E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Edward Max Nicholson CB and environmentalist (1904-2003), ornithologist CVO c.1770 items Deposited in: Reference code: Compiled by: Date of material: 1913-2009 Description level: Fonds Extent of material: Simon Coleman and Timothy E. Powell Alexander Library, Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, University of Oxford NCUACS catalogue no. 177/8/09 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. GB 480 NICHOLSON E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue has been made possible by the support of the following organisations: British Ecological Society Sheffield University Library Foyle Foundation Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN ALEXANDER LIBRARY SOUTH PARKS ROAD OXFORD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SERVICES OXFORD OX1 3PS E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B ORNITHOLOGY SECTION C NATURE CONSERVATION AND ENVIRONMENT SECTION D WORLD WAR TWO SECTION E OFFICE OF THE LORD PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL A.1-A.149 B.1-B.88 C.1-C.525 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS F.1-F.380 G.1-G.106 SECTION L L.1-L.207 SECTION J H.1-H.16 J.1-J.151 SECTION G SECTION H BROADCASTING SECTION K SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS K.1-K.74 CORRESPONDENCE TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES LECTURES, TALKS AND ADDRESSES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from the Edward Grey Institute of Ornithology, Oxford, during summer 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF (EDWARD) MAX NICHOLSON Nicholson was born in Kilternan, near Dublin, in 1904, of English parents. His father, a photographer, was working temporarily in Ireland at the time and the family soon returned to England. Nicholson as a boy became used to the family regularly moving around the south of England. After short stays in London, Portsmouth and various parts of Sussex, they eventually settled at Worthing when Nicholson was twelve years old. His interest in birds had started in London with a visit to the Natural History Museum in 1911 and he began recording sightings of new birds before he was nine. About this time he also started reading Gilbert White’s Natural History of Selborne, a book that always remained close to his heart and profoundly influenced his development as an ornithologist. He attended Fairholme Preparatory School, Worthing, before going to Sedbergh School, Cumbria, in September 1919. eighteen, and went to stay with his parents in Cologne, Germany. While he was there his first England, with apparently little prospect of going to university, he continued to publish articles on birds and began to examine ecological and population aspects of ornithology. Some articles on current Nicholson’s years at Sedbergh were against a background of the end of the First World War and a scientific article, on the Icterine warbler, was published by British Birds (1922). On returning to intense, so much so that it at times became my dominant and focal interest.’ Unable to complete his difficult family life, as his father was absent for long periods and had trouble supporting the family schooling because of his father’s insufficient income, Nicholson left Sedbergh before he was financially. While there his love of birdwatching, in his own words, ‘became much deeper and more the Oxford Ornithological Society which had been founded a few years earlier. He started the Oxford Nicholson's arrival at Oxford coincided with a revival of interest in ornithology, centred on the work of In the same year he published his first book, Birds in England, which was followed by How affairs that he submitted to The Times enabled him to make the acquaintance of Geoffery Dawson, the Editor, who advised him to sit for an Oxford scholarship. Nicholson succeeded in winning a history scholarship to Hertford College in New Year 1926, going up the following October at the age of 22. Birds Live in 1927. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Bird Census in 1927 and was involved in a ringing project using a trapping station in Christ Church Meadow. In 1928 his pioneering census of rooks was followed by one of heronries. The latter was the first ever national bird census in Britain and, taken together, these surveys effectively founded modern British field ornithology. B.W. Tucker was Nicholson's principal collaborator in this work through which he was also able to meet scientists such as J.S. Huxley, A.G. Tansley and C.S. Elton. Nicholson's mentor at this time was H.F. Witherby, founder and editor of British Birds, who supported the heron census and published the resulting report. Having founded the Oxford University Exploration Club, Nicholson took part in its expeditions, as ornithologist, to Greenland (1928) and British Guiana (1929). The late 1920s were a watershed in ornithology, with the advance of a new, scientific approach: bird studies now focussed on population and behaviour, with a new emphasis on ecology. Nicholson was instrumental in this development and he followed up his Oxford projects with the launch of a national Great Crested Grebe inquiry in 1931 which attracted the attention of The Times. With the growing need to provide an institutional basis for these large-scale surveys involving many volunteers, Nicholson, with Tucker and other leading ornithologists, established the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in 1933. Principally with funding from the BTO, the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology was founded at Oxford in 1938. After graduating from Oxford, Nicholson became assistant editor on the Weekend Review and in 1931 drafted a supplement entitled ‘A National Plan for Britain’. This stimulated much debate and led attended the conferences in Cairo, Quebec, Yalta and Potsdam. Branch, and from 1942 as Head of the Allocation of Tonnage Division. He made numerous transatlantic crossings in this capacity, which also provided opportunities for bird-watching, and also to the formation of the socio-economic ‘think-tank’, Political and Economic Planning (PEP), in 1933. Nicholson became Secretary of PEP in 1935, remaining there until the outbreak of the Second World March 1940, at the instigation of Lord Hurcomb, he was drafted into the Ministry of Shipping (re- named Ministry of War Transport) where he served initially as head of the Economic and Inter-Allied Controller of Literature at the Ministry of Information but resigned after less than two months. In War and later serving as its Chairman. At the beginning of the war Nicholson was given the post of In 1952 he left central government to become Chairman of the fledgling and activity of the post-war years he guided through legislation such as the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act and the 1949 National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. The latter Act completed the establishment of the Nature Conservancy, an idea that emerged from Julian Huxley's Committee on Wildlife Conservation of which Nicholson was a member. Nicholson also served on the Advisory Council on Scientific Policy and chaired the committee which organised the 1951 Festival of Britain. Following the election of the Attlee government in 1945, Nicholson was appointed Head of the Office of the Lord President of the Council, Herbert Morrison, a position he held until 1952. In the feverish E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 poorly-funded Nature Conservancy whose very survival was in jeopardy. He quickly grasped the need for the Conservancy to encourage and coordinate the disparate voluntary bodies devoted to nature conservation, reversing the policy of his predecessor, Cyril Diver. Despite the opposition of a variety of government departments and vested interest groups in the countryside, the Conservancy greatly expanded its activities and influence, establishing over 100 National Nature Reserves and around 2000 Sites of Special Scientific Interest in its first fifteen years. It also established, in 1963, the Monks Wood Experimental Station, the first research laboratory to investigate the effect of toxic chemicals on wildlife. Nicholson retired from the Nature Conservancy in 1966 but during the next four years he authored two important books which gave voice to his ideas and concerns in the fields of government and the environment. The System: The Misgovernment of Modern Britain (1967) was a sustained attack on the inefficiency and inward-looking attitudes of the civil service; it also offered some radical remedies such as the abolition of the Treasury. In 1970 he published The Environmental Revolution: A Guide for the New Masters of the Earth which called on governments to demonstrate new approaches to the natural environment in response to greater public awareness of conservation issues. In what may be termed the second half of his career, Nicholson founded, or was heavily involved in, a great many organisations concerned with protection of the environment and wildlife and furthering ecological research, increasingly in an international context from the 1960s. In 1961, with Peter President of WWF-UK. He was founder member of the Council for Nature, 1958; Convenor of the His Humanist Group’, was the formation of an environmental strategy to take into the 21st century. He Europe, 1985; Vice-President of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust; and, in his nineties, founder of the Terrestrial Communities Section of the International Biological Programme, 1963-1974; Joint New Renaissance Group. The mission of latter organisation, described by Nicholson as a 'New UK's first environmental consultancy, 1966; founder of the Trust for Urban Ecology, 1972; President Scott, Julian Huxley and others, he founded the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and served as Vice- Secretary of the ‘Countryside in 1970’ series of conferences; founder of Land Use Consultants, the also had significant involvement in organisations such as the International Union for the Conservation for the UK’s response to the World Conservation Strategy, 1981-1983; founder of Earthwatch of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 1980-1985; Chairman of the Committee responsible progress of the conservation movement in the UK and overseas. Sir Peter Scott, Guy Mountfort, Phil He was colleague and friend to a great many of the individuals who played prominent roles in the Silver Jubilee and was responsible for the creation of the Silver Jubilee Walkway in London. participation was instrumental to the success of two major European conservation programmes at of Nature and Natural Resources and the International Council for Bird Preservation. Europe. Outside conservation he played a key role in organising the celebrations for the Queen's Coto Donana, Spain, and S’Albufera, Mallorca, Spain, the latter principally through Earthwatch E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Hollom, Sir Martin Holdgate, Luc Hoffmann, R.E. Boote, Sir Julian Huxley, Aubrey Buxton and Richard Fitter are just a small group of those who shared his vision and philosophy. Despite his career branching out into public administration, and then into increasingly diverse conservation and ecological projects, Nicholson never lost touch with his roots in ornithology. He regularly gave talks to regional societies and was involved, in various capacities, in a multitude of organisations, such as the 1937 Bird Club, the Royal Naval Birdwatching Society and the Gilbert White Museum. Nicholson also made enduring contributions to ornithology in an editorial capacity. He was Senior Editor of British Birds, 1951-1964, and served continuously on the editorial board of Birds of the Western Palearctic which was produced in nine volumes between 1977 and 1996. Nicholson was awarded a CB in 1948 and CVO in 1971. His other awards include Premio Europeo Cortina-Ulisse, 1971, Europa Preis fur Landespflege, 1972, World Wildlife Fund Gold Medal, 1982, and the Busk Medal, Royal Geographical Society, 1991. He received Honorary Doctorates from the Universities of Aberdeen and Birmingham and from the Royal College of Art. Nicholson married Eleanor Mary Crawford in 1932 (divorced 1964); they had two sons. He married Marie Antoinette Mauerhofer in 1965; they had one son. Nicholson died on 26 April 2003. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material covers the period 1913-2009. covering the key activities of his life, including his childhood and youth. There are other working for many years. The work is rich in anecdotes, discussion of his beliefs and philosophies (some from trips to France and Germany); in addition there are other natural history notes and some gave between 1970 and the last years of his life, including his appearance on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Desert Section A, Biographical, includes Nicholson’s unpublished autobiography on which he had been Island Discs’ in 1995. Childhood material, dating from 1913, chiefly consists of bird lists and diaries autobiographical drafts and notes in this section and material relating to various interviews that he with regard to the environment and human institutions, analysis of his own character, and details A slight: significant material relates to his involvement in the Vane Society (play-reading). There is an including records of conferences and discussions, thoughts and observations, and family matters. particularly during the 1980s and 1990s, with notes or detailed accounts of trips often included. exceptionally good collection of Nicholson’s hand-written journals covering, intermittently, the period overseas travel, while a numbered series of ten journals cover most of his activities during 1970, school exercises and reports. Papers covering Nicholson’s years at Hertford College, Oxford, are from 1964-1994, with a few pages of entries from the 1940s. Some of these document UK and Engagement diaries date from 1995 to 2001. There is some documentation of holiday travel, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 small quantity of family correspondence dating from 1929 survives; other personal correspondence spans the period 1927-2002. There is also material concerning personal engagements and some miscellaneous papers which include various official documents. Section B, Ornithology, presents a comprehensive record of much of Nicholson’s ornithological fieldwork, both organised and casual. The material largely comprises manuscript lists of bird sightings, many organised on a geographical basis, e.g. England (by county, district), Wales, European countries, non-European countries. These range widely in date, from 1915 to the 1980s; a considerable quantity are from the 1930s, 1960s and 1970s. There are a few papers from the 1928 Oxford Bird Census. These loose lists are augmented by a series of ten ring-binders, seven forming an alphabetical sequence: the greater portion of these lists date from the 1920s, though the coverage continues to the 1980s. Nicholson’s participation in the two Oxford University Exploration Club expeditions, to Greenland, 1928, and to British Guiana, 1930, is also represented in this section. The Greenland papers include drafts and notes on birds etc and general observations, a draft talk to the Oxford Ornithological Society and several photographs annotated by Nicholson. Among the British Guiana material are four ornithological field notebooks, further notes and logs, drafts of at least three published papers and correspondence arising from the expedition. One much later expedition is also documented: Nicholson’s ornithological survey of bird population and ecology in Baluchistan, Pakistan, 1952. Various field notes survive and there is also a draft of a paper on the survey given at a 1961 British Ornithologists’ Union Conference. before, are not extensive. There is his correspondence with officials at the Nature Conservancy years of his life and his international standing as a conservationist during this period. Papers and presented in an alphabetical sequence of organisations, projects and topics, with some Experimental Station and the Biological Records Centre, including later correspondence, 1988-1990, Scotland, various committee papers, papers and correspondence appertaining to the Monks Wood correspondence from his years as Director-General of the Nature Conservancy, and immediately in connection with financial difficulties at the Centre. There are also photographs from Conservancy trips, most annotated by Nicholson. All the other material (non-Nature Conservancy) in this section is Section C, Nature conservation and environment, is the largest section in the catalogue and reflects the diversity of Nicholson's activities, associations and ideas chiefly from the early 1950s to the last Trust for Ornithology, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Resources, International Biological Programme, World Conservation Strategy and International France; Coto Donana, Spain; and especially S’Albufera, Mallorca, Spain, Earthwatch Europe’s first the World Wide Fund for Nature, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural miscellaneous papers at the end. There are groups of correspondence and papers documenting major contribution. Nicholson’s wider international roles are represented by organisations such as important European conservation / national park projects in the following locations: the Camargue, Council on Bird Preservation. Organisations concerned with British ornithology include the British E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Oxford Ornithological Society and Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust. Other places which were the focus for specific conservation activities include the Falkland Isles (1981-1984) and the Isle of Rhum (1958-1997). Among the UK-based bodies concerned with environmental conservation more generally are Land Use Consultants, ‘Countryside in 1970’ conferences, Environmental Data Services, Trust for Urban Ecology and, especially, the New Renaissance Group (NRG). A very large body of papers and correspondence documents the seven year existence of the NRG, 1995-2002, including many drafts and notes by Nicholson and minutes of meetings. ‘Biodiversity’, ‘Culture’, ‘the Environmental profession’ and the future direction of the conservation movement were some of the principal topics on which the NRG focussed its attention. A large proportion of the miscellaneous material consists of notes and jottings by Nicholson on various subjects; in many cases these are ideas or plans which he seems to have noted down outside of his official activities. Section D, World War Two, chiefly presents papers and correspondence relating to Nicholson’s work at the Ministry of War Transport. There is some earlier material from his brief spell at the Ministry of Information, including a note of an interview with the Foreign Secretary and notes on possible pamphlets. As well as general Ministry of War Transport business, there is significant coverage of the role of the Middle East Supply Centre (MESC), chiefly in the form of correspondence, 1942-1945, between Nicholson and R.G.A. Jackson, the Director-General of the MESC. There are later correspondence and papers concerning Nicholson’s assistance with histories of wartime shipping to the Advisory Council on Scientific Policy. The remainder of the section consists of respect to Festival anniversary events and history. and the MESC. A few papers survive from Nicholson’s attendance at the Potsdam Conference, July 1945, and there are some miscellaneous wartime correspondence and papers. Section F, Publications, presents a chronological sequence of Nicholson's drafts, 1925-2000, which body of ornithological papers is from the 1920s and 1930s and includes papers relating to the 1928 correspondence and papers on general business of the Lord President's office, a few papers relating Nicholson's role in the preparations for the Festival of Britain in 1951, but considerably more with encompasses the range of his work and interests, with a strong emphasis on ornithology. A sizeable Section E, Office of the Lord President of the Council, includes a small amount of documentation of Some draft material for The System: The Misgovernment of also papers and correspondence, 1955-1998, relating to the long-running controversy over the Census of heronries and drafts resulting from other studies undertaken by Nicholson in the late drafts of papers, such as those on North Atlantic birds (1946) and shearwaters (1952), and there are Also from the 1930s are a series of articles on exploration, with particular reference to From the 1960s the topics of articles broaden to cover environmental Greenland, various articles for The Times on economics, unpublished book titled ‘England Has No Plan’. Bird notes from surveys are sometimes found with ‘Hastings Rarities’. conservation, ecology, land use etc. 1920s. industry and population, and an E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Modern Britain (1967) survives and there are related articles by Nicholson as well as considerable correspondence arising from the book’s publication. There are notes, synopsis etc for his next book, The Environmental Revolution: A Guide...etc (1970), and a large body of notes for The Big Change: after the Environmental Revolution, published in the USA only in 1973. Other draft material by Nicholson includes many review articles, letters to The Times and other publications on various subjects, obituaries and a few unpublished books on environmental conservation. The section is completed by editorial correspondence, much of this documenting Nicholson's long-standing commitment to Birds of the Western Palearctic (BWP); some of his draft material for BWP is included. His editorial role and involvement in British Birds is also covered and there is further correspondence relating to his 1987 book The New Environmental Age and his position as a Trustee of The Observer. Section G, Lectures, talks and addresses, covers the period 1927-2000, and reflects the range of speaking engagements that Nicholson undertook. The sequence of material begins with a draft of Nicholson’s first public talk in 1927 on the Oxford Bird Census. Many lectures to ornithological organisations, national and regional, are documented; some significant ones include the Bernard Tucker Memorial Lectures, 1961 and 1976, the Witherby Memorial Lecture (British Trust for Ornithology), 1971, and a lecture given to the American Ornithologists’ Union, 1980. There are lectures on ecology and environmental issues given to a wide variety of organisations and audiences, such as the Horace M. Albright Lecture at the University of California, 1964, a series of Lecture’ at the Royal Institution, 1981. After-dinner speeches and speeches given opening ceremonies are included. bird migration is included. Section H, Broadcasting, is slight. Nicholson’s appearances on, and contributions to, various radio environmental topics and the history of the Atlee government. Material relating to a 1930s film on capacities, and attendance at conferences in the UK and abroad at which he often gave papers. The and television programmes are documented. Covering the period 1932-2002, these were chiefly on three Esmee Fairbairn Lectures at King’s College, London, 1980, and the ‘First World Conservation Section J, Travel and conferences, comprises papers covering Nicholson’s overseas tours, in various trips made on behalf of IBP: New Zealand, Antarctica, Australia, Thailand and other countries, Foundation, the National Audobon Society and other organisations, visited National Parks and universities and met many leading American conservationists. The following are examples of major wide-ranging tours of the USA in 1955 and 1959 where he held discussions with the Conservation Conservancy and his role in the International Biological Programme (IBP). Among the former were a material spans the period 1949 to 2001. Principal ornithological conferences to which he contributed include the Tenth International Ornithological Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, 1950. In the 1950s and 1960s a number of his tours and visits resulted from his position as Director-General of the Nature E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 November 1964-January 1965; various South American countries, July 1967. Other extended foreign trips include an expedition to Jordan in 1963, with Guy Mountfort, Julian Huxley and others, which combined studies of ecology and conservation with ornithology; a visit to Japan which took in the 11th Pacific Scientific Congress; and a survey of the Red Sea desert region of Egypt in 1984 in connection with Birds of the Western Palearctic. Numerous conferences and seminars on environmental topics are documented: among these are various International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources conferences, 1951-1969, and two Countryside Recreation Research Advisory Group conferences, 1983 and 1985. Section K, Societies and organisations, consists of papers relating to Nicholson’s involvement in organisations whose principal roles and interests lie outside nature conservation and ecology. Political and Economic Planning (PEP) material includes a notepad used by Nicholson at the ‘original meeting’ of the PEP in April 1931, correspondence and other papers concerning its founding and early years, and papers and correspondence appertaining to the ‘System Group’ which met under the auspices of the PEP to follow up ideas in Nicholson’s book The System. Other bodies with which he had significant associations include Dartington Hall School and Trust, Idea-Systems Group (‘think- tank’ for synthesising existing ideas and knowledge) and the Silver Jubilee Walkway Trust. Section L, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of Nicholson's correspondence with friends and key colleagues and associates. C.P. Blacker, Jacob Bronowski, H.J. Coolidge, C.S. him are sometimes included. There is a small group of Nicholson’s selected ornithological correspondence, 1928-1998. Stanley Cramp, P.A.D. Hollom, V.C. Wynne-Edwards and Phyllis Tansley and E.B. Worthington. Nicholson's letters of condolence to widows etc and obituaries by correspondence, 1920-2002, chiefly personal and covering all aspects of his working life. Barclay-Smith are some of the correspondents. The section is completed by a sequence of general Elton, J-P Harroy, C.W. Hurcomb, Sir Julian Huxley, Ludwig Koch, Nicholas Polunin, Sir Arthur individuals such as B.W. Tucker (1927-1940, 1950), R. Moreau (1927-1960) and H.F. Witherby A large quantity of Nicholson’s archives relating to the British Trust for Ornithology (43 archive boxes) includes papers, c.1930-1937, relating to the establishment and early years of the BTO, as well as its were deposited by him at the Trust's Library, Thetford, Norfolk, in 1987 and 1990. This material ‘prehistory’ which goes back to the Oxford Bird Census. There are also bird census and survey papers 1928-1940s, including the Greenland expedition, 1928; Nicholson’s correspondence with LOCATION OF SIGNIFICANT MATERIAL HELD ELSEWHERE Boote, R.S.R. Fitter, P.A.D. Hollom and Aubrey Buxton are some of the principal correspondents. R.E. There is also an index of correspondents. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 (1929-1940, 1968); and publications material and papers concerning other organisations with which Nicholson was involved. The Linnean Society holds papers relating to Nicholson's role in Earthwatch Europe, the World Wide Fund for Nature, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the Nature Conservancy Council. There is also material appertaining to various conferences and the Geogram, as well as miscellaneous correspondence c.1952-1995. The Royal Geographical Society holds 21 boxes of Nicholson’s papers consisting of Oxford University Exploration Club material, 1928-1929, and correspondence and papers relating to work for the International Biological Programme, 1952-1980s. The archives of Political and Economic Planning are held by the London School of Economics and these include papers covering Nicholson’s involvement. For lists of some of this material and details of locations of other groups of Nicholson papers see A.136. Simon Coleman Timothy Powell Bath November 2009 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.149 1913-2009, nd A.1-A.49 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.50-A.57 CHILDHOOD A.58-A.63 HERTFORD COLLEGE, OXFORD A.64-A.79 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.80-A.102 DIARIES AND JOURNALS A.103-A.109 FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.110-A.129 HOLIDAY TRAVEL A.130-A.133 = ENGAGEMENTS AND SOCIAL FUNCTIONS A.134-A.149_ MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL [c.1923]- 2009 The Independent, 29 April 2003 The Times, 30 April 2003 Obituaries The Daily Telegraph, 29 April 2003 The Guardian, 28 April 2003, by R.E. Boote (copy) The Ibis, 146, July 2004, by C.M. Perrins E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 ECOS, copied http://www.maxnicholson.com/obituaries/ecos.htm Robertson, James 2009, by from This obituary apparently appeared in ECOS 24 (2), July 2009. Unpublished autobiography Rough manuscript notes Notes on small pieces of paper, contents of an envelope inscribed 'Notes for autobiography’; one further page of notes paper) headed ‘Autobiography scheme 1919-1923’. (on A4 2000-2003, nd Nd, before 2001 typescript with 245pp_ additions to chapters (a few pages near the end are missing) autobiography, draft the of is 15 text Chapters 1-5 Chapters 6-9 With manuscript corrections in Nicholson's hand. The intended The work is titled 'A Chequered Career’. division of the titled chapters, though this process of division does not appear to be quite complete. 2000-2003 Correspondence re plans for possible publication Chapters 14, 15 Chapters 10-13 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 A.13-A.24 Other autobiographical writing Some of unpublished autobiography (A.7-A.12). material may have been used this [c.1923]- 2002, nd in the Poems c.1923-1927 Poems and drafts of poems, in Nicholson's hand, on small pieces of paper. A few are dated or inscribed with a rough date. Contents of an envelope inscribed 'Max's poems 1925- 1927'. ‘Autobiographical outline’ October 1983 8pp typescript in which Nicholson describes and analyses his character and personal qualities. ‘Involvements in Ecology 1922-1988' 2pp typescript notes so titled. November 1988 ‘Background of Max Nicholson's life’ 9pp detailed typescript notes so titled. ‘Max Nicholson's Environmental Background’ 12pp typescript notes so titled. A note on the first page explains that this material was prepared by Nicholson as a result of queries about his environmental career in connection with his 90th birthday. days at Hart House [Sedbergh] 1919-1922’. Included are some records of his dreams, notes on his character etc and 1p typescript titled 'Some memories of 1926, 1947- c.1953, 1982- 2002, nd Various writing aspects of his life by Nicholson on events, periods and December 1995 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 A.19-A.20 Biographical, A.1-A.149 and Manuscript of Nicholson's life, diary entries and lists of his movements etc during certain periods chronologies typescript parts of life. These seem to have been compiled at several stages of his birth and continue intermittently until the 1990s. There is much material covering the earlier part of his life (up to World War Two). The entries begin with his Included are detailed notes, some in the format of diary entries, for particular periods, especially the 1970s, and records such as_ ‘Wartime journeys' and 'Diary 1940' (both A.19). 2 folders. "The Cinderella Science’, his involvement in urban ecology, with some discussion of the significance of his wartime work as Head of Allocation of Tonnage in the Ministry of War Transport review by Nicholson of 21990s Published in Green Pages. c.1988-1992 titled note; photocopy of typescript with Further notes on Nicholson's publications Lists of Nicholson's publications, speeches etc biographical 4pp printed version; letter re publication. There are 3 separate typescript lists as follows: ‘Articles, speeches etc’, 'Books, chapters and forewords'’, ‘Memorials, obituaries and key people’. nd Miscellaneous notes by Nicholson on aspects of his life, including list of ‘people who have enduringly influenced me' Included is Articles and Reports' covering publications 1917-1924. a 2pp manuscript list of 'Published Notes, 1980-1998, nd 1978-1997, nd Interviews and profiles A.25-A.46 1970-2002, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 ‘Man's impact on his own natural environment’, by Fraser Darling, The Glasgow Herald, 2 January 1970 The Cutting. Nicholson's book How Birds Live, London 1927, discusses his broader career. analyses importance article the of and ‘Renaissance’, Brandon, publication (USA) unknown, May 1971 conversation with Nicholson in Henry Pages from offprint. Interview for first issue of ECOS (No.1, Winter 1980), the journal Nature Conservationists (BANC) Assocation British the of of 1979-1980 Correspondence re arrangements for the interview and the ideas behind ECOS; draft text of the interview with version, revisions titled ‘Landmarks in Conservation’, taken from offprint; brief later correspondence. Nicholson's printed hand; in by The 16 by do they do?', John profile Cutting. Observer, Nicholson ‘Pendennis’, ‘Eco-watcher, December 1979 of ‘What McCormick, Wildlife, February 1982 Printed article taken from offprint; letter to Nicholson from author. ‘Turning Points: Max Nicholson’, profile in Earthlife News, February 1986 ‘Dedication to Max Nicholson’, The Environmentalist, 3, 1983 Photocopy from offprint. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 12pp draft of the hand; photocopy corrections. article with revisions in Nicholson's further version printed with of Hero', ‘My Independent Magazine, 13 May 1989 Binney on 'Marcus Max Nicholson’, The Offprint; copy of letter arising from Nicholson to Binney. A.33-A.35 Interview with University of Toronto, Canada, May, June 1990 Bocking, doctoral student at S. a the 1990-1996 provided Nicholson Bocking's dissertation, a major part of which covered the work of the Nature Conservancy. assistance with Correspondence re transcripts of the two interviews (32pp in total) arrangements and arising, with Later correspondence arising from further research by Bocking Nicholson's letter of 19 April 1996 recounts some of the important periods of his career, in particular his years at the Nature Conservancy. Correspondence re the completed dissertation, with the text of the relevant chapters and 3pp comments and corrections by Nicholson 1995-1996 A later manuscript note by Nicholson at the top of the first page states the following: 'This important interview delves deeply into Herbert Morrison's views & activities as Lord President 1945-51. It is also highly relevant to MN's [Max Nicholson's] career’. ‘Interview 3 July 1991 College [Oxford] JSR: Max Nicholson, Brasenose 7pp transcript Nicholson. with manuscript revisons by titled, so E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 ‘The advocate of bloom becomes the prophet of doom’, Scotland on Sunday, 14 March 1993 The Cutting. optimism environmental crisis. article discusses Nicholson's about the response of goverments to fading the Interview reminiscences on his ornithological career, March 1994 concerning (probably Nicholson's BBC) 1993-1994 The interview was with Dilys Breese. Correspondence chiefly with Jeremy Greenwood re the background to the interview; typescript draft notes for the interview and revised 10pp ‘final version’ titled 'How my interest in birds took shape’. A.39-A.40 ‘Desert Island Discs’, BBC Radio 4, 17 September 1995 (talking to Sue Lawley) Correspondence re arrangements for recording; various notes by Nicholson in preparation for the recording; list of music chosen by Nicholson for the programme; letter of thanks from the programme producer. Cutting. to Nicholson following A.42-A.43 the programme from Letters listeners and friends "The green who won't give up’, profile by Charles Clover, Daily Telegraph, 20 September 1997 1996-2000 Correspondence re with manuscript and typescript drafts of the interview text and photocopy of printed version. Interview for contribution to Stories, Heather Newbold, University of California Press, 2000 The book scientists. Heather Newbold on 16 May 1996. contained life Nicholson was interviewed, by telephone, by contributions arrangements a book Life from leading 2 folders. and arising, ed. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 a ‘Note of talk between Max Nicholson and Dr Paul Merchant and Dr David Matless...subject: Cultures of Nature: The Formation of Environmental Knowledges in England 1945-70', 9 July 2002 Nicholson gave the interview to assist with research project. a funded 16pp summary of the talk, titled as above, with annex and further notes. ‘Discoveries: profiles of principal investigators: Edward Max publication unknown Visionary’, Nicholson, Practical the Photocopy (badly faded) of printed article. Short profile of Nicholson, publication unknown 1p photocopy (badly faded) of printed article. A.47-A.49 his 1925-1958 1965-1979 1925-2001, nd Various articles mentioning Nicholson, referring to books, or reporting his views. Cuttings and pages from newspapers, journals etc and offprints See B.48 for further childhood bird notes. 1913-1925, 1997 1980-2001, nd A.50-A.57 CHILDHOOD E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Letter from Nicholson, aged ten, to his father Written from Portsmouth. soldier etc. Describes seeing sailors, a ‘Moth lists 1913-1918' Contents of an envelope so inscribed. of lists moths describing Manuscript characteristics, some with dates of identification. containing inscribed with a further of of mathematical exercises on verso. later explanatory note. ‘collections’ distinctive The is There is one and objects envelope, retained, various which been has list Bird diary 1914-1919 be lists also included. The volume appears to Large hardback diary chiefly containing records of bird sightings with notes on eggs found. Other natural history observations and details such as locations visited on walks and bicycle rides, descriptions of the weather etc are an amalgamation of more than one diary: entries for 1918 start at the front of the volume and appear to be in chronological sequence, while those for other years are dispersed among the remaining pages. The bulk of the entries are for 1917 and 1918. 'MS Notes c.1916-17 Topography only on localities near Broadwater Sussex' In a few places there are brief notes which Nicholson has added at a much later date, often giving the town where his family were living at the time. 1924, 1925 Manuscript topographical notes, bicycle trips and sketch maps. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. ‘Bird notes Worthing/overseas' of distances for c.1916-1918 1915-1921, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Manuscript notes on bird sightings, with dates. cover Sussex, Germany (1920-1921). Hampshire and visits to Entries France and ‘Early bird lists’ c.1915-1918 Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Manuscript lists, no dates on any pages. Fairholme Preparatory School, Worthing, Sussex c.1916-1919 Answer papers for exercises in French, Mathematics and Latin (those dated are 1919); school reports for Nicholson and his brother, Basil, 1919; various other writings and sketches for school work and activities (those dated are 1918-1919). Manuscript bird notes (on distinguishing characteristics of species) 1919; 1997 Hardback pocket bird diary a later page of comments by Found together with Nicholson (1997). Inserted near the front is Turtledove’ on which is 1920-21". The entries record birds seen and heard, nests found etc and include those from a stay in Dieppe, France, July- September. All appear to be for 1920. There are further notes at the end of the volume, including some on 'New birds 1920’. There is a later note by Nicholson at the bottom of the page stating that this was probably his first bird article, '18 months ahead of my first paper in ‘British Birds’. of Nicholson's first published Cutting Konigsforst - Bird newspaper title missing]', 10 April 1921 ‘In in Springtime’, 'Cologne [rest of article: a 3pp manuscript titled 'The later inscription 'Sedbergh a Life bird E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 A.58-A.63 HERTFORD COLLEGE, OXFORD A.58-A.59 Papers relating to the Vane Society The Vane Society, of which Nicholson was a member, was a play-reading group at Hertford College. 1926-2001, nd 1926-1975 ‘Vane Society records' 1926-1927 Manuscript summaries of play-readings, in the hands of various members of the Society, including Nicholson's. Nicholson's personal correspondence with knew from the Vane Society friends he 1927-1934, 1966, 1975 Miscellaneous manuscript papers dating from Nicholson's time at the College c.1926-1929 Dinners and functions Correspondence, invitations etc. 1993-2001, nd Chiefly in Nicholson's hand. Much of the material is only partially legible; some possibly relates to College protocol etc. Letter to Nicholson from the College Principal informing him of his election to an Honorary Fellowship, with brief correspondence arising 1933-2001 Miscellaneous papers relating to Nicholson's association with the College E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 A.64-A.79 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1929-2002 Geoffroy Medal, d'Acclimatation de France, May 1956 Hilaire Gold St Société National Letter of notification; 1p manuscript notes in French by Nicholson related to the award. Godman-Salvin Medal, British Ornithologists' Union, 1962 Printed announcement of the award and citation, from Ibis, 105 (1963). Honorary Aberdeen, 9 July 1964 Degree (Doctor of Laws), University of Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising, with printed citation and press reports. A.67-A.68 chiefly re Premio Europeo Cortina-Ulisse, August 1971 Press cuttings, in Italian, reporting the award of the prize Correspondence and arrangements; two 1p manuscript drafts of Nicholson's acceptance speech acceptance The prize was awarded to Nicholson for his book, The Environmental Revolution, London 1970. newspaper report. Correspondence and arrangements; 4pp typescript draft of acceptance speech and of Europa Preis fur Landespflege, Strasbourg, 1972 offprint containing acceptance printed version; cutting chiefly re 1971-1973 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Founder Membership of the Netherlands Order of the Golden Ark, 1972 1972-1973 Letter of congratulation from Sir Marcus Sieff; further letter re the award. Honorary Membership of the Mark Twain Society Letter of notification of election. World Wildlife Fund Gold Medal, 9 June 1982 Correspondence re acceptance and arrangements; 2 typescript drafts 1p typescript notes and revised version of the speech; correspondence arising. of acceptance speech, Honorary Birmingham, 15 July 1983 Degree (Doctor of Laws), University of 1974, 1983 and an Union, etc chiefly re acceptance brief correspondence re offer of Busk Medal, Royal Geographical Society, June 1991 Honorary Fellowship, American Ornithologists’ 1991 Copy of Nicholson's letter of acceptance inscribed with notes in his hand. Correspondence arrangements; Honorary Degree in 1974 which Nicholson declined. Brief correspondence re acceptance etc. Stamford Raffles Award, Zoological Society of London, June 2000 Letter of notification only. 1999-2000 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Honorary Fellowship, June 2001 Royal Geographical Society, 4 Correspondence etc re acceptance and arrangements. Honorary Fellowship, 2002 Institute of Biology, 14 October Correspondence re arrangements and citation; page from 2002 Annual Report mentioning the award. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating career and honours to 1929-1981 re his Included is correspondence with Geoffery Dawson (1930- career 1933) possibilities etc. of Nicholson's honours and list of organisations in which he held a principal office or position. concerning Also included is Nicholson's a typescript list advice A.80-A.102 1945-2001 INCL. S. America, Donana, DIARIES AND JOURNALS Manuscript, in Nicholson's hand. ‘Various trips 1964-83 Tunisia’ Pocket softback ringbinder so inscribed on cover. entries are detailed and in journal form. 1964-1983 With the exception of the first, a large notepad, these are identical softback, ring-bound exercise books. They have been used by Nicholson as journals (though he has inscribed some 'Diary' on the cover) recording, in detail, his activities from early February to December 1970. The The main foreign trips recorded are as follows: South and Central America, February 1964; 1975; Coto Donana, Spain, April-May 1976. UK visits and engagements, 1982-1983, are included. Series of ten numbered journals for 1970 The Tunisia, April A.81-A.90 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 (foreign cover conferences entries topics discussed with leading conservationists and colleagues, other conservation business such as the International Biological Programme, engagements and personal and family matters. He includes his thoughts, observations and opinions. Uk), and Significant conferences and foreign given in the following descriptions. trips covered are No.1: 8 February - 13 March Includes Strasbourg, and a visit to the USA (see J.54). Conservation European Conference, No.2: 14 March - 19 April No.3: 20 April - 25 May At back is one inserted page of manuscript notes headed "4st Harmony’. No.4: 26 May - 29 June No.5: 30 June - 19 July No.6: 20 July - 19 August Includes holiday in Mallorca. Several pages at the end unused. Includes conferences in Rome and Madagascar. Includes a conference in the Netherlands (probably an International Ornithological Conference). No.7: 21 August - 22 September No.8: 23 September - 15 October E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 No.9: 16 October - 14 November Includes the final Countryside in 1970 Conference (see C.109-C.111) and a visit to Switzerland (see J.58). No.10: 16 November - 20 December Includes World Wildlife Fund conference, London. ‘Commonplace book 1970-71-2 & 1991' Exercise book identical in appearance to those in A.81- A.90, so inscribed on cover. 1945, 1947, 1970-1974, 1989-1994 notes (1970) The contents are various: records of dreams; a few bird lists; looking forward to the 1970s; notes (1991) headed ‘Life begins at 86?'; and a few pages of conventional journal entries, 1972-1974, 1977. the 1960s and reviewing Intercalated material chiefly consists of further records of dreams (from 1947), with one letter by Nicholson (at the front) written during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, July 1945, which describes scenes in Berlin. J.68 for further Several Pacific, Australia on cover ‘Alaska, Journal 1971' (entries for 25 July - inscribed 1 September 1971) Identical in appearance to those in A.81-A.91. pages at back unused. Nicholson visited Alaska and Australia as Convener of the Terrestrial Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme (see material relating to the Alaskan visit). The entries cover Nicholson's activities, observations and thoughts during this extended visit. The journal also Switzerland, which covers visits There are a few followed the Australian leg of the tour. inserted front: ‘provisional arrangements for Australian CT meetings' and for Australia and Tahiti, notes headed 'The Big Change’, and further brief observations in Alaska. itinerary on manuscript Italy and Zurich, bird lists verso; at back: rough to papers as_ follows. At E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Journal inscribed on cover ‘Intermittent diary’ The journal entries begin in 1973 and document UK travel and general activities, with Nicholson's thoughts, opinions, records of dreams etc. Visits covered include the following: Orkney and Shetland, July 1973; South- west England and East Anglia, September 1993. There are Cyril Hurcomb in hospital, 1975. notes following also visit to a A few intercalated papers, one dated 1956, are included. ‘Russian diary', September-October 1978 1956, 1973- N979; 1992; 1993 This is a detailed journal written in a notepad inserted into an Official conference document wallet labelled 'Moscow- It covers the 14th International Ashkabad [sic] 1978'. Union Natural Resources General Assembly and Technical Meeting at Ashkhabad, USSR (see C.240-C.242). Conservation Nature and the for of single sequence but are Entries are paginated in divided into two parts in the journal. a 1995 A.95-A.101 Pocket engagement diaries Bird observations are sometimes included. 1995-2001 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Large engagement diary for 1996-2001 Nicholson has only used the diary for April-July 1996. The rest of it is blank. A.103-A.109 FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Family Various Nicholson's family. papers and _ correspondence relating to 1927-2002, nd 1929-1994, nd notes, 1929; undated 1p Letter from Nicholson's mother to him and his brother, Basil, by Nicholson on the ‘life and character’ of his brother Basil (referred to as 'BDN'’); letter from Nicholson’ son, David, to his parents, 1979, and copy of a letter from Nicholson to David, 1983; a few miscellaneous papers re family matters. typescript, chiefly 1938-2002, his school School, A.105-A.109 years at Sedbergh ‘Sedberghians' 1927-1980, nd Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Correspondence, almost all to Nicholson, with two friends from Geoff Rotheray and Hugh Maingay. Rotheray is the principal correspondent. nd Chiefly with friends, including many letters of condolence etc from Nicholson following deaths. Miscellaneous personal correspondence 1938-1954 1960-1977 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 1978-1987 1988-1993 1994-2002, nd Included is a typescript list of 'Memorials, obituaries and Nicholson wrote obituaries for some of the key people’. individuals on list, attended memorial services or corresponded with thier relatives. the A.110-A.129 HOLIDAY TRAVEL 1927-2001, nd Tirol, Austria, July 1927 two the envelope explains envelope and on The Inscribed the connection inscription between scenes shown in places where Nicholson and his companion, Marurice Brown, stayed. the postcards and postcards. blank Ireland, August-September 1957 This was a tour which took in several parts of Ireland. Brief correspondence re arrrangements, hotel receipts etc; manuscript notes re a car accident and rough lists of photographs or scenes recorded on film. Typescript itinerary. Typescript itinerary with brief notes on the object of the holiday. Family holiday, accompanied by Kurt Spillman. Wales and Ireland, August 1976 Scotland, May-June 1976 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Greece, August-September 1979 Family holiday, accompanied by Kurt Spillman. 1p typescript itinerary etc. Scotland and northern England, August-September 1982 Family holiday accompanied by Kurt Spillman. Brief correspondence re arrangements; manuscript and typescript itineraries and notes on the trip. Northern England and Scotland, August 1984 Family holiday. Itinerary and 5pp typescript account of the holiday. Scotland, September 1985 Typescript possible itinerary. the flight and Italy, June-July 1990 Nicholson Spillman. Airship flight over London, 24 July 1987 1p manuscript notes on 2pp detailed typescript notes; 11 colour photographs taken during the flight, with annotations on the back in Nicholson's hand. lists Manuscript notes taken during discussions or a course at Dartington (Schumacher College); manuscript bird 11pp manuscript account of the matters found with the account. The trip began with a stay at Dartington Hall, Devon. Devon and Cornwall, May-June 1991 and his wife were accompanied by Kurt trip; notes on other E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 chiefly during the Cornish part of the trip; 2pp typescript account of the Cornwall visit; miscellaneous notes etc concerning the trip. Northern England, June 1992 Itineraries etc; manuscript notes on detailed account; Cumbria with annotations on hand. trip and 4pp 7 colour photographs of scenes in the back in Nicholson's the Exmoor and Cornwall, 1993 Typescript possible itinerary dated February 1993. Devon and Norfolk, September 1993 In Devon Nicholson stayed principally at Dartington Hall, before travelling to Norfolk where he met Aubrey Buxton and visited nature reserves. etc, with brief re holiday included a few meetings correspondence’ with notes on business Wales and the west of England, June 1994 Itineraries arrangements and arising. Tyescript accounts of the trip, which preceded it. The concerning conservation business, including one with the Head of Habitat Section, Department of the Environment, Bristol. by Nicholson to C.M. Perrins re the Congress. Itineraries etc and typescript account of the tour; 4pp rough manuscript notes for the Congress presentation, 2 manuscript drafts and typescript of the text; copy of letter Austria, Hungary and Prague, September 1994 tour included The Ornithogical Nicholson delivered Western Palearctic’. Congress, a attendance Vienna, the International where of the August, ‘Birds on presentation at in E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Tuscany, Italy, October 1995 Nicholson and his wife were joined by friends. 2pp typescript account of the trip. Cumbria, June 1998 The trip included a visit to Sedbergh School. Letter re arrangements; 7pp manuscript notes (written in diary / journal format on small pieces of paper) and 2pp manuscript summary of the trip; letter arising. A.128-A.129 Miscellaneous papers relating to holiday travel A.128 ‘Packing abroad lists' for various excursions in the UK and 1927-2001, nd Most are undated. brief 1928-1982, nd of birds in A.130-A.133 ENGAGEMENTS AND SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Miscellaneous and_ correspondence relating to UK and overseas travel itineraries invoices, hotel are Included annotated on Switzerland, 1982. photographs captivity, 3 the back in Nicholson's hand, taken in 1932 ‘Housewarming 31 May 1938', contents of an envelope so inscribed Replies to invitations from Nicholson and his wife to party at their house, with guest list. Replies to invitations to a party held by Nicholson and his wife to celebrate their marriage 1932-2002, nd September a E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 A.132-A.133 Miscellaneous invitations to engagements, dinner menus etc 1936-2002, nd 2 folders. A.134-A.149 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS Nicholson's 90th Birthday Letter of congratulations from HRH the Prince of Wales; a few other papers re the occasion of Nicholson's birthday. ‘Action’ lists Nicholson's rough lists with a few similar lists relating to personal matters. of important tasks to carry out, 1920-2003, nd 1994 1974-2001, nd in various A.137 2 driving licences A.137-A.139 Included organisations and a list of his books c.1920. archives lists are his of held Books and archives 1920, 1969- 2001, nd Miscellaneous official documents Correspondence, lists and notes re Nicholson's library of books (contents, binding, disposal etc) and the disposal of his personal archives. 1927-1971 For Nicholson's visit to Baluchistan as leader of the Joint United Nations and Food and Agriculture Organisation Economic Development Survey Team (see B.35-B.40). One issued in 1927; the other issued in 1932 and used until 1971. United Nations certificate of travel E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Biographical, A.1-A.149 Various passes and permits; notes (1992) by Nicholson on passports issued for him since 1920 1947-1970, 1992 A.140-A.148 Miscellaneous notes, correspondence and papers 1923-2003, nd The notes are chiefly rough jottings, often without clear headings or titles, on a variety of personal and general matters. Included are quotations from books, notes on thoughts, ideas, activities, incidents etc; correspondence and papers concerning personal expenditure; annotated newspaper cuttings. 1923-1941 1945-1970 Included are 9pp paginated manuscript notes, August 1965, chiefly under the heading 'Notes re women, family etc’, of misgovernment'. remainder system British ‘The the on Nd Park’, by N. and B. 6 folders. 1971-2003 A.143-A.148 Includes a photograph of Nicholson, late in his life. Book ‘Pains Hill inscription inside cover in Nicholson's hand Nicholson from the authors in 1989. The inscription states that the book was presented to 1984, with Kitz, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 SECTION B ORNITHOLOGY, B.1-B.88 1915-1999, nd B.1-B.10 BIRD NOTEBOOKS B.11-B.40 EXPEDITIONS B.41-B.88 BIRD LISTS AND NOTES For further bird lists and notes see sections A, C and F. B.1-B.10 BIRD NOTEBOOKS ‘Birds’: alphabetical series Series of seven hardback ring-binders. Nicholson's hand, with some typescript notes. Notes chiefly in [c.1918]- 1988, nd [c.1918]- 1960, 1983 in on by the spine labelled species. arranged alphabetically Each volume contains Nicholson's detailed notes on bird sightings, The volumes are a continuous alphabetical sequence from 'A' to 'W' (one for 'Y', 'Z' was not found). The entries for each species give dates and locations of sightings (sequence is chronological), usually distiguishing followed features; sometimes information on eggs found etc is included. They cover sightings from trips abroad as well as from many parts of the UK. A small number of photographs of birds and nests are found, stuck to pages with adhesive, in a few of the volumes. by further notes on a species’ The volumes have been used over several decades, addtional pages of notes having been added over time. The bulk of the entries are from the 1920s; very few are post 1950s. It appears that Nicholson began writing up these notebooks in c.1918-1920, though there are a few It references to seems likely early records into these notebooks. [c.1919]-1960 Extensive notes for Blackbird and Black-headed gull. Four photographs under Black redstart included. he copied some of [c.1919]-1952 earlier that sightings (from ‘Birds A - B' ‘Birds C - F' his very c.1916). bird E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 ‘Birds G - J’ [c.1919]- 1952, 1983 Extensive notes for Hawfinch. Three photographs under Icterine warbler included. ‘Birds K - L' [c.1918]-1951 Includes many pages of notes for species M - P, following those for L (ending with 'Long-tailed tit’). ‘Birds M - R' [c.1918]-1953 Extensive notes for Mallard. Marsh photographs photograph under Reed warber included. annotated Red-backed Three photographs under three one on _ shrike; warbler under back); (two and See B.4 for further notes on birds M - P. ‘Birds S - T' [c.1919]-1954 order, ‘Birds V - W' [c.1919]-1952 Other notebooks Extensive notes on Willow-tit. Extensive notes for Starling. These volumes comprise sets of notes, which are not in chronological covering numerous ornithological trips in the UK and mainland Europe. Most of these sets have titles and dates. ‘The Included are notes on the following topics (from the front): ‘Bird (8pp manuscript); house sparrow, [c.1922]-1951; 'List of Birds seen sub-headings, c.1924-1926, Hardback ring-binder so labelled on spine. Nicholson's hand, with a few typescript pages. 1922-1988, nd various Migration ‘Birds 1922-194[?]' Census of Kensington 1908-26'; ‘Ecology’ with Spring Gardens’, 1925 nd; ‘The 1925'; 1922-1979 Mostly in E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 Autumn Migration 1925'; various bird censuses 1927- 1951 (England, North Wales, Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden etc); 'Birds seen in Greece’, August-September 1979. ‘Birds of Specific Areas in Great Britain’ c.1923-1988 Hardback ring-binder so Nicholson's hand, with a few typescript pages. labelled. Almost entirely in 1951; South downs, Sussex, Bird lists and notes including those from the following areas (from the front): Scilly Isles, 1946-1962; Cornwall, 1968; North Kent marshes, 1950; Sandwich Bay, East Kent, 1926; Weycombe Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire, Estate, Cheltenham, 1924-1925; Gloucestershire, 1939; Scotland (various locations), 1950-1951. 1949-1952; 1923-1924; Orkney, Suffolk, Surrey, 1926; Hoy, East Also included is sighting of an unusual warbler by Nicholson. brief correspondence, 1976-1977, re sparrow’), and (from the front): B.11-B.40 EXPEDITIONS nd; Brittany), Sardinia, nd; Mostly in Nicholson's 1926-1976, nd Italy, 1973; Switzerland, ‘European Bird Notes, outside Gt. Britain’ Hardback ring-binder so labelled. hand, with a few typescript pages. lists, those from the following Italy France 1954; Chiefly bird notes and countries / areas are included (‘Italian (Normandy Germany, 1975; Ireland, 1925, 1976. Baluchistan, Pakistan, June-September 1952 Oxford University expedition to British Guiana, July-November 1929 Oxford University expedition to Greenland, June-August 1928 1928-c.1987 B.11-B.16 B.17-B.34 B.35-B.40 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.11-B.16 Oxford University expedition to Greenland, June- August 1928 1928-1932 of the bird and land census Longstaff of Christ Church College Nicholson was one of the ornithologists in the party led by T.G. (naturalist). Nicholson's brother, Basil, was also on the expedition. The main object of the expedition was the ecological study of Greenland. The census was carried out over an area of more than eight square miles and studies were made of birds' feeding habits. Nicholson's work and observations on the expedition produced a number of ornithological papers including the following: 'Bird Notes from the North Atlantic’, British Birds, Vol.22, No.6, November 1928; and ‘Field Notes on Greenland Birds (Parts 1 and 2)', The Ibis, He also wrote some more general articles on Greenland. population 1930. April ‘Ornithological results of the Oxford Greenland Expedition 1928', the Oxford Ornithological Society (OOS), 8 November 1928 by Nicholson to talk to with likely typescript manuscript Various drafts and notes relating to the expedition draft revisions; 12pp re arrangements and OOS notice; photocopied letter manuscript ‘Colour chart of birds be met in Greenland’ and further notes on birds' appearance, found with the draft. 2pp typescript draft headed 'East Greenland Expedition several pages of rough manuscript drafts and 1928'; notes on the expedition, sightings of birds and other wildlife, and general points about Greenland (a few pages in unidentified hands). 1928-1932 The material authored by Nicholson is as follows: cutting of article about the expedition, published in The Times, August 1928; reprints of the two ornithological papers (published in British Birds and The Ibis) referred to in the introductory note above. Printed material relating to the expedition E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.14-B.16 Photographs taken on the expedition These are mostly of terrain; a few show some members of the expedition (not close up) and camp site; the only ornithological photograph is of a snow-bunting (B.15). All are briefly annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand; often locations, features in landscape etc are noted. 3 folders. B.17-B.34 Oxford University expedition to British Guiana, July- November 1929 1929-c.1931, c.1987 party. included zoologists, Nicholson was one of the ornithologists in the party led by Major R.W.G. Hingston which a botanist and an entomologist. Nicholson's brother, Basil, the was also A principal objective was to in compare life in the rainforest at various levels, from the floor to the treetops. The bird sightings made by the Nicholson brothers on the outward and return trips were recorded in their British Birds paper of 1931 (see B.21). Other published papers by Nicholson resulted from the expedition. & from ink; 'An Ornithological Transect of (2pp) titled July-October 1929, 1930 Hardback exercise book inscribed 'Voyages to British Guiana 1929' In in the hands of Nicholson and Basil Nicholson. The book is chiefly a diary of birds seen on the outward and return voyages, the former written by Nicholson, the latter by Basil Nicholson. Following the diary entries is the begining of a manuscript draft the Atlantic’, by Nicholson and Basil Nicholson. A few loose papers have been inserted at the front and back: at the back is a loose letter to Nicholson from 'O.W.R.', 1930. 1929 Softback pocket field notebook Inside the cover is the following inscription, added later by Nicholson: 'First original fieldbook used by EMN as ornithologist on British Guiana expedition 1929...August-Sept'. the Oxford University August- September E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 In pencil; in the hands of Nicholson and Basil Nicholson. Notes on bird sightings, roughly written, many entries only partly legible. Softback pocket field notebook identical in appearance to B.17A August- October 1929 Inside the cover is the following inscription, added later by Nicholson: 'Second field notebook mainly Oct-Nov 1929 used by EMN... [etc]. In pencil; in the hands of Nicholson and Basil Nicholson. Notes chiefly on bird sightings; roughly written in places. Very small pocket field notebook, cover missing Used from both ends. In pencil; in the hands of Nicholson and Basil Nicholson. Notes on bird sightings. July- September 1929 Various logs, notes and lists relating to ornithological and other observations 1929; ¢.1987 Included are the B.19-B.26 ‘Guiana Bird Notes' In Nicholson's hand and typescript. following: 6pp manuscript notes taken from 'daily log' for 19 July-25 August 1929; 6pp manuscript notes headed 'Bustards 1/8/29'. photocopies of typescript logs of treetop watches, 1929, c.1987 (Nicholson appears to have attempted to transcribe or re-write the original logs c.1987. These later versions have numerous annotations and revisions). There was no discernible organisation to the papers and they have been kept in the sequence in which found. Contents of three large envelopes so inscribed. Many entries contain Typescript notes characteristics, considerable amount of ornithological detail. by species. sightings (with bird on dates) and a 8 folders. E.M. Nicholson -NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 ‘Oxford University Ornithological Paper |' British © Guiana Expedition. c.1929-1930 3pp typescript draft with a few manuscript revisions. ‘Communal Display in Humming Birds’, The /bis, January 1931 1930-1931 13pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; letter re publication; 2pp rough manuscript notes on back of 1930 letter from British Birds; reprint. ‘An Ornithological Transect of the North Atlantic’, with B.D. Nicholson, British Birds, Vol.24, No.10, March 1931 The paper was the product of three crossings between London and Georgetown made by Nicholson and Basil Nicholson British Guiana. separately returned from they as the B.30-B.31 28pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions Softback exercise book containing 28pp manuscript draft, in Basil Nicholson's hand, of part of the paper (a list of contents on the cover is misleading: the draft and a very brief note on of the used pages); reprint of the paper. last page comprise all Various manuscript and typescript papers relating to the article ‘Field Notes on the Guiana King Humming-Bird', The Ibis, July 1931 1929-c.1931 Chiefly records / logs of observations (included is an incomplete typescript of a possible further article titled ‘Field Notes on Guiana Humming-Birds'); reprint of the July 1931 article. Included are the following: incomplete 12pp typescript account of the expedition, c.1930-1931; incomplete 5pp typescript draft (?from published talk) headed 'Orn. Res. Further writing on the expedition, chiefly by Nicholson E.M. Nicholson ; NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 BGxX. of OU newspaper articles on the expedition, one by Nicholson, 1929-1930. 312-315 ‘cuttings OOS) Paper Miscellaneous expedition correspondence arising from the 1929-1930 Miscellaneous papers c.1929-1931 Included are typescript notes for 'Guiana - territory paper’ and rough sketches, some headed ‘Boundary trail’. B.35-B.40 Baluchistan, Pakistan, June-September 1952 1952, 1961 Agriculture Nicholson undertook a major survey of bird population and ecology in the highlands of Baluchistan. The reason for his trip was to lead the Joint United Nations and Food and Organisation Economic Development Survey Team but he found time for intensive ornithology His survey eventually as he travelled around the region. resulted in a paper given to the British Ornithologists’ Union in 1961. the material in the following B.35-B.36 descriptions Almost all relates to ornithology. See A.138 for Nicholson's official certificate of travel. Set of detailed manuscript notes on birds observed at various stages of the trip (beginning at Karachi, 3 June) Many of the notes are under names of bird species; other pages are headed with names of districts, locations or numbered 'Bird transects’. 48pp typescript revised and paginated version of the notes in B.35-B.36 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 J.D. from Macdonald Letter re Nicholson's trip, May 1952; various rough manuscript notes on bird sightings and other brief jottings made on the trip Museum) (British One page is headed '2 June 1952 Journey to Karachi’. B.39-B.40 ‘A Reconnaissance of Bird Population and Ecology in the Baluchistan Highlands’, paper delivered at a Conference of the British Ornithologists' Union, York, 24-26 March 1961 paper The considerable reduction to the text. appears have to been published after 3pp manuscript draft of the beginning of the paper and 1p two copies of 17pp typescript ‘first manuscript notes; draft manuscript annotations by Nicholson) with related letter; 2pp further brief typescript and manuscript notes copies paper (both have the of material here of described B.41-B.88 1915-1999, BIRD LISTS AND NOTES Chiefly in Nicholson's hand, with some typescript papers. Conference programme; letter re publication of the paper with referees' comments attached nd general The ornithological records distinct from the notebooks in B.1- B.10. It covers both organised fieldwork and casual observations in the UK and abroad. Many lists and notes are written on small pieces of paper and some are illegible. Large files organised geographically Other groups of organised papers Miscellaneous birds lists and notes B.41-B.70 B.71-B.82 consists B.83-B.88 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.41-B.70 Large files organised geographically 1915-1987 contained, Contents of Nicholson's large files of bird lists and notes which he had organised on a geographical basis and inscribed accordingly. This arrangement is reproduced in the descriptions that follow. Some files were titled 'Bird Lists’, others 'Bird Notes', but in respect of the material they no significance. The files all contained envelopes relating to more specific geographical areas. These envelopes have been listed in the order in which they were found in the files. No chronological ordering of the papers was found in any of the envelopes and no re-arrangement has been attempted. appears to have distinction this Correspondence, very small pocket notebooks, and draft material for publications are occasionally found. The organisation is as follows: B.41-B.53 England and Wales 1915-1977 B.41-B.42 ‘Hampshire’ [?1926]-1959 B.41-B.53 England and Wales B.54-B.63 Europe, excluding UK B.64-B.70 Non-European countries The first three files Cornwall, Southern England) were found tied together. in this group (Hampshire, Devon & Material contained in two envelopes with the following inscriptions: 1945-1950 Included is not written] re a publication, 1959. brief correspondence with Edwin [surname 21926, 1936- 1959 ‘Birds Hants mainland’ Bird lists go up to 1957. ‘Birds Isle of Wight E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.43-B.44 ‘Devon & Cornwall’ 1932-c.1971 Material contained in two envelopes with the following inscriptions: ‘Bird Notes Devon' 1932-1961 "Tresco [Scilly Isles] Bird pop[ulatio]n' 11pp typescript draft titled 'A New Tool for Land Studies: Trials on Tresco', with manuscript revisions, and a few related papers. The draft appears to relate to Nicholson's development of the 'Geogram'’. See C.454-C.455 for further Tresco Geogram project. material relating to the B.45-B.50 ‘S[outhern] England! 1915-1976 B.45-B.46 1926-1976 2 folders. ‘Bird Notes Sussex' 1934-1946, 21947 five envelopes with the following ‘Oxon Berks Bucks Beds Tring Bird lists' Material contained in inscriptions: rookeries’, 1932. ‘'Hindon & Chitterne [Wiltshire] Childhood notes. Included is a 3pp typescript titled ‘Some notes on 1915-1919 1932-1933 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 Untitled envelope, notes chiefly on Sussex and Surrey 1936-1948 Bird list for King's Norton, ?Worcestershire, included. B.51-B.53 ‘Rest of England & Wales' Material follows: contained in three envelopes inscribed as ‘Bird Lists N[orthern] England’ Chiefly 1935. ‘Bird Lists East Anglia (Minismere extracted 31.12.96)’ ‘Bird Lists Wales' [c.1935]- 1938, 1953, 1977 1935-1953, 1971-1972 1932-1945 a large file inscribed ‘Foreign 1927-1986 Misc. incl. Scandinavia, 1933-1976 ‘Birds of Ireland’ 1935-1955 B.54-B.63 Europe, excluding UK ‘Foreign Bird Notes Europe Yugoslavia’ Contents of Europe’. following inscriptions: Bird Notes Material contained in nine envelopes with the 1952. Notes cover other parts of France and also a visit to Italy, ‘France Roscoff Britanny Carteret Normandy’ 1927-1962 ‘France Pays de Dombes near Swiss frontier’ E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.58-B.59 ‘Ohrid [Macedonia, Yugoslavia] Bird List’ 1978-1979 Observations made during Nicholson's visit to attend the 17th World Conference of the International Council on Bird Preservation, June 1978. Correspondence Three photographs of Nicholson (alone and with a group) are at B.59. 1978-1979 included. is_ 2 folders. ‘Bird Lists Switzerland' Chiefly 1965-1978. ‘France Biscay Coast & Loire’ 1946, 1954- 1986 ‘Spain Portugal Pyrenees' 1944, 1959- 1960 be 1927-1973 B.64-B.70 file inscribed ‘Bird Notes 1943-1987 a Contents of European’. following inscriptions: large Chiefly 1959-1960. Non-European countries Non- Material contained in five envelopes with the ‘Netherlands Germany Austria [Finland appears to crossed out]' 1967-1975 Chiefly 1975. a printed report on ‘Tunisia Expedition 1969'; Nicholson does not appear to have participated but the report mentions his role in a 1967 expedition. "Tunisia Birds' Included is E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 ‘Osprey Yellowstone [National Park, USA] 1972-1975 All the material relates to Nicholson's short account of an incident involving an Osprey which he, and co-author J. Dorst, attempted to publish in the journal The Auk. 1p manuscript draft of the paper titled ‘Drowning of a Fishing Osprey at Yellowstone’; typescript draft version with manuscript revisions; letters from Dorst to Nicholson, 1972-1975 (in French), and from The Auk with referee's comments. ‘Africa’ Countries include Kenya, Uganda and Tunisia. Chiefly 1963-1971. 1943, 1963- 1971 B.67-B.68 "Turkish Bird List’ 2 folders. Loose papers USA and Canada. 'N[orth] America’ A small quantity of bird lists for the following areas: New Caledonia Turkmenistan, 1978. (south-west Pacific), 1971; 1944-1946, 1972, 1987 descriptions. Contents of other significant groups of bird lists and notes which could be identified as belonging to particular surveys. Inscriptions following on Other groups of organised papers inscribed envelopes and envelopes etc are reproduced in the B.71-B.82 1925-1991 1971, 1978 files or E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 ‘London Bird Archives' the Included are for London, 1925 and 1926 (Kensington Gardens); typescript lists from the Kensington Gardens census, 1975. following: manuscript birds lists B.72-B.73 ‘Bird Notes Cornwall Chiefly 1946-1948. Included at B.73 are 7pp detailed typescript notes on observations in North Cornwall, 1946- 1948, and correspondence, 1948. 2 folders. 1925, 1926, c.1949, 1975 1925, 1946- 1975 "Train bird counts 1920s' c.1927-1933 Rough lists and notes from various train journeys in the UK and mainland Europe. Oxford Bird Census 1928-c.1930 material, possibly relating to ‘Bird counts from the train’ See C.437 for related papers. Set of notes relating to journeys in England and Wales. Manuscript and typescript notes and 'brief memorandum’ re the census, with further manuscript pages found with this the census (some appear to be from a draft or drafts). 1960-1984 Notes 1960-1978; brief correspondence 1975; typescripts 1984, probably for Birds of the Western Palearctic. Notes from a visit to St David's, Pembrokeshire, August- September 1937 "Thekla Lark' E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Ornithology, B.1-B.88 B.78-B.79 ‘Birds at the Nebb, Lowestoft, Suffolk’ 1972-1991 1973-1991: Lists Geogram of Somerleyton [East Suffolk], 1972, at B.79. addition notes are on in a ‘Trial Notepad inscribed 'Greece Alonnisos Peloponnese 1979' Lists and notes. B.81-B.82 Holiday in Greece, June 1985 B.81 Notepad inscribed 'Thasos log & Khalkioiki June 1985' on cover Notes on bird sightings, also on general observations. Lists and notes, including further pages covering Thasos B.83-B.88 1936-1957 1958-1988 1923-1935 In chronological order. 1923-1999, nd Miscellaneous birds lists and notes 2 folders. Almost all covering London. 1990-1999 B.87-B.88 Undated E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 SECTION C NATURE CONSERVATION AND ENVIRONMENT, C.1-C.525 1926-2002, nd C.1-C.28 NATURE CONSERVANCY C.29-C.525 VARIOUS ORGANISATIONS, PROJECTS AND TOPICS NATURE CONSERVANCY 1950-2002, nd Nicholson was Director-General, 1952-1966. The Nature Conservancy Council replaced the Nature Conservancy in 1973. L.92 See for correspondence concerning Nicholson’s employment at the Nature Conservancy, including his transfer from the Lord President's Office. See C.48-C.55 to conservation of the Camargue, for papers relating France, with which Nicholson was involved partly in his capacity as Director-General. General business 7 folders. Contents of a file so titled. 1950-1996, nd 1951-1973, nd Correspondence and papers ‘Nature Conservancy Scotland’ Included are various memoranda, discussion papers and other documents written by Nicholson. 5 folders. Correspondence, chiefly Nicholson's, with officials at the Nature Conservancy in Scotland (Edinburgh) and other individuals connected with its work, with related papers One of Director of the Nature Conservancy in Scotland. principal correspondents is the John Berry, 1950-1989 1950-1966 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 C.13-C.14 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 correspondence Later organisations relating to nature conservation in Scotland individuals various with and 2 folders. C.15-C.16 'NC papers on specific subjects and persons' Contents of an envelope so inscribed. 1968-1989 1951-1970, 1988 and Papers Nature Conservancy committees etc, appointments and other business. correspondence various re 2 folders. ‘Royal Scientific Research’ Society Memorandum: Encouragement of Various papers relating to the memorandum, with brief correspondence. Station C.18-C.19 C.18-C.21 1963-1996 Experimental and _ Biological Monks Wood Records Centre Various papers, with brief correspondence, re events and anniversaries connected with Monks Wood and other matters Nature Conservancy opened the Monks Wood The The following Experimental Station in October 1963. year the Biological Records Centre was established at the Station, under F.H. Perring, though it was not fully integrated into the Nature Conservancy for three years. The Centre was involved with the International Biological Programme and other international projects. 2 folders. Included is a 2pp manuscript draft of an after-dinner speech by Nicholson at a 21st anniversary celebration, November 1984. C.19 is an album with photographs and signatures of staff presented to Nicholson at the 21st anniversary party. 1963-1996 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Correspondence etc to North America, 1965, in connection with the International Biological Programme Perring's visit relating F.H. to Chiefly re arrangements. Contents of a file. Later correspondence concerning the Biological Records Centre 1988-1990 Chiefly 1988, re the effects of NERC's financial difficulties on the centre. ‘Cow Green Reservoir' 1965-1971 Contents of a file so inscribed. Cow Green, in Upper Teesdale, was the site chosen for a proposed reservoir, an environmentally controversial plan which was strongly opposed by leading botanists. C.23-C.24 are Nicholson inscribed ?1950, 1957 Photographs photograph featuring [?1950]-1961 black and white. All in Nicholson's hand on the back, giving date, location and names of individuals featured. Most have inscriptions Contents of an envelope inscribed 'Nature Conservancy Trips’. in another (from inscription on back). IOC One Upsala?’ on back, with piece of paper inscribed 'IOC 1950?': photographs from envelope inscribed 'W. Ross Trip July 1957 NC Scotland’, mostly landscapes, not identifiable) A number feature a small group; Nicholson is clearly C.S. Elton is featured identifiable in one photograph only. 10 photographs taken 'Wychwood' (Gloucestershire) (Oxfordshire), all inscribed '1961' locations, ‘Aston including Rowant' a few featuring a group (Nicholson 21 (very small) at various and E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Nature Conservancy Council (NCC) 1976-1991, nd Nicholson served on International Nature Conservation. the Council's UK Committee for Correspondence and papers re various NCC business, including Director- General, Chairman etc, and papers of the Committee mentioned above. Nicholson letters from few to a Tansley Club The Club was formed in 1957 to keep serving and past Nature the Conservancy's work. Nicholson was a member and also served on the Tansley Club Committee. Conservancy touch staff with in 49 Club (formerly '71222 Club’) 1967-1973, 1981 1992-2002, nd all on The Club was established in the early 1990s as informal gatherings of staff from the former Nature Conservancy / Nature Conservancy Council. Nicholson became Patron in 1993. the back annotated photographs, Brief papers and correspondence, with photographs, re foundation of the Club and various annual meetings. Brief later correspondence etc re Nature Conservancy history in The Nicholson's hand, are as follows: one from 1993 meeting featuring Nicholson in a group of 'NC DG s [Nature Conservancy Director-Generals]'; 9 from 1996 meeting, one only featuring Nicholson. Eighe and its role in establishing a Nature Conservancy’. a typescript draft by Nicholson titled 'Benn Included is 1994-2000 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.29-C.525 VARIOUS TOPICS ORGANISATIONS, PROJECTS AND 1926-2003, nd Arranged alphabetically. The contents are as follows: C.29-C.30 1937 BIRD CLUB C.31 C.32 C.33 C.34 AD HOC GROUP ON GOVERNMENTAL RESPONSIBILTY FOR THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT ALDABRA AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION BARDSEY ISLAND APPEAL C.35-C.36 BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN STEERING GROUP C.37 C.38 C.39 C.43-C.44 C.45-C.47 C.56 C.57-C.73 C.74 C.112-C.222 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR CONSERVATION AND SHOOTING BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB C.48-C.55 CAMARGUE, FRANCE C.40-C.42 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION (BOU) BRITISH TRUST FOR ORNITHOLOGY (BTO) BUREAU OF ANIMAL POPULATION, OXFORD EARTHWATCH EUROPE / PROJECT S'ALBUFERA CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR THE UK CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT (CEED) COMMON GROUND - INTERNATIONAL (CGI) C.109-C.111 ‘COUNTRYSIDE IN 1970' C.108 COUNCIL FOR NATURE C.75-C.107 COTO DONANA, SPAIN E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.223 C.224 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICES (ENDS) FAIR ISLE BIRD OBSERVATORY TRUST C.225-C.226 FALKLAND ISLANDS C.227-C.229 GEOGRAM C.230 HERITAGE GROUP C.231-C.238 INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGICAL PROGRAMME (IBP) C.239 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR BIRD PRESERVATION (ICBP) C.240-C.245 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (IUCN) C.246-C.248 ISLE OF RHUM NATIONAL NATURE RESERVE C.249-C.252 LAND USE CONSULTANTS (LUC) C.253-C.436 NEW RENAISSANCE GROUP (NRG) C.437-C.438 OXFORD ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY C.453 TOURISM C.439 C.440-C.446 SCOTTISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB ROYAL SOCIETY UNESCO COMMITTEE ROYAL NAVAL BIRDWATCHING SOCIETY C.447-C.449 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS (RSA) SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF NATURE RESERVES (SPNR) ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS (RSPB) WILDFOWL AND WETLANDS TRUST UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT C.456-C.485 TRUST FOR URBAN ECOLOGY (TRUE) C.454-C.455 TRESCO, ISLES OF SCILLY C.488-C.494 "THE WAKES', SELBORNE, HAMPSHIRE C.487 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON C.450 C.451 C.452 C.486 C.495 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.496-C.504. WORLD CONSERVATION STRATEGY (WCS) C.505-C.510 WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE (WWF) C.511-C.525 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS AND CORRESPONDENCE C.29-C.30 1937 Bird Club 1951-1997, nd Nicholson was a member. Correspondence and papers re meetings, some of which Nicholson chaired, and general business. Included at C.29 is a 2pp typescript draft / notes for a talk at a Club meeting, dated December 1974. 2 folders. Ad Hoc Group on Governmental Responsibility for the Natural Environment 1969-1970 Nicholson was a member of the Group which was chaired by Lord Hurcomb. Aldabra c.1966-1969 Printed report by the Group presented to the Standing Committee of 'The Countryside in 1970’, July 1969; letter re the releasing of the report. Society report and other papers. Nicholson took an interest in this remote coral atoll in the Indian Ocean which was threatened by development. The precise nature of his involvement is unclear. In the late 1960s the Royal Society sent expeditions to conduct research on the island's ecology. 2pp undated rough draft of a letter by Nicholson, titled ‘What Aldabra shows’, to an unidentified publication; 3pp manuscript notes untitled and undated; copies of Royal E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 American Ornithologists’ Union Brief correspondence re election Fellow. as a Corresponding Bardsey Island Appeal 1977-1980 Nicholson was a Patron of the Appeal which was set up in 1978 by the Bardsey Island Trust Ltd. The Trust sought to raise sufficient funds to buy the island to protect it from future private development. Letters to Nicholson from Appeal Chairman re request and the launch and progress of the Appeal. initial C.35-C.36 Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group 1994-1996 paper by Nicholson titled ‘Biodiversity Nicholson took a very close interest in the work of the Steering Group which was established by the Department of Environment in 1994. He attended the official launch of the Steering Group's Report in December 1995 and was impressed with its plans for combatting threats to biodiversity. Typescript - Channelling Field Data into Use in action’, circulated at the Steering Group's first meeting, with related letter from R. Sharp, June 1994; 1p typescript notes by Nicholson titled 'The Post-UNCED Challenge’, dated June 1994 Nicholson was elected a Vice-President in 1966. Copy of letter, 1995, from Nicholson to Prime Minister John Major congratulating the Steering Group on its Report, with copy of reply by Private Secretary; a few other papers relating to the Steering Group British Association for Conservation and Shooting (formally Great Wildfowlers' Britain and Northern Ireland) Association The of 1994-1996 1966-1997 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Correspondence shooting issues. re general matters and _ wildfowl British Ecological Society 1988-1989, 2002, nd Nicholson was elected an Honorary Member in 1988. December Correspondence etc chiefly re the Society's meeting in which Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nicholson received his Honorary Membership. Included are 1p typescript and manuscript draft of [?acceptance] speech headed ‘Ecology the public and private face’, typescript summary by Nicholson of his 'Involvements in Ecology’. 1988, at British Ornithologists’ Club 1932-1977 Nicholson was a member. Brief correspondence etc re requests to give talks and general business. 1934-1997, nd re and meetings, C.40-C.42 British Ornithologists’ Union (BOU) 1934-1964, 1979-1997, nd Nicholson was Vice-President 1958-1961. Correspondence etc requests for contributions to The /bis and other matters conferences Included are typescript drafts / summaries of talks and lectures by Nicholson delivered at BOU meetings in 1962 and 1964. Conservation - from Past to Future’. Annual Conference, Shuttleworth College, Bedfordshire, 6-10 April 1994 Nicholson delivered an address titled ‘Ornithology and C.41-C.42 1993-1994 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Various notes, typescript draft, delivery copy and offprint of the address, with correspondence etc relating to it and the Conference. 2 folders. C.43-C.44 British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) 1951-2002, nd 1933 and served as Nicholson founded the BTO in Secretary and, He received the BTO's Tucker Medal in 1958 and the Founder's Medal in 1991. as Chairman. later, Correspondence and papers re talks and lectures given by Nicholson to the BTO, participation in anniversary events etc, business. Included at C.43 is a typescript of Nicholson's Founder's Medal acceptance speech. historical general matters and 2 folders. from 3 folders. in C.45-C.47 C.48-C.55 1949-1994 1963-1964 A few letters to Camargue, France Bureau of Animal Population, Oxford Nicholson served on the Bureau’s Committee for Review His involvement in the Committee appears of Activities. to have arisen the Nature Conservancy. his Director-Generalship of Correspondence and committee papers. Nicholson from C.S. Elton are included. site began at an earlier stage. the 1940s of the Increasing economic exploitation Camargue, a nature reserve of unique scientific interest situated within the delta of the River Rhone, attracted the attention of environmentalists around Europe. Nicholson, as Director-General of the Nature Conservancy, became involved in efforts to safeguard the most important areas of the Camargue, though his ornithological interest in the E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Nicholson's known visits to the Camargue were made in 1949, 1956 and 1994. See also C.76, F.125, F.136 and L.52. ‘Camargue Trip [May] 1949' May-August 1949 15pp manuscript notes on bird sightings so headed, with further very rough manuscript notes contained inside a folded page of the former; letter arising; financial papers relating to the trip. "The Camargue - Scientific’, contents of a file so inscribed 1949-c.1952, 1957 French Various typescript papers on avifauna and ecological research, some in be authored are found); 1957 reprint of British Birds paper by Nicholson et al. 'The Camargue and the Coto Donana' (see C.52 for correspondence re this paper). to annotations (most appear not Nicholson, though his by C.50-C.51 2 folders. in C.52-C.53 1957, nd March 1953, and a a conference in Paris, 1950-1958, 1974 Some letters and papers are Official correspondence and papers Chiefly 1952-1956. French. L. Hoffmann of the Tour du Principal correspondent is Valat Biological Station in the Camargue. Included are manuscript notes by Nicholson, some apparently relating to 7pp typescript account of Nicholson's visit to the Camargue, 21956 (C.51). Birds, December 1957 (see C.49 for reprint) Correspondence, chiefly with I.J. Ferguson-Lees, re the paper P.A.D. Hollom 'The Camargue and the Coto Donana’, British ‘Camargue & Coto Donana_ material’, contents of a Ferguson-Lees and some ecological & orn. file so inscribed Nicholson, by I.J. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Typescript of paper by L. Hoffmann titled ‘An Ecological Sketch of the Camargue’, with manuscript revisions by Nicholson, and 34pp revised version C.54-C.55 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1951-2002 Included Camargue in 1994 (C.54). is brief correspondence re a trip to the 2 folders. Centre Development (CEED) for Economic and Environmental 1984-1993, nd Nicholson appears to have been an advisor to CEED, though official consulting or other position. unclear whether held any he is it and to the drafting of the with CEED business issues within to bring together C.57-C.73 1980-1991 concerning conservationists Common Ground - International (CGI) Chiefly typescript notes and draft letters by Nicholson on discussions of industry. environmental Included also are letters and papers re the launch of CEED in 1984, an invitation to a conference, 1986, and undated manuscript notes headed 'CEED'. awareness and _ The CGI was convened by Lady Medawar as an informal group family planners, the resources for its operation being provided by the International Planned Parenthood Federation. CGI contributed World Conservation Strategy's section on population. re general business. Correspondence, reports of meetings and other papers Nicholson was Chairman. 1980-1990 C.57-C.69 Second E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.57-C.59 1980-1982 Chiefly 1981-1982. 3 folders. C.60-C.62 1983-1985 Chiefly 1984-1985. 3 folders. C.63-C.66 1986-1988 4 folders. C.67-C.69 1989-1990 3 folders. section of the draft Second 2 folders. C.70-C.71 ‘CGI Redrafts for World Conservation Strategy 1990’, contents of a file so inscribed Included are typescript notes and a ‘Provisional draft’ by Nicholson. Correspondence and papers re CGI's comments on the population World Conservation Strategy. conferences and brief correspondence external to CGI. ‘Common Ground external papers’, contents of a file so inscribed Correspondence etc drafting of the Second World Conservation Strategy re further developments with September 1990, 1991 Contents of a file. Miscellaneous material including papers relating to 1981-1982 the E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Conservation and Development Programme for the UK Nicholson was Chairman of the Programme Standing Committee. Brief papers re meeting or meetings, including typescript notes by Nicholson on various points. C.75-C.107 Coto Donana, Spain 1949-2000, nd the Coto Donana in 1957 was followed Coto Donana, an area with exceptionally diverse flora and fauna, came to the attention of conservationists, Guy Mountfort's expedition internationally, in the 1950s. to the establishment of a biological reserve in 1964 and, later, a had National who the a project in the late Mountfort expedition, participated in 1970s the World Wildlife Fund, to produce a sound ‘Master Plan’ for the future development of the reserve, park and biological station. organisations, Nicholson, including involving several Park. been by on 1956 + of the Birds C.75-C.77 April / May 1956-1977, nd Coto Donana April-May Contents of an envelope so inscribed. "The subsequent lists' ‘The Birds of the Coto Donana South Spain 1956' See A.80 for journal entries for a visit to Coto Donana, April-May 1976. See also C.52-C.53. comments about the birds composing the main Breeding 67pp typescript bird notes compiled by I.J. Ferguson- Lees. These were a summary of the notes made by an expedition to the area in April-May 1956 led by Guy Mountfort. Three visits to the Coto Donana are covered: May 1957, April-May 1976 and March 1977, and a few undated manuscript and typescript lists are included. Also included is a 5pp typescript by R. [?Leveque] 'Some Manuscript bird lists by Nicholson 1957-1977, nd E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 populations -season the Camargue' (appears to cover the Camargue only), with his annotations, 1957. Donana and Coto the of Coto Donana - Twenty Years of Change’, ‘The Nicholson et al. by 13pp draft in Nicholson's hand, with attached manuscript notes. C.78-C.81 and Present ‘Past, Nicholson contributed to Portrait of a Wilderness. The Story of the Coto Donana Expeditions, by Guy Mountfort, London 1958 chapter Future’, by 1957-1958 Contents of an envelope inscribed 'Coto Donana 1957’. an re in part Nicholson took the important 1957 expedition which included visits to other locations in Spain, April- He was June 1957 (Coto Donana visit was during May). responsible for sound recording and field work. The expedition documented the ecological significance of the Coto Donana and paved the way for the establishment of the various subsequent conservation programmes. _ It was led by Guy Mountfort and also included J.S. Huxley, E. Hosking, I.J. Ferguson-Lees and P.A.D. Hollom. the papers C.79-C.81 preparation of a few 13pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions in unidentified hand Correspondence and Mountfort's book and Nicholson's chapter, with papers relating to the expedition 3 folders. Also included are a few letters relating to an ‘introductory paper on the Camargue and the Coto Donana' by I.J. Ferguson-Lees (see C.52). Mountfort is the principal correspondent. a small pocket notebook in Nicholson's hand with notes on photographs taken at the Coto Donana. 1957-January 1958 At C.79 is E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.82-C.84 ‘Letters Donana’ 1976-1983 Contents of an envelope so inscribed. C.82-C.83 Nicholson's correspondence with various individuals, with related papers, re new approaches to the conservation of Coto Donana 1976-1983 2 folders. Detailed manuscript notes, in Nicholson's hand, for the Coto Donana Management Plan 1977-1979 This Plan was also referred to as the 'Master Plan’. C.85-C.86 ‘The Coto Donana - History of a Struggle’, an article by Nicholson, Geographical Magazine published possibly The in 1963-1978 note These papers were found with those in C.85. The article attempted to summarise the background to the drawing up of the 'Master Plan’. Two untitled typescript drafts re international support for Coto Donana, dated 1963; typescript note re publicity for Coto Donana, 1963 12pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, March revised version; 1978, with explanatory note; in Spanish relating to the article; brief correspondence re possible publication various notes, mostly typescript (authorship not indicated) Typescript Donana Management Plan’, 1977; typescript draft ‘Master Plan’, 1977, possibly by Nicholson with later 6pp typescript draft version titled ‘Coto de Donana, Spain, the present state of play’, 1978; Contents of an envelope so inscribed. manuscript draft '‘Donana '79-'83' by Nicholson; 1977-1980 C.87-C.88 draft by Nicholson titled ‘Coto E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 including a page titled ‘Changes in ecology and fauna’; papers in Spanish The 1977 draft documents resulted from a meeting on the future of the Coto Donana in Madrid, March 1977, which Nicholson attended. Correspondence between Nicholson and J.J.H. Wilson re the latter's visit to the Coto Donana C.89-C.90 Papers and correspondence 1976-1983 Contents of an unmarked envelope. Various notes and drafts by Nicholson 1976-1981 Project’, 2pp manuscript notes on ‘Purple Gallinules' dated 29 April 1976; 2pp typescript notes headed ‘Objective of the of manuscript notes [Master Plan] headed 'Donana follow-up’ 4pp typescript draft titled 'The Rescue of Donana’, undated (after and drafts. manuscript notes first page, undated various 1978); 1977; 1981; set on 1980-1983 1978-1979 Contents of an envelope so inscribed. ‘Spanish lagoons south of Coto Donana' Correspondence and reports re visits to the Coto Donana by others, in particular Cindy Buxton of Survival Anglia Ltd Symposium; letter arising. Brief correspondence, with maps and other papers, re the ecology of the lagoons. The Symposium appears to have been held within or close to the Coto Donana. Nicholson participated. including programme and _ and Symposium on Group National Park, 22-26 November 1981 Specialist typescript after the Various notes Nicholson Donana Visits to written before papers by E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Undated manuscript notes by Nicholson, contents of an envelope [c.1981]-1984 One set Symposium’, another set is Nacional de Donana’; copy of Castroviejo, August 1984 (found with the notes). of notes is headed ‘Paper for Nov. [?1981] titled the Parque letter from Nicholson to J. ‘Visiting All the notes are possibly related to the Symposium of November 1981 (see C.92). Correspondence threats proposed tourist development re to Coto Donana from Included is copy of Nicholson's letter Edinburgh and the latter's reply. to the Duke of There was strong opposition to the development, within Spain and internationally, to which Nicholson gave his support. Meeting Donana, December 2000 of the Spanish Ornithological Society, Coto he received an award for his contribution 1p rough manuscript of thanks from letters Biographical note on Nicholson; notes on Nicholson to the hosts. copies trip; the of Printed material relating to the conservation of the Coto Donana Nicholson accepted an invitation to attend the meeting at which to conserving the Coto Donana. A Reprints of papers, including one by Nicholson (1963) and another to which he contributed photographs (1958); ornithological reports; cuttings of newspaper articles etc, some by Nicholson. 16 black and white photographs taken by during the 1957 expedition Most are annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. Photographs and slides from visits to Coto Donana 1958-1992, nd E. Hosking C.97-C.102 1957-1981 C.97 1957 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 number feature Nicholson, for example riding a horse, birdwatching. party featured include J.S. Huxley, Lord Allenbrooke and Guy Mountfort. Other members of the C.98-C.99 34 colour photographs taken during September 1981 Annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. and _ terrain, individuals. Only one clearly features Nicholson. observation buildings, hides They show various 2 folders. Box containing slides from visits 1976, 1977 1976-1977 Slides annotated in Nicholson's hand. Box containing slides from visit 1977 Slides annotated in Nicholson's hand. 4 folders. 1965-1983 1949-1990 1959-1966 C.104-C.107 is 1p typescript notes headed 'Sand-piper', Miscellaneous papers Miscellaneous correspondence Slides annotated in Nicholson's hand. Box containing slides from visit May 1979 Included 1949. Papers in Spanish have been placed at the end. titled 'Changing Approaches to NC [nature conservation] Letter re the possible formation of an ‘Intelligence Unit’, 1959; 9pp typescript text of address at AGM April 1966, Nicholson was a founder member. Council for Nature E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 with later Britain’, attached Nicholson in describing the address as 'a particularly significant review of nature conservation’; letters re invitation to Nicholson to accept nomination as a Vice-President of the Council, 1967. first twenty years of action in UK on note the by C.109-C.111 ‘Countryside in 1970' 1963-1995 was’ 1970’ programme ‘Countryside in of The conferences initiated by the Duke of Edinburgh which preceded and coincided with European Conservation Year in 1970. There were three main conferences in 1963, as various follow-up conferences, and much continuous work was done by the participants in putting the case for the environment to government and industry. 1965 and 1970, well as Nicholson was Joint Secretary. A.89 See conference. See also C.31. journal for entries covering the 1970 25th to re a possible 2 folders. 1993-1995 1963-1970 C.109-C.110 Nicholson's correspondence and notes, mostly typescript, chiefly be organised by the Royal Society of Arts anniversary event Various papers relating to the three main conferences Papers by Nicholson include the following: printed paper for 1963 Conference; manuscript draft concerning the 1965 Conference; report of address delivered at the 1970 Conference. N. Riddiford a Trustee of Nicholson was Founder Chairman and Earthwatch launched interdisciplinary programmes to study the ecology of S'Albufera Natural the largest wetlands in the Mediterranean basin. The project was intended to serve as a model for gathering and was recording heavily and University College London also participated. Earthwatch Europe / Project S'Albufera 1970-2002, nd Nicholson the start C.112-C.222 biodiversity Mallorca, involved one of Europe project survey Spain, in the Park, which in 1989 data. from E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 responsibility P. Newbould were among the principal scientific and In 1993 an agreement was signed which investigators. S'Albufera shifted International Earthwatch Europe and Nicholson maintained an active involvement in the welfare of S'Albufera. the Centre, Research though Park the for to and chiefly relating correspondence, the Papers The bulk of the S'Albufera material S'Albufera project. the was found packed into unmarked plastic wallets, contents of which may fall within a narrow or wider date range. Papers were also found in inscribed envelopes or loose. This original arrangement has been maintained and a rough chronological sequence has been created. to to A small group of papers at C.211-C.219 relates Nicholson's other conservation interests in Mallorca. At C.220-C.222 is material relating to general Earthwatch Europe business only. See L.52 S'Albufera. for further correspondence relating to Correspondence etc: topics include early surveys and proposals which involved the World Wildlife Fund, 1970- 1988 1970-1998, nd C.112-C.113 2 folders. 1981-1982, 1991-1997 Contents of a plastic wallet. Contents of an envelope. reports, summaries, planning Various typescript notes, documents etc, chiefly by Nicholson Contents of a plastic wallet. Typescript notes, reports, minutes, research programme etc, some by Nicholson; letter re purchase of S'Albufera, 1985; copy of an earlier paper, 1971 Manuscript and typescript notes and papers, chiefly by Nicholson; correspondence; printed maps Contents of a plastic wallet. 1971, 1981- 1998 1981-1998 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.117-C.118 'S'Albufera MS notes', inscribed contents of an envelope so 1982-1998, nd Notes and draft reports by Nicholson, mostly manuscript, with brief correspondence. All the undated material is in C.118. Included are the following: 6pp manuscript notes headed ‘Visit to S'Albufera Oct 1990' and 8pp manuscript notes headed 'Albufera Mallorca’, September 1985. Natural Park 2 folders. Manuscript notes by Nicholson, contents of an envelope 1985-1995, nd Included are the following: 1p ‘Questions’ relating to a visit to S'Albufera, September 1985; 3pp bird list from a visit, March-April 1993. Correspondence between Nicholson and Mrs Pat Bishop re projects and developments 1981-1982, 1988-1995 C.121-C.123 1988-1994, 2002, nd ‘Caracas’, contents of an envelope so inscribed Pat Bishop was one of the founders of the Park. Included at the end are two letters from other individuals, 1995. The 4th World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas was held in Caracas, Venezuela, February 1992. 3 folders. Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by Nicholson, correspondence and other papers re ways of fulfilling the Caracas to S'Albufera; earlier drafts etc by Nicholson, including one titled 1990 (C.121)): Biodiversity is one of the principal topics covered by the material. ‘The Problem of Environmental Change’, ‘Action Plan' with particular reference E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Correspondence Newbould etc between Nicholson and P. 1988-1989, 2000 Some relates to Newbould's paper on S'Albufera and global monitoring, 1989. Contents of a plastic wallet. C.125-C.126 Correspondence etc re general business 1978, 1987- 2000, nd Correspondents include Pat Bishop and One paper only dated 1978. F.H. Perring. 2 folders. Contents of a plastic wallet. Drafts and notes by Nicholson, chiefly typescript, with correspondence, re a biodiversity training project based at S'Albufera and other matters 1988, 1999- 2001 1989-1994 C.129-C.130 Included are many papers, 2001, including records of a visit S'Albufera Progress Report etc. to Mallorca and of talks there, held Contents of an envelope. Contents of a plastic wallet. Brief correspondence and papers chiefly re ornithological studies, including 1p of a manuscript draft by Nicholson on Moustached Warblers, 1992 Contents of a plastic wallet. Included are the following: copy of agreement between Nicholson the handover of responsibility to the S'Albufera International Research Centre, 1993 (C.129), and notes on a visit, April-May 1997 (C.130). Typescript and manuscript drafts and notes by Nicholson, with other papers, re general business 1989-1999, nd and Earthwatch Europe concerning 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 N. Letter from Riddiford to Nicholson enclosing draft Ornithological Monitoring Plan, with copy of Nicholson's reply December 1989-January 1990 C.132-C.133 Notes and drafts by Nicholson, chiefly typescript, with re brief correspondence and papers, a planned biodiversity survey training centre and other matters. One paper only is dated 1981. a few other 1981, 1988- 2000, nd Contents of a plastic wallet. 2 folders. C.134-C.135 chiefly with J. Mayol, Nicholson's correspondence etc, particular, Park Director, discussion of the future of the Park during 1992 and 1993 re general business and, in 1989, 1992- 1996 Typescript notes by Nicholson are included. Contents of a plastic wallet. 2 folders. C.137-C.138 1989-2001 Typescript and manuscript drafts and notes by Nicholson and a few other papers Correspondence, manuscript notes by Nicholson and other papers chiefly re possible RSPB involvement at S'Albufera Ee. Included are papers with the following titles: 'S'Albufera Mallorca: Future Development’, 1990; ‘Diary of a railway journey across Mallorca on 26 April 1971', transcription (1992): '[report on] Visit to S'Albufera 29 Oct-4 Nov 1994’; ‘Biodiversity: What has gone wrong?’, 2001. Included are the following: draft ‘Interim report on future C.139-C.140 Drafts and notes by Nicholson, chiefly typescript 1990-2000 2 folders. Contents of a plastic wallet. Contents of a plastic wallet. 1989, 1993- 2001 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 C.141-C.142 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Project of biodiversity. S'Albufera’, 1993, and various papers on Contents of a plastic wallet. 2 folders. 'S'Albufera contents of an envelope so inscribed correspondence official & Earthwatch’, 1990-1999, nd Correspondence etc re general business. Earthwatch Europe are the principal correspondents. Nicholson and Included are typescript notes by Nicholson on Earthwatch Europe meetings at S'Albufera, October 1990. 2 folders. correspondence Groot, Nicholson's Coordinator, Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands, re developments at S'Albufera Research Change Climate with de _ R. 1991-1994, nd change, with brief Monitoring Centre]’, recording and monitoring 1991-1994 re biological C.145-C.146 & database’, 'WCMC_ contents of an envelope so inscribed Conservation 'S'Albufera remote sensor / ground truth contents of an envelope so inscribed of Papers environmental correspondence; typescript summary of the Park's history by Nicholson and brief manuscript notes re biodiversity. Nicholson towards the work at S'Albufera. Correspondence with WCMC (based at Cambridge) re biodiversity and S'Albufera, with related papers including report of a meeting at WCMC, April 1994, and various typescript notes and drafts by Nicholson. gift by EMN', contents of an envelope so Correspondence chiefly 'S'Albufera inscribed December 1992-1993 of £2000 by re a donation 1992-1994 [World 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Typescript notes and drafts by Nicholson with letter from P. Newbould, 71990, and a few other papers 1990-1994, nd re general business. Areas: Closing the Gap', 1993. Included is a draft titled ‘Protected Contents of a plastic wallet. C.149-C.150 Contents of a plastic wallet C.149 Copy of Summary Report on the fourth season's work at S'Albufera titled 'Monitoring for Environmental Change’, by N. Riddiford Copy of discussion paper ‘Planning for 1993-94 and beyond' by N. Riddiford, with covering letter to Nicholson; 2pp typescript comments on the paper by Nicholson; comments by another 1991-2000, nd majority undated. Included is 1988, 1992- 1996 papers Typescript ‘Progress Report at May 1996', brief correspondence and a few other papers. Nicholson including by 'S'A final residue after sorting April 1996', contents of an envelope so inscribed 'S'A Planning for Biodiversity training’, contents of an envelope so inscribed Various typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by Nicholson, the a 2pp manuscript report titled 'A visit to Cabrera National Park September 1992’. 2 folders. Correspondence and Nicholson's manuscript notes re a various environmental change monitoring programme One paper only dated 1988. Contents of a plastic wallet. C.153-C.154 matters including proposed 1990-1995, nd E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.155-C.156 'S'A 93-', contents of an envelope so inscribed 1988-1996, nd Chiefly 1992-1994. Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by Nicholson, with correspondence etc. Included are notes on ‘The Post-UNCED Challenge’, 1994. 2 folders. 1p typescript notes by Nicholson on S'Albufera fieldwork reports, 1992; copy of a letter by Nicholson, c.1992, to A. Radermacher reed buntings, with related papers phragmites studies and of re Contents of a plastic wallet. Nicholson's correspondence, chiefly with R.W.J. Keay re the latter's possible official involvement in the S'Albufera Project, 1992-1994 1992-1996 1992-1994 There is also brief correspondence between Nicholson and N. Riddiford with related notes, 1993-1996. Contents of a plastic wallet. Contents of a plastic wallet. Included are 4pp notes headed 'The new organisation taking over the Project S'Albufera’, 1994. Various typescript notes and drafts by Nicholson; letter from Nicholson to a Balearic Government minister, 1994; other papers, some in Spanish Contents of a plastic wallet. Included are typescript notes and drafts by Nicholson and copies of a few much earlier papers by him. Correspondence ecotourism S'Albufera re_ special opportunities emphasis 1992-1996, nd C.160-C.161 and papers with in Mallorca for on 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 'S'Albufera correspondence unofficial residue for sorting’, contents of an envelope so inscribed 1988, 1992- 1998, nd Typescript and manuscript notes by Nicholson and brief correspondence re general matters. One paper only is dated 1988. C.163-C.164 Papers and correspondence re general business 1993-2001, of Chiefly correspondence 1981, typescript notes by Nicholson on a meeting of World Wildlife Fund UK trustees, 1998, and on discussions with N. Riddiford, 1999 and 2000. a small Included with 1988. quantity are 1981, 1988, 1993-2001, nd 2 folders. Contents of a plastic wallet. C.165-C.166 ‘Nick Riddiford', contents of an envelope so inscribed 1990-1995 and re progress of scientific work and financial Nicholson between chiefly Correspondence, Riddiford, matters. 2 folders. 1993-1994 Contents of a plastic wallet. Copy of letter by Nicholson re Biodiversity Checklist etc, with printed papers Typescript papers by Nicholson on biodiversity in the S'Albufera research programme 1993' 2pp typescript notes by Nicholson, one page headed ‘Draft for a model biodiversity site checklist’, 1993; copy of 'S'Albufera First list of all animals and plants August 'S'Albufera envelope so inscribed Contents of a plastic wallet. C.169-C.171 contents of 5th season & inventory’, an E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.170-C.171 Copy of 'Summary report of fifth season's work, 1993', by N. Riddiford and T. Wells 2 folders. Various notes and drafts by Nicholson, chiefly typescript 1991-1994 Included are typescript notes from a discussion with N. Riddiford, 1993, and 7pp manuscript notes or draft report of a visit to S'Albufera, April-May 1994. Contents of a plastic wallet. ‘Purple inscribed Gallinule S'A', contents of an envelope so 1993-1994, nd Brief correspondence on Purple Gallinule, 1993, and 2pp nd; one rough manuscript notes on further page of general matters. the same, 1994, on manuscript notes rough re Various proposed training centre for biodiversity survey etc typescript papers, chiefly Nicholson, by 1993-2000, nd Contents of a plastic wallet. With copy of a letter from Nicholson to A. Fitter, 2000. Typescript papers by Nicholson: reports and planning and progress documents 2 folders. intended Typescript application promoting biodiversity conservation) for a grant for the S'Albufera Project Papers programme by Earthwatch Europe for Project S'Albufera papers to the by Darwin Nicholson re C.177-C.178 re funding an_ (for Initiative application under the 'LIFE' E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Notes by Nicholson and other papers re general matters 1992-1998 Included is 1p incomplete manuscript notes on a visit to S'Albufera, November 1993. Contents of a plastic wallet. Various papers re general business, typescript notes by Nicholson, and brief correspondence including a few 1993-2000 Included is a letter from R. de Groot to Nicholson, 1995. ‘Earthwatch Action’, contents of a file so inscribed 1996, nd N. Various typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by Nicholson, including the following: record of a discussion with 4pp typescript document titled 'Global change: the ecological role’, June 1996; notes on ‘Earthwatch and biodiversity’, 1996, nd. incomplete Riddiford, January 1996; 1998 the envelope so contents of an grant '99', 1992-2000 C.183-C.184 correspondence 'WWF S'A inscribed 'S'Albufera Project: A Progress Report at May 1996', 5pp typescript by Nicholson Nicholson's correspondence with the Chief Executive and other officials of the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), with related typescript papers by him. 2 folders. From grant application by Earthwatch Europe to the World Wildlife Fund for supporting international biodiversity training at S'Albufera. This was turned down. Some of Nicholson's letters and papers, such as his statement at a meeting of WWF UK Trustees in November 1998 (C.183), illustrate lack of international progress on his frustration at the biodiversity UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro, 1992. programmes concerns a following the E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Nicholson's correspondence with A.H. Fitter, University of York, and others re a proposed cooperation between York and S'Albufera in respect of biodiversity training 1998, 2000- 2001 notes Related included. above topic, is dated 1998. One paper only, by Nicholson, chiefly typescript, possibly unrelated to are the Typescript records of talks and progress reports etc, chiefly by Nicholson, with one letter to him 2000-2001 of Much programme. the material relates to the biodiversity Contents of an envelope. C.187-C.198 S'Albufera photographs, with annotations 1971-2001 Colour photographs: very almost all have annotations on the back in These are sometimes quite detailed. feature few Nicholson but his hand. 1971-1993 1971, 1978 C.187-C.188 Only one is dated 1971. There are two different sets of photographs. 'S'Albufera photos’, contents of an envelope so inscribed 8 photographs of views and buildings at S'Albufera and other locations in Mallorca P. Newbould is featured in two photographs. 5 photographs taken at S'Albufera, 1993, chiefly of staff and volunteers, 2 featuring Nicholson; one photograph featuring a group including J. Mayol, S'Albufera Park Director, 2 photographs showing views of the island of Cabrera, 1992 3 photographs featuring groups of staff and volunteers, contents of an envelope Included is a postcard with Nicholson's brief annotations on the back. 1990-1993 April 1992 1990; E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 ‘Rebuilding Bateman inscribed at S'Albufera April 1992', Sa Roca of contents letters] [illegible an envelope so April 1992 photographs 5 development. of buildings in the process of C.191-C.192 30 photographs of various individuals and groups (Park staff etc) and views of S'Albufera Park, 1992, with one additional photograph of a hotel in Sedbergh, Cumbria, 1990 1990, 1992 Contents of an envelope. 2 folders. 'S'Albufera selected April 1992', contents of an envelope so inscribed April 1992 8 photographs showing groups of staff etc and buildings. A few of these are copies of ones in C.189, C.191 and C.192 but have been kept because of the annotations. 3 folders. C.194-C.196 Contents of an unmarked album March, April 1993 Included are those which feature the following: group releasing a White-eyed duck (C.194); group examining phragmites stems (C.195). 32 photographs taken from the album, which was in a deteriorating condition, and kept in their original order. They show groups of staff and volunteers, buildings and views. others showing buildings. Photographs, some featuring N. Riddiford and J. Mayol, 'S'A May 97', contents of an envelope so inscribed May 1997 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 'S'A 2001 envelope so inscribed Laboratori Dennis Bishop’, contents of an 6 photographs apparently showing a group visiting the laboratory. 2 further photographs (larger size), found in an unmarked envelope but taken during the same visit, are included. The laboratory was so-named in memory of Dennis Bishop, a principal investigator at S'Albufera. 3 slides showing buildings at S'Albufera, with annotations in Nicholson's hand C.200-C.210 Miscellaneous papers re Project S'Albufera Chiefly Nicholson (mostly typescript) and correspondence material, printed notes with and drafts 1981-2002, nd by C.200-C.203 1981-1991 It 4 folders. 4 folders. 3 folders. C.204-C.207 1992-1997 C.208-C.210 1998-2002, nd project was started. In 1993 Earthwatch Europe was invited by the Spanish conservation agency ICONA to undertake a series of marine research projects on the Cabrera archipelago. The Marine Biological Association (MBA) also expressed an is unclear whether the Other conservation interests in Mallorca and the Balearic islands ‘Cabrera’, contents of a file so inscribed 1992-1994, nd interest in participating. C2411-6. 215 C.211-C.219 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.211-C.213 Typescript and manuscript notes by Nicholson relating to the proposed his correspondence with and ICONA, the MBA and others. projects 1992-1994, nd Included at C.211 are notes on his visit to Cabrera in September 1992. 3 folders. Letter to Nicholson from N. Riddiford enclosing 4 slides Slides show the 'Cabrera research boat' etc. Hardback book, in Spanish, on the Cabrera National Park with note in Nicholson's hand on the inside title page The book was presented to Nicholson in Spanish biologist working for the Park. 1992 by a Notes typescript manuscript, on topics relating to Cala d'Or, Mallorca Nicholson, drafts and by and 1989-1992, nd 2 folders. C.217-C.218 various conservation and ecology projects 1970-1994, nd Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts by Nicholson are included: bird lists are among these. Included are 3pp draft re an environmental management survey, 1989, and 1p notes on bird sightings, 1992. Papers and correspondence re Nicholson's associations with in Mallorca [ee 3 colour photographs showing views at Alcudia, Cala Mondrago and Cabrera, contents of an envelope Among typescript papers by Nicholson is one titled 'After Correspondence and Europe business Annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. 1986-2001, nd papers re general C.220-C.221 Earthwatch E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Rio’, 1992, at C.220. 2 folders. 10 colour photographs showing interior of Earthwatch Europe office, Oxford, with various staff members and ?visitors 1990-1991 All are inscribed on the back in Nicholson's hand. Environmental Data Services (ENDS) 1978-1982 Nicholson was a Director. ENDS sought to bring more awareness of the environment into decision-making by business and industry. and manuscript Brief correspondence re Energy Strategy Exercise, 1979; typescript on environmental education for industry etc; correspondence and papers re various seminars in 1980 and 1982 on Business Schools etc in which Nicholson represented ENDS; paper by J. Elkington of ENDS with annotations by Nicholson, 1980. Nicholson notes by report on re Nicholson's visits to the 1953, 1988 C.225-C.226 correspondence Falkland Islands Brief Observatory. Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust Nicholson took a close interest in the work of the Trust. RSPB. Nicholson became involved in nature and environmental conservation plans for the Falkland Islands through his The issues were raised by a Presidency of the RSPB. 1981 K.T. Standring of the the islands by 1981-1984 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Correspondence and papers re the Standring report and subsequent ideas for conservation. Included at C.225 is a draft address by Nicholson given at a Special Review of an RSPB / ICBP sponsored film on the islands, June 1981. 2 folders. C.227-C.229 Geogram 1937, 1971- 1997 in with world connection Biological development of the Programme It was a device for presenting, in The Geogram was created by Nicholson in the early 1970s the Terrestrial International at Monks Communities Section’s Wood. a visual and standardised form, a complex series of data relating to the occurrence of all natural and artificial features on the earth. It represented the first comprehensive and global method for assembling, analysing and interpreting data on and decision-making. resources purposes scientific centre data land and for by on the and notes 2 folders. notes on Nicholson C.227-C.228 1971-1972, 1981, 1997 See C.454-C.455 for papers concerning a Geogram project in the Isles of Scilly and B.79 for notes on a trial Geogram in East Suffolk, 1972. Chiefly working development of the Geogram, with technical papers Almost all 1970-1971. Included is one related letter to Nicholson, 1981, and a draft letter by Nicholson, 1997, enclosing a discussion concerning the Geogram, May 1971 (C.229). manuscript bird list for Portmeirion, September 1937. project; Undated lists and notes re construction of the manuscript bird Geogram, page technical one papers; printed map annotated in Nicholson's hand; small BTO printed by Nicholson in July-August 1972 and in August 1976; 1p chiefly to Nicholson's The material appears to survey at Portmeirion, Merionethshire, August 1976, for the construction of a Geogram. 'Geogram & Portmeirion’, contents of a file so inscribed 1937, 1972, 1976 manuscript description sightings) August dated 1976; list (for bird of the relate used his 2pp field E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Heritage Group informal, independent group chaired Sir Con An O'Neill, of which Nicholson was a member. The group sought to argue the case for conservation in official and governmental circles, while enshrining the concept of heritage as inherent to conservation. by of meeting, by Minutes Nicholson in O'Neill's absence; 1p typescript, probably by Nicholson, (some text missing) outlining the place of the group in the conservation movement, c.1975. December chaired 1975, C.231-C.238 International Biological Programme (IBP) 1962-1977, nd of basis biological productivity The IBP, which ran from 1964 to 1974, was concerned with ‘the and human welfare’. It provided the first occasion on which biologists from many countries were able to work together over a wide range of integrated studies. It was divided into a number of sections: Nicholson was made Convenor of ‘Conservation of Terrestrial Communities the The IBP/CT initially had its office at the Nature (CT)'. Conservancy from which Nicholson retired in 1966. He was involved in the IBP/CT until its conclusion. section and papers 7 folders. C.231-C.237 re Correspondence, chiefly general business including preparation of the final IBP report, 1975. A small amount of material is pre-1964. Nicholson's, 1962-1977, nd the following papers by Nicholson: 6pp Included are typescript account of his visit to East Africa, November 1969, at C.232; typescript drafts (in English) and reprint (in German) of a paper 'Naturschutz in Internationalen Biologischen Program' (1973) at C.235. showing Monks Wood. Some feature All annotated on the individuals remainder show views of Monks Wood. Included are 2 undated black and white photographs, one annotated 7 colour photographs taken on the occasion of an IBP/CT meeting at the Monks Wood Experimental Station, March 1971 back by Nicholson. including 1971, nd M.E.D. Poore; J. Dorst, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) 1959, 1973- 1979 Nicholson attended ICBP Executive Committee meetings and its world conferences. In 1978 he proposed the idea of setting up a World Bird Fund to the ICBP. Correspondence and papers re the World Bird Fund idea, the relationship between ICBP, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Recources and the World Wildlife Fund, and general business. Chiefly 1978. Correspondents include Sir Peter Scott and S. Dillon Ripley. Included is menu from official ICBP lunch, May 1959, annotated by Nicholson with a note re an issue discussed, and signed on a number of attendees. the back by See C.507-C.508 for further material relating to the World Bird Fund. C.240-C.245 International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) 1951-1997, nd served groups, e.g. C.240-C.242 Member and 1952, 1962- 1997, nd principal correspondent is F.G. Nicholls, on IUCN International Nicholson's Deputy Director-General. was Nicholson a commissions and Commission on National Parks. working Correspondence and papers re National Parks, Directory of Wetlands and general business including General Assemblies C.W. Included at C.241 are papers relating to the 14th General Assembly and Technical Meeting at Ashkhabad, USSR, 1978: manuscript notes, manuscript and typescript drafts of a paper delivered by Nicholson, titled 'The Care of a Small Planet’, and typescript of a further address (see A.94 for a journal covering this Meeting). 11 black and white photographs from envelope inscribed ‘IUCN trip Holland North Sea coast ?Sept 1951' One features Nicholson with others including 3 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 This Hurcomb. the annotations on the back. people and coastal views. is one only Nicholson's The rest show a group of with 3 photographic prints showing a session at the IUCN Technical Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, September 1953 Annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. Nicholson sitting alongside J.-P. Harroy and others. All feature 4 black and white photographs from envelope inscribed ‘Denmark 1954' Annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. Inscriptions indicate that they were taken during the IUCN meeting in Copenhagen, September 1954. Two photographs feature Nicholson, with remaining two show a Black stork in flight. others; the Contents of a plastic wallet. C.246-C.248 Isle of Rhum National Nature Reserve Rhum was acquired by the Nature Conservancy in 1957 and established as a National Nature Reserve. 3pp manuscript 'Notes on Rhum 10.5.66', with typescript version; various undated manuscript notes; copy of a letter from Nicholson to Mrs R.A. Bonham Christie, 1958 nd Correspondence between Nicholson and J. M. Boyd re a visit the individuals who had been involved in the establishment of the nature reserve, with their memorandum on progress since 1957 and other policy and planning papers Miscellaneous later correspondence re Rhum to Rhum in September 1973 by some of Nicholson was one of the visiting party. 1958-1997, nd 1958, 1966, nd 1990-1997, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.249-C.252 Land Use Consultants (LUC) 1971-2002, nd Nicholson founded LUC, the Uk’s first environmental consultancy firm, It was multi-disciplinary and advised on Royal Parks and regional parks and was involved in various projects such as land rehabilitation and ‘greening of the cities’. in 1966. Walton Park, Wakefield, Yorkshire 1989-1990 were interviewed LUC and development project for land that once belonged to Sir Charles Waterton (1782-1865) and included his original nature reserve. conservation for a _ Typescript notes by Nicholson, brief correspondence and LUC's Feasibility Study submitted in application. Guernsey 1991-1992 Detailed typescript notes by Nicholson on a proposal to develop tourism and conservation on the island. in at and which includes of invitation; brief publication anniversary Nicholson's talk 2pp Letter summary of 1p typescript titled 'LUC Twenty Five Years - A Personal View'; the aforementioned ‘Personal View'. notes anniversary; typescript the LUC 25th anniversary, 12 July 1991 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence concerned with forming an environmental strategy to take Nicholson founded the NRG in September 1997 to look at ways of providing an overview of human progress in the He considered it as a follow-up light of modern science. Sir Julian Huxley's book, The to the ideas promoted in Humanist Frame, London 1961. The NRG grew out of the Earthcare Group (and Earthcare Club), launched by Nicholson principally New Renaissance Group (NRG) (formerly Earthcare Group) 1969-2002, nd 1971-1993, 2002, nd C.253-C.436 February 1995, which was _ E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 regarded environment and the 21st century. The NRG was described by into Nicholson as a 'New Humanist Group' for guiding the development of a 'human equivalent to the environmental movement’. An informal group, NRG was particularly concerned with disharmony between civilization and the natural conventional approaches of modern governments as largely obselete The Group's in the face of the challenges of the future. sustainable issues, interests development, the the of globalisation, the issues development and role of culture. Nicholson served as Chairman and, later, as President of the NRG, resigning as Chairman in be actively involved in the Group until its winding-up in 2002. of biodiversity, He continued to science, social population challenge included 1998. and _ role the C.253-C.287 General correspondence 1994-2002, nd NRG directors individuals Nicholson between and is with Correspondence related external papers. correspondent. Earthcare Group and Earthcare Club correspondence (February 1995-September 1996), and some earlier correspondence, is included. organisations, principal with and the 1996 5 folders. 4 folders. 1994, 1995 C.253-C.257 C.258-C.261 A wide range of topics are covered, as well as general internal business. Other principal correspondents include M.E.D. Poore, B.W. Walker and Sir Martin Holdgate. 7 folders. C.262-C.266 C.267-C.273 5 folders. 1997 1998 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.274-C.278 1999 5 folders. C.279-C.281 2000 3 folders. C.282-C.285 2001, 2002 4 folders. C.286-C.287 Nd 2 folders. C.288-C.315 Policy, planning and administration C.300-C.309 Minutes and other Committee papers. C.288-C.299 NRG Executive Committee set of minutes signed by Nicholson, March 1996- A December 1997, is included at C.300, C.301. Minutes of various NRG meetings and general papers 1996-2001 Papers re NRG accounts and incorporation as a limited company Papers, including minutes, and correspondence. NRG Advisory Council 1997-2000 C.311-C.312 1996-2002, nd 1997-2001 1996-2002, nd 12 folders. 10 folders. 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.313-C.314 Correspondence and papers re financial matters etc in connection with the NRG's status as a registered charity 1997-2002 2 folders. 'AGMs & Trustees Committee’, contents of inscribed a file so 1997-2002 Minutes, reports etc. C.316-C.346F Papers and notes by Nicholson notes, Various drafts and mostly typescript, many of which Nicholson appears to have circulated to NRG colleagues. The topics cover the full range of the NRG's Earthcare Group papers are interests and concerns; included. earlier writings found among this material, 1986-1987, on issues subsequently taken up by the NRG, are at C.316. quantity small of A 1986, 1987, 1994-2002, nd 1996 5 folders. 1997 C.316-C.318 1986, 1987, 1994, 1995 Sir the at C.320 is a letter 3 folders. 25 June C.319-C.323 Chiefly 1995. to Nicholson from 1996, commenting on Included Hermann Bondi, former's draft paper which is enclosed. 4 folders. C.325-C.328 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.329-C.333 1998 5 folders. C.334-C.336 1999 3 folders. C.337-C.340 2000 4 folders. C.341-C.345 2001 5 folders. Nd 6 folders. C.347-C.351 ed. 1995-2000 C.347-C.352 C.346A-C.346F Where Next?: Reflections on M.E.D. Poore, Royal Botanic Gardens, 2000 the Human Future, The book was produced by the NRG and consisted of contributions from distinguished authors across a broad spectrum of interests. Nicholson's chapter was titled 'The New Renaissance’. 5 folders. Correspondence and publication of the book Included are typescript notes by Nicholson at C.351. papers re the preparation and 1995-2000 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Qpp ‘initial draft' of Nicholson's chapter and proof version 1998, 1999 C.353-C.367 Earthcare Group and Earthcare Club 1992-1996 This material was found together in a boxfile. C.353-C.355 ‘Earthcare correspondence up to July 1996' 1992-1996, nd Contents of a file so inscribed. Correspondence with typescript and manuscript notes by Nicholson. 3 folders. C.356-C.357 ‘Earthcare - Master Set’ Contents of an envelope so inscribed. 1994- February 1995 C.358-C.363 1993-1996 2 folders. 6 folders. The papers the The material has been kept in the order in of contents at list is a Drafts and notes by Nicholson, mostly typescript Minutes of Earthcare Group and Earthcare Club meetings Typescript drafts and notes by Nicholson. are numbered and there beginning. which found. nd Contents of a boxfile so inscribed. Miscellaneous papers C.368-C.385 ‘Culture’ 1995-1996 1995-1996 C.365-C.367 3 folders. 1995-2002, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.368-C.378 ‘NRG Culture’, contents of a file so inscribed Drafts and notes by Nicholson on various topics, chiefly typescript, with other papers and brief correspondence. C.368-C.369 ‘Annotated copies’, contents of a plastic wallet so labelled Drafts and notes; the majority are undated. 2 folders. C.370-C.378 Drafts and notes with brief correspondence Chiefly 1998-2000. 9 folders. 1995-2002, nd 1999-2000, nd 1995, 1997- 2002 C.379-C.380 Notes and rough drafts culture on various topics relating to 1995-2000 Chiefly manuscript. Contents of a plastic wallet. 2 folders. Chiefly manuscript. Contents of a plastic wallet. on various topics relating to 1998-2001 Notes and rough drafts culture Nicholson attended. Correspondence and notes etc re discussion meetings on ‘Assistance to British Culture’, held at University College London, February 2000, and possibly subsequent months Manuscript drafts on various topics relating to culture Brief correspondence is included. 1999-2000 1997-1998 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.384-C.385 Miscellaneous papers with brief correspondence 1999-2000, nd papers and manuscript notes by Chiefly Nicholson. typescript 2 folders. C.386-C.390 'The Challenge for a New Renaissance’, lecture delivered by Nicholson at the Royal Geographical Society, London, 24 September 1997 Lists of invitees, acceptances etc and other papers re arrangements C.387-C.389 Various drafts of the lecture, with final version Chiefly typescript. correspondence and comments on the drafts by others. At C.387 are early drafts, brief related 3 folders. group on 1998-2000 on 13 C.391-C.395 C.391-C.400 Biodiversity 1998-2001, nd and papers and Included at C.391 are a few papers arrangements re Audio cassette recording of the lecture of Meeting Biodiversity’ September 1999 an NRG working at ‘Action the Zoological Society of London, Correspondence arising, 1999-2000. by Nicholson on biodiversity, 1998. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, including manuscript and typescript notes by Nicholson, re biodiversity matters and ‘repackaging the conservation message’. ‘Biodiversity’, contents of a plastic wallet so labelled 5 folders. C.396-C.397 1998-2000 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.398-C.400 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence re biodiversity 1998-2001, nd Typescript draft papers by Nicholson are included. 3 folders. C.401-C.407 Conference on 'Nature, Landscape and People since the Second World War: a Celebration of the 1949 Act’, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 23-25 June 1999 1998-2001 Nicholson participated as a representative of the New Renaissance Group. interview with Magnus Magnusson which was shown at the Conference and also delivered a short talk. He recorded an Correspondence abstracts of papers etc re arrangements; programme with 1998-1999 Drafts and preparation for the Conference notes, mostly typescript, by Nicholson in from C.403-C.407 5 folders. the 1999-2001 C.408-C.417 Correspondence Conference, including some re NRG 'follow-up' meeting papers arising and _ from Almost all the material is dated 1999. Included are drafts of his 'Comments' delivered at the Conference and 'Note for Magnus Magnusson’. 10 folders. Correspondence arising. Nicholson Conference featuring Nicholson are at C.414. report of the workshop is at C.417. and Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts by the Printed The workshop was organised as a follow-up to the book Where Next?: Reflections on ed. M.E.D. Poore (see C.347-C.352). Nicholson attended. the Human Future, ‘Beyond Sustainable Development’, NRG workshop held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 4-6 July 2001 arrangements Photographs and papers re are included. 2000-2002 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.418-C.431 ‘Environmental inscribed profession’, contents of a boxfile so 1969-1980, 1994-2000 the for Papers and correspondence re developing the environmental cooperation of the Royal Society of Arts, including the proposed establishment of a College of Environment. Included are many drafts and notes by Nicholson, chiefly typescript. the NRG's ideas profession with Chiefly 1996-1998. found with the rest of the material, are at C.431. A few earlier papers 1969-1980, 14 folders. C.432-C.436 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1995-2001, nd 5 folders. C.437-C.438 Oxford Ornithological Society 1926-2001 project and started 1926-1930, 1937 a 4pp manuscript 'Memorandum on Included the Oxford Bird Census', 1930, and copy of a letter from W.B. Alexander, 1930. lists and records in Nicholson's A few manuscript bird hand chiefly re the Oxford Bird Census, with brief related correspondence and other papers When Nicholson went up to Hertford College, Oxford, in 1926, he initially did not join the Oxford Ornithological After changing his mind, he was involved in the Society. Christchurch Meadow ringing the Oxford Bird Census in 1927. He organised the census of heronries in 1928, the first national bird census to be undertaken in Britain. Memorial Lecture, 25 November 1986 (see G.80). Included Nicholson's acceptance of an invitation to give the Bernard Tucker Papers and correspondence re general business See B.75 for related papers. 1935-1986, 2001 is is brief correspondence re _ E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Royal Naval Birdwatching Society 1999-2002 Nicholson appears to have held an Honorary Position in the Society during its early years (1940s). re to Nicholson's acceptance an Correspondence invitation the Annual General Meeting, December 1999, including copies of earlier correspondence (1946- 1947), A. Wetmore, which refers to the Society; 3pp untitled manuscript draft of Nicholson's short address at the aforementioned AGM: brief further papers re general business. chiefly between Nicholson and of C.440-C.446 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 1966-2002, nd Nicholson was President 1980-1985. Council for a five year term in 1974 and later, became a Vice-President. He was elected to in 1989, C.440-C.443 ‘RSPB Selected current’, contents of an envelope so inscribed 1980-1981 The Duke of Edinburgh attended the event. RSPB members weekend, York, 26-28 March 1982 Letter and programme; 3pp manuscript draft of speech given by Nicholson at the event. Correspondence etc re Nicholson's election as President and matters arising during his first year in office AGM. Included is his welcoming speech to the AGM, 8 October 1983, and 3pp undated typescript of his opening speech at another Correspondence and business during Nicholson's Presidency possibly incomplete, of 1p typescript, re various papers topics and 1982-1984 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Papers general excluding the period of Nicholson's Presidency correspondence and re business, 1966-1999, nd Inlcuded Nicholson delivered at the AGM, 5 October 1991. typescript draft short address 1p of is by ‘RSPB correspondence with PM '84', envelope so inscribed contents of an the Correspondence between Nicholson, as RSPB President, and the RSPB's complaint about the shooting licencing practice of the Scottish Office. Minister (Margaret Thatcher) Prime re C.445-C.446 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1973-2002, nd Included at C.445 is a 2pp typescript by Nicholson titled ‘A Strategy for Conservation’, 1973. 2 folders. with papers re business, 1978-1983 Committee C.447-C.449 1978-1993, nd Committee for the Environment Royal Society of Arts (RSA) Various brief correspondence. Included are manuscript and typescript notes by Nicholson. Nicholson became a Fellow of the Society in 1971 and joined the Council in 1978. He served on the Committee for the Environment 1978-1984. 2 folders. Correspondence connected with Nicholson's association with the RSA 1980-1993, nd C.448-C.449 papers and re general matters E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Royal Society Unesco Committee Nicholson was a member of the Panel for Earth Sciences and Natural Resources. Letter accepting invitation to join the panel and related paper. Scottish Ornithologists' Club 1948-1975 Nicholson was a member. Brief correspondence etc re general matters, including printed programme of lectures for AGM, 14 October 1948, which lists a lecture by Nicholson. Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves (SPNR) 1970, 1971, 21996, nd Tourism Nicholson was a member of Council (resigning in 1971) and, earlier, of the Executive. Brief correspondence chiefly re Nicholson's resignation from the Council (one letter concerns arrangements for the Society's 1970 Conference at which Nicholson gave a talk); incomplete typescript inscribed in Nicholson's hand 'SPNR History author & publ unknown date after 1980’, with his revisions and annotations. On the backs of two a manuscript draft of a letter by pages of the latter is Nicholson to Hans-Rudolf Kuhn (C.G. Jung Institute), apparently unrelated to the SPNR, inscribed '?1996'. Chiefly 1992. 1971, 1992 Various sets of detailed typescript notes by Nicholson on the on ecotourism. the environment, one impact of tourism on E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.454-C.455 Tresco, Isles of Scilly This material was from a file inscribed 'Tresco'. It relates to a visit there by Nicholson in summer 1971, principally to monitor the development of a Geogram project. See C.227-C.229 for relating Geogram and B.44 for further papers relating Tresco project. further papers to to the the Various development - habitats and bird lists etc manuscript trials notes: on Tresco 4/6/71'; notes on 'Geogram bird headed 3pp Manuscript lists of 'Tresco slides' and further notes C.456-C.485 Trust for Urban Ecology (TRUE) (formerly Ecological Parks Trust) 1970-1992, nd of a inscribed. large envelope so C.456-C.465 ‘Dulwich Woods' 1983 the Ecological 1981-1992, nd Parks Trust responded to Nicholson was Chairman of the Ecological Parks Trust and President of TRUE for 1997. Contents This contained further envelopes which are described below, with the inscriptions on them reproduced. In a proposal from the Estates Governors of Alleyn's College of God's Gift to take over the management of Dulwich Woods. The Trust appears to have carried out out a detailed ecological survey of the woods but the outcome of the project is unclear. Nicholson continued to make regular visits to the wood until 1992 or later and his notes and photographs are among this material. Trust's financial affairs, 1984-1985. Nicholson's manuscript and Various papers including typescript notes on in a visits management plan for the wood. 1984 and is correspondence re ‘Dulwich Upper Wood! 1981-1985 the Ecological Parks 1985 and Included E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.457-C.460 ‘Dulwich Woods visits 1983-90' 1983-1992 C.457 Typescript notes recording visits to the wood 1983-1992 The condition of the wood and observations of vegetation and birds are the details typically recorded by Nicholson. Manuscript notes by Nicholson and other papers C.459-C.460 Photographs of Dulwich Woods 1989-1992 Annotated on the back by Nicholson. 15 photographs, May 1989; 5 photographs, 1990 16 photographs, August 1991; 3 photographs, June 1992 1983-1985 the proposal for C.462-C.463 1982-1987 re the proposed ‘Dulwich Wood negotiations’ Correspondence and papers, chiefly survey. ‘Dulwich Woods maps & survey proposed but not carried out’ Correspondence and papers re the Ecological Parks Trust to take over the management of the woods. James Allen's Girls' School Botanic Gardens, 1984-1985. 6pp manuscript draft Society AGM, 1985, Dulwich version; correspondence etc ‘Dulwich Socy & JAG [James Allen's Girls'] school’ of Nicholson's Address to with re typescript restoration work the revised on 2 folders. 1984-1985 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 ‘London & Highgate & Queens One Tree Hill’ woodlands general other than Dulwich 1983-1984, nd Typescript notes chiefly recording visits, e.g. to One Tree Hill Park, 1983. on London woodlands, some ‘Rolex Project 1977 unsuccessful’ Contents of an envelope so inscribed. a of draft application Part brief correspondence re the submission of a project to create a pioneer ecological park (in ?7London) to the Rolex Awards for Enterprise, Geneva Switzerland. Nicholson and _ by C.467-C.471 PRE Contents of an envelope so inscribed. 1980-1990, nd Park, 1991, on by up reports etc which include the back 5 folders. 1977-1986 C.472-C.479 contributions Printed Nicholson Papers and correspondence re general Trust activities, including the setting of the Rotherhithe Ecological Park. C.471 contains 22 photographs chiefly of Stave Hill Ecological by Nicholson. annotated Ecological Parks Trust publications, with one non-EPT publication which was found with these. Introduction by Nicholson. The William Curtis Ecological Park First Report, 1977- 1978 The William Curtis Ecological Park Third Report, 1979- 1980 Introduction by Nicholson. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 The William Curtis Ecological Park Fourth Report, 1980- 1981 Introduction by Nicholson. Ecological Parks Trust Second Report, September 1982 Introduction by Nicholson. ‘Research Needs in Urban published by the Ecological Parks Trust, 1985 Ecology’, by lan Barrett, Foreword by Nicholson. Ecological Parks Trust Fifth Report, September 1985 Introduction by Nicholson. Introduction by Nicholson. C.480-C.482 1983-1987 Annotated on the back by Nicholson. Ecological Parks Trust Sixth Report, 1986 ‘Life in the City’, article by Nicholson in Naturopa, No.36, 1980 Photographs from packet inscribed ‘Rotherhithe EP & City Farm & Dulwich U[pper] Wood' 2 folders. 38 photographs of Rotherhithe Rotherhithe City Farm Ecological Park and 1986-1987 11 photographs of Dulwich Upper Wood 1983, 1986 Only one is dated 1983. C.481-C.482 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 12 further photographs of Rotherhithe Ecological Park Contents of a packet. C.484-C.485 Miscellaneous papers 1970-1987 2 folders. United Environment Nations Conference on the Human Brief correspondence re Nicholson's agreement to serve as a corresponding consultant for the world report on the human environment and evidence given to a working party. University College London 1960-1989, nd C.488-C.494 ‘The Wakes’, Selborne, Hampshire Nicholson was instrumental in establishing the pioneer MSc course in conservation at UCL and he served on the Conservation Course Advisory Group. A few papers re the setting up of the MSc course, 1960; brief correspondence etc re business of the Conservation Course Advisory Group, 1988-1989; a few other papers including short undated manuscript notes on ‘Role of UGE provided an introduction and notes for the 1929 edition. century 'The naturalist, Gilbert White, houses the Oates Memorial Museum and the Gilbert White Museum. Nicholson had a long association with 'The Wakes' and acted as an Honorary Consultant. He assisted with publicising the Bicentenary of the publication of White's The Natural As a young ornithologist, History of Selborne in 1989. Nicholson and once the home of the 1927-1992, nd Contents Selborne’. had been inspired by White's book envelope inscribed ‘Wakes, of a large Wakes', 18th E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 C.488-C.490 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Nicholson's correspondence with officials at 'The Wakes' (Curator various individuals connected with the Gilbert White Museum or interested in White, with related papers Selborne Society etc), The and 1951-1989, nd re events for the Bicentenary of the publication of White's book, other events and general matters connected with studies of White. 3 folders. C.491-C.492 Photographs taken at Selborne, most annotated on the back by Nicholson 1990-1992 1987, one of them 4 show exterior of 'The Wakes’, features Nicholson; 28 photographs almost all of the famous Selborne yew tree, showing it after it was blown down early in 1990 and again after it was re-planted. 2 folders. 1927, 1928 1990-1993 c.1926-1929, nd Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Detailed manuscript notes by Nicholson on White's The Natural History of Selborne, probably for the 1929 edition; draft letter by Nicholson to publishers, 1927, and letter from publishers to him with receipt of payment, 1928 Manuscript 'Memorandum' on The Natural History of Se/borne, undated; further manuscript notes on the book and also re 'Colonel George Montagu, 4pp are written on Hertford College, Oxford notepaper (c.1928), the rest are undated Brief correspondence re general business. Nicholson helped Sir Peter Scott in setting up the Trust (originally the Severn Wildfowl Trust). He served as a member of its Council and as Vice-President. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.496-C.504 World Conservation Strategy (WCS) 1979-1990 The WCS was drawn up by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and launched in 1980. The World Wildlife Fund was also a The UK's programme under the WCS, main supporter. named ‘Earth's 1983. its Programme Standing Nicholson was Chairman of Committee. launched Survival’ was in General papers chiefly re the official launch of the WCS 1979-1982 Contents of a folder. Papers by Nicholson c.1979-1980 draft for ENDS treatment ‘First World Conservation Strategy’, 7pp manuscript draft with one further page of notes, ?early 1980; 'An Appraisal of the World Conservation Strategy’, 8pp typescript, 1979. IUCN's of 1980-1981 1982-1983 population, with reference to ‘World Population & WCS' Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Various typescript and manuscript notes and papers by Nicholson, chiefly relating to the strategy for launching ‘Earth's Survival’ Various typescript notes and papers by Nicholson on world the WCS; brief correspondence between Nicholson and the Duke of Edinburgh, 1981. a paper Correspondence and papers re ‘Earth's Survival’ and the ‘Global Survival Programme’ on which Nicholson drafted Included is delivered at 'Logan Hall’, 8 June 1983. a 2pp typescript draft of an opening speech C.500-C.501 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Correspondents include Sir Peter Scott. A typescript draft of Nicholson's 'Global Survival Programme’ paper is at C.500. 2 folders. C.502-C.504 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1979-1990 Included are Nicholson and printed material. a few notes and rough draft pages by 3 folders. C.505-C.510 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) (formerly World Wildlife Fund) 1961-2002, nd Nicholson, with Sir Peter Scott, others, founded the WWF in President of WWWEF-UK. Sir Julian Huxley and 1961. He was Vice- 2 folders. the International Council for 1961-2002, nd 1978-January 1979 C.505-C.506 Papers and correspondence re general business C.507-C.508 ‘World Bird Fund’, contents of an envelope so inscribed Included are typescript and manuscript notes and papers by Nicholson. a WWF/UK Trustees meeting, 1998. Included at C.506 is his statement to Nicholson was heavily involved in plans for a World Bird Fund, proposed by Bird Preservation, to be run as a specialised extension of the WWE in cooperation with the ICBP. Le Correspondence and papers re suggestions and ideas for the Fund. The Scottish Field Studies Association, which owned the C.509-C.510 Kindrogan Field Centre, Strathardle, Perthshire 1990-1993 2 folders. See C.239 for related material. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 Centre, sought financial support from the WWF for development. its Correspondence etc. 2 folders. C.511-C.525 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1934-2003, nd Relating organisations. manuscript Nicholson. to various environmental topics, issues and A large part of the material consists of by typescript papers notes and and At C.511 are 16 black and white photographs, 1934- 1935, of 'Gracious Pond Farm’, annotated on the back in Nicholson's hand. one features H.F. Witherby. Two feature Hollom; P.A.D. At C.524 are representing Technosphere etc. printed diagrams devised by Nicholson / ‘Man's environment’, Biosphere 2 folders. 2 folders. 1973-1981 1962-1972 1934-1960 C.512-C.513 C.514-C.515 2 folders. C.518-C.519 C.516-C.517 1991-2003 1982-1990 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Nature conservation and environment, C.1-C.525 C.520-C.525 Nd 6 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 SECTION D WORLD WAR TWO, D.1-D.39 1939-1983 In the few months before the outbreak of World War Two Nicholson, who was working for Political and Economic Planning (PEP), was asked by the Ministry of Information to assist with the planning of official publications in the event of war. On the outbreak of war Nicholson took up the post of Controller of Literature at the Ministry of Information but resigned after only seven weeks and rejoined the PEP. He was persuaded by Lord Hurcomb (Director-General) to join the Ministry of War Transport (the wartime name for the Department of Shipping) in March 1940, serving initially as head of the Economic and Inter-Allied Branch and, from 1942 to the end of the War, as Head of the Allocation of Tonnage Division. He attended the Allied conferences in Cairo, Quebec, Yalta and Potsdam. His other wartime role was as an air raid warden for the Borough of Chelsea. The papers are arranged as follows: D.1-D.7 MINISTRY OF INFORMATION C.35-C.36 C.37-C.39 1939-1940 D.8-D.34 MINISTRY OF WAR TRANSPORT In the months [?June or July]-September 1939 Nicholson chaired the Research Sub-Committee of the Ministry to consider on economic and other matters in the event of war. preparation pamphlets official the of POTSDAM CONFERENCE MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS MINISTRY OF INFORMATION 1939 The correspondence is chiefly Nicholson's with officials in of the Ministry Service Commission. |.S. (later Sir Ivison) Macadam is among the correspondents. Included are a few letters which are not written by or addressed to Nicholson. A small quantity of PEP material is included in this group of papers. Correspondence etc ideas publications and related matters May- September and drafts for various Information and the Civil re E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 Included Nicholson headed 'Slogans'. also D.1 at are some typescript notes by 2 folders. manuscript 45pp by pamphlets and related matters notes Nicholson on_ possible May- September 1939 Only a few pages are inscribed with dates; these are June-August 1939. A few secretary's notes re appointments etc are included. Talks with the Foreign Office 1939-1940 of an with interview ‘Note [Foreign Secretary]', copy of Nicholson's 4pp typescript summary so titled, 24 September 1939. The discussion covered post-war aims and a draft pamphlet 'What are we to fight for’. J.S. Huxley was also present at the interview. Halifax Lord the Ministry 2pp manuscript notes with Nicholson's later inscribed note '...interview with Lord Halifax Foreign Secretary on 18 October 1939". Included is the Research Sub-Committee (12 July 1939). a copy of the minutes of the first meeting of Copies of various official papers relating to the business of of Information the Research Sub-Committee and 1p manuscript notes with Nicholson's later inscribed note ‘Apparently a note of an important talk with FO on post- war aims April 1940". 1940 Chiefly office notices and memoranda. Included are two papers authored by Nicholson (both at D.5): one memo (23 on Pamphlets’ (24 October). Copies of various Ministry of Information papers, mostly from of Controller of Literature September 1939-March the weeks when September) Nicholson ‘Summary Report held the post and a 3pp E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 Most of the material dates from September and October 1939. 2 folders. Brief correspondence re matters arising from Nicholson's time at the Ministry of Information and re his renewed work at the PEP February- March 1940 MINISTRY OF WAR TRANSPORT 1940-1983 The papers are arranged as follows: D.8-D.16 General correspondence and papers D.17-D.27 Middle East Supply Centre (MESC) D.28-D.34 Later material: chiefly wartime shipping history General correspondence and papers 1940-1946 Brief early correspondence with C.W. Hurcomb March 1940 Included is Nicholson's reply to Hurcomb's offer of a post in the Ministry of Shipping. 'Wartime temporary administrative officers in Civil Service & the FDA [Association of First Division Civil Servants] MWT Branch’ Brief correspondence and papers re general business. Nicholson chaired a committee representing temporary administrative officers in the Ministry of War Transport. 1941-1944 Contents of a file so inscribed. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 ‘Shipping operations 1943-4' Contents of a file so inscribed. 1943-1944 Correspondence (all 1944), chiefly with Percy Rogers of the British Merchant Shipping Mission, Washington DC, USA; copy of secret report on ‘Operation 'Symbol'', 1943. D.11-D.14 United Maritime Executive Board (UMEB) and United Maritime Shipping Employment Policy Committees Authority (London Branch) Nicholson was Chairman of the United Maritime Authority (London Branch) Shipping Employment Policy Committee and a member of the UK Delegation on the UMEB. Committee papers. 4 folders. 2 folders. D.17-D.27 D.15-D.16 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers relating business of the Ministry of War Transport to 1940-1946, nd 1942-1946 are rough undated manuscript notes a Basra - Baghdad railway’, Middle East Supply Centre (MESC) The MESC was established in 1941 to regulate shipping and commerce among the countries of the Middle East. It reported directly to the Ministry of War Transport. Included in Nicholson's hand (D.16), one set headed 'Wartime MS notes on staff lists and invitations to official functions. 1942-1945 Nicholson's correspondence with R.G.A. Jackson (later Sir Robert Jackson), Director-General of the Middle East Supply Centre, Cairo, Egypt, with related papers. See L.75 for further correspondence between Nicholson and R.G.A. Jackson. 'MESC 1942-44 Important top-level correspondence’ Contents of a file so inscribed. D.17-D.23 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 to of are other letters copies Included individuals including S.A. Bailey, Principal Assistant Secretary at the Ministry of Transport. The correspondence, especially a number of long letters by Jackson, covers the full scope of the Centre's activities, as matters such as Anglo-American relations within it, economic issues in the Middle East, and UK and USA policy objectives in the region. Only one letter is dated 1945. as well 7 folders. D.24-D.25 Copies of reports and memoranda by R.G.A. Jackson to various civil servants in with copies of London, including Nicholson and S.A. Bailey letters his 1942-1944 material was found tied together. This It does not duplicate any of the correspondence and papers in D.17- D:23; of the contents is included at the A handwritten list beginning. 2 folders. Centre D.26-D.27 with related 1943-1946 East Supply Historical documents & Contents of a file so inscribed. 'Middle correspondence’ relates to various MESC business and This material Middle East affairs. Correspondence between various officials (Nicholson is the principal correspondent) in the Middle East Supply Centre, Ministry of War Transport and other Government departments, Correspondents papers. include K.A.H. (later Sir Keith) Murray. Lex Later material: chiefly wartime shipping history Correspondence etc with revisions text probably Merchant shipping and the demands of war by C.B.A. Behrens, Nicholson's a assistance General history and reunion functions 1944-1983 to the book, re of 1951, 1954 1951-1983 2 folders. D.28-D.34 D.28-D.30 D.28 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 London (H. M. Stationery Office) 1955 Correspondence is chiefly with the author. Included are Nicholson’s typescript comments and a few pages of rough manuscript notes. Correspondence with Prof. J.J. Safford of Montana State University, USA, re his research on wartime shipping 1981-1983 Included recollections of his time in the Ministry of War Transport. Nicholson typescript notes are on_ by his Ministry of Transport reunion functions 1954-1967 Table lists for 1954 and 1957 Ministry of Transport and Civil Dinners; _ brief correspondence connected with First Reunion of Ministry of Transport retired officers, 1967. Shipping the Aviation Annual is the providing 2 folders. D.31-D.32 D.31-D.34 1944-1964 correspondent, 'MESC History’ Nicholson recollections and assisting with texts. principal Middle East Supply Centre Correspondence re various publications (chiefly intended publications) on war history which covered the work of the Middle East Supply Centre. 1944-1964 Typescript fair copy of a book titled ‘The Story of the Middle East Supply Centre' The front page has the inscription 'MESC Prob 1945' in Nicholson's hand. Publication details and author unknown. comprehensive account consisting of 14 chapters. The book is a E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 Typescript paper titled ‘Development of British Trade with Israel and the Middle East’ Author unknown. Found with the material in D.31-D.33. D.35-D.36 POTSDAM CONFERENCE attended Nicholson Germany, July 1945. the Conference in Potsdam, Papers passes etc re accommodation and arrangements, with ‘Souvenirs found by EMN in Hitler's Chancellery Office, Berlin July 1945', contents of a file so inscribed A few documents. 1940-1942 Nicholson (1942) from the D.37-D.39 1939-1945 ‘Strategy of Subversion’, MISCELLANEOUS WARTIME PAPERS Various papers from an envelope inscribed ‘Wartime papers’, contents as follows: 1939-1945 4pp typescript titled author unknown, inscribed '1941-2?' in Nicholson's hand; letter to the Communities Centres and Associations Survey Group of the National Council of Social Service, with papers; a few papers produced by the 1940 Council and the 1941 Committee (connection to Nicholson unknown), 1940- 1941; Committee Conference, December 1941 (Nicholson does not appear to have attended, though he has inscribed the first page with the Conference date). Miscellaneous papers and correspondence report on a Nuffield Secretary to D.38-D.39 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 World War Two, D.1-D.39 Includes correspondence re Nicholson's service as an air raid warden and various official passes and documents issued to him during the war. 2 folders. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 SECTION E OFFICE THE COUNCIL, E.1-E.34 OF LORD PRESIDENT OF THE 1945-2001, nd Nicholson served as Head of the Office of the Lord President of the Council, Herbert Morrison, 1945-1952. He was responsible for seeing through the 1947 Town and Country Planning Act, the 1947 Agriculture Act and the setting up of the Nature Conservancy. He chaired the Festival of Britain Committee, 1950-1951. L.91-L.94 See correspondence between Nicholson and Morrison. material, related for including The papers are arranged as follows: E.1-E.14 GENERAL BUSINESS E.15-E.34 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN GENERAL BUSINESS below by 1945-1954, 1977 1945, 1947- 'US Shipping letters', contents of a file so inscribed Significant groups of correspondence and papers are listed etc, Miscellaneous correspondence correspondent or topic. and papers are at E.10-E.14. department, committee Correspondence with Captain Granville Conway (in the USA) chiefly re the state of the UK economy, including 5pp typescript by Nicholson titled 'Notes on the economic situation and prospects of the UK. 1948 Included is one letter (November 1945) to Nicholson (at the Ministry of War Transport) from the US War Shipping Administration. Correspondence, chiefly with A.A. Dudley of the Foreign Office Information Policy Department, re various matters. Foreign Office E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 Location of Station a new Mechanical Engineering Research Correspondence chiefly with the Department of Scientific and Correspondents include Sir Edward Appleton. Industrial Research. Advisory Council on Scientific Policy (ACSP) c.1947-1951, 1977 ‘ACSP Report (Biological Studies)’, 2pp manuscript draft in Nicholson's hand, so titled; copies of ACSP Annual Reports 1948-1951; Nicholson's later correspondence assisting a researcher on the history of the Council, with copy of the resultant article, 1977. Sir George Schuster 1948-1949 Schuster was a member of the Committee on Industrial Productivity (CIP) (as Chairman of the Panel on Human Relations) and the Medical Research Council. was Head of the Lord aid to President's Scientific Alexander King Correspondence re various matters, chiefly connected with the 'HF Panel’. Pioneer Health Centre at Peckham, London King Secretariat, 1947-1950. British Correspondence re American technical industry under the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA). 1950, 1954 Correspondence chiefly re financial issues involving the Governors of the Institute. Correspondence and London County Council's interest in purchasing the Health Centre property. papers chiefly the re British Film Institute 1949-1950 E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 W.A. McFarlane 1950-1952 McFarlane was attached to the United Kingdom Scientific Mission and Industrial Research). Department Scientific (through the of Correspondence re various matters. E.10-E.14 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 5 folders. E.15-E.34 FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN Papers are arranged as follows: [c.1945]- 1952, nd 1947-2001, nd oat 17, General correspondence and papers E15 include Sir Gerald Barry, letters of invitation to functions held during E.15-E.17 E.18-E.34 1947-1953 General correspondence and papers Festival history and anniversary events Correspondence etc, mostly official, re various matters connected with the preparations for the Festival and its aftermath Correspondents Director General of the Festival of Britain and Herbert Morrison. A few the Festival are included. 1947-1953 Nicholson's invitation cards to various events held during the Festival period and his official passes and permits etc. ‘Functions and invitations’, contents of an envelope so inscribed Chiefly 1951-1952. E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 Personal letters to Nicholson from former colleagues who worked on the Festival of Britain 1951-1952 The letters are chiefly replies to Nicholson's letters of congratulation on receipt of honours awarded for contributions to the Festival. the E.18-E.34 Festival history and anniversary events E.18 ‘Festival of Britain of an envelope so inscribed specially selected [papers]', contents 1951-2001, nd 1951-1952, 1996, nd Festival detailed including Gardens, Brief correspondence and papers, 1951-1952, chiefly re the by Nicholson on the 'Festival Gardens Bill' (June 1951); brief correspondence with Hugh Pearman of The Times re his 13pp manuscript notes article (undated) headed ‘(Extracts made at Public Record Office) Great Exhibition Centenary Official Committee (meetings in recording meetings 1947-1951. Gt George St)', my room in Festival, notes on the 1996; E.21-E.23 Correspondence re annual Festival re-union dinners Correspondence re a set of commissioned photographs of the South Bank Exhibition which were not published as intended 'A Tonic to the Nation', exhibition to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Festival of Britain, held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, November-April 1976 1953-1958 Nicholson attended the opening ceremony (by HM The Queen Mother) on 26 November. In the same month he participated television documentary 'A Rainbow over the Thames’ which looked back at the Festival of Britain. Correspondence etc re the Opening, Nicholson's views on the exhibition (including 2pp manuscript notes) and other matters a BBC 2 in E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 Letter from the BBC re the documentary 'Rainbow over the Thames' and related cuttings from newspapers Copy of the book A Tonic to the Nation: The Festival of Britain 1951, Thames and Hudson 1976, which was connected with the Victoria and Albert Museum exhibition Several pages have annotations in Nicholson's hand. E.24-E.25 Correspondence and papers re proposals for a definitive published history of the Festival of Britain 1987-1991 With the 40th anniversary of the Festival approaching, Nicholson began to explore with former colleagues, the Arts Council and others the possibility of producing an Official history of the Festival, a project that had been turned down by the Treasury in 1952. His idea was to base the publication on an Edinburgh University PhD thesis by |. Ebong. Correspondence and papers re early suggestions and ideas concerning the official history and the use of the thesis Correspondents include Sir Jocelyn Stevens, Rector of the Royal College of Art, and the author of the thesis. Included are a number of typescript papers by Nicholson, and some manuscript notes, containing his comments on the text of the thesis and suggestions on how it might be used. 1989-1991 E.26-E.27 40th anniversary celebration dinner, Royal Festival Hall, London, 2 May 1991 Correspondence re attempts at publication Nicholson delivered a speech. Correspondence re arrangements and arising E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 Various manuscript and typescript drafts of Nicholson's speech; dinner; photograph of Nicholson delivering his speech, with his annotations on the back newspaper cuttings relating the to E.28-E.32 E.28-E.30 Events, articles etc connected with the 50th anniversary of the Festival of Britain 2000-2001 ‘The Festival at a conference organised by the Twentieth Century Society, held at the Royal Festival Hall, London, 19 May 2001 Fifty’, Nicholson was one of the speakers. Correspondence programme chiefly re arrangements, with 2000-2001 contents of an in inscribed Realities of the Festival envelope Probably taken at this conference. photographs, 9 ‘Festival Hall May 2001' Two typescript drafts of Nicholson's talk (texts different), one titled 'The Festival of Britain's Origins, Aims and Function’, of Britain’ the other 'The Most of the photographs show a group of people; of these two feature Nicholson. Brief correspondence re Nicholson's participation a BBC radio programme marking the 50th anniversary of a convention of the the Festival and his attendance at Festival of Britain Society 5 May 2001) Newspaper cutting from The Times with an article on the Festival of Britain and copy of Nicholson's letter to the correspondent; brief correspondence with the author of a prospective book on the Festival (Royal Festival Hall, E.M. Nicholson NCUACS 177/8/09 Office of the Lord President of the Council, E.1-E.34 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1976-2000, nd Included are a few pages of undated notes in Nicholson's hand and 2 photographs (1976) of the plaque to Sir Gerald Barry with Nicholson's annotations on back. Book titled Royal Festival Hall, Phaidon Press 1992, with inscription inside, in Nicholson's hand, stating that it was a gift from Sir Brian Corby, Chairman of the South Bank Board
NICHOLSON, Edward Max Vol1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin