MITCHELL, Peter Dennis Vol3 v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of PETER DENNIS MITCHELL FRS (1920-1992) Compiled by Alan Hayward, Adrian Nardone and Timothy E. Powell VOLUMEIll Section G Deposited in Cambridge University Library, 1997 NCUACS 65/3/97 All rights reserved University of Bath P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.1232 The following alphabetical arrangement of correspondence was derived from the main correspondence sequence of the Glynn Research Institute. Material relating to visits, conferences and lectures can also be found within the sequence. Abbot, M. T. Abrahan,, Sir E.P. 1990-1991 1960 Correspondencere the organisation of an exhibit on antibiotics for the Royal Society Tercentenary Conversazione. Acker, H. 1984-1985 Correspondence re oxygen sensing mechanismsin tissues. Acland, J. D. Addanki, S. 1974-1975 Adam, K. M. G. 1967 Correspondencere viewson transport and metabolism. Adam wrote to Mitchell about the desire of her nephew, |. West, to work with Mitchell. 1976-1978 1967 1964 Akerman,K. Adler,J. Agar, J. N. Ahmad, F. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Al-Awaati, Q. Albers, R. W. Albery, W.J. 1984 Correspondencere ion discharges in non-conducting fluids. Albracht,S. P. J. Albritton, E. C. 1966 Aldridge, W. N. 1962, 1972, 1978-1979 Ali, M. 1989 Allchin, D. 1989-1991 1979-1981 Draft thesis. Allison, W. S 1979-1980. papersbyAllison. Correspondence re recommendation; editorial refereeing of Correspondencere ‘ox-phos controversy’, including draft synopsis of thesis. 1981. Refereeing grant application. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence G.10-G.14 Altendorf, K. 1971-1989 G.10 1984. 1971-1974, in communicating a paper by Altendorf to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1984; draft of ‘Subunit b of the membrane moiety (Fo)...’ by E. Schneider and K. Altendorf, 23pp typescript. correspondence Mitchell's Includes role re G.11-G.13 1984-1988. Correspondencere Mitchell's role in communicating papers by Altendorf to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 3 folders. ca.1988. ‘Bafilomycins: a New Class of Inhibitors...’ by K. Altendorf et al, 21pp typescript draft with figures. American Philosophical Society Amzel, L. M. 1974 1982 Anraku, Y. Grt6 G47, Anthony,C. G.16 1978-1979 1962 1987 Angell, A. R. Anderson, R. M. Anderson, W. W. Correspondence re tapping new energy sources. book Bacterial Energy Transduction, 1988. Correspondence re request for Mitchell to write a foreword to Anthony's 1980. Recommendation. 1980-1981, 1988 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith 1989 re the European Information Market and 1984-1986 Appleyard, Sir R. K. Includes correspondence Innovation Directorate. Applied PhotophysicsLtd. Apps,D.K. Archer, P. G.20-G.23 Armitage, J. P. 1985-1989 G.20 1985-1986. Correspondencere lecture materials. Arnon, D.I. 1962, 1974, 1978-1981 1986. Refereeing grant application. ‘Motility, chemotaxis...’ by J.P. Armitage et a/, 22pp typescript draft with figures. Ashmore,P. G. 1989. Refereeing grant application. Arrabaca, J. D. C. Asherson, N. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Askonas,I. 1974, 1978-1979 Associated Scientific Publishers (ASP) 1974 Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Yale 1989 Atkinson, D. Atkinson, M. R. Avron, M. G.27-G.31 Azzi, A. G27 1966-1987. 1979 1966-1967 1979 1966-1992 1991-1992. Recommendation. 1983. Enclosures from letter of 9 February 1983 in G.27. 2 folders. 1987. ‘Studies on the Transmembrane...’ by Azzi et a/ typescript draft sent to Mitchell for comment; manuscript notes; letter re paper, 23 November 1987. or Bachofen, R. Bahadur, K. Bachelard, H. S. 1965-1989 1967, 1980 1977 1966 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Bailey, J. L. Baker, N. H. 1966 1978-1979 G.34, G.35 Baltscheffsky, H. 1965-1972, 1979 G.34 Includes correspondence re chemiosmotic hypothesis. ‘Energy Coupling...’ by Baltscheffsky, 16pp typescript. Banaras Hindu University Bangham, A.D. 1991 1961-1991 Banks, B. G.38 1983-1990. 1971 1966-1979 G.38, G.39 Barber, J. Bannister, W. H. 1970, 1977-1981. a 1979 1968 Barlow, H. Barnard, T. Barnett, J. 1970-1990 1962-1963 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Barnett, S. A. Barr, C. E. Bass,R. E. Basu, A. Bath University 1966 1972 1980 1981-1984 Correspondencere practical experience for undergraduate students. Bauerlein, E. G.42-G.52 Baum, H. 1981-1982 1966-1991 Includes correspondence re Glynn Research Baum was a co-director of Glynn Research Limited and Foundation Professor of Biochemistry at Chelsea College, University of London. 1966-1967. Includes correspondence re chemiosmosis; correspondence re exchange ofletters with Baum in Nature. Institute; 1971-1974. discussion of chemiosmosis; New York Academy of Sciences Conference on ‘Mechanism of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems’, New York City, 7-9 February 1973, see F.49. funding. 1975-1978. funding; council meetings; and Nobel prize. Includes correspondence re Glynn Research Institute andits 1979-1981. Includes correspondence re Glynn Research Institute and its P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1982. Morse, see D.328, D.329, G.713. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's open letter to Sir Jeremy 1985. mechanisms. Includes diagrams of Q loop and Q cycle/O loop and O cycle 1985. DAN; Includes correspondence re Bibliog. M-W1985d, see also D.170, 1986. Includes correspondence re paper by Baum; 14pptypescript draft. 1987-1988. Includes correspondence re publications and the appointment of M.J. Williams to the council, see G.1175. Baykov,A.A. Beall, P. T. Baxendale, E. re ‘Perspectives in Includes correspondence 1989-1991. Vectorial Metabolism and Osmochemistry’, Bibliog. M1991k, see D.207-D.212; Glynn Research Ltd council meetings. Research. See also B.103-B.105. Includes correspondence re contract proposal to the Office of Naval 1982 1982-1983 1979-1981 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Beardmore-Gray, M. Beautyman, W. Bechmann, G. Beckers, H. L. 1978 1982, 1989 1991 1988-1989 Beckers was Group Research Co-ordinator for Shell International Petroleum Co. Beechey,R.B. 1966-1979, 1988 Beechey was Principal Scientist at the Woodstock Agricultural Research Centre of Shell Research Limited. 1966-1978. Correspondencere research. Beinert, H. Beinfeld, M. C. 1975-1992 1969-1971 Bell, D. J. Bell, D. 1977. Recommendation; refereeing grant application. Glynn ResearchInstitute. Includes correspondence re the Dynamic Molecular Modelling project at the Bendall worked at the Departmentof Biochemistry, Cambridge. 1985 1983 1962 Bellamy,D. Bendall, D. S. 1978-1987 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Benesch,R. E. 1990 Correspondencere the function of the tripeptide glutathione with reference to the chemiosmotic theory. Benjamin, A. Bennun, A. 1976-1986 Bennun was Associate Professor in the Department of Zoology and Physiology at Rutgers, The State University, Newark, New Jersey. Includes correspondence re recommendations, 1976, 1986. Berden, J. A. Berg, H. 1975-1976 1988 Berger, R. 1974-1979 1985 1979-1989 re Nobel prize-winner gatherings at Lindau, West Bernhard, S. A. Bernadotte, Count L. Berlin, Technische Universitat Correspondence Germany, see F.162, F.217-F.220 and F.306. Correspondence seeking Mitchell's help in submitting a paper to Nature. Bessanov,B.I. Berry, E. A. Bertsch, W 1988-1989 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Bettelheim, F. A. Beyer, R. E. Bibikov,S. Bielawski, J. Correspondence re supplies of the research material Triton X. Biggs,A. Correspondence re grant awarding bodies. Bird, A.F. Birt, L. M. 1987-1988 1978-1979 1965 Bittar, E. E. 1962-1988 Black,Sir J.W. 1988-1991 Includes correspondence re Mitchell's Nature article, papers and possible publications by Mitchell. Bibliog. M1961b; Winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize for Medicine. Correspondence re Black’s becoming a Patron of the Glynn Research Foundation. Board, R. G. Blair, P. V. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.67, G.68 Bockris, J. O’M. 1974-1984, 1991 G.67 1974-1984. Includes correspondence re scientific issues arising in ‘An Electrochemical Model of Biological Energy Storage’ by Bockris and M.S. Tunuli, with 7pp typescript draft with figures. 1984, 1991. Includes correspondencere history and developmentof issues relating to fuel-cells, electrochemistry and chemiosmosis. Bodmer,Sir W.F. 1988-1989 Bodmer wasDirector of Research at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories. Correspondence re improving understanding of science. Bodmin School Bonner, W.D. 1968. G.72 1968, 1979 1980-1990 G.72-G.74 Booth,I. R. 1980-1984. Recommendations. 1979. Refereeing grant application. 1988, 1990. Recommendation. 1984-1985. Recommendations. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Bor, N. M. Borisov,A. Y. Bose, S. K. Bosz6rmény,Z. Bowyer, J. R. G.76-G.81 Boyer,P.D. 1964 1974 1979 1964 1980-1981 1961-1987 Boyer was Professor of Biochemistry at University of California, Los Angeles. See also D.102-D.104. G.76-G.80 1961-1979. ‘File 4’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. Much of the correspondence concerns Mitchell's participation in what was known as the ‘joint review’, ‘annual review’ or ‘group review’. This was in fact a combination of papers by leading scientists and Photophosphorylation to appear in the Annual Review of Biochemistry 46 edited by Boyer et al, Bibliog. M1977e, see D.102-D.108. Phosphorylation Oxidative thinking current on re 1974-1975. Includes correspondence re coupling mechanisms. 1961-1974. Correspondence re mechanisms of oxidative phosphorylation and sourcesof the research material aurovertin. Transduction...’ by Boyer, 8pp typescript. 1975-1979. Includes further correspondence re ATP synthesis; ‘A Model for ‘Energy Conformational Coupling..... typescript; Boyer, 16pp_ by P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence ‘As 1979 File 3 Now see File 4’. Contents of folder so 1984-1987. inscribed. Includes correspondence re aspects of chemiosmotic concept, mainly the ATP synthase mechanism; colour photograph of Glynn House and Celtic Cross with covering letter from Lynda Boyer, 9 September 1984. Bradbeer, J. W. Brand, M. D. 1978-1986 Refereeing grant application, 1986; etc. Braude,B. B. G.85, G.86 Brierley, G. P. 1974-1979 G.85 1977. Recommendation. 1977-1978 Bristol University 1977-1978 British Oxygen CompanyLtd British Association for the Advancement of Science 1977-1979. various published papers. Includes correspondence re scientific matters arising from igh 1985 1963 1969 Broberg,P. Broda,E. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Brodie,A.F. 1966-1979 ‘Restoration of Active Transport of Solutes...’ by A.F. Arnold et al, 21pp typescript draft with figures; correspondence re the use of respiration inhibitors, 1966 and paper, 1979. Bronk, R. 1978-1979 Correspondence re proposed publication of the ‘Grey Books’ (Bibliog. M1966a and M1968c). See D.12. Brown, A. D. 1975-1979 Brown was Professor of the Biology Department at the University of Wollongong, New South Wales,Australia. Includes correspondencereinvitation to Mitchell to act as visiting professor in 1977. Brown, A. J. Brownlee, G. Bruce, D. H. Brunori, M. 1985 1962 1984 Bruce,G. a Brown, Robert O. Correspondence re Mitchell's interest in improving human communication through research at the Glynn ResearchInstitute. aL Brunel University Bruyne,J. A. de 1981 1983-1984 1978-1979 1985-1986 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Buchan, E. P. Bullock, A. Correspondencere the origin of the word ‘chemiosmosis’. Burchard, R. P. Burstein, C. 1976 Correspondence re Burstein’s desire to carry out experiments at Glynn Research Institute. Draft of ‘Stimulatory Effect of uncouplers...’ by C. Burstein et al, 15pp typescript with figures. Burton, K. See also G.238-G.247. 1975, 1981 Byczkowski,J. Z. Bygrave,F. L. Cambridge University Buse, G. Busenberg, B. 1975-1983 1970-1979 Correspondencere preparation of cell walls of Staphylococcus aureus. Cadogan Communications Ltd. Correspondencere Mitchell’s death. Cameron, J. 1966 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Cameron, K. R. 1963, 1978-1979 Cameron, M. 1961 G.96-G.102 Cantley, M. G.96 Correspondence re improving scientific communication. G.97-G.102 Enclosures numbered 1-11 re the future of biotechnology research in the European Community, sent to Mitchell by Cantley with letter of 24 March 1985. 6 folders. Capaldi, R. A. Caplan, A.I. 1982-1983 1967, 1978-1979 1978-1979. Carafoli, E. 1965-1966, 1977-1988 1990 1968, 1978-1979 G.104 1968. Recommendation. G.104, G.105 Caplan,S. R. Carew Pole, R. Correspondencere schoolvisit to Glynn ResearchInstitute. Cardinham Primary School P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Carne,A. F. 1973, 1978-1979 Correspondencere application to work at the Glynn Research Institute. Carniglia, F.J. Carr, J. Correspondencere fund-raising. Carr, L.R., Baron Correspondencere the conceptof independent research foundations. G.109, G.110 Carter, C. M. 1978-1980 Carter was a second year student at the University of Kent at Canterbury, who worked at the Glynn Research Institute for his practical experience placement. Casadio,R. G.112-G.114 Casey, R.P. 1978-1985 Carvajo-Para Suava, A. July 1980. Recommendation. 1978-1979. Correspondence re practical experience at the Glynn Research Institute. typescript draft with captions and figures, ca.1978. Casey worked at the University of Bern and the University of Helsinki, he also carried out research at the Glynn ResearchInstitute in September and October 1979 and March 1982. Much of the correspondence concerns proton pumping by cytochrome oxidase. 1978-1979. Includes ‘Limited Turnover...’ by R.P. Casey et al. 12pp P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re Casey’s visit 1979-1980. Research by Casey on the Dicyclohexylcarbodimide (DCCD) with cytrochome oxidase. Institute and research to the Glynn of interaction 1981-1985. Institute in March 1982. Correspondence re Casey’s visit to the Glynn Research Cassidy,A. F. Correspondence re fund-raising. Cassidy, M. M. Castells, J. Castro, C. E. 1979-1981 1983 1979-1990 Catcheside,D. G. Caswell, A. H. 1966 Caughey,W.S. 1987-1988 Caughey worked at the Department of Biochemistry, Colorado State University. Includes correspondence re Caswell’s research into bacterial photosynthesis in isolated chromatophores, chemiosmotic theory and visit to the Glynn Research Institute in April 1966. present state of debate. Cearns was an undergraduate student at the University of Sussex. He wrote to Mitchell seeking his comments on mitochondrial biology and the Correspondencere papers published by Caughey. Cearns,A. S. 1973 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Chakrabarti, P. 1977-1979, 1989 Chakravarti, S. Chamberlain, O. 1979 1983 Correspondence re colleagues including circular sent by Chamberlain. the imprisonment of Andrei Sakharov and his Chan, S.I. Includes correspondence re proton pump theories. G.121-G.126 Chance,B. 1961-1990 Chance worked at the University of Pennsylvania. He engaged in an extended correspondence with Mitchell questioning various points of the chemiosmotic theory. 1972-1974. 1976-1985. 1961-1965. 1966-1968. 1987-1990. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.127-G.133 Chapman,J. B. 1980-1990 G327 1980-1981. ca.1980. ‘A Kinetic Interpretation...’ [running title] by J.B. Chapman, 24pp typescript draft with figure. 1981-1982. ca.1982. ‘Thermodynamics and Kinetics...’ [running title] by J.B. Chapman, 23pp typescript draft with captions and figures. 1982-1987. examiner for a PhD thesis at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's role as an external G.134-G.139 Chappell, J. B. 1962-1985. 1962-1968. 1990. Correspondenceincluding curriculum vitae of Chapman. 1988-1990. examiner for a PhD thesis at Monash University. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's role as an external Chappell worked at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol. Includes much correspondence on research issues. hypothesis in relation to photosynthesis’. 1968-1970. Includes correspondencere Mitchell's acting as referee for PhD thesis; correspondence re symposium on ‘From Light to ATP’, University of Bristol, 23 October 1970. Mitchell was to speak on ‘The Chemiosmotic P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1970-1973. Research Institute in October 1972; Mitchell's acting as referee for PhD. Includes correspondence re Chappell’s visit to the Glynn 1974-1979. Reprints: Bibliog MM1967g inscribed ‘1’. MMS1968ainscribed ‘3’. Bibliog. MM1969ainscribed ‘4’. Bibliog. MM1967i inscribed ‘2’. Bibliog. Letter re contents of reprints, 5 September 1979. 1980-1985. Charles, Prince of Wales, 1987 Correspondence re a reception in Truro, Cornwall in connection with the Business in the Community Movement. See F.246. Chemical Abstracts Service Chemiquest and Techniquest Chavez,C. E. 1977-1979 no.2 and manuscript note (Chemiquest was the See also Chemiquest issue newsletter of Techniquest the science educational charity). G.1042. Correspondencere technical issue in Bibliog. M1982d. Chen worked at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School Boston. Correspondence re fund-raising for the Glynn Research Foundation. Chen, M. 1985-1986 1980 1990 1989 Chen,L. B. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence University of Chicago 1980, 1992 G.142, G.143 Christensen, H. N. 1960-1981 G.142 1960-1981. 1977. Recommendation. Chua, N-H. Churcher,P. R. Correspondence re Marxism and Capitalism. Cilbrith, D. B. Includes correspondencere views of P.D. Boyer. Clarke, P. H. Correspondence re draft research proposal. Clarke, S. 1969-1982 Cilbrith was engaged in researchat Florida International University. Clarke worked at the Glynn Research Institute for ten weeks in the summer of 1969 on a U.S. National Institute of Health undergraduate research grant. For Clarke’s 1969 research notebook compiled at the Glynn Research Institute see C.275. Correspondencere Clarke’svisit; Clarke’s doctoral thesis. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Claude, A. Claus, G. W. Includes correspondence re research interests. 1977-1979 1965 Clausen, T. 1978-1979 Correspondencearising from Clausen’s paper ‘The Role of Calcium in the Action of Insulin’ in FEBS Symposium vol.45, mainly concerning the entry of calcium into the mitochondria. G.147, G.148 Cobley,J. G. 1972, 1980-1982 Cobley worked at the the Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco and later at the Department of Chemistry, University of San Francisco. Molecular Biology Division of Correspondence re Cobley’s research interest in nitrite reduction and his visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute on 6-7 March 1972; correspondence re Cobley’s paper ‘The Maintenance of pH Gradients...’, 13pp typescript with figures included. 1972. Recommendation. Correspondencere the laboratory usage of thiocyanate. with related printed and typescript matter. See D.323-D.330. Correspondence re Colman’s experiments on the incorporation of '*C-amino acids by washed suspensionsof the rumen ciliate Entodinium caudatum. Correspondence re economics and the theories of L. St. Clare Grondona Coleman, G. S. 1985 1966 1982 Cockrell, R. S. Colacaccio, G. Collins, P. Q. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Colson-Corbisier, A-M. 1987-1989 Correspondence re cytochrome b research with Mitchell and P.R. Rich. Committee of Directors of Research Associations Correspondence re advice on research laboratory costing. Conway,E.J. Cook, G. Cook,R. Copeman, W.S. C. Corbett, J. R. 1968-1979 Cotterill, R. Craigmyle and Co. Correspondencere fund-raising. Cramer, W. A. 1975-1985 Includes correspondence re uncoupler measurements and Industrial Liaison Service run by Cornwall County Council. Crane, F. L. Correspondencere research issuesarising in various papers. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Crane,R. K. 1960-1990 Includes correspondence re Mitchell's molecular model of the translocation system, 1961; invitation to be visiting professor at the Chicago Medical School in 1964 (declined) and re proposed visit to the Glynn Research Institute in 1964. Creanor, J. 1972 Correspondencere the use of yeast mitochondria in laboratory research. Creeper, W.A. Crick, F. H. C. Letter re recommendation. 1976 1988, 1991 G.158, G.159 Critchley, C. 1979 G.158 G.161 Crofton, W. M. G.161-G.164 Crofts, A. R. 1968-1990 Papers by D.E. Weiss and J.M. Swan sent by Critchley with letter of 22 February 1979. Correspondence re research report by Critchley and colleagues on the possible role of sulphur compounds in oxidative phosphorylation; report by Critchley dated January 1979, 18pp typescript. 1971, 1975, 1977. Recommendations. 1968-1984. Includes correspondencere Mitchell's ‘S.G.M. paper’ possibly Bibliog. M1970a and various other papers; correspondence re Q-cycle research, 1980-1981, 1984. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1984-1986. Recommendation. Correspondence includes letter of 29 April 1987 concerning 1987-1990. Crofts model of the Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome b subunit including related material. Crook, E. M. 1960, 1978-1979 Cross,R. L. 1970-1989 Includes correspondence re aurovertin stocks, 1970 and various papers by Cross. Crout, D. H. G. Dadak,V. Dagley,S. Dalgliesh, C. E. 1978-1979 1978-1979 1962 1982, 1988 Dalton, A.N. G. Correspondence re fund-raising and the effectiveness of small scale enterprises. Dalton was Managing Director of English Clays Lovering Pochin and Co. Ltd. Annual Review of Biochemistry, Bibliog. M1977e, see also D.102-D.108. 1968-1969, 1974-1979. to Glynn Research Institute and Mitchell’s contribution to the ‘joint review’ in the GA1/0; Gal Dam, K. van Includes correspondence re visits G.170 1968-1988 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re paper by Mitchell, Bibliog. 1979 1979 1982, 1988. M1981e. Damper,D. Danielis, J. Letter re donation of stationery to the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 24 April. G.173-G.175 Danielli, J. F. 1961-1982 Mitchell worked with Danielli in the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge in the early 1940s. Danielli was also chief editor of the Journal of Theoretical Biology. 1961-1965. Includes correspondence re editorial refereeing for Journal of Theoretical Biology and the International Review of Cytology and invitations to participate at conferences, see G.174. 42pp typescriptdraft. Dart Publishing Danker, K. O. 1965-1966 Dargel, R. Darmill, D. Includes correspondence re human communication 1972-1979, 1982. interests and Danielli’s paper ‘Programs of Our Species...’, ca.1982. 1979 1968 1981 1984 1981 Darnill, D. Das,B. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Dasgupta,A. 1984-1985 Correspondence chemiosmotic hypothesis. re non-equilibrium thermodynamic model for the Datta,S. P. 1982, 1987 Includes correspondencere editorial refereeing. Davenport, H. E. 1967 Correspondence re Davenport’s interest in the performance of the Phoenix Dual Beam Scanning Spectrophotometer installed at the Glynn Research Institute. Davies,K.J. A. G.180, G.181 Davies, M. 1982-1983 1968-1973 G.180 at Glynn Research Institute for 1961, 1978-1979 Davies, R. E. and Davies, H. 1968. Refereeing grant application. Correspondence re proposed stay experimental research, etc. Includes correspondence re ‘Biochemical Aspects of the Transport of lons by NervousTissue’ by R.E. Davies and H.A Krebs which suggested possible link between osmotic energy and oxidative phosphorylation, presented to the Biochemical Society Symposium in 1952. Correspondence re supplies and experimental usage of aurovertin. Davis, E. J. 1970-1971 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Davison, B. T. 1990 M.H. Saier, a Professor of Biology at the University of California, San Diego, wrote to Davison requesting an interview. Saier was working on a biography of Mitchell and wished to speak to Davison about her memories of Mitchell. Correspondencereinterview for biography. Davson, H. G.183, G.184 Deamer, D. W. 1967-1988 G.183 1967-1971. Includes correspondence re research carried out by B. Chance on ubiquinone oxidation 1967; correspondence re various papers including a review of the chemiosmotic hypothesis Deamer was working on for the Journal of Chemical Education, 1968. kinetics and BTB pH shift kinetics, 1978-1979, 1982, 1985, 1988. Demandach, A. Denbigh, K. G. Correspondence re non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Denbigh wasDirector of the Council for Science and Society. Correspondencere fund-raising. Dennison was Chief Executive of English China Claysp.l.c. Denison, D. Dennison, S. R. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence DepartmentofIndustry Derx, D.J. Derx was associated with Glaxo Holdingsp.I.c. Correspondence re fund-raising. Desai, H. Detmer, D. E. Dextran Limited 1983 1989-1990 1985 1961-1962 1961 Dilley, R. A. 1968, 1975-1979, 1988 Includes correspondence re visit to Glynn Research Institute, 1968 and researchinterests. Diwan, J. J. 1973, 1989 1978-1979 Dimroth, P. 1987, 1989 Dixon, H. B.F. Includes correspondence re Dimroth’s research on sodium ions as coupling ions in bioenergetic functions of bacteria. Includes correspondence re Dixon’s interest in ion-translocating ATPases, 1973. soul 1964 1967 Dixon, M. Dormandy,T. L. Downes,J. L. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence DragonsLair Animal Aid 1990 This animal aid body requested information on research methods at the Glynn ResearchInstitute. Drake, H. L. 1977 Brief correspondence re anaerobic types of protonmotive system and studies of anaerobic bacteria. Driessche, T. Vanden Drozd, J. W. Dryer, R. L. Ducet, G. 1978 1978-1979 1969 Duggar, W. M. Dukhin, A. S. Dunitz,J. D. Dumont, M. E. 1984-1985 Correspondence re Mitchell's interest in a paper by Dumont and F.M. Richards on the passage of apocytochromec intolipid vesicles (Journalof Biological Chemistry, 259, 1984) and Mitchell's research on cytochrome c passage through mitochondria membranes. haemoglobin. Correspondence re papers by Dunker on proton motive forces and Dunker,A. K. 1982 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Dunlop,S. G. Dunwell, H. 1963 1990 Dunwell was a cousin of Mitchell's and wasalso a trustee of the Tudor Trust. Includes correspondencere visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute and fund- raising. Dupont, Y. 1983 Correspondence re Dupont’s paper ‘Is Ca**-ATPase A Water Pump?’. Includes 14pp typescript. Durham, N. N. G.200-G.202 Dutton, P. L. 1975-1991 1978-1979. Recommendation. Dyer,S. Correspondence re fund-raising methods. Duve, C. R. M. J. de 1975-1979 G.200 1975-1981. Includes correspondence re research on Q-cycle. 1987-1988, 1991. Nomination, 1987; recommendation, 1991. 1985, 1991 Correspondence re superannuation. Edmonds,D.T. 1960-1991 1963 Eddy, A. A. Edinburgh University G.206, G.207 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1985. Recommendation, 1985, 1991. Edoute, Y. and Lochner, A. 1979, 1981 Correspondence re Edoute and Lochner’s investigations into the effects of myocardial ischaemia on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Edwards,G. Edwards,P. Edwards, R. 1969 1982 1985 1968 1991 Eisai Co., Ltd. 1990-1991 Eglinton, G. Eifler, Z. Albert Einstein Peace Prize Foundation, 1985-1986 Correspondence re Mitchell's participation in a questionnaire survey re the possibility of nuclear war. and the production of coenzyme Q10 as a metabolic drug. They were a major Eisai Co., Ltd. were a drugs manufacturing firm. producer of Coenzyme Q. Mitchell visited their offices in Tokyo on 2 November 1990 after attending the Third Nobel Laureates Forum, 26-31 October, Tokyo (F.330-F.341). See also F.322-F.326. Includes correspondencere Mitchell’s visit, the possibility of an endowment P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Eisenbach, M. 1973. Editorial refereeing. Eisenberg, D. 1990 Letter from Mitchell to Eisenberg re the structure of ‘OSCP subunit of the ox heart FoF, ATPase’, 3 September 1990. Eisenman, G. 1963, 1966-1971 Includes correspondence re experimental technique problems encountered by Mitchell when measuring fast pH changeswith glass electrodes. Electronic Equipment News Eley, D. D. Ellar, D. J. 1975 1978-1979 1972 Ellert, T. Letter by Mitchell etc. re fund-raising. Elliott, G. F. Elliot, W. H. Ellar was involved in the Society for General Microbiology and sent Mitchell a circular seeking opinions and support for the setting up of a Group on Surfaces and Membranesof Microorganisms. See E.115. relation between growth and oxygen consumption in micro-organisms, 1965. Correspondence re Mitchell's visit to Sheffield in May 1962 to give two lectures (see D.353) and Mitchell's interest in Elsden’s research into the Correspondence re the formation of phosphorylation. Elsden,S. R. OO 11 965 1990 1990 Mitchell's ideas about oxidative P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Epstein, E. Epstein, W. 1967 1978-1979, 1987 Includes correspondencereillustrating molecular transport mechanisms. Erecinska, M. 1973-1976, 1979 G.215, G.216 Ernster,L. 1964-1987 Ernster was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Stockholm and also associate editor of Experimental Cell Research. 1964-1975. Includes correspondence re visit by C.P. Lee (a colleague of Ernster) to the Glynn ResearchInstitute in December 1965 and Mitchell’s visit to Ernster at the University of Stockholm in March 1968; 2pp typescript draft of Ernster’s statement on oxidative phosphorylation, 14 May 1974; correspondence re energy transduction issues, 1975. Essig, A. Estabrook, R. W. Ettlinger, N. E. 1975-1987. Includes correspondence revisit by Ernster to Glynn Research Institute 22 September 1977; letter to Ernster re the exchange between P; and H,O, catalysed by the oligomycin-sensitive mitochondrial ATPase, 15 February 1978; correspondencere Mitchell's application for a Royal Society Research Professorship, for which Ernster agreed to act as referee, 1982. tf Letter from Mitchell to Estabrook re Estabrook’s observations on the effect of deuterium on the rate of oxido-reduction through the respiratory chain, 14 December 1965. Correspondence re Mitchell's concepts of energy systems and how they could effect brain cells, psychodynamics etc. See also D.468 and D.474. 1967 1965 1989 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Evans, L. 1989-1990 Includes correspondence re Mitchell's support of Evans’s efforts to increase public understanding of the natural sciences. Evans, M. C. W. 1970, 1972, 1979 Includes correspondence re pumping of protons in chloroplasts, 1970 and 1972. Evtodienko, 1969 Correspondence re high phosphate potential observed by Evtodienko during steady state oxidative phosphorylation. Exeter University G.219, G.220 Eze, M. O. 1982, 1992 1977-1981 1978-1981. Farber, L. Ezra, D., Baron 1985 G.219 1977. Editorial refereeing. Includes brief correspondence re industry in Britain arising out of Ezra’s recent inaugural address at the Economic Research Council dinner, 8 October 1985; annotated ‘Report from the Select Committee on Overseas Trade’, July 1985, HMSO. Farooq, S. Falmouth, G. H. B., 9th Viscount, P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Feldberg, W.S. Fenton, D. E. Correspondence naphthalenediamine. re 1976 1971-1973 the properties of N,N,N’,N’tetramethyl-1,8- G.223, G.224 Ferguson, S. J. 1979-1992 G.223 Includes correspondencere invitation to a meeting on muscle biochemistry at the University of Birmingham, 23 and 24 September 1985 (declined). Brief correspondence re the formulation of aims for a symposium on ‘Control, mechanism and organisation of electron transport’ at the 5th European Bioenergetics Conference, Aberystwyth, set for 20-25 July 1988. Ferguson-Miller, S. 1978-1979, 1986 , 1979; invitation Ferro-Luzzi Ames, G. Includes letter referring to the intention of Michigan State University to offer Mitchell an honorary degree, 30 October 1978; correspondence re ‘crossover effect between cytochromes c and c, to Michigan State University, 1979, (declined); letter referring to discussions on cytochrome oxidase between Ferguson-Miller and Mitchell at the Glynn Research Institute, 9 April 1986. Glynn ResearchInstitute contract of employment. Includes correspondence re the work of the Glynn Research Institute on communication and Mitchell's concept of the ‘uke’; 1p typescript draft of Fiddy worked for Educational Information Technology Services(Edits). 1983 1989 1984 Fersht, A. R. Fiddy,P. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Finel, M Fisher, J. H. Fisher, R. B. Fishlock,D. Fishlock was science editor of the Financial Times. Correspondencere Mitchell's views on science and technology; newspaper cuttings. Fiear, C. T. G. Fleischer,S. 1967-1984 Folkers,K. 1962, 1975-1981 Includes invitation to comment on plans for the forthcoming Methods in Enzymology publication series by Fleischer, 1983, (declined); invitation to Symposium and Workshop on ‘Biomembranes and Bioenergetics’, Peking, China, 5-7 October 1983, (declined); invitation to contribute to the Methods in Enzymology publication series, 1984, (declined). Includes correspondence re samples of coenzyme Qz2 and ‘bromo Q’ sent to Folkers on 24 December 1961; correspondencere the Q cycle, coenzyme Q and the drug Coenzyme Qyo; papers re the Third International Congress on Biomedical and Clinical aspects of Coenzyme Q. University of Texas at Austin, 18-21 January 1981 (Mitchell withdrew due to illness), see also F.112-F.114; correspondence re Mitchell's illness, 1979-1980. symport experiments at the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1978. Includes correspondencere invitations (declined), deviant cation-phosphate 1982 1974-1986 Font, C. Fony6o,A. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Fortson,B. D. 1980-1981 Correspondence includes Mitchell’s account of the development of his interest in chemistry and his career andlife. Fowler, C. F. Fox, J. L. Fox, M. Fox, R. A. 1977 1967 1978-1979 1964 Correspondence re Mitchell’s need to obtain stocks of blow flies or houseflies for research purposesand their different merits in research. W.and G. Foyle Ltd. Fraser, K. R. Freedman, L. 1975, 1978-1979 phenomenon, 1978-1979; correspondence re aspects 1978-1979, 1982 Frauenfelder, H. Recommendation. Includes correspondencere the concept of electric spark discharges and the tunneling of microscopic irreversibility in the context of the molecular mechanics of enzymeand catalytic carrier reactions, 1982. Sciences, 1975, see also A.51. Includes correspondence re the Louis and Bert Freedman Foundation Award for Research in Biochemistry presented by the New York Academyof P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Freese, E. 1976, 1978-1979 Includes correspondence re Freese’s intention of proposing Mitchell for an unnamed award. Mitchell's reply expresses his personal views on the reception amongst the scientific community of his chemiomotive and chemiosmotic rationales, 1976. Freud, G. E. Freund, F. Friedmann, N. Fukui, K. 1973 1982 1978-1979 1989 Includes correspondence re Fukui’s election as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society on 29 June 1989. Furze, A. D. 1987 Gabriel, K. W. 1980-1982 Gabriel was a senior at Yale University and was researching the history of mitochondrial studies between 1941 and 1961. Futai, M. 1976-1990 Letter re a draft of the responsibilities and duties of the Honorary Director of the Glynn Research Foundation including 1p typescript, 4 September 1987. Correspondence re invitations to contribute to or advise on publications (declined). also A.6 for a copy of Gabriel’s thesis. Correspondence re Gabriel’s research interest, his visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute to meet Mitchell and a report on his finished thesis. See P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Gaertner, F. H. Gale, 1978 [21950] Manuscript draft letter re Mitchell’s penicillin research, 21 April. Gamble,J. L. 1973-1974 Correspondence re the application of Mitchell's concepts to acid-base physiology. Garbus, J. Gargus,J. J. G.238-G.247 Garland, P. B. 1968-1990 Garland was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Dundee and later Chief Executive of the Institute of Cancer Research at the Royal Cancer Hospital, London. in rat liver mitochondria, 1972-1973 and aspects of G.238, G.239 1975-1976. Refereeing grant application. 2 folders. 1968-1969, 1972-1975. Includes correspondence re proposedvisit to the Glynn Research Institute to carry out experiments for measuring >H*/2e ratios in mitochondria from T. utilis, 1968; correspondence re the use of rhein in experimental work, 1972, 1973, methods of inhibiting fatty acid oxidation the protonmotive Q cycle, 1975. oxidoreduction pathway. 1975-1977. Includes correspondence re Garland’s views on the Q cycle as proposed byMitchell, 1975-1976, terminology for proton motive force, 1976- 1977 and the behaviour and structure of viologen structures, 1976. 1977-1979. Includes correspondencere the views of Mitchell and others on the proton-translocating activity of the nitrate reductase system and the P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1991-1992. Includes recommendation, 1991. Garthwaite, J. Garton, W. Gause,G. F. Correspondencere Mitchell's request for supplies of Gramicidin S. Gauthier,P. Gearing,J. 1976 1978-1979 1967 1990 1978-1979 Geering,Q.A. 1976-1983, 1987, 1989 Geering worked for Fisons Ltd. Agrochemical Division at Chesterford Park Research Station, Essex. He was also a Co-Director of the Glynn Research Institute’s Council of Management. Includes correspondence re Geering contributing finance to the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1978 and his appointment as a Co-Director of the Glynn ResearchInstitute’s Council of Management, 1978; correspondence re The Glynn Research Institute including fund-raising, the filling of a research fellowship position and plans to invite M. Williams to join the Glynn Research Institute’s Council of Management, 1987. correspondence re the silver jubilee celebrations of the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1989. postdoctoral student, 1960. Includes correspondence Edinburgh for a Recommendation. re research position at Gerhardt, P. 1960, 1964 Genchev,D. D. Gennis,R. B. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Gerson, R. K. Geyer, K. Ghione, M. Gibson, Q. H. 1975 1980-1981, 1986 1965 1966 Gillies, D. A. 1988-1992 Includes correspondence re ‘Scientific Discovery as Problem Solving’ by H.A. Simon, 1990; correspondence re proposed book on the philosophy of science by Gillies, 1991 and an offer to assist Mitchell in publishing an English edition of his ‘Aspects of Chemical Philosophy: Science as a Pursuit of Humanity’ (published in Japanese) Bibliog. M1989b, 1991-1992 (see also D.185, D.186). G.262, G.263 Ginsburg,B. Z. 1963, 1968-1969 Girolami, P. 1988-1989 Girolami was Chairman of Glaxo Holdings. G.262 1969. Recommendation. Includes letter from J. Moyle to Ginzburg re Mitchell’s health and worketc., 12 September 1963; correspondence re evidence for the existence of a respiration-driven proton pump in the outer membrane of algae, 1968. term’, 30 August 1988; newspaper cuttings re Girolami and Glaxo, 1989. Correspondence re research financing, the nature of scientific enterprise and funding for the Glynn ResearchInstitute arising from an interview of Girolami in the Financial Times entitled ‘Spending money for the longer P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Gladyshev,G. P. Glonek,T. 1981, 1988 1981 Brief correspondencere high resolution phosphorus-31 NMR spectroscopy. Glynn,I. M. 1971-1989 Includes correspondence re an issue relating to cationmotive ATPases raised in Mitchell's paper ‘From Black-box bioenergetics to molecular mechanics...’ Bibliog. M1981e, 1982, (see D.125); editorial refereeing, 1989. G.266-G.268 Godfrey,J. 1984-1990 Godfrey was a science policy consultant, who acted for the Glynn Research Institute. 1984-1985. Includes correspondence re administration of the Glynn ResearchInstitute, fund-raising, and the practical applications of research on chemiosmotic processes, 1985. G.269-G.272 Goffeau, A. 1966-1989 1985-1986. consultant for the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re Godfrey’s role as a_ policy 1986-1990. Includes correspondence re the use of biological systems for computing, 1986 and Mitchell's views on the economic situation in the USSR, 1989. 1975-1977. Includes correspondence re Goffeau’s work. 1966, 1975. Includes correspondence re Goffeau’s doctoral thesis findings on photophosphorylation and their possible explanation in terms of Mitchell's chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1966; correspondence re typescript by F. Foury and A. Goffeau on the action of Dio-9 on cellular transport in yeast, 1975. From 1975 Goffeau was Professor of Biochemistry at Université Catholique de Louvain. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1982-1989. Includes correspondencere visit of Goffeau and two students to the Glynn Research Institute on 7 April 1982, the E,E., ATPase chemiosmotic mechanism, 1984 and Goffeau’s research into H*-ATPase, 1985; correspondence re Glynn ResearchInstitute grant application to the Commission of the European Communities, 1989. 1989-1990. Nomination, 1989; recommendation, 1989-1990. Goldberg,E. Goldfarb,A. 1990 1982, 1984 Includes correspondence re Mitchell's support for protest to the Soviet Government about the treatment of Goldfarb’s father, David, formerly a Professor of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Bacteria and Bacteriophagesat the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. G.274-G.280 Good, N. E. 1967-1987 Good was a Professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Michigan State University. 1967-1968. Includes circulated correspondence, re Good’s position on the chemiosmotic theory, between Good, G. Hind, A. Jagendorf and Mitchell. 1973-1976. Includes correspondence re experiments on chloroplasts, 1973- 1974; circulated correspondence re papers by Good’s ex-student D.R. Ort, 1976. synthesis. 1977-1979. Includes correspondencere the position of Good and others on the chemiosmotic theory as it pertains to ATP formation in chloroplasts and proposedvisit by Good to the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1979. 1981. Refereeing grant application. 1981. Includes correspondence re Good’s experimental work on ATP P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1987. Brief correspondence re Good’s concern about the language in which the chemiosmotic theory is expressed; typescript by Good. Goodall, M. C. Goodwin, T. W. G.283-G.289 Gosalvez, M. 1978-1983 Gosalvez worked at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid. 1978-1979. Includes correspondence re Gosdalvez’s ‘Zipper Mechanism’ which conceived a contractile pump for passing ions across membranes; correspondence re Gosdlvez’s visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 2 April 1979 and the visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute of Gosdalvez’s PhD pupil L. Pezzi, 1979. 1981. Recommendations. See also G.803, G.804. 1982-1983. 1981. Brief correspondencere the Zipper Mechanism, including letter to A. Huxley from Gosalvez re Huxley’s criticisms of the Zipper Mechanism hypothesis, 2 September 1981; typescript by Gosalvez. 1983. Curriculum vitae of M. Gosalvez. The Zipper Mechanism by M. Gosalvez, Madrid 1982. 1983. experiments that could be devised to test the hypothesis. Includes correspondence re The Zipper Mechanism and possible P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Gottlieb, R. Gould, J. M. 1975, 1979 Correspondence re Gould’s papers on how protons might be mechanistically involved in ATPase and ATP formation reactions; typescripts of Gould’s papers. G.292-G.294 Graber,P. 1984-1990 G:292 1984-1986. Includes correspondence re Graber’s request for his PhD student U. Junesch to work for a year at the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1984. 1988. Recommendation. Includes 1989-1990. paper ‘Activation/Inactivation and uni-site Catalysis by the reconstituted ATP- Synthase from Chloroplasts’ with P. Fromme; letter to Graber re a paper in FEBSLetters, 269. correspondence Graber’s re Graves, C. J. M. Graves wasDirector of the Tudor Trust. Includes correspondence re proposals for endowing a chair at the Glynn Research Foundation, 1988; correspondence re funding, 1988, 1990; and Mitchell's visit to the offices of the Tudor Trust in November 1990. Gray, H. B. Graves was a cousin of Mitchell's and also a trustee of the Tudor Trust. Correspondence re fund-raising. Graves, D. Graves, M. 1988-1991 1985 1987-1988 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.297-G.304 Green, D. E. 1967-1984 Green wasa Professor at the Institute for Enzyme Research, University of Wisconsin. 1967, 1970-1973. Includes correspondence re the general problem of the mechanism of energy transductions in the mitochondrial system including reactions 1970-1973; correspondence re Green’s visit to the Glynn Research Institute, 27, 28 June 1970; four high magnification mitochondrion photographs. published various papers, in to issues raised Includes correspondence re Green’s summary of the New York 1973. Academy of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems, (7-9 February 1973), 1973; summary of conference, 10pp typescript. the Mechanism of Conference Sciences on 1974-1978, 1981. Includes correspondencere proposals for a statement on the consensusview of present mitochondrial research following a call by E. Racker for greater dialogue and collaboration amongstscientists in the field, 1974; circulated correspondence between Mitchell and Green continuing their dialogue re energy transduction in the mitochondrial system and related problems, 1974-1975; correspondence re issues raised in various published papers. 1982. papers. Includes correspondence re issues raised in various published ca. 1982-1983. ‘The Pairing Principle of Enzymic Catalysis’ by D.E. Green, 16pp typescript draft with captions, figures and diagrams. issues raised in ‘The Pairing Principle...’. 1983. ‘The Pairing Principle of Enzymic Catalysis’ by D.E. Green, 15pp typescript draft with captions, figures and diagrams with short letter to Mitchell written on frontispiece, ca. May 1983; brief correspondence re 1982-1983. Correspondence re Green’s reviewarticle ‘The Pairing Principle of Enzymic Catalysis’ and re Green’s objections to chemiosmosis and indirect coupling andits effect on bioenergetics research. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1983-1984. Memorial Lectureship. Includes correspondence re D.E. Green Distinguished Green, N. M. 1990-1991 Includes fax re Mitchell's visit to Green in London, 27 November 1990. G.306-G.311 Gregory,R.L. 1984-1992 Gregory wasScientific Director of the Bristol Exploratory and Professor of Neuropsychologyat Bristol University. 1984, 1986. ‘The Aims and Structure of the 1984 Exploratory Exhibition’ by R.L. Gregory, 16pp typescript, 3 November 1984; two newspaperarticles re the Bristol Exploratory. 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's interest in Gregory’s approachto scientific education and the Bristol Exploratory, 1985; visit by Gregory to the Glynn Research Institute, see also B.145; ‘The numberof functions passing through a finite number of points’, 4pp manuscript notes. Includes correspondence re Gregory’s invitation to Mitchell to co- 1986. operate with him on a book on ‘Explanation in science’. 1986-1987. Includes correspondence re Gregory’s visit to the Glynn Research Institute in July 1986 with two photographs of Mitchell and his wife, and one photograph of Mitchell outside Glynn House; correspondence re Gregory’s editorials for Perception concerning communication in science, 1987; typescript draft; etc. 1991-1992. Includes recommendation. 1988, 1990-1991. Includes correspondenceetc. re a centre for the public understanding of science Gregory’s participation in the Glynn Research Foundation’s Silver Jubilee, 1990. at Herstmonceux Castle, 1988; P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.312, G.313 Greville, G. D. 1961-1969 Greville worked for the Agricultural Research Council at the Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, Cambridge. Physiology, Cambridge in June and July 1961-1962. Includes correspondencere visits by Mitchell to the Institute of Animal concerning collaborative work on the titration of mitochondria; correspondence re Mitchell's communication on oxidative phosphorylation at the Symposium on ‘Structure and Function of the Membranes and Surfaces of Cells’, Biochemical Society, 9 March 1962. 1961 1964-1969. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's request for information on reactions of ferricyanide and ferrocyanide ions with mitochondria, 1964- 1965; request from Greville for a short resume by Mitchell on his chemiosmotic theory so as to present a talk; ‘Resume of Chemiosmotic Coupling Conception’ by Mitchell, 5pp manuscript, 1965; correspondence re Greville’s scrutiny of Mitchell's hypothesis to be published in ‘Current Topics in Bioenergetics’, 1968-1969; etc. G.314-G.317 Griffiths, D. E. 1966-1980 G.314 1972, 1977. Refereeing grant applications. 1966, 1976-1977. Includes correspondencere visit on 21 October 1966 to the Department of Biochemistry, University of Warwick to return an ‘Aminco’ machine; correspondence re the ‘joint review’ for the Annual Review of Biochemistry, Bibliog. M1977e, see D.102-D.108; ‘Studies of Energy Linked Reactions...’ by Griffiths to be published in the Biochemical Journal, ca. 1976; correspondence re the role of arsenite as an inhibitor, 1977. 1980. Refereeing grant application. 1977-1978. Refereeing grant application. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.318, G.319 Grinius,L. 1973, 1987, 1992 G.318 1973, 1987. General correspondence. 1992. Recommendation. Grisham, C. M. Recommendation. Gromet-Elhanan, Z. Grooth, B. G. de Guelph University 1980, 1989 1978 1969, 1978 Guerin, B. Guise, G. Gulzar, M. A. 1966-1967 1987 1988 1985 Includes re invitation to visit the Department of Chemistry as a short-term visiting Professor for the academic year 1978-1979, (declined). Correspondence re Gulzar’s desire to carry out experiments on the role of Tubulin in the transport of organelles. wasto introduce the topic for discussion. Includes brief correspondence re arrangements for Meeting of the Molecular Enzymology Group, Biochemical Society, Bristol, 23 May 1967. Mitchell Gutfreund, H. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.324-G.331 Gutman, M. 1976-1987 Gutman wasa Professor of Biochemistry at Tel-Aviv University. 1976. ‘The Effect of Opposing Effectors on Activation Level of Succinate Dehydrogenase: Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies’ by M. Gutman, 23pp typescript with tables and graphs, with letter by Mitchell discussing issues arising, 19 January. 1976. Includes correspondence re issues arising from various papers; correspondencere arrangementsfor visit by Gutman to the Glynn Research Institute on 27 June 1976 and scientific issues that arose during visit. 1976-1979. Includes correspondencere issues arising from various papers and discussion of topics such as ‘the effect of ATP on the redox level of centers 1 and 2 in NADH DH’, the ‘Kroger model’, and other aspects of the Q cycle. 1980. Recommendation. 1986. Recommendation. 1983, 1985-1986. Correspondence re Gutman’s research into protons- protein and protons-phospholid interactions and Gutman’s proposal to carry out research into mechanisms of proton transfer (conduction) in closed microscopic environment. and his seeking advice and reprints from Mitchell. Correspondence re Guttman’s efforts to write a general biology textbook Guttman,B.S. 1964, 1966 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Haashoff, K. Hadjiolov, A. A. 1966 1961-1962 Includes experimentation. correspondence re commercial supplies of ADP for Haines, T. H. 1986-1987 Correspondence re ‘The Elasticity of Synthetic Phospholipid Vesicles...’ Haines et al., 25pp typescript with captions and graphs. Halifax Building Society Correspondence re index linked financing. G.336, G.337 Hall, D. O. 1966-1979 Hall, P. F. 1968 Halvorson, H. O. 1968, 1978-1979 G.336 1966, 1971, 1978. 1974-1979. Refereeing grant application, 1974 etc. Biochemistry, University of Aberdeen. Hamilton was senior lecturer at the Unit of Microbiology, Department of G.340-G.352 Hamilton, W. A. Hamilton, J. Correspondence re recommendation. 1961-1985 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1961, 1970-1973. Includes correspondence re Hamilton’s research into the succinate thiokinase system andits relevance to succinate transport, 1961; proposed visits to the Glynn Research Institute at end of May 1970, 10 June 1970, and 27-28 July 1970 and issues in various papers; correspondence discussing the current state of communication amongst scientists interested in the oxidative phosphorylation issue, 1972-1973. arising G.341-G.344 1974. Correspondence re Hamilton’s draft paper ‘Energy Coupling in Microbial Transport’. 71pp typescript draft with captions, figures and 24pp typescript draft summary with captions, figures and graphs. 4 folders. 1974. Cambridge, 1-3 July. See also F.54, F.55. Includes correspondence re Biochemical Society Colloquium, 1974, 1975. Refereeing grant applications. 1976. Refereeing grant applications. 1977. Recommendation. 1977-1978. Refereeing grant applications. 1978-1979. Includes letter by Hamilton re his ideas on energy coupling in transport, 20 April 1978; correspondencere Mitchell's Nobel prize, including a ip typescript summary of Mitchell's achievements by Hamilton for Chemistry in Britain. 1980-1982, 1985. Includes correspondencere editorial refereeing. 1979-1980. Recommendation. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Hampton, M. L. Hamylton-Jones, K. Handler, P. Hansford, R. 1974 1983 1978-1979 1974-1975 Includes correspondencere state 4 pyruvate oxidation in thefly. G.354-G.358 Hanson, J. B. 1973-1983 Hanson was a Professor of Botany at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. 1973-1974. papers concerning valinomycin, ATPase and mitochondrial research. Includes detailed correspondence re issues arising in various 1974. Mitchell for comment. ‘Valinomycin uncoupling’ by J.R. Hensley and J.B. Hanson, sent to 1974-1976. papers concerning valinomycin, ATPase and mitochondrial research. Includes detailed correspondence re issues arising in various 1976. Correspondence re Hanson’s paper ‘Whois Peter Mitchell, Anyway?’, 14pp typescript. Brief correspondence re permeability of E. coli. 1977-1979, 1983. Includes correspondenceissuesarising in various papers concerning ion transport. Hansson, P. A. Happold, F. C. 1981 1960-1963 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Hardwick,S. 1986 Correspondence re the nature of the work carried out at the Glynn Research Institute and its relevance to the good of humanity. Hardy,S. Harkness, R. D. Harmon, A. 1983-1984 1962 1963 Correspondence from Harmonre her protolipid work including 5pp resume with tables. G.361-G.366 Harold, F. M. 1968-1990 Harold was a Professorin the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the National Jewish Hospital and Research Center, Denver. 1968-1974. Includes correspondence re Harold’s research into ion transport in Streptococcus faecalis, 1968 and issues arising in various publications; correspondence re visits by Harold to the Glynn Research Institute on 9 March 1971 and 2 January 1972; correspondence re D. Green and New York Academy of Sciences Conference on ‘Mechanism of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems’, New YorkCity, 7-9 February 1972 (see F.49, G.43). 1973. Recommendation. 1978. Refereeing grant application. 1974-1979. Includes correspondence re research carried out by L. Heppel (see G.396) into differences between transport systems involving binding proteins as opposed to proline or lactose porters, 1975; correspondence re issues arising from various papers and proposed visit by Harold to the Glynn ResearchInstitute on 6 January 1979;invitation to visit Harold at the National Jewish Hospital and Research Center, Denver 1979 (declined), see also F.103. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence wife to the Glynn Research Institute Includes correspondence re arrangements for visit by Harold 1981-1986. and his March 1982; correspondence re discussion of the attitude of the British bioenergetics community to cytochrome oxidase proton pump concepts as expressed at a Bioenergetics Symposium in Birmingham (1 April 1982) and also discussion on the future of the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1981-1982. 27-31 1988-1990. Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s changing role within the Glynn Research Foundation and Mitchell's invitation to Harold to become a representative for the Foundation in the U.S.A., 1988-1989 (declined); invitation to the Silver Jubilee celebrations at Glynn House, 1990. Harris,A. B. 1980-1981 Brief correspondence re the immobilisation of water in special structures and its relevance to mechanisms of proton conduction. Harris, D. A. 1975-1977 Correspondence re the relationship of tightly bound nucleotides to ATPase reaction. G.368 1967, 1970. G.368, G.369 Harris, E. J. 1967, 1970, 1978 1978. Editorial refereeing. Correspondencere the origin of primitive living organisms. 1974, 1978-1979, 1982 1979 Harrison, S. Hartley, B. S. Hartman, H. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Hartree, E. F. 1980, 1982 Includes correspondence re Hartree’s reaction to Mitchell's Nobel Lecture printed in Science, Bibliog. M1979d; correspondence re criticisms of Mitchell's views on protonmotive in ‘Cytochrome Oxidase -a synthesis’ by M. Wikstrém et a/, Academic Press, 1981. stoicheiometries as expressed Harvey, J. A. F. 1980 Mitchell had a brief correspondence with Harvey, a member of a Solicitors firm re reconciling the charitable status of Glynn Research Ltd with the commercial nature of British Petroleum so as to seek funding from them. Harvey, W.R. 1981 Correspondence re issues raised in ‘Portasomes as Coupling Factors in Active lon Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation’ by W.R. Harveyet al, American Zoologist, 1981. 1966-1979 1973-1979 Hauska,G. Hatefi, Y. 1974-1991 Haslam, J. M. Hasselbach, W. Includes letter to Hasselbach at the Max-Planck Institute, Department of Physiology, Heidelberg, re Ca**-translocating ATPase, 9 March 1973. Includes invitation to the International Union of Biochemistry/International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics Symposium on‘Structural Basis of Membrane Function’, Tehran, Iran, 5-7 May 1975, (declined). Criticisms of Mitchell's work made by A. Lehninger, 1977. Includes correspondence re invitation to act as chairman at a FEBS Advanced Course on ‘Energy Conserving Biomembranes’, 27 February - 5 March 1975, (declined); exchange of letters between Hauska and Mitchell re 1970, 1975, 1977 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Hayaishi, O. Hayek, F. A. von Correspondence re nomination. Heath, L. 1970 Heath worked at the Department of Polytechnic. Biological Sciences, Plymouth Brief correspondence re proposedvisit to the Glynn Research Institute by Heath. G.378-G.382 Heinz, E. 1961-1986 Heinz worked at the Institut fur Vegetative Physiologie, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt, and then at the Department of Physiology, Cornell University Medical College, New York. 1961-1967. Includes correspondence re research interests 1978-1979. of Heinz including electrogenic proton pump and Heinz’s work with K. van Dam in Amsterdam (see G.381). 1970-1977. Includes correspondence re the Kundig-Roseman system of glucose transport, 1970 and Mitchell's use of the term ‘Heterolytic’, 1971; correspondence re proposedvisits to the Glynn ResearchInstitute to carry out research, 1971-1972. typescript draft with captions and graphs, sent to Mitchell for comment. ‘The Residual Protonmotive Force...’ by E. Heinz and K. van Dam, 31pp P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re meetings with Mitchell in France 1980-1987. and at the Glynn Research Institute, 1980-1982; discussion of research interests of Heinz including electrogenic proton pumps and the electric potential; correspondencere visit by Mitchell to the New York Academy of Sciences Meeting on ‘lon-motive ATPases’, 11-14 May 1982; ‘The response of the “Protonmotive Force”... by E. Heinz, 11pp typescript draft with captions and graphs. Hemker,H. C. Hémon, P. G.384-G.391 Henderson, P. J. F. 1966-1992 Henderson worked at the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge. University of 1966, 1968. External examining. 1974-1979, 1982-1983, 1987-1988. G.388, G.389 1977. Refereeing grant applications. 2 folders. 1974, 1975. Refereeing grant applications. 1973. Includes correspondence re galactose/H* and arabinose/H™ transport; Mitchell's comments on ‘Application of the Chemiosmotic Theory to the Transport of Lactose, D-Galactose, and L-Arabinose by Escherichia Coli’ by Henderson. 1989. Recommendation. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence for 1990-1992. information about the Glynn Research Foundation and his decision to take out a share in the company and join the Council of Management, 1990; correspondence Management administration (including letter with details of Mitchell's state of health, 20 February 1992), 1991-1992. Henderson’s support, sources Council request re re of of Hendler, R. W. 1981-1982 G.393-G.395 Henlein, L. G.393 Editorial refereeing. G.394, G.395 ‘Serious Questions An ABC of Skeptical Reflections’ by E. Chargaff, 334pp typescript draft, sent to Mitchell for comment. 2 folders. Heppel, L. A. 1964, 1971, 1974 1964 Hess, B. Herbert, R. W. Hertzberg, E.L. 1975, 1978-1979 Includes correspondence re arrangements for visit to the Glynn Research Institute, 1975. Commission of European Communities, 1989-1990. Includes informal photograph of Mitchell, February 1978; observations made by Mitchell and J.M. Moyle re oxidation of ferrocyanide by cytochrome c and cytochrome oxidase in whole mitochondria in which cytochrome reductase has beeninhibited by antimycin or myxothiazol or both, the research grant application made by P.R. 1978-1990 Rich to 1984; P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Hesseling,P. G. M. 1986-1987 Includes correspondence re Hesseling’s views on doctoral research, his proposal for a European Doctorate and his invitation to Mitchell to write a preface to his book ‘Frontiers of Learning: the Ph.D. Octopus’ (declined), 1986. Heyningen, W.E. van G.401-G.404 Hider, R. C. 1972-1980 G.401 1972-1973, 1978-1979. Includes correspondence re proposedvisit by Hider to the Glynn Research Institute and two draft papers by Hider sent to Mitchell for comment(see G.402, G.403). G.402, G.403 ‘Molecular Mechanisms...‘ by Hider, two typescripts. G.402 24pp typescript including captions and figures; 1p manuscript notes by Mitchell. 17pp typescript including captions andfigures. Higuti, T. 1979, 1981, 1984, 1992 1980. Correspondence re papers by Hider on the mechanism of amino acid transport. Hill, G. C. Includes brief correspondence re paper by Higuti Mol.Cell.Biochem., 61, 1984 and the passage of TPA”, TPP”, TPMP* and ethidium across the hydrocarbon domain of the bilayer of the mitochondrion. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Hill, R. 1964-1981 Includes correspondence re Hill’s understanding of Mitchell's idea of a reversible ATPase system and related terminology, 1967; correspondence re arrangements for Photosynthesis Symposium on Electron Transport and Phosphorylation, Seattle, August 1969, (Mitchell withdrew due toillness); detailed correspondencearising from meeting with Hill at the Royal Society 7 November 1968 re the work of E.A. Guggenheim and Mitchell's attitude to general background theory in membrane transport and energy transduction especially theory; correspondencere scientific issues arising in various papers. physiology and electrochemical transport ion in Hill, T. L. 1975-1982 Includes correspondence re the combination of biochemical and mechanical principles to gain a greater scientific understanding, 1975; Hill’s criticism of mechanistic approach of Mitchell to biochemical systems, 1982; ‘The linear osagercoefficients for biochemical kinetic diagrams as equilibrium one-way cycle fluxes’ by Hill, 13pp typescript draft with caption and diagram. 1978-1979 G.410-G.421 1967-1992 Hinkle, P. C. Hinkle worked at the Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. He was a postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute in the 1960s. 1966-1969. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Hinkle and his wife Maija to carry out postdoctoral research at the Glynn ResearchInstitute and related correspondence re various papers byHinkle. 1969. Recommendation. 1967-1968. postdoctoral research fellowship. Papers relating to Hinkle’s application for and tenure of a P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1970. Correspondence re Bibliog. HM1970d. See also D.47, D.48. 1970. Refereeing grant application. 1970-1974. Includes correspondence re recent papers by D.F. Wilson and P.L. Dutton, 1970 (see also G.413), scientific issues in papers by Hinkle and Mitchell, a project by Hinkle and E. Hertzberg re Micrococcus denitrificans and proton translocation, 1971; correspondence re New York Academy of Sciences Conference on ‘Mechanism of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems’, New YorkCity, 7-9 February 1973 (see F.49). permeability experiments concerned and with proton Includes correspondence re Hinkle’s criticisms of inhibitor 1975-1977. titrations of C.P. Lee, L. Ernster and B. Chance, —H/O quotients; correspondence re paper by Hinkle and R.E. McCarty in Scientific American, ca. 1977. 1975. Recommendation. 1982. Recommendation. 1977-1982. Includes correspondence re cytochromeoxidase vesicle (COV) research, 1977-1982; correspondence re visit by Mitchell to Hinkle at Cornell University to give a seminar on ‘Cytochrome oxidase function and the quest for true proton pumps’, 3 November 1980; correspondence re book to celebrate Mitchell's birthday, 1981. Glynn Research Foundation in the USA, 1988. 1983-1989. Includes correspondence re arrangements to attend the Collaborative Consultation on ‘Cytochrome Oxidase’, Glynn Research Institute, 22-23 March 1983 and to carry out experiments; discussion re matters arising from Hinkle’s visit to the Institute and scientific issues arising from various papers;invitation to Hinkle to act as a representative for the P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re various papers by Hinkle 1991-1992. discussing chemiosmotic stoichiometries and electrogenic actions;invitation to Mitchell to present a paper at the Racker Memorial Symposium, Cornell University, 19-21 June 1992 (declined). Hiraga, M. Hirata, H. Hiruma, T. 1967 1984-1989 1989 Hiruma wasPresident of Hamamatsu Photonics KK, HamamatsuCity. Letter re fund-raising. Hoch, F. L. Correspondencere ‘loose coupling’ and the chemiosmotic hypothesis. Hogg,J.F. Holton, F. A. Hoffman, J. F. Hofsten, B. 1960-1961 1967 Holden,J. T. Brief correspondence re the acid phosphataseactivity of bacteria. el Includes correspondence re ‘The Two Mapson the Wall’ by G. Holton, ca. 1981; biology specifically money in human communication. 1967-1968, 1973-1979 correspondence re Mitchell's interest in behavioural Holton, G. 1981-1982 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Hommes, F. A. correspondence Brief Compartmentation of ATP in Rat Liver Mitochondria’. Hommes’ paper re ‘Substrate 1965 Dependent Honeywell Controls Limited 1961-1962 Hooper, A.B. 1984-1985 Brief correspondence re Hooper's paper concerning the location of proton- yielding dehydrogenasesin the bacterial periplasm. Hooper, C. M. Hope,A. B. Hopfer, U. 1979 1971-1989 1977-1978 Horgan, D.B. 1987-1988, 1992 Hopfer wrote to Mitchell commenting on his second ‘grey book’, Bibliog. M1968c. Correspondence re the foundation of the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Australia. Refereeing grant applications, 1972 etc. Correspondencere forms of funding for scientific research. Horton, A. A. Horio, T. Horrobin, D.F. 1967, 1972 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence House, D. R. Howell, N. 1967 1987-1988 Howland,J. L. 1966-1969, 1973 Includes correspondence re Mitchell's request for Hydrolapachol and DNQ to use as respiration inhibitors in experimental work on the synthesis of ATP by rat liver mitochondria, 1966. Hsu, H. H. T. Huber, R. Hudson, R. F. 1978-1979 1985 1990 Correspondence re Hudson’s understanding of the chemical aspect to oxidative phosphorylation. Hunt, M. Hunter,F. E. Hunter, G. D. 1965-1966 1966 1992 1990 Hughes,D. E. Hull University life, his achievements and his Nobel prize success. Correspondencein which Mitchell expresses some of his personal views on 1961 1979 Hussain, M. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Huszagh, V.A. 1989 Correspondence re ‘The Hypothetical Way of Progress’ by V.A. Huszagh and J.P. Infante, Nature, vol. 338, 9 March 1989; correspondence re Mitchell's plans for a lecture on ‘Heuristic Procedures in Biochemistry’, (see also D.441, D.442). Hutchinson, F. Hutner, S. H. 1962 1966, 1976-1977 I. B. M. 1980-1981, 1989 Includes correspondence re fund-raising, 1989. lliesiu, D. 1979, 1981-1982 Inesi, G. Itoh, S. G.438 1982 1989 1982 1979 1985-1986 Infante, J. P. See G.435. Institute of Biology International Organisation of Journalists 1972-1990 1971-1972. Refereeing grant application. G.438-G.442 Jackson, J. B. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1978-1983, 1987. Includes correspondencere visit to the Glynn Research Institute, 1972; correspondence re the anomalous rate of H* binding in chromatophores and other research issues arising in various papers (including Bibliog. M1978b). 1976. Refereeing grant application. 1989. Recommendation. 1990. Includesinvitation for Jackson to attend Silver Jubilee celebrations at the Glynn ResearchInstitute; correspondence re transhydrogenase and the redox loop. Jackson, P. Jacobson, H. I. 1991 1976 G.444-G.450 Jagendorf,A. T. 1964-1989 Jaenicke,L. Jaffe, L. F. 1968, 1973 1979-1980 Jagendorf worked at the McCollum-Pratt Institute, Johns Hopkins University and later at Cornell University. 1964-1965. Correspondence re Jagendorf’s observation of a pH gradient observedin the chloroplast phosphorylating system; 6pp manuscript notes by Mitchell. cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation. 1965. ‘Effect of uncouplers...’ by Jagendorf and G. Hind, Information Exchange Group No. 1; 3pp manuscript notes by Mitchell; draft figures of P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence ‘ATP. spinach 1965. chloroplasts’ by Jagendorf and E. Uribe, 13pp typescript draft with captions, figures, tables and graphs. formation caused by acid-base transition of 1965-1966. Includes correspondencere research interests and Jagendorf’s visit to the Glynn Research Institute, 1965; detailed correspondence re Jagendor’s research involving spinach chloroplasts and recent findings in a paper by B. Pressman in Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 53, 1965; correspondence re the Gordon Conference 30 August-4 September 1965 including reference to ATPsynthesis in the chloroplast system during pH shift experiments carried out by Jagendorf, 1965-1966. ca. 1966. ‘Photophosphorylation and the Chemi-Osmotic Hypothesis’ by Jagendorf and E. Uribe, 38pp typescript draft with captions, figures and graphs. 1967-1972. re measurement of pH shift in spinach chloroplasts and discussion of issues arising in various papers, 1970-1972. correspondence Jagendorfs research Includes re G.451-G.462 Jagow, G. von G.170); correspondence re Jagow worked at the Institut flr Physiologische Chemie, Physikalische Biochemie und Zellbiologie der Universitat Munchen. 1973-1979, 1989. Includes correspondence re the mitochondrial ATPase system and the visit by Jagendorf to the Glynn Research Institute, April 1973; correspondencere scientific issues arising in various papers including discussion of preparations for the ‘joint review’ (see also D.102-D.108, G.76- G.81, coupling and chemiosmotic coupling, 1974; letter to Mitchell mentioning the concept of chemiosmosis held by R.J.P. Williams, 12 April 1976. correspondence re Jagow’s continuing cytochrome experiments. 1982-1983. Includes correspondence re ‘Newinhibitors...’ by Jagow, 10pp typescript 1982; 1982. Correspondence re ‘Characterization of a New Reaction Site...’ by Jagow eta/, 17pp typescript draft with captions, diagrams and graphs. 1982-1992 with tables, November direct diagrams and graphs, P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1983. Recommendation. ca. 1983. ‘An inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration...’ by Jagow et al, 24pp typescript draft with captions and graphs, submitted for publication to the Journalof Biological Chemistry. Includes correspondence re draft version of 1985-1986. ‘Ubiquinol: cytochrome c.... by Jagow et al, 14pp typescript including captions, illustrations and diagrams, 1985; correspondence re von Jagow’s schemes on the Bohr-effect-induced redox pump and Bohr-effect-mediated Q cycle, 1986. 1986. Recommendation. 1986-1987. 1987. captions, figures and tables with covering letter, 18 April. ‘Proton transport...’ by Jagow ef al, 37pp typescript draft with 1987. Includes correspondence re a paper on electron transfer systems on which Jagow was working; ‘Evolutionary aspects of electron transfer systems’ by Jagow, 15pp typescript draft with figures and tables, 8 April. (MOA)inhibitors, Stigmalellin and derivatives, 1988. Includes correspondence re paper on methoxyacrylate 1987. Correspondence re cytochrome oxidase. 1988-1989, 1992. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence G.463-G.465 James, M. 1991-1992 James was Director of the Winnicott Research Trust. In 1991 Mitchell became Chairmanof the Advisory Committee of the Trust. See also E.165- Ea7A* Papers re the funding of research by the Winnicott Trust. 3 folders. Jarvisalo,J. Jayasuriya, H. G.468-G.470 Jeacocke, R. 1971-1990 Jeacocke worked at the Department of of Aberdeen and later at the Agricultural and Food Research Council Institute of Food Research, Bristol. Biochemistry, University 1990. 1972-1973. Includes correspondence re Jeacocke’s research and his career; correspondence re Jeacocke’s proposedvisit to the Glynn Research Institute. 1977-1978, Includes correspondence re Jeacocke’s research interests and Mitchell and Moyle’s research involving the lanthanide- sensitive calcium phosphate porter system, 1977. Includes correspondence re issues arising in various papers 1971-1972. and re laboratory procedure and experimental research being carried out by Jeacocke; correspondencere proposedvisit to the Glynn Research Institute. a draft paper by Jencks. Jencks, W.P. 1977 Includes correspondence re The Road to Serfdom by F.A. von Hayek (1944); correspondence re energy coupling hypotheses andissuesarising in P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Jenkins, W.T. Jennings, D. H. John, P. Johnson, R. 1988 1962, 1979 1976, 1978-1979 1976-1977 Includes correspondence re Johnson’s research on the nature of state 4 pyruvate oxidation in blowfly flight muscle mitochondria. Joliot, P. Jones, B. M. 1965, 1979-1981 Includes correspondence re Jones’s development of a cell contact behaviour model and his paper ‘Regulation of the Contact Behaviour of Cells’, 1979-1981; ‘Regulation of cell contact behaviour by Jones, 8pp typescript draft with caption, figure and table. G.474 G.477 1974-1983 G.474-G.476 Jones, C. W. 1973-1983 1978-1983. 1973. Refereeing grant application. 1976. Refereeing grant application. 1974, 1976. G.477, G.478 Jones, G. R. N. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Jones, M. G. K. Jones, O. Jones, O. Note re recommendation. Jones,S. 1981-1982 Jordan, D. C. Jorgensen, P. L. G.483-G.488 Junge, W. 1967-1991 G.483 G.484-G.486 1986-1987. Papers re Mitchell's sponsorship of Junge’s paper, ‘Complete Tracking...’, in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Includes typescript drafts of the paper; correspondence; editorial refereeing etc. 1967, 1970, 1978-1979. Includes correspondence re supplies of gramicidin S and experiments therewith, 1967; correspondencere ‘Relaxation Times of Proton Pumping into Thylakoids...’ by Junge et a/, 15pp typescript draft with captions and graphs, 1978. with stagesin their publication. 1987. Correspondencere draft paper entitled ‘Complete Tracking...’, 14pp typescript draft with captions and graphs. 1987-1991. Correspondence re various papers by Junge, mainly dealing P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.489-G.496 Kaback,H.R. 1973-1991 G.489 1973-1977. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's attendance at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference on ‘Mechanism of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems’, New York City, 7-9 February 1973, see F.49; correspondence re proposed visit to the Glynn Research Institute, September 1973, draft papers by Kaback, research interest of Kabackin transport systems and experiments involving membrane vesicles of E. coli etc. and visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute 27-29 June 1976. 1978-1979. Includes correspondencere draft papers by Kaback. G.491-G.493 Twotypescript draft papers by Kaback efal. 3 folders. 1979-1983. terminology use in membrane vesicle research. Includes correspondence re draft papers by Kaback and G.497, G.498 Kagawa,Y. 1974-1990 G.497 1985-1991. Includes correspondence re Kaback’s research on the mechanism of lactose-coupled proton translocation and a mobile barrier mechanism, 1986-1988. 1984. Correspondence re ‘Cytochrome o Oxidase from Escherichia coli...’ by Kabacketa/, 19pp typescript draft with captions, tables, illustrations and graphs. conference held there [?Collaborative Consultation]. 1974-1987. Invitation to lecture on the chemiosmotic theory at the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society, October, November 1975 (declined); correspondence re Kagawa’s research on the phosphorylation system of thermophilic bacteria, 1974; issues arising in various being oxideionmotive or protonmotive, 1982 and the protonmotive action of cytochrome for Collaborative by Cytochrome Oxidase’ to be held at the Glynn ResearchInstitute in 22-24 March 1983 (see also F.149-F.153). Five photographsof the Glynn ResearchInstitute including photographsof a correspondence ‘Proton Consultation on arrangements papers including the nature of F,F, ATPase as_ oxidase, 1987; re Translocation P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1988-1990. Includes correspondencere translation into Japanese of Bibliog. M1989b; correspondence re the crystallisation of TFoFi and related experiments thereon by Kagawa, 1989. Kakkar, R. K. Kalckar, H. M. G.501-G.503 Kamp,F. 1966-1978 1985-1986 G.501 correspondence Includes versus delocalized protonic coupling systems and barriers to proton movement, 1985; correspondence re paper by Kamp et a/on membrane potential. re Kamp’s localised research on G.502, G.503 ‘Spatial Charge Distribution...’ by Kamp et a/, 46pp typescript with captions, diagrams and graphs. 2 folders. 1989-1990 Kaplan, R. J. Kaplan, M. A. Includes correspondence re invitation to Kaplan to contribute to proposed book ‘Science and Humanity’ in celebration of the Glynn Research Foundation Silver Jubilee, 1989 see also D.202-D.206;. correspondence re Mitchell's attendance at the 4th International Congress of Professors World Peace Academy, London, 25-29 August 1989, see also F.307-F.309. Recommendation. Karlish, S. J. D. Karelin, A. A. 1967-1968 1991 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.507-G.511 Kashket, E. R. 1972-1984 G.507 1972-1979. G.508, G.509 1974. Refereeing grant application. 2 folders. 1981. Recommendation. 1982-1984. stoichiometry of Escherichia coli cells during aerobic and anerobic growth. Includes correspondence re Kashket’s papers concerning Katchalsky,A. Katz,J. J. Kay,H. 1978-1981 Kaufmann, K. 1983, 1987 1983, 1987. Correspondence re Kaufmann’s draft paper ‘On the Protonic Control...’ mainly discussing the problem of transport through specifically induced ion channels, 1983. Includes correspondence re university grants from central government, funding for science in general and communication between centres of learning and the community, 1981. Kefeli, V. I. Kayalar, C. Keat, R. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Keilin, D. 1962 Letter to Keilin seeking his support as a referee for Mitchell's appointment to a Readership at the University of Edinburgh, including discussion of Mitchell's findings re the cytochrome system of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, 22 May 1962. See also G.553. Kell, D. B. 1977-1979 Includes correspondence re Kell’s understanding of Bibliog. M1967g; correspondencere issuesarising in review by Kell discussing interpretation of respiratory control including the ‘Pacific Ocean’ effect; correspondence re Mitchell's concept of specific ligand conduction and his paper Bibliog. M1963c; correspondence re mitochondrial nomenclature, 1979. Kellenberger, E. Kelly, D. P. 1960 1988 Kemeny, G. 1975-1978 Kemp,A. 1972, 1978-1979 Includes letter from Mitchell re the possibility of cytochrome aa3 being non protonmotive, 29 April 1988. Includes correspondence re the chemical, chemiosmotic, conformational and pair theories in relation to energy transmission in mitochondria, 1975; exchangeofletters in which Kemenyrefers to disagreement between R.J.P. Williams and Mitchell and also Mitchell's views on the possibility that protons in the membrane carry out energy coupling before equilibration with the aqueous compartments, 1976-1977. September 1972. Includes letter to Kemp discussing proposed work at the Glynn Research Institute on +P*/O quotient measurements; supplies of aurovertin; and work on H/P stoichiometry of the mitochondrial proton-translocating ATPase, 21 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.519, G.520 Kendrew,J. C. 1978-1979, 1986-1991 Gi519 1978-1979, 1986-1991. Includes invitation to Kendrew to becomea Patron of the Glynn Research Foundation, 1987 and correspondencerehis role as patron; invitation to contribute article to the proposed book ‘Science and Humanity’ in celebration of the Glynn Research Foundation Silver Jubilee, 1988, (see also D.202-D.206). 1989. Correspondence re a research grant application to the Commission of the European Communities by the Glynn ResearchInstitute. Kenkare, U. W. Recommendation. Kennedy,D.A. 1968, 1978-1979 Kennedy,E. P. Kernan, R. Kettle, D. S. Key, C. 1969-1970 1978-1979 1978-1979, 1988 Includes correspondence re ‘Entomology Beyond the Bicentennary’ by Kettle which includes a photograph of Mitchell with his dog, 1988. 1975 May, July. Refereeing grant application. G.524-G.527 Keynes,R. D. G.524 1961-1980. Keynan, A. 1961-1982 Mitchell'sroleasoneoftheexaminersforGarlid’sdoctoralthesisin lonsinEnergy-TransducingMembranes’and PermeabilityBarrierto draftpaper‘The 1987-1989. Includescorrespondence physicalchemistry,1987,(seeG.249-G.252). inSeptember1983. mitochondrialK*/H*exchangerandhisvisittotheGlynnResearchInstitute the 1982-1983. Ohio.In1987hegainedadoctorateinPhysicalChemistry. ProfessorandthenProfessorofPharmacologyattheMedicalCollegeof GarlidgraduatedasanM.D.in1961andin1971becameAssociate G.251.4folders. 1987.Fourtypescriptdraftswithannotations.With1pmanuscriptnotesin correspondence G.248-G.254 G.249-G.252 Garlid,K.D. 1982-1992 Garlid’s re on_ papers Garlid’s re Includes attendtheGlynnResearchFoundationSilverJubilee,1990. recentresearchinterests,16November;invitationtoGarlandandhiswifeto 1989-1990.FaxfromGarlandrehisupdatedcurriculumvitaeandmost 1984. experimentalwork,1983anddraftsofgrantapplicationbyMitchell,1983- Institute,1983;correspondenceretheuseofParacoccusdenitrificansin 1983-1984,1987.IncludescorrespondencerevisittotheGlynnResearch 1983.Nomination. 1982-1983.IncludescorrespondenceretwograntapplicationsbyMitchell. editorialrefereeing,1980. chemiosmosisandmicro-chemiosmosisandtheviewsofR.J.P.Williams; mechanisms, 1977-1980. Correspondence coupling protonic re Correspondence NCUACS65/3/97 P.D.Mitchell P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1975 September, December. Refereeing grant application. 1982. Nomination. 1975, 1978-1979 G.529, G.530 Khan, S. M. M. 1983-1991 G.529 1983-1988. Includes correspondence re papers onflagellar motor research of Khan, 1983. 1991. Recommendation. Kiang,J. 1985 Kikuchi, K. 1984-1985 Kiesow,L. A. Kihara,T. Correspondencere Kiang’s book ‘One World’ including discussion of human communication and world peace. Includes correspondencere personalrelations with T.E. King. Correspondence re Kikuchi’s research on the apparent effect of maleate on mitochondrial succinate oxidation after addition of pyruvate and also the relation between the osmolality of suspension that would change the ultrastructure of mitochondria and the ATP synthesis rate; photographs of Mitchell at the Jichi Medical School during thefifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society, Tokyo University, Japan, 6-9 October 1984, see F.173-F.182. Kim, C. H. 1979-1991 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence King Faisal International Prize King, C. C. G.535-G.552 King, T. E. 1984 1978-1979 1966-1991 King was Professor of Chemistry-Biochemistry at the State University of New York at Albany and from 1987 a Co-Director at the Institute for Structural and Center, Philadelphia. Functional University Studies, Science City 1966-1975. Includes letter by Mitchell re the effects of bilirubin and the position of coenzyme Q, 6 January 1970; correspondencere the distribution of Mitchell's ‘grey books’ in the United States, 1971 and the midpoint potential of the FMN of the NADH dehydrogenase, 1972; correspondence re the sequenceof carriers in the cytochrome b, cytochrome c, and coenzyme Q region, 1973-1974; correspondence re the state of the bioenergeticsfield, 1974; correspondencere the visit by Mitchell and E. Racker to King at the State University of New York at Albany, 27 October 1974 and re the Q cycle. G.537, G.538 ‘Biochemical and EPR Probes...’ by T.E. King et al, ca. 1976. See G.536. 2 folders. 1975-1977. Includes correspondence re arrangementsto visit the Glynn ResearchInstitute, Mitchell's Q cycle schemes; correspondence re various papers including ‘Biochemical and EPR Probes...’ by King et a/ (see G.537, G.538); correspondencere the contribution of D. Keilin, King and others to the foundation of respiratory chain and cytochrome systems knowledge, 1976 and the scientific position of B. Trumpower as understood by Mitchell following a visit by the former to the Glynn ResearchInstitute in 1976. 1979, 1980. Refereeing grant applications. that succinate-Q 1977-1980. isolating dehydrogenase correspondence re repeated equilibration oxidase with deuterium labelled buffer D2O, 1980. Includes correspondence re various papers, King’s work on succinate and isolated cytochrome reconstitutes oxidoreductase, of the Q-reactive give’ protein 1978 with the to P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1980. Recommendation. Mitchell Includes correspondence re King’s research into cytochrome 1980-1981. oxidase and deuterium exchange, 1980; correspondence re arrangements for the presentation of a Festschrift volume to Mitchell on his sixtieth birthday at the Gordon Research Conference on ‘Energy Coupling Mechanisms’, Plymouth, New Hampshire, 17-21 August 1981, see F.118, F.119. 1980; correspondence re in Albany, visit King to 1981-1982. Recommendations. 1981-1982. cytochromeresearch. Includes correspondence re papers by King on his recent 1982. Slater. Includes copies of King’s correspondence with A. Azzi and E.C. 1983. Letter re research grant award to King, 6 June. 1982-1983. Includes correspondence re report to Mitchell by King of the Second European Bioenergetics Conference, Lyon, 9-10 July 1982, (see F.146) and general discussion of the state of cytochrome oxidase vesicle research; correspondence re arrangements for sending cytochrome oxidase samplesto Mitchell for experimental work; correspondence re cytorchrome oxidase, Collaborative Consultation on ‘Election Translocation and Proton Ejection by Cytochrome Oxidase Vesicles’, Glynn Research Institute, Cornwall, 22-25 March 1983, see F.149-F.153, proposedvisit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute by King, May 1983. 1984. Recommendation. 1983. 1983; correspondence re cytochrome oxidase research, visit by King to the Glynn ResearchInstitute November 1983; Mitchell's comments on a paper by P. O’Shea; Mitchell's comments on King’s draft paper ‘Ubiquinone Proteins with Emphasis of OP-N’. recommendations, correspondence Includes sre P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re cytochrome oxidase research and 1984. intended collaboration between Mitchell and King on the cytochrome oxidase proton pump problem. 1985-1987. Includes correspondence re research work of King’s graduate student A. Williams on proton translocation, 1985; correspondence re the mechanism of cytochrome oxidase pumpingincluding Mitchell's thinking on the O loop and O cycle mechanisms for cytochromeoxidase, 1985. 1988-1991. Kitchin, H. Kitching,J. A. Klein, R. A. 1992 1964 1986-1987 G.554-G.557 Kleinzeller, A. 1960-1992 Includes correspondence re the proposed establishment of the David Keilin Foundation for Research in Tropical Disease, 1986 and Mitchell's position as a researcher in the late 1940s and his memories of D. Keilin. See also G:515.- Includes correspondence re published proceedings of the Symposium on ‘Membrane Transport and Metabolism’, Prague, 22-27 August, 1960, see also F.2. figures. 1991-1992. Correspondence re a series of essays on the conceptual development in the membranefield being written by Kleinzeller including reference by Mitchell to his work with J. Danielli at Cambridge. G.554 1973, 1978-1979. 1992. Correspondence re essays by Kleinzeller; 28pp typescript draft with P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Klingenberg, M. 1964-1976 Includes correspondence re paper by Klingenberg and his research on directional enzymes, 1964; correspondence re Mitchell's ‘brochure on chemiosmotic coupling’ [?Bibliog. M1966b], Klingenberg’s research on the equilibrium aspects of 1966; correspondence re Mitchell's research into the ATP/ADP translocator and its rate-limiting on the hydrolysis of ATP in rat liver mitochondria, 1967; correspondence re issues of ATPase andsuccinate porter research, 1967-1969. respiratory control, Klungsoyr, L. 1981 Correspondence re Klungsdéyr’s ideas about the primary nucleophile in ATP synthesis. Knafelc, D. Knight, V. A. 1980 1969, 1974 Correspondence re arrangements to visit the Glynn Research Institute, 1969; correspondence re Knight's experiments on the electrocution of mitochondria, 1974. 1974-1985 G.561, G.562 G.560 1974. Refereeing grant application. G.560-G.563 Koch, A. L. 1975. Refereeing grant application. 2 folders. 1984-1985. Includes comments by Mitchell re paper by Koch. deficiency and supplies of sulphasuxidine. Includes correspondence re obtaining supplies of diets for riboflavine Kodicek, E. 1967-1968 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.565, G.566 Kogut, M. 1991-1992 G.565 1991. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's efforts to establish a summer vacation studentship at the Glynn Research Foundation. 1991-1992. Refereeing grant application. G.568-G.570 Komor,E. 1973-1977 G.568 1973-1977. the Glynn ResearchInstitute to carry out research work. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Komor to visit Correspondence re report on the work of E. Komor at the Glynn 1974. Research Institute. Kondrashova, M. Konetzka, W. 1983, 1989 1962 1978-1985 G.572-G.577 Konings, W. N. ca. 1974. ‘Scientific Report of the Stay at Bodmin England’ by E. Komor. Natl. Acad. Sci. 1979-1980. Correspondence re communication of ‘Generation of an electrochemical proton gradient...’ by Konings et a/ for publication in Proc. Includes correspondence re Konings’s work on Streptococcus G.572 1978-1979. cremoris. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1980-1982. Includes papers re Mitchell's communication of ‘The Physical Mechanism...’ by Konings and G.T. Robillard for publication in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 1981-1982. ca. 1982. ‘The Physical Mechanism...’ by Konings and Robillard, 17pp typescript draft with captions and graphs. 1982. Application for a fellowship. Includes correspondence re Konings’s visit to the Glynn 1982-1985. Research 1982; correspondencere Mitchell's thinking on proton translocation by cytochrome oxidase, 1985. activities, including research Institute report of G.578-G.585 Koppenol, W. H. 1979-1991 re effects Includes 1979-1981. in mitochondria,electric field between twoparallel surfaces, the Donnaneffect 1979-1980; correspondence re Koppenol’s visit to the Glynn Research Institute, 1980. correspondence electrostatic 1981. Recommendation. Koppenol was a Research Associate of North-Western University, Illinois from 1978-1981 and an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland from 1981 onwards. F.130-F.136 1981-1982. Includes correspondence re poster design by Koppenol for conference in Mexico City, 1981, publication of Koppenol’s electrostatic model and discussion of the theory behind it, 1981; correspondence including Mitchell's comments on small-scale electrostatic coupling in ATPases, 1981; correspondencere visit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute in February ‘Chemiosmotic ATPase Mechanisms’ to be presented at the New York Academy of Sciences Conference on ‘lonmotive ATPase Mechanisms’, 11-14 May 1982, see also collaborative paper on 1982 re P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes correspondence re travel grant for Koppenol to visit the 1982. Glynn Research Institute in 1983; correspondence re the work of [?T.H.] Haines, New York, on the stabilisation of negatively charged membranes. 1982. NATO research and travel grant application for Mitchell/Koppenol collaboration Electrostatic the Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain. Regulation Electron Flow on of in 1983. cytochrome oxidasevesicles. Correspondence re research by Mitchell into proton ejection by 1984-1986. Includes correspondence re Koppenol’s efforts to isolate rat liver mitochondria, 1984 and Mitchell's research interests in osmochemistry of cytochrome system; correspondence re Mitchell's proposed cytochrome oxidase mechanism, the dipole moment of hydrogen peroxide, 1986 and various papers. G.587 1976-1983 1978-1979 Kornberg,A. G.587, G.588 Kornberg, H. L. 1976-1983. Includes correspondence re fund-raising etc. 1987-1991. Includes correspondence re various papers, co-ordination geometries of copper and other aspects of Mitchell’s research into the Cu loop mechanism, 1987; correspondence re contribution of Koppenol’s parents to the Glynn ResearchInstitute studentship, 1991. 1977. Refereeing grant application. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Koryta,J. Koshland, D. E. Kovac, L. Kowalchuk,J. M. Kozak, Editorial refereeing. 1983-1984 1977-1979 1988 1982 Kozlinski, Z. 1979-1980 Correspondence re Kozlinski’s paper ‘Utilization of an Alternative Energy TS? Kraan, G. P. B. Kraus-Friedmann, N. Kozlov,I. A. 1977-1985 Kraayenhof, R. Krab,K. Letter from Kraan re gramicidin D inhibition, 24 March. Includes correspondence re 1977 FEBS Lett. commentary by Mitchell discussing H* ion movement along the proton conduction path (Fo); correspondencerevisit to the Glynn ResearchInstitute 12 August 1978. 1986 1974 1982-1983 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.594, G.595 Krebs, H. A. 1961-1982 G.594 phosphorylation, 1961-1982. Includes correspondence re anisotropic ATPase and Mitchell's recognition of Krebs’s suggestion that osmotic energy may be a link in oxidative chemiosmotic hypothesis; correspondence re mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation, 1966-1967; discussion of Bibliog. MM1973b including Krebs’s view of the physiological function of the transhydrogenase system and other issues, 1972-1973; correspondence 1961; re 1979. Nomination. Krishnamoorthy, G. Kristev, K. Kroger, A. 1987 1967 1975-1976 of kinetic Kroll, R.G. re the difference G.598, G.599 Krulwich, T. A. Application for travel grant. 1978. Refereeing grant application. Includes correspondence behaviour of ubiquinone in (uncoupled) mitochondria as compared with sonic particles, 1975; correspondencere the Q cycle. comments on ‘A AY Generated by Respiration...’ by Krulwich, 1984. 1978-1984. Includes correspondence re Krulwich’s research and papers on the subject of the applicability of the protonic type of chemiosmotic mechanism in bacteria which grow at extremes of pH, 1978-1979; Mitchell's G.598 1978-1984 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Kuhn,K. Recommendation. Kun,E. 1970, 1973 Correspondence re Bibliog. MM1973b in particular discussion on the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase and its possible slow reaction with NADPH, 1973. Kurti, N. 1987-1991 Includes correspondence re the scientific establishment and originality in science, 1987-1991; Mitchell's comments on Kurti’s draft paper ‘The Limits of Scientists’ Science’, 1991. Kurup,C. K. R. G.603 G.603, G.604 Lancaster,J. R. 1973-1983 Land, E. J. Landry,Y. 1978. Editorial refereeing. 1973-1974, 1979-1983. Correspondencearising from papers by Lancaster. interest in ubiquinone. Correspondence etc. re fund-raising and the Glynn Research Institute’s G.R. Lane Health Products Ltd. Landsberg, P. T. 1975, 1985-1986 1972 1978 1989-1990 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.607, G.608 Lanyi, J. K. 1975-1979, 1990-1991 G.607 1975-1979. Correspondence re arrangementsfor a visit by Lanyi to Glynn for scientific discussion, 9-11 June 1975; correspondence re draft of a chapter by Lanyi for the book, Membrane Proteins in Energy Transduction, 1976-1977etc. 1990-1991. Jubilee meeting at Glynn and re bacteriorhodopsin. Correspondence etc. re Lanyi’s involvement at the Silver Lardy, H.A. 1968-1969, 1974 Includes correspondencere the effects of aurovertin, 1968-1969. La Riviere, J. W. M. 1962 Larsen, S. H. Laurent, P. Lavenda, B. H. Correspondence re obtaining samples of the organisms Thiovulum majus and Achromatium oxaliferum for Mitchell's research on the mechanism of electron and ion transport. 1974 1967 Laties, G. Lauger, P. 1966, 1978-1979 Correspondencere Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory. Leadbetter, E. R. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Lebensbaum Verlags GMBH 1991 Correspondence seeking Mitchell’s support in promoting The Miracle Nutrient Coenzyme Qo by Bliznakov and Hunt (declined). Lederberg,J. G.613, G.614 Lee C.-P. 1965-1984 G.613 1965-1968. Correspondence re arrangements for Lee’s visit to Glynn for collaborative research work relating to oxidative phosphorylation, December 1965; correspondence re the possibility of Lee working at Glynn for a year or more, 1967 and re paper ‘Bromthymo!l Blue as a pH indicator in Mitochondrial Bibliog. MMS1968a. Moyle and Smith, Suspensions’, by Mitchell, 1969-1984. Lee, S. J. G.616-G.622 Lehninger, A.L. 1960-1985 Lehmann, J. Leeuwerik, F. J. Lehninger was Professor and Director of the Department of Physiological Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA. a visiting lectureship for Mitchell at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, etc. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Lehninger’s visit to 1962. Edinburgh, 10-15 April 1962; recipe for making sonic particles, sent to Mitchell by Lehninger, March 1962;letters by Lehninger offering to arrange 1960-1961. Includes correspondencere Mitchell’s chemiosmotic hypothesis and the question of ‘intermediates’. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Correspondence re the incapability of brain mitochondria to 1965-1966. swell and re discrimination between the osmotic functions of inner and outer membranes; correspondence re arrangements for Mitchell to give a lecture at Johns Hopkins, on ‘Chemiosmotic Coupling’, 16 November 1965etc. 1967-1970. chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1967 and re arrangements for Lehninger to visit Glynn, 15-17 March 1970. correspondence Mitchell’s Includes re Correspondence re disagreements over the stoichiometry of 1974-1975. proton translocation in respiratory chain and ATPase systems and the implications for the chemiosmotic hypothesis. 1976-1977. Correspondencere the stoichiometry of proton translocation. 1978-1985. Includes correspondence re work on cytochrome oxidase. 1991-1992 G.623 G.625 G.625, G.626 Lenaz, G. G.623, G.624 Leibowitz, D. H. 1976. Editorial refereeing. 1991. Manuscript sent to Mitchell by Leibowitz, etc. 1991-1992. Correspondenceseeking Mitchell’s help with publication. OL 1978-1986. Includes annotated photocopyof article by Lenaz et a/, 1986. 1976, 1978-1986 1978-1979 1976 Lenk,R. Leonard, M. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Leung,K.H. Leupin, S. Lewis, A. G.628, G.629 Liberman, E. A. 1974 1979 1978-1979 1967-1979 G.628 1967-1968. Correspondencere Mitchell’s chemiosmotic hypothesis. 1969-1970. Includes correspondence re the chemiosmotic hypothesis and Liberman’s research. Lilley, R. McC. 1971, 1976 Correspondencere the delivery of biological samples. Lindsay, G. 1983-1988 Lin, E. C. C. Lindner, W. A. Correspondence re possibility of Lilley working at the Glynn Research Institute, 1971. Physical Basis of Life, containing details about Mitchell’s work. 1973. Correspondence re manuscript sent to Mitchell by Ling for comment. 1982-1984. Includes photocopies from proof of Ling’s book In Search of the G.632, G.633 Ling, G.N. 1973, 1982-1984 G.632 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Lingard, J. W. 1966 Correspondencere visit by Lingard and his daughter and the possibility of a group visiting from the Grammar School, Liskeard, Cornwall. Lipmann, F. A. 1966-1987 Includes correspondence re Lipmann’sinfluence on Mitchell. Liskeard School, Cornwall Littarru, G. P. 1991 Correspondence etc. re Mitchell’s contribution to a book about Coenzyme Q, compiled by Littarru. Includes copy of Mitchell’s answers to three questions by Littarru, 2pp typescript. Loach, P.A. 1980-1981 Loewenstein, W. R. 1968-1971 Correspondence re manuscript by Loach concerning coupled electron and proton transport. Includes invitation to join the editorial board of a new journal devoted to membranebiology (declined), 1968. 1981, 1985. G.640, G.641 Lombardi, F. J. G.640 Correspondence re manuscript sent to Mitchell by Lombardi for Logan, R. 1979. comment. 1979, 1981, 1985 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Longmuir,I. S. Lopez, G. M. Lorente,J. L. Lorian, V. Losada, M. 1984 1979-1981 1979-1980 G.644 1963-1982 1968 re manuscripts sent to Mitchell by G.644, G.645 Lowenhaupt, B. 1982. 1977, Lowenhauptfor comment. Correspondence Lowenstein, J. M. 1963, 1967. Correspondence re the question of whether ion transport is electrogenic, 1963; correspondence re manuscripts sent to Mitchell by Lowenhaupt for comment, 1967. Lucy, J. A. Correspondence re Lowenstein’s experimental observations about the effect of hydrogen ions on the control of respiration and their implications for the chemiosmotic hypothesis. Lowenthal, J. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Luft, R. 1978-1979 Correspondencere Luft’s Disease. Lumb, M. Lumkin,P. A. 1987, 1994 Correspondence etc. including recommendations by Lumkin, 4pp typescript, 1987. re fund-raising, list of comments and Lumry, R. 1974, 1978 Includes correspondencere the conformational mobility of catalytic proteins, 1974; correspondence re Mitchell’s Nobel Prize and the nature of popular acclaim. Lundegardh, H. G.650 MacArthur,I. McClare, C. W. F. G.650, G.651 McCarty, R. E. 1976-1979, 1990 1977, 1990. Recommendations. 1976-1979. Includes correspondence re McCarty’s work. MacDonald, J. C. McCollester, D. L. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.653, G.654 MacDonald, R. E. 1966, 1979-1980 G.653 1966, 1979-1980. 1980. Recommendation. McGivan, J. D. 1968 Correspondencere cation permeability in lecithin/cardiolipin membranes. Mcllwain, H. McLaren, A. D. G.656, G.657 McLaughlin, S. 196751974 1963 1977-1982 McLean, R. A. MacLennan, D.H. McMeeking, R. M. McQuillen, K. G.656 1980. Recommendation. 1965-1966 1981 Includes correspondence re the Hanstein-Hatefi picrate work 1977-1982. and the chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1977. 1982 Correspondencere science and ethics. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Maddy,A. H. 1966-1979 Includes correspondence re nominations for the Committee of the proposed Membrane Group of the Biochemical Society, 1973. Madeira, V. M. C. 1979 Includes correspondence re manuscript by Madeira sent to Mitchell for comment. Maizels, M. Majumder, S.N. Makinose,M. 1960-1962 1978-1979 1973 Correspondencere Ca** translocation during acetyl phosphate hydrolysis. Mallory, C. 1962 G.664 Malm, T. M. Malmstr6m, B. G. 1985-1987 Includes correspondence re a Commentary by Malmstr6m in FEBSLett. relating to Mitchell’s work, 1987. Correspondence re Mitchell's work on autolytic release and osmotic properties of ‘protoplasts’ from Staphylococcus aureus. 1975-1976, 1979-1980. Editorial refereeing. 1974-1977. Includes correspondence re Maloney’s work, the chemiosmotic hypothesis and the disagreements concerning stoichiometries, 1976-1977. G.664-G.668 Maloney,P.C. 1974-1990 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1978-1980. Includes correspondence re Maloney’s work on S. /Jactis and re the measurementof stoichiometries. Includes 1983-1990. of stoichiometries, 1983; letter commenting on Maloney’s work re the 12 helix pattern, 1990. correspondence measurement the re 1987. Recommendation. Malpress,F. H. 1973, 1978-1979 Refereeing grant application, 1973; editorial refereeing, 1978-1979. Malviya, A. N. 1979-1987 Includes correspondence re measurements and re the use of digitonin, 1979-1980. Mitchell’s work on H*/2e P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1978. reactions in cytochrome oxidase. Includes correspondence re stoichiometries and proton transfer 1979-1981. 1980. Recommendation. 1982-1986. Correspondence re cytochrome c oxidase; correspondence re Papa’s Electron Translocation and Proton Ejection by Cytochrome Oxidase Vesicles’, Glynn Research Institute, 22-24 March 1983. involvement at Collaborative Consultation ‘On the See also B.99, B.101 for material re the Collaborative Consultation. Parker, R. H. 1961 Pasternak, C. A. 1983-1990 Paul, J. 1970, 1980 Paulson, D 1961, 1964 Pauling, L. C. Includes letter from Pauling re energy-rich chemical intermediates and the use of the word ’proticity’, with Mitchell's reply, 1980. Péchon,J. Pearce, J. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence G.787-G.793 Pedersen, P. L. 1970-1989 G.787 1970-1975. 1976-1981. Includes correspondence re rate changesin the hydrolysis of ATP by the protonmotive ATPase, 1976-1977; correspondence re rates of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis in FoF; and F;, 1979. 1978. Refereeing grant application. Includes correspondence re ATPase mechanisms, 1982; 1982-1983. invitation to participate at the Gordon Research Conference on ‘Energy Coupling Mechanisms’, New Hampshire, 15-19 August 1983 (declined); correspondencere the state of the chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1982-1983. 1982. Papers re a requestfor Mitchell to second a conference proposal. Peisach, J. Penefsky, H.S. 1987-1989. Includes correspondencere rotational models for catalysis in F, and Mitchell’s cyclic ternary state mechanism, 1987. 1985-1986. Invitation for Mitchell to give the concluding lecture at a meeting of ‘The Mitochondrion’, in honour of A.L. Lehninger, 5-7 June 1986 (declined). Correspondence re the proton pump of cytochrome c oxidase. Penittila, T. 1982-1983 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Penzias,A. A. Per Holst Filmproduktion 1979 1988 Perkin-Elmer Ltd. 1978-1981 Correspondence and notesre the purchase of a spectrophotometer. Perry, S. V. Perutz, M. F. 1969, 1978-1979 1979, 1986, 1989 Includes invitation for Mitchell to give a plenary lecture at a meeting in memory of D. Keilin, Virginia, 14-17 April 1980 (declined). Perutz, R. 1986-1987 Person, P. Peschek,G. A. 1965 1984, 1987 Correspondence re a search for evidence of catalysis of O2 reduction by H2O2 and re draft paper by Mitchell concerning the hydroxidemotive redox loop idea. Correspondence re Peschek’s paper on proton pumping during oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by Anacistis nidulans and re the issue of whether cytochrome c oxidase is a proton pump. specific membrane transport’, Bibliog. M1961e, see also D.3]. 1960-1961. Includes 2pp manuscript letter by Peters, 10 January 1961, commenting on a manuscript by Mitchell [?’Approachesto the analysis of G.800, G.801 Peters, R. A. 1960-1968 G.800 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1962-1968. Includes correspondence re Peters’ work on how blocking agents for the Krebs cycle act as convulsants, 1962; correspondence re Mitchell’s use of terms like 1962-1963; correspondence re the dependence of pH on the local electrical potential, 1967. ‘vectorial’ and ‘anisotropic’, Pethica, B. A. G.803, G.804 Pezzi, L. 1966-1970 1979 G.803 Correspondence re Pezzi’s visit to the Glynn Research Institute for two months from 1 October 1979. See also G.287. Copyof grant application by Pezzi. Phelps, H. Phillips, D. C. Piccinini, F. 1982, 1990 1981 1968 G.807, G.808 Pick,U. 1978, 1981, 1986, 1989 1984-1985. Request for recommendation. 1976. Editorial refereeing. 1976, 1984-1985 G.807 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Pisnoy,L. A. Pixley, C. C. 1977 1990 Correspondence re the possibility of the Glynn Research Foundation applying for funds from the National Foundation for Cancer Research, USA. Plaut, G. W. E. Correspondence mitochondria. re NAD-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in 1973 Plymouth Motor Club Pollak, J. K. Pollock, M. R. 1971 1975 1960, 1964, 1978-1979 Popper,K. R. 1982, 1988-1991 Pomeroy, G. Poon,C.P. C. 1990 1978-1979 G.812, G.813 Porteous, J. W. Correspondence re the possible uses of proton-conducting uncouplers in bacterial detoxication of effluents. Correspondence mentioning Popper's influence on Mitchell; correspondence re Wachtershauser’s ideas about the origin oflife, 1989; etc. energetics in biochemistry textbooks, 1984-1985. 1972-1973, of thermodynamic methods of thought and analysis of biochemical systems, 1972. Includes correspondence 1984-1985, 1990. Includes correspondencere the traditional treatment of 1978-1979. re the value G.812 1972-1990 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.814, G.815 Porter, G., Baron 1979-1990 G.814 1978-1983. Includes invitation for Mitchell to give a Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution, Autumn 1979 (declined); correspondence re a research proposal of Mitchell’s, 1983. 1987-1990. Invitation to Porter to become a Patron of the Glynn Research Foundation (accepted) and related correspondence; correspondence re arrangements for the 1990 AGM. Postgate,J. R. Nomination. Potapova, T.V. Prabhakaram, M. 1990 1982 Prebble, J. N. 1981, 1990-1992 Prescott, L. M. Pressman, B. C. Prideaux-Brune, H. Includes correspondence re Prebble’s work on an historical study of the evolution of the chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1990-1992. 1990 Includes two postcards of Glynn House, possibly ca. 1920s. 1983 1991 1983-1984 1987 Prigogine,I. Prince, R. C. Pring, P. 1967-1972 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Pullman, M. E. 1967 Correspondence re the description of the historical development of the chemiosmotic hypothesis by Pullman and J. Schatz in a review on ‘Mitochondrial Oxidations and Energy Coupling’ for the Annual Review of Biochemistry. Quagliariello, E. 1965-1979 to take part Includes invitation in the Round Table Discussion on Mitochondrial Structure and Compartmentation, Bari, Italy, 23-25 May 1966 (accepted); brief correspondence re the effects of nigericin and of proton conducting uncouplers on the accumulation of anionic substrates, 1968. G.823, G.824 Quastel, J. H. 1964, 1978-1983 G.825 1982-1983, 1988-1990 1964, influence. 1983. Nomination. G.823 1978-1981. Includes correspondence re Quastel’s work and G.825-G.827 Quinn,P.J. 1982-1983. ubiquinone-10, 1983. Includes correspondence re the mechanism of action of distribution of Q moleculesin the hydrocarbon domainsof bilayers. Correspondence re the problem of the configuration and 1988. Request for recommendation. 1989-1990. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Rabinowitch, E. G.829-G.842 Racker, E. 1965-1991 Efraim Racker worked on biochemical mechanisms and was a leading figure in the field of bioenergetics. 1965. obtaining ATP synthesis by meansof a pH shift. Includes correspondence re theoretically favourable conditions for 1966. ChanceandL.Mela,‘Intramitochondrial pH Changes’. Includes correspondence re Mitchell's refereeing of a paper by B. 1966. Recommendation. 1967-1968. Includes correspondence re Racker’s work on calcium uptakein mitochondrial particles and re Mitchell’s work on the localisation of BTB in rat liver mitochondria. 1972-1973. Correspondencere a possible contribution by Mitchell to a book organised by Racker on ‘Energy Transducing Membranes’ (Mitchell withdrew owing toill-health). (Mitchell declined to sign). 1974 January-May. Correspondence re proposals by Racker to resolve the problem of the bioenergetics field’s unfavourable image. Includes 2pp typescript ‘Statement’ by Racker on the state of knowledge about oxidative phosphorylation designed to ‘improve the quality of dialogue’ in this area P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Includes 4pp typescript letter by Mitchell re the 1974 June-December. fundamental differences between the direct interaction and chemiosmotic types of hypothesis, 13 June; correspondence re arrangementsfor Mitchell to visit and give a seminarat Cornell University, USA, 24-28 October. Includes correspondence re the role of chemical 1975 January-February. intermediates chemiosmotic conformational the interactions and re the role of the membrane potential in the O* -group translocation mechanism. hypothesis, re in 1975 March-April. Includes correspondence re the various hypothetical mechanismsof oxidative phosphorylation and related energy transductions. 1975 May-December. Includes correspondencere the inhibition of ATPases by bathophenanthroline and re Mitchell's Q cycle. G.843-G.847 Ragan, C. I. 1975-1987 1980-1981. Recommendation. 1976-1980. Includes 3pp typescript letter by Mitchell re the Q cycle, 8 January 1976; correspondence relating to the joint review in the Annual Review of Biochemistry 46, to which Mitchell, Racker and others contributed, 1976. See also D.102-D.108. dehydrogenase, 1983. 1975-1979. Includes correspondencere high H*/O ratios, 1978, and re the interaction of NADH dehydrogenase with cytochromes, 1979. Includes correspondence re the FeS centres of NADH 1979. Refereeing grant application. G.843 1982, 1991. 1981-1983. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1984-1987. Includes correspondence re the phenomenon of ferricyanide re- reduction during ferrocyanide oxidation by whole mitochondria, 1984. 1985. Recommendation. Rama Prasad, J. S. Ramel, S. Randle,P.J. 1966-1979 Includes correspondence re arrangements for Mitchell to lecture at a colloquium on ‘Membranes and Metabolism’ at the 474th Meeting of the Biochemical Society, Bristol, 21 September 1967. Rasmussen, H. 1964-1965, 1977, 1984 Rassam, C. 1992 Raven, J. A. Read, G. Redfearn, E. R. Ratkje, S. K. Reeves,J. Reed, D.J. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.853-G.865 Reid, R. A. 1963-1984 Reid worked as a ResearchAssistant and then Assistant Lecturer in Zoology at the University of Edinburgh, 1960-1965. He then moved to the University of York where he held the post of Lecturer until 1983. The correspondence contains considerable personal as well as scientific material. 1963-1964. fibroblasts’ by Reid and Mitchell; correspondencere Reid’s thesis. Includes abstract ‘Aspects of pyruvate metabolism in L 1965. Includes correspondence re support for the chemiosmotic hypothesis; correspondencere Reid’s work,including his visit to E.C. Slater’s laboratory. 1966. Mitchell re his own experimental work, 17 October. Includes correspondence re Reid’s work; 3pp typescript letter by 1967. Correspondencere Reid’s grant applications. 1970, 1972. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Moyle re Mitchell’s health etc., 27 November 1972. 1972. Refereeing grant application. 1968-1969. 1974. Travel grant application. 1973-1976. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a Biochemical Society Colloquium on ‘The Relationship of Membrane ATPases to Transport Processes’, University of York, 10 January 1974, see also F.52- F.54; correspondence re Reid and Mitchell’s involvement in television programmesaboutoxidative phosphorylation, 1976, see also E.118, E.119. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1977-1978. Includes letter by Reid re events at the Gordon Conference, 1977. 1980-1984. cytochrome oxidase, 1981-1982. Includes correspondence re work on proton pumping by 1983. Letter re an appointment at York. 1984. Typescript of proposed programmeof research andgrant application by Reid. Reiser, A. Renger, G. 1975-1982, 1987-1989 1976-1991 G.867 1975-1982. G.869-G.874 Rich, P. R. G.867, G.868 Repke,K.R.H. 1987-1989. Includes correspondence re the interconversion of chemical and osmotic energy, 1987. 1980. Refereeing grant application. Peter Rich left Cambridge in 1986, where he had established his own independent research group, to join the Glynn Research Institute as Principal Research Fellow. He became Director of Research in 1987 and in 1992 was appointed Honorary Director and Chairman of the Glynn Research Foundation. 1976. Editorial refereeing. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1982-1986. Includes correspondencere the possibility of securing financial resources to enable Rich to work at the Glynn ResearchInstitute, 1984. 1983. Recommendation. 1985. Papers re Rich’s appointment as Principal Research Fellow at the Glynn ResearchInstitute. 1990-1992. G.875, G.876 Richarme, G. 1983 G.875 Correspondence re Richarme’s work on the binding protein-dependent transport systems of E. coli; manuscript by Richarme sent to Mitchell for comment. Richter, C. Ridger,J. A. Rienits, K. G. 1989 1980, 1982 1962, 1964 1978-1979 Richford, V. E. Rickenberg,H. V. Manuscript by Richarme sent to Mitchell for comment. ath 1963 1969 Riemersma, J. C. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Rieske,J. S. 1975-1979, 1986-1987 Includes correspondence re the oxidant-induced reduction of cytochromes b, 1986-1987. Rietveld, A. Rinaldini, L. M. 1985 Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s machine for striking Glynn silver pieces. (Mitchell's interests included the minting of his ownsilver coins). Robb,A.J. Robertis, E. De Roberts, E. Roberts, H. R. W. G.883, G.884 1978-1979 1967-1980 Roberts, S. M. Robertson, A. G.882 1967-1974. G.882-G.886 Robertson, R. N. 1978 1987 Mitchells ill-health, 1977. 1975. phosphorylation, including manuscripts. 2 folders. Correspondence re Robertson’s work on proton movement and 1976-1979. Includes correspondence re Robertson’s work, 1976 and re P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1980. Editorial refereeing. Robinson, B. H. 1968-1969 Includes correspondencere alkali metal ion antiporter systems, 1969. Robinson, J. G.888, G.889 Robinson, J. D. 1984-1989 G.888 1984-1985. Includes photograph, 1984; correspondence re the flagellar motor system and proposed rotating mechanisms for the FoF; ATPase, 1985. 1986-1989. Robinson, J. R. Rogner, M. Roodyn, D. B. 1973-1982 1962-1963 1984 G.891 1973-1981. G.891-G.893 Rosen, B. 1966, 1978-1979 1979, 1982. Recommendations. 1975, 1977. Refereeing grant applications. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.894-G.896 Ross,R. T. 1977-1981 G.894 1977-1979. 1977. Recommendation. 1980-1981. Recommendation. Rossi, C. S. 1968 translocation Correspondence re coupled to ATP hydrolysis in rat liver mitochondria’ European J. Biochem., 4, Bibliog. MM1968b. Mitchell and Moyle’s paper, ‘Proton Rossi, L. 1969 1965 1979-1980 1960 Roth, L. E. Rothen,A. Rothstein, A. Réttig, E. 1963, 1978-1979 Rothschild, N.M.V., 3rd Baron 1968, 1985, 1987, 1989 Rumberg,B. 1969 1961 1987 Roux, E. Rowen, L. S. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Russell, J. C. Rydbeck, K. Rydstrom, J. 1973-1976, 1980 Includes correspondence re the behaviour of ANS fluorescence or PCB uptake in responseto transhydrogenase system activity, 1973. Ryman, B. E. 1978-1979, 1982 Ryrie,I. 1974-1979 Correspondencere Ryrie’s work. Saatchi & Saatchi Correspondenceetc. re fund-raising. G.904 1972, 1979-1983 G.904-G.906 Sachs,G. 1972. Refereeing grant application. 1979-1980, 1982, 1983. Recommendations. Saha,S.P. 1979-1982. Sacktor,B. Sagan, C. E. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Sahlin, K. 1977-1978 Correspondence re Sahlin’s work on changesof intracellular pH and high energy phosphates during exercise; manuscript by Sahlin et al. Saier, M. H. 1982-1985, 1989-1991 Sainsbury,J. Sakamoto,J. Salminen, S. 1991-1992 1984 1968 Salton, M. R. J. 1973, 1978-1979 Samoray, D. 1974, 1989 Samuel, C. 1984. Editorial refereeing. 1986 1965-1984 G.912 1965-1968. G.912-G.914 Sanadi, D. R. 1972-1974, 1978-1979, 1984. Includes copy of letter by Sanadi to E. Racker re the declining support for research on oxidative phosphorylation, 20 March 1974. theory in biochemical systems, 1984. Includes correspondence re the useofstatistical mechanics and quantum Sanchez, H. 1979-1980, 1984, 1990 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Sanders,D. Application for travel grant etc. Sanger,F. 1980, 1983, 1987-1989 Includes invitation to Sanger to become a Patron of the Glynn Research Foundation (accepted) and related correspondence. San Pietro, A. 1970-1972 Includes invitation to attend Bioenergetics Symposium, Indiana University, USA, 12-15 October 1970(initially accepted, later withdrew). Santhanam, K.S. V. Santiago, E. 1988-1990 1978-1979 Saraste, M. 1987, 1991 Sardesai, P. V. Saris, N.-E. Correspondence re Santiago’s work on oxidative phosphorylation. Includes correspondencerelating to Mitchell’s submission of a paper ‘Cug loop mechanismsfor cytochrome oxidase using a hydroxide or oxide e/H™ antiport gate’ to FEBS Letters, 1987. of the cationmotive ATPases. 1981. Includes correspondence re Scarborough’s work on the mechanism G.923-G.925 Scarborough, G. A. 1981 1978-1979 1981-1986 G.923 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1981. Recommendation. 1982-1986. mechanism of the FoF; ATPases, 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re Scarborough’s work on the Scarpa,A. 1975, 1978-1979, 1983 Schacherl, R. 1979 Includes correspondence re Schacherl’s work on S-N bond formation and re Mitchell’s experiments involving the oxidation of diaminodurene. G.928, G.929 Schafer, G. 1970, 1976-1985 G.928 1970, 1976-1980. properties of new uncoupling agents, 1970. Includes correspondence re Schafer’s work on the Schatz,G. 1970, 1978-1979 Schejter, A. Schiffrin, D. J. 1984-1985. Includes correspondence re FoF; ATPases. Includes 5pp typescript letter by Mitchell re cytochrome oxidasefunction. Recommendation. 1970-1971 1988 Schlodder, E. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.932-G.935 Scholes,P. B. 1965-1971, 1978-1979 G.932 1965-1966. Fellowship to work at the Glynn ResearchInstitute. Correspondence re Scholes’s application for a Research 1967, 1969. Recommendations. 1970-1971. Recommendations. 1971, 1978-1979. Correspondencere drugsfor Mitchell’s ulcers, 1971, etc. Schultz, S. G. Scott, W.J. ca. 1962-1967 1978-1980 Seale,J. 1989-1990 Seiter, C. H. 1980 Secombe,H. D. 1982-1983 Correspondencere application to Sir Harry Secombefor financial support. Correspondence re Seale’s work on the origin of AIDS; manuscripts by Seale. Seitz, E. W. Correspondence re cytochrome oxidase. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.939-G.941 Selwyn, M. J. 1969-1981 G.939 1969-1981. Includes correspondence re a review article by Selwyn and A. Dawson, 1973. 1973-1974. Recommendation. 1975. Refereeing grant application. 1977. Editorial refereeing. Semenov,A. G.943-G.946 Semenza, G. 1989-1991 1982-1987 G.943 1982. Correspondencere the ‘Evolving Life Sciences’ series, published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 1983-1985. 1983. Nomination. 1987. Includes correspondence re a Commentary for FEBS Lett. by B.G. Malmstrom on Mitchell's paper, ‘A new redox loop formality involving metal- catalysed hydroxide-ion translocation...’, Bibliog. M1987f. 1979, 1981. Recommendations. 1974, 1983-1987. G.947-G.950 Senior, A. E. 1974-1991 G.947 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1991 May. 1991 June-November. Correspondence re unisite catalysis. Seth ShewbhagwanJalan Charity Trust Settlemire, C. T. Shamoo,A. E. 1980 1967 1978-1980, 1987 Includes invitation to Mitchell to be the first speaker for the Steinberg and Wylie Endowed Lecture in Biological Chemistry, University of Maryland, 1980 (declined). Shandon Scientific Co. Ltd. Shapiro, B. M. Shavit, N. Shubert, M. L. 1988-1989 Shimazu, K. Shnol, S. Shell Research Ltd. 1981 Shulman, R. G. 1989 1966 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1979, 1982-1983 1989 1972, 1976-1979, 1985 Sigel, E. Sigmund,E. Siliprandi, N. Silver, P. Silver, S. D. Simmonds,H. A. G.956-G.958 Simon,H. A. 1979, 1986-1990 G.956 1979. Foundation (accepted) and related Simoni, R. D. 1989-1990. Correspondence re arrangements for Simon’s involvementat the 1990 AGM and Silver Jubilee Meeting, correspondence re the evolution of chemiosmotic ideas. 1986-1988. Includes invitation for Simon to become a Patron of the Glynn Research correspondence; correspondence re Mitchell's paper ‘Aspects of Chemical Philosophy. Science as a Pursuit of Humanity’, Kagaku to Kogyo, 42. Bibliog. M1989b. Correspondence re the use of nuclear power. Singer, B. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Sklar, S. H. 1979 Correspondence re Sklars work on adenosine 5’-monophosphate (AMP) therapy. Skoryna,S.C. G.962, G.963 Skou,J. C. G.962 1978-1979, 1982. 1980. Nomination. 1979-1983 1978-1982 Skrede,S. 1967-1968 Correspondence re Skrede’s work on the permeation of cystamine through the cristae membrane of mitochondria. G.965 G.965-G.971 Skulachev,V. P. 1969-1991 1969-1972. translations of papers by Mitchell, 1971-1972. Includes correspondence re proposals to publish Russian 1970. Editorial refereeing. 1980-1987. 1976-1979. Includes correspondence re the function of F; and re the Q cycle, 1976; correspondence re the cytochrome oxidase proton pump concept, 1978. 1973-1975. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence 1988-1991. Includes 3pp typescript letter by Mitchell re the proton coupled ATP / (ADP + P; ) antiport mechanism, 11 April 1990. 1989. Skulachevetal. Correspondence etc. re Mitchell's sponsorship of a paper by G.972-G.990 Slater, E. C. 1961-1988 Slater was Professor of Physiological Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, 1955-1985 and then Honorary Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Southampton. G.972-G.976 ‘Bill Slater - discussion and correspondence’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. Includes letter of thanks by R.B. Beecheyfor the useofthefile, 3 November 1992. The contents mostly relate to the chemiosmotic hypothesis. 1961-1962. for Bill Slater’. 1964 April-May. 1966. methods. Includes 2pp Mitchell’s manuscript notes headed ‘Comments 1964 June-December. chemiosmotic hypothesis. Includes copy of Slater's manuscript re the 1965. chemiosmotic hypothesis. Includes correspondence re experimental work relating to the 1964-1966. Includes correspondence re Mitchell and Slater's experimental P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1970, 1972. Includes correspondence re P/O quotients, 1970 Includes correspondence re Slater’s treatment of the chemiosmotic 1973. hypothesis in a copy of a manuscript on oxidative phosphorylation. ‘Oxidative phosphorylation’ by Slater, 41pp typescript. 1974 January-May. Includes correspondencere Mitchell’s hypothesis; copy of 3pp typescriptletter from Slater to E. Racker re the unfavourable image of the bioenergetics field, 16 April. 1974 June-November. hypothesis and re P. Boyer’s conformational coupling hypothesis. Includes correspondence re the chemiosmotic 1977-1978. stoichiometries. Includes correspondence re cytochrome oxidase and protonic 1979-1981. reductase, 1980-1981. Includes correspondence re the Q cycle and cytochrome c 1975-1976. Includes correspondence re the Q cycle; correspondence re Mitchell and Slater’s drafts for the joint review in the Annual Review of Biochemistry, 46, to which they and others contributed, 1976. See also D.102-D.108. 1983. Nomination. 1982-1986. Includes correspondence re the Q cycle and related matters; correspondence re Mitchell’s plan to implement a new programme of research at the Glynn ResearchInstitute, concerned with the fundamental stoichiometric facts and related knowledgeof respiratory metabolism, 1982; correspondencere Mitchell’s O loop and O cycle mechanisms, 1985-1986. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1987. Nomination. 1987-1988. Includes correspondence re the distinction between direct and indirect chemiosmotic mechanisms, 1987; correspondence re Slaters collision hypothesis, 1987-1988. G.991, G.992 Slayman, C. L. 1966, 1975-1982 G.991 1966, 1976-1982. transport systems, 1981-1982. Includes correspondence re variable stoichiometry in 1975-1976, 1982. Recommendations. Slaughter,J. B. 1987 Slonimski, P. 1985 Smith, D. C. Slooten, L. 1974, 1977 Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s illness and re Slooten’s work on the photoinactivation process in FoF}. Letter seeking Mitchell’s signature for an appeal against threats to academic freedom in Poland (provided). 1966 Smith, E. L. Smith, J. E. 1977 1979-1980 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.995, G.996 Smith, L. 1966-1968, 1978-1979 G.995 1966-1967. Includes 3pp typescript letter by Mitchell 1968, 1978-1979. re his experimental work, 7 March 1968; correspondencere a possible visit by P. Broberg to Glynn to participate in a project concerning mechanisms of respiratory control, 1968. Snoswell, A. M. 1966 Correspondence re Snoswell’s work relating to oxidative phosphorylation. Society of Opticians - Aitchison Memorial Trust 1977-1978 Sollner, K. 1963, 1966 G.999 Sone, N. 1984-1989. 1984-1985 1978-1989 G.999-G.1002 Sorgato, M. C. 1978-1980. 1981, 1983. Correspondence re Sorgato’s work. 1985, 1988. Recommendations. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Sowder, F. A. 1981 Spanswick, R. M. 1974,1978-1979 1984 1990 Spiro, M. Spivey, H. O. Sprinson, D. B. Recommendation. Srere, P. A. Stace, B. C. Stansfield, R. G. G.1006-G.1010 Stein, W. D. 1958-1990 G.1006 1958-1959. Correspondence re Stein’s paper on ‘Transport mechanismsin Active Transport’. 1959. Correspondence re Stein’s possible appointment at Edinburgh, including material re Mitchell's plans for his research group’s rheumatism programme. lecture to the Biochemical Club, University of Manchester, 25 January 1967. 1966-1967. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Mitchell to P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1969. Recommendation. 1978-1979, 1985-1986, 1990. recollections of J.F. Danielli, 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s Stephen, Stevens,S. J. 1961-1962 1981, 1983 G.1014, G.1015 Stewart, W. W. 1986-1988 G.1017 Stoddard, J. F. 1977-1978. bacteriorhodopsin. G.1014 1986-1988. Correspondence re study by Stewart and N. Feder of scientists’ professional practices. G.1017-G.1019 Stoeckenius, W. 1973-1978 1986. 49pp typescript by Stewart and Feder etc. 1973-1975. Correspondence re Stoeckenius’s work on halobacteria, 1973, etc. ca. 1977. Manuscripts; 2pp Mitchell’s manuscript drawings. Correspondence re Stoeckenius’s model for the function of P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Stoppani, A. O. M. 1962, 1978-1979 Stoward, P. J. Strominger, J. L. Strotmann, H. Correspondence re models of the ATPase mechanism. 1961 1961-1962 1989 Strych, A. Stuart, K. Sugden, T. M. 1967, 1981-1984 Suzuki, Y. Swallow,A. J. 1963-1964, 1982-1990 G.1024 1963-1964. G. 1024-G.1030 Swann, M. M., Baron Includes correspondence re arrangements for Mitchell’s visit to Sugden’s laboratory, Shell Research Ltd., Thornton Research Centre, Chester, 20-21 February 1967; correspondence re Sugden’s assistance in fund-raising and the Glynn Research Institute’s financial difficulties, 1981-1982. 1983. Correspondencere Mitchell’s grant proposal to the Wellcome Trust. 1982. Correspondence re Swann’sassistancein fund-raising for the Glynn ResearchInstitute andits financial problems. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1984. current or electromagnetic radiations. Correspondence re the possible wound-healing effects of electric 1987. Foundation (accepted). Invitation to Swann to become a Patron of the Glynn Research 1988-1990. Includes correspondence re Swann’s assistance in fund-raising andhis role as a Patron of the Glynn Research Foundation; correspondence re personal matters. ‘Lord Michael Swann’. Contents of file so inscribed. Contains: Papers re Swann’s reference for the Glynn Research Institute as part of their fund-raising appeal to the Trustees of the John Spedan Lewis Foundation. Includes 3pp manuscript letter of reference by Swann for the Institute, 10 June 1982. 2pp typescript letter of reference by Lord Swann for the Glynn Research Foundation, 28 March 1988. Sweetman, A.J. Sykes,J. B. 1971 1984-1985 Correspondence re Mitchell’s distinction between the areas of meaning covered by ‘osmotic’ and ‘osmosis’ and re Mitchell's ideas about economics. 1970. Includes correspondencere attempts to obtain supplies of aurovertin, 1969- 1969-1970, 1978-1979 Szabo,A. Szabo, G. 1979 1974 ca. 1962-1963 Sylvester, M.E. Tager, J. M. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.1034, G.1035 Tanford, C. 1979-1983 G.1034 1979, 1982. 1983. Includes correspondence re a paper by Tanford concerning the FoF, ATPase mechanism. G.1036-G.1040 Tang, H.-L. 1983-1991 G.1036 1983. Includes correspondence re Tang’s workon the triphasic time-course of cytochrome b reduction. 1984. pentaphasic reduction of cytochrome b and the protonmotive Q cycle. Includes correspondence re Tang’s experimental work on the 1985-1986. Includes correspondence re Tang’s work. 1987-1991. Taylor, G. R. 1966, 1973 1987, 1990-1991. Recommendations. Includes correspondencere the ideas of G.N. Ling. See also G.140. Taylor, M. Techniquest P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence G. 1043-G.1045 Temple, R. K. G. 1979-1984 G.1043 1979-1981. Includes correspondencerelating to articles by Temple about Mitchell and the Glynn ResearchInstitute which appeared in The Economist and the Sunday Express. 1982-1983. Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s open letter to Sir Jeremy Morse. 1983-1984. Recommendation. Teorell, T. Terrell, G. 1968 1988 Includes correspondence seeking financial support for the Glynn Research Institute from the Pacific Institute, USA. Thaine, R. Thomas,E. Thomas,J. M. Theg, S.M. Thilake, A. N. Thatcher, M. H., Baroness 1984-1985 Includes 1p typescript letter by Mitchell re education, 22 November 1984. raising appeal, 1988. Includes correspondence re the Royal Institution of Great Britain’s fund- 1980 1987-1990 1981 1977-1980 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Thomson, A. J. Thornburg, W. Thorne, C. J. R. Thorpe, C. Thorpe, W.V. Tice, L. E. Tinbergen, J. Todd, A. R., Baron 1987 [ca. 1967] 1966, n.d. 1973 1967 Tran, V. D. 1986-1987 Trans-Neuro,Inc. Todrick, A. Tonomura, Y. Includes correspondence re Tran’s work. oxidative phosphorylation. Includes correspondence re Tredgold’s work on energy conversion in Tredgold, R. H. 1975, 1978-1979 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.1053-G.1060 Trumpower, B. L. 1975-1987 G.1053 1975-1976. Includes correspondencere the Q cycle. Includes correspondence re the Q cycle and Trumpower’s work on 1977. oxidation factor. 1977-1978. Recommendation. 1978. Includes correspondence re Trumpower’s work; 1p typescript letter by Mitchell re a speculative mechanism for his observed H*/O value of 5 for QHzoxidation. 1979-1982. Correspondencere research interests. 1984-1987. Truter, M. R. 1972-1973 1980. Recommendation. 1983. Recommendation. Correspondence re Mitchell’s work on whether NNN’N’-tetramethyl-1, 8- naphthalenediamine acts as a proton conductor in the membrane of mitochondria isolated from ratliver. establishment. Includes correspondence re the constraints of the official scientific 1984-1985 1988 Tsou, C.-L. Turner, M. K. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Turney,J. 1989-1990 Includes correspondence re Turney’s interview of Mitchell for the Times Higher Education Supplement, 12 December 1989 (see also B.162) and re the value of independent research centres and the ‘Establishment System’. G.1064-G.1066 Tyler, D. D. 1967-1991 G.1064 1967-1972. interests. Includes correspondence re Tyler and Mitchell’s research 1973-1974, 1978-1980. enzyme, superoxide dismutase, 1973. Includes correspondence re the effect of the 1982, 1985, 1991. 1957, 1979 1979 1982-1983 Uttley, D. Tyutyunnik, W. M. 1987-1989, 1991 Valenti, L. C. Vallance, R. Ussing, H. H. Request for Mitchell to strike commemorative coins or medallions as a private commission (declined). 1976 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence Varley, W. J. 1970-1972 Includes correspondence seeking Mitchell’s advice re external salt bridges, 1971. Vasilescu, V. 1973-1974, 1978-1981 Vassileva-Popova, J. G. 1973-1982 G.1072-G.1075 Velthuys, B. R. 1979-1984 G.1072 1979. 1980-1981. Includes correspondencere the Q cycle. Vesely,J. Vickers,L. P. 1983 1980 1981. Refereeing grant application. Vignais, P. V. & P. M. 1984. Recommendation. Includes correspondence seeking Mitchell’s advice, 1971-1972. 1966, 1973, 1978-1979 1987 1970-1972 Villalobo, A. Vince,D. A. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.1078-G.1080 Vinogradov,A. D. 1976, 1989-1991 G.1078 1976. Editorial refereeing. 1989. Refereeing grant application. 1990-1991. Volk, S. E. Volkov,A. G. Vries, S. de Includes correspondencerelating to the Q cycle. 1982, 1990 1989 1979 Wackym,P.A. Waddell, W.J. Wade,H. E. Wachtershauser, G. Correspondence re enzymedistribution in E. coli. Wagner, M. Examining Ph.D. thesis. Wagg,J. 1988-1989 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Wainio, W. W. 1981, 1984 ‘An assessment of the chemiosmotic hypothesis of mitochondrial energy transduction’ by Wainio, 36pp typescript. Waldron, M. G.1088, G.1089 Walker,J. E. 1984, 1986-1988 G.1088 1984, 1986. 1987-1988. Nomination. G1090-G.1093 Walker, N. A. 1971-1982 G.1090 1971, 1973. Includes correspondencerelating to ion transport in plantcells. 1974. Editorial refereeing. 1979. Refereeing grant application. War Office 1974-1979, 1982. Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s interest in building a windmill on his farm, 1974. Ward, A. T. Includes correspondence re the chemiosmotic hypothesis, 1964. Wallis, R. C. Walz, D. 1962 1964, 1981-1982 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Waring,M. J. 1979-1980, 1984 Includes copy of Waring’s draft entry re Mitchell’s Nobel Prize for the Jesus College, Cambridge Year Book, with related correspondence, 1979. WarrenTriennial Prize Committee 1985-1986 Warshel, A. 1982, 1987 Includes correspondence re the mobile barrier concept for porter action, 1987. Weavers,B. A. 1971 Correspondence etc. re the use of electron microscopy to obtain evidence about the distribution of catalytic components in mitochondrial cristae membranes. Webb,E.C. 1971, 1978-1979 G.1098-G.1117 Weber,B.H. 1978-1992 Photocopies of extracts from the Glynn Research Institute Council and Annual General Meeting reports, 1965-1979. Weber worked at California State University, Fullerton. His work involved particular emphasis on conceptual developmentsin bioenergetics. 1978-1979. Includes correspondence re the developmentof Mitchell's ideas about chemiosmotic reactions and re reactions to his hypothesis, 1979. 1980-1981. Recommendation. 1980. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Weber'svisit to Glynn to interview Mitchell, 22-25 May. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence G.1103-G.1105 154pp typescript transcript of Weber's interview with Mitchell, 23-24 May 1980 (annotated by Mitchell). This was received by Mitchell in August 1981. 3 folders. G.1106, G.1107 23-24 May 1980. Transcript of Weber’s interview with Mitchell, 64pp typescript. This incorporates Mitchell’s earlier annotations on G.1103- G.1105. 2 folders. 1982. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Mitchell giving answers to questions by Weber,2 April. ca. 1982. ‘Small is beautiful; A comparison of the effectiveness of the private laboratories of Lundegardh and Mitchell’ by Weber, 8pp typescript lecture. ca. 1982. ‘How does biochemistry mean?’ by Weber, 34pp typescript. Includes material concerning Mitchell. 1983-1985. Includes 3pp typescript letter by Mitchell, 26 November 1983, re the outcomeof the Consultative Collaboration on cytochrome oxidaseat Glynn, March 1983. 1985. ‘Historical and Philosophical Issues in Bioenergetics; at the Interface of Biology and Physics’ by Weber, 23pp typescript lecture. Includes material concerning Mitchell. 1986. Recommendation. ca. 1985. ‘The impact of the Prague Symposium on the conceptual development of bioenergetics: a retrospective and prospective view’ by Weber, 9pp typescript. Includes material concerning Mitchell. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1986-1987. ideas. Includes correspondence re the development of Mitchell’s 1988-1992. Includesinvitation for Weber to give a lecture on aspects of the historical development of chemiosmotic ideas and knowledgeat the Glynn Silver Jubilee Meeting, 11-12 October 1990 (accepted). ‘Ann’s Bruce Weber file - Biographical Book’. 1991-1992. Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes photographs [?of Mitchell and his family etc.]; photocopies of photographs; correspondence, 1991. G.1118, G.1119 Weber,G. 1960, 1972-1973 G.1118 1960, 1972-1973. Correspondence re protein fluorescence, 1960 and Mitchell’s chemiosmotic coupling mechanism. ca. 1973. Typescript of talk by Weber. G.1121 1973, 1976 1973 1969-1972 Weiner, M. W. G.1121, G.1122 Weiss,D. E. Weinback,E. C. 1969. Editorial refereeing. 1970, 1972. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Weiss, J. J. Weiss,L. 1968 1978-1979, 1989-1990. Includes correspondence re fund-raising for the Glynn Research Institute, 1989-1990. Weller, M. Welsch,F. Werbin, H. G.1125-G.1139 West,I. C. 1973-1974, 1978-1979 1967 1967-1992 lan West wasa research fellow at Glynn between 1970 and 1973 and was again involved in researchat the Institute in the period 1983-1988. 1967-1968. 1970-1972. 1973-1974. 1973. Recommendations. 1970-1971. Copy of research proposal, ‘The coupling between metabolism and the uptake of B-galactosides by Escherichia coli ‘ by West and Mitchell, with related papers. 1975-1976. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1975-1976. Recommendations. 1978-1981. 1982. biochemistry research group at Glynn. Includes correspondence re the possibility of expanding the 1982-1983. Papers relating to a grant application to the Medical Research Council. Includes manuscript notes by Mitchell and West. 1982-1984. Reader at the Glynn Research Institute. Correspondence etc. re West’s appointment as a Research G.1140-G.1142 Westerhoff, H. V. 1981-1984 1989. Refereeing grant application. 1983. Includes correspondence and manuscript notes by West re Medical Research Council project; correspondence and notes re the arrangementfor the Collaborative Consultation at Glynn on ‘Electron Translocation and Proton Ejection by Cytochrome Oxidase Vesicles’, 22-24 March 1983. Westerhoff, 41pp typescript draft. ‘The present state of the chemiosmotic theory’ by 1981-1982. chemiosmotic coupling and re the stoichiometry debate. Includes correspondence re localised and delocalised G.1140 1989-1992. 1982 September. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1983-1984. Westerhoff’s work. Includes correspondence re chemiosmotic coupling and Wetzstein, H. G. Whalen,W.J. 1988-1989 1981-1982 Correspondence re Whalen’s article on oxidative metabolism of the carotid body. G.1145, G.1146 Whatley, F. R. 1966, 1972, 1976-1979 G.1145 1966, 1976-1979. 1972. Refereeing grant application. Whelan, W.J. Whitbread, H. White, A. M. G.1148 1961, 1987 1988 1990 G.1148, G.1149 White,B.J. Correspondenceetc. re Ciba-Geigy’s financial support for the Silver Jubilee meeting, 10-13 October 1990. Editorial refereeing. Correspondence re White’s work on cytochromeoxidaseetc. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS 65/3/97 Correspondence White, W. H. Whitehouse, M. W. 1979 1966 Whiteley, J & D. 1978-1982, 1987 Whittam, R. Wiame,J. M. Wiggins,T. E. G.1152, G.1153 Wijeratne, B. 1966-1967 1980 1986 1980-1992 G.1152 1980-1981. Includes papers re arrangements for Mitchell to lecture at the 10th International Conference on the Unity of Sciences (ICUS), 9-13 November 1981, Seoul, South Korea (Mitchell withdrew). G.1154-G.1173 1969-1991 Wikstrom, M. K.F. 1984, 1987-1992. Includes correspondence seeking Mitchell’s involvement in the activities of the British Academy for World Peace. The correspondence between 1977 and 1985 relates largely to the controversy regarding the function of cytochrome oxidase in mitochondria. This was resolved in 1985 when Mitchell agreed that cytochrome oxidase pumpsprotons. The correspondence between 1986 and 1991 relates largely to research on the mechanism of cytochrome oxidase. mechanism of conformational change in cytochrome oxidase. 1969, 1972-1974. Includes correspondence re work on cytochrome b and other research interests. 1975-1976. Includes correspondence re Wikstrém’s work on_ the P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1978 January-March. 1978 April-October. G.1159 1979-1980. 1981 May-August. 1981 September-December. 1982 February-June. 1982 July-December. 1983. Includes correspondencere the Collaborative Consultation at Glynn on ‘Electron Translocation and Proton Ejection by Cytochrome Oxidase Vesicles’, 22-24 March 1983; correspondence re the Q cycle and Wikstr6ém’s b cycle. 1986. Nomination. 1985. Includes correspondence re the mechanism of proton translocation by cytochrome oxidase. 1983. Editorial refereeing. 1984. Includes correspondence re the Q cycle and bcycle. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1986. Editorial refereeing. 1986-1987. 1987. Editorial refereeing. 1989, 1991. Wilhelm, R. H. Wilkie, D. Williams, J. G.1176-G.1190 Williams, R. J. P. 1961-ca. 1982 Williams, M.J. 1989-1990 Correspondencere Mitchell’s reminiscences of D.M.M. Needham. Williams was Honorary Treasurer of the Glynn Research Foundation’s Council of Management. 1961 February-March. Bundle of correspondence between Mitchell and Williams, 1961-ca. 1982. The material largely relates to Mitchell and Williams’s different hypotheses of the coupling mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation and to the controversy regarding the developmentof their ideas. Williams, P. J. G.1176-G.1187 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1961 April-May. 1966 July-August. 1966 September. 1973 October. 1973 November. 1975-1976. 1978 April. 1978 May-November. 1979, ca. 1982. Northcote and others re manuscripts by Mitchell, 1960-1961. ‘A few relevant letters’. Includes correspondence between Mitchell and M. Dixon, R. Hill, D. Keilin, D.H. Contents of bundle so inscribed. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence ‘Conduction of protons through the membranes of mitochondria and bacteria by uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation’ by Mitchell, 7pp typescript and manuscript draft of talk, ca. 1961; reprints of two abstracts referred to in Mitchell's correspondence with Williams, 1961, 1962. ‘Fundamental Features of Proton-Coupled Transport’, printed proof of Williams’s abstract for the 506th Meeting of the Biochemical Society (annotated by Mitchell), 1976. G.1191-G.1193 Wilson, D.F. 1970-1979 G.1191 1970-1979. 1973. Refereeing grant application. 1977. Editorial refereeing. G.1194 Includes correspondence re proton pumping by cytochrome 1983-1985. oxidase vesicles. 1983-1990 1984, 1986. Recommendations. G.1194-G.1198 Wilson, M. T. 1986-1987. Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s work on the mechanism of cytochrome oxidase. 1989, 1990. Recommendations. 1988-1989. Includes correspondence re a grant application by the Glynn Research Institute, ‘Structure/function studies of yeast cytochrome oxidase by a combination of molecular genetic, biophysical and biochemical techniques’, 1989. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Wilson, P. W. Wimpenny,J. W.T. 1960-1961 1979-1981 Includes correspondence re a paper by Wimpenny concerning microbial ecology. Wink, M. Winkler,H. H. Winkler, P. G. G.1201, G.1202 Wiskich, J. T. 1968-1989 G.1201 1968-1970, 1978-1979. Includes correspondence re the distinction between the chemical and electrical components of the total protonmotive force, 1968. G.1204 Wisniewski, K. Wit, J. G. G.1204-G.1210 Witt, H. T. 1981. Refereeing grant application. 1989. Recommendation. chemiosmotic hypothesis. 1966-1967. Includes correspondence re arrangements for Mitchell to visit and give a seminarat the Technische Universitat Berlin, 7-8 February 1967. Mitchell spoke on ‘Some aspects of the chemiosmotic hypothesis of oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation’. 1968, 1970-1971. Includes correspondence re Witt’s research and the 1966-1984 P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1973-1974. Includes correspondence re Witt’s manuscript, ‘Primary Acts of Energy Conservation in the Functional Membrane of Photosynthesis’. G.1207, G.1208 ‘Primary Acts of Energy Conservation...’, 99pp typescript. 2 folders. 1977-1979. change of the chloroplast ATPase, 1977. Includes correspondence re Witt’s work on conformational 1982, 1984. scientific opinion and pressure, 1984. Includes correspondence re the methods of mobilising Wittenberg, J.B. 1968 Wojtczak,L. 1966, 1978-1979 Wolf, C. Wolpert,L. 1977 1989 Wolovey, F.J. de, Comtesse 1968, 1978-1979, 1988-1990 Includes correspondence re Mitchell’s proposal of a multi-author book ‘Science and Humanity’, including list of invited contributers and suggested titles, 1989 etc. See D.202-D.206for details of the proposed publication. 1975-1976 Includes correspondence re the establishment of research laboratories in geographically isolated locations, 1985-1986. 1977 1985-1987 Wood,H. G. Wood,K. M. Wood, P. M. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence Woodbine, M. Woodruff, H. B. Woodward, D. O. 1977 1961 1968 Woodward, F. W. 1978-1979 Correspondence re expanding Glynn Research Limited’s Council Management. of Wookey,P.J. 1973, 1980-1982 Includes correspondence re Wookey’s suggestion that ATP synthesis in mitochondria could be catalysed by the reversal of a Ca** motive ATPase. Work,T. S. 1968, 1979 Worrall, R. L. 1986 1977-1979 1979-1992 Wraight, C. A. G.1217 1979-1983. G.1217-G.1221 Wrigglesworth, J. M. 1983-1984. Research Fellow at Glynn ResearchInstitute. loop and O cycle mechanisms. Papers re Wrigglesworth’s appointment as a Principal 1985. Includes photocopies of manuscript diagrams by Mitchell re his O P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 Correspondence 1987-1988, 1990. Includes correspondencere the Cug mechanism. 1990-1992. Refereeing grant applications. Yamaoka,H. G.1223, G.1224 Yariv, J. G.1223 1969-1970. Recommendation. 1979-1981 1969-1974 Younis, H. M. G.1227 1961, 1964, 1985 Zajic,J. E. Zalkin, H. Zsolt, D. G.1227-G.1232 Miscellaneous Correspondence Unidentified and first nameonly. headed ‘Cross-ReferenceList’, 1980. Contents of folder so inscribed: list of scientists ‘References-Personal’. P. D. Mitchell NCUACS65/3/97 G.1229-G.1231 Correspondence ‘Correspondence re article Contents of ‘Economics’ and ‘Other respectively. 1981-1982. folder so inscribed. in Sunday Express Supplement 25.10.81’. inscribed Containing two folders The correspondence and printed matter contained therein relates to an article by R.K.G. Temple re inflation which appeared in the Sunday Express Supplement. See also G.1043-G.1045. G.1229, G.1230 ‘Economics’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1981-1982. Correspondence re economic matters from general public in response to article, October-November 1982. Printed matter re economics sent to Mitchell, 1981-1982. ‘Other’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re non economic matters from general public in response to article, October 1981-January 1982. ‘Cytochrome oxidase nomenclature letter. Contents of folder so inscribed, consisting of a top copy ofcircular letter and a list of those to whom it was sent, May 1988.