MCCREA, William Hunter Vol3 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir William Hunter McCrea FRS (1904-1999) VOLUME Ill Section J: Correspondence Index of correspondents NCUACS catalogue no.138/3/05 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE, J.1-J.483 1942-1997 J.1-J.415 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE J.416-J.483 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1942-1997 Correspondence with colleagues and others re all aspects of his work, research, publications, visits, conferences etc. Includes members cosmology, relativity theory etc. significant correspondence and amateur public and the of papers scientists from re J.1-J.94 Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files inscribed with the names of individual scientists J.95-J.172 Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files 1978-1990 J.173-J.214 J.215-J.364 1961-1994 J.365-J.415 Shorter scientific correpondence Alphabetical sequence. Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files labelled ‘Scientific Correspondence A-Z ~1960-1965’ Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files inscribed A-Z Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files inscribed with the names of individual scientists correspondence was intitiated. Block was based at the University of Capetown when the Includes comments on Block’s publications. Block, D.L. 6 folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Clube, S.V.M. 1975-1976 Correspondence re draft paper by Clube ‘A Model of the Aether’. Clube was based at the Royal Observatory Edinburgh during the period of this correspondence. Cole, G.H.A. 1984-1985 Includes manuscript and typescript drafts and papers by Cole. Three folders. was Cole University of Hull. Professor of Theoretical Physics at the J.11-J.16 Dolan, P. 1961-1989 Includes manuscript notes, typescript drafts of papers by Dolan, etc. Six folders. J.17-J.19 Golden, L.M. 1972-1976 Three folders. Principally re paper by Golden submitted to the Royal Astronomical Society on his behalf by McCrea. Dolan was a PhD student of McCrea at Royal Holloway. He subsequently made his career at Imperial College London. 1964-1972 Goodstein was a PhD student Royal Holloway who subsequently moved to Westfield College of McCrea at Principally re progress with Goodstein’s thesis. Golden Berkeley. Goodstein, P.D University of California, Three folders. was based at the J.20-J.22 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 University of London and then to a business firm. Hayashi, C. 1969-1970 re possible visit of Hayashi to the University of Sussex and the award to him of the Royal Astronomical Society's Eddington Medal for 1970. Hayashi writes from the Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan. Howse, D. 1993-1994 Includes historical articles by Howse. Howse was Navigation Museum a former curator and Astronomy at in the the Department of Maritime National 1970-1974 Jacobs, J.A. 1970-1972 J.25-J.27 Jackson, J.C. Three folders. Includes recommendations. Includes correspondence re proposed nomination. Jackson spent a couple of years as a Research Fellow at the Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex, 1968-1970. 1973-1985 Jacobs was Killam Memorial Professor of Science and Director Earth Planetary Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton. Includes typescript drafts of Jennison’s papers. Jennison University of Kent at Canterbury. Professor was of of Institute of Physical Electronics at J.29-J.39 Jennison, R.C. and Eleven folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.40-J.42 Lyttleton, R.A. 1968-1972 Includes correspondence and drafts accretion problem’. of paper on ‘the Three folders. Lyttleton writes from St John’s College Cambridge and the Jet Proplusion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. J.43-J.45 McNally, D. 1967-1975 Includes recommendations. Three folders. McNally was Royal Holloway, subsequently moving to the London University Observatory. of McCrea’s at PhD student a Marsoglu, A. J.47-J.49 1971-1976 1966-1979 was an who Three folders. M.Sc student at Matthews, H.E. Includes recommendations. Sussex Matthews subsequently moved to Jodrell Bank and Groningen. re possibility of studying for a PhD at the University of Sussex. Wee: Correspondence and papers re article by Pagel on ‘Big Bang’. Royal Greenwich Observatory, Includes recommendation. writes Pagel Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex. from the J.51-J.53 Pavelle, R.J. Pagel, B.E.J. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Three folders. Pavelle was an American PhD student of McCrea at Sussex. He subsequently pursued his career in North America. Ramesan, T 1960-1967 Ramesan was an Indian PhD student at Royal Holloway. The correspondence dates from after his return to India. J.55-J.63A Sellers, A. Henderson- 1976-1984 Principally re research and publications. Includes draft papers and off-prints. J.56 At Council conference at which Henderson-Sellars spoke. papers 1979 are for a of Europe Ten folders. J.64-J.69 1970-1987 Six folders. Includes drafts. Silva, L.N.K. de re publications and career. The great bulk of Henderson-Sellars’s correspondence was written while she was based in the Department of Geography, University of Liverpool. Smith was a member of the Mathematics Department at re research, computer provision in universities, career. University of the After a period at Sussex de Department of Mathematics, University of Ceylon. Silva returned to Ceylon to the Astronomy Centre, Includes recommendations. Eight folders. a post in J.70-J.77 Smith, K. 1966-1974 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Mathematics). Royal Holloway (McCrea’s successor as Professor of Applied became Academic Director of the University of Nebraska’s Institute of of Computational Science at the University of Leeds. Computational subsequently Professor Sciences then and He J.78-J.81 Stephenson, L.M. 1970-1971 re publications. Includes drafts. Four folders. Stephenson was based at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London. Swaminarayan, N.S. Includes recommendations. 1971-1982 Thornhill, C.K. re research and visit. Thornhill was based at the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment, Fort Halstead, Kent. Swaminarayan worked under McCrea’s supervision for his M.Sc. degree (awarded 1961). When the correspondence was initiated in 1971 he was Lecturer in the Mathematics Department, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, University of London. 1966-1967 Waddell came from the Kitt Peak National Observatory to work a period at the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies. He was killed in a motor accident on his return to the USA. Includes correspondence re posthumous publication of a paper. Waddell, J.H. for W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.85-J.88 Williams, I.P. 1966-1976 re research and career. Includes recommendations. Four folders. Williams was a research student of McCrea at Royal Holloway the correspondence was initiated Williams was based in the Department of Mathematics, University of Reading. awarded When __ 1963). (PhD J.89-J.91 Wolfendale, A.W. 1968-1971 re research, visits. J.91 At lecture to the British Association ‘Cosmic Ray Neutrinos’. is duplicated typescript of Wolfendale’s 1970 Three folders. Wolfendale University. was Professor of Physics at Durham J.92-J.94 1970-1977 a period at Woolley, M.L. Three folders. Includes drafts and off-prints. re research, publications and career. Woolley was a research student at Sussex (not McCrea’s) who worked for the UKAEA’s Culham Laboratory Theory Division. Contents of folder so inscribed. Alphabetical sequence. Great bulk 1950-1958. Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files J.95-J.100 ‘B 1948-58’ J.95-J.172 1942-1962 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Baade - Benares Hindu University 1948-1957 Billings, J.G. Blackler - Blackwell 1954-1957 Bondi, H. Includes draft papers. Two folders. Born - Builder 1953-1957 J.101-J.104 ‘C 1950-58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Cochran, W. Cooper - Curtis Camm - Chatterji 1952-1955 Includes typescript by Cochran ‘A Suggested Experiment on the Clock Paradox’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence found enclosed within the off-print. J.105, J.106 ‘D 1953-58’ Craig, J.I. Includes off-print. 1950-1957 1948, 1950 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Darwin - Dowker 1951-1958 Trinity College Dublin re Mathematical Fellowship ‘E 1948-58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Eagar - Evans. Includes correspondence with L.Essen and copy of the note on the ‘Clock Paradox’ that Essen was submitting to Nature, 1957. ‘F 1954-1958’ Gergely - Gilbert Gold - Goudsmit Contents of folder so inscribed. Faulkner - Freundlich. J.109-J.111 ‘'G 1948-58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Special Theory of Relativity’ by Adolf Gruenbaum. Includes papers re application by McCrea for Berkeley Bye-Fellowship, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, 1952 Clock Paradox in the Includes typescript paper ‘The 1948-1956 1952-1958 Gregory - Gupta 1957-1958 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.112-J.117 ‘H 1953-58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Hackett, F.E. Halberstam - Harvey Head - Hesse Hiley - Hilton Hogarth - Howell’s School Denbigh 1957-1958 1955-1958 1949-1958 1954-1957 1951-1957 Huang, Su-Shu Ingham - Iskraut Jacobs, J.A. J.118- J.120 1954-1955 1953-1956 ‘VJ 1948-1958’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Jacobs the University of Toronto, Ontario. 1949-1958 Contents of folder so inscribed. Jarnefelt - Joseph was based at Geophysics Laboratory, J.121-J.124 ‘K 1951-57’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Kapp, R.O. 1951-1954 Includes Interpretation of Gravitation’. duplicated typescript Kahn - Kennedy Khare, R.C. Includes off-prints. by Kapp ‘A 1950-1957 1954-1956 Kilminster - Kynch 1951-1958 J.125-J.128 ‘L 1954 - 58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Laurence - Loney 1954-1956 1956-1958 Includes off-prints. Two folders. J.126, J.127 Lopez, J.A. Includes duplicated typescript ‘Report on the Enquiry into Teaching Hours in Departments of Mathematics’ by H. Levy, Imperial College London, 1955. 1952; 1958 Includes list of Lyttleton’s ‘Principal Publications’. Lyttleton, R.A., and first name only Contents of folder so inscribed. McCrea - McKinney ‘Mc 1950 - 58’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.130, J.131 ‘M 1950-58’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Macmillan - Methuen 1953-1958 Includes correspondence and papers re McCrea’s book Relativity Physics. A revised fourth edition was published by Methuen in 1954. Moffat - Muhammad 1949-1958 J.132-J.140 ‘R 1951-58? Contents of folder so inscribed. J.132, J.133 Ramesan, T. 1951-1955 Two folders. 1949-1958 Rayner - Rothenstein Royal Astronomical Society Ramesan was an Indian research student of McCrea at Royal Holloway. 1950-1958 McCrea’s inscription on this group of correspondence. invitation re Royaumont. Royal Society to Centre Culturel International de ‘Royaumont’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Runcorn, S.K. Ryle, M Includes manuscript working. J.141-J.145 ‘S 1952-1958’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Sabharwal - Sadler Schelling - Singer Smead - Spence 1954-1955 1946-1957 1953-1958 1949-1958 J.146-J.163 1951-1953 1954-1958 1957-1962 Sokolnikoff, I.S. Stephenson - Synge ‘Harrison Stamper 1957-’ Includes letter sent to Nature on The Clock Paradox in Relativity and not published by Nature, which was then sent to McCrea for comment. Talbot, A. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eighteen for ease of reference: correspondence and duplicated papers by Stamper on to relativity theory. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘The Rational Theory’ in relation J.164-J.169 ‘T 1953-1958’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 ‘Teacher's Training’ 1951-1952 Group of correspondence so inscribed by McCrea. Thackeray, A.D. Includes photograph. Tobin - Torrey Trinity College Cambridge Tucker, A.R. 1952-1957 1948-1957 1950-1953 Contents of folder so inscribed. 'X,Y,Z 1953-1958’ ‘V 1951-1958’ 1949-1954 ‘W 1952-58’ Walen - Wroe. Contents of folder so inscribed. Vaidya - Viscardini’ 1949-1966 Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files labelled ‘Scientific Correspondence A-Z ~1960-1965’ Contents of folder so inscribed. J.173-J.214 Great bulk 1960-1966. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 PAS 1962-1965 Contents of folder so inscribed. Al-Borney - Atkinson. Includes papers re the Armagh Observatory. J.174-J.177 ‘B’ Contents of a folder so inscribed. Bambah - Barnothy Berenda - Bird Bokil, R.K. 1960-1966 1961-1966 1960-1966 1961-1963 Includes typescript of paper by Bokil ‘Relativity Space- Time versus Galilean Space-Time’. Bruce - Burhop Carr - Chadwick Chakravorty - Chaudhuri 1962-1965 1960-1965 J.178, J.179 aot Contents of a folder so inscribed. 1960-1961 Includes drafts of paper by Darwin. Contents of folder so inscribed. J.180, J.181 Darwin, C.G. 1960-1963 1963-1965 J.180-J.182 ‘Db? 1960-1965 Two folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 1961-1965 1963, 1966 1960-1966 Deutsch - Dingle ‘E’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Eakin, R.M. a Contents of a folder so inscribed. Fazal - Forge ‘Gq’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Gallo - Gray Haldane - Hinton Holmberg - Hussain Contents of folder so inscribed. 1961-1966 1962-1966 J.188-J.194 WJ) J.186, J.187 ‘H? 1960-1965 Jacobs's curriculum vitae at age 47 is at J.194. Contents of folder so inscribed. J.189-J.194 Jacobs, J.A. 1961-1964 1949-1965 1961-1963 1949-1950, Jackson - Jones Six folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.195-J.199 K Contents of folder so inscribed. Kiang - Klein J.196-J.199 Kobus, J.P. Four folders. a Contents of folder so inscribed. Larson - London School of Economics. 1963, 1966 1963, 1966 1959-1961 J.201-J.203 ‘M’ 1960-1964 Contents of folder so inscribed. Moore, P.A. Nisbet - Norman. 1960-1963 1960-1964 1963, n.d. Malurkar - Mangeron to BBC Television ‘The including camera script, relate to McCrea’s Night’ at Sky Mercier - Mount Stromlo Observatory Papers, contribution programme, 23 February 1961. Oliver, B.M. Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘N’ ‘©: W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.206-J.208 ‘P’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Palcios - Pirani J.207, J.208 Poole, H.W. Two folders. J.209, J.210 ‘R’ Contents of a folder so inscribed. Redman - Reith Robinson - Ryle 1960-1966 1960-1966 1960-1963 1960-1964 1963-1964 1960 - 1963 Vie wane 1S” 1961-1966 1961-1966 1961-1965 Contents of folder so inscribed. 1961-1964 Includes McCrea’s comments on a chapter of a book by G.P. Thomson. Contents of folder so inscribed. rd ‘Uy? Contents of folder so inscribed. Scott - Silk Smith - Synge Thackeray - Thwaites. Urey, H.C. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.215-J.364 Contents of McCrea’s correspondence files inscribed A-Z 1964-1997 These files may have comprised more than one series but they seem not to have been kept consistently and/or became intermixed. J.215-J.219 ‘AN’ Contents of two folders so inscribed. Academic Press - Allibone Angelidis - Aspden J.217, J.218 Astronomy and Astrophysics 1972-1992 1972-1992 1977-1992 1974-1981 1976-1981 1966-1993 re refereeing. Two folders. J.220-J.235 ‘B’ Astrophysical Journal - Axon Contents of three folders so inscribed. 1973-1990 Beachams - Berry 1975-1987 1970-1990 1970-1993 Bagby - Barlow Barnothy - Baylis Bidelman - Block W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 article by Bok on Mount Stromlo 1988-1989 1966, 1976 1985, 1991 ‘Blue Stragglers’ Off-prints only. Bok, B.J. Includes of Observatory, 1966 draft Bondi, H. Bonnor, W.B. Boote - Bower 1976-1990 Five folders. Bruck - Butler J.236-J.246 iG" 1972-1977 1975-1986 re career, research and publications. J.230-J.234 Browne, P.F. Bradley - British Broadcasting Corporation 1969-1980 Contents of three folders so inscribed. 1974-1986 1968-1993 1977-1991 Cairo - Canuto Carrington - Chakravorty W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Chandrasekhar, S. 1976-1990 Includes biographer, K.C. Wali, 1979-1980. correspondence with Chandrasekhar’s Chapman - Chicago Clark, D.H. Includes typescript of joint paper with McCrea and F.R. Stephenson. Clark - Clayton Clube, S.V.M. 1968-1973 1976-1977 1973-1978 1976-1986 Connolly - Coulson Cowling, T.G. Crawford - Currie 1976-1989 1970 - 1990 Cole, G.H.A - Cole, T.D. 1977-1989 1973-1993 Includes photographs. Iie re publication of NATO conference proceedings, etc Contents of three folders so inscribed. J.248, J.249 Dermott, S.F. J.247-J.253 AEE 1965-1993 1976, 1979 1974-1977 Davidson - Denton W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Two folders. Dingle, H. Newspaper cuttings, photocopied articles etc. Includes note written by G.J. Whitrow as a supplement to The Times obituary and sent to McCrea, 13 September 1978. 1973-1978 Dolan, P. 1976-1989 correspondence Schrédinger Includes centenary conference in 1987 and seven photographs of a bust of Schrédinger sent to McCrea in 1989. proposed re For Schrédinger conference see H.347-H.368. Domb - Dyson 1967-1996 ‘E’ 1974-1987 1967-1993 1965-1966 notes and drafts found in McCrea’s J.254, J.255 Earth - Emeleus ‘Double Doppler’ Contents of three folders so inscribed. Manuscript correspondence files. 1971-1989 Contents of three folders so inscribed. Europhysics Letters Fabian - Ferguson J.256-J.259 ‘Pe 1974-1981 1986-1987 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Field - ‘Fission’ Florides, P.S. Fogg - Freeman J.260-J.269 ‘G’ Contents of three folders so inscribed. Gaines - Garritson Geisler - Ghandy 1967-1982 1971-1996 1974-1989 1966-1997 1966-1990 1971-1990 Giedymin, J. Gilbert, C. 1970-1988 1974-1978 1978-1982 1974-1985 Gingerich - Goebel 1976-1978 Goldberg - Greenaway Gretton - Griffith 1973-1984 1972-1997 1976-1986 Gribbin, J. Grist - Groves W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.270-J.274 ‘H’ Contents of three folders so inscribed. ter Haar - Hazelett Henderson-Sellers, A. Henriksen - Hindawi Hodgkin - Hunt 1973-1994 1973-1994 1976-1990 1973-1994 1976-1994 Includes astronomical photograph and obituary of H.R. Hulme (died 1991) by R.J. Tayler. Hoskin, M.A. 1976-1990 1970-1987 di IBM - Ivey J.276-J.278A tal? Contents of two folders so inscribed. Contents of two folders so inscribed. 1975-1989 Includes an undated manuscript note initialed ‘Hu’ [Harold Jeffreys]. 1975-1996 1976-1989 1978-1996 Jacobs - Jehle Jeffreys, B.S. Jennison, R.C. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Johnson - Jones 1978-1987 J.279-J.282 Ke Contents of two folders so inscribed. Kahn - Kermack J.280, J.281 Kiang, T. Two folders 1964-1995 1975-1993 1972-1992 Kibble - Kuchowicz 1964-1995 J.283-J.290 ‘bs 1971-1992 Contents of two folders so inscribed. Lal - LaViolette Ledermann - Lloyd Lloyd-Evans, R. 1973-1982 1972-1990 1971-1972 Lockwood - LoPresto J.287, J.288 Lovell, A.C.B. Includes transcript from the tape of McCrea’s address to At J.288 is historical note by Lovell on the genesis of the Northern Hemisphere Observatory sent to McCrea, 20 July 1988. Lovegrove - Lyndell-Bell 1975-1991 1973-1991 Two folders. 1971-1983 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 the J.H. Taylor Memorial Symposium, 1977. Lyttleton, R.A. J.291-J.305 ‘WW Contents of three folders so inscribed. McCann - Mclver McKay - McManus The Macmillan Press Ltd Includes McCrea’s reports on book proposals. 1971-1992 1970-1997 1972-1988 1975-1993 1977-1978 Two folders. 1976-1997 1975-1992 Marelli - Matthews J.294, J.295 McNally, D. Maddison - Manuel Includes research proposal sent to McCrea for advice. 1971-1990 1975-1983 1970-1982 1970-1993 Matson - Maxwell Meadows - Miller Mikhail, F.1. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.301, J.302 Milne Society 1977-1990 Correspondence, Milne’s daughter, M. Weston-Smith, re the formation of Society and other matters relating to Milne. principally E.A. with grand- a Milne Two folders. Milner - Moore Morrison - Myerscough First names and unidentified at the end of the sequence. Munro, R.J.B. J.306-J.309 ‘N’ 1970-1985 1973-1990 1970-1974 1971-1986 Napier - Neville 1976-1981 1976-1981 J.307, J.308 New Scientist Includes reviews by McCrea. Contents of two folders so inscribed 1976, n.d. Contents of two folders so inscribed. ‘The Observatory’ - Opik J.310-J.312 ©): 1971-1986 1972-1987 1972-1987 Two folders. Newton - Noakes Ovenden, M.V. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Oxford University Scientific Society 1973-1982 J.313-J.319 ‘Pp’ Contents of two folders so inscribed. Pace - Pavelle Pearce - Phillips Institute of Physics 1966-1996 1966-1992 1972-1991 1974-1981 Correspondence and papers re advisory work etc for the Institute’s journals. J.316, J.317 Contemporary Physics 1977-1984 Two folders Pietenpol - Purcell Rado - Rivett J.320-J.322 ‘R? Physics Letters A 1977-1981 Includes reviews by McCrea. Correspondence etc re advisory work for the Journal. 1978-1991 Robertson - Royal Irish Academy Contents of folder so inscribed. 1971-1996 1976-1991 1976-1980 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 Ruder - Russell 1976-1991 First names and unidentified at the end of the sequence. J.323-J.335 ‘Ss’ Contents of three folders so inscribed. Sadler - Savage Sciama - Scott Seaford - Sistero Slattery - Solstis 1971-1997 1974-1997 1976-1991 1972-1991 1976-1991 Smith, F.G. Smith, K. 1971-1984 1973-1995 1976-1981 1978-1987 J.331-J.333 Stephenson, L.M South Africa - Springer-Verlag 1974-1994 Includes drafts and off-print from Stephenson. 1976-1989 Three folders. Stevenson - Swaminarayan W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.336-J.341 oe Contents of three folders so inscribed. Tarkowski - Taylor Temple -Thornton Tillotson - Tipler Includes paper sent by F.J. Tipler to McCrea for comment, 1987. Tiwari, R.N. 1972-1987 1972-1998 1976-1990 1976-1991 1974-1987 1976-1998 J.342-J.344 sO of matter in Includes cosmology sent to McCrea for comment. manuscript creation the on Turville, C.M.D. Massip de Torino - Trinity College Dublin Includes paper by J.R. Rao and Tiwari sent to McCrea for comment. Two folders. Ubbelohde - Laurence Urdang Associates Ltd Contents of three folders so inscribed. J.343, J.344 Unsédld, A 1970-1990 1972-1990 1970-1986 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.345, J.346 wy 1992-1993 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference Vickerage, J.D.M. Includes typescript drafts. J.347-J.363 Ww? Contents of three folders so inscribed. Wali - Wayman J.348-J.350 Wayte, R.G. Includes typescripts sent to McCrea for comment. Three folders. 1967-1997 1971-1990 1977-1981 1972-1995 [1976] - 1989 Webster - Weston Smith 1967-1994 Wildwood - Wilkins 1975 - 1997 J.354-J.357 Wilkinson, D.H. Whelan - Wickramasinghe 1973-1991 Correspondence and to Royal Society Hooke Committee and Discussion Meeting, 1977-1979. papers at J.355-J.357 relate Four folders. Williams - Winthrop W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.359, J.360 Wolfendale, A.W. 1977-1991 Two folders. J.361, J.362 Woolfson, M.M. 1974-1990 Two folders. Woolley - Wright NK Contents of folder so inscribed. Yates - Ziman. 1971-1984 1974-1985 J.365-J.415 Shorter scientific correpondence 1948-1996 1948-1956 Chronological sequence of correspondence not found in any identifiable sequence or order. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 1965-1966 1967-1969 J.374, J.375 1971 Two folders. 1976 J.387-J.389 1978 Six folders. J.380-J.385 Three folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.395, J.396 1984 Two folders. Two folders. 1988-1989 1990-1991 1986 Two folders. J.400, J.401 1987 J.398, J.399 Three folders. Three folders. J.407-J.409 1993 J.404-J.406 1992 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.410, J.411 1994 Two folders. At J.410 is Crossland at the funeral of 1994. a copy of the address given by Sir Bernard Sir David Bates, 8 January 1995 J.L. Synge Includes newspaper report of the death of published in the /rish Times and copy of obituary by P. Dolan from the Daily Telegraph. J.414, J.415 N.d. Two folders. Unindexed. J.416-J.483 1950-1992 J.444-J.461 Appointments and promotions J.416-J.443 Examining and higher degrees REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Miscellaneous Chelsea College, University of London J.462-J.465 Research fellowships J.480, J.481 Royal Society of Edinburgh J.469-J.472 Grant applications J.476-J.479 Royal Society J.473-J.475 J.482, J.483 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 J.416-J.443 Examining and higher degrees 1950-1990 1950, 1959 J.417, J.418 1960 Two folders. J.419, J.420 1961 Two folders. J.421, J.422 1962 Two folders J.423, J.424 1963 Two folders. 1965-1966 N.d. [1960s] 1975-1976 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 1977-1978 J.434-J.437 1980 Four folders. J.438, J.439 1981 Two folders. J.441, J.442 1984-1985 Two folders. J.444-J.461 1952, 1966-1967 Appointments and promotions 1952-1992 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 1976-1977 J.450-J.454 1978 Five folders. J.456, J.457 1984 Two folders. 1985-1988 J.459-J.461 1990, 1992 Three folders. 1970, 1972 1974-1977 J.462-J.465 Research Fellowships 1970-1978 J.466-J.468 Not used W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.469-J.472 Grant applications 1974-1990 1974-1977 1981, 1983 1989-1990 J.473-J.475 Chelsea College, University of London 1981-1982 Validation, Department of Mathematics. 1962-1993 Three folders. J.476-J.479 Royal Society 1982-1987 Royal Society of Edinburgh 1990-1993 and n.d. J.480, J.481 1962, 1964 1972-1979 1981-1989 Two folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Correspondence, J.1-J.483 J.482, J.483 Miscellaneous 1971-1991 Two folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AARSETH, Sverre AASERUD, Finn ABELL, George O. ABELSON, Philip H. ABHYANKHAR, K.D. ABRAMENKO, B. ABT, Helmut A. G.223 H.125 F.174 C.234 J.365 J.365 D.633 ACADEMIC PRESS INC (LONDON) LTD D.629, J.215 ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENZE DI TORINO Bea ADAM, Madge G. ADAM HILGER LTD D.82, H.228, H.243, J.215 D.630, H.333, J.215, J.374 ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron See H.199, H.200 AGACY, Rex L. AITKEN, Alexander Craig H.277, H.278 F.2-F.4 G.200 See also J.215 ALFARO, Vittorio de ALLEN, C.W. (‘Cla’) AKEHURST, M.R. AL-BORNEY, Said ALCOCK, G.E.D. E22 B.11 J.173 AIR LEAGUE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE AERONAUTICAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST LTD G.74-G.76 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A.206, F.188, F.189, J.365, J.376 See also D.634, D.635 See F.230 G.215, J.394 AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward F.559-F.561, H.138, J.403 ALVAREZ, Walter E.371 A.115 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AMOS, R.P. ANGELIDIS, Thomas G. APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor ARMAGH OBSERVATORY ARMITAGE, Edward N. ARMITRAGE, J. Vernon ARP, H (‘Chip’) ASHPOLE, E.F. ASHWORTH, William R. ASPDEN, H. A.3 J.215 J.216 F.13, F.14, F.16, F.18, F.188 See also F.189 F.5 J.216 H.31 J.216 J.371 H.9 J.216, J.390 ASTRONOMICAL SCIENCE GROUP OF IRELAND G.189A ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA J.394 D.255 D.633, J.219 D.634-D.636, D.729 ATHLONE PRESS ATKINS, Henry St J. AUBREY, John AUMAN, Jason R. ATKINSON, H.H. ATKINSON, R.d’E. J.122, J.365 E.469 H.423 J.173, J.219 D.631, D.632, J.217, J.218 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC F.495, J.95 AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE D.415-D.417 H.313, H.315 AWBERY, J.H. AXON, Howard J. Phrase bli /, Fels J.219 BAADE, W. Index of correspondents W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 BABCOCK, Horace W. BADDILEY, Sir James BAGBY, John P. BAGNALL, Philip M. BAKER OF DORKING, Kenneth Wilfred Baker, Baron BALAZS, Gulyas BAMBAH, R.P. BARBARA, S. BARBOUR, J.B. BARLOW, Boris V. BARNOTHY, Jeno M. F.256, H.229 F.560 D.366, J.220 J.220 F.448, F.449 See also F.443 J.383 J.174 J.174 J.220, J.378, J.390 J.220 C.236, E.143, J.174, J.221, J.370, J.376 See also J.379 BARNOTHY, Madeleine F. J.393 D.499, D.662 J.386, J.391 J.221 BARROW, John BARROW, R.W. BASH, Frank N. BASTIN, J.A. BASTIN, Ted BASU, B.N. J.221 J.221 E.183 J.221 BATES, Sir David Robert BATCHELOR, George Keith F.433, F.437, F.442 E.170, F.203, F.218-F.220, F.222 See also J.410 J.95 See also D.469 BAUGHAN, E. Christopher H.229 J.379 J.221 BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BAUM, Bill BAYLIS, John BEECHEY, Robin A. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents BEER, Arthur D.86, D.698, D.722, F.548 BELFAST CIVIL DEFENCE AUTHORITY BELL, C.A. BELL, Donald LYNDEN- BENARES HINDU UNIVERSITY BENN, Chris BENNETT, Daphne BERENDA, Carlton W. BERGER, A. BERGMANN, Peter G. BEST, Ernest BETHE, Hans Albrecht BEVIS, Rowland Granville A.87, A.89, B.7 J.222 H.313, J.221, J.289, J.387 J.95 J.222, J.394 H.313, H.323 J.175 G.216, J.222, J.410 J.175 B.3, B.8 H.138 H.9 D.537 Ao E.104 C.192, J.97 BLOW, David Mervyn BLACKLER, Joyce BLACKWELL, Donald E. BHATTACHARARYYA, Panchanon J.175 BIDELMAN, William P. BIERMAN, Ludwig BINGHAM, N.H. BIRD, Joseph F. G.150, J.223 J.378, J.387 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BIRMINGHAM AND MIDLAND INSTITUTE H.229, J.225 D.281, D.282, D.470, F.470, J.171, J.366 A.99, F.230, F.349, G.50, H.229, H.243, J.97, J.183, J.223, J.379 BOHR, Aage BOK, Bart Jan H.247, H.248 H.138 BLANUSA, Danilo BLOCK, David L. i277, J.1-J.6, J.223, J.388, J.405 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 BOKIL, R.K. BOKSENBERG, Alexander BONDI, Sir Hermann BONNOR, W.B. BOOTE, Mark BORN, Max BOSANAC, S. Danko Index of correspondents J.176 F.429, F.561, F.591, F.600, F.605 See also B.70 D.78, D.90, D.533, D.695, F.89- ,.92):94-F:95F:98) F100; F120. F.187, F.190;,F:205; F.2475 F218) F223) eS0s e207 ak.240, ed | F.261, F.346, F.3847, H.138, H.159, H.217, J.98, J.99, J.226, J.397, J.404 See also D.210, F.127, F.128, F.204 D193; 82455. J.227, J.228 1):281;,F:73; J; 100 See also D.89 J.228, J.403 See also G.248 J.228, J.396 B.9 BOSE, Chittaranjan BOWER, Roy D. BRADBURN, Mary BRADBURY, A.R. BRADLEY, David J. BOYD, M.J. BOYS, S.F. J.228 A.93 B.4 BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron H.323 See also J.228 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN IRELAND H.229 BRADLEY, P.C. SYLVESTER- See J.369 E.258, J.229 BRAMSON, Brian BRANDT, John C. BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence F.618-F.620 E1256 ./o, hi20o B.19, F.180 See also B.22 J.100 J.229 BRAY, R.J. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 BREWER, Douglas F. BRIGGS, Asa, Baron THE BRITISH ACADEMY Index of correspondents J.229 B.68, F.135, J.229 F.476, J.229 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE F.6-F.47, G.185, J.100 BRITISH ASSOCIATION YOUNG SCIENTISTS J.229 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION D.373, D.729, J.203, J.229 BRITISH COUNCIL BROCK, Martin CLUTTON- BROUWER, Dirk BROWN, Geoffrey M. BROWN, Sir (George) Malcolm G.121, G.206 J.415 D.90 See also J.100 J.379 J.376 See also E.192 BROWN, Robert Hanbury ooe J.386 H.31 BRUCE, C.E.R. BRUNNER, John BRUNT, Sir David BROWN, Wilbur K. BROWNE, Barbara J.230-J.234 JLT BRUCK, Hermann A. BROWNE, Peter Finlay A.106, F.232, F.239, H.62, J.100, J.235 J.100 B.4, J.100 See also F.508 BUDDRUS, Hans-Georg H.138 B.64-B.66 J.235 BUCKINGHAM, Dick BUCKINGHAM, R.A. J.235 D.363 J.235, J.378, J.385 BRYAN Jr, James T. BUCHDAHL, Hans BUILDER, Geoffrey W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp F212 BURBIDGE, Eleanor Margaret D441 1547 Ft55;: F174. BURBIDGE, Geoffrey Ronald BURGE, H.M. BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BURKILL, John Charles BURNELL, (Susan) Jocelyn Bell BUSUTTIL, William BUTLER, Lois CAHN, Robert Wolfgang CAIRNCROSS, Sir Alexander C.156, G.76 See also D.86 H.141 J.174 D.537, H.125 D.724 J.403 J.235 J.236, J.407 See F.35, F.36 CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY D.637 D.511, J.236 CATCHPOLE, M. CAVALLERI, Giancarlo CANUTO, Vittorio CARRINGTON, Alan CHADWICK, Sir James J.237 gies J.237 D.342 J.178 CARTWRIGHT, Dame Mary Lucy CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS D.597, D.638-D.686, F.197, G.191, H.125, H.183, H.294, H.343, J.400 See also C.223, F.184, F.220, F.223 A.221, C.101, C.120, D.259, D.718, Dat, Dif23, F222, F260) 5.492. H.138, H.199, J.179, J.238, J.299, J.358 CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan CHANCELLOR, Sir Christopher J179; Ji237 F.15-F.18, F.493 D.704 F.210 CHAKRAVORTY, K.R. CHALONGE, D. CHAMBERS, Robert Guy Index of correspondents W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 CHANDRASEKHARAN, K. CHANG, Hasok CHAPMAN, Sydney CHAPMAN & HALL LTD CHARYULU, K.S. CHAUDHURI, A.K. Ray CHELSEA COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICAL AND AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING CHERNS, D. CHERTKOV, Alexandr CHETLAND, W.D. CHURCH, A.E.R. J.101 H.362, J.410 B.4, F.14 See also H.200 J.239 J.179 J.179 F.48-F.62 J.239 D.733 J.239 B.48 CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD D.729 CLARK, David H. See J.376 CLARK, Eugene E. CLARK, Ronald W. CLARK, T.D. CLARKE, John CLARKE, R.W. CLARKE, Thomas L. J.241 J.241 E.9 CLAYTON, Donald D. D.435, D.439, D.444, D.475, E.359, J.240, J.389 F.561 ©.276, E:373, G.210, H:230; diz, J.242, J.385, J.407 COCKING, Edward Charles Daniel COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas J.369 J.241 J.241 COCKCROFT, W.H. D.135, J.102 eee H.271 CLUBE, S.Victor M. COCHRAN, William W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 COLE, George H.A. COLE, Peter COLE, Trevor W. COLTHURST, J. Riversdale COMMON, A.K. COMRIE, Betty COMRIE, L.J. CONNES, P. CONOLLY, Brian W. CONSEJO MUNDIAL CULTURAL CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS Index of correspondents G.238, J.8-J.10, J.243 See J.243 J.243 B.4 E25 F223 B.4 F.262 J.279, J.397 F.63 D.593, D.606, D.687-D.689, G.194, G.195, H.42, H.46, J.244, J.316, J.317, J.396 CONTOPOULOS, G. G.121 COOPERSTOCK, F.I. COPSON, Edward COOK, Eric COOK, Phyllida E. F.73 J.244 H.140 CONWAY, Arthur W. COOK, Sir Alan Hugh COOKE, A.H. COOPER, R.1.B. F.229, F.260, J.244 See also F.226, F.228 F.36, F.561 D.113, D.717-D.719, F.90-F.93, F.94, F.96, F.102, F.220, F.482, F.493, F.495, F.500, H.183, H.230, H.243, H.271, J.245 See also H.188 COULSON, Charles Alfred COWLING, Thomas George J.103 D.542 J.244 COX, Sir David Roxbee COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon H.330, H.343 F.18, J.244 J.352 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 COX, Keith Gordon CRAIG, J.l. CRAMPIN, Joan CRAWFORD, David L. CREBER:. Gul. CRELINSTEN, Jeffrey CRESPIN, D. BOSMAN- CREW, Eric CROWELL, John C. CULLEN, Alexander Lamb CULLEN, Christopher CUNNINGHAM, Morris A. CURRIE, Sir Alastair Index of correspondents J.254 J.104 D.169, D.178 J.246 J.222 H.362 D.180 J.246 J.391 F.561 J.389 H.31 J.246, J.407 H.191 B.4, B.5, B.8 D.714, D.715 DARWIN, Sir Charles Galton DAVENPORT, Harold DAVIDSON, William DADHICH, N.K. DALTRY, C.T. DANIEL, R.R. DANIELL, P.J. J.380 lil G.89 CUTHBERTSON, Sir David Paton D.497 C.176, C.178, C.195, D.235, H.278, J.105, J.180, J.181 D.497-D.499, D.508, D.511, F.259, G.196, J.247 F264 See also F.230 B.43, B.50, B.51, B.62, D.635 DAVIES, David DAVIES, J.G. DAVIES, Paul DAVIDSON, James Norman H.191 Index of correspondents W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 DAVIES, R.D. DELSEMME, A.H. DENBIGH, Kenneth George DENTON, Sir Eric James DERMOTT, Stan F. DEUTSCH, Armin J. DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA DEWHIRST, David W. DICKINSON, David DINGLE, Herbert F.134, F.228, F.590, F.598, G.195, G.196, H.91, H.223 E.258 J.247 J.247, J.287 D.524, G.172-G.174, J.248, J.249, J.376 J.182 A.116-A.118, F.64-F.68 F.230, F.231, F.250, F.349 J.105 D.119, D.127, D.280-D.282, D.722, F.228, J.105, J.182 See also F.229, F.230, F.237, J.250 D.641-D.643, D.649 C.148 F.159, J.252 DIXON, W. Graham DISCOVERY DISNEY, Michael J. DOMB, Cyril DOMBEY, Norman DOWKER, C.H. J.105 J.397 F.15-F.19 DODD, K.N. DOLAN, Patrick DITCHBURN, Robert William D.210, J.11-J.16, J.251, J.381, J.412 F.69-F.78 DUBLIN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY J.105 Beh? D.617 D.690-D.693 J.252 DOWLING, John J. DRAPER, Glen H. F.006, F:567, F.5/1,Rore DRYER, Murray Index of correspondents W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 DUBOIS, Jean DUFFY, M.C. DUFOUR, Achille DUGDALE, J. Sydney DUKAS, Helen DUNCAN, Ronald DUNGEN, F.H. van den DUNLOP, Storm DYSON, Freeman John EAKIN, R.M. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS J.183 J.254 EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL F.433, F.434, F.437, F.442, F.445 EATON, Trevor D.420, J.254 J.107 H.313, J.107 H.125, H.138, J.254 EDMUNDS, M.G. EDWARDS, R.E. EBERT, Rolf EDGE, David EDGE, Wale. J.254 J.370 J.254 EGGLESTON, H.G. EGYPT CHURCH ASSOCIATION / EGYPT DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION See B.70 ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION ELLIOTT, James Philip J.120 H.230 F.180 79) 0. ELLIOTT, Clark A. J.409 F.36, J.103 EGGEN, Olin J. ELDRIDGE, Don ELIEZER C0; W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents ELLIS, George Francis Rayner D.639, D.640, D.663 ELLIS, J.R. ELLISON, M.A. ELTON, Lewis Richard Benjamin ELTON, Sam EMELEUS, Karl George J.254 F.236, H.199 H.121 J.254 Bis: bi2ed, bigev, J.254 ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA INC. D.39, D.388, D.389 ESSEN, Louis EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY EUROPEAN SPECTROSCOPY NEWS EUROPHYSICS LETTERS J.107 See also J.414 G.105-G.109 F.81 D.594 J.255 EVANS, David S. G.52, H.230, H.362, J.372 F.605, J.337 EWALD. Peter Paul J.285 FLO, See J.256 FALCON, Norman FALCONER, Noel FABIAN, Andy FAHLMAN, G.G. FALLA, David FAULKNER, P. J.383 J.256 J.256 EVANS, Robert LLOYD- See also J.400 F.349, F.436, F.437, F.442, G.228, J.256, J.381, J.399 FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert J.256 See also J.402 J.379 J.108 J.184 FELLGETT, Peter Berners FAZAL, A. FEAST, Michael W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 FERGUSON, Allan FERGUSON, Dale C. FERRARO, V.C.A. FIELD, Judith FIEEDERNG.- FINCH, H. F. FINNISTON, Sir Harold Montague FIRSOFF, V.Axel GISHER: Fics FISHER, Sir Ronald Aylmer FISK, Donald FLORIDES, Petros Serghiou Index of correspondents F616 J.256, J.379, J.384 B.51, J.108 J.257 H.194 D721, D722 See F.35 D/24eF. 215; J-104, J:257-75:390 See also F.216 J.184 D.279 D.515 G.189A, J.211, J.258, J.379, J.405, J.412 FOGG, Martyn J. FOEEETE S.J. FORBES, Eric G. FORBES, J.E. FOREST, John S. FORGE, S. FOGG, Gordon Elliott FOGARTY, Sir Francis J.111 See F.36 J.259 re2t2 F.248 J.184 A.118 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS See also J.259 F.443, H.140, H.144 See also H.159 D.369, D.729, G.166, J.299, J.364 FOWLER, Sir Ralph Howard FOWLER, William Alfred FOWLER, Peter Howard FOWLER, Rosemary FOWLER, Patrick See H.125 H.125, H.147, H.159 J.108, J.397 See J.184 H.144 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 FRAMPTON, W.N. FRANCIS HODGSON LTD FRANK, Sir Charles Frederick FRASER, J.T. FREEMAN, Chris FREUNDLICH, E. FINLAY- FRIEDLANDER,, F. Gerard FUCHS, Sir Vivian FULTON, John Scott, Baron GAINES, Alec F. GALE, George Index of correspondents J.108 D.311 J.313 J.259 F.566, J.259 J.108 D.638, D.644, D.646-D.648, D.650 See F.36 A.98, A.99, A.205, B.89, F.92, F.94, F.100 See also F.91 J.260 H.366, J.260, J.302 G.215, J.260 GALLO, C. GALLOP, John GARBERS, C.F. GARDNER, K.L. Pane J.407 H.314 J.185 J.404 J.330 GALLETTO, Dionigi GARSTANG, Roy H. GASCOIGNE, S.C.Ben J.262, J.399 GEISLER, Pamela A. GERJUOY, Edward E.302, E.303, J.376 GIEDYMIN, Jerzy J.261 J.109 J.261 J.261 E.463 GHANDY, D.A. GIBSON, Roy GAUNT, J. Arthur GEHRELS, Tom GERGELY, John B.10 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 GILBERT, Cecil GILSON, James G. GINGERICH, Owen GINZBURG, V.L. GODART, O. GODED, F. GODWIN, H.J. GOEBEL, Charles GOLD, Thomas GOLDBERG, Leo Index of correspondents J.109, J.263 J.412 A.210,D5729;-F 453, F.257; F.301% H.9, H.10, H.20, H.358, H.359, J.238, J.264, J.396 See also F.152 D.710 G.112, G.113, J.264 J.264, J.379, J.380 F.180 J.264 B.90, F.532; 1.361, J:110, J.265, J.388 G.74, J.266, J.377, J.380 J.17-J.19, J.266 H.4 E.246 ime208\heeee GOLDEN, Leslie M. GOLLIN, G.J. GOODSTEIN, R. Louis F.253, J.110, J.266 J.20-J.22 GOODEVE, Sir Charles GOODHART, Charles B. GOSTLING, P.S. GOUDSMIT, Sam A. See H.200 J.110 F.177-F.179, F.180, J.266 GOODSTEIN, Peter David GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND C.257, J.185 GOW, lan Reginald Edward A.84 F.433 H.138 GRANT, Michael GRAY, G.K. GOWING, Margaret Mary MINISTRY OF LABOUR W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND ADMIRALTY HYDROGRAPHY DEPARTMENT AIR MINISTRY G.50 B.8 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH F.101, F.102, F.133, F.134 FOREIGN OFFICE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD MINISTRY OF AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION MINISTRY OF DEFENCE B.8 D.435 B.8 F.393 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE B.8, B.9 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY GREAVES, [?] B.7 H.180 GREAVES, William Herbert Michael F14,F:16; F218; &.498, F505. Orn J.266 See J.111 GREENAWAY, Frank GRETTON, Sir Peter J.267, J.397, J.410, J.412 GREEN, Albert Edward GREW, Sheelagh GRIBBIN, John E.449 F.460 J.267 GREENBERG, J. Mayo GREGORY, Richard Langton H.230 Dd, Di/2,,D\730;-11.1105, J64; J.268 See also D.298 GRIFFITHS, James Howard Eagle F.8; F.9, F.11, F.13;,F.15-F.17 E.369 D.471 J.267 GRIFFIN, Roger GRIFFITH, Miriam V GRIFFITHS, Ezer GRIERSON, P. GRIEVE, Richard A.F. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 GROOT, Mart de GROSE, S.W. GROSS, Peter G. GROVES, G.V. GRUNBAUM, Adolf GUBBINS, David GUPTA, M.L. HAAR, Dirk ter HACKETT, Felix E. HADDOW, Sir Alexander HAGUE, Douglas B. Index of correspondents H.225 B.8 J.269, J.387 J.269 See J.111 J.413 J.111 H.248, J.270, J.318, J.382, J.391 B/D Wal Siac enrol J.270 J.270, J.379 HAILSHAM OF ST MARYLEBONE, Quinton McGarel Hogg, Baron F.443, F.448 See also F.447 HAISCH, Bernhard HALDANE, J.R. HALL, Marie Boas F.487, J.270 HAMILTON, James HANLON, Timothy J.415 J.113 D.721 J.186 HALBERSTAM, Heini HANSEN, Hans Henrik HARDY, Godfrey Harold HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson F.467 J.186, J.270, J.399, J.405, J.406, J.409 HARTREE, Douglas Rayner HARRISON, Edward R. HARLAND, W. Brian ile J.270 J.113 B.3 J.61 HART, Vincent G. HARTNER,, Willy J.113 203 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents HASLETT, Arthur HAVERS, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron HAWKING, Stephen William HAWTHORNE, Sir William Rede HAYASHI, Chushiro HAYMAN, Walter Kurt HAYS, James D. HEAD, Seafield HEAVENS, Oliver S. HECKMANN, Otto HEDGECOCK, Peter C. HEIDMANN, J. D.311 F.432 D.662, J.274 See also D.638 F.470 J.23 J.270 E.376 J.114 J.114, J.371 Rona See also F.138 J.383 Ri25/, 200 HENDRY, John HEPNER, Wolfgang H.42 F.73 J.114 F.393 J.392 J.407 J.28 J.114 HERNDON, J. Marvin HERZBERG, Gerhard HEREWARD, Daphne HELE, Desmond George KING- HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE A.105, D.282, D.524, F.257, F.259, F.433, F.486, H.144, H.159, J.114, J.282 F.483, F.536, F.560, J.272 HETHERINGTON, Norriss S. H.211, H.362, J.244, J.302 HESSE, Mary Brenda F.254, J.272 H.315 See F.189 HEWISH, Anthony HEWITT, Frank J. HERTZ, Gerhard HEY, James Stanley HIDE, Raymond W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 HILDITCH, R.W. BIGEY AEA; HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL, David HILL, David Keynes HILTON, Frederick HINDAWI, Ahmed A.A. HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norman HINSLEY, Sir Harry HINTON, A.G. HOAG, A.A. HOCH, Paul K. Index of correspondents J.310 J.115 H.209 See also H.199, H.210 J.115 H.146, H.159 J.115 J.272, J.403 F.209 A.118 J.186 D.633 H.247, H.249 HODGE, Paul W. G.76, J.379 8) E:9 H.315 F.92, F.93, F.98, F.100 F.473, F.474, J.273 HOLMES, Arthur HOME, Roderick W. HODGKIN, Sir Alan Lloyd D.69 See also J.116 HOLMBERG, Eric Robert Reginald HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas F.249, F.389, F.394, J.24 D.539, D.540 H.358, J.274 D.473, J.273 H.223 HOSKIN, Michael A. HOSKING, R.J. HOWRIE, Stephen J. HOWSE, H. Derek HONIG, W.M. HOPKINS, H. Geoffrey HORWITZ, L.P. G.195 E.389 HOGARTH, J.E. J.116, J.187, J.399 Index of correspondents F.180 C.120, D:205, F.93; F.95, F.100, F252, F:2o2er-3eo: See also B.93, F.37, F.87, F.90, F.92, F.98, F.260 U7, D.484, D.495 H.359 PabServa. tec See also F.21, J.273 B.6 G.206 J.273 D.435, F.533, J.273 F.193, F.228, F.248, F.257, F.349, F.350,.F.377, F:393, F:420, F:585, H.315 See also D.635 B.12, B13 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 HOWSON, A. Geoffrey HOYLE, Sir Fred HUANG, Su-Shu HUGHES, David W. HULBERT, Henry Schoolcraft HULME, Henry Rainsford HUMPHREYS, John H. HUMPHRIES, Colin HUNT, Chris HUNT, G.E. HUNTER, Alan HUPPERT, Herbert E. HUTTON, George HUSSAIN, Zahur HUSTLER, D. H.125 J.187 D.59 J.370 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding HUTCHINSON PUBLISHING GROUP LTD F.83-F.103 A.211, F.424, F.478, F.482, F.483, H.124, H.125, J.340 See also H.144, H.153 INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY IBM UNITED KINGDOM LTD J.407 J.118 E.288 ICKE, Vincent ILLICIN, Gurler J.275 J.275, J.379 INGHAM, Albert Edward INNANEN, K.A. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC INFORMATION FOR THE LAYMAN F.104 INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS E.200 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS D.525, D.594, D.597, D.704, H.183, H.333, J.315 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS D.695-D.703, H.89, H.90 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION A.115, F.105-F.174, J.244 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITY IRVINE, J. Max IRVINE, William M. E75 D.559 J.275 IRVING, Sir Edmund George F.331, F.332 ISHAM, Chris J. ISKRAUT, Richard W. J.317 J.118 See J.25-J.27 C.254, D.317 JACKSON, E.N. JACKSON, John Charles JACKSON, John JACKSON, John R JACKSON, Robert J.188 F.493 H.316 A106; £:351,,E°378, F.261,.G.76; J.28, J.119, J.189-J.194, J.276, J.378 See also J.188 H.31, H.124, H.125, H.159, J.120, J.277 D.282, F.8, F.252, F.255, F.257, F.260 JEFFREYS, Bertha Swirles, Lady See J.120 F.8, F.9 JEANS, Sir James Hopwood JEANS, Susanne, Lady F.136, H.188 See also J.120 JACOBS, John Arthur (‘Jack’) JARNEFELT, G.J. JEFFREYS, Sir Harold W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 JEHLE, Herbert JELE BY jd. JENNISON, Roger C. JENSEN, Eberhart JOHN, Laurie H. JOHNSON, Martin C. Index of correspondents J.120, J.216 F.445 J.29-J.39, J.188, J.278, J.397 D.234 D.373 D.722, J.120 JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD D.460, D.700, J.63, J.249, J.353 JONES, Alex JONES, Bernard JONES, Derek JONES, Sir Harold Spencer J.278A J.382 H.316 F.501, F.502, F.504 See also F.490, F.493 JONES, Sir John Edward LENNARD- Bil nlZ5 JONES, Kenneth Glyn ro J.367 F.259, H.2311 JOSEPH, V. JONES, Robert T. JONES, Reginald Victor JOURNAL OF PHYSICS J.120 D.704 D.729 B.3 JOSEPH, Keith Sinjon, Baron F498; F.437 See also F.430, F.438 JULIUS SPRINGER VERLAGSBUCHHANDLUNG JOURNAL OF SCIENCES ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN D.298, E.269 C174, Di205).5:122 See also D.188 J.380 .c0o J.121 KAPLAN, Lewis D. KAPP, Reginald O. KAULINS, Andis KAHN, Franz Daniel KAMP, Peter van de W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 KEAY, Ronald William John KEBBY, C.H. KEMBHAVI, Ajit K. KEMMER, Nicholas KENAT, Ralph KENDALL, David George KENDLE, Veronica KENNEDY, P.B. KENT, Paul W. KERMACK, William Ogilvy KERR, Clark KERRIDGE, John F. Index of correspondents J.279 J.122 D.517 H.138, J.279 H.362 H.271, J.279 J.279 J.122 J.279 D183" J:3872 See also J.279 G.4 G.173 KHARADZE, Eugene KILMINSTER, Clive W. KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman D.655, D.656, J.282 KINMAN, Tom D. KLEIN, E. KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles KHARE, R.C. KIANG, Tao F.249, J.280, J.281, J.404 See also J.195 H.248-H.250, J.22, J.124, J.282, J.285 D.274, F.424, F.429, F.590, F.591 See also F.428, F.437, F.601, G.206 D.376, E.417, E.421, J.282, J.415 D.170, F.347 See also F.215, F.230, J.282 H.231, J.415 J.195 J.196-J.199 KOBUS, Joseph Paul KOPAL, Zdenek KOURAGANOFF, V. KRAT, V.A. KROTO, Sir Harold Walter D.710 J.123 J.282 D.710 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 KRUSEMAN, J.P. KUCHOWICZ, Bronislaw KURTI, Nicholas KYNCH, G.J. LAL, D LANDSBERG, Peter T. LANDSHOFF, Peter V. LANG, Bruno LAPPERT, M.R. LAPWOOD, E.Ralph LARSON, D.B. LATHAM, R. Index of correspondents J.382 J.282 J.400, J.402 B.2, J.124 D.731, D.732, J.283, J.396 J.283 D.656, D.673, D.675, D.679, D.683 See also D.659 D.482 J.283 Fi2od, P.24t J.200 J.283 LAURENCE, R.A. LAYZER, David J.125 J.284 E.463 D.15 LEDOUX, Paul LEEMING, J.C. LAVIOLETTE, Paul A. J.125 J.342 J.283 LEDERMANN, Walter LEFSCHETZ, Solomon LAURENCE URDANG ASSOCIATES LTD J.284 D.281, D.282, F.469, F.578, J.294 See also F.586 LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James J.365 J.125 J.138 LIREYe Rte: BILEBY.'S: LEVICH, B.G. LEVICK, R.B.M EEVY rH: LICHNEROWICZ, A. D.180, F.260, G.334 See J.284 J.284 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 LINDSAY, Eric M. LIPSON, Henry LISTER, Mary LITTLEWOOD, John Edensor LOGOS PRESS LTD Index of correspondents A.206, A.207, F.5, F.211, J.200 J.391 J.125 H.278 See also H.277 D.729 LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY H.31, J.372, J.376 LONG, D.H. LONGAIR, Malcolm Sim LONGMAN GROUP LTD LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen LOPEZ, Jose Alvarez J.385 A.226, F.153, F.193, F.598, F.607, F.608, H.341, H.342, J.373 J.286 B.27 JA2Z6 127. LOPRESTO, James C. LOVEGROVE, Alistair LUDLAM. A.E. J.286 J.286 D.635 LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur LOVELL, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard A.105, A.209, A.210, F.138, F.139, F.212, F.227, F.228, F.254, F.256, F.260, F.433, F.461, F.462, F.568- F.572, J.188, J.228, J.379, J.409 See also B.93, F.102, G.121 A.106 F.100, F.228, F.257, F.259, F.346, F.347.,)1040)6.486, FG Jeo. J.290, J.374 See also A.207, C.271, D.210, F.192, J.141 D.556 J.291 a6 McCAUSLAND, I. McCONNELL, A.J. MacCALLUM, Malcolm F.255,,H247.:4.248 MacCONNELL, Darrell J. McCONNELL, James R. McCRAY, Richard H.251, J.291 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents McCUSKEY, Sidney W. MACDONALD & CO. (PUBLISHERS) LTD McDONNELL, J.A.M. (‘Tony’) McDOWELL, M.R.Coulter McKENZIE, Dan Peter McLAUREN, Dame Anne Laura MacLEOD, Roy Malcolm McMANUS, Frank R. MACMILLAN & CO. LTD McNALLY, Derek A.97, J.291, J.379, J.384 See also G.150 J.178 E.449, J.291 B.19, B.22, H.223, J.291, J.370 F.264 C.283 J.292 J.378 J.130 A.106, C.196, F.230, F.241, F.255, F.433, F.436, G.257, J.43-J.45, J.368, J.401, J.409, J.412 MACPHERSON, Hector D.722 MADDISON, E.W. MALTRAVERS, David R. MALURKAR, S.L. E.236, J.296 C.28, J.378 F.256, H.3, H.9, J.296 MANGERON, D. MANUEL, Oliver K. H.213 J.201 J.201 McVITTIE, George Cunliffe MADDOX, Sir John Royden D.712, D.713;, D.716, F.37, J.296 MANCHESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY J.46 E.381, J.296 See also J.390 J.130 J.297 J.378 E206 MARDER, Leslie MARELLI, John MARSHALL, F.N. MARSOGLU, A. MARINOV, Stefan MARSDEN, Brian G. Gi50;,Gibi W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 MARTIN, B.R. MARTYNOV, D. Ya MASON, Sir (Basil) John Index of correspondents MASSEY, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA MATTHEWS, Henry E. MATTHEWS, Robert MATSON, C.H. MAYALL, Nicholas U. MAXWELL, lan Robert MAYER, John P. J.297 F.495, D.710 A.209, F.256, F.559, F.560, J.100, J.297 B.4, F.259 See also F.184, F.217 F.176-F.181, H.21 B.5-B.7 J.47-J.49 J.297 J.298 H.1, J.298 See J.298 J.373 MEADOWS, A.J. (‘Jack’) MEHRA, Jagdish MELVILLE, Sir Harry Work MENTER, Sir James Woodham MERCIER, Andre MERCIER, Raymond MERTON, Gerald H.249, J.299 See also H.251 A.115 See also F.232 G.87-G.89 F.258, F.259 J.202, J.371 J.299, J.407 MENON, Mambillikalathil Govind Kumar E.204°:F.558;,F:618;H.231, H:248, H.333, J.299, J.393 F.206, F.207 F.208-F.211, F.213, F.215, F.216, F.218;-F:228; F.280, F.231, F.232, i205) FeOs ie 40ekie4 1 See also F.220 D.230, F154; 6.435, F.448, J.202, J.299, J.370 See also F.430 THE METEORITICAL SOCIETY METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE MESTEL, Leon F.182 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 METHUEN & CO. LTD MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MIDDLEHURST, Barbara M. MIDDLETON, Eric MIKHAIL, Fahmy I. MILLER, Roy F. MILLMAN, Peter M. MILLS, Allan MILLS, R.F.N. MILNE, Edward Arthur MILNE, Philip S. Index of correspondents D.730, J.130 D.695-D.698, D.700-D.703, H.89, J.105, J.413 See also D.536 D.388, D.389, H.194 J.299 C.129, C.130, D.112, D.114, J.390 B.23 H.231 D.229 J.202 D.718, D.719, D.722, F.8, F.9, F.184 See also J.301, J.302 MOON, Parry H.200 See also H.199 G.184 Oak Bil,B.2nb 728 MILNER, E.V. MINNAERT, M.G.J. MISHRA, R.S. MITRA, K.K. MITTON, Simon J03 See G.45 MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MITCHELL BEAZLEY ENCYCLOPAEDIAS LTD F.429, F.432, F.443 See also F.430, F.431, F.433-F.436, F.441, F.442, F.445 B.4 D.656-D.659, F.410, H.183, J.67, J.303, J.380, J.389 H.124 J.366 J.303 MOFFATT, John MOLYNEUX, Neil MOODY, Theodore William MOFFATT, H. Keith W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 MOORE, Sir Patrick Alfred MOORE, Walter J. MORDELL, Louis Joel MORGAN, Ben MORGAN, D.E. MORLEY, P. MORTON, W.B. MOTHES, Kurt MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MUHHAMAD, Lal MUNRO, Rolland J.B. Index of correspondents A.107, F.196;-F.99, F.431, F.437, F.438, J.203, J.303 H.247 See also H.248 H.200 See also H.199 D.555 F.35, F.36 J.131 B.4, B.7 F.64-F.66, F.68 H.138, J.304, J.372 J.131 J.305, J.378 B.8 F.259, F.260 B.122, J.402 See also J.244 MURVILLE, Maurice Noel Leon Couve de NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes F331 MURPHY, Sean MURRAY, C. Andrew NAPIER, W.M. NARLIKAR, Jayant NARLIKAR, V.V. F.256, F.257, F.259-F.262, F.264, F.432, F.433, F.590, F.598, H.317 ae OF NEWHAVEN, Keith Anderson Hope Murray, aron J.370 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION E:258; £:296, J:378"J:678 NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM (Uk) J.236, J.306, J.341 D.718 E.374, J.306, J.393, J.398, J.409 NATIONAL TRUST (Uk) F.394, F.395, J.236 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 NATURE Index of correspondents NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE RUNDSCHAU NAYAK, B.K. NEUGEBAUER, O. NEVILLE, Adam NEVILLE, Eric Harold NEW SCIENTIST NEWTON, H.W. NEWTON, R.H.C. NEYMAN, J. B.3, B.6, D.61, D.119, D.128, D.130, D.317, D.363, D.371, D.401, D.416, D.417, D.421, D.483, D.484, D.493, D.595, D.705-D.716, E.350A. J.64, J.67, J.233, J.306 H.109 J.379 B.3 J.306 C.89 D.554, D.594, D.597, D.599, D.730, H.91, H.105, H.195, J.307, J.308 D.717-D.720, F.14, F.16-F.18 J.309 J.309 NICOLAYSON, NISBET, A. See E.350 D.145, J.204 D.687-D.689, J.309 H.251 E372 F.068,/F.97 1, Fb72 J.200, J.268, J.296 NOAKES. G.R. NOLAN, Bill NORMAN, J.W. THE OBSERVATORY NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY J.310 D.403, D.471, D.717-D.724, F.443, J.310, J.407 Gado, Geld6)d:1299:310 B.2, B.50, B.61 H.281, J.366 OFFORD, Albert Cyril O’KEEFE, John A. OLDHAM, C.H.G. E.296, J.310, J.378 Fi50/5 f-070) F O78 O’CONNELL, D.J.K. O’HARA, C.W. OLIPHANT, Monica W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents OLIVER, Bernard M. OORT, Jan Hendrik OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY OPIK, Ernst Julius OMRBIEEY,.W-E. OSTRIKER, J.P. OTHMAN, Mazlan OVENDEN, Michael W. J.205 C.276, H.270, J.310 J.310 F.264, J.310 J.401 See J.310 G.257 F.216-F.220, F.226, F.227, F.229, F.236, F.240, F.349, J.311 See also F.230, F.239 OXFORD UNIVERSITY INVARIANT SOCIETY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXLEY, Derrick OZEMRE, Ahmed Yiksel J.275 D.730, H.125 F.433 H.105 J.313, J.390 PAGEL, Bernard E.J. PARGITER, Dorothy PARKER, Eugene N. PACE, Gordon W. PAGE, Thornton L. PALACIOS, Julio PALMER, T.J.E. A.97, H.232, J.313, J.399 A.106, B.72, F.223, F.254, F.347, J.50, J.313, J.365 B.2 PENNEY, Wiiliam George, Baron PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst A.201, J.51-J.53, J.313 PAVELLE, Richard J. J.206 J.206 B.14 H.49 J.415 J.313 PARKIN, David PARSONS, Brian H. PENG, Hwan-Wu E73). 120; 1139 F.73 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 PENROSE, Sir Roger PENSTON, Margaret PERGAMON PRESS LTD PESCH, Peter PHILLIPS, John G. THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY PHYSICS LETTERS A PHYSICS TODAY PICK, J.M. PICKERING, W.H. PIETENPOL, Jerry L. PILLINGER, Colin Trevor Index of correspondents G.105 See also D.638, D.658, J.206 H.317 D.445, J.242 J.314, J.383 G.74-G.76 See also J.314 See D.123 J.318 D.725 J.379, J.398, J.406 Fi255 J.319 J.319 PIPER, Fred C. J.400 J.319 PLASKETT, John B.113, H.227, H.243 PIRANI, Felix A.E. PIRIE, Norman Wingate PLASKETT, Harry Hemley D.704, J.206 J.355, J.356 PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PLENUM PUBLISHING CORPORATION D.634, D.719, D.721, F.14, F.225, F.230, F.240, F.493, F.502, F.506, F.508, H.199, H.200, H.243 See also B.4, F.231, J.319 J.319 POLKINGHORNE, John Charlton D.424 E277, H.271 A.Sii7 POOLE, H.W. POOTS, Graham ROPE} 7:D: POPE, N. Vivian D.645, D.646, D.653 J.207, J.208 POOLE, Horace H. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 POPPER, Sir Karl Raimund PORTER, George, Baron PORTER, J.G. POUNDS, Kenneth Alwyne POWELL, Frank C. POWER, Sheila PRATAP, R. PREISS, J.A. PRENTICE, Andrew J.R. PRENTICE, J.E. PRENTICE, J.P.M. PROKHOVNIK, S.J. Index of correspondents J.319 F.432, F.448, J.319 e252 E.345, J.319 H.139, H.153 Fi73 J.319 H.232 E.488, G.200 J.289, J.319 F.231 See also F.230 D.708, J.319 THE PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION SOCIETY PYKE, Magnus QUIRK, Roger N. RADO, Richard B.6 J.319 J.319 G.185 F.178, F.180 F.212, F.332 PUDRITZ, Ralph E. RAMAKRISHNAN, Alladi QUADLING, Douglas A. PURCELL, Edward Mills J.378, J.379 C.158, C.162-C.166, J.54, J.132, J.133, J.371, J.397 RAMSAY, Donald Alan J.320 J.375 J.410 J.320 ier. RAMSEY, W.H. RAO, J.R. RAMASESHAN, S. RAMESAN, T. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth REDMAN, Roderick Oliver REES, Sir Martin John REEVES, Hubert REILLY, Sir (D’Arcy) Patrick REITH, George RENDALL, M.J. REVELLE, Douglas O REYNOLDS, J.H. RIGHINI, G. Index of correspondents F.226, F.228, H.31 See also F.186 FSi; fools P4496, F-501- F.502)--504) F577. £595; Got: G.52, J.209 See also F.332, F.506 F.431, F.547, F.556, G.194, G.259, J.90, J.320, J.414, J.415 G.133 F.212 J.209 H.141 D.480 B.4 E27 RITCHIE, Florence Mure F.467, H.317, J.321 J.210 RIVETT, Patrick ROBERTS, Morton S. ROBINS, M.O. ROBINSON, Ivor See J.134 J.321 F.261, F.262 H.223, J.321 ROBINSON, Martin ROWAN- ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINSON, John Arthur Thomas J.210 F.227, F.393, F.405, F.417, H.42, H.327, J.134, J.321, J.399 J.321 J.134 D.282 ROSENFELD, L. ROSSER, W.G.R. ROE, H.V. STOPES- RONAN, Colin A. ROCHESTER, George Dixon D.534, J.379, J.388 ROBSON, lan ROCHESTER, Michael G. J.134 J.320 J.134 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents ROTHENSTEIN, W. ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROUSSEAU, John ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL PLC ROWE, Charles H. ROWE, E.G.P. ROXBURGH, lan W. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY J.134 See D.710 See D.533 D.730 B.8, J.135 J.371 EA6f.r dine A.209, B.3, D.188, D.246, D.726, D.727, F.184-F.311, F393; F.425, F.432, G.194, G.196, H.9, H.183, F199, 1.228, 0.271, A.301, J/65, J.84, J.136, J.323 ROYAL BELFAST ACADEMICAL INSTITUTION ROYAL DUBLIN SOCIETY J.222, J.391 B27 7. ROYAL GREENWICH OBSERVATORY D.429, F.312-F.446, H.317 J.321 D.730, J.321, J.409 ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY THE ROYAL SOCIETY J.368 A.116-A.118, A.207, D.188, D.210, D.498,E.351;, £:355;"F.36, F.37, F.64, F.91-F.96, F.98, F.100, F.120, F.126-F.128, F.134, F.136, F.152, E7153; l00, 5.200, medlahiee20, 220, F226; 'F.205; F256. h.o2e, F.332, F.335, F.405, F.424, F.432, F.436, F.448, F.449, F.467-F.562, G.51, G.82, G83, G.121, G.172, G.194, G.206, G.220-G.223, H.200, H.218, H.226, H.243, H.278, H.281, H.294, H.343, J.94, J.137, J.175, J.191, J.192, J.270, J.279, J.355- J.357, J.381 See also D.205, D.499, F.35, F.230, F.447 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS RUDKJOBING, Mogens E.37 D.512, F.563, J.409 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RUSE, Harold S. RUSHBROOKE, George Stanley RUSSELL, Dale A. RUSSELL, E.W. RUSSELL, R.D. RYLE, Sir Martin SABHARWAL, Ranjit Singh SACHS, Mendel SADLER, Donald Harry Index of correspondents 206) F214 1621/7. lea. 206: F.483, F.518, G.164, G.194, G.238, G.259, H.197, J.139, J.248, J.249, J.322, J.409, J.412 See also F.261, J.59 8:3, B:42H.271 H.125, J.322 D.444 BS J.322 F.222, F.262, H.343, J.140, J.210 J.141 D.725 Ol, Oe LOO sm OSFal27, F.133-F.137, F.190, F.237, F.252- .204, 260; i266; F268, F271, F.273, F.281, F.283, F.293, H.243, H.318, J.141, J.323 D.363, D.733 SANTOS, Nilton O. SARABHAI, Vikram A. SALAM, Abdus SANDAGE, Allan R. SAGAN, Carl SAHADE, Jorge C.209 See also C.206, F.230 A.105, A.106, G.220-G.223, J.323, J.397, J.412 J.142 SAUNDERS, Sir Owen Alfred J.142 J.142 SCHEUER, Peter SCHLAPP, Robin A.101, J.206, J.323 H.304, H.318 SCHEDVIN, C.Boris SCHELLING, Hermann von SCHLEGEL, Richard H.139, J.68, J.187 J.384 G.89 A.106, H.343 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SCHMIDT, Maarten SCHRODINGER, Erwin SCHWARZSCHILD, Martin SCHWEHM, Gerhard SCIAMA, Dennis William Index of correspondents D.252 F.75 See F.230, F.240 E.449 D.87, D.638-D.640, D.643, D.644, D.646, D.650-D.652, D.654-D.656, D.670, D.676, D.680, D.684, G.105, H:.217; H.455; J.324 See also D.553 SCIENCE C.234 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL F.424, F.427-F.432, F.436, F.590- F.616, F.617, J.324 SCIENCE & PUBLIC AFFAIRS SCIENCE NEWS SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT (SPRU) D.555, D.565 D.400 F.565-F.573 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL A.115, B.89, F.458, F.574-F.589, F.617, J.206, J.324 SEATON, Michael John SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SCOTT, D. Bernard SEAVERS, Robert SEGAL, Ronald J.211 J.211 J.211 SCOTT, John F. SGOilal, Pir: H.47, H.48 J.324 F.564, J.90 F.197, F.229, G.194, H.223, J.325 See also F.227 D.710, J.325 SELLERS, Brian HENDERSON- E.360, J.55-J.63A, J.271, J.392 SELLERS, Ann HENDERSON- SEMPLE, J.G. SERSIC, J.L. SERVIER, Jean SEVERNY, A.B. B.43, B.48, B.61, B.62 D.360, G.222, G.223 J.59, J.271 D.360, D.361 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SHAKESHAFT, John R. SHANKLAND, R.S. SHEPPARD, Peter A. SHIVESHWASKAR, S.W. SHOENBERG, David SHOPPEE, Charles William SHUKLA, H.C. SILK, J.l. Index of correspondents F.248, H.271, J.17-J.19, J.325 J.370 F.255 D.721 H.139, H.159, J.142 J.325, J.392 J.142 J.211 SILVA, Lindamulage Nalin Kumar de J.64-J.69, J.325, J.376, J.398, J.402, J.412 SIMPSON, Edward H. SIPILA, Erkki SISTERO, R.F. B.8 J.371 J.325 SLOAN, R.W. SMART, W.M. SMEED, R.J. H.270 J.365 H.271 B.4 SITTER, Dora de SIVADJIAN, J. SLATER, Jessie SLATER, N.B. SMART, Patricia B.3 F.228 F.46 SMART, (Roderick) Ninian SLATTERY, Sir Matthew F.373, J.326 A.107, F.249, F.255, F.430, F.432, F.445, F.585, F.590, F.606, F.617, H.91, J.148, J.327, J.395 Br ceahiee / bieeo, Rede: F.254, F.260 SMITH, Humphrey Montague SMITH, Sir Francis Graham J.143 D.207 J.212 SMITH, Brian Hugh SMILEY, Charles W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SMITH, Kenneth SMITH, Meg WESTON SMITH, Miranda WESTON- SMITH, Robert C. SMITH, Robert W. SMITHIES, Frank Index of correspondents J.70-J.77, J.328, J.409 H.139, H.212, H.213, H.214, H.221, J.302, J.351, J.403, J.413, J.414 D.445, E.406, H.217, H.218, J.301, J.302 F.438, J.329 A.2, A.3, H.183, H.234 risa See also J.143 SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH ON METEORITES SOKOLNIKOFF, I.S. SONDHEIMER, Ernst H. SPALDING, D.B. SPARROW, John Hanbury Angus B.6 J.144 J.22 J.284 F.261 SPEARMAN, T.D. SPITZER Jr, Lyman SREENIVASAN, S.R. J.406 J.375 SPRINGER-VERLAG SPIVAK, Morris Redman SPEISER, D. SPENCE, D.S. STAMPER,, F. Harrison J.143 A.97 J.212 D.151, D.308, D.309, D.592, D.595, J.330, J.343 See also H.251 E.471, G.259 STEPHENSON, Charles B. STEPHENSON, F. Richard STANSFIELD, Ronald G. J.212 H.349 D.651 J.212 STEAVENSON, W.H. STEPHANI, H. STEPHENS, J.G. J.146-J.163, J.212 F.189, F.348 G.3, J.366 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents STEPHENSON, G. STEPHENSON, L.M. STIBBS, D. Walter N. STOKER, Sir Michael George Parke STONELEY, Robert STORMER, Carl STOY, Richard H. STOYLE, Roger BLIN- STRATTON, Frederick John Marrian STROMGREN, Bengt J.145 D.725, J.78-J.81, J.331-J.333 H.234, H.319, J.334 F.560 F.8 15 F.262, F.3828, G.50, H.820 See also F.331 A.99, B.90, B.93, B.95, B.97-B.99, Bil22r. 478.6482). 2265 )374 See also B.89 Palorr Od meer See also H.199 BiG. F217. ees See also F.214, F.224 STRUVE, Otto STUCHLIK, Karl SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SUCKSMITH, Willie SULLIVAN III, Woodruff T. SUMMERS, O.E. SURVEY SUCKLING, Charles Walter J.334 F.561 J.145 SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Mclvor See also D.180 F.229 See also F.230, J.145 E36) See also F.332 SWAMINARAYAN, Navin S. F.331, F.332 J.334, J.410 J.82, J.334 SUTTON, Sir (Oliver) Graham J.212 E.39 H.249 SVETLOV, V.N. SWEET, Peter Alan SWINGS, P. G.4 H.343, H.345 F.120, G.44 Index of correspondents W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SYNGE, John Lighton TARKOWSKI, Zdzislaw M.T. TATUM, Jeremy B. TAUBER, Gerald E. TAVAKOL, Reza TAYLER, Roger John D990 F217, F.227.F.206, Gior J.84, J.112, J.188, J.145, J.212, J.335, J:396, J:412 See also F.218, J.118, J.137 .5604,.0'0G0 J.336 H.103, H.109, J.336 E355. d.366 B./72, D;727, F.198; F.194, F:249, F:266F270,:h.2ve mer 4, F261 F.301, F.429, F.430, F.432, F.437, F.441, F.443, F.590, G.195, H.183, J.92, J.94, J.336, J.389, J.394 See F.268, F.269, F.271 TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR, Harold M. F.8 H.139 TAYLOR, John Bryan H:62, 0.234, J.337 D.361-D.363, D.369, J.337 TEMPLE, Robert K.G. THACKERAY, A. David THIRLAWAY, H.I.S. THOMAS, L.H. J.93 J.336 D.654, D.662 TAYLOR, John C. TAYLOR, N.B. TEMPLE, George D.722, F.14, F.16-F.18, G.51, G.169A, J.166, J.213, J.388 See also J.337 J.83 37, See also F.35, F.36 F.261, F.262 See H.139 THOMPSON, John Harold Crossley THOMSON, Sir George Paget A.106, B.73, J.337 D.119, D.128, J.213 THOMPSON, Sir Harold Warris THOMPSON, Sir Michael THORNHILL, C. Kenneth H.200 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 THORNTON, Joan THRUSH, Brian Arthur THWAITES, Bryan TILLOTSON, Ernest THE TIMES Index of correspondents J.337 F.561 J.213 F.43, F.230, H.228, J.338, J.377 D.272, D.274. F.437, F.444, H.325, J.338 THE TIMES EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT H.21, J.338 THE TIMES HIGHER EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT TIMES NEWSPAPERS LIMITED TIPLER, Frank J. TIWARI, R.N. TOBIAS, Ruth K. TODD, James Eadie J.338 F.417 J.338, J.412 J.339 Pde, B.5 TOLANSKY, Samuel TONNISSON, Teofilus Oi, See also B.11 TOUSEY, R. TRIER, Peter E. TRIMBLE, Virginia TURNBULL, Herbert Westren TURPIN, Dick TURVER, K.E. TWISS, R.G. EL2re; bee J.393, J.396 D.482 F.240 J.400 B.124, J.340, J.381, J.396, J.398 D.728 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS PRESS UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Paul UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON J.395 F262 J.342 J.342 UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER C.237, J.239, J.370 F.618 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE D.78, D.80 UNSOLD, Albrecht UNWIN, Brian UREY, Harold C. UTTLEY, A.M. VAIDYA, P.C. VARDYA, M.S. VEBLEN, Oswald VEGARD, L. VESSELO, I.R. A.105, A.205, D.307, D.308, D.595, D.730, F.15, F.64, J.343, J.344, J.377, J.385, J.386, J.391, J.394, J.396, J.399, J.404 See also D.155, D.594, J.376 J.342 D.188, E.296, J.366 C.236 J.211 G.89, J.54 B.3, B.4 Palos VO 4/20) F.176 A.115 See F.443 VICK, Sir Arthur VICKRAGE, John D.M. VISCARDINI, Mario VOGT, H. WADDELL, John H. J.345, J.346, J.408, J.411 WALEN, Claes WALI, Kameshar C. J.170 J.365 J.84 WALDEGRAVE OF NORTH HILL, William Arthur Waldegrave, Baron J.347, J.390, J.400 J.392 See also J.347 WALTON, Ernest Thomas Sinton WALLACE, Bryan G. WALLIS, Sir Barnes Neville See J.171 Ji238,.J.647 See J.347 J.347 Jone See J.171 WANAS, Mamdouh Ishaac WALKER, A. Geoffrey WALLACE, J. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 WARD, Gilford N. WARNER, Sir Frederick WARREN, J.W. WARREN, Kenneth Robin WARWICK, Andy WATSON, George Neville WATSON, Marion WAYLEN, Peter WAYMAN, Patrick A. Index of correspondents J.83 See B.72, B.112 J.347 D.534 F.445 See also F.436, F.443 J.347 See H.277 J.370 G.206 E.405, F.441, F.592, G.189A, H.247, H.321, H.323, J.84, J.347, J.382, J.395 WAYTE, Richard C. J.348-J.350 WEART, Spencer WEBSTER, Jessie WEHINGER, Peter A.3, H.234 B.23, J.351 WESSELINK, A.J. G.52, J.351 A.106, J.244, J.351, J.385 WEST, J.C. WESTERN, A.E. WEIL, Eric WEIR, J.G. E.258 J.138 J.351 WEDDERBURN, Dorothy Enid Cole J.352, J.378 E.206 See also H.190 J.92 See also J.347 WHELAN, John Anthony Joseph WHEELER, John Archibald WESTON, J.D. WHALER, K.A. J.386 H.277 J.213 F.265 WESTMAN, Robert S. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 WHIPPLE, Francis John Welsh WHIPPLE, Robert S. WHITE, Frederick WHITEMAN, Ken WHITING, Bernard WHITROW, Gerald James WHITTAKER, Edmund Taylor WHITTAKER, John Macnaghten WICKRAMASINGHE, N.C. Index of correspondents F.11 F.17 H.321 H.294 G.206 D.61, D.62, D.64, F.252-F.257, F.259, F.264, F.268, F.269, F.393, F.560, G.166, H.91, H.199, H.200, 1234) 321)bl323,0.17190:250, J.351, J.395 See also F.267 F.73 H.278 See also H.277 G.170, J.352 See also C.280, D.230 WILDWOOD HOUSE LTD J'353 J.353 WILLIAMS, Gwyn WILLIAMS, Iwan Prys WILKINS. Daniel WILKINS, George A. WILKINSON, Sir Denys Haigh F.430, F.483, F.518, F.592, H.246, F321, J:358 See also F.591 A.107, A.118, E.351, F.429, F.436, F443; G:194,H.31, H.284, J/654= UK357 See also F.442 F.231 A.209, D.229, D.230, E.229, E.300, J.85-J.88, J.358, J.414 WILLIAMSON, Dame (Elsie) Marjorie B.43 F.48 F.19 H.333 H.248, H.250 WILLIAMS, John A.C. WILLIAMS, Robley C. WILLIAMSON, R. WILLS, Eva WILLSTROP, R.V. A.99, A.205, A.206, J.358 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Index of correspondents WILSON, Sir Alan Herries WILSON, John Tuzo WILSON, O.C. WILSON, Robert WOLFENDALE, Sir Arnold Whittaker WOMERSLEY, John R. WOOD, Evelyn WOODHEAD, D.S. WOODWARD, F.H. WOOLFSON, Michael Mark B.10, H.139; 32658 J.28 D.188 J.358 A.211, D.431, D.435, D.444, D.561, F.197, G.248, J.89, J.90, J.359, J.360, J.395, J.396, J.402, J.405- J.407 B.8 AERC WA7/ D.433, D.435 H.180 E.258, E.480, F.196, F.519, F.523, F.529, F.536-F.539, G.172, G.173, G.194, G.195, J.361, J.362, J.379 See also F.541 WOOLLEY, Michael L. J.92-J.94 WRINCH, Dorothy Maud WYNNE, Charles G. WOOLNOUGH, M WRIGHT, D.A. See H.322 B.2 WOOLLEY, Sheila, Lady WOOLLEY, Sir Richard van der Riet D.717,-D: 718% D241, Di/22) bl8- F216) 92 6.98 boo. bee. F:218, F.234, F.254, F.262, F.331, F.332, F.334, F.346-F.348, F.585, G.51, H.306, H.307, H.309, J.363 See also G.50, F.90, F.100, F.138 F.492, F.493, F.495 D.369, D.729, G.166, J.364 Pat F.448 J.364 A.191 YATES, Barbara YATES, Frank YOURGRAU, Wolfgang ZAGAR, Francesco W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 ZANSTRA, H. ZELDOVICH, Ya. B. ZIMAN, John Michael ZWICKY, F. Index of correspondents D.133, J.375 A.106 See also F.152 H.139, J.364 F.262, J.172 See also J.368, J.369