THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SIR W.. LEONARD OWEN, KBE (1897--1971) Geposited in the Liverpool University birasemay ’ Aecwwes Archives Centre (18/12/74) by Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House,. Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 74/83 ‘London WC2A 1HP 1974 All rights reserved | Hy csac 18/12/74 Me ROYAL SOCIETY ME ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS | Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIHVTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of SIR W. LEONARD OWEW (1897 - 1971) Harriot Weiskittel Listed by Jeannine Alton 1974 Desposited in the -bisamaxy of the University of Liverpool ’ ; Accuives W.L.0. C.S.A.C. 18/12/74 Description of the collection The papers were received from Lady Owen and lir. Kenneth Owen. With a few exceptions, most of the items in the collection date from 1961 ~ 1971, the last ten years of Sir Leonard's career. The most notable feature of the collection is Item 4, the manuscript diary kept by Sir Leonard while Director of Ingineering, Ministry of Supply, Department of Atomic Mnergy Production. daily entries from 4 Feburary 1946 until 30 August 1947 provide a valuable record of the early days of the UKAEA. A Sir Leonard's Most of the collection is business and industrial correspondence. Tie letters have been sorted into categories which reflect the various facets of Sir Leonard's activities and interests, both professional and social. Summary of career b. 1897 Liverpool 1915 ~ 18 6th King's Liverpool Regiment 1922 1923 1922 Liverpool University, B.ilmeg. Married Phyllis Condliff Brunner, Mond & Co. , Ministry of Supply, Engineering Director of Royal Filling Factories 1940 1946 1947 1950 1954 K.3.E. 1957 1957 1959 1961 Member for Production, UKALA Member for Production and for Ingineering, UKALA Managing Director, UKABA, Industrial Group, Risley C.B.E. Director of Ingineering and Deputy Managing Director, Industrial Group, UKATA Director of Ingineering, Ministry of Supply, Department of Atomic Inergy Production Assistant Controller, Department of Atomic Energy Production Index to principal correspondents United Kingdom Atomic Imergy Authority Industrial and Business Correspondence Personal and social correspondence References and testimonials Engineering Institutions Speeches and articles 14 -— 32 33 ~ 38 39 — 41 42 — 52 Contents of the handlist q. Biographical 53 - 59a 60 ~ 75 1-3 4 - 13 Universities WeL.O. C.S.A.C. 18/12/74 Bi orraph ical Obituary, Atom, 175, May 1971, pe 107 Biographical information and correspondence re entries for Whots Who VMs. notes end drafts for autobiographical speech delivered at Rotary Club luncheon United Kinmion Atomic Inergy Authority Ms. diary kept by Sir Leonard from the day on which he took up his appointment as Director of Ingineering on the pro- duction side of the Ministry of Supply. daily record of the first year and a half of the project (4 February 1946 ~ entries made in August and September 1949 and one entry for These entries vary in content from a simple 2 January 1950. ‘day in the office' to several pages of notes on meetings, visits to sites etc. 30 August 1947) is followed by several A virtually complete Ms. and typescript drafts of Chapter I engineering in the UKAHA to be written by Sir Leonard and Sydney Fawcett of proposed history of ‘Correspondence re UKAHA . 1946 -~ 50 1960 — 69 Vacant 6... TF 8. 9. 10. te: 12, Hall Engineering . Fairey Engineering Ltd. Industry and Business Correspondence 1960"™ 62 1965 1964 (January - June) 1964 (July - December) 1965 N966 = 67 1968 — 69 69 Patent Shaft Steel Works Ltd. Richard Thomas and Baldwin. J. Gerrards and Sons Lid. 1963 — 67 1963 — 65 ; - 1961 — 63 1961 ~ 70 1962 ~ 69 1963 British Acheson Dowson-Mason Ltd. 1963 — WeL.0. C.S.A.C. 18/12/74 ails 22. Cammell Laird (restricted file) Cammel1 Laird (restricted file) United Gas Industries (restricted file) United Gas Industries (restricted file) Miscellaneous business correspondence: invitations to lectures, dinners, arrangements for visiting industrial sites 2D.6 26. 27. 1960 — 63 1964 ~ 65 1966 — 68 Correspondence with Sir Donald Perrott “ Correspondence with Reay M. Geddes ° Correspondence with Harry H. Bates Correspondence with A. Harold Walker Correspondence with Hubert Clarke 30. 31. 32. IV. Inrineering Institutions 336 Universities 33. 34. 354 36. 1959 - 60 1960 — 63 1963 — 64 1964 — 70 Mie 38. 1959 om 63 1964 - 70 Institution of Mechanical. Ingineers: correspondence, reports Institution of Civil Engineers: correspondence (including letter notifying Sir Leonard of his election as Associate Member, 1934), typescript draft with Ms. annotations of paper delivered to Civils, miscellaneous reports of speech and program, symposium on management Correspondence re University of Manchester: letters of congratulation on Sir Leonard's Honorary D.Sc., copy of speech by the Public Orator, opening of Joint Liverpool- Nanchester Universities Reactor by Sir Leonard with copy Correspondence with College of Technology, Liverpool re Sir Leonard's becoming an Honorary Associate of the Governing Body Correspondence re University of Liverpool (especially re Study Group of Mechanical Engineering Department ) W.L.0. CoSeAeC. 18/12/74 Vi. Personal end social correspondence Invitations, holiday plans, hospitality, gifts etc. 42. 43. 44. A5-6 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51, (July - December) 1959 -~63 1964 1965 eo - June) 1965 1966 (January — August) 1966 (August — December) 1967 (January —- May) 1967 (iMay - November) 1968 1900 ae 52. Acknowledgements of letters of congratulations written to Sir Leonard 1960 ~ 69 Veli. References and testimonials For reasons of confidentiality this correspondence has not been incorporated in the index of principal correspondents (section IX). has been compiled and inserted with the files. A separate index 53. 54, 1960 ~- 68 1960 ~ 63 59- 1969 — 71 1965 ~ 70 58. 1967 - 71 1964, 1965 1966 DDe 56. 57. Speeches and articles newspaper cutting Report on a visit to Australia, New Zealand and Canada by Sir Leonard, March and April: offprint by UKAEHA Industrial Group Speech to Warrington Chamber of Commerce, October: 2 type- scripts (untitled) with Ms. annotations, related correspondence, Presentation to the Symposium on 'The Organisation of Chemical Fngineering Projects', June 24 — 26, London: typescript ‘Lecture on Calder Hall to be broadcast to E. Germany's typescript (incomplete) Wel.0. C.S:A.0,° 16/12/74 64. 65. Institution of Civil Ingineers symposium on management in engineering, November 1960: correspondence, typescript and proof of Sir Leonard's paper 'Steel and Nuclear Power', introductory address by Sir Leonard to Iron and Steel Institutes Symposiun on Steels for Reactor Pressure Circuits, 30 November: typescript of paper with Ms. annotation, typescript of introduction to film, list of participants, related correspondence 5. 1959 ~ 60 1960 Speech at dinner following convocation of University of Liverpool, 7 ty typescript with related correspondence Ms. annotation an nnotation and ipt with ] Lverpoo } as. March: Conference of British Institute of Management, October 24-26: copy of programme and offprint of Sir Leonard's speech 'Nan-- agement and Technical Change', newspaper cuttings, related correspondence ‘The Designer's Place' article for the Financial Times, November: typescript and related correspondence eevee 'Committee on Higher Education, Robbins Committee': notes for Sir Leonard's presentation, comments and amendnents, copy of minutes with Sir Leonard's testimony, related correspondence "Atoms at Work' exhibition at Rugby: typescript of official opening remarks and related correspondence Foratom Congress, Paris, 12-14 September: 2 type~ 'Notes for a talk to technical society of I.C.1I. Alkali Division! 26 March: typescript ‘Nuclear Fuel Manufacture: A New Industry': typescript of article in Liverpool Daily Post, January 24 Sir Leonard's speech on retirement from Risley: typescript with Ms. annotations Ellesmere Port Industrial Association dinner, 23 November: typescript with Ms. annotations First scripts and offprint of Sir Leonard's speech ‘Nuclear Plant Experience in the United Kingdom’, correspondence Civil Engineers, 29 November and copy of ensuing discussion 'Nuclear Hngineering in the UK: the first 10 years': offprint of Sir Leonard's speech at Ninth Meeting of Institution of WeoL.0. CoS cA 18/12/74 | IX. Index of principal correspondents (Numbers refer to items) ADAIS, John Bertram FURS ALLMAN, William us, Ne. “ARMSTRONG, Georgs R. ARTHUR, He ASHLEY, Edward L. ASHLEY, James We ASHWORTH, Je = Le AYLETT, D. We BAGGHIT, James W. BALL, Ke BANISTER, Ae BASSON, We. 4H. BATES, Harry H. BAYLY, Rear Adm. Partick IM. BEARD, Je Re BEECHING, Richard BARON BELL; Re Ac 52 as 6 849,11, 12,20 23,24, 25 21 33934535 37 30 27 42 52 35 11 26 23 15 48 51 39 42 Ao BLAIR, John BOTT, Ae BOND, T. Keith BOWDEN, Andrew BOWEN, F. Me BISHOP, Je Ae BERRIDGE, Pe Se. BEN, Anthony Wedgwood BISS, Gsoffrey Charles Dtircy 39 BRUCE~GARDINER, Bryan BROWN, Sir Stanley BUCKLAND-SIITH, Ge BURCHNAIL, He He BUNDY, Philip A. 7,52 21 1,52 34 9,44 52 BOYD, John BRENNAN, Ee 16, 24,52 52 19,21,44 BROWN, Gordon BUCK, Cyrill WeL.0. CoSeAeC. 18/12/74 CARRON, William John BARON | CARTER, Col. H. G. CARTWRIGHT, Harry CHARLES, Le De F, CHURCH, Kenneth D. CLAY, Gabriel P. CLARK, Hubert COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas OM, FRS C. COLBERT, H. COLLINS, R. Ee Je COLVILLE, Neil COOK, Sir Walliam COOPER, Andrew Ramsden COUSINS, Frank CRANE, Sir Harry W. V. CRAWFORD, Alex CREGEEN, J. CRONE, W. CUNNINGHAM, Bernard DAVIDSON, I. DEAN, John A. Ee Ge C. DAVIES, P. Je DICKINSON, F. H. DIAMOND, Professor Jack DAAMAN, Frank A. DALGLESS, J.B. DANIEL, T. DAVEY, He DAVIDGE, P. 21 48 42 15,69 34 33, 19, 44 43 20 12 1,0; 1099120, 23 20, 22,26 21,22,25,37 15 DOLPHIN, John Robert Vernon DUNWORTH, John Vernon DISNEY, Harold V. DOBSON, Leslie DORAN, John DOWNING, Le A. DUNCAN, James S, DUNCTON, Pe. J. 8 26 ae W.L.0. CoSeA.C. 18/12/74 EKLUND, Arne Sigvard ELLIOTT, Sir Norman ELSTUB, St. John EVANS, Derek EVANS, J. De FATRCLOUGH, Leonard M. FARWELL, R. FAWCETT, Sydney "EILDON, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FERGUSON, William J. IFRS FIELDSEND, Frederick Charles FLAHERTY, William FLECK, -Alexender (Baron Pleck_of Saltcests) FLOOK, George é FORBES, V. FRAME, Alistair G. FRANKLIN, 3B. FRANKLIN, Ned L. 24 36 25 9 52 43 23 21,26 42,43,44,50,51 12,52 FURSE, A. We GASKIN, Richard D. 9 on A2 22 20 FRANKS, H. Ke FREEMAN, A. FRY, Donald William GEDDES, Anthony Reay Mackay GALBRAITH Thomas Galioway Dunlop 46,48, 49 ~ 23,43 29 44 GEE, Ernest GERRARD, Raymond 0. GLANVILLE, James D. 18, 20,27 1, 8,16, 20,2170 27 44 52 48 GOWING, Professor Margaret Mary GRAHAM, Charles 8S. GOODMAN, C. GOURLEY, G. GOLDRING, Mary GONFRLEY, William GRAHAM, Thomas E. GRATYGER, Leslie - We P, at 20 8,41 WeL.O. CoSeAeCe 18/12/74 | GRAVES, Howard D. GRAY, J. Lorne GREET, T. Le Be GROUT, He ales HALL, Patrick HARDING, Sir Harold HARDMAN, Gerald KH. HARPER, John HARRIS, De Ae HARRIS, Ve Ce HARTLEY, Ao Clifford HARTLEY, Sir Harold MFRS HARVEY, J. Me HEADLAM-MORLEY, Kenneth Arthur 5. HEAL, Te Je HEARN, Richard Le HERBECQ, Je E HIBES, Guy S. HOLDEN, Otto _ HIGHTON, Cecil HILL, Po He HILL, Sir John M. HOLE, George Vincent HITCHMAN, Sir Biwin Alan (Lord Hinton of Rankside )FRS HINES, Stanley F. HINTON, Christopher HOBSON, John We HOGG, Quintin MoGarei (Baron Hsilehem of Saint Marylebons) 52 48,49 21,22,46,48 16 HUTCHESON, Je. HM. HOWELIES, Gordon R. 9 ae 6 ILIFFE, C. Ee IRELAND, Donald HUGHES, Cleduyn HUNTER, Fuilip 9,12 11,12,47,48,51 23 26 20,49 De 25426543914 ,45947 52 3334435736 27 33 (43944545, 49,52, 25 64 9,11,12,52 21 42 64 45 9 21 6 34 WeL.0- CoSeACe 18/12/74 JACKSON, T We F. JESTY, Ae Re JONSON, Robert W. JONES, D. Walwin JONES, Sir Frank Herding JONES, I. Pp JONES, Thomas Mezvyn JOSCELYNE, Fe Me JOYCE, Richard A. JUKES, Je A. KAY, John h. KEARTON, Christopher Frank BARON PRS KING, Sir Clifford Robertson KNIED, Je Ge KNOWLES, De Re KRONBERGER, Hans FRS LAING, Sir Haurice 24 LEADBETTER, We Daniel ; . FRS LONG, Ernest 26 6 11 26 41,52 LOWNDES, Roy Le LESSING, Rudolf Teotel1 6.. 52 MANSFIELD-COCPER, Professor Sir William MANSHAM, Thomas WN. MATHIESON, W. Te MeDONALD, Alexander McINTOSH, Alex Denjanin MAKINS, Roger Mellor (Baron Sherfield) NALKIN, Ae MALLABAR, Sir Jchn MITCHELL, Anne 10,52 6 20 533434535, 36,52, 64 6,7,20,21,23,24,27 MERRISON, Alexander Walter MILNE-WATSON, Sir Michael MoNETL, Sir Hector 49,51 hy Ra 47 18 NcLEAN, Andrew S. MILIS, Je Te MILNER, Eric WeLeO. CoSeAeC. 18/12/74 MITCHELL, Dovglas S. MOORE, Richard Valentine KORGAN, Co OD. MOSS, Geoffrey MURKIN, Herbert VELSON, Bertram 8,9,33,43 8,12 36 22,43 8 NELSON, George Horatio (Earon Nelson of Stafford) HEWELL, Maurice Je NEWLY, E. F. NICOLSON, Deo. Ie WORTON, Re Me ORTORD, Roy C. OWET, Professor Je. Be Be 41 51 PARKER, We Co PARKTNSON, Se We PARSONS, Se Ae de PATRICK, Ee Re PEATY, C. E. BARON 42 26 40 48 $5922; 44,49 43 10,52,71, 68a 52 10, 11, 12, 13,52 148,94 10,11, 16, 22,28, 37,43 37,38 6 POATT, Ka +. He PIGGOTT, Ae E. PILLING, Re = le PEARS, Sidnoy John PLOWDEN, Edwin Noel BARON PERROTT, Sir Donald PELLY, Sir Kenneth R. PENNEY, William George PEIRSON, David Edward Herbert 9 42,64,68, 68a 17 PRESTON, Gladys MM. PRITCHARD, We Ae PRESTOW, Richard 16 48 27 43 71 POWELL, Thomas WER, Ge We QUINN, Ne WeL.0. CoSeAeC. 18/12/74 RABY, Col George W. RAWLINSON, A. K. RAWLDISON, J. REYNOLDS, Alex Ae RICHARDSON, John W. RICKOVER, Adm. H. G. RIDDLE, Aw LL. ROBBINS, Brian G. ROBERTS, E. ROBERTSON, T. De 5 Me ROGAN, Harold ROOKE, Wilfred A. ROSS, Kenneth B. ROSS, Pe Se RUTHVEN-—MURRAY, Barbara SAVILL, G P. SCHONLAND, Sir Basil Ferdinand J. FRS SCOTT, Je G. Ernest SCOTT, Sir William 8,9,10, 16,24 45 11,21,45 6,5,.71 10, 34,35 6 8a 67 26 657,42 45 21 33 42 17,4249, 50 Pisa 37 48 42 SEFTON, W. SETON, Alfred B. SHIELDS, Rodney SIBLEY, Ae SHAW, Archibald SHERFIELD, BARON (cee Kakins, Roger Nollor) SILLS, George F. SINCLAIR, Charles Murray Kennedy BARON SMITH, Sir Alexander Rowland 43 44,45, 46 6 52 23,24,51 20 42,44,45,47,48 7, 10,16 23 7,14, 16,20 26 STEWART, James Cecil Campbell SMITH, P. Re SMITH, S. 5. SPENCER, Dennis W. STANTON, Victor W. STODDART, Michael C. SWABY, We. We SMITH, Ernest SHITH, Norman Lockhart WeL.O0. CeSeAeC. 18/12/74 SWALLOW, He Tyrell SYKES, Sir Charles FRS TAILYOUR, William G. TAYLOR, Frank TAYLOR, Russell TIMPSON, Alastair TOBIAS, Professor Stephen Albert TOOSEY, Philip John Denton TRAFFORD, Harold L. TREYFUSSIS, Jack R. TUOHY , Thomas TURNER, P. He R. UNDERWOOD, Eric H. VICK, Francis Arthur VINES, Alan VINEY, Thomas L. 17 16,24,27,52 6,14 10 7 11 39 21 25,43 1, 21;26 657491 12,21 ,46 27 11,69 ' 9, 68a 410, 15,22,42,48 11,27 VINSON, C. Ce WAINE, Peter 15 44 WALKER, We L. WEARNE, S. 4H. WATERS, Te. C. WAINWRIGHT, G We WATSON, John Garth WALKER, A. Harold WAGNER, Sir Anthony R. 24 26 36. 41,47 20 25 24,49 43,45 6 52 WELMAN, D. Patrick WILLIAMS, C. H. T. WILSON, George A. 14523523952 WILLIS, Jack F. KE. WILLIAMS, T. 4G. WHITE, Harold WHITE, N. P. WILDER, V. WelsOe. Cp SehsCe 18/18/74 WILSON, Sir Reginald Holmes WOODS, A. George WYNNE-EDWARDS Sir Robert Meredydd YATES, Thomas
OWEN, W Leonard v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin