Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Joseph Needham CH FRS (1900 - 1995) VOLUME Il Sections E - J NCUACS catalogue no. 54/3/95 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 SECTION E UNDERGRADUATE AND RESEARCH WORK E.1-E.193 NOTEBOOKS E.1-E.34 Undergraduate E.35-E.68 Research E.69-E.193 NOTES AND DRAFTS E.69-E.89 Undergraduate E.90-E.193 Research J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 NOTEBOOKS Undergraduate Undergraduate and research work The sequence of notebooks presented here covers the period 1916-1943, a span encompassing Needham's undergraduate studies most His research notebooks are particularly important biochemical research. striking for the In recording experimental work the entries often have annotations on why results of particular experiments were not as expected, what might have gone wrong and how this might be remedied. quality of information they present. high and his Many of the notebooks used for research hold additional material clipped or pinned to pages or intercalated loose. This material is integral to the notebooks and has been retained in its original order. The first four of these notebooks were initially used at Oundle School for science notes. Used for notes on experiments numbered 1-23 (with index 1st M.B. syllabus and notes on The experiments 20-23 are checked with a King's College stamp. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Records of experiments in Mechanics & Physics. Grafton House Oundle School [this crossed out and replaced with ‘King's College London University] 1916 - 1917 - 1918 Volume 1. to experiments 1-19 loose at back of notebook) paginated 1-45, sketches of equipment, physics subjects for ‘Heat! paginated 64-68. A little loose material at back. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Physics (1)' and on first page 'Volume Part | Mechanics Notebook. Statics & dynamics. Practical & theoretical Il Used for notes on mechanics [...] Oundle School Xmas Term 1917'. paginated 1-50 and notes on ‘Physics, Heat optics, electricity II' paginated 1-80. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Inorganic chemistry (1)' and inscribed on second page ‘Chemistry Volume | Christmas 1917'. Used for notes for School Certificate syllabus (and '‘Little-Go Syllabus’). Paginated 1-111 with list of contents at front. Part J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Pasted onto first page is press-cutting ‘Our chemists’ victories’ detailing successes of British chemistry during the First World War with a note by Needham on one of those mentioned in the piece 'Sir Henry Jackson was my Professor of Chemistry at King's College Summer Term 1918’. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Inorganic analysis’ and on first page '[...] Little-Go Examination March 1918 Vergil, Aeneid VIII, Xenophon, Anabasis V, St Luke's Gospel’. Used for translations from the Greek (some pages at the front of the book are missing), and for 'Mr Heycock's Notes on Analysis [Quantitative] May Term 1919'. Loose at back are notes for ‘Examination for Organic Body in 1st M.B. Cam. syllabus’. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Botany’ and on first page ‘[...] King's College London’. Used for notes 1918. Paginated 1-208 with index at back. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Inorganic chemistry (2)' and on second page ‘Descriptive chemistry [...] Mr Heycock's Lectures 1918-1919". Used for notes and diagrams. A little loose material at back. Softback pocket notebook used for notes and anatomical diagrams on ‘Origins and insertions of muscles' 1918-1920. first page Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Anatomy (1)' and on Caius College Cambridge October 1918 King's ‘Human anatomy [...] College, London July 1919’. Used for notes and anatomical diagrams to 1920, with list of lecturers at front (including A. Macalister whose obituary from The Times is pasted inside back cover). (J.N. Langley, F.G. Hopkins, H. Hartridge, L. Marshall and H.H. Anderson). Hardback notebook labelled on spine 'Osteology'. Used from October 1918 for notes and anatomical diagrams. Hardback notebook labelled on spine 'General physiology (1)'. Used from 16 January 1919 for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers on first page J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘General physiology (2)'. Used from 16 May 1919 for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers on first page (F.H.A. Marshall, J.N. Langley, L.E. Shore, Hartridge, R.A. Peters, A. DaSouza and H.K. Anderson). Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘General physiology (3)'. Used for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers on first page (J. Barcroft, R.A Peters, J.V. Bock, D.R. Hooker and E.C. Schneider). Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Experimental physiol’. Used from 16 January 1919 to Lent Term 1920 for notes on class experiments under J.N. Langley and H. Hartridge. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Histology’ (the label is in poor repair) and on first page '[...] 19.1.18 (should be 1919)’. Used for notes on lectures by E. Schafer. ‘Volumetric analysis’. At front Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Biol. Chemistry (1)' (the label is in poor repair). Used for notes on lectures 1919-1920, with list of lecturers on front cover and at front (Hopkins, S.W. Cole, T.S. Hele, O. Rosenheim, DaSouza and Peters). A little loose intercalated material. Hardback looseleaf binder inscribed on spine 'Tripos Chemistry’. Used from Easter Term 1919 for notes on lectures on physical chemistry by Heycock, ‘Gravimetric work’ and are duplicated typescript question papers for chemistry dating from October 1919 to May 1920. lectures. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Biological Chemistry [2]' (the label is in poor repair). Used for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers on front cover (Hopkins, Hele, Peters, G. Lusk, A. Woodman). Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Morphology (1)' and on first page ‘Morphology and Embryology Dr Duckworth 1919-20'. Used for notes on J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Morphology (2)' and on first page ‘Morphology and Embryology Dr Duckworth 1919-20'. Used for notes on lectures. Most pages not used. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Anatomy (2)' (label in poor repair) and on second page 'Human anatomy [...] February 1920'. Used for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers at front (Reid, Pennell and Appleton). Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Colloids (1)' and on front cover 'The biology, chemistry and physics of the colloid state [...] 11.v.20'. Used for notes from May 1920 and notes on W.B. Hardy's lectures on general colloidal theory May Term 1921. A little loose material at front. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Colloids (2)'. lectures on surface chemistry by A.S. Rideal and T. Lowry. Used for notes on Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Histology (2)'. Used from Michaelmas Term 1920 for notes on lectures by W.B. Hardy. Loose at front is ‘Summary of histological methods 1922". Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Neurology’ and on second page 'Nerve and muscle’. Used from 11 October 1920 for notes on lectures by E.D. Adrian and R.S. Lillee bacteriology’. Used from May Term 1921. Used from Michaelmas Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Biophysics’. Term 1920 for notes on lectures, with list of lecturers on front cover (T.R. Parsons and D.D. Van Slyke, Lowry, J.J.R. Mcleod and L.J. Henderson). Contents of Needham's hardback looseleaf binder: duplicated typescript worksheets, manuscript notes on ‘Practical Biochemistry Part two Nat. Sci. Trip. 1920’. Hardback looseleaf binder labelled on front ‘Notes on dispensing [and] J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Hardback notebook labelled on spine 'Cytology'. Used for notes on lectures by J. Gray and R.A. Peters. A little loose material at front and back, including Society meeting 7 March [21921]. of Cambridge Philosophical notice Hardback notebook inscribed on spine ‘Special senses’. Used for notes on lectures by H. Hartridge. Nd but probably for Part II. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Parasitology’ and on first page '[...] Professor Nuttall Long Vac Term 1921'. Used for notes on lectures. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Pathology’ and on first page ‘[...] Prof Sir G. Sims Woodhead Long Vac Term 1921'. Used for notes on lectures. Some pages from front of the notebook are missing. Hardback notebook labelled on spine 'Pharmacology' and on first page 'T...] Prof Bradbury Dr Inchley Dr Dixon Long Vac Term 1921'. Used for notes on lectures. Some pages from front of notebook are missing. Research E.35 Hardback binder used for duplicated manuscript chemistry notes pasted onto the pages. Nd. Softback notebook inscribed on front ‘Typical reactions' and on second page ‘Typical organic reactions [...] Caius’. Used for notes on hydrocarbons etc. Nd. Physiological Congress, 23-27 July 1923, 175-176. Softback notebook inscribed on front 'Traduccion DE Inglesia [...] 1914 [...]' (crossed out). Used from the front for lists of photographs from childhood family holidays, sketches and ‘Catalogue of Books’, and at back from 1 November - 6 December 1921 for notes on experiments. Intercalated material includes letters from E. Prideaux, 26 March 1923 and O. Rosenheim, 25 March 1924, and 2pp typescript draft of ‘The excretion of creatine’ by Needham and T.J. McCarthy, Proc. of the XI/th International J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Foolscap hardback letterbook used for notes on work on inositol, various dates 1922-1925. Printed pagination. A little loose intercalated material. Contents of Needham's hardback folder labelled ‘Reprints etc' on front cover: manuscript notes and references including ‘Pathological chemistry 1922. The folder has not been retained. Softback exercise book used for notes on micro-injection experiments 30 October 1924 - 14 February 1925, and work at Roscoff, Brittany 12 - 30 June 1925 (paginated 1-25). Hardback exercise book used for notes on work at Roscoff 30 June - 21 July 1925 (paginated 26-60), and micro-injection work October - December [1925]. Back cover missing. ‘Joseph cover Used for notes and on front on 1929'. Hardback ‘Reporter's notebook’ Dorothy Needham experiments June - November 1929. Pacific Grove, inscribed Cal. Softback exercise book inscribed on first page 'Phosphagens of blowlflies'. Used from the front for notes on experiments 1-45 10 December 1931 - 17 March 1933, and from the back for work at Lister Institute. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Psychopathology’ and on second page '[...] Fulbourne asylum: Xmas term 1924'. Used for notes on various mental conditions and illnesses. experiments on eggs 1-107 . Intercalated material includes correspondence from M. Robertson of the Lister Institute, 1931-1932. Large format hardback notebook, used from July 1930 chiefly for notes on J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work format Large on experiments and from April 1931 for notes on experiments on eggs 108-355. A little intercalated material. hardback notebook, 1930 for October used notes Large format hardback notebook, used from front for notes on experiments on eggs 356-590 and from back for notes on experiments 1-41. A little intercalated material. Large format hardback notebook labelled on front 'Snailery | 1-134'. Used from the front for notes on work with snails November 1933 - February 1934, paginated 1-134, and from the back for notes on experiments on eggs 591- 621 and unnumbered. Much intercalated material includes letters from H. Carday, November and R.A. Millikan, December 1933, graphs, calculations etc. Much intercalated material including correspondence November 1934 - December 1935, graphs, notes, and complete index to carbohydrate experiments 1-222. Large format hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Carbohydrate metabolism of chick embryo. N, N, C, D'. Used for notes on experiments on chick embryos 98-175, February - July 1936. Much intercalated material. Large format hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Snail Metab II Needham Baldwin’ and on back cover ‘Carbohydrate Metabolism of chick embryo [...] Needham, Nowinski, Cook, Dixon’. Used from the front for notes on work with snails February - August 1934 (that from February to March paginated 135-190) and from the back for notes on experiments on chick embryos 1-97, June 1935 - February 1936. pages not used. Much intercalated material including reprints, graphs etc. Large format hardback notebook used from the front for notes on chick experiments 177-270, 6 October 1936 - 30 June 1937, and at the back for notes October 1936, October 1937. Much intercalated material including letters from G. Weiler, with results of analyses July 1936, and H.O.L. Fischer, April and May 1937. Large format hardback notebook used for notes on chick experiments 271- 279, July 1937, and later notes 1939. Not all Most in Needham's hand. Not all in Needham's hand. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work VV. April Hardback notebook inscribed on first page 'Evocator experiments. [sic] Nowinsky, C.H. Waddington, Joseph Needham, Dorothy 1934 Needham’. Used for notes 16 April - 8 August 1934. Inside front cover is note of the allocation of research work as decided at 'meeting 14th Jan 1935'. Most pages not used. A little intercalated material. Large format hardback notebook inscribed on first page 'Dr Urée, acide urique etc'. 1934 - February 1935. Paginated 1-178. J. Brachet Used by Brachet for notes (in French) ca.October Most pages not used. Memo Book inscribed on front cover 'Praparateur-Buch'. (not in Needham’s hand) 1934-1935. Most pages not used. Used for notes Hardback notebook inscribed on second page '‘Extraktionsversuch |'. Used for notes (in German, not in Needham’s hand) ca.1934. A little intercalated material. Intercalated material includes correspondence, February - April 1935. Contents of Needham's loose-leaf binder used for notes on work on chick embryos (in German and English), annotated by Needham, 9 June - 11 November 1936. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '[...] The Chemistry of Organizer Organizer and other’. Used for notes (in J. Needham and W.W. Nowinski German, not in Needham’s hand) on cephalin ca.1935. Most pages not used. Much intercalated material including correspondence from G.S. Adair, nd. Contents of Needham's box inscribed '‘[E.J.] Boell notebooks 1,2 & 3' and ‘Diver notebooks 1,2,3'. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '1'. Needham's hand, ca.1937 - May 1938. Paginated 1-75. Used for notes, not all in The original folder has not been retained. E.57-E.60 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '2'. Needham's hand, 15 February - 24 June 1938. intercalated material. Used for notes, not all in Paginated 1-161. A little Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '3'. in Needham's hand 25 June - 12 July 1938. Paginated 1-55, most pages not used or paginated. A little intercalated material. Used for notes, not all Loose manuscript notes, graphs, calculations, found with the notebooks. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Aerobic glycolysis'. notes 18 October 1938 - 20 March 1939. A little intercalated material. Used for notebook Hardback ca.October 1938 - April 1939. material. used for miscellaneous calculations Not in Needham's hand. A little intercalated notes and E.63-E.68 Paginated 1-81. Used for notes on techniques, scope of work, and on '1'. experiments 1-67c, March - May 1940. A little intercalated material. Sequence of six notebooks, continuously paginated 1-295, used for work on ‘Protein particle shape by anomalous viscosity and flow birefringence in relation to embryonic structures & adult tissues esp muscles' (inscription inside notebook 1). pages not used. A little intercalated material. '2'. May 1940, and later work January 1941 - Needham's hand. A little intercalated material. Paginated 156-194. '3'. March 1942. A little intercalated material. Used for continuing notes on experiments 68-76d, in 5 February 1942. Used for notes on experiments 7 February - 21 Used for notes 23 March - 11 May 1942. Paginated 195-234. Paginated 82-155. Not all ‘4'. Most J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work 1942. ‘5'. Paginated 235-248 (most pages missing). Used for notes 11 May - 11 June R.A. Kekwick re electrophoresis run on globulin fractions of amphibian embryos, June - July 1942. includes correspondence with Intercalated material Paginated 249-295. Used for notes 13 June 1942 - 27 January 1943. ‘6’. Not in Needham's hand. A little intercalated material. NOTES AND DRAFTS Undergraduate E.69-E.72 ‘Practical [later crossed out] Organic Chemistry’. Contents of Needham's file so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1918'; manuscript notes on ‘Professor E.70-E.72 Manuscript chemistry notes, September 1918. Manuscript notes on 'Theoretical Organic Chemistry’. 3 folders. Manuscript lecture notes on ‘Practical organic chemistry [...] King's College [..._ Pope's Demonstrations 1919". Summer term The notes record the preparation, properties and composition of various organic chemicals. They are arranged by an alphabetical classification system with an index at the front (at E.70). 1922' and ‘Symposium on muscle 23.2.22'. Contents of Needham's folder divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript lecture notes, notes on the literature etc, various dates 1918- 1922. Includes notes on 'Goulstonian lecture ‘Nutrition 1919 (Graham Lusk)’, 'The hydrogen ion W. Mansfield Clark’, 'The chemical dynamics of muscle F.G. Hopkins 3 March 1921', ‘The Prof on muscular story February The material has been retained in the order in which it was found. E.74-E.81 1921’, J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Includes notes on 'Enzyme action’. Includes notes on ‘Chemical protective mechanisms Read before the GCNSC [Gonville and Caius Natural Sciences Club] 1918’. Incomplete unbound printed 'Plan of what must necessarily be a very short course of G. Sims Woodhead, Cambridge University Pathology Department, Long Vacation 1921. study’ given by The remainder of the plan is at E.81. Notes on 'Oxidations and reductions in the animal body’. Notes on 'The glutathione system’, 'The Bach-Chodat Perox. system’, ‘Light and protoplasm’, 'Milk biochemistry’ and 'The physiology of water’. Walter E.82-E.84 Includes notes on 'The coagulation of blood’ and ‘The nucleic acids Jones 1920". Notes on ‘Respiratory function of blood’, 'The ductless glands' and ‘Cathcart 1918 "The phys of protein metabolism" '. Contents of Needham's folder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes on organic chemistry, latest bibliographical reference 1919. Needham delivered a talk on this subject in ca.1921. See G.1. ?Undergraduate essays on 'The utilisation of atmospheric nitrogen’ and 'The geographical distribution of plants'. Manuscript. ?Undergraduate essay on ‘Blood as a tissue’. page of earlier draft. 2 folders. E.86, E.87 49pp manuscript, with first J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Manuscript notes on 13 February 1921; Needham's manuscript notes on 'F.G.H's paper at Phys. Society's Meeting May 21st 1921’. to Research Hospital, Babraham Road', ‘Visit Research E.90-E.94 Duplicated typescript bacteriology experiment sheets, Long Vacation 1921. Typescript drafts of chapters of Needham's Ph.D. thesis, with extensive manuscript corrections. 5 folders. Preface 'A general survey of the cyclose problem’; 'A General historical survey’. ‘The general descriptive biochemistry of the cyclose group'. Work on i-Inositol. ‘Further experiments’. ‘Conclusions, bibliography and plans for further investigations’. bibliographical reference 1924. Possibly continuation of preceding. ‘References to intermediary metabolism N.T.J.N.'. Contents of Needham's folder so labelled divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes on the literature, some pages numbered, latest bibliographical reference 1924. At E.98 is an incomplete index to the notes. Contents of Needham's folder divided into three for ease of reference: latest manuscript notes on the E.99-E.101 E.95-E.98 literature, some pages numbered, J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work E.102-E.107 ‘Inositol’. Contents of Needham's boxfile so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: miscellaneous manuscript notes ca.1924-1941. Includes historical notes and bibliographical references. E.108-E.116 ‘Egg (Chem. Embr.)'. into nine for ease of reference: miscellaneous notes etc, 1927-1946. Contents of Needham's boxfile so inscribed divided Includes manuscript drafts of 1927. 'Le metabolisme des hydrates de carbone chez l'embryon du Poulet (Gallus gallus)', 3pp and 'Le metabolisme des hydrates de carbone chez l'embryon de Grenoulle (Rana temporaria)’, App. Both published in Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 97 (1927). 1928. Includes incomplete manuscript ‘Summary of results to Jan 1928, egg yolk proteins’. Notes for 1932 record contributions of J.H. Woodger, C.H. Waddington, D.M. Wrinch and J.D. Bernal; those for 1933 Woodger, Wrinch, Wadham, M. Black, Bernal and B.P. Wiesner. 1932, 1933. Includes sets of manuscript notes for 1932 and 1933 relating to meetings of the Theoretical Biology Club. See also J.243-J.246 and M.96- M.100. 1931. Includes 11pp typescript of ‘The historical and contemporary inter- relationship of the physical and biological sciences. Review of a discussion which took place at the Second International Congress of the History of Science, 1931'. Records remarks by Needham made in the discussion. humatagraphs. re development of Department of 1934-1950. Biochemistry. Includes draft of ‘Memorandum on the position of embryology in England and in Cambridge’ sent to Rockefeller Foundation (see also B.21) and manuscript material found therewith. Miscellaneous material 1935, 1936. Includes correspondence from Chas. Hearson & Co. Ltd re humidity supplied Needham with The company had incubators. in J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work 1937, 1938, 1946. Includes manuscript notes from discussion meeting of Theoretical Biology Club 1937 (those named include Woodger, L.L. Whyte, Waddington, Bernfeld, B.P. Wiesner, W.F. Floyd and Bernal), and 4pp typescript ‘An account of the negotiations regarding financial aid for technical assistance, etc for studies on the borderline between biochemistry and embryology’, 1938. Bt 15e116 Manuscript and typescript notes, nd. Esl Notes in envelope and folder inscribed ‘Experiments’. Miscellaneous notes. ‘Fat desaturation results’. letter from J.B. Leathes, 14 March 1929; manuscript and typescript notes. Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed: Es18) E119 E1227 6123 Manuscript notes, calculations, graphs etc. E120; E121 Miscellaneous notes, 1920s. 2 folders. ‘Chemical Heterauxesis papers'. Contents of Needham's boxfile so labelled divided into two for ease of reference. ‘P-metab I|'. Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes, calculations etc., ca.1929-1930. inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. E.124-E.127 ‘Nitrogen catabolism (& comparative)’. Contents of Neeedham’s folder so Correspondence, chiefly from C.J. Lamb 1932, 1933. The first letter is annotated 'Correspondence about Heterogony (Lamb)'. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 E.124-E.126 Undergraduate and research work Uric acid formation ‘Notes Urea etc'. ease of reference: chiefly bibliographical references. Allantoinase Contents of envelope found within folder divided into three for Arginase, Activators Uricase Correspondence 1932, 1933, including letters from W.R. Fearon, re work on uric acid; manuscript notes. E.128, E.129 ‘Fluoride & lodoacetate on E, B, & Ysac'. Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: graphs and notes on effect of fluoride etc on the chick embryo, blastoderm and yolksac, ca.1932. E.130-E.139 Our notes & papers & photos' and ‘Steroids etc’. Contents of ‘Organiser Needham's boxfile so labelled divided into ten for ease of reference, 1933- 1939. Correspondence 1933-1938, principally with N.G. Heatley. E131, B.132 Blackpool, 9-16 September 1936 at E.133-E.135 3 Manuscript and typescript notes, tables, graphs etc, ca.1933-1939. folders. Press-cuttings and other publicity material re Needham's work on organiser. 2 folders The material chiefly relates to the meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science, which Needham spoke on his work on organiser. However, it also includes some earlier reports of his work. 1937. See also M.209-M.214. The Polish language material may relate to Needham's visit to Poland in Offprints and miscellaneous printed material (chiefly in Polish) 2 folders. Mounted photographs for figures for publications. Loose photographs. E.138, E.139 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 E.140-E.143 Undergraduate and research work ‘Organiser boxfile so labelled divided into four for ease of reference. Steroids, cancer problem Notes’. Contents of Needham's Correspondence requesting Needham's comments on a section of cancer, with copy of the section annotated by Needham. 1936-1940. Includes letter from W.E.C. Dickson his book dealing with E.141-E.143 Manuscript and ca.1933-1940. 3 folders. typescript notes, principally bibliographical references, E.144-E.149 ‘Organiser labelled divided into six for ease of reference. Miscellaneous notes'. Contents of Needham's boxfile so Correspondence, 1933-1935 and nd, with manuscript and typescript notes found attached. Includes letters re preparation of glycogen and re sterols sent to Needham for work on evocator. 4 E.150-E.152 E.145-E.148 Photographs. R.K. Brown mss'. Contents of Needham's ‘Uric acid formation in birds envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, principally bibliographical references, ca.1933-1935. folders. also F.235. Letter from Brown with report ‘Uric acid production in the embryo chick. Biochemical Laboratory, Cambridge, Jan. 13 - Mar. 16, 1933' and graph of results. ‘Ultra micro Kjeldahl’. manuscript notes, calculations etc, technique’, with E.J. Boell, Biochemical Journal 33 (1939), 149-152. Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed: ultramicro-Kjeldahl See Index cards with Brown's original data. E.1S% 6152 ca.1937, re ‘An J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 E.154-E.158 Undergraduate and research work ‘Diver work'. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of series ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro-manometer', Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B, October 1939. See also F.238-F.249. re papers in reference: material 1937-1938; draft Correspondence, ‘Application the measurement of the anaerobic glycolysis of the regions of the amphibian gastrula’. ultramicromanometer manuscript typescript Cartesian Diver and 2pp the to of E.155-E.158 Manuscript notes, graphs, calculations, photographs etc. 4 folders. Miscellaneous notes, 1937-1938. E.160-E.172 ‘Protein particle shape inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference. Notes etc’. Contents of Needham's boxfile so Notes Lab notes etc’. Includes ‘Notes on work in progress' by Robinson, 26 May 1937; 4pp typescript draft of article by Needham and Robinson; manuscript notes. Correspondence 1938-1942. Includes correspondence re work on myosin, supply of chemicals and apparatus, techniques, and memo from J.F. Danielli on ‘denatured protein' prepared at Needham's request, 28 July 1942. Contents of folder so ‘Needham & Robinson inscribed: material re 'La forme moléculaire des substances protéiques de l'oeuf’, with J.R. Robinson, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 126 (1937). Needham's manuscript notes for talk to ‘Tea Club April 28th 1942". ‘Polarising microscope & multiweight balance’. envelope correspondence and brochures re supply of apparatus, 1941. Needham's manuscript notes on 'J.F. Danielli's lectures on colloids etc. May Term 1941' and 'Darlington's talk at the Waddery’, nd. Contents of Needham's reference: E.162, E.163 inscribed divided ease two into so _ for of J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Manuscript notes and graphs 1942. Needham's manuscript ‘Index to notebooks and files' dealing with protein work. The items are listed in the index by number, and some are located in folders E168) 2ow/S2e-179-2:481, 6.182, 6-186; £.187. E.168-E.172 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes, bibliographical references etc. 5 folders. E.173-E.175 ‘Heidermanns et al'. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: offprints by C. Heidermanns and others, 1933- 1939, annotated by Needham. ‘Protein viscosity notes'. Young re viscosity of axoplasm proteins, 9 May 1940; manuscript notes. Contents of Needham's folder: letter from J.Z. proteins'. Contents of Needham's folder: Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: ‘Liver and manuscript notes, ca.1941. kidney structure ‘Calculations and notes’. correspondence re visit to Lancaster, 1941, manuscript notes etc. ca. 1941. two for ease of reference. ‘Salts & temp & myosin’. Contents of Needham's folders so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes and graphs, ca.1941-1942. ‘APP & myosin’. three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and graphs, ca.1941-1942. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into ‘Mucoprotein story’. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into E.179-E.181 E.182°E 183 E.184, E.185 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Undergraduate and research work Correspondence from D. McClean and J.H. Humphrey, 1941-1942. Offprints by D. McClean. E.186, E.187 Contents of Needham's folder divided manuscript notes and graphs, ca.1942. into two for ease of reference: ‘Am emb story’. Kleinzeller re work on amphibian eggs, 7 April 1942; manuscript notes. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: letter to A. Needham's manuscript notes on talk by G. Wald on ‘Visual pigments’, 2 March 1964. E.190, E.191 Nd. 2 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, bibliographical references etc. folders. Miscellaneous typescript and duplicated typescript notes. Nd. Manuscript tables of bibliographical references. Large format. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS F.1-F.379 F.380-F.400 TRANSLATIONS F.401-F.449 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE OFFPRINTS J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 DRAFTS Publications the probable intention A chronological sequence of material relating to Needham's publications, or to Many papers are co-authored. Collaborators include his wife Dorothy Needham, E. Baldwin, E.J. Boell, J. Brachet, W.W. Nowinski and also represented by a number of drafts of which she is sole author. Dorothy Needham is publish. Yudkin. to J. The material presented here includes not only Needham's biochemical publications but also drafts of a religious, political or philosophical nature. Further publications material may be found in sections C, E and G. ‘Muscle tonus'. 20pp typescript + references. Latest bibliographical reference 1921. ‘Muscular tone’. Typescript and manuscript draft. 2 folders. 68pp manuscript draft. 2 folders. Latest bibliographical reference 1921. ‘The evolution of the functions of blood’, Science Progress, April 1923. ?Longer version of preceding. Note found therewith reads 'A masterly treatment of a most difficult subject [...] Tunnicliffe G.C.N.S.C. [Gonville and Caius Natural Science Club] 31.1.23'. suggesting amendments. 13pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + figure; letter from editor A method of quantitative estimation’, Biochemical ‘Studies on inositol Journal 17 (1923), 422. 9pp typescript + references; letter from editor. |. Manuscript draft. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘A note on the estimation of the carbon-content of solutions', Biochemical Journal 17 (1923), 431-434. 5pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections; 4pp proof with manuscript corrections. ‘Inositol and insulin’, with W. Smith and L.B. Winter, Journal of Physiology, (1923). 1p typescript. ‘Studies on Biochemical Journal 18 (1924), 891-904. Il. The synthesis of inositol inositol in the animal body’, 30pp typescript with manuscript corrections + references; letter from editor. ‘Studies on inositol Ill. The metabolic behaviour of inositol in the developing avian egg’, Biochemical Journal 18 (1924). Correspondence from editors only. ‘The metabolism of the developing egg’, Science Progress, July 1924. ‘The oxidation-potential of the cell-interior (a preliminary report)’. ca.1924. 19pp typescript with manuscript corrections + references and tables; letter from editor. 2pp typescript. ‘The hydrogen ion concentration and oxidation-reduction potential of the cell- interior’, Physiological Society/Journal of Physiology 59 (1925). 16pp typescript with manuscript corrections + list of references. with D.M.M. Needham, Proceedings of the J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘The hydrogen cell concentration and the oxidation-reduction potential of the cell-interior: a micro-injection study', with D.M.M. Needham, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 98 (1925), 259-286. Slightly corrections. differently titled typescript draft with extensive manuscript le ‘Les effets de la fécondation sur la concéntration en ions hydrogéne et potentiel d'oxydation-réduction dans les la par méthode de micro-injection’, with D.M.M.Needham, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 93, 18 July 1925, 503-505. étudiés marins, oeufs 6pp manuscript draft; typescript abstract from L’Année Biologique. F.18-F.22 ‘The metabolism of the developing egg’, Physiological Reviews 5 (1925). F.18-F.21 102pp typescript + tables and list of references. 4 folders. Correspondence from editor. Incomplete typescript and manuscript draft of Needham's contribution. Science, Religion and Reality. ed J. Needham, Sheldon Press, London, 1925. Needham contributed an article 'Mechanistic biology and the religious consciousness’. See also G.3. 3pp typescript + figures; correspondence with editor re publication. Correspondence with W.R. Inge, re vitalism; correspondence arising 1925-1927 and 1951; royalty account for fourth edition and American edition, 1931. ‘A note on recovery from severe ployuria nephritis in the rat', submitted to British Journal of Experimental Pathology 1925. a contributor to the book, chiefly J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘The hydrogen-ion concentration and the oxidation-reduction potential of the cell-interior before and after fertilisation and cleavage; a micro-injection study on marine eggs’, with D.M.M. Needham, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 99 (1926), 175-199. Typescript draft with extensive manuscript and typescript corrections and annotations. ‘Further micro-injection studies on the oxidation-reduction potential of the cell-interior', with D.M.M. Needham, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 99 (1926), 383-397. Manuscript and typescript draft. ‘Observations sur le PH intérieur de la with D.M.M. Needham, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 94, 27 March 1926, 833. cellule’, 7pp manuscript draft (in French); 4pp typescript draft (in English). ?Incomplete 2pp typescript draft. F.29-F.32 with D.M.M. F.29-F.31 75pp typescript and manuscript draft. 3 folders. ‘The oxidation-reduction potential of protoplasm: a review’, Needham, Protoplasma 1 (1926), 255-294. ‘The sources of energy in ontogenesis', Proceedings of the Physiological Society/Journal of Physiology 66 (1926). See also G.5. limitations ‘The religion’, Hibbert Journal, April 1926. Correspondence with editor, L.P. Jacks; correspondence arising 1926-1927. Figures; correspondence from editor. of optick glasses; some observations on science and J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications 'S.T. Coleridge as a philosophical biologist’, Science Progress, April 1926. 17pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis |. The urea content of the developing avian egg’, British Journal of Experimental Biology 3 (1926), 189. Incomplete typescript draft. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis II. The uric acid content and the general protein metabolism of the developing avian egg', British Journal of Experimental Biology 4 (1926), 114. 39pp typescript with manuscript corrections + manuscript tables. 2 folders. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis Ill. the developing avian egg and the theory of recapitulation’, British Journal of Experimental Biology 4 (1926), 145. The ammonia content of fat in the developing avian egg’, British Journal Typescript and manuscript draft. with manuscript corrections + list of Typescript and manuscript draft references; letter from editor. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis IV. The relation between absorption and combustion of of Experimental Biology 4 (1926), 258. 2 folders. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis VI. The relation between combustion, constitution, and concentration in the developing avian egg', British Journal of Experimental Biology, ca.1926. ‘The energy-sources in ontogenesis V. The carbohydrate metabolism of the developing avian egg’, British Journal of Experimental Biology 4 (1926). 28pp typescript with manuscript corrections and annotations. 2 folders. Typescript and manuscript draft. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Lucretius redivivus, or, the hope of a chemical psychology’, Psyche (1927). 14pp typescript with manuscript corrections; brief correspondence. ‘On ovomucoid', Biochemical Journal 21 (1927), 733-738. 6pp typescript draft + tables. ‘The developmental efficiency of the avian embryo’, British Journal of Experimental Biology (1927). Manuscript and typescript draft. ‘Quelques aspects de la chimie embryonnaire des Selachiens', with D.M.M. Needham, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie (1927). App typescript with manuscript corrections. ?Incomplete 2pp typescript draft. the developing chick’, Quarterly Journal of Man a Machine, Psyche Miniatures, Kegan Paul, London, 1927. free carbohydrate of ‘The Experimental Physiology 18 (1927). This was written as a response to a draft by E. Rignano entitled ‘Man Not a Machine’. Proof with manuscript corrections and typescript additions. friendly Following correspondence with Needham and invited him to write an article for the journal Scientia. He was also asked to check a translation of an article by Rignano submitted for the Psyche Miniatures series. Rignano died in February 1930 and Needham was asked to write an obituary of Rignano for Nature and an appreciation of his work for Scientia. publication of Man a Machine Rignano initiated a_ F.49-F.56 See also M.85. F.49-F.52 Typescript draft with manuscript corrections. 4 folders. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence with publisher and editor plates. of Pysche; photographs for Review from Quarterly Review of Biology 4 (1929); correspondence arising. Correspondence from Rignano 1927-1928, from editor of Pysche re article by Rignano 1929-1930, and from editor of Scientia 1930; 8pp typescript draft '‘L'Idealisme positiviste of Needham's obituary of Rignano for Nature. philosophe Rignano)'; (Eugenio proof d'un ‘The relations between free and combined carbohydrate in the metabolism of the embryo’, submitted to Biochemical Journal 1927 but not published. Typescript draft letter from editor explaining why the article could not be published. with extensive manuscript corrections and annotations; Correspondence from editor. ‘Recent developments in the philosophy of biology’, Quarterly Review of Biology 3 (1928), 77-91. Correspondence, chiefly from editor; offprint with underscoring and marginal emphasis by Needham. ‘The concept of the organism in biology’, Journal of Philosophical Studies (1927). Typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Towards a quantitative embryology’, review of Les bases physiologiques de la fécondation et de la parthénogenése by A. Dalcq, Science Progress, 2July 1928. ‘Protein metabolism and organic evolution’, Science Progress 23, January 1929, 633-648. 9pp typescript draft; correspondence re review. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Materialism and religion, Ernest Benn, London, 1929. Written for Benn's ‘Affirmation’ series at the request of P. Dearmer. Correspondence from Dearmer and publishers, 1927-1931; letter arising, 7 January 1930. 'Hermaphroditism in dendraster’, with A.R. Moore, Science, 11 October 1929, 357. 1p typescript; proof; letter from editors. ‘Scyllitol in Selachian ontogeny’, Biochemical Journal 23 (1929), 319-323. 10pp typescript draft. Review of Biological Principles. A critical study by J.H. Woodger (Kegan Paul, London, 1929). 6pp typescript draft. 37pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Ten essays, Chatto and Windus, London, 1929 and The sceptical biologist. W. W. Norton & Co., New York, 1930. ‘The chemical changes during the metamorphosis of insects' by D.M.M. Needham, Biological Reviews 4 (1929), 307. Prefatory material. 303pp typescript draft of book + title page, acknowledgements. 9 folders. Typescript draft manuscript corrections and additions. of first essay ‘The sceptical collection of ten essays by Needham, some previously This was a published. F.67-F.81 F.68-F.76 F.68 biologist’, with extensive J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘The sceptical biologist’. ‘The limitations of optick glasses’. ‘Organicism in biology’. ‘The hunting of the phoenix’. ‘Lucretius redivivus'. 'S.T. Coleridge as a philosophical biologist’. ‘Julien de la Mettrie’. ‘William Harvey and the Witches’. ‘Anaxagora, or, science and purpose’. ‘Materialism and religion’. Bibliography. Agreements with publishers, royalty statements. ‘A biochemist orders a wreath for Sir Thomas Browne’, 11pp typescript draft by Needham found with preceding material. Correspondence from W.W. Norton and Co., 1928-1930. Correspondence from Chatto & Windus, 1929-1933. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence arising, 1929-1936 and nd; press-cuttings. Review of Embryology and Evolution by G.R. de Beer, Cambridge Review, January 1930. 1p typescript draft. ‘Nitrogen-excretion in Selachian ontogeny’, with D.M.M. Needham, British Journal of Experimental Biology 7 (1930), 7-18. 20pp typescript draft. ‘A note on Selachian yolk-proteins', Biochemical Journal (1930). 9pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. F.86-F.88 list of contents, tables 11pp typescript + references; letter from publishers. 51pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + etc. 3 folders. ‘On phosphorus metabolism in embryonic life D.M.M. Needham, Journal of Experimental Biology 7 (1930), 317-348. |. Invertebrate eggs', with ‘On the penetration of marine organisms into fresh-water’, Biologisches Zentralblatt (1930), 1-6. 5pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. ‘La synthése de nucléines par les oeufs en voie de développement’, with D.M.M. Needham, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 104 (1930), 671. ‘Conversation in a Brake-van', Cambridge Review, 16 May 1930, 409-410. 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘The biochemical aspect of the recapitulation theory’, Biological Reviews & Biological Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 (1930), 142-158. 32pp typescript draft + summary and references; letter from editor. Corrected proof copy. ‘On incubation-time and gestation-time', Science Progress, October 1930 16pp typescript draft + references; letter from editors. ‘Thoughts on the problem of biological organisation’, ca. 1930. 15pp typescript + references; proof; manuscript notes. Review of The Interpretation of Uncorrected proof. ‘Biology and Publicism’. Hogben, (London, 1930). Review of ?Principles of Animal Biology by L.T. 5pp typescript with manuscript corrections. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘Concerto for Organism and Orchestra’. Development and Heredity by E.S. Russell (Oxford, 1936). Correspondence with T.S. Eliot, editor, 1930; letter arising. ‘Religion and the scientific mind’, Criterion, January 1931. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.98-F.110 Chemical Embryology, 3 vols., Cambridge University Press, 1931. This book was in preparation for several years and its appearance eagerly anticipated by many. A number of publishers expressed an interest in the book but Needham offered it to Cambridge University Press who agreed to publish it if Needham would contribute to the costs. 1934 chapters on historical development of embryology were In published as a separate volume A History of Embryology. See F.160. This was extensively revised in 1947 and, for a US edition, in 1958. the ‘Statement of the aim of the book Physicochemical Embryology’, 3pp manuscript draft, 1929; correspondence from publishers and others 1926- 1929. Correspondence re financing of book, 1929-1931. Cambridge University Press sought a contribution of £500 from Needham a number of trusts and towards the book. foundations but in the event found the sum required himself. He also made a sizeable contribution towards the cost of excess corrections. He applied unsuccessfully to drafts of F.100, F.101 of and correspondence from colleagues commenting on List Chemical Embryology, 1930-1931. 2 folders. Proof of Prolegomena and first 38 pages, extensively annotated by ?J.H. Woodger with comments of criticism and approbation. Needham widely circulated drafts of sections of the book for comments and criticisms. 160, Needham's reply to a review by E.W. MacBride. Correspondence with congratulation from colleagues asked to review the book, 1932-1933. Includes copy of 'Embryology: exact or inexact?', Discovery, May 1932, 157- Publicity material. 2 folders. F.103, F.104 letters of appreciation and reviewers, including Reviews. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.107, F.108 Letters of appreciation and congratulation. 2 folders. Correspondence with sales Embryology, correspondence re possible reprint 1960, 1962. publishers printing and re of Chemical Royalty statements etc. ‘The relations between yolk and white in the hen's egg |. Introduction’, with A.J.M. Smith, Journal of Experimental Biology 8 (1931), 286-292. 14pp typescript with manuscript correction + references; letter from editor, written on verso of Needham's original covering letter. ‘The relations between yolk and white in the hen's egg IV The formation of lactic acid and alcohol by the yolk’, M. Stephenson and D.M.M. Needham, Journal of Experimental Biology 8 (1931), 319-329. with list of contents, references, 15pp typescript + summary, references, figures. 17pp typescript with manuscript corrections + figures. ‘The relations between yolk and white in the hen's egg V. The osmotic properties of the isolated vitelline membrane’, Journal of Experimental Biology 8 (1931), 330-344. between biology and religion by the Student Christian Movement in 1927. Needham was first invited to write a book dealing with the relationship This was a published exchange with V.B. Wigglesworth. ‘Excretion of Uric acid’, Nature 128 (1931), 152-153. 2pp typescript draft Wigglesworth's paper. with manuscript correction; 2pp typescript draft of eto} 16 The great amphibium, SCM Press, London, 1931. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence with SCM Press, 1927-1935; agreement; royalty accounts etc. Correspondence arising 1931-1933. ‘Religion in a scientific age’, The Nineteenth Century, November 1931. Proof copy; correspondence from assistant editor; correspondence arising. ‘The inadequacy of scientific deism', Journal of Philosophical Studies (1931). Letter from editor only. ‘Biology today and tomorrow’, ca.1931. Corrected proof stamped '24 Sep. 1931’. ‘Evolution’, Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences (New York, ca.1931). ‘Cambridge cytology’, review of A Textbook of Experimental Cytology by J. Gray (Cambridge 1931). from editor. ‘Recent advances in chemical embryology’, Annual Review of Biochemistry 1 (1932), 507-526. 24pp typescript and manuscript draft + list of references; correspondence Correspondence with editor 1930-1931. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 F.123, F.124 Publications ‘A comparative study of the phosphagens, with some remarks on the origin of J. Yudkin, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 110 (1932), 260-294. vertebrates’, Needham, Baldwin D.M.M. with and E. 53pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + figures; referee's report; letters re figures. 2 folders. ‘Phosphagen and protozoa’, with D.M.M. Needham, M. Robertson and E. Baldwin, Journal of Experimental Biology 9 (1932), 332-335. 7pp typescript draft + table and references; brief correspondence from editor and manuscript notes found therewith. ‘La répartition du phosphagéne parmi les animaux inférieurs', with D.M.M. Needham, E. Baldwin and J. Yudkin, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 109 (1932), 606. App typescript draft. App typescript. Incomplete 1p typescript draft. ‘La respiration des membranes du poussin', Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 109 (1932), 611. ‘La physiologie de la membrane vitelline de l'oeuf de Poule’, with A.J.M. Smith, J. Shepherd, M. Stephenson and D.M.M. Needham, Comptes Rendus des séances de la Société de Biologie 109 (1932), 688. manuscript notes. of ‘The energy sources in ontogenesis VII. developing crustacean embryos’, Journal of Experimental Biology 10 (1932), 1-9. Material found with preceding: 'Rejected pages’; correspondence; figures; 16pp typescript draft + references, figures. F.129, F.130 The respiratory quotient J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘A manometric analysis of the metabolism in avian ontogenesis. |. - The normal respiratory quotient of the blastoderm, embryo and yolk-sac during the first week of development’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1932). 27pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections; manuscript notes and graphs found therewith. F.132, F.133 ‘A manometric analysis of the metabolism in avian ontogenesis. Il. - The effects of fluoride, iodo-acetate, and other reagents on the respiratory metabolism of the blastoderm, embryo and yolk-sac', Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1932). 39pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. Figures. with D.M.M. Needham, J. Yudkin and Il. The role of phosphagen in E. F.134, F.135 E137, B38 Typescript draft with typescript and manuscript corrections. References, figures. ‘On phosphorus metabolism in embryonic life the development of Baldwin, Journal of Experimental Biology 7 (1932). Sepia’, ‘On the true metabolic rate of the chick embryo and the respiration of its membranes’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 110 (1932). Typescript and typescript draft + summary and references ‘On phosphorus metabolism in embryonic life Ill. Phosphagen in avian development’ by D.M.M. Needham and E. Baldwin, Journal of Experimental Biology 7 (1932). Slightly differently titled 10pp typescript draft + tables, references, figures etc. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Figures. ‘Biochemical evidence regarding the origin Needham, Science Progess 26 (1932). of vertebrates', with D.M.M. 22pp typescript + references and table; letter from editor. ‘Heterogony and the chemical ground-plan of animal growth’, Nature 130 (1932), 845. Letter from Nature, returning figures; correspondence arising from paper. F.141-F.143 F.141, F.142 aspects ‘Les Philomath. Paris 115 (1932). chimiques de I'heterogonie embryonnaire', Bull. Soc. 43pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections. 2 folders. Figures; correspondence re paper. Book review of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Scrutiny 1 (1932). F.145, F.146 ‘Notes on the way’, Time and Tide, September 1932. Correspondence re journal and Needham's review; request to reprint review, 1973. 43, annotated 'Rolf abandoned’. Copies of the articles from Tide and Tide and of correspondence arising published in the journal. This was a series of four articles by Needham published between 3 and 24 September. Brief correspondence with editor; 11pp draft for fourth article paginated [33]- J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Book review of C.E.M. Joad, Philosophical aspects of modern science (Allen & Unwin, 1932) and F.R. Tennant, Philosophy of the sciences (Cambridge, 1932), possibly for Cambridge Review. App typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘Laudian Marxism’, Criterion, ?September 1932. Correspondence with T.S. Eliot, editor, March - April 1932. expressed reservations about the piece. Eliot initially F.149-F.151 ‘A manometric analysis of the metabolism in avian ontogenesis. Ill. - The respiratory quotient of the yolk-sac and allantois during the last two weeks of development’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 113 (1933), 429-459. F.149, F.150 Typescript draft with manuscript corrections. 2 folders. Letter; copy of part of referee's report, ?with draft of Needham's reply (on filter paper); miscellaneous typescript pages of earlier draft; tables and figures. ‘Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von O. Riesser und A. Hansen "Chemisch- analytische Untersuchungen an Muskeln von marinen Avertebraten” ', with D.M.M. Needham, E. Baldwin and J. Yudkin, Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie 222 (1933), 63-64. typescript and manuscript draft; 2pp typescript English translation. App typescript; brief correspondence found therewith. ‘Beobachtungen Uber die physikalisch-chemische Natur des Organisators'’, with C.H. Waddington and D.M.M. Needham, Die Naturwissenschaften 21 (1933), 771-772. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + references; later 3pp J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications £154;,F:155 ‘Recent advances in chemical embryology’, Annual Review of Biochemistry 2 (1933). 19pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript correction and annotation. References; correspondence with editor. F.156-F.159 ‘Chemical heterogony and the ground-plan of animal growth’, Biological Reviews (1933). 34pp typescript draft. List of contents; list of figures; figures. the Corrected proof copy. Manuscript calculations and graphs for the paper. A History of Embryology, Cambridge University Press, 1934. Chapters on historical development of embryology from Chemical Embryology (see F.98-F.110) were published separately as A History of Embryology. 43pp typescript draft + figures. Statements of account 1938-1941; correspondence re and draft of jacket copy for new US edition 1958. Manuscript and typescript draft with extensive manuscript corrections and annotations. 2 folders. F.161-F.163 ‘Problems of The snail pomatia)', with E. Baldwin, Biochemical Journal 28 (1934), 1372-1392. nitrogen catabolism in invertebrates. |. (Helix F.161, F.162 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Morphology and Biochemistry’, Nature 134, 25 August 1934, 275-276. App typescript draft with manuscript corrections; proof copy. ‘Sketch of the scientific work of Sir William Hardy’, The Caian 42 (1934). Brief correspondence; duplicated typescript list of Hardy's published papers; offprint. F.166-F.171 Cellular Respiration by N.U. Meldrum, Methuen, London, 1934. This book was published posthumously after Meldrum's death in 1933. Needham and D.E. Green prepared the book for publication and wrote a short memoir of Meldrum for the volume. See also M.58, M.59. F.166-F.170 Typescript draft with manuscript corrections. 5 folders. Correspondence from publishers. ‘Official Philosophy’ by M. dialectical critical of Letter to Cambridge Review, November 1934. in response to an 16 Review, Cambridge article November, 2pp manuscript draft; copy of Oakeshott's article. This was written Oakeshott, materialism. 24pp typescript with manuscript correction + references. ‘Problems of nitrogen catabolism in invertebrates. II. Correlation between uricotelic metabolism and habitat in the phylum Mollusca’, Biochemical Journal 29 (1935). ‘Recent advances in chemical embryology’, Annual Review of Biochemistry 4 (1935) 21pp typescript with manuscript corrections + tables, figure, summary etc; brief correspondence from colleagues; manuscript pages marked ‘Rejected’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Etude du Métabolisme de l'oeuf de Grenouille (Rana fusca) au cours du développement. 4. La teneur en glycogéne de I'oeuf de la segmentation a 'éclosion’, with J. Brachet, Archives de Biologie 46 (1935), 821-835. 14pp typescript + references. F.176-F.184 Christianity and the social revolution, ed. Kitchin, Gollancz, London, 1935. J. Lewis, K. Polanyi and D.K. Needham was a member of the ad hoc ‘editorial board' and contributed an article 'Laud, the Levellers and the Virtuosi'. at F.176-F.182 is The material inscribed Correspondence about Xty & Comm book’. Grant and returned to Needham in 1969. "Christianity ‘Archives of the contents of Needham's envelope revolution" The material was lent to Irene social and the F.176-F.179 Correspondence and papers re preparation of the book, 1933-1935. 1933. 1934 January - June. 1934 September - December. Material includes correspondence re and plans of the contents of the book (frequently revised), correspondence re appropriate authors and quality of contributions ‘Christianity and the social revolution’ material. Press-cuttings of reviews. Undated plans, notes etc. 1935-1937, 1949; Correspondence correspondence arising 1969 re J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Laud, the Levellers and the Virtuosi’. Typescript draft; proof; manuscript plan. Further correspondence arising 1935 and nd; programme of discussion meetings on ‘Christianity and the Social Revolution’, St Clement's Centre, London, February - March 1936. F.185-F.188 ‘Science, religion and socialism’. its A note on the front page of the draft at F.187 notes that this was ‘in original form a contribution to "Christianity and the social revolution" '. Only the second part was used, as the basis for ‘Laud, the Levellers and the Virtuosi'. F.185, F.186 ‘First draft’. folders. 51pp typescript with manuscript corrections + references. 2 Letter to Nature, 1 February 1936. an anonymous article McBride] January which had advocated compulsory [written E.W. by 11 Pages from other drafts of ‘Science, religion and socialism’. Typescript and manuscript draft with extensive corrections and additions. Needham attacked published in Nature on sterilisation of sections of the population. London B 120 1936-1937. Correspondence re papers in series ‘Studies on the nature of the amphibian organization centre’, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society of Copy of obituary; tributes to Paviov in Daily Worker for 28 February. ‘Ivan Pavlov’, obituary in Daily Worker, 29 February 1936. 1p typescript and manuscript draft; letters arising. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications the nature of the amphibian organization centre Ill ‘Studies on activation Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 120 (1936), 173-198. Waddington and evocator, C.H. with the of - The Brachet, J. 37pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + references and figure. ‘Studies on the nature of the amphibian organization centre IV - Further experiments on the chemistry of the evocator’, with C.H. Waddington, W.W. Nowinski, R. Lemberg and A. Cohen, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 120 (1936), 198-207. 16pp typescript with manuscript corrections + plates for figures. ‘Evocation, individuation, and competence, in amphibian organiser action’, with C.H. Waddington, Proc. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam 39 (1936), 887-890. Proof copy. in F.196-F.198 Brief correspondence only. ‘The common ground’, Spectator, 30 October 1936. ‘Biochemistry and causal morphology in amphibian regeneration’, Science Progress, October 1936. This was the fifth a series of articles on Christianity and Communism. The articles and correspondence arising were subsequently published as a short book by Blackwell's of Oxford in 1937. Correspondence re publication; correspondence arising; press-cuttings. Typescript and manuscript rough draft under the title ‘The two faces of Christianity’ (see F.323). Copies of the published articles in the series. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘The Left in Poland’, Time and Tide, ca.1936.. 3pp typescript draft; manuscript notes; letter accepting it for publication in Time and Tide, 16 October 1936. Letter from T.S. Eliot as editor of the Criterion, returning article submitted by Needham for publication, 4 November 1936 (the article itself was not found with the letter). ‘Co-enzymes bibliographical reference 1936. muscle in metabolism’, by D.M.M. Needham, latest 7pp manuscript + references. ‘Studies on the nature of the amphibian organization centre VI - Inductions by the evocator-glycogen complex in intact embryos and in ectoderm removed C.H. individuation-field', Waddington, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 122 (1937), 403-412. Heatley from N.G. with and the _ I- F.202-F.215 21pp typescript; brief correspondence from N.G. Heatley; manuscript notes. Papers on the ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life’ VIII. These were prepared for the Biochemical Journal as individual papers but parts II-IV and V-VII were consolidated prior to publication. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life of anaerobic glucolysis', (1937), 1165-1184. 21pp typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life removal of pyruvic acid’, with W.W. Nowinski and R.P. Cook. |. General aspects with W.W. Nowinski, Biochemical Journal 31 51pp typescript and manuscript draft. Il. Formation and J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life effect and the Meyerhoff cycle’, with W.W. Nowinski and K. Dixon. Ill. The Pasteur 12pp manuscript draft. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life IV. The distribution of acid-soluble phosphorus’, with W.W. Nowinski. 17pp manuscript and typescript draft. ‘Intermediary metabolism Phosphorylation cycles', with H. Lehmann. carbohydrate in embryonic life V. The 34pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life without phosphorylation’, with H. Lehmann. VI. Glucolysis F.209, F.210 32pp typescript and manuscript draft. 28pp typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life VII. Experiments on the nature of non-phosphorylating glucolysis', with H. Lehmann. ‘Intermediary Vill. Glyceraldehyde and glucolysis', with H. Lehmann, Biochemical Journal 31 (1937). 2 folders. ‘Intermediary carbohydrate Biochemical Journal 31 (1937). 29pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + figures. 52pp typescript with manuscript corrections + figures etc. 31pp typescript; 1p manuscript notes. metabolism in embryonic life’ Parts Il-IV, carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life E:2t1, 22 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.213-F.215 ‘Intermediary carbohydrate metabolism in embryonic life' Biochemical Journal 31 (1937). Parts V-VII, 85pp typescript with manuscript corrections + figures. 3 folders. ‘Science and Mankind’, Manufacturing Chemist 8 (1937), 385. The journal Manufacturing Chemist ran a 'symposium' of a series of short articles in which eminent scientists and others contributed opinions on this topic. Brief correspondence from editor; manuscript notes; copies of the articles in the ‘symposium’. F.217-F.219 Perspectives in biochemistry...Essays presented to Sir F.G. Hopkins, ed. Needham and D.E. Green, Cambridge University Press, 1937. Needham also contributed an article to the volume, ‘Chemical aspects of morphogenetic fields’. 1938, and possible sequel volume, 19pp typescript draft + figures of Needham's contribution. Correspondence re second edition, 1941. ‘Oxidation & Fermentation’ by A. von Szent-Gyérgyi, 12pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections by Needham; typescript list of contents and index etc. 89pp typescript. 3 folders. ‘On phosphorus metabolism in embryonic life IV. The Parnas reaction in the chick embryo from the open neural fold stage’, with H. Lehmann. Latest bibliographical reference 1937. Submitted to Journal of Experimental Biology. aspects ‘Des de bibliographical reference 1937. chimique 16pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. F.221-F.223 la détermination morphogeéne'’. Latest J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.224-F.228 ‘Aspects nouveaux de la chimie et de la biologie de la croissance organise’, Folia Morphologia 8 (1938), 1-79. This was originally delivered as a lecture at a number of Polish universities in May 1937. F.224-F.226 91pp typescript and manuscript draft with manuscript corrections. 3 folders. Bibliography, figures etc. Corrected proof copy. F.229-F.231 action ‘The Lehmann, Enzymologia 5 (1938), 95-99. glyceraldehyde on carbohydrate of breakdown’, with H. F.229, F.230 Typescript and manuscript ‘Original first draft’. 2 folders. 6pp typescript + references. ‘Metabolic properties of the regions of the amphibian gastrula', Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 39 (1938), 287-290 Qpp typescript draft with manuscript corrections; letter from colleague sent the paper for comments. Typescript with manuscript corrections; proof copy. ‘Genetics in the USSR' by ' "Helix" and "Helianthus" ', Modern Quarterly, ca.1938. Although Needham's hand. the is anonymous the draft authorship has corrections in J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Book reviews: Bio-Politics by Morley Roberts (London, 1938) and An /nterpretation of Biology by H. Collier (London, 1938). 3pp typescript. Heredity and Politics by J.B.S. Haldane (London, 1938). 2pp typescript. ‘An ultramicro-Kjeldahl technique’, with E.J. Boell, Biochemical Journal 33 (1939), 149-152. 11pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections + figures. See also E.153. F236, F.237 ‘Developmental physiology’, Annual Review of Physiology 1 (19339). Correspondence with editor. F.238-F.249 F.236 31pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. The papers were originally submitted to the Royal Society for publication in Proceedings B They were returned for revision and published the following year. See also E.154-E.158. in November 1938. ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer’ papers I-V, 1939. 51pp typescript draft + tables. ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer |. Aerobic glycolysis of the regions of amphibian gastrula’, with V. Rogers and E.J. Boell, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1939). J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer II. Effect of dinitro-o-cresol on the aerobic glycolysis of the regions of the amphibian gastrula’, with E.J. Boell, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1939). 12pp typescript draft + tables. F.240, F.241 ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer Ill. Respiratory rate of the regions of the amphibian gastrula’, with E.J. Boell, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1939). 13pp typescript references. November 1938. draft with manuscript corrections + tables, summary, Revised draft 18pp typescript + tables. the F.243, F.244 22pp typescript + tables. ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer IV. the amphibian gastrula’, with E.J. Boell and H. Koch, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (19339). Respiratory quotient of regions of ‘Morphogenesis and metabolism: studies with the cartesian diver ultramicro- manometer V. Aerobic glycolysis measurements on the regions of the amphibian gastrula’, with V. Rogers and Shih-Chang Shen, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (1939). inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 14pp typescript and manuscript draft with extensive manuscript corrections. Typescript summaries 7?of original papers; correspondence re papers. 12pp typescript draft. F.246, F.247 ‘Figures Metabolism & Morphogenesis'. Contents of Needham's folder so J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.248, F.249 Rejected pages of draft; manuscript notes and graphs etc. 2 folders. F.250-F.258 ‘The Levellers and the English revolution’, Gollancz, London, 1939. This work was originally submitted to the journal Fact. It was felt to be too long for a journal article and Needham then offered it to Gollancz. The book was published under the name ‘Henry Holorenshaw', although Needham wrote a Foreword for the book under his own name. It was first drafted under the title 'Voices from the English revolution’, which title was later used by Needham for a book review for Cambridge Review (see F.256). F.250-F.252 Typescript rough draft, with extensive manuscript corrections and additions. 3 folders. F.253-F.255 135pp typescript with manuscript corrections for printers. 3 folders. Correspondence with Gollancz, Fact and others 1938; correspondence re reprinting the essay 1958 and 1975; 'Voices from the English revolution’, book review for Cambridge Review by 'Henry Holorenshaw'. 257-258 Miscellaneous background material, that at F.257 from Needham’s envelope inscribed 'Notes on Levellers’. 2 folders. ‘The naturalness of the spiritual world (in its original form an introduction for a new edition of Henry Drummond's "Natural Law in the Spiritual World")’, written at sea, 6 September 1939. therewith. ‘A propos de la glycolyse des tissus embryonnaires', with H. Lehmann and W.W. Nowinski, Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie 133, 6 January 1940, 6-7. 16pp typescript. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections; calculations and graphs found J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘A note on the biochemistry of embryonic determination in echinoderms', with D.M.M. Needham, Journal of Experimental Biology 17 (1940), 147-152. 9pp typescript draft + references, tables. ‘Terminology of November 1940, 618. relative growth-rates', with I.M. Lerner, Nature 146, 9 2pp typescript drafts; letter from Lerner; manuscript notes. ‘Myosin birefringence and adenylpyrophosphate’, with Shih-Chang Shen, D.M.M. Needham and A.S.C. Lawrence, Nature 147, 21 June 1941, 766. 5pp typescript ‘first draft'; 7pp typescript later draft. ‘Terminology for relative growth-rates', with J.S. Huxley and |.M. Lerner, Nature 148, 23 August 1941, 225. Correspondence with Lerner and Huxley. F.268-F.273 Needham also contributed an article ‘Biological Research in the Soviet 49pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript corrections. F.265-F.267 The Nazi Attack on International Science, Watts & Co., London, 1941. This was the second part of Needham's Schiff lecture delivered in the US in 1940 (see G.64-G.67). It was republished in Needham's book of collected essays History is on our side (see F.328 below). Union, based on papers of this title for Nature and the Cambridge Review. Science in Soviet Russia, ed. Needham and J.S. Davies, Watts & Co., London, 1942. Proof copy with manuscript corrections. Correspondence re publication 1940-1942, 1946. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Biological Research in the Soviet Union', Nature, 27 September 1941 and Cambridge Review, 22 November 1941. 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections of draft for Cambridge Review, copies of articles as published. Correspondence with authors and publishers re Science in Soviet Russia, September 1941 - March 1942; memorandum of agreement. Typescript and manuscript drafts of chapers by Needham and A. Walton. Proof copy with manuscript corrections. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, including ?lecture notes on science in Soviet Union. Printed background material. 8pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript corrections and additions; 9pp typescript + references. ‘ls muscle contraction essentially an enzyme-substrate combination?', with A. Kleinzeller, M. Miall, M. Dainty, D.M.M. Needham and A.S.C. Lawrence, Nature 150, 11 July 1942, 46. annotations. 3 boxes. Needham initially intended this to form a fourth volume to his earlier work Chemical Embryology (see F.98-F.110 above). War broke out as the book was being brought to the press and Needham sent much material relating to it to Yale University for safety. He intended that it should be published in the USA should circumstances prevent its publication in the UK. Biochemistry and morphogenesis, Cambridge University Press, 1942. manuscript corrections and F.275-F.277 F.275-F.301 Typescript and manuscript draft with J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Galley proofs, with extensive manuscript correction and annotation. 1 box. Correspondence with Cambridge University Press and American colleagues re publication of the book; statements of account 1946, 1948; etc. Correspondence from colleagues arising from book. Includes letter re deposit of material relating to the book with Yale University Library. Reviews. Manuscript and typescript notes re preparation of book. of illustrations. Includes draft lists Contents of figures: hand-drawn and printed drawings; F.284-F.293 10 folders. ‘(Chemical] Formulae for "Biochemistry & Morphogenesis Needham's folder so inscribed. ‘Pictures from galley proof of B&M’'. Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed. Background material: manuscript notes; bibliographical references; off-prints etc. since the preparation of the Micro-Film’. - Letters from O. Mangold, enclosing envelope of photographs and negatives for illustrations. Miscellaneous material graphs; photographs etc. for 1 box. ‘Biochemistry and Morphogenesis Modifications, Additions and Deletions J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Reprint of Biochemistry and Morphogenesis 1950. Correspondence; corrections; press notice; statements of account 1950- 1953. F.299-F.301 Reprint of Biochemistry and Morphogenesis 1965. F.299 Typescript and manuscript draft of 'Author's Foreword’. Correspondence with publishers; list of corrections. Manuscript notes. F.302-F.305 ‘Evolution and thermodynamics: a paradox with social significance’, Science and Society 6 (1942), 352-375. to the concept of the organiser relationship 33pp typescript + references. Correspondence re organisation in biology and the interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, 1941. In preparing the article Needham sought advice on the Second Law and its possible biology. Correspondents include A.S. Eddington, E.A. Guggenheim and M. Polanyi. Miscellaneous background material found with preceding items. Correspondence with the editor and correspondence arising from the article, 1942-1944. Includes 15pp typescript of reply to Needham's article by A.J. Lotka, sent to him for comment. in J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘Matter, form, evolution and us’, ca.1942. This article was originally published as part of a series for the magazine World Review. The articles in the series were subsequently republished in a book This Changing World (ed. J.R.M. Brumwell, London, 1944). In 1945 Needham gave a BEC radio broadcast with this title (see G.117). 15pp typescript draft for This Changing World, with manuscript corrections and annotations correspondence re publication in World Review and This Changing World. F.307-F.318 Time the refreshing river. Essays and Addresses 1932-1942, Allen & Unwin, London, 1943. The original title of this was 'Metamorphoses of Scepticism’, the title of the first essay. F.307 ‘Metamorphoses of scepticism’. F.307-F.309 Drafts of essays. This book and History is on our side (see F.323-F.333 below) were compiled together by Needham and his original intention may have been one book of collected essays like his two earlier collections The sceptical biologist and The Great Amphibium. Subsequently the material was divided between two books, Time the refreshing river being the more scientific and History is on our side the more popular book. He had begun work on them before he went to China in 1942. Some background material for both books was kept together. Correspondence and papers. ‘Thoughts of a young scientist on the testament of an old one’. 29pp typescript. 28pp typescript. ‘The biological basis of sociology’. 24pp typescript + references. F.310-F.312 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence with typist and publishers 1938-1947. Includes letter from Allen & Unwin, 6 January 1938, inviting Needham to consider preparing a new book of collected essays. Correspondence arising 1943-1958 and nd. Miscellaneous background material agreement with Allen & Unwin. including plans of the book and F.313-F.318 Contents of Needham's envelopes of material relating to Time the refreshing river and History is on our side. The envelopes bore inscriptions reproduced in the catalogue entries. of the contents thereon. These are ‘Notes for Refreshing River essays’. ‘Notes for TRR + HooS'. ‘Correspondence with A&U on TRR and HooS'. division of material between the two books. Allen & Unwin. Includes plan of proposed There is only one letter from F.315; F:316 ‘General Notes etc for TRR & HooS'. 2 folders. 2pp typescript on rice paper. Paginated 41-42. This was reviewed for Science & Society 7 (1943), 189-192, and the review was then reproduced in Selected Reviews of Current Literature (published by the International Cultural Service of China) 1 (1945). ‘General notes - additional to TRR in final typescript (chez Unwin) and galley proof stage’. Review of Levels of Integration in Biological and Social Systems, ed. Redfield (Lancaster, Pa, 1942). R. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence re papers on the molecular basis of morphology, 1943. Following hostile comments by referees for the Royal Society, Needham and collaborators withdrew the papers and after minor amendments submitted them instead to the Journal of General Physiology where they were published as papers | - Ill of ‘Studies on the anomalous viscosity and flow- birefringence of protein solutions’, Journal of General Physiology 27 (1944). ‘The Chinese contribution to scientific humanism’, Free World, ca.1944 14pp typescript and manuscript draft; request for article from J.G. Crowther, 1 June 1944. ‘Science and society’. No evidence of publication. September 1944. AOpp typescript with manuscript corrections. F.323-F.333 F.323-F.329 312pp typescript draft. F.323 ‘Collectivism and Christian thought’. See F.307-F.318 above for further material relating to this book. History is on our side, A contribution to political religion and scientific faith, Allen & Unwin, London, 1946. This book was prepared and written in conjunction with Time the refreshing river. The original title of History is on our side was ‘Beyond the Railheads; a contribution to political religion and scientific faith’ but this was altered as the publishers felt a more arresting title was required. ‘Cambridge summer’. ‘The two faces of Christianity’. ‘Father Aldous' Treatise on Politique Power’. ‘Religion and politics’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications ‘University democracy; a letter to an American friend’. ‘Pavlov and Lenin’. ‘The gist of evolution’. ‘The Nazi attack on international science’ (see also F.265-F.267 and G.64- G.67). ‘The liquidation of form and matter’. ‘Aspects of the world mind in time and space' (see also F.332). F.330, F.331 Galley proof with extensive corrections. 2 folders. ‘On science and social change’, in 'Essays on Social Organisation’, ed. C.C. Lienau, Science & Society, 1946. ‘Aspects of the world mind in time and space’. Early rough draft, 10pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence with publishers 1942-1945, and correspondence arising 1947-1950; press review of book. bad, Needham's contribution was initially titled ‘Correlations and contradictions at the social level’. Correspondence, re Needham's article and progress of volume, 1944-1946. Letter to The Times by Needham, supplementary to The Times obituary of Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, 19 May 1947. 2pp typescript of Needham's Letter; correspondence with The Times. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Folder also includes requests to write on Hopkins for Nature and ‘Masters of Medicine’ series (declined) and brief correspondence from 1928 re entry on Hopkins for Encyclopaedia Britannica. ‘Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins O.M. British Medical Bulletin 5 (1948), 299-301. P.R.S.', with D.M.M. Needham, 8pp typescript ‘Corrected copy' with manuscript corrections; correspondence with British Medical Bulletin. F.337-F.347 Hopkins and Biochemistry, 1861-1947, ed. Needham and E. Baldwin, W. Heffer & Sons, London, 1949. Joseph and Dorothy Needham contributed a chapter 'Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins’ personal influence and characteristics’. Copies of the book were distributed to those attending the First International Congress of Biochemistry (see H.63-H.69). F.337-F.340 F.342, F.343 Correspondence with account. F.342 1948, 1949 January - May. publishers 1948-1956. Includes statements of Correspondence with co-editor, contributors and colleagues. Typescript drafts of chapters of the book, with manuscript corrections by Needham. 4 folders. spirit of modern biochemistry’ at pp.1046-1048. Miscellaneous notes and background material. Includes copy of Hungarian journal Orvosi Hetilap, 25 September 1935 with article by Hopkins on ‘The 1949 June - 1953. Publicity material; reviews. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications F.346, F.347 Photographs of Hopkins for illustrations for the book. 2 folders. At F.347 is group photograph of members of the Biochemistry Laboratory, 1916. ‘Marjory Stephenson’ by D.M.M. Needham, obituary for Nature (1949). App typescript; proof with corrections. Needham's review of Chemical Embryology by J. Brachet (Interscience Publishers, New York, 1950), submitted to Archives of Biochemistry 10pp typescript Science Progress and L'Année Biologique re review of the book. draft; correspondence with Archives of Biochemistry, ‘Human Law and the Laws of Nature’, Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (1951). Correspondence with editor, 1950. F.351, F.352 38pp typescript + references and block of Chinese characters for use in the text. ‘The pattern of mysticism and empiricism in the philosophy of science: -3rd century China, +10th century Arabia and +17th century Europe’, in Science, Medicine and History. Essays on the Evolution of Scientific Thought and Medical Practice written in Honour of Charles Singer, ed. E.A. Underwood (Oxford University Press, 2 vols., 1953). 44pp typescript + references. Background material for this article was kept by Needham with notes and references for lectures delivered at Cambridge. See B.42-B.230. F.353, F.354 ‘Developmental physiology’, Annual Review of Physiology 17 (1955), 37-60. Correspondence re volume, chiefly with Underwood. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence with extensive manuscript annotation by Needham. editors; manuscript notes; offprint of article with Contribution to memorial volume for C. Bialaszewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1956. Needham's contribution is influence and importance of the work of Bialaszewicz. in the form of a 6pp typescript letter on the F.356, F.357 ‘The optick artists of Chiangsu - an aspect of early Chinese industrialisation with G. D. Lu, in Studies in the Social History of China and South East Asia, eds. N. Tarling and J. Ch'en (Cambridge University Press, 1967). This volume was a festschrift for Cambridge in January 1965. memorial meeting on 8 March. V. in The idea for the festschrift arose at the a sinologist who died Purcell, The material supplement to The Times obituary published on 12 January. includes obituaries Purcell also of including Needham's meeting and re memorial and tributes; F.359, F.360 correspondence Correspondence and papers re publication. Exchange re Needham's contribution to the book, 1967. Haldane and Modern Biology, ed. K.R. Dronamraju (Baltimore, 1968). Obituaries Needham's manuscript notes thereon. Chinese Communism’, 3pp. ‘Mandate and Mandarinate’, 3pp; ‘Confucianism reborn’, 3pp; ‘The non- acquistive society’, 3pp; ‘China's example to Asia’, 3pp; ‘China and the West', 2pp; ‘China, Russia and Eastern Europe’, 4pp; ‘Special features of Seven articles on the People's Republic of China for Mainichi Newspapers, Japan, 1970. Typescript drafts with manuscript corrections and additions: ‘The understanding of China’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence with publishers. F.361, F.362 ‘J.D. Bernal - 1971; reprinted in Marxism Today, March 1972. a personal recollection’, Cambridge Review, 19 November Manuscript and typescript draft; manuscript notes; request for article for Cambridge Review, letters of appreciation. Obituaries etc; manuscript note of meeting to discuss Bernal's life and work, London, 7 December 1971; material from 70th birthday tribute and concert for Bernal, 18 May 1971 (Needham was unable to be present but sent words of appreciation). ‘Memories of Julian Huxley’, Nature, 6 March 1975. 8pp typescript draft; brief correspondence. F.364-F.373 Correspondence with the editors, 1975-1976. It was published in radicalisation of science. and H. Rose, (London, 1976). the Centennial Review and subsequently in The Ideology of/in the natural sciences, eds. S.P.R. into two shorter volumes, ‘History and Human Values: a Chinese perspective for world science and technology’. Needham presented this paper at a conference of the Canadian Society for Asian Studies on Development and Human Values, Montreal, May 1975. Ideology of/in the natural sciences was originally intended as a single book but was subsequently divided The political economy of science and The radicalisation of science. comment. 7 folders. F.366-F.372 Draft chapters for /deology of/in the natural sciences sent to Needham for Correspondence re publication, chiefly with the Centennial Review. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Correspondence arising, 1977, including draft of reply to criticisms of the books in Radical Science Journal, reviews. ‘China, Europe and Scientism', Undercurrents 17 (1976). This was an excerpt from a longer article by Needham ‘History and Human Values: a Chinese perspective for world science and technology’, in The radicalisation of science, eds. S.P.R. and H. Rose. See F.364-F.373. Correspondence with C. Hutton-Squire, editor of Undercurrents and S.P.R. Rose, 1975-1976. ‘Light from the Orient’, New Zealand Environment 20 (Autumn 1978), 8-11. Letters from editor 1978; copy of journal with Needham's article; copy of volume 21 with letters appreciative of the article. 3pp manuscript. Qpp. 12pp with manuscript corrections. Undated F.376 F.377, F.378 F.377 ‘|. Osmotic equilibrium in intact eggs’. Typescript draft on work on equilibrium in the egg. ‘L'activité de l'arginase pendant le développement de l'embryon de Poulet’, with J.Brachet. 6pp with manuscript corrections. ‘Part Il. Osmotic relations of separated yolks’. ‘Ill - Gaseous exchanges of the infertile egg’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 TRANSLATIONS Publications ‘IV - Summary’. 2pp with manuscript corrections. ‘Atoms and animals’. 14pp typescript with manuscript corrections. F.380-F.385 Adventures before Birth London, 1936. by J. Rostand, trans. J. Needham, Gollancz, F.380-F.383 ‘Definitive copy' of translation, 117pp typescript + table and figures. folders. 4 Rostand, publishers, and colleagues asked to Polish translations Photographs; press reviews; manuscript notes etc. Correspondence from comment on the book. Manuscript draft of translation. Manuscript and typescript drafts of translation; correspondence from author (in French and Polish) and journal New Writing, 1936-1937. ‘Othello and the Mangold-Wurzels: Literacy in the USSR' by A. Stawar, trans. Needham and 'L.L.' ‘Lodz’, ‘Zaglenbie’ and ‘Bakunin’, poems by W. Broniewski, trans. Needham and 'L.L.' F.386-F.389 F.386 F.387, F.388 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications 22pp typescript of translation with manuscript corrections; correspondence from F.R. Leavis, co-editor of Scrutiny, re publication, 1937. ‘An English interpretation of Piotr Plaskin, Telegrafista' by J. Tuwim, trans. Needham and W.W. Nowinski. Manuscript and typescript drafts of translated version, ca.1936. F.390-F.393 ‘Chinese rhythms', trans. Wong Man. Sent to Needham for possible publication in Britain, 18 October 1946. The material is manuscript poems (in Chinese), interleaved with typescript translations and notes on the authors. 4 folders. F.394-F.400 Green Thraldom by Tang Pei-Sung, trans. Needham, Allen London, 1949. & Unwin, F.394-F.397 with manuscript corrections and annotations. 4 Figures. 151pp typescript draft folders. Tang Pei-Sung was Professor of Physiology and Director of the Physiology Laboratory at the National Tsing-Hua University. Needham met Tang during his time in China with the Sino-British Science Cooperation Office. Correspondence with author and publishers; review; etc. Proof copy with manuscript corrections. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE Acta Biotheoretica 1935-1937, 1968 F.401-F.403 Correspondence and papers from the Foundation re the new journal. 3 folders. Prof. Dr. Jan van der Hoeven Invitation to contribute to volume in honour of C.J. van der Klauw, 1968 (declined). Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles 1937-1941 Needham was asked to These were series of monographs published by the French firm Hermann & Cie. and methodology series of Actualités Scientifiques and acted as director for the series of monographs on causal and chemical embryology. a monograph in write logic the & and colleagues replying to 1937. Hermann F.406-F.408 Correspondence from Cie, Needham's invitations to write for the series. Invitation to Needham to contribute to logic and methodology series, 11 October 1937; information on Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles. the 1975 issue (declined). Correspondence. Includes letter 1930 re establishment of Annual Review and invitation 1973 to Needham to contribute an autobiographical piece for 1939-1941. Includes Needham's manuscript notes on contributors. Annual Review of Biochemistry 1930, 1934, 1935, 1973 F.409 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Biochemical Journal 1925, 1930 F.410 Correspondence. Biological Abstracts 1926-1930 F.411 Abstracts of publications by Needham. Biological Reviews 1938-1948 Needham served on the Editorial Board from 1938. Invitation to serve; associate editorship; refereeing. Encyclopaedia Britannica 1929, 1945 Cambridge University Press 1939-1942 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 1959, 1988 F.413 Miscellaneous statements of account. 3pp typescript Foreword for the new journal; correspondence, including exchange re reprinting the Foreword in the 40th anniversary volume. Correspondence. Needham was a ‘collaborator’ of the journal from its inception to 1959. F.415 Correspondence. F.414 Enzymologia 1939, 1959 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Eugenics Reviews 1929, 1930 RAT Book reviews. 1937-1939 Fact was a Marxist journal edited by Raymond Postgate. Needham became a contributing editor in June 1937 but the journal ceased publication in 1939. Correspondence with editor re contents of issues and editorial policy; plans for issues of Fact. 1937 June - September. 1937 October - November. 1937 December. 1938 April - June. 1938 January - March. 1938 September - November. Papers re discontinuation of publication. Fundamenta scientiae F.425 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications 1936, 1937 Needham was a Corresponding Editor from the inception of the journal in 1937. Correspondence re launch of journal. William Heinemann (Medical Books) Ltd 1937, 1939 F.427 Request for monograph; refereeing. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews F.428 Refereeing. ‘Journal of Chemical Embryology’ F.430 Leonardo 1967 Journal of Anatomy F.429 Re paper by G.A. Schmidt. Letter re possibility of starting such a journal. Invitation to serve as Honorary Editorial Adviser. This international journal for artists was launched in 1967. Needham had suggested the name for the journal and became an Honorary Editorial Adviser. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Methuen & Co. Ltd 1927, 1929, 1930 F.432 Correspondence, including Methuen series of monographs edited by G.R. de Beer. 1930 exchange re possible contribution to Refereeing 1927, 1933, 1951; request for contribution on China, 1974. various dates 1927 - 1974 New Adelphi 1927, 1930 F.434 Possible contributions from Needham. Philosophy of Science 1937, 1948, 1950 Membership of Board; articles for journal. Protoplasma 1926-1936 Dorothy Needham were members of the Needham was a member of the Advisory Board from 1937. editorial Both Joseph and They prepared committee of this journal from its establishment in 1926. abstracts of books and papers by others for the journal and contributed a paper for the first issue ‘The oxidation reduction potential of protoplasm: a review’ (see F.29-F.32). Correspondence 1927, 1928, 1933, 1936. Prospectus for Protoplasma. version of the prospectus. Correspondence 1926. Needham drafted the English language J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications Abstracts for Protoplasma. Needham joined the Advisory Editorial Board in 1973. Correspondence re membership of Editorial Board. Royal Society F.441 Refereeing. Science & Society 1936-1937, 1966-1969 Weidenfeld & Nicholson F.443 Invitations to contribute to History of Civilisation project. Correspondence re launch of journal and re articles and reviews. Science & Society was an American Marxist journal launched in 1936. Needham agreed to serve as a foreign corresponding editor. 1934-1945. Miscellaneous shorter publications correspondence. The material is chiefly requests for books, articles or reviews 1923-1932. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Publications 1946-1957. 1958-1967. 1968-1970. 1971-1982. OFFPRINTS Offprints of papers by Needham. Not a complete set. 1 box. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 SECTION G LECTURES AND BROADCASTS G.1-G.123 G.1-G.116 LECTURES G.1-G.99 Drafts G.100-G.111 Invitations to lecture G.112-G.116 Lectures by others G.117-G.123 BROADCASTS J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 LECTURES Lectures and broadcasts ‘Blood as a tissue with special reference to the evolution of its functions’. Manuscript notes for talk, ca.1921. See also E.86, E.87. ‘The Cycloses', Biochemical Tea Club, Cambridge, 3 December 1923. This talk was based on research for Needham's thesis. See E.90-E.94. of Tea Club meetings for Michaelmas Term only. List documented. Not otherwise ‘The rH Cambridge, 13 May 1925. of the Amoeba’ with Dorothy Needham, Zoological Tea Party, List of meetings for Easter Term only. Not otherwise documented. ‘Mechanistic biology and the religious consciousness', Student Christian Movement Medical and Science branch, Cambridge, 2 December 1925. Adapted version of Needham's paper in Science, Religion and Reality. See F.23; 5.24; Programme of lectures for Michaelmas Term; typescript draft and pages of earlier draft, with extensive manuscript corrections. Typescript draft with extensive manuscript corrections. Letter from C.F.A. Pantin re arrangements for talk to the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, 7 January 1926. ‘The changed relations of science and religion (1860-1926)'. Adapted version of 'The limitations of optick glasses; some observations on science and religion’ ca.1926. See F.33. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Protein metabolism and November 1928. organic evolution’, Zoological Tea Party, 14 List of meetings for Michaelmas Term only. Not otherwise documented. ‘The nature of living things’, All Saints' Church, Cambridge, 6 March [71929]. Poster only. Not otherwise documented. ‘Philosophy and biochemistry’. Possibly related to biology’, ca.1928. See F.59. article ‘Recent developments in the philosophy of 50pp manuscript. 15pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘Religion and the scientific worker’, British Institute of Philosophical Studies, London, 25 February 1930. Correspondence re arrangements. scientific worker and the concept of God’. The lecture was initially titled 'The Brief correspondence re arrangements for possible lecture on science and religion to Fellowship of Marriage, Cambridge, 10 February 1930. Invitation only. The letter is annotated 'Read Criterion paper’. ‘Religion and the scientific mind', Neo-Platonist Society, Christ’s College Cambridge, 17 May 1930. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme; information about the Fellowship of Youth. ‘Religion and the scientific worker’, Fellowship of Youth conference, Oxford, 21 April 1930. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘The point of view of a scientific worker’, Coventry Cathedral Lectures for Men, 5 October 1930. Needham gave the first in this series of three lectures and suggested B.H. Streeter and R.G. Collingwood as the other two lecturers. Correspondence re arrangements and arising; brief manuscript notes for lecture. Lecture to Chemical and Physical Society, University College London, 10 February 1931. Brief correspondence only. ‘The position of religion in a scientific age’, Hereford, 30 March 1931. Correspondence re arrangements; programme of Hereford Committee for the Promotion of Lectures on Religious Problems. lectures arranged by Typescript draft of lecture; letter re publication of Needham's lecture. ‘Certains Aspects Chimiques des membranes de I'Oeuf de Poule’. Includes reference to work by Needham ca.1931. 34pp manuscript. Brief correspondence re arrangements. ‘Religion in a scientific age’, Nashe Society, St John's College Cambridge, 27 April 1931. ‘Biology Today and Tomorrow’, Morley College for Working Men and Women, London, 1931. Brief correspondence re arrangements. ‘The metabolism of the membranes in the hen's egg’, Gonville & Caius Natural Sciences Club, Cambridge, 18 January 1932. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts on Discussion Workers' Educational Association Summer School, Cheshunt College, Cambridge, 1 August 1932. Brave New Huxley's Aldous World, book Correspondence re arrangements. Lecture November 1932. to Workers’ Educational Association Cambridge Branch, 3 Letter of thanks only. ‘Biochemical aspects of November 1932. organic evolution’, Royal Dublin Society, 24 Correspondence re arrangements; newspaper cuttings. ‘Aspects of the thought and action of the seventeenth century’, Girton College Cambridge, 1 December 1932. Surrey, 8 embryology’, Hillcroft College, Surbiton, ‘Biochemistry November 1933. and List of meetings for Lent Term only. Brief correspondence re arrangements; plan for talk. Letter re arrangements; manuscript outline of lecture. ‘Morphology in Biochemistry’, Trinity College Natural Sciences Society, Cambridge, 6 February 1935. manuscript lecture notes. ‘Science and propaganda’ and ‘The scientist as a social unit with special reference to biology’, Old Crofters' Reunion, Fircroft College, Birmingham, 20 and 21 April 1935. ‘Problems of Chemical Embryology’, Institute of Pathology and Research, St Mary's Hospital, London, 20 June 1935. Correspondence with A. Moyle re arrangements; programme; Needham's Correspondence re arrangements; programme of lectures. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts G.22-G.41 ‘Order and Life’, Terry Lectures, Yale University, 1935. Although the Terry Lectures were intended to assimilate ‘truths of science a broadened and purified religion’, and philosophy into the structure of Needham's three lectures were highly scientific in character. The lectures were published in the US by Yale University Press and in by Cambridge University Press, and republished as a paperback by Yale in 1968. Britain Manuscript notes for lectures. G.23-G.28 G.29-G.33 ‘First draft typescript (incomplete)'. inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Contents of Needham's envelope so ‘Typescript used by Press inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Complete’. Contents of Needham's envelope so Publicity material. Reviews of Order and Life. Royalty statements. G.34, G.35 Correspondence re publication 1934-1936. 2 folders. Correspondence arising from publication of the book, 1935-1937. 11pp typescript ‘Comments on: JN Order & Life’ by J.H. Woodger. Correspondence re reprinting Order and Life, 1939, 1940. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts Papers re paperback edition 1967: correspondence; manuscript draft of ‘Foreword’ for new edition; publicity material. ‘Science, religion and economics in seventeenth century England’, Conway Discussion Circle, Conway Hall, London, 15 October 1935. Correspondence re arrangements. G.43, G.44 ‘Chemical Lectures, Royal College of Physicians, London, 24 and 26 March 1936. morphogenetic determination’, aspects Oliver-Sharpey of This lecture, together with that delivered at the Royal Society of Medicine (see G.45 below), was published as 'New advances in the chemistry and biology of organised growth’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 29 (1936), 31-80. Typescript draft of published paper. Correspondence re arrangements; Royal College of Physicians calendar of meetings, 1936. ‘Chemical aspects of normal and pathological growth’, Pathological Section, Royal Society of Medicine, London, 23 June 1936. This lecture, together with that delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, was published as 'New advances in the chemistry and biology of organised growth’ (see G.43, G.44 above). Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme of Sunday lectures. ‘Biology and Politics', Marx Memorial Library, London, 1 December 1936. Talk to Medical and Science branch, Student Christian Movement. Correspondence re arrangements and publication. Letter of thanks only, 14 October 1936. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Should our rulers be biologists?', British Institute of Philosophy, London, 16 March 1937. Correspondence re arrangements etc. G.48-G.53 ‘Integrative levels; a revaluation of the idea of Progress', Herbert Spencer lecture, Oxford, 27 May 1937. This lecture attracted great attention. Clarendon Press. It was subsequently published by the G.48, G.49 50pp typescript with manuscript corrections + references. 2 folders. Proof copy; press reviews. Correspondence correspondence arising 1937-1951. invitation re_ and arrangements for lecture, and G.52, G.53 Manuscript and typescript notes. 2 folders. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Lecture to Netherlands Biochemical Society, 11 December 1937. Lecture to Imperial College Chemical Society, London, 1 March 1938. background information. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes on the Soviet arctic expedition and on Soviet science generally; publicity material for lecture; ‘Soviet Science and the North Pole explorations', branch, 27 May 1938. ‘Tea Club paper 3/5/38' on metabolism of gastrula. Left Book Club, Hull Letter of thanks only. Manuscript notes. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Genes, Organisers and Pathology’, Institute of Pathology and Research, St Mary's Hospital, London, 30 May [71939]. Programme of lectures only. G.57-G.62 Manuscript and typescript rough notes for lectures. ca.1930s, but some also given to audiences in China between 1942 and 1946. See C.71. ‘Biology and Marxism’. ‘Can sci save civilisation?' ‘Xty and Pacificism’. ‘Distortions of science for economic-social ends'. cuttings etc found therewith. Includes references, ‘Heredity & social problems’. ‘Political Freedom & Xty'. ‘Problems of soc scientist’. ‘Sci & England's bourgeois revoin'. ‘Rationalism, science & socialism Past, present & future’. ‘The place of the biologist in human society’. ‘The role of college & scientific societies in the West in devel. of sci.'. ‘Why we are what we are’. ‘Science and language and literary style’. ‘The self-criticism of biological science’. ‘University organisation reform’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Rise and Fall of Western Science’, manuscript notes for lecture including notes from ?earlier lecture on 'Science and socialism’, 9 August 1937. ‘The socialisation of philosophy', Comte Memorial Lecture, English Positivist Committee, Ethical Church, London, 26 May 1940. Manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements. G.64-G.67 ‘The position of science in Europe today’, Jacob H. Lecture, Cornell University, 10 October 1940. Schiff Foundation This lecture was divided into two parts. The first dealt with science in the democracies, the second with the position in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe. This second part was subsequently published as The Nazi Attack on International Science (see F.265-F.267) and also a chapter in Needham's book History is on our side (see F.328). as ‘| The democratic countries’. 24pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘Il The Nazi attack on international science’. 29pp typescript with manuscript corrections. G.66, G.67 Notice of lecture; manuscript and typescript notes for lecture. 2 folders. Letter of thanks only. ‘The ideas of socialism; where did they come from?', Central Labour Hall, 26 January 1941. Lecture at Student Movement House, London, ca. February 1942. Manuscript and typescript notes. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Biological Science in the U.S.S.R.', Marx Memorial Library, London, 1 February 1942. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes for contribution. G.70, G.71 ‘Science and international relations’, fifteenth Robert Boyle Lecture, Oxford University Junior Scientific Club, 1 June 1948. This lecture was subsequently published by Blackwell's. Typescript and manuscript rough draft; corrected proof. Correspondence re arrangements and publication of the lecture, 1948-1950; press notices. Gi72;,Gs73 ‘Science and Civilization in China and the West', Charles Beard lectures, Ruskin College, Oxford, 19 January - 9 March 1949. the or and social history, Manuscript notes for Needham's lectures. Correspondence re arrangements, 1947-1949. The Charles Beard lectures were a series of eight lectures given at Ruskin College on some aspect of philosophical implications of science, sponsored by the Rationalist Press Association. Needham was invited to give the first set of lectures in 1948 but declined owing to his UNESCO commitments. They were instead delivered by J.D. Bernal and Needham gave the second series of lectures. arrangements. This lecture was based on Needham's earlier UNESCO month lecture in Beirut on 'The unity of science: Asia's indispensable contribution'. See D.65-D.67. ‘Central Asia and the History of Science and Technology’, Royal Central Asian Society, London, 9 February 1949. 15pp duplicated typescript of Needham's Beirut lecture, with manuscript alterations re correspondence Society; Central Asian Royal the for J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Characteristics of Chinese society’, Oxford University Karl Marx History Society, 13 May 1949. Correspondence re arrangements. ‘Science in the World Today’, Teachers’ Training Course, Bottisham Village College, Cambridgeshire, 29 September and 1 October 1949. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme; Needham's manuscript notes for lecture. G.76, G.77 ‘Human Law and the Laws of Nature in China and the West', L.T. Hobhouse Memorial Trust Lecture, Bedford College, London, 23 May 1950. The lecture was subsequently published by Oxford University Press. 51pp typescript draft + references. publication of lecture; poster; University, 27 Letter re arrangements only. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence re arrangements and summary of lecture; report of lecture in Nature. ‘Inductor mechanisms in embryonic development', Bristol February 1953. ‘Science and the Undeveloped Regions’, Association of Scientific Workers Festival of Britain Lecture, London, 15 May 1951. Correspondence re arrangements; poster. ‘New light College London, 28 February, 7 and 14 March 1955. on physico-chemical aspects of morphogenesis’, University J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 G.80-G.94 Lectures and broadcasts Life and Work of ‘The in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Hopkins, Cambridge, 20 November 1961. Frederick Gowland Hopkins’, lecture Sir The lecture was subsequently published in Notes and Records of the Royal Society 17 (1962) and in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 6 (1962). Hopkins's centenary at which Needham participated: Included here is material found with the lecture relating to other events celebrating the unveiling of a plaque to Hopkins at Kildare House, London, headquarters of the Margarine Information Bureau, 20 June, at which Needham gave an address; a Tea Club meeting at the Cambridge University Biochemical Laboratory, 11 October; and a Symposium on Biochemistry and Nutrition held at the Royal Society, 26 October 1961 at which Needham gave the opening address. There is also material re the deposit of Hopkins's manuscript papers in Cambridge University Library and an on Hopkins by Needham published in The Times, 22 May 1963. article G.80-G.82 Typescript and manuscript draft of centenary lecture, paginated 1-63 + references and list of illustrations. 3 folders. Photographs for illustrations. G.84, G.85 Notice and manuscript notes for lecture. 75pp typescript as submitted for publication in Notes and Records and Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 2 folders. 1961. Includes 3pp typescript of Needham's address. Includes exchange with Sir Francis Walshe, 1963, re his disagreement with Hopkins over the role of a carbohydrate diet in beri beri. Correspondence and papers re Hopkins plaque at Kildare House, 20 June Correspondence re text of lecture and published article, 1961, 1963. Correspondence re publication of lecture 1957, 1960-1962. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts Papers re Biochemical Laboratory Tea Club meeting, 11 October 1961. Includes 3pp typescript of Needham's address. G:91, G.92 Royal Society Seminar on Biochemistry and Nutrition, 26 October 1961. G.91 12pp typescript draft of Needham's opening address. Correspondence and proceedings; offprint of report of meeting from Nature. re arrangements; papers manuscript notes on Correspondence, Cambridge University contributing material to the archive. 1961-1962, Library. re establishment of Hopkins archive Includes correspondence with at those on Exchange re arrangements. Annotated invitation only. Not otherwise documented. Correspondence re and corrected proof copy of Needham's article Hopkins in The Times, 22 May 1963. Lecture to Faculty of Oriental Studies, Cambridge, 28 November 1973. ‘The nature of Chinese society; a technical interpretation’, after-dinner talk, Darwin College Cambridge, 31 October 1973. Copy of lecture in the ‘University of Hong Kong Gazette’, 15 May. ‘The nature of Chinese Society: a technical interpretation’, University of Hong Kong, 30 April 1974. Lecture to Perse School Chemistry Society, Cambridge, November 1973. Letter re arrangements; letter of thanks. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘Science and ethics: a Chinese perspective’, C.H. Waddington Memorial lecture, University of Edinburgh, 12 May 1976. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes; poster; etc. ‘Zur Bedeutung Chinas fir die Zukunft des Westerns', Deutsche China- Gesellschaft, K6In, [?late 1976]. Correspondence re German translation, February - March 1977. ‘The relations between biology and religion’. Series of three lectures. Nd. Manuscript and typescript notes for lectures. Invitations 1930-1932. 1933-1936. to or for which there is 1927-1929. lecture declined no evidence of Invitations acceptance. During the 1960s and early 1970s Needham declined many invitations to lecture in the USA as an expression of his disapproval of US policy in Vietnam. 1948-1949. 1942-1947. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts 1951-1955. 1957, 1962-1965. 1966-1969. 1970-1972. 1974, nd. G.112 ethics', J.M. Smith Waddington Memorial Lecture, 20 Lectures by others ‘Evolution and February 1976. ‘Lionel Elvin @ S.L. 5/2/37 Hist of T.U. & Lab. Movt.' ‘Postan on Sci. & Industry before 1500'. ca.1938. Needham's manuscript notes on lectures by others. duplicated manuscript notes, probably for lecture course. ‘Frank Chambers Duplicate notes for History of Contents of Needham's envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: G.113-G.116 Taste’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 BROADCASTS Lectures and broadcasts Broadcasts on the work of the Sino-British Science Cooperation Office are at C.137. ‘Recent advances in medical science’, broadcast from Glasgow, 19 August 1923. App typescript; newspaper cutting; letter re possible broadcast of the talk on the BBC London station. ‘Biochemistry: what it radio broadcast, 6 June 1930. is and what it does. VI. The developing egg’, BBC 10pp typescript annotated 'E MidI'd’; letter arising from broadcast. 10pp typescript; manuscript notes; correspondence from E. Blair (George Orwell), Talks Assistant, Indian Section; etc. ‘Matter, Form, Evolution and Us', BBC radio broadcast 8-12 January 1945. Correspondence, October 1932, re possible broadcast in BBC radio series 'God and the World through Christian eyes’. Needham was approached to give a talk on 'Man and Materialism’. In his reply Needham said he was willing to do so but that he would wish to talk on ‘dialectical materialism’, rather than materialism in the religious sense. ‘Science, capitalism and fascism’, broadcast in Science and Politics series for BBC radio Indian Empire service, 23 June 1942. Letter re possible publication of Needham's broadcast. An article with this title was published in the magazine World Review and subsequently republished in This Changing World (ed. J.R.M. Brumwell, London, 1944). See F.306. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Lectures and broadcasts ‘The unity of science: Asia's indispensable contribution’, two broadcasts for BBC radio Third Programme, October 1949. These broadcasts were based on Needham's UNESCO month lecture delivered at the Third session of the UNESCO General Conference, Beirut, 17 November - 11 December 1948. See D.65-D.67. Correspondence with producer; 6pp typescript transcript of 'Part | Science and Medicine’, II Technology’. 17 October; 9pp duplicated typescript script of ‘Part Letter from Anglia Television Cambridge Think?’, 8 July 1959. re planned television series ‘What does J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES H.1-H.130 Not all of Needham's travel and attendance at conferences is documented in ths section. Needham made other visits in connection with his work for the Sino-British Science Cooperation Office (see section C) and UNESCO (see section D). There is also material relating to lectures delivered abroad in section G (Lectures and broadcasts). The presentation is chronological as far as possible. Material relating to either invitations declined or for which there is no evidence of acceptance is placed at the end of the sequence for each year. From the late 1950s Needham declined many invitations, being very busy with his work on Science and Civilisation in China. Needham also refused to visit the USA during the period of American involvement in Vietnam as an expression of his disapproval of US government policy. The section includes not only scientific visits and conferences but also religious and political meetings attended by Needham. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences British Medical Association 88th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, 24 June - July. 3 Annotated conference handbook with Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings intercalated at front. Visit to Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, July. Needham visited Germany with his mother to attend the Oberammergau Passion Play. On the advice of F.G. Hopkins he visited the laboratory of F. Knoop. See also A.80, A.133. Needham's manuscript note of German professors for possible visits, with Hopkins’ views on them; letters from Hopkins and Knoop; travel documents. visit; exchange re apparatus of items needed on Invitation for 1926 Manuscript list unaccounted for. Visit to French marine biological station, Roscoff. 1928 conference. Meeting of French Société de Biologie and affiliated societies, Paris, 20-22 May. Needham was asked to participate in a discussion on 21 May. Conference, Needham spoke on ‘Science and Correspondence re arrangements; draft programme; invitation to speak at Christian Student Swanwick, Derbyshire, 22-28 July. religion’. Movement General H.3 Second (1927) J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Visit to USA, July, August. Needham spent the summer of 1929 at the Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove, California. He also visited colleagues at a number of other research centres including the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Rochester, the University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University, the Buffalo City Hospital and the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. See also E.41. Correspondence re visits to colleagues in the US. Printed material. Invitations for 1929 and 1930 rm Medical Association Centenary July. give a paper on teratology to the section of Meeting, London, 26-29 British Needham was asked to Comparative Medicine. Student Christian Movement First (1929) General Conference, Swanwick, Derbyshire, 11-17 July. Needham was asked to speak on science and religion. Brief correspondence re arrangements, 1930-1931. Meeting of School Masters and College Tutors and Lecturers (‘Dons and Beaks Conference’), Queen's College Oxford, 3-6 January 1930. Needham gave a paper on ‘The attitude of the scientific worker to religion’. Second International Congress on the History of Science and Technology, London, 29 June - 3 July. Needham served on the Congress council. Programme; letters of thanks. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Student Christian Movement First (1931) General Conference, Swanwick, Derbyshire, 10-16 July. Needham gave four papers on science and religion. Correspondence re arrangements; annotated programme. Third International Congress for Experimental Cytology, Cambridge, 21-26 August. Needham presented a paper ‘Physico-chemical experiments on the amphibian organiser’ (with C.H. Waddington and D.M.M. Needham) Letter re arrangements, 29 May 1933; 2pp typescript summary inscribed ‘Cytol Cong’; annotated congress handbook. Visit to USA, March. Needham visited a number of research institutions in the US. Empire Cancer Campaign Third Informal Conference, British London, 12-13 December. Needham was a member of the discussion meeting on the effect of chemical compounds of known constitution upon tissue behaviour and growth. Biennial Correspondence re arrangements; annotated programme. Correspondence re arrangements. the 29pp embryology’, advancement of science as observed in Beaumont Medical on ‘Morphology and biochemistry’, University of Pennsylvania, 23 March; letter re lecture at Oberlin College, Ohio. Fifteenth International Physiological Congress, Moscow and Leningrad, 8-18 August. Needham presented a paper on ‘Chemical aspects of organiser phenomena’. ‘Limiting history March; notice of Needham's lecture factors of H.14-H.17 Club, 21 typescript of Needham's lecture on in the J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences App typescript of Needham's contribution. Memorabilia. Includes ‘Seeing Soviet Russia’, brochure for travel in the USSR 1935, and photograph (with key) of staff of Biochemical Laboratory, Military Medical Academy, Leningrad. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and addresses. Invitation for 1935 H.18 Twelfth International Congress of Zoology, Lisbon, 14-25 September. H.19-H.22 World Congress of Faiths, London, 3-18 July. Correspondence re arrangements and arising; programme of Congress. Following the 1936 Congress the World Congress of Faiths was established as a permanent organisation. Needham led the debate following the paper on ‘Science and religion’ by J.S. Haldane (read by his daughter Naomi Mitchison following Haldane's death shortly before the Congress opened). Needham. Papers delivered at Congress, including that of Haldane, annotated by J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Needham's manuscript contribution; newspaper cuttings of reports on the Congress. proceedings and notes on 5pp draft of his Circular letters of the World Congress of Faiths for 1941 and 1942. H.23-H.26 British Medical Association 104th Annual Meeting, Oxford, 21-25 July. of the Vice President Needham was Biochemistry. and abnormal growth’ and his contribution was published in the Medical Journal, 10 October 1936. further paper by Needham, ‘Substances promoting cell published in the British Medical Journal, 31 October 1936. and He spoke to the Section on ‘Substances promoting normal British Responding to comments thereon a was Physiology growth’, Section on Correspondence contribution, 1935-1936. re arrangements and_ publication of Needham's Needham's manuscript ‘Address Refs & Notes’. Manuscript notes on discussion; order of speakers; miscellaneous material. Proof of Needham's contribution; 7pp typescript of ‘Substances promoting cell growth’. Abstracts. Second Conference on the Social Sciences, Westfield College, London, 25- 27 September. Needham and S. Zuckerman discussed 'Biology and the social sciences' in the first session of the conference. Programme; publication of proceedings. Needham's manuscript proceedings; notes letter on re J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences ‘Cambridge Cancer Conference my room 3/12/36". Needham's manuscript notes so inscribed. Holmes, C.H. Waddington, Salzburg, Friedmann, W. Brock and A. Pirie. Those present included B. 1937 H.30, H.31 Modern Churchmen's Conference, Cambridge, 31 August - Needham spoke Communism and coverage. 4 September. a on received widespread press and Communism’ in on Fascism. The debate 'Christianity debate 16pp typescript of Needham's contribution. Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings; newspaper cuttings on the debate. H.32-H.34 9 October. Invitation; bound summaries of papers. Incomplete typescript draft of Needham's contribution. First Réunion Internationale de Physique, Chimie et Biologie 'Congrés du Palais de la Découverte’, Paris, 30 September - Needham spoke on 'La morphogenése et le métabolisme des hydrates de carbon’. 25-26 March. Modern Quarterly discussion meeting on the English Revolution 1640-1660, Loose summaries of papers; Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings. Association of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Liverpool, 29 April - Invitations for 1937 and 1939 H.35 1 May 1937. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Sixteenth Needham spoke development’. International on Physiological ‘Metabolism Congress, Zurich, morphogenesis and 14-19 in August. amphibian 5pp typescript of Needham's contribution. Conference on Growth and Differentiation, North Truro, Massachusetts, 7- 11 August. Needham spoke on chemical aspects of organiser phenomena. Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings; report on the conference from Nature. Seventh International Congress of Genetics, Edinburgh, 23-30 August. H.40-H.45 Visit to USA, June - November. the US to fulfil a longstanding commitment at 2pp typescript synopsis of Needham's contribution. Correspondence re participation of Soviet delegates. Egg Symposium of the Food Group's Nutrition Panel, April. Needham spoke on 'The biological position of birds' eggs'. scientific conferences in the USA for 1941. Needham visited the University of California at Berkeley and to attend the Second Conference on Differentiation and Growth in Maine. With the backing of the Ministry of Information he also toured the US delivering lectures on the position of science in Europe, with particular emphasis on the damage to scholarship caused by the Nazis. In this connection he gave the Schiff Lecture at Cornell (see G.64-G.67). Needham wrote a full account of the visit for the Ministry of Information (H.42) and a short article on 'Recent experiences of war-time America’ for He thereafter provided the Ministry with intelligence about Nature (H.43). J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Second Conference on Differentiation and Growth, Salsbury Cove, Maine, June. Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings. Correspondence re extension of tour, August - October 1940. 6pp typescript draft and 7pp typescript revised report on visit. 3pp typescript draft of article for Nature (entitled ‘Experiences of an English biologist in war-time America’); manuscript notes. Correspondence arising from visit to the US, 1940-1941. 1941. Includes correspondence with Arrangements for 1940 H.46 Letters re arrangements for Congresses. Both were cancelled following the outbreak of war. 1941 February - July. Chiefly re conferences in US during 1941. 1940 November - January S. Zuckerman and Lord Melchett re meeting to discuss establishing better liaison with US science. Twelfth Congress of Pure and Applied Sciences, USA. Sixth International Congress of Experimental Cytology, Stockholm, 25 July - 1 August. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Needham Marx House Symposium on Engels, London, 16-17 August. attended the session on Engels' 'Dialectics of Nature’ and spoke on ‘The philosophy of Whitehead in relation to Dialectical Materialism’. Programmes; manuscript notes; letter of thanks; report on symposium. Invitation for 1941 H.48 Convention on the Foundations of Peace, Cambridge, 24-31 August. Pharmaceutical Society meeting, London, 8 January. on seminar at 1945 H.51-H.56 molecular and morphological form' at George Visit to USA, December. Invitation; Needham's mansucript notes on lecture by A. St George Huggett. Needham visited the US on his way to China. See also C.16. Notices of Needham's lectures on 'An experimental approach to the relations between Washington University, 7 December, and Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 18 December; Needham's manuscript notes Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, 17 December. Annotated programmes for scientific meetings and sight-seeing. 220th Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow and Leningrad, 15-28 June. Needham travelled to Moscow from China and returned to China via India. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Manuscript notes for 'Speeches @ Moscow June 1945’; notes, invitations etc. Moscow News 16 and 20 June 1945; newspaper cuttings of reports on events of the Anniversary, July. Memorabilia: annotated theatre and concert programmes, postcards, etc. Manuscript notes for 'Speech on USSR Congress July 1945’; items from return travel to China, including newspaper cuttings on Needham's visit to India. Newspaper reports from Moscow News, August 1948, praising work of Lysenko and other Soviet plant-scientists. Found with preceding material. H.57 Growth, Princeton 1947 H.58-H.61 Chemistry and Brown University, Physiology of Growth, Society for the Study of Invitations for 1946 Conference on University, 27-30 September. the Symposium of Providence, Rhode Island, 27-30 August. Challenge, Folkestone, October. Abstracts, some annotated by Needham, and manuscript notes. 4 folders. Sixth International Congress of Experimental Cytology, Stockholm, July. Invitation for 1948 the Communist Conference on Personalism and H.62 Personalist Group J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 1949 Visits and conferences H.63-H.69 First International Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 19-25 August. Needham was a member of the Congress Committee and Chairman- Convenor of the Publications Subcommittee, responsible for the scientific editing of the proceedings. See also D.285, D.286. Papers of meetings of the Congress and Executive Committees, 1948-1949. Not a complete set. H.64-H.67 Correspondence re arrangements 1948-1950. H.64 1948. reflected in events and this is between the two 1949 January - July. Includes minutes of meeting of Publications 1949 August - December. Subcommittee, 25 August. In the course of arrangements for the Congress there was some anxiety lest it be seen to be competing with the eighth meeting of the French Société de Chimie Biologique held in Paris in 1948. To avert this cordial relations were established the correspondence. . Papers re meeting of the French Société de Chimie Biologique. Printed and duplicated papers for programme. the Congress, including provisional J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 1950 Visits and conferences H.70-H.81 Visit to USA, March - May. Needham visited the US as the Charles M. and Martha Hitchcock Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, giving eight lectures on ‘The development of The invitation had originally been extended in 1945. Needham returned to the UK via Johns Hopkins University Institute of the History of Medicine where he gave the three Noguchi lectures on 'Some aspects of Chinese Science’. Scientific Thought on Chinese Civilisation’. He received many invitations from colleagues at other research institutions including one from his former colleague in the Cambridge in the US, Biochemistry Department, W.W. Nowinski, at the University of Texas, Galveston. Shortly before departure, however, Dorothy Needham fell seriously ill and therefore his trip was not extended. Needham did make a number of visits to research centres as scientific liaison work for UNESCO and for the UK Scientific Mission. correspondence General correspondence with Cambridge University, Secretariat of correspondence arising. Includes Scientific the Cabinet Office and UNESCO re arrangements and 1949-1950. King USA, visit the re A. to of H.71-H.73 Correspondence 1945, 1948. Correspondence 1949, 1950. Hitchcock Professorship and other invitations at Berkeley, 29 March - 19 April. lectures. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; typescript Typescript synopsis of lectures; poster; etc. Noguchi lectures, 26-28 April. synopsis of J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences H.75, H.76 Other invitations: H.75 Includes Oceanography. University of Texas, Galveston, and Scripps Institution of Includes Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University and University of Colorado. Transcript of Needham's talk to Inusco Inc., the American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives, New York, 5 May, with covering letter. Letters correspondence and social invitations, 1950. to Needham reporting his on wife's condition; miscellaneous Memorabilia. Miscellaneous material. Newspaper cuttings, addresses etc. to USA for UNESCO, and to Department of Needham's reports on visit to Stanford Research Institute, Scientific and Industrial Research on visit Palo Alto, California with correspondence arising. Also manuscript notes on visit. November. Matiére Vivante'’, Rome, Invitation for 1950 Invitation to Conference on H.82 ‘Structure de la J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Visit to Edinburgh, March. Needham visited Edinburgh University to meet the Belgian biochemists J. Pasteels and C.P. Raven who were each giving three lectures in the Department of Animal Genetics. Visit to Lyons University, 9-15 April. Needham was invited to Lyons under the auspices of the British Council's Foreign Universities Interchange Scheme. He gave three lectures on ‘La Biochimie et les phénoménes de I|'Induction embryonnaire' and two on the history of science in the Far East. See also B.162. Correspondence re arrangements and correspondence arising; poster for biochemistry lectures; miscellaneous material. H.85-H.94 First Congress of Polish Science, Warsaw, 29 June - 2 July. Needham may also have visited Wroclaw during the visit. Wroclaw’, latest date 1948; H.86-H.88 H.89-H.92 Printed reports of sections of the Congress (in Polish). 4 folders. Manuscript notes for ‘General scientific lecture travel documentation etc. Typescript copies of presentations with manuscript corrections (in English). 3 folders. the Congress and achievements of Polish science. Science in New Poland by J. Dembowski (London, 1952). Booklet recording Zycie Nauki ('Life of Science’) 6 (1951), nos 5-6. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Seventh Rencontre Internationale de Geneve on Man before Science, Geneva, 3-13 September. Correspondence re arrangements; programme etc. H.96-H.99 Symposium ‘Journées Scientifiques de la Volaille et de l'Oeuf', Lyons, 16-18 December. Needham spoke on ‘Thoughts on the biochemistry of the developing hen's egg’, published in Annales de la Nutrition et de I'Alimentation 8 (1954). Correspondence contribution. re arrangements and _ publication of Needham's Printed memorabilia of Lyons. Invitations for 1953 and 1954 Programme; Needham's manuscript notes; press-cutting; etc. 16pp typescript + references of Needham's contribution as submitted for publication. Thirteenth Growth Symposium, Hanover, New Hampshire, 23-26 June 1954. H.100 Comité Belge d'Histoire des Sciences weekend meeting on the history of medicine, University of Brussels, 14-15 November 1953. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology Scientific Meeting, London, 9-12 January. Annotated programme; Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings. Hungarian Physiological Society Twentieth Conference, Budapest, June and July. Needham spoke on ‘Recent advances in the biochemical aspects of experimental morphology’. Needham's manuscript contribution. notes; 1p typescript summary of Needham's Invitation for 1956 H.103 Eleventh Rencontre Internationale de Genéve on Tradition and Innovation, 5-15 September. International Embryological Conference, Cambridge 10-15 April. Invitations for 1957 and 1958 H.105 Lists of participants, demonstrations and films; annotated programme. Sciences, Pisa, Italy, 16-18 June 1958. International Symposium on the History of Eastern and Western Cultural Contact, Tokyo, 28 October - 2 November 1957. International Symposium on the History of Physical and Mathematical J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Invitations for 1959 and 1960 Visits and conferences H.106 Haffkine Institute Diamond Jubilee, Bombay, 10-13 January 1959. World Federation of Scientific Workers Symposium on Science in the Development of the Economy and Welfare of Mankind, Warsaw, 24-28 September 1959. Biologische Gesellschaft October 1959. in der DDR, Darwin Centenary, Jena, 20-23 International Symposium on Maturation and Ageing of Red Blood Cells, Berlin, 17-21 November 1960. Invitations for 1961 H.107 Engineering Education, Massachusetts Conference Institute of Technology, 3-10 April. Scientific and on Committee for Mankind, Villa Serbelloni, Lake Como, Switzerland, 17-23 September. the Study of Mankind Conference on Nationalism and Colloquium on Biological conditions essential for the Freedom of Man, Leiden, 5-7 April. Rencontre Internationale de Royaumont on Les Critéres et les Idéaux du Progrés Sociale, Paris, 17-20 May. 18 August - 5 September. Conference on Economic Co-operation and Vienna, 1-7 July. Alpbach European Forum on Asia and the Western World, Alpbach, Austria, Partnership, Salzburg and Invitations for 1962 H.108 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Invitations for 1963 and 1964 Visits and conferences H.109 Seventh Czechoslovak Morphological Meeting, Olomouc, 24-29 June 1963. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin Sinological Conference, Berlin, September 1963. Rencontre Internationale de Genéve on 'Tomorrow?’, 2-11 September 1964. Invitations for 1965 H.110 Centre d'Epistémologie University of Geneva, 28 June - 2 July. International Génetique Informal Symposium, Colloquium on Science and Synthesis commemorating the anniversaries of the deaths of Einstein and Teilhard de Chardin, Paris, 13-15 December. Invitations for 1966 H.111 American Historical Association Asian Conference, San Francisco, January China Conference, University of Chicago, 8-12 February. Research Management Trust Conference on the Brain Drain, London, 10 March. Paris, 28 November. Société de Chimie Biologique Conference on Biochemical aspects of phylogenesis, Montpellier, 27-29 October. Royal Microscopical Society Conference on The Role of the Microscope in Scientific Investigation, 18-22 July. H.113 European Space Research Organisation symposium in honour of P. Auger, Invitation for 1967 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Invitations for 1968 Visits and conferences H.114 Cultural Congress, Havana, Cuba, 4-11 January. Conference on Contemporary China, University of Guelph, Ontario, 18-20 April. Wenner-Gren Foundation on the Nature and Function of Anthropological Traditions, New York, April. Symposium on Readings on Asian Topics, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, 16-18 September. International September. Congress of Economic History, Bloomington, Indiana, Symposium on Boerhaave and his time, Celebration of tercentenary of birth of Herman Boerhaave, University of Leiden, 15-16 November. H.115 Invitations for 1969 British Society for the History of Science summer meeting, Cambridge, 8-9 July. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Colloquium on Oriente e Occidente nel Medio Evo: Scienza e Filosofia, Rome, 9-13 April. Approaches to the Understanding of Technology. Conference on Psychobiology of Development, American Museum of Natural History, New York, November 1969. Invitations for 1970, 1971 and 1972 H.116 American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings, 26-31 December 1970. on Needham was asked to participate panel in a J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Conference on comparative historical sociology of science, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Park, 28-30 June 1971. Lent Study group meeting on Can Man Survive?, Norwich, 1972. Invitations for 1973 Gl lah7, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions Symposium on the future role of science and technology in development, Santa Barbara, California, 12-16 February. UNESCO ceremony marking Copernicus, 19 February. the 500th anniversary of the birth of Congress of and Council World Ecumenical Conference on the Technological Future of the Industrialised Nations and the Quality of Life, Pont-a-Mousson, France, 27 May - 2 June. American-European Churches North of Foundation Study and an Era of Conference International Quinquennial Social Center, Anthropological Personal Freedom in International Conference on Engineering, Bellagio, Italy, 22-28 August. Rockefeller Ninth Ethnographic Sciences, Chicago, 28 August - 8 September. Cambridge Union Society debate on This House approves of Mao Tse Tung's China, 29 October. Needham was asked to propose the motion but declined. House, Windsor Castle, 14-16 December. Consultation meeting on technological and scientific change, St George's J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Invitations for 1974 Visits and conferences H.119 Workshop on Kronberg, West Germany, 17-18 May. the Creative Process in Science and Medicine, Schloss 250th Anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow and Leningrad, May. Conference on New Perspectives in the Life Sciences: 1750-1850, Churchill College Cambridge, 19-21 March. Annotated revised programme. H.122-H.125 H.123-H.125 Papers sent to Needham for information. 3 folders. and _ Biological Notice; manuscript notes. Faraday Information’ by M. Eigen, Cambridge, 24 February. ‘Complexity, Lecture on Self-Organisation Correspondence re arrangements, programme, list of participants. European Committee for Research and Development colloquium on Science Crisis in European Societies, Brussels, 31 May - 2 June. pp.22-23. Fifteenth International Congress of the History of Science, Edinburgh, 10-19 August. Report on proceedings, including account of Needham's contribution, from ‘Newsletter on Science, Technology & Human Values', October 1977 at Needham introduced the symposium on Science and Human Values. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Visits and conferences Invitations for 1977, 1978 and 1981 H.127 Consultation meeting on 'good' growth, St George's House, Windsor Castle, 27-29 May 1977. Ockenden Venture Conference on Hope for Mankind, Ockenden, Surrey, 22-31 August 1977. Institut de Formation and Morphogenesis, Brussels, 18 May 1978. la Vie Symposium on the Relevance of Models in Pattern Colloquium on Time and Societies, Paris, March 1981. Interfaith Congress on the Human Crisis, St Albans, Hertfordshire, 24-26 May. the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Annotated programme. Needham spoke on Chinese religion. Meeting celebrating Photograph, 13 April. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes; programme. Second World War. Manuscript list of possible participants at conference of embryologists, ?pre- Pepsin X-Ray J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 SECTION J SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS J.1-J.260 ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE D'HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE PHILOSOPHIE DES SCIENCES J.8-J.12 ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS J.13 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BRITISH ACADEMY J.14 J.15-J.21 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT _ J.22, J.23 OF SCIENCE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE J.42-J.45 CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY J.46 BRITISH RHEOLOGISTS' CLUB J.24 COMMISSION ON THE UNIVERSITY OF CEYLON J.47-J.112 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY CONSEIL SCIENTIFIQUE DE PERFECTIONNEMENT DE L'INSTITUT D'ETUDE DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL, PARIS COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ITS SOCIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE AGAINST MALNUTRITION J.113-J.116 J.25-J.41 J.117-J.121 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations EMBRYOLOGISTS' CLUB EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ORGANISATION FONDATION FRANCQUI J.126 GINLING COLLEGE, NANKING J.127-J.134 INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY J.135 INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS J.136-J.139 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) J.140, J.141 J.142-J.145 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE J.147-J.179 LOUIS RAPKINE MEMORIAL FUND APPEAL/LOUIS RAPKINE ASSOCIATION J.180-J.194 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EMBRYOLOGY (later the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGISTS) J.196-J.204 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY AND WORKERS' SCHOOL NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NUTRITION SOCIETY J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY J.207 ROYAL SOCIETY J.208-J.224 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE J.225 SCIENCE OF SCIENCE FOUNDATION J.226, J.227 SCIENCE POLICY FOUNDATION J.228 SOCIETE EUROPEENNE DE CULTURE J.229-J.231 SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY J.232-J.235 SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND LEARNING J.236-J.240 THEORETICAL BIOLOGY CLUB J.243-J.246 SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS J.242 THIRD WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES J.247 SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH AND CYBERNETICS WORLD ACADEMY OF ART AND SCIENCE WORLD ORGANISATION OF GENERAL SYSTEMS J.260 J.248-J.259 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE D'HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES 1947-1974 Needham was a Membre Effectif of the Académie for the period covered by the papers. The material is chiefly papers re elections to membership. 1947-1955. 1956-1958. 1959-1960. 1961-1962 1963-1965. 1966-1969. 1949-1950, 1954. 1971-1974. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 1973. Includes invitation to join editorial committee of relaunched ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DE PHILOSOPHIE DES SCIENCES 1956-1959. Needham was elected a Membre Titulaire in 1950. The material is chiefly re symposia and conferences organised under the auspices of the Académie and elections to the Académie. 1949-1967, 1973 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations 1960. Includes material re changes to the constitution of the Académie. 1961-1962. 1963-1967, 1973. ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH SCIENCE WRITERS Invitation to Academic Membership. BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY 1924-1936 1971-1982 BRITISH ACADEMY Notices of scientific meetings, some annotated by Needham. Needham was elected to the British Academy in 1971. He served on Committees Four (Oriental and African Studies) and Twelve (Social and Political Studies). Correspondence 1976, 1979. Correspondence 1973-1974. project. Correspondence 1971-1972. committee with the Royal Society on the history and philosophy of science. Chiefly correspondence re proposal for joint Chiefly re ISIS Cumulative Bibliography J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations J.18-J.21 Annotated papers for meetings of committees four and twelve and ordinary AGMS, various dates 1972-1982. 4 folders. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1941-1974 Papers arising from British Association conference on Science and the World Order, London, 26-28 September 1941. Following the conference the British Association's Division for the Social and International Relations of Science established a Committee on Social Research. Needham was a member until his service in China for the Sino- British Science Cooperation Office prevented further participation. The material chiefly relates to the first meeting and terms of reference of the committee 1942. BRITISH RHEOLOGISTS' CLUB 1942, 1948 Papers for meetings 1942, 1948. Invitation to serve as Vice-President of Section H (Anthropology) for meeting September 1965 (declined); invitation to participate in discussion on the findings of a Working Party on social and ethical implications of biological and medical research 1974 (declined). in October 1969. The British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) was founded in April 1969. It began as a pressure group of concerned scientific experts but from the early 1970s became an openly Marxist organisation. Needham was a founder member of the Society and also a founder of the Cambridge Society for Social Responsibility in Science (CSSRS) established BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE 1969-1979 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations The material is correspondence and papers relating to the BSSRS 1969- 1973 and 1979 and CSSRS 1969. There is also printed and duplicated literature on the subject of social responsibility in science collected by Needham from the 1930s to the 1970s and found therewith. J.25-J.31 British Society for Social Responsibility in Science J.32-J.35 Cambridge Society for Social Responsibility in Science J.36-J.41 Miscellaneous British Society for Social Responsibility in Science J.25 1969. Invitation to become a founder member; papers of inaugural meeting, Royal Society, 19 April. Includes correspondence re proposed working group on academic 1970. freedom. 1971-1973. Includes papers for 1971 AGM; papers re 'radicalisation' of the Society. 1979. Papers re tenth anniversary meeting, London School of Economics, 23 November 1979. Needham spoke on radical science in the 1930s. folders. Invitation; programme; Needham's manuscript notes for his contribution, including his views on social responsibility of scientists and broader issues of science and society. J.29-J.31 Issues of BSSRS news-sheet nos 1-16, April 1969 - May 1972 (lacks nos 3 and 11). This was superseded in 1972 by the journal Science for People. 3 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Cambridge Society for Social Responsibility in Science J.32 1969. Material re establishment of society. Issues of CSSRS bulletin nos 1-7, October 1969 - October 1970. Issues of ‘Science or Society?’ (formerly CSSRS bulletin) nos 1-6, 1971- January 1972. 2 folders. Miscellaneous Printed and duplicated typescript literature 1930s-1970s, some annotated by Needham. 1930s. Unemployed', 'Crude v. Scientific Socialism’ and Meliorism’. Includes League of Science pamphlets ‘Agricultural Centres for the ‘Principles of Scientific Includes typescript copy of speech at ‘Opening of Free German 1940s. Institute, London, July 17th, 42' by the painter O. Kokoschka. 1950s. Includes material from American Society for Social Responsibility in Science. 1970s. Chiefly re genetic experimentation. 2 folders. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations BRITISH SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE 1947-1962 Needham served on the Council of the Society 1950-1952. General correspondence 1950-1952, 1955. J.43-J.45 Papers for meetings of Council and AGMs 1947-1962. 3 folders. CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 1930, 1978-1980, nd Needham was elected a Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society in 1922. Papers and correspondence. Includes undated papers re the future of the Society's library. COMMISSION ON THE UNIVERSITY OF CEYLON 1957-1960 gy, The University of Ceylon was established in 1942. In 1957 the Ceylon Government decided to appoint a University Commission to report on the working of the University and make recommendations for improvements and developments in line with wider changes in the education system and in tune with Ceylon's national culture and aspirations. In September Needham was invited to chair the Commission and, having secured leave of absence from The other members were L.J. Cambridge University, agreed. S. de Seneviratne (local commissioner) and G.C. Chatterji (from India). A.T.M. Silva was the secretary. The Commission began work in February 1958 and continued to take evidence up to Needham's departure in May. For part of the trip Needham was accompanied by his wife Dorothy Needham. After spending over two months in Ceylon visiting over 20 higher educational establishments, taking evidence from 129 interested parties in 72 hearings and studying 242 written representations, Needham and Chatterji felt they were able to reach final conclusions and frame recommendations about university policy. It was proposed the commission should meet at Jaipur (India) in August 1958 for final discussions. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations However, Seneviratne refused to attend the meeting and the Ceylon Instead it was authorities refused permission for Silva to attend either. proposed Needham and Chatterji should return to Ceylon. Unwilling to spend any further time when they had enough information to formulate conclusions Needham and Chatterji declined. Chatterji and Needham met again in Cambridge in December 1958 and by January 1959 they completed the report. Seneviratne received copies of the chapters of the report as they were drafted by the secretary but sent no emendations. It was believed that he was unhappy that the report did not recommend the establishment of a Buddhist Faculty but only a Department of Buddhist Studies under the Faculty of Arts, and that it recommended a campus be established at Jaffna. Seneviratne's refusal to cooperate delayed the release of the report. report and sent In June 1959 Needham wrote to the Governor General proposing to release the report and this was agreed to. Seneviratne then asked for a month to study the in August. Needham and Chatterji were unwilling to sign the report without seeing Seneviratne's observations but The delay in the publication of the report caused much comment in Ceylon and the matter became an issue in national politics. in October the report was released. his ‘observations' on the report J.47, J.48 related to the inter-communal hostility and ‘CUC Personal’. Contents of Needham’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Correspondence and papers re appointment and visit. The bulk of the material, including correspondence re the visit and the preparation and release of he report, submissions received and Needham’s notes and drafts, was found in Needham's own inscribed folders. During Needham’s visit to Ceylon the country was experiencing communal disturbances which culminated in the declaration of a state of emergency in June 1958. The issues which led to the delay in publication of the report were directly hence the recommendations of the report assumed a wider political significance in Ceylon. commission. ‘Ceylon Depot file. inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. papers. Contents of Needham's folder so Correspondence and August - November 1957. Principally re invitation to chair the Commission. Includes copy of terms of reference of the November, December 1957. January - May 1958. J.49-J.51 Papers not taken’. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations January, February 1958. Miscellaneous. Macaulay (relating to his attitude to languages and education in India). Includes extracts from The Life and Letters of Lord There is also a little earlier material possibly re planned visit of Needham to North Vietnam. 'CUC general correspondence’. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. January, February 1958. Includes contract as chairman of commission and material re prize-giving at Jaffna College. had Needham had been invited as guest of honour at the ceremony on 8 March and pressure of commitments but some Tamils suspected that he was been prevented from attending by the Ceylon Government. later withdrew pleading initially accepted. He J.54-J.56 May 1958. March, April 1958. Includes manuscript notes on itinerary for 17 March - 17 May. Letters received while in China May, June, July, Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed The correspondence is chiefly re ‘Ceylon commission. August and at Jaipur August’. divided into three for ease of reference. the drafting of the report and the principal correspondent is Silva. and recommendations. June, July 1958. Includes correspondence with Chatterji re disagreements with Seneviratne. Includes correspondence re finalisation of report August, September 1958. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on front cover ‘University Commission Ceylon Chairman’. Used 23 February - 4 May 1958. The places visited are numbered 1-22. Some loose intercalated notes. Notes on visits J.58-J.60 Series of three hardback notebooks inscribed on front cover ‘University Commission Ceylon Used for notes on hearings and meetings of the commission 1958. Chairman's Notes'. '{'. Used 21 March - 17 April. Paginated 1-76. '2'. Used from 18 April. J.62-J.65 procedure for discussion of ‘CUC ideas & suggestions inscribed divided papers. Documents’. Contents of Needham's folder so into four for ease of reference: correspondence and ‘CUC Visits (See also green notebooks)’. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: correspondence re visits to Director of Fisheries and Director Ceylon Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research; Jaffna colleges; Tea Research Institute; Hydraulic Research Station of Irrigation Department; Rubber Research Institute and Coconut Research Institute, March and April 1958. by Needham and Chatterji. December 1957 - ca.March 1958. Includes manuscript notes by Needham. Includes manuscript notes by Needham and 'Prise de position’ Includes ‘the Ayutvedic the Drafts and memos by Needham and Chatterji. April 1958. Needham's typescript medicine recommendations for the report’, 27 April. ‘Proposed problem' notes and ‘the on Pirivena problem’, May 1958. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Background material including lists Ceylon. of periodicals taken by University of ‘Ceylon Univ. Comm. Background file (copy)'. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: typescript background information on higher education in Ceylon and on university organisation (received from other universities worldwide). Draft and copies of duplicated typescript questionnaires sent out by the commission before taking evidence. J.68-J.78 Record of evidence’. ‘CUC divided into eleven for ease of reference: given before the Commission 21 March - 13 May 1958. Contents of Needham's folder so labelled typescript record of evidence 549 pages. papers on drafting ease of J.84-J.86 ‘CUC agenda _ divided recommendations and report. suggestions’. three into for J.79-J.83 reference: Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed of ‘Tentative formulation of some of the most important problems to be discussed by the University Education Policy Commission in the light of all evidence available’. ‘CUC duplicate representations'. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: duplicate copies of some of the written memoranda sent in response to the commission's questionnaire. Manuscript notes. Typescript and manuscript ‘Second draft'; 22pp typescript ‘Original ...’ (with extensive manuscript annotation). Typescript draft resolutions. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 J.87-J.95 Societies and organisations ‘Ceylon Univ. Comm. Needham's folder so inscribed divided into correspondence and therewith. papers preparation re Letters etc after returning home’. Contents of nine for ease of reference: difficulties report and of The chief correspondents are Silva and Chatterji. material The background the report was to be issued. refers also to the communal violence against which 1958 July - September. 1958 October. 1958 November, December. 1959 April, May. 1959 January - March. Includes draft and re-draft of official letter to Silva setting out Needham and Chatterji's replies to Seneviratne's perceived objections. 1959 June. Includes typed extracts from Ceylon newspapers commenting on the delays in publication of the report and letter from Needham to the Governor General, Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, setting out reasons for the delay and outlining his proposed course of action. the report. 1959 November - 1960. Includes correspondence arising from publication of 1959 September, October. 1959 July, August. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations J.96-J.102 Typescript draft of the report. 7 folders. Published report. J.104-J.106 Newspaper cuttings on work of the commission and the state of higher education in Ceylon, 1957-1959. 3 folders. J.107-J.112 ‘Ceylon Non-official'. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: miscellaneous correspondence and papers, including material re other engagements in Ceylon Correspondence re lectures given or proposed while in Ceylon: ‘The biochemistry of muscle contraction’ (D.M.M. Needham) and ‘The origins and nature of modern science with relation to China and the West' (J. Needham), Ceylon Association for the Advancement of Science, University of Ceylon, 12 and 13 March 1958 respectively. Miscellaneous correspondence, September 1957 - June 1958. ‘Science and religion in Chinese civilisation’, discussion meeting, April. English Literary Circle, Government Training College, Maharagama, ?May. ‘Buddhism and science in Chinese civilisation’; Young Men's Buddhist Association, Colombo. proceedings; background information. ‘Ceylon’. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: expenses claims, etc. Memorabilia. Includes profile of Needham in Ceylon Daily News. Needham's manuscript notes on language, food etc. Printed material: university calendars; Hansards for parliamentary J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations COMMITTEE AGAINST MALNUTRITION 1933-1937 The Committee against Malnutrition was established in 1933 to give ‘people throughout the country the opportunity of centralising their information and co-ordinating all efforts to one end - the securing of adequate nourishment for every man, woman and child'. Both Joseph and Dorothy Needham were involved with the work of the Committee in the 1930s. Joseph Needham addressed a public meeting organised by the Committee at Conway Hall, London, on 16 May 1935 and Dorothy Needham reviewed Food, Health and Income by Sir John Boyd Orr for the Cambridge Review, 10 June 1936. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1933-1937. Includes letter from F. Le Gros Clark re Needham's talk. Manuscript and typescript notes for Needham's talk. Miscellaneous background material: chiefly typescript papers by L.J. Harris. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ITS SOCIAL RELATIONS 1938, 1948, 1974 Manuscript and typescript drafts and printed copy of Dorothy Needham's book review. The Committee on Science and its Social Relations was established by the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) in 1937. 1948. Papers re role and programme of the Committee. 3 folders. 1938. ‘Social relations of science’ asking for Needham's views on the opinions expressed therein. The article was published in a special supplement, together with the views of The folder also includes a copy of the supplement of Nature. Letter from Nature, enclosing proof of leading article on a number of scientists (including Needham). J.118-J.120 J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Letter from R.M. MacLeod enquiring about the whereabouts of early 1974. papers of the Committee. CONSEIL SCIENTIFIQUE DE PERFECTIONNEMENT DE L'INSTITUT D'ETUDE DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL, PARIS Needham was a Corresponding Member. Papers re activities of the Conseil 1959. COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 1934, 1948-1951 EMBRYOLOGISTS' CLUB However, there is also a notice of Request for advice on project on ‘Third World' development. Most of the material presented here relates to the Embryologists' Club a meeting at King's College London in February 1948 (of established at which Needham was a member). a meeting of an Embryologists' Club at Strangeways Laboratory Cambridge on 16 February 1934. Draft statutes; circulars for congresses 1984 and 1987. EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY ORGANISATION 1984, 1987 at Miscellaneous Strangeways Laboratory, and minutes of inaugural meeting of later Club and rules of the Club. annotated including material, meeting notice for J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 FONDATION FRANCQUI Societies and organisations Needham was a member of the juries to award the Francqui Prizes for 1948. Correspondence and papers re award. GINLING COLLEGE, NANKING 1938-1941 Ginling College was a Chinese Christian women's college of which Lu Gwei- Djen was a member. In the 1930s the city was captured by the Japanese and many staff and students of the College fled to Shanghai and Chengtu. Material from Ginling College in wartime China 1938, 1939 and 1941, with a little general and miscellaneous material found therewith. J.127-J.131 Duplicated typescript news-sheets re Ginling College and alumni 1938, 1939. 5 folders. Duplicated typescript lectures by W.W. Yu ‘China's relations with the Soviet Union’ and ‘China's prospects of winning the war’, December 1939. Duplicated typescript Ginling College newsletter May 1941; printed material re the College. Correspondence and papers. Other background material. INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY 1950-1952 Needham joined the Institute of Biology shortly after its establishment in 1950. He served as a member of the Conferences Committee. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS 1950-1953 In July 1951 the Institute of Contemporary Arts held an exhibition organised by R. Hamilton on ‘Aspects of Growth and Form; the development of natural shapes and structures'. Needham was a member of the advisory committee and wrote an article for the book accompanying the exhibition (‘Biochemical aspects of form and growth’, Aspects of Form ed. L.L. Whyte, London, 1951). Correspondence re service on the committee and Needham's contribution to the exhibition volume, 1950-1953. Papers for meetings of the exhibition committee, 1950-1951. _13pp typescript of Needham's contribution + list of illustrations. Manuscript notes; printed material re the exhibition. the People’s Ae admission of Taiwan. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) 1960, 1975 Papers and correspondence re membership of ICSU of Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan). 1975. Re re-admission of the People's Republic of China. 1960. Includes drafts of Needham's letter to Sir Rudolph Peters, President of ICSU, arguing that Taiwan should not be admitted. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EMBRYOLOGY (later the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGISTS) 1949-1988 Needham was nominated as a member of the International Institute of Embryology (IIE) in 1949. In 1968 the IIE was renamed the International Society of Developmental Biologists. Needham was an emeritus member of the International Society. 1949, 1952, 1957. Includes papers for meeting of Executive Committee of the International Union of Biological Sciences, London, 4-5 March 1952 at which Needham was a representative for IIE. J.143-J.145 Printed material (newsletters, membership list etc) for International Society of Developmental Biologists, 1977-1988. 3 folders. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1950-1953 Miscellaneous papers. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 1948-1976 Needham served as an Honorary President of the Botanical Section for the period covered by these papers. sel Needham was appointed to the Documentation Commission of the Division of the History of Science (DHS) in 1961. He was a member of the Council (later Bureau) of the DHS, 1969-1977, serving as President 1972-1974 and Past-President 1975-1977. He also served as President of the Union 1972- 1975. The material was found in Needham's folders in rough chronological order. It comprises principally papers for meetings of the Bureau of the DHS, joint meetings of the Bureaux of the two Divisions and of meetings of the Council, 1972-1974. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations The material is presented as follows: J.147-J.177 Division of History of Science J.178 J.179 History of Astronomy History of Mathematics Division of History of Science J.147 Correspondence International Congress on the History of Science. 1948-1949. papers, and Material 1949 re 1950 Correspondence and papers, 1953, 1955. appointment to Documentation Commission and papers, 1960-1963. Includes exchanges Correspondence and papers, 1969. Papers of DHS, 1968. Sent to Needham on his election to the Bureau. re Correspondence Needham's and correspondence re possibility of holding the 1965 International Congress on the History of Science in China. Treasurer and Secretary-General of DHS. Correspondence correspondence re Needham's election as President DHS. Correspondence and papers, 1970. Paris, 23 June. Correspondence, October - December 1971. Chiefly re meeting of Council of DHS, Chiefly re appointment of June - September 1971. and papers, Includes J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations J.155, J.156 Annotated papers of meeting of Paris, February 1972. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, February - August 1972. Includes papers from first meeting of the DHS Science Policy Studies Commission, 9-15 July. Correspondence, representation on ICSU. September, October 1972. Includes material re Correspondence, September 1972 - February 1973. Annotated papers of meeting of Council of DHS, Cambridge, 11 December 1972. Annotated papers of meeting of Bureau of DHS, London, 19 May 1973. Annotated papers of meeting of joint Bureaux, London, 19 May 1973. Bureau of DHS, Torun, Poland, 9 Correspondence, January, February 1973. Chiefly re application to the Ford Foundation for funds to support the DHS's work on Science Policy Studies. Correspondence and papers, March - May 1973. Chiefly re application to Ford Foundation. Bureau of DHS, Paris, 28 March 1974. - Annotated papers of meeting of September 1973. Correspondence re arrangements for and annotated papers of meeting of Correspondence, September, October 1973, March 1974. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Correspondence, May, June 1973. Chiefly re role of the election committee. Minutes of meetings of Bureau of DHS and joint Bureaux, London, 1 June 1974. J.170-J.175 14th International Congress of the History of Science and General Assembly of the DHS, Tokyo, 19-27 August 1974. Correspondence re organisation and arrangements for Congress and General Assembly; Congress bulletins nos. 1-3. Correspondence re possible Republic of China. participation of colleagues from People's Correspondence, September 1974 - April 1976. Papers of meeting of Council of DHS, Paris, 31 January 1975. History of Astronomy J.173-J.175 Annotated papers for meetings of the General Assembly, 20 and 24 August. 3 folders. 2pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections of Needham's opening address as President of the DHS; annotated papers for meetings of the Council of DHS, 19 and 23 August. 1974. In 1971 Needham joined a joint DHS/International Union of Astronomy Committee to plan and supervise a history of astronomy. Correspondence and papers re initiation and progress of the project, 1971- J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 History of Mathematics Societies and organisations J.179 Papers 1972-1975, chiefly Mathematica. re launch and support of journal Historia LOUIS RAPKINE MEMORIAL FUND APPEAL /LOUIS RAPKINE ASSOCIATION 1949-1957, 1968 The Louis Rapkine Memorial Fund was established in France in 1949 in memory of the biochemist Louis Rapkine (1904-1948). Although a Canadian citizen he was a leading figure in French biochemistry between the wars and returned to France after the war to head a laboratory of cell chemistry established for him. However, he died shortly thereafter. As a memorial to Rapkine committees were established in France and the UK and each launched an appeal. That in France raised funds for young British scientists, in particular biologists and biochemists, to visit France in connection with research, while that in the UK sought funds to support French students wishing to visit Britain. The British committee also hoped to establish an occasional lecture by a young French scientist. Correspondence re arrangements, January - March. Includes annotated list of Rapkine's scientific publications, sent to Needham for information for his talk on Rapkine. In the event the French appeal was successful in raising funds to establish short scholarships for British researchers to visit France but the British appeal did not raise enough to provide equivalent scholarships for French researchers. In May 1956 the Louis Rapkine Association was formed as an informal association of former holders of Rapkine scholarships and partly in response to this the British committee decided to establish a Rapkine Medal and Lecture and in 1957 the Institute of Biology agreed to host the lecture. The British committee was then wound up. ; They had The Needhams were close friends and colleagues of Rapkine. met Rapkine at the Marine Biological Station in Roscoff in 1925. In addition to biochemical interests in common, Rapkine's socialism exerted a lasting political influence. The Needhams helped establish the Fund and served on the British committee. J.180-J.182 Memorial meeting for Louis Rapkine, Society for Visiting Scientists, London, 9 March 1949. Needham spoke on Rapkine's scientific work and personal impressions. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations 8pp typescript of Needham's talk; account of meeting from Nature 163 (1949). 18pp duplicated typescript report of the meeting. Correspondence, April establishment of French appeal. - August 1949. Includes correspondence re 25pp duplicated typescript 'Compte-rendu de la Réunion a Louis Rapkine', December 1949. Association Scientific French of Workers, la Mémoire de 13 Paris, Correspondence, 1950. Britain. Includes material re possible launch of appeal in Correspondence, 1951-1952. Papers of second meeting of Memorial Fund Committee, London, 15 February 1951. Includes drafts and final text of appeal brochure. Papers of first meeting of Memorial Fund Committee, London, 17 October 1950. Lecture. Correspondence, May - June 1956. Medal and Lecture. Also includes brochure for Louis Rapkine Association. Chiefly re establishment of Rapkine Correspondence, 1954. Chiefly re possible Louis Rapkine Club. Correspondence, July - November 1956. Ae establishment of Rapkine J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Correspondence, 1957. Papers and correspondence re meeting of Louis Rapkine Association, Ciba Foundation, London, 10 June 1968. R. Varin spoke on ‘Louis Rapkine - I'Homme, I'Ami’. Background information. Includes extensively annotated proof of Nature obituary of Rapkine by J.G. Crowther and copy of Europe 57 (September 1950) containing account of Rapkine by L. Prennant (in French). MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Letter re membership. 1936, 1969-1976 MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY AND WORKERS' SCHOOL In the 1970s Needham served on the Advisory Council of the Library. The Marx Memorial Library and Workers' School was founded in 1933. It was based at Marx House, London, as a Marxist educational establishment. Needham lectured at the Library in the 1930s (see G.46) and participated in a symposium on Engels organised by it in 1941 (see H.47). September 1969 - April-June 1976). 6 folders. Duplicated typescript proceedings of Marx House Faculty of Science Symposium on Marxism and Science, August 1939. Papers for AGM 1936; letter requesting advice on August summer school, 3 March 1936. 51-78 (July- J.198-J.203 Quarterly Bulletins of the Marx Memorial Library, nos. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Fortieth meeting 11 December 1976. Anniversary Programme, 1973; minutes of Advisory Council NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1978, 1986 Needham was elected a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences in 1978. Papers from Committee on Human Rights. NUTRITION SOCIETY Exchange re resignation. the Society in 1919-1927, 1934 PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY the Cambridge Physiological Papers for meetings of Laboratory 1919-1927, most annotated by Needham; letter re reading to and publication by the Society of paper by R. May, 1934. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations ROYAL SOCIETY 1934-1973 Needham was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1941. J.208-J.218 Meetings J.219-J.221 British National Committee for Biology J.222 British National Committee for the History of Science Newton Letters Committee Elections Meetings J.208 J.209-J.218 Scientific Information Conference, 21 June - 2 July 1948. Programme for Conversazione, 9 May 1934. Includes exhibit by Joseph and Dorothy Needham and C.H. Waddington on 'The nature of the active principle of the amphibian organisation centre’. This was held to examine possibilities for ‘improvement in existing methods of collection, indexing and distribution of scientific literature, and for the extension of existing abstracting services'. Needham attended as UNESCO delegate. See also D.141. Final published report, extensively annotated by Needham. J.210-J.216 Conference papers. 7 folders. Programme; agenda for plenary sessions. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Material arising: Royal Society memorandum on synopses for abstracts, April 1949; brief for British delegates to UNESCO Conference on Scientific Abstracting, 20-25 June 1949. British National Committee for Biology Needham served on this committee from 1 January 1952 to 31 December 1957. Minutes of meeting, 14 February 1949, and papers found therewith. This meeting discussed the case for an international union for biochemistry. Appointment of Needham to committee, 15 December 1951. Papers for meetings of committee, 1954, 1955. Papers for meetings of committee, 1956, 1957. J.222 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1960-1973. British National Committee for the History of Science Papers of meeting, 2 February 1972. Needham was appointed to serve from 1 January 1972. Newton Letters Committee J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations Elections J.224 1956-1957. ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE 1941, 1942 Letter re membership terms for Fellowship for French colleague, December 1941; annotated abstracts for discussion meeting, London, 4 March 1942. SCIENCE OF SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1966-1970 This was set up in 1965 by M. Goldsmith to further 'the examination of the phenomenon of "science" by the methods of science itself". SCIENCE POLICY FOUNDATION 1977, 1986 Needham was made an Honorary Fellow of this Foundation in 1977. Printed material on ‘science of science’. Newsletters and other printed material re the Foundation; invitation to join (declined), August 1970. 1977; notice of EGM 1986. Correspondence re Honorary Fellowship, 1977; correspondence and papers re statement for UK submission to UN Conference on Science and Technology, and re book to commemorate the centenary of Einstein's birth, J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations SOCIETE EUROPEENNE DE CULTURE 1953-1971 This was founded in 1951. J.229-J.231 Papers, chiefly re General Assemblies and other business. 3 folders. SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 1925-1941 Needham served on the Council of the Society for three years from December 1931. The material is correspondence re arrangements and programmes (some annotated) for Society meetings. At a number of these meetings Needham gave short papers on his work in progress. 1925-1929. 1934, 1935, 1941. 1930, 1931. Includes invitation to serve on Council. Includes Needham's manuscript notes on proceedings of relation to growth and differentiation, in 1932, 1933. symposium on Tissue culture Oxford, 15-16 April 1932. Sa Correspondence re Polish colleagues (including Needham's research collaborator W.W. Nowinski) to travel from Lithuania or Soviet-occupied territory to the UK or France following the fall of Poland. SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND LEARNING 1939-1950, 1960 J.236-J.239 locating and securing visas for J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations For further material relating to assistance to refugees from Nazism see K.70-K.73. 1939 September-December. 1940 January. 1940 February, March. 1940 April, May; 1941 April-June. Reports 1938-1950; circular letter March 1960. re changes to Society's constitution, Correspondence and papers re membership. SOCIETY FOR VISITING SCIENTISTS 1948-1964 1943, 1948, 1956 Needham was a Foreign Member of this American Society. SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH February-March 1950; miscellaneous papers 1948-1964. re support for comparative and correspondence arising, Letter from Needham to biochemistry within Lord agricultural Rothschild research, J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations THEORETICAL BIOLOGY CLUB 1930-1949, nd The Theoretical Biology Club was an informal group of biologists and biochemists founded by J.H. Woodger to discuss problems in theoretical biology. Club meetings included both Joseph and Dorothy Needham, C.H. Waddington, B.P. Wiesner and D.M. Wrinch. In addition to Woodger, regular attenders at See also Needham's manuscript notes of Theoretical Biology Club meetings 1932 and 1933 at E.111 and 1937 at E.114, and correspondence with J.H. Woodger at M.97-M.100 Correspondence 1930-1936 and nd. Includes correspondence re meeting of the Club, 30-31 December 1932. Needham's manuscript notes 1934 and 1936; list of those attending or to be invited to meetings. THIRD WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES possibly presented or discussed at meeting of the Abstracts for meeting 12-14 April [71937]; notice of meeting, 11 July 1949. ‘Cell life and the steady state’ by R.L. Worrall, 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections, Club; miscellaneous manuscript notes, bibliographical references, etc found with preceding. biochemistry. to become advisor on molecular biology and/or Invitation (declined) J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 Societies and organisations WORLD ACADEMY OF ART AND SCIENCE 1959-1986 1956 Following the International Conference on Science and Human Welfare a Preparatory Commission, chaired by H. Boyko, was established to found a World Academy of Arts and Sciences. It was launched in Jerusalem in December 1960 with the issue of a 'Manifesto' and was intended to act as ‘a "World University" of experts on subjects of the highest scientific and ethical importance’ . Needham was a founding Charter Member and later a Fellow of the Academy but was not an active member. Correspondence and papers re Academy activities. 1959; 1960. Launch of the Academy. 1963 (1). 1963 (2). 29 July - 3 August. Papers of Second Plenary Meeting of the Academy, Stockholm, 1961. Chiefly re book Science and the Future of Mankind (The Hague, 1961) edited by Boyko, setting out the aims of the Academy. 1969-1973. 1965. Chiefly re Symposium on Highly Saline and Seawater Irrigation. J. Needham NCUACS 54/3/95 J.258, J.259 Societies and organisations 1980-1988. Newsletters sequences. 2 folders. 1978, 1979 and news-sheets 1984-1988. Not complete WORLD ORGANISATION OF GENERAL SYSTEMS AND CYBERNETICS Letter re participation of People's Republic of China.
NEEDHAM, Joseph Vol2 v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin