MARSHALL, Walter Charles Vol1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Walter Charles Marshall, Kt CBE FRS Baron Marshall of Goring (1932-1996) VOLUME | Introduction Section A: Biographical — Section K: Non-textual media NCUACS catalogue no. 171/2/09 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1949-2008 Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Walter Charles Marshall FRS (1932-1996), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 171/2/09 © 2009 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Extent of material: ca 1850 items Deposited in: Churchill College, Cambridge Reference: GB 0014 MRSL W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the (( INNS Yi, Arts & Humanities Research Council W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CHURCHILL COLLEGE CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CAMBRIDGE W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY B.1-B.138 AUTHORITY (UKAEA) SECTION C CENTRAL ELECTRICITY GENERATING BOARD (CEGB) C460 382 SECTION D SELECT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY, ‘THE COST OF NUCLEAR POWER’ SECTION G SECTION J SECTION F ROYAL SOCIETY SECTION E HOUSE OF LORDS SECTION H LECTURES PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS CORRESPONDENCE SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA H.1-H.727 J.1-J.369 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Lady Marshall, Goring-on-Thames, on 11 February 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF WALTER CHARLES MARSHALL Walter Charles Marshall was born in Rumney, Wales, on 5 March 1932, the youngest of three children. His mathematical talent manifested early and, if his recollections are anything to go by, in determined fashion. On his first day at primary school, aged just four-and-a-half, young Marshall insisted he wanted to do sums. At grammar school (St. Illtyd’s College, Cardiff), he ‘knew already [mathematics] was to be my career’ (Personal records submitted to the Royal Society, F.36). In 1949 he left Cardiff with a Major County Scholarship to study at the University of Birmingham. He was the youngest undergraduate there at the time and, as his mentor, the eminent German émigré Rudolf Peierls later told him, ‘the only undergraduate to go to Birmingham with the explicit plan, in advance, to take Peierls’ Mathematical-Physics Honours Course’ (/bid.). Marshall graduated with first class honours in 1952, and took his PhD two years later (Antiferromagnetism, 1954). That same year he was recruited into the Theoretical Physics Division of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at Harwell, recently incorporated into the newly formed United Kingdom Atomic University of California, Berkeley (1957-1958), and Harvard (1958-1959). Upon his return to Harwell he became Leader of the Solid States Theory Group and, in 1960, Head of the Theoretical Physics (1962-1963). visiting scientists, particularly from the US, where Marshall had made a profound impression, and where he continued to spend sabbaticals, notably at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee Energy Authority (UKAEA). Initially assigned to the Plasma Physics Group, Marshall soon returned to his interest in condensed matter physics, developing it further during two periods of study leave at the Division. Under Marshall the Division continued effective collaborations with theoretical physicists at Oxford, among them Peierls, who had relocated from Birmingham. It also attracted large numbers of was promoted to Deputy-Director in 1966 and to Director in 1968), Harwell diversified its aims and envisage the future of AERE Harwell as largely dependent on the extent to which the laboratory would be able to exploit the technological spin-off from its nuclear research and development (‘Harwell and the future direction of the facility required new definition. Harold Wilson’s new Labour government meant to align Britain's public sector with its goals for industry. In this context Marshall began to changes course’, The New Scientists, ed. D. Fishlock, Oxford 1971, pp. 55-71). Under Marshall (he The success of the Theoretical Physics Division shifted Marshall’s career onto a new trajectory, from pure science to the administration of applied science and technology. By the 1960s many of the scientific objectives that had led to the establishment of the Harwell laboratory in 1946 had been met W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 objectives to encompass an industrial programme that by 1976 accounted for over half of the facility's overall programme. Marshall’s role in this process — his ‘contribution to the organisation, utilization and application of science’ — was recognised by the Institute of Physics with an award of the Glazebrook Medal in 1975. That same year he was promoted to Deputy-Chairman of the UKAEA. A concern that increasingly occupied Marshall in the wake of the oil crisis of the early 1970s was long- term energy supply. In 1974 he was appointed Chief Scientist to the Department of Energy, on a part- time basis, a remit he pursued in a variety of arenas. He chaired the Study Group investigating how combined heat and power (CHP) could be linked to district heating schemes, and he inaugurated the Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU) at Harwell, which investigated energy options, encouraged energy conservation in industry and explored renewable sources of energy. But above all he became convinced that a growing nuclear component would be essential for a stable energy policy in the UK. This belief was not shared by the then Energy Secretary Tony Benn MP, and by 1977 Marshall was abruptly asked to return to his duties in the UKAEA full time. Public rehabilitation was not far off. In Margaret Thatcher, who became Prime Minister in May 1979, Marshall found a strong ally for his enthusiasm for nuclear power. As the new Chairman of the UKAEA (1981), it fell to him to coordinate the work of a new Task Force to sort out disagreements over the design for a ‘British PWR’, i.e. a Pressurised Water Reactor that complied with UK nuclear safety philosophies. The Task Force settled the design for Sizewell B. Marshall emerged from the process as an adept negotiator who could lead a divided and quarrelsome industry. In 1982 he was appointed Chairman of the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), and received a knighthood. 1985 Miners’ Strike earned him a peerage (1985). Much of Marshall’s time during his later years at the nuclear industry. protest against the government's decision in November 1989 to abandon plans for the privatisation of flask would survive the impact of a rail crash (the memorable event took place on the Old Dalby Test Track in Leicestershire in July 1984). His subsequent efforts to ‘keep the lights on’ during the 1984- In the years to follow he became the public face of nuclear expansion and nuclear safety arguments. In one episode, he helped stage a crash test as part of a public demonstration that a nuclear waste the helm of the CEGB was taken up with repairing the image of nuclear power after the Chernobyl reactor accident in April 1986, and with advising the government on its plans to privatise the electricity supply industry. He wished to take the CEGB into the private sector in one piece and resigned in up a peer review system for nuclear operators and a Users Group for Soviet Built Reactors that would Following the Chernobyl accident Marshall had been quick to identify and publicize the design flaws of resignation from the CEGB six months later. Among other things he used his two terms in office to set nuclear utilities. At the foundation of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) in May the reactor in question. By the autumn of 1988 he emerged as Chairman of a steering group to produce a charter for a new international organisation to promote worldwide collaboration between 1989, Marshall was elected Chairman of the Governing Board, a role he expanded following his W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 allow operators in the former Soviet Union to collaborate in a non-political way. After stepping down as Chairman of WANO in April 1993, he continued on as WANO Ambassador, advising the Users Group and lobbying the West for financial and technological aid to improve reactor safety in the countries of the former Soviet Union. From 1991 onwards he also became active in a new syndicate of Lloyd’s of London specialising in nuclear insurance, and he was co-opted as Western observer and participant (‘Overseas Advisor’) when a new think-tank-cum-laboratory, the Institute of Nuclear Safety (INSS), was set up by the Kansai Electric Power Company, Japan, in 1992. To use Marshall’s own words, after his resignation from the CEGB he reinvented himself as an ‘international nuclear guru’ (Letters to Lord Sharp of Grimsdyke and Richard V. Giordano, both 23 March 1994, J.239). Marshall received numerous honours and awards during his life. These included honorary degrees from a number of British universities and both the Maxwell and the Glazebrook Medals of the Institute of Physics. Overseas honours included Foreign Associateship of the National Academy of Engineering, US, Fellowship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, the 1985 American Henry de Wolf Smythe Nuclear Statesman Award and the International Award of the Canadian Nuclear Association (1991). Marshall was elected a fellow of the Royal Society in 1971. He received a CBE in 1973, a knighthood in 1982 and was elevated to the peerage as Lord Marshall of Goring in 1985. In 1984, he was made a Freeman of the City of London. Upon taking his first job in 1954, he married Ann Vivienne Shepperd, who came from the same village. They had a daughter, Victoria Ann, and a son, Jonathan Charles. Marshall died on 20 February 1996. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 44 (1998), pp. 299-312. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Chairman of the CEGB, 1982-1989, and his subsequent activities to promote nuclear safety on an international level through WANO, the World Association of Nuclear Operators. and work, ‘Walter Charles Marshall, CBE, Lord Marshall of Goring, 5 March 1932-20 February 1996’, The collection spans nearly six decades 1949-2008, though the bulk dates from Marshall’s years as The above summary is greatly indebted to D. Fishlock’s and L.E.J. Roberts’s account of Marshall's life both in the US and at Harwell, 1959-1965, and a substantial series of notebooks, 1954-1965, in which Section B, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, documents Marshall’s research and lecturing Section A, Biographical, presents interviews, profiles and some autobiographical material, notes on lectures from Marshall’s time as a student at the University of Birmingham, 1949-1954, and diaries from his last year as Chairman of the CEGB (1989) to 1995. There are also address books and some activities while at AERE Harwell. The material includes annotated typescripts of courses he delivered photographs. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 he recorded discussions with colleagues, visits to research facilities and notes on literature covering various aspects of solid state physics. There is also briefing material relating to Marshall’s testimony before the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy in February 1980, bearing on thermal reactor policy and nuclear industry organisation. Marshall’s involvement in Harwell’s evolution into a research service provider over the 1970s is represented in an account that appeared in the Financial Times in 1973. Section C, Central Electricity Generating Board, represents Marshall’s Chairmanship of the CEGB 1982-1989, including his resignation and aftermath. Of particular interest are his notes for meetings with successive Secretaries of State for Energy and the Prime Minister, 1983-1989, covering both the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike and the privatisation process of the electricity supply industry in the late 1980s. These are followed by a substantial body of reference material bearing on the latter and other topics. Two further series provide more documentation of the privatisation process. Marshall also accumulated an extensive collection of press coverage of the government's decision not to privatise nuclear power and his ensuing resignation from the CEGB. Section D, Select Committee on Energy, details Marshall's testimony before the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy investigating the background of the Government's decision in November 1989 not to privatise the nuclear power industry. The material includes the report of the Committee, entitled ‘The Cost of Nuclear Power’, and response from the press, government and Marshall himself. of the CEGB, then on behalf of WANO, left him little time to attend the Lords. commitment to the public understanding of science and technology in Britain. Section G, Papers and publications, chiefly represents Marshall’s period as a theoretical physicist. Maiden speech, and some correspondence and papers relating to bills before the House in the years to follow. This is not an extensive section as Marshall's professional commitments, first as Chairman Section F, Royal Society, another small section, chiefly documents Marshall’s involvement in 1986, while some correspondence testifies to attempts on Marshall's part to deepen the Society’s Section E, House of Lords, consists of Marshall’s introduction to the House of Lords in 1985, his the Society’s Engineering, Technology and Industries Committee, of which he was a member 1983- nominations for Fellowship from the 1970s to the 1990s. There also are papers relating to the work of particularly rich and often includes storyboards (in colour). The last quarter of this series allows insight correspondence and drafts of lectures. During the 1980s, when Marshall had an entire team of writers and technical experts at his disposal as Chairman of the CEGB, this lecture material is visually Section H, Lectures, by far the largest section, forms a substantial record of Marshall’s career as a This is documented in a series of annotated drafts of scientific papers and offprints, 1950s to early 1970s, including the original dividers used at Harwell to order and re-order Marshall’s published research output. Some miscellaneous later publications are of a more popular nature. public exponent of nuclear power and nuclear safety, 1968-1995. The material includes W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 into Marshall’s take on the progress of WANO and his concern with the safety of nuclear power plants in the former Soviet Union. Section J, Correspondence, consists principally of Marshall’s outgoing correspondence during the last six years of his life, also recorded in three logbooks of his correspondence. In conjunction with the relevant portions of his lectures from the period, these testify eloquently to his engagement with WANO’s safety mission. Other activities covered include his consultancy work for the nuclear insurance syndicate of Lloyd’s of London and the Institute of Nuclear Safety (INSS) in Japan. Another small sequence includes incoming correspondence, much of it personal, from the period leading up to Marshall's resignation from the CEGB and the rebuilding of his life in the month that followed. There also is a little loose material from the 1970s and 80s, and some correspondence bearing on Marshall's plans for a life ‘after’ WANO. Section K, Non-textual media, is the smallest section. It includes some lectures slides, a sound recording, and film footage recording ‘operation smash hit’ (a public test of nuclear flask resilience) and Marshall's immensely popular ‘Garden Lecture’. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS her late husband’s archive; to Sue Connell (Archivist of the UKAEA) and Eric Jenkins (Manager of UKAEA Image Resources) for their generous help with image research and other matters; and to Anna-K. Mayer Colin Jones of the Library Services, University of Birmingham. We are grateful to Lady Marshall for making the papers available and for information on aspects of Bath, 2009 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.52 1949-1998, n.d. A.1-A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.8, A.9 BIBLIOGRAPHIES A.10-A.40 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM A.41-A.50 DIARIES AND ADDRESS BOOKS A.51, A.52 PHOTOGRAPHS BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1971-1996 Obituaries ‘Memorial speech’ death Announcement of typescript authored by Marshall and sent to the journalist R. Lindley on Also includes other biographical accounts. 5 January 1996. followed 5pp_ by The Times, 23 February 1996. Guardian, 23 February 1996. Independent, 26 February 1996. ?Daily Telegraph [no further information]. See also F.36. Marshall was cremated in Oxford on 1 March, following a funeral service at St Andrew's Church in South Stoke, Oxfordshire. Lindley delivered the memorial speech. He had programme about recently Marshall's life. Personal record, compiled for the Royal Society made a television W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Biographical, A.1-A.52 Entries for biographical dictionaries 1993x1995 Includes entries for Debrett’s People of Today and Who’s Who. Also includes a CV. Interviews and profiles 1971-1996 Includes interview ‘Managing research in a government- funded laboratory’ (Enterprise, Summer 1971, 10-13) and profiles (1989), Nucleonics Week (1990) and New Nuclear Europe Worldscan (1996). Nuclear Industry (1975), Nature in 3 folders. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1965x1998 Includes listings from Marshall’s time at Harwell, with finding G, Publications, with the original dividers at G.80). publications Section (see aid his of 2 folders. A.10-A.40 1949x1952 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM Contents of two loose-leaf binders with dividers. Notes on literature and lectures, with an overview on the first page. In original order. 1949x1954 Marshall studied mathematical physics at the University of Birmingham, 1949-1952, obtaining first class honours. under the Two years supervision Rudolf Peierls (Antiferromagnetism, 1954). Divided up as follows: overview followed by ‘Quantum Mechanics [Flowers], 56pp foliated (A.10, A.11); ‘(Own Notes On] Halliday’, 14pp foliated (A.12); ‘W. Marshall’, 14pp foliated 5Spp ‘[Moon (Nuclear Physics)]’, PhD physicist his émigré he completed A.10-A.25 later of the eminent Binder 1 (A.13); W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Biographical, A.1-A.52 + 2, A.17); ‘Circuit ‘Electricity Theory’, 1p (A.15): (A.14); ‘Cosmic Rays’, 4pp foliated to 1p ‘Hydrodynamics [Peierls + Brown]’, 50pp foliated + 13pp foliated (A.16, (A.18); ‘Plane Waves’, 18pp foliated (A.20); ‘Magnetism’, 11pp foliated + (A.22): ‘Nuclear Physics’ + ‘Dr Walker’, 25pp foliated (1-24 + 5a) (A.23); ‘Classical Statistics’, 14pp foliated + 2pp (A.24); and ‘X-rays’, 10pp foliated (A.25). + Magnetism’, 17pp ‘Astro-Physics’, foliated foliated (A.19); (A.21); 10pp 2pp 16 folders. A.26-A.40 Binder 2 1949x1954 as up 1p; 3pp ‘Solid State’, ‘Notes foliated follows: on Smythe’ Divided ‘Static Electricity’, 5pp foliated (A.26); ‘Magnetism’, 2pp foliated ‘Cerenkov + Radiation [Own], 3pp (A.27); ‘Second lecture by Prof. Bloch Burcham’, [Michael's various foliated and non-foliated sequences on relativity physics, spherical (A.29- A.40). higher mechanics, etc. ‘Theorem followed 7pp Lecture], foliated 2pp + ‘1p; (A.28); trigonometry, 4pp; + + of by A.41 ‘1989’ Diaries 15 folders. A.41-A.48 A.41-A.50 1989-1995 1989-1995, n.d. DIARIES AND ADDRESS BOOKS Hardback appointments book, A4 size, with logo of the Central Electricity Generating Board embossed on the front cover. Turquoise cardboard. 1989 Hardback appointments book, Ad size, with the logo of National Power embossed on Blue cardboard. “1990) cover. front the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Biographical, A.1-A.52 OOK Hardback appointments book, A5 size. Black plastic. 1992) Hardback appointments book, marble effect. A5 size. Black plastic, 1993 Hardback appointments book, A5 size. marble effect. Black plastic, ‘1994’ Hardback appointments book, Ad size. Black plastic. ‘1994-1995’ 1994-1995 1995’ Address books ‘Addresses’ Soft pocket diary, burgundy plastic. Hardback appointments book, Ad size. Blue plastic. directory. Hardback material at front and business cards throughout. Includes _ intercalated address book, A4. ‘WM’'s address book’ Marshall’s personal telephone Soft booklet, silver. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Biographical, A.1-A.52 PHOTOGRAPHS 1982x1989, n.d. Portraits of Lord Marshall 1982x1989 Series of four photographs from the same occasion, one monochrome (passport size), the rest in colour. with material re Further includes two monochrome photographs, originally found ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston upon Thames, 23 October 1986. Marshall's lecture Portraits of Lady Marshall Two photographs, one of them in colour. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION B UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY (UKAEA), B.1-B.138 1954-1980, n.d. “THEORIES OF MAGNETISM’ and ‘LECTURES AT HARWELL’ B.42-B.103 NOTEBOOKS B.104-B.137 SELECT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY B.138 ‘HARWELL GOES COMMERCIAL’ ‘THEORIES OF MAGNETISM’ and ‘LECTURES AT HARWELL’ 21959-71969 Contents of a box file so inscribed, with dividers labelled as follows: ‘A, Lectures on Thermal Neutron Scattering from Solids’, ‘B, Theory of Magnetism’, ‘C, Some Aspects ‘E, of Investigations Neutron Scattering’ Phenomena Conference’. Magnetic Report Materials on Ferromagnetism’, Phenomena’, Critical Critical using and ‘D, ‘F, of leaf so inscribed. ‘Lectures on Thermal Neutron Scattering from Solids. A course of lectures given at Harvard University, Spring 1959’ Original typescript with Further inscribed: ‘Theoretical Physics Division, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire, April 1963’ and ‘Unclassified’. 21959-1963 ‘Lecture Fundamentals: Coherence and Incoherence’ Lectures 5 and typescript on US letter size paper. are photocopies from 1, Thermal Neutron Scattering Solids. 11pp. older from title 8-11 an W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Lecture 2, Bragg Scattering’ 11pp + 3pp (appendix 1, ‘Scattering from a single free nucleus’). ‘Lecture 3, Magnetic Interaction’ 13 pp. ‘Lecture 4, Elastic Magnetic Scattering’ 24pp. ‘Section 5, Magnetic Scattering from Transition Metals and Alloy’ 16pp. Photocopy. ‘Lecture 6, Phonon Theory’ ‘Lecture 7, Scattering by Phonons’ 12pp. Photocopy. 14pp. 17pp. ‘Section 8, Magnetic Inelastic Scattering: Spin Waves’ 6pp. Photocopy. ‘Section 10, Correlation Functions: Magnetic Scattering’ ‘Section 9, Correlation Functions: Nuclear Scattering 14pp. Photocopy. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Section 11, Polarisation Effects’ 16pp. Photocopy. B.13-B.26 ‘Theory of Magnetism. A course of lectures given in the Autumn 1961 at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell’ Typescript, first page so inscribed. ‘Lecture 1’ 8pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. ‘Lecture 2’ 6pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. ‘Lecture 3’ ‘Lecture 4’ ‘Lecture 5’ ‘Lecture 6’ ‘Lecture VII’ 8pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. 8pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. 9pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. December 1961. 8pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in pencil and red pen. 8pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in pencil, dated 9 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Lecture 8’ 7pp mimeograph, lightly annotated in red pen. ‘Lecture 9’ 12pp ?carbon copy. B22, B23 ‘Lecture 10’ 14pp manuscript, lightly annotated in red pen, and 6pp typescript copy (used front and back). 2 folders. ‘Lecture 11’ original 6pp (equations). typescript with handwritten insertions ‘Lecture 12’ typescript with insertions ‘Lecture 13’ typescript, used front and back. Also original 7pp (equations). 4pp inscribed ‘{Un]classified - approved for publication’ and ‘T.P. 82’ (at front), and ‘No standard distribution except to A.E.R.E. Library’ (at back). 10pp, further inscribed ‘Unclassified’ and ‘AERE. TP/103’. ‘Some Aspects of Ferromagnetism’ April-May 1963 Original typescript. handwritten B.27-B.34 ‘Lecture 1’ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Lecture 2’ 10pp, further inscribed ‘Unclassified’ and ‘AERE. TP/104’. B.29-B.31 ‘Lecture 3’ original typescript, 8pp earlier typescript (with corrections in pencil), original ‘Form for the issue of AERE scientific/technical documents’ for de- Classification, dated 15 May 1963. carbon-copy 8pp of 3 folders. B.32-B.34 ‘Lecture 4’ typescript, 12pp original earlier typescript (with corrections in pencil), original ‘Form for the issue of AERE scientific/technical documents’ for de- classification, dated 16 May 1963. 12pp carbon-copy of 3 folders. ‘Lecture 1’ Lectures given at Bell Bound copy 21963-1964 (four lectures) 17pp typescript. ‘Critical Telephone Research Laboratory, September, 1963’ Phenomena. Manuscript. further leaf Complete inscribed Publication’, ‘AERE-L 144’, ‘Theoretical Physics Division, U.K.A.E.A Research Research Establishment, and ‘HL64/6508’. ‘Investigations of Magnetic Materials using Neutron Scattering’ set ‘Unclassified’, Energy ‘November November 1964 with ‘Approved B.37-B.39 title for Group, Atomic HARWELL’, 1964’ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Lecture Waves’ 1, Basic Formulae, Bragg Scattering, Spin Further inscribed ‘T.P. 214 1.1’. 10pp + 5pp illustrations (reproductions). B.38, B.39 ‘Lecture alloys and transition ion complexes’ 2, Magnetic Moment distributions in metals, Further inscribed ‘TP215 2.1’. 4pp + 4pp illustrations (reproductions). includes AERE typescript ‘Covalency Effects Also Neutron Antiferromagnetic dated February 1965. Diffraction Salts’ from (Marshall Ferromagnetic with J. in and Hubbard), 2 folders. ‘Report on Critical Phenomena Conference’ B.42-B.103 NOTEBOOKS 185’ at front and ‘Contract Research at Harwell’ Typescript, 7pp + 7pp tables and graphs. Also inscribed ‘Unclassified’ and ‘TP. ‘HL65/2373’ at end. 6pp + 3pp illustrations. Notes on W. Heitler, The Quantum Theory of Radiation Series notes, originally in ring binders. Undated but probably date from between 1954 and 1965. n:G: 1954x?1965 n.d., 1954- 1965 of eight notebooks with handwritten B.42-B.58 Foolscap size B.42-B.44 ‘General’ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 (3rd edition, 1954), paginated. 3 folders. B.45-B.47 ‘Alloys’ 1 Notes on ‘Hartree on Atomic Calculations’, ‘A. Abragam, J. Horowitz and M.H.L. Pryce’, ‘G.W. Pratt. 102, 1303, 1956’ (B.45), ‘R.K. Nesbet P.R. 118, 681, 1960’, ‘Eigenstates of p.70’, ‘Scattering Theory’ (B.46), ‘Blondin + Daniel J.P.C.S. 10, 126, 1959’, ‘Blondin and Friedel, Quadrupole Effects on N.M.R. in alloys’, ‘P.W. Anderson: P.R. 124, 41, 1961’ (B.47). a Square-Well Potential, Schiff P.R. 3 folders. B.48, B.49 ‘Alloys’ 2 Notes on ‘J. Friedel, Adv. in Physics 3, 446, 1954’ (B.48), ‘Specific Heats and Magnetic Susceptibilities’ (B.49). ‘y-rays’ 2 folders. ‘NMR’ Mims; Para. Relax. in Ni 2 folders. B51 B52 ‘Microwaves’ Notes on ‘Orientation of Spins in FeOQz, CoOz, etc. using Méssbauer effect’, ‘R. Bullough’. Notes on ‘Ferromagnetic Resonance’, ‘K.D. Bowers and W.B. (B.51), ‘Derek on Optical Properties of Metals’, ‘L.R. Walker P.R. 105, Scott. On Dynamic Polarization’ (B.52). Nuclei’, ‘[Untitled]’ (B.54). Notes on ‘A. Abragam and W.G. Proctor: P.R. 109, 1441, of 1958’ Dynamic Orientation Fluosilicates’ 390, 1957’, ‘P.L. B.53, B.54 (B.53), ‘C.D. Jeffries. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 2 folders. ‘Salts’ Notes on ‘Transferred Hyperfine Interaction Parameters’, ‘Keffer et al. P.R. 115, 1553, 1959’, ‘W. Hayer and D.A. Jones. P.P.S. LXXI 503, 1958. Para. Imp. in NaF’, ‘Baker, Bleaney and Hayes’, ‘R.G. Shulman: Preprint on N.M.R. in KMnF;’ (B.55), Philips: On the calculation of crystal field parameters’, ‘Spin-Spin Interaction: Operator Equivalents’, ‘Comments on Shulman and Knox’, ‘Use Condon and Shortley Phase Conventions’, ‘J.E. Kunzler, L.R. Walker and J.K. Galt. P.R. 119, 1609, 1960’ (B.56). ‘J.C. 2 folders. B:57,Bi05 [Untitled] Notes on ‘V. Crocker’ (B.57) and ‘J. Tait’ (B.58). 2 folders. on topics including B.59-B.63 B.59-B.103 of eight notebooks notes, Series originally in ring binders. B.59-B.74 were found in three clothbound US manufactured binders, B.75-B.96 in three green plastic binders. handwritten with n.d., ?1958- 1965 ‘Private communications et al.’ Medium quarto [US letter] size 5 folders. literature Mislabelled. Overview followed ‘Anisotropy ' of 1937-1958, ferromagnets’, ‘Resistance anomalies’, etc. Also includes notes on ‘Research at FORD Labs’, ‘Summary of Gordon Conference (1958)’, ‘Discussions at Lincoln Labs 28 Oct 58’, ‘Research at Bell Pittsburgh’, Laboratories ‘Research at Westinghouse’, ‘Discussion with Jones’, ‘Research at G.E. Schenectady’, ‘1 Oct 1959 Discussion with Arrott about Overhouser’s’, and ‘Discussion with J. Bell 24 Jan 1960’. n.d., ?1958- 21960 ‘Magnetohydrodynamics’, by notes on 10 Jan 1959’, ‘Research at W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 B.64-B.68 ‘Extinction, Hugenholtz, Wilson, Group theory’ So inscribed. Notes on ‘Extinction’ missing, ‘Hugenholtz [1957] (at ‘Wilson. Transport properties’ (B.66), ‘Group theory’ (B.67, B.68). B.65), B.64, 5 folders. B.69-B.74 ‘Salts’ So inscribed. Overview followed by notes on 1935-1958. literature 6 folders. B.75-B.79 ‘A, W. Marshall’ 1965-[7] notes Lecture So inscribed. Overview (‘A, Contents’) followed by notes on ‘Liquids and Critical Region’ (‘mostly is a commentary on ‘Spin Waves’ (‘Discusses Green’s functions and Spin Waves. Sets out Problem neatly’, ‘Reviews Tahir Kheli, Cullen very briefly’, ‘Another attempt which fails [etc.]’) (B.76), and ‘Critical Phenomena’ (B.77-B.79). Bell Telephones’) (B.75), at January- 5 folders. 9 folders. 8 folders. inscribed. of Hyperfine B.80-B.88 followed by for given states of ‘Calculations Overview (‘B’) ‘B, W. Marshall’ notes on Quadrupole ‘Mdéssbauer + S’=1/2’, So literature, interactions Problem’, ‘Various Calculations for Ferrous Salts’, etc. March 1965 [Time dependence of critical scattering, specific heat of alloys, etc.] Overview (incomplete) followed by notes on literature and calculations. [Neutron diffraction, scattering, phase shift etc. ] B.97-B.102 B.89-B.96 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 ‘Working list’ and list of ‘Problems’ (B.97), followed by notes on literature: ‘Ruderman and Kittel [1954], ‘Owen, Browne, Knight and Kittel [1956]’, ‘Owen, Browne, Arp and Kip [1957], ‘K. Yosida [1957], ‘Comment’ (B.98), [1956], ‘Kasuya [1957], ‘Kittel and al.’, ‘Spedding et Abrahams [1953]’ etc. (B.100-B.102). ‘Behringer ‘Sato, (B.99), ‘Superexchange’ Arrott and Kikuchi’, [1957], ‘Pratt + 6 folders. [Antiferromagnets] Notes on literature (1951-1954) re antiferromagnets. B.104-B.137 SELECT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY Contents of Select Committee Feb ‘80’. a box file inscribed ‘Briefing material for on B.104-B.108 B.104, B.105 their views on Select Committee hearing Following the Government's statement on nuclear power policy 18 December 1979, the UKAEA had been asked by the House of Commons Select Committee on give Energy to a range of questions bearing on the statement. The Authority submitted a memorandum, ‘Aspects of Thermal Reactor Policy and Nuclear Industry Organisation’, and on 13 February 1980 Marshall gave evidence to the Committee (together with Sir John Hill, the Chairman of the UKAEA). 2 folders. Handwritten notes, draft typescript ‘Brief/Speaking Note for Dr. W. Marshall’s appearance at Select Committee on Energy [etc.]’, typescripts ‘Dr Marshall's evidence to the Select Committee on Energy’ (an additional briefing re post-yield fracture mechanics etc.) and ‘Supplementary brief, Chairman’s question 6, Deployment of Effort on PWR’. Marshall’s speaking notes W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 B.106-B.108 Minutes of evidence taken before the Energy Committee, Sir John Hill and Dr Walter Marshall February 1980 Typescript transcript. 3 folders. Press response Press reports on the hearing. B.110-B.121 Marshall's briefing folder Originally in a ring binder. With cover letter and overview. 14-15 February 1980 8 February 1980 Includes information on the Select Committee, copies of memoranda and evidence taken and detailed briefing material re the following points: ‘Thermal reactor policy’: ‘Previous investigations by Select Committee’; ‘Authority programmes in support of thermal reactors’; and ‘Gerald Leach’s low energy future’. issues’; reactor safety’; ‘Safety ‘Fast date, by to it 21 and draft version of the Sir Alan and the 12 folders. B.122-B.129 memoranda, January-February Correspondence 1980 Leach was to give evidence to the Committee on February. final UKAEA Includes Select Committee, typescript of memorandum to the CEGB gave notes taken when the Chairman of the evidence, Committee, Select Committees being covered by Parliamentary immunity, copy the Committee, typescript of notes taken when Leach and gave Lord includes J. Surrey’s review of nuclear plant correspondence re other press performance, evidence presented the Westinghouse’s to upcoming testimony. Cottrell gave evidence on 20 February. Cottrell’s memorandum to coverage Committee, correspondence evidence re witnesses at evidence. of Gerald Leach’s written Bowden’ Also _ to of and 8 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, B.1-B.138 B.130-B.137 Additional material 1980, n.d. briefing in re ‘Underclad note French B.131), cracking by FRAMATOME’ (B.132), Includes copies of the following: HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, Safety Assessment Principles for Nuclear by Power Reactors (B.130, M. Davies PWRs manufactured Alan Select Committee on Cottrell’s Science 1974 (‘Fractures of steel pressure vessels’) (B.133), J. Surrey and S. Thomas, World Wide Nuclear Plant Performance: Lessons for Technology Policy (SPRU Occasional Paper Lord Bowden’s Series no. ‘Nuclear power in essay’ (B.135), etc. 10, January 1980) (B.134), evidence and before Technology, the United Kingdom - an Sir the given 23 January 8 folders. SPRU was the Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex. ‘HARWELL GOES COMMERCIAL’ Copy of ‘Harwell goes commercial’, Financial Times, 12 January 1973. a research services Discusses Harwell’s evolution into provider to industry, prompted by changes in Government attitudes towards its research establishments in 1970. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION C CENTRAL (CEGB), C.1-C.342 ELECTRICITY GENERATING BOARD 1982-1992 1982-1989, the Papers documenting Marshall's Chairmanship of CEGB, 19 on December 1989 and aftermath. The bulk of the material relates to the privatisation of the UK electricity supply industry. Also covers the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike. resignation including his C.1-C.80 ‘EARLY CORRESPONDENCE’ and ‘MEETINGS’ and ‘PRIVATISATION + COAL STRIKE’ C.81-C.174 REFERENCE MATERIAL C.175-C.257 ‘PRIVATISATION PAPERS’, | C.258-C.266 ‘PRIVATISATION PAPERS’, II C.267-C.342 ‘PRESS CUTTINGS’ 1982-1989 Correspondence 1982-1987 Contents of a box file so inscribed. ‘EARLY CORRESPONDENCE WITH NIGEL LAWSON THEN WALKER’ and ‘MEETINGS WITH PARKINSON, WAKEHAM + THATCHER’ and ‘PRIVATISATION + COAL STRIKE’ 1987 ‘Department of Energy private correspondence’ Originally in a folder so inscribed. July 1982- November 1982 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 1983 6 folders. 1984-1987 C.10-C.12 ‘Drafts of letters to SoS on objectives’ From a file so inscribed. The inscription continued ‘never sent, WM might like to consult in future’. 3 folders. C.13-C.80 Meetings 1983-1989 In chronological order. See also H.80. 7 July 1983 Handwritten notes, 5pp. 14 October 1983 C.13-C.60 Meetings with the Secretary of State for Energy 1983-1989 Office holders in the period were Peter Walker (11 June 1983-13 June 1987), Cecil Parkinson (13 June 1987-24 July 1989) and John Wakeham (24 July 1989-11 April 1992). Minister, C.72-C.75. Handwritten notes, 8pp. Some pages dated 16 October 1983. Handwritten notes, 1pp. See also briefing of the Prime 25 July 1984 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Coal situation’, 4 September 1984 Handwritten illustrations. notes, 3pp + 5Spp briefing notes with 18 September 1984 Annotated briefing material re increases in fired output capability, 11pp. Includes illustrations. oil- and gas- ‘Endurance’, 2 October 1984 Handwritten notes, 3pp + material. 1p + 3pp typescript briefing C.19-C.22 ‘Endurance’, 22 October 1984 Original notes, (C.19), with extensive briefing material (C.20-C.22). Handwritten inscribed. folder so 6pp 4 folders. 8 November 1984 31 October 1984 Handwritten notes, 2pp + 5pp briefing material. Further includes correspondence. Handwritten notes, 2pp + 7pp briefing material. Further includes correspondence. material. Folder so inscribed. Handwritten notes, 1p + 9pp briefing Handwritten annotated. 22 November 1984 15 November 1984 notes, 2pp + 8pp_ briefing material, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 3 December 1984 Handwritten notes, 1p + 4pp briefing material. 11 December 1984 Handwritten notes, 2pp + 5pp briefing material. 19 December 1984 notes, 2pp + 2pp_ briefing material Handwritten (annotated). 1984 Undated memorandum re planned ‘exchange electricity between EdF and CEGB to mutual benefit’, 4pp. Covers arrangements for the treaty, penalty clauses, timing of the signature, etc. Arthur Scargill. Once line that the 10 January 1985 21 January 1985 of Mineworkers, present cut-back is only Handwritten notes, 2pp + 3pp briefing material. Marshall feared that to sign the agreement at the end of May [1984] would provoke the leader of the National Union public be used to support knowledge, the agreement could ‘Scargill’s the beginning of a massacre of the coal industry’. Handwritten notes, 3pp + 4pp briefing material. Handwritten notes, 2pp + 5pp briefing material (including an original CEGB update re the coal supply situation at the Didcot power station, Oxfordshire). Further marked ‘long Folder so inscribed. 30 January 1985 meeting’. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 14 February 1985 Handwritten notes (3pp) and extensive annotated briefing material (9pp + 6pp), projecting scenarios for recovery should the Miners’ Strike end by 1 March. 26 February 1985 Handwritten notes, 2pp + 4pp briefing material. Further includes and transmission lines, with annotations outlining the situation in the South West. generating showing stations map a 5 March 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p + 3pp briefing material, including a diagram projecting recovery and consolidation after 1 April 1985, detailing coal stocks at home and abroad. 1 April 1985 16 April 1985 21 June 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p. Handwritten notes, 2pp. Handwritten notes, 2pp. Handwritten notes, 1p. Handwritten notes, 2pp. 19 December 1985 21 October 1985 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 20 January 1986 Handwritten notes, 2pp. 19 February 1986 Handwritten notes, 2pp. 16 April 1986 Handwritten notes, 1p. ‘End February [1987] Handwritten notes, 1p. 2 March 1987 27 March 1987 22 June 1987 3pp. Handwritten notes, 5pp. Handwritten notes, 2pp. Handwritten notes, 7pp. The meeting was with Cecil Parkinson, who took over as Secretary of State for Energy on 13 June. September’. Handwritten notes, Further includes handwritten briefing documents: ‘Coal fired power stns’ (1p) from a folder marked ‘Explained to S of S but he, very properly, stood folder marked ‘Endurance and targets, prepared for meeting on 10 17 aside from comment, and 3pp from a 17 September 1987 but not used. September 1987 Used on W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 28 September 1987 Handwritten notes, 2pp. 8 June 1989 Handwritten notes, 1p, and correspondence, including a letter to Parkinson's privatisation scheme. objections Marshall which out set his in C.52-C.56 13 July 1989 Correspondence (including correspondence arising from the meeting at C.55, C.56. documents Drafts of financing PWRs). briefing CEGB_ and the of re 5 folders. 1 August 1989 6 September 1989 Handwritten notes, 2pp + 3pp + ‘1p. At the time Baker was the Chief Executive of the CEGB. The meeting was with John Wakeham, who took over as Secretary of State for Energy on 24 July. Typescript account (2pp) of the meeting by J.W. Baker, who had accompanied Marshall. Further includes a letter from staff representatives at Sizewell ‘A’ Power Station, sent to their MPs and copied among others to the Prime Minister. Handwritten notes, 9pp. Typescript account (2pp) of the meeting by J.W. Baker, correspondence. 5 October 1989 Miscellaneous W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.61-C.71 Meetings with the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Energy 1983x1989 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Alastair Goodlad’. Goodlad was in office 26 November 1984-11 May 1987. 6 February 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p. 11 February 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p. 12 March 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p. 25 July 1985 29 April 1985 Handwritten notes, 1p. December 1986 Handwritten notes, 1p. Handwritten notes, 1p. Handwritten notes, in chronological order. Handwritten notes, 7pp. C.68-C.71 Additional material Undated 1984x1987 1983x1989 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 (1p), ‘Lord Avon 1/Aug/83’ Includes Couzens 3/Aug/83’ (4pp), [Robert Armstrong] 15/May/84’ (5pp), ‘Philip Jones 8 Holdgate ... 28/Oct/85’ (1p), ‘Kenneth Baker + William Waldegrave 29/1/86’ (2pp), ‘Sunningdale: P. Middleton/K. Couzens/T. Beckett Exec 16/May’ (8pp), etc. ‘Martin (3pp), [85] ‘Ken Jan 4 folders. C.72-C.80 Meetings with the Prime Minister 1984-1985 C.72-C.75 ‘25 July 1985’ 1984 From a file so inscribed. Probably mislabelled (see dates on documents; also compare C.15). The meeting in question is more likely place in July 1984. to have taken ‘Endurance | Presentation’ (1p), 2 folders. typescript ‘Endurance III Current’ ‘Endurance II Background’ so inscribed. notes From a file so inscribed. Handwritten notes. ‘Questions’ (2pp), presentation (4pp), annotated graphs (2pp). In original order, as follows: From a file handwritten briefing documents (3pp + 8pp), handwritten notes (4pp), annotated CEGB briefing document ‘endurance’ (9pp). From a file so inscribed. In original order. file so inscribed. From a as follows: handwritten notes (2pp), CEGB briefing documents ‘NUM dispute: Staffordshire opencast coal’ (4pp) and ‘NUM industrial action’ (10pp). In original order, ‘29 July 1985’ C.76-C.80 1985, n.d. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 Letters to the Prime Minister Typescript, 2pp. July 1985 Ci C18 Notes and briefing documents follows: handwritten notes As (16pp), CEGB briefing documents (4pp + 5pp), map of ‘Supergrid system 1988’, CEGB briefing documents ‘Variation of endurance [etc.]’, ‘Coal availability projections’, ‘Projected coal availability’ (1p each). 2 folders. C.79, C.80 Illustrations Ten pieces, some in colour. As follows: ‘Average annual ‘Average power power production ‘Snupps-Callaway nuclear plant cumulative MWe capacity factors’, etc. production French AGRs’, PWRs’, annual 2 folders. C.81-C.174 REFERENCE MATERIAL 1984-1987 ‘Lectures and talks’ Series of 13 thematic ring binders, in chronological order. March 1984 Includes overview of the ring binder. Typescript outline of a speech (‘Operations talk’) to be given by Marshall, with background material. So labelled on spine. Includes table of contents detailing occasions and authors/presenters of each talk. In original order. ‘Operational points (draft by F. Ledger), 1984’ 1984-1988 C.81-C.83 January- C.81-C.96 3 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.84-C.86 ‘Talk by Admiral Rickover (May 1979)’ January 1986 Copy of a talk by Admiral H.G. Rickover, USN, before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Production of the Committee on Science and Technology, US House of Representatives (55pp). Circulated by J.G. Collier and with Marshall’s notes. 3 folders. Collier was the Director General of the CEGB. ‘Energy for the next generation (Peter Walker) (June 1986)’ 25 June 1986 a speech by Typescript of Energy on Engineering Employers’ cover letter. the future of nuclear power, given the Secretary of State for the Includes a Federation (7pp). at ‘Speech to first session of IAEA special conference (Sept 86)’ October 1986 of of the special general material March 1987 conference the to Conservative Members of distributed Typescript of Department of Energy Parliament, 16pp + cover letter. information ‘Sizewell and Britain’s future energy policy - D.En. (March 1987)’ Annotated typescript (marked ‘excellent’) of a speech by the Secretary of State for Energy, given at the opening session the International Atomic Energy Agency in October 1986 (7pp). Includes a cover letter. 1988 ‘David J. Rose Lecture in Nuclear Technology - Lord Marshall. 5 April 1988’ Draft typescript of a lecture Marshall planned to deliver at the Boston, Mass., US. 23pp. of Technology, Massachusetts The visit was cancelled. 12 February Institute by W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.91-C.96 ‘20th JAIF papers’ April 1987 Typescripts of presentations from the first session of the 20th Japan Atomic Energy Industrial Forum (JAIF). See also H.415. 6 folders. Authors included J.-P. Capron (Administrator General of the Atomic Energy Commissariat), N. F. Lukonin (Head of the Soviet Ministry of Nuclear Power), H. Blix (Director General Hiraiwa (Tokyo Electric Power Co, Inc.) and R. Ramanna (recent Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, India). Marshall himself, IAEA), the G. of C.97-C.103 ‘AGR problems Dec. 1985’ 21984x1986 on_ front cover. labelled Photocopies So of correspondence, notes, drawings, tables, photographs, press reports, re ‘AGR standpipe liner cracking’, ‘Basic problems with A.G.R.s now’, ‘Comparative costs of AGR and PWR’, ‘Notes on nuclear policy for the U.K.’, ‘Why drop AGR for PWR’, ‘AGR - the present position’, Clc: etc. 7 folders. ‘Acid rain’ C.104-C.116 In original order. So labelled on spine. Includes Marshall's lecture ‘Acid rain: the political challenge’, given on 19 September 1986 (see also H.357-H.361). Further includes copies of press statements and briefing material, some of which was 1983. Other background material originally created in a conference Marshall appears to Fifth attended in International Coal Utilisation and Trade; see H.281-H.288). 1985-1986 December Conference (Coaltech Exhibition have come from In original order. 13 folders. ‘85: on _ 1985 and _ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.117-C.122 ‘Sub-Committee F - Walter Marshall’ on front. Notes, labelled correspondence So and evidence submitted to the ‘enquiry into nuclear power in EEC member states’ of Sub-Committee F of the House of Lords Includes Marshall’s own evidence, that of R. Carle of Electricité de France, etc. Communities Committee. European In original order. 6 folders. Marshall was asked to testify on 13 March. C.123-C.134 ‘Select Committee on Energy, 19 March 1986’ and ‘Coal’ So labelled on spine. Structured as follows: ‘VWWM’s notes’ (C.123), ‘Memo by CEGB’ (C.124, ‘Opening statement’ (C.127- ‘Questions and C.130) and ‘Briefing’ (C.131-C.134). C.125), answers’ (C.126), 2 folders. 12 folders. 1986-1987 C.135, C.136 ‘Fossil-fuels’ In original order. So labelled on spine. Handwritten notes, calculations and briefing material re CEGB coal burn, the role of coal in EEC energy thinking, etc. In original order. In original order. So inscribed on spine. Further inscribed on front: ‘Briefing with Secretary of State File (1)’. Material for a series of meetings with the Secretary of State for Energy re the privatisation of the electricity supply industry. June-October 1987 ‘Cecil Parkinson I’ C.137-C.144 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Sec of State Mtg - 22/6/87’ Divider so inscribed. Handwritten notes. C.138-C.140 ‘Sec of State Mtg - 17/9/87’ so briefing material, Includes inscribed. Marshall’s handwritten Divider notes and other with comments on ‘Post-it’ notes as follows: ‘explained to sec of state but he very properly stood aside from comment’, ‘endurance and targets - prepared for meeting on 10/9/87 but not used - used on 17/9/87’, ‘capacity charges - not discussed with S of S’, and ‘Hinkley Point ‘C’ - discussed and agreed in principle with Cecil Parkinson’. 3 folders. ‘Sec of State Mtg - 28/9/87’ Divider so inscribed. Handwritten notes, correspondence, typescript speaking notes. so Includes a typescript ‘note inscribed. inscribed. C.143, C.144 ‘N.N.C. not discussed’ ‘Sec of State Mtg - 26/10/87’ Divider discussion with October 1987’, etc. of the Secretary of State on AGRs, 26 Material bearing on Divider so the nuclear consultancy and engineering group NNC Ltd. Marked ‘I decided not to go through this in detail; briefly referred to in discussion with S of S’. overview at So inscribed on top sheet. Notes for and arising from a 28 meeting with October 1987 pack divided ‘Transmission and the grid, 28/10/87’ and ‘With F. Ledger’ and ‘4th Meeting’ the Secretary of State by Followed sections (C.146-C.148); for Energy, a briefing C.145-C.148 2 folders. (C.145). into ten W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.146. 4 folders. C.149-C.157 ‘Big CEGB + little CEGB’ and ‘5th Meeting’ So inscribed on spine. Handwritten notes for a meeting with the Secretary of State for Energy, 5 November 1987 (C.149). Followed by a briefing pack divided into eight sections (C.150-C.157); overview at C.150. In original order. 9 folders. The title of the binder refers to a specific model for the privatisation of the CEGB, which envisaged a split of the CEGB into ‘Big CEGB’, composed of ‘grid + nuclear + about 50% fossil’, and ‘Little CEGB’ (‘= about 50% fossil fuel’). C.158-C.161 C.162-C.164 4 folders. the time, J.W. 12 November and Baker was Corporate front. So inscribed on Secretary of December 1987. confidential circulars and other briefing material. for Energy, handwritten Includes State Material for meetings with ‘Privatisation 6th [with Baker] and 7th’ the 7 notes, CEGB At Managing Director, CEGB, and accompanied Marshall to some of the meetings with the Secretary of State for Energy. 3 folders. So inscribed on spine. Miscellaneous notes and CEGB circulars. Also includes extracts from a speech by Cecil Parkinson at the 104th Conservative Party Conference at Blackpool, October 1987. ‘S. of S. Privatisation Briefings 1. Security, 3. = Whirlwind Day’ = Elementary, 2. = W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 C.165-C.168 ‘AGR Update briefings by Dr Edmondson’ inscribed So content. on spine. Inscription appears to match ‘Note of discussion with the Secretary of State on AGRs 26 October 1987’ Handwritten account (1p) of the Secretary of State’s reaction to them. briefing (11pp), typescript notes with a ‘Annual press conference Q+As, July 1987’ Typescript, 33pp. Covers AGRs, nuclear commissioning and construction, nuclear fuel transport, reprocessing and storage, decommissioning, and the fast reactor. C.167, C.168 ‘Update briefing on AGR, Technical Issues, 12 October 1987’ 2 folders. 6 folders. nuclear and on spine by southern clad oxidation, fuel issues, arguments C.169-C.174 privatisation inscribed So Marshall. background material (CEGB circulars, etc.). ‘Public planting strategy’ Covers cranes, Hartlepool/Heysham, Dungeness B, Heysham II, Hinkley Point B, followed by an update on output forecasts. From a box file so inscribed. In chronological order. Miscellaneous briefing notes, ‘PRIVATISATION PAPERS’, I C.175-C.257 1983-1990 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 Cvs, C1716 Schedule of reference material 1988x1990 Marked ‘Privatisation, 7’. Handwritten list (19pp) itemising 522 documents bearing the privatisation of the electricity supply industry. negotiations the on re 2 folders. Nuclear Generation - Risk Allocation on Privatisation, 23 August 1988 Copy of a paper by the advisory investment bank Lazard Brothers & Co Ltd. Spiral-bound. ‘Block contract for PWRs’, 24 October 1988 Letter (annotated) to J.R.S. Guinness at the Department of Energy. Also includes ‘Statement by the CEGB Board to staff, 26 February 1988. Guinness was Deputy Secretary at the Department. C.180, C.181 ‘Hinkley Point C inquiry economics paper’, 5 December 1988 2 folders. Final version of a paper by F.B. Jenkin of CEGB on the economics of nuclear and fossil fuelled plants. Analysis of accounting costs of electricity generation, November 1988 Spiral-bound. Marked ‘From R. Cotton - compiled from your mtgs to brief interested parties’. Report from A.D. Johnston of Lazard Brothers & Co, Ltd., 21pp. ‘Where are we on contracts and pooling?’, 21 August 1989 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Meeting with Lord Marshall’, 23 August 1989 Correspondence and material provisionally scheduled for 5 September. briefing re a meeting ‘Risk management in three dimensions: the Unified Pool and the Fix’, 25 August 1989 Copy of a fax from Nera Consulting Economists, 3pp. Also ‘Spot capacity and energy markets’ sent 30 August 1989, 4pp. includes briefing on on fossil contract negotiations’, 1 ‘Chairman’s September 1989 brief Typescript, 4pp. ‘Magnox nuclear power station talk’, 6 September 1989 copy note addressed to as the of letter to later referred to this presentation ‘Fossil contracts’, 7 September 1989 ‘Fossil contracts - 1989 Copy of the lecture text (16pp), with colour reproduction of the slides (6pp). See also H.579-H.581. Marshall ‘Decommissioning Lecture’ (see D.7). Typescript memorandum including Secretary of State for Energy, 5pp. best and avoided the worst of the UK approach’. New Zealand Copy of a Electricity covering be interested to see how New Zealand may have picked the Typescript Management Committee’, 9pp. briefing ‘New Zealand privatisation’, 26 September 1989 Towards Industry, September 1989 Efficiency in the a note for discussion’, 18 September note from J.W. (13pp), ‘you Baker stating ‘Privatisation with will W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Relationship of the PES franchise to the NFFO and the levy’, 29 September 1989 Memorandum from Nera Consulting Economists, 2pp. ‘Obligation to supply’, 5 October 1989 Note from the law firm Linklaters & Paines (6pp), with cover letter. ‘Fossil contract update’, 3 October 1989 Memorandum by P.N. Milner for National Power Advisory Board Meeting on 5 October (15pp). ‘Pooling, contract form and settlement’, 9 October 1989 Account of the Department of Energy’s position, 18pp. ‘AGR and PWR indicative prices’, 11 October 1989 ‘Pooling, contract form and settlement’, 16 October 1989 Letter to the Department of Energy, 8pp. Includes two appendices (7pp + 8pp). Typescript a meeting on 12 October. Documents response to position of the Department of Energy (see C.193), 3pp. Set of copies of slides (10pp), with a cover letter. reply Draft position (see C.193), 10pp. ‘Pooling, contract form and settlement’, 17 October 1989 to Department of Energy's statement of briefing document for J.W. Baker, for ‘Contracts and 1989 settlements presentation’, 20 October W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Nuclear contract indicative prices’, 20 October 1989 Letter from M. Townsend, 3pp. ‘Internal working groups’, 23 October 1989 Brief re ‘the sequences of our internal working groups in the light of the privatisation management and reporting arrangements that have been agreed with Government’, 10pp. ‘Pooling, contract form and settlement’, 24 October 1989 Duplicated correspondence, 6pp. ‘Nuclear electricity supply contracts - indicative prices’, 24 October 1989 Memorandum by M. Townsend, 8pp. ‘AGR and PWR indicative prices’, 24 October 1989 Memorandum by M. Townsend, 3pp. ‘Truly unified pool’, 25 October 1989 Status report by Touche Ross Management Consultants (9pp), with cover letter. 2 folders. Report by Lazard Brothers & Co Ltd, October 1989; spiral-bound. Also includes correspondence, 5pp. ‘A molecular approach to November 1989 C.205, C.206 National power and PWR financing, 1 November 1989 the settlement system’, 1 Memorandum, 2pp. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Coal’, 16 November 1989 Note for the record re State for Energy, 2pp. a meeting with the Secretary of ‘PWR costs and prices’, 16 November 1989 Memorandum, 8pp. C.209, C.210 ‘CEGB accounts for the year ended 31 March 1989’, 23 November 1989 45pp. 2 folders. ‘PWR costs and prices’, 23 November 1989 Memorandum, 5pp. ‘BNES Lecture’, 30 November 1989 Memoranda on the topic, 2pp + 2pp. a meeting with the Secretary of ‘Coal negotiations’, 24 November 1989 ‘Decommissioning costs’, 28 + 29 November 1989 Note for the record re State for Energy, 4pp. ‘A, Nuclear power: risks and regulation’, 18 May 1988: Material re Marshall’s British Nuclear Energy Society Annual Lecture, ‘The future for nuclear power’. See also D.5, H.595-H.603. a file From calculations re series of CEGB briefing documents: inscribed. indicative prices so ‘BNES preparation’ notes followed and a by Handwritten (7pp), 1983-1989 1988-1989 C.214-C.234 C.214-C.221 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘C, Lazard Brothers & Co Ltd, Nuclear generation - risk allocation privatisation, Summary of contents and principal conclusions’, August 1988; on ‘E, Block contract for PWRs’, 24 October; ‘G, [National power nuclear], 31 January 1989; ‘H, Nuclear issues’, 28 February 1989: ‘K, [from J.W. Baker to the Department of Energy], 10 July 1989; ‘M, [from J.W. Baker to the Department of Energy]’, 31 October 1989. 8 folders. Documents B, D, F, I, J and L have not been identified. C.222-C.232 ‘BNES Further reading’ 1 11 folders. 2 folders. 1983, 1985 meeting 31 with prices’, Magnox’, undated report indicative including ‘Nuclear indicative prices’, 2 November; ‘Nuclear ‘Nuclear issues’ From a file so inscribed. Series of briefing documents, reports and other CEGB circulars, as follows: ‘National Power, Financial issues overview’, 2 October; ‘Future of Magnox stations’, 19 October; ‘Nuclear indicative prices and the of October; ‘PWR Secretary of State for Energy on 2 contract’, November; Magnox, Memorandum by Max Herbert - Company Secretary’, 2 November; November; ‘Meeting with the Department of Energy on indicative prices - 3 November’; ‘[Costs of electricity from PWRs]’, 7 November; ‘Briefing’, 9 November; ‘Magnox, AGR and PWR costs’, 22 November. From a file so inscribed. ‘Meeting of the Generating Board’, 6 December 1989 Analysis of Generation Costs (CEGB, 1983, 1985) One copy each of report and 1983/84 update. C.233, C.334 C.235-C.238 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘PWR consent applications in the light State’s statement of Davis)’ of Secretary of 9 November 1989 (paper by D.A. 30 November 1989 ‘Creation of the nuclear division (Memorandum by G.H. Hadley)’ 4 December 1989 C237 6.238 ‘CEGB 1988/89 consolidated accounts (presented J.R. Uttley)’ by December 1989 Summary + copy of ‘Accounts for the year ended 31 March 1989’. 2 folders. C.239-C.254 ‘NPAB 7/12 for info’ follows: supply (C.248), and ‘Progress From a file so inscribed. Briefing material re the National Power Advisory Board meeting on 7 December 1989, barely annotated. ‘PWR consent for National Power of agreement’ ‘Implications applications’, Copy of agenda (C.239) with pre-circulated documents as the government statement of the 9th November 1989’ by M. Herbert (C.240-C.246); ‘Operations report’ (C.247), ‘BCC coal ‘Privatisation: current key issues’ (C.249). Further includes ‘Financial report, with project ‘ET’ - NPAB 90’, J.W. Baker’s circular to National Power staff re the statement of the Secretary of State on 9 November (including his response on behalf of the CEGB), and circular from the Director of Personnel to all National Power managers re the same topic. This last document includes a managerial question and answer brief re ‘Transfer of all nuclear plant and assets to a new organisation operating outside National Power’. note. briefing document with PWRs_ using ‘[Price different assumptions about the cost of capital’], n.d. electricity generated the by of handwritten cover Typescript 16 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 ‘Electricity privatisation and prices’, 22 March 1990 Circular letter from the Secretary of State for Energy. Includes notes by Marshall and copy of report ‘Reshaping the Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales’ (February 1990). Government observations on the fourth report from the Committee (session 1989-1990) on the cost of nuclear power, 5 December 1990 Copy of the Energy Committee’s Third Special Report. C.258-C.266 ‘PRIVATISATION PAPERS, II 1989-1992 From a box file so inscribed. In chronological order. ‘Peats’ correspondence was C.259-C.260 with sale of shares act forthcoming 9 November 1989-18 April Correspondence with and re ‘the Department of Energy’s vendetta against Peats’. Includes letters of support from Peats officials following the Governments’ announcement on 9 November 1989. ‘Peats’ the nickname of KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock (PMM), who had acted as auditors for CEGB for many years. In March 1990 the Department of Energy informed the firm that in view of its long association with the CEGB, there was potential for a conflict of interest if as Reporting Accountant in PMM were asked to connection the in National Power. This was followed by the announcement that there would be an investigation of whether PMM had ‘fallen be expected to have achieved’. 1990 From an untitled file. Material re a lecture bearing this title, given at the Edison Electric Institute Chief Executive Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, US, in January 1990 (see H.604-H.608). ‘Privatisation and nuclear power in the UK’, January 1990 short of the standards that the firm could W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 Lecture text Includes colour reproductions of slides. Background material As requested by Marshall (see ‘Post-it’ note attached). C.261, C.262 Electricity: the new beginning, May 1990 Report by S.G. Warburg Securities. Executive summary (C.261) and full report, originally in a ring binder (C.262). 2 folders. National Grid: seven year statement Copy of the seven-year-report produced by the National Grid Company plc, with a cover letter. April-June 1990 Electricity in Europe: the triumph of free enterprise?, 1991 Financial Times management report by A. Holmes, as requested by Marshall (see ‘Post-it’ note attached). Holmes was an energy journalist who worked for the Department of Energy for more than three years prior to joining the Financial Times. In 1987 he had co-authored a study of the privatisation of UK electricity supply. ‘Study trip to England: comments on the reorganisation and privatisation of the electricity industry in England and Wales’, August 1991 ‘Structure and administrative framework of the German electricity supply industry’, February 1992 C. Report by of leading representatives of the German electricity supply industry to the UK, 21-14 April 1991. Efger, based on a study trip Copy of the paper, published in Elektrizitatswirtschaft vol. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 91 (1992), issue 1/2. C.267-C.342 ‘PRESS CUTTINGS’ 1988-1990 box file From a In chronological order. Focuses on privatisation and Marshall's resignation as Chairman of the CEGB. so inscribed. C.267-C.269 Statement of November 1989 the Three versions. 3 folders. Secretary of State for Energy, 9 C.270-C.292 Press cuttings, November 1989 1989-1990 23 folders. 17 folders. 15 folders. C.293-C.309 Press cuttings, December 1989 Public Relations service. C.282 is Mainly ‘Daily Press Cuttings’ provided by the Electricity Council's Public Relations service. Mainly ‘Daily Press Cuttings’ provided by the Electricity Council's National Power memoranda, C.292 is US coverage. Mainly ‘Daily Press Cuttings’ provided by the Electricity Mainly ‘Daily Press Cuttings’ provided by the Electricity Council's Public Relations service. Press cuttings, February 1990 C.310-C.324 Press cuttings, January 1990 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Central Electricity Generating Board, C.1-C.342 Council's Public Relations service. C.326-C.334 Press cuttings, March 1990 Mainly ‘Daily Press Cuttings’ provided by the Electricity Council's Public Relations service. 9 folders. Press cuttings, April and August 1990 C.336-C.342 ‘WM - You wanted to read this when you had more time’ 1988-1989 From a file so inscribed. Chiefly copies of [AEA News Features. Also includes annotated copies of lectures on atmospheric pollution and climatic change (one of them by Hans Blix). 7 folders. ‘IAEA’ refers to the International Atomic Energy Agency. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION D SELECT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY, ‘THE COST OF NUCLEAR POWER’, D.1-D.49 1988-1990 Contents of a box file so inscribed. of the background Government's Between 7 February and 21 March 1990, the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy took evidence re the in November 1989 not to privatise nuclear power stations, a as decision that Chairman of the witnesses called The Committee’s findings were published on 27 June 1990 under the title ‘The Cost of Nuclear Power’. had the CEGB. Marshall Select Committee. resign of prompted Marshall decision before was one the to D.1-D.32 MARSHALL’S TESTIMONY D.33-D.39 CORRESPONDENCE ARISING D.40, D.41 REPORT OF THE ENERGY COMMITTEE D.42-D.44 PRESS RESPONSE TO REPORT D.45-D.47 1988-1990 D.48, D.49 MARSHALL’S TESTIMONY Marshall testified on 7 February 1990. GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO REPORT MARSHALL’S REACTION TO PRESS RESPONSE annotated schedule inscribed ‘Briefing’. 20pp. Published transcript of Marshall’s evidence 7 February 1990 Briefing documents handwritten), components (some much 1990 19 with a W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 Reference material 1988-1990 folder From a ‘Select Committee February 1990’ and ‘Ref’. Schedule followed by 28 components, with no. 28 (‘W.M. to Prime-Minister’) missing. inscribed Schedule of reference material Handwritten. ‘Members of Select Committee’ 218 January 1990 Marked ‘1’. Information re the composition of the Select Committee, with profiles of individual members. 9pp. ‘BNES Lecture’ 1989x1990 Marked ‘2’. Copy of Marshall’s lecture on ‘The future for nuclear power’ delivered to the British Nuclear Energy Society on 30 November 1989. See also C.214-C.234, H.595-H.603. it. ‘Phoenix Lecture’ January 1990 Marked ‘3’. Copy of Marshall’s lecture on ‘Privatisation and nuclear power in the UK’, given at the Edison Electric Institute Chief Executive Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, US, on 11-12 January 1990. See H.604-H.608. Marshall had used the occasion of this lecture to correct allegations that the CEGB had ‘hidden’ the true costs of nuclear power, and to explore the implications of the revisions in Government policy for the future of nuclear power and his own place in La Marshall used the occasion of this lecture to explore how, in his opinion, the decision to abandon all new nuclear power ‘was forced upon the Government by the particular form of privatisation that they had chosen during the course of 1988’. ‘Decommissioning Lecture’ 1989x1990 Marked ‘4’. Lecture text and photocopy of slides used in a W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 lecture on the future of ‘Magnox [nuclear power stations]’, delivered at Sizewell ‘A’, Suffolk, on 6 September 1989. See H.579-H.581. ‘Annual Report’ Marked ‘5’. Original copy of Annual Report and Accounts 1988/89 of the CEGB. December 1989 ‘Talk to MPs at BNF on 23/Nov/88’ 1988x1990 Marked ‘6’. Copy of Marshall’s lecture on ‘Privatisation and nuclear power at the British Nuclear Forum’s Annual Symposium for Members of Parliament, 23 November 1988. See also H.539-H.542. London, ‘Article for the Observer Marked ‘7’. Typescript, 3pp. 5 January 1990 Dae Dat2 ‘Note on Security of Supply’ 1988x1990 2 folders. Statement by the CEGB Board to Unmarked, but matches item ‘8’ on schedule. Typescript ‘Security of Supply’, 2pp, and memorandum on the same, circulated 21 November 1989, 8pp + 1p cover letter (D.11). Further includes typescript (11pp) of Marshall’s lecture on the ‘Electricity’s privatisation challenge’, given at the Institute of Directors’ Annual Convention on 23 February 1988, and typescript ‘Government privatisation proposals. staff, stamped 29 Feb 1988, 6pp (D.12). 1988x1990 Marked ‘9’. Copy of CEGB memorandum ‘Nuclear power: risks and regulations’, dated 18 May 1988, 9pp, with a cover letter from G.H. Hadley to W. Rickett. Hadley was Secretary to the CEGB, Rickett represented the Department of Energy. ‘Hadley to Rickett on 18/May/88’ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 ‘Lazards Paper on Risks 23/Aug/88’ Marked ‘10’. Photocopy of a report from the advisory investment bank Lazard Brothers & Co, Ltd on ‘Nuclear generation - privatisation’, dated 23 August 1988. 17pp. risk allocation on 23 August 1988x1990 ‘Lazards Presentation to the Banks on P.W.R. Financing’ October 1989 Marked ‘11’. Ringbound copy of report ‘National power PWR financing’ by Lazard Brothers & Co, Ltd. ‘Baker to Guinness 24/Oct/88’ 1988x1990 Marked ‘12’. Copy of CEGB memorandum ‘Block contract for nuclear’, 8pp, with a 2pp cover letter from J.W. Baker to J.R.S. Guinness. Baker was the Corporate Management Director of the CEGB, the Department of Energy. Secretary Guinness Deputy the of Baker to 1989x1990 ‘Baker to Guinness 2/Nov/89’ ‘Baker to Guinness 11/Oct/88’ his capacity as Chief Executive of Baker was writing in National Power. Marked ‘13’. Copy of letter (5pp + 2pp appendix) from J.W. J.R.S. Guinness, re ‘AGR and PWR indicative prices’, dated 11 October 1989. 1989x1990 Marked ‘15’. Memorandum ‘Current and future nuclear 1p cover letter) from J.W. Baker to liabilities’ (2pp + J.R.S. Guinness, 1989 respective. Marked ‘14’. Copy of letter (2pp + 8pp appendix) from J.W. Baker to J.R.S. Guinness, re ‘Nuclear indicative prices’, dated 2 November 1989. ‘Baker to Guinness 31/Oct/89’ 1989x1990 dated 30 and 31 October W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 ‘Baker to Guinness 10/July/89’ 1989x1990 Marked ‘16’. Copy of letter (4pp) from J.W. Baker to J.R.S. Guinness, dated 10 July 1989, re aspects of the in disagreement, or ‘Nuclear Bible with which we are where we consider its coverage needs to be extended if it is to form part in resolution of the nuclear framework in a way that would be satisfactory to National Power’. ‘John Wakeham’s evidence to Select Committee’ 1989x1990 ‘17’. Photocopy Marked of Wakeham’s testimony before the Energy Committee of the House of Commons, 13 December 1989, 16pp. Annotated. transcript proof of of ‘Joint Paper CEGB/SSEB/BNFL on 3/Oct/88’ 1988x1990 Marked ‘18’. Copy of draft ‘Revision of the terms of trading for the supply of nuclear fuel cycle services by BNFL to the Home Boards - status of negotiations’, 12pp, with cover letters (1p + 2pp) dated 29 September and 3 October respectively. 1989x1990 ‘Townsend to Weston 28/Apr/89’ Marked ‘19’. Copy of letter (2pp + 3pp appendix) from M. Townsend to B.H. Weston, re ‘Indicative nuclear prices’, dated 28 April 1989. Townsend was Director, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Operations Division, CEGB. Weston was Chairman, Merseyside & North Wales Electricity Board. 1990 Marked ‘21’. Typescript excerpts from statements made by Cecil Parkinson and John Wakeham, July-December 1989, 2pp. Wakeham’s Marked statement to the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies, 17 January 1990. 2pp. Typescript ‘Précis of Wakeham’s talk on 17/Jan/90’ ‘Ministers Statements on Hidden Costs’ 29 January ‘20’. of report on W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 ‘Clements to Marshall 2/Feb/90’ 2 February 1990 ‘22’. Original Marked Clements to Marshall re ‘Select Committee - BNFL costs/prices’, 2 February 1990. 3pp. letter from A.A. Clements represented Nuclear Electric, a division of the CEGB. ‘BNFL to Coopers & Lybrand 27/May/88’ 1988x1990 ‘23’. Copy of correspondence between the Marked Lybrand, management consultancy British Nuclear Fuels plc and CEGB, re ‘Modelling of nuclear costs for privatisation’, 4 May-11 July 1988. 11pp. Coopers firm & ‘Baker to Guinness 10/May/89’ 1989x1990 Marked ‘24’. Copy of letter from J.W. Baker to J.R.S. Guinness, dated 10 May 1989, re ‘National Power capital structure’. 3pp. CEGB Nuclear 1989x1990 Cycle Wilcock ‘Baker to Rickett 17/June/88’ ‘Clements to Wilcock 2/May/89’ represented Clements Department, represented the Department of Energy. Operations Marked ‘25’. Copy of letter from A.A. Clements to C.C. Wilcock, dated 2 May 1989, re ‘Crystallisation of nuclear liabilities’. 1p + 5pp appendix. 1989x1990 Marked ‘27’. Typescript ‘Select Committee on Energy, Magnox CEGB decommissioning costs - December 1989’, 2pp + 1p cover letter. Marked ‘26’. Copy of letter from J.W. Baker to W.F.S. Rickett, dated 17 June 1988, re ‘Nuclear power - risks and regulation’. 2pp + 6pp appendix. ‘CEGB Decomm. Memo in December 20/1989’ Memorandum 1988x1990 addendum to the Fuel Division. on W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 Additional material 1988, 1989 Two sets of handwritten speaking notes, one marked ‘P.M.’ ‘3 1/2 minutes’ and dated 4 February 1988 (6pp), the other marked ‘Sec of State’ and dated 13 July 1989 (3pp). D.33-D.39 CORRESPONDENCE ARISING February- May 1990 Correspondence and papers, in chronological order. J.M.R. Wilson on the costs of nuclear power 23 February 1990 memorandum submitted 23 February 1990, with to the Select a cover letter. Typescript Committee on 17pp. Wilson Securities Ltd. represented the firm UBS Phillips & Drew ?March 1990 the lecture, given at Collier was Chairman of the UKAEA. Bowen was Director of Financial Planning at National Power plc. J.G. Collier on nuclear generation in England and Wales up to and after 1994 Copy of the BNF 11th Annual Symposium to MPs on 27 March 1990. Sent to Marshall through A.J. Bowen. 19pp. April 1990 MacKerron represented the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex. Copy of MacKerron’s memorandum, submitted to (23pp) Select Committee on 13 February 1990 Testimony of J.M.R. Wilson and G. MacKerron Précis of testimony given 21 March, 2pp each. G. MacKerron on the cost of nuclear power April 1990 the and W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 received by Marshall on 30 April 1990. 2 folders. MacKerron’s memorandum was ‘critical of [Marshall’s] figures reconciling the cost of PWR electricity as quoted at the Hinkley Point C Inquiry with the prices for PWR electricity given in Mr Baker's letter of 11 October’. The Select Committee thought Marshall have the opportunity to comment. should Marshall's response to MacKerron May 1990 Handwritten notes in response (2pp), much annotated draft letter to the Select Committee (5pp), A.J. Bowen’s comments (1p, remainder of letter missing), final version of Marshall's response, dated 16 May (5pp). Ernst & Young on ‘the foreseeability of the increases in nuclear provisions’ May 1990 swings and Includes roundabouts’, Power in Europe, 10 May 1990. annotated ‘Nuclear’s copy of international accounting and Copy of report to the Department of Energy from Ernst & Young, dated 8 May 1990, and correspondence arising. Ernst & Young were an consulting firm. Press responses to the ongoing inquiry of the Select Committee 1990 REPORT OF THE ENERGY COMMITTEE Bound, in two vols. 2 folders. May 1990 27 June W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Select Committee on Energy, D.1-D.49 D.42-D.44 PRESS RESPONSE TO THE REPORT 27 June-15 August 1990 Press cuttings. The bulk dates from 28 June, the day after the report came out. 3 folders. D.45-D.47 MARSHALL’S REACTION TO PRESS RESPONSE July 1990 Includes copy of an article by Marshall, published in the Independent, 3 July 1990, 15. Further includes a number of drafts (handwritten & annotated typescript) of a letter by Marshall to the Observer, in response to an article subtitled rash adventures in nuclear power, finally exposed last week by Parliament’ (Observer, 1 July 1990, 18). ‘the scandal of Britain's 3 folders. 25 July 1990 Report from GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO THE REPORT Annotated copies of ‘Government Observations on the Fourth the Energy Committee (Session 1989-90) The Cost of Nuclear Power’ (original fax and photocopy, 32pp + 1p each). 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION E HOUSE OF LORDS, E.1-E.14 1985-1996 On 22 July 1985 Marshall was created Baron Marshall of Goring, of South Stoke in the County of Oxfordshire. His introduction to the House of Lords took place on 30 July, followed by his Maiden Speech on 15 October. on the CEGB, then Marshall's professional commitments, first as Chairman of behalf of WANO (the World Association of Nuclear Power Operators), left him little time to take (as he put it) ‘a real interest in the serious work the Chairman of (to Lords’ Committees, 20 March 1992, at E.12). the House of of Introduction to the House of Lords, 30 July 1985 Correspondence and notes. Includes a letter from the Prime Minister inquiring whether Marshall was agreeable to having his name submitted, sketch of a coat of arms, arrangements for a celebratory lunch on the occasion, etc. Also includes an itinerary for the week commencing 16 July. 4 folders. 2 folders. 1989-1991 on 15 October. October- November 1985 Maiden Speech, 15 October 1985 Transcript of Marshall's contribution to the House of Lords’ debate on nuclear fusion and the generation of electricity Includes published version. Also includes draft notes of the Earl of Bessborough’s speech on the occasion, and correspondence arising. 1989-1991 Correspondence and papers re bills considered by the Lords at the time, including Education (Student Loans), is Environmental Protection, a Hampden Trust and political bias’. E.10 includes correspondence with Baron Contents of a file bearing the inscription ‘House of Lords + crossbench info’. and Broadcasting. E.9 ‘Broadcasting examining Correspondence 1989-1996 1989-1996 study W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 House of Lords, E.1-E.14 the future of nuclear power following Joseph re privatisation. 5 folders. 2.13 1992-1996 1992-1996 Correspondence and papers re bills considered by the Lords at the time, including Kings Cross Railways, Coal Privatisation, Pensions (Amendments to War and Service Widow Pensions), and Gas. 2 folders. Miscellaneous 1985x1996 Includes Marshall’s handwritten notes on the history of Westminster Hall. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION F ROYAL SOCIETY, F.1-F.57 1972-1995 Marshall was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1971. F.1-F.41 GENERAL PAPERS F.42-F.57 NOMINATIONS GENERAL PAPERS 1983-1995 a numbered series From Society’, the first of which appears to be missing. folders labelled of ‘Royal Correspondence and papers. ‘Royal Society, Strictly Confidential, Part Il, 1983' General 5 folders. Engineering, Technology and Industries Committee Originally in one chronological series. Rearranged into two parts for ease of access. Correspondence, chiefly re nominations and results of elections. In chronological order. F.4 is re the Carmarthen Bay wind turbine. membership ended on 31 December 1986. Marshall had joined the Engineering, Technology and Industries His Committee papers and correspondence. In chronological order. Committee on 4 folders. 1 January 1983. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Royal Society, F.1-F.57 F.10-F.18 ‘Royal Society, Strictly Confidential, Part Ill, 1984' Originally in one chronological series. Rearranged into two parts for ease of access. fet Osteen, General Correspondence and Statutes understanding of science and technology in the UK. chiefly of Fellows re and election papers, the the the for Society's public F.13-F.15 is re publication of C.F. Clement's paper on ‘Aerosol formation from heat and mass transfer in vapour- gas mixtures’. 8 folders. In 1984, the Fellows revisited the history of Statute 12 and those elected under it, following a request by 40 Fellows who considered be repealed. Statute should that 12 The Society had recently established an ad hoc Group to investigate and technology in the UK. public understanding of science the 1985 F.19-F.24 1985-1995 F.19-F.41 Engineering, Technology and Industries Committee ‘Royal Society, Strictly Confidential, Part IV, Jan 85-1996' Committee papers and correspondence. In chronological order. 1985-1986 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re nominations for Fellowship. Also includes correspondence re an Industrial Soirée to be held in March 1986 (see F.22-F.24) and 'The health of basic science’, a theme on which the Society started an inquiry. Originally in one chronological series. Rearranged into four parts for ease of access. F.25-F.31 6 folders. 1986 1985 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Royal Society, F.1-F.57 20; 5.26 Nominations 1985-1986 2 folders. Ze 25 General Includes correspondence re submission of a paper by J. Gittus on PWR degraded core analysis for publication by the Royal Society. 2 folders. Science and Engineering Policy Studies Unit Includes material re an appeal from the Society to CEGB for sponsorship. of the aim Unit stated The undertake investigations ‘on the priorities, performance, funding and management the universities and research councils and extent to which these meet national needs’. technology science and was the of to in on_ the help work Society 2 folders. F.00; 5.31 Public understanding of science and technology Chiefly re generally to understanding of nuclear power. a plea from Marshall and the CEGB more for public At the time Marshall feared that the nuclear option of power generation would be lost altogether as a result of its negative public image following the Chernobyl reactor accident in April 1986. 1986-1987 Originally in one chronological series. Rearranged into two parts for ease of access. Includes correspondence re ‘Human factors in high-risk situations’. a discussion meeting on F.33, F.34 1987 1988 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Royal Society, F.1-F.57 Nominations General Includes correspondence re wind power. 1989 Correspondence re a lecture on 'Power generation in the future’ for the Evening Technology Lectures 1991. F.36-F.38 1990 1989-1990 of Fellows Correspondence etc. F.36 is Marshall's form for Personal a Records Surface on conference the re the Society's Technology Activities Society, F.38 is Committee and re the House of Commons Energy Committee's recent report on the Fast Breeder Reactor. A.3). Acidification also Waters F.37 (see re at is 3 folders. 1991 2 folders. F.40, F.41 1992-1995 In January 1990 Marshall joined the Technology Activities Committee of the Society. Correspondence, including re the Society's response to the House of Commons Energy Committee's report on Fast Breeder Reactors. Originally in six files. Not indexed. Correspondence, including re J.M. Cassels, who died in 1994. a biographical memoir of 1972-1978, 1990-1995 NOMINATIONS 1992-1995 F.42-F.57 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Royal Society, F.1-F.57 F.42, F.43 N.L. Franklin (1924-1986) 1975-1978 Material re the nomination of N.L. Franklin, elected 1981. 2 folders. F.44, F.45 Sir John Hill (1921-2008) 1974-1978 Material re the nomination of Sir John Hill, elected 1981. 2 folders. J. Hubbard (1931-1980) 1972-1978 Material re the nomination of J. Hubbard. 2 folders. F.48, F.49 R.V. Moore (1916-2003), R.W. Nichols (1923-1999) 1972-1974 1974-1977 Material Nichols. 2 folders. re the nomination of R.V. Moore and R.W. R.S. Pease (1922-2004) Material re the nomination of R.S. Pease, elected 1977. ‘Royal Society Nominations, Part II, Jan '90-' From a file so inscribed. Part | appears to be missing. 1990-1995 E02, 5.93 1991 F.51-F.57 1990 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Royal Society, F.1-F.57 1992-1993 1994 2 folders. 1992-1993 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION G PAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS, G.1-G.80 1954-1995 Contents of five numbered box files with labelled dividers, in chronological order. G.1-G.38 DRAFTS G.39-G.70 OFFPRINTS G.71-G.79 MISCELLANEOUS G.80 DIVIDERS DRAFTS 1955-1969 ‘Antiferromagnetism’, Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 232 (1955), 48-68 1955x1956 2 folders. 3 folders. Annotated proofs and copy of offprint. Annotated typescript, proofs, four original illustrations. ‘The structure of magneto-hydrodynamic shock waves’, Proceedings of the Royal Society A vol. 233 (1956), 367- 376 Physics and Chemistry of Solids vol. 7 (1958), 159- (with of neutron scattering by liquids’, Proceedings, Conference on the Use of Slow Neutrons to Investigate the Solid State, Stockholm (1957), 31-39 ‘A damped-phonon theory Duplicated typescript, 8pp. ‘The antiferromagnetism of CuCl2z.2H20’, Journal of J. Butterworth), W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Papers and publications, G.1-G.80 Duplicated typescript, 15pp + 3pp illustrations. R.J. Weiss) ‘The electronic structure of transition (with metals’, Journal of Applied Physics vol. 30 (1959), 220- Duplicated typescript, 13pp. ‘The specific heat of dilute alloys’, Physical Review vol. 118 (1960), 1519-1523 Mimeographed typescript, illustration. 6pp + 1p abstract + 1p J.P. (with Mossbauer Effect’, unpublished note Schiffer), ‘The Debye-Waller factor in the Duplicated typescript, 4pp + title sheet + 1p illustration. Atomic the Radiation R. Stuart), Ernest O. Solids and Liquids G.11-G.14 ‘The scattering of neutrons G.15, G.16 (\nternational 1960-1961, n.d. Typescript draft (17pp + 1p abstract), mimeograph of the same (with insertions), duplicated version (as circulated at Lawrence Laboratory, University of California), offprint. from (with polycrystalline materials’, /nelastic Scattering of Neutrons in Energy Agency, Vienna 1961), 75-84 Spp (with C.E. Johnson and G.J. Perlow), ‘Electric quadrupole moment of the 14.4-kev state of Fe57’, Physical Review vol. 126 (1962), 1503-1506 (with Physical Review vol. 123 (1961), 2048-2058 Stuart), ‘Theory of transition Typescript (39pp + 1p abstract), offprint. Mimeographed typescript ion complexes’, (7pp + 1p abstract + 4 folders. R. 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Papers and publications, G.1-G.80 acknowledgements, references and illustrations), offprint. 2 folders. G.19, G.20 (with C.E. Johnson), ‘Hyperfine field in metals and alloys’, Journal de Physique et le Radium vol. 23 (1962), 733- 737 Typescript (13pp + 1p abstract + 1p illustration), original illustration. 2 folders. (with C.E. Johnson and G.J. Perlow), ‘Mossbauer Effect of Fe57 in hexagonal cobalt’, American Physical Society Meeting, Washington DC, US, 22-25 April 1963 18 January 1963 Duplicated typescript of abstract, 1p. 2 folders. typescript, 12pp + 1p abstract + 3pp G.23, G.24 September 1962 Duplicated illustrations. ordering’, Proceedings of ‘Spin International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, London, 16-22 September, ed. R.O. Davies (1963), 215- 8th the Duplicated typescript (15pp + 1p captions), offprint. ‘The study of solids and liquids using thermal neutrons’, Advancement of Science (July 1965), 186-194 1964-1965 ‘Dynamics by Mossbauer and neutron scattering experiments’, /nelastic Scattering from Neutrons vol. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1965), 399-412 Duplicated typescript (17pp), offprint. G.25, G.26 investigated 2 folders. of magnetic systems 1 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 G.28-G.30 Papers and publications, G.1-G.80 (with unpublished (1965) R.N. Stuart), ‘Theory of superexchange’, Duplicated typescript, 14pp + 1p abstract. scattering ‘Critical ferromagnets’, Conference on Critical Phenomena (National Bureau of Standards Misc. Pub. 273, 1966), 135-143 neutrons by of 1966, n.d. Duplicated typescript (bound), original illustration, offprint. 3 folders. G.31-G.33 (with G. Lang), ‘Méssbauer Effect in some haemoglobin compounds’, Proceedings of the Physical Society vol. 87 (1966), 3-34 Original typescript (2O0pp + 10pp illustrations), offprint. 3 folders. 1p title + G.34, G.35 1p captions), Journal of Physics C (Proceedings of Duplicated typescript (7pp + illustrations. (with J. Als-Nielson, O.W. Dietrich and P.A. Lindgard), ‘Inelastic critical scattering of neutrons from terbium’, Solid State Communications vol. 5 (1967), 607-611 ‘Neutron elastic diffuse scattering from mixed magnetic systems’, the Physical Society) ser. 2, vol. 1 (1968), 88-101 2 folders. Lindgard), in (with P.A. polarization (Proceedings of the Physical Society) (1969), 276-287 ‘Covalency Journal Duplicated typescript (29pp + 4pp illustrations), offprint. Duplicated typescript, 30pp. exchange C 2 vol. G.37, G.38 and of 2 folders. MnCO3, Physics ser. 2, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Papers and publications, G.1-G.80 G.39-G.70 OFFPRINTS 1954-1972 In chronological order. Some are not originals. 32 folders. G.71-G.79 MISCELLANEOUS 1971-1995 Printed and photocopied material. 9 folders. DIVIDERS 1954x1995 Original set, multiply inscribed. See also A.8 (original finding aid). W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION H LECTURES, H.1-H.727 1968-1995 In chronological order. Items H.17-H.726 were found in a series of box files so inscribed. ‘Talk to the Refractories Association’, March 1968 Typescript. ‘Harwell and industrial research’, Sixth Maurice Lubbock Memorial Lecture, 9 May 1969 Offprint. (with F.J.P. Clarke) ‘Planning for technological change’, Conference, Strategic Planning for the Seventies, 7 July 1970 Typescript draft. Harwell’, Licensing nuclear research of Advanced _ der Wissenschaften, Rheinisch- West Typescript. Includes an abstract. laboratory changes direction’, spin-off from Symposium nuclear ‘A Westfalische Germany, 7 July 1971 Akademie and ‘Technical development, British Technology, Hamburg, West Germany, 20-23 September 1971 photocopy of offprint. Typescript draft (with annotations in Marshall's hand) and offprint. ‘Industrial research programme at Executive Society, 26 January 1972 Typescript draft (with annotations in Marshall’s hand) and W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 between and ‘Interaction industry: National Academy of Sciences, Washington, US, 22 October 1973 government Harwell’s experience’, lessons from laboratories Typescript and offprint. Also includes original illustrations (3 monochrome photographs). 2 folders. energy [‘Stretching Scientist Conference, Towards a Self-sufficient Britain?, 19 March 1975 independence’], New _ Typescript of the lecture and photocopy of the article in the New Scientist, 20 March 1975. ‘The nuclear share of world electricity’, European Nuclear Conference, Paris, France, 21-25 April 1975 Typescript. lecture. Also includes briefing document for the Chemical Society and Congress, involved in the 1976, 1987- nuclear the Zurich, Typescript. Also includes later correspondence. ‘Energy for today, tomorrow and the day after’, Annual Chemical Royal Institute of Chemistry, Glasgow, 5-9 April 1976 ‘Why government must get industry and to what extent’, Symposium Crisis in Nuclear Industry?, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Switzerland, 26-28 February 1976 1989 [Keynote address], Symposium on Renewable Sources of Energy, Royal Society of Arts, 16 June 1976 [Untitled], Financial Times Lunchtime Talk, 8 July 1976 Typescript. Also includes figures. Typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Typescript. he15, 16 ‘Energy research’, Unwin Memorial Lecture, London, 28 September 1976 Typescript and offprint. 2 folders. [Opening remarks], Press Conference on Wind Energy, 22 June 1977 Typescript. ‘Current questions on Lecture Series Energy and Related Problems, University of Cambridge, 14 November 1977 nuclear power’, [Untitled], Shrewsbury, 3 February 1978 Handwritten draft. H.20-H.22 the Lecture, proliferation University issue’, Graham 24 of Glasgow, Correspondence, copy of the lecture programme. Lecture text missing. ‘Nuclear power and Young Memorial February 1978 GAO (the US General Accounting Office) respectively. Includes additional material, notably handwritten drafts of two undated lectures given at the Uranium Institute and Correspondence re an article on nuclear proliferation for the Scientific American. 2a 22 ‘Scientific American Correspondence’ Lecture Handwritten outline and offprint. 1978-1980, n.d. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. The text of the Graham Young Memorial Lecture was published in the magazine Atom vol. 258 (April 1978), 78- 102. ‘Nuclear power and the proliferation issue’, Brookhaven, US, March 1978 Handwritten outline. ‘The United Kingdom’s nuclear power programme and its justification’, Applied of Sussex, 24 April 1978 University Sciences Society, 1977-1978 Handwritten draft. Also includes correspondence. ‘Current questions on nuclear power’, Physics Society, Eton College, 26 April 1978 outline and_ flyer. Also includes inscribed. Handwritten draft. Also Handwritten correspondence. From a includes correspondence. folder so ‘Current questions on nuclear power’, Cranfield Materials Society, Cranfield Institute of Technology, Bedfordshire, 4 May 1978 1977-1978 ‘Current questions concerning supplies’, Joint Conference of the London Oil Analyst Group and the of Investment Analysts, London, 30 May 1978 ‘Nuclear power and the proliferation issue’, York, 31 May 1978 Handwritten outline. overview of the conference programme. Handwritten outline. Also includes correspondence. Includes correspondence and an nuclear fuel National Association Petroleum W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Current questions concerning nuclear power’, University of Oxford, 2 June 1978 1977-1978 From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline. Includes correspondence. ‘Nuclear power and non-proliferation’, Uranium Institute Lecture, London, 10 July 1978 From a folder so inscribed. Typescript. ‘Current University of Kent, Canterbury, 3 November 1978 nuclear power, issues Open in Lecture, 1977-1978 From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline. Includes correspondence. ‘Energy R&D’, 1978 IVA, Stockholm, Sweden, 9 November Society Lecture, Oslo, a aé folder folder so so _ inscribed. Norway, From correspondence. Also includes press coverage. Handwritten inscribed. outline, From transparency (‘United Kingdom R&D expenditure’), and additional material. Handwritten IVA stands for ‘[Kungl.] Ingenjorsvetenskapsakademien’, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. ‘Nuclear power and the proliferation issue’, Norwegian Atomic 13 Energy November 1978 2 folders. Includes five monochrome photographs (four of them mounted) and one colour photograph. ‘UK fast breeder programme’, South Bank Polytechnic, London, 23 November 1978 Typescript and handwritten outline. H.34, H.35 draft and W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Fast breeders - Nuclear Power in Wales, Cardiff, 8 December 1978 a controversial necessity’, Forum on 1978, 1980 From a correspondence. folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline and ‘Work Weekend Conference, Oxford, 9-10 December 1978 UKAEA’, National Young of Conservatives From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline. Includes a note by Marshall on government attitudes towards the fast reactor. and cons ‘Pros Science, Technology and Society 1979, Cambridge, 5 February 1979 nuclear power, of Lecture Series University of From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten draft, copy of the programme for the lecture series, correspondence. text final March 1979). (dated 2 folders. H.39, H.40 (three monochrome, one Marshall was unwell and his colleague J.G. Collier stood in for him. ‘Aspects of nuclear power’, William Menelaus Memorial Lecture, South Wales Institute of Engineers, Cardiff, 21 February 1979 From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline, typescript of Includes photographic illustrations in colour). Also includes correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and re subsequent distribution of the text. 1978-1979 ‘Nuclear Symposium on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Seoul, South Korea, 13 April 1979 Handwritten version. Includes three monochrome photographic illustrations. Also includes correspondence. typescript William Menelaus was the first President of the South Wales Institute of Engineers. H.41, H.42 of final outline fuel cycles in the future’, 27 and W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. [Untitled], Rotary Club of Caversham, Berks, 1979 30 May 1978-1979 From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. Lecture text missing. ‘Three Mile Island lecture’, AERE Harwell, 4 June 1979 a From appended illustrations. folder so inscribed. Handwritten draft, with ‘Nuclear power - the way ahead’, First McLintock Lecture, North East Wales Institute, Kelsterton College, Clwyd, 2 July 1979 Handwritten draft and correspondence. Also includes a copy of the menu from the dinner on the occasion. a folder so inscribed. Handwritten Handwritten draft and correspondence. [‘CHP’], District Heating Association, 23 October 1979 ‘Talk to Young Conservatives’, Meeting of the Young Conservatives and Federation of Conservative Students, Blackpool, 8 October 1979 From Also includes draft of two undated lectures on Combined Heat and Power. Lecture ‘The University of Salford, 29 October 1979 plutonium’, Correspondence Chancellors H.48-H.52 Lecture, 1978-1981 use of Fifth draft. 1978-1979 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Handwritten outline, correspondence arising and press coverage. H.50-H.52 Published versions of the lecture 1980-1981 Marshall’s lecture, Copy of the April 1980 number of the magazine Atom featuring version published a typescript of what made the ‘Salford’ version different from the the published version as distributed by the University of Salford. the (including and copy of typescript of University version), Salford ‘Atom’ the by of 3 folders. [Untitled], November 1979 Abingdon School, Abingdon, Oxon, 27 a From correspondence. folder so_ inscribed. Handwritten draft, Party Group, Energy Issues’, 1979-1980 Handwritten outline, correspondence. ‘Current House of Commons, 31 January 1980 Conservative From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten outline. ‘Energy’, Staff Conference, The School, Shrewsbury, 10- 11 January 1980 Correspondence. Lecture text missing. ‘Energy - the use of plutonium’, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 22 February 1980 ‘Combined Heat and Power’, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, 12 February 1980 Handwritten outline. 1979-1980 1979-1980 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 century’, Conference to ‘Nuclear energy in Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements, Geel, Belgium, 28 April 1980 21st the 1979-1980 Correspondence. lecture. Includes a microfiche of Marshall's ‘Proliferation and waste disposal’, British Nuclear Forum to the TUC Fuel & Power Industries, 30 April 1980 Correspondence, copy on speakers etc. Also includes Marshall’s instructions for transparencies/slides. Lecture text missing. the programme, notes of ‘Nuclear policy’, Seminar SS33: Energy, Civil Service College, Sunningdale Park, Berks, 7-9 May 1980 Correspondence, the participants. Lecture text missing. copy of programme, list of Marshall gave his lecture on 9 May. H.63-H.66 H.61, H.62 the 21st century’, ‘Energy in Public Policy Series on Energy & International Affairs, New York University, US, 20 May 1980 Typescript of the final version, correspondence, copy of the programme of the lecture series etc. Also includes information on Marshall’s respondent on the occasion, Z. Nagorski. 1979-1980 ‘Some questions and answers concerning fast reactors’, Fifth Cockroft Memorial Lecture, the Annual Meeting of the British Nuclear Energy Society, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 22 May 1980 Correspondence 1979-1980 given at 2 folders. Lecture Typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.65, H.66 Offprints etc. Includes the September 1980 issue of the magazine Atom (where the lecture appeared in abridged form) and the October 1980 issue of Nuclear Energy. Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society (where it was reproduced in full). 2 folders. H.67-H.69 ‘Nuclear power from the world perspective’, 48th Annual Convention Energy Decisions for the Next Decade, Chicago, US, 9-11 June 1980 Institute, Electric Edison the of 1979-1980 Marshall delivered his lecture on 10 June. Correspondence 1979-1980 Covers arrangements for its enthusiastic reception, publication of the lecture text and of the film recording from the occasion, etc. lecture, the Lecture The film project failed. Conference proceedings Typescript. Includes editorial correspondence. Copy of the proceedings, published under the title Energy Decisions for the Next Decade. Handwritten and correspondence. background material, such as pamphlets (by the activist organisation Ecoropa and the UKAEA), an assessment of N. Hildyard by the Market Intelligence Section of the UKAEA, etc. ‘Is nuclear power a viable energy option?’, Debate with representatives of the Ecology Movement, King’s School, Canterbury, Kent, 7 October 1980 for Includes discussion H.70, H.71 2 folders. notes the dossier a of W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Hildyard was the Ecologist. co-editor of the radical magazine ‘Politics Oxford October 1980 and economics of Politics and the plutonium Economics Society, economy’, 28 Oxford, Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their ‘The plutonium economy’, Annual Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Division, Environment Group, Scientific Societies Lecture Theatre, London, 27 November 1980 Industrial Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their covered by the their of Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. Also includes copy of the programme, list participants and a ‘glossary for conference members’. instructions for Topics correspondence _ include arrangements for planting ‘people in the audience with appropriate questions and comments’. ‘Weapons proliferation after INFCE’, Conference, Nuclear Power: Problems and Implications, University of Sussex, Falmer, 29 November 1980 Department for External Studies, 5 December 1980 INFCE (International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation) was set up in 1977 in response to rising concern about the risks of proliferation of nuclear weapons from nuclear power fuel cycles and international disagreement on how these risks were to be met. ‘Nuclear power in Series, Energy: Alternatives for the Future, University of Oxford, century’, Lecture next the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their plutonium ‘The Darmstadt, Darmstadt, West Germany, 6 February 1981 Technische economy’, Hochschule 1980-1981 Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their ‘Energy opportunities in the UK’, Monthly Colloquium of the British Oxygen Company, Royal Institution, London, 12 February 1981 1980-1981 Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their Stability, Royal College instructions for their Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. ‘The use of plutonium’, Lecture Course Pressures on World Studies, London, 24 February 1981 of Defence ‘Nuclear safety and the transport of nuclear waste’, All Party Group for Energy Studies, House of Commons, 6 May 1981 1980-1981 Includes dossier on history of the subject in House of Commons discussions. Also includes copies of memos on transport of Magnox spent fuel flasks. ‘Problems of nuclear industry, or, Progress report from Dr Marshall, or, What we have to do for a public enquiry Correspondence and background materials. Lecture text missing. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 starting Lamont, 24 June 1981 on 4 October 1982’, Presentation to Norman Set of sixteen cue cards. At the time, Lamont was Under-Secretary of State for Energy. ‘Nuclear energy’, Third Oxford Energy Seminar, World Energy Options and Policies, Oxford, 14-25 September 1981 Correspondence, speakers. Lecture text missing. copy of the programme, list of Includes schedule of slides and retrieval. instructions for their Marshall delivered his lecture on 17 September. Handwritten notes and correspondence. Correspondence arising from the broadcast. [Untitled], European Atomic Forum (Foratom) Luncheon, London, 25 September 1981 ‘The Sizewell PWR’, British Nuclear Forum Symposium on Nuclear Power, 28 October 1981 [Radio talk on nuclear power], broadcast on BBC Radio 4, ?4 October 1981 Pressurised Water Reactor. Includes synopses of presentations by other speakers and electricity supply industry’ (by J. Baker). Correspondence, copy of the conference programme, list of delegates etc. Lecture text missing. typescript on ‘Nuclear power and the symposium was for The MPs. PWR _ stands for W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Untitled], Energy Matters Seminar, Cambridge University Industrial Society, Cambridge, 10 November 1982 Handwritten draft, correspondence. ‘Atomic energy and industry: the future of the pressurised London water reactor in Chamber of Commerce and 16 November 1981 Britain’, Centenary Briefing, Industry, London, 1981-1982 Correspondence etc. Lecture text missing. Includes schedule of slides and their retrieval. Also includes copy of the press summary ‘Public statement by the Chairman of the PWR Task Force’ (20 January 1982) instructions for to the the new over As Chairman of the UKAEA (19871), it fell to Marshall to out preside disagreements over the design for a ‘British PWR’, i.e. a British nuclear safety philosophies. PWR that satisfied Marshalls PWR Task of Sizewell B. design settled Force Force Task sort it is Correspondence. Lecture text missing. ‘UK plutonium stocks: an indigenous reserve of energy fuel or a hazard?’, All-Party Minerals Committee, House of Commons, 24 February 1982 [‘The PWR’, Central Electricity Generating Board Local Advisory Committee Annual Open Meeting, Barnwood, Gloucestershire, 1 March 1982 1981-1982 Handwritten outline and correspondence re a talk about the PWR as seen by his capacity of Chairman of the PWR Task Force’. Also includes copy of ‘The Sizewell ‘B’ PWR. Public statement by the chairman of the PWR Task Force’, dated 20 January 1982. [Untitled], Conservative Committee on Energy, House of Commons, 4 March 1982 Correspondence. Lecture text missing. Lecture text missing. [Dr Marshall] in W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Marshall was asked ‘to give a general up-to-date picture of the role nuclear energy is currently playing in meeting the particular reference being given to the proposed PWR at Sizewell and the current AGR programme’. electricity requirements of the UK with H.90-H.93 ‘Problems of introducing new technology’, Symposium, PWR and the UK, University of Birmingham, 24 March 1982 1981-1982 Report on the work of the task force that co-ordinated the design and the proposed Sizewell PWR. safety aspects of Correspondence 1981-1982 Includes an early outline of Marshall's lecture, proofs of his slides, etc. Storyboard Lecture transcript Offprint Set of colour photographic reproductions of the lecture slides. From a sound recording of the proceedings. Includes a synopsis. Handwritten outline and correspondence. Includes copies of the programme, list of participants, etc. [Dinner speech], Annual Meeting of Nuclear Engineering Educationalists, Cambridge, 31 March-2 April 1982 Lecture text (December 1982), 371-376. as published in Nuclear Energy vol. 21 Marshall delivered his lecture on 1 April 1982. The Nuclear Engineering Educationalists convened in W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Cambridge to mark the 50th anniversary of Chadwick’s discovery of the neutron. H.95-H.98 ‘How safe is nuclear power?’, Royal Overseas League, London, 19 April 1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 Correspondence Chiefly re arrangements. Lecture script ‘Speaking notes for the Chairman to use as a basis for his talk’, dated 7 April 1982. Instructions for ?slides H.99, H.100 1981-1982 Handwritten cards. Storyboard Water Reactor in the of Mechanical Engineers, London, 11 Set of photographic reproductions of the lecture slides, in colour. ‘PWR project in the UK’, Opening Address, Conference, United Kingdom, Pressurized Institution May 1982 1981-1982 lecture and subsequent Covers arrangements for the distribution of the lecture text. Includes list of participants, copy of the provisional programme, lecture text, etc. Set of photographic reproductions of the lecture slides, in colour. Correspondence Storyboard W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.101, H.102 ‘The PWR project in the UK’, Presentation to the Chinese Science and Technology Delegation, 7May 1982 From a folder so inscribed. List of the delegates, bound booklet of the lecture slides, storyboard. 2 folders. [Untitled], Supply Industry, London, 15 June 1982 Employees’ National Committee, Electricity Correspondence. Lecture text missing. [Conference review], Foratom VIII: Nuclear Energy - Europe and the World, Lausanne, Switzerland, 20-24 June 1982 Correspondence, Marshall’s conference review missing. copy the of programme. Text of by H.105-H.107 1982-1983 Correspondence Chiefly re arrangements. ‘Design and safety of the Sizewell PWR’, Royal Society Evening Technology Lecture, London, 29 June 1982 Also includes copy of a paper on ‘Energy and the Third World’ from the inaugural session, J. Grawe, the Director of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn, West Germany. Les ‘Neutrons and nuclear power’, Conference, The Neutron and Its Applications, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Discovery 13-17 of Cambridge, Includes a handwritten outline and a storyboard (with annotations). Transcript and offprint University of the Neutron, 1982-1983 1981-1983 Lecture H.108-H.112 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 September 1982 Marshall delivered his lecture on 15 September. H.108, H.109 Correspondence 1981-1982 attempts Marshall’s unsuccessful Covers planning of the meeting, the focus of Marshall's lecture, a suitable stand-in (he had other, pressing commitments), research into lecture topic, etc. Includes an exchange with Marshall's doctoral supervisor R.E. Peierls on the need to use appropriate language when explaining nuclear safety not only to the ‘grand public’, but also to ‘numerate people’. historical background of the find the to 2 folders. The Cambridge conference overlapped with a meeting in Vienna, Austria, where Marshall had likewise agreed to speak (see H.113-H.121). This was also the period of Marshall's transition from Chairman of the UKAEA to that of the CEGB. Storyboard 1982-1983 Published version Typescript marked ‘Cambridge lecture final text’ and copy of offprint (1983). Set of photographic reproductions of the lecture slides, in colour. Also includes a card with notes in Marshall’s hand. 1981-1983 ‘Big Energy Agency (IAEA) Conference, Nuclear Power Experience, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 September 1982 Copy of Physics Bulletin vol. 33 (August 1982). the ‘Neutron 50th anniversary issue’ Marshall delivered his lecture on 17 September. Additional material H.113-H.121 International of the nuclear accidents’, Atomic W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.113, H.114 Correspondence 1981-1983 Includes a copy of the provisional programme. 2 folders. Storyboard Lecture text Typescript marked ‘Master copy with tracings’ (from a folder so inscribed). Conference report Typescript of a report by S. Eklund, former Director of the IAEA. Responses to the lecture Correspondence. H.119-H.121 Published versions of the lecture 1982-1983 Copies of the following: ‘Talking about accidents’, Atom no. 312 W. Marshall, (October, 1982); W. Marshall, with D.E. Billington, R.F. Cameron, and S.J. Curl, ‘Big nuclear accidents’, UKAEA Harwell publication AERE-R 10532 (September 1983); Power Engineers’ Association (EPEA), 11 October 1982 W. Experience vol. Vienna, 1983), 53-69. ‘Big nuclear accidents’, Nuclear Power 4 (International Atomic Energy Agency, [Untitled], Lecture given at a Seminar of the Electrical Marshall, 3 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence. information. Lecture text missing. No _ further H.123, H.124 ‘The need for energy now and in the future’, National Union of Townswomen’s Guild Conference, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 14 October 1982 Lecture text missing. Correspondence Storyboard Includes Marshall’s instructions for slides. [Opening remarks], Management Conference, Central Electricity Generating Region, Barnet, Hertfordshire, 4-5 November 1982 Eastern Board, South draft, copy of the of notes, address, handwritten programme, Handwritten correspondence. Typescript the correspondence, etc. ‘The implication of private generation on electricity and the electricity supply industry’, Parliamentary All Party Minerals Group, 17 November 1982 the PWR _ proposed for Copy of the Minutes of Evidence as published. Includes a letter by Marshall, 6 January 1983, expanding further on the ‘Progress of the PWR’, Select Committee on Energy, House of Commons, 2 December 1982 ‘The case for Bow Group’s Standing Committee, London, 22 November 1982 nuclear booklet Bound correspondence. subject of the costs of lecture slides, Energy with copies of the power’, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 construction at Sizewell. Marshall reported in his capacity as Chairman of the Central Electricity Generating Board and of the PWR Task Force. [After dinner speech], British Nuclear Energy Society - British Nuclear Forum Dinner, London, 2 December 1982 From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. Text of the speech missing. H.130, H.131 ‘Electricity generation in the future’, Parliamentary Liaison Group for Alternative Energy Strategies (PARLIGAES), London, 6 December 1982 Correspondence Covers arrangements and background research on the forum in question as well as on the topic of the talk. Lecture [Untitled], AGM of the HQ Managerial Section of the EPEA, Sudbury House, London, 13 December 1982 Handwritten draft. Also includes a typescript of speech notes prepared for the occasion by CEGB’s Department for Information and Public Affairs. how Correspondence, Marshall might want to introduce himself. Lecture text missing. Correspondence, handwritten notes. Script missing. [/PWR_ London, 14 December 1982 project’], Energy including Industries Club Luncheon, re the forum and W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [PWR project], Reading Chamber of Commerce and Trade, Johnson Matthey Research Centre, Reading, 19 January 1983 1982-1983 Correspondence, slides. Lecture text missing. handwritten notes, instructions for [Untitled], Conservative Backbench Energy Committee, House of Commons, 3 February 1983 Correspondence only. [Address], Management Conference, CEGB Midlands Region, St Albans, Hertfordshire, 2-3 March 1983 Photocopy of handwritten draft, copy of the programme, correspondence. Marshall delivered his address on 2 March. 1982-1983 1982-1983 briefing document which Photocopy of the storyboard, correspondence. General [Untitled], Henley Management College, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, 9 March 1983 Management Course, ‘How safe is nuclear power’, Oxford Medical Society, 11 March 1983 Correspondence. Also includes an (annotated) typescript of pronounced ‘super’. dining club for actuarists. Handwritten draft and correspondence. Also includes a photocopy A Reappraisement (1958) by F.A.A. Menzler. ‘The Argonauts, 17 March 1983 Menzler was the Founder-Chairman of the Argonauts, a risks of nuclear electricity in perspective’, The H.139, H.140 of Power of Atomic Energy. a Marshall 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.141-H.143 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Production of electricity using breeder reactors’, Panel on Development Strategy of Fast Breeder Reactors, Japan Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 23-25 March 1983 Industrial Atomic Forum (JAIF) From a folder so inscribed. Marshall delivered his paper on 23 March. H.141, H.142 Correspondence 1982-1983 Includes briefing documents. 2 folders. Lecture Typescript, dated 17 March 1983. Also includes a copy of Denton in safety’ on 25 March. the session ‘Towards the goal the slides presented by H. of nuclear the H.144-H.146 the screening of Delegate Conference of Marshall delivered his address on 28 March. [Untitled], EPEA, York, 28-30 March 1983 Ninth Annual Denton was Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. At the time, controversy over nuclear power was reaching new heights with a World in Action programme that raised doubts about the ethics of an attempt to sell a PWR to China. Typescript. Also includes press response. Includes detailed briefing documents. Correspondence Lecture W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Miscellaneous Additional material on the meeting. [‘The future of the Generating Board and how it might affect CEGB Headquarters Local Joint Co-ordinating Council (LUCC), Sudbury House, London, 11 April 1983 Headquarters’, Conference, Annual Typescript draft and photocopy of handwritten notes. Includes correspondence and advance questions. H.148, H.149 [Untitled], Annual Luncheon, Institute of Energy, London, 12 April 1983 Handwritten draft, includes background material. briefing notes, correspondence. Also 2 folders. and Construction Division, and typescript At the time there were press speculations re reshuffle within the CEGB. a major of engineering management responsibilities draft of Correspondence, handwritten Marshall’s address. Includes a list of advance questions re the CEGB’s plans for operations at Barnwood. See also H.181, H.182. (‘Current thinking in CEGB, with particular reference to PWR’], Annual Open Meeting, LJCC, CEGB Generation Development Barnwood, Gloucestershire, 13 April 1983 storage station, was commissioned in 1983. Typescript of extensive briefing document with Marshall's annotations. Also includes a draft of arrangements for the Press Day. ‘Dinorwig Press Day’, Dinorwig, Wales, 10 May 1983 Dinorwig, then Europe’s largest hydro-electric pumped W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [‘The role of the CEGB’], Eastern Electricity Managerial Conference, Essendon, Hertfordshire, 30 June 1983 Handwritten draft subtitled ‘Reflections on my first year’. Also includes correspondence. This talk was recycled on other occasions around this time. See H.155, H.156. [Untitled], Dennis Lomer’s retirement, 30 June 1983 Typescript. Also includes an annotated briefing document for the occasion. [Untitled], Power Station, Essex, 1 July 1983 Bradwell 21st Anniversary Lunch, Bradwell of Typescript annotations), correspondence, etc. Includes a transcript of a news clip re the occasion, broadcast on ITV Anglia later that day. Marshall’s speech (with /mproving Productivity and power station was a Photocopy of handwritten draft (previously used on June 1983; see programme, etc. 30 H.152). Correspondence, conference [‘The role of the CEGB’], London Electricity Managerial Conference, Reducing Bureaucracy, Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire, 4-5 July 1983 Bradwell twin Magnox reactor nuclear power station. It was decommissioned in 2002. The occasion of its 21st anniversary of going on load coincided with Marshall's first anniversary as Chairman of the CEGB. Marshall delivered his presentation on 7 July. Photocopy of handwritten draft (previously used on 30 June and 4 July; see H.152, H.155). Correspondence, conference programme, list of delegates, etc. [‘The role of the CEGB’], North West Region Managerial Conference, Hertfordshire, 7-8 July 1983 Marshall delivered his presentation on 4 July. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Untitled], CEGB South Western Region Local Joint Co- ordinating Council (LJCC), 26 September 1983 Briefing documents (‘Talk to South West Region LJCC’, ‘Suggested response to questions raised by SW region staff, ‘The impact of privatisation’). Also includes copy of a report on the meeting. Handwritten draft of the lecture: found at H.164. H.158-H.160 ‘Understanding nuclear energy’, Foundation Endowment Seminar, Challenges to the United States and Western Europe: The Final Two Decades of the 20th Century, Windsor, 11-14 October 1983 1983-1985 Marshall delivered his lecture on 11 October. The Foundation Endowment was a newly incorporated American with — right-wing sympathies. organisation non-profit Correspondence Lecture Correspondence arising Handwritten draft, transcript provided by the Endowment Foundation and Marshall’s own version. Chiefly re background research on the Foundation Endowment. invitation and arrangements. Also includes a Correspondence re Foundation Seminar (this time on the topic of ‘Outer space’). Marshall declined on the grounds of scheduling conflicts but recommended alternative speakers and topics. [Introduction], Conference, Combined Heat and Power - New Opportunities for Industry, London, 26 October 1983 a second invitation to speak at H.161-H.163 CBI W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.161, H.162 Correspondence various Includes comments on conference (including list of delegates, abstracts etc.). and includes details about the Marshall's speech drafts them. Also of 2 folders. Lecture Handwritten draft. [Untitled], CEGB North Western Regional JCC, Lymm, Cheshire, 7 November 1983 Handwritten draft (previously used on 26 September; see H.157). Also includes correspondence and copy of the programme. energy and 1982-1983 Lecture the environment’, 1982-1983 H.165-H.168 fl 166) mudor Correspondence Marshall delivered his lecture on 8 November. Covers arrangements and briefing communications. ‘Nuclear Conference, Energy and Our Future Environment, \nstitute of Energy, London, 8-9 November 1983 Includes comments on the lecture text. Handwritten outline, storyboard, typescript of the lecture (with illustrations). Correspondence arising 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Response], Sub-Conference, Sizewell and the Future of Nuclear Generation, Britain, Barbican Centre, London, 10 November 1983 National JCC for Great Extensive notes (in Marshall’s hand) on the back of the extended version of the conference programme. Also includes copy of the discussion paper to which Marshall responded, ‘Sizewell B and the future of nuclear generation’, given by J.W. Baker. [Opening address], Parliamentary Scientific Committee Seminar, House of Commons, 23 November 1983 of Nuclear Energy, Future The Handwritten notes on cue card, correspondence, and copy of the programme. Also includes a typescript of the lecture for publication in the Committee’s journal Science in Parliament. The seminar was originally planned for 17 May but had to be postponed due to the calling of the General Election and the dissolution of Parliament on 13 May. Kingsbury High School, the Headquarters Section of Handwritten draft, briefing material, correspondence. Annual London, 14 December 1983 Presentation Night, Handwritten draft, notes (on back of programme booklet), correspondence. [Untitled], AGM of the Electrical Power Engineers’ Association (EPEA), Sudbury House, London, 5 December 1983 1982-1983 [Untitled], Conservative Party Energy Group, House of Commons, 15 December 1983 Marshall acted as Visiting Speaker and Prize Giver on the occasion. Handwritten notes, briefing documents, correspondence. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Untitled], Managers Meeting, 31 January 1984 Typescript. [Untitled], Coal Industry Society Luncheon, London, 6 February 1984 1982-1984 typescript, Annotated includes briefings and contemporary press clipping re tensions between the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the National Coal Board (NCB). correspondence. Also Eventually these tensions would lead to the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike. [Untitled], Physical Birmingham, 9 February 1984 Poynting Correspondence. Society Annual Dinner, 1983-1984 Dinner, 1983-1984 Royal Naval - the role of plutonium’, Lecture Silver and 16 Handwritten draft, correspondence, etc. Nuclear Science Greenwich, College, Presentation Ceremony and the Department of [Address], Jubilee of Technology, February 1984 The Poynting Physical Society was a student society that was based at the University of Birmingham Department of Physics. Course ‘Energy Pressures on World Stability, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 24 February 1984 1983-1984 Instructions for slides, correspondence. Also includes information re the course. See also H.214, H.215, where this presentation appears to have been recycled. [Untitled], JAIF Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 March 1984 Typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Untitled], Annual Meeting of Employees, CEGB North Eastern Council (LJCC), 28 March 1984 Co-ordinating Region Local Joint 1983-1984 Handwritten draft, briefing documents, speaking notes (including suggested answers to advance questions), correspondence, etc. H.181, H.182 [Untitled], Generation Barnwood, Gloucestershire, 4 May 1984 Annual Development Meeting, Open and Construction LJCC, CEGB Division, briefing documents, correspondence. Handwritten draft, See also H.150. 2 folders. H.183-H.185 [Address], National Conference for the Electric Supply Industry, Scarborough, 14-15 May 1984 1983-1984 Address 1983-1984 Correspondence etc Handwritten draft, published transcript. Includes briefing notes, copy of the agenda etc. From a folder inscribed ‘EETPU Conference’. EETPU stands for Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunication and Plumbing Union. From a handwritten draft. [Untitled], Labour Energy Committee, 21 May 1984 Includes Union information. Correspondence arising W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.187, H.188 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Annual Electricity [Untitled], Supply Industry Midlands Region LJCC, Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station, Nottinghamshire, 25 May 1984 Employees, Meeting of 1983-1984 Handwritten draft, briefing documents, correspondence, 2 folders. ‘Public acceptance of nuclear power’, Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), New Orleans, US, 4 June 1984 Storyboard. presentation [‘The analysis’], Presentation at the request of J.S. Gummer MP, 11 July 1984 and vocabulary of risk Correspondence etc photocopied material presumably used on the occasion. re PWR safety. Also includes Sizewell the light of 2 folders. PWR _ in proposed tet Od helo folder so inscribed. Correspondence, briefing From a material, storyboard (annotated). [‘Lecture for video The Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power’], London, 19 September 1984 The context was the Sizewell Inquiry, a public inquiry of the Department of Energy that considered the need for the the government's long-term energy policy, the safety of the design, waste management etc. Sizewell was located in the constituency of J.S. Gummer MP. [‘The future of the CEGB’], Annual Conference, Electricity Supply Industry Midlands Region JCC, Drakelow Power Station, Staffordshire, 25 September 1984 Handwritten draft, briefing documents (including speaking notes), correspondence etc. The lecture was recorded ‘for future use both inside and outside the CEGB’. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [‘Freedom of the City of London’], 10 October 1984 Handwritten note from the occasion. ‘Nuclear power in the UK’, Tenth Annual Meeting of the Sociedad Nuclear Espafiola (Spanish Nuclear Society), Madrid, Spain, 16-18 October 1984 Correspondence Includes speaking notes, briefing on electricity supply in Spain, copy of the programme etc. Storyboard Illustrates nuclear power in photographs of UK power stations, graphics and tables. speaking notes, briefing documents, Handwritten correspondence. [‘Farewell to Mr Porteous’], 29 October 1984 address], [Keynote Northwestern Lancashire, 1 November 1984 Electricity Conference, Management Board (NORWEB), Chorley, From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten speaking notes, correspondence. ke ‘What is right with nuclear power?’, Annual Conference of the 12 November 1984 [After dinner speech], Third Dinner, Royal Naval Engineer Officers of Chartered Surveyors, London, 8 November 1984 Institution Marshall was the guest of honour on the occasion. Correspondence. Includes a copy of the menu. Dining Club, Royal Atomic Industrial Forum, Washington, US, 1983-1984 H.200-H.202 1984-1985 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 The conference was held in collaboration with the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) and the European Atomic Forum (Foratom). Correspondence Includes briefing documents. 1984-1985 Lecture Typescript, with instructions for slides. Storyboard [Toast], Engineers 15 November 1984 Annual Dinner, Institution of Mechanical Briefing documents, correspondence. H.206-H.208 H.204, H.205 Briefing communication includes re ‘if trying out the outside speechwriter we have discussed’. it would be worth Extensive briefing documents (including a question and answers brief), speaking notes, correspondence. Also includes a conference pack. [The CEGB - the way ahead’], Annual Conference, Electricity Supply Industry South Eastern Region JCC, Barbican Centre, London, 27 November 1984 1984-1985 Marshall was encouraged to discuss ‘the philosophy of the Board’s proposed reorganisation and its effect on the JCC machinery; the impact on the Board of government policies, future tariff structures; environmental issues, including acid rain; and the future development of nuclear generation’. [‘Industrial opportunities of the Sizewell PWR’], British Nuclear Forum Annual Symposium for Members of Parliament, London, 28 November 1984 2 folders. including privatisation; W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence Includes briefing documents (including notes on particular MPs), copy of the programme, list of delegates, table plan, issues on which MPs _ have expressed an interest’. ‘topics and list of ‘Chairman’s remarks’ Typescript. Also includes correspondence arising, list of MPs (and their research assistants) who attended the symposium, and a copy of the published report on the symposium. Transcript of the meeting 46pp. 1984-1985 1984-1985 [Toast], Commerce and Industry, Birmingham, 15 January 1985 Birmingham Banquet, Chamber of Annual H.210-H.212 Correspondence. [Untitled], Conservative Backbench Energy Committee, House of Commons, 14 February 1985 Handwritten speaking notes, extensive briefing material, correspondence, etc. Includes a much marked copy of the House of Commons First Report from the Energy Committee, Session 1984- 1985, Reports and Accounts of the Electricity and Gas Industry for 1983-1984. 1984-1985 ‘The introduction of the PWR into the UK’, University of Birmingham 16 February 1985 Birmingham, Typescript correspondence. original’), Founder's Day Dinner, 3 folders. ‘final of the lecture (marked W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.214, H.215 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Nuclear energy’, Lecture Course Pressures on World Stability of Defence Studies, London, 20 February 1985 and Resources, College Royal 1984-1985 See also H.178, H.307, H.308. Correspondence 1984-1985 Also includes course information, list of students, etc. Storyboard 1984-1985 This appears to have been used for Marshall's lecture a year earlier (see H.178). E216; 217 [‘End 1985 of Sizewell Inquiry press conference’], 7 March notes, 3 folders. 2 folders. H.218-H.223 H.218-H.220 Briefing material speaking Handwritten (annotated) briefing material re ‘Media questions in the aftermath of the coal dispute’ etc. Also includes a script for an eight- minute film for lead item on Channel 4 News at 7 p.m. that day. extensive ‘North West Wales and the CEGB’, Visit to Trawsfynydd, Wales, 15 March 1985 The context of this visit was the impending closure of the Magnox power station at the location. ‘Future of electricity generation in North West Wales’, etc. Briefing folder with five dividers labelled ‘Programme and people’, ‘Technical briefs’, ‘Q&A’, ‘Press details’, ‘Note by S.C. Goddard’. Also includes guest list, CEGB press information on the Correspondence W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.222, H.223 Storyboard 2 folders. [Speech], Unidentified occasion, H.M. Yacht Britannia, Portugal, March 1985 Handwritten speaking notes, table plan. ‘Fifty years of the National Grid’, Press Conference for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the National Grid, 9 April 1985 Typescript draft (annotated) and copy of booklet from the occasion, R. Cochrane, Power to the People. The Story of the National Grid (1985). H.226-H.232 ‘Electricity in the UK’, Lord Nelson of Stafford Lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London?, 11 April 1985 1984-1985 1984-1985 lecture, 4 folders. 2 folders. H.227-H.230 Storyboard H.231, H.232 Lecture text Correspondence Includes Marshall's synopsis, briefing documents, etc. proceedings. [Opening address], Major Achievement Symposium on the Dinorwig Power Station, of Mechanical Engineers, London, 16-17 April 1985 correspondence, of Briefing programme. the published Transcript, typescript of version published in /EE Proceedings. correspondence re video the of Also includes copy of copy the Institution 1984-1985 H.233, H.234 documents, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.235-H.240 ‘The introduction of the PWR in the UK’, Seminar, The Pressurised Water Reactor and the United Kingdom, University of Birmingham, 22-23 April 1985 Correspondence Includes programme etc. briefing documents, conference _ flyer, 1984-1986 1984-1985 H.236-H.238 Storyboard Includes handwritten speaking notes. 3 folders. Correspondence arising 1985-1986 Includes comments on the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl, Soviet Union, on 26 April 1986. 1984-1985 Fison Memorial the The physicist Marshall accepted the invitation to lecture, declining to give the Larmour Lecture at the Queen’s University of Belfast. Lecture was named after Henry Fison. Alfred H.241-H.249 H.241-H.243 Copy of the proceedings ‘Public fear and understanding of new technology’, Fison Memorial Lecture, Guy’s Tower, Guy’s and St Thomas's Hospitals, London, 9 May 1985 1984-1985 the Includes extensive briefing health impact of the Three Mile Island accident and other, non-nuclear accidents such as the 1979 ‘Mississauga miracle’, train transporting butane and other flammables, and 90 tons of chlorine. The derailment in Mississauga, Canada, involved several explosions with one car found in a field a kilometre away. Correspondence material, including re 3 folders. derailment of a which involved the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 The accident was termed a miracle because no one was hurt. Marshall used both these accidents, Three Mile Island and Mississauga, in his presentation. H.244-H.248 Storyboard Includes handwritten annotations. 5 folders. Correspondence arising H.250-H.254 ‘Public acceptance of nuclear power and the meaning of reactor safety’, Fifth Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, South Korea, 19-23 May 1985 Correspondence Draft lecture 2 folders. In English and ?Korean. 21 March 1985 1985 H.252, H.253 Storyboard Press coverage of the conference Includes handwritten speaking notes. more generally about management style, drawing on [his] ?Speaking notes, correspondence, programme. Marshall had been asked to speak on ‘Future trends in electricity sector generation implications management’, but indicated that ‘talk Advanced Management Programme, [Untitled], Staff College of the National Coal Board, The Vache, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, 17 June-12 July 1985 electricity for he preferred to and the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.256-H.258 Lectures, H.1-H.727 personal experiences ... in the energy sector’. Marshall delivered his lecture on 20 June. and _ responsibility, ‘Power Sustainable Development in an Industrial Economy, UK Centre for Economic and Queen’s College, Cambridge, 23-25 June 1985 Environmental Development, Conference, Marshall delivered his lecture on 24 June. Correspondence Includes a delegates list and a copy of the programme. Storyboard Three sets (labelled A1, B and C) of photographs with cue cards, in original order. Includes a photocopy (A2) of the order in which set A1 may have been presented on the occasion. Transcript Annual Conference, Electricity H.259, H.260 Typescript of Marshall’s lecture, for publication. [Address], Council Yorkshire and North Eastern Region JCCs, University of York, 23 September 1985 briefing Typescript documents including advance questions, correspondence elc: summary, briefing material etc. [Summary], British Nuclear Forum Annual Symposium on Nuclear Power for Members of Parliament, London, 24 October 1985 H.261, H.262 of Marshall's published version Handwritten notes, (annotated), speaking notes 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. Annual School, Electrical Power Engineers’ Association (EPEA), Oxford, 20-24 November 1985 Correspondence, copy of the programme. Includes draft of report on the meeting in the magazine Electrical Power Engineer. Marshall delivered his talk on 23 November. H.264-H.271 ‘The engineering challenge of the electrical industry’, The Second McKechnie Lecture, University of Liverpool, 27 November 1985 1984-1985 The McKechnie Lecture was set up by the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Liverpool to deal with modern developments and future trends in engineering. H.264, H.265 Correspondence 1984-1985 London, 2 folders. H.266-H.271 Storyboard 6 folders. Briefing material (including arrangements in the event of a demonstration), correspondence, list of dinner guests etc. [Speech], Visit to Fiddler's Ferry Power Station, Cheshire, 28 November 1985 From (sequence of slides marked on margin). [Address], Engineering November 1985 Presentation Industry Typescript of draft speaking notes (annotated) and other the briefing correspondence, documents, copy of Fellowship Board, Awards, 28 Typescript of speech H.273, H.274 a folder so inscribed. of Training W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.275-H.280 Lectures, H.1-H.727 programme, seating plan. 2 folders. ‘Public electricity, December 1985 understanding of science - examples Royal Overseas League, London, from 9 Correspondence H.276-H.280 Storyboard 5 folders. H.281-H.288 ‘Coal and electricity’, Fifth International Conference and Exhibition on Coal Utilisation and Trade, Wembley Conference Centre, London, 11-13 December 1985 Coaltech ‘85: his 5 folders. Storyboard H.283-H.287 (one of the keynote H.281, H.282 Correspondence With typescript ?speaking notes. lecture Marshall presentations) on 11 December. delivered Includes briefing documents, copy of the catalogue, etc. press statement, correspondence. [‘Talk to staff], Visit to Hinkley Point B Power Station, Somerset, 30 December 1985 Lecture for publication Handwritten speaking notes, briefing documents, draft Typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 The context of Marshall’s visit was an incident at the plant on 25 October, which had received much publicity and the critical attention of J. (‘Paddy’) Ashdown MP. ‘Public acceptance of nuclear power and the meaning of reactor Power Operations (INPO), Atlanta, Georgia, US, 1985 Lecture, Nuclear Institute safety’, of Colour photocopy of the storyboard. [Toast], Electrical and Electronics Industries Benevolent Association (EEIBA) Banquet, Cardiff Castle, 31 January 1986 1985-1986 Correspondence. This was the inaugural EEIBA Dinner. For the Marshalls the occasion was combined with the rugby game (Wales v. Scotland) on 1 February. H.292-H.306 School, London, Tizard 6 1985-1988 the Lecture’ and nuclear waste’, nuclear power and Lecture, Westminster the ‘NIMBY Lecture’. ‘Electricity, Memorial February 1986 Lecture ‘on radioactive waste management which will convey to non-specialists a realistic perspective of the risk involved’. Marshall’s Tizard Memorial Lecture was also known as the ‘Garden The names respectively referred to Marshall's argument about naturally occurring radioactivity (i.e. in one’s garden) and to what he identified as ‘Not In My Back Yard’ (NIMBY) objections to risk posed by nuclear energy and nuclear waste. Marshall gave the lecture (or versions of it) (see H.320- H.323). Illustrations with live Geiger readings formed a regular feature of his performances. See also H.405. 1985-1986 Correspondence, briefing material, CEGB press release. Also includes a response to the lecture, published in The Elizabethan, the Westminster School magazine. on many occasions, Correspondence notably at Eton W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Speaking notes Handwritten notes, including stage directions to self. H.294-H.301 Storyboard Includes notes, some handwritten. 8 folders. Transcript of the lecture Marked ‘rough transcript (not checked)’. 12 February 1986 Video of the lecture March 1986 Memorandum. Video missing. Published version June 1986 Booklet based on the lecture. ‘Updated NIMBY Lecture’ Copy of the reprint from the magazine Atom. Your Radioactive Garden: Nuclear Waste in Perspective (CEGB, 1987) ie From a note marked ‘Up to date Changes on 1/March/88’ (in technical appendices. ‘Nuclear energy’, Lecture Course Pressures on World Stability and Resources, of Defence Royal Studies, London, 12 February 1986 College Marshall’s hand). Lecture text with Correspondence June 1988 1985-1986 1985-1986 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Includes course information, list of students, etc. Storyboard H.309-H.314 ‘The PWR’, Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies, 26 February 1986 1985-1986 Correspondence 1985-1986 Includes meeting, list of those present. briefing documents, CEGB report on the Lecture text Typescript and summary. Copies of this document were issued on the occasion. July 1986 Storyboard H.313, H.314 Additional material With extensive handwritten notes. Published version of the lecture Copy of the magazine Energy Focus vol. 3 (July 1986). Correspondence etc. Copies of Nuclear Power: Consolidation or Change? (South of Scotland Electricity Board, 1986); and E. Edmundson, AGR - the Present Position (CEGB, January 1986). [Reply Naval Engineering College, Manadon, Plymouth, 6 March 1986 the following documents: 2 folders. to the toast], Mess Dinner, Royal 1985-1986 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 fes16eh317, ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Southern Electricity 27 March 1986 Board, ?Maidenhead, Berkshire, 1985-1986 material and instructions for 1985-1986 Correspondence Includes some briefing slides. Storyboard ‘Reprocessing and the CEGB’, THORP Contract Signing, 24 April 1986 Two typescripts, one so inscribed, the other inscribed ‘THORP opening statement’. Chairman’s contract signing ... stands for H.320-H.323 [Untitled], SBK Dinner, 28 April 1986 Typescript speaking notes (with annotations). SBK Gesellschaft’, i.e. ‘Fast Breeder Reactor Company’. ‘Schnell-Briter-Kernkraftwerks- THORP stands for ‘Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant’, a complex then under construction at Sellafield, Cumbria. The contract in question was for the CEGB’s spent fuel from the AGR power stations to be processed by BNEFL in their projected Sellafield plant. nuclear waste. Includes correspondence with and re the wider public whom Marshall hoped to instruct on nuclear energy and ‘Electricity, College, 30 April 1986 See also H.292-H.306. For a film of the lecture, see K.7. Correspondence nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Eton W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 S21) 322 Storyboard 2 folders. Lecture transcript 27 May 1986 H.324, H.325 [‘Remarks’], Luncheon, British Nuclear Forum Annual General Meeting, 1 May 1986 Speaking notes, some briefing actual speech, correspondence, etc. material, transcript of 2 folders. It is unclear if a speech had originally been planned, or what that speech would have covered. In the event the content of Marshall's remarks at this luncheon was determined by the nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl, Soviet Union, on 26 April 1986. H.326-H.328 the Chernobyl the Chernobyl Speaking notes, report on the occasion, etc. Includes various CEGB statements on accident (with schematic drawings of reactor and other reactor types). [‘Chernoby! and its implications for public confidence in nuclear power], Parliamentary All Party Minerals Group, 21 May 1986 The Dounreay Laboratory was a fast reactor fuel cycle development laboratory. At the time it was one of the in the world for investigations most advanced facilities into of the treatment of radioactive waste from fast reactors. It has since been decommissioned. [Speech], Dounreay, Caithness, 23 May 1986 Opening the of reprocessing fast reactor fuel and Marshall Laboratory at 3 folders. Typescript. the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.330-H.335 ‘Nuclear: energy today and tomorrow’, European Nuclear Conference (ENC), Geneva, Switzerland, 1-6 June 1986 1984-1987 The conference was a joint operation of the European Nuclear Society (ENS), its American equivalent (ANS) and Foratom. The original arrangement had been for Marshall to provide ‘a “tour d’horison” of the world nuclear scene’ the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident there was much debate whether such a talk would be appropriate and how the opening session of the conference might be used instead. introductory address. keynote his In in H.330-H.332 Correspondence 1984-1986 Includes briefing material. 3 folders. Conference programme the Federal Republic by Lecture Typescript. Additional material Copy of Nuclear Europe vol. 5 (May 1986). This was the journal of the ENS. Copy of a paper on reprocessing and waste management in Marshall's German colleague C. Salander. of Germany, Marshall’s opponent in this debate was Petra K. Kelly, former leader of the German Green Party. Other featured speakers were American Congressman Jim Weaver, Lynn Draper of the US Atomic Energy Commission, Stewart Boyle of Friends of the Earth, Stanley Johnson Environment (Vice-Chairman Oxford Union Debate ‘That civilian nuclear Power is neither safe nor essential’, Oxford Union Society, Oxford, 20 June 1986 Euro-Parliament H.336-H.339 of the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Committee, and Winner of the 1984 Greenpeace Prize), Peter Taylor of the Critical Ecology Research Group, Anthony Goodman (Ex-President of the Oxford Union), and Murry Pittcock of Balliol. motion, against the The voting was 181 for the motion (i.e. antinuclear), and 138 that was deemed by Marshall’s Technical Support Unit. The ‘creditable’ audience seriously included applauded P. Taylor's ... departure into mythological and astrological aspects of nuclear power’. section which result large ‘a a Correspondence Includes some briefing material and flyers. Briefing file a Contents of Original arrangement retained inscriptions reproduced on separate folders. Originally each sheet was encased in a translucent polythene sleeve. binder with and dividers. labelled Handwritten. Speaking notes Transcript of the debate 1 wallet containing 9 sleeves. Contains extensive briefing documents and supporting material, including photographs. 3 July 1986 [‘The hazards of civil nuclear power in the light of the Chernobyl Scientific Committee, House of Commons, 1 July 1986 The transcript was provided by P. Boghosin, Executive Producer of the debate. The televised programme was introduced by Peter Jay. Typescript, 166pp + 4pp. the company televising Parliamentary H.340-H.343 disaster’], and _ W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Scientific Committee was ‘an The Parliamentary and unofficial group of both Houses of Parliament and British members of the European Parliament, representatives of certain scientific and technical institutions, some science- based companies and universities and polytechnics’. In addition to Marshall, the Committee heard evidence from the physicist J. H. Fremlin. Correspondence Speaking notes Handwritten. Also includes a typescript of Marshall's talk. Report on the occasion 14 July 1986 Prepared by CEGB employee D.H. Ratledge. Additional material H.344, H.345 Correspondence Marshall delivered his lecture on 3 July. Advanced Management Programme, [Untitled], Staff College of the National Coal Board, The Vache, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, 30 June-31 July 1986 a statement re Chernobyl (author unknown), Copy of report on Marshall’s address to the Parliamentary All Party Minerals Group on 21 May 1986, copy of press cuttings from June 1986. dated 5 June 1986. Includes copy of Marshall’s statement to Select Committee on Energy, 19 March [?1986], copy of CEGB press release on CEGB’s new 5-year agreement on coal, Includes programme, etc. handwritten Additional material speaking notes, copy of the 1986, n.d. the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.346-H.348 [Untitled], ENEL International Meeting of Nuclear Energy Producers, Venice, Italy, 16-18 July 1986 ENEL (Ente Nazionale per |’Energia Elettrica) had been founded in 1962 as a government company. The purpose of ‘get together and be seen to be getting together in the light of all that has happened at Chernobyl’. the conference was for European utilities to Correspondence Includes briefing material, lists of participants, etc. Marshall's notes Handwritten ?conference. ?speaking notes and notes from the Marshall's contribution Transcript (with version. Marshall’s corrections) and amended H.349-H.352 3 folders. Storyboard H.349-H.351 Correspondence Includes briefing material, copy of the programme, etc. [Untitled], Visit on the occasion of the Board Meeting of the Eastern Electricity Board, Ipswich, 24-25 July 1986 Handwritten speaking notes, transcript of the speech, etc. [Banquet speech], Eleventh Annual Symposium of the Uranium Institute, Guildhall, London, 4 September 1986 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Northern Branch of the Institute of Engineers and British Nuclear Energy Centre, University of Manchester, 11 September 1986 Conference Society, Muriel Stott Instructions for slides. Also includes briefing material and correspondence. H.355, H.356 ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Sir John Deane’s College, Cheshire, 12 September 1986 Correspondence Includes briefing material. Storyboard H.357-H.361 See also C.104-C.116. H.357-H.359 Correspondence Includes copy of programme, list of delegates, etc. NSCA stands for National Society for Clean Air. ‘Acid rain: the political challenge. An industry viewpoint’, NSCA Conference on Acid Rain, City Conference Centre, London, 19 September 1986 1986-1987 Two typescripts, one dated, the other bearing Marshall's corrections. Copy of the conference proceedings. 3 folders. Draft of lecture Published version W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.362, H.363 H.364, H.365 Lectures, H.1-H.727 nuclear ‘Electricity, Gloucestershire Engineers Luncheon Club, 1986 power and _ nuclear waste’, 3 October Correspondence Includes briefing material. Storyboard ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Goring & Streatley Hall, Goring, Oxon, 16 October 1986 Association, Amenity Village Goring 1985-1986 Correspondence 1985-1986 Storyboard Storyboard Correspondence Includes briefing material and instructions for slides. ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Kingston Polytechnic, Kingston upon Thames, 23 October 1986 Final version ‘Nuclear power today’, Thirtieth Anniversary of Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), Tokyo, Japan, 31 October 1986 26 October 1986 Annotated typescript. Draft W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 the topics ‘Defence in depth in Includes diagrams on nuclear power plants in Japan’ and ‘Areas where the Chernobyl reactor did not meet Japanese criteria’. H.370-H.376 [‘The Chernobyl accident’], Debate on Nuclear Power in Europe, House of Lords, 20 November 1986 1986-1987 2Speaking notes Notes in Marshall's hand. Also includes annotated list of speakers. esi ineoice: Transcript Typescript transcript debate (with in Hansard version of the debate. annotations of Marshall’s contribution to his hand) and copy the of 2 folders. will ‘The Chernobyl accident’ Typescript, marked ‘circulated on 7 January 1987’. ‘Comments on the Chernobyl accident by the Chairman’ Typescript based on Marshall’s contribution to the House of Lords debate. Also includes copy of CEGB pamphlet of the same title, subtitled /n the public debate on the future of nuclear power, it be important to answer the question: “Could Chernobyl happen here ?”. and Annotated by Marshall’s colleagues J.G. Collier and L.M. Davies, and produced Development Chernobyl, Typescript of statement by Marshall re Chernobyl. Additional material copy of booklet ‘Foreward[sic]’ by the Generation January 1987 October 1986 written W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Construction Division of CEGB. H.377-H.380 [‘The Chernobyl accident’], British Nuclear Forum Eighth Annual Symposium on Nuclear Power for Members of Parliament, London, 25 November 1986 1986-1987 Marshall’s talk was based on House of Lord’s Debate on 20 November. his contribution to the H.377, H.378 Correspondence Includes copy of programme, list of participants etc. 2 folders. Published report on the symposium ‘In the shadow of Chernobyl!’ article by Marshall, /ndependent, Briefing H.381, H.382 power Weinstock, and 1 nuclear’ waste’, Stanhope Gate, ‘Electricity, Presentation London, 26 November 1986 nuclear to Lord 21 Newspaper November 1986. Also includes response by J. Edmonds, Independent, 4 December 1986. Correspondence. [Untitled], Seminar on Club Political Committee, Carlton Club, London, 1 December 1986 Set of photographic reproductions of slides, bound into a booklet. Nuclear Energy, Carlton Presentation W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.384, H.385 H.387-H.392 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Electricity, Lecture, St Paul’s School, London, 4 December 1986 nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Halley Correspondence Storyboard Includes annotated ?speaking cards. [‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’], London Electricity Board, 9 December 1986 Set of photographic reproductions of slides, bound into a booklet. ‘Science and energy’, Presidential Address to Association for Science Education, 3 January 1987 University College, Cardiff, 1986-1987 1986-1987 1986x1987 2 folders. H.387, H.388 Lecture outline Correspondence Includes briefing material. Marshall was President of the Association in 1987. Proofs and final version. Includes speaking cards (some handwritten). Published version Typescript. Storyboard W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Additional material Copy of Education in Science No. 116 (January 1986). Education in Science was the official means by which the Association for Science Education communicated with its members. ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, 13 January 1987 Set of photographic reproductions of slides, bound into a booklet. No further information re the occasion. [Dinner speech], House Dinner of the 1900 Club, Carlton Club, London, 26 January 1987 1986-1987 Includes handwritten speaking notes. H.395-H.400 1986-1987 Marshall had H.395-H.397 Correspondence ‘Atomic energy for peaceful purposes’, European Atlantic Group, London, 29 January 1987 The occasion was originally planned as an address to the European Atlantic Group at their meeting in the Grant Committee Room of the House of Commons. Owing to ‘Parliamentary exigencies’ to postpone. Instead, he spoke off the record at a private dinner at St Ermin’s Hotel, London. (October 1987) in which Marshall's article appeared. Two drafts and copy of the European Atlantic Journal H.399-H.400 Published version 3 folders. Lecture 1986-1987 1986-1987 Includes handwritten notes. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.401, H.402 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. energy ‘Nuclear Pressures on College of Defence Studies, London, 17 February 1987 Stability and Resources, aspects’, Lecture Course Royal World some - H.401 Correspondence Includes information re the course. Storyboard 1986-1987 1986-1987 [Address], Labour Party Energy Committee, 17 February 1987, and Conservative Party Energy Committee, 18 February 1987 1986-1987 briefings on structure 1986-1987 H.405, H.406 Correspondence. Includes extensive aides-mémoire. Correspondence. Includes and timing of Marshall’s talk, which was feared to coincide with the publication of the Sizewell Report, the bulk of which had been delivered to the Secretary of State for Energy at the beginning of December 1986. [Address], Board Meeting of the South Eastern Electricity Board (SEEBoard), London, 24 February 1987 ‘Some aspects of electricity and nuclear power’, Public Lecture, Brunel University, London, 25 February 1987 1986-1987 Includes a request from the Radiation Protection Officer at Brunel for Marshall to mention in his lecture that his handling of radioactive materials without using tweezers and tongs ‘is not permitted in normal operations with unknown materials’. According another variation of the ‘Garden Lecture’. consultative Marshall's Correspondence 1986-1987 this was team, to W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Storyboard Includes reserve material (with handwritten notes) that addresses the Chernobyl accident. H.407, H.408 ‘The importance of nuclear energy’, Peterborough, 9 March 1987 Oundle School, 1986-1987 Another variation on the ‘Garden Lecture’. Correspondence 1986-1987 Storyboard H.409-H.412 power ‘Nuclear Campbell Lecture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 23 March 1987 Chernobyl’, Wilson after 1977x1987 1986-1987 2 folders. Storyboard briefing material, including a list of possible H.409, H.410 Correspondence Additional material With questions that might be put to Marshall on the occasion. Ie [‘Nuclear power after of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, 31 March 1987 Flyers from previous Wilson Campbell Lectures, etc. Correspondence H.413, H.414 Chernobyl’], Royal Institute 1977x1987 1986-1987 1986-1987 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Includes speaking notes (typescript). Additional material 1986x1987 Copy of ‘Present prospects and problems of nuclear power’, lecture given by Hans Blix at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 26 November 1986. Blix was the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. ‘The energy strategy of the United Kingdom: the Sizewell ‘B’ PWR’, JAIF Conference, April 1987 Set of photographic reproductions of slides with lecture text, bound into a booklet. With Marshall’s annotations. See also C.91-C.96. Marshall delivered his presentation on 14 April. Nuclear Includes typescript of H.417, H.418 [Speech], Caithness, 14-15 May 1987 Visit to Dounreay Establishment, Set of photographic reproductions of slides with lecture text, bound into a booklet. With Marshall’s annotations. ‘The energy strategy of the United Kingdom’, CHUBU Electric Power Company Inc., Nagoya, Japan, 21 April 1987 Correspondence. Marshall's speech, briefing material, press release, guest list, copy of programme, etc. Marshall’s presentation was on 19 May. The occasion for the Blumfield, the Director of the facility. United [Untitled], Energy Senior Management Development Course, Institute of Technology, Bedfordshire, 17-22 May 1987 Kingdom Atomic Authority Cranfield visit was the retirement of H.419, H.420 2 folders. Cliff W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence Speaking notes Handwritten. Speech on 1987 Handwritten material. the Retirement of Roy Matthews, 27 May speaking notes. Also includes briefing Matthews had joined CEGB in 1972 as Chief Nuclear Health and Safety Officer (Director of Health and Safety, 1975). He was the Board’s chief policy witness on safety at the Sizewell Inquiry. H.422-H.425 ‘Central TV lecture’, 26 June 1987 1987-1988 Annotated script Extended script Transcript H.426, H.427 Typescripts. See also H.438. Marshall's briefing material suggests that this was the largest exhibition of its kind ever staged in the UK. The event was organised by the CEGB. It was sponsored by [Address], Power Plant UK ‘87 Exhibition, Barnwood, Gloucestershire, 23-27 June 1987 So inscribed. Marked (in Marshall’s hand) ‘Commentary on Central TV’ and ‘Updated to 1/March/88’. ‘Scientific commentary on radioactive waste’ Lord Marshall's lecture on W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 the CEGB, the Federation of British Electro Technical and Allied Manufacturers’ Associations (BEAMA), and the British Overseas Trade Board. Correspondence Includes annotated typescript of speaking notes for the opening ceremony, briefing material (including a Q&A brief), etc. PR for the event Printed material. ‘Electricity, Cambridge Club, London, 30 June 1987 The Tuesday Club, United Oxford and 1986-1987 Handwritten speaking notes, correspondence. H.430-H.433 The conference was originally planned for 22 May. H.430-H.432 Correspondence Draft lecture (typescript) at H.431. Storyboard with typescript notes. The Tuesday Club was a Dining Club founded in 1916 by J. Maynard Keynes and his friends. [Untitled], Visit to Fawley Power Station, Hampshire, 3 July 1987 ‘Why the UK needs nuclear power’, Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Conference on Nuclear Energy, Centre Point, London, 17 July 1987 With handwritten notes and instructions (not in Marshall's 3 folders. Storyboard W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 hand). [Untitled], Visit to Sizewell Power Station, Suffolk, 22 July 1987 Storyboard. Société [Speech’], Conference, Paris, 23-27 August 1987 Nuclear Fuel Francaise and d’Energie Nucléaire Waste Management, 1986-1987 Typescript briefing material, etc. of Marshall's speech, correspondence, ‘Some thoughts on nuclear power’, Diplomatic Science Club Luncheon Meeting, London, 23 September 1987 Correspondence. H.437-H.441 H.437-H.440 Correspondence Another version of the ‘Garden Lecture’. [Address], Board Meeting of the South Western Electricity Board (SWEB), Sowton near Exeter, 1 October 1987 The Diplomatic Science Club was the association of all the Science Counsellors and Scientific Attachés of the foreign embassies accredited in London. The club held monthly luncheon meetings which eminent speakers from technological and scientific fields were invited to address. The television programme in question was hosted by Andy Craig. the Radford, American environmental epidemiologist a to Janine Radioactive Jones (a concerned farmer) and various members of the public. Briefing programme about nuclear waste (H.438), etc. including transcript of material, Cumbrians (CORE), Opposed Gwyn a Central TV In addition to Marshall, it featured 4 folders. Allis-Smith of Environment E.P. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Presentation Set of photographic reproductions of slides, bound into a booklet. H.442, H.443 [‘Nuclear power: the future for Britain’], Nuclear Electricity Information Group (NEIG) Fringe Meeting, Conservative Party Conference, Blackpool, 8 October 1987 material re Outline of Marshall's speech (typescript). Also includes briefing party attitudes to nuclear power, extracts from speeches by Cecil Parkinson and Michael Spicer, and a summary from the discussion at the NEIG’s fringe meeting. political 2 folders. At the time Parkinson was Secretary of State for Energy. Spicer was Junior Transport Minister. H.444-H.446 North Derbyshire Branch of 1986-1987 H.447-H.451 Correspondence 1986-1987 The title Marshall had originally proposed was ‘The future of coal in electricity generation’. Includes a typescript outline of Marshall’s lecture (with annotations). ‘A period of expansion and change’, Prestige Address, Nottinghamshire and the Institute of Mining Engineers, Mansfield Mines Rescue Station, Nottinghamshire, 21 October 1987 1987-1988 ‘Nuclear power in Western Europe’, Foratom Briefing for Members of the European Parliament, Palais de |’Europe, Strasbourg, France, 18 November 1987. Storyboard With typescript notes. Lecture Annotated typescript. 20 October 1987 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.447, H.448 Correspondence Includes briefing material. 2 folders. Lecture draft Annotated typescript. Transcript of the meeting Typescript. Published report Publication prepared by British Nuclear Forum. Includes an edited transcript of the Foratom Briefing. See also H.455. Correspondence Lecture H.452-H.455 ‘Nuclear power in Western Nuclear Forum, Annual Symposium for Members of Parliament, London, 1 December 1987 Europe’, British Includes briefing documents, list of topics in which MPs expressed a special interest, list of participants, copy of programme, seating plan, etc. 1987-1988 Entitled ‘Privatisation and nuclear power’. Set of colour photocopies of slides, bound into a booklet. Copy of annotated typescript used at the Foratom briefing on 18 November, handwritten speaking notes. Presentation by John Baker W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Baker was Corporate Managing Director, CEGB, and Chairman, UK Nirex Ltd. Published report Publication prepared by British Nuclear Forum. See also H.451. H.456-H.458 ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Guildhall, London, 3 December 1987 H.456, H.457 Correspondence 2 folders. Storyboard H.459-H.461 H.459, H.460 Correspondence Luton 100 Club was a non-political ‘Electricity from nuclear power and from coal’, Luton 100 Club, Town Hall, Luton, 7 December 1987 Includes briefing notes re the Club and John Carlisle MP, who issued the invitation. The discussion society with a local membership drawn from business, the professions and the arts. It was originally formed by Lord Hill of Luton in the late 1940s. Defence Security Services, 20 January 1988 ‘Electricity, nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Ministry of 2 folders. Storyboard H.462, H.463 1987-1988 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence 1986-1987 Storyboard [Untitled], Conservative Backbench Energy Committee, House of Commons, 27 January 1988 1987-1988 Handwritten speaking notes, correspondence. original plan was for to address the The Conservative Backbench Trade and Industry Committee, and on 8 December 1987. Marshall H.465-H.467 in for role coal ‘The Conference, Nottingham Democratic Mineworkers, February 1988 the electricity Section Sutton-in-Ashfield, industry’, Annual of 2 Union Notts, the of 1987-1988 1987-1988 Storyboard Correspondence Annotated typescript. Includes instructions for slides. Includes press coverage of Marshall's upcoming visit (‘UDN “roasting” for power boss’). This was another variation of the ‘Garden Lecture’. [‘Nuclear energy’], Lecture Course Pressures on World Stability and Resources, of Defence Studies, London, 17 February 1988 ‘Talk at West Burton Power Station’, Nottinghamshire, 2 February 1988 H.469, H.470 Storyboard. 1987-1988 Lecture Royal College W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.471-H.474 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence Additional material Brochures of the Royal College of Defence Studies, 1987 and 1988. privatisation [‘Electricity’s of Directors (IOD) Annual Convention, Royal Albert Hall, London, 23 February 1988 challenge’], Institute 1987-1988 1987-1988 1987-1988 The theme of the convention was ‘A new agenda for business’. H.471, H.472 Correspondence 1987-1988 Includes briefing material, brochures of the IOD, etc. 2 folders. Lecture Publication Statement, 26 February 1988 H.475-H.477 1987-1988 Typescript, marked ‘final version’. also D.12. Not annotated. See Copy of the magazine Director, March 14-March 31 1988, which was dedicated to the convention. supply industry. This was a response to Privatising Electricity, the recently published White Paper putting forward the Government's proposals for restructuring and privatising the electricity ‘Government privatisation proposals’, Statement by the CEGB to staff, 26 February 1988 Handwritten speaking notes, typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Statement, 1 March 1988 Additional material 1987-1988 Copies of earlier statements (by R.W. Hall and Marshall) to staff. Also includes copy of a CEGB leaflet on ‘The CEGB and Privatisation’, subtitled ‘Information for CEGB Staff of November 1987. R.W. Hall was the Corporate Director of Personnel at CEGB. [‘Address to staff at Wylfa Power Station’], North Wales, 8 March 1988 Typescript draft, with annotations. H.479-H.484 ‘Electricity, Mathews Lecture, (UCNW), Bangor, 9 March 1988 nuclear power and nuclear waste’, Ballard University College of North Wales 1987-1988 been the H.479-H.482 of the impact of science Correspondence Includes a poster advertising the lecture at H.482. This was a joint event between UCNW and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Mersey and North Wales Centre. George Ballard Mathews had first Professor of Mathematics at UCNW. The lecture series 1956. Lecturers were expected to was inaugurated in address some ‘aspect on modern thought’. 1987-1988 Copy of Ymbelydredd a radioactifedd yng ngwynedd [‘Radiation and radioactivity in Gwynedd’] (1987). Includes handwritten lecture notes. 4 folders. Storyboard Additional material W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 the report County following of Council the UCNW commissioned by This was a Gwynedd Chernobyl incident. It was ‘commissioned as an independent piece of work to allay public concern over radiation effects on the people and the environment in this area’. The authors maintained that it was not a complete ‘white-wash’ as far as the power stations at Wylfa and Transfynydd were concerned, but their report ‘does point to the excellent safety environment established over the years by these two stations’ (from the cover letter at H.481). record care and the the for H.485, H.486 ‘The Second Estate’, Energy Industries Club, 15 March 1988 1987-1988 Correspondence 1987-1988 Lecture Annotated typescript, handwritten speaking notes. Conference, South Surrey, Management East Horsley near Leatherhead, Includes briefing documentation. on Garden Lecture without slides followed [‘Privatisation - talking to staff], Guildford Local Joint Co- ordinating Council (LUCC) Meeting, 25 March 1988 by [‘Talk Q&A’], Eastern Electricity Board (SEEBoard), Electricity Council Staff College, 24 March 1988 1987-1988 [Address], Fourteenth Annual Delegate Conference of the EPEA, York, 28-30 March 1988 Recycled for (EPEA) conference, 29 March 1988 (see H.489-H.493). Electrical Power Engineers’ Association Marshall delivered his address on 29 March. Annotated typescript. H.489-H.493 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence Lecture draft Annotated typescript. Transcript Typescript. Publication Correspondence of publication, typescript of edited version. adaptation re transcript Additional material H.494-H.496 H.498, H.499 Conference agenda. Also includes a_ flyer ‘Privatisation of the Electricity Supply Industry’, Annual Conference, CEGB Headquarters LJCC, Sudbury House, London, 13 April 1988 Briefing documents, annotated typescripts of Guildford LJCC address (see H.488) and of EPEA address (see H.489-H.493). announcing Marshall's presentation. of UK achievement in science and technology. ‘Electricity technology in Series, Image of Britain Paris, 20 April 1988 the United Kingdom’, Lecture British Embassy, in France, The series set out to present a positive and lively image 3 folders. (‘Talk to staff at Oldbury’], 15 April 1988 Typescript marked ‘final version’. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.500, H.501 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence Storyboard [‘Need for nuclear plant and the value of having new generation in the South West], West Dorset Business and House of Commons, London, 11 May 1988 Luncheon, Industry Club The initiative for this occasion originated with two South West MPs (Sir James Spicer Heathcote Amery) who hoped to mobilise a small group of MPs in their region to support the CEGB’s work for Hinkley Point ‘C’ to counter comments from CEGB’s political opponents in the area. David and and Correspondence Includes briefing documents. Draft lecture 2 folders. Speaking notes Handwritten. et du H.502-H.504 H.502, H.503 Gaz Industriels Annotated typescript. [Untitled], CPI Annual Meeting, St Helier, Jersey, 8-10 June 1988 CPI stands for Commission Permanente Internationale Européenne des Carbure de Calcium. Marshall delivered his lecture on 10 June. 9 May 1988 Includes an annotated draft of the lecture and briefing material. Correspondence W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [Untitled], Hotel, St Katherine’s Dock, London, 17 June 1988 Taylor Woodrow Annual Luncheon, Tower Correspondence, documents, Marshall’s note on the back of the menu. briefing etc. Includes H.506-H.510 of role coal ‘The Eflectricity]S[upply]l[ndustry]’, Annual Conference, Union of Democratic Mineworkers, Weymouth, Dorset, 15 June 1988 the in H.506-H.508 Correspondence Includes draft lecture and other briefing material. Also includes copy of programme, agenda, etc. 3 folders. Lecture Copy of annotated typescript. Storyboard from the wind’, Parliamentary Alternative H.511-H.515 of Marshall and H.511-H.514 Correspondence This was a Chester, the Research Director at CEGB. joint presentation ‘Electricity Energy Group, London, 18 July 1988 ke Includes briefing material, among it a photocopy of P.F. Chester’s presentation (H.512) and a of possible questions and answers (H.513). 4 folders British Discussion Meeting, CEGB, London, 26 July 1988 Management H.516-H.519 Institute of Storyboard (BIM) Boardroom 1987-1988 P.F. set W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 The meeting was hosted by Marshall. The chosen topic was ‘Competition in electricity supply’. H.516, 0.517 Correspondence 1987-1988 Includes briefing material. 2 folders. 2Speaking notes Handwritten. Correspondence arising Press Conference, 4 August 1988 Photocopy of handwritten draft of press release. speaking notes, annotated Reactor material, etc. Lecture text H.522, H.523 correspondence, [After dinner talk], Trades Unionists for Safe Nuclear Energy Congress, Bournemouth, 8 September 1988 (TUSNE) Trades Dinner, Union Briefing missing. ‘World Association of Nuclear Operators’, International ENS/ANS Conference Safety, Avignon, France, 2-7 October 1988 Marshall conference's closing session on 7 October, reporting on the formation of a new international worldwide collaboration between nuclear utilities, WWANO. Marshall chaired this steering group. Also includes copy of the second announcement and preliminary programme. a steering group to produce a charter for Correspondence on Thermal organisation his address at the delivered to promote W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Lecture Typescript. Electricity Nuclear Meeting, Conservative Party Conference, Brighton, October 1988 Information (NEIG) Group Fringe 12 Handwritten material, correspondence. speaking notes, lecture outline, briefing The chosen topic of the meeting was ‘Nuclear power after privatisation’. H.525, H.526 [Speech], Launch of the CEGB Film Electric Ecology, 18 October 1988 Electric Ecology was about the stations. wildlife around power Speech on_ 4 folders. Electrical & H.527-H.530 Correspondence Annotated typescript. Includes a flyer for the film. Staff Association [Untitled], (EESA) National Conference, Liverpool, 22-23 October 1988 Engineering Union). briefing Annotated and documents. answers with privatisation, list of possible media questions on EETPU industrial action threat and BC coal negotiations, etc. Also includes copy of the programme. EESA was the EETPU (Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbing outline list industrial of of relations draft Includes associated the white collar section of possible questions the speech, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.531, H.532 ‘World Association of Nuclear Operators’, Nuclear Energy Forum, Washington, US, 30 October-2 November 1988 Marshall presented his paper in session on 30 October. the opening plenary Correspondence Lecture Typescript, marked ‘final’. the towards World ‘Progress Association of Nuclear Power Operators’, of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), Atlanta, Georgia, US, 3 November 1988 establishment Institute of a Typescript. address], World Electricity H.534-H.538 programme, list of briefing information, H.534, H.535 Correspondence Includes participants etc. Marshall delivered his keynote address on 14 November. Conference, [Keynote Financial Times Conference, London, 14-15 November 1988 Bound copy of speakers’ papers. Typescript draft (annotated), typescript marked ‘final’. Speakers’ papers H.536, H.537 2 folders. Lecture 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.539-H.542 ‘Privatisation and nuclear power’, British Nuclear Forum (BNF), Annual Symposium for Members of Parliament, London, 23 November 1988 See also D.9, H.599-H.603. Correspondence Includes briefing material. Also includes information re a BNF Seminar on ‘The effects of low level radiation’ on 19 October. Conference information Copy of programme, list of delegates, luncheon seating plan. Lecture Published report Typescript, marked ‘final’. Publication prepared by BNF. Annotated typescript, so inscribed. ‘Press visit to Dungeness a dissolution plant’, Dungeness Power Station, Kent, 25 November 1988 1988-1989 The occasion was the commissioning of the station’s Magnox Dissolution Plant, a plant designed to retrieve and dissolve Magnox splitters and radioactive sludges, using Marshall explained). The advantage of the process was that most a small amount of of the radioactivity would remain in insoluble material that could be filtered out, while the remaining liquid could be discharged into the sea. Course Royal energy ‘Nuclear Pressures on College of Defence Studies, London, 18 January 1989 World Stability and Resources, aspects’, Lecture some - H.544, H.545 a weak acid (in effect soda water, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence 1988-1989 Includes information re the course. Storyboard With handwritten notes (not in Marshall’s hand). H.546, H.547 ‘Talk to National Power Managers Meeting’, 25 January 1989 1988-1989 Lecture Lightly annotated typescript. Additional material 1988-1989 notes (marked from other ‘27.1.89’), speaking Hall’ ‘Both’s Handwritten speaking notes. Also includes a report on the occasion, etc. [Untitled], Conservative Backbench Energy Committee, House of Commons, 15 February 1989 occasions, Handwritten including ‘Heysham’ (marked ‘best talk at nuclear station yet’). Also includes copy of draft address to staff at Wylfa Power Station, 8 March 1988 (see H.478). H.603. Handwritten notes, draft typescript. Also includes briefing material, etc. [Address], Cessation Gloucestershire, 31 March 1989 Berkeley remarks’], [‘Welcoming Conservative Scarborough, 17 March 1989 Party CEGB Central Annotated typescript, retyped version. See also H.599- Ceremony, Berkeley, Cocktail Council Reception, Meeting, H.550, H.551 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. ‘VIP dinner’, 4 April [1989] Handwritten speaking notes, guest list. H.553, H.554 ‘Privatisation and its impact on the future of the nuclear programme in the United Kingdom’, OECD Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 20 April 1989 Annotated typescript. Also includes annotated typescript of lecture on ‘Nuclear power’ (also entitled ‘The Hokuriku speech’, delivered on April) and typescript ‘Talk to Japanese utility presidents’ (no date). 21 2 folders. H.555-H.559 World Nuclear Moscow, USSR, 15-17 May 1989 Association of Operators Meeting, Handwritten. Typescript. ‘Summary of members’ statements’ Marshall's notes from the meeting This was the inaugural meeting of WANO. WANO Governing Board’ (n.d.). ‘Final speech from Lord Marshall on Tuesday 16 May 1989’ Typescript entitled the WANO Steering Committee’ (n.d.), typescript entitled ‘Report from the ‘Report from H.558, H.559 Additional material 1987x1989 Typescript. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. H.560-H.563 ‘Nuclear power and public acceptance’, Festkolloquium anlaBlich des 65. Geburtstages von Universitatsprofessor Dr. Michael J. Higatsberger [‘Colloquium in celebration of Prof. Michael J. Higatsberger’s 65th birthday’), University of Vienna, Austria, 6 June 1989 Correspondence Includes an annotated draft of Marshall’s paper. Storyboard With handwritten notes. Lecture of 1988-1989 Photograph album text with photographic the occasion, mounted on Handwritten speaking notes. Bound reproductions of the lecture slides. lecture copy the Colour photographs from cardboard, loosely bound. [Address], CEGB, Barnwood, Gloucestershire, 9 June 1989 les ‘Privatisation Industry’, Mineworkers, Weymouth, Dorset, 12-14 June 1989 Includes typescript draft of the lecture, briefing material Marshall delivered his lecture on 14 June. the Union Electricity Supply Democratic of Annual Conference, H.565, H.566 Correspondence H.565-H.568 and prospects for 1988-1989 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 (including occasion), etc. notes from a brainstorming session re the 2 folders. Programme and agenda Storyboard H.569-H.576 [Lunchtime address], British Nuclear Forum Conference, Nuclear Power and the Changing Environment, London, 3-5 July 1989 1988-1989 Marshall’s presentation was on 4 July. Correspondence 1988-1989 H.570-H.573 4 folders. 3 folders. H.574-H.576 Lecture Also and includes nuclear power, typescript which a a Conference pack Copy of programme, biographies of speakers, etc. Includes a communication re filming Marshall's talk for on of talk television. Marshall privatisation had delivered on 23 November 1988 (see H.539-H.542). Handwritten speaking notes. Copies of the transcript in various stages of editing. Includes transcript with Marshall's annotations. ‘VIP dinner’, 10 July 1989 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Remarks at City of London Festival Concert Supper’, London, 26 July 1989 Annotated typescript. Also includes briefing information, guest list, seating plan. H.579-H.581 ‘Magnox’, Sizewell ‘A’, Suffolk, 6 September 1989 1989-1990 Colour photocopy of storyboard, typescript, etc. 3 folders. Marshall ‘Decommissioning Lecture’ (see D.7) referred later this to presentation as the H.582, H.583 World Association ‘The Operators’, Symposium, Quality in Nuclear Power Plant Operations - Learning from 11 September 1989 Experience, Canada, Toronto, Nuclear of 1988-1989 Lecture Lecture 1988-1989 H.584-H.587 H.584, H.585 Correspondence one annotated, the second marked Two typescripts, ‘final’. ‘Energy and society’, World Energy Conference, 14th Congress, Montreal, Canada, 18 September 1989 Correspondence arising Two illustrated typescripts, one with original photographs (of slides), the other a colour photocopy with annotations, some in Marshall’s hand. 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Additional material Copy of ‘Addendum to Proof of Evidence submitted by Friends of the Earth (FoE 4, Add 2)’, July 1989; ?briefing material re natural radioactivity etc., July 1989. ‘Formation of World Association of Nuclear Operators’, IAEA 26 General September 1989 Conference, Austria, Vienna, Typescript with typescript marked ‘final’. draft Marshall’s annotations and ‘Why be afraid of nuclear power?’, Devonshire House Management Club, London, 18 October 1989 Correspondence. Includes briefing notes. The Devonshire House Management Club was a dining club for UK directors and senior managers associated with industrial relations and personnel management. H.590-H.594 Seminar, Energy: future for electricity’, Correspondence Includes background material re Battersea power station and re Magnox reactors. ‘The Today’s Decisions, Tomorrow’s World, Port and City of London Health and Social Services Committee and The Watt Committee on Energy, Guildhall, London, 30 October 1989 Conference pack Two photographs (of photocopy with Marshall’s annotations. typescripts, with slides) mounted, the original colour other a colour H.591, 1.592 illustrated one Lecture 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 of list, Copy Marshall’s hand on back of guest list. programme, guest etc. Workings in Proceedings Copy of proceedings of the seminar. H.595-H.603 ‘The future for nuclear power’, Society Annual Lecture, London, 30 November 1989 British Nuclear Energy 1989-1990 For background material used to prepare this lecture, see C.214-C.234. See also D.5. by recent events, While this speaking engagement was of long standing, Marshall felt that the content of his lecture was clearly dictated notably the Government's decision to abandon the privatisation of nuclear power, its full PWR construction policy decision to abandon the programme and as Chairman of the CEGB. resignation Marshall's resulting this 1989, n.d. Lecture 2 folders. illustrated typescripts, one H.596, H.597 Correspondence Two with photographs (of slides) mounted, the photocopy with Marshall’s annotations. Marshall used the occasion of lecture to correct allegations that the CEGB had ‘hidden’ the true costs of nuclear power, and to explore the implications of the revisions in Government policy for the future of nuclear power and his own place in it. security Includes annotated background material (H.599), copy of a original colour other a colour Correspondence arising Additional material H.599-H.603 1989-1990 confidential circular re ‘the generation W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.604-H.608 Lectures, H.1-H.727 standard’ (H.600), confidential correspondence re ‘AGR and PWR indicative prices’ (H.601), and copies of two typescripts of talks Marshall had given on 23 November 1988 (see H.539-H.542) and on 31 March 1989 (see H.550, H.551) respectively. 5 folders. and nuclear power in ‘Privatisation Edison Electric Institute (EEl) Chief Executive Conference, The Wigwam, Litchfield Park near Phoenix, Arizona, US, 11- 12 January 1990 UK’, the See also C.259, C.260. The Edison Electric Institute (EEl) was the association of US shareholder-owned electric companies. H.604-H.606 Lecture 1989x1990 Copies of the lecture in three stages: storyboard; the same notes; illustrated typescript. handwritten Marshall’s lecture with 3 folders. Attendance list Marshall's notes H.609, H.610 Handwritten notes from the meeting. 1989-1990 ‘Radioactive materials and radioactive waste’, Lecture Course Pressures on World Stability and Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 17 January 1990 Includes a much revised (by hand) biographical summary for Marshall. Correspondence W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Storyboard 1989-1990 Also includes correspondence from Marshall's technical advisor, L. Myrddin Davies. future [The Management (BIM) Dining Club, 8 February 1990 power’, nuclear British of Institute of 1989-1990 Lecture script missing. Correspondence. H.612-H.617 ‘Radioactive materials and radioactive waste’, Institution of Lighting Engineers 14th Charles Marques Memorial Lecture, of Great Britain, London, 6 March 1990 Royal Institution 1989-1990 Originally the radioactivity’. title of the lecture was ‘Electricity and Correspondence 1989-1990 use of radioactive sources in his Lecture 1989x1990 Storyboard With handwritten lecture notes. Typescript with colour photographs of the lecture slides, mounted. Includes material re difficulties arising from Marshall's continued public lectures, while no longer an employee of the CEGB. 1989x1990 Offprint from Royal Institution Proceedings vol. 63 (1990), of monochrome photographs, 207-219. Includes a Colour photocopy of H.614, in hard-back cover. Published version Bound copy set W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.618-H.621 Lectures, H.1-H.727 mounted on paper. Additional material 1989-1990 Background literature, annotated. General Pirelli Conference Centre, University of Southampton, 1 1990 SOUTH 2020, Debate, Boldrewood April Typescript draft and annotated version of Marshall's contribution, correspondence, copy of BBC’s introduction and Section) questionnaire re current concerns of BAYS members, script of speaker representing BAYS, etc. Association (British Youth BAYS of 4 folders. the debate featured Angela Chan, Jeremy Leggett, Director of F622, L623 a scientific career in This was a televised debate on the South of England in 2020. It formed part of a series of community projects with which the International Pirelli Group celebrated the 75th anniversary, in 1989, of its manufacturing operations in Southampton. The idea behind this particular project of a public debate was that such an event would ‘stimulate the interest of young people in science and the challenge of industry’. The Pirelli works in Southampton supplied all types of cable to public utilities at home and overseas, notably to Sizewell. In addition to Marshall, who the Southern represented the BAYS members from Region, and Science, Greenpeace. (ENC ‘90), Lyon, France, 23-28 September 1990 [Speech], IAEA General Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18 September 1990 Typescript of Marshall’s agenda and other advance information for delegates. of ‘International nuclear power stations’, European Nuclear Conference collaboration Marshall spoke in his capacity as Chairman of WANO. H.624-H.627 provisional operation 2 folders. speech, copy of for the safe W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Marshall delivered his presentation on 24 September. He also ‘Utility operating experience exchange’ on 27 September. afternoon session chaired invited the Correspondence Includes conference statement. an annotated summary of Marshall's press Lecture Annotated typescript. Final programme Copy of Nuclear Europe Worldscan. Journal of ENS No 9/10 containing _ final programme and exhibition guide for ENC ‘90. September/October 1990, H.628-H.630 Conference report the meeting as published in The report featured Marshall prominently. Photocopy of report on Nuclear News, November 1990. ‘The role of Germany in the context of WANO’, ABE- Ausschuss Celebrations, Gundremmingen, Germany, 7 December 1990 speech, briefing re the Gundremmingen plant, report on The ABE-Ausschuss [‘Committee for the exchange of operating experience’] had been created in 1965, in the interest of nuclear safety. The celebration of the 25th anniversary (and the 100th session) of the Committee took place at the nuclear power station Gundremmingen in Bavaria. In the end Marshall’s speech was delivered by his assistant E.H. Wallenwein, as Marshall was unable to travel on account of dense fog at Heathrow airport. in German. Includes a draft of Marshall’s H.628, H.629 Correspondence Some of it W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.631-H.633 Lectures, H.1-H.727 the event by Marshall’s assistant, etc. 2 folders. Lecture Typescript, for publication. energy’, ‘Nuclear and Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 21 January 1991 Economics Lecture Course Correspondence Includes information re Soviet nuclear plants. H.632, H.633 Lecture 1990-1991 1990-1991 2 folders. 2 folders. speaking notes, H.634, H.635 1990-1991 press on clippings, the Reform Handwritten draft. Also includes photocopy of storyboard (original missing). ‘The privatisation of electricity’, Reform Club, London, 14 February 1991 Handwritten correspondence, background material Club. [ex The invitation came from the Economics & Current Affairs Group of the Club. materials ‘Radioactive Evening Discourse, London, 15 February 1991 Friday of Great Britain, radioactive waste’, and Royal Institution H.636, H.637 Correspondence 1990-1991 1990-1991 H.636-H.640 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 synopsis Includes biographical note, dinner seating plan, guests. Marshall’s of discourse a list of Marshall's and 2 folders. Lecture Annotated draft (typescript), with reproductions of slides. H.639, H.640 Publication Annotated typescript and typescript of final version (with photocopies of illustrations). 2 folders. ‘Insurance nuclear pool Chairman’s convention, WANO’, 17 April 1991 Typescripts. 11pp. H.642-H.646 US, 21-23 Annotated. 3pp. ‘Press briefing, 19 April 1991’ From a folder so inscribed. Handwritten draft. WANO Biennial General Meeting, Atlanta, April 1991 23 April 1991’ ‘William States Lee, Speech by Lord Marshall, 22 April 1991’ ‘Speech by Lord Marshall at Executive Session, Tuesday Tribute to the retiring President. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 7pp. ‘WANO Biennial General Meeting April Speech by Lord Marshall’ 1991, Atlanta, 8pp. ‘Nomination speech for Mr Shoh Nasu’ April 1991 5pp. Nomination speech for Nasu as next President of WANO. Nasu was the President of the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). the ‘WANO in future’, Westinghouse Operating Plant Symposium, Turnberry Isle Yacht and Country Club, Aventura, Florida, US, 7-10 May 1991 Correspondence. H.649-H.651 1990x1991 [Talk], Civic Luncheon, Lime Street Ward Club, Guildhall, London, 14 May 1991 [Untitled], Senior Engineering Group Annual Conference, Hexham near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 20 September 1991 Handwritten speaking notes (written on resort stationary), typescript summary. Also includes correspondence, copy of programme, list of utilities/associates attendees. See also J.89. profile etc.) from the Senior Engineering Group. H.650, H.651 Additional material 1990x1991 Lecture notes Handwritten. Also includes correspondence. Promotional material (Report and accounts 1990, Group W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. H.652-H.655 ‘The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO)’, Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC) Annual Meeting, The Greenbrier, West Virginia, US, 17- 19 October 1991 Correspondence Includes Illuminating Companies. information re the Association of Edison Lecture Photocopy of storyboard. Conference programme of the 1990-1992 power and the includes ‘Roster of programme. Also environment’, H.656-H.658 the Marshalls’ itinerary, 13-22 October Marshall's itinerary Typescript of 1991. Copy expected attendances’. ‘Nuclear Lecture inaugurating the Linacre Lecture Series Energy and the Environment, University of Oxford, 24 October 1991 Storyboard For a sound recording, see K.3-K.5. Includes information re arrangements re publication of Marshall’s contribution. Lectures. Covers Linacre the Correspondence 1990-1992 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Set of photocopies. Lecture text 1991x1992 Typescript marked ‘final’, 15pp. Also includes typescript appendix (6pp) and handwritten calculations re ‘Risk of death at age y due to dose D; at aget...’, 2pp. Cambridge Forum, 26 November 1991 Correspondence. Forum described Cambridge leading discussion ‘the The It adopted a University’s ‘Question Time’ format for discussion of current affairs. Marshall’s occasion included Michael Mates MP, Mark Fisher MP, and Rob Lowe of the Observer. members on society’. fellow panel itself the as Policy: or the British of Affairs, Institute Market-led H.660-H.662 Correspondence his presentation on Includes a typescript summary of Marshall's talk. ‘Nuclear power’, Sixth International Energy Conference, Energy Government-driven?, Chatham House, London, 2-3 December 1991 The conference was convened by the Royal Institute of International Energy Economics and the International Association for Energy Economics. Marshall delivered 2 December. Also includes list of delegates, etc. Handwritten draft, 11pp + 1p. Programme Lecture W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.663-H.667 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Environmental and economic benefits of nuclear power’, Conference, the Metropolitan and Urban Environment (POLMET ‘91), Hong Kong, 9-13 December 1991 Pollution in 1990-1991 Marshall delivered his lecture on 10 December. H.663, H.664 Correspondence 1990-1991 2 folders. Storyboard Set of colour photocopies. Also includes instructions for slides. H.666, H.667 Lecture text Typescript of lecture and annotated version. 2 folders. Storyboard H.670-H.673 1991-1992 1991-1992 1991x1992 H.668, H.669 Correspondence energy’, Lecture Course For the original slides, see K.1. ‘Nuclear and Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 28 January 1992 Economics 1991-1992 ‘Chernobyl Kernenergie - Perspektiven energy - perspectives Atomforum [‘German Atomic Forum’], Bonn, Germany, 29 January 1992 Photocopies. Also includes instructions for slides. again’, Deutschland Germany’], never fiir for Conference, [‘Nuclear Deutsches W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 Correspondence 1991-1992 Includes copy of the programme. Storyboard 1991x1992 Photocopy of slides and of handwritten speaking notes. Lecture Typescript, 17pp. Publication of conference Copy - Perspektiven ftir Deutschland, ed. Deutsches Atomforum e.V., 1992. proceedings, Kernenergie H.674-H.677 H.674-H.676 1991-1992 1991-1992 3 folders. Publication Correspondence Includes a copy of the programme. ‘Nuclear power in Eastern Europe and the ex-Soviet Union’, 59th Annual Conference, Southeastern Electric Exchange (SEE), Boca Raton, Florida, US, 5-8 April 1992 Republics. Faxed copy of Marshall’s article ‘Understanding CIS’, Nuclear Engineering International (September 1992), two typescript summaries entitled ‘“WANO and nuclear power in Eastern Europe and the CIS’, one of them subtitled ‘Various individual lectures given between 30 March 1992 and 24 June 1992’. CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) former regional a was Soviet organization comprising the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘Acid rain, ozone holes and nuclear power’, Symposium, Physics and the Environment, King’s College, London, 22 April 1992 Handwritten correspondence, information re other speakers, instructions for slides. Also includes original poster of the symposium (in colour). speaking notes, H.679-H.684 ‘Nuclear power in a progress report’, BNF Seminar, Nuclear Power in the CIS and Eastern Europe, London, 7 May 1992 the CIS - ‘Nuclear power and the CIS - a progress report’ was the title of Marshall’s talk as it appeared in the provisional programme. Both the typescripts and correspondence found here suggest that Marshall actually contributed several papers. Correspondence 2 folders. Summary both the Storyboard Photocopy. H.681, H.682 Lecture subtitled ‘Lecture at Two typescripts, British Nuclear Forum Seminar, 7 May 1992’, one under the title ‘WANO and nuclear power in Eastern Europe and the CIS’, the other named ‘Kozloduy: a special case’. 7/5/92’ by Marshall’s secretary. lecture, marked ‘BNF Seminar Three summaries, for ‘Nuclear power in a progress report’, ‘WANO and nuclear power in Eastern Europe and the CIS’, and ‘Kozloduy: a special case’. the CIS - Additional material Handwritten draft of a W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.686-H.688 Lectures, H.1-H.727 [?;WANO and nuclear power in Eastern Europe and the CIS’?], Annual Meeting, Nuclear Electric Insurance Ltd, Bermuda, 10 June 1992 Photocopy of storyboard. aid ‘WANO’s International Prospects in a Global Context, London, 23-23 June 1992 BNF Nuclear programme’, Conference, assistance Britain’s Putting and = Correspondence Includes annotated copy of the advance programme, list of delegates etc. Storyboard Set of colour photocopies with handwritten notes. Lecture Annual Uranium _ Institute, Symposium, H.689-H.703 Seventeenth London, 9-11 September 1992 Typescript, 2pp. Subtitled ‘A repeat of evidence to the US Senate on 16 June’. Marshall chaired Session VII, ‘An international imperative for the nuclear industry - safety in CIS nuclear power plants’, featuring the Russians E. Pozdyshev and A. Abagyan, and V. Fuks of the Ukraine. 1992-1993 Chiefly re Ukraine. See also J.144, J.148, J.150. of the speakers from Russia and Correspondence announcement H.689-H.692 Programme 4 folders. the visit Includes copy of final and list of W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 participants. H.694-H.703 Lectures from the session H.694, H.695 Armen Abagyan 1992-1993 1992-1993 (dated Typescript comments, typescript of with Marshall's introduction. September 1992) Marshall's ?final version for publication, with 2 folders. H.696-H.698 Vladimir Fuks 1992-1993 Typescript (dated October 1992), ?final version for publication, with Marshall's introduction. Also includes by Marshall?). typescript of handwritten (written paper draft the of 3 folders. 15th both 4 folders. typescript of final 1992-1993 versions of H.699-H.702 Erik Pozdyshev Correspondence re publication (in Russian with English translation) Handwritten draft with Marshall’s annotations, typescript (with Marshall's introduction), for publication. Also includes copy of a report on ‘Status and safety problems of Russian NPPs operation’, 1992. presentation, Marshall's itinerary 19-29 September, etc. ‘The Operators’, Madrid, 20-25 September 1992 the World Congress, Association World Nuclear Council, of Energy Correspondence, 1992-1993 Marshall's progress of typescript summary of W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 energy’, and ‘Nuclear Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 12 February 1993 Economics Lecture Course 1992-1993 Correspondence. Also includes course information. See also J.186. ‘Nuclear safety - impact on premiums’, Nuclear Insurance Conference, US Council for Energy Awareness (USCEA), San Diego, California, US, 28 February-3 March 1993 1992-1993 Marshall delivered his presentation on 1 March. Correspondence 1992-1993 Includes a typescript draft of Marshall's paper. Lecture Typescript, annotated. Lecture 1992-1993 power in Eastern Europe’, Fourth 1992-1993 Correspondence Includes copy of 1992 conference programme. ‘Nuclear Annual International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, US, 26 April 1993 1993-1994 ‘Nuclear and Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 16 February 1994 Instructions for slides, storyboard with handwritten notes (title slide missing), photocopy of complete set. Correspondence. Also includes course information. Economics energy’, Lecture Course W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 H.713-H.715 Lectures, H.1-H.727 ‘The role for nuclear power in the 21st century’, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 26 April 1994 Annotated briefing notes. Includes typescript itinerary for the week commencing 25 April, with Marshall’s notes on back. Marshall Hohefelder, a German reactor safety official. which was given chaired talk, this ‘The way of the atom (a view from the top)’, Hungarian London, 5 May 1994 Fellowship, Hungarian Reformed by W. British- Church, Handwritten draft, correspondence, etc. According to the flyer, Marshall discussed the nuclear industry in Eastern Europe. ‘Nuclear power: energy of today and tomorrow’, Hokuriku Atomic Industrial Conference, Japan, 25 May 1994 H.713, H.714 Slides ne/16; AA Photocopy of annotated typescript. Correspondence etc. re creation of lecture slides. Handwritten draft, 2pp. [Untitled], Bureau, London, 8 June 1994 Energy Group Meeting, British Consultants Correspondence 1993-1994 1993-1994 2 folders. Lecture text Lecture W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 H.718-H.720 [‘Users of VVER and RBMK reactors’], Symposium, Hoe kunnen we kerncentrales in Oost Europe en Rusland helpen verbeteren? [‘How can we help upgrade the NPPs in Eastern Europe and Russia?’], Netherlands Nuclear Society, The Hague, Netherlands, 11 October 1994 or Reactor, ‘Water-Water The VVER (transliterated from Russian, ‘Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Energy Reactor’) was a series of pressurised water reactors of a safer RBMK design Russian, (transliterated Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalniy’, or ‘High Power Channel Type Reactor’) was the reactor type involved in the Chernobyl accident. RBMK type. than from ‘Reaktor The the Correspondence Some of it in Dutch. Includes ‘pre-information concerning [Marshall's] talk a press release’. See also J.267, J.268. for Lecture Lecture plan for of the ‘Seating drawing H.721-H.724 ‘People WM met in The Hague’ Handwritten instructions for slides, storyboard for talk on ‘User groups for Soviet designed reactors’. ‘Energy in the UK, the West and the ex-Soviet Union’, Kelvin Lecture, Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Glasgow, 19 October 1994 Marshall's dinner’ following the symposium, with business cards attached to the sheet. lecture text (H.723). Annotated storyboard (H.722), annotated typescript of For the original slides, see K.2. Correspondence He/22; 723 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Lectures, H.1-H.727 2 folders. Additional material Samples from earlier Kelvin Lectures, including copy of typescript of the 1990 Lecture by the historian Crosbie Smith. ‘WANO users group’, ‘WANO BGI, Paris, April 1995’ From a folder so inscribed. Set of transparencies. [‘Future aspects of energy and resources’], Seminar, Future Human Life and Energy, Energy Research Center, Wakasa Bay, Japan, 29 May 1995 1994x1995 Typescript outline. Also includes correspondence. Additional material 1986x1995 Set of transparencies, from a box inscribed (in Marshall's Marshall cancelled his lecture ‘because of illness’ (from a folder so inscribed). hand) ‘Pozdyshev’s “Profiles” of Nuclear Sites’. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE, J.1-J.369 1970-1996 J.1-J.340 ‘PADS’ J.341-J.343 LOGBOOKS J.344-J.360 CORRESPONDENCE AUGUST 1989-MAY 1990 J.361-J.369 MISCELLANEOUS J.1-J.340 1987-1996 Series of thirteen box files so labelled. In chronological order. Includes itineraries wife, who invariably and accompanied him on his trips. correspondence. outgoing Marshall Chiefly his for copies were created by a 1987 having ‘Personal letters taken from CEGB pre-1990’ So inscribed. Chiefly outgoing correspondence. The term ‘PADS’ was widely used within the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) to describe file copies of notes and correspondence. Originally such retention ‘pad’ containing a top copy and several (sometimes coloured) carbon copies underneath. In the case of the Marshall papers, the material labelled ‘PADS’ is photocopies. 1987-1989 Chiefly re banking and social engagements. Divided up as follows: January-March (J.3), April-June (J.4), July- August (J.5), September (J.6), October (J.7), November Includes correspondence re portraits of Lord and Lady Marshall. 2 folders. 1988 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 (J.8) and December (J.9). 7 folders. J.10-J.19 1989 re and banking Chiefly From December, also re the Government's revision of its plans for as Chairman of the CEGB. engagements. Marshall nuclear leading power, resign social to Divided up as follows: January-February (J.10), March- April (J.11), May (J.12), June (J.13), July (J.14), August- October (J.15), November (J.16) and December (J.17, J.18). J.19 is restricted. includes J.17 clarification of the risk factor’. original calculations ‘for the fresh 10 folders. as up the (J.34, 30 folders. J.20-J.49 February J.35), May ‘January 1990-July 1990’ follows: January (J.20-J.25), inscribed. Covers Marshall’s So resignation from the CEGB on 19 December 1989, his plans for WANO, the reorganisation of nuclear business in Eastern Europe following nuclear scene world-wide, testimony presented before the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy, etc. the Chernobyl accident, Divided (J.26-J.30), March (J.31-J.33), April (J.36-J.40), June (J.41-J.45) and July (J.46-J.49). findings were published on 27 June under the title ‘The WANO (the World Association of Nuclear Operators) had been created in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986, to improve safety at nuclear power plants world-wide. The inaugural meeting took place in Moscow in May 1989 and Marshall was named Chairman of the Governing Board. Following his resignation from the CEGB Marshall continued as Chairman of WANO, now with a salary. In April 1993 he retired after two terms in office. Marshall testified before the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy on 11 February. The Committee's W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 Cost of Nuclear Power’. See also Section D. J.50-J.81 ‘August 1990-February 1991’ 1990-1991 So inscribed. Covers WANO’s involvement in nuclear safety in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (‘VVER Special Project’), other nuclear initiatives of WANO, the mining company Minworth Group plc, Marshall’s visiting professorship at Imperial College, London, a film project to explore the history of nuclear power in the UK, etc. as follows: August (J.50-J.55), September Divided up (J.56-J.60), October (J.61-J.63), November (J.64-J.67), December (J.68-J.71), January (J.72-J.76) and February (J.77-J.81). 32 folders. Reactor, or ‘Water-Water J.82-J.109 The Minworth Group was a small private company owned by institutional shareholders whose primary purpose was to mine and process calcium fluoride for use in chemical and metallurgical industries. Marshall briefly acted as company Chairman before resigning in January 1991. The VVER (transliterated from Russian, ‘Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Energy Reactor’) was a series of pressurised water reactors of a the Chernobyl safer design than the type involved in accident. The WANO special project explored the up- grading specifically of VVER 230 reactors in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. The design dated from the late 1960s. inscribed. Continues WANO’s involvement in So the VVER Special Project, with particular attention on the nuclear power plant near Kozloduy in Also covers reviews, management of the WANO Moscow Centre, insurance for nuclear power plants, etc. as follows: March (J.82-J.87), April Divided up (J.88- J.91), May (J.92-J.96), June (J.97-J.101), July (J.102- J.105) and August (J.106-J.108). J.109 is restricted. ‘March 1991-August 1991’ Marshall’s idea of WANO Bulgaria. peer W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 include typescript reports to J.96 and J.99 Bulgaria, 20-25 May, and Czechoslovakia, 2-8 June. J.106 includes an account of the situation of the Skoda works, Czechoslovakia. visits on 28 folders. In June 1991 an IAEA safety review of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant resulted in the recommendation for four of the overall six units of the plant to be shut down until they had been substantially upgraded. Marshall acted as a Technical Advisor and Consultant for a insurance (syndicate 1176) of Lloyd’s of London. specialising syndicate nuclear new in J.110-J.135 ‘September 1991-February 1992’ 1991-1992 inscribed. Continues WANO’s involvement in So the VVER Special Project (in particular the Kozloduy plant), the setting up of the WANO peer review process, nuclear insurance, etc. Also covers WANO’s public relations and changes in nuclear energy following the collapse of the Soviet Union towards the end of 1991. administration Soviet of and (J.117, J.118), 26 folders. November January J.131 includes a ‘Progress report on nuclear power in the ex-Soviet Union’, with a report on a ‘Visit to Bulgaria, 3-8 February 1992’. Divided up as follows: September (J.110-J.113), October (J.114-J.116), December (J.119-J.121), February (J.122-J.127) (J.128-J.132). J.133-J.135 are restricted. by changes in So inscribed. Continues issues raised Soviet administration of nuclear energy following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kozloduy plant, nuclear insurance, etc. Also covers the ‘Rowland Report’, the of Nuclear Safety Systems foundation of the Institute (INSS), evidence given to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in Washington, German vs Japanese styles of nuclear inspection and design of simulator centres, etc. ‘March 1992-September 1992’ J.136-J.164 W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 May (J.142-J.145), Divided up as follows: March (J.136-J.139), April (J.140, J.141), July (J.153-J.159) and September (J.160-J.163). No letters appear to have been written during the month of August. J.164 is restricted. (J.146-J.152), June J.142 includes reports of visits of INSS to the American Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Yankee J.145 _ includes Marshall’s notes on an INSS round-table discussion, 22 May 1992. Company. Electric Atomic to 29 folders. The so-called ‘Rowland Report’ was the outcome of an investigation into the future capital structure of Lloyd’s through a task force under the Chairmanship of David Rowland. The Rowland Report was published in January 1992 under the title Lloyd’s: A Route Forward. Marshall questioned aspects of the report, notably its ideas for segregating business and regulatory activity. co-opted Nara, Japan. part think-tank and dedicated Marshall was It was both The INSS was a research institute set up by the Kansai Electric Power Company in the new Kansai Science City near part laboratory, to making nuclear power acceptable to the Japanese public and to research into nuclear technology itself. as Western observer and participant (‘Overseas Adviser’) in the institute’s activities, which he paraphrased as follows: ‘everything which can perfect or improve the Kansai nuclear objectives’ (J.146). On 16 June the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources concluded its hearings re the safety of Soviet-designed nuclear power plants in Eastern Europe and re technical and financial assistance by Western help improve the safety of these reactors. nations to Marshall was He testimony subsequently provided by |. Selin, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see J.151). 1992-1993 the ex-Soviet Union and So inscribed. Continues preoccupation with the nuclear safety problems in Eastern Europe, Marshall's various consultancy work, etc. Also covers a WANO Special his retirement as Chairman in Ambassador (following April 1993), the project of setting up a Users Group for ‘October 1992-May 1993’ witnesses accuracy J.165-J.198 questioned Marshall's future the the among called. of role as W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 Soviet Built Reactors, arrangements for the daughters of international colleagues to work and study in the UK, etc. Divided up as follows: October (J.165-J.169), November (J.170-J.172), December (J.173, J.174), January (J.175- (J.186-J.189), J.180), April is restricted. (J.194-J.197). (J.181-J.185), (J.190-J.193) February March J.198 May and a draft includes outlining J.188 the proposed Users Group for Soviet Built Reactors. J.195 includes a circular (addressed to all members’ agents of the Lloyd’s nuclear insurance syndicate) re thermal fatigue cracks in French Pressurised Water Reactors (PWRs). 34 folders. The idea behind the Users Group for Soviet-designed and constructed nuclear reactors was to enable Russia, the to collaborate on nuclear safety in a non-political way. Lithuania Bulgaria, Slovakia Ukraine, and J.199-J.220 ‘June 1993-October 1993’ etc. Also covers the genesis of Divided up as follows: June (J.199-J.203), July (J.204- J.206), August (J.207-J.210), September (J.211-J.215) and October (J.216-J.219). J.220 is restricted. So inscribed. Continues arrangements for the foundation of the Users Group for Soviet Built Reactors and its relationship with WANO, Marshall's various consultancy work, a cooperation agreement between the Russian Federation and the Japanese government re the development of a VVER- 1000 reactor simulator, corporate memberships of Lloyd’s of London, etc. exclusively in nuclear insurance. J.202, J.203, J.205 include Marshall’s notes on a visit (with Michael Dawson of Lloyd’s of London) to the US, 20-27 June 1993. J.207 includes copy of agenda of the second meeting of Marshall's discussion paper on the occasion. period Marshall much exerted himself to In find shareholders to form a company which would become a corporate specialising Users Group and 22 folders. name at London, Lloyd’s this the of W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 J.221-J.245 ‘November 1993-April 1994’ 1993-1994 Built Reactors, negotiations So inscribed. Continues work of the Users Group for potential Soviet shareholders for corporate membership in the Lloyd’s nuclear insurance syndicate, on behalf of the INSS, etc. Also covers the continued delay of Western government aid the former Soviet Union. for nuclear safety in Marshall's exertions with as_ up follows: (J.226-J.230), (J.221-J.225), Divided December J.232), February (J.233-J.236), March (J.237-J.240) and April (J.241-J.244). J.245 is restricted. November January (J.231, J.229 includes Marshall's notes on a visit to Japan, 27 November-4 December 1993. J.231 includes an account by Marshall of the role played by his wife in the success a of WANO. J.241 the meeting Commission J.244 includes ‘A possible policy position which the Ukrainian authorities might adopt concerning nuclear power’. includes an extensive Communities. secretariat European report head with the the the on of of of to as the was meeting 25 folders. West termed appeal or the Marshall an cooperation, The Lloyd’s nuclear insurance syndicate abandoned its corporate membership scheme in December 1993. At the end of 1993, Russia and the Ukraine had still not received any monetary help with their nuclear safety problems (see J.230). In this period, the focus of the Users Group was on the organisation of a conference in March 1994 that would involve many Western industrialists. One of the outcomes of for technological it, ‘technology transfer to help ourselves’. Group, So specifically and potential funding sources for nuclear safety in the former Soviet Union, etc. Also covers collaboration between the OECD Nuclear Soviet Republics re nuclear liability legislation, etc. Divided up as follows: May (J.246-J.248), June (J.249- ‘May 1994-September 1994’ Continues work for technology J.246-J.270 negotiations inscribed. transfer Agency Energy former Users and of the W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 J.256), September (J.267-J.269). J.270 is restricted. (J.257-J.262), August (J.263-J.266) July and a of the detailed includes description Lloyd’s J.254 it. J.261 nuclear insurance syndicate and how to join Sir Leon Brittan, includes a report on European External Relations and Overseas Aid. J.262 and J.264 include lists of actions agreed at a meeting of the Users Group in July 1994. Commissioner a meeting with Community for 25 folders. J.271-J.300 ‘October 1994-April 1995’ 1994-1995 So inscribed. Continues work of the Users Group and particularly bureaucratic difficulties in securing financial aid from the West for nuclear safety in the former Soviet Union. Also covers changes to Marshall's schedule as a result of medical issues and subsequent diagnosis and treatment for cancer. Further covers arrangements for a television US/Japanese negotiations over American veto powers on Japanese activities using nuclear material, the Kobe earthquake on 17 January 1995 and seismic risks to nuclear safety, the future of the American aid programme in the ex-Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under the new Republican Congress, etc. programme about life, his J.284 includes includes an account to Divided up as follows: October (J.271-J.274), November (J.275-J.279), December (J.280-J.282), January (J.283- J.286), February (J.287-J.291), March (J.292-J.296) and April (J.297-J.299). J.300 is restricted. J.276 the WANO Governing Board of the Users Group projected activities in the year to come. a S. Thomas of the publication on VVER technology by Science of Sussex. J.285 includes an account of Marshall's own history, the history of the Users Group and the joint interests of its of Nuclear members, for Energy, US Department of Energy, Washington. J.293 includes a 6pp ‘Action plan for enhancing the safety of Soviet-designed [nuclear power plants]’. J.294 includes recollections re ‘Combined Heat and Power’ schemes and Marshall's involvement in them. The television programme about extensive comments on Policy Research Unit, Marshall's 30 folders. University life was attention Office the the of W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 presented by the news veteran Richard Lindley. Entitled Playing for Power, it was broadcast in the UK on 8 April 1995. There also was a Russian version. US the 1994 Following the Republicans gained control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. This was the first time in forty years that the House. the Republicans held elections midterm majority the in J.301-J.323 ‘May 1995-August 1995’ inscribed. Continues work So Group, American aid for nuclear safety in the ex-Soviet Union, changes to Marshall's schedule as a result of his medical condition, his activities in the nuclear insurance syndicate and on behalf of the INSS. Users the of Divided up as follows: May (J.301-J.306), June (J.307- J.312), July (J.313-J.316), August (J.317-J.319). J.320- J.323 is restricted. inscribed. Covers Marshall’s nuclear insurance syndicate) 23 folders. J.324-J.340 activities eventual ‘September 1995-June 1996’ So (WANO, withdrawal from them as his illness advanced. continued and J.312 includes a 5pp progress note on the work of the Users Group. 1995-1996 Between September and November 1995, Marshall spent his several in responsibility November but continued advising it into January 1996. He also cut back on his consultancy work for the nuclear insurance syndicate and but continued to advise the latter on ongoing matters (such as a device referred too Divided up as follows: September (J.324-J.327), October December (J.328, (J.333-J.336), January (J.337), February (J.338), March (J.339) and May-June (J.340). 17 folders, restricted. Not indexed. hospital. Chairman withdrew Users from Group (J.330-J.332), the INSS, November to as the Kansai Marshall probe). of the J.329), This weeks in as He W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 January into He was cremated in Oxford on continued February. following a funeral service at South Stoke, Oxfordshire. 20 on March, St Andrew's Church in died 1 Marshall 1996. J.341-J.343 LOGBOOKS 1989-1996 of logging hardback notebooks Series outgoing correspondence, not paginated. Starting 20 December 1989 (the day after Marshall’s resignation from the office of Chairman of the CEGB). The final entry is dated 30 January 1996, three weeks prior 20 February. his death on to 3 items. ‘20 December 1989-30 July 1992’ J.344-J.360 Inscribed ‘Post’. Unused except for first 24 pages. ‘8 August 1995-30 January 1996' ‘31 July 1992-4 August 1995’ CORRESPONDENCE AUGUST 1989-MAY 1990 1989-1990 Incoming and outgoing correspondence leading up to and in response to Marshall’s resignation as Chairman of the CEGB. Divided up as follows: August-November (J.344-J.346), December (J.349-J.351), February (J.352-J.355) and March-May (J.356-J.360). 17 folders. January J.348), (J.347, W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.369 Marshall was Chairman of the CEGB 1982-1989. He resigned the Government's decision not to privatise nuclear power stations. December following 1989, on 19 J.361-J.369 MISCELLANEOUS 1970-1987, 1994-1995 Found loose. J.361-J.364 1970-1987 1970-1987 Includes a typescript by M.F. Perutz. 4 folders. J.365-J.367 1994 1995 3 folders. J.368, J.369 Incoming and outgoing correspondence. Incoming and outgoing correspondence, including re an attempt by Marshall to find ‘a more business-oriented job here at home’. 2 folders. W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA, K.1-K.7 1984-2008 SLIDES SOUND RECORDINGS FILM SLIDES energy’, ‘Nuclear and Resources, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, 28 January 1992 Economics Lecture Course Case containing twelve colour slides (see also H.668, H.669). 1991x1992, 1994 1991x1992 SOUND RECORDINGS 1991, 2008 3 items. ‘Nuclear power and Case containing 24 colour slides (see also H.721-H.724). ‘Energy in the UK, the West and the ex-Soviet Union’, Kelvin Lecture, Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Glasgow, 19 October 1994 Recording of the environment, Lecture inaugurating the Linacre Lecture Series Energy and the Environment, University of Oxford, 24 October 1991. See also H.656-H.658. 16 mm film reels. One cassette tape (K.3) and two CDs (K.4, K.5). W.C. Marshall NCUACS 171/2/09 Non-textual medial, K.1-K.7 ‘Operation smash hit’ inscribed. So interview’. Further inscribed ‘2 minute clip with Footage of a nuclear flask crash test, carried out on the Old Dalby Test Track, Leicestershire, on 17 July 1984. Features Marshall. of purpose The public demonstration to dispel fears that a nuclear waste flask would not survive the impact of a rail crash. collision staged was the a_ ‘Lord Marshall’s Eton Garden Lecture’ 37 minutes. Recording of ‘Electricity, So inscribed; c. nuclear power and nuclear waste’, given at Eton College in April 1986 (H.320-H.323). The lecture originated in Marshall’s Tizard Memorial Lecture, Westminster School, 6 February 1986 (see H.292-H.306). in to the (ie. and what one’s ‘NIMBY garden) Lecture’. The lecture was variously known as the ‘Garden Lecture’ and The names _ respectively referred to Marshall’s argument about naturally occurring radioactivity he identified as ‘Not In My Back Yard’ (NIMBY) objections to the risk posed by nuclear energy and nuclear waste. Illustrations with live Geiger readings formed a regular feature of these performances.