Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Harold Miller OBE (1909 - 1995) NCUACS catalogue no. 92/5/00 by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Reference code: GB 0200 Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1912-1995 Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Extent of material: 56 boxes, ca 1,150 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Harold Miller OBE (1909-1995), medical physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 92/5/00 © 2000 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Sheffield University Library H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE CURATOR OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES WESTERN BANK SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SHEFFIELD H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B CAMBRIDGE SECTION C EARLY TELEVISION A.1-A.260 B.1-B.36 C.1-C.38 SECTION D MEDICAL PHYSICS D.1-D.312 SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.80 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.223 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.104 H.1-H.359 J.1-J.150 K.1-K.13 SECTION J RELIGION SECTION K CORRESPONDENCE SECTION H TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OVERSEAS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mr Tom Miller, son, via Sheffield University Library in December 1999 and from Mr Miller directly in May 2000. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF HAROLD MILLER Harold Miller was born in Staveley, north east Derbyshire on 14 September 1909. The two dominant influences in his family background were Primitive Methodism and the emerging Labour movement and these influences remained strong throughout his life. He was educated at Netherthorpe Grammar School where his academic abilities were recognised and he was encouraged to remain an extra year to try and gain admission to Cambridge. After much family discussion, this was agreed and Miller obtained an open scholarship to St John’s College to read Natural Sciences. Miller graduated with first class honours in both parts of the tripos in 1931 and then undertook research at the Cavendish Laboratory supervised by J. Chadwick. The degree of PhD was awarded In 1934 Miller He married his wife Mary in 1937. They had three sons. beliefs. Physicist to the Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy in 1942. Although wartime work in of medical physics after the war and in the new National Health Service. scientists working in other areas. In due course he decided to work in hospital and was appointed in 1935 for his thesis on ‘The transmutation of light elements by Alpha particles’. fundamental nature in high vacuum and electron physics, photoelectric phenomena and electronic joined Electrical and Musical Industries (EMI) Ltd of Hayes, Middlesex, and did research of a He declared his unwillingness to undertake military work, and was put in charge of refugee radiotherapy was largely routine, he was well placed to contribute to the development and expansion optics in a team which established the first successful system for commercial television transmission. The onset of war presented particular difficulties to Miller arising from his longstanding pacifist began to evaluate thyroid function in patients with iodine 131 which in larger doses was soon Radiotherapeutics, University of Sheffield, Miller studied sodium metabolism using sodium 24. They In 1946 a decision was taken to install at Sheffield a 2 M.E.V. Van de Graaf X-ray generator, the first radioactive isotopes from Harwell became available for clinical use, opening up new approaches to process, Miller made an extended visit to the USA, February - April 1947. of its kind in Britain. It was manufactured in Boston, Massachusetts and, as part of the planning the diagnosis of metabolic disorders. With E.J. Wayne, Professor of Pharmacology and In the late 1940s H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 established as an effective treatment in selected patients with thyroid overactivity. Many other techniques, including ultrasound imaging, were established. Medical Physics eventually became an independent Regional Department with Miller as Chief Physicist. Numerous teaching demands were made on him including courses for doctors intending to specialise in radiology, and the training of radiographers, nurses, and technical staff, while the University of Sheffield required help with undergraduate courses. Miller became Honorary Lecturer before receiving the title of Associate Professor in the University of Sheffield in 1972. When Miller retired in 1975 he left a large and comprehensive service department with an academic department nearing completion in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. Miller’s professional distinction was acknowledged by his peers when he became President of the Hospital Physicists’ Association and President of the British Institute of Radiology. He also invited to undertake a number of overseas assignments on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Authority, the World Health Organisation and the UK Overseas Development Administration in support of medical physics in Afghanistan, Ghana, India and Thailand. These assignments continued well into retirement and his contacts with a number of research and treatment centres especially in India lasted many years. In retirement he was also a major driving force in establishing a day care unit in the grounds of Weston Park Hospital, and much involved in community projects associated with the Methodist Church. died on 4 October 1995. Towards the end of his life he undertook research into his own historical roots and prepared an He was awarded the OBE in 1972 and an honorary degree of the University of Sheffield in 1980. He autobiographical account which was published in 1995 with an introduction by the Right Hon. Tony diaries and notebooks are of interest for the light they throw on a great variety of his interests and biographical accounts, papers on Miller’s research for Growing up with Primitive Methodism, career The material in this collection covers the period 1912-1995. It is presented in ten sections in the Section A, Biographical, covers the period 1912-1995. The material includes obituaries and records, personal diaries, appointment diaries and notebooks, family papers and photographs. The Benn M.P. (Growing up with Primitive Methodism, Fifth Chapel Aid Lecture). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION order given in the list of contents. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 activities. Although Miller does not appear to have kept diaries continuously throughout his life there are diaries for the Second World War and immediate post war periods and also for a number of overseas visits later in his career. The notebooks, 1966, 1970-1993, include notes on medical physics, overseas technical assistance assignments, the day care unit at Weston Park Hospital and religious and community activities, and may include lists of things to do, lists of slides for talks and drafts of letters. Section B, Cambridge, provides a record mostly in the form of notebooks and research reports of Miller's undergraduate and postgraduate studies and a copy of his PhD thesis (awarded 1935). The notebooks record notes on lectures attended, experimental work and his reading. A number of leading Cavendish scientists are represented by notes on their lectures, including P.M.S. Blackett, J.D. Cockcroft, R.H. Fowler, N.F. Mott, E. Rutherford and C.T.R. Wilson. Section C, Early television, presents a sequence of Electrical and Musical Industries (EMI) Ltd Research Department Reports, 1934-1942, a few off-prints and published papers, predominantly from the late 1930s, and miscellaneous papers re the history of television. Many of these miscellaneous papers relate to an international conference on the history of television, held at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London in 1986. radiology. and manuscript notes and cover the period 1926-1982. Miscellaneous papers outside the as radiation hazards, radiation protection, radiotherapy, ultrasonics and X-ray dosimetry. The Walter's A short textbook of radiotherapy, 1950. The topics of his talks included atomic physics, Section D, Medical physics, presents an alphabetical sequence of Miller’s topic folders in such areas contents of the folders are principally off-prints and duplicated papers with a little correspondence and shorter publications on a wide range of subjects for a variety of professional and non- nuclear weapons, medical physics, pacifism and science and religion, and there is a little material alphabetical sequence include papers relating to the ‘early history of isotopes’ and the history of Section E, Lectures and publications, covers the period 1934-1991. There are drafts for Miller's talks professional audiences, a collection of off-prints of his scientific papers, and reviews of Miller and J. This opened in 1982 with a the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, comprising newsletters and some British Section F, Societies and organisations, presents records of Miller's involvement or interest in the Radiology and the Hospital Physicists Association. Miller kept a substantial record of the activities of activities of eleven organisations including professional bodies such as the British Institute of relating to his teaching. Pugwash Group and conference papers, 1957-1995 (bulk 1975-1995). There is also good documentation of the Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, Day Care Unit. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 remit to support and help patients who had recently received treatment at Weston Park Hospital (radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy) and found it difficult to cope in the community. Miller chaired the working group established in 1979 and the Weston Park Development Fund from its inception in 1980 to 1991, and there is a substantial record in terms of minutes and committee papers. Section G, Visits and conferences, documents a number of overseas trips, 1947-1986, including holidays and visits to family members in Australia and New Zealand, as well as visits primarily with a scientific purpose. Of particular interest is an extended visit to the USA, February - April 1947 which related in part to the provision of a 2 M.E.V. X-ray generator for the Sheffield radiotherapeutic centre. Section H, Technical assistance overseas, is the largest in the collection. It provides substantial documentation of a number of overseas consultancies undertaken by Miller on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Kingdom Overseas Development Administration (ODA). Miller was particularly associated with Ghana, which he visited in 1965 and 1970; India where he was associated with the International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay, the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Anmedabad and the Barnard Institute of Radiology, Madras, 1965- 1994; and Thailand where he was an IAEA consultant in 1976. He also visited Afghanistan on behalf of the IAEA in 1976 on his way to the Thailand assignment. The documentation includes reports to his sermons form a significant component of the papers in the section and cover the period 1944- 1995 (bulk 1971-1995). There are also records of his association with the Christian pacifist religion of the countries visited and this is reflected in the surviving materials. family whilst he was away from home. Miller was greatly interested in the way of life, culture and printed, on such topics as science and religion and science and ethics and these are presented in Section J, Religion, reflects Miller's commitment to the Methodist Church and the important role of a wide range of social, peace and ethical concerns in his religious outlook. The manuscript notes for the sponsoring agencies and an extensive correspondence with the agencies, colleagues and his organisation, the Fellowship of Reconciliation and of a number of community action groups in the Sheffield area associated with the Methodist Church. Miller also brought together materials, mostly There is also an index of correspondents. Section K, Correspondence, is slight. It is entirely the contents of Miller's ‘Letters to save’ folder. A remaining correspondence is listed chronologically. The period covered by the correspondence is small number of principal correspondents are presented in a short alphabetical sequence. The this section. 1955-1995 but it predominantly dates from the last few years of Miller's life. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Mr Tom Miller for making the papers available and for his advice and encouragement. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper Bath August 2000 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.260 A.1, A.2 OBITUARIES AND BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS A.3-A.89 GROWING UP WITH PRIMITIVE METHODISM A.90-A.107 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.108-A.143 PERSONAL DIARIES/JOURNALS A.144-A.160 APPOINTMENT DIARIES A.161-A.190 NOTEBOOKS A.191-A.195 ALBUMS AND SCRAPBOOKS A.196-A.227 FAMILY A.229-A.235 A.236-A.243 PHOTOGRAPHS A.244-A.260 SOCIAL AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS PRESS CUTTINGS H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical OBITUARIES AND BIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS 1981, 1995 Typescript obituary and photocopies of published obituaries, 1995 and n.d. ‘Physicist for peace’, Methodist Recorder, 16 July 1981. re Miller's ‘Comrades bridge the divide’. association with German prisoners of war at the Lodge Moor, Sheffield, prisoner of war camp, and in particular with Pastor Willie Hoepfner, n.d. [ca 1990]. Photocopy of newspaper article GROWING UP WITH PRIMITIVE METHODISM 1916-1995 of the Primitive Methodist Chapel in This was Miller's account ‘of some youthful experiences in the 1920s ina home in which there were two dominant influences. One of these was the life in North East Derbyshire, the other was the political atmosphere in a home committed to active participation in the local Labour Party at an interesting period of its development’. a mining village The Fifth Chapel Aid Lecture was delivered at the Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum of Primitive Methodism, 28 May 1995. See A.24-A.29. It was published as the Fifth Methodist Chapel Aid Lecture in 1995 with a foreword by Tony Benn M.P. 2 folders. Typescript notes on the text of Growing up with Primitive Methodism by Miller's son John, with related correspondence, 1995. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and comments on the text. Published text and review. Typescript of published text. 2 typescripts of spoken version with manuscript additions. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Correspondence with Tony Benn MP re Growing up with Primitive Methodism including Benn’s foreword, 1994-1995. A.10-A.14 Correspondence re publication of Growing up with Primitive Methodism, 1993-1995. 5 folders. A.15-A.17 of those to whom Miller sent copies of Growing up List Methodism, letters of thanks and appreciation, 1995. with Primitive 3 folders. A.18-A.80 Topic folders 1916-1995 The A sequence of Miller's folders arranged alphabetically by folder title. and contents photographs printed and duplicated papers relating to his research for Growing up with Primitive Methodism. include correspondence, manuscript notes, ‘Coal Archives’. A.19-A.21 ‘Derbyshire Miners / J E Williams’. The contents of Miller’s folders have been divided where appropriate for ease of reference Letter, manuscript notes and photocopies re visit to the British Coal Archives Centre, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, 1992. Letter and information from Rhéne-Poulenc Chemicals re history of the Staveley Works site, 1992. 3 folders. Miller's manuscript notes from book or books by Williams on Derbyshire Miners. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘Derbyshire Times Kelly's Directory’. Obituary of manuscript notes from Derbyshire Times and Kelly’s Directory. 1953) from Derbyshire Times; Millers father (died Miller's 2 folders. A.24-A.28 ‘Englesea Brook’. Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum near Crewe, Cheshire was established as a memorial to the work of the Primitive Methodists in Britain. Principally printed material re the Chapel and Museum and the history of Methodism, 1988-1995. Presented at A.24 is letter of 23 November 1993 inviting Miller to deliver the 1995 Chapel Aid Lecture at Englesea Brook. 5 folders. A.29-A.39 ‘Letters’ 11 folders. ‘Limb / Letters’ 2 folders. letter to Miller, 3 letters to Miller's parents, 1920 (2 letters) and 1923 and 1 1924 relate to his school education. See A.29. Correspondence, manuscript notes and press cuttings re Miller's research and historical account with a little earlier correspondence kept with it, 1920- 1995. Correspondence from J.W. ‘Bill’ Limb and Wilfred Limb with photocopies of school photographs, Barrow Hill Junior School ‘1917 or 1918’ including Miller and Staveley Church of England School ‘1925/6’, 1991-1993. Printed papers of Methodist Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association, 1995. ‘LPMA / Mr Sawyer’ H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical A.43-A.45 ‘Matlock Archives’. Correspondence, manuscript notes etc re research at the Derbyshire Record Office, Matlock including copy of the list of documents deposited by Miller in the Record Office, 1993, 1995. 3 folders. A.46-A.51 ‘Methodist Archives Local’. A.46-A.49 Correspondence with Methodist Church Sheffield others, duplicated and printed papers re Methodist history, 1985-1992. District Archivist and 4 folders. Methodist Church long service certificate awarded to Miller, September 1976. Miller was received as a fully accredited local preacher in 1926. Special Service under the auspices of ‘Methodism Divided R. Currie’. Primitive Methodist Sunday School Union to Miller, 10 Letter from the September 1927. Printed Cambridge, 21 January 1932. notice of the Great Methodist Union Demonstration, Guildhall, Order of the No-Conscription Fellowship, Primitive Methodist Church, Cambridge Street, Sheffield, 7 May 1916. 2 folders. Manuscript notes, photocopied pages from Methodism Divided by Robert Currie (Faber & Faber, 1968). Manuscript notes from visits and telephone calls re Miller's research with related correspondence, 1991-1993. ‘Notes from visits / telephones’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical A.55-A.69 ‘Photos’. A.55 1918, 1920s. Includes photograph of Miller and other members of his family. 4 photographs. 1930s. Includes Primitive Methodist picnic and Whitsuntide procession, Poolsbrook. 4 photographs. 1940s. Includes members of conference, ‘Summer 1948’. Millers family and Fellowship of Reconciliation 5 photographs. 8 photographs. A.60-A.63 mid 3 photographs. 1950s and 1960s. Photographs of Poolsbrook, Staveley, etc found attached together, 1920s, 1934 and n.d. 1 photograph. Photographs of Barrowhill, Netherthorpe, Patrington and Poolsbrook taken 1992-1993. Netherthorpe: Old School. Barrowhill: Methodist Church, Top Row, School. Refurbished Railway 6 photographs. Terrace, Old Co-op Store, Primitive H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Patrington: Primitive Methodist Church Continuing. 2 photographs. Poolsbrook: Chapel, Old Anglican Church, Old Co-op Store, Pub. 8 photographs. A.64-A.66 Undated photographs. A.64 Meeting at Harrogate. 5 photographs. Miscellaneous. 10 photographs. 2 folders. Coop Letters’. Newspaper cutting, 1936. Photocopies of old photographs. Part of Ordnance Survey map showing the Staveley area of Derbyshire. Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW). Correspondence, manuscript notes re records of the Labour Movement in north east Derbyshire 1992-1993. ‘Political Parties Miller’s correspondents include Chesterfield and District Co-operative Society Ltd, of Shop, local Labour Party constituency offices Union and the H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘Poolsbrook Centenary’. Correspondence and papers re centenary of Poolsbrook Methodist Chapel 1893-1993, 1933-1993. Correspondence, Miller's manuscript and typescript notes, 1992-1993. Methodist Local Preachers’ Mutual Aid Association subscription card, church notices, orders of service, etc, 1933-1993. A.73-A.78 ‘Printed archives’. Printed and duplicated papers, 1927-1994. Include papers addressed to the local government electors of the Parish of Staveley re proposed amalgamation with the Borough of Chesterfield, 1927 (A.77) and photocopy of membership card of the Cambridge University Primitive Methodist Students’ Union, Easter Term 1932 (A.78). 7 folders. ‘Rylands Library Manchester’. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re Methodist Archives and Research Centre at the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1992-1991. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, etc re Miller's research for Growing up with Primitive Methodism. 4 folders. Includes letter from headmaster of Netherthorpe Grammar School, Staveley, Chesterfield, 17 May 1960. A.82-A.85 Duplicated and printed papers re General Strike, 1926. A.82-A.89 Miscellaneous duplicated and printed papers, 1919-1993. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Peterloo: A history of the massacre and the conditions which preceded it by J.H. Hudson. National Labour Press Ltd, n.d. [71919]. Ireland Colliery 1874-1974. Booklet prepared as a memento of 100 years of coal mining at Ireland Colliery. North Derbyshire Area National Coal Board, n.d. [1974]. A History of Poolsbrook School by D.W. Barrow. 1992’ by the author. Signed and dated ‘Nov Our chapel by Peter Lewis, Director of Beamish The North of England Open Air Museum. Sent to Miller with covering letter, 8 September 1993. A.90-A.107 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1927-1992 Letter of congratulations from P.G. Feek, Director of Education, Derbyshire to Millers father on the excellent result of Miller's tripos examination at Cambridge, 25 June 1931. Correspondence from P.G. Feek, Director of Education, Derbyshire and St John’s College, Cambridge to Miller’s father re Miller's Cambridge entrance and scholarships, 1927-1928. Fellowship of the Institute of Physics, 1942. be submitted by H. Miller to the Conscientious Objectors’ ‘Statement to Tribunal’, n.d. Roll of university certificates: BA, Cambridge, 1931. MA, Cambridge, 1935. PhD, Cambridge, 1935. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Opening of the David Morrison Research Department, Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy, 25 November 1949. See also A.237. Memoir recording the history of the David Morrison Memorial Fund and the David Morrison Research Department at the Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy with a note on the James Morrison Research Fellowship at Sheffield University by T.W. Barnard, 1 December 1964. Includes reference to Miller’s 1948 visit to the USA in connexion with the provision of a 2 M.E.V. X-ray generator for Sheffield. OI, 1972: See also A.240. Conferment of the title of Professor Associate in Medical Physics, University of Sheffield, 1972 A.97 Correspondence, July 1975 — January 1976. Greetings cards and telegrams. A.97-A.103 Retirement, 1975. Note of appreciation from those who had worked under Miller in the Sheffield Regional Medical Physics Department, September 1975. 3 folders. Signed menu for dinner at the Cutlers Hall, Sheffield on the occasion of Miller's retirement, 25 November 1975. List of those attending a retirement function, n.d. A.101-A.103 Photographs. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical A.104, A.105 Honorary degree, University of Sheffield, 1980. A.104 Invitation to accept degree, congratulations, orator’s address etc. Certificate. Letter from Miller and his wife to Kenneth Clarke, Secretary of State for Health Health Service, with reply from the Department of Health and Social Security and related printed papers, 1989. their concerns about new proposals for the National re Corporate Grade of Membership of the Medicine, 1988. Institute of Physical Sciences in Associate of Intermediate Technology, 1992. ‘Aug 1933 - Sept 8 1934’. A.108-A.143 PERSONAL DIARIES/JOURNALS 1933-1995 ‘Mary Rhineland April 9-16 1937’. Includes summer holidays walking in the Lake District 1933 and Germany 1934 including Oberammergau, religious and pacifist activities and life in Cambridge as research student. fc The notebooks incorporates photographs of Cologne, the Rhine, Heidelberg etc. This diary was kept jointly by Miller and his wife Mary. the EMI Research Laboratories, Hayes, Middlesex. Mary was Miller's future wife, Mary Bacon. ‘Oct 8 1937 - Feb 8 1939’. Miller was working at H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Includes accounts of their Swiss holiday 1938 and the international political situation. There are references to their reading, theatre and cinema visits and early television programmes. The television set was lent to them by EMI. On 11 February 1938 Miller read a paper on the ‘Electrical Reproduction of Images by the Photo Conductive Effect’ I. Shoenberg and A.D. Blumlein in attendance. at the Physical Society with Press cuttings and memorabilia including theatre programmes are pasted into the notebook. ‘March 5 1939 -Sept 23 1940’. Includes accounts of the international situation and the first year of the Second World War including air raids on London, and the position of pacifists and conscientious objectors including Miller. Press cuttings are pasted into the notebook. ‘Sept 28 1940 - 12 March 1944’. of pacifists Isle ‘14 March 1944 - May 6 1945’. Includes accounts of the war and medical physics activities. Includes accounts of the war including air raids and food shortages, the position EMI research laboratories including move from Hayes to Hengrove, and his subsequent entry into medical physics at Sheffield. and conscientious objectors, Millers work at of Man internment camp (G. Press cuttings, Christmas card from Lubszynski), ‘Hengrove Elegy’ on the departure of Miller for Sheffield etc are pasted into the notebook. A copy of Peace News, no.222, 13 September 1940 is enclosed at the front. notebook. Some papers enclosed loose at back. Includes accounts of the domestic and international political situation after the end of the war in Europe and medical physics activities. Press cuttings are pasted in the notebook. Some papers enclosed loose at back of notebook. Newspaper-cuttings, Methodist service cessation of hostilities in Europe, photographs, etc of thanksgiving for on are pasted into use the the ‘May 13 1945 - May 31 1947’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘June 26 1947 - May 1949 including trip to US’. There are a small number of later entries to 1 March 1953. Includes accounts of holiday in Switzerland (Miller and his son, John) August 1947 and a work-related visit to the USA February - April 1948. There are photographs pasted into the notebook. a group photograph of Hospital Physicists’ Association meeting at Liverpool, 22 July 1944 and as an addendum at the back photographs and postcards from the US visit. At the front is ‘Australia July Aug 1973’. ‘Budapest Jan/Feb 1975’. ‘Bangkok 1976’. in to served Thailand Miller the establishment of a centralised medical physics service and the development of a centralised training programme. He visited Hungary and Afghanistan on the way to Thailand. See also A.119, A.167, H.266-H.359. consultant advise IAEA an on as ‘India Bombay Jan 1978’. ‘Bangkok June July 1976’. Much of the journal relates to tourist and other non-scientific activities during the latter part of his stay in Thailand. into the notebook. The principal reason for Miller's trip was to visit the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Bombay where he undertook a World Health Organisation (WHO) assignment as See also A.168, H.164-H.175. The diary covers the period 9 July - 29 August 1979. Memorabilia are pasted ‘Australia/New Zealand Dec/Jan 1978/79’. ‘New Zealand August 1979’. a short-term consultant. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Jan 1 1980 - March 16 1980. Copy of the newsletter of the Stephen Hill Methodist Church, Crosspool, Sheffield is pasted into the notebook. ‘(Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute] Anmedaba[d] March 1980’. Miller visited GCRI Ahmedabad to advise on developing its medical physics visit was sponsored by the UK back-up to His Overseas Development Administration. See also A.126, A.129, A.134, A.137, A.171, H.176-H.236. the radiotherapy unit. Press cuttings were fixed in the notebook with cellotape, letters from Miller to his wife are enclosed loose towards the back of the notebook. ‘Ghana 1965 / Diary April 1980 - October 1981’. In addition to the continuation of the 1980 diary there are a few notes about a visit to Ghana in 1965 at the front of the book. For the visit to Ghana see H.34-H.103. ‘India August 1981’. Press cuttings pasted into notebook. ‘H. Miller Greek Trip April 28 - May 1982’. Letters from Miller to his wife are enclosed at the back of the notebook Miller's visit to India included the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahmedabad and the International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor. Memorabilia, press cuttings and photographs are pasted into the notebook. Includes opening of Western Park Hospital Sheffield, Day Care Unit. ‘Hellenic notebook. Cruise Daily Programmes’ are enclosed at the back of the ‘May 1982 - October 1983’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘(Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute] Ahmedabad Oct 83’ Memorabilia, press cuttings, photograph, letters between Miller and his wife etc. were fixed into the notebook with cellotape. ‘Australia - New Zealand Dec 83 Jan 84’. A little memorabilia is pasted into the notebook. ‘Nov 9 1984 - 10 July 1985’. Press cuttings are pasted into the notebook. ‘16 July 1985 - 22 Sept 1985’. Press cuttings are pasted into the notebook. ‘March 86/January 87’. ‘24/8/87-30/3/89’. including [Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute] '25/4/87 Ahmedabad May 1987’. 3/7/87 - Memorabilia and press cuttings are pasted into the notebook. 1986 - January 87’ including Australia/New Zealand December Includes photographs from earlier visits to Anmedabad in 1980 and 1981. Memorabilia, photographs and letters between Miller and his wife during his visit to India are pasted into the notebook. Inside front cover is itinerary for visit to Ahmedabad 15 May to 30 May 1987. Memorabilia are pasted into the notebook. Press cuttings, family photographs, etc are pasted into the notebook. Some of the press cuttings and the photographs precede the dates of the journal, the earliest press cutting dating from Miller's visit to the USA in 1948. ‘18 August 1988 with trip round Italy by Swan Hellenic Trip No 325 24/8/88- 7/9/88’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘India Trip Nov-Dec 1988 Ahmedabad & Bombay 26/11/88 - 6/12/88’ attended Miller Oncology, 29 November - the Indo-British Collaborative Workshop on Radiation 1 December 1988 at Ahmedabad. Memorabilia, photographs, and letters including those between Miller and his wife Mary are pasted into the notebook. See also A.181. ‘24 May 1989 to 18 Jan 1990 including New Zealand...Australia...Bangkok ...’ Press cuttings and memorabilia are pasted into the notebook. ‘February 1 1990 - 15 January 1991’. Includes accounts of changing political situation in Eastern and Central Europe and South Africa. Press cuttings and photographs including old photographs from 1949-1950 are pasted into the notebook. Press cuttings, photographs and memorabilia are pasted into the notebook. ‘16 January 1991 to August ... 1992 / (Gulf War 1991) / (Russian Revolution)’ Press cuttings, photographs and memorabilia are pasted into the notebook. Press cuttings include some from late 1940s re atomic scientist A.N. May and Miller's visit to the USA and from 1972 re Miller's OBE. Press cuttings, photographs and memorabilia are pasted into the notebook. Opposite entry for 17/9/94 Miller has pasted letter from J.M. Wordie, St John’s College Cambridge, 20 December 1927 confirming Miller’s election to a £100 scholarship at the recent examination. As part of the entry for 25/9/94 there is a photograph of the radiobiologist John Read who died in October 1993. See also K.4. Some of the press cuttings date from Miller's 1948 visit to the USA. ‘Aug 12 1992 - Oct 22 1994’. ‘25/10/94 - 29-8-95’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical ‘5/9/95 * The last entry is for 3/10/95. Miller died on 4 October 1995. Newspaper cuttings, photographs etc are pasted into the notebook. A.144-A.160 APPOINTMENT DIARIES 1972-1995 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical A.161-A.190 1954-1995 is his overseas consultancies and his religious NOTEBOOKS a characteristic of these notebooks that they include Millers notes on It medical physics, activities including talks, sermons and meetings. From 1977 to 1993 Miller used loose leaf refill pads for this purpose, with shoe laces, string or treasury tags as fasteners. At the end of the sequence are a small number of notebooks reflecting Miller’s interests in gardening and ornithology. fez Miller visited Ghana as IAEA Advisor to the Government of Ghana on the use of radioisotopes. See also H.34-H.103. 1966 diary used for notes on medical physics work, religious activities, slide lists, etc. Latest dated entry 17 September 1967. Notebook used by Miller during visit to Ghana in 1970. See also Section B for Millers Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge notebooks and Section J religion and the Methodist Church. a number of notebooks relating for to H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Includes contact information, appointments, notes on apparatus examined, conversations with colleagues, etc. 1972 diary used for notes on medical physics work and religious activities. use between 26 November 1971 and 5 April 1973. In 1973 diary used for teaching, and religious activities including slide lists for talks. January 1973 and January 1974. medical notes on physics work including Miller's In use between 1974 diary used for notes on medical physics work and religious activities and diary of holiday in Northumberland. In use between January 1974 and April 1975. 1975 diary used for notes Miller's teaching, history of medical physics in Sheffield, religious activities, lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. medical physics work including on Miller served in Thailand as an IAEA consultant, February - August 1976. Loose leaf refill pad with sheets held together with a shoe lace inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘Jan 77’ and ‘Nov 77’ and the year ‘1977’. Used for notes on medical physics activities including visit to India in early 1978. Loose leaf refill pad with sheets held together with a shoe lace inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘9/8/76’ and ‘20/10/77’ and the year ‘1977’. Used for notes on medical physics and religious activities including notes on Thailand and Buddhism. Latest entry dated 20 November 1977. obituary tributes including T.W. Barnard. Miller visited the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Bombay on a World Health Organisation (WHO) assignment. See also A.120, H.164- Rlevso: Loose leaf refill pad with sheets held together with a shoe lace inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘17/3/78’ and ‘15/4/79’ and the year ‘1978’. Includes notes on nuclear power and nuclear weapons, religious activities, H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Loose leaf refill pad with sheets held together with a shoe lace inscribed on front cover with the year ‘1979’. Includes notes on religious activities and Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, lists of slides for talks, draft letters, lists of things to do, etc, 15 April 1979 - 17 February 1980. Loose leaf pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘30/1/80 - 21/6/80’ and the year ‘1980’. Includes notes on religious activities, re role as advisor of Gujurat Cancer Research Institute Anmedabad and visit, and Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, lists of slides, draft letters, lists of things to do, etc. Loose leaf pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘21/6/80’ and ‘24/1/81’ and the year ‘1980’. Includes notes on religious activities, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Anmedabad, and Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, draft letters, lists of things to do, etc. Note pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on the front cover with span dates ‘Feb 81’ and ‘October 81’ and the year ‘1981’. Note pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on the front cover with span dates ‘26/10/81-22/2/82’. role as advisor of Includes notes on religious activities, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Anmedabad, and Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, draft letters, lists of things to do, etc. Includes notes on religious activities, history of medical physics in Sheffield, re Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Ahmedabad, International Cancer Centre Neyyoor, and Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, draft letters, lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. of slides etc. Includes notes on religious activities, article on medical physics in Thailand (E.43), Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Anmedabad, draft letters, lists of things to do, lists Note pad with sheets held together with treasury tags inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘5/6/82 - 1/8/83’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Loose leaf pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘1/8/83 - 30/9/84’. Includes notes on history of medical physics in Sheffield, religious activities, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Ahmedabad, draft letters, lists of things to do, etc. Loose leaf pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘11/10/84 - 4/9/85’. Includes notes on religious activities, lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. Loose leaf refill pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘4/9/85 - 14/9/86’. Includes notes on religious activities, Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Ahmedabad, lists of things to do, draft letters, etc. Loose leaf note pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘14/9/86 - 20/2/88’. Loose leaf pad with sheets held together with string inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘19/2/88-15/10/88’. Includes notes on religious activities, history of Fellowship of Reconciliation, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Ahmedabad, lists of things to do, draft letters, etc. Includes notes on religious activities, early teaching of radiography, Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, re role as advisor of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute Ahmedabad, lists of things to do, draft letters, etc. lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. Loose leaf ring bound note pad inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘18- 10-88 — 23/4/89’. Includes notes on religious activities, visit to India (Ahmedabad, Bombay and International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor), nuclear questions, draft letters, H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Loose leaf inscribed on front cover with span dates ’28 April 1989 - 7/July 1990’. note pad with sheets held together with treasury tags refill Last entry dated 8 July 1990. Includes Hospital Day Care Unit, draft letters, lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. nuclear questions, Weston Park activities, religious notes on Loose leaf inscribed on front cover with span dates ‘8 July 1990’ and ‘16/12/91’. note pad with sheets held together with treasury tags refill Last entry dated 8 December 1991. Includes notes on religious activities, Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, draft letters, lists of things to do, lists of slides. Loose leaf refill note pad with sheets held together with treasury tags Used from 16 December 1991 to 19 June 1993. Includes notes on religious activities, early medical physics in Sheffield, draft letters, lists of things to do, lists of slides, etc. Date inscribed Cover of loose leaf refill pad with 1 page of notes attached. on cover, 1 October 1995. Contents of notebook relate to that of the loose leaf note pad series but does not appear to form part of the chronological sequence. Notebook used for notes on conference, autobiographical/personal history research, philosophy etc. Some entries dated 1992-1993. ‘Garden Diary start March 3 1978’. Last dated entry 11 July 1991. These notebooks came with a note by Miller's son Tom enclosed at front of A.187: ‘Gardening was a be correctly weighed, measured & tested against last year’s crop’. Gardening notebooks. scientific experiment. Everything had to A.187-A.189 ‘Garden Diary’. In use 1954-1977. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Notebook labelled on front cover ‘1992 — ‘. Used for garden notes, plans to 1995. Notebook used to record birds seen at various locations including Miller's garden, 1975-1995. A.191-A.195 ALBUMS AND SCRAPBOOKS 1919-1943 ‘Album’ inscribed ‘Mrs E.W. Miller’ (Miller's mother) inside the front cover. Used for autographs and sentiments inscribed by friends and acquaintances 1919-1951. Miller's own contribution is dated 5 January 1924. Other contributors include George Lansbury MP for November 1935. ‘Album’ inscribed ‘H. sentiments inscribed by friends and acquaintances, 1922-1929. Miller’ inside front cover. Used for autographs and ‘Drawing book’ used for press cuttings, 1942-1943. ‘Drawing book’ used for press cuttings, 1941-1942. ‘Scraps’ scrapbook used for press cuttings, 1934-1941. from military service. Contents of binder inscribed ‘unemployment’ but including papers relating to the First World War and questions of conscientious objection and exemption For ‘album’ that belonged to Miller's mother see A.191. A.196-A.227 FAMILY 1912-1987 A.196-A.206 E.W. Miller (father) H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical National Health Insurance Book. of entry into insurance 15 July 1912. With Millers name and address and date Medical Card issued by the Derbyshire Insurance Committee and stamped 12 January 1914. 4 National Health Insurance and National Health and Pensions Insurance Members Record Cards. In use 1917-1931. A.198-A.200 Correspondence and papers principally relating to questions of conscientious objection and exemption from military service, 1916-1918. 1916. Includes letter from J. Ramsay MacDonald. A.201 A.202, A.203 A.201-A.203 Printed papers. Weekly newspaper published by the No-Conscription Tribunal. The Fellowship. A Labour case against conscription by Harry Dubery. With a foreword by J. Keir Hardie, M.P. Pamphlet 1913. N.d. ca 1924. Press cutting: letter to a newspaper from E.W. Miller re ‘Nationalisation and salaries’. 6 July 1916; 14 December 1916; 21 December 1916 (2 copies). 4 January 1917; 11 January 1917; 18 January 1917. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Photograph of George Lansbury. Cambridge University Chemical Laboratory Breakage Note found Miller's father’s papers. with A.207, A.208 Mary Miller (wife) (née Bacon) For correspondence between Miller and his wife when he was making visits overseas see A.124, A.126, A.129, A.137 and sections G and H. Letter from Cambridge, n.d. Miller to Mary (? his future wife) from St John’s College Golden Wedding 1937-1987. Invitation card only. April - June 1977. July - September 1977. A.209-A.227 Robert Miller (son) The surviving correspondence was initiated on Robert’s emigration to New Zealand in 1977. The sequence also includes press cuttings and photographs found with the correspondence. July - November 1978. October - December 1977. February - May 1978. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical January - March 1979. May - September 1979. October - December 1979. January - March 1980. April - June 1980. July - December 1980. January - May 1981. June - November 1981 Miscellaneous press cuttings found with correspondence. A.223 Photograph of Dunedin, New Zealand, April 1977. A.223-A.227 Photographs found with correspondence. 3 folders. A numbered sequence of 18 photographs of New Zealand views. Includes photographs of Robert Miller and his elder brother John. 7 photographs, December 1977. A.225-A.227 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Tom Miller (son) Press cutting environment, 24 May 1976. re Tom Millers conservation handbook Self help in the A.229-A.235 SOCIAL AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENTS 1933-1993 A chronological sequence. Includes school prize giving evenings, anniversary dinners, memorial and thanksgiving services. 1933, 1951. 1978, 1983. 1985, 1986. 1987-1989. 199d 1O9e: 1984 (1). 1984 (2). 1932 entitled “Atom Smasher?” ’. 3 photographs, 1 inscribed on back ‘Included in Photo Album of H Miller for Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge. A.236-A.243 PHOTOGRAPHS 1932-1986 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical Opening of the David Morrison Research Department, Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy, 25 November 1949. Group photograph including Miller. British Institute of Radiology Dinner, 1968. Miller was Vice President. 1 photograph. British Institute of Radiology Dinner, 1969. Miller was President of the Institute. 5 photographs including 1 with J. Rotblat. O: BE 1972. 1 photograph. 4 photographs. 1 photograph. Northern Group Hospital Physicists Association 40th Anniversary Meeting, Leeds, 6-7 May 1983. Presentation of money raised for Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit, 14 March 1986. of Radiology, 1968-1969. Photograph album recording Miller's year as President of the British Institute H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Biographical A.244-A.260 PRESS CUTTINGS 1932-1995 Splitting’. ‘Atom - Contents of envelope so inscribed: press cuttings re splitting of atom by J.D. Cockcroft and E.T.S. Walton at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 1932. Peace News, London, 17 May 1940. ‘End this atomic nightmare’ by Harold C. Urey, John Bull, 5 January 1946. Reports on ‘Calder Hall the first nuclear power station’ from the Manchester Guardian, 16 October 1956. ‘Zeta’. Energy Thermonuclear Apparatus) programme at Harwell, 1958. Contents of envelope so inscribed: press cuttings re Zeta (Zero cuttings, duplicated and typescript of A.249-A.260 See A.260 for Miller's published account of ‘Some experiences in technical Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ‘Interesting cuttings’. ease press papers, reference: manuscript notes and correspondence re scientific, religious and political questions, 1946-1995. aid projects’, n.d. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION B CAMBRIDGE B.1-B.22 NOTEBOOKS B.23-B.25 RESEARCH REPORTS B.26-B.31 THESIS B.32-B.36 OFF-PRINTS H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Cambridge NOTEBOOKS 1927-1934 Staveley Grammar School notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H.Miller St Johns’ and stamped on first page ‘26 Oct ‘27’. Staveley Grammar School notebook inscribed on first page ‘Calculus Knox-Shaw Michaelmas Term 1928’. Mr Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Miller front cover ‘Practical Physics Mr Bedford’ and ‘Mich. 1928’. John’s’ and on page opposite Used for notes on heat and other experiments from ‘12 Oct [1928] to le Al. 28r Notebook inscribed on first page ‘Practical Physics’, ‘Mich. 28’. ‘Miller Johns’ and Continuation of preceding. 1928’ to ‘5.12.28’. Used for notes on experiments from ‘Nov 23 inside front cover ‘H. Miller St John’s notes on experiments from ‘16.1.29’ Last dated experiment ‘20.11.29’. Used for ‘11.10.29’. work. to ‘13.5.29’° from Some subsequent undated and Notebook inscribed College Cambridge’ and on page opposite the inside front cover ‘Practical Physics Optics G.F.C. Searle’. With list of ‘Heat Expts in Bedford’ inside back cover. Work dated between ‘17.1.30’ and ‘5.5.30’. Staveley Grammar School notebook inscribed on spine ‘Rutherford Const. of Matter’ and on page opposite inside front cover ‘Mich. Term 1929 Prof. Sir E. Rutherford. This page is also stamped ‘18 Jan. 1927’. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. ‘Practical Physics cover. Magnetism and Electricity. St John’s College’ and Contents list inside back Probably used for notes on lectures by Rutherford. Constitution of Matter’. Miller H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Cambridge ‘Physics Book’ notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller St John’s’ and with list of experiments inside back cover. Many graphs intercalated. Used for work in 1930. Notebook inscribed College Cambridge’ and on first lined page ‘Heat and Thermodynamics (Roberts) 9.9.30’. John’s inside cover Miller front ‘H. St Used for notes on Heat and thermodynamics by J.K. Roberts, The kinetic theory of gases by E. Bloch ‘30.10.30’, Report on radiation and the quantum- theory and The dynamical theory of gases by J.H. Jeans ‘20.11.30’. Notebook inscribed on first page ‘Ratcliffe Mich. Term 1930’. Electrical Oscillations and Waves. Probably used for notes on lectures by J.A. Ratcliffe. Notebook inscribed on spine ‘Blacket [sic]’, on inside front cover ‘H. Miller John’s’ and on first lined page ‘Mich. Term 1930 P.M.S. Blackett Light’. St and on front page ‘H. Miller St front cover Johns’ One entry only re Bragg dated ‘9.11.30’. Probably used for notes on lectures by Blackett. Notebook inside ‘Radioactivity’ and ‘Makower-Geiger’. Includes notes on Miller's reading including Isotopes by F.W. Aston and X rays and Crystal Structure by W.L. Bragg. dated ‘14/1/32’. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller John’s’, on page opposite the inside front cover ‘Atomic Physics’ and on first lined page ‘Structure of the Atom Andrade 15.12.30’. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller Johns’ and on page opposite inside front cover ‘Mott’. Used for Miller's notes from E.N da C. Andrade’s Structure of the Atom and other notes Statistical Methods for Research Workers 28/12/42’ and ‘Los Alamos Lectures Nov 30 1943’. including those from ‘Fisher Probably used for Miller's notes on lectures by N.F. Mott. First page of notes [R.A.] H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Cambridge Notebook inscribed on page opposite inside front cover ‘H. Miller John’s’. Used for notes of Miller's reading in the scientific literature. scientific papers read by Miller is bibliographical reference 1932. at the back of the notebook. List of the Latest Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller Johns’ and on page opposite ‘Mr Cockroft [sic] Electrodynamics’. N.d. Probably used for notes on lectures by J.D. Cockcroft. Notebook inscribed Properties of Matter’. on N.d. page opposite inside front cover ‘Mr Dymond Notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Fowler Dynamics of Gases’ and inside front cover ‘H. Miller John’s’. N.d. Probably used for notes on lectures by R.H. Fowler. The first page of notes is headed Probably used for notes on lectures by C.T.R. Wilson. Probably used for lectures by Stead. ‘Thermionics’. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller John’s’ and on page opposite ‘Wilson Quantum Theory of Spectra’. N.d. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller Johns’ and on page opposite ‘Mr Stead’. Notebook used for record of experimental work dated February - June 1934. Notebook inscribed Cambridge’ and on Collected Results’. enclosed in the notebook. Magrath Avenue 28 cover ‘Disintegration. A few loose items are cover inside page Miller front Contents list inside back cover. front opposite ‘H. inside Work dated in 1933-1934. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Cambridge B.23-B.25 RESEARCH REPORTS 1931-1933 ‘Report of the Work carried out during 1931-32’ Title sheet and 19pp typescript. ‘Report on the work of H. Miller, B.A. at the Cavendish. 1932 33.’ Title sheet and 2pp typescript. ‘Report of the work carried out during 1932-33 by H. Miller’. Title sheet and 18pp typescript with form letter from Department of Scientific and Lord Rutherford, 18 July 1934. supervisor, Research Industrial returning Millers report to 6 folders. Dr B.26-B.31 THESIS Typescript carbon of Millers PhD thesis ‘The transmutation of light elements by alpha particles’. Awarded 1935. The preface explains that the experiments on which it was based were made in the Cavendish Laboratory during the period 1931-1933: ‘The work using radium C’, recorded in Chapters Il, Ill and IV, was done in collaboration with Mr W.E. Duncanson, of Trinity College. The experiments recorded in Chapters V and VI were done in collaboration with J. Chadwick.’ and Radium Institute, Northwood, Middlesex. ‘Cavendish reprints’. Contents of Miller's folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: off-prints, 1932-1934, 1940. 1940 off-print is by L.H. Gray and John Read at the Mount Vernon Hospital 1932-1934, 1940 OFF-PRINTS B.32-B.36 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION C EARLY TELEVISION E.M.I. [ELECTRICAL AND MUSICAL INDUSTRIES LTD] RESEARCH DEPARTMENT REPORTS C.29-C.31 OFF-PRINTS AND OTHER PUBLISHED PAPERS C.32-C.38 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS RE HISTORY OF TELEVISION H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Early television E.M.I. [ELECTRICAL AND MUSICAL INDUSTRIES LTD] RESEARCH DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1934-1942 A chronological sequence of reports chiefly by Miller, some in collaboration. ‘Report on iconoscope with cage and guard ring round mosaic’, 1934. 22 October 5pp typescript + figures. ‘Preliminary report. Photo-conduction effect in transmitting tubes’, 14 August 1935. 18pp typescript + figure. ‘The photo-conduction effect in transmitting tubes. II’, 12 September 1935. App typescript. 8pp typescript. 10pp typescript. App typescript. ‘Photo-conduction effect in transmitting tubes IV’, 9 April 1936. ‘The photoconduction effect in transmitting tubes Ill’, 10 December 1935. ‘Experiments on possible alternatives to mica as a dielectric in transmitting emitrons’, 4 January 1937. 2pp typescript. ‘Methods of varying modification of picture transformer’, 20 February 1937. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Early television ‘Summary of suggested article Strange), 9 April 1937. on photoconductive tubes’ (with J.W. 2pp typescript. ‘Variable modification with magnetic lens’ (with G. Lubszynski), 2 February 1937. Found attached to preceding. 1p typescript. ‘Correction of magnetic electron lenses’ (with 1937. O. Klemperer), 6 October 2pp typescript + figures. ‘The double magnetic focussing coil’ (with O. Klemperer), 11 March 1938. 3pp typescript + figures. ‘Improvement in magnetic focussing coil’, 25 May 1938. 2pp typescript. 2pp typescript. 3pp typescript with ‘1938’ written at the top of the first page. ‘Improvement in magnetic focussing coil’, 16 June 1938. ‘Improvement in magnetic focussing coil (with J.E.I. Cairns), 2 June 1938. ‘A method of reducing aberrations in magnetic lenses’, 26 October 1937. 3pp typescript. ‘Picture transformers - for use in film studios etc’, 28 October 1938. 1p typescript found attached to preceding. ‘Magnetic screening in the super emitron’, 15 July 1938. 6pp typescript. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Early television ‘A double sided mosaic’, 6 December 1938. 2pp typescript. ‘Magnetic lens aberrations. 1st report. 1939. Spherical aberration’, 25 January 8pp typescript + figures. ‘Magnetic lens characteristics. emitron focussing system’, 15 February 1939. Report 2. Focussing conditions in the super 5pp typescript and figures. ‘Picture multiplier with solid multiplying electrodes’ (with G. Lubszynski), 3 October 1939. 6pp typescript and diagrams. ‘Magnetic lens characteristics. Report No. Ill’, 7 December 1939. 10pp typescript + figures. ‘The use of the Knudsen gauge’ by H. Hirsch, March 1941. App typescript + figures. ‘An experimental method for demountable gear investigations of orthicon scanning’, February 1942. 11pp typescript. ‘Dispersion of an electron beam due to its own space charge in the presence of an axial magnetic field’ by G. Lubszynski, 13 March 1942. 3pp typescript. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Early television ‘Computations of different effects possibly responsible for the loss of focus in the orthicon and experiments for curing these defects’ by G. Lubszynski, 15 March 1942. 4pp typescript. ‘Limiting apertures in the orthicon anode’, no author, 23 March 1942. 3pp typescript. ‘Theory of electrostatic scanning in the orthicon’, March 1942. 14pp manuscript and typescript draft. ‘The present position of the orthicon?’, March 1942. 9pp typescript + figures. C.29-C.31 C.32-C.38 3 folders. C.29 is May 1937. ‘Construction of a nomogram for the R.C.A. deflection plates’, March 1942. 2pp manuscript + figure. OFF-PRINTS AND OTHER PUBLISHED PAPERS 1937-1939, 1957 Off-prints and other published papers chiefly by Miller and E.M.1| colleagues. 76pp duplicated typescript and figures. ‘The early development of the television camera’ by J.D. McGee, December 1975. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS RE HISTORY OF TELEVISION 1975-1991 a booklet on the The London Television Station Alexandra Palace, H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Early television A. Campbell Swinton by T.H. Bridgewater (Royal Television Society A. monograph 1, 1982). International Conference on the History of Television From Early Days to the Present, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 13-15 November 1986. List of participants; general information. Published volume of conference papers. ‘Additional papers not available at the conference’. Miscellaneous papers presented at the conference. re history of television including further papers Correspondence, 1984, 1986, 1991 re history of television and biography of A.D. Blumlein. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION D MEDICAL PHYSICS D.1-D.312 D.1-D.257 TOPIC FOLDERS D.258-D.312 MISCELLANEOUS D.1-D.257 TOPIC FOLDERS 1926-1982 A sequence of Miller's folders arranged alphabetically by folder title. The contents are principally off-prints and duplicated papers relating to topics in medical physics. The contents of Miller's folders have been divided where appropriate for ease of reference. ‘After Loading’. Summary of AfterLoading Techniques, Edinburgh, 1980; equipment brochure, n.d. Physicists’ Association Meeting on Gynaeological Hospital ‘Autoradiography’. 6 folders. ‘Bioengineering’. Off-prints, duplicated papers, 1949-1962, n.d. Off-print, 1974; Imperial College Postgraduate Course Prospectus, n.d. 4 folders. Off-prints, 1955-1968; Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy duplicated paper ‘The Treatment of Carcinoma of the Bladder by High Energy X-Rays and Cobalt Beam Therapy’, 31 May 1962. ‘Cobalt Teletherapy’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.13-D.19 ‘Diagnostic Protection Personnel’. Off-prints, duplicated papers, 1951-1968, n.d. 7 folders. D.20-D.23 ‘Diagnostic X rays’. Off-prints and duplicated papers, 1957-1974. 4 folders. D.24-D.26 ‘Electronics Misc.’ Duplicated and printed papers, 1968-1976, n.d., including (D.25) ‘Second Draft’ of ‘Report on Advisory Group on Strategies for Improving Maintenance of Nuclear Medicine Instruments in Developing Countries 8-12 December 1975’, 3 February 1976. 3 folders. 5 folders. ‘Hazards Misc Gofman Taplin papers’. ‘E.M.I Scanner’. Correspondence, 1974-1975. D.28-D.31A ‘Expt Scripts Isotopes’. Off-print, 1938; duplicated Regional Medical Physics Department papers, n.d. 9 folders. Duplicated papers of J.W. Gofman and A.R. Tamplin, 1970. Off-prints and equipment booklets, 1954-1965, n.d. D.33-D.41 ‘Immuno Electrophesis / Electrophesis’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.42-D.44 ‘Insulin Studies’. Off-prints, 1954-1963. 3 folders. ‘lodine 131 Fallout Strontium etc’. Off-prints 1958-1974. ‘lodine Metabolism’. Printed reference). and duplicated papers, 1955 - ?1969 (latest bibliographical ‘Isotope Laboratories’. Miscellaneous papers, 1962-1970. D.48-D.58 11 folders. 11 folders. D.59-D.69 ‘Isotope Scanning Theory’. ‘Isotope Organisation of service’. Off-prints, abstracts, etc, 1963-1975. Correspondence, off-prints and other printed and duplicated papers, 1950- 1974. 2 folders. Review of prints, 1969-1973. abstracts ‘Isotopes Gamma Cameras’. of literature on the scintillation camera and off- H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics ‘Isotopes Misc Exchanges Ca Zn Colloids Cu’. Off-prints, 1949-1962. 2 folders. ‘Isotopes / Residual Urine’. Duplicated papers, 1963-1969. D.75-D.78 ‘Isotopes Scanning General’. Off-prints, 1959-1975. 4 folders. ‘Isotopes Standard measurements’. Off-prints, 1948-1960. 3 folders. 4 folders. ‘Medical Physics Careers’. Printed and duplicated papers, 1966-1970. D.84-D.87 ‘Medical Physics General’. D.80-D.82 ‘Management in hospitals Revans’. Duplicated papers by R.W. Revans, 1967-1968. 9 folders. Duplicated and printed papers, correspondence, press cuttings, 1974-1977. Miscellaneous typescript, duplicated and printed papers, ca 1960-1973. D.88-D.96 ‘Nuclear Power Controversy’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.97-D.103 ‘Protection Diagnostic Depts’. Off-prints and other printed and duplicated papers, 1946-1974. 7 folders. D.104-D.106 ‘Protection Effects on Foetus’. Printed and duplicated papers, 1963-1968. 3 folders. D.107-D.109 ‘Protection Isotopes Waste Disposal’. Off-prints, 1951-1959. 3 folders. ‘Protection Max. Concentration’. Printed and duplicated papers, 1962, 1971. Dtitiog DA 16 Off-prints, 1934-1962. 3 folders. ‘Protection Neutrons’. Publication, 1957. D.112-D.114 ‘Protection Radium handling’. 2 folders. ‘Protection Ward Hazards from Radium Work Study’. Reports on studies of radiation hazards, 1962, 1964. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.117-D.120 ‘Radiation Hazard ABCC [Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission]’. Off-prints and ABCC reports, 1953 - 1966-67. 4 folders. ‘Radiation hazard Blood effects’. Off-print, 1946. D.122-D.127 ‘Radiation Hazard Fall out’. Off-prints and other publications 1951-1966. 6 folders. D.128-D.133 ‘Radiation measurements lon chambers’. Off-prints, 1926-1960. D.134-D.139 D.140-D.144 Off-prints and duplicated papers, 1934-1963. 6 folders. 6 folders. 5 folders. ‘Radiation Protection Dosage in Diagnostic Tests’. ‘Radiation Physics Fundamental Dosimetry ICRU [International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements] 1956 NBS [US National Bureau of Standards] 87 89’. 8 folders. Off-prints, duplicated papers, press-cuttings and manuscript notes, 1957- 1975. ‘Radiation Protection Doses’. D.145-D.152 Doses in Diagnosis Pedascopes Patient Gonad Off-prints and duplicated papers, 1947-1972. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.153-D.159 ‘Radiation Protection Film Badge Dosimetry’. Off-prints, 1945-1972. 7 folders. D.160-D.162 ‘Radiation Protection Misc Reports’. Published and duplicated papers, 1956-1973. 3 folders. D.163, D.164 ‘Radiation Protection Protective Shielding’. Off-prints, 1946-1951. 2 folders. D.165-D.171 ‘Radiation Safety Cost Benefit Analysis’. 7 folders. ‘Radiation Safety 10 Day Rule’. Typescript and duplicated papers, 1974. D.173-D.182 ‘Radiobiology Biological effects’. Include papers presented at International Radiation Protection Association Conference, Brighton, Sussex, May 1970. Typescript and duplicated notes and papers and correspondence, 1962- 1973. 13 folders. Off-prints and other printed and duplicated papers, 1941-1973. Abstracts and off-prints, 1940-1962. 10 folders. D.183-D.195 ‘Radiobiology General Effects’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.196-D.204 ‘Radiobiology LET effects’. Off-prints, 1938-1957. 9 folders. ‘Radiography Statistics Population Figures’. Correspondence and papers from Department of Health and Social Security re annual growth of radiography, 1974. ‘Radiotherapy Electron Therapy’. Off-prints, 1940-1961. D.207-D.211 ‘Radiotherapy Linear Accelerator’. Off-prints, 1943-1965, n.d. 5 folders. ‘Radiotherapy Megavoltage’. Off-prints, 1956-1975. Off-prints, 1949-1957. 5 folders. D.213-D.217 ‘Radiotherapy Moving Field’. 9 folders. Off-prints and other published papers, 1930-1956, n.d. ‘Radiotherapy Physics Interstitial Radium’. D.223-D.231 ‘Radiotherapy Physics X ray Dose Distributions’. Off-prints, 1935-1955. D.218-D.222 5 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.232-D.234 ‘Radiotherapy Properties of Supervoltage Xrays’. Off-prints, 1940-1958. 3 folders. D.235-D.239 ‘Radiotherapy Van de Graef’. Off-prints and other printed papers, 1937-1982. 5 folders. ‘Scanning Lungs’. Off-prints, 1968-1970. ‘Technical Aid General’. Off-prints, 1962-1965. Off-prints, 1956-1968. 2 folders. D.244-D.252 ‘Ultrasonics’ D.242, D.243 ‘Thyrotoxicosis Diagnostic In-Vivo’. Off-prints and other printed papers, 1951-1974. 3 folders. ‘X-Ray Diagnosis History’. 9 folders. D.253-D.255 Off-prints, 1937-1967. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Medical physics D.256, D.257 ‘X ray Dosimetry’. Off-prints and ICRU [International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements] Report, 1945-1959. 2 folders. D.258-D.312 MISCELLANEOUS 1930-1995 D.258-D.282 Miscellaneous duplicated and printed papers, 1930-1990. 25 folders. D.283-D.286 Contents of Miller's untitled folder: miscellaneous off-prints and duplicated and typescript papers divided into four for ease of reference, 1950-1973. Includes guide to Weston Park Hospital Sheffield for visitors, 1970 and radiological protection code of practice, 1973. D.287 D.289-D.300 D.287, D.288 Medical Research Council special reports. Aplastic Anaemia in Patients Irradiated for No.267 and J.W. Boag (HMSO 1950). Researches on the Radiotherapy of Oral Cancer by C.A.P. Wood No.295 Ankylosing Spondylitis (HMSO 1957). Leukaemia and Centenary Congress, 1995, 1988-1995. ‘Early History of Isotopes, etc’. Contents of Miller’s box folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence 1981, 1983, off- prints, 1931-1983. ‘Radiology History’. Miller's folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re Radiology History Committee, Radiology History and Heritage Trust and the Rontgen D.301-D.307 Contents of H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 D.308, D.309 Medical physics ‘Mole’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence with R.H. Mole, 1989 and papers re radiological hazards to patients, including copy of report of Committee of Inquiry chaired by Lord Adrian (HMSO 1966) and photocopy of paper by Miller and J.C. Matthews ‘Radiation hazards from diagnostic radiology’, Br.J. Radiol., 42, November 1969. 1966-1989. See also D.310. Correspondence re history of medical physics, genetic effects of radiation etc, 1981, 1989. Includes letter from R.H. Mole, 2 March 1989. D.314, D:312 ‘Examination of errors in surface counting using a single crystal detector’. Thesis by Susan B. Sherriff, Sheffield Regional Medical Physics Department, n.d., latest bibliographical reference, 1972. 2 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION E LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.62 DRAFTS E.63-E.78 OFF-PRINTS E.79, E:80 REVIEWS H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications DRAFTS [1934]-1985, n.d. ‘Scientific Talks’. ease of reference. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for ‘Transmutation of Atoms’, n.d. [1934 or later]. 14pp manuscript notes on history of developments in the understanding of atoms to 1934. 11pp manuscript notes for general talk on recent developments in physics [71935]. Illustrative material for talks. ‘India and the War’, 14 December 1939. 11pp manuscript notes. ‘Science for war or peace’, Mansfield [Nottinghamshire] Peace Group, 2 November [71954]. 3pp manuscript notes for Miller’s talk; agenda for meeting of Mansfield Peace Group. 10pp manuscript draft. 7pp typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, of paper published in Reconciliation, A monthly review of things of peace, vol. 32, no.7, July 1955. ‘Science in Education’, 13 February 1956. ‘Nuclear Weapons and Genetics’. See also E.70. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications ‘The Atom in Medicine’. Two 6pp typescript drafts, with slight manuscript revision, of paper published in Reconciliation, A monthly review of things of peace, vol. 33, no. 3, March 1956. See also E.71. ‘Radiation Hazards’, n.d [latest bibliographical reference 1958]. 8pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections. Untitled but headed with location Chesterfield, [Derbyshire], n.d. but after 1958. Relates to opposition to nuclear weapons and CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). 10pp manuscript draft. 21pp manuscript draft. 4pp manuscript notes. 8pp manuscript notes. ‘A Technical Aid Project in Ghana’, n.d. [1966]. ‘Atoms for Peace’, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, August 1960. ‘Social Implications of Technological Revolution’, Totley, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 3 October 1960. Duplicated notice of lecture; 8pp typescript notes. ‘Ultra-sound and its applications’, Sheffield & District Radiographic Society, 1 February 1967. Refers to the February 1966 coup that deposed President Nkrumah. E.13-E.22 ‘Talks Misc typescript and manuscript notes and drafts, 1967-1974, n.d. Code of Practice’. Isotopes Contents of folder so inscribed: H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications Postgraduate course in Pathology 1966/67 General Lecture on ‘Medical Aspects of Radiation’, 15 February [1967]. 9pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Isotopes in organ visualisation’, 10 October 1968. 8pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections, also headed in addition to title and date ‘Med. Chi.’ ‘Isotope Physicists’ Association, Leicester, 13 November 1970. Sheffield Services Region’, the in Northern Group Hospital 10pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections ‘Whole Body Counters - A Review’. 10pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections, 10 January 1972. 6pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections, 11 April 1973. ‘The Scope of the Code [of Practice] and General Protection Measures’, 14 November 1973. Lecture on isotope studies of renal tract function, Children’s Hospital [? Sheffield], 12 April 1973. 6pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections, 9 November 1973. date ‘27/6’ without the year and a location ‘Accra’, Ghana. The first page in Manuscript notes for lectures found stapled together. addition to the title ‘Modern Techniques ...’ also has at the head a possible Postgraduate Lecture in Obstetrics & Gynaecology ‘Isotope Techniques in Medicine’, 25 June 1974. 7pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections, 24 June 1974. ‘Modern Technical Procedures in Clinical Practice’ and ‘Isotope Techniques’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications Three untitled lectures on radiological protection, n.d. ‘Lecture 1’. 4pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Lecture 2. 4pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Lecture 3’. 4pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections. E.23-E.27 ‘Talks Misc inscribed: typescript notes and drafts, 1970-1974. General Med Phys Zuckerman’. Contents of folder so ‘Applications of Physics and Clinical Medicine’, Leicester, 26 November 1970. 10pp typescript notes. ‘The future Physicists’ Association, Cardiff, 29 September 1972. the Hospital role of Physicist’, Annual Conference Hospital dual roles in App typescript draft of Miller's lecture. ‘Medical Physics’. 1p typescript report on the Cardiff conference. 6pp typescript notes with manuscript additions and corrections, 29 January 1973. 8pp typescript draft of lecture with the same title by P.N.T. Wells beginning ‘Professor Miller has discussed the the health service of graduate scientists, and physicists in particular, as scientific consultants and organisers. | am going to present a view of the NHS as a whole, and to suggest how the service may be developed as a science-based industry to which medical physics would make appropriate contributions’. 1974. ‘Physics in Medicine’, Faculty of Engineering, [?University of Sheffield], 20 March 1974. 19pp typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, 19 March H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications ‘The Outlook for Radiographic Society, 9 October 1974. the Profession of Radiography, Sheffield and District 7pp typescript draft, 8 October 1974. E.28-E.34 Contents of folder divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence, background papers and photographs re preparation of lecture or lectures, 1955-1970, n.d. A letter from Miller of 27 January 1970 refers to an ‘invitation to talk to local administrators on some aspects of the scientific service in hospitals’ (see E.35). A letter to Miller of 18 June (no year) provides information for Miller's lecture on ‘Modern Technical Procedures’. No drafts by Miller were found in the folder. ‘Thoughts on the Scientific Service’, Sheffield Region North Branch, 22 April 1970. Institute of Hospital Administrators, 16pp typescript ‘Draft C’, with slight manuscript revision. 3pp typescript summary of Miller's paper; illustrative material for slides. 2pp duplicated typescript summary of the discussion. E.36-E.38 ‘Whither Nuclear Medicine: Technological and Royal College of Surgeons, London, 21 May 1971. Interdisciplinary Aspects’, Photocopy of ‘Editorial “Whither Nuclear Medicine?” ’ by Miller from Clinical Radiology. Miller gave this paper at a discussion meeting jointly sponsored by the British Institute of Radiology, the British Nuclear Medicine Society, the Hospital Physicists’ Association and the Section of Radiology of the Royal Society of Medicine. 31pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. Correspondence from colleagues in the USA and United Kingdom re Miller's paper on the future of nuclear medicine, March - May 1971. 2 folders. ‘Christianity and Science’, 16 November 1972. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications ‘Paper Report’, [?Hospital], Sheffield, 4 May 1973. Zuckerman on Technicians Weekend, Lodge Moor 7pp typescript draft with manuscript and additions, 3 May 1973. ‘Christians in an age of science’, n.d. [1975 or later]. 9pp manuscript notes; 1p manuscript ‘Comments’; 10pp manuscript draft. ‘Buddhism’, n.d. [1976 or later]. 6pp manuscript notes. ‘Medical Physics in Thailand’, 1977. 5pp typescript of paper for American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 1977; AAPM Newsletter, September/October 1976. correspondence, Newsletter, 1976, 9pp manuscript notes. talk at ‘Nuclear Power and Third World’, 1 June 1978. 5pp manuscript notes. ‘Nuclear Disarmament’, 14 February [1983 or later]. ‘Religious attitudes: Liberalism and Authoritarianism’, 27 April 1985. 10pp manuscript notes; illustrative material. a conference on ‘Changing Attitudes’, Whirlow 12pp manuscript notes; conference programme. Miller gave this Grange, Sheffield. ‘As far as the eye can see’, n.d. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications ‘Christian attitude to atomic energy’, n.d. 6pp manuscript notes. ‘Christian Pacificism’, n.d. 8pp manuscript notes. 6pp manuscript notes. ‘Christians [unidentified symbol] H bomb’, n.d. 7pp manuscript notes. ‘Faith of a Scientist’, n.d. 10pp manuscript notes. Science 8pp manuscript notes. ‘Influence of Technology in the Hospital’, n.d. ‘The idea of a permissible dose’, n.d. 6pp manuscript notes. ‘Impact of modern technical developments on world community and the Christian citizen’, n.d. 12pp manuscript draft. 10pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Megavoltage Therapy in Great Britain’, n.d. 18pp typescript draft with slight manuscript revision. ‘A modern challenge of science to religion’, n.d. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Lectures and publications ‘Non-violent resistance’, n.d. 3pp manuscript notes. ‘Nuclear disarmament’, n.d. 6pp manuscript notes, also headed ‘Alfreton, Ripley’. ‘Radiation Hazards’, n.d. 4pp manuscript notes, also headed ‘Leeds 2’. ‘Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine’, n.d. 5pp typescript draft. Untitled 5pp notes beginning ‘Some questions Christian people should be asking themselves about scientific developments of [our] time’. 1934-1991 E.63-E.78 OFF-PRINTS E.63-E.78 Off-prints of Miller's publications, 1934-1991. Miscellaneous notes, possibly related to lectures and/or publications by Miller, n.d. 2 folders. ‘Book Reviews’. Contents of envelope so inscribed: reviews of Miller and J. Walter’s A short textbook of radiotherapy, 1950. 16 folders. REVIEWS H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.223 BRITISH INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGY BRITISH NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOCIETY BRITISH RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION ASSOCIATION F.20-F.28 F.29-F.32 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE HER MAJESTY’S INSPECTORATE OF POLLUTION F.33-F.37 HOSPITAL PHYSICISTS’ ASSOCIATION F.38 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN MEDICINE F.40-F.130 F.131-F.207 F.208-F.223 F.39 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS WESTON PARK HOSPITAL DAY CARE UNIT, SHEFFIELD PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS WINDSCALE INQUIRY H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations BRITISH INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGY (BIR) 1953-ca 1973 ‘B.I.R.’ Contents of folder so inscribed: printed and duplicated papers, 1953- 1975. Handbook, 1953. Additions and corrections to the 1953 edition of the Institute Handbook, 1957. Handbook, 1962. Handbook, 1967. BIR paper ‘Some notes on the history of events at the Institute leading to the present negotiations with the Faculty of Radiologists’ by R.D. Hoare, 13 November 1968. Protection Committee ‘Implementation of the Radiological Hazards to Adrian Committee on BIR Report to Second Report of Patients’, 22 May 1963. the Radiation Joint BIR and Royal College of Radiologists ‘Statement of Co-operation’ signed by the Presidents of the two organisations, May 1975. ‘B.I.R. Documents’. Contents of folder so inscribed: printed and duplicated papers re the BIR’s Radiation Protection Committee 1963-1973, n.d. Papers relate to new radiological code of practice. ‘Extract from “The Lancet” 9 January 1965, page 96, “Annotation” How Many Codes?’ with draft minutes of special meeting of members of BIR Standing Committees, 10 June [?1965]. BIR Radiation Protection Committee Memorandum on Implementation of the Second Report of the Adrian Committee, n.d. [?1963]. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations ‘Code of Practice for Protection of Persons against lonising Radiations Addendum to Memorandum sent to M.O.H. [Ministry of Health] Details of Difficulties in Interpretation & Implementation’, n.d [?1966]. Circular to members of BIR on the code of practice for protection against ionising radiations, 1 October 1966. BIR Radiation Protection Committee ‘Statement on the Radiation Hazard to Female Radiographers’, 12 April 1967. The statement as circulated to BIR members, July 1967. Editorial for British Journal of Radiology on ‘Diagnostic Radiology in Relation to the Menstrual Cycle’, September 1968. Letter to the Editor from F. Ellis on the same topic, November 1968. reference to ‘Comments on Maximum Permissible Dose with pregnant staff’ by G.M. Ardran with related correspondence between Ardran and W.A. Langmead, November 1968. special Radiation Protection Committee paper ‘Notes on Prepared by Dr F. BIR ‘Memorandum on the Irradiation of Human Subjects for Experimental Purposes’, June 1969. ‘Comments on “Low Dose X-Irradiation and Teratogenesis”, Lars Jacobsen, Copenhagen, 1968’. BIR the Problem of Permissible Dose Levels in Connection with X-ray Investigations in Children for Research Purposes. Ellis and Dr. J.G.L. Cole’. December 1968. Papers re good radiological practice, ca 1969. R. Letter to the ‘Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic X-ray Departments’, August 1969. British Journal of Radiology from Editor of The memorandum was prepared by the Radiation Protection Committee. 2 earlier versions of the memorandum, 1 with manuscript revision. Oliver the H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations ‘Patient exposure in bibliographical reference 1973. diagnostic radiology: ICRP statement’, n.d. latest Paper re panel set up by the Radiation Protection Committee on biological effects of radiation doses at occupational exposure levels, n.d. BRITISH NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOCIETY 1 letter only re membership, 7 November 1972. BRITISH RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1969. F.20-F.28 1971-1973 F.20 No.11 March:April:May 1971. F.20-F.23 BSSRS Newsheets 1971-1972. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE (BSSRS) No.18 Oct-Nov 1972. No.17 June:July:August 1972 F.24-F.28 Science for People bi-monthly journal of the BSSRS 1972-1973. No.14 November:December 1971. No.16 March:April:May 1972. F.24 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations No.19 Dec-Jan 72/73. No.20 Feb/March 73. No. 21 April-May [1973]. No.22 June-July 1973. F.29-F.32 HER MAJESTY’S INSPECTORATE OF POLLUTION 1989-1991 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Nottingham’: correspondence and papers re HM’s Inspectorate of Pollution’s investigation of underground laboratory sites used by the Radiochemical Centre 1946-1949 and in particular a radon plant Miller was ‘physicist for Nottingham’ from 1942 to 1947 in Nottingham. (F.29). He mentioned in correspondence a radium accident in a Nottingham hospital in 1949. November 1989 - June 1990. October - November 1990. June - July 1991. August - September 1990. 1970. ‘H.P.A’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers, 1964- Photocopied articles relevant to the investigation. F.33-F.37 HOSPITAL PHYSICISTS’ ASSOCIATION 1959-1985 F.33-F.35 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations 1964. Includes minutes of meeting to discuss draft of a careers booklet prepared by Miller held on 2 July 1964. 1966-1967. Includes duplicated copy of draft of the Faculty of Radiologists & Hospital Physicists’ Association Joint Memorandum on Physics in Radiodiagnostic Departments with manuscript inscriptions ‘HPA draft’ and ‘pre 20.5.66’. Printed and duplicated papers, 1959-1985. Include Rules of the Association and policy statements. 2 folders. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN MEDICINE (IPSM) 1990, 1993, n.d. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS Rules of the Institute, policy statement and programme for 50th Anniversary Meeting of IPSM Northern Group. Correspondence re membership, 1976. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations F.40-F.130 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS 1957-1995 See also J.113-J.128. F.40-F.103 Pugwash Newsletters 1975-1995. F.40 Volume 13 no.1, July 1975. Volume 13 no.2, October 1975. Volume 13 no.3, January 1976. Volume 13 no.4, April 1976. Volume 14 no. 4, May 1977. Volume 14 no. 3, January 1977. Volume 15 nos1&2, July & October 1977. Volume 14 nos 1&2, July & October 1976. Volume 15 no.3, January 1978. Volume 16 no.1, July 1978. Volume 16 no.2, October 1978. Volume 16 no.3, January 1979. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Volume 17 nos 1&2, July & October 1979. Volume 17 no.3, January 1980. Volume 17 no.4, April 1980. Volume 18 nos 1&2, July & October 1980. Volume 18 no.3, January 1981. Volume 19 no.1, July 1981. Volume 19 no.2, October 1981. Volume 19 no.4, April 1982. Volume 20 no.1, July 1982. Special Issue, July 1982. Volume 19 no.3, January 1982. Volume 20 no. 4, April 1983. Volume 20 no.3, January 1983. Volume 20 no.2, October 1982. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Volume 21 no.1, July 1983. Volume 21 no.2, October 1983. Volume 21 no.4, April 1984. Volume 22 no.1, July 1984. Volume 22 no.2, October 1984. Volume 22, no.3, January 1985. Volume 22, no.4, April 1985. Volume 23 no.2, October 1985. Volume 23 no.3, January 1986. Volume 23 no.4, April 1986. Volume 23, no.1, July 1985. Volume 25 no.1, July 1987. Volume 24 no.3, January 1987. Volume 24 no.4, April 1987. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Volume 25 no.2, October 1987. Volume 25 no.3, January 1988. Volume 25 no.4, May 1988. Volume 26 no.1, July 1988. Volume 26 no.2, October 1988. Volume 26 no.3, January 1989. Volume 26 no.4, April 1989. Volume 27 no.4, April 1990. Volume 28 no.1, July 1990. Volume 29 no.1. July 1991. Volume 27 no.1, July 1989. Volume 27 no.2, October 1989. Volume 29 no.3, January 1992. Volume 29 no.2, October 1991. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Volume 29 no.4, May 1992. Volume 30 no.1, July 1992. Volume 30 no.2, October 1992. Volume 30 no.3-4, January - April 1993. Volume 31 no.1, July 1993. Volume 31 no.2, October 1993. Volume 31 no.3-4, January - April 1994. Volume 32 no.1, July 1994. Volume 32, nos 2/3, October 1994/January 1995. Volume 32, no.4, April 1995. F.104-F.106 British Pugwash Group papers, 1979-1995. Hill, R.S. Pease, R.E. Peierls, J. Rotblat. 1995. Background material to the meeting on NATO Deployment of Nuclear Weapons sent to Miller by the British Pugwash Group at Miller's request. N.d. but includes Armament and Disarmament Information Unit papers 1979. Statement on the Acceptability of SDI [Strategic Defence Initiative] Research Contracts, April 1986. British Pugwash Group Report ‘Does Britain need nuclear weapons?’ by C.R. F.104 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations F.107-F.111 Miscellaneous Pugwash papers, 1979-1991. 07 Colloquium paper on arms control in Europe and draft Pugwash statement, 1979. Pugwash declaration on the dangers of nuclear war adopted August 1982. Statement of the Pugwash Executive Committee on Strategic Defences, December 1985. ‘Goals for Pugwash’, n.d. ca 1987. Papers re 38th Pugwash Conference, Dagomys, USSR, 1988. Papers re 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 1990. Papers re 41st Pugwash Conference, Beijing, China, 17-22 September 1991. See also Windscale Inquiry F.208-F.223. F.112-F.120 9 folders. F.112-F.130 Printed and duplicated papers re arms and nuclear questions presented here for convenience, 1957-1989. ‘Arms Race’. Contents of Miller's folder so inscribed: principally newspaper cuttings and other printed papers, 1969, 1977-1979. 9 folders. Include papers on nuclear winter, nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island, the tolerability of risk from nuclear power stations, etc. Include draft by Miller on the neutron bomb (F.116) and 1969 photograph of Miller at Hiroshima (F.120). For manuscript notes on ‘N.R.P.B.[National Radiological Protection Board] - Chernobyl Seminar 29-10-86’ see F.121. B.121-F:129 Miscellaneous printed and duplicated papers, 1974-1989. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Saturday Evening Post, 20 July 1957. Includes article titled ‘We were trapped by radioactive fallout’. F.131-F.207 WESTON PARK HOSPITAL DAY CARE UNIT, SHEFFIELD 1975-1995 Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit was a charitable organisation separate from Weston Park Hospital although located in the grounds of the hospital. It opened in 1982 with the remit to support and help patients who had recently received treatment at Weston Park Hospital (radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy) and found it difficult to cope in the community. The Day Care Unit came into being as a result of initiatives of the Weston Park Hospital League of Friends. The League of Friends was established in 1976 with Miller as its first Chairman. In 1978 the League of Friends through its Committee adopted a proposal to establish a day care unit at the hospital. Miller recalled giving up the Chair of the League of Friends at the beginning of 1979 to give his attention to the day care unit (F.131). Miller chaired first the Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit Working Group in 1979 and then the Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd from its inception in 1980. He stood down from the Chairmanship of the Fund at the 1991 AGM (F.147). F.131-F.133 3 folders. F.134-F.162 Council of Management’. ‘Company Notes inscribed, 1979-1995. Weston Park Hospital League of Friends correspondence and papers, 1975- 1993, n.d. Miller assembled these papers in response to a request for help with an article for Weston News about the League of Friends. They principally relate to the proposal for a day care unit Development Fund Limited incorporated 10 February 1980. Notes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit Working Group, 1979. Contents of Miller's folder so Memorandum and Articles of Association of Weston Park Hospital H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Notes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Day Care Unit Working Group and minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1980. List of ‘Approaches made to charitable trusts (Position at 28 October 1980)’ and list of ‘Donations from Charitable Trusts and Promises (as at 17/11/80)’. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1981. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1982. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1983. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1984. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1985. Paper re patients attending day care unit in 1985. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1988. Paper re patients attending day care unit. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1991. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd and of extra meeting of management committee, 1990. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd and Finance Sub-Committee, 1989. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1986. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1987. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Papers re salaries review, 1991. Minutes of meetings of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 1992. Minutes of meeting of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, January 1993. 11 Agenda, papers and minutes of thirteenth AGM of Weston Park Hospital Development Fund Ltd, 13 September 1993. F.152-F.155 Agenda, papers and minutes of meetings, 1994. 4 folders. F.156-F.158 Agenda, papers and minutes of meetings, 1995. 3 folders. 1980. 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988. 1989; 1990751991,.1992, 1993. Miscellaneous papers, n.d. F.159-F.161 159 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984. Western Park Hospital Development Fund Annual Reports, 1981-1993. Includes architects’ drawing of revised plan for Day Care Unit. ‘Day Care Unit General’. and papers, 1980-1993. F.163-F.170 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations 1981-1982. 1983. Includes papers re official opening of Day Care Unit, 26 April 1983. 1983. Photographs of official opening. Applications for posts at the Day Care Unit, 1982, 1987. N.d. 1982-1984. 1984-1986. 1986-1992. F.171-F.174 BAWAL 1980-1982. Includes photograph. Lists of donations, 1980-1992. Auditors’ Reports and Financial Statements, 1981-1992. F.175-F.180 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations 1981, 1982. 1983, 1984. 1985, 1986. 1987, 1988. 1989, 1990. LOOT 192; F.181-F.202 House Committee papers, 1981-1995. Statement of general principles of operational policies, 1981. Lederle Award Project document, n.d 1983 or later. Principally notes of meetings, policy statements and attendance figures. Miller chaired the Committee throughout the period covered by the papers. Number of patients attending the Day Care Unit in 1986. N.d, 1984. Includes report of the House Committee, 29 August 1984. Lists of volunteers and staff, n.d., 1985-1990. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1985. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1986. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Notes of House Committee meetings, 1987. Report on counselling activity at the unit. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1988. Number of patients attending the Day Care Unit in 1988. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1989. Correspondence re insurance matters, 1990. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1990. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1991. Miscellaneous information re Day Care Unit. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1992. Notes of House Committee meetings, 1993. ‘Policies and Procedures’ document, n.d. policies etc, n.d. ‘General Policies’. Statements of policy in safety, n.d. Miscellaneous policy statements: nursing policies, catering policies, transport Correspondence, attendance figures, September - November 1993. a number of areas of health and H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations Notes of House Committee meetings, 1994. Monthly attendance figures for 1994. 20124202 Notes of House Committee meetings, 1995. Miscellaneous policy statements, attendance figures found with notes for 1995 Committee meetings. 2 folders. F.203-F.206 Architects’ manuscript building of Day Care Unit, 1980-1881 and extension, 1986-1988. correspondence, photographs, plans, notes, re 4 folders. Newsletters and other printed information, 1984-1992, n.d. 1977-1978 F.208-F.223 WINDSCALE INQUIRY The inquiry related to a submission on 1 March 1977 by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) to Copeland Borough Council under Section 23 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 for outline planning permission for ‘a plant for reprocessing irradiated oxide nuclear fuels and support services’ at their Windscale and Calder Works, Sellafield, Cumbria. principally newspaper cuttings, 1977-1978. The Parker Inquiry. Report by Friends of the Earth Ltd presented to the Secretary of State for the Environment on 28 April 1978. London: Friends of the Earth Ltd, [1978] The Windscale Inquiry. Report by the Hon. Mr. Justice Parker presented to the Secretary of State for the Environment on 26 January 1978. Volume 1 Report and Annexes 3-5. London: HMSO, 1978. Miscellaneous re nuclear processing F.210-F.223 papers and Windscale Inquiry, H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Societies and organisations ‘Nuclear Processing April 77 or earlier. Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘Windscale cuttings June 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘Windscale cuttings July 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘Windscale cuttings August 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. F.214-F.219 ‘Windscale cuttings Sept 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Papers include proofs of evidence by Alice Stewart, Sadao Ichikawa, R.E. Ellis and Joseph Rotblat. ‘Windscale cuttings October 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. March 78’. Contents of envelope so inscribed: press ‘Windscale Rpt cuttings. ‘Windscale cuttings November 77’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. Duplicated papers on planning inquiries, 1978. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.104 A number of overseas trips are documented in this section including holidays as well as visits made principally in connexion with Miller's scientific work. See Section H for the visits made by Miller on assignment as advisor and consultant on medical physics in Afghanistan, Ghana, India and Thailand. Visit to Switzerland, 1947. Miller spent part of the summer in Switzerland with his son, John. See also A.115. Letters from Miller to his wife. Tourist information, guides, maps, etc 7 folders. G10; Gat G.12-G.44 2 folders. Photographs. Some pre-date Miller's 1947 Visit to the USA February - April 1948 Miscellaneous postcards with Swiss views. visit. See also A.95, A.115. Miller travelled to the USA on the Cunard White Star liner RMS Queen Elizabeth, returning on the Queen Mary. The visit was sponsored by the Medical British was Miller Commonwealth Scientific Office in Washington. Miller's visit was part of the planning process for the provision of a 2 M.E.V. X-ray generator for Sheffield. This was manufactured in Boston, Massachusetts. Miller also made a tour of American technical institutions where nuclear research was in an advanced state. Places visited included New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington D.C, Chapel Hill North Carolina, Chicago and Berkeley. He also stayed for a time with his cousin, Ernest Meese of Waterbury, Connecticut. The surviving documentation is principally family correspondence, tourist memorabilia and material illustrative of the American way of life. There are only incidental references to Miller's scientific work in the correspondence. Research Council and accredited to the H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Visits and conferences Manuscript note of itinerary on back of envelope. G.13-G.15 Outward journey on RMS Queen Elizabeth. G.13 Passenger list. Menus, programmes of events, photograph of liner. Ocean Times, 20, 21, 22 and 23 February 1948. G.16-G.20 Miller's letters home to his family, February - April 1948. G.16 19 - 22 February 1948. 2 - 13 March 1948. 14 - 29 March 1948. 2 - 22 April 1948. 4 folders. G.21-G.24 Miscellaneous printed material re American politics and education. 24 - 29 February 1948. Tourist information, guides, maps etc. Miscellaneous papers re Methodist Church and Fellowship of Reconciliation in the USA. G.26-G.40 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 G.26, G.27 New York. 2 folders. Visits and conferences Cambridge, Massachusetts. Washington, D.C. 2 folders. Chicago. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System. G.33, G.34 Grand Canyon. 2 folders. San Francisco. 2 photographs. 4 folders. Niagara. G.36-G.39 American West. Return journey on Cunard White Star liner RMS Queen Mary. Portrait photograph of Miller and photograph of Miller in small group. Miscellaneous postcards. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Visits and conferences Passenger list. General information for passengers, programme, abstract of log etc. G.45-G.61 Visit to Switzerland and Scandinavia, 1953. Miller travelled to Switzerland by train via Boulogne and then by train across Germany to Copenhagen for an international radiology congress. After the congress he visited Sweden and Norway before returning home. G.45-G.48 Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Letters from Scandinavia’ and ‘1953’: letters from Miller to his wife, almost all undated; newspaper-cuttings. Letters from Boulogne, Kandergrund and Zurich. Letters from Copenhagen. Newspaper cuttings. G.49-G.61 Tourist information, guides, maps, etc Letters from Stockholm, Oslo and Voss. letter begun in Copenhagen and continued in Stockholm. The 1 dated 20 July 1953 relates to the congress. Includes 1 continuation is dated 26 July 1953. 3 folders. G.49-G.52 Denmark. 4 folders. Sweden. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 G.56-G.61 Norway. 6 folders. Visits and conferences G.62-G.66 Visit to West Germany, January 1955. Miller travelled by boat and train via Harwich and the Hook of Holland to Hamburg and then Munich and Heidelburg. G.62-G.64 Miller’s letters and postcards to his family. in Include brief references to hospital visits, the value of the visit [to Munich] respect of information on treatments etc. Letter postmarked 20 January 1955, mentions that Miller had seen the X ray martyrs memorial in Hamburg: ‘This is a memorial of a small modest sort with the names of the early pioneers of X ray work who lost their lives - people from all parts of the world’ (G.63). Munich, 3 folders. 1 photograph of Miller in small group. Miscellaneous postcards. Letters from Stockholm. Letters from Gothenburg. G.67-G.70 Visit to Sweden, April 1958. Miller made a scientific visit to Sweden as part of a more extensive European trip that included stops in Heidelberg where his son, John, was staying. Press cuttings. Letters from Heidelberg and Switzerland. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Visits and conferences Visit to West Germany, 1959. During the summer of 1959 Miller appears to have visited Munich, for the 9th International Congress of Radiology, and Heidelberg where his son John was staying. Letters and postcard to his wife Mary. G.71-G.84 12th International Congress of Radiology, Tokyo, Japan, October 1969. Miller travelled to Japan via Amsterdam and Anchorage, Alaska and returned home via Hong Kong, Thailand and India. Small format ring binder inscribed ‘Japon [sic]’ on front cover with itinerary and general information. Schedule for Miller in Japan and copy of schedule of a colleague. Letters and postcards from Miller to his wife, Mary and colleague at Sheffield. flight on behalf of Asahi Evening News, 7 October 1969. Letter arising from ? Japanese colleague, 27 November 1969. This English-language newspaper is devoted to reporting the Congress. Memorabilia of special KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) congress participants. 2 folders. G.77-G.82 Miscellaneous memorabilia, information. 6 folders. G.83, G.84 Information booklets about Hiroshima. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Visits and conferences G.85-G.93 Visit to Australia, August 1973. Miller travelled to Australia via Bangkok and Singapore. Although he made arrangements to see colleagues in Australia and en route, Miller and his wife were visiting Australia to take a holiday and see their son John who was a member of the politics department at La Trobe University, Melbourne. Correspondence re arrangements to Australia. visit colleagues in Singapore and Correspondence and papers re arrangements for travel to Australia. Correspondence received by Miller during his stay in Australia. G.88-G.93 Miscellaneous memorabilia and tourist information. 6 folders. G.94-G.104 Visits to New Zealand, 1978-1979, 1986 Miller and his wife visited New Zealand where their son Robert was a member of the Anatomy Department, University of Otago, Dunedin. Contents of envelope inscribed ‘New Zealand’: papers re both 1978-1979 and 1986 visits. These visits are documented by memorabilia, tourist information and papers re church services only. 11 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION H TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OVERSEAS H.1-H.359 For the last ten years of his career and for a period after he retired Miller undertook a number of overseas consultancies on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Kingdom Overseas Development Administration (ODA). He was particularly associated with Ghana, India and Thailand but also made a brief visit to Afghanistan on the way to an assignment in Thailand. Some of his contacts with research and treatment centres overseas extended over many years. The papers include reports to the sponsoring agencies, correspondence with the sponsoring agencies, staff of the centres visited and family and others at home while Miller was overseas, photographs and miscellaneous printed and duplicated background material. Miller was greatly interested in the way of life, culture and religion of the countries visited and that is reflected in the surviving materials. The papers are presented as follows: H.1-H.30A GENERAL H.31-H.33 H.34-H.103 GHANA H.104-H.265 INDIA H.266-H.359 THAILAND AFGHANISTAN Diaries and notebooks kept by Miller during his overseas visits are presented in Section A. See also A.160, D.25, D.241, E.12, E.21, E.43. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.1-H.30A GENERAL 1960-1992 ‘Tech. Aid Reports H M’. Contents of folder so inscribed Report to the Government of Ghana on by Miller. dated on front cover, 9 November 1965. ‘Use of Radioisotopes in Medicine’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) TA Report No.226 The report was based on six month’s work in Ghana, April - September 1965. According to the report’s terms of reference Miller's duty station was at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Accra, and the work was to be in co-operation with the Radioisotope and Health Physics Unit attached to the Physics Department of the University of Ghana at Lagon. Three papers related to Report to Government of Ghana (H.1): ‘Notes on the Present Situation at Medical Research - September 1965’. the National Institute of Health and typescript A4pp ‘For Programme Division’. Mr Lloyd - Department of Technical Assistance, App typescript. ‘Work accomplished’. 3pp typescript ‘To be added to report’. ‘A Technical Aid Project in Ghana’ by Miller. signed ‘Miller’ and dated ‘13/2/76’. The report was based on two month’s work in Ghana 5 May - 6 July 1970. Miller's duty station was the Department of Medicine, Ghana Medical School. He assisted in extending clinical diagnostic work using radioisotopes and advised on radioisotope aspects of future medical research. ‘The Use of Radioisotopes in Report to the Government of Ghana on Medicine’ by Miller. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) TA Report No.559 dated on front cover 24 July 1970. 5pp typescript on ‘Visit of Dr Miller on behalf of IAEA ‘Cobalt Therapy Project Kabul [Afghanistan]’. 5-10 Feb. 1976’, H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas the Government of Thailand on ‘Medical Physics’ Report to International Atomic Energy Agency TA Report No.1174 dated on cover, 1 December 1976. See also H.279, H.311. by Miller. front Miller served in Thailand as a consultant to advise on the establishment of a centralised medical physics service and the development of a centralised training programme, February - August 1976. Course ‘Advanced 28 December 1977 - 28 February 1978 by R.L. Dobson and Miller dated on front cover 2 August 1978. Radiological Assignment Physics’ Report, in The This was World Health Organisation (WHO) Project: Ind Rad 004. consultants were assigned to the Division of Radiological Protection of the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Bombay, India. They were (1) radiological physics, particularly in the development of the proposed advanced two-year M.Sc. course; (2) to assess developments in the radiation protection services and the secondary standard dosimetric laboratory; and (3) to advise on the research programme of the Division. of candidates in to assist in the training See also H.173. India. 9pp typescript. See also H.208. Report of Visit by Professor H. ‘The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute Ahmedabad India visit by Professor H. Miller: July 28th - August 12th 1981’. ‘The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (M.P. Shah Cancer Hospital), Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, Miller March 17th - April 1st 1980’. 12pp typescript + 2pp list of ‘Recommended Text Books and Monographs from manuscript inscription on top of first page ‘Report submitted 8/9/81’. 2pp typescript article for unidentified bulletin by Miller dated ‘9/12/81’. ‘Linear Accelerator Therapy in Anmedabad’. Physics Department G.C.R.I’. See also H.210. Report of U.K. for Medical With H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute Anmedabad ... Study May 1987’ by Miller and F.E. Neal. Evaluation The study was undertaken on behalf of Development Administration. the United Kingdom Overseas 37pp duplicated typescript including annexes and appendices. Three papers found stapled together: ‘Report for the [United Kingdom] Overseas Development Administration Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute - Ahmedabad [India] November - December 1988’ by Miller, F.E. Neal and P.C. Williams. App typescript. ‘Visit to Radiation Oncology Centres in India November-December 1988’ by F.E. Neal. App typescript + 2pp appendices. Indo-British of Radiotherapists 9pp typescript. and Medical India November- Radiation Symposium - Contemporary Issues in Radiation Collaborative Workshop on Physicists to 17pp typescript including title page, contents list and appendices. ‘Visit December 1988 Oncology - Ahmedabad Oncology - Bombay’. ‘Gujarat Cancer and Research institute Anmedabad Gujurat [India] Phase II Project Request for Financial and Technical Assistance Submitted to Overseas Development Administration Evaluation Study by Dr F.E. Neal February 1990’. [Gujurat Cancer Research Institute], September 1992’. Photocopy. ‘Gujarat Addendum to Evaluation Study by Dr F E Neal June 1990’. 8pp typescript with manuscript inscription FEN[eal/ODA [Overseas Development Administration] first page ‘Extract Report for GCRI 7pp typescript including title page. Institute Ahmedabad Gujarat Cancer and Research [India] at top of H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘Technical Aid’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: newspaper cuttings and printed background material, 1963-1965 and n.d. H.17-H.28 ‘|.A.E.A Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers, 1963-1978. [International Atomic Energy Agency] Equipment maintenance’. The IAEA was interested in exploring in a more systematic way the utilisation of nuclear medicine instruments in developing countries. It organised a meeting at the Agency on ‘Strategies for Improving Maintenance of Nuclear Medicine Instruments in Developing Countries’, December 1975 and a survey of nuclear instrumentation in medical applications in Southeast Asia in 1977. ‘Nuclear Electronic Instruments in Tropical Countries’, Technical Reports Series No.13, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1963. Printed booklet. Health World Equipment with Switzerland, 1-3 December 1971. Organisation Scientific particular reference to Developing Countries, Geneva, Maintenance of Consultation on 2 folders. 3pp photocopied typescript. 18pp duplicated typescript report including appendices. Paper on new electrical equipment tests by S.C. Johnson, Sheffield, 9 May 1972. Correspondence and papers re proposed IAEA study of the utilisation of nuclear medicine instrumentation in developing countries, 1975. 2 folders. ‘Maintenance of Nuclear Medicine Instruments in Developing Countries’. Report of an Advisory Group Meeting organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 8-12 December 1975. Technical document issued by the IAEA, Vienna, 1976. Correspondence and papers re the problem of the maintenance of nuclear medicine instrumentation in developing countries 1976. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘Well Scintillation Counting Systems for Nuclear Medicine Applications in Developing Countries’. Report of a Consultants’ Meeting organised by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 23-25 May 1977. Technical document issued by the IAEA, Vienna, 1977. H.26-H.28 Correspondence and papers re survey of maintenance of nuclear medicine instrumentation in developing countries, 1977-1978. 3 folders. H.29-H.30A Miscellaneous papers. H.29 ‘Health Hints for the Tropics’, Supplement to Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News, 1960. International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA what it is and what it does. Booklet printed by the IAEA in Vienna, June 1961. 1975-1977 H.31-H.33 AFGHANISTAN Guide to Joint Funding of Development Projects by British Non-Government Organisations and the ODA, Bilateral Co-ordination Department Overseas Development Administration, April 1982. Miller visited Kabul, Afghanistan on behalf of the IAEA to provide technical assistance in the field of Co™ radiotherapy physics, 5-10 February 1976. The visit was made on the way to a six months’ assignment in Thailand and involved an initial stopover at Budapest, Hungary to see equipment in operation and discuss various aspects of the Afghanistan project. H.33 includes manuscript draft of Miller’s report. See H.4. H.31-H.33 ‘Kabul Project’. Contents of a folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1975-1977. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.34-H.103 1961-1975 In 1965 Miller was appointed by the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) as an Advisor to the Government of Ghana on medical applications of radioisotopes. See also A.125, H.1, H.2. 1970 he made a second visit In IAEA Advisor to Government of Ghana on the use of radioisotopes. See also A.162, H.3. to Ghana as the H.34-H.38 ‘Ghana Project correspondence and papers, 1963-1965, 1970. Ghana IAEA Reports’. Contents of folder so inscribed: IAEA letters of appointment, 1965, 1970. Letters to Miller from IAEA, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and the Ministry of Health and Medical Research Council Radiological Protection Service, 1964-1965. Report by H.A.C McKay. 1970. to the Government of Ghana on ‘Central Radioisotope Laboratory’ IAEA TA Report No. 554 dated on front cover, 19 June Miscellaneous background papers, 1963-1965: Report to the Government of Ghana on ‘Health Physics’ by K.S. Gussard. IAEA TA Report No.101 dated on front cover, 12 August 1963. Atomic Energy Commission Act, 1963 (Ghana); United Nations Technical Assistance Board paper ‘Living Conditions in Ghana’, 15 January 1964; paper on ‘Radiation Protection in Ghana’ by S. Dakubu, 4 May 1965. 2pp typescript. ‘Ghana UN Reports Field Reports’. Contents of folder so inscribed, 1965, n.d. H.39-H.44 Field Report No.1 by Miller, 16 April 1965. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Monthly Report by Miller, 18 April 1965. 3pp typescript. ‘re Isotope Techniques’ by Miller, May 1965. 1p typescript. Outline of a plan for a Radioisotope Unit at the National Institute of Health & Medical Research, Ghana Academy of Science by R.G.J. Butler and Miller, 22 May 1965. Report ‘to describe progress at the end of the first three months of the assignment and to suggest a programme for consideration for the last three months’ by Miller, dated at the head of the first page 10 June 1965. 4pp manuscript draft. Field Report No.2 by Miller, 16 June 1965. 1p typescript. App typescript. 3pp typescript. Final Progress Report by Miller, 31 August 1965. ‘Typical Doses of Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Diagnostic Procedures’ by Miller, 9 September 1965. 11pp typescript. National Institute of Health and Medical Research Code of Practice for Use of Radioactive Materials, n.d. 6pp typescript. Report Radioisotopes’ by Miller, n.d.[1965]. See H.1. Government Ghana the to of on ‘Medical Applications of H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.45-H.60 Correspondence re Miller's 1965 visit to Ghana, 1964-1965. Principally Miller’s letters home to his wife Mary and other members of his family. Press cuttings have been kept with the letters to which they were attached. December 1964 - February 1965. March 1965 (1). March 1965 (2). March 1965 (3). April 1965 (1). April 1965 (2). June 1965 (1). June 1965 (2). May 1965 (2). May 1965 (3). May 1965 (1). July 1965 (1). June 1965 (3). H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas July 1965 (2). August 1965. September 1965. Press cuttings from Ghanaian newspapers, 1965. March 1965. April 1965. May 1965. Press-cuttings from British newspapers re Ghana, 1966. July 1965. August 1965. Press-cuttings from British and Ghanaian newspapers, n.d. Map of Ghana, 1961. Miscellaneous printed and duplicated papers re 1965 Ghana visit. H.68-H.70 Includes papers re Methodist Church and cultural events. 3 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 H.72-H.84 Technical assistance overseas ‘Ghana correspondence inscribed: correspondence re visit to Ghana in 1970 and re later contacts with Ghana, 1969-1975. Contents 1970/75’. folder so_ of 1969. December. One letter only, from colleague at Ghana Medical School, 30 February 1970. Exchange of correspondence with colleague at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Accra. H.73-H.80 Principally letters from family, secretary and colleagues received by Miller during his visit to Ghana, with a few letters from Miller to his secretary, May- June 1970. May 1970 (1). May 1970 (2). Includes letter from Hon. Justice Nii Amaa Ollennu, Speaker of the National Assembly. May 1970 (3). June 1970 (3). June 1970 (1). June 1970 (2). Principally relate to training of Ghanaian technician in the UK. Correspondence and papers re later contacts with Ghana, 1971-1975. June 1970 (5). June 1970 (4). H.81-H.84 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas 1971. Includes ‘provisional training programme’ for Ghanaian technician. 1972. technician. Includes progress reports and programmes of work for Ghanaian 1973. Includes recommendation. H.85-H.88 Contents of folder: letters written by Miller during his visit to Ghana, May- June 1970. Miller’s main correspondent is his wife Mary. May 1970 (1). Includes letter to Miller from his wife. May 1970 (2). June 1970 (1) June 1970 (2). Press cuttings from Ghanaian newspapers and other printed papers 1970. 2 folders. Miscellaneous duplicated papers, programmes, memorabilia. H.102, H.103 Photographs. H.100, H.101 H.89-H.99 11 folders. 2 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.104-H.265 1960-1994 H.104-H.163 International Cancer Centre (ICC), Neyyoor H.164-H.175 H.176-H.236 Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay Gujarat Cancer and Research Ahmedabad Institute (GCRI), H.237-H.243 Madras H.244, H.245 Travindrum and Manipal H.246 Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay H.247-H.265 Miscellaneous H.104-H.163 International Cancer Centre (ICC), Neyyoor 1965-1994 while visiting India on behalf of a radiotherapy project The Chairman of the London Committee until his death in September 1981 was R.E. Ellis. He was succeeded by D.G. Jenkins. The ICC Neyyoor was described in 1973 by its Director, Syed Ali, ‘a special research unit and hospital for the treatment amd study of malignant diseases in Kanyakumari District [Tamil Nadu] and surrounding areas’. See H.136. as Miller took an interest in the ICC Neyyoor from its establishment in 1965 and served on its London Committee. He made brief visits in 1969 on the way back to the UK from the International Congress of Radiology in Japan, in 1978 while visiting India in connexion with work in the Division of Radiological Protection, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Bombay, in the UK Overseas Development 1981 Administration in connexion with in Ahmedabad, Gujarat State, and in 1988 while visiting Anmedabad and Bombay. 1966-1969. Includes printed brochure about the Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, South India. Contents of Miller's folder: correspondence and papers, 1965-1981 1965, 1967-1968. H.104-H.135 H.104 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas February - September 1969. October - December 1969. ‘Draft for Discussion Relationship of the Chewing Habit and Oral Cancer in Kanyakumari District [South India]’, signed Mary B. Cooper, 3 November 1969. 8pp duplicated typescript + tables. See also H.113. International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor Newsletter Neyyoor News, Autumn 1969. January 1970. April - May 1970. May 1970. February 1970. March 1970. Includes provisional agenda for joint meeting of ICC Neyoor Trustees and London Committee, 30 January 1970. Includes ‘2nd Draft Matched Controls Study of Details of the Chewing Habit in Kanyakumari District’, 3pp typescript with manuscript note at end ‘To be contd Mary B. Cooper Research Coordinator 23.3.70’. 1970. Includes papers for meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 1 May H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas June - July 1970. ‘Working Paper on the Registration of the International Cancer Centre as a Registered Society’ dated 1 June 1970 and sent to Miller as a member of the London Committee, 7 July 1970. Chairman’s Report for the Meeting of the London Committee, 24 July 1970. October - November 1970. Includes November 1970. papers for meeting April 1971. of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 27 Papers for meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 30 April 1971. ICC Neyyoor News-sheet Spring 1971. August 1971. October 1971. Papers for meeting of ICC Neyyor London Committee, 15 October 1971. Draft scheme for costing proposed developments in Neyyoor, with covering letter, 24 August 1971. 1974-1975. February - March 1972. March 1972. Papers for meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 30 March 1972. April - May, October 1972. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas July 1975. Papers for meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 14 July 1975. July 1976 Minutes of meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 13 July 1976. September - December 1977. Ellis, Chairman of ICC Includes copies of correspondence between R.E. Neyyoor London Committee and Bishop C. Selvamony, paper ‘Regarding the Financial Position’ and minutes of meeting of London Committee, 17 October 1977. H.129, H.130 1978. Correspondence and papers principally Neyyoor. relating to Miller's visit to ICC 2 folders. 1O71O- 1980. October - November 1981. Includes papers relating to meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 18 September 1979. See also H.137. Includes copies of papers sent to members of the ICC Neyyoor London Committee. Relate to finances and future arrangements for the ICC. 2 folders. re Howard Somervell, medical missionary at Neyyoor, 1922-1945. H.134, H.135 Printed and duplicated literature. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Undated letter from English radiographer D. Scully reporting on his arrival at Neyyoor and first impressions, n.d. Appeal brochure, n.d. [?1971]. ‘Achievements’. Report on ‘Indian Council of Medical Research Project - Collaborative Study on the Epidemiology of Oral Cancer’ by H. Syed Ali, 12 October 1973. ‘Review of work turned out in the International Cancer Centre from January 1969 to September 1973’. ‘Synopsis of Funds Required’. H.136-H.159 ‘ICC Neyyoor’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers 1973, 1977, 1981-1994. April, October 1973. Report by the Chairman of the ICC Neyyoor London Committee, April 1973. September 1979. Minutes of meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 18 September 1979. January, July - September 1981. Paper on the work of the ICC Neyoor by its director Syed Ali, 12 October 1973. For related papers see H.135. Includes minutes of meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 7 January 1981 and correspondence relating to Miller’s visit to Neyyoor in August 1981 Committee (R.E. Ellis). November - December 1981. Includes correspondence re death of Chairman of ICC Neyyoor London H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas January - February 1982. Correspondence and papers re visit to India of new Chairman of the ICC Neyyoor working arrangement between Trivandrum Medical College Cancer Centre and ICC Neyyoor to form a combined regional cancer service. Committee proposed Jenkins) London (D.G. and March - November 1982. Includes minutes of meetings of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 26 May and 19 November 1982. March, October - December 1983. Includes correspondence arising from visit physicists, A.K. Morgan and H.M. Morgan. to ICC Neyyoor by hospital ‘Physics and Radiotherapy Facilities at the International Cancer Centre’ by A.K. Morgan and H.M. Morgan, March 1983. at visit to 1985. 1986. ‘Survey of radiotherapy equipment and facilities Centre, Neyyoor - November 1983’ by C.F. von Essen, 13 February 1984. International Cancer Includes report on visit to ICC Neyyoor by M.D. Snelling, February 1985 and minutes of meeting of London Committee, 12 April 1985. Neyyoor, Fund, and related correspondence. Papers for meeting of ICC Neyyoor London Committee, 15 October 1986 including minutes of meeting of India of Chairman in July 1986. Minutes of meetings of the Trustees of the International Cancer Centre, 17 June and report of 1987-1988. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas May-June 1988. Papers relating to meeting of London Committee, 8 June 1988 including proposal for the neighbouring town of Nagercoil. a new hospital and a move to September - November 1988. Includes correspondence relating to visit to Neyyoor by Miller in December and 1 for November 1988. Committee/Neyyoor/Nagercoil’, meeting ‘London papers of September, November 1988. Annual Report of the Medical and Cancer Research & Treatment Centre, [Nagercoil],1987-1988, September 1988. Annual Report of the Neyyoor Hospital Friends, November 1988. October 1988 January 1989. of thanks from Chairman of Letter from M.J. Day, 14 October 1988 enclosing his 1985 report on ICC Neyyoor. Day spent a month in 1985 working as a medical physicist at Neyyoor. The main purpose of the visit was to supervise the commissioning of a cobalt-60 radiotherapy unit. Letter Neal, Consultant Radiotherapist at Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, for visiting the work in Kanyakumari District in which the Fund was interested. Includes Neyyoor Hospital Friends Annual Report November 1991. Includes report by Chairman of ICC, Neyyoor, Fund on visit to India, papers re comprehensive health centre project and minutes of meeting of London Committee, 22 February 1990. January - March 1990. ICC, Neyyoor, Fund to F.E. 1991. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas February - April, September 1992. Includes papers for meeting of London Committee of ICC, Neyyoor, Fund, 25 February and minutes of meeting, 16 September 1992. 1993. Papers for meetings. February 1994. Minutes of AGM of London Committee of ICC, Neyyoor, Fund, 8 February 1994. 5 photographs, n.d. 4 photographs include R.E. Ellis, Chairman of the London Committee ICC Neyyoor at Neyyoor and 1 photograph of equipment inscribed ‘View of the Cobalt Unit of the 1.C.C. Neyyoor’. H.160-H.163 H.160 Miscellaneous. International Cancer Centre ‘The A memorandum concerning the Centre and its components’ by J.M[uir] G[rieve], August 1965. Neyyoor. Project, Undated manuscript and typescript notes, and printed and duplicated papers. Kanyakumari Medical Mission Neyyoor Hospital 125th Anniversary Souvenir 1838-1963. Publication. G[rieve], September 1965. ‘The A memorandum concerning the major equipment in the Radiotherapeutic Division’ by J.M[uir] The components are listed on the front cover: the treatment of established cancer, the registry, research and education. International Cancer Centre Project, Neyyoor. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas International Cancer Centre ‘The A memorandum concerning the Staff (establishment) of the Centre in the following: The Medical Division Research’ by J.M[uir] G[rieve], September 1965. The Educational Division The Registry Neyyoor. Project, H.164-H.175 Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay 1973-1981 Miller undertook a World Health Organisation (WHO) assignment as a short- term consultant at the Division of Radiological Protection Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay, Bombay under the project ‘Advanced Course in Radiological Physics’ (IND RAD 004). The assignment was for a period of two months commencing from the end of December 1977. existing health To evaluate the Miller’s duties as consultant were: 1. radiological protection unit at Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Bombay. 2. To advise on improving calibration facilities and inspection of installations making use of ionising radiations. 3. radiation. To advise on legislation related to protection against hazards of ionising services at protection radiation the At the end of his assignment Miller attended the Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Radiation Protection, Gwalior, 14-16 February 1978. H.164-H.166 See also A.120. ‘WHO India’. 1977-1978, 1981. Includes passport size photograph of Miller. Correspondence and papers, February - March 1978, 1981. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers, Correspondence and papers with WHO Regional Office for South East Asia, New Delhi re arrangements for consultancy, April - December 1977. ‘BARC Correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1977-1978, 1981. Includes ‘briefing schedule’ and correspondence re other cancer and medical physics centres in India and comparing Division of Radiological Protection BARC with School of Medical Physics, Bangkok. Background papers re WHO. H.167, H.168 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Correspondence September, December 1977, January - March 1978. Includes correspondence re presentation by Miller of a gift of an engraved gavel the Association of Medical Physicists of India. Physicists’ Association to Hospital Council from the the of Correspondence re invitation to fifth conference on medical physics organised by the Association of Medical Physicists of India, Coimbatore, in January 1982, April, June 1981. Miller to attend the H.169-H.173 ‘Assignment Report’. papers, 1973, 1977-1978. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and Copies of letters from Division of Radiological Protection BARC to University of Bombay, re proposed M.Sc. degree in radiological physics, June 1973 and April 1977. ‘Proposed Syllabus for the Master's Degree Course (M.Sc.) in Radiological Physics’, April 1977. Letter from J.F. Fowler re radiobiological research at BARC, 7 December 1977. ‘Technical Briefing’ for Millers consultancy with earlier assignment reports attached: ‘List of students who are undergoing the 16th one-year post-graduate course in Hospital Physics and Radiological Physics (22-9-1977 to 21-9-78)’ with details of sponsorship and manuscript notes attached. Copies of correspondence between Division of Radiological Protection BARC and WHO re ‘Advanced Course in Radiological Physics - Project IND RAD 004’, January 1978. jie: Assignment Report on Assistance to the Course in Hospital Physics given by the Division of Radiological Protection BARC, Trombay, Bombay WHO Project: India 0232 by L.H. Lanzl, 13 December 1973 - 13 February 1974. Assignment Report on Advanced Course in Radiological Physics in India WHO Project IND RAD 004 by S.L.I. Bacharach, December 1975 - February 1976. Assignment Report on Course in Hospital Physics at the BARC, Trombay, Bombay WHO Project: India 0232 by J.E. Turner, 2 January - 22 February 1973: H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Report Assignment and Radiological Physics WHO Project IND RAD 004 by G.W. Barendsen, 2 January - 26 January 1977. Advanced Hospital Physics Course on in Report Assignment Radio-lmmuno-Assay at Radiation Medicine Centre, Bombay, India WHO Project IND RAD 002 R.S. Yalow, 27 December 1977 - 25 June 1978. Development of on the by Assignment Report on Advanced Course in Radiological Physics WHO Project IND RAD 004 by L. Dobson and Miller, 28 December 1977 - 28 February 1978. Typescript copy with extensive manuscript revision. See also H.6. H.174, H.175 Miscellaneous. H.174 Syllabus for the one-year post-graduate training Radiation Protection BARC, Trombay, Bombay, n.d. course, Directorate of 1976-1994 H.176-H.236 Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (GCRI), Anmedabad Details and syllabus for proposed two year course in radiological and medical physics leading to the M.Sc. Degree of the University of Bombay, Division of Radiological Protection BARC, Trombay, Bombay, n.d. See also A.124, A.126, A.129, A.134, A.137, A.171-A.176, A.178-A.181. In August 1978 Miller was recommended to Ministry of Overseas Development by Professor H.N. Middlemiss as a suitable person to help GCRI Ahmedabad in the radiotherapy unit. See Miller’s letter to N.L. Patel, 18 November 1991, on the occasion of the cancer centre’s silver jubilee (H.195). For the next ten years he advised on equipment including linear accelerator, simulator and CAT scanner projects, arranged a training programme in the UK through the British Council and made a number of brief visits to Ahmedabad. The Development Administration (ODA) in 1979. The involvement of the ODA and Miller with GCRI is usefully summarised in a document at H.215. Development back-up to developing Overseas became its medical physics the Ministry of the H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 H. 176-H.185 Technical assistance overseas Development’. ‘Min/of/Overseas inscribed: correspondence between Miller and the Ministry of Overseas Development and the Overseas Development Administration (ODA), principally re the GCRI Ahmedabad, 1978-1987. Contents folder so_ of March - May 1978. Correspondence re aid to radiology in India with particular reference to the Barnard Institute, Madras. See also H.205, H.237-H.243. February - June 1979. Correspondence re provision of specifications for a physics workshop and linear accelerator for the GCRI Ahmedabad. July - October 1979. Continuing correspondence and papers re equipment specification for GCRI Ahmedabad. January - May 1980. June - September 1980. Correspondence and accelerator at GCRI Ahmedabad. papers installation programme for Correspondence re training programme for technicians and visit to GCRI Ahmedabad by Miller, including formal letter of appointment of Miller as a Radiology Advisor for the benefit of the Government of India, 17 March 1980. 22 July 1981. Continuing correspondence re the provision and installation of equipment at GCRI Ahmedabad and proposed visit the occasion of the inauguration of the linear accelerator (see H.188). Correspondence re Miller's visit to GCRI Ahmedabad including formal letter of appointment as a Radiology Advisor on loan to the Government of India, July - September 1981 February - June 1981. re the linear by Miller on H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas August 1982. Correspondence re provision of simulator for GCRI Ahmedabad, including quotations. October, December 1982. Principally Ahmedabad. continuing correspondence re simulator project for GCRI 1983-1987. Correspondence re ODA support for cancer centres in India especially GCRI Ahmedabad. H.186-H.202 ‘GCRI correspondence and reports’. 1991. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1978- 1978-1979. 1980. April - July 1981. August - September 1981. Includes Assignment Report on Cancer Control and Research in India (Preparatory Assistance) WHO Project IND CAN 007 by A.I Sutnick and Y.L. Puchkov, 18 June - 15 July 1979. Correspondence with British Council re Miller's visit to GCRI Ahmedabad in March 1980 and training programme, and correspondence with Overseas Development Administration re equipment for GCRI Ahmedabad. Correspondence arising from Miller's visit to GCRI Ahmedabad. Includes correspondence and papers re visit by Miller on the occasion of the inauguration of the linear accelerator. See also H.181, H.182. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas October - December 1981. Continuing correspondence arising from visit, simulator projects, etc. re linear accelerator and 1983. Includes note about the GCRI Ahmedabad and British technical assistance by G.P. Naik, British Council, Bombay. May - June 1985. Correspondence re equipment problems and visit to GCRI Ahmedabad of G.K. Lowndes, chief technician, Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield. 1986. Includes letter from Miller to the Director GCRI Ahmedabad re the choice of a second linear accelerator, 20 August 1986. 1987-1988. 1990-1991. 1 December 1988. Includes invitation (declined) to GCRI Ahmedabad silver jubilee celebration 1991. Correspondence principally re equipment problems. Letter from Director GCRI Ahmedabad, 21 December 1988, refers to Miller's participation in Indo- British Collaborative Workshop on Radiation Oncology at the GCRI, 29 November - 1983-1984. H.196-H.198 Annual Reports. See also H.207 1982-1983. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas 1986-1987 & 1987-1988 (1 publication). Miscellaneous typescript and printed papers and memorabilia. Includes note on GCRI Ahmedabad and future plans, n.d. 1986 or later. H.200-H.202 Photographs. H.200 9 photographs of linear accelerator building etc., 1980. 4 photographs at official opening of linear accelerator, three of which include Miller, 1987. 11 photographs of building, equipment and staff, 1990. See also H.195. H.203-H.215 ‘Reports GCRI’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1976-1987. 1.203 See also H.6, H.173. 13pp photocopy of ‘Annex 2.13’ with manuscript inscription by Miller ‘National Seminar ~ 1976 Extract re Gujarat’. ‘Note on the Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute (M.P. Shah Cancer Hospital), Ahmedabad’ by the Director GCRI, T.B. Patel. Assignment Report on Advanced Course in Radiological Physics WHO Project IND RAD 004 by R.L. Dobson and Miller, 28 December 1977 - 28 February 1978. 4pp photocopy with manuscript notes and marginal emphasis by Miller. Report of the Visit of Professor J.H. Middlemiss to the Barnard Institute ‘B. at the Madras Medical College on 28 and 29 August 1978’. ‘A. Report of the Visit by Professor J.H. Middlemiss to the Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute on 30-31 August 1978’. 4pp photocopy with manuscript notes and marginal emphasis by Miller. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘Gujarat Cancer Institute - Anmedabad Suggested Technical Specifications for Radiological Physics’. 9pp typescript with covering letter from Miller to the Ministry of Overseas Development, 3 April 1979. GCRI Annual Report 1979-1980. See also H.196-H.198. ‘Report by D.K. Bewley on visits to Bombay and Ahmedabad, February 19- 22, 1980’, 25 February 1980. 2pp photocopy sent to Miller by the British Council, 2 June 1980. Report of Visit by Miller to GCRI Ahmedabad, 17 March - 1 April 1980. 9pp photocopy. See H.7. Copy of situation report on GCRI Ahmedabad Linear Accelerator Project, 3 April 1981. Copies of documents ? sent to Miller by British Council in Bombay while Miller was visiting India in 1983: 3pp typescript report with copies of related documents and covering letter from Naik to ODA. The report was prepared by G.P. Naik, Science Officer, British Council, Bombay and sent by him to the Overseas Development Administration which copied the report to Miller. also H.8. Covering note from British Council to Miller, 21 October 1983. Letter from Miller to Overseas Development Administration commenting on assignment report of P.C. Williams, 28 April 1981. Report on assignment carried out at GCRI Ahmedabad by P.C. Williams, 27 January - 14 March 1981. Report of visit by Miller to GCRI Ahmedabad, 28 July - 12 August 1981. See H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘Inauguration of Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Anmedabad: Transcript of Sir John Thompson [sic]’, 4 August 1981. Linear Accelerator, the Sir John Thomson was British High Commissioner in India. 3pp typescript. ‘Report to Trustee Gujarat Cancer Society’ by Miller, 28 October 1983. 3pp typescript relating Ahmedabad. to the supply of a CAT Scanner to the GCRI Report on visit to GCRI Ahmedabad by P.C. Williams, 5 March - 23 March 1984. App photocopy. ‘Extract from Report on Dr. Nicholson’s Visit to India Nov 1984’. 1p photocopy sent to Miller by Overseas Development Administration, 10 January 1985. out at GCRI Ahmedabad by G.K. Related correspondence and papers including manuscript notes by Miller. 7pp photocopy with manuscript comment and marginal emphasis by Miller. Report on the Assignment carried Lowndes, 25 February - 5 April 1985. ‘Proposal for a High Activity Afterloading Intracavitary Machine for Treating Cervical Cancer at Gujarat Cancer Research Institute’ by C.A. Joslin, 1986. The document also usefully summarises Miller's involvement with the GCRI. 3pp photocopy listing 31 occasions of Overseas Development Administration involvement, with dates from ‘30-31/8/78' to ‘27/4/87’. 9pp photocopy + figure. ‘Notes on ODA involvement with GCRI’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 H.216-H.221 Technical assistance overseas Letters ‘Misc correspondence and papers, 1977-1986. 1979+’. GCRI Re Contents of folder so_ inscribed: ‘Teletherapy Institutions in India’. 6pp list presenting ‘details of institution’, ‘details of therapy unit’ and ‘details of present source’ with manuscript inscription on page 1 ‘?1977’. 1978-1979. Correspondence from Ministry of Overseas Development and Professor J.H. Middlemiss re assistance to radiology in India, especially GCRI Ahmedabad and copy of ‘Indent on the Crown Agents for the Gujarat Cancer Centre equipment’. 1980-1981 Includes paper re meeting on 1980. linear accelerator installation, 21 October plan, April 1983. Paper re meeting to discuss equipment problems, 19 April 1984. Correspondence from Director GCRI Ahmedabad re simulator site linear accelerator and CAT scanner. 1 photograph ‘showing construction of the cavity in floor and raising of the floor level’, found attached to letter re simulator site plan. See also H.226-H.229. ‘Training Programme’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re training programme for staff of the GCRI Anmedabad 1980-1983. Includes correspondence re purchase of new high energy linear accelerator. April 1984. 1986-1987. H.222-H.225 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas April - June 1980, December 1980 - January 1981. Correspondence with M.E.L. Particle Physics Division re training programme and ‘visit report’. M.E.L. was a division of Philips Electronic and Associated Industries Ltd. May - July 1980. Correspondence with British Council including proposals and programmes for training of staff. June 1980 - January 1981. Includes Ahmedabad. correspondence with January 1983. D.C. Aurora, chief physicist at GCRI Correspondence and papers re application for British Government Technical Co-operation Training Award from member of staff at GCRI Anmedabad. 1981, 1983. March - October 1984. H.226-H.229 ‘British Council Bombay’. and papers, principally re training of GCRI staff, 1981-1994. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence Correspondence and papers re training programme, visit to India by Miller in 1983. Principally correspondence re training programme. Includes correspondence re training programme. January - February, July 1985. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas June 1986, April 1987, February 1994. Correspondence and manuscript notes April 1987 relate to proposed visit by Miller the Overseas Development Administration. to GCRI Ahmedabad on behalf of H.230-H.236 ‘CAT Scanners’. papers re CAT scanner for GCRI Ahmedabad, 1983. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and ‘C.T. Scanner Survey’ by M.J. Edwards, March 1983. ‘How to choose a CT scanner’ by R.D. Moore, Regional Scientific Officer, Trent Regional Health Authority, April 1983. April - May 1983. f Correspondence with Director GCRI Ahmedabad and R.D. Moore re choice of scanner. June 1983 (1). June 1983 (2). Moore’s letter of 17 May 1983 encloses ‘a list of scanners (general purpose) prepared by the DHSS [Department of Health and Social Security] setting out the position in the UK up to June 1982’. Includes copy of DHSS Scientific and Technical Branch ‘Summary of the Technical Assessment of the Imaging Performance of CT Scanners’ sent to Miller by R.D. Moore, 13 June 1983. characteristics and performance of CT scanners. Includes Miller's manuscript notes and off-prints of two papers that discuss the performance and dosimetry of several CT machines. Includes Miller’s manuscript notes and information sent to July - August 1983. him on the H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas September - October 1983. Includes Miller's manuscript notes. H.237-H.243 Madras ca 1960-1979 H.237-H.243 ‘Madras’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers, principally re the Barnard Institute of Radiology and Cancer, Madras and the Cancer Institute, Adyar, Madras ca 1960-1979 (bulk 1978-1979). Captain T.W. Barnard, who died in 1978, arrived in India in 1916 with H.M. Forces as a commissioned officer in charge of radiology in the Colabar War India organising Hospital, Bombay. a he remained in Institute which was radiological service in Madras and establishing the named after him on its official opening in March 1934. He was subsequently Secretary of the Sheffield National Centre for Radiotherapy 1942-1963. See Miller’s obituary of Barnard at H.243. the war After Miller visited Madras in early 1978 and was keen to secure support for the Barnard Institute on his return to the UK. For Miller's correspondence with the UK Ministry of Development re the Barnard Institute see H.176. See also H.205. January - February 1978. January - May 1978. Correspondence with W.V. Mayneord re Barnard Institute. Correspondence with the World Health Organisation re Barnard Institute. Correspondence with Cancer Institute, Madras; Miller’s manuscript notes re visit to Madras. Correspondence from British colleague visiting Southern India. Correspondence with Barnard Institute, including copy of provisional syllabus for M.Sc. Radiology Physics sent to Miller with letter of 14 June 1978. March - June 1978, March 1979. April - October 1978. June - August 1978. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas November 1978 - March 1979. Correspondence with P.N.T. Wells of Medical Physics Department, Bristol General Hospital, with copy of his report on a visit to India. ca 1960- ca 1978. Miscellaneous papers including report on medical physics in India from International Atomic Energy Agency, ca 1960 and obituary of T.W. Barnard by Miller, ca 1978. H.244, H.245 Trivandrum and Manipal 1978-1989 H.244, H.245 ‘Trivandrum, Manipal’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re training of staff at Department of Radiology, Trivandrum Medical College, Kerala and Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, Karnataka. 1978-1981. Correspondence, Miller's manuscript notes re training of staff at Trivandrum. 1988-1989. Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay December 1988. Correspondence, biodata etc re enquiry from Manipal about scholarship to visit UK. Most of the cuttings are undated but probably relate to 1978 visit to India. ‘Cuttings from “Times of India” etc on variety of topics’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. Papers re seminar on contemporary issues in radiation oncology held at the hospital, 5 December 1988. H.247-H.265 Miscellaneous 1972-1992 H.247 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Printed and duplicated papers re Indian religions, Mahatma Gandhi etc. paper inscribed ‘From Dyal [Aurora] 24/4/92’. 1 Printed and duplicated papers principally relating to Bombay including the Christian Church there. Includes papers dated December 1977 - February 1978. Times of India, 23 February 1978. Photocopies of articles from the New Scientist re India, May 1977 - February 1978. Manuscript notes, n.d. 8 folders. reply to his request for information on population, H.254-H.261 H.263-H.265 Tourist information, guides, maps etc. Off-prints of papers by Indian scientists, 1972-1977. 1p typescript tribute to a missionary doctor killed in a road accident in South India, n.d. 3 folders. Photocopies sent to Miller by the High Commission of India Library, London in life expectancy, agriculture, the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and temples of India, 13 April 1992. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.266-H.359 THAILAND 1966-1991 Miller served in Thailand as an International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) consultant to advise on the establishment of a centralised medical physics service and the development of a centralised training programme, February - August 1976. He seems to have visited Thailand for the first time in 1969 and returned for a further visit in 1982. See also A.118, A.119. H.266-H.280 ‘Bangkok Tech Reports IAEA WHO etc’. correspondence and papers, 1966-1976. Contents of folder so inscribed: Includes paper by Miller on Sheffield Regional Medical Physics Department found with the reports relating to Thailand (H.280). H.266, H.267 December 1966, October - November 1969. Correspondence with J.R. Clarkson re medical physics in Thailand. 2 folders. Programme (UNDP) Clarkson held an appointment as IAEA South East Asia Regional Advisor in 1966. Miller initiated the correspondence while visiting Thailand in 1969 and was sent a copy of Clarkson’s report (H.267). United Conditions in Thailand’, 8 August 1972. Development Nations ‘Medical Physics in Thailand’ by K. Tungsubutra and E.J. Browne, paper for WHO/IAEA seminar on training and education in medical physics, Kiel, West Germany, 10-22 April 1972. 14 December 1974 - 16 March 1975. WHO assignment report on School for Medical Physicists at Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok WHO Project: Thailand 0109 (UNDP) by E.J. Browne, 2 April 1973. ‘The Current Status (March 1975) of the School of Medical Physics and the Radiation Protection Service in Thailand’ by H. Svensson, WHO consultant, report on ‘Living H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas ‘Bangkok - discussion with Miss Chindarat U. and Thai Radiographer. 4.6.75’ 1p typescript note by H. Miller, 5 June 1975. ‘International Technical Programme 1976 Requested from the Government of Thailand’. Energy Agency Regular Atomic Assistance 3pp duplicated typescript. 4 Overseas Missionary Fellowship leaflets about Thailand. January 1974. Correspondence from Miller to Thai colleagues re the possibility of help from the IAEA for the development of medical physics services in Bangkok. June, August 1975. Correspondence with E.H. Belcher, Head of Medical Applications Section, Division of Life Sciences, IAEA. ‘Thailand General Technical Briefing Paper Updated - February 1976’. Briefing paper for WHO staff members assigned to Thailand. Includes copies of pages of a report by Belcher on a visit to Thailand in April 1975. Belcher’s letter of 19 June expresses his pleasure that Miller's assignment to the Department of Medical Sciences, Bangkok has been approved by the Government of Thailand. May 1976. Field Reports nos 1 and 2 by Miller as IAEA consultant in medical physics in Thailand; Miller's manuscript notes. Correspondence with IAEA and colleague in Sheffield; ‘preliminary informal report of my arrival and contacts so far’ sent to the IAEA, 1 March 1976. March - September 1976. The reports cover the periods 10 February - 6 March 1976 and 6 March - 31 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Final Report by Miller as IAEA consultant in medical physics in Thailand. Report covers period 10 February - 6 August 1976. See also H.5. ‘Sheffield Regional Hospital Board Sheffield Regional Physics Department’. 2pp typescript by Miller, November 1969. H.281-H.291 ‘Bangkok Tech Repts’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers, 1969-1982. November 1969, January - February 1970. Correspondence with Thai colleague re medical physics in Thailand including organisation, training and visiting experts. October - December 1973. H.283-H.285 1974. Thai colleagues on the development of medical on the ‘Contribution of medical Includes 2pp typescript ‘note’ physics in the hospital situation in Thailand’. Miller by Correspondence with physics in Thailand. Continuing correspondence with Thai colleagues re the development of medical physics in Thailand and proposed consultancy by Miller. November - December 1974. Includes ‘Details of project - Draft Suggestions’ by Miller. January - February 1974. March - April 1974. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 H.286-H.288 1975. Technical assistance overseas Continuing correspondence with Thai, Swedish and British colleagues and the IAEA re the development of medical physics in Thailand and proposed consultancy by Miller. February - March 1975. April - May 1975. June - December 1975. 1979°1981- 1982. H.292-H.297 Protection Public Department of Contents of Medical so folder Sciences, inscribed: Includes information on the Thai Medical Physics Club and copy of article by Miller on medical physics in Thailand with manuscript corrections. ‘R.P.S.[Radiation Ministry of correspondence and papers, 1968-1976. Service, Health, Bangkok]. ‘Some preliminary data on radiation doses to patients in Thai diagnostic radiology’, February 1968. Correspondence with Thai colleagues and IAEA re Miller's consultancy. ‘A report on some aspects of radiation protection and population exposure in Thailand’, ca 1970. Thesis abstract ‘A study of undergoing diagnostic x-ray examinations’, 1970. radiation doses to the gonads of patients 1974-1976. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Report on ‘Dr H. Eisenlohr’s Visit to the Division of Radiation Protection Service, Department of Medical Sciences, 16-19 February 1975’. Eisenlohr was Head of Dosimetry Section, Division of Life Science, IAEA. Report on ‘The activities of the WHO Reference Centre for Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory’ 1975. The Laboratory was set up in the Division of Radiation Protection Service. N.d. Includes Miller's manuscript notes. H.298-H.305 School of Medical Physics, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1974-1977. Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Course descriptions and other papers. Course description: Nuclear medicine, 1974. Course description: Application in medicine, 1975. Course description: Biology for medical physicists, 1976. See also H.331. Course description: Radiation and clinical dosimetry, 1974. Course description: Electronics and instrumentation, 1975. Miscellaneous information re staff, M.Sc. project, journal club etc. Time schedule for medical physics students first semester, academic year 1976-1977. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas Correspondence, 1975-1977. H.306-H.312 Contents of folder. Correspondence and papers re Miller's consultancy in Thailand, 1975-1977. IAEA Service rules governing the conditions of service for technical co- operation experts, Vienna, Austria, January 1975. April 1975. Includes Miller’s ‘Personal History’ sent to IAEA, 1 April 1976. November - December 1975. Includes copy of IAEA letter of appointment signed by Miller, 30 December 1975. July - December 1976. January - September 1976. Principally correspondence with IAEA about Miller's consultancy. Correspondence and papers re fellowship training abroad for Thai medical physicists. family, principally his wife Mary, February - July 1976. Copy of Miller's ‘Final Report’ with covering letter from IAEA, 2 December 1976. H.313-H.322 ‘1976 Thai Corres’. Contents of folder so inscribed: Miller's letters to his December 1976. May 1977. 1 letter only. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas February 1976 (1). Includes letters written from Budapest and Kabul on the way to Thailand. February 1976 (2). March 1976 (1). March 1976 (2). April 1976 (1). April 1976 (2). June 1976. July 1976. May 1976 (2). H.323-H.329 May 1976 (1). India. ‘Misc correspondence, 1969, 1975-1982, 1991, n.d. Letters written by Miller to his wife from Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok and letters from October 1969. Bangkok’. Contents of folder so_ inscribed: H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas 1975-1976. Includes letter from minister of the August 1976. International Church of Bangkok, 3 H.325-H.329 Letters from Thai colleagues, 1977-1991, n.d. H.325 1977-1978. 1979-1980. 1981. Includes photograph. H.330-H.359 Miscellaneous. H.330 1984, 1985, 1991, n.d. List of medical physicists in Thailand, n.d. Includes photograph taken at 3rd ASEAN [Association of South East Asian Nations] Association of Radiology meeting, Manila, Philippines, 15 December 1984. Copy sent to Miller 8 April 1980. ‘Comparative tetraiodothyronine methylhydrochloride - bovine serum albumin and tetraiodothyronine - bovine serum’. Thesis by S. Jaiwatanaswat, Chulalongkorn University 1978. Course description for degree course in University, n.d. radiation technology, Mahidol study between rabbit antibodies to H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Technical assistance overseas H.333, H.334 ‘Thai Language’. Contents of Miller’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: duplicated papers and manuscript notes. Lesson 1 dated ‘15/11/75’ (H.334). Press-cuttings from Thai newspapers and British newspapers re Thailand, April 1976 - February 1977. H.336, H.337 Papers re Christian Church in Thailand. 2 folders. Bangkok Bird Club Newsletters. H.339-H.359 Tourist information, guides, maps etc. 21 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION J RELIGION J.1-J.150 Miller was an active member of the Methodist Church throughout his life, becoming a lay preacher in 1926. See K.9 for letter from Methodist Church congratulating Miller on his sixty years as a local preacher. Notes for the sermons that he delivered in the latter part of his life are an important component of the papers relating to the Church. A wide range of social, peace and ethical concerns played an important part in Miller’s religious outlook and this is also reflected in the papers presented in this section. The papers are arranged as follows: J.1-J.79 METHODIST CHURCH J.80-J.112 OTHER ORGANISATIONS J.113-J.134 TOPICS J.135-J.150 MISCELLANOUS Further information on Miller’s religious activities may be found in the diaries and notebooks in Section A. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion METHODIST CHURCH ? mid 1930s-1995 Notebooks Notebook used for notes on Probably in use from mid 1930s. reading, services taken, talks given etc. Staveley Grammar School notebook used for notes on discussion meetings for young people from 1955 to 1960. See J.4 and Sunday School registers at J.69-J.76. Notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘H. Miller Johns [St John’s College Cambridge]13/10/33’ but used for ?record of services taken 24 February 1957 - 21 May 1995. Sermons Manuscript notes of sermons by Miller, 1944-1995, n.d. Notebook used for notes on ?discussion meetings for young people from 1960 to 1964. The notes for each sermon are usually headed with location, date and biblical text. 1944. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion Lhe. 2 folders. 1973. 2 folders. Oh 2 folders. 3 folders. J.24-J.26 1978. 2 folders. noO79: H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 J.27-J.29 1980. Religion 3 folders. 1981 2 folders. J.32-J.35 1982. 4 folders. 1984 2 folders. 1985 2 folders. 3 folders. J.41-J.43 1986. 3 folders. J.46-J.48 3 folders. J.49-J.51 1989. 1987. 2 folders. 1988. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion J.52-J.54 1990. 3 folders. J.55-J.57 199 le 3 folders. J.58-J.61 1992. 4 folders. J.62-J.64 1993. 3 folders. N.d. 2 folders. J.69-J.75 Sunday School Registers Hill Methodist Church, Sheffield, ca 1962. 3pp manuscript draft by Miller, possibly written for the magazine of Stephen Miscellaneous orders of service, programmes etc., 1953-1986. 7 registers. 1955-1964. J.76-J.78 3 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion Printed papers. 1 bundle of printed papers (8 publications), 1902-1986. Includes souvenir programme for Great Methodist Union Demonstration held in the Guildhall, Cambridge, 21 January 1932. J.80-J.112 OTHER ORGANISATIONS 1934-1995 J.80-J.88 Care in Crosspool 1987-1995 Care in Crosspool was established ca 1987 to provide various kinds of support and care in the community for the Crosspool area of Sheffield. Volunteers helped with such jobs as shopping, visiting, relieving carers and transporting people for hospital appointments. Miller was a member of the Management Committee. Principally papers re meetings of Management Committee. 1987. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion Miscellaneous duplicated and printed papers. 2 folders. Christian Socialist Movement 1994-1995 Miller was welcomed to the Christian Socialist Movement in 1995. Principally printed papers, 1994-1995. Community Concern 1982-1983 According to a 1983 report to the Sheffield (Carver St) Circuit Methodist Church ‘Community Concern was conceived as a response to the crisis in youth employment and as an attempt to build links between the prosperous suburbs and areas of special need in Sheffield. Community Concern began in 1980 at Stephen Hill Methodist Church as a small scheme within the Youth Opportunities Programme of Manpower Services Commission’. The papers were found in a folder inscribed ‘Crosspool Youth Concern’. Principally duplicated papers, 1982-1983. J.91-J.94 Development Education Centre (South Yorkshire) 1993-1995 invitation to become a member of the Correspondence, minutes of meetings, annual reports etc, 1993-1995. 1994 In Management Council. Miller accepted an Development Education Centre (South Yorkshire) was a charity set up in 1984. It worked with teachers and others involved in education, promoting a development and global perspective in the curriculum. reference: correspondence, duplicated and printed papers etc., 1956-1995. The Fellowship of Reconciliation was ‘an association of Christians of many denominations who share the belief that justice cannot be founded on violence and they must refuse to participate in war’ (J.99). ‘Sheffield F.O.R.’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). J.95-J.111 J.95-J.100 4 folders. 1936-1995 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion Small format notebook used for FOR Sheffield accounts 1956-1992. Correspondence, membership lists, newsletters, etc., 1985-1995. 2 folders. Papers re CND Trident exhibition, n.d. J.99, J.100 Miscellaneous printed and duplicated papers. 2 folders. J.101-J.104 ‘FOR Sheffield Group History’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, membership lists, manuscript notes, typescript draft, photograph etc., 1955-1992. Miller was preparing an historical account of the FOR group in Sheffield as a contribution to a history of the peace movement in the city. J.105-J.107 Golding is listed as a member of the East London Area Council. reports on the activities of the Ealing Group. Miller Contents of folder divided into three for ease of reference: obituaries of Arthur Golding (died in Sheffield and a member of the FOR, and related papers, 1936-1993. 1992), senior probation officer Includes London Union of the Fellowship of Reconciliation Bulletin, June 1936 (A.106). FOR newsletter Newspeace, June 1982. The draft begins ‘An invitation to look again at the Basis of the Fellowship prompts me to ask what it is that has kept me involved over a lifetime in the witness and activity of the Christian Church? ...’ FOR publications, 1982: Alex Wood Memorial Lecture ‘Ireland and Britain: 1690-1990 A search for peace’ by David Bleakley, delivered 26 April 1982. 2pp typescript draft ‘The [FOR] Basis after the Bomb’, n.d [ca 1986]. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion J.109-J.111 Papers of Christian anti-war and peace groups and miscellaneous papers re peace issues presented here for convenience, 1937-1962 and n.d. ‘The Seed’ published by the Friends Anti War Group, May 1937. Notice of public meeting for peace and reconstruction, 6 January 1940. J.110, J.111 Miscellaneous printed and duplicated papers, press cuttings manuscript notes found together, 1950-1962 and n.d. 2 folders. Student Christian Movement 1934 ‘Report on the industrial work of the Student Christian Movement and the Auxiliary Movement presented to the Conference on Industrial Reconstruction at Whitelands College, July 27th to August 1st, 1934.’ the members of J.113-J.134 TOPICS J.113-J.128 ‘Science & Ethics’ 1946-1994 1946-1994 Includes Pugwash material see F.40-F.130. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into sixteen for ease of reference: press cuttings, pamphlets, manuscript notes re nuclear questions, genetics, the environment, technical aid overseas etc., 1946-1984. other printed papers, 1987-1994 and n.d. Contents of folder divided into two for ease of reference: press cuttings and other printed papers, 1966-1984. Contents of folder divided into four for ease of reference: press cuttings and J.129-J.134 Science and religion J.129, J.130 J.131-J.134 etc 1966-1994 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Religion J.135-J.150 MISCELLANEOUS 1945-1994 J.135-J.138 Press cuttings re religious issues, 1963-1992. 4 folders. J.139-J.142 Contents of folder divided into four for ease of reference: press cuttings, manuscript notes, etc ethical and scientific questions, 1945-1994. re religious, political, social, Includes Statements relating to the Atomic Bomb, London: HMSO, 1945 (J.141). J.143-J.150 Duplicated and printed papers, principally re social concerns, 1974-1992. 8 folders. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SECTION K CORRESPONDENCE This small amount of correspondence is the contents of Miller's ‘Letters to save’ folder. A small number of principal correspondents are presented in a short alphabetical sequence. The remaining correspondence is listed chronologically. The period covered by the correspondence is 1955-1995. Principal Correspondents 1955-1995 Burns, R.W. re A.D. Blumlein. Includes Miller's ‘Personal Notes re EMI Research 1934-1942’. Murray, R and others 1989-1991 re possible connexion between the Kelly Clinic, Baltimore and the polonium used by Chadwick in the discovery of the neutron. Olennu, N.A and Olennu, A.A. 1977, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1990 He died in December 1986 and re Read, J. 1994 Includes publication for the state burial of Olennu with order of service, a short biography and tributes. Nii Amaa Olennu was a former Supreme Court Judge and Speaker of the National Assembly of Ghana. the subsequent correspondence is with his wife Alberta. See also A.141. Includes copy of obituary and Read’s 1961 John Strong Memorial Lecture ‘The physics of radiotherapy and radiation biology in the early 1930s’. Correspondence with colleagues and family re photograph, obituary, Read’s papers etc. John Read was a hospital physicist and pioneer radiobiologist who died in 1993. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Correspondence Scully, D.R. 1990-1994 Scully was a school teacher who had spent a period at the International Cancer Centre, Neyyoor, India. See H.104-H.163. Correspondence re S. Hawking’s A brief history of time and Scully's interest in the philosophy of A.N. Whitehead. VanMiddlesworth, L. 1955, 1984-1994 Lester VanMiddlesworth or Van was Professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Tennessee, Memphis, USA. Middlesworth forms used) (both Principally Christmas letters from the VanMiddlesworth family. Letter of 17 July 1990 encloses copy of 1955 correspondence between Miller and Van Middlesworth. Walton, E.T.S. 1990, 1994-1995 letter only from Walton 1990. Letters 1994, 1995 are from Walton’s son 1 Philip. 1970-1995 1984-1989 1OLO D197, Chronological sequence Folder includes obituaries of Walton who died in 1995. Letter of September 1986 from the Methodist Church Division of Ministers congratulates Miller on his 60 years as a local preacher. 1990-1991 Letter from E.J. Wayne, 14 June 1989, recalls the exciting days in 1947 when ‘we first began to use radio isotopes in Sheffield, well before other centres in the country’. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Correspondence 1994. Includes obituary of F.W. Spiers. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABRAHAM, S. Daniel AKINKUGBE, O.O. ALI, H. Syed ALMOND, Peter R. AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL PLC ANDERSEN, D.A. ARDRAN, G.M. ARKLES, L.B. AROKIASAMY, M. ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL PHYSICISTS OF INDIA H.132 H.79 H.115, H.129 See also H.108, H.111, Hit t2) halts. A244. H.130, H.131 H.305 D.289 See H.112, H.113 E12 G.85 See H.147 H.167 AURORA, Dayal C. H.190, H.191, H.195, H.224, H.236 See also H.188, H.189 BAKER, W.T. Dasa, hZ0 BARNARD, T.W. See H.107, H.108 A.198 A.14, A.15 H.133 BALL, Edgar BANKS, John BANYARD, Edmund BARNARD INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGY & CANCER, MADRAS, INDIA H.130, H.167 DIVISION OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE H.240 A.70 H.75 H.276 BELCHER, E. Hugh BARNES, Harry BAYLY, R.J. BENN, Tony A.9, A.15 Index of correspondents H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 BINFIELD, Clyde BINKS, W. BLACK, M.M. BLACKBURN, E.K. BLUMLEIN, Alan Dower BOAG, Jack W. BOLSOVER & STAVELEY METHODIST CIRCUIT BOMFORD, C. Keith BORTHWICK, R.A. BOULAY, George du BOVAN, R.W. BRIDGEWATER, T.H. BRITISH COAL A.15, A.38 H.35 H.244, H.310 A.97 See K.1 A®253; KA2 A.35, A.71 D.303 H.32 E.38 See H.112, H.113 C.38 A.18 BRITISH COUNCIL A.97, F.1-F.17 H.21, H.165 BRITTON, Keith E. BURCHAM, William Ernest BROOK, Marian BROWN, Brian H. F.20-F.28 H.288, H.290 BRITISH INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGY BRITISH NUCLEAR MEDICINE SOCIETY BRITISH RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION ASSOCIATION BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE H.81, H.138, H.187-H.190, H.208-H.210, H.223, H.225, H.226-H.228, H.232 See also H.142, H.236 H.324 F.18 F.19 F.30 K.2 BURNS, Russell W. BUTLER, R.G.J. C.38, K.1 H.72 i733, F75 CAMERON, John CAMPBELL, Ernest Y. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Index of correspondents CANCER INSTITUTE, ADYAR, MADRAS, INDIA CHADWICK, Sir James CHARLES, S.X. CHESTER, A. Eric H.237 K.8 See H.147 EAT. CHESTERFIELD AND DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD A.70 CHRISTDHAS, G. A.137, H.149, H.155 See also H.153 CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND A.33 CLARKE, Kenneth CLARKE, Kenneth H. CLARKSON, J.R. CLIFTON, John S. See A.105A G.85 H.266, H.290 See also H.267 D.289, H.167 CONFERERENCE OF MISSIONARY SOCIETIES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND CONSTANTINIDES, C. H.324 H.78 E*28) Fie74s e768 COTTER, James E. CRESPO, G. GOMEZ- CUNNINGHAM, D. Stewart A.12 See H.122 COOK, Harold F. COOPER, Mary B. Flt See also H.108, H.109, H.112 A.43-A.45 H.130, H.141 See also H.108, H.111, H.112, H.140 DERBYSHIRE EDUCATION COMMITTEE DERBYSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL mos H.84 H.151 A.35 DERBYSHIRE RECORD OFFICE DAINTY, Jack DAKUBU, Salifu DAY, Michael J. A.29, A.90, A.91 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 DEWS, D. Colin DODU, Silas R.A. DRANSFIELD, Philip DUDLEY, Robert A. DUNCANSON, W. Eric DUNSTER, H.J. DYSON, E.D. EADIE, Alexander EASSON, E.C. EDDLESTON, B. EISENLOHR, Horst H. Index of correspondents A.13 H.45, H.81 See also H.82 K.10 H.20, H.23 A.31, K.2 See D.171 D.148 D.89 A.97 See H.228 H.286 ELLIS, Roy E. EMERY, E.W. ESSEN, Carl F. von F233 A.12 A.12 FARMER, Frank T. EPWORTH PRESS EPWORTH REVIEW K.12 GODDARD, Brian Anthony H.73 D.54 A.12 D.89, F.34 A.90, A.91 GIBB, Robert FEEK, Percy G. FREMLIN, John H. FREUNDLICH, H. FURLONG, Monica FRY, Harry H.125, H.128, H.130-H.132 See also H.104, H.107, H.108, H.122, H.129 See H.144 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Index of correspondents GRASSLAND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, HURLEY, BERKSHIRE H.78 GRAY, J.D. See H.112 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY A.105A, D.205 FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE E115 MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT/OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION A.137, H.45, H.78, H.176- F185) Ait 87, F212 ele 7 See also H.206, H.209, H.210, H.213 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY GRIEVE, J. MUIR GAJARAY, Arcot GUJARAT CANCER SOCIETY GUY, Jean F783 H.104 H.240 H.188, H.195 D.301 HAGGITH, John HANEMAN, D HANNON, Michael HATCHER, Stephen HEAP, Tom F.29-F.32 K.4 H.294 G.85, G.86 A.15 HAIDER, Johann Georg HEMINGWAY, Anne P. HAYBITTLE, John Leslie A.10, A.15, A.24, A.36 See also A.11 H.23, H.24, H.26, H.305 HER MAJESTY’S INSPECTORATE OF POLLUTION HOLLOWAY, T. Henry H.177 A.97 D.301 Eo7 H.79 K.7 K.8 HOLMES, Leslie HOOP, Bernard HERBERT, Russell HOBSON, N. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 HOPFNER, Lotte HOPENER, Willi Index of correspondents HOSPITAL PHYSICISTS’ ASSOCIATION HUDSON, Jennifer HUGHES, Donald INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES IN MEDICINE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (IAEA) K.8 See also K.10 K.8 A.97, D.54, E.38, F.33- F.37, H.167 D.309 H.20 F.38 F.39 H.20; F271, 23; 24; H.26, H.31, H.32, H.34, H.35, H.76, H.78, H.79, H.278, H.286, H.287, H.305, H.307-H.309, H.311 INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF BANGKOK H.324 H.130 H.132, H.138, H.139 A.137, H.167 JAMIESON, Hugh D. JENKINS, Derek G. IYADURAI, S. IVER; bo: H.326-H.328 A.256, K.4 INTERNATIONAL GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY (INDIA) LTD H.140, H.142, H.152 See also H.108, H.138, H.155 H.327-H.329 JOHN RYLANDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MANCHESTER H.26, H.289, H.290, H.305, H.309, H.310, H.325, KRISANACHINDA (WONKWON), Anchali JOHNSON, S.G. JONES, Richard G. A.79, A.80 F.29 H.79 A.12 KARTHA, K.I. Ponnunni See H.112, H.113 JAIWATANASWAT, Sunetra JENNINGS, Alan H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 KURUP, P.G.G. LAKSHMANAN, A.V. LANGMEAD, Walter Alfred LANZL, Lawrence H. LARSSON, L.-E. LEE, Engeline LILLICRAP, Stephen C. LIMB, J.W. (‘Bill’) LIMB, Wilfred LODGE, J.A. LOWNDES, Grahame K. Index of correspondents ANSTO HAST Foe; bso E.38 F.33 G.85 See H.142 A.40 A.40, A.41 C.38 H213 LUBSZYNSKI, Hans Gerhard A.253, C.38 H.222, H.223 D.54, D.55, E.38, H.310 H.45, H.46 MALLARD, John Rowland MARTIN, Ross MATTHEWS, Christine MacDONALD, James Ramsay McGIRR, Edward M. MckKIE, John A.198 D.54, D.55 M.E.L. (Division of Philips Electronic and Associated Industries Ltd) A.46 METHODIST CHURCH ARCHIVES AND HISTORY COMMITTEE METHODIST CHURCH DIVISION OF MINISTERS METHODIST CHURCH SHEFFIELD DISTRICT H.81 See also H.82, H.83 D.54 A.6 H.46 H.35 MAY, Alan Nunn MEDINA, F.A. E:3/.4n.3! A.30 A.30 MEREDITH, W.J. (‘Jack’) MENSAH, Daniel Owusu H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 Index of correspondents METHODIST LOCAL PREACHERS MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE A.16 A.12 MIDDLEMISS, Sir (John) Howard HAT, ATO; AS9, A217 MIDDLEMISS, Mary, Lady MILLER, Ephraim W. MILLER, Mary MILLER, John H. MILLER, Robert MILLER, Tom MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley A.129 A.15 See also A.29, A.90, A.91 A.129, A.137, H.73-H.80 See also A.124, A.126, A.207, G.1, G.16-G.20, G.45-G.48, G.62-G.64, G.67-G.69, G.70A, G.73. A.6, H.75, H.79 A.209-A.221, G.87 H:75, K.8:Ke12 D.289 D.309, D.310 MORGAN, Andrew K. MORGAN, Helen M. MOLE, Robin F. MOORE, Richard Douglas MUIRHEAD, Esther MUKHERJEE, Sibu N. MOULD, Richard Francis H.141, H.142 See also H.143 Het 4a i142 See also H.143 G.87.H:232: H:2383 See also H.231 A.35 NATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD NATIONAL UNION OF MINEWORKERS K.2 F.29 D.289 D.310 D.54, D.55, H.73, H.278 MUNRO, Donald S. MURRAY, Robert MUSSELL, Leonard MYERS, William G. D.54 H.104 See H.107 Index of correspondents H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 NEAL, F.E. NETHERTHORPE SCHOOL NEWBERY, George Richard NEWBLE, G.M. NEWELL, J.A. NICOL, Norman Thomas NUCLEAR ENTERPRISES LTD OLLENNU, Alberta Amaa OLLENNU, Nii Amaa OSBORN, John Holbrook OSBORN, S.B. OWEN, Glynn M. See H.152 A.32 D.310 H.112 See also H.111 F.34 A.97 H.76, H.79 K.3 H.74, K.3 D89eRAlAS D.289 A.97, D.54 PACKARD INSTRUMENT LTD PATEL, Navendra L. PAT Ele 1.B: H.74 G.85 A.137, H.246 PARRY, Ron Y. PERRY, B. John PAIX, D. PANDE, S.C. H.76, H.79 D.54 H.195 See also H.192, H.213 D273, H.187-H.190, H.194, Hii 95, F219, F221; H.228, H.232-H.236 See also H.192, H.193 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS F.40-F.130 PHILIPS RADIOTHERAPY SYSTEMS H.326, H.328 F.30 See also F.32 PIRABUL, Ratana PRZESLAK, Andrew H.194 PULLAN, Brian R. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 QUIMBY, Edith H. QUIRK, W.J. Index of correspondents D.204 2223225 THE RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE/THE RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE LTD, AMERSHAM D.310, H.75, H.77, H.288 RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION SERVICE H.35 RADIOLOGY HISTORY & HERITAGE CHARITABLE TRUST D.303, D.304 RADIOLOGY HISTORY COMMITTEE READ, John RHONE-POULENC CHEMICALS RINGELHANN, Bela ROBERTS, J. Eric ROLLINSON, J. D.301-D.303 See K.4 A.18 H.72 See also H.82 G85 Kale H.138 RUSSELL, C. Scott SAMMONS, Herbert George SAMSEN, Laksana SCHADT, Jorg ROSE, E. Alan ROTBLAT, Sir Joseph H.74, H.76 E.28 A.11 A.253 D.289 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS See also H.278 H.282-H.284, H.286-H.288, H.294, H.307, H.308 See also H.275 £2315 3231.286, F287; H.307-H.309 A.16, K.9 A.17 SCHOFIELD, Malcolm SCHLOSBERG, M. H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 SCULLY, David Ross SELVAMONY, C. SEWELL, Peter SHARMAN, John SHARMAN, Susan E. SHETTY, H.M. Rajmohan SHOENBERG, David SHONE, S. SLATER, Graham SNELLING, Margaret D. Index of correspondents 122. A124. E130: H.138, H.139, H.141, K.5 See also H.106-H.108, H.111-H.114, H.134 H.128 E.28 73 H.73-H.80, K.8 See also H.85, H.87 Ht25 K.2, K.9 A.97 A.12 H.188-H.190 See also H.115, H.145 SOLOMON, J. Gilbert R. SRISUKH, S. SUBRAHMANIAN, G. SUNDARA\M, K. SVENSSON, Hans SWAN, H.T. H.124, H.125, H.245 See also H.105, H.107, H.112 See D.309, K.12 STACEY, Arthur J. STEPHEN, D.T. D.289 H.278 See H.224 See H.112 SPIERS, Frederick William SOUTH EAST THAMES REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY H.75 TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOMBAY, INDIA H.286-H.288 See also H.271, H.305 A.97 H.246 A.30 TAYLOR, John TAYLOR, John B. H.130 H.167 H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 THANGAVELU, M. THOMAS, Adrian M. K. Index of correspondents THORN EMI CENTRAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES THORNTON, J. Andrew TROTT, Nigel G. TUCHINDA, Saisudchai H.138, H.164, H.165, H.186, H.188, H.239 D.301-D.303 C.38 H.20 D303-Hi122.-K:4 See also H.82, H.124 G.86, H.281-H.288, H.294 H.325-H.327, H.329 See also H.275 UNION OF SHOP, DISTRIBUTIVE AND ALLIED WORKERS A.70 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY D.148, D.289 UNITED SHEFFIELD HOSPITALS VANMIDDLESWORTH, Lester H.46 K.6 VEALL, Norman WALSTAM, Rune WARD, Alan WEBB, Norman C. D.289 H.167 VINCENT, J.J. VUISTER, P.H. VICKERS, John A. VENKATARAM, G. A.12 A.12 H.26 WALTON, Philip W. WALTON, Ernest Thomas Sinton H.234 WESTON PARK HOSPITAL DAY CARE UNIT, SHEFFIELD WAYNE, Sir Edward Johnson H.46 K.9 G.85 H.167 K.7 K.7 F.131-F.207 A.97 WHELPTON, D. WHITE, D.R. Index of correspondents H. Miller NCUACS 92/5/00 WILLIAMS, Edward S. WILLIAMS, Peter C. WILSON, Dugald WILSON, R.A. WINDSCALE INQUIRY WOLFF, Heinz S WONKWON, Anchali WOOD, Harry WORDIE, J.M. WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION WRAIGHT, Edwin Philip WRIGHT, T.D. H:73 See also H.82 H.189, H.221, H.235 H.188 D.171 F.208-F.223 E.28 See KRISANACHINDA H.80 A.141 F.33, H.138, H.164, H.165, H.186, H.188, H.239 A.97 Bs. ZAVON, Betty ZAVON, Mitchell R. K.1 H.131, H.241 YARNOLD, John R. K.1
MILLER, Harold v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin