Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CSAC 30/7/75 CONTEMPORARYSCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Sir Patrick Linstead CBE FRS (1902 - 1966) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in The Archives of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 1975 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 Description of the collection The collection consists of Sir Patrick Linstead's personal papers, received from Lady Linstead who retains some private and domestic material . Administrative papers relating to Sir Patrick's service as Rector of the Imperial College are in the College Archives; papers relating to his service as Foreign Secretary of The Royal Society are in the records of the Society. There is a note on p.20 about official documents returned to the Public Record Office. Titles and descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the manuscripts. Contents of the handlist Items Biographical and Personal A.1 - A.60 Notebooks and Working Papers B.1 - B.81 Lectures Publications C.1 - C.20 D.1 - D.20 Committees and Consultancies E.1 - E.62 Correspondence F.1 - F.37 A. B. C. D . F. Index to the correspondence. Pages 3- 6 7-13 14 - 16 17-19 20 - 24 25 - 26 27 - 37 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 Summary of the career of Sir Patrick Linstead (A full account of Sir Patrick's career and honours is given in the Memoir prepared by D.H.R. Barton, H.N. Rydon and J.A. Elvidge, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 14, 1968, which appears in Item A.1.) 1902 b. London 1903 - 1919 educ. City of London School 1920 - 1923 Imperial College (Ist cl. Hons. Chemistry) 1926 Ph.D., Imperial College \ 1929 - 1938 Demonstrator and Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, Imperial College 1930 1938 married Aileen Rowland (née Abbott), (died 1938) D.Sc. London Firth Professor of Chemistry, Sheffield University 1939 - 1945 Professor of Organic Chemistry, Harvard University (Hon.M.A. 1942) — 1940 1942 Fellow of The Royal Society married Marjorie Walters Deputy Director of Scientific Research, Ministry of Supply 1945 - 1949 Director, Chemical Research Laboratory, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1946 CBE. 1949 - 1955 Professor of Organic Chemisiry, Imperial College 1955 - 1956 Rector of Imperial College 1959 Knighted 1960 - 1965 Vice-President and Foreign Secretary, Royal Society. R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 A. Biographical and Personal. Items A.1 - A.60 Memoir by D.H.R. Barton, H.N. Rydon and J.A. Elvidge, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol.14 pp. 309-348. Misc. printed material and press-cuttings on Imperial College, RPL's career and appointments, obituary notices. Misc. personal souvenirs, press-cuttings, invitations, etc. Misc. press~cuttings. Misc. personal travel documents. A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6-A.17 Desk diaries. 1968 1966 1945-47 1955-66 A.18 A.19 A.20 A.2] A.22 A.23 A. 24 A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 Travel diary to Victoria Falls. Non-scientific writings (2 notebooks). Imperial College Musical and Dramatic Society misc. programmes of activities (most with signatures of participants). 1923-25 ‘Portion of Zeppelin C21 destroyed by FIt.-Lt. Robinson, 3 Sept. 1916, given by the finder (the late) E.W. Bishop to R.P. Linstead 10 Sept. 1916.' Misc. material re RPL's service during the General Strike: corres., letters of thanks, press-cuttings, booklet of instructions for railway signalmen. 1916 1926 Monastral Fast Blue BS. announcing |.C.1.'s launching of new colour (after molecular analysis by RPL). Printed matter, newspaper cartoons etc. 1935-36 Heath Harrison Chair of Organic Misc. applications for posts. Chemistry, Univ. Liverpool. Sir Jesse Boot Chair of Chemistry, Univ. Coll. Nottingham, with testimonial from James C. Philip FRS. Firth Chair of Chemistry, Univ. Sheffield. 1936 1938 Harvard College: letter of appointment as Professor of Chemistry 1939, letters of appreciation on resignation. ~ 1939-45 1945 Misc. wartime souvenirs. CombinedIntelligence Objectives Sub-Committee: letter of thanks for RPL's service (as British Deputy Chairman) from General T.J. Betts, Director of Intelligence, U.S. Group. Corres. etc. re RPL's appointment as Director, Chemical Research Laboratory: application, conditions of appointment, etc. 1945-46 1945 1945-47 Award of CBE and letters of congratulation (not indexed). 1946 G.H.J. Adlam Memorial Appeal: corres., copy of appeal published in School Science Review. Imperial College: letters exchanged on RPL's appointment as Rector; FSSU agreements: Imperial Coll. 1927, Univ. Sheffield, 1938). letters re FSSU, Rector's Lodgings, etc. (incl. early Corres. and documents re purchase of 24 Pembroke Sq. as Rector's Lodgings. 1950-52 1954-61 1959 1959 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 A.29 A.30 A.3]1 A. 32 ~A.33-A.47 Letters and telegrams of congratulation on his Knighthood (not - indexed) some with RPL's reply: 15 envelopes: A.33 A.34 A.35 A. 36 Universities in UK. Government Departments, Committees and individuals. Professional Associations, Institutions, Research Inst., etc. Schools and Colleges. A.37 Industry. A. 38 A.39 A.40 Imperial College: Governing Body and Delegacy. Imperial College: former Governors, staff, aiumni. Imperial College: present members of staff and student body. A.4] Churches. A.42 Banks. A.43 Press and Publishers. A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 A.49 Mayors and Officials in Local Government. Architects and Consultants. Colleagues and friends abroad. Personal friends and relations. Letters of congratulation on RPL's election as Foreign Secretary and as Vice-President of the Royal Society (not indexed). 1960 Letters of thanks for Rector's m/s letters of congratulation (not indexed). 1957, 1960, 1961 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 A.50 Misc. corres. on appointments, honours and awards: 1929-64 Harrison Memorial Prize. Meldola Medal. Chair of organic chemistry, Imperial College. Catalysts’ Club. Munition Chemistry Advisory Board, Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development. 1929 1931 1949 1949 1949 Birkbeck Coll. Univ. of London (Mastership - declined). Consultant, Division of Atomic Energy on Scientific Research 1951 1949-53 and Technical Development. Trustees of the London Parochial Charities (re Chelsea Polytechnic). Conferral of Knighthood. City and Guilds of London Institute. Editorial Advisory Board, Commonwealth Library. The General Committee, The Athenaeum. Hon. Membership, The Geographical Club. Fellow, Royal Society of Arts. Vice-President, NPL Sports Club. Letters of appointment and corres. re: A.5! A.52 Royal Albert Hall Council. Crowther Committee. Leverhulme Trust Fund, Advisory Committee. Commonwealth Fund. Science Museum, Advisory Council. A.53 British Council: Science Advisory Committee, Executive Committee. National Gallery. A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 Advisory Council on Scientific Policy. National Gallery Honorary Scientific Advisory Committee. Royal Society Building Committee. BBC Science Consultative Group. . Corres. re Membership of: Society of Chemical Industry and Chemical Society. Harvard Club of London. Honorary Membership, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Robbins Committee letter of appreciation. Corres. re proposed activities: Ministry of Defence: Enquiry into Service education. Royal Commission on Medical Education. Centennial Lecture, Toronto. Science Policy Consultant, Kenya. Trust for Wolfson College. 1954 1959 1959 1960 1963 1963 1964 1955 1956-61 - 1956-63 1956-62 1962-66 1959-63 1962 1963-54 1965-66 1964 1964 1965-66 1965 1963-64 1964 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 A.58 Certificates of Honours and Awards: Cuthbertson Memorial Open Scholarship, City of London School Diploma, Imperial College. University of London, First Class Honours in Chemistry. Royal College of Science, Associate. Scoutmaster, St. Paul Winchmore Hill Troop. University of London, D.Phil. in the Faculty of Chemistry. Harrison Memorial Prize of the Chemical Society. University of London, D.Sc. Meldola Medal, Institute of Chemistry. Certificate of election to Royal Society. Membership in Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity. Harvard University, MA (Honorary). Royal Institute of Chemistry, Fellowship. CBE (letter signed by Queen Mary). Certificate of election to the Athenaeum. Mt. Zion certificate. Freedom of the Mystery of Goldsmiths of the City of London. KBE, City and Guilds of London Institute, Fellowship. Institute of Mining, Honorary Member. Royal Society of Arts, Fellowship. Exeter University, Hon. D.Sc. ; 1916 1924 1923 1923 1924 1926 1929 1930 193] 1940 1940 1942 1946 1946 1949 1953 1955 1958 1959 1960 1964 1965 A.59 Photographs of RPL and colleagues. A.60 RPL's signatures. R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 B. Notebooks and Working Papers. Items B.1 - B.81 B.1-B.13 Student notebooks, Imperial College, 1920-23 Grey notebook; notes on geometry; at rear, notes on engineering. n.d. Black notebook, 'R.P. Linstead Ist yr. chem. Heat'; atrear, 'Theoretical Light '. Some branches of Nees Red notebook, 'R.P. Linstead City and Guilds College Finsbury. Practical Chemistry First Year'; Both ends of book used. pages numbered and indexed. n.d. Blue notebook, 'R.P. Linstead. Practical Physics’; with marked class exercises and experiments. City and Guilds College Finsbury. n.d. Notebook labelled and dated ‘Botany Lectures’. Notebook labelled and dated 'Practical Botany’, Notebook labelled and dated 'Physical Chemistry'; at rear, "Chemical Philosophy’. 1921 © 1921 192] Notebook labelled and dated 'Practical Chemistry', with marked class exercises and experiments. 1921-22 Notebook labelled and dated 'Physics Lectures', with RPL's index of titles and lectures. ; B.10 Notebook labelled and dated ‘Practical Physics', with marked class exercises and experiments. B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.12 B.13 B14 B.15 B.16 Notebook, 'Chemical Physics’. Notebook labelled and dated 'Practical Botany’ (drawings and diagrams), Notebook labelled and dated "Inorganic Chemistry’. Notebook, 'Jaborandi Alkaloids’ (few pages used). Notebook, 'Reports to Dyestuffs Group Research Committee’. "Lectures in Elementary General Theoretical Chemistry’, Sheffield. 1938 1921! 1921 1922 1922 1922 1928-29 Oct.1935 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 ; 8 B.17-B.29 Work at Harvard, 1939-42 -B.17,B.18 2 notebooks labelled on spine ‘Linstead Private Assistant Work! and II’. Expt. notes by RPL and others. 1940-42 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 Notebook begun at Sheffield, continued (at rear) at Harvard. Black loose-leaf notebook (with some loose pages inserted); notes on various projects, including RDX. 1939 1942 1942 Notebook of expts. at Harvard, with index (not in RPL's hand). 1940-41 Notebook, 'Harvard experimental'; notes of expts. on catalytic hydrogenation, some dated. (c, 1939-42 B.23-B.26 4 large loose-leaf notebooks dealing mainly with work on unsaturated lactones. diagrams, calculations, some dated. Notes on books and articles read, expts., 1940-42 B.27 Loose notes probably taken from loose-leaf notebook on ‘Cardiac Glycanides', mainly books and articles read. .c. 1942 B.28 Loose notes (as B.27), 'Metathetic changes in Steroid Group. c, 1942 Stereochemical Aspects’. B.29 B.30 B.31 B. 32 B.32a B.33 Misc. reports by RPL and others; work on enzymesetc. 1941-42 Misc. notes and drafts, perhaps for lecture, 'The Renaissance of Chemotherapy' (on Penicillin). n.d. Misc. notes on scientific organisation and research in post-war Britain, with related printed maierial. 1944-45 Loose-leaf notebook, 'Abstiacts and Translations’. Loose-leaf notebook, misc. notes, mainly on amino-acids. Dats MsGls Loose-leaf notebook, first page reads 'Field for Research. Own Laboratory’ (mainly plans for research, probably for Chemical Research Laboratory, where RPL was Director 1945-49, one project dated 1946). B.34-B.80 Notes and Working Papers B.34-B.45 work at Imperial College, 1932-38, on phthalocyanines B.34 'Phthalimide metallic compounds' (G.T. Byrne?); 'Phthalo- cyanines experimental Work'; misc. expt. notes, corres. c. 1930-32 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 B.35 B.36 B. 37 “B.38 B.39 B.40 B.41 B.42 B.43 "Iso Indoles Phthalozines etc.'; Chemistry of the iso Indoles and related compounds! (not in RPL's hand); typescript of 'Phthalocyanine Formula’ by PGC, 1932; notes by RPL on the literature; Christopher Ingold, 1937. includes: ms draft of 'The corres., Sir Free from organic reagents Metallic phthalocyanines includes: corres. 1933-36, J.M. Robertson (one "Lithium Pc. Reduction'; letter addressed to J. Thorpe), E.H. Rodd, W.A. Silvester; ms progress report by E.G. Noble on ‘Preparation of pyridino- porphyrazine and intermediates', April 1935; ms progress report by RPL and typescript of ‘introduction’, March 1935; typescript of 'New methods for the preparation of metallic phthalocyanines’ dated 9/12/35, RPL; experimental results, notes and data (in various hands), photograph of crystal. ‘Report on further attempts to prepare porphyrazines (tetra- "The preparation of substances related to phthalocyanines', 1. April 1936; typescript report of work in progress. 2. zaporphins) from derivatives of maleic acid', typescript. 3. phthalocyanines. ICI Dyestuffs Group Research Committee report on 'P.A. Barrett Reports’: 1. Ms reports on research programme. 2. Typescript of 'Preliminary Report on the preparation and reactions of lithium phthalocyanine’ by RPL and PAB, 5-2-36. 3. Typescript of reports by D.A. Frye, 1937. 1932-37 1933-36 1934-36 1934-37 1. 3. Preparation of cyclic dienes. Diels-Alder Reaction. Cyanohydrins of Ketonic esters’; notes on the literature. 1935 Mostly bibliographical notes, 'Cyanohydrins of ketoesters'. ce, 1935 "Simple phthalocyanines Literature’; notes (in various hands) on the literature. n.d. Absorption Spectra to 1938'; 'M.P.' curves; ms draft in unidentified hand with annotations by RPL; experimental readings. charts and graphs of "Absorption Spectra 1938-39'; notes, experimental readings, curves; includes note from E.A. Braude dated 1951 on comparison of results of experiments 1938-40 and 1951. 22-1938 1938-39, 195] A.44 "Benz-aza-porphins and Benz Porphins Literature’; corres., notes on the literature, offprints (esp. on Helberger's work). 1938-39 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 B.45 "Phthalocynanines Light Absorption Reprints RPL'; reprints of articles by RPL and others; ms draft of ‘Part VI'. B.46-B.52 Work at Harvard, 1939-42, on catalytic hydrogenation by RPL and research team. 10 1936-50 B.46 B.47 B.48 Misc. notes, diagrams, experiments, notes on the literature, corres. with C.S. Marvel, F.H. Slinger, misc. related drafts and offprints, notes for colloquia by RPL. ‘Naphthalene Models of the Cardiac Aglycones' by William G. Dauben; typescript of 'experimental section’ of report and covering letter. "Oxidation of crotonic acid and ester. R.C. Jones, July 1941'; 4 pp typescript, 21 pp carbon; 'Research Report February to August 1940, William S. Johnson'; corres.: Homer Adkins, unidentified Ist page. isd. 1940-41 B.49 R.C. Jones: research reports on Digifoline Ciba, and Oxidation of crotonic acid; corres. 1940-41 B.50 'L. Holmes'; ms draft of unidentified paper. B.5] B.52 B.53 B.53a Misc. students! research reports and accounts of laboratory work (some annotated by RPL) from Dale P.J. Goldsmith, Selby B. Davis, Elizabeth J. Cook, Leonard Spector, etc. typescripts of: Draft (ms), typescript (uncorrected carbon) of ‘Model ‘Research report 1941-42. Harold Baer." ‘Research report November 1940 to May 1941. ‘Current papers 1941'; 1. 2. Paitison.' 3. Compounds related to the Heart Poisons, |. Aldehydo Acids by the Rosenmund Reactiont.' 4. 5. Stereochemistry of Catalytic Hydrogenation I-VII, 1942, for J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Typescript of review by RPL of 'Organic Synthesis’. Letter to Prof. Arthur B. Lamb submitting papers on Dexter B. The Synthesis of 'Muconic lactones'; notes on the literature; paper, list of references, ms notes by B.A. O(rkin?); on work performed by other members of team. typescript of notes includes: ms memo. ‘Synthetic rubber. ‘Synthetic rubber’; 'U.K. Statistics’ (of Misc. notes on Synthetics: Summer 1942', 6 pp.; ‘German Synthetic Fatty Acids and Fat'; "Synthetic Indigo’; natural resources and chemicals production); notes on early pro- duction of synthetic alkali by Leblanc; printed M.O.S. report on German Chemical Industry, 1944; misc. American press- cuttings on synthetic rubber, 1942; typewritten report 'The chemical raw material potential and its relation to the Trend of Synthetic resin development’ by W.D. Scott. n.d. 1940-41 1941-42 1949 1942-44 1 1947-54 1951-54 1952-54 . 1950-53 1953-54 c. 1954 1954 "Blue Benzonitrile Compound'; lecture notes dated May 1947 (? not in RPL's hand); typescript of 'The Blue Compound - Dr. Thomas'; graph labelled 'Blue Compounds - Absorption Spectra’; misc. notes by RPL. "MP Tetrazaporphin', Whalley, Ficken, Baguley; offprint; typescript of 'Tetrazaporphin', report by M. Whalley; typescript of chart 'preparation and light absorption of mixed pigments'; reports of res2zarch; of research and priorities for supplies; RPL's notes on the literature; RPL's division RPL's notes and calculations. "Oxidation Reduction of Macrocyclic Nuclei’; typescript of ‘catalytic hydrogenation of porphyrins and of tetrazaporphins' by M. Whalley; typescript of "Oxidation of porphyrins by Chromic acid' by RPL (13.12.54); research progress report by Miss E.M. Stephen; offprints; RPL's notes and ideas on the subject. RPL's notes on the literature; "Macrocyclic rings. General and speculative’; typescripts by RPL ‘formation of metal-free macrocycles from heterocyclic diimines by elimination of ammonia in reactions which do not involve oxidation and reduction procedures’; ms note by RPL, ‘macrocyclic pigments are considered aromatic for chemical and physical reasons’; ms notes by others; extensive notes and diagrams by RPL. "Hydrophthalic papers'; ms draft (in unidentified hand) of "Imino derivatives of A8 hexahydro- and of octahydro-iso indoles’; RPL ms draft of paper headed ‘Blackley, Nov 5th 1953! with contents given as 'I intermediates, I| tetrazaporphins, III Miscellaneous'; RPL's publication plans for December 1953, December 1954. "MP Imidines with open chain intermediates'; ms draft of paper called 'Imidines divided into preparation, reactions, applications’; offprint with notes; note from J.A. Elvidge 1954; on the literature; RPL's extensive notes with ideas on the subject. RPL's notes "Vitamin B]2'; notes on the literature; of mtgs. held at Great Burgh on 11 June and 24 June 1954; corres.: KJH.W. Turck, H.M. Stanley; 5p typescript "Speculation on Structure’ by RPL (containing postcript October 1954 of Oxford mtg. and report by D. Hodgkin). offprints; copy of notes R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 B.54-B.72 Work at Imperial College B.54 B.55 B.56 B.57 B.58 B.59 B.60 B.61 B.62 ‘Hydrogen transfer'; report by R.B. Johns. RPL's notes on the literature; ‘progress c. 1955 "MP Cross conjugated macrocycles (Clark) HCI Adducts of Nitriles'; of structures. RPL's notes on the literature; RPL's notes and diagrams n.d. R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 8 B.63 B.64 B.65 B.66 B.67 B.68 B.69 B.70 B.71 ‘MP Porphyrins C-links Gore Fitt' (work on chlorophyll). Obituary of Sir Jocelyn Thorpe by G.A.R. Kon; 2 articles by Melvin Calvin; fluorescence of chlorophyll; RPL's notes on the literature; diagrams of structures of compounds and extensive notes; RPL's ms draft of 'polyenes and macrocylic intermediates from Dinitriles’. ms draft (in unidentified hand) on "Iminazoles'; ms notes by RPL. "Research Residual notes’. ] - 2 - 3 . 4 - « 5 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. 0 hydro-carbons with air or oxygen' 1947). Notes on the literature (not labelled). Notes on ‘fatty acids and ringworm’. ‘Interesting reduction levels in (Hydro}f ' ‘lon exchange Resins’. Work on Acenaphthylenes. ‘Catalyst Hindrance', 1949. ‘Bases’, 'Stereochemistry of hydrogenation: Trimenic Acid’. 'Langenbeck'. "Miscellaneous! (incl. typescript of liquid-phase oxidation of Kolbe Tetrahydro program Letter from H.J. Cartwright enclosing ms draft on Kolbe electrosynthesis; Cartwright Decarboxylation.' ms draft in unidentified hands; RPL's notes. ‘Research Problems.' "Research Project. Misc. notes and drafts on hydrogenation, Reserve Material’ etc. . Draft paper on hydrogenation 18.4.50.': draft; File also ‘Dr. Whalley. typst. of 'hydrogenation of acenaphthylene'; chart. contains: offprints by RPL; progress reports on research by P.W.D. Mitchell, G.E. Ficken; draft research programme for P.W.D. Mitchell. typst. of 'Hydrogen transfer - 2'; "MP Phthalocyanine Azaporphins Aza Intermediates.' RPL's notes, some headed 'War Jobs', some dated 1950. "Higher Hydrocarbons.' Hydrocarbons', n.d.; notes on the literature. Offprints; notes 'Higher Petroleum typescript of 'preliminary tests to be "MP Reserve Material'; applied for conversion of Intermediates into Phthalocyanines. Revised July, 1935'; Haddock, Feb. 1950; typescript of ‘Screening of Intermediates for conversion 1950; to Macrocyclic pigments', May 1950; notes on the literature; typescript of 'The Phthalocyanines as semiconductors', by D.D. Eley ms notes of discussion with Paine, Piggott, typescript of 'Maleic Series', March 12 n.d. 1942-49 n.d. 1950 c. 1950 c; 1950 1935-50 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 B.72 notes; correspondence Notes on the literature; "Pentalenes.' from C.T. Blood 1951, 2 abstracts of Thesis submitted for Ph.D. by Blood; MS and typescript of 'Non-Benzenoid conjugated ring systems, of simple pentalenes' by C.T. Blood and RPL; correspondence from Prof. John D. Roberts (MIT) enclosing typescript of 'The Synthesis of Some Bicyclo [3.3.0.] octane derivaties', 1951 experiments directed towards the synthesis Part!. B.73-B.81 Research Programmes and Reports 1950-55 (many with extensive notes by RPL) 13 1950-51 1950 1953-54 1954-55 1954-55 B.73 B.74 B.75 B.76 B.// B.78 B.79 B.80 B.8] "Research projects and Literature for sorting’; misc. notes and drafts: "hydrogenation of benzene', 'dibenzpentaleneseries’, "dihydropolyenes acids'; notes on the literature. yareg Pr RPL's ms list of provisional allocations of "Research Topics.’ research topics; cycles and intermediates’ and typescript; copies of various reports on research. RPL's ms summary of research programme 'macro- "Research Programmes 1954-55'. of Macrocyclic Field' (summary of research programmes prepared by RPL); reports of studenis on their research; RPL's notes. ms typescript of 'Division "Research Topics 1943-55'. reports prepared by students for RPL; research students and fellows. laboratories’; RPL's notes on the subject. Research programme and progress typescript list of 'New Organic chemistry research "Organic Chemistry Research Students' Progress Reports, February 1955." 1955 "Research Students' Progress Reports due on 28 March 1955.' Reports on research prepared by students; "Anodic Synthesis Kolbe Reaction and Synthesis. Projects.' of 'Crossing and Coupling Reactions’ setting forth the development of the Kolbe reaction, five lines of 'attack' on the problem and preliminary plans for experiments to achieve this end; RPL's notes on the literature; RPL's ms notes on the subject. typescript Research "Unsaturated lactones and Unsaturated Acids.’ projects and reports; notes by RPL on the literature; notes on the subject. Research RPL's 1955 n.d. itl. Misc. notes and drafts on Research projects, mainly Hydrogen transfer and Catalysts; M, Blackman. reports of research by P.W.D. Mitchell, c.1950-52 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 14 on Lectures. Items C.1 - C.20 C.1,C.2 Lectures on ‘Natural Products', given at Harvard. 2 folders 1940 Loose-leaf file, ‘Lectures in general organic chemistry. 2nd year post intermediate’; ms notes for lectures in the series, offprints. "Postgraduate lectures "Synthetic High Polymers", Monday 6th and Monday 20th March'; ms draft of lectures; typescript of "Chemistry in a Changing World’ given to Imp. Coll. Chemical Society, 25 Oct. 1949. "P.1.3* lecture Macrocyclic pigments 1952'; ms draft of lectures; file also includes ms draft of lecture at Cambridge on Azaporphins, March 1954 (see also C.7). *3rd year post intermediate lectures in organic chemistry. 1949-50 1949 1952-54 Lists of RPL's lecturing engagements in Britain and abroad. - 1950-55 C.3 C.4 Ce C.6 C.7 Lectures 1949-50: "Chemistry in a Changing World', 25 Oct. 1949, Imp. Coll. Chemical Soc., typescript. "Chemical Research and Human Affairs', 17 Feb. 1950, lecture in Imp. Coll. series 'Ends and Means in Science’, typescript. "Chemistry in your Life’, 28 Dec. 1950: aid of Crosby Hall Endowment Fund; typescript with ms annotations, notes (in another hand). ‘Aspects of the Catalysed Addition and Transfer of Hydrogen in Organic Compounds', 4 May 1950, S.W. Counties Section, Royal institute of Chemistry, ms draft, typescript of drawings, offprint. C.8 Leciures 1951: 'The Stereochemistry presented at Royal Society, 1 Nov. 1951; typescript of diagrams. Y Y RPL's notes, abstract, of theSmethyl muconic acids', paper pap "The Transfer of hydrogen between organic compounds', 16 Nov. 1951; lecture at St. Andrews, ms draft, typescript of slide diagrams, print. C.9 ‘Some recent developments in macrocylic pigments", 8 Feb. 1952, Univ. of Manchester; ms draft, typescript, preparations of slides. "Transfer of hydrogen between organic compounds', 21 Nov, 1952, Univ. Coll. of Swansea; 5 Dec. 1952, Portsmouth Chemical Soc.; ms draft. 1949 1950 1950 1950 195] 195] 1952 1952 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 C.10,C.11 Pedler Lecture (2 folders) . corres., 3 typescript drafts with ms annotations, lists ‘Discoveries among conjugated macrocyclic compounds', Thirteenth Pedler Lecture, 22 Jan. - London; Aberdeen: of slides, demonstrations, references, diagrams and tables and graphs, offprints used in preparing lecture, ms draft of lecture. (J.R. Ruck Keene, A. Barclay, M.A.T. Rogers.) 12 March - Lectures 1952-53: ‘Transfer of hydrogen between organic compounds’, 31 Dec. Science Masters’ Assoc.: ms draft, corres. re draft of account of RPL's lecture. (Dr. Victor A. Carpenter.) ‘Value of Anodic Reactions in organic chemistry', April, prepared for meeting of Electro-Organic Div. of Electrochemical Soc., New York: corres. re RPL & Weedon paper to be read at meeting, ms draft ‘Anodic synthesis: diagrams (copy of paper missing). lectures, old notes', typescript of (Dr. Stanley Wawzonek. ) 'The Synthetic Dyestuffs Industry and its consequences', lecture to L.S.E. Students, 12 Feb.: ms draft of lecture, typescript, ms material collected for the lecture, notes by RPL and others, bibliography and extensive notes. C.14 . Zurich Lectures 1953 Lectures to Organic Chemistry Dept. of Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, 4-6 May: RPL's notes on visit to E.T.H., RPL's typescript report of visit, corres. (Sir Roderic Hill, Prof. V. Prelog), drawings made for lantern slides, ms draft of lecture on hydrogen transfer, typescript of slides for lecture on anodic syntheses. 15 1953 1952 1953 1953 1953 C.15 Lecture on Anodic Synthesis, Manchester, 17 Nov.: ms notes, offprints of articies by RPL and his research team. 1953 C.16 - Lectures 1953-54: "New Intermediates', Imp. Coll. colloquium: RPL's notes. (¢. 1953-54 'The Stereochemistry of catalytic hydrogenation’, Chem. Soc., Univ. of Leicesier, 18 Oct.: ms draft, slides, corres. (Prof. L. Hunter). "Hydrogen transfer', Chelsea Polytechnic, 24 Feb.: ms draft, corres. re lecture at Sir John Cass Coll. C.17 Lecture at meeting of British Association, Oxford, Sept. 'Chloro- phyll and related hydrides of macrocyclic pigments': scientific material (notes by RPL and others), bibliographical notes, reports of research (R.B. Johns), copy of programme for B.A. meeting, ms draft for lecture, corres. (K. Schofield, J.A. Elvidge, J.W. Cook). , 1954 1954 1954 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 C.18 Ora) eed 'The Structure of Chlorophyll: New analytical and synthetic evidence’, paper read at Chemical Society Symposium, Exeter, 14 July.: annotations for publication - not entirely in RPL's hand), corres. with organisers and editors. notes for slides, typescripts (one with extensive Ninth Hinchley Lecture "An education for our Times?'. delivered at the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 5 Nov. 1957: typescript of lecture with RPL's ms annotations and additions, uncorrected carbon copy, list of questions prepared by RPL for secretary(?), copy of the lecture as printed in Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, 36, no.1, offprint, list of people who received offprints, notes collected for lecture, list of persons to be invited. ‘Quality in Scientific Education’. Maitland Lecture delivered at the Institute of Structural Engineers, 22 Nov. 1962: carbon copy of speech with amendments by RPL, offprint in The Structural Engineer, 41, no.1, 1963, extract of speech published in Education Today, March 1963, background material - ms and typescript, press cuttings, corres. (1960-63) re publication, list of guests, preparation ofslide, list of people to receive preprints and offprints. 16 1955 1957-58 1957 1958 1962-63 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 : 17 D. D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 Publications, books, articles, reviews. (Not all these items are listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Memoir) Items D.1 - D.20 ‘Synthetic Dyestuffs': contract and misc. corres. with publishers and colleagues (RPL was unable to complete this project because of pressure of other commitments). 1947-53 "British Chemical Research', article in British Chemicals Overseas: typescript with ms corrections, corres. with editors. 1948-49 ‘Chemistry and the Amenities of Life': RPL's contribution to Chemistry and Man, Spon, London 1953; misc. corres. with publishers, copy of book. Revision of 'Phthalocyanine section' in 2nd ed. of The Colour Index: corres., proof. Report on RPL's contribution to the British Association symposium on Complex Natural Colouring Matters: corres., RPL's draft notes, ° typescript of illustrations, draft letter to ed. of Nature correcting error in report. Obituary notice of Sir Roderic Hill: typescript. Corres. re: A Course in Modern Techniques of Organic Chemistry by RPL, J.A. Elvidge, M. Whalley; A Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis by RPL, B.C.L. Weedon (Corres. re these 2 books is so interdependent that files cannot be segregated) : corres. with Butterworth and with co-authors, RPL's notes of meetings, corres. after publication from readers, typescript of preface to Guide. 1952-66 1954 1954 1954 1954-56 'A Guide to Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis', memorandum of agreement, copy of review, corres. re 2nd printing. 1955-59 ‘Modern Techniques in Organic Chemistry': memorandum of agreement, copy of review, corres. with Butterworih re revisions, 2nd edition, publication (some of the 1956 letters dealalso with 'A Practical Course in Organic Synthesis! to be written by Drs. Crombie and Smith), typescript list of papers to be written on research carried out under RPL's supervision (1956). 1956-65 D.10 'A course in modern techniques of Organic Chemistry’ by RPL, J.A. Elvidge, M. Whalley (published 1955): typescript with ms corrections (not in RPL's hand). 1954 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 D.11 ‘Chlorophyll and related compounds. Part VI' (with U. Eisner - and A, Lichtarowicz), J. Chem. Soc., p.733. Roy. Soc. Memoir no.195: corres. with Eisner 1956, typescript and ms of RPL's covering note to editor. "Conjugated Macrocycles. Part XXXI’ (with G.E. Ficken, E. Stephen, M. Whalley), J. Chem. Soc. p.3879. Roy. Soc. Memoir no.197: typescript of paper, corres. with Dr. Margaret Elvidge (Dr. M. Whalley). "Heterocyclic Imines and Amines. Part IX' (with J.A. Elvidge and A.M. Salaman), J. Chem. Soc. p.208. Roy. Soc. Memoir no.200: typescript of paper, corres. with Elvidge. 18 1957 1958 1958 '1:2-Dicarboxylic acids. succinic acids and their derivatives’ (with J.H. Golden), J. Chem. Soc. p.1732. Part IV. The ~-ethyl — al methyl] 1957-58 "Chlorophyll and related compounds. Part VII. of bacteriochlorophyll' (with J.H. Golden and G.W. Whitham), J. Chem. Soc. p.1725. Roy. Soc. Memoir nos. 198, 199: typescript of both papers, corrected proofs, corres. with co-authors. The structure Article on '8th Quinquennial Congress of the Universities of the Commonwealth! for Educational Supplement: corres., ms draft of article. ‘Biochemistry at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London", article in Nature, 26 March: corres., typescript draft, proof. ‘London meets the Technological age’, article for The Advertiser, So. Australia: corres., draft with RPL's corrections (article written by G.S. McDonald). "Science and the Universities’, for Times Special Supplement on Royal Society Tercentenary: corres., typescript. 1958 1960 1960 1960 Parts XVII and XVIII‘, J. Chem. Soc. Roy. Soc. Memoir nos. 206, 207: corrected mss and "Hydrogen Transfer. 1960. comments, typescript, corres. 1958-59 Misc. book reviews: Review of vol.10 of Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, Nature: ms with typescript notes, proof. Review of Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Vol.II, Part A, for Journal of Royal Institute of Chemistry: typescript, corres. 1951 1953 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 Review of The Chemisiry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Vol. VI: typescript, corresp. Review of The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, with Indole and Carbazole Systems: corresp., typescript (review was prepared by J.A. Elvidge), Review of ‘The Chemistry of Carbon Compounds, Vol.II, Part B: corresp., typescript of review. Review of Index to Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry: corresp., typescript, proof. Review of A Short History of Technology, for 'Endeavour': corresp., typescript, other reviews of the book (Trevor Williams). 19 1954 1954 1954 1956 1960-61 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 : . 20 E. Committees and Consultancies. Items E.1 - E.62 Although Sir Patrick served on many important scientific and government committees, no personal papers relating to them appear to survive other than those listed below. are in the Public Record Office. Official documents relating to E.3 and E.5 EI E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 Natural Resources (Technical) Committee (Chairman: Sir Solly (now Lord) Zuckerman): corres. on formation and meetings of Committee with Chairman and government officials; resignation Aug. 1956. RPL's (RPL was Royal Society The Perkin Centenary Celebration. representative on the Executive Committee, and Chairman of the Scientific Technical Committee until his appointment as Rector of Imp. Coll.: he resigned the Chairmanship in Dec. 1954 but remained a member of the Scientific and Technical Committee and also of the Committee of Honour.) minutes of Committee meetings, suggestions and arrangements for Centenary Celebrations, lists of members of Committees, enquiries from chemists overseas. Corres., memos and Ministry of Works Advisory Council on Building Research and Development (Requirements and Materials Panels): invitation to serve, membership of panels, closure of service after 2-year period. (Minutes and Committee papers returned to PRO, Ref: Ministry of Works RDAC/P.63.) British Advisory Group, Committee on Scientific and Technical Personnel: invitation to serve, drafts of evidence and report, copy of Report to NATO Special Committee on Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1 July 1957, and subsequent discussion and comment of proposals. Official papers have been retained only where they are essential to the understanding of the work or bear RPL's annotations, emendations or comments. Committee of Enquiry into Government Chemist's Department (Chairman: RPL; Secs.: Mrs. M.B. Sloman, Dr. A. Hassell): invitation to serve, constitution and membership of Committee, terms of reference, meetings and evidence submitted, drafts and discussion of Report, corres. with colleagues, secretaries, etc. Note: Official papers and reports, evidence submitted to the Committee by government departments etc. are retained only where they are of special relevance or bear RPL's annotations and amendments. G.C. (58}are in the PRO. All other Committee papers (ref: H.M. Treas. 1950-57 1954-56 March 1955- Aug. 1957 April - Dec. 1957 June 1957 - Oct. 1958 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 21 E.6-E.25 British Association Study Group on 'The Education of the Graduate Scientist in School and University', sponsored by Jan. 1958 - Nov. 1960 The British Association, supported by Leverhulme Trust. The report was published as 'The Complete Scientist', OUP 1960. Chairman: RPL; Sec.: Miss Jane H. Lidderdale OBE. Committee papers have been kept in full (20 folders). Note: Background material, arrangements for receipt of published reports, data, relevant press-cuttings etc. for Sec. (Miss Lidderdale), corres. with Central Advisory Council! for Education. Preliminary stages of enquiry; subject of enquiry and subsequent meetings; formal invitation to serve as Chairman, composition of Committee. RPL's draft suggestions for Ist meeting 20 Nov. 1958: corres with members of Group and sponsors about meeting on 20 Nov. 1958; preliminary papers on terms of enquiry, outline of scope and objectives by RPL and Secs.; agenda, papers and Chairman's briefing and Minutes for Ist meeting, 20 Nov. 2nd meeting 6 Jan. 1959: arrangements and corres.; draft questionnaire to Univ. Registrars, Schools and Faculties for factual information, amended ond revised; agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing and Minutes. Jan. - Nov. 1958 Oct. - Nov. 1958 Nov. 1958 - Jan. 1959 Corres., questionnaires and letters to Univ. and schools for information; drafts for papers, meetings and discussions. Jan. 1959 3rd meeting 29 Jan. 1959: agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes (incl. Ist Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc.). Corres. on collection of data, circulation of questionnaires to schools and universities, and replies, incl. 2nd Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc. ). Feb. - April 1959 Ath meeting 16 June 1959: corres. and papers on questionnaires and replies received, agenda, Committee papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes (incl. full summaries by Sec. of evidence received). Corres. with Committee members on matters arising from 4th meeting; 3rd Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc. Sth meeting 24 Sept. 1959: agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes. 6th meeting 19 Oct. 1959: agenda, Minutes, 4th Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc. 7th meeting 23 Nov. 1959: agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes. University issues ... a personal opinion', B.A. SE 34 10.11.59). (Papers incl. RPL's Chairman's Paper 'Answers to May - June 1959 June - Sept. 1959 Oct. - Nov. 1959 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 Za E.16 8th meeting 21 Dec. 1959: corres. and arrangements, agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes. Nov. - Dec. 1959 oi Z 18 ak? 20 al ae .23 24 9th meeting 15 Jan. 1960: arrangements for meeting, draft of Report Chap.| with ms.notes and amendments by RPL; agenda, papers, briefing and Minutes. Corres. on draft of report; 5th Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc. 10th meeting 12 Feb, 1960: agenda, papers, Chairman's briefing, Minutes; draft Chap. II] with RPL's ms.notes and amendments. Incl. 5th Quarterly report to Brit. Assoc; on Introduction and Chaps.! and Il by Miss Margaret McCraeth (RPL's Secretary), 5 pp. Dec. 1959 - Jan. 1960 Feb. 1960 Corres. with Sec. on RPL's amendments to drafts of Chap.II and III of Report; agenda and Chairman's notes for 11th meeting 25 Feb. 1960. Agenda and Minutes of 12th meeting 11 March 1960. Jan. - March 1960 6th Quarterly Report to Brit. Assoc.; corres. on contents of report; misc. corres. on publication of report, editorial arrangements etc. and for RPL to speak on Committee's work to Education Section, Brit. Assoc., Cardiff, 1 Sept. 1960. March - June 1960 Corres. with members of group and others, re party given by RPL at Brit. Assoc. meeting, Cardiff, Sept. 1960; guests lists efc., press~cuttings. July - Sept. 1960 Arrangements for RPL's paper at B.A. meeting, Cardiff; invitation, drafts and typescripi of paper and summary; arrangements for British Council reception (host: RPL) at Cardiff. April - Aug. 1960 Misc. corres. on publication of 'The Complete Scientist’ (OUP 1960); distribution of copies, some letters of appreciation, misc. corres. on RPL's Brit. Assoc. address 'Broadening the Education of the Graduate Scientist’, The Advancement of Science, Nov. 1960. notes and drafts by RPL for B.A. Study Group; complete Misc. ms copy of B.A. Report in final draft, with ms note on findings and recommendations by RPL. 25 List of Committee papers circulated. .26-E.33 Imperial Chemical Industries Dyestuffs Group (later Dyestuffs Division) 1938-45, 1950-54: «26 vel Misc. corres. re RPL's consultancy with 1.C.1. Dyestuffs Group, Courtaulds Ltd. etc. Scientific and legal corres. including: for meetings at 1.C.1. lab. in Blackley, notes from those meetings, notes on the experimental work in progress at Imperial College, notes on methods of preparation of material, summaries of progress, notes from discussions with colleagues at Imperial College; agenda and RPL's ms,notes in preparation 1938-45 1950-54 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 lists of compounds, minutes of meetings held between RPL and 1.C.1. staff (many with RPL's amendments and additions); requests for samples; notes prepared by Imperial College workers for RPL on results of laboratory experiments; notes and memos prepared by |.C.1. staff on the results and findings obtained; provisional specifications; patents entitled 'Improved process for the making of colouring matters', 'Tetra-aza-porphins and their intermediates'; typescript of 'Formation of tetrazaporphin pigments by reaction between twodissimilar imidines' on which patent specification was based. 7 folders: E.27 E.28 E.29 E.30 E.31 E.32 E.33 | | , 23 1950 1951 1952 Patents 1953 1953 1954 E.34-E.62 Hedley v. Unilever: RPL was retained as consultant by Thomas March 1952 - The legal and scientific corres.; reports on Hedley and Co. in their case against Unilever Ltd. documents include: experiments, laboratory tests etc., many by RPL; arrangements and agenda for meetings, demonstrations, laboratory visits etc.; drafts for legal submissions, many annotated and amended by RPL; periodical summaries and progress reports on scientific tests, many by RPL; are: Galleymore (Chief Chemist), W.H. Adamson (Research Laboratories), G.H.R. Watson, Frank B. Dehn and Co. (Patent Agents) for Thomas Hedley and Co.; Bristows, Cooke and Carpmael (Solicitors) for Unilever. Chief correspondents Thomas C. Yule (Field Roscoe and Co., Solicitors), H.R. legal and technical documents. The case was not brought. E.34-E.46 Misc. technical and legal documents and experimental data (many annotated). E.47-E.62 Correspondence: 16 folders: E47 E.48 E.49 E.50 9-4 March 3 June 1 July 6 Aug. E.ol 1 Oct. > - - - -- 30 May 1952 30 June 1952 31 July 1952 29 Sept. 1952 25 Nov. 1952 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 24 E.52 E.53 E.54 E.55 E.56 E.57 E.58 E.59 E.60 E.61 E.62 1 Dec. 24 Dec. 1952 12 Jan. 1953 26 Feb. 1953 5 March 1 April 15 May 7 July 1 Oct. 3 Nov. 30 March 1953 30 April 1953 23 June 1953 29 Sept. 1953 23 Oct. 1953 23 Dec. 1953 6 Jan. 1954 29 Jan. 1954 5 Feb. 5 April 29 March 1954 18 June 1954 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 25 F. F.1 ys Scientific and professional correspondence. Items F.1 - F.37 Corres. re obtaining offprints and back issues of learned journals. 1946-47 ‘Manufacture of Amino Compounds by the Catalytic Reduction of Nitro Compounds': British Patent Application 1097/51: corres. with Patent Agents and National Research Development Corp, E.A. Braude's ms-summary of experimental results, copies of British Patent Application and official documents, RPL's notes. 2 typescript British Patent Application no.1097/51: corres, typescript of application, agreement with National Research Development Corp. 'Macrocyclic Pigments. Correspondence with J.C. Speakman': corres., tracings of projections, draft and offprint of 'The Crystal Structure of an Analogue of nickel phthalocyanine’ by J.C. Speakman, published in Acta Crystallographica, 1953. 1951-52 1952-54 1952-54 F.5-F.37 33 files of corres. in chronological order. The corres. is of a scientific nature containing letters re research projects, consultancies, the exchange ofoffprints and of samples of chemical substances, the publication of papers, etc. Many ofthefiles contain lengthy notes by RPL's departmental colleagues. entire file pertains to one topic, its contents have been enumerated in the handlist; otherwise the year has been noted and the correspondents indexed. If an F.10 F.11 F.12 Corres. with W. Charles Evans and typescript of 'Experiments to test the pathway from cis-cis muconic acid to b-Ketoadipic acid', with comments by RPL. "Chemistry of the oxidation metabolism of certain compounds by micro-organisms', Nature, 168, p.772:) (Paper was published as 1948 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 195] 1951 1951 195] 1951 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 26 F.16 F.17 F.18 F.19 F.20 Feet F.22 F.23 F.24 ru2o F.26 F.27 F.28 Poee F.30 F.3] F.32 F.33 F.34 F.35 F.36 F.37 Corres. with R.T. Williams re muconic acid, typescript of abstract 'The Metabolism of Benzene’ by D.V. Parke and R.T. Williams, RPL's comments on the draft. 1951 Corres. re RPL's consultancy in patent dispute; prepared by RPL and B.C. Weedon. copies of report 1951 ‘Polypyridyles': corres. with F.H. Burstall, offprints of papers by Burstall on the subject, note by E.L. Braude. Corres. with William Mitchell re work on chlorophyll, RPL's notes on the subject, typescript of Mitchell's paper 'The Structure of Chlorophyll'. Corres. with T.V. Arden re history of Chemical Research Laboratory. Work on uranium ore treatment. 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953-54 1953-54 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955-56 1956-57 _ 1956-59 1958-59 1960-64 Corres. re RPL's consultancy in penicillin patent controversy. 1960-62 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 ADAMS, Roger ADAMSON, W. ADKINS, Homer ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron Adrian of Cambridge ALDRICH, Michael ALLAN, F. LE. ALLEN, Sir Donald (Richard) ALLEN, Sir George (Vance) ALLEN, Milton J. AMORY, Viscount see HEATHCOAT AMORY APPLETON, Sir Edward ARDEN, T. ARONOFF, S. Vs ASHBY, Eric, Baron Ashby of Brandon, Suffolk BAILEY, Ronald William BAKER, J. Ww. BAKER, Wilson BARD, Basil Joseph Asher BARRETT,F. BARRETT, F. BARTON, C. WwW. C. L. BARTON, Derek Harold Richard BATE-SMITH, Edgar Charles BATEMAN, L. BEAVER, Sir Hugh Eyre Campbell BEECHER, Most Rev. Leonard J. Archbishop of East Africa DE BEER, Sir Gavin (Rylands) BENNETT, G. M. BERGEL, Franz BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BETTS, General T. 27 F.6, F.23, F.24, F.31 E.47 - E.62 B.48 F.36 A.52 E.15, E.18, E.19, E.20, E.21 A.50 E.7, E.20 F.22 A.28, C.19, E.7 F.32, F.34 F.33 A.30, E.16, E.20, E.21 F.11] F.20 F.32 F.33 F.20 F.22 C.20 F.10, F.21, F.36 F.1] F.11 C.19, C.20 A.57 F.21 E.5 ‘ Pa27 A.57 A.27 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 BHATNAGAR, Sir Shanti S. BIRCH, S. Fi BISHOP, Frederick Arthur BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea BLOOD, <. Ts DE BOINVILLE, C. A. on BONDY, Herbert F. BOWDEN, Frank Philip BRADLEY, William BRAGG, Sir Lawrence BRAUDE, Ernest Alexander BRENNAN, J. B. BRIDGES, Edward, Baron Bridges BROOK, Norman Craven, Baron Normanbrook of Chelsea BROWNLEE, George BRYCE-SMITH, D. BULL, Benton A. BURN, Joshua Harold BURSTALL, Francis Hereward BUSTON, H. Ww. BUTLER, John Alfred Valentine CAHN, R. 5. CALVIN, Melvin CARDWELL, H. CARTWRIGHT, H. M. J. ee CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) CHASE, Basil H. CHIRNSIDE, R. Cn CLEMO, George Roger CLIFFORD, Sir (Geoffrey) Miles COCK CROFT, Sir John Douglas COFFEY, 5: 28 F.11, F.23 F.22 A.50 CU B.72 Ef F.8 A.54 E.2 E.16 F.3, F.32 C.19 A.53 E.5 F.21 F.22 7 .32 .6, F.7, F.8, F.18 7 WW7 1 7 N T 1 7 7 ” 1 T o w m n 1 7 7 = ~ 21 23 15 66, F.32 35 25 5 F.15, F.24 A.51, E.21 A.50 B.Ad a m m R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 CONANT, James Bryant COOK, J. COREY,E. W. Js CORNFORTH, John Warcup COTTRELL, Alan Howard COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon CROSLAND, Anthony CROWTHER, Geoffrey, Baron Crowther of Headingley 29 F.32 C.17 F.35 F.29 A.56 F.6 A.52, A.56 A.51, C.19, E.7 DAINTON, Sir Frederick (Sydney) DANIELS, Farrington DAUBEN, H. J. DAUBEN, William G. F. DAUBERT, B. DAVIS, Selby B. DICKENS, Frank DOERING, William E. DOROUGH, C. D. DREIDING, Andre DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) ECCLES, David McAdam, Viscount Eccles EGERTON, Sir Alfred C. EISENBRAUN, E. EISNER, N. M. ELEY, David Douglas ELVIDGE, John Arthur J. . Bz ELVIDGE, Margaret (née Whalley) EMMERSON, Sir Harold EVANS, Sir (B) Ifor EVANS, W. Charles EWER, D. Ww. EVRE, ws Vargas 7 F T H T 7 M T M T 1 T 1 7 7 17, F.19 124 .10, F.20 5, F.29 625 .7, F.8 19 17, F.35 12 127 9n T T F T n A.5] A.53, C.19 F.35 D.11 F.5 B.59, C.17, D.7, D.13, D.20, E.27-E.33, F.35, F.36 D.12, F.32, F.36 . E.3 C.20 F.13, F.20 C.19 A.50 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 FALK, John FEATHER, Norman FIESER, Louis F. FIFE, James G. FOLLETT, Sir David (Henry) FORT, Richard FOSTER, G. Es FRANCE, Harold GABOR, Dennis GALLEYMORE, H. R, GAVLIN, G. GETTLER, Joseph D. GOLDEN, J. H,. GOLDSCHMIDT, Stefan GRAY, Charles Horace GREENE, Hugh GRUNDMANN, C. J. HADDOCK, N. H. HADDOW, Sir Alexander HALES, J. ba HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge, Earl Halsbury HANNAH, John HAPPOLD, Frank Charles HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) HARRISON, E. HASSALL, C. H. HAWORTH, Robert Downs HEALEY, Rt. Hon. Denis W. HEATHCOAT AMORY, Derick, Viscount Amory HE[FETZ, H. HEILBRON, Sir lan HEILBRONNER, E. 30 F.28 E.7 F.20 F.2, F.3, F.32 Pig e2 F.4 F.3] E.27 - E.33 C.20 E.47 - £.62 Pond F.22 D.14 F.28 F.35 A.54 F.20 E.27 - E.33 A.54 F.8, F.12 F.2, F.é D.19 F.19 F.11 E.27 - £.33 F.10 F.9, F.20 _ A.56 E.5 F.22 F.6 F.23, F.28 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 HENNESSEY, Dennis HERINGTON, E. Fe iC. HEWITT, John HEWLITT, W. Ls HEY, Donald Holroyde HICKINBOTTOM, W. as HILDITCH, T. P. HILL, Robert HILL, Sir Roderic HILLABY, John HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HINDLE, Edward HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HOFMAN, Klaus HOGG, Quintin McGarel, Lord Hailsham of Marylebone HOLBEIN, Arthur M. HOSE, G. C. HOWELL, O. Rhys HOWTON, David R. HUBER, W. HUNTER, R. F. rs 3] F.2 F.8 A.53 A.53 F.27 D.7 F.30, F.31 F.9 A.50, F.20 F.24 F.37 A.50 F.12 F.31 A.54 F.32 F.17 F.2] F.25, F.31 F.25 F.7,F.11, F.12, F.14, F.24, F.29, F.33, F.35 INGOLD, Sir Christopher (Kelk) B.35, F.27 JACKMAN, L. M: JACQUES, Jean JENNER, J. JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JOHNSON, R. J. JOHNSON, William S. JOHNSTON, Sir Alexander JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JONES, R. JONES, R. C. Norman JORDAN, L. A. Do? P.29 F.22 F.24 F.8 " F.10, F.14 E.5 F.8, F.21 B.49 F.9 F.29 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 KABASAKALIAN, Peter KARRER, Paul KEANE, John KEFFORD, J. Ps KEIR, Sir David Lindsay KENNER, James KLENK, E. KLINGSBERG, Erwin KLYNE, William KNOX, R. KOCH, H. P. KON, George A. R. KUEHL, Frederick A. LANNING, H. John LE FEVRE, Raymond James Wood LEWIS, John A. LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOGAN, Sir Douglas William LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen LUTTING, MacDONALD, D. MACKENZIE, E. MAITLAND,R. MANN, J. C. W. K. F.. F. T. W. MAXTED, E. B. MAXWELL, lan Robert MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) MENTER, Sir James (Woodhain) “MERTON, Sir Thomas (Ralph) 32 F.25 F.20 F.3] F.12 C.19 F.22 F.23 F.27 F.9, F.15, F.20, F.28, F.31 F.28 F.8 F.10, F.11 F.10 F.6 F.14 F.20 reo A.50 F.36 | E.2 F.36 F.21 C.20 F.3 F.11 — A.50 E.5 F.32 A.54 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MILES, Sir (Arnold) Ashley MISSEN, Leslie Robert MITCHELL, William MORGAN, C. D, MORRIS, Charles Richard, Baron Morris of Grasmere MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MUIR, Sir Edward MULLER, Adolf NEAL, Bernard George NEALE, S. M. NEUBERGER, Albert NEUZIL, E. NICHOLLS, Sir John (Walter) NICHOLLS, R. NOCKOLDS, Harold V. V. NORMANBROOK see BROOK NOZOE, Tetsuo NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) ORKIN, Bernard A. OROSHNIK, W. OWEN, Alan Huet OWEN, L. N. OXBURY, Harold Frederick OXFORD, A. E. Ped F.15 E.21 F.26 C.20 E.2] E.12 E.3 F.23 C.20 F.25 D.5 F.2] Bae F.8 D.18 F.24 F,28 F.7, F.9, F.10 F.19 C.19 D.9 A.53 F.22 PARSONS, Denys PATON, William Drummond Macdonald PENDER, John Willoughby Denison-Pender, Baron Pender PERRIN, D. C. PERRIN, Sir Michael (Willcox) PETERSON, Alexander Duncan Campbell F.3 FAW A.51 A.57 A.50 C.17 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 PICKHOLZ, S. PILCHER, Richard PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward Wilder POLLOCK, Martin Rivers PORTAL, Charles Frederick Algernon, Viscount Portal of Hungerford POSTERNAK, T. PRATT, D. PRIDE, William E. D. QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch QUIRK, Roger RAHA, Chittaranjan RAO, B. Sanjiva READ, Herbert Harold REED, H. WwW, B. RICHARDS, C. E. RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keightley) RIMINGTON, Claude ROBBINS, Lionel Charles, Baron Robbins of Clare Market ROBERTS, John D. ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINSON, Sir Richard ROBINSON, Sir Robert RODD, E. H,. ROGERS, M. A. T. ROSS, Sidney D. RUCK KEENE, J. R, RYDON, Henry Norman SCHENCK, C. SCHLAEGER, A. O. J. SCHMIDT, G. M. J SCHOELLER, Ingmar A. SCHOFIELD, K. 34 F.17 A.50 C.20 F.28 A.50 F.32 F.8, F.12, F.34 F.33, F.36 F.35 E.17 F.20 F.33, F.35, A.53 E.27 - £.33 F.20 F.6 F.8, F.20 A.53, C.20 B.72, F.19 B.36, F.11 F.23 F.6 B.36, E.26 C.11, D.1, £.27-E.22, F.22 F.20 C.11, C.18 D.7 F.9 F.11 F.27 B.34 heat, Gale R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 SENGUPTA, S. SHEPHERD, N. cs Te SHOPPEE, Charles William SIEDEL, W.. SILVESTER, W. A. SIMON, Sir Francis SIMONSEN, Sir John SINKER, Sir (Algernon) Paul SISTROM, W. SOMERVILLE, John B. R. SPEAKMAN, J. om STANIER, Roger Y. STANLEY, Herbert Muggleton _STENHAGEN, Stina STEPHENS, R. R. STERN, Joseph R. STEVENS, Thomas Stevens STEWART, Michael STOTHERS, John B. STOTT, R. Ww. STRONG, Prof. F. M. SZMUSZKOVICZ , Jacob TAYLOR, Sir Hugh (Stott) TEMPLE, R. EB. THOMAS, Stanley L. THORPE, Jocelyn TIMMONS, C. Js TISHLER, Max TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington TREIBS, Alfred TREVAN, J. TURCK, K. TURNER, Richard B. WwW. H. WwW. 35 F.22 C.19 F.19, F.29 F.28 B.36 F.8 F.31 A.53 F.32 E.7 F.4, F.15, F.21, F.23 F.11] B.60 F.9 F.29 F.27 F.9 A.54, A.55 F.28 F.35 F.25 F.14 F.8 F.11 F.11, F.19 A.50 F.32 F.32 F.15 F.27 F.9 B.60 F.32 36 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 ULLYOT, Glenn E. USHERWOOD, Ken VAN DORMAEL, A. VAN LOON, I. J. VENABLES, Sir Peter (Perc y Frederick Ronald) VICKERSTAFF, T. VISCONTINI, M. VOGEL, Arthur I. WAIT, Peter WANZLICK, Hans Werner WARD, E. R, WASSERMAN, A. WATERS, William Alexander WATSON, G. WATSON, William F. H, WAWZONEK, Stanley WEBLEY,D. M. R. WEEDON, Basil Charles Leicester WEEKS, Roland Morce, Baron Weeks of Ryton WEINTRAUB, R. L. WEISS, Frederick T. WEISS, J. WELBOURNE, Edward WHETSTONE, Richard R. WHITHAM, Gerald Beresford WHITTAKER, C. M,. WIGGLESWORTH, Sir Vincent (Brian) WIKEN, Torsten WILLIAMS, Richard Tecwyn WILLIAMS, Trevor IIItyd WITZINGER-AUST, R. F.20 F.24 F.27 F.25 E.12 E.27 - E.33 Fell F.28 F.15 F.21 F.20 F.14 F.29, F.31 E.47 - E.62 F.6, F.8 C.12 F.30 D.7, D.8 C.19 F.24 F.9 F.24 E.12 F.7, F.10 D.14, F.33 E.2 F.15 _C€.19 F.1G, F.2! D.20 E.2 R.P. Linstead CSAC 30/7/75 37 WOLFENDEN,, Sir John (Frederick) WOMERSLEY, John R. WOODWARD, Robert Burns WRIGHT, George F. WRIGHT, William David YULE, Thomas C. A.56 F.9, F.21_ F.8, F.35 F.6 A.54 E.47 - E.62 ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe E.1