FRISCH, Otto Robert

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers and correspondence of OTTO ROBERT FRISCH, FRS (1904 - 1979) DAYSLCISt deposited in Trinity College Library, Cambridge Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre No 82/25 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, 1982 All rights reserved COSAC 87/5/83) by London WC2A 1HP CSAC 87/5/82 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of OTTO ROBERT FRISCH, OBE, FRS (1904 - 1979) Including material relating to LISE MEITNER, For. Mem. RS (1878 - 1968) Deposited in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge All rights reserved 1982 Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics — The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London © R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN, TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A. 225 5 10 Items Page A.1 -A.7 Biographical and autobiographical A. 8S =A. 32 Diarlesand notebooks With an introductory note A.33 -A.106 Career and Maworall tic A.107-A.225 Family correspondence and papers With an introductory note A.107-A.124 The Frisch family A.125-A.218 The Meitner family A.219-A.225 The Blau family SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH B.1-B.207 SZ Introduction to Section B BL, 8.2 B.3-B.7 B.8-B .42 Hamburg 44-B .94 Copenhagen ' Birkbeck College, London With an introductory note Continued With an introductory note With an introductory note .132-B.136A Los Alamos .105-B.131 Liverpool -95-B.104 Birmingham .143-B.207 Cambridge With an introductory note Vienna Berlin B.43 .137-B.142 Harwell O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS Introduction to Section C Items C:1=C' 139 C.1 -C.54 Lectures and articles Drafts and related correspondence C.55 -C.75 Books and unpublished work Drafts and related correspondence 76 Book reviews C.77 -©.89 Obituaries and biographical writings C.90 -C.101 Requests for lectures and papers - €.102-C.133 Correspondence with publishers and editors C.134-C.139 Published material SECTION D RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS Introduction to Section D D.1 -D.43 British Broadcasting Corporation (radio) SECTION E D.44-D.50 D.55-D.59 Films SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE Po = 8.147 Introduction to Section E VISITS AND CONFERENCES Drafts, scripts, correspondence Television companies (U.K. ) D.51-D.54 = Radio and television (Europe) INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS SECTION G NON- PRINT MATERIAL Introduction to Section F O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Otto Robert Frisch (he was known by both names, singly or in conjunction) is assured of a place in the history of twentieth-century physics. Naturally endowed with an intuitive grasp of the practicalities of physical problems and the deftness which enabled him to devise useful experiments and the relevant inetcumentelidn to carry them out, he learnt his craft under such towering masters as - successively - Otto Stern, Patrick Blackett and Neils Bohr. In 1938 he collaborated with his aunt Lise Meitner in the famous analysis of Hahn's and Strassmann's experimental results on neutron collision, to which he also contribu- ted not only the corroborative experiment but the name for the process - nuclear fission. In 1940, with Rudolf Peierls, he wrote the important memorandum 'On the construction of a "super-bomb" based on a nuclear chain reaction in uranium’, This sequence of events gives emphasis to Frisch's active con- Section B tells its own tale. Hitler's accession to power in 1933 obliged him to one of its victims. A glance at the number and location of his places of work in tribution to twentieth-century history; yet in other respects he could be seen as which launched the Maud Committee; he worked at Liverpool with Chadwick on the 'Tube Alloys! project and in 1943 moved with other British scientists to Los Alamos on the Manhattan project where he was head of the Critical Assembly Group (See A.58A and an eye-witness of the Trinity Test of an atomic bomb in July 1945. for the official report on Frisch's work at Los Alamos drawn up in August 1946.) remained for the rest of his life. him of nationality, and, a year later, separated him from his work in Denmark with Bohr, from family and friends, and from continental Europe. 1947 on his appointment to the Jacksonian Chair at Cambridge that he reached a Here he contracted in 1951 a happy marriage, raised a family, and leave Hamburg and his work with Stern; the annexation of Austria in 1938 deprived It was only in point of rest. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 General Introduction Mention of Frisch's family and his aunt Lise Meitner introduces a further dimension into his career and the interest of his papers. He belonged to a large, gifted and close-knit family, many of. whose members were scattered by the events of the Thirties and the Second World War or who were forced to rebuild lives and careers on foreign soil. Frisch's own father was briefly in Dachau and had subsequently to find work and support his wife in Sweden. is clear that It Frisch did his best to contribute to the support of his parents and other relations, often in tiny sums from his own modest earnings; his sunny nature and unassuming kindness must surely have been a major factor in the willingness of his parents, and later his aunt, to emigrate yet again on retirement in order to spend their last years with him in Cambridge. With this cosmopolitan European background it is not surprising Music was much more for Frisch than a 'gift' or hobby. He played several instruments, but chiefly the piano, on which he was proficient to recital standard. In later life he gave increasing time to music, regularly attending the that Frisch had - or acquired from necessity - considerable linguistic fluency, which is in evidence throughout his papers. He rapidly learnt Danish and English when occasion required and continued to use Danish and German for lectures, speeches or correspondence to the end of his life; English became however his language of choice for writing. Another gift was sketching, particularly of semi-cartoon like- nesses of colleagues; there are some specific items of samples of his drawings, but others are scattered passim on letters, conference programmes, menus and the like. catalogue. What little | remember (Cambridge University Press), giving an informal account of his life mainly up to 1947. This has been drawn upon as o basis for dating material, and catalogue entries are linked to it where appropriate. several accounts of his work, obituary tributes and memoirs, among them the Memoir by R.E. Peierls for the Royal Socie of the Royal Society, 27, 1981) which has been drawn upon and referred to in the Shortly before his death in 1979 Frisch published his autobiography Dartington School, and sometimes lecturing. There have also been O.R. Frisch , CSAC 87/5/82 General Introduction The surviving manuscripts and papers provide a good picture of Frisch's career and work at all stages. is particularly full, incorporating material relating to his own career and interests Section A, Biographical and Personal, including music (A.86 - A.90) and sketching (A .84), and also those of his family and relations. These have historical interest as an example of the diaspora of the Thirties, and in the case of Lise Meitner a more specific scientific interest comple- menting other material deposited elsewhere. Section B, Scientific Research, includes notebooks, laboratory Sections C and D It presents a full notes and calculations, publication drafts and correspondence. record for the periods of work at Hamburg and Copenhagen, but for obvious reasons the wartime work on the atomic bomb project is only scantily documented in a private collection; there is, however, his original eye-witness account of the Trinity Test (B.135). For the later period, the paucity of material relating to the Cavendish Laboratory reflects Frisch's lack of interest in administrative and com- mittee work and his preference for relatively small-scale experimental projects such as his scanning device, and the various constructions and gadgets which he continued to devise for his Laser Scan company to the end of his life. never lost interest in some types of research problems, nor acquired it It can be seen that he in others. illustrate Frisch's expository skills in the written and the spoken word; he was greatly in demand as a lecturer, and the broadcasting services made regular calls on his multi-lingual gifts. earlier periods 1930 ~ 43 is scanty and usually kept by Frisch with the relevant part because many of the important meetings of the Thirties were held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Copenhagen where he was already working, and in part because of his greater family commitments in later life. often provides a supplementary photographic record of meetings and conferences. Frisch's establishment in Cambridge. of security restrictions at Los Alamos. The correspondence in Section F dates mainly postdates 1947 and Section E, Visits and Conferences, is relatively short: this is in The material in Section G Very little survives for 1943 - 47 because Incoming scientific correspondence for the O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 General Introduction Incoming personal letters for those years are research notes where it remains. mainly in the 'Family correspondence and papers' in Section A. Thirties, Frisch kept copies of his outgoing letters in chronological folders where correspondence of all kinds and in several languages is juxtaposed. to Margaret Hope of 14 September 1936, Frisch explains 'I like to keep a duplicate of all my letters, This material remains in its original order, but presented in smaller units for ease of handling, at B.39 - B.42, B.73 - B.81. it is like a diary for me'. During the Ina letter . ~~ O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful for help and information from many sources and in particular to: Mrs. Ulla Frisch, for making the material available for cataloguing, for permission to quote, for information on the family tree and for comments on the draft catalogue; Dr. J. White for permission to include and quote from item A. 58A; The Librarian and library staff of Trinity College, Cambridge; Sir Rudolf Peierls, Professor P.F. Ganz, for information and help in identifying material and correspondents; Professor M.M. Gowing, for comments on the draft catalogue; Mrs. M.M. Edwards, for careful and accurate typing. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.225 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIO GRAPHICAL DIARIES AND NOTEBOOKS With an introductory note A.33 -A.106 CAREER AND MEMORABILIA A.107-A.225 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS With an introductory note A.107-A.124 The Frisch family A.125-A.218 The Meitner family A.219-A.225 The Blau family For photographs, slides, tape-recordings, etc. of Frisch, his family and colleagues, see Section G. O.R« Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Biographical and personal BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIO GRAPHICAL Articles about Frisch. Obituary tributes. Memoir by R.E. Peierls (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 27, 1981). Miscellaneous C.Vs and biographical notes prepared by Frisch at various dates. 'What little | remember’ Material relating to Frisch's under this title by Cambridge University Press, 1979. memoirs, published The surviving material, whether drafts or N.B. correspondence, is scanty. Frisch's own notes. Photocopy draft of chapter on Niels Bohr, with corres- pondence and comments from A. and E. Bohr, 1975-78. Comments and information from others; from Frisch's landlady in Liverpool (1941-43). includes letter Review of book. Brief correspondence re book with Faber and Faber, New York Times. Copy of published book (kindly given by Mrs. Frisch). © eR. irison CSAC 87/5/82 Biographical and personal A.8-A. 32 DIARIES AND NOTEBOOKS Frisch made little distinction between these types of journal. In earlier years, he tended to use 'notebooks' in which he would draw up tables of days and weeks on some of the pages, thus creating a ‘diary’. Later on, he used ‘diaries’ and made them serve for wider purposes than the usual day-to-day record. From about 1947 he often chose the 'Lefax' system which enabled him to keep several years' notes in one binder; see A.24 - A.31, or, for somewhat disorganised examples, A.12, A.13, A.22. The contents of all these documents are similar though their proportions vary. They include experimental results, ideas for research, journals of visits, notes of conferences, meetings and lectures, personal jottings, memos and addresses. Even in his address books Frisch would use the thumb~index to suit his own purposes; thus 'I' may turn up 'Ideas", 'M! lead to 'Money', etc. These books therefore supplement the scientific and technical material found in Section B as well as documenting Frisch's personal life. Both ends of book used. The material is presented as a chronological sequence so far as this is ascertainable and Frisch's methods of work allow. Small black notebook, with diary entries dated 1926-27, of personal notes, drawings of apparatus, diagrams, calculations, etc., latest date 1929. Both ends of book used. Small black soft-cover notebook, very miscellaneous contents, includes brief diary entries dated 1928, notes on experiments, calculations, etc. O©7.R Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Conferences Invitation card (only) to lecture on 'Cherenkov Detectors', given by Frisch at Stockholm, May 1956. Visit to Austrian Atomic Energy Study Group, Vienna, May 1957. Frisch lectured on 'Probleme der Atomenergiegewinnung aus Wasserstoff'. Correspondence, brief summary of lecture, draft of similar lecture 'Kann Mann aus Wasserstoff Atomkraft gewinnen?' dated April 1957. Conference on Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, A.E.R.E. Harwell, June 1957. Information, participants, programme. Visit to Cornell, U.S.A. as Visiting Professor in Department of Nuclear Studies, 1957-58. Correspondence with colleagues and authorities at Cornell and at Cambridge. Brief correspondence only. Visit to American University of Beirut, Lebanon, to give three lectures, March 1961, as part of British Council visit, "see E.30 below. Correspondence only. Brookhaven Conference on Molecular Beams, Heidelberg, June 1959, organised by H. Kopfermann. Invitation and travel grant application only. Visit to Heidelberg, to lecture on 'Kohtrente Bremsstrahlung von Krystallen', June 1960. Correspondence re possible visit to Australia on Commonwealth Universities Interchange Scheme, 1960-63. Correspondence only. Visit to Institute of Theoretical Physics, Vienna, to give two lectures (on elementary particles and on bubble chamber research), May 1961, Visit to Dortmund under auspices of British Council, to give lecture as part of the Dortmund English Festival, May 1961. Correspondence only. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Conferences Correspondence with British Council 1960-61 re proposed visit to Iran and Pakistan to lecture and visit laboratories, scheduled for March 1961 but cancelled by Frisch. The visit to Beirut (see E.27) was intended as part of this trip. Visit to Basle under British Council University Interchange Scheme, to lecture on new particles, and on work at the Cavendish Laboratory, June 1962. Itinerary (only) for visit to U.S., March-April 1962. Visit to Disseldorf to lecture to Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Forschung des Landes Nordchein-Westfalen, December 1962. Frisch lectured on elementary particles and his talk was published (see C.36). Correspondence 1961-63 re arrangements and publication. Correspondence 1963-64 re proposed visit September 1964- June 1965 as Visiting Professor, University of Miami. Frisch was not able to take up the offer. Correspondence re arrangements to visit and lecture, notes taken at Texas conference. International University Course, Vienna, September 1964, on 'Formgestaltung der Welt seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg'. Frisch lectured on '50 Jahre Grundlagenphysik'. Visit to Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Austin, Texas, December 1964, and to various other laboratories, universities and friends. participants, information, etc. ‘Perspectives of Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry’. Symposium for Centenary of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Warsaw, October 1967. Invitation, correspondence, programme, list of World Jewish Congress, British Section. Informal Conference on 'Why Remain Jewish in this Changing World?' June 1965. Invitation and acceptance only. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visit to Israel, December 1967-January 1968. Ms. diary of events, some ms. notes of laboratories _ and people seen, brief correspondence. Visit to U.S.A., January-February 1969. Frisch attended a National Topical Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, on Fast Burst Reactors, at Albuquerque, January 1969, and also lectured and visited at other laboratories and universities. Frisch chaired Session | on 'Fast Burst Reactor Analysis Techniques’. Itinerary, correspondence with colleagues and friends, 1968-70. European Physical Society, Inaugural Conference, 'The Growth Points of Physics’, Florence, April 1969. Programme, information, abstracts. Visit to Leiden, May 1969. Letter from Frisch to his family, describing the visit. Various itineraries and arrangements, correspondence. Visit to Russia (Moscow, Novosibirsk), sponsored by Board of Trade Fairs and Promotions Branch, September 1970. Itinerary, correspondence, Frisch's ms. journal of trip. Visit to Hungary (Budapest), sponsored by Department of Trade and Industry Fairs and Promotions Branch, as part of "British Engineering Week', March 1971. of trip. Second Symposium on the Recent Developments in Neutron Activation Analysis, Cambridge, June-July 1971. Visit as External Examiner for doctorate theses, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, February 1972. Correspondence, arrangements, Frisch's ms. journal Frisch gave the opening speech, a copy of which is included in the folder. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Conferences Visit to Vienna, for 50th anniversary of 'Matura! at Piaristner- Gymnasium. Frisch gave a talk, '50 Jahre unter Physikern', May 1972. Correspondence, including news of old schoolfellows. See A.106. E.48, E.49 Visit to Sweden and Finland, June-July 1972. Frisch lectured at the Seventh Summer School in Physics at Loma~Koli, organised by Research Institute for Theoretical Physics, Helsinki. accompanied him, and gave a talk on brass-rubbing. After th Frisch suffered a heart atiac! Frisch sutrerea q neart arrack and was obliged to remain in hospital until 14 July. Mrs. Frisch € conference \Trer f , Correspondence re conference, information, programme, itinerary. Personal correspondence re Frisch's illness and delayed return home. Visit to U.S.A., June-July 1973. Invitation, correspondence, Frisch's notes, press~ cuttings, plans for questions to be discussed, etc. ‘Exploratory Conference on the Future of Science and Technology in Austria’, Vienna, October 1972. Frisch was invited to give the Nuclear Pioneer Lecture, on Lise Meitner, at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami. Because of his heart attack the previous year, he arranged for his daughter Monica to accompany him. perhaps prepared for same trip. 1] pp. typescript and ms. version of lecture (another copy is at-C.74), After the conference Frisch visited various laboratories and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. Correspondence re meeting and lecture, programme, press~ cuttings, visas. pp. typescript of a lecture 'The Origin of Nuclear Fission! f 3 f Y f t ~“ ‘ O.R., Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Conferences Correspondence re visits and lectures at Berkeley, Dartmouth, Los Alamos, National Accelerator Laboratory, Princeton, University of Washington Seattle; anda little personal correspondence with friends in U.S. Visit to CERN, to lecture on 'Lise Meitner and the Growth of Nuclear Physics', May 1974. Correspondence, notes for lecture, marked for slides. Symposium on the retirement of R.E. Peierls, Oxford, July 1974, at which Frisch spoke. ‘Correspondence, programme, participants. Visit to Denmark, sponsored by Niels Bohr Institute and Atomic Energy Commission, September 1975. Frisch gave two lectures on 'The Tortuous Path to Atomic Power'. Correspondence, 16 pp. transcript from recording of lecture at Risg (Atomic Energy Research Establishment). Visit to Max~Planck- Institut fUr Kernphysik, Heidelberg, to lecture at colloquium, February 1976. Correspondence only. Visit to U,S.A., May-June 1977. The folder also includes a little personal correspondence about visits by Frisch and his wife to relatives and friends in the course of the trip, and Frisch's brief ms. journal. Visit to Vienna at invitation of University, to celebrate 50th anniversary of Frisch's Doctorate. Frisch lectured on 'Der schmale Pfad zur Uranspaltung', and also lectured at Graz, Innsbruck and Linz. See also C.5 e Frisch attended the Symposium on the History of Nuclear Physics, University of Minnesota and gave a talk ‘Experimental work with Nuclei: Hamburg, London and Copenhagen’. Frisch was accompanied by his son Anthony, and arranged visits to several universities and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. Itinerary, conference programme and information, correspondence. : ee i} O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Visits and Confererices Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics, Loma- Koli, Finland, August 1977. Frisch accepted an invitation to attend and to give a talk on 'The Importance of Technical Innovations for the Development of Physics’. He was invited to participate in a meeting of the Finnish Pugwash Group, but later declined both invitations through pressure of work. American Physical Society Symposium commemorating 40th anniversary of discovery of fission, Washington D.C., April 1978, at which Frisch was invited to take the chair. Letter of invitation only (Frisch did not go). Visit to 'Herbstschule' on high energy physics, Maria Laach Abbey, Bonn, September 1978. Foider also includes correspondence re leciure to be given at DESY (organisers of 'Herbstschule'), Hamburg, March 1979, Visit to U.S.A,, April-May 1979. Frisch attended the International Symposium in Honor of Robert R. Wilson at Fermilab, Illinois, April 1979. itineraries, conference material, correspondence. Frisch was accompanied by his wife, and arranged visits to several universities and institutions, lecturing and seeing friends. 1979 and undated. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1 - F.147 Introduction to Section F This Section brings together the remaining letters not kept by Frisch in folders with related research notes, drafts for publications, etc. letters complement material in other Sections, but the ma jority are shorter exchanges with scientific colleagues, or personal correspondence. Some of the It should be noted that several of the letters have Frisch's reply typed on the verso. The correspondence is presented in alphabetical order, dated and indexed, and with a brief indication of any material of particular scientific or personal interest. Alvarez, L.W. 1948, 1968, 1978 Adelman, S.L. Agnew, D. 1964-70 1945-c.195] Alexandrov, A. Allen, W.D. Frisch's carbon only: comments on book. Frisch was briefly engaged to her in 1947 (see What Little | remember, p.197). See also Pugwash Conferences, F.101. Miscellaneous printed matter, policy declarations, conference programmes, the Nunn May case, etc., with a few ms. notes by Frisch. Atomic Scientists Association Arms, S. Aspden, H. 1977 1957 1953 1974 Frisch's carbon only. Y 1946-48 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Badash, L. Badura- Skoda Frisch's draft only. Bagguley, B. 1940-4] Includes accounts of life in Birmingham and Liverpool. Baldinger, E. Barbour, J.B. Bentwich, N Bethe, H.A. 1954, 1955 1963-66, 1974 1951 1950, 1978 Correspondence 1978 is photocopy letter from Bethe on his recollections of ‘compound nucleus' concept in 1934-35. Bjerge, T. 1951 (card), 1953-56 1961-66 Blackett, P.M.S. Blaskopf, H. Blau, M. and others Mainly with colleagues to obtain some financial help for Marietta Blau, a distinguished Viennese scientist who had worked on nuclear emulsions. Lise Meitner. Includes card, October 1945, signed by Bohr and other colleagues, and letter March 1948 with message from Béggild was a colleague of Frisch at the Niels Bohr Institute in the 1930s and remained there. 1935 (1 letter only) 1948-67 1973 (Frisch's carbon Bloch, F. Béggild, J.K. only) 1945-73 ©. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Bohr, N. and Bohr, M. 1947, 1951, 1963 Scientific and personal correspondence from Niels and Margarethe Bohr. Includes 1 p. 'N. Bohr's 1930 lectures on quantum mechanics (From notes by E. Kriger and T. Bjerge) Bondi, H. Frisch's carbon only. Bondy, H.F. Born, M. Braddick, H.J.J. Bragg, W.L. : Braunschweig, R. Breitenberger, E. 1959 1942 1955-63 1954 1947, 1950, 1962, 1967 1948-54 1954-67 Brent, B.J. 1973-79 Bretscher, E. and Bretscher, H. Personal and scientific correspondence with Egon and Hanni Bretscher, mainly re Harwell. Includes obituary tribute to Bretscher, written by Frisch for Nature, 1973. Brent (formerly Josephy) had worked at Hamburg under Stern at the same time as Frisch. Corres~ pondence is mainly re photographs and film of distinguished scientists. 196] Letter at Los Alamos, arranging a meeting to discuss 'Peace after this war'. 1947 1945 1954 ries Brookes, A.M.P. Brostrém, K.J. Brings, T.H. Broch, E. Broda, E. Brode, B. 1946-70 1979 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Bugg, D. Bunemann, O. Byer, T. Campbell, A.J. Casimir, H.B.G. Cassels, J.M. Chadwick, J. 1958 1947, 1950 1967 1958 1948 1957 1947-70 Scientific and personal correspondence. Includes 'Some stories about Sir James Chadwick (reported by O.R. Frisch, 1976)’. Clark, R.W. Cochran, W. Cockburn, R. Cockcroft, J.D. and Cockcroft, E. 1959-60 n.d. 1950-51 and n.d. 1946, 1956, 1959, 1965, 1 1967 Corbiére, H. CUer, P. 1953 1953 Darwin, C.G. Cohen, S. Conrad, R. Copley, E. 1975 1934 1977 Request for impressions of Einstein for proposed book 'Homage to Einstein’. a5, 1965, a.d, 1954 (Frisch's carbon 1963 (from Frisch to 1950, 1978-79 1970 1965 1952 Davies, D.J.M. Deakin, C. Dee, PF. 1. Delbrick, M. Deutsch, M. Devons, S. only) Lady Darwin) 1948 © .R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Dobbs, H.A.C. Dott, H.M. Droste, J.V. Duncan, R. Dunwerth, J.V. Eaton ©, Ehrenberg, W. and Ehrenberg, M. Eikhoff, L. (later Montgomery) Estermann, I. Feather, N. Feld, B.T. Feldau, W.V. Feldberg, W.andFeldberg, J., Feldberg, K. 1965 197] 1954 19F2 1955 1964 1963-64, 1975 1950-57 1962-64, 1973 1945-51, 1965, 1975 1948 1958, “vor 1947-52, 1960-61 Feynman, RR. P. D 1948 Fischer, R. Fleischmann, R. Fokker, A.D. Franck, J. 1966, 1969 1959 1956-57 1904, fsa 1952 (re Franck's One letter only, re work at Los Alamos. 1963 Letter 1965 is to Lise Meitner, re history of her work in 1930s; Dirac). Friesen, I.v. Frisch, D.H. letter 1973 is re work of P.A.M. Fraser, R. Freeman, J. 1947, 1963 1955 1965, 1923 Freudenreich, R.v. birthday) 1948-49 O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Gang, M. Garlick, Gt .J, 1940, 195] 1952-61, 1974 (Frisch's carbon only) Correspondence 1961 includes Garlick's draft note for Nature on Pringsheim's 80th birthday. e% 1945-67 Frisch met Evan Gill in Liverpool (see What little | remember, p.140) and they remained life- long friends. The correspondence includes several references to the work of Eric Gill, brother of Evan. Gill, J.M. 1977 re possible research projects to help the blind. Givon, S. Glaser, D. Gold, T. ; 1967 1977 1952, 1955 Correspondence 1955 is a brief but interesting 9 exchange on the ‘continuous creation’ controversy. P 1922 1962 Goldstein, L. Good, I.J. Correspondence arising frorn a lecture by Frisch to British Society for the Philosophy of Science. Includes a note by Good 'A new model for polarization', and summary and 8 pp. typescript draft paper by Good 'Quantum Mechanics and Yoga' to be given at a Symposium on 'Yoga and Parapsychology', Lucknow. Green, C. Aliso included are typescript copies of 3 short talks by Frisch 'Why are physical laws what they are? ' (1952), 'Why is quantum theory?' (1953), 'Why are there laws of nature?! (1954). On relativistic quantum mechanics; letters dated. Goodall, M.C. and others Gordon, W. Gray, R. 1949, n.d., 1973-76 few O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Gregory, R.L. Grimble, A.F. Groth, W. Gustafson, T. Hahn, O. Hahn, ©. 1978 1952-53 1964-65 1946 1948, 1957, 1963-65, 1979 Photocopies of letters by Hahn written December 1938; of 23 is to Eva von Bergius, letter of 28 to ‘Liebe Kollegin'. letters of 19 and 21 are to Lise Meitner, card Halban, H. Halpern, J. Hanle, P.A, re E. Schrédinger. . 1953 1954-55 1977 Haxel, O. 1954-76 1951, 1953 Herz, M. 1939-43 1948 1949 Herzog, G. Hesse, M.B. Hearst, W. Hein, P. Henriques, O.M. See What little | remember, p.137. 1961 1935-50, and 1966 various dates 1977 1953 Hintz, N. Hitsch, F: 1945 1962, 1977 Hevesy, G. Hui & O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence ‘SP Hodgson, P.E. Héffer-Jensen, S. 1954 1945-49, 1975 Letter of 1945 contains news of Niels Bohr Institute, during and after the Second World War. Hogben, E. Holland, A.E. 1966, 1978 1973, tos Pec las o Hope, M. (later Herrman) and others 1939-78 Personal correspondence, with accounts of work in Birmingham, Liverpool, London, life in war- time Britain, etc. Not all letters are dated. 1939 1940 1941-42 1943, various dates 1947-78 Houtermans, F.G. Hutten, E.H. Irving, D. Isenstein, H. Jahn, H.A. 1947, 196} 1966 Howorth, M. Huber, P. Hutchinson, G.W. various dates 1959-78 Request for comments on history of uranium fission. 1947-49, 1966 Isenstein was a Danish sculptor and the folder includes photographs of his portrait busts of ‘A. Wheeler and E. Rutherford. 1973 is re drawing of Frisch by Isenstein sent to Trinity College, Cambridge. Includes a little correspondence with other members of the Jacobsen family. f Jeffreys, H. and Jeffreys, B. Jacobsen, J.C.G, 1947, 1952 1968, 1973, 1978 Correspondence OR brisen CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Jellis, R.E. Jensen, E. Jensen, H.D. Jentschke, W. Jones, R.V. Josephson, B.D. Junghaus, J. Jungk, R. Karlik, B. Katz, N. Kemmer, N. ; Khanna, R.C. King, W.J. Kirchner, F. 1973-75 1952 1955 196] 1965 1960, 1977 1948 1956 1947-59, 1979 1945 1964, 1970 1964 1962 1932 re Frisch's father Kopfermann, H. F.74-F .76 1946-66 ‘Klemperer, O. Koch, J. 1949, 1955 1946~78 1934 1964 1954 K&llmer-Langhammer, E. Kowarski, L. and Kowarski, K. Personal and scientific correspondence, re meetings, publications, research projects, nuclear energy programme, etc. 1973-77 Photocopy of Kowarski's Affidavit to the Patent Compensation Board, United States Atomic Energy Commission, describing his research in France and Britain (to January-March 1941). 1967-78 Laslett, L.J. Laurikainen, K.V. 1945, 195] © .Re Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Corres pondence Lauritsen, T. Lawson, D. Lawson, J.D. Lemmerich, J. Lenz, Frisch's carbon only. Levi, H. Recollections of work at Niels Bohr Institute (see What little | remember, p.89). Lewkowicz, A. Lisco, L. 1970 various dates 1969-78 (Daughter of J. Franck; of Franck, Lise Meitner, etc.) includes recollections Littaver, R. 1949 Lohde, H. 1972 f McCutchen, B.S. McCutchen, C. Lonsdale, K. ) Lorenz, K. Manley, J.H. Marshak, R. Longuet-Higgins, H.C. Includes some research papers. Mayr, G, Frisch's carhon only. Massey, H.S.W. Mattauch, J. ©.R.: Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Menuhin, Y. Metropolis, N.C. Miller, F. Milner, E.V. Mgller, C. Moon, P.B. Morrison, P. Moss, N. Mott, N.F. and others Motz, H. Neurath, M.L. Newton-John, I. 1960 1979 1967-69 1970 1970 1954-55, 1960 various dates 1954~70 (Daughter of M. Born; recollections. ) includes some Ortner, G. Oxley, A.J. O'Gorman, M. Oliphant, M.L.E. Pais, A. Paneth, F.A. 1954 1962-83 Oppenheimer, J.R. re bubble-chamber and scanning research. Peierls's 70th birthday. Includes a little correspondence 1978 for Lady 1945-48, 1955, 1979 Parkinson, W.C. : 1950, 1974-76 Pauli, W. Peierls, R.E. 1939 1953 1944, 1949 ©7 hh. Enisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Peyrou, N. Pickavance, T.G. Pihl, M. Pincher, H.C. Ping, W.C. Pirenne, M.H. Plagzek, G. Popper, K.R. Poschmann, H. Powell, C.F. Pringsheim, P. 7 1956 1952, 1956 n.d. 1949 1962-74 1975 1934, 1935, 1946, 1947 1935, various dates 1961-77 1954 1947-53 196] Includes photograph of Pringsheim as a young child and an offprint of an early (1930) article on Luminescence. 1956, 1961 1947-69, 1973 Pryce, M.H.L. Pugwash Conferences Przibram, K. and others Przibram was Frisch's supervisor for his doctorate in Vienna in 1926. Przibram's family and others after his death. Correspondence 1973 is with Miscellaneous material re meetings, conferences, policy statements, etc., some annotated by Frisch; includes a little ms. material, notes taken at conferences, brief correspondence. Frisch about Dr. Rabel enclosed in the Dr. Gabriele Rabel was an Austrian scientist, con= temporary with Lise Meitner, who attended Einstein's lectures in Berlin. print of her article 'Die Geschichte des "Cavendish"' 1946, miscellaneous correspondence re her house near Cambridge bought with the help of Frisch and othe friends, and its disposal after her death in What little Lremember, pp.35-36, and a Rabel, G. and others Folder includes off- ier iat : ete | tnawth %2 196: 10L£2 1954-67 1948-66 ©.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Corresponde nce Rabi, 1.1. Rainer, A.C. Mainly re Frisch's parents. Ramsey, N.F. Rasmussen, E. Ratcliffe, J.A. Bauer. ces Rehder, M-L. Reines, F. Frisch's carbon only. Richards, H.T. Ridley, B. Riese L.M. Riley, K.F. 1947, 1949, 1934, 1950 1939-41, 1950 1950, 1954 1946, 1949 1969-70, 1974 he. Cy IPOS 1967 1962 1950 1955, 1976 1946, 1979 n. is F.106-F.108 c. 1943-79 1960-69 1970-79 F.106 B17 F.108 Robinson, G.S. Robinson was a clergyman whom Frisch met in Liverpool (see What little | remember, p.140). He was a keen amateur musician and much of the correspondence is on this subject. Not all the letters are dated, and few of Frisch's letters have survived. 192937, Correspondence 1970 includes copy of events at Copenhagen Conferences One letter only. and ene letter 1942 from Rosbaud, H. n r ‘ 1949, 1970-74 By Rona, E. Rosbaud, P. Rosenfeld, L. c. 1943-59 1959-63 k Erisch ©) AR CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Rossi, B. n.d. probably 1948 Reporting research on mesons. Rotblat, J. various dates 1946-78 General scientific correspondence, including some material re Pugwash conferences(q.v.). Rothschild, N.M.V. The Royal Society Rozenthal, S. 1952, 1962 1952-54, 1964, 1975 1949, 1963-64, 1968 Correspondence 1968 is re retirement of Betty Schultz who had been secretary to Niels Bohr Institute for 50 years. Sauter, F. Scarrott, G.G. Scherrer, Frisch's carbon only. 1949 1974, 1979 1952 Schiemann, E. Schnurmann, R. One letter 1947 1979 1953 1960 Scott, |. Schreier Schreiber, S. Schrédinger, E. Schiller, K.K. 1933, various dates 1964-78 A friend of Lise Meitner in Berlin. only. See also A.138. Simons, L. Correspondence 1979 contains recollections of atomic energy research, Correspondence 1961 is from N. Arms re her biography of Simon. Seelig, C. Segré, E. 1955-76 1955-56 1946-47, 1951, 1961-62 Serber, R. Sion, ££. 1933, 1979 1948 ; O-R.serisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspondence Simpson, E. 1942-78 Esther Simpson was for many years Secretary of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, in whichcapacity Frisch first became acquainted with her. music, often referred to in the letters. She also shared his love of Correspondence 1965-66 refers to the presentation fund on her retirement in 1966, correspondence 1978 refers to later presentation. Smith, C. Satis UKE: Snow, C.P. Sondheimer, F. Sopka, K.R. Biographies of Lise Meitner. Spencer~Palmer, H. 1950 1964 1949 1976 1977 1979 Enclosing humorous account of wartime work etait: 1947-48, 1965 Stern, O. 1934, 1945, 1964-65 Strassmann, F. 1969-70 Stafford, G.H. Staub, H. and Staub, E. 1948 1946, 1947 Letter of 21 March 1945 sends Frisch $1,000 ‘as a kind of secondary of my Nobel prize’ in view of his contribution to the work on 'molecular rays’. 1952, 1970 re work at Cavendish Laboratory. Brief correspondence re visits. Strauss, Street, G. 1939 1968, 1971 Strohmeyer, O.H. Taylor, G.I. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspo ndence Teles, M.L. 1921-22 Correspondence and diagrams re inventions. Includes copies of British Patents for 'Sound Operated Electric Gear' filed by Telcs 1945. Thirring, H. and others 1957-67 Thompson, E.P. “Thonsenz G.P: Tiserea € WwW. Todd, W.M. : Tenn, tJ. ck, Pte Turner, L.A. Ulam, -5.M. Urbach, F. 6 964 1975 fie 1950, 1976 1974, 1950, 954 7953 1945, 1946 1933-34, 1950 Volkmann, E. ; various dates Walgate, R. Warhanek, H. Vellacott, E. and Vellacott, P. 1947, and various undated letters Includes a reference written by Frisch in 1940 for Urbach to teach in U.S.A. 1947-49 Weinberger, L. Weiss, E. 1972, 1974 1954, 1957 Wechsler, R. and Wechsler, J. Warnow, J. Weart, S. Both re history of physics. A friend of Frisch's parents. 1948 1964-79 1974 1975 1954 1948 1939-42 Voigt, H. Weiss, J. : O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Correspo ndence Weisskopf, V. and Weisskopf, E, various dates 1939-52 Welsh, E. Werner, S. Wheeler, J.A. 1947-54 1949 1964, 1970, 1978 Correspondence 1964 is re nomination of Frisch for National Science Foundation professorship; correspondence 1970 includes Frisch's note of a lecture by Wheeler on ‘pregeometry'. > Whitehouse, J. te publications. Wick, G.C. Refers to Frisch's letters in Nature, 1939. Wiechowski, S. 1954-58 Mainly re historical writings by Wiechowski. Wilkinson, D.H. 1951~54, 1959-60, 1978 1918-62 Wilson, R. Frisch's carbons only. Winklehaus, A.F. Winter, A. F.143-F.145 Winter, G. . Gerhord Winter was one of Frisch's oldest friends, since they were fellow-students at High School. He shared Frisch's interests in practical gadgetry, and in music, but took no degree. He ermigrated to Australia during the 1930s and remained there except for occasional visits, working relatively humbly for watchmakers, teaching and playing music and translating light verse in his spare time. See correspondence September-October 1952 for an account of his life. Includes c¢ orrespondence re Winter with M.L.E. Oliphant g 1918-39, 1947-5] @ .Re-Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Miscellaneous verse translations by Winter (some with dates 1942-47, and 1961), programmes of concerts at which he played, photographs, etc. Wolf, H. re possible research and inventions. Woodside, R. Wooster, W.A, Wie CxS. 1975 1973 1978 1973-74 First-name, unidentified or missing signatures. < Brisch © ><: CSAC 87/5/82 SECTION G NON-PRINT MATERIAL G.1 - G.31 Photographs, films, slides, magnetic tape. 8 envelopes of photographs, some dated and identified on verso. The envelopes al! bear titles in Frisch's hand. N.B. present content of the envelopes. These titles are only a partial guide to the "Scientists from Europe’. ‘Breit, Estermann, Pringsheim, Weisskopf, Pauli, T. Goldhaber, Gold’. 'J. Franck with] Lise Meitner; Fru Klein. 1963.' Marg. Bohr; 'Bhaba, Blackett, Dirac, Casimir’ £19633 "Herzog, Laslett, Ramsey et al.' Og; - Maria G. Mayer, y. Nierenberg, wT Alvarez f / "Pugwash Cambridge’. N.B. envelope. No photograph of Kowarski remains in the "Pugwash 1964 (Karlovy Vary)’. 'The Eklunds 1964. Kowarski'. Photograph of Planck by Lotte Meitner-Graf, 1946, together with 2 early photographs and a postcard. Larger envelope of photographs labelled ‘Physicists etc.' Various dates 1930s-1950s and including photographs of award of Fermi Award to O. Hahn. 1967, 1969 and n.d. Miscellaneous collection of photographs, some identified on verso. Photographs of Sir James Chadwick's 70th birthday celebrations, October 1966. Group photographs of research students at Laboratory, 1965, gray I P Larger photographs similar to above, many by Lotte Meitner-Graf. the Cavendish ©O.R. Frisch € CSAC 87/5/82 Non-print material Miscellaneous negatives, some in an envelope labe!led 'A.B. Pippard 1961. Béggild and Knud Hansen 1965'. Miscellaneous photographs of N. Bohr and of Lise Meitner. Photograph of a counter. 12 portrait studies of Frisch, by Lotte Meitner-Graf. Miscellaneous photographs of Frisch, as a child with his parents, 1930s, 1940s, lecturing in Vienna, 1969, etc. 'Bendicks Butiermints' box containing miscellaneous photographs, some identified on verso, and slides of Hahn, Meitner and others, probably assembled by Frisch for lectures. Includes photographs taken at Los Alamos 1944-45. Wooden cigar box labelled 'Filrns taken by ORF 1937 Tisville [sic] Copenhagen and other conferences’. Contains 15 rolls of films, almost all identified and dated variously 1937-39. "1. Portraits’ '2. Groups' 5 glass plates labelled 'Hahn and Meitner 1909". Miscellaneous negatives are also included in the box. Five boxes of glass lecture slides, labelled as follows: Box labelled '35 mm. Films' containing several films, mostly unidentified, but including some post-war conferences. boxes. N.B. The slides do not conform to the indications on the '3. (Radioactivity) Portraits’. ‘Bragg to Squires. Fermi-Surface' '8 to 17. Particles’ O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 G.292G.30 Non-print material 2 educational tapes by Frisch recorded in August 1968 and published by Spring Green Multimedia in 1974 (see C.45). ‘Distinguishing the Main Types of Radioactivity’ 'The Origin of Nuclear Fission' Tape labelled 'A conversation between Lise Meitner and: Otto Frisch FRS'. (On side 2 of tape.) n.d. ©.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ADELMAN, Stuart L. AGNEW, Denise AGNEW, Harald M. BILCHISON. low, a8. AKERS, Sir Wallace ALEXANDERSSON, Nils ALEXANDROV, Anatoly ALLEN, W. — Douglas ALLERS, Christel ALLERS, Lola ALLERS, Rudolf ALLERS, Ulrich Stefan ALLISON, Samuel K. rs re bse E.54 A.69 A113 see also B.80 ro see F.3 A.213 A.212 A,212 ig 1 ee ngs." Eo ALMEIDA, Silverio P. A.91 eis A.69 ARNOLD, Fritz ASPDEN, H. A.66, A.69 B.tt7, Ei4 A.120 see F,4 A.177 ALVAREZ, Luis W. ATIYAH, Michael Francis ARMS, H. S. (Shull) ATANASKOVIC, Georg APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa F.8 ATOMIC SCIENTISTS ASSOCIATION BAGGULEY, Beryl BADASH, Lawrence see F.6 F@ Pie A.72 rio BADURA-SKODA, BALDINGER, E. BARANY, Herbert O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5, /82 Index of correspondents BARBOUR, Julian B. BASTIN, Edward W. BATTY, Peter BENTWICH, Norman BERGNIS, Eva F.8 B.18] D.57 re A.113 BERMANN-~FISCHER, G. A.113,°A.120, “C. 308 BERTHELOT, André BETHE, Hans Albrecht BIENLEIN, Hans BIENLEIN, -J. —K. BJERGE, Torkild BLACKETT, Costanza, Lady e.7 Cope Te AST; EIS) E.61 B96, -F.10 see B.75 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett A.48, A.53, B.96, F.11 see also B.76 BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix BLASKOPF, Hans . Betis ri? A.219 A. 220 F138 E.G! later Frisch A.221-A. 225 BLAU, Helga BLAU, Kurt BLAU, Marietta BLAU, Monte BLOCH, Felix BAGGILD, Jdgrgen K. 5.96, F.14 see also B.76 BLAU, Ursula Elisabeth (Ulla), F.17 A 48, 6.97, F.16 see also B.81, BOHR, Aage BOHR, Erik A.7] see also F.17 BONDI, Sir Hermann A. 66 eae A.4 A.4 BONDY, Herbert F. BOHR, Margarethe Bete 1.10 C.77, €.78 BLOK, Arthur BOHR, Niels ©.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents BORN, Max Seeuoioes He et BRADFIELD, John R. i, BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRANDT, Leo BRAUNSCHWEIG, R. BREITENBERGER, Ernst BRENT, tiech hs BRETSCHER, Egon BRETSCHER, Hanni BRICE, David K. BRINGS, Theodor H. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BRITTIN, Wesley E. eZ see also C.79 B.179, F.17 A.9] A.48, A.68, C.28, F.18 E.33 F.19 F.20 E.52, F.21 F.21 see also B. 140 A.91, F.21 E.40 F.23 D.1-D.43, D.46-D.49 E.58, £.62 F.23 E.47, F.23 F.24 A.24 F.24 A.9] B.98 F.25 A. 69 F.25 Cc BROCH, Erich BRODA, E. BRODE, Bernice BUGG, David BUCHDAHL, Gerd BUCHTHAL, Fritz BROOKES, A. M. BROSTRZM, K. J. BUNEMANN, Oscar BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) F.25 CASIMIR, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard CAMPBELL, A. J. BUNGE, Mario BYER, Trevor CASE, Kenneth M. Olk. Etisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents CASSELS, James Macdonald CHADWICK, Sir James CLARK Ee CLARK, Ronald W. CLARKE, Robin H. CLOW, Archibald COC CION ts a COCHRAN, William COCKBURN, Sir Robert COCKCROFT, Elizabeth, Lady COCKCROFT, Sir John (Douglas) F.26 A.69, A.115, B.117, B.136, Bits 55.22 see also B.140, C.80 B.141 F.28 G65 O53, D8. 0.23, D345 O95 D.4] A.9] F.28 F520 ri A.48, A.69, A.86, A.181, B.140, F.29 see also B.80, C.81 COHEN, Solly rae COMDON.-£..° 0, CONRAD, Robert C407 Julian M. COPLEY, Edna CORBIERE, Henri F.30 F's30 E34 F390 D535 C36 CRANSHAW, T. EE. COOTE, Sir Colin (Reith) CONSODINE, William A. COUUETTE, 3s “H; COURANT, Ernest D. Foot DARWIN, Sir Charles Galton DAVIES, D. DEAKIN, CREUTZ, Ed CUER, P. CURRAN, Sir Samuel (Crowe) DALITZ, Richard Henry E.54 B.151 F.31 Pid C439 B.176 E41... a0 F.30 A.71, B.179 DANIELSON, W. OER. eetveh. CSAG 87/5/82 Index of Cor espondents DEE, Philip Ivor DELBRUCK, Max DEUTSCH, Martin DEVONS, Samuel DICK, William E. Goees es ee DOBSON, M. DOTT, H. PROsTE M. oy V. DUNCAN, Ronald DUNWORTH, John Vernon EATON, Cyrus EDGE, Bavid EHRENBERG, Marianne A.68, F.31 see also B.80 F.32 F.32 F.32 C.110 F.33 B.195 F.33 F.33 A.91, F.33 C. 128, £33 F634 D. 29, -B. 30 F.34 ERSKINC GG... oA, EHRENBERG, Werner FEARNSIDE, K. FEATHER, Norman FELD, Bernard T. ESTERMANN, Immanuel EIKHOFF, Louie EKLUND, Sigvard p.¥b., Foe. Flee see also C.99 F.35 A.91, A.141 B.167 C.128, F.36 P23? B.179 A.71, Belt8,; B.190" Baz F.38 F.38 F.38 F.38 A.69, F.38, F.119 FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FEYNMAN, Richard Phillips FELDAU, Walter von FELDBERG, John FELDBERG, Katherine FERMAN, James awshs O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents FISCHER, Richard FLAMMERSFELD, A. FLEISCHMANN, R. FOKKER, ASD, FORSON, Andrew G. FRANCK, James FRANK, Stephan G. FRASER, Ronald F, FREEMAN, Joan FRENCH, Ay P; PROUD > Ab We FREUDENREICH, Raymond von FREUNDLICH, H. £ FRIESEN, Sten von FRISCH, Auguste (Gusti) née Meitner F.40 A.145 F.40 F.40 B.182, E.46 A.45, F.Al see also F.8] A.71, B.179 Cte a2 F.42 A.69 B.140 F.42 B.118 F.42 A.109-A.120, A.189, E.6 see also B.39-B.42, B.73+ B.81 B.73- FRISCH, David H. FRISCH, Felix FRISCH, Justinian FRISCH, Ulla see BLAU FRISCHAUER, Elena FRISCHAUER, Frida E.11, €.36, E:58; F.42 A.108 A.109-A,120, C.56 see also B.39-B.42, A.128 FRISCHAUER, Leo FRISCHAUER, Willi GARLICK, G. - F. GARRETT, Arthur A.125-A.127, A.187 see also E.36 GABER, Hans GANG, Marcel}! A.91, A.128, E.57 B.8] A.108 A.128 FRISCH, Maria GENTNER, W. O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents hes, Ki GIBBS, Ws... Ci 8, GILL, Evan GILL, John M. GIVON, Shlomo GLASER, Dan GLOS, Margaret GLUM, Friedrich GOLD, Thomas “GOLDHABER, Maurice GOLDSTEIN, Lucie GOOD, Irving John GOODALL, Marcus C. GORDON,. W. GOUDSMIT, S. GOWING, Margaret Mary GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GUSTAFSON, Torsten GREGORY, Richard Langton GRIMBLE, Sir Arthur Francis Chore, Ce A GROTH, Wilhelm GRAF, Bertha GRAY, R. GREEN - Celta ne B97) DLV EY, see also B.77, B.78-B.80 HANLE, Paul A, HARRINGTON, E, A. 187, B.98, F.51, F. see also B.80, B.81, C. HALPERN, J. HALPERN, Leopold E. HAHN, Otto HALBAN, Hans A.63 A.5, A.57, A.91 F.44 F.45 F.45 F.45 E.51 A.187 F.46 C.119 F.46 C.33, F.47 A.91, F.48 F.49 B.6] A.5 A.215 F.49 F.49 B.192, F.50 F.50 E.31 E.33, F.50 A.69 F.50 © .53 Qk. Enisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents HARRISON, Jack HARTREE, Douglas Rayner MASLETT Rao Wy. HASTED, John B. HAWORTH, Leland J. HAXEL, Otto HEARST, Walter — HEIN, Piet HEINRICH, Helmut HEISENBERG, Werner HEITLER, Walter Heinrich HELLMANN, S. HENLEY, Ernest M. HENRIQUES, O. M. HERZ, Gustav L. A.92 A.69 C. 2 Ce Giviy, £91 F.54 rs 9 F.55 E7o7 A.143 A. 145 see also A.163 A.50 cE, 52 F359 B.6 F.56 HIGATSBERGER, Michael J. HILDESHEIMER, Arnold HERZ, Max HERZOG, Gerhard HESSE, Mary Brenda HEVESY, Georg HILL, Robert (Robin) HILLMAN, Pauline booK see also B.75 F.57 B.100, F.58 E.21, E.57 C.114 F.59 D.34 F.59 F.59 A.92 F.60 A.92, F.60 HOFFMANN, Frederic de HOGBEN, Eric HINTZ, Norton HIRSCH, F. A.66 E.50 B.100, F.60 HODGKIN, Marni, Lady HODGSON, Peter Edward HOFF, Harry Summerfield (William Cooper) HOFFER-JENSEN, Svend O.R. Frisch CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents HOLLAND, Albert E. F.60 HOPE, Margaret (later Herrman) A.113, A.114, A.116, A.218 / HOPKINS, Harold Horace HOUTERMANS, Friedrich Georg HOWORTH, Muriel HUBER, P. HUTCHINSON, George William HUTTEN, E. Hirschlaff INGERSOLL, L. IRVING, David ISENSTEIN, Harald JABLONSKI, Aleksander F.61-F.64 see also B.77, B.80, B.81 B.206 F.65 see also B.42 P55 reo F.65 E.65 A.63 F.66 F.66 see B.78 F.67 C.60 F.68 69 or JAHN: HSA, JAY, Kenneth E. B. JEFFREYS, Bertha, Lady JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JELLIS, Rosemary F267 see also B.76 JACOBSEN, Jacob Christian Georg F.68 D.2 Des, D.10, 6.24: 69 JENSEN, Erling JENSEN, Hans D. JENTSCHKE, Willi JOHNSON, Christopher Hollis JONES, Sir Harold Spencer JONES, Reginald Victor JOHNSTON, T. William JOSERISOOM. 6... JUDD, David L. JONES, Gwyn Owain D.28, D.36, F.69 OaR: Biicak: CSAC 87/5/82 Index of correspondents JUNGHAUS, Jens JUNGK ,. Robert KALCKAR, Fritz KARLIK, Berta KARPLUS, Robert KARTEN, David KASTLER? A. KATZ, N. ’ KEMMER, Nicholas KHANNA, R. C. KINDERSLEY, David Guy KING, W. James KINSEY, Bernard B. KIRCHNER, F. Fa70 F.70 see B.76 Cuter eel set A.92 Cer C16 Rive Ai?t; bak, fae rive A.92, B. 205 Panga B.10v, B.120 Pte A.92 B.100 Ease B00, F273 B. ldo eae. 3 see B.41 Keer, 3.7 Ji KLEIN, O. KOTRENETZ, KLEMPERER, Otto KNAUER, Friedrich KNIPP, Julian K. KOCH, Jdérgen cat Cfo see B.41, B.74, B 77 KOPFERMANN, Hans K@LLMER-LANGHAMMER, Ella Bated i274, 7.76 B.138, 8.119, 8.121, KUHN, Heinrich Gerhard KRAMERS, Hendrik Anton F.74-F.76 see B.80 A.69, A.143 KOWARSKI, Kate KOWARSKI, Lew KUHN, Thomas S. KURTI, Nicholas A.143 ©