PEIERLS, Rudolf Ernst

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of SIR RUDOLF (ERNST) PEIERLS (B.1907) physicist 1925—74 deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific London WC2A 1HP Archives Centre (CSAC 52/6/77) b 7 Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lu.e, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIZTS No. 77/45 1977 All rights reserved CSAC 52/6/77 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Supported by the Royal Society, the British Library and the Council of Engineering Institutions Report on the papers of SIR RUDOLF (ERNST) PEIERLS, C.B.E., F.R.S. (b.1907) Compiled by: Harriot Weiskittel Jeunnine Alton Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1977 Collection of Sir Rudolf Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Material added Sept. 1977. Xerox copies of letters exchanged between Bohr and Peierls, now held in the Archives of the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, and made available through the courtesy of the Archivist, Dr. Erik Riidinger: C.30 Letter from Peierls 8.11.38 (in German) Letter from Bohr re Ter Haar 19.3.47 see B.17, C.127 - C128 Letters exchanged May 1947 - Sept. 1948 re conference on “Problems of Nuclear Physics” organised by Peierls and Oliphant in Birmingham, 14 - 18 Sept. 1948; Bohr was invited but could not attend. in Copenhagen 2 letters from Peierls March, June 1949 re his visit to lecture study with Peierls in Birmingham See C.188 Telegram from Bohr re his arrival in Oxford August 1949. Letter from Peierls, and Bohr’s reply, June/July 1949_re J. Lindhard’s (Total 17 pages) SIR RUDOLF PEIERLS COLLECTION COMPOSED ALMOST ENTIRELY OF CORRESPONDENCE, WHICH HAS BEEN GROUPED BY TOPIC, CONTENTS HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED AND ANALYSED BUT NOT CALENDARED. FULL INDEX AND CROSS-REFERENCES. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The papers were received from Sir Rudolf Peierls in August 1974, after his retirement from the Wykeham Chair of. Physics, Oxford University. They refer there- fore only to his activities up to 1974. ' The collection, which consists almost entirely of correspondence written and received, covers all aspects of Peierls's career to 1974, including scientific research, service on committees, advisory boards, etc., publications, appointments, overseas visits and the like. (See also the introductory note in Section C. Scientific Corres- pondence, on p. 15.) Because of his own highly distinguished scientific work and his knowledge of ~ the world of physics in one of its heroic periods, his invotvement with work on the atomic bomb during the Second World War and with disarmament and the Pugwash movement after it, Peierls has already attracted the attention of historians, and has given reminiscences and accounts of episodes in his life, on tape, radio, television, in print and by corres~ pondence. Several of these have been brought together in a sub-section of Section A, items A.16 - A.28, and in D.22-D.25 Other items not in the present collection are mentioned in Locations of other materia! below. Peierls's retirement from the Wykeham LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL many personal and scientific reco!!ections of Peierls and his career. Chair was marked by a Symposium held ir, Oxford 11-12 July 1974. Correspondence Retained by Peierls: (Peierls's own memorandum about this material is included in A.1) the organisers Dr. |. J.R. Aitchison and Dr. J.E. Paton, in A.25 - A.28, and include with participants, and tapes of the talks cnd discussion, are contained, by courtesy of graphical talk given at Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford. Domestic, persona! and family correspondence, some relating to his early career. Taped lectures, viz: 4 Pauli Lectures given at ZUrich; (3 tapes) on 'Physics and Philosophy! given at Oxford; Some private papers relating to his professional life. All papers dealing with matters after 1974. 1. 2. 4 lectures 1 autobio- R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 a United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Harwell, Archives: When these papers are declassified they will join those Reports, correspondence and a diary relating to work during the Second World War. already declassified in the Public Record Office, London (see ltem A.21). Some misce!laneous declassified reports appear in Item D.24 of the present collection. N.B. on the feasibility and power of an atomic weapon have been published in: The texts of the two versions of the 'Peierls-Frisch Memorandum! _ Britain and Atomic Energy 1939-45, M.M. Gowing, Macmillan, 1964, pp. 389-93. Tizard, R. Clark, Methuen, 1965, pp.215-217 (fuller version). Sources for History of Quantum Physics, University of California at Berkeley: taped interview (see Item A.18). Center for the History of Physics,. American Institute of Physics, New York: taped interview (see Items A.1 and A. 20). CONDITIONS OF ACCESS Not all the material in the collection is yet available to readers. Biographical and personal Items marked with an asterisk (*) are restricted until 1 January 2000. University and academic (at Birmingham and Oxford) CONTENTS OF THE HANDLIST ltem Index to principal correspondents Conferences, symposia, invitation lectures, visits Committees, Societies, Consultancies Scientific correspondence Publications, broadcasts, reports - D.1-D.25 Biel Eco F.l -F.o0 A.1-A.28 B.1 - B.47 C.1.-.0.aa? R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Awarded C.B.E. 1946, Knighthood 1968. Royal Medal, Royal Society 1959. Lorentz Medal, Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences 1962. Planck Medaille, Association of German Physical Society 1963. Guthrie Medal, Institute of Physics and Physical Society 1968. Hon. Fellow, Institute of Physics 1974. Founding member of the Atomic Scientists Association and member of their Council during its existence. Participant in the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. A member of Continuing Committee 1963 to 1974. Chairman of Continuing Committee 1970 to 1974. Married in 1931. One son, three daughiers. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 ee A. BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL (A.1-=A.28) Biographical and early career Honours and awards General personal correspondence A. 1-A. 2 A, 3-A. 9 A.10-A.15 Autobiographical and historical reminiscences A.16-A.28 Biographical notes, bibliography. 'Peierls's War Years' has been extracted from correspondence with Charles Weiner and listed here for ease of reference (see also A.20). A narrative chronology entitled Ear!y work and career: Ms. Essay written at school on ‘Today's school from the point of view of the pupil’ (in German). Ms. notes for a seminar given in Munich (in German). Offer from Professor Dr. W. Lenz of an assistantship in the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Hamburg. (Ms. letter in German.) Peierls provisionally accepted the offer and then subsequently withdrew his acceptance when it became clear that Hitler would come to power in Germany. 1923-24 1927 1933 and Sciences Honorary Degrees: Honorary Associate, College of Advanced Technology, Birmingham (now University of Aston) Guthrie Prize and Medal, The Institute of Physics and the Physical Society ° A.3-A.9 Honours, awards and elections and letters of congratulation: A.3 Certificates of honour and accompanying correspondence: Fellowship of the Institute of Physics 0,6. Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm, U.S.A. Royal Medal, Royal Society Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts by the Royal Society. D.Sc. University of Liverpool D.Sc. University of Birmingham D.Sc. University of Edinburgh Knighthood Honorary Fellow, The Institute of Physics Letters of congratulation on the award of the Royal Medal Correspondence re arrangements for ceremonies and dinners, letters of congratulation. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 A.6 A.7 A.8 Correspondence with Oxford and Birmingham Universities re offer 1961-63 and acceptance of the Wykeham Chair of Physics, Oxford. Letters of congratulation on Peierls's election to the Wykeham 1962 Chair. Award of the Lorentz Medal by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science and Letters: correspondence with the Academy re arrangements for the presentation of the medal, text of Peierls's reply at the ceremony on 24 November, printed report of the meeting. Correspondence re arrangements to give a seminar in Leiden. i 1962 Letters of congratulation on the award of the Max Planck Medal. (See also E.5 for correspondence re travel arrangements fo Hamburg to receive the Medal.) 1963 A.10 Congratulatory letters written by Peierls and some replies from 1950-65 recipients (in date order). A.11-A.12 2 files of miscellaneous personal correspondence: letters of A.12 includes correspondence with Mark 2oxer thanks, invitations, replies to appeals, requests for inter- views, etc. of The Times who drew a caricature of Peierls for New College that is. also reproduced on the cover of the retirement symposium volume. (See also A.25.) 1943-63 1965-74 lectures, visits, etc. Correspondence re various social invitations, valedictory 1950-74 ‘Consumer Complainis': correspondence with airlines, snops Correspondence re a gift for Madame S. Bonnevay, widow of and organisations re poor service, invoicing errors and the like. matter . Peierls received many requests from historians and biographers for information regarding the development of quantum physics and for his recollections and reminiscences of scientific colleagues. him and commented on draft manuscripts with care and fair- ness. This correspondence has been brought together with other shorter material relating to the history of science and presented in date order with a brief indication of the subject Georges Bonnevay who. had worked in Birmingham: with letter sent by Peierls to Bonnevay’s Peierls, 1959-61: colleagues, replies from contributors, letters of than!:: from Mme. Bonnevay. A.16-A. 24 Autobiographical and historical reminiscences. He answered at length the many questions put to 1962-73 1964-65 (See also C.38.) | R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 A.16 Correspondence with W. Stanners re modern warfare and its morality (lengthy letter from Peierls on this subject). Correspondence with Alexander Sachs re his testimony before the US Senate Committee on Atomic Energy. ‘| am not perturbed', statement by Peierls for publication in the Sunday Express in refutation of its article of 29 October 1950, entitled 'Perturbed Men! which attempted to represent the attitude of foreign-born scientists as a result of the Pontecorvo case. (See also C.42, C.109, C.266, C.281.) Correspondence with F.G. Gregory re cancellation of invitation to Professor C.F. Powell to lecture in Germany. (See also C.250.) 1953 Ms. on 'The Lesson of the Fuchs case', 7pp. with Peierls's recollections of Fuchs and his reflection on security and its consequent social problem. n.d., probably 1952. 1952 Correspondence with Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper re his statement 1955 in a review of a book or. the Oppenheimer case that Oppenheimer had resided in Cambridge after the hearings. Correspondence with Martin J. Klein re biography of Paul Ehrenfest. (See also C.92.) 'The bias of nature', articie by J. Bronowski sent for discussion with Peierls. 1957 1957 Correspondence with H.V. Rowley re the history of the Atomic Weapons Research Estab! ishment. universities. electron. 1958 1959 1960 1960 1959-62 A Prophet in Two Correspondence with Franz Bergel re apartheid in South African Letter from Norwood kusseil Hanson re history of the positive Correspondence with Melania Serbu re transverse waves in liquid Correspondence with Mrs. Nancy Arms re her proposed biography of Sir Francis Simon (published as Countries). (See also C.281-C.282.) and her correspondence with Einstein 1928-48 (in German). Includes correspondence with the Einstein estate and photocopy of Einstein's letter to Miss Serbu of 9 January 1929. randum, physics' project (Peiei!s was interviewed by John Heilbron in June 1963 for this history). Letter from John Wheeler re the 'sources for the history of quantum Correspondence with Waiter Schneir re the Los Alamos project, _Klaus Fuchs and the Soviet nuclear weapons programme. Correspondence with Ronald Clark te the Frisch~Peierls memo- 1961-63 1963 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Correspondence with Edward Lilly re the development of the concept of dislocations. pondence with Orowan, and E.11.) (See also C.229, Peierls's corres- Letter from Lansing Lamont re his book Day of Trinity and the Los Alamos project; Peierls's brief reply. Correspondence with N. Kemmer re his obituary notice of Hans Halban in The Times; C.130.) copy of the notice. (See also Correspondence with Margaret Gowing re research for her book 1961-63 Includes extracts from a June Britain and Atomic Energy, 1939-45: extensive comments and recollections by Peierls. 1963 memorandum to Mrs. Gowing by Sir Henry Dale re Rritish scientists' attitudes to the use of the bombs against the japanese. Oppenheimer for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography. (See also D.9.) Later correspondence re Peierls's article on Correspondence with Malcolm D. Ferrier re Frisch-Peierls memorandum. for a high energy proton accelerator. potentials. A narrative chronology titled 'Peierls's 1967 1969 1969-73 Correspondence with A.N. Bryan-Brown re speech about V. Weisskopf (the Latin oration on the occasion of his honorary degree from Oxford where Bryan-Brown was Public Orator). (See also C.322 and C.330.) Correspondence with J. Thewlis re ‘Peierls stress' and non-local 1967 Correspondence with R.S. Shankland re the Compton effect. Correspondence with Edwin M. McMillan re Oliphant's proposal (See also D.23.) Correspondence with Charles Weiner re his tape-recorded oral history interview with Peierls (August 1969), correction of the transcript, etc. This tape and transcript are deposited in the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics, New York. War Years' (1940-44), perhaps prepared by the Center as background information for C. Weiner before the interview, has been extracted and listed separately. (See Item A.1.) Correspondence with Robert Reid re his book Tongues of ‘Conscience: chapter, especially re the refugee scientists in Britain. Peierls's comments on the manuscript of one R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Correspondence with Ronald Clark re his biography of Albert Peierls's comments on that part of the manuscript Einstein: dealing with Einstein's reaction to Szilard's proposal in Peierls's letter includes a 1939 for a nuclear weapon. query of Clark's statement that fission was in some ways the climax of half a century's work.’ 1970 Correspondence with David H. Frisch re his paper ‘Scientists and the Decision to Bomb Japan without a Demonstration', enclosing copies of letters from Gen. Leslie Groves, Vannevar Bush and James Conant who had commented on the manuscript and on the events described therein. Correspondence with Lorna Arnold of the UK Atomic Energy 1970 Authority re Peierls's wartime atomic energy papers. these papers are declassified they will be deposited in the Public Record Office, London. (See also D.24.) When Letter to Kurt Mendelssohn answering historical questions re the estimation of the critical size and the resulting work on— isotope separation. Mendelssohn's questions. ) (The papers do not include a copy of é Remarks on the pre-history of the discovery of slow neutron _ capture by Maurice Goldhaber: photostatic copy of the pener. (See also Comments by Peierls on Charles P. Enz's article on Pauli. Letter to L. Van Hove re Pauli and Heisenberg. (See also C.138 and C.234-240.) Correspondence with Richard J. Eden re Paul Dirac on occasion Correspondence with A. Ince of Anglo Great Lakes Corporetion of Dirac's 70th birthday; reminiscences and recollections. Ltd. who was attempting to locate a pre~print of a paper 'The production and properties of graphite for reactors' read at the Atoms for Peace Conference in Geneva, 1955. (See also C.240.) Correspondence with Mrs. Robert Oppenheimer re proposed biography of her husband: 4 typescript pages of Peieris's reminiscences and recollections of Oppenheimer. A. T7,: D.18). C.2274228, D.9.) Muller of his interview with Peierls (June 1972) annotated, amended and expanded by Peierls. 5 typescript pages of Peierls's (See also C.82.) Correspondence with B.H. Muller re Leo Szilard: noies by R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Correspondence with Charles Weiner and Otto Nathan (trustee 1972-73 of the Einstein estate) re some Einstein-Warburg corres~ pondence. Correspondence with W.E. Frahn re the 'Bohr, Peierls and Placzek paper' (never published: see Items C.29-35). The following files also contain correspondence and/or NOTE: writings of a special historical /autobiographical interest, although this list is by no means complete: C.218 C265 D.10 D.18 D.22-D.23 Bert Correspondence with N.f. Mott re history of metal-insulator transitions. Correspondence with ?. Rosbaud re the German ‘scientific effort during the War. Autobiographical note by Peierls for Modern Men of Science. ~ Obituary rictices of G.N. Watson, M. Born, L. Rosenfeld; Oppenheimer and his entry on J.R. Oppenheimer for A Biographical Dictionary of Scientists. Peierls's review of Lawrence and Correspei.dence re various interviews, recordings and televicion appearances made by Peierls. A. 24 One folder of press-cuttings, especially re the dropping of the c.1945-54 Typescript of talk by Peierls on"The History of the 'Peierls-Nabarro' Force”. Miscellaneous reviews anc! articles mentioned in Section D, see especially D.12 and D.13. Correspondence re ‘Journal of Jocular Physics’ published on the occasion of Bor.r's 50th, 60th and 70th birthdays (especially re Pejerls's contribution ‘The Atom that Bohr Built'). Correspondence re oiher verse and songs by Peierls. Aitchison and J.E. Paton, Pergamon Press, 1977. on the occasion of his retirement from the Wykeham Chair. The programme of the symposium, held in Oxford 11-12 July 1974, included contributions by H. Bethe, O. Frisch, R. Berman, S.F. Edwards, G.E. Brown, D. Thouless, R. Dalitz, V’. Weisskopf and D.H. Wilkinson, of the initial letter of invitation, replies (of acceptance and of regret) with appreciations and reminiscences of Sir Rudolf and Lady Peierls, pregreomme, menu for the dinner held in Christ Church, group photograph, correspondence with some of the SPEAKER a volume titled Rudolf Peierls and Theoretical Physics, ed. A.25 One folder of material re the symposium held in Peierls's honour atomic bomb and the Oppenheimer security case. A.25-A. 28 Retirement Symposivin The file contains a copy The proceedings were published in !.J.R. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 > “A. 26 One file of correspondence with Pergamon Press re the publication of the volume. A.27-A.28 Two tapes of the talks and discussions. UNIVERSITY AND ACADEMIC (B.1-B.47) N.B. until 1 January 2000. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are restricted University of Birmingham University of Oxford General educational policy and ideas University examining References By LB B.12 - B.14 B.15 - B.16 B.17 - B.23 B.24 ~ B.47 University of Birmingham. Peierls was Professor of Applied Mathematics (the title was changed to Mathematical Physics in 1946) from 1937 to 1963. _ pondenis in Items B.1-B.8 is selective. The index to corres- See also corres= 2 files in date order. 1948-63 1948-62 Correspondence with and re students: placing in jobs or 1947-73 pondence with G.E. Brown (C.51-C.53), R.H. Dalitz (C.75) and B.H. Flowers (C.102 and C.103) re administration and teaching in the Department. a Correspondence with prospective research students and colleagues from other universities re possibilities for study, employment or sabbatical term in department. Correspondence with visitors to the department (for meetings with Peierls or other staff members, to deliver lectures or colloquia, for examining). administrative matters after Peierls's move to Oxford. Misc. short correspondence re department: structure, examining, possible industrial grants, equipment, library purchases, scheduling of lectures, finances, etc. research departments in other universities, publication of papers, recruiting, grant applications. order. 2 files in date Skyrme, Eric Canel, re administration of the Department of Mathematical Physics following Peierls's move to Oxford. Invitation to become an Honorary Member of the Birmingham Senior Common Room. Correspondence re secretarial and Correspondence with G.V. Chester, G.H. Burkhardt, T.H.R. 1946, 1951-65 1963-64 1969-74 1963-65 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 B.9-B.10 Peierls's correspondence with the Vice-Chancellor, University In addition to of Birmingham, during his service there. dealing with matters relative to university business, the correspondence contains much information of a biographical and personal nature, such as Peierls's war work and con~ suliancies, offers of university chairs, journeys abroad for conferences, invitations to spend sabbatical leave jin More strictly ‘Birmingham institutes or universities abroad. University' topics include matters relative fo the organisa- tion, administration and finance of the department, Senate and university committee meetings, arrangements for visits by distinguished scientists, university housing and construction projects, policy on retirement age for professors, social invitations, 1954 Home Universities Conference (see also ltem E.1) and the like. with Sir Charles Grant Robertson (one letter only). with Sir Raymond Priestley. with Sir Robert Aitken (see also Item A.6, a file of correspondence re Peierls's election to the Wykeham Chair and his subsequent move to Oxford). Correspondence re a proposed research institute in matho- 3? 1939-52 1952-58 1959-61 1963-74 1963-74 B.12-B.14 Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford. Peierls was the Correspondence with and regarding students: students' Wykeham Professor of Physics from 1963 until his retire~ ment in 1974; to his election to the Chair. indexed. see also Item A.6, a file of papers relative Correspondents are selectively matical physics to be linked with the Birmingham department: draft proposals by Peierls, correspondence re applicarions for grants from charitable foundations. queries re admission to department, placing of siudcnts for research, topics for research. .M.G. Adam, and sent to Peierls for information. ) Peierls; invitations extended to colleagues abroad for sabiatical leave in Oxford department. pondence arising. on 'The Education of Astonomers', a contribution to a discussion meeting on the topic to be held at the Royal Astronomical Society, prepared by D.E. Blackwell and Requests to visit or work in department and for meetings with letters of thanks following visits; Peierts’s Some scientific corres- (File includes typescript of a paper R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 B.14 1963-74 Correspondence re departmental business: examining, super~ Invitations and lists of guests for vision, structure, publications, some correspondence re university matters. annual Michaelmas Term parties in the department. Correspondence with Registrar re leaves of absence, departmental allowances. pondence between Peierls and his secretary during his sabbatical leave from the department in 1967, and Items D, ter Haar, C.127 and C.128, his correspondence with much of which pertains to departmental business. ) (See also Item E.11, corres- B.15-B.16 Correspondence re various aspects of university and academic Peierls's advice was frequently sought on such matters; policy. his careful and thoughtful replies, often at some length, docu- ment his interest and concern. The correspondence is in date order, and a brief note of the questions to which Peierls was responding is given below. with J.C. Gunn re proposal to form Chair of Applied Mathematics at Glasgow. with R.A. Rankin re Scottish secondary school education. with Th. V. Kaneliopoulos re establishment of School for Physics, Athens. (See also C.164.) (See also Item F.20.) with A.G. Watts re interim year between school and university. with Sir Chrisiapher Cox re brain drain in India. with Sir Harcie Massey re overseas students’ fees. with Officers of Oxford Society for Social Responsibility in Science re their policies. lengthy letters to Whitehall (and correspondence with Sir Robert Aitken) re the government's financial policy towards universities. policy and philosophy: with Birmingham University Registry re history of inaugural lectures. with Association of University Teachers re 'direct action' over salaries. NOTE: The following files in Section C may be referred to for further correspondence re various aspects of academic with Peter Hancock re tape recording of material on quantum theory for use in schools. with J.F. Alien re Science Research Council selectivity. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 © . O . 0 - 0 : O : O O D : O O .90 a ) 131 e135 163 168, ake 2G .274 B. si VE, oR 438; DR. PR; N. Kemmer N.F. Mott E.E. Salpeter Misc. correspondence re external examining (occasionally 1951-73 includes dissertation reports). | Minor correspondence re electoral boards. Reports on dissertations. pre-1963 Fife of papers relative to examining at Bradford Institute 1963-66 of Technology (Peierls acted as external examiner to the mathematics course for the Diploma in Technology): correspondence re meetings, setting of examinations, assessments of questions and of marking, recommendations for awards. See also C.135 (D.R. Hartree), B.23 Not used. 1946-51 1959-66 1963-71 for Peierls's suggestions and advice, Requests from university officials and heads of departments 1947-71 Commonwealth Scholarships (Peierls acted as a member of Correspondence with W.H. McCrea (1951) and H.S.W. Massey (1946-49) re their external examining for the Birmingham department. C.168 (N. Kemmer) and C.254 (M.H.L. Pryce) for further correspondence on the same topic. advisory panel fo the awarding committee): correspondence, reports. K L Mac-Me Mi-N O-P R Sa~Sh Si-T V-Z *8.25 *B.26 oe. 27 AB ge *B.29 *B.30 Teo *8.32 hon * B.25-B.41 References and testimonials for individuals, arranged alpha- * B24 George Eastman Professorship, Oxford. *6ia4 * 5.35 *B.36 * B37 *B.38 *B.39 *B.40 * B.A] A-Bl Bo-Bu i E-F G H-He Hi-| J B.24-B.47 References and testimonials. These files are restricted and the correspondence is not indexed. betically by name of candidate: R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 B.42-B.47 Suggestions for appointments, comparisons of several candidates. 6 folders in date order: *B.42 *B.43 *B.44 *B.45 *B.46 * B47 1950-55 1956-59. 1960-63 1963-64 1965-68 1970-74 C. -SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE (C.1-C.359) The correspondence in this section is with individuals. Other letters relating to committees, publications, university matters, etc. will be found in the relevant sections, and a complete index to the correspondence appears on pp. 56-71. When the correspondence is extensive, and/or the correspondent is of note, the In cases Peierls has drafted or approved the descriptive entries for these principal is of special personal or scientific interest. is conducted. material is lodged in a personal file or files, e.g., Niels Bohr, C.29-C.26. where only one or two letters were exchanged with a correspondent on sore point of scientific interest, these have been grouped together in a miscellaneous file, e.g., C.1, C.9, which occasionally break strict alphabetical sequence. With such ex- ceptions, the material is presented alphabetically, dated, and with ar indication of An indication of the content !s given only the language(s) in which it when it Not all the letters survive, and a note has been made in the list below in cases where only Peierls's carbon: copy remains (the names of these correspondents do not appeor in the general index). Cross-references are given to principal individuals, research or activities mentioned eisewhere in the collection, but when the correspondence deals with numerous projecis and personnel within a department it has not been practicable to cross-reference them ail. The correspondence deals mainly with scientific matters, though it contains many personal and friendly references. Of particular interest are the long exchenges of letters with Hans Bethe (C.15-C.19), Niels Bohr (C.29-C.36), Nevill Mctt (C.213-C.218) and Wolfgang Pauli (C.234-C.240), as well as the shorter correspondence with Max Born, R.H. Fowler, Werner Heisenberg, Lev Landau, George Placzek, Robert Oppenheimer and others. correspondents or collaborators of his earlier years. general note on conditions of access on Tees In addition, the correspondence shows the activity and internotional reputation His concern for the of Peierls's departments at Birmingham and, after 1963, at Oxford. selection, scientific progress, pastoral care and subsequent coreer of iis research students is constantly in evidence. Some of the correspondence is currently subject to restricted access; see the R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/5/77 re Akobjanoff, Lev Allcock, G. Allibone, Thomas Edward Apostolakis, A. Austern,; Norman J. R. (Peierls's carbon only) Aitchison, lan Johnstone Rhind Atkinson, D. Aughtie, Frank Baldin, Aleksander Mikhajlovich Barrett, Roger Berggren, Tore Bardeen, John Barker, Fred C. (Peierls's carbon only) H. Barschall, H. Batchelor, Bates, David Robert Baynes, Tom Hamilton George Keith 1965 1974 1963-64 1961 1959-62 1959-63 1970 1961, 1971 1957-58 1971-72 1970 1951, 1956-57 1947-50 1949 1968 1949 1950 J. (See also C.274) Bell, John Stewari Berg, W. Fy 1958-61 1951-58 1936, 1947 Bég, Mirza Abdui Bagi 1951, 1961 1949 Beck, Guido Belinfante, F. (1936 correspondence in German) Berliner, Arnold Berthelot, A. - 1926-28 and became friends. Manchester in 1933-34, and in Los Alamos in 1944-45. The correspondence is about physics, mutual visits and invitations to colleagues, and about personal affairs. Early letters are in German, and all are full of obscure references to private jokes, to quotations from anecdotes, etc. See also C.197 for correspondence re Bethe's 60th birthday Bethe and Peieris were fellow students in Munich in The sequence of letters is not complete. “1932 1947 1927-62 volume. Cite Cr16 Ce C19 (in German) Bethe, Hans Albrecht They were together in R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 “20 ; Bhabha, Homi Jehangir ; ‘ C.2i-C93 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart 17 1937, 1946, 1952 1930-54 Cc2i Blackett's papers sent to Peierls for his com- 1930-38. Correspondence re scientific work: 'Pauli's suggestion about "neutrons"! (now called 'neutrinos') (1930-31); ments (1936-37). calculations (in Peierls's hand) on ‘Blackett paper I' and one page (in Blackett's hand) of notes on 'scale drawing of chamber with counters’. File includes a set of notes and 1946. Correspondence re Atomic Scientists' Association, especially relating to proposed statement to be issued by the Council on the international control of atomic weapons. (See also C.54, F.4-F.8.) Correspondence re Atomic Scientists' Association 1947-54. conferences; re scientific matters; re Blackett's book Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy. (See also F.4-F.8.) Blackman, Moses Blatt, John Bleaney, Brebis (Peierls's carbon only) 1938-39 1953 1958 Bloch, Claude (Peierls's carbon only) 1953-57, 1963-70 1950-52, 1962 1931, 1948-54 Bohr, Niels Henrik David Blokhintzev, D. I. — (in Russian) Bloch, Felix (1931 letter in German) Peierls visited Bohr in Copenhagen repeatedly for con- Blin-Stoyle, Roger John 1953-54 1955-57, 1963-70 C2 “C20 After the war, there of his time in Copenhagen) discussed nuclear reactions and reached conclusions which were to be embodied in a joint paper. Drafts of portions of this paper were discussed in Copenhagen, on visits by Placzek to Birmingham, and by letter. ferences or just for consultation. in 1931. that L.D. Landau was having, and about arrangements for mutual visits. No satisfactory version had been arrived at when the war Various drafts had, however, interrupted communications. been shown or given to many other physicists so that the 'paper' was frequenily cited - probably the most frequently cited un- published, indeed unwritten, paper. About 1938 Bohr, Peierls and Placzek (who then spent much The letters are about physics, about the troubles The first visit was probably 1946-47 1936-60 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 were further attempts to agree on a text, but they were finally abandoned. See also A.22, C.9, C.46, C.245 for other references to or correspondence about this paper. Correspondence after 1946 (C.32-C.36) is addressed to, This refers to Bohr's nom de guerre and signed by, ‘Uncle Nick’. Nicholas Baker, under which he travelled and worked during the His older colleagues and friends adopted the Second World War. Bohr's /name permanently in their subsequent dealings with him. son, Aage, who escaped to England with him in the war, was known as James Baker, or Jim. 1936-37 (in German). 1938 1939 1946-48 (some of Peierls's letters are in German). (includes an abstract of address by Bohr at the Physical Society Conference in Cambridge in the summer of 1946 on 'Problems of Elementary Particle Physics'). 1954-56, 1960 none 29 pp. 5S pp. 6 pp. 2 pp. 1949-50 (includes typescript of Bohr's 'Tenturive Comments on Atomic and Nucleor Constitution, i5-8-49'). (See also C.245, which contains another draft. ) Various typescript drafts of the Bohr~Peierls-Placzek paper; are dated: typescript (top copy) carbon of typescript typescript (top copy) titled 'Evaluation of Dispersion Formula carbon of typescript 1948-51 correspondence re various memoirs of Bohr; see also C.68. Bohr, Aage Bowen, Richard A. Boya, Luis J. 1958 1960 1970-73 1959-60 1952-61 Bonnevay, Georges (see also A.15) Boon, Michael H. Bopp, Fritz (some letters in German) 1962-63, 1969 (Peierls's carbon only) R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.41-C.42 Born, Max (early letters in German) (see also C.140, D.12, D.14, D.18) C.41 C.42 1936, 1937, 1946, 1948-49 1950-54, 1963, 1967 C.43 Bragg, William Lawrence Peierls spent the academic years 1933-35 in Bragg's department at Manchester. relates to problems in which both had then been interested. The rest are about an invitation to Fermi (1947) (unsuccessful ) and about participants to a Solvay Conference in 1953. One exchange of letters in 1937 Brailsford, Alan David Brandow, Baird H. Breit, Gregory Brodie, Laird C. Brueckner, Keith A. (see cilso Takeo, M., C.297) Burton, W. Keith 19 1936-37 1946-54, 1963, 1967 1951-59, 1971 1957-59 1964, 1968 1967 1952, 1954, 1957 1952 Brenner, Sheila (see also C.51) 1951-59 C.47 *C.A7 1951-54 1955-59 C.48 C.51-C.53 C51 1950-56 1950-51 1949-74 "CO .Ay G90 1936, 1945, 1953 1949-54 1955-59 1960-74 Brode, Robert B. Bretscher, Egon Cvs Segoe Brentano, John C. M. (1936 letter is in German) Brown, Gerald Edward 1948-60 Burhop, Eric Henry Stoneley (includes correspondence re Atomic Scientists' Association, of which Burhop served as secretary, and its publicity, press statements, officers (see also C.22-C.23, F.4-F.8). (includes typescripts of 2 papers by Brown and collaborators, and typescript of obituary notice of H.W.B. Skinner by Peierls for publication in ‘Nuclear Physics’). Burke, Joseph Terence Anthony Butler, Stuort T. 1946-51, 1965 1973 1960-63 Byers, Nina ; 1956-63 Casimir, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard (1945 letter in German) 1945, 1950, Cassels, James Macdonald (see also C.66) Chadwick, James (see also C.65) C.61-C.62 Chan, Hong-Mo (includes drafts of papers) Tat +62 1955-60 1961-65 Ces Chisholm, J. S. Roy C.64 C765 Chrétien, Max (1950-52 correspondence in German) Clementel, Ezio C.66-68 Cockcroft, John Douglas 1938 (Peierls's carbon only), 1939-54 (see also C.59) 1955 1956-66 (see also C.36) 1971 1952-53 1935, 1948-49, 195] 1955-65 1964-67 1950-57 1949, 1953-55 1939-66 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 BS oe, (00 C.59 C.60 a Coleman, Kenneth Ray Coulson, Charles Alfred C.68 includes a copy of draft notes by Peierls for a panel talk at MIT on ‘The Future of The Physical Sciences' 1961 (Cockcroft was also a member of the panel). C.67 includes programme and papers relating to ‘Symposium upon Machines for High Energy Physics in U.K. Harwell, 13 May 1955, and copies of letters from British physicists in response to enquiry by UKAEA re high energy particle accelerator programme, 1955. 1947, 1951 Cade, R. di Castro, Carlo Champion, Frank Clive Chapman, Sydney Corben, Herbert S. Cottrell, Alan Howard Delves, L. wictkyip. Domb, Cyril M. Ga 1973 1949 — 1965 1947 1940 1953 n.d. 1946-47, 1950 1948-52, 1964, ; 1960, 1966 1954 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.73 C.74 C.70 Dabrowski, Janusz Karol Dale, W. M. Dolitz, Richard Henry C.75 *C.75 1949-54 1955-58 21 1956-63 1946 1949-58 da Providencia, he (see C. 253) C.76 Davison, Boris (1947 letter is Peierls's carbon only) includes 1947, 1950-61 correspondence with Harwell ond with Chalk River and correspondence with colleagues after Davison's sudden death in 1961, obituary of Davison by W.H. Watson as published in Nature; see also C.66. de Dominicis, C. T. (see C.83) C.77 Dee, Anne C.77 "ees, 1954 1955-58 1954-55 C.78 Dee, Philip Ivor (all letters except that of 1948 are Peierls's carbons only) 1938-39, 1948- 52 de Haos, W. le (see C.126) 1950-58 Deutsch, Martin Diamond, Witold B. 1950 1939, 1948-52 Cs? Clay 1948-49 1965-68 Dingle, Robert Balson C.8] C.82 C.83 di Castro, C. (see C.71) de Dominicis, Cyrano Tullio Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (see also A. 22) 1952-71 Eden, Richard John Eliezer, C. Sillot;: JaiceR Evans, Robley, D. 1956 1947-48, 195] 1957 1949 Easthope, Colin E. (Peierls's first research student in 1955-56, 1960-63, 1973-74 C.89-C.90 Edwords, Samuel Frederick Dyson, Freeman John 1953-61 1946-74 C.87 C.88 1936-38, 1942, 1952 C.84-C.85 C.84 *C,85 C.86 Cambridge) Edmonds, Alan R. C.89 1952-54 10556.. 1946-52 Jayam R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 i is oe Ehrenberg, W. Ehrenfest, Paul (in German) 22 1946, 1947 1932 Ehrenfest had published a paper ‘Some queries concerning the The file contains a letter foundations of quantum mechanics'. from Peierls giving his views as to the answers, a reply from Ehrenfest asking that some of the answers be expanded and sug- gesting that Peierls publish his views. A further letter from He did not Peierls discussed the points Ehrenfest had raised. publish anything on this because he found that Pauli had pub- lished a reply to Ehrenfest which largely overlapped with his own ideas. (See also A.16.) Elton, Lewis Richard Benjamin Emery, Victor J. Evans, James Anthony Ewald, Paul Peter Fankuchen, Isidor Feenberg, E. Follett, David Henry Fowler, G. oN. (Peierls's carbon only) (Peierls's carbon only) Fairbairn, Walter M. 1955, 1965, 1972 1960-63 1957-62 1946-49, 1958 1939 1939 1947 1952, 1964 1950-60, 1965 C.98 *598 Ferretti, Bruno Flowers, Brian Hilton (see also C.264) 99 . 100 101 1936, 1948 1946-54 1937, 1958-62 1950-66, 1968 1950-54 1955-56, 1968 Fierz, M. (Fierz's letters are in German) 1950-54 1955-60, 1965 Fermi, Enrico (1936 letter is in ltalian) .102-C.103 C.102 *C.103 1951, 1957 Franz, Walter Fremlin, John H. French, A. Friedel, J. Fulbright, H. 1950 1968, 1971 1954 1965 1951 Fowler, Ralph Howerd (see also C.146) Frank, Frederick Charles (1957 letter is Peierls's carbon P._—(Peierls's carbon only) Fock, V. (in German) C.104 C.106 C.106 1930-31 1937-38 W. only) R.E. Peierts CSAC 52/6/77 ‘C.108 , C.409 © .hIO ieee C.H3 C.114 Frenkel, J. (includes copy of telegram to R.H. Fowler 1946-47 23 from Frenkel - n.d.) Frisch, Otto Robert Fr8hlich, Herbert (1937 letter is in German); one letter 1971 re book in honour of Frdhlich. C.110 *C.110 1937, 1947-53 1955-62, 1971 Fuchs, Klaus (1947 letters are Peierls's carbons only; correspondence is with Fuch's friends and advisers) also A.16 and C.66). 1950 (see W. Gallop, J. Gentner, Wolfgang George, E. Gifford, R.. P. D. (in German) Gabor, Dennis Gamow, George (Russian and English) 1947-54, 1962 1937, 1947-62, 1971 1947, 1950 1949 1948, 195] 1951 1959 1941-51 1946-47, 1952 1945-56 C.1i5-C.116 Gardner, John William C.145 1945-52 *CeL6 1955-56 Garrido, Luis Maria (Peierls's carbon only) Giz *C.118 Gi hey 1968-74 1956-57 Goodeve, Charles Frederick Geoghegan, Gerald R. H. Gilbert, Nicole (see Vinh-Mau, C.311) 1948 1951 1962 1949, 1954 1972 Glueckauf, Eugen Goldsack, Stephen J. Carter, ©, <<" 2. Goward, FF. K. Grossman, Shlomit 1967 J. de Haas, W. Hall, Henry Edgar Hamza, A. M. Hardy, Robert J. GUnther, Marian (some letters in German) 1949-50, 1952 1959 1949-50, 1952, 1959 1956-63, 1968 1953-58, 1962 Gustafson, Torsten Gutmann, Felix Green, Anthony M. Greenwood, Derek A. 1936 1952 1935 1971 1972 C123 “Cig 1947, 1949-53 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.127-C.128 ter Haar, Dirk 27 *Cal 26 1949-55 1963, 1967 Pe et 29 Haering, Rudolph R. 1956-58, 1962, 1964 Halban, Hans von (see also A.18) : 1947-51 Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson Hamilton, James Harper, Philip George Cig *C.133 1949-54 1955-60, 1974 134 Horrison, Michael J. o135-C.136 Hartree, Douglas Rayner (see also C.47 and C.51) . 130 13] 132 133° Chae C.136 «137 1963 * 1954°1956 1949-57, 1959- 60, O74. 1974 1959-62 1947-57 1947 1956 1946 1934 1948, 1954 1947-51 1952-57 W. Haslett, A. Hillman, P. Hogben, Lancelot Houtermans, Mrs. Howlett, Jack German) (in German) 1930, 1931 (?), 1935, 1948 The file also includes correspondence in 1948 during Heisenberg, Werner (all ef Heisenberg's letters are in the quantum theory of the electromagnetic field ther: developed by Heisenberg and Pauli. Heisenberg to Pauli, which were passed fo Peierls for comment. This includes two letters from Some early letters in German about physics - mostly about W. Heisenberg's visit to England, about a visit to Birmingham which was arranged but had to be cancelled. 11 February 1948 there is a reference to a memorandum by Peierls 'Our relations with the German scientists’ which was enclosed, but there is no copy of this Heitler, Walter Heinrich (1937 letters are in German) Hepner, Wolfgang A. (includes carbons of Peierls's letters 1940-42, 1946- 47, 1950 1959-67 See also A.21, C.234 and D.14. Born, 1940) Herbut, Fedor Herivel, J. In Peierls's letter of (see also D.12) 1937, 1946-51 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.143 C.144 C.145 C.146 Hodgson, Peter E. Hofstadter, Robert Horton, George K. Hoyle, Fred Hoyle started research work under Peierls shortly before The Peierls moved from Cambridge to Birmingham in 1937. record does not show whether Peierls was his official Ph.D. supervisor after the move, but he worked under Peierls's guidance, hitch-hiking to Birmingham when necessary for consultation. There is correspondence from that period, and also later in connection with a joint paper, and, in 1947, comments on a paper by C. Domb. The sequence is not complete and most of Hoyle's letters are not dated. See also C.105. Hu, Ning Hughes, D. Humphreys, C. Hund, F. J. ; Huby, R. (in German) (see also E.10) 1958-59 1953-55 1953, 1959 1936-39, 1947 _ 1947-48 1954 1968 1960 1948-52, 1970 1937-40 1946-49 1948, 1950 Meth. a... ae Hulthén, Lamek Husain, Delawor Hussain, Zoahur David Sn Hume-=Rothery, William Humblet, J. (in French) 1938, 1942-43, 1947, 1958, 1967 1961, 1969-72 Jackson, J. Jor, TS. Jastrow, Robert Jeffreys, Bertha Johnson, Derek F. Jordan, P. 1949 1962 1949 1950 1951 1935 Jahn, Hermann Arthur Jenkins, Richord C. —L. 1959-64, 1966 1966, 1970-71 1946-53, 1956 1953-59, 1964 Jackson, Daphne F. Jonah, Daniel A. (in German) 1969 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.160 “C3161 C.162 Jones, Harry (1955 letter is Peierls's carbon only) Jones, Reginald Victor Kahn, Herman Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich Kastler, A. Kabir, Prabahan Kemal Kanellopoulos, Themistoklis V. (see also B.15) Konur os." es Kerley, Gerald I. Kerr, Alexander O. Rete 05.05 Fic A. C.167-C.168 Kemmer, Nicholas C.167 "C168 1938 (in German, Peierls's carbon only), 1946, 1948-54 1955-58, 1960-62 (much correspondence re Peierls's 1946, 1955 1948, 1955 1961 1971 1974 1956-63 1953-56, 1959- 60 1937-39, 1946 1973... 1969 1965 1938-62 external examining for Edinburgh and Kemmer's external examining for Birmingham). 1949-52, 1955- Kim, Young-Nok Klein, Oskar Kopal, Zdenék 1950 1947 1939 Klemens, Paul G. 1953-58, 1968, 1972 1949, 1951 King es Tt. Klemperer, O. Kober, H. 57, 1974 (1951 letter is a copy of a letter by Kramers to the Director-General of UNESCO; other correspondence is re a collection of Kramers's letters and a proposed memorial volume). Krons; Ra: Krishnan, Kariamanikkam Srinivasa Kronig, R. deL. 1966 1946, 1953 1946-47 Kynch, George James (see also C.266) Kuper, Charles Goethe 1946-54 1955-56 Kramers, H. A. 1949-52 a5, 1957 1951-55 -L. “Krook, Max R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C173 Lamb, Willis Eugene Lejéek, Lubor van Leuven, Piet Landau, Lev Davydovich (in German, Russian and English) Landau was in ZUrich for a short time in the autumn of On each occasion 1929, and again in the winter of 1930-31. Landau and Peierls wrote a joint paper. pondence about the first of these. Some later casual corres- ‘pondence concerns in part possible visits, points arising from a conference in Moscow in 1956, about translation of books, a proposed honorary degree for Landau in Birmingham. The 1968 correspondence is about Landau's death and the obituary notices in journals. There is corres- See also C.30 and C. 265 Lane, Anthony Milner Langer, James S. Lascoux, Jean Le Couteur, K. 1956, n.d. 1969 1972, 1974 1930, 1950, 1955-58, 1968 1951-58 1955-58 1955-59 1952-59 Leon, Melvin Levinger, Joseph S. 1961-63 1956-61, 1971- 72 Lindhord, Jens ~ Lieb, Elliott Hershel C.187 re shy 1953-54 1955-62 1952, 1966 1957, 1961 1966 Lidiard, Alan Brian Lipkin, Harry J. Lippmann, Bernard A, 1954-55 Lijolje, K. Luders, G. Luscombe, J. Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur McIntyre, M. McQuillan, Alan D. E. MacDonald, David Keith Chalmers McLeon, Thomas Pearson 1963 1965 1974 1958 1948 1974 1971 1948-50, 1955, 1959-60 (Peierls's carbon only) 1953-62 1949-50 (in German) Lucas, S. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.194 C.195 28 McManus, Hugh ‘(McManus was Peierls's first research student at Birmingham University). 1939-40, 1945- 56, 1960 Mandelstam, Stanley C.l9 *C 195 1953-54 1955-63 March, Norman Henry Marshak, Robert E. (includes correspondence re 60th birthday volume for Hans Bethe 1965-66). Marshall, Walter Charles eee eC, 18 1952-54 1955-57, 1961-63 1959-63 1956-66 1952-57, 1961- 63 Martin, Paul C. 1955-60 (Peierls's carbon onty) Mason, Ronald Mazo, Robert M. Menzel, Donald H. Meyerhof, W. E. Mitra, Asoke N. Moszkowski, Steven A. Motz, Hans Mummery, Peter W. 1974 1967 1949-50 1947 1960-61 1957 1963 1957 1961-63 1951-57, 1962 C.201 *C.201 Mehta, Naren 1939, 1948, 1955 Meitner, Lise (iri German and English) Meksyn, D. (includes letter on his work on infinite integrals from Meksyn to R.H. Fowler, which Fowler passed to Peierls). Matthews, Paul Taunton 1951-54 1955-57. 1962 1973-74 1939, 1947, 1952 1956, 1970 Maller, C. (1939 correspondence in German) Mendelssohn, Kurt (in German) Mondragén, Alfonso B. 1939, 1947, 1952, 1956, 1970 1936 1936 1968 Mercier, Raymond P. 1957-62, 1967~ 68 1950, 1959, Moon, Philip Burton Mermin, N. David 1961-62, 1968 C.208 =C.208 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 €.211 Moorhouse, Robert Gordon Croll *C.211 3949-82 1953-55 Cy 2tZ Moshinsky, Marcos C.213-C.218 Mott, Nevill Francis 1956-57 1936-74 C.213 1936-39 (includes typescript by Mott of "Discussion of the paper by de Boer and Verwey' and ms. notes by Peierls on the same topic). 1946-50 (includes copy of 15 March 1946 letter from Niels Bohr to Mott re new journal for physics; correspondence in this file concerns this proposal). much of the 1951-53 (much of the correspondence concerns the refereeing and communication of papers for the Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science). 1953-57 1957-61, 1963 1964-74 (includes correspondence re proposed summer schools for solid state research students in British universities). In addition to scientific correspondence, there are also many letters dealing with the affairs of the Atomic Scientists' Associa- tion. This correspondence should be read in conjunction with that found in Item F.8. 1950-55, 1960- 72.221-C.222 C.224 1950-52 1962-63, 1973 1946-73 1960-63 Moyal, Js Be C.Z21 tC. 222 * 1946-53 1955-73 Oral? “CC UEeO °C .2e _ Nakano, Husio Murphy, George Eugene Nabarro, Frank Reginald Nunes See also Items A.19, A.22, D.9, D.18. 1946-55, 1961 (includes correspondence re arrangements for Peierls's sabbatical term at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1952). Oliphant, Mark Oneda, S. Owen, David Newton, Roger G. Novakovié, Ljubisav Nussbaum, R. H. 1971 (correspondence re memorial to Oppenheimer). C.227-C.228 Oppenheimer, J. 1959-60 1972 1954 él 1973 1957 1965 Noyes, Henry Pierre ; 1946-55, 1961, 1971 Cn fae. Robert R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Gi229 Orowan, Egon (includes typescript of patent application on ‘aiming device, especially for anti-aircraft artillery’ 1941 and of 3 pp. draft titled 'The origin and spacing of slip bands'). See also A.18 and E.11. Pais, Abraham Paneth, Heinz Rudolf (now H.R. Post) : Papapetrou, A. Peshkin, Murray Peters, Bernard Pike ES Pincherle, Leo Plaskett, Harry Hemley (Peierls's carbon only) 233 Paton, Jack Ellis »234-C.240 Pauli, Wolfgang (German and English) Peierls was Pauli's student in the summer of 1929, and 1941, 1946, 1950, 1961 1968 1947-53 1949-51, 1959 1951, 1960 1949 1966 1946, 1948 1951 1959-62 1930-57 assistant from October 1929 to summer of 1932. Early letters are mostly about physics during Pauli's absences from Zurich. Later, exchange of letters about physics (and occasionally about visits) continued. Ai22,.G.265, Com22, ERG: See also 1940); see also C.138). (January-March) See also D.10. 1938 1949 1952 1953 1955-57 (March-December) (February-July) (August, one letter - October) 1930-37 (includes postcard from Heisenberg to Pauli (Feb. 54 Correspondence re Peierls's obituary notice of Pauli in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of The Royal Seciety, Vol.5, 1959 and his contribution to the Pauli Memorial Volume. (includes typescript draft of Bohr-Peierls-Placzek paper). See also C.29-C.36, F.4-F.8, D.12, C.241° 1946-47, 1950, 1952 SC rh 1 96t Placzek, George (1937-39 letters are in German) Perrin, Michael Willcox (see also F.4-F.8) 1946-47, 1950, 1952, 1961 Pinl, Max (1947 letter in German) 1946-47, 1950, 1954-55 1947, 1949 C.241 Penney, William George Perks, Maurice A, 1953-55 1959-60 1937-39, 1947- R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.246 Podolanski, J. Ponts Mick. Pe, ta, Price, Peter J. Pursey, D. Vs = L. Polanyi, Michael (includes a carbon of Polanyi's paper ‘Electric dipoles and electrically induced resonance' sent to Peierls for comment). See also F.4-F.8. Polkinghorne, John Charlton Popper, Karl Raimund (one letter oniy) Powell, Cecil Frank (see also A.16) C.250 *C.250 1948-54 1959, 1964, 1968 Preston, Melvin A, C.251 *C.25'.: 1949-54 1959-58, 1963 Proca, Alexandre (see also C.267) da Providencia, J. 31 1952 1949 1959 1951-52 1952, 1958 1941, 1946, 1954-56 1954-55 1959 1948-54, 1959, 1964, 1968 1946-58, 1963 1947-48, 1950- 53, 1955 1962-66 1937-39, 1948-- 55, 1961, 1963 1955 1948-60 1952-54, 1958- Radicati, Luigi A. Quimby, S.L. Radcliffe, John M. Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata Pryce, Maurice Henry Lecorney =1948-54 (C.256 "C. 256... 1965-60 59 Ramsey, Norman Foster Rasetti, Franco Raven, J. Rohrlich, Fritz 1951, 1955 1935 1957 1952 1954 neds _ Rosenberg, Harold M. Ross, Alan Strode Camphell 1951-55 1951 1967-68 Ravenhall, David Geoffrey (in German) M. 1947-62 1951, 1953-54 Rayski, Jerzy Redmond, Peter J. Ramanna, R. R.E. Peierls SSAC 52/6/77 G..264-C.265 — Rosbaud, Paul C.264 G,265 1947-51 1953-60 (includes much editorial correspondence when Rosbaud was associated with various publishing firms). .266-C.267 Rosenfeld, Léon C.266 C3267 1938 (in German), 1946-51, 1953-54 1955-57, 1960, 1962-63, 1971 (includes editorial correspondence when Rosenfeld was an editor of Nuclear Physics). See also D.18. Rosenhead, Louis C.268 *C.268 1947-54 1956-63 Rotblat, Joseph C.269 *C.269 (see also F.4-F.8) 1946-48, 1950, 1953-54 1955-57, 1959, 1961 Rzewuski, Jan Feliks 32 1947-60 1947-63 1946-48, 1950, 1953-57, 1959, 1961 1948-53 RR. 1950-63 Salpeter, Edwin Ernest Salam, Abdus 1950, 1954 1955-63 (see also C.189) 1951 1961 - 1954 1956 1948 Sahd;"M, *3 NG Salem, Lionel Schafroth, M. Schonland, Basil Ferdinand Jamieson Secord, Campbell 50, 1953, 1959 1948, 1950, 1960, 1964 1953-55 1948-55 1955-60 1946-53, 1958- 59, 1973 Schaefer, Glen W. Schonland, David Sharma, Chandra Shekhar 1968-69 1937-39, 1948- Schultz, Theodore David Serber, Robert Shoenberg, David R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 C.281-C.282 Simon, Francis Eugene C.281 C.202 1937 (in German), 1945-50 1951-55 (includes report by Simon for Government Information Service on 'The constructive use of atomic energy’ and of 'In retrospect', his reflections on contemporary See also A.17. life as pictured in the popular press). C.283 singwi, K.-S. C.284-C.285 Skinner, Herbert W. 8B. (see also C.53, F.4-F.8) 1950-54 1948~50 C.284 *C.285 1948-54 1956-60 C.286-C. 287 Skyrme, Tony H.R. C.286 haees, 1945-54 1955-57 (includes typescripts of several papers). "C.288 Seligman, Henry Smend, F. Smithy su": Stell, George ime 1962 197 1958 1970 1958 1934 1948, 1950-56, (See also E.27.) Sommerfeld, Arnold Sneddon, lan Naismith (one letter only, in German) Covering letter sent with copy of Sommerfeld's leiter to Raman in India about a chair in Bangalore for which Peier!s was applying. The letter (now apparently lost) mentioned Peierls together with Hopf, another applicant, and assured Raman that Hopf was the more suitable and deserving of ihe two. 1958 (in German and English) Swiatecki, Wladyslaw Jerzy (see also C.51, C.299 Szilard, Leo: (one letter only) Sprung, Donald WW. L. Stinchcombe, Robin B. Spalding, E. G. 196] 1960-64 1962-63 1966 1946-56 Stuchlik, Karl R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Caer? te. Tott,a. Takeo, Makoto Taylor, John A. Titterton, Ernest William Trummer, Horst (in German) Tadi¢, D. (see C.306) "290 G29 Tanner, Neil, W. Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram (1944-5! are Peierls's carbons only) C.300 Teller, Edward *C.301 Temperley, Hugh N.Y. ter Haar, D. (see C.127-C.128) *@ 302 *C.303 Thellung, A. E. Thompson, Brian Victor 1968-69 1937, 1944-51, 1952, 1959, 1966 1947-49, 1956 $956, 1961, 1965 1962-63 1959-64 deuterons, 1946) 1946-47, 1950- 51, 1959 English) C.304 G: 1961-66, 1974 1960-66, 1968 van Leuven, D, (see C.178) Valctin, J. G. Thouless, David J. Tuan, Tai-Fu and Tadié, D. Thomson, George Paget (includes draft of paper on Uhlenbeck, George E. Umezawa, H. Urey, Harold Ciayton 1933;.1% Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck Vogt, Erich W. 1956 1955-56, 1963, Vinh-Mau, Nicole (neé Gilbert) (in French and English) von Neumarin, John (Psierls's carbons only} (in German and Villars, Felix M. H. van Wieringen, J. S. 1956, 1965 1959-62 1948 1954 1965 1964-69 *C.308 C.309 (see C.326) Volkoff, G. M. 1969 1953 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 O o O Q s N T ! : n O , © Y O s B G E O o N A | M A F N Q A O M ™ A O A N n a r O o M m A - e w N e a N d O o O Abrikosov, A. Aitchison, lan Johnstone Rhind Aitken, Sir Robert (Stevenson) Akers, Sir Wallace Alan Akobjanoff, Lev Alaga, G. Altan, Ha Allcock, GR. Allen, John Frank Allibone, Thomas Edward Allison, Samuel K. Amado, Ralph D. Anderson, Herbert L. Anderson, John (Baron Waverley of S, Armour-Brown, Peter H. Arms, H. — Shull mre, We. Ashby, Eric (Baron Ashby of Brandon) Ashkin, Julius Ashmore, Alick Atalay, Bulent Atkinson, D. Aughtie, Frank Austern, Norman N A | N M M m a | m M m r Q N A Q ® F w o k H r o w r o r W w h B — = — s e r Westdean) e r o w o O o O o — 2 l a S ( n N w e O s Y L A ) & O o a O o ~ t o n ~ 8 0 2 o G c E j W C w N C M X G S B. D CG , A fF, Ci is A. Cy Ros Gi hk A R e I N e e N W o s S M O N c i F. D,. a A. D G s e C B ct 4 ] 1 R A 2 G CS ce eZ o O R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 K. Ce gad Baldin, Aleksander Mikhajlovich Bannister, F. Bardeen, John Barker, Barrett, Roger Bartlett, Batchelor, Bates, Bates, David Robert Leslie Fleetwood Maurice Stevenson George Keith é iz f ao f ‘ Bauer, Etienne J. Baynes, Tom Hamilton Beck, Guido Bég, Mirza Abdul Bagi Belinfante, F. Bell, John Stewart Bellamy, Edmund Henry Berg, Wolf F. Bergel, Franz Berggren, Tore Berliner, Arnold Berman, Robert Bernardini, G. Berthelot, A. Bethe, Hans Albrecht m ~ , £.24 oh Lea, SAG; 75, C.83-C.84, C 162. (hd: hoy SO 5292 SOR] De © J; N — S U T t a o h S (Boron Blackett of Chelsea) Bhabha, Homi Jehangir Bhatia, A.B. Bjdrnerstedt, Rolf Bldck= Py Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackman, Moses Blackwell, Donald Eustace Blankenbecler, Richard Blatt, John Bleaney, Brebis Bleuler, K. Blinc, R Blin-Stoyle, Roger John Bloch, Claude Bloch, Felix Blok, Arthur Blokhintzev, D. Blume, Martin Bodmer, A. Bohr, Aage Bohr, Niels Henrik David Bonnevay, Georges Boon, Michael H. pit -C,34, C. 198) @.206, C295 O F M A O F E ™ F O D M A M N N A N A N Q A N a N F N N F V tOs, Getve ! O N e o N W N G R. o w N = 2 G , S O C o s : R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 1) Lawrence avid M. ord Bridges) C C A. B: C cS . F A C C - ¢ C fc G F E C. ig ie ae Di Gr A. A. O B 40, E.27 A1-C.42, C.194 a N 37 349 37 O N w c ee C43: Cee C..138 AA 45 2 46, C.51 47 48 49, E.2, F.3 .20 a0 6 @ e e e a — e 7 ~ > o T O dj (Crisp) h harles } O = , e e s , E.12, E.33 ed 2. 6.7 Fete Peal Ernest y Stoneley nce Anthony iugh eS un) Gwynne Jones live sonard) Robert rugt Gerhard cdonald p D O M T A A o G S D A U — W R O s M N h h O W 0 0 O > . © m Q a G C n o N 1 1 o S = o h O O O C C ~ m M — & X N CO m.c. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 (see Lindemann) Roy Chapman, Sydney Cherwell, Lord Chester, Geoffrey V. CHMNOLO: fac 4 Os Chrétien, Max Clark, Ronald Clementel, Ezio Clusius, Klaus Cockcroft, Lady Elizabeth) Cockcroft, Sir John(Douglas) e 9 G E L O M T A N N U Y F W w N O P r A O a c A ¢ B. Ga C A. B. j F ne B. G EF, G; Ci Ce E.1; A. C. . G C S 5 O o ) e p — @ S ~ Y Y w f N — ests Sogken J. H. , Herbert S. Coleman, Kenneth Ray Collie, -<.... Cook, Colin Corben Corner, J. Correll, W. Cottrell, Sir Alan (Howard) Coulson, Charles Alfred Cox, Sir Christopher (William Machell) Cox, Sir (Ernest) Gordon (George) Crank, John Creutz, Edward Crowther, James G, Dabrowski, Janusz Karol Dale, Sir Henry (Hallett) Dale, W. Dalitz, Richard Henry da Providencia, J. Dash, J. Davenport, Harold Davies, Handel Davison, Boris de Dominicis, Cyrano Tullio Dee, Anne Dee, Philip Ivor Gregory M. 82, C.201 de Haas, W. M. Delves, L. Deutsch, Martin Devons, Samuel Diamond, Witold B. di Castro, Carlo Dick, BeeuG, Dick, William E. Dingle, Herbert Dingle, Robert Balson Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Dog, Peds Doll, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) Domb, Cyril 107 Cx 102 83 oJ7 ay 2 fen 08 ffs Os: a Po 4 ED 8.7 126 72 79, F.5 .20, E.14 .80 an ay e S aa7o 81 0 . 0 7 1 D O O O 0 J. ) S 1 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Duff, Patrick William Duffield, Robert Dunworth, John Vernon Dyson, Freeman John Easthope, Colin E. Eden, Richard John C.286 E.18 Al4, Fade Fale Ci78p Ge4eS 795; ©. 295, C.201 O > N n OP CYS PC .06; 94, E.2, E.7, F.49 , C.89-G.90, F.2>F.17 th Jayam Edmonds, Alan R. Edwards, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) Ehrenberg, W. Ehrenfest, Paul Eliezer, C. ElNiGtydes Elton, Lewis Richard Benjamin Emeleus, Karl George Emery, Victor J. Enz, Charles Evans, Emlyn Hugh Garner Evans, James Antony Evans, Robley D. Ewald, Paul Peter Faddeev, L. OD. Fairbairn, Walter M. Fankuchen, Isidor Feather, Norman Feld, Bernard T. Fermi, Enrico Ferretti, Bruno Feshbach, Herman Field, Gerald Fierz, M. Fleck, Alexander (Baron Fleck of C o O — N A A O a = e o o u v S n r n N o u n m o s O r O = s O S o C O W O N N A N O D O D D M v A C es Gs G. ae B. ta Ge F. C Ge Gi es c A . D € io G; A. Sp — S I A N R © o s D N O 23 m a ~ y t o i r P s O > ' 0 A . I ™ ° O C Saltcoats) PaAe ese sal Flowers, Sir Brian (Hilton) 1, 65300 84a, £93 * 1002 C116 9, E14 19 F.25 A. 3, A.7, Gist, Cam. C. 102- C. 108, ©2263, Baz F22-F. 3, F.13, F.31, F.41 104 97 rr 97 .105 Fock, V. Follett, Sir David (Henry) Foreman, Aca = Fowler, G. Fowler, Sir Ralph (Howard) Francis-Williams, Edward (Baron Francis Williams of Abinger) Frank, Frederick Charles Frank, Nathaniel Franke, Hermann Franz, Walter Fredrickson, W. Freeman, J. G. Freir, Shalheveth Fremlin, John H. “90 .107 15 9 106 5730. 164, &. 194 N. E. R. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 J. H. W. P. 5D; Frenkel, J. Frenkel, V. Frey-Wyssling, Albert Friedel, J. Friedlander, Michael W. Frisch, David H. Frisch, Otto Robert Frohlich, Herbert Fuchs, Klaus Fulbright, H. Furth, R. Gabor, Dennis Gallop, J. .W. Gamow, George Gardner, John William (Jerry) Garrido, Luis Maria Garwin, Richard L. Gentner, Wolfgang Geoghegan, Gerald R. George, E. Gifford, &.° Gilbert, Nicole (see Vinh-Mau) Goldberger, Kurt Goldsack, Stephen J. Goldsmith, Maurice Goldstein, Sydney Goldstone, Jeffrey Goodall, M.. C. Goodeve, Sir Charles (Frederick) Gotter; C.J: Goudsmit, Samuei A. Goward, F. Gowing, Margaret Mary Green, Anthony iM. Greene, Sir Hugh Carleton) Greenwood, Derek A. Groenewold, H. Grossman, Shtomit Grothendieck, A. Gunn, John Currie Gunther, Marian Gustafson, Torsten Gutmann, Felix Gutteridge, William Haering, Rudolph R. Halban, Hans von Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson Hall, Henry Edgar Halpern, Otto Hamilton, James Hamza, A. M. Hardy, Robert J. K. O AS. °C.193 0 2 O ay 114 -145=C.116, Fel0-F 211 ohlZ 24 +12 .118 tee 112 A O F O ) e e w e F O S O 119 5 Pa tee Ye 349 6349 .120 s119; B.92, E:30 94, D4 119 19, E.33 J. 0 : 0 O L O S O B et R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 \ \ Harper, Philip George Harris, Henry Harrison, Michael J. Harrison, Walter A. Hartree, Douglas Rayner : C.133 reer A.25, ©.134 E.26 470.122; Cyeteons 36, C.194 Haslett, A. Heathcoat Amory, Derick (Viscount W. oe GC. 437 N o O w W o O “ S ~ — O N O N > < F e O e O S C R N O > N — c o Wolfgang A. Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Holesebars: Werner Heitler, Walter Heinrich Hdsaer: Herbert, Fedor W. Herivel, J. Herring, Conyers Herzenberg, Arvid Hillman, P. Hodgson, Peter E. Hofstadter, Robert Hogben, Lancelot Hopkins, Harry H. Hopkins, M. — R. Horton, George K. Horvain, vs Ff. Houtermans, Mrs. Howarth, Leslie Howlett, Jack Hoyle, Sir Fred Hu, Ning Huber, P. Huby, R. Pluck R. Hughes, D. J. Hulthén, Lamek Humblet, J. Hume-Rothery, William Humphreys, C. Humphreys, Humphrey Francis Hund, F. Husain, Delawar Hussain, Zahur Hutchinson, George William Hutchisson, Elmer Infeld, Laspall Irving, John Jackson, Daphne F. Jackson, J. David Jacoby, Kurt Jahn, Hermann Arthur Jakeman, Eric James, R. W. J. as t O 145 MS. CEA? 137 .18 VEZ F.2 146 147 15 56, C.98, C.148 149 147 150 151 aE AS? 147 5, A.10 147, E.10 153 154 rr 25) £349 156 155 ioe 3157, C906; C326 349 0 M E O D O D O O P D O r r o w N m A O N O N > R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Jancovici, B. Japolsky, N. Jastrow, Robert Jauch; 055-2. Jeffreys, Lady (Bertha) Jeffries, T. Jenkins, Richard C. O, ensen, J. Hans D. L. he aN, Johnson, Derek F. Joliot, Frédéric Jolliffe, Christopher Jonah, Daniel A. Jones, (er. Jones, Harry Jones, Reginald Victor Jordan, P. Kabir, Prabahan Kemal Kahn, Herman Kanellopoulos, Themistoklis V. Kapitza, Peter Leonidovich Kaplan, Martin Kgout) Pict Li Kastler, Alfred Kearton, Christopher Frank (Baron Kearton of Whitchurch) & H O r o m O O o m A a A O O F N A M O R 161, F.39 155 "168,°F 129 162 15, C.164 E N O A O F O M T A A l t l n a n o O a A a R s o D N E a e c O N Q O D d F.23, F.32 A.18, A.25, C.44, C.89, .F. A. M. Kemmer, Nicholas C.166 C.166 C.166 F.23 C,167-C.168, C.198, €.306, C1338, £2, £.7, £.21,. F318 Kerley, Gerald I. Kerr, Alexander O. Kettle, SS. Khvostov, V. Kim, Young-Nok Kinet. Klein, Martin J. Klein, Oskar Klemens, Paul G. Klemperer, O. Kober, H. Kopal, Zdenék Kornberg, Hans Leo Kramers, H.A. Krans, R. c Krishnan, Sir Kariamanikkam Srinivasa Kronig, R. Krook, Max Kuiper, Nicolaas H. Kuper, Charles Goethe Kurti, Nicholas Kynch, George James Lamb, Willis Eugene Landau, Lev Davydovich .170 169 16 17] “172 169 169 173 .13, F.4! 174 174 174 95 C.174 175 12, F.14 176, C.233 5, E.21, F.4-F.5 177 178 O V C a O D o > O D O 0 0 7 7 . 0 0 : O de L. O E T F O > D S Y R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Sir John (Edward) J. Lane, Anthony Milner Lang, H. * Langer, James S. Lascoux, Jean Le Couteur, K. Lejéek, ‘Lubor Lennard-Jones, Lenz, W. Leon, Melvin Leprince-Ringuet, Louis Levinger, Joseph S. Levy, H. Lévy, Maurice Lewis, Wilfrid Bennett Lidiard, Alan Brian Lieb, Elliott Hershel Lighthill, Sir (Michael} James Lindemann, Frederi ck Alexander (Viscount , - e r a p n O s a f ° e a 5 m O d T m s h r - . o O c C . s S G C G N A ” . 0 0 t e t e n : 0 0 2 n O t e e w N R 0 0 D O C O M O O O O O P R A O I T A P PAC 128: o4336 o b 184 a © 185, E.10 £295 .38 .76, C.194 .186, F.18 .187 A, EO) E12, £239. O © k o t a r G 3, F.49 (John) Selwyn (Brooke) DC .AG 0.457, 6 4, F.6-F.7 . 188 e20-F.29, Fidly fia 239 . 186 186 e S o o O Cherwell) Lindhard, Jens Lindop, Patricia Joyce Linstead, Sir (Reginatd) Patrick Lipkin, Harry J. Lippmann, Bernard A. Ljolje, K. Lloyd, Rt. Hon. Lockspeiser, Sir Ben London, Heinz Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Lowdin, Per-Olov Lowenstein, Otte Egon Lucas, Sir Cyril (:dward) Leeds. S. Luders, G. Luscombe, J. Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur McCrea, William Hunter MacDonald, David Keith Chalmers McIntyre, M. McKee, Jasper S iy McLean, Thomas Pearson McManus, Hugh McMillan, Edwin Mattison McQuillan, Alan D. Makins, Roger Mellor (Lord Sherfield) Mandelstam, Stanley Mandl, March, Norman Henry Mark, H. Marshak, Robert E. Marshall, Walter Charles L 3, C455, P18 W H N R O T R O D O m E O > M E F O N N O S D O M O O > O > O P O T O 4 m o N me) £3 B.ats Cay; C. 76, 6.198; Ad Ay Be lS .20, C.47, F.49 Greta zy, E94 W w m o 0 o m w W , F.28-F.29 — o N o E hd Franz O C — — O N E. r O > = w o x k e = — > R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Martin, Andrew Martin, Paul C. Mason, Ronald Massey, Sir Harrie (Stewart Wilson) Mather, Kenneth Matthews, Paul Taunton Mattis, Donald Maxwell, lan Robert Mazo, Robert M. Mehra, Jagdish Mehta, Naren Meitner, Lise Meksyn, D. Mendelssohn, Kurt Alfred Georg Mendoza, E. Menon, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar Menzel, Donald H. Menzies, Alexander Charles Mercier, Raymond P. David Mermin, N. Meyerhoff, W. E. Michel, Louis Michiels, F. Milford, Frederick J. Millionshchikov, M.D. Mitchell, Edgar William John Mitra, Asoke N. Mladjenovic, Milorad Méller, C. Mondragén, Alfonso B. Montanet, L. Moon, Philip Burton Moorhouse, Robert Gordon Morse, Philip M. Moshinsky, Marcos Moszkowski, Steven A. Motchane, Léon Mott, Sir Nevill (Francis) - = R. D Y > O N ™ A E S S N A I I A | M A N N A N A | M M A N N A I N A D N N T A M a M O I M A O , P M N N I A N M T F p20), Rylan ta) Al Or 16, E24 . 200 .20 . 202 .203 . 204 ~205 18 18 4200, 25 115 . 206 . 207 . 20 12-F.14 6 st7 .48 17 . 200 Pp Gaes. O N — _ © — _ — B N d O N l o o b t n O D 3 C hag es eae O N eE'S, £.9 Motz, Hans Mountford, Sir James (Frederick) Weydl; "5a Muirhead, H. Muller, A. Mulley, Rt. Hon. Frederick William Mummery, Peter W. Murphy, Alfred John Murphy, George Eugene Nabarro, Frank Reginald Nunes Nakano, Husio Nalecz, Maciej Vp ClO, Giee C.21e-F.218, A D O D A | M A | M A | M A D A O M T C2210. 220 6 ES O A a S Y N R B N a N \ , t h o h b & e a i O — -i7o, I N o c s o n O e a t N e e ~ o N G N E O o m r N _ n O 7 O N © T o a l O ~ S O o O o > *-., o t > w © e r Peierls R.E. CSAC 52/6/77 Herman Alexander Nash, J. Gregory Neild, Robert Ralph Newman, Maxwell Newton, Roger G. Nicholls, C. M. Noel-Baker, Rt. Hon. Philip J. Northcott, Douglas Geoffrey Novakovié, Ljubisav Noyes, Henry Pierre Nussbaum, R. Oliphant, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence H. Elwin) Robert Oneda, S. Oppenheimer, J. Oppenheimer, Katherine Orowan, Egon Owen, David Owen, Sir (William) Leonard Pais, Abraham Paneth, Friedrich Adolf Paneth, Heinz Rudolf Panofsky, Wolfgang K. Papapetrou, A. Park, David Parker, T. WwW. Paion, Jack Ellis Pauli, Franca Pauli, Wolfgang Pauli-Ashton, Hertha Penney, William George (Lord Penney 1H. M m e O M M A N N A N N A A F A A F L O A I N I F A | A M ™ M A Q A N A ~ = - W R h 224 ¢ o G O N F.48 .28, 47 «274, E330 (225 6415 224 «hoe, C226 226 .22/-C.228,; D.23 sae i227, ohne 10 cute C220 .231 231 3 232 a b o 233 . 240 -234-C.239 . 240 se 3 1 2 8 of East Hendred) Perks, Maurice A. Perrin, Sir Michael (Willcox) Peshkin, Murray Peters, Bernard Phititps, ise: < Phillips, Roger Pickavance, Thomas Gerald Pine, €. .. «Re Pincherle, Leo Pines, David Pinl, Max Pippard, Sir (Alfred) Brian Pirie, Antoinette Pirie, Norman Wingate Pitt, Harry Raymond Placzek, George Plaskett, Harry Hemley Podolanski, J. Polanyi, George Polanyi, Michael Polkinghorne, John Charlton 102 6.2415 Fad 242 28: F Coa. .338 in £25 2, £.7 . 232 .232 i 244 10 .245, C.283 v2e2 246 247 247 N A A A N A A O | M E M A N N A Q N T ™ ™ mio, Ci248, Ee7 0 1 O O L C 23 — O o > © N n ) e > R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 te Cy Pollard, E. Pomerantz, Martin A. Pook, Misc Popper, Sir Karl (Raimund) Poremsky, V. Post, Heinz Rudolf round, Race Powell, Cecil Frank Preston, Melvin A. Vv. (see Paneth, H.R.) Price, Peter J. Priestley, Sir Raymond Proca, Alexandre Pryce, Maurice Henry Lecorney ate pao 246 249 A A A A 26 T 246 .250, E.7, F.25-F.26 120, C168, C: 28h €.978 C.292; 6 :303 246 O Q A F N A O N m O A r a O O O O S A. M. L. chs Pursey, D. — Quimby, 3. Rabinowitch, Eugene Radcliffe, John M. Radicati, Luigi A. Radvanyi, Pierre Ramakrishnan, Alladi Ramon, Sir (Chandrasekhara) Venkata Ramanna, R. Ramsey, Norman Fesier Rankin, do Rasetti, Franco Ratcliffe, John Ashworth Raven, J. Ravenhall, David Geoffrey Raynor, Geoffrey Vincent Rayski, Jerzy Redmond, Peter J. Reid, Robert Riewe, Karl-Heinrich Ritchie, Anthony Eltiot Rochester, George Dixon Rohrlich, Rosbaud, Paul Rosenberg, Harold M, Rosenblueth, Arturo Rosenfeld, Léon Rosenhead, Louis Ross, Alan Strode: Campbell Rossi, Bruno Rotblat, Joseph Rotherham, Leonard Rubinowicz, W. Ruelle, David Rushbrooke, George Stanley Ruthardt, K, Rzewuski, Jan Feliks Fritz 261, E.11 5, C.195, C.306 262 £263 2020; 23 9 21 se 260 264-C.265 260 23 .65, C.88, C.266 ATC 192, Cii58, C268 .260 A .77, C.269, F.23-F.32 a0 a; C158 Vonk18 22) 6.32 9, E.5 S M E M N O O O M N O I N O I P S A O F O £57 i O . a 70 ' O d N R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 S A A N A I A N N A N A A F E N A A F N A M A M A .157, C.300 301 it7, Cit 27-Ga ize 302 12 303 o c o s 304, F.6 R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 a aN \ V. (Lord Thorneycrofi of Dunston) R N A O A B A F A N A F A V T A D N N A N N M A Thouless, David J. Titterton, Sir Ernest (William) Tomonaga, Sin-itiro Topchiev, A. Trevor~Roper, Hugh Redwald Trummer, Horst Tuan, Tai-Fu Tyndall, Arthur Mannering Uhlenbeck, George E. Ulam, Stanley M. Umezawa, H. Urey, Harold Clayton Usmani, |. Yalatin; 32. Van Hove, L. van Leuven, Piet Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck van Wieringen, J. van Wyk, Christoffel Benjamin Venables, Sir Peter (Percy Frederick .25, C.338 20 .153, C.305 266, C.297, E.24 the 349 5 16 297 306 Boas) .307 23 .307 .307, E.30 153 £308 DE.7 EB £309 326 Vick, Sir (Francis) Arthur Villars, Felix M. H. Vineyard, George H. Vinh-mau, Nicole Vogt, Erich W. Ronald) H. «GCG. S. R.E. Peierls CSAC 52/6/77 Freiherr Carl-Friedrich Ds M. Volkoff, von oaaiy A. von Weizsdcker, Walke, Harold J. Walkinshaw, W. Waller, Ivar Wasserman, G. Wataghin, Gleb Watson, George Neville Watson, W. Waverley, Lord Webster, William L. Weigle, Jean Weiner, Charles Weiss, Noseph a Weisskopf, Victor Frederick HH. (see Anderson, Welsh, Eric Wenizel, Gregor Wheeler, John A. Whiddington, Richard W. Whitehead, S. Whittaker, Sir Edmona Wick, Gian Carlo Wiesner, Jerome Bert Wigginton, A. Brian Wigner, Eugene Paul .309, E.8 2 693.08, 29 314 .313, E.30 £315 ig .316 .317 76318 O G O N ) > . 0 8 O . O O O O y e e t k = o o s n A 9 , A.22 9, CrareeC 32) mueey Goo tae ke 3 22 Unste, E.os 47 . Coste jthetpoeed, Bed N O h n cy e Ci A. b B. e B. n O e Q ” O R s e O R ~ o t g D. A. A. Cag. .2ay.C 627, e o t " - O w ~ M r e de. Re FAG Vin ™ O O s W o c s b e R tata et 2 h a h a i 0 0 2 O < A.7, C.330, E.2 Wilkes, Maurice Vincent Wilkin, Colin Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkinson, Sir Denys (Haigh) WilkinsOn, Ws. Willis, J. Wilson, Sir Alan (Herries) Wilson, John Graham Wilson, Robert R. Wimperis, Harry Egerton Womersley, J. Wong, Chun Wa Wong, Maurice &. Wong, Ys Wood, A. Woolley, R. G. Wordie, Sir James Wu, Ta-You Wyndham-Goldie, Grace Yamanouchi, T. Yang, Chen Ning Yellin, Joel Yoccoz, Jecn York, Herbert F. W o F.20 N Wer. 906, © 329 \ n w o w R 334 Age TAIL 61 336 334 10 . 337 yee .342 ,00,°G.309,,E.13 340 34] 0 0 0 0 P O O T L O D Michael S 0 G G O B Cs O R. — _ ~ SAC 52/ 6/7 7 / X a w w B B > K N Zeinau, S. Ziman, John Mic Zucker, Alexande Zuckerman, Solly (Baron Zuckermar of Burnham Thorpe) Zumino, Bruno A A N A M T A A M W W O b w O C f ) S S © i O € : o G e a S I o h n N _ — ° — O N X N O o