO, K.V. RAVENHALL, David Geoffrey R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 REDMOND, Peter and None REED, T. Jim REES, Sir Martin (John) REHR, John J. REID, Robert RENZ, Peter L. RHODES, Richard RICHMOND, Sir Mark (Henry) RIFE, Patricia RIZZOLI EDITORE ROBERTS, Lewis ROBINSON, F. Neville H. Index of correspondents A.213 E.50 C.37, C.43, C.44, K.117 B.7 D.87 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.131 D.132, E.48 A.23 150; F.2 E.82 A.213 B.28 ROCHESTER, George Dixon J.74 D.133 ROSE, Paul Lawrence ROSENBLUM, Myer (‘Rosey’) and Lyla ROHRLICH, Fritz ROSBAUD, Paul ROBINSON, John R. ROCHE, John See D.95 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B7| Also CSAC 52/6/77 22 Also CSAC 52/6/77 Ah A.66, A.90A, C.28, C.29, C.31, C.33, C.35, D.96, E.4, L.55 A.66 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ROSNER, Baruch ROTBLAT, Joseph D.71 A.161 D.73 L.68 ROSENHEAD, Louis ROSENWALD, Kurt ROWLEY, R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 ROYAL SOCIETY Index of correspondents ROZENTAL, Hanna Kobylinski ROZENTAL, Stefan RUDINGER, Erik RUDNICK, Joseph RUDOLPH, Heinz RUPKE, Nicholas A. RUSHBROOKE, John G. RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY A.90A, C.37-C.40, D.17, D.44, E83). Gi51Gal6; J) 77.0: Ge; L.56-L.67 Also CSAC 52/6/77 F.35-F.40 A.213, K.76 D.8, D.72, K.76 D.2-D.6, D.32, D.97, J.23, J.85, J.92 J.79 A.162-A.164, A.213 E.41 D.47 See SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL RUTHERFORD, Ernest, Baron See D.97, D.98 SALAM, Abdus SALVINI, Giorgio SANDERSON, Bernice SALPETER, Edwin Ernest A.89, C.39, J.98, J.115, J.120 SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert A.90A, A.213, K.78 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A:67,:D'33.-K-77, |. 61, £66 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.39 SCHEFFLER, T. Bernhard SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE A.121 A.45 D.9 G.17 D.47 K.79 E72 SCHNURMANN, Robert SCHOFIELD, Peter SARFATY, Peter SCARROTT, G.G. SCHIRMER, O.F. A.67, E.78 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents SCHOMBS, Wolfram SCHONLAND, Sir Basil (Ferdinand Jamieson) SCHREIFFER, John Robert SCHRODER, Ulrich E. SCHRODINGER, Erwin SCHULIN, Ernst SCHULTZ, Jonas SCHULTZ, Theodore David SCHWEBER, S.S. SCIAMA, Dennis William A.172 G3 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.53, J.80 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.29 See D.99, E.38 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.133 J.90 J.55, K.80 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.133 D.33 E.84 G.18-G.22 SCIENCE AGE SCOTT, William T. SEXL, Roman SEGRE, Emilio SEITZ, Frederick SEABORG, Glenn T. D.93 J.91 J.91 SERIES, George William K.118 Also CSAC 52/6/77 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL (SERC) J.58 SHANMUGADHASAN, S J.49 D.33 A.213 A.120, A.172 D.58 SHAPIRO, I. (‘Ship’) SHAPIRO, Pauline SHARPE, Tom SHELLEY, Julian H. A.67, A.173, E.14 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron G.3 Also CSAC 52/6/77 SHERRINGTON, David SHILS, Edward SHISHIDO, Fumio SHOENBERG, David SHUBIN, Semyon Petrovich SHUBNIKOV, Lev V. SILVERS, Robert B. SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugene) SIMPSON, Esther (Tess) A.213 E.42 K.118 A.146, A.213, K.81, L.63 Also CSAC 52/6/77 See D.100 See D.101 E.46-E.49 A.42 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.67, A.213, K.82 Also CSAC 52/6/77 SINGWI, Kundan S. J.126 Also CSAC 52/6/77 SKYRME, Dorothy D.102 SMILAUER, Pavel SMITH, Alice Kimball SMITH, Cyril Stanley SMITH, Kenneth F. SKYRME, Tony Hilton Royle Eis D.87, K.84 SKINNER, Herbert Wakefield Banks K.83 Also CSAC 52/6/77 G.8 See also D.102 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.20 K.118 Also CSAC 52/6/77 SMITH, Peter D. SMITH, Philip B. K.84 D.48 J.123 A.67 SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SOMMER, Alfred H. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 SOMMERFELD, Arnold SORBELLO, Richard S. SORENY, Gitta SPEER, Robert J. STAPP, Henry P. STERN, Ed A. STERN, Fritz STEVENS, Kenneth W. H. STINCHCOMBE, Jane STINCHCOMBE, Robin Bernard Index of correspondents A.36 Also CSAC 52/6/77 B.5 D.73 J.111 K.85 A.76, E.10, H.19 J.67 K.86 A.213 A.47, B.30, E.18, K.118 Also CSAC 52/6/77 STONEHAM, Arthur Marshall 5.67691, 2:81 ;Gi6 STRAUSS, Hilde STUEWER, Roger H. A.135 D.8, D133, G.1, J.10 SYFRET, Rosemary SYKES, John B. SUDBERY, Tony SUNDAY TIMES SWIATECKI, Wladyslaw Jerzy D.83 E.81 Eco D.87 SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron STYRIKOVICH, Mikhail Adolfovich K.87 Also CSAC 52/6/77 See also E.8-E.26, E.66 A.80, A.214, J.100, K.119 Also CSAC 52/6/77 TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD See D.103 B.31 Ez TAMM, Igor Evgenevich TANGHERLINI, Frank R. TADIC, Dubravko mo D.83 R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 Index of correspondents TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey (Ingram) A.68, D.52 Also CSAC 52/6/77 TAYLOR, John Clayton A.214, D.40, D.102, J.112 TAYLOR, John G. TELEGDI Valls TELLER, Edward TENNER, Edward ter HAAR, Dirk THELLUNG, Armin E. THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) D.38 K.88 See D.104 Also CSAC 52/6/77 E67-6.74, E76). 7/9) 19 A.214 A.214, B.32, E.72, K.89 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.68, C.28 Also CSAC 52/6/77 THOMPSON, Richard E.25 THOMSEN, Klaus A.137 THOULESS, David James THORNER, Hans A. and lise A.68, A.166, A.214 THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) TICKELL, Sir Crispin (Charles Cervantes) TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT A.68 See also A.42, D.104A Also CSAC 52/6/77 Ail/72, A214 4.24 b:23° L384. L.62 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.167 C.44 E.86 K.119 J.48 C.42 C.37 H.24 TSIPIS, Kosta UELING, Ruth UNNA, Issachar and Malka TIWARI, Suresh Chandra TOSI, Mario TRUKHANOVSKI, V. G. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 VAISEY, David George VALATIN, John G. VALDES, Jorge Flores VAN ASSCHE, Pieter H.M. VAN EYCKLEI, Anneliese van der MERWE, Alwyn van KAMPEN, Nico G. VAN VLECK, John Hasbrouck VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur Index of correspondents G.9 L.57 See D.105 Also CSAC 52/6/77 J.4 L.80 A.172 E.28 K.9, K.119 A.172 A.20, A.69, A.146, D.2,£.13, £.15 Also CSAC 52/6/77 VIGART, Eva C. A.214 VIGART, Peter A.95 B.33 E37, E.87 K.90-K.93 VINH MAU, Robert VOGT, Erich W. von MEYENN, Karl VORA, V.C. VIKING PRESS VILLIERS, Douglas VINH MAU, Nicole VIGOUREUX, Paul A.214, J.89, K.90-K.93 Also CSAC 52/6/77 C.32 A.76, A.172, J.18, J.35, J.73, K.94 Also CSAC 52/6/77 WADLINGER, Robert L. VONSOVSKY, Serghey WALKER, George B. K.120 B.34 D.65, D.91 D.100 J.78 WALKER, John R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 WALKER, Mark WALLACE, Philip WARNER, Mark WATSON, Anne WATSON, W. H. WATT, F. Hansell WEAIRE, Denis L. WEART, Spencer R. WEAVER, Albert B. WEIDENMULLER, Hans A. WEINER, Charles Index of correspondents D.74 D.16 G.21 A.214 K.120 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.35 E.39 D.114,D.116 J.123 J.41, K.120 G.1 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.172, G.7 K.95 Ee /2 A.214, D.57 WEINSTOCK, Robert WEISS, K. WENESER, Joseph WESTMAN, Heinz WHALL, Terry E. WEIZSACHER, C. F. K.53 E.29 K.120 D.85 E.23 WESTON SMITH, Meggie WEISKITTEL, Harriot Hope WEISSKOPF, Victor Frederick (Viki) D.65, D.75, K.96 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.35 D.2, D.3, H.1, J.23, J.43, K.97 Also CSAC 52/6/77 WHEELER, John Archibald WHITE, John WHITEHEAD, WHEATLEY, Elaine K.121 D.134 WHILEY, John D. R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 WIDOM, Allan WIEMERS, Gerald WIGNER, Eugene Paul WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) WILLIAMS, Paul WILLIAMS, Robert C. WILLIS, B. Terry M. WILSON, Sir Alan (Herries) WILSON, Richard WILSON, Stephen Index of correspondents K.98 D.73 D.35, K.99 Also CSAC 52/6/77 A.71, D.48, J.42, K.100, L.61, L.62, L.64 Also CSAC 52/6/77 D.134 D.58 H.17, L.69 D.35, K.101 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.121 K.121 WILTSHIRE, M. C. K. K.13 K.101A K.102 K.103 WONG, Kwang WOOLF, Harry WYATT, Adrian F. G. WOERDMAN, J. P. WOODING, Sir Norman D.79 J.18 El E.88 WOOLNOUGH,, Brian E. YAMANOUCHI, Takahiko WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO C.41, C.43 D.2 Also CSAC 52/6/77 =:29;-E.30 J.32 B.35, K.104 YOUNG, Kenneth YUKAWA, Sumi YATES, Bernard J. YOKOYAMA, Sumi R E Peierls NCUACS 57/6/95 ZARDI, F. ZATZKIS, Henry ZICHICHI, Antonino (Nino) ZIMAN, John Michael Index of correspondents K.36 E.72, K.105 E.34, J.1, K.96 L.60 Also CSAC 52/6/77 ZOMBORY-MOLDOVAN, Tom E. A.214 ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron ZWANZIG, Robert A.69, K.106 Also CSAC 52/6/77 K.49