THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of HENRY McILWAIN (1912-1992) neurochemist in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London (NCUACS 64/2/97) Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP NRA 41121 by 1997 All rights reserved No9/97 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in association with the Royal Society Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of HENRY McILWAIN (1912-1992) Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, University of Bath 1997 NCUACS 64/2/97 Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London All rights reserved H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society England The Higher Education Funding Council for The Wellcome Trust H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL ARCHIVES CENTRE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, LONDON H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B_ INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY SECTION C RESEARCH SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCAST D.1-D.134 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in November 1993 from Mrs Marjorie Mcllwain, widow. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF H. McILWAIN Henry Mcllwain was born on 20 December 1912 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He was educated at King’s College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Durham University 1930-1936 (B.Sc. in Chemistry 1934, M.Sc., Ph.D. 1936) and spent the year 1936-1937 at Queen’s College, Oxford researching in the organic chemistry of natural products. During the period 1937-1945 he was Leverhulme Research Fellow in the Medical Research Council (MRC) Department of Bacterial Chemistry, and subsequently member of the scientific staff of the MRC, at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School and subsequently at Sheffield University. During the period 1945-1947 he was Lecturer in Biochemistry, Sheffield University and member of the scientific staff of the MRC and of the Council's Unit for Cell Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry, Sheffield University. In 1948 he London at the Institute of Psychiatry (Professor Emeritus 1980). He was then Visiting Professor, Shropshire and was based for his residual academic activities at the University of Birmingham Medical School. He died on 14 September 1992. Mcllwain’s early research career in association with P.G. Fildes at the Middlesex Hospital and H.A. supported by the MRC, 1980-1986. In 1986 he moved house from London to Bridgnorth in Department of Biochemistry, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London, continuing research bacterial antimetabolites as chemotherapeutic agents for treating bacterial infection. His post-war moved to the Maudsley Hospital as Senior Biochemist in the Teaching and Research Laboratories Krebs in Sheffield focused on nutritional factors controlling the growth of bacteria and synthetic the Institute of Psychiatry. In 1954 he was appointed Professor of Biochemistry in the University of and subsequently Senior Lecturer and then Reader in Biochemistry in the University of London at history of science and neurochemistry in particular. programmes, his textbooks and his active role in the establishment of the Journal of Neurochemistry founding-fathers of the modern discipline. In retirement he devoted much time to his interests in the Here he organised a department dealing with biochemical research on the nervous system and the teaching of neurochemistry to postgraduate medical students. His research and teaching (1956) and the International Society for Neurochemistry (1967) distinguish him as one of the move to the Maudsley Hospital and the Institute of Psychiatry was a marked change of direction. H. Mcilwain NCUACS 64/2/97 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. documentation of many aspects of Mcllwain’s career and his contribution to the development of The collection provides good neurochemistry in the UK and internationally. Section A, Biographical, brings together obituaries, curricula vitae and bibliographies, and material relating to the various stages of Mcllwain’s scientific career, especially in the 1930s and 1940s, his appointment to the Biochemistry Chair at the Institute of Psychiatry in 1954 and the symposium held The section also presents a significant body of material in his honour on his retirement in 1980. relating to Mcliwain’s undergraduate studies at King’s College, University of Durham, including essays and notebooks. Section B, Institute of Psychiatry, is principally papers relating to the activities of Mcllwain’s own Department of Biochemistry and especially its teaching programme in neurochemistry. There is also material relating to various government and University of London enquiries into medical education. 1946-1950), bodies Biochemical the Editorial Board, correspondence for the Biochemical Journal (member of Publications, Section D, significant documentation, especially correspondence, relating to his textbook Biochemistry and the editions, 1955-1985, and important editorial central nervous system which went through five lectures and broadcast, is the largest in the collection. It presents There are also drafts for lectures and Biochemical Pharmacology and Journal of Neurochemistry. seminars for scientific audiences in the UK and abroad, principally from the 1960s onwards. Section E, Societies and organisations, documents Mitchell’s involvement with a number of UK and Research Section C, Research, includes copies of Mcllwain’s M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, notes, drafts and reports for early work in the 1930s and correspondence ‘from the Lab’ for the 1930s and 1940s. including significant exchanges with a number of distinguished mentors and contemporaries such as international Organisation and the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) of which he was a founder member and from 1984 ‘Historian’ of the Society with responsibility for its archives. Section F, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1947-1993 and is of particular interest for its documentation of the historical sessions which Mcllwain organised at ISN meetings. Section G, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of Mcllwain’s correspondence including the Society, the International Brain H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 G.R. Clemo, F. Dickens, K.A.C. Elliott, P.G. Fildes, S.S. Kety, H.A. Krebs, Derek Richter and F.L. Rose, and a chronological sequence of shorter scientific correspondence covering the period 1938- 1992. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL The journal written by Mcllwain’s father, John Mcllwain, describing his experiences on the Western Front between August and November 1914, was deposited in June 1996 in the Department of Documents, Imperial War Museum, London. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Mrs Mcllwain for making the papers available for cataloguing and for her advice and encouragement, and to Professor Gerald Curzon for a little additional material and information. Peter Harper BATH Timothy E. Powell April 1997 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTE Obituary by H.F. Bradford for the Independent, 4 January 1993. Obituary by H.F. Bradford for the Biochemist, February/March 1993. ‘The brain slice preparation: a tribute to the pioneer Henry Mcllwain’. 15pp typescript Third International ‘CNS and Brain Slice Meeting’ at the University of Kentucky in Louisville, 7 June 1994. Collingridge lecture given G.L. the by of at Folder also includes letter from Mrs Marjorie Mcllwain about the meeting, 28 July 1994. 4 folders. BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Summary of Mcllwain’s research to 1966. Miscellaneous curricula vitae and publications lists. Entries for Mcllwain in biographical directories, various dates 1955-1990. Mclilwain, 1991. Correspondence and papers re Biochemical Society video interview of Statement of Mcllwain’s research investigations, nd. 17pp typescript. 4pp typescript. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical Mcllwain’s manuscript notes on his medical condition, 16 and 17 May 1992. ‘Becoming a Neurochemist: a Neuroscience’, The Biochemist, February/March 1993. 1940s Transition from Microbiology to This article was written in September 1992 and appeared in the same issue of The Biochemist as the obituary tribute by H.F. Bradford (A.1). See also D.45. by Mcllwain just a month before died he CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Correspondence re scholarships etc to support his son’s university education, 1930, 1933, 1937. Mcliwain’s Mcllwain papers father, and of J. Correspondence and papers re Mcllwain’s university education at Armstrong College (later King’s College), Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Durham, 1930-1932. A.15-A.18 ‘Student items ‘30s’. Applications for posts, 1933, 1936. Mcllwain graduated B.Sc. (Durham) in 1934. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: poems, prose, chemistry notes and Mcllwain’s (unsuccessful) submission in December 1934 for the Sir Edward Frankland medal and prize on ‘The chemist of the future’. inscribed: applications for research fellowships, 1935-1936. Correspondence re applications for research fellowships, 1934-1937. ‘Scholarship Data Concerning Self’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical A.21-A.23 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1935-1938 and nd. 3 folders. Application for post in P.G. Fildes’s Department of Bacterial Chemistry, Middlesex Hospital, London, 1937. Papers re Register of Personnel for Emergency Pathological Services and Central Register (Section for Scientific Research), 1939. Correspondence and papers re Ministry of Labour Central Register for employment in wartime, 1940. Papers re firewatching duties in Sheffield (found with Ministry of Labour papers), 1941. Correspondence and papers re move to Sheffield, 1940-1941. to the of Lecturer in Includes formal Biochemistry in 1945 and examples of headed notepaper for H.A. Krebs’s MRC Unit with the misprint ‘Unfit for Research in Cell Metabolism’. of conferment of notification title the Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re Mcllwain’s career at Sheffield, 1941-1947. University of Mcllwain’s removal from the Middlesex Hospital Sheffield was approved by the Medical Research Council in November 1940. submitted for D.Sc. (Durham), February 1944. Correspondence employment, salary etc., 1942-1947. Letter from G. December 1942. R. Clemo advising on D.Sc. (Durham) 1944. possible D.Sc. submission, and Chemotherapy conditions Abstract of investigations in Bacterial Chemistry Council re with Medical Research of 15 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical Applications/offers of posts, 1946-1947. Appointment as Senior Biochemist, Teaching and Research Laboratory, Maudsley Hospital, London, 1947. Appointment as Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1949. Appointment as Reader in Biochemistry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1950. Appointment as Professor of Biochemistry, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 1954. Includes letters of congratulation. Honorary degree, University of Aix-Marseille, 1974. Correspondence re arrangements, 1971-1974. Presentation address, Mcllwain’s reply, newspaper cutting. A.39-A.41 Correspondence and papers re conditions of service at the Psychiatry, 1949-1961. Institute of good wishes from colleagues. Symposium in Mcllwain’s honour on ‘Chemisms of the Brain’, London, 11-12 September 1980. Final programme, papers from publisher of conference volume, letters of Conferment of Emeritus title on retirement from Chair of Biochemistry, 1980 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical Typescript Biochemistry at an Institute of Psychiatry’. Mcllwain’s symposium draft of paper ‘A Department of Manuscript presentation, 27 October 1980. Found with symposium paper. Mcllwain’s remarks Institute notes of at of Psychiatry ‘Dept Bioch, Inst. Psych. ‘80 Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript draft for symposium paper headed ‘June 1980 For comment’, etc. See also B.5. Full version (not published)’. Visiting Professor, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London, 1980- 1986. Letters of appointment and renewal. Lists of Publications etc for St Thomas’s Annual Report. Armstrong College, University A.44- A.56 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UNIVERSITY ESSAYS AND NOTEBOOKS ‘The Historical Development of Organic Chemistry’. Chemistry essays. Chemistry, Durham, 1933-1934. Photograph of members of the Department of Biochemistry, St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School 1984 These were probably all written for Final Honours of ‘Isomerism’. ‘Stereoisomerism’. ‘Free Radicals’. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical ‘Carbohydrate History’. ‘New Methods of Structure Determination’. ‘Biosythesis’. ‘Internal Secretions and Vitamins’. ‘Colour and Constitution’. ‘Animal metabolism’. The Stereochemistry N, S, Te, Pt.’ ‘Chlorophyll’ A.57 ‘2nd Year Physics. 1931-2’. A.57-A.72 Notebooks Notes on ‘Rubber’ and ‘Practical work for thesis’ found with essays. ‘Summary of Physical Chemistry’ ‘1931-2, 2-3, and 3-4.’ ‘Botany (Physiology, Mycology.)’ ‘1st Yr Hons BSc. 1931-2’. ‘Animal Biochemistry’. 71932. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical ‘Practical Physical Chemistry’ ‘2nd Year Hons Chem. 1932-3’. ‘Inorganic Chemistry’ 1933-4.’ ‘2nd Year Hons BSc. 1932-3’ ‘3rd Year Hons BSc. ‘Practical Organic Chemistry’ BSc.1932-3.’ ‘1st Yr Hons BSc. 1931-2’ ‘2nd Yr Hons ‘Organic Chemistry’ ‘2nd Year Hons BSc. 1932-3’. ‘Organic Chemistry’ ‘Final Hons BSc. ‘33-4’. ‘Bacteriology’ ‘2nd Year Hons Chem. 32-3’. ‘Physiology’ ‘2nd Year Hons BSc. 32-3.’ ‘Final Seminar Notes’ ‘2nd Year Hons Chem. 1932-3’. ‘General Chemistry Notes (made in revision ’34)’. ‘Food and Drugs Analysis’. ‘C.W.S. Works Pelaw’ ‘Summer 1932’. ‘Volumetric Analysis’. 1st yr pass Bsc ‘30-1’. ‘The Chemistry of Living Tissues Jan ‘36’ ‘Dr Dickens’. ‘Free Atoms & Radicals (Pearson). ‘33’. Notebooks without covers H. Mclilwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Biographical ‘Physical Chemistry Examples’. Small format jotter used for ‘Practical Chemistry’ notes. Nd. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS Pages torn from jotter used for detailed record of daily activities, 1928. ‘30s-early ‘40s Diary-like; shop jingles’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: poems, notes on reading etc. Loose-leaf binder used for ideas and diary from 1938. ‘from ‘85 Who’s Who’. Last dated entry Loose papers enclosed at rear of binder and sketches, nd 2 folders. Miscellaneous social and political papers, 1930s, 1950s. Miscellaneous examples of Mcllwain’s poems, prose [1930s]. Three small format photographs of Mcllwain, one dated August 1941. Manuscript draft of review by Mcllwain of film ‘Dr Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet’, nd. Zoology notes inscribed ‘Professor Eastham’ and ‘UNIV SHEFF 1946-7’. A.85, A.86 Passports issued 1937 and 1947 respectively. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION B INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY B.1-B.28 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY B.29-B.61 TEACHING, SEMINARS, LECTURES B.62-B.69 MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY ‘Department of Biochemistry’. department and annotation ‘Probably RR[odnight] BRH&MH Gazette’. reference 1967. 5pp typescript account of the history of the manuscript Latest bibliographical activities research teaching with and its draft with references, table and his retirement symposium in Manuscript note ‘HSB[achelard]’s comments Sept ‘80’. ‘A Department of Biochemistry at an Institute of Psychiatry’. 38pp typescript comment’ and dated June 1980. This was the paper given by Mcllwain at September 1980. See A.39-A.41. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed divided into ‘PRELIMY Dept’. printed and three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, duplicated background material, etc. for historical account. 1974,1975 and nd. Staff lists 1947/48 - 1978/79. ‘Supplies for M’. Contents of University of Sheffield envelope so inscribed: manuscript laboratory furnishings etc., probably prepared in connexion with Mcllwain’s move from Sheffield to the Maudsley Hospital (Institute of Psychiatry). The envelope was postmarked in 1947. figure headed equipment, chemicals, supplies ‘For notes on of H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry Large format ‘Datada’ diary for 1952 used for record of departmental activities, 1948-1962. Typescript and duplicated typescript sheets are pasted or sellotaped into the diary to record research activities, publications, teaching, meetings etc. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re departmental and Institute affairs, 1952-1960. Reports of November 1956-January 1958. activities, monthly August 1953-June 1956, three monthly Not a complete sequence. Correspondence re visits to Mcllwain’s department/laboratory, various dates 1956-1981. Applications to Research Committee 1958, 1968 ‘Purines in body fluids in relation to mental illness’ 1958. ‘An electrophysiological study of the effects of specified centrally-acting drugs’ 1968. Folder also includes letter from Medical Research Council re proposed research on cerebral metabolism, 2 January 1958. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re departmental and Institute affairs 1960-ca 1969. 2 folders. Institute of Psychiatry maintenance estimates 1965-1967, Quinquennium 1967-1972, salaries and wages for new appointments, research projects, dated November and December 1965. ‘Building 1965’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: notes, proposals etc re accommodation, equipment, new building, 1950s-1965. Laboratory rules, 1963, 1975. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry Applications by Mcliwain for leave to attend conferences etc., 1965-1968. Correspondence and papers re proposal for a unit to study the biological aspects of addiction and drug metabolism at the Institute of Psychiatry and in association with the Department of Biochemistry, 1967. B.20-B22 ‘Memos from Dept ‘67-75’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed. B.20 ‘Quinquennial Development Policy and Estimates, 1967-72. from Department of Biochemistry, October 1964’. Statement Memorandums Biochemistry, October 1967, July and December 1969. Development Committee to from Department of Includes: Papers re proposed development policy for the Quinquennium 1972-1977. Letter and papers sent to Policy Sub-Committee, 7 May 1973. Statement for Teaching Sub-Committee Working Party on Neurochemistry applied to the Brain and to Psychiatry, 1 December 1971. Statement on Long-term Policy, Department of Biochemistry, 12 March 1975. Comments from the Department of Biochemistry on the Long Term Future of the Institute of Psychiatry, 1 September 1972. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re departmental and Institute affairs ca 1970-1977. Not a complete sequence. ‘Policy Sub-Committee’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: reprint, manuscript notes and drafts, photocopy of letter from Mcllwain to Chairman of Policy Sub-Committee etc., 1972-1973. ‘Monthly Dept Statements’. statements of departmental costs, 1974-1978. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: H. Mcilwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry Duplicated weekly programme sheets, 10 December 1979 - 26 May 1980. A few examples only. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re departmental and Institute affairs 1980 and nd. Manuscript notes re laboratory layout, nd. TEACHING, SEMINARS, LECTURES B.Sc. Special Physiology 1953-1955. Mcliwain proposed a course in biochemistry and the central nervous system for B.Sc. Special Physiology students at Chelsea Polytechnic. Correspondence, suggested syllabus, lecture course, practical work. ‘Practical Nch 1964’. ‘Nchem course 1961’. B.31 includes timetable for Cambridge Summer School Course in Bacterial Chemistry, 1-6 July 1946. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: duplicated programme of work, schedules of practical work, etc. taking place at the Institute of Psychiatry. This was a one-year course designed to provide comprehensive training in the application of biochemistry to the nervous system for suitably qualified It was proposed that the course should be scientists and medical doctors. and run Ophthalmology with most of the course organisation and formal teaching Duplicated programme of participants etc. Joint Institute M.Sc. in Neurochemistry. jointly between the of practical work, list of work, schedules B.33-B.52 Institutes of Psychiatry, Neurology H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry B.33-B.35 ‘Initiation of course’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers 1969-1971. Contents of Mcllwain’s untitled folder: papers relating to the initiation of the M.Sc. course 1970-1971. B.37-B.47 Agendas, minutes and papers for meetings of teachers representing the Institutes of Neurology, Ophthalmology and Psychiatry 1970-1980. 11 folders. Miscellaneous papers re M.Sc. course 1974-1979. Include’s typescript draft of M.Sc. course second lecture by Mcllwain on ‘Chemical and metabolic study of the brain’ ‘revised Dec ‘74’. Miscellaneous papers re M.Sc. course 1979-1980. 3 folders. Biochemistry lectures and seminars, 1974-1980. Reference books, synopses, etc. B.50-B.52 Schedules of practical work for M.Sc. course 1979-1980. University Lecture on Pharmacology, Guys Hospital, London, 3 December 1975. 9pp manuscript draft + slide list. Institute Research talk on ‘New moving parts in the working of the brain’, 9 June 1977. The lecture was entitled ‘Adenosine: aspects of which may be relevant pharmacologically’. its cerebral metabolism App typescript draft with manuscript revisions + slide list. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry ‘History of Neurochemistry: M.Sc. course lecture, copy’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: manuscript notes, etc., 1983. Duplicated and typescript papers re departmental colloquia, journal club, discussion seminars, etc 1968-1980 and nd. 2 folders. Notices of lectures and seminars given at the Institute by visiting scientists, 1952, 1963-1985. Includes a little related correspondence. B.60, B.61 Miscellaneous papers re lectures, courses, seminars etc, various dates 1963-1983 and nd. 2 folders. B.64-B.67 Papers re Working Party appointed by the Vice Chancellor of the University of London to the University of London, 1976-1977. the Postgraduate Medical Institutes inquire into of MISCELLANEOUS Papers re Royal Commission on Medical Education (Todd Report), 1968. Manuscript notes and typescript draft ‘from Professor H. Mcllwain 19.4.68’. Booklet issued to commemorate the new Institute of Psychiatry building, 5 July 1968. Visit’, 2 February 1977. Correspondence with Sir Denis Hill, Department of Psychiatry, re Working Party, November 1976; with attached papers: manuscript note by Mcllwain and ‘Data to Dean’s Office in connection with UL Working Party’s The Working Party was chaired by Professor N.F. Morris. not H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Institute of Psychiatry Papers prepared for Working Party visit February 1977. to Institute of Psychiatry, 2 2 folders. manuscript 1977; Mcliwain’s ‘Conclusions and recommendations’ of Morris Report circulated to members of the Academic Board and Committee of Management for comment, 23 November 1977. November Report, Morris notes re 8 Papers re Flowers report on medical education in London, 1980. Note by the Vice-Chancellor (Lord Annan), press-cutting, copy of Institute of Psychiatry’s final submission on the Flowers report, 23 April 1980. of List investigate Ophthalmology, nd. staff with them their research interests and the techniques used to and at Psychiatry, Neurology Institutes the of H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION C RESEARCH THESES M.Sc. thesis on ‘The petal constituents of Taraxacum officinale’, University of Durham, May 1936. 55pp typescript. Ph.D. thesis on ‘The phenazine series’, University of Durham, September 1936. 131pp typescript. 2 folders. NOTES, DRAFTS, REPORTS of G.R. Clemo, Armstrong College, Newcastle upon Includes: ‘Amplification of some MSc. points’. 5pp manuscript. ‘Summary of research during tenure of an Armstrong College post-graduate Research Fellowship, 1934-5’. 2pp manuscript. ‘Report on investigations during the year ending Sept. 30th 1936’. 8pp typescript. Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts re work carried out under the direction Tyne, University of Durham, 1934-1936. dated ‘19.8.37’. ‘Haemolytic streptococcus’. 6pp manuscript notes, various dates in text, July, August 1937. A note at the end of p.6 is signed ‘[B.C.J.G.]Knight’ and Contents of Mcllwain’s folder divided into two for ease of reference: ‘2. Extraction of the pigment of Chromatium violacens’. paginated 11-17 signed by Mcllwain and dated 10 October 1935. Manuscript draft H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research ‘G/Strep.’ 6pp manuscript notes, 1p dated ‘9/1/39’. 2pp manuscript notes on the preparation of ‘STR agar’, nd. ‘PhD Thesis Notes 12/36’. 4pp manuscript notes. ‘Report on investigations carried out during the Academic Year. 1936-7’ The investigations included work on the reactions of alkylphenazonium salts, the phenazyls and the biological properties of phenazine derivatives, and were carried out at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford University. Mclilwain acknowledged the advice of R. Robinson in connexion with the investigations. 41pp typescript. ‘Report to Medical Research Council, 1945/47’. 1p. typescript on compounds by microorganisms’; manuscript notes. ‘studies on the metabolism of vitamin-coenzyme-like Papers re experiments on live animals, 1949-1950. ‘US 1951’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes, 1948, 1949, nd, correspondence 1950, possibly taken by Mcllwain to the United States in 1951. See also Ro) ra 1p typescript note. ‘Exhibiting electrical phenomena in isolated cerebral tissues’, 1963. 2pp typescript note of studies in progress or suggested. 7 October ‘Research suggestions July 1974’ H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research ‘Res. themes’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of plastic folder: manuscript notes, 1979, 1980. Manuscript notes, 1980-1983. ‘Proposed use of double-labelling procedure and inhibitors, and pulse-chase methods, to measure distribution of adenine derivatives in cerebral tissues’. 2pp typescript, February 1980. Medical Research Council project grant progress report ‘sent 25/9/80’. Medical Research Council project grant final report ‘sent 20/10/83’. C.15-C.23 ‘NULL’. Contents of Mcliwain’s folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, etc, principally 1989-1991 but includes some significantly earlier material. Presented in original order. CORRESPONDENCE C.25-C.32 Contents of C.22 includes draft c.1940-2’. on null methods in biochemistry ‘probably written Correspondence with F. Dickens and J.S. Anderson re phenazine, 1936- 1937. 1940-1943. ‘Letters of interest from the Lab mostly to 1942: some later’. Mcliwain’s folder so inscribed. A. [2]. Fuller G.P. Gladstone Arranged in alphabetical order by Mcllwain. 1938 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research Glaxo Laboratories Limited 1940-1941 Mcllwain’s correspondents are A.L. Bacharach and F.A. Robinson. F. Hawking H. Hibbert F.G. Hopkins O. Inman Joint Council of Professional Scientists B.C.J.G. Knight 1939, 1941-1942 Kodak Limited. 1941 1941-1942 1940-1941 T.R.R. Mann The Lancet T.F. Macrae 1939 1942 1940 1940 J.C. McGowan H.L. Riley H.S. Raper (letter addressed to R. Robinson). Medical Research Council May & Baker Limited H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research F.C. Schmelkes (Remarks made at Schmelkes’ funeral by W.J. Orchard). 1942 Smith (writing from Burroughs Wellcome & Co.). 1939 M. Stephenson (Mcllwain’s manuscript draft only) E.T. Stiller (writing from Merck & Co.) V. du Vigneaud E. Work D.D. Woods 1940-1942 C.33-C.37 ‘PT Correspondence’. correspondence re pantothenic acid, pantoyl taurine, etc., 1939-1943. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: 1939, 1941. Unidentified 1938, 1941-1942. 1939 papers are duplicated sheets re ‘Casein - Yeast - Cystine - Glutamate Media (C.Y.C.G.)’ Mcllwain’s principal correspondents are F.A. Robinson (Glaxo Laboratories Ltd) and F. Hawking (National Institute for Medical Research). 1942 November-December. 1942 January - June. 1942 July - October. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research C.38-C.46 ‘Letters etc. of interest from lab. ‘42 - ‘46’. inscribed. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so Arranged in alphabetical order by Mcllwain. A. Albert. K.R. Butlin D.G. Catcheside G.R. Clemo L. Colebrook 1946 1944 1943-1945 1944, 1946 F.Dickens E.C. Dodds 1945 1944 1944 P.G. ‘Espinasse attached) Gainsborough (writing from Staines County Hospital with letter from B.C.J.G. Knight A. Fleming H.M. Fox 1942-1944 1943, 1945 1942 P.G. Fildes 1944-1945 J.H. Gaddum H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research L.P. Garrod Glaxo Laboratories Limited (Mcliwain’s correspondent is F.A. Robinson). F. Hawking G.P. Gladstone C.N. Hinshelwood B.C.J.G. Knight The Lancet C. Long 1943 1944-1945 1944 1943-1944 1941-1946 C.R. Lucas C.W. Morley G.S.W. Marlow J. ©. McGowan A. Lwoff (Mcllwain’s manuscript draft only) nd D.M.M. Needham 1943 1942 1945 1942 F.F. Nord A.E. Orford S. Peyton 1942-1943 1944-1945 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research G. Pontecorvo R.O. Roblin, Jr F.C. Schmelkes R. Schoental B.N. Singh E.E. Snell W. Smith M. Stephenson 1942 1941 1942 1942-1943 1946 nd W.C. Tobie D.D. Woods L.D.Wright F.G. Young 1941, 1946 S.G. Waksman D.W. Woolley V. du Vigneaud 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re Accessory Food Factors Committee Vitamin B Sub-Committee, 1946-1947. 1944 1946 1943 1944 1944-1945 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Research C.49-C.51 Correspondence and papers re the Mcllwain mechanical tissue chopper, 1952-1953, 1968-1976. The apparatus was devised to prepare pieces of animal tissue for metabolic experiments and irregular specimens available at biopsy or from small organs. It was made by a small engineering firm H. Mickle, of Hampton, Middlesex, later Gomshall, Surrey. applicable especially and_ to small to be 1952-1953. 1968-1976. ‘Description of the chopper’, 4pp typescript, with legends to figures and figures, nd. H.Mickle’s leaflet re tissue chopper. papers re funding Correspondence and for Mcllwain’s post-retirement research, 1980-1981, 1984, 1990. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCAST D.1-D.134 D.1-D.48 PUBLICATIONS D.49-D.86 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE D.87-D.132 LECTURES D.133 D.134 BROADCAST REPRINTS H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 PUBLICATIONS Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘CHTH HIST’ and ‘BIOCH & other mss of about 1940’. Contents of folder so inscribed and typescript manuscript drafts re development of biochemistry, chemotherapy, etc. reference: divided seven ease into for of ‘Chemistry of the Brain’ and ‘Data collected c.1950’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript drafts re ‘growth of biochemical knowledge of the brain’. D.10-D.15 Biochemistry and the central nervous system, 1955 (Churchill, London). D.10-D.14 Correspondence with publisher, readers, translators etc re various editions, nd, 1954-1983. nd, 1954-1957. 1958-1962. 1968-1971. 1963-1966. 1972-1978, 1983. Reviews of 5th edition. Manuscript draft of chapter 20 ‘Essays in neurochemical interpretation of the brain’ for 5th edition, 1985. H. Mcliwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘A second major constituent of the blood oxidized at the brain’, Nature 179 (1957), 419. Manuscript draft. Chemotherapy and the central nervous system, 1957 (Churchill, London). Correspondence with publisher, reader 1957, 1958. Correspondence ‘chemotherapy’, 1957. See also G.15. J.H. with Gaddum, manuscript notes, re term ‘Henry Maudsley, molecular biologist. Maudsley Hosp. Gaz. 9 (1967), 4. A centenary, 1867-1967’, Bethlem- Typescript draft, letter etc. Stimulation of piriform and neocortical tissues in an in vitro flow system: metabolic J. Neurochem. 17 (1970), 521-530. neurotransmitters’, properties putative release and of In Essays in Biochemistry (eds Abstract, discussion, references, figures etc. Manuscript draft, letter from editor (F. Dickens). ‘Integrity of cell-functioning in cerebral systems’. Manuscript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1975. ‘Types of metabolic adaptation in the brain’. P.N. Campbell and F.Dickens), 1971 (Academic Press, London). accepting it for publication, 10 June 1976. ‘Translocation of neural modulators: a second category of nerve signal’, Neurochemical Research 1 (1976), 351-368. letter from Nature returning the paper to postcard from Neurochemical Research Typescript and figures with Mcllwain, 2 March D.22-D.29 1976 and H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast D.23-D.29 Manuscript notes and drafts. 7 folders. ‘The structuring of cerebral activity by intracellular chemical mediators’. Manuscript draft ‘begun 20/1/77’, manuscript notes. as an alternative to ‘mediators’ on the title page. ‘Messengers’ is given ‘MSS ‘78-80’. Neuroscience, 1979-1980, manuscript notes, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence with ‘Linear sequences in neural and genetic expression’. This paper was submitted in February 1978 to FEBS Letters for publication as a ‘Hypothesis’ but was not recommended for publication by the referees. ‘A In April 1978 a related paper was submitted to Nature under the title It was the dendrites of neural systems’. proposal for linear coding in returned to Mcllwain in June as was a revised version in July 1978. D.34-D.36 D.37, D.37A Manuscript draft, figures, etc. ‘The flow of thought and the flow of substance in the brain’, Biological Psychology 12 (1981), 147-169. Typescript of paper sent to Nature, revised version, correspondence with Nature. Typescript of paper sent to FEBS Letters, letter of submission, referees’ reports. 2 folders. Manuscript draft of contribution to Essays in Biochemistry, correspondence, 1985-1986. of the terms competitive and non-competitive in 3 folders. See also D.123-D.126. origin ‘The interactions among substances at biological systems’. and use H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast D.38, D.38A ‘Biochemistry and neurochemistry in the 1800s: their origins in comparative animal chemistry’, Essays in Biochemistry 25 (1990), 197-224 . Manuscript notes on animal chemistry etc, 1988, 1989, found with offprint of Mcllwain’s article in Essays in Biochemistry. 2 folders. ‘Toward an ecology of neurochemical knowledge’. This was Mcliwain’s contribution to Yasuzo Tsukada. a volume of memoirs on Professor Manuscript draft, typescript version sent to Japan, correspondence, 1990- 1991. D.40-D.42 specific ‘How experimental and cognitive advance, 1935-1955’. neurochemistry regained its biological components: 3 folders. D.43, D.44 This was Mcllwain’s contribution honouring L. Sokoloff. to issue of Neurochemical Research ‘Contributions to neurochemical knowledge considered ecologically’. The manuscript was accepted for publication by Molecular and chemical neuropathology in November 1991. Letter of invitation, 21 March 1990; typescript title page, abstract and first page of paper; manuscript notes and drafts; biographical information about Sokoloff. submitting article, 20 August 1992. Manuscript and typescript drafts of article ‘For: Biochem. Soc. Trans’; letter Correspondence, referee’s comments etc, 1989, 1991. a ‘Becoming neuroscience’. Typescript ‘top copy’, etc. neurochemist: a 1940s transition from microbiology to H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast Manuscript notes on the work of J.C. Eccles, nd. Reviews by Mcllwain, various dates 1948-ca.1985. Miscellaneous publications, various dates 1935-1991. shorter correspondence and papers re _ Mcllwain’s EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE Arranged aphabetically by publisher or journal. Addiction Research Foundation. 1980-1983 Mcllwain was a member of the Advisory Panel of the Research Advances on Alcohol and Drug Problems series. Refereeing. D.51-D.64 Biochemical Journal 1945-1978 Archives of Biochemistry 1948, 1951 Correspondence re topics for review in Research Advances series. He resigned in He submitted papers to the Journal, and continued to referee for it Mcllwain joined the Editorial Board in November 1946. 1950. throughout his career. 1947 July-December. The sequence includes referees’ reports by Mcllwain and others. 1945-1946. 1947 January-June. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast 1948 January-June. Board to the Royal Society Scientific Information Conference. Includes memorandum submitted by the Editorial 1948 July-December. 1949 January-June. 1949 July-December. 1951-1953. E.J. King’s resignation as Chairman of the Editorial Board, March 1952. Includes signed menu from dinner given on the occasion of 1954-1955. 1965-1966. 1958, 1960-1963. 1969-1973, 1975,1977-1978. Principally refereeing. Mcllwain was a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for a period to 1990. D.65-D.69 Biochemical Pharmacology various dates 1958-1990 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast 1958-1959. appeared in 1958; also review by Mcllwain for the journal. Includes papers re founding of the journal whose first issue 1967, 1969-1970. 1981-1982. 1983-1986, 1990. The Biochemical Society Bulletin/The Biochemist 1983-1992 re Thudichun Lectures. See also D.71. 1944-1946 Journal of Neurobiology 1967-1980, 1985 Faraday Society Refereeing. Biochemical Society Transactions 1976-1977 re accuracy of historical account in the Bulletin, in connexion with the work of J.H. Quastel. See also E.61, E.66, E.67. Refereeing etc. Mcllwain became a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal on its foundation in 1968. Mcllwain was invited to join the Advisory Board of the new Journal in 1955 and was closely associated with it for the next thirty years. D.74-D.81 Journal of Neurochemistry 1955-1986 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast 1955-1958. 1960-1962. 1963-1967. 1968-1970. 1971-1975. 1976-1977 1978-1980. 1981, 1983, 1985-1986. 1974-1979 1980-1988 Nature Refereeing. Neurochemistry International 1984-1985, 1987-1988. In 1980 Mcllwain accepted a personal invitation from the publisher Robert Maxwell to serve as a consulting editor on the Editorial Board of this new journal. Refereeing etc. 1980-1983. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 LECTURES Publications, lectures and broadcast Miscellaneous shorter editorial correspondence and papers, 1943-1986. Includes refereeing and invitations to write declined by Mcllwain. 1943, 1945, 1969, 1973-1975, 1979. 1981-1986. 6pp manuscript draft of lecture relating to Mcllwain’s work on phenazines, ca 1936-1937. Mcllwain’s Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Biochemistry in the University of London, 1955. 6pp typescript + abstract. 16pp typescript + figures. ‘The chemical nature of the Scientific Society, February 1960. brain made manifest’, Oxford University ‘Chemical factors in the excitation of isolated mammalian cerebral cortex’, International Meeting of Neurobiologists, Amsterdam, September 1959. ‘Additional list’ of names and addresses probably compiled for distribution of copies of Inaugural Lecture; letters of thanks from those to whom Mcllwain sent copies of his lecture, etc. letter of thanks. 5pp typescript for lecture to Oxford Biochemical Society, 1 December 1966; ‘Chemical and electrical events in tissues from the brain’. 4pp typescript for lecture at Strasbourg, 25 April 1966. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘The usefulness of isolated cortical preparations’, Neurobiology Discussion Group, 23 June 1967. 2pp typescript. ‘Lectures, February 1968 work’. How to take the brain apart and make the pieces 6pp typescript + list of slides. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed ‘Seminars Sept-Nov 1968’. divided into two for ease of reference. Includes outlines, slide lists, drafts etc for papers given during visit to the USA in November 1968, in Naples in October 1969, and to the ‘Clin.-Teaching Sectn., Psychology’, 11 December [no year given]. The topics of Mcllwain’s papers are ‘Basic mechanisms in the epilepsies’, ‘Isolated cerebral tissues as an electrophysiological test system’ , ‘Opposing actions and structural features in glutamic acid and tetrodotoxin’, ‘Chemical and electrical events in isolated tissues from the brain’ and ‘Biochemical approaches to CNS adaptation and learning’. ‘. envirt’. ‘Adenosine Copenhagen, 1972. as The ‘Electrical stimulation’ paper is described as a ‘spoken paper for: EXPERIMENTAL MODELS OF EPILEPSY (Basic Research Task Force, NINDS, Nov.1971)’. ‘Seminars, “subsystems” Contents of folder so inscribed: drafts, slide lists, figures for two different papers on ‘Electrical excitation of specified subsystems of the mammalian brain as isolated tissue preparations’ and ‘Electrical stimulation of specified subsystems of the mammalian brain, as isolated tissue preparations’, November 1971. manuscript notes and drafts, 1972-1975. App typescript + slide list neurohumoral Contents of folder so internalizing ‘N chemism; inscribed: meeting, agent in the brain’, C.I.N.P. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘The neurohumoral status of ATP and adenosine examined in preparations from the mammalian brain’, colloquium, January 1973. 6pp typescript + slide list. ‘Cabanis recalled, and current knowledge of the brain’s chemical output’, Helsinki, April 1973. 10pp typescript + figure. ‘The neurohumoral status of adenine derivatives examined in preparations from the mammalian brain’, seminars, April-May 1973. 7pp typescript. ‘The status of adenosine as neurohumoral agent in the brain’, lecture and seminars, September 1973. 7pp. typescript + slide list. : 5pp typescript + slide list. ‘Ntransm. “vector” cpds’. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes, 1973-1974. ‘Adenosine 3’ 5’ -cyclic monophosphate and its precursors in the brain: a cyclase-containing adenine-uptake region’, Biochemical Society colloquium, Swansea, 18 December 1973. etc probably assembled for lecture. Most material dated in 1974-1975. ‘Chemistry figurative usage’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, background material ‘Precursors and products of the adenine mononucleotides of cerebral tissues: neurohumoral implications’, Mont St. Odile, March 1974. round-table See also D.106, D.107 3pp typescript contribution ‘Cerebral subsystems maintained as tissue slices’. F.28. typescript paper + ‘spoken slide list; 1p. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 D.108-D.113 Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘Cerebral Thudichun Lecture, 24 March 1975. isolates and neurochemical discovery’, Biochemical Society Invitation, correspondence re arrangements, correspondence arising, 1974- 1983. 14pp typescript + list of slides for ‘spoken version’ of lecture; reprint. D.110, D.111 Figures, copies of letters from F.Hoppe-Seyler and J. Liebig to Thudichun, etc. 2 folders. D.112, D.113 Manuscript notes re preparation of Thudichun Lecture. 2 folders. 1p slide list with manuscript notes. 4pp manuscript draft. cyclic AMP, by 9 1p slide list with manuscript notes. 2pp slide list with manuscript notes. the nervous system’, satellite symposium, ‘Transport phenomena in September 1975. ‘Mediation of some neurochemical and drug actions on release of adenosine’, ISN 5th meeting, 5 September 1975. ‘Neurotransmitters and the isolated optic tract - superior colliculus of the guinea pig’, ISN 1975, Symposium 3. 2pp typescript + slide list, summary and abstract. ‘The structuring of cerebral activity by intracellular chemical mediators’, BRA meeting, March 1977. ‘Resistance, Society, 8 July 1976. translocation and metabolism of cycAMP’, Biochemical H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘Categories of neurotransmission involving mononucleotides, ISN meeting symposium 2, 22 August 1977. Slide list; slide list with manuscript notes. D.118-D.120 ADENOSINE/cycAMP Seminars, Papers’. divided into three for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed Slide lists for three papers delivered in June 1978. The topics are ‘Adenosine and its mononucleotides as regulatory and adaptive signals in the brain’, ‘Purine derivatives as regulatory and adaptive signals in the brain’ and ‘Synaptic mediators and the structuring of cerebral activity’. Drafts for two papers delivered at ISN Symposium, September 1979. ‘In vitro contributions to the study of brain metabolism’. manuscript draft + abstract. 3pp typescript and protein kinase, cerebral cortex’. 2pp of the brain’, Draft for paper on adenosine binding. 6pp typescript. ‘Protein-bound cyclic AMP and typescript and manuscript draft. Drafts for two contributions to Biochemical Society Colloquium, Guildford, December 1979. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Mcllwain’s Colloquium introduction + figures. Typescript and manuscript draft + slide list, letter re arrangements. ‘For how long after its formation is cyclic AMP active in the brain, and at what sites?’, Institute of Neurology, University of London, 9 May 1980. the endogenous activities ‘Neurotransmitter mediators & National Institute for Medical Research, London, March 1981. 8pp typescript + slide list, letter re arrangements. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Publications, lectures and broadcast D.123-D.126 ‘Flow of thought and flow of substance in the brain’, Rush University, 21 May 1981 and University of lowa, 29 May [1981]. Lecture notices, 9 pp manuscript ‘spoken version 5/81’. Figures etc. D.125, D.126 Manuscript notes and drafts re ‘flow of thought’, William James, Virginia Wolf, etc, August - November 1981. 2 folders. ‘History of neurochemistry’, December 1982. 12pp manuscript, etc. D.128, D.129 2 folders. three manuscript and photocopied Manuscript and photocopied manuscript drafts, slide list, figures. ‘Neurochemistry and problem-solving: an historical account’, University of California, San Francisco, June 1983. Correspondence re arrangements, manuscript drafts, one as amended in October 1983. Msc. Lecture ‘Cyclic nucleotides and adenosine’, ‘UM&DSchls, Divisn of Biochemistry’, 14 October 1985. Poster only. ‘History of neurochemistry’, May 1988. 9pp photocopied manuscript, figures. perspective’, ‘Discovering Department of Pharmacology, University of Birmingham, 25 February 1991. electrical historical tissues: events an in H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 BROADCAST Publications, lectures and broadcast ‘Biochemistry of brain abnormalities’. Talk by Mcllwain for the ‘Frontiers of Knowledge’ programme, first broadcast in the European English Service, 17 March 1967. Letter of engagement, transcript. REPRINTS Mcllwain’s reprints H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.73 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY Mcllwain served as a member of the Biochemical Society Committee, 1958- 1961. He was the Biochemistry Society’s representative on the Biological Council: Co-ordinating Committee for Symposia on Drug Action, 1958-1968. For the Biochemical Journal and other Biochemical Society publications see Section D. Mclilwain served on the Editorial Board of the Biochemical Journal, 1946-1950. General correspondence and papers 1948-1969. 1948-1956. Biochemistry and publishing facilities offered by the Society. proposed Includes papers International re Union of at in The the 8 folders. joint meeting with of report 1963, Includes papers re Society Leiden Includes reports of the Co-ordinating Committee for Symposia 1957-1962. on Drug Action, 1959 and 1962. Minutes of Biochemical Society Committee, 1958-1961. Netherlands 1963-1969. Biochemical Co-ordinating Committee for Symposia on Drug Action, 1964, and papers re joint meeting with the Physiological Society at Oxford in 1965. 1969. Committee papers. Mcllwain was a principal mover in the establishment of this Group within the Society in 1967. He was a member of the first Committee of the Group. Correspondence and papers re Neurochemical Group, 1966-1969, 1984. 1966-1968. Includes committee papers. E.12-E.14 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations 1984. ‘A brief history of the Neurochemical Group’ by H.S. Bachelard, October 1984 (3pp typescript); 3pp manuscript notes by Mcllwain headed ‘For HSB’s Brief History... Nchem Gp, Bsoc’ and dated 11 October 1984. Soc. Historical’. ‘Bioch. inscribed: correspondence re history of the Society, history of biochemistry, etc., 1960, 1983-1985, 1988, 1991, nd. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so In 1960 Mcllwain felt unable to take on the post of Honorary Archivist of the Society because of other commitments. BRAIN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION E.16- E.18 Papers re meetings etc., 1977-1988. 3 folders. E.19-E.21 3 folders. Information (News Sheets etc), 1980, 1984-1986. CHEMICAL SOCIETY, HISTORICAL CHEMISTRY GROUP CENTRE FOR NEUROSCIENCE, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Information from Secretariat, Newletters, 1976-1978. EUROPEAN NEUROSCIENCE ASSOCIATION Papers re meetings, 1976-1978. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR NEUROCHEMISTRY Information from Secretary, Newsletters, 1977-1984. INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE AND AGING Correspondence and papers, 1983-1984. In 1983 Mcllwain accepted an invitation to join the Advisory Board of the Institute. INTERNATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH ORGANISATION 1968 he was elected as E.26 1966. E.26-E.31 Correspondence and papers, 1966-1985. 1967-1968. Includes list of UK members of IBRO. In 1966 Mcliwain filled a vacancy on the Central Council as a representative of the neurochemistry panel. alternate In representative to the Central Council. 1972. Includes copy of the Statutes and By-Laws approved and ratified by Includes ‘copy of the tentative Statutes and By-Laws of IBRO, as 1969. reviewed by the IBRO Committee for Re-Structure’. 1970. the Central Council. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations 1973. Includes lists of applicants for |IBRO membership. 1974-1977, 1979, 1985. Present status of neurochemistry’; Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: ‘Statement to Dr D.B. ‘IBRO’. Tower, December, 1958. carbon copy of letter from Mcllwain to G.B. Ansell re possible Neurochemical Club, 8 April 1959; ‘Biochemistry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London’, draft by Mcllwain ‘for IBRO Bull. 6/63’; ‘Report for IBRO Survey’ on Biochemistry Department at the Institute of Psychiatry, inscribed ‘HMcll’s copy 11/66’. E.33, E.34 Printed material. 2 folders. INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR NEUROCHEMISTRY General correspondence and papers: ISN Newsletters, minutes of business meetings etc., 1973-1990. In 1984 he became the Mcllwain was a founder member of the Society. ‘Historian’ of the society with responsibility for assembling and looking after the society’s archives. For papers re the historical sessions organised by Mcllwain at the Society’s international meetings see Section F. neurochemistry, 1983-1992, nd. ‘HISTORIAN job:appt. 1984’. Contents of Mcllwain’s envelope so inscribed: correspondence re Mcllwain’s appointment, ISN archives, April-June 1984 E.42-E.52 Correspondence and papers re ISN Historian, ISN archives, history of E.41-E.56 ‘ISN Historian’. Contents of Mcllwain’s box folder so inscribed 6 folders. E.35-E.40 E.41 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations 1983-1984. 1985 January-February. of neurochemistry for /SN News and author's proof of article by Mcilwain for Journal of Neurochemistry ‘In the Beginning: To Celebrate 20 Years of the International Society of Neurochemistry (ISN)’. by Mcllwain on Includes note history the 1985 February-June. Appeal for Contributions’ for /SN News. Includes note by Mcllwain ‘The ISN Collection: an 1985 July-December. 1987-1988. 1991-1992, nd. 1991’ for [SN News. Includes ‘Historian’s Third Report on the ISN Collection, classification, holdings etc. ‘Copies of ISN minutes et al relating to historian appts and round-t[ables]’. Copied by Mcllwain from items in ISN archive collection, September 1991. Extract from American Society of Neurochemistry standing procedures re archive rules and collection archives; manuscript notes of ISN H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations Historical inscribed: ‘ISN correspondence re ISN News, 25th Anniversary Issue, January, February 1992. Mcllwain’s Contents folder ‘92’. so_ of ‘Account of historian job, for ISN Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: manuscript notes and drafts for Mcllwain’s article ‘History among the neurochemists: the ISN historical sessions, 1981-1991’. Title page of manuscript draft inscribed ‘For: The Biochemisf and ‘Later rearranged for J Nchem Commemoration vol 1993’. 5/92’. ‘POST of HISTORIAN, ISN. For JNCh; 6/92’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: typescript of Mcllwain’s article ‘The post of historian, ISN: and the Society’s historical colloquia and Collection’. ‘Resgn ISN Histn 6/92’. Contents of Mcllwain’s folder so inscribed: copy of Mcllwain’s letter of resignation to ISN Secretary, 12 June 1992, with related manuscript drafts. historical perspective’ (118pp.), 21 It 4 folders. E.57-E.60 E.57-E.67 March 1983. Typescript draft by J.H. Quastel on ‘Some details of the early (pre-1941) history of neurochemistry’(8pp.), April 1985. Miscellaneous items related to Mcllwain’s work as ISN Historian, interest in the history of neurochemistry. Typescript draft review by C.J. van der Berg on ‘Brain function and energy metabolism in is described as unfinished by its author who invites comments, criticism and useful material. Report on the ISN Collection’. Undated manuscript draft letter from Mcllwain to Brian [G.B. Ansell] re Quastel, the ‘concept of the active centre of an enzyme’, ‘competitive inhibition’. Correspondence re ISN archive collection, 1986-1988. Includes ‘Historian’s Contents of Mcllwain’s folder: correspondence and papers, 1985-1988. E.62-E.67 E.62 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations Correspondence re general ISN matters, 1986-1987. Correspondence with Neurochemistry International, 1987-1988. re issue of journal dedicated to Mcllwain. Principally Manuscript notes and drafts for paper by Mcllwain on ‘The Biochemical Journal and the Journal of Neurochemistry as exemplying and fostering biochemistry during their initial years of publication’. The paper was given at a meeting of the Biochemical Society in London, December 1987. Copy of paper by T.W. Goodwin on biochemistry in the UK’; brief correspondence with Goodwin, 1985,1987. ‘The origins and development of E.66,,E'67 Correspondence and papers arising from tribute to Biochemical Society Bulletin (9 (1987), 10-11), 1988. J.H. Quastel in the 2 folders. See also D.70. SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY Correspondence and papers re deposit of apparatus in biochemistry collection, etc. 1980. Leiden. 1951 papers re joint meeting with Dutch biologists at the University of Correspondence and papers re meetings, 1949-1951. the museum’s H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY Correspondence and papers re founding of the Society, 1944-1946. The Society was founded on 16 February 1945. MISCELLANEOUS E.71- E.73 Miscellaneous organisations. shorter correspondence and papers re societies and American Society for Neurochemistry. Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry. British Pharmacology Society. E.E.G. Society. Genetical Society. North East Chemical Societies. Medical Council on Alcoholism. The Physiological Society. Oxford University Alembic Club. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Societies and organisations Royal Eye Hospital Clinical Society. Royal Society. Royal Society of Chemistry. Semi Lunar Society. Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES 258th Meeting of the Biochemical Society, Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, 11 and 12 April 1947. Programme; information. First International Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 19-25 August 1949. Papers re administrative arrangements, social functions including signed menu. Visit to the USA, July - October 1951. The principal reason for Mcllwain’s visit was to work in the laboratory of R.W. Gerard, Department of Physiology, University of Chicago. Correspondence re arrangements. 2 folders. Mcllwain’s correspondence with his secretary at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London during his visit to the USA. XIX International Physiological Congress, Montreal, Quebec, 31 August-4 September 1953. Mcllwain presented a paper on ‘Electrical Requirements for Stimulation of the Respiration of Separated Mammalian Cerebral Cortex’. Correspondence re arrangements. Mcllwain visited the USA in the autumn to engagements. Lecture at the New York Academy of Medicine in November. Annotated programme book. Visit to the USA, 1953. a number of lecturing He was unable to accept an invitation to deliver a Harvey fulfil H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences Visit to the USA, February 1954. Mcllwain was travelling to New Zealand via the USA. He delivered the Christian A. Herter Lecture on ‘The speed of chemical change in the central nervous system’, New York University School of Medicine, 15 February 1954. Correspondence re arrangements for Herter Lecture. Visit to New Zealand and Australia, February - July 1954. Mcllwain was a Visiting Lecturer in the Medical School of the University of Otago, Dunedin, March - June 1954. On the return journey he gave lectures at Canterbury College, Christchurch, the University of Melbourne, and the Australian National University, Canberra. Correspondence re arrangements, itinerary, financial statement. Mcllwain’s correspondence with his secretary and others at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, during his visit to New Zealand. Annotated printed material; letter of thanks. to Visit Bethesda, Maryland, April-May 1957. the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Papers re financial arrangements for Mcllwain’s visit as special consultant. 356th meeting of the Biochemical Society, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, 17 November 1956. Annotated programme booklet. The meeting was held in connexion with the First International Congress of Neurological Sciences, Brussels, July 1957. Anglo-American Symposium on ‘The history and philosophy of knowledge of the brain and its functions’, London, 15-17 July 1957. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences Conference on Brain Mechanisms Regulating Cortical Excitability, Brain Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles, 19-22 November 1961. Mcllwain also arranged to visit the City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California. Correspondence re arrangements, manuscript notes, etc. conference programme; Mcllwain’s Research Addiction Comparative Neuropharmacology of Alcohols, Barbiturates and Tranquilizers, Toronto, Ontario, March 1965. Conference Foundation on Mcllwain Tranquilizers and Ethanol’. presented a paper ‘Biochemical Comment on Barbiturates, Letter from organiser; timetable of arrangements and sessions, participants, manuscript conference notes. contribution, Mcllwain’s typescript draft of list of Mcllwain’s International Neurochemical Conference, Oxford, 25-30 July 1965. List of participants only. Annotated programme booklet, with loose manuscript notes enclosed. Mcllwain presented a paper on ‘Metabolic events and electrical events in tissues from the mammalian brain’. International Brain Research Organisation workshop seminar ‘Advances in Brain Research Technics’, Budapest, Hungary, 15-27 August 1965. Press cuttings only, Programme and list of participants, with Mcllwain’s manuscript conference notes on verso. Mcllwain presented a paper on ‘lon movements in isolated preparations from the mammalian brain’ and chaired a session on ‘Alterations’. Brain Barriers Systems Conference, Castle ‘De Hooge Vuursche’ - Baarn, The Netherlands, 26-30 September 1966. Seventh International Congress of Biochemistry, Tokyo, August 1967. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences International Convention of Biochemists (sponsored by The Biochemical Society, UK and the Society of Biological Chemists, India), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 4-8 September 1967. Programme, list of participants, information etc. Annotated abstracts booklet. Workshop on Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies (sponsored by the Public Health Services Advisory Committee on the Epilepsies and the National Institute Springs, Colorado, 13 -15 February 1968. of Neurological Diseases and Blindness), Colorado Annotated programme booklet. International Society for brain’ to Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the Scottish Society of Anaesthetists scientific meeting on ‘The action of anaesthetic drugs in the central nervous system’, Glasgow, 11 May 1968. Meeting of the Second Neurochemistry, Milan, 1-5 September 1969. International Mcllwain spoke on ‘Cerebral isolates and the study of central depressant drugs’. Correspondence re arrangements, programme, summaries of papers; 2pp typescript draft of Mcllwain’s paper. Mcllwain contributed a paper on ‘Tests of excitability applied to isolated tissues from the a symposium on ‘Selected topics in human chemical neuropathology’. Annotated ‘agenda’; 5pp draft of Mcllwain’s contribution. Cerebrovascular Clinical California, 7 and 8 January 1971. Mcllwain contributed to Panel Discussion II on ‘Cerebral Hypoxia’ Research Center Workshop, Annotated programme booklet. Palm Springs, H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences F.25-F.27 Visit to Japan, 22 August - 17 September 1973. Mcllwain made a study visit to Japan under the Royal Society Japan Programme. He attended the 4th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry (Tokyo, 26 - 31 August) and visited laboratories of pharmaceuticals company during his stay in Japan. university departments, institutes research and a Correspondence re arrangements. Information and memorabilia. Manuscript notes made by Mcllwain during his visit; abstracts of conference papers; report on visit for Royal Society (printed booklet). Training Research European Conference on Cyclic Nucleotides and the Nervous System (Second Mont Ste Odile Conference on Neurobiology), 19-23 March 1974. Programme Behaviour Brain and in of F.30-F.35 ‘Post-Synaptic Actions Visit to the USA and Canada, March 1976. Annotated programme and abstracts booklet Programme and list of participants. See also D.106. Sir Henry Neurotransmitters’, Cambridge, 17-19 September 1975. Dale Centennial Symposium on an alphabetical sequence. Mcllwain was invited to participate in the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society for Neurochemistry (ASN) held in Vancouver, British Columbia, 15-19 March and arranged a number of visits to research centres in the USA including the Mental Retardation Center of the University of California at Los Angeles Center for the Health Sciences, the Department of Psychology of the University of lowa at lowa City, lowa and the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Correspondence with colleagues re arrangements. Arranged by Mcllwain in H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences J.P. Blass R.M. Burton (Programme Chairman ASN meeting) J.R. Cooper J.T. Cummins J. Daly G. Feuer J.A. Harvey E. Lewin R.N. Lolley N. Marks S. Ochs R.B. Sloane E. Roberts J.J. O’Neill P.D. Swanson S. Roberts H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences D.B. Tower J. de Vellis J.R. Wherrett J.M. Wood Not used. First meeting of the European Society of Neurochemistry on ‘Basic Aspects of Neurochemistry Related to the Epilepsies’, Bath, 19-23 September 1976. Programme; agenda for business meeting; abstracts for workshop on cerebrospinal fluid etc. Abstracts for meeting (bound volume). Mcllwain gave a paper on ‘Adenosine and its mononucleotides as regulatory and adaptive signals in the brain’. International Conference on Physiological and Regulatory Functions of Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides (sponsored by the Pharmaceutical Society of Canada), Banff, Alberta, 11-16 June 1978. of participants Conference booklet comprising programme, abstracts, list etc. Inside front cover, title page, subsequent blank pages used for Mcllwain’s notes on conference proceedings. Copy of scientific programme found loose inside booklet. congress organiser. First World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) on ‘The Brain in Health and Disease’, Lausanne, 31 March - 6 April 1982. The provisional title messenger roles in the brain for cyclic nucleotides’. of Mcllwain’s proposed contribution was ‘Extended First announcement; poster advertising Congress; letter from Mcllwain to H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences International Charlottesville, Virginia, 7-11 June 1982. Symposium on _ Adenosine, University of Virginia, Summaries Conference programme found stapled inside front cover. presentations abstracts and of of posters (in binder). F.42-F.45 9th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Vancouver, British Columbia, 10-15 July 1983. Mcllwain organised a Round Table on the History of Neurochemistry with the title ‘Particle and molecular concepts of neural action and abnormality’. linking Mcllwain’s own contribution was entitled ‘Assay-guided isolation, cerebral substances and functions.’ General information re 9th ISN meeting including business meeting. F.43-F.45 Correspondence re organisation of Mcllwain’s Round Table, abstracts etc. 3 folders. Union 9th of on ‘Purines: of a_ satellite Congress symposium International Pharmacology chair a and International Pharmacology, London, 29 July - 3 August 1984. of Pharmacology ‘Interim’ announcement of Congress; invitation to Mcllwain to session Physiological Roles’ with information about symposium. Programme and poster abstracts of satellite symposium (in binder). Inside front cover, inside back cover etc used for Mcllwain’s notes of symposium proceedings. pre-1950. Mcllwain organised (with G.B. Ansell) a Round Table on the History of Neurochemistry with the title ‘History of transmitters: personal experiences’. Mcllwain’s own contribution was on the relationship to general metabolism, 10th International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 1985. F.48-F.52 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences F.48-F.50 Correspondence re organisation of the Round Table. 3 folders. Manuscript notes and drafts for Mcllwain’s contribution. Notice for History of Neurochemistry Round Table, abstracts, manuscript notes for Mcllwain’s introductory remarks as Chairman, etc. Wellcome Symposium on the History of Medicine ‘The development of biochemistry in Britain’, London, 6 June 1986. Brief correspondence; list of participants, programme etc, with Mcllwain’s notes of proceedings on verso. First joint meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry and the American Society for Neurochemistry, La Guaira, Venezuela, 31 May-5 June 1987. prospective F.55-F.65 International Society for Neurochemistry, biennial meeting of the 12th Algarve, Portugal, 23-28 April 1989. Correspondence re organisation contributors and Chairman of Programme Committee (B. Hamprecht). of proposed session with Mcliwain proposed a session on ‘Principles and practice in neurochemical history’ which was not accepted by the Programme Committee. Mcllwain organised a Round Table on the History of Neurochemistry with the title ‘Contributions to early neurochemical development by drugs and medicaments, 1850s-1950s’. He also attended a symposium in honour of T.L. Sourkes which followed the main ISN meeting and chaired one of the symposium sessions. 5 folders. F.56-F.60 Correspondence re organisation of Round Table. General information about ISN meeting. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences Abstracts; manuscript notes for Mcllwain’s introductory remarks; illustrative material for Mcllwain’s slides, etc. Copy of Round Table paper by T.L. Sourkes ‘Early clinical neurochemistry of some drugs acting on the CNS [Central Nervous System] Revised version of paper given at Round Table by V.P. Whittaker ‘The contribution made by drugs and toxins to our knowledge of cholinergic function.’ Correspondence with symposium in his honour. T.L. Sourkes and correspondence and papers re F.66-F.74 biennial meeting of the 13th Sydney, 15-19 July 1991. International Society for Neurochemistry, Programme booklet. Correspondence and papers. 4 folders F.68-F.71 Correspondence re organisation of Mcllwain’s colloquium. ‘Influences on the development of neurochemistry’. He gave General information about the ISN meeting, neurochemistry in Australia. Mcllwain organised a Colloquium on the History of Neurochemistry with the title a colloquium paper entitled ‘An ecology of neurochemical knowledge’ and a poster presentation entitled ‘A neurological lineage portrayed’. 2 folders. ‘Copies of photographs used in poster, Sydney, 1991. ISN Collection’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. Originals returned to H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Visits and conferences International symposium ‘Molecular events in neurotransmission’ to honour the memory of Professor Eduardo DeRobertis (Satellite of the 13th ISN meeting), 20 July 1991. Annotated programme and abstracts booklet. F.75 -F.76A biennial meeting of 14th Montpellier, France, 1993. the International Society for Neurochemistry, G. Curzon) an Mcliwain proposed (with accepted by the Programme Committee. death then symposium. in convert it Mandel, a distinguished French neurochemist who had also recently died session which was However, Mcllwain’s iliness and the in September 1992 After his death the structure of the session was altered to his honour and in the honour of Paul part to a session in participation prevented historical his in Correspondence re organisation of historical session (to May 1992). 2 folders and re and notes and of and visits slides papers manuscript Ee77-F.79 photocopied correspondence shorter Miscellaneous conferences, 1946-1992. Curzon’s Abstracts presentation that related to Mcllwain’s work (papers received from Professor Curzon, March 1997). 3 folders. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals. In alphabetical order with an indication of information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. G.45-G.73 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. G.74-G.81 REFERENCES H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Abood, L.G. Ansell, G.B. 1952-1956 1959-1964 Ansell was based in Neuropharmacology), University of Birmingham Medical School. the Department of Experimental Psychiatry (later Correspondence 1959 relates to the possibility of forming a ‘Neurochemical Club’. Bachelard, H.S. 1972-1974, 1979 Bachelard was a colleague of Mcllwain’s at the University of London. Institute of Psychiatry, Grant application for work in the area of neurochemical and behavioural aspects of drug dependence. 2 folders. Bielschowsky, F. 1948-1955 Bielschowsky was based at the Medical School, Dunedin, New Zealand. Mcllwain visited New Zealand in 1954. Clemo was Professor of Chemistry at King’s College University of Durham. Clemo, G.R. various dates 1936-1957 of NMR studies by Cohen and T. Glonek. Cohen was based at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago (1963) and the Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, Chicago. In 1981 Mcllwain was invited to serve as biochemical consultant in respect Cohen, M.M. various dates 1963-1985 Research. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Dickens, F. various dates 1936-1968 Dickens was Research Director of the North of England Council of British Empire Cancer Campaign, 1933-1946 and Professor of Experimental Biochemistry, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, 1946-1967. Research. Edson, N.L. 1953-1958, 1961,1963 Edson was Professor of Biochemistry, University of Otago Medical School, Dunedin, Mcllwain visited New Zealand in 1954 and Edson visited the UK in 1956. Elliott, K.A.C. 1952-1967, 1983,1988, 1990 Elliott was based at the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. Research, visit to London (1963), 80th birthday celebration (1983). Mcliwain’s postwar career plans, Royal 1942. Society G.11-G.14 1940-1941. Research Council 1934 Fildes established the Medical Fildes, P.G. 1940-1948, 1957, nd. Wartime discussion meeting, etc. research; Bacterial During the Chemical Warfare In Chemistry Unit at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London. the Second World War he was seconded to Experimental Station at Porton Down. Nd. 1943-1948, 1957. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Gaddum, J.H. 1957,1962 Gaddum was Director of the Agricultural Research Council Institute Animal Physiology, Babraham, 1958-1965. of 1957 correspondence relates to the use of the term ‘chemotherapy’. also D.17. See 1962 correspondence relates to visit by Mcllwain to Babraham and research there. Gale, E.F. 1946-1947 Gale was based at the School of Biochemistry, Cambridge. Research. Gerard, R.W. 1952-1953, 1957-1958 Gerard moved from the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, Chicago to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor during the the correspondence. period covered by Wartime research. Goldberg, L. various dates 1938-1965 Glaxo Laboratories Ltd 1941-1943, 1945 Research including Gerard’s survey on tests for schizophrenia. Mcllwain’s correspondents at Glaxo were J. W. Barnett and F.A. Robinson. (1960) the ARC Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham. Goldberg was at Exeter College, Oxford in 1938 and spent periods in South Africa and at Manchester University before moving to Benger Laboratories Limited in the 1950s. Greville was based at the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge and Greville, G.D. 1947-1950, 1959-1960 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Hawking, F. 1942-1943, 1963 Hawking was based at the National Institute for Medical Research, London. Research. Himwich, H. E. 1952-1953, 1964-1965 Himwich was Director of Research, Galesburg State Research Hospital, Galesburg, Illinois. Visits. Hughes, D. E. 1949-1950, 1953 Hughes was a member of the MRC Unit for Research in Cell Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry, Sheffield University. Research. Imperial Chemical Industries Limited (ICI) various dates 1949-1971 Mcllwain was an ICI Consultant. Research, visits. Visits, research, international neurochemical symposium. Kety, S. S. 1952-1965 Kety was Associate Director of Research, National Institute of Mental and Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda, Maryland. assist obituarist of Knight, L.J. Zatman. In 1937 Knight joined the MRC Bacterial Chemistry Unit, Middlesex Mospital Medical School at the invitation of P.G. Fildes. He was later Professor of Microbiology at Reading University 1982 correspondence includes Mcllwain’s recollections of Knight written to Knight, B. C. J. G. 1943,1946, 1947,1963, 1982 1963 correspondence re Clostridium welchii toxin. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Krebs, H.A. various dates 1948-1968, 1979, nd Krebs was Professor of Biochemistry at Sheffield University, 1945-1954, and at Oxford University, 1954-1967. Publications, examining, meeting, recommendation etc. includes duplicated copy of application Folder also by Krebs for the University Chair of Biochemistry tenable at St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London, nd ca 1942. Lajtha, A. Lajtha was Neurochemistry Neurochemistry. Director and 1966-1968, 1989 the of Drug New York State Research Addiction, and Editor of Institute Handbook for of Visits, contribution by Mcllwain to Handbook of Neurochemistry, symposium in Lajtha’s honour, Liébecq, C. 1955,1958-1960 Liébecq was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Liége. Mann, T.R.R. 1958 3rd International Congress of Biochemistry (1955), visit London. by Liébecq to Mann was based at the ARC Unit of Reproductive Physiology, Molteno Institute, Cambridge. Visit, research, publication, recommendations. Newman researched with Mcllwain in the Biochemistry Department, Institute of Psychiatry, London 1975-1979. period covered by the correspondence he was based at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Mental Health Centre, Ezrath Nashim Hospital, Jerusalem. Newman, M.E. 1981-1985, 1991 Research. During the H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Pontecorvo, G. Pontecorvo was based Glasgow. at the Department of Genetics, University of 1947, nd. Research. Rall, T.W. 1965-1969 Rall was based at the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Research, publication. Richter, D. various dates 1949-1965 Richter was based at the Neuropsychiatric Research Centre (later MRC Neuropsychiatric Research Unit), at Whitchurch Hospital, Cardiff and MRC Laboratories, Carshalton. Visits, meetings and symposia. Rose, F.L. 1944-1949, 1957-1963 Rodnight, R. various dates 1957-1990, nd Rodnight was a colleague of Mcllwain’s at the London. Institute of Psychiatry, Includes letters from Rodnight during visits to Denmark (1963), USA (1964- 1965) and Brazil (1992). Visits. Rose was a research chemist with the Pharmaceuticals Division of Imperial Chemicals Industries (ICI) Limited. Rossiter was Professor and Head of the Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Research. Rossiter, R.J. 1953,1956, 1964 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Schmitt, F.O. 1960-1965, 1978, 1980 Schmitt was at Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. the Neurosciences Research Program, Massachusetts Visits, research. Shaw, F.H. 1955-1956, 1961,1966 Shaw was Professor of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne. Research, visits. Slater, E.C. various dates 1949-1963 Slater was a Research Fellow at the Molteno Institute, Cambridge, 1946- 1955 and Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, 1955-1985. Research, visit. Research. Stern, J. 1948-1953, 1956 Steinberg, H. 1979 Stephenson, M. 1942, nd Stephenson was Reader in Chemical Microbiology, Cambridge University. Steinberg was Professor of Psychopharmacology at University College London. Research, meetings, personal news. Stern was based at the New York University College of Medicine and (1956) the Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence Tower, D.B. 1957-1960, 1983,1988, 1989 Tower was Chief, Neurological Diseases and Blindness, Bethesda, Maryland. Clinical Neurological Laboratory, National Institute of Research, history of science. Woods, D.D. 1947,1948, 1955, nd Woods moved to the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University in 1946. Research. SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1938-1939. 1940-1941. 1943-1944. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence 1949-1950. 1951-1952. 1953-1954. 1955-1956. 1966-1967. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Correspondence 1968-1969. 1970-1979. 1980-1982. 1983-1984. 1985-1987. 1988-1992 REFERENCES Appointments G.74 1961, 1964, 1966, 1967. 1980, 1982-1984. 1976, 1978, 1979. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Grant applications Correspondence 1962 (Fleming Memorial Fund), 1964, 1965 1974, 1976. 1981-1985. 1948, 1966 Higher degrees Prizes 1959, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1986, 1992. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABOOD, Leo G. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ADAMS, David H. ADDICTION RESEARCH FOUNDATION AEBI, Hugo AGRANOFF, Bernard W. ALBERT, Adrien ALDRIDGE, W. Norman ALEXANDER, Peter AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR NEUROCHEMISTRY ANDERSON, John Stuart G.1 D.85 D.79, D.80 D.49 G.55 D.40 A.34, C.38, G.47, G.51, G.54, G.58 D.76 D.65-D.69 BA C.24 ANSELL, G. Brian G.47 D.80, E.26 C:503E-3;2:12 APRISON, M.H. ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY ARNSTEIN, Henry R.V. ANDREWES, Sir Christopher (Howard) ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS OF PSYCHIATRY A.42, D.70, D.76-D.78, E42;Ed4):28. ‘6:32, E.41, E.44-E.46, E.68, F.43-F.45, F.48, F.49, F.54, G.2 C.26, G.45, G.46 AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH GRANTS COMMITTEE D.50 G.49 Eat C.50 AUSTIN, George M. AUSTIN, Lawrie F.67, F.68 G.78 BACHARACH, Alfred Louis H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 BACHELARD, Herman S. Index of correspondents BARNETT, Jean W. BATTISTIN, Leontino BAYER PRODUCTS LIMITED BAXTER, Claude F. BEECHAM RESEARCH LABORATORIES BELL, Joyce L. BENNETT, Edward L. BERG, Cees van den BERGEL, Franz BERN, Howard A. A.42, A.43, D.78-D.81, E12). 624, E537 E:62, G.3, G.4, G.81 See also E.14 C.34-C.37, G.18 G.28 G.48 G.61 G.68 D.74 G.58 F.43, F.44 See also E.57-E.60 A.34, G.46 C.49 BIESOLD, Dietmar BLACKROCK, D.B. BLAKEMORE, Colin (Brian) BLASS, John P. F.79 F.6 G.5 BERNE, Robert M. BESSMAN, Samuel P. G.59, G.62 D.51-D.64 D.65-D.69 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BIELSCHOWSKY, Franz David BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY F.48-F.50 F.30, F.60, F.79, G.69, G.71 BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix B.35 G.46 G.48 G.71 E.1-E.65 See also A.9 BIRLEY, J.L.T. BISHOP, L.R. D.54, E.41, £.44, E.46, Index of correspondents H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 BOCK, Elisabeth BOGOCH, Samuel BONDY, Stephen C. BONTING, Sjoerd L. BOULTON, Alan A. BOWEN, T.J. BOYLAND, Eric BRADFORD, H. F. BRAIN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY BURDON, R.H. BURGEN, Sir Alfred (Stanley Vincent) E50.E-53 G.57, G.66 G.71 G.65 E.49 Eio5 C.49 A.9, D.78, E.15 E.16-E.18 Batt Ei E.66 D.74 A.34, C.49 BUTLIN, K.R. CADY, Paxton CAMPBELL, W.J. BUTTLE, G.A.H. BYNUM, W.F. BURTON, Robert M. D.48 F.30 C.38 G.51 F.75 BURN, Joshua Harold CAMPBELL, Peter N. BURNSTOCK, Geoffrey F.59 CARMICHAEL, Stephen W. CARTER, Cyril William CARRINGTON, H.C. G.24 A.21 G.56 G.57 E 2 G.24 CARTER, Kenneth CARVALHO, A.P. F.58, F.59 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie CATER, Donald B. CAVANAGH, J.B. Index of correspondents C.39 G.60, G.61 E.26 CENTRE FOR NEUROSCIENCE, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON E.19-E.21 CHAGAS, Carlos CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) CHANCE, Britton CHANCE, Michael R.A. CHAPMAN & HALL LIMITED CHARGAFF, Erwin CHATAGNON, C. CHATAGNON, P. CHATTAWAY, F. E.28 G.77 G.59, G.61 G.48 G.60 G.62 G.64 G.46 CHOH-LUH LI CLEMO, George Roger COHEN, Maynard M. COLEBROOK, Leonard COOPER, Jack R. CHETVERIKOV, D.A. D.10-D.13, D.17 D.13, D.14 CHIBNALL, Albert Charles E22 DTA: G.46 G.58 J.A. CHURCHILL LIMITED CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, HISTORICAL CHEMISTRY GROUP A.34, G.67 A.30, C.39, G.6 See also C.3 CORNMAN III, Henry D. E.26, G.7 B59, 31 C.39 G.57 CORSELLIS, J.A.N. COXON, R. Victor A.36, D.13, E.26 G.59, G.60 CORRIOL, Jacques H. Index of correspondents H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 CROOK, E.M. CUMINGS, J.N. CUMMINS, J.T. CURTIS, David R. CURZON, Gerald DALGLIESH, Charles E. DALY, John DANIELLI, James Frederic DAVIDSON, James Norman DAVIES, F. DAVIES, Robert Ernest EZ E.28, G.52, G.53, G.57 B.59, F.31 F.68 F04) 50, F257 7-09, F.60, F.68-F.71, F.75, F.76 See also F.76A EM rot D.58 E.61, G.68 A.34 A.34, C.49, G.66 D.76-D.78, E.28 DICKENS, Frank DIXON, Malcolm DIXON, T.F. DAVISON, Alan N. DEBRU, Claude DELGADO, José M.R. DINGLEDINE, Raymond J. F.76 B.59, G.68 A.19, A.20 DICKENSON, H. Geoffrey C.24, C.40, D.20, G.8 See also A.72 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH G.48 G.50 See also C.39 E.3 G.58 G.47 DODDS, Edward Charles G.65 G.69 C.49 DUBOS, Rene J. DUNLOP, Ernest DODGSON, K.S. DRABKIN, David L. C.40, D.88, G.49, G.77 Index of correspondents H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 DUNN, M.S. DUPRE, Peter E.E.G. SOCIETY ECCLES, Sir John (Carew) EDSON, Norman Lowther EDWIN, E.E. EGGLESTON, Leonard Victor EICHORN, Paul A. EIDUSON, Samuel ELKES, J. ELLIOTT, Henry W. ELLIOTT, Kenneth Allan Caldwell G.50 D.108, E.68 Ea See D.46 Fi87G:9 G.68 G.27 C.49 G.70 A.34 G.55, G.56, G.62 D.74, G.10 D.71 ENGEL, Paul Cowper ERSPAMER, V. EVERED, Derek F. E.66, G. 73 FABING, Howard D. FARADAY SOCIETY FEBS LETTERS ‘ESPINASSE, Paul G. F.48 C.40 EZ E.24 EUROPEAN NEUROSCIENCE ASSOCIATION EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR NEUROCHEMISTRY G.50 FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FILDES, Sir Paul (Gordon) FLEMING, Sir Alexander A.24, C.40, G.11-G.14 G. 56 D.72 D.32 R82 G.46 C.40 FOGG, Gordon Elliott FEUER, George FINDLAY, G.M. G.57, G.59 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 FOLCH-PI, J. FOLKERS, Karl FONNUM, F. FOX, Harold Munro FRANCIS, A.E. GADDUM, Sir John Henry GAINSBOROUGH, GALE, Ernest Frederick GALLEY, Archibald GARFIELD, E. GARROD, L.P. GARRY, R.C. Index of correspondents G.54 G.52 E.50 C.40 G.47 C.41,D.17, G.15 C.41 G.16, G.80 F.22 F.54 C.41 G.62 B.59,G.62 D.74, F.3, G.17 B.11 G.69 GEIGER, Alexander GENETICAL SOCIETY GERARD, Ralph W. GHOSH,, J.J. GASTAUT, H. GATT, S. A.36 G.55 eet GIACOBINI, Ezio GIBSON, Gary E. F.48, F.49, F.56, F.57, F.59, F.60, F.68-F.70 £15) E42, 6.65 C.41, D.57, G.13, G.45, G.47, G.48, G.52, G.53 C.26, C.33-C.37, C.41, G.18, G.45, G.46, G.51 GLAXO LABORATORIES LIMITED Fr/SeF-76 A.34, G.19 GLOWINSKI, J. GOLDBERG, Leon GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GLADSTONE, George P. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Index of correspondents GORE, Marion GREENGARD, Olga GREENGARD, Paul GREVILLE, Guy Drummond GRUNDFEST, Harry GUPTA, Derek HAAS, Paul HACKMANN, J.Th. HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson HALE, J.H. HAMILTON, William HAMPRECHT, Bernd G.55 B.11 B.11 D.53, D.58 G.60 F.79 G.45 G.61 G.54 G.50, G.51 G.60 F.54 Del, G:56 A.34 G.66 F.32 E.47 A.34, G.62 F.22, G.74 HAPPOLD, Frank Charles HARVEY, John A. HAUSER, George HAWKING, Frank HARRIS, Geoffrey W. HAWTHORNE, J.N. HARREVELD, A. van HAWORTH, Robert Downs C.27, C.34-C.36, C.41, D.85, G.21 G.62, G.66 E.3, E.48, E.49, E.62, F.56, F.97 B.19, B.23. B.64, D.48, G.60 Ed G.51 C.27 HEACOCK, R.A. HEALD, Peter J. HERBERT, Denis HIBBERT, Harold HILL, Sir Denis HELLER, H. Index of correspondents H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 HILLEMAN, H HILLMAN, Harold HIMWICH, Harold E. HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) HOKIN, Lowell Edward HOLMES, Frederic Lawrence HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland HORLICKS PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED HORROCKS, Lloyd A. HOYLE, Graham HUGGETT, A. St. G. HUGHES, David Edward G.45 G.72, G.74 Gi2z2 C.41 C.49, G.61 F.53, G.71 C.27 G.67 D.43, E.47, F.69 D.73 C.49 A.34, G.23 HULL, R. G.24 G.50 G.62 E.62 C.27 E.25 HUNTER, Richard HYDEN, Holger HUMPHREY, John Herbert A.14, A.31, C.29, G.24, G.48, G.51 INTERNATIONAL BRAIN RESEARCH ORGANISATION IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (ICI) LIMITED INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE AND AGING G.63 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE INTERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC JAERNEFELT, Johan D.48 D.80 G.62 G.59 E.26-E.34 E.35-E.67 JANSSEN, L.W. JANSSEN, Paul INMAN, Onders IVERSEN, Leslie H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Index of correspondents JOANNY, Pierre JOINT COUNCIL OF PROFESSIONAL SCIENTISTS JOURNAL OF NEUROBIOLOGY JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY JUCCI, Carlo KALANT, Harold KAO, C.Y. KAPLAN, Nathan O. KATZ, Joseph KEEN, Peter KEILIN, David KERMACK, W.O. A.36, G.70, G.71 C.27 D.73 D.74-D.81 G.58 F.14, G.64, G.65 B.59 G.62, G.63 C.49 D.79, D.80 G.60 G.57, G.63 G.59, G.60 KETY, Seymour S. KIES, Marian W. KING, Earl J. KLUYVER, A.J. KLYNE, W. KERR, Stanley KERWOOD, L.A. G.57 G.52 G.58 G.25 KESTON, Albert S. D.10, D.51-D.59, G.56, G.58 G.70 C.28, C.41, C.42, D.51, D.52, D.88, G.26 KNIGHT, Bert Cyril James Gabriel KOSTERLITZ, Hans Walter KOVACHICH, Gyula B. G.73 C.28 D.53 G.68 G.54 D.58, D.59 KNOX, Robert KODAK LIMITED KON, S.K. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 KRATZING, C.C. KRAYER, Otto KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KUMAR, Ramesh LAGNADO, John R. LAJTHA, Abel THE LANCET LEDERBERG, Joshua LEES, Marjorie B. LEFEVRE, R.J.W. Index of correspondents F.8, G.56 G.56 A.27, G.27, G.80 See also A.28, F.77 G.67 D.108 E.42, E.45, E.46, E.48- E.50, F.43-F.45, F.50, F.69-F.71, G.28 C.29, C.42, G.47, G.48 G.52 E.46, E.49, E.71 G.45 LEWIS, Sir Aubrey LEWIS, Milton LIEBECQ, Claude A.32, A.33, C.10 F.69-F.71 G.29 G.51 LEVY, Jeanne LEWIN, Edward G.54 G.53 F.33 LINDEGREN, Carl C. LIPMANN, Fritz Albert LEHNINGER, Albert Lester G.51 A.34, C.43, D.77, G.56, G.57, G.64 LOLLEY, Richard N. G.50, G.54 F.68-F.70 LORENZO, P.L. LOURIE, E.M. LIVETT, Bruce G. LOCKETT MR: LONG, Cyril B.29 F.33 D.10, D.11 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 LOWENTHAL, A. LOWRY, Oliver H. LUCAS, C.R. LUMSDEN, C.E. LUNT, G.G. LURIA, Salvador Edward LWOFF, Andre Michel MACDONALD, A.D. MACFARLANE, M.G. MACFARLANE, Marjorie McGEER, Edith G. McGOWAN John C. McLEAN, A.F.N. MACRAE, T.F. MAAS, James W. MADINAVEITA, J. MANDEL, Paul Index of correspondents E.45 G.54 C.43 C.49 D.78 G.51 G.46, G.48, G.50 See also C.43 G.51 G.47 D.59 E.45, F.43 C.29, G.24, G.43, G.49, G.54, G.55, G.59 C.29, C.47, C.48 McILWAIN, John See B.19 A.2 B.9 G.71 A.12, D.88 McLARDY, Turner McILWAIN, Marjorie McILWAIN, James T. C.29, G.29 &.26, £:28:-5:50;.6. 79, f.76,,G22 MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph MANDEL, H. George G.62 G.51 EAs G.63 G.66 MAGOUN, H.W. MALCOLM, J.L. Index of correspondents H. Mcliwain NCUACS 64/2/97 MAPSON, Leslie William MARCHBANKS, R.M. MARKS, Neville MARLOW, G.S.W MARSHALL, Robin D. MARTIN, A. Ronald MARTIN, Heather MASSON, Sir (James) Irvine (Orme) MATHER, Sir Kenneth MAXWELL, A.E. MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MAY & BAKER LIMITED MAY, H.B. C.49 G.67 E.46, F.33 C.43 D.37 G.48 G.57 A.32 D.52 See B.22, B.24 D.74, D.83 C.29 C.42 Et A.29, A.32 C.49, C.50 F.58, F.59 MORGAN, W.T.J. MELLANBY, Sir Edward MEYER, Alfred MICHAELSON, Arthur MICKLE, H. MILLER, Neal E. G.79 B.9 G.72 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION MEDICAL COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM A.27, A.29, A.32, B.12, C29; Fetit: Grro See B.64-B.67 MOLECULAR AND CHEMICAL NEUROPATHOLOGY MITCHELL, Peter Dennis G.66 G.61 D.43 G.60 C.43 MORELL, Pierre MORLEY, C.W. MORRIS, Norman F. H. Mclilwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Index of correspondents MORTON, Richard Alan NAGATA, Yutaka NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATURE NEAME, K.D. NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle NEUBERGER, Albert NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH NEUROCHEMISTRY NEUROSCIENCE NEVIN, S. NORD, F.F. PZ F:25;, G.67 G.78 D.22, D.33, D.82 G.59 C.44, G.57, G.65 D.59, D.60 D.22 D.83, D.84, E.64 D.31 A.32, G.51 C.44 NORTH EAST METROPOLITAN REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD G.00 C.52 NUFFIELD TRUST OCHOA, Severo OCHS, Sidney O'NEILL, John J. ORFORD, A.E. 3). F.6) Fu .G.00, G.o7 D.73, F.33, F.43, F.44, F.48, F.56, F.57, G.54, G.62, G.66, G.70 C.44 OXFORD UNIVERSITY ALEMBIC CLUB PERGAMON PRESS LIMITED PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) G.29, G.54, G.55, G.68 F.33 C.44 D.79 E12 E.47 D.83, D.84, E.64, F.50 OSBORNE, Neville OTSUKA, Masonori PATEL, Ambrish J. PEYTON, S. D.74, D.77, D.80 Index of correspondents H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 PHILLIPS, M.A. PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PIRIE, Antoinette PIRIE, Norman Wingate (‘Bill’) PLATT, B.S. PONTECORVO, Guido POPJAK, George Joseph POPPER, Sir Karl (Raimund) PORTER, J.R. PORTER, Rodney Robert QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch G.48 E.f2 D.56, D.58 G.57 G.51 C.44, G.32 C.49 D.88 G.50 G.68 D.70, G.52 See also E.61, E.66, E.67 RALL, Theodore W. F.49, F.50 G.33 C.30 D.80 G.63 C.49 RAVEN PRESS REISS, Max RICHTER, Derek REDDING, Foster K. RAPER, Henry Stanley RAPPORT, Maurice M. See A.22, C.30 D.74-D.77, E.30, E.31, E.41, E.42, E.47, E.48, E.62, E.66, F.49, F.60, G.34 A.34, C.26, C.33, C.34, C.36, C.41, E.2,G.18 F.13, F.34, G.58, G.62, G.63 ROBINSON, Sir Robert C.30 F.34 D.70 ROBINSON, D. ROBINSON, F.A. RIEEV TELE: ROBERTS, Eugene ROBERTS, Sidney Index of correspondents H. Mellwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON SHAW, F.H. SHEPHERD, James A. SHEPHERD, Michael SHOOTER, Eric M. SHORTLAND, Michael SIMONSEN, J.L. SINGH, B.N. SLATER, Edward Charles (‘Bill’) SKOU, J.C. SLOANE, R. Bruce SLOANE STANLEY, Gerald H. SMART, Reginald G. E.68 G.39 D.75 D.86 F.43-F.45 F.68-F.70 G.48 C.45 A.34, G.62 F.34 G.52, G.55, G.56 D.49 SNELL, Esmond E. SNOW, G.A. SMITH, SMITH, Wilson C.30 C.45 C.45, G.24 A.39 A.21 SNYDER, Solomon H. SOCIETY FOR CHEMICAL INDUSTRY SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ALCHEMY AND CHEMISTRY D.75 A.39, E.46, F.54, F.56, F.60, F.64, F.65, F.69 SOMERVILLE, Andrew R. E.69 E.70 E.73 SOURKES, Theodore L. See D.40-D.42 G.24 A.34 SOKOLOFF, Louis SORSBY, Arnold SPERRY, Warren M. H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 SPRING, Frank Stuart STACEY, Maurice STAHL, William STEINBERG, Hannah STEPHENSON, Marjory STERN, Herbert STERN, Joe STILLER, Eric T. STANLEY, D.H. STOCKEN, Lloyd A. STOKSTAD, E.L.R. STOWELL, Hilton Index of correspondents G.51 D.56 F.34, F.45 G.40A C.45, G.41 See also C.30 G.59 G.42 C.30, G.48 G.51 C.49 G.48, G.49 See also C.46 G.69 SUCKSMITH, Willie SUGDEN, S. SUZUKI, Kunihiko STUART-HARRIS, C.H. SWANSON, Phillip D. B:11, G61, G70 meh, Fein SUTHERLAND, Violette C. G.50 A.32 G.45 G.64 SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor F.64 AS2T, N29, C:293R 2075 G.46, G.47 THOMSON, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart A.22, G.47 D.88, G.59 F.34 G.49 E.29 TABONE, Joseph TETTAMANTI, Guido TEUBER, Hans-Lukas THOMPSON, J.M.C. TIPTON, Keith F. F.49, F.50 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 Index of correspondents TOBIE, Walter C. TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TOWER, Donald B. TRAVERS, Morris William TREVOR, Anthony J. TRIKOJUS, Victor M. TSUKUDA, Yasuzo UNGAR, J. UTENA, Hiroshi UYEMURA, Keiichi C.45, G.49 G.50 D.43, E.48, £.62, F.35, F.43, F.44, F.48, F.56, F.75, G.43 A.14 D.128 F.8 See D.39 C.35, C.36 D.10 D.39 VELLIS, Jean de F:35 E:25 WATKINS, Jeffrey C. VOGT, Marthe WAELSCH, Heinrich D.75, D.76 2.25 VERNADAKIS, Antonia VIGNEAUD, Vincent du C.30, C.46 E.41, F.49, F.50 WALL, P.D. WARREN, F.L. WAKSMAN, Selman Abraham C.49, E.69 F.48, F.49, G.52, G.62, G.73 WESTENBRIM, H.G.K. WEIL-MALHERBE, Hans C.46 EN G.62 WATSON, R.H.J. WEBB, R.A. E.28, E.29. F.68 C.47, C.48, G.514 WELLCOME TRUST C.52, G.79 H. Mcllwain NCUACS 64/2/97 WHELAN, William J. WHERRETT, John R. WHITTAKER, Victor P. WHITTAM, Ronald WILLIAMS, Roger J. WINKLER, Hans WINKLER, K.C. WINTER, R.M. WINTON, F.R. WOLFE, Leon S. WOOLF, L.I. WOOD, Jeanie McMillan Index of correspondents E.3 F.35 E.41-E.46, E.48, £.63, F.54, F.56, F.59; F.60, F:69-F.71,: Fis, F.76, G.72 G.64, G.68 G.47, G.52 D.78, F.48, F.49 G.50 G.51 G.56 E.46 G.64 F.35 G.62 C.46, G.47, G.56 WORMALL, Arthur WRIGHT, L.D. YOUDIN, M.B.H. WORK, Thomas S. WOOLLEY, D.W. WORK, Elizabeth C.30 D.60 G.81 D.55 C.46 F.64 WOODMAN, Richard C.31, C.46, G.13, G.44 WOODS, Donald Devereux WORLD CULTURAL COUNCIL A.34, G.26 A.32, C.46, D.51, G.52. G.54 YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) ZATMAN, L.J.
MCILWAIN, Henry v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin