MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Kurt Alfred Georg Mendelssohn FRS (1906 - 1980) CSAC catalogue 93/4/83 by Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham-Jackson CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of KURT ALFRED GEORG MENDELSSOHN, FRS (1906-1980) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham-Jackson Deposited in the Bodleian Library All rights reserved Oxford CSAC 93/4/83 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London K .A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: BODLEIAN LIBRARY, THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS, OXFORD. K .A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL, A.1 - A.13 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, B.1 - B.137 B.1 -B.18 Low temperature research 1928-39 B.19 -B.43 Second World War B.44 -B.114 Post-war research and teaching in Oxford B.115-B.137 Scientific and educational advisory work for other universities and institutions SECTION D D.1 -D.63 Books Gul i. —©..38 G 734-46 753 SECTION C LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, C.1 - C.53 PUBLICATIONS, EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES, D.1 - D.134 Lectures and broadcasts on low temperatures Lectures and broadcasts on other subjects publishers and editors D.108 - D.134 Shorter correspondence with D.64 -D.107 Editorial activities K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION E CONFERENCES AND VISITS, E.1 - E.152 E.1 -£.86 International Cryogenic Engineering Conferences, 1968-78 E.87 -£.101 Institut de la Vie Conferences, 1966-77 E.102-£.152 Other visits and conferences, 1960-76 SECTION F CHINA, F.1 - F.42 Pitre Visit to China, October 1971 Fest -.F.33 Talks, lectures, broadcasts, publ ications F.34 - F.42 Correspondence SECTION G PYRAMIDS, G.1 - G.77 G.1 -G.62 With an introductory note SECTION H SECTION J G.63- G.77 Correspondence PHOTOGRAPHS, J.1 - J.15 Drafts, lectures, publications GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, H.1 - H.54 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS K .A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 GENERAL INTRODUCTION Kurt Alfred Georg Mendelssohn was born in Berlin in 1906. He attended the Goethe-Schule and Berlin University where he stayed on to do postgraduate research on low temperatures under his cousin, F.E. (later Sir Francis) Simon, receiving a D.Phil. in 1930. He remained at Berlin as a research assistant for a further year but in 1931 he followed Simon to Breslau where he had been appointed to the chair of Physical Chemistry at the Technische Hochschule. While still at Berlin Mendelssohn had met F.A. Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell) who suggested that he should come to Oxford to carry out low temperature research at the Clarendon Laboratory, the intention being that he would begin work there in October 1933. In the meantime it was arranged that Mendelssohn should pay a brief visit to the Clarendon to instal a helium liquifier which he did in January 1933, thus becoming the first person to liquify helium in Britain. When Hitler came to power he decided to make an early return to Oxford and started work at the Clarendon in May 1933. In the autumn of the same year Simon also came to Oxford, as did N. Kurti centres all over the world. a succession of gifted research students, many of whom built up graduate schools of their own after leaving the Clarendon, thus making their mark in low temperature and H. London, all of whom contributed with Mendelssohn to the establishment of the Clarendon as an important centre of low temperature research. However, with B.43). After the war he resumed his work on low temperatures in collaboration with and Mendelssohn turned to various collaborative projects in medical physics (see B.19 - the advent of the Second World War the low temperature apparatus had to be dismantled He involved with other low temperature scientists at the international level. He was Chairman and founder member of the International Cryogenic Engineering Committee (E.1 - E.86), President of Commission A2 of the International Institute of Refrigera- tion (H.20, H.21) and founder and general editor of the journal Cryogenics. In addition to his research work in the laboratory Mendelssohn was closely K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 published two books on low temperature physics and was very active as editor and contributor to other monographs and journals (see Section D). Through his contacts with foreign research students he also actively encouraged attempts to establish new centres for low temperature research, particularly in developing countries. Much of this is documented in Section B, including his efforts to establish formal links between Wolfson College, Oxford, and academic institutions in Ghana, India and Portugal . In 1960 Mendelssohn paid his first visit to China and this laid the foundations of an abiding interest in the country and its scientific and cultural development which is documented in Section F. | Section G deals with Mendelssohn's other main 'extra-mural' interest - the sociological and engineering background of the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, on which he also published a book and several articles in both popular and learned journals. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mrs. Mendelssohn for making the papers available and to Professor D. Shoenberg FRS and Professor N. Kurti FRS for help and advice. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL, A.1 - A.13 A.1 Obituaries and tributes Press-cutting of obituary of Mendelssohn published in The Times, 19 September 1980. Photocopy of 'Appreciation' by D.F. Brewer from Physics Bulletin, 32, 1981. Copy of Lycidas (magazine of Wolfson College, Oxford) containing an obituary by F. Jessup. A photocopy of Mendelssohn's biographical entry in Who's Who is also included here. Newsletter and list of former pupils of the Goethe-Schule in Berlin sent to Mendelssohn in 1960, with a brief letter from Mendelssohn in reply. See also B.1-B.7. Correspondence with I.C.1. and the Home Office, 1933-39, re Mendelssohn's residence permits and Certificate of Naturalisation (1939). For correspondence re research grants from 1.C.1. see B.14, B.15. Letters from Mendelssohn to the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Friedrich Wilhelms - Universitdt Berlin, 1931-32, re his 'Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der DoktorwUrde' on 'Kalorimetrische Untersuchungen im Temperaturgebiet des flUssigen Heliums' a printed copy of which, dated 15 February 1932, is enclosed. see B.19-B.43. Correspondence with Oxford University Registry and with Wadham College, 1938-45 re grant arrangements during this period, and conferment of M.A. by decree, 1944. Correspondence re applications for posts at other universities, 1934-58, including references and recommendations by F.A. Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell) and F.E. Simon. For Mendelssohn's research work during the Second World War K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Biographical and personal Appointment as University Demonstrator, 1947. appointment and miscellaneous related correspondence, including list of university lectures given by Mendelssohn, 1947-51. Letter of Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1951. of congratulations (mostly copies, sent to Mendelssohn in America). Letters Letter of appointment as Reader in Physics, May 1955. Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, 1966. Correspondence, 1966-76, including business of the External Relations Committee of which Mendelssohn was an active member, and arrangements for him to have a room in Wolfson after his retirement from the Clarendon Laboratory in 1973. Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, 1973. Letter announcing election, February 1973, and brief related correspondence. Certificates, correspondence, etc. re membership of various societies, 1937-53. Mendelssohn's own list of his publications, 1930-73. List of research students supervised by Mendelssohn at the Clarendon Laboratory, 1934-73, with the dates and titles of their theses. Miscellaneous press-cuttings, various dates. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, B.1 - B.137 LOW TEMPERATURE RESEARCH, 1928-39 B.19 -B.43 SECOND WORLD WAR B.44 -B.114 POST-WAR RESEARCH AND TEACHING IN OXFORD B.115-B.137. SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL ADVISORY WORK FOR OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS For photographs of colleagues and apparatus at the Clarendon Laboratory and elsewhere, see Section J. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research B.1-B.18 LOW TEMPERATURE RESEARCH, 1928-39 This sub-section contains notebooks relating to Mendelssohn's doctoral research in Berlin and extensive correspondence arranging his first visit to England in January 1933 to instal a helium liquifier in the Clarendon Laboratory. There is also correspondence with the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft and Imperial Chemical Industries Limited re research grants awarded to Mendelssohn during this period. For correspondence on research during this period see Section H at the relevant dates. B.1 Black hard-cover notebook labelled 'Apparat B. Vorversuche und Messung bei He Temp.' Contains references to literature, notes, and records of experiments, August-September 1928. Black hard-cover notebook labelled 'Apparat B. Spez. Wdrme-Messungen._ II' He-Temp. Red and black hard-cover notebook labelled 'Apparat B. He Temp. Spez. Wdrme-Messungen. I’ Contains records of experiments, 13 September-21 November 1929. Contains records of experiments, 30 January-13 September 1929, with some loose notes and printed matter tucked into the back of the book. See also A.2. Contains graphs and tables of experimental results, drawings of apparatus, etc. in no apparent order. Few dates, mainly 1928-29 but some earlier. Blue foolscap folder labelled 'Kdlteverfahren 1. with later annotation 'K.M. Thesis’. Apparat B', K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Correspondence with the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft re research grant applications, 1930-33. Initial correspondence is re a grant to G. von Elbe for work on low temperatures for one year from 1 April 1930. In August 1930 von Elbe accepted the offer of a job in America and F. Simon wrote to ask for his grant to be transferred to Mendelssohn. application in October resulted in the award of a grant to Mendelssohn for one year from 1 November 1930 for work on 'Kalorimetrischen Untersuchungen an kondensierten Gasen bei extrem tiefen Temperaturen im Zusammenhang mit ihren Aufbau aus Para- und OrthomolekUlen'. This request was not successful, but a second The grant was renewed for two further years but it was superseded in May 1933 by a 3-year grant from |.C.1. after Mendelssohn's move to the Clarendon Laboratory. 1930 193] Includes report on the first year of Mendelssohn's research. 1932-33 Includes report on Mendelssohn's research from December 1931 and correspondence re his move to the Clarendon Laboratory . Correspondence with F.A. Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell), May 1931-March 1933. Mendelssohn's first letter (22 May 1931) refers to an invitation from Lindemann to come and work in the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, and subsequent corres- pondence is mainly re Mendelssohn's application to the Rockefeller Foundation for a grant. A drawing of the liquifier is also included in the folder. Correspondence exchanged between Lindemann and the Rockefeller Foundation, September 1932-January 1933, re grant application by Mendelssohn for work at the Clarendon Laboratory. Correspondence with A. Hoenow, February-March 1932, arising from a letter to Hoenow from T.C. Keeley asking if it would be possible for him to make a small helium liquifier for the Clarendon Laboratory. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Correspondence with T.C. Keeley, October-December 1932, re arrangements for Mendelssohn to visit the Clarendon Laboratory to instal the helium liquifier in January 1933. Correspondence with T.C. Keeley, January-April 1933, including arrangements for Mendelssohn to return to Oxford. Further copies of correspondence with Lindemann and Keeley, June 1932-April 1933. This sequence contains Mendelssohn's originals and must have originally been kept in the Clarendon Laboratory. information which are not in B.11, B.12 above. It also includes one or two letters or additional B.14, B.15 Correspondence with Imperial Chemical Industries Limited re research grants, 1933-39. B.14 1933-36 Includes press-cuttings and correspondence re explosion in the Clarendon Laboratory in which Mendelssohn injured his right hand and arm. 1936-39 Report on 'Experiments carried out in the Clarendon Laboratory between May Ist 1933 and 30th April, 1934. Helium Room No.1'. J.D. Babbitt, J.R. Moore and T.C. Keeley. 7 pp. typescript describing experiments by Dr. Kurt Mendelssohn. Mainly re arrangements for Mendelssohn to receive a personal grant from Sir Robert Mond in addition to a reduced grant from I.C.1., and termination of all 1.C.1. support for Mendelssohn in 1939. Report on ‘Experiments carried out in the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, up to December 31st 1934. Helium Room No.1' by Babbitt, Keeley, Moore and A.R. Meetham. 6 March-15 July 1936. Blue soft-cover notebook containing records of experiments, Dr. Kurt Mendelssohn. 7 pp. typescript describing experiments K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research B.19-B.43 SECOND WORLD WAR The beginning of the Second World War coincided with the removal of the Clarendon Laboratory to a new building. One of the results of this was the suspension of all low temperature research until workshop staff could be spared from urgent war work to reconstruct complex apparatus which had been dismantled for the move. As an ex-enemy alien, Mendelssohn was not readily eligible to take part in the Admiralty work which engaged much of the laboratory during the war. He therefore began a collaboration with Professor R.R. Macintosh of the Department of Anaesthetics which resulted in the production of an ether vaporiser which later became known as the 'Oxford Vaporiser'. This invention was reported in The Lancet, July 1941, patented, and eventually put into production through the cooperation of Lord Nuffield who undertook to manufacture 1,000 of them and present them to the Forces free of charge. Shortly after the appearance of the Lancet paper, relations between Macintosh attributing the sole credit for the vaporiser to*two German Jewish scientists’ - Mendelssohn and H. Epstein, who had worked together on the construction of the prototype. Collaboration between Macintosh and Mendelssohn ceased in January 1942, and the ensuing correspondence documents the controversy which followed. Towards the end of 1942 a further disagreement developed over an automatic blood pressure recorder developed by Mendelssohn and D.S. Evans as a result of work begun in the Department of Anaesthetics, and this occasioned further extensive corres- and Mendelssohn began to deteriorate, apparently due to a report in the Sunday Chronicle July 1940, re arrangements for patenting the ether vaporiser . Correspondence with the Oxford University Registry, May 1940, re application for renewal of a grant from the Higher Studies Fund for Mendelssohn's work with R.R. Macintosh on the ether vaporiser and blood pressure indicator. Includes a brief letter from Sir Farquhar Buzzard, 1 March 1940. pondence, for which see B.35-B.42. B.19 Correspondence with Andrew Walsh & Son (solicitors), June- K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Typescript drafts for article on the ether vaporiser, published in The Lancet, July 1941, with brief letter from Macintosh, 17 October 1940. Miscellaneous drawings and diagrams, mainly related to work on the Oxford Vaporiser, n.d. Also included here are press-cuttings about the use of the Oxford Vaporiser in the Falkland Islands in 1982. Correspondence with Macintosh and others, October 1940- April 1941, mainly re work on blood pressure indicator. "Report of work done in connection with the Nuffield Depart- ment of Anaesthetics for the year 1940/41' 3 pp. typescript, 10 July 1941. Request from the Editor of Monthly Science News for a brief article on the Oxford Vaporiser, 27 July 1941, with typescript of article submitted and brief further correspondence. Miscellaneous press-cuttings re the Oxford Vaporiser and correspondence with Macintosh and others, July-October 1941. In Mendelssohn's original folder. Correspondence with Macintosh and others, January 1942, re termination of collaborative work on development of an automatic blood pressure recorder, and re assignment of patent for the Oxford Vaporiser . Correspondence re Association of Scientific Workers Conference on 'Science and the War Effort', London, 10-11 January 1942. Mendelssohn delivered a short paper in the session on ‘Application of Scientific Knowledge to Problems of Industrial Production and to Services Problems' in which he described the development of the Oxford Vaporiser, and the text of this (5 pp. typescript) is also included in the folder. Faculty. Text of part of a lecture on 'Physics in War Time Medicine’, delivered at a meeting of the Oxford Branch of the Association of Scientific Workers, 29 January 1942, press-cutting, and copy of letter to Cherwell describing events at the meeting. Correspondence with Macintosh and others, February 1942. copies of letters from Cherwell applying for grants from the Higher Studies Fund and the Leigh Fund to enable Mendelssohn to continue research in collaboration with other members of the Medical Includes K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Correspondence with Andrew Walsh and Son (solicitors) and Lord Cherwell, March 1942, re arrangements for the assignment of the patent for the Oxford Vaporiser. ms. and typescript drafts of statement by Mendelssohn re events concerning the vaporiser, 1940-42. Includes Further correspondence re the Oxford Vaporiser patent, April 1942, including letter from Mendelssohn offering to hand over his share of the patent rights to Lord Nuffield. Correspondence, May-June 1942. Includes 4 pp. typescript memorandum by the Registrar, Oxford University, describing the development of the controversy between Macintosh and Mendelssohn over the Oxford Vaporiser. Correspondence with F. Sherwood Taylor, May-November 1942, re arrangements to deposit in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, the first model of the Oxford Vaporiser which was built in the Clarendon Laboratory in Spring 1940. There follows a long exchange of letters In addition to controversy over the blood pressure The material has been assigned to several smaller folders B.35-B.42 Correspondence arising from the publication of a paper by Mendelssohn and D.S. Evans on 'The Physics of Blood-Pressure Measurement' (Proc. Phys. Soc., 54, 1942) which described their work on the automatic blood pressure recorder to December 1941 (see also B.23). The correspondence opens with copy of a letter from Macintosh and S.L. Cowan to the Papers' Secretary of the Physical Society (J.H. Awbery), 16 November 1942, disclaiming any responsibility for work on the blood pressure recorder and proffering detailed criticisms of the paper. with Awbery, the Registrar, Oxford University and others, culmina- ting in the publication of a discussion on the paper in Proc. Phys. Soc., 55, 1943. recorder further references are made to Mendelssohn's part in the development of the Oxford Vaporiser . May-June 1943 January-February 1943 March-April 1943 for ease of reference. November-December 1942 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research July-October 1943 1944 Ms. and typescript drafts, mainly for published discussion; proofs with extensive annotations. Ms. notes and diagrams, miscellaneous printed matter. Mendelssohn's original folder. In Correspondence with Herbert and Gowers and Company (solicitors) re assignment of U.S. and Canadian patents for Oxford Vaporiser, 1945. Includes photographs. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research B.44-B.114 POST-WAR RESEARCH AND TEACHING IN OXFORD The following sequence consists of correspondence with research students and visitors to the Clarendon Laboratory, most of whom worked on low temperatures under Mendelssohn's supervision, sometimes in collaboration with staff of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell (see also B.115 - B.118). The correspondence, which is presented in alphabetical order, usually includes arrangements to come to Oxford, reports on progress of research work, and references and testimonials for subsequent applications for posts at other universities. The material is often enriched by further correspondence about research and publications and also by a considerable corpus of letters from students who returned to developing countries, reporting on problems encountered in their attempts to continue with their research and build up schools of their own. See A.12 for a list of 49 research students supervised by Mendelssohn, 1934-73, with the dates and titles of their theses. 197] 1962-63 1957-71 1963-73 Brewer, D. : Bhagat, S. M. Altov, V. A. Anderson, R.A. 1958-66 Chopras.V.° . K. Chandrasekhar, B. 1959-65 1960-77 1969-70 1958-69 1970-74 Chaudhuri, K. Connolly, A. Burton, R. Campos, A. Blow, S. : 1954, 1962-71 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Corsan, J. M. Critchlow, P. ‘ Davey, G. Dziwornooh, P. A. Edwards, D. O. Fairbarns, J. French, R. A. Furtado, C. A. i i Gascon, F. Good, J. A. Griffin; CS. 1959-64 1957-67 1958-66 1963-77 1958-70 1963-71 1961-69 1967-76 1966-67 1966-70 1964-77 Hare, G. ; 1962-66 1969-76 1966 G. M. 1966-67 1965-70 see H.18 Harrison, S. Lampel, G. P. Hasiguti, R. R. Kerr, R. M. Khalatnikov, |. Karagyozyan, A. 1960 Meaden, G._ McCrum, NN. G. Melo, A. A. Mikura, Z. 1958-62 1962-75 Lowell, J. 1960-65 1965-76 1960-70 1966-71 Martin, D. ; T. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Mortimer, M. J. Mufiéz Dominguez, J. S. Ohno, K. Papp, E. Probert, D. Radhakrishnan, T. : Rajagopal, E._ S. 1965-72 1963-70 1961-70 1971 1962-63 1970-74 1961-76 Includes brief correspondence re gift of helium liquifier by the Clarendon Laboratory to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Ramanathan, K. G. see H.36. Ragjak. °¥.. 1963-73 Ratnalingam, R. 1965-75 1969-70 1958-76 K. N. ROWS... Me 1961-77 1962-70 1951, 1958-67 Rite; A. oF. Shebalin, I. Y. Raychauduri, A. Rosenberg, H. M. Shatin Jie. 1970 Subramanyam, SS. Steele, W. A. Shiffman, C. A. POUR J, Ay 1970 1960 1961-73 1969-70 1960-62 1972-75 Shigi, T. Seereey: Ss 1967-71 : : V. Suga, H. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Sujak, B. Sutcliffe, P. W. Tirmizi, S. M.A. fone. Az Me GC, Pz Walsh, G. Walton, A. White, G. M, J. K. Whittaker, K. C. 1959 1962-68 1962-76 1969-76 1959-61 1971-72 1951, 1963-75 1965-72 Includes drafts for obituary of Whittaker by Mendelssohn and material re proposed research project on manganese at Kumasi University of Science and Technology, Ghana. Wigley, D. A. 1960-71 A-H leL M-.Z .114 1963-74 Yoshida, I. B.111 B.112 B.113 ot11-B.113 Shorter requests to visit/work at the Clarendon Laboratory. Not indexed. Correspondence with Russian physicists, March- June 1958, arising from invitation by the Low Temperature Group of the Physical Society to visit laboratories in Oxford, Cambridge and London (only 3 came). Shorter requests for references, etc. 1953-77. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research B.115-B.137 SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL ADVISORY WORK FOR OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS Mendelssohn's collaborative work with A.E.R.E. Harwell has already been mentioned, but he also established links with several foreign universities and institutions, some of which were formally acknowledged by Wolfson College, Oxford. His main contacts were with the universities of Coimbra and Porto in Portugal, the University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, and the Tata Institute, Bombay, but he also acted as External Examiner to other universities including the University of Science of Malaysia and the University of London. The material is presented in alphabetical order of the university or institution concerned. B.115-B.118 Atomic Energy Research Establishment (A.E.R.E.) Harwell Mendelssohn acted as Consultant to A.E.R.E. Harwell from August 1962. For scientific correspondence with colleagues at Harwell see H.26, H.30 (Mortimer), H.47 (Spence). Correspondence re appointment, renewal, conditions, fees, etc. Includes initial letter of appointment, 8 August 1962. Renewal letters extend to 1976. Progress reports and drafts for papers by Mendelssohn and other members of his laboratory, 1961-69, relating to collaborative research project with Harwell on 'Low Temperature Properties of Transuranic Elements’ . with Harwell. Correspondence with colleagues at Harwell and Oxford and with the Science Research Council, 1966-68, re application for a grant for continuing research on transuranic elements. Ms. notes and drafts, graphs, diagrams, etc. relating to work K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research University of Coimbra, Portugal Correspondence with members of the University and with the British Council, 1971-73, re plans for the establishment of a link with Wolfson College, Oxford. See also B.133. B.120-B.13] University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana The following papers document Mendelssohn's association with Kumasi, 1968-74, through his initiation of the link with Wolfson College, Oxford, his examining activities and his encouragement of research on manganese in the Physics Depart- ment of the University. See also B.58, B.107, E.123-E.127. Ms. and typescript notes and data on manganese, some by G.T. Meaden, with brief correspondence on obtaining samples of manganese for research, December 1965. Correspondence, 1968-69, re arrangements for the establishment of a link between Wolfson College, Oxford, and Kumasi. Correspondence, January-May 1971. on the Manganese Project to March 1971. Includes Progress Report Correspondence, June-December 1971. Correspondence, January-August 1970. cussion of the proposed link with Wolfson and arrangements for Mendelssohn to act as External Examiner in Physics. Includes further dis- Correspondence, September-December 1970. Many of the letters contain references to the sudden death of K.C. Whittaker, Head of the Physics Department and leader of the proposed research project on manganese. Correspondence, January-May 1973. Correspondence re supply of equipment for the managanese project, November 1971-February 1973. Correspondence, January-November 1972. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Scientific research Correspondence, June 1973-March 1974 Miscellaneous notes, drafts, manganese project. lists of equipment, etc. for Mark sheets and reports relating to Mendelssohn's visits to Kumasi as External Examiner, 1969 and 1971. University of London Invitations to join Panel of Visiting Examiners, 1973-76. University of Porto, Portugal Correspondence with members of the University, 1971, 1974-75, re possible arrangements for a link with Wolfson College, Oxford. See also B.119. Correspondence re Mendelssohn's work as External Examiner, 1972-77. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay B.134, B.135 University of Science of Malaysia (formerly University Pulau Penang) Invitations to act as assessor for appointments, etc. and copies of Mendelssohn's assessments, 1971-73. Mendelssohn acted as External Examiner, 1972-77, and as assessor for appointments and promotions, 1971-73. the University in 1972. He visited Shorter correspondence re examining of doctoral theses, 1973-76. Correspondence with M.G.K. Menon and others, April-December 1970, re arrangements for the establishment of a link between Wolfson College, Oxford, and the Tata Institute. Mendelssohn stayed at the Tata Institute as Royal Society Leverhulme Visiting Professor, November 1969-February 1970. See E.136-E.139 for material relating to this visit. K A G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION C LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, C.1 - C.53 LECTURES AND BROADCASTS ON LOW TEMPERATURES, c. 1935-65 LECTURES AND BROADCASTS ON OTHER SUBJECTS, ¢.1957-77 See also F.1 - F.33 passim (China), G.1 - G.62 passim (pyramids). K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Lectures and broadcasts LECTURES AND BROADCASTS ON LOW TEMPERATURES c.1935-65 ‘Bristol Lect. Notes on S.C. (1935?) +Cp of Su-Bi'’. of a folder so described: 7 pp. ms. notes for lecture with 2 pp. data and a graph labelled 'Specific Heat Su-Bi’. Contents 'K.M. (35 min.)' 3pp. typescript, n.d. Short summary of talk on helium for July conference This typescript, along with 3 pp. ms. notes on'Superfluidity’ (not by Mendelssohn) and correspondence 1946 with J.F. Allen, was sent to Mendelssohn many years later by N. Kurti with a note 'I've found these in an old discarded and seemingly empty | wonder whether these have been there ever file folder ... since 1946’. The correspondence has been transferred to H.1. Not indexed. 3 pp. ms. notes for lecture, 'Moscow 3 July 1957'. delivered during the Moscow Low Temperature Conference. 2 pp. ms. notes for lecture, probably Copy of communication from Mendelssohn to A.V. Topchiev accepting invitation to the Moscow conference is also included here. Correspondence with members of the public following a talk by Mendelssohn on superfluidity and superconductivity broadcast on BBC radio, October 1954. 2 pp. ms. 'L.T.G. [Low Temperature Group?1 A.G.M. 9.1.58'. 3 pp. typescript. 'Madison, LillegibleJ Aug. 57'. at Low Temperature Conference. ‘Southampton 6.11.57. Aggregation of Matter’. 3 pp. ms. 'Missenden Abbey, Feb.11.58. low temp.' Properties of matter at very K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Lectures and broadcasts Correspondence with Associated-Rediffusion Limited, April- July 1958, re arrangements to film an experiment in the Clarendon Laboratory to demonstrate the superfluidity of helium at very low temperatures. Correspondence 1967-68 re arrangements to film for an Italian television programme on the search for absolute zero is also included here. 'Low Temperature Seminar on Onset of Turbulence. Oxford'. 3 pp. typescript. 5.3.59 , ‘Phonon and Electron Scattering in Metals at Low Temperatures. A.E.1. 15.4.59.' CAssociated Electrical Industries] Aldermaston; 2 pp. typescript. ‘Low temp. physics. 2 pp. typescript. Marlborough College, November 1959’. ‘Superconductors of Small Dimensions - Schenectady 1961’. 2 pp. ms. This item is not included in the list of publications at A.12. "Ricerche e Tecniche sulle Basse Temperature’. delivered in Italy, c.1961, at the E.N.1I. (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) Scuola di Studi Superiori sugli Idrocarburi. Offprint (in Italian) only. Lecture ‘Lecture on Low Temperature Physics'. a series of slide lectures, n.d., with ms. notes for lectures 1 and 2. ‘Onset of friction in liquid He 11'. and 2 ms. versions for 'Los Alamos 1961' and 'St. Andrews Easter 1965'. 3 pp. typescript, n.d. Small blue notebook labelled 'S.C. lecture' containing notes for an unidentified lecture on superconductivity. 'The basis of high field superconductivity'. typescript notes, n.d. ‘Conductivity at low temperatures'. 3 pp. ms., n.d. 'Two lectures on the Applications of Superconductivity' . 4 pp. typescript, n.d., Typescript notes for 4 pp. ms. and K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 C.20 2 C.22-C.31 Lectures and broadcasts 5 pp. typescript for lecture on aggregation, n.d. 2 pp. ms. notes for unidentified lecture, written on paper of Hotel Merlin, Kuala Lumpur. Ms. and typescript notes originally contained in a bulky folder labelled 'SCuper] Clonductivity] lectures'. The notes have been split into several smaller units for ease of reference and the original delapidated folder has been discarded. With the exception of C.27 none of the material is dated. 6 pp. typescript notes for 3 lectures on superconductivity. 16 pp. typed transcript with some ms. corrections of lecture on superconductivity headed 'Dr. Mendelssohn. Lecture 2'. Pages 2 and 3 are missing (but see C.24). 'Superconductivity 2'. probably intended for publication. on verso of pages 2 and 3 of C.23. 7 pp. typescript version of lecture, Pages 6 and 7 are typed 13 pp. typed transcript headed 'Dr. Mendelssohn No.3', with ms. corrections on p.1 only. Lacks p.6. 'Superconductivity 3'. 9 pp. typescript version of lecture. Ms. notes for various unidentified lectures. ‘Physical Basis of High Field Superconductivity'. script with ms. additions, n.d. 3 pp. type- ‘Low Temperature Properties of the Actinide Metals'. typescript with annotation '? Dr. Rosenberg’. 3 pp. 'Superconductivity, Northampton Polytechnic Oct. 65'. 2 pp. ms. 4 pp. ms. notes for unidentified lecture, written on paper of Kyoto Hotel, Japan. various dates. More fragmentary material, mainly ms. notes and data. Includes some notices of lectures given by Mendelssohn at Bundles of notes for various unidentified lectures. these are paginated but none have titles or dates. Many of K.A. ee Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Lectures and broadcasts LECTURES AND BROADCASTS ON OTHER SUBJECTS, ¢.1957-77 Ms. and typescript notes for lectures on Russian science, given after Mendelssohn's visit to Moscow in 1957 (see C.4). typescripts are not identified but one of the ms. pages is annotated 'Civil Servants at Brighton Sept. 1958'. The "Science in East and West. 1956". 4am, Ins Lecture. Univ. of Leeds November "The Place of Science in Society Today. 25.3.59'. Teachers Vacation Course. Lecture to Middlesex 2 pp. typescript. "Problems of Modern Science. 2 pp. typescript. Balls Park College May 1962'. Correspondence arising from a broadcast talk by Mendelssohn published in The Listener, 10 January 1963, on 'Japanese Science Today’. Includes requests for permission to reprint and comments from colleagues and the general public. Correspondence arising from a broadcast talk by Mendelssohn on 'Science in India’ which was subsequently published in The Listener, 24 September 1964. Includes requests to reprint the talk in The Times of India, Yojana and the Radio Times of India, and reactions from Indian colleagues and others. 20 October 1967. For Mendelssohn's visit to Africa in December 1964 see E.123- E27. 12 pp. typescript draft and heavily edited final version of broadcast talk on Russian scientific research for series entitled ‘After Fifty Years: Some Russian Scientific Achievements’, For Mendelssohn's visit to India in 1963 see E.113-E.120. Typescript draft and broadcast script of talk entitled 'Scientist in Africa’, subsequently published in The Listener, 14 April 1966. Brief correspondence with the B.B.C. and others is also included. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Lectures and broadcasts C.42-C.44 2 broadcasts on Australian radio recorded during a visit in March 1970 (see E. 140). C.42 C.43 C.44 7 pp. typescript draft for 'Why Build Pyramids?', broadcast 5 April 1970. 7 pp. typescript draft and final script of interview broadcast under the title 'A Scientist in China’, 12 April 1970. Correspondence with the Australian Broadcasting Commission re arrangements for both broadcasts. 2 pp. ms. notes for lecture on scientific and technical education in developing countries, 1972; press-cutting announcing the lecture, to be held at the Malayan Teachers' College, Giugor. with photocopy of a 'Walther Nernst und seine Zeit - Aufsteig und Niedergang der deutschen Wissenschaft'. in Berlin, 4 October 1973. Lecture delivered by Mendelssohn For correspondence re Mendelssohn's book on Nernst see D.26-D.48. 'The Rise and Fall of German Science'. the University of Kent at Canterbury, 31 May 1974. Lecture delivered at Correspondence, poster announcing the lecture. 25 pp. typescript of lecture (in German) with a few ms. corrections. 6 pp. ms. notes; correspondence re arrangements. Lecture on German science before Hitler, delivered at Karlsruhe, 24 February 1975. Brief correspondence re Mendelssohn's contribution. ‘Quantum Theory in the Twenties', University College London (Chemical and Physical Society), 2 March 1975. typescript with correspondence from the Secretary of the Society (M. Mansuri). Programme on superconductivity broadcast on BBC radio, October 1976. Correspondence only. 5pp. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Lectures and broadcasts 6 pp. typescript for lecture in German on 'Science and Western Domination’. 2 copies, one annotated ‘Berlin 1977'. lecture, broadcast (declined or with no Invitations to talk, reply), 1971-74. Not indexed. K ‘A.C. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES, D.1 - D.134 Di ieee BOOKS D.64 -D.107 EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES D.108-D.134 SHORTER CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS See also F.1 - F.33 passim (China), G.1 - G.62 passim (pyramids). There is a list of Mendelssohn's publications at A.12. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities BOOKS See also F.17-F.24, G.28-G.42 'Cryophysics', Interscience Publishers Inc., 1960 Correspondence with the publishers and with the editor of the series 'Interscience Tracts in Science and Astronomy’, 1954-61. 1954-58 Includes copy of initial contract for a book on low temperature physics, June 1956. 1959 January-August 1960 Includes copy of letter from Mendelssohn re proposed Polish translation of the book, and further contract, 1960. 1962-63 1964-68 te sales, French and Polish editions, etc. October 1960-October 196] re royalties, French translation, etc. re royalties, Polish edition and preparation of a second edition. Correspondence with John Wiley & Sons Limited, 1962-68. (They merged with Interscience at the end of 1961.) Photocopies of reviews. Correspondence with colleagues containing comments and suggestions for incorporation in the second edition. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities 'The Quest for Absolute Zero', Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966 Correspondence with R. Carrington, 1962, re projected books by Mendelssohn. 'c.c. Mr. Nicholas Thompson (Weidenfeld and Nicolson)’. 2 of Carrington's letters have a note D.10-D.16 Correspondence with Weidenfeld and Nicolson, (World University Library), 1963-72. D.10 1963-64 Includes copy of contract and letter from Mendelssohn outlining projected scope of the book. Includes brief correspondence re Italian translation and drafts for various 'blurbs'. Includes correspondence re Spanish translation, publicity arrangements, etc, re publicity, royalties, Japanese edition, etc. re Polish and Japanese editions, royalties, etc. 1969-71 re Portuguese, Polish, Japanese and Russian editions, royalties, etc. German translation of the book, 1965. Correspondence from colleagues in response to requests by Mendelssohn for photographs or information required for the book. In alphabetical order. Correspondence with W. Meissner and Kindler Verlag re the re possible second edition of the book. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities Correspondence with J. de Nobel re Dutch translation. Correspondence with the translator of the Russian edition (partly re his proposed biography of James Clerk Maxwell). Photocopies of reviews. Letters of appreciation from recipients of complimentary copies. In alphabetical order. Correspondence from other readers. Not indexed. Correspondence with Wykeham Publications (London) Limited re 2nd edition of 'The Quest for Absolute Zero', published 1977. and Nicolson re reversion of rights. Includes copy of contract and letters from Weidenfeld Correspondence from colleagues re the second edition, some in response to requests for photographs or information. Includes 2 letters from Lucie London (the second edition was dedicated to the memory of H. London). D.26 D.27, O28 D.26-D.48 'The World of Walther Nernst', Macmillan, 1973 Correspondence with Nernst's daughter Angela (Hahn), 1967-74. Correspondence with Nernst's daughter Edith (von Zanthier), 1968-75. See also correspondence with David Higham Associates Limited (D.63). publish the book. Correspondence with Gerald Duckworth & Company Limited, 1968-71. Includes copy of contract, October 1969, and letter from C. Haycraft, December 1970, conveying decision not to Correspondence with R.W. Clark and others re projected book on Nernst, 1970. D.29 D.30 Dial 1968-72 D.28 1973-75 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 D.31 D.32 Publications, editorial activities Correspondence with the Clarendon Press, 1969-70. Correspondence with Charles Scribner's Sons, 1969, 1971. D.33-D.35 Correspondence with Macmillan, 1971-74. See also D.37-D.41. 1971-72 Includes comments on the manuscript of the book by R.W. Clark. Includes copy of contract, correspondence re publicity and letter from Edith von Zanthier with detailed comments on some sections of the book. 1974 Correspondence with colleagues in response to requests by Mendelssohn for photographs for the Nernst book, 1972. 1973 1974 1975-77 Correspondence with Macmillan re the Japanese edition, 1975-76. Photocopies and press-cuttings of reviews. Mainly correspondence with the German publisher (Physik Verlag). Correspondence with Macmillan and others re arrangements for the German edition. Includes letters from German colleagues offering help with translation, negotiations with German publishers, etc. Correspondence arising from reviews of the book, 1974-75. Correspondence with Macmillan and University of Pittsburgh Press re the American edition, 1973-74. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities D.44-D.47 Letters of appreciation from colleagues and members of the public, some containing reminiscences, queries or additional information. In alphabetical order. B-G H-L M-P 5.22 Copy of Nernst's monograph 'Die theoretischen und experi- mentellen Grundlagen des neuen Warmesatzes' published by Verlag von Wilhelm Knapp in 1924 (second edition). This copy, which is in very poor condition, originally belonged to F.A. Lindemann (his name is inside the front cover) and is the one referred to by Mendelssohn on pp.91-92 of The World of Walther Nernst. Correspondence with Longman, 1973. D.49-D.53 D.49 D.50 D.51 Includes ‘Science and Western Domination', Thames and Hudson, 1976. Ms. and typescript synopses, draft blurbs, notes, etc. for book. Correspondence with Thames and Hudson, 1974-76. copy of contract and several exchanges re the title of the book (Mendelssohn's original title was 'The Basis of White Domination’). a reader is also included here. Brief correspondence with Praeger (publishers of American edition), 1976. Photocopies and press-cuttings of reviews. One letter from K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities Material for unfinished book 'The State of Matter called Life' Preliminary ms. notes and drafts including synopsis, listing These have been left in Mendelssohn's original 8 chapters. folder labelled 'Book. Also included here is a letter from Joan Mott, February 1976. Several of the drafts below bear her annotations or corrections. The State of Matter called Life’. "Introduction' 3 typescript drafts, one marked 'Final version’, another ‘Joan Mott's marked copy’. "Life and Non-Life' In 2 typescript drafts, one marked 'Final version’. Mendelssohn's original folder labelled 'Chapter 1’. 'The Bricks and the Mortar' In 2 typescript drafts, one marked 'Final version’. Mendelssohn's original folder labelled 'Chapter 2'. 'Aggregation' 'The Biological Machine’ 3 typescript drafts for Chapter 3. original folder. In Mendelssohn's 2 typescript drafts and a few ms. and typescript notes for Chapter 4. Pyramids' and sale of foreign rights for 'In China Now’. Correspondence with David Higham Associates Limited (Author's Agents), 1971-72, re arrangements for publication of 'The World of Walther Nernst! and 'The Riddle of the Material assembled for illustrations. original folder. In Mendelssohn's ‘Evolution’ Typescript draft for Chapter 5. Miscellaneous shorter drafts. K ‘KG. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities D.64-D.107 EDITORIAL ACTIVITIES D.64-D.68 Contemporary Physics Mendelssohn was one of a small group of Advisory Editors who corresponded with G. R. Noakes (the Editor of the journal) re papers submitted, approaches to authors, publication policy, etc. Editorial Board and contributors to the journal is also included in the sequence together with drafts of book reviews by Mendelssohn for publication in Contemporary Physics. Occasional correspondence with other members of the D.64 D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 1964, 1972-73 1974 1975 1976 1977 D.69-D.89 Cryogenics The following Correspondence with J.B. Gardner from whom Mendelssohn sought advice on the proposed new journal, 1959. Mendelssohn was General Editor of Cryogenics from its founding in 1959, and continued to take an active part in the running of the journal for the next 20 years. papers document the initial stages of the journal up to the publication of the first issue in 1960, and provide a record of Mendelssohn's editorial activities for part of the ensuing period. correspondence to November 1960. Correspondence with the publishers (Heywood and Company), 1959-60. Mendelssohn's secretary during his absence abroad. Some of the correspondence is conducted by Correspondence with Plenum Press, May-June 1960, re arrangements for distribution of the journal in U.S.A. American Editor. Includes Mendelssohn's letter of invitation, Scott's acceptance, and administrative D.71 D.72-D.74 Correspondence with foreign editors. Dive R.B. Scott K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities L. Weil European Editor. Includes Mendelssohn's letter of invitation, Weil's acceptance, and administrative correspondence to August 1960. P.L. Kapitza Kapitza was invited to be Russian Editor, but he was unable to accept. A.V. Topchiev. Includes correspondence with Miscellaneous publicity material, etc., including draft circular letter to contributors. Correspondence with advisory editors and others, March- December 1960. Correspondence with contributors, September 1959-October 1960. soliciting contributions. Includes copy of circular letter from the editors Not indexed. D.78, D.79 D.78 1960, 196/-72 Miscellaneous correspondence with the publishers of Cryogenics, 1965-77. 1965 correspondence is with Heywood and Company Limited re allowance for entertainment expenses. In 1968 the journal was transferred to Iliffe Science and Technology Publications (later |.P.C. Business Press) with whom subsequent correspondence is conducted, mainly re expense allowances and editorial fees. January-April 1975 te fees and expenses and editorial policy. correspondence with J.L. Olsen re proposed International Journal of Refrigeration, 1977. Correspondence with and re new advisory editors for Cryogenics, April-December 1977. Correspondence with authors contributing papers and with the Assistant Editor, 1974-78. Not indexed. D.81-D.89 D.80 D.81 D.82 1974-77 1974 Includes K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities May-September 1975 October-December 1975 June-December 1976 January-April 1977 May-August 1977 September-December 1977 January-February 1978 D.84 D.85 D.86 D.87 D.88 D.89 D.90-D.100 The International Cryogenic Monograph Series and Monographs in Low Temperature Physics Mendelssohn was general editor of both these series, published by Plenum Press. Includes copy of contract with J.G. Daunt as Correspondence with the President of Plenum Press and others, 1961-62, re proposed series of monographs on low temperature engineering (International Cryogenic Monograph Series) to be edited by Mendelssohn and R.B. Scott. contracts and arrangements for a meeting in New York to dis- cuss the project. Includes copies of Scott was later succeeded by K.D. Timmerhaus. Correspondence with authors and editors of both series, 1966-77. Correspondence with Plenum Press and with prospective editors, 1967-68, re proposed series of monographs on low temperature physics. co-editor. 1973 D.94 July-December 1971 D.93 January-June 197] D.92 1966-70 D.92-D.100 Ds95 1972 D.96 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities D. 97, D.98 Di 1974 January-June 1975 July-December 1975 D.100 1976-77 D.101-D.104 Interscience Tracts in Physics and Astronomy Mendelssohn acted as 'adviser' to the publishers of this series, finding manuscripts and suggesting possible topics and authors. For his own 'Interscience Tract' see D.1-D.8. Correspondence, 1956-61 with publisher, publisher's agent (P. Rosbaud) and authors. 1956 1957 1958 1959-61 Committee. Journal of Low Temperature Physics Mendelssohn served on the Editorial Board and Policy Correspondence with the Editor (J.G. Daunt) and contributors, 1968-77. editions. Correspondence with Heywood (H.F. Onley), 1957, re arrangements for launching of the series. of the contract. Further correspondence, 1958-62, including several exchanges with Academic Press and others re publicity for American Mendelssohn was Editor of this series, published by D.106, D.107 Progress in Cryogenics Heywood and Company Limited. Includes a copy K.A.G, Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities D.108-D.134 SHORTER CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS In alphabetical order. Academic Press Acta Metallurgica Advanced Cryogenics 1964, 1968 1963 1969-70 1968-69 Brief correspondence with Editor (C. Bailey) and publishers, and typescript draft of chapter by Mendelssohn on 'Superconductivity and Superconducting Devices’. Details of lecture course which formed the basis for Advanced Cryogenics are also included here. American Institute of Physics 1967-68 1962 1966-67 1971-73 1966-67 W.A. Benjamin and Company 1964 1966 Cooperative Phenomena Wm. Collins Sons and Company Limited Bulletin Technique de L'Union des Ingénieurs sortis des Ecoles Spéciales de L'Université Catholique de Louvain draft of Mendelssohn's foreword. Correspondence with Editor and publisher re Mendelssohn's contribution (on 'Super- conductivity and Superfluidity') to this book which was dedicated to H. Fréhlich. Cryogenics and Refrigeration: a Bibliographical Guide Correspondence with Editor and publisher including K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities Daily Express 195] Includes drafts for unpublished article on science and security. J.M. Dent and Sons Limited 1966 Dictionary of Scientific Biography 1971, 1974 Dinaman Newsweekly 1967 Includes draft by Mendelssohn on Indian science. Discovery 1944-45, 1947 Correspondence with the Editor (W.E. Dick) and with the general public re articles by Mendelssohn in the 'Junior Science’ section. 1973 Includes drafts of article by Mendelssohn on ‘Past, Present and Future of Cryogenic Engineering’ and correspondence with the Central Office of Information who commissioned the article. Fulcrum Heinemann Educational Books Institute of Physics 1967 1964 1958-75 The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance 1974-76 Includes drafts of book reviews by Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn on Indian Science. Includes draft of unpublished review article by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited 1968-69 Includes draft book review by Mendelssohn. Macmillan and Company Limited n.d. International Affairs 1964 Minerva 1974-75 Laboratory Practice 1965, 1969 Includes draft book review by Mendelssohn. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities Nature 1938, 1965-77 Includes drafts of book reviews, etc. by Mendelssohn. New Scientist 1964-75 re articles and book reviews by Mendelssohn, including some on China. Oxford Mail 1962, 1963 Press-cuttings of 2 articles by Mendelssohn. Oxford Research Penguin Books Limited re Penguin Science Survey. 1966 1963-64 D.121-D.124 Pergamon Press Limited 1958-77 D.121 Correspondence, 1963-73, re proposed book on Super- conductivity to be edited with an introduction by Mendelssohn. pondence with the Editor of the series in which the book was to have appeared (D. ter Haar). Includes copy of contract and corres- Correspondence with N. Kurti and Pergamon, 1976-77, re arrangements for reprinting a book of 4 lectures by F.E. Simon, J.L. Allen, Kurti and Mendelssohn, which was first published in 1952 under the title 'Low Temperature Physics'. Includes some royalty statements, 1958-65. Miscellaneous other correspondence with Pergamon, 1958-69. Correspondence, 1962-66, re arrangements for translation of 'Streitgesprdche Uber Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie’ by A. Pfeiffer. done by Mendelssohn's wife and one of his daughters and Mendelssohn wrote the preface to the English edition of the book. Pfeiffer is also included here. Brief correspondence re a further book by The translation was K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities The Philosophical Magazine Physica 1963-64 1936-37 re papers submitted by Mendelssohn. The Physical Society (Mendelssohn's carbon only.) Physics Today 1968-69 Includes typescript draft by Mendelssohn on 'States of Aggregation’. Physikalische Gesellschaft ZUrich Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion 1967 1938 The Royal Society 1935, 1939, 1958-70 Includes correspondence with F.A. Lindemann te papers submitted by Mendelssohn for publication, 1935. Science Journal Science Progress Science Reporter 1969 1965, 1967 Spring Green Multimedia 1963-64 1965-66 Science and Technology 1968-69 Weidenfeld and Nicolson (World University Library) Correspondence arising from published letter by Mendelssohn on jet propulsion. Warburg, F.J. (Martin Secker and Warburg Limited) Taylor and Francis Limited 1973 1976 1974 1944 1967 1965 Szamuely, G. The Times The Times of India K.A.G,. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Publications, editorial activities John Wiley and Sons Yasukochi, K. 1962-63 1972 (Editor of the official journal of the Cryogenic Engineering Association of Japan). 1964-65 Miscellaneous requests for permission to quote, reproduce figures, etc., 1964-77. Draft book reviews by Mendelssohn, all undated. Miscellaneous drafts, data and calculations. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION E CONFERENCES AND VISITS, E.1 - E.152 INTERNATIONAL CRYOGENIC ENGINEERING CONFERENCES, 1968-78 E.87, .E: Silsbee, F. B. see H.46 1932-37 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 General correspondence Silsbee, F. 8B. re proposed visit to Oxford. Sater, J, +. C; Smith, H. G. Sommerfeld, A. Spence, R. (Mendelssohn's carbon only.) Stephens, R. W. B. Swain, R. Taconis, K. W. Tisza, L. 1937 1937-38 1937, 1947 1966 n.d. 193] 1947 1938-39 Includes 3 pp. typescript on ‘Transport Phenomena in Helium II’. Tokugawa, M. Tuyn, W. 1960-62 1946 Tyndall, A. M. Van Den Berg, G. J. Includes 6 pp. typescript 'On the transfer rate of the Rollin-Simon film’. News of the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory after the war. In alphabetical order. Replies to letters of congratulation sent by Mendelssohn, mainly to colleagues on their election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1941-56. Wilson, G. LL. 1937-39 1950 Van Laer, H. Von Laue, M. 1940 1949 1949, 1956 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 General correspondence Shorter scientific correspondence, 1932-77. order. Not indexed. In alphabetical Shorter personal correspondence, 1945-77. order. Not indexed. In alphabetical Unidentified and first-name signatures. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 SECTION J NON-PRINT MATERIAL, J.1 - J.15 oA Photographs of Mendelssohn Includes one taken in the Clarendon Laboratory, n.d. 1930s, and one with J. Daunt and R.B. Pontius. There are also two later photographs (+1 duplicate), one dated 1972. Photographs of friends and colleagues In alphabetical order. Bowers, R. Brewer, D. F. Brown, J. B. Chandrasekhar, B.S. 3 photographs including one with C.S. Hung. Cherwell (F.A. Lindemann) See also J.1. Hull, J. 3 photographs . London, F. McCrum, N. G. Deunt; 1. Gi Daniels, J. M. R. (née Moore) Continued 4 photographs, including 3 with F.J. Lenthal. 7 photographs. MacDonald, D. K. - C. 2 photographs. Olsen, 4d. L: 2 photographs. Parkinson, D. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 J.5 (Cont'd. ) Peshkov, V. P. Non-print material Rosenberg, H. White, G._ K. 3 photographs. Unidentified Photographs taken at cryogenic conferences in Moscow, 1966 (2) and Eindhoven, 1972 (4, in envelope). Photographs of apparatus 2 photographs of damaged apparatus after an explosion in Simon's laboratory in Berlin, March 1930. belonged to N. Kurti. The apparatus Hydrogen liquifiers and compressors in the Clarendon Laboratory, various dates. Helium liquifiers in the Clarendon Laboratory various dates. Miscellaneous cryogenic apparatus, mostly from other laboratories. Photographs taken during Mendelssohn's visits to China. (See Section F.) Photographs of Harwell apparatus, some with identifications. Still photographs from a film illustrating superfluidity made at the Clarendon Laboratory. For correspondence and reports on Mendelssohn's collaborative work with Harwell, see B.115-B.118. Miscellaneous other photographs, mainly for publications. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABRIKOSOV, A. A. ADAMS, E. Dwight ADAMSON, Robert ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron AITCHISON, Gordon J. AKAR, Philippe ALBRECHT, C. ALDRED, Cyril ALEKSEEVSKI, N._ E. ALLEN, John Frank ALTOV, Valerii Aleksandrovich ALVAREZ, Luis W. AMBASTA, S.__ P. D.22 B.49 F.13 E.89 E.140 E.14 D:97 G.63 B.110 8 .78.D.7, Dee D. 122: E.12, E.22, £.131, H.1, H.38 B.44 E.144, G.64, G.65 D.128 B.45 B.74 B.110, E.131 D.131 E.62 D.96 E.149 B.50 A.9 H.45 B.85 B.56 E.65, H.20, H.21 B.95, B.133 —L. APPLETON A. OD. ARAFA. Salah ANHALT, A. ANQUEZ, Michel ARGYLE, Michael ARAUJO, J. Moreira ANDERSON, R.A. ANDREW, E.R. ANDRONIKASHVILI, E. E.64, E.66, E.85 B.13, H.2 D.109, H.3 E.26, E.32, E.50, E.62, B.35, B.36,.B.37,.B.38, B.39 ARMS, Nancy ASTROM, Hans U. BABBITT, Jack D. ATKINS, Kenneth AWBERY, J. H. BAILEY, Colin A. BALDUS, Wolfgang K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents BALTENSPERGER, W. BANERJEE, M._ K. BARDEEN, John BARON, Stanley BARRER, R. M. BASU, D. BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BELLIS, James O. BERG, W. BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BETTS, David S. BEWILOGUA, Ludwig BHAGAT, Satindar Mohan D.126 B.46 B.46, E.45 D.51, G.28, G.30, G.32, G.36 H.5] 6.137; ©. 138 A.7 G.66 H.4 H.4 D.93 E.3, £.27, E.37, E.43, E.56, E.62, E.66, E.74, E.75, E.82, E.83, E.85 B.46, B.53, B.85 BHANDARKAR, RR. S. E.136 B.48 BLOUNT, B. R. H. BLACKMAN, Moses BIRMINGHAM, Bascom W. Peete cuews, G..: 3! BIRSS, R. BITTEN, E. E.14, E.46, E.42, E.66, H.20, H.21 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron B.74 B.122, B.123, B.124, B.125, B.126, B.127, B.128, B.129 F.39, G.2 KID 1.22; D. 102 D.127, H.5 E.45 Prva? B.57, B.67, B.68, B.71, B.117, E.12 BLIN-STOYLE, Roger John BLANCHARD, E.R. BLATT, Frank J. BLAU, Tom L. BLEANEY, Brebis B.56 B.91 B.48, G.27 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents BLOW, Stephen BOASE, Thomas Sherrer Rose BOGNER, G. BOOTH, N. BORN, Max BOSANQUET, Charles lon Carr BOSE, A. BOWEN, Edmund John BOWRA, Sir (Cecil) Maurice BOVE A Je sk, BRETSCHER, Egon BREWER, Douglas F. BROADBENT, K.P. BROCK, Michael George B.47 B.47 D.80 E.110 A.7, H.6 A.4 E.151, H.6 a7 G.2 B.45 H.6 B.48, B.58, D.22, D.93, D.94, D.98, D.99, D.100, F:42, G:27, H.7 BRYAN, Derek BUCHMANN, E. BUCKEL, Werner BRONOWSKI, Jacob BROCKMAN, Sir Ronald F.41 A.9, A.10, B.44, B.53, B.81, B.83, B.86, B.98, B.122, B.123, B.124, B.125, B.127, E.94, F.38, H.34 B.53 H.8 B.88, C.48, G.66, H.8 F.4 H.8 C49 D.38, F:2) E.27, E.65, G.10 B.19, B.23 BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron BUZZARD, Sir (Edward) Farquhar BURHOP, Eric Henry Stonely BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) BURCHAM, William Ernest A.7 D.44 B.57 B.132 H.8 B.49 BROWN, James B. BURTON, E._ F. BURTON, Richard K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents CAHN, R. W. CALDER, Nigel CALVIN, Melvin CAMPBELL, Bruce G. CAMPOS, Ayres de CARERI, Giorgio CARRINGTON, Richard CECIL, Rupert CERNY, J. CHAGLA, M.-C. RMAC LSe 4, J. CHALMERS, Bruce CHAMBERS, Robert Guy CHANDRASEKHAR, B.S. CHAPERON, Yves D.68 0. 113 E.99, E.144 Ei 7 B.50 D.76, E.43, E.74, E.80, E.85, E.96 D.9 B.85 E.124 C.39 B.85 D.108 D.7 B.49, B E.55, E.56, E.65, E.66 B.52, D.76, E.105, E.118 D.17 F.14 F.36, F.37 A.4, B.8, B.9, B.13, B.30, B.31, D.127, H.51 51 Viscount Cherwell CHEN, Kuan-1. CHENG, Yueh CHAUDRON, Georges CHOPRA, Vinod Kumar CHAUDHURI, K. OD. CHESTER, Geoffrey V. CHORLEY, Robert Samuel Theodore, Baron CHERWELL, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, D.128, G.1 E.69, E.97, E.104, F.34, F.38 G.20 F.36 F.36 D.29, D.33 CHOTANI, A. Hamid B.85 B.53 er fe E.104 CHRISTIE, Ra CHU, Te-kuei CHOU, Hsiang-pu CHOU, Pei-yuan CHUANG, Yen CLARK, Ronald W. CLARKE, Robin K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents CLAYTON, Peter A. CLOSS, John O'Neill CLOW, Archie COCHRAN, William COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas CODLIN, BoM, COE, Michael D. COLEMAN, Earl COLES, Bryan R. COLLIER, He «<8. COLLINS, Sam CONNOLLY, Albert CONTE, Rolland R. CORNER, W._ OD. CORSAN, John M. D.49, G.31, G.67 H.9 C.40 G.20 A.7, H.9 D.111 G.3 D.71, D.90, D.96 B.84 F.40 H.10 B.54 D.93, D.94, D.95 CROFT A. CRONHEIM, Georg E. CROWTHER, J. G. CUMMINGS, Kent COWAN, J. COWAN: S. A. 4. CRISTESCU, Silvia COULSON, Charles Alfred COTTRELL, Sir Alan (Howard) CRITCHLOW, Philip Richard E.142 B.55 E.95 B.80, H.38 B.85 B.23, B.26, B.35, B.36 H.10 B.56 D.67 F.40 B.25, B.33 D.92 H.51 A.4 H.11 CURRAN, Sir Samuel (Crowe) DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean DALITZ, Richard Henry CURTIS, William Edward DARROW, Karl K. H.38 B.122 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents DASH, J. DAUNT, John G. G. DAVEY, Gordon DAVIES, E.R. DAVIS, Harold L. DE BRUHL, Marshall DEBYE, Peter DEKKER, Maurits DE: NOBEL, J. DESHOTELS, Warren J. DESIRANT, Maurice DICK, William E. DIEHL, Harvey DIETRICH, Isolde D.93 B.48, D.92, D.93, D.94, D.95, D.96, D.98, D.100, D.105, E.122, H.11 B.57 A.7, H.11 D.43 p.142 D.17 D.3 D.19 B.56 H.11 D.113 D.44 D.97, D.98 G.68 B.74 B.60 E.140 B.123, B.129 D.99 F.Al D.44 H.39 B.66 DIXON, D. M. DOBBS, E. Roland DOIDGE, Pe 8, DOWUONA, M. DREW; J... M; DUDBRIDGE, Gien DULY, Sidney John DOWNES, Leonard S. DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) G.69 B.58, B.123, B.124, B.125, B. 127, 8. 128, 8.127, Dui EDWARDS, lorweth Eiddon Stephen DZIWORNOOH, Peter Ayaovi ECCLES, Sir John Carew EDWARDS, David O. F.41 E.98 B59 EATWELL, A. J. DUNN, P._ D. EDER, Franz X. G.s0e, Bela), v-se K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, W. G. M. ELLIOTT, Reed O. EGGERT, John EHRENBERG, Werner EIGEN, Manfred ELLIS, R. ELSASSER, P. Hobart ELTON, Lewis Richard Benjamin EPSTEIN, H.-G. EVANS, David S. EVANS-ANFOM, E. EYSENCK, Hans Jurgen FAIRBANK, William M. FAIRBARNS, Janet FARIA, Carlos M. Bettencourt AZ H.11 D.36 G.60 D.66, E.93 D.126 G.17 B.104, D.44 H.12 B.28 B.107, B.121 H.13 D.91, E.99 B.60 G.2 D.37, D.40 D.108 B.47 E.145, E.146 B.103 A.9, A.10, E.99 E.127 D.22 E.95, H.13 D.125 B.64 D.44 E.109, H.5] H.13 B.88 FISHWICK, Wilfred FERREIRA, J. Gomes FARMILOE, T. M. FARRAND, Roger A. FERREIRA, H. Amorim FERRAR, William Leonard FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) B.14 FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FREETH, Francis Arthur FRANK, U. FRANKLIN, E. FOMEER, A: D. FORREST, John Samuel FRANCHETTI, S. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 FRENCH, Robin A. FRICKE, Jochen FRISCH, Otto Robert FROHLICH, Herbert FUJIWARA, Takeo FUKUROI, Tadao B.61 G.13 D.36 E69, H.13 E.}07 E.102 FURTADO, Carlos Artur Trindade de S4 B.62, B.119, E.146 H.5] G.70 GABOR, Dennis GARDE-HANSEN, P. GARDNER, John B. GARRATT, Arthur GARTON, Geoffrey GERISCHER, H. GERSTEL, Kaete GIANESE, P. GIESLER, G. GILBERT, John GIAUQUE, W. F. a7 .63 .47 owe 14 . 120 .124, B.126, B.127 «a0, Es22, 24, E525, gr, E27, baw, 6.43, «64, E.65,.E<66,°E. 84, .85 269 /2E GQ, Exe, E111, &. 14, E E E E D B B C H E D D F. D B F B E 8 D D D GILDE, Hans-Geog GASCON, Francisco GINZBURG, V._L. B 18 AA .110 .28 .64, D.92 .137, E.138, E.151 .95, E.104, H.15, H.45 119 44, G.48 65 £65 GOWING, Margaret Mary GOOD, Jeremy A. GRIFFIN, Charles S. GREENWOOD, D. GOPAL, E..-S. GODDARD, F. F. GORTER, C.... J. GOULD, Donald Raja A. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents GRIFFITHS, Ezer GRIFFITHS, J. Gwyn GROOTAERS, Jan GUENIN, M. GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GUNTHER, R._ T. GUPTILL, E. > AV. GUTSCHE, Hugo GUTTMANN, Werner HAASEN, P. HABERDITZL, Werner HAHN, Angela HAIDEMENAKIS, Epimenides D. HAILSHAM OF SAINT MARYLEBONE, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron H.38 G21, G52 P42 Gi23 H.16 H.16 B.75 H.16 G.36 B.73 D.29, D.36, D.45 D.26 E41:H. 17 H.18 D.111 G.70 B.80 D.103, D.104 HANLEY, Peter HAKEN, H. HALE, Nathan Cabot HALL, .G... G, F.38 Pigs, Pa 32 HANG, Hsiung-Wen HAMPSHIRE, Sir Stuart (Newton) HALLPIKE, C. S. HAMMEL, Edward F. Mio! G2 E.3-erit- £. 20;- E37, E.45, E.143, H.20 D972, 0194, 0.96 HARTENBERG, Richard S. HARPER, Alan F. A. HARTWIG, William H. HARRISON, Simon J. HARRISON, L. W. HARE, Gerald Edward D.25 B.66 E.140 F.40 B.67 G.71 HARPER, W. R. HARRIS, Richard B.36, B.37, B.40 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of ¢ correspondents HASEDA, T. HASELDEN, Geoffrey G. HASIGUTI, Ryukiti R. HAWKING, F. HAYCRAFT, Colin HAYES, William HEINZ, W. HEISENBERG, Werner HEIZER, Robert F. HENDRICKS, Robert C. HERBERT. G:F, HERZBERG, G. HETZEL, Frederick A. HEUER, Kenneth E.110 E.11, £.22, H.20, H.21 E.109, H.18 F.39 Del PL Biz. 12: D.14, D.30, D.63, D.130, F.17, H.34 D.65 C.49 D.45 G.7] E.65 B.28, B.30, B.31 D.22 D.40 Duss HIGHAM, David HIRSCH :G. eR: D.63 D.7 A.9 Alita. oo HILTON, F. HIRSCHLAFF, Ernst D.45 E.90 D.76 HINTON, Howard Everest HIRSCH, A. A. HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HOENOW, Alfred E.144 HOLBROOK, Arthur J. HUBLEY, Reginald A. HSIUNG, Hsiang-hui HOUSTON, James G. HUDSON, Ralph P. H.18 E.98 B.10, H,19 H.19 Faby Tcl, eae G.20 F 37 F.38 Pike HORSEMAN, A. HSIEH, Hsi-te HU, Nan-sheng K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents HUGHES, Geoffrey HULL, Derek HULM, John K. HUME-ROTHERY, William IMAI, Isao ISKANDER, Zaky IYENGAR, P. K. JACOBY, Kurt JAEGER, F. M. JANIK, Jerzy JARVIS, Philip JHA, Surendr eA VS: oe B.89 D.43, H.19 H.19 E.102 E.149 E.15] D.107 H.23 D.108 E20 Fev Esto JOHNSON, .K.. BD. JONES, Harry B.117 E.112 KAMEL, R. KANDA, E. JURASZ, A. tT. H.38 D.45 B.30 KAISCHEW, Rostislav KAMPMAN, A. A. JONES, Gwyn Owain JONES, Reginald Victor 6.1978. 8a 8.96 D110 E.89, E.90, E.128, E.130 H.23 G.26 E.102, E.110 C.48 D.74, E.13, E.26, H.23 B.68 D.20 A.9, E.101 B.125, B.127 RS BA10, Bl pei 12 B14 KAPITZA, Peter Leonidovich KARAGYOZYAN, A. KEELEY, Thomas Clews KANE, B. = Martin KARTZEV, VV. P. KATZ, Sir Bernard KAY, Desmond G. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents KEESOM, W._ H. KELLY, John Norman Davidson KEMMER, Nicholas KEMrorer, C,.- *J. KERR, Roger Malco!m KHALATNIKOV, I. M. KreRA, S.:°.5. KIDWAI, A. J. KIKUCHI, Seishi KIRYUSHIN, Vladimir 1. KLIPPING, Gustav KLOSE, Wolfgang H.23 B.47 H.51 G.12 B.69 B.70, B.110 C.39, E.136, E.138 .53, B.84 .102 .13, E.131 Gs B; lta, D3, OBO, E.27, 32, £.34, E.3%, E: 37, a0, Esau, Bybo, E.56, :O9, 6.60, Ema, E.65, E.72, 667 (2:68, EGF, .74, E.78, ye. .b sO, .82, E.84, 85 E. E. E. RS E20 w T T T e e e i w o m m m m m m m m KOK, 4. A. KOTANI, Masao G. KOTUSOV, A. KRAUSS, Irmgard RORNERV, Sx. G, KOHLER, J. W. KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KOTHARI, Daulat Singh “3).E. 14. E20 -E 25, .27, E.28, E.29, E.45, m m .51, E.52, E.66, H.20 m H. 24 E.133 C.38, E.102, E.110 B.46, B.52 E.13 H.24 E.98 D.38 E.115, E.116 E.118 E.99 B.121,. 8.122, B:123,.8.125, B.127 KRISHNAMURTHI, K. KUFUOR, F. A. KREUZHAGE, J. KRISHNAN, R. KUBO, Ryogo KUHN, Franz H.24 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents KUHN, Thomas S. KUNDU, D. N. KUPRIANOFF, J. KURTI, Nicholas LACAZE, A. LAMB, Willis E. LAMPEL, George P. LANDAU, Lev Davydovich LANG, H.R. LAUBE, Hans LAUER, J-P. LAWRENCE, R. 45 . 137 el 66; C:2-D.122, EN? .33, E.68 E.62, E.74, E.79 A.4 B.7] B.110 A.7, A.11, B.90, D.116 C.49 G.71 G.49 LAWSON, J.D. F.39 E.14 Fae B.45, H.26 LEE, Tsung-ying LEONHARDT, F. LEVESQUE, Rene J. LISI, ci. iM. LEBEER, L. LEE, James A. LEECH, Richard H. LEFEVRE, Félix B.96 D.109 E.14, E.20, E.32, E.37, H.27 B.85 B.110, D.22, D.102, H.27 D.127 D.76 D.45 H.51 E.98 B.75, D.91, D.92 LIPMANN, Fritz LISS, Alan R. LITTLE, William A. LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LINDEMANN see = CHERWELL LINNETT, John Wilfrid Paes ee LINDNER, R. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben LOFTAS, Tony LOMER, W. LONDON, Fritz Michael LONDON, Heinz LONDON, Lucie LON GUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LORENTZEN, Gustav LOUNASMAA, Olli V. LOVELL, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard LOWELL, John LUBECK, Heinz MA, Chia-chun MACCHI, Giulio > e o . o o 4 e e a r o o c O N S O o N n O © O o e r e e e o 2 O o o N E.131, F.41 B.137 McCRUM, N. Gerald B.23, B.26, B.28, B.33, B.35 G.72 D.129 McGILL, lan G. McKERROW, W. Stuart McKINNEY, Richard L. MACDONALD, Norman P. MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn MACINTOSH, Sir Robert (Reynolds) MACDONALD, David Keith Chalmers .76, E.80 E.T3 110, D.22, E.13, E.26, 87. £42 E.6), E274, MAKARENKOV, V. MALKOV, M. P. MADDOX, John (Royden) B.55 B.88 B.80 F.14 B.51 MAJOR, John K. MACKINNON, L. McQUILLAN, Alan D. McWEENY, Roy B E E K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents MALLINSON, F. Barnett MANNING, A. F. MARCH, Norman Henry MARGERISON, Tom MAROIS, Maurice MARSHAK, Robert E. MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MARTIN, David John MASSE, G. W. MATTAROLO, Lucio MAXWELL, lan Robert MAY, A. N. MAZUER, J. MEISSNER, W. . y o s a n r i r e ) r e n t S 9 0 o O 36, 46 we 23 .87, .92, 96, 101 + p.2 70, 8.140, B.133, £.13, .109, E.129, E.131, £.135, .145, F.35, H.37, H.39, 40, H.45 74 .88 79 MAYCOCK, R. MAYER, Barbara MEHTA, Jivraj N. MEADEN, G. __ Terry MELO, Antonio de Almeida MENDELSSOHN, Thomas D.122, D.124, H.34 B.123 D.33 D.33, D.34 E.77 B.75, B.107 B.84 D.18, H.29 B.76 H.29 B.136, E.118, £.136, H.38 B.77 B.9 D.103 E.137 C.38, E.110 D.22, E.14, E.110 B.72 MENON, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar MOON, Philip Burton MINKOFF, MITRA, S. G. K. MIKURA, Ziro MILLER, H. M. MIYAZAWA, Hisao MONNA, Gohei K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents MOORE, Judith MORAWETZ, Herbert MORGENSTERN, Oskar MORRIS, J.C. MORTIMER, Michael J. MOSS, Rosalind MOTT, Joan C. MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MUGNIER, Daniel MULDAWER, Leonard MULDNER, Himil MULLER, Jean MUNOZ DOMINGUES, Juan Santiago MURRAY, P. MYNCKE, H. H.30 D.29 D.46 A.4 B.78, H.30 G.2 D.54 H.31 E.69, E.78, E.85 B.84 D.37, D.38 B.49, D.17, D.22 B.79 B.108 D.110 NATHAN, H. L. NATHAN, Hans NARAYANAN, P. S. NAGANO, Hiroshi NEEDHAM, Joseph NEEL, Louis Eugéne Félix B.40 E.64, E.65, E.67, E.68, E.69, E.72, E.75, E.102 B.98 B.15 E.108 F.39, H.37 E.3 H.32 See C.46, C.47, D.26-D.48 D.105 D.14, D.15, D.130 D.17 D.24, D.64, D.65, D.66, D.67, D.68 NUFFIELD, William Richard Morris, Viscount NIEDWODNECZANSKI, Henryk NORBERG, R._ E. NOVAK, Zden D.79) D.80, E.67, E.82 NOAKES, G. Robert B.59 NERNST, Emma NERNST, Walther Herman NETTLETON, Richard E. NEWNHAM, Richard Nuffield K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents OESPER, Ralph E. OGSTON, Alexander George : OHNO, Kimio OLDHAM, C. H. G. OLIPHANT, Sir Mark (Marcus Laurence Elwin) OLSEN, Jérgen L. OLSON, Jane V. F; ONLEY, H. D.46 A,51 B.80 F.27 AGT B.83, D.7, D.79, D.104, €.3 EA €.5, £,10,-€.20; E.22, E.24, E.25, E.27, E.28, E.29, E.30, E.31, £.32, E.33, E.36, E.37, E.38, E.43, E.44, E.45, E.47, E.49, E.51, E.52, E.57, E.62, E.63, E.74, E.76, E.85, G.23, H.21, H.32 G.3 6.70: D, 71, B72 0.73, :76;:D;90, 05106, 0.107, E.103 ONSAGER, Lars OOKAWA, Akiya ORGA, Ates ORLEANS, Leo A. OSHIMA, Keichi Ei E.11] G.28 F.30 D.13, E.25, E.57, E.97, Ean E.69 E.116 A.7 B.85, B.90 P'AN, Ch'un OYAMA, Yoshitoshi H.51 PANDIT, Vijaya Lakshmi PANETH, Friedrich Adolf PATTEE, Howard H. PARANJAPE, V. V. PARKER, C. A. ¢,38 B.63 E.90 D.46 PAULI, Wolfgang PARRA, Rodolfo PAUL, Deiter K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents PAWLEY, G. — Stuart PEER, G. PEI, Tsien-chang PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PEIXOTO, José Pinto PELLAM, John R. PENTLAND, N. PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PESHROV; Vac. 2. PETERS, Sir Rudo!ph (Aibert) PEILEY 05 W. PFEIFFER, Alfred PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) PHIELIPS.R. PRULOW. M, Fs “E, G.73 E22 Kat D.68, H.33 B.103 D25 E.14 He 5] 8.110, &.37,,E.106 A.7, D.46 D.93 H.34 E.90 B.57 B.104 PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian D.22, H.51 B.85 PLANK, Rudolf POCKLEY, Peter POSTMA, H. POOLE, DD, POOLE, M. mM, Ji D.76 EY C.44 H.35 POSENER, Georges PONTIUS, R._ B. B.60 B.66 B.80 POPLE, John Anthony PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward (Wilder) A.4, B.88, H.38 E.133 Sa Doo. 0.3 D.4.. el D.102, D.103, D.104 PRYCE, Maurice Henry Lecorney POWELL, Herbert Marcus POWELL, Alan Richard PROSKAUER, Eric S. B.83 H.51 ion B.81 PROWSE, Derek J. PROBERT, Douglas PRONSKY, D. G.24, G.73 | K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents RABOY, Sol RADHAKRISHNAN, T. — S. RAILSTON, W. RAJAGOPAL, E._ S. RAM, Atma RAMACHANDRAN, A. RAMANATHAN, Kalpathy Gopalkrishna RAMANNA, R. RAMASESHAN,, S. RAO, K. Venkat RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RATNALINGAM, Rasiah RAY, K. RAYCHAUDHURI, A. K. REDINHA, J. Simédes 5 .83 113, £.114, £.115, H.35 84 .39, E.137, H.35 £85 .118, H.36 53 .137 B B E B G B E B E B.85 H 38 B .86 B 84 B .87 B B .88 B . 88 ‘Ta B.128, B.129 B.64 B.90 RHODERICK, E. H. RICE, Alan F. ROSBAUD, Paul RiGeGs, Re. RINALDI, Celeste RINDERER, L. G.73 F.40, F.42 A.3 RICKETSON, Barrie RINTOUL, William ROSE-INNES, A. Christopher D B.61, 8.72; B.88, D.127, Eas, bh. tie D.2, D.3,°D.102, D.103, D.104 B.55, B.58, B.88, B.89 ROSENBERG, Harry M. ROTHERHAM, Leonard RUHEMANN, Martin ROY, Sanat Kumar Et6.14, 44) K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents SABET, Adel A. SAFRATA, Rudolf Stanislav de Almeida SAKAI, Denroku SANTOS, J. SAWYER, 1. R. J, SAXON, Richard G. SCHAPIRO, Meyer SCHARMANN, Dieter W. SCHNEIDER, Harald K. SCHNURMANN,, Robert SCHODDER, G.:. RR. SCHUBNIKOW, SCHULTZE, H. E.149 76, ere, Ey 14, E20, Ciee): Redd, Pies, * Bitey baa). 6.47, 6.52, E57; E.62, E.66, E.69, E.74, E.7ee £e0, E:62. E:85 Choe B.62, B.119 F.4] G.50 A.9 B.83 G.74 D.47 G.19 H.42 F518 G.34 H.42 Bey. 72 SCHWEISER, H. SCOTT, Russell B. SHALNIKOV, A. I. SCHULZINGER, Leon SHIFFMAN, Carl A. SEDDON, Sir Herbert (John) SHARMA, Jai Krishnan Narain .30 96 .110,.B.76 9 57 93 94 17 14 01.007; .D: 24; E.19, .36, H.12, H.38, H.43, AA SHUCKBURGH, Julian SHOENBERG, David e o s h o e M a < 0 8 O SHILS, Edward SHINNAR, B. SHOTT, M. SEGRE, Beniamino SHEARER, J. SHIGI, Toyoichiro 64 16 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents SIDGWICK, Nevil Vincent SILSBEE,:F..: B. SILVERMAN, Shirleigh SIMMONS, N. SIMON, Sir Francis (Eugene) SIMPSON, Esther SIMPSON, Oliver SIMPSON, William Kelly SINCLAIR, Rolf M. SINGH, Chatar SINHA, K.P. SKINNER, Herbert Wakefield Banks SLADE, Roland Edgar SLATER, John C. SMAILES, Anthony A. SMITH, Henry Sidney SMITH, Hugh Grayson SMITH, K. STAINTON Tom A.7 H.46 E.144 F.39 A.4, B.5, B.6, B.8, H.45 A.7 B.88 G.74 G.44, G.47 B.135 B.53, B.98 ‘7 B.15 H.46 6:76, D.79, Ess k4,-£.7, E.10, E.14, E.16, E.18, E00. £.91, E22, £:23; E.51, E.59, E.67, E.88, E.82 E.14 D.127 E.124 H.46 G.56 B.108 C.39 E.98 E.13 H.47 B.95, B.133, E.146 B.96 D.80 B.91, E.118 SMITH, Audrey U. SMITH, Kenneth F. SMITA, Me de SMITH, Sir Frank Edward G.67 SOUSA, Jodo Antonio de Bessa Meneses e SRIVASTAVA, B. N. SOMMERFELD, Arnold SOBOLEV, S. SODNOM, N. SPENCE, Stuart T. SRINIVASAN, R. K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents STEELE, William A. STEPHENS; &,. W. STERN, Edward A. STICKLAND, A. C. STINCHCOMB, Thomas G. SIONELN,, 4h STRAW, Phyllis M. STREET, Robert SUBRAMANYAM, S. V. SUGA, Hiroshi SUJAK, Bogdan SUNG, Chih-Kuang SUNYER I COMA, E. SUTCLIFFE, Peter W. SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black Mc lvor) SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SWEETING, Marjorie M. B.58, B.97 H.47 B.85 Ac7, B16 B.85 D.98 D.96, D.97, D.98, D.99 B.84, E.140 B.98 B.99, D.47 B.100 F.38 G.74 B.101 Ad, 0122 C.38 B.109 H.47 F.A1 E.72 D.129 TAYLOR, F(rank) Sherwood TAYLOR; W.-H. SYPUHEV Vi. ONs SZAMUELY, George TACONIS, Krien W. TAKAGAKI, Torajiro SUZUKI, Taira SWAIN, Robert D.112 D.76, H.47 E.102 B.34 D.125 G.75 B.85, D.121 E.114, £.115 E.84 H.37, H.39 THACKER, M.S. THOMAS, David B. TELLEFSEN, Olof TER HAAR, Dirk THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) THOMSON, George Malcolm K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents THOMSON, Sir George (Paget) THORNE, Gerald THORNTON, Sir (Henry) Gerard THOSAR, B. TIMMERHAUS, Klaus D. V. TIRMIZI, S. | Masoom Ali TISDALE, W. TISZA, L. E. TOBIN, Richard L. TODD, Tom TOKUGAWA, Munetoshi TOLANSKY, Samuel TOMASCH, Walter J. D.22 G.76 H.39 48, 0 Oo, Ba. tPA, E3136 .92, D.93, D.96, D.97, .98, D.99, D.100, D.107, 122 102 9 48 16 -40 .49 :1a2,-6.12 85 F. Donald V. H. UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Paul UBELL, Robert N. .103, D.105, E.146 46 .110 66 37, G.15 49 49 .58 TOME, Maria Amalia Migaes de Campos TOMPKINS, R. TOPCHIEV, A. TREVENA, D. TRUEB, L. TUYN, W. TYNDALL, Arthur Mannering TWUM-BARIMA, K. H.50 .92, D.93, D.94, D.95, 96, D.97, E.59 at? H.50 G.76 USMANI, I. H. VAN DEN BERG, G. VANDIER, Jacques VAN ITTERBEEK, A. VAN LAER, H. A.7 D.76, E.14 K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents VARMA, Ramesh D.112 VAUGHAN, Dame Janet (Maria) VEALE, Sir Douglas VENKATARAMAN, B. VENKATESWARLU, Putcha VERKIN, B. fi; VERKIN, Moroz VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VINEN, W.: °F. VISHNEV, I. VOLKOFF, G. M. VON ELBE, GUnther VON ENGEL DE JANOSI, Alfred Hans VON LAUE, Max VON ZANTHIER, Edith B.60 A.5, B.19, B.28, B.30, B.33, B.35, B.37, B.40, B.43 B.83, B.85, B.114 B.85, B.91 E.13 D.80 B.75, D.22, B.49, B.88 E.13 B.88 B.5 Ay £115, H.50 D.27, D.28, WARBURG, Fredric John WARREN, E. J. WALKER, G. WALLING, John C. WALTON, Alan J. WANG, Chang-Yun WARNOCK-SMITH, Neil D.129 D.96, D.98 E.12 B.105 F.36 D.130 F.31 F.40 F.41 G.76 D.10 D.73 D.47 D.115 D.108 WEIDENFELD, Arthur George, Baron WESTON-SMITH, Miranda WEBER, Rudolf WEEKS, Kent R. WEYSSENHOFF, Jan WHEELER, Charles W. WEIL, L. WEISSBERGER, Arnold K.A.G. Mendelssohn CSAC 93/4/83 Index of correspondents WHEELER, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer WHITE, Guy Kendall G.76 B.84, B.85, B.106, D.76, E.140 WHITTAKER, E. Brian G.56 WHITTAKER, Kenneth Charles WIGLEY, David A. WILCOCK, Bruce WILKS, John WILLIAMSON, R. C. WILSON, Geoffrey L. WITTS, Leslie John WOLFF, Robert I. WOOD, Martin WOODELL, Stanley R. 6.58, 6.10/7;8.122, E.423, Elz B.108 D.dl,-G.29 E.45 B.89 H.50 A.6 B.59 Uae B.121, B.122 ise €.39 YATES, Bernard YOSHIDA, Ikushi YUEH, Chih-chien Husain D.93 B.109 r,t D.80, D.131, E.65 YANG, Chen Ning YASUKOCHI, Ké ZAHEER, S. ZATZKIS, Henry D.47