MCKERROW, William Stuart v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of William Stuart McKerrow DSC D.Sc. (1922-2004) NCUACS catalogue no.139/4/05 By Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Title: Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell Date of material: 1939-2005 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of William Stuart McKerrow (1922-2004), geologist NCUACS catalogue no. 139/4/05 © 2005 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Oxford University Museum of Natural History Reference code: GB 0462 OUMNH McKerrow papers Extent of material: ca 500 items Deposited in: W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society Institute of Physics Royal Society Royal Society of Chemistry Salters’ Company Trinity College Cambridge St John’s College Cambridge Wellcome Trust W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE DIRECTOR OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OXFORD W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.18 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS B.1-B.40 SECTION C RESEARCH REGIONS AND TOPICS C.1-C.112 SECTION D EXPEDITIONS AND EXCURSIONS D.1-D.114 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES, BROADCAST _ E.1-E.64 SECTION F OXFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY F.1-F.116 SECTION H SECTION K SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES NON-TEXT MATERIAL CONSULTANCIES AND ADVICE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers, which cover the period 1939-2005, were received from Professor W .J. Kennedy who had assembled them from McKerrow's room in the Department of Earth Sciences at Oxford. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF WILLIAM STUART McKERROW McKerrow was born in Glasgow in June 1922 and retained strong loyalty to Scotland throughout his life. His account of his early years, ‘Direction Finding’ describes how his youthful interest in geology was first aroused at Glasgow Academy and developed at the progressive Abbotsholme School in Staffordshire, his principal place of schooling. Entering Glasgow University in 1940, he opted in 1941 for a course in radio. This led to his war service in the Navy as a sub- lieutenant and expert in high- frequency direction-finding working on convoy escort duties in the North Atlantic. This skilful and hazardous work, including an episode when he repaired a faulty radio receiver while suspended inside the ship in an Atlantic gale, was marked by the award of the Distinguished Service Cross. Department as lecturer and tutor, as supervisor of research and as a popular leader of field excursions. He also held Research or Visiting Fellowships in California, Chicago, Edmonton, Auckland and Massachusetts. At the suggestion and with the support of W.J. Arkell, McKerrow began his research career at Oxford on the brachiopods of the Middle Jurassic, which became the subject of his doctoral thesis (A.7). His Oxford. He remained there until his retirement in 1989, playing a full part in the work of the three days later. He graduated in 1947 and was immediately appointed Departmental Demonstrator at publications in the 1960s and 1970s. In later years he worked extensively on problems of continental redistribution, landscape evolution and time-scale, while never losing his attachment to local geology Demobilised in November 1945, McKerrow returned to Glasgow and resumed his University studies interest in the rocks of south-west Ireland, of the Scottish Uplands and of Newfoundland led to many History 14-16 January 2005, attended by 226 colleagues and friends (A.4). in the Cotswolds and the Oxford region. His Bibliography (A.1) lists 120 items. In 1978 he was short of his 82nd birthday. A weekend Tribute Meeting was held in the University Museum of Natural In 1949 McKerrow married Jean Brown and they had three sons. He died in June 2004, just 10 days awarded the degree of Doctor of Science at Oxford, which he liked to call his ‘second DSC’. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 A man of deep religious faith, McKerrow was an Elder of the Presbyterian Church, and often preached at St Columba's Reformed Church in Oxford, where his funeral service was held. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to individual sections, sub-sections and entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs are intended only to draw attention to items of particular interest. Section A, Biographical and autobiographical, is not extensive. There is virtually no personal or family correspondence. Items of interest include Mc Kerrow's autobiographical account of his life to 1949 (A.5) and details of the Tribute Meeting in January 2005 (A.4). His Scottish loyalties are attested (A.11) and his long connection with Wolfson College where he was a Founder Fellow, Senior and Emeritus Fellow, and Archivist (A.13-A.18). Section B, Notebooks, records McKerrow's early interest in geology as a schoolboy (B.1, B.40) work at Glasgow University before and after the war, and his continuing research career in a long sequence official retirement. use. published a Field Guide and where he took up the cudgels in the cause of public access and the island economy, and, closer to home, to the preservation of Kirtlington Quarry for public and scientific Section D, Expeditions and excursions, is short. Most of McKerrow's field trips are recorded in his Section C, Research regions and topics, is extensive, following, in varying degrees of detail, the development of McKerrow's research from Jurassic fossils to stratigraphy, orogeny and palaeozoic biogeography. There is also abundant documentation for his local attachments, to Arran of which he of notebooks documenting field excursions in Britain and overseas. These continue well beyond his McKerrow's contribution as lecturer, leader of field trips, and enthusiastic supervisor of graduate and Section F, Oxford University Department of Geology (now Earth Sciences) is substantial, covering Section E, Publications and lectures, covers a long time-span 1955-2001, and contains drafts, notes successful career as a lecturer, including his visits to America, is well documented. Perhaps and correspondence mainly for later publications, often collaborative. McKerrow's prolific and notebooks, or were undertaken through the Oxford Department of Geology. surprisingly, only one broadcast is recorded. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 doctoral students. He does not appear to have played a part in the more general affairs of the university, except for important role in promoting the interests 'non-fellows' his of and the establishment of graduate colleges. Section G, Visits and conferences, 1964-1999 is scanty and does not fully represent McKerrow's activities in this respect. There some documentation of his visiting posts at universities in the USA and of Europrobe meetings in the 1990s. Section H, Consultancies, is also brief. It includes some material on the planning routes for M40, the Oxford-Birmingham Motorway. Section J, Correspondence, covers the period 1962-2005 and includes a little material on the Southern Uplands controversy kindly made available by P. Stone after the 2005 Tribute meeting. Section K, Non-text material, includes photographs of McKerrow and some of his favourite sites such as Arran and the Oxfordshire region. There are also some of his well-worn and heavily-annotated field maps. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS acquaintance with McKerrow to bear on many questions. P. Stone for making available the material included at J.24 Mr S. Tomlinson of the Bodleian Library has given professional archival advice. We thank Professor Professor W.J. Kennedy and Mr H.P. Powell of the University Museum of Natural History have been unfailingly helpful in identifying and advising on material. Professor E.A. Vincent has brought his long Oxford 2005 Jeannine B. Alton W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.18 1953-2005 Biographical information Curricula vitae prepared by McKerrow at various dates. 2005, various dates compiled Bibliography references to McKerrow's writings refer to this list form Bibliog. ... MacNiocaill by C. 2005. All in the Tributes and recollections on the award of the Lyell Medal (1981) and retirement from Wolfson College (1989) 1981,1989 Obituaries and letters of condolence on McKerrow's death Material on Tribute Meeting held 14-16 January 2005 at Oxford on 'Recent Developments in the Geological History of the British Isles' War Service ‘Direction Finding’ Programme; participants; abstracts. 29pp typescript, 2 September 1998. McKerrow's autobiography, with accounts of education, faith and war service. to Jean 1949, with a colleagues and research fields. his family, Ends with his marriage list of later important dates, events, 1978, 2000 McKerrow served in the Royal Navy as a Sub-Lieutenant on North Atlantic convoy escort duty, operating high- frequency direction-finding equipment. In 1943 he won the DSC for his daring achievement in repairing a failed Notes on ‘Hunting "U" boats by wireless: protecting transatlantic convoys’. Also included Newfoundland obtain (unsuccessfully) commemorating war service. here fisherman at Wolfson College with a tried badge is correspondence and drafts for lecture for whom MckKerrow 1978 to a Merchant Navy W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Biographical and autobiographical, A.1-A.18 radio receiver while suspended inside the vessel in bad does weather. his autobiography (A.5). directly refer this not He to in In June 2000 McKerrow was persuaded to lecture at Wolfson College on ‘Hunting “U" boats’, which also avoids explicit reference. McKerrow's D.Phil. thesis, Oxford, April 1953 on variation in the terebratulacea of the Fuller's Earth rock' 'The Career and applications 1965, 1972, 1973 Miscellaneous family and personal correspondence 1959-2002 from letters Includes in Newfoundland and USA, letters re their health 2000, and itinerary for an extended family excursion to Scotland July 2002. McKerrow_ wife his to like his as of was family, brought Religion 1990-2004 During his Folder includes drafts and notes for sermons 1990, 'some thoughts on God, chance and necessity’ 1996, and Order of Funeral Service 2004. up, a McKerrow Presbyterian. first few days in Oxford in September 1947, he met Raymond and Mary Bailey of St Columba's ‘which is still my spiritual home' (A.5, p.25) and where he became an Elder. various dates McKerrow joined various Scottish organisations through St Columba's Church and became President of the Oxford Caledonian Society. memorabilia occasions, Folder speeches and toasts, menu, songsheets etc (see also A.14). a brachiopod named after McKerrow. is correspondence 1973 on includes Scottish Scotland included 1973 and Also W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Biographical and autobiographical, A.1-A.18 Subscriptions, societies, invitations Various dates A.13-A.18 Wolfson College Oxford 1977-1997 McKerrow was a Founding Fellow of Wolfson, a graduate college in North Oxford formally established in 1966. It originated, together with other graduate colleges, in the problem of 'non-fellows',who held appointments without a college fellowship or affiliation. McKerrow was a member 1961; two new of colleges were agreed, St Cross and Iffley. McKerrow opted to join the in 1965, which developed into Wolfson College in 1966 under its first President Sir Isaiah Berlin Ford Foundations. the Committee of non-fellows from the Wolfson and with funding from latter and McKerrow served the College in many ways; several of his graduate students were members. After his retirement he served as archivist. Accounts by McKerrow of the early history of Wolfson Iffley and 1989-1997 A.15-A.18 4 folders. etc dinners, and dinners 1977-1997 speeches, at Burns Wolfson Night Correspondence and papers on Wolfson College Lecture series Includes a note on archives policy, and his obituary of Frank Jessop, the first chairman of the Governing Body of Iffley. _Iffley Invitations, commemorative and speeches, memorial lectures and other College occasions 1988-1989 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS, B.1-B.40 1939-2001 The early school and university notebooks at B.1-B.12 testify to McKerrow’s choice of a career in geology from an early age and also to the break caused by his war service in the Navy 1942-1945. his list are The from books years. retirement during as a By far the largest component in the section consists of his career at field notebooks kept 1947-2001 Oxford appointment Departmental Demonstrator in the (then) Department of Geology to his active small-format pocket-size, closely covered in McKerrow’s sprawling script; pages are numbered and there is almost always an index and/or a of geological types dealt with. They record expeditions, the fossil or rock specimens found or identified, with dates and locations; they may sometimes include a reference to a colleague present on the excursion. Unusually, the books are not numbered but are identified with a letter of the alphabet the catalogue entries. The material may extend over several years, chronologically within each book but overlapping in topic in Newfoundland which extends over entries B.22-B.29. a publication or lecture, or to reproduced example others; letters these work _ A-R; with see are for his in B.1-B.12 B.34-B.35 B.36-B.40 B.13-B.33 MISCELLANEOUS FIELD NOTEBOOKS TEACHING NOTEBOOKS SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY The material is arranged as follows: 1939-1941 This at Abbotsholme School, school whose headmaster taught geology to senior boys and and organised Staffordshire. to Charnwood Forest where ‘Not to become a geologist, but the geology of the Charnwood work McKerrow records School Geography’ trip resolve McKerrow’s_ progressive Derbyshire 1939-1952 sixth-form in (A.5, McKerrow boarding inscribed exercise p.3) a dates only did | days visits and field book ‘W.S. from a W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 Forest was the subject of my first-ever lecture given during my first year as a student at Glasgow University’. the The book contains a geological description and diagrams of with some a later date and loose pages dated revisions added at 1940 and 1941. February and March 1939, area, The map in period. linen case at B.40 may also date to this Stiff-backed notebook, inscribed ‘W.S. McKerrow Higher Nat. Phil. 1941-2’ 1941-1942 and Exercises Glasgow University October 1941-May 1942, a few initialled or with comments by tutor. experiments physics at in A few miscellaneous calculations on loose pages at rear of book. notes on fossils, written or class work, inscribed Detailed minerals, ‘W.S. McKerrow 65 1940, 1941, 1946 Stiff-backed Hamilton Dr[ive] Geology’ notebook, 65 Hamilton Drive was McKerrow’s home in Glasgow. Several examples of originally stuffed into the book, have been removed and are listed below at B.4-B.12. Work begins October 1940 but is continued February 1946, wtih many pasted-in maps and diagrams 1940, 1941. petrology, crystals. 1952 Class exercises, maps and drawings, Glasgow University, originally in B.3. ‘Hungerford District’, January 1946 (with a few comments by tutor) ‘Nottingham District’, April 1946 1946, 1947, W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 ‘Geological History’, March 1947 (with a few comments by tutor) ‘Report on the eastern half of Somerset...mapped on the 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st March 1947’ McKerrow records this valuable trip under the guidance of T. Neville George in his autobiography (A.5, p.24). ‘Taunton’, n.d but probably on the same trip, March 1947 Molluscs Unidentified B.13-B.33 a note 1952 from Glasgow the to FIELD NOTEBOOKS Small exercise-book (covers lost) Miscellaneous geological maps with Oxford University printer copy McKerrow’s Department ‘Introduction Fossils’ (annotated) of University Geological Laboratory Study of Expeditions and finds mainly Ludlow, Wenlock and Welsh Includes notes made at meeting of the British Association at Dundee August 1947, and McKerrow’s trip with W.J. Arkell collect brachiopods for a D.Phil. thesis (see A.5, pp.25-26). Later notes and collection of brachiopods continue 1948-1952. ‘A’. Small red soft-backed exercise-book, pages numbered 1-72 27 September-3 October 1947 to 1947-1995 1947-1952 1950-1954 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 sites, 1950, 1952, 1954. ‘B’. Small black hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘W.S. McKerrow, Geology Dept. Oxford’ 1956-1970 Pages numbered 1-148. Index on first page with dates and locations, map references on pages 1-4. Detailed Ireland, Wales and Dorset accounts of expeditions in 1956-1970. notes of expeditions in Scotland and Brittany 1960-1962. rear of book, At Small beige hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘W.S. ‘C’. McKerrow, Geology Dept. University Museum Oxford’ 1958-1970 Pages numbered 1-84. Index on front page, mainly Ireland and Scotland 1958-1970. At rear of book, unnumbered pages of expeditions 1961, 1962. ‘D’. Small black hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Oxford, England’ Department University Geology ‘W.S. Museum 1959, 1964 Geology 1960, 1962 Department ‘E’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Oxford’ ‘W.S. University Museum Pages numbered 1-49. Accounts of expeditions in Nova Scotia and USA July-September 1959. Index on pp.48, 49. At rear of book, unnumbered pages 1959, 1964, mainly details of photographs and films. Pages numbered 1-55, expeditions in Scandinavia 1960, Nova Scotia 1962. Index on inside front cover. At rear of book, content including details of photographs and films. 1964-1975 Pages numbered 1-76. Scotland and Ireland. Index on inside front cover. ‘F’. Small red memo book (covers loose). Expeditions 1964-1975 mainly miscellaneous unnumbered pages of W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 ‘W.S. ‘G’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed University Museum, Oxford, McKerrow, Geology Dept England and Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Techology, Pasadena, California’ 1964, 1965 Pages numbered 1-93. Closely written account of visits, collections etc in USA 1964, 1965. Index on front page, map references on inside front cover. ‘H’. Small black soft-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Geology Dept. Oxford’ ‘W.S. 1965-1971 Expeditions September 1965- Pages numbered 1-35. September 1971 to various UK locations. Index on last (unnumbered) page. Small ‘?. McKerrow’ red hard-backed notebook, insicribed ‘W.S. 1966-1967 1-65. numbered Pages Newfoundland July 1966-September 1967. front cover. details of photographs and films. in Index inside At rear of book, unnumbered pages, mainly expeditions Visits and 1967-1975 1-146. Visits, conference, Dept of Geology, ‘J’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Dept of Geology, Parks Road, Oxford’ ‘K’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, England’ Pages numbered lectures, expeditions, Newfoundland and USA, various dates 1967- 1975. Index on pp. 145,146. 1973-1976 Pages numbered 1-161. collections and specimens, Newfoundland 1975, Index on pp.158-161. Pages and Normandy, Sweden, Norway, locations in dates 1973-1976. Index on inside front cover. ‘L’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Geology Department, Parks Road, Oxford’ Visits, expeditions, notes on 1977. expeditions, UK, various ‘W.S. Oxford, 1975, 1977 Parks Road, numbered 1-150. Visits ‘W.S. ‘W.S. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 ‘W.S. ‘M’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Department of Geology, Parks Road, Oxford, England and (on cover) ‘N. America’. 1977-1981 and Detailed accounts specimens visits, Pages numbered 1-187. expeditions 1977 (continued from book K, B.24)-1981. Index on last page. On preceding four pages, detailed index of work, sites and specimens in Newfoundland relating to notebooks K (B.24), J (B.23), M (B.26) and P (B.29). of Newfoundland in ‘W.S. ‘N’. Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed McKerrow, Geology Dept, Parks Road, Oxford and (on cover) ‘Europe’ 1976-1979 Pages numbered 1-158. Visits and expeditions in UK and Brittany 1976-1979. first two (unnumbered) pages. Index on 1979-1983 Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘0’. ‘W.S. McKerrow, Dept of Geology, Parks Road, Oxford and (on cover) ‘Europe’ ‘W.S. 1981, 1984 Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘P’. McKerrow and (on cover) ‘N. America’. Pages numbered 1-47. Rest of book not used. Visits and expeditions in Newfoundland 1981 (continued from book M, B.26), Oregon 1984. Note of contents at rear of book. Pages numbered 1-156. Visits and expeditions in Brittany (continued from book N, B.27) and UK 1979-1983. Index on first (unnumbered) page. 1985-1995 Pages numbered 1-75. Rest of book not used. Visits and expeditions in UK 1985-1995 and Giessen, Germany 1993. Index on first (unnumbered) page. Small red hard-backed notebook, no identifying letter but standard format, inscribed ‘W.S. McKerrow, Dept of Earth (Q crossed out). ‘R’ Small red hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘Dr W.S. McKerrow, Department of Geology, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PR’ W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 Sciences, Parks Road, Oxford, England’ and (on cover) ‘N-Z’ Pages numbered 1-60. Rest of book not used. Visits and expeditions in Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia 1988. Index on first (unnumbered) page. hard-backed Dept Two McKerrow, England’ and (on cover) ‘W.S. McKerrow 1980’ notebooks, Parks Geology, brown inscribed Road, of ‘W.S. Oxford, Used in expedition to Crown Prince Greenland. Christian Land, Book 1 Pages numbered 1-132. Camp 1-Camp 9, June-July 1980. Index on last page, list of photographs on inside front cover. 1980. Index on Book 2 1963-1989 July-August photographs TEACHING NOTEBOOKS Two small red hard-backed notebooks used for teaching notes, essay topics, tutorial times and reading lists. Pages numbered 1-10. Rest of book not used. Locations and first (unnumbered) page. 1976-1989 1963-1975 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Notebooks, B.1-B.40 B.36-B.40 MISCELLANEOUS hard-backed many Green interleavings, inscribed ‘W.S. McKerrow, Geology Dept Oxford’ and on cover ‘1’. notebook, covers loose, Pages numbered 1-149. Visits and expeditions 1953-1976, mainly in Oxford and Some brief Cotswold area, but also Northamptonshire. correspondence and Index, speciments and references at rear of book. intercalated. information red Small McKerrow, cover ‘Jurassic 2’ ‘W.S. hard-backed Dept of Geology Oxford University’ and on notebook, inscribed 1953-2001 1953-1976 1976-2001 A continuation of B.36. Pages numbered 1-104. Visits and expeditions in Oxfordshire and Cotswold areas May 1976-Many 2001. Indexes of locations and specimens on unnumbered pages at rear of book. Pages numbered 1-67. Notes on geological formations. Index on p.1. Brown soft-backed ntoebook, inscribed on cover ‘W.S. McKerrow’ ‘Shropshire’ Brown soft-backed ntoebook, inscribed on cover ‘W.S. McKerrow’ ‘Lake District’ Pages numbered 1-37. Notes on geological formations. Index on p.1. Related to McKerrow’s early expeditions as a schoolboy at Abbotsholme. See also B.1. Ordnance survey map, inscribed ‘W.S. McKerrow’ ‘Derby & Staffs’, held in a linen slip-case inscribed ‘W.S. McK’ W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION C RESEARCH REGIONS AND TOPICS, C.1-C.112 1952-2001, n.d. geological The title of this section comprises regions and topics of special interest for McKerrow, some, such as Arran, for ecological or environmental reasons as well as for their specifically as Newfoundland, he visited regularly over several years and made the subject of publications, while his long residence in Oxford, and the rich geological variety and working life explain of material relating to that locality. the extensive range of features. Others, area, such the McKerrow’s geological also represented here, and further material is included with his publications in section E. interests are C.1-C.19 ARRAN C.20 BRACHIOPODS C.21-C.25 CALEDONIAN OROGENY C.84-C.100 C.101 C.102-C.104 C.26-C.30 C.31-C.38 C.39-C.83 NEWFOUNDLAND KIRTLINGTON QUARRY CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL OXFORD AND OXFORDSHIRE PALAEOZOIC BIOGEOGRAPHY TIME-SCALE SILURIAN ISOTOPE STRATIGRAPHY PALEOMAP PROJECT SOUTH AMERICA C.106-C.107 C.108-C.112 C.105 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 1977, 1990- 1996 McKerrow’s first contact with the island documented here was in 1977 when he drew attention to ecological damage caused by the removal of sand from Brodick beach. a collaborative Field Guide with His regular visits led to F.B. Atkins published by the Geologists’ Association 1985 (Bibliog. 76), 2nd edition 1989 (Bibliog. 91). From 1990 he became involved with problems of land use, access and the island economy, involving many local and public bodies such as the Regional Council, the Countryside and Forestry Commmissions for Scotland, and the Geologists’ Association whose librarian and later President at the time was Eric Robinson, a friend of McKerrow. In December 1990 McKerrow was asked to conduct a survey of the situation; he did so in 1991 and drafted a report recommending five additional areas for designation as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). includes Much of the correspondence is conducted with Robinson and and documents received from other bodies and interested parties and passed on by him. photocopies letters of of 1977, 1990- Correspondence and papers Robinson was also involved with McKerrow’s plans for the recognition Kirtlington Quarry (see C.90-C.93) and refers to progress with this in some of his letters. Because of their frequent changes of personnel, local authorities, amenity societies and the like are indexed under their parent names rather than of the individual writer. 1996 Correspondence and papers on the extraction of sand and Includes McKerrow’s letter to gravel from Brodick beach. the and_ and correspondence arising. Problems of land access, changes and ecology, proposal that McKerrow should conduct a survey of the island, funded by the Geologists’ association. 1990 February-December 1977 Glasgow Herald other’ bodies, W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 1991 January-February Plans for McKerrow’s visit (with Robinson) in March. 1991 March-April and Meetins Committee, McKerrow’s visit, report. discussions of Arran Land drafts March-April of Access his 1992 April-May Request for advice on Consultative Draft Replacement Local Plan for Arran (C.10, C.11) and the McKerrow’s list of five additional SSSIs to be incorporated in the Plan. 1993-1994 1996 Correspondence, figures tables for McKerrow and Atkins’ Field Guide to Arran information, notes and and Correspondence and papers on the Concordat on Access. Correspondence, mainly with Robinson, on draft and final version of the Isle of Arran Replacement Local Plan with special reference to SSSIs (see C.12). Includes review by W.B. Harland of the first edition of the Guide 1986, heavily annotated by McKerrow. See also C.13, C.14. 1986-1990 See K.12-K.17, K.67-K.71 for photographs and maps of Arran. Plans and background material Annotated by McKerrow. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Official Publications 1992, 1994, n.d. The Mountain Areas of Arran (Countryside Commission for Scotland) N.d. of Isle (Cunninghame District Council, May 1992) Consultative Arran Replacement Local Plan See C.5. Appendix to Replacement Plan, May 1992 See C.5. of Isle History/Geological Sites, August 1994 Arran. Local Plan Important Natural See C.6. /sle Guides C.13-C.19 of Arran. A field guide for 2nd edition 1990 (Bibliog. 91) Very heavily corrected and revised. McKerrow and Atkins: students of geology (Geol. Assoc. 1985, Bibliog. 76) 2 copies, both annotated. P.F. Old Arran’ (Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc. 1963) The Geology of Arran (HMSO, 1928) Harland Friend, W.B. et al: ‘The Red W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 M. MacGregor et al: Excursion Guide to the Geology of Arran (Geol. Soc. Glasgow 1965) R. McLellan: The Isle of Arran (David & Charles 1970) BRACHIOPODS Notes on collections, few dated. 1962-1963 and n.d. Includes a list of Great Oolite Brachiopods held by W.S. McKerrow 1 on Bathonian ammonites from H. Torrens 1963. February 1962, letter and In his autobiography (A.5, pp.25-26), McKerrow describes discussions and collecting expeditions for brachiopods with W.J. Arkell in his first weeks in Oxford, September 1947. See also notebooks. B.13 and references passim in the field 1962-1964 C.21-C.25 1962-1989 CALEDONIAN OROGENY Also includes McKerrow’s notes and diagrams. Correspondence re McKerrow’s article ‘The chronology of Caledonian folding in the British Isles’, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. Washington, 1962 (Bibliog. 13) n.d. ‘Chronology of the Caledonian folding’, lecture in America 1964, 1965. ‘Evidence for Caledonian Orogeny...’, slide lecture Oxford 1964. 10pp manuscript lecture, no date or place. Lectures and talks 1964-1965, W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Correspondence Extensive notes, data and correspondence 1986-1989, n.d. with papers colleagues orogeny, proposed Correspondence collaborative papers, information, diagrams and data. Previous publications are referred to (perhaps Bibliog. 81, 82, 89) and there is an 8pp draft ‘The Orogenies in the Caledonides and North Appalachians’ (latest ref. 1990). plans on _ on of McKerrow’s annotated background articles and papers. ‘Caledonian folder Orogeny’ of heavily C.26-C.30 CHANGES IN SEA LEVEL 1982-1992 and n.d. Correspondence 1982-1983 for ideas or colleagues information 1983-1984 Correspondence re Postal Seminar Correspondence re Postal Seminar Second round of ‘Postal Seminar’, January-July. by McKerrow, circulating on November 1983-January The ‘Postal Seminar’ initiated interested continental sea level changes. 1984. 1992, n.d. McKerrow’s notes, tables, diagrams etc. Correspondence 1983-1984 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 C.31-C.38 NEWFOUNDLAND 1975-1994 McKerrow relates in his autobiography (A.5, p.9) his first visits to Newfoundland when the North Atlantic convoys harboured there on four-day stops in between ocean crossings. He tells us ‘I celebrated my 21st birthday at Argentia [a collected my first North American fossils’. base] and naval in interest intercontinental Newfoundland became a significant focus in McKerrow’s developing His regular visits and the importance he attached to them can be further documented in field notebooks, four of which detail expeditions in the area: B.23, B.24, B.26, B.29 covering between them 1967-1981. B.26 includes a detailed index to all the work. structures. his McKerrow published several papers on Newfoundland, often in collaboration with L.R.M. Cocks. Correspondence draft draft Correspondence McKerrow’s notes, diagrams, maps etc. Includes Cocks’s paper ‘The location of the lapetus Ocean suture in Newfoundland’, Can. J. Earth Sci. 1977 (Bibliog. 40). of McKerrow and Arrangements with colleagues for visit, July-September, travel arrangements, work plans, plans for papers, list of collections from New World Island made by McKerrow and Cocks, August 1975. 1975-1976 Palaeozoic Includes Island] submarine Newfoundland’, perhaps the paper with Cocks ‘A Lower Palaeozoic 1978 (Bibliog. 48). to New World Island July-August; list of (includes McKerrow) at Calonides Project Plans for visit participants plan canyon Correspondence paper NWI trench-fill...., Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. for in Lower ‘A [New World W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Conference, USA, September. Correspondence 1980-1981 Plans for visit to New World Island July-August; research in progress. Correspondence 1981-1983 a Penrose conference a ‘Mélange’ group Includes material on the formation of the and Appalachian Orogen’ August 1983 (later deferred to June 1984). Also included is a letter from A.M. Ziegler asking ‘Do you know there is a basin named after you between the Lomonosov Ridge and the Alpha Cordillera?’ ‘Mélanges on of Correspondence and papers 1992-1993 Research and publications, notes, diagrams etc. in the C.39-C.83 Correspondence and papers OXFORD AND OXFORDSHIRE Mainly relating to conference in honour of Harold Williams, ‘New Appalachian-Caledonian Orogeny’, Grand Falls, Newfoundland, August 1994. perspectives Includes McKerrow’s application for travel grant to Royal Society, conference programme, heavily annotated and with notes taken at meeting. 1952-2001 The region is rich deposits of ammonites and its relatively well-exposed stratigraphy. It was these features which fostered the early collecting of the young William Smith ‘the father of English geology’, himself born in the county at Churchill, and which provided him with the theme and title of his 1816 publication Strata The area around Oxford has been intensively studied by generations of geologists for several centuries and several reasons. of intrinsic interest for its W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 identified by organized fossils. The presence of the University of Oxford, its wealth, political connections and rapid development of scientific study during the 19th century obviously did much to promote continuing work on the region. William Buckland, author the Megalosaurus (1824), became the first Reader in Geology in 1813. John Phillips, nephew and protégé of William Smith, became the the University’s new Museum in 1853 and published Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames in 1871. first Professor of Geology in Stonesfield work inter alia on of at not then only field have Oxford Since trips continued the geological undergraduates on tradition, but many of its staff, notably W.J. Arkell whose Geology of Oxford and Oxford Stone (both 1947) remain standard works. generations of McKerrow was certainly devoted to the area, as seen in the material itemised below and also in many of the notebooks in Section B and in the work of the Oxford Department of Geology in Section F. The ancient buildings of Oxford were almost always of local limestones, whose identification and maintenance were of importance as well as of interest to the University and to geologists who were often called upon to advise. McKerrow lectured and reported widely on this matter, the material being presented at C.70-C.76. His own heavily- annotated copy of Arkell’s Geology of Oxford is included at C.83. An area of special interest in Oxfordshire was the quarry at Kirtlington, a village a few miles north of Oxford. The quarry, worked in the seventeenth century for Fuller’s Earth, later functioned as a cement quarry till 1928. It is fossiliferous with good exposures of limestone and Forest Marble. In 1979 McKerrow bought a house in the village and devoted much time and energy to securing the designation of the quarry as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a local park. The extensive material on this topic is presented separately at C.84-C.100. Correspondence and reports The material is presented as follows: Articles and publications Field excursions C.52-C.54 C.63-C.67 C.55-C.62 C.39-C.51 Lectures W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 C.68, C.69 Miscellaneous shorter notes C.70-C.76 Oxford building stone C.77-C.83 Background material C.39-C.51 Lectures 1975-1996 notes Miscellaneous geology of Oxfordshire, the Great Oolite and similar topics, given to various local groups. Sometimes a date or note indicates it may also have been used for an undergraduate lecture. lectures the for on Wantage Charlbury Untitled Nottingham Long Hanborough Aylesbury (and elsewhere) Natural History Society ‘Rocks, Fossils and Scenery around Wytham’ (University Extension Class) Several locations 1981/1982 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Kirtlington Trefoil Guild Charlbury C.52-C.54 Articles and publications 1974-2000 ‘Depositional environments in the lower part of the Great Oolite Group...’ by McKerrow and B.W. Sellwood 1974 (Bibliog. 33). Annotated. C.55-C.62 Field excursions 1952-2001 With a letter. The Oxford University ‘The geology of Oxfordshire’, in The Flora of Oxfordshire ed. Killick et al 1998 (Bibliog. 114) ‘The Oxfordshire landscape’, in Pensioner 2000 pp 13-15. Not in Bibliog. Drafts, 12 and 18 July 1995. Includes draft with extensive comments by W.J. Kennedy who had originally been a collaborator. Joint Meeting, May Geologists’ Association and Palaeontological Association Geologists’ Association Easter Field Meeting, 9-14 April F.21-F.40 See University Department. for field excursions by the Oxford W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Systematics Association Symposium ‘Marine Organisms and their Environment’, Oxford, 25-26 September Programme, information, McKerrow’s notes on conference papers and for his own talk. McKerrow was one of the symposium secretaries, and gave a preliminary talk before leading a field excursion on ‘Jurassic reefs in the Oxford area’. C.58-C.60 Field Meeting to Charlbury and Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, 4 July The excursion was led by McKerrow and S. Baker, an account being published in Proc. Geol. Ass. 99, 1998 (Bibliog. 85). McKerrow’s maps Correspondence with colleagues, information, comments on early draft of paper. Geologists’ Association West of England Group excursion, 9 June Correspondence, arrangements, permissions to visit. ‘The geology and geomorphology of North Oxfordshire’, 8 July Background information, early reports on Stonesfield slate (annotated), McKerrow’s schedule for the excursion. 1998-2000 Schedule, chart of ‘Stratigraphy of Oxford’. Also included is material re Oxfordshire Field Excursion organised by Oxford Brookes University, n.d., perhaps related. C.63-C.67 Correspondence and reports Ditchley Road Quarry [Charlbury] W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Rollright Stones (notes by McKerrow) Shipton on Cherwell Stratton Audley Woodeaton Quarry 1980, 1999 Includes report by McKerrow and an earlier report 1980 by T.J. Palmer Miscellaneous shorter notes 1995-2000, n.d. Typescript notes C.70-C.76 C.70-C.74 1963 1955-2000 notes, probably for lectures, maps and Lectures and tours Manuscript diagrams. 1995; Oxon Table 1997; Oxfordshire quarries 2000; Oxon-Jurassic, n.d., Oxon Stratigraphic sequence, n.d. Erosion surface Oxford Building Stone 5pp manuscript. Notes and drafts for lectures and guided tours round Oxford colleges, University buildings and the Museum of Natural History. 1963-1977 and n.d. Oxford Building Stones 1964, 1977 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 The Building Stones of Oxford Colleges 7pp manuscript. Notes of dates and places for tours Arrangements and letters of thanks for lectures and tours 1964-1973 Several from construction industry, clerks of works etc. Also included is material relating to tours organised by McKerrow for the Geological Society Jurassic Symposium for the Bicentenary of William Smith 1969. Correspondence, committee papers and reports, advice, Oxford notes University Building and Works Committee background material relating and to 1955-1957 Passed to McKerrow in 1969 by E.J. Bowen who was a member of the Expert Advice Committee. N.d. Stone; 2000 Christ Church Cathedral, 1959-2000 C.77-C.83 Background material Mainly on supplies, repair and weathering of stone. Correspondence, papers, information on reports, advice etc. given by McKerrow on Oxford stones 1959 Almshouses at Ewelme; 1963 Reports on quarry at Long Hanborough; 1967 Weldon Stone; 1969 Report on Clipsham St Fridewide’s Shrine. DSIR Road Research Report no. 24 Passed on by E.J. Bowen. 1952-1979, n.d. DSIR Report no. 18 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Roy. Soc. Arts no. 4963 T.J. Palmer, ‘Report on Field Meeting in Great Oolite’, Proc. Geol. Ass. 1972 T.J. Palmer, ‘Report on Jurassic of Central Palaeontology 1979 England’, W.J. Arkell, The Geology of Oxford, 1947 heavily Very material. work at one time. annotated intercalated McKerrow was contemplating a revision of the some with and 1988-2001 C.84-C.100 KIRTLINGTON QUARRY This was an area of special interest to McKerrow. Its geological features had long been recognised. McKerrow estimated that a thousand university and other students visited the quarry annually. McKerrow bought a house in the village, some 8 miles north of Oxford, in 1979 and became concerned that the quarry, where active working had ceased in 1928, might be damaged by inappropriate use and become dangerous to visitors. He campaigned successfully for its preservation and recognition as a local nature reserve. otherwise is of late date only. Correspondence, arrangements, information for field trips. 1959, 1998- 2001. Field Trips to Kirtlington See also K.22 - K.39. includes one The surviving material letter 1959 but W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 C.85-C.89 Publications and writings Most not in Bibliog. 1969-1999, n.d. McKerrow et al, ‘Palaeontological Kirtlington’, Palaeontology 1969 (Bibliog. 19) ‘Kirtlington Newsletter 1995 Quarry: our own Jurassic Park’, Village ‘New life for old quarry’, Earth Heritage January 1999 ‘The Great Oolite group...’, Geologists’ Circular, February 1999 Unidentified journal and range, Blue 1988-1989 with protracted negotiations C.90-C.100 use the quarry as a shooting material deals the Geologists’ Association Correspondence and papers Those involved include scientific and ecological Some of the correspondence with Robinson also refers to his and McKerrow’s involvement with the affairs of Arran (C.1-C.8). The and perceived threats affecting the development and use of local and district the quarry. organisations authorities, including Geological Society where McKerrow’s friend Eric Robinson was an official, Thames Valley Police which at one time proposed to Circle Industries, owner of the quarry, and private individuals. 1988-1997 Includes a statement of previous history and current state of negotiations, by McKerrow, October 1989. Includes proposal for a Nature Trail in the quarry. 1990-1992 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 1993-1994 Includes suggestion of a ‘country park’ in the quarry, March 1994. feasibility setting study examine up to a 1995-1997 comments Includes report, arrangements for lease, McKerrow’s summary (July 1996) of final agreement on the site as a Nature Reserve, official opening September. Feasibility study on Feasibility Study 1994-1996 up in March 1994 This was set be conducted by Parkin Heritage and Tourism Consultants (PHT). Their first report appeared in February 1995 and was followed by continuing submissions and comments on the interpretative panels required for visitors to the site. C.92), (see to 6 All the drafts and documents are annotated by McKerrow. Draft report December Draft final report February Comments and discussion of the report by the Working Group are at C.98. Draft Interpretive [sic] Proposals Versions 1 (May 1995), 3 (January 1996), All annotated by McKerrow 1994-2000 Correspondence, ideas, drawings and drafts, comments on interpretive panels Correspondence, minutes, October 2000 (continued Kirtlington Quarry’). meetings, October 1994-11 under name of of Kirtlington Quarry Working Group 1995-1996 ‘Friends 1996). 1996), (June 7 (July W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Includes notes by McKerrow, arrangements for handover of lease, September 1996. official information, Correspondence, Kirtlington Village Trail re teaching link with local school (Marlborough School, Woodstock) teaching material, Press cuttings PALAEOZOIC BIOGEOGRAPHY 1977, n.d. Notes, diagrams, references. Few only dated 1977. McKerrow published from the 1970s but specific link with this material. several papers on biogeography it not possible to determine a is 1992-1993 and n.d. 1992-1993 C.102-C.104 PALEOMAP PROJECT Maps and diagrams (annotated), few dated. Information on the project, correspondence, and notes C.R. Scotese and others 93) on this project; the material here may McKerrow collaborated with (Bibliog. 92, refer to later work. and n.d. Correspondence British Geological Survey on sampling of borehole cores for isotope analysis. McKerrow first made enquries in 1993 SILURIAN ISOTOPE STRATIGRAPHY mainly with colleagues at C.103, C.104 2 folders. 1993-1996 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 but the project lapsed until 1995 when samples were obtained, examined and returned. A report on an earlier (1961) analysis of Church Stretton cores is also included. C.106, C.107 SOUTH AMERICA Correspondence Carboniferous corals of the Amazon basin. ‘Discussion (on Precordillera of Andes)’, by McKerrow, T.H. Torsvik, J. Sturt and D. Roberts, J. Geol. Soc. 1995 (Bibliog. 108) Tait, V.M. Morley, B.A. Correspondence and notes. 1992-1995 1992-1993 1992, 1995 Includes McKerrow’s notes and bibliography May 1995: ‘the problem: where was South America in Early Palaeozoic?’, and notes of a lecture on the subject by |.W.D. Dalziel given at Oxford 1992. the See also J.25. collaborative Palaeozoic C.108-C.112 TIME-SCALE published ‘Early Notes and correspondence. papers chronology...’, with McKerrow R.D.Tucker: 1995 (Bibliog. 109), and with C.R. van Staal: ‘The Palaeozoic time scale reviewed’, 2000, Bibliog. 121). 1991-1992 Copies of correspondence passed on to McKerrow by Correspondence, idea, references and drafts exchanged with the collaborative paper R.D. Tucker on colleagues, Correspondence principally with 1980-1998 1991-1994 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Research regions and topics, C.1-C.112 Tucker relating to the radiometric dating of from Dob’s Linn, and a subsequent publication. a bentonite Time-scale tables by McKerrow 1980-1993 McKerrow’s notes, drafts and references 1993, 1998 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION D EXPEDITIONS AND EXCURSIONS, D.1-D.11 1956-2001 This material relates to field trips attended by McKerrow and sometimes led by him at various UK locations. They are additional to those in Oxfordshire and _ Kirtlington (C.55-C.62, C.84) and those undertaken by the Oxford University Department (F.21-F.40) Geologists’ Association Summer Field Meeting: South Wales, 8-18 September 1956 Booklet of maps and information, heavily annotated by McKerrow. Joint Meeting of the UK Geological Societies, Swansea, 23-26 September 1977 Annotated programme. Includes comments on rocks, maps, notes, background information. Palaeontological Association Annual Conference field trip to mid Wales and the Welsh borders 21 December 1985 Correspondence and papers, addressed to ‘Mike’, re trip to Scotland which McKerrow had been due to lead but was prevented by illness 1984, 1986 British Terranes Research Group Field Trip to Llyn and Anglesea, 1-2 November 1986 Oxford Shropshire, led by McKerrow University Geological Schedule, heavily annotated. Schedule only. Society excursions to Correspondence and schedules. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Expeditions and excursions, D.1-D.11 Shropshire excursions, led by McKerrow for the Society Geological Society lectures and_ field 1988-1990 Correspondence, notes and schedules. Southern Uplands Field Workshop Excursion in the Lake District, 10-11 April 1989 Schedule, maps. Coombs Quarry, Thornborough, Buckinghamshire post 1993 N.d. but after 1993 when the quarry was recognised as a Regionally Important Geolgical Site (RIGS). Maps, information, McKerrow’s notes. Open University Geological Society Field Trip ‘Jurassic in Oxfordshire’, led by McKerrow, 23 October 1999 1999, 2001 Notes and information. a letter referring to a similar trip in May Includes here is 2000 and plans for one in 2001. Shorter miscellaneous notes for visits and lectures, mainly of Oxfordshire quarries and boreholes, a few with dates 1956-1978 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES, BROADCAST, E.1-E.64 1956-2001 The material is presented as follows: E.1-E.38 PUBLICATIONS E.39-E.44 EDITORIAL E.45-E.63 LECTURES E.64 BROADCAST PUBLICATIONS 1978-2001 only The material, which includes drafts and correspondence, dates of McKerrow’s prolific publications, which total 123, 1948- 2005, in the Bibliography. record 1978 from and not full is a McKerrow published widely on the lapetus. Some unrecorded and some unpublished items are listed here. Lycidas was the magazine of Wolfson College Oxford where McKerrow was a Founding Fellow. ‘The lapetus Ocean: a 500 million year old ocean between Scotland and England’, Lycidas 1978. Not listed in Bibliog. to the later history of the book, availability and distribution, ‘Review of the distribution [...] benthic communities’ by McKerrow 1984 (Bibliog. 73) Ecology The Fossils: McKerrow, 1978 (Bibliog. 46) Correspondence with publishers and colleagues relating Notes of sites and specimens by McKerrow and Cocks. Palaeontology 1985-1994 illustrated Cocks, guide, ed. and L.R.M. of an W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 German translation, includes very favourable reviews from USA. pirated Chinese version etc. and ‘Mesozoic sedimentation rates in the West Canada Basin [...) by McKerrow, V.E. Chamberlain and R. St J. Lambert, Basin Research, 1989 (Bibliog. 90) 1985-1991 The paper was first submitted to Tectonics but was not favourably reviewed. It was published, after revision, in Basin Research. Correspondence submitted June 1985 with co-authors; draft text as first Referees’ reports August-September Heavily corrected draft December The Geological Development of Britain Plan and figures. 1985-1986 1989-1991 Continuing correspondence with co-authors, December 1985-June 1986 Correspondence with co-authors, editor and referees on revised text for publicaiion in Basin Research. 1989-1993 This 150pp book was to be published by Open University Press. A proposal was sent to the publisher in1987 but it was not published. ‘Sea level and faunal changes [...], M.E.Johnson, Hist. Biol., 1991 (Bibliog. 97) Correspondence with editor Hist. Biol. by McKerrow and 1989-1993 E.10-E.12 co-author and colleagues, and W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 Correspondence, Geological September 1990 notes, material re Biological Events meeting, International 25-27 Oxford, McKerrow presented a paper on the sea level changes work. Drafts, all with revisions and deletions 1990, 1991 Obituary notice of Report, 1992 (Not in Bibliog) St R. J. Lambert, Geol. Soc. Ann. 1992-1993 Drafts and correspondence. isotope depletion the Wenlock-Ludlow ‘Carbon (Silurian) by McKerrow, R.M. Corfield, D.J. Siveter and J.E. Cartlidge, Geology, 1992 (Bibliog. 100) Anglo-Welsh boundary area’, near the in polarity of the Silurian magnetic Correspondence, notes, requests for reprints. This was commissioned for volume 150 of the journal. Drafts with variations of title, notes, brief correspondence, background material. ‘The development of Early Palaeozoic global stratigraphy’, J. Geol. Soc., 1993 (Bibliog. 101) ‘The by McKerrow, T.H. Torsvik, Z.X. Li and S.R. Mcracken, J. Geol. Soc., 1993 (Bibliog. 103) Originally drafted as ‘The geographical distribution of early reassessment ‘A "Celtic" brachiopod province’, by McKerrow and L.R.M. Cocks, J. Geol. Soc., 1993 (Bibliog. 104 and 105) Correspondence with co-authors, comments on referees’ reports. August 1991-November 1992. Correspondence, notes and drafts Ordovician 1991-1992 field...’, drafts, of the early W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 Ordovician faunas around the lapetus ocean’. ‘Implications of palaeomagnetic data [...], by McKerrow, T.H. 1994 (Bibliog. 106) Torsvik and A. Trench, Geophys. J. Int, Correspondence with colleagues including arrangements and permissions for co-authors to visit sites. palaeography by McKerrow, T.H. adjacent ‘Ordovician V.M. continents’, Morley, B.A. Sturt and D. Roberts, J. Geol. Soc., 1995 (Bibliog. 107) Siberia Torsvik, and J. Tait, of Correspondence, notes, comments. E.20-E.23 ‘The Sutton Stone: an early Jurassic rocky shore deposit in Johnson, Palaeontology, 1995 (Bibliog. 107) Mckerrow and Wales’, South M.E. by 1992-1993 1992-1995 referees’ 1992-1994 1994-1995 information, Continuing comments, June 1994-August 1995 correspondence, Continuing correspondence and revisions, May Correspondence with co-author and colleagues, detailed comments and revisions, September 1992-April 1994 1994-1997 The paper was originally given at the 2nd International Symposium on the Silurian (the James Hall Meeting) of the New York Geological Survey, 1996. ‘The margins of Avalonia’, by McKerrow, L.R.M. Cocks and C.R. Van Staal, Geol. Mag., 1997 (Bibliog. 113) Drafts with comments and revisions by authors and by B. Rosen (British Museum of Natural History) E.24-E.26 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 Correspondence with co-author, early draft and notes 1994-1997 Notes, McKerrow; plan for paper given at 1996 meeting diagrams, tables maps and by Cocks and Drafts and revisions for tables and figures ‘The Caledonian Orogeny redefined’, by McKerrow, C. Mac Niocaill and J.F. Dewey, J. Geol. Soc., 2000 (Bibliog. 119) 1999-2000 Correspondence, corrected draft, draft tables. referees’ comments, revised and E.28-E.32 ‘The Late Palaeozoic relations between Gondwana and Laurussia’, by McKerrow et al, in Orogenic Processes, ed. W. Franke, A. Henk and O. Oncken, Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ., 2000 (Bibliog. 120) 1998-2000 January-July January-December Detailed correspondence and exchange of views with co- authors and editor, including data, maps etc. Includes material re conference at Freiberg and abstract of McKerrow’s paper on ‘Relations between Gondwana and Laurussia’. McKerrow Referees’ comments, checking despatch of paper. MacNiocaill, July-August annotated with colleagues, final Maps received from C. by W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 E.32 Drafts, brief correspondence, June E.33-E.37 ‘Discussion on lithosphere flexure [...] in south-central England’, by McKerrow, A.B. Watts and E. Fielding, J. Geol. Soc., 2001 (Bibliog. 122) 2000 1991-1992 McKerrow submitted a paper ‘The North Oxfordshire erosion surface and the origin of the Northern Drift’ for publication was unfavourably reviewed, but formed the basis for a later publication. 1992. Geol. Proc. Soc. in in It Drafts 1991, 1992 Correspondence, colleagues comments, related material from Referees’ reports and and the C.R. for further of glacial deposits’, by McKerrow, Proterozoic continental 1991-1992 reconstructions Plan for paper. N.d., latest ref 1989 data Correspondence, research on geomorphology of the Cotswolds photographs Notes, diagrams, background material ‘Late distribution Scotese and D. Nance. Not published 1979-1991 American Journal of Science EDITORIAL Book review E.39-E.44 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 Geological Society of America Bulletin Refereed paper. Burgess Division (Continuing Education Publishing Company), Minneapolis Publishing Company CEPCO 1979-1981 McKerrow served on the Board of Consulting Editors in Earth Sciences. The company withdrew from geology publication in 1981. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Refereed paper. IHRDC (International Human Resources Development Corporation), Boston, Massachusetts 1982, 1987 McKerrow served as Geological Sciences Series. Editorial Adviser for the IHRDC 1987-1991 E.45-E.63 LECTURES Advice on publications. Oxford University Press 1956-1999 A prolific and successful lecturer, McKerrow kept some of his manuscripts in folders bearing the general title of their main theme - usually one of his main research interests such as the lapetus Ocean. These groupings (indicated by inverted commas) have been retained and may cover many entries and extend over many years. Within that constraint, the material follows chronological order. references, slides in various locations in for The material consists of lectures given the UK and on McKerrow’s frequent visits to America. Sometimes a fuller text survives but most are two or three manuscript or typescript pages, with headnotes of the numerous dates and places art which they were given. notes, W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 Untitled general lecture on geology 1956, 1962 ‘The difficulties of being a brachiopod’ Notice only. A Christmas lecture for children. ‘Communities’ ‘lapetus’ 1969-1988 1972-1985 1975-1993 and n.d. An extensive series of notes, slide references and some fuller texts. 1975-1984 1985-1993 and n.d. ‘Burma/Scotland’ 1975, 1976 ‘Greenland June 1985’ General lecture on the study of geology. 1979-1989 and n.d. ‘Extension Lecture’ ‘Extinctions’ W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 E.55-E.57 ‘Caledonian Lectures’ 1986-1999 and n.d. An extensive series of lectures, beginning with specific titles on the Scottish Uplands, later on general tectonics. 1986-1989 1989-1990 1991-1992 and n.d. Climate changes 1986, 1987 Four lectures, probably given as 1988. a course, one dated E.60-E.62 1988-1993 1994-1996 1997-1999 ‘Zones’, ‘Extinctions’. ‘Marine communities’, ‘Biogeography’, 1988-1999 series on biogeography, continental ‘World map lectures’ An extensive distribution etc. 1976, 1995 Brief correspondence only. Invitations to lecture W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Publications, lectures, broadcast, E.1-E.64 BROADCAST BBC Television ‘On the Rocks - a Geology of Britain’. Script, recording arrangements etc, for programme to be broadcast on BBC 2, March 1978. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION F OXFORD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, F.1-F.116 1955-2004 in the Department Demonstrator a In September 1947 McKerrow came to Oxford as Departmental of Geology, at that time housed in the University Museum (now Oxford University Museum of Natural History). He remained there until his retirement and beyond, while both the location and title of his place of work changed round him. In 1948 the Department, now the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, moved into accommodation in the Old Clarendon Laboratory formally opened by the Vice-Chancellor in July 1949. A major extension was completed in 1963, and in 1986 the Department was re- named Department of Earth Sciences, incorporating the Department of Surveying and Geodesy. a was himself appointed McKerrow University Demonstrator and Lecturer in 1948, and was a Tutor in Geology at Balliol from 1956 and at Exeter from 1964. Throughout this long period he served the Department as lecturer, leader of field excursions, and as supervisor of graduate and doctoral students. His correspondence with former graduate students and present members of the Department is a major component of this section. past and with F.1-F.20 F.21-F.40 F.41-F.53 F.54-F.114 LECTURES b15-k.016 CORRESPONDENCE The material is presented as follows: FIELD TRIPS AND EXCURSIONS RESEARCH PROJECTS AND FUNDING MISCELLANEOUS W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 LECTURES Lectures for geologists 1975-1997 1975-1989 First year: Field lectures 1979 and n.d. First year: Changing climate in Britain 1983, 1985 First year: Stratigraphy 12pp. Second year: Regional geology 1984-1989 Notes, diagrams, teaching material. Manuscript and typescript notes. 1980, 1984, 1989 Second and Third years: Palaeontology. Trilobites Manuscript and typescript notes. Second and Third years: Brachiopods 1975-1985 Second and Third years: Phylum Coelenterata 23pp manuscript 1975; typescript notes 1979, 1985. 1988 Second and Third years: Palaeontology. Graptolites 1984, 1986 Third year: Faunal Provinces 1978, 1987, Manuscript and typescript notes. Manuscript and typescript notes. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 Third year: Palaeogeography Manuscript and typescript notes. Third year: lapetus Ocean Third year: The Appalachian/Caledonian Orogen Manuscript and typescript notes. F.13-F.15 Lectures for geographers 1976-1987 Geography Prelim: Palaeontology Extensive manuscript notes, class handouts. 1979, 1980 F.16-F.18 1973, 1983 Biogeography Manuscript notes. Ecology of fossils Manuscript notes. Lectures for biologists Manuscript and typescript notes. Geology for biologists Stratigraphy 16pp manuscript notes. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 Biology Prelim: Local Geology Typescript notes and diagrams for an extended expedition around Oxford. Shorter notes for lectures at Oxford, few dated Miscellaneous on arrangements etc. at department. information organisation, lecture 1976-1989 F.21-F.40 FIELD TRIPS AND EXCURSIONS 1955-1996 F.21-F.25 Et 1955-1996 the Undergraduates at Oxford Department undertook regular short excursions as part of their course. These were usually for a day, or half-day, to localities within easy reach of longer expeditions lasting several days, usually in the summer vacation. they went on addition, city. the In include and and to visit quarries permissions dates maps talks, participants, diagrams, Shorter local excursions Schedules of planned visits, dates, locations, leaders etc for geologists and biologists The material covers the local trips (F.21-F.25) and the to south west England (F.26), Wales extended tours It (F.27-F.31), Brittany (F.32-F.35) and Arran (F.36-F.40). may and schedules correspondence, information, preparatory and workings. 1960-1969 Includes information prepared for Nature Conservancy Council's Survey of Geological Field Education 1978. 1956-1987 1955-1959 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 1970-1975 1958-1996 Mainly permissions for visits and access. Excursions to the west of England 1959-1987 Mainly to Malvern, the Mendips and Somerset. Schedules, permissions to visit, annotated maps. F.27-F.31 Excursions to Wales E27. North Wales Brief information only. 1965-1975 1965 Information, maps. Travel and accommodation Maps and notes F.29 Information, schedules, participants F.29-F.31 Pembrokeshire Central Wales, Builth and Rhayader D.G. Fraser who led the party. Schedule, accommodation, correspondence conducted by F.32-F.35 Excursions to Brittany F.32 1979 1979-1985 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 1981 Schedule, maps, notes. 1983 Travel, accommodation. 1984-1985 Schedule, maps, notes, student’s narrative account of the trip. F.36-F.40 Excursions to Arran 1977-1989 the correspondence is conducted with at F.B. Much of Atkins, the Department and McKerrow’s collaborator in his Guide to Arran. Mineralogical Collections Curator of and comment on 1982 1977, 1979 correspondence Brief correspondence. Includes press vandalism by members of the expedition. 1987, 1989 Correspondence, schedule, travel and accommodation. Includes a little correspondence on the Guide. 1983-1985 1986 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 F.41-F.54 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND FUNDING 1975-1988 Most of this material consists of applications to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for the funding of research the Department. In addition to information about the proposed project, it may include correspondence with colleagues, applicants or officials. studentships graduate work for in re- Not all applications were successful and might be submitted with modifications or as an appeal at a later date. Several of the projects were long-term or on a rolling grant and cannot always be precisely dated. Many other research applications are included in correspondence files at F.54- F.94. the 1975 The deepwater environment of the Lower Palaeozoic of the British Isles. 1980 1982 1983 especially brachiopods, The changes in across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. shelf faunas, Facies changes in the Wenlock sediments across Church Stretton Fault. their substrate. Caledonian geochemistry of Lower Palaeozoic successions. The relations between Lower Silurian brachiopods and 1983 and correspondence 1987 tectonics isotope from stratigraphy and W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 1983-1987 Stratigraphy successions on the margins of the lapetus Ocean. structure Lower and of Palaeozoic Includes interim and final reports. 1985 Structural and sedimentological evolution of Silurian and Devonian sedimentary basins of Berwickshire. Continued 1987, see F.52. 1985 Changes in sedimentology across major faults in Wales. 1985 1986 Evolution of the European margin of lapetus: a combined sedimentological-geochronological approach. The provenance of Ordovician and Silurian sediments in northwest Ireland. Timing of continental collisions in the Caledonides using Sm-Nd sedimentary geochemistry. boundaries. Structural and sedimentological evolution of Silurian and Devonian sedimentary basins of Berwickshire. Kinematic indicators of Western Irish Caledonian terrane 1987 1987 1988 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 F.54-F.114 CORRESPONDENCE 1964-2004 often As a long-term member of the Department, McKerrow supervised and examined many graduate and doctoral students, became collaborators and colleagues. He enjoyed continuing contact over many years with students and staff, and kept up correspondence with them and their careers whether academic or not. distinction, great who of The material is presented as follows: F.54-F.94 Graduate and research students. F.95-F.110 Former students of the Department. F.111-F.114 Shorter correspondence. F.54-F.94 Graduate and research students 1964-2000 Arnott, R.J. Andrews, N.D. In alphabetical order, with terminal dates. The material varies considerably in extent and detail and may include any or all of the following: research proposals, applications and funding; tutorial and thesis reports and submissions; attendance at meetings, conferences and excursions; papers and publications; career and appointments. 1969-1974 Bradshaw, M.J. Bridges, P.H. Burne, R.V. 1975-1982 1972-1977 1982-1983 1979-1985 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 Calef, C.E. Campbell, C.J. Casey, D.M. Chancellor, G. Dailly, P. De Silva, S. Elders, C.F. 1972-1989 1964-1980 1979-1997 1983-1992 Fursich, F.T. Heward, A.P. Jackson, P.C. Gundrum, L.E. 1976-1983 Hancock, N.J. Also West, R.R. 1978-1980 1972-1975 1970-1986 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 Johnson, A.L. Kemp, A.E.S. Kirby, R.I. Leggett, J.K. Makinson, C. Morgan, N.M. 1978-1979 1984-1986 1975-2000 1974-1984 1975-1979 Plint, A.G. Powell, A.B. 1983-1993 1970-1989 1979-1985 1980-1981 Palmer, T.J. 2 folders. Pickering, K. Rupke, N.A. Pudsey, C.J. 1974-1983 1978-1981 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 Sellwood, B. Thorogood, E.J. Watkins, R. Watson, M.P. Woodroof, P.B. Wright, D.T. Wright, S.C. 1971-1974 1987-1991 1973-1997 1977-1981 1977-1981 1989-1993 1981-1985 Young, R. F.95-F.110 Former students of the Department In alphabetical order. Correspondence by or with reference to former students on career, research and recommendations, exchanges of research and personal news. 1964-1987 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Oxford University Department of Geology, F.1-F.116 F.111-F.114 Shorter correspondence 1964-2004 Shorter exchanges of news and information with former students and members of the department. In chronological order. 1964-1969 1970-1976 1981-1989 1993-2004 F.115, F.116 MISCELLANEOUS 1969-1990 research 1969, 1977- Requests to projects in the Department work on graduate courses or 1978, 1982- 1990 Miscellaneous information on geology students, entrance and examination results, careers chosen etc. 1989 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.14 1964-1999 by gives material no means a full account of The McKerrow’s overseas visits. Letters to colleagues and students often outline an almost continuous sequence of vacation engagements. McKerrow held Visiting Fellowships for extended periods at the California Institute of Technology 1964-1965 (work with A.J. Boucot); University of Chicago 1972, 1974, 1977, 1981 (work with A.M. Ziegler); Edmonton, Alberta (work with J. Lambert); Auckland 1988; and Williams College Massachusetts 1991 (work with M.E. Johnson). St R. such centres, In addition, there were many shorter visits to these and other to Newfoundland, as Britain and Europe. Documentation for these may not survive, or may appear as brief references in correspondence, which have been noted in the relevant entries. as conferences in annual almost visits well as his Visit to California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA 1964-1966 ca 1970 Papers and correspondence. Palaeontological Association Conference McKerrow was Research Fellow in Paleontology. Visit to Australia and New Zealand, April-July 1988 Correspondence and documentation for visit 1964-1965, and other American visits 1964-1966. Heavily annotated programme, including session chaired by McKerrow. 1984-1989 McKerrow, who was accompanied by his wife, made an extended tour of Australia and New Zealand, with some lecturing and seminar engagements. The correspondence, on arrangements, with colleagues includes a little earlier correspondence. travel, schedule and funding universities, in several W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.14 Visit to USA, October-December 1989 1988-1989 and Papers with colleagues, including M.E. Johnson and A.M. Ziegler, also refers to publications and some personal news. correspondence. Correspondence McKerrow and his wife visited various locations in the USA. Visit to Williams College, Massachusetts, USA, 1991 1990-1992 McKerrow was Arnold Berhnard Visiting Geology during accompanied by his wife. semester Fall the 1991. Professor of was He He gave courses on British Geology and the Development of Geological Thought and on Palaeontology. Correspondence, mainly with M.E. Johnson 1990-1992 notes on on_ was Mckerrow’s Johnson and collaborator at Williams. The correspondence includes outlines of courses and tutorials, and Johnson’s planned visit to McKerrow in 1992. colleague long-term courses, mid-term appointment, McKerrow’s Administration Lectures and teaching Correspondence insurance, travel and visas. Syllabus, examination, attendance and grading. 1991-1992 McKerrow visited Amherst and gave a talk in December 1991 during his period at Williams College (G.5-G.7), and also attended a Symposium at Amherst in March 1992 on ‘The New England Appalachians in a Global Tectonic Setting’ at which he spoke on ‘A Circum-Atlantic Picture of lapetus’. to University of Massachusettts, Amherst, USA, Visits 1991-1992 salary, health W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.14 Europrobe European October 1992 workshop Suture on Zone, Deep Denmark, Europe 27 and Trans- September-7 Invitation, travel and funding arrangements, participants, programme, report of meeting, notes by McKerrow on speakers and papers. an was Europrobe first proposed in 1984, which combined surface observations with probing technology to investigate the continental lithosphere. interdisciplinary programme, geochemical geophysical deep and McKerrow spoke at the Palaeomagnetc and Biogeography Workshop adjacent continents from Vendian to the Devonian’. relation Baltica ‘The on to of Penrose Conference on Late Precambrian Tectonics and the Dawn of the Phanerozoic, Death Valley, California, 19- 24 October 1992 1991-1992 Information, programme, participants, request for Royal Society travel grant, extensive manuscript notes taken at conference by McKerrow. Invitation Lecture on Papers and correspondence, including programme with abstracts and notes by McKerrow. Irish Geological Association Annual Research Meeting, University College Cork, 26-28 February 1993 McKerrow gave a Guest Lecture on ‘The development of the lapetus Ocean’ and an ‘The world in the late Precambrian and Cambrian’. 1992-1993 McKerrow and L.R.M. Cocks gave a paper on ‘European Palaeozoic Oceans’ and contributed an the published of biogeography in the terrane assembly of the Variscan belt of Europe’ (Bibliog. 111). Papers participants, McKerrow’s notes and diagrams. correspondence Europrobe meeting Liblice, Czech Republic, 1993 on Trans-European Suture programme, meeting, of including report arrangements, conference in use volume article on ‘The Zone, and travel W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.14 Palaeomagnetic Workshop, November-1 December 1994 Trondheim, Norway, 25 1993-1994 Papers and correspondence, mainly with T.H. Torsvik, organiser of the meeting. McKerrow spoke on Late Precambrian and Palaeozoic Biogeography. meeting Interface Europrobe Carpathians Trans-European Romania, 25 September-6 October 1999 and on the the between Suture the Zone, Notes, annotated excursion guide. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION H CONSULTANCIES AND ADVICE, H.1-H.13 1965-1991 McKerrow frequently inspected and advised on quarries or sites private authorities. regional, national request the or at of Similar material can be found at C.63-C.67, C.76. Buckinghamshire Water Board (and others) Boreholes and reservoir sites. Department of Transport Environment and Transport) (later Departments of the 1978, 1982- 1985 Correspondence, reports, maps etc stages Motorway (M40). the construction of in relating to various the Oxford-Birmingham on M40 link road Correspondence on boreholes and trial sites for Banbury section near proposed 1985-1986 Correspondence Kirtlington Correspondence and papers on extension to Weston-on- the-Green Correspondence, papers, reports of official enquiries on Waterstock-Warwick extension 1976-1978 Correspondence and papers on McKerrow’s application to the exposures, overgrown faces etc in disused or nelected quarries Nature Conservancy Council Shorter correspondence 1965, 1971 1984-1987 permission 1965-1985 Council for to clean up W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Consultancies and advice, H.1-H.13 Includes correspondence, permissions to owners and agents, lists of sites. visit etc from Correspondence and papers on Sites of Special Scientific Interest 1978-1985 Exchanged with the Council, colleagues, site owners etc on McKerrow’s visits and advice on UK sites be preserved or designated as SSSls. to 1978 1979 January-April 1979 July-August 1980-1985 Oxfordshire County Council maps and drawings, McKerrow’s Banbury Inner Relief Roads. Brief correspondence, drawings. Correspondence, recommendations. Stanley Quarry, Blockley, Northwick Park estate 1990-1991 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE, J.1-J.55 1962-2005 The material is presented as follows: J.1-J.27 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE J.29-J.32 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE J.33-J.55 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1964-2005 In alphabetical order, with an indication of any information of particular biographical or scientific interest. Billings, M.P. Durness limestone. Dewey, J.F. Douglas, J.A. 1977, 1980- 1981 Dewey was a long-term collaborator of McKerrow. He was Professor of Geology at Oxford 1986-2001. Douglas was a long-term member of the Department under W.J. Sollas and was Professor of Geology 1937- 1950. States Geological Survey. Gowing, M.M. and others 1974-1976 Gilluly, J. and others 1962-1972 Gilluly was an American geologist working with the United Letters of De La Beche in the University Museum. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 1962-1963 Correspondence on McKerrow’s paper ‘The chronology of Caledonian folding in the British Isles’, which was rejected for publication Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow but published in Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. Washington (Bibliog. 13). A draft manuscript of the paper is included. the in 1962-1965 Publications and visits. 1965-1966, 1969-1972 Publications and visits. Goles, G.G. 1983-1986 lordan, M. Johnson, M.E. 1984-1993 Kokelaar, B.P. 1983-1984 Proposed research in chemical palaeoceanography. Johnson, based at Williams College, Massachusetts, was a long-term collaborator of McKerrow, who frequently visited Williams. Ideas and drafts, mainly on Southern Uplands. Mendelssohn, J. Mitchell, A. 1986-1997 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 Oxfordshire Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) Regionally Important Geological and Includes McKerrow’s list of Oxfordshire quarries. J.15-J.18 Rhodes, F.H.T. 1981-1992 Includes detailed comments by McKerrow on Rhodes’s draft of his Stirling Lectures. Rhodes was President of Cornell University. Correspondence 1981, 1982 Includes typescript comments on all three lectures. Lecture 1, with manuscript comments, ‘William Paley and the Watchmaker’s World’ 1992-1999 J.20-J.23 1990-1994 Scotese, C.R. Correspondence, maps, drafts, not all dated. Lecture 2, with manuscript comments, ‘Darwin and the Devil’s Chaplain’ Lecture 3, with manuscript comments, ‘Charles Darwin, Henry Drummond and the Human Condition’ Scotese was one of McKerrow’s long-term collaborators, especially on palaeogeography. Leeds. and Extensive discussions, various problems in stratigraphy, and possible collaborative paper. Soper was Professor of Geology at the University of Soper, N.J. and others exchanges of papers correspondence, and comments on visits draft W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 1990-1991 Stone, P. Correspondence re meeting at the Geological Society in the Southern Uplands Controversy, February 1986 on convened by McKerrow. The papers were published in J. Geol. Soc. vol 144, 1987 (Bibliog. 83). 1985-1986, 2005 (This is material kindly made available by Stone after the Memorial Tribute Meeting to McKerrow held in January 2005). 1984-1987 Tucker, R. 1994-1997 Wilson, M. and others Visits and research. Mainly re their collaborative paper on early palaeozoic chronology (Bibliog. 109). See also C.108-C.112. 1964-1970 Correspondence sent to Woodland as Assistant Director, Institute of Geological Sciences, enclosing letters sent by McKerrow to colleagues, professional bodies and others on his view that geological expertise was underused. Woodland, A.W. and others Not used W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 J.29-J.32 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Exchanges of information, coments on books, papers and drafts requested or received, research ideas etc. In alphabetical order. B-G Shorter correspondence on visits hospitality, meetings etc. to Oxford, thanks for 1974-1992 Higher degree award J.34 Geologists’ Association J.33-J.55 1971-1999 J.34, J.35 Papers, articles, publications Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1994-1995 J.36-J.42 Foundations and grant-giving institutions J.36 Australian Research Council 1983-1992 1983, 1988 1983-1992 1993-1998 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 International Science Foundation, Washington DC J.38-J.41 National Science Foundation 1994-1998 J.38 1994 1997-1998 Natural Environment Research Council J.43-J.53 J.43 1971-1999 1982-1999 1982-1999 Oxford Brookes University J.43, J.44 UK universities University appointments and promotions Oxford University colleges and departments 1984-1986 1991; 1997 1991 Australia University of Sydney Geological Survey Canada W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.55 University of Alberta University of Toronto J.49-J.53 USA J.49 University of Arizona University of Illinois University of Illinois Cornell University, New York 1971-1986 1986 1971-1979 J.54 Personal request 1981-1998 1986, 1993, 1998 J.54, J.55 Miscellaneous Geological Society awards and medals Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts 1981 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 SECTION K NON-TEXT MATERIAL, K.1-K.81 various dates K.1-K.65 PHOTOGRAPHS K.66-K.81 MAPS PHOTOGRAPHS Personal photographs B.Sc. Glasgow Marriage to Jean Brown 2 photographs. 1947-ca 1995, n.d. 1947-1994, n.d. Small passport photograph Portrait photograph Examining a rock specimen Photographs taken with colleagues on visit to USA 1994 5 photographs, of landscape and excursion. 5 photographs, with accompanying letter. 1969-ca 1995, n.d. K.12-K.65 Excursions and sites K.12-K.17 Arran N.d. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Non-text material, K.1-K.81 K.18-K.21 Clipsham quarries 4 photographs of quarry site, workmen and workfaces, on a visit by McKerrow 1969, with accompanying letter. K.22-K.39 Kirtlington Quarry 18 photographs, of quarry face, and of later development into a Local Nature Reserve. K.40-K.56 Stonesfield, Oxfordshire K.40-K.41 Aerial views of Stonesfield 2 photographs. ca 1987-1988, n.d. N.d. K.42-K.50 Photographs of Stonesfield quarry faces, taken in situ ca 1987 and with M.E. Johnson, Sutton Stone, K.57-K.64 K.51-K.56 6 photographs. probably Baker ‘Field Oxfordshire’, related meeting Proc. to to Geol. large, small paper 5 4 collaborative Charlbury Assoc. 1988 (Bibliog. 86). S. Stonesfield, photographs, with Photographs of Sutton paper Palaeontology 1995 (Bibliog. 110). Photographs taken on excursion to Stonesfield, sent by J. Callomon ca 1995 3 photographs, marked up for paper; 5 small photographs. to collaborative Stone...’, McKerrow and students on site related 'The W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Non-text material, K.1-K.81 K.66-K.81 Various dates Geological or topographical maps, annotated or marked up by McKerrow, some in worn condition. Other maps accompany the material elsewhere in the collection. relevant excursion or lecture Dates given are those of publication (where known), not of the use of the map by McKerrow. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 1971 K.67-K.71 Arran K.67 1910 map With signature 'H.J. Hambidge', Chief technician in the Oxford Department 1907-1957. 1925 map Very heavily annotated. 1931 map 1967 map Detached pages of map, n.d. Numbered 1-8, annotated. Very heavily annotated. Chipping Norton, 1967 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Non-text material, K.1-K.81 Moreton in Marsh, 1959 Heavily annotated. S.W. Scotland, n.d. Heavily annotated. Wales Pembroke, 1962 Milford, 1962 Haverfordwest, 1963 Harlech, 1982 Wales (photocopy, n.d.) St David's, n.d. Central Snowdonia, 1972 Very heavily annotated. With manuscript notes on verso. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AHLBERG, Per E. ALMOND, Mark AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ANDREWS, Nicholas Desmond ARGYLE, Michael ARNOTT, Robert John ARRAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ARRAN TOURIST BOARD ATKINS, Frederick Brian BADHAM, Nick BALDRY, Antony Brian (‘Tony’) A.2 50 C.1 C.5 C.8, F.36-F.40 F.95 C.90, C.92 BANKS, Christopher James F.95 E15 C.107 C.84 BELL, Keith BELT, Ed BATE, R.H. BEACH, A. BAS, Michael J. LE F.96 F.96 C.31 J.29 C.76 F.96 BASSETT, Michael G. BECKLEY, Andrew John BENFIELD AND LOXLEY LTD H.1 BERNARD, J.G.C. SPENCER BILLINGS, Marland P. BENNETT, Simon Mark BIRKS-HAY, Antony E. BERRY, Chris BISHOP, Dan W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 BLIGH, Rodney BOUCOT, Arthur J. BOWEN, Edmund John BRADSHAW, Martin John BRASIER, Martin D. BRIDGES, Paul Howard BROADBENT, Donald Eric BRUTON, David L. BUCKLEY, James Index of correspondents F.97 C.29 C75 C.59, F.56 CA07;EAn rO7 A.15 SS BULLETIN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BURGESS PUBLISHING COMPANY BURNE, Robert Victor CALDWELL, W. Glen E. CASTLE, Jim CANT, Douglas CASEY, David Martin CALEF, Charles Ellis CALLOMON, John H. CAMPBELL, Colin J. CHAMBERLAIN, Valerie Elizabeth CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES C.110 COCKS, Leonard Robert Morrison (‘Robin’) C6 EA; E24eE.25; Gate COLMAN-SADD, Stephen E.8 F.60 J.29 F.62 E.29 E47 E77 6:6: E13; 5:98 COMPSTON, William CHANCELLOR, Gordon CLAYTON, Geoff CLEAL, Christopher J. E.28-E.30 See SADD W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 COOK, Peter J. COOPER, Roger A. Index of correspondents COUNTRYSIDE COMMISSION FOR SCOTLAND CROOK, Keith A.W. CURTIS, Michael DAILLY, Paul DALZIEL, lan W.D. DAWSON, Jack B. C.3 G.3 E.18 F.63 C.107 C.24 DEWEY, John Frederick A:3,,C.31 3:2 DIRAC, Monica DOTT, Robert H. DOUGLAS, James Archibald F.98 J.29 J.3 DRINKWATER, Stephen Frank DUNFORD, Gerry DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley Charles EAGAR, R. Michael C. EDWARDS, Dianne ELDERS, Christopher Frank DUCKWORTH PUBLISHERS EDMONDS, James Marmaduke FRANKE, Wolfgang FORESTRY COMMISSION FOWLER, Gerald Teasdale ELLER, Mark FINCH, Edward FRANCIS, Martin W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 FRASER, Donald G. FURSICH, Franz T. GEE, David G. GEORGE, Thomas Neville GIBLING, Martin Robert GILLULY, James GOLES, Gordon E. GOODMAN, Nordau R. GORDON, David Leslie GOWING, Margaret Mary GREIG, Kenneth Index of correspondents F.32, F.34 F.66 G.9, G.12, J.21 A.8, C.21 F.99 J.5-J.7 C.109, J.8, J.11 G.4 F.100 J.4 GUNDRUM (formerly LINDEMUTH, later WEST), Lois Elizabeth GUNNER, John Duncan HARLAND, Walter Brian HARMON, Robert S. HARMS, Tekla A. HARRIS, Antony L. HARRIS, Chris HAYCRAFT, Colin HANCOCK, Nigel Jardine HARRINGTON, H.J. (‘Larry’) HENRIKSEN, Niels (Oscar) HILL, Kevin Charles HILL, Philip Richard HEWARD, Alan P. HEY, Richard W. HOBSON, Beryl R.A. W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Index of correspondents HOFFENBERG, Sir Raymond (‘Bill’) HOLLYER, Stuart HORNE, Gregory S. HOWELL, Denis Herbert, Baron HUDSON, John D. HURST, John Malcolm INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IORDAN, Magdalena JACKSON, Peter Crawfurd JARVIS, lan J.9 Evt Efe JOACHIM, Margaret Jane J.11 F.103 C.27 F.73, F.103 KELLEY, S.R.A. KEMP, Alan Edmund Seott JOHNSON, Jesse G. JOHNSON, Markes E. KIDD, William S.F. KIRBY, Robert I. F.103 F.74 A.3 JOHNSON, Andrew Laurence KENNEDY, William James (‘Jim’) C.26-C.28, E.10, E.20-E.24, G.4, G.5, J.10 F.76 C.29, C.109, E.4, E.7, E.8 See also E.13 KLEIN, George deVries KOKELAAR,, B. Peter LAMBERT, Richard St. J. LEGGETT, Jeremy Kendal Index of correspondents W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 LENZ, Alfred LORENZ, Brenna E. LUARD, David Evan Trant LYMBERY, B. McCARTNEY, Paul J. MACDONALD, A. James McKERRELL, Hugh MACNIOCAILL, Conall MAKINSON, Christopher MALCOLM, John MALPAS, J.G. MARSHALL, John D. MORRIS, Noel NANCE, Damian OSBORNE, Roger NEUMAN, Robert B. NICOL, Edward Brian MORGAN, Nina Maida MITCHELL, Andrew H.G. MENDELSSOHN, James J.12 J.13 F.78 E22 NATURE CONSERVANCY COUNCIL C.2, C.4, C.90, C.91, F.21, H.5-H.114 F.105 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS O’NIONS, Sir Robert Keith ORTON, Geoffrey James PALFRAMAN, D.F.B. J.22 J.30 F.105 C.109 F279 C.102 E.44 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Index of correspondents PALMER, Timothy John PARRISH, David G. PATERSON, lan PEEL, Robert John PICKERING, Sir George White PICKERING, Kevin T. PLINT, Alexander Guy POOLE, William H. POWELL (later LUSSER), Annabell Beth PRAVE, Tony PRICE, Raymond E. PUDSEY, Carol Joan QUINLAN, Garry READING, Harold G. ES E.8 J.15-J.18 RIGBY, Susan ROBERTS, David ROBINSON, Eric RHODES, Frank H.T. C.109 F.106 C.24 RICHARDSON, John B. F.86 C.2-C.7, C.90-C.93, C.98, E.34 =.20;,2.2255:23; F106 RUPKE, Nicholaas Adrianus ROSS, Reuben James E.34 C.110 C.28 ROBINSON, Peter RODGERS, John E27, G:s C.21, E.39, J.31 ROSE, James ROSEN, Brian Roy ROWLEY, David W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 RUSHTON, Adrian SADD, Stephen COLMAN- SCOTESE, Christopher R. SELLWOOD, Bruce SHELDON, John SILVA, Sriyanee de SKEVINGTON, David SOPER, N. Jack SPJELDNAES, Nils STAAL, Cees van STONE, Philip Index of correspondents C.105 F.107 G.4, J.19 See also C.102, C.103 F.87 C.35 F.64 C.34 J.20-J.23 C.27, C.109 J.314 J.24 STRATHCLYDE REGIONAL AUTHORITY CA 107 F.107 TANNER, David TAYLOR, Ross THIRLWALL, Matthew F. C.109, F.108 E.30 C.1 G.3 SYKES, Richard Martin TAYLOR, Sir Edward (‘Teddy’) STRONACH, Nicholas John THOROGOOD, Edward John C.109, C.110, J.25 TORRENS, Hugh Simon TOURLAMAIN, John W. TOURTELOT, Harry A. TRENCH, Allan TUCKER, Robert D. C.20, F.108 E18 2319;,G:9) Gis F.88 D.6 F.108 J.7 TOGHILL, Peter TORSVIK, Trond H. E.16, E.18, J.43 W.S. McKerrow NCUACS 139/4/05 Index of correspondents TURNER, Susan VASCONCELLOS, Alberto C. VINCENT, Ewert Albert (David) WALKER, Roger Geoffrey WATKINS, Rodney M. WATSON, Michael Paul WEBBY, Barry D. WEBSTER, David John WEST, Ronald R. WIGNALL, Paul B. WILLIAMS, Harold (‘Hank’) J.31 C.106 A.2, F.37 F.109 F.89, G.4 F.90 C.110 F.109 F.67 F.109 C:31:6:3456.35.6.37 See also C.38 WILLIAMS, Ian S. WRIGHT, Andrew J.B. WRIGHT, David T. WINTER, Colin Q. WOODLAND, A.W. F.91 FaldO F.92 F.93 WYATT, Reg. J. C.110 F.110 F.110 WINCHESTER, Simon B.A. WOODROOF, Peter Brian WRIGHT, Stephen Christopher A.3 ZIEGLER, Alfred M. (‘Fred’) YOUNG, Jeremy Rupert E.28 F.110 F.94 YOUNG, Gavin C. YOUNG, Raymond ZUSSMAN, Jack See J.27 C.59, J.31 C.36