LINDEMANN, Ferderick Alexander Supplementary

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on further papers of FREDERICK ALEXANDER LINDEMANN VISCOUNT CHERWELL (1886 - 1957) deposited in Nuffield College Library, Oxford (CSAC 99/3/84) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS, Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, All rights reserved London WC2A 1HDP by 1984 CSAC 99/3/84 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Supplementary catalogue of the papers of FREDERICK ALEXANDER LINDEMANN VISCOUNT CHERWELL OF OXFORD (1886 - 1957) Materia! additional to the main catalogue CSAC 80/4/81 Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper All rights reserved Deposited in the Library of Nuffield College, Oxford 1984 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherweil CSAC 99/3/84 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics — The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 99/3/84 LIST OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL PATENTS AND INVENTIONS RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS SHORTER NOTES DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL The papers came te light in July 1982, some time after the completion of the cataloguing of the main Cherwell manuscript collection. It is possible that since they are wholly related to Cherwell's early career as a physicist they had been overlooked by those whose interest iay in his later political activities. For precisely the same reason, however, the material is a useful addition, dating as it does mainly from the years which Cherwell spent in Nernst's laboratory (c.1910 - 14). It is almost all autograph manuscript, in German, and deals with research on specific heat, early quantum theory and the movement of electrons in atoms. Items 16 and 20 refer to later work on astronomical problems; items 19 and 21 are Farnborough reports on aeronautical topics. Very few of the manuscripts are dated, and the chrono- logical order of presentation is no more than approximate. Of some interest is item. 8, notes taken of contributions to discussions at a conference, probably the Second Solvay Conference of 1913, when X-ray spectroscopy and its impact on atomic theory were a principal topic. worlds (Collins, 1961). Whena link with material in the main catalogue could be reasonably established this is indicated in the entries. As with the compilation of the main Cherwell catalogue, use has been made Royal Society, 4, 1958) and of the official biography by Birkenhead, The Prof. in two of the biographical memoir by G.P. Thomson (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the and to Dr. J.H. Hendry for suggesting dates for some of the documents. We are very grateful to Dr. G. Sweet for help in deciphering German script, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 99/3/84 1-4 PATENTS AND INVENTIONS Patent for cooling of R&éntgen tubes, 1912. Ms. draft and forwarding letter (dated 23 December 1912); two typescript versions, and drawing. In German. This is a fuller version of the patent on the construction of R&8ntgen tubes included in C-1 of the main catalogue. incomplete ms. draft, 2 pp., on adjustment of temper of R&ntgen tubes, n.d., probably intended for patent. In German. 4 pp. typescript draft patent for improvement of light bulbs, n.d. = In German. Incomplete ms. iron, dated 29 January 1913. draft, = In German. 3 pp., for patent on a new soldering- RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 'Uber das Dulong-Petitsche Gesetz' This was Cherwell's doctoral thesis, on specific heats, published in 1911. Miscellaneous pages, some with corrections and annotations by Cherwell and in another hand. In German. (The front page bears the designation 'Friedrich Lindemann aus Baden-Baden' and the address 'Hotel Reichstag’. ) In German. 4 pp. Cherwell pub- lished articles on the subject in Verhandl. dtsch. Phys. Ges. Tp 19h: Similar corrected and annotated material, kept with 5 above, but later in date (includes reference to papers at Second Solvay Conference 1913). Ms. draft paginated 8-16. In German. ms. draft, on movement of electrons. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 99/3/84 Notes taken at conference, perhaps Solvay Conference 1913. Includes various lists of participants and brief notes of contri- butions to discussions by Lorentz, Rutherford, W.H. Bragg, de Broglie, Sommerfeld, Einstein, Madame Curie, Brillouin, Langevin, Nernst, etc. 2 pp. ms. draft for lecture on the kinetic theory of gases, n.d. 1913 (Birkenhead, p.53), or earlier. Possibly for lectures given at University of Chicago, 4 pp. ms. draft of paper on Dulong-Petit's law. refers to Nernst-Lindemann paper, 1912. n.d., but Letter (addressed to Nernst) requesting advice on construction of a balance to function ina vacuum. December 1913. From B. Blount, 2 pp. ms. draft on photography of X-ray spectra. also bears the name of M. de Broglie, with whom Cherwell published a collaborative paper on the subject in 1914 (Verhandl. dtsch. Phys. Ges. 16). In German. The heading 7 pp. ms. draft (incomplete) for paper ‘Uber die Grundlagen der Atommodelle' published in 1914 (Verhandl. dtsch. Phys. Ges. 16). In German. See 15 below. Miscellaneous drafts on atomic structure. all arising from publications by Bohr and Moseley, and referring to work of de Broglie 1913, 1914. Gallipoli, 1915.) (Moseley was killed at None dated, but Ms. note ona paper by Moseley in Phil. Mag., December 1914. Perhaps early draft for Cherwell's Phil. Mag. paper, 1915. n.d. Ms. draft letter to A.S. Eddington, on his book 'Steliar Move- ments and the Structure of the Universe’ (1914) and submitting Cherwell's paper ‘Note on a number of dark stars' for publication (Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 75). Notes and drafts, probably for paper published in Phil. Mag., 38, 1919, but some notes may be earlier. Letter from Cherwell to journal secretary, on a rejected collaborative paper. ‘Origin of magnetic storms’ F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 99/3/84 19. ‘Turn indicators for aeroplanes’, Advisory Comm. for Aeronautics Reports and Memoranda no.525 (H.M.S.O.) 1917. Reprint only. See C.11-C.31 of the main catalogue for other aeronautical reports prepared by Cherwell during his service at the Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnborough. ‘Note on the pulsation theory of the cepheid variables' 3 pp. typescript and ms. draft for paper published with slight change of title in Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 78, 1918. "Note on landing in fog', Aeronautical Research Comm. Reports and Memoranda no.726, 1921. Reprint only. Not listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Memoir. SHORTER NOTES Notes and calculations, some on the movement of atoms, on writing-paper of Reichstag and Adlon Hotels. in German. Folder of miscellaneous undated notes and calculations, some In German. Two booklets of notes, exercises, diagrams, etc. on elementary geometry and algebra. on specific heat.