NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of papers and correspondence of DOROTHY MARY MOYLE NEEDHAM FRS (1896 - 1987) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library, Girton College, Cambridge 1990 All rights reserved University of Bath D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Telecom Pilkington plc Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Society of Chemical Industry The Royal Society of Chemistry D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST GIRTON COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SECTION NOTEBOOKS SECTION SECTION SECTION CORRESPONDENCE SECTION VISITS AND CONFERENCES PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS NON-PRINT MATERIAL D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in March and August 1990 from Dr Joseph Needham FRS via Girton College Cambridge. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF D M M NEEDHAM Dorothy Mary Moyle was born in London on 22 September 1896. She was educated at Claremont College, Stockport, and St Hilary's School, Alderley Edge, before passing the entrance F G Hopkins at the Sir William Dunn Institute of Biochemistry, Cambridge. Dorothy Moyle received the 'title' of BA and MA in receive degrees in the Senate House. In 1924 Dorothy Moyle married Joseph Needham, a specialising in Chemistry, in 1919. There followed research on aerobic synthesis of the muscle fuel glycogen for the Food Investigation Board of the Natural Science Tripos. She passed Part I in 1918 and Part II, 1923 and of PhD in 1926, as women were not at the time able to Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, working under examination to Girton College Cambridge in 1915 to study for the much collaborative work with her husband as well as pursuing her Memorial Fellowship for 1925-28 and during this period she did fellow worker in Hopkins's laboratory. She was awarded a Beit D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 own lines of research. Dorothy Needham's most important work was on carbohydrate metabolism in muscle. From 1930 to 1940 she was involved in pioneering work on the part played by ATP (adenosinetri- phosphate) in the contraction of muscle. For this and other research she was awarded the Cambridge University Sc.D. (1945) and elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society (1948). In 1940 she joined Dr Malcolm Dixon's chemical defence research group to work on the effects of chemical weapons (mustard gas in particular) on the metabolism of skin and bone-marrow. This was followed by a period in China 1944-45 where Joseph Needham was Scientific Counsellor at the British Embassy in Chungking (Chongqing) . Dorothy Needham was appointed Associate Director of the Sino-British Cooperation Office. After the war Dorothy Needham returned to the Sir William Dunn Institute in Cambridge to take up work on enzyme biochemistry. (see A.13). at the University and was now supported by a short-term Medical Research Council grant, twice renewed. In 1952, however, the MRC declined to extend her grant further on the grounds that to do so Despite her great distinction she had never held an established post funding for personal stipends. The Broodbank Fund of the University in securing further funding. An approach to the Royal Society in 1955 it was unnecessary for married women, FRSs or not, to have salaries awarded Dorothy Needham a grant to run 1952-55 but there were difficulties would run counter to the Council's policy of not providing long-term was unsuccessful, the President, Lord Adrian, apparently believing that for research on the proteins of smooth muscle in the uterus. However, support was forthcoming from the Agricultural Research Council and thereafter she was funded principally by the ARC D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Dorothy Needham retired from active research in 1963 to work on her book Machina Carnis: the biochemistry of muscular contraction in its historical development, published by Cambridge University Press in 1971. Following this she began work on a Sourcebook for the history of biochemistry in collaboration with the historian M Teich. This was unfinished on her death in 1987. In recognition of her work in Cambridge Dorothy Needham was elected to the Fellowships of three Cambridge colleges; Girton, at which she was educated, Lucy Cavendish, which she helped to found in 1964, and Gonville and Caius, where she was the first woman to be admitted to the Fellowship. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the interesting records of many aspects of her life and career. Section A, Biographical and Personal, is the largest in the collection. It consists chiefly of personal correspondence List of Contents. Although by no means comprehensive there are Dorothy Needham's involvement with a wide range of charitable, from her husband during his visits abroad, and material documenting received from friends and relatives, including a sequence of letters celebrating the Needhams' marriage in 1924. interest include a brief autobiographical account written for Women Scientists: the road to liberation, D Richter ed. (Macmillan, 1982) and a hand-written and illustrated poem by F G Hopkins humanitarian and political causes. There is also important correspondence relating to her career 1949-55. Other items of D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Section B, Cambridge University, comprises lectures and other teaching material for Dorothy Needham's biochemistry courses to 1963, correspondence and papers on the funding and administration of her research from 1952 and material relating to Lucy Cavendish College. A little 1930s research work found with the teaching material is also presented. Section C, Notebooks, consists of large notebooks of varying formats used for lecture notes and drafts, biblio- graphical references, notes on lectures by others, research data etc., and a sequence of pocket notebooks including a set of 60 containing bibliographical references for Machina Carnis. Among the loose items found enclosed within the larger notebooks were drafts for lectures delivered in China during the war. Also relating to Needham's work in China is a small hand-drawn map at C7 BAS Section D, Publications and Lectures, is patchy in (incomplete). for the history of biochemistry. The section is completed by a its coverage. There are drafts and proof copies of some of papers relating to Machina Carnis. The largest body of material Dorothy Needham's postwar publications and correspondence and short sequence of drafts of postwar lectures and a set of reprints is correspondence, drafts and notes for the unfinished Sourcebook a chronological sequence of material recording some of her visits Section E, Visits and Conferences, is slight. LE ous M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 and conferences between 1954 and 1979. There is also a little material from a visit to Rumania made by Joseph Needham in 1981. Section F, Correspondence, is not extensive. Te contains only two extended sequences of correspondence. As elsewhere in the collection Dorothy Needham's letters are often only represented by rough manuscript drafts. References and recommendations form a separate subsection. Section G, Non-print Material, consists of slides for microscope work and glass photographic plates, some of which were probably used to illustrate lectures. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Archivist, for advice and encouragement. We are very grateful to Dr Joseph Needham FRS for making the material available and to Mrs Kate Perry, Girton College Bath 1990 Timothy E Powell PeLer sHarper D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL BIOGRAPHICAL CAREER AND HONOURS DIARIES PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE APPEALS AND CAMPATGNS PHOTOGRAPHS MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL Typescript draft and A.1 The Times obituary 26 December 1987 Independent obituary 11 January 1988 Biographical information supplied for the Girton College Cambridge 'Register'. "Dorothy Mary Moyle Needham'. printed version of Joseph Needham's tribute delivered at Gonville . and Caius College Chapel 11 February 1988, and published in 'The Caian' November 1988. 1981. Correspondence from Richter with drafts of Needham's replies 1978, In 1978 Needham was approached to write a chapter for Women Scientists: personal experiences to the position of women in science. the road to liberation, relating her The book was edited by D Richter and published by Macmillan in 1982. Entries for Who's Who etc. 1973-81. ‘Women in Cambridge biochemistry'. M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal Needham's ms notes for her contribution. includes draft of Needham's letter to Miss A Duke, Girton College, asking for information on her student career at Cambridge from 1919, with Duke's reply. Also Heavily corrected typescript drafts of Needham's contribution. 6pp typescript copy as sent, September 1978; of Women Scientists 1982. reviews Miscellaneous correspondence re biographical information 1974, 1982. CAREER AND HONOURS A.10 £OunGa WLth it. A.11-A.13 Needham's work in Cambridge 1949-55. They were married in Ms note to 'Professor [?Hopkins ] Oct 29th 1925' chemical differentiation of cells; ms list of references on Correspondence re terms and conditions of support for 'A professorial plea'. Poem celebrating the marriage From 1946-52 Needham's research was supported by the Medical Research Council. In 1952, however, the MRC of Dorothy Moyle to Joseph Needham, written and illustrated by Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins. 1924. See also B.2%-,B.27/. declined Needham's request for a further extension of her grant on procedural grounds, not wishing to provide long-term funding by renewing short-term grants. Needham received support from the Broodbank Fund 1952-55 and from the Agricultural Research Council thereafter. M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal LO a9 = oe. Lob? . Needham outlining her work from 1920, Includes memo to Sir Harold Himsworth from 28 January, and "Statement of career' and ‘Outline of research program' for her application to the Broodbank Fund. 1953, 1955. Re possible Agricultural Research Council support. Election to Honorary Membership of the Biochemical Society, 18 April 1974. 80th birthday celebrations, 1976. Includes congratu- latory card signed by friends and colleagues, and ms notes for Reply to the Toasts at Lucy Cavendish College Annual Dinner at which her birthday was celebrated. DIARIES A.17-A. 23 A.20 Auk A.18 1959-60 1960-61 5 November 1976. College, 12 October 1979. Election to Honorary Fellowship of Gonville and Caius Needham was the first woman Cambridge University pocket diaries. to be elected Honorary Fellow of the College. Election to Honorary Fellowship of Girton College, 1964-65 Asko 1963-64 A.23 1982-83 1965-66 1980-81 Peed Ree D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Arranged alphabetically. The material is chiefly letters received by Needham. is poorly documented by a very few carbon copies and Outgoing correspondence some rough ms drafts. Baldwin, EH F and PM 1968-80 H F Baldwin was Demonstrator (1936-43) and Lecturer Most of the E in Biochemistry at Cambridge. (1943-50) correspondence is with Baldwin's widow. Balinska, I 1966-81 in November. Burbidge, P G 19797, L981. A.26 LIZ =78 Be 26,7. oH, Bernal, E A.27 1980-81, nd D Bernal. The 1972-81 and nd Eileen Bernal was the widow of J correspondence chiefly concerns CND activities. 1979 correspondence is chiefly re the presentation of J Needham's Science and Civilisation in China to Chairman Hua by Mrs Thatcher on his visit to Britain 1956, 1969-81 Cohen, J A and Cohen-Welter 1970-78 and nd Chambers, F 1962-81 D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal Delay, MR and U 1965, 1970-81 and nd The Flear Family 2 folders 1957,1971-81 and nd FLOSEF =o 1970-77 The Gorringe Family 1969-83 and nd 1970-81 and nd 1966-81 J Needham's in Hibberd, H Iriyagolle, I Keighley, A Krause, G and J Lehmann, H Iriyagolle was a research student of the 1960s. 1968-80 1968-82 1970-76 and nd The McCollester Family Lehmann was Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at Cambridge 1967-77. in. 1978. Montefiore was Dean of Gonville and Caius College 1954-63. He was appointed Bishop of Birmingham 1966-73 1977-82 Montefiore, H W 1978-81 Miva 1... M D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical aud personal Moyle, J 1965-83 and: nd Jeremy Moyle was Needham's nephew. Moyle, J and P 1964-81 John Moyle was Needham's brother. A.44-A. 52 Needham, J 1940,1967,1977-86 Chiefly letters and postcards sent home by Joseph Needham during visits abroad. visits the Needhams were prolific correspondents but unfortunately no drafts or copies of Dorothy's letters In the course of these to her husband were found. Joseph's letters are of considerable importance because they give detailed accounts of his activities abroad. Visits. 1978 April. New York 1980 May USA The telegram is Loe Oune-=dubys Mexico, USA 1967 August. Corsica, Leeds Newhaven, Connecticut, 25 September 1940, stating 1979 September-November. Switzerland, Hong Kong Telegram sent by J Needham from Osborne Laboratory, ‘Please reply whether all right'. annotated 'Merciful preservation we've had.' Singapore, USA 1981 August-September Rumania, China, Japan, Hong Kong 1983 August Stockholm, Venice 1982 August Belgium, Norway 1983 October-November M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal 1984 August-September. China, Taiwan 1986 May. West Germany 1986 December Japan The Nowinski Family 1962=7:9 The Pollitt Family Rajchman, M Rapkine, S M 1967-73 and nd 1963-82 Shoenberg, C F The Reid Family 1968-82 Silva, M Teich, M 1972-80 LOPS=S2 1969,1977-78 and nd Teich worked with Needham on history of biochemistry’. Catherine Shoenberg worked under Needham 1955-63. See F.7-F.16. See F.17-F.20. Wakid was a British Council scholar working under Needham 1956-58. a ‘Sourcebook for the van Heyningen, W E Teryuo, U 1974-82 See D.38-D.63. Wakid, N W 1969-9 1: 1960-79 and nd M M Needham D NCUACS. © 22/7/90 Biographical and personal Williams (née Cawkwell), J M 1973-82 and nd Jennifer Williams worked under Needham on the biochemistry of the uterus to 1962. She was invited to co-author the Royal Society's Biographical Memoir of Needham. A. 63 1973-76 A.65 Nd A.64 1977-82 A.66-A.71 Correspondence, arranged chronologically. A.66 L957—-71 Z L978=79 A.67 LO PZe 7 1980-81 A.68 Loi OS 1 1982 A.72-A.75 Undated correspondence. 4 folders. M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal APPEALS AND CAMPAIGNS Needham supported a wide range of pressure groups, voluntary organisations and charities campaigning for human rights, nuclear disarmament, animal welfare etc. She also supported a number of Cambridge groups. The material is presented in an alphabetical sequence, with some indication of the nature of Needham's involvement given where appropriate. However, many of the causes supported are not documented by correspondence but only by printed appeals annotated by Needham to indicate the response. A.76-A. 78 Amnesty International 1976-81 Needham wrote many letters on behalf of prisoners these survive. Amnesty International literature. Correspondence received in reply to the preceding. of conscience, and fragmentary ms drafts of some of Ms drafts of Needham's letters on behalf of prisoners. Anti Nuclear Campaign Animal Aid Animals' Vigilantes D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal British Deaf Association 1978-79 Cambridge Association for Social Welfare LOY Cambridge Drawing Society 1976, 1978 Cambridge Preservation Society 1978 Cambridge University Newcomers’ Club 1971-74 Needham helped to found this club, established in 1971 under the aegis of the Society for Visiting Scholars, to improve ‘arrangements for introducing new senior members and visiting scholars to Cambridge’. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) 1977-82 CND literature. Caribbean Labour Solidarity China Policy Study Group J Needham was a Sponsor. Christian Aid Miscellaneous background material - Correspondence on nuclear disarmament and CND activities 1979-82. 1981 Church of England Children's Society El Salvador Committee for Human Rights 1977-79 1982-83 Compassion in World Farming Defence and Aid Fund 1982 oo M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal Farm and Food Society 1973-82 This Society campaigned for humane farming. Needham wrote to her MP on a number of occasions on behalf of the Society. Correspondence 1973-76. Correspondence 1977-82- Farm and Food Society literature: Friends of the Earth 1981-83 Re the proposed Sizewell B Pressurized Water Reactor. Greek Relief Fund 1976,1980 Help the Aged Horder Centre for Arthritics Labour Party Liberation 1976.,..5982 O77 —8 2 1977-78 1977 1981-82 1978-81 International Christian Relief Medical and Scientific Aid for Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea. Ginzburg and Scharansky, 19 December 1977. Also includes copy of Needham's letter to Dr David Owen, UK Foreign Secretary, re Soviet dissidents Orlov, Medical and Scientific Committee for Soviet Jewry. 1974-82 M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal Minority Rights Group Movement for the Ordination of Women Newnham Against the Bomb Newnham Residents Association oxfam People's Progressive Party (Guyana) Rita Nightingale Society 1982 1981 1981 2nd 1980 1978-82 LO77 1978-80 Rita Nightingale was imprisoned by the Thai authorities for allegedly smuggling heroin. The campaign mounted by the Rita Nightingale Society helped win her release in 1980. Correspondence 1978-80. Society for Visiting Scientists Save the Children Fund Social Democratic Party 1978-79 1981-83 L981. Background material on the case. Russell Committee against Chemical Weapons 1982 Scientists Against Nuclear Arms Society for the Protection of Science and Learning Ltd. administration of the Society’. Needham was a member of a ‘Special Committee appointed to examine the finances and D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Biographical and personal A.107,A.108 TAPOL - British Campaign for the Defence of Political Prisoners and Human Rights in Indonesia 1978-83 Needham wrote a number of letters on behalf of human rights and political prisoners in Indonesia. Correspondence 1978-81. TAPOL literature. - Universities' Educational Fund for UNIPAL Palestinian Refugees 1977-82 Material 1981-82 is re the closure of Birzeit University by the Israeli authorities. United Nations Association 2 folders PHOTOGRAPHS Aye 1els3. 1979-82 Two feature Needham. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 1981-82 Aral ALTE? World Disarmament Campaign "Photographs of me and G-D [Gwei Djen Lu ] 1975'. Four colour photographs found in envelope so inscribed. Two feature J Needham. Four black and white passport photographs of Needham. Nd but probably post-decimalisation (1971). Three black and white photographs of Cambridge University occasion. Two colour photographs taken during visit to the Needhams by R Huang July 1981. Needham. With covering letter. Both feature DM M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 MISCELLANEOUS Biographical and personal Exercise book used intermittently June 1946 - November 1967 probably to record books borrowed from the Needhams' private library. Correspondence 1970-72, 1976 re disposal of journals and other material. 'Science for People' Women's Collective issue c.1975. Copy of letter from Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins to Sir Walter Fletcher re their 1915 joint Croonian Lecture. This letter was discovered in 1976 and a copy sent to Needham. 'The idea of the self', lOpp ms draft. Nd. 1966, 1981, nd. Includes memorabilia. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Balen Bigs TEACHING Be24 — B,29 FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH B30, Bs 38 LUCY CAVENDISH COLLEGE TEACHING See. also, Cig, Cl5-Ci8 ‘Old lectures'. Contents of Needham's bulky folder so inscribed, divided into thirteen for ease of reference. Includes significant non-lecture material at B.1 and B.2. ms notes on the work of Parnas, October 1935. K Parnas and colleagues; ‘Lecture IV'. reference 1941. See also C.8. 60pp typescript. Latest bibliographical Letter to Needham from R Gaddie, 2 December 1935, re With Needham's ms notes and a reprint of the article. queries arising from an article by Gaddie and C P Stewart. Ms notes on experiments conducted 23 September - 14 October 1938. "Linkage of chemical changes in muscle' by Needham and others, 3pp typescript, 28 February 1935, reporting on work extending the findings of J 2 folders. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Cambridge University "Transfer of phosphate and energy in the living cell', lecture to Academia Sinica Chemistry Institute, August 1944. 6pp typescript. The lecture was published in Biochemical Bulletin no.47, 20 January 1945. Ms notes on contributions of A Szent-Gydrgyi, V A Engelhardt and A E Braunsteinat 'Moscow Conference' 20 June 1945. "Muscle contraction: the elaboration of the fuel', missing) with ms notes on the verso of pages 1, Nd. the nature of the machine and 12pp typescript (page 2 3 and 4. 'The working of the muscle machine', 6pp typescript, nd. muscle machine', 12pp ms, ond. Boeke Be 22 6 folders. 3 folders. 1949-533 Also a few ms notes for "Pt II Class sheets Practical'. Contents of Needham's probably originally kept in a loose-leaf notebook. folder so inscribed: duplicated typescript sheets, "Structure of proteins, with special reference to the Miscellaneous pages of ms and typescript lecture notes, some with ms annotation. practicals. 6 folders. drafts of untitled lectures, not all complete, sometimes Contents of Needham's bulky folder so inscribed: ms with several dates reflecting the reuse of the same "Pt II and PG lectures. 1960 Rumanian lectures'. material over several years. The latest date is 1966. M Needham D M NCUACS 22/7/90 Cambridge University Biochemistry Department Part II reading Lists, some annotated. 1960s. FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH 1953441955 on the study of uterus muscle', Research report 1952-53; 9: April 1955. ‘Memorandum 1958-59. Council grant (See A.11-A.13). Renewal of 1955 Agricultural Research 1961s July. Renewal of 1958 ARC grant; award of Royal 1960. Society grant. research report to Royal Society Applications for support from the Broodbank Includes research report for the Royal Society, 1962. Fund, US National Institutes of Health and the Leverhulme Trust for work on a book on the biochemistry of muscle contraction (published 1971 as Machina Carnis, see D.14-D.31); 20 August. reports 1963 and 1964-65. Support for C 1963-65. had worked as (see also F.7-F.16);Leverhulme Trust award; a research assistant of Needham's F Shoenberg. Shoenberg research M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Cambridge University LUCY CAVENDISH COLLEGE Needham was elected a Fellow of this all-women's College in 1964. club from which the College originated. Needham was a member of the women's dining B.30:— Bu3Z General correspondence and papers 1976-82. 3 folders. References, 1981-82. M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION C NOTEBOOKS Hardback notebook inscribed on first page 'D Biochemical Lab. Cambridge'. M Needham Used from the front for F Danielli (April: 1941), notes on a ?series of three lectures on enzymes by M Dixon, October and November 1939; by J W and notes on proceedings of Society for Experimental Biology Conference on Wound healing 22 September 1943. R Mann: (1941), J Bach and M Dixon; S Feldberg (17 October 1942), notes on lectures R S T Pasted onto three pages near the front are a collection of humorous wartime press-cuttings. Green hardback looseleaf notebook labelled on front and on spine cover 'Old Part II lectures (lst lot)' Ye ten latest bibliographical reference 1940. Contains ms lecture notes on muscle contraction, Loose ms notes are enclosed at front of book. Loose at back is an untitled 14pp ms and typescript draft beginning "During the last 100 years, there has been an enormous 1954, annotated 'Manchester'. of liver metabolism'. June Bell was a research student D Bell's D.Phil. thesis (Cambridge 1955) amount of work on the biochemistry of muscle', January Dark blue 'Cantab' looseleaf notebook used for typescript and ms notes on the literature. reference 1951. Black hardback looseleaf notebook containing copy of J in the effect of adrenal cortical hormones on aspects material found loose at front and back of notebook. Looseleaf notebook used for ‘Part II lectures Carbo- Ms and typescript pages: of lecture notes. Oxidative phosphorylation...'. page is dated '9.5.58'. See C67) GC. and G18; GC. 9 for of Needham's. hydrate metabolism Latest bibliographical ‘Studies The second M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Notebooks Material found loose at front of preceding. 57pp typescript lecture notes on ‘Aerobic contraction Aerobic phosphorylation Unstriated muscle Heart Acetylcholine "British Council Cultural Scientific Office, Chungking’. Interfibre spaces'. Stamped Needham served with the British Scientific Mission in China 1944-45. Miscellaneous typescript and ms pages of lecture notes and references. Latest bibliographical reference 1961. Material found loose at back of C.5. "Lecture IV'. bibliographical reference 1941. Typescript and ms draft. See also B.3, B.4. Latest ? ] 1963 and 1964. At the back are miscellaneous notes Red hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'IV' Miscellaneous ms and typescript pages of lecture notes, references etc. Latest bibliographical reference 1961. Loose at front of book is correspondence and data from Brenda [ are enclosed at back of book. used from the front for experimental data 23 April 1960 - 13 December 1961. including 'conversation with Dr Filton Jackson July 17th 61' and 'conversation with K Bailey June 26th 1961'. notebooks were housed in three specially made wooden boxes. 60 looseleaf pocket notebooks used for notes on the Loose ms notes and data literature for Machina Carnis (D.14-D.31). These Cole GO D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Notebooks Gr. JC. /On... C.11-C.69 are brown plastic covered notebooks, most of which were labelled by Needham with the chapter number and/or subject to which they referred. C.67-C.69 are unlabelled. C.70 is a different format notebook found with the series. VCH LAY ECHasLB & CHa ZAS TCHS: NCH. 44 ; ‘CHtt2°SM. /THEOR.. Pt. 2! ‘Ge. 12° SM. /THEOR.. Pt.3' 'CH.12 SM. /TONOMURA' ‘CH.14 INTACT ‘CH.14 INTACT ‘CHa 5 7 PGF ‘CH.14 INTACT .CH #6 "ALP 1 uGH dio. RIGOR" LVIL STRUCTURE 2! 1 CH. OG AGTEN: "CH.16 RESPIRATION 'CH.16 RESPIRATION "CH. 9 MYOSIN! Kis] OXTD. PHOS.’ 2 'CH.9 ACTIN & TMB' "CH.16 RESPIRATION WV STRUGCTURE* 1! : "CH.16 RESPIRATION "CH.16 RESPIRATION ‘ 'CH.16 RESPIRATION "CH.8 ATP—ACTO-MY Pt.2? "CH. 8 ATP—-ACTO=MY: Pt.1" & WHITE 1! 'CH.10 MECHANISMS Pt.1' CGH a SEeeb,. MECH . Pte ‘CH. 10 MECHANISMS Pt. 2! CH, L2SMc/THEOR.# PEs! ; ‘18 REGULATION l1' 'CH.9 PROTEINS' Wi HORED. “PHOS... 2! 'CH.9 TROPOMYOSIN' ‘18 REGULATION 2' ‘18 REGULATION 3' '19 DEVELOPMENT ' rLO RED: D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Ce d—CaOe 6. Notebooks '19 RED & WHITE 2' 'SMOOTH MUSCLE' '19 SLOW/HEART' 5 ‘SMOOTH MUSCLE 2' ‘19 SLOW/HEART 2' '23 SMOOTH MUSCLE 3' "20,21 DENERVATION/ GLYCOGEN S.D.‘ '21 DYSTROPHIES 1' '21 DYSTROPHIES 2' '21 HOLDING MECH' '21 INSECT FLIGHT’ '21 PHOSPHAGENS' "RELAXATION A-G' "RELAXATION H-L' "RELAXATION M-T! ‘RELAXATION U-Z' Unlabelled Unlabelled Unlabelled Unlabelled. Most pages not used. Cy7isC. 77 1960s. M Needham Master's Lodge Caius College'. Used Black hardback looseleaf pocket notebook. 7 pocket notebooks, same format as C.11-C.69, chiefly used for notes on the literature. Very fragile. Leather-bound pocket notebook inscribed on inside cover 'D from the front for notes 18 October and 3 December on a planned 1972 Royal Society Symposium, and notes on talks by H Huxley 29 January 1973. on the literature etc. found enclosed in pocket at front of book. Hand-drawn plan possibly of wartime journey made between Chungking [ Chongqing ], and Baochi Found in pocket at front of C.78. [ Baoji ] and Sian[ Xi'an]. 24 January and A At the back are miscellaneous notes G Szent Gyorgyi Photograph See also C.78A. M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES Dt Dao PUBLICATIONS Di64 = DB. 73 LECTURES D.74 REPRINTS "Myosin and adenosinetriphosphate in relation to muscle contraction', Meyerhof-Festschrift (Amsterdam, c.1949). 2nd proof copy with ms corrections. "Adenosinetriphosphate and the structural proteins in relation to muscle contraction' in ed. in Enzymology 8 (1952), 151-197. F F Nord Advances Extensively annotated reprint. 53pp typescript + references. Proof copy with ms corrections. Letter from Academic Press expressing disappointment Needham 'cannot accept the editorship of the book on the Physiology of Muscle', 10 January 1956. 'Energy production in muscle', British Medical Bulletin 12 (1956) a ee. 1965. This chapter was revised and retitled for the 2nd edition of the book published in 1972. Proof copy with ms corrections; statements 1964, The structure and function of muscle vol.II (Academic "Biochemistry of muscular action', in ed. G H Bourne Press New York, 1960). Sees. 32=D. 36. review, royalty D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures "Molecular aspects of the contractile mechanism of the ?Unpublished. uterus and its changes during pregnancy’ Latest bibliographical reference 1960. 14pp typescript with ms corrections. "Contractile proteins in smooth muscle of the uterus', Physiological Reviews 42 (1962) Supplement 5, 89-96. Proof copy with ms corrections. 'The proteins of the dilution precipitate obtained from salt extracts of pregnant and non-pregnant uterus' by Needham and J 534-545. M Williams, Biochemical Journal 89 (i963);, Proof copy with ms corrections. 39).(1963); 552-561. 31 (1966):. contractile proteins in vertebrate smooth muscle', 'A biochemical and electron microscope study of the with C 345 (1966), 255-266. F Shoenberg et al, Invitation to contribute to Revue roumaine de Biochemie Letter commenting on draft (not found) of Proteins of the uterine contractile mechanism', Biochemical Journal Proof copy with ms corrections. Biochemische Zeitschrift D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures "Biochemistry of the myometrium' with C in ed. (New York, 1967), 291-352. RM Wynn Cellular Biology of the Uterus F Shoenberg, Correspondence; 1972. review; royalty statements 1965-68, Review of D Keilin, and Cytochrome (Cambridge, 1966). 423. in “iSiS; 82 CEIG7)s, The History of Cell Respiration 4pp typescript; correspondence. "Proteins of the contractile mechanism in vertebrate smooth muscle' in Handbook on the physiology of the alimentary canal Vol.II (American Physiological Society, 1968). (1969), Letter only. typescript draft; Untitled 9pp typescript draft beginning ‘If Szent Gyorgyi had called attention to dicarboxylic acids then in 1937 Hans Adolf Krebs (1900- )...brought out the special "professor E Lundsgaard', obituary in Nature 222 804. Correspondence with Professor Christian Crone, University of Copenhagen 1969, re the obituary; proof copy. Latest bibliographical place of tricarboxylic acid 4.. reference 1970. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures D.14 - D.31 Machina carnis: The biochemistry of muscular contraction in its historical development (Cambridge, 1971). Needham had planned for a number of years to write a substantial volume to update her 1932 monograph Biochemistry of Muscle published by Methuen. In 1954 she was approached by Oxford University Press but declined their invitation to write such a book as ‘I reckon that I have still before me half a dozen years of active and useful experimental work in the laboratory, and it writing of this book until toward the end of this period’. is therefore... my intention not to begin the In 1955 Cambridge University Press expressed an interest, reiterated in 1962 on the eve of Needham's retirement from active research. Needham began work on Machina Carns in 19637 For Needham's working notebooks used for literature etc., see C.11-C.70. notes on the and annotation. date as 1972. Includes letter from Methuen & correspondence The copy incorrectly gives the publication 26 February 1951; letters from Oxford University from Cambridge University Press; A Neuberger on behalf of North Holland Publishing Company "to write a book on the biochemistry of muscle’. 1965 request from Unbound copy of Machina Carnis with extensive ms correction Correspondence 1951-65. Co.Ltd., re possible new edition of "Biochemistry of Muscle’ Press 1954 re ‘ay definitive Creatise.on Muscle Chemistry’ 1954, with draft of Needham's reply; 1970 Aug-Dec 7pp typescript synopsis outlining areas to be covered by Correspondence with Cambridge University Press 1970-72 Typed on back of P R China News Agency Machina Carnis. material ?1964. Dale, 1970 Feb-July Deg 1971-72 3 folders. DoLS D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures Correspondence with colleagues re comments on drafts, advice and information, permission to use figures CCCs. < 1970—/16 of appreciation, congratulation etc. 1971-73. Reviews of Machina Carnis from UK journals. Reviews of Machina Carnis from overseas journals. Royalty statements and related correspondence 1971-82. Miscellaneous promotional etc., material. used for Machina Carnis. 2 folders. D-29-D..52 De2 770.28 "Machina carnis'. Card index of bibliographical references. Probably bibliographical references. Contents of Needham's folder so inscribed: ms notes and references, errata, typescript references etc. "Odd references etc might be useful later'. of Needham's A4 envelope so inscribed. tablet diary the backs of whose pages have been used for See D.5. and function of muscle vol.III (2nd edition, Academic "Biochemistry of muscle', in ed. G H Bourne The structure Contents De 354.215 71968 3 folders. D.32=D. 36 Press New York, 1972). M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures Typescript draft paginated 1-80a. 3 folders. Correspondence 1969-70. to write a second chapter for the book on 'History of muscle research". Includes invitation (declined) Correspondence 1971-73. A Krebs, Otto Warburg, Zellphysiologe - Review of H Biochemiker - Mediziner, 1883-1970 (Stuttgart, 1979). 37 (1980) 108. In Annals of Science 3pp typescript with M Teich. completed before Needham's death. Undated letter to E H Madden, State University of Needham and M Teich began work on this book following It was intended D.B8-D.63 "Sourcebook for the history of biochemistry 1740-1940', New York, Buffalo, re publishing the planned Sourcebook 4pp typescript draft with ms correction; as sent. the publication of Machina Carnis. for publication by Harvard University Press but not and journals for requests to reproduce material. letter from Harvard University Press to Teich re layout, 22. January 1979. in the 'Source-Books in the History of the Sciences' series edited by Madden; letter from Teich to Needham 'Publishers' addresses’. envelope so inscribed: Contents of Needham's addresses of publishing houses re proposed coverage of the book, 29 April 1974; a M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures D.40-D. 62 Typescript drafts. D.40-D. 42 'I Enzymes: end of the 18th century to the 1890s.' fermentation and digestion. From the 92pp. 3 folders. 'E ENZYMES . pp.1-116. 4 folders. ‘II PHOTOSYNTHESIS'. pp.1-49. 2 folders. D.49-D.51 5 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. D.52=D.56 'y PROTEINS'. 'y Carbohydrates'. pp.1-94. ‘TTT RESPIRATION’. pp.1-98- numbered IV was found. pp-.1-159 (incomplete). 1 Ox: Miscellaneous typescript and ms references, extracts from the literature, pages of drafts etc. 'VI LIPIDS'. pp.1-87. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures LECTURES D.64 F Baldwin, 25 September 1956, re two Letter from E Public Lectures to be given by Needham at University H College, London, probably later that year. ‘On the contractile mechanism of uterus muscle'. Latest bibliographical reference 1962. 7pp typescript + references. Untitled 12pp ms draft beginning 'Since the pioneer work of Csapo, beginning about fifteen years ago, it has been realised that from the uterine smooth muscle a protein can be extracted'. Annotated 'Tokyo 1964'. ‘Nineteenth century conceptions of energy utilisation 6pp typescript with ms corrections. A version of this lecture was published as 'Proteins D.6870-69 ‘Machina carnis; a chemical history of muscular by muscle, llth International Congress on the History muscle Pharmacological Meeting, Prague, 20-23 August 1963, 87-94. Proceedings of the 2nd International - of the Sciences, Warsaw and Krakow, 24-29 August 1965. of the contraction mechanism’ in Pharmacology of smooth programme; memorabilia. which she was working (D.14-D.31), the lecture concentrates on Lundsgaard's contributions to the ‘understanding of energy provision in muscle'. 23pp typescript with ms corrections. lecture was entitled 'Machina carnis' after the book on contraction', 28-29 September 1967. Lectures in honour of Einar Lundsgaard, Correspondence re arrangements with C Crone and DR Wilkie; Although Needham's M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Publications and lectures "Development of our knowledge of energy provision for muscle contraction'. Kuala Lumpur Sept 1971". Annotated ‘Lecture given at 25pp ms; ms notes. ‘Muscle contraction: mechanism', Redfearn Memorial Lecture, Leicester University, 19 March 1973. of Guelph, Canada, in 1972. This was also delivered at the University from the Greeks to the sliding See E.8. 20pp typescript + notes for blackboard diagrams and list of slides. Correspondence with H L Kornberg re arrangements. lecture delivered REPRINTS "Chinese scientists revisted - 1972', at Bristol University, 10 May 1973, and Leicester. 19pp typescript with ms corrections (one dated April 1972); ms notes; notice for Bristol lecture. Incomplete set of reprints of articles by Needham (those 1939-50 in bound volume) ; copy. of Machina’ Carnis, = box, author's annotated D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES Hungarian Physiological Society 20th Conference, Budapest, July 1954. preliminary observations on the protein fractions of the uterus, and on the ATPase activity of this organ'. Needham spoke on ‘Some Typescript draft of Needham's contribution. Conference pocket notebook used by Needham for notes on the proceedings. Mittelrheinische Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshilfe und Gyndkologie 117th meeting, Mainz, 22-24 July 1955. Needham spoke at a Symposium on contractile protein of the uterus on 'Die Zusammensetzung der Proteine und die Adenosintriphosphatase Aktivitat in der Uterus-Muskulatur normaler overektomierter und schwangerer Tiere’. 2 June 1964. Visit to USA, November 1961. Center during visit. Correspondence re arrangements; programme, duplicated typescript ?summary of Needham's contribution. wall, Brussels, 22-24 May 1962. Invitation to visit University of California Medical Invitation to International Symposium on the arterial Invitation to Symposium on Muscle, Budapest, September 1966. Invitation to Symposium on the mechanism of labour, Wurzburg, 31 May - D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Visits and conferences 2nd International Symposium on Angiology, Fribourg, Switzerland, 21-22 June 1968. Needham chaired two sessions. Correspondence; annotated programme. Invitation to meeting on molecular biology and ultra- structure in the systematics of the higher group, Cambridge, 24-26 March 1969. Invitation to conference on the history of biochemistry and molecular biology, Brookline, Massachusetts, 21-23 May 1970. Visit to Canada November-December 1972. Correspondence re arrangements. Brookline, Massachusetts, 11-13 October 1973. University of Cambridge meeting on ‘Of timeliness and ment of biochemistry', 4 December 1978. Annotated programme only. University of Guelph, and on biochemistry of muscle at the University of Toronto. Needham gave seminars on 'Muscle contraction: From the Greeks to the sliding mechanism' (See D.71,D.72) at the Invitation to conference on the history of bioenergétics, promise - sterile and fruitful approaches in the develop- See A.50. Annotated memorabilia from Joseph Needham's visit to Rumania 1981. Itineraries; Dorothy Needham's ms journal for 21-31 May. The Needhams visited Cyprus under the auspices of the British Council. Visit to Cyprus May-June 1979. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals. In alphabetical order with an indication of information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. Pi2Ze=— Bois SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. Fo2S = Fo38 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS DM M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Correspondence Astbury, W T ‘Contraction of actomyosin fibrils under the actionsof ATP"; Bailey, K Cohen, JA Bade, Ae V 1962, 1963 1952,1954,1963 1965,1967 1967 correspondence re correlation between actomyosin ATPase activity and muscle shortening. Hoet, 2 P Chiefly re visit to Cambridge Kalckar, HM 1963-66,1977 Shoenberg, C F 1950-1974 and nd. Catherine Shoenberg, wife of the physicist David Shoenberg, returned to scientific research in 1955 Most of the material relates to Needham's subsequent as a member of Needham's research team working on ‘biochemistry of the uterus'. L950 (5 1 956,,720958 3 contractile mechanism of vertebrate smooth muscle. efforts before her retirement to find appropriate facilities and funding for Shoenberg's work on D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Correspondence 1960: Re laboratory accommodation. 1961, 1962 Mar-May. 1962 June-July. in vertebrate smooth muscle cells' by Shoenberg. Includes typescript draft 'Pseudopia L963. Chiefly re laboratory accommodation. 1964-66. Includes 1966 research reports. 1967, 1969. Includes Shoenberg's 1967 account of her work with Needham. 1973-74. Wakid, N W 1957-59. 1970, 1972. Chiefly re grant applications. Includes Correspondence 1973 re grant applications. filament mechanism in vertebrate smooth muscle. "Report' of planned investigation into the sliding Chiefly re jointspapers. Wakid was a British Council Scholar studying under Needham's supervision for his PhD 1956-58. 1957-67 and nd. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Correspondence 1960;. Chiefly re joint papers. 1961. Joint papers; references. L962-6:77° nd Weber, H H 1970-71 Re Weber's Meyerhof Memorial Lecture. 1949-59 BZD 1961-65 1966-67 He 2. be 26 1971-82 1968-69 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Nd D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Correspondence REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS f.. 26-530 Examining F.31-F.33 Appointments and Grant Applications F.34-F. 38 Elections to the Royal Society Examining F.28 1956-65 Boao 1366-73 : 1973 1974-80 Es 1967-68 Bee 1963-69 Bee See 1952-60 F.34 1964-81 1970,; 1974 Elections to the Royal Society Appointments and Grant Applications L9I69=7.2 F. 36 D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 SECTION G NON-PRINT MATERIAL This section comprises microscope slides and photographic plates, some probably used for illustrating lectures and/or publications. Microscope slides with labelled sections of uterus muscle. 3 sets. Microscope slides, labelled either '1l' or '2'. Loset. 82mm x 107mm glass photographic plates. 4 boxes. 51mm x 253mm glass photographic plates. 1 bundle. [ ? ] inactive’. A note found with the wrapping or in envelopes. 5lmm x 253mm glass photographic plates. The plates were found in pairs or singly, in paper bundle is inscribed '6/7.3.57 H acto mero myosin enzymically LbOx. D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. D4) D557Ds35), Die 36 ADELMAN, MR Be25 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Acl3,BecorB. 2b. 29 Be, BLP lS ALLEY, Rewi AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AMOROSO, Emmanuel Ciprian ANDREEN, Andrea A.69 A.76-A.78 B30, bie DG A.66,A.67 ASTBURY, William Thomas 4. BALAIS, Robert BALDWIN, Ernest BALINSKA, Irena BANERJI, Goutom BASTHOLM, E See also F.23 BZ E.27 A.25 BAILEY, Kenneth A.24,D.64,F.28 BARANY, Michael A.67 BATE-SMITH, Edgar Charles BAUER, H BENDALL, J R BERNAL, Eileen D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents BERNAL, John Desmond BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth (Lyon) F.38 BODDE, Derk Ai697A.470,A./2 BOURNE, Geoffrey H e424 Ds 3D 7D. OOF. ee BOYCOTT, Brian Blundell F.34 BRINK, Charles Oscar BRUMWELL, J R Marcus BRYDEN, David J BUCHTHAL, Fritz BUESS, Heinrich BULBRING, Edith BURBIDGE, Peter G AglopAe237 D219, 8. 2) BURTCHAELL, James T A.69,A.70 CALNE, Sir Roy (Yorke) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT CHAMBERS, Frances CHADWICK, Ruth Romaine CARSTEN, Mary E F.26 Dells, Di L/-D.19;D<24 A.83-A.85 D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents CHAPLAIN, RA CHAPPELL, John Brian CODE, Charles Frederick COHEN, Jacob Antonie COHEN, Ruth Louisa COHEN-WELTER, Willy A COLLINGWOOD-WHITTICK, M A.66-A.68 COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon Pei CRONE, Christian Ds 1:2, DAG? DANIEL, E E de HAAN, E J DELAY, Ute DAILY TELEGRAPH DALY, Ivan de Burgh DAVIES, Robert Ernest DRESEL, Elisabeth Irmgard Brigitte DUKE, A DREW, John DUBOWITZ, V Bee tc oA M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents EBASHI, Setsuro BGS S26 EDSALL, John Tileston Pee ; acl pis Oy tie 2D EDWARD, Anthony W F ELLIOTT, Gerald F. 26 Passes ay ELLIOTT, Kenneth Allan Caldwell Ac6/,A.09,A./0,A. /1 ENGELHARDT, Vladimir Aleksandrovich De 21 FALLDING, Margaret Hardy FARM AND FOOD SOCIETY FROST, Honor GABELOVA, Nina A GADDIE, Robert FATT, Paul FEUER, G FLEAR, Cecil T G FRITZ, Irving Bandas F243 25 GORONWY-ROBERTS, Goronwy Owen, Baron GOODALL, Forrest R GORRINGE, Peter A. 35 GUTMANN, E D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents HAMOIR, G HANSON, (Emmeline) Jean HARDING, J J HARLAND, Elisabeth HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS HASSELBACH, Wilhelm Boao A.66,A.68 D.38 Ds 35 HATFIELD (née MIALL), Frances Margaret A.41 HEALD, Peter Joseph P82) F433 HELE, Mary E Priscilla lect HIBBERD, Hope HOET, J P HOLLAND, D L Bi36 D HOWELL, M L AS HONIG, Carl Robert HILL, Archibald Vivian HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) IRIYAGOLLE, Indrani HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding D2207 Fs 27h ets HUXLEY, Hugh Esmor Eo; h. 34 D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents JAISLE, Franz KALCKAR, Herman Moritz KAY 72 Cyei- iM KEIGHLEY, Aylwin KENDRICK, Carol KOMINZ, David Richard KRAUSE, Gerhard KREBS, Sir Hans Adolf LIANG Chi Chin LINFOOT, Joyce LASZT, L LE FANU, Mark LEVERHULME TRUST Beco, Boog s)4 E.6 A.69 A. 40 LEHMANN, Hermann LISSMANN, Hans Werner McCOLLESTER, Duncan L D569 ,/F..6 See also D.12 LUNDSGAARD, Einar M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents McILWAIN, Henry McQUILLEN, Kenneth MADDEN, E H MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL A.11-A.13 METHUEN & COMPANY LIMITED MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley MOMMAERTS, Wilfried F H M MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) NEEDHAM, Joseph NEUBERGER, Albert MOYLE, Jeremy MOYLE, John A.13,A.26,A.44-A.52,F.22 MONTEFIORE, The Rt.Rev. Hugh William MURRAY, Keith Anderson Hope, Baron OFFER, Gerald W NOWINSKI, Wiktor W NUFFIELD FOUNDATION Deis D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents OGSTON, Alexander George OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PALATY, Vladimir PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PARK, Jane Harting PARTRIDGE, S Miles D.36 P2258 PERRY, Samuel Victor BeZO 25, Pi 29, «34 PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert Belo peso 5, ho) F.35-F.38 PIRIE, Norman Wingate Bis Sy lis 3) peo POLLITT, Geoffrey PRINGLE, John William Sutton PIRIE, Antoinette ('Tony') Ac (OB; Ar as7 A. 90, A. LOL RHODES JAMES, Robert Vidal RANDLE, Sir Philip John DeZl A.55 F.34 A.56 RADU, Horia RAJCHMAN, Marie RAPKINE, Sarah M D M M Needham NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents RICHTER, Derek ROSS, Robert ROUGHTON, Francis John Worsley ROYAL SOCIETY Az 137. 25-6. 20D. 21,7 E12, P2578. 36-2538 RUEGG, J Caspar D22O07H 24, B27 RUSHTON, William Albert Hugh He35 SALT, George SCHIRMER, Heiner SILVA, Mahindar SOBIESZEK, Apolinary SCHOTT, Gab SCHWALM, H Felicitée BOS, Ds 20., Beis Lo SCIENCE PRESS PTY LIMITED SLATER, Sir William (Kershaw) SHOENBERG (née FISCHMANN), Catherine E.5 SOCIETY FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS WITH Ay 59 E233 a2 THE USSR STEELE, Sydney STRAUB, F B AVS, 5.25; bea0 A.66-A.68 M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert SZENT-GYORGYL, Andrew Gabriel TEICH, Mikula AY59°D.21,p.38 TERYUO, Ushiyama A.60 TONOMURA, Y UNDERWOOD, Edgar Ashworth URAKAWA, Norimoto VASILE, Marza D WADE, H WR A.16 WAKID, Nabil W AVGZ, Pad J=Fs ZO A«OL D2 EF. 24 WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal van HEYNINGEN, William Edward ('Kits') D.69 WILKIE, Douglas Robert D249, F224 B13 P44 WEBER, Hans Hermann D220, Die or 21 WEEDS, Alan G WEIS-FOGH, Torkel M M Needham D NCUACS 22/7/90 Index of correspondents WILLIAMS (née CAWKWELL), Jennifer M A.63-A.65 WILLMER, E N WRINCH, Dorothy WYNN, Ralph Matthew YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) A 3B. 25, Bue; hse bees Pelosi, rs 24,F.26,7F.34