KURTI, Nicholas Vol1 v1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti, FRS (1908-1998) VOLUME 1 Introduction Section A: Biographical Section B: University of Oxford Section C: Research Section D: Science-related interests Section E: Publications Section F: Lectures and broadcasts NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti, FRS (1908-1998) VOLUME 1 Introduction Section A: Biographical Section B: University of Oxford Section C: Research Section D: Science-related interests Section E: Publications Section F: Lectures and broadcasts NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Title: Compiled by: Extent of material: ca 4,400 items Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti FRS (1908- 1998), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 © 2008 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Date of material: 1880-2007 Deposited in: The Bodleian Library, Oxford Reference: GB 0161 N. Kurti papers N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the Arts & Humanities Research Council N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY HEAD OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS OXFORD OX1 3BG N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.286 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD B.1-B.308 SECTION C RESEARCH C.1-C.149 SECTION D SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS D.1-D.115 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.440 F.1-F.276 G.1-G.376 H.1-H.992 K.1-K.115 SECTION H SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.1-J.1310 SECTION G SECTION F LECTURES SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA VISITS AND CONFERENCES SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, on 17 September 2001 and from Mrs Georgiana Kurti, widow of Nicholas Kurti, on 23 April 2007 and 30 August 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF NICHOLAS KURT Nicholas Kurti was born Kirti Miklos Mor in Budapest, Hungary, on 14 May 1908. He received his secondary education at the Trefort Utcai (‘Tretford Street’) Gimnazium, better known as the Minta (‘Model’) Gimnazium, a small secondary school under the control of the university rather than the Hungarian Ministry of Education. The Minta Gimnazium was famous for a number of alumni of Kurti’s generation who gained international reputations, among them the economist Nicholas Kaldor and the theoretical physicist Edward Teller. Like Kurti, they came from a Jewish background and pursued international avenues in their higher education. Kurti himself chose the Sorbonne in Paris, where he studied applied physics from 1926 to 1928, and the University of Berlin, where he attended the lectures of such luminaries of quantum physics as Max Planck, Erwin Schrédinger, Max von Laue and Eugen Wiegner (later ‘Wigner’). Eventually Kurti settled on a topic in low-temperature physics for his various names by which he went during this decade reflect this itinerary: in Paris ‘Mikl6s Mor’ became ‘Nicolas Maurice’, in Berlin he dropped his middle name and adopted the Germanised ‘Nikolaus’, while in Oxford he went by ‘Nicholas’. With his naturalisation just before the outbreak of the Second World War the Umlaut followed the middle name and he became Nicholas Kurti. At Oxford, Kurti worked within the new low-temperature research programme that Simon initiated with zwischen 2° and 20° abs. (Leipzig, 1933)). Soon after he joined Simon as a technical assistant at the physical chemistry. By September 1933 he found himself at the Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, having followed Simon again, this time also to evade the anti-Semitic agenda of Nazi Germany. The doctoral project under Franz (later Sir Francis) Simon, completing a thesis on thermal and magnetic properties of gadolinium sulphate in 1931 (Magnetkalorische und kalorimetrische Untersuchungen Technische Hochschule in Breslau (now Wroctaw), where Simon had been appointed to a chair in Electroaimant at Bellevue, France, to carry out experiments on adiabatic demagnetisation with the Breslau assistant Kurt Mendelssohn and the brothers Fritz and Heinz London, who were working on the theory of superconductivity. These activities gained the Clarendon Laboratory an international reputation in cryogenics. Kurti specifically developed new magnetic cooling techniques and conducted experiments designed to determine properties that had previously eluded physical investigation. Between 1935 and 1938 he accompanied Simon on several visits to the Laboratoire du Grand the aid of a new helium liquefier and several other German Jewish refugees, among them his other N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 magnet that produced the highest field then available in Europe. This work helped them, together with P. Lainé, to establish the thermodynamic temperature scale down to 0.02 K. The outbreak of the Second World War diverted the physicists of the Clarendon Laboratory into war work. Kurti first designed a magnet for removing shrapnel, then became involved with the Tube Alloys (British atom bomb) project. By the summer of 1940 the Oxford team was in charge of research on the development of gaseous diffusion for separating uranium-235 from raw uranium ore. Kurti worked on metal foil membranes whose pores would allow molecules containing uranium-235 to diffuse at a greater rate than thos= containing uranium-238. Similar work went on in the United States at the time and by 1943 Kurti accompanied a mission to the US to join the Manhattan Project. When the mission returned in 1944 he stayed behind at Columbia University, New York, to set up membrane testers along lines that had proved successful in Oxford. Testing at Columbia was carried out in collaboration with the Kellex Corporation, which was responsible for building the uranium enrichment plant. At this time Kurti became one of many whom the American military falsely suspected of espionage. After the end of the war Kurti returned to Oxford, where he was appointed university demonstrator in physics (a post that involved lecturing and supervising undergraduates in practical work) and elected a Senior Research Fellow at Brasenose College (1947). He resumed his research in low-temperature physics, developing techniques that allowed for experimentation at temperatures approaching absolute zero. By 1949 the facilities at the Clarendon Laboratory included a 2MW DC generator that and international attention, notably an honorary membership in the Fachverband Deutscher Kéche ‘ DNB, vol. 32 (2004). millionths of a degree kelvin. Kurti was promoted to Reader in 1960, and to a personal Chair in 1967. paramagnetic salts, nuclear orientation with all its facets of nuclear physics (including proof of the non-conservation of parity in beta decay), and nuclear thermometry.”' The Clarendon Laboratory By the time of his retirement in 1975, one of his obituarists wrote, ‘his elegant and original enabled him, together with a team of academic and technical staff and postgraduate students, to adiabatic demagnetisation experiments with cooling down to temperatures between one and two made the headlines in 1956, when it was dubbed ‘the coldest spot on Earth’ following successful explore ‘the application of high magnetic fields to quantum physics, the thermodynamic properties of experimental methods of attaining extremely low temperatures were taken up throughout the world.” ? A. Tucker, ‘Nicholas Kurti: The last word in cool’, Guardian, 28 November 1998. boiling eggs so they would be free from the risk of salmonella. Gastrophysics earned Kurti national One of Kurtis enduring interests aside from low-temperature physics lay in the culinary realm and specifically in ‘gastrophysics’, the physics underlying cooking techniques. This led him to experiment variously with meringues baked under vacuum, the reverse baked Alaska (frozen on the outside, but hot on the inside), meat tenderisation by judicious injections with pineapple juice and methods of soft by laboratories N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 (‘Association of German Cooks’) and numerous invitations to perform his culinary experiments at physics departments throughout the world and even for television. Kurti received numerous honours and awards during his long life. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society (1956), Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1968), Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1970), Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (1976), and Emeritus Member of the Academia Europaea (1990). In 1955 he was awarded the Holweck Prize of the Physical Societies of Paris and London, and the Royal Society's Hughes Medal in 1969. He was made CBE (1973), Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur (1976) and in 1988 received the Hungarian Order of the Star. Kurti served on the Council of the Royal Society, 1964-1967, the last two years as Vice-President. For 1969-1973 he was a Member of Council of the Institute of Physics and Physical Society. He served in various capacities a number of government agencies and international organisations, including as Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Research on Measurements and Standards, Department of Trade and Industry, 1969-1973, Treasurer of the International Council of Scientific Unions’ Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) 1974-1980, and Editor-in Chief of Europhysics Letters 1985-1989. Kurti was a Member of the Joint Committee on Scientific and Technical Records of the Royal Society and the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts from its inception in 1967 to 1976, becoming Chairman in 1970. One of the principal accomplishment of the Joint Committee was Kurti’s invitation lectures included the May Lecture at the Institute of Metals (1963), the Kelvin Lecture at the Institute of Electrical Engineers (1971), the Larmour Lecture at The Queen’s University, Belfast the establishment of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre in Oxford, now the NCUACS in In 1946 he married Georgiana (‘Giana’) Shipley. They had two daughters, Susannah and Camilla. He (1975), the Cherwell-Simon Lecture at the University of Oxford (1977) and the Tyndall Lecture, by Gabor Pall6é, Heavy lon Physics, vol. 10 (1999), pp. 1-9. For a full account of Kurti’s life and work see ‘Nicholas Kurti, CBE, 14 May 1908-24 November 1998’ by J.H. Sanders, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 46 (2000), pp. 300-315. For another account that utilizes in particular conversations with Kurti and his reminiscences in the Hungarian journal Fizikai Szemle, see ‘Kirti Mikl6s-Nicholas Kurti: A Short Biography (1908-1998)’, Bath. Institute of Physics (1980). died on 24 November 1998. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Section A, Biographical, is substantial, comprising obituaries and tributes, autobiographical writings and biographical articles, diaries and jotters, documentation of career, honours and awards, and family correspondence. The diaries are Oxford University Pocket Diaries, 1953-1997, while the jotters provide a more informal record including travel arrangements, bibliographical references, notes on meetings, discussions with colleagues, research notes etc., c.1960-c.1996. Documentation of Kurti’s career, honours and awards begins with his birth certificate and includes records of his undergraduate studies in Paris, 1926-1927, papers relating to Hungarian citizenship and British naturalisation and his Oxford appointments. There is family and personal correspondence in Hungarian from 1931 to 1970 and the letters Kurti wrote to his wife when he was away from Oxford on visits and attending conferences, 1953-1988. There are also miscellaneous biographical items of great variety including passports, scrapbook, theatre programmes, ‘old engagements (menus) etc’, ‘British Rail’ and science and cookery. Section B, University of Oxford, papers principally relate to the Clarendon Laboratory/Department of Physics, including equipment and facilities, research funding and reports, researchers, visitors, teaching (predominantly notes and drafts for Kurti’s lectures on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics) and the Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture (establishment and arrangements). There is some material relating to central university administration (correspondence with Registry and Vice- principals and bursars etc). Section C, Research, offers a significant record of Kurti’s research, c.1931-1987. This includes a sequence of notebooks which begins in 1932 when Kurti was still in Germany, continues in German physics, magnetic cooling and heat transfer experiments. notebooks are used for experimental results, analysis of results, calibrations, testing of equipment, diagrams and sketches of equipment, etc. There is also a sequence of research folders containing notes, drafts, data, reports etc, 1943-1972. Topics include ‘Tube Alloys’, general low temperature Chancellors) and a more extensive record relating to Kurtis College Brasenose (correspondence with for his first years in Oxford and goes on to cover Second World War and postwar research. The to individual scientists including Hermann von Helmholtz, H.G.J. Moseley and Erwin Schrédinger. The largest body of material relates to the history of science, and includes such topics as the German wartime atomic bomb, Hungarian émigré scientists and the Royal Society motto ‘Nullius in verba’, and maintained a keen and active interest but which were not central to his research activities. The topics Section D, Science-related interests, brings together material relating to topics in which Kurti are cryobiology, energy, history of science, pollution, salmonella and university-industry relations. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Section E, Publications, includes drafts, book reviews, offprints and editorial correspondence. Drafts of Kurti’s publications cover the period 1956-1997, including his memoirs of Sir Francis Simon and L.F. Bates, and extensive documentation of his 1988 book But the Crackling is Superb, edited with his wife. There is editorial correspondence including the journal Europhysics Letters (editor-in-chief in the 1980s), and a set of offprints of his scientific papers. In addition, there is a series of ‘letters to the media’ that extends over more than four decades (1956-1998), consisting of his responses to news items, articles, broadcasts, other people’s letters to the press, etc. Kurti routinely targeted editors of national newspapers, and of scientific magazines such as the New Scientist and Physics Today. Sometimes his letters sparked off more extensive exchanges that could continue for weeks or even months. Included among the themes Kurti often revisited were ‘atrocities committed against the English language’, gastrophysics, the Farm Hall transcripts of secret recordings of German nuclear physicists made at the end of the Second World War, and the promises of Combined Heat and Power schemes as a Solution to energy problems. Section F, Lectures, offers a substantial sequence of manuscript notes, drafts, illustrative material and background papers for Kurti’s public and invitation lectures to a great variety of audiences in the United Kingdom and overseas from the 1950s to 1997. Topics include low temperature physics and physics and cookery and include such prominent occasions as Kurtis 1969 Royal Institution Friday cookery. ‘World Trip’. Engineering Conferences, superconductivity, and the use and storage of energy. Kurti’s culinary Evening Discourse ‘The Physicist in the Kitchen’, his 1971 Institution of Electrical Engineers Kelvin Lecture ‘From Microkelvin to Megakelvin Temperatures’, his 1972 British Association Physics Section Presidential Address ‘Physics and Happiness — A Balance Sheet’ and his 1977 Cherwell-Simon Section G, Visits and conferences, spans the period 1946 to 1998. It brings together Kurti’s diverse interests documenting attendance at conferences and meetings on low temperature physics - including the International Low Temperature Conferences and the International Cryogenic Memorial Lecture at Oxford ‘La Temperature n’est qu’une Sensation (Amédée Guillet, 1927)’. There is also material relating to a number of broadcasts by Kurti on low temperatures and physics and material relates to Kurti’s scientific interests in low temperature physics, energy supply and use, interests are well-represented, particularly by the regular Oxford Symposia on Food and Cookery held at St Antony's College Oxford 1980-1998 and the International Workshops on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy. Kurti’s extensive travelling to the USA and to Europe (especially notable for his continuing contacts with Hungary) includes his sabbatical year 1963-1964 and his summer 1971 Section H, Societies and organisations, is very large. There is a substantial record of Kurti’s involvement with forty-seven British and international societies and organisations. The bulk of the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 magnetism, and so on. UK bodies represented include the British Cryogenics Council (Kurti served on Committee B ‘The Future of Cryogenics’); the Department for Scientific and Industrial Research and its successor body the Science Research Council, the documentation including the Cryogenic Equipment Panel, Physics Committee and Data Compilation Committee, and UK efforts in High Magnetic Field projects 1960-1989; the Electricity Supply Research Council on which Kurti served 1960-1979; the Institute of Physics, including its Low Temperature Group; the Low Temperature Biology Club (later Society for Low Temperature Biology); the National Research Development Corporation (particularly relating to the supply and uses of liquid helium and hydrogen and developments in cryogenic engineering); and the Royal Society, including Kurti’s service on the British National Committee on Data for Science and Technology 1966-1983, International Relations Committee 1966-1987 and Committee on Scientific Information, 1965-1978. Among the international organisations documented are the Institut International du Froid (IIF) including documentation of International Congresses of Refrigeration and the UK Standing Committee on the IIF, and the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International Council of Scientific Unions, 1966-1994. Kurti joined as the delegate of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 1973, becoming Treasurer 1974-1980. His involvement with the International Cultural Foundation (ICF) supported by the Unification Church is also documented. Kurti attended the ICF’s International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences 1972-1996; the material not only includes conference papers but also correspondence relating to controversy surrounding the activities of the Unification Church. correspondence in the form of carbon copies of letters sent. For the period 1962-1977 the correspondence was organised alphabetically, but it was continued up to his death in chronological sequence. These letters cover all topics and are by no means restricted to scientific, university or professional matters. There is also an alphabetical sequence of Kurti’s ‘personal’ correspondence, 1944-1997. The ‘personal’ correspondence includes letters of congratulation, condolence, on Section J, Correspondence, represents one of the most important components of the archive. It is retirement of colleagues, a great variety of social occasions, Hungarian connexions, representations extending back to 1942. From 1962 to his death there is a comprehensive record of Kurti’s outgoing presented in a number of sequences beginning with an alphabetical series labelled ‘1950s’ but in fact but was not designated by him as such. about service levels of public and commercial bodies and correspondence with colleagues and others sequence. It covers a similar time span and diversity of topics as Kurti’s ‘personal’ correspondence matters, history of science and archives, cookery, music etc. A large body of miscellaneous correspondence was found unordered by Kurti and is presented here in a single chronological about a wide range of Kurti’s scientific, science-related and non-scientific interests including energy N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Section K, Non-textual media, includes photographs, photographic slides and transparencies for illustrating lectures, original films from the Clarendon Laboratory, including demonstrations of low temperature physics, video and audiotapes including presentations by Kurti and interviews of him. There is also a substantial index of correspondents. However, it should be used with caution since time constraints precluded the compilers indexing as comprehensively as they would have wished. Anna-K. Mayer Peter Harper Bath, 2008 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.286 1891-2007 A.1-A.10 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.11-A.35 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.36-A.108 DIARIES AND JOTTERS A.109-A.150 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.151-A.198 FAMILY A.199-A.210 FINANCIAL AND IDENTITY DOCUMENTS A.211-A.286 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1998-2006 The Times, 27 November 1998 The Independent, 27 November 1998. By M.J.M. Leask Daily Telegraph, 4 December 1998 Nature, 17 December 1998. By W. Graham Richards 1998, 1999 The Guardian, 28 November 1998. By Anthony Tucker [Oxford] Gazette, n.d. Beyond the Terrace, The Newsletter of the RS Pensioners’ Association, April/May 1999 Bulletin de la S.F.P. (119) mai 1999. By Hervé This 1999, n.d. Physics World, February 1999. By John Sanders Physics World, June 1999. By Ralph Scurlock N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 ‘A celebration of the life of Nicholas Kurti’, /nterdisciplinary Science Reviews, 24, June 1999, pp81-104 comprises celebration The Ralph Scurlock ‘The Clarendon Years’, John Peach ‘Brasenose College’, Erwin Hahn ‘American connections’, Tony Blake ‘Science and George Marx ‘Nicholas Kurti returns to Hungary’. gastronomy’, contributions ‘Hungary’ Evans from and Kati ‘Nicholas Matter 280 (2000) 1-3. By Olli V. Lounasmaa in memoriam’, Physica B: Condensed Kurti Correspondence to Giana Kurti Invitation (accepted) from the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to organise an official funeral and the mortal remains in the National Pantheon in Budapest’. world-famous Professor's placing ‘the of Letter from J. Morrell re personal matters, Kurti’s archives. Programme, invitation, guest list etc. The official funeral took place on 14 May 1999 when R.A. Cowley gave a talk at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (see A.7). Opening of the Nicholas Kurti Magnetic Field Laboratory, 26 April 2002 ‘Nicholas Kurti at the Clarendon Laboratory’, talk given by R.A. Cowley at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 14 May 1999 2001-2006 Letter from R.A. Cowley, 21 March 2002, re arrangements for opening. Also enclosed draft statutes re Mrs Kurti’s gift of a Nicholas Kurti Prize Fund. The opening was performed by Mrs G. Kurti. Correspondence and papers. Nicholas Kurti Prize Fund N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Article on Nicholas Kurti from Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. By Ralph Scurlock A.11-A.35 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL c.1957-1999 Curriculum vitae and ‘Main lines of scientific work’, list of publications and list of research students c.1957, c.1961, n.d. A.12-A.18 Autobiographical writings 1985-1999 See also H.552. correspondence Brief autobiography with N.F. Mott re_ possible after dinner speech, and [?1992] Printed booklet. the Bomb’ in Reminiscences’, ‘Oxford IVth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Oxford, 4-7 September 1991 ‘The Martians ‘Birmingham, Oxford and the Technologies of Hungarian Emigre Scientists Peace and War 1919-1989’, Proceedings of the Workshop organised by the International Committee for the History of Technology, Eétvés Lorand University, Budapest, 1997 audiocassette and slightly edited by Giana Kurti’. Photocopy of letter from Kurti to M.J.M. Leask with ‘the correct version of the Bartok story’, 21 October 1998 ‘Undergraduate in Paris; Brazen Nose (Vol.31) 1998 Postgraduate in article published in At the head of this the Brasenose College Oxford magazine is the following explanatory note: after the Graduates’ ‘Remarks made by Nicholas Kurti Dinner the Transcribed February 1993: from on 17 Berlin’, The N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 ‘Budapest to Oxford Return: A Twentieth Century Saga’ in From Budapest to Britain and back again: an archive edited by Zsuzsanna Katona, Budapest 1999 ‘Undergraduate in Paris 1926-8: Graduate Student and Dr Phil in Berlin, 1928-1931’ Heavily annotated typescript and published text of ‘chapter 10’ of unidentified publication. A.19-A.25 Interviews 1968-1996 A.19 Transcript of interview conducted in two sessions by Charles Wiener, American Institute of Physics, New York, on 11 September 1968 and 22 November 1972 Transcript of interview on ‘Low-Temperature Research in the 1920s’ conducted by Arthur Norberg, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 14 November 1975 Inscribed on title page ‘Corrected with the help of the tape by N. Kurti, 15-17 November 1982’. The tape is at K.55. Transcript of interview on ‘Britain and the Refugee Crisis: 1933-1947’ conducted by Margaret A. Brooks for the Department of Sound Records, Imperial War Museum, London ‘Uncorrected’ transcript of interview for BBC television series ‘Britain in the Thirties - Europeans’ ‘Notes for the RB-NK video interview 27 August 1996’ Transcript of short interview on physics and the senses N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Correspondence and papers re interviews 1969-1996 A.26-A.32 Entries for Biographical Directories late 1960s- 1997 7 folders. A.33-A.35 Biographical articles about Kurti A.33 3pp typescript beginning ‘What sensation does it give a man to return after thirty years to his birthplace?’ Articles from Oxford Times 1983, 1985 ‘Kurti Miklos - Nicholas Kurti 1908-’ Photocopied pages from George Marx, The Voice of the Martians, Budapest, 1994 1949-1997 A.36-A.77 Diaries A.36-A.108 DIARIES AND JOTTERS Lacks 1991-1992. Oxford University Pocket Diaries. 1953-1997 1953-1954 1954-1955 1955-1956 1956-1957 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1957-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1961 1961-1962 1962-1963 1963-1964 1965-1966 1966-1967 1964-1965 1969-1970 1967-1968 1968-1969 1970-1971 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1980-1981 1978-1979 1979-1980 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 A.78-A.108 Jotters 1949-1996 A small number of late notebooks have indication of dating on front cover. For most it has been necessary to rely on internal evidence such as bibliographical references to establish a tentative chronological order. Small format notebooks used for informal record including travel arrangements, names, addresses and telephone numbers, bibliographical references, notes on meetings, discussions with colleagues, research notes, etc. For loose pages from notebooks and similar see end of the chronological sequence (A.106-A.108). N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 c.1979 Lacks covers. Inscribed ‘1.V.81’ on front cover In use 1981-1983 c.1984 Lacks covers. Inscribed ‘29 Feb 1984 ‘ on first page In use 1986-1987 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 ‘Late 1987’ ‘July 1988’ ‘March 1989’ ‘Sept 1989’ c.1991 1991 1993 Front cover only. In use 1989-1990 Lacks front cover. Lacks front cover. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 ‘From October 1996’ N.d. Enclosed at back of notebook 1996 press-cutting. Loose pages from 1949 diary N.d. Loose cover, miscellaneous loose pages. A.109-A.150 A.109 N.d. No cover, miscellaneous loose pages. A.109-A.121 Undergraduate education, University of Paris A.109-A.113 Notebooks EDUCATION, CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1920-1998 1926 Inscribed ‘Travaux pratiques Math [?géné]’ on front cover with St Jacques’ First page of notes dated ‘Lundi le 29 novembre [1926)’. Kurtis name and address ‘Paris Ve 269, rue 1920-1927 1926-1927 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Inscribed ‘Optique Cours de M. Fabry’ on front cover with Kurtis name and address ‘Paris Ve 269, rue St Jacques’ [?1926] First page of notes dated ‘nov 12’. Inscribed ‘Cahier d’expériences. Travaux pratiques de physique générale’ on front cover with Kurtis name and address ‘Paris Ve 269, rue St Jacques’ First page of notes dated ‘Lundi, le 15 novembre’. Inscribed ‘Cahier d’éxperiences de Physique générale’ on front cover with Kurti’s name Headed on first page of notes ‘Optique’ and dated ‘Jeudi, le 17 février 1927’. Loose papers enclosed. [1927] papers at A.115-A.117 have non- 1926-1927 A.114-A.117 Loose papers enclosed. Printed and duplicated notes for practicals First page of notes dated ‘Vendredi le 18 novembre’. duplicated The contemporary notes identifying the content. Inscribed ‘Chimie générale Cours de M. Guichard Metaux’ on front cover with Kurtis name and address ‘19 rue du Pavillon’ Duplicated papers. ‘Faculté des Sciences de L’Université de Paris Travaux Pratiques de Chimie Générale Analyse Qualitative’ ‘Paris Measurement Techniques’ 1926-27 Notes for Practicals Mechanics and Printed paper. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 ‘Paris 1926-27 Notes for Practicals Properties of Matter’ ‘Paris 1926-27 Notes for Practicals Electricity’ A.118-A.121 Textbooks A.118 Inscribed générales’ on protective cover ‘Tétrel 1920 Problemes de Mathématiques de Méchaniques_ aux Problémes programmes de Mathématiques spéciales a l’usage des Candidats au Certificat de Mathématiques générales et aux Ecoles du Gouvernement par A. Tétrel de _ Mathématiques correspondant générales et certificat Laporte, Offprint. Solutions développées Solutions de Problémes de Thermodynamique donnés a la Sorbonne et dans diverses facultés de provinces a l’usage des candidats au au certificat de mécanique physique et expérimentale et des ingénieurs par A. Tétrel de physique générale ‘Magnetokalorische und kalorimetrische Untersuchungen zwischen 2° und 20° abs’ H. de _ Problémes d’Optique proposés aux derniers Examens du Certificat de Physique Générale a la Sorbonne et dans divers concours issued City Police Station, Oxford, 6 April 1934 Inaugural-Dissertation Doktorwirde genehmigt von der Philosophischen Fakultat der Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universitat zu aus Budapest. of Registration (under Aliens Erlangung Certificate Berlin von Nikolaus Kirti Order, 1920), zur der N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Demonstratorship, Oxford University 1949-1959 Correspondence and papers including Kurtis reports on periods of his Demonstratorship. Appointment as Consultant to the Industrial Group of the UK Atomic Energy Authority Readership, Oxford University 1959-1967 Kurti was appointed to a Readership in 1960 for a period of seven years. Papers include Kurti’s report on his Readership, February 1967. Offer of a Physics Chair at the University of Leeds a ‘Schedule A Professorship ad Oxford Professorship Vice-President of the Royal Society Includes letters of congratulation. Unindexed. was Kurti hominem’ in 1967. created Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Letters of congratulation. Kurti was elected Honorary Member of the Academy in 1970. Honorary Member, Hungarian Academy of Sciences A.132-A.145 CBE 1966-1968 1970-1998 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 14 folders. Unindexed. A.146, A.147 Retirement 1975-1976 2 folders. Includes memories and anecdotes. Kurti retired from his Oxford Chair in 1975. Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur 80th birthday See also K.7. 90th birthday A.151-A.198 FAMILY 1891-1996 A.151, A.152 ‘Hungarian documents (parents, grandparents)’ 1891-1940 Includes ‘remarks made by Nicholas Kurti after the Dinner in Brasenose on Friday, 22 May, to mark his 90th birthday’. Contents of plastic folder divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of envelope. Some manuscript identification of documents on verso in English. Letters from Kurti to his elder sister Hedwig (1905-1975), ?and another A.153, A.154 1931-1970 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1931-1932 1945-1970 A.155-A.178 ‘From Mother and sister Hedwig. In Hungarian except for 2 cards 1930s’ Bundle of letters and postcards so labelled. 1933 September-December 1934 January-March 1934 April-June 1934 July-September 1934 October-December 1936 July-September 1935 October-December 1935 January-March 1935 April-June 1935 July-September 1936 January-June N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1936 October-December 1937 January-April 1937 May-August 1937 September-December 1938 January-April 1938 May-July 1938 August-December 1939 January-April 1939 May-August 1940 January-July 1939 September-December 1 letter only. 1947 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 A.179, A.180 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Kurti’s Miscellaneous Hungarian family connexions including the role of his great uncle Josef Pintér in Hungarian industry correspondence and papers re 1968-1996 2 folders. A.181-A.198 Letters from Kurti to his wife Georgiana (‘Giana’) while on visits and attending conferences abroad 1953-1988, n.d. 1953 A.182-A.184 1957 3 folders. 1966-1967, no year [?1960s] 1970-1971 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 1973-1975 1976-1979 1980-1984 1985-1988 A.199-A.210 FINANCIAL AND IDENTITY DOCUMENTS 1908-1996 1908-1996 1933-1943 Cash Book A.200-A.202 A.200 See also A.123. Bank and cash books Personal documentation Bank Book (Barclays Bank Ltd) In use October 1933-January 1943. Birth certificate, correspondence and papers re Hungarian citizenship, British naturalisation, etc. Hungarian’. In use September 1938-June 1939. ‘Note NK always added With later inscription up in N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Cash Book In use August 1940 - October 1941. A.203-A.210 Identity card and passports 1943-1996 A.203 Identity card Date stamped in 1943 and in 1949. Passport issued 1943 Passport issued 1953 Passport issued 1963 Passport issued 1986 Passport issued 1996 A.211-A.286 Passport issued 1978 Passport issued 1968 telegram from Time and Tide magazine re the use of force Cuttings temperature experiments at Clarendon Laboratory Oxford. Loose cuttings at front and back of book to 1965 including MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS 1952-1956, including low 1932-2007 1952-1965 Scrapbook pasted into book, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 in Rhodesia and ‘advertisement’ published in The Times being a statement on the Vietnam War, of which Kurti was a signatory. A.212-A.220 ‘Theatre Programmes Komische Oper [Berlin] & 3penny Opera [Oxford Playhouse] 1959-1989 Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: programmes for the Komische Oper 1959-1971 with letter from Kurti to Sir Claus Moser, 27 July 1989 (enclosed in Hoffmanns Erzahlungen programme); Berliner Ensemble 1960; 1977 Oxford Playhouse production of The Threepenny Opera with exchange of correspondence with the Artistic Director of the Playhouse, Gordon McDougall, 6 May 1977. and Kurti kept Komische Oper programmes for performances (in addition to the Tales of Hoffmann) of Die Entfihrung aus dem Serail, La Traviata, Fra Diavolo, Der brave Soldat Schweik, Ritter Blaubart, Der Fiedler auf dem Dach and Deidamia and Berliner Ensemble programmes for Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Auturo Ui and 3Groschenoper. A.221-A.244 A.221-A.227 1950s dinners in honour Society occasions and ‘Old engagements (menus etc)’ Contents of envelope so inscribed. Includes conference dinners at Oxford and elsewhere, Brasenose College and Oxford club and society dinners, Royal of particular individuals including Kurti himself. 1951-1997 A.228-A.235 A.236-A.238 1970s 7 folders. 1960s 8 folders. 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 A.239-A.240 1980s 2 folders. A.241-A.244 1990s and n.d. 4 folders. A.245-A.250 ‘British Rail’ 1967-1992 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers including many press-cuttings re Kurti’s relations with British Rail at Oxford and nationally. The bulk of the material relates to a famous 1967 incident in which Kurti broke the arm of the car park barrier at Oxford railway station when it jammed and trapped himself and a group of other motorists in the car park. See also E.250. Humour 2 folders. 9 folders. 1932-2006 A.253-A.265 A.253-A.261 interest in food, cooking and in particular A.251, A.252 Science and cookery Examples of humour kept by Kurti. Miscellaneous material principally press-cuttings relating to Kurti’s the application of physics in the kitchen 1932-2006 Contents of ring binder so labelled divided into four for ease of reference: a collection of recipes in the course of preparation for publication. At A.253 are recipes particularly associated with Kurti such as ‘Inverted “Soufflé Surprise” ’ and ‘Vacuum Meringue’. A.262-A.265 ‘Batch 3’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Photocopy of typescript with much manuscript revision not by Kurti. Some of the pages were faxed on dates in February and March 1994. See also E.201. A.266-A.271 Press-cuttings 1954-2007 Includes cuttings referring to topics temperatures, science policy. interest of to him, Kurti and on a number of low including energy, 6 folders. A.272-A.282 Hungarian connexions A.272, A.273 Correspondence with A. Fabinyi 1939-1998 1939, 1968- 1978 The publisher Andrew Fabinyi was born in Hungary in 1909. He attended the same elementary school as Kurti and their friendship dated back to 1915. Fabinyi emigrated to Australia in 1939 and became Chairman of the Frank Cheshire heading Pergamon Press’s Australian division in 1969. He died in 1978. publishing before group 1968, in In Hungarian. Correspondence 1939-1940, 1946 Correspondence and papers Includes newspaper cuttings about Fabinyi and typescript obituary by Kurti. 1990-1994 Szathmary was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1919. He emigrated to the USA in 1951 and became a renowned chef. his death in 1996 he was Chef Laureate and Curator emeritus of the Culinary Archives & Museum at Johnson & Wales University, Providence, Rhode Island. Correspondence with L.I. Szathmary II Chiefly re visits to Oxford, 1990, 1991. 1968, 1969, 1978 From 1989 to N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Biographical, A.1-A.286 Miscellaneous Hungarian language correspondence 1986-1993 A.276-A.282 Background material 1960-1992 6 folders and 1 book by Kiss Istvanné A Trefort utcai ‘Minta’ Az ELTE Sagvari Endre Gyakorl6é Iskola térténete, 1987 (A.282). Principally Hungarian background. printed papers relating to Kurti and his At A.276 is contents of envelope inscribed by Kurti ‘1976 50th of school leaving’. A.283-A.286 ‘Lunatic File’ 1961-1992, n.d. Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers advancing unusual and unconventional approaches to science and world their humorous value. or which affairs, were Kurti for kept by N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, B.1-B.308 1945-1998 B.1-B.5 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION B.6-B.191 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS/CLARENDON LABORATORY B.192-B.210 BRASENOSE COLLEGE B.211-B.293 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR VISITING GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS FROM CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (SOROS/FCO SCHOLARS) B.294-B.305 MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD UNIVERSITY B.306-B.308 MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD-BASED ORGANISATIONS N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION 1956-1995 ‘Oxford University - Registry’ 1956-1995 Contents of folder so inscribed Copies of articles in the Oxford Magazine on ‘The Arts Man’ and ‘Of Science Men’ by ‘Skyresh Bolgolum’ Board of Electors to Science the Professorship of Engineering Miscellaneous papers 1962-1970 Includes papers re visit of Thomas J. Watson, Chairman of the Board International Business Machines Corporation, to the University, 1969. Miscellaneous papers Found loose. B.6-B.191 1989-1995 1967-1985 Correspondence with Registrary and Vice-Chancellor DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS/CLARENDON LABORATORY 1945-1997 B.180-B.183 Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture B.104-B.179 Teaching B.77-B.103 Visitors B.43-B.76 Researchers B.19-B.42 Research funding and reports B.6-B.18 Equipment and facilities N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.184-B.186 Clarendon Kitchen Committee B.187-B.191 Miscellaneous Equipment and facilities ‘Simon Building Extension’ 1960-1992 1960-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of of meetings, correspondence, etc. reference: records layout, sketch of Inauguration of Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory, 30 June Contents of envelope: duplicated papers including remarks at the opening by Kurti ‘A brief history of the high magnetic field facilities at the Clarendon Laboratory’. tenders, B.10-B.14 item (B.14) is grant application, article on operational 1970-1980 ‘16 Tesla Hybrid Magnet to Oxford’ Miscellaneous correspondence and papers published 1980 experience with the hybrid magnet. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: agreement with Oxford Instrument Company Ltd etc. 1960, 1965 Re Simon Building Extension and Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory. Includes Laboratory, Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory, etc. University Newspaper cuttings 1961-1992 B:17,,B-18 2 folders. papers re Oxford Computing N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.19-B.42 Research funding and reports 1962-c.1981 Application of nuclear orientation to solid state physics Report on work at the Clarendon Laboratory for the period 1 September 1962-31 August 1963 and related papers. 2 folders. B.21-B.26 ‘Own Applications to SRC’ 1962-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: applications, reports, correspondence, etc. B.27-B.41 ‘SRC Report, New Application (Topical)’ [1965] - 1973 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into fifteen for ease of reference: applications, reports, correspondence, etc. B.43-B.76 Researchers 1950-1975 at Oxford, latest bibliographical Miscellaneous papers Undated notes and papers are at B.41. Includes grant application to inaugurate a unit of physical cryobiology reference 1981, sent to Kurti by W.B. Bald with a request for advice about possibility of Royal Society funding fellowships, etc. Sequences of correspondence and papers relating to ‘past’ and ‘present’ researchers and a few papers relating to ‘future’ researchers. Includes curricula grant applications and recommendations. on research progress, sequence The postdoctoral researchers, and holders of various visiting and exchange includes D.Phil. and _ vitae, reports N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.43-B.68 ‘Researchers - Past’ 1950-1973 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence and papers. Ba. 1958-1959 1967-1968 1961-1964 1963-1968 1967-1969 1961-1964 1961-1966 1950-1956 1961-1962 1963-1965 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 1969-1970 1961-1971 1962-1971 1965-1969 1968-1969 1962-1967 1963-1969 1961-1969 1961-1964 1967-1975 Correspondence and papers. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.69-B.75 ‘Researchers - Present’ 1963-1973 1965-1967 B.65-B.67 Wy. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 1971-1975 1971-1975 1968-1972 1969-1971 1967, 1970 B.77-B.103 Visitors 1961-1997 1970-1971 ‘Future Researchers’ Correspondence so inscribed. 1961-1971 Sequences of papers re ‘past’ and ‘present’ visitors kept together by Kurti which may includes both brief informal visits by colleagues and visits by international delegations. There of ‘Researchers’. At B.103 are late correspondence and papers found loose. Correspondence and papers. Contents of folder so inscribed. is some overlap with the sequences. B.77-B.94 ‘Visitors - Past’ University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 B.77-B.79 1961 3 folders. B.80-B.82 1962 3 folders. 1963 2 folders. 1964 Includes papers re Clarendon, 27 January. visit of Chinese delegation to the 1965 B.88, B.89 1966 2 folders. B.86, B.87 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.95-B.102 ‘Visitors - Present’ 1971-1984 B.95 1971 B.96-B.98 1972 3 folders. 1984 Teaching B.104-B.179 Correspondence and papers Re visit of President of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, J. Szentagothai and others. 1964, is included. See B.140-B.147. Records of predominantly thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, are presented here. For convenience some record of his teaching when he was away from Oxford, most notably when he was visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley in Kurtis teaching at Oxford, 1993-1997 1945-1984 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.104-B.147 Lecture notes B.104-B.106 ‘Lecture magnetism’ 1947-1979 1947, 1949 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lecture or lectures on magnetism. of the first page On notes headed ‘Magnetism’ (B.104) is the date ‘Hilary Term 1947’ and the name ‘Kurti’. It is possible that these notes were taken by a student. a sequence of See also B.106 where page 23 of a sequence of notes is dated ‘1949, H[?ilary]’ B.107-B.109 ‘Thermod[ynamics]’ manuscript notes for reference: Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of on thermodynamics, with manuscript calculations interleaved among paginated material. manuscript lectures’ notes for lectures B.110-B.113 ‘Thermody[namics]’ The material appears to form part of the same sequence as that at B.107-B.109. The material appears to form part of the same sequence as that at B.110-B.113. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: on thermodynamics, with manuscript calculations interleaved among paginated material. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: variously paginated sequences of manuscript notes. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript working. ‘2nd - 3rd Law 1951 Lectures’ ‘1st Law 1951 Lectures’ B.114-B.117 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 Special subjects Manuscript notes including Demagnetisation Revised for H.T. 1957’. ‘Special Subject Adiab[atic] Manuscript notes for lecture course Notes begin: ‘In these 8 lectures | shall discuss how by applying the simple laws of mechanics and those of the theory of probability to the large number of atoms and molecules that the explain behaviour mainly of gases and to some extent solids.’ matter one constitute can Paginated 1-47. Manuscript additions ‘TT 1967 2nd Lecture’, etc. indicate the lectures were given in Trinity Term 1967. B.120, B.121 Manuscript notes for lecture course 1968-1972 matter one can explain the Paginated 1-44. Manuscript additions ‘End 1st Lecture T.T. 1968’, ‘End 1st Lect. TT 69‘, etc. indicate the course was given in Trinity Term 1968-1972. Notes begin: ‘In these 8 lectures | shall discuss how by applying the simple laws of mechanics and those of the theory of probability to the large number of molecules that constitute macroscopic behaviour properties mainly of gases, fat and, to some extent solids.’ 1968-1969 Manuscript additions ‘End 1st lecture H.T. 1968’, ‘End 1st H.T. 69’, etc. indicate that the lectures were given Hilary Term 1968 and 1969. Manuscript notes for lectures on thermodynamics Paginated 1-83. B.122-B.124 2 folders. 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.125-B.129 Manuscript notes for lecture course 1970-1974 Notes begin: ‘This is the 1st time that two parts of the Finals syllabus, namely Thermodynamics and Stat. Mech are given in a single course of lectures’ Paginated 1-64. Manuscript additions ‘End 1st lect H.T. 1970’, etc indicate that the course was given in Hilary Term 1970-1974. 5 folders. ‘Kin Theory RWH’ 1970-1974 Contents of lecture mechanics. folder so inscribed: manuscript notes for statistical on _ thermodynamics and _ course Continuation of B.125-B.129. Manuscript additions ‘9th Lect End H.T. 1970’, ‘End 10th Lec. 1971’, etc. indicate that the course was given in Hilary Term 1970-1974. B.130-B.134 1973-1979 Paginated 65-102. Contents of folder so inscribed. Statistical Mechanics 2nd Year, ‘Thermodynamics and Hilary Term 1973. N. Kurti’ ‘N. Kurti Clarendon Lab. Oxford Thermodynamics Hil. Term 1968’ 1973-1977 Manuscript additions indicate the notes were used in Hilary At the end of the sequence is Term 1973 and 1974. duplicated crystal’, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI 1976/1977. Manuscript notes paginated 1-70 inscribed on first page ‘Master’. Includes ‘Physics 75’ December 1975 final examination paper dated 12 paper ‘Modéle d'Einstein d’un_ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.132-B.134 ‘Thermodynamics and stat. mechanics’ Manuscript notes for ‘Physics 75’ lecture course delivered in 1979 in unidentified location. 3 folders. B.135-B.137 ‘Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics for Dr Bailey’ is not Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: 44pp typescript and 44pp manuscript drafts of ‘The object of these lecture course beginning (B.135): lectures to a complete of provide rather thermodynamics, but to survey and summarise those concepts both of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics which are of importance to cryogenics and, more generally, to the study of low temperatures’. Also includes miscellaneous notes and figures. course There is no indication of where the lecture course was delivered. ‘Stat Mech.’ The notes are paginated ‘42-44’ and ‘a-m’. Manuscript notes for lectures on thermodynamics Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript lecture notes. Manuscript notes for lecture course probably given at University of California, Berkeley, USA, where Kurti was visiting professor in 1964. reference: manuscript, typescript, duplicated and printed Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of B.148, B.149 ‘Teaching course’ 1945-1984 1945-1984 B.140-B.147 8 folders. B.148-B.179 Miscellaneous N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 material. is duplicated typescript ‘Report O.B.2 1945 item 3.16’ January Calorimetric Mass Flowmeter’ and Course’ (B.149). Oxford 1945. File 16th Recorded titled inscribed ‘Teaching ‘A ‘Exams’ and ‘Oxford (exam papers) includes ex. papers from US visits)’ 1956-1964, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript and duplicated papers relating to Oxford, City College, New York and University of California, Berkeley. Manuscript, duplicated manuscript and typescript papers, principally examination questions 1963-1975 B.152-B.155 ‘Adv Cryogenics’ 1965-1967 course on 1971-1972 B.157, B.158 correspondence and papers re cryogenic engineering ‘Oxford lectures (teaching + exams)’ Brief correspondence and papers re kinetic theory course Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, examination questions. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of proposed reference: postgraduate and vacation course in advanced cryogenics held July 1967. 1970-1973 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: principally 1973 lecture questionnaires. Principally 1972 thermodynamics lecture questionnaires ‘N. Kurti Thermodyn + etc.’ Stat Mech. Loose papers, notes, 1970-1972, n.d. B.160-B.162 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.163-B.165 ‘N. Kurti Clarendon Laboratory’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of Theory — lecture reference: questionnaires. principally Kinetic B.166-B.178 ‘Physics vs The Rest’ 1973-1975 Correspondence and papers re second year course for physics undergraduates organised by Kurti and consisting principally of contributions from outside speakers. The sequence includes texts of lectures by contributors. The course was ‘mainly to show them that physicists can do many things besides research and university teaching’. 13 folders. B.180-B.183 1957-1997 and papers re_ establishment and estimating experimental Duplicated teaching material Cherwell-Simon Memorial Lecture Correspondence arrangements. ‘Practical methods of errors’, ‘Some simple notions on thermodynamics and energy’ and ‘The phase rule’. Kurti was chairman of the Committee. Clarendon Kitchen Committee Correspondence and papers. B.184-B.186 1965-1978 4 folders. 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.187-B.191 Miscellaneous 1963-1997 Correspondence and papers. 1963-1966 1967-1969 1970-1976 1980-1988 1995-1997 1945-1998 21950 - 1998 B.192-B.210 B.192-B.202 include College catering, heating and BRASENOSE COLLEGE Topics include honorary and visiting fellowships. building projects, General correspondence and papers Kurti’s correspondents Bursars. 1963-1965 The earliest item is draft of speech by Kurti proposing the toast ‘to our guests’ at a Brasenose occasion. Principals and 21950-1959 1961-1962 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 1966-1967 1968-1969 1970-1972 1974-1979 1980-1989 1990-1998 1945 1963-1969 B.203-B.207 ‘BNC Other circulated papers’ 1945-1983, n.d. Correspondence and papers re College business including papers by Kurti on heating systems for College buildings and visiting fellowships. 1970-1974 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.208, B.209 ‘Brasenose Feasts etc.’ 1963-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes guest lists, menus and table plans. ‘Fellows Christmas Dinner 7 Dec 1974 4 Dec. 1982’ 1974, 1982 Contents of envelope so inscribed: menus and seating plans. B.211-B.293 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR VISITING GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS FROM CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE (SOROS/FCO SCHOLARS) 1986-1997, n.d. were funded jointly 1987 by the scholarships Correspondence and papers. Kurti was a member of (whose title over interviewing of candidates. varied Including minutes of meetings, applications, assessments of candidates and supervisors’ reports on progress. Soros The Foundation and the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and were intended to enable young postgraduates from central and eastern Europe to spend nine months at the University of Oxford. was agreed to co-opt Kurti. Includes minutes of third meeting, 27 January at which it the Management Committee the time) took part and in 1986 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.213-B.217 1988 5 folders. B.218-B.229 1989 12 folders. B.230-B.239 1990 10 folders. B.240-B.248 1991 9 folders. 15 folders. 13 folders. 1995 1992 8 folders. B.257-B.271 1993 B.272-B.284 1994 B.249-B.256 6 folders. B.285-B.290 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 B.294-B.305 MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD UNIVERSITY 1954-1996 Environmental Change Unit B.295-B.297 Maison Frangaise d’Oxford 1992, 1996 1969-1994 Correspondence and papers chiefly re 1974 visit of two of the first female students of the Ecole Polytechnique to Oxford. At B.297 are photographs and press-cutting. 2 folders. 1968-1991 Oxford Centre for Food Studies 1984-1985 3 folders. See also K.35. B.298, B.299 Natural Science Club Correspondence and papers re proposed centre. 1966-1980 The Oxford Centre for Food Studies was described in ‘Bye- Laws’ passed 1 November 1984 as ‘a research centre, limited by guarantee, within the University of Oxford’. Kurti was a member of the Steering Committee. B.301, B.302 Oxford University Scientific Society Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 University of Oxford, B.1-B.308 Most of the material dates from 1973-1975 when Kurti was Senior Member of this student society. Visit of the President of Hungary Correspondence and papers. B.304, B.305 Shorter correspondence and papers 1954-1993 At B.304 is proposal by Kurti on Oxford’s traffic problems published heading ‘Movement within Oxford’, 1972. Magazine Oxford under the in B.306-B.308 MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD-BASED ORGANISATIONS 1964-1993 1964-1993 1981-1982 Oxford Instrument Company Ltd Oxford Local Energy Group Correspondence and papers. Correspondence and papers. the Oxford Cryogenic Ltd’s Kurti was an executive co-chairman from October 1981. Includes ‘rough transcript of the remarks by N. Kurti at the official opening of helium liquefaction plant, 10 November 1964’. 1972, 1985 Correspondence Management. with Department of Catering Oxford Polytechnic N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION C RESEARCH, C.1-C.149 c.1931-1987 C.1-C.54 NOTEBOOKS C.55-C.123 RESEARCH FOLDERS C.124-C.137 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND DRAFTS C.138-C.149 BACKGROUND PAPERS NOTEBOOKS 1932-1987 for experimental Used results, calibrations, testing of equipment, diagrams and sketches of equipment, etc. analysis results, of In German. In German. 1932-1933 Paginated 1-143. Labelled ‘Kurti 21a’ on front cover Inscribed at head of first page ‘Fortsetzung vom 8.11.32’ Dated entries run from ‘13.12.32’ (p.44) to ‘15.11.33’ on loose paper at back of book. Inscribed ‘XXIV’ inside front cover and headed on first page ‘Fortsetzung Wechselstromversuch’ In German. Labelled ‘Protokollheft XXVI’ on front cover Paginated 1-185. Entries run ‘5.2.33’ to ‘11.5.33’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Labelled ‘Warmeleitfahigkeit’ on front cover 1933, 1948 Used April-May 1933 and April 1948-October [1948]. In German and English. Entries in 1948 are headed by names of scientists and may represent The scientists include Bethe, Fuctis and Pickavance. seminars attended. Kurtis notes at Labelled ‘XXX’ on front cover Paginated 1-177. In use in July-August 1933. In German. Unnumbered and untitled 1933, n.d. In German and English. Only one dated entry ‘14.12.33’. Predominantly in German. Unnumbered and untitled Same format as preceding. Includes many diagrams and sketches of equipment. 1933-1934 Labelled on front cover ‘| Dec. 28th No Year’ and inscribed on first page ‘N. Kurti Clarendon Laboratory’ Entries run from 28 December 1933. ‘5.3.34’. Numbered series of hardback notebooks I-XXVIII Lacks no. V. Paginated 1-175. In German. 1933-1940 Last dated entry N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Labelled on front cover ‘Il 4.10.34’ Paginated 1-173. Last dated entry ‘16.11.[34]’. In German. Loose papers enclosed. Labelled on front cover ‘Ill 1st Entry 25.5.34’ and inscribed on first page ‘N. Kurti Clar. Lab III’ 1933-1934 Paginated 1-171. Dated entries not in work dated in 1933 p.79. p.[138] strict chronological order. Latest dated Includes entry ‘27.6.34’ In German. Loose papers enclosed. Paginated 1-187. In German. Inscribed ‘VI’ inside front cover Paginated 1-143. Labelled on front cover ‘IV No date’ Dated entries run from ‘18.7.34’ (p.27) to ‘4.10.34’. 1934-1935 Dated entries run from ‘21 Nov. 34’ (p.[20]) to ‘13 Dec. 34’. Entries run from ‘14 Dec. 34’ to ‘1.3.35’. In German. Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed ‘VII’ inside front cover In German. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed ‘VIII’ on first page Paginated 1-219 Entries run from ‘4.3.35’ to ‘17.5.35' In German and English. Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed ‘IX’ on first page Paginated 1-173. In German. Dated entries run from ‘22.5.35’ to ‘6.6.35’. Inscribed ‘X’ on first page Dated entries run from ‘11.6.35’ to ‘9.7.35’ In German and English. Inscribed inside on first page used ‘XI’ Entries run from ‘16.7.35' to ‘28.9.35’. Paginated 1-227 (pp 195-227 loose at back). Loose pages at back. Entries run ‘Oct 31 1935’ to ‘January 18th [1936]’. Inscribed inside front cover ‘XII’ 1935-1936 In German. Paginated 1-193. Predominantly in German. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Labelled ‘Kurti Clarendon Lab XIII’ on front cover Paginated 1-175. Entries run from ‘Febr. 12th [1936]’ to ‘27.3.36’. Predominantly in German. Loose papers enclosed. Labelled ‘XIV’ on spine Paginated 1-139. Entries run from ‘27.3.36’. In German and English. Loose papers enclosed. Labelled on spine and front cover ‘XV’ Paginated 1-167. which enabled him to work in Predominantly in German. Labelled on spine and front cover ‘XVI’ Entries run from ‘27.4.36’ to ‘Aug 1 [1936] On an unpaginated page towards the back is a draft letter of thanks for letter informing Kurti of the extension of his grant the Clarendon Laboratory under the direction of Professor Simon. Entries run from ‘Nov. 17. 1936’ to ‘Dez 15 [1936] Entries run from ‘Sept 23rd [1936]’ to ‘Nov.10 [1936] Labelled on spine and inscribed on first page ‘XVII’ Paginated 1-153. In German and English. Paginated 1-141. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 In German. Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed on first page ‘XVIII’ Lacks covers. Paginated 1-167. Entries run from ‘16. Dez. 36’ to 23. Dez. 36’. In German. Inscribed on first page ‘XIX’ Lacks covers. Paginated 1-131. Many pages unpaginated. Dated entries January - October 1937. In German. Inscribed on first page ‘XX’ Entries run from ‘19 Marz 1937’ to ‘5.4.1937’. Lacks covers. Paginated 1-175. Loose papers enclosed including press-cutting, 30 July 1937. In German. Entries run from ‘8.4.37’ to ‘Oct. 28.1937’. In German. Inscribed on first page ‘XXl’ Lacks covers. Paginated 1-175. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Inscribed on first page ‘XXII’ Lacks covers. Paginated 1-163. Entries [1937]. run from ‘Nov. 15 [1937] to ‘December 20th In German and English. Inscribed on first page ‘XXIII’ 1937-1938 Lacks covers. Paginated 1-181. Entries run from ‘Dec.21 [1937] to ‘March 24th [1938)’. In English. Paginated 1-159. In English. Inscribed on first page ‘XXV’ Labelled on spine and inscribed on first page ‘XXIV’ Lacks covers Paginated 1-181. Entries run ‘March 28th [1938] to ‘April 6th [1938]’. Paginated 1-99. Entries run from ‘7.4.38’ to ‘21 June [1938]’ Inscribed on first page ‘XXVI’ Lacks covers. In English. Pages loose at front and back. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Entries run from ‘21 June 1938’ to ‘Sept 6th [1938)’. In English. Inscribed on first page ‘XXVII’ Lacks covers. Paginated 1-165. Entries run from ‘Sept 29th [1938]’. Memoranda or Minute Book inscribed on front cover ‘Kurti Clarendon Laboratory XXVIII’ 1939-1940 Entries run from ‘April 25th [1939]. 17th 1940’. Last dated entry ‘April Much loose material at front. C.36-C.38 are foolscap size notebooks. Paginated 1-87. Entries run from 17 November to 6 December 1940. Labelled on front cover ‘1940 II’ 1940-1941 C.35-C.38 Numbered series of hardback notebooks I-IV 1940-1942 Labelled ‘No.1’ on front cover and inscribed inside front cover ‘Expts - good results start page 55’ 1941-1942 Entries run from 6 December 1940. 13th [1941]’. Entries run from ‘Nov 14th [1941]. Last dated entry ‘March Labelled on front cover ‘Ill Nov.14 No Year’ Paginated 1-151. Paginated 1-145. Loose papers enclosed. Last dated entry ‘Nov N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 19th [1942y’. Loose papers enclosed. Labelled on front cover ‘IV March 20 1942’ Paginated 1-185. Many pages unused. Entries run from 20 March 1942. Last dated entry ‘October 5th’ [1942]. Loose papers enclosed including undated letter to from H. Kuhn. Kurti Ring binder style diary/notebook 1943-1947 Used for diary type entries, addresses, expenses, as well as research notes. Relates in part to visit to USA late 1943-April 1944. Lacks no.7 Contents list on first page. Loose papers enclosed. Contents list on first page. Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.1’ 1949-1951 C.40-C.48 Numbered series of foolscap data books 1-10 1949-1959 Entries run 31 May 1949-20 July 1951. Entries run 26 September-9 October 1953. Loose papers enclosed (3 photographs of apparatus at front). Entries run 24 July 1951-24 September 1952 Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.2’ 1951-1952 Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.3’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Contents list on first page. Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.4’ 1953-1954 Paginated 1-95 (right hand pages only). Entries run 9 October 1953-5 November 1954. Contents list fastened with adhesive tape to first page. Loose papers enclosed. Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.5’ 1954-1955 Paginated 1-94 (right hand pages only). Entries run 14 November 1954-7 April 1955. Contents list on first page. Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.6’. Paginated 1-94 (right hand pages only). Entries run 7 April-26 November 1955. Contents list on first page. Paginated 1-91 (right hand pages only). Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.8’ 1956-1957 Index on first page. Entries run 11 February 1957-11 November 1958. Entries run 16 June 1956-10 February 1957. Inscribed on spine ‘Data Book No.9’ 1957-1958 Paginated 1-93 (right hand pages only). Index on first page. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Labelled on front cover ‘Data Book 10 14 November 1958’ 1958-1959 Paginated 1-91 (right hand pages only). Entries run to 30 April 1959. Index on first page. Foolscap notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘N. Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford’ Kurti 1959-1963 ?Used for notes on research seminars given by visiting speakers at the Clarendon. Many pages unused. There are entries between 16 October 1959-15 February 1963. No entries for 1960. Manuscript notes headed ‘Elliott; Magnetism Conference’ enclosed. Kurti 1962-1971 Last dated entry 8 Entries run from 15 January 1962. October 1971. Foolscap notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘N. Clarendon Laboratory Oxford’ Foolscap notebook inscribed on front cover ‘N. Kurti HTFS’ and ‘AERE Harwell’ Manuscript working, calculations, notes of discussions with colleagues at the Clarendon, with visitors to the Clarendon, with colleagues at laboratories etc visited by Kurti, etc. 1930s C.52 Used for manuscript working, bibliographical references C.52-C.54 Small format jotters Used 1975-1978, 1986-1987. Includes notes on discussions with colleagues. Most pages unused. Loose papers enclosed. 1975-1987 1930s, 1941, 1943 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Latest bibliographical reference 1934. In German and English. ?Used on visit to USA early 1940s Lacks covers. Latest bibliographical reference 1945. Pages torn from jotter 1941, 1943 Research notes, bibliographical references. Includes notes headed ‘Oct 28th 1941’ and ‘Jan 11 1943’. C.55-C.123 RESEARCH FOLDERS 1943-1977 C.55-C.59 1943-1945 ‘Pirani (Tube All[oys])’ Relates to Pirani gauges, development of the hydrogen Pirani on membrane samples, etc. separation technique, detection tests leak ‘Gen. L[ow].T[emperatures].’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: notes, reports, data, etc Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript and duplicated typescript notes and drafts, data, offprints. 1949-1955 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript draft by Kurti on ‘Magnetic Cooling’ with c.1951; photographs of equipment found in envelope postmarked 8:V:72. At C.60 is typescript draft ‘The Use of Liquid Helium in Magnetic Cooling Experiments’ by R.P. Hudson, B. Hunt and Kurti, 2 May 1949. ‘Notes and drafts on Mag[netic]. Cooling’ manuscript additions and corrections, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 C.64-C.66 Research, C.1-C.149 Contents of untitled folder divided into three for ease of reference: and calculations, etc correspondence, manuscript notes 1953-1958 Correspondents include E. Ambler, Cryogenic Physics Section US Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C and H. Meyer, Division of Engineering and Applied Physics, Harvard University. C.67-C.70 ‘Expts on Heat Transfer (Ambler)’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence, notes, drafts. E. Ambler was a member of the Cryogenic Physics Section US of Standards, Washington, D.C. of Commerce Department National Bureau C.71-C.76 ‘Temperatures below 1°K N. Kurti’ 1955-1972 offprints, 1956-1967 C.77-C.84 ‘Hahn Expt.’ Much undated manuscript. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: manuscript working, press-cuttings, correspondence, patent application, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of manuscript working, typescript notes and drafts. At C.75-C.76 is contents of folder (within principal folder) labelled ‘The Theory and proposed design of a new type of liquid air machine’ by H. Sixsmith, Physics Department, University of Reading. 1957-1959 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence, notes, re research on CoFe and CoNi alloys. E.L. Hahn was based at University of California. the Department of Physics, correspondence, drafts, data etc reference: offprints, C.85-C.90 ‘Vincent Arp’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Correspondents Berkeley, Harvard and AERE Harwell. include Walter Marshall writing from Arp was based at the University of California, Berkeley and then at the Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory of the US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards Boulder Laboratories, Boulder, Colorado. C.91-C.101 ‘Research’ 1957-1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of reference: principally correspondence. At C.100, C.101 are correspondence and papers found clipped together and labelled ‘UH3’. Contents of untitled folder: correspondence, manuscript notes and drafts by Kurti and others, duplicated paper by Walter Marshall on the specific heat of dilute alloys 1959-1961 of C.105-C.108 C.109-C.119 C.103, C.104 ‘Nuclear Cooling Calculations’ n.d., 1961 1961-1969, 1972-1977 ‘Paul Instrument Fund’ and ‘Integrating NMR Application’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: Ohio Research Foundation Technical Report on ‘Measurement of Temperature below 1°K’. manuscript calculations, University Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: applications, correspondence, notes, reports etc re Kurtis grants from the Royal Society's Paul Instrument Fund for research on nuclear spin temperature using ‘Pulsed Nuclear Resonance Thermometer’. 1961-1967 Bundle of correspondence and papers re superconducting power transmission etc. divided into eleven for ease of reference Papers include research reports, manuscript notes and offprints by Kurti and others. At C.114-C.116 are reports etc. for British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd. The material was found in considerable disorder. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 C.120, C.121 Contents of untitled folder 1963-1964 Divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence, notes, research contract proposal between City College, New York low temperature physics 1963-1966. research Force and US Air for in Kurti’s correspondent is T.C. Hardy, City College, New York. C.122, C.123 Contents of untitled folder Divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript working including paginated sequence headed ‘Calculation of what happens to cond. electrons during demagnetisation’. C.124-C.137 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND DRAFTS 1932-1977, n.d. [1932] explains that to the Brain In German. ‘Brain Magnet’ the magnetic brain letter from Kurti discussing his research, Photocopy of dated ‘Budapest, 24 March 1932’ Note on brain magnet with instructions on its use, May 1942. The note probe for extracting shrapnel splinters from the brain was designed by H.S. Arms and N. Kurti of the Clarendon Laboratory and presented Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. 1942-1977 helium Topics include heat conductivity gauges, liquid supply, application of nuclear orientation to state physics, applications of new superconducting materials capable of carrying high current densities, etc. Duplicated papers Department of the C.126-C.129 solid 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 Manuscript colleagues found clipped together typescript and notes of discussion with 1955-1967 Photocopy of pages from notebook including ‘Note added in 1990 / Experiment done during the night 6-7 June 1956’ and signed by Kurti C.132, C.133 Lists ‘A’ and ‘B’ of documents received from Kurti by the UKAEA, ‘9/8/63’ 2 folders. Manuscript data A97-1,.N.d. C.135-C.137 Undated manuscript notes, calculations etc. 3 folders. c.1931- c.1976, n.d. C.138-C.149 C.138 C.138-C.141 Dissertations der spezifischen Waermen bei _ tiefen BACKGROUND PAPERS c.1931-1938, n.d. ‘Messungen Temperaturen’ ‘Inaugural - Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwiirde genehmigt von der Philosophischen Fakultat der Friedrich- Wilhelm Universitat zu Berlin’ by Robert C. Swain, Stanford University, California. c.1931 The work was carried out between April 1929 and July 1931 at the Physical Chemistry Institute of the University of Berlin at the suggestion of and under the supervision of F.E. Simon. Typescript in original covers with manuscript addition and correction. Latest bibliographical reference 1931. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Research, C.1-C.149 ‘Untersuchungen Metalle bei tiefen Temperaturen’ ueber spezifische Waerme mancher ?Dissertation by Silvia Cristescu. Heavily annotated typescript in original covers. Latest bibliographical reference 1931. The work was carried out between November 1929 and March 1931 of the the Physical Chemistry Institute University of Berlin at the instigation of F.E. Simon. at See also C.140. Papers found enclosed at back of C.139 1932, n.d. ‘Thermische Untersuchungen an Fliissigem Wasserstoff 1937, 1938 Dissertation by H. Gutsche, for the Physical Chemistry Institute of the Technical University, Breslau. 7 folders. various aspects of the field 1947, n.d. C.143-C.149 Technical drawings reports describing 1937-c.1976, n.d. Reports and papers by others Also includes two letters to Gutsche ?from Kurti. At C.143 is photocopy of ‘British Reports 1939-1945’: list of technical the research and development work in of atomic energy carried out in Britain. At C.147, C.148 are reports for British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION D SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS, D.1-D.115 1880, 1931- 1998 Science-related interests, brings together material relating to topics in which Kurti maintained a keen and active interest research activities. Some of the material presented is background material and much relates to material elsewhere in the archive. central which were but not his to D.1-D.11 CRYOBIOLOGY D.12-D.44 ENERGY D.45-D.105 HISTORY OF SCIENCE D.106-D.109 POLLUTION D.110-D.113 SALMONELLA D.1-D.11 1952-1997 D.114, D.115 CRYOBIOLOGY UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY RELATIONS Interest in the preservation of organic material (including human bodies) at very low temperatures arose from Kurti’s work in cryogenics. See also H.735. 2pp typescript. ‘Notes about some applications of low temperatures in biology (cryobiology)’ by Kurti Lecture to Oxford University Science Club, 4 March 1958 Contents of Kurti’s folder so inscribed. 12pp manuscript. ‘Cryobiology’ 1958-1977 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Correspondence 1964-1972 Includes material re Society for Low Temperature Biology. Newspaper cuttings 1968-1977 Photocopies of articles Contents of untitled folder ‘Deep-Freeze Longevity for Human Beings’, Oxford Mail, 25 November 1952 Newspaper cutting featuring Kurti, with typescript copy of text. 1952-1997 1952 The news story was based on a talk by Kurti to the Oxford sub-section of the Institution of Production Engineers on ‘Low temperatures in science and industry’. Includes coverage in French, Italian and ?Danish. British the Advancement of Science meeting, Kurti at Correspondence and press coverage arising from Kurti’s Oxford talk Newspaper cuttings on presentation by Association for August 1968 1971-1972 The lecture draft refers to 1952 talk (see D.6), may be part of 1958 lecture (see D.1). Kurti expresses his scepticism at deep-freezing humans for later revival. Incomplete typescript lecture draft and manuscript notes Correspondence with France, re science and cryonics A. Dolinoff, Société Cryonics de N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Newspaper cuttings D.12-D.44 ENERGY 1978, 1997, n.d. 1953-1996 This subsection brings together a range of Kurti’s interests, from power sources to conservation of energy and more efficient use of energy. In his concern for efficient use of energy and energy saving technology, Kurti may be seen to be ahead of his time. The material D.12-D.40 is presented alphabetically by subtopic. Coal 1974-1980 2 folders. D.14-D.18 Combined Heat and Power 1974-1995 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re estimations of coal reserves and resources in the UK. Includes note on coal reserves and resources compiled for Kurti at the request of Sir Derek Ezra, Chairman of the National Coal Board, and Kurti’s own briefing note prepared from it. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is the simultaneous generation of usable heat and power, usually in the form of Kurti was an advocate of electricity, by a single process. CHP systems, particularly for district heating in urban areas. Correspondence, chiefly with J.M. Cassels Kurti was a member of the Combined Heat and Power Group of by W.C. Marshall, which concluded in favour of CHP plants for areas of ‘high heat load densities’ (H.402) and also of the District Heating Assocation (DHA), later the Combined Heat and Power Association (H.113, H.114). the Department of Energy chaired N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Correspondence 1975-1980 Includes correspondence with Cassels, Peter Rost MP and seminar on CHP to All Party Group for Energy Studies for 1981. Papers by J.M. Cassels relating to CHP 1980, 1981 Papers re final meeting and dinner of the Combined Heat and 11 December the Department of Energy, Power Group of Correspondence 1983-1995 Includes note on ‘Combined Heat and Power supply using Carnot Engines’ by J.H. Horlock, 1983; section of Royal Society Biographical Memoir of J.M. Cassels re his work on CHP, sent to Kurti for comment by J.R. Holt. D.19-D.22 Fly-wheel 1977-1985 Correspondence Miscellaneous background material Flywheel energy storage works by accelerating a rotor (flywheel) to a very high speed and maintaining the energy in the system as rotational energy. The energy is converted back by slowing down the flywheel. 1989-1996 Includes electric trams/buses in Oxford, including Kurti’s letter to the Oxford Times on the subject. Miscellaneous background material correspondence 1993 re plans for D.20-D.22 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 D.23-D.25 Gas 1965-1969 Contents of Kurti’s folder so labelled: correspondence and papers on gas transport and storage. Incudes correspondence with Kenneth Hutchison of the Gas Council; letters Times by Kurti, 27 January 1966 and 17 May 1967. Sir Henry Jones and Sir The to 3 folders. D.26-D.34 Heat pumps 1970-1983 Contents of Kurti’s folder. Heat pumps are devices that move heat, generally through moving heat from a low temperature source to a higher temperature sink. Much of this material relates to the heat pump at Nuffield College Oxford originally installed in the late 1950s to draw energy from local sewers. See also H.425, H.428. Correspondence with P.M.S. Blackett re heat flow-meter Papers for meetings on heat pumps Correspondence and papers re Nuffield College heat pump Correspondence and papers 1974-1975 Includes Kurti’s letters to The Times on heat pumps, 19 November and 5 December 1974; ‘Report on discussions in Copenhagen on 11-12 December 1975’ on heat meters. Lincoln College Oxford, 30 June-2 July. Includes meeting at Nuffield, 29 March, and Kurti’s ‘Notes on Nuffield College heating’ and ‘Note on some heat-pump work in France’. Combined Heat and Power Group Discusssion on Heat Pumps, London, 20 April; UK Heat Pump Workshop, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Correspondence and papers 1977-1979 Includes correspondence on Nuffield College heat pump. Correspondence 1980-1983 Includes correspondence on Nuffield College heat pump. Institution Pumps. University of Salford, Manchester, 7-8 April 1981. of Chemical Engineers’ Conference on ‘Heat Industries’, Process Energy Savers the for Programme; list and transparencies for his Chairman’s introduction; etc. of participants; Kurti’s manuscript notes Miscellaneous background material 1970s, 1980s 2 folders. Insulation 1953-1972 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re double-glazing. Includes Kurtis ‘Notes on double glazing’, 17 March 1955 (D.35). Kurti was a keen advocate of double-glazing for energy conservation some years before it was generally accepted as a practical measure. The Chiefly printed material, including 1982 report of Study Group on Pressurised Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Integrity. Miscellaneous material. Includes Kurti’s Nuclear power 1972-1989 Oil letter to N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Times, 12 November 1973. Renewable and alternative energy sources 1954-1975 Chiefly printed material. solar power and wind power. Includes material re utilisation of 2 folders. D.41-D.44 General and miscellaneous material 1954-1993 D.41 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1954-1960 ‘Energy Contents of Kurti’s folder so inscribed. 1977, n.d. 1880, 1931- 1998 1990 D.45-D.105 HISTORY OF SCIENCE Letter from University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Fells, |. Professor of Energy Conversion, Material on energy consumption in cooking Operation Epsilon: the Farm Hall transcripts, introduced by ‘Reflections of an Amateur “Historian of Science” ‘ by Kurti, in ed. John Roche, Physicists Look Back: Studies in the History of Physics (1990) D.46-D.75 Topics D.46-D.64 German wartime atomic bomb 1880-1997 1943-1990s Photocopy of article. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 F.C. Frank (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1993) their involved At the end of the Second World War in July 1945, ten leading German physicists country’s atomic project were interned for six months at Farm Hall, Godmanchester, near Huntingdon. In Operation Epsilon, their conversations were British the German Intelligence, representations wartime atomic programme. over many years the British Academy, the transcripts (the voice recordings not having survived) were released by the Lord Chancellor in 1992. principally for information Following secretly recorded Society Royal and on by in by in had served the Frank Second World War. He had met some of the imprisoned German scientists before the war and visited Farm Hall during their time there. intelligence scientific during Correspondence 1987, 1990 Includes letter to the Guardian by Kurti, dated 27 April 1987. 1991-1992 1987-1993 Correspondence and papers. Correspondence with A. Kramish Campaign for the release of the Farm Hall transcripts Includes correspondence re campaign for release of Farm Hall transcripts. Includes correspondence with E. Bagge, H. Korsching, C.F. von Weizsacker and K. Wirtz, the four surviving Farm Hall scientists, re release of the material. 1991-1992 Includes ‘Notes about the “Farm Hall recordings” ‘ by Kurti, 28 March 1992; note by P. Ganz on ‘Reliability of the transcripts’, 1992. Correspondence and papers re the transcripts Correspondence 1991-1993 D.49-D.52 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Publication of Operation Epsilon book Includes draft of Frank’s Foreword, with Kurti’s manuscript corrections, and reviews, including that by Kurti in Nature, 8 July 1993. Historical material 1943, 1945 Contents of envelope: material of F.E. Simon, including letter of 6 September 1945 on the advisability of employing German scientists on the atomic bomb project. Photocopies of 1941 and 1945 material Includes notes from UK Tube Alloys 1941, extracts from Farm Hall transcripts. project meetings D.57-D.62 D.57-D.60 Printed and typescript background material sent to Kurti for comment or interest mid 1990s 4 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. D.61 includes material by Kurti. D.61, D.62 Miscellaneous printed and typescript papers ‘Heisenberg’s bombs. Error and deception in the German Atomic Bomb project 1939-45’ by R.L. Rose 1987-1993 Newspaper cuttings, including historical articles and book reviews D.64 is German-language material. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 D.65-D.69 Hungarian emigre scientists 1975-1990s D.65-D.68 ‘The voice of the Martians. The quest for nuclear chain reaction - a Hungarian version’ by G. Marx early 1990s Typescript draft. 4 folders. was published This Martians: Hungarian Scientists Who Shaped the 20th Century in the West (1994). Voice The the as of The title arose from humorous anecdotes that equated Hungarians with living among humans. intelligent extraterrestrial beings Miscellaneous papers on Hungarian emigre scientists 1975-1994, n.d. material Includes scientists in Britain. on pre-twentieth century Hungarian D.71, D.71A 2 folders. See also D.94. 1961-1994, n.d. Low temperature physics Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford Miscellaneous material on the history and archives of the Clarendon. 1997 Miscellaneous material on the history of research in low temperature physics and cryogenics. At D.71A is typescript draft of ‘Introduction to the history of cryogenics’ by R.G. Scurlock. Correspondence and papers on credit for the discovery of superconductivity. 1880, 1967- 1990, n.d. Superconductivity 1982, 1996- N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 D.73-D.75 ‘Nullius in verba’ 1979-1980 In 1980 Kurti and P. Marshall, Moore Professor of Latin at Amherst College, Massachusetts, wrote a circular letter to scientists and to classicists asking what they understood by the Royal Society’s motto, ‘Nullius in verba’. Circular letter and replies thereto 1979-1980 2 folders. Not indexed. Kurtis rough manuscript notes; photocopied background material D.76-D.90 Individual scientists 1963-1993 Florey, Howard Walter 1968, 1970 D.76 Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa 1966-1971 Includes account by Andrade of the circumstances leading up to his resignation from the Directorship and Fullerian Professorship of Chemistry at the Royal Institution, 1966; appreciation by Kurti for The Times. 1963-1965 Material re Helmholtz and possible offer of the Oxford Chair of Experimental Philosophy in 1865. D.79-D.82 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Correspondence, chiefly with W. Haberditzl, re Helmholtz Fuchs, Klaus Emil Julius Correspondence. Correspondence re archival material of Florey. 1982, 1984 1963-1985 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 Correspondence 1973-1975 Also includes manuscript draft of Kurti’s talk on ‘The ups and downs of Oxford physics’, 19 November, referring to Helmholtz and Oxford. Correspondence and papers 1984-1985 copies of Nature vol in Includes 1865?’, ‘Helmholtz’s choice’, Nature vol 314 (1985), p 499 with transcript of letter offering Oxford Chair to Helmholtz. ‘Opportunity lost Kurtis 308 articles (1984), and 313 Miscellaneous background material, including manuscript notes Kronberger, Hans 1970-1986 Correspondence. ‘A physicist London, Heinz 1972-1979 1985, 1986 Lindemann, Frederick Alexander Correspondence and papers, including notes on London by his widow, Lucie. Correspondence and papers re centenary of Lindemann’s birth. 1968-1993 Correspondence and papers including not forgotten: Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley’ by Kurti, Oxford Magazine, Michaelmas 1987. See also J.904. Exchange with J.F. Allen re obituary of Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn, Kurt Alfred Georg Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 D.88, D.89 Schrédinger, Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander 1984-1990 D.88 Correspondence with P.K. Hoch and W.J. Moore 1984-1985 Correspondence re Schrédinger’s attitude to the Nazis and accusation of cowardice 1989-1990 Smith, Samuel Spencely 1983, 1990 Correspondence re contribution Alloys’ project. of Smith to the ‘Tube D.91-D.98 Correspondence with historians of science 1963-1998 Brooks, M.A. 1979-1981 Hoch, P.K. 1981-1985 Kuhn, T.S. 1963, 1967 Correspondence re oral history of refugees in the 1930s and during the Second World War. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Kurti as a refugee scientist, and Lindemann and the Academic Assistance Council. 1968-1997 D.95-D.98 Shorter historical correspondence Morell, J.B. See also D.70. Correspondence re development of quantum physics. Correspondence re history of the Clarendon Laboratory. 1991-1998 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 1968-1974 1976-1983 Includes typescript draft of ‘The roots of modern magnetic research in for comment. Britain... Keith, Kurti sent S.T. by to 1985-1992 1996-1997 Includes in superconductivity sent to Kurti for interest. research papers on_ helium = and D.99-D.103 Film records of science 1969-1981 on this Contents of Kurti’s folder. Includes copy of letter to The Times, 25 June. Correspondence, chiefly with the BBC and National Film Archive In 1969 Kurti discovered that some film footage of his heat experiment for a television programme about Lindemann had been destroyed by the BBC. He conducted a detailed correspondence issue June-November 1969, lobbying for the preservation of all important film material. He returned to the issue in 1974 and 1977 as a member of the BBC’s Science Consultative Group. Slade School of Fine Art Film Department conference on ‘Film and the Historian’, University College London, 22-23 September 1969 Kurti was unable to attend and suggested Professor M.M. Gowing be invited. Correspondence and papers. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 of scientists and topics represented in the BBC’s Lists Sound Archive Correspondence 1974-1977 Includes material re Science Consultative Goup, including Kurtis for science and technology’, 4 January 1974. typescript records ‘Taped filmed note and Correspondence and papers Includes copy of letter to The Times, 24 July. D.104, D.105 Miscellaneous material D.104 Includes photograph of ‘The results of the test of the first liquid hydrogen cooled magnet coil on April 1932 in Berlin’; copy (negative and print-out) from Das Reich, 25 February 1945 (on the first use of the phrase ‘iron curtain’). 1 1931-1977, n.d. 1931-1961 1977, n.d. 1972-1975 D.106-D.108 D.106-D.109 POLLUTION Copy of list of reports on Tube Alloys project, n.d.; ‘CERN History’, May 1977 Contents of Kurti’s folder: miscellaneous papers on various aspects of pollution, including sulphur dioxide, nuclear waste, etc. 1972-1975 Contents atmospheric pollution (sulphur and nitrogen dioxides). inscribed: 1972-1975 of Kurtis folder so material on 3 folders. ‘Pollution’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Science-related interests, D.1-D.115 D.110-D.113 SALMONELLA 1988-1997 Correspondence and papers on salmonella and methods of cooking eggs. Following a salmonella scare and official advice to hard boil eggs, Kurti was concerned at the deleterious effect on the quality of cooking that would result, and proposed a method of home pasteurization. 1988 Includes letters to the Observer and Independent. 1989 Includes papers re Sunday Express Magazine Workshop on Eggs, 19 July, and newspaper cuttings. 1990 1991, 1993, 1997 Background material D.114, D.115 UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY RELATIONS 1962-1985 T.J. Humphrey, Principal Chiefly correspondence with Microbiologist of the Public Health Laboratory Service. 1968 Miscellaneous correspondence 1967-1968, 1985 1962, 1967, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.440 1911-1998 E.1-E.236 DRAFTS E.237-E.242 BOOK REVIEWS E.243-E.303 LETTERS TO THE MEDIA E.304-E.438 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.439. E.440 OFFPRINTS E.1-E.236 DRAFTS ‘Notes on nuclear cooling’ 1911, 1956- 1997, n.d. 1956, n.d. includes Also ‘Further experiments on nuclear cooling’, written sometime after 1959 and likewise unpublished. handwritten Kurtis report on See also J.46. typescript (unpublished) further elucidating an Original experiment discussed in a forthcoming paper by Kurti et al. on ‘Nuclear cooling’, Nature vol.178 (September 1956), 450-453. ‘Nuclear orientation and the hyperfine structure coupling in cobalt metal’, Philosophical Magazine vol. 4 (August 1959), 948-956 4 folders. Copy of original article, 2 copies of typescript and original illustrations. Includes correspondence with 2 co-authors, C.E. Johnson and R.G. Scurlock, and with C.V. Heer re Heer’s work on cobalt metal as a low temperature heat reservoir. Also includes notes and calculations in several hands. 1956-1959 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 ‘The lowest temperature in the world’, Physics Today vol. 13 (October 1960), 26-29 1960-1993 and ‘Nuclei entitled cryophysics’, Copy of original article and final draft. Also includes earlier typescript, 3 photographic illustrations. Further includes correspondence title, subsequent republication of ‘Nuclei re the change in and cryophysics’ as a chapter in a projected volume on The realm of science, and inclusion of the original article within the Physics Teacher's CD-ROM Toolkit Project of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. and 3 folders. Experimental cryophysics, ed. with F.E. Hoare and L.C. Jackson (London, 1961) 1956-1963, n.d. Contract 1956 Original memorandum of agreement with Butterworths for a ‘Low temperature techniques’. manuscript entitled book of a Proofs the 3 _ editors, various between 5 folders. E.10-E.14 1959-1962 Correspondence Incomplete set of proofs, partially annotated. Correspondence contributors to the book and the publisher. 1962, 1963 Includes covering letters from F.E. Hoare. Royalty statements 1961-1963 Reviews N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 E.20-E.25 Publications, E.1-E.440 Miscellaneous Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Calc[ulations] of Debye Funcftion]’. Includes tables giving the Debye functions for specific heat and internal energy. Further includes loose sheets with jottings and calculations. ‘La désaimantation adiabatique’, Industries atomiques vol. 7 (1962), 95-99 1960, 1962 Copy of original article and typescript of Kurti’s lecture, presented at a conference of the Société lAir Liquide in May 1960. ‘Absolute zero’ Encyclopedia vol. 1, Physics (c.1965) and ‘Liquefaction of gases’, Chambers Offprints 1947, 1960- c.1965 c.1965 Copies of original articles. Proofs Drafts 2 folders. 1960x1964 Copies of uncorrected proofs. Extensively corrected draft of ‘Liquefaction of gases’ and earlier drafts of both articles. 1964 Correspondence with the publishers. Also includes older correspondence with British Oxygen Company Ltd (BOC) re liquefaction of oxygen. The material suggests that Kurti was re-working articles he had written Chambers Encyclopedia. edition earlier Correspondence 1947, 1960- J.R. Park of the for an of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Miscellaneous Illustrations etc. E.26-E.29 ‘Spins (1967), 21-40 and cryogenics’, Contemporary Physics vol. 8 1967, n.d. See also G.43. Based on a lecture given at Cornell University, US, May 1964. Offprint Copy of original article. Draft 1964x1967 Copy of typescript with corrections in Kurti’s hand. graphs, two used for this of which were 1967, n.d. Illustrations Miscellaneous re numbers of Various publication. Jottings and loose typescript corrections. Further includes G.R. Noakes re making reprints correspondence with available for buyers and pupils taking science in the Upper Sixth at Uppingham. Committee (Dainton Report) from the perspective of the H. Coblans was the editor of the journal. He had invited Libraries Kurti ‘The Documentation vol. 25 (December 1969), 315-318 scientific community, Noakes was the editor of Contemporary physics. Copy correspondence with H. Coblans. original journal of to discuss the Report of the National Journal of needs of the issue, typescript and N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 ‘scientist-user’. ‘Simon Memorial Prize 1970’, Physics Bulletin 21 (1970), 418 1970x1971 Proofs showing the award ceremony. and 1 monochrome photographic reproduction, The Simon Memorial Prize was named after Kurti’s teacher and mentor Sir Francis Simon. In 1970 the prize went to W. Meissner. E.32-E.38 ‘Simon, Sir Francis (Franz) Eugen (1893-1956)’, Dictionary of National Biography vol. 1951-1960 (1971), 890-892 1928-1971 Article 1961-1968 Copy of original article, typescript and correspondence with Oxford University Press; print-out (2007) of revised entry. E.33-E.38 ‘Simon-file’ E.33-E.36 4 folders. Correspondence Simon Memorial Volume 1928-1962, n.d. and many members of the Contents of a folder so inscribed. Includes correspondence between F.E. Simon and M. Born and between Simon and Kurti; correspondence between Kurti international physics community re Simon’s death; the establishment of a Simon Memorial Lecture and a number of other projects, including a fur physikalische Textbook, publication of Simon’s Collected Papers and a Simon Memorial Fellowship. 1946-1962 Also includes correspondence with N. Arms re her book A Prophet in Two Countries: The Life of F. E. Simon (New York, 1966) and with C. Sluzewski (lawyer) re a claim for reparations from the German people on behalf of Simon’s daughter Kathrin. Kurtis teacher and mentor F.E. Simon died unexpectedly in October 1956. Kurti helped orchestrate the ensuing in Simon the Memorial Zeitschrift Chemie, a N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 activities to pay tribute to Simon’s life and achievements, among them the Simon biography by N. Arms, who had been Simon’s secretary for two years and then married one of his students. Miscellaneous Loose material, including a monochrome photograph of F.E. Simon and typescript of his CV, dated 1928. 1928, 1958, n.d. 2 folders. ‘Cryomagnetic research at the Clarendon Laboratory’, in Search and Research with M. Ryle and R.L.F. Boyd, ed. J.P. Wilson (London, 19771), 56-91 1971, n.d. of Set correspondence with the publishers, Mullard Ltd. chronological (including proofs table) and E.40-E.42 the book and 1967-1971, n.d. and correspondence re This publication was prepared ‘largely from tape-recorded interviews in the laboratories, supplemented by information from published and private papers’. ‘Chapter 1: Thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and their relevance to cryogenics’, in Advanced Cryogenics ed. C.A. Bailey (London, 1971), 1-50 Proofs Kurti’s chapter. Also includes a typescript outline of the course of lectures on which the book was based and a handwritten draft of Kurtis contribution to the course. c.1971-1985 ‘Chapter 1’, Cryogenic Fundamentals, ed. G.G. Haselden (London, 1971), 1-15 Includes illustration and royalty statements for 1978 and 1985. extensively ‘Cailletet - et aprés’, Chatillon presse 25 November 1977, 1 E.43-E.45 2 corrected drafts, 1 _ original 3 folders. 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Copy of original newspaper and typescript. Also includes correspondence re the article and re information on R. Pictet. The article was written for the centenary celebrations of the liquefaction of oxygen by L. Cailletet in Chatillon, France. Kurti was interested also in Pictet, who likewise had successfully liquefied oxygen in 1877. R. E.47-E.49 ‘Dr Kurt Mendelssohn’, advance obituary for The Times 1968-1980 Several typescript drafts, some dating from c. 1977, some extensively corrected. Further includes correspondence with editors of The Times, 1975-1980, handwritten and typescript drafts of Kurti’s remarks on presenting the Simon Memorial Prize to Mendelssohn in 1968, and additional material. 3 folders. 1968-1982 and norms’ set out in the of E.50-E.60 Also includes typescripts of acceptance understanding Contract and outline ‘Scientific Researchers: The Nature and Impact of their Work’ (UNESCO) Kurti never completed his manuscript for this UNESCO book project, which was eventually dropped. a book to promote ‘wider Contract with UNESCO for the and knowledge, principles 1974 Recommendations [to Member States on the Status of Scientific Workers]’. draft outlines and of part of the second chapter. 1979-1982 De Hemptinne and Goddard remembered Kurti from an earlier collaboration (see E.55-E.60). Correspondence Division Correspondence with Y. de Hemptinne and B. Goddard of the Policies (previously the Science Policy Division), UNESCO. Also includes notes and newspaper clippings. Technology Science and of E.51-E.54 4 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.55-E.60 Additional material 1968-1969 Material re Kurti’s participation in a working party preparing a discussion paper on ‘Fundamental research’ for the first Conference of Ministers of the European Member States responsible for Science Policy (MINESPOL), hosted by UNESCO in 1970. Includes correspondence, successive drafts ‘Aspects of nationaux draft commentary by members of the working party), and a handwritten transcript 2-day meeting of the working party in Paris in April 1969. Further includes material from earlier preparatory meetings, held in 1968. the proceedings of Auger’s la fondamentale’ recherche discussion paper P. de (with on of a 6 folders. The working party was set Policy Division. up by UNESCO’s Science ‘Dishy delectations’, The Times, 8 August 1981 a_ place for physics in Good should 2 folders. physics’, cookery?) E.64, E.65 Housekeeping ‘Cooks use (September 1981), 168 Copy of original article, typescript with original title (‘What's in a name?’) and correspondence. Copy of original article, typescript draft with original title (‘Is there and correspondence. 1981-1985 ‘A scientist looks at cookery’, Home Economics (October 1982), 8-9 Copy of original magazine, proofs, typescript draft and correspondence. ‘Liquid helium at the Clarendon Laboratory’, Nature vol. 302 (17 March 1983), 210 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 E.67-E.74 Publications, E.1-E.440 Copy of original version. article and typescript draft of original Fleetwood ‘Leslie Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol. 29 (November 1983), 1-25 1897-1978’, Bates, E.67-E.70 Article 1970-1984 1978x1983 proofs, Copy of corrections, and handwritten draft. original article, typescript drafts with 4 folders. Correspondence 1978-1984 L.F. students with friends, correspondence and former Includes colleagues, Bates’s daughter E.S. Lautch. Also includes correspondence with the Contemporary Scientific Archive Centre in Oxford and the Manuscripts Department of University of Nottingham Library, re the Bates archive. Bates’s with and of 2 folders. Research Materials 1971, 1981, n.d. a taped conversation with E.S. Includes transcripts Lautch, 21 January 1981, and of conversations with former colleagues and students at Nottingham, taped during a visit on 22 January 1981. Also includes material from the Bates archive, among others a list of ‘folders which Bates wished to be put aside for Professor Kurt’. 1973, c.1984 ‘The hypodermic syringe in the kitchen’, publication details unknown Typescript dated 21 article, with additional material. Possibly published Symposium on Food and Cookery, 1984 & 1985. the Proceedings of April 1984, photocopy of published 2 folders. Oxford in the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 ‘Fizikus Magyar Konyha (1985, no. 2) a konyhaban’ [‘The physicist in the kitchen’], 1984-1985 Copy of original article, with 2 typescript drafts. ‘Fizikus a konyhaban’, Fisikai Szemle (1985, no. 2), 70-71 1984-1985 of Copy correspondence. original article, with typescript draft and E.78-E.80 ‘Kugler, Gerbeaud and V6érésmarty’, Magyar Hirek, 8 June 1985, 31 1984-1986 Copy of original magazine, in which the article appeared both in Hungarian and in English. Also includes typescript of the English version. Further includes correspondence with M. Agoston of the Konditorei Gerbaud and with the editors of the Guardian and the Christian Science Monitor. Further the Konditorei Gerbaud, chiefly in Hungarian. background includes material loose re 3 folders. E.81-E.90 1911, 1963- 1986 M. Agoston was the director of the Konditorei Gerbaud. Kurti had approached both the Guardian and the Christian Science Monitor with this particular piece of writing. ‘A personal postscript’, in L. Hatvany, Die Wissenschaft des nicht Wissenswerten, with annotations by A. Grafton (Oxford, 1986), xv-xvi 1985, n.d. Hatvany’s satirical portrait of German university life created a sensation in German academic circles when it appeared in 1908. Kurti first met the Hatvanys in Oxford in 1940. Following Hatvany’s death in 1961, Kurti spearheaded a campaign to see the book reissued. The project finally succeeded 25 years later. Typescript, proofs and photocopy of Kurti’s postscript. Also includes typescripts and proofs of H. Lloyd-Jones’s preface and of J. Szentagothai’s foreword. Further includes proofs of A. Grafton’s introduction and notes. E.81, E.82 Book 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.83-E.89 Correspondence 1963-1972, 1982-1986 Two sequences. Correspondents include the Baroness Hatvany, publishers, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as well as a number of scholars whom Kurti persuaded to participate in successive versions of the project, among them E.L. Bowie, A. Grafton and H. Lloyd-Jones. Some of the correspondence is in Hungarian. 7 folders. to first effort A by Pergamon Press foundered by 1970. A second attempt, launched in 1982, proved successful. have Hatvany’s book republished Additional material Copy of the original second edition (Berlin, 1911). of Hatvany’s work Simon: Myths, mishaps Max mysteries Clifton, Helmholtz, Copy of typescript. Lindemann, and _ ‘Undergraduate in Paris 1926-28: Graduate student and Dr. Phil. in Berlin, 1928-31’, in R. Williamson, The Making of Physicists (Bristol, 1987), 86-90 Miller, ‘Cailletet, Pictet, in cryogenics’, in Proceedings of the Eleventh International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Berlin, West Germany, 22-25 April 1986, (Guildford, 1986) 1987x1988 Typescript, with a letter responding to comments on the manuscript. Typescript, with a letter from the publishing house (Adam Hilger). sensual ‘The publication details unknown aspects consumption/eating’, 1986x1987 of food N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.94-E.178 But the Crackling is Superb, ed. 1988) with G. Kurti (Bristol, 1985-1997 Chiefly ‘Crackling’. contents of a number of folders inscribed Dust jacket Copy of original dust jacket, with photocopy of Kurtis contribution, ‘Bird custard: The true story’, and a correction slip. E.95-E.148 Pre-production and production 1985-1988 In May 1985 Kurti sent out a circular letter inviting 50 Fellows of the Royal Society to contribute to a proposed anthology of ‘recipes, views on cooking, new ideas and anything that may come to your mind concerning food and its enjoyment’. After an encouraging response, he followed up with a second circular (September 1986) and a third (January 1987). By spring 1987 almost every Fellow had received an invitation. The resulting volume was published in October 1988, by Adam Hilger Ltd, then the publishing arm of the Institute of Physics. list 1985-1988 E.95-E.107 1985-1987 E.108-E.138 Declined invitations in alphabetical order. Includes some Chiefly return slips, letters. Copies of original circular, of 50 Fellows to whom it was sent, and second circular (September 1986) can be found at E.95. 1987, n.d. Handwritten list with word counts etc. circular letter dated August 1987. Correspondence with contributors Also includes a Chiefly correspondence, in alphabetical order, interspersed with all Not correspondents ended up contributing to the anthology. handwritten typescript). drafts (both and 13 folders. List of authors N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Alfvén-Arndt Includes a typescript draft of R.M. Alexander's contribution. E.110-E.112 Bangham-Burton 1987-1988 Includes a background Custard Powder. handwritten for material draft Kurtis by M.S. Bartlett contribution on and Bird’s 3 folders. Casimir-Curran 1987-1988 Includes typescript drafts by D.J. Crisp and S.C. Curran. Datta-Eglinton 1985-1987 Includes an exchange with G. Eglinton on a geochemical recipe, for the preparation of North Sea oil. 2 folders. ‘Faraday’ 1988, n.d. Fellgett-Fowler 1985-1988 Includes an exchange with Sir Hugh Ford on energy used in making cartons for breakfast cereals. Photocopies of extracts from the correspondence, diary and publications of Sir Michael Faraday, with a letter from the librarian of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. n.d. Includes a typescript draft by P.G.H. Gell. Also includes correspondence with G.A. Gilbert and his wife Lilo re her suitability as a contributor. BM. Bens Gaydon-Gutfreund 1985-1987, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 ‘Hales’ Photocopies of S. Hales’s account of his trials ‘to cure the ill taste of milk’, 1755. Hart-Humphrey Includes typescript drafts by M. Hart, O.V.S. Heath and A. Hewish. B26 122 Jamison-Krebs 1986-1988 Includes exchanges with A.R. Katritzky on ‘Rumfordsche Suppe’ on hydrodynamics, e.g. the ‘legs’ left by brandy on the inner surface of a glass. (Rumford Soup), Keller with J.B. and 2 folders. R.A. 2 folders. 4 folders. E.125-E.128 1987-1988 1986-1987 E.123, £.124 Laws-Lyttleton McCance-Mitchell Includes a typescript draft of J.F. Loutit’s contribution and correspondence with the ‘cooking’ of results. Lyttleton on Includes an extensive exchange with F.B. Mercer at E.126, E.127. Also includes an agreement procured by Sir William Mitchell and signed by P. Bocuse, allowing for a menu card from the Restaurant Paul Bocuse to be reproduced in the contribution ‘They order these things better in France’. 1986-1987 Includes correspondence with J. Needham on ‘The coming of ardent water’ (1972). Needham-Neumann N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.130-E.134 Parkes-Postgate 1985-1988 Includes an extensive exchange with J.R. Philip at E.131, E.132 (with typescript drafts of Philip’s contribution and of an radio programme based on it). Also includes exchanges with E.R. Pike, N.W. Pirie and Sir Harry Pitt. Broadcasting Commission (ABC) Australian 5 folders. Rabinovitch-Rothschild 1986-1987 Includes a_ contribution. typescript draft of P.D. Richardson’s Schmidt Nielsen-Szentagothai Tabor-Temple E.139-E.148 10 folders. Walker-Widdowson Correspondence with the publishers Includes typescript and handwritten drafts of Dom G.F.J. Temple’s contribution. In chronological order. Includes correspondence with G.R. Pickett, who provided illustrations for the volume, and with Sir George Porter (subsequently Baron Porter), who wrote the introduction. A circular letter to Fellows and Foreign Members of the Royal Society, announcing the impending appearance of the anthology, can be found at E.146. E.148 contains the original proposal to Adam Hilger Ltd, the original draft agreement, the contract, a review list, etc. 1988-1989 E.149-E.154 Correspondence E.149-E.159 Reactions to the book 1986-1987, n.d. 1985-1988 1988-1990 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 enjoyed file, who in alphabetical order. Includes letters Contents of a from includes readers correspondence with the contributors re their honorarium, the pricing of the book, etc. Circular letters from Kurti can be found at E.149. E.151 contains an exchange with the Earl of Halsbury on Volunteers for lonising Radiation (see H.955). book. Also the 6 folders. E.155-E.159 Book reviews 1988-1990 Copies of book reviews, in alphabetical order, and with correspondence. Kurti’s lists of journals that reviewed the anthology and of journals that received review copies can be K. Mellanby’s unflattering review in the magazine Nature. reactions contains E.155. E.157 found to at 5 folders. E.160-E.175 1988-1996 was deal with by a both 16 folders. complicated E.176-E.178 Promotion, distribution and sales of the book Correspondence, chiefly with the publishers and the US distributors. Includes sales figures. Correspondence with contributors re their share of the royalties can be found at E.167. Kurti characteristically took a hands-on approach both to the book’s marketing and distribution, and to the issue of his royalty entitlements. The interpretation of his contract the Macmillan Library of Science Book Club, and by switching from Taylor & Francis to the American Institute of Physics as US distributors. 1997 For the dispute that ensued between the Kurtis and the publishers re the design of the new cover, see E.177, Er Colour copy of the new cover. Cover illustration Second edition 1996-1997 3176 or N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Bi; are Correspondence 1996-1997 a of by the French potential second edition Correspondence re the anthology, with new contributions, among them a new introduction de Gennes. It appears that in the end the original anthology was reprinted in paperback, with one additional article. Includes a publicity questionnaire and a summary of sales figures of the book to date. Also includes correspondence re and with Edwina Currie MP as a suitable reviewer. laureate Nobel P.-G. 2 folders. In 1988 Currie, the health minister, provoked outrage by saying most of Britain’s egg production was infected with the salmonella bacteria. Kurti’s anthology contained an article on ‘Safe salmonella contaminated soft boiled eggs’. E.179, E.180 ‘Chemistry and Benckard, Scientific American vol. 270 (April 1994), 44-50 kitchen’, physics with the H. This- in 1993-1994 Copy of original article, with an early typescript draft and correspondence. of proofs original 2 folders. 3 folders. college?’, draft and 1993-1995 E.184-E.223 E.181-E.183 is my Oxford Independent, 22 ‘How green August 1994 Photocopy, typescript the newspaper article, with correspondence and background material. 1992-1995 This book on the science of food and cookery started life as a BBC TV Continuing Education project. Originally titled ‘Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble’, it was produced by G. Auckland and revolved around the chef Raymond Blanc. Kurti acted as one of the scientific advisors and in one episode could be seen cycling to Blanc’s restaurant Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons, near Oxford. Another scientific advisor was the French science editor Hervé This. The series was broadcast in six episodes starting in September 1994, also the publication date of the book. Blanc Mange: Raymond Blanc’s Guide to Improving your Cooking, by R. Blanc (BBC, 1994) N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 For videotape recordings of four programmes (1, 4-6) see K.111-K.114. E.184, E. 185 Cover etc Photocopies of cover design and of proofs of a chapter, ‘A pinch of science’. Also includes an early synopsis, copy of the flyer annotated in Kurtis hand, and a photocopy of the review in the Times Literary Supplement. production schedule, publicity copies the of 2 folders. E.186-E.210 Drafts Typescript drafts, unless stated otherwise. E.186-E.196 ‘Batch 1’ 1993-1994, n.d. c.1993-1994 11 folders. ‘Basics’ 2 folders. set of the 4 folders. ‘Batch 3’ E.197-E.200 ‘Batch 2’ 1993x1994 Contents of envelopes so inscribed, containing 3 sets of the first batch of recipes. Contents of a folder so inscribed, containing 1 second batch of recipes. 1993-1994 Several partial drafts of a chapter titled ‘Basics’ or ‘A pinch of science’. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. A.265. See also A.262- E.202, E.203 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.204-E.208 Partial drafts 1993-1994 Loose material, in chronological order. 5 folders. E.209, E.210 Undated drafts Typescript and handwritten drafts. 2 folders. E.211-E.220 Correspondence 1993-1995 chronological In discussions between Kurti, H. This, R. Blanc and representatives of the BBC. Includes correspondence with readers. editorial Chiefly order. 10 folders. 3 folders. culinary science’, in Cooks and 1995x1996 1992-1994 E.221-E.223 Television programme Correspondence, drafts etc re the television series to which the book was intended as a companion. Correspondence (in chronological order) can be found at E.221, E.222. E£.223 contains early programme ideas, a (partial) script outline, and handwritten running orders (by the producer, G. Auckland). Also includes a few recipe outlines. corrections. ‘Rumford and Other People. Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1995, ed. H. Walker (Totnes, 1996), 170-184 ‘Mivel foglalkozik egy Greg fizikus?’, Fisikai Szemle (1996, no. 11) Photocopy of original article and faxed proofs with Kurti’s Typescript draft. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E:440 ‘Space, time and food’, in Food on the Move. Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 1996, ed. H. Walker (Totnes, 1997) 1996x1997 Typescript draft. E.227-E.232 ‘Parity and chivalry in nuclear physics’, with Nature vol. 385 (13 February 1997), 575 C. Sutton, 1996-1997, n.d. Also draft. includes typescript Includes copy of original article, proofs with corrections and a E.228-E.231) correspondence re the physicist C.-S. Wu and her role in a Further crucial includes (at E.232) background material, among it an undated draft account by R.P. Hudson on ‘The 1956 parity experiment’, which Hudson had assembled from memory, his diary, and the experiment notebook of E. Ambler. experiment violation. parity 1956 on (at 6 folders. E.233, E.234 ‘La science et le plaisir de manger’, Alliage 31 (Summer 1997), 3-11. Kurti maintained that chivalry, rather than merit, led to Wu appearing as principal author of the paper in which the parity experiment was published in 1957. The timing of Kurtis paper was unfortunate: Wu died on 16 February 1997, 3 days after Kurti’s article with C. Sutton came out. E. Ambler was one of R.P. Hudson’s three colleagues at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C, US, who co-authored the 1957 paper. 1997, n.d. Photocopy with corrections in Kurti’s hand. Also includes correspondence and additional material. publication was based on This Kurtis Andrew Simon Memorial Lecture, delivered at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 20 October 1993, the 60th birthday of the Wine & Food Society that commissioned the oration. Kurti’s lecture was entitled ‘Science and the joys of eating’. typescript 2 folders. original article, draft of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Undated drafts Handwritten and typescript drafts. List of publications 2 typescripts. E.237-E.242 BOOK REVIEWS c.1951-1998 Copies and photocopies of original drafts and correspondence, in chronological order. reviews, typescript 6 folders. all Physics exchanges with editors, as the to write. New Scientist and 1956-1998 E.243-E.303 In addition to LETTERS TO THE MEDIA readers Included among the themes Kurti Kurtis responses to news items, feature articles, other people’s letters to the press, broadcasts, and other events prompting him the national newspapers, his letters appeared in the French and the North American press, as well as in scientific magazines such Today. Occasionally these communications developed into more and extensive organisations. often revisited were ‘atrocities committed against the English language’, gastrophysics, the Farm Hall recordings, and the promises of Combined Heat and Power (CHP). the physicists C.S. Wu, E. Ambler and R.P. Hudson and Includes letters to the New Scientist and to the Observer re Hall Farm recordings were secret of The conversations between 10 German scientists who were thought to Nazi Germany’s nuclear weapon programme. The scientists were interned at Farm Hall, a wiretapped house in Godmanchester, from 3 July 1945 to 3 January 1946 (see D.46-D.64). have worked on recordings 1956-1959 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 respective their violation. role in crucial experiments on_ parity 1961-1964 Includes discussions re electric schemes on Zealand, and re the Concord project. the impact of hydro- the Tongariro National Park, New potential In 1962 the British and French Governments signed an international treaty for the joint design, development and manufacture of a supersonic airliner, Concord. ‘Brain drain’ 1963-1967 the a 27 from loss a campaign against the British Material of scientists to the US. Includes draft and copy of a letter published in The Times on 5 March 1963 and signed by Kurti with 17 of his colleagues at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford. Also includes correspondence with the Ministry of Science re the speech in the House of Lords that prompted this particular letter, and with the editor of the journal Minerva, where Royal Society report on the ‘Emigration of Scientists from the United Kingdom’ was about to appear. Further includes correspondence re full page advertisement in Physics Today (October 1965), designed to entice British scientists to return to the UK, and correspondence re the French experience of ‘brain drain’. an extensive summary of Lord’s debate on The speech in question was that of Lord Hailsham in the House of Lord Hailsham was responding to the conclusions reached by the Sutherland Committee of the Royal Society in its recent on report United Kingdom. Includes correspondence re power cables, cryosystems and premium bonds. Also includes copy of an original advertisement in The Times of 23 December 1965, signed by Kurti and other concerned public figures in protest against the escalation of US military commitments in Vietnam. February 1963. Emigration of Scientists from the 1965 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 1966 to the status question technological granting Includes correspondence re and the University correct translation of the originally German expression ‘iron curtain’. Also includes several letters to the New Scientist re energy storage by superconductors and re the physics of absolute zero temperatures. of institutions of correspondence re the excessive use of 1966-1973 ‘Acronyms’ series A acronyms. 1967 Includes correspondence re domestic fuel gas storage, postgraduate training awards and how to calculate prices in conjunction with currency fluctuations. costs, 1968 ‘Exit barrier’ See also A.245-A.250. Kurti’s letters and those of other members of the public, with general press coverage, re an incident of March 1967 when Kurti broke the automatic exit barrier at Oxford Station car park because it was jammed. 1967-1969 Includes correspondence re flaws in articles written by the Apollo the inappropriateness of naming an underwater research ship ‘Ben Franklin’. Also includes an exchange with D. Fishlock of the Financial Times re the Oxford Instrument Company, and a letter to The Times in defence of |.R. Maxwell. Includes correspondence re the ‘regrettable practice of channelling money into fundamental research through Defence Departments’. Also includes correspondence re the promise of cryogenic research. Times, 1969 and_ 11 news team of The N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 of the publisher and MP LR. The business practices Maxwell came under intense 1969. Maxwell was censured by the High Court as unfit to run a public company following a failed attempt to sell Pergamon to US finance group Leasco. scrutiny public in ‘Decimalisation’ 1970-1971 Material re decimal currency. The UK (and the Republic of Ireland) decimalised their currencies on 15 February 1971. 1971 boilers, revival and re and re Sir Francis 1972-1973 Also includes significance vis-a-vis similar British correspondence an exchange with petrol tax, economical uses Includes Chichester’s record for sailing across the Atlantic, Oxford’s new railway station, the new 160 kGauss solenoid to be installed at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, the thermal efficiency of power station of of corpses after electricity for heating, and the freezing. D. Larbalestier’s views on the new Oxford hybrid magnet and its European facilities. 1972-1973 Includes correspondence re art on the Underground, the Libyan Airlines Boeing 727 that was shot down by Israeli fighters on 21 February 1973, the use of culinary syringes, etc. Includes correspondence with the SOS Campaign to Save Our Railways, the Transport Reform Group, the Railway Invigoration Society, etc. Kurti and his wife were loyal railway users. ‘Future of the railways’ See also E.274. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.258-E.261 ‘Energy concerns’ 1973-1977 the energy world’s resources, a Correspondence re concern of Kurti’s prompted by the 1973 oil crisis. Includes discussions on alternative energy sources, the efficiency of power stations, the promises of solar power, the dangers of discussing such issues before an uninformed public, etc. Also includes a lengthy dispute with N. Jenkins, starting in The Times and culminating in the magazine Energy World, and correspondence with Rost, MP, re Drax B coal plant. P. See also E.267, E.290, E.291. 4 folders. an Jenkins was N. independent energy analyst who became a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) evangelist. The Drax B plant in Yorkshire was a candidate for the first purpose built combined heat and power station. 1974 1975 1976 facility built around a The Institut Laue-Langevin was a high flux neutron beam reactor. Includes a letter to Nature re the UK’s new partnership in the Institut Laue-Langevin, which Kurti proposed should be renamed Institut Laue-Langevin-Lonsdale. Also includes correspondence with S. Day-Lewis of the Daily Telegraph for a blunder in his report of a recent ‘Horizon’ programme. Includes correspondence re the question of whether the curved-jet method for the separation of isotopes should be Also _ includes referred correspondence the engineering profession, the discovery of pulsars, atrocities committed against the English language, etc. Further correspondence re atrocities committed against the English Also includes discussions of overseas student fees, the menus on Concorde, etc. ‘West-German’. the of language, including scientific English. status to as re N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 1977 Further correspondence re atrocities committed against the English language, etc. 1978 Includes correspondence re a foundation for the support of the arts, education, research etc. financed by a national lottery, re British Airways’ plans to provide Elizabethan feasts on their transatlantic jets, re nuclear ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, etc. a proposal to establish 1979 Includes correspondence re nuclear power, waste heat of power stations, hydrogen as fuel, etc. See also E.258-E.261. ‘Antisemitism’ 1980 2 folders. re Exchanges the correspondence with Maxwell and H. Montefiore, Bishop of Birmingham. origins E. Maxwell and pamphlets by antisemitism. Includes E. of E.269, E.270 1979, 1988- 1993 Includes correspondence re the Hungarian orientalist and traveller Arminius Vambery, the price of gas, the status of engineers, etc. 1981, 1986 Includes correspondence re C.S. Wu’s role in the 1956 parity experiments, the increase of overseas mail rates, in culinary progress, the kitchen equipment and its importance tolerance notably windmills. The exchange on windmills drew an erudite response from role towards Ete 272 1981 of inventions, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 the technological historian J.S.P. Buckland 5 years later. 2 folders. ‘Oral history’ 1969-1981 sound Correspondence re the provisions in the UK for oral history and J. Pengelly, who like Kurti had long championed the cause for improved arrangements. exchange with archives. Includes an ‘High speed trains’ Continues Kurti’s interest in the future of the railways (see E.257). railway enthusiasts. correspondence Includes fellow with 1982 of 1983 into the Civil the editor of science graduates the New Includes correspondence with Scientist, encouraging Kurti to continue his letter-writing. Also includes correspondence and press clippings re the intake Service, Combined Heating and Power, flaws in the headlines of The Times, a ‘Readers’ letter to the cyclists of Oxford’, etc. Includes correspondence re parallels between the Israeli military government's dismissal of foreign teachers from West Bank universities and the dismissal of Jews from university posts in Nazi Germany. Other topics include the proposed nuclear power station at Sizewell, the art of frying iced lollipops, comparisons between the KAL 007 incident and the Libyan Airlines Boeing 727 shot down by Israeli fighters in 1973, etc. The Korean Air Lines flight KAL 007 was shot down by Soviet 1 September 1983. ‘Parachuting for charity’ re _ sponsored interceptors Sakhalin coverage Letters island and further press jet near on N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 parachuting. 1984 from correspondence Includes the Observer re L. Szilard’s escape from Nazi Germany. Other themes include British participation in CERN (in particular the Super Proton Synchroton), architectural fads, coals subsidies, electricity prices, etc. Whitehorn of K. ‘Gillick ruling’ 1984-1989 Correspondence etc. re the interpretation of an Appeal Court ruling in favour of a mother’s case against the DHSS guidelines permitting doctors to prescribe contraceptives to girls under the age of 16 even without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Kurti took issue with the view of Sir Immanuel Jacobovits (the Chief Rabbi) that ruling restored ‘the supremacy of the Ten Commandments ... over the medical profession’s self-proclaimed guidelines’. Includes correspondence with J. Neuberger of the South London Liberal Synagogue. the and the polymath 2 folders. Cultural Foundation E.280, E.281 to two English Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon and pet themes, atrocities committed Kurti against language Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford. Topics also include the the International it sponsored, current affairs, etc. 1985, 1986 Includes comments on current affairs, complaints that the Oxford Times should show more eagerness to publish the results of elections to the Royal Society, etc. Responses to published in Farmers Weekly in July 1986. letter by K. Little on ionizing radiation, ‘Kitty Little’ 1986 1985 returns the a N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.284, E.285 1987 1987, 1988 a bar, high Mars Includes correspondence re the disqualification of a race horse after testing positive for theobromine as a result of consuming temperature superconductivity, what the Farm Hall transcripts reveal about being slaughtered affects the taste of meat, Kurti’s objections to repeatedly encountering a milk float driving the wrong way in an Oxford bus lane, the ‘dream diaries’ of the novelist G. Greene, the Zeebrugge ferry disaster, Sir Francis Simon, etc. Heisenberg, stress prior how W. to 2 folders. E.286, E.287 1988 More on atrocities committed against the English language, the National Health Service, the long-term risks of passive smoking, etc. 2 folders. 1989 2 folders. E:290,E:291 E.288, E.289 ‘The greenhouse effect and nuclear power’ Includes correspondence re the possibility of an ozone hole over the North Pole, various gastrophysical topics, energy policy and the environment, postage rates, etc. 1989, 1990 Continues Kurti’s involvement with questions of energy efficiency and the environment. Includes an original copy of a declaration that ‘nuclear power is not an answer to the greenhouse effect’, instigated by Greenpeace and signed by 100 UK scientists and doctors, among them Kurti. Also includes ensuing exchanges, notably with J.G. Collier and M.S. United Energy Authority (UKAEA), and with Silk of the House of Commons Select Committee on Energy. Further includes Kurti’s to Nature on the Greenpeace declaration, correspondence with Greenpeace, and copies of letters other signatories of the Greenpeace declaration sent to the UKAEA. Kingdom E.P. Atomic Ridout letter of the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 See also E.258-E.261, E.267 et passim. 2 folders. E.292-E.294 1990 Includes correspondence re Lord Marshall's eminence as a physicist, Combined Heating and Power, cryonics, the fate of Germany's national academies following reunification, the closure of the MRC Cryobiology Unit in Cambridge, the West Bank, the lawsuit of the Unification Church against the Daily Mail, etc. 3 folders. E.295; E.296 1991 Topics include animal welfare in Sweden, the New Year’s Honours, current affairs, a BBC programme on Farm Hall, CHP, etc. 2 folders. 1992 Revisits such themes as the neglected virtues of CHP and the Farm Hall recordings. Also includes correspondence re the destruction of Hungarian cultural heritage in Romania, the origins of the Institute of Physics, General Franco’s flight to Spanish Morocco in 1936, polytechnics and their history in a variety of European countries, etc. barter of cultural treasures, alternatives to Topics include fly-wheel energy storage, the regrettable shelving of the planned electrification of the Oxford bus service, the legend that moral scruples prevented German scientists from developing the atomic bomb, etc. Hungarian statesman Includes correspondence re Lajos Kossuth, non-polluting public transport schemes, the international the 1993 1994 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 nuclear power, the building of opera houses, etc. 1995-1996 correspondence Includes last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Einstein’s Oxford, etc. ‘Euromyths’, the re E.301, E.302 ‘Oxford cyclists’ 1996-1997 re an other material in Correspondence and incident December 1996, when Kurti was knocked down by a bicyclist. Includes Kurti’s letter to the Oxford Times, letters from concerned members of the public, press reports of the incident, statement, correspondence with Thames Valley Police, the Oxford Pedestrian Association, etc. copies __Kurti’s police of 2 folders. 1960-1996 E.304-E.307 E.304-E.438 1997-1998 and n.d. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE For Royal Society publications see H.816. Includes a letter re the physicist C.S. Wu etc. Invitation to contribute an article on cooled underground Kurti was associated with the magazine from 1993 to 1996 and, together with Hervé This, dealt with contributions to its culinary section. Chemical Intelligencer Electrical Times 1993-1996 4 folders. 1965-1966 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.309-E.390 Europhysics Letters 1984-1989 a_ from journal resulted partnership The agreement between the European Physical Society (EPS), the French Physical Society (SFP), the italian Physical Society (SIF) and the Institute of Physics (IOP) ‘to launch a journal of high of general interest and importance to the physics community’. The new journal was conceived as a replacement of extant publications of the partners SFP and SIF. Kurti acted as editor-in-chief until 1 April 1989, when W. Buckel succeeded him. prestige containing letters Correspondence and papers re journal the foundation of the 1984-1987 an includes set Kurti Today, (January report to the partners 1985-1989 end-of-year &.310;E-314 Includes Kurti’s invitation to the provisional Management Committee; copy of the partnership agreement between the EPS, SFP, SIF and IOP; Kurti’s presentation on the venture at the EPS Condensed Matter Division conference in Berlin in March 1985 (in transparencies and in paper format); copies of announcements in Europhysics News first and Physics of number a_ signatures of editorial colleagues, presented to in March 1987. flyer announcing the a Further and 1986). Minutes of the Meetings of the Management Board Includes of Europhysics Letters on ‘The financial situation in the year 1988’. years 1986-1988 (E.315), a ‘note from the Past Editor-in- Reports on the performance of the journal and its editors, Includes a presentation covering the including graphs. Minutes of the Meetings of the Editorial Board E.314-E.321 E312; Eons 1986x1990 1985-1989 2 folders. 2 folders. Reports N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Chief dated 27 February 1989 and a summary report with appended tables dated 6 March 1990 (E.316, E.317). Additional material, including handwritten drafts can be found at E.318-E.1. 8 folders. Circular letters Contents of a folder so inscribed. E.323-E.390 Miscellaneous correspondence 1985-1989 order. Includes minutes, chronological In financial accounts, reports on the performance of the journal, etc. Also includes material relating to a voluminous exchange with S. Marinov over articles he submitted 1987-1989. Key themes of editorial discussions include the composition of the editorial board, the maximum length of contributions, delays between submission and publication, the refereeing process, evenly represented in the contributions, etc. European whether nations were was a_ who 1986 1985 physicist Bulgarian 12 folders. E.323-E.334 E.335-E.346 Marinov questioned relativity-theoretical viewpoints and who came to propound ideas of perpetual motion and free energy. 21 folders. An exchange (April-September) re |. Kirschner’s work on high-temperature superconductivity can be found at E.353; some of the letters are in Hungarian. There also is much correspondence with and S. Marinov (E.347-E.350, E.356-E.363, E.365-E.367). E.347-E.367 12 folders. 1987 re N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 (ELTE) The work of Kirschner and his team at the Eétvés Lorand University by colleagues at the Central Research Institute for Physics (KFKI) institutional tensions shown on the occasion as the ‘ELTE-KFKI saga’. questioned Budapest. Budapest referred Kurti was the to in in E.368-E.385 1988 Correspondence with and re S. Marinov can be found at E.368-E'374;'E.377, E.379,-E.380; E.382. 18 folders. E.386-E.390 1989 For information re the journal and its history, compiled for a Kurti meeting of of handing over the responsibilities of editor-in-chief, see E.387. anticipation editorial board the in of L. 5 folders. 1979-1994 E.391-E.398 Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc. Kurti edited Selected Papers of Louis Néel (1988), the English Néel’s Oeuvres scientifiques (1978). translation A polychrome photograph of Kurti and others from the editorial team, taken on the roof of Brasenose College on 25 February 1989, can be found at E.389. 1985, n.d. Includes copies of proofs and of various drafts of Kurti’s translation as annotated copies of the proofs of J.H. van Vleck’s preface to the English edition. original French preface, Author’s questionnaire Completed by Kurti. Proofs and drafts E.392-E.394 3 folders. well the as of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 E.395-E.398 Correspondence etc. 1979-1994 E.398 includes royalty statements. 4 folders. E.399-E.405 Institute of Physics 1962-1996, n.d. In chronological order. An exchange re the desirability of making authors convert their measurements to SI units (i.e. as supported by the Systéme International d’Unités) can be found at E.402. For an article on ‘The teaching of physics in French secondary schools’ (1973), see E.403. 7 folders. E.406-E.422 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 1974-1996 E.407-E.421 General correspondence the foundation of the 1974-1976 Correspondence and papers re journal Includes letters Michaelis, respectively consultant and executive editor of the journal. Also includes a prospectus of the first issue. P.J. Farago and A.R. from In 1974, Kurti joined the editorial board of this new journal, which was founded for the specific purpose of presenting ‘in-depth critical reviews ... for those who plan, direct and execute research at universities, equivalent institutions and in industry’. The first issue of the /nterdisciplinary Science Review appeared in March 1976. 1974-1996 Contents of a folder so inscribed. Includes original dinner menus (some signed) and related correspondence. In chronological order. Includes drafts of papers submitted to the journal. 15 folders. ‘IRS Dinners’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 John Lewis Partnership Correspondence with the John Lewis Partnership re an article by Kurti for the Christmas edition of their Gazette. Includes a copy of the article in question. E.424-E.428 Journal of Low-Temperature Physics 1968-1978 Correspondence and additional material, in chronological order. E.426 includes correspondence in Hungarian (with |. Kirschner). An exchange re professional etiquette in scientific publication, specifically the recognition of earlier work, can be found at E.427. See also J.291. 5 folders. Kurti joined the editorial board of this new journal at the invitation of its editor, J.G. Daunt, in 1968. Nature 1970, 1987 E.431-E.435 1968-1970, 1977 Pergamon Press Ltd Oxford University Press Correspondence, in chronological order. Correspondence, in chronological order. Includes a draft by L. Abello, SJ on ‘An ecological Achilles heel of a hydrogen economy’. 1960-1985 Includes invitation from |.R. Maxwell for Kurti to take the R. place Smoluchowski) of of monographs on solid state physics. At E.432 is material re a due recognition, appropriated a compendium compiled by the National includes correspondence re similarities between A.W.B. Taylor’s book on superconductivity, published in the Wykeham Science Series, and Introduction to Superconductivity by A.C. Rose-Innes and E.H. Rhoderick, a title of Pergamon Correspondence chronological order. Finniston the Press’s as_ co-editor international Press that, without publication of Pergamon (with some _ additional material), in (with series of H.M. Bureau of Standards. £.433 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Publications, E.1-E.440 Press Ltd. 5 folders. Physics Today 1967-1973 E.437, E.438 Miscellaneous correspondence 1961-1985 2 folders. E.439, E.440 OFFPRINTS 1933-1996 In chronological order. Offprints 1933-1959 are at E.439, offprints 1960-1996 at E.440. 2 boxes. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, F.1-F.276 c.1928-1997 F.1-F.247 LECTURES F.248-F.276 BROADCASTS LECTURES c.1928-1997 F.1-F.208 Drafts F.209-F.247 Correspondence re arrangements F.1-F.208 Drafts c.1928-1997, n.d. for after ‘Own Talks 1950s & 60s’ Tape recordings of some of Kurti’s lectures are at K.53- K.85. A chronological sequence of drafts and related material for lectures by Kurti 1950s-1997. At F.171-F.173 are Undated drafts are F.194-F.202 and background papers F.203-F.208. notes dinner speeches. at F.174-F.193, transparencies at 1950s-1960s Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seventeen for ease of reference: various typescript drafts, manuscript notes, manuscript calculations, correspondence etc. re lectures delivered to a variety of audiences in the UK, USA and Europe. The papers are presented in the found order, which is not chronological. The large quantity of undated material made it inappropriate to seek to establish a chronological order. low’ Topics include adiabatic demagnetization, atomic nuclei at very temperature, megamagnetics and cryophysics, nuclear orientation and solid state physics, world of ordered spins, etc. temperatures, meaning of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 ‘Low Temperatures in Science and Industry’, address to inaugural meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers Oxford Sub-Section, 24 November 1952 1952-1953 Typescript report of inaugural meeting, typescript draft of Kurti’s address, letter re publication of revised version. National ‘Current September 1955 Industrial Practice Fuel in Efficiency Service course Fuel Efficiency, Oxford, on 26-30 Programme, remarks. typescript copies of CKurti’s introductory Kurti chaired the opening day’s lectures. Lectures 1955, 1958 Manuscript notes for lectures. F.20-F.30 F.20-F.21 F.22-F.28 2 folders. c.1928-1981 1930-c.1970 Background papers ‘High Field Magnets’ Contents of a bundle so labelled. Topics are thermodynamics and low temperatures and theory of thermodynamics. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease for of reference: includes manuscript notes and drafts lectures, and background material including offprints of papers by Kurti and photographs of magnets (F.25). ‘Reprints for very low temps (e.g. Crete)’ ‘High Field Lectures H.T. 1970’ 1961, 1964 and 1970 and undated c.1928-1981 1963-1968 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 includes reference: typescript draft of paper on Nuclear Cooling’, latest bibliographical reference, 1966. and ‘High Magnetic Fields and correspondence, offprints refers International Advanced Summer ‘Crete’ to Physics Institute Intense Magnetic Fields, Chania, Crete, 16-29 July 1967 (see also G.88-G.90). Physics of Solids the on the in F.31-F.33 ‘Lecture Notes’ 1959-1966 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts for lectures, 1963-1966 and undated, background papers, etc. Includes notes for lectures to a variety of audiences in the [Low UK, USA and Europe on Temperature] and some of hot and cold’, ‘Nuclear orientation and its applications in SSP [Solid State Physics]) and ‘Megamagnetism, cryophysics and cryobiology’. such its applications’, ‘Nuclei: topics ‘L.T. as F.35-F.39 1962-1965 ‘Lecture Notes’ 2pp duplicated typescript. ‘A rough transcript of the remarks made by N. Kurti at the official opening of helium liquefaction plant, 10 November’ the Oxford Cryogenic Ltd’s Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts for lectures to a variety of audiences in the UK USA and Europe, 1964 and undated, correspondence and offprints. 1956-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts for lectures to a variety of audiences in the UK and Europe, 1965-1971 and undated, correspondence, offprints. Topics include ‘Oriented Nuclei and Solid State Physics’, ‘Importance of low temps in s.s.ph. [solid state physics] and ‘Aspects of Nucl. Orientation’. ‘Nuclear Cooling Grenoble Talk and papers’ F.40-F.43 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Topics include ‘Nuclear Cooling’, ‘Les temperatures les plus basses’, ‘L’orientation nucléaire .... and ‘Cryogenics: its uses and misuses’. ‘Is cold really necessary?’, Rutherford Laboratory, Didcot, Berkshire, 28 September 1967 near 3pp manuscript notes for lecture. ‘Why Low Temperatures?’, British Association for Advancement of Science, Dundee, August 1968 the 1967-1968 Duplicated typescript outline, 3pp; manuscript notes for a number of lectures delivered in the UK on this topic and similar, with correspondence re arrangements, etc. 2 folders. Lectures 1969 F.48-F.63 1963-1987 Discourse. He subsequently accepted ‘The Physicist in the Kitchen’, Friday Evening Discourse at the Royal Institution, London, 14 March 1969 Manuscript notes for lectures low temperatures at Essex, Harwell and Dubrovnik and on ‘Physics for profit or pleasure’ at Warwick. on In 1963 Kurti had declined an invitation from Sir Lawrence Bragg, Director of the Royal Institution, to give a Friday Evening an invitation from Bragg’s successor, George Porter, and gave a Discourse in 1969. In the following years Kurti went on to deliver this talk and demonstration, and versions thereof (also under the title ‘Physics in the Kitchen’) on a number of other occasions worldwide. 1963-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence re arrangements and arising, typescript draft, proof etc. See also F.129, F.130. F.48-F.51 ‘RI Lecture’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.52-F.57 ‘Physicist in the Kitchen’ 1963-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re Kurti’s lectures and broadcasts on especially the televised version of his 1969 Royal Institution lecture. topic, this ‘Physics in the Kitchen’ little demonstration’ put Correspondence and papers re ‘a on by Kurti at the Royal Society’s June Conversazione, 26 June 1969. F.59-F.63 ‘The Physicist in the Kitchen’ 1969-1987 abstracts, manuscript notes, Contents of folder so labelled divided into five for ease of reference: slides, correspondence, press-cuttings, etc. the physicist in UK, USA, Europe and Australia. for lectures on kitchen lists the the of in Manuscript notes for lectures in the UK, USA and Europe and ‘English synopsis of a lecture to be given in French’ Topics are transfer, transmission and degradation of energy. low temperatures, nuclear cooling and the Address at the Inauguration of Amphitheatre Doyen Louis Weil, Grenoble, France, 14 September 1970 Includes published text of Kurti’s address and photographs of amphitheatre. Proof of article by Kurti on low temperatures date stamped 24 March 1971; ‘Some remarks about the of the the kitchen’, 2pp typescript with manuscript physicist in inscription ‘Remarks made after in Tokyo, 1971’. Lecture in Tokyo, March 1971 lecture role the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 F.68-F.72 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Manuscript notes for lectures Australia in the UK, Europe and Microkelvin ‘From 62nd Kelvin Lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 22 April 1971 to Megakelvin Temperatures’, 1964-1977 five Contents of folder inscribed ‘22 April 1971 Kelvin’ divided into draft, correspondence re arrangements, background papers for Kurti’s lecture. reference: typescript ease for of At F.68 is Cherwell-Simon Lecture of that year. a little 1977 correspondence relating to Kurti’s ‘How to be a physicist and let others enjoy it’ 1971-1980 Manuscript lectures on this topic. notes, abstracts, correspondence etc re F.75-F.77 F.78-F.93 1971-1975 British Association for Lectures on low temperatures Includes (F.73) Royal Society BAYS Lecture, Liverpool, 23 March 1972. ‘Physics and Happiness - A Balance Sheet’, Presidential Address the Advancement of Science Physics Section, Leicester, 6 September 1972 Contents of plastic folder divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes, etc for lectures delivered in the UK, USA, Europe and Japan. for F.78 includes ‘Report on a visit to laboratories in California, 13-19 August 1972’. Correspondence material and background papers. ‘Physics and the Joys of Life’ drafts, _ illustrative correspondence, arrangements, 1972-1976 Manuscript notes, notices, etc. re 16 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 lectures on this and related topics in the UK, USA and Europe. 2 folders. ‘3 Visits to Hungary: 1934, 1964, 1973’, Great Britain/East Europe Centre, London, 12 June 1979 Manuscript notes, letter of thanks. Lecture on Oxford Physics in seminar series organised by M.M. Gowing, Professor of History of Science, University of Oxford 1973 or later 2 typescript drafts. 2 folders. draft, BICC Report on seminar, including 2 folders. 1974-1976 F.100, F.101 review ‘General the hydrogen economy’, British Insulated Callender’s Cables (BICC) Ltd Seminar on Energy Technology, 17 April 1974 technology, including energy of Typescript papers. Correspondence, 2 typescript drafts of Kurti’s paper, etc. Lecture on thermodynamics at Summer School on Aspects of Energy Conversion, Lincoln College, Oxford, 14-25 July 1975 1976-1979 Manuscript notes, typescript drafts, transparencies etc for lectures, principally on historical themes in cryogenics, in Britain, Canada and Europe. 1977 was the hundredth anniversary of the first liquefaction of oxygen. Lectures on low temperatures F.102-F.108 7 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Manuscript notes, transparencies, background papers, etc. 1976, 1981- 1982, n.d. Contents of unlabelled plastic folder. Topics include laws of thermodynamics, physics and the senses, history of low temperatures. F.110-F.120 ‘La Temperature n’est qu’une Sensation (Amédée Guillet, 1927)’, Cherwell-Simon Lecture for 1976-77, Oxford, 20 May 1977 1977-1980 Correspondence Cherwell-Simon engagements) including drafts and illustrative material. re (?and preparation Lecture papers other and the speaking of This diverse group of papers was found together and is It includes correspondence presented in the order found. with low temperature biology and the Society for Low Temperature Biology (F.117). Government Chemist (F.114) and the re 11 folders. Lectures 1977 at ‘Casimir Seminar, 14 June and talk Kurti visited the Laboratory of the Government Chemist in March 1977 and was guest of honour and gave a short address at the Annual Dinner of the Society for Low Temperature Biology, 14 October 1977. Typescript draft (in English) of lecture titled ‘Le stockage and le transport de l’énergie’, 8 June and manuscript notes for lecture at ‘ETSV’, 18 October. 1978-1979 Correspondence and papers re centenary celebrations and Kurti’s address at Chatillon. aprés’, Centenary celebrations of the of oxygen, Chatillon-sur-Seine, ‘Cailletet et liquefaction December 1977 ‘The Physicist in the Kitchen’ £29; F130 F.122-F.128 first 2 7 folders. France, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Manuscript notes, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, etc re lectures in Germany and USA. See also F.48-F.63. 2 folders. the from ‘Points Luncheon Speech by Prof. N. World, August/September 1978 DHA [District Heating Association] Kurti CBE FRS’, Energy Published text. ‘Reminiscences and Random Thoughts of a Francophile Physicist’, University College, Cardiff, 8 February 1979 Manuscript notes. heat and Institution 1978-1979 F.135-F:137 Lectures 1980 Manuscript notes, correspondence. ‘How mankind uses Humphrey Davy Lectures for Schools, June 1979 Royal cold’, Topics include culinary physics and physics in Oxford. Manuscript notes, notices, press-cutting, etc for lectures in North America. Typescript draft and figures etc. Kurti lectured on ‘Thermal energy storage and the energy system’. Course on Thermal Energy Storage, Ispra (Varese), Italy, 1-5 June 1981 Correspondence re arrangements 1980-1983 1980-1981 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Correspondence arising 1981-1983 F.138-F.140 ‘Lecture Notes and Transparencies 1981-82’ 1962-1984 Contents of bundle so labelled divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, correspondence, transparencies, background papers etc. North America and Europe. notices, for lectures abstracts, UK, the in Topics include culinary physics. ‘From the first mist of liquid oxygen to nuclear ordering. Anecdotes from the history of refrigeration’ 1981-1982 Notice lecture, publication, offprint. of typescript draft as prepared for F.142-F.144 F.145-F.146 Lectures 1982 Lectures in Hungary, September-October 1984 Topics include ‘The Scientist in the Kitchen’ and ‘Physics and the Joys of Life’. Manuscript notes, correspondence, transparencies etc for lectures in the UK and USA. Manuscript notes, lecture notice. Manuscript notes for talks on history of refrigeration, history of cryophysics and on culinary physics, transparencies for lecture Hungarian publications on Kurti and culinary physics. culinary physics, on articles from 1984-1985 3 folders. 2 folders. Lectures 1985 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.148-F.150 Lectures 1986 Manuscript and typescript notes, notices, correspondence, transparencies, etc for lectures in UK and Australia. Topics include ‘Physics and the Joys of Life’, ‘Science and Technology: Curse or Blessing to the Arts’ and ‘Myths, Mishaps and Mysteries in Cryogenics’. 3 folders. ‘Cailletet, Clifton, Helmholtz, Max Muller, Pictet, Simon - Myths, Mishaps and Mysteries in Cryogenics’ Typescript draft 1986’, transparencies, etc. with manuscript inscription ‘30 March Lectures May 1987 Manuscript notes, etc for lectures. Berlin und Oxford’ ‘Der Physiker Eating’, ICUS 1987, Atlanta, Lectures in Berlin, 14 and 15 October 1987 ‘The Sensual Aspects of Georgia, November 1987 Correspondence and manuscript notes for lectures on ‘Hermann von Helmholtz und Walter Nernst - Physik zwischen als and Dilettant-Historiker und als Hedonist’. Norwich on ‘Food and its Enjoyment’. Typescript draft of Kurti’s paper, n.d.; typescript draft reply by J. Audrey Ellison headed ‘The Human Food Chain (Committee V) ICUS 1987’ and dated ‘Atlanta, November 1987’. Manuscript Manchester on ‘Physics and the Joys of transparencies notes, for lectures at Life’ and at See also H.684-H.690. Lectures 1989 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.156, F.197 ‘Friends and Foes of the Pleasures of Eating’, Evening Discourse Royal Institution London, 25 May 1990 Friday 1989-1990 Institution Royal manuscript and typescript draft arising. Lectures programme, abstracts Kurti’s lecture, of and letter 2 folders. For tape of the Discourse see K.65. F.158-F.162 ‘Friends + Foes of the pleasures of eating 1990 + lectures 1993-1996’ 1989-1996 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence, manuscript notes and drafts, transparencies, etc. Includes papers re Kurtis 1990 Royal Institution lecture (see also F.156, F.157) and lectures for Open University (1990), International Wine and Food Society (1994) and in Geneva (1996). 1990-1993 1995-1996 Bomb’, Clarendon ‘Birmingham, Laboratory, Oxford, 24 November 1995 Oxford and the F.164-F.167 Lectures on science and gastronomy themes Manuscript notes and typescript draft attached together by treasury tag. Manuscript notes, abstract, lecture notice, transparencies, correspondence, etc. 1990, 1996 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: draft, transparencies, background papers for lecture or lectures on atom bomb. F.168, F.169 manuscript notes, typescript 4 folders. ‘Lectures’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Talk in cultures’ a series of lectures on the theme ‘Inside the two Two typescript drafts, one with manuscript additions and corrections. F.171-F.173 After dinner speeches 1970-1983 Manuscript and typescript notes for after dinner speeches and similar, background papers etc. 3 folders. F.174-F.180 Lectures on ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism, low temperatures, etc. Contents of folder divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. At F.180 is photograph of equipment. Untitled manuscript draft ‘Bristol’ the methods to measure the degree of Manuscript draft of lecture on recent experiments relating to ?liquid helium. Kurti explains that ‘I'll first of all talk about the methods of producing a high vacuum...and then will say something about high vacuum...’ Manuscript notes for two talks (same format paper and ink) ‘Aberdeen’ Manuscript notes, duplicated background papers N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.185-F.187 Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts on culinary topics 3 folders. ‘Remarks made by Nicholas Kurti after the Graduates’ Dinner...transcribed from the audiocassette and slightly edited by Giana Kurti’ Typescript of autobiographical remarks by Kurti. but 1985 or later. Undated ‘Science and technology: blessing or curse to the arts?’ Incomplete typescript draft. Manuscript notes and transparencies for lecture in Hungary Contents of plastic folder. F.191-F.193 3 folders. F.194-F.202 Transparencies transparencies on culinary themes and _ in Includes Hungarian. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts Contents of three bulky folders labelled ‘Engagements’: Correspondence re arrangements Background papers. 9 folders. 6 folders. 1959-1984 1958-1997 F.203-F.208 F.209-F.247 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 variety of audiences including principally relate to speaking engagements in the UK to a great university student societies, schools, Royal Institution and regional groups of professional bodies such as the Institute of Physics and Institution of Electrical Engineers. 1958, 1959 F.211-F.213 1962 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 222, 228 1971 2 folders. F:225;F-226 1973 2 folders. 5.22/ 6.228 1974 2 folders. 2 folders. Includes 2pp typescript draft by Kurti ‘Scientific research and enquiry: ivory tower or market place? Slaughterhouse or Shangri-La?’ 1979 1980 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.237, F.238 1982 2 folders. Correspondence re arrangements See also K.86-K.104. BROADCASTS F.248-F.276 1959-1997 1993-1997 F.248-F.256 Drafts F.257-F.276 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 F.248-F.256 1961-1997 Kurti’s drafts, broadcast scripts and related papers. Tape recordings of some of Kurti’s broadcasts are at K.53- K.85. F.248-F .254 ‘Broadcast and TV talks’ Contents of folder so inscribed. F.248, F.249 ‘Low Temperature and Ultimate Order’ Duplicated contribution to ‘Discovery’, April. typescript and Granada broadcast script TV_ science for Kurti’s programme 2 folders. Transcript. ‘Hydrogen - Fuel of the Future’ ‘Sober Thoughts on Cold Facts’ Manuscript notes for ‘Seminar 6 March 1975’ found with television and broadcast material. Broadcast script for Kurti’s contribution to BBC External Services Programme ‘Discovery’, March. ‘The Frontiers of Knowledge’ towards BBC Absolute Zero’ programme 4: ‘Nearer to Zero’, filmed 31 December 1968 The film was presented by Dr Mike Leask. TV programme ‘Frontiers of science: 1968, 1969 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 Duplicated typescript interview with Kurti for ‘BBC Topical Tapes’. Miscellaneous manuscript notes including notes headed ‘From zero to infinity and beyond’ ‘Kitchen Science’ ‘Filming Schedule’ for Bavarian Television, 29-31 March and related correspondence. ‘Lettre au Pére Noel: Mr Kurty’ 1996-1997 and related Drafts to Archimede programme on Chaine 5 of French Television, 24 December 1996. contribution papers Kurtis for 1959-1996 script F.257-F.272 1959-1996 F.257-F.276 ‘BBC and other films’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re arrangements Includes contracts and letters from viewers of programmes in which Kurti appeared. 2 folders. Includes draft treatment and for programme on ‘Absolute Zero’ in BBC television Eye on Research series (see also K.86-K.91) F.258, F.259 1959 1960 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 20d 202 1964 Includes ‘Camera Script’ for programme on ‘Science - Toys & Magic’ in BBC Television series ‘Horizon’. 2 folders. 1965-1969 1971-1972 1973-1974 1975-1979 1980-1981 1982 3 folders. F.268-F.270 Re BBC television food programme ‘The Proof of the Pudding’ filmed partly at the Kurti home and partly at the Clarendon Laboratory. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease F.273-F.275 ‘Granada’ 1983-1985 1988-1996 1960-1961 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Lectures and broadcasts, F.1-F.276 reference: of contribution programmes on low temperature physics. correspondence and papers Discovery to Granada TV’s re series Kurti’s of ‘Clarendon Laboratory’ Correspondence Laboratory. arising from BBC filming at the