KURTI, Nicholas Vol2 v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti, FRS (1908-1998) VOLUME 2 Section G: Visits and conferences Section H: Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.376 1927-1999 to ‘Visit Preparation and Assay of Tracer Elements’, March 1946 Laboratories American Engaged some in Typescript of report submitted (with W.G. Marley) to the Ministry of Supply, 22 pp. ‘Les Phénoménes Cryomagnétiques: Hommage National a Paul Langevin et Jean Perrin’, Collége de France, Paris, France, 16 November 1948 Copy of published proceedings. International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Oxford, 1951 1951-1952, 1967-1968 Copies of circulars, menu of the conference dinner and correspondence re the supply of Wensleydale cheese that was part of the dinner. Also includes correspondence re the proceedings. USA, 25 of two slightly of Kurti’s New York, different versions Schenectady, Science November 1953 Forum, Copies presentation ‘Atomic Nuclei at Very Low Temperatures’. Wensleydale cheese was difficult to obtain in 1951, owing to continued wartime rationing. Kurti’s arrangements to procure the cheese from Yorkshire involved an exchange of it for peacock feathers needed for the Bolton Castle Festival, North Yorkshire. See also G.287, G.288. International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, USA, 17-22 December 1955 ?Lecture from conference; copies of two illustrated dinner menus. IXé Congrés International August-7 September 1955 Abstract of Kurtis paper ‘Nuclear Orientation Work at the du Froid, Paris, France, 31 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Clarendon Laboratory’. Visit to the USA, 22 August-11 September 1959 3 folders. Report to the Astor Foundation Kurti’s Copy of sponsored the trip. Also includes a Penney. report to the Astor Foundation, which Sir William letter to Ath International Symposium on Free Radical Stabilization, Washington, D.C., 31 August-11 September Programme, preregistration list etc. 14th Annual Calorimetry Conference, Yale University, 10- 12 September 1959 Copies of circulated material. [Francis Circulars, programme, list of participants, etc. Discussion on Magnetism and Transition Metals, Oxford 15-16 September 1959 Colloquium on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Laboratory for Low Temperatures, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 9-10 November 1959 Germany, 9-11 November 1960 Simon ‘Franz Memorial Colloquium], Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, East Simon-Gedachtniskolloquium’ Visit to Israel, 9 March-1 April 1960 Copy of Kurti’s schedule. Copy of the programme. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 etc. Mendelssohn Annotated copy of the printed programme, featuring Kurti, K. the programme for the 150th anniversary of the Humboldt- Universitat Berlin and the 250th anniversary of the Charité Berlin, 6-20 November 1960. The Francis Simon Memorial Colloquium formed part of these festivities. includes copy Also of a Visit to Prague, Czechoslovakia, November 1960 Correspondence arising. on Conference International Reactor Materials and the Effects of Radiation Damage, Central Electricity Nuclear Laboratories, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, 29 May-2 June 1961 Generating Properties Berkeley Board, of Copy of the final programme. G.16-G.18 Visit to the USA, 30 October-18 November 1961 G.16 High on of Magnetic Technology, Fields, Cambridge, Includes a copy of Kurti’s report. Correspondence with the Astor Foundation etc. International Massachusetts Massachusetts, USA, 1-4 November 1961 Conference Institute G.17 includes a copy of the programme. An annotated typescript of Kurtis presentation ‘High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperature Physics’ can be found at G.18. 1961-1962 Correspondence etc re a meeting of the Low Temperature Institute of Physics and Physical Society Group of the (IPPS), future prospects of cryogenics primarily in the liquid hydrogen-liquid helium range. G.19 contains correspondence. Notes (including Visit to the Philips Research Laboratories, N.V. Gloeilampenfabrieken, February 1962 the present state and Philips’ 6-7 Netherlands, G.19, G.20 Eindhoven, 2 folders. on N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 notes from an informal preparatory meeting in London on 18 January 1962), copies of a provisional programme, etc. can be found at G.20. See also H.759. 2 folders. Meeting with W.H. Roberts, UKAEA Reactor Engineering Laboratories, Risley, Lancashire, 11 April 1962 1961-1962 Correspondence etc. re helium vessels and superinsulating materials. Includes drawings of schemes for two types of calorimeter to make measurements of superinsulation. Visit on the Occasion of the Exhibition ‘Le Froid et ses Merveilles’, Palais de la Découverte, Paris, France, 3 May- 31 August 1962 re the the exhibition Kurtis Correspondence lecture series that accompanied it. contribution to Kurti’s talk (‘Le noyau atomique dans la réalisation des trés basses températures’) took place on 7 July. An illustrated pamphlet of the exhibition (with a catalogue) can be found at G.23. and re _ 2 folders. Kurtis trip G.24-G.27 Engineering Conference’ to attend (University Visit to the USA, 12 August-14 September 1962 the Chiefly correspondence re of ‘Cryogenic California, Los Angeles, 14-16 August 1962), the ‘17th Annual Calorimetry Conference’ (University of California, Berkeley, 22-24 August 1962) and the summer meeting of the American Physical Society (Seattle, Washington, 27-29 August). A programme of the calorimetry meeting, where after dinner speech entitled ‘What’s Kurti delivered an includes Cooking?’, correspondence re Kurti’s outgoing flight and Kurti’s report to the Astor Foundation, which helped pay for the visit. 1962-1963 Visit to Grenoble, France, 3-5 April 1963 Correspondence. the cause of G.26. the can be found at G27 delay of 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.29, G.30 High Magnetic Field Conference, Oxford, 10-12 July 1963 1960-1963 Notes programme, conference booklet etc. meetings, planning on circulars, provisional 2 folders. This conference was sponsored by the Institute of Physics and Physical Society. G.31, G.31A Cryogenics meeting of Sulzer Brothers Ltd, Winterthur, Switzerland, 26-27 August 1963 Copies of programme, list lecture by J. Hannay. of participants, typescript of G.32-G.64 Sabbatical 1963-1964 1961-1967, n.d. after a term at Kurtis spent a week on Fiji, The Kurtis spent the sabbatical abroad. Their itinerary ran as follows: City University, New York (September 1963-January 1964), they spent the spring and part of the summer at the University of California, Berkeley. During this time Kurti delivered the Howard Hughes guest lecture and the Xerox Lecture at Cornell (22 May), followed Leaving San Francisco in by a brief visit home in the UK. mid-June, the to arrive in Auckland, New Zealand, on 22 June. 1-27 July Kurti taught a postgraduate lecture course in low temperature physics at the University of Monash, Australia, also visiting facilities in Melbourne, Newcastle in New South Wales, Canberra and Perth. At the end of July he flew to Hong Kong and embarked on a trip to China (1-9 August), followed by a brief sojourn in Thailand (24-27 August). 1961-1964 Contents of a batch of correspondence so labelled. ‘University Registry Correspondence’ Contents of a batch so labelled. ‘City College New York’ ‘Travel Plans’ 1962-1963 1961-1963 G.34-G.39 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Chiefly correspondence. G.34-G.36 is correspondence re arrangements for Kurti’s term at labelled correspondence batches (including invitations) in chronological order at G.36. City College, New York (CCNY), with at G.35, G.34, loose and of the time from stay, Kurtis G.37-G.39 dates with correspondence (in chronological order) at G.37 and G.38. G.39 includes examination questions, including a set of questions in low temperature physics and magnetism from the Honour School of Oxford, 1949-1954. Further includes a copy of an outline for a 3-year research programme on ‘Thermal Properties in the Temperature Range 0.0001°K-0.1°K' at City College. University Science, Natural of 6 folders. City College, At Professor. Kurti was Buell G. Gallagher Visiting G.40-G.43 ‘California’ 1962-1967 Chiefly correspondence. is re lecture 4 folders. Kurtis Howard Hughes guest G.40, G.41 is chiefly re arrangements for Kurti’s term at the University of California at Berkeley, with labelled batches at G.40 and loose correspondence (in chronological order) at G.41. G.42 on ‘Megamagnetics and Cryophysics’, 12 March 1964. G.43 is re his Xerox Lecture on ‘Spins and Cryogenics’, given at the Materials Science Center of the University of Cornell on 22 May 1964 (see also E.26-E.29). 1962-1965 Kurti helped host the Oxford visit of academician Pal on 5 June 1964. Copy of the programme of the visit of L. Pal to the UK. ‘The Exchange of Lecturers’ Covers the period 22 June-27 August 1964. Society Hungarian Academy of Sciences ‘Round the World’ G.45-G.54 Royal N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.45-G.51 Fiji-New Zealand-Australia 1962-1964 Chiefly correspondence. chiefly arrangements re G.45-G.47 is with correspondence batches ‘R.S. Street’ at G.45 and ‘British Council’ at G.46, G.47. Kurti’s visit, G.48-G.50 is mixed correspondence in chronological order. G.51 includes notices, notes etc. 7 folders. R.S. Street was Professor of Physics at Monash University, Australia, and Kurtis main academic contact in arranging funding and invitations for his antipodean tour. G.52, G.53 China 1963-1965 G.52 is correspondence. G.53 includes Kurti’s spiral-bound notebook, his ‘Notes on the Shin-An-Chiang Hydro-Electric Power Station ...15th August 1964’ and a copy of his published report on the trip ‘Notes on a Visit to China, 1-19 August 1964’. visit to a 2 folders. Thailand G.55-G.63 Correspondence. Correspondence with Oxford Includes correspondence in Chinese. 1963-1964 In alphabetical order. Includes extensive exchanges with Kurti’s secretary at the Clarendon Laboratory (G.55-G.57) and with M.F. Wood of the Oxford Instrument Company (G.60-G.63). G.58 is correspondence Bleaney-Croft, G.59 Geissler-Phillips. Miscellaneous 9 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 G.65, G.66 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 to Visit September-October 1964 Berlin, East Czechoslovakia and Hungary, (4-7 October), Prague In Chiefly correspondence re Kurti’s visit to East Berlin (28 September-4 and Kurti attended and Budapest (7-14 October). contributed to a memorial symposium for the German chemist W. Nernst. In Prague and Budapest he was at the invitation of the Academy of Sciences of the respective country. Also includes a programme of the ‘Walther- Nernst-Gedachtnissymposium’. October) Berlin 2 folders. Includes correspondence in Hungarian. Conference Institution 1965 on Cryogenics Vacuum, of Electrical Engineers, London, 26 February Relation to in Programme and list of participants. on the L'Air Magnets, Clarendon G.70-G.73 Draft programme and conference booklet. Symposium Laboratory, Oxford, 22 April 1965 Superconducting Programme and conference booklet (with annotations in Kurti’s hand). European Symposium on ‘Electrical Conduction at Low Temperatures’, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 20-21 May 1965 4 folders. Provisional programme (including the Ladies’ programme), final programme and set of abstracts, lists of participants, etc. Also includes a pack for the inauguration of the Centre d'Etudes Cryogéniques de Liquide (Sassenage, France) on 11 June 1965. The Hydrogen’ on 8 June 1965 (programme included). ‘Reunion of Commission 1’, Grenoble, France, 9-11 June 1965 International of Refrigeration, preceded ‘Lectures Institute Liquid reunion was by on N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.74-G.76 Visit to Rumania, 9-19 September 1965 Correspondence and reports on the visit (including reports by the pharmacologist A.S.V. Burgen and the chemist A.J. Birch, who joined Kurti in this visit). Also includes offprints (in Rumanian scientists. and German) from Rumanian, French 3 folders. of Helium Inauguration Refrigerator, Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Berkshire, 20 October 1965 Low Temperature Deep the Includes programme, list of ‘People You May Meet’, press statement Ltd, photograph of the helium refrigerator, etc. Company (BOC) Oxygen British by ‘Journée d’étude sur la création des champs magnétiques intenses et leur utilisation en physique’, Saclay, France, 22 February 1966 G.81-G.85 1965-1966 Correspondence. Visit to New York, USA, March 1966 Programme and list of participants (in French). Informal Discussion on ‘European Cooperation in the Field of Practical Applications of Superconducting Materials’, Royal Society, London, 17 December 1966 1965-1968 This meeting was held to discuss arrangements for the Royal on Superconductor Technology in Europe, London, 3 June 1967 (G.86). ‘Journées internationales des états extrémes de la matiére aux trés hautes et trés basses températures, trés hautes et trés basses pressions’, Paris, France, 4-8 April 1967 The conference was organised by the Institut Frangais des Combustibles et de |’Energie (IFCE). Agenda, copy of Kurti’s report. Society-Wates Study Conference N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 ‘Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Correspondence and typescript of Kurtis paper on ‘The Millidegree Temperature Range: the Problem and the Realization’ Microdegree Absolute and Conference introductory remarks (in French); etc. programme; manuscript draft of \Kurti’s Correspondence re of Kurtis paper, and publication of remarks he made at the conference banquet (French) version published the Also includes a copy of Kurtis comments on a paper by H.M. Strong. G.84, G.85 Drafts and offprints of other papers presented 2 folders. on Physics’ in_ Industrial Research, Society-Wates Kurti opened this conference. Invitation, programme, Kurti’s notes etc. Conference Manchester, 19-20 April 1967 Correspondence and papers re arrangements and arising, programme, summary report. Royal on Superconductor Technology in Europe, London, 3 June 1967 1966-1967 International Advanced Summer Physics on ‘Physics of Solids in Intense Magnetic Fields’, Chania, Crete, Greece, 16-29 July 1967 Grant application of E.D. Haidemenakis, correspondence, programme etc. Material Conference, 17 December 1966, is at G.80. re informal discussion meeting preceding the See also F.29, F.30, J.153. G.88-G.90 Study Conference 1966-1967 Institute N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 G.92, G.93 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 3 folders. A number of scheduled the meeting in the aftermath of the military coup in Greece in the spring of 1967. speakers withdrew from International X\lth Spain, 30 August-6 September 1967 Congress of Refrigeration, Madrid, 1967-1968 Correspondence, chiefly re Kurtis presentation on ‘Low Temperatures in the Generation and Transmission of Electric Power’. See also H.468. Symposium on Physics and Magnetic Fields in Honour of Francis of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., USA, 20-21 November 1967 Bitter, Massachusetts Institute 1937, 1967 Correspondence, programme, etc. re magnets from F. Bitter to F.E. Simon, 11 June 1937 (with illustration). Includes letter a 2 folders. on Low 2 folders. Devices, Salford G.95, G.96 Report of the meeting. Correspondence; Kurti’s report. Visit to the Netherlands, 9-13 June 1968 Symposium Temperature University, Lancashire, 9-10 April 1968 1967-1968 Science of Science Foundation discussion on ‘Measuring the Effectiveness of Scientific Research and Research Workers’, London, 18 September 1968 a Correspondence, UNESCO project on research organisation (under P.-H. Giscard). summary of list of participants, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Study European Aspects Superconducting Geneva, Switzerland, 25 October 1968 Conference Large on of Conference minutes. ‘The Technological CERN, Magnets’, to discuss Meeting young physicists with a doctor’s degree, CNRS, Paris, France, February 1969 prospects career the of Correspondence following Kurti’s report. ‘Postgraduate Technology’, Harwell, Berks, 17-20 March 1969 Education Centre: Low Temperature Programme, list of students. Conference on ‘Low Temperatures and Electric Power’, Royal Society, London, 24-26 March 1969 the was aegis under Programme and list of participants. The meeting Commission 1 (IIR/IF). Announcement; programme; Kurtis manuscript notes. of of the International Institute of Refrigeration organised Course on the Technology of Temperatures Below 20° K, British Academy, London, 27-28 March 1969 report (in Kurti’s hand). ‘Cross Channel Transport: Under, Over and On’, College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, 19-20 July 1969 ‘High Magnetic Fields and Their Applications’, University of Nottingham, 17-19 September 1969 Announcement, programme, acceptance list. H.107-H.112. announcement, of participants, fragment of conference conference Correspondence, provisional See also minutes, list N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 This was the fourth in a series of international conferences on the subject, the first being held (MIT), the second in 1963 (Oxford), the third in 1966 (Grenoble). 1961 in Visit to Helsinki, Finland, September 1969 1967, 1969 Correspondence with O.V. Lounasmaa, draft lecture on ‘Nuclear Cooling’ (dated 24 September 1969). of Kurti’s to Philips Research Exhibition, Visit Laboratories, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 31 1969 Philips Research October Exhibition booklet, list of visitors on the day. Visit to the International Research & Development Co Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 16 December 1969 Correspondence. 3 folders. 3 folders. G.111-G.113 Chiefly correspondence. G.108-G.110 Miscellaneous, 1960s 1965-1969, n.d. Visit to the USA, April 1970 Declined invitations, cancelled meetings, etc. Rinderer. A copy of the proceedings of the ‘Symposium on the Production and Use of Ultra-Low Temperatures’, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 23-24 April 1970, is at G.113. Simon Memorial Prize presentation, Cambridge, 14 May 1970 Monochrome photograph of the ceremony inscribed on the back with a message from the low temperature physicist L. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Third International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and Exhibition (ICEC 3), West Berlin, Germany, 25-27 May 1970 Copy of the programme, list of participants, typescript of Kurtis of proceedings. correspondence contribution, publication re Kurti spoke on ‘Problems of cooling below 1 mK’. Physical Low European Temperature Physics’, Twente, The Netherlands, 22 June- 4 July 1970 Society Summer School on Copy of the preliminary programme, abstracts etc. Twelfth Physics (LT 12), Kyoto, Japan, 4-10 September 1970 International Conference on Low Temperature Copy of the third notice. Mathematik- und G.119, G.120 Schweizerischer List of participants. Conférence Internationale de Magnétisme 1970, Grenoble, France, 14-19 September 1970 Summer Course on Low Temperature Physics for the Verein Physiklehrer [Association of Swiss Mathematics and Physics Teachers], Zurich, Switzerland, 7-10 October 1970 Correspondence. Correspondence, (in English) of Kurti’s lecture on ‘Les températures les plus basses’, etc. G.120 is drafts (handwritten and typescript, English and French). Departmental dinner, Department of Physics, University of Exeter, 4 March 1971 programme, provisional synopsis 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 ‘Engineering Application of Superconductivity', discussion meeting hosted by International Research & Development Co Ltd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 3 May 1971 Copy of statement to the Science Research Council on the discussion meeting. G.123, G.124 Visit to the South of France, 26 May-2 June 1971 Schedules, correspondence etc. re a visit with Sir Harold Thompson, J. Kendrew and J.-F. Miquel. At G.124 is Kurti’s report in various stages of composition. 2 folders. G.125-G.137 ‘World Trip’ 1970-1971 Kurti’s world trip covered the period 20 June-4 September 1971. The itinerary ran roughly as follows: Copenhagen (20-22 June); Leningrad, Tbilisi, Moscow (22 June-1 July); Japan August); USA (15 August-4 September). Australia July); (1-14 (2-31 Copenhagen Soviet Union 2 folders. G.127, G.128 Correspondence. Travel arrangements Flight schedules and correspondence re them. 1970, 1971 G.129-G.131 is correspondence. Kurti’s report is at G.132. G.127 is correspondence, G.128 drafts of Kurti’s report. G.129-G.132 Japan 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Australia Correspondence. United States of America 1970, 1971 Correspondence etc., chiefly about the Xillth international Congress of Refrigeration, Washington, DC, 27 August-3 September (in Hungarian) with Kurti’s friend, C. Vambery. correspondence includes 1971. Also G.135-G.137 Oxford Correspondence on the international Correspondence with colleagues at home and re mail arriving while Kurti was abroad. Includes drafts of Kurti’s report in Grenoble in 1970, his comments on an OECD Report on science policy, correspondence with J. Reynolds of British Insulated Callender’s Cables re research into cryoresistive cables in Japan, accounts of the Kurtis’s experiences while travelling, etc. magnetism conference 3 folders. Visit to Helsinki, 30 September-?3 October 1971 Discussion on dielectric design criteria for solid-insulated superconducting a.c. cables, etc., Institution of Electrical Engineers, 3 March 1972 Correspondence. Kurti acted as external examiner of R. Gylling’s thesis and attended an extraordinary meeting of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. 1972-1973 The BAYS (British Association Young Scientists) lecture is primarily intended for science 5th and 6th formers. ‘How to be a Physicist - and let others enjoy it’, 12th Royal Society BAYS Lecture, Liverpool, 23 March 1972 Correspondence, contribution. Correspondence. publication Kurti’s chiefly re the of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Study Conference on Europhysics ‘Thermometry and Thermal Contact Below 50 mk’, Albé, France, 11-14 April 1972 1971-1972 Programme; Kurti’s report on proceedings. conference information; correspondence; See also H.450. Fourth (ICEC 4), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 24-26 May 1972 International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 1971-1972 Correspondence; copies (master and corrected) of Kurti’s report on a ‘Seminar on Magnetic Levitation and Power Transmission’ on 25 May. G.143-G.145 Colloquium on ‘Science and Society’, St. Paul-de-Vence, Alpes-Maritimes, France, 5-7 June 1972 1971-1973 Correspondence, circulars, provisional programme, list of participants, draft and final report of the meeting, etc. 3 folders. of attend a Copy of published proceedings. Symposium ‘Electricité 2000’, Paris, France, 7-9 June 1972 Kurti missed the end conference on electricity in Paris (see G.146). the proceedings to Symposium on the Occasion of the Retirement of H.B.G. Casimir, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 14 June 1972 Third International Conference and Sixth Annual Meeting of CODATA, Le Creusot, France, 26-29 June 1972 Correspondence. See also H.570. Copy of the programme. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.149, G.150 Science Research Council Vacation Course in Physics, ‘Fundamental and Technical Aspects of Magnetism and Related Topics’, Nottingham, 17 July-3 August 1972 1960, 1970, TO/72n.0: Includes G.149 is correspondence etc. G.150 is miscellaneous material recycled here for Kurti’s lectures at this summer on school. adiabatic a television programme on ‘Absolute Zero’ (both from May 1960, see K.86-K.91), correspondence with B.S. Blaisse and notes (19707), etc. (in transcript demagnetisation, lecture a French) copies part of of of a 2 folders. Thirteenth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT 13), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 21-25 August 1972 Correspondence and copy of the final programme. G.152-G.154 Visit to the USA, September 1972 1971-1972 by at the DC, Kurti Physics (IUPAP) 3 folders. a presentation in Washington, Correspondence, flyers, etc. G.152 is re a lecture by Kurti on ‘Physics and Happiness: A Balance Sheet’ in Salt Lake City, 18 September. G.153, G.154 concerns the Fiftieth Anniversary (and the XIVth General Assembly) of the International Union of Pure and Applied 20-25 September (see also H.727, H.728). Also includes material re National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, on 26 September. Visit to the British Railways Research Laboratories, Derby, 16 November 1972 Visit to the University of Essex, November 1972 Copy of the schedule etc. Correspondence. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.157-G.160 Visit to Rumania and Hungary, 21 March-11 April 1973 1972-1974 G.157-G.159 Rumania 1973-1974 on given ‘Nuclear in At G.157 is correspondence and manuscript draft for a Nuclear presentation Refrigeration’ (and repeated in Debrecen on 6 April). At G.158, G.159 are Kurti’s report on his visit (in various stages of completion) and copies of reports of previous visitors to Rumania under Royal Society auspices. Cooling Bucharest on March and 30 3 folders. Hungary 1972-1973 Correspondence includes announcements of Kurtis presentations and newspaper coverage of his visit. Hungarian). (some Also in de la de Francaise G.163, G.164 Congrés du Physique, Vittel, France, 28 May-2 June 1973 Centenaire Société Summary of Kurti’s contribution. Conference booklet, correspondence. ‘Franco-British Centenary Conference’, St Helier, Jersey, 5-9 April 1974 ‘Cours Internationaux Post-Universitaires’, Gand (Gent), Belgium, 19-25 August 1973 1971-1974 This meeting was arranged to coincide with the 100th anniversaries of the UK Physical Society and the French counterpart. See H.768-H.780. Correspondence, synopses of papers presented, notes on Seminar Callender’s Cables, London, 17 April 1974 Technology, Correspondence (chiefly abstracts is at G.164. A bound copy of G.165-G.167 circulars). British Insulated on Energy N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 the discussion, typescript of Kurti’s (expanded) introductory review of current views on the future course of energy technology, etc. 3 folders. International Fifth (ICEC 5), Kyoto, Japan, 14-17 May 1974 Cryogenic Engineering Conference Correspondence. Royal Society discussion meeting on Food Technology in the 1980s, London, 22-23 May 1974 Programme; remarks made by Kurti. ‘Peierls Symposium’, Oxford, 11-12 July 1974 Programme, list of participants, high table seating plan etc. this symposium was R.E. Peierls’s G.170-G.175 The occasion for retirement. ‘Physique sous Champs Magnetiques Intenses-Physics in High Magnetic Fields’, Grenoble, France, 18-21 September 1974 G.170 is correspondence (some in is Kurtis presentation on ‘High Magnetic Fields: in retrospect and prospect’ (handwritten, in French; typescript abstract in English). G.172 is copies of the conference announcement, programme, etc. G.173 is a bound copy of abstracts. G.174 is correspondence etc. re the publication of Kurti’s presentation. G.175 is miscellaneous (includes Russian offprints with handwritten dedication to Kurti). 1973-1974 During his visit Kurti attended the conference on Dielectric and Phonons (a meeting of the European Physical Society Condensed Matter Division), Budapest, 21-25 October 1974. Correspondence (some in Hungarian), etc. Visit to Hungary, 12-25 October 1974 1964, 1974, n.d. French). G.171 6 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.177-G.181 Visit to West Germany, 18-21 April 1975 1964x1975 visit Kurtis G.177 is correspondence re to Karlsruhe, Wurzburg and Stuttgart. Also includes a handwritten draft of Kurti’s lecture in Karlsruhe and Wurzburg. G.178-G.180 is lecture notes and draft lectures dating from c.1964 onwards, presented in locations all over the globe; mostly handwritten and in English, but including typescripts and material loose miscellaneous notes. German French. G.181 and in is 5 folders. G.182-G.184 ‘The Hungarian Academy of Sciences 150th Anniversary’, Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 May 1975 Includes correspondence, typescripts of Kurti’s address during the festivities, programme, list of participants, report on the visit, media coverage, etc. Much of the material is in Hungarian. 3 folders. 1975 Munich, (in and Physics’, etc. Includes a dinner speech (Meeting of the West See also J.389. Physikertagung ‘39. Deutsche Germany, 31 August-5 September 1975 Physikalische Munchen’ Gesellschaft), Correspondence German). European Physical Society Third General Conference on ‘Energy 9-12 September 1975 1975-1976 ‘The Chemical Age’, round table meeting of the Special Commission on Internal Pollution (SCIP), London, 22-24 October 1975 Programme, lists of participants, set of abstracts etc. Correspondence, papers. G.187, G.188 programme, 1973-1975 Bucharest, circulated Rumania, etc. Includes 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 “think The organisers described SCIP as ‘essentially a tank” of a completely independent nature, unsponsored by governments or international organisation’. G.189-G.191 Visit to the USA, 7-30 November 1975 Correspondence re academic and industrial institutions on both coasts. Kurti’s trip, which included visits to 3 folders. Visit to Berlin, East Germany, 12-17 December 1975 1975-1977 includes Correspondence. Also a handwritten copy of Kurti’s presentation ‘Vom Nernst’schen Warmesatz’ [on the Nernst heat theorem], given on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the publication of M. Planck’s paper which laid the foundations of the quantum. 1971, 1976- (in G.195 is two sets G.193-G.196 4 folders. Hungarian). Visits to scientific institutions in Hungary, 18 September-4 October 1976 International Conference on Superconducting Quantum Devices (IC SQUID), Berlin, West Germany, 5-8 October 1976 G.193 is correspondence. G.194 is outlines and drafts of presentations of transparencies, one of them a time chart of high magnetic field facilities (in English)). G.196 is schedules of the visit and correspondence. Includes Kurti’s report. 1978, n.d. Correspondence. For evidence that Kurti participated, see G.192. Includes a copy of Kurti’s remarks on the occasion. de l’Année ‘Ouverture pour commémorer le Centiéme Anniversaire de la Liquéfaction de l'Oxygéne’ [100th anniversary of first liquefaction of oxygen], Chatillon-sur-Seine, France, 3 December 1977 Cailletet the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Fifteenth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT 15), Grenoble, France, 23-29 August 1978 1977, 1978 Copy of the programme, list of participants, Kurti’s notes on the best poster-session presentations, etc. includes Also Franco- Swedish meeting on Energy Economics held 17-18 March 1977 in Grenoble, France’. typescript Kurtis ‘Note the on Applications ‘The Semiconductor Physics’, Oxford, September 1978 Magnetic High of Fields in Correspondence (chiefly re supply of coffee to conference delegates), list of participants, handwritten draft of Kurti’s introduction, etc. International Assembly on Energy Storage, Yugoslavia, 27 May-1 June 1979 Dubrovnik, Teaching 1979, 1984 G.202-G.211 G.202-G.210 Massachusetts, correspondence loose Includes (G.203), transparencies including some unmarked scripts (G.207-G.209). (G.202), etc. examination lecture (G.206), Kurtis (G.204, notes and at Amherst College, Sabbatical September-December 1979 Correspondence, copies of Kurti’s introductory remarks as chairman of the Panel on Thermal and Thermochemical Energy Storage. 1975, 1984 ‘An Announcements Historical Nuclear Refrigeration’ (includes a handwritten draft), “A Physicist in the Kitchen’, and ‘Physics and Happiness’ (‘An informal talk with slides to discuss ways in which physics can Kurti taught ‘Physics 75’ in the Fall Semester of 1979. notebook G.205), questions including and seminars, Seminars 9 folders. Cooling Survey of Nuclear USA, of Kurtis N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 to happiness pleasures contribute derived from the stimulation of the senses - especially tactile, auditory and visual’). by enhancing the G212,,6°215 Miscellaneous, 1970s 1969-1978, n.d. Declined invitations, cancelled meetings, etc. 2 folders. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, May 1980, and Food and Wine Festival, London, 23-26 May 1980 Press clipping etc. re Oxford symposium and copy of the Food and Wine Festival programme. Joint meeting of the Royal Society and the American Philosophical Society, London, 5 June 1980 Programme and list of participants. Correspondence. Correspondence re arrangements and arising. Visit to ‘Budapest-Vienna’, 9-26 September 1980 Institution of Chemical Engineers meeting on Heat Pumps - Energy Savers in Process Industry, Salford, 7-8 April 1981 USA, 19-25 August 1981 Meeting on ‘The History of Discovering\Zur Geschichte des Entdeckens’, Wolfenbittel, West Germany, 6-8 July 1981 Sixteenth International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-16), University of California at Los Angeles, Correspondence, provisional list Kurti’s presentation on discovery in physics, etc. 1980-1981 1976, 1980, 1988, n.d. of participants, draft of G.219, G.219A N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Correspondence re arrangements, programme, typescript of Kurti’s talk. 2 folders. Kurti gave a plenary talk on ‘From the first mist of liquid oxygen to nuclear ordering: anecdotes from the history of refrigeration’. G.220-G.223 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 19-20 September 1981 Correspondence, proceedings, etc. programme, list of participants, Proceedings at G.221-G.223 includes drafts Kurti’s contribution to Symposium Fare, a collection of recipes for the dishes enjoyed on the occasion. of 4 folders. Visit to Israel, 14-31 October 1981 1982, 1986 a 1982-1983 G.226, G.227 Kurtis share in Correspondence, itinerary, etc. Meeting on Semiconductor September 1982 Visit to the USA and Canada, 25 March-27 April 1982 the Application of High Magnetic Fields in 13-17 Correspondence, including re class action lawsuit against several US airlines alleged to have been involved in violations of antitrust law. 1981-1982 Anglo-Hungarian Resources, 20-24 September 1982 Correspondence, Correspondence ‘Magnets photographs of the ?Bellevue magnet (with negatives). presentation Kurtis three monochrome and known’. Includes drafts have of | Discussion on programme schedule, G.228-G.233 Round Table Physics, Grenoble, France, Energy reports, etc. 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Kurti’s report is at G.232. Includes material in Hungarian. 6 folders. Ceremony to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the First Liquefaction of Helium in the UK, ?Oxford, 8 January 1983 List of participants. G.235-G.237 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 24-26 June 1983 Circulars, proceedings, list of participants. delegates’ contributions, copy of the 3 folders. Meeting on Ecological Effects of Deposited Sulphur and Nitrogen 5-7 September 1983 Compounds, Society, London, Royal of Engineering Science, Oxford ‘75th Copy of the programme. Visit to Hungary, ?6-20 October 1983 Programme, abstracts, list of participants, etc. Department Anniversary Celebration’, 28 September 1983 1982-1986 Correspondence (some in Hungarian), including re the Fifth Ethnological Food Research Conference (Matrafired, 16-20 October), which Kurti attended, and re a paper by Kurti on ‘Science and Technology: Blessing or Curse to the Arts’. Conference on Coal as Hungary, 28-30 May 1984 A copy of Kurti’s introduction at the first session is Correspondence, circulars, list of participants, etc. an Energy Source, Budapest, G.241-G.247 1982-1983 at N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.246, his account of the discussion at the last session at G.247. Includes material in Hungarian. 7 folders. Tape recordings of conference are at K.57-K.59. the discussion at the end of the The conference had been preceded by meeting held also in Hungary, 18-19 April 1983. a preparatory To Kurti’s dismay, the proceedings of the meeting were not published. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony's College, Oxford, 30 June-1 July 1984 Correspondence, draft of Kurti’s contribution. Royal Society discussion meeting on ‘Technology in the 1990s: Agriculture and Food’, London, 17-18 October 1984 Processes’, G.251-G.253 ‘Modelling Balatonftired, Hungary, 27-31 May 1985 Economic and of Technical Programme, abstracts, list of participants. of Armand Hammer Coal as an Energy Correspondence; copy of delivered Source (G.241-G.247). lecture at 1984 Conference on Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 29-30 June 1985 Correspondence. Eleventh International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC 11), Berlin, West Germany, 22-25 April 1986 Correspondence, proceedings, etc. circulars, programme, copy _ of 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.255-G.257 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 28-29 June 1986 1985-1986 Correspondence, circulars, programme, list of participants, etc. G.256, G.257 is pre-circulated contributions. 3 folders. Conference in Hungary, 4-9 August 1986 Correspondence (English and Hungarian). G.259-G.262 to Trip September-1 November 1986 Australia USA, the and New Zealand, 11 1985-1986 Correspondence. 4 folders. 2 folders. 3 folders. At G.266, the Evolution of Culture’ is at G.264. 1986x1987 G.265-G.267 G.263, G.264 Correspondence etc. ‘Physics and Culture’, Como, Italy, 18 March 1987 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony's College, Oxford, 27-28 June 1987 A copy of Kurtis presentation ‘How Can Physics Contribute to Includes transparencies. 2 folders. Circulars, programme, list of participants, etc. G.267 are pre-circulated contributions. Meeting Implications and Application’, London, 19 October 1987 ‘Superconductivity: Opportunities, Correspondence etc. G.268, G.269 1986-1987 on The N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.270, G.271 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 25-26 June 1988 Circulars, programme, list of participants, etc. G.270 is pre- circulated contributions. 2 folders. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 24-25 June 1989 Circulars, programme, list of participants, etc. ‘Liberal Democratic Societies: Their Present State and Their Future Prospects’, London, 25-29 August 1989 Correspondence, programme, list of participants, etc. Risk [19] 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989 See also K.7. Includes a typescript draft of International Conference on Education, Balaton, Hungary, 7-13 September 1989 Energy Alternatives Includes programme, abstracts, list of participants etc. British Nutrition Foundation Annual Conference on ‘How Safe is Our Food?’, London, 30 October 1989 Programme etc. Kurti’s presentation on ‘Thermodynamics, economics, comfort: how to heat a house’. Copy of Kurti’s paper on ‘L’Emploi Efficace de l’Energie’. Meeting, ‘?Energie du March 1990 Futur?’, [unknown location], Miscellaneous, 1980s Correspondence etc. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Matters’, ‘Food Industry, Royal Society, London, 10 May 1990 Exhibition and Soirée on Science into Correspondence, programme, etc. Kurti presented and exhibited. British Nutrition Foundation Annual Conference on ‘Why We Eat What We Eat’, London, 27 June 1990 Includes programme and abstracts. G.280, G.281 International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Brighton, Sussex, 16-22 August 1990 the conference booklet, Copies of annotated typescript of Kurtis remarks at ceremony (with transparencies) etc. list of participants, the opening 2 folders. 1951-1990 Symposium 2 folders. 5 folders. G.284-G.288 G.282-G.288 G.282, G.283 Kurti’s contribution Correspondence, circulars, etc. Proceedings at G.283 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 22-23 September 1990 1991 Includes Kurtis contribution (G.285) and additional material (G.286-G.288). G.287, G.288 is chiefly correspondence re arrangements for the conference dinner of the International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Oxford, 1951. See G.3. Meeting, ‘?Energie du Futur?’, [unknown location], [8] April 1951, 1955, 1990 correspondence (G.284), drafts of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 1992. For tapes of parts of proceedings see K.69, K.70. See also G.369. G.296-G.299 ‘Erice ‘92’ 1991-1992 Contents of a folder so inscribed. In chronological order. Correspondence, chiefly with the Ettore Majorana Centre for some correspondence with sponsors and some participants. Scientific includes Culture, rice. Also 4 folders. G.300, G.301 ‘Zichichi’ 1990-1992 Contents of a folder so inscribed. In chronological order. Correspondence with A. S.A. Gabriele and J. Pilarski (all of the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture). Zichichi, 2 folders. 1990-1992 G.302-G.310 ‘hoz? G.304 G.306 G.305 G.307 G.311, G.312 Contents of a file so inscribed. Healy-Heron, Lanting-Mégnin, G.302 is correspondence Berwick-Busse, G.303 Clarke- Humphrey- Goutefongea, Langley, Palma- This, G.310 Thomas- Szenthagothai, G.308, G.309 H. Waldegrave. 1990x1993 Poster, circulars, miscellaneous notes etc. Also includes photographs and correspondence re future meetings. See Contents of a folder so inscribed. In chronological order. Correspondence and circulars re travel arrangements. G.313-G.317 General 9 folders. ‘Travel’ 2 folders. 1991-1992 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 also G.369. 5 folders. G.318, G.319 Meeting, November 1992 ‘?Energie du Futur?’, Paris, France, 26? 1992, n.d. copy of Circulars, ‘L’Emploi Efficace de l’Energie’. G.319 is transparencies, inserted in a notebook. Kurti's updated paper on 2 folders. ‘The University Hungary?], ?1992 in Transition’, [unknown _ location: Correspondence, copy of Kurtis paper on ‘Diversity and Specialization Higher Education’. Secondary Primary, and_ in 1992-1994 safety and re the publication of G.322, G.323 ‘1OP Congress’, [unknown location], April 1993 Copy of Kurti’s ?after-dinner speech, dated 20 April 1993. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 17-18 July 1993 Correspondence, circulars, list of participants, etc. Includes a draft of Kurti’s paper ‘Is a Meal a Gesamtkunstwerk in the Wagnerian Sense?’. Further includes correspondence re food the symposium papers. and Papers’ prepared by the participants to the main topics ‘Science in the Future of Europe. An International Meeting of Eminent Scientists and other Outstanding Personalities’, Budapest, Hungary, 26-28 November 1993 Correspondence etc. Includes a copy of Kurti’s paper on ‘Pure Science vs Applied Science’. A set of ‘Comments Kurti encompassing all art forms. translated ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ G.324, G.325 1993-1994 2 folders. as a_ work N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 of the meeting is at G.325. 2 folders. Meeting on ‘Technology in the Third Millennium: Energy’, Royal Society, London, 16-17 March 1994 1993-1994 Correspondence, list of participants, abstracts. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony's College, Oxford, September 1994 1993-1994 Correspondence, lists etc. Includes draft and copy of Kurtis paper ‘Going Today, Gone Tomorrow ... Whose to Blame?’. of participants papers, and ‘Oxford Instruments Seminar’, Oxford, 17 November 1994 Correspondence. 1993 5 folders. 1995 G.330-G.334 1994 Physical 1993-1996 Workshop on Molecular G.329-G.345 See also K.8, K.73. Chiefly correspondence re arrangements and arising. International and _ Gastronomy, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 22-26 April 1995 8 folders. G.335-G.342 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 Poster, programme, list of participants, etc. Account of meeting from magazine Lettre des Sciences Chimiques (May-June-July 1995) 1992-1995 includes Also Gastronomy Newsletter’, 1992-1993. copies the of ‘Molecular and Physical G.346-G.348 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 9-10 September 1995 1994-1995 Correspondence, Kurtis contribution ‘Rumford and Culinary Science’. programme etc. circulars, G.348 is 3 folders. Lunch to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first nuclear spin temperature of 10 uK was reached, Royal Society, London, 7 June 1996 experiment nuclear cooling which in a of the offprints transcript 1927, 1996- G.350-G.353 Correspondence, seating plan. Twenty-first International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-21), Prague, Czech Republic, 8-14 August 1996 Correspondence etc. re Kurti’s contribution, ‘The Prehistory a and Early History of Nuclear Cooling: Reflections of Cryo-Dinosaur’. Annotated sound of papers by W.F. recording (G.351), original Giauque and other pioneers (G.352), draft of ‘Réflexions the French magazine Pour la d’un cryodinosaure’ for Science, the final which appeared posthumously (G.353). 1999 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 7-8 September 1996 Correspondence, circulars, programme, list of participants See also K.74 for tape-recording of Kurti’s contribution. G.354, G.355 including product 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 etc. A copy of Kurtis contribution ‘Space, Time and Food (Barbecued mi-Cheval-mi-Porc, Whale’s milk)’ is.at G.355. Saucisses Elephant, 2 folders. G.356, G.357 ‘100th Anniversary of Tungsram’, Budapest, Hungary, 1 November 1996 1996, n.d. Includes a handwritten draft Correspondence etc. a speech made by Kurti on the occasion. Also includes a copy of the magazine Fizikai Szemle, containing an article by electrical engineer who was Vice President of Egyesult Izz6 (the Tungsram Works in Budapest). J6ézsef Pintér, about uncle Kurti his an of Includes 2 monochrome photographs. 2 folders. ‘Promotion of ENSBANA’, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France, 25 January 1997 1996-1997 ‘Ecole in Cooking’, Third Workshop ‘Erice ‘97’ 1992-1998 International G.359-G.361 G.359-G.369 Nationale Supérieure de Correspondence, copy of Kurti’s address (in French). ENSBANA stands for Biologie Appliquée a la Nutrition et a l’Alimentation’. ‘Heat on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 4-8 April 1997 1992-1998 Correspondence, circulars, programme, list of participants etc. Kurtis paper is at G.366. G.369 is material from the first Erice workshop, in 1992 (see G.296-G.317). Contents of a binder so inscribed. Correspondence etc. G.362-G.369 1994-1997 8 folders. 3 folders. General N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Visits and conferences, G.1-G.376 G.370, G.371 Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony’s College, Oxford, 18-19 July 1997 1996-1998 Correspondence, programme, list of participants etc. 2 folders. Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, St Antony's College, Oxford, 5-6 September 1998 Correspondence, programme, list ‘symposiasts’). of participants (styled G.373-G.375 Miscellaneous, 1990s 1988-1999 Correspondence etc. re meetings that may not have taken place, which Kurti may not have attended or which he declined to attend. ‘Berkeley Seminar Adiabatic demagnetisation’. Manuscript notes so titled. 3 folders. G.374, G.375 is material on the 4th International Workshop on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, Erice, May 1999, which Kurti helped organise but which took place 6 months after his death. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, H.1-H.992 early 1940s- 1997 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF WINE AND FOOD ATOMIC SCIENTISTS’ ASSOCIATION BRITISH ACADEMY H.16 BRITISH COUNCIL H.17-H.28 BRITISH CRYOGENICS COUNCIL H.29-H.36 BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDERS’ CABLES H.52-H.92 H.115-H.122 H.123-H.270 H.37-H.51 BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION H.93-H.112 COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS, CRANFIELD H.113, H.114 COMBINED HEAT AND POWER ASSOCIATION CNRS ATP ‘PROBLEMES SOCIO-ECONOMIQE DE L’'ENERGIE’ ENGLAND CONSERVATIVE PARTY ‘ENERGY POLICY GROUP’ CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE, OXFORD H.272-H.277 COUNCIL FOR THE PROTECTION OF RURAL H.271 CORPUS VITREARUM MEDII AEVI NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.278-H.399 H.400, H.401 DEPARTMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH/SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INNOVATION DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY COMBINED HEAT AND POWER GROUP H.402A ELECTRICITY COUNCIL RESEARCH CENTRE H.403-H.433 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY RESEARCH COUNCIL H.434-H.450 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY H.451-H.455 FRENCH EMBASSY IN LONDON H.456 H.457 H.482-H.560 H.567-H.627 H.726 HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES GREAT BRITAIN/EAST EUROPE CENTRE H.561-H.566 INTER-UNIVERSITE H.458-H.481 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DU FROID INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS/INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS H.727, H.728 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED H.628-H.725 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THE HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE H.730-H.737 LOW TEMPERATURE BIOLOGY CLUB (later SOCIETY FOR LOW TEMPERATURE BIOLOGY) H.738-H.742 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH ON MEASUREMENTS AND STANDARDS NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL FUEL EFFICIENCY SERVICE (NIFES) H.744-H.754 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY H.755-H.762 NATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION H.763, H.764 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION H.783-H.926 ROYAL SOCIETY H.927-H.931 SCIENCE POLICY FOUNDATION H.765-H.780 PHYSICAL SOCIETY H.781, H.782 ROYAL INSTITUTION TERMINOLOGY SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY H.956-H.992 WORKING PARTY ON CRYOGENIC VOLUNTEERS FOR IONISING RADIATION SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PHYSIQUE H.932-H.935 H.936-H.944 H.945-H.954 H.955 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA the Annual Papers of Business Meeting of the Academia Europaea, Ghent, Belgium, 3-5 July 1997. Meeting Annual and AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1968-1997 Correspondence, including with the Academy’s Committee on journal Daedalus, etc. Academy's Intellectual Freedom, the re Kurti was elected a Foreign Honorary Member in May 1968. re Kurtis his in and_ Institute 1981-1988 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF WINE AND FOOD (AIWF) Correspondence suggestions for the future expansion of the new Institute. membership § Kurti joined the 1982. He discontinued his membership in 1988, because he considered benefits from membership negligible for someone living in the UK and because the AIWF did not develop his area of interest, science in gastronomy. Correspondence re an event at Rhodes House during the Founded by 1946, the Atomic Scientists’ Association was a group of eminent scientists concerned with questions of public policy regarding the applications and dangers of nuclear physics. ATOMIC SCIENTISTS’ ASSOCIATION Correspondence Rotblat in J. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Oxford Atomic Week and Rhodes House. reaction of the Warden of Draft lectures 2 folders. In Kurti’s hand. H.9-H.15 BRITISH ACADEMY 1970-1985 between collaboration Correspondence re British Academy and the Royal Society. The project related to British participation in ‘Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi’, an international the See also medieval stained glass windows of Europe. 2h. research project aiming record the to 7 folders. 1966-1985 project and BRITISH COUNCIL re Anglo-Hungarian cultural Kurti became involved in the preservation aspects of this research scientific approaches to stained glass conservation. fostered exchanges on Correspondence, including exchange. 1961-1982 The British Cryogenics Council (BCC) was founded in 1967 to promote cryogenics and of cryogenic processes in industry. Kurti represented the Institute of Physics on the BCC (see his 1969 report at H.483). BRITISH CRYOGENICS COUNCIL support the application H.17-H.28 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.17-H.21 Committee ‘B’ ‘The Future of Cryogenics’ 1971-1977 committee circulated Correspondence, of BCC background Steering includes correspondence with members of the Low Temperature Group of the Institute of Physics and Physical Society. material. Committee Meetings. includes minutes papers H.20 Also and_ 5 folders. of the this title committee appears Occasionally as ‘Technological Forecasting’. Its objectives were to study world-wide trends of cryogenics, covering the temperature range from 170°K to absolute zero, and to advise the BCC Steering Committee of any steps that it should take or recommend to further the development of cryogenics in the UK. Sub-Committee on Helium Supply Correspondence with J.A. Bayliss. Also includes drafts of the ‘Memorandum to the British Cryogenics Council from the Subcommittee on Helium Supply’. of to 1980 Kurti 6 folders. H.23-H.28 1961-1982 H.29-H.36 the Department of Background materials on helium supply etc. BRITISH INSULATED CALLENDERS’ CABLES (BICC) Includes reference materials created by the Cryogenic Equipment Panel Scientific and Industrial Research and the Science Research Council in the 1960s, and correspondence and reports re helium supply and helium conservation outside Europe. See also G.165-G.167. From on cryogenics for BICC (from 1975 onwards also on energy problems). After 1980 he was retained on a small fee as an occasional adviser. Correspondence, reports, etc. 1965-1987 consultant 8 folders. acted as a 1961 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.37-H.51 BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION (BNF) 1986-1996 Kurti was a member of Council for the period covered by these papers. H.37-H.47 Council papers 1987-1995 In chronological order. 11 folders. H.48-H.50 Correspondence 1986-1996 3 folders. Reports 1987, 1990 1987) Copies of ‘Sugars and Syrups’ (Report of the BNF’s Task Force, and Accounts, 1989-1990, featuring Kurti who provided the Annual Lecture, 1989. BNF’s Annual Report and the of H.52-H.92 1974-1978, n.d. CNRS ATP ‘PROBLEMES SOCIO-ECONOMIQE DE L’ENERGIE’ For the period covered by these papers Kurti was a member of the Comité that allocated research grants within the ATP (‘Action Thématique Programmée’). ATP was a French model for a research project that brings together a wide array of scholars and institutions around a broad theoretical topic. 1974-1977 General correspondence Applications 1974-1978 H.52-H.54 H.55-H.91 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.55-H.65 1974 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Applications, in numerical order. Copy of the key at H.55. Applications 1, 2, 5 are missing. Application 4 (at H.57-H.60) includes correspondence and material re a Franco-Swedish Round Table on Energy Economics, 17-18 March 1977. 11 folders. H.66-H.71 1975 Applications, in numerical order. Copy of the key at H.66. Applications 1, 4 are missing. 6 folders. H.72-H.81 1976 key at H.82, which 1977 H.72, which also_ includes of the key at 10 folders. H.82-H.91 of Copy correspondence. the Complete set of 8 applications, in numerical order. Complete set of 7 applications, in numerical order. Copy correspondence and Kurti’s comments on applications. Found with CNRS ATP material. Graphs on nuclear spins, etc. heat content of conducting electrons and also _ includes 10 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.93-H.112 COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS, CRANFIELD 1953-1985 the College of Aeronautics, Kurti was a Governor of Cranfield, 1953-1969. After the College received its Royal Charter and became the Cranfield Institute of Technology (1969), he served on its Court. The Institute changed its name to Cranfield University in 1993. H.93-H.106 Correspondence 1953-1985 In chronological order. See: also J:33-J'37, J.43, Ji87, J.88, J.91, J.221, J.222, J.232-J.234. H.93-H.95 1953-1958 H.93 Correspondence with R.V. Goddard and B. Lockspeiser Goddard Lockspeiser was on the Board of Governors. Principal College was the of 1951-1954. 1961-1966 H.96-H.100 ‘The present Includes memorandum by Lockspeiser on situation of the College of Aeronautics’. Includes arrangements re a talk by Kurti on his recent LT research status of universities. Includes assessments of theses and discussions re the extent of the association between the College and the University of Oxford, re the Robbins Report (1963), re whether the Universities of Oxford and Birmingham should ‘sponsor’ Cranfield degrees, etc. The Robbins Report a recommendation that Colleges of Advanced Technology should be given the 2 folders. 5 folders. included N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.104; ht. 102 1968-1969 Correspondence re the transition of the College into the Cranfield Institute of Technology and the appointment of a new Principal. 2 folders. H.103-H.106 1970-1985 1970. Chiefly correspondence and Includes a letter from Sir Victor Goddard thanking Kurti for taking his side when Goddard was ‘turned out of Cranfield’ in 1954. committee papers, 4 folders. H.107-H.112 Cranfield Society Symposium ‘Cross Channel Transport - Under, Over or On’, 19-20 July 1969 6 folders. H.113, H.114 1977-1990 Correspondence, Symposium. See also G.103. programme, papers etc. from the Correspondence, circulars, etc. Kurti chaired the first session of this symposium. COMBINED HEAT AND POWER ASSOCIATION (CHPA) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) enthusiast N. Jenkins Kurti became an honorary member of the District Heating By 1989 he still lectured Association (DHA) in the 1970s. regularly ‘on CHP and other energy questions’ at the University of Paris, but his active involvement with the DHA (now CHPA) had become ‘negligibie’. He was also a member of the Department of Energy's CHA Group (see H.402). Includes correspondence re Kurtis disagreement with the There is further material relating to CHP at D.14-D.18. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 See also E.258-E.261. Includes correspondence re J.M. Cassels’s pioneering role in the CHP movement H.115-H.122 CONSERVATIVE PARTY ‘ENERGY POLICY GROUP’ 1975-1979 In June 1975 Kurti was invited to join a new policy group on energy set up and chaired by P. Jenkin, MP on behalf of the then Shadow Cabinet. Initially termed ‘Energy Policy Group’, it was also referred to as the ‘Rational Use of Energy Policy Group’. H.115-H.119 ‘Jenkin’s Group’ 1 1975-1979 5 folders. 2 folders. a folder H.120, H.121 ‘Jenkin’s Group’ 2 ca. 1975 Contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence (chiefly with the Conservative MP P. Rost), minutes of meetings, circulated material etc. so inscribed. Duplicated material Contents of including minutes of the early meetings of the Energy Policy Group. 1973. Upon the retirement of its founding director (M.M. Centre (CSAC) The Contemporary Scientific Archives started its work as an archive processing centre in April CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE 1965-1998 Duplicated and photocopied background material H.123-H.270 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 it where Gowing) in 1986, followed by the Executive Director (J.B. Alton) in 1987, the Centre was moved to the University of name ‘National Bath, Cataloguing of Contemporary Scientists’ (NCUACS). Kurti was involved with the project - the preservation of contemporary scientific archives - from its early beginning in the mid-1960s. continued the under Archives Unit the for H.123-H.167 Establishment of the CSAC H.168-H.221 Administration of the CSAC H.222-H.245 General correspondence H.246-H.253 Relocation of the CSAC to Bath H.254-H.258 CSAC and NCUACS publications H.259-H.270 Background material re scientific archives of two. folders so_ inscribed. of the Royal 1965-1973 1965-1986 Commission H.123-H.136 H.123-H.167 Establishment of the CSAC ‘General Correspondence H.M.C.’ Chiefly a joint Historical the Joint and Technological Contents correspondence resulting in the establishment of committee on_ Manuscripts (HMC) and the Royal Society - (Standing) Committee for Records. See also H.259-H.261. 1965-1969 Contents correspondence re British scientists’ (H.123-H.127). ‘1965-1969 + Simon Papers for RS Exhib. + H.M. Bill’ inscribed. Includes of papers of distinguished H.123-H.129 of folder so further Scientific ‘the fate 7 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.130-H.136 ‘1970-19[73] 1970-1973 of so folder further inscribed. Contents Chiefly correspondence between members of the Joint Committee. Includes correspondence re the papers of Max Born and the biometrician Karl Pearson, re the question of whether objects such as Newton’s prisms or genetical specimens of the late Sir R. A. Fisher should be included in personal archives, etc. H.136 includes papers for consideration by Joint Committee at its meeting on 25 May 1973, its first meeting after the new CSAC began its work on 2 April. the 7 folders. H.137-H.146 Original ‘M.M.G. Pilot Scheme - R.S. 4th June ‘69-Aslib 25th Nov ‘70 - Cherwell Papers’ Gowing\Pye 19.3.68 Report - 1967-1973 Contents of a folder so inscribed. See also H.259-H.261. No material re ‘Cherwell Papers’ was found. a etc. 2 folders. 1967-1968 H.137, H.138 Gowing Report Correspondence re arrangements to preserve the personal papers of eminent scientists, re Gowing’s report on the topic (dated 19 March 1968), re the availability of a suitable archivist to carry out A copy of Gowing’s report, entitled ‘Pilot Survey of “Contemporary” Scientists Papers’, can be found at H.137. pilot project, The archivist chosen to carry out the pilot project was J.M. Pye of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at Harwell, Berks. 1968-1969 Correspondence and working papers re the pilot study (also referred to as ‘Pilot Scheme’), i.e. the ‘arrangement and listing of the papers of two or three scientists recently archival on_ deceased’. discussions of the procedures, chiefly involving Gowing, R.H. Ellis Historical Manuscripts Commission (HMC), E.N. da C. Andrade and Kurti, but in particular Pye. H.139-H.141 Pilot Study Includes detailed N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 3 folders. The scientists chosen for the pilot study were Sir Francis Simon, L.R. Wager and Sir John Gaddum. The physicist Andrade was one of Kurti’s allies in the creation of CSAC. Exhibition of the Pilot Study Society, Correspondence re an exhibition on the pilot scheme in the Joint Committee, Royal members of R.S. Council, and other interested people to ... see what the results look like’. Includes sketches of the displays. ‘for members of the The exhibition took place on 4 June 1969. Aftermath of the Pilot Study 1969-1970 Correspondence re what provisions could be made (on the basis of the pilot scheme) for the systematic preservation of the personal papers of Fellows of the Royal Society. Includes copy of the recommendations made by the Joint Committee. of 20th Century’ Scarman - Sir Alan Archives Scientists H.145, H.146 ‘Sir Leslie Foundation’ Aslib Conference, 25 November 1970 Correspondence re an evening meeting of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (Aslib) on ‘The and Technologists’. Includes an offprint of the papers presented on the occasion by Kurti, Gowing, Pye and Ellis. 1970-1973 Correspondence etc. from, among others, the Wolfson Foundation. Eventually this application met with success. re applications for funding Contents of a folder. Bullock - Wolfson 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.147-H.167 Standing Joint Committee for Scientific and Technological Records 1966-1976, 1986 Correspondence, reports of meetings, minutes, circulated material etc. relating to the joint activities of the Royal Society and the Historical Manuscripts Commission on behalf of the preservation of scientific and technological records. Origins 1964x1966 Duplicated material. Includes a memorandum on scientific manuscripts by R.N. Quirk of the HMC and a copy of the proceedings of a meeting of representatives of the Royal Society and the HMC on 12 July 1966. Quirk, who died in 1964, was an early champion of the preservation of scientific manuscripts. H.148, H.149 1966-1968 1969 1970 material, of and minutes. 2 folders. Also _ includes Circular letters, copies of agendas and minutes of the first meetings of an introductory note on Sir John Gaddum by his colleague W.S. Feldberg. Joint Committee. H.149 includes the agendas Copies correspondence. Correspondence including Historical Archives of British Men of Science by R.M. MacLeod, specimen entry (from the MacLeod survey) for the papers of J.L. Baker, and a document produced by the Joint Committee outlining its plans for ‘The Preservation of the Records of Science and Technology’. MacLeod, who was based at the University of Sussex, had launched an independent project ‘to locate, identify, count and briefly catalogue existing collections of letters, papers and unpublished materials of approximately 3,000 British men of science who flourished between 1850 and 1939’. Funded by the Social Science Research Council, it began and _ circulated N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 in January 1969. See also H.222. 1971 Copies of agendas and minutes (annotated). Also includes correspondence re funding for the cataloguing of scientific archives and re the Guide to the papers of leading British scientists from the 16th to the 20th century, to be compiled by R.E.W. Maddison. Further includes a duplicated report from the Standing Commission on Museums and collecting activities of all bodies which have collections in science and technology. Galleries re The Guide was funded by a grant from the Goldsmiths’ Company. H.153, H.154 1972 2 folders. 2 folders. H.155, H.156 1973 Correspondence, copies of agendas and minutes (some annotated). Correspondence covers the development of the Guide, funding applications, the quality of the MacLeod survey etc. Copies of agendas and minutes (some also in draft). Also includes correspondence re the work of the new CSAC, the name and letter head of the Joint Committee etc. 3 folders. Copies of agendas and minutes (some annotated). Also includes correspondence, circulars, a draft progress report of CSAC for its first year, a note by Kurti on the future finances of the Centre etc. H.157-H.159 1974 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.160-H.162 1975 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Copies of agendas and minutes (some annotated). Also includes correspondence, circulars, budget projections, etc. is on an H.161 ‘Aide-memoire At the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre’ and a statement about CSAC, sent to the new President of the Royal Society (A.L. Hodgkin), and at H.162 a duplicated account of the achievements of CSAC since it started operating in April 1973. Salaries at 3 folders. H.163-H.166 1976 Correspondence, copies of agendas and minutes (some annotated). Topics covered by the correspondence include the future of the Joint Committee, which in the view of some had ‘amply and successfully discharged its original function’, and re revisions to the Guide. 4 folders. 1986 1968-1987 H.168-H.221 H.168-H.197 Administration of the CSAC Correspondence with B.S. Smith of the HMC re material documenting the story of the Joint Committee. Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives, British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology 1973-1987 The Subcommittee on Contemporary Archives met for the first time on 10 December 1976 and for the last time on 8 September 1986. Its membership constituted itself from the former Joint Committee and Gowing (ex-officio member). Kurti proposed that a nominee each of the British Library and of the Historical Association be added, as well as a Agendas and minutes of the Subcommittee meetings, with committee papers. by CSAC were these committee papers. inquiries received On occasion, together with circulated N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 university librarian or archivist. 1973-1974 Correspondence and minutes of a meeting of the British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology. This predates the foundation of Contemporary Scientific Archives. the Subcommittee on 1976 Correspondence, agenda of the first meeting of the new Subcommittee on includes material from the last meeting of the Joint Committee on 13 April 1976. 10 December 1976. Also H.170, H.171 1977 2 folders. 2 folders. a British Hi 72, G3 1978 for History of British National and Medicine Includes minutes from meetings of the Committee Science, Technology. Includes minutes of National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology meeting and a copy of an estimated budget of CSAC, April 1979-March 1980. 2 folders. Includes correspondence re catalogues to microfilm. the transfer of the CSAC H.174, H.175 1979 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 F/O, AS 1980 Includes correspondence. 2 folders. H.178-H.180 1981 Includes minutes of National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology meeting (H.179). British a 3 folders. H.181-H.183 1982 Includes correspondence re of CSAC catalogues, etc. At H.183 is material from a British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology meeting. microfilm versions the 3 folders. 1983 1984 for History of Science, Medicine 3 folders. H.184-H.186 H.187, H.188 Includes correspondence re the Royal Society's attitude to the CSAC. Also includes material from a British National Committee and Technology meeting. the performance of CSAC 1973-1984 (H.191) and material Includes correspondence re the minutes of the meeting on 16 January 1985 and re the relocation of CSAC to Bath. Also includes transparencies for a presentation by Kurti on Includes material from a History of Science, Medicine and Technology meeting. British National Committee for H.189-H.193 2 folders. 1985 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 from a British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology meeting (H.193). 5 folders. H.194, H.195 1986 Includes Committee Technology material. for correspondence. H.195 is British History of Science, Medicine National and 2 folders. H.196, H.197 1987 Agenda, committee papers, minutes of Committee Science, Technology meetings. History for of British National Medicine and 2 folders. H.198-H.204 Ad Hoc Committee Management Committee the Management Committee Agendas and minutes of meetings, with committee papers. Notes and minutes from meetings of the ad hoc committee for the CSAC. Kurti retired from the British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology as of 31 December 1987. 1973-1976 The Management Committee proper, which was designated by Joint Committee as a formal management committee to provide for the day-to-day running of the CSAC, while the Joint Committee was responsible for the larger questions of policy and finance. Includes correspondence re the Progress Report. ad hoc committee predated the H.199, H.200 1973 the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 2 folders. 1974 Includes correspondence re naturalist, broadcaster, publisher. the papers of J. Fisher, H.202, H.203 1975 Includes correspondence. 2 folders. H.205-H.207 Management Group 1983-1985 1983 Agendas and minutes of the Management Group meetings, with committee papers. Also includes correspondence. The Group was set up in November 1983. On it were the Chairman of the BNC, the Chairman of the Subcommittee, the Honorary Director of the CSAC, and the Treasurer and the Executive Secretary of the Royal Society. Correspondence. H.208-H.219 Fundraising H.208-H.221 Finances 1968-1985 1968-1984 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1968-1969 Includes material relating to a scheme for the preservation of scientific manuscripts instigated by D.O. Edge. 1970-1971 1972 Includes an undated draft of the application to the Wolfson Foundation (see also H.145, H.146). H.212, H.213 1974 2 folders. 1975-1979 3 folders. H.215-H.217 1980 Includes a copy of Gowing’s application for a Royal Society Research grant in the History of Science. Includes a summary of a discussion with C. Jolliffe of the Leverhulme Trust and a copy of Gowing’s application for funding. 1973-1985 1981-1983 1984-1993 Accounts N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Miscellaneous balance statements, budget projections and correspondence. ‘Salary discussions mainly [19]75-[19]76’ 1975x1976 Top sheet so inscribed. Correspondence etc, treasury- tagged. In original order. H.222-H.245 General correspondence 1969-1998 1969-1971 Includes correspondence with rion): R.M. Macleod (see also H.223, H.224 1972 2 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. H.225-H.227 1973 H.228-H.230 1974 H.223 includes correspondence re the papers of E.N. da C. Andrade. 3 folders. H.228 includes a draft of article about the CSAC, written for Nature. H.230 includes notes by Kurti re the purpose and achievements of the CSAC and its future finances. H.231-H.233 1975 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1976-1977 Includes a draft survey of ‘the present work and future plans’ of the CSAC and a handwritten account by Gowing on why its work must continue. 1978-1979 1981 correspondence Includes Owners produced by the CSAC and distributed through the Royal Society. Guide the for re 1984 1985 1986 H.241, H.242 Includes correspondence with the historian W.H. Brock re the papers of Sir James Dewar. 2 folders. Includes correspondence re disagreements on archival procedures between Alton on the one hand and Gowing and Kurti on the other. Continues the dispute over archival procedures. H.243, H.244 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1987-1998 Includes Kurtis comments on the first Progress Report after the relocation of the CSAC to Bath, where it was renamed National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS). H.246-H.253 Relocation of the CSAC to Bath ‘Bath-Oxford-Cambridge’ Treasury-tagged, inscribed. Correspondence discussing the future of the CSAC, with additional material. label with so a ‘NK, MMG, Regist. WP Corresp.’ 1979-1988 November 1984-June 1985 November 1984-July 1985 with Treasury-tagged, inscribed. Correspondence chiefly between Kurti, Gowing, Sir William Paton of Oxford. Includes an account by Gowing of the story of the CSAC. University Registry label’ so __ and the the a _ of General H.249-H.253 Transition to NCUACS Paton was a supporter of the CSAC of long standing. Correspondence and draft publicity statements for the new NCUACS. 1973-1987 Includes various drafts re the future of the CSAC. A copy of the first Progress Report of the NCUACS can be found at Hr253: CSAC and NCUACS publications Progress Reports H.254-H.258 H.254-H.257 1973-1987 1979-1988 5 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Incomplete set (1, 2 and 5 are missing). A report for the first three years and one for the first five years can be found at H.257. 4 folders. Other publications 1973-1986 Includes copies of the first catalogue produced by the CSAC, ‘Report on the papers of William Hume-Rothery’, the the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, etc. Catalogues Compiled original Guide, by _ H.259-H.270 Background material re scientific archives 1960x1989 H.259-H.261 ‘Pilot Scheme General’ 1965x1970 Contents of a folder so inscribed. Original and duplicated papers re the Gowing-Pye pilot project and the early Joint Committee. See also H.123-H.146. is copies of the 3 folders. Report to the Secretary's 1965x1980 H.262-H.265 Original and duplicated material. Preservation and Export of Scientific Manuscripts H.264 Commissioners, 1973-1974 and 1974-1975. H.265 is documents from a folder inscribed ‘Export of MSS’ and includes papers re a proposed Parliamentary Bill to ensure historical manuscripts. 1966x1989 Contents of a folder so inscribed. H.266-H.269 stronger control export of of the 4 folders. ‘MMG’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Correspondence 1966-1986 Includes correspondence between Kurti and Gowing re the ‘Simon-Kurti Also _ includes correspondence re Gowing’s valedictory dinner in 1986 and re the Gowing Festschrift (ed. N.A. Rupke). Papers’. Energy Atomic Atomic Energy Papers’ referred Kurti and ‘Simon-Kurti The to material created by F.E. Simon during their involvement with the Tube Alloys project. Since neither Kurti nor Simon were full-time employees of the project, the papers were not technically official records and, subject to classification, were private property. Nevertheless Gowing persuaded Kurti to hand them over as she considered them an important addition to the archives of the UK atomic energy project. CV and nomination for Balzan Prize 1986x1989 H.268, H.269 Supporting Documentation 1975-1986 2 folders. ‘Paris Meeting’ Kurti presented a paper on the work of the CSAC on the occasion. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Correspondence etc. (some in French) re a meeting of the Commission d'Histoire de la Physique of the Société Frangaise de Physique. on 29 April 1981. Also includes material on the teaching of the history of science in the UK. 1972-1973 Includes correspondence re the state of the stained glass windows of Canterbury Cathedral and re scientific methods for the conservation of medieval glass, a topic of interest to the Technical Subcommittee of the British Committee of the CVMA. See also H.9-H.15. CORPUS VITREARUM MEDII AEVI (CVMA) N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.272-H.277 COUNCIL ENGLAND (CPRE) FOR THE PROTECTION OF RURAL 1967-1972 Contents of two folders so inscribed. Chiefly correspondence. document on CPRE’s Working Party on Power Transmission. ‘Power Transmission’, includes Also produced drafts of by a the 6 folders. Kurti’s association with the CPRE was initiated by a letter of his published in The Times. He resisted attempts to recruit him into the Working Party as a formal member, but agreed to act as a consultant. H.278-H.399 DEPARTMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (DSIR)/SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) 1960-1989 H.278-H.296 H.297-H.341 H.342-H.371 H.372-H.389 Physics Committee High Magnetic Field projects Cryogenic Equipment Panel General and miscellaneous correspondence and papers n.d. Energy Round Table, Worcester College Oxford, 18- 19 September 1978 General and miscellaneous correspondence and papers Data Compilation Committee H.390-H.392 H.393-H.399 H.278-H.296 1963-1975, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.278-H.286 ‘General Correspondence’ 1963-1977 Contents of a folder so inscribed. 1963-1965 correspondence Cryogenic Includes Equipment Research Studentships, proposals for new MSc courses in cryogenic engineering, etc. DSIR DSIR the of Panel, length the re H.279, H.280 1966-1967 Includes correspondence re SRC Council Meetings and university-industry collaboration. H.280 is an exchange with the 1966-January 1967, chiefly re acronyms. Earl of Hailsbury, May 2 folders. 1967 2 folders. available to H.283, H.284 H.281, H.282 For the High Magnetic Field Project (HMF), see H.327- H.340. Includes correspondence re making techniques developed in government laboratories industry, SRC Council Minutes and the Annual Report, the ‘brain drain’, the Oxford Advanced Cryogenics Course, the history of the High Magnetic Field Project, etc. Includes correspondence re the HMF project, the threat posed fundamental research carried out in Government establishments, the ‘brain the seeming erosion of SRC support for fundamental research, proposed courses in Advanced Cryogenics, etc. Kurti’s correspondent here is chiefly B.H. Flowers, who chaired the SRC from 1966. 1967-1968 accounting 2 folders. by new practices to drain’, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1969-1971 Continues Kurtis engagement with SRC’s fundamental correspondence re the Grenoble High Field Laboratory. the question of the research. Includes support for 1975, 1977 Correspondence 1975 re payments to members of the SRC’s Joint SRC/British Academy/Royal Society Ad Hoc Panel on the History of Science, 1 July 1977. Committee; Physics papers 1977 re _ H.287-H.292 ‘Royal Society/Science Research Council’ 1966-1967, n.d. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence, chiefly arising from Kurti’s position as Royal Society assessor on the SRC. 1966 3 folders. 3 folders. 1967, n.d. H.290-H.292 1967 correspondence re _ postgraduate H.287-H.289 Sir Patrick Blackett. Also Blackett was President of the Royal Society at the time. Includes correspondence with includes notes (in Kurtis hand) on SRC meetings. courses, Includes Research Training Support Grants and a grant proposal for space biological experimentation. Also includes drafts of SRC Minutes, Kurti’s notes on SRC meetings, etc. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence etc. H.292 is undated material. 1966-1967, n.d. ‘Misc. Sci. Res. Cou.’ H.293-H.296 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.293, H.294 1966 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Includes correspondence re the Swann Report, notes on SRC meetings, etc. 2 folders. The Swann Report was the interim report of the Working Group on Manpower Parameters for Scientific Growth chaired by M.M. Swann. Charged to discover ‘whether there was any imbalance in the employment of qualified engineering, technological and scientific manpower’, the Working Group presented its interim report to Parliament in October 1966. H.295, H.296 1967 Correspondence, SRC Minutes, etc. Includes correspondence with Swann. A.B. Pippard and M.M. 2 folders. on Group Pippard Manpower Parameters for Scientific Growth. a member of was Working the H.297-H.341 High Magnetic Field projects Correspondence, committee papers etc re the proposed creation of a High Magnetic Field (HMF) Laboratory. 1960-1989 Radar In November 1960 the Low Establishment (RRE) Malvern was invited Temperature and Solid State Physics Subcommittee of the DSIR Research Grants Committee to form a panel to discuss the production and uses of very high magnetic fields and to prepare a report. The Smith panel decided in favour of setting up a HMF facility on a national scale. In spring 1962 an informal steering committee under Smith met and as a result a grant was awarded for a design study to be carried out at RRE Malvern. Between October of that year and May 1963 a HMF Project Working Party met five Their report (presented by Kurti in June 1963) was times. discussed the Research Grants Committee which recommended that DSIR should initiate discussions about it with the universities. There ensued dissent re the siting of the proposed laboratory. Candidate locations were the Oxford-Harwell area (with its extant centres of flourishing Royal by R.A. Smith of the by N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 of the then Minister Science, solid state research), and Newcastle, the option favoured by Hogg. Nottingham was mentioned as a compromise. Eventually the project ground to a halt. By 1970 Kurti explored the possibility for the UK to become involved with the HMF installation created at Grenoble, France. This too came to nothing. Quintin Sir H.297-H.309 Correspondence 1960-1965 H.297 1960 Correspondents include R.A. Smith and A. H. Cottrell. 1961 As before. Also includes correspondence with B. Bleaney. 1962 1963 7 folders. labelled the High H.300-H.306 draft documents of re candidates for the position Contains sequences of named parties (normally in reverse chronological order). correspondence with Include draft reports by D.H. Parkinson (a member of the Steering Committee) and correspondence with the DSIR. Includes Magnetic Field Project Working Party, correspondence re the location of the proposed facility, of Director, re the possibility of a consortium between Bristol, Oxford and Reading to sponsor it, re a visit to high field laboratories in the US, etc. 1961-1963 H.301 is drafts of reports (with appendices) to the DSIR High Field Panel. H.303 is Parkinson’s floor-plans of the facility, Harwell. H.307, H.308 if built at N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Includes a note on the Clarendon Laboratory's possible relationship with the proposed National Magnet Laboratory. 2 folders. H.310-H.318 Committee papers and Reports 1961-1965 Includes some correspondence. 1961 Reports of the Smith panel. Also includes a report by Kurti on Materials Capable of Carrying High Current Densities’. Superconducting ‘Applications New of 1962 1963 a HMF H.312-H.316 by D.H. Parkinson on Contents of a folder inscribed ‘High Fields’. Papers for the Fifth Meeting of the Working Party on 31 May 1963, with correspondence Includes a progress report the Design Study and unconfirmed minutes for a meeting of the Magnetic Fields Project Working Party on 26 October 1962. was discussed Papers Grant Committee in June, where the report of the Working Party D.H. Parkinson’s study of the running costs of Laboratory Research for meeting of the DSIR N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Notes by Kurti circulated at a Physics Sub-Faculty Meeting in Oxford Correspondence and documents re an extraordinary Sub- Faculty Meeting in Oxford, 24 October The purpose of the meeting was ‘to consider further the form of liaison, if any, between the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the University’. 1964 Includes correspondence, committee papers and Kurtis Sub- handwritten Committee/High 24 November 1964. combined Party Working meeting physics notes Field on on a 1965 H.319 1964-1967 Also in High Magnetic H.319-H.326 Correspondence, 1966 ‘International Co-operation Correspondence and Committee Papers, 1966-1967 Correspondence with W.A. Runciman at MIT, C. Jolliffe of the SRC, H.M. Finniston of the International Research & Development Company (IRDC). Correspondence and committee papers. includes Kurti’s personal notes (typescript) about an OECD meeting on Field Research’, held in Paris on 9-10 November. 1964-1967 Annotated papers for meetings of the SRC University Science and Technology Board and AERE’s High Magnetic Field Laboratory Main Project Committee design Copy of proposed laboratory study concerning magnets for Committee papers for 1966 H.320-H.324 H.320-H.322 a the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Original sketch plans for a facility at Harwell H.325, H.326 Correspondence 1967 Includes a memorandum re a meeting of the SRC UST Board on 21 March, when it was agreed to recommend that the laboratory be built on the SRC site at Chilton in Oxfordshire. the Deutsche of Forschungsgemeinschaft re magnetic fields. includes report Also a 2 folders. H.327-H.340 High Magnetic Field installation, Grenoble, France 1967-1976 Material re created at Grenoble. British participation in the HMF installation Kurti was a member of the Comité de Direction of the Service National des Champs Intenses (SNCI) in Grenoble and urged UK support for or, after 1971, cooperation with this facility. 1970 2 folders. H.329-H.331 1971 H.327, H.328 At H.329 is the SRC Physics Committee’s decision not to contribute to the Grenoble facility and Kurti’s response. Includes account of work at Grenoble from Europhysics News, July 1974 (H.333). H.333, H.334 1972-1973 3 folders. 1974 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1975-1976 Includes Kurti’s notes ?for lecture at Grenoble. H.336, H.337 ‘Topical Information’ 1966-1974 Contents of meetings to discuss high field facilities, 1966-1969. inscribed: folder so a includes papers of 2 folders. H.338-H.340 Printed background and information material 1967-1976 3 folders. SERC meeting on UK access to High Magnetic Field Facilities 1986, 1989 1962-1970 H.342-H.371 Cryogenic Equipment Panel The issue of UK access to these facilities was reopened in the mid-1980s. The material includes Kurti’s accounts of previous attempts in this area and lessons thereof. a The Cryogenic Equipment Panel was established as subgroup of the DSIR’s Research Grants Committee at the recommendation of the Low Temperature and Solid State Physics Sub-Committee. It held its first meeting on 16 May 1962 with Kurti was Chairman. With the creation of the SRC the Panel was placed under the Universities Science and Technology Board as The panel was wound up in November 1969. 1962-1968 The early meetings were chiefly concerned with the supply of liquid helium for research at UK universities. Later meetings were also concerned with equipment issues. the Cryogenics Panel. H.342-H.354 Papers for meetings N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 16 May 1962 12 July 1962 Survey of liquid helium availability and requirements. 27 September 1962 19 November 1962 10 January 1963 Includes first report of the Panel. 28 February 1963 24 April 1963 3 December 1964 Second report of the Panel, 19 June 1963 15 January 1968 28 October 1965 1 April 1966 30 June 1967 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.355-H.370 Correspondence and papers 1964-1970 H.355-H.360 Trade embargo on sale of cryogenic equipment to the USSR and People’s Republic of China 1964-1969 6 folders. As Chairman of the Cryogenics Panel, Kurti argued that cryogenic the Board equipment export opportunities for British industry. Trade’s too sweeping damaged of was embargo covering and General correspondence 1964-1966 Includes Kurtis ‘Notes for a child’s guide to helium (liquid and gaseous)’, October 1965. Postgraduate applications at the University of Southampton course M.Sc. cryogenics in and_ its 1966, 1968 from Philips Scientific at the University of Equipment, Proposed liquid hydrogen centre Bradford Correspondence manufacturers of liquid helium equipment, February-June Survey of supplies of liquid helium to universities, May- June liquefiers/liquid helium’, June, and Ministry of Technology Meeting on liquid helium supplies, 15 January 1968 General correspondence, April-September General correspondence, May-December Includes Universities draft ‘Memorandum of provision to helium concerning 1967-1968 guidance Kurtis the of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 summary report on Cryogenic Engineering survey, August. Papers, October-November Includes ‘The cost of refrigeration’ by Kurti, October 1968. General correspondence 1969-1970 Printed information H.372-H.389 Physics Committee 1964-1978 Kurti was a member of the Physics Committee. H.386-H.389 14 folders. 4 folders. 1964-1978 1967-1975 H.390-H.392 Data Compilation Committee 1973-1979 H.372-H.385 Grant applications Miscellaneous correspondence and duplicated typescript papers 1973-1979 The Data Compilation Committee was established in April 1974 to review the support of data compilation offered by the SRC and to award grants in this area. It was replaced in 1978 by the Advisory Data Panel which was dissolved the following year. Kurti was a member of the Committee and the Panel. Correspondence and papers See also H.826, H.827. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Kurti letter from as Chairman of Includes British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology suggesting the establishment of an SRC committee, terms of 1975; correspondence re IUPAC Thermodynamic Tables Project Centre, 1977; terms of reference of Advisory Data Panel, April 1978. reference, report, 1974; draft April first the of H.391, H.392 Minutes of meetings 1974-1978 2 folders. by Kurti as Chairman of the includes ‘Comments of SRC’s data Also activities’ British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology, February 1975 (H.391) and ‘The support of data compilation - the second report of the data compilation committee’, March 1976 (H.392). support of Energy Round Table, Worcester College Oxford, 18-19 September 1978 1977-1978, n.d. H.393-H.399 H.394, H.395 Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled: papers for meeting of Energy Storage Working Group. ‘Energy Round Table Working Groups. Papers for the meeting to be held on 10th July 1978’ Kurti was a member of the Working Group on Energy Storage. 1977 71.0. ‘Sand storage and other storage. Papers for En. Round Table’ Draft Working Group report September 1978 Typescript copies of le transport de energie’, 1977 and of ‘Heat storage in sand’ by Kurti, used ‘Le stoackage et Contents of Kurti’s folder so inscribed. report, August, and contribution to Kurti’s of of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 as material for his contribution H.396-H.399 ‘Energy Round Table 1978’ Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled: papers for Energy Round Table, report of the Round Table (H.399). 4 folders. H.400, H.401 DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TECHNICAL INNOVATION OF EDUCATION AND_ FOR’ SCIENTIFIC SCIENCE AND 1966-1969 Kurti joined this committee at its fourth meeting. Minutes of committee meetings 1966-1968 1966-1969 1975-1979 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers found with the minutes Also includes note for the committee on ‘Reports, Preprints and “Preprints” ’ by Kurti, February 1968. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY COMBINED HEAT AND POWER GROUP There is further material relating to CHP at D.14-D.18. the Department of Energy’s Kurti was a member of Combined Heat and Power Group, chaired by Walter Marshall. He was also a member of the District Heating Association (DHA), later the Combined Heat and Power Association (H.113, H.114). Includes Kurti’s ‘Notes on heat transport’, June 1975 and his ‘Reflections on the Combined Heat and Power Working Group’, June 1976 beginning ‘| am worried about the progress of the CHP Group’s work and I’ve put down on paper my views. The presentation is brief and blunt’. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ELECTRICITY COUNCIL RESEARCH CENTRE Results of tasting tests. These comparison tests were made to determine whether there were noticeable differences between frozen and non- frozen food samples. See also J.399. H.403-H.433 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY RESEARCH COUNCIL (ESRC) 1960-1979 Kurti joined the ESRC in 1960. He served to 1979. H.403-H.420 Papers of meetings 1960-1979 1960 1964-1965 Chiefly agenda and minutes. Some annotated by Kurti or with manuscript notes appended. 1966-1967 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1971-1972 January, April 1973 July, October 1973 1960-1979 The at electricity generating or supply installations and included tours of the facilities. ‘ESRC General correspondence’ the committee were H.421-H.429 meetings often of Contents Includes correspondence and papers re venues for meetings of the committee, heat pumps and membership. labelled. Kurtis folder so _ of held N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1960-1961 invitation Includes serve International Conference on Electricity Supply Industry, May 1962. and Gas to of terms Discharges and reference, the 1962-1963 1964-1968 visit to the Shin An Chiang Includes Kurtis ‘Notes on a hydro-electric power station [...] China, on August 15th 1964’, and draft paper by W.R. Hawthorne on university research, April 1967. 1969-1972 papers re heat pumps, 1976-1977 1974-1975 Chiefly correspondence and including correspondence in the Financial Times. Includes ‘Report on discussions in Copenhagen on 11-12 December 1975’ by Kurti, distributed March 1976. Also includes annotated menu for visit of ESRC to CEGB Generation Development and Construction Division, 24-25 July 1975. Chiefly re visit to France, 25-27 June. Also includes Kurti’s Includes information for visits to Dungeness ‘B’ Nuclear Power Station, April, and Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, July, and proposed visit to a facility in France, June 1979. 1979 1978 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ‘Note on a visit to the Electricity Council Research Centre on pump developments. survey Friday 1977’ heat July 22 to Background information, chiefly in French 1978, 1979 H.430-H.432 ‘E.S.R.C. Energy storage’ 1961, 1972, 1977 Contents of Kurtis folder so labelled: correspondence and papers. ESRC discussion electrochemical methods, 21 July 1961 meeting on storage of energy by Includes correspondence and papers re flywheels and fuel cells, Kurtis manuscript notes on meeting. Advanced battery for electrical propulsion Fuel cells application H.434-H.450 from Chatham EUROPEAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (EPS) Correspondence re House Grammar School for research grant to study paramagnetic resonance Society, Florence, September 1968. Includes letter to S.F. Edwards re inaugural meeting of the Kurti was a founding member of the EPS. General correspondence and papers 1967-1989 1967-1975 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ‘Setting up the EPS leading up to Florence meeting’ 1967-1969 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘S.F. Edwards re Roy. Soc. + finances’ 1969-1970 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘N.K. draft proposals for Europhysics Conferences (Gordon type) & comments’ Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘General correspondence Conf. Comm & Sub Comm’ 1970-1972 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. H.439, H.440 ‘Study conferences. Conference Committee’ 1970-1976, 1982 2 folders. folder Study so labelled: Conferences, chiefly Kurtis re reports planned on H.441-H.445 Kurti served on the Europhysics Conference Committee to 1975. Papers of meetings of Council and Executive Committee of the EPS Contents of Europhysics meetings of the EPS Council and Conference Committee. 1984-1989 Kurti attended meetings of the Executive Committee and Council as the editor of the journal Europhysics Letters. 1984-1985 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1988 Includes Committee on Energy’, November 1988 Kurtis ‘Comments on the proposed Advisory H.446-H.450 ‘Low Temperature Division EPS 1968-1973’ 1968-1972 Contents of folder so labelled. ‘Foundation of the LTP Division of the EPS’ 1968-1969 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. ‘Draft of the letter from Gorter to Guinier - operation between divisions + comments on letter’ re closer co- 1968-1971 June 22-Jul 4, 1970 to A. Guinier, Chairman of Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled. Twente ‘Summer schools Grenoble - June 28-July 10, 1971’ [...] The letter the Physics of Condensed Matter Division was drafted in 1971 by Kurti on behalf of C.J. Gorter, Chairman of the Low Temperature Division. 1971-1972 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled relating to meeting at Freudenstadt, Germany to discuss relation of the Low Temperature and Condensed Matter Divisions, and possible establishment of the Low Temperature group as a section of the Condensed Matter Division. ‘Freudenstadt. Correspondence leading up to it + papers relating to discussions’ ‘Albé 11-14 April 1972’ 1970-1971 - all notes 1969-1972 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Bundle of correspondence and papers so labelled, chiefly re arrangements for Europhysics Study Conference on Thermometry and Thermal Contact below 50 Millidegree Kelvin’, Albé, France (see also G.141). H.451-H.455 FRENCH EMBASSY IN LONDON 1971-1987 folder Kurtis ‘France’: inscribed Contents of includes correspondence re television broadcast by Kurti for French meetings of television, correspondence and papers re_ the French Scientific Department of the Maison Frangaise in Oxford, visits by French scholars to Oxford and French Government scholarships and related material. research workers in the Britain by French Embassy at organised Reunions des Chercheurs Frangais en Grande-Bretagne 1973, 1977 1973-1987 1971-1976 1969-1990 Office de 1973-1975 H.454, H.455 television broadcast for General and miscellaneous correspondence Printed background and information material GREAT BRITAIN/EAST EUROPE CENTRE Correspondence re Radiodiffusion Télévision Frangaise 1993-1998 HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. Correspondence. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 In Hungarian. H.458-H.481 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DU FROID 1958-1982 (IIF) Froid The Institut International du or !nternational Institute of Refrigeration was established in 1920, as the successor to the International Association of Refrigeration. When Kurti joined it had nine commissions, of which he was concerned with Commission 1, Scientific problems of low temperature physics and thermodynamics. In 1971 the A, was lIF divided itself concerned with three commissions, A1, Cryophysics, A2 Cryoengineering and A3 Separation of Gases. Commission A1 was not felt to be as active as it should be and it was proposed to merge Kurti opposed this and a ballot was held the it with A2. result of which supported Kurti. Kurti was nominated to serve as a UK representative on Commission A1 1971- 1975 and served as Vice-President. into four sections. Cryology. The first, This turn had_ in H.458-H.465 See also G.102 a common member to General correspondence and papers Kurti was also a member of the UK Standing Committee on lIF. He served until its dissolution in 1981. In 1969 it was agreed to coordinate activities with the Commission on Very Low Temperatures of the IUPAP, with Kurti serving as liaise between them. Background and information material Meetings of UK Standing Committee of the International Institute of Refrigeration Meetings of Commission 1 and Commission A1 International Congresses of Refrigeration H.466-H.468 H.469-H.473 H.474-H.480 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.458-H.465 General correspondence and papers 1961-1982 1961-1963 Includes correspondence re possible IIF commission in cryogenic engineering, proposed by Kurti. 1967-1971 Chiefly correspondence possible reform of IIF Commission 1. 1971 with E.F. Hammel, re 1972-1973 Includes Kurti’s definitions of terms for cryology section of IIF dictionary. 1974 January-March 1975 May-December 1975 Chiefly correspondence re presidency of Commission A1. Chiefly correspondence on Commission A1 and proposal to merge it with A2. Chiefly re future of Commission A1. Also correspondence re Canadian participation in IIF. 1976-1977 1978-1982 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.466-H.468 International Congresses of Refrigeration H.466, H.467 11th Congress, Munich, Germany, 27 August-4 September 1963 1962-1963, 1967 1962-1963 Correspondence and papers re arrangements; minutes of meetings; etc. 2 folders. 12th Congress, Madrid, Spain Conference information; programme. See also G.91 H.469-H.473 Meetings of Commission 1 and Commission A1 1966-1975 H.469 Commission 1, 17 June 1966; 29 August 1967 1966,1967 1968-1970 Commission 1, 2 September 1971 Commission A1, 17 August 1975 Commission A1, 24 September 1972 Commission 1, 6 May 1968; 24 March 1969; 11 September 1970 1973-1981 Kurti was not at this stage a member of the Committee. Meetings International Institute of Refrigeration Standing UK of Committee of the H.474-H.480 1st meeting, 15 February 1973 Includes invitation to serve. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 2nd meeting, 15 August 1973 3rd meeting, 12 March 1974 4th meeting, 10 October 1974 6th meeting, 14 October 1975 7th meeting, 25 March 1976 Meetings 1979, 1980 1979-1981 H.482-H.560 1958-1990 Background and information material 1958-1978 Also includes letter re dissolution of Committee, October 1981. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS/INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND PHYSICAL SOCIETY Society Kurti joined the Physical Society in 1942 and the Institute of Physics in 1945. The Institute of Physics and Physical Society merged in 1960 to become the Institute of Physics and Physical Society. Subsequently this was shortened to the Institute of Physics. H.490-H.495 Merger of the Institute of Physics and the Physical See also Physical Society H.765-H.780. H.482-H.489 General N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.496-H.498 Council H.499-H.510 Awards Committee H.511-H.513 Fellowships etc H.514-H.517 Advisory Panel for Physics Bulletin H.518-H.520 External and Professional Affairs Committee H.521 Meetings Committee H.522-H.547 Low Temperature Group H.548-H.556 History of Physics Group 1961-1967 1968-1969 1970 H.482-H.489 General 1961-1982 H.557-H.560 Holweck Reunion Meetings Includes correspondence re publications of the Institute. correspondence re publications. Includes material re response to Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, re publications. correspondence Includes papers of meeting to discuss the report of the Science Committee; Research Councils Physics 1968, including N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1971 correspondence Includes European relations, charges for conferences, and Presidency. honorary _ fellowships, the re_ 1972 Includes obituaries of Claude Bloch and Peter Frank. 1973-1974 Includes draft of article on ‘Professional etiquette’ by Kurti, submitted to Physics Bulletin (see also H.520), and letter to O.S. Heavens explaining his resignation from Council, 1973. 1975-1976 1977-1982 H.490-H.495 1958-1974 Includes correspondence re publications. Merger of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 5 folders. As a The two organisations agreed to merge in 1960. member of the former Physical Society Kurti was exercised by the constitutional treatment of that Society's legacy within the new merged body. This came to a head in 1973- 1974 with the question of the status to be accorded to Fellows of the former Physical Society. Correspondence and papers re status of Fellows of the former Physical Society 1958-1959 1968-1974 Papers re merger H.491-H.495 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 When the Institute of Physics and Physical Society gained its charter of incorporation, the title Fellow of the Physical be recognised and became instead Society ceased to Fellow of the former Physical Society. However, those Fellows of the former Physical Society who were also Fellows of the Institute of Physics were told they could only be referred to as Fellows of the Institute of Physics. Some including a breaking of the terms upon which the two bodies had agreed to merge and unfairness to the legacy of the Physical Society. Kurti were angered at what they saw as H.496-H.498 Council 1969-1973 Kurti served from 1969 to his resignation in July 1973. Miscellaneous correspondence 1969-1973 Includes notification of election, July 1969, and letter of thanks for service, October 1973. 1972-1973 1968-1974 1968-1974 Papers for meeting, 7 July 1970 H.499-H.510 Awards Committee H.499-H.505 Meetings Minutes of meetings, 1972-1973 1968-1969 29 October 1968; 28 October 1969; 27 November 1969 H.500, H.501 30 September 1970 H.499 2 folders. 7 October 1971 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 12 October 1972 15 June 1973; 16 October 1973 9 October 1974 H.506-H.510 Correspondence and papers re award nominations 1969-1974 H.506 1969-1970 H.511-H.513 Fellowships etc 1958-1973 Applications to be admitted as a Graduate, Associate or Fellow of the Institute. 1970-1973 1958, 1963-1965 1967-1968 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.514-H.517 Advisory Panel for Physics Bulletin 1981-1984 Correspondence and papers, including agenda, notes and minutes of meetings. The Panel was established in 1981 and Kurti was invited to serve as Chairman (accepted). Training of physicists H.518-H.520 External and Professional Matters Committee 1970-1973 Correspondence and papers re matters for discussion by the Committee. drawing attention to unfair discrimination. Chiefly Kurtis paper on ‘Professional etiquette’ (see also H.487); and employment of women in physics (with Kurti’s note ‘Employment of women graduates’, 1973, Promotion of the Institute of Physics and its activities. 1970 1971 1972-1973 June N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Meetings Committee 1972, 1975 Papers of meetings. Kurti was a member of the committee representing the European Physical Society Conference. He stepped down in 1975. H.522-H.547 Low Temperature Group 1960-1990 was a member of Kurti Low Temperature Group prior to the merger with the Institute (see H.766). He was elected to the Committee in 1966 as Vice-Chairman and was Chairman from 1967 to 1970. Society's Physical the Constitution of the Group Following the amalgamation of the Physical Society and Institute of Physics the Constitution of the Group had to be revised. 1960-1992 H.523-H.526 Annual General Meetings Agenda, minutes and papers of meetings. Not a complete sequence. 1966-1970 Agenda, minutes and papers of meetings. Committee meetings H.527-H.529 1961-1964 1965-1969 1970-1974 1975-1992 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1966-1967 1969-1970 H.530-H.532 Scientific meetings 1962-1977 Programmes of meetings, some annotated by Kurti. 3 folders. H.533-H.538 General correspondence and papers 1961-1970 re Council Chiefly business (including membership), and for themes and arrangements for Scientific Meetings. and Committee meeting 1961-1966 January-June 1968 July-December 1968 The Simon Prize was awarded for distinguished work in The Simon Memorial Prize H.539-H.546 1961-1990 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 low temperature physics. General correspondence re Prize 1968-1969 1961 Prize Awarded to I.M. Lifshitz. 1963 Prize Awarded to H.E. Hall and W.F. Vinen. 1965 Prize Awarded to J.C. Wheatley. 1965, 1975 2 folders. 2 folders. Not a complete sequence. 1969-1970, 1990 H.543, H.544 1967 Prize 1967-1968 H.545, H.546 1970 Prize Includes at H.546 Kurti’s remarks made in presenting the Prize to Professor W. Meissner, 14 May 1970. Awarded to K.A.G. Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn delivered his Simon lecture the following year. 1983-1989 This Group was founded in 1984, with Kurti as a founder member. He served on the Committee to 1989. H.548-H.556 History of Physics Group Newsletters 1963-1990 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Establishment of the Group 1983-1984 Includes papers of discussion meeting 1 February 1984. Steering Committee Meeting of Steering Committee, 1 March 1984; application for recognition as a Group; draft constitution. Meetings on Experimenters and Instruments, 20 February 1985, and Projects in the History of Physics, 10 July 1985 1984-1985 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Kurti spoke on the subject of laboratory notebooks at both meetings. Committee meeting, 17 December 1984 and 20 February 1985 1984-1985 Committee meeting, 30 October 1985 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Meeting on the Education of Physicists between the Wars, Manchester, 30 October 1985 Correspondence and papers, including Kurti’s notes on his university education in Paris and Berlin, 1926-1931. Science’. Meeting on the History of Physics for the Physicist, Oxford, 2-4 July 1986 1985-1986 Correspondence and papers. Kurti spoke on ‘Reflections of an Amateur Historian of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1987-1989 H.557-H.560 Holweck Reunion Meetings 1970, 1977, 1987 Chiefly material relating to dining and social arrangements for reunion meetings of Holweck prize-winners. The Holweck Prize was established in 1945, jointly by the French and British Physical Societies as a memorial to Fernand Holweck, Director of the Curie Laboratory of the Radium Institute in Paris, who was tortured and killed by the Gestapo in 1941. The award was made in alternate years by the Councils of the two societies (the Physical Institute of Physics, and the Society to 1960, then the Société Frangaise de Physique) to a physicist selected from a list of nominees submitted by the other. 1970 Reunion H.558, H.559 1977 Reunion 1977-1979 2 folders. H.561-H.566 INTER-UNIVERSITE 1966-1970 1987 Reunion At H.559 are 4 group photographs of participants. 1966-1967 Inter-Université was the common form of the Association des la _ cooperation universitaire en Europe (or Association of University Staff to Promote Inter-University Cooperation in Europe). Contents of Kurti’s folder, chiefly papers re Inter-Université but includes material on science in France. Report of the ‘Colloque National de Caen, 11-13 November enseignants et chercheurs pour Colloque de Caen N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.563, H.564 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1966’, sent to Kurti for information by the Scientific Office of the French Embassy in London. Correspondence and papers 1967-1969 Includes Kurti’s ‘Notes on a meeting held at the ... CNRS Headquarters in Paris on Wednesday 5 February 1969 to discuss the career prospects of young physicists’. re Inter-Université a Papers European Community of teachers and research workers’, Brussels, Belgium, 23-25 October 1969 ‘Towards seminar on 2 folders. Inter-Université papers General H.569-H.627 Newspaper cuttings etc. 1968-1969 H.567-H.627 H.567, H.568 1966-1994, n.d. See also British National Committee for ICSU, H.829. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) (CODATA) Committee on Data for Science and Technology N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.567, H.568 General H.567 Correspondence re General Assembly of ICSU Abstracting Board, York, June 1977 Correspondence re expulsion of Taiwan from International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at the behest of the People’s Republic of China H.569-H.627 Committee on (CODATA) Data for Science and Technology 1966-1994, n.d. This material includes papers for CODATA meetings and is correspondence re policy issues. However, the Treasurer's correspondence re CODATA funding from ICSU/UNESCO, sums for CODATA activities, claims for reimbursement of expenses. awarded bulk be to in 1966 as promote the established by ICSU International CODATA Conference, Le Creusot, Minutes of first meeting of CODATA, 16-17 June 1966 Third France, 26-29 June 1972 an CODATA was interdisciplinary committee to evaluation, compilation and dissemination of data for science and technology and to foster international collaboration in this area. Kurti joined as the Union delegate for IUPAP in 1973, also serving on the Bureau. He became Treasurer of CODATA in 1974, serving to 1980. See also the British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology H.819-H.828. Includes draft of revised constitution, and Kurtis ‘Some notes about the future of Codata’, December. Correspondence and papers, including programme. Miscellaneous December 1972 correspondence See also G.148. and_ papers, July- N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.572-H.574 Papers responding to CODATA questionnaire, reporting on data compilation activities of the international scientific unions Probably September, Helsinki, Finland. assembled for ICSU General Assembly, 3 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Includes January; Stockholm, Sweden, 10-11 September. notes minutes of for meeting of 18 8th CODATA General Assembly, drafting committee, of joint meeting between Notes of CODATA, the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Sciences, ICSU Panel on World Data Centres, Committee on the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, 8 June 1973 representatives Geological Data and Kurti was a CODATA representative. Correspondence and papers. CODATA and ICSU meeting, Paris, France, 1 May 1974 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, January-April CODATA Officers Meeting, Paris, France, 31 January-2 February 1974 1973-1974 Fourth International CODATA Conference, Tsakhcadzor, Armenia, USSR, 24-27 June 1974 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, May-June The meeting headquarters. Chiefly re CODATA publications. H.581, H.582 considered allocation ICSU room at N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Papers of the conference and meetings held during its proceedings; correspondence arising. 2 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence, July-October Includes notes on CODATA Bulletin ‘Proposition’. Correspondence and papers re CODATA at ICSU General Assembly, Ankara, Turkey, September 1974 Kurtis Includes of CODATA, ICSU/AB and the ICUS Panel on World Data Centres. ‘remarks’ when presenting reports Kurti represented CODATA at the meeting. Miscellaneous correspondence 2 folders. H.589-H.593 Conference, Boulder, H.587, H.588 travelling expenses, preparation of CODATA Chiefly brochure. CODATA financial papers Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Includes correspondence re expenditure by task groups of CODATA. 5 folders. Includes correspondence re arrangements; papers of the conference; Kurti’s remarks made at the conference wine- tasting (H.589); task group, panel and national committee reports (H.590-H.592). International Fifth Colorado, USA, 28 June-1 July 1976 CODATA N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.595, H.596 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Miscellaneous correspondence, January-May Includes associate organisations of CODATA. correspondence re CODATA brochure, Meeting on Biosciences, Royal Society, London, 18-19 April 1977 the CODATA Advisory Panel of Correspondence re arrangements etc. 2 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, June-July and the 1976-1977 Includes Executive Committee meeting, Paris, 28-29 June 1977’. decisions ‘Principal 22nd CODATA the of 2 folders. H.599, H.600 Miscellaneous correspondence, August Correspondence re scientific relations with Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China, August Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, September- December Committee meetings. Includes draft minutes of CODATA officers’ meeting, Paris, France, 6-7 February. 11th CODATA General Assembly, Santa Flavia, Italy, May 1978 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Assembly Executive of General Draft minutes and N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers CODATA Executive Committee Meeting, Paris, France, 30 April-2 May 1979 Papers of meeting. ‘Proposal on interchange methodology for numerical data in science and technology’. Report of the CODATA Task Group on Computer Use, July 1979 H.607, H.608 Correspondence re contracts and funding misunderstanding on CODATA 1979-1980 2 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Not indexed. 1982-1994, n.d. Newsletters Issues 17, 33-35. 1977, 1985, 1986 Notes on ‘Data needs for energy - CODATA vade-mecum for energy?’ A., B. Office set outgoing correspondence as Treasurer. of carbon copies and photocopies of Kurti’s H.613-H.626 Alphabetical copy correspondence a discussion’ and ‘A 1974-1977 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ease of reference. Bundle of correspondence so labelled divided into two for H.625, H.626 H.626A, H.627 ‘Secretariat’ W. 2 folders. 1979-1982 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.628-H.725 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION (ICF) 1972-1996 The International Cultural Foundation (ICF) was founded in 1968 by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church (popularly known as It was the sponsoring the _ International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS), as well as the Professors World Peace Academy and Paragon House Publishers. organisation ‘Moonies’). behind The first ICUS was held in 1972 on the ‘Moral Orientation of the Sciences’. H.628-H.703 H.704-H.719 International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences Correspondence re activities of the Unification Church H.720-H.725 Background material 1972-1996 5 folders. his talk on material is correspondence and papers H.628-H.632 H.628-H.703 Correspondence re International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences 1st ICUS on the Moral Orientation of the Sciences, New York, USA, November 1972 The re arrangements, copies of papers delivered, including Kurti’s, and correspondence arising, including re publication of proceedings. the controversy over participation in the Conferences is at H.704-H.719. 1972-1974 proceedings with Kurti opened the ‘The objectives of the Royal Society as formulated in 1663 and their relevance to unified science’. Incomplete proceedings are at H.631, H.632. 2nd ICUS on Modern Science and Moral Values, Tokyo, Japan, 18-21 November 1973 Kurti did not attend. Programme only. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 3rd ICUS on Science and Absolute Values, London, 21-24 November 1974 Includes annotated programme. H.635-H.637 4th ICUS on The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values, New York, USA, November 1975 1974-1976 3 folders. Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. H.638, H.639 5th ICUS on The Search for Absolute Values: Harmony Among the 26-28 November 1976 Washington Sciences, USA, DC, 2 folders. Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. chaired the session on Science and Values. He in 4 folders. 3 folders. H.640-H.643 H.644-H.646 6th ICUS on a Changing World, San Francisco, USA, 25-27 November 1977 The Search for Absolute Values Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. He spoke on ‘Scientific research and enquiry: ivory tower or the market place, slaughterhouse or Shangri-La?’ (copy at H.641). Angeles, USA, 22-25 November 1979. 7th ICUS on The Re-evaluation of Existing Values and the Search for Absolute Values, Boston Massachusetts, USA, 24-26 November 1978 Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. 8th on Community in the Academic Los Values, Search for Absolute H.647-H.649 The the ICUS Responsibility of 1979-1980 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 3 folders. Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. He was moderator for the session ‘Do new patterns of wealth demand new structures of society?’ His notes are at H.649. H.650-H.654 9th ICUS on Absolute Values and the Search for the Peace of Mankind, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, 27-30 November 1980 1980-1981 5 folders. Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. He was a Group Chairman for the session on ‘Technology and Authority: Centralisation and Control’. His notes for the Chairman’s summary are at H.654. H.655-H.657 10th ICUS on The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation of the New World, Seoul, South Korea, 9-13 November 1981 3 folders. 6 folders. 5 folders. He He a H.658-H.663 the New World, Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. was a Group Chairman for the session on ‘Materials’. Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. was a Chairman for the session on ‘Technology as panacea?’ 11th ICUS on The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation of Philadelphia, USA, 25-28 November 1982 Kurti was an international advisor to the conference. He spoke on ‘Science and technology: blessing or curse to the arts?’ (draft and final copies at H.667). H.664-H.668 12th ICUS on The Search for Absolute Values and the Creation 24-27 November 1983 Chicago, World, USA, New the of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.669, H.670 13th ICUS on Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution, Washington DC, USA, 2-5 September 1984 2 folders. H.671-H.677 14th ICUS on Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution, Houston, Texas, 28 November-1 December 1985 1985-1987 7 folders. Kurti was a ‘discussant’ in the session on ‘Organisation and change in the universe’. H.678-H.683 15th ICUS on Absolute Values and the New Cultural Revolution, Washington D.C., USA, 27-30 November 1986 1986-1987 6 folders. Includes Kurti’s comments on papers delivered at H.681. 7 folders. 3 folders. H.691-H.693 1986-1989 H.684-H.690 See also F.154. Kurti was a ‘discussant’ in the session on ‘Energy’. Kurti participated in the session on ‘The human food chain’, speaking on ‘The sensual aspects of food consumption’. 16th ICUS on Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 26-29 November 1987 compatible?’ (H.693). 17th ICUS on Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World, 24-27 November 1988 Kurti participated in the session on ‘Ethnocentrism vs world unity’, and _ ethnocentrism speaking science ‘Are on Los Angeles, USA, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.694-H.697 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 18th ICUS on Absolute Values and the Reassessment of the Contemporary World, 23-26 August 1991 Korea, Seoul, South 1989-1991 4 folders. Kurti participated in the session on ‘The limits of science’, speaking on ‘The limits of scientists’ science’ (H.697). H.698-H.701 18th ICUS on Absolute Values and the New World Order, Seoul, South Korea, 19-22 August 1992 4 folders. Kurti participated in the session on ‘The Modern University in Transition’, speaking on ‘Diversity and specialization in primary, secondary and higher education’ (H.699). 20th ICUS August 1995 and 21st ICUS November 1997 1995-1996 Brief correspondence only. H.704-H.719 1975-1994 In Printed booklets on ICF and ICUS Correspondence re activities of the Unification Church Over the years considerable unease was expressed at the activities of the Unification Church, particularly with regard to students and young people thought to be particularly a number of cases it was suggested impressionable. they had been encouraged to break contact with their families and to leave higher education. Many thought the participation of Kurti and other leading academics in ICUS meetings gave credibility to the Unification Church. Kurti defended his attendance at the ICUS meetings but was concerned at the allegations and attempted to help in a number of cases. 1975-1994 Includes correspondence with officials of the Unification Church, colleagues uneasy at the activities of the Church and M.T.M. Casey McCann, who was trying to ensure H.704-H.711 General correspondence N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 young British recruits to the Church kept in touch with their families and resumed their higher education. 1975-1976 1978-1979 Includes copy of Kurti’s article for Nature, and responses thereto. 1981 1982 (1) 1982 (2) Includes correspondence re policy of Unification Church to Britsh recruits in the USA, and article by E.V. Barker of the LSE on the Unification Church in Clergy Review October 1980. Photocopy of circular letter from M.T.M. Casey McCann to participants at 11th ICUS asking them to raise the issue of young recruits to the Unification Church, with photocopies of replies. This material is closed. H.712-H.719 Cases 1983-1994 8 folders. 1980-1984 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.720-H.725 Background material H.720-H.722 Articles on the Unification Church and related 3 folders. 1975-1984 1975-1983, 1990 is H.720 ‘Should At attend KGB-sponsored meetings?’ by R. Godement, submitted to Nature as a response to Kurti’s piece published in November 1978 (see H.706). scientists H.723-H.725 Newspaper cuttings 1975-1984 3 folders. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) H.727, H.728 1971-1972 papers re 14th Information on IUPAC activities. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) Correspondence and IUPAP General assembly, USA. At H.728 is Kurti’s report on proceedings and conference photograph. 1968, 1970 Chiefly re meeting of the Science Policy Commission, Paris, France, 30-31 July 1980. Includes Kurti’s report. INTERNATIONAL UNION PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE See also G.152, G.153 HISTORY AND 2 folders. OF THE N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 invited to meetings of Kurti was Policy Commission (Commission ‘Domaine de la Politique de la Science’) as part of the preparations for the International Congress for the History of Science to be held in Moscow, USSR in 1971. Science the H.730-H.737 LOW TEMPERATURE BIOLOGY CLUB (later SOCIETY FOR LOW TEMPERATURE BIOLOGY) 1965-1990 Chiefly correspondence re arrangements and papers for meetings. This society began as the L6wenbrau Low Temperature Biology Club in 1965. It shortly thereafter changed its name to the Society for Low Temperature Biology and Kurti was elected to the committee. He became Chairman in 1967, serving for two years. 1968 2 folders. 1965-1966 H.733, H.734 Includes newspaper report on ‘Cryonic Suspension. An attempt to conquer death’, found with the material. Includes correspondence re Society for Cryobiology 11th International and London, 4-8 August 1969-1972 1973 Meeting, 1974, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 H.738-H.742 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 relations with that Society. 1974-1991 material 1974 Cryobiology 11th International Meeting. includes correspondence re Society for MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AND STANDARDS MEASUREMENTS’ RESEARCH ON 1969-1973 1969. Ministry of This committee was established under the Technology in It was to Kurti was Chairman. identify the requirements of industry and science in the areas of measurement and standards, and survey work carried out in these areas in Ministry establishments such as the National Physical Laboratory. With the dissolution of the Ministry of Technology in 1970 the committee came under the Department of Trade and Industry. It was wound up in 1973. On the dissolution of the committee a separate body was established to oversee work on measurements at the National Physical Laboratory, on which Kurti served (see H.751-H.754). 1969 H.738 H.738-H.741 Minutes of meetings and Kurti’s Chairman’s reports 1969-1972 Correspondence re winding up of the committee N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL FUEL EFFICIENCY SERVICE (NIFES) 1965-1973 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Kurti’s participation in NIFES course. Kurti lectured in the NIFES’s annual refresher course in ‘Current practice in fuel efficiency’ in 1965 and 1967. See also F.19. H.744-H.754 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY (NPL) H.744-H.750 Supply of liquid helium Correspondence and papers re the supply of liquid helium. 1954-1974 1954-1959 liquefier at the National Physical liquid helium from be made available. March-September 1954 Includes Kurti’s ‘Notes on a central liquid helium supply for Great Britain’, 14 September. In 1954 there was concern at the adequacy of the supply of liquid helium for the needs of university, government and The acquisition of a Collins-type industrial laboratories. Laboratory helium Kurti enabled a greater supply to suggested moves be made to make liquid helium from the He chaired meetings and corresponded NPL available. universities, about the demand for government establishments and industry. Includes minutes of meeting held at NPL, 7 October. September 1954 October 1954 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 November-December 1954 Includes minutes of meeting, 9 December. correspondence is re methods of supply of liquid helium. Much of the January-March 1955 Includes minutes of meeting, 21 April. Correspondence is chiefly Collins liquefier. on methods of supply and running of May-December 1955 Includes ‘The production and sale of liquid helium at the National Physical Laboratory. Notes on supply procedure and equipment’, 1 June and ‘Further Notes on production and minutes of meeting, 3 November 1955. helium’, June, liquid sale and 28 of 1956-1959 NPL committee was following established H.751-H.754 Advisory Committee on Measurement Includes Kurtis ‘Report on visit to Louvain, 12th June, 1956’ and memorandum on ‘The supply of liquid helium for research purposes 2nd year, April 1956-March 1957’. This the dissolution of the Advisory Committee for Research on Measurements and Standards (see H.738-H.742). It was chaired by Kurti. 1973-1974 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re establishment of the committee Correspondence re February 1974 Papers for 1st meeting, 6 February 1974 of proposed remit, revisions made Includes draft papers of 2nd meeting, 26 and and N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 thereto. Correspondence and March-December papers, including revised remit, H.755-H.762 NATIONAL CORPORATION (NRDC) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT early 1940s, 1959-1966 Contents of Kurti’s file labelled ‘Cryogenic engineering’. Chiefly correspondence Research industrial companies re Development Corporation supply and and hydrogen and developments in cryogenic engineering. National helium liquid uses with and of Early 1940s, 1959-March 1960 Joint of ‘Very February-June 1961 May-December 1960 DSIR/NRDC Includes Committee memorandum on ‘Very low temperature engineering’ by Zvegintzov. Development Includes note on ‘Liquid helium as a fuel for aircraft’ by F.E. Simon, 1941x1944, lent to M. Zvegintzov of the NRDC for information March 1960. Includes Kurti’s ‘Remarks on the availability of atmospheric and transcript of Low Temperature helium’, May 1961 Group low temperature engineering’ by Zvegintzov (summary of longer paper at H.756). Includes minutes of meeting on low temperature engineering, NRDC, 5 July, with Kurti’s manuscript notes on proceedings. July-December 1961 discussion meeting very N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 January-May 1962 Includes minutes of meeting on cryogenic engineering, NRDC, 18 January 1962; correspondence re visit to Philips Research Netherlands, February, personnel surveyed work there on cryogenics (see also G.19, G.20). Laboratories, during Eindhoven, and Kurti The NRDC_ which June-November 1962 Includes minutes of meeting on cryogenic engineering, NRDC, 2 notes; correspondence and papers for cryo-pumping proposal to NRDC from Elliott Brothers. manuscript Kurtis 1962, July with 1963-1966 Miscellaneous background material 1959-1961 papers including 2 folders. 1979-1983 H.765-H.780 H.763, H.764 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION Correspondence and planned NATO Workshop on Nutrition (with correspondence from N.W. Pirie) and re Physics Survey Group. 1959 See also Institute of Physics H.482-H.560. General correspondence PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1952-1974 1952-1954, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Low Temperature Group 1957-1960 Regulations; programmes of meetings. For the Institute of Physics’ Low Temperature Group, see H.522-H.547. Holweck and Simon Prizes Correspondence. H.768-H.780 100th Anniversaries the Société Frangaise de Physique, St Helier, Jersey, 5-9 April 1974 Physical Society and the of This meeting was arranged to coincide with anniversaries of the societies. the 100th See also G.163, G.164, J.355, J.356. 1958-1960 1970-1974 5 folders. 2 folders. H.768-H.772 ‘General correspondence’ 1970-1974 H.774, H.775 Correspondence so labelled. ‘Subjects for conf. & organisation & collection thereof Correspondence so labelled, re possibility of holding a joint celebration, the choice of Jersey as possible venue, and arrangements for the meeting. 1973-1974 Meetings of Organising committee, Jersey committee and other meetings Conference literature including circulars, list of participants and programme. The handbook of abstracts is at G.164. 1972-1973 1971-1973 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Social functions Menus, lists of guests etc. Report of conference by Kurti Frangaise de Physique, October 1974 in Bulletin de la Société Photocopy. Financial accounts Miscellaneous material Photocopied extracts from 50th anniversary celebrations of the Physical Society, 1924; figures for logos of the two societies. 1969-1996 speakers for Royal 2 folders. H.781, H.782 Correspondence re Institution lectures, membership etc. papers and ROYAL INSTITUTION Kurti was a Manager of the Royal Institution in the early 1970s. He was appointed a Vice-President for 1971-1972. He gave a Royal Institution Discourse in 1978 and the Humphry Davy Lecture on ‘How mankind uses heat and cold’, June 1979. 1954-1996 Kurti was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1956. President 1966-1967 and was He served awarded the Hughes Medal 1969. He served on many committees including the British National Committee for Physics (Chairman), British National Committee for History of Science, Medicine and Technology, and International Relations Committee. ROYAL SOCIETY H.783-H.926 as a Vice N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.783-H.817 General correspondence and papers H.818-H.896 Committees H.897-H.910 Meetings H.911-H.926 Fellowships, honours and awards H.783-H.817 General correspondence and papers 1958-1996 Subjects covered range from policy issues, publications, to social functions and Royal Society hospitality, travelling expenses. At H.807-H.812 is correspondence relating to the Royal Society's election policy. H.783-H.794 ‘Royal Society - General Correspondence’ 1961-1973 labelled: correspondence 1961-1962 1963-1964 Chiefly re visit of E.L. Hahn to lecture at the Royal Society. Contents of Kurtis folder so arranged in chronological order. National Instrument Centre. Includes material re proposed Science Research Council Includes correspondence re research chair at Sussex. January-May 1965 July-November 1965 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 January-June 1966 Includes Kurti’s appointment as Vice President. July-December 1966 1966-1967 Photocopied correspondence re gift of Australian wine to mark the Royal Society's move to Carlton House Terrace. 1969-1970 1971-1972 1971, 1973 1974 H.795-H.797 Contents of Kurti’s folder General correspondence arranged in chronological order. on the ICSU General Assembly, 1974. 1971 Research and Development’ (the Rothschild Report). Includes Kurti’s letter to Sir Alan Hodgkin PRS, reporting material is re ‘A Framework for Government 1971-1975 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.798-H.803 Contents of Kurti’s folder 1976-1985 General correspondence arranged in chronological order. 1976-1977 Includes Kurti’s request for time at next Council meeting to discuss political persecution of scientists. 1978 Includes exchange re celebration of centenary of Albert Einstein’s birth. 1979-1980 1982-1984 1985 1987-1996 Includes correspondence re National Physical Laboratory Metrology Awards scheme. 1991-1992 Includes Kurti’s response to questionnaire on the ‘Health of basic science in the UK’ H.804-H.806 General correspondence found loose H.804 1987-1990 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1993-1996 H.807-H.812 Contents of Kurti’s folders 1969-1996 Correspondence especially those under Statute 12. Royal re Society elections policy, Kurti was a longstanding critic of Statute 12 elections, arguing for their replacement by a new class of Honorary Fellowship. This was brought to a head by the election of the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to the Fellowship in 1983, a move that angered many. Kurti also argued for clearer rules regarding the election of Commonwealth and foreign nationals. an increase in membership to reflect the greater number of scientists of distinction. He also pressed for 1969, 1973, 1978 Statute 12 elections, election of foreign nationals. 1982-1983 1984 1985 Statute 12 elections. Statute 12 elections. Statute 12 elections. Foreign correspondence 1966-1971); Statute 12 elections. Election procedure; revision of Statutes. 1988, 1992, 1993 1994, 1996 Members’ (includes copies’ of _— earlier N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.813-H.815 ‘Royal Society appeal’ 1966-1995 Contents of Kurtis folder so labelled: correspondence and papers re appeals and response thereto. 1966 Includes Kurti’s approaches to potential donors. 1974 Includes Kurti’s approaches to potential donors. H.816, H.817 ‘Royal Society - reports on papers etc’ 1958-1981 H.818-H.896 Committees 1961-1989 1958-1960s 1977, 1981 Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled: correspondence and papers re refereeing of papers submitted to the Royal Society or forwarding papers for publication. This was also known as the British National Committee on Papers for Kurti’s final meeting as chairman 12 December 1972: letter of thanks for service. British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology British National Committee for Physics 1971-1973 H.819-H.828 1966-1983 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 CODATA (see establishment, being chairman from 1972. H.569-H.627). Kurti served from its H.819-H.822 Minutes and other papers of meetings 1966-1980 Some annotated by Kurti. 4 folders. H.823, H.824 Papers for meeting of ad hoc committee on work at the National Physical Laboratory, January 1981 1980-1981 2 folders. Concern was expressed at the April 1980 meeting of the BNC on CODATA at the effects of financial cuts at the National Physical Laboratory. H.825-H.828 Correspondence re CODATA and related business 1971-1983 H.825 1969-1981 1974 1975 material re Council Data 1971-1973 Includes Compilation Committee (see also H.390-H.392). Science Research Includes correspondence re CODATA and industry. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers. Chiefly Compilation Committee (see also H.390-H.392). British National Committee for ICSU 1977-1983 material re Science Research Council Data N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 report Istanbul, Includes Turkey, 22-26 September 1974 (Kurti was part of the Royal Society delegation). on ICSU General Assembly, H.830-H.855 International Relations Committee 1966-1987 relates material Relations This Committee (and subcommittees) formed in 1966, when the existing International Relations Committee was renamed the British National Committee for ICSU. International the to H.830-H.832 Ad hoc Committee on relations with the Academia Sinica 1964-1966 H.830 Correspondence re exchanges etc 1964-1965 Papers of meeting, 5 February visiting the UK. With International H.833-H.841 Papers of meeting, 29 April Chiefly papers for meetings. China Selection Subcommittee (later the China Exchanges Committee) This subcommittee met to nominate scientists to visit China under the auspices of the Royal Society and to advise on placing Chinese scientists the dissolution of the Relations Committee in 1980, it became the China Exchanges Committee reporting to Council. 1978-1981 Papers re relations with Chinese Academy of Sciences, April Second meeting, 6 February 1979 First meeting, 6 December 1978 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Third meeting, 16 May 1979 Fourth meeting, 6 November 1979 First meeting of the China Exchanges Committee, 16 May 1980 Reports on visits to China Second meeting, 27 October 1980 Third meeting, 30 April 1981 Chiefly papers for meetings. Meeting, 14 April 1978 Meeting, 14 September 1978 H.842-H.847 1978-1980 to European research select scientists institutes Fellowships Selection Subcommittee (later the European Exchanges Committee) for visiting This subcommittee met to under the fellowships auspices of the Royal Society. With the dissolution of the International Relations Committee in 1980 it became the European Exchanges Committee reporting to Council. First meeting of the European Exchanges Committee, 17 Meeting, 23 March 1979 Meeting, 18 July 1979 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 March 1980 Second meeting, 1 July 1980 Ad hoc Committees on Soviet Exchanges, 19 January 1968, and East European Exchanges, 14 January 1969 1968-1969 Minutes of meetings. See also H.909. H.849-H.854 Visits 1964-1987 Visits made to the UK by foreign scientists and by British scientists abroad under Royal Society schemes. H.849-H.852 Visits to the UK 1964-1980 Visits of scientists from Communist countries. 1965-1987 Applications 1968-1985 4 folders. Visits abroad Applications for travel grants. Reports etc on visits by British scientists. 1965-1978 Miscellaneous international relations. Committee on Scientific Information Chiefly committee papers. correspondence re Committee and 1966-1976 H.856-H.865 Committee H.856-H.872 1965-1978 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1965, 1968 Meeting, 4 May 1965 Meeting, 18 April 1969 Meeting, 6 January 1972 Meeting, 9 January 1973 Correspondence on responsibility of editors etc Meeting, 10 December 1974 Meeting, 13 June 1977 Meeting, 14 April 1978 H.866-H.871 Conferences of Editors Meeting, 12 October 1977 21 October 1966 Includes Kurti’s notes on terminology and nomenclature for the meeting. H.866 28 June 1965 1965-1975 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 8 May 1967 Includes Kurti’s paper on ‘The identification of essential data for science and technology in learned journals’, and his manuscript notes. 11 December 1967 21 November 1972 Kurti spoke on derived data’. ‘The publication of experimental and 4-5 July 1973; 2 June 1975 Subcommittee on the Law on Copyright Correspondence re and papers for meeting, 3 June 1974. 1971-1981 H.876-H.893 Catering Committee (formerly Committee, later the H.873-H.875 Paul Instrument Fund Committee Kurti was the assessor to the project. Correspondence and papers re support of work of G.B. Donaldson in development of tunnel junction thermometer. committee in 1987. With the Royal Society's move to new premises at Carlton House Terrace in 1966, the committee was established to catering arrangements there. look ad hoc The committee was subsequently formalised. Kurti was a member from the beginning to the final dissolution of the the Ad hoc Users Restaurant Users Catering Committee) 1966-1989 3 folders. into N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.876-H.882 Correspondence 1966-1989 This correspondence includes letters regarding the quality and cost of catering on particular occasions, suggestions for improvements, issues to be raised at meetings of the committee. 7 folders. H.883-H.893 Meetings 1967-1987 Papers of meetings, some annotated by Kurti. 1967-1970 1970-1971 1972-1973 1974-1975 1979-1980 1976-1978 1981-1982 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1986-1987 Ad hoc Committee to consider ways of improving slide projection in the Wellcome Lecture Hall 1972-1975 Ad hoc Committee on Proceedings A 1963-1964 Other committees Correspondence committees re service on other Royal Society H.897-H.910 Meetings 1966-1972 H.897-H.906 meetings on engineers and 1966-1968 Society discussion Royal scientists in industry industry's needs, for industry, recruitment, discussions in an and industry. and Kurti article training — scientists 17 March and 6 July 1967. Meeting at Brasenose College Oxford, 17 March 1967 Two meetings, organised by Kurti and S.G Hooker, were held under Royal Society auspices at Brasenose College Oxford, These meetings considered and collaboration engineers and Hooker between universities summarised the for Nature ‘Engineers and scientists in industry’ (vol. 217, 17 February 1968). This was distributed to leaders of industry and academia asking for their views. 1967-1968 Correspondence arising, re following-up the two meetings Meeting at Brasenose College Oxford, 6 July 1967 Includes programme, Kurti’s manuscript notes, and report. proposal meeting 1966, Includes programme, and report. 1966-1967 notice, draft for N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 ‘Engineers and scientists in industry’, Nature vol 217 (17 February 1968) Draft; copy of article as published; correspondence with Hooker; circulation lists of offprints. H.901-H.905 Correspondence received in response to ‘Engineers and scientists in industry’ 5 folders. Not indexed. Background material 1967-1968 Royal Society/US National Academy of Sciences Officers’ Discussions, 10-12 June 1967 of participants, report and Kurtis Programme, list manuscript notes. to visits under the Royal discuss Arrangements. Papers for meeting. Meeting of Fellows of the Royal Society in Oxford, Hertford College Oxford, 2 April 1968 Meeting Society exchange schemes with Eastern Europe, Royal Society, London, 14 January 1969 size of the Fellowship of the Royal Society. This meeting discussed the need for an increase in the Papers for meeting, arrangements. Meeting Brasenose College Oxford, 1 June 1972 Fellows Royal the of of Society in Oxford, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 H.911-H.926 Fellowships, honours and awards H.911-H.919 Sectional Committees 1954-1995 1961-1967 Material is subject to restricted access. 1961, 1964 H.912, H.913 1965 2 folders. H.914-H.917 1966 4 folders. H.918, H.919 1967 2 folders. Candidates 2 folders. 1954-1995 1954, 1959 H.920-H.925 Material is subject to restricted access. 1984-1988 H.924, H.925 Margaret Gowing 1960-1962 1967-1973 1975-1995 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Material re election of Margaret Gowing to the Fellowship of the Royal Society under Statute 12. Other honours and awards 1962-1985 H.927-H.931 SCIENCE POLICY FOUNDATION 1972-1989 Kurti became Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Science Policy Foundation in 1970. The Foundation published and organised meetings on aspects of science and public life. Science journal Policy the H.927, H.928 General and miscellaneous correspondence 1972-1989 2 folders. 2 folders. 1973-1975 H.932-H.935 on Social London, H.929, H.930 Kurti chaired the third session. Papers for Committee of Management meetings Programme for Science Policy Foundation 4th International Symposium 25-26 October 1973 Responsibility, 1968-1991 For material on the 100th anniversary of the SFP see G.161. For material on the joint celebrations of the 100th anniversaries of the SFP and the Physical Society see H.768-H.780. Chiefly re meetings of the Council of the SFP. Material at H.933 includes Colloques d’Evian de la Société Frangaise de Physique, 25-29 May 1971. SOCIETE FRANGAISE DE PHYSIQUE (SFP) N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 4 folders. Kurti was a member of Council of the SFP. elected an Honorary Member of the Society in 1974. He was H.936-H.944 SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING 1965-1967 Correspondence re early history of the society, papers for meetings, Joseph Needham was its The Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU) was founded in May 1965. first Chairman. Kurti was a founding sponsor and served on the Council of Management and as joint-treasurer 1965- He resigned as a sponsor and then as a member in 1967. 1967 in response to the growing politicisation the Society and its role as an apologist for the regime. of See also J.102. January-April 1966 May-June 1966 July-August 1966 1965 Correspondence, chiefly with Sir Gordon Sutherland and Hugh Trevor-Roper, re role of Committee of Management, position of treasurer and pro-regime stance of the Society. Includes Kurtis expression of concern at the finances of the Society. September-November 1966 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 January-July 1967 Includes Kurti’s letter of resignation as sponsor. August-October 1967 Includes Kurti’s letter of resignation from the Society. Issues of SACU News 1965-1967 Miscellaneous undated and background material H.945-H.954 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY 1943-1995 Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled. Wartime ‘Tube Alloys’ reports by A.S.D. Barrett 1943-1995 Kurti served as capacities from 1958. a consultant for the UKAEA in various H.945-H.950 ‘U.K.A.E.A. Harwell’ ‘The testing and design of vacuum containing equipment for tube alloys. 17 September 1943, and ‘A review of T.A. vacuum testing technique’, 29 December 1944. Part One Section One’, 1943, 1944 Includes minutes of meeting to discuss possible uses of semi-permeable membranes, 5 January 1953; letter to H. Kronberger on low temperature measurements of physical properties of uranium, 27 May 1959; correspondence 1960 re production of helium. These reports may have been used by Kurti in later work for UKAEA. 1953-1960 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1961 Includes minutes of meeting of Helium Subcommittee, 18 May 1961. 1962 correspondence Includes Parkinson to UKAEA Capenhurst Works, Cheshire, April. Kurti visit and of re D.H. 11 1963-1967 Includes letter to Sir William Penney re visit to Capenhurst re correspondence December 1962; Works, declassification of reports. 1983, 1986, 1995 1960-1980 H.951-H.954 Includes lists 1995. ‘HTFS’ and ‘Hydrogen energy’ Meetings on ‘Hydrogen as a Fuel’ Contents of Kurti’s folder so inscribed. of archival material from UKAEA Records, HTFS stood for the Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. Kurti was a consultant for the service from 1978. 1974, 1975 These were held on 23 November 1974, 8 February 1975 and 16 May 1975. Includes Kurtis report on the second meeting. Includes M. Ruheman of Petrocarbon Developments, including meeting with him 19 October 1978. Correspondence and papers Kurtis notes on work of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Correspondence and papers 1979-1980 papers Includes Transfer Equipment Review Panel, 5 July 1979, with Kurti’s ‘Some remarks about energy economics in gas separation’. of HTFS Cryogenics Heat Printed and photocopied background material 1960-1976 VOLUNTEERS FOR IONISING RADIATION 1986-1990 Correspondence and papers. at of body was established the suggestion This Sir Frederick Warner in 1986. He suggested the establishment of a voluntary organisation of engineers and scientists over the age of 65 willing to risk radiation in order to make initial damage assessments in the event of a nuclear accident. He subsequently wrote to members of the Fellowship of Engineering and Royal Society inviting them to participate in the scheme and met with a positive response, including Kurti. Although the idea did not meet with approval in all circles, the VIR were incorporated into the emergency provisions of the Order of St John. concerned 1966-1992 H.956-H.992 WORKING PARTY ON CRYOGENIC TERMINOLOGY Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled. This material brings together Kurti’s involvement in a range of terminology, particularly to do with low temperatures. In 1969, following a meeting organised by Kurti on 5 May, a working group was established under the auspices of the French Comité d’Etude des Termes Techniques Frangais. This met again in low temperature terminology. It circulated these in early 1971 and agreed to issue a glossary of terms under the auspices of the Institut International du Froid (see H.458-H.481). ‘Terminology General Correspondence’ proposals on H.956-H.967 1966-1974 1970 and prepared projects with scientific N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 1966-1967 Chiefly general correspondence re confusion in scientific Kurti terminology. re possible joint Royal Society/British Academy committee. Includes correspondence from 1968 Includes minutes of meeting of Comité d’Etude des Termes Techniques Frangais, 24 April, at which Kurti was present; Kurti’s criticisms of various uses of the word ‘cryogenic’. January-April 1969 Includes correspondence re and agenda of meeting on cryogenic terminology, Paris, 5 May. May-September 1969 January-March 1970 October-December 1969 Includes arrangements for meeting of working group on cryogenic terminology and report (in French), 9 December. Includes reports (in French and English) of meeting on cryogenic terminology, 5 May, and arrangements for the establishment of a working group on cryogenic terminology and further meeting in November/December. temperatures’ by P. Akar, June 1970. Includes cryogenic terminology by N.A. Olien, US Cryogenic Data Center, and report of ‘La terminologie dans le domaine des basses Includes US Department of Commerce Cryogenic Data Center Cryogenics’, to proposals of meeting of 9 December 1969. ‘Terminology responding for April-September 1970 assessment of proposals on_ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 October-December 1970 terminology, Includes arrangements for meeting of working group on cryogenic and low temperature terminology’ for ‘Recommendations on editors low temperatures’. October, journals devoted ‘wholly partly 26 or of to January-April 1971 Includes responses from editors to ‘Recommendations on low temperature terminology’; note by Kurti on ‘Scientific terminology’, reporting to the Royal Society and British Academy on the progress of the working group; notes of meeting between Kurti, P. Agron and R. Thevenot, 18 March, re best method to issue the conclusions of the working party. May-December 1971 du _ Froid, June Revue Générale 1973-1974 H.968-H.971 ‘Terminology Administration (a) correspondence’ Includes article listing French cryogenic terminology by P. Akar, 1971, correspondence re progress in preparing general glossary. 1969-1970 Chiefly correspondence and papers re meetings of working group, 5 May and 9 December. Chiefly arrangements for meeting, Paris, France, 5 May. Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled. April-December 1969 January-March 1969 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 January-March 1970 Includes ‘Recommendations on the use of Supercooled and Subcooled’ by W.E. Gifford and ‘Draft terminology in superconductivity and cryoconductivity’ by B.B. Goodman, compiled at the request of the 9 December meeting. April-November 1970 Includes papers for meeting of working group, France, 26 October. Paris, H.972-H.975 ‘Terminology Glossary’ 1969-1973 Contents of Kurti’s folder so inscribed. Correspondence and papers 1969-1970 extracts recording Includes proposals 1969; ‘Presentation for N. Kurti, April 21 1970’ on proposals of working group and of US Cryogenic Data Center. scientific group, 9 from working December journals of Correspondence and papers Part of draft of Dictionnaire International du Froid (2nd edition), with lists of terms, May Correspondence, chiefly with R. Thévenot re list of terms for glossary lee Meetings of the Comité d’Etude des Termes Techniques Frangais Miscellaneous temperature terminology etc Includes temperatures’. correspondence correspondence H.977-H.983 1983-1985 1973-1992 re use of term ‘ultralow and papers on low N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.992 Chiefly agenda and minutes of meetings. Includes meeting held at the Maison Frangaise, Oxford, 28-29 March 1983 (H.978) at which Kurti was present. 7 folders. H.984-H.992 Printed background material 1957-1983 Found in three folders, one inscribed ‘Terminology Misc. pamphlets’. H.984, H.985 1950s 2 folders. H.986, H.987 1960s 2 folders. H.988-H.990 1970s 3 folders. 1980s 1972), with typescript and copy of H.991, H:992 At H.988 is copy of Termes techniques frangais (Hermann, Paris, Kurti’s book review in New Scientist, 1 February 1973. 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 the scientific advisors and in one episode could be seen cycling to Blanc’s gourmet restaurant Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons near Oxford. Another advisor was the French science editor The series was broadcast in six the 1994, September episodes publication date of the book (see E.184-E.223). Hervé This. in starting also Programme one, ‘A fuller flavour’ BBC VHS ‘Viewing Tape’. Programme four, ‘You are what you eat’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. Programme five, ‘Something in the air’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. K.115-K.119 1992-1999 Programme six, ‘Forbidden fruit’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. ‘Rudolph [sic] Peierls interviewed by Nicholas Kurti’, July 1992 1996 ‘Nicholas Kurti Light-hearted Reminiscences, 1914-39’, 23 January 1995 ‘Nicholas Kurti interviewed by Bobby Berman’, 27 August 21 Sony DVD-R. Sony DVD-R. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Sony DVD-R. ‘Nicholas Kurti 90th birthday celebration’, 10 October 1998 Sony DVD-R. ‘A celebration of Nicholas Kurti (1908-1998)’, 27 March 1999 Sony DVD-R.