MCCREA, William Hunter Vol2 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir William Hunter McCrea FRS (1904-1999) VOLUME II Section E: Lectures Section F: Societies and organisations Section G: Visits and conference Section H: History of science and scientific biography NCUACS catalogue no.138/3/05 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SECTION E LECTURES, E.1-E.531 1931-1993 A chronological sequence of drafts and related material for McCrea’s public and invitation lectures. A little undated material is at E.520-E.525. A small number of lectures by colleagues are presented at E.526-E.531. ‘Maxwell & Tait Centenary 1931 Notes for E.M.S lecture eIc. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of manuscript and typescript drafts. reference: manuscript notes, ‘Chromosphere & Corona, B.A., 1933’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of British reference: Association paper. manuscript McCrea’s_ notes for ‘An attempt to examine the ‘Geometry & Physics, British Association, Norwich’ ‘Scattering of light Integral equations Oslo 1936’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes and printed papers for Norwich meeting. McCrea talked on relation between physical postulates and mathematical axioms in general mechanical theories’. N.d. [1935] McCrea concerning the scattering Congress of Mathematicians, Oslo, 1936. ‘Some. of Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript working and drafts. McCrea talked on ‘The binary star hypothesis of the origin ‘Solar System British Association 1936 Blackpool’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript draft. talked on astrophysical light’ at the problems International W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 of the solar system’ at the British Association meeting in 1936. ‘Intermediate School, Newry, Prize Giving 1936 Nov.’ of folder Contents of McCrea’s address at the school prize giving, headmaster’s report, printed leaflet about the school. manuscript draft inscribed: so ‘Expanding Universe Notes Collog 1939 March Q.U.B’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes. ‘Solar System 1945’ RAS [Royal Astronomical Society] July Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript draft titled ‘Origin of planetary systems’ and headed ‘RAS Discussion 13.7.45’. E.12-E.21 E.13-E.21 reference: ‘R.I. 1957 Nov 22’ ‘Royal Institution 1957 Nov 22’ ‘Physics and the Astronomical Universe’, Royal Institution Evening Discourse, 22 November 1957 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence including invitation from W.L. Bragg, abstract, lecture ticket etc. McCrea gave a talk at a youth conference entitled ‘Britain Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease and of drafts, press- cuttings. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of for McCrea’s lecture. manuscript notes reference: correspondence, ‘Space Flight’ background manuscript and typescript drafts E.22-E.33 printed material including W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 enters the space age’ sponsored by the Air League of the He discussed the place of British Empire, 14 April 1958. space travel technological developments. scientific current and in E.34-E.40 “Survey” and various notes on USSR’ 1958-1964 of so folder and_ seven: Contents manuscript correspondence, background material, etc re lectures and publications by McCrea on the USSR. inscribed typescript divided drafts, into McCrea visited the USSR for two weeks in August 1958 and for eight weeks in 1960 under a new exchange arrangement between the Royal Society and the USSR Academy of Sciences. on of to to an his talk first visit account He gave a the Mathematics Department, Royal Holloway, 27 November 1958 and Royal gave Astronomical Society on 9 December 1960. He gave the Cantor Lecture of the Royal Society of Arts on ‘Soviet Russia Today: Science’ in January 1964 and his article on ‘Astronomy in the USSR’ was subsequently published by Survey no.52 69-77, 1964. second visit the his for and draft drafts lecture E.41-E.44 ‘The relevance of relativity to laboratory physics’ ‘W.H. McCrea 1959 Solar System Liege Rough Drafts’ Typescript Holloway College, 16 October 1959. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes or lectures at Liege, Belgium, July 1959. 1959-1960 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for talks ‘1959 Oct 23 Oxford Formation of Solar System’ and ‘1960 May 12 R.S. Origin of S.S.’ ‘W.H. McCrea 1959-1960 origin of Solar System’ by McCrea dated Early talks on Cosmogony lecture Royal of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.47-E.51 ‘Cosmology Evolution Mainly in preparation for RAS Pres. Addresses 1961-1963’ 1961-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts. Includes manuscript notes titled ‘Evidences of Evolution’ for lecture at Glasgow, 20 October 1961. ‘Imp. Coll 1961 May 9’ Manuscript notes so titled. ‘Inertia 1963 Cosmology Pres. Add 1963 S’hampton 1962’ 1962-1963 manuscript notes and drafts including Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: 20pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Some problems in cosmology’ and headed ‘1962 Feb 19 Southampton 1962 March 13 Leicester’. 14pp manuscript draft. E.56-E.60 1957-1963 includes Theories typescript A Survey’, draft 4 of July ‘Cosmology Papers & references’ ‘Cosmology’, Overseas League, 26 February 1962 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of lecture 21pp reference: ‘Cosmological - 1962, manuscript notes, off-prints. lecture. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes ?for cosmological ‘A Stockholm, Sweden, 16 August 1962 application ‘Radio sources Resolution 1963 Jan 8’ Manuscript drafts, off-prints. of information theory’, W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 help to ‘Would it problems of cosmology and research’ land on the Moon? The unsolved relevance of space the 1962-1963 Typescript draft of public lecture on this topic first given at University College Cork, 21 October 1962. Manuscript outlines lecture was also given at Sherborne [School], Dorset, 18 March 1963 and Hurstpierpoint [College], Sussex, 5 May 1963. indicate that the ‘Lagrange’s equations in special relativity’ notes Manuscript manuscript inscription identifying location ‘Cleveland’, date stamped ‘Apr 27 1964’ additional with talk for E.65-E.72 ‘W.H.McC. Cosmology 5 lectures 1964’ Manuscript notes and drafts, April-September. E/5-6.00 Two folders. Eight folders. ‘Cosmology, Cleveland Astronomical Society, 8 May 1964 ‘Origin of the Solar System’, Friday Evening Discourse, Royal Institution, 20 November 1964. re Manuscript notes for McCrea’s talk; duplicated papers Warner and Swasey Observatory Slide Collection found with lecture notes. October 1964, Galway, 29 January 1965 and ‘Kings C Manuscript and typescript drafts including typescript drafts inscribed ‘Talk’ and ‘For Publication’, respectively. Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for lecture on ‘Problems in Cosmology’ given at Exeter, 29 ‘Cosmology 1965’ Seven folders. 1964-1965 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 Math Soc’, 1 March 1965. ‘Some current problems in relativisitic cosmology’, Dublin, Ireland, 27 January 1965 Manuscript notes and drafts. Two folders. ‘1965 Rotation & collisions’ Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for rotation’, Herstmonceux, Sussex, 8 April 1965. ‘Origin Stellar talk on of ‘Universe Society, Blandford, Dorset, 9 February 1966 Bryanston large’, the in School Scientific Manuscript notes, 1966. letter re arrangements, 17 January British Address, E.87-E.92 Six folders. ‘Cosmic Association Section A, 2 September 1966 Presidential Physics’, Typescript drafts, correspondence re publication, off-print. The address was published under the title ‘Cosmical Physics’. ‘The cosmological significance of recent observational discoveries’, symposium on cosmology, Manchester, 24 September 1966 Nov. 14’. for Symposium programme, manuscript ‘rough Manchester talk and manuscript draft titled ‘Radiation - sources’ dated ‘1966 Sept’ with additional manuscript note ‘prepared but not used for Manchester conf.’ Typescript draft ‘used Cambridge Observatory Club 1966 ‘A possible mechanism for radio-galaxies and quasars’ notes’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘Speculations about quasars’, Oxford, 14 February 1967 Manuscript notes. ‘Relativity in astronomy’, Farnborough, 21 February 1967 Manuscript draft. ‘Some cosmol. problems of energy release’, Cambridge, 2 March 1967 Manuscript notes. ‘Quasar problem’, Bristol, 16 March 1967 Manuscript notes. ‘QSS’, 13 April 1967. Manuscript notes. Manuscript notes. Manuscript notes. ‘Quasars’, Seattle, USA, 5 June 1967 1p manuscript notes only. ‘QSO’, San Diego, USA, 26 May 1967 given in USA in 1967 Miscellaneous manuscript notes and drafts ?re lectures ‘Speculations about quasars’, Cleveland, USA W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.104-E.109 ‘The Present State of Cosmology’, BMI [Birmingham and Midland Institute], 27 November 1967 re arrangements, manuscript and Correspondence typescript drafts. Six folders. Miscellaneous background material found with drafts for 1966-1967 cosmology lectures. 1966-1967 Includes duplicated typescript ‘On the origins of space- time and inertia’ by D. Lynden-Bell, 26 May 1966. Sel Ed tA ‘Quasars and their relevance to cosmology’ Typescript and manuscript drafts, one draft dated ‘1968 August’. Two folders. See also E.184. the problem of helium abundance E.116-E.119 1967-1968 EHMdi2-Btt5 ‘Bombay 1968 November’ ‘Relativity and Cosmology’, Royal Institution Civil Service Lecture, 21 November 1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript drafts for talks and panel discussion on the microwave background radiation, quasars, and cosmology, Bombay, India, 13-16 November 1968. 1967-1969 Contents of McCrea’s folder divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes, typescript drafts for lectures on quasars, off-prints McCrea’s lecture was part of a course for civil servants on the ‘Methods and concepts of modern science’. Contents of folder divided into four for ease of reference: includes manuscript draft, duplicated course notes, etc. The contents of this folder may have been assembled as E.120-E.123 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 background material for the preparation of further lectures in the same area. By24 6125 ‘Cosmology Current Problems Sussex 1969 Ap. 10’ 1968-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, background material ? for talk at Sussex. E.126-E.133 ‘Cosmology Today’, Inaugural Lecture Chaire Georges Lemaitre, Louvain, Belgium, 28 October 1969 1969-1970 E.126-E.128 Contents of folder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript drafts and off-print of published version of McCrea’s inaugural lecture 1969-1970 E.129-E.133 ‘1969 Louvain Oct 28 Cosmology today’ 1969-1970 1963-1970 E.135-E.142 ‘1969 Louvain Study week 1970’ ‘Cosmical Constant’, Louvain, Belgium, 2 December 1969 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: typescript draft of McCrea’s inaugural lecture and other manuscript and typescript drafts on related topics. ‘1969 Louvain, Universal constants’. Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes and draft for talk at Louvain. 1966-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of by McCrea, Institute for Theoretical Astronomy, Cambridge, 11 July 1968 and on ‘Explosions in Galaxies’, Cambridge Archimedeans, McCrea’s manuscript notes of talks and discussion by others at Vatican study week such as V.A. Ambartsumian, E.M. Burbidge, F. Hoyle, A. Sandage and L.Woltjer, April 1970. reference: includes manuscript notes for talks QSOs _Incl. Some material from Vatican 28 February 1969, and W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.143-E.149 ‘1969 Gravitational Lens Effect’ 1964-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, background material etc ‘Gravitational Lens Effect’, Oslo, Norway, 29 October 1970. ?re lecture on E.150-E.154 ‘Cosmology and Faith - current ideas on the history of the universe’, Sussex, 11 March 1970 Manuscript and typescript drafts. Five folders. ‘W.H. McCrea 1970 Philosophy for Big Bang Cosmology Laws and the Universe’ ‘1970 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript draft headed College University of London] Physical laws and the universe’ and typescript draft of ‘Cosmology, creation and faith’ dated ‘1970 Easter Day’ with pencil revisions for publication. May 22 QMC [Queen Mary E.157-E.161 EOffe los ‘Professor Otto Heckman’ ‘Gravity - and some levity’, Imperial College, 26 October 1970 Presentation address on the occasion of the award of an honorary degree to Heckmann by Sussex University, 24 August 1970 1965, 1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes manuscript and typescript drafts for Imperial College talk and manuscript notes for untitled talk at Sussex, 26 November 1970. Contents of untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: two typescript drafts dated 22 October 1970, one with manuscript notes attached. E.159-E.161 ‘1970 W.H. McCrea Gravity’ 1965, 1970 1965, 1970 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.162-E.168 ‘QSOs: current problems’, Oslo, Norway, 28 October 1970 1965-1970 See also E.170-E.174. E162) E.163 Contents of untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts, for McCrea’s lecture notice E.164-E.168 ‘1970 W.H. McCrea QSO 1970 Oct 28 Oslo’ 1965-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, off-print and pre- prints. Includes manuscript notes headed ‘1969 Oct 29 QSO’ (E.168). ‘W.H. McCrea 1970 QSO Uppsala’ E.170-E.173 1941-1970 The 1941-1970 letter of invitation, off-prints, E.170-E.174 ‘QSOs: Queen’s University, Belfast, 5 November 1970 problems’, current 2nd Larmor Lecture, ‘2nd Larmor Lecture, Belfast, 5 Nov. 1970’ Manuscript notes etc for ? talk at Uppsala, Sweden. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: photograph (E.172) and typescript draft of Oslo lecture on QSOs, etc. 1969-1970 Duplicated typescript of McCrea’s Oslo lecture revised for Belfast. Contents folder background material. ‘1970 Lectures Cosmology’ manuscript notes, so inscribed: of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 Ei /6 V7 ‘1970 Radio Source Counts’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: ? background material for lectures. Elv8, E1i%9 ‘Radio Brighton 1971 [sic]’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and typescript and duplicated typescript material re series of on astronomy in Sussex broadcast by Radio Brighton in 1970. talks McCrea, contributed to programme 9, October 1970. who suggested the idea, appears to have ‘Cosmology: Survey of the present situation (Greece & Turkey)’ Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript draft March 1971. etc, 3 reference: off-prints, manuscript 1966-1969 E.182-E.188 inscribed: manuscript of folder so See also E.193. ‘W.H. McCrea 1971 QSOs Lecture Materials’ ‘Solar System: Origin of Planets and Satellites’ Contents notes, typescript draft including manuscript notes headed ‘1971 March 24 Brit. Council Ankara’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of notes, correspondence, manuscript and typescript drafts, etc. 1960-1972 ‘Tachyons’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and draft, offprints. ‘Particles Meteorological Society Club, 19 January 1972 interpretative 1968 Nov 14’ relevance to include ‘Quasars - Drafts (E.183, cosmology’, n.d. (E.184). E.186) and ‘Quasars and their move faster than light’, Royal E.189-E.191 that W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.192-E.197 ‘Origin of the Planets’, Durham University, 7 March 1972 1971-1972 E.192 ‘Durham March 7’ 1972 Contents of correspondence. folder so inscribed: typescript draft, brief E.193-E.197 ‘W.H. McCrea Solar System 1972 March 7 Durham’ 1971-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript draft of lecture at Durham (E.196) and manuscript and typescript drafts for lectures at other locations on related topics. Includes ‘Solar system: origin of planets and satellites’, 10 March 1971 (E.193), ‘Proto-planet theory’, Royal Society, 27 March 1972 (E.194) and ‘Formation of planets and satellites’, Kiel, 8 February 1972 (E.195). E.200, E.201 E.198, E.199 ‘Origin of the Solar System Theories’, Nice, France, 3 April 1972 Review of Concepts and of the Institute of Mathematics and _ Typescript drafts, n.d. and 30 March 1972. The ?earlier of the two drafts is titled ‘Origin of the Solar System Presentation of the different models’ ‘Quasars: Energy Sources and Models’, East Midlands Branch its Applications, Leicester, 25 April 1972 Manuscript and typescript drafts, brief correspondence re publication of lecture. ‘Optics in circles’, Sussex University, 4 May 1972 Manuscript notes and draft, etc. E202; E:203 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.204-E.207 ‘Astronomers’ Luck’, University College London, 5 June 1972 ‘1972 W.H. McCrea Astronomers’ Luck’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: typescript drafts, correspondence re publication, etc The lecture was revised for publication in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, December 1972. ‘Speech in honour of Professor and Mrs C.W. Allen, by W.H. McCrea’, University College London, 23 June 1972 4pp typescript. E.208-E.211 ‘W.H. McCrea Cleveland 1972 Dec 12 QSO Energy’ 1971-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, typescript draft, background material, etc. E.213-E.215 drafts for lectures on 1972-1975 1971-1973 ‘1972 Knowledge and Ignorance in Astronomy: Some unsolved problems (chiefly for Cleveland 1972)’ Includes typescript draft ‘Cosmology. Energy Sources in Galaxies and Quasars’, 9 July 1971 (E.211). Contents of folder so inscribed: ?background material for lecture. 1964-1972 Manuscript and ignorance in astronomy’, ‘1972 Nov 27’ and ‘1974 May 9 Newcastle’ found enclosed within off-print of A.R. Hail’s 1973 Wilkins Lecture (between pp 406-407), Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. vol 338, 397-417. 1974. ‘QSOs Gen 1972’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of ‘Quasi-stellar objects: some recent theories’ with manuscript inscriptions reference: typescript includes draft Three folders. ‘Knowledge E.216-E.222 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘1971 March’ and ‘working copy’; and manuscript notes and drafts for talks on ‘QSOs’ for Louvain, 4 November 1969, Uppsala August 1970 and Sussex, October 1970; and off-prints. E.223-E.231 ‘1972 W.H. McCrea Solar System Typescripts / Lectures Notes Ostriker’ 1970-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: includes manuscript draft introduction to course of lectures on the solar system at Sussex, 1971- 1972 (E.229), manuscript notes for talks the solar system at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 14 December 1972 , (E.228) and on star formation, Cairo, Egypt, 15 February 1973 (E.227), and manuscript draft ‘Origin of S-S - protoplanet theory, 21 May 1976 (E.224). on E.232, E.233 ‘Current problems in cosmology: galaxies and cosmology’, l'Institut d’Egypte, 5 March 1973 Typescript and manuscript drafts. Two folders. La for course of universe according to history of the ‘What do we know about the Universe?’ Manuscript outlines, manuscript notes ? lectures on this topic. ?given in Egypt, March - May 1973. ‘The relativistic cosmology’. Semaine de Synthése on ‘Avant/Avec/Apres Copernic ses Conséquences Epistémologiques’, Paris, France, June 1973. ‘Comets: mystery members of the solar system’, Ramsden Memorial and Philosophical Society, 28 October 1974 ‘History of the Universe acc. to (1973) Copernicus’. manuscript notes, backrgound material. Contents of duplicated rel. cosmology for Paris inscribed: draft, folder manuscript so Représentation de L’Univers et E.236, E.237 Manchester Literary Lecture to the W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘1974 Feb 25 Manchester Comets’. Contents of folder so inscribed reference: correspondence re arrangements, manuscript notes etc. divided ease into two for of Includes (E.237) ‘Proposed format for meeting on ‘The structure and of comets’, York, March 25-26th 1975’. See E.254-E.262. origin McCrea’s Ramsden Memorial scheduled for February but postponed to October. Lecture was_ originally See also E.238-E.242. E.238-E.242 ‘Comets 1974’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: includes manuscript notes for talk at Sussex, 26 February 1974 (E.242) and manuscript and duplicated manuscript Ramsden Memorial Lecture to Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (E.239, E.240). McCrea’s drafts for 1970-1974 Lect E.243, E..244 ‘Heroic Times in Astrophysics’, Newcastle, 13 May 1974 ‘Modern Cosmology and the Concept of the Creator’, Science, Human Values and Religion Society, University of Sussex, 1 May 1974 ‘Creation for Sussex 1974 May’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes seminar programme and manuscript notes for McCrea’s 1974 talk, manuscript and typescript drafts of ‘Cosmology, creation and faith’, dated ‘Easter Day 1970’, and copy of Focus, University of Sussex magazine, June 1970, with article by McCrea ‘Does Cosmology leave room for God?’ 1973-1974 ‘Models, laws and the universe’, International colloquium ‘Cosmology - History - Theology’, University of Denver, USA, 7 November, 1974 ‘1974 May 13 Newcastle P. Astrophysics and Cosmology’. inscribed: background material only. See also G.166-G.168. Heroic Times in so folder Contents of E.246-E.249 1951-1974 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.246-E.248 ‘1974 History of the Universe / Models - Laws - and the Universe (Denver)’ 1973-1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes programme of Denver colloquium and of manuscript McCrea’s paper. manuscript drafts duplicated and At E.248 are manuscript drafts of the opening pages of talks at Manchester on ‘Universe according to simple mathematics’, Sussex on ‘Modern cosmology and the concept of the creator’ (see E.243, E.244) and to the OUSS on ‘Big bang and the history of the Universe’, 1973- 1974 and duplicated manuscript draft of ‘The history of the universe according to relativistic cosmology’ dated ‘1974 January 10’ (see E.235). Typescript version of Denver paper E200, E:20] ‘1974 Nov 29 App. Mathematics brief historical survey’ 1969-1974 draft of the of 1974 and on Canterbury, manuscript to the includes Presidential duplicated Address development Kent at Manuscript notes and slide list. ‘Sy nucl. & quasars’, 1 December 1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: of McCrea’s Mathematical Association on ‘Natural Philosophy’, 8 April 1974 (E.250) and correspondence re seminars on the development of mathematical physics at the University of Newcastle, 16 May applied mathematics, 29 University November 1974 (E.251). 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for talks during visit to South Africa, January-February 1975. ‘1975 January-February Miscellaneous Papers and Notes’ McCrea tercentenary of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. cosmology talked on Big Bang and the W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘Questions concerning interstellar matter in the Magellanic Clouds’, Thackeray symposium, 21-23 January 1975 Duplicated manuscript draft. E.254-E.262 ‘1975 Comets’ 1969-1976 reference: Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of drafts, correspondence, off-prints etc. This material may have been assembled to a considerable extent for a meeting at York on comets, March 1975 (see E.237). manuscript notes and_ Includes manuscript notes for talk on comets by McCrea at Tucson, 13 Nov 1973 (E.262) and manuscript draft for article ‘1974 Jan. Revised’ (E.259). Miscellaneous notes Halley and drafts re comets, especially 1974-1975 Includes draft headed ‘Halley First draft 1975 March 4’. 1949-1975 1949-1975 E.263-E.268 E.265-E.268 ‘1975 W.H. McC Halley Lecture and Ice Ages’ Manuscript draft of McCrea’s lecture, 16 April 1975 ‘Solar System as Space-probe’, Halley Lecture, Oxford University, 6 May 1975 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes typescript drafts of McCrea’s Halley Lecture (E.265, E.266), manuscript notes for talk ‘Comets and ice ages’, Tucson, 27 June 1975 and typescript draft, proofs etc for article by McCrea ‘Ice ages and the Galaxy’, Nature, 1975 (E.267, E.268). Contents of folder so inscribed includes ‘Satellite Species and their Origins’, Tucson, 18 May 1975 ‘1975 Solar System’. divided three into for ease of reference: Proofs E.269-E.271 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 manuscript notes for McCrea’s Tucson talk, symposium programme and other speakers. McCrea’s notes talks on by ‘1975 July 25 Herstmonceux’ Manuscript notes for talk by McCrea on ‘Sy nucleus’, etc E.273-E.281 ‘Galaxies 1976 reprints ‘ Including Spiral Structure M.J. Rees 1960-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: includes manuscript notes etc for a number of talks; also printed background material. E.282, E.283 ‘Some problems of the origin and evolution of the solar system for extra-terrestial geology’, Lyell Society, King’s College, London, 16 February 1977 Manuscript and typescript drafts. E.284-E.291 Two folders. ‘Cosmol. 77’ The manuscript draft is titled ‘Some possible cosmogonic problems for extra-terrestial geology’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: includes duplicated typescript lectures by McCrea on ‘Cosmology’ (E.285) and ‘General Relativity’ (E.289-E.291) at Cairo University, February 1973, and syllabus and book list for lectures on ‘Cosmology and Cosmogony’, University of British Columbia, Spring Term, 1976 and manuscript notes for on ‘Cosmology & Creation’, UBC, 5 March 1976 (E.286, E.288). 1977-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes manuscript draft titled ‘Accumulation instability: galaxy formation’ (E.292), manuscript notes for 2 March 1977 (E.293) and ?talk stars’, manuscript October- for November 1977 (E.294). ‘The first notes ‘1977 Galaxy Formn’ E.292-E.294 on lectures, Istanbul, 1970-1977 talk W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.295-E.302 ‘1977 Solar System’ 1970-1977 Contents of filing cabinet divider so labelled. E.295-E.297 Manuscript notes, correspondence, background material found loose at the front of the divider 1970-1977 Three folders. McCrea UBC [University ‘W.H. British Planets 1976 Feb 24-’ and ‘1976 Solar System’ of Columbia] 1973-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for talk on ‘Rotating bodies and the evolution of the solar system’, manuscript outline and manuscript notes and draft for talk at Oxford, 5 February 1974. 19 November 1973, Brighton, 7 December 1973 Liverpool, at talk for ‘W.H. McCrea 1977 Solar System Talks Diagrams Some Tables View Graphs’ E.300-E.302 ? relates to publication of Jupiter conference paper. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes for talks. ‘1977 Solar System Problems Jupiter (Tucson) Calculations 1.P. Williams Material (1975)’ Most of the original contents of this folder seems to have been removed ?by McCrea. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes etc. 1975-1979 ‘Superluminals’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and Contents draft transparencies for York talk, background material etc. ‘Superluminals’, Istanbul, Turkey, 13 June 1978 ‘Satellites and asteroids’, York, 14 April 1978 E.304-E.306 of untitled folder: manuscript and Diagrams 1974-1977 1973-1979 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 drafts, background material. ?Introduction to meeting on Planetary Science, Society, 17 November 1978 Royal Manuscript notes headed ‘1978 Nov 17 Plan. Sci. (RS) headed Appropriate ‘Magnetic property of massive rotating body’. See also E.308. transparency introduction’ and ‘Unlikeliness “The” ’ Papers found within folded sheet of paper so inscribed: Include notes and drafts headed ‘Normal stars’, ‘ “The” Reification’ and ‘The Principle of Unlikeliness’, dated 30 July 1978 but ?related to November 1978 Royal Society meeting. See E.307. ‘S.[olar] S.[ystem] origin’ E.310-E.316 1979 (E.311) manuscript draft ‘First Stars’, reference: includes typescript and ‘1979 ‘Galaxy Formation’ Papers found within folded sheet of paper so inscribed: manuscript notes and drafts for lecture or lectures on origin of the solar system including 1p manuscript notes headed ‘Origin of stars, Sun, Planets, Satellites, comets’ and dated ‘1979 Ap 18’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of 1 January notes, transparencies for lectures on ‘First clusters: first stars’ and ‘Origin and early evolution of galaxies’ given on visit to New Zealand, 1979 (E.312) and manuscript notes for talk at Sussex on galaxy formation, 8 February 1979 (E.315). 1974-1979 ‘Tunguska 1908 : comet hypoth.’, Croydon, 2 November 1979 Manuscript notes and transparencies. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 E.318-E.323 Lectures, E.1-E.531 for ease of Contents of untitled folder divided into reference: transparencies, manuscript notes and drafts, printed background material large numbers hypothesis and similar lectures Dirac’s six on 1979-1981 First sheet in [Trinity College Dublin] 1980 Feb 26’. folder inscribed ‘Viewgraphs used TCD E.324-E.337 ‘Stellar Rotation 1980’ 1961-1981 Contents of bundle of papers so labelled divided into fourteen for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, transparencies, off-prints, etc. Relates in part to lecture on stellar rotation at Cardiff, April 1980. E.338-E.393 ‘Long time-scale fluctuations in the evolution of the Earth’, Royal Society Review Lecture, 12 June 1980 1963-1986 Published in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A vol 375, 1-41. E.346, E.347 E.348, E.349 E.338-E.345 ‘Earth 1980’ ‘Review Lecture Drafts 1980’ Contents of bundle so labelled divided into eight for ease of reference: principally manuscript drafts of McCrea’s Royal Society Review Lecture including ‘Third (final) draft Jul-Aug 1980’ (E.339), ‘Second draft’ (E.341), ‘Second draft contd’ (E.343) and ‘1st draft’ (E.344). AtE.345 is a little later material including letter from K.A. Pounds, 10 December 1986. 1980, 1986 Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript drafts ‘~ 1980 May’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: photocopied typescript. ‘1980 Earth Final ts to RS 1980 Sept 7’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 E.350-E.389 Lectures, E.1-E.531 Contents of bundle: numbered sequence of folders of material, duplicated correspondence, for McCrea’s lecture background drafts, printed manuscript notes, and etc 1963-1982 The sequence lacks no.4. E.350-E.350A ‘1980 Slides’ Earth 0O General References Catastrophes 1978-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes (E.350A) McCrea’s report on a paper submitted to Nature. E.351-E.355 ‘1980 Earth 1 1980 Jun12 Correspondence’ 1971-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: includes correspondence with Royal Society and colleagues re lecture (E.351, E.355). E.356-E.361 ‘1980 Earth 2 Earth Climate’ 1976-1980 1976-1980 E.363-E.367 ‘1980 Earth 3 Ice Ages Interglacial Intervals’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. ‘1980 Earth 5 Solar Activity Flares Sunspot Cycle Solar Wind’ 1967-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: includes typescripts re visits to Tucson and Houston, manuscript notes headed ‘BBC Radio 4 1980 May 12’ (E.373). Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. ‘1980 Earth 6 Comets Asteroids’ E.368-E.374 March 1981 (E.368) and 1963-1980 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘1980 Earth Evidence’ 7 Supernovae Cosmic Rays Isotope 1977-1980 Contents of folder so inscribed. E.376-E.379 ‘1980 Earth Tectonics Magnetism Reversals’ Earth Geology 8 Continental Drift Plate 1976-1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: notes made by McCrea at Royal Society discussion meeting on the origin and evolution of the Earth’s continental crust, February 1980 (E.377). includes E.380-E.388 ‘1980 Earth 9 Galactic Structure’ 1977-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. ‘1980 Earth 10 Origin Other Systems’ 1976-1979 life’, E.390-E.393 ‘1980 June Earth Varns’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes manuscript notes and draft for talk on ‘Sunspots and dinosaurs: astron. influences upon Earth’, Oxford, 17 October 1978 (E.392), manuscript notes for talk in New Zealand on ‘Astron. effects on terres. climate & 12 June 1979 (E.391) and manuscript draft for paper on ‘Astronomical influences on the Earth’s climate and biological history’, not in the hand of McCrea who is listed as the third author with ‘Clark’ and ‘Hunt’ (E.390). 1976-1980 This assemblage appears to have been brought together in connexion with Review Lecture. ‘Origin of stars and galaxies: some hypotheses’, Oxford international symposium, 17 September 1981 McCrea’s Royal Society E.394-E.396 Manuscript notes and drafts. Three folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘O.H.P Transparencies for Talk Expansion of Universe’ N.d. 21981 Contents of envelope postmarked in October 1981. E.398-E.403 ‘Unsolved Problems in Astronomy 1982 (5)’ Transparencies Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: includes five transparencies for lecture on ‘Unsolved problems in Astronomy’ (E.401); manuscript draft of lecture on ‘Cosmical science: problems old and new’, Oxford, 26 February 1982 (E.402); typescript draft ‘Astronomical Reflections Thereon’ with manuscript inscription ‘To be published in Irish Astronomical Journal 1983’ (E.398); transparencies for lecture on ‘Today's Cosmos: Problems Solved and Unsolved’ (E.399). Unsolved: Problems and E.404-E.406 ‘Cosmos: Problems Solved & Unsolved’ 1971-1982 Royal Miranda flux and the Earth’s early climate’, (E.404), invitation to E.407, E.408 Weston-Smith, Typescript draft, transparencies, etc. ‘Solar Astronomical Society, London, 14 May 1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes manuscript and typescript notes on ‘Cosmology today’ deliver Royal Holloway Annual Faculty of Science Lecture 1982 and correspondence re article for /rish Astronomical Journal (E.405), and manuscript notes for lectures, 1971-1974 and invitation to contribute to encyclopaedia of ignorance from compiler December 1974 (E.406). for ease of Contents of untitled folder divided into reference: drafts, transparencies for lecture on ?evolution of the Earth and ‘Astronomical actions on Earth’ delivered in Egypt c.1982 McCrea presented a paper on this topic at meeting on palaeoclimatology with A. Henderson-Sellers. a discussion Headed notepaper of the El Nil Hotel Cairo is used to E.409-E.413 Two folders. 6 manuscript and typescript five W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 separate transparencies. E.414-E.422 ‘Life’s origins’, Sussex, 22 March 1983 1978-1983 McCrea gave a paper at a one-day symposium ‘at Sussex ‘Various aspects of life’s origins’ organised by H.W. Kroto. The title of McCrea’s paper is given in the programme as ‘Possible arrivals of extraterrestial molecules at various epochs’ but his drafts are titled simply ‘Life’s origins’. Transparencies, manuscript draft E.415-E.422 ‘1983 Molecules and Related Matters’ 1978-1983 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts lectures, symposium programme, background material, etc. of Although this assemblage appears to have been brought together for the 1983 symposium it includes drafts for earlier lectures such as ‘The Natural History of Matter’ (E.415, Earth’ (E.416). ‘Astronomical Actions E.420) and on Two folders. E.425-E.432 E.423, E.424 Transparencies, typecript draft. ‘Cosmology To-day’, Torino, Italy, 18 April 1983 symposium, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Contents of untitled folder divided into eight for ease of reference: includes drafts and transparencies for talks on ‘Influence of Radio Astronomy on Cosmology’ (E.425, E.426) and ‘Constants of Physics’ (E.428) and manuscript notes headed ‘1983 Oct 11 Sciama Remnants of early U’ (E.431) McCrea organised (with M.J. Rees and S. Weinberg) a discussion ‘The Constants of Physics’, 25-26 May 1983, and made the introductory remarks. ‘Physics and cosmology: some interactions’, E.433-E.436 meeting at the 1979-1983 Royal Society on Lemaitre W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 E.433-E.435 Lectures, E.1-E.531 11 October 1983 McCrea gave this paper at the international symposium G. Lemaitre on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his theory on the expansion of the universe. Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: symposium programme manuscript drafts, notes and Transparencies E.437-E.440 ‘Unseen Galactic Halos’ E.437, E.438 ‘Galaxy Formation (1983) Unseen Galactic Halos’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: transparencies and related material. ‘Unseen Galactic Halos’ ‘Physics and Astronomy’ Transparencies for lecture. Photocopies and transparency. Photocopies of transparencies. ‘Nature of Unseen Galactic Envelopes’ report upon the state of the Universe at the end of 1983’. The Early Universe’, the text of the second beginning ‘This is a brief Includes reference to the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics. Transparencies found clipped together first two transparencies are headed ‘The N.d. c.1983 N.d. c.1983 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 E.443-E.446 ‘Planetary Cores: Origin & 1984 Evolution’, Oxford, 18 May 1960-1984 Transparencies, background material, etc. correspondence re arrangements, Four folders. lecture McCrea’s University Department for External weekend on the state of the solar system. contribution was a to Oxford Studies astronomy an E.447, E.448 ‘1984 Accretion Disks’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes and transparency for talk by McCrea ?summarising meeting; manuscript notes made by McCrea at meeting, 20-21 June 1984. E.449-E.461 ‘Cosmogonic problems to be studied for and by means of Comet Samples’, European Space Agency workshop on the ‘Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission’, Canterbury, 15-17 July 1986 1960-1986 re ‘1986 Nov [sic] 8 Cosmology Oxford’ McCrea gave the opening lecture at the workshop. ‘Lecture at ESA Meeting at Kent 1986’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference: correspondence manuscript - drafts, programme and abstacts booklet (annotated by McCrea), background material, etc. arrangements, 1984-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript notes for lecture on ‘The U[niverse] What do we know?’, first page headed ‘1986 Nov 1’; manuscript notes for lecture on known universe, first page headed ‘1986 Oct 8’ and manuscript draft headed ‘Oxford Why cosmology?’. Correspondence re arrangements, manuscript notes and drafts, background material, etc. ‘What London, 2 February 1987 expect exploration?’, Athenaeum, Eight folders. E.463-E.470 to in space W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 E.471-E.476 Lectures, E.1-E.531 Evolution ‘Astronomy: Advanced Research Workshop on Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the last 10,000 Years’, Durham, 6-10 April 1987 evolution’, Nato of McCrea was invited to give an address ‘possibly a general lecture on the theme of the meeting’. E.471-E.474 ‘1987 Durham’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: workshop, manuscript and typescript drafts dated in March 1987 invitation, programme for Nato E.475, E.476 Manuscript and typescript drafts dated 27 June 1987 Two folders. These workshop proceedings. drafts may related to the publication of the ‘Introductory remarks’ with draft in note re the Royal ‘Chemistry and Cosmos’ Philosphical Transactions of Typescript publication Society, 4 June 1987. ‘Diffuse matter in the Solar System’: Comet Halley and other studies’ Manuscript and typescript drafts of ‘introductory remarks to panel discussion on: ‘Does chemical evidence give diagnostic tests for the credibility of physical models of the origin of the Solar System?’ 1986-1987 ‘introductory McCrea made his Society Meeting on Discussion Chemistry as a Key to its Origin’. dated 27 July 1987. at Solar remarks’ ‘The a Royal System: His manuscript draft is Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease ‘1987 Solar System’ Three folders. E.478-E.480 E.481-E.488 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 reference: of background material, etc. manuscript notes, transparencies, is of the E.482 contents At inscribed ‘Protoplanets 6 transparencies for 1986 March 14’ and at E.484-E.487 inscribed ‘Transparencies for 1987 Ap 19’. envelope envelope contents are of E.489-E.491 ‘1988 Feb IC Ast. Soc’ 1987-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes, transparencies for talk to Imperial on formation of planets. Astronomical probably Society, College E.492, E.493 ‘Cosmogony: Molecules to Planets’, 6 September 1988 Transparencies for lecture. Two folders. material 1979-1993 background E.494-E.519 ‘Feb 1990 Talk at R.G.O’ ‘Cosmology Mind and Cosmos — 1992’ Contents of box so labelled: manuscript notes and drafts, typescripts, for lectures and ?publications on this topic transparencies, Contents of folder so inscribed: photocopied manuscript draft, transparencies for lecture on ‘Mind and Universe’ at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, Sussex. 1989-1990 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes manuscript notes and drafts entitled ‘Mind and Cosmos _ 1990 Jan 17-20’ and ‘Nature of phys. science - simply of science 6.11.90’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease ‘1990 February 23 RGO-Sussex Mind’ ‘1990 Mind and Cosmos Sussex QMWC ‘ E.498-E.500 E.495-E.497 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘Mind and the of reference: manuscript drafts Universe’, for lectures at Royal Greenwich Observatory, Sussex and Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. entitled background transparencies, material E.501-E.504 ‘W.H. McCrea Brioni Lecture 1990 Sept’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of drafts, transparencies for reference: manuscript notes, McCrea’s a conference at Brioni, Croatia. ‘History Photon’ lecture the on at of See also G.248-G.256. ‘1990 Photon Brioni’ Background material etc. 1981-1990 E.505-E.510 W.H. McCrea 1991 Mind’ 1990-1991 notes and of February 1990 RGO drafts lecture 1983-1991 manuscript Ee Sillce. ONS 916) Gol ‘1992 The bashful universe’ Contents of untitled folder divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts ‘Mind and Cosmos’, ‘Mind and Physics’ etc Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: including photocopies and September 1990 Brioni lecture. 1979-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, background material. folder Contents background material. ‘Concentration May ‘93’ manuscript notes, so inscribed: of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 ‘21 May ‘93 Foundations’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes. Manuscript notes on global warming ?for lecture ‘Molecules’ Contents of folder so inscribed: transparencies. ‘Molecules in Early Solar System’ Contents of folder so inscribed: transparencies. E.523, E.524 Contents of untitled folder divided into two: transparencies Transparency. E.526-E.531 E.526 Lectures by others ‘Binary Pulsar PSR 1913+16’ Untitled manuscript draft for lecture beginning ‘If we think of a great liner taking a thousand passengers on a world cruise: we may think of the movements of any particular passenger in two different ways ...’ 1930s] ‘W.H. McCrea Notebook inscribed Queen’s University Belfast Notes of E.T. Whittaker, A.C. Whittaker, A.C. Aitken, W.O. Kermack, |.M.H. Etherington, G.D. Birkhoff, M. Fréchet’ ‘The meaning of Wave Mechanics by Erwin Schrédinger (For the July Colloquium, Dublin 1952)’ McCrea of University Belfast, 1936-1944. Professor was N.d. [? late 1930s] - 1978 inside front cover Mathematics at Queen’s lectures by N.d. [ ? late W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Lectures, E.1-E.531 Duplicated typescript. ‘Lectures on General Relativity’ King’s College, London, May-June 1959 by Andrzej Trautman, Duplicated typescript. Introductory lecture on ‘Developments in Radio Source Ryle, XIV General Assembly Work since 1960’ by Union URSI Science), Tokyo, Japan, 12 September 1963 (International Radio M. of Duplicated typescript. McCrea’s manuscript notes of lecture or lectures by F. Hoyle ‘Why does the sun shine?’ by L. Mestel Duplicated typescript. McCrea’s manuscript notes of lecture by M.S. Longair on radio sources W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, F.1-F.620 1934-1999 ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENCE DI TORINO AERONAUTICAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST LTD ARMAGH OBSERVATORY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE F.48-F.62 CHELSEA COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICAL AND AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING F.63 CONSEJO CULTURAL MUNDIAL F.64-F.68 DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY F.69-F.78 DUBLIN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES F.83-F.103 INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY & GRAVITATION EGYPT CHURCH ASSOCIATION/EGYPT DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC INFORMATION FOR THE LAYMAN INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION F.105-F.174 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION (IAU) F.79, F.80 F.104 Baro F.176-F.181 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.182 F.183 METEORITICAL SOCIETY MOUNT STROMLO OBSERVATORY F.184-F.311 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (RAS) F.312-F.466 ROYAL GREENWICH OBSERVATORY (RGO) F.467-F.562 ROYAL SOCIETY F.563 F.564 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SCIENCE, HUMAN VALUES AND RELIGION SOCIETY F.565-F.573 SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT (SPRU) F.574-F.617 F.618-F.620 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL/SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 ACCADEMIA DELLE SCIENCE DI TORINO 1990-1991 Correspondence and papers re meeting, etc. AERONAUTICAL EDUCATIONAL TRUST LTD 1966-1972 Correspondence re Awards Days, Wakefield Memorial Lectures and Automobile Engineering. Aeronautical College the etc of of Three folders. See also Chelsea College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering (F.48-F.62). 1934-1983 ARMAGH OBSERVATORY Correspondence etc re exhibition at the Ulster Office in London. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1934 the Committee of McCrea was elected a member of in Section in September 1934, September 1935 and in November 1935 Secretary of the Section for the 1936 BA meeting in Blackpool. inscribed: correspondence and Contents of papers re organisation of meetings etc. folder ‘British Association 1934-1941’ Sciences) Section a Vice-President of the 1934-1941 so A (Mathematical and Physical W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1935 Includes BA publication on ‘The Working of Sections’. 1936 Three folders. 1937 Two folders. At F.12 is the preliminary programme for the Nottingham meeting, 1937. F.13-F.15 1938 Three folders. list Eight folders. 1940-1941 F.16-F.23 1939 Includes undated papers found with 1939 material. At F.22 is the preliminary programme for the 1939 Dundee meeting and at F.23 the of members intending to attend the Dundee meeting. McCrea was the President of Section A. Duplicated sheet listing members of Section A Sectional Committee 1966 and ticket for 1966 Nottingham meeting. F.25-F.47 Correspondence and papers neo 1966 1966-1983 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 ‘British Association Annual Meeting Dundee 1968’ Contents of folder so inscribed: includes manuscript draft of McCrea’s talk on ‘Quasars and their relevance to cosmology’. 1970 Manuscript and duplicated papers including ‘Draft report Seismological investigations 1970’. F.28-F.38 1971 Correspondence and papers chiefly re 1971 Committee of Review and McCrea’s suggestion of a role in Europe for the These papers were found in considerable disarray. British Association. Europe are Drafts of McCrea’s memoranda on the British Association a sequence of and McCrea’s affairs, - December 1971 is at F.35-F.37. F.31, correspondence and BA F.32 on June at 1973 F.39-F.44 1972 Six folders. Eleven folders. Correspondence, committee papers, etc. McCrea was a member of the BA Council. McCrea was a member of the BA Council. President of the Sussex Branch of the BA, 2 July 1974. Includes manuscript notes for speech by McCrea as Committee papers, etc. 1974-1975 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 F.48-F.62 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1983 Final programme of BA Annual Meeting, University of Sussex, 22-26 August 1983. McCrea spoke on the formation of planetary cores in session on the early history of the solar system. a CHELSEA AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICAL AND 1958-1976 McCrea accepted an Council in August 1958. invitation to join the Advisory See also Aeronautical Educational Trust Ltd F.2-F.4. F.48-F.50 ‘Chelsea College 1958-59’ 1958-1959 reference: includes F.51-F.62 ‘Chelsea College’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease re McCrea’s of joining the College Advisory Council. correspondence Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: chiefly duplicated copies of Wakefield Memorial Lectures and Principal’s addresses at Prize- givings. 1965-1976 Brief correspondence a member of the interdisciplinary Committee of Honorary Presidents. CONSEJO CULTURAL MUNDIAL re McCrea’s nomination as W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.64-F.68 DEUTSCHE LEOPOLDINA AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER 1972-1980 Principally re meeting on Correspondence and papers. evolution ‘Die Entstehung des Planetsystems’, October 1973. See also D.409-D.413. McCrea gave which paper on at a A photocopied manuscript of McCrea’s lecture is at F.67. Five folders. F.69-F.78 DUBLIN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES 1940-1942 ‘Dublin Institute 1940 —’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re meetings of the School of Theoretical Physics’s Governing Board, programme of the School etc. 1973-1979, Two folders. Accounts, circular letters, etc. EGYPT CHURCH ASSOCIATION / EGYPT DIOCESAN ASSOCIATION McCrea was appointed a member of the Governing Board of the School of Theoretical Physics from 31 October 1940. 1993 Duplicated papers re scientific programme. EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY & GRAVITATION Duplicated papers re academic forum listing. F.83-F.103 INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY 1960-1966 for Correspondence and papers re proposed Institute Theoretical Astronomy. McCrea was a member (later Chairman) of the Subcommittee of the British National Committee for Astronomy which considered the proposed Institute. Possible locations were Cambridge (its eventual home) and Brighton. F.83-F.98 ‘Inst for Theoret. Astr. ~ 1961’ 1960-1961 of F.99-F.100 1961-1962 F.101-F.102 ‘Mostly Hoyle Inst. from 1965 Feb’ ‘Institute for Theoretical Astronomy 1961-62’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into sixteen for ease and correspondence with colleagues and the Royal Society principally committee papers reference: At F.83-F.86 are manuscript and typescript notes and drafts by McCrea. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: committee papers and correspondence with colleagues and the Royal Society. 1964-1965 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of includes papers for meeting of Astronomy reference: Subcommitee of the Department of Science and Industrial Research Research Grants Committee, 10 March 1965. McCrea accepted an Subcommittee in September 1964. invitation to join the Astronomy W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Copy of Cambridge University Reporter, 16 March 1966 with reports re the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC INFORMATION FOR THE LAYMAN 1956-1957 Includes correspondence re Institute. talk by McCrea to the F.105-F.174 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION (IAU) 1950-1988 See also F.490-F.498. F.105-F.172 General Assemblies and Symposia 1955-1988 For IAU VII International Congress see F.490, F.491. IAU V General Assembly, Paris, 10-17 July 1935 McCrea’s historical recollections, 2 March 1988 IAU IX General Assembly, Dublin, Ireland, August 1955 Text of an address by the IAU President Otto Stuve, 29 August 1955 1960 Joint IAU / URSI [International Union of Radio Science] Symposium on Radio Astronomy, Paris, France, 30 July - 6 August 1958 F.108-F.113 Joint [AU / IUTAM [International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics] Symposium, Varenna, Italy, August Off-print only. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Correspondence and papers. Six folders. IAU Symposium 15 ‘Problems of Extragalactic Research’, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 10-12 August 1961 Correspondence and papers. F.115-F.119 XII General Assembly Hamburg, West Germany, IAU August 1964 McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, typescript draft ‘Continual creation and the formation of the galaxies’ for Commission 28, miscellaneous duplicated and printed papers. Five folders. F.126-F.128 Six folders. Three folders. F.120-F.129 1966-1967 F.120-F.125 General correspondence and papers 1966-1967 Contents of papers. Includes McCrea’s manuscript notes. folder so inscribed: correspondence and ‘Finance Committee of IAU - Prague 1967’ IAU XIlIl General Assembly, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 22- 31 August 1967 1 bundle (seven items). McCrea was the British member of the Committee. Printed programmes, ‘Astronomy in Czechoslovakia’, etc booklets: list of participants, W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.130-F.132 IAU Symposium No.44 ‘External Galaxies and Quasi- stellar Objects’, Uppsala, Sweden, 10-14 August 1970 Programme, list notes on proceedings and report on meeting. participants, McCrea’s manuscript of Three folders. F.133-F.151 XIV General Assembly, Brighton, IAU August 1970 Sussex, 18-27 F.133-F.139 Correspondence and papers 1966-1970 At F.138 are McCrea’s drafts for University of Sussex honorary O. presentation Heckmann and R.v.d.R. Woolley. addresses degree for Seven folders. Ten folders. 152-55 ‘|.A.U. - 1972/73 - Meetings’ 1972-1973 F.140-F.141 Two folders. F.142-F.151 Printed and duplicated papers of participants, daily bulletins, Includes programmes, list etc. McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, 25 and 26 August and manuscript draft ‘The large-scale variations of quasi-stellar objects’ Preliminary announcement. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. IAU XV General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 21-30 August 1973 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 IAU Symposium 65 ‘Exploration of the Planetary System’, Torun, Poland, 5-8 September 1973 Programme and abstracts booklet. F.158-F.160 IAU XVI General Assembly Grenoble, France, 24 August - 2 September 1976 Programme, list notes of proceedings, etc. of particpants, Two folders and notebook (F.160) . F.161-F.162 Symposium IAU Switzerland, 6-10 September 1976 ‘Star 75 McCrea’s manuscript Formation’, Geneva, participants, McCrea’s manuscript Programme, list notes of proceedings. of Two folders. F.164-F.165 XVII| 1982 F.166-F.172 Preliminary programme etc. Programme and list of participants. IAU General Assembly, Patras, Greece, August IAU XVII General Assembly Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 14-23 August 1979 Contents of untitled folder. IAU Symposium 104 ‘Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure’, Crete, 30 August - 2 September 1982 Two folders. See also F.169. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 F.166-F.169 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Correspondence and papers including programme, list of participants of proceedings manuscript McCrea’s notes _ and Four folders. McCrea talked Halos’. on ‘Constraints on “Unseen” Galactic The manuscript notes at F.169 seem to have been taken by McCrea at Patras General Assembly (F.164, F.165). the F.170-F.172 ‘Not IAU’ folder Contents of ‘Galactic Envelopes 1982’ divided into three for ease of reference: principally McCrea’s manuscript notes and drafts. inscribed also The folder and its contents were found within the same untitled folder as the papers at F.166-F.169. F.173-F.174 1950-1981 Two folders. SOCIETY FOR GENERAL Invitation to join new society etc. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re IAU affairs INTERNATIONAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION Aids inscribed: correspondence and the Association’s McCrea was President of the Association for 1973. THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION 1973-1974, 1978 folder work Contents of papers re F.176-F.181 so of Visual ‘Visual Aids’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Subcommittee. McCrea was a member of the Subcommittee which was set up to explore the use of visual aids in the teaching of mathematics. ReliZ7- no General correspondence and papers re the affairs of the Association Three folders. a is F.179 by McCrea of At Mathematical Cosmology by Landsberg and Evans, 1 July 1978. typescript review of F.180, F.181 ‘MA 1974 Annual Conf.’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. 1953, 1955 Brief correspondence only. METEORITICAL SOCIETY Annual report for the year 1957. MOUNT STROMLO OBSERVATORY was awarded the Society's Gold Medal in 1976. McCrea became a member of the Society in 1929. He served the Society over an exceptionally long period and He in many capacities, including President, 1961-1963. was also and President of the Royal Astronomical Society Club. He ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (RAS) F.184-F.311 1949-1999 Society served as Treasurer of the W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 See also D.726, D.727. F.184-F.202 General correspondence and papers F.203-F.247 McCrea’s Presidency of the RAS 1961-1963 F.248, F.249 ‘RAS Treasurer 1976’ F.250 ‘RAS Library 1977’ F.251-F.265 Royal Astronomical Society Club F.266-F.311 History of the Society F.184-F.202 General correspondence and papers 1949-1998 F.184 1949-1950 of ‘first draft’ proposal be Includes seconded by H.S.W. Massey) ‘that the Gold Medal be awarded his contributions to mathematical astrophysics’, November 1949. Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyan by McCrea (to for to 1951-1955 F.186-F.188 Three folders. Includes reports on papers and proposal for the award of an Eddington Medal. Committee. At F.186 are duplicated typescript notes of Geophysical Discussion, 21 February 1958. At F.189 are manuscript and typescript drafts of address on the award of an Eddington Medal to J.S. Hey. F.189, F.190 Two folders. Publications principally business F.190 re of the 1958 1959 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1961 Duplicated typescript notes for Geophysical Discussion, 24 November 1961. 1967-1972 1974-1975 1977-1978 1980 1985-1987 1989-1990 Includes manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s address at the 160th anniversary dinner and manuscript draft about the work of S.K. Runcorn. 1997-1998 See also D.546. by McCrea on Includes typescript draft history of the RAS, 4 August 1990. of article the W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.203-F.247 McCrea’s Presidency of the RAS 1961-1963 1961-1963 F.203-F.231 ‘W.H. McCrea Pres RAS 1961-63 Correspondence and documents’ 1961-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed. 1961 February F.204-F.205 1961 March Two folders. 1961 April 1961 May 1961 July 1961 September 1961 September - October Re disposal of books on magnetism and all records of geomagnetism held at Kew Observatory. See also F.207. by McCrea. Principally re Visit of Delegation from Academia Sinica to the Royal Society and special presentation at the London Planetarium on Astronomy in Classical China by Joseph Needham, 19 October 1961. This event was arranged in collaboration with the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society and chaired W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1961 November Includes correspondence and papers re establishment of a Special Purposes Fund. 1961 November - December re meeting on the British contribution to space research, 8 December 1961. 1962 January 1962 February 1962 March 1962 April 1962 May British Universities. Includes first and second drafts of submission to the Robbins Committee on the position of Astronomy and Geophysics in The drafts were prepared by H. Bondi. Three folders. 1962 September F.221-F.223 1962 June 1962 July 1962 August W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Includes correspondence and papers re Belfast meeting of the Society, 4-7 September 1962. 1962 October F.225-F.227 1962 November Three folders. At F.225 are duplicated typescript notes on Astronomer Royal James Bradley (1693-1762) prepared by F.G.G. Carr, National Maritime Museum, for the bicentenary of his death. 1962 December duplicated and the Includes officers Dingle, commenting on a special general meeting of the Society. See F.229 for ‘draft reply ... suggested by the President’. letter addressed to copy of council of the from RAS H. F.232-F.241 F.229-F.230 Two folders. 1963 January 1963 February ‘W.H. McCrea Pres RAS 1961-1963 For RAS Meetings’ 1962 August - October Contents of folder so inscribed. 1961, April, October 1962 May, June 1961-1963 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1962 September - October re accommodation needs of the Society. 1962 November 1962 November, December Correspondence and papers re ‘Bye-laws Memoirs Office reorganisation Fgn-Sec & Geoph. Sec.’ 1962 November, December Correspondence and papers re RAS Library. 1963 January F.242-F.247 F.248, F.249 1963 February 1963 March ‘W.H. McCrea Pres RAS 1961-63 Some Council Papers’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: committee papers. 1977-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: re McCrea’s Treasurership of the RAS. ‘RAS Treasurer 1976’ Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and ‘RAS Library 1977’ correspondence, manuscript drafts 1960-1961 1976-1978 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 papers re financial support for RAS Library. F.251-F.265 Royal Astronomical Society Club 1961-1999 Correspondence and papers re members, guests, etc. McCrea was President of the Club 1968-1976. 1961 One letter only. F.252-F.253 1968 Two folders. F.254-F.255 1969 Two folders. Two folders. Two folders. F.256-F.257 1970 F.258-F.259 1971 Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘Dinner accounts’ Three folders. F.260-F.262 1972 1970-1972 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1973-1976 1987-1999 Includes manuscript notes on what the Club meant to him. history Club brief and the McCrea’s a of F.266-F.311 History of the Society 1980-1987 its history In 1987 the Society published volume 2 covering the period 1920-1980. The volume was edited by R.J. Tayler and McCrea contributed a chapter on the years 1931-1939. of F.266-F.300 ‘History of R.A.S. W.H.McC + D.H. Sadler’ 1980-1986 reference: Contents of box so labelled divided into thirty-five for ease of typescript drafts and correspondence. Labelled groups of papers were originally kept together with paper clips and rubber bands. manuscript notes drafts, and F.301-F.311 ‘RAS History Ch Il’ The papers are presented in the order found. The correspondents are D.H. Sadler, R.J. Tayler and G.J. Whitrow. Includes discussion and suggested revision of H.Dingle’s chapter on the 1920s at F.267-F.269. A manuscript draft of McCrea’s chapter is at F.284-F.290. 1982-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence, typescript drafts, etc. The principal correspondent is R.J. Tayler. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.312-F.466 ROYAL GREENWICH OBSERVATORY (RGO) 1935-1995 F.312-F.345 Board of Visitors / Science Research Council (SRC) RGO Committee F.346-F.351 ‘Board of Management Isaac Newton Telescope’ F.352-F.423 Tercentenary of the Royal Greenwich Observatory 1675-1975 F.424-F.456 Future of the RGO F.457-F.466 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers F.312-F.345 Board of Visitors / Science Research Council (SRC) RGO Committee 1935-1973 McCrea was a longterm member of the Board of Visitors / SRC Committee. In a letter of 21 June 1983 to the President of the Royal Society (F.424) McCrea states that ‘during most of the old Board of years about 1943-1965’ he was on Visitors and when the SRC took over served as first Chairman of their RGO Committee 1965-1971. the of See also F.574 for SRC RGO Committee. Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich read at the Annual Visitation of the Royal Observatory, 1935 June 1 The reports the Astronomer Royal at F.312-E.315 predate McCrea’s membership of the Board of Visitors and are presented here for general information. Visitation of the Royal Observatory, 1937 June 5 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich read at the Annual Visitation of the Royal Observatory, 1936 June 6 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich read at the Annual Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich read at the Annual Visitation of the Royal Observatory, 1938 June 4 ‘Minutes of the Proceedings of the Board of Visitors of the Royal Royal's Reports etc with correspondence 1950-1961’ Observatory, Astronomer Greenwich Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. At F.318 is the report of His Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope to the Secretary of the Admiralty for the Year 1950. President The appointed McCrea to the Board in 1951. Royal the of Astronomical Society ‘RGO Board of Visitors 1962-3 mainly concerning Visit to South Africa / Effect of Trend Report McC Chairman of sub-committee / setting up of RGO Committee of SRC McC first Chairman’ 1950-1962 1962-1966 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 F.316-F.326 F.327-F.337 the Admiralty to Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. McCrea was a member of a Sub-committee of the Board of Visitors which visited South Africa in 1963 (see also G.50-G.55) The Committee of Enquiry into the Organisation of Civil Science chaired by Burke Trend (Trend Report published 1963) recommended the transfer of the administration of the Royal Greenwich Observatory (and the Cape of Good Hope Observatory) from a Science Research Council. McCrea chaired a sub-committee of the Board of Visitors to consider the effects of the Trend Report the SRC RGO Committee which met for the first time on 21 February 1966. 1965-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: includes papers re astronomy in South Africa. S.R.C. R.G.O. Committee Mainly 1967-68’ A copy of the Trend Report is at F.337 F.338-F.342 Chairman ‘R.G.O. and was the of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.343-F.345 SRC RGO Committee 1969, 1973 Correspondence and papers. Three folders. F.346-F.351 ‘Board of Management Isaac Newton Telescope’ 1962-1966 Contents of reference: correspondence and papers. inscribed folder so divided into six for F.352-F.423 Tercentenary of the Royal Greenwich Observatory 1675-1975 1973-1977 the RGO in 1975. McCrea took a leading role in celebrations to mark the Tercentenary of He prepared an historical review of the Observatory which was published by the HMSO in 1975, gave a number of papers on the RGO’s history and wrote an article for the tercentenary exhibition catalogue. F.352-F.393 the Occasion of 1974-1975 See also H.350-H.353. ‘First draft “Green copy” ‘ Bound typescript copy inscribed on title page ‘ “Green” revision’. copy Red for Loose manuscript and typescript pages are enclosed. The Royal Greenwich Observatory An Historical Review Issued on its Tercentenary, London: HMSO, 1975 reference: principally photocopied manuscript draft. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: typescript draft with manuscript revision. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of ‘1974 RGO Xerox with some misc. typing’ F.353-F:355 ‘1974 W.H. McC RGO Working Copy’ final F.356-F.361 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.362-F.372 ‘1974 RGO Typescript-final Manuscript’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript drafts. F.373-F.374 ‘1974 Comments dealt with’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: comments on McCrea’s draft, and duplicated background material. printed F.375-F.376 ‘1974 RGO Misc. notes’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: duplicated background material. manuscript printed notes, and F.377-F.387 ‘1974 Royal Greenwich Observatory 1974’ 1974-1975 of reference: photographs, F.388-F.392 Official Information ‘The Royal Greenwich Observatory July 1974’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: includes a little correspondence. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease postcards, correspondence, etc. 1974-1991 in The the International Astronomical Union collaboration with and the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science. McCrea presented a paper entitled ‘The Correspondence with HMSO, letters recipients review and complimentary copies etc. ‘The Origins, Achievement and Influence of the Royal International Observatory, Historical Museum, Greenwich, 13-18 July 1975 1675-1975’, Symposium, Greenwich of complimentary copies, manuscript list meeting was National Maritime F.394-F.404 organised by the Museum _ of thanks from of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Royal Greenwich Observatory in science’. the mainstream of F.394-F.399 ‘1975 RGO Symposium’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s paper. information, includes Abstracts of papers F.401-F.404 Contents of untitled folder divided into four for ease of reference: includes (F.401) typescript copy of McCrea’s paper 1974-1975 At F.404 is exercise book used for manuscript draft of lecture and cosmology’, given at Newcastle, 13 May 1974. astrophysics ‘Some heroic times in F.405-F.407 1973-1977 F.405-F.409 1973-1977 ‘1974 notes and references on history of RO’ RS and RO 1975 July 17 Address Miscellaneous McCrea gave an address at the reception on ‘The Royal Observatory and the Study of Gravitation’. Reception jointly organised by the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society in celebration of the RGO tercentenary, 17 July 1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes invitation from Royal Society for McCrea to deliver address at reception (F.405). Contents of folder so Tercentenary Greenwich Observatory 1675-1975 Some of its external relations’, 6 November 1975 Manuscript and typescript drafts of address ‘1975 Nov 6 Tercentenary Lect.’. F.410-F.416 Lecture on ‘The Royal F.408-F.409 Two folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 divided inscribed manuscript and typescript drafts correspondence, background material. seven into for ease reference: of McCrea’s lecture, of F.417-F.419 RGO Tercentenary Exhibition 1974-1975 Tercentenary ‘1975 ’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript and typescript drafts by McCrea entitled ‘The modern cosmos’. “Catalogue” Exhibition RGO The exhibition souvenir catalogue included a number of articles including one by McCrea on the modern cosmos. F.420-F.423 Miscellaneous tercentenary events ‘1975 RGO Tercentenary’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: invitations, press releases, press-cuttings, letters of thanks, memorabilia, etc. At F.420 is a list of ‘Events in July/August 1975’. of the 1983-1990 Engineering F.424-F.456 Future of the RGO Correspondence and papers on the future of the RGO They principally relate to the kept together by McCrea. decision Science and Research Council (announced March 1986) to move the RGO from Herstmonceux Castle in Sussex. 1983-1984 McCrea was a very active campaigner against the move. He corresponded with politicians and colleagues and a number of colleagues copied their letters to him. He also wrote on a number of occasions to The Times which published an article by him on 23 April 1986. He attended a meeting of Fellows at the Royal Society, 23 May 1986, and a meeting convened by Patrick Moore, 6 June 1986, to express and to co-ordinate opinions that opposed the SERC’s decision. Correspondence with the Royal Society and SERC re future of the RGO and British astronomy found clipped together W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 of Royal Photocopy Astronomical Society to Chairman of the SERC, 1 June 1984, with related papers. Secretary letter from the of ‘[SERC] Astronomy Working Group Requested statement from member - W.H. McCrea’ Typescript draft by McCrea, 21 October 1985. The working group was set up by the Council to consider future arrangements for the Council's support in the UK of the astronomy. McCrea was a member. See also F.590-F.616. ground-based overseas facilities for F.427-F.428 Correspondence and papers re Astronomy Working Group draft report of SERC December 1985 Includes draft report and manuscript drafts of statement by McCrea on the report. Two folders. F.430-F.431 F.432-F.435 Two folders. March 1986 and papers January 1986 re Astronomy Working Correspondence and papers Includes final version of the report. Correspondence Group and its report May 1986 Include papers re meeting at Royal Society on 23 May. Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers April 1986 F.436-F.440 Four folders Five folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.441-F.443 Correspondence and papers June 1986 Three folders. Includes papers re meeting convened by Patrick Moore, 6 June. Correspondence and papers July 1986 Correspondence and papers September 1986 F.446-F.447 Correspondence and papers October 1986 Two folders. Correspondence and papers November 1986 F.451-F.456 1985-1988 Six folders. Includes press-cuttings. Correspondence and papers Printed and duplicated material Manuscript draft of letter from McCrea to Vice-Chancellor, University of Sussex, 4 May 1990 1972-1974 At F.452 are papers presenting Manchester University’s case Greenwich Observatory. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers as the location for the Royal F.457-F.466 F.457 1958-1995 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 Correspondence and papers re appointment of Director 1980-1981 McCrea was a member of the selection panel. 1987, 1989 1989 correspondence relates to RGO Archives. Correspondence re proposed Herstmonceux Science Centre F.461-F.462 ‘Correspondence with Sir Bernard Lovell re R.G.O’ 1993-1995 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes drafts on ‘The Royal Society, the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the Astronomer Royal’ and McCrea’s comments on the drafts. The paper was prepared for Notes and Records of the Royal Society. of paper by Lovell F.463-F.466 Printed papers 1958-1971 Four folders. F.467-F.562 ROYAL SOCIETY These papers have suffered water damage. Library Committee British National Committee on Space Research Subcommittee on Planetary Sciences British National Committee for Astronomy F.510-F.516 Southern Hemisphere Telescope Committee F.467-F.489 General correspondence and papers F.542-F.544 Scientific Relief Committee F.490-F.509 F.517-F.541 1947-1999 F.545 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.546-F.558 Royal Society Discussion Meetings F.559-F.562 Royal Society Club F.467-F.489 General correspondence and papers 1959-1997 F.467 1959 1960 re exchange visits Principally Includes manuscript draft of short report on McCrea’s visit to the Soviet Union, 30 September - 13 November 1960 (see also G.21-G.42). with USSR. 1962-1969 1969 1970 typescript drafts papers re Committee of Enquiry into Election under Statute 12. Includes the Organisation of Civil Science (chaired by Sir Burke Trend) and the formation of a Science Research Council, 1962, 1964. 1971-1973 of Includes Chairman of RGO Committee’, ‘Northern Hemisphere Review’ and ‘1970 October 6 The Royal Society Planetary Sciences Committee’. by McCrea ‘Statement W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1975 Includes proposed increase in the size of the Fellowship. manuscript draft letter of from McCrea on 1976-1977 1978-1979 Principally Methodology and Philosphy of Science. National British re Committee for Logic, 1981-1982 1983 1984 Two folders. Four folders. F.479-F.482 F.483, F.484 Papers re Royal Society Discussion meeting (F.483) and Statute 12 (F.484). Includes papers re proposed Royal Society Discussion meetings. meetings. Includes papers re proposed Royal Society Discussion Includes papers manuscript drafts. principally McCrea’s re Statute 12, 1985-1986 1987-1989 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 1990-1991 1994-1995 Includes papers re Statute 12 including manuscript draft letter from McCrea to the President of the Royal Society, 12 June 1995. 1996-1997 F.490-F.509 British National Committee for Astronomy 1947-1960 F.490-F.498 ‘W.H.McC. 1972 Records’ Nat. Cttee and IAU Miscellaneous 1947-1960 Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. F.510-F.516 F.499-F.509 1954-1955 ‘Nat Cttee Astron. ~ 1955’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference. Principally relates to the work of the Sub-Committee on the Needs of Astronomy in Britain. At F.490 and F.491 are papers relating to the Seventh IAU Congress, Zurich, 11-18 August 1948. 1963-1965 See F.500 for McCrea’s ‘Notes on Astronomy in Britain with particular reference to theoretical astrophysics’, 1 May 1954 McCrea was a member of the Committee which met for the first time on 3 December 1963. Contents reference: correspondence and papers. divided folder into of Southern Hemisphere Telescope Committee seven for ease of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 F.517-F.541 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 British Subcommittee on Planetary Sciences Committee on National Space Research 1973-1981 Contents of filing cabinet divider divided into twenty-six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. McCrea was Planetary Sciences Subcommittee (Chairman R. Hide) which met for the first time on 3 January 1974. a member of the The proposed membership and terms of reference are at BD i7 F.542-F.544 Scientific Relief Committee 1967-1980 Correspondence and papers. Three folders. Library Committee Correspondence and papers. McCrea served from 1 January 1991. F.546-F.549 F.546-F.558 Royal Society Discussion Meetings See also General correspondence and papers at F.467- F.489. 1979-1983 Contents of plastic folder divided into four for ease of reference: includes programme and abstracts, McCrea’s introduction, manuscript notes of proceeedings, etc. ‘The origin and early evolution of the galaxies’, 14-15 February 1979 The meeting was organised by McCrea and M.J. Rees. Contents of plastic folder divided into eight for ease of 000-007, ‘The Constants of Physics’, 26 May 1983 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 reference: participants, McCrea’s introduction etc. programme, includes abstracts, list of McCrea organised the meeting with M.J. Rees and S. Weinberg. Brief correspondence re proposed meeting on Comet Halley to be held in 1986 F.559-F.562 Royal Society Club 1973-1999 Correspondence and papers. Four folders. ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH McCrea’s letter to General re ‘A Secretary, Correspondence and papers. SCIENCE, HUMAN VALUES AND RELIGION SOCIETY 16 Includes December 1971, Framework for Government Research and Development (Green Paper - Cmnd 4818. H.M.S.O.’ Council in September 1974. Correspondence and papers re this University of Sussex based society. McCrea was invited to become a member of the Advisory W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.565-F.573 SCIENCE POLICY RESEARCH UNIT (SPRU) 1980-1986 Correspondence research paper in the area of radio astronomy. principally papers, and re SPRU The SPRU was based at the University of Sussex. Nine folders. F.574-F.617 SCIENCE ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL RESEARCH COUNCIL/SCIENCE AND 1966-1985 F.574-F.589 ‘Astronomy, Space and Radio Board 1966-’ F.590-F.616 Astronomy Working Group F.617 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers F.574-F.589 1966-1977 F.575-F.582 1966-1971 and papers re Royal Observatory 1966-1969 ‘S. Hemisphere 1966-’ Correspondence Committee Correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘Astronomy, Space and Radio Board 1966-’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Committee. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Relates to the work of the Southern Hemisphere Review Committee. Relates to the work of the Northern Hemisphere Review ‘N. Hemisphere 1968-’ F.583-F.586 1968-1970 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 ‘Review of arrangements in the area of the Astronomy, Space and Radio Board Memorandum by the Secretary’, 19 December 1973 Miscellaneous papers Report of Astronomy in the UK, February the Panel to Review the Future of Radio F.590-F.616 Astronomy Working Group up SERC the The set Chairmanship of review future arrangements for ground-based astronomy. It met for the first time on 24 June 1985. Sir John Kingman to working under group a F.592-F.598 F.599-F.604 F.590-F.591 ‘1985 SERC’ ‘Astronomy Working Group 24 June 1985’ Includes invitation from Sir John Kingman for McCrea to serve on working group. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, May-July. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: general correspondence and papers, March- October. October 1985. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, August-October. The fourth meeting of the working group was held on 18 report Includes revised copy of report. ‘1985 Oct 18 AWG’ first (draft), McCrea’s comments and W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.620 F.605-F.607 Contents of McCrea’s untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, July- August. Includes McCrea’s manuscript notes and drafts. F.608-F.613 ‘The Future of UK Astronomy Submission to the Council Panel Ground-Based Astronomy M.S. Longair’ Organisation Future on of Contents of folder so labelled divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, June-September Includes Longair’s ‘personal view of the future of British Astronomy.’ F.614-F.616 Correspondence and papers, October-November Three folders. F.618-F.620 1977-1984 Three folders. UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re proposed planetary and space science centre. 1969-1970 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.260 1954-1989 See also under International Astronomical Union and Royal Society in Section F. International Congress of Mathematicians, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-9 September 1954 1953-1954 Correspondence re arrangements. McCrea was a delegate of the University of London and gave a gravitational field’ ‘Compressible lecture short flow on in a Meeting relativity theory, Berne, Switzerland, July 1955 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Programme, invitation cards, miscellaneous memorabilia. See also H.64. 1955-1958 1955-1956 1956-1958 at G.4 McCrea’s letter to the Two folders. University on the Chancellor's report Correspondence re arrangements, arising etc. Includes Chancellor commenting on student riot of May 1956. Visiting Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1 January - 30 June 1956 manuscript Solvay Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 9-14 June 1958 Manuscript notes, printed papers, etc. Invitation, programme, list Newspapers of participants, Nine folders. 1957-1958 G.15-G.17 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 notes, printed material. Three folders. Ninth international colloquium on ‘Modeles d’etoiles et evolution stellaire’, Institut d’Astrophysique, Universite de Liége, Belgium, July 1959 Principally participants, etc. duplicated papers: abstracts, list of McCrea talked on star formation from interstellar matter. international colloquium Tenth des Astres dans ultraviolet lointain’, Institut d’Astrophysique, Universite de Liege, Belgium, July 1960 Spectres ‘Les on Fourth Symposium on Cosmical Gas Dynamics, Varenna, Italy, 18-30 August 1960. McCrea’s manuscript notes of of G.21-G.42 scientific institutes and observatories G.22-G.32 Manuscript account of visit by McCrea Visit to the USSR, 20 September - 13 November 1960 List proceedings, 22-27 August.. participants, McCrea was a Royal Society Exchange Visitor. He visited a number of in Leningrad, the Crimea and Moscow. See also F.468. 1948-1960 Contents of untitled folder divided into eleven for ease of reference Includes schedules of visit, manuscript notes, miscellaneous memorabilia including theatre and circus programmes, tickets, invitation card etc. visit, typescript account of Correspondence sent to McCrea while USSR is at G.32. he was in the W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 G.33-G.42 ‘USSR 1960’ 1948-1960 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: Russian scientific papers and miscellaneous memorabilia. COPERS Symposium on Paris, France, 19 June 1962 the Interplanetary Medium, McCrea’s manuscript notes report by J. Ortner. of proceedings, typescript Eleventh International Colloquium on Planetes’, University of Liege, Belgium, 9-11 July 1962 ‘La Physique des Correspondence circulars. re arrangements and_ colloquium Four folders Not used by International Gravitation, Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1962 conference Relativistic on Theories of G.50-G.55 Visit to South Africa, April 1963 McCrea was one of the nominated Visitors to make an inspection of the Royal Observatory Cape of Good Hope. Programme, abstracts, duplicated typescripts of opening remarks in English and Russian, manuscript notes, etc. See also F.330, F.331. Correspondence re arrangements, draft report on visit by R.O. Redman, report the Observatory’s activities, and H.M. 1962-1963 memorabilia. on Astronomer, Six folders. R.H. Stoy W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 G.56; G.57 International Symposium on Gravitational Collapse and other topics in Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, Texas, USA, 16-18 December 1963 Programme Notepad used for manuscript notes on proceedings G.58-G.61 Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, USA ‘Cleveland 1964’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: principally memorabilia but includes letter re his departure from Case (G.61). See also A.97. McCrea was Visiting Professor at Case during the first half of 1964. G.62-G.66 1964-1965 five for ease of McCrea’s programme, list of participants, Correspondence re arrangements etc. Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland, January McCrea visited the informal discussion. Second Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, University of Texas, Austin, USA, 15-19 December 1964 Contents of untitled folder divided into reference: manuscript notes of proceedings, printed papers, etc. 1964-1965 McCrea was Consulting Astronomer at period in 1965. Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA Three postcards addressed to McCrea at Kitt Peak. Institute to give a lecture and for Dublin 1965 Kitt Peak for a W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 NATO Advanced Study Institute on ‘The Mantles of the Earth and Terrestial Planets’, University of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 30 March - 7 April 1966 List of participants, programme, etc. McCrea chaired a session on the origin of the moon. International Fourteenth Astrophysical Symposium on ‘Gravitational Instability and the Formation of Stars and Galactic Structures’, Institut d’Astrophysique, Universite de Liege, Belgium, 20-22 June 1966 Programme, abstracts, etc. Colloquium on Late-type Stars, Trieste, Italy, June or July 1966 Invitation only. Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. Two folders. ‘W.H. McCrea 1967 Ap—’ G.74-G.77 ‘Visiting Professor - University of California, Berkeley’ 1965-1967 G.74-G.81 1965-1967 1967 Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, New York, USA, 23-27 January 1967 Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA, April-June 1967 paper by McCrea on ‘Rapid light-fluctuations of quasars’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re arrangements, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes manuscript and typescript drafts of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 G.82-G.84 Visit to the USSR, 20 March - 24 April 1968 1967-1968 McCrea was a Royal Society exchange visitor. Correspondence with Society re arrangements, manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s report to the Society on visit Royal 1967-1968 Two folders. Softback notebook used by McCrea for personal journal of visit. Symposium on Belgium, 8-9 May 1968 Relativisitic Thermodynamics, Brussels, McCrea’s notes of proceedings etc. 1968-1969 India to attend an informal G.87-G.101 Visit to India, 8-18 November 1968 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. Conference on Chemical Composition of Cosmic Rays, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, Cambridge, 16-19 July 1968 working McCrea visited conference on the subject of cosmic ray studies in relation to recent developments in astronomy and astrophysics at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bombay. He talked on ‘Quasars - Interpretative’. proceedings and duplicated papers. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements and arising, memorabilia, etc. ‘W.H. McCrea Bombay 1968 November’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: on manuscript McCrea’s includes notes ‘Visit to India (November 1968)’ G.87-G.91 1968-1969 G.92-G.101 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 Not used Symposium on the origin of the solar system, University of Reading, ‘at the end of November [1968]’ Photocopy of published account, Nature, January 4, 1969. McCrea condensation’. discussed ‘the segregation of materials in Fourth Texas Symposium on Dallas, Texas, USA, 16-20 December 1968 Relativisitic Astrophysics, Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. G.105-G.109 Inaugural meeting of the European Physical Society on ‘The Growth Points of Physics’, Florence, Italy, 8-12 April 1969 Five folders. of Correspondence participants, etc. re arrangements, abstracts, list of Programme, abstracts, McCrea’s manuscript notes proceedings. Sixteenth International Astrophysical Symposium on ‘Pre- Main Sequence Stellar Evolution’, Institut d’Astrophysique, Universite de Liege, Belgium, 30 June - 2 July 1969 1969-1970 Chaire et Geophysique, Universite de Louvain, Belgium, November -December 1969 Conference on Infra-red and microwave radiation from nebulae and extragalactic systems, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, Cambridge, 8-11 July 1969 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. McCrea accepted an invitation to visit Louvain and give G.112-G.114 Georges Lemaitre, Institut d’Astronomie W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 general cosmology some sponsorship of ‘Chaire Georges Lemaitre’. first holder of the Chaire Georges Lemaitre. lectures on the under He was the Correspondence re arrangements, public lecture by McCrea (G.113), etc. typescript draft of Three folders. G.115-G.119 Pontifical Academy of Sciences study week on ‘Role of Nuclei in the Evolution of the Galaxies’, Rome, Italy, 12-18 April 1970. 1969-1972 Correspondence programme, publications re Vatican Observatory, etc. arrangements and __ re arising, Five folders. Visit to Sweden, 8-15 August 1970 and typescript drafts of The main purpose of McCrea’s visit was to attend the International Astronomical Union symposium no.44 on External Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar objects. report on G.121-G.127 Seven folders. Visit to Greece and Turkey, 15 March - 3 April 1971 Manuscript visit, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings of symposium. Correspondence re arrangements and arising, itineraries, of lectures on quasi- manuscript and typescript drafts stellar objects, the solar system and the present situation in cosmology, etc. McCrea was a Royal Society exchange visitor. McCrea’s visit was sponsored by the British Council. Visit to Mexico, 12 April - 17 May 1971 Typescript report on visit. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 The Mayall Symposium, Nogales, Arizona, USA, 8 May 1971 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. Fowler Symposium on Massive Objects in Astrophysics, Cambridge, 19-21 July 1971 Programme, list of notes of proceedings. participants, McCrea’s manuscript Meeting in honour of Sir Richard Woolley on ‘The Galaxy and the Distance Scale’, Herstmonceux, Sussex, 17-20 August 1971 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings. Visit to Argentina, 12 September - 25 October 1971 McCrea was a Royal Society exchange visitor. G.138-G.143 paper 1971-1972 the origin Nice, 1971-1973 G.134-G.137 G.133-G.147 of the solar system, McCrea was reviewing the various theories on planetary evolution. introductory invited give an to Correspondence re arrangements Typescript copy of McCrea’s report on visit. Symposium on France, 3-8 April 1972 introductory paper, McCrea’s manuscript notes on papers Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: list of participants, typescript drafts of McCrea’s opening lecture and concluding remarks. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s ‘Nice Symposium Final’ ‘1972 Ap Nice’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 by others, etc. G.144-G.145 ‘1972 Solar System Cosmology’ 1964-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: ?re preparation of McCrea’s Nice paper. manuscript notes, printed papers etc. Typescript copy of paper by L. Mestel at Nice Correspondence proceedings. and _ papers’ re_ publication of 1972-1973 Unidentified meeting, 23 June 1972 McCrea’s manuscript notes ?0f meeting. Programme and list of participants. 1970-1972 G.150-G.154 Visit to the USA, December 1972 Correspondence re visit to Cleveland Conference on Astrophysics, Cambridge, 18-20 July 1972 McCrea visited Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio and attended the Sixth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, New York. 1970-1972 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, typescript outline of talk by S.W. Hawking, etc for Texas Symposium McCrea was Royal Society Leverhulme Visiting Professor G.155-G.163 Visit to Egypt, February - May 1973 G.151-G.154 Four folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 attached Meteorology, University of Cairo. Department the to of Astronomy and See also G.208. Press release correspondence received by McCrea while in Egypt, etc re Visiting Professorship, miscellaneous ‘Letters answered 1973 Cairo’ Contents of folder so inscribed. G.157-G.158 Memorabilia Two folders. Small format notebook used by McCrea for record of expenditure etc lectures by McCrea on Four folders. 1973-1974 G.160-G.163 University of Newcastle upon Tyne, May 1974 Duplicated re Cosmology, General Relativity typescript McCrea was invited to visit Newcastle as Visitng Professor for a period of two weeks. He talked to staff and research students and gave two public lectures. First circular only. Nineteenth Liége International Astrophysical Colloquium, 8-10 July 1974 Correspondence re arrangements. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 G.166-G.168 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 International colloquium ‘Cosmology-History of Science- Theology, 5-8 November 1974 University Colorado, Denver, USA, of Correspondence re arrangements, programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of McCrea’s paper, etc. manuscript draft of proceedings, See also E.246-E.249. Three folders. McCrea talked on ‘Models, Laws and the Universe’. Seventh Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas, Texas, USA, 16-20 December 1974 Programme proceedings. and McCrea’s manuscript notes of ‘Thackeray Africa, 21 January 1975 Meeting’, University of Capetown, South interstellar matter in the Magellanic Correspondence re arrangements. McCrea talked on Clouds. Visit to University College, Cardiff, 25 April 1975 Correspondence arising, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, etc 1974-1976 NATO Advanced Study Institute on ‘The Origin of the Solar System’, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 29 March - 9 April 1976 ‘1976 NATO Adv. Study Institute Origin of Solar System’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for University November 1975 - March 1976 McCrea’s Professor of Astronomy. manuscript journal stay as Visiting G.172-G.181A of British 1975-1976 Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, of his W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 of ease miscellaneous manuscript notes of proceedings, etc. reference: correspondence re arrangements, McCrea’s information, abstracts, McCrea was the Scientific Director of the Study Institute. used Notebook of proceedings of unidentified meeting, Cambridge, 16-20 August 1976 manuscript McCrea’s notes for Anglo-Australian Greenwich October 1976 Observatory, Herstmonceux, Sussex, Telescope Symposium, Royal 29 Programme, abstracts, list of participants, etc. G.184-G.186 Visit to India, 12 December 1976 - 11 January 1977 1976-1977 Manuscript and typescript accounts of visit. Paris, Palais de la Decouverte, Symposium, Three folders. Invitation and programme. Viking France, 3-4 March 1977 McCrea was a Royal Society Exchange Visitor. He represented the British Association at the Indian Science Congress Association 64th annual session. Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 3-7 January 1977. Manuscript journal of visit. Visit to Turkey, 15 October - 4 November 1977 Visit to Turkey, 31 May - 20 June 1978 McCrea was Istanbul. Manuscript journal of visit. University of Professor at the Visiting W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 McCrea was Istanbul. Visiting Professor at the University of Meeting of the Astronomical Science Group of Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin, 22 November 1978 Correspondence, programme etc. G.190-G.193 Ninth Texas Symposium on Munich, Germany, 14-19 December 1978 Relativistic Astrophysics, Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings etc. Four folders. G.194-G.200 Visit to New Zealand, March - June 1979 1977-1979 McCrea was William Evans Visiting University of Otago, Dunedin. Professor at the G.196-G.199 G.194-G.195 ‘Letters answered in NZ’ At G.194 is a manuscript draft of a review by McCrea. Contents of untitled folder divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript journal of visit, memorabilia Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: letters received from colleagues in the UK, New Zealand etc while McCrea was visiting New Zealand. etc. Tenth Texas Symposium on Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 15-19 December 1980 Programme, workshops, manuscript notes of proceedings, Correspondence and papers re visit to Monash University, to New Clayton, Zealand in 1979 and other possible visits in Australia in connexion with Victoria visit his G.201-G.205 Relativistic Astrophysics, 1977, 1979 1978-1979 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 Four folders and notebook (G.205). G.206-G.209 Visit to Egypt, 24 November - 15 December 1981 1973-1982 McCrea was a Royal Society Exchange Visitor. G.206-G.208 Correspondence, McCrea’s report on visit manuscript and typescript drafts of 1973-1982 Three folders. At G.208 is printed text of McCrea report to the Royal Society on his 1973 visit to Egypt. Printed papers 1 bundle. 1979-1981 Five folders. 1982-1983 Workshop, Royal Observatory, 1953-1982 G.210-G.214 Correspondence re arrangements, etc. Instellar Edinburgh, April 1982 Comets Visit to Istituto di Fisica Matematica, Universita di Torino, Italy, April 1983 Programme, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, manuscript draft by McCrea reviewing the workshop at its close, correspondence arising, printed papers. 1983-1984 International 50th anniversary of his theory of the expansion of the universe, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 10-14 October 1983 Correspondence re arrangements and arising, circulars, programme, abstracts, McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, text of McCrea’s paper, etc. McCrea was originally invited to visit Turin in 1982 but had to decline. Symposium G. Lemaitre on the G.216-G.219 ; W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 Four folders. McCrea interactions’. spoke on ‘Physics and cosmology: some G.220-G.232 Visit to Argentina, 15 November - 7 December 1983 1979-1983 McCrea was a Royal Society Exchange Visitor. attended meeting in Buenos Aires. He Regional astronomy Latin America IAU an Correspondence re arrangements and arising, McCrea’s report Three photographs taken at the IAU meeting are at G.224. meeting, papers visit, IAU etc. on re 13 folders. ‘Supernovae and pulsars’, Cosener’s House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 22-23 March 1984 ‘RAL [Rutherford Appleton Laboratory] 1984’. Contents of folder participants, McCrea’s manuscript notes, etc. programme, inscribed: list so of of participants, G.234-G.236 Three folders. McCrea’s manuscript Programme, list notes of proceedings, manuscript and typescript drafts by McCrea ‘Astrophysics in Liege’. Twenty-fifth Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium ‘Theoretical Problems in Stellar Stability and Oscillations’, Institut d’Astrophysique, Universite de Liege, Belgium, 10- 13 July 1984 1984-1987 Symposium ‘21st the centenary of City and Guilds College, Imperial College London, 27 February 1985 NATO Advanced Study Institute planets: Newcastle upon Tyne, 9-20 April 1985 Letter from organiser, information. of University G.238-G.242 Technology’ structure’, 1984-1985 evolution Century the of ‘The physics to mark their and W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 folder inscribed ‘Newcastle 1985 NATO’ Contents of divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence re arranagements and arising, programme, manuscript notes and drafts, etc. McCrea chaired a session on ‘Satellites, Meteorites, Dust’ and gave a paper titled ‘ ‘Survey of theories of the origin of the solar system’. G.243-G.247 Nato Advanced Research Workshop on Secular and Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the last 10,000 years’ Preliminary programme, abstracts, manuscript notes and drafts, background material. Five folders G.248-G.256 Brioni International Conference on interdisciplinary topics in 5-9 September 1988 Yugoslavia, chemistry physics, Croatia, and 1987-1988 lecture, the and drafts of Nine folders. meeting was sponsored by The Boskovic Sussex. Committee. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, manuscript and McCrea’s McCrea’s manuscript notes of proceedings, etc. typescript (Zagreb, the H.W. Kroto was a member of Yugoslavia) Papers at G.255 were found in McCrea’s folder inscribed ‘Not to Brioni’. Papers at G.256 were found in McCrea’s folder inscribed ‘1988 Sep 5-9 Yugoslavia Molecular Astrophys.’ McCrea very regretfully declined an invitation as a very experienced ‘bind’ together the school’s He felt he should not be absent from home at such a distance for so IAU_ Astronomers, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, 28 May - 15 June 1990 McCrea gave an invited lecture on ‘Comogony: role of molecules and grains’. Institute Rugjer University of the Scientific wide range of topics. astronomer to help participants International School for Young W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.260 long atime. Invitation and related correspondence. G.258-G.260 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence and papers visits and conferences re 1964-1988 Includes invitations to meetings for which there evidence of McCrea’s attendance. is no Three folders. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 SECTION H HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY, H.1-H.465 1921-1997 For McCrea’s historical writing on the Royal Astronomical Society see Section F. Greenwich Observatory Royal and the H.1-H.326 ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY SCIENTIST H.327-H.361 ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY TITLE OR TOPIC H.362-H.465 MISCELLANEOUS H.1-H.326 ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY SCIENTIST 1921-1997 John Bevis (1695-1771) 1975-1981 1975 ‘Charts’ inscribed: manuscript notes, of folder so ‘Bevis Atlas’ ‘John Bevis 1695-1771’ Contents duplicated papers and letter. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts, correspondence, printed and duplicated background material, etc. ease of reference: duplicated papers, letter Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence, etc ‘Bevis Life’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Manuscript notes etc Correspondence 1975-1981 1976-1979 Notebook inscribed with McCrea’s name and the date 1975 Used from the front and back for notes on Bevis etc. H.11-H.15 Duplicated and printed background material Five folders. H.16-H.18 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995) 1947, 1990 See also H.45, H.46. 5pp typescript draft ‘The Scientist’ Offprint by Chandrasekhar. 7pp typescript ‘revised 1990 Oct 6’. S. Chanrasekhar by K.C. Wali in science Chandra: ‘S. Chandrasekhar some recollections by W.H. McCrea’ Review for THES of: A charmed life A biography of to mark the quincentenary of Copernicus’s birth in 1973. Correspondence and papers re meetings and publications H.19-H.30 Nikolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) 1955-1986 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘1973 Paris / corresp. / Copernicus programme’ 1973, 1986 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re meetings at the Royal Society in London and in France, etc, 1973 and correspondence re Copernicus edition sold by the Royal Astronomical Society in 1949, 1986. H.21-H.30 Manuscript drafts for article or articles correspondence, background material, etc on Copernicus, 1955-1974 Ten folders. H.31-H.41 Ebenezer Cunningham (1881-1977) McCrea wrote an obituary for the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. ‘Cunningham 1977’. inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence, typescript and background material. Contents of manuscript folder drafts, proof, notes and so H.42-H.62 1931-1991 Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) McCrea wrote an article for Contemporary Physics (1982, vol.23, no.6) ‘Recollections of Sir Arthur Eddington OM FRS 28 December 1882-22 November 1944’, an article on Eddington for Scientific American published in June 1991 issue and a number of reviews of books about Eddington. At H.44 is off-print of obituary by McCrea and Temple. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re proposed centenary volume and correspondence and manuscript draft background material etc. the author with the McCrea was also obituary of Eddington published by the Journal of the London Mathematical Society 1945 and was approached ca a proposed centenary volume about Eddington. G. Temple of ‘1981 A.S. Eddington’ Contemporary 1945-1982 contribution 1979 in Physics article, of respect of a to W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘Chandra[sekhar]/Edd[ington].’ 1982-1984 article Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes off-print of McCrea’s Contemporary Physics of review his ‘Eddington: The most distinguished astrophysicist of time’ and manuscript draft of ‘Chandrasekhar on Eddington and black holes’, 13 August 1984. Chandrasekhar, manuscript December 1983 draft and 23 by of H.47-H.55 ‘1988 June Eddington’ 1988-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence, drafts, background material re Scientific American article. ‘Foreword Universe by Sir Arthur Eddington’ William Sir by McCrea The Expanding Manuscript draft. obituary notices and own Off-prints H.57-H.62 1931-1945 Six folders. Eddington’s Includes publications. The Expanding Universe was republished by Cambridge University Press in 1987. At H.62 is brief correspondence re McCrea and Temple’s 1945 obituary, found with the off-prints which may have been assembled in connexion with the preparation of the memoir. birth. McCrea wrote and lectured about Einstein and his work on a number of significant anniversaries, for example, 1955 the fiftieth anniversary of relativity theory, 1965-1966 the fiftieth anniversary of the theory of general relativity and 1979 the centenary of his Albert Einstein (1879-1955) his death and the H.63-H.123 1955-1987 year of W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 McCrea was particularly in demand on the occasion of the 1979 centenary. He wrote an article on ‘Albert Einstein, Physicist’ for Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, December 1978 which was also published in German translation in Naturwissenschaftliche also published an article on ‘Cosmology after Einstein’ in the New Scientist, vol. 82, no. 1145, 8 March 1979. Rundschau 1979. He _ G.E. Tauber, Tel-Aviv University). He was invited to contribute to a semi-popular book on general relativity published to mark the Einstein centenary (Editor | McCrea’s contribution was titled ‘Cosmology sixty years on’. He was invited to contribute to a commemorative book ‘with an the evolution and the preset [sic] status of article cosmological studies first originated by Einstein’s scientific work’. He was invited to contribute to a book entitled Centenario di Einstein under the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Editor A.Y. Ozemre, University of Instanbul. preparation patronage the on of in 1979’ at the ‘Einstein Centenary Meeting 9 He gave a talk March Royal Astronomical Society’ which was published in Q.J/ R. astr. Soc. to students at Oxford, 18 October 1979. 20 (1979), 251-260. He also gave a Relations ‘Einstein: with talk the vol on Royal off-print including Society's H.63-H.67 ‘Einstein 1955’ Obituaries Nature of McCrea’s obituary for Contents of envelope so inscribed. Einstein Centenary He organised the Review Exhibit and wrote the introduction to the exhibition booklet. of reference: includes manuscript and typescript drafts ‘On for Programme, list relativity conference on Berne, ‘50 Relativitaetstheorie’, Technische Rundschau, 1955 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease ‘Einstein / Objective of Notes’. international theory, Jahre E’s work M.S. & spare copies / fiftieth anniversary of See also G.2. Switzerland, participants H.65-H.67 11-15 1955; of etc July W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 the objective of Einstein’s work’, 27 October 1955. Three folders. ‘1965 Einstein “Meaning of R” Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s foreward to edition of Einstein's The Meaning of Relativity, 18 April 1965. H.69-H.75 ‘A. Einstein Lectures 1965 May-June’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: typescript drafts six lectures given by McCrea at York; manuscript notes including notes for talk on Einstein to YMCA. of See also H.76-H.84. H.76-H.83 ‘Einstein 1965 Misc. notes Lectures’ ‘1965 Einstein Reprints Pamphlets’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript drafts of McCrea’s six lectures on Einstein (see H.69-H.75), manuscript notes, 8pp typescript obituary of Einstein by McCrea, 13 May 1955, for Nature, etc. attached. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: ?background material for lectures. ‘Albert Einstein BBC’ Possible comments for June 1965, with manuscript notes 2pp typescript, 1 W.H. McCrea Not used 1962-1964 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘Einstein’s greatest contribution’, New Scientist, 17 March 1966 Typescript draft of article under its original title ‘Jubilee of General in New Scientist. Relativity’ published article and as H.89-H.102 ‘Einstein Centenary’ 1977-1979 of reference: material Contents of folder so inscribed divided into fourteen for proof, ease background centenary publications and celebrations with which McCrea was associated including article for Interdisciplinary Science Reviews and Royal Astronomical Society occasions. correspondence, etc a number of Society Royal drafts, and re H.103, H.104 ‘Einstein Tauber 1978’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of re contribution to reference: correspondence, drafts etc semi-popular G.E. Tauber). relativity general (editor book on invitation including H.109-H.116 H.105-H.108 ‘Einstein 1979’ correspondence ‘1978 Einstein Turkey’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: to contribute to commemorative Einstein volume, drafts of paper on ‘Cosmological considerations’ etc. 1978-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of notes, typescript drafts of McCrea’s paper for Royal Astronomical Society, by McCrea in Naturwissensschaftliche articles Rundschau and material (including papers on Einstein by others), etc. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease and of transparencies for McCrea’s talk students, ‘Einstein 1979 Oxford’ correspondence, New Scientist, H.117-H.119 background manuscript manuscript 1978-1979 reference: reference: to Oxford and typescript draft W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 background material including off-prints of McCrea’s own Einstein papers and Royal Society exhibition catalogue. Miscellaneous papers re Einstein centenary 1977-1979 Includes correspondence re proposed contribution McCrea to ‘Centenario di Astronomical meeting. by Einstein’ volume and Royal centenary Einstein Society notice for ‘Einstein 1984’ Contents of L.R.B. Elton Relativity and the German Press’ folder and so copy of inscribed: correspondence with ‘Einstein, paper by Elton The collected papers of Review for New Scientist of: Albert Einstein Volume 1 the Early Years 1879-1902, John Stachel editor, Princeton University Press n.d., 1955 1921-1997 H.124-H.179 Miscellaneous papers re Einstein Sir Ralph Howard Fowler (1889-1944) Manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s review, 31 August 1987. McCrea gave the centenary lecture in Cambridge on 24 October 1989. An edited version appeared in the The Cambridge Review, March 1990. The centenary lecture was also published in Notes & Records of the Royal Society vol 47(1), 59-74 (1993). 1988-1989 Correspondence recollections etc. H.124, H.125 arrangements, Two folders. and = papers re _ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 H.126-H.129 ‘R.H. Fowler Drafts etc.’ 1988-1989 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts etc. At H.126 are manuscript notes for talk about Fowler given at Sussex, 22 February 1989. H.130-H.133 ‘R.H.F. drafts of first version’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts. H.134-H.137 ‘R.H.F. file 1989’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes, typescript drafts, background material etc. H.138, H.139 ‘R.H.F. Replies to enquiry 1989’ H.140, H.141 ‘1989 Fowler R.H. Material from Fowler family’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence from those whom McCrea had approached for information. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, 1989, with photocopies of correspondence from Head Master and Second Master to Fowler’s father and school reports, Winchester, 1903- 1908. Contents of envelope so inscribed. ‘1989 Feb 22 Transparencies II’ ‘Fowler Transparencies’ Contents of folder so inscribed. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 H.144, H.145 ‘Cambridge Review 1990’ 1989-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence re publication of edited version of McCrea’s Fowler Lecture, manuscript and typescript drafts. H.146-H.152 ‘1992 R.H. Fowler + Foreword Some tables and photos’ 1988-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: drafts, photographs, correspondence, etc. Includes drafts for publication of McCrea’s Fowler Lecture in Notes & Records. Copies of photographs of Fowler are at H.147. H.153-H.158 ‘1992 R.H. Fowler’ 1992-1995 Contents of folder divided into six for ease of reference: drafts, correspondence, photograph etc re publication of McCrea’s Fowler Lecture in Notes & Records. H.159-H.161 and 1988-1993 H.162-173 ‘Fowler Drafts miscellaneous’ At H.153 is copy of photograph taken during 1927 Solvay Congress for Physics. Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence re Fowler Lecture its subsequent publication in Notes & Records, proof copy and typescript draft. ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for 1921-1997 1925-1931 H.174-H.179 Background material H.174-H.176 ‘Fowler Reprints’ 1989-1992 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Obituary, memor}r. order of funeral service and Royal Society 1944-1945 H.178, H.179 Miscellaneous printed and duplicated papers 1986-1997 Two folders. Includes Cambridge Review, March 1990 (H.179). Edward Carey Francis (d 1966) 1966-1967 by Note correspondence arising. McCrea supplementary to Times obituary, Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865) Correspondence, newspaper cuttings, report by McCrea for Nature re public memorial to Hamilton (Broome Bridge at Cabra, Dublin). 1954-1978 H.182-H.189 H.182 1954-1978 1954 H.183-H.188 ‘J.H. Jeans’ Sir James Hopwood Jeans (1877-1946) ‘The writing and Cosmology of Sir James Jeans’ Typescript draft and duplicated copy of script for Programme, 15 January 1954. ‘As Broadcast’ talk by McCrea transmitted on BBC Radio Third Background material includes off-print by McCrea of ‘The modern McCrea talked meeting of the Royal Astronomical astrophysics’ at subsequently Society, published by the QJ/ R. An article about Jeans was also published by Institute of Physics in Phys. Bull. vol. 29, 1978. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: manuscript and _ typescript drafts, background material etc. 14 October 1977. astr. Soc. (1978). correspondence, about Jeans ‘pioneer of a This was W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 writing Astronomical Journal vol.4, no.1, March 1956. Sir James cosmology and of Jeans’, Irish ‘The Jeans Instability’ [1977] Typescript draft also headed ‘R.A.S. Talk. Unpublished (Summary in Observatory magazine)’. “Jeans Centenary” Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Correspondence re query by McCrea about Jonathan Swift, Kepler and the two satellites of Mars. H.191-H.193 William Ogilvy Kermack (1898-1970) 1971-1972 Correspondence, drafts etc. Three folders. next two and a McCrea first met Kermack in 1930 and had direct scientific contact with him over the half years, publishing a number of joint papers. In 1971 McCrea answered a request for information from D.P. Cuthbertson who was preparing a memorial lecture. He also wrote a note on Kermack’s contribution to mathematical theory for the Royal Society memoir of Kermack. A copy of Cuthbertson’s memorial lecture is at H.192 and the Royal Society memoir at H.193. Lovell: A Biography by Dudley Saward, Robert Hale, Correspondence, draft, biographical information, memorial address by B.J. Bok, etc re McCrea’s obituary for Nature. Manuscript drafts etc for McCrea’s review of ‘Lovell: Vision and Courage’, New Scientist, 1984 Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard Lovell (b.1913) Gerard Peter Kuiper (1905-1973) 1983-1984 1983-1984 H.195, H.196 H.195 Bernard W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 London, 1984 Talk to Sussex University Astronomy Society, 18 October 1984 Transparencies, etc. George Cunliffe McVittie (1904-1988) 1988-1989 McCrea’s obituary for the Independent, 11 March 1988 and tyescript draft of paper given by McCrea at a Royal Astronomical as prepared for publication, 14 June 1989. commemorative meeting, Society Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1811) Typescript draft and proof of McCrea’s Review for Notes & Records of: Nevil Maskelyne: the seaman’s astronomer by Derek Howse, Cambridge University Press, 1989. entry in H.199-H.222 1933-1997 H.199-H.209 1950-1951 E.A. Milne (1896-1950) Royal Astronomical Society and McCrea wrote the obituary notices for the Royal Society, the the Observatory the Dictionary of National magazine and the He also gave the 1985 Milne Lecture which Biography. was published in a centenary volume of Milne Lectures, 1977-1996. Society obituary notice of Milne Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: correspondence with colleagues about Milne, drafts of McCrea’s obituaries for Milne, etc. ‘E.A. Milne Sundry notes drafts correspondence’ Brief correspondence with A.V. Hill re McCrea’s Royal W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Correspondence, draft chapters of Milne biography sent to McCrea by N.S. Hetherington for comment Correspondence with Meg Weston Smith (daughter of Milne) re her article on her father’s time with A.V. Hill in the First World War, etc 1989-1990 H.213-H.216 ‘1992 E.A. Milne’ 1933-1997 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes letter from Meg Weston Smith (Milne’s daughter) and draft of a chapter of her Milne biography sent to McCrea 1992 (H.213), letters from Weston Smith, 1988, Milne (H.214), off-print by Milne 1933 (H.215), Milne’s obituaries of by McCrea and others 1950-1951 (H.216), etc. R.H. Fowler 1944-1945 and obituaries of sending McCrea items related Milne 1997 to 1985-1997 1985-1996 five Q. J/. R. H.217-H.222 Milne Centenary Publication: Bondi and Weston-Smith (ed): The Universe Unfolding, 1997. (Volume of Milne Lectures 1977-1996 published by Oxford University Press) ‘Milne 1996’ H.217-H.221 re McCrea’s 1985 Milne Lecture and drafts Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into for ease of reference: correspondence with Miranda Weston- Smith (Milne’s grand-daughter) and Dennis Sciama (one letter) of addendum to lecture written specially for the centenary volume but not used, 1995-1996 (H.217, H.218); also two 1992 letters and one 1995 letter from Meg Weston Smith (Milne’s daughter) (H.221), typescript and off-print of 1985 lecture (published in astr. Soc. 1986) (H.219, H.220), etc. RAS. Brief Press, McCrea’s contribution to Bondi and Weston-Smith (ed): The Universe Unfolding, etc. McCrea wrote the obituary for the Quarterly Journal of the Valerie P. Myerscough (1942-1980) correspondence from H.223, H.224 Oxford University 1980-1982 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Contents of envelope so ‘Valerie Myerscough 1980’. inscribed reference: for correspondence, typescript draft, duplicated background material. divided ease into two of Ernst Julius Opik (1893-1985) 1985-1986 Typescript draft of article ‘Glimpses of Opik’ with related correspondence. H.226-H.245 Henry Hemley Plaskett (1893-1980) 1977-1983 McCrea wrote the Royal Society biographical memoir of Plaskett (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 27, November 1981). H.226-H.234 ‘H.H. Plaskett Correspondence for Memoir 1980-81’ 1980-1981 H.235-H.238 ‘H.H. Plaskett Drafts 1980-1981’ 1980-1981 H.240-H.242 Typescript draft ‘Marked for press’ Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence with the Royal Society, Plaskett’s family and colleagues re the memoir. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts Letter, 6 September 1977, is from Plaskett to McCrea. Photocopies of minutes of meetings of Visitors, Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford 1930-1961 Background material for the Plaskett memoir. Miscellaneous correspondence, etc Three folders. 1977-1983 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Includes letters from readers of McCrea’s memoir. Photographs Off-print of McCrea’s memoir Donald Harry Sadler (1908-1987) Letter and notes on Sadler’s career; typescript draft of supplementary note to published obituary of Sadler. H.247-H.269 Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961) 1961-1988 McCrea lectured on ‘Eamon de Valera, Erwin Schrédinger at the Schrédinger centenary and the Dublin conference, Imperial College London, 31 March - 3 April 1987. See also J.251. Institute’ H.247-H.268 41961-1988 article about papers so labelled divided ‘Schrédinger 1987’ and manuscript for Advanced Studies, preparation and of typescript An also published in The Times Higher Educational Supplement, 17 April 1987. by McCrea was Schrédinger arrangements notes, into Correspondence and reference: correspondence re twenty two for ease of paper, conference manuscript drafts, conference programme, background material re Dublin Institute Dunsink Observatory, Eamon de Valera, etc. Typescript draft, newspaper cutting of published article ‘Erwin Schrédinger: Vienna to Dublin’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Wilhelm de Sitter (1872-1934) McCrea wrote an to mark the centenary of De Sitters birth for the Journal of the British Astronomical Association article Contents of untitled folder: correspondence, manuscript and typescript drafts, offprint, background material. H.271, H.272 Noel Bryan Slater (1912-1973) 1973-1974 wrote McCrea Astronomical Society Q. 1974. an obituary notice for Jl. R. astr Soc. vol the Royal 15, 65-57. for ‘Slater 1973’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into with two colleagues, obituaries by others, manuscript drafts, off- print of McCrea’s obituary. correspondence’ reference: ease of in H.274, H.275 F.J.M. Stratton’. Edmund Clifton Stoner (1899-1968) Frederick John Marrian Stratton (1881-1960) 1p typescript note astrophysical theory + bibliography, 19 March 1969. by McCrea on Stoner’s interest McCrea gave a talk at the Royal Astronomical Society in October 1981 to mark the centenary of his birth. Photograph only. ‘1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: letter, manuscript and typescript drafts. Sir Joseph John Thomson (1856-1940) W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 H.277-H.295 Sir Edmund Taylor Whittaker (1873-1956) 1937-1988 McCrea wrote an obituary of Whittaker for the Journal of He also wrote the the London Mathematical Society. foreword Analytical Mechanics, 1987. Whittaker’s edition new to of a H.277-H.280 ‘Sir Edmund Whittaker 1956’ 1956-1957 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: 30pp typescript + references, manuscript notes. correspondence, press-cuttings, H.281-H.283 ‘ETW 1956’ 1956-1957 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence, typescript draft, manuscript notes, etc. H.287-H.291 H.284-H.286 ‘Biography of Sir Edmund Whittaker’ Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts Contents of untitled folder divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts Contents draft biographical account with focus on Whittaker’s Catholic faith. Press, 1987-1988 and manuscript and typescript drafts of This Edinburgh University student publication includes an article by Whittaker ‘A chapter on religion’, pp102-103 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence with Cambridge University Copy of The Student, 30 November 1937 H.294, H.295 ‘1987 CUP’ of envelope so inscribed: typescript 1987-1988 W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 McCrea’s foreword to Whittaker’s Analytical Mechanics, August 1987. H.296-H.326 Sir Richard van der Riet Woolley (1906-1986) 1958-1989 McCrea wrote the biographical memoir for Royal Society Biogr. Mem. Fell. R. Soc. vol. 34 (1988), pp 92-98. A substantially identical Royal Society memoir was published in Historical Records of Australian Science vol.7, no.3. version of the the H.296-H.321 ‘Some notes and records used in preparing Royal Society memoir 1987-1989 Bundle of papers so labelled. Off-print of McCrea’s Royal Society memoir of so_ photocopy of reference: H.299-H.302 Contents manuscript prepared for the Royal Society in 1953. inscribed: envelope ‘R.v.d.R.W. Autobiography 1906-38’ ‘R.v.d.R. Woolley Some other notices and records’ McCrea’s memoir as published in Historical Records of Australian Science Contents of envelope so inscribed: three photographs. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of printed and duplicated background material. Includes obituaries of Woolley. ‘Woolley RGO Photographs’ W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘Schedvin 1987 May / Also ‘Optical Munitions’ of envelope so Contents Schedvin, enclosing material re Woolley in Australia. inscribed: Melbourne, University of letter from 29 April C.B. 1987, H.305-H.307 ‘CSIRO 1987’ Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: letter from CSIRO deputy archivist, 22 May 1987, enclosing phorocopied material re Directorship of Mount Stromlo Observatory, 1939, 1946. H.308, H.309 ‘Woolley CSIRO Archive 1952-56’ W - DFMartyn Accommodation Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: letter from deputy archivist CSIRO, 28 July D.F. Martyn’s his Mount relationship with Woolley, 1952-1956. material Stromlo photocopied departure enclosing re and _ 1987, from 1986-1989 H.313-H.321 H.310-H.312 ‘Woolley archive RGO’ Contents of colleagues re memoir. ‘W.H. McCrea 1987-89 Reports and correspondence in preparing R. v. d. R. Woolley Biogr. Mem. Fell. Royal Soc. 1988’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: index and catalogue of Woolley papers as Astronomer Royal. Gascoigne, S.C.B. Australian Academy of Science - Eggen inscribed: correspondence with Includes information. recollections requests replies folder so and to for W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 Hewitt - Hunter Jackson - Jones Murray - Royal Greenwich Observatory Sadler - Schedvin Stibbs, D.W.N. Stoy, R.H. Wayman - Wilkins 1958-1959 re stock obituary Woolley with H.324-H.326 Lady Woolley re Sir Richard ‘Woolley Confidential’ Correspondence Woolley Letters from readers of McCrea’s biographical memoir of Woolley A typescript copy of the obituary is at H.325. Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: miscellaneous notes, drafts and printed material of that McCrea prepared for The Times in 1959. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 H.327-H.361 ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY TITLE OR TOPIC 1957-1997 H.327-H.332 ‘Astronomy in Britain after World War Il’, Soc. vol 29, 51-60. 1988 Q. J/ R. Astr. 1987-1988 ‘1987 Q JI RAS’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript and typescript drafts of McCrea’s paper, etc. H.333-H.336 1923-26: mathematics’, ‘Cambridge McCrea’s contribution to R. Williamson editor The making of physicists, Bristol: Hilger, 1987 undergraduate 1985-1986 ‘1985 Hilger Meadows’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript and editor. correspondence with publisher drafts, Electron centenary and by 1957, 1968 prompted by the April-May 1997, manuscript notes for lecture Transparencies McCrea. ‘Historic Papers 1 Morton Roberts 2 Hewish etc’ ‘The Energy Debate Astronomy 1930-1939’ Contents of folder so inscribed: off-prints only. Manuscript drafts, celebration of J.J. Thomson’s discovery of the electron. McCrea’s comments on draft history. ‘Longair 1992’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: bound draft inscribed ‘History and Cosmology Malcolm Longair (Draft)’, correspondence with Longair Lecture, ‘History of Cosmology’ H.340-H.342 Astrophysics draft history and 1992-1994 Century Astrophysics of Twentieth about his Twentieth Century and Milne W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 H.343-H.348 H.343-H.347 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘The Influence of Radio Astronomy on Cosmology’ in W.T. Sullivan radio astronomy: reflections fifty years after Jansky’s discovery, Cambridge University Press, 1984 Early years editor The of for ease of Contents of untitled folder divided into five reference: others, memorandum of agreement, manuscript and typescript drafts etc correspondence editor with and_ 1982-1983 1982-1983 Photocopied papers including list of speakers for meeting on early years of radio astronomy Operational research Letter from R.G. Stansfield enclosing papers on operational research. early H.350-H.353 Royal Greenwich Observatory See also F.352-F.423. Talks and articles by McCrea to mark the tercentenary of the observatory. Two manuscript drafts titled ‘Greenwich Observatory’ and ‘Royal Greenwich Observatory’, May 1975 ‘The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation’, address at a conversazione, 17 July 1975, arranged jointly by the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society. Typescript draft, 25 June 1975 ‘The Royal Greenwich Observatory in the mainstream of science’ Typescript draft, May 1975, etc. W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 ‘The Royal Greenwich Observatory 1675-1975 Some of its external relations’ Typescript draft, 17 October 1975 H.354, H.355 ‘Special Relativity History 1992’ Contents of folder so inscribed which was contained in two further folders: ‘SR history 1992 Feb’. Contents of folder so inscribed: duplicated and printed papers. Contents of untitled folder: manuscript working, typescript paper General Relativity’, etc. ‘Negative Bonnor Mass W.B. by in n.d., 1986 H.356-H.361 H.356-H.359 Manuscript draft of McCrea’s paper. ‘Undiscoverable Astronomical History’ ‘History 1976’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts, correspondence, background material. McCrea prepared a talk on this topic for the International Astronomical Union Congress Commission 41 (History of Astronomy), Grenoble, August 1976 and subsequently prepared it for publication. paper. Letter from T. Gold with suggested changes in McCrea’s W.H. McCrea NCUACS 138/3/05 History of science and scientific biography, H.1-H.465 H.362-H.366 MISCELLANEOUS 1938-1994 Enquiries addressed to McCrea re scientific biography and history of science 1983-1993 The enquiries relate paradox controversy, Einstein, Eddington and Milne. to McCrea’s own work, the clock McCrea’s replies enquiry. were not found with the letters of H.363-H.366 Printed and duplicated papers 1938-1994 4 folders.