MCCLARE, Colin William Farser v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on correspondence and papers of COLIN WILLIAM FRASER McCLARE (1937-77) biophysicist deposited in King's College Library, London (CSAC 77/1/81) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific.Archives Centre All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS by Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A JHP CSAC 77/1/81 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of COLIN WILLIAM FRASER McCLARE (1937 - 1977) Compiled by Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson 1981 Deposited in the Library of King's College, London. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 REQUESTS TO CONSULT THE MATERIAL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN, KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.13 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS AND WORKING NOTES B.1 - B.32 SECTION C SCIENTIFIC DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS = C.1 - C.42 SECTION D TALKS, LECTURES, CONFERENCES D.1 - D.17 SECTION E TEACHING MATERIAL Es? = €.18 SECTION F SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Poli F789 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 INTRODUCTION The papers were received from Mrs. G.A. McClare and from the Biophysics Department, King's College, London, by courtesy of Professor M.H.F. Wilkins, Head of Department. Colin McClare was a Lecturer in Biophysics at King's College, London, from 1963 until he took his own life in 1977 at the age of 39. He was educated at Felsted School, Essex, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he took a B.A. in Natural Sciences (Chemistry) in 1958. The next five years were spent in Cambridge doing research - on the chemistry of free radicals in biology (Medical Research Council Studentship 1958 - 61) and on energy transfer in nucleic acids (Beit Fellowship 1961-63). He was awarded a Ph.D. in 1962 (see A.8). McClare's appointment to a Lecturership in Biophysics at King's College in 1963 led to a growing interest in bioenergetics and the problems of muscle contraction. He concluded that classical thermodynamics was inadequate for the description of biological processes, and that the application of the Second Law of Thermodynamics to biological machines requires the introduction of time scales. His ideas were not The publication of four controversial papers by McClare in the Journal of Theoretical Biology and Nature (see p.5) generated a vigorous correspondence with scientists all over the world, much of which has survived and is now in Section F of the collection, _McClare continued to pursue his research although his unorthodox C and D) his manuscripts were not accepted for publication until 1971. His earlier pub- lished work relates mainly to the structure and function of biological membranes, in generally accepted, and although he wrote extensively on the subject (see Sections particular the purple membrane of the halophilic bacterium Halobacterium halobium. approach failed to gain the approval of established scientific opinion, but after 1974 C.41. acceptance for his ideas. The book was nearing completion by the time of his death he applied himself to writing a book on thermodynamics in which he hoped to solve with the rest of McClare's papers and an item number has been left vacant for it at book for posthumous publication (see A.13). Eventually it is hoped to include it and the draft is currently in the hands of H. Morowicz with a view to editing the some of the fundamental problems of bioenergetics and gain some general measure of C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 4 McClare's death occurred during one of the bouts of depression to which he was increasingly subject from about 1967. His deep personal involvement with the scientific problems he chose to tackle and the continuing battle with the opponents of his ideas increasingly took its toll of his confidence and zest for living, and he took his own life on the night of 4 January 1977. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Mrs. G.A. McClare, Dr. 1. Gonda and Dr. W.R. Lieb for their preliminary sorting and identifying of the material, and for advice and information on various aspects of McClare's life and work. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Bibliography of major papers by McClare on bioenergetics, 1971 - 1975 A collection of reprints of McClare's publications is filed at C.42. 1971 1972 Chemical machines, Maxwell's demon and living organisms. J. Theor. Biol. 30, 1-34. In defence of the high energy phosphate bond. J. Theor. Biol. 35, 233-246. A ‘molecular energy’ muscle model. J. Theor. Biol. 35, 569-595. A quantum mechanical muscle model. Nature. Lond. 240, 88-90. Resonance in bioenergetics. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 227, 74-97. 1974 How does ATP act as an energy source? Ciba Foundation Symposium, 31, Energy transformation in biological systems. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.13 Ast Obituaries and tributes. Typescript draft of obituary by I. Gonda and W.R. Lieb for submission to Nature. Copy of Nature (4 August 1977) containing the obituary as published. Copy of obituary by T. Weil published in King's College London Student Magazine, 1 February 1977. See also A. 10. Typescript curriculum vitae. "Summary of scientific work by Dr. Colin W.F. McClare.' 1 p. typescript by W.R. Lieb and 1. Gonda, 27 November 1979. 2 pp. typescript by Mrs. G.A. McClare containing a personal review of McClare's life and work. private communication from Mrs. McClare to Mrs. J.B. Alton, December 1979, and was prepared by Mrs. McClare for inclusion with her husband's papers in January 1981. The text is based on a Correspondence with A. Rothen, 1960-61. 1 p. ms. by McClare headed 'Growth. 12.10.64.', containing notes on the development of his scientific thought from 1958. The notes continue to 1974. McClare planned to do post-doctoral research with Rothen at The Rockefeller Institute, New York, but he was prevented from doing so by his wife's poor state of health at the time. Fellowship. Drafts of application. re conditions of the award, etc. McClare's letter of resignation on accepting a Lecturership at King's College, London (see A.9). Ms. draft of application to Imperial Chemical Industries for a research grant, 1961. Reports on research done during McClare's tenure of the Beit Memorial Fellowship, 1961-63. Administrative correspondence Includes reply to C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Biographical and personal "Free radicals of radiotherapeutic interest. submitted to the University of Cambridge for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by C.W.F. McClare of Emmanuel College. Bound copy. A dissertation 1962'. Correspondence re appointment as Lecturer in Biophysics, King's College, London, June-July 1963. administrative correspondence, 1966-73, is also included in the folder. Miscellaneous A.10-A.13 Photocopies of correspondence, etc. received by Mrs. McClare after her husband's death. Mrs. McClare. The originals are retained by Copies of tributes to McClare, spoken at his funeral by D. Baxter, T. Cavalier-Smith and M.H.F. Wilkins. Copies of letters of condolence received by Mrs. McClare. Copies of correspondence re the McClare Memorial Prize to be awarded annually to a student in the Department of Biophysics, King's College, London, on the basis of academic performance and originality of approach. Copy of letter from H. Morowicz re possibility of editing McClare's unfinished book on thermodynamics for posthumous publication (see Introduction). C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS AND WORKING NOTES B.1 - B.32 B.1 Folder containing McClare's notes on lectures on thermo- dynamics attended when he was an undergraduate at Cambridge (c.1957). by E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes. Some of the lectures were given Miscellaneous notes and drafts, 1959-65 (includes some undated). (c. 1959-60) and thermodynamics (c. 1963-64). Includes material on infra-red radiation Laboratory notebooks. Spiral-bound notebook containing accounts of experimental procedure and results, c.1964-65. "Membranes I'. of experiments, Autumn 1965-July 1966, with some later annotations. — Spiral-bound notebook containing records "Membranes II'. July-December 1966. —Spiral-bound notebook, similar to above, "Membranes III'. | Spiral-bound notebook similar to B.4, B.5, January 1967-Summer 1968. containing notes on the literature Blue hard-cover notebook, contents similar to B.7. "PPLO [Epleuropneumonia-like organism], experiments’. Spiral-bound notebook containing records of experiments, eclI67: Red hard-cover notebook and records of experiments re membrane structure and function, 1965-70. 64 1975-76; "Deuterated Lipid Project'. undated, but containing a letter to McClare from J. Thomas, 21 October 1975. Spiral-bound laboratory notebook, Spiral-bound notebook, similar to above. No title or date, C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Notebooks and working notes B.12-B.23 Scientific 'Diaries'. The 'diaries' contain a mixture of The following notebooks have been called ‘diaries’ in order to distinguish them from the formal laboratory note- books at B.3-B.11. scientific observations, speculations, notes on the literature, mathematical calculations, lecture notes, drafts and personal notes and jottings of the type more usually found in a private diary. McClare's scientific thought which was inextricably bound up with the personal problems which finally overwhelmed him. They form an important source for the progress of Hard-cover notebook inscribed inside front cover 'C.W.F. McClare. attempted and not thoroughly worked out ... 1959', ~~ Entries continue to 1965 with a few dated 1969, A collection of ideas sketchily Begun in Notebook. Spiral-bound notebook, no title or date. on lectures by J. Lowy and J. Hanson. Includes notes n.d. Exercise book inscribed inside front cover 'Muscle Nonsense Book. Started October 1968'. "Muscle Il. first page of the book. Transport'. The date '13.11.69' appears on the The rest of the entries are undated. ¢.1971. c.1974. c.1974-75. Ws c.1971-73. 'VITI'. "IX". VE. NALS 'V. Mostly Transport'. c¢.1973. "Muscle III". n.d. Hard-cover notebook containing notes on the literature with some drafts and calculations. 'Q@d [thermodynamics] Book'. front cover by G. McClare ‘Probably started early 1970's.” Miscellaneous undated notes and drafts, mainly re thermo- dynamics. n.d., but with a note on 61976; 6.1976. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Notebooks and working notes Exercise book labelled 'Literature', containing notes on the literature with a few other notes and drafts. Exercise book labelled 'Seminars', containing notes on lectures and papers by others. Unlabelled exercise book containing similar material, including notes taken at 'BLritish] BEiophysical] S[ocietyJ Meeting on Cell Membranes', 15 April 1969. page of notes taken at a King's College Biophysics Depart- ment Staff Seminar (n.d.) is tucked into the back of the book. A loose Miscellaneous loose notes on lectures and papers by others. Set of punched cards containing ms. notes on the literature. ‘First page photocopies and references of reprints found in Personal File(s)'. NovemberDecember 1979 and are grouped together under McClare's original subject headings. These were assembled by W.R. Lieb, Topics include: 'Forces' "Membranes' *Reaggregation' "Halobact (I) (HM)! "Halobact (II) (A)! "Lipids' 'Social Impact [of science]! "Muscle Chemistry' "Muscle heat' ‘Muscle Structure’ "Phosphorylation' 'Bilayers' "Chemistry' 'Lipid-salt' "Lipid-lipid' 'Chelates' "Membrane Structure’ "Mitochondria MX' "Transport' 'Thermodynamics' These were also assembled by W.R. Lieb. Copies of a number of reprints selected from the collection listed in B.30, all with extensive annotations by McClare. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION C SCIENTIFIC DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS C,1 - C.42 The majority of the material in this Section is undated, and it has not usually been possible to do more than group together documents which have obvious similarities | (such as drafts of the same article) and arrange them in a very rough chronological sequence. See also F.57. There is a set of offprints of McClare's published papers at C.42. A list of McClare's major papers on bioenergetics is included in the Introduction to the collection (p.5). Cy 'The Role of Infra-Red Radiation in Biological Processes’. Ms. draft with a later note by McClare 'ca 1959'. "Activation Energy’. 7 pp. typescript with later note by McClare '2nd Year Post-Grad. about 1959". 15 pp. typescript with ms. corrections and annotations. Pp. 3.and 4 were sent to A.R.J.P. Ubbelohde for comment in 1964. Envelope containing miscellaneous drafts and calculations for papers on thermodynamics, entropy, reversibility, etc. Various annotations by McClare on the front of the envelope do not relate to the present contents. None of the material is dated, but a note by W.R. Lieb (3 December 1979) assigns it tentatively to 1963. ‘Finished 4/11/64', 2 untitled ms. drafts re muscle theory, 7 pp. and 9 pp. The latter is annotated 'Last 2 weeks Sept. '64'. 24 pp. typescript with ms. annotations and note by McClare 2 typescript drafts, above. thermodynamics’. 1 p. and 7 pp., originally kept with C.4 The shorter draft is headed 'Steps in the logic of "Radiation and Entropy’. ‘Muscle Theory: Outline of Argument’. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific drafts and publications Undated and fragmentary notes and drafts on muscle, ¢.1963-65 (and perhaps a few later). 2 pp. ms. headed ‘Projected paper (No evidence at all as yet)', 27 January 1965. ‘Order and Thermodynamics’. 3 copies of 19 pp. typescript, each with (different) annotations and corrections by McClare. are dated ‘about Jan. 1965'. 2 of them 'The Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’. 30 pp. typescript presenting arguments in the form of a 'Triologue' between a Thermodynamicist a Student and a Doubier. "The Fundamentals of Thermodynamics’. 33 pp. typescript. ‘Paradox and Thermodynamics’. 32 pp. typescript. "Life and Light’. 3 pp. typescript. 1 p. typescript. 2 pp. typescript. 'Time and Thermodynamics, a summary'. ‘Thoughts about Thermodynamics and Photochemistry’. ‘The Operational Approach to Thermodynamics’. 14 pp. typescript with extensive ms. corrections. of the journal and referees' comments on the paper. Typescript of paper submitted for publication in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, February 1965 (not accepted). Miscellaneous ms. drafts re various aspects of thermodynamics, all undated. Folder also includes brief correspondence with the Editor ‘Reversibility in Biological Processes'. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific drafts and publications 'The Attainment of Reversibility’. Typescript with later annotation by McClare ‘This is the first version. Prof. Domb [C. Domb] read’. See F.14 for correspondence with Domb re this and subsequent drafts (e.g. C.19). An earlier ms. draft of this paper is also included in the folder. 'A Possible Characterisation of Reversibility’. 3 typescript drafts, all undated and with extensive ms. corrections. One of the drafts is annotated 'Version, (perhaps) for Nature’. Miscellaneous drafts on reversibility, some with titles as follows: 'The attainment of reversibility'. 2 pp. typescript. "Reversibility and time'. 4 pp. typescript. The argument expressed operationally’. "Appendix. 2 pp. typescript, 6 November 1964. annotated by McClare. 2 copies, both 5 pp. typescript by McClare and D.E. Hookes, 22 July 1965. "Muscle Theory’. ‘Brownian Motion, Gibbs' Paradox and Continuous Creation’. 4 pp. typescript, n.d. 12 pp. ms. with later annotation by McClare 'With David Hookes', n.d. c.1965-66. "An Electromagnetic Coupling Mechanism for the Muscular Force’. reads ‘Begun 8 June '68'. Untitled typescript with extensive alterations and corrections te the problem of obtaining work from a chemical reaction in a biological system. This may be the first of several drafts for a series of 3 papers submitted to Nature by McClare, 1969 (see C.27- C.30, F.48). A note by McClare on the front page C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific drafts and publications ‘Molecular Mechanisms in Biology. Chemical Energy’. 1. Work and Duplicated typescript with extensive corrections and additions. This may be one of the 3 papers submitted to Nature by McClare in 1969 (see F.48). 3 (different) typescript drafts, all related to C. 27. 2 of these are headed 'Chemical Energy and Work', and "Work and Chemical Energy'; the other has no title. ‘Molecular Mechanisms in Biology. Il. Muscle Models'. Typescript with ms. annotations and corrections. is probably the second of the 3 papers submitted to Nature in 1969. This "Molecular Mechanisms in Biology. mechanical Muscle Model’. Ill. A Quantum- Typescript with ms. annotations and corrections. is probably the third of the 3 papers submitted to Nature in 1969; it was produced in collaboration with D.E. Hookes. This "Chemical machines, Maxwell's demon and living organisms’. Earlier drafts and notes (some fragmentary) of C.31. J. Theor. Biol. 35, 569-595 (1972) under See also C.34-C.36. ‘Molecular Mechanisms in Biology' by C.W.F. McClare and D.E. Hookes. Typescript with extensive ms. corrections of paper published in J. Theor. Biol. 30, 1-34 (1971). 17 pp. typescript draft, with a note by McClare on the front page 'Never sent'. This appears to be the first of a series of drafts for a paper which was eventually published in the title 'A "molecular energy" muscle model’. revision of the material in C.33, C.34. 2 typescript drafts, both with ms. corrections. is a revision of C.33; and corrections. 'The Application of Thermodynamics in Molecular Biology’. Typescript draft with ms. corrections. This is a further "Molecular Energy Machines in Biology’. yf Y the second contains further revisions The first C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific drafts and publications Envelope containing 'Deleted parts from J 0 CJournal of Theoretical Biology] Muscle-model'. B Typescript of article on thermodynamics written for the New Scientist, 1971-72, but not published. Correspondence with the Assistant Life Science Editor is also included in the folder. ‘A Classical Proof that Cyclic Conformational Changes cannot be coupled Thermally to ATP Hydrolysis’. 8 pp. typescript, n.d. 6 pp. typescript draft headed 'PNAS ????', n.d. ‘Sketch of a New Argument for Molecular Energy Machines’. 7 pp. typescript with annotation by G. McClare ‘circa Nov. '76'. Drafts for book on thermodynamics. (NOT YET INCLUDED. See Introduction and A. 13.) See Introduction for a list of McClare's main publications in Folder containing offprints of papers published by McClare, 1965-75. the field of bioenergetics. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION D TALKS, LECTURES, CONFERENCES D.1- D.17 See also F.57. Printed abstract of paper by McClare and others on ‘Structural studies of ribonucleic acids with base-specific reagents', presented at the 2nd meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Vienna, 1965. Offprint of article by J.H. Quastel in Science, 168, 146-161. summarising papers presented at a conference on membrane structure and function, Ste. Marguerite, P.Q. Canada, 1967, including contribution by McClare on the properties of membrane preparations from halophilic organisms. An untitled typescript re experiments with membrane prepara- tions from Halobacterium halobium, which may be the text of McClare's conference paper, is also included in the folder. Ms. and typescript drafts for lecture entitled ‘Maxwell's demon, chemical machines and muscle'. The ms. bears a later annotation by McClare ‘about 1967'. See C.31, C.32 for drafts of published paper by McClare with same title. Typescript draft for lecture at Sussex University, March 1971. Typescript synopsis of paper presented at the Ist European Biophysics Congress, Vienna, 14-17 September 1971. See F.73 for related correspondence. , See also C.42. Conference on 'Mechanism of Energy Transduction in Biological Systems', New York Academy of Sciences, 7-9 February 1973. (Science, 181, 583-584). Ji, 1972-73, mainly Correspondence with D.E. Green and S. re administrative arrangements for the conference but including some exchanges of a more scientific nature. Abstract and final typescript of McClare's paper on 'Resonance in Bioenergetics'. C42. An offprint of the published version is at Earlier draft of paper annotated by McClare 'This version not used', and offprint of report on the conference by D.E. Green C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Talks, lectures, conferences 'Talk at Physical Chemistry Leeds’. Undated typescript, perhaps January 1974 (see F.12). D.10, D.11 Ciba Foundation Symposium on ‘Energy Transformation in Biological Systems', London, 1-4 July 1974. D.10 D.11 Programme of meeting. "How does ATP act as a source of energy?’ Typescript of McClare's paper Draft transcripts of discussions in which McClare took part, some with ms. corrections by McClare. British Biophysical Society. Contraction, December 1974. Review Meeting on Muscular Typescript draft and abstract of paper by McClare on ‘Molecular machines: the quantum mechanical approach’. Typescript of lecture delivered at Chelsea College, February 1975, with brief accompanying correspondence. Summary and typescript of talk at Exeter University on 'The problem of molecular machines', May 1975, with related correspondence. Ms. and typescript drafts for various talks and lectures, all undated. Transcript of interview with B. Wignall re McClare's muscle model, produced by BBC Overseas Regional Services, n.d. Box containing various lecture slides prepared by McClare. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION E TEACHING MATERIAL E.1 - E.13 El E.3 Hard-cover notebook containing details of experimental methods and results used in practical classes, with comments on difficulties experienced by students in performing the experiments. n.d. Ms. notes for a set of lectures or teaching handouts on membranes. n.d. Miscellaneous undated ms. and typescript material for lectures and class handouts, mainly on membranes and transport. E.4-E.13 Material for course on the ‘Social Impact of the Biosciences’. This undergraduate course was run by the School of Biological Sciences at King's College, London, from 1973, and aimed at providing perspectives on the social context of science. McClare was a member of the team involved in setting up and teaching the course. Some of the lectures delivered during the course, including two by McClare, were edited by R.E. Munro with a view to publication under the title Biosciences, Society. Culture and 19 pp. typescript headed 'Social Impact of the Biosciences. McClare's notes on lectures and contributions to discussions by other members of staff and students involved in the course. Typescript ‘Outline of talk on human evolution’ by McClare. Copies of correspondence re planning of the course; handouts for students outlining topics to be covered; specimens of examination papers. 19 pp. typescript headed 'Colin McClare. Biosciences Course: Human Evolution ...? 1973', witha ms. note ‘First Draft’. This appears to be a transcript of a tape of McClare's lecture. K.R. Popper’. Typescript draft of chapter on 'Human Evolution' prepared for inclusion in Biosciences, Culture and Society (see introductory note to E.4-E.13 above). 5 pp. typescript essay by McClare on ‘Several theories of human evolution', presumably used as background material for his lecture. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Teaching material 2 typescript drafts of chapter on 'Karl Popper and the escape from dogma', prepared for inclusion in Biosciences, Culture and Society (see introductory note toE.4-E. 13 above). letter of comment from R.E. Munro is attached to p. 1 the earlier draft. 2 typescript drafts of chapter on 'The Subjective Basis of Religion' (not used). Draft chapters by other contributors with comments and criticisms in McClare's hand. prospectus of the book with an outline of proposed chapters, 1976. Folder also includes a C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 SECTION F SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE F.1 - F.78 The majority of the correspondence arises from the publication of 4 papers by McClare in the Journal of Theoretical Biology and Nature (1971-72; see Introduction), which stimulated considerable discussion and criticism in the U.K. and abroad. Some of the folders include reprints by the authors of the correspondence, often with annotations by McClare. F.1 F.2 Allison, N. Banks, B. re application of thermodynamics to biological systems. Includes correspondence with C.A. Vernon, 1971. Baron, M. re ATP. OD. Barrington Leigh, J. 1964, 1971 1970-73 1973 1971 Biophysical Journal Sonn, D. 5. 1965, 1969-72 Black, S. Blaurock, A. 1974-75 1972-73 re Maxwell's demon. Blumenfeld, L. A. re refereeing of papers. (McClare's letter only) (McClare's letters only) Cesarman, E. (McClare's letter only) (McClare's letter only) 1970 1975 1964 Bondi, H. Brillouin, L. Brookes, J. R. Cardwell, - C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Rats OA. | E. Cra, Do Par Gs Cruikshank, A. J. B. Includes correspondence re arrangements for McClare to give a talk at Bristol University. Davies, P. Includes correspondence re arrangements for McClare to give 2 talks at Leeds University. Davies, R. E. Davydov, A. Dilley, R. A. Dire Py oA. M, (McClare's letter only) 1974 1974-75 1972-73 1969, 1971-72 1973 1973 1975 Domb, C. Fong, P. Gabor, D. Gal-Or, - 1964-65, 1969-72 1968-72 Ehrenberg, W. Eisenman, G. Engelman, D. Esmond, W. G. 1971-72, 1974 (McClare's letter only) (McClare's letter only) 1976 (McClare's letter only) (McClare's letter only) 1976 1972 1972 197] 1971 Gilbert, S. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Gonda, |. Personal and scientific correspondence. exchanges with B. Gray (see F.26). See also F.29. Includes 1973-76 1973-74 1975-76 Goodall, D. Goodwin, B. Gordon, L. Mainly re draft paper by Gordon on the second law of thermodynamics (also included in the folder). Gray, B. See also F.21, F.22. Gregory, R. L. Heller, J. 1972 1970, 1972, 1976 n.d., 1974 1976, n.d. 1974 1971-72 1971, 1975776 Pi Ps 8. Holme, C. Hoyle, F. Holland, B. W. (McClare's letter only - not sent?) Includes copy of a letter from |. Gonda re models of muscle contraction. 1972-76 Journal of Theoretical Biology Correspondence re refereeing (McClare's letters only) (McClare's letter only) 1973, 1976 1969-72 197] n.d., 1970 Huxley, A. Huxley, H. F. E. Johnson, R. Joyce, G. f MAS of ers. nied: 1976 as ae C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence n.d. 1966, 1971-72 1971-72 1971-73 Kemeny, G. Klein, - (McClare's letter only) Koestler, A. Kominz, D. Kornacker, K. Includes McClare's review of a paper by Kornacker, 1976. Lakatos, I. (McClare's letter only) Lenaz, G. Light, D. Correspondence arising from broadcast talk by McClare on 'Muscle Contraction and Molecular Vibration’. Lipmann, F. A. Lumry, R. 1972 1975 197] 1971-72 1972-73 McLaren, D. Markowitz, D. McGlashan, M. Millard, P. H. (McClare's letter only) re arrangements for Millard to give a talk at King's College. 1975 Mitchell, J. S. Mitchell, P. C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Moore, T. 1974-75 Correspondence arising from draft report of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Nutrition Sciences on the desirability of using the joule instead of the calorie as the unit of energy in nutrition. Morales, M.-F. (McClare's letters only) Morowicz, H. Includes various draft papers by Morowicz sent to McClare for comment. Naqui, K. R. Includes drafts of letter to Nature by Naqui arising from McClare's paper on 'A Quantum Mechanical Muscle Model’ (see Introduction). See also F.48. National Research Development Corporation. 1971-72 1972-76 1972-73 re possibility of constructing a chemical machine based on theories proposed by McClare. Nature Nicholis, G. Pauling, L. 1969-73 1971, 1972 Nisbet, R. M. Correspondence arising from a letter from McClare to |. Prigogine (included in the folder). Correspondence with the Editor and others re publication of mss. submitted by McClare. (McClare's letter only) (McClare's letter only) Pippard, A.B. Petersen, A. F. 197 1, 172, 1974 Peters, R. A. 1972 1972 1971-72 1976 Polanyi, M. 1964 C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Popper, K. R. 1965-76 Popper started to correspond with McClare in 1965 at the suggestion of D. Bohm, and the exchange of letters, punctuated by the occasional meeting, continued sporadically until McClare's death in 1977. offered considerable encouragement to McClare's early attempts to formulate and publish his scientific ideas, and McClare often pronounced himself to have been profoundly influenced by Popper's philosophy. Popper 1965 n.d. Unfinished drafts of a letter from McClare to Popper, with a note by G. McClare ‘probably August 1967'. Folder also includes 4 pp. ms. diagrams not in McClare's hand. 1969-73 1974-76 Folder containing offprints sent to McClare by Popper, many with extensive annotations in McClare's hand. Porter, G. Redlich, - Rdegs,.28: Cy These were Pringle, J! W; Sa Prigogine, |. see F.49 Randall, Je: 2. Ms. and typescript drafts of lectures and papers by McClare, mostly unfinished or fragmentary. originally kept with the offprints at F.56. Silver, R. re possible article by McClare on thermodynamics in biology. (McClare's letter only) Scientific American 1971-72 1974 1971-72 1964-65, 1970 C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Simmonds, R. (McClare's letter only) Spanner, D.C. Sparkes, B. G. Spencer, M. Stein, Wad. (McClare's letter only) Sues Ke DD, (McClare's letter only) Szent-Gyorgyi, A. Tawada, K. Taylor, G. 4 Teitel, A. 1972 197] 1968-72 1971-72 1973-76 1966-68 1974 Townes, C. H. re masers. Tregear, R. : Vasilescu, V. 1972 1973 1972 1964 1976 Ubbelohde, A. R. J. (McClare's letter only) Times Literary Supplement Correspondence with the Science Editor. Includes a letter from Mrs. E. Whyte, 1974. re invitation to 2nd National Conference of Biophysics, Bucharest, September 1976 (McClare was unable to attend). (McClare's letter only) Whyte, L. L. Wakabayashi, - 1972 1976 West, ',.- C, 1966-72 C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Scientific Correspondence Wilkie, D. R. 1965, 1969-73 Includes correspondence re Ist European Biophysics Congress, Vienna, 1971 (see also D.5). Wilkins, Wir. F. (McClare's letter only) Winfield, M. E. John Wiley & Sons Limited Correspondence with the Molecular Sciences Editor arising from his suggestion that McClare should write a book on ‘Bioenergetics and Biochemical Thermo- dynamics’. Yount; Ri... G. Miscellaneous requests for reprints (not indexed). Unidentified correspondents. 1965 1976 1972, 1975 1972 1971-74 C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ALLISON, Norman BANKS, Barbara E. C. BARON, Michael D. BARRINGTON LEIGH, John BLACK, Stephen BLUMENFELD, Lev A. BONDI, Sir Hermann BROOKES, John R. CAMERON, Sir Roy CARNEGY, Patrick CESARMAN, Eduardo CLARK, Mary E. CROUT ,. David H, ** G. CRUICKSHANK, A. J. Bruce DANIELLI, James Frederic F.1 FZ Pas F.3 F.4 Ge Pr Por F.8 A.6 F.69 F.9 F.10 F.10 F.H C.19 DAVIES, Peter P42 DOMB, Cyril EASSON, “De EISENMAN, George DILLEY, Richard A. DAVYDOV, A. S. F.14 F.47 Faso Fite F913 F.13 DAVIES, Robert Ernest ESMOND, William G. FZ) #22; Fi26 FLANAGAN, Dennis GORDON, Lyndsay F.16 F.17 F.6] F.20 Fizs E20 GILBERT, Susan GONDA, Igor GOODALL, David GOODWIN, Brian Fart; tcees svar Asti, Fe 24 EHRENBERG, W. GRAY, Brian C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 Index of correspondents GREEN, David E. GREGORY, Richard Langton GUTTERIDGE, William F. HALL °C. 25. HELLER, Joram HILL, Terrell L. HOLLAND, Brian W. HOLME, Christopher HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding Jl, Sungchul JOHNSON, Richard JONES, Howard A. KEMENY, Gabor KING, Desmond N. KITE, Kenneth D.6 Fuze E.4 D.13 F.28 FsZ? F.30 F.30 Fd! Do, F.d2 Fuse FiO F.35 F 47 D.14 KLEMPERER, Derek F. KOESTLER, Arthur Pt LENAZ, Giorgio LUMRY, Rufus Mc LAREN, David LEWIN, Roger LIGHT, David Pioy C37 F.39 F.40 KORNACKER, Karl F.36 Faa7 F.38 KOMINZ, David R. LIPMANN, Fritz (Albert) A.13, F.45 MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley MADDOX, John Royden MITCHELL, Peter Dennis MOROWICZ, Harold F.40 F.41 F.48 MARKOWITZ, David F.41 F.82 F.42 F.43 F.44 MILLARD, Peter H. MOORE, Thomas C.W.F. McClare CSAC 77/1/81 ‘Index of correspondents MUNRO, Robin E. ~ NAQUI, K. Razi NICHOLIS, G. NISBET, Roger M. PAULING, Linus (Carl) PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian POPPER, Sir Karl (Raimund) PORTER, Sir George PRINGLE, John William Sutton EH F.46 F.49 F.49 F.50 Pa ee AHF OZE EC S4. F595 F.58 F, 38 RANDALL, Sir John (Turton) F.14, Fag ROTHEN, Alexandre Caspar RUEGG, J. SILVER, Robert Simpson SPANNER SD. C. A.4 F.60 F.62 F.63 SPARKES, Brian G. WOLPERT, Lewis F.64 F,65 F.66 All; 6. 6e TEITEL, Alfred ‘THOMAS, J. TAWADA, Katsuhisa SPENCER, Michael F.68 F.69 B.10 F.69 TOWNES, Charles Hard TAYLOR, Gordon Rattray SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Pau] F.76 WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick WHYTE, Lancelot Law WILKIE, Douglas Robert WINFIELD, M. E. VERNON, Charles A. YOUNT, Ralph G. A.11, A.12, E.4 F.70 F.70 ro2 ror fwve F.73 F.74 F.34 VASILESCU, V. WEST, lan C,