FERGUSON-SMITH, Malcolm Andrew

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith FRS (b. 1931) VOLUME | Introduction Section A: Biographical Section B: Medical Genetics Section C: Correspondence by Timothy E. Powell and Simon Coleman NCUACS catalogue no. 161/4/08 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Malcolm Andrew Ferguson- Smith FRS (b. 1931), geneticist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Simon Coleman Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1957-2008 Extent of material: ca 1,600 items Depositedin: Glasgow University Archive Services Reference code: GB 0248 UGC188 © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 161/4/08 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Wellcome Trust Research Resources in Medical History programme M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE DUTY ARCHIVIST GLASGOW UNIVERSITY ARCHIVE SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B MEDICAL GENETICS SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE SECTION D PUBLICATIONS A.1-A.37 B.1-B.72 C.1-C.1123 D.1-D.123 SECTION E LECTURES AND MEETINGS E.1-E.37 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.95 SECTION G CONSULTANCIES AND COLLABORATIONS G.1-G.29 SECTION H GENDER VERIFICATION IN SPORT H.1-H.50 SECTION J BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY J.1-J.15 (BSE) SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL K.1-K.11 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 11 17 27 189 205 211 223 229 237 240 243 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 5 The material was received for cataloguing from Professor Ferguson-Smith in October 2007 and May 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF MALCOLM ANDREW FERGUSON-SMITH Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith was born in Glasgow on 1931, the son of the distinguished physician and dermatologist John Ferguson-Smith. He graduated in medicine (MB, ChB) from Glasgow University in 1955 and held House Physician and House Surgeon posts at the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, 1955-1956 and was Senior House Officer and Registrar in Pathology, 1956-1958. While undertaking postgraduate training in pathology he wasintroduced to research on sex chromatin under Bernard Lennox. Their buccal smear surveys revealed forthe first time the high frequency of Klinefelter's Syndrome among subfertile males and those with learning difficulties. Unsuccessful efforts to undertake chromosomeanalysis in these patients during 1957-1958 led to Ferguson-Smith continuing his research in the USA,with appointment as Fellow in Medicine at the School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, in 1959. Ferguson-Smith remained at Johns Hopkins, working on chromosomes with V.A. McKusick, for nearly three years. Here he established the first human chromosomediagnostic laboratory in the USA and undertook cytogenetic research into the Turner Syndrome and true hermaphroditism. During his time in America he met and married Marie Eve Gzowska. Ferguson-Smith returned to the Department of Genetics (Head, Guido Pontecorvo) at Glasgow University in 1961. He was appointed successively Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader, becoming the first Burton Professor of Medical Genetics in 1973. His duties included teaching geneticsto first and fourth year medical students and the establishment of a Regional Genetics Service for a population of three million in the West of Scotland. This comprised a network of counselling clinics, diagnostic laboratories, prenatal diagnosis for chromosome and metabolic disorders, prenatal screening facilities for spina bifida and neonatal screening for hypothyroidism. The clinical cytogenetics service provided opportunities for contributing to the human gene map using familial chromosome polymorphisms, deletion mapping, in situ hybridisation and chromosome sorting by flow cytometry. His work on mapping the Y-linked sex determinant in XX malesled to the isolation of the mammalian sex determining gene twenty-five years later. The work on translocations in pachytene, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 6 gene mapping through chromosome deletion and by in situ hybridisation. proved to be first descriptions in the human genetics literature. He also participated extensively in all eleven international Human Gene Mapping Workshops from 1973 to 1991. _In all these areas of diagnosis and research he was supported by his wife, Marie, and an exceptional team of researchers and technicians. During this period he published on many other aspects of human meiosis, clinical genetics, antenatal diagnosis and human chromosome mapping. His work received grant support from the Medical Research Council, the Scottish Home and Health Department, the Scottish Hospitals Endowment Trust and a numberof medical charities. Aninitiative by the charity Action Research for the Crippled Child, with which Ferguson-Smith had a close connection, led to the building of the Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics in Glasgow in 1980. In 2004 his contributions to developing genetics services in the West of Scotland were publicly acknowledged with a new clinical genetics centre for the west of Scotland at Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow being named the Ferguson-Smith Centre. In 1987 Ferguson-Smith was appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Pathology at Cambridge University and Director of the East Anglia Regional Genetics Service. He led research on geneisolation, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques, reverse chromosome painting and studies in karyotype evolution using chromosome sorting and cross-species chromosome painting. He retired as Head of Pathology in 1998 and he and his team moved to the Cambridge University Department of Veterinary Medicine. In 2002 he established the Cambridge Resource Centre for Comparative Genomics, with Wellcome Trust support. The Centre produced and distributed chromosome-specific DNA from over 120 species of animals, birds and fish to scientists throughout the world for research in biology, evolution, gene mapping and cancer. This data led to many collaborative studies and allowed cross-species comparisons to be made and homologies between species mapped, so allowing detailed studies of relationships between species and research into genomic evolution. The cross-species chromosome homology maps generated by these studies were made available in a database (www.chromhome.org). An important aspect of the research of the Ferguson-Smith laboratory at the Vet School was on the evolution of vertebrate sex determination and their discovery and characterisation of the unique ten sex chromosome system of the platypus. Ferguson-Smith published extensively, including an undergraduate textbook co-authored with J.M. Connor, Essential Medical Genetics, which ran to manyBritish and overseaseditions. Ferguson-Smith’s expertise as a medical geneticist was called on in a number of other capacities. In 1969 he was approached bythe British Olympic Committee to administer the tests for competitors for the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games. He declined, arguing that the method oftesting (the sex chromatin or buccal smear test) would be morelikely unfairly to exclude women athletes than detect cheats. The buccal smear test was challenged again in the 1980s and in 1991 the International Amateur Athletic Federation set up a Working Group on Gender Verification. Ferguson-Smith served M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 7 on this Working Group which called for an end to genetics-based gender verification and its replacement with a health test for all athletes. It met with gradual success until in 1999 the IOC abandoned genetics based testing for the Sydney Olympics. In 1998 Ferguson-Smith was appointed as the scientist member of Lord Phillips’ Committee on the UK Government's BSE Inquiry which reviewed the emergence of BSE and new variant CJD and the action taken in response to it. It reported in 2000 (the Phillips Report) and included some criticisms of the scientific and the Governmentresponseto the crisis. Ferguson-Smith held a number of honorary administrative posts, including Vice-President of the Genetical Society (1978-1981), President of the Clinical Genetics Society (1979-1981), President of the European Society of Human Genetics (1997-1998), President of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (1998-2002) and President of the Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists (2002- 2005). He was a founding memberand served on the Council of the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) and on the Scientific Advisory Board of the UK Human Genome Mapping Project. He was the founding editor of the journal Prenatal Diagnosis (1980) and served onthe editorial boards of a numberof journals (1973-2008) including the journal Cytogenetics and its successor (1961-1982). Honours accorded to Ferguson-Smith included election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1978 and the Royal Society of London in 1983, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1993 and the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1998. He received Honorary Doctorates in Science from Strathclyde (1992) and Glasgow (2002) Universities and was made an Honorary Associate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2002. Overseas honoursincluded election as a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Science and of the National Academyof Medicine of BuenosAires. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material covers the period 1957-2008. The archive is dominated by Ferguson-Smith’s very substantial correspondence. Section A, Biographical, is not extensive. It includes a number of biographical accounts of Ferguson- Smith’s life and career to date. There is correspondencerelating to his early career, particularly concerning his return to Glasgow 1959-1963, and later material from his move to Cambridge as Professor of Pathology in 1987. The section also includes a copyof his Bibliography. Section B, Medical genetics, is divided into three subsections. The first, Research and reports, principally relates to research grants held by Ferguson-Smith, chiefly from the Medical Research Council, from 1961 to 1998. It includes grants for research into Multiple Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma (MSSE), a condition first identified by his father. Development of medical genetics at M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 8 Glasgow, the second subsection, includes correspondence and memoranda relating to the developmentof the field as an academic study and asclinical practice, including accommodation for Ferguson-Smith’s department culminating in the opening of the Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics in 1981. The third subsection, Development of medical genetics at Cambridge, is chiefly correspondence regarding the proposal for and establishment of a Centre for Medical Genetics at Cambridge, and later developments. Section C, Correspondence, is the largest in the archive. The main sequencesofletters 1959-2002, both incoming and outgoing, are organised following Ferguson-Smith’s own arrangement; chronologically by group of years and then alphabetically within each group. This correspondence records the full range of Ferguson-Smith’s activities at Glasgow and from 1987 at Cambridge as university academic, as genetic consultant advising doctors and patients, and as director of a major medical genetics service serving millions of people. It is consequently very diverse. There is correspondence with scientific colleagues, including C.O. Carter, J.H. Edwards, A.E.H. Emery, C.E. Ford and V.A. McKusick; prospective and former researchers; with university and hospital colleagues; with doctors in general practice, patients and worried parents or would-be parents; with charities supporting his research, most prominently Action Research for the Crippled Child and the Scottish Spina Bifida Association; with societies and organisations, including the Clinical Genetics Society, the Royal College of Pathologists and a numberof local groups to whom Ferguson-Smith gave talks on medical genetics and genetic counselling (and who would often raise money to support the service); with publishing houses; and so on. There is also administrative correspondence with the University of Glasgow, and later the University of Cambridge, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Greater Glasgow Health Board on topics ranging from future planning to maintenance of office equipment. Through this correspondence one can see changes in diagnostic techniques and technological advances in medical genetics, in attitudes to genetic counselling and how the regulatory climate and staffing crises and ethical considerations affected the service offered. There are also a little correspondence with V.A. McKusick found separately and a sequence of correspondence with J.M. Graves and colleagues on collaborative projects on comparative genomics of platypus, echidna and various marsupials. Section D, Publications, includes material relating to Ferguson-Smith’s publications and intended publications. Drafts include documentation of some of his most notable works, including his first publication, ‘Klinefelter’s syndrome: frequency and testicular morphology in relation to nuclear sex’, with B. Lennox et al. Lancet (1957) and ‘Karyotype-phenotypecorrelations in gonadal dysgenesis and their bearing on the pathogenesis of malformations’ (1965), a paper rejected by Cytogenetics but accepted by the Journal of Medical Genetics which became a Citation Classic in 1991. There is also documentation relating to various editions of the textbook Essential Medical Genetics, Ferguson- Smith’s chapter on ‘Genderverification’ in editions of the Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine, edited by M. Harries et a/ and drafts of a number of his 1990s publications on reciprocal chromosome M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 9 painting between species of animal. There is a very nearly complete set of offprints of Ferguson- Smith’s publications. The section also presents editorial material, chiefly relating to the journal Prenatal Diagnosis, of which Ferguson-Smith was founder and Editor in Chief for 26 years to his retirement at the end of 2006. Section E, Lectures and meetings, includes documentation of some early lectures from Ferguson- Smith’s period in the USA, 1959-1961, and a few of his many talks to local societies in the west of Scotland in which he spoke about genetics in general and the work of the West of Scotland genetics service in particular (this is also documented in section C, Correspondence). Thereis also little material relating to university teaching responsibilities, and documentation of a few meetings attended by him. Section F, Societies and organisations, includes material from six organisations. The bulk relates to the Human Genome Organisation, HUGO, of which Ferguson-Smith was a founding and Executive Council member. Most of the material relates to the European Commission (EC) support for Single Chromosome Workshops (SCWs), including the 1991 Working Party (which included Ferguson- Smith) of the Advisory Committee for the Human Genome Analysis programme that recommended the EC should fund SCWs under HUGO guidelines, and subsequent EC contracts to fund SCWs, March 1992-October 1999. There is also significant material relating to the foundation of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis in 1996. Ferguson-Smith was a founder member, serving on the Board, and as President 1998-2002. Section G, Consultancies and collaborations, dates from after Ferguson-Smith’s move to Cambridge. It is not extensive and documents Ferguson-Smith’s association with six commercial companies, chiefly in relation to work on chromosome paints. Section H, Gender verification in sport, relates to Ferguson-Smith’s involvement from 1969 in the debate about methodsof testing athletes’ sex. It includes correspondence with the British Olympic Committee about the tests for competitors for the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games, but the bulk relates to his service on the International Amateur Athletic Federation’s Working Group on Gender Verification, 1991-1999. The material includes correspondence (including many faxes) with membersof the Working Group and others, briefing documents, drafts of articles for publication and background information. Section J, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, is principally material relating to the BSE Inquiry on which Ferguson-Smith served, and includes responsesto the Inquiry’s report. There is also material documenting his continuing interest in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies including BSE and its relation to vCJD, and his theory aboutits possible origin from a bovine prion gene mutation. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 10 Section K, Non-textual material, is slight. However, it includes historical 16mm colour educational films on genetics made in the USA and sent to Ferguson-Smith in Glasgow. Those at K.1-K.3, a series of three on medical genetics, were madeat the Division of Medical Genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1960 and Ferguson-Smith participated in their creation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare grateful to Professor Ferguson-Smith for making the material available and for his advice and information. T.E. Powell Bath June 2008 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 10 Section K, Non-textual material, is slight. However, it includes historical 16mm colour educational films on genetics made in the USA and sent to Ferguson-Smith in Glasgow. Those at K.1-K.3, a series of three on medical genetics, were made at the Division of Medical Genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1960 and Ferguson-Smith participated in their creation. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL Index cards of bibliographical references have been placed in the Human Genetics Historical Library in Cardiff University Library. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weare grateful to Professor Ferguson-Smith for making the material available and for his advice and information. T.E. Powell Bath June 2008 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.37 1957-2008 A.1-A.9 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS AND BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION A.10-A.35 CAREER A.36, A.37 OTHER BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL A.1-A.9 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNTS AND BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1970-2008 A.1 A.2 A.3 A4 AS Ferguson-Smith’s Scottish Home and Health Department personal folder 1970-1977 The personal folder contained curricula vitae, lists of publications for consideration by the Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards. The coverage of Ferguson- Smith’s career spans 1970-1977 ‘Brief curriculum vitae’, 4pp, 2007; ‘Curriculum vitae, from Cytogenet. Genome Res. 2pp; ‘Summary of Research Interests’, ca 2005; outline of current researchinterests (print-out), 2008 (2005), 111, 2-4 2005-2008 Copy of Record Ferguson-Smith’s Royal Society Personal ca 2005 Correspondence with J. Anderson on history of genetics at Glasgow 1992-1994 Includes letter to Anderson, 18 August 1992, recalling Bernard Lennox andearly history of genetics at Glasgow; and letter, 4 January 1994 outlining career at Glasgow after 1961. ‘Guido Pontecorvo. A celebration of Ponte’s Life and Contribution to Science’ 2000 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s recollections of G. Pontecorvo M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 12 A6 A.7 A8 A.9 Biographical, A.1-A.37 at pp14-18. ‘Malcolm Ferguson-Smith’, Research vol. 111 (2005), 2-4 Cytogenetic and Genome 2005 Ferguson-Smith Cytogeneticist’ is profiled as a ‘Distinguished ‘A tribute to Malcolm Ferguson-Smith, founding editor of Prenatal Diagnosis’ 2007 This was written on the occasion of Ferguson-Smith’s retirement from the editorship of Prenatal Diagnosis in December 2006 after 26 years as founder and Editor-in- Chief. Draft script for film on ‘Chromosomepainting programme’ to feature Ferguson-Smith 1997 Recorded interview 2003 with Ferguson-Smith, December 2003-2005 Includes transcript, with Ferguson-Smith’s corrections, covering correspondence 2004-2005, and list of those interviewed to date (December 2003). The interviewer was Professor Peter S. a longstanding colleague of Ferguson-Smith’s in the field, and the interview formed part of Harper's programme of interviews with distinguished human geneticists. Harper, A.10-A.35 CAREER 1957-2005 For appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA, see C.33, C.53 A.10 in ‘Registrar MRCP application societies 1957-1966’ Laboratory [1966]. Medicine 1957. Presentations at “learned” application 1957-1966 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 13 A.11 A.12-A.14 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope soinscribed. ‘Correspondence with Dr Victor McKusick regarding appointment as Fellow in Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Interviews 22/9/58, accepted 21/10/58. Sailed “Carinthia” 6/2/59. Also related correspondence with Glasgow Western Hospitals etc’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. between Correspondence ‘1959-1960 & Baltimore, with Prof. Dan Cappell & Dr Bernard Lennox, including accounts of my activities in the USA during my Fellowship, discussions about postponing my return to Glasgow until a lectureship in Medical Genetics could be arranged’ Glasgow Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1958-1959 1959-1960 further Envelope including correspondence with Dr T.N. Fraser, Dr J.H. Renwick and Dr J.S.S. Stewart (and including letter from my father, with advice)’. inscribed, ‘Also A.15-A.19 ‘1960-1961 Correspondence with Professors Cappell & Pontecorvo, and Dr Bernard Lennox concerning the appointment of MAFS to the lectureship in Medical Genetics, Dept. Genetics, Glasgow University’ 1960-1961 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. At A.17 is application for expenses for the establishment of a cytogenetics laboratory at Glasgow. A.20-A.22 1960-1964 ‘Correspondencein Prof. Pontecorvo’s files passed to me by Prof. J.A. Pateman (his successor) and relating to the establishment of my Lectureship in Medical Genetics in 1961, the efforts to obtain research funds and technical support, and the later proposals in 1964 to share the Lectureship with the Department of Child Health and establish a cytogenetic (diagnostic) laboratory at the RHSC, Yorkhill’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 14 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Ferguson-Smith’s letter of 28 November 1960 (A.20) sets outthe facilities he enjoys at Johns Hopkins, his plans for research and his thoughts on medical genetics in Britain. Ferguson-Smith’s progress report 1961-1963 is at A.21. A.23 A.24 Correspondence re employment at the University of Glasgow 1961 Includes appointments as Lecturer 1961, Senior Lecturer 1965, Reader 1971 and Professor 1973. Offer of post at the Cancer Research Institute, New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1963-1964 accepted Ferguson-Smith was invited to consider a post at the Institute in 1963. He visited Boston later that year and in 1964 Clinical Professor. However, further negotiation regarding terms of employment proved unsatisfactory and as Glasgow had put forward proposals to expand medical genetics there, he decided to stay in the UK. appointment as Assistant A.25 Membership of the Royal College of Pathologists 1964, 1966 Correspondence. A.25A Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Fleming Lecture for 1984 1984 Brief correspondenceonly. Ferguson-Smith November. gave the Fleming Lecture on 5 A.26-A.30 Chair of Pathology, University of Cambridge A.26 Visit to Cambridge, July 1986 Includes departments. information on Pathology and_ related 1986-1991 1986 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 A.27 A.28 A.29 A.30 A.31 A.32 Biographical, A.1-A.37 Correspondence re possible move to Cambridge arising from visit Correspondence re move to Cambridge, including formal acceptanceof offer, 16 March 1987 15 1986 1987 Correspondence, including re vacant chair at Glasgow 1987 Correspondence and papers 1988-1991 1996 Mauro Baschirotto Award for Human Genetic Research 1995-1996 Twoletters only re award to Ferguson-Smith. See also D.37. Press-release re Ferguson-Smith’s appointment to BSE Inquiry A.33, A.34 McLaughlin-Gallie Visiting Professorship for 2001, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Chiefly correspondencere arrangements and itinerary 2 folders. Ferguson-Smith spent 28 September-12 October 2001 visiting the universities of Alberta, Edmonton and British Columbia, Visiting Professor. He also visited Winnipeg and San Diego, USA. McLaughlin-Gallie Vancouver as A.35 Notice of award of Wellcome Trust grant to Ferguson- Smith, Newsletter, August/September 2005, p.4 Cambridge University of 1997 2001 2005 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 16 Biographical, A.1-A.37 A.36, A.37 OTHER BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL 1998, 2008 A.36 ‘Professor September 1998’ Ferguson-Smith’s diary [January] to 30 1998 A.37 Bibliography, 1957 (no. 1) - 2008 (no. 511) 2008 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 17 SECTION B MEDICAL GENETICS, B.1-B.72 1960-2006 B.1-B.44 RESEARCH AND REPORTS B.45-B.63 B.64-B.72 DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT GLASGOW DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT CAMBRIDGE B.1-B.44 RESEARCH AND REPORTS 1960-1998 B.1-B.33 B.34-B.44 Grants Miscellaneous B.1-B.33 Grants 1961-1998 Applications, budgets, progress andfinal reports. B.1 B.2 B.3 Research into aspects of human cytogenetics, Medical Research Council 1961 Copy(incomplete) of application only. ‘A study into possible factors leading to chromosomal non-disjunction particular emphasis on Klinefelter’s syndrome’, 1965-1969, Medical Research Council in man, with 1969 Final report on grant. Research Epithelioma, British Empire Cancer Campaign Self-healing into Multiple Squamous 1966-1967 This research was undertaken with J.H. Renwick into a condition first described by J. Ferguson-Smith, Malcolm Ferguson-Smith’s father, 2Z.H. James was research assistant. Results were published as Ferguson- in 1934. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 18 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Smith et al, ‘Multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma’, Birth Defects: Original Article Series. V\l_ 8 (1971), 157- 163. Bibliography no. 75. In 1988 Ferguson-Smith and fellow researchers received an Imperial Cancer Research Fund grant to revisit the work(see B.21). B.4 B.5-B.15 B.16-B.20 1971 1974-1980, n.d. 1987-1994 into ‘The use of chromosome aberrations in gene localisation: specific a study chromosome by in which chromosomal aberrations or variant chromosomes are being Hospital EndowmentResearch Trust of genes to of localisation analysis transmitted’, 1968-1971, Scottish families the the See also B.48. ‘The developmentof techniques for human ribosomal and globin genelocalisation’, 1975-1978, with R. Williamson, and ‘Use of for human gene localisation’, R. Williamson and S. Malcolm, Medical Research Council 1978-1981, with hybridisation situ in situ hydridisation Includes applications (B.5, B.6), equipment (B.8) and draft of ‘Localisation of 5S ribosomal RNAto 1q 41-43 by in interstitial translocation of the long arm of chromosome 1’. At B.15 are related applications to the Wellcome Trust, Spastics Society and National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (Action Research). in a family with an_ 11 folders. Williamson was Professor of Biochemistry at St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London. S. Malcolm joined the project in 1975 and continued to 1979. ‘Molecular pathology of genetic disease’, with N.A. Affara and J.R.W. Medical Research Council 1993-1998, 1988-1993, Yates, Includes initial application (B.16), full report 1988-1991 (B.18) and assessment of application for extension (B.19). 5 folders. Ferguson-Smith had prepared the application while at Glasgow. On his move to Cambridge he deferred the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 19 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 starting date to April 1988. ‘Familial Multiple Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma’, with N.A. Affara, M.S. Stanley and J.R.W. Yates, 1988- 1991, Imperial Cancer Research Fund 1988-1991 Includes application and application for renewal, 1991. This research referred back to Ferguson-Smith’s workin 1968 (see B.3). See the report at B.40. ‘Characterisation of the tuberous sclerosis gene’, with N.A. Medical Research Council Affara and J.R.W. Yates, 1988-1991, Brief report only. Imaging system for research in ‘Human gene mapping and sequencing’, with N.A. Affara and N.P. Carter, 1989, Medical Research Council This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. 1991 1989 ‘Towards a 1 centimorgan map of chromosome 9 using dinucleotide polymorphisms and meiotic recombination in sperm’, with N.A. Affara and M.A. Yuille, 1989-1992, Medical Research Council 1989-1992 Includes application and progressreports. This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. ‘A feasibility study of the use of flow-sorted chromosomes for rapid gene mapping’, with N.P. Carter, 1990-1991, Medical Research Council 1990 This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. ‘1. In situ service for users and for the cDNA programme and 2. Development of in situ technology’, with N.P. 1992 B.21 B.22 B.23 B.24 B.25 B.26 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 20 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 Carter, 1991-1995, Medical Research Council This was a grant in the Human Genome Mapping Project programme. B.27-B.29 European Gene Mapping Project (EUROGEM) 1992-1996 3 folders. Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory was a member of the EUROGEM networkreceiving funding distributed by the European Community through Imperial Cancer Research Fund. by Ferguson-Smith in ‘European approach to the human gene project’, FASEB J., 5 (1991), 61-65. Bibliography no. 266. The scheme was described the B.30 B.31 B.32 B.33 ‘Construction of a comprehensive ordered map of chromosome artificial chromosomes(Yacs) and cosmids’, with N.A. Affara and P. Jones, 1992-1993, Medical Research Council overlapping yeast 9 in_ Letter of award only. ‘Prenatal diagnosis using multi-probe in situ hydridisation with fetal cells isolated from the maternal circulation’, with N.P. Carter, 1992-1993, Medical Research Council Brief reports only. cytogenetics ‘The their potential as a diagnostic tool’, with P.A.W. Edwards and J. Wienberg, 1996-1998, Medical Research Council breast carcinomas and of for Sorting equipment chromosomes, with N.A. Medical Research Council flowing sorting Affara and J.R.W. human Yates, B.34-B.44 Miscellaneous B.34 ‘Rudolf Virchow’s cellular pathology after one hundred years and modern geneto-cytology’, by C.E. Benda, 1992 1993 1996 1998 1960-1994 1960 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 21 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 1960. inscribed Offprint ‘Reference to trisomy 22 in Down’s Syndrome, described by MAFSin 1959’ and page 62indicated. by Ferguson-Smith B.35 ‘A report of research conducted during the past academic year and its to current research in human cytogenetics...’ by S.D. Handmaker relation 1960 Duplicated Smith’s work. typescript, with references to Ferguson- Handmaker had been a Ferguson-Smith. research collaborator with B.36 Copies of Letters to the Lancet, 1976 and 1978 on Down’s Syndrome andits relationship to maternal age 1976, 1978 Includes duplicated copies of Letters from Ferguson- Smith, ‘Prospective data on risk of Down syndromein relation to maternal age’, 31 July 1976, Bibliography no. 106 and ‘Maternal age and Down’s syndrome’, 22 July 1978, Bibliography no. 122. B.37 ‘Jim Galt - [Research] Report - May 1987’ 1987 Galt was a researcher in the Glasgow Department of Medical Genetics. B.38 ‘Cusrow Wadia Fund’ 1987-1988, 1993 of Ferguson-Smith’s Contents inscribed: correspondence and papersre provision of fluorescence activated cell sorter for Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory. folder so_ B.39 B.40 ‘Correspondence re: appointment of various Research Associates 1988-1989’ Senior 1987-1989 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. ‘Multiple Self-Healing Squamous Epithelioma. Research Project Report April 1991’ by D.R. Goudie, M.A.R. Yuille, 1991 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 22 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 N.A. Affra, M.A. Stanley and M.A. Ferguson-Smith See also B.21. B.41 MRC News, no. 53, December 1991 Report Ferguson-Smith, cytogenetics: FISH and FACS’, on pp14-16. work on of ‘Molecular B.42 ‘The scope and extent of human genetic screening’ Paper responding to Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ Report on Ethical Issues of Genetic Screening (1993), presented at Symposium on Genetic Screening, King’s College London, 22 March 1994. B.43 B.44 ‘Health Technology Assessment on the applications of Fluorescence the diagnosis of genetic disorders’, report to Department of Health, May 1994 Hydridisation (FISH) Situ In in Memorandum on ‘Human Genetics Research’ submitted to Science and Technology Subcommittee by Professor M.A. Ferguson-Smith, FRS...’ the Manuscript draft and typescript copy. 1991 1994 1994 1994 B.45-B.63 DEVELOPMENTOF MEDICAL GENETICS AT GLASGOW 1960-1984 See also correspondenceat A.12-A.22. B.45, B.46 ‘Correspondence of MAFSwith Professors Pontecorvo & Cappell, and with Dr J.M. Johnstone, Scottish Home & Health Dept and with the MRC in attempts to get grant support for setting up a cytogenetics lab in the Genetics Dept, Glasgow Univ, 1961-62’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes grant 1960-1962 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 23 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 application to Medical Research Council (see also B.1) and draft application to the Nuffield Foundation. B.47-B.53 ‘Correspondence relating to the development of the Department of Medical Genetics and the West of Scotland Regional Genetics Service’ 1966-1981 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. B.47 Correspondence and papers 1966-1969 Includes memorandum on ‘Future of Medical Genetics in Glasgow’ B.48 ‘First progress report for the year 1968-1969’ 1969 Also includes summary of Ferguson-Smith’s teaching and research marker project’. responsibilities; ‘Memorandum on on ‘The use work reports in gene localisation: of chromosome This study the aberrations localisation of genes to specific chromosome by the analysis of families in which chromosomal aberrations or variant chromosomesare being transmitted’, see B.4. into a B.49 Correspondence and papers 1970-1972 Includes notes on researchactivities and correspondence re appointment of Lecturer in Medical Genetics following the departure of J.H. Renwick, 1970. B.50 Correspondence and papers 1973-1974 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s appointment as Professor of Medical Genetics, and research plans 1973-1976 B.51 B.52 Memoranda on ‘Department of Medical Genetics, Yorkhill Hospitals. Current status and future development’ 1977, and ‘Medical Genetics at Glasgow University’ 1979 1977, 1979 Memoranda on ‘The new Institute of Medical Genetics at Yorkhill’ and ‘Regional Genetic Advisory Services’ 1980 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 24 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 B.53 Memorandum on the vacant Lecturership in Medical Genetics 1981 B.54, B.55 ‘Correspondence related cytogenetics laboratory forerunnerof the University Dept of Medical Genetics’ the establishment of a the Yorkhill Hospitals, to at 1963-1966 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed: chiefly material relating to accommodation for medical genetics. B.54 Papers on medical genetics at Glasgow 1963-1966 Includes ‘Medical Genetics - Progress Report 1961-1963’ and Ferguson-Smith’s estimate of future requirements, 1966. B.55 B.56 B.57 B.58 Correspondence accommodation at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children papers new and laboratory re Note on work of the Medical Genetics Unit at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children for the visit of H.M. the Queen Mother, 24 October 1973 ‘Second Progress Report on Prenatal Diagnosis in the Westof Scotland, 1969-1978’ 1966 1973 1978 Outline of research activities Medical Genetics, 1980-1981 in the Department of 1980 B.59-B.62 of Medical Genetics, ‘The Duncan Guthrie Institute Glasgow University and Yorkhill Hospitals. Its conception, inauguration and its mural’ 1981-1983 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. The new Institute was named in honour of Duncan Guthrie, Director of the National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (better known as Action Researchfor the major contribution medical genetics. Ferguson-Smith’s charity made a Crippled Child). work This to in M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 B.59 Inauguration of the Duncan GuthrieInstitute Programmes;information; typescript of Ferguson-Smith’s remarks at opening; McKusick, who performedthe inauguration. to V.A. letter B.60 ‘The Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics’ History and current researchofthe Institute. 25 1981 1981 B.61 B.62 Correspondence with D. Guthrie, chiefly re a plane tree to be planted outside the building 1982-1983 The seed was said to have been obtained from the tree under which Hippocrates taught medicine on the Island of Cos. Correspondence and papers re mural ‘Medical Genetics in the Prevention of Handicap’by the Artists’ Collective 1983 Includes photographs of the mural and the new building. The mural was in the entrance foyer to the building. was unveiled in 1983. It B.63 Departmentof Medical Genetics Report for 1980-1984 1984 B.64-B.72 DEVELOPMENT CAMBRIDGE OF MEDICAL GENETICS AT 1986-2006 B.64-B.68 ‘Centre for Medical Genetics’ 1986-1995 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papersrelating to the proposal for and establishment of a At B.64 is Centre for Medical Genetics at Cambridge. correspondence Regius Professor of Physic, on a possible move to Cambridge and terms thereof, and a later note by Ferguson-Smith explaining someof the context. Butterfield, John with Sir M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 Medical genetics, B.1-B.72 B.69 B.70 B.71 B.72 Entries for Project Register of Current Research for the East Anglian Regional Health Authority ‘Genetic Services in East Anglia. Report of a Working Party’, January 1995 ‘Profile Pathology’ of the Cambridge University Department of ‘Painting by numbers: mapping the evolutionary history of mammalian genomes’, 3, September2006, 25-27 Wellcome Science issue 1994 1995 1996 2006 This article describes the work headed by Ferguson- Smith for Comparative Genomics. Cambridge Resource Centre at the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 27 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE, C.1-C.1123 1957-2005 a is by both dominated The archive substantial correspondence. The main sequencesof letters 1959- 2002, organised following arrangement; chronologically by group of years and then alphabetically within each group. incoming and outgoing, Ferguson-Smith’s own very are as It university McKusick; academic, is consequently very diverse. This chronological correspondencerecordsthe full range of Ferguson-Smith’s activities at Glasgow and from 1987 at Cambridge as genetic consultant advising doctors and patients, and as director of a major medical genetics service serving millions of people. There is correspondencewith scientific colleagues, including C.O. Carter, J.H. Edwards, A.E.H. Emery, C.E. Ford, M.A. Hulten and V.A. prospective and former researchers; with university and hospital colleagues; with doctors in general practice, patients and worried parents or would-be his research, most prominently Action Research for the Crippled Child and the Scottish Spina Bifida Association; with societies and organisations, including the Clinical Genetics Society, the Royal College of Pathologists and a numberof local groups to whom Ferguson-Smith gave talks on medical genetics and genetic counselling (and who would often raise money to support the service); with publishing also administrative correspondence with the University of Glasgow, and later the University of Cambridge, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Greater Glasgow Health Board on topics ranging from future planning to maintenanceofoffice equipment. supporting houses; charities parents; There and with so on. is Through this correspondence one can see changesin diagnostic techniques and technological advances in medical genetics, in attitudes to genetic counselling and how the regulatory climate and staffing crises and ethical considerations affected the service offered. Note that due to the nature of Ferguson-Smith’s work, access to some of the correspondenceis restricted. Thereis also little correspondence with McKusick found separately, and a sequenceof correspondence with J.M. Graves and colleagues on collaborative projects on comparative genomics of platypus, echidna and various marsupials. and recommendations. C.1101-C.1123 references are At M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 28 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1-C.58 ‘1959-1961’ C.59-C.136 ‘1961-1964’ C.137-C.373 1965-1975" C.374-C.598 ‘1976-1980’ C.599-C.725 ‘1981-1983’ C.726-C.878 '1984-[1987] C.879-C.994 1987-1998" C.995-C.1086 ‘1998-2002’ C.1087 CORRESPONDENCE WITH V.A. MCKUSICK C.1088-C.1100 CORRESPONDENCE WITHJ.A.M GRAVES AND OTHERS C.1101-C.1123 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 29 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1-C.58 ‘1959-1961’ 1957-1961 During this period Ferguson-Smith was based at the Moores Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Much of the correspondencerelates to invitations to visit colleagues in the USA, give lectures and attend seminars and conferences. Most correspondents are in the USA. C.1-C.5 C.1 ‘A, B’ A. 1959-1961 1959-1961 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s ‘Supplementary report on research project on Human Chromosomes supported by [...] the American Cancer Society [...] 7/1/59- 6/30/60’. C.2 Barr, M.L. 1959-1961 Correspondence re visit to Barr’s department, 1959; triple-X/Y cases, Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Barr was Professor of Microscopic Anatomy, University of Western Ontario, Canada. C.3 Benda, C.E. 1959-1960 Correspondence re research on chromosomes in Mongolism, including visit to Benda’s department, November 1959; Benda was Director of Research and Psychiatry at Walter E. Fernald State School, Massachusetts. C.4 Burch, G.E. 1959 Chiefly re visit to Burch’s department and article by Ferguson-Smith on ‘Cytogenetics in Man’ for ‘Archives of Internal Medicine’. Burch was based at the Department of Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.5 Ba-Bu. C.6-C.9 ‘C,D’ C.6 Cooke, R.E. 1959-1961 1959-1961 1959-1961 report of Includes work accomplished during receipt of grant awarded by the Kennedy Fluid Research Fundin 1960’ ‘Summary research Cooke was Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maryland, USA. C.7 Crispell, K.R. 1960-1961 Chiefly re visit to Crispell’s department, February 1961. Crispell was Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA C.8 Ca.-Cu. 1959-1961 Includes exchange with chromosomes, April 1961. D.H. Carr re_ satellited C.9 D. Includes correspondencere lectures C.10-C.15 ‘E-F-G’ C.10 Edwards, J.H. 1959-1961 1957-1961 1961 Edwards was then basedat the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. C.11, €.12 Ford, CE. 1957-1960 Ford was based at the Medical Research Council's Radiobiological Energy Atomic Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire. Research Unit, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 31 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.11 ‘Correspondence with Charles Ford’. Contents of envelopeso inscribed 1957-1958 Re sex chromosomes. Includespatient notes. C.12 1959-1960 Includes correspondence re systems of nomenclature for human chromosomes. C.13 Fa.-Fu. 1959-1961 Includes correspondence with J.H. Fraser, University of Glasgow,re triple X cases. C.14 Grumbach, M.M. 1960 Correspondencere gonadal aplasia cases. Grumbach was based at the Presbyterian Hospital, New York. C.15 Ge.-Gr. 1960-1961 Includes correspondence with implications analysis. nuclear of J.W. the sexing and chromosome Groff re C.16-C.22 ‘H-I’ C.16 Hamerton, J.L. 1959-1961 1960-1961 Chromosomesof chimpanzees. Hamerton was based at the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. Cal Houston, R.A. 1960 Talk by Ferguson-Smith on Human chromosomesand congenital disease. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 Houston was based at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. C.18 Hsu, T.C. 1959-1961 Correspondencere Klinefelter’s Syndromeand visit to Hsu’s department. Hsu was based at the M.D. Anderson Hospital and TumorInstitute, University of Texas, Houston. C.19 Ha.-He. C.20 Hi.-Hu. 1959-1961 1959-1961 C.21 Israelsohn, W.J. 1960 Correspondence Klinefelter’s syndrome. re work on chromatin positive Israelsohn was based at the Institute of Child Health, London. C.22 I. C.23-C.28 ‘J-L’ C.23 Jacobs, P.A. Includes Chromosome Newsletter’, June 1960. circular proposed letter re 1960, 1961 1959-1961 1960-1961 ‘Human Jacobs was based at the Department of Radiotherapy, Western Central Hospital, Edinburgh. C.24 Johnston, A.W. 1961 Personal news, including Ferguson-Smith’s return to Glasgow, and workon triple Xs. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 33 C.25 C.26 C.27 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Johnston had been based in Glasgow before moving to University College Hospital in London. Ja.-Jo. Levan, Albert Includes Mongolism. correspondence re study of cases of Levan came from the Institute of Genetics, University of Lund, Sweden to spend periods working at the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Texas and at Johns Hopkins C.28 Le.-Lu. C.29-C.33 ‘M, N’ C.29 Manning, R.T. re contributions Chiefly to programmein Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center Ferguson-Smith’s Manning was Associate in Medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center. C.30 C.31 Ma. Me.-Mi. 1959-1961 1959-1961 1959 1960-1961 1959-1961 1960 1959-1961 1960, 1961 Includes correspondencearising from publications by Ferguson-Smith. C.32 Mo. 1959-1961 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 34 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.33 N. 1959-1960 Includes appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital. correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s C.34-C.42 ‘O, P’ C.34 Oikawa, K. 1957-1961 1960 Correspondence arising from visit to Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital. Oikawa was based Columbus, Ohio. at the Children’s Hospital, C.35 Optiz, J.M. 1959, 1961 Includes correspondence 1959 re Ferguson-Smith’s method of preparing bone marrow. Optiz was based at the State University of lowa, lowa City (1959) and then the Wisconsin Orthopaedic Hospital for Children, Madison (1961). C.36 Overzier, C. 1959-1961 Nuclear sex of true hermaphrodites. Overzier was based at the University of Mainz. C.37 C.38 Oa.-Ow. Patau, K. 1960-1961 1960-1961 Chiefly chromosomes. correspondence re work on_ satellited Patau was based in Genetics, University of Wisconsin. the Department of Medical M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 35 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.39 Polani, P.E. 1957-1961 Includes correspondence 1961 re triple-X cases. Polani was Prince Research, based at Guy’s Hospital Medical School. Philip Professor of Paediatric C.40 Prader,A. 1959-1960 Prader was based Switzerland. at the Kinderspital, Zurich, C.41 Puck, T.T. 1959-1960 Includes correspondencere ‘enlarged satellite’. Puck was Professor of Biophysics at the University of Colorado Medical Center. C.42 Pa.-Pr. C.43-C.50 ‘R, S’ C.43 C.44 R. Sohval, A.R. Correspondence on Turner's syndrome and the sex chromatin. Sohval was a doctor in New York. C.45 Stanbury, J.B. Chiefly re visit to Stanbury’s department, October 1960. Stanbury was based at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. 1959-1961 1959-1961 1959-1961 1960 1960 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 36 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.46 Stiles, K.A. 1961 Chromosome count on mother of Mongoloid child. Stiles was Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Michigan. C.47 Sullivan, C.H. 1959-1961 Correspondencere supply and use of Colcemide. Sullivan worked for the Clinical Investigation Division of CIBA Pharmaceuticals. C.48 Summer, G.K. 1961 Summer was Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of North Carolina. C.49 C.50 Sa.-Si. Sk.-St. C.51-C.57 ‘T-Z’ C.51 Talbott, J.H. 1959-1961 1959-1961 1959-1961 1960-1961 Correspondence re contributions to the Journal of the American Medical Association. Talbott was Editor of the journal. C.52 Tanner, J.M. 1959 Correspondence re bone maturation in Syndrome. Klinefelter’s was Senior in Tanner and Developmentat the Institute of Child Health, University of London. Lecturer Growth M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 37 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.53 Ta.-Tu. 1960, 1961 Includes appointments at Johns Hopkins Hospital. correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s C.54 Van Wyk,J.J. 1960-1961 Chiefly re chromosomephotographssent to Van Wyk. Van Wyk was Associate Professor of University of North Carolina. Pediatrics, C.55 White, M.J.D. 1961 Possible post in human genetics for Ferguson-Smith at the University of Melbourne. White was Professor of Zoology at the University of Melbourne, Australia. C.56 C.57 Wa.-Wi. Yerganian, G. 1959-1961 1960 Methodologies in mammalian cytogenetics. Yerganian was based Research Foundation, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. Children’s Cancer the at C.58 ‘Waiting’ 1960-1961 Miscellaneous from correspondents appearing earlier in the sequence; patient material; tables. correspondence, some C.59-C.136 ‘1961-1964’ C.59-C.62 ‘A’ 1959-1965 1961-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 38 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.59 Alberman, E. 1964 Correspondence re cases for study of parental age and Turner's Syndrome. Alberman worked at the Paediatric Research Unit at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London C.60 Archibald, R.W.R. 1965 Possible case of Klinefelter's Syndrome referred to Ferguson-Smith. Archibald was Lecturer in Pathology at Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London. C.61 C.62 Ad.-Am. 1961-1965 An.-As. and unidentified 1963-1965 Includes correspondencere undergraduate teaching. C.63-C.68 ‘B’ C.63 Barr, MLL. 1959-1965 1959 Barr was Professor of Microscopic Anatomy at the University of Western Ontario. C.64 Blank,C.E. 1962-1964 Includes correspondencere case of hermaphroditism. Blank was based in the Department of Genetics (later the Sub-department of Medical Genetics), University of Sheffield. C.65 Bowen, P. 1962-1965 Correspondence research and publication plans and laboratory news. progress includes of research, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 39 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Bowen wasat Johns Hopkins Hospital before moving to Canada as Associate Professor in Paediatrics at University Hospital, Edmonton. C.66 Buchanan, W.W. 1962, 1964 Buchanan wasbased at the US National Institutes of Health before returning to Scotland to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary. C.67 C.68 Ba.-Bi. BI.-Bu. C.69-C.75 ‘C-D’ C.69 Caffrey, R.J. Case of gonadal dysgenesis. Caffrey was based at St Mary’s Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. C.70 C.71 Ca.-Cu. Davidson, R.G. Includes correspondencere offer to Ferguson-Smith of post at Roswell Park Memorial Institute. After a period as a researcher at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Davidson moved to Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA. 1962-1965 1962-1965 1961-1965 1964 1961-1965 1963-1965 C.72 Davidson, W.M. 1963-1965 Chiefly re ‘drumstick counts’ on cases of Turner's Syndrome. Davidson was Professor of Haematology at King’s M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 40 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 College Hospital Medical School, London. C.73 Dennison, W.M. 1963, 1965 Dennison worked at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. C.74 Dewhurst, C.J. 1963-1964 by Correspondence Ferguson-Smith Regional Symposium on Genetic Disorders, Sheffield, 11 June 1964. contributions Dewhurst to scope of re and Dewhurst was Reader in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Sheffield. C.75 Da.-Du. 1962-1965 Includes note from Ferguson-Smith to Professor lan Donald of Queen Mother’s Hospital, Glasgow,of ‘types of case this unit would welcomefor study’ C.76-C.81 ‘E-P’ C.76 Emery, A.E.H. Emery was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Manchester. C.77 C.78 Ed.-Ex. Ferrier, P. Visit to Glasgow, 1962, advice on Ferrier’s case of diplo-triploid mosaicism. Ferrier was based at the Clinique Universitaire de Pédiatre, Hépital Canonal, Geneva, Switzerland. 1962-1965 1964-1965 1962-1964 1962-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 41 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.79 Frackiewicz, A. 1965 Abnormal karyotypes. Frackiewicz was based at the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Effects of Radiation Research Unit, Edinburgh. C.80 Freland, A. 1963-1964 Correspondencere work on Kleinfelter’s Syndrome. Fraland was based at the University Institute Human Genetics, Copenhagen, Denmark. for C.81 Fa.-Fo. C.82-C.84 ‘GC’ C.82 German, J. Ill 1962-1965 1961-1965 1962-1965 Correspondence re trisomy cases, and visit to USAin early 1964 German wrote from a number of New York addresses including the Rockefeller Institute, Cornell University Medical College and the New York Hospital. C.83 Goodman, R.E. 1961-1965 Newson progress of research, career etc. Goodman was based at Johns Hopkins Hospital before moving to the Department of Medicine, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. C.84 Ga.-Gu. C.85-C.93 ‘H’ 1961-1965 1961-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 42 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.85 C.86 Hamerton, J.L. Handmaker, S.D. 1961-1963 1962-1964 Handmaker was based in New York. Ferguson-Smith co-authored a number of papers. He and C.87 Hartveit, F.M. 1965 Chiefly personal correspondence. Hartveit was based at the Norway. University of Bergen, C.88 Hecht, F. 1962-1965 Includes correspondence on D1 trisomy syndrome; testicular biopsies from XXXY patients. Hecht was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. C.89 Heller, R.H. 1963-1965 Correspondence re work on Turners Syndrome in males; personal news, Heller was based in the Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Hospital. C.90 Heuvel, J. van der 1963-1964 Personal correspondence. C.91 Hutcheson, R.T. 1964 Correspondence re leave to visit USA for learning about techniques of autoradiography and radiation cytology at Department of Medical Genetics, Cornell University, and Cancer Research Institute, New England DeaconessHospital, Boston. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.92 C.93 Hutchison, J.H. Ha.-Hy. C.94-C.98 1S? C.94 C.95 Johnston, A.W. Correspondencerevisits, joint papers, etc. Johnston was based at University College Hospital London. 1964-1965 1962-1965 1961-1965 1962-1964 1961-1965 C.96 Johnstone, J.M. 1964-1965 Chromosomal analyses onpatients. Johnstone was Pathologist in Charge, Department of Pathology, Grimsby General Hospital. C.97 Jones, H.W., Jr 1961-1965 Progress of research and papers, including gonadal agenesis and Turners Syndrome; visit to Johns Hopkins, February 1964. Includes draft ‘Foreword’ of definition Syndrome. of Turner’s Jones was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was also an editor of the journal Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. C.98 Ja.-Jo. C.99-C.105 ‘K-L’ 1961 1961-1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.99 Kaufmann, B.N. C.100 Ka.-Ko. C.101 Leclercq, P. 1961-1965 1961-1964 1963-1965 student Leclercq was a Culture Laboratory of A. Govaerts, Fondation Médicale Reine Elisabeth, Brussels, Belgium, who came to work with Ferguson-Smith in 1964 and 1965. in the Tissue C.102 Lubs, H.A., Jr 1962, 1964 Lubs was based at Hospital, West Haven, Connecticut, USA. the Veterans Administration C.103 Lyon, M.F. 1963-1965 Correspondence re gonadal dysgenesis in man, and possible method of solving the question whether the Xg locus undergoesinactivation. Lyon was based at the Medical Research Council’s Radiobiological Research Unit, Harwell, Berkshire. C.104 Lapa, A. 1963-1965 Personal news. Professor Lapa wasa friend of the family in Portugal. C.105 La.-Li. C.106-C.111 ‘Mc’ C.106 MacGillivray, R.C. Chromosomeanalyses. 1962-1965 1961-1965 1963 MacGillivray was Medical Superintendent at the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 45 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Lennox Castle Institution, Lennoxtown, Glasgow. C.107-C.109 McKusick, V.A. 1961-1965 University Professor McKusick was Medical Genetics and Professor of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He is widely regarded as the father of clinical medical genetics and Ferguson-Smith had studied in his department 1957-1961. of C.107 1961-1962 Includes correspondencere collaboration on paper ‘on the X-chromosome of man’; career possibilities. C.108 1963 Researchin progress. C.109 1964-1965 Personal news, plans for visit to USA in February- March Reifenstein’s Syndrome. McKusick’s 1964, work on C.110 McF.-Mack. C.111 Macl.-McQ. 1963-1964 1961-1965 Includes correspondence re appointment at Western Infirmary Glasgow C.112-C.117 ‘M’ C.112 Martin, G.M. Includes Ferguson-Smith at the University of Washington. correspondence possible re post 1961-1965 1964 for Martin was Assistant Professor in Pathology at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.113 Meisner,L.F. 1964 Correspondence re Meisner’s paper on ‘Changesin patients Leukocytes therapeutic irradiation’, Ferguson-Smith’s comments and research data. receiving of with Meisner was a geneticist based at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. C.114 Mellman, W.J. 1962-1963 Visit to Glasgow. Mellman was based at the Medical Research Council’s Human Biochemical Genetics Research Unit, King’s College London. C.115 Moore, K.L. 1962-1965 Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to book on The Sex Chromatin. Moore was Associate Professor in the Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. C.116 Ma.-Me. C.117 Mi.-Mu. C.118-C.122 ‘N-O-P’ C.118 N. Chiefly correspondence with J. Nielsen, Arhus State Hospital, Denmark, re visit to Glasgow. C.119 1962-1965 1962-1965 1961-1965 1964-1965 1961, 1964 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 47 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.120 Polani, P.E. 1961-1964 correspondence Includes contribution Abnormalities, January 1962. to Ferguson-Smith’s meeting on Human Chromosome re C.121 Postel, W.B. 1962-1963 Career and research news. Postel was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. C.122 Pa.-Pr. 1961-1965 Includes correspondence re lectures by Ferguson- Smith to College of Speech Therapists Scottish Area, 23 November 1963 and University of Manchester Group for Human Genetics, 21 May 1965. C.123-C.129 ‘R-S’ C.123 R. C.124 Sch6ffling, K. 1961-1965 1961-1965 1962 Correspondencere study visit to the Moores Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital Schoffling was Assistant Professor in Medicine at the University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. C.125 Solomon, I.L. 1962-1963 Correspondencere case. Solomon was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. C.126 Swartz, F.J. 1961-1962 patient Swartz’s DNA studies Syndrome. Includes research results. of with Turner's M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 48 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Swartz was Assistant Professor of Anatomy, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. C.127 Sc.-Sl. C.128 Sn.-Sp. C.129 St.-Su. C.130-C.132 ‘T-U-V’ C.130 Telford, I.R. Includes invitation to spend a year as visiting assistant professor at George Washington University. Telford was Professor of Anatomy at Washington University, Washington DC, USA. George C.131 Ta.-Ti. C.132 U., V. Chiefly correspondence with F. Vella, University of Khartoum, Sudan, re visit to Glasgow. C.133-C.136 ‘W-X-Y-2’ C.133 Wilkins, L. Includes correspondence re draft of third edition of Wilkins’s book The Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence. Wilkins was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He established a paediatric endocrine unit and became Professor of Paediatrics. 1962-1964 1963-1965 1961-1965 1962-1965 1964 1962-1965 1962, 1965 1959-1965 1962 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 49 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.134 Wise, R.B. 1962-1965 Personal correspondence. C.135 Wa.-W unidentified. C.136 C.137-C.373 1965-1975” C.137-C.147 ‘A’ C.137 Alexander, W.D. 1959-1965 1961-1965 1964-1976 1966-1976 1968 Entry on ‘Chromosome analysis and sex chromatin tests’, Hospital handbook. Includes 2pp typescript draft by Ferguson- Smith. for Western Infirmary, Glasgow, C.138 Allison, A. 1966-1967 Discussion of cases. Allison was based at the Southern General Hospital. C.139 Anderson, J.M. 1968-1971 Includes draft of Letter to the Lancet by Anderson, sent to Ferguson-Smith for approval, December 1970, and corrected copy, January 19771. Anderson was a surgeon at the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. C.140 Anderson, J.R. 1966-1973 Anderson wasProfessor of Pathology at the University of Liverpool. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 50 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.141 Arnth-Jensen, H. Re grant application to NATO for project ‘Sex-linked characters ascell tracers’. C.142 Ashley-Miller, M. Re Chief Administrative Medical Officers’ conference, Ferguson-Smith spoke on Erskine, 5-7 March 1975. ‘Antenatal Screening’. Includes a copy of Ferguson- Smith's lecture notes. C.143 Re Audy, S. Audy wasa visiting cytologist from Yugoslavia. C.144 Aula, P. Correspondencere visit to genetics laboratories in the UK. Aula was based at the Children’s Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. C.145 Aa.-Ai. C.146 Al.-An. C.147 Ar.-Au. C.148-C.170 ‘B’ C.148 Bell, A.E. Includes contribution Medicine. correspondence Ferguson-Smith’s to course on Scientific Concepts in re Bell was Assistant Dean at the University of Glasgow. 1967 1975 1967 1969 1968-1973 1966-1974 1967-1976 1965-1976 1965 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 51 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.149 Berg, K. 1967-1975 Includes correspondence re Berg’s discovery of the Xm system, supply of Lp antiserum and (1975) Berg’s Ag (x)-chromosome investigations. Berg was Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, University of Oslo, Norway. C.150 Bergada, C. 1970, 1974 Chiefly re visit to the UK. was Bergada of Endocrinology in the Children’s Hospital of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Department based the in C.151 Bergsma, D. 1966-1975 Chiefly re Atlas and Compendium ofBirth Defects. Vice-President National Bergsma was a Foundation, New York, and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. the of C.152 Blank, C.E. C.153 Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. 1966-1974 1974-1975 Boavida was a Portuguese researcher who visited Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in September1974. 1974 Bobrow, M. 1970-1974 Bobrow worked at the Medical Research Council’s Population Genetics Unit, Headington, Oxford, before joining Genetics, Oxfordshire Area Health Authority. Department Medical the of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 52 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.155 Boczkowski, K. 1967-1971 Chiefly re plannedvisits. Boczkowski was Associate Professor in the Genetics Section, Medical Academy in Warsaw, Poland. Endocrinology, Department of C.156 Bodmer, W.F. C.157 Borgaonkar, D.S. Includes Glasgow, September 1970. visit to Ferguson-Smith’s department in Borgaonkar was Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital. C.158 Bowen, P. C.159 Brock, D.J.H. Brock was based in Genetics, University of Edinburgh. the Department of Human 1974-1975 1967-1975 1967, 1972 1972-1975 C.160-C.163 Bruere, A.N. 1966-1975 A New Zealander, Bruere met Ferguson-Smith when a postgraduate at the Veterinary Hospital in Glasgow. He returned to New Zealand to take up a post at Massey University, Palmerston North, being appointed Professor of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacologyin 1975. He was an authority in veterinary cytogenetics. C.160 1966-1967 in progress News on news. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s comments on Bruere’s draft paper ‘An XX/XY Leukocyte Mosaic pig with Freemartin characteristics’. research, personal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 53 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.161 1968 Chiefly re Klinefelter’s Syndrome in sheep, including Ferguson-Smith’s comments on Bruere’s draft paper ‘Testicular hypoplasia in two rams...’. C.162 1970-1971 Includes correspondencere translocation in sheep. C.163 1972-1975 Includes correspondence on Klinefelter's Syndrome in sheep, and the cause of Robertsoniantranslocations. C.164 Buchanan, W.W. 1966, 1970 Buchanan was based at the Centre for Rheumatic Diseases, Glasgow. C.165 Ba. C.166 Be.-BI. C.167 C.168 C.169 C.170 BI.-Br. Cases. Bo. Br. Bu. 1966-1975 1965-1975 1966-1975 1965-1975 1966-1976 1970-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 54 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.171-C.184 ‘Cc’ C.171 Caldwell Hospital 1965-1975 1971 Talk on Genetic Counselling to The Parents and Friends of Caldwell Hospital, 11 October 1971 C.172 Cameron, A.H. 1968, 1973 Cameron was Consultant Pathologist at the United Birmingham Hospitals. C.173 Campbell, R.T. 1968-1969 on lecture Re by Ferguson-Smith to British Medical Association Stirling Branch, 19 March Abnormalities Chromosome C.174 Carter, C.O. 1966-1975 Includes correspondence re case of Whistling Face Syndrome, 1971; draft book review by Ferguson-Smith of Selective Abortion’. Diagnosis and ‘Prenatal Harris H. Carter was based in the Medical Research Council's Clinical Genetics Research Unit, Institute of Child Health, London C.175 Chandley, A.C. 1970-1974 Chandley was based Research Council’s Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. Medical the at C.176 Chapelle, A. de la 1965-1975 Includes progress of research, chiefly on Klinefelter’s Syndrome; visit to Glasgow, 1974. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 55 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.177 Cole, M. 1969-1971 Reillustrations of metaphases and karyotypes. Cole was based in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Aston. C.178 Craik, J.E. 1971, 1973 Re Ferguson-Smith’s lectures in course on General Pathology, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow. C.179 Curran, A.P. 1967-1975 Re Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to courses. Curran was based in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Glasgow. C.180 Ca. C.181 Ca., Co. Cases C.182 Ch.-Cl. C.183 Co. Includes draft of ‘Meiotic parameters for the XXY Klinefelter Syndrome and the origin of XX men’ by G. Cété, sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.184 Cr.-Cu. C.185-C.193 ‘D’ 1966-1975 1969 1966-1975 1966-1974 1966-1974 1965-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 56 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.185 Dennison, W.M. 1965-1974 re Ferguson-Smith’s contribution Chiefly to W.M. Dennison, Surgery in Infancy and Childhood (3rd ed., Churchill-Livingston, 1974). Includes typescript drafts of Ferguson-Smith’s contribution. C.186 Dewhurst, C.J. Chiefly re cases of testicular feminization. C.187 Donald, I. 1965-1971 1965-1968 Chiefly re Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to Donald’s work on spontaneousabortion, including drafts. Donald was based at Queen Mother’s Glasgow. Hospital, C.188 Drets, M.E. 1971 Visit to Glasgow. Head Drets was the Human Cytogenetics Laboratory, ResearchInstitute for Biological Sciences, Montevideo, Uruguay. of C.189 Dziekanowska, D. 1969-1974 Dziekanowska was based in General Biology, Katowice, Poland. Smith’s laboratory in September 1971. the Department of Silesian Academy of Medicine, She came to work in Ferguson- C.190 Da. C.191 Da.-Do. Cases C.192 De.-Do. 1966-1974 1964-1970 1966-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.193 Dr.-Du. C.194-C.202 ‘E’ C.194-C.196 Edwards, J.H. Mostly shorter exchanges re research questions,visits, participation in meetings. Edwards was Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Birmingham. C.194 1966-1970 C.195 1971-1972 C.196 1973-1975 C.197 Elliot, O. Chiefly re chromosome analysis of pentailed tree shrews. C.198 Emerson, P.A. 1968-1974 1966-1975 1966-1975 1966, 1971- 1974 1970-1971 Re Ferguson-Smith’s lecture on ‘Clinical results of New chromosomal Physiological Concepts of Clinical Disease. Genetics Il, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2 February 1971 abnormalities’, meeting on C.199, C.200 Emery, A.E.H. 1967-1975 Emery was Director of the Department of Medical of Manchester before Genetics at the moving to the University of Edinburgh as Professor of Human Genetics. University M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 58 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.199 1967-1969 disease Includes draft Letter to the Lancet by Emery, ‘Fatal granulomatous X- chromosomeinactivitation’, on which Emery invited Ferguson-Smith to comment, 1967; draft questions for membership of Physicians of Eidnburgh, 1968 examinations childhood and in to Royal College C.200 1970-1975 Includes correspondence and papers re teaching of humangenetics in UK universities. C.201 Ed.-El. C.202 Em.-Ew. C.203-C.210 SF? C.203 Faed, M.J.W. 1966-1974 1968-1975 1965-1976 1972-1975 Faed was based in the Cytogenetics Laboratory, University of Dundee. C.204 Flewett, T.H. 1967-1973 Visits to Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory. Flewett was a Virologist based at the Regional Virus Laboratory, Birmingham. C.205 Ford, C.E. Includes Society of Human Genetics, 1967. correspondence re proposed 1967-1972 European Ford was based at the Medical Research Council's Radiobiological Research Unit, Berkshire before moving to the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. Harwell, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 59 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.206 Foulds, W.S. 1966-1975 Includes contributions to ophthalmic postgraduate teaching. correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s Foulds was Professor University of Glasgow. of Ophthalmology at the C.207 Froland, A. 1966-1967 Includes correspondence on Xg and XXYfamilies. C.208 C.209 C.210 C.211-C.222 Fa.-Fe. Fo. Fr. ‘Gg’ C.211 German, J. 1967-1975 1965-1971 1965-1976 1965-1975 1965-1975 Correspondence re progress of research and plans, personal newsand visits. German was based at the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center and, from 1968, the New York Blood Center. C.212 Gillman, J.A. 1975 Re possible textbook on human genetics for medical students. Gillman was an editor of W.H. Freeman and Co. Ltd, publishers. C.213 Glasgow Southern Medical Society 1973-1974 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 60 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 Ferguson-Smith spoke to the Society on ‘Antenatal diagnosis and its value in genetic counselling’, 28 February 1974. C.214 Goodman, R.M. 1967, 1972 Goodman was based at Ohio State Columbus, USA. University, C.215 Gordon, H. 1965-1972 Chiefly correspondence re possible case of Down's Anomaly and samples sent to Ferguson-Smith for analysis, 1967-1968. For the bulk of the correspondence Gordonis writing from the Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa. C.216 Grace, H.J. 1971-1973 Grace was based in the Natal Blood Transfusion Service, Durban, South Africa. C.217 Greig, W.R. 1967-1974 to Infirmary Glasgow re Royal correspondence Ferguson-Smith’s Includes Staff contribution Association ‘Clinical Genetics night’, 1968; joint paper al on ‘chromosome by Greig, Ferguson-Smith et breakage after lodine 125 therapy’, including Spp typescript ‘1st draft’, 1973. Greig was based in the Department of Medicine, University of Glasgow. C.218 Ga. C.219 Ge.-Gi. 1967-1974 1965-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 61 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.220 Gi., GI. Cases. C.221 Gl.-Go. C.222 C.223-C.241 Gr. ‘H’ C.223, C.224 Haddow,A.J. 1968, 1975 1966-1975 1966-1975 1965-1975 1970-1975 Chiefly administrative correspondence. Professor Haddow served as Administrative Dean in the Glasgow Faculty of Medicine. C.223 1970-1974 C.224 1975 Includes 5pp ‘Notes on the research and publications of M.A. Ferguson-Smith’ sent to Haddow July 1975. C.225 Hamerton, J.L. 1966-1975 Includes material re work of the Standing Committee of the IVth International Conference on Standardization in Human Cytogenetics, on which Hamerton served, 1973-1974 Hamerton was based in the Paediatric Research Unit, Guy’s Hospital before moving to the Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. C.226 Handmaker, S.D. 1969-1975 Personal news, progress of research. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 62 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.227 Harnden, D.G. 1966-1975 Harnden was based at the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Effects of Radiation Research Unit, Edinburgh, before moving to the University of Birmingham C.228 Harper, P.S. 1970-1975 Includes correspondence re Harper’s career, 1970, visits to Glasgow. Harper was based at the Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital before moving to the Institute of Genetics, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. C.229 Harris, R. 1969-1974 Re karyotype analysis cards, 1968-1969; advice on cases(including raised levels of AFP). Harris was Director of the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Manchester. C.230 Harvey, M.J.A. 1967-1973 Harvey was based at the Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. C.231 Hecht, F. Hecht was based in the University of Oregon Medical School, Portland. C.232 Hignett, P.G. Hignett was based at the Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. C.233 Hopwood, D.A. Supply ofslides and negatives to Hopwood Hopwood was Professor and Head of the Genetics 1966, 1968, 1972 1966, 1972, 1975 1969, 1973 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 63 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 Department, John InnesInstitute, Norwich. C.234 Hughes, H.E. 1972-1973 Chiefly re talks to the Scottish Association for Clinical Cytology, 1973. Hughes was Chairman of the Scottish Association for Clinical Cytology. C.235, C.236 Hultén, M.A. 1969-1975 Hultén was based at the Department of Clinical Genetics, Karolinska Sjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden. C.235 1969, 1972 Personal news, Hultén’s review of human meiosis (1972). C.236 1973-1975 Review of meiosis, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments (1973); career. C.237 Hutchings, H.E. 1967-1968 Hutchings was a New Zealand technologist who came to work in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in 1968. C.238 Hutchison, J.H. 1966-1975 Chiefly administrative correspondence. Hutchison was Professor of Child University of Glasgow. Health at the C.239 Ha. 1968-1975 programme Scottish Includes Association for Clinical Cytology, 6 November 1973. Marie Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Ante-natal diagnosis of for meeting M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 64 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 of chromosome aberrations’. C.240 He.-Hs. C.241 C.242, C.243 Hu. ‘T C.242 Insley, J. Includes requests for Ferguson-Smith’s assistance in amniocentesis cases. Insley was based at the Institute of Child Health, University of Birmingham. C.243 C.244-C.249 I. ‘J C.244 Johnston, A.W. Chiefly Disorders, Aberdeen, 14 September 1973. re Symposium on Genetically Determined Johnston was Consultant Physician at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary C.245 Johnstone, J.M. Chromosomal analyses on patients. C.246 Jones, H.W., Jr Includes draft of Letter on Turner's Syndrome by Jones and Ferguson-Smith, submitted for publication to the Lancet, May 1966. With Ferguson-Smith’s corrections. 1965-1974 1966-1975 1966-1975 1966-1974 1966-1975 1964-1975 1964-1973 1965-1970 1966-1969 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 65 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.247 Ja. C.248 Ja.-Je. Cases. C.249 Je.-Jo. C.250-C.252 ‘K’ C.250 Ka.-Ke. C.251 Ke. C.252 Kh.-Ku. Includes correspondencere talk by Ferguson-Smith on ‘Pre-natal diagnosis and genetic counselling’ to the North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, Newcastle upon Tyne, 20 June 1975. C.253-C.266 ‘L’ C.253 Lapa, A. Personal and family news. C.254 Lennox, B. Lennox was Professor of Pathology, Glasgow. University of C.255 Levine, H. Levine was Associate Professor in the Department of 1966-1972 1965, 1968 1970-1975 1965-1975 1965-1975 1975 1965-1975 1964-1976 1964-1969 1969, 1975, n.d. 1966-1967 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 66 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Internal Medicine, University of Texas, Galveston. C.256 Lindsay,J. 1973-1975 Re 20th Anniversary Reunion of the Delta ‘49 Club. The Delta Club comprised former Glasgow University medical students. C.257 Loesch, D. 1971-1975 Research on dermatoglyphic diagnosis of G+ trisomy mosaicism. Loesch was a Polish researcher based in 1972 at the Galton Laboratory, University College London. C.258 Logan, R.W. 1969-1976 re correspondence given by Includes lectures by Logan; Ferguson-Smith at courses organised Ferguson-Smith’s response to a memorandum on the staffing Pathology Department at Queen Mother's Hospital, Glasgow. of the Logan was based in the Department of Pathological Biochemistry, University of Glasgow. C.259 Logue, D.N. Logue was based in the Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. C.260 Long, S. Long was based in the Department of Animal Husbandry, University of Bristol, before moving to the Glasgow's Department of Veterinary Reproduction, University of Glasgow. 1974-1975 1974-1975 C.261 La. 1965-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.262 La.-Li Cases. C.263 Le. C.264 Li.-Lo. C.265 C.266 Lu. Ly. C.267-C.280 ‘Mc’ C.267 McCreanor, H.R. Chiefly re visits to Glasgow. McCreanor was based in the Pathology Department, Public Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand. 1964-1969 1966-1973 1965-1974 1967-1973 1968-1975 1965-1976 1971-1973 C.268 MacDonald, R.M. 1968-1971 Visits, personal news. at MacDonald was based Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dalhousie University, C.269 MacGillivray, R.C. 1967-1975 Chiefly re Postgraduate Course in Mental Deficiency given by Ferguson-Smith. C.270 McIntyre, G.B. 1974-1975 Correspondence re genetic counselling for families with spina bifida children. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 68 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Mcintyre was General Secretary of the Scottish SPINA BIFIDA Association C.271-C.274 McKusick, V.A. 1965-1976 C.271 1965-1968 correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to Medical Genetics Course at Bar Harbor, Maine, 1966; visits by McKusick to Glasgow and by Ferguson-Smith to Johns Hopkins. re C.272 1969 Includes additions to drafts of film scripts ‘Medical Genetics IV’, arrangements for McKusick’s visit to Scotland and lectures at Glasgow. C.273 1970-1971 Includes letter to McKusick re Klinefelter’s Syndrome and the XXy hypothesis, 28 September 1970. C.274 1972-1976 C.275 Macnaughton, M.C. 1972-1975 Includes correspondence Research Society; 2pp progress report by Ferguson-Smith and J.D. Vince ‘Observations on prenatal screening for Spina bifida in Glasgow’. Blair re Bell C.276 MacSween, R.N.M. 1970-1975 Re teaching of B.Sc. Pathology students at Glasgow. MacSween was based in the Pathology Department, University of Glasgow. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.277 MacA-MacD C.278 C.279 C.280 MacE-MacL. MacM.-MacV. Mc. Cases. C.281-C.297 C.281 Martin, W.B. 1966-1976 1965-1975 1970-1974 1965-1976 1966-1976 1966 Work on bovine chromosomes. Martin was basedin the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University College of Nairobi. C.282 Mazurczak, T.J. 1976 Mazurczak was a visitor from the Polish National Research Institute of Mother and Child, Department of Genetics. C.283 Migeon, C.J. 1967-1974 Cases of XYY, XX syndromes, personal news. Migeon was based at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. C.284 Miller, E. 1972-1973 Talk on Genetic Counselling to branch of the National Housewives Register. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 70 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.285 Mohr, J.G.F. 1972, 1974 Chiefly re visit by Mohr to Glasgow, 1974. C.286 Moir, A.T.B. 1975 Re grant application to Advisory Committee on Medical Research. Moir was a memberof staff of the Advisory Committee on Medical Research. C.287 Morgan, H.G. 1968-1969, 1974 Morgan wasbasedin the Department of Biochemistry, Glasgow RoyalInfirmary. C.288 Morris, J.H. Correspondence Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh. re work of MRC Clinical 1975 and C.289 Mourtziopoulos, D. Mourtziopoulos was a Greek colleague. C.290 Murken, J.-D. Chiefly re visit to Glasgow, 1968. Murken was based at the Faculty for Children’s Diseases, University of Munich. C.291 Maa-Man C.292 Mar-May C.293 Me. 1967-1971 1968-1970 1967-1976 1967-1976 1966-1973 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 71 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.294 C.295 C.296 C.297 Mi Mo. Mu.-My. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to the US National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968. M. Cases C.298-C.304 ‘N’ C.298 Nada, S.M.H. Nada wasprospective student at Glasgow. C.299 Najfeld, V. Najfeld was basedat the John InnesInstitute, Norwich. 1969-1975 1966-1975 1967-1975 1967-1975 1966-1975 1974-1975 1972 C.300 Nevin, N.C. 1967-1973 Visits to Glasgow by Nevin and Belfast by Ferguson- Smith. Nevin was based in the Department of Medical Statistics, Queen’s University of Belfast. C.301 Nicoll, W.D. 1966 Nicoll was Consultant Haematologist at Ballochmyle Hospital, Ayrshire. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.302 Nishi, S. 1973-1975 Includes correspondencere work on alphafetoprotein. Nishi was based in the Department of Biochemistry, Hokkaido University. C.302 Na.-Ne. C.304 Ni.-Nu. C.305 ‘CO’ Includes invitation to serve on BBC Medical Advisory Group (accepted), 1976. C.306-C.317 ‘p’ C.306 Palmer, C.G. 1967-1974 1966-1975 1967-1976 1967-1976 1974-1975 Chiefly re research on human meiosis. visit to Glasgow during sabbatical for Palmer was Director of the Cytogenetics Laboratory, Indiana University School of Medicine. C.307 Pang, K.C. 1967-1968 Pang was based University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. helped him during his Ph.D. the in Radiation Laboratory, Ferguson-Smith C.308 Park, H.W.J. 1968-1971 Administrative correspondence. Park was Medical Superintendent at the Queen Mother's Hospital, Yorkhill, Glasgow. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 73 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.309 Patrick, M.J. Cases. C.310 Patterson, J. 1968, 1973 1968-1974 counselling Venepuncture and blood samples, ethical position of genetic to Huntington’s Disease (includes Ferguson-Smith’s 3pp letter, 22 November 1972), pregnancy in mothers with mongolism. reference with particular Patterson was a Joint Secretary of the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, which advised doctors on legal responsibilities and rights. C.311 Pfeiffer, R.A. 1972 Includes correspondence re Annual Symposium of Section of Cytogenetics of the Society of Human Genetics 1972; incidence of XYY in men. Anthropology, September and Pfeiffer was based at the Westfalische Wilhelms- Universitat Munster, Germany. Humangenetik, Institut fur C.312 Polani, P.E. 1967-1971 re reviews for the journal Cytogenetics. Chiefly Includes Ferguson-Smith’s review of Translocation in Human Chromosomesby A. Bregger (1967). C.313 Primrose, D.A. 1967-1976 re samples sent to Ferguson-Smith for Chiefly analysis. Primrose was based at the Lennox Castle Hospital, Lennoxtown. C.314 Purnell, D. 1969 Purnell wrote as a prospective student of cytogenetics at Glasgow. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.315 Pa. C.316 Pe.-Pi. C.317 Po.-Pu. C.318-C.333 ‘R’ C.318 R. Maguire Cook & Co. R. Maguire Cook wasa firm of solicitors consulting Ferguson-Smith on possible radiation damage. 1965-1975 1967-1976 1965-1975 1965-1976 1974-1975 C.319 Ratcliffe, J.G. 1974-1976 Ratcliffe was Director of the Radioimmunoassay Unit, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow. C.320 Reid, R.W. 1974 Reid was Producer of the BBC TV Science and Features Department. He consulted Ferguson-Smith on a film on ante-natal diagnosis. C.321 Renwick, J.H. 1967-1972 re research on Correspondence ‘Localisation of gene loci in man using chromosomal aberrations and polymorphisms’, including terms of collaboration (1967) and end of the project in 1972. collaboration Renwick was based the Glasgow University Department of Genetics to 1968, when he moved to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. in C.322 Richards, B.W. 1967-1975 Includes correspondence on mosiac mongolism. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 75 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.323 Richards, |.D.G. 1968, 1972 Includes correspondence on anencephaly and spina bifida. Richards’s study of Richards headed the Social Paediatric and Obstetric Research Unit, University of Glasgow. C.324 Rifkind, B. 1969-1970 Rifkind was based at the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. C.325 Riley, |.D. Cases. 1967-1972 Riley was based at the General Hospital, Glasgow. Paediatric Unit, Stobhill C.326 Robson, E.B. 1969-1971 Robson was based at the Medical Research Council Human Biochemical Research Unit, University College London. C.327 Rodger,J.C. 1969-1970 Includes draft of case report for the British Medical Journal. Rodger was based in the Department of Clinical Cardiology, School, Hammersmith Hospital, London. Postgraduate Royal Medical C.328 Rose, E. Case of spontaneous abortion. C.329 Ruddle, F.H. Includes correspondence on G/G/translocations. 1966 1971-1975 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 76 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ruddle was Professor of Biology and Human Genetics at Yale University. C.330 Ruthven, |.S. 1966-1974 Cases sent to Ferguson-Smith. Ruthven was Registrar at the Paediatric Unit, Stobhill General at Ayrshire Central Hospital. Glasgow and Paediatrician Hospital, C.331 Ra.-Re. 1968-1975 Ferguson-Smith’s Includes Prenatal Diagnosis and Selective Abortion by H. Harris, for The Practitioner. review of C.332 Ri. 1966-1975 Ferguson-Smith’s the Includes International Genetics Federation on the World Health Organisation paper ‘Health Aspects of Human Rights in the Light of Developments in Biology and Medicine’. comments for C.333 Ro.-Ru. C.334-C.352 ‘S’ C.334 Salmon, J. 1965-1976 1965-1976 1966-1967 Retravel grant for J. Antich to attend Genetical Society meeting. Salmon was a member ofstaff of the British Council. C.335 San Roman, C. 1973, 1975 Includes correspondence re publication of symposium on New Perspectives in Human Genetics. San Roman was based at the Department of Human M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 77 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Genetics, Fundacion Jiménez Diaz, Madrid, Spain. C.336 Sands, M.E. 1975 Visit to Glasgow and correspondencearising. Includes photographs lymphocyte cultures (skin samples). chromosomes from of Sands was a cytogeneticist in the Department of Medical Genetics, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester. C.337 Scott, J.M.N. 1967-1973 Includes correspondence re research and joint paper on hetero-karyotypic monozygotic twins. Scott was based Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. the in Pathology Department, C.338 Seabright, M. Proposed Human Cytogenetics Study Group. C.339 Sinclair, R.G. Retalk on ‘Genetic Counselling’ by Ferguson-Smith to Symposium on Paediatrics, Falkirk, 22 February 1970. Sinclair was a representative of the West of Scotland Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners which organised the Symposium. 1975 1969-1970 C.340 Singer, Z. 1967, n.d. Chiefly re translation of lectures by Singer. Singer was a Yugoslavcolleague working in Zagreb. C.341 Smith, A. 1966-1967 Comments on draft of book by Smith, 1966; possible move to Manchester, 1967. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 78 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Smith was Professor and Medicine at the University of Manchester. Social of Preventive C.342 Smith, J.H. 1968-1969 Includes research on genetics of schizophrenia and diabetes. typescript outlines Smith’s of proposed Smith was based at the Health Centre, Langholm, Dumfriesshire. C.343 Smith, M. 1966-1973 Includes sections of draft paper by Smith on ‘Problems encountered in the culture of material derived from spontaneous human abortions.... Ferguson- Smith’s comments thereon. and Smith was a South African colleague who had worked in Glasgow before returning to work in South Africa (Pretoria) She subsequently worked at University College London and then McGill University, Canada. 1966. in C.344 Stevenson, A.C. 1966-1970 Stevenson was based at Council's Oxford. Population the Genetics Medical Research Unit, Headington, C.345 Stone, D.H. 1971-1975 Correspondence re Stone’s period in Glasgow and project work on Mongolism. Stone spent his elective attachment working with Ferguson-Smith in the Medical Genetics Department at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children. C.346 Stone, F.H. 1968-1969 Includes conditions in children for adoption. correspondence re issues of genetic Stone was Consultant in Child Psychiatry, Royal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 79 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. C.347 Sa. C.348 Sc.-Se. C.349 Sh. C.350 Si.-Sk. C.351 Sm.-Sp. C.352 St.-Sy. C.353-C.373 ‘T-Z2’ C.353 Taylor, W.0.G. Cases. 1967-1975 1968-1975 1965-1976 1968-1976 1967-1975 1966-1976 1966-1976 1966-1974 Taylor was Consultant Ophthalmologist working in hospitals in Ayrshire. C.354 Re Hui, S.N.K. 1974-1976 Career and recommendations. Hui was a student under Ferguson-Smith. This material was filed under T, ‘Thomson’ being the first surname in the group chiefly of recommendations. C.355 Thomson, W.H.S. 1968-1974 Career and recommendations. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 80 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Thomson was based in the Research Laboratory, Knightswood Hospital, Glasgow. C.356 Timbury, G.C. 1972-1976 Lectures Psychiatry courses. on medical genetics to postgraduate Timbury was Specialist Adviser in Gartnavel Royal Hospital. Psychiatry at C.357 Timson, J. 1971 Includes final draft of ‘Down’s Syndrome due to maternal mosaicism and the of antenatal diagnosis’ by Ferguson-Smith and Timson, published in the Lancet. value Timson was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Manchester. C.358 Ta.-Th. C.359 To.-Tu. C.360 Urbaniak, S. Ferguson-Smith’s contribution to the Summer School in Medical Research, University of Edinburgh. Urbaniak was Secretary of the Summer School. C.361 C.362 Walker,S. 1968-1975 1967-1975 1969 1967-1976 1974-1975 Correspondence with Walker and D.A. Price-Evans re Ferguson-Smith’s participation in residential course, ‘Genetics for Doctors’, to be held at the University of Liverpool, Includes Ferguson-Smith’s suggestions for practical class for cytogenetics. 1975. July M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 81 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Walker was Director of the Cytogenetics Unit at Liverpool. C.363 Wallace, D.C. 1967-1970 Chiefly on MSSE (multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma) research. For most of the period Wallace was a Medical Geneticist based in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia. C.364 Wikramanayake, E. 1970-1971 Chiefly re visit to Glasgow. Wikramanayake was based in the Department of Anatomy, University of Colombo, Ceylon. C.365 Wied, G.L. 1969 written symposium on Includes Ferguson-Smith’s 5pp typescript contribution of Genetic to Information’, Journal of Reproductive Medicine. publication for ‘Disclosure the in Wied was editor-in-chief of the journal and had solicited Ferguson-Smith’s contribution. C.366 Wa. 1966-1975 Includes correspondence with C. Wallace, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, on the sex chromosome of the kudu. C.367 C.368 C.369 We.-Wh. Wij.-Wil. Wil.-Wit. 1966-1975 1967-1975 1968-1973 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.370 Wo.-Wy. W.-Y. Cases C.371 C.372 C.373 C.374-C.598 ‘1976-1980’ C.374-C.378 ‘A-1976' C.374 Adeyokunnu, A.A. Adeyokunnu was a lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, who came to work in Ferguson-Smith’s department December 1976- March 1977. C.375 Athanassiades, N.S. Athanassiades was a researcher in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Athens, Greece, who came to work in Ferguson-Smith’s department December 1976-November 1977. C.376 C.377 ‘A-1977’ C.378 ‘A-1978' 1966-1974 1966-1972 1966-1976 1967-1975 1974-1983 1975-1976 1975-1976 1976 1976 1977 1978 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.379-C.380 ‘A-1979" C.379 Arneil, G.C. 1977-1979 1977, 1979 1977 material is correspondence and papers re Greater Glasgow Health Board Area Paediatric Sub- Committee Working Party on Regional Specialties. Includes the current the Department of Medical Genetics at Yorkhill’. Ferguson-Smith’s ‘Memorandum on_ of development status future and 1979 material is re Meeting to mark International Year of the Child, Glasgow 31 October 1979. Ferguson- Smith spoke on ‘Screening by Amniocentesis: an opportunity for avoiding severe congenital handicap’ (includes typescript abstract). Ferguson-Smith was a memberof the Working Party. C.380 A. 1978, 1979 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s note for the University of Glasgow's the Community’, setting out his ‘strong links with and a large commitment to the community’, February 1979. University enquiry ‘The and on C.381 ‘A-1980’ 1979-1981 Includes correspondence re arrangements for talk by Ferguson-Smith on ‘Medical Genetics in Practice’ to Borders Clinical Club, Galashiels, 8 March 1981. C.382-C.384 ‘B-1976’ C.382 Bootsma, D. 1975-1976 1976 Re Professorship of Human Genetics, University of Amsterdam. C.383 Burry, A.F. 1975-1976 by Correspondence re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to Royal College of Pathologists of Australia Amnion, Symposium Tapping lecture the on M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 84 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Brisbane, 16 August 1976. Ferguson-Smith wasvisiting Australia in August 1976 in for the Centenary of the Adelaide. He went on to visit New Zealand. Burry invited Ferguson-Smith to Brisbane on behalf of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia. Children’s Hospital C.384 C.385-C.387 ‘B-1977" C.385 Brock, D.J.H. Correspondencere Clinical Genetics Society Working Party and discussion of AFP determination. Brock was based at the Department of Human Genetics, University of Edinburgh. C.386 Bundey, S. Study on calculation of genetic odds for X-linked conditions. Bundey was based at the Infant Development Unit, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. C.387 C.388 Cases. C.389-C.393 ‘B-1978° C.389 Beck, J.S. 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 Ferguson-Smith on Arrangements for Gargoyles to B. Med. Sci students, Dundee, 14 March 1978. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes for lecture by M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 85 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 his talk. Beck was Professor of Pathology at the University of Dundee. C.390 Boué, A. Chiefly re Ferguson-Smith’s answers to questionnaire on the advisability of establishing a centralised cell bank for human mutantcells. C.391 Ba. C.392 Be.-Bo. C.393 Br.-By. C.394-C.396 ‘B-1979’ C.394 Basu, H.K. Correspondence re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to lecture on ‘Maternal serum AFP screening for neural tube defects’ to Ospreys Gynaecological Society 8th Scientific Meeting, Windermere, November 1979. Basu was Secretary of the Ospreys Gynaecological Society. C.395 Ba.-Be. C.396 Bi.-Bu. C.397-C.399 ‘B-1980’ 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 86 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.397 Boué, A. and J. Chiefly correspondence with Boué re_ nephrosis. congenital C.398 Ba.-Bo. C.399 Br.-Bu. C.400 ‘C-1976' C.401-C.405 ‘C-1977' C.401 Carothers, A.D. 1980 1980 1980 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977 Possible collaboration on studies on parental age and birth order in sex chromosomedisorders. Carothers was based at the Medical Research Council Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh. C.402 Carter, C.O. 1977 Carter was Professor of Clinical Genetics at the Medical Research Council Clinical Genetics Unit, London. C.403 Clint, J.M. 1976-1977 Clint was a prospective postgraduate researcher in Ferguson-Smith’s department. C.404 Cornwall, J.M. Cornwall was a prospective postgraduate researcher in Ferguson-Smith’s department. C.405 C. 1976-1977 1976-1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 87 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.406-C.408 ‘C-1978' C.406 Ca. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s response to questionnaire on genetic counselling facilities and needs. C.407 Ch.-Cl. C.408 Co.-Cu. C.409-C.413 ‘C-1979' C.409 Calder, A.A. Includes correspondence re arrangements for talk by Ferguson-Smith fetal abnormalities’ to Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital, 1 June 1979. ‘Antenatal diagnosis on of Calder was based at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. C.410 Carty, M.J. Figures meeting. from Glasgow Annual Perinatal Review Carty was based at the Southern General Hospital, Glasgow. C.411 Czerski, P. Includes correspondencearising from visit to Warsaw andre visit by Czerski to Glasgow. 1977-1978 1978 1977-1978 1978 1978-1979 1979 1979 1979 Czerski was a the Departmentof Genetics, National ResearchInstitute of Mother and Child, Warsaw. colleague based Polish at M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 88 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.412 Ca.-Ch. 1978-1979 Includes synopsis of ‘Screening for fetal Spina Bifida in early pregnancy’, Ferguson-Smith’s lecture to Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 14 February. C.413 Cl.-Cu. C.414-C.419 ‘C-1980' C.414 Calman, K.C. 1979 1979-1981 1980 Ferguson-Smith’s comments on Calman’s draft booklet outlining subjects covered in the Oncology medical course. Calman was Professor of Oncology at University of Glasgow. C.415 Carter, C.O. 1979-1980 Includes correspondence re prenatal diagnosis, job descriptions for clinical geneticists. C.416 Chatfield, W.R. 1980 Correspondence re randomised trial in prevention of neural tube defect in at-risk pregnancies, diagnosis of Down’s Syndrome. Chatfield was based at the Queen Mother's Hospital, Yorkhill, Glasgow. C.417 Cockburn, F. 1979-1980 Cockburn was Professor of Child Health, University of Glasgow. C.418 Cove, D.J. 1980 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s book review for Heredity of Essentials of Human Genetics by S.M. Bhatnagar, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 89 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 M.L. Kothari and L.A. Mehta (1977), correspondence on teaching of genetics at Leeds. Cove was Professor of Genetics, University of Leeds, and ReviewsEditor of the journal Heredity. C.419 C.420-C.422 ‘D-1976' C.420 Danks, D.M. 1980-1981 1976-1980 1976-1980 Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne. the Centenary of the Ferguson-Smith wasvisiting Australia in August 1976 in for Adelaide. He went on to visit New Zealand. Danks, Professor of Paediatrics, invited Ferguson-Smith to Melbourne during the visit. Children’s Hospital Correspondence with Danks continues through to 1980. C.421 de la Chapelle, A. 1976 correspondence re attendance Helsinki, for Chiefly on Ferguson-Smith’s Finland, January 1977. Clinical Genetics, Includes programmeand abstract of Ferguson-Smith’s contribution, ‘The clinical consequences of familial autosomal rearrangements’. arrangements Symposium at Chapelle was Professor in Medical Genetics at the Folkhasen Institute of Genetics, Helsinki, Finland. C.422 C.423 ‘D-1977' C.424 ‘D-1978' 1976 1977 1978 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s advice to Professor E. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 90 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Doyle, Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children, Dublin, on establishing a cytogenetic service in Dublin. C.425, C.426 ‘D-1979’ C.425 Duke, E.M.C. Includes draft report on ‘Male pseudohermaphrodites’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. Duke was based at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, Glasgow. C.426 C.427 ‘D-1980’ C.428-C.430 ‘E-1976’ C.428 Edwards, J.H. Correspondence 1974 refers to work of G.B. Cété on trisomy data. Professor Edwards wrote from the Infant Development Unit, Queen Elizabeth Medical Centre, Birmingham. C.429 Emery, A.E.H. Emery was Professor of Human Genetics at the University of Edinburgh. C.430 1979 1979 1979 1979-1980 1974, 1976 1974, 1976 1976 1976 C.431-C.434 ‘E-1977’ 1976-1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 91 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.431 Edgar, W.D. 1976-1977 Correspondence and papers re teaching of medical and dental biology at Glasgow. Edgar was based in the Department of Zoology, University of Glasgow. C.432 Emerson, D. Editorial request. Emerson was Senior Editor of John Wright & SonsLtd, medical publishers. C.433 Emery, A.E.H. Collaborative research on male fetuses at risk for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. C.434 C.435-C.438 ‘E-1978’ C.435 Edwards, J.H. Includes arrangements for meeting on Mosaicism and Chimaerism, Birmingham, 23 February 1978. C.436 Emery, A.E.H. Includes memoranda re teaching of medical genetics in the UK. C.437 Re Ewing, H. 1977 1977 1977 1977-1978 1977-1978 1978 1978 Correspondence and papers re visit of Harry Ewing MP, Under Secretary of State for Scotland, to the Yorkhill Includes Ferguson- Smith’s memorandum on the work of the Department of Medical Genetics. Hospitals, Glasgow. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 92 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.438 C.439 ‘E-1979 Chiefly correspondencewith A.E.H. Emery. C.440 ‘E-1980’ C.441-C.444 ‘F-1976' C.441 Faed, M.J.W. 1978 1979 1980 1975-1976 1975-1976 Case of partial trisomy 9q. Faed was based in the Cytogenetics Section of the Departmentof Pathology, University of Dundee. C.442 Foord, R.D. 1976 on Correspondence report ‘Chromosome analysis in lymphocyte cultures from patients undergoing Griseofulvin treatment’, with copy of the report. Ferguson-Smith’s Foord worked for Glaxo Research Ltd. C.443 Ford, C.E. 1975-1976 Includes ‘Note on the research and publications of M.A. Ferguson-Smith’. Ford was based at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford. C.444 C.445 'F-1977' 1976 1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 93 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.446, C.447 ‘F-1978' C.446 Farrant, W. Re Farrant’s paper ‘Women’s experiencesof prenatal screening for fetal abnormality’, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments on her proposedprotocol. Farrant was basedat the Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care, London. C.447 F. Includes drafts of letter to The Times by J.R.S. Fincham re Congolese geneticist Pascal Lissouba, held under arrest in the Congo People’s Republic. C.448 ‘F-1979' C.449 ‘F-1980' C.450 ‘G-1976’ Includes correspondence with Department of Health and genetic counselling service’, with Ferguson-Smith’s estimates. Security Social re ‘Cost study of C.451-C.453 ‘G-1977’ C.451 Glen, A.C.A. Correspondence maternal serum. on alpha-feto protein (AFP) in Glen wasbasedat the Victoria Infirmary of Glasgow. C.452 Ga.-Gi. 1978 1978 1978 1979 1980 1976 1977 1977 1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 94 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.453 Gl.-Gu. 1977 C.454 ‘G-1978' Includes establishment of cytogenetics servicesin Fife. correspondence with R. Gardiner 1978, 1980 re C.455, C.456 ‘G-1979’ C.455 Goudie, R.B. drafts ‘Phylogenetic Includes ontogenetic significance of the rheumatic and autoimmunedisease’ and “T-germ cell metamorphosis - a method of incorporating sexual reproduction’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. somatic genetic changes in and Goudie was Professor of Pathology, University of Glasgow. C.456 G. C.457-C.459 ‘G-1980’ C.457 Galjaard, H. 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 re Prenatal arrangements Diagnosis 4th Correspondence European 1981. Includes material re European Society of Human Genetics meeting, Southampton, July 1979, found therewith. Conference the for Galjaard was basedin the Departmentof Cell Biology and Genetics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. C.458 Gautier-Smith, P.C. 1980 Experimental Correspondence re the 1980 Sandoz Lectures in Clinical and of Ferguson- Neurology, Smith lectured on ‘Application of recombinant DNA technology to someproblemsin clinical genetics’. Neurology, Hospital, London. National Institute M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 95 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 Gauthier-Smith was Deanofthe Institute of Neurology. C.459 C.460, C.461 ‘H-1976' C.460 Holliday, R. Chiefly re possible secondment of J.E. Pugh to work under Ferguson-Smith. Holliday was based at the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London. C.461 C.462-C.464 ‘H-1977’ C.462 Hongell, K. 1980 1975-1976 1976 1975-1976 1977-1978 1977 Karyotypesof patient. Hongell was based in the Department of Genetics, University of Helsinki, Finland. C.463 Hutchison, J.H. 1977-1978 After stepping down as Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health at Glasgow in 1977, Hutchison moved to the University of Hong Kong. C.464 H. Includes correspondence with R. Harris re Genetic Register Working Party. C.465, C.466 ‘H-1978' 1977 1978 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 96 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.465 Harding, N.G.L. 1978 Correspondence and papers re Scottish Summer Symposium on Quantitative Enzyme Immunoassays, 6-8 July 1978. Includes abstract of ‘Reduction of neural tube defect births in the west of Scotland by maternal serum AFP screening’, paper by Ferguson- Smith et al. Harding was based in the Department of Pathological Biochemistry, University of Glasgow. C.466 C.467, C.468 ‘H-1979" C.467 Hultén, M.A. Hultén was Director of the Regional Cytogenetics Laboratory, Birmingham. C.468 C.469, C.470 ‘H-1980’ C.469 Hatami-Monazah, H. 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 Hatami-Monazah wasan Iranian lecturer based at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, who applied to study with Ferguson-Smith. C.470 H. 1979-1980 Includes arrangements for Ferguson-Smith’s lecture on ‘Medical Board, February 1980, with manuscript outline notes for the talk. Genetics’ to Health the Fife C.471 1976-1979 Contents of folders ‘I-1976’ to ‘I-1979’ (no folder for M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 97 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 1980). C.472-C.474 J 1976-1980 Contentsoffolders ‘J-1976’ to ‘J-1980’. C.472 Jalbert, P. 1977-1979 Visit to Glasgow, 1979. Jalbert Cytogenetique, University of Grenoble, France based Laboratoire was at the de C.473 Johnston, A.W. 1976-1979 Includes correspondencere Clinical Genetics Society. Johnston was Consultant General Hospital, Aberdeen. Physician at Woodend C.474 J. 1976-1980 C.475 ‘K-1976' Includes note of discussion between Ferguson-Smith, R.P. Knill-Jones, A.A. Spence and A.A.M. Gibson on possible relationship between exposure to anaesthetic gases and miscarriage. C.476-C.478 ‘K-1977' C.476 Killough, M.W. Legal case. Killough worked for Peter R. Barabara and Associates, a Detroit law firm. C.477 Kyle, K.F. Data from cases. 1976 1977 1977 1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 98 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.478 C.479 ‘K-1978’ C.480, C.481 ‘K-1979' C.480 Kempsell, |. Arrangements for Marie Ferguson-Smith’s lecture to student midwives, Stobhill General Hospital, 1979. Kempsell was Senior Midwifery Tutor at General Hospital. Stobhill C.481 C.482-C.484 ‘K-1980’ C.482 Kedziora, J. 1977 1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 Kedziora was based at the Department of Physiology, Institute of Biology and Morphology, Warsaw, Poland. He visited Ferguson-Smith’s department in September 1980 under the auspices of the British Council. C.483 Kucerova, M. 1979-1980 Chiefly re case of child with 10q/9p translocation. Kucerova wasAssociate Professor at the Cytogenetics Laboratory, Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prague, Czechoslovakia. C.484 C.485 ‘L-1976’ 1980 1975-1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 99 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.486-C.490 ‘L-1977' C.486 Laurence, K.M. Chiefly re career. 1975-1978 1977 Laurence was appointed Paediatric Research at the Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff. Professor of C.487 Lay, C.L. 1975, 1977 Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to ‘Collected Letters’ of the of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Correspondence International Society Lay was Medical Editor of ‘Collected Letters’. C.488 Lee F.-T. 1977-1978 Lee was a Technician at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, who cameto Glasgow to train under Ferguson- Smith, January-June 1978. C.489 La.-Li. C.490 Lo.-Ly. C.491 ‘L-1978’ C.492, C.493 ‘L-1979’ C.492 La.-Le. C.493 Li-Ly. 1977 1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1978-1979 1979 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 100 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.494 ‘L-1980’ C.495-C.499 ‘Mc-1976’ C.495 McCarthy, P. 1980 1975-1977 1976 to Ferguson-Smith to Correspondence re invitation participate in debate on abortion organised by the Glasgow University Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child. McCarthy was chairman of the Society. C.496 McCoy, W.T. 1975-1976 Correspondence with McCoy and colleagues arrangementsfor visit to Adelaide. re McCoy was Medical Superintendent of the Adelaide Children’s Hospital. Ferguson-Smith attended the Centenary Year Celebrations of the Hospital in August 1976 and attended a symposium on Genetically Determined Disease. He went on makeothervisits in Australia and New Zealand. C.497 McCreanor, H.R. 1976 Chiefly correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s visit to New Zealand, August 1976. Includes programmefor seminar on Medical Genetics at Wellington Hospital, 20 August at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Pre- natal of chromosome aberrations’ and ‘Serum AFP screeningfor spina bifida’. diagnosis McCreanor was Cytogeneticist at Wellington Hospital, New Zealand. C.498 MckKusick, V.A. C.499 Mc. C.500-C.502 ‘Mc-1977’ 1976-1977 1975-1976 1977 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 101 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.500 McCreanor, H.R. 1977 Appointment in McCreanor’s laboratory. C.501 Mcintyre, G.B. Correspondence re Scottish Spina Bifida Association. Includes 3pp typescript ‘Screening for Spina Bifida’. McIntyre was General Secretary of the Scottish Spina Bifida Association, with which Ferguson-Smith was closely connected. C.502 Mc. C.503, C.504 ‘Mc-1978' C.503 McLean, S.A.M. McLean’s lecture note on artificial insemination. McLean was based in the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Glasgow. C.504 Mc. C.505-C.509 ‘Mc-1979’ C.505 McDermott, A. Proposed article by McDermott on Clinical Genetics Society Working Party on Prenatal Diagnosis. 1978 1978 1978 1978-1979 1978 McDermott was Director Regional Bristol. Cytogenetics of Centre, the South Western Westbury-on-Trym, C.506 McKusick, V.A. 1979 Includes correspondencerevisit to UK, July 1979. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 102 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.507 McA.-McK. C.508 McL.-McS. C.509 Mc. Cases C.510-C.513 ‘Mc-1980’ C.510 McKusick, V.A. Includes correspondence re areas to be covered and speakers onclinical genetics for World Congress of Human Genetics, Jerusalem, September 1981. C.511 McA.-Mcl. C.512 McK.-McP. C.513 Mc. Cases. C.514, C.515 ‘M-1976' C.514 Munro, I. to Lancet by the Letter on ‘Prospective data on the risks of Down’s Syndromein relation to maternal age’. Ferguson-Smith Munro waseditor of the Lancet. C.515 M. 1979 1979 1979 1979-1982 1980-1982 1979-1980 1979-1981 1980-1981 1976 1976 1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 103 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.516-C.518 ‘M-1977' C.516 Mathers, R. correspondence Chiefly for Postgraduate Medical Week, Bolton, September 1977 (Ferguson-Smith in Practice’). arrangements re spoke on ‘Medical Genetics Mathers worked for the Wellcome Medical Division which organised these events. C.517 Ma.-Me. C.518 Mi.-Mu. C.519 ‘M-1978' C.520-C.522 ‘M-1979’ C.520 Re Makino, S. Makino, Professor in the Chromosome Research Unit, University of Hokkaido, Japan, visited genetics centres in the UK,including Glasgow. C.521 Ma. C.522 Me.-Mu. C.523, C.524 ‘M-1980' C.523 Metaxatou, C. Correspondencere interview of Ferguson-Smith by E. Trivizas, including copyoftranscript. 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978-1979 1979 1978-1979 1979 1979-1980 1980 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 104 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Ferguson-Smith wasinterviewed by Trivizas during a meeting of the British Eugenic Society in London. Metaxatou, of the Aghia Sophioa Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece, wrote to Ferguson-Smith following publication of the interview. C.524 M. C.525 ‘N-1976' C.526 ‘N-1977' Chiefly correspondence with Nielsen re paper ‘Klinefelter's syndrome and trisomy 18 in a newborn boy’, in which Ferguson-Smith was named as a co- author. J. C.527 ‘N-1978’ C.528 ‘N-1979’ Includes correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s talk on ‘The genetics of deafness’ to the West of Scotland Region of the National Deaf Children’s Society, with manuscript notes. C.529 ‘N-1980' C.530 O Contents of folders ‘O-1976’ to ‘O-1980’. 1979-1980 1976 1976-1977 1978 1979 1980 1976-1980 C.530 Oliver, M.F. 1976-1978 Correspondencere service on BBC’s Medical Advisory Board Dr Oliver was Convenor of the BBC’s Medical Advisory Board and invited Ferguson-Smith to join its Speciality M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 105 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Panel (accepted). C.531 Omari, Y.I. 1976-1977 Omari was a prospective postgraduate researcherin Ferguson-Smith’s department. C.532 O. 1976-1980 Chiefly with R.P. O’Hare re genetics teaching in the University of Glasgow Bachelor of Nursing course. C.533 ‘P-1976' C.534, C.535 ‘P-1977’ C.534 Pa. C.535 Pe.-Po. C.536 ‘P-1978’ C.537 ‘P-1979' C.538 ‘P-1980’ C.539, C.540 ‘R-1976' C.539 ‘Reddy, G.V.’ 1976 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1978 1979 1980 1975-1976 1975-1976 Correspondence and papers found within separate folder so inscribed. Reddy was a prospective researcher in Ferguson- Smith’s department. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 106 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.540 C.541-C.543 ‘R-1977' C.541 Roberts, D.F. 1976 1977-1978 1976-1977 Chiefly response of Clinical Genetics Society to Department of Health and Social Security circular on ‘Screening for Spina Bifida and other neural tube defects’. Includes draft response, with Ferguson- Smith’s comments. C.542 Romain, D.R. 1977 ‘Methodologies for G Banding marrow preparations and a modification of Perry and Wolff's “Technique for S.C.E.’s”’. Romain was Chief Technician at the South Western Regional Cytogenetics Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol. C.543 R. 1977-1978 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s review of My Children, My Children by R.W. Reid (BBC, London, 1977). C.544, C.545 ‘R-1978' C.544 Ra.-Re. Includes exchange with G. Raab, Medical Computing and Statistics Unit, University of Edinburgh, re article by Ferguson-Smith in the Lancet on costs and benefits of screening for neural tube defects. C.545 Ri.-Ru. C.546-C.548 ‘R-1979" 1977-1978 1978 1978 1978-1979 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 107 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.546 Rowan, T. 1979 Exchange re response of Association Clinical Biochemists, Scottish Region to Scottish Home and Health Department document on ‘Organisation and Managementof Scientific Services’. of Rowan was Honorary Secretary of the Association of Clinical Biochemists, Scottish Region. C.547 Ra.-Re. C.548 Ri.-Ru. C.549-C.551 ‘R-1980’ C.549 Reith, A.D. Correspondence re arrangements for visits of Russell Fairgrieve MP, Under-Secretary of State for Scotland, and Sir Simpson Stevenson, Chairman of the Greater Glasgow Health Board, to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, June and October. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s 6pp briefing notes on the new Institute of Medical Genetics prepared forthe visit of Sir Simpson Stevenson. Reith was District of Glasgow Health Board Western District. Administrator the Greater C.550 Ra.-Re. C.551 Ri.-Ru. C.552 ‘S-1976’ Includes correspondencere visit to Australia and New Zealand, August 1976. 1978-1979 1979 1979-1981 1980 1979-1980 1980-1981 1976 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.553-C.557 ‘S-1977’ C.553 Short, D.W. 1977, 1979 1977 re ‘The Correspondence multiple congenital aneurysms in childhood’ by Short and N.M. McKellar, with comments by Ferguson-Smith and V.A. McKusick. Includes copyofthe draft. pathology of Short was based in the Department of Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. C.554 Storrie, F.R. 1977, 1979 Talks on ‘Genetics’ by Ferguson-Smith to the Family Planning Association’s theoretical course for doctors. Storrie was Regional Training Officer of the Family Planning Association. C.555 Sa.-Se. C.556 Sh.-Sp. C.557 St.-Su. Includes correspondencerevisit to Australia and New Zealand, August 1976. C.558-C.561 ‘S-1978' C.558 San Roman, C. San Romanwasbased at the Centro Especial ‘Ramon y Cajal’, Madrid. C.559 Sa.-Se. 1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1978 1978 1978 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 109 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.560 Sh.-Su. C.561 Cases. C.562-C.564 ‘S-1979' C.562 Sa.-Si. C.563 Sm.-Sp. S. with correspondence Includes re recommendation of Clinical Genetic Society Working Party national programme for the detection of open neural tube defects by maternal serum AFP screening’ should be introduced. Diagnosis Spencer Prenatal that on ‘a_ C.564 St.-Su. C.565-C.570 ‘S-1980’ C.565 Smith, H. Smith's Includes investigation leukaemia’ sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. procedures particles ‘outline viral (?) of of for childhood in Smith was based in the Royal Brisbane Hospital, Australia. C.566 Sc.-Sh. C.567 Si.-Sp. C.568 St. 1978 1978 1977-1979 1979 1977-1979 1979 1978-1983 1978-1981 1979-1983 1980-1983 1980-1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 110 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.569 Su.-Sy. C.570 S. Cases. C.571, C.572 ‘T-1976’ C.571 Treadwell, B.L.J. Correspondence for Smith’s visit to New Zealand, August 1976. arrangements re Ferguson- Includes correspondence with H.M. McCreanor and A.N. Bruere. Treadwell was Co-ordinator of Postgraduate Studies at Wellington Hospital Clinical School. C.572 T. C.573, C.574 ‘T-1977' C.573 Toksoz, D. 1980-1982 1979-1982 1975-1976 1975-1976 1976 1977-1978 1977 Toksoz was a prospective researcher in Ferguson- Smith’s department. C.574 T. 1977-1978 C.575 ‘T-1978' C.576, C.577 ‘T-1979' C.576 Tighe, J.R. 1978 1979 1979 Correspondence re Royal College of Pathologists M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 111 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Party on Systemized Working of Pathology. Ferguson-Smith was asked to commenton the scheme for cytology and cytogenetics. Nomenclature nomenclature for C.577 C.578 ‘T-1980’ 1979 1980 C.579 V. 1976-1980 Contents of folders ‘V-1976’ to ‘V-1980’. C.580-C.583 ‘W-1976' C.580 Weatherall, J.A.C. Correspondence and papers re European study of malformations and possible Glasgow participation. Weatherall was Senior Medical Statistician Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. in the C.581 Williamson, R. Williamson’s response to draft memorandum of the Department of Education and Science on the Practice of Genetic Manipulation. Williamson expressed alarm at the document. Includes copy of the memorandum. Williamson was based at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow. 1976 1976 1976 C.582 Wilson, E.B. 1976 Chromosomeanalyses. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 112 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.583 W. 1976 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s nomination to Fellowship of the Eugenics Society. C.584-C.587 'W-1977' C.584 Wald, N. 1976-1977 1977 Correspondence re ‘Proposed randomised controlled clinical trial of 2nd trimester amniocentesis’. Includes typescript draft outlining the proposal. based Wald, Oxford, proposedthis trial. A meeting was held in London on 23 Septemberto discussit. Infirmary, Radcliffe at the C.585 Whitfield, C.R. 1977 Chiefly re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to talk on diagnosis prenatal Hospital, Glasgow. Also refers to Whitfield’s misgivings about the proposed clinical of amniocentesis (see C.584). at Queen Mother’s trial Whitfield was Professor of Midwifery, Glasgow. University of C.586 Wilson, M.G. 1976-1977 Correspondencere study visit to Glasgow. Wilson was Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California. C.587 C.588, C.589 ‘W-1978' C.588 Whitfield, C.R. 1977 1978 1978 Includes Whitfield’s comments on Ferguson-Smith’s draft leaflet on prenatal diagnosis. With copy of the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 113 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 draft. C.589 C.590, C.591 ‘W-1979' C.590 Wald, N. Chiefly re UK collaborative AFP study (see C.584). C.591 C.592-C.595 ‘W-1980’ C.592 Wald, N. Correspondence and papers re UK Collaborative AFP and Collaborative ACheE studies. C.593 Whitfield, C.R. Includes correspondence re maternal age and testing for Down’s Syndrome. C.594 C.595 Cases. C.596 Y. Contents of folders ‘Y-1976’ to ‘Y-1980’. 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979-1981 1980 1980 1980 1979-1981 1976-1980 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 114 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.597, C.598 Z. 1976-1980 Contents of folders ‘Z-1976’ to ‘Z-1980’. C.597 Zaremba, J. 1979 Zaremba Psychoneurologiczny, Warsaw,Poland. based was at the Instytut C.598 C.599-C.725 ‘1981-1983’ C.599-C.601 ‘A-1981-1982’ C.599 Abdalla, H.1. Correspondence and papers re Abdalla’s proposed research into the relationship of serum AFP and the occurrence antepartum haemorrhage. pre-eclampsia and of Abdalla was based in the Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Stobhill General Hospital, Glasgow. C.600 C.601 Cases. C.602, C.603 ‘A-1983’ C.602 Agarwal, S.S. Visit to Glasgow and advice on proposed Institute of Human Genetics in Lucknow. 1976-1980 1978-1984 1981-1982 1981 1981-1982 1982 1983 1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 115 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Agarwal was based at King George’s Medical College, Lucknow,India. C.603 C.604-C.608 ‘B-1981’ C.604 Beighton, P. 1983 1979-1981 1981 visit Includes Correspondence re to Glasgow. Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on Beighton’s lecture at Glasgow on‘Clinical and genetic problems in Gaucherdisease’. Beighton was Professor of Human Genetics, University of Capetown, South Africa. C.605 Blank, C.E. 1981 re Blank’s European Correspondence collaborative study in parental age specific incidence of chromosome aberration in pregnancies screened by amniocentesis. data for Blank was Reader in University of Sheffield. Medical Genetics at the C.606 Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. 1979-1981 Includes correspondence November-December 1980. re visit to Glasgow, Boavida, based at the Instituto Nacional de Saude Dr Ricardo Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in September 1974. visited Jorge, had C.607 Buyse, M. 1980-1981 Ferguson-Smith’s contributions to second and third editions of the Birth Defects Compendium. Buyse, Medical Director of the Center for Birth Defects Information Services, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, edited the Birth Defects Compendium. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 116 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.608 C.609-C.614 ‘B-1982’ C.609 Boavida, M.G.A.F.G. Correspondence and papers re triploid case sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.610, C.611 Brearley-Smith, A.N. Chiefly correspondence and papers re International Medical Conference into the Prevention of Crippling in Children, November 1979. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes ?for summing up as rapporteur. Also includes (at C.611) 1982 correspondence re invitation to serve on the Scientific Advisory Panel (accepted). 2 folders. Brearley-Smith was Director of the charity Action Researchfor the Crippled Child. C.612 Ba.-Bl. C.613 Bo.-Bu. C.614 Cases. C.615-C.618 ‘B-1983’ C.615 Brewin, T.B. Correspondence re publishing Ferguson-Smith’s talk on ‘Families, chromosomes, genes and cancer’ to the West of Scotland Oncological Association in the 1980-1981 1978-1983 1982 1978-1979, 1982 1982 1982 1981-1983 1983 1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 117 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 Bulletin of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Includes 4pp typescript copy of talk. Brewin waseditor of the Bulletin. C.616 Ba.-Be. 1982-1983 C.617 BI.-Bo. C.618 Br.-Bu. C.619-C.622 ‘C-1981 C -1982’ C.619 C.620 Ca. Ch. C.621 Co.-Cu. C.622 Cases. C.623, C.624 ‘C-1983’ C.623 C.624 Cases. 1983 1983 1980-1982 1981-1982 1980-1982 1980-1982 1980-1982 1983 1983 1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 118 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.625-C.629 ‘D-1981-1982’ C.625 Danzig, J. 1980-1982 1981-1982 Correspondence re article on amniocentesis, includes Danzig’s first draft with Ferguson-Smith’s comments. Danzig was a medical journalist. He wrote a piece on amniocentesis for the Daily Mirror. C.626 Dick, H.M. 1982 Professor Dick was based in the Department of Bacteriology, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. C.627 Da.-Dh. C.628 Do.-Du. C.629 Cases. C.630 ‘D-1983’ 1981-1982 1980-1982 1981 1983 C.631-C.635 E 1978-1983 Contents of folders ‘E-1981 E-1982’ and ‘E-1983’. C.631 Edwards, J.H. 1981-1983 Includes correspondence re collaboration between Glasgow and Oxford, 1981; Edwards’s memoranda on ‘Plan for a central bank for high-resolution linkage’, 1982, and ‘Probes and muscular dystrophy’, 1983. Edwards had moved from Birmingham to become His department was Professor of Genetics at Oxford. purchasing which centimetric data from Glasgow could be entered. ‘superbrain’ a computer into M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 119 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.632 Elderkin, F.M. 1978 the present talk on ‘Prenatal Correspondence and papers re to Regional diagnosis; position’ for Medicine and Dentistry, Postgraduate Institute Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, 18 October 1978. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes for his talk and copy of typescript ‘Medical Genetics in Practice’. the Elderkin was Clinical Tutor at the Institute. C.633 Ellis, P.M. 1981-1982 Ellis was Principal Cytogeneticist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh. C.634 C.635 Cases. C.636, C.637 ‘F-1981 F-1982’ C.636 Fraser, K.J. 1981-1983 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1982 Correspondence and papers re meetings of the Glasgow Sports and Medicine Subcommittee. Promotion Council Sports Secretary Fraser was Sports Promotion Council. Ferguson-Smith was not a regular attender of the Sports and Medicine Subcommittee meetings. Glasgow the to C.637 F. 1981-1982 Marie Includes questionnaire Services’ (W. Farrant). for answers to Diagnostic Ferguson-Smith’s ‘Study of Prenatal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 120 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.638-C.640 ‘F-1983’ C.638 Fidzianska, E. Includes copy of Fidzianska’s draft paper on regional localisation of the ARS-B locus, sent to Ferguson- Smith for comment. Fidzianska was based at the Department of Genetics, Psychoneurological Institute, Warsaw, Poland. C.639 Fa.-Fl. Includes draft letter by J.S. Fitzsimmons’s on the term ‘clinical laboratory geneticist’ as used by the Working Party on Regional Genetic Services of the Royal College of Pathologists. The letter was sent to Ferguson-Smith, as a member of the Working Party, for comment. C.640 Fo.-Fr. C.641-C.645 ‘G-1981 G-1982’ C.641 Galbraith, E. 1983 1983 1983 1983 1980-1982 1982 Correspondence research into Tuberous Sclerosis. collaboration re and_ possible Galbraith was Chairman of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association of Great Britain. C.642 Guthrie, D. 1981-1982 of the Guthrie was Director National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases (better known as Action Research for the Crippled Child). He retired in 1976 but continued to be active in fund-raising for research into disease. The Duncan Guthrie Institute of Medical Genetics at Glasgow (opened 1981) was namedin his honour, see B.59-B.62. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 121 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.643 Ga.-Go. C.644 Gr.-Gu. C.645 Cases. C.646-C.648 ‘G-1983’ C.646 Gibson, A.A.M. Correspondence re accommodation of Haematology Department and workload at Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill. Gibson was Consultant Pathologist and Chairman of the Diagnostic Services Division at the Hospital. C.647 Ga.-Go. Includes correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s 11th Annual Guest Lecture to the West of Scotland Oncological Organisation on ‘Families, Genes and Cancer’, 12 December 1983. C.648 Gr.-Gu. C.649-C.653 ‘H-1981 H-1982’ C.649 Harper, P.S. Includes correspondence re iduronate sulphate in X- chromosome rearranged cell lines. Harper was Professor and Consultant in Medical Genetics, Welsh National School of Medicine, Cardiff. 1981-1982 1980-1982 1981-1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1978-1983 1982-1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 122 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.650 Hultén, M.A. 1978-1982 Hultén was Director of the Regional Cytogenetics Laboratory, Birmingham. C.651 Ha. C.652 He.-Ho. C.653 Hu. C.654-C.656 ‘H-1983’ C.654 Hamilton, F.M.W. Casesof fetal alcohol and De Stos syndromes. C.655 C.656 Cases. C.657 ‘1-1983’ C.658-C.661 ‘J-1981 J-1982’ C.658 Jackson, I.T. 1981-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983 1983 1982-1983 1983 1979-1983 1981 Correspondence on ‘Ferguson-Smith disease’ (self- healing squamous carcinoma) of ‘(Multiple) (epithelioma) carcinoma: a family affair’ by Jackson etal. Self-healing squamous including draft Jackson was plastic surgeon at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 123 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.659 Jarvis, J.H. 1981 Editorial matters re Prenatal Diagnosis,etc. Jarvis was Medical Editor for John Wiley & Sons Ltd, publishers. C.660 Johnston, A.W. 1979-1983 1983 correspondence is re genetic counselling in Scotland. C.661 1979-1983 C.662, C.663 ‘J-1983’ C.662 Johnston, A.W. Cases. C.663 C.664, C.665 ‘K-1981 K 1982’ C.664 Koskull, H. von Correspondence and data re collaboration in study of amniotic cells in pregnancies where the fetus has anencephaly. Koskull was based at the Laboratory of Prenatal Genetics, Helsinki University, Finland. C.665 C.666 ‘K-1983’ 1983 1983 1983 1981-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 1982-1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 124 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.667-C.670 ‘L-1981 L-1982’ C.667 Laurence, K.M. Correspondence and papers re October 1982 meeting of the Clinical Genetics Society. presented two papers/posters Laurence was Honorary Secretary of the Society. Ferguson-Smith (in collaboration) meeting, ‘Human karyotype analysis by flow cytometry’ and ‘Hereditary persistence of alphafetoprotein: a new dominanttrait identified in a prenatal screening programme forspina bifida’. at the C.668 C.669 Cases. C.670 ‘Lab statistical returns’ Contents of folder so inscribed: Laboratory statistics for the year ending 31 March 1981. C.671, C.672 ‘L-1983’ C.671 Laurence, K.M. Chiefly correspondence and papers re response to into Human Fertilisation and Government Inquiry Embryology. Includes response of Clinical Genetics Society and also Ferguson-Smith’s personal response. C.672 C.673-C.675 ‘Mc-1981 Mc-1982’ C.673 McKusick, V.A. 1981-1982 1982 1981-1982 1981 1981 1983 1983 1983 1981-1983 1981-1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 125 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.674 Mc. 1981-1982 Includes Glasgow'sinformation for the ‘next edition of the Diagnosis Group Laboratory/Service Information Supplement’. Prenatal C.675 Mc. Cases. C.676, C.677 ‘Mc-1983’ C.676 MckKusick, V.A. Chiefly re visit to Johns Hopkins University to receive Membership of the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s acceptance speech. manuscript notes for C.677 Mc. C.678-C.682 ‘M-1981’ C.678 Mansour, A.H. and others Cases in Egypt. 1981-1983 1982-1983 1983 1982-1983 1980-1982 1980-1982 C.679 Martin, D.S. 1981 Correspondencerevisiting researchers. Martin was an University of Glasgow. Administrative Assistant at the C.680 Ma. C.681 Me.-Mu. 1981-1982 1980-1981 Includes correspondence and papers re ‘A M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 126 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 development strategy for health care industries in Scotland’. C.682 Cases. C.683-C.685 ‘M-1982’ C.683 Miller, M. Ashley- Correspondence and papers re meeting on ‘The contribution of genetics to cardiovascular disease research’, 1 November 1979. This meeting was organised through the Office of the Chief Scientist, Scottish Home and Health Department (Miller was basedin the Chief Scientist's Office). C.684 Molloy, K.E. Meetings of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children Radiological Safety Committee. Molloy was Secretary of the Committee. C.685 M. C.686-C.688 ‘M-1983’ C.686 Ma. C.687 Me.-Mu. Includes correspondence with M. Mikkelsen on early prenatal diagnosis. C.688 Cases. 1981-1982 1979, 1982 1979 1982 1982 1983-1984 1983 1983-1984 1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 127 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.689 N. Contents of folders ‘N-1981 N-1982’ and ‘N-1983’. C.690 O. Contents of folders ‘O-1981 O-1982’ and ‘O-1983’. C.691-C.695 ‘P-1981 P 1982’ C.691 Pedersen, B. Ngrgaard- 1981-1983 1981-1983 1978-1983 1978-1979 immunoelectrophoretical Letters from Ne@rgaard-Pedersen on mono- and bi- dimensional of amniotic fluid proteins; draft of ‘Prenatal diagnosis of polycystic (Meckel syndrome)’ by Nergaard-Pedersenetal. encephalocele analysis kidneys and Ngrgaard-Pedersen was based at the Department of Clinical Chemistry, Sonderberg Hospital, Denmark. C.692 Pope, F.M. 1982-1983 Cases. Pope was based in the Department of Dermatology of the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex. C.693 Potts, R.E. 1981-1982 Correspondence and papers re Symposium on Facets of Modern Medicine. Progress and its Price, South Cleveland Hospital, Middlesbrough, 16 October 1981. Ferguson-Smith major handicapping conditions by prenatal diagnosis and selective termination’. ‘Avoidance spoke on of Potts was the symposium organiser. C.694 Pa. 1981-1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 128 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.695 Pe.-Pr. C.696 ‘P-1983’ Includes summary of Ferguson-Smith’s lecture on ‘Screening for congenital hypothyroidism’, for Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh St Andrew’s Day Festival, 1-2 December 1983. See also C.709. C.697-C.699 ‘R-1981 R-1982’ C.697 Ra.-Ri. C.698 Ro. Includes letter from G.J. Romanes re future of human Edinburgh; genetics correspondence on medical genetics at Ayrshire Central Hospital and Royal Alexandra Infirmary, Paisley. Ferguson-Smith University talks by at the re of C.699 R. Cases. C.700 ‘R-1983’ C.701-C.704 ‘S-1981 S-1982’ C.701 Sa.-Se. C.702 Si.-Sp. C.703 St.-Su. 1981-1982 1983 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1982 1981-1983 1983 1980-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 1981-1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 129 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.704 S. Cases. C.705 ‘$-1983’ C.706, C.707 ‘T-1981 T-1982’ C.706 Td: Includes copies of articles by E. Trivizas, with some English translation. C.707 T. Cases. C.708-C.710 ‘T-1983’ C.708 Thursz, A.D. Testing for foetal abnormalities and termination of pregnancy. Thursz was Chairman of the Division of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Paediatrics, Vale of Leven District General Hospital, Dumbartonshire. C.709 Toft, A.D. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh St Andrew's Day Festival, 1-2 December 1983. Ferguson-Smith lectured on ‘Screening for congenital hypothyroidism’. See also C.696. Toft was Secretary of the symposium committee. C.710 T. 1980-1982 1983 1981-1983 1981-1982 1981-1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 130 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.711 V. 1981-1983 Contents of folders ‘V-1981 N-1982’ and ‘V-1983’. C.712-C.716 ‘W-1981’ C.712 Wald, N. Correspondence and papersre third report of the UK Collaborative on Acetylcholinesterase workshop, Jerusalem. report’ study, AFP and_ C.713 Womersley,J. Letter questionnaire sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. Includes survey. Spina Bifida re draft Womersley was Community Medicine Specialist at the Greater Glasgow Health Board. C.714 Wa.-We. C.715 Wh.-Wi. C.716 Cases. C.717, C.718 ‘W-1982’ C.717 Wa. Includes exchange with M. Wajner re possible causes of increased incidence of anencephaly in Brazil. C.718 We.-Wo. 1981-1983 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981-1983 1982 1982 1982 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 131 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.719-C.722 ‘W-1983’ C.719 Weatherall, D.J. Correspondence re chromosome16 and hybrid lines. Weatherall was Nuffield Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Oxford. C.720 Whale, S.P. College Royal of Government Inquiry Embryology. Pathologists’ to into Human Fertilisation and response Whale was Secretary to the Registrar of the College C.721 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Book proposal. C.722 W. C.723-C.725 'X Y Z -1981 1982 1983’ C.723 Young, B. Chiefly re career. 1982-1983 1982-1983 1983 1983 1983 1980-1983 1981, 1983 C.724 Zaremba, J. 1980-1982 sre Correspondence of hydrocephalus, visit to Warsaw by V. Hood (Royal Hospital for Sick Children), visit to Glasgow by T.E. Dipont from Zaremba’s department. diagnosis prenatal Zaremba Psychoneurologiczny, Warsaw,Poland. based was at the Instytut C.725 X-Z. 1982-1983 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 132 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.726-C.878 ‘1984 [-1987]’ C.726-C.728 ‘A’ C.726 Arneil, G.C. Correspondence and papers re future of paediatrics in the West of Scotland Postgraduate Medical Education Committee. Professor Arneil was based at the Glasgow University Departmentof Child Health. C.727 Ab.-Al. C.728 An.-Az. Includes correspondence with M. Atkinson re use of computing facilities for medical genetics. C.729-C.738 ‘B’ C.729 Bell, J. Visit to Glasgow. Bell was based at the Laboratory of Microbiology and Pathology, Cytogenetics Unit, Brisbane, Australia. C.730 Bobrow,M. C.731 Brock, D.J.H. Includes correspondence re samples of and data results from amniotic fluids, 1981. 1980-1987 1984-1987 1984 1984-1987 1984-1985 1981-1987 1985-1986 1985-1986 1981-1985 Brock was based Department of Human Genetics. the in Edinburgh University M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 133 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.732 Ba. 1983-1987 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s comments on the British Medical Association’s revision of its Handbook of MedicalEthics. C.733 Be. C.734 Bh.-Bl. C.735 C.736 C.737 C.738 Bo. Br. Bu. B. Cases. C.739-C.750 ‘Cc’ C.739 Calder, A.A. 1982-1987 1984-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1984-1985 1982-1987 1983-1986 Chiefly correspondence re Scientific Meeting to mark Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital’s 150th Anniversary, 1984. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘New developments in the prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease’. Calder was based at the Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital. C.740 Chandley, A.C. 1985-1987 Research Chandley was based Council’s Clinical and Population Cytogenetics Unit, Edinburgh. Medical at the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 134 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.741 Ciba Foundation 1987 Draft of Ferguson-Smith’s discussion remarks at Ciba Symposium on Molecular Approaches to Human Polygenic Disease, London, 1986 C.742 Cockburn, F. 1984-1987 Includes correspondencere researchin cystic fibrosis, information on maternal phenlketonuria. Cockburn was Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health at the University of Glasgow. C.743 Cooke,P. 1984-1987 Cooke was Top Grade Cytogeneticist at the South Trent Sub Regional Genetics Service, Nottingham. C.744 Cuckle, H.S. 1984-1986 Chiefly alphafetoprotein. correspondence re maternal serum Cuckle was Senior Lecturer at St Bartholomew's Medical College, London. C.745 Ca. C.746 Ch.-Ci. C.747 C.748 Cl. Co. C.749 Cr.-Cu. 1982-1987 1984-1987 1984, 1986 1984-1986 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 135 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.750 C. Cases. C.751-C.755 ‘D’ C.751 Delange, F. Correspondence re European collaborative study on ‘Significance of early diagnostic data in congenital hypothyroidism’. Delange was Chairman of the European Thyroid Association Neonatal Thyroid Screening Committee. C.752 Da. C.753 De.-Di. C.754 Do.-Du. C.755 D. Cases. C.756-C.759 ‘E’ C.756 Edwards, J.H. C.757 Edwards, R.G. 1984-1986 1984-1987 1984 1984-1986 1985-1987 1985-1987 1984-1987 1982-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 includes formation of European Correspondence Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology and visit of Ferguson-Smith and colleague to Bourn Hall Clinic, Cambridgefor training in techniques of handling human ovafor in vitro fertilisation, 1984. Professor Edwards was based at the Physiological M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 136 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Laboratory, Cambridge. C.758 Evans, T.J. 1987 Ferguson-Smith’s response to the proposed new composition of Yorkhill hospitals Medical Committee. C.759 C.760-C.772 od C.760 Figarella, C. 1982-1986 1982-1987 1985-1986 Correspondencere visit to Glasgow for discussions on cystic fibrosis associated proteins, 1986. Figarella was based at the Groupe de Recherchessur les Glandes Exocrines, Marseilles, France. C.761 Fletcher, J.C. 1983-1986 Correspondence re visit to Glasgow and discussions on ethical issues. Fletcher was a bioethicist based at the National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland, USA. He visited a number of genetics centres in Europe to compare approachesto ethical problems in genetics. C.762 Fletcher, P. 1984-1986 Correspondencere research into Friedrich’s Ataxia. Fletcher was a researcher for the Friedrich’s Ataxia Group, Scotland. C.763 Fonatsch, C. 1986 Visit by Ferguson-Smith to Lubeck. Professor Fonatsch was based at the Institute for Human Genetics, Medical University of Lubeck. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 137 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.764 Forrest, A.P.M. 1984-1986 Includes correspondence re meeting of the Chief Scientist Committee, 21 June 1984 and membership of the Committee 1986. Sir Patrick Forrest was Chief Scientist to the Scottish Home and Health Department C.765 Forwell, G.D. 1986-1987 Administrative correspondence. of ‘West of Scotland Regional Genetics Service Handout’ for GPs, sent to Forwell for approval as a printed pamphlet. Includes draft Forwell was Chief Administrative Medical Officer to the Greater Glasgow Health Board. C.766 Foulds, W.S. 1986-1987 Chiefly correspondence re Genetics in Ophthalmology Symposium, 11 March 1987. Ferguson-Smith spoke on modern genetic techniques. Professor Foulds was based at the Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, University of Glasgow. C.767 Fraser, K.J. 1984-1986 Correspondence and papers re meetings of the Glasgow Sports and Medicine Subcommittee. Promotion Council Sports Fraser was Secretary Sports Promotion Council. Ferguson-Smith was not a regular attender of the Sports and Medicine Subcommittee meetings. Glasgow the to C.768 Freeman, M.V.R. 1985-1986 Includes correspondence re visit to Scotland, May 1985. Freeman was based at the North Texas Genetic Services, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 138 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.769 Fa.-Fe. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with P.A. Farndon on the teaching of medical genetics. C.770 Fi.-Fo. 1984-1987 Includes draft paper by J.M. Forrester on sneezing reflex, sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.771 Fr.-Fu. C.772 F. Cases. C.773-C.781 ‘CG’ C.773 Galbraith, E. Correspondence of Sclerosis Association of Great Britain meetings re 1983-1986 1984, 1986 1983-1987 1985-1987 the Tuberous Galbraith was Chairman of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. C.774 Giacanelli, M. 1986-1987 Correspondencere possible research collaboration on young women affected with Becker-type muscular dystrophy. Giacanelli was based at the Fondazione per la Ricerca Applicata alla Patologia Neuro-Muscolare, Rome, Italy. C.775 Green, B. 1984-1985 Chiefly Seminar, London, 15 February 1985 correspondence re Prenatal Diagnosis Green wasDirector of Mercury ConferencesLtd. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 139 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.776 Gurling, H.M.D. 1984 Correspondence and papers re proposedresearchinto the genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease. Gurling was based at the Institute of Psychiatry, London. C.777 Ga.-Ge. C.778 Gh.-Gl. 1984-1987 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with A.A. Gibson re obtaining ‘Fiscal post-mortem’ reports (deaths reported to the Office of the Scottish Procurator-Fiscal). C.779 Go. 1983-1987 correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s response to the proposed new composition of Yorkhill Hospitals Medical Committee. re C.780 Gr. C.781 Cases. C.782-C.793 ‘H’ C.782 Hamilton, F.M.W. Hamilton was Senior Medical Officer of the Glasgow Health Board. 1983-1986 1986 1983-1987 1984-1987 C.783 Hann, I.M. 1984-1986 Hann was Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 140 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.784 Harris, R. 1984-1987 Correspondence includes review of clinical genetic servicesin the UK,training in basic genetics Harris was Professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Manchester. C.785-C.788 Hultén, M.A. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence and papers re career, West Midlands Regional Health Authority Genetics Advisory Committee Hultén was Director of the Regional Cytogenetics Laboratory, Birmingham. C.785 Career C.786, C.787 Correspondence and papers re developmentofclinical genetics in the West Midlands 1984 1984 Includes papers of the West Midlands Regional Health Authority Advisory to Ferguson-Smith for information. Committee Genetics sent C.788 Correspondence 1984-1987 Medical Includes copies of correspondence 1981-1983 re proposed on multivitamins and neural tube defects, correspondence re development of clinical genetics the West Midlands. Research Council trial in C.789 Hai.-Ham. C.790 Har.-Haw. 1984-1987 1984-1985 correspondence Includes Hausmanova- Petrusewicz re DNA studies of muscular dystrophy families. with |. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 141 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.791 He.-Hi. 1983-1986 Includes Ferguson-Smith’s report for the Scottish Home and Health Department on ‘informal meeting at the Medical Research Council on 30th March 1984, to discuss the evaluation of the safety of chorion biopsy techniques’. C.792 Ho. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence Academyof Sciences. re visitors from Polish C.793 Hu. C.794 C.795-C.798 ep C.795 Jenkins, G.C. 1984-1985 1987 1983-1987 1983-1984 Correspondence and papers re Royal College of Pathologists Symposium on Prenatal Diagnosis of Inherited Disorders, London, 15 May 1984. Ferguson- Smith chaired the first session and spoke on ‘Parental age-specific incidence of chromosome aberrations and factors influencing them’. Includes abstract of Ferguson-Smith’s paper. Jenkins was Chairman of the College’s Academic Affairs Committee. F C.796 John & Sons Ltd 1984 Comments on book proposal. C.797 Ja-Ji. 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 142 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.798 C.799-C.805 Jo. ‘K’ C.799 Kennedy, A.C. Includes correspondence re progress in collaborative study of families with polycystic kidney condition. Kennedy was Muirhead Professor of Medicine at the University of Glasgow. C.800 Kerr, A. Correspondence and papers re UK Rett Syndrome Workshop, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, 24-25 May 1986. Kerr was organising this meeting. C.801 Kleinhout, J. Correspondence re invitation to Ferguson-Smith to contribute to planned book on Genetic disorders and reproductive health. C.802 Koskull, H.v. C.803 C.804 Ka. Ke. Includes correspondence with C.T. Keane re clinical genetics in the Republic of Ireland. C.805 Ki-Ku. C.806-C.811 i 1984-1987 1980-1987 1984-1986 1986 1984 1984, 1985 1985 1980, 1984- 1986 1984-1987 1983-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 143 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.806 Lawrence, M. 1985-1986 Correspondence and papers from Lawrence and A.E.H. Emery re Symposium on ‘Applications of New Recombinant Technologies in Human Genetics’ during 205th Meeting of the Genetical Society, London, 14-15 November 1986. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Molecular characterisation of human chromosome aberrations’ (includes abstract). Also correspondence re Professors of Genetics and Heads of Departments of Genetics Meeting and Dinner, held at the Genetical Society meeting. C.807 Litt, M. 1986-1987 Correspondence re supply of cells from hybrid lines to Litt. Litt was based in Oregon Health Services University, Portland, USA. Biochemistry the Department, C.808 Liu, D.T.Y. 1984, 1986 Correspondence re book on Chorion Villus Sampling edited by Liu. Ferguson-Smith agreed to write a foreword (copyincluded). Liu was Senior Lecturer and Consultant Department of Hospital, Nottingham. in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the City C.809 La. C.810 Le.-Ly. C.811 C.812-C.817 1983-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 144 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.812 McDermott, A. 1985-1986 correspondence P.D.G Includes Laboratory Information Supplement, with annotated copied sheets indicating updating of entries for Ferguson-Smith’s department. Services of re revision McDermott was Director Regional Cytogenetics Service, Bristol. the of South Western C.813 McKay, A.J. 1986 Correspondence and papers re Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Symposium on Perspectives in Medicine, Inverness, 16 October 1986. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘The use of genetic probes’. McKay wasSecretary of the Symposium Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. C.814 McKusick, V.A. 1984-1987 Includes November 1984. correspondence re visit to Glasgow, C.815 McC.-McF. 1984-1987 Includes exchange with Glasgow Herald re ‘Appeal for families to help fight diseases’, reporting on Ferguson- Smith’s search for 60 families for gene-mapping research. C.816 McG.-McQ. C.817 Mc. Cases. C.818-C.829 1984-1987 1984, 1985 1982-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 145 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.818 Malcolm, S. 1984-1986 Correspondenceonprogress of research. Malcolm was Lecturer in Molecular Genetics, Institute of Child Health, London. C.819 Marrian, V.J. Correspondence on Bruton hypogammaglobulinaemia and Dystonia Musculorum Deformans. C.820 Martyn, L. Correspondence and papers re Ciba Foundation Symposium on Molecular Approaches to Human Polygenic Disease, 24-27 November 1986. Ferguson- Smith attended as a discussant. Martyn was a memberofstaff of the Ciba Foundation. C.821 Midro, A.T. Correspondencere tetrasomy 9p,including draft paper by Midro and photographs of‘idic X chromosome’ sent to Ferguson-Smith. Midro was based at the Department of Genetics, Medical Academyof Bialystok, Poland. Clinical 1984 1986 1987 C.822 Milne, B. 1985-1986 Correspondence re programme of screening for fetal abnormality in the Highland Region of Scotland. Milne was Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. C.823 Modell, B. 1986-1987 Correspondence Organisation survey of genetics services in Europe. papers and re World Health Modell was Consultant in Perinatal Medicine, Rayne Institute, the UK London and helped coordinate M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 146 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 contribution. C.824 Morgan, D. 1984 Morgan wasa teacher studying the educational needs of children with Down’s Syndrome. C.825 Ma.-Mai. C.826 Mal.-Maz. C.827 Me.-Mi. C.828 Mo.-Mu. C.829 Cases. C.830-C.832 ‘N’ C.830 Naismith, W.C.M.K. Cases. Naismith was a doctorin Glasgow. 1982-1987 1983-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1984-1986 1984-1987 1984-1985 C.831 Nicolopoulos, D. 1986-1987 Correspondence, chiefly re the Hellenic Paediatric Society's Choremis Memorial Lecture for 1987 and Choremis Awards for 1986 and 1987. Also includes correspondencewith C. Tsenghi and C. Metaxotou. Ferguson-Smith delivered the Choremis Memorial Lecture in Athens, Greece, on ‘Applications of the new genetics to sex-linked diseases’, June 1987 (includes summary), and served as a judge in making the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 147 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Choremis Award in 1986 and 1987. Nicolopoulos was President of the Hellenic Paediatric Society. C.832 N. 1984-1986 S.M. Includes correspondence and Németh re proposed workshop on genetics of mental retardation. papers from C.833 C.834-C.842 ‘p’ C.834 Patel, N.B. 1984-1985 1983-1987 1985-1986 re Scottish Correspondence Consultant Gynaecologists Meeting, Aviemore, 22-23 November 1985, at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on Genetic developments, and General Practitioners meeting on Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 5 March 1986, at which he spoke on ‘Genetic counselling in early pregnancy’. Patel was Secretary of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Scottish Executive Committee. College Royal the of C.835 Pearson, P. 1986 Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on ‘Proposal on Automation of ChromosomeAnalysis’, Nottingham, 2-3 May 1986. Concerted European Action for a C.836 Pembrey, M.E. 1984, 1986 Pembrey was based at the Institute of Child Health, London. C.837 Ploeg, M. van der 1983-1984 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 148 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence and papers re Symposium on In situ Hybridization, 12 July 1984. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Hybridocytochemistry using radioactive probes: recent developments’ (includes abstract). Ploeg was an organiser of the Symposium. C.838 Polani, P.E. Includesscientific citation for Polani. C.839 Prechtl, H.F.R. 1985 1987 Refereeing Development. paper for the journal Early Human Prechtl was editor of Early Human Development. C.840 Pa. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with E. Passarge re visit to Essen and Lubeck, Germany, December 1986. C.841 Pe.-Po. C.842 Pr.-Pu. C.843-C.848 ‘R’ C.843 Ridge, J. 1985-1987 1984, 1986 1984-1987 1986 Correspondence re proposed 1987 conference on prenatal diagnosis and publication of proceedings in journal Media Medica. Ridge was publisher of Media Medica. C.844 Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 1986 Correspondence and papers re Royal College of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 149 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 of Royal Society Edinburgh Physicians of Edinburgh Joint Symposium on Death and Diseasein Scotland, Edinburgh, 24 April 1987. Ferguson-Smith spoke on genetic factors in the prevention of disease. and C.845 Ra.-Re. C.846 Rh.-Ri. C.847 Ro. C.848 Ru.-Ry. Includes correspondence with B. Russell re congenital eye abnormalities. C.849-C.858 &S’ C.849 Seabright, M. 1985-1987 1984-1985 1984-1987 1984-1986 1981-1987 1984-1985 Correspondence re round table meeting on DNA technology for the diagnosis of genetic disease, Salisbury, 26 February 1985; Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists’ cytogenetics services (includes copy of questionnaire completed by Ferguson-Smith). questionnaire on Seabright was General Secretary of the Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists. C.850 Sharp, F. 1987 Correspondencere Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 18th Study group on Early Pregnancy - Physiology, Diagnosis and Failure, 5-7 October 1987. Sharp was Convenor of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists study groups. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 150 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.851 Smellie, R.M.S. 1986-1987 Correspondence re Wellcome Trust 50th Anniversary Jubilee exhibition at Glasgow. Smellie was Professor of Biochemistry at Glasgow. C.852 Szollar, J. 1986-1987 Correspondence chromosome 14. re proposed’ research on Szollar was based at the West Midlands Regional Genetics Service C.853 Sa.-Se. C.854 Sh.-Si. Includes Letter to Nature, critical of article in Nature 323 of human chromosome-specific libraries. (October 1986) on the value C.855 Sk.-Sm. C.856 So.-Sp. C.857 C.858 St. S. Cases. C.859-C.861 ‘T’ C.859 Taylor, W.0.G. Chiefly re research on albinism. 1984-1987 1981-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1983-1987 1983-1987 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 151 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Taylor was President of the Albino Fellowship in 1986. C.860 C.861 C.862, C.863 C.862 Udden, P. Invitation to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Academia Rodinensis Pro Remediatione (Rodin Remediation Academy) (declined). Udden was Executive Secretary of the Academy. C.863 Undevia, J.V. Chiefly re case of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in India. 1984-1986 1984, 1985 1987 1987 1987 C.864-C.866 VW 1984-1987 C.864 Vogel, F. Refereeing paper for Human Genetics. C.865 von Euler, C. 1987 1985 Invitation Academia Remediation Academy) (accepted). to become an Acting Member of the (Rodin Rodinensis Pro Remediatione Ferguson-Smith was one of the founder members of the Academy. In 1985 with the formal establishmentof the Academy, the founders became styled Acting Members. Von Euler wasthe first Vice President of the Academy. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 152 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.866 V. 1984-1987 Includes correspondence with H. von Koskull re data from neural tube defect cases. C.867-C.875 ‘yw’ C.867 Walker, R. 1982-1987 1986 and papers re Disease Correspondence Motor Neurone the Managementof Motor Neurone Disease, Glasgow, 20 June 1986. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on proceedings. Association Scottish Seminar on_ Walker was organiser of the meeting at which Ferguson-Smith gave the introduction. C.868 Watson, D. 1985 Correspondence and papers re Seminar on Promotion of Genetic Counselling and Pre-Pregnancy Health, Glasgow, 22 March 1985. Watson was organiser of the meeting. Smith chaired the morning session. Ferguson- C.869 Whitfield, C.R. 1984-1985 Whitfield was Professorof Midwifery at Glasgow. C.870 Whittle, M.J. 1983-1987 correspondence Includes Ferguson-Smith’s participation as a speaker in courses organised by Whittle. re Whittle held posts at the Royal Samaritan Hospital for Women, the Queen Mothers and the Department of Midwifery, University of Glasgow Hospital C.871 1984-1986 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 153 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.872 We.-Wh. C.873 C.874 C.875 C.876 C.877, C.878 Wi. Wo. Includes correspondencere drafts sent for publication to Human Genetics, and with Department of Health and Social Security re appointment of top grade clinical cytogeneticists. W. Cases. ‘y’ Z’ C.877 Zaremba, J. Zaremba was based in the Genetics Department of the Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warsaw, Poland. 1984-1987 1982-1987 1986-1987 1984-1987 1984-1987 1983-1986 1983-1985 C.878 Zonana, J. 1984-1986 Correspondence re visit to Glasgow, January 1985 and plannedvisit 1986. Zonana was Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Oregon Health Sciences University, Eugene, USA. C.879-C.994 ‘1987-1998’ 1987-2001 Correspondence following Ferguson-Smith’s move to Cambridge. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 154 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Muchof the material post-1996 is printed-out emails. C.879-C.882 ‘A 1987-1998’ C.879 Alvarez, F.V. 1990-1998 1997-1998 Correspondence re planned visit to Washington to lecture Ferguson-Smith’s involvementin the BSE Inquiry). (cancelled due to Alvarez was Chief of Clinical Chemistry at Hospital San Agustin, Aviles, Spain. C.880 Arruga, M.V. 1996 Correspondence re visit to Zaragoza by Ferguson- Smith to lecture in the 12th European Colloquium on the Cytogenetics of Domestic Animals, 25-28 June. Arruga was basedin the Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics, University of Zaragoza, Spain C.881 Ab.-Ar. C.882 As.-Az. C.883-C.891 ‘B 1987-1998’ C.883 Baker,J.P. 1992-1998 1990-1997 1990-1998 1994-1995 Correspondence re invitation to Ferguson-Smith to participate in Citizen Ambassador Program of People to People International to visit China. Ferguson-Smith declined but prepared some written questions on genetic disorders and legislation in China. C.884 Bar-Am, I. 1996 Correspondence karyotyping studies on cancer cells (see G.13-G.16). collaboration on spectral re_ M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 155 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Bar-Am wasbasedin the Department of Cell Research and Immunity, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. C.885 Benirschke, K. 1993-1995 was Benirschke and Reproductive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego. Pathology Professor of C.886 Bibby,J. 1994 Correspondence re advisory paper for the Standing Group on Diagnostics and Imaging Advisory Panel. Technology’s Health Ferguson-Smith prepared a short paper on FISH applications in the diagnosis of genetic disorders. C.887 Ba. C.888 Be.-Bh. C.889 Bi-Bo. C.890 Br.-Bu. C.891 Cases. C.892-C.898 ‘C 1987-1998’ C.892 Chaganti, R.S.K. Correspondencere visits and progress of research. Chaganti was Professor of Cell Biology and Genetics 1990-1997 1994-1997 1993-1997 1994-1998 1993 1988-1998 1995-1996 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 156 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA. C.893 Chandley, A.C. 1995-1997 Chiefly correspondence re research and samples from Chandley’s work in Mongolia. Chandley was based Medical Council's Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh. the at Research C.894 Committee Enquiry into Human Genetics 1994 Correspondence and papers re House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Enquiry into Human Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes. Genetics. Includes Ferguson-Smith gave evidence to the Committee Enquiry on the regulatory and economic implications of human genetics research. ethical, C.895 Ca. C.896 Ch.-Co. C.897 Cr.-Cz. C.898 Cases. C.899-C.903 ‘D 1987-1998’ C.899 Dacou-Voutetakis, C. C.900 Davies, P.A. 1992-1995 1992-1998 1990-1998 1988-1997 1988-1997 1988, 1993 1989-1990 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 157 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence Paediatric Pathology at Cambridge. establishment re_ of Chair in Davies was Secretary Scientific Advisory Committee of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths which offered to make available funds towards the Chair. of the C.901 Divane, A. 1995-1997 Correspondence re probes for chromosomes 18, 13 and Y; career. Divane was a Greek researcher based in Ferguson- Smith’s She returned to Athens to take up a post at the Diagnostic Genetic Centre. June-December 1994. laboratory, C.902 Da.-De. 1991-1997 Includes request from Medical Research Council for scientific achievements emanating from MRC-funded research, outlining achievements in 1993; Ferguson-Smith’s response to questionnaire on the needfor a genetic register. Ferguson-Smith’s letter with C.903 Di.-Du. 1994-1997 C.904, C.905 ‘E 1987-1998’ C.904 Edwards, J.H. 1995, 1997 Chiefly correspondence re homologies revealed by cross-species reciprocal painting. C.905 E. C.906-C.909 ‘F 1987-1998’ C.906 Florentin, L. 1988-1997 1992-1998 1994-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 158 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 had under studied Florentin at Glasgow 1982-1987 before returning to Greece to the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and then the Molecular Biology and Cytogenetics Center at the Hospital for Women (as Director). Ferguson-Smith C.907 Fraser, G.R. C.908 Fe.-Fi. C.909 FI.-Fr. C.910-C.914 ‘G 1987-1998’ C.910 Gellin, J. 1994 1992-1997 1993-1997 1993-2000 1999 Correspondence and papers re Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) Comparative Genome Mapping Workshop, Toulouse, 3-4 May 1999. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s report. Gellin was organiser of the Workshop. C.911 Gogate, S. and others 1996-1997 correspondence Chiefly 8th International Conference on Early Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, Goa, Includes Ferguson-Smith’s report to the British Council. India, June 1996. papers and re_ Gogate was Organising Secretary of the meeting. C.912 Goswami, H.K. 1995, 2000 Chiefly re visit to Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India, November2000. Ferguson-Smith was invited visit by Goswami, Professor of Genetics, to receive the J.B.S Haldane Oration research He delivered contribution in chromosome painting’. outstanding Medal ‘his to for M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 159 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 the Oration. C.913 Ga.-Go. C.914 Gr.-Gu. Includes correspondence with Harvard Medical School Department of Cell Biology, re cDNA library from cultured human epidermal keratinocytes. Green, H. C.915-C.924 ‘H 1987-1998’ C.915 Haaf, T. Correspondence re human and mouse DNAlibraries for spectral karyotyping, draft paper on comparative mapping of mouse and rat chromosomes. 1993-1998 1993-1996 1989-2000 1996-1998 Haaf was based Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. the at Max-Planck-Institute of C.916 Hammett, S. 1994-1997 Correspondence re preparation of information sheets on Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Hammett wrote on behalf of Klinefelters Syndrome Association (later Club). Ferguson-Smith advised on the information sheets. C.917 Harrison, C.J. 1997-1998 Correspondence re collaboration in colour banding testing. Harrison was Senior Lecturer in Cytogenetics, Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. C.918 Hemeda, S.A. 2000 Correspondencere visit to study in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory, 2000-2001. Includes supporting papers. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 160 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Hemeda was. Genetics at Alexandria University, Egypt. Assistant Professor of Veterinary C.919-C.921 Hultén, M.A. 1994-1996 Chiefly correspondence relating to review of West Midlands Regional Genetics Services, 1995, and recommendationsarising for merger of services. 3 folders. C.922 Ha. C.923 He.-Ho. C.924 Hs.-Hu. C.925 ‘11987-2002’ C.926-C.928 ‘J 1987-1998’ C.926 Johnson, M.H. C.927 Ja. C.928 Ji.-Ju. C.929-C.935 ‘K 1987-1998’ C.929 Kalousek, D.K. Correspondence laboratory, 1993. re visit to Ferguson-Smith’s 1994-1998 1993-1998 1989-1998 1991-2001 1990-1999 1996 1993-1999 1990-1997 1992-1998 1992-1994 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 161 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Kalousek was based in the Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. C.930 Khan, J. 1993-1994 Correspondencere proposed postgraduate researchin Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory on ‘Comparative genomic hydridization for molecular cytogenetic analysis of paediatric malignancies’. C.931 Kingsbury, D.T. 1994-1995 Correspondence re International Society for Analytical Cytology business, including memorandum on future of Mendelian Inheritance in Man database and its relationship with the Genome Data Base. Kingsbury was based at the Genome Data Base project at Johns Hopkins University. C.932 Korstanje, R. and A.A. Bosma 1997-1998 Correspondence on collaborative research between Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory and members of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Utrecht on the rabbit genome. Korstanje visited Cambridge in February 1998 as part of the project. C.933 C.934 Ka. Ke. C.935 Ki.-Ku. 1995-1997 1994-1997 1995-1997 Includes correspondence with Medical Research Council Human Genetics Unit, Edinburgh, re cytogenetic analysis of Muntjac species. Kipling, D. C.936-C.938 ‘L 1987-1998 1990-1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 162 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.936 Lever, AM.L. 1995, 1997 Correspondence and papersre collaborative research on HTLV-1 chromosomal integration sites. Lever was based in the Cambridge Department of Medicine. C.937 La.-Li. 1990-1997 Includes correspondence with C.C. Linn, University of Alberta, re research on Muntac species. C.938 Lo.-Lu. C.939-C.944 ‘M 1987-1998’ C.939 MckKusick, V.A. 1994-1997 1991-1998 1996-1997 Includes correspondence re chromosome 21, and visits. C.940 Malcolm, S. 1994-1996 Correspondence re Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and Protoelipid protein (PLP). C.941 Mc.-Mag. C.942 Mak.-Mav. C.943 Me.-Mi. 1991-1997 1994-1997 1992-1998 correspondence Includes Washington collaborative work on Ninjurint and MSSE. University School with J. Milbrandt, re Medicine, of C.944 Mo.-Mu. 1992-1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 163 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.945, C.946 ‘N 1987-2002’ C.945 Neri, G. Correspondence International Symposium on The Human Genome, Naples, Italy, 6-8 September 2000. papers’ and re Neri was a member of the Organising Committee of the meeting. Ferguson-Smith served on the Scientific Advisory Committee. C.946 C.947, C.948 ‘O 1987-2002’ C.947 Ostrander, E.A. et al Correspondence with Ostrander and others re possible international project on the canine genome, including standardising nomenclature. Other correspondents are A.A. Bosma, M. Breen, D.R. Sargent and F. Yang. C.948 C.949-C.955 ‘P 1987-1998’ C.949 Patel, Z.M. 1996-2000 1999-2000 1996 1988-2002 1999-2000 1988-2002 1992-2001 1997-2000 Includes correspondence re diagnosis of cases of Down’s Syndrome and Turner’s Syndrome. Patel was Deputy Director of the Indian Council of Medical Research Genetic Research Centre, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Bombay. C.950 Pearson, P.L. 2000-2001 Chiefly re lecture at Utrecht by Ferguson-Smith, 8 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 164 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 February 2001. He spoke on ‘Comparative mapping of dog chromosome using painting’. Includes abstract. reciprocal human and Pearson was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, Utrecht University Medical Centre, The Netherlands. C.951 re Pontecorvo, G. 1997, 2000 Arrangements for the celebration of Pontecorvo’s 90th birthday in Venice. C.952 Pa. C.953 Pe.-Ph. Includes correspondence with B. Pertl, University of Graz, Austria, re QF-PCR test. C.954 C.955 Pl.-Py. Cases. 1992-1998 1993-1997 1993-1998 1992-1994 C.956 ‘Q 1987-1998’ 1990 Correspondence of Neurology, London, re COMBAT Medical Advisory Panel meeting. Institute Quinn, with N.P. C.957-C.959 ‘R 1987-1998’ C.957 Richards, F.M. 1994-1998 1997-1998 Correspondence re research plans, including work on MSSE. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 165 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Richards was based in Genetics, University of Birmingham. the Division C.958 Ra. C.959 Re.-Ry. C.960-C.970 ‘S 1987-1998’ C.960 Schinzel, A. of Medical 1995-1997 1994-1998 1989-1998 1989-1997 Includes cases forwarded to Ferguson-Smith for flow karotypes. Schinzel was based at the Genetics, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Institute for Medical C.961, C.962 Simpson, J.L. 1995-1998 Professor Simpson was basedat the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. He chaired the WHO Working Group on Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis. He wasfirst President of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis. C.961 1995 Draft report of WHO Working Group on Noninvasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis C.962 1997-1998 Chiefly correspondence re International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis business. Ferguson-Smith wason the Board of the Society. C.963 Skaer, R.J. 1996 Letter to Nature on genetics and insurance, referring to the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 166 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Association. Includes drafts of Letter by Skaer sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. C.964 Solovei, | Correspondence re mouse chromosomepaints. Solovei was based at the Germany. University of Munich, C.965 Sperling, K. Chiefly re papers submitted by Ferguson-Smith for publication in Human Genetics. Sperling was based at of Human Genetics, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, and editor of the journal Human Genetics. Institute the C.966 Stanyon, R. Correspondence re research project on rat-mouse reciprocal chromosomepainting. 1997 1997 1998 Stanyon Department Anthropological Science, University of Genoa, Italy. based was in the of C.967 Straughan, M. 1996-1997 Correspondence and papersre visit to Cambridge of the Department of Health Advisory Committee on Genetic Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes. Includes Testing. Straughan was based in the Genetics Secretariat, Department of Health. The Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing visited Cambridge for discussions with Ferguson-Smith. C.968 Sa.-Se. C.969 Sh.-Sk. 1993-1996 1994-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 167 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.970 Sp.-Su. 1995-1998 C.971-C.977 ‘T 1987-1998’ and ‘T Miscellaneous’ 1987-1998 C.971 Thakker, R.V. 1992-1995 Includes correspondenceon cell line from patient with breakpoint in 11q13. Thakker was based at the Medical Research Council Molecular Postgraduate Medical School, London. Medicine Group, Royal C.972 Tolar, J. 1991 Tolar was a Czechoslovakian researcher who visited Cambridge in July 1991. C.973 Tommerup, N. 1995-1996 and papers re to Correspondence European Health Research programme for proposal for ‘Mendelian Cytogenetics Network’. Commission Biomedical application and Tommerup was based at the John F. Kennedy Institute, Glostrup, Denmark. C.974 Australasian Society of Cytogeneticists 1996-1997 Correspondencerevisit to Perth, Australia, July 1997. Ferguson-Smith attended the annual meetings of the Australasian Society of Cytogeneticists (speaking on ‘Human genetics; diversity and disease’) and the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (speaking on ‘Studies on mammalian evolution using chromosome sorting and painting’). This material was found with the correspondence with N. Tommerup (C.973). C.975 Ta.-Ti. 1990-1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 168 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.976 To.-Tr. C.977 Tu.-Ty. C.978-C.980 ‘V 1987-1998’ C.978 Vaupel, S.S. Correspondence re paper by Ferguson-Smith, F. Yang and P.C.M. O’Brien, ‘Comparative mapping using chromosomesorting and painting’ for /LAR (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research) Journal, Bibliography no. 394. Vaupel was Managing Editor of the journal C.979 Va.-Ve. C.980 Vi.-Vo. C.981-C.988 ‘W 1987-1998’ C.981 Wald, N. 1987-1998 1993-1998 1993-1998 1998 1993-1997 1993, 1997 1991-1998 1993, 1995 Correspondence including screening for Down’s Syndrome. controversy re Down's’ over WHO Statement Syndrome testing, on Professor Wald was based at the Wolfson Institute of Preventive St Bartholomew's Hospital, London. Medicine, College Medical of C.982-C.984 Weber, B.H. 1995-1997 Correspondence and papers re visit to Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory of C. McGiffert under the Minority International Research Training Program. She worked on High resolution molecular cytogenetic analysis of human chromosomal aberrations. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 169 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 3 folders. Weberof the California State University, Fullerton, was a director of the US National Institutes of Health Minority Program. McGiffert was a researcher based in the Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach. International Research Training C.985 Wilcken, B. 1998 Correspondence at Human Genetics Society of Australasia meeting, July 1997. controversial re presentation Wilcken was President of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia C.986 C.987 C.988 Wi.-Wu. C.989-C.994 *X.Y.Z.” C.989 Y. 1992-1998 1993-1998 1991-1998 1989-1998 1995 Chiefly correspondencewith P.J. Yarowsky, University of Maryland, re mouse chromosome 16 painting probe. C.990 Zaremba, J. 1989, 1996 Cases of chromosome 9 aberrations. Zaremba was based at the Neurologii, Warsaw, Poland. Instytut Psychiatrii i C.991 Carl Zeiss Ltd 1988, 1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 170 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Correspondence re purchase of equipment. C.992 Zhang Y. 1996-1998 re research laboratory collaboration with Correspondence Ferguson-Smith’s karyotype evolution of primates endemic to China, 1996; and invitation to 18th International Congress of Genetics Kunming Satellite and conservation of biodiversity’, Kunming, 16-18 August 1998, 1997-1998. Conference ‘Genetics the on on Zhang wasbasedat the Kunming Institute of Zoology, China. C.993 Zheng E. 1989-1991 Correspondence re collaborative research on familial gonadal dysgenesis. Zheng was basedin the Beijing Institute for Cancer Research, China. C.994 Z. 1998 correspondence Chiefly comparison (Fluorescencein-situ hybridisation) Protocols. of Cambridge and Leiden with M. dZarowitz, re RX-FISH C.995-C.1086 ‘1998-2002’ 1994-2004 Some of this correspondence was written during Ferguson-Smith’s period on the UK Governments’ BSE Inquiry and references are made tothis. Includes printed-out emails. For letters |, N and O see the previous sequence. C.995, C.996 ‘A 1998-2002’ 1998-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 171 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.995 Aitken, D.A. 1998-1999 Correspondencere career. C.996 C.997-C.1006 ‘B 1998-2002’ C.997 Ben Oostra 1998-2001 1996-2002 1999 Correspondence re arrangements for Ferguson-Smith to attend Dutch Human Genetics Society Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15-16 April 1999. Professor Ben Oostra was financial manager of the Dutch Human Genetics Society. C.998 Brambillasca, F. 1998 Correspondencere possible visit to Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in 1999. Brambillasca was based in the Department of Genetics and Biology of Microoganisms, University of Milan, Italy. C.999 Broad, T.E. 1999-2000 Chiefly correspondence re transferring AgResearch’s sheep hybrid cell panel to the European Collection of Cell Cultures. Broad was Senior Scientist with AgResearch, the New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture ResearchInstitute. C.1000 Brown, J.D. 1999-2000 Correspondencere availability of mouse paints Brown was based at the University of Connecticut, USA. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 172 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1001 Brown, S. 1998-2002 Referring papers for Mammalian Genome. Brown waseditor of the journal Mammalian Genome. C.1002 Burkin, D. 2001 Correspondencere career. C.1003 Ba.-Be. C.1004 Bi-Bo. Includes C.E. collaboration on mouse Y chromosome. correspondence with 1999-2001 1996-2001 Bishop re C.1005 Br.-By. 1999-2001 Includes correspondence with A.N. Bruere re Scrapie and BSE. C.1006 B. Cases. C.1007-C.1014 ‘C 1998-2002’ C.1007 Carter, N.P. 1999 1994-2002 1994, 1996 Chiefly karyotypes. correspondence and papers re_ bear Carter was based at the Sanger Centre, Cambridge. C.1008 Champigny, M.-L. 2001 Correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s paper ‘Reaction to the emergence of BSE in the UK: what was done and what perhaps might have been done better’, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 173 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 at meeting presented on Encephalopathies Spongiformes Transmissables, France Academie des Sciences, Paris, 14-16 March 2001. Includes copy of the paper (3pp). See also C.1049. Institut de Champigny was preparing the proceedings of the meeting in Comptes Rendus de publication l’Académie des Sciences. for C.1009 Cowey, K. 1998-1999 Correspondencere individual membership of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine. C.1010 Cox, D.W. 2000-2002 Includes correspondence re collaborative work on chromosome14, and career. Cox was Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, Canada. C.1011 Ca.-Cl. C.1012 Co. C.1013 Cr.-Cu. C.1014 Cases. C.1015-C.1017 ‘D 1998-2002’ C.1015 Duff, G. 1999-2001 1999-2001 1999-2001 1996, 1998 1998-2002 1999-2001 Correspondence GeneScreen. Ferguson-Smith agreed to serve on the editorial board. journal new re Duff and |. Peake were the founders of the new M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 174 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 journal. C.1016 Da.-De. C.1017 Do.-Du. C.1018, C.1019 ‘E 1998-2002’ C.1018 Edwards, J.H. Includes draft of Letter to Nature by Edwards on susceptibility gene discovery. C.1019 E. Includes Ferguson-Smith’s entry on his activities for the European Research & Development Database. C.1020-C.1022 ‘F 1998-2002’ C.1020 Farndon, P.A. Includes invitation for Ferguson-Smith to serve on National Genetics Commissioning Advisory Group. 1998-2002 1998-2001 1997-2001 1997, 2001 1998-2001 1997-2001 2000-2001 C.1021 Ferguson, M.W.F. 1997, 2001 Correspondence re Monodelphis domestica embryos and alligator cell lines. Professor Ferguson was based at the University of Manchester Schoolof Biological Sciences. C.1022 C.1023-C.1032 ‘G 1998-2002’ 1999-2001 1995-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 175 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1023 Ganss, B. 1999-2000 Correspondence re samples of mouse chromosomes 2,6 and 17. Ganss was based at the Medical Research Council Group in Periodontal Physiology, University of Toronto, Canada. C.1024 Goswami, H.K. 1998-2001 Correspondencere possible visits. Goswami was Professor and Head of the Genetics Department, Barkatullah University, Bhopal, India. C.1025 Grace, C.D. 2001 Correspondence Peterhouse College Cambridge, September 2001. SmartCapture User re Meeting, of and of Ltd, Digital Scientific a Grace was Director Cambridge computer software company that produced SmartCapture, a system of software tools for the capture, digital microscope images. It included a FISH imaging product that was the first commercial instrument to detect multicolour signals for cytogenetic analysis. See also G.19-G.21. presentation analysis C.1026-C.1028 Graphodatsky, A.S. 1995, 1999- 2001 Ferguson- Correspondence Smith’s laboratory through the work of Fengtang Yang and visit to Cambridge July 2000. collaboration with re 3 folders. Graphodatsky was Head of the Laboratory of Human and Animal Cytogenetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Science Siberian Department, Novosibirsk. C.1029 Gregory, J. 2001 Correspondencere talk on the BSE enquiry to British M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 176 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Association on Advancement of Science meeting, Glasgow, 4 September 2001. of Ferguson-Smith’s talk, ‘BSE: public policy and the uncertainties of science’. Includes draft Gregory was Chair of Section X of the Association who organised the meeting. British C.1030 Griffin, D.K. 1996-2000 Chiefly correspondencearising from Griffin's work at Cambridge on karyotype evolution in birds, and later collaborative research. Griffin was based in Ferguson-Smith’s department before moving to Brunel University. C.1031 C.1032 Gl.-Gu. C.1033-C.1036 ‘H 1998-2002’ C.1033 Harper,J.C. 1999-2001 1996-2001 1999-2002 1999-2000 Includes Diagnosis, probes. editorial correspondence and correspondence re Prenatal re mouse FISH Harper was Senior Lecturer in Human Genetics and Embryology, University College London. C.1034 Harrison, C.J. 1999-2001 was Harrison Cytogenetics, Medical School, London. Royal Senior Lecturer of Free and University College Head and C.1035 Ha. 1999-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 177 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1036 He.-Hu. C.1037-C.1040 ‘J 1998-2002’ C.1037 Jackson, L.G. C.1038 Jacobs, P.A. 1999-2002 1995-2001 1995, 2000- 2001 1998-2000 Includes correspondence on gender testing of Olympic athletes, 1998, and project on structural abnormalities of the X chromosome,2000. Jacobs wasDirector of the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory. C.1039 Just, W. 2001 Correspondence re possible collaboration on Ellobius lutescens. Just was basedin the Department of Human Genetics, University of Ulm, Germany. C.1040 C.1041-C.1046 ‘K 1998-2002’ C.1041-C.1043 Kamnasaran, D. 1999-2001 1998-2001 1999-2001 Correspondence re collaborative research and joint conference papers and publication arising. Kamnasaran was based in the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Alberta, Canada C.1041 1999-2000 re of the ‘Agenesis Chiefly Callosum associated with a chromosome (4;14) translocation’, paper presented at American Society of Human Genetics meeting, 2000. Corpus M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 178 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1042 2000 re ‘Comparative mapping of Chiefly the human chromosome 14q11.2-q13 cytogenetic interval with mouse syntenic chromosomes’ for in Mammalian Genome, 2000. publication C.1043 2000-2001 re ‘Comparative mapping of the human Chiefly chromosome ‘Comparative mapping of the human chromosome 14q11.2-q13 with mouse homologous gene regions’, paper presented at American Society of Human Genetics meeting, 2001. 14q11.2-q13’, and C.1044 King, V. 2000 Correspondencere career. King was a New Zealand based researcher who had worked as Ferguson-Smith’s Scientific Assistant on the BSE Inquiry 1998-2000 C.1045 Ka.-Ki. C.1046 Kl.-Ko. C.1047-C.1049 ‘L 1998-2002’ C.1047 Levan, G. 1998-2001 1999-2000 1999-2000 1999 Levan was based in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Géteburg University, Sweden. C.1048 Lingaas, F. 1999 Correspondence, chiefly collaborative research on canine chromosomes. with Fengtang Yeng, re Lingaas was based in the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 179 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1049 L. 1999-2001 correspondence with Includes meeting Transmissables, Sciences, Paris, 14-16 March 2001. See also C.1008. Lachmann re P. Encephalopathies Spongiformes Institut de France Academie des on C.1050-C.1055 ‘M 1998-2002’ C.1050 McGiffert, C 1996-2001 1999-2001 McGiffert had worked in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory under the US National Institutes of Health Minority International Research Training Program. See C.982- C.984. C.1051 McConnell, |. 1998-2000 Includes draft on ‘Molecular Cytogenetics Laboratory’ for 50th Anniversary Publication of the Cambridge Veterinary School. McConnell was Professor of Veterinary Science in the University of Cambridge. C.1052 C.1053 C.1054 C.1055 Mc. Ma. Mi. Mo. C.1056-C. 1064 ‘R 1998-2002’ C.1056 Raine, T. Correspondence re talk by Ferguson-Smith to the 1999-2001 1996-2001 1999, 2000 1996-1999 1995-2002 2000-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 180 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 Trinity College Cambridge Medical Society, 1 February 2001. He talked on ‘The BSE Inquiry: some conclusions from the scientific response to BSE’. Raine was President Society. of Trinity College Medical C.1057, C.1058 Richards, F.M. 1998-2002 Correspondence on collaboration on research on MSSE (Multiple Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma), including draft of project grant application; career (C.1058). 2 folders. Richards was Lecturer in Human Molecular Genetics in the University of Birmingham. C.1059 Ried, T. 1996-1999 Ried was based at the National Centre for Human Genome Research, Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Institutes National of C.1060 Robinson, T.J. 2000-2001 Correspondence Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory (chiefly through Fengtang Yang) on phylogenomics. Includes grant proposal. collaboration with re Robinson was Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. C.1061, C.1062 Ryder, O.A. 2000-2002 Correspondence and papers re Congress on Genetic Resourcesfor the New Century, San Diego, California, USA, 8-12 May 2000, at which Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Studies of mammalian karyotype evolution by cross-species chromosome painting’, and further visit to San Diego 2001. 2 folders. Also includes correspondence with President of the Zoological Society of San Diego. K. Benirschke, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 181 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1063 Re.-Ri. 1995-2002 Includes correspondence with P.R. Reilly, Chairman of the SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals’ Clinical Genetics, Bioethics and Public Policy Advisory Board (Ferguson-Smith was a member of the Board). C.1064 Ro.-Ru. C.1065, C.1066 ‘RAE 2001’ Correspondence relating to the entry of Ferguson- Smith’s Veterinary Cytogenetics Group for the 2001 Research AssessmentExercise. 2 folders. C.1067-C.1074 ‘S 1998-2002’ C.1067, C.1068 Sargan, D.R. Includes papers for meetings of the Centre for Veterinary Science’s Research Strategy Discussion Group, 6 February and 26 April 2001. Sargan was Lecturer in Molecular Pathology and Director of the Postgraduate School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, University of Cambridge. C.1069 Shields, L.E. Correspondence re collaboration on FISH probes for Macaques. Shields was based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. C.1070 Spathas, D.H. Spathas was based in the Medical School, University of Patras, Greece. 1998-2001 1999-2001 1997-2001 1999-2001 2000 1999 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 182 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1071 Stanyon, R. 1998-2000 Includes correspondencere research on rabbit human, and woolly monkey human homology. Stanyon was based in the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, Frederick, Maryland, USA. Institute, National Cancer C.1072 Sa.-Sc. C.1073 Se.-Sm. C.1074 So.-Su. 1997-2001 1998-2001 1999-2001 at antenatal Includes draft report ‘Genetic history booking visits: suggestions for maternity records using the National Maternity Record as an example’ by a working party of the Royal College of Physicians Joint Committee on Medical Genetics, sent to Ferguson- Smith by its chairman, P.W. Soothill, October 2001. C.1075 ‘T 1998-2002’ 1996-2001 C.1076, C.1077 ‘V 1998-2002’ C.1076 Volobouev, V. 2000-2001 Correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s visit the Museum of Natural History, Paris to lecture on ‘Studies in| using chromosomepainting’, 13 February 2001. chromosome mammalian evolution to Volobouev was based at the Museum of Natural History, Paris, France. C.1077 C.1078-C.1084 ‘W 1998-2002’ 1998-2001 1995-2002 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 183 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1078, C.1079 Weale, A.P. 2001 Correspondence and papers re British Academy Conference on Risk and Public Policy, London, 7 June 2001. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘BSE and decisionsof risk’. Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s talk, copy of illustrative slides and manuscript notes on proceedings (C.1079). C.1080-C.1082 Weber, B.H. 1995-1999 Correspondence revisiting researchers from the US National International Research Training Program. of Health Institutes Minority program Following the successofthe visit of C. McGiffert from the MIRT researchers came to Cambridge: A.R. Perez (1997), J.L. Padilla (1998) and a Mentor, C.A. Itatani (1998). C.982-C.984), further (see C.1080 A.R. Perez 1995-1997 C.1081 J.L. Padilla and C.A. Itatani (Mentor) 1997-1998 C.1082 J.L. Padilla (1998) and continuing program 1998-1999 C.1084 C.1085 Wienberg, J. 1999-2004 1999 Chiefly publication hamster, with F. Yang. re of joint work on Chinese A colleague of R. Stanyon, Wienberg was basedin the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, Maryland, USA. C.1085, C.1086 *X Y Z 1988-2002’ 1998-2001 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 184 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1085 Zaremba, J. 1998-2001 Chiefly correspondence re Congress of the Polish Neuroscience Society, Gdansk, 2-5 September 1999. Ferguson-Smith spoke on ‘Nature versus nurture in the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies’. Includes abstract of Ferguson-Smith’stalk. C.1086 1998-2001 C.1087 CORRESPONDENCE WITHV.A. McKUSICK 1964 draft of and male Includes hypogonadism, pseudohermaphroditism hypospadias (Reifenstein’s Syndrome)’ by McKusick et al, with Ferguson-Smith’s comments thereon. gynecomastia ‘Hereditary with C.1088-C.1100 CORRESPONDENCE WITH J.A.M. GRAVES AND OTHERS 1995-2005 a_ documents correspondence This long-running research collaborations on comparative genomics of platypus, echidna and various marsupials between Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory in Cambridge and the laboratory of Professor J.A.M. Graves at La Trobe University, Australia (then at the Australian National University, Canberra). C.1088 1995-1996 Includes draft grant application to Australian Research Council (ARC) for cross-species painting in mammals. C.1089 February-July 1997 Correspondencere drafting grant application to ARC and joint papers for publication. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 185 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1090 August-November 1997 Chiefly re grant application to ARC. C.1091 March-September 1998 Correspondence on progress of research on marsupial painting. C.1092 October 1998 Includes draft of ‘Chromosome evolution in kangaroos (Marsupialia macropodidae)...’ with R.J. Waugh O’ Neill et al. C.1093 1999 correspondence Includes to Cambridge, April; draft of formal agreement on ‘Cross- species painting’. Graves’s visit re C.1094 2000 Correspondence on progressof research. C.1095 2001 Includes Cambridge, May; progress of research. correspondence re Graves’s visit to C.1096 2002-2003 Chiefly re preparation of papers for publication, and joint grant application by A. Ferguson-Smith, Readerin Developmental Genetics at Cambridge, and Graves. C.1097 January-March 2004 Visit to Australia, March; preparation of paper on platypus karyotype for publication M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 186 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.1098 April-October 2004 C.1099 November-December 2004 Includes correspondencere collaboration on platypus sex chromosomes. C.1100 © 2005 Includes abstract of presentation, ‘In the platypus a meiotic chain with ten elements links mammal and bird chromosomes’, relating to joint paper ‘In the platypus a meiotic chain of ten sex chromosomes shares genes with the bird Z and mammal X chromosomes’, with F. Gritzner 913-917. Bibliography no. 464. (2004), al, et Nature 432 C.1101-C.1123 REFERENCES AND RECOMENDATIONS 1978-2001 Not indexed. C.1101-C.1109 Appointments and promotions C.1110-C.1117 Grant applications C.1118 C.1119 C.1120 Royal Society Awards Theses C.1121-C.1123 Other M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 187 Correspondence,C.1-C.1123 C.1101-C.1109 Appointments and promotions 1978-2001 C.1101 1978-1980 C.1102 1981-1982 C.1103 1983-1984 C.1104 1985-1986 C.1105 1995-1996 C.1106 1997 C.1107 1998 April-September C.1108 1998 October-December C.1109 2001 C.1110-C.1117 Grantapplications 1980-2001 C.1110 1980 C.1111 1987 C.1112 1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 188 Correspondence, C.1-C.1123 C.1113 1999 January C.1114 1999 June C.1115 2001 April C.1116 November2000; January, July 2001 C.1117 2001 April C.1118 Royal Society C.1119 Awards C.1120 Theses C.1121-C.1123 Other C.1121 C.1122 1993 1997 C.1123 1999 1996-2000 1987, 2000 1993, 1995 1993-1999 Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith FRS (b. 1931) VOLUME II Section D: Publications Section E: Lectures and meetings Section F: Societies and organisations Section G: Consultancies and collaborations Section H: Gender verification in sport Section J: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Section K: Non-textual material Index of correspondents by Timothy E. Powell and Simon Coleman NCUACS catalogue no. 161/4/08 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 189 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS,D.1-D.123 1957-2008 D.1-D.73 DRAFTS D.74-D.76 OFFPRINTS D.77-D.115 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS D.116-D.123 OTHER EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE D.1-D.73 DRAFTS 1957-2006 publications and This subsection presents material relating to Ferguson- Smith’s It represents a very incomplete record of Ferguson-Smith’s is extensive there documentation of some of his most notable works. It is presented in the form in which the publications appearin Ferguson-Smith’s bibliography, which is at A.37. publications. published although intended output D.1, D.2 syndrome: ‘Klinefelter’s testicular morphology in relation to nuclear sex’, with B. Lennox et al. Lancet (1957), 167-169. Bibliography no. 1. frequency and 1957 Manuscript and offprint, programme of Pathological Society of Great Britain at which the paper was read, manuscript notes. typescript copy of drafts, Found in envelope inscribed by Ferguson-Smith, ‘Early drafts of MAFs first paper with corrections by Bernard Lennox’. 2 folders. D.3 ‘Cytogenetics in man’. Arch. Intern. Med. 105 (1960): 627-639. Bibliography no. 15 1959 inscribed by Typescript draft, Lawson Wilkins, is an exceedingly interesting, excellent + well-written paper..., and later by Ferguson- Smith explaining the context. in envelope (retained) ‘This M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 190 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.4 Referee reports on early annotation by Ferguson-Smith. papers, some with later 1961-1964 in 1 of no. 39; ‘The association constrictions Cytogenetics human (1962): specific chromosomal regions Includes reports on ‘The sites and relative frequencies of secondary somatic 325-343, chromosomes’, satellited Bibliography chromosomes with in cultured human somatic chromosomes’, Ann. Hum. Genet. 27 (1963): 143-156, Bibliography no. 40; ‘The in human pachytene sites formation Cytogenetics chromosomes’, 3 124-134, Bibliography no. 45; and ‘Clinical and cytogenetical studies in female gonadal dysgenesis and their bearing on the cause of Turner's syndrome’, Cytogenetics. 3 (1964): 353-383, Bibliography no.47. nucleolus (1964): of D.5, D.6 ‘Karyotype-phenotype correlations in gonadal dysgenesis and their bearing on the pathogenesis of malformations’. J. Med. Genet. 2 (1965): 142-155. Bibliography no. 49 1964-1965, 1983, 1990- 1991 1964-1965; Correspondence, Cytogenetics; Citation commentary, 1983, 1990-1991. from offprint; correspondence re feature as Ferguson-Smith’s including referees’ Classic, reports 2 folders. This paper wasrejected for publication in Cytogenetics. It was accepted by the Journal of Medical Genetics and became a Citation Classic in 1991 as the most-cited paper ever publishedin that journal. D.7 D.8 ‘X-Y chromosomal interchange in the aetiology of true hermaphroditism and of XX Klinefelter’s syndrome’. Lancet (1966): 475-476. Bibliography no. 55. 1966 Typescript drafts, in envelope (retained) inscribed by Ferguson-Smith with details of publication (in only six weeksand two daysafter submission). ‘Chromosomal satellite 1156-1157. Bibliography no. 57 association’. Lancet (1967): 1967 Typescriptdraft. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 191 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.9-D.20 Essential Medical Genetics, with J.M. Connor. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Bibliography nos. 193, 222, 277, 308 and 377 1983-2002 D.9-D.12 First edition (1984). Bibliography no. 193 1983-1985 4 folders. D.12 is copies of reviews. D.13 D.14 D.15 Second edition (1987). Bibliography no. 222 1985-1988 Third edition (1991). Bibliography no. 277 1990-1991 Fourth edition (1993). Bibliography no. 308 1992-1993 D.16-D.18 Fifth edition (1997). Bibliography no. 377 1994-2002 3 folders. D.19, D.20 Foreign language editions 1985-1998 2 folders. Includes correspondence re Greek, Polish, Iranian and Japaneseeditions. Italian, French, German, D.21-D.25 ‘Chr[omosome] 9 papers’ 1992-1998 of Ferguson-Smith’s Contents inscribed: material re papers by Ferguson-Smith and colleagues on chromosome 9, with additional material found therewith. folder so_ D.21 self-healing squamous epithelioma ‘Multiple (ESSI) mapped to 9q22-q31 in families with common ancestry’ with D.R. Goudie et al, Nature Genetics 3 (1993): 165- 169. Bibliography no. 298 1992 draft; for by Typescript Ferguson-Smith and D.R. Goudie on ‘Mapping the Multiple Self Healing Squamous Epithelioma Locus’, 9 notice and lecture slides M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 D.22 D.23 D.24 192 1998 1992 Publications, D.1-D.123 September 1992; brief correspondencere related paper. ‘Genetic analysis of meiotic recombination in humans by use of sperm typing: reduced recombination within a heterozygous paracentric inversion of chromosome 9q32- q34.3’, with G.M. Brown et al, Am. J. Hum.Genet. 62 (1998): 1484-1492. Bibliography no. 392 ‘Gene order within 9q32-34 using interphase analysis by fluorescencein situ hydridisation’ with M.A. Leversha et al. Typescript draft; letter from editor with referees’ reports. Submitted to the American Journal of Human Genetics 1992 but not accepted for publication in that journal. ‘Ordering of four markers on the long arm of chromosome 9 by analysis of meitotic recombination in flow-sorted single sperm’, with R.A Furlongetal. 1992-1993 Typescript draft; photographs for figures; correspondence and referees’ reports. Submitted to the American Journal of Human Genetics 1992 but not published in that journal. D.25 Correspondence and papers on chromosome 9 found therewith. 1992-1993 report on First Includes International Workshop on Chromosome 9, Cambridge, 22-24 March 1992, and arrangements for second workshop; short report on research by D.R. Goudie, July 1993. D.26-D.30 ‘Gender verification’, Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine, edited by M. Harries, et al. Oxford University Press. Bibliography nos 326 and 395 in 1992-1998 See also section H. D.26 First edition (1994). Bibliography no. 326 1992, 1993 Correspondencewith editor; proof. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 193 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.27-D.30 Second edition (1998). Bibliography no. 395 1995-1998 Correspondence with Ljundqvist manuscript and typescript drafts; proof. editor and publishers and A. International Olympic Committee; the of 4 folders. ‘Gene order by FISH and FACS’, in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology: a Comprehensive Desk Reference, edited by R.A. Meyers, V.C.H. Publishers Inc., New York (1995). pp.354-359. Bibliography no. 358 1994-1995 Correspondence with publishers; proof. ‘Ann Chester Chandley D.Sc., F.I. Biol, F.R.S.E. - a tribute her retirement’, Chromosome Research 5.1 (1997). Notlisted in Bibliography. appreciation occasion and the on of 1996 D.31 D.32-D.34 drafts; Typescript Symposium on Cytogenetics Chandley, Edinburgh, 5 September 1996. correspondence and re in honour of Ann C. papers 3 folders. This tribute to Chandley was based on Ferguson-Smith’s talk at the Symposium. D.34A ‘Generation of a multicolor karyotype of the human chromosome complement using fluorescence in situ hydridization and spectral imaging’, with E. Schrécket al. 1996 Typescript draft. Possibly an early version 365, ‘Multicolor spectral karyotyping of human chromosomes’, Science 273 (1996), 494-497. of Bibliography no. D.35 ‘Chromosomepainting without competitor DNA’, with J. Weinberg et al. Trends in Genetics Technical Tips Online T40065 (1997). Bibliography no. 370 1996 Correspondence, including referee’s comments; drafts of ‘Chromosomepainting’. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Publications, D.1-D.123 ‘Chromosome muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi)’, with F. Yang et al. Chromosoma 106 (1997): 37-43. Bibliography no. 376 evolution Chinese the of 194 1996-1997 D.36 D.37 D.38 D.39 Correspondencewith editor. ‘Genetic analysis by chromosome sorting and painting: phylogenetic and diagnostic applications’. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 5 (1997): 253-265. Bibliography no. 384 1996-1997 Correspondence with editors. This was based on Ferguson-Smith’s Baschirotto Award Lecture, 1996. See also A.31. ‘Use of the Indian muntjak idiogram to align conserved chromosomal segments in sheep and human genomes et by chromosome painting’, al. Genomics 46 (1997): 143-147. Bibliography no. 386 Burkin with D.J. Brief correspondencewith editors. the Brush-Tailed ‘Karyotyping Trichosurus vulpecula and subsequent chromosome comparison with the Tammar Wallaby, Macropus eugenii’, with A.R. Perez et al. Notlisted in Bibliography. Possum, 1997 ca 1997 Photocopyof typescript draft with manuscript corrections; covering letter from A.R Perez. D.40-D.43 ‘Comparative mapping using chromosome sorting and painting’, with F. Yang and P.C.M. O’Brien. /LAR J. 39 (1998): 68-76. Bibliography no. 394 1997-1998 Correspondence with editors; manuscript and typescript revised drafts. 4 folders. D.44 ‘Cross species colour segmenting: a novel tool in human karyotype analysis’, with S. Miller et al. Cytometry 33 (1998): 445-452. Bibliography no. 398 1998 Typescriptdraft. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Publications, D.1-D.123 of the human gamma-X_ centromeric ‘Conservation satellite DNA among primates autosomal localisation in certain Old World monkeys’, with C. Lee et al. Chromosome Research 7 (1999): 43-47. Bibliography no. 400 with an 195 1998 D.45 D.46-D.49 D.46 D.47 D.48 D.49 D.50 Typescript and colour figures, with covering letter. ‘Reciprocal chromosome painting shows that genomic rearrangement between rat and mouse proceeds ten times faster than between human and cats’, with R. Stanyon et al. Cytogenet Cell Genetics 84 (1999): 150- 155. Bibliography no. 401 Includes drafts of related articles found therewith (D.46, D.47), and earlier version offinal article (D.48). 1998-1999 ‘Comparative mapping of mouse and rat chromosomes’ by Fluorescencein Situ Hybridization’, with F. Gritzner et al. Not listed in Bibliography. ca 1998 ‘Homology of rat and mouse chromosomesvisualised by reciprocal chromosomepainting’, with R. Stanyon etal. Notlisted in Bibliography. ca 1998 ‘Reciprocal chromosome painting between mouseand rat shows that rodents have a ten times faster rate of genomic rearrangements than human and cats’, with R. Stanyon et al. Correspondence; typescript draft. Draft of final article ‘Complete homology maps of the rabbit (Oryctolagus reciprocal chromosome cuniculus) Cytogenet. painting’, Cell Genetics 86 (1999): 317-322. Bibliography no. 407 Korstanje et human and by with R. al. Referees’ comments; typescript draft with colour figures. 1998 1999 1999 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 196 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.51-D.53 ‘A complete comparative chromosome map for the dog, red fox and humanand its integration with canine genetic maps’, with F. Yang et al. Genomics 62 (1999): 189-202. Bibliography no. 408 with colour figures; with editors, including proof, referees’ draft Typescript correspondence comments. 3 folders. D.54, D.55 ‘Chromosome identification and assignment of DNA clones in the dog using a red fox and dog comparative map, with F. Yang et al. Chromosome Research 8 (2000): 93-100. Bibliography no. 412 1999 with colour figures; with editors, including proof; referees’ draft Typescript correspondence comments. 2 folders. D.56-D.58 ‘Comparative chromosome map of the laboratory mouse and Chinese hamster defined by reciprocal chromosome painting’, with F. Yang and P.C.M. O’Brien. Chromosome Research 8 (2000): 219-227. Bibliography no. 413 1998-2000 D.59 D.60, D.61 Typescript drafts; including referees’ comments. proof; correspondence with editors, 3 folders. ‘Multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridisation and cross- species colour banding of a case of chronic myeloid leukemia in blastic crisis with a complex Philadelphia translocation’, with C.J. Harrison et al. Cancer Genetics & Cytogenetics 116 (2000): 105-110. Bibliography no. 414 Typescript and colour figures, with covering letter. ‘A comparative chromosome map of the Arctic fox, red fox and dog defined by chromosome painting and high resolution G-banding’, with A.S. Graphodatsky et al. Chromosome Research 8 (2000): 253-263. Bibliography no. 415 1999 2000 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 197 Publications, D.1-D.123 with colour figures; with editors, including proof, referees’ draft Typescript correspondence comments. 2 folders. D.62 ‘Comparative chromosomepainting’, with P.C.M. O’Brien et al in ChromosomesToday,vol.13, edited by E. Olmo & C.A. Redi, Birkauser Verlag, Switzerland (2000), pp.259- 265. Bibliography no. 417 1998-2000 Correspondence; typescript draft. This was based on a lecture to the 13th International Chromosome Conference, Ancona, Italy, 1998. ‘Reciprocal chromosomepainting illuminates the history of genome evolution of the domestic cat, dog and human’, with F. Yang et al. Chromosome Research 8 (2000): 393-404. Bibliography no. 418 Typescript draft; figures; proof; correspondence. 2 folders. of flow sorted canine chromosomes in_ the ‘Use hybrid, and assignment of canine linkage, syntenic refinement and verification of the comparative chromosome map for dog and human’, with D.R. Sargan et al. Genomics 69 (2000): 182-195. Bibliography no. 420 chromosomes: groups to radiation Typescript draft; figures; covering letter. ‘Comparative chromosome map between the Japanese raccoon dog, Arctic fox, red fox and domestic dog and its implications for the ancestral canid karyotype’, with A.S. Graphodatsky et al. Submitted to Mammalian Genome but notlisted in Bibliography. 2000 2000 2000 D.63, D.64 D.65 D.66-D.68 D.66 ‘Comparative chromosome map between the Japanese raccoon dog, Arctic fox, red fox and domestic dog and its implications for the ancestral canid karyotype’ Typescript draft; figures; correspondence with editors. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 198 D.67 D.68 Publications, D.1-D.123 ‘A comparative chromosome map between the Japanese raccoon dog and domestic dog, and its integration with the comparative map of Arctic fox, red fox and dog’ Typescript draft with manuscript corrections, March 2000. Earlier version. ‘Karyotype phylogeny of the Canidae: inferences from comparative genomic analysis by chromosomepainting’ Typescript draft annotated ‘Amended MAFS 15/7/00’. This was a resubmission of the article. D.69, D.70 ‘SRY and primary sex reversal syndromes’, with P.N. Goodfellow et al. Chapter 62 in The Metabolic and Molecular Basesof Inherited Disease, 8th Edition, edited by C.R. Scriver et al. McGraw-Hill, New York (2001), pp.1213-1221. Bibliography no. 426 1998 Correspondence Goodfellow; typescriptinitial draft of revised chapter. co-author with editors and P.N. D.71 D.72 D.73 2 folders. ‘BSE: public policy and the uncertainties of science’, in Risk, Democratic Citizenship and Public Policy, edited by A. Weale. Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press (2002), pp.85-90. Bibliography no. 440 2002 Typescriptdraft. ‘The economies of evolution’. Heredity 96 (2006): 109. Bibliography no. 476 2005-2006 Correspondence; manuscript and typescript drafts; copy of article as published. ‘A procedure for image enhancement in chromosome painting’, with W. Renset al. Notlisted in Bibliography. 2006 Typescript drafts, one annotated ‘4/3/06’, annotated ‘Superseded by 4/3/06’. the other M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 199 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.74-D.76 OFFPRINTS 1957-2008 This is a largely complete set of copies of Ferguson- Smith's papers, 1957-2008. The offprints are numbered according o the Bibliography at A.37. D.74 D.75 D.76 1957-1980 1 box. 1981-2002 1 box. 2003-2008 1 box. D.77-D.115 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 1979-2006 Ferguson-Smith was founder and Editor in Chief of this journal for 26 years to retirement at the end of 2006 (see A.7). It was published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. See also International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis, F.77-F.86. D.77-D.80 ‘Contracts’ 1979-2006 Contents contracts with Wiley and related correspondence. Ferguson-Smith’s of folder so_ inscribed: D.77 D.78 1979, 1984, 1988 1995, 1998 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 200 Publications, D.1-D.123 2002, 2006 Correspondencere payments of expensesetc. 1988-1999 D.79 D.80 D.81-D.91 ‘Editorial Board Meetings’ 1985-2006 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed: papers and correspondencere Board Meetings. The first meeting of the Board took place in 1985, five years after the launch of the journal. Ferguson-Smith’s report at D.81 gives an accountofits early years. D.81, D.82 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 10 October 1985 1985-1986 2 folders. Berlin, Germany, 22 September 1986 Prague, Czechoslovakia, 10 July 1990 Washington DC, USA, 7 October 1991 Milan, Italy, May 1992 Jerusalem, 25 May 1994 Includes correspondencearising re pricing of the journal. Goa, India, June 1996 Los Angeles, California, USA, June 1998 Budapest, Hungary, 25 June 2004 1986 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1998 2004 D.83 D.84 D.85 D.86 D.87 D.88 D.89 D.90 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 201 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.91 Kyoto, Japan, 28 May 2006 2006 D.92-D.97 General correspondence 1983-2006 Chiefly with Wiley, re issues such as frequency, cost, complimentary copies, speed of publication etc. D.92 D.93 D.94 D.95 1983-1984 1989-1991 1993 1994 D.96, D.97 2005-2006 2 folders. D.98 Accounts 1990-1995 The accounts cover October 1987 - January 1995. D.99-D.114 Contents of issues D.99-D.108 Lists of articles D.99 1980-1992 D.100 1983-1984 D.101 1985-1986 1980-2004 1980-2004 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 202 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.102 1987-1989 D.103 1990-1992 D.104 1993-1995 D.105 1996-1998 D.106 1999-2001 D.107 2002-2004 D.108 ‘Invited commentaries’ 1997-2004 D.109-D.114 Correspondencere annual review issues 1994-1999 Chiefly correspondence with Wiley and J. Franklin, who was commissioned to coordinate the special review issues for 1994, 1995 and 1996. D.109 1994 1994-1995 Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s editorial ‘Taking stock’ D.110 1995 1995-1996 Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s editorial ‘Questions of parental anxiety’. D.111 1996 1996 Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s editorial ‘DNA for diagnosis’. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 203 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.112, D.113 1997 1997 Includes draft of Ferguson-Smith’s editorial ‘Diagnosis for management and treatment’. 2 folders. D.114 1998, 2000 D.115 Refereeing D.116-D.123 OTHER EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE D.116, D.117 Academic Press Correspondence re possible topics and authors for an Encyclopedia of Genetics. 2 folders. D.118 American Journal of Human Genetics Refereeing. D.119 American Journal of Medical Genetics Refereeing. D.120 Journalof Infection Review of: Methods in Molecular Medicine: molecular pathology of the prions by H.F. Baker. 1998-1999 1999-2001 1971-2002, n.d. 1996, 1998 1999 1999 2001 D.121 Journal of Medical Genetics 1999-2002 Refereeing. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 204 Publications, D.1-D.123 D.122 Times Higher Educational Supplement N.d. Review of: Adam’s Curse: a future without men by B. Sykes. D.123 Other journals 1971-2001 Chiefly refereeing. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 205 SECTION E LECTURES AND MEETINGS, E.1-E.37 1959-2008 E.1-E.24 PUBLIC LECTURES E.25-E.28 UNIVERSITY TEACHING E.29-E.37 MEETINGS E.1-E.24 PUBLIC LECTURES 1959-2008 See also thelist of lectures and presentations at A.10. E.1-E.10 ‘Papers presented 1959-1961 Johns Hopkins Hospital’ 1959-1961 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so inscribed. E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 incidence ‘The Syndrome in Conference, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 18 March 1959 pathogenesis to nuclear sex’, and relation of Klinefelter’s at Endocrine 1959 Manuscript draft as delivered; slightly different manuscript draft. ‘Klinefelter’s Syndrome’, Baylor University and Veterans Administration Hospital, Houston, Texas, 14 May 1959 1959 Manuscriptdraft. ‘Further studies on Klinefelters Syndrome’, at 39th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Society of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, Baltimore, Maryland, 4-5 February 1960 1960 Programme; manuscriptdraft. ‘Human chromosomesand congenital disorders’, Society of the Sigma XI Johns Hopkins Chapter, 21 March 1960 1960 Notice; manuscript draft. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Lectures and meetings, E.1-E.37 206 1960 1961 1961 1961 ‘Chromosome aberrations as the basis of disease in Man’, at annual Johns Hopkins meeting on Topics in Clinical Medicine, 16-21 May 1960 Programmeonly. genital ‘Chromosome abnormalities as a cause of disease’, Brooklyn Academy of Pediatrics, 15 February 1961 Programmeonly (two copies). to chromosome ‘Satellite association and its aberrations in Man’, at Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Association Biennial Meeting, 24-25 February 1961 relation Programme for Meeting; typescript draft. Kennedy ‘Chromosomal Foundation Lectures series in Advances in the Study of Mental Retardation, March 1961 aberrations’, lecture in E:5 E.6 Ez E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E12, E13 Timetable manuscriptdraft. of Kennedy Foundation lectures 1961; ‘Nuclear sex and the Endocrinopathies’ Manuscript outline notes. List of lantern slidesfor illustrating lectures. Course in Medical Genetics, Oakes Center, Bar Harbor, Maine, 8-20 August 1961 1961 Certificate; list of course participants. ‘Human Symposium Psychiatry cytogenetics and Expanding sex Goals 1936-1961, New York on determination’, Genetics at in Psychiatric of State 1961-1962 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 207 Lectures and meetings, E.1-E.37 Institute, 27-28 October 1961 This paper was also offered for consideration for a R. Thornton Wilson Award. Ferguson-Smith received the Wilson Award in the basic sciences for 1961. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, including programme 1961 Typescript draft of paper as submitted to Wilson Award Committee; citation; copy as published. 1961-1962 ‘Chromosome aberrations in the aetiology of recurrent abortion and developmental malformations’, Glasgow Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society, 20 November 1968 Typescriptdraft. ‘Families, chromosomes, genes and cancer’, ‘based on part of a talk given to the West of Scotland Oncological Organisation on 12 December 1983’ Duplicated typescript. Welcoming speech at Royal Society Discussion meeting on Sex Determination in Mouse and Man, 9-10 March 1988 ‘Primary sex determination the human embryo’, Institute of Biology and Galton Institute Darwin Lecture, April 1989 in Typescript draft with manuscript corrections. ‘Modern genetics research and its consequences for society’, Lecture, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia, 2 September 1993 Derrick-Mackerras 10th Memorial Typescriptdraft. 1968 1983 1988 1989 1993 BA2 E.13 E.14 E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 E.19 E.20 E.21 E.22 E.23 E.24 Lectures and meetings, E.1-E.37 ‘Mapping the human genome’, at British Association for the Advancement of Science meeting: session on The Genome, Genetic Engineering and Gene Therapy’, 6 September 1994 Typescript draft. British ‘Gender verification: Association for the Advancement of Science meeting: session on Science and Sport, 15 September 1995 unforeseen injustice’ at 208 1994 1995 Brief manuscript notes. See also section H. 11th Course European School of Medical Genetics on Emerging Biochip Technologies, Sestri Levante, Genoa, Italy, 21-27 March 1998 1997-1998 Ferguson-Smith was to have lectured in this course but have to withdraw as he had been appointed to the Inquiry on the BSE crisis. Talk on Guido Pontecorvo’s early years, Pontecorvo. A Celebration Ponte’s Contributions to Science’, London, 24 June 2000 of at ‘Guido Life and manuscript Typescript transcript of Ferguson-Smith’s contribution, with the meeting; correspondence re Pontecorvo’s death and obituary for Nature. arrangements corrections; for BSE’, ‘Lessons from for the Advancementof Science meeting: session on Trust Me. I’m a Scientist. Expertise, Authority and Scientific Advice, 2 September 2001 British Association at 1999-2001 2001 Includes programme and flyer for session; typescript draft; manuscript notes; and copies of PowerPoint slides. Address at Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of John Hilton Edwards, Keble College Oxford, 19 April 2008 2008 Typescript draft Edwards for Down’s Syndrome News,April 2008. of address; typescript of tribute to M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 209 Lectures and meetings, E.1-E.37 E.25-E.28 UNIVERSITY TEACHING 1969-1997 E.25 E.26 Lecture schedules for 1969-1970 to 1974-1975 1969-1975 Manuscript genetics; teaching at UK universities. duplicated notes on Glasgow teaching typescript notes on in human genetics early 1970s E.27, E.28 Annual Reports of Professors and Readers on teaching etc, Cambridge 1987-88 to 1996-1997 1988-1997 Includes list of publications by members of Ferguson- Smith’s department. 2 folders. E.29-E.37 MEETINGS 1991-1998 1991-1992 E.29, E.30 E.29 E.30 E:31,-E.32 Gordon Cytogenetics, Ventura, California, USA, 2-6 March 1992 Conference Research Molecular on Ferguson-Smith reagents and spoke on the current status challengesin prenatal diagnosis. discussion the led on cytogenetic of and Arrangements programme including list of participants and 1991-1992 Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on proceedings etc. 1992 Research Gordon Cytogenetics, Hampshire, USA, 12-17 June 1994 Conference School, Holderness Ferguson-Smith cytogenetics in prenatal diagnosis. the led discussion on Plymouth, Molecular New 1993-1994 on molecular M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 210 Lectures and meetings, E.1-E.37 E.31 E.32 E.33, £.34 E.33 E.34 Arrangements programme including list of participants and 1993-1994 Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on proceedings 1994 on Gordon Cytogenetics, Barga, Italy, 21-26 April 1996 Conference Research Molecular 1996 Ferguson-Smith led the discussion on clinical molecular cytogenetics in session IX. Arrangements, programme including list of participants and Ferguson-Smith’s abstracts transparency of schedule for session presentations manuscript notes on during of proceedings; session IX, 1996 1998 E.35-E.37 Simpson Symposium 11th Development, Centre for Edinburgh, 26-29 August 1998 on Fetal Growth Reproductive and Biology, Ferguson-Smith received the Sir J.Y. Simpson Award at this occasion. Arrangements programme including list of participants and Handbook of abstracts Abstract, manuscript notes onlecture of |. Wilmut list of slides for Ferguson-Smith’s lecture; E.35 E.36 E.37 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 211 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, F.1-F.95 1978-2007 F.1-F.4 EUROPEAN ACADEMIES SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL ZOONOSES WORKING GROUP F.5-F.7 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN GENETICS F.8-F.76 HUMAN GENOME ORGANISATION (HUGO) F.77-F.86 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS F.87-F.94 NETHERLANDS GENOMICS INITIATIVE F.95 UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG F.1-F.4 EUROPEAN ACADEMIES SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL ZOONOSES WORKING GROUP 2007 Royal Society a Ferguson-Smith served on the Zoonoses Working Group as This Group was established to advise on current research opportunities on zoonoses and areas where further research was required. nominee. F.14 F.2 F.3 F.4 Invitation and arrangementsforfirst meeting Papersoffirst meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, 30 March Papers of second meeting, Frankfurt, 2 July Includesfirst draft of the Working Group report. Revised draft of Working Group Report, August M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 212 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.5-F.7 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN GENETICS 1997-1999 F.5 F.6 Fit Ferguson-Smith was President of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) for 1997-1998. Correspondence re location of the 2001 International Congress of Human Genetics, January-May 1997 The ESHG offered to host the 2001 Congress. General correspondence and papers, May-November 1997 General correspondence 1998-1999 Includes possible venues for 2002 and 2003 ESHG Annual Meetings. F.8-F.76 HUMAN GENOME ORGANISATION (HUGO) 1989-2007 The idea of an international organisation of human geneticists to encourage international collaboration in human genetics was mootedin April 1988 during the first meeting on genome mapping and sequencing at Cold Spring Harbor, USA, attended by a number of the world’s leading human geneticists. HUGO was formally established in Geneva, Switzerland in September 1988 with V.A. McKusick as first President. _Ferguson-Smith was an Executive Council member. for HUGO becamethe central body coordinating worldwide genome efforts, its activities including support of data collation constructing genome maps, organizing workshops - Human Gene Mapping Workshops (HGMs), Chromosome Coordinating Meetings (CCMs) and Single Chromosome Workshops (SCWs), fostering exchange of data and biomaterials and technology-sharing. It also served as the coordinating agency between international and government funding agencies and the genome researchers. to the European Most of the material here relates Commission (EC) support for SCWs. In 1990 the EC had begun to sponsor individual workshops. In 1991 a M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 213 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 Working Group (membership including Ferguson-Smith) of the Advisory Committee for Human Genome Analysis programme recommended that the EC should join with US and UK bodies to fund SCWs and that HUGO should draw up the guidelines for the workshops(see F.10). The EC agreed and made funds available to support The first contract SCWsthrough a series of contracts. March (GENO-91-0048) ran and supported 17 SCWs. This contract was followed by another (GENE-CT930002) July 1993-April 1997 with a supplementary grant (ERBCIPD-CT94-0406 or PECO), June 1995-August 1996, to support Russian participation in SCWs. The third contract (BMH4-CT-97-2031) ran September 1997-October 1999. 1992-June 1993 There is also some material relating generally to HUGO and to the European office of HUGO, HUGO (London). F.8, F.9 F.10-F.12 F.13-F.25 F.26-F.31 F.32-F.45 F.46-F.53 F.54-F.64 F.65-F.71 F.72-F.76 General GENO-91-0048 GENE-CT930002 ERBCIPD-CT94-0406/PECO BMH4-CT-97-2031 General material re support for SCWs Other HUGO meetings HUGO (London) Publications F.8, F.9 General F.8 F.9 Minutes of first meeting of HUGO Council, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 3 December 1989 Incorporation documents of HUGO, November 1989 1989 1989 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 214 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.10-F.12 GENO-91-0048, March 1992-June 1993 1991-1993 F.10 Correspondence and papers Report of Includes Single Chromosome Workshops of the EC Advisory Committee on Human GenomeAnalysis, September 1991 the Working Group on F.11 Correspondence and papers Includes drafts of ‘Guidelines for the organisation of Single Chromosome Workshops’, ‘Single Chromosome Workshops’ and ‘Single Chromosome Workshops, 1992’ F.12 Report on project 1991 1992 1993 F.13-F.25 GENE-CT930002, July 1993 - April 1997 1993-1998 F.13 F.14 F.15 F.16 F.17 F.18 application to Grant for Management and Coordination of Single Chromosome Workshops Commission, European ‘Single Chromosome Workshop Guidelines. version, August 1993’ Revised Annual Activity Report, 1993-1994 Progress report August 1994 Annual Activity Report, 1994-1995 Annual Activity Report, 1995-1996 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 F.19 F.20 F.21 F.22 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 Annual Activity Report, 1996-1997 Outline of ‘SCW Contract, Cambridge’ Final Report and annexes Accounts of GENE-CT930002 and ERBCIPD-CT94-0406 215 1997 1994 1997 1998 F.23-F.25 Reports on SCWsheld 1995-1996 1995-1996 3 folders. F.26-F.31 ERBCIPD-CT94-0406/PECO, June 1995-August 1996 1994-1998, n.d. F.26 F.27 Correspondence application and papers re drafting of grant 1994 application to Grant for Management and Coordination of Single Chromosome Workshops Commission, European 1995 This application was for funds ‘to make available to the global genomeeffort the results of the Russian genome programme’ through Russian participation in SCWs. F.28-F.30 Correspondence and papers re expenditure of grant and accounts 1995-1998, n.d. 3 folders. F.31 Final report 1996 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 216 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.32-F.45 BMH4-CT-97-2031, September 1997-October 1999 1995-1999 F.32-F.35 ‘Contract negotiation correspondence’ 1995-1998 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. F.36 application to for Grant organisation and co-ordination of a programme of workshops to meet the evolving needs of European genome research Commission, European F.37-F.39 ‘Project Panel. Setting up’ Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.40 F.41 F.42 F.43 F.44 F.45 Reports to HUGO Council, March and November Annual Activity Report, 1998-1999 Annual Activity Report, 1997-1998 Grant extension, September-October 1999 Draft of final report, with comments thereon Final report and accounts 1996 1997 1998 1999 1998 1999 1999 1999 F.46-F.53 General material re support for SCWs F.46-F.48 ‘Sue Povey’ 1995-1998 1995 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 217 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes correspondence from S. Povey re future of SCWs. F.49 F.50 F.51 Correspondence and papers re EC support for SCWs 1995, 1996 ‘Correspondence re SCWs89-91’ Correspondencesolabelled. ‘Management and co-ordination of Single Chromosome Workshops (HUGO-SCWs)’, by Ferguson-Smith, in ed. M. Hallen, Human Genome Analysis (lOS Press 1998), 339-347 Corrected ?proof ; copy as published. 1998 1998 F.52, F.53 Costs of SCWs 1992-1995 1992-1995 2 folders. F.54-F.64 Other HUGO meetings 1990-2000 also See Workshop, Toulouse, 3-4 May 1999. Comparative C.910 Genome Mapping F.54 F.55 Report of the X chromosome workshop, December 1989 Meeting Heidelberg, Germany, 23 March 1996 to discuss Human Genome Workshops, 1990 1996 Papers for meeting. F.56-F.58 Correspondence and papers re suggested topics for workshops 1997-1998 3 folders. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 218 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.59 Miscellaneous correspondence 1996-1999 F.60-F.62 ‘Reports’ 1998-1999 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: reports of other HUGO meetings. F.63, F.64 ‘Final meeting of EU Genome workshops organised by HUGO (London) outstation + Dinner to thank Bronwen Loder 18 July 2000’ 1997, 2000 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s envelope so_ divided into two for ease of reference. inscribed P.B. Loder was Secretary of HUGO (seconded from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund) 1990-1992. She served as Workshop Coordinator 1992-1997 and then as Senior Research Associate. F.65-F.71 HUGO (London) 1998-2007 HUGO (London) was established European regional office. ‘HUGO Europe’. 1990 as the It also had the operating title in F.65 F.66 F.67 F.68 F.69 Miscellaneous correspondence 1999-2002 Report and financial statements to 31 December 1997 Report and financial statements to 31 December 2000 Draft report and financial statements to 31 December 2001 Report and financial statements to 31 December 2002 1998 2001 2002 2003 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 219 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 Report and financial statements to 31 December 2004 2005 2001-2007 1995-1999 F.70 F.71 Banking F.72-F.76 Publications F.72 F.73 F.74 F.75 F.76 Human Genome Analysis Programme,ed. M. Hallen and A. Klepsch, IOS Press 1995 Inscribed at front with manuscript note by Ferguson- Smith on his involvement with the programme. European Union Biomedical and Health Research. The Biomed | Programme, ed. A.-E. Baert et al, IOS Press 1995 Account of SCW programme at p 6771. Human Genome Analysis supported under Biomed|, ed. M. Hallen, IOS Press 1998 Account of SCW programmeat pp 34, 339-348. Biomedical and health research programme 199498. Summaries of research projects supported under Biomed 2, volume |. European Commission Directorate-General Research, 1999 Biomedical and health research programme 199498. Summaries of research projects supported under Biomed 2, volume II. European Commission Directorate-General Research, 1999 Account of SCW programmeat pp 354-355. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 220 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.77-F.86 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS 1994-2006 1996. hampered The International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis was founded in It sprang from the International Congresses on Early Prenatal Diagnosis which had begun in the UK in 1984. The following two Congresses were also held in the UK but the 4th took place in Athens in 1988. The early Congresses were not formally codified gatherings but it became evident that lack of a formal organisation the Jerusalem Congress (1994), it was decided to establish an International Society. The initial officers were selected by the the Goa Congress (1996) and the first President was Joe Leigh Simpson (USA). Ferguson-Smith was a member of the Board and served as President 1998-2002. The Society developed a special relationship with the journal, Prenatal Diagnosis, which became the official journal of the Society. Scientific Advisory Committee of organisers. local At F.77-F.83 F.77 F.78 F.79 F.80 F.81 F.82 Correspondence and papers re establishment of the Society and Prenatal Diagnosis relationship journal with the 1994-1997 Includes drafts of statutes and by-laws of the Society, and contracts with John Wiley (publishers) April-October 1994 October-December 1994 February 1995 April 1995 May 1995 June-December 1995 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 221 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 1996-1997 General correspondence and papers 2005-2006 Papers of Meeting of Board of Directors, Kyoto, Japan, 28-29 May 2006 Bound volume. Annotated by Ferguson-Smith. Papers of General Business Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 31 May 2006 2006 2006 2005 F.83 F.84 F.85 F.86 F.87-F.94 NETHERLANDS GENOMICSINITIATIVE Ferguson-Smith was a memberof the Mid-Term Review Panel of this programme. The Panel, chaired by A. Dearing, visited the Netherlands 7-10 June to inspect work at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research on 23 June. centres and reported to the various F.87 F.88 F.89 F.90 Correspondence and papersre arrangements for Review Including terms of reference. Agenda and itinerary Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on visit. Correspondencere preparation of report Includes draft report. F:91 Report of the Panel M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 222 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.95 F.92-F.94 Background information on the work of the Netherlands GenomicsInitiative Printed out World Wide Web pagesand printed material. 3 folders. F.95 UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 1978 Report on visit to the University. Ferguson-Smith visited the University of Hong Kong ‘to advise...on the accommodation, equipment and staffing which would be required to set up a cytogenetics service and genetic counselling clinic within the framework of the medical and health services in Hong Kong’. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 223 SECTION G CONSULTANCIES AND COLLABORATIONS, G.1-G.29 1992-2002 G.1 AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL G.2-G.12 APPLIED IMAGING INTERNATIONALLIMITED G.13-G.16 APPLIED SPECTRAL IMAGING G.17, G.18 CAMBRIDGE PROJECT ENGINEERS LTD G.19-G.21 DIGITAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS G.22-G.29 LEICA MICROSYSTEMS IMAGING SOLUTIONS LTD G.1 AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL 1996-1997 Consultancy agreementand related correspondence. was Ferguson-Smith Amersham International in the area of manufacture, development and use of human and mouse chromosome paints and probes. consultant to a G.2-G.12 APPLIED IMAGING INTERNATIONALLIMITED 1994, 1997- 2001 to detect and to and cancer assays markets, analyse pathology The consultancy was initiated by Applied Imaging, a company producing testing systems for the genetic testing cover collaboration in the development and commercialisation of chromosomal aberrations in various species using labelled DNA from related species as probes. This arose out of Ferguson- Smith’s and J. Wienberg’s invention of ‘An assay for chromosome aberrations in a vertebrate using cross specific chromosome specific another It involved Cambridge University Technical species’. Services (CUTS). Further collaboration was planned for research into the application of chromosome-specific paint probes for the diagnosis of genetic disease and for probe from M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 224 Consultancies and collaborations, G.1-G.29 the comparative genome mapping of unmapped species using and developing ‘the technique of colour banding patented by Cambridge University and commercialised by Applied Imaging under the name RX FISH’. An application was made for support of this work to the Government (Department of Health) MedLINK scheme (see G.5) but in response to further demands from the Department of Health, September 1999 the company withdrew from the proposed scheme. In August 1998 Ferguson-Smith joined the company’s Scientific Advisory Board and this continued after the collapse of the MedLINK scheme. includes draft and final agreements, The material research Applied Imaging (chiefly L.G. Grant), university and MedLINK personnel. correspondence proposals, with G.2 1994, July-October 1997 initial Includes Applied Imaging, and agreement between Ferguson-Smith and Wienberg and Cambridge University Technical Services. consultancy agreement with G.3 G.4 G.5 G.6 October 1997 January 1998 Includes colour-banding protocol and progress report on workon cross-species colour banding. March 1998 Includes report on work on cross-species colour banding. March-November 1998 Correspondence and papers re preparing MedLINK proposal. MEDLINK was a Governmentinitiative to accelerate commercial exploitation of Government-funded research. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 225 Consultancies and collaborations, G.1-G.29 G.7 April-August 1998 Includes correspondence re collaboration with Kunming Institute of Zoology, China. G8 G.9 October 1998 Includes consultancy agreementfor support of research. November-December 1998 Includes draft of MedLINK proposal ‘Chromosome colour banding analysis system’. G.10 January-April 1999 Correspondencere progress of MedLINK proposal. May-December 1999 In September 1999 Applied Imaging withdrew from the MedLINK scheme. G.12 2000-2001 G.13-G.16 APPLIED SPECTRAL IMAGING 1996-1998 Applied Spectral Imaging (ASI) was an Israeli company manufacturing bio-imaging equipment. Following visit from B. Buckwald, President of ASI, to Cambridge in February 1996 a collaboration on ‘optimization of Applied Spectral Imaging’s kits’ was proposed, with an ASI researcher |. Bar-Am spending a period in Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory (see C.884). The collaboration also brought in Amersham International as UK manufacturers of the kits and kit components. In November 1997 Ferguson-Smith entered into an agreement with ASI on chromosome paint protocols. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 226 Consultancies and collaborations, G.1-G.29 G.13 January-March 1996 Includes draft consultancy agreement. G.14 June-November 1996 Includes costings for multi-colour paint kits. G.15 1997 Includes papers re chromosome colour paint protocols. G.16 1998 Includes colour paint protocols. G.17, G.18 CAMBRIDGE PROJECT ENGINEERS LTD 1992 for and manufacture papers Engineers re of Ferguson-Smith’s by Correspondence picking Cambridge Project machine’ This instrument automated the selection of colonies from a petri or other plate. At G.18 is material found therewith - proposal by P. Jones for an ordered clone library for chromosome9, 1992. laboratory. ‘colony a G.19-G.21 DIGITAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 1994-1997 capture, Digital Scientific Instruments (later Digital Scientific Ltd) was a Cambridge computer software company that produced SmartCapture, a system of software tools for the digital microscope provided equipment and software for Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory and aspart of a collaborative agreement funded a postin foetal cell research (K.M. Andrews). presentation Scientific analysis images. Digital and of M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 227 Consultancies and collaborations, G.1-G.29 G.19 1994 Includes agreement with Digital Scientific Instruments to establish research post. G.20 G.21 1995 1996-1997 of fetal Includes ‘The enrichment and identification nucleated red cells for prenatal diagnosis’, research report for Digital Scientific by K.M. Andrews, 1996. G.22-G.29 LEICA MICROSYSTEMSIMAGING SOLUTIONS LTD 1997-2002 approached such CAMBIO rights referred regarding probes. They were The marketing of M-FISH probes created in Ferguson- Smith’s laboratory was undertaken by CAMBIO. In 1997 Leica to manufacture to Ferguson-Smith. In 1998 an agreement was reached with Leica to produce human M-FISH probe sets for use with their fluorescence microscope systems. The sets would be marketed by CAMBIO. A researcher(W. Rens) was funded in Ferguson-Smith’s laboratory. In June 2000 Leica attempted to end the collaboration arguing that ‘third party intellectual property’ prevented effective commercial exploitation of the work. After discussion, Leica agreed to continue the research to the end of September 2001. In 2002 it was proposed to continue the research collaboration through Rens. G.22 1997-April 1998 Correspondence re agreements with CAMBIO, Vysis and Leica. G.23 May-June 1998 Includes draft of research collaboration agreement with Leica. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 228 Consultancies and collaborations, G.1-G.29 G.24 G.25 G.26 G.27 July-September 1998 October 1998 Includes copy of contract with Leica. November 1998-1999 2000 Chiefly correspondencere future of the collaboration. G.28 2001 Includes collaboration with Leica, October 2001. Report’ on Rens’s ‘Final the research G.29 2002 Draft collaboration agreement for work developing image analysis software. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 229 SECTION H GENDER VERIFICATION IN SPORT,H.1-H.50 1969-2001 In 1960 the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF), followed by the International Olympic Committee (l1OC), called for rules of eligibility for women to ensure athletics were competing on an equal basis in terms of physical status. In 1966 a physical test was introduced for the European and Commonwealth games, repeated at the 1967 Pan-American games. This led to widespread resentment and the IOC proposed the sex chromatin test as a more acceptable method. Sex chromatin testing using buccal smears was introduced in 1968 for the Mexico Olympic Gamesthat year. Ferguson-Smith was approached by the British Olympic Committee in 1969 to administer 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games. He declined, arguing that the sex chromatin (buccal smear) test would be more likely to unfairly exclude athletes than detect cheats. His view wasthat all sex-testing in international sport should be abolished as demeaning to women, unreliable and in a few casespositively psychologically harmful. competitors tests the for for the The buccal smear test was challenged again in the 1980s and in 1988 the IOC Medical Commission set up a Working Group on Gender Verification. It held a meeting in 1988 but its second meeting, scheduled for 1989, was cancelled. In November 1990 a workshop called by the International Athletics Foundation on Approved Methods of Femininity Verification was held at Monte Carlo. Its recommendations included a call to end genetics-based gender verification and replace it with a health test for all athletes. The International Amateur Athletic Federation adopted its recommendations in January 1991 and the IAAF set up a Working Group on Gender Verification comprising some of the earlier workshop. participants the in A. Ferguson-Smith served on this Working Group, which became knownto its members as ‘the fax club’ after the usual method of communication between members. Members included Ljungqvist (Chairman of the Medical Committee of the IAAF), Elizabeth Ferris (a sports physician), A.S. Carlson (a former athlete) and Professor J.L. Simpson. It published articles and lobbied the IOC and professional associations and medical societies. It met with gradual success until in 1999 the IOC abandoned genetics based testing for the Sydney Olympics. H.14 Correspondence re buccal smear examination at the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games, 1969 Ferguson-Smith was invited to undertake the buccal M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 230 Gender verification in sport, H.1-H.50 smear examinations of competitors for the Games but declined giving his scientific and sporting reasons for his unhappinesswith the tests. H.2 ‘The sextest in international sport’ by Ferguson-Smith ca 1976 8pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1976. Possibly written for a Glasgow Sports Promotion Council Conference on the Reliability of Sex Testing and the Problems of Doping in Sport, 1979. H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 Correspondence with E. Ferris on proposed joint article on chromosomal abnormalities and the sex test of femininity. 1980-1981 Ferris wasalsocritical of the buccal smear test. Copies of correspondence between A. de la Chapelle, M. Bobrowre challenge to the buccal smear test 1987-1988 Correspondence, including copies of letters sent to Ferguson-Smith and comments by him thereon. Correspondence Includes draft of documenton testing for the International Ski Federation Medical Committee. 1989 1990 H.7-H.10 ‘Genderverification in sport - the need for change?’ with E.A. Ferris, Br. J. Sports Medicine, 25 (1991), 17-20. Bibliography no. 268 1990-1991 Correspondence and papers, including resubmission and article as published. original draft, 4 folders. The original version was rejected but a shorter revision wasinvited. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 231 Genderverification in sport, H.1-H.50 H.11-H.13 International Athletic Foundation Workshop on Approved Methods of Femininity Verification, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 10-11 November 1990 1990-1991 Ferguson-Smith presented his and Ferris’s paper Gender verification in sport - the need for change?’. The Workshop recommended that femininity verification testing be abandoned and replaced by a general health check of all athletes, supplemented by random health tests. The recommendations were adopted by the IAAF Council in January 1991 and then put to the IOC Medical Committee. This committee adopted some but notall the recommendations, and their proposals were then put to the IOC Executive. The IOC then established a Working Group to consider the issue and report back for the 1992 Olympic Games. However, the IOC instead of following the IAAF adopted a new method of Y-chromosome determination by the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. This was felt by some to be a worsesolution than continuing to use the buccal smear test. established Arising from the meeting and the IOC response, the IAAF itself Gender Verification, comprising some of those who had attended the workshop. Working Group on a H.11 H.12 H.13 H.14 Arrangements, including programmeand abstracts 1990 Proposals and Recommendations 1990-1991 1991 1991 Correspondencearising verification ‘Medical examination for health of all athletes replacing the gender International (IAAF) proposal’, by A. Ljungqvist and J.L. Simpson, submitted to the Lancet. May-June international Federation Amateur Athletic sports: in With comments on the draft by Ferguson-Smith, originally under the title, ‘Physical examination for determining female eligibility in international sports: the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) proposal’. The article was not accepted submitted Association. Journal of to by the Lancet and Medical American the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 232 Gender verification in sport, H.1-H.50 H.15 Correspondence, June-July 1991 Includes ongoing discussion on how the International Athletic Foundation recommendations adopted by the IAAF might be implemented and principles of testing; submission of ‘Medical examination for health of all athletes’ to of the American Medical Association. Journal the The correspondence accepts Ferguson-Smith’s ‘three principles’ as set outin his letter of 15 July. H.16 Correspondence, September-November Includes response to IOC approval of PCR method of gender-testing. H.17 H.18 H.19 H.20 H.21-H.23 International Athletic Foundation Seminar on Gender Verification, London, 16 May 1992 H.21 Arrangements, including programme verification ‘Medical examination for health of all athletes replacing the gender International (IAAF) proposal’, by A. Ljungqvist and J.L. Simpson, submitted to the Journal of the American Medical Association, November international Federation Amateur Athletic in sports: Letter to Nature on ‘Olympic Row over Sex Testing’, November 1991 This Letter, drafted by Ferguson-Smith, followed a report in Nature of disquiet over the PCR method. Includes comments and expressions of support from members of the IAAF Working Group. Correspondence, December Correspondence, January-April 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 233 Gender verification in sport, H.1-H.50 Abstracts Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes Correspondence on progress of PCR testing at Albertville Winter Olympic Games, May 1992 Includes letters from those involved in testing, including B. Dingeon and P. Schamasch. ‘Gender verification in competitive sports’, review article for Sports Medicine, September 1992 First draft by J.L. Simpson and comments. Reply to criticisms by B. Dingeon in Journal of the American Medical Association, September 1992 The response wasprepared by J.L. Simpson. Correspondence, Medical Association resolution on gender verification, October- December American chiefly re 1992 H.22 H.23 H.24 H.25 H.26 H.27 H.28-H.30 Ferguson-Smith’s correspondence re test results from 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, October 1992-1993 1992-1993 The work of the IAAF Working Group had been hampered bylack of information on the implementation of the PCR method oftesting. This correspondence relates to Ferguson-Smith’s successful attempts to gain this information. 3 folders. H.31 Correspondence, verification at World University Games, February-March chiefly adoption re of gender 1993 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 H.32 H.33 H.34 Genderverification in sport, H.1-H.50 Correspondence,chiefly model resolutions on testing, for adoption by professional bodies, April-June Correspondence, July-December 234 1993 1993 Correspondence, Sixteen’ on genderverification, March-April petition by the re the ‘Heinonen 1994 In February 1994 sixteen of the world’s top female Olympic athletes called for gender verification to be reinstated by the IAAF, and proposed new methods for so doing. Somefelt the calls arose from suspicion attached to sudden improvements in performances of Chinese competitors. H.35 Correspondence, May-September 1994 Includes further correspondence re ‘Refined proposal from the Heinonen Sixteen’. H.36 ‘Gender verification’ by M. Verroken, Head of Doping Control, (UK) Sports Council, June 1994 Sent to Ferguson-Smith for information. H.37 Correspondence and papers 1995 Includes ‘Sex/Gender verification in international sports: the need to re-examine policy - and our notions of femininity, by AS. Carlson. equality and fair physical play’, H.38 Correspondence Includes statement verification by Women’s Sports Foundation. correspondence re on gender H.39 of his Correspondence re Ferguson-Smith’s revision chapter on gender verification in the Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine, January-February 1996 1997 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 235 Gender verification in sport, H.1-H.50 Includes copy of the chapter in the first edition. in edited by M. Oxford Textbook of Sports ‘Gender verification’, Medicine, Harries, Williams, W.D. Stanish, L.J. Mitchell. Oxford University Press (1994) pp 329-337, Bibliography no. 326; subsequently ‘Gender verification and the place of XY females in sport’, in Oxford Textbook of Sports Medicine, 2nd edition (1998), pp.355-365, Bibliography no. 395. See also D.26-D.30. C. H.40 ‘Gender verification in sport’ by A. Ljungqvist, March 1997 Draft for Olympic Encyclopaedia, sent to Ferguson-Smith for comment. H.41 Correspondence and papers, April-December Includes progress at IOClevel. Correspondence Correspondence and papers The correspondence includes the news that genetic- based screening for female gender was to be abandoned by the IOC and reaction thereto. The members of the ‘fax club’ wished to write an historical review of their campaign and the material includes Ferguson-Smith’s manuscript notes on the history of gender determination at sporting events. Letter to the editor of the Lancet, by J.L. Drafts of: Simpson et of female athletes’ by L.J. Elsas et al, for Genetics in Medicine. February al, and ‘Gender verification Comments from members of the ‘fax club’ on the two drafts, March Revised drafts of: Letter to the editor of the Lancet (under the title ‘Gender verification in the Olympics’), and H.42 H.43 H.44 H.45 H.46 1997 1998 1999 2000 2000 2000 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 236 Gender verification in sport, H.1-H.50 ‘Genderverification of female athletes’. March, April in The letter to the Lancet was not accepted but it was the Journal of the American Medical published Association 284 (2000), 1568-1569. Bibliography no. 421. of female athletes’ was published in Genetics in Medicine 2 (2000), 249-254, Bibliography 419. ‘Gender verification H.47 Correspondence, April-November 2000 Includes replies to article in Journal of the American Medical Association and the suggested responsethereto. H.48 H.49 H.50 Report on American Medical Association genderverification, December policy on 2001 This was updated to recommendations. bring it into line with IAAF Material for illustrative slides late 1990s Photocopied, faxed background material, chiefly press- cuttings and short articles 1960s-1990s M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 237 SECTION J BOVINE SPONGIFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY(BSE), J.1-J.15 1999-2007 The BSE Inquiry was announced in December 1997 and set up in January 1998, ‘to establish and review the history of the emergence and identification of BSE and new variant CJD (vCJD) in the United Kingdom, and of the action taken in responseto it up to 20 March 1996; to reach conclusions on the adequacy of that response, taking into account the state of knowledge at the time; and to report on these matters to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Health and the Secretaries of State for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland’. The Members of the Committee of the Inquiry were Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers (Chair), Mrs June Bridgeman and Ferguson- It reported in 2000 (the Phillips Report) and Smith. included some criticisms scientific and the Governmentresponsetothe crisis. of the Much of the material presented here postdates the Inquiry and was assembled by Ferguson-Smith for his continuing interest in BSE, its relation to vCJD and his theory aboutits possible origin from a bovine prion gene mutation. J.14 J.2 J.3 J.4-J.7 J.4 ‘Materials Bundle’ for Epidemiology session of BSE Inquiry, 5 October 1999 1999 Material from R.S. Morris, Gilruth Professor of Animal Health, Massey University, New Zealand, on origins and evolution of BSE 1999-2000 ‘Recent PQs [Parliamentary incidences of vCJD’, August Questions] relating to 2000 Responsesto the Phillips Report ‘Responseto the scientists’ 2000-2001 2000 2pp manuscript draft by Ferguson-Smith critical scientific responseto the crisis. of J.5 Reports on the Phillips Report from the Lancet and 2000 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, J.1-J.15 Nature, November J.6 J.7 J.8 J.9 summary Public Encephalopathy Advisory Committee Phillips Report, 28 November of meeting of Spongiform to responding Food Standards Agency review of BSE controls, 6 November Establishment of Royal Society/Academy of Medical Science Working Group to consider the science of Transmissible (TSEs), December Encephalopathies Spongiform ‘Response to the Report of the BSE Inquiry by HM Government’, September 238 2000 2000 2000 2001 J.10-J.13 ‘Some papers relating Inquiry’ to the aftermath of the BSE 2001-2006 J.10 J.14 J.12 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s folder so inscribed. Folder was also inscribed ‘Discovery of genetic mutation in a BSE affected cow in the USA’ and ‘Letters to Mrs Margaret Beckett Re National Scrapie Plan etc’. Correspondence and papers re BSE and Scrapie 2001-2002 Correspondence on cases of BSE in cattle born after the ruminant feed ban in the UK and in cattle overseas 2002-2006 Includes draft of letter to The Times by Ferguson-Smith, 13 November 2006, noting a US case of BSE in cattle, in which a mutation of the prion gene was reported. Miscellaneous material, chiefly on the likely origins of BSE in gene mutation 2003-2004 Includes manuscript notes by Ferguson-Smith; letters to the Veterinary Record, December 2003 and January 2004 referring to Ferguson-Smith’s questioning of the M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 239 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, J.1-J.15 of views Committee on the origins of BSE Spongiform the Encephalopathy Advisory J.13 Offprints on CJD and BSE J.14, J.15 J.14 J.15 Review Encephalopathies Research Programme 2003-2006 Transmissible the of Spongiform Correspondence and papers for TSE review meeting, Teddington Lock, 29 January-1 February 2007 TSE Review 2007 Final Report 2001, 2002, 2006 2007 2007 2007 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 240 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL,K.1-K.11 1960s K.1-K.6 FILMS K.7-K.10 GLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES K.11 FIGURES K.1-K.6 FILMS 1960, 71969 a series These 16mm colour teaching films were made in the USA and sent to Ferguson-Smith in Glasgow. Those at K.1- K.3, of three on medical genetics, were pioneering films madeat the Division of Medical Genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine under a grant from the National Foundation - March of Dimes. Ferguson-Smith participated in their creation. They are described in a note at C.75. K.1 ‘Medical aberrations’ Genetics Part |. History, chromosomes, 1960 Traces the development of the science of genetics; discusses and inheritance; describes some chromosomal abnormalities in man. physical the basis of 34 minutes. Inside box is printed ‘Narrative’ by McKusick, W.J. Young and Ferguson-Smith. K.2 ‘Medical Genetics Part Il. Biochemical genetics in man’ 1960 Explains through the use of clinical examples such as sickle cell anaemia, phenylkentonuria, and other amino- acidurias how genetic variation reflected through specific changesin protein structure and thereby in the physical properties and function of proteins. is Inside box is printed ‘Narrative’ by McKusick, W.J. Young and S.H. Boyer. 30 minutes. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 241 Non-textual material, K.1-K.10 K.3 K.4 K.5 K.6 ‘Medical Genetics Part Ill. Genes in families and in populations’ 1960 Covers the behaviour of genes in families and in populations. Discusses pedigree patterns and the major types of inheritance. Inside box is printed ‘Narrative’ by McKusick, W.J. Young and E.A. Murphy. 40 minutes. ‘Medical Genetics Series. The Chromosomes - General Considerations’ 21969 Made by Milner Fenwick, Inc. 69MGO06. 13 minutes 30 seconds. ‘Medical Genetics Series Chromosomal Abnormalities- The Sex Chromosomes’ 21969 Made by Milner Fenwick, Inc. 69MG07. 24 minutes 30 seconds. Inscribed ‘1970’ on can. ‘Medical Genetics Series. Chromosomal Abnormalities- The Autosomes’ 21969 Made by Milner Fenwick, Inc. 68MG08. 21 minutes 30 seconds. Inscribed ‘1970’ on can. K.7-K.10 GLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES 21967 Contents of Ferguson-Smith’s labelled boxes. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 242 Non-textual material, K.1-K.10 ‘7/67 A, B, C, D, E. Keratoacanthoma?’ ‘9/67 C,D. Rodent ulcer’ ‘9/67 E, F. Rodent ulcer’ K.7 K.8 K.9 K.10 ‘42/67 A, B, C, D, E. Normal skin’ K.11 FIGURES ca 1964 of graphs used for illustrative Photographic figures purposes Numbered 1-8. M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AARSKOG, Dagfinn ABBONDANDOLO, Angelo ABDALLA, Hossam I. ABELS, Gabi ABRAMOFF, Peter ABRAMOWICZ, Mark ABRAMS, Michael E. ABRAMSON, A.W. 243 C.145 C.996 C.599 C.881 C.145 C.378 C.727 C.145 ACADEMIA RODINENSIS PRO REMEDIATIONE C.862, C.865 ACADEMIC PRESS INC C.616, D.116, D.117 ACTION RESEARCH FOR THE CRIPPLED CHILD B.15, C.147, C.169, C.376, C.378, C.393, C.399, C.511, C.562, C.608, C.610, C.611, C.630, C.637, C.697, C.702, C.727, C.752, C.832, C.846, C.857 See also C.642, C.798 ADAMS, James Hume ADAMS, RogerLionel Poulter ADEYOKUNNU, Adetunji A. ADELBERG, Edward A. ADINOLFI, Matteo ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL RESEARCH C.1, C.261 C.600 C.374, C.727 C.145 C.881, C.996 A.27 C.286 AFFARA, Nabeel Ahmed AFZAL, Mohammed AGARWAL, Shyam S. AHMAD, K.N. AIRDRIE ACADEMY See B.16-B.20, B.21, B.24, B.30, B.33, B.40 C.727 C.602, C.727 C.145 C.169 AITKEN, David Alexander C.377, C.600, C.749, C.995 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 244 Index of correspondents AITKEN, Jane E.B. AITKIN, Leonard ALBERMAN, Eva ALBINO FELLOWSHIP ALEXANDER, David S. ALEXANDER, Jack O’D. ALEXANDER, W. Donald ALEXANDRE DE MERODE, Prince ALI, Ahmad ALLAN, ‘Dot’ ALLEN, Gordon ALLEN, W.R. ALLISON, Andrew ALMEIDA,O.A. ALTLAND, K. ALTOUNYAN, Barbara ALVAREZ, FranciscoV. ALVAREZ, Russell Ramon de ALVESALO, Lassi AM, Irit BAR- AMAROSE, Anthony P. AMATO, George C.377 C.61 C.59 See C.859 C.1, C.61, C.377 C.1, C.146 C.137 H.4, H.5 C.881 C.61 C.1, C.146 C.881 C.138 C.378 C.146 C.996 F.879 C.146 C.377, C.881 C.884 See also G.13 C.61 C.996 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS C.996, D.23, D.24, D.118 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN GENETICS D.119 C.26 H.32 C.970 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 245 Index of correspondents AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL PLC C.897, G.1, G.14, G.15 ANDERSON, John ANDERSON, John Maxwell ANDERSON, John R. ANDERSON, T.E. ANDERSON, Thomas ANGASTINIOTIS, M. ANGELL, Roslyn ANIMAL HEALTH TRUST ANKIER, S.E. ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE ANNERSTEN, Astrid ANTHONY, ThomasB. ANTICH, Jaime ANTONARAKIS, Stylianos E. APPLE, Ted APPLIED IMAGING INTERNATIONALLTD APPLIED SPECTRAL IMAGING ARANDA,E.1. ARAVANTINOS, D. ARCHIBALD, lan C.R. ARCHIBALD, R.W.R. ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE ARGYROKASTRITIS, Alexandros ARHEDEN, Kristina A4 C.139, C.380, C.381, C.600 C.62, C.380, C.600, C.728 C.146 C.62, C.146 C.728 C.146 C.182 C.146 C.560 C.1011 C.378, C.491 C.381, C.600 C.146, C.728 See also C.334 C.728 C.976 G.2-G.12 G.13-G.16 C.380 C.728 C.249, C.376, C.378, C.380 C.60 See C.4 C.881 C.881 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 246 Index of correspondents ARLETT,Colin F. ARMSTRONG, Alexandra M. ARMSTRONG, C.N. ARNEIL, Gavin C. ARRUGA,M. Victoria ASHBURNER, Michael ASHMAN, Izumi Fujimori ASHTON, Leigh P. ASHWORTH, Alan ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH PAEDIATRIC NURSES- SCOTLAND C.376, C.378, C.603, C.881 C.377 C.62 C.147, C.379, C.600, C.726 C.880 C.62 C.882 C.147 C.881 C.791 ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS SCOTTISH REGION C.546, C.702 ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL CYTOGENETICISTS C.701, C.849, C.1084 ASSOCIATION OF PAEDIATRIC CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS C.296 ATHANASSIADES, Nicolaos S. C.375, C.377, C.380 ATHANASSIADOU, A. ATKINS, A.F.J. ATKINSON, A.C.A. (‘Tony’) ATKINSON, Malcolm AUDY, Silvana AUFFRAY, Charles AULA,Pertti AULD, Andrew AUSTIN, Charles R. AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY OF CYTOGENETICISTS AUTION, Kirsi AYME, Ségoléne C.882 C.601 C.62, C.147 C.728 See C.143 C.882 C.144 C.147, C.381, C.603 C.1 C.974 C.882 F.5 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 247 Index of correspondents AZCONA,C. AZMY,A. BADER, Patricia I. BADHAM, Molly BAGNALL, Keith M. BAHR, Gunter F. BAIKIE, A.G. BAIN, Douglas BAIN, Robert A. BAIN, Roderick BAIRD, Sir Dugald BAKER, Irene BAKER, Joan P. BAKER, Liz BAKER, Marion C. BALLABIO, A. BANATVALA,J.E. BANNERMAN, Robin M. BANTING, George BARALLE, Diana BARAMKI, Theodore C.882 C.728 C.398 C.887 C.165 C.165 C.165 C.395 C.732 See C.391 C.732 C.391 C.883 C.1003 C.395 C.732 C.732 C.165 C.608 C.1006 C.165 BARANOV,Vladislav Sergejevitch See C.840 BARATSER, M. BARCLAY,John BARDHAN, Amit BARKAI, Gad BARNES, Roland C.612 C.887 C.1003 C.887 C.165 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 BARR, Eleanor M. BARR, Gordon T.D. BARR, Murray Llewellyn BARR, Wallace BARROWMAN, William BARTALOS, Mihaly BARTER, Dennis A.C. BARTLETT, Denis J. BARTON, David BARTON, Honoria BARTON, Paul J.R. BARTSOCAS, Christos BASARAN, Nurettin BASHFORD, D.H. BASIL, Carlotta BASSETT, Duncan BASU, HimansuK. BAUER, John D. BAUMBERG, Simon BEALE, G. H. BEAN, Allison BEARD, Richard W. BEARN, Alexander G. BEARSDEN SOUTH CHURCH NURSERY CLUB BEASTALL, Graham H. BEATON, George R. BEATTIE, Alistair D. BEATTIE, J.O. 248 Index of correspondents C.387 C.738 C.2, C.14, C.63, C.165 C.67, C.165, C.384 C.165 C.165 C.398 C.732 B.39, C.887 C.391 C.608 6.391 C.887 C.552 H.29 C.887 C.394 C.5, C.165 C.732 C.166 C.1003 C.733 C.166 C.809 See C.616 C.392 C.166 C.614 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 249 Index of correspondents BEATTIE, R. BECK,J. Swanson BECKER, P.E. BECKETT,Arnold H. BECROFT,David M.O. BEECHEY,Colin BEHAN, Peter O. BEHBOUDI, Afrouz BEIGHTON, Peter BEIGUELMAN, Bernardo BELCH, Jill BELCHETZ,P.E. BELL, Judith BELL, Mary BENDA,Clemens E. BENHAM, FrancesJ. BENIRSCHKE, Kurt BENNETT, Cecilia BENNETT,Mike J. BENSON, Philip F. BENTLEY, John F.R. BEREZNEY,Ronald BERG, Kare BERGADA,César BERGER, Roland BERGHE, J.A. van den BERGSAGEL,Daniel E. C.166 C.389 C.67 H.3 C.388, H.6, H.7 C.888 C.395, C.608, C.733 C.1003 C.392, C.512, C.604, C.616, C.733 C.395 C.616 C.616 C.608, C.729 C.733 C.3, C.15 C.733 C.67, C.885, C.1061 C.733 C.392 C.67, C.395, C.612 C.733 C.888 C.149, C.733 C.150 C.1003 C.866 C.5 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 250 Index of correspondents BERGSMA, Daniel BERGSTEINSSON, H6rdur BERKELEY, Muriel I.K. BERNEMAN, Z. BERNSTEIN, Renée BERTOCCHINI, Mirella BESSLER, Monica BHARUCHA, B.A. BHISEY, Avinash N. BIANCHI, Diana W. BIANCHI, Nestor O. BICKEL, Horst BIEDLER, June Lee BIELENSKA, Anna LATOS- BIGGS, John S.G. BIJLSMA, J. BIOTECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL (EUROPE) BIRT, Christopher BIRTHRIGHT, NATIONAL FUND FOR CHILDBIRTH RESEARCH BISHOP, Colin E. BISHOP, Peter BISWAS, B. BLACK, Joan BLACK, W.P. C.151 C.733 C.395 C.733 C.733 C.166 C.888 C.888 C.734 C.889 C.5 C.396 C.5 C.809 C.1004 C.398 C.612 C.166 C.694 C.889, C.1004 C.67 C.614 C.612 C.398, C.734 BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS LTD C.315, C.598, C.725, C.734, C.759, C.840, C.853, D.9-D.20 BLAIR, R.G. BLAIR BELL RESEARCH SOCIETY C.167, C.396 C.275 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 BLAKE, John BLANC, William A. BLANK, Charles Eric BLANK,S. Catrin BLENNOW, Elisabeth BLIZZARD, Robert M. BLOCKLEY,N.J. BLOOMFIELD, Dennis A. BLUMBERG, Baruch Samuel BLYTH, Helen BOAVIDA,Maria Guida A. Franga Gouveia BOBROW,Martin BOCZKOWSKI, Krysztof BODMER, Sir Walter Fred BOEHRINGER CORPORATION (LONDON) LTD BOER, P. de BOLT, Jean M.W. BOMAN, Helge BONE, lan BONTHRON, David Terry BOOTSMA,Dirk BOOTH, Sir Christopher Charles BOOTH, Daniel BORDERSCLINICAL CLUB BORGAONKAR, DigamberS. BORGHI, Aldo 251 Index of correspondents C.336 C.5 C.64, C.152, C.387, C.388, C.392, C.605, C.612, C.617 C.889 C.889, C.1004 C.5, C.68 C.166 C.166 C.5 C.398 C.153, C.388, C.392, C.398, C.606, C.609, C.889 C.154, C.613, C.617, C.730, C.889, D.10, H.4 C.68, C.155 C.156, C.384, C.723, F.10 C.652 C.192 C.398 C.735 C.392 C.735 C.168, C.382 C.617, C.735 C.1004 C.381, C.600 C.157, C.613, C.889 C.68 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 252 Index of correspondents BORHANI, Nemat O. BORIS, Anthony WYNSHAW- BOSMA, AnnekeA. BOTTURA, Cassio BOUE, André BOUE, Joélle BOURKE, Gitta BOWDEN, John BOWEN, David BOWEN, Peter BOYD, Elizabeth BOYD, JamesF. BOYD, Yvonne BOYER, Samuel H. BOYLE, Charles Murray BOYLE, Janet BOZKOWA,Krystyna BRADLEY, W.G. BRAIDWOOD, E.A. BRAIN BRAMBILLASCA,Fausta BREEN, Matthew BREINGAN, Gordon S. BREMNER, A.D. BRENNAN, James BREWIN, Thurstan B. C.68 C.1084 C.932, C.947, C.1004 C.168 C.168, C.384, C.390, C.396, C.397, C.608, C.735, H.24 C.397, C.613 C.1004 C.168 C.58 C.65, C.158 A.18 C.167 B.39, J.11 C.68, C.168 C.168 C.735 C.735 See also C.873 C.384 C.736 D.123 C.998 C.947, C.1005 C.393 C.169 C.736 C.615 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 253 Index of correspondents BREWSTER, M.A. BREZIGAR, Anamrija BREZIN, Colette BRIDGES, Betty (Mrs William L.) BRIGGS, Eleanor M. C.736 C.890 C.1005 C.5 C.738 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENTOF SCIENCE C.1029, E.19, E.20, E.23 BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF SPORTS MEDICINE C.677 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION C.320, C.890, C.1005, C.1063 MEDICAL ADVISORY GROUP C.305, C.530, C.566 BRITISH COUNCIL C.316, C.334, C.347, C.348, C.482, C.535, C.587, C.695, C.873, C.911 BRITISH EMPIRE CANCER CAMPAIGN BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE B.3 C.722 BRITISH JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY C.1032 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDINCINE H.7-H.10 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL CENTRALETHICAL COMMITTEE GLASGOW DIVISION GRIMSBY BRANCH STIRLING BRANCH BRITISH OLYMPIC FEDERATION BRITISH PAEDIATRIC PERINATAL GROUP BRITTAIN, Robert P. BROAD, Tom E. BROCK,David J. H. BROCKS, Daniel C.169, C.180, C.292, C.556, C.560, D.123 C.732 C.550 C.166, C.245 C.173, C.243 H.1, H.5 C.643 C.169 C.999 C.159, C.385, C.399, C.613, C.731 C.1005 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 254 Index of correspondents BROOK,J. David BROOKLYN ACADEMYOF PEDIATRICS BROWN, Charles A.R. BROWN, David BROWN, Helen LANG- BROWN, Judith D. BROWN, Morris J. BROWN, N.M. BROWN, Steve BROWN, W.Michael COURT BROWNMFIELD, E. Dorothy BROWNING, G.K.S. BROWNING, George G. BRUERE, Arthur Neil BRUNT,Peter BRYERS(formerly CARTER), Felicity BUCHANAN, James BUCHANAN, W. Watson BUCKTON, Karin E. BUHLER, Erica BULFIELD, Grahame BULLER, Arthur J. BULMAN, A.H. BUNDEY, Sarah BUNKER, C.B. BUNTING, Elaine A. BUNTING, John C.618 C.37, C.50 C.613 C.890 C.491 C.1000 C.890 C.736 C.1001, F.34 C.70, C.183 C.169 C.169 C.736 C.68, C.135, C.160-C.163, C.384, C.571, C.1005 C.68 C.393, C.406 C.613 C.66, C.164, C.583, C.613 C.170 C.68 C.384 C.737 C.68 C.386, C.618, C.737 C.1006 C.393 C.1005 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 255 Index of correspondents BUNYAN, Alexandra M. BURCH, George E. BURDON, Michael BURGEN, Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent BURGIO, G. Roberto BURKIN, Dean J. BURNET, Barrie BURNS, F.W. BURNS, Thomas W. BURRY, Alastair F. BUSWELL, John A. BUTLER, Harry G. BUTTERFIELD, William John Hughes, Baron C.399 C.4 C.170 C.1005 C.68 C.890, C.1002 C.170 C.393 C.5 C.383 C.170 C.5 B.64 BUYS, Charles H.C.M. BUYSE, Mary Louise BUYTENBACH, Barbara BYRNE, Anne J. BYRNE, Kate CADDEN, Mary F. CAFFREY,R.J. CAIRD, FrancisI. CAITHNESS, George S. CALDER, Andrew A. CALDER, C. CALDERWOOD, R. CALDWELL HOSPITAL, PARENTS AND FRIENDS CALDWELL, Joe C.890, F.32, F.33 C.607, C.613, C.618, C.737 C.396 C.393 C.1005 C.180 C.69 C.745 C.745 C.409, C.419, C.739, C.1011, E.35 C.70 C.745 C.171 C.623 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 256 Index of correspondents CALLAN, Harold Garnet CALMAN, Kenneth Charles CALZADA,Maede la CAMAKARIS, James CAMBIO, BIOTECHNOLOGYCO. C.180 C.406, C.414, C.619, C.745 C.1011 C.406 G.13 CAMBRIDGE PROJECT ENGINEERS LTD G.17, G.18 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH LABORATORIES LTD (CRL) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY CAMERON, A. Hugh CAMERON, J.H. CAMPBELL, Anne, MP CAMPBELL,Colin Scott CAMPBELL, Donald CAMPBELL, E.M. CAMPBELL, lan D. CAMPBELL, IshbelJ. CAMPBELL, Kennedy CAMPBELL, R.T. CAMPBELL, S. CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN TECHNOLOGY LTD CANNON, W.John CANT, J. Stanley CANTOR, Charles R. CANTU, Jose Maria CAPON, Ruth CAPPELL, Daniel Fowler C.914 C.583 C.1075 C.172, C.406 C.624 C.895 C.180, C.181 A.29, C.745 C.70 C.412 C.180, C.405 C.70 C.173 C.624 C.927 C.8 C.180, C.405 C.619, F.10 C.405 C.623 A.12-A.14, A.15, A.16, A.18, A.19, A.22, B.45 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 257 Index of correspondents CARE, SCOTTISH ASSOCIATION FOR CARE & SUPPORT AFTER DIAGNOSIS OF FETAL ABNORMALITY C.941 CARL ZEISS LTD CARLSON, AlisonS. CAROTHERS, AndrewD. CARR, David H. CARRITT, Benjamin CARRUTHERS, G. Barry CARSON, Nina A.J. CARTER, C.H. CARTER, Cedric O. CARTER, Nigel Paul CARTY, Matt J. CASEY, M.D. CASSIMAN, Jean-Jacques CASSIMOS, Chr. CATTANACH, Bruce M. CELLMARK DIAGNOSTICS CHAGANTI, Raju S.K. CHAKRAVARTY, Amit CHALMERS, I. Jennifer CHAMBERLAIN, Jocelyn CHAMPIGNY, Marie-Louise CHANDLEY, Ann Chester B.8, C.991 C.895, H.15-H.48 C.401 C.8, C.70, C.180, C.745 C.619, C.745 C.180 C.180, C.406 C.8 C.70, C.174, C.331, C.374, C.400, C.402, C.406, C.412, C.415, C.610, C.619, C.623 See also C.745 C.895, C.1007, B.39 See also B.22, B.23, B.25, B.26, B.31 C.410, C.623, C.745 C.180 F.5-F.7 C.180 C.180, C.895 C.895 C.892 C.896, C.911 C.1014 C.620 C.1008 C.175, C.419, C.740, C.893, D.32- D.34 CHANDRA,H. Sharat C.746 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 258 Index of correspondents CHANDRASKHARA, M.K. CHAPA,Raul Garza CHAPELLE, Albert de la CHAPMAN & HALL LTD CHARD, Tim CHATFIELD, R. Keir CHATFIELD, W. Rob CHATTOPADHYAY, Subal Chandra CHAU, Alice S. CHILD, Anne H. CHILDS, Barton CHIRICO, S. CHISHOLM, I. CHITHAM, R.G. CHITTY, Lyn CHOLNOKY, Péter CHOO,K.H. CHRISTIE, F.B. CHRISTISON, D. CHROMOSOMA CHROMOSOME RESEARCH CHU, Carol CHU, Ernest H.Y. CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, PUBLISHERS CIBA FOUNDATION CITTADINI, Ettore CLABBY, J. C.746 C.405 C.176, C.421, C.746, C.753, H.4- H.48 See also C.278 C.543, C.727 C.407, C.623 C.182 C.400, C.407, C.416, C.623 C.405 C.746 C.620 C.182, C.400, C.412 C.746 C.182 C.407 D.88 C.70 C.746 C.182 C.182 D.36 D.123 C.1014 C.8 C.557, C.620, C.653 C.735, C.741, C.820 C.746 C.182 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 259 Index of correspondents CLAIR, David Malcolm St CLARK,Alistair R. CLARK, Danny CLARK, Gordon A. CLARKE, Bryan Campbell CLARKE, Connie M. CLARKE, Sir Cyril Astley CLAUSSEN, Uwe CLAYTON, Barbara E. CLAYTON, Robert J. CLEMENTS, Geoffrey B. CLEMMENS, Raymond L. CLEVELAND, William W. D.32 C.182 C.400 C.419 C.182 C.419 C.182, C.400, C.405, C.407, D.32, D.33 C.1011 C.182, C.747 C.70 C.400 C.8 C.182 CLINICAL GENETICS SOCIETY See C.473, C.505, C.541, C.543, C.548, C.559, C.637, C.667, C.671, C.680, C.697, C.927, H.4 CLINT, Jane Margaret CLUBB, A.W.(‘Sandy’) CLYDESDALE, Jean K. CLYMO, Andrew B. COBB, S.R. COCHRAN, Alistair J. COCHRANE, Jeanette COCHRANE, T. COCKBURN, Forrester CODDINGTON, Alan COHEN, Bernard Leonard COHEN, Maimon M. C.403 C.623 C.182 C.413 C.182 C.408, C.413 C.413 C.70 C.413, C.417, C.621, C.742, C.841 C.183 €.1012, E.22 C.8, C.183 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 COLE, Martin COLE, Robert A. COLE,S. COLEMAN, Dulcie V. COLEMAN, EricJ. COLEMAN, J.C. COLES, Rhian COLLEGE OF NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND, ALPHA XI CHAPTER COLLEGE OF SPEECH THERAPISTS, SCOTTISH AREA COLLINGE, John 260 Index of correspondents C.177 C.750 C.419 C.419 C.181, C.400, C.405, C.408 C.748 C.1012 C.13 C.122 C.1012 COMMITTEE ON SEXUAL PROBLEMS OF THE DISABLED C.454, C.557 CONDRY, Raphael J. CONEN, P.E. CONNOR, James Michael CONNORS, M, CONSTANT,Charles FFRENCH- CONWAY,David COOK,PeterJ.L. COOK, ThomasE. COOKE, AlexanderM. COOKE, Patricia COOKE, Robert E. CORMACK,Susan CORNELL, Herb CORNWALL, Jane Margaret COSTA, Terry C.8 C.8 C.413, C.620, C.748, C.896, C.1012, D.9, D.10, D.13, D.14, D.15, D.16, D.17 C.799 C.1022 C.748, C.750 C.183 C.70 C.70 C.621, C.743 C.6 C.621 C.183 C.404 C.621 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 COTE, Gilbert B. COTTON, R.G.H. COULTHART,Michael COUTTS, Norman A. COVE, David J. COWEY,Keith COWIE, Valerie A. COX, Diane W. COX, Timothy M. CRAIG, Vernon CRAIGFLOWER SCHOOL, TORRYBURN, FIFE CRAIGIE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, AYR CRAIK, Jack E. CRAWFORD, Bridget CRAWFORD, J.W. CRAWFORD, Janine CRAWFORD, Robert J. CRAWFURD, Martin d’A. CRAWLEY,Margaret CREASY,Mike R. CREMER, Christopher CREMER, Thomas CRETTAZ,Pierre CRISPELL, Kenneth R. CROLLA,John A. CROOM HELM LTD PUBLISHERS CROSBY WOMEN’S ACTION GROUP 261 Index of correspondents C.183, C.408, C.621 C.424, C.748 J.11 C.419, C.621 C.418 C.1009 C.183 A.33, A.34, C.183, C.896, C.1010, C.1041 B.67, C.1012 C.184 C.184 See C.848 C.178 C.184 C.419 C.405 C.750 C.70, C.184, C.621 C.400 C.749 C.897 C.897, C.1013 C.1013 C.7 C.897, C.1013 C.387 C.860 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 CROSSLEY, Rex CROW,Timothy J. CRUICKSHANK,E.K. CUBILLO, Enrique 262 Index of correspondents C.70 C.897 C.184, C.408 C.70 CUCKLE, Howard Stephen C.744, C.897, C.1013 CUERVO, Josep I. CUMMING, W.J. Ken CUNNINGHAM, K.J.M. CUNNINGHAM, N.E. CURRAN, AndrewP. CURRIE, Sir Alistair CURTIS, Adam CURTIS, Diana J. CURTIS, Earnest M. H.29 C.184 C.749 C.405, C.413 C.178, C.405, C.408, C.419, C.749 C.413 C.405 C.184, C.413, C.623 C.8 CYSTIC FIBROSIS RESEARCH TRUST C.689, C.733, C.797, C.804 CYTOGENETICS CZEIZEL, Andrew CZERSKI, Przemyslaw DABKE, Arun T. DAHL, Henrik DAHL, Niklas DALAL, K.C. DALGLEISH, Raymond DALLA, Anna DALLAIRE, Louis DALLAPICCOLA, Bruno DAMODARAN, T.V. C.312 C.749, C.897 C.411 C.190 C.902 C.902 C.190 C.190 C.1016 C.190, C.627, C.1016 C.627 C.630 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 263 Index of correspondents DANCIS, Joseph DANIEL, Art DANKS, David M. DANZIG, Jon DARLOW,John M. DAVID, Pascale DAVIDSON, Frank B. DAVIDSON, Ronald G. DAVIDSON, Rosemarie DAVIDSON, William M. DAVIES, loan DAVIES, Kay Elizabeth DAVIES, M. DAVIES, Pamela A. DAVIES, Ruth WYNNE- DAVIS, Joseph R. DAVIS, Ronald DAVISON, B.C. Clare DAWSON, Angie DAY,C.T. DEALLER, Stephen DEAN, John C.S. DEAN, Michael DEAN, WendyL. DEARING, Andrew DECREY, Damien Laurent C.190 C.752, C.902 C.190, C.420, C.423, C.424, C.426, C.627, C.752 See also C.809 C.625 C.752 C.1016 C.427 C.71 C.627, C.752 C.72, C.190 C.752 C.752, C.1016 C.190 C.900 C.370 C.75 C.426 C.191, C.627, C.630 C.1016 C.190 J.10 C.753 D.25 C.1098 F.87, F.90, F.91 C.753 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 264 Index of correspondents DEGENHARDT,K.-H. DELANGE, Francois DELHANTY,Joy D.A. DELOUKAS, Panagiotis DELTA ’49 CLUB DEMING, Quentin B. DeMYER, William DENNIS, Nick R. DENNISON, Wallace M. DESSELBERGER, Ulrich DEWHURST, Christopher Jack DEXTER, T.M. DHADIAL, Rajinder K. DHARMARAJAN, M. DICK, Heather May DICKIE, R.E. DIEDRICH, K. DIGESTION DIGGERS, Julie C.424 C.751 C.753, C.902 C.1016 C.256 C.9 C.75 C.627 C.73, C.185, C.191 C.1016 C.74, C.186, C.423 D.32 C.627 C.75 C.192, C.422, C.423, C.424, C.426, C.626, C.753 C.192 C.753 D.123 C.192 DIGITAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS LTD C.1025, G.19-G.21 DIJKSTRA, Mentje G. DINCER, Pervin DINGEON, Bernard DiPARMA, Joseph R. DIPOERRI, José Edgardo DISEASE-A-MONTH DIVANE, Aspasia F.32 C.903 H.24 C.75 C.422 C.9 C.901 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 265 Index of correspondents DODD, Keith L. DODD, Mrs T.R. DOHERTY, Zoe DOIG, Henry P. DOIG, J.A. DOIG, W.B. DOLAN, Clare DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) DOMINICZAK, Anna DONALD, lan DONALD, Jennifer DONNAI, Dian DONNELLY, H.H. DOOR, Karin DORAN, T.A. DORIA, Laura DORE, Jonathan DOUGLAS, A. Stuart DOUGLAS, Charles P. DOUGLAS, E.P. DOUGLAS, Stephen DOUST, John W.Lovett DOWELL, Ronald C. DOWLING, Harry F. DOYLE, David DOYLE, Eric DRAPER, David C.422 C.9 C.1017 C.628, C.629, C.192 C.754 C.192 C.192 C.754 C.75, C.187, C.191, C.424, C.426, C.495 C.628 C.630, C.754 C.192 C.423 C.192 C.630 C.903 C.191 C.422 C.630 C.192 C.9 C.423 C.9 C.192, C.630, C.754 C.424 C.9 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 266 Index of correspondents DRETS, Maximo Eduardo DREVER, Jan C. DRONAMRAUWU, Krishna R. DRYSDALE, Ruth M. DUCKETT,David P. DUDEON, J. DUFF, Gordon DUKE, Eileen M.C. DUMARS, Kenneth W. DUNLAP, DicksonB. DUNSTAN, Gordon R. DURGA,K. DURRANT PIESSE, SOLICITORS DURWARD, W.F. DURY, Annette DUSTIN, P. DUTRILLAUX, Bernard DWYER, Christina A. DZIEKANOWSKA,Danuta EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT EAST ANGLIAN REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY EAST KODAK CO. EASTEAL, Simon ECCLES, Harry EDE, D.A. EDGAR, Walter D. EDLOW,Jules B. C.188 C.193 C.75, C.628, C.1017 C.628 C.903 C.630 C.1015 C.425, C.628 C.193 C.193 C.903 C.754 C.629 C.422 C.754 C.193 C.1017 C.426 C.189 C.839 A.28, B.69 C.100 C.905 C.1019 C.759 C.431, C.438 C.201 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 267 Index of correspondents EDRICH, Joan EDWARD ARNOLD(PUBLISHERS) LTD EDWARDS, Anthony William Fairbank EDWARDS, H.E. EDWARDS, John Hilton C.634 C.538 C.905 C.434 C.10, C.77, C.183, C194-C.196, C.428, C.435, C.631, C.635, C.647, C.793, C.904, C.1018 See also E.24 EDWARDS, Paul A.W. EDWARDS, R.G. EDWARDS, Yvonne EELES, R. EFSTATHIOU, Stacey EHRARDT,AnkeA. EHRICH, Jochen H.H. EHSAN-UL-HAQ, Dr EICHER, Eva M. EJARQUE, Ismael EJIWUNMI, A.B. ELDER, Hugh Y. ELDER, J.W.H. ELDERKIN, F. Michael ELLERTON, Nick ELLIOT, Orville ELLIOTT, David ELLIOTT, Donald ELLIS, Hugh ELLIS, Patricia M. ELSAS, Louis J. (‘Skip’) B.32, C.1019 C.634, C.757 C.634 C.905 C.1019 H.16-H.48 C.1019 C.201 C.905 C.1019 C.759 C.759 C.201 C.632 C.905 C.77, C.197 C.438 C.434 C.201 A.21, C.439, C.633, C.635 C.905, H.37-H.48 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 268 Index of correspondents EMERY, Alan Eglin Heathcote EMERY, John L. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE ENOCH, B.A. EPSTEIN, CharlesJ. ERICKSON, Robert P. ERIKSSON, Aldur W. ESAN, G.J.F. ESSERY,J. EUGENICS SOCIETY EULER, Curt von EUROPEAN ACADEMIES SCIENCE ADVISORY COUNCIL ZOONOSES WORKING GROUP EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATEXIl. SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT C.76, C.199, C.200, C.428, C.433, C.436, C.439, C.440, C.634, C.759, C.806 C.202 C.1013 C.438 C.434 C.1019 C.202 C.438 C.434 C.583, C.717 C.865 F.1-F.4 See F.10-F.71 EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANISATION See C.525, C.948, C.1031 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN GENETICS C.391, C.519, C.958, F.5-F.7 See also C.922, C.1003 EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HUMAN REPRODUCTION AND EMBRYOLOGY See C.757 EUROPEAN THYROID ASSOCIATION NEONATAL THYROID SCREENING COMMITTEE C.751 EVANS, David Alan PRICE EVANS, Edward P. EVANS, H. John EVANS, Victoria EVENING TIMES, GLASGOW EXCERPTA MEDICA EWER, T.K. C.202, C.317, C.362 See also C.529 B.9 C.759 C.202 C.430 C.367, C.398, C.734 C.202 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 269 Index of correspondents EWING, Harry FABER, William C. See C.437 C.13 FAED, Michael James Willoughby C.441, C.447, C.637, C.639, C.769 FAHMY,A.N. FAIRBAIRN, Marjory FAIRLIE, Fiona FAIRWEATHER, DenysV.I. FAIRWEATHER, William J. FALEK,Arthur FALLA, Guillermo Cabrera FALLON, Ron J. C.208 C.447 C.769 C.448 C.81, C.445 C.208 C.769 C.445 FAMILY PLANNING ASSOCIATION C.352, C.554 FAN Yao-Shan FARHUD, D.D. FARIA,A. Lima de FARNDON, Peter A. FARQUHAR, lan H. FARQUHAR, Jim W. FARR, Christine J. FARRANT, Wendy FARRAR, Stephen FAULK, W. Page FAULKNER, David FEIJOO, Maria de Jesus FELIX,Clive FELLOUS, Marc FENG Li C.1022 C.1022 C.264 C.769, C.1020 C.772 C.639 C.1022 C.446, C.637 J.10 C.769 C.1022 C.208 C.908 C.769 C.908 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 270 Index of correspondents FENNELL, S. Jane FENSOM, A.H. FERGUSON-SMITH, Anne FERGUSON-SMITH, John FERGUSON-SMITH (née GZOWSKA), Marie Eve C.769 C.769 C.1096, C.1098, C.1099 A.13 A.14, C.239, C.480, C.637, C.769, C.771, C.860, C.922 FERGUSON, Mark W.J. FERRIER, J. FERRIER, Pierre E. FERRIS, Elizabeth A. FIDZIANSKA,Elzbieta FIELDER, A.R. FIFE HEALTH BOARD FIGARELLA,Catherine FIGURA,K. von FINBERG, Laurence C.1021 C.445 C.78 See also C.250 C.908, H.3-H.48 C.63, C.770 C.639 C.470 C.760 C.679 C.13 FINCHAM, John Robert Stanley B.66, C.447, C.449, C.770, C.908 FINELLI, Palma FIRKET, C. FISHER, Andrew FISHER, Rosemary A. FITCHETT, Maggie FITZGERALD, Peter H. FITZPATRICK, Frances FITZSIMMONS, John S. FLATMAN, G.E. FLATZ, G. C.908 C.637, C.770 C.908 C.639 C.1022 C.770 C.447 C.637, C.639 C.639 C.770 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 271 Index of correspondents FLEJTER, WendyL. FLEMING, Charles M. FLEMING, Elizabeth FLETCHER, John C. FLETCHER, Peter FLEWETT, T.H. FLOETHER, Ulrich FLORENTIN, Lina FODDE, Riccardo FONATSCH, Christa FOORD, RoyD. FORBES, Charles D. FORD, Charles Edmund FORD, Edward H.R. FORD, Frank R. FORD, Judith FORD, Lee FORREST, Sir (Andrew) Patrick (McEwen) FORRESTER, John M. FORSMAN, Irene FORSYTH, Constance C. FORSYTH, Isabel FORTE, Frank S. FORTUNE, A.W. FORWELL, George D. FOUST,G.T. C.909 A.22, B.49, B.54, C.81 C.639 C.761 C.762 C.204 C.448 C.906 C.909 C.763, C.840 C.442 C.444, C.637, C.770, C.799 C11, C42, C.58, C.81,.C.205, C.443, C.445, C.447, C.448, C.449, C.637, C.640, C.770 C.209 C.81, C.209 C.447, C.909 C.209 C.764 C.770 C.444 See also C.209 C.772 C.1022 C.13 C.209 C.209, C.445, C.447, C.449, C.450 C.13 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 272 Index of correspondents FOULDS, Wallace S. C.206, C.766 FOUNDATION FOR THE STUDY OF INFANT DEATHS FOWLER, Darren FOWLER, Kerry FOX, J. Lawrence FRACCARO, Marco FRACKIEWICZ, Anna FRAME, William FRANCKE, Ute FRANK BURNET, BELL & PARTNERS, ARCHITECTS FRANKE, Frederick R. FRANKLIN, John FRASER, Elizabeth FRASER, F. Clarke FRASER, George R. FRASER, Sir James FRASER, Jean H. FRASER, Tom N. FREEMAN, Constance M. FREEMAN, John M. FREEMAN, Mahlon V.R. (‘Van’) FREEMAN, Richard F. FRESHNEY, R. lain FREYE, H.-A. FRIEDRICH, Ursula FRIEDRICH’S ATAXIA GROUP, SCOTLAND FR@LAND, Anders FRY, Michael C.900 C.1022 C.424 C.909 C.210 C.79, C.210 C.210 C.210, C.445, C.447 C.279 C.81 D.109-D.111, F.80 A8 C.210 C.210, C.448, C.640, C.907, C.1022 C.640 C.13 A.14 C.444 C.210 C.768 C.447 C.771 C.640 C.210 C.762 C.80, C.207 C.13 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 273 Index of correspondents FRYER, Alan FUHRMANN, W. FULLER, John L. FUNDELE, Reinald FUNG, Albert Ka-Lok FURLONG, Robert A. FURST,Victor GABRA,G.S. GADI, I.K. GAGE, John GAL, Andreas GALBRAITH, Esther GALE, Andrew GALJAARD, Hans GALLARDO, Milton GALLOWAY,Colin A.S. GALT,Jim GAMSU, H.R. GANDINI, Enrico GANNON, Frank GANSS, Bernhard GARCIA, Isabelle GARDINER, R. GARDNER, LyttI. GARDNER, R.J.M. (’Mac’) GARLAND PUBLISHING C.909 C.771 C.13 C.909 C.803 C.913, D.24 C.13 C.643 C.218 C.452 C.777 C.459, C.641, C.773 C.498 C.218, C.450, C.452, C.457, C.643, C.777, C.801, C.913 C.1031 C.777 See B.37 C.643 C.84 C.1031 C.1023 C.218 C.454 C.218 CrrT C.1031 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 274 Index of correspondents GARREY,Matthew M. GARRIE, Sander GARTLER, Stanley M. GARZICIC, Branimir GAUTHIER-SMITH, P.C. GAVIN, Eleanor June GEALS, Dr GEDDA,Luigi GEDEON, Margaret GEDNEY, Richard C. GEGGAN, Sheila D. GEHRICH, Sheila GELLIN, Joel GEMUND, Justus J. Van GENDEL, B.R. GENEL, Myron GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENES, CHROMOSOMES AND CANCER GENESCREEN GEORGE, W.D. GEORGIOU, Demetra GERAEDTS, Joep P.M. GERAGHTY,Michael Thomas GERALD, Park S. GERMAN, JamesL., Ill GERMUTH, Frederick G., Jr GHANEM, Ibrahim A. GHANEM, Mohamed Amr Samir C.218 C.452 C.84, C.777 C.218 See SMITH, P.C. GAUTHIER- C.517 C.643 C.452 C.777 C.218 C.454 C.1031 C.910 C.219 C.15 H.13-H.48 C.128 C.1054 C.1015 C.777 C.777 C.219 C.777 C.15, C.219, C.452 C.82, C.211, C.452, C.454, C.456 C.15 C.643 C.679 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 275 Index of correspondents GHOSH, Arabinda GHOSH, Soumendra Nath GIACANELLI, Manlio GIANNELLI, Francisco GIBB, Elizabeth GIBBON, James GIBBS, Dorothy GIBBS, Josie LEWIS- GIBCO EUROPE LTD GIBSON, Angus A.M. GIBSON, Ivan H. GIFFORD, Anne GILBERTSON, Moyna P. GILES, M.D. GILLILAND, lan C. GILLIS, C.R. GILMOUR, Douglas GIRDWOOD, Tony GLAS, Rob GLASGOW HERALD C.647 C.778 C.774 C.219 C.647 C.645, C.647, C.829 C.219 C.1049 C.722 C.84, C.219, C.450, C.452, C.456, C.643, C.646, C.778 C.778 C.1031 C.219 C.220 C.84 C.219 C.219 C.841 C.1092 C.815 GLASGOW OBSTETRICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY C.261, £.14 GLASGOW SPORTS PROMOTION COUNCIL SPORT AND MEDICINE SUBCOMMITTEE C.447, C.636, C.640, C.647, C.767, C.778 GLASGOW UNIVERSITY See UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW GLASGOW UNIVERSITY SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE UNBORN CHILD C.495 GLASGOW WOMEN’S SOUTHERN MEDICAL SOCIETY C.213, C.291 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 GLASS, H. Bentley GLASS, Norman J. GLASSEY, D.W. GLEN, A.C.A. GLENISTER, T.W. GLICK, Bruce GLOVER, Carol GLOVER, J.J. GLUZBAND, Zeke GLYNN, Nicole GODDARD, John GODFREY, Malcolm GOEL, K.M. GOETTLER, Klaus GOFMAN, John W. GOGATE, Sharad GOLDBERG, Abe GOLDSMITH, K.L.G. GOLDSTEIN, Henri GOMEZ, Patricia |. MEDINA- GOMPERTZ, David GOODFELLOW,Peter Neville GOODGAME, Fiona GOODHART, Charles B. GOODMAN, Richard M. GORDAN, Ronald R. GORDON, Hymie GORDON, Janet M. 276 Index of correspondents C.15 C.221 C.15 C.451 C.15 C.84 C.453 C.221 C.1032 C.778 C7719 C.456 C.758, C.779 C.779 C.221 C.911 C.221, C.459, C.643, C.647 C.221 C.913, F.80-F.82 C.522, C.524 C.221 C.647, C.781, C.913, C.1032, D.69 C.1032 C.221 C.214 C.74, C.84 C.215 C.453 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 277 Index of correspondents GORLIN, Robert J. GORRELL, G.J. GOSDEN, Christine GOSWAMI, Hit Kishore GOUDE, Robert B. GOUDIE, David R. GOW,M.A. GOWEN, John W. GRACE, Colin D. GRACE, H. Jim GRAHAM, I. GRAHAM, James GRAHAM, Philip GRAHAM, Robert GRAMPIAN HEALTH BOARD GRANT,Jim K. GRANT, John M. GRANT, Kenneth A. GRAPHODATSKY, Alexander S. GRAVES, Jennifer A. Marshall GRAY, Joe W. GRAY,John E. GRAY,O.P. GREALLY,J.F. C.123 C.221 C.645 C.912, C.1024 C.84, C.221, C.455, C.643, C.779, C.913 C.913, D.21, D.25 See also B.40 C.221 C.15 C.1025 C.216, C.456, C.644, C.648 C.780 C.222 C.780 C.459 C.398 C.456, C.644 C.454 C.645, C.780, C.781 C.1026-C.1028 C.1032, C.1088-C.1100 E.29 C.453 C.453 C.780 GREALLY,Marie T. C.222, C.453, C.780, C.914 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 278 Index of correspondents GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH J.10 C.581 B.43 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON GENETIC TESTING C.967 STANDING GROUP ON HEALTH TECHNOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS AND IMAGING ADVISORY PANEL C.886, C.890, C.925 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY C.450, C.672, C.687, C.732, C.874 AMNIOCENTESIS WORKING GROUP HOME OFFICE C.620 C.842 HOUSE OF COMMONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COMMMITTEE B.44, C.894 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD C.986, C.1022 SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT C.450, C.534, C.612, C.655, C.683, C.791, C.840 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL RESEARCH A.18, B.45, B.46, C.209 CHIEF SCIENTIST OFFICE C.764, C.872 MATERNAL ALPHA-FETO-PROTEIN SCREENING PROGRAMME MONITORING SUB-GROUP MATERNITY AND CHILD HEALTH GROUP SCIENTIFIC, ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH C.655 C.450 C.263 GREATER GLASGOW HEALTH BOARD C.201, C.445, C.449, C.459, C.461, C.464, C.568, C.613, C.619, C.703, C.737, C.752, C.765, C.791, C.847 WORKING PARTY ON REGIONAL SPECIALTIES C.379 EEC STUDY OF CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS C.447, C.461 HEALTH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WESTERN DISTRICT GREAVES, MelF. GREEN, Brian C.868 C.544, C.549 C.914 C.644, C.648, C.780 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 279 Index of correspondents GREEN, Brian, Mercury Conferences Ltd GREEN, Howard GREENBERG, Andrew Seth GREENE, Arthur E. GREENFIELD, Penny GREENOCK ROYALINFIRMARY GREGORY Jane GREIG, William R. GRIBOFF, SolomonI. GRIFFIN, Darren K. GRIFFITHS, R. GRIFFITHS, S.J. GRIST, N.R. GROFF, James W. GROFFEN, John GRONOW,Michael GROSCHUP, Martin H. GROUCHY,Jean de GROVER, Shohba GRUJICIC, Darko GRUMBACH, Melvin M. GRUTZNER, Frank GUERETTE, Roberta GUILD, E.G. GUIOLI, Silvana GULLAND, Dr GUNN, lan R. C.775 C.914 C.222 C.450, C.454, C.545 C.453 C.445 C.1029 C.217 C.15 C.934, C.1030 C.453 C.454 C.222, C.453 C.15, C.26 C.780 C.914 J.14 C.75, C.84, C.192, C.222, C.422, C.459 C.222 C.1032 C.14, C.84, C.222 C.1096-C.1100 C.222 C.643 C.914, C.1032 C.644 C.459 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 280 Index of correspondents GURLING, Hugh M.D. GUTHRIE, Duncan C.776 B.61, C.642, C.648 GUY’S AND ST THOMAS’ CHARITABLE FOUNDATION C.1063 GYNAECOLOGICAL TRAVELLERS C.218 HAAF, Thomas HABICH, Hans HACKETT, Gerry A. HADDOW,Alexander John HADDOW,JamesE. HAEMOCHROMATOSIS SOCIETY HAGARD, S. HAITES, N.E. HALBRECHT,I.G. HALL, Bertil HALL, Judith G. HALL, Reg HALNAN, Keith HALSEY, Margaret HAMERTON, John L. HAMILTON, David HAMILTON, F. HAMILTON, Fiona HAMILTON, Frances M.W. HAMILTON, Frank T. HAMILTON, W.J. C.909, C.915, C.1035 C.19 C.922 B.49, C.223, C.224, C.461 See C.466 C.1035 C.922 C.655 C.789 C.239 C.93 C.464, C.789, C.1035 C.470 C.239 C.239 A.33, C.16, C.58, C.85, C.225, C.468, C.789 C.655 C.239 C.1035 C.461, C.580, C.651, C.654, C.782, C.876 C.19 C.58 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 281 Index of correspondents HAMILTON, William HANDMAKER, Stanley David HANN, lan M. HANNAY, Thomas, Bishop HANSMANN, Manfred HARDEN, Kennth A. HARDING, Nigel G.L. HARDY,R.A. HARNDEN, David Gilbert HARPER, Joyce Catherine HARPER, Sir Peter S. HARRAP, Stephen HARRIES, Mark HARRINGTON, Michael G. HARRIS, Ann HARRIS, G.W. HARRIS, Harry HARRIS, Peter C. HARRIS, Rodney HARRIS, W.J. HARRISON, Christine Joyce HARRISON, Pat HESLOP- HART,P.E. HARTSHORNE, Andre HARTVEIT,Flora M. HARVEY, A. McGehee C.239, C.470, C.651 C.5, C.86, C.107, C.226 See also B.35 C.783 C.93 C.655 C.656 C.465 C.790 C.19, C.227, C.400, C.461, C.466 C.1033 A.9, C.228, C.333, C.464, C.466, C.468, C.649, C.790 C.810 D.26, D.27 C.790 C.790 C.261 C.93, C.239, C.470 C.922 C.229, C.464, C.466, C.470, C.651, C.656, C.723, C.784, C.922, H.4 C.790 C.917, C.1034, D.59 C.1036 C.19 C.922 C.87 C.19 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 282 Index of correspondents HARVEY,Catherine J. HARVEY,H. HARVEY, Michael James Alexander HASHEM, Nemat HASLAM, John HASLAM, Robert H.A. HASTIE, Nick HATAMI-MONAZAH, Houshang HAUNSER, Hansjérg HAWTHORNE, Victor M. HAY, Eduoardo HEALD, Felix P. HEAP, Sir R. Brian HEASMAN, M.A. HEATON, Denise E. HECHT,Frederick HEINRICHS, E.H. HELLENIC PEDIATRIC SOCIETY HELLER, Douglas HELLER, Richard H. HELLMUTH, Colin A. HEMEDA, Shabaan A HEMMING, Fred HEMSWORTH, Barry N. HENDERSON, Ann Shirley HENDERSON, Margaret HENNIGAN, Margaret HENZE, Anneliese C.239 C.470 C.230 C.790 C.651 C.464 D.32 C.469 C.922 C.239 H.3, H.28, H.29 C.19 C.1036 C.464 C.791 C.19, C.88, C.231, C.466 C.93 C.831 C.655 C.89, C.240 C.240 C.918 C.93 C.93 See C.619 C.461 C.791 C.923 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 283 Index of correspondents HEREDITY HERGUERA,E. Cubillo HERREROS, Antonio Garcia de HERRINGTON, R.N. HERSCHBERG, Seymour HERSKOWITZ,Irwin H. HESLOP-HARRISON, Pat HETHERINGTON, Duncan C. HEUSGHEM, C. HEUVEL, John van der HEWITT, Godfrey M. HICKSON, Tom G.L. HIGGINS, Elizabeth HIGGINSON, John HIGGS, D.R. HIGNETT,Peter G. HINDE, Robert Aubrey HIRSCH, Steven R. HIRSCHHORN, Kurt HISTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL HIU, Samuel N.K. HOCKEY,Athel HODGE, Harold C. HOECHST UK LTD HOFF, Charles HOLLIDAY, Robin HOLLINGSWORTH, T.H. C.666 C.93 H.28-H.30 C.791 C.93 C.19 See HARRISON, Pat HESLOP- C.19 C.652 C.90 C.240, C.652 C.461 C.923 C.20 C.791 C.93, C.232 C.791 C.93 C.20, C.466 C.703 C.466 C.466 C.20 C.703 D.10 C.460 C.93 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 284 Index of correspondents HOLM, Preban B. HOLZNER, J. Heinrich HONGELL,Karin HOO, Joe J. HOOD, Valerie D. HOOK, Ernest B. HOOVERS, J.M.N. HOPKINS, Antonia HOPKINS, D. Luke HOPKINSON, D.A. HOPWOOD, Sir (David) Alan HOQUE, Mojaherul HORN, Nina HORST,Antoni HORTON, William A. HOTTA, Yasuo HOUSTON, RA HOWARD, Jonathan HOWETT, Lewis HP PUBLISHING CO. INC. HSIA, David Yi-Yung HSU, Lillian Y.F. HSU, T.C. HU, Dr HUBBLE, Douglas HUETHER, Carl A. HUGHES, D.E. HUGHES, David C. C.468 C.240 C.462 H.4, H.5 See C.724 C.464, C.466 C.923 C.652 C.240 C.792 C.233 C.652 C.464 C.792 C.792 D.32 C.17 C.923, C.1036 C.468 C.596 C.20, C.240 C.924 C.18, C.58, C.240 C.793 C.241 C.468 C.241 C.1036 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 285 Index of correspondents HUGHES, David TOWNLEY- C.976, C.1075 HUGHES, Helena E. HUGHES, leuan A. HUGHES, V.C. HUGO HUI, Samuel Ngok Kong HULTEN, Maj Anita C.234 C.924 C.793 See HUMAN GENOME ORGANISATION C.354 C.235, C.236, C.461, C.464, C.466, C.467, C.650, C.785-C.788, D.33 HUMAN CRYOGENICS GROUP, NORTHERN REGION C.393 HUMAN GENETICS C.828, C.864, C.874, C.965, C.1035 HUMAN GENETICS SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIA C.985 HUMAN GENOME ORGANISATION (HUGO) F.8-F.76 See also C.910 HUMAN REPRODUCTION HUMPHRIES, Steve HUNGERFORD, David A. HUNNISECK,Laura HUNT,Lynn V. HUNTER, J.K. HUNTER,JanetL.P. HURLEY, Rosalinde HUSAIN, S.L. HUSON, Susan M. HUTCHESON, Robert T. HUTCHINGS, Harry E. HUTCHISON, James Holmes C.827 C.793 C.20 C.1035 C.924 C.241 C.241 C.793 C.241 C.924 C.241 C.237 B.49, C.92, C.238, C.316, C.463, C.468 HUTCHISON, William C. C.241 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 286 Index of correspondents HUTSON, John HUTT, Frederick Bruce HYDE, Betty IBER, Frank ILLINGWORTH, Sir Charles Frederick William IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND IMRIE, Robert C. INGLIS, David S.B. INSLEY, Jack C.793 C.93 C.93 C.22 C.22 See also C.94 B.21, B.27-B.29 C.471 C.243 C.94, C.242, C.471, C.657, C.715, C.794 INSTITUT NATIONALDE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE, FRANCE COMITE DE L’ACTION THEMATIQUE: FACTEURS GENETIQUE DANS LE DEVELOPPEMENT NORMAL ET PATHOLOGIQUE INSTITUTE FOR LABORATORY ANIMAL RESEARCH JOURNAL INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION C.492 C.978 D.6 INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY C.452, C.474, C.644 INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY (later INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL LABORATORYSCIENCES) C.672 GLASGOW BRANCH C.372, C.643 INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION See H.1-H.50 INTERNATIONAL ATHLETIC FOUNDATION H.11-H.13 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES FOR HUMAN GENETICS PERMANENT COMMITTEE C.681 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETY OF OSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS C.261, C.487 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HYDROCEPHALUS AND SPINA BIFIDA INTERNATIONAL GENETICS FEDERATION C.778 C.332 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 287 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE H.4, H.13 See also D.27 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CYTOLOGY See C.890, C.931 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS F.77-F.86 IRL PRESS LTD C.748, C.805 IRVINE INCORPORATED TRADES ISAACS, Anthony D. ISLAM, Khalid ISRAELSOHN, Wilma J. ISSA, M. ITATANI, Carol Ann IVES, Elizabeth J. IZATT, Louise JACK, Andrew S. JACKSON, Camille JACKSON, lan J. JACKSON, lan T. JACKSON, Ivette JACKSON, Laird G. JACOB, Allan JACOBS, Patricia Ann JACOBSEN, Jens Christian JACOBSON, Cecil B. JADIR, T.N. AL- JAGIELLO, Georgiana JALBERT,Pierre JAMES, Brennig C.623 C.243 C.471 C.21 C.94 C.1081 C.94, C.243 C.925 C.663 C.247 C.927 C.247, C.658 C.247 C.927, C.1037 C.474, C.797 C.23, C.247, C.927, D.32, H.42 See also C.735 C.661 C.247 C.603 C.247, C.661 C.472 C.474 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 288 Index of correspondents JAMES, D. Geraint JAMES, David S. JAMES, J. Roger JAMES, Zoé H. JANICK, Jules JANZ, Siegfried JARRETT, Ellen JASANI, M.K. JASLOW,Robert I. JAY, Marcelle JAYAKARAN, Flossie JEFFCOTT,Leo B. JEFFREYS, Sir Alec John JENG, Quitz JENKINS, Edmund C. JENKINS, G.C. JENKINS, Idella M. JENKINS, Trefor JENKYN, Joy JENNETT, W. Bryan JENSEN, H. ARNTH- JENSEN, Lis JENSEN, Steen SMIDT- JEQUIER, Anne M. JIN Feng JOERG, Hannes JOHANNISSON, R. JOHANSEN, Patricia C.98 C.661 C.247 C.247 C.98 C.927, C.1040 C.247 C.248 C.25 C.798 C.1040 C.1040 D.32 C.1040 C.249 C.663, C.795 C.25 C.474, C.661, C.797 C.474 C.249, C.474, C.797 C.141 C.98 C.855 C.474 C.928 C.1040 C.798 C.249 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 289 Index of correspondents JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, PUBLISHERS C.659, C.694, C.715, C.717, C.721, C.796, C.854, C.1003, C.1011, D.77-D.115, F.77-F.83 JOHN WRIGHT & SONS LTD MEDICAL PUBLISHERS C.387, C.391, C.432 JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY JOHNSON, Margaret A. JOHNSON, Martin H. JOHNSON, R.T. JOHNSTON, Alan W. JOHNSTON, J.M. JOHNSTONE, J. Maxwell JONASSON, J. JONES, Carol A. JONES, David A. JONES, Esmor JONES, Georgeanna E. SEEGAR JONES, Howard W., Jr JONES, J.M. BOULTON JONES, J.-S. JONES, Keith JONES, Ken JONES, Peter JONES, R. Neil JONES, Robin P. KNILL- JONES, T.F. ELIAS- C.33, C.53 C.672, C.676 See also A.11 C.798 C.926 C.928 C.2, C.5, C.24, C.44, C.57, C.58, C.65, C.95, C.473, C.660, C.662, C.798 B.45, B.46 C.96, C.245, C.248 C.798 C.928 C.806 C.798 C.98 C.25, C.95, C.97, C.474, C.661, C.798, C.928 C.735 C.798 C.661 C.474 B.30, G.18 C.474 C.475, C.805 C.201 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 290 Index of correspondents JONGE, G.A. de JORGENSON, Ronald J. JOSEPH, Ann JOST, Alfred JOURNAL OF EMBRYOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL MORPHOLOGY JOURNAL OF INFECTION JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS JOURNAL OF MENTAL DEFICIENCY RESEARCH JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY C.423 C.663 C.661 See C.866 C.303 D.120 C.652, D.121 C.697 See also C.816 C.583 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE: LYING IN C.365 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION C.43, C.51, C.372 JUN Ma JUNIEN, Claudine JUST, Walter KABACK,Michael M. KACSER, H. KADURI, Ammon Joseph KAIJSER, Kurt KALAITSIDAKI, Marianna KALAYDJIEVA, Luba KALLMANN, Franz J. KALOUSEK, Dagmar K. KALOUSTIAN, Vazken M. Der KALUZEWSKI, Bogdan C.928 C.661 C.1039 C.933, C.1045, D.82, D.88, D.92, D.109 See also C.803 C.475 C.481 C.250 C.1045 C.933 C.100, E.12 C.929 C.475 C.484 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 291 KAMNASARAN, Deepak KAPLAN, Arnold R. KASHTON, Cheryl TAYLOR- KASS, Donald Martin KATEB, Beshir EL- KATZ, Michael KAUFMANN, Ber N. KAY, Sir Andrew Watt KAYE, Celia I. KEANE, Conor T. KEARNS, Bill KEATING, Anna KEATS, Bronya KEDZIORA,Jozef KEER, Sarah KEER- KEIR, H.M. KEIR, Margaret M. KEITH, Louis G. KELLEY,Vincent C. KELLIE, G.A. KELLY, Thaddeus E. KEMPSELL, Isobel KENNAWAY, Nancy KENNEDY,Arthur C. KENNEDY, Robert KENT,Paul W. KERN, Richard A. KERR, Alison Index of correspondents C.1041-C.1043 C.26 C.1075 C.26 C.201 C.933 C.99 C.478 C.665 C.804 C.934 C.665 C.481, C.804 C.482, C.665, C.804 C.934 C.250 C.478 C.804 C.250 C.250 C.250 C.480 C.250 C.799 C.665 C.804 C.26 C.800 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 292 Index of correspondents KERR, lan C. KERR, Margaret M. KEVLES, Daniel J. KEYNES, Stephen KEZER, James KHAN, Javed KHAN, M.H. KHAN, P. Meera KHAN, Yasmin KHAZAB, Mahmood KHILFEH, M.H. KIDD, Kenneth K. KIERNAN, Diana H. KILMARNOCK STANDARD KINLEN, L.J. KING, Jack M. KING, Vanessa KINGSBURY,David T. KIPLING, David KIRBY,Erina KIRKPATRICK, Charles H. KIRKPATRICK,R. KJESSLER, Berndt KLEBANOW,David KLEINHOUT,J. KLETT, Jennifer KLINEFELTER, Harry Fitch C.804 C.479 C.804 C.1045 C.250 C.930 C.252 C.252, C.481 C.1045 C.1045 C.252 C.805 C.484 C.180 C.805 C.252 C.1044 C.931 C.935 C.1045 C.26 C.805 C.252 C.100 C.801 C.1046 C.26, C.100 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 293 Index of correspondents KLINEFELTER ORGANISATION C.1052 KLINEFELTER’S SYNDROME ASSOCIATION (later CLUB) C.902, C.916, C.922, C.924 KLINGER, Harold P. KLOZA, Edward M. KNAPP, Leslie KNILL-JONES, R.P. KNOBLOCH, Hilda KO, Paul KOCH, Katherine KOHLER, H.G. KOLLER, Pius Charles KOMENDER, Janusz KONG, Tim H. KONTOGIANNI, Elena KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KORSTANJE, Ronny KOSKULL, Harriet von KOSMAIDOU, Zoe ARAVIDOU KOSZTOLANYI, George KOULISCHER, L. KOVACS, A. KRETCHMER, Norman KRETOWICZ, Janusz C.100, C.479 C.665 C.935 See JONES, R.P. KNILL- C.100 C.484 C.1046 C.665 C.252 C.1046 C.1046 C.935 A.28 C.932, C.1046 C.664, C.802, C.866 C.805 C.1046 C.478 C.935 C.26 C.805 KROMBERG, Jennifer G.R. C.479, C.481 KRUMINS, Edgar KUCEROVA,Maria KUGELMASS, I. Newton C.484 C.483 C.252 KUNMING INSTITUE OF ZOOLOGY, CHINA G.7, G.10 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 294 Index of correspondents KUO, Michael KYLE, K.F. KYLE, Peter M. LABORATORYIMPEX LTD LABSYSTEMS (UK) LTD LACERDA,Antonio José Madeira Monteiro de LACHELT, Theodore C. LACHMANN, Sir Peter Julius LADOUCEUR, Elisabeth J. LAIRD, Andrew P. LAJTHA,L.G. C.935 C.477 C.666 C.672 C.789 C.261 C.261 C.1049 C.261 C.262 C.261 LAM-PO-TANG, P. Reginald L. C.485, C.809, C.937, C.975 LAMB, R. LAMBERT, Cecilia Bennett LAMP, Bernard LAMPE, L. van den BERG- THE LANCET LANCET, Moshe LAPA, Alvaro LASLETT, Peter LATT, SamuelA. LATTIMORE, C.R. LAU, Y.L. LAUDAT,Philippe LAUGHLIN, Su LAURANCE, B.M. C.262 C.608 C.1049 C.395 C.105, C.491, C.514, D.4, D.123 See C.105 C.253 C.937 C.672, C.809, D.10 C.492 C.809 C.492 C.807 C.261, C.491 LAURENCE, K.Michael C.261, C.485, C.486, C.491, C.492, M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 295 Index of correspondents LAURENT,Colette LAURENT,J.L. LAVINHA, Joao LAVKER, Robert C.667, C.671, C.809 C.261, C.485 C.261 C.809, C.937 C.937 LAWLER, Sylvia Dorothy C.261, C.485, C.809 LAWRENCE, Michael LAWRIE, T.D. Veitch LAX, Renata LAY, C.L. LAZARUS, John H. LAZARUS, S. LECLERCQ, Pol LEE, Catherine S. LEE, Ennis LEE Fook-Tung LEE, J.H. LEE, KH: LEE, William R. LEEDHAM, Paul LEGGE, J.S. C.806 C.261 C.261, C.262 C.487 C.261, C.809 C.809 C.101 C.105 C.491 C.488 C.489 C.669 C.262, C.263, C.811 C.492 C.492 LEICA MICROSYSTEMS IMAGING SOLUTIONS LTD G.22-G.29 LEISTI, Jaako LEITCH, Andrew R. LENNOX,Bernard C.810 C.1049 A.12-A.14, A.15, A.16, A.18, A.19, C.58, C.78, C.105, C.254, C.361, C.485, C.489, C.492, C.668, D.4 See also A.4, C.117 LERNER, Boaz C.937 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 LETSKY, Barbara LEVAN, Albert LEVAN, Goran LEVER; A: F. LEVER, Andrew M.L. LEVETT,Sally A. LEVINE, Harry LEVITAN, Max LEVY, HarveyL. LEVY, Jean LEWIS, Bonny (Mrs Kenneth Lewis) LEWIS, Dan LEWIS, G.D. LEWIS, Geoffrey LEWIS, Gwyneth H. LIEBAERS, I. LIEBERMAN, L. LIEDGREN, S. LIEHR, Thomas LIGGINS, G.C. LIMON, Janusz LIN Ming-Shoyong LINDENBAUM, Richard H. LINDHOLM, Carita LINDSAY, John LINDSTEN, Jan LINGAAS, Frode LINN, C.C. 296 Index of correspondents C.263 C.27, C.105, C.263 C.1047 C.810 C.936 C.491 C.255 C.263 C.492 D.109, D.110 C.28 C.489 C.263 C.263 C.672 D.112, D.113 C.264 C.668 C.1049 C.493 C.810 C.264 C.810 C.937 C.256 C.105, C.810 C.1048 C.937 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 297 Index of correspondents LINN, Thomas L. LIRENMAN, David S. LISCO, Hermann LISSOUBA,Pascal LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE LITT, Michael LITTLE, MargaretJ. LITTLEFIELD, John W. LIU, David T.Y. LIU Guanghui LIVINGSTON, Eric LIVINGSTON, Vivian S. LJUNQVIST, Arne LODER, Patricia Bronwen LOESCH, Danuta LOGAN, Robert W. LOGUE, David Nixon LOIDL, Josef LOKE, Y.W.(’Charlie’) LONDON TALKBACK RADIO LONG, Susan Elizabeth LORBER, John LOW Kok Kwan LOW,Robert A.L. LOWEXiu LUBS, Herbert A., Jr LUCAS, Mary C.28 C.489 €. 105 See C.447 C.1009 C.807 C.485 C.264 C.808 C.1049 C.810, C.811 C.262 C.27, H.5-H.48 F.10-F.71 C.257, C.485 C.258, C.490, C.668, C.672, C.810, C.841 C.259, C.485, C.490 C.1049 C.938 H.6 C.260, C.485 C.810 C.493 C.811 C.938 C.28, C.102, C.265, C.490 C.265, C.491, C.668 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 298 Index of correspondents LUCASSEN, Anneke LUCIANO, Consolo LUCIE, Norman P. LUERS, Th. LUKEIS, Robyn Elizabeth LUMINOS LTD LURIE, |.W. LUSH, lan E. LUZZATTO, Lucio LYBERATOU, Evagelia LYELL, Alan LYNCH, Henry T. LYNCH, JamesB. LYON, Mary F. LYONS, Alan MA, H.K. MAAS, Werner K. MACADAM, Robert F. MACAFEE, C.A.J. McAINSH, W.R. McALPINE, Phyllis MacANESPIE, H. MacARTHUR, J. Morag McBEAN, Sonya McCAIG, George G. McCALLUM, C.G. C.938 C.810 C.490 C.265 C.938 C.127 C.668 C.265 C.265, C.938 C.266, C.490, C.493, C.494, C.643, C.668, C.810 C.266, C.490, C.810 C.266 C.266 B.9, C.103, C.266,C.490, C.493, D.5 C.490 C.825 C.291 C.2 C.110 C.277 C.507 C.511 C.507 C.507, C.509, C.511 C.674 C.504 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 299 Index of correspondents McCANN, Peter T. McCARGOW, James McCARROLL, L. Jason McCARTHY,Patrick McCLURE, John P. McCLUSKEY,Eva McCONNELL, lan McCOY, W.T. McCREANOR, Helen R. McDERMOTT, Alan MacDONALD, F. McDONALD, G.A. McDONALD, J. MACDONALD, J.W.A. MACDONALD, Neil MacDONALD, Robert M. McDOUGALL, |. Ross McDOUGALL, Neil M. McEWEN, Helen P. McFADYEN, lain R. McFARLANE, R.D. McGARRY,J.A. McGAVIN, D.D. Murray McGIFFERT, Christine McGILL, P.E. MacGILLIVRAY,lan C.277 C.499 C.277 C.494 C.677 C.502 C.1051, C.1065, C.1066 C.495 C.267, C.497, C.500, C.571 C.502, C.505, C.511, C.674, C.677, C.812, C.1052 C.664, C.674 C.674, C.815 C.817 C.815 C.513 C.268, C.507 C.217, C.825 C.675 C.278, C.815 C.110, C.815 C.825 C.110, C.675, C.816 C.333 C.982-C.984, C.1050 C.674 C.504 MacGILLIVRAY,Ronald C. C.106, C.269, C.816 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 300 Index of correspondents McGIRR, Edward M. McGREGOR, Herbert McINTYRE, Gwendoline B. McIREE, Maureen E. MacKAY,A. MacKAY, Colin MackKAY, Eric J. McKAY, Ron McKEAN, Mary MacKENZIE, A. McKENZIE, Wendell H. MacklE, J. MacklE, Rona M. McKINLAY, George C. McKUSICK, Anne McKUSICK,Victor Almon C.278, C.502 C.1052 C.270, C.499, C.501, C.504, C.507, C.511 C.278 C.512, C.674 C.675 C.110 C.278 C.816 C.512 C.507 C.685 C.183, C.504 C.278 C.1052 A.11, B.59, C.30, C.107-C.109, C.271-C.274, C.498, C.502, C.506, C.510, C.553, C.673, C.676, C.814, C.872, C.939, C.1052, C.1087 See also C.1017 McLANE, Charles M. C.111 McLAREN, Dame Anne Laura C.278, C.816, D.33 McLAURIN, Campbell MacLAURIN, John MacLEAN, A.B. MACLEAN, Ian M. MACLEAN, Kirsteen McLEAN, Sheila A.M. McLELLAN, Anne C.499 C.508 C.513 C.502 C.825 C.503, C.508, C.512 C.816 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 301 Index of correspondents McLETCHIE, [?] G. B. McMANUS, Susan P. McMASTER, W.Robert MACMILLAN, lain A. MACNABB, Joan C. McNAMARA,George C.111 C.816 A.33,A.34 C.508 C.279, C.512 C.1052 MACNAUGHTON, M. Callum C.275, C.504, C.512, C.674, C.677 McNEISH, A.S. (’Sandy’) C.111, C.677 McNEISH, Gordon McNICOL, GeorgeP. McNIEL, Elizabeth MACPHERSON, Tom MacRAE, Malcolm M. McSHANNON, Fiona McSHERRY, JamesA. MacSWEEN, Roddy N.M. MacVICAR, John MACEK, Milan, Sr MACK,Alison E. MACK,DouglasS. MACK, W.S. MADAN, Kamlesh MADRID, José Humberto Jiménez MAGALHAES, Jacinto de MAGENIS, R. Ellen MAGRINI, Fabio MAGUIRE, Helen C.817 C.279 C.1052 C.816 C.677 C.508 C.279 C.276, C.508, C.825 C.279 C.941, C.1053 C.291 C.291, C.682 C.291 C.515 C.515 C.524, C.680, C.686 C.521, C.941 C.941 C.521 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 302 Index of correspondents MAHAPASTRA,B. MAHLOUDJI, Mohsne MAHONEY, Maurice Jeremiah MAIR, MichaelI. MAK, Anton Y.T. MAKINEN, Auli MAKINO, Sajiro MALCOLM, Alan D.B. MALCOLM, Margaret R. MALCOLM, Susan MALIK, Afshan MALINVERNI, A. MALTBY,Jill MAMMALIAN GENOME MANCINI, Roberto E. MANDEMA,Enno MANDERS, Erik MANGE, Arthur P. MANGE, Elaine J. MANGIA,Franco MANN, Gillian MANN, John MANN, Linda MANNALL,Ivan G. MANNING, Robert T. MANSON, Jean Catherine C.291 C.291 C.515 C.685 C.524, C.686 C.942 C.291 See also C.520 C.826 C.521 B.5, B.9, B.10, C.517, C.519, C.686, C.818, C.940 See also C.617 C.942 C.291 C.291 C.1001 C.30 C.30 C.942 C.521 C.521 C.685 €.517 C.291 C.826 C.291, C.682 C.29 C.680 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 303 Index of correspondents MANSOUR, Abdel Hamid MANWARING, Gaye MANZANAL, Ana MAOXin MARCHETTI, Francesco MARIHART,Bettina MARKS, Paul A. MARR, M.E. MARRIAN, Valerie J. MARSHALL, Alexander J. MARSHALL,JamesS. MARSHALL, Robin D. MARSHALL, R.E. MARTIN, George M. MARTIN, George R. MARTIN, Sheila MARTIN, W.B. (‘Bill’) MASHOUR, Ahmed Abdoulha MASON, David K. MASON, Michael K. MATHE, G. MATHERS, Roy MATHUR, B.B.L. MATTEL, J.-F. MATTEI, M.G. MAUER, Irving MAVROS, Ariadne C.678 C.291 C.942 C.1053 C.942 C.1053 C.517 C.292 C.292, C.682, C.819, C.829 C.686 C.292 C.644, C.680, C.685, C.686, C.826 C.116 C.112 C.535 C.116 C.116, C.281 C.678 C.292 C.521 C.292 C.516 C.292 C.521 C.680 C.116 C.826 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 304 Index of correspondents MAXWELL, Judith Claire MAY, S.P.W. C.680 C.292 MAZURCZAK, Tadeusz Jerzy C.282, C.521, C.826, C.1053 MEDIA MEDICA C.843 MEDICAL AND DENTAL DEFENCE UNION OF SCOTLAND C.310 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL A.18, A.21, B.1, B.2, B.5-B.15, B.16- B.20, B.22, B.23, B.24, B.25, B.30, B.31, B.32, B.33, B.45, C.589, C.902, F.32 COMMITTEE ON PROTECTION AGAINST IONIZING RADIATIONS C.361 MAMMALIAN GENETICS UNIT See C.944 NEUROSCIENCES BOARD AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE COMMITTEE UK HGMP RESOURCE CENTRE C.450 C.1011 WORKING PARTY ON LEUKAEMIA IN CHILDHOOD C.828 MEDICAL WOMEN’S FEDERATION SOUTH WESTERN ASSOCIATION MEDWIN, D. GARDNER- MEESE, Eckart U. MEIKLE, J.A.K. MEISNER, Lorraine F. MEKIE, Eric C. MELLMAN, William J. MELLOR, David Hugh MELVILLE, lan D. MERCER, Julian MERCER, Robert D. METAXATOU, Catherine C.522 C.456 C.943 C.681 C.113 C.293 C.114, C.293, C.517 C.685 C.116 C.943 C.116 C.523, C.681, C.827, C.831 See also C.578 METTERS, Jeremy S. C.827 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 305 Index of correspondents MEYER, John L., II MEYER, Jon K. MIALL, Hugh MIAMO, Kazuya MICHELS, Virginia MIDGEON, Barbara MIDGEON, Claude J. MIDRO, Alina T. MIGGIANO, Vincenzo MIKKELSEN, Margareta MILBRANDT,Jeffrey MILES, Charles P. MILLARD, P.R MILLER, Alistair W.F. MILLER, Elizabeth MILLER, James R. MILLER, Michael ASHLEY- MILLER, Orlando J. MILLER, P. MILLER, Sandy MILLS, Norman J. MILNE, B. MILNE, David MILNE, George R. MILNE, Robin G. C.31 C.293 C.294 C.294 C.687, C.688 C.117 C.117, C.283 C.821 C.294 C.117, C.294, C.517, C.681, C.687 C.943 C.31 C.682 C.682, C.704, C.827, C.829 C.284 C.31, C.117 C.142 C.31, C.117, C.294, C.519, C.1054 C.524 C.117 C.294 C.822 C.681 C.294 C.294 MILNGAVIE AND BEARSDEN MEDICAL SOCIETY See C.484 MILTON, Peter J.D. C.943 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 306 Index of correspondents MILUNSKY, Aubrey MINER, Gary D. MINTZ, Beatrice MITCHELL, lan MITCHELL, Ruthven MITCHENER, James W. MITELMAN, Felix MITTWOCH, Ursula MODELL, Bernadette MOHR, Jan GF. MOIR, A.T.B. MOLDAWER, Marc MONESI, Valerio MONEYJohn MONIER, Karine MONK,Marilyn MONTAGU, Ashley MONTERO, E. MOORE, KeithL. MOORE, Thomas MORGAN, Beverly C. MORGAN, Dorothy MORGAN, H. Gemmell MORLEY, Ruth MORLEY,W.Neil MORRIS, Christine M. MORRIS, J.H. C.294, C.515, C.524, C.551, C.687, C.827, D.88 C.294 C.294 C.682 C.522, C.685 C.31 C.681 C.117, C.943 See also C.827 C.687, C.823 C.285 C.286 C.32 C.295 C.32, C.117, C.295 C.1055 C.518 C.32 C.295 C.32, C.115, C.295 C.117 C.828 C.824 C.287, C.465 C.944 C.518 C.944 C.288 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 307 Index of correspondents MORRIS, Roger Stewart MORRISON, John L. MORSS, John MORTIMER, Gabriel MORTON, Richard MORTON, W.R.M. MOSCHONAS, Nicholas K. MOSES, Montrose J. MOSIER, H. David MOSSAKOWSKI, Miroslaw MOSTOFI, F.K. MOSONYI, L. MOTULSKY,Arno G. MOURTZIOPOULOS, D. MULCAHY,Marie T. MULDAL, S. MUELLER, R.F. MULLER, Hansjakob MULLER, Ulrich MULLEY,John C. MULLIGAN, W. MULVIHILL, John J. MUNRO KERR SOCIETY MURIE, Norbert MURKEN, Jan-Diether J.2 C.295 C.522 C.828 C.295 C.295 C.944 C.295 C.56 C.1055 C.32 C.828 C.33, C.519, C.828 C.289 C.687 C.117 C.828 C.518 C.828 C.687 C.681 C.296, F.5 C.419, C.524, C.748 C.296 C.290, C.518, C.522, C.944 MURMUR, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL C.293 MURPHY,Jean C.296 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 308 Index of correspondents MURRAY,David MURRAY,Richard Campbell C.296 C.296 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY GROUP OF GREATBRITAIN C.714, C.737 MUTALIK, Guruaj S. MUTCHINICK, Osvaldo MWAMBINGU, Faulds MYINT, H.L.A. NACHMAN, Michel E. NADA, Sameer Mahmoud Hassan NADLER, Henry L. NAGY,S. NAISMITH, William C.M.K. NAJFELD, V. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION NATIONAL DEAF CHILDREN’S SOCIETY WEST OF SCOTLAND REGION NATIONAL FOUNDATION C.296 C618 C.524 C.296 C.303 C.298 C.303 C.118 C.830 C.299 C.547 C.528 A.18 NATIONAL FOUNDATION MARCH OF DIMES C.537, C.600, C.698 NATIONAL FUND FOR RESEARCH INTO CRIPPLING DISEASES See ACTION RESEARCH NATIONAL HOUSEWIVES REGISTER NATURE NATURE PUBLISHING NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS NEELEY, John C. NEILSON, Jim P. NEJAD, M.H. KARIMI- NELLIGAN, William D. C.284 H.18 C.1011 C.996 C.526, C.528, C.689 C.689, C.832 C.933 C.33 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 309 Index of correspondents NELSON, M.M. NELSON, Molly NEMETH, S.M. NERI, Giovanni C.303 C.527 C.832 C.945 NETHERLANDS GENOMICS INITIATIVE F.87-F.94 NEVIN, Norman Cummings NEWTH, D.R. NEWTON, Frank NEWTON, John R. NEZELOF, Christian NIAZI, Meena NICHOLSON, G.E. NICOL,A.D. NICOL, Susan NICOLAIDES, Kypros NICOLAOU, C. NICOLL, W.D. NICOLOPOULOS, D. NIEBUHR, Erik NIELSEN, Johannes NIELSEN, Kirstine K. NIERMEIJER, MartinusF. NISHI, Shinzo NIXON, W.C. NIXSEAMAN, D. NOEL, Bernard NORMAN, Archie P. C.300, C.527, C.689, C.832 See C.361 C.303, C.525, C.529 H.13 C.832 C.529 C.527, C.689 C.689 C.304 C.689 C.832 C.832 C.301 C.831 C.304 C.118, C.304, C.525, C.526 C.946 C.525, F.7 C.302 C.946 C.304 C.304 C.689 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 Index of correspondents NORRIS, Peggy NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS DIVISION NORTH OF ENGLAND OBSTETRICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY NOVAK, Edmund R. NOVITSKI, E. NOWAKOWSKI, H. NTOUMANI, Efteryi NUFFIELD COUNCIL ON BIOETHICS C.528 C.141 C.252 C.304 C.304 C.33 C.304 B.42 NUNEZ,J.A. Clavero C.118, C.304 OAKEY, Rebecca OAKLEY, Godfrey P., Jr OAKLEY, Hilary A. OASTLER, Eric G. O’BRIEN, Patricia C.M. O'BRIEN, Stephen J. O’DOHERTY,Neil J. O'HARE, Raymond P. OHNO, Susumu OIKAWA,Kiyoshi OLIVER, Michael F. OLIVER, R.W.A. OLMO, Ettore OLUWASANMI, J.O. OMARI, Yousif Ibrahim OMENN, Gilbert S. C.948 C.532 C.690 C.305 C.1034, C.1046 C.948 C.58 C.532 C.305, C.532 C.34, C.119 C.305, C.530 C.690 C.948, D.62 C.305 C.531 C.532 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 311 Index of correspondents OMMEN, Gert-Jan van O'NEILL, Rachel J. Waugh OPTIZ, John M. OSPREYS GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY OSTRANDER, Elaine A. OSWALD, Kathy OTTO, Paulo Alberto OTTOLENGHI, Sergio OVERDRAUGHT PUBLIC HOUSE, LARGS OVERZIER, Claus OWEN, Nicholas OWENS, Albert H. OWENS, William W. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PACE, Leonard D. PADEL, Ruth PADILLA,Jenifer Lynn PAGE, Brenda M. PAGE, David C. PAI, Anna C. PAISLEY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PALMER, Catherine G. PALMER, Thomas N. PALMARINI, Massimo PANGALOS, C.G. PANDURANGI, V.R. PANG, K. Cheong C.979, F.32-F.34, F.39, F.40 C.1092 C.35, C.119, C.690 C.394 C.947 C.948 C.305 G.522 €.753 C.36 C.948 C.37 C.37 C.825 C.42 C.952 C.1081 C.533 C.840 C.222 C.170 C.306, C.534, C.536 C.42 C.952 C.694 C.538 C.307 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 312 Index of correspondents PAPACHRISTOFOROU, Christos PAPADATOS, Constantine J. PAPP, Z. PARK, Hugh W.J. PARKHILL, ThomasR. PARKIN, David PARKINSON, Ken PARKS, John PARSONS, Tom W. PARTICK SAINT MARY’S MASONIC LODGE PARTINGTON, Michael W. PASLIER, Dominic Le PASSARGE, Eberhard PATAU, Eeva THERMAN- PATAU, Klaus PATEL, Naren B. PATEL,T. PATEL, Zareen M. PATEMAN, John A. PATERSON, D.H. PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND PATRICK,A. Des. PATRICK, M. Jean PATRICK, Robert S. PATTERSON, James PATTERSON, Joan PATTON, MichaelA. C.951 C.536 C.315 C.308 C.538 C.315 C.952 C.122 C.315 C.749 C.952 C.952 C.315, C.534, C.763, C.840, C.952 C.572 See C.572 C.834 C.694 C.696, C.840, C.949 C.536, C.537 C.537, C.538 C.32 C.536, C.538 C.309, C.840 C.315 C.310 C.537 C.955 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 313 Index of correspondents PAUL, John PAULSEN, C. Alvin PAWLOWITZKI, I.-Horty PEARNE, John H. PEARSON, PeterL. PEDEN, Norman R. C.315, C.694, C.840 C.42, C.122 C.315, C.534 C.533 C.316, C.695, C.835, C.950 C.841 PEDERSEN, Bent NORGAARD- C.691, C.946, C.953 PEEOPLES, E. Edward PELTONEN, Leena PEMBREY, Marcus Edred PENROSE, Lionel Sharples PEREZ, AnaR PEREZ, Donald Peréz PERGAMENT,Eugene PERINATAL CARE PERKINS, Judith PERRY,R.E. PERSIANIS, Nicos PERSICO, M. Graziella PERTL, Barbara PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PESCIA,G. PETER R. BARBARA AND ASSOCIATES C.536 C.953 C.533, C.836 C.42, C.122, C.316 C.1080, D.39 C.316 C.316, C.833 C.555, C.559 C.537 C.953 See C.534 C.953 C.953 C.953 C.536 C.476 PETERHOUSE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE C.953, C.1031 PETO, Sir Richard PETRUSEWICZ, Irena HAUSMANOVA- PFEIFFER, Rudi A. PHADKE, M.A. C.584 C.790 C.311, C.696, D.10 C.841, C.953 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 314 Index of correspondents C.316, C.537, C.841 PHILIP, John PHILIP, Thierry PHILLIPS, George M. PHILLIPS, T. PIET, L. LARGET- PILLER, Gordon J. PINKERTON, Peter H. PINSKY, Leonard PITMAN MEDICAL PUBLISHING CO. LTD PITTS, John D. PLATT, Lawrence D. PLATT, Sir Robert, Bt PLOEG, Mels van der PLUMB, Dick POER, David Henry POLANI, Paul Emanuel POLE, John Graham POLI, E. POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES POLLACK,Marilyn S. POLLARD, A.C. (‘Tony’) POLLOCK, Andrew POLLOCK,Helen POMMER, Alfred M. PONDER, Bruce PONT,J. Mary W. C.535 C.42 C.316 C.669 C.536 C.316 C.537 C.560 C.316 C.954 C.122 C.711, C.837, C.866, E.31 C.954 C.42 C.39, C.120, C.312, C.536, C.537, C.538, C.838 C.317 C.42 C.1055 C.538 C.495, C.535, C.841 C.696 C.536 C.42 C.841 C.537, C.695 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 315 Index of correspondents PONTECORVO, Guido POPE, Francis Michael PORTER, lan H. POSSAMI, Anne M. POSTE, George POSTEL, Wilfred B. (’Bill’) A.15, A.16, A.18, A.19, A.20-A.22, B.45, C.70, C.102, C.291, C.317, C.351 See also A.5, C.951, E.22 C.535, C.536, C.692 C.317, C.533, C.535, C.536 C.317 C.954 C.121 POST-GRADUATE MEDICAL CENTRE, GLASGOW C.548, C.577, C.727 POTTER, Helen POTTS, R. Eric POULTON, Joanna POVEY, Susan POZO, Emilio del THE PRACTITIONER PRADER, Andrea PRECHTL,H.F.R. PREMPREE, Thongbliew PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS C.841 C.693 C.954 C.317, C.954, D.25, F.34, F.46-F.48 C.75 C.331, C.533 C.40 C.839 C.317 C.659, C.1045, D.77-D.115 See also F.77-F.83 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS GROUP C.502, C.674, C.677 PRENTICE, Colin R. M. PRENTICE, Roy T.W. PRICE, Helen MIDDLETON- PRICE, William H. PRIEST, Jean H. PRIMROSE, David A. PRITCHARD, R.H. PROCKOP, Darwin J. C.537 C.842 C.943, C.1054 C.842 C.42, C.122, C.317 C.313 C.537 C.842 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 316 Index of correspondents PROVAN, Andrew PROVENZA,D. Vincent PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICAL OFFICERS WESTERN REGIONAL GROUP PUCK, Theodore T. PUGH, D.H.O. PUNNETT, Hope H. PURNELL, David PURUSHOTHAOMAN, S.C. PYESR:J. QUEEN OF SCOTS KNITWEAR, IRVINE QUINN, Niall P. R. MAGUIRE COOK & CO. RAAB, Gillian RAACH, John H. RAAP, Anton K. (‘Ton’) RABACH, Jan RACE, Robert Russell RADCLIFFE, W. RAEBURN, J.A.(‘Sandy’) RAHMAN, M. Ataur RAINE, Peter A.M. RAINE, Tim RAINER, John D. RAMADAS, Dharmalongham RAMANAMURTY,S.V. RAMSEY,David T. C.695 C.122, C.695, C.696 C.368 C.41 C.955 C.317, C.954 C.314 C.317 C.954 C.855 C.956 C.318 C.544 C.43 C.958, E.31 C.123 C.207, C.331 C.697 C.845, C.958 C.845 C.845 C.1056 C.123, E.12 C.331 C.697 C.544 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 317 Index of correspondents RANNEY,Helen M. RAO, L.G. Shankanadar RAO, N. Appaji RAO, V.S. RASHAD, M. Nabil RATCLIFFE, John G. RATTUE, Mrs RAWNSLEY,K. RAWSON, S.P. RAY-CHAUDHURI, S.P. READ, Andrew P. REAL, Francesco-Xavier REBHOLZ, Heike REDDY, Geetla Vijender REDFORD, David H.A. REDMAN, Robert S. REED, William B. REEDERS, Stephen REES, H. REEVE, Ann REGIONAL POSTGRADUATEINSTITUTE FOR MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY, CUMBERLAND INFIRMARY, CARLISLE C.43 C.544, C.550 C.845 C.331 C.123 C.319, C.540, C.544, C.697, C.845 C.331 C.845 C.331 C.331 F.6, F.7 H.28 C.1063 C.539 C.699 C.123 C.331 C.845 C.331 C.845 C.632 REID, Robert W. REILLY,Philip R. RENFREE, Marilyn RENS, Willem RENTON, Jean P. C.320, C.540, C.543 C.1063 C.1063 C.1063, C.1093-C.1100, D.39, G.26, G.27 C.845 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 318 RENWICK, James Harrison RETHORE, Mathilde RETIEFF, Dries REVELL, S.G. REYNOLDS, S.R.M. RHOADS, George G. RICHARDS, B.W. RICHARDS, Frances M. RICHARDS, |.D. Gerald RICHARDS, Sarah-Jane RICHARDSON, Daphne L. RICHARDSON, Frederick RICHARDSON, R.T. RICHMOND, Henry A.N. RICHMOND, H.G. RIDDELL, W.J.B. RIDER, Anne C.E. RIDGE, Joe RIDLER, Michael RIDLEY, C. Marjorie RIED, Thomas RIEGE, Walter RIFKIND, Basil RILEY, Conrad M. RILEY,lan D. RILEY, Ralph RIMMER, John Index of correspondents A.14, B.3, C.321, C.550, C.845 C.550 C.845 C.959 C.123 C.846 C.257, C.322, C.540, C.543, C.544, C.548, C.551 C.957, C.1057, C.1058 C.323 C.1063 C.543 C.123 C.846 C.332 C.332, C.540, C.548, C.551, C.697, C.846 C.123 C.544 C.843 C.548 C.540 C.1059 C.332 C.324 C.43 C.325, C.700 C.332 C.332 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 319 Index of correspondents RIMOIN, David L. RIPSTEEN, JoelS. RISCH, Neil Jay RITCHIE, J.W. Knox ROBB, Anne ROBERTS, Anthony D.G. ROBERTS, DerekF. ROBERTS, lan ROBERTS, L.B. ROBERTS, Margaret A. ROBERTS, Philip F. ROBERTS, T.D.M. ROBERTSON, Forbes W. ROBERTSON, J.L. ROBERTSON, Pauline ROBERTSON, W. ROBINSON, Arthur ROBINSON, E.T. ROBINSON, Harry J. ROBINSON, Hugh P. ROBINSON, Jacqueline A. ROBINSON, Terence John C.332 C.332 C.545 C.697 C.699 C.699 C.333, C.540, C.541, C.548, C.551, C.697 C.1064 C.698, C.700 C.847 C.543 C.333 C.545 C.333 C.543 C.545 C.333 C.548 C.43 C.543, C.698 C.540 C.1060 ROBSON, Elizabeth B. (‘Bette’) C.326, C.543, C.545 ROCCHI, Mariano ROCKER, Israel RODECK, Charles H. C.959 C.551, C.700 C.847, C.959, C.1064, D.88, D.93, D.112, F.84 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 320 Index of correspondents RODGER, J. Christine C.327 RODIN REMEDIATION ACADEMY See ACADEMIA RODINENSIS ROGAEV,Evgeny I. ROGERS, lan ROGERS, John G. ROLAND, Charles G. ROMAIN, Dennis Roger ROMAN, Carlos SAN ROMANES, George J. ROMEO, Giovanni ROMER, T.E. RONA, Roberto RONEY, Caroline ROOSA,Robert A. ROPER, J. Alan ROSE, Elizabeth M. ROSENBERG, Leon E. ROSS, A.H.M. ROSS, D.M. ROSS, Mark T. ROSS, R.M. ROSTAFINSKI, Michael ROTARY CLUB OF KILMARNOCK ROTHMAN, Doreen ROTHWELL, Norman V. ROUND, N.G. ROWAN, R. Martin C.959 C.333 C.700 C.43 C.500, C.542, C.548, C.847 C335, C.555, C.558, C.562, C.853, C.1072 C.698 C.847, E.21, F.5, F.6 C.333 C.847 C.847 C.333 C.333 C.328, C.847 C.333, C.543 C.698 C.333 C.1098, C.1099 C.698 C.43 C.508 C.545 C.540 C.540 C.847 321 Index of correspondents M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 ROWAN, T. ROWLEY, JanetD. ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, WEST OF SCOTLAND FACULTY ROYAL COLLEGE OF MIDWIVES RENFREWSHIRE BRANCH SCOTTISH BOARD TEACHERS GROUP ROYAL COLLEGE OF NURSING, GREATER GLASGOW BRANCH ROYAL COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNAECOLOGISTS, SCOTTISH EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PATHOLOGISTS C.546 C.698, C.1064 C.339 C.210, C.444 C.170, C.347 C.145 C.550 C.834 A.25, C.470, C.551, C.566, C.578, C.663, C.695, C.700, C.720, C.732, C.747, C.748, C.795, C.828, C.846, C.959 TRAINING COMMITTEE WORKING PARTY ON REGIONAL GENETICS SERVICES WORKING PARTY ON SYSTEMIZED NOMENCLATURE OF PATHOLOGY C.857 C.639 _C.576 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PATHOLOGISTS OF AUSTRALIA See C.383 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS JOINT COMMITTEE OF MEDICAL GENETICS ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF GLASGOW C.198, C.1012 See C.1074 A.33, A.34 A.25A, C.210, C.333, C.349, C.521, C.540, C.615, C.616, C.813, C.816, C.847, C.860 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH C.623, C.647, C.696, C.709, C.844 ROYAL HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, GLASGOW C.317, C.396, C.399, C.608, C.612, C.613, C.618, C.646, C.668, C.687, C.855, C.873 RADIOLOGICAL SAFETY COMMITTEE C.684 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 322 Index of correspondents ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY ROYAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND C.837 C.578 ROYAL PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW C.406, C.412 ROYAL SOCIETY BIOETHICS, GENETICS AND MENTAL DISORDERS WORKING GROUP ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE RUBES, Jiri RUDDLE, Frank H. RUDIGER, Hugo W. RUIZ, Elena FERNANDEZ- RUNCIE, John RUOSLAHTI, Erkki RUPPERT, Mike RUSHTON, lan RUSSELL, Barbara RUSSELL, A.R. RUSTED, lan E. RUTHVEN, lan S. RUTKOWSKI, S. STENGEL- RYDER, Oliver A. RYYNANEN, Markku S. KARGER AG SADLER, Jean W. SALINAS, CarlosF. SALK, Darrell John C.686, C.792, C.804 C.937, C.959 C.815, C.1017 C.98, C.1075 C.1064 C.43, C.329, C.545 C.847 C.908 C.847 C.333 C.1064 C.543, C.548 C.848 C.333 C.333 C.330, C.699, C.848 C.857 C.959, C.1061, C.1062 C.848, C.959 See also C.810 C.100 C.853 C.701 C.701 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 323 Index of correspondents SALMASI, A.-Majeed SAMBUY, Yula BALBO BERTONE DI SAMMONS, D. SAN ROMAN, Carlos SANDERSON, Jeremy SANDISON, A.T.(‘Sandy’) SANDISON, Ann SANDS, MargaretE. SANGER, Ruth Anne SANOUDOU, Depi SARDHARWALA,I.B. SARGAN, David R. SARTO, Gloria E. SATYANARAYANA,M. SAUNDERS, Ginny SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE CAMPAIGN SAY, Burhan SAYLI, Bekir Sitki SCHEINBERG, L.C. SCHERES, J.M.J.C. SCHERZ,Robert G. SCHMID, Werner SCHINDLER, Anne-Marie SCHINZEL, Albert SCHLESSINGER, David SCHOENSTEIN, Lori SCHOFFLING, Kurt B.9, B.10 C.555 C.968 See ROMAN C.853 C.347 C.559 C.336, C.562, C.853 C.347 C.1072 C.853 C.947, C.1032, C.1067, C.1068, D.52, D.54, D.65 C.347 C.701 J.11 C.809 C.347 C.968 C.49 C.552 C.49 C.701 C.348 C.701, C.960 C.968 C.1072 C.124 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 324 Index of correspondents SCHOTTENFELD, David SCHROCK,Evelin SCHROEDER, Hans Jurgen SCHULER, D. SCHUSTER, Joseph SCIENCE MAGAZINE SCLARE, A.Balfour SCOTT,A.C. (‘Arch’) SCOTT,Christina M. SCOTT, lan Alexander Stewart SCOTT, J. Stewart SCOTT, JamesE. SCOTT, JamesS. SCOTT, Jean M.N. SCOTT,L. Stuart SCOTT, M.J. SCOTT, Michael R. SCOTT, Ronald B. SCOTT, W. Jeffrey SCOTT, William W. SCOTTISH COUNCIL FOR HEALTH EDUCATION SCOTTISH DOWNS SYNDROME ASSOCIATION SCOTTISH HEALTH VISITORS ASSOCIATION SCOTTISH MEDICAL JOURNAL C.127 C.968, C.1072 C.333, C.348 C.348 C.49 C.1040 C.348, C.555, C.562 C.348 C.701 C.566 C.348 C.348 C.348 C.337, C.562, C.566 C.127 C.570, C.704 C.1072 C.58 C.348 C.49 C.502 C.780 C.511 C.250 SCOTTISH MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE ASSOCIATION C.816, C.867, C.876 SCOTTISH PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY SCOTTISH SOCIETY FOR MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN C.623, C.777 C.166 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 325 Index of correspondents SCOTTISH SPINA BIFIDA ASSOCIATION SCRIMGEOUR, John B. SEABRIGHT, Marina SEARLE, A.G. SEARLE, Jeremy B. SELLER, Mary Joan SERGOVITCH, F.R. SHABA, J.K. SHAH, S.A. SHAMES, David M. SHANAHAN, C.M. SHANKS, Robert A. SHAPIRO, LawrenceR. SHARIF, Fayza Shukri EL- SHARMA,A.K. SHARMA, T. SHARP, Frank SHARP, James C. SHARPE, John H. SUBAK- SHASKY, Donald R. SHAW, Gavin B. SHAWAMY, Farouk SHEEN, Margaret R. SHEFFIELD, Les SHENKER, Lewis SHEPHERD, R. Cameron SHERMAN, Helen C.270, C.370, C.499, C.501, C.504, C.507, C.511 C.417, C.701 C.338, C.559, C.562, C.566, C.701, C.849 C.968, D.32 C.1073 C.348 C.348 C.349 C.349 C.102 C.1073 C.127 C.349, C.854, F.5 C.634 C.1073 C.349 C.349, C.552, C.556, C.850 C.349 C.564, C.569 C.704 C.127 C.349 C.969 C.969 C.566 C.566 C.854 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 326 Index of correspondents SHERRATT,David J. SHIELDS, Laurence E. SIMAS, J. Pedro SHIRLAW,lain C. SHORT,Douglas W. SHORT, lan A. SHOWS, ThomasB. SIDBURY, JamesB., Jr SIDDIQUI, Bushra SIGGERS, David C. SILVA, Maria José de SIMEONOV,Emil SIMMONS, Brian SIMOES, Maria Aparecida SIMOLA,Kalle Osmo Juhana SIMPSON, Donald A. SIMPSON, G.W. SIMPSON, Hugh W. SIMPSON, J.A. SIMPSON, Joe Leigh SIMPSON, Margaret A. SINCLAIR, Robert G. SINGER, C.R.J. SINGER, Jack Donald SINGER, Zvonimir SINGH, Jai Rup C.349, C.566 C.1069 C.1073 C.854 C.553 C.127, C.349 C.854 C.127 C.556 C.350, C.552, C.556, C.567 C.969 C.854 C.556 C.567 C.969 C.556 C.350 C.702, C.854 C.350, C.854 C.350, C.702, C.961, C.962, F.77- F.83, H.5-H.48 See also C.981 C.350 C.339 C.567 C.350, C.552, C.560 C.143, C.340 C.969 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 327 Index of correspondents SINISCALCO, Marcello SIPERSTEIN, Marvin D. SIR BASIL SPENCE, GLOVER & FERGUSON SJUVE, Susan SKAER, Richard John SKAKKEBAK,Niels E. SKINNER, Rosalind SKYRING, Alan P. SLOTKOWSKI, Eugene L. SLUIS, A.J.A. (‘Bart’) van de SMAIL, Peter SMART, Ronald Dalgleish SMELLIE, R. Martin S. SMITH, Alwyn SMITH, Andrew N. BREARLEY- SMITH, Arabella SMITH, Cedric Austen Bardell SMITH, Chris TYLER- SMITH, David W. SMITH, G.D. SMITH, Harry SMITH, Irvine SMITH, Isabel SMITH, J. FAIRHUE SMITH, JimmyH. SMITH, J.R. SMITH, Kim See C.556 C.49 C.67 C.560 C.963 C.350, C.969 C.561 C.50 C.127 C.1077 C.567, C.858 C.855 C.552, C.567, C.851 C.341 C.610-C.611, C.702 C.563 C.560 See also C.904 C.977 C.50, C.351 C.858 C.556, C.565 C.351 C.702 C.208 C.342 C.351 G.10 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 328 Index of correspondents SMITH, Kirby D. SMITH, M.A.E. SMITH, Mary D. SMITH, Mike G.H. SMITH, Moyra SMITH, P.C. GAUTHIER- SMITH, Peter SMITH, R. BAILEY- SMITH, V.J. SMITHELLS, R.W. C.805, C.855 C.351, C.563, C.702 C.351 C.567 C.343 C.458 J.14 C.738 C.563 C.705 SMITHKLINE BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS’ CLINICAL GENETICS, BIOETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY ADVISORY BOARD. See C.1063 SMITHYCROFT SECONDARY SCHOOL, GLASGOW SOCIEDAD PERUANADE GENETICA MEDICA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE GENETIQUE C.489 C.219 C.1011 SOCIETY FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY C.780, C.828 SODOMANN, Carl-Peter SOHVAL,Arthur R. SOLOMON, Ellen SOLOMON, Irene L. SOLOVEI, Irina SOLTAN, Hubert C. SONNENSCHEIN, Carlos SOOTHILL, J.F. SOOTHILL, Peter W. SOUTHERN GENERAL HOSPITAL GLASGOW CLINICAL SOCIETY SOUTTER, W.P. C.351 C.44 C.351, C.567, C.856 C.125 C.964 C.552 C.128 C.351 C.1074 C.393 C.570 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 329 Index of correspondents SPARKES, Robert Stanley SPASTICS SOCIETY SPATHAS, Dionysios H. SPEIRS, A.L. SPENCE, Alastair A. SPENCER, David SPENCER, Seymour SPERLING, Karl SPOONER, Mary SPURR, Nigel STANBURY, John B. STANFIELD, J. Paget STANKIEWICZ, Pawel STANLEY, MargaretA. STANTON, Martin G. STANYON, Roscoe STAREY, Nigel STARK,J.E. STEEL, Michael STEFFENSON, Dale M. STEINBERGER, Emil STEINER, Morris STEINHERZ, Reuben STENE, Eeva STEPHENSON, John B.P. C.702 B.15 C.567, C.702, C.970, C.1070 C.856 C.563 C.556 C.563 C.856, C.965 C.351 F:55 C.45 C.580 C.970 See B.21, B.40 C.352 C.966, C.1071, D.48 C.352 C.857 C.352 B.7 C.129 C.50 C.557 C.857 C.352, C.568, C.570, C.703, C.704, C.705, C.858 STEPTOE, Patrick Christopher STERN, Curt C.857 C.50 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 STERN, Herbert STEVENSON, Alan C. STEVENSON, David STEVENSON, John S. STEWART, Adrian D. STEWART, C.B. STEWART, Charles R. STEWART, Gordon T. STEWART, Gregory STEWART, J. STEWART, Joan BRONTE- STEWART, John C. STEWART, John S.S. STEWART, Ken S. STEWART, Lesley M. STEWART, Neena STEWARTSAND LLOYDS LTD STILES, Karl A. STIRLING, J.B. STODDART, F. Jackson STONE, David H. STONE, Fred H. STONES, P.B. STRACHAN, Tom STRANGEWAYS RESEARCH LABORATORY STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIOLOGY SOCIETY 330 Index of correspondents C.352 C.344 C.568 C.557, C.560, C.564 C.557 C.352 C.129, C.552 C.352, C.552, C.568, C.1074 C.352 C.568 C.167 C.560 A.12, A.13, C.50 C.568, C.858 C.352 C.570 C.352 C.46 C.560 C.352 C.345, C.705 C.129, C.346 C.352 C.970 C.1074 C.471 C.474 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 STRATTON, Robert F. STRAUSS, Bernard S. STRINTZIS, N. STRUTHERS, Allan STRUTHERS, Jean O. STRUTHERS, R.R. STUDD, John STUPANS, leva STURROCK,RogerD. STURTEVANT, F.M. SULLIVAN, C.H. SULLIVAN, Kevin F. SUMMER, George K. SUOMALAINEN, Esko SUPER, Maurice SURANI, Azim SURGO, GLASGOW UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL SUTHERLAND, GrantR. SUTHERLAND, Sandra SUTHERS, Graeme SWALLOW,Dallas SWANN, Alma P. SWARTZ, Frank J. SWEET, E. M. (‘Betty’) SWEETING, Rosalyn SYLVESTER, P.E. SYMINGTON, T. 331 Index of correspondents C.857 C.352 C.568 C.557 C.568 C.50 C.275, C.352 C.568 C.352, C.705 C.50 C.47 C.1074 C.48, C.58, C.129 C.352 C.564 C.1074 C.129 C.495, C.552, C.557, C.569, C.703, C.818 C.569 C.970 C.704 C.569 C.126 C.569 C.352 C.704 C.352 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 332 Index of correspondents SZOLLAR, Judit TAKABAYASHI, Haruo TAKAMATSU, Tsurukichi TALBOTT, John H. TANDATNICK, Joseph W. TANEJA, Neelam TANNER, Jim M. TASKER, John TAUCHER, Silvia Castillo TAY SACHS AND ALLIED DISEASES ASSOCIATION TAYLOR, G.M. TAYLOR, J.W. TAYLOR, R.A. TAYLOR, William O.G. TAYLOR, W.D. TELFORD, Ira R. TEMTAMY, Samia A. TENNENT, R.A. TETER, Jerzy THAKKER, Raj V. THE TIMES THEODORIDES, Danae THERKELSEN, A.J. THOMAS NELSON & SONS LTD, PUBLISHERS THOMAS, I.M. THOMAS, Sir John Meurig C.852 C.975 C.358 C.51 C.53 C.860 C.52 C.1075 C.860 C.710 C.860 C.358 C.707 C.131, C.353, C.575, C.859 C.358 C.130 C.678 C.572 C.131, C.358 C.971 J.11 See also C.447 C.1075 C.706 C.547 C.358 C.1075 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 THOMLINSON, J. THOMPSON, Barbara THOMPSON, E.J. THOMPSON, Leslie THOMSEN, Preben D. THOMSON, John A. THOMSON, J.S. THOMSON, William Henderson Scott THULINE, Horace C. THURSZ, A.D. TICKTIN, Howard E. TIGHE, J.R. TILEY, Laurence S. TILGHEMAN, Shirley M. TILL, Kenneth TILSON, M. David TILSTONE, W.J. TIMBURY, Gerald C. TIMOTHY, Jon TIMSON, John TINSON, Nic TIRET, Laurent TISSUE CULTURE ASSOCATION TOKSOZ, Deniz TOLAR, Jakub TOLAROVA,Marie TOMLINSON, Stephen TOMMERUP, Niels 333 Index of correspondents C.706 C.860 C.706 C.131 C.975 C.358 C.358 C.355, C.574 C.53, C.131 C.708 C.53 C.576, C.578 C.975 C.706 C.352 C.860 C.706 C.131, C.356 C.860 C.357 C.975 C.1075 C.56 C.573 C.972 C.359 C.1075 C.973 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 334 Index of correspondents TONIOLO, Daniela TONNESEN, Tonne TORBET, T.E. TORMO, F. Martinez TOWNES, Philip L. TRAIN, ThomasS.R. TRANEBJAERG, Lisabeth TRASK, Barbara TRAVERS, John TREADWELL, B.L.J. TRENCH, Georgia CHENEVIX- TRENDS IN GENETICS TRINITY CHURCH, CAMBUSLANG TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL SOCIETY TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN GENETICAL SOCIETY TRIPATHI, Satish C. TRIVIZAS, Eugene TROPEANO, Dominic TSAKIZIS, Ifigenia TSENGHI, Christine TSITOVICH, Valentina V. TSOUKATOU, Maria TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN TUKUN, Ajlan TULINIUS, H. TUMENNASAN, Kh. TURCOTTE, Hugh J. C.976 C.860 C.359 C.577 C.359 C.706, C.707, C.860, C.861 C.710 C.976 C.578 C.571 C.896, C.976 C.857, C.976 C.250, C.359 C.1056 C.816 C.710 C.523, C.578, C.706 C.976 C.359 C.831 F.28-F.30 C.707, C.860 C.641, C.773 C.977 C.359 C.977, C.1075 C.359 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS161/4/08 335 Index of correspondents TURKEL, Henry TURNER, Brian Michael TURNER, Gillian TURNER, Gwen TURNER, Michael S. TURNER, ThomasB. TUTSCHEK, Boris UCHIDA,Irene A. UDDEN, Per UNDEVIA,J.V. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NATIONAL COMMISSION ON THE CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE C.53 C.574 C.706, C.977 C.861 H.6 C.53 C.977 C.132 C.862 C.863 C.296 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE A.26-A.30, B.64-B.68, C.900 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY C.953 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY TECHNICAL SERVICES G.3, G.9-G.11, G.23 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH SUMMER SCHOOL IN MEDICAL RESEARCH C.360 UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW BETA 87 MEDICS YEAR CLUB FACULTY OF MEDICINE GAMMA CLUB MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY SOCIETY A.20-A.22, A.23, B.47, B.55, C.91, C.148, C.220, C.222, C.512, C.643, C.679, C.681, C.695, C.697, C.815, C.827, C.855, C.856 C.873 C.507, C.508 C.655 C.190, C.511 C.392, C.430, C.526 SURGO, GLASGOW UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL TENNANT INSTITUTE OF OPHTHALMOLOGY C.129 C.666 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 336 Index of correspondents ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER BIOLOGY SOCIETY URBANIAK, Stan VAARTAJA, R. WAKONIG-(‘Theresa’) VAILLAUD, J.-C. VALENTINE, G.H. VANDEBERG, John L. VANRELL, Jorge Paulete VARLEY,Jenny M. VARMAN, A.B. VAUPLE, SusanS. VEALE, Arthur Milton Oliver VEECK,Lucinda VEKEMANS, Michel VELLA,F. VELD, Peter int’ VENNART,J. VERBEECK,Charles VERGNAUD, Gilles VERMA, Ishwar C. VERROKEN, Michele VETNER, M. VICK, Sir Arthur VICKERMAN, Keith VICTORIA INFIRMARY GLASGOW ENDOCRINE CLUB VINCE, John D. C.461, C.475 F.95 C.361 C.360 C.135 C.361 C.579 C.1077, D.40 C.361 C.361, C.579 C.361 C.978 C.579 C.979 C.979, C.1077 C.132 C.979 C.361, C.579 C.361 C.979 C.361, C.866 H.35, H.36 C.361 C.361 C.579 C.123 C.579 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 337 Index of correspondents VISSER, A.A. VISTA CONSULTING VOGEL, F. VOGT, Peter VOLOUEV,Vitaly VON KOSKULL, Harriet VOSS, Ruth VOUTETAKIS, Catherine DACOU- VOWLES, Mary VUILLET, Monique DEVICTOR- VUORIO, Eero VYSIS (UK) LTD C.579 C.980 C.864 C.980 C.1076 See KOSKULL C.711 C.899 C.579 C.192 C.866 C.1077, C.1083 W.H. FREEMAN AND CO. LTD, PUBLISHERS C.212, C.450, C.454, C.459 WACHTEL, Stephen S. WAGNER, HenryN., Jr WAGNER, William E. WAGONER, Nroma E. WAHID, Wahida WAHRMAN, Jacob WAILES, Frank G. WAINSCOAT, Jim S. WAINWRIGHT, Brandon WAJNER, Moacir WAKONIG-VAARTAJA,R. WALD, Ignacy WALD, Nicholas C.986 C.56 C.56 C.56 C.366 C.717 C.135 C.714 C.986 C.587, C.717 See VAARTAJA C.871 C.584, C.589, C.590, C.592, C.600, C.712, C.717, C.722, C.871, C.981 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 338 Index of correspondents WALKER, Isobel D. WALKER, Lorna SECKER- WALKER, Rita WALKER, Stanley WALLACE, Clive WALLACE, David Charles WALLACE, Elizabeth WALSH, Debbie WAPNER, Ronald J. WARBURTON, Dorothy WARD, David WARD, H.E. WARDROP, Charles A.J. WARNER, Jon WARREN, Shields WATERS, Jonathan WATKINS, John Edward WATSON, Doreen WATSON, Hamish WATSON, Joyce M. WATSON, Mary A. WATSON, Patricia J. WATT,Jessie Lovie WATTEVILLE, H. de WATTS, Richard W.E. WAYMOUTH, Charity WEALE, Albert P. C.366 C.853 C.867 C.362, C.587 C.366 C.363, C.587 C.591 C.986 C.986 C.366 C.986 C.366 C.366 C.986 A.24, C.135 C.714, C.717 C.871 C.868 C.587, C.871 C.366, C.583 C.366 C.135 C.717, C.871 C.366 C.714, C.871 C.56 C.1078 WEATHERALL, Sir David John C.591, C.719, C.872, C.1084 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 339 Index of correspondents WEATHERALL, Josephine A.C. WEBBER, Lorna M. WEBER, Bruce H. WEBER, Wendell W. WEED, Matthew WEIER, Ulli WEIL, Dominique WEINBERG, Arnold N. WEIR, A.W.G. WEIR, Andrew I. WEISS, Leon WEISS, MichaelD. WEISS, Volkmar WEISSENBACH, Jean WEITKAMP, Lowell Robert WEITZEL,H. WELCH, J. Philip WELLCOME TRUST WELLS, Brian W.P. WELLS, N.E.J. WELLS, R.S. (‘Charles’) WELTON, E. C.580, C.591, C.714 C.987 C.982-C.984, C.1080-C.1082 C.135 C.1084 C.987 C.987 C.56 C.716 C.872 C.135, C.587 C.872 C.718 C.987, D.25 See C.387 C.872 C.367 B.15, C.732, C.1084 C.367 C.588 C.367 C.367 WEST OF SCOTLAND COMMITTEE FOR POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION C.384, C.387, C.391, C.405, C.702 C.726, C.816 WEST OF SCOTLAND ONCOLOGICAL ORGANISATION C.647, E.15 WEST PARK SCHOOL, KILMARNOCK WESTERN INFIRMARY, GLASGOW WESTERN INFIRMARY RESIDENTS’ CLUB C.407 C.111 C.169 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 340 Index of correspondents WESTERN REGIONAL HOSPITAL BOARD A.12, B.47, B.50, B.55 WHITE, Michael WHITELAW,James W. WHITFIELD, Charles R. WHITTLE, J. Robert S. WHITTLE, Martin J. WHYTE, J. WHYTE, William G. WICKING, Carol WIED, George L. WIEDERMANN, H.-R. WIENBERG, Johannes WIJERATNE, W.V.S. C.55 C.716 C.583, C.584, C.588, C.591, C.593, C.715, C.716, C.718, C.722, C.724, C.869 C.367 C.870 C.583 C.367, C.716 C.985 C.365 C.135 B.32, C.887, C.1083, D.48, D.49, D.56, G.4 C.368 WIKRAMANAYAKE, Eugene Ramyawathie C.364, C.715, C.722, C.873, C.988 WILCKEN, Bridget WILCOX, Douglas E. WILD, Jennifer WILDY, NormanPeter Leete WILKINS, Bridget S. WILKINS, John L. WILKINS, Lawson WILL, R.G. WILLARD, Huntington F. WILLIAMS, A.J. WILLIAMS, Sir Alwyn WILLIAMS, David John C.985 C.587 C.873 A.26-A.29 C.988 C.368 C.56, C.133 C.1084 C.988 C.368 A.27-A.29, C.873 C.1084 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 341 Index of correspondents WILLIAMS, Denis WILLIAMS, Dillwyn WILLIAMS, T.C. WILLIAMSON, Ann WILLIAMSON, David J. WILLIAMSON, J.M.S. WILLIAMSON, Pat WILLIAMSON, Robert WILLOCKS, James WILLOUGHBY,MichaelL.N. WILSON, E.S.B. WILSON, Elaine B. WILSON, G.M. WILSON, J. WILSON, Miriam G. WILSON, Robert B. WILSON, Ruth WILSON, W. Derek WILTON, E. WINKING, Heinz WINSHIP, W.S. WINSOR, Elizabeth WINTER, Robin M. WISE, Rosemary B. WISNIEWSKI, Lucjan J. WITHERS, Ronald F.J. WITKOWSKI, Jan A. C.368 C.1084 C.368 C.583, C.589 C.368 C.873 C.368 B.9, B.10, C.368, C.581, C.591, C.715, C.722, C.873 C.369, C.875 C.369, C.716, C.722 C.873 C.582 C.369 C.591 C.586 C.369 C.369 C.875 C.369 C.873 C.591 C.583, C.589, C.873 C.718, C.873 C.134 C.587, C.591, C.873 C.369 C.1084 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 342 Index of correspondents WITSCHI, Emil WITT, Michal WOJEWSKI, Alioris WOLFE, Jonathan WOLFF, Frederick WOLSTENHOLME, J. WOMERSLEY, John WOODFORD, F. Peter WOODS, C. Geoffrey WOOLLAM, David H.M. WOOTLIFFE, Jack WOOTON, A.E. WORLD JEWISH CONGRESSBRITISH SECTION WORLD UNIVERSITY GAMES WORTERS, A.R. WORTON, R.G. WRIGHT, Ann WRIGHT,Claude S. WRIGHT, Stanley W. WROBLOWSKI, Ryszard WU Chunhua WYK,Judson J. VAN WYLIE, Kay WYLLIE, Andrew XANTHOU, Marietta YALE, Rosemary C.56, C.369 See C.792 C.135 C.1084 C.135 C.591 C.713, C.718, C.722 C.370, C.385, C.718 See C.872 C.988 C.589 H.7 C.370 C.333 H.31 C.370 C.988 C.370 C.370 C.370 C.189, C.370 C.988 C.54 C.370 C.1084 C.725 C.596 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 YALLEY, Andrew YANG Fengtang YANIV, Moshe YAROWSKY, Paul J. YASIN, Y.A. YATES, John Robert Watson YEAR BOOK PUBLISHERS, INC. YEE, Marlene F. YERGANIAN, George YOUNG, A.B. YOUNG, Bryan Douglas YOUNG, Dan G. YOUNG, lan D. YOUNG, John YOUNG, William J. YUILLE, Martin Alexander R. YUNIS, Jorge J. ZAKUT, Haim Vito ZAMAN, Habibuz ZANG, Klaus D. ZANIER, Justo ZAREMBA,Jacek ZAROWITZ, Mike ZEKI, S. 343 Index of correspondents C.371 C.889, C.938, C.947, C.966, C.959, C.1040, C.1048, C.1060, C.1083, C.1086, D.48, D.52, D.54, D.55, D.56, D.59, D.60, D.65, D.66, D.68 C.876 C.989 C.725 C.725, C.1086 See also B.16-B.20, B.21, B.33 C.26 C.372 C.57 C.596 C.723, C.876, C.989 C.372, C.596, C.876 C.596, C.876 C.372 C.372 D.25 See also B.24, B.40 C.372 C.1086 C.598 C.373 C.598 C.597, C.724, C.877, C.990, C.1085 C.994 C.1086 M.A. Ferguson-Smith NCUACS 161/4/08 ZELLWEGER, Hans ZERGOLLERN, Ljiljana ZHANG Yaping ZHENG Eh ZHENG Yun-Ling ZINKHAM, William H. ZINSSER, Hans H. ZONANA,Jonathan ZOURLAS, Pantelis A. ZUGER, Bernard 344 Index of correspondents C.136, C.373 C.373 C.992 C.993 C.994 C.58 C.136 C.878 C.373 C.136