Oxford Enzyme Group

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the records of the OXFORD ENZYME GROUP (1968-1990) deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 18/3/90) London WC2A 1HP 1990 All rights reserved Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS NRA 33208 No 8/90 Catalogue of historical material relating to the OXFORD ENZYME GROUP (1968-1990) Compiled by Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Bodleian Library Oxford 1990 All rights reserved University ‘of Bath NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this Catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society National Power Piikington pic Rolls-Royce pic The Royal Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society of Chemistry The Soclety of Chemical Industry NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group LIST OF CONTENTS PROVENANCE GENERAL INTRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SECTION A EARLY HISTORY SECTION B ENZYME PREPARATION LABORATORY SECTION C NMR SPECTROMETRY Introduction to Section C SECTION D GRANT APPLICATIONS ANO FUNDING Introduction to Section D Introduction to Section E E.13, £.14 Membership E.P. Abraham Research Fund E.1-E.12 Minutes and circulars D.1-D.44 Research Councils D.45-D.48 Oxford University D.51-D.55 Visitations and inspections MEETINGS, MEMBERSHIP, RESEARCH National Research Development Corporation REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS ACCOMMODATION AND BUILDING ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE E.24-E.35 Projects, ideas and policy E.15-E.23 Staff and appointments SECTION F SECTION G SECTION H D.49 D.50 SECTION E NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION J INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE (IRC) J.1-J.15 Introduction to Section J INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group PROVENANCE The collection has been brought together from several sources and over a The greater part was considerable perlod of time from November 1987 to September 1990. received from Sir Rex Richards, the founder Chairman of the Oxford Enzyme Group (OEG), and this was supplemented by the relevant papers of Sir David Phillips who acted as Richards's Deputy Chairman during the latter’s service as Vice-Chancellor 1977-81 and succeeded him as Chairman in 1983. Additional material relating especially to the later years was given by Dr. C.M. Dobson, the group's last secretary. As well as these principal sources, other members of OEG or those connected with Its history have contributed smaller amounts of material, or written their own recollections: Professor R.A. Dwek, Professor Sir Ewart Jones, Professor L.N. Johnson, Professor J.R. Knowles and Professor R.J.P. Wiliams. Sir Rex Richards’s own papers are deposited in the Bodielan Library (NCUACS no. 12/5/89). NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group GENERAL INTRODUCTION The Oxford Enzyme Group was formally created, and began Its regular meetings, in October 1969; Its first research grants were awarded in August and November For an appreciable time before that, however, its leading members had been working 1970. both to encourage and to respond to official Initiatives aimed at fostering enzyme research and to establish a climate in which collaborative research could flourish at Oxford. A major advance Phillips and his team at the Royal had been made not in Oxford but in London by D.C. Institution who had successfully analysed the three-dimensional structure of lysozyme In 1965; G. Lowe and J.R. Knowles from the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford, had been among the first in the following year (1966) Phillips and to approach him for Information about the model. members of his team arrived in Oxford to start the new Laboratory of Molecular Blophysics, thus continuing the impetus to enzyme research, and a personal benefaction to him from the Dupont Company enabled him to sponsor a series of fortnightly dinners which brought together colleagues In several disciplines as a nucleus of a collaborative group. On a technical level, the large-scale and expensive facilities required for interdisciplinary research, such as NMR, X- ray crystallography and high-speed computation, were also beginning to come together at Oxford. The An important official step was taken In February 1968 when the Science Research Council (SRC) set up an Enzyme Panel as a Joint Panel of Its Biological Sciences, the Panel's terms of Chemistry, and Chemical Engineering and Technology Committees; ‘To examine various aspects of the enzyme field In order to discern areas reference were: To consider how best to foster where new or more research could profitably be undertaken. any desirable activities and to make recommendations for appropriate SRC support.’ Chairman of the Panel was Sir Ewart Jones, Phillips was a member, and the Technical Secretary It stressed the importance of collaborative work, recognised the recommended that ‘special efforts should be made, even Involving methods of support novel to the Science Research Council, to foster research in this highly interdisciplinary, exciting and economically important field’. The Panel first met in February 1968 and reported in February 1969. It was Knowles. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group requirements for high resolution NMR equipment and for facilities for the preparation of adequate supplies of pure enzymes, envisaged the need for long-term support (up to five years) and in some cases for building provision, and suggested the establishment of an Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Board with grant-giving powers, to be responsible for the support of research along these lines. The recommendations were accepted and a new Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Committee was set up in March 1969, with Jones as Chairman and G.W. Kenner, H.L. Kornberg and Phillips as members. Already, plans for collaborative research, and bids for accommodation, had been prepared and circulated In Oxford at various dates in 1968 and 1969, the main participants in this endeavour being Phillips, Knowles, R.E. Richards and R.J.P. Willams. One of these proposals, which envisaged a three-year programme, was considered at the first meeting of the Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Committee in April 1969, at the request of its Chairman Sir Ewart Jones. By the time the five-year grants were announced, In August 1970 for a preparation laboratory, equipment and staff, and in November 1970 for an ultra high field NMR spectrometer, negotiations were well In train for accommodation for the preparation laboratory as part of the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics located in the Department of Zoology, and with Bruker Spectrospin and the Oxford Instrument Company for the design and supply of the NMR equipment. The documentation for these preliminary stages, extending roughly up to the term members. The character of the bulk of the remaining material arises from its provenance, individual members, are documented in the sequence of research applications and the reports essentially from the chairmen of OEG: Richards 1969-83 and Phillips his successor from October 1983. The research programmes of the group as such, and the contributions of its recollections of the OEG and Its work contributed for the present collection by founder or long- award of the first grants, is preserved as ‘Early History’ in Section A, and Is augmented by for the work of other OEG members, several of whom drew on thereon, and in the proposals, ideas and policy papers put forward at the fortnightly research representing as they do the special responsibilities of Richards and Phillips respectively. by Williams emerges as a significant one, many of the proposals, from the earliest date on NMR and the early running of the preparation laboratory are more fully recorded, and business meetings and/or submitted to colleagues for consideration. The part played here onwards, being in his characteristically lively and often controversial style. The continuing work documentation is less full The NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group separate sources for their funding (mainly the Sclence, Medical and Agricultural Research The latter, of work alongside the OEG collaboration. Councils) and pursued other lines collaborative, aspect Is very well recorded, the material encompassing the Interdiscipiinary drafting of grant applications, the group evaluations of projects and decisions on staffing, and the Chairmen’s tasks of careful budgeting, financial administration and pleading arising from unexpected upward surges In costs - including those for the multi-funded Rex Richards Building ralsed to house the laboratories of molecular biophysics and immunochemistry. The meetings of the Group are well documented from the beginning In 1969 throughout the 1970s though The membership of the Group adapted to changes in the somewhat less fully for the 1980s. research Interests or career structure of The collaborative element of what R.R. Porter described as existence. never lost and at one time or another the following departments, laboratories or institutions ail included OEG members: its members, though some remained throughout its ‘a consortium’ was Biochemistry Botany Chemical Crystallography Clinical Biochemistry, Radcliffe Infirmary Clinical Biochemistry, John Radcliffe Hospital Inorganic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Zoology Molecular Biophysics Dyson Perrins Laboratory Sir Willlam Dunn School of Pathology lasting and visible mark of the success of the OEG; The new bullding, opened in 1985 at a time of great financial constraint, Is a but it coincided with several major In October 1983 Richards accepted the Directorship of the changes which bore on its future. Leverhulme Trust to take effect on his retirement as Warden of Merton College at the end of his successor, Phillips, while that academic year, and accordingly resigned as Chairman; a road accident in September 1985. remaining active responsibilities as Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC), and R.R. Porter, who was to head the MRC Immunochemistry Unit in the new building, was untimely killed in in the laboratory and in the affairs of OEG, took on heavy outside NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group The tast chapter In the history of OEG, more sultably viewed perhaps as the opening of a new volume, began In 1987 with the publication of the ABRC report A Strategy for the Science Base which recommended the creation of a small number of strongly- supported Interdisciplinary Research Centres to concentrate research efforts on specific topics This concept over-+rode departmental and even university in a limited number of universities. boundaries and met with considerable academic opposition; welcomed and machinery was rapidly set in motion via the research councils. it was, however, officially During the later a centre in molecular science; the first draft of the months of 1987 bids were invited for Oxford bid was written by Phillips, drawing on the work of OEG and material provided by its This document was the basis of discussions and modifications by, among others, After an SERC members. J.E. Baldwin and C.M. Dobson and the approval of the university authorities. in site visit In November and further modifications, the final bid was sent In before Christmas. February 1988 the bid was accepted and the Oxford IRC began officially In October 1988 as the Oxford Centre for Molecular Studies with J.E. Baldwin as Director and an Initial budget of The Farewell Dinner of OEG had been held in March, though many of its members £8 million. Like the early history in Section continue thelr collaborative work within the new organisation. A, this concluding eptsode Is quite well documented in Section J from material provided by Phillips and C.M. Dobson. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS | am very grateful to all those who have contributed material and been so generous with their time in answering questions, Identifying documents and providing Information. In particular, Sir Rex Richards and Sir David Philips have put their unique knowledge of OEG freely at my disposal, and found time to read and comment on the catalogue. My thanks also go to Peter Harper, Archivist NCUACS, for his careful attention to the draft catalogue. . Jeannine Alton Oxford 1990. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION A EARLY HISTORY Historical recollections assembled for the present collection, from: his and R.S. E.R.H. (Sir Ewart) Jones, June 1989. Nyholm’s Minority Report on the proposed European 300 GeV Accelerator of July 1967 which led to the setting up of the SRC’s Enzyme Panel. Includes a copy of J.R. Knowles, May 1989. R.J.P. Williams, ‘The Enzyme Group (R.J.P. Willams Memories)’, March 1990. L.N. Johnson, March 1990. R.A. Dwek, ‘Memories of the Enzyme Group’, March 1990. R.E. Richards, June 1990. Preliminary ideas for enzyme research In Oxford 1968. SRC letter March 1969 accompanying report and announcing special support for Enzyme Chemistry and Technology. of the Enzyme Panel (largely written by Knowles, see A.1) and Draft Report published version February 1969 under the title Enzyme Chemistry and Technology (some annotations). Includes a draft paper by R.J.P. Williams August 1968 on ‘Enzyme Project’, with manuscript amendments and additions by Phillips and retitled ‘Draft proposal for the development of enzyme studies In Oxford’ circulated by with an accompanying Phillips on 31 October to colleagues in Oxford; paper, also by Phillips ‘Note on the proposal to allocate space in Old Physiology [a site in Oxford] for Inter-departmental work on enzymes.’ Willlams for consideration by SRC’s Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Both these papers were prepared for discussion by the Blology Faculty Board. Papers, correspondence and ideas 1969. it covers roughly April-July 1969. Not all the material Is dated but The main document fs a paper ‘Enzyme Research in Oxford’ prepared by NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group A Minute of the meeting Committee at its first meeting on 22 April 1969. The Committee approved the document, and specific ls also Included. Philllps circulated proposals for a formal grant application were initiated; colleagues In May asking for ideas for collaborative research and replies are Included from C.C.F. Blake, G.K. Radda and A.R. Peacocke. Phillips's letter to Richards hopes that he will become chairman of ‘the local steering committee’ (later the OEG). Draft application composed by Williams, Radda and Richards based on colleagues’ suggestions, for consideration by Oxford General Board of Faculties on 15 July 1969 before final submission to SRC. The application envisages Varian See Section C for more detailed Information spectrometer for NMR work. on choice of instrument. three-year January starting grant, 1970, and a a Two coples, one to Phillips with a covering letter explaining the background, with revisions and amendments by him, K. Daiziel and others. Five-year grant application sent to SRC, and ‘Outside Grant’ application notified to University, both sent in the names of Richards, R.R. Porter and J.W.S. Pringle 10 September 1969. to relating See A.10. Material spectrometry Is listed in Sections B and C respectively. the Enzyme Preparation Laboratory and to NMR Two copies of application, one with some notes and revisions by Richards, the other with notes and revisions by Phillips. Note The application bore the general title ‘Structure and Function of Enzymes, especially those of the glycolytic pathway’ and included plans both for the enzyme preparation laboratory and for NMR research and instrumentation. Partly because of the high costs of the latter, and difficulties in deciding the best sources of supply and design, the two elements of the application were eventually dealt with in separate grants. is also Included. Notes and correspondence October-November 1969, under the general heading ‘Notes on Enzyme Application 28/10/69’ arising from queries and requests for clarification raised by SRC. Mainly by Richards and Phillips, but also includes information on their research funding and intentions from G. Lowe, G.T. Young, R.J.P. Williams, K. Dalziel, G.K. Radda, A.R. Peacocke, $.G. Waley, E.A. Newshoime. Correspondence with University authorities on level of support or takeover Richards’s reply to SRC, with answers to the queries, is dated 5 November. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC visit to Oxford 11-12 December 1969. Includes arrangements, timetable, notes and drafts for presentations (includes J.R. Knowles and R.E. Offord on ‘Enzyme Isolation and a paper by ‘to tighten the case for the Enzyme Development Laboratory’ written Preparation Laboratory’), Richards’s letter to OEG colleagues summarising the discussions, correspondence ensuing with SRC January-May 1970, draft and revised minutes of meeting, revised list of equipment for Preparation Laboratory, letter from Richards on NMR apparatus, allocation of research studentships to OEG. Notes and research ideas arising from SRC visit in December 1969, not ail dated, mainly by Richards but includes material from A.R. signed or Peacocke, J.R. Knowles, K. Daiziel. Award of grants, formal announcements, press releases. The grants were: Structure and function of enzymes, particularly of the glycolytic pathway (no. $R/7824) August 1970. Ultra high field NMR spectroscopy (no. SR/9479) November 1970. . The folder includes some documentation for these dinners 1969-70, and also, 14 March 1988 ‘to to complete the story, its end commemorate the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Molecular an transformation Into for the farewell dinner on present form the of OEG dinners. The early meetings of the OEG were at dinners where scientific discussions could take place In an easy atmosphere which greatly helped collaboration. L.N. Johnson recalls these as a particularly useful feature of the group's beginnings (A.1). The dinners, held in various colleges, were funded in the first Instance by Phillips from an unconditional research grant made to him in 1968 by Du Pont de Nemours. Sciences’. Group and Its in NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION B ENZYME PREPARATION LABORATORY Accommodation in Department of Zoology 1969-76 Correspondence, memoranda, architects’ plans etc. exchanged with J.W.S. Pringle (Linacre Professor of Zoology), University Surveyor and others. Mainly 1969-72 but includes a little routine correspondence to 1976. Equipment 1969-72 Miscellaneous lists of equipment, books, furniture. Applications to Equipment Committee of General Board, correspondence. Constitution and organisation 1970 1971-80 1980-83 Draft prepared by Phillips, comments and revisions by K. Knowles, R.E. Offord, appointment of Research Assistant (M. Laboratory. Daiziel, J.R. iqbal) for The future of the Prep. Lab. Research and administration Meetings and minutes of Prep. Lab. Subcommittee, research proposals and requirements for enzymes submitted by members of OEG, costings and estimates, progress reports on current research and future projects, note on cost of enzyme preparations to be charged to users from 1 October 1976 when SRC funds for recurrent expenses came to an end, correspondence. 1979, 1981 and undated. L.N. Johnson’s reports on current research and future projects, mainly prepared for OEG grant applications but also referring to work of Prep. Lab. and its future. Lab. and its Correspondence and papers on the continuation and the location of the possible Prep. development of ‘macromolecules’ teaching course, ballot of OEG members, and undated (perhaps 1979) application to Oxford University for support for the laboratory. includes costings and budget, service; NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Technical staff. Appointments, grading and re-grading. Various dates 1971- 81. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION C NMR SPECTROMETRY INTRODUCTION TO SECTION C The provision of NMR facilities had been recognised as an essential requirement of enzyme research In the SRC’s Enzyme Panel.report and was a major feature of the OEG’s grant application. The considerable capital cost of equipment necessitated particularly careful preliminary enquiries, comparisons and budgeting; R.E. Richards bore the main responsibility for this both as Chairman of OEG and as active participant in NMR research, and the SRC on its side undertook additional vetting of the proposal. Richards's note ‘Magnetic Resonance equipment for the Oxford Enzyme Group’ (included at C.1), prepared for the SRC High Field NMR Panel meeting on 4 June 1970, sets out very clearly the considerations weighing on the choice of instrument. Briefly the cholce was between a comptete instrument to be purchased from the American firm Varian Associates, and a composite deal with Bruker Spectrospin (for the spectrometer) and Oxford Instruments (for the magnet). The second solution was adopted and proved extremely successful. The Oxford group Itself undertook much of the development, increasingly powerful magnets were constructed over the years in collaboration with Oxford Instruments, and the work was rewarded materially by various awards and patents, and scientifically by Its contribution to the development of whole-body scanning in medicine. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Correspondence and papers September 1969-November 1970 Correspondence with colleagues and firms; costs, research projects; cholce and performance of instruments; information; prepared for SRC committee meeting In June 1970); of grant November 1970. Richards’s notes on machines, background information sent by colleagues on SRC querles and additional Richards’s note on choice of instrument (undated, probably letter of notification Miscellaneous information assembled by Richards from colleagues on choice of instrument, value of NMR studies in biological research etc. Varlan Associates May 1969-June 1970 Correspondence, information, quotations and specifications. Richards's tagged folder of correspondence exchanged between M.E. (Oxford Instruments) and SRC in answer to queries ralsed by the Council, original copy of tender by Bruker June September 1970 (photocopies); 1970. Relates to more detailed correspondence at C.5 below. 1970-73, 1975 Oxford Instruments Oxford Instrument Company (from 1971 Oxford Instruments) Correspondence, quotations and specifications, contract, notes of meetings exchanged between Richards, the Company and Bruker Spectrospin about construction and testing of machines. Also a little correspondence with SRC on funding, and later with NRDC on development and royalties for Richards’s research. tender etc. Correspondence and proposals with the Company and others on various developments and improvements in NMR equipment, patents and royalties, continuing collaboration with Richards, clinical applications. Bruker Spectrospin 1977, 1980, 1981 for Correspondence, spectrometer and other equipment, negotiations with SRC and final accepted specifications quotations meetings, visits, and 1970-71 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Bruker Spectrospin 1972-74 Similar material, relating to improvements and development by Richards's Oxford group and by Bruker, purchase of new equipment, specifications and quotations, notes and reports on machines, costings, visits by Richards and members of the Oxford group, funding and payment. Correspondence with colleagues on relative merits of spectrometers, choice of Bruker machine 1970-71. Bruker-Physik 1978 Correspondence on proposed collaboration between Bruker and Oxford instruments for exploitation of NMR and Magnet System Technology. Miscellaneous descriptions, brochures etc. of Bruker equipment and models. Later grant applications and other material relating to NMR research can be found in Section D. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION D GRANT APPLICATIONS AND FUNDING INTRODUCTION TO SECTION D The material in this section relates to the principal grant applications made by the OEG as such, arising from or as continuations of the initial five-year grants of 1970 dealt with in preceding sections. It may Include ideas for projects, comments, drafts and revisions, the formal application as sent, negotiations or correspondence with the funding body, administrative arrangements, interim or final reports on research undertaken. It is presented as far as possible in chronological order, though this Is sometimes blurred by overlapping datelines, ‘and identified by the grant number allocated by the funder when this Is known. The SRC continuation grant B/RG/7900 awarded in August 1975 agreed the ‘suggestion to vet and comment on all individual applications emanating from the Group’ and some of these are Brief information on the administration of the grants is In Section G. included at D.15-D.21. There is also a certain amount of material relating specifically to NMR instrument development and its clinical implications at 0.22-D.33. Other than these Instances, however, there is no documentation here for the considerable additional research funds drawn Many ideas for research topics, some only brief suggestions, others more fully elaborated, can on by OEG members for projects other than those centring on the collaborative work of the Visitations and Inspections Additional reports on research can be found in Section H. D.1-D.44 Research Councils D.45-D.48 Oxford University E.P. Abraham Research Fund National Research Development Corporation D.49 D.50 D.51-D.55 group itself. be found in Section E. The material is presented as follows: NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group D.1-D.44 Research Councils SRC B/SR/9479 and B/SR/7824 Correspondence with SRC on implementation of these initial grants, Including staff and equipment costs, delays In delivery of equipment, amendments to terms of grants, supplementary awards, appointments of research staff, interim and final reports on grants with summary reports on Enzyme Preparation Laboratory and on NMR Laboratory sent to SRC. © 1972-75. SRC (no number) Brief correspondence and photocopy of application to SRC, sent September 1971, by Richards for funds to invite R. Freeman (then at Varian Associates California) to assist in Instrument development and research applications of NMR work. Correspondence with colleagues, preliminary drafts, and 1972-74. Welicome Trust 4661/1.2 This was for the purchase of a second computer to speed up the data handling of NMR results. A Bruker Nicolet BNC-12 was purchased. negotiations . Correspondence with Trust on application, grant, report etc. equipment (undated, but sent February 1974). Draft and final version of proposal July 1972 (by Richards, Phillips, Radda and Williams). ‘First report to the Welicome Trust’ on use of Draft and final version of NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC B/RG/7900 This was the continuation of the initial grants and involved considerable long- term planning and collaborative discussion. Richards circulated all members of OEG In July 1973 to obtain their views on the general advisability of maintaining the group and making a new application for funds (see E.28 for circular and replies) and more specific enquiries about collaborative projects were also made during 1973 and 1974 (see D.6, E.29, E.30). From March 1974 the new grant application was put together from proposals and comments; A Council visitation to Oxford was held on 11 November and after delays mainly relating to the provision of a computer the award of a grant to the value of £223,620 was announced in July 1975 for research on ‘Structural mobility of enzyme groups and sub-units in catalysis and control.’ the final version was sent to SRC in September. The history of this grant is very fully documented in the folders below. Preparatory papers. Replles by OEG members to letter circulated February 1974 of research programmes and collaboration, to be used in formulating new grant application. G. Lowe asking for details by Includes proposals received from L.N. Johnson, R.E. Richards and G.K. Radda, 1.D. Campbell, K. Dalziel, RA. Dwek, R.J.P. Willams, S.G. Waley, G. Lowe, H.A.O. Hill, E.A. Newsholme, R.E. Offord, P. Esnouf, R. Cecil, D.C. Phillips. Richards’s notes, mainly on finance, and estimates submitted by others, for grant application. Drafts for Richards’s ‘letter of intent’ outlining proposal, sent to SRC 6 May 1974 (see D.10). Notes and drafts (March), version circulated for comment 3 April, comments or revisions by Phillips, Knowles, Radda. 11 September and a little related correspondence. Drafts, notes, ideas and comments for grant application, mainly by Williams, but Including contributions from Lowe, Waley, Campbell, Hill, Radda and others. ‘Letter of intent’ sent by Richards to SRC 6 May, formal application sent NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Correspondence and arrangements for SRC visitation to discuss application (11 November), timetable of events, details of additional research grants held by OEG members, use of NMR facilities, budgeting etc. Correspondence with SRC, Bruker Spectrospin and others on purchase of little computer from new OEG grant, official letter of award 8 July 1975, a correspondence on administration of grant (to April 1976). OEG Report on grant B/RG/7900 1974-78. manuscript notes and corrections in several hands. 35pp. typescript draft, with Additional application under grant 7900 for a Nicolet 300 MHz spectrometer Sent In the names of Richards, to replace the old 270 MHz instrument. Williams and 1.0. Campbell. to OEG members on the subject is dated 6 April 1979. No date, but Richards’s circular SRC B/RG/9472 May 1975 SRC B/RG/89796 May 1975 SRC B/RG/87754 May 1975 During consideration of the application for grant 7900, Richards had offered to comment, on behalf of OEG, on any individual applications emanating from members of the group with special reference to their relevance to OEG’s overall programme. This was welcomed by SRC and written into the Some of these are included below at eventual letter awarding the grant. D.15-D.21 with correspondence or comments by Richards or by other OEG members. Copy of application, comments by Willams, Phillips, L.N. Johnson. Coples of applications, comments by Richards. SRC (no number) December 1975 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC B/RG/62539 January 1976 H.A.O. Hill Copy of application, comments by Radda. SRC (no number) February 1976 Copy of application, comments by Radda and Williams. ‘SRC (no number) April 1976 E.A. Newsholme Copy of application, comments by Radda and P.J. Randie. SRC (no number) December 1976 March 1979 SRC (no number) Copy of application, comments by Radda. Copy of application. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC B/RG/8660.3 This was a three-year grant made to Richards, D.!. Hoult* and 1.0. Campbell May 1975-September 1978 for the development and construction of a high resolution Fourier transform NMR spectrometer at 470 MHz. Collaboration continued with Oxford Instruments who manufactured the magnet, and there was close Involvement with the manufacture of the nioblum-tin core. the SRC Rutherford Laboratory for The project was very successful and resulted in commercial patents as well as many technical and scientific papers. See D.28 et.seq. for continuing research project. * From November 1977 Hoult took up a position at National Institutes of Health Bethesda, his place being taken by D.G. Gadian. Application to SRC and to Oxford University December 1974, press release. Miscellaneous short notes by Richards on costing, grant extension, research possibilities etc. Undated but related to this project. Oxford Instrument’s quotation ‘To design, manufacture and commission a 470 MHz NMR magnet system’ June 1975. Also Includes Progress Reports and a little correspondence, and photographs of the team with the completed machine. Correspondence February 1975 - March 1979, with SRC, Oxford Instruments, Rutherford Laboratory, NRDC and others on collaborative arrangements and progress, research staff, patenting. Report on grant. Minutes of meetings held 4 June 1975 - 19 July 1978, numbered 1-39, held between Richards’s group, Oxford Instruments and the Rutherford Laboratory during the course of the project. When Richards was able to attend in person, his manuscript notes may accompany the minutes. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC GR/A/5304.8 ‘special grant’ of £97,200, to This was a 30 September 1982, made to G.K. Radda In association with R.E. Richards and D.G. Gadian, for «3'B NMR and biochemical studies of living tissue’. It was proposed ‘to study perfused, beating heart, intact skeletal muscle, perfused kidney by phosphorus NMR and biochemical methods’. the adrenomedullary 1 October 1978 - system run and catecholamine storage This was a development of previous work conducted under various research grants, and final reports or progress reports are included as appendices In D.28 for the following: B/RG/8624.5, Radda and Richards, 31 NMR in biological systems. B/RG.53827, Radda, Fluorescence relaxation studies. B/RG/8660.3, Richards, Campbell, Hoult, 460 MHz high resolution NMR. GR/A/0910.6, Radda, Regulation of glycogen metabolism. The project coincided with Richards’s appointment as Vice-Chancellor, and 0.28 also Includes a ‘Statement’ by him explaining that the application was therefore submitted in the name of G.K. Radda, but affirming his Intention to maintain a close Interest in the work in the time avallable to him. Application and appendices, letter of award. Application by Radda for supplementation of grant to allow purchase of Nicolet data processing system March 1979. Reports of meeting, proposal, brief correspondence on possible collaboration of Rutherford Laboratory and OEG in development of NMR techniques (relating to whole organ study) 1977-79. main OEG application (D.34, D.35). Application for continuation of grant, by same applicants, undated but about October-November 1979 (introductory remarks state that the project ‘has been fully operative for only just over one year’), written at request of SRC to enable it to be considered at same time as the under same title and NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SRC GR/A/7175.2 Application by Richards and Campbell for two-year postdoctoral assistant for NMR biological studies, especially with 460 MHz instrument. Correspondence, letter of award 1978. MRC (no number) Application by Radda and Gadian for project on ‘Clinical studies on organ failure by °'P NMR’, sent May 1980, to start January 1981. SRC GR/B/26602 Brief correspondence, application as sent, letter of award. This was the OEG’s successor grant to the major grant B/RG/7900 (1975- 80). It was sent in to SRC In April 1979 and awarded to Richards in April 1980 for ‘NMR studies of proteins’, to the value of £270,350. Although support was provided in the first instance for four years, it was on a ‘rolling’ system whereby there was a review after two years and the opportunity to apply for support for a further four-year period. See below for subsequent applications. Earlier (incomplete) drafts of application, one with corrections by Phillips. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SERC GR/C/1383.5 11 March 1982. This was the replacement grant for GR/B/26602, sent in An SERC review panel visited Oxford on 24 May and a grant of £331,133 was made on 13 September, under the continuing title ‘NMR studies of proteins’, for ‘study of the structure and function of enzymes and proteins, and the development of physical methods’. Correspondence with Bruker GMBH on provision of 600 MHz instrument at preferential price, with SERC on application and review panel visit, copy of application as sent, letter of award. Also Includes Richards's letter to SERC of 20 December 1983 informing them of his resignation as Chairman, OEG, and replacement by Phillips. Drafts for application, including suggestions by Williams, comments and miscellaneous Richards’s corrections contributions by other OEG members. manuscript Phillips, draft, by SERC GR/C/9426.1 This was the next replacement grant, sent in by Phillips and Williams on 8 December 1983. An SERC ‘Site Visit’ took place on 24 February 1984 and a grant of £526,167 was made on 3 August 1984 under the general title ‘Studies of Proteins’, for a ‘Study of the structure and function of enzymes and proteins using NMR ’. During the drafting and discussions preceding the application, work Note on site-directed mutagenesis in 6-lactamase was being undertaken by S.G. R.J.P. Willams, who was largely Waley with the approval of D.C. Phillips. responsible for the form of the application, questioned the value of this ‘Other research, which was however included in enzymes under study’. C.M. Dobson, G. Lowe. Drafts, ideas, correspondence, circulars to OEG members May-November 1983 about application, mainly by Williams, but including contributions from See E.32-E.34 for additional material. the application under Application as sent, letter of award. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Correspondence, papers, arrangements etc. for ‘Site Visit’ by SERC review panel principal NMR achievements and equipment at Oxford. February 1984. on 24 Includes material on Correspondence (mainly photocopies) July-December 1984 conducted by Willlams with SERC, Oxford University, Bruker Spectrospin on funding and equipment for adequate continuation of NMR activities under grant 94261. Included here is a draft application to SERC on ‘Blo-engineering, NMR and Blo-sciences’, undated and grant and with manuscript corrections and additions by Williams. unsigned, but related to SERC GR/D/86171 This was the next replacement grant, for £391,899, sent in ‘to study the structure and function of proteins using high resolution NMR’ by Williams, ‘Site Visit’ took place on 9 May. Campbell and Dobson in January 1986. A SERC GR/E/09146 Copy of application, correspondence and papers June 1985 - May 1986 exchanged with OEG members, SERC etc. about application and site visit; includes Willlams’s letter to Phillips of 9 December 1985 suggesting that the NMR group should ‘go It alone only under the general umbrella of OEG’. £109,250. Application for 600 MHz spectrometer console, made by Campbell, Dobson and Williams, related to work on GR/D/86171, and notification of grant of NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SERC GR/E/94838 This was the renewal grant for GR/D/86171 sent in ‘To study the structure and function of proteins using high resolution NMR’ by Campbell, Dobson, Dwek and Williams, for the period 1988-91. This grant was not made, or more correctly was subsumed into the IRC grant. (See Section J). Copy of application, letter from SERC explaining situation regarding OEG funding and IRC grant. SERC (no number) Application for three-year grant ‘To investigate the structure and function of proteins and their glycoconjugates by NMR and computer based techniques’, by Campbell, Dobson, Dwek and Willams. D.45-D.48 Oxford University Copy of application (undated, but proposed starting date Is 1 January 1988), reports and statements by Dwek on oligosaccharide research programme. December 1987 - February 1988. Grant from university’s Equipment Fund towards purchase of new computer. 1973 Draft paper, correspondence exchanged between Richards and university on possible support for OEG from General Board, May-November 1973. 1973 Brief correspondence on possible support for OEG from E.P. Abraham Research Fund university’s 1983 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group and papers August 1985-88 Correspondence (some photocopies) mainly exchanged between Williams and university authorities but also with colleagues and Oxford Instruments on equipment and funding to cover of OEG, application by NMR section of OEG for consideration by Equipment Fund of UGC, notes of meetings, finance etc. Some of this material relates to later OEG grant applications. in SERC funding, new equipment, future shortfall January 1988 1985 - E.P. Abraham Research Fund See also brief correspondence at D.46 Request for grant towards 500 MHz superconducting magnet to be supplied by Oxford Instruments. 1980. Various dates 1977-84. Visitations and inspections Later British Technology Group (BTG) National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) Miscellaneous notifications, brief correspondence etc. on various patents, revenue sharing agreements and special accounts, relating to Richards's research group and NMR development. Correspondence, arrangements, SRC report on visit. These relate to SRC visits to Oxford during the course of agreed research grants, to observe progress and meet members of OEG. 18 October 1971 Visit Committee. of SRC Enzyme Chemistry and Technology representatives D.51-D.55_ of NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group D.52, D.53 4-§ January 1973 This was a two-day symposium sponsored by O€G at the request of SRC Enzyme Chemistry and Technology Committee. The purpose was to bring together all those receiving SRC grants in the enzyme chemistry field so that they might be made aware of the work currently in progress at Oxford and to provide an opportunity for discussion. D.52 ~~ Draft and final programme, guest list, arrangements, correspondence, circulars to OEG members, miscellaneous notes on organisation by Richards, letters of thanks. Brief correspondence and synopses of talks given at meeting by OEG Includes contributions from L.N. Johnson, D.53 members, sent at SRC request. Radda, Newsholme, Campbell, Williams, Lowe, Dalziel, Philips. 2 July 1974 Brief correspondence and arrangements. 20 February 1980 Draft programme of events. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION E MEETINGS, MEMBERSHIP, RESEARCH INTRODUCTION TO SECTION E The first meeting of the OEG was held on 20 October 1969. Among the decisions then taken were that policy decisions should be settled by vote, that new members could be elected (Including members from other universities) and that the post-doctoral research appointments allowed for under the SRC grants should be allocated by the group on the basis of bids submitted by members. It was also decided that the group should meet regularly on Monday evenings throughout the term for dinner and scientific discussion. This system obviously and rightly laid great weight on the collaborative nature of the group. It was especially successful In the early years as the allocation of a research assistant depended on group agreement, but it continued to operate throughout the history of the OEG and particularly when grant applications called for new directions for collaborative work. The Monday meetings also continued, for business and policy decisions and for scientific presentations and talks. (E.15-E.23); like. ‘Projects, ideas and policy’ (£.24-E.35). These reflect the corporate decision-making of the All these aspects of OEG activity are well represented here. There are the minute books and circulars (E.1-E.12) and some correspondence on membership (E.13, E.14). The early may be preliminary thoughts additional or complementary to them. of Interest also Is the chronological sequence of documents under the heading applications for postdoctorals on the basis of research projects agreed by the group are shown early days, and though not necessarily identified with a specific appointment or grant application There is some inevitable overlap with information elsewhere relating to grant applications, Projects, ideas and policy building and accommodation, the development of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre and the The material is presented as follows: E£.13, E.14 Membership E.1-E.12 Minutes and circulars E.15-E.23 E.24-E.35 Staff and appointments NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Minutes and circulars Minute book Meetings 2 October 1969 (first meeting) to 16 June 1975. The first secretary was L.N. Johnson; G. Lowe was secretary from January 1973 to June 1975. Minute book Meetings 20 October 1975 to 7 March 1983. 1.D. Campbell was secretary October 1975 to June 1981, S.G. Waley October 1981 - March 1983, C.M. Dobson from March 1983 to 1988. Meetings notebook This notebook was received from C.M. Dobson, last secretary of the OEG. The material Is less formally presented than that in E.1 and E.2; it consists mainly of notes of research papers and discussions at meetings, with some brief notes on business matters, grant applications, SRC Visits and, In 1987 and 1988, discussions on the bid for the Interdisciplinary Research Centre. There are no written-up minutes as such. There are loose papers, some typed, some as manuscript notes or drafts, little Informal correspondence about meeting arrangements, and Including a matters to be discussed or arising from discussions. At rear of book are notes, not all dated, on fortnightly OEG meetings 16 22 February 1988 and the announcement of the November 1981 successful bid. to At front of book are notes on research seminars in the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (27 February, 27 October, 18 December 1981 and undated), notes on an SRC grant meeting (probably for OEG) and OEG meeting 7 March 1983. material of particular interest. but often complement the material in the They are not a complete set, bound volumes by supplying missing minutes and also filling in some of the background. Agendas, circulars, minutes. 29 September 1969 - 22 February 1988. The material Is presented chronologically, with a brief indication of any NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group 1977-83. Includes letter of congratulation to Richards from G.J. Warnock (Vice-Chancellor) on EPIC award made to Richards and his group, not otherwise documented here. 1984. members correspondence arising. and on Includes drafts and circulars on nominations for new and meetings, projects group and E.13, E.14 1987-88 and undated. 1986. Includes notice of meeting (27 January) to discuss papers on NMR facilities and funding (by Willams) and on gene- manipulation (by G. Lowe). G.T. Young (resignation) Elections and resignations 1969-87 (with a little correspondence). D.C. Hodgkin (resignation) H.L. Kornberg Membership R.A. Dwek 1969 1973 1974 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group F.R. Whatley P.J. Randle M.J. Adams J.M. Brown J.E. Baldwin M. Sternberg M. Sternberg (resignation) (associate members) T.W. Rademacher S. Homans K. Brindle R.A.J. Challiss B.A. Levine C. Redfield P.J. Goodford B. Sutton N. Walton A.R. Rees G.K. Radda (resignation) R.A.J. Challiss (resignation) E.15-E.23 Staff and appointments Miscellaneous membership lists and updates 1970-87. F.E. Baralle D.H.L. Bishop A.J. Pratt K.B.M. Reid D.I. Stuart G.L. Taylor A.F. Willlams See also G.1, G.2. Applications and evaluations by OEG members, either individually or as small ad hoc committees, relating to bids for postdoctoral research assistants, Includes statements of proposed research, or comments and evaluations, appointments, salary scales, budgeting etc. The sudden and very rapid rate of inflation in the early 1970s caused great and some anxiety supplementation had to be sought. for extensions thereof. to those responsible for implementing the grants NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group 1969 Research proposals and requests for research assistants submitted by members of the OEG (few dated, c.October-November 1969), circulated by Richards, with evaluations and comments by others. 1971 Bids and research projects, Knowles, appointments and costs. review sub-committee (Daiziel, Phillips, Wiliams), correspondence and arrangements about report by j 1972 Bids and research projects, comments by colleagues and by review sub- committee (Daiziel, Radda, Williams), correspondence. 19/3 22 Similar material: bids, and comments from colleagues and from review sub- committee, correspondence, budgeting. : 1974 - January 1975 Requests to work at OEG 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1982. Applications, proposals, correspondence for research studentships for OEG projects. 1971-74. travel and conference expenses, Requests from OEG colleagues for entertainment of visitors arising from OEG projects, normally addressed to Richards and passed on by him for approval or advice to other members. 1972-77. includes draft proposal by Williams. Later appointments. 1982-83. Surgeons as Head of Physics. Replacement for D.G. Gadian on his move to Royal College of 1983. ‘New Blood’ appointments for new Enzyme Group Building; NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group E.24-E.35 Projects, ideas and policy Correspondence 1969-72 with enzyme scientists and suppliers outside Oxford, on possible collaboration, matters of mutual interest etc., mainly relating to Preparation Laboratory and arising from press announcements of SRC grants. Replies projects currently in hand. Johnson, A.C.T. North. 1970-71. by OEG members to request by Richards about collaborative From Waley, Esnouf, Peacocke, Williams, Correspondence and papers on possible collaboration with J.W.S. Pringle on operation of analytical centrifuge. 1971. Purchase of oscilloscope for T-jump apparatus. 1972. Richards's circular letter of 17 July 1973 to all OEG members on the future of the group, with reference to possible application for continuing SRC support, with replies from members and Richards’s analysis of them. Richards’s circular letter of 16 July 1973 to OEG users of NMR facility, asking for information on projects to be studied and time required, with special reference to future plans, and members’ replies. iso included here Is an undated note: ‘Some thoughts on the uses of p*' NMR’ probably by Radda. to become Chairman. Letters, memoranda, ideas for projects, grants, work in new building etc. by R.J.P. Willlams, some circulated to all OEG members, some addressed to D.C. Includes Richards'’s circular letter to OEG members 14 September 1983 announcing his of Leverhulme Trust and Williams's letter of 24 August to Phillips asking him J.R. Knowles’s circular letter all OEG members, seeking opinions on form and content of Monday evening meetings, research interests, future collaborative programme and drafting of grant application, and members’ replies. 4 January 1974 to of retirement as Chairman of OEG on appointment as Director Phillips. Various dates 1982-85 and several undated. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group E.32-E.34 Co-ordinated programme in protein engineering. ‘in the general fleid of This was a combined SERC and Celltech initiative site specific mutagenesis and Its implications for science and Industry’. Phillips was closely involved with this in view of his own academic interests, Chairmanship of the OEG and membership of the Board of Celltech. August-November 1983 E.32 Papers and correspondence exchanged between Phillips, SERC, Celltech and and preliminary meetings, draft of grant application by Johnson, Waley and others on ‘Site-directed mutagenesis’ . background information colleagues, proposed initiative on Papers and correspondence relating to ‘Workshop’ on protein E.33 engineering organised by SERC and held in London on 17 November 1983. Material includes programme, Philfips’s notes of Phillips chaired a session. Celltech discussions, correspondence. background information from SERC and from by G. A. under Lowe, R.J.P. project protein engineering May-July 1984 E.34 Williams Correspondence with SERC on programme, and with (unfavourable), and coples of draft research proposals by Waley, Phillips, Rees, Lowe. Correspondence and drafts December 1985 - January 1986 relating to an and application S. Kingsman. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION F ACCOMMODATION AND BUILDING For information on accommodation for the Enzyme Preparation Laboratory in the Department of Zoology see B.1. Biochemistry Department Arrangements for Richards to move his NMR equipment into space made available by R.R. Porter in the Biochemistry Department. The move arose because of Richards’s election as Warden of Merton and consequent resignation as Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry. Correspondence, plans, lists of equipment. 1969-71. Correspondence and plans 1976, 1977 from University Surveyor on possible new bullding for Richards’s equipment on Biochemistry Department forecourt. Dyson Perrins Laboratory New Bullding (The ‘Rex Richards Building’ ) Brief correspondence 1980, 1982 on the provision of space in the Dyson Perrins Laboratory for the OEG’s 300MHz spectrometer. with Although NMR spectroscopy had been one of the most conspicuous successes of the OEG, space for the work, and especially for the housing of the Increasingly powerful magnets, had always been provided in the Biochemistry Department as an act of generosity by the Whitley Professor R.R. Porter (F.1). By the late 1970s the situation had become unacceptably cramped for all concerned and It was felt that NMR needed space provision The first plan was for a small building In the forecourt of the of its own. Biochemistry Department (F.3) From 1978 negotiations began with the university and with the SERC and MRC for a new building to be erected on an excellent site adjacent to the Departments of Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry. but this did not develop. A two-storey building NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group basement was envisaged; this would accommodate the NMR equipment and some other OEG work, and the Immunochemistry Unit headed by Porter whose research the MRC wished to continue to support after his retirement. in view of the importance of the site however - one of the few spaces remaining In the heavily-congested Sclence Area - the building was designed to take another two floors and these were eventually agreed for the completed laboratory. The occupant of the additional space was Phillips’s Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics whose former quarters in the Department of Zoology were taken over by the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the rent therefrom being put towards the cost of the new laboratory. The Research Councils were enthusiastic about the proposed building from the start and gave financlal support; funding remained however a constant difficulty Other appeals were made, and generous contributions were received from the Wolfson Foundation and the E.P. Abraham Research Fund; the grant of £750,000 from the Wolfson Foundation was crucial in enabling the building to proceed. In view of escalating costs. Preliminary negotiations March-November 1978 Correspondence between Porter and MRC, views of Willlams and Radda, draft and final version of Porter's request to university to make an approach to the MRC and SRC, space requirements etc. Also Includes copy of Porter's letter of 15 March to ICI on possible collaboration with NMR group. Notes, calculations, plans etc. for the possible accommodation of Molecular Biophysics in the proposed new bullding, mainly by Phillips but including Includes copy ideas and proposals from other members of the Laboratory. plans and of alternatives, 20 November 1978. University Surveyor -setting Phillips's letter out to the (NB. Some of these documents are photocopies.) Drafts and proposals submitted by members of OEG for NMR and other protein research, discussed at OEG meeting November 1978 and used as basis of the letter of application, drafted mainty by Phillips, Williams and Radda, to be sent to SRC and MRC as application for funds for new building January 1979. negotiations with MRC and SRC, January 1979 - January 1980. Copy of proposal as sent 24 January 1979, continuing correspondence and Includes correspondence from Williams and Radda. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Appeals for additional help with funding for new bullding, to Wolfson Foundation and to E.P. Abraham Cephalosporin Trust (by Richards) and to Unilever (by Porter) 1980, and some continuing correspondence on funding and on Richards’s resignation from Oxford 1981-84. Miscellaneous site and building plans, correspondence and meetings with University Surveyor and staff. Miscellaneous papers of university General Board, Buildings Committee and Heads of Science Departments Committee meetings relating to new building 1978-81. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION G ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE This consists of correspondence and papers exchanged mainly between Richards and Philips for OEG, and officials at SRC and Oxford University central and departmental offices. It relates to financial disbursements against the grants for staff and equipment, and includes staff lists and financial Statements of various dates. Is presented with reference to specific numbers of grants as far It possible. as B/SR/9479 and B/SR/7824 Includes reference to supplementations awarded in September 1973 and September 1975 to cover inflationary costs of salaries. 1970-76. Correspondence and papers, arrangements, salaries. Brief correspondence and papers 1981, 1983. B/RG/7900 GR/B/26602 Calculations on staff costs, salary increases, budgeting etc. by Richards and Phillips; a little correspondence from OEG colleagues Is included. for grants B/SR/7824, B/SR/9479, B/RG/7900, GR/B/26602, GR/C/13835. Miscellaneous claim forms for salaries and equipment submitted to SRC on grant B/SR/9479. Financial statements and accounts of OEG sent by Oxford University Chest NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION H REPORTS AND PUBLICATIONS OEG Newsletter No.1 June 1971 This was Intended for circulation among group members and in confidence The to a very limited number of others, and not for general publication. individual reports were reproduced without editing from the notes provided by the contributors. “SRC report from the Oxford Enzyme Group 1970-71’ This was a report on the first year’s work, sent to SRC November 1971. Duplicated typescript version as sent. material contributed Williams, by M. C.C.F. R.J.P. Iqbal, Draft with various manuscript corrections, 45pp. Blake, A.C.T. Report to Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sclences on the Laboratory Includes material on Involvement with OEG. By of Molecular Biophysics. D.C. Phillips, October 1973. E.A. Newshoime, Original North, 1.0. Walker, A.R. Peacocke, L.N. Johnson, G.T. Young, H. Scouloudi, R. Cecil, S.G. Waley, K. Daiziel. additions by Richards and Phillips. Oxford Enzyme Group Report 1970-74 sent to SRC August 1974. 29pp. typescript draft, with extensive manuscript revisions and Report as sent to SRC, 63pp. typescript. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group Information and drafts contributed by 1.D. Campbell, K. Dalziel, G.K. Radda, R.A. Dwek, |.0. Walker, E.A. Newsholme, A.C.T. North, H.A.O. Hill, M.P. Esnouf, $.G. Waley, G. Lowe, J.R. Knowles, H. Scouloudi, L.N. Johnson, R.E. Richards, with miscellaneous editorial indications by Richards. a Is short summary of Final report on B/SR/7824.2 and B/SR/9479.2 (to 1975). Sent March 1977. the Enzyme Preparation This full list of Laboratory and the NMR Laboratory up to October 1975, and a publications of the work of the Oxford Enzyme Group relating to these grants. The full research report submitted in August 1974 Is at H.6. activities the of Report on B/RG/7900 (1974-78). 35pp. typescript, plus 2pp. ‘Enzyme Group Report 1974-78’ and 2pp. ‘Research Proposals 1979-1984’ both by Phillips. Report on GR/D/86171 (1986-88). 26pp. typescript and ‘Research update’ by Willlams and Dwek August 1986. Miscellaneous lists of publications by members of OEG, various dates 1970- 75, 1980-85. information from Publications and publicity. Drafts, correspondence and 1971. from published article. Brief correspondence on MRC support for enzyme research arising 1983. Correspondence, arrangements, information relating to visit to OEG laboratories as part of visit by Paris Match journalists to Oxford. colleagues for 1985. ‘Research Profile of the Oxford Enzyme Group’ written at the request of University Grants Committee by D.C. Phillips. Miscellaneous SRC publications on enzyme chemistry and technology. Short R.J.P. Willams (1976), Research Centre by R.J.P. Williams (1989). Radda and Interdisciplinary Johnson (1971), articles on OEG by L.N. R.J.P. Williams (1985), and on GK. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group SECTION J INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTRE (IRC) J.1-J.15 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION J The moves towards the setting up of the IRC were conducted with great urgency in the later months of 1987. The SERC's ‘letter of Intent’ to create a number of such centres was circulated on 28 July Inviting outline proposals by 30 September, in itself a period coinciding with conference and vacation arrangements. There followed a series of deadlines, each preceded by great activity of drafting, revising and discussion, with OEG members contributing memoranda, proposals and budgets some of them faxed in from abroad. The first draft document was circulated on 3 September, then amended and redrafted in consultation with academic and university administrative colleagues at meetings on 18 and 24 before the ‘final’ submission on 30 September. On 12 November began a time of preparation for the scientific presentations, organisational and financial arrangements In readiness for the SERC visit on 20 November. Following this the SERC asked for a more detailed submission on the proposed December. of confusion as to the name of the institution towards which all the endeavour was bent. The initial SERC papers refer to an ‘Interdisciplinary University Research Centre for Molecular The pace of activity imposed by this timetable and by the very considerable sums of money at stake, is well reflected in the surviving papers with their combination of rapid fragmentary notes It may also in part explain a degree and multiple, often longhand, drafts of key documents. management structure and research programme, to be sent in by 31 December. Once again colleagues were circulated, information assembled and drafts prepared, and a meeting was held the on 13 December under the chairmanship of J.E. Baldwin, Director designate of the IRC; subsequent stages of drafting were accomplished by 18 December when the latest version was sent In to the university offices and, after a final meeting on 22, was submitted to SERC on 24 October saw the official opening of the Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences. the usual working title for the early drafts Is University Research Centre (URC) in Sciences’; Molecular Sciences, though Molecular Sciences Research Centre, University Centre for Protein Research and other permutations are used. The first meeting of the Management Committee on 2 February 1988 called itself the ‘Oxford Centre for Protein Research’, and the following NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group July 1987 SERC’s letter and papers on up URCs ‘in areas of interdisciplinary strategic research’ (the list of topics included molecular sciences), OU Secretary of Faculties letter nominating Phillips to co-ordinate discussion on possible bid In this field. intention to set August 1987 Phillips's circular to OEG members asking for Ideas and reactions; drafts, suggestions, information, correspondence sent by colleagues to assist him in drafting application. Includes material from L.N. Johnson, R.J.P. Williams, T.R.E. Baldwin, E.M. Southern, H.A.O. Hill, G.G. Roberts. Southwood, G.K. Salbil, AR. Radda, Rees, J.E. H. August 1987 Manuscript draft papers on ‘Centre in Molecular Sciences’ and on ‘NMR and the Oxford Enzyme Group’ by C.M. Dobson, sent to Phillips. Only one page dated 19 August. ’). K.B.M. Reid, Richards, J.S. August 1987 September 1987 E.A. Newsholme, W.G. 20pp. manuscript and typescript early version of Phillips's draft proposal (‘Proteins play a central role in biology ... Phillips’s draft proposal (‘Proteins play a central role in biology ... ’) sent to OEG members and to OU on 3 September, comments and/or Information Rowlinson, from R.J.P. Williams, G. Lowe, G.G. Brownlee, J. Evans. perhaps prepared for one of the September discussion meetings. Notification of meeting to discuss bid on 18 September, revised draft with further manuscript corrections by Baldwin and another, meeting on 24 September, further revised draft annotated by Phillips, copy of final version circulated 28 September. Notes, manuscript and typescript drafts by C.M. Dobson for his ‘Proposal for a University Centre for Protein Research’. Includes copies of Phillips's draft proposal annotated by Dobson in preparation for his draft which was September-October 1987 notification of NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group October-November 1987 etc. papers, OEG meetings Correspondence and to Includes full preparations for SERC visit to discuss bid on 20 November. list of shortlisted URC proposals in UK, timetable of visit, arrangements for scientific presentations by talks and posters and rehearsal on 16 November. The notes of the meeting between university and SERC representatives, following the scientific presentations on 20 November, include points to be made or stressed in the university’s next document and an indication that J.E. Baldwin would probably be the Director of an Oxford URC. related mainly 3 December 1987 a meeting of the Management Material circulated by J.E. Baldwin for Committee on 13 December to prepare a revised version of the application to comply with SERC’s requests. Includes a questionnaire on levels of research commitment, funding and staff, and a draft document on the proposed organisation of the centre. Typescript versions as circulated, extensive manuscript drafts by Dobson, a few by Baldwin. 4-11 December 1987 includes material received from: C.C.F. Blake (blood clotting and fibrinolysis). W.G. Richards (collaboration with Industry). A.R. Rees (immunology). R.A. Dwek (glycobiology). information and correspondence from OEG members sent in answer to questionnaire, some direct to Baldwin, some via Phillips. L.N. Johnson (her paper on protein crystallography, presented at the SERC visit and reproduced in the final submission). the proposed management structure. Also included here Is a letter sent to Baldwin from seven members of the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics expressing disquiet at some aspects of G.L. Taylor (computing requirements, and VAX processors). D.I. Stuart (virus structure, and crystallographic data facilities). 1.D. Campbell and others (NMR In the URC). Unsigned communications. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group C.M. Dobson’s talk on NMR spectroscopy, presented at the SERC visit and reproduced in the final submission. Notes and ideas. 14pp. manuscript version. typescript 11pp. R.J.P. Williams. with manuscript corrections by Dobson and by C.M. Dobson’s paper (‘The Centre will be based on ... ‘Draft for Discussion’ at the 13 December meeting. ’) presented as a Notes and ideas, including version of 3 December with further manuscript annotations. 5pp. ‘Draft for discussion’ annotated by Phillips. 3 further versions, all with annotations, probably produced following the meeting. ‘ Note. precede the final submission which lists six. All these versions envisage four ‘core facilities’ and therefore 13-22 December 1987 in Notes, schedules, drafts and material for the final submission, mainly by Dobson and Baldwin but Including a few comments and revisions by L.N. Johnson, R.J.P. Williams, and Incorporating edited versions of several of the contributions in J.10. Includes copy of Baldwin's letter 18 December forwarding the document to the University, and a copy of a letter from the Laboratory of T.R.E. Southwood 22 December on the position of the the centre Molecular Biophysics which was not assigned to submission. The OEG's farewell dinner was held on 14 March (see A.11). Includes copies of OU ‘Notes’ and SERC ‘Minutes’ of a meeting at Oxford 1 February to discuss the bid with special reference to administrative and management Issues, and of Minutes of the first meeting of the Management Committee on 2 February. The decision to create the Oxford centre was officially taken at the SERC Council meeting on 10 February. Copy of the bid as submitted on 24 December. January-February 1988 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS This covers material in the recognised form of postal communications, and also notes or informal writings sent interdepartmentally. ABRAHAM, Sir Edward (Penley) ADAMS, Margaret Joan ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey D.49, F.8 B.4, B.5, E.13 F.4, F.7 BALDWIN, Jack Edward - BARALLE, F.E. BARBER, Willlam H. BARKER, Geoffrey R. BECCONSALL, Jack K. BELL, William Lewis BIRCH, Nigel H.J. BISHOP, David H.L. E.9, E.13, F.3, J:2, J.9, J.13 E.13 C.6 E.24 C1 BRAY, Robert C. BRINDLE, Kevin BROWN, C. H.12 E.13 F.8 J.10 D.48 C.7 BOYD, Jonathan BRADLEY, Craig D.38, 0.39, 0.41, D.42 A.4, B.5, E.18, E.28, E.30, H.4, BLACK, John Nicholson BLAKE, Colin C.F. B.3, D.6, E.28, E.30, H.4 BUCKINGHAM, Amyand David D.6, 0.9, D.29, D.42, D.53, E.28, E.29, E.30, H.8, J.10 E.24 E.13 C.9 E.13 BROWNLEE, George Gow CAMPBELL, tain Donald BURNELL, E. Elliott BROWN, John M. E.13, J.5 C.9 E.21 CECIL, Rupert NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group CHALLIS, R.A.J. CHAPMAN, George CODRINGTON, Robert S. CROOK, Eric M. DALZIEL, Keith DEEGAN, J. Anthony DOBSON, Christopher Martin DUNNILL, Peter DWEK, Raymond Allen A.3, A.5, A.7, A.9, B.3, B.4, 0.6, 0.15, D.53, £.17, E.18, E.19, E.22, E.28, E£.30 H.4, H.8 C.7, C.8 A.11, 0.39, D.40, D.42, D.48, E.9, £.10, E.11, £.13, H.12 S.3, J.7, JG, 5.11, J.12, 5.13 E.24 A.1, 0.6, 0.44, D.44A E.7, E.18, E.22, E.28, E.29, E.35, H.8, J.10 See also E.13 B.4 E.11 D.54 ESNOUF, M. Peter EVANS, Jeremy EAGLES, Peter A.M. EDMONDS, Donaid B.4, B.5, 0.6, 0.37, E.25, H8 EDWARDS, Sir Samuel Frederick J.5 FINDLAY, Geoffrey W.D. FOSTER, Allan Bentham GADIAN, David Geoffrey FEATHER, John A. FEENEY, Jim FERSHT, Alan Roy FREEMAN, Raymond GOODFORD, Peter J. NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group GOWANS, Sir James (Learmonth) C.6, F.4, F.7 GUTFREUND, Herbert (Freddie) HANLEY, Peter HELMREICH, Ernst HEWITT, Eric J. HILL, Hugh Allen Oliver HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HOMANS, Stephen 0.3 D.24 E.22 E.24 D.6, 0.9, 0.17 E.9, E.18, E.22, E.28, E.29, E.30, H.8, J.2 E.13 E.13 \QBAL; Muzaffar B.1, B.4, 0.53, £.16, E.22, E.28, H.4 A.1, B.2, D.46, 0.52 JOHNSON, Louise Napier A.1, B.4, B.5, B.6, KELLER, Tony W. KNOWLES, Jeremy Randall 0.6, 0.16, 0.42, 0.51, 0.52, D.53 E.5, E.16, €.17, £.18; &.19, E.20, E.24, E.25, E.30, E.32, H.4, H.8, J.2, J.10, J.13 JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) (Tim) E.21 E.5, E.17, E.18, E.20, E.22, E.28, LAUKIEN, Géinther R. LEVINE, Barry A. C.5, C.7, C.10 E.13 E.29, E.30, H.8 E.13 C.8, 0.36 A.1, A.8, A.9, B.3, D.7, LATHAM, Keith D.10, 0.11, D.12, D.15 KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) LILLEY, David Malcolm James NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group LOWE, Gordon McCARTEN, John G. McLAUCHLAN, Kelth A. MALCOLM, Alan D.B. MANDELSTAM, Joel NEWSHOLME, Eric Arthur A.7, B.4, 0.6, D.9, D.15, 0.18, 0.20, 0.21, 0.39, 0.53, oo. 68, G12, 6.18, €.16,8.16, E.20, E.22, E.28, E.29, £.30, E.35 H.8, J.5 C.5, C.6, 0.24 B.4 A.7, B.1, B.4, B.5, D.6, 0.12, 0.15, 0.19, 0.53, E16, £.17, 2.48, €.26, ORDIDGE, Roger John ODGERS, Paul Randell OFFORD, Robin E D.54 E.30 E.21 H.4, H.8, H.12, J.5 E.25, E.33, H.4, H.8 E.7, £.16, E.18, E.20, E.28, E.29, NORTH, Anthony Charles Thomas E.5, £.10, £.11, £.16, E.17, £.18, PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) D.3, D.6, D.7, D.16, D.35, D.37, A.3, A.4, A.5, A.7, A.8, B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, B.5, PARKER, Stephen B. PATERSON, C.H. PEACOCKE, Arthur Robert PHILLIPS, C.S.G. D.38, 0.39, D.40, D.48, D.53, A.8, B.3, B.4, D.6, =.i2 A.7, F.1 D.43, D.48 A.4, A.7, A.9, E.25, E.26, H.4 NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) (continued) PORTER, Rodney Robert PRINGLE, John Willflam Sutton RADDA, Gyérgy Karoly RADEMACHER, Thomas W. RANDLE, Sir Philip (John) REDFIELD, Christina REES, Anthony R. REID, Kenneth B.M. E.19, E.22, E.24, E.26, E.27, E.32, E.33, E.34, E.35, F.5, G.1, G.2, G.3, H.5, H.7, H.8, H.10, H.12, J.2, J.4, J.5, J.8, J.12 E.23, F.1, F.4, F.7, F.8 B.1, E.26 A.4, A.7, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 0.16, D.17, D.18, D.19, 0.20, D.28, D.29, 0.30, 0.31, 0.33, D.53, E.9, £.13, E.17, E.18, E.19, E.22, E.28, F.4, F.6, H.8, J.2 B.5, E.13 E.13 E.13 C.8, C.9, C.10, D.1, D.2, 0.3, 0.6, D.7, 0.8, D.10, D.11, 0.12, 0.14, D.15, A.5, A.6, A.7, A.8, A.9, A.10, E.13, J.2, J.10 J.5 RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) B.1, B.2, C.1, C.3, C.5, C.6, C.7, J.2 F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, F.6, F.7, F.8, E.5, E.6, E.7, E.8, E.13, E.16, RICHARDS, W. Graham ROBERTS, Gareth Gwyn E.17, E.18, E.19, E.20, E.21, E.22, E.23, E.24, E.27, E.28, G.1, G.2, G.3, H.7, H.8 E.9, H.12, J.5, J.10 D.29, D.31, D.32, D.34, D.36, D.37, D.45, D.46, D.47, D.49, 0.16, D.17, D.18, D.19, D.20, D.22, D.23, D.24, D.25, D.28, D.50, D.51, 0.52, D.53, E.29, E.30, E.31, NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group ROWLINSON, John Shipley SAIBIL, H. SARGEANT, K. SCOULOUDI, Helen SHULMAN, Robert G. SOUTHERN, Edwin Mellor SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) STERNBERG, Michael STUART, David I. SUTTON, Brian TAYLOR, Garry THOMAS, David B. THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart THOMSON, Alan J.2 E.24 B.4, E.28, E.30, H.4, H.8 C.9 J.2, J.8 B.5, J.2, J.13 E.13 J.10 E.13 J.10 D.24, D.29 D.3 E.24 WALEY, Stephen G. F.7 D.1, 0.52, 0.53, E.20 A.7, 0.6, 0.9, E.8, E.11, E.18, £.25, E.28, E.29, E.30, E.32, WALKER, fan O. WALTON, Nicholas VICKERS, Tony VITORIA, Mary E.20, E.23, E.25, E.28, E.29, WARNOCK, Sir Geoffrey James WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton E.17, £.18, E.22, E.30, H.4, H.8 E.8, E.9, E.12, E.13, £.16, E.18, D.3, D.6, D.9, 0.16, D.18, D.37, D.38, D.39, D.40, D.41, D.42, WHATLEY, Frederick Robert WHEATLEY, Roger W. A.1, A.3, A.4, A.7, B.4, C.1, H.4, H.8, H.12 E.13 E.8 E.13 D.24 D.48, D.53, NCUACS 18/3/90 Oxford Enzyme Group WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton (continued) WOOD, Sir Martin (Francis) WOODGATE, John M. YAJKO, Paul J. YARROW, Douglas YOUNG, Geoffrey T. ZERBI, Giuseppe E.30, E.31, E.34, E.35, F.4, F.6, H.4, J.2, J.5, J.8, J.11, 3.13 C.5 C.6, 0.24 C.7 E.34 A.7, E.13, £.16, E.17, £.18, E.28, H.4