SALAM, Muhammad Abdus Vol4 v2

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 4 Section J: Visits and conferences by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 99/4/01 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 432 SECTION J VISITS AND CONFERENCES J.1-J.1885 Salam wasinvited to attend a huge numberof conferences, meetings and seminars all around the world. The material in this section relates to those invitations that Salam accepted and to those he did not. The diversity of the topics covered by the conferences Salam choseto attend, ranging from high energy physics and science education to alternative energy sources and religious freedom, reflects the breadth of his interests and activities. Salam's continuing participation in physics research and debate at the highest levels, the concern he felt about the arms race and the proliferation of nuclear weaponsand his lifelong commitment to development are all represented in this section. Salam's enduring links with the Third World and particularly with Pakistan were strengthened during his regular travels abroad. The bulk of the material is presented in two main sequencesfollowing the arrangement of Salam's office at ICTP. These main sequencesdo not contain material earlier than the mid 1960s. For papers and correspondencerelating to several conferences attended by Salam in the 1950s and early 1960s see J.1791-J.1814. Documentation of events at which Salam was present often includes drafts of his own contributions in the form of an addressor lecture notes and there is some overlap with material in the lectures and broadcasts section (Section F). For additional material relating to UNESCO conferences and meetings, some of which appearsin this section, see G.63-G.70. J.1-J.839 INVITATIONS ACCEPTED J.840-J.1790 INVITATIONS NOT ACCEPTED J.1791-J.1885 MISCELLANEOUS Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 433 Visits and conferences J.1-J.838 INVITATIONS ACCEPTED 1965-1997 The presentation of this sub-section is chronological. The sub-section includes some early material that appearsto relate to invitations which Salam either declined or does not appear to have accepted. This material remains in this sub-section both to preserve the order in which it was originally filed and becausethe final outcomeofthe invitation is not clear. Salam continued to receive invitations long after ill-health prevented him from travelling abroad. Thefinal item in this section is an early announcementof an event which actually took place after Salam's death in November 1996. Where no date is given for a proposed visit or invitation, material has been arranged according to the date of the earliest piece of correspondence. 1965 Nuklearni Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 1965. Correspondencerepossiblevisit. Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warsaw, Poland, 1965-1966. Correspondencere possiblevisit. 1966 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, West Germany, July 1966. Invitation to attend seminar only. Damascus University, Syria, December 1966. Correspondencere possible visit. J.1 J.2 J.3 J.4 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 434 Visits and conferences 1967 J.5 Academyof Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1967. Correspondencere possiblevisit. J.6 J.7 J.8 J.9 1968 Seminar on Elites in South Asia in the 19th and 20th Centuries, University of Cambridge Centre of South Asian Studies, St John’s College, Cambridge, 1- 2 April 1968. Correspondencere attendance. Boris Kidvic Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd, Yugoslavia. Correspondencere possible visits by Salam and P. Budini and application for financial support from the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 1968- 1969. Institute of Physics, University of Islamabad, Pakistan, December 1968. Invitation to visit only. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1968. Correspondencere possiblevisit. 1969 J.10-J.12 Nobel Symposium 14: The Place of Value in a World of Facts, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-20 September 1969. See also F.9, F.10. J.10 Invitation, programme and biographical notes on participants. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Visits and conferences 435 ‘The J.11 J.12 J.13 J.14 Correspondence re Advancementof Science for Developing Dountries [sic]’ by Salam. of papers and publication proof copy of Correspondencere possible visit to Umea University, Sweden. Oxford University Pakistan Society, St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 15 October-3 December 1969. Correspondencereinvitation to lecture on ‘Science and Pakistan’. Inaugural Conference of the National Scientific and Research Computing Center, Cairo, Egypt, 17-19 December 1969. Correspondencere attendance. J.15 Hungarian Academyof Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 1969. Correspondencere possible visit. 1970 J.16 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Theoretical Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5-24 January 1970. Correspondencere attendance. elit University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. Invitation to visit, 15 January 1970. J.18 Physics Society, University of Sussex, Brighton, 20 January-3 February 1970. Correspondencereinvitation to lecture. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 436 Visits and conferences J.19 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK. Correspondencerevisit to discuss the textbook needs of India and Pakistan, 1970. J.20 J.21 J.22 J.23 J.24 J.25 J.26 2nd International Symposium on Non-Local Quantum Field Theory, Azau, Caucasus, USSR, 15-24 March, 1970. Invitation to Salam and subsequent correspondencere the attendance ofJ. Strathdeein his place. Rockefeller University, New York, USA,April 1970. Correspondencere possiblevisit. ACAST Working Group on Computer Technology for Development, Bucharest, Romania, 13-14 April 1970. Invitation only. 3rd National Meeting of the Institute for the Cultural Development of Workers, Trieste, Italy, 15-17 May 1970. Invitation only. Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei Meeting on the Astrophysical Aspects of Weak Interactions, Cortona, Italy, 10-12 June 1970. Invitation only. International Symposium on the Impact of New Technologies on the Arms Race, Racine, Wisconsin, USA, 26-30 June 1970. Correspondencere attendance and possibility of inviting Pakistani scientists. 4th European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Rome, Italy, 31 August-4 September 1970. Correspondence re Salam’s membership of the Honorary Council. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 437 J.27 J.28 J.29 Visits and conferences Pugwash Symposium: Science and Development, Stanford University, California, USA, 1-4 September 1970. Agenda and list of participants. Seminar on Computer Science, Trieste, Italy, 21-25 September 1970. Invitation only. Summer School Physics Course, Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Barcelona, Spain, 1970. Correspondencere possible attendance of either Salam or P. Budini. 1974 J.30 Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 20-22 January 1971. Salam organised and chaired a session on ‘Nonpolynominal Lagrangians, Renormalization and Gravity’. Invitation, programmeand correspondence re arrangements. J.31-J.33 12th Meeting of the Panel on Science and Technology of the United States Science and Astronautics, House of Representatives Committee on Washington DC, USA, 26-28 January 1971. Salam participated as a guest panellist and gave a presentation on International Scientific Co-operation. See also F.13. Invitation, programmeand correspondence re arrangements. Pressrelease. Correspondencere publication of proceedings and copy of‘International Co- operation in the Social and Life Sciences’ by T. R. Odhiambo. J.31 J.32 J.33 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 438 Visits and conferences J.34 J.35 Symposium on Basic Questions in Elementary Particle Physics, Munich, Germany, 8-18 June 1971. Invitation and correspondence re arrangements. International Conference on Elementary Particles, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 30 June-6 July 1971. Invitation, programme, correspondence re arrangements and requestfor proofs of contributions to proceedings. travel and accommodation J.36, J.37 International Conference on Gravitation and Relativity (GR6), Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-10 July 19771. Salam co-chaired a session with S. Deser on ‘The Role of Gravity in Elementary Particle Physics’. J.36 J.37 J.38 J.39 Programme, list of speakers and correspondence re accommodation arrangements. Correspondencere contributions to the session chaired by Salam. Delos Symposium (Delos Nine), Athens, Greece, July 1971. Correspondencere attendance. Course on Developments in High Energy Physics, Varenna, Italy, 2-14 August 19771. Invitation and correspondencere travel arrangements. J.40 Vienna, Austria, 15 August, 19771. Correspondencere travel and accommodation arrangementsonly. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 439 Visits and conferences J.41, J.42 American Physical Society, Divisional Meeting, University of Rochester, New York, USA, 30 August-2 September 1971. Division of Particles and Fields, J.41 J.42 J.43 Salam gave an addressat the plenary session. Invitation and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencerevisit to the State University of New York at Buffalo. International Conference on High 8th Switzerland, 20-24 September 1971. Energy Accelerators, Geneva, Correspondencere attendanceof Pakistani representative. 1972 J.44 Master and Fellows Dinner, St John’s College, Cambridge, 6 May 1972. Correspondencere attendance. J.45, J.46 Symposium on Axiomatic and Algebraic Approaches and Symmetry Problems in Elementary Particle Theory, Tashkent, USSR, 16-18 May 1972. Salam was invited to give a talk. J.45 J.46 Correspondence re arrangements and possible stops in Kabul and Moscow en route to Tashkent. Letter re arrangements for researchers from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Tashkent, to visit the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. J.47, J.48 Erice, Sicily, Italy, June 1972. J.47 J.48 Correspondencere travel arrangements. Correspondencere publication of Salam’s talk. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 440 Visits and conferences J.49 The Quadrangle Club, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1972. Correspondence re payment of a bill. 1973 J.50 The First Decade of the Coral Gables Conferences on Fundamental Interactions, University of Miami, USA, 22-26 January 1973. Salam gavea lecture. Correspondencere arrangements. J.51 New York, USA, March-April 1973. Salam attended the founding meeting of the United Nations University, 27-30 March and a meeting of the United Nations Advisory Committee on Science and Technology, 5 April. See also G.276-G.310. Correspondencere possible visit to the University of Chicago, Illinois; MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and other academic institutions. J.52, J.53 Discussions on Energy, Environment and Development to Celebrate World Environment Day, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 June 1973. J.52 J.53 Correspondencere arrangements, programmeand list of participants. Typescript copy of confidential report on visit to Sweden and correspondence re meeting with M. Shafgat, Ambassadorof Pakistan. J.54, J.55 2nd International Conference on Elementary Particles, Aix en Provence, France, 6-12 September 1973. Salam participated electromagnetic interactions. in a session on unified theories of weak and J.54 Application form, press release re discovery of a new elementary particle reaction and correspondencere conference proceedings. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 441 Visits and conferences J.55 Invitation to attend an informal evening Science and Society workshop. J.56, J.57 Nobel Symposium: Co-ordination in the Field of Science and Technology — the Role of the Specialized Agencies of the UNO, Oslo, Norway, 17-19 September 1973. Salam led an afternoon session on scientific co-operation. J.56 J.57 J.58 Programme, list of those invited and correspondencere arrangements. Copies of ‘Co-operation in Science and Technology — the OECD Approach’ by A. Director General for Scientific Affairs, OECD, Paris, and ‘Scientific Co-operation in NATO’, by G. Randers, NATO, Brussels. King, Conference on Lepton Induced Reactions, University of California, Irvine, California, USA, 7-8 December 1973. Salam chaired an afternoonsession. Programmes, correspondence re arrangements and invitation to give a physics colloquium at the University of California. 1974 J.59 Conference on Quantum Gravity, Oxford, UK, 15-16 February 1974. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘The Impact of Quantum Gravity on Particle Physics’. See also E.92. Invitation and letter re publication of proceedings. J.60 Particle Physics Seminar on Experimental Consequencesof Unified Gauge Theories, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 March 1974. Salam gavea lecture. Correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 442 Visits and conferences J.61 Sweden and Denmark, May-June 1974. Salam lectured in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Lund, Denmark. Correspondencere arrangements. Uppsala and Goteborg, Sweden; and 17th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Imperial College, London, 1-10 July 1974. Salam chaired a plenary session on Unified Theory of Weak and EM Interactions. Papers re arrangements. 2nd Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Strobl, Austria, 16-25 September 1974. Salam gave a seminar. Papers re arrangements. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Executive Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 30 September-1 October 1974. Correspondence re schedule and financial support for physicists from developing countries. International Meeting on Scientific Research and Energy Problems, Madrid, Spain, 14-18 October 1974. Programmeand correspondencere attendance. Arya-Mehr University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, December1974. Correspondencerevisit. J.62 J.63 J.64 J.65 J.66 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 443 Visits and conferences 1975 J.67 University of Maryland, USA, 20 January 1975. Salam gave a lecture on transition fields and supersymmetries. Correspondencere arrangements. J.68, J.69 Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 20-25 January 1975. Salam acted as moderator for a session on high energy physics. J.68 J.69 J.70 Correspondencere arrangements and publication of proceedings. Correspondencere possible visit to Rockefeller University, New York. Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Karpacz, Poland, February 1975. Correspondencere attendance. SA 1st Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy for Scientific and Economic Development, Baghdad, Iraq, 7-12 April, 1975. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Physics of Elementary Particles’ at the opening session and chaired a session on ‘Growth, Energy Needs and Environmental Aspects’. Invitation, programme and correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencere publication of proceedings andlist of authors. Sudan Atomic Energy Commission, Khartoum, Sudan. Correspondencere possible visit, April-June 1975. J.71 J.72 J.73 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 444 Visits and conferences J.74 Lectures in Physics to Honour Harry L. Welsh on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, University of Toronto, Canada, 22-23 May 1975. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Unity of Matter andits Interactions’. Programme and correspondencere arrangements. J.75-J.77 International Conference on High Energy Physics, Palermo, Italy, 23-28 June, 1975. Salam gave a talk on supersymmetries. Correspondencere arrangements and list of participants. Correspondence re recent developments in work on supersymmetries. Correspondencere publication of proceedings. International Summer Institute Reactions, Hamburg, Germany, 15-16 September 1975. in Theoretical Physics: Current Induced Salam gave a talk on supersymmetries. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. International Stockholm, Sweden, 23-24 September 1975. Lectures Human, on Global and Universal Problems, Salam gavea public lecture entitled ‘Ideals and Realities’ and a seminar on the ‘Failure of Colour to Brighten’. See also E.336, E.343-E.345, E.418, E.419, F.18-F.20, F.390. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere problems of world poverty and hunger. J.75 J.76 J.77 J.78 J.79, J.80 J.79 J.80 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 445 Visits and conferences J.81, J.82 250th Anniversary of the USSR Academy of Science Celebrations, Moscow, USSR, 5-15 October 1975. J.81 J.82 J.83 J.84 Celebrations were originally due to take place in May but had to be postponed. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re Salam’s contribution to The Future of Science entitled ‘The Future of Elementary Particle Physics’. Euro-Physics Study Conference on High Power Lasers and their Scientific Applications, Oxford, UK, 17-19 December 1975. Correspondencere attendance. 1976 International Conference on Nonlocal Quantum Field Theory, Alushta, USSR, 20-28 April 1976. Salam was notable to attend. Invitation and reply. J.85 Symposium, Centre of Advanced Study in Mathematics, Calcutta, India. Salam was a member of the Technical Advisory Committee but was unable to attend the symposium. Correspondencere attendanceand listof invited lecturers, April-May 1976. J.86 Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture, Oxford, UK, 6 May 1976. Salam lectured on particle physics. See also E.97, E.98, E.100, E.407. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 446 J.87 J.88 Visits and conferences 1st International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Conference, Schloss Laxenburg, Austria, 10-13 May 1976. Correspondencere arrangements and publication of proceedings. Presentation Ceremony for Scientific Culture, Ministry of Scientific Research, Rome, 25 May 1976. Interdisciplinary Progress in /nternational Salam was notable to attend. Invitation and reply. J.89, J.90 Summer Study on Kaon Physics and Facilities, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York, USA, 1-5 June 1976. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Breakdown and Restoration of CP Symmetry’. J.89 J.90 J.91 J.92 Programmesand correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere the manuscript of Salam’s lecture and travel expenses. Neutrino Conference, Aachen, Germany, 8-12 June 1976. Salam gave a talk on weak and electromagnetic gaugeinteractions. Correspondencere arrangements and publication of proceedings. 18th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Tbilisi, USSR, 15-21 July 1976. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘The Unstable, Unconfined Quark’. Correspondence re arrangements and late submission of a paper entitled ‘Quarks and Coloured Gluons as Sourcesof Multileptons’ by Salam and J. C. Pati. J.93 Advanced Summer Courseon Relativity, Pisa, Italy, August 1976. Correspondencere attendance. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 447 Visits and conferences J.94 International Summer School on Tachyons and Related Topics, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 1-15 September, 1976. Correspondence re attendance. J.95 Seminar, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 19 December 1976. Correspondencere attendance. 1977 J.96, J.97 International Conference on Frontiers of Theoretical Physics to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Bose Statistics, New Delhi, India, 6-12 January 1977. Salam was a memberof the Advisory Committee and gave a talk entitled ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’. J.96 J.97 J.98 Correspondence re arrangements and publication of proceedings. Correspondencereinvitations to visit other Indian scientific institutions. Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, 16-21 January 1977. Correspondencere arrangements. J.99, J.100 International Symposium: Five Decades of WeakInteractions in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Robert E. Marshak, City University of New York, New York, USA. J.99 J.100 Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Unification of Fundamental Forces’. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencereinvitations to visit Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia and the University of Chicago, Illinois. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 448 J.101 J.102 J.103 Visits and conferences Institut fur Informationsverarbeitung, Universitat Tubingen, West Germany, 20-21 April 1977. Correspondencerevisit. European Conference on Particle Physics, Budapest, Hungary, 4-9 July 1977. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields’. Programme and correspondencere arrangements. International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions Energies, Hamburg, West Germany, 25-31 August 1977. at High Salam wasinvited to chair a session on chromodynamics. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. J.104, J.105 International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference: 21st Regular Session (Scientific Afternoon), Vienna, Austria, 28 September 1977. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘Physics on the Frontier — Today and Tomorrow’. J.104 J.105 J.106 Provisional agenda and correspondencere arrangements. Proof copy with editorial notes of Salam’s lecture. European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Study Week on Electron-Proton Physics, Milton Hill Hall, Oxfordshire, UK, 10-15 October 1977. Correspondencere arrangements and provisional programme. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 449 Visits and conferences J.107, J.108 Ben Lee Memorial International Conference on Parity Nonconservation, Weak Neutral Currents and Gauge Theories, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 20-22 October 1977. Salam was a member of the Advisory Committee and gave talk entitled ‘Fundamental Left-Right Symmetry’ (originally entitled ‘Can Quarks be Liberated?’). J.107 J.108 Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence re publication of proceedings and reimbursement oftravel expenses. J.109, J.110 Japan, Autumn 1977. J.109 Osaka University. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.110 Hiroshima University, Hiroshima. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. 1978 J.111 Neutrinos 78: International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Neutrino Astrophysics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 28 April-2 May 1978. Salam wasinvited to chair a session with M. Derrick on new leptons and quarks. Programme, list of written contributions received and correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 450 Visits and conferences J.112-J.116 19th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Tokyo, Japan, 23-30 August 1978. Salam gave a talk on unification theories and supergravity and acted as an organiser of a session. See also E.119-E.123, E.378, E.396, E.397. JAZ J.113 J.114 J.115 J.116 J.117 J.118 Conferencecirculars 1-3. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re Salam’s role as session organiser and contributions to his session. Invitation to a pre-conference assembly, Kyoto University, Kyoto. Correspondence re publication of conference proceedings and editing of Salam’s manuscript. Summer Institute for Particle Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 1-5 September 1978. Correspondencereinvitation. Atomic Energy Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, ?September, 1978. Correspondencerevisit. J.119-J.121 International Symposium on Particle Physics in Memory of Benjamin W.Lee, Seoul National University, Korea, 1-5 September 1978. J.119 J.120 Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Aspects of Particle Physics’. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere reimbursement of travel expenses. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 451 Visits and conferences J.121 J.122 Letter of thanks for Salam’s donation to the Korean Physical Society and press cuttings re his visit. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking, China, 2-8 September 1978. Correspondencerevisit. J.123, J.124 ist LEP Summer School, Les Houches and Geneva, Switzerland, September 1978. 11 Salam was a member of the Organising Committee and chaired a session. J.123 J.124 J.125 Programme, list of participants and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere publication of proceedings. Symposium on Physics at High Energies — Quarks, Stockholm, Sweden, 14- 16 September 1978. Salam wasinvited to give a talk. See also E.124. Correspondencere arrangements and publication of proceedings. J.126 American Institute of Physics Annual Meeting of Corporate Associates, Battelle MemorialInstitute, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 28-29 September 1978. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘The Electro-WeakForce’. Papers re arrangements. J.127 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 28 September 1978. Salam gave a colloquium entitled Fundamental Forces’. ‘Unification and Superunification of Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 452 Visits and conferences J.128-J.130 UNITAR Conference, United Nations, New York, USA, 2 October 1978. Salam gave lecture entitled ‘Research in Physical Sciences in Developing Countries’. J.128 JuZ9 J.130 J.131 J.132 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. Correspondence re Salam’s lecture and copies of ‘The Need for Global Education’, ‘A Copernican View of World Cooperation’ and ‘Of Establishing Human Rights’ by R. Muller, Director and Under-Secretary General to the United Nations Office for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination. International Colloquium of UNESCO on Mathematics and Development, Bordeaux, France, 2-4 November 1978. Programme, list of participants and correspondence re arrangements. Seminar on Elementary Particle Physics, Zurich, Switzerland, 15 December 1978. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Unification and Superunification’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.133 Theoretical Physics Meeting, Rutherford Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 19-21 December1978. Salam gave a talk on electro-weak unification. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 453 Visits and conferences 1979 J.134 Leonard |. Schiff Memorial Lectures, Stanford University, California, USA, 23-24 January 1979. Salam gave two lectures entitled ‘Unification and Superunification’ and ‘Some Problemsin Particle Theory’. Programme, correspondencere arrangementsandletter of thanks. J.135 Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC), California, USA, 25 January 1979. Correspondencerevisit. J.136 Mexico, January-February 1979. Correspondence re arrangements to Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and the Centro de Investigacion Y de Estudios AvanzadosdeInstituto Politecnico Nacional; and letters of thanks. Universidad visit the J.137-J.142 Albert Einstein Centenary Conference, Berne, Switzerland, 12-17 March 1979. J.137 J.138 J.139 J.140 Salam chaired a session on physics as geometry. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence with J. A. Wheeler, speaker at the session chaired by Salam, re arrangements. Biographical details and extracts from ‘From Relativity to Mutability’ by J. A. Wheeler and ‘Is Physics Legislated by Cosmogony?’ by J. A. Wheeler and C. M. Patton. Copyof the opening addressgiven by R. Lust, President of the Max-Planck- Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 454 Visits and conferences J.141 Summaries of talks given at the conference. J.142 J.143 Correspondence re publication of proceedings. European Physical Society (EPS) Seminar on European Great Projects, Rome, Italy, 26-27 March 1979. Salam chaired a session on ‘LEP: Large e*-eColliding Beam Project’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.144 University of Maryland, Maryland, USA. Correspondence, April 1979, re payments for Salam’s visits. J.145-J.149 UNESCO Meeting to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of Albert Einstein, Paris, France, 8-10 May 1979. Salam gave an address entitled ‘Einstein's Last Dream: The Space-Time Unification of Fundamental Forces’. J.145 J.146 J.147 J.148 J.149 See also E.128, E.129, E.376, F.21. Correspondencere arrangements and programme. Copies of speeches. Correspondence re Salam’s participation in a consultation meeting on ‘New Perspectives in International Scientific and Technological Co-operation’ with transcript of his statement and summary report of proceedings. See also J.154-J.156. Corrected copy of Salam’s address and correspondencearising. Copy of remarks made by Salam and invitation addressed to A. M. M’Bow, Director-General, UNESCO, Paris, to open a meeting on Einstein to be held in Trieste, Italy, 5-11 July 1979. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 455 J.150 J.151 Visits and conferences Rutherford Laboratory Meeting on Grand-Unification and Super-Unification, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, 12-13 May 1979. Correspondence re arrangements. Rutherford Nonperturbative Confinement, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, 9-11 June 1979. Laboratory Meeting on Methods and Correspondence re arrangements. J.152, J.153 European Physical Society (EPS) International Conference on High Energy Physics, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 June-4 July 1979. See also E.383, E.384. Salam gave a closing address. Correspondencere arrangements and programme. Correspondencere Salam’s address. J.152 J.153 J.154-J.156 United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (UNCSTD) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) Forum on Science and Technology for Development, Vienna, Austria, 19-31 August 1979. J.154 J.155 J.156 J.157 Salam attended as part of the UNESCOdelegation. See also J.147. Paper re arrangements and programme. Correspondencere travel and accommodation arrangements. App typescript statement made by |. H. Usman before a meeting convened by the Director-General of UNESCO, 8-10 May 1979. UK High Energy Physics Forum, Abingdon, September 1979. Oxfordshire, UK, 28-29 Correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 456 Visits and conferences J.168, J.159 Symposium and Dinner in Honour of N. Kemmer, Tait Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Edinburgh,1 October 1979. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Kemmer and Neutral Currents’. J.158 J.159 J.160 Correspondence re arrangements and drafting of a tribute to N. Kemmer for an edition of CERN Courier. Correspondence re meeting with the Pakistan Students’ Association of Edinburgh University. Press Symposium, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 8-9 October 1979. Salam gave a before dinner speech entitled ‘The Present Outlook of the Architecture of Matter’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.161 UNESCOExecutive Board Meeting, Paris, France, 17 October 1979. Salam gave an address. See also F.22, F.23. Correspondencere transcription and publication of Salam’s speech. J.162, J.163 Herbert Spencer Lectures, Oxford, UK, 26 October-30 November 1979. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘Explanation in Physics: How or Why?’ J.162 J.163 See also E.380, E.381. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re publication of the lecture series with proof copies of Salam’s lecture. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 457 Visits and conferences 1980 J.164-J.171 Latin America, 17-30 January 1980. J.164 Brazil, 17-22 January 1980. Press cuttings (with translations) re Salam’s visit. J.165 Peru, 22-24 January 1980. Press cuttings (with translations) re Salam’s visit. J.166-J.170 Colombia, 24-26 January. J.166 J.167 J.168 J.169 J.170 J.171 Press cuttings (with translations) re Salam’s visit. Itinerary of meetings and visits. Agendasanddescriptions of meetings. Report on a preliminary project for the establishment of a Regional Centre in Physical Sciences for Latin America and the Caribbean. List of names and addressesof scientists resident in Colombia. Venezuela, 26-30 January 1980. Presscuttings (with translations) re Salam’s visit. J.172 Wolfson College Lecture, Oxford, UK, 20 February 1980. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Unification of the Forces’. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 458 Visits and conferences J.173 Europhysics Study Conference: Grand Unified Theories of Fundamental Interactions, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 17-24 March 1980. Salam was a member of the Board of Lecturers and delivered a lecture entitled ‘The Next Level After Quarks’. Programme and correspondence re arrangements. J.174-J.179 International Conference on Alternative Energy and the Offer of the Sun and the Sea, Milan, Italy, 18-20 April 1980. Salam attended as a ‘Memberof Honor’ and gave a speech. J.174 Correspondencere arrangements. J.175-J.177 Curriculum vitae of the thirty ‘Members of Honor (most accompanied by a photograph). Sorted alphabetically by last name. J.175 J.176 J.177 J.178 Jelee J.180 A-E. F-P. Correspondence and papersre publication of Salam’s speech in Scienza & Vita Nuova. Correspondenceand papers re publication of proceedings. The Royal Society Bakerian Lecture, London, 29 May 1980. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’. Correspondencere arrangements and publication of the lecture. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 459 Visits and conferences J.181, J.182 Meeting addressed by Pope John Paul Il and UNESCO International Consultation on The Peace, Human Rights and Development Dialectic, Paris, France, 2-4 June 1980. J.181 J.182 Correspondencere arrangements and copyoffinal report. Correspondencere papal address and presentation of gifts. J.183, J.184 International Conference on High Energy Physics, 20th Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 17-23 July 1980. University of Salam wasinvited to serve on the International Advisory Committee. J.183 J.184 Papers re arrangements. Correspondence re possible meetings with the Association of Pakistani Physicians, Flint, Michigan, the Pakistani Ambassadorto the United Nations, and the Asia Society, New York. J.185-J.187 International Conference on Postgraduate Education of Physicists, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 24-30 August, 1980. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘The Impact of Physics and Technology on Different Societies’. J.185 J.186 J.187 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere possible visit to the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. 13pp typescript of Salam's speech and correspondence re publication of proceedings. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 460 Visits and conferences J.188 International Conference on Education for Physics, September 1980. Trieste, Italy, 1-6 Salam gave a talk and a farewell address. Correspondencere publication of proceedings and gift of physics textbooks. J.189, J.190 Meeting of Muslim Scientists, Duino Castle, Italy, 16-17 September, 1980. J.189 J.190 J.191 Salam acted ashost. Correspondence re attendance. Salam’s notes for the meeting including reports on the Islamic Science Foundation and the Muslim world. Science Research Council Policy Meeting, Oriel College, Oxford, UK, 19-21 September 1980. Salam wasinvited to talk on newideas in the future of particle physics. Correspondencere arrangements. J.192, J.193 UNESCO Round Table Discussion: Islam Today, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 10- 11 October 1980. J.192 J.193 J.194 Correspondencere arrangements and list of participants. Correspondencere publication of proceedings. 7th Afro-Asian Congress of Ophthalmology, Tunis, Tunisia, 26-29 October 1980. Salam gavea talk on science in developing countries. Correspondence re arrangements and possible meetings to discuss the setting up of science and technology centres in Arab countries. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 461 Visits and conferences J.195 RoyalInstitution Evening Discourse, London, 7 November 1980. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Elementary Particles and Forces’. Correspondencere arrangements. 1981 J.196-J.203 Gulf Visit, 3-19 March 1981. J.196 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 3-7 March 1981. Correspondencerevisit. JAG, J498 United Nations University Human and Social Programme: Arab Regional Symposium on EndogenousIntellectual Creativity in the Arab World, Kuwait University, Kuwait, 8-12 March 1981. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Thoughts on Science and its Creation in Arab and Islamic Countries’. J.197 J.198 J.199 See also F.30-F.32, F.391, F.392. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising and re publication of Salam’s lecture. Doha, Qatar, 10-13 March, 1981. Correspondencerevisit. J.200 Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, 13-15 March 1981. Correspondencerevisit. J.201 Muscat, Oman, 15-18 March 1981. Correspondencerevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 462 Visits and conferences J.202 Amman, Jordan, 18-19 March 1981. Correspondencerevisit. J.203 Correspondence and notes arising re possible establishment of a Gulf Foundation for Science. J.204, J.205 Seminar on Development through Co-operation between the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), Italy and South European Countries, Rome, Italy, 7-9 April 1981. Salam chaired a session on newfrontiers in science and technology. J.204 J.205 Correspondence re arrangements, programmes and abstract of a paper entitled ‘New Frontiers in Science and Technology’ by S. Garattini, Director, Institute Mario Negri, Milan, Italy. Correspondence re publication of proceedings and amended copy of Salam’s commentary on his session. J.206, J.207 Royal Society Meeting on Gauge Theories of the Fundamental Interactions, London, 29-30 April 1981. Salam was one of the organisers, gave a talk entitled ‘Gauge Interactions Elementarity and Superunification’ and was responsible for summarising the meeting. J.206 J.207 J.208 Correspondence re arrangements and programme. Correspondence re publication of report and proof copy with notes of Salam’s talk. UNESCO Advisory Panel on Science and Technology Meeting, Paris, France, 19-22 May 1981. Correspondence re arrangements and agenda. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 463 Visits and conferences J.209 Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico, 22- 23 June 1981. Programme, list of participants and correspondence re arrangements. J.210-J.212 Spain, 7-12 July 1981. J.210 J.211 Itinerary. Symposium Guadalajara, 9-10 July 1981. International on_ Dimensions of the Energy Problem, Salam gave a ‘master’ lecture entitled ‘Fundamental Unity of Various Forms of Energy and Creation of International Centres for Energy Research’. Programme, list of speakers and correspondence re arrangements. J.212 Correspondencere visits to Toledo and Cordoba. J.213-J.216 European Physical Society (EPS) International Conference on High Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-15 July 1981. Salam was a memberof the International Advisory Committee and gave a talk entitled ‘Proton Decay as a Window on Highest Energy Physics’. J.213 J.214 J.215 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re presentation of a paper on quark searches by C. B. A. McCusker. Copies of presentations entitled ‘New Technique for Higher Sensitivity in Particle Identification by lonization Loss’ and 'Evidencefor Glueballs’ by S. J. Lindebaum. J.216 Correspondencere possible visit to the Academia das Ciéncias de Lisboa. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 464 Visits and conferences Stns 218 5th General Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS), Istanbul, Turkey, 7-11 September 1981. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Developments in Fundamental Physics’ during the plenary session of the ‘Frontiers in Subnuclear Physics’ symposium. J.217 J.218 eo) Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencere publication of proceedings and copy of Salam’stalk. Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Hungary, September 1981. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. 1982 J.220 Sudan, 3-5 January 1982. Correspondence re possible visit to coincide with Sudan Independence Festivities. J.221 1st General Assembly and Board of Directors’ Meeting of the World Centre, Paris, France, 15 March 1982. Salam gavea talk on the transfer of information technology to developing countries. Correspondence re arrangements, agenda andlist of board members. J.222 Singapore, 16 March 1982. Correspondencerevisit en route to Tokyo, Japan. J.223-J.225 2nd United Nations University Rector’s Advisory Committee Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 15-19 March 1982. J.223 Correspondencere arrangements and agenda. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 465 Visits and conferences J.224 Correspondence re meetings and visit to the Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. J.225 Letters of thanks. J.226, J.227 Philippines, 21-23 March 1982. J.226 J.227 J.228 J.229 Salam received an honorary degree from the University of the Philippines, QuezonCity. Correspondence re arrangements and visits to the International Rice Research Institute, Manila and the Filipinas Foundation of the Ayala Corporation. Correspondencearising andletters of thanks. Yemen, 13-15 April 1982. Correspondencerevisit to the University of Sana’a. International Colloquium on the History of Particle Physics, Paris, France, 21- 23 July 1982. Programmeonly. J.230, J.231 21st International Conference on High Energy Physics, Paris, France, 26-31 July 1982. J.230 J.231 Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence re publication of proceedings with transcripts of Salam’s notes for a round-table entitled ‘The Impending Demise of High Energy Accelerators’. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 466 Visits and conferences J.232 Meeting per L’Amicizia fra | Popoli, Rimini, Italy, 25 August 1982. Salam gavea lecture. Correspondencere arrangements. J.233-J.238 3rd Marcel Grossmann Meeting on the Recent Developments of General Relativity, Shanghai, China, 30 August-2 September 1982. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics acted as an organiser and contributed funds towards the expenses of physicists from developing countries. Salam wasunable to attend. See also J.937. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re diplomatic relations with China. attendance of scientists from countries without J.233 J.234 J.235 Correspondence re sponsorship of attendees. J.236, J.237 Enquiries re conference and requestsfor details. J.238 J.239 Twofolders. Correspondencearising. 8th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Javae, Spain, 5-11 September 1982. Salam took part in a panel discussion on collider physics. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 467 Visits and conferences J.240 European Committee for Accelerators (ECFA) Meeting: The Challenge of Ultra-High Energies, A Review of Limitations and Possibilities in Particle Acceleration, New College, Oxford, UK, 27-30 September1982. Future Salam gave the openingtalk. Correspondencere arrangements. J.241, J.242 18th International Solvay Conference on Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, 8-12 November 1982. J.241 J.242 J.243-J.245 J.243 J.244 J.245 J.246 Salam gavea lecture. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) High-Level Meeting on the Establishment of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 13-17 December 1982. See also G.190. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re Aujourd’hul’. the publication of a manuscript entitled ‘L’lslam Final report. 11th Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Austin, Texas, USA, 13-17 December 1982. First circular only. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 468 Visits and conferences J.247, J.248 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare International Symposium, Rome, Italy, 17-18 December 1982. Salam gavea talk. J.247 Correspondencere arrangements. J.248 Correspondence re proceedings and two copies of Salam’s talk (one with amendments). 1983 J.249, J.250 International Seminar on the Role of Fundamental Research in Developing Countries, New Delhi, India, 7-10 February 1983. J.249 J.250 J.251 Correspondencere arrangements. Final report including list of participants and programme. Rutherford Supergravity, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK, 5-6 March 1983. Laboratory Appleton Meeting on Supersymmetry and Salam wasinvited to give a talk on dimensional reduction. Correspondencere arrangements. J.252-J.254 Preliminary Consultation Meeting on the Contribution of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Implementation of the Vienna Programmeof Action on Science and Technology for Development, Rome, Italy, 28-30 March 1983. J.252 J.253 Salam was unable to attend. Correspondencere arrangements and list of participants. Two copies (one with amendments) of an address written by Salam and delivered by L. Bertocchi. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 469 Visits and conferences J.254 Report. J.255-J.258 Symposium on Galilean Science Today, Rome, Italy, 9-10 May 1983. J.255 J.256 J.257 J.258 J.259 Correspondencere arrangements. Copy of an inauguration discourse given by Pope John Paul Il. Correspondence re contributions by Salam and K. Hepp. publication of a special volume and copies of Correspondencere the establishment of the Galileo Galilei Foundation. Symposium on the Arabian Gulf University: Future Outlook, Bahrain, 9-14 May 1983. Salam gavea lecture. See also F.37-F.41, F.393-F.395. Correspondencere arrangementsandletters of thanks. J.260 European Physical Society (EPS) International Conference on High Energy Physics, Brighton, UK, 20-27 July 1983. Salam was a memberof the International Advisory Committee. Papers re arrangements. J.261, J.262 Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Peace, Rome, Italy, 12-14 November 1983. J.261 J.262 Correspondencere arrangements. Copy of Salam’s contribution entitled ‘International Commons: Sharing of International Resources’. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 470 Visits and conferences J.263 Meeting of the Scientific Council of the National Foundation, Tunis, Tunisia, 6-7 December 1983. Correspondence re arrangements. 1984 J.264-J.279 Africa, 13-22 March 1984. J.264 J.265 J.266 List of scientists from Africa who visited the International Centre for Theoretical Physics during 1983. Namesand addressesof contacts in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Papersre travel arrangements. J.267-J.271 Nairobi, Kenya, 13-18 March 1984. J.267 J.268 J.269 J.270 J.271 Correspondencerevisit. Notes on a meeting with staff of the College of Biological and Physical Sciences, 15 March 1984. Copy of a lecture on science in developing countries given by Salam in Nairobi. Letters of thanks. Correspondencearising and press cuttings re Salam’s visit. J272)'5.273 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 18-22 March 1984. J.272 Correspondencerevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 471 Visits and conferences J.273 J.274 Letters of thanks. Kampala, Uganda. Correspondencerevisit (postponed due to illness). J.275 Lusaka, Zambia. Correspondencerevisit (postponed due toillness). J.276 Ethiopia. Correspondencere possiblevisit. J.277 Malawi. Correspondencere possible visit. J.278 Kinshasa, Zaire. Correspondencere possible visit. J.279 Correspondence re possible involvement of physicists from developing countries in the organisation of ICTP courses. J.280, J.281 International Conference on 1984:The Future Begins, Locarno,Italy, 3-5 May 1984. Salam gave a lecture on the present situation of the physics of elementary particles. J.280 J.281 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re publication of Salam’s talk, draft version (Italian) and reprint from NuovaCivilta delle Macchine Anno Il, 3. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 472 Visits and conferences J.282-J.288 USA,23-30 May 1984. J.282 J.283 Correspondenceand papersre arrangements. 13th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, University of Maryland, 21-25 May 1984. Correspondencere possible attendance. J.284-J.286 American Association for the Advancementof Science Annual Meeting, New York, 24-29 May 1984. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘Science Transfer for Development’. J.284 J.285 J.286 J.287 See also F.53, F.54, F.397, F.398. Correspondencere arrangements. 22pp typescript of Salam’s lecture. Correspondencearising. International Conference on 50 Years of Weak Interactions from the Fermi Theory to the W, Racine, Wisconsin, 29 May-1 June 1984. Salam was invited to talk on future prospects in the study of unification forces. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. J.288 Correspondencearising from visit. J.289-J.291 22nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, Leipzig, East Germany, 19-25 July 1984. Salam was a memberof the International Advisory Committee and gave a talk. J.289 Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 473 Visits and conferences Correspondencere publication of proceedings. Correspondencere possible seminar at Karl Marx University, Leipzig. J.290 J.291 J.292, J.293 2nd World Congress on Religious Liberty, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 1984. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Liberty of Science and Belief in the Light of the Holy Quran and the Islamic Experience’. J.292 J.293 See also F.55, F.56, F.399, F.400, L.33-L.37. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re publication of proceedings and Salam’s election to the International Religious Liberty Association Committee of Honor. J.294, J.295 Nobel Awards Celebrations, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-11 December 1984. Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, J.294 J.295 J.296 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. Annual Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 17-19 December 1984. Theoretical Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Particle Physics Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Progress in Kaluza-Klein Theories (2)’. Correspondencere arrangements. 1985 J.297 Meeting of the Gran Sasso Scientific Committee, Rome, Italy, 22 February 1985. Correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 474 Visits and conferences J.298 Conference on Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei, Trieste, Italy, 10-13 April 1985. Salam gave a welcoming address. 2pp typescript address and papers re programme. J.299-J.302 P. A. M. Dirac Memorial Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 19 April 1985. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Dirac and Finite Field Theories’. J.299 J.300 J.301 J.302 See also E.356, F.60, F.61. Correspondencere arrangements. 6pp typescript talk by P.A.M. Dirac entitled ‘The Inadequacies of Quantum Field Theory’. 22pp typescript of Salam’s talk. Correspondencere publication of a memorial volume and typescript copy of a talk by Salam entitled ‘Finite Field Theories’ prepared to celebrate the 80th birthday of P.A.M. Dirac. J.303-J.314 USA and Latin America, 24 April-11 May 1985. J.303 J.304 Itinerary and names and addressesof contacts. Correspondencere arrangements. J.305, J.306 Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies Symposium on Survival in the Nuclear Age, New York, 25-26 April 1985. J.305 J.306 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Correspondence re publication of proceedings and copies of Salam’s comments amendedfor inclusion. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 475 Visits and conferences J.307, J.308 2nd Henry Primakoff Lecture, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 30 April 1985. Salam gave a formal lecture entitled ‘The Unification of Fundamental Forces’ and a less formal talk entitled ‘Anomaly Cancellation in Higher Dimensional Theories’. J.307 J.308 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.309-J.311 International Symposium on Particle Physics in the 1950s: Pions to Quarks, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, 1-4 May 1985. J.309 J.310 J.311 J.312 Salam gavea talk entitled ‘Physics and the Excellencesofthe Life it Brings’. See also E.355, F.62. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence arising and re publication of Salam’s talk in a volume entitled Elementary Particle Physics in the 1950s. 25pp typescript (annotated) of Salam’s talk. Bogota, Colombia, 4-7 May 1985. Salam attended a meeting of the International Scientific Council of the Asociacion pro Centro Internacional de Fisica (ACIF). Correspondencere arrangements. J.313, J.314 Argentina, 7-11 May 1985. J.313 J.314 Itinerary and correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 476 Visits and conferences J.315 International Gran Sasso Symposium on Recent Results in Underground Physics, L’Aquila, Italy, 29 April-1 May 1985. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. J.316, J.317 Groupe de Bellerive Conference on Nuclear War, Nuclear Proliferation and their Consequences, Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 June 1985. Salam gave a talk on space weapons. See also F.64-F.69, F.403. Programme and correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondencearising. J.316 J.317 J.318-J.320 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Bari, Italy, 18-24 July 1985. Salam organised a plenary session of the theoretical physics panel and gave a talk entitled ‘Introduction to the Theoretical Physics Panel’. J.318 Joo J.320 See also F.70. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencere the plenary session of the theoretical physics panel. Correspondenceand papers re publication of proceedings. J.321-J.323 Round-table on Development: The Human Dimension, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 September 1985. Salam wasinvited to chair a session and gave a talk on the transfer of science. See also F.71, F.72, F.404-F.406. J.321 Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 477 J.322 J.323 J.324 Visits and conferences Programme, biographical information on participants and list of contacts in Turkey. Correspondencearising. Amman, Jordan, 6 September 1985. Correspondencere possible visit. J.325 Axel Munthe Awards, Capri, Italy, 27-29 September 1985. Salam attended as an honorary guest. Papers and correspondencere arrangements and programme. J.326-J.328 Niels Bohr Centenary Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 October 1985. J.326 J.327 J.328 J.329 Salam chaired a session on quantum theory. Correspondencere arrangements. Programme, list of participants and commemorative brochure. Correspondence re paper on proton decay by R. H. Nielsen to be published in Ingenigren (Danish). Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 November 1985. Correspondencere arrangements. J.330, J.331 United Seminar, The Hague, Netherlands, 11-22 November 1985. Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Development Policy J.330 Correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 478 J.331 J.332 Visits and conferences Curricula vitae of participants, programme and briefing documents. Meeting on University International and Prospectives of the European Experience and that of the Developing Countries, Trieste, Italy, 21-23 November 1985. Co-operation: Comparison Salam gavea talk on scientific research in developing countries. See also F.74-F.76. Correspondencere arrangements and programmes. J.333 Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues (ICIHI) Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 16 December 1985. See also F.77-F.79, F.407. Correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. 1986 J.334-J.376 Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Vietnam, 3- 29 January 1986. J.334 Itinerary andlist of contacts in each country. J.335,J.336 Pakistan, 3-6 January 1986. J.335 J.336 Correspondencerevisit. Letters of thanks and correspondencere press coverage ofthe visit. J,337-J.341 Bangladesh, 7-9 January 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 479 Visits and conferences J.337 Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal Ceremony, Dhaka, 7 January 1986. Salam was guestof honour. Correspondence re arrangements. J.338-J.340 International Conference on Mathematical Physics, University of Chittagong, 8-10 January 1986. J.338 J.339 J.340 J.341 Salam gave the inaugural address. Correspondence re arrangements. Copy of J. N. Islam’s proposal for a research centre for mathematical sciencesat the University of Chittagong and correspondence. Correspondencearising. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.342-J.363 India, 9-16 January 1986. J.342 Correspondencere arrangements. J.343, J.344 Nehru Memorial Lecture, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 10 January 1986. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Gauge Unification of Fundamental Forces’. J.343 J.344 J.345 Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondencearising. Shibli Academy, Azamgarh, 10-11 January 1986. Correspondencerevisit and letters of thanks. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 480 Visits and conferences J.346 World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion, Bombay, 10-13 January 1986. Salam was unableto attend. Programmeand correspondencere possible attendance. J.347-J.349 2nd Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Bangalore, 12-19 January 1986. Salam gave a plenary lecture on particle physics. See also E.155, E.156. J.347 Correspondencere arrangements. J.348 J.349 Letter of thanks and correspondencearising. Correspondencere contacts in Bangalore. J.350-J.353 Conference on Science Education in the Country with Special Reference to Indian Muslims, Aligarh, 15-17 January 1986. J.350 J.351 J.352 J.353 J.354 Salam was‘chief guest’ and gave an inaugural address. Correspondence re arrangements. Report on the concluding session and copy of the welcoming address by W. Rahman, Vice-Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University. Correspondencere the publication of the Journal of Islamic Science by the Association for the Advancementof Science. Correspondencearising. Allahabad University. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 481 Visits and conferences J.355 Guru Nanak DevUniversity, Amritsar. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.356 Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Calcutta. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.357 Panjab University, Chandigarh. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.358 University of Delhi. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.359 Birla Archaelogical and Cultural ResearchInstitute, Hyderabad. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.360 Osmania University, Hyderabad. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.361 Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.362 J.363 Correspondencearising and letters of thanks. Draft and copyofletter of thanks to R. Gandhi, Prime Minister ofIndia. J.364-J.368 Malaysia, 16-20 January 1986. J.364 Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 482 Visits and conferences J.365 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, 17January 1986. Salam gave a public lecture entitled ‘The Unification of Fundamental Forces and Science and Development in Developing Countries’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.366 Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Salam was invited to give a public lecture. Correspondencere arrangements. J.367 J.368 Letters of thanks. Correspondencearising. J.369-J.371 Singapore, 20-23 January 1986. J.369 J.370 Correspondencere arrangements. National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge. Correspondence re Salam’s role as external examiner and his appointment as Lee Kuan Yew Distinguished Visitor. J.371 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.372-J.375 Sri Lanka, 23-26 January 1986. J.372 J.373 J.374 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. Correspondence re recommendation of Arthur C. Clarke for an honorary degree. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 483 J.375 J.376 J.377 J.378 Visits and conferences Correspondencearising. Vietnam, 24-29 January 1986. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. Meeting of the International Laboratory, Rome, Italy, 17 February 1986. Scientific Committee of the Gran Sasso Correspondencere possible attendance. Dedication of the Liceo Scientifico Mirano to Ettore Majorana, Venice, Italy, 19 April 1986. Salam attended the ceremony and participated in a round-table discussion. Correspondencere arrangements. J.379 1st Asean Science and Technology Week (FASTW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24-30 April 1986. Salam was unable to attend. Programmeand correspondencere attendance. J.380, J.381 Syria, 2-4 May 1986. J.380 J.381 J.382 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. 2nd Nobel Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics: Fundamental Interactions, Géteborg, Sweden, 2-7 June 1986. Unification of Salam was a memberof the Advisory Committee and chaired a session on 1st-quartized strings. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 484 Visits and conferences J.383, J.384 International Conference on L’'Imaginaire de la Complexité, Paris, 9-10 June 1986. Salam took part in a discussion on ‘Le Défi de la Complexite’. J.383 J.384 J.385 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence and ‘L’'lmaginaire Scientifique’. illustrated proposals re an_ exhibition entitled 11th International Nathiagali SummerCollege, Nathiagali, Pakistan, 22 June- 10 July 1986. Salam gavetwolectures on the opening day. See also F.87-F.89, F.412-F.414. Correspondencere arrangements. J.386-J.388 Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico, 16-17 July 1986. J.386, J.387 Correspondencere arrangements. Twofolders. J.388 Letters of thanks. J.389, J.390 23rd International Conference on High Energy Physics, Berkeley, California, USA, 16-23 July 1986. Salam wasinvited to chair a plenary session. J.389 J.390 Invitation and circulars. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 485 Visits and conferences J.391-J.404 China, Japan and Korea, 18-30 September 1986. J.391 Papers and correspondenceretravel arrangements. J.392-J.396 China, 18-24 September 1986. J.392 J.393 J.394 J.395 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencere K. K. Phua’s accompanying Salam on his visit. List of names and addressesof contacts. University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei. Salam received an honorary degree. Correspondence and photographrevisit. J.396 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.397-J.401 Japan, 24-28 September 1986. J.397 List of names and addresses of contacts. J.398-J.401 J.398 J.399 J.400 UNESCO Round-Table on the Prospects for the 21st Century, Tokyo, 24-27 September 1986. International Future of Co-operation: Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Science, Peace and Development’. Correspondencere arrangements. 4pp untitled manuscript ?lecture notes. Biographical details of participants andfinal report. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 486 Visits and conferences J.401 Letters of thanks and correspondence(with photographs) arising. J.402-J.404 Korea, 28-30 September 1986. J.402 J.403 J.404 J.405 Correspondencere arrangements. Lists of names and addresses ofcontacts. Correspondencearising. Amman, Jordan, 2-4 November 1986. Correspondencere arrangements. J.406-J.409 Symposium on Turkeyin the 2000s, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-7 November1986. J.406 J.407 J.408 J.409 J.410 See also F.90, F.91. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. Information re scientific research in Turkey. Draft preface to the Turkish edition of [deals and Realities. Inauguration of the Peace and Development Foundation and Symposium on Technologies for Developing Countries, Duisburg, West Germany, 5-7 November 1986. Salam wasunable to attend. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 487 Visits and conferences J.411-J.417 USA, 6-11 November 1986. J.411 J.412 List of names and addressesof contacts. International Pan-African Nutrition Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 5-7 November 1986. Salam wasinvited to give a keynote address. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. J.413-J.415 Montedison Symposium on Science and Technology between International Co-operation and Competition, Washington DC, USA, 6-7 November 1986. Salam was one ofthe leaders of a plenary session on future options. J.413 J.414 J.415 Programme, list of participants and correspondence re arrangements. Summary report of proposals for a discussion on co-operation and competition in physics. 13pp typescript of Salam’s comments with covering correspondence. J.416, J.417 Trumbull College, Yale University, Connecticut, USA, 11 November 1986. Salam gave the Reed Rubin Lecture on science and technology in developing countries. J.416 J.417 See also F.92. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 488 Visits and conferences J.418 International Seminar on Culture Local e Trasferimento technologico, Genoa, Italy, 12-14 November 1986. Salam was invited to accept the presidency of the International Judging Committee. Correspondencere arrangements and papersre the selection of a winner of the first international prize for development technology. 1987 J.419-J.444 French-Speaking Africa, 17 January-2 February 1987. Salam was accompanied by L. K. Shayo andJ. P. Ezin. J.419 J.420 J.421 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Lists of names and addressesof contacts. 15pp typescript entitled ‘ICTP Project for Mathematics in Africa’ by J. Eells and L.K. Shayo (November 1986). J.422, J.423 Senegal, 17-21 January 1987. J.422 Correspondencerevisit. J.423 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.424 Niger, 19-20 January 1987. Correspondencere possible visit. J.425 Mali, 21-22 January 1987. Correspondencere possible visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 A489 Visits and conferences J.426, J.427 Ivory Coast, 21-22 and 24-27 January 1987. J.426 Correspondence re arrangements. J.427 Letters of thanks. J.428, J.429 Benin, 22-23 January 1987. J.428 Correspondencere arrangements. J.429 Letters of thanks. J.430, J.431 Nigeria, 23-24 January 1987. J.430 Correspondencere arrangements. J.431 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.432, J.433 Togo, 24 January 1987. J.432 Correspondencere arrangements. J.433 Correspondencearising. J.434, J.435 Gabon, 27-28 January 1987. J.434 Correspondencere arrangements. J.435 Letter of thanks. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 490 Visits and conferences J.436, J.437 Cameroon, 28-30 January 1987. J.436 Correspondencere arrangements. J.437 Letters of thanks. J.438, J.439 Zaire, 30-31 January 1987. J.438 Correspondence re arrangements. J.439 Letter of thanks. J.440 Congo, 31 January-2 February 1987. Correspondence re arrangements. J.441 Letters of thanks. J.442 Papers re expenses. J.443 Correspondencearising. J.444 Report on visit. J.445-J.451 Spain, USSR and Syria, 12-19 February 1987. J.445 Itinerary and notes re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 491 Visits and conferences J.446-J.448 International Symposium of Abrahamic Unity, February 1987. Cordoba, Spain, 12-15 Salam submitted the text of a speech entitled ‘Science and Peace’. See also F.95. Programme,list of participants and correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. Correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. J.446 J.447 J.448 J.449, J.450 International Forum of Scientists on the Drastic Reduction and Final Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Moscow, USSR, 14-15 February 1987. J.449 J.450 J.451 See also F.96, F.97. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re publication of proceedings. Damascus, Syria, 17-19 February 1987. Correspondencerevisit. J.452-J.469 USA, Canada, Jamaica and Latin America, 12-25 March 1987. Salam visited Colombia before commencing his tour of the Americas. He received further invitations, which he declined, whilst en route. J.452 J.453 Flight times, itinerary and addressesof contacts. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 492 Visits and conferences J.454-J.457 Colombia, 12-14 March 1987. J.454 Correspondencere arrangements. J.455 Press cuttings (with translations) re Salam’s visit. J.456 J.457 Letters of thanks. Correspondencereinvitation to visit Ecuador. J.458-J.460 USA, 14-18 March 1987. J.458 Correspondence and notes re arrangements. J.459, J.460 19th Annual George Gamow Memorial Lecture, University of Colorado, Boulder, 17 March 1987. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘The Unification of Fundamental Forces’. J.459 J.460 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondence and papers re reimbursement of travel expenses. J.461-J.463 Canada, 18-20 March 1987. J.461 Public lecture to mark the inauguration of the new premises of the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, 19 March 1987. See also F.98. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. J.462 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 493 Visits and conferences J.463 Correspondenceand papersre reimbursement of travel expenses. J.464-J.466 Jamaica, 20-22 March 1987. J.464 5th Jamaican Society of Scientists and Technologists Awards Ceremony, Kingston, 21 March 1987. Salam gave the keynote address. Correspondencere arrangements. J.465 School on Materials Science, Energy and Development, University of the WestIndies, Kingston, 30 March-10 April 1987. Papers re arrangements. J.466 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.467-J.469 Mexico, 22-25 March 1987. Salam wasinvited to attend a symposium on science and society, Mexico City, 23-24 March 1987. J.467 J.468 J.469 J.470 See also F.99. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondencearising. Correspondencereinvitation to visit Argentina. Eton College, Windsor, Berkshire, UK, 6 May 1987. Salam gave a lecture on the unification of electromagnetic with weak forces. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 494 Visits and conferences J.471 St John Ante Portam Latinam Dinner, St John’s College, Cambridge, UK, 6 May 1987. Invitation only. J.472 Meeting of the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, London, 7 May 1987. Letter re arrangements and 4pp typescript proposal for a UK Institute of Theoretical Physics. J.473, J.474 Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 14-17 May 1987. J.473 J.474 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.475, J.476 KAOS Preparation Meeting ‘For the Future of Our Children’, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 30 May-1 June 1987. J.475 J.476 J.477 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising and re reimbursement of travel expenses. International Committee for Future Accelerators School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, Trieste, Italy, 8-9 June 1987. Salam agreed to give a lecture entitled ‘An Overview of Particle Physics’. Correspondencere arrangements and preliminary programme. J.478-J.483 1st Congressof African Scientists, Brazzaville, Congo, 25-30 June 1987. See also F.102-F.105. J.478 Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 495 J.479 J.480 J.481 J.482 J.483 J.484 Visits and conferences Correspondencerevisits to the Ilvory Coast, Mali and the Cameroon en route to Brazzaville. Notes on countries to be visited, contacts. flight programme and addresses of Letters of thanks. La Lettre L’Ipri — Publication Officelle de L’Institut Panafricain de Relations Internationales de Genéve, 5, April/June 1987, containing an interview with Salam on Africa, science and technology. Report on action taken and to be taken asa result ofvisits. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Uppsala, Sweden, 25 June-1 July 1987. Correspondence andpapers re arrangements. J.485, J.486 Conference on Interactions and Structures in Nuclei to Mark the 65th Birthday of Sir Denys Wilkinson, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 7-9 September 1987. J.485 J.486 J.487 Salam gave talk on unification. See also F.106. Programme and correspondencere arrangements. 5pp typescript of Salam’s tribute to Sir Denys Wilkinson with covering correspondence. 18th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Tashkent, USSR, 8-12 September 1987. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 496 Visits and conferences J.488-J.495 China, 14-18 September 1987. J.488 Correspondencere travel arrangements. J.489 J.490 List of names and addresses of contacts. 2nd General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) on South-South and South-North Co-operation in Science, Beijing, China, 14-18 September 1987. Salam gave an address. See also F.107-F.110, K.281-K.580. Papers and correspondence re arrangements. J.491 University of Nanjing. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.492 Nankai University, Tianjin. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.493 Peking University, Beijing. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.494 Institute of Metal Research and the International Centre for Materials Physics, Shenyang. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.495 Letters of thanks. J.496, J.497 Pakistan, 18-20 September 1987. J.496 Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 497 Visits and conferences J.497 List of names and addressesof contacts. J.498, J.499 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 30th Anniversary Conference, Vienna, Austria, 21-25 September 1987. Salam gave a lecture on development through the transfer of nuclear science and technology. J.498 J.499 J.500 See also F.111, F.112. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks. Cooperativa Cattolico Democratica di Cultura Lecture, Brescia, Italy, 4 November 1987. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘The Progress of Science for the Development of Peoples’. See also F.113. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements(Italian). J.501, J.502 International Colloquium in Honour of Professor De Broglie, Paris, France, 5- 6 November 1987. J.501 J.502 Salam gavea talk on particle physics. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re reimbursement of expenses. J.503, J.504 Pakistan, 5-15 December 1987. J.503 J.504 Correspondencerevisit. Letter of thanks and correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 J.505-J.507 J.505 J.506 J.507 Visits and conferences International Ceremony, Florence, Italy, 20 December 1987. for Peace and International Prize 498 Understanding Award Salam gave an addressentitled ‘Global Problems of Science and Education (with UNESCO’s Involvement)’. See also F.114. Correspondencere arrangements. 17pp typescript address. Correspondencearising andletters of thanks. 1988 J.508-J.518 Conference of Nobel Laureates: Facing the 21st Century: Threats and Promises, Paris, France, 18-21 January 1988. Salam gave a presentation on science, technology and development. J.508 J.509 J.510 J.511 J.512 See also F.115-F.120, F.419-F.421. Invitation and conferenceoutline. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Correspondence disarmamentand problemsofstarvation. possible re formulation of statements on nuclear Copies (French and English) of the speech given by F. Mitterrand, President of France, at the closing session. Copies (French and English) of the speech given by E. Wieselat the closing session. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 499 Visits and conferences J.513 J.514 J.515 J.516 J.517 J.518 J.519 List of participants. Final report. Press cuttings. Correspondence and papersre publication of proceedings. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Correspondence arising re possible establishment of a permanent grouping of Nobel Laureates with an office in New York, USA. Informal Meeting of the Rotary Club on Science, Trieste, Italy, 28 January 1988. Salam was invited to give a short talk. Correspondencere arrangements. J.520-J.527 Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangkok and Brunei, 22 February-7 March 1988. J.520, J.521 Pakistan, 22-29 February 1988. Salam gave the Faiz Memorial Lecture entitled ‘Science and the Universe’, Lahore, 27 February 1988. J.520 J.521 J.522 Correspondencerevisit. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Singapore, 29 February 1988. Correspondencerevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 500 Visits and conferences J.523, J.524 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 February-4 March 1988. Salam attended the 2nd Meeting of the South Commission, Kuala Lumpur, 1-3 March 1988. J.523 J.524 J.525 See also E.491-E.598. Correspondence and papersrevisit. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Bangkok, Thailand, 8 March 1988. Correspondencere arrangements. J.526, J.527 Brunei, 8-7 March 1988. J.526 J.527 Salam gave a public lecture entitled ‘Science in the Third World and the Unification of Fundamental Forces’. Papers and correspondencerevisit. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising re proposals for enhancing science and technologyin the Third World. J.528, J.529 From Protein Structure to Protein Engineering Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 21- 25 March 1988. J.528 J.529 Salam gave a presentation on unification. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.530, J.531 Inauguration of an exhibition entitled ‘L’Arte dell’ Islam’, Trieste, Italy, 5 April 1988. Salam opened the exhibition. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 501 Visits and conferences J.530 J.531 Correspondencere arrangements and exhibition brochure(Italian). 3pp typescript of Salam’s inaugural address. J.532, J.533 Ath Dennis Gabor Memorial Lecture, London, 26 April 1988. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Unification of Fundamental Forces’ J.532 J.533 Correspondence andpapers re arrangements. 6pp typescript of the 3rd Dennis Gabor Memorial Lecture given by R. Penrose entitled ‘Can a Quantum Device Achieve What a Turning [sic] Device Cannot?’ J.534-J.538 3rd ESO/CERN Symposium on Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, Bologna, Italy, 16-20 May 1988. J.534 J.535 J.536 J.537 J.538 J.539 Salam gave the openinglecture. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Correspondence re contents of Salam’slecture. 29pp typescript with illustrative figures entitled 'Galaxy and Cluster Redshift Surveys' by M. J. Geller and J. P. Huchra. 14pp typescript with ‘Analysis of the Data Recorded by the Mount Blanc Neutrino Detector and by the Maryland and Rome Gravitational Wave Detectors’ presented by G. Pizzella, La Thuile, Italy, 29 February-5 March 1988. illustrative figures entitled Correspondencere reimbursement of expenses. Meeting of the Gran Sasso International Scientific Committee, L'Aquila, Italy, 26-28 May 1988. Correspondencere attendance. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 502 Visits and conferences J.540-J.544 129th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris, France, 7 June 1988. J.540 J.541 J.542 J.543 J.544 Salam gave an address. Correspondencere arrangements. 34pp untitled typescript notes re the history and work of the ICTP. Manuscript and typescript notes re UNESCOrelations with ICTP. 21pp typescript statistics and notes re ICTP activities. Letters of thanks and correspondence re reimbursementof expenses. J.545-J.547 Dirac Memorial Lecture, Cambridge, UK, 13 June 1988. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘Unification of Fundamental Forces’. J.545 J.546 J.547 See also E.599-E.628. Correspondencere arrangements. 9pp typescript lecture notes. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.548, J.549 International Conference on Scientific Thinking: Between Secularization and the Transcendent, Turin, Italy 21-23 June 1988. Salam participated in a session on ‘Religious Culture and the Culture of the Scientists’. See also F.122, F.123, F.422-F.424. J.548 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 503 Visits and conferences J.549 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.550, J.551 Meeting to discuss the preparation of the UNESCO Third Medium-Term Plan, Paris, France, 1-2 July 1988. J.550 J.551 Papers and correspondence rearrangements. Final report. J.552, J.553 General Assembly of the World Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland, 8 July 1988. J.552 J.553 J.554 Correspondencere arrangements. 5pp typescript message from G. Andreotti, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. 24th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Munich, West Germany, 4-10 August 1988. Salam chaired a plenary session. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. J.555-J.558 3rd Meeting of the South Commission, Cocoyoc, Mexico, 5-8 August 1988. Salam gave a speech. See also E.491-E.494, K.210-K.220. J.555 J.556 J.557 Variously paginated typescript notes on science and high technology in the developmentof the south. 11pp typescript re ICTP scientific activities in 1987. Draft version of International Centre for Theoretical Physics booklet on the network of associate and federated institutes (July 1988). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 504 Visits and conferences J.558 Typescript notes and figures re International Centre for Theoretical Physics activities involving Latin American countries. J.559, J.560 150th Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Oxford, UK, 5-9 September 1988. Salam gavea talk on scientific co-operation and the Third World. J.559 J.560 Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks. J.561, J.562 Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Stockholm, Sweden, 27-29 September 1988. See also H.280-H.286. J.561 Papers and correspondencere arrangements. J.562 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.563 153rd Meeting of the Scientific Policy Committee of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-11 October 1988. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. J.564-J.567 1st Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP): A Study of Global Change, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28 October 1988. Salam gave a talk on the role of the Third World scientists in the planning and implementation of the IGBP. J.564 J.565 See also F.125-F.127. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondenceand papersre reimbursement of expenses. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 505 Visits and conferences J.566 J.567 Correspondence and papersarising. Copy of minutes. J.568-J.570 Tehran, Iran, 18-22 November 1988. J.568 J.569 J.570 J.571 Papersrevisit. List of names and addressesof contacts. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. 2nd International Scientists’ Congress: Ways Out of the Arms Race, London, 2-4 December1988. Salam was invited to chair a plenary session. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. J.572, J.573 Ajman University College of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates, 13 December 1988. Salam gavea lecture on the unification of fundamental forces. J.572 J.573 Correspondence re arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.574, J.575 Meeting of the Old Ravians Association, Karachi, Pakistan, 20 December 1988. J.574 J.575 Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and 2pp typescript speech given byK. Idris, President of the Old Ravians Association. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 506 Visits and conferences J.576-J.582 Pakistan, 15-22 December 1988. J.576 J-577 J.578 J.579 J.580 Correspondencerevisit. List of names and addresses of contacts. Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences Convocation, Karachi, 22 December 1988. Correspondencere possible attendance. Letters of thanks. Symposium on the December 1988. Frontiers of Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan, 26-31 Correspondence re possible attendance and the award ceremony for the Salam Prize in mathematics. J.581 World Punjabi Conference, Lahore, December 1988. Correspondencereinvitation. J.582 International Symposium on Genetic Karachi, 2-4 January 1989. Engineering and Biotechnology, Correspondencereinvitation. 1989 J.583 Annual Informal Particle Theory Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 4-6 January 1989. Programmeand correspondencere attendance. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 507 Visits and conferences J.584-J.595 USA, 22-29 January 1989. J.584 J.585 J.586 J.587 J.588 Correspondencere arrangements and possible visits. 23pp manuscript notes re conformal field theory. 27pp manuscript notes re the history of ideas on unification forces. 48pp untitled manuscript notes. Manuscript and typescript notes entitled ‘Copies of South Comm. Transp. in Occasion of Prof. Salam Travel to US'.’ J.589, J.590 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 23-24 January 1989. Salam gave an address entitled Reference to Sciencein Islam’ as part of the sesquicentennial celebrations. ‘Religion and Science with Particular J.589 J.590 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondence re reimbursement of expenses. 3091; J.592 David Saxon Lecture, University of California, Los Angeles, 25-26 January 1989. J.591 J.592 Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 J.593-J.595 Visits and conferences Murray Gell-Mann’s 60th Technology, Pasadena, California, 27-28 January 1989. Celebrations, Birthday California 508 Institute of Salam attended a symposium and gave a talk entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Education in the Development of the South’. See also E.349, F.132, F.133, F.426. J.593 Correspondencere arrangements. J.594 J.595 J.596 J.597 5pp typescript entitled ‘The Gell-Mann Age of Particle Physics’. Letters of thanks and correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. Overseas Students Committee, Imperial College, London, 6 February 1989. Correspondencereinvitation to give a talk. Instituto Venezolana de Investigaciones Cientificas Celebrations, Caracas, Venezuela, 6-11 February 1989. 30th Anniversary Salam wasinvited to be guest speaker at a session on ‘Development and Perspectives in the Third World’. Programmeand correspondencere invitation. J.598-J.600 CISE Innovation Technologies Centre, Milan, Italy, 6 March 1989. Salam gavea talk on the unification of the fundamental forces of nature. J.598 J.599 J.600 Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Variously paginated manuscript lecture notes. Letters of thanks. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 509 Visits and conferences J.601 2nd Meeting of the Third World Association for Remote Sensing (TWARS), Trieste, Italy, 13-21 March 1989. Salam wasinvited to give an opening speech. Programme and correspondencere attendance. J.602 Centenary Celebrations of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Frankfurt, West Germany, 23 March 1989. Correspondencere arrangements. J.603-J.636 Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, 7-23 May 1989. Salam started and ended this tour in Pakistan. From India he visited Bangladesh andreturned to India before moving on to Nepal. J.603 J.604 Itinerary. Lists of names and addressesof contacts. J.605-J.607 Variously paginated lecture notes. Three folders. J.608-J.612 Pakistan, 7-12 May 1989. J.608 J.609 J.610 Correspondencere arrangements. List of names and addresses of contacts. Physics Society Annual Conference, 19 February 1989. Salam was unable to attend. Correspondencereinvitation. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 510 Visits and conferences J.611 Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. Correspondencere possible visit. J.612 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.613-J.619 India, 12-14 May 1989. J.613 Correspondencerevisit. J.614 Lists of names and addressesof contacts. J.615 New Dehli, 12-18 May 1989. Salam used New Dehli as a base from which to make various visits during his stay in India. Correspondencere arrangements. J.616 Letters of thanks. J.617-J.619 Aligarh Muslim University, 12-14 May 1989. J.617 J.618 Correspondencerevisit. Report of the Faculty of Science Panel Discussions on Directions for Developmentof Scienceat Aligarh Muslim University, 14 May 1989. J.619 Correspondencearising and letters of thanks. J.620, J.621 Sri Lanka, 14-16 May 1989. J.620 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 541 Visits and conferences J.621 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.622-J.630 India, 16-18 May 1989. J.622 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 15 May 1989. Correspondencere possible visit. J.623, J.624 B. M. Birla Memorial Lecture, Hyderabad, 17 May 1989. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Astroparticle Physics’. J.623 J.624 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.625 University of Allahabad. Correspondencere possiblevisit. J.626 Institute of Physics, Bhubanswar. Correspondencere possiblevisit. J627 Calcutta. Correspondencere possible visit. J.628 India Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Correspondencere possiblevisit. J.629 Physical Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad. Correspondencere possible visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 512 Visits and conferences J.630 Letters of thanks. J.631-J.633 Bangladesh, 18-19 May 1989. J.631 J.632 Salam attended the 1st Meeting of the Board of Advisers of the International Institute of Environmental Studies and Disaster Management, Dhaka, 18-20 May 1988. Correspondencerevisit. Report of the 1st Meeting of the Board of Advisers of the International Institute Disaster Management and correspondencearising. Environmental of Studies and J.633 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.634, J.635 Nepal, 19-22 May 1989. Salam attended the inauguration of the BCSPIN Physics Summer School, Kathmandu, 21 May-9 June 1989. J.634 J.635 J.636 See also J.685. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Papers and correspondenceretravel expenses. J.637, J.638 Planet Earth Symposium, Paris, France, 12-13 June 1989. Salam gave a talk on the earth’s resources and environmental problemsin relation to development. See also F.136-F.138, F.427. J.637 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 513 Visits and conferences J.638 Correspondencearising. J.639-J.647 Science and Technology for the Future, High-Level Colloquium, Paris, France, 14-16 June 1989. Salam participated in a session on international co-operation in scientific research. J.639 J.640 J.641 Invitation, programmeand papers re arrangements. List of participants. List of speakers. J.642-J.646 Papersarising. J.642 J.643 J.644 J.645 J.646 3pp typescript opening address of F. Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO. Summary conclusions of sessions I-IV. 11pp typescript of concluding remarks by R. Sagdeev, M. S. Swaminathan, A. King and W. A. Rosenblith, session chairmen. Press release. 2pp typescript remarks by Assistance Committee. J. C. Wheeler, Chairman, Development J.647 Report. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 514 Visits and conferences J.648, J.649 Meeting of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Standing Committee on Assessment and Priorities, Paris, France, 17-18 June 1989. J.648 J.649 Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Draft report. J.650, J.651 International Symposium on Man, Science and Society on the Threshold of the Year 2000, Venice, Italy, 5-7 July 1989. Salam gave a keynote speech at a session on ‘Science and the New Vision of the World’. J.650 J.651 Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondenceand papersre publication. J.652, J.653 La Versiliana Festival, Tuscany, Italy 25 August 1989. J.652 J.653 J.654 Salam gavea talk. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. 3rd International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter, L’Aquila, Italy, 20-23 September 1989. Invitation only. J.655-J.670 USA and Jamaica, September-October 1989 J.655 J.656 Correspondencereitinerary. Correspondence re Salam’s passport and travel visa. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 515 J.657 J.658 Visits and conferences Lists of names and addressesof contacts. 6pp typescript entitled ‘Proposal for the Establishment of a Regional Network of Institutes for High Technology and Environmental Sciences in Developing Countries’. J.659, J.660 Texas A & M University, Texas, 21-23 September 1989. Salam gave a talk on the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, at a seminar. J.659 J.660 Correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks and papers re reimbursement of expenses. J.661-J.663 Jamaica, 23-26 September 1989. J.661 J.662 Correspondenceand papersrevisit. 18pp typescript entitled 'Report of the ICWI Group Foundation Task Forceto Examine Development of a Learning Museum’. J.663 Letters of thanks and press cuttings re Salam’s visit. J.664, J.665 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 29 September 1989. Salam gave lecture entitled ‘The Unification of the Fundamental Forcesof Nature and Science and Technology in Developing Countries’. J.664 J.665 Correspondencere arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondence re payment of an honorarium. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 516 Visits and conferences J.666, J.667 University of Chicago, Illinois, 3 October 1989. Salam gavethe Albert Pick Jnr Lecture on International Issues entitled ‘What the North Can Do Toward Building Up Sciencein the South’. J.666 J.667 J.668 J.669 J.670 J.671 Correspondence re arrangements. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Correspondencere the USA’s extended space programme. Letters of thanks. Correspondencere reimbursementof travel expenses. Meeting of the San GrassoInternational Scientific Committee, Rome, Italy, 16 October 1989. Correspondencere attendance and reimbursementof travel expenses. J.672-J.676 United Nations Panel Meeting of Eminent Persons on Peace, Development and the Role of Science and Technology, New York, USA, 25-26 October 1989. J.672 J.673 J.674 See also F.139. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Correspondence and papers re travel arrangements. Report of a meeting of experts on disarmament/conversion, climate and information technology, 28 September 1989, with notes by Salam. J.675 List of participants and copy of statement on behalf of the panel. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 517 Visits and conferences J.676 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.677-J.689 India, November 1989. Salam had hoped to visit Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan during his stay in India but was prevented from doing so byill-health. J.677 Raman Centenary Seminar, University of Allahabad, 5-7 November 1989. Correspondencere arrangements. J.678 Meeting of the Indian Science Writers Association, New Delhi, 11 November 1989. Salam was invited to lecture. Letter re arrangements. J.679 Nehru Centenary International Seminar on Science and Technology for National Development, New Delhi, 14-16 November 1989. Salam wasinvited to give a presentation but was unable to attend. Correspondencere arrangements. J.680 Dhaka, Bangladesh, 16-17 November 1989. Salam wasunable to visit. Correspondencere arrangements. J.681-J.683 1st Pugwash Workshop on Non-Military Dimensions of Global Security, New Delhi, 21-24 November 1989. J.681 J.682 Salam was unable to attend. Invitation, agenda and papers re arrangements. 25pp typescript entitled ‘The Evolution of the Strategic Doctrine of Low- Intensity Conflict and its Effect on the Third World: the Case of Latin America’ by V. Gamba-Stonehouse. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 518 Visits and conferences J.683 List of participants and papersarising. J.684, J.685 Nepal. J.684 J.685 Correspondence re possible visit and copy of Communicator, newsletter of the Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, July 1989. Copyof report on the ICTP-BCSPIN Summer School in Physics, Kathmandu, 21 May-9 June 1989. See also J.634 and J.635. J.686 Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan. Correspondencere possible visit. J.687 Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Poona University, Pune. Correspondencere possible visit. J.688 Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan. Invitations to visit. J.689 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Letter re possiblevisit. J.690-J.695 Commission on Health Research for Development Meeting, Paris, France, 28-29 November 1989. J.690 J.691 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission on Health Research for Development, Tokyo, Japan, 18-20 June 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 519 J.692 J.693 J.694 J.695 J.696 Visits and conferences 6pp typescript report of Commission activities. Commission papers. Correspondence and papersarising. Correspondenceand papers re reimbursementof travel expenses. 25th Anniversary Celebrations of the International School of Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 4 December 1989. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. 1990 J.697-J.705 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 1-7 February 1990 J.697 J.698 J.699 J.700 J.701 J.702 Salam was a member of the council. Correspondenceand papersre arrangements. Preparatory papers for council members. Correspondence and papersre travel and accommodation arrangements. Agendas and programmes. Lists of participants. Programmebooklet (annotated). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 520 Visits and conferences Correspondence and papersre reimbursement of expenses. Highlights and summary of programme. Correspondence and papersarising. J.703 J.704 J.705 J.706-J.713 Eureka Seminar on Advanced Technologies for Developing Countries, Florence, Italy, 9-10 March 1990. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘The Problems of Developing Countries in Connection with the Utilization of Advanced Technologies; Planning, Training and Financing’ at the opening session. Programme,correspondence and papers re arrangements. List of participants. Twotypescript versions, both 8pp, of Salam’s talk (one annotated). 8pp typescript concluding remarks by Minister Ruberti. 11pp typescript lecture notes entitled ‘Programme on Industrial Automation of the Capital Goods Industry of Latin America’ by A. Araoz, Deputy Director General, UNIDO, Vienna. 15pp typescript entitled ‘The Role of Science and Technology in Coping with Problems of Development’ by Italian Commission for Nuclear and Alternative Energy Sources. U. Colombo, Chairman of the 8pp typescript entitled ‘International Co-operation on Advanced Technology’ by S. Tomita. 6pp typescript with appendicesentitled ‘Scientific and Technological Training in Developing Countries’ by A. Badran. J.706 J.707 J.708 J.709 J.710 J.711 J.712 J.713 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 621 Visits and conferences J.714 Meeting on Ethics in Islam, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 16-18 March 1990. Salam gavea talk onreligion and science. Correspondenceand papersre arrangements. J.715 Meeting to discuss the Implementation of International Centre for Applied Sciences (ICAS) Research Proposals, Cagliari, Italy, 7 April 1990. Correspondencere arrangements. J.716, J.717 Symposium on the Scientific Future of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-18 April 1990. Salam gave a talk entitled ‘Science, Technology and Development in Turkey’. See also F.142. J.716 Correspondencere arrangements. Jet Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.718 Spain, 28-29 May 1990. 14pp variously paginated typescript and manuscript statistics ‘Popular Lecture’. labelled J.719, J.720 Foundation for the Future of the World’s Children Summit Meeting: Voice of the Children, Noordwiijk, Netherlands, 16-17 June 1990. JC J.720 Salam wasinvited to give a talk. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Letters of thanks (with photograph). Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 522 Visits and conferences J.721 Symposium of Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics in Honour of Stig Lundqvist, Trieste, Italy, 11-13 August 1990. Salam chaired a session. Programme and correspondencere arrangements. J.722 162nd Meeting of the Scientific Policy Committee of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-2 October 1990. Correspondencere arrangements. J.723-J.729 Latin America, 12-24 October 1990. J.723 Flight programme. J.724-J.727 Venezuela, 12-19 October 1990. J.724 Correspondencerevisit. J.725-J.727 Third General Conference of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Caracas, Venezuela, 15-19 October 1990. J.725 J.726 J.727 J.728 See also F.144, F.145, F.429. Correspondencere arrangements. Messagefrom the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Letters of thanks. Brazil, 19-21 October 1990. Correspondencerevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 523 Visits and conferences J.729 Argentina, 21-24 October 1990. Correspondencerevisit. J.730, J.731 Conference of Nobel Laureates on Science and Technology in a Changing World: the Role of Europe, Castelporziano, Italy, 3-4 December 1990. Salam gavea talk on the role of science for development. J.730 J.731 J.732 See also F.147, F.430. Correspondence re arrangements. Letter of thanks and correspondencere publication of proceedings. Morocco, 28 December 1990-5 January 1991. Salam was invited to attend the 4th Recontre de Rabat. Correspondence re arrangements. 1991 J.733 Padova, Italy, 4 March 1991. Salam gavea talk. Programmeand correspondence(Italian) arising. J.734, J,735 Algeria, 26-30 April, 1991. J.734 J.735 Correspondencerevisit. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 524 Visits and conferences J.736, J.737 Lecture on Islam and Science: Harmony or Conflict?, Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy, 11 May 1991. J.736 Correspondencere arrangements. J.737 Correspondencearising. J.738 Ceremony for the Opening of the Academic Year of the Ateneo Veneto, Venice,Italy, 20 May 1991. Salam gavea talk on Islam and science. Correspondence re arrangements. J.739, J.740 Meeting of the International Jury of the Félix Houphouét-Boigny Peace Prize, Paris, France, 27 June 1991. J.739 J.740 J.741 See also J.770-J.778, J.795-J.797, J.831-J.833. Agenda, list of candidates and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Agenda of Science for Environment and Developmentinto the 21st Century Laxenburg, (ASCEND 21) Advisory Committee and Authors Meeting, Austria, 1-5 July 1991. See also J.757-J.762. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. J.742, J.743 Espace European des Science et des Arts (EESA) Conference: Sciences of the Universe, Strasbourg, France, 2-5 July 1991. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Chirality and the Origin of Life on the Planet’. J.742 J.743 Programme and correspondence and papersre arrangements. Correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 525 Visits and conferences J.744, J.745 Swiss Development Co-operation Conference, Fribourg, Switzerland, 5 September 1991. J.744 J.745 J.746 J.747-J5.749 J.747 J.748 J.749 Salam gave a talk on science and technology and development. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Galileo Ritrovato Seminar, Venice, Italy, 13 September 1991. Salam gavea talk. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Meeting 167th Switzerland, 23-24 September 1991. of the CERN Scientific Policy Committee, Geneva, Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Correspondence and papersre travel and accommodation expenses. J.750, J.751 3rd Recontres de Blois: Frontiers of Life, Chateau de Blois, France, 14-19 October 1991. Salam gavea talk entitled ‘The Role of Chirality in the Origin of Life’. J.750 J.751 Papers and correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 526 Visits and conferences J.752-J.754 British Association for Pakistan Studies Public Lecture, London, 28 October 1991. Salam gave a lecture entitled ‘The Importance of Scientific Research in Developing Countries’. J.752 J.753 Correspondencere arrangements. ‘Importance of Scientific Research in Islamic Countries: A Blueprint for Progress’ by S. A. Durrani, MAAS J. Islamic Science 2(2), July-December 1986. J.754 Letters of thanks. J.755, J.756 International Forum of Christian Democratic Political Leaders, Rome, Italy, 22-23 November 1991. J.755 J.756 Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.757-J.762 International Conference on ASCEND 21, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 November 1991. J.757 J.758 J.759 J.760 See also F.150, J.741. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Registration form and biographical members of the Advisory Committee. details of panellists, authors and Conference statementandlist of participants. Correspondenceand papers re Salam’s speech. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 527 Visits and conferences J.761 J.762 Communications, containing a report on the conference (pp 23-25). European Science Foundation Journal, April 1992, Correspondence and papers re an interview Salam published in The Inter Technology Report. J.763 University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, 27 November 1991. Salam wasinvited to talk on science in developing countries. The visit was postponed. Correspondencere arrangements. J.764-J.766 Nobel Jubilee Celebrations, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-12 December 1991. J.764 J.765 Programme, papers and correspondencere arrangements. Lunch with the Pakistan Ambassador, 8 December 1991. Correspondencere arrangements. J.766 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.767, J.768 Oslo, Norway, 12-14 December 1991. J.767 J.768 J.769 See also F.151. Correspondencerevisits. Letters of thanks. International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Ahmedabad, India, 13-18 December 1991. Correspondencere possible attendance. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 528 Visits and conferences 1992 J.770-J.778 1st Ceremony for the Award of the Félix Houphouét-Boigny Peace Prize, Paris, France, 3 February 1992. J.770 J.771 J.772 J.773 J.774 J.775 J.776 ALTA J.778 J.779 See also J.739, J.740, J.795-J.797, J.831-J.833. Invitation and correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence and papersre travel arrangements. 8pp typescript address by F. Mayor, Director-General of UNESCO. 8pp typescript address by A. Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal. 3pp typescript address by H. A. Kissinger, President of the International Jury. App typescript address by F. W. De Klerk, President of the Republic of South Africa. 11pp typescript address by N. R. Mandela, President of the African National Congress. Correspondence and papersarising. Commemorative brochure. The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology: A Survey Meeting to Celebrate the 65th Birthday of Dennis Sciama, Trieste, Italy, 13-15 April 1992. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 529 Visits and conferences J.780-J.783 Visit by Pope John Paul Il, Trieste, Italy, 2 May 1992. J.780 J.781 J.782 J.783 Salam gave a greeting address. Correspondenceandpapers re arrangements. Correspondence and papers(Italian) arising. Copies of newspaper and magazine articles (Italian) re the Pope's visit. Various typescript versions of Salam’s address (one in amendments and notes. Italian) with J.784, J.785 Population Conference: Stockholm 1993, Planning Meeting, London, 6 May 1992. J.784 J.785 Agenda, correspondence and papersre arrangements. Papers and correspondencearising. J.786, J.787 The Search for New Elementary Particles: Status and Prospects Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 20-22 May 1992. J.786 J.787 Salam gave a welcomeaddress. Programme, correspondenceand papersre arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.788, J.789 Nobel’s Day, Sanremo, Italy, 8 June 1992. J.788 J.789 Programme and correspondencere arrangements. Letters of thanks. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 530 Visits and conferences J.790, J.791 Moscow, Russia, 7-9 August 1992. J.790 J.791 Correspondence re arrangements. Letters of thanks. J.792, J:793 Science and Ethics at the Dawning of the Third Millennium, Varenna, Italy, 28-30 September 1992. J.792 J.793 J.794 Salam gavea talk on religion and science. Programmeand correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Biotechnology Research and Development Trends: Science Policy for Development, Trieste, Italy, 2-6 October 1992. Correspondence and papersre attendance. J.795-J.797 Meeting of the International Jury of the Félix Houphouét-Boigny PeacePrize, Paris, France, 13 October 1992. J.795 J.796 J.797 J.798 See also J.739, J.740, J.770-J.778, J.831-J.833. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. List of candidates with biographical information. Correspondencearising re reimbursementof travel expenses. 4th National Physics Conference on the Role of Physics in the Development and Maintenance of the Environment, Cairo, Egypt, 28-30 November 1992. Salam wasinvited to give a talk but was unableto attend. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 531 Visits and conferences J.799-J.802 1st Meeting for the Preparation of the Magna Carta of Duties, Trieste, Italy, 4-5 December 1992. J.799 J.800 J.801 J.802 J.803 Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. ‘Science and the Problem of Values’ by R. W. Sperry, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Autumn 1972, pp 115-130. International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1991 Financial Reports. Correspondence and papersarising. 1993 International Conference on Sustainable Development Strategies and Global, Regional and Local Impacts on Atmospheric Composition and Climate, Delhi, India, 25-30 January 1993. Correspondence re possible attendance. J.804-J.830 Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, 13-24 February 1993. J.804 J.805 J.806 Visits were not undertaken. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Lists of names and addressesof contacts. Bangladesh, 13-16 February1993. Correspondenceand papersrevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 532 Visits and conferences J.807-J.820 India, 16-20 February 1993. Salam plannedto visit Delhi, Aligarh and Amritsar and received invitations to visit several other cities and regions during his stay. J.807 Lists of names and addresses of contacts. J.808 Aligarh Muslim University, 16-17 February 1993. Correspondence andpapersrevisit. J.809 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 19-29 February 1993. Correspondencerevisit. J.810 International Centre for PeaceInitiatives, Bombay. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.811 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Calcutta. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.812 University of Science and Technology, Cochin. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.813 Delhi. Correspondencerevisit. J.814 B. M. Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.815 Devi Ahilya University, Indore. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 533 Visits and conferences J.816 S. |. D. Rajasthan Chapter, Society of International Development, Jaipur. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.817 Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.818 Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.819 Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sangpur. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.820 Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Thiruvanathapuram. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.821-J.830 Pakistan, 20-24 February 1993. J.821 J.822 Correspondenceand papers re arrangements. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Islamabad. Salam accepted a position on the Advisory Board and wasinvited to present the ‘Salam prizes’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.823 Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.824 Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 534 Visits and conferences J.825 Philosophical Society, Quaid-l-Azam University, Islamabad. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.826 Hamdard University, Karachi. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.827 P. |. A. Planetarium, Karachi. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.828 Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.829 Lahore. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.830 Academy of Sciences of the Mongolian People’s Republic, Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.831-J.833 Félix Houphouét-Boigny Peace Prize Award Ceremony, Paris, France, 18 May 1993. J.831 J.832 See also J.739, J.740, J.770-J.778, J.795-J.797. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence arising re reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses. J.833 Commemorative brochure. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 535 Visits and conferences J.834-J.837 Bangladesh, 21-25 May 1993. Salam visited as a state guest of the Bangladeshi government. See also F.152, F.153. J.834 Correspondence and papersrevisit. J.835 J.836 J.837 J.838 J.839 Visit programme. Typescript addresses of Salam and N. Rahman at the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the International Centre for Science, Technology and Environment for Densely Populated Regions (ICSTED), Dhaka. Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. Symposium of Plasma Science and Technology in Honour of Professor Meghnad Saha, University of Allahabad, India, 4-6 October 1993. Correspondencere attendance. 16th Meeting of Nobel Laureates (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 30 June-4 July 1997. Announcementonly. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 536 Visits and conferences J.840-J.1790 INVITATIONS NOT ACCEPTED 1969-1996 This sub-section contains material relating to invitations that Salam declined. It mainly comprises invitations with a (standard) response from Salam expressing regret at not being able to attend. Occasionally, however, Salam planned to attend a conference or undertake a visit but was prevented from doing so at a later date. In such cases, invitations are accompanied by further correspondence and papers concerning arrangements. The sub-section is divided into two separate sequencesreflecting distinct filing series. The first sequence is sorted chronologically. The second sequenceis sorted alphabetically by country. J.840-J.1693 Chronological series J.1694-J.1790 Alphabetical series J.840-J.1693 Chronological Series 1969-1983, 1987-1996 1969 UNESCO Meeting on National Scientific Communities, Nairobi, Kenya, 20-26 January 1969. 1st Coral Gables Conference on Fundamental Interactions at High Energy, University of Miami, Florida, USA, 22-24 January 1969. Symposium International sur le Development, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 29 March-3 February 1969. Inaugural Conference of the European Physical Society on the Growth Points of Physics, Florence, Italy, 8-12 April 1969. International Conference on Properties of Nuclear States, Montreal, Canada, 25-30 August 1969. J.840 J.841 J.842 J.843 J.844 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 537 J.845 J.846 J.847 J.848 Visits and conferences International Course in Physics, Palma de Majorca, Spain, August 1969. International Symposium on Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies, University of Liverpool, UK, 14-20 September 1969. Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-20 September 1969. Ghandi Centenary Conference on Science, Education and Non-Violence, Ahmedabad, India, 14-17 October 1969. 1970 J.849 SummerSchool on HadronsInteractions, Bagur, Spain, July 1970 J.850 J.851 J.852 J.853 1971 10th Internationale Universitatswochen fur Kernphysik, Schladming, Styria Austria, 28 February-14 March 1971. 7th Meeting of the Regional Group for Asia of ACAST, Bangkok, Thailand, 25-27 October 1971. 1972 11th Internationale Universitatswochen fur Kernphysik, Schladming, Styria, Austria, 21 February-4 March 1972. 6th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, New York, USA, 18-22 December 1972. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 538 Visits and conferences 1973 Asia Assembly, New Delhi, India, 5-8 February 1973. International Seminar on Nonlocal Quantum Field Theory, Alushta, USSR, 23-30 April 1973. Summer School in Theoretical Physics, Tehran, Iran, 15-31 September 1973. Adriatic Summer Meeting on Particle Physics, September-5 October 1973. Rovinj, Yugoslavia, 23 International 16th Gravitation, Brussels, Belgium, 24-28 September 1973. Solvay Conference on Physics: Astrophysics and International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Executive Committee Meeting, Budapest Hungary, 28-29 September 1973. Club of Rome Technical Symposium and General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, 24-27 October 1973. 1974 1st Symposium of the European Society of Mathematical Physics, Warsaw, Poland, 25-30 March 1974. International Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 26-28 April 1974. Conference Neutrino on Physics and Astrophysics, Balaton Symposium on 9th Interactions, Balatonfured, Hungary, 12-18 June 1974. Physics: Particle High Energy Hadron J.854 J.855 J.856 J.857 J.858 J.859 J.860 J.861 J.862 J.863 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 539 Visits and conferences J.864 J.865 J.866 J.867 J.868 J.869 J.870 J.871 J.872 J.873 J.874 Seminar on Quarks and Partons Problems, Moscow, USSR, 25-17 June 1974. Physics Symposium in Memory of Professor S. N. Bose, Dacca, Bangladesh, 18-21 November 1974. International Symposium on Recent Trends in Professor Mahalanobis, Calcutta, India, 15-29 December 1974. Statistics in Memory of 7th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, Texas, USA, 16- 20 December 1974. 1975 12th Annual Winter School for Theoretical Physics, Karpacz, Poland, 17 February-2 March 1975. International Colloquium on Neutrino Physics at High Energy, Paris, France, 18-20 March 1975. Conference on Plasticity California, Irvine, California, USA, 16-17 May 1975. in Simple Neuronal Systems, University of 5th International Conference on Neutrino Science, Balatonflired, Hungary, 16-21 June 1975. Canadian Institute of Particle Physics Summer School, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 16-21 June 1975. International Symposium on Mathematical Physics, 28 Bogazi¢i University, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 July-2 August 1975. International Symposium on Lepton and Photon Interactions Energies, Stanford University, California, USA, 21-27 August 1975. at High Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 540 J.875 J.876 J.877 J.878 J.879 J.880 J.881 J.882 J.883 J.884 J.885 Visits and conferences 3rd International Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 3-13 September 1975. 3rd European Physical Society (EPS) General Conference: Energy and Physics, Bucharest, Romania, 9-12 September 1975. International Centre for Scientific Culture Workshop on Quarks and Hadronic Structure, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 22-30 September 1975. Conference on Gauge Theories and Modern Field Theory, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 26-27 September 1975. Ath International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, New York, USA, 27-30 November 1975. 1976 Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, Florida, USA, 19-22 January 1976. 8th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Boston, USA, 27-29 January 1976. 15th Internationale Univesitatswochen flr Kernphysik, Schladming, Austria, 16-27 February 1976. International Meeting on Storage Ring Physics, Savoie, France, 22-28 February 1976. Meeting on Frontier Problems in High Energy Physics, Pisa, Italy, 4-5 June 1976. Conference on Quantum Theory and the Structures of Time and Space in Memory of Werner Heisenberg, Tutzing, East Germany, 12-15 July 1976. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 541 J.886 J.887 J.888 J.889 J.890 J.891 J.892 J.893 J.894 J.895 Visits and conferences 30th International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa, Mexico, 3-8 August 1976. ~Anniversary 70th Colloquium on Culture and Deviopment, Dakar, Senegal, 2-9 October 1976. President Leopold Sedar Senghor International of 1977 Meeting on Development in the Theory of Fundamental Particles, Rome, Italy, 14-19 February 1977. European Committee for Hamburg, West Germany, 24-28 February 1977. Future Accelerators (ECFA) Study Week, International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Neutron Astrophysics, Elbrus, USSR, 18-24 June 1977. 8th GIFT International Seminar on Theoretical Physics, Salamanca, Spain, 13-19 June 1977. International Symposium on New Particles and the Structure of Hadrons, University of Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 July 1977. Conference on Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics, University of Bonn, West Germany, 13-16 July 1977. 5th International Workshop on Weak Interactions with Very High Energy Beams, Kobe, Japan, 19-28 July 1977. International Summer School on Particles and Fields, Canada, 25 August-3 September 1977. Banff, Alberta, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 542 J.896 J.897 J.898 J.899 J.900 J.901 J.902 J.903 J.904 J.905 Visits and conferences Union of Pure and Applied International Physics (IUPAP) Executive Committee Meeting and Physical Society of Japan Annual meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 6-12 October 1977. International Scientific Forum on an Acceptable Nuclear Future of the World, University of Miami, Florida, USA, 7-11 November 1977. Jubilee Session of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR, 15-16 November1977. 6th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, San Francisco, USA, 25-27 November 1977. Conference on Leptons and Quarks, California, USA, 2-3 December 1977. University of California, Irvine, 1978 Orbis Scientiae: High Energy Physics on Nonlinearities in Natural Sciences, University of Miami, Florida, USA, 16-20 January 1978. Symposium on Mathematical Methodsin the Theory of Elementary Particles, Liblice Castle, Czechoslovakia, 19-23 June 1978. International Meeting on Frontier Physics, Singapore, 14-18 August 1978. UNESCO Symposium on the Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas on Society (Einstein's Centenary) Munich, West Germany, 18-20 September1978. Topical Meeting on Heavy Quarks and Leptons, Deutsches Elektronen- Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, West Germany, 19-21 September1978. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 543 Visits and conferences 1979 9th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Munich, West Germany, 2-6 January 1979. 7th National Physics Symposium, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-6 January 1979. United Nations Conference on Science and Technology: International Symposium on Trends and Prospects in Development of Science and Technology and their Impact on the Solution of Contemporary Global Problems,Tallin, USSR, 8-12 January 1979. Symmetries in Science Symposium, University of Carbondale, Illinois, USA, 22 February-3 March 1979. Sanibel Symposium, Flager Beach, Florida, USA, 26-28 February 1979. 13th Internationale Universitatswochen fir Kernphysik: Quarks and Leptons as Fundamental Particles, Schladming, Austria, 28 February-10 March 1979. International Symposium: 100th Anniversary of Albert Einstein’s Jerusalem, Israel, 14-23 March 1979. Birth, Permanent Conference of Directors of Postgraduate Training Coursesin the Basic Sciences Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 18-24 March 1979. 8th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methodsin Physics, Kiriat Anavim, Israel, 25-29 March 1979. International Symposium on Lepton and Hadron Interactions, Visegrad, Hungary, 17-20 September 1979. J.906 J.907 J.908 J.909 J.910 J.911 J.912 J.913 J.914 J.915 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 544 Visits and conferences 1980 International Affairs Seminar: Science and Technology in the 1980s — Middle East Expectations and Western Responses, Salzburg, Austria, 3-7 May 1980. Symposium on Perspectives in Modern Field Theories, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-26 September 1980. Workshop on (DESY), Hamburg, West Germany, 30 September-2 October 1980. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron Flavour Dynamics, 1981 2nd Workshop on Grand Unification, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 24-26 April 1981. Workshop on the Interaction of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 18-22 May 1981. European Physical Society (EPS) Divisional Conference: Nuclear and Atomic Physics with Heavy lons, Bucharest, Romania, 9-12 June 1981. J.916 J.917 J.918 J.919 J.920 J.921 J.922 Summer Institute, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 16-28 August 1981. J.923 J.924 J.925 International School on Gauge Theories: Fundamental Interactions and Rigorous Results, Romania, 25 August-5 September 1981. 16th International Congress of the History of Science, Bucharest, Romania, 26 August-3 September 1981. 5th General European Physical Society (EPS) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 September 1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 545 J.926 J.927 J.928 J.929 J.930 J.931 J.932 J.933 J.934 J.935 Visits and conferences International Congress on the History of Turkish-lslamic Science and Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-18 September 1981. 2nd Europhysics Study Conference, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 6-14 October 1981. for Economic Co-operation Organisation Development (OECD) Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy Workshop on Training for Scientific and Technological Personnel of Developing Countries, Paris, France, 7-10 December 1981. and Theory Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 16-18 December 1981. Regional College on Theory of Condensed Matter, Accra, Ghana, December 1981. 1982 Symposium on the Role of Physics in Development, Dacca, Bangladesh, 20- 24 January 1982. 8th Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 20 May-1 June 1982. Journées Nationales de Reflexion sur la Science et la Technique, Dakar, Senegal, 7-12 June 1982. Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners (Physicists), Lindau, West Germany, 28 June-2 July 1982. Planning Committee for the International Scientific Forums on Energy Meeting, Miami, Florida, USA, 20-21 February 1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 546 J.936 J.937 J.938 J.939 J.940 J.941 J.942 J.943 J.944 J.945 Visits and conferences 2nd United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, New York, USA, 8-10 March 1982. 3rd Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Shanghai, China, 29 August-2 September 1982. See also J.233-J.238. Magnetic Monopole Workshop, Racine, Wisconsin, USA, 14-17 October 1982. International Symposium: Facing the 21st Century - Critical Choices for Japan and the World, Tokyo, Japan, 21 October 1982. International Scientific Forum on Reassessing the World’s Energy Prospects: the Critical Questions, Paris, France, 25-29 October 1982. 1st Conference of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), Ivory Coast, October 1982. Workshop onScientific Creativity, Toledo, Spain, 14-17 November 1982. Meeting del Mediterraneo, Catania, Italy, 14-21 November 1982. Seminar on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Moscow, USSR, 24-26 November 1982. CHEMRAWNIl: International Conference on Chemistry and World Food Supplies - the New Frontiers, Manila, 6-10 December 1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 547 J.946 J.947 J.948 J.949 J.950 J.951 J.952 J.953 J.954 Visits and conferences 1983 Orbis Scientiae, University of Miami, Florida, USA, 17-22 January 1983. International Colloquium on Matter non-Conservation: Icoman 83, Frascati, Italy, 17-21 January 1983. International Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-10 January 1983 International Conference on the University in a Free Enterprise - Improving Co-operation Among Business, University and Government in a Developing Society, Ankara, Turkey, 22-24 June 1983. the 1st National Congress of the Society of Physicists, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28 September-1 October 1983. International Symposium on the Role and Future of the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-6 October 1983. International Conference on Science and Peace: Nobel Laureates Answer to a Planetin Peril, Paris, France, 26-28 October 1983. The World After Nuclear War: International Conference on the Long-Term Worldwide Biological Consequences of Nuclear War, Washington DC, USA, 31 October-1 November 1983. International Conference on Science in Islamic Polity, its Past, Present and Future, Islamabad, Pakistan, 19-24 November 1983. 1987 J.955 12th National Conference of the Bangladesh Medical Association, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8 April 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 548 J.956 J.957 J.958 J.959 J.960 J.961 J.962 J.963 J.964 J.965 J.966 Visits and conferences International Discussion on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge, Venice,Italy, 7-9 May 1987. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Symposium, Rome, Italy, 8-10 June 1987. 11th International Workshop on Weak Interactions, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 14-19 June 1987. 12th Summer College, Islamabad, Pakistan, 18 June 1987. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), 3rd Session of the Provisional World Parliament, Miami, Florida, USA, 18-28 June 1987. UNESCO Meeting of Expert Mathematicians, Nice, France, 19-20 June 1987. Garden Party to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Frank Smithies’ Admission to the Fellowship of St John's College, Foxton, Cambridgeshire, UK, 21 June 1987. Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 29 June-3 July 1987. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (ISR) Editorial Board Meeting, London, 1 July 1987. International Conference on University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, India, 1-8 July 1987. High Energy Physics and Astrophysics, Plenary Assembly of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, Rome, Italy, 8 July 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 549 Visits and conferences J.967 J.968 J.969 J.970 J.971 J.972 J.973 J.974 J.975 J.976 Global Challenges Network: International Science and Technology Study Group, Munich, West Germany, 17-20 July 1987. Annual General Meeting of the World Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 July 1987. Workshop on Superstrings, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 27 July-31 August 1987. International Symposium on Science and Technology Transfer from the Westto the Muslim World, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 September 1987. International Festival of the Sea, Mauritius, 7-12 September 1987. International Symposium on Feasibility of Aneutronic Power, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 10-11 September 1987. Pakistani Association University, California, USA, 19-20 September 1987. Engineers and Scientists Conference, Stanford International Conference on Problems in Quantum Physics: Recent and Future Experiments and Interpretations, Gdansk, Poland, 21-25 September 1987. 3rd International Conference of the Union of Scientists for Disarmament, Castiglioncello, Italy, 25-30 September 1987. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Commission on Physics for Development, Washington DC, USA, 26 September 1987. J.977 ‘Spazio’: Research and Technology Show,Trieste, Italy, 2-6 October 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 550 Visits and conferences J.978 J.979 J.980 J.981 J.982 J.983 J.984 J.985 J.986 J.987 International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) Seminar on Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA, 5-10 October 1987. National Research Council Meeting: Days of Science and Technology, Rome, Italy, 7 October 1987. International Science Policy Foundation: The Future of Nuclear Energy and Disarmament after the Moscow Forum, Duino Castle, Italy, 8-9 October 1987. ICRA Annual Assembly, Rome, Italy, 8-10 October 1987. 8th International Conference on the Problems of Quantum Field Theory, Alushta, Crimea, USSR, 10-16 October 1987. Global Foundation Annual Trustees Meeting, Paris, France, 12 October 1987. 4th World Gathering of Defenders of Human Rights, Paris, France, 17 October 1987. International Workshop on Physics and Energy Status and Role in Developing Countries, Aleppo University, Syria, 18-23 October 1987. 3rd Symposium on Perspectives for Pan American Collaboration Experimental Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-23 October 1987. in Workshop on Education for Careers in Science, Engineering and Public Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 23-25 October 1987. J.988 Asian Perspectives Seminar, New Delhi, India, 26-29 October 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 551 J.989 J.990 J.991 ud02 J.993 J.994 J.995 J.996 J.997 J.998 J.999 Visits and conferences Symposium on Today: Trends, Concepts and Instruments of Particle Physics, Rome, Italy, 3-4 November 1987. 6th Mathematics Conference, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, 3-6 November 1987. Atlantic Science Association Meeting of Representatives of Countries Bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-6 November 1987. 2nd Colloquium of Nobel Prize Winners, Rome, Italy, 7-9 November 1987. Conference on Disarmament and Development, London, 14 November 1987. Society of Arab American University Graduates Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 20 November 1987. 6th International Workshop on Physics of Materials, New Delhi, India, 23 November-5 December 1987. International Consultation Group on Jewish-Muslim Relations Meeting, London, 1-8 December 1987. Schrodinger - Scientist and Philosopher, Venice, Italy, 11-12 December 1987. Workshop on Superstrings, Kanpur, India, 13-22 December 1987. International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Goa, India, 14-19 December 1987. J.1000 High Energy Physics Theory Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 14-16 December 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 502 J.1001 J.1002 J.1003 J.1004 J.1005 J.1006 J.1007 J.1008 J.1009 J.1010 J.1011 Visits and conferences Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences Convocation, Multan, Pakistan, 23 December 1987. 1st Regional Symposium on Materials Science (in Alexandria, Egypt, 29-31 December 1987. the Arab States), 1988 International January1988. Co-operation Fund Meeting, Moscow, USSR, 13-15 International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma, Bombay, India, 8-12 February 1988. Governmental College for Women Science Fair, Karachi, Pakistan, 10-11 February 1988. International Symposium on Tropical Micro-Meteorology and Air Pollution, New Delhi, India, 15-19 February 1988. 1st Meeting of the World Congress on Superconductivity, Houston, Texas, USA, 22-24 February 1988. Centro Culturale Ercole Andreazzi di Lugano Series of Lectures on Religious Sense, Lugano, Italy, 25 February 1988. Caribbean Industrial Research Institute Biotechnology Workshop, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 25-27 February 1988. La Thuile Meeting on Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Italy, 29 February-5 March 1988. 3rd Latin American Congress on Science and Technology in Latin America in the 20th Century, Costa Rica, 1-4 March 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 553 J.1012 J.1013 J.1014 J.1015 J.1016 J.1017 J.1018 J.1019 J.1020 J.1021 J.1022 Visits and conferences Symposium of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mathematics Education, Dakar, Senegal, 14-24 March 1988. 19th Society for International Development Triennial Conference, India, 25- 28 March 1988. Includes 18pp typescript by Salam entitled ‘Science and Peace’. Aggrey-Frazer-Guggisberg Memorial Lectures, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana, March 1988. International Symposium on Scientists, Peace and Disarmament, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11-15 April 1988. A Challenge to Philosophy Colloquium, Tunis, Tunisia, 11-17 April 1988. Christian Science Monitor Meeting, Racine, Wisconsin, USA, 14-16 April 1988. Associazione Nazionale Donne Elettrici Conference, Trieste, Italy, 15 April 1988. National Conference on Science and Technology, Nepal, 17-22 April 1988. International Conference on Disarmament and Development: Conditions of Peace and Security from the Perspective of the Third World, New York, USA, 25-26 April 1988. Cortona Conference sponsored by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Cortona, Italy, April 1988. European Workshop on Low Temperature Devices for the Detection of Low Energy Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Annecy le Vieux, France, 2-6 May 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 554 Visits and conferences J.1023 J.1024 gOth Anniversary of Peking University Celebrations, Peking, China, 3-5 May 1988. Symposium in Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Professor Frederick Reines, University of California, Irvine, California, USA, 5 May 1988. J.1025 Jean Monnet Anniversary Meeting, Erice,Sicily, Italy, 8 May 1988. J.1026 J.1027 J.1028 J.1029 J.1030 J.1031 J.1032 J.1033 International Institute for Human Rights Studies Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 13-14 May 1988. Frascati National Laboratory Lectures (Bruno Touschek Memorial Lectures), Frascati, Italy, 16, 18, 20 May 1988. 5th Shimla Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Techniques and Applications, Shimla, India, 18-20 May 1988. Ceremony in Honour of the Police, Trieste, Italy, 19 May 1988. Beijer Institute Board Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-21 May 1988. XI Warsaw Symposium on Elementary Particle Physics, Warsaw, Poland, 23-27 May 1988. International Symposium on Spacetime Symmetries in Commemoration of EugeneP. Wigner, University of Maryland, USA, 24-28 May 1988. Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Meeting on North-South Co- operation, Rome, Italy, 26 May 1988. J.1034 Collegio del Mondo Unito, Matera, Italy, May 1988. Invitation to visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 959 J.1035 J.1036 J.1037 J.1038 J.1039 J.1040 Visits and conferences International Conference to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of Lev Landau’s Birth, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6-10 June 1988. Conference in Honour of Jacques-Louis Lions on his 60th Birthday, Paris, France, 6-10 June 1988. National Museum of Science and Technology Milan ‘Einstein Project’ Press Presentation, Milan, Italy, 8 June 1988. Niels Bohr Institute and Nordita International Meeting to Mark the 80th Anniversary of Lev Landau’s Birth, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-17 June 1988. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 3rd General Conference, Laxenburg, Austria, 14-15 June 1988. 20th Anniversary Ceremonies of the European Physical Society, Pisa, Italy, 18-20 June 1988. J.1041 3rd Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, Hong Kong, 20-24 June 1988. J.1042 J.1043 J.1044 J.1045 Conference Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of A. A. Friedman, Moscow, USSR, 21-29 June 1988. 7th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 20-24 June 1988. 375th Anniversary of the Foundation of the University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina, June 1988. Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 27 June-1 July 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 556 J.1046 J.1047 J.1048 J.1049 J.1050 J.1051 J.1052 J.1053 J.1054 J.1055 J.1056 Visits and conferences 2nd Meeting on Applications of Group Theory to Math-Physics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA, 6-15 July 1988. Istituto Superiore di Scienze e Tecnologie per lo Sviluppo Aldo Moro Meeting on Human Resources, Rome, Italy, 6-7 July 1988. Seminar for the Foundation of an International School for Communication, Santa Maria Imbaro, Israel, 7-10 July 1988. Scientific Plenary Assembly of the UNESCO Italian Committee, Rome, Italy, 15 July 1988. International Conference on Ath and Microdevices and 5th Trieste Semi-conductor Symposium, Trieste, Italy, 8-12 August 1988. Microstructures Superlattices, Pakistan Day Celebrations, Pakistan Society, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, 12 August 1988. Meeting per l’'Amicizia fra i Popoli, Rimini, Italy, 20-27 August 1988. International Workshop on New Trendsin Strong Coupling Gauge Theories, Nagoya, Japan, 24-27 August 1988. Windstar Foundation Choices IIl Symposium: Ethics in Action, Aspen, Colorado, USA, 26-29 August 1988. World Academic Conference of the Seoul Olympiad on The World Community in Post Industrial Society, Seoul, Korea, 21 August-8 September 1988. 2nd International Meeting of Mathematics, Athens, Greece, 27 August-3 September 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Sho) J.1057 J.1058 J.1059 J.1060 J.1061 Visits and conferences 38th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Dagomys, USSR, 29 August-3 September1988. Conference on Technological Innovations, Institutions and Organisations, Duino Castle, Trieste, Italy, 1-2 September 1988. 4th Session of the Roundtable on Development: the Human Dimension, Amman, Jordan, 3-5 September 1988. European on 9th Fundamental Symmetries, Mainz, West Germany, 5-10 September 1988. Antiproton-Proton Symposium Interactions and Launching Netherlands, 10 September 1988. Day of the European Scientific Foundation, Maastricht, J.1062 9th Centenary of the University of Bologna, Italy, 13-20 September 1988. J.1063 J.1064 J.1065 J.1066 J.1067 Meeting on Mathematical Physics and Statistical Physics, Rome, Italy, 14-25 September 1988. Colloquium on Science and Peace in Honour of Victor F. Weisskopf on the Occasion of his 80th Anniversary, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-20 September 1988. Includes 2pp address (annotated) sent by Salam. 10th Turkish National Physics Congress, University of Istanbul, Turkey, 19- 21 September 1988. International Conference on the Restructuring of Physical Sciences in Europe and the USA, Rome,Italy, 19-23 September 1988. Workshop on Gauge Theories of Fundamental Interactions, Warsaw, Poland, 19 September-3 December 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 558 J.1068 J.1069 J.1070 J.1071 J.1072 J.1073 J.1074 J.1075 J.1076 J.1077 J.1078 Visits and conferences Symposium on Revelation and Future of Mankind, Patmos, Greece, 23-24 September 1988. Meeting in Honour of Edoardo Amaldi’s 80th Birthday, Rome, Italy, 24 September 1988. Theory Workshop on Flavor Physics, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, West Germany, 28-30 September 1988. Discussion Meeting on a New Design for UNESCO, Paris, France, 28-30 September 1988. International Symposium on the Crisis of the Global System, Vienna, Austria, 29 September-1 October 1988. Meeting to Discuss a Report Entitled ‘The State of the World’ published in the USA, September-October 1988. 100th Anniversary Meeting of the University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 3-8 October 1988. 1st Annual Session of the Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 6 October 1988. 2nd Biopolitics International (BIO) Conference, Athens, Greece, 6-9 October 1988. Symposium on National Research in Physics, Tunis, Tunisia, 8 October 1998. Meeting on World Integration: Tendencies and Prospects, Rome, Italy, 8-9 October 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 559 J.1079 J.1080 J.1081 J.1082 J.1083 J.1084 J.1085 J.1086 J.1087 J.1088 J.1089 J.1090 Visits and conferences International Consultation on Environmental, Sustainable Development and the Role of Small Farmers, Rome,Italy, 11-13 October 1988. International Symposium on Hydrology, Visakhapatnam, October 1988. India, 20-23 The All Pakistan Music Conference Annual Festival, Lahore, Pakistan, 23-24 October 1988. Interdisciplinary Symposium in Honour of Giampietro Puppi on the Occasion of his Retirement, Bologna, Italy, 24-25 October 1988. 3rd__International Workshop on Industrial Polysaccharides: Biomedical and Biotechnical Advances, Trieste, Italy, 24-26 October 1988. Developments Recent in Technociencia 88: Technology, Man and Science, Madrid, Spain, 25-28 October 1988. Club of Rome 20th Anniversary Meeting, Paris, France, 25-28 October 1988. Pontifical Academy Plenary Session, Rome, Italy, 27-31 October 1988. Understanding International Symposium on Technology, Orlando, Florida, USA, 28-29 October 1988. Public of Science and ECO - Danube 88 4th World Congress, from Russe, Bulgaria to Passau, West Germany, 26 October-6 November 1988. 54th Annual Meeting of the Indian Academyof Sciences, Calcutta, India, 31 October-1 November 1988. 10th International Congress on Photobiology, Jerusalem, Israel, 30 October- 6 November 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 560 J.1091 J.1092 J.1093 J.1094 J.1095 J.1096 J.1097 J.1098 J.1099 J.1100 J.1101 Visits and conferences 1st Symposium on the Relations between Sciences and Knowledge, Tours, France, 31 October-5 November 1988. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Celebrations of the Birth Centenary of C. V. Raman, Calcutta, India, 2-7 November 1988. Commonwealth Science Council (CSC) Biennial Meeting, Lagos, Nigeria, 7- 11 November 1988. Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary: Towards a Nuclear Weapon-Free and Non-Violent World, New Delhi, India, 14-16 November 1988. Meeting of the International Foundation for the Survival and Developmentof Humanity Board of Directors, Washington DC, USA, 15-16 November 1988. International Conference on the Anthropic Principle, Venice, Italy, 18-19 November 1988. Conference on Physics for Development, Cairo, Egypt, 22-24 November 1988. 17th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, Los Angeles, USA, 24-27 November 1988. 1st Assembly of the European Union of Writers and Men of Science, Pescara, Italy, 23-26 November 1988. International November 1988. Energy Conference: Energex 88, Tripoli, Libya, 25-30 Seminar in Honour of Joseph Rotblat’s 80th Birthday on Pugwash - Shaping the Future, London, 29-30 November 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 561 Visits and conferences J.1102 Associazione Cultuale Italiano Lecture, Torino, Italy, November 1988-March 1989. J.1103 9th High Energy Physics Symposium, Madras, India, 5-9 December 1988. J.1104 J.1105 J.1106 J.1107 J.1108 J.1109 J.1110 2nd International Conference on Cryogenics, Calcutta, India, 6-8 December 1988. International Conference and Intensive Tutorial Course on Semiconductor Materials, New Delhi, India, 8-16 December 1988. Bose Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 11-14 December 1988. Meeting of the United Nations Association of the USA, New York, USA, 16- 18 December 1988. National Conference on Scientific Research and Technology, Rome, Italy, 19-22 December 1988. 1989 Meeting of the ad hoc Group for the Formation of the Association of Asian Pacific Physical Societies, Hong Kong, 3-4 January 1989. 8th Nordic Meeting on Intermediate and High Energy Nuclear Physics, Geilo, Norway, 3-7 January 1989. Seat ocd 12 International 2nd_ Conference Bangladesh, 4-6 January 1989. on Mathematical Physics, Chittagong, Twofolders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 562 J.1113 J.1114 J.1115 J.1116 Visits and conferences 3rd International Conference on Path Integrals from meV to MeV, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-13 January 1989. Meeting of the International Foundation for the Survival and Developmentof Humanity, Moscow, USSR, 15-17 January 1989. International Conference (San Paolo Foundation), Turin, Italy, 16-18 January 1989. International Workshop on the Use of Renewable Energy Devices for Rural Development, New Delhi, India, 1-3 February 1989. J.1117 Summit on Global Co-operation, Mount Abu, India, 8-11 February 1989. J.1118 Meeting about the Foundation of the Asociaciofh de Amigos dela Torre dela Calahorra, Cordoba, Spain, 15 February 1989. J.1119 16th Asian Advertising Congress, Lahore, Pakistan, 18-22 February 1989. J.1120 J.1121 J.1122 J.1123 3rd Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan, 18- 24 February 1989. 12th Annual Conference of the Opthalmological Society of Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan, 23-25 February 1989. Meeting on Future Options for International Co-operation in Science and Technology, Feldafing, West Germany, 23-25 February 1989. Inauguration of the Business Innovation Centre, Trieste, Italy, 27 February 1989. J.1124 27th Anniversary Tizard Memorial Lecture, London, February 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 563 Visits and conferences J.1125 J.1126 J.1127 J.1128 J.1129 J.1130 J.1131 Moscow Energy Club Conference, Moscow, USSR, 1-6 March 1989. Symposium on Scientific Temper and National Development, New Delhi, India, 6-8 March 1989. Regional Seminar on Public Policy Implications of Biotechnology for Asian Agriculture, New Delhi, India, 6-8 March 1989. 4th European Physical Society Seminar on International Research Facilities, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, 17-19 March 1989. International Seminar on Floods in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 17-22 March 1989. Superstring Workshop: Strings 89, Texas A & M University, Texas, USA, 13- 17 March 1989. Commission on Health Research for Development Meeting, Canada, 20-21 March 1989. Ottawa, J.1132 1st Convocation, Aga Khan University, Pakistan, 20 March 1989. J.1133 All Pakistan Music Conference, Pakistan, 26-30 March 1989. J.1134 Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 250th Anniversary, Sweden, 29 March-1 April 1989. Stockholm, J.1135 St John’s College Dinner, Cambridge, UK, 1 April 1989. J.1136 International Science Policy Foundation Science Meeting No. 3, Budapest, Hungary, 13-14 and 20-21 April 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 564 Visits and conferences J.1137 J.1138 International Workshop on Innovative Approachesto North-South and South- South Co-operation: New Development Consensus, Beld, Yugoslavia, 5-7 April 1989. 12th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, Ginosar, Israel, 9-14 April 1989. J.1139 Dutch Physical Society Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands, 13 April 1989. J.1140 10th and Final Workshop on Grand Unification, University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, North Carolina, USA, 20-22 April 1989. J.1141 25th Anniversary Celebrations, University of Burundi, Burundi, 30 April 1989. J.1142 Journées de Vézelay, Vézelay, France, 26-28 April 1989. J.1143 Visit to Libya, April 1989. J.1144 J.1145 J.1146 J.1147 Pugwash Non-Proliferation Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7 May 1989. 2nd Niels Bohr Symposium on Global Challenges in an Open World, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-25 May 1989. Conference on CP Violation in Particle Physics and Astrophysics, 25th Anniversary of CP Violation Discovery, Chateau de Blois, Loire Valley, France, 22-26 May 1989. International Workshop on Science and Technology (to prepare proposals for Summit of Non-Aligned Countries), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 5-7 June 1989. See also J.1169. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 565 Visits and conferences J.1148 J.1149 J.1150 Presentation of the Mount Abu Declaration to launch the 2nd Year of the International Peace Messenger Initiative, Global Co-operation for a Better World, London, 7 June 1989. 3rd World Scientific Banking Meeting, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 7-10 June 1989. Award Ceremony and Celebrations for the 900th Anniversary of the University of Bologna and International Conference on the new Role of Science, Bologna, Italy, 8-10 June 1989. J.1151 Club of Rome Conference, Hanover, West Germany, 11-14 June 1989. J.1152 J.1153 J.1154 J.1155 J.1156 J.1157 J.1158 United Nations Association of the United States of America Members of the UNESCO Panel Meeting, Lerici, Italy, 22-24 June 1989. Seminar on Co-ordination and Co-operation among Institutes of Research and Studies and their Applications within the Framework ofIslamic Thought, Irbid, Jordan, 23-26 June 1989. Academia Europaea Conference, London, 26-27 June 1989. UNESCO International Congress on Peace in Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, 26 June-1 July 1989. the Minds of Men, Inauguration of new building of the University of Brasilia campus, Brazil, 28- 30 June 1989. International Workshop on the United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR): Policy Issues and Scientific Priorities, Trieste, Italy, 3-5 July 1989. 2nd International Conference on Ethics and Development, University of Yucata, Merida, Mexico, 3-8 July 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 Visits and conferences 566 Energy and J.1159 J.1160 J.1161 J.1162 J.1163 J.1164 J.1165 J.1166 J.1167 J.1168 Conference Building: Environment, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, 9-14 July 1989. Technology-Based on Confidence Workshop on Higgs Particle(s): Physics Issues and Experimental Searches in High Energy Collisions, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 15-26 July 1989. International Seminar on Phenomena of the Genocide and the Prevention of its Return, Phnompenh, Cambodia, 20-21 July 1989. International Convention on Tibet and Peace in South Asia, New Delhi, India, 12-14 August 1989. International Meeting on Technological Assessment for the Third World, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-18 August 1989. Asian Institute of Technology International Forum on Higher Education in Technology for Asia into the 21st Century, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-19 August 1989. 5th International Symposium on Selected Problemsof Statistical Mechanics, Dubna, USSR, 22-27 August 1989. 4th International Conference of the Professors World Peace Academy on Liberal Democratic Societies: their Present State and their Future Prospects’, London, 25-28 August 1989. Conference on South-North: the Urgency of a Solidarity Contract, Porto Noro, Bénin, 31 August-3 September1989. 8th International Summer School of Advanced Economic Studies, Duino Castle, Italy, 22-31 August 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 567 J.1169 J.1170 J.1171 J1172 J.1173 J.1174 J.1175 J.1176 J.1177 J.1178 Visits and conferences 9th Summit of Non-Aligned Countries on the Role of Science and Technology for Developing Countries, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 4-5 September 1989. See also J.1147. Simposio Etica para la Situacion Contemporanea, BuenosAires, Argentina, 4-8 September 1989. European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Madrid, Spain, 6-13 September 1989. Pakistan Engineers and Scientists Association (PESA) Conference on Prospects for Development in LDCs: Objective Assessments for Pakistan, Stanford University, California, USA, 9 September 1989. UNESCO Symposium on Sciences and Culture for the 21st Century: Agenda for Survival, University of Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 10-15 September 1989. Informatics Expert Group Meeting on the Establishment of Scientific Information and Computer Network in the Arab Region (IIP-ARABNET), Bloudan, Syria, 12-13 September 1989. 2nd East African Symposium on Mathematics, Computer Science and Mathematics Education, Arusha, Tanzania, 18-23 September 1989. 13th International School of Theoretical Physics, Szczyrk, Poland, 19-26 September 1989. 3rd Congress of the Association of Italian Exhibition Organisations, Trieste, Italy, 22 September 1989. 1st International Conference on Basic Science, Tripoli, Lebanon, 23-28 September 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 568 Visits and conferences J.1179 J.1180 J.1181 Nehru, the Man and his Vision: International Seminar to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of his Birth, Paris, France, 27-29 September 1989. 3rd International Mathematical Meeting, Athens, Greece, 27 September-2 October 1989. 12th Tai Situpa’s Pilgrimage for Active Peace Meeting, Scotland, 27 September-3 October 1989. J.1182 Public Lecture, Madrid, Spain, September 1989. J.1183 J.1184 J.1185 J.1186 J.1187 J.1188 J.1189 Inauguration of the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology, Tanzania, September 1989. Conference on Supercollider Physics and Experiments, Dallas, Texas, USA, 1-4 October 1989. International Symposium on_ for Disarmament, Development and the Environment, Athens, Greece, 2-4 October 1989. Co-operation International Scientific Centenary of Jawaharlal Nehru’s Birth: Seminar on Humanism International Politics and Nehru’s Politics and Thought, New Delhi, India, 2-4 October 1989. Meeting on Advanced Materials for Developing Countries, Indianapolis, USA, 3-7 October 1989. Meeting 157th Switzerland, 5-6 October 1989. the of Scientific Policy Committee, CERN, Geneva, Italian Junior Chamber's Award Ceremony dedicated to Alfred Kastler, Trieste, Italy, 7 October 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 569 J.1190 J.1191 J.1192 J.1193 J.1194 J.1195 Visits and conferences 5th Scientific Conference of the Scientific Research Council, Baghdad, Iraq, 7-11 October 1989. International Workshop on Systems Approach to Water Engineering Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-12 October 1989. Workshop on Science, Switzerland, 10-13 October 1989. Culture and Health of the World, Geneva, OEKOLOGIA Conference on Outlook 1989 — Integrative Concepts for Environment, Economy and Technology, Vienna, Austria, 11-15 October 1989. 169th Meeting of the Swiss Academyof Sciences, Fribourg, Switzerland, 12- 15 October 1989. 2nd International Conference on the Development of Philosophy and of Science in Latin America, Bogota, Colombia, 11-14 October 1989. See also J.1318. J.1196 EXPOCIENCIA, Bogota, Colombia, 16-22 October 1989. J.1197 J.1198 J.1199 J.1200 Congress on Energy, Ambient and Technological Innovation, Caracas, Venezuela, 22-26 October 1989. 1st National Congress on Teaching Physics, Santiago, Chile, 24-27 October 1989. Pontifical Academy of Sciences Study Week, Vatican City, October 1989. Italy, 23-28 Panel Meeting to Discuss Peace, Development and the Role of Science and Technology, New York, USA, 25-26 October 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 J.1201, J.1202 J.1203 J.1204 J.1205 J.1206 J.1207 J.1208 J.1209 J.1210 J.1211 J.1212 Visits and conferences International Economics, Florence, Italy, 27-29 October 1989. Multicultural Conference on 570 Approach to International Twofolders. 75th Anniversary of the Korean Economic Daily Journal Meeting, Korea, 29 October-2 November 1989. 25th Annual Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2-5 November 1989. United Nations International Meeting on Science and Peace, Brussels, Belgium, 3-4 November 1989. Roundtable on Priorities for Training and Research in Science and Technology to Face the Challenges of Development in the Arab World, Ajman, United Arab Emirates, 4-5 November 1989. Raman Centenary National Seminar, Allahabad November 1989. University, India, 5-7 4th Symposium on Pan American Collaboration in Experimental Physics, Bariloche, Argentina, 6-10 November 1989. Institute of Strategic Studies Lecture, Islamabad, Pakistan, 8 November 1989. Conference on Fractional Statistics and Superconductivity, University of Minnesota, USA, 9-11 November 1989. 55th Annual Meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bhopal, India, 10- 13 November 1989. Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise, Maldives, 14-18 November 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 571 J.1213 J.1214 J.1215 J.1216 J.1217 J.1218 J.1219 J.1220 J.1221 J.1222 J.1223 J.1224 Visits and conferences 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the African Regional Centre for Technology (ARCT), Dakar, Senegal, 14-22 November 1989. 1st Pugwash Workshop on Non-Military Dimensions of Global Security, New Delhi, India, 21-24 November 1989. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Region 10 Conference, Bombay, India, 22-24 November 1989. International Symposium on Supernovae and High Energy Astrophysics, Calcutta, India, 22-24 November 1989. Meeting on the Integration of the European States, Venice, Italy, 22-24 November1989. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology 2nd Foundation Day Lecture, Hyderabad, India, 26 November1989. 2nd Congress of Men of African Science, Accra, Ghana, 27 November-1 December1989. 1st Meeting of the Committee for a Project on Global Security and Risk Management, Vienna, Austria, 30 November-2 December 1989. Distinguished MacCauley Endowment Lecture, Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 1989. University of Hawaii at Enrico Manfredini Cultural Centre Lecture, Bologna, Italy, November 1989. Dedication Ceremonies for the Paul A. M. Dirac Science Centre Library, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 4 December 1989. College de France Meeting concerning the possible foundation of a World Institute of Sciences, Paris, France, 6 December 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 5/2 J.1225 J.1226 J.1227 J.1228 J.1229 Visits and conferences Centro Internacional de Fisica y Matematicas Aplicadas (CIFMA) Ordinary Assembly of Associates, Mexico City, Mexico, 8 December 1989. Forum on Science and Government, Rehovot, Israel, 10-13 December 1989. 1st International Meeting of the International Center for Cities on Water, Venice, Italy, 11-13 December 1989. Symposium on Protein Structure Function Relationship, Karachi, Pakistan, 11-14 December 1989. Seminar on the Role of Science and Technology in National Development, Lusaka, Zambia, 12-14 December 1989. J.1230 World Climate Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 17-21 December 1989. J.1231 J.1232 J.1233 J.1234 J.1235 1st International Conference on Low Cost Experiments in Biophysics, Cairo, Egypt, 18-20 December1989. Annual Informal Particle Theory Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 18-20 December 1989. Plenary Session of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, Florence, Italy, 20 December 1989. Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences Convocation and Conference, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 23 December 1989. 2nd International Symposium on the Role of the Universities in Developing Areas, Beer-Shera, Israel, December 1989. J.1236 Visit to Academy of Sciences, Pyongyang, Korea, 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 573 Visits and conferences J.1237 University of Calgary Lecture, Alberta, Canada, 1989. J.1238 Public Lecture, Rotary Club, Treviso, Italy, Autumn 1989-Spring 1990. 1990 J.1239 25th Winter Seminar, Klosters, Switzerland, 13-27 January 1990. J.1240 International Seminar on Recent Advancesin Physics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 15-19 January 1990. J.1241 Conference on Science and Religion, New York, USA, 19-21 January 1990. J.1242 J.1243 International Foundation for the Survival and Development of Humanity Board Meeting, Moscow, USSR, 20 January 1990. 1st National Conference on Environmental Sciences, Sabha, Libya, 27-31 January 1990. J.1244 Lecture, University of Padua, Italy, January 1990. J.1245 J.1246 J.1247 J.1248 77th Indian Science Congress, ?Calcutta, India, 4-9 February 1990. 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Assiut, Egypt, 12-14 February 1990. Conference on Trieste and Antartide: Actual and Future Projects, Trieste, Italy, 15 February 1990. 1st International Workshop on the Study of Consciousness within Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA, 17-19 February 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 574 Visits and conferences Karolinska Institute Nobel Conference on Health Research for Development, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 February 1990. Discussion Weekend on Science and Communication, Windsor, Berkshire, UK, 23-25 February 1990. Conference on the Transition from Authoritarianism to Democracy in Argentina, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 4-8 March 1990. Meeting on Quality, Efficiency and Equity in Higher Education, Bogota, Colombia, 5-9 March 1990. Superstring Workshop, Texas A & M University, Texas, USA, 12-17 March 1990. Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics, La Thuile, Italy, 18-24 March 1990. International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 27-31 March 1990. Conference on North-South Co-operation in Science, Technology and Development, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 9-10 April 1990. 2nd International Symposium on Liberties and Limits of Man, Chinon, France, 9-13 April 1990. Inaugural Function of the Ambedkar Centenary, London, 14 April 1990. World ScienceInstitute Official Meeting, Paris, France, 20 April 1990. J.1249 J.1250 J.1251 J.1252 J.1253 J.1254 J.1255 J.1256 J.1257 J.1258 J.1259 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 575 J.1260 J.1261 J.1262 J.1263 Visits and conferences 687th Anniversary of the University of Rome Celebrations, Rome, Italy, 20 April 1990. National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 22-25 April 1990. Meeting for the Presentation of the Feasibility Study for a B-Meson Factory in the CERN ISR Tunnel, Lausanne, Switzerland, 23 April 1990. International Meeting on Future Sources: the Engineer and the Use of Technology in the Service of Man, Paris, France, 25 April 1990. J.1264 Roundtable Meeting, Grado, Italy, 1 May 1990. J.1265 J.1266 J.1267 J.1268 J.1269 Meeting onItalian Physics in the Face of Highest Energies, Rome, Italy, 2-3 May 1990. International Council of Scientific Unions Conference (ICSU) on International Science and its Partners, Hungary, 2-5 May 1990. 20th Anniversary of Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini Celebrations, Rome, Italy, 3 May 1990. Seminar on Quantum Physics, Leipzig, East Germany, 3-5 May 1990. Conference to Celebrate the 60th Birthday of Professor S. Okubo, University of Rochester, New York, USA, 4-5 May 1990. J.1270 ‘Majenca’ Cultural Event, Trieste, Italy, 6 May 1990. JAZEA 9th Annual Educational and Scientific Symposium, Mosul University, Iraq, 9- 11 May 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 576 J.1272 J.1273 J.1274 J.1275 Visits and conferences International Congress of the Union Européenne desArtistes des Ecrivains et des Hommesde Science, Cremona, Italy, 9-13 May 1990. 4th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Tehran, Iran, 12-17 May 1990. Conference on Changing International Realities, Havana, Cuba, 14-19 May 1990. Meeting on Highlights of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Alpe Adria Community, Trieste, Italy, 17-18 May 1990. J.1276 European Vacuum Conference, Trieste, Italy, 21-26 May 1990. J.1277 J.1278 aloo J.1280 J.1281 J.1282 Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences Annual Meeting, Fribourg University, Switzerland, 23-25 May 1990. Conference on New Mobilities of the Mediterranean Populations as Cohabitation and Dialogue Factors Among the Three Great Monotheistic Religions, Rome, Italy, 25-26 May 1990. 5th Moscow Quantum Gravity Seminar, Moscow, USSR, May 1990. Meeting of the Scientific Council of the UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 June 1990. 3rd Joint Varenna-Abastumani Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics, Telavi- Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, 5-14 June 1990. Campaign of the Nobel Laureates against Hunger Meeting, Paris, France, 6 June 1990. J.1283 Nobel Symposium, Graftavallen, Ostersund, Sweden, 11-16 June 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 OE J.1284 J.1285 J.1286 Visits and conferences Academia Europaea Meeting of Members, Strasbourg, France, 25 June 1990. International Khartoum, Sudan, 25-28 June 1990. Meeting on Sudan Forum for Technical Co-operation, Roundtable Meeting on Regaining and Further Enhancing Development Momentum in the Context of Rapid Global Change, Sveti Stefan, Yugoslavia, 28-30 June 1990. J.1287 International Groundwater Conference, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, June 1990. J.1288 World Ceramics Congress: High Temperature Superconductors Conference, Trieste, Italy, 2-5 July 1990. J.1289 QCD 90 Workshop, Montpellier, France, 8-13 July 1990. J.1290 J.1291 6th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions, Tarbes, France, 8-17 July 1990. World Renewable Energy Congress, Reading, Berkshire, UK, 9-13 July 1990. J.1292 Mathematical Society of Morocco Meeting, Rabat, Morocco, 11-13 July 1990. J.1293 Imam Ali Festival Exhibition of Islamic Art, London, 15 July 1990. J.1294 J.1295 International Youth Forum for Science and Technology, Tunis, Tunisia, 22-29 July 1990. International Federation of Scientific Editors’ Associations Meeting, Chieti, Italy, 26-27 July 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 578 Visits and conferences J.1296 International Workshop on Strong Gauge Theories and Beyond, Nagoya, Japan, 28-31 July 1990. J.1297-J.1301 25th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, 2-8 August1990. Five folders. J.1302 9th General Conference of the International Association of Universities, Helsinki, Finland, 5-11 August 1990. J.1303 4th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Seoul, Korea, 13-17 August 1990. J.1304 J.1305 J.1306 J.1307 J.1308 J.1309 J.1310 International Seminar on the Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 26-30 August 1990. Internationalisation of Higher Education, 2nd Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICSS Il), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 26-30 August 1990. Association for Science Education of Trinidad and Tobago (ASETT) Conference, Trinidad and Tobago, WestIndies, 27-30 August 1990. 2nd Recontres de Blois: 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Cosmic Background Radiation, Chateau de Blois, France, 28 August-1 September 1990. Meeting on Changes in Economic Institutions and the Mitteleuropean Question, Trieste, Italy, 30-31 August 1990. 1st International Dialogue on the Transition to Global Society, Landegg, Wienacht, Switzerland, 3-9 September 1990. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Conference on Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of Early Universe, University of Tokyo, Japan, 4-8 September 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 J.1311 J.1312 J.1313 J.1314 J.1315 J.1316 J.1317 J.1318 Visits and conferences Global Change Forum, Paris, France, 5 September 1990. United Development Challenges, Turkey, 7-10 September 1990. Development Nations Programme Roundtable 519 on Global 40th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Egham, Surrey, UK, 15-20 September 1990. UNESCO Roundtable on Strategic Energy Issues, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 17-22 September 1990. International Seminar on Management of Technology, Tanzania, 17-22 September 1990. Conference on University Partnerships in a Changing World, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 20-21 September 1990. Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) and the College of Physicians and Surgeons (Pakistan), Karachi, Pakistan, 22-24 September 1990. 2nd International Conference on the Critical Movement of the Development of Philosophy and Science in Latin America and the Caribbean (CIMOC 90), Bogota, Colombia, 27-29 September 1990. See also J.1195. J.1319 International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) 23rd General Assembly and Associated Meetings, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1-5 October 1990. J.1320, J.1321 Ath Official Meeting of the World Science Institute, Paris, France, 5 October 1990. Twofolders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 580 Visits and conferences J.1322 Materials Week, Detroit, USA, 8-11 October 1990. J.1323 Ruder Boskovic Institute Symposium, Zagreb, Croatia, 11 October 1990. J.1324 J.1325 J.1326 J.1327 J.1328 on Detector Research the Symposium Superconducting Super Collider, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 15-18 October 1990. Development and for International Conference on Science Indicators in Developing Countries, Paris, France, 15-19 October 1990. 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Unione Italiana Ciechi, Trieste, Italy, 16 October 1990. Seminar on Science, Technology and Development, Tehran University, Iran, 20-21 October 1990. 1st Leningrad Symposium of Nobel Prize Winners, Leningrad, USSR, 19-22 October 1990. J.1329 Seminar on the Environment, Langkawi, Malaysia, 21 October 1990. J.1330 Europhysical 14th Czechoslovakia, 22-26 October 1990. Conference on Nuclear Physics, Bratislava, J.1331 Technical Advisory Committee, Washington DC, USA, 22-27 October 1990. J.1332 Technociencia 90, Madrid, Spain, 23-25 October 1990. J.1333 Psychic Healing International Symposium, London, 3 November1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 581 Visits and conferences J.1334 J.1335 J.1336 J.1337 J.1338 J.1339 J.1340 J.1341 J.1342 J.1343 J.1344 2nd Congress of Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (AOPS), New Delhi, India, 12-15 November 1990. Royal International Security and Arms Control, London, 15 November 1990. Technological Science Meeting and Society on Aspects of World Constitution Appeal Meeting, Lucerne, Switzerland, 17-20 November 1990. Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche Meeting, Rome, Italy, 27-28 November 1990. 2nd International Conference on Urbanism in Islam, Tokyo, Japan, 27-29 November 1990. United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Workshop on Lubricators of Entrepreneurship and Strategies to Stimulate Innovation among Small and Medium Industries in Europe, Trieste, Italy, 27-30 November 1990. Workshop on Global Change Regional Research Centres: From Concepts to Reality, Bellagio, Italy, 3-7 December 1990. World 7th December 1990. Laboratory General Assembly, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7 Conference on the Effects of Europe’s Transformation on North-South Co- operation, Budapest, Hungary, 5-7 December 1990. International Conference on Mathematical Theory Control, Bombay, India, 10-15 December 1990. 20th Anniversary Celebration of the National University of Benin, Contonou, Benin, 10-15 December 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 582 J.1345 J.1346 J.1347 J.1348 J.1349 J.1350 J.1351 J.1352 Visits and conferences 8th International December 1990. Psychiatric Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan, 11-14 4th Eugene Garfield Lecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 11 December 1990. Conference on Research Management in Europe, Florence, Italy, 13-15 December 1990. British Academy for World Peace Annual Commemorative Dinner, London, 18 December 1990. Preparatory Meeting for the Hania Dialogues of 1991, Hania, Crete, 22-23 December 1990. Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences (PAMS) Convocation, Peshawar, Pakistan, 22-23 December 1990. International Conference in Commemoration of Fedowsi, ?lran, 22-25 December 1990. International Conference on Disordered Materials (Structure and Properties), Indore, India, 27-30 December 1990. See also J.1364. J.1353 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences at the University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, 1990. J.1354 5th World Congresson Alternatives and Environment, USSR, 1990. J.1355 Cambridge University Physics Society Lecture, Cambridge, UK, 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 583 Visits and conferences J.1356 Lecture to the UNESCO Club, Pisa, Italy. J.1357 Lecture to the International Student Society and Students Union, Imperial College Reactor Centre, Ascot, Berkshire, UK, 1990/1991. J.1358 J.1359 J.1360 J.1361 J.1362 J.1363 J.1364 1991 Meeting to Honour Roger Phillips' 60th Birthday, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 4 January 1991. Board Meeting of the International Foundation, Moscow, Russia, 15-17 January 1991. 41st Anniversary of the Republic Day of India Reception, Rome, Italy, 26 January 1991. Indian Science Conference on Coping with Natural Disasters: an Integrated Approach, India, January 1991. Conference on Disarmament: Peaceful Paths to the Future Science for a Common World, Munster, Germany, 1-3 February 1991. 1st Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Tripoli, Libya, 2-6 February 1991. International Conference on Disordered Materials (Structure and Properties), Indore, India, 3-6 February 1991. See also J.1352. J.1365 World Economic Forum Academic Council Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 4-5 February 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 584 Visits and conferences J.1366 J.1367 J.1368 J.1369 Workshop on Science Policy for Developing Countries, National University of Mexico, 5-8 February 1991. Diamond Jubilee Session of the National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, India, 13-15 February 1991. American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 14-19 February 1991. International Congress of Scientists and Engineers, Advisory Committee Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 23 February 1991. J.1370 Schladming School, Austria, 27 February-8 March 1991. J.1371 J.1372 J.1373 J.1374 J.1375 J.1376 J.1377 Ath Plenary Meeting of the International Commission, Barcelona, Spain, 6-10 March 1991. 3rd Meeting of the Associazione PedagogicaItaliana on Education towards Peace, Siracusa, Italy, 7-9 March 1991. European Consultative Forum on Research Networking Meeting, Paris, France, 8 March 1991. International Conference on the Teaching of Physics, Karachi, Pakistan, 10- 15 March 1991. Meeting on the Future Prospects for Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics in the UK, Imperial College, London, 18 March 1991. Meeting to Reassess the UN University’s Institutional Development Strategy, Tokyo, Japan, 18-19 March 1991. Roundtable on Islam and the Western World: Geopolitics, Padua, Italy, 21 March 1991. Science, Culture and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 585 J.1378 J 1909 J.1380 J.1381 J.1382 Visits and conferences Consultation Meeting concerning UNESCO’s Regional Office for Science and Technology for Europe (ROSTE), Venice, Italy, 26-27 March 1991. Royal Society of Chemistry 150th Anniversary Congress, Imperial College, London, 8-11 April 1991. Centro Internacional de Fisica (CIF) Meeting, Bogota, Colombia, 1-3 April 1991. 2nd International Conference of CISNA (Computing in Southern Africa Foundation), Malawi, 8-12 April 1991. Intergovernmental Committee on Science and Technology for Development (IGCSTD) Meeting, New York, USA, 22 April-3 May 1991. J.1383 SeminarInternational sur la Fuite des Cerveaux, Algeria, 24-25 April 1991. J.1384 J.1385 J.1386 J.1387 J.1388 J.1389 International Institute for Human Rights Studies Roundtable, Trieste, Italy, 29 April 1991. International Centre of Bantu Civilisations (CICBA) Roundtable of Donors, Paris, France, 6 May 1991. Society 20th Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6-9 May 1991. International for Development (SID) World Congress, International Federation of Science Editors (IFSE) Board Meeting, Nancy, France, 15-16 May 1991. Commisione Nazionale Italiana Plenary Session, Rome, Italy, 16 May 1991. 17th Pacific Science Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, 17 May-2 June 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 586 Visits and conferences J.1390 Meeting with Cardinal Martini, Archbishop of Milan, Italy, 21 May 1991. J.1391 J.1392 J.1393 International Andrey Sakharov Memorial Congress on Peace, Progress and Human Rights, Moscow, USSR, 21-25 May 1991. 1st International A. D. Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, USSR, 27-31 May 1991. 1st General Meeting of the Asian African Association for Plasma Training (AAAPT), Trieste, Italy, 31 May 1991. J.1394 Conference on Physics, Yazd, Iran, May 1991. J.1395 Centro Symposium on Symmetries in Physics, Morelos, Mexico, 3-7 June 1991. Matematicas Internacional Fisica y de Aplicadas (CIFMA) J.1396 International Meeting on Urban Ecology, Izmir, Turkey, 5-12 June 1991. J.1397 Tertiary Education Commission Meeting, Mauritius, 17-21 June 1991. J.1398 J.1399 J.1400 Centre Robert Schuman pour Il’Europe Meeting, Luxembourg, 21-23 June 1991. 6th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Kyoto, Japan, 23-29 June 1991. Conference on the Unacknowledged Heritage: Science from Outside Europe, Manchester, UK, June/July 1991. J.1401 41st Meeting of Nobel Laureates (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 1-5 July 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 587 Visits and conferences J.1402 J.1403 J.1404 Association of Pakistani Scientists and Engineers of North America Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA,5-7 July 1991. 2nd International Holistic Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 9-13 July 1991. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Editorial Board Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 18 July 1991. J.1405 Catholic University Symposium, Udine, Italy, 19-20 July 1991. J.1406 J.1407 J.1408 J.1409 J.1410 J.1411 J.1412 J.1413 Regional Workshop on Solar Radiation, Environment and Climate Change, Lusaka, Zambia, 22-27 July 1991. Joint Lepton-Photon Symposium and European Physical Society (EPS) High Energy Physics Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 July-1 August 1991. Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS) Conference on Belief and Knowledge of God in an Age of Science, Star Island, New Hampshire, USA, 27 July-3 August 1991. 2nd Latin American School of Applied Science, Cancun, Mexico, 29 July-2 August 1991. 3rd Pan African Congress of Mathematics, Nairobi, Kenya, 20-28 August 1991. 2nd Colloquium of Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 1991. 1st Session of the International School of Physics: High Energy Physics - the Standard Model and Beyond, Leningrad, USSR, 1-15 September 1991. Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Workshop on Engineers for Peace, Hungary, 7-8 September 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 588 Visits and conferences J.1414 J.1415 J.1416 J.1417 J.1418 J.1419 Institut Frangais de Recherche Scientifique pour le Developpement en Cooperation (ORSTOM) Forum, Paris, France, 9-11 September 1991. 2nd International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (TAUP 91), Toledo, Spain, 9-13 September1991. Workshop on Physics and Experiments with Linear Colliders, Saariselka, Finland, 9-14 September 1991. 2nd International Conference of Nobel Laureates, Tambov, USSR, 10-15 September 1991. University of Ljublijana Convocation Address, Yugoslavia, 12 September 1991. Workshop in Honour of E. C. G. Sudarshan’s contributions to Theoretical Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, 15-17 September 1991. J.1420 Pugwash Conference,Beijing, China, 17-22 September 1991. J.1421 J.1422 J.1423 J.1424 J.1425 3rd Annual General Meeting of Academia Europaea, Heidelberg, West Germany, 18-20 September 1991. Faraday Bicentenary Symposium, London, 23 September 1991. International Bodrum School of Physics: 5th Problems of Physics, Bodrum, Turkey, 24 September-5 October 1991. Fundamental Unsolved California Institute of Technology Centenary Meeting, Pasadena, California, USA, September 1991. 5th University of Moscow Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Samarkand, USSR, 10 October 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 589 Visits and conferences J.1426 J.1427 J.1428 Pontifical Academy of Sciences Symposium on Science in the Context of Human CultureII, Vatican City, Italy, 30 September-4 October 1991. 2nd Session of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco: Is the Interference Right a New Legalization of Colonialism?, Rabat, Morocco, 14-16 October 1991. 2nd Leningrad Nobel Prize Winners Symposium, Leningrad, USSR, 18-22 October 1991. J.1429 Annual Congressof Astra, Lake Garda, Italy, 19-20 October 1991. J.1430 J.1431 J.1432 World Congress of Faiths Weekend Course: Humankind and Nature, London, 25-27 October 1991. Jamaican Foundations and Corporate Donors Annual Conference, Kingston, Jamaica, 28-29 October 1991. 1st Demetra Meeting on Climate Variability and Global Change, Rome, Italy, 28 October-1 November 1991. J.1433 Technociencia 91, Madrid, Spain, 29-31 October 1991. J.1434 J.1435 J.1436 J.1437 Royal Society of Canada International Symposium on Constraints to Freedom of Scholarship and Science, Ottawa, Canada, 3-6 November 1991. Symposium and Banquet to Celebrate the 60th Birthday of Professor Kenneth Johnson, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2 November 1991. 3rd Symposium on Platenary [sic] Consciousness, Tokyo, Japan, 4-8 November 1991. 8th Congress of Pneumology Lung and Environment, Trieste, Italy, 8-9 November 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 590 Visits and conferences J.1438 Meeting on Humanism, Florence, Italy, 14-16 November 1991. J.1439 J.1440 J.1441 J.1442 J.1443 J.1444 J.1445 J.1446 J.1447 J.1448 Meeting on Science, Religion and Philosophy: Interaction, Expectations and New Hypotheses, Rome, Italy, 20 November 1991. Committee on Science and Technology of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Meeting, Paris, France, 21 November1991. Christian Democratic International Forum, Rome, Italy, 22-23 November 1991. 1st Regional Congress of Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran, 23-27 November 1991. International Conference onIslamic Civilisation and Sciences, Florence,Italy, 23-24 November 1991. International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Meeting, Rome,Italy, 27-28 November1991. Global Europe Committee Advisory Panel Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 29 November1991. International Congress of Scientists and Engineers: Science and Peace in a Rapidly Changing Environment, Berlin, Germany, 29 November-1 December 1991. World Conference on the Chemistry of the Atmosphere: its Impact on Global Change (CHEMRAWN), Baltimore, USA, 2-6 December 1991. 185th Pugwash Workshop on Winning the Peace: a Comprehensive Regional Security Structure in the Middle East and Gulf Area, L’Aquila, Italy, 6-8 December 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 591 Visits and conferences J.1449 J.1450 Celebrations of the 4th Centenary of Galileo's First Lecture, Padua, Italy, 7 December 1991. 57th Annual Conference of the Indian Mathematical Society, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 27-30 December 1991. J.1451 Meeting on Islamic Thought, Amman, Jordan, 1991. J.1452 J.1453 J.1454 J.1455 J.1456 J.1457 J.1458 Conference on Exotic Statistics and the Spin-Statistics Theorem, Syracuse University, New York, USA, 1991. Conference on Global Challenges for Science and Technology, Washington DC, USA, 1991. Conference on Attitudes for a New Culture of Solidarity in Europe, Barcelona, Spain, 1991. 1992 Nobel Laureate Symposium, Seville, Spain, 12-15 January 1992. 79th Annual Session of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Baroda, India, 3-8 January 1992. Conference on the New World Order, Trieste, Italy, 20-21 January 1992. 1st Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Tripoli, Libya, 2-6 February 1992. J.1459 SOL 3 Advisory Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-11 February 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 692 J.1460 J.1461 J.1462 J.1463 J.1464 J.1465 J.1466 J.1467 J.1468 J.1469 J.1470 J.1471 Visits and conferences International Meeting on Problems of the Knowledge and Conservation of Biodiversity, Mexico City, Mexico, 13-15 February 1992. 30th Anniversary of the Cuban Academyof Sciences, Havana, Cuba, 16-22 February 1992. International Conference on Environmental Physics in the Humid Tropic, Havana, Cuba, 25-27 February 1992. 1st International Congress on Environment, Geo-Cancerology and Cancer Control, Lahore, Pakistan, 27 February-1 March 1992. 300th Anniversary of Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad, Cuzco, Peru, 2 March 1992. Meeting on Le Univerista e La Ricerca nella Evoluzione dello Scenario Europeo: Nuove Sfide e Nuove Frontiere, Rome, Italy, 18-19 March 1992. Meeting on Culture and Cultures, Barcelona, Spain, 18-22 March 1992. Negotiations with Environment and Development, Kyoto, Japan, 21 March 1992. the Secretary General of the UN Conference on 75th Anniversary of Chulalongkom University Commemorative Ceremony, Bangkok, Thailand, 24-26 March 1992. Launchofthe Bolivar Programme, Caracas, Venezuela, 31 March 1992. International Conference on North, South, East, West, Milan, Italy, January- March 1992. 23rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Razi University, Bakhtaran, Iran, 7-10 April 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 593 J.1472 J.1473 J.1474 J.1475 J.1476 J.1477 J.1478 J.1479 J.1480 Visits and conferences Symposium on Europe into the Third Millennium: Leader or Laggard?, Exeter, UK, 9-12 April 1992. Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority Conference on Particle and Nuclear Physics, Cairo, Egypt, 11-19 April 1992. Ath International Conference of Resident and Non-Resident Indians, London, 12 April 1992. Islamic Foundation of America International Seminar on Mohammad, the Final Messenger of Allah, New York, USA, 21-22 April 1992. 1st Session of the International Advisory Committee of the International Centre of Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 27-29 April 1992. European Incentive and Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition (EIBTM), Geneva, Switzerland, 5-6 May 1992. International Conference on Peace, Integrity and Stability, Delhi, India, 8 May 1992. International Seminar: Quarks 92, Zvenigorod, Russia, 11-17 May 1992. 92: The IIASA (International Challenges to Systems Analysis in the Nineties and Beyond, Laxenburg, Austria, 12-13 May 1992. for Applied Systems Analysis) Institute J.1481 Institute of Physics Awards Dinner, London, 13 May 1992. J.1482 J.1483 1st Pugwash Workshop on Brain-Drain and International Co-operation, Rehovot, Israel, 14-17 May 1992. 20th Latin American Congress of Chemistry, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 17-23 May 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 594 Visits and conferences J.1484 J.1485 J.1486 J.1487 J.1488-J.1490 J.1491 J.1492 J.1493 J.1494 J.1495 J.1496 1st Atlantic Congress of Electron Microscopy, Merida, Venezuela, 25-29 May 1992. Encounter of Universities, Scientific Societies and Research Institutes on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-29 May 1992. Ecotech-Rio 92: International Symposium and Exhibition of Environmental Technology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 May-6 June 1992. Ath San Miniato Topical Seminar: The Standard Model and Just Beyond, San Miniato, Italy, 1-5 June 1992. Earth Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-12 June 1992. Conference Summit: United Nations on Environment and Includes various typescript draft contributions by Salam. Three folders. International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 15th Granada, Andalucia, Spain, 7-12 June 1992. Europe and America after 1992 Conference — Strategy Towards the Year 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-12 June 1992. 4th Rencontres de Blois: Particle Physics, Loire Valley, France, 15-20 June 1992. International Conference of Resident and Non-Resident Indians, 5th Michigan, USA, 19 June 1992. Global Europe Committee Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 19 June 1992. International Workshop on Theoretical Physics: String Quantum Gravity and the Physics at the Planck Energy Scale, Erice, Italy, 21-28 June 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 595 Visits and conferences J.1497 J.1498 J.1499 International Amaldi Conference: International Security in a Transformed World, Heidelberg, Germany, 1-3 July 1992. Annual General Meeting of the South African Institute of Physics, South Africa, 1-3 July 1992. 8th International Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems, Dubna, Russia, 6-17 July 1992. J.1500 Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, 11 July 1992. J.1501 International University, Milan, Italy, 17 July 1992. J.1502 J.1503 J.1504 J.1505 Ath International Conference on Teaching Modern Physics, Badajoz, Spain, 19-26 July 1992. Tunisian Scientific Society (TSS) Annual Seminar, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 27-28 July 1992. 20th Anniversary of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICIT), San Jose, Costa Rica, 30 July-1 August 1992. International Disordered Systems Associates Society (INDIAS) Inaugural Speech, Indore,India, July 1992. J.1506 World Congressof Scientific Youth, Puerto Rico, 2-7 August 1992. J.1507 J.1508 Symposium to Celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Chien-Shiung Wu, Geneva, Switzerland, 4 August 1992. 26th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, Texas, USA, 6-12 August 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 596 J.1509 J.1510 J.1511 J.1512 J.1513 J.1514 Visits and conferences 5th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-15 August 1992. 3rd Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-22 August 1992. 22nd Central American and Caribbean Physics Course, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 17-26 August 1992. 1st World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Melbourne, Florida, USA, 19-26 August 1992. Meeting of Science Centres of Latin America, Cartagena, Colombia, 23-25 August 1992. Annual International School of Physics, St Petersburg, Russia, 24 August-5 September 1992. J.1515 Visit to the University of Oslo, Norway, August 1992. J.1516 Papal Visit to the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 5 September 1992. J.1517 International Meeting, Venice, Italy, 11-13 September 1992. J.1518 J.1519 42nd Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs: Shaping our Common Future — Dangers and Opportunities, Berlin, Germany, 11-17 September 1992. 3rd IPI (International Partnership Initiative) Congress: Europe and the World in Transition — Companies in Worldwide Competition between Economic Areas, Wolfsburg, Germany, 16-18 September 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 597 J.1520 J.1521 J.1522 J.1523 J.1524 J.1525 J.1526 J.1527 J.1528 J.1529 J.1530 Visits and conferences 172nd Meeting of the Scientific Switzerland, 21-22 September 1992. Policy Committee, CERN, Geneva, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Golden Jubilee Conference, New Delhi, India, 22-24 September 1992. international Conference on Caloriometry in High Energy Physics, 3rd_ Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, 29 September-2 October 1992. Conference on Progettazione e Tecnolgie, Trieste, Italy, 1 October 1992. International Congress of the History of Medicine in Islam and Iran, Tehran University, Iran, 3-6 October 1992. Advisory Meeting on the Possible Role of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) in the Areas of Capacity Building Science and of Science Education, Paris, France, 5-6 October 1992. Conference on Knowledge Across Cultures, Toronto, Canada, 7-10 October 1992. Includes 23pp typescript Education in the Development of the South’, by Salam. entitled ‘Science, Technology and Science Workshop on Science, Technology and Societies of the World, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 8-9 October 1992. 11th Annual Conference of the German Association for Culture and Development, Bonn, Germany, 9-10 October 1992. International Meeting to Commemorate the 500th Anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ Discovery of the New World, University of Petropolis, Brazil, 10- 17 October 1992. 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation, Rome, Italy, 12-16 October 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 598 Visits and conferences J.1531 J.1532 J.1533 J.1534 J.1535 World Wide Fund for Nature Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 15 October 1992. International Institute of Management(IIM) Meeting, Venice, Italy, 15 October 1992. International Symposium on Neutrino Astrophysics, Takayama, Japan, 19-22 October 1992. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Meeting, New York, USA, 21 October 1992. 70th Anniversary of the Chinese Astronomical Society Celebration Ceremony and Workshopon Frontiers of Astronomy in the 1990s, Beijing, China, 30-31 October 1992. J.1536 Conference on the Environment, Manila, October 1992. J.1537 Pacem in Maribus XX, Malta, 1-4 November 1992. J.1538 J.1539 J.1540 J.1541 2nd Princess Chulabhom Science Congress: International Congress on Environment, Science and Technology - the Challenges of the 21st Century, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-6 November 1992. Meeting on Scienza and Ricerca, Trieste, Italy, 5 November 1992. International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Meeting, Paris, France, 26- 27 November 1992. 2nd International Scientific Symposium on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Creating 30 November-2 December 1992. the Data France, Base, Paris, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 599 Visits and conferences J.1542 J.1543 J.1544 J.1545 J.1546 J.1547 J.1548 International Course on Information Processing for Environmental Impact Assessment Exploration, Exploitation and Reclamation, Gorizia, Italy, 30 November-3 December 1992. Socio-Economic Analysis and of Mineral International Symposium: Tribute to Galileo, Padua, Italy, 2-7 December 1992. Conference on Global Development, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 4-5 December 1992. Meeting on the Interrelationship between Art and Science, Vinci, Italy, 11-13 December 1992. 2nd Pugwash Workshop on Winning the Peace: A Comprehensive Regional Security Structure in the Middle East and Gulf Area, L’Aquila, Italy,12-13 December 1992. Meeting on Culture, Democracy and Development, Dakar, Senegal, 14-17 December 1992. Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences Convocation and Conference, Multan, Pakistan, 19 December 1992. J.1549 Fundacion Banco Bilbao Vizcaya International Debate, Madrid, Spain, 1992. 1993 J.1550 J.1551 2nd International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Karachi, Pakistan, 6-9 January 1993. 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, Indonesia, 10-11 January 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 600 Visits and conferences J.1552 J.1553 J.1554 J.1555 J.1556 J.1557 J.1558 J.1559 J.1560 J.1561 J.1562 Workshop on Earthquake Hazard and Large Dams in the Himalayas, New Delhi, India, 15-16 January 1993. Annual Plenary Assembly of the Italian National Commission of UNESCO, Rome, Italy, 29 January 1993. Meeting of Heads of Global Environmental Change Institutes, Laxenberg, Austria, January/February 1993. International Symposium on 30 Years of Neutral Currents from Weak Neutral Currents to the (w)/z and Beyond, Santa Monica, California, USA, 3-5 February 1993. Meeting on the Abolition of the Death Penalty, Rome, Italy, 4-8 February 1993. Meeting of the Governing Body of the International Union of Elementologists, New Delhi, India, 7 February 1993. 1st Pacific Winter School for Theoretical Physics, Sorak Mountain Resort, Korea, 22-26 February 1993. 6th Comissio Internacional de Difusio de la Cultura Catalana Meeting on Culture and the Media, Barcelona, Spain, 17-21 March 1993. International Conference on Trends in Science and Technology, Brussels, Belgium, 28-30 March 1993. Swaminathan Research Foundation Meeting on Ecotechnology and Rural Employment, Madras, India, 12-15 April 1993. International Symposium on Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature, Trieste, Italy, 16-17 April 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 601 J.1563 J.1564 J.1565 J.1566 J.1567 J.1568 J.1569 J.1570 J.1571 J.1572 J.1573 J.1574 Visits and conferences From Quarks to Galaxies Meeting, Trieste, Italy, 22 April 1993. Conference on Trieste and the Region in Europe, Trieste, Italy, 23-24 April 1993. International Seminar on Brain-Drain Issues in Europe, Venice, Italy, 25-27 April 1993. 4th International Meeting on Materials Science, Oran, Alegria, 27-30 April 1993. Taejon Expo ’93: International Symposium on Traditional Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 29-30 April 1993. International Southampton, UK,April 1993. Conference on Geoscience Education and_ Training, UNESCO Workshop on Bridging the Gap between Science and Decision- making in Global Climate Change Mitigation, Venice, Italy, 6-7 May 1993. Meeting of Pope John Paul II with Scientists of the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 8 May 1993. International Congress for the Advancement of Science and Technologyin the Islamic World, Tehran, Iran, 17-19 May 1993. Union Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 21-22 May 1993. of Concerned Scientists: Critical Issues Outreach Meeting, Meeting on the Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Arab World, Trieste, Italy, 27 May 1993. Group of Studies for the Arab World Development (GEDMA) Conference, Paris, France, 4 June 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 602 J.1575 J.1576 J.1577 J.1578 J.1579 J.1580 J.1581 Visits and conferences International Conference on Design to Manufacture in Modern Industry, Bled, Slovenia, 6-9 June 1993. 18th International Nathiagali Summer College on Physics and Contemporary Needs, Nathiagali, Pakistan, 10-17 June 1993. Course on Structures and Events, San Marino, 14-19 June 1993. Y-School Seminar on Recent Problems in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Cordon, Tatarstan, Russia, 14-26 June 1993. Academia Europaea Annual General Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, 21-23 June 1993. International Conference on Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 22-27 June 1993. 43rd Meeting of Nobel Laureates (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 28 June-2 July 1993. J.1582 1st Meeting of the Patrons of OIBC, London, 29 June 1993. J.1583 J.1584 J.1585 J.1586 6th Workshop on Dynamics and Control, Vienna, Austria, 5-7 July 1993. 10th International Conference on the Origin of Life, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 July 1993. International Conference: Neutral Currents 20 Years Later, Paris, France, 6- 9 July 1993. Perkins Conference (to mark the retirement of Professor D. Perkins), Oxford, UK, 11-13 July 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 603 Visits and conferences J.1587 J.1588 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille, France, 22-28 July 1993. Symposium for Engineering Professionals in the USA, Dallas, Texas, USA, 24 July 1993. J.1589, J.1590 2nd Gauss Symposium on Medical Mathematics and Physics, Munich, Germany, 2-7 August 1993. Twofolders. J.1591 Kasetsart Golden Jubilee International Convention, Bangkok, Thailand, 10- 11 August 1993. J.1592 Bogolubov Memorial Conference, Dubna, Russia, 19-21 August 1993. J:1593 J.1594 J.1595 J.1596 J.1597 J.1598 Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago,Illinois, USA, 28 August-4 September 1993. General Conference of the European Physical Society (EPS), Florence, Italy, 14-17 September1993. Meeting of the International Jury of the Felix Houphoét-Boigny, Paris, France, 17 September 1993. 3rd International Meeting of Nobel Prize Winners, Tambov, Russia, 21-24 September 1993. International Conference on Sustainable Village-Based Development, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 26 September-1 October 1993. Amaldi Conference: A Contribution to Peace and International Security, Rome, Italy, 27-29 September 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 604 J: 1599 J.1600 J.1601 J.1602 J.1603 J.1604 J.1605 Visits and conferences Workshop on the Cultural Dimension of Scientific and Technological Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1-3 October 1993. 177th Meeting of the Scientific Policy Committee, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-5 October 1993. Saha Astrophysics, Allahabad, India, 4-6 October 1993. International Centenary Symposium on Spectroscopy and Meeting in Honour of the Dalai Lama, Berlin, Germany, 23 October 1993. 3rd General Assembly of the European Association of Deans of Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29-30 October 1993. Structure of the World Lecture Series, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2-9 November 1993. 30th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, 3-5 November 1993. J.1606 Historic Address by Mrs Hak Ja Han Moon, London, 7 November 1993. J.1607 10th World Laboratory Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 8-9 November 1993. J.1608 J.1609 J.1610 Donor Consultation on Agenda 21 Research and Capacity — Buildings Initiatives, Bellagio, Italy, 8-11 November 1993. Seminar on the Human Element in Research and Development, Trieste, Italy, 15 November 1993. 4th Indira Gandhi Conference: Redefining the Good Society, New Delhi, India, 20-23 November 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 605 J.1611 J.1612 J.1613 J.1614 Visits and conferences 2nd Conference for the Preparation of the Magna Carta of Duties in Co- operation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Trieste, Italy, 25-27 November 1993. Science in the Future of Europe: an International Meeting of Eminent Scientists and other Outstanding Personalities, Budapest, Hungary, 27-28 November 1993. Edo State University Distinguished Alumni Open Day, Ekpoma, Nigeria, November 1993. Ciba Foundation Discussion Meeting: The Role of the Media in Science Communication, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-8 December 1993. J.1615 Nobelperil Futuro, Milan Italy, 7-8 December1993. J.1616 J.1617 J.1618 J.1619 J.1620 Congress to Found the International League for the Abolition of the Death Penalty by the Year 2000, Brussels, Belgium, 9-10 December 1993. 2nd William Fairbank Conference on Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space and Related Theoretical Topics, Hong Kong, 13-16 December 1993. Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences Convocation and Conference, Karachi, Pakistan, 14-15 December 1993. 7th International Workshop on Physics of Semi-Conductor Devices, New Delhi, India, 14-18 December 1993. Annual Informal Particle Theory Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 15-17 December 1993. J.1621 Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Lecture, Delhi, India, 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 606 Visits and conferences J.1622 Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Lecture, State University of New York, New York, USA, 1993. J.1623 65th Birthday of Professor Zichichi Conference, Italy, 1993. J.1624 J.1625 J.1626 J.1627 J.1628 J.1629 1994 International Symposium on Mathematical Physics with Special Sessions on Bose’s Work, Calcutta, India, 1-7 January 1994. International Conference on Non-Accelerator Particle Physics, Bangalore, India, 2-9 January 1994. 81st Session of the Indian Science Congress Association, Jaipur, India, 3-8 January 1994. Interdisciplinary Conference on the Ethical Questions to be Faced in Implementing the UN programme on Environment and Development, New York, USA, 13-14 January 1994. Symposium in Honour of Sergio Fubini on the Occasion of his Retirement from CERN, Turin, Italy, 24-26 February 1994. International Seminar on Humanity at Consciousness, Auroville, India, 25-26 February 1994. the Crossroads: Evolution of J.1630 Anti-Death Penalty March, Rome, Italy, 3 April 1994. J.1631 J.1632 Conference: From Darwin to Molecular Biology, Milan, Italy, 23 April 1994. 1st Academic International on the History of Science from the Ancient Period up to 1200AD, Calcutta, India, 12-14 May 1994. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 607 Visits and conferences J.1633 Nobel Day, San Remo, Italy, 3-5 June 1994. J.1634 J.1635 J.1636 J.1637 J.1638 J.1639 J.1640 Turkish Conference,Istanbul, Turkey, 6-10 June 1994. Scientific and Technical Research Council Gursey Memorial International School Seminar on Multi-dimensional Gravity and Cosmology, Yaroslav, Russia, 20-26 June 1994. 44th Conference of Nobel Prize Laureates (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 27 June-1 July 1994 International Labour Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1994. Award Ceremony of the 1993 Félix Houphouét-Boigny Peace Prize, 6 July 1994, Paris France. 6th International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Rabat, Morocco, 18-22 July 1994. United Nations Development Programme Roundtable, Stockholm, Sweden, 22-24 July 1994. J.1641 International Sakharov Festival, Athens, Greece, 28-31 July 1994. J.1642 J.1643 J.1644 25th Anniversary of the University of Science, Malaysia Commemorative Convocation Ceremony, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 11 August 1994. Course on Spreading Communication of the Knowledge and Scientific Thought, Valencia, Spain, 12-15 September 1994. Symposium to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Herwig Schopper, Geneva, Switzerland, 15 September 1994. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 608 Visits and conferences J.1645 J.1646 J.1647 J.1648 J.1649 J.1650 J.1651 J.1652 J.1653 J.1654 J.1655 Meeting of the 183rd Switzerland, 26 September 1994. Scientific Policy Committee, CERN, Geneva, Symposium on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of André Martin, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 September 1994. Meeting on Future Political Systems in the Islamic World, Malta, 2-5 October 1994. International Symposium: The Third Millennium Man, His Limits and His Hopes, Lake Como, Italy, 2-6 October 1994. Administrative Meeting of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, Trieste, Italy, 14 October 1994. International Seminar on Public Understanding of Science Around the Mediterranean Basin, Tunis, Tunisia, 2-4 November 1994. European Academy of Sciences and Arts General Academy: Europa Felix — Utopia?, Frankfurt, Germany, 2-5 November 1994. 5th International Energy Forum: Energy Services — a Promising Market?, Hamburg, Germany, 17-18 November 1994. Inter-religious Meeting on Three Religions: a Commitment for Peace, Madrid, Spain, 28-30 November 1994. Diamond Jubilee Annual Meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, India, 30 November-2 December 1994. Seminar November/December 1994. Fundamental on Issues in Science, New Delhi, India, Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 609 Visits and conferences J.1656 J.1657 J.1658 15th India-NRI World Convention, New Delhi, India, 21-22 December 1994. Conference on the Impact of Studies and Informatics on Decision Making, Ajman, December 1994. 50th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 1994. J.1659 C. P. Snow Lecture, Cambridge, UK, 1994. 1995 J.1660 J.1661 J.1662 J.1663 Symposium on Physical Origin of Homochirality, Santa Monica, USA, February 1995. 2nd Academic International of the Shiv Yogashram ResearchInstitute (SYRI) on History of Science from the Ancient Period up to 1900AD, Calcutta, India, 2-3 March 1995. Babu Jagjivan Ram Inaugural Lecture, New Delhi, India, 5 April 1995. 1st International Seminar and Conference on Islamic Medicine, Tampa, Florida, USA, 14-17 April 1995. J.1664 Meeting on Meditation and Prayer, Noale, Italy, 21-23 April 1995. J.1665 Scientific Culture Week, Trieste, Italy, April 1995. J.1666 International Conference on Fundamental Forces and Quantum Technology, Philadelphia, USA, 2-5 May 1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 610 Visits and conferences J.1667 J.1668 J.1669 J.1670 J.1671 J.1672 J.1673 J.1674 J.1675 J.1676 J.1677 Ceremony for the Award of VII Premi Internacional Catalunya, Bracelona, Spain, 11 May 1995. Meeting of the International Human Rights Network of Science Academies, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-12 May 1995. 3rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 15-18 May 1995. Al-Azhar University International Conference on the Egyptian Universities Research and its Role in Solving Developmental and Environmental Problems, Cairo, Egypt, 20-22 June 1995. 7th School-Seminar on Recent Problems in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Kazan State University, Tartarstan, Russia, 22 June-2 July 1995. 17th Conference of Indians and Non-Resident Indians, Birmingham, UK, 23 June 1995. 12th Annual Symposium of Physique en Herbe 95, Nice, France, 3-7 July 1995. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, 27 July-2 August 1995. 24th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rome, Italy, 28 August-2 September 1995. International Symposium: The Spiritual — Plurality and Unity, Paris, France, 7-10 September 1995. Ath International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (TAUP 95), Toldeo, Spain, 17-21 September 1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 611 Visits and conferences J.1678 J.1679 J.1680 J.1681 J.1682 J.1683 J.1684 J.1685 J.1686 J.1687 J.1688 Meeting 188th Scientific Switzerland, 25-26 September 1995. of the Policy Committee, CERN, Geneva, Celebrations for the Founding of the International Peace University, Berlin, Germany, September 1995. International Commission onIrrigation and Drainage Meeting, Rome, Italy, September 1995. 2nd Rencontres du Vietnam on Particle Hochiminh City, Vietnam, 21-28 October 1995. Physics and Astrophysics, Joint APS and AAPT Conference, Lubbock, Texas, USA, 26-28 October 1995. Lecture by Sir Roger Penrose to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of UNESCO, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 8 November1995. 1996 Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India, February 1996. International Seminar on Islamic Thoughts, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-16 March 1996. American Philosophical Meeting, Rome, Italy, 19-21 May 1996. Society and Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Conference on the Mathematical Beauty of Physics in Memory of Claude Itzykson, Gif sur Yvette, France, 5-7 June 1996. 46th Nobel Prize Laureates Meeting (Physicists), Lindau, Austria, 1-5 July 1996. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 612 Visits and conferences J.1689 J.1690 J.1691 J.1692 5th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Ideas (ISSEI) on Science and Other Systems of Belief, Utrecht, Netherlands, 19-24 August 1996. European Academyof Arts, Sciences and Humanities Annual Symposium, Paris, France, 19 September 1996. Meeting 193rd Scientific Switzerland, 23-24 September 1996. of the Policy Committee, CERN, Geneva, 5th International Oncology Conference, Karachi, Pakistan, 13-14 November 1996. J.1693 Indian Philosophical Congress, Pune, India, 24-30 November 1996. J.1694-J.1790 Alphabetical Series 1961-1989 J.1694 Argentina, January 1985-April 1986. See also J.1744. J.1695 Austria, September 1969-April 1987. J.1696 Australia, May-June 1978. J.1697 Bangladesh, July 1986-January 1987. J.1698 Belgium, December 1979-December 1986. J.1699 Brazil, March 1961-June 1987. See also J.1744. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 613 Visits and conferences J.1700 Bulgaria, April 1972-July 1986. J.1701 Canada, March 1977-May 1987. J.1702 CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research), May 1971-April 1980. J.1703 Chile, June 1984. See also J.1744. J.1704 China, November 1987-July 1988. 351700 Colombia, May-June 1983. See also J.1744. J.1706 Costa Rica, February-March 1987. J.1707 Cuba, March-September 1987. See also J.1744. J.1708 Czechoslovakia, November 1980-June 1986. J.1709 Denmark, December 1977-January 1985. J.1710 Ecuador, May-June 1986. See also J.1744. J.1711 Egypt, April 1980-May 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 614 Visits and conferences el 12 Ethiopia, July 1969. J.1713 Finland, January 1972-September 1980. J.1714, J.1715 France, March 1971-November 1987. Twofolders. J.1716 Germany (East)), November 1977-July 1984. INA 11S Germany, (West), April 1969-March 1987. Twofolders. J.1719 Ghana, January-March 1987. J.1720 Greece, November 1970-April 1986. J.1721 Hawaii, October 1970-August 1985. ene! Hong Kong, June 1978-June 1986. J.1723 Hungary, October 1983. J.1724-J.1727 India, November 1972-December 1987. Four folders. J.1728 Indonesia, September 1977-January 1982. J.1729 lran, December 1974-October 1978. Abdus Salam NCUACS99/4/01 615 Visits and conferences J.1730 Iraq, December 1971-March 1987. J.1731 Israel, July 1970-November 1984. J.1732-J.1738 Italy, April 1969-January 1988. Seven folders. J.1739 Ivory Coast, January-February 1984. J.1740 Japan, July 1972-August 1986. J.1741 Jordan, June 1982-February 1987. J.1742 Korea, July 1981-August 1986. J.1743 Kuwait, November 1971-December 1985. J.1744 Latin America, February 1978-May 1980. See also J.1694, J.1699, J.1703, J.1705, J.1707, J.1710, J.1749, J.1759. J.1745 Lebanon, June 1972-April 1975. J.1746 Libya, January-September 1984. J.1747 Madagascar, March-July 1986. J.1748 Malaysia, May 1972-February 1980. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 616 Visits and conferences J.1749 Mexico, April 1981-October 1987. See also J.1744. DELO Mongolia, March-June 1987. Jnl fon Morocco, October-December 1982. J21752 Moscow,April-August 1982. See also J.1764, J.1786, J.1787. J.1753 Nepal, January-July 1987 J7o4 New Zealand, August 1970. J.1755 Nigeria, January-February 1986. Je 706 Norway, December 1972-November 1979. SiS IN 58 Pakistan, May 1969-July 1988. Twofolders. J.1759 Peru, May 1986-March 1987. See also J.1744. J.1760 Poland, May 1972-February 1987. J.1761 Puerto Rico, December 1984-January 1985. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 617 Visits and conferences Iro2 Qatar, February 1981. 1108 Romania, February 1980-October 1985. J.1764 Russia, August 1969-October 1979. See also J.1752, J.1786, J.1787. J.1765 Scotland, June-August 1989. Seealso J.1775-J.1778. J.1766 Singapore, January-February 1979. J.1767 Spain, May 1971-May 1989. Includes 16pp typescript entitled ‘Global Tasks for Europe in Areas of Science, Technology and Ecology’ by Salam. J.1768 Sri Lanka, December 1976-March 1987. J.1769 Sweden, September 1971-August 1986. J.1770 Switzerland, May 1987-February 1988. DATTA Syria, February-September 1977. As Thailand, December 1984-January 1985. S713 Tunisia, November 1986-July 1987. J.1774 Turkey, January 1979-January 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 618 Visits and conferences J.1775-J.1778 UK, May 1978-December 1987. Four folders. See also J.1765. J.1779-J.1785 USA, May 1970-December1987. Seven folders. J.1786, J.1787 USSR, April 1980-November 1987. Twofolders. See also J.1752, J.1764. J.1788 Vietnam, September-December 1982. J.1789, J.1790 Yugoslavia, November 1970-December 1987. Twofolders. J.1791-J.1885 MISCELLANEOUS 1955-1986 This sub-section contains material relating to visits and conferences not found in any of the preceding sequences of ICTP files. It includes documentation of several important conferences in the 1950s and papers and correspondencerelating to a month-longvisit to India in 1981. The presentation is chronological. Undated material has been placed at the end of the sub-section. J.1791 International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, 1956. Account of conference organisation. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 619 Visits and conferences J.1792-J.1802 6th Rochester Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics, University of Rochester, New York, USA, ?1956. See also B.23. Draft proceedings. Eleven folders. J.1803-J.1812 7th Rochester Conference on High Energy Nuclear Physics, University of Rochester, New York, USA, ?1957. Seealso B.26. Draft proceedings. Ten folders. J.1813 Meeting to Discuss a Possible International Accelerator Project, New York, USA, 5 September 1961. Minutes. See also J.1814. J.1814 Meeting to Discuss a Possible International Accelerator Project, New York, 8 September 1961. Minutes. See also J.1813. J.1815-J.1819 China, 2-9 March 1965. Salam accompanied Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan. J.1815 Papers re arrangements. J.1816 Programmes. J.1817 Typescript speeches, 3pp and 3pp, by Liu Shao-Chi and Peng Chen. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 620 Visits and conferences J.1818 Papersreitinerary. J.1819 App typescript entitled 'Report on the Visit to China’ by Salam. J.1820 International Theoretical Physics Conference on Particles and Fields, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA, 28 August-1 September 1967. Programmeanddirectory. J.1821 Symposium on the Last Decade in Particle Theory, University of Texas, USA, April 1970. 31pp typescript lecture entitled ‘Recent Developments in the Foundations of Quantum Field Theory’ by |. Segal. J.1822, J.1823 US House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics 12th Meeting with the Panel on Science and Technology, 26-28 January 1971. J.1822 21pp typescript entitled ‘International Co-operation in the Physical Sciences (with Particular reference to Developing Countries)’ by Salam. J.1823 Correspondencearising. J.1824 Meeting with G. Fidecaro to Discuss Initiatives in the Field of Experimental High Energy Physics, 16-13 May 1971. Correspondencere arrangements. J.1825 Rutherford Centennial Symposium on the Structure of Matter, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 7-9 July 1971. Correspondence andpapers re arrangements. J.1826 Summer School on Dynamics of Geophysical Fluids and Theoretical Oceanography, Venice, Italy, 23 August-18 September 1971. Papers re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 621 Visits and conferences J.1827 3rd Colloquium in Astrophysics, Trieste, Italy, 6-9 September 1971. Programmeandlist of participants. J.1828 Ath International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, 6-16 September 1971. Papers re arrangements. J.1829 1st European Biophysics Congress, Baden, Austria, 14-17 September 1971. First circular only. J.1830 4th International Conference on High Energy Collisions (Stony Brook Series), Oxford University, UK, 5-7 April 1972. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. J.1831 CERN Schoolof Physics, Grado,Italy, 15-31 May 1972. Salam was a memberof the organising committee. Bulletin (draft) Number 1. J.1832, J.1833 16th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Chicago,Illinois, USA, 6-13 September 1972. J.1832 Papers and Correspondence re arrangements. J.1833 List of participants. J.1834 International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) Conference on Education of Teachers for Integrated Science, University of Maryland, USA, 3-13 April 1973. Papers and correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 622 Visits and conferences J.1835 J.1836 J.1837 J.1838 2nd International Conference on Elementary Particles, Aix en Provence, France, 6-12 September 1973. Correspondence and papersre arrangements. Triangle Meeting: Low Energy Hadron Physics, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia, 5-7 November 1973. First announcementonly. International Conference 4th Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 26-27 April 1974. Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, on Preliminary programme and papers re arrangements. 1st Scientific Conference of the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission, Baghdad, Iraq, 7-11 April 1975. Programmeonly. J.1839-J.1873 India and Bangladesh, 8-28 January 1981. During his stay in India Salam visited Bombay, Madras, Bangalore, Delhi, Calcutta, Bhubaneshwar and Amritsar as well as Dacca, Bangladesh. He also received manyinvitations that he was not able to accept. J.1839 Correspondence and papersre arrangements. J.1840 Itineraries. J.1841 Lists of names and addresses ofcontacts. J.1842-J.1845 Bombay, India, 8-11 January 1981. J.1842 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Correspondencere arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 623 Visits and conferences J.1843 India Physics Association. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1844 The Cambridge Society. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1845 Nehru Centre. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1846 Madras, India, 11-13 January 1981. Correspondencereinvitations tovisit. J.1847 Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 14 January 1981. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Unification of International Forces’. Correspondencere arrangements. J.1848, J.1849 New Delhi, India, 14-16 January 1981. J.1848 National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1849 University of Delhi, India. Correspondencerevisit. J.1850, J.1851 Bangladesh, 16-19 January 1981. J.1850 Dacca, Bangladesh. Correspondencerevisit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 624 Visits and conferences J.1851 University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1852-J.1854 Calcutta, India, 19-22 January 1981. J.1852 Correspondencerevisit. J.1853 Rotary Club. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1854 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.1855 Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar,India, 20 January 1981. Correspondencerevisit. J.1856-J.1860 New Delhi, India, 22-28 January 1981. J.1856 6th Zaheer Science Foundation Lecture. 23 January 1981. Salam gavea lecture entitled ‘Reflections on Science and Technology’. 26pp typescript lecture and correspondencere arrangements. J.1857 Indian Institute of Technology. Correspondencere possible visit. J.1858 Institute of History of Medicine and Medical Research. Correspondencere possible visit. J.1859 Jawaharlal Nehru University. Correspondencere possible visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 625 Visits and conferences J.1860 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Correspondencearising from visit. J.1861 Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India, 25 January 1981. Correspondencerevisit. J.1862 Aligarh Muslim University, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1863 Assam India. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1864 Chandigarh, India. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1865 Kanpur,India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1866 Kurukshtra University, Haryana, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1867 Orissa, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1868 Patna, India. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 626 Visits and conferences J.1869 Simla, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1870 University of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1871 Vikram University, Ujjain, India. Correspondencereinvitation tovisit. J.1872 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. Correspondencereinvitation to visit. J.1873 Letters of thanks and correspondencearising. J.1874-J.1883 Symposium on the Arabian Gulf University: Future Outlook, Bahrain, 9-14 May 1983 J.1874, J.1875 105pp typescript (annotated) entitled ‘The Arabian Gulf University: A Conceptual Framework for an Innovative Regional Venture — Report of an Interdisciplinary Study Mission’, Bahrain, March 1983. Twofolders. J.1876 Programmes. J.1877 List of participants. J.1878 General notes and backgroundinformation. J.1879-J.1881 Briefing documents. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 627 Visits and conferences J.1883 16pp typescript entitled ‘The Gulf University and Science in the Arab-Islamic Commonwealth’ by Salam with correspondencereits publication. J.1884 4th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, RomeItaly, 17-21 June 1985. 13pp typescript opening remarks entitled 'Astro-Particle Physics' delivered by Salam. J.1885 Workshop on Curriculum Development in ComputerScience, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1-13 September 1986. Physics, Mathematics and 7pp typescript address delivered by Salam.