CSAC 88/6/82 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of CARL FREDERICK ABEL PANTIN FRS (1899 - 1967) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson Deposited in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge All rights reserved 1982 C.F.A. Pantin CSAC 88/6/82 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics © The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London C.F.A. Pantin CSAC 88/6/82 INTRODUCTION With the exception of item 1, the material was received from Professor M.J.S. Rudwick, to whom it was lent by Pantin in the course of research. It is regretted that no other records or correspondence can be traced of this distinguished zoologist and contributor to invertebrate physiology and evolutionary theory. The collection consists of various typescript sequences for lectures and papers, with many manuscript revisions and additions. Only one item (6) is dated, 1964, but all the material relates to themes dealt with in Pantin's Tarner Lectures at Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1959 (edited by A.W. Pantin and W.H. Thorpe and published by Cambridge University Press, 1968, as 'The relations between the sciences') and his Ballard Mathews Lectures on 'Science and education’ given at University College of North Wales in 1963. These themes include Pantin's from J.H. Newman's 'The Grammar of Assent' - as a factor in scientific research. (biological) sciences, and his postulate of the 'illative sense’ - a term borrowed distinction between the 'restricted' (physical) sciences and the ‘unrestricted’ Pantin drew for illustrative material on various episodes in the history of nineteenth- century biological and geological science. C.F.A. Pantin CSAC 88/6/82 An obituary notice of Pantin by T. Weis-Fogh, Copy of Christ's College [ Cambridge J] Magazine, May 1967. his successor as Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, appears on p.54. "Biology and the Scientific Method by C.F.A. Pantin, Zoological Laboratory, Cambridge’. . 6 pp. numbered typescript. "Scientific Research and the "Illative Sense"'. 30 pp. numbered typescript with ms. corrections by Pantin and another. Draft bearing title (deleted in pencil) 'Scientific Research and Intuitive Inference’. The draft is in two parts which together deal with three examples of intuitive hypotheses: the identification by Owen of the New Zealand Moa bird; the history of the chronology of the earth from Newton to Kelvin; and the hypotheses of Darwin and Agassiz at Glen Roy. It is There are paginations in red in the upper right corner which run 8, 9, 14-30. The first part is typescript with extensive ms. corrections by Pantin and M. Rudwick; it bears various paginations, 14 pp. inall. The second part is a photocopy paginated 15-26. accompanied by a note from M. Rudwick 'Photocopy (with my underlinings, etc.) of typescript by Pantin - original returned to his widow'. "Take to London (for C.F.A.P.').' 2 pp. typescript signed and dated at end 'C.F.A.P. October 1964', witha ms. note at head in the hand of M. Rudwick Untitled typescript and ms. draft with a ms. note 'Tarner?'. 'The parallel roads of Glenroy. Pantin FRS'. Note by Professor C.F.A. C.F.A. Pantin CSAC 88/6/82 'The Scientific Method in Biology’. 4 pp. only, typescript heavily corrected by Pantin and with some corrections in another hand. "Scientific Research and Intuitive Inference’. 3 pp. only, typescript with some ms. revisions. Heavily-corrected typescript draft, paginated 3-29, largely on the career and scientific contribution of Edward Forbes. Corrections are in red, black and blue ink or ball- point, by Pantin and others. 'The History of Science and Modern Biology’. 1 p. revised typescript only. p-2 only of lecture; but not part of 9 above. refers to work of Edward Forbes, 6 pp. typescript notes on same subject. Miscellaneous photocopies of published material on p.9 only of lecture. 2 pp. ms. notes by Pantin on the New Zealand bird identified by Owen. same subject.
PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin