MOREAU, Reginald Ernerst v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of REGINALD ERNEST MOREAU (1897~1970) ornithologist deposited in the library of the Edward Grey Institute, Oxford Archives Centre (19/13/74) by Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 74/82 London WC2A 1HP 1974 All rights reserved esac 19/13/74 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMSSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technolegical Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE | Papers of REGINALD ERNEST MOREAU (1897 ~ 1970) 1974 Deposited in the Library of the Edward Grey Institute, Oxford Listed by Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel R.EsM. CoSeheCe 19/13/74 Description of the collection The papers cover the years 1918 « 73.and were assembled from various BOULrCes The early correspondence (Section TZ) and the African diaries, journals and working notes (Section IV) were retained in the library of the Edward Grey Institute, Oxford, by David Lack after Moreau's death; Item 4 gives a full accowit of Dr. Lack*’s disposition of Moreau's papers. The material on Palaearctic-African migration (Section III) was received from Dr. James Monk, Moreau's literary executor, who edited the manuscript of Moreau bed The Palaearctic-African Bird Migration Systems for publication. relied on an extraordinarily global network of correspondents for data and information; the later material in the files (1970-73) is Dr. Monk's continuation of this correspondence and his own notes and drafts. Moreau was not a professional ornithologist. He was employed in the Army Audit Office in England and Egypt, later in the Colonial Service agri- cultural research unit in Amani, Tanganyika, and pursued his ornithological On his retirement, he devoted studies and observations in his leisure time. his time wholly to ornithology, as editor of Ibis and working in the Edward Grey Institute, at first in an honorary capacity. Of special interest are the notebooks (Items 87-100) in Kiswahili by native observers trained by Moreau in Tanganyika, and Moreau's extensive correspondence with Dr. James Chapin (Items 11-27) which is remarkable not only for its wealth of ornithological information but also for the beautiful calligraphic drawings of animals and birds in which Chapin *spelled cut’ his own name or that of others. wnit Summary of Career be 1897 1947 = 60 1947 — 66 1906 1914 1920 1924 1928 1946 Retirement from Civil Service; return to Mngland Marriage Move to a Tanganyika (Colonial Service agricultural research Kingston-on—Thames Educated Kingston Grammar School Entered the Civil Service (Army Audit Office) Move to Egypt (Army Audit Office) Index of principal correspondents Editor of Ibis Work at Edward Grey Institute, Oxford Diaries, journals and working notes Work for The Palaearctic~African Contents of the handlist Bird Migration Systems 1951 Honorary M.A. Oxford Biographical Correspondence I. II. Lil. IV. Vv. REM. C.S.A.C. 19/13/74 Ls Biographical Obituary notices: by Dr. J. Monk in Briti irds, Vol.63, 1970 1970 — 71 by Stephen Marchant in The Emu, Vol.70, Part 4, October 1970 by Constantine W. Benson in Journal ftir Ornithologie, 112, Heft.1, i971 1970 June 3, The Tis autobiographical Breton The Ibis, 112, with additional note s by - David fae, Janes noes sir Fehaeteroush Thomson Professor William Thorpe 1970 Letter from Dr. H.W. Lissmann,FRS, to Dr. James Monk Two photographs Personal correspondence (Christmas cards, letters of thanks ) Letter from David Lack to Mrs. describing disposition of 1 foresute papers, reprints, notebooks, Moreau (dated 20 August 1970) ih 1970 and corre espond ence els Correspondence (The extensive correspondence re Palaearctic birds is included in section TH.) be With William Rowan, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 1930 6. 1934 1936 1946 1946 1951 1941 With Arthur Loveridge, Harvard With Col. Richard Meinertzhagen With Alexander F, Skutch, Costa Rica Moreauts letters to L.S.V. Venables written from Amani With James Chapin, Museum of Natural History, New York City Moreau's letters to L.S.V. Venables written from Aman (those of 1939 written in England) Package of envelopes and drawings A943 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 HIG 1958 1959 1960 14... 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 226 e350. 24... 208. 26. 21 > WW ie He Me C.S.A.C. 19/13/74 Moreauts letter of With Myles North, Nairobi. proposes an ornithological expedition to climb I%. Endau, Kenya, a feat which was accomplished in January-February, 1962. Much of the correspondence in the file (and in Items 29,30, 31) is concerned with the planning of the expedition (see list on file cover for summary of contents.) 15 April 1961 Correspondence, invoices, list of supplies and notes col- lected by Myles North for lit. Endau expedition and for the paper written about the results of the expedition Myles North's correspondence with Moreau and John Tennant re results of expedition and Tennant's article in Ibis, 1-6, 1964) 106, Miscellaneous ornithological correspondence arranged chrono— logically Miscellaneous ornithological correspondence arranged chrono- logically Migrants in the Bay of Biscay': letters to Moreau, D.W. Snow and Di. gwen as a result of an appeal for information in Bri publis shed work and a copy of .‘Autumn Migration Filmed and Re- corded at Seat by G.R. Edwards irds and This. File also contains notes on others’ aL Work for "The Palaearctic-African Bird Migration Systems' 1972 Correspondence with Gerard Morel i & Correspondence with Graeme Backhurst, Kenya Correspondence and information from colleagues re migration Miscellaneous correspondence and information received from other ornithologists Reviews of tThe Palaearctic—African Bird Migration Systems', Academic! Press London and New York, (This material was received from Dr. James Monk who edited the book after Moreau's death. own efforts to complete the work for pubbiostion.) The 1970 ~ 73 correspondence and notes are Dr. Monk's Correspondence with outside observers for ‘Changes in Africa. .' Correspondence Moreauts notes, drafts, bibliographies, graphs and charts ‘Changes in Africa as a Wintering Area for Palae— arctic Birds': typescript with Ms. corrections ‘Changes in Africa as a Wintering Area for Palaearctic Birds': typescript with Ms. corrections, Moreau's data, notes on the published work of others, File labelled 'Moult and Physiology! containing: 42. 43. 44. 45. Related offprints related offprints REM. C.S.A.C. 19/13/74 48.— 52. File labelled ‘Western Asia! containing A 48. 50. 51. Bae (3 pp.) Bibliographical notes, drafts and copies of letters, data, maps, tabular summaries, un- identified corrected typescript and typescript of 'The Migration between Palaearctic Asia and Africa’! Extensive correspondence with Lindon Cornwallis with data, tabular summaries and bibliographical notes used in preparation of 'The Migration between Palaearctic Asia and Africa‘ Correspondence Correspondence Offprint by H Kumerloeve (annotated by the author) 1968 — 69 1969 — 70 Miscellaneous data and notes collected by Moreau, bibliographies, n.d. notes on others! work, drafts of unidentified papers Notes and data sent to Moreau by other ornithological workers 'Bird Breeding Records, Serengeti National and observers i.e. Park 1967', ‘Extracts from Ruaha National Park Warden's Report! etc. The maintenance needs of Palaearctic migrant birds in Africa' Newton: typescript with extensive corrections by Moreau and I. by Moreau; 'Palaearctic Migrant Bird Species in Uganda’: type-— script by J.M. Lock(?); typescripts of 'Arenaria't and 'Chara- Grius dubuis' 1967 n.d. Miscellaneous offprints 1969 - 70 1968 — 69 & 10. Warblers': includes data 'Chapter 3': data and related offprints ‘Chapter 3': correspondence, maps and related offprints 'p.) ('The circumstances of the migrants! journeys"): 1953, 1969 — ‘Chapter 3! correspondence with extensive data ‘Chapter 3': typescript with extensive Ms. corrections and amendments by Moreau and David Lack. Tabular summaries of data, bibliographical notes, Ms. draft (i ‘Chapters 1 and 2' ('The migrant species and their ranges' and 'The fluctuating ecology of the source areas'): data, charts and graphs in various hands, correspondence, related offprints offprints ‘Chapter 4. Numbers': data and calculations, related offprints and correspondence ‘Chapter 13. Raptors': data, bibliographical notes, related ‘Correspondence on chapters 9 and related offprints ‘Chapter 13. Raptors': correspondence 1968 — 70 ReE etie C.SsAeCe 19/13/74 W 66. ‘Chapter 14. Water's: correspondence with data (includes typescript of ‘Status of Palaearctic Wildfowl in Ethiopia!’ by E.K. Urban) "Chapter 14. Water's: data, Moreau's drafts of letters, offprints Ms. data on ringing (much of it collected by M. Radford) 'Ortstreue and Direction': correspondence with comments on the manuscript ‘Ortstreue and Direction': bibliographical notes, tabular summaries of data, related offprint 'Fat': correspondence and data Appendix prepared by Kenneth D. Smith: correspondence with J. Monk, corrected typescript with references Preparation of maps for publication: correspondence with Peter J. Evans Correspondence with Roger Ferrand re maps Miscellaneous correspondence re maps, corrections by Monk} of list of distribution maps, list of species, notes of progress typescript (with Ms. coe 2 ? for plates, notes by Monk Corrected typescript of chapters 9-11 Correeted typescript of chapters 12—16 Correspondence with Academic Press re publication of book Corrected typescript of contents page, foreword, chapters 1-38 Ms.and typescript list of legends of photographs Correspondence with ornithologists re permission to use photographs and illustrations 'Bird Fat Study': data-('% fat of live weight' and '% fat of dry weight') and calculations (one page of notes for each bird) his move to Egypt in 1920 Daily journal begun in August 1918 containing many ornitho— logical observations (notes of birds sighted and heard, their behaviour and habits) but also Moreau's reactions and exper-— iences Duplicated maps, each hand~coloured to denote distribution of species. Cornwallis, Moreau and Monk Some maps are extensively annotated by Lindon i on Diaries, journals and working notes 1918 = 21 C.S.AC. 19/13/74 6. Ms. diary of observations and sightings, of excursions with other ornithologists etc. 1948 — 62 88 small notebooks containing lengthy, detailed records of observations by African natives of individual nests. notes are in Kiswahili but many of the volumes also contain Moreau's own notes, his summaries of the natives' observations or his calculations based on their data Moreau 'to show for the first time that “the rate at which the individual nestling receives food tends to decrease with the number of birds in the brood.' (autobiography, Ibis, 112,p-554) This data enabled The Otis 88. 89. 90. 91. 92, 93. 94. 95-6 96. 97. 98. D9 « 100. 8 volumes 8 eo = O W 1 - O C = | W T T U B O W 1937 — 44 1937 49 1937 — 43 1937 — 46 1940 ~ 41 1937 -— 41 1938 41 1934 — 36 1937 1938 1939 — 40 1941 1942 — 43 1944 1933 -— 35 Notebook containing addresses, bibliographical notes, field observations, diary for 1933 (July-September ) (December—January ) and 1934-35 'Quailt: diary of observations (June~August) Draft of 'Notes on the Birds of the Levante and the Pityusae in Autum' published in Ardeola, 1 (1954), pp.86-115: type— soript Abstract of information Moreau gathered from local inhabi- tants in North Spain re their vubservations of various species (information sent to David Lack) Card index of records of foods etc. of Tanganyikan birds R.E.M. C.S.A.C. 19/13/74 V. Index to principal correspondents (numbers refer to items) ASH, John ATKINSON-—WILLES, George L. AUSTIN, Claude BACKHURST, Graeme BALDOCK, Tom BELLROSE, Frank BENSON, Constantine W. BERGER, Andrew J. BETTANY, B. We BLONDEL, Jacques BOOTH, Brian BOWERS, John BRENAN, J. P. M. BROE KHUYSEN, Professor Gerrit Jeronimo BROOKE, Richard BUXTON, John 35,40, 63 66 9 36, 42,58, 69 6,33 69 41,47,50, 64 33 15 66 51 33 39 39 40,41,64 33a COLDREY, Jennifer COLSTON, Peter CONDER, Peter John CORNWALLIS, Lindon CASEMENT, Michael B. CLANCEY, P. Ae CLARK, J. Desmond 42 50 AT 11-27 CAVE, Francis CHAPIN, James 47 41,51 40 TT CARCASSON ,R. He CLOUDSLEY—THOMPSON, John 39,41,42,64 39,41,57 50 DELACOUR, Jean Theodore DORST, Jean DOWSETT, R. CRAMP, Stanley CROSSLEY, Re COWLAND, Joyce M. DOLP, Roberta M. DUNCAN, Jane 40 AT 38 40 38 ee 33 38,40,41,42,71,77 64 41,50,51,58,64 A REM. CoSeA.C. 19/13/74 / EDWARDS, George R. ELGOOD, John EMLEN, John T. EMMION, Hugh EVANS, Peter FARNER, Professor Donald 5. FERRAND, Roger FISH, Re FISHER, James Maxwell McConnell FLEGG, James J. M. FLINT, Richard Foster FORBES--WATSON, Alec FRANKUM, Roger FRENZEL, Professor 8. FRIEDMANN, , Herbert FRY, Hilary GALBRAITH, Ian C. GALLAGHER, Michael GIBBS, John A. GILBERT, H. Ae GILL, Frank B. GINNIS, R. Ge GOODWIN, Derek GARCIA, Ernest F. ARNETT, R. M. GILLIARD, I. Ce GILLON, Dominique GASTON, Anthony J. 50 GUDMUNDSSON, Finnur HARRISON, David L. GWINNER, Eberhard GRIMES, Llewellyn 39 , 66 47 33a 42,69 HALL, Patricia HARRIS, Victor 35,39,40,64 35,47 GUSH, G. H. R.E.M. C.S.4.C. 19/13/74 ImBARD, Frederick V. Nicholas HE Ae HILL, oe Ds HOGG, Peter HUTT, Charles M. IVANOV. Professor Alexandr Ivanovich JOHNSON, Peter JOHNSON, Richard F. KTNIGDON, Jonathan KUMERLOEVE, H. KURTEN, Bjérn LACK, David Lambert FRS LAMON, Donald W. LAMPREY, Hugh F. LATHBURY, General Sir Gerald McKELVIE, John LINCOLN, F. C. LOCK, J. M. LOVERIDGE, Arthur McANDREW, Russell MacCRAIG, R. D. sAWRENCEH, Re Se MacKENZIE, Patricia LISSMANN, Hans Werner FRS 64 58 40 40,64 40,60, 66,69 32 62 MATTHEWS, Geoffrey Vernon Towmsend MSINERTZHAGEN, Col. Richard MAYR, Professor Ernst MALONE, A. Be MANN, Clive F. MARCHANT, Stephen 71 Ai 10 MEAD, Chris MENDELSSOHN, H. REM. C.S.A.C. 19/13/74 MILNE, Kathleen MITCHELL, 7 Cyril MONK, James I. hynyw MOR EL ~< Gerard MORE, Norman NEUHAUS, Henriette A. Ian C. T. NORTH, Myles OSBORN, Dale J. OWEN, Richard PERRINS, Christopher Miles PETERS, James L. a. PETTER, J. REED, F. Ve RIPLEY, Sydney Dillon 50,58,60,72 (letters to Ww 4 10 reau) 37,47,69,76 62 32 3950 28,29,30,31 AT 66,76 40 32 40 35 33,50,51 ROBERTS, T. Je ROUX, Francis N. 50 40 71 76 66 2 64 SAFRIEL, N. SALES, Victor ROSEVEAR, D. Re ROGERS, HE. H. ROGERSON, Norman .39,40,64,66,69,76 ROWAN, A ROWAN, William 51 50,51, 64 40 35 40,64 35,40 50,66 33,38, 39,69,71,77 38,42 47 40,69 ScOTT, Hugh SERLE, William SCHUZ, Professor Ernst SHARLAND, Robert E. SALOMONSEN, Finn Tr SEYMOUR, Charles SAVIDGE, J. Me SCHAEFER, Glen SHELDON 4 Joan PHERD, David SALIM ALI SALVAN, Je ‘4 R.E.M. C.5.A.C. 19/13/74 SIEGFRIED, W. Roy SIMPSON, N. Douglas SINCLAIR, Tony SKUTCH, Alexander Frank SMART, John SMITH, Kenneth D. STAFFORD, J. STANFORD, William STHED, Je 0. STEIN, Sydney STEWART, Peter STEYN, Peter STORR, Glen STRESEMANN, Professor Erwin Freidrich Theodor STUART~IRWIN, Michael P. ¢ TART, Geoffrey HM. TAYLOR, Sir. George TENNANT, John o C e g A s f . ~ t a . n O e n d a < o S e E s i A O N o O ~ s e m a t r O i N D L s W I M w W 139,40,47,60,64,69,72, w W ) v r w W 39,58 33,64,77 38 38,42,64 38, 40,42,64,77 M. FRS 32 Ae Ae ® TREE, A. Je 39 64 66 TODD, We Be Clyde TURNER, D. TREGENZA, L. THIOLLAY, J. URBAN, Emil K. TRAYLOR, Melvin A. 38,41,64 aon ae TINBERGEN, Nikolaas THOMSON , Sin Arthur Landsborough 64 WEST, David A. WEST, Oliver WALLACE, D. VAUI RIE By Charles WALSH, J. Hie ENABLES , L ° S ° WALL, A. WILLIAIE WILLIAMS ON WILSON WILSON, AGPROMTNY Dy TERBOTTOM, Px a . To sor Jack M. ele: RN