KREBS, Hans Adolf Vol1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of SIR HANS ADOLF KREBS (1900-1981) biochemist deposited in Sheffield University Library (CSAC 113/4/86) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS by 1986 Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A i1HP CSAC 113/4/86 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s - Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR HANS ADOLF KREBS FRS (1900 - 1981) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper VOLUME | List of contents General Introduction Sections A - D All rights reserved Deposited in Sheffield University Library 1986 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Biochemical Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Rhodes Trustees The Wolfson Foundation The Royal Society of London The Institution of Mechanical Engineers H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN, SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, SHEFFIELD S10 2TN. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.1280 A.1 -A.7 Obituaries A.8 -A.22 Articles and tributes -A.26 Bibliographies -A.40 Scrapbooks With an introductory note Diaries and jotters With an introductory note Career, honours and awards With an introductory note With an introductory note Family correspondence and papers A.888 -A.924 —_Hildesheim (City and school) A.967 -A.1062 Personal correspondence Miscellaneous biographical items Press-cuttings Shorter autobiographical writings A.1084-A.1278 Reminiscences and Reflections With an introductory note A.925 -A.966 A.1063-A.1083 A.1279, A.1280 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 SECTION B SHEFFIELD Introduction to Section B Items B.1-B.104 B. 1 8.29 Pharmacol ogy/Biochemistry Departments B.30-B.40 Wartime research With an introductory note Funding and administration of Krebs's research B.41-B.52 Rockefeller Foundation With an introductory note B.53-B.67 Medical Research Council Unit With an introductory note B.68-B.77 Miscellaneous B.78-B.90 General University correspondence —B.91-B.104 C.14C. 389 SEG LION C OXFORD C4e7C.96 Biochemistry Department C.1 -C.34 = General administration With an introductory note Later contacts with Sheffield Continued C.59-C.85 Building extension C.86-C.96 Sub-departments C.35-C. 58 Lectures H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Section C (Cont'd. ) C.97 +C.182 Funding and administration of Krebs's research C.97 -C.123 Medical Research Council Unit/ Metabolic Research Laboratory C.124-C.144 Financing bodies C.145-C.182 Miscellaneous C.183-C .240 Development of science at Oxford With an introductory note C.183-C.189 Development of Biology C.190-C.201 'Oxford's needs in science’ With an introductory note C.202-C.204 Biology centre C.205-C.211 Zoology C.212-C.236 Molecular Biophysics With an introductory note papers C.261-C.273 Salaries C .241-C..334 University reform C.237-C.240 Miscellaneous €.241-C.260 General correspondence and geet eee erence nm NNN Ae pean me C.279-C.328 Committees and Commissions of C.274-C.278. Schedule A Professorships STEER pe Tryarr With an introductory note Inquiry C.329-C .334 Publications Continued H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Section C (Cont'd.) C.335-C .389 General University correspondence C.335-C.361 Central administration C .362-C .372 Electoral Boards C.373-C.389 Libraries, departments, colleges and societies SECTION D RESEARCH D.1-@. 569 Introduction to Section D Dili B34 Laboratory notebooks With an introductory note D.46 -D.100 Indexed notes and memoranda With an introductory note D.101-D.514 Research projects » list Eigue 7c. 007 D.549-D.569 SECTION E E, let. 507 D.515-D.548 Miscellaneous notes Bibliographical references SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS With an introductory note and a of contents Background material History and philosophy of science R200 EVOLO Sociology of research E.316-E.492 Sociobiology E.493~-E.501 Science and religion Introduction to Section E El, E204 With an introductory note With an introductory note H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.360 373 Introduction to Section F Page SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.243 Introduction and list of contents SECTION H_ = PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES, BROADCASTS Introduction to Section H He #197 Publications H.98 -H.271 Lectures H.272-H .284 Broadcasts and television SECTION J dele Jd. 985 Introduction to Section J SECTION K H.285-H .446 Correspondence >= CORRESPONDENCE = REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS List of contents SECTION L = =NON-PRINT MATERIAL L. I=L. 108 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86. BIBLIOGRAPHY With an introductory note SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTE OF ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS With an introductory note CONSPECTUS With an introductory note INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE This very extensive collection has been brought together from several sources and at various dates between July 1982 and June 1986. The main sources, made available by Lady Krebs, were Krebs's home at Iffley and his Metabolic Research Laboratory at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. material was received from Dr. J.R. Krebs. Microfilm transcripts and photocopies of his own research material on the history of biochemistry were kindly provided by Professor F.L. Holmes. A little OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR HANS KREBS Krebs, a pioneer of research in intermediary metabolism and an internationally - He was born in 1900 toa Jewish family in Hildesheim, where his father was a After studies at the universities of G8ttingen, Freiburg and Munich he began doctor. respected figure in biochemistry, died in 1981, the same year that his autobiography Reminiscences and Reflections was published. A further account of his life and work by two long-term colleagues, H.L. Kornberg and D.H. Williamson, appeared in 1984 (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 30, 349-387). These recent and accessible sources, which have been drawn upon throughout the compilation of this catalogue, make it unnecessary to give more than a brief rehearsal of the facts of Krebs's career. Here his to join the Department of Medicine at Freiburg where he worked from April 1931 and where his first major work, the discovery of the ornithine cycle, was completed and met with immediate international recognition on its publication in 1932. a career as a medical graduate in Berlin with P. Rona, until the decisive step of his appointment as Research Assistant to Otto Warburg (1926-30) who strongly influenced him. Subsequently he worked briefly at Altona, then accepted an offer from S. Thannhauser The following year saw the rise to power of the Nazi party, Krebs's suspension and dismissal from his post, and the start of a new career in England in the laboratory of Gowland Hopkins at Cambridge. In 1935 Krebs moved to Sheffield. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 second major research discovery, of the citric or tricarboxylic acid cycle, was made; here also was created, from 1945, the Medical Research Council Unit for Research in Cell Metabolism which remained in being as the focus of his research and the base of his 'team' until his retirement in 1967. two of the greatest honours of the scientific world were awarded him - Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1947 and the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine (jointly with F. Lipmann) in 1953. In private life it was also the period of his marriage and During the Sheffield period the birth of his three children. In 1954 he accepted the Whitley Chair of Biochemistry at Oxford and moved there, with his Unit and many of his 'team', until 1967, the year of his official ‘retirement'. In his autobiography Krebs uses inverted commas for the chapter on this DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material fully documents all aspects of Krebs's career and is presented in Additional explanatory notes accompany many subject, since he continued to work, still funded by the Medical Research Council and by other research grants and still with some at least of his original Sheffield 'team', in the Metablic Research Laboratory sited in the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. research continued to focus on physiological biochemistry and the regulation of biochemical processes, but he developed an increasing interest in the history and philosophy of science, its methodology and sociology, and in sociobiology and criminality. He was hard at work on all these topics, with a full programme planned ahead for publications and visits, when he died after a short illness. His "Collection of junk’ and now included in A.1104, runs: the order shown in the List of Contents. of the Sections, sub-sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs aim only to draw attention to matters of particular substance or interest, since the material considerably expands the published accounts of Krebs's life and thought. in the drafts of his autobiography, one of which, written in 1975 under the rubric Krebs was of a naturally retentive disposition. He refers to this frequently H.A, Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 "Throughout my life | had a tendency not to throw things care to see again or to use again away. pondence that contained personal and technical matters, all photographs, many drafts of papers, scientific notebooks of course, books, reprints, souvenirs of memorable occasions, newspaper cuttings, extracts of other readings, sayings, quotations (which | stuck into scrap books). that | might This applied to all corres- I kept no diaries except on special occasions, such as during the war years and during some of my travels." Furthermore, the international acclaim which greeted the publication of the ornithine cycle work in 1932 had made him aware of the value of his research. when he left Germany he was able to bring to England 'sixteen wooden boxes and several suitcases’ of apparatus and also his notebooks and personal documents; and when he assembled the 'scrap books' referred to above, he added notes and comments linking the selected material to the events of his own life. Thus Section A (Biographical and autobiographical) is rich in material of this kind. It contains several 'scrap books', a very substantial number of engagement books, diaries and 'jotters' and full documentation of the long gestation of the eventual auto~ biography Reminiscences and Reflections. | The events of Krebs's career, notably his successive moves to Warburg's laboratory, to Cambridge, Sheffield and Oxford are represented together with many other offers or applications for appointments. Of the many honours he received, pride of place goes to the Nobel Prize and his own careful recording of the event, and the concomitant ceremonies and correspondence. In addition to Krebs's own life, there is extensive correspondence and papers from the 1930s and later relating to his family and friends and reflecting on the suffering of the Jews in Germany, their enforced emigration to Britain, Palestine and America, renewal of contacts after the Second World War and claims of restitution from the German state. Yer by the Rockefeller Foundation, the setting-up of his Medical Research Council Unit and the problems of establishing and running a biochemistry department. It includes Krebs's 'Reflections' on the history of the Sheffield department on the occasion of his resignation. The most important research discovery of the Sheffield period (the citric acid cycle) is recorded in his research notebooks in Section D, but Section B preserves Section B (Sheffield) is relatively short, but documents the funding of his research LTT Ne ae IT I A ea eM TT TEP Yn epee NRE ryrI ee CTT eMC Rn OL RENT TF har jsar SERVER IPA RCAee H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 correspondence and papers relating to the wartime research on nutrition and (very scantily) Krebs's ideas on carbon dioxide fixation. Section C (Oxford) contains some not dissimilar material on the running (and in this case the major extension) of a university department and its sub -departments, Krebs's Medical Research Council Unit during and after his tenure of the Whitley Chair, and the funding of his research, including support from the Rockefeller Foundation. The Section is greatly extended and complicated, however, by Krebs's involvement in what he called 'debates on shortcomings’. These include his efforts to strengthen the development of science - and especially the biological sciences - in new of extended ways such as a ‘Biology Centre', Zoology and Molecular Biophysics. ments include not only Krebs's substantial unpublished account of the history of molecular biology at Oxford but photocopies of the relevant papers which the late J.W.S. Pringle (Linacre Professor of Zoology) made available to him. More general topics of ‘University Reform' are salary and income structure, collegiate and non- collegiate appointments, the Robbins Committee, the National Incomes Commission and the Franks Commission; to all of these Krebs submitted memoranda for which drafts and background material survive. The records preserved here greatly expand Krebs's Deocu- published writings on the subject at the time and later in his autobiography. Section D (Research) is a very full record of the contributions to metabolic research made by Krebs and his collaborators over the long period 1926-81. It takes various forms - traditional laboratory notebooks, binders of dated and indexed notes, folders and boxes, and loose pages - and may include data and experimental results, records of discussions and information, reflections on work in hand or projected, drafts for publications, correspondence, extensive bibliographical references and background material usually annotated. The Section E (Science-related interests) is one of the most interesting in the collection, since it gives substantial documentation of abiding interests of Krebs only briefly acknowledged in his own and other published accounts, and also contains much material for articles and lectures not listed in the extant bibliographies. book on the ornithine cycle research by Krebs's collaborator at Freiburg, K. Henseleit, and many pages of notes and results by long-term members of the Medical Research Council Unit, notably L.V. Eggleston, R. Hems and P. Lund. The Section includes a photocopy of a laboratory note- H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 topics dealt with in the Section are history and philosophy of science (including considerable material on Otto Warburg), sociology of research (policy-making, funding, team-work and leadership, motivation and recognition), sociobiology and criminality, and the scientist's duty to bring his gifts to bear on social problems. | Another note by Krebs of 1977 and now included in E.324 headed 'Why I concern myself with "Sociological" problems' may usefully be quoted here: "People have asked me why I do not stick to my last (as Apelles, the Roman painter, shouted to the cobbler who criticised not only the shoes on his painting but also other matters) considering that | know little about sociology and that | had enough problems on my hands in con- nection with my research. I'am not only a scientist, but also a citizen, and asa citizen | have good reason to be worried about what | call the diseases of society. hold the view that every citizen ought to contribute to the best of his ability to matters of public life, especially on the basis of his own pro- fessional experiences and skills. and as a scientist | fancy, rightly or wrong ly, that | can look upon problems of society from a special point of view, that of the medical scientist. is also my view which | know is shared by others, that the great majority of those who profess sociological subjects are appal - lingly ignorant of the biology of Homo sapiens." Having been trained as a physician It | his current research for publication in Advances in Enzyme Regulation. Section F (Visits and conferences) covers a long period (1933-81, with ongoing plans up to 1983) though in varying detail and with some overlap with material in other Sections. Krebs was in great demand as speaker, chairman or honoured guest, and he as an active scientist placed high value on the contacts and exchanges with colleagues offered by symposia, visits to institutions and laboratories and the like. Of special interest is the record 1962-77 of his visits to the annual international conferences on advances in enzyme regulation organised at Indianapolis, where he presented papers on with refugee scientists and with sociological matters. Section G (Societies and organisations) includes some seventy British and over- seas organisations. While some entries are relatively trivial, others are substantial sequences covering a lengthy timespan and matters of consequence such as research policy and grant applications. These include the Agricultural Research Council, the Biochemical Society, especially Krebs's chairmanship of the Society's Sub-committee on the Report of the Working Group on Molecular Biology, the Royal Society and the Science Research Council. There is also some material on organisations concerned H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Section H (Publications, lectures, broadcasts) brings together notes, drafts, correspondence and other related material for published and unpublished work 1927-81; it includes some book-reviews and some radio and television work. There is also an extensive sequence of correspondence with editors and publishers which testifies both to the many requests Krebs received to write or lecture which he was not able to accept and also to his long-term editorial commitments to two journals, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta and FEBS Letters. Section J (Correspondence), though essentially confined to professional exchanges with colleagues and collaborators (personal correspondence being in Section A), is very extensive and diverse. It includes substantial exchanges with life-long friends such as H.K.F. Blaschko, D. Nachmansohn and F. Lipmann, and documents the careers of many younger scientists who spent some of their research years with Krebs and maintained contact with him as their careers developed. and confirms the attention paid by Krebs in many of his writings to the concept of 'filiation' o@ 'scientific genealogy' in fostering scientific excellence, and his persuasion that his own Unit had been a step in such filiation. This material thus supplements The value placed on Krebs's judgment is shown by the very large number of requests for advice and references, which have been placed separately in Section K, subject to restricted access. Section L, the last of the collection, is of non -print material and includes many photographs of Krebs, his family, colleagues and laboratories, sound ~recordings and videotapes of lectures given by him. Of interest are the microfilms of transcripts of conversations between Krebs and the historian F.L. Holmes. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE All references in the catalogue are to the Bibliography of 396 items which was published on microfiche to accompany the Royal Society Memoir, and toa Supplementary Bibliography of 11 items taken from the list of publications by members of the Metabolic Research Laboratory, Oxford, 1980-83. These bibliographies are listed, with per- mission, in the present catalogue. This represents the latest information available on Krebs's published works. It supersedes the list of 356 items which Krebs published in his autobiography and the selection of only 121 items printed after the text of the Royal Society Memoir. The manuscript collection contains considerable additional material relating to publications or to the intention to publish. This may range from a fully-prepared draft with references and figures ready for despatch toa journal toa reference in editorial correspondence. It applies especially, though not exclusively, to writings on social problems which were such a feature of Krebs's later years, but also includes such important scientific contributions as his Jayne Lectures, not to mention book- sources in the manuscripts. Only the more extended references, to research, publica- reviews and abstracts omitted from the canon. A separate list of catalogue entries This aims to relate Krebs's publications as defined above to their principal tions and reception of the work, ensuing correspondence and the like, are given. Passing allusions in correspondence or requests for reprints are omitted. for such material has been compiled and appears on pp. 671-72. CO NSPECTUS H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The assembling and cataloguing of the collection have drawn on the time and goodwill of many. Particular thanks are due to: Lady Krebs, for making the material available, for collecting family letters and documents from several sources, and for her many visits to provide information and encouragement over a long period; Professor F.L. Holmes, for much invaluable information and advice, for his generosity in adding to the collection microfilm transcripts of his conversations with Krebs, microfilm copies of Krebs's laboratory notebooks, and the photocopy of a note- book of K. Henseleit, and for continuing visits and support; Dr. D.H. Williamson and Mr. R. Hems for help in dealing with the research material, with special gratitude to Reg Hems for many visits of patient explanation and advice, for checking Section D and for making available a copy of his memorial address for Krebs; Mr. C.K. Balmforth, Mr. M.S-M. Hannon and Mr. W.J. Hitchens of Sheffield University Library for mutual visits, help and encouragement; with manuscripts in German script; Miss M.J. Erskine for help with the index; Drs. Martin and Martina Jeningshausen~-Lauster and Dr. C.J. Wells for help Lady Phillips for invaluable assistance in the early stages of sorting and listing; Mrs. M.M. Edwards, our long-term typist, for help with the conspectus and index and for more than usual patience with successive emendations and additions to the catalogue. Oxford 1986. Jeannine Alton Peter Harper H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL - A.1 - A.1280 OBITUARIES ARTICLES AND TRIBUTES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SCRAPBOOKS With an introductory note DIARIES AND JOTTERS With an introductory note A.870~-A. 887 With an introductory note With an introductory note A.400-A.714 A.715-A.887 A.715-A.786 The Krebs family CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS Genealogy A.793-A. 869 Restitution claims A.787-A.791 The Davidson family A.792 The Traube family H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.888 -A.924 HILDESHEIM (City and School) A.925 -A.966 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.967 -A.1062 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.967 -A.1013 ~A.1014-A.1046 By name By year A.1047-A.1062 Shorter personal (unindexed) A.1063-A.1083 SHORTER AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS A.1084-A.1278 With an introductory note A.1279, A.1280 Reminiscences and Reflections (Bibliog. 391). PRESS-CUTTINGS H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical OBITUARIES Memoir by H.L. Kornberg and D.H. Williamson (Bibliographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 30, 1984). The Times (3 photocopies); Daily Telegraph; Oxford Times. Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung (2 photocopies); Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau; memoir for Orden Pour Le Mérite, by A. Butenandt (Reden und Gedenkworte, 19, 1983). AR Information (publication of the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain). British Medical Journal (H. Blaschko); The Lancet (H.L. Kornberg). Journal of General Microbiology (J.R. Quayle). See also A.911, A.923, A.1072, H.404, H.405, H.408. American Philosophical Society Yearbook (F.L. Holmes). ISpp. typescript draft and covering letter to Lady Krebs. Opp. typescript draft. ‘His achievements in the study of metabolism', July 1953. ARTICLES AND INTERVIEWS ‘Biographical Material’, July 1953. Opp. typescript draft. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.9 'Biography' Biographical and autobiographical 2pp. photocopy with ms. note by Krebs 'From Nobel Lectures in. Physiology or Medicine 1942-1962'. ‘With Camera and Pen! Press-cutting of Oxford Times article, 15 October 1965. F. Dickens's 'Chairman's Opening Remarks' at symposium held to mark Krebs's retirement from his Oxford chair, 1967. ‘Personal View' by W.M. Keynes, British Medical Journal, 1968. Dedicatory preface by O.H. Warburg in Essays in Cell Metabolism presented to Krebs on his seventieth birthday, 1970. "Wir sprachen mit Sir Hans A. Krebs', Therapeutische Berichte, 1970. Correspondence, 1969-70; copy of published interview. ‘Medicine's Living History’ Interview with Krebs in Medical World News, 1974. ‘Three things I'd do if | were President', PHP, 1976. Dedicatory preface by S. Grisolia, R. Béguena and F. Mayor for The Urea Cycle, 1976. Brief correspondence, draft and published article. American College of Physicians Convocation Program, 1978, with biographical note on the occasion of honour for Krebs. ‘Le portrait du mois', Médicine et Hygigne, May 1977. Article and drawing. ‘Why Krebs is still in circulation’, General Practitioner, September 1979. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.16 ‘Tribute to Sir Hans Krebs' by D.H. Williamson, Biochemical Society Transactions, 1980. "Sir Hans Krebs: Eightieth Birthday Congratulations’ by H.L. Kornberg, Biochemical Society Bulletin, 1980 (2 copies). "Hans Krebs: Nineteen Nineteen and after', by H. Blaschko, FEBS Letters, 1980, "Hans Krebs and the Discovery of the Ornithine Cycle', by F.L. Holmes, Federation Proceedings (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), 1980. Reprint sent by Holmes to Krebs, with the author's ms. dedication. "Krebs cycle takes him back to challenge of learning' Interview for The Medical Post, June 1981. 32pp. typescript draft by E. Szirmai, n.d. See J.707-J.709. Krebs's entry in McGraw-Hill Modern Scientists and Engineers, n.d. Entry for 'Zitronensdure' from Brockhaus Enzyklop&die, n.d. Szirmai published a biographical account of Krebs in Biographie der Erinnerungen, 1981. ‘Der Oxforder Professor Sir Hans A. Krebs: Forscher -Kulturphilosoph~ Humanist' Supplementary Bibliography. Miscellaneous lists of publications. Metabolic Research Laboratory, Oxford, 1980-83, the basis of the A.26 is list of publications, Requests for personal and biographical information. 2 folders. Krebs's entry in an unidentified German encylcopaedia, n.d. BIBLIOGRAPHIES H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.27-A.40 SCRAPBOOKS This general description conveniently brings together material of biographical or general interest assembled by Krebs and either pasted onto loose leaves and kept in binders or specially bound volumes, or pasted straight into commercially available scrapbooks. A.27-A.31 are four large blue binders containing loose leaves assembled by Krebs (some already detached) on which he had pasted original documents and a few photocopies, together with his own typescript notes on their significance and, in a few cases, translations from the German. Krebs had | became In his preface The first two binders, entitled 'Documents from the Life of a Scientist’ land Il, contain some of the most important surviving documents relating to Krebs's career and honours and were probably intended to serve instead of an autobiography. to the autobiography published in 1981 Krebs noted that some time after 1960 he had the idea of putting together for publication documents from his files - 'those that had been important in influencing the course of my professional life and those that reflected more personal aspects, such as letters, announcements, and published articles’. When Krebs showed some of the assembled material to the Oxford University Press, however, they proposed a considerable expansion to include a fuller account of his personal life. reservations about this proposal, thinking 'that the documents would speak for themselves, illustrating how the social and political history of the times was reflected in the career of an individual scientist. Among other things they showed how the recognition of research extended tour of American research centres in 1949 (A.33) to a 1978 visit to North Carolina journalist that he was a candidate for the prize - a year early as it turned out (see Rem. & Refl., p.166). expresses itself, how the rise of Nazism temporarily upset my career, and how British scientists and the Rockefeller Foundation came to my rescue; and how, later on, involved in wider issues’. Although Krebs ogreed to write a full-scale autobiography these scrapbooks remain not merely assemblages of biographical documents of the greatest significance but also evidence of his original intention for a published record of his life as a scientist. The remaining two binders of this format are untitled and contain further A.3]1 is also of great biographical interest and contains extensive material on the It was begun in 1952 when Krebs was informed by a Swedish award of the Nobel Prize. period of over ten years and A.33-A.37 contain material relating to individual visits from the A. 32 contains material relating to visits and conferences covering a numerous honours and awards. material (mostly certificates) re Krebs's very re Y y, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical 23 (A.37). A.38-A.40 are scrapbook assemblages of miscellaneous sayings or quotations of interest to Krebs or newspaper-cuttings relating to his research, honours and awards. References to the relevant passages in the published autobiography, and to published papers, are given, and the correspondence is indexed. "Documents from the Life of a Scientist |' 1925-54 Documents re Krebs's early career including work in Warburg's laboratory and at Freiburg, the termination of Krebs's appointment at Freiburg and the move to Cambridge and subsequent appointments at Sheffield. Documents include: Certificate of Krebs's doctor of medicine degree, 1925. Krebs's application for a grant of equipment, with corrections by Warburg, 1930. Enquiry about Krebs's interest in a post in the Department of Medicine, Freiburg, 1930. Admission as a teacher in internal medicine in the Medical Faculty, Freiburg, 1932. ‘Encouragements': invitations to lecture from Otto Meyerhof and Max Planck, F.G. Hopkins's reference to Krebs's work in his Royal Society Presidential Address and C. Neuberg's recommendation of Krebs for professorial appointment at MUnster, 1932-33. Continued Correspondence with W. Herkel (in Cambridge) re Krebs's situation in Germany and the possibility of something being done for him in Cambridge, April 1933 (Rem. & Refl., p.64). Photocopy of letter from A. Szent-Gy&érgi which prompted Krebs to write to F.G. Hopkins, April 1933 Rem. & Refl., p.65). at A.420. The original is Notification of compulsory leave of absence from Dean of Medical Faculty, Freiburg, April 1933 (Rem. & Refl., p.61). Notification of termination of University appointment, April 1933 (Rem. & Refl ., p.62). H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.27 (Cont'd.) Biographical and autobiographical 24 Correspondence with F.G. Hopkins re possible move to Cambridge, April 1933 (Rem. & Refl., pp. 65-66), See also A.420, A.421. Offers of help from O. Warburg and F. Knoop, April 1933 Rem. & Refl., pp.66-67). Original and translation of students' manifesto 'Wider den undeutschen Geist',Rem. & Refl., pp.68-69). Letter from Krebs to Rockefeller Foundation, 13 May 1933 (Rem. & Refl., p.67). Letter from H. Druckey previously accepted by Krebs as a research worker in his laboratory, 24 May 1933 (Rem. & Refl., pp.72-73). Correspondence with F.G. Hopkins re move to Cambridge, June 1933. List of scientific equipment brought by Krebs from Germany to England. Letter from R.A. Peters about a post at Oxford, 27 June 1933 (Rem. & Refl., pp.85-86). Warning of final notice of termination of appointment at Freiburg signed by the Rector, Martin Heidegger, 15 July 1933. Letter of appointment as demonstrator at Cambridge, 6 July 1934, Letter of appointment as lecturer in Pharmacology at Sheffield, 21 October 1935. Correspondence with J.C. Aub re post at Harvard Medical School, 1933-34. See also A.424. Letter from F.G. Hopkins offering a position in his laboratory, 12 January 1936, with Krebs's draft reply (Rem. & Refl., p.96). Photocopies of Krebs's application and confidential letters from referees (F.G. Hopkins and D. Keilin) for the Sheffield post. Refl., pp. 102-103). Copy of Krebs's published paper (with W.A. Johnson), 'The role of citric acid in intermediate metabolism in animal tissues' (Bibliog. 62). Change of appointment at Sheffield from Lecturer in Pharmacology to Lecturer in Biochemistry, 17 February 1938. Letters from German Consul at Liverpool, May, June 1938 (Rem. & H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 . Biographical and autobiographical An APPEAL for Sheffield, 1938 (Rem. & Refl., p.101). ... BRITONS. Anti-refugee leaflet circulated at 10 June 1937. This is the paper submitted to Nature for ‘Original copy' of paper containing the first announcement of the citric acid cycle, publication as a Letter and returned by the Editor because "he had already sufficient letters'. that it was never published: (ibliog. Enzymologia on June 27th and published within three months. Krebs joint Nobel Prize in 1953'. 62.) indicates in his introductory note that the 'next page’ in the binder should be the letter from the Editor of Nature. missing from the binder. In his own typescript introduction Krebs notes 'Instead a full paper was submitted to This work was awarded a (Rem. & Refl., pp.98-99.) This page is, however, Statement on Krebs's scientific work compiled by him at the invitation of A.C. Chibnall, with reference to his candidature for the Royal Society, 20 September 1945. Offer of a Chair of Biochemistry at the Chester Beatty Research Institute, 3 June 1947. Editors of Nature, October, November 1953, Correspondence with the in which Krebs refers to his ‘experience of 1937 and ... the difficulty (sometimes) of assessing the merits of a paper’. ‘Documents from the Life of a Scientist II' 1946-66, 1978 Documents re Krebs's career and honours at Sheffield and Oxford, including : Printed copy of Krebs's inaugural lecture as Professor of Biochemistry, Sheffield, 8 May 1946 (Bibliog. 111). Correspondence re enquiry from the University of Basel about a Chair of Physiological Chemistry, October 1946. Continued Memorandum on the Department of Biochemistry, Sheffield, submitted to the University authorities on the occasion of the offer of a Professorship Krebs notes that 'in consequence of this at Harvard, November 1951. memorandum the University decided to provide additional space in the This made the institution of an honours school possible’. Scala Cinema. Papers re reestablishing contacts after the war with former German colleague (K. Henseleit), February 1947. Election as 'Socio Straniero, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei', 7 July 1951. Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, March 1947. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.28 (Cont'd.) American Public Health Association's Lasker Award, 12 November 1953. Photocopy of letter from the Dean of the Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg, 21 November 1953, enclosing testimony written by E. Rehn in December 1932. A.31. (Rem. & Refl., pp.170-171). For originals see ‘The citric acid cycle'. (Bibliog. 173). Printed copy. Nobel Lecture, Stockholm, 11 December 1953 Copy (reduced size) of Nobel Diploma, 10 December 1953. Krebs's speech at dinner given in his honour by the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 27 January 1954. Honorary Degree, University of Chicago, 19 March 1954. Offer of Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry, Oxford, 8 May 1954. Memorandum on the future of the Biochemistry Department at Sheffield, written at the invitation of the Vice-Chancellor, 4 August 1954. Royal Medal, 30 November 1954. Honorary Doctorate, University of Paris, 29 October 1956. Member of Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, 7 June 1956. Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 8 May 1957. Address of welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, 5 July 1955; typescript copy of Krebs's introduction to his Aschoff Memorial Lecture and reprint of lecture (Bibliog. 179). Enzymologia paper, Bibliog. 62.). Honorary Doctorate, University of Sheffield, 12 May 1959. A.29. Letter from W.A. Johnson, 6 June 1978. (Krebs's collaborator on Knighthood, 1958. Admiral in the Texas Navy, 6 October 1958. Sagamore of the Wabash, 13 November 1966. See also H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.29 Untitled 1959-65 Biographical and autobiographical Documents re various honours and awards, mainly certificates, but including speeches of public orators presenting Krebs for honorary degrees at Sheffield and London Universities (1959) and draft of Krebs's address on the occasion of the conferment of an honorary degree by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1960). Untitled 1955, 1964-78 Documents re various honours and awards, mainly certificates, with speeches of presentation and a little correspondence; also includes H. Theorell's reply to Krebs's congratulations on the occasion of his Nobel Prize (1955). Large format hardback scrapbook consisting of miscellaneous gatherings assembled by Krebs and bound in book form. scrapbook referred to by Krebs in his autobiography (Rem. & Refl., p.166). This is apparently the Principally correspondence, photographs and newspaper-cuttings re the rumoured award of a Nobel Prize in 1952 and the actual award in 1953, with Krebs's typescript diary of events, 19-24 October 1952 and 12-25 October 1953. Documents include: Letters of congratulation (1952). Photographs of Krebs and family (1952). Letter from F. Cedrangolo informing Krebs that he had nominated him for a Nobel Prize, January 1952. Letter from H. Theorell requesting photograph of Krebs for his Institute, 8 October 1953. Continued Letter from Rector of the Royal Caroline Institute confirming his telegram re award of Nobel Prize, 23 October 1953. in the scrapbook. Material re travel to Stockholm and award ceremonies. Speech by F. Davies, Professor of Anatomy, Sheffield, at dinner given in Krebs's honour by the University. Address by R.N. Salaman at a dinner in Krebs's honour given by the Friends of the Hebrew University in Sheffield. The telegram itself is not H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.31 (Cont'd.) Biographical and autobiographical Draft of Krebs's speech at a dinner in his honour given by the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the Savoy Hotel, London. Letter from F. Lipmann re joint 'Smoker' talk with Krebs at the Atlantic City Federation of American Biological Chemists meeting, 1954. Newspaper-cuttings re Krebs's election to the Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry, Rockefeller grant for Krebs's research and the award of a Royal Medal (1954). Large format hardback scrapbook similar to A.31 above. Principally correspondence, newspaper-cuttings and photographs re visits and conferences, 1957-70, which should be consulted in con- junction with similar material in Section F. The visits include J.R. Geigy A.G. bicentenary celebrations in Basel (1958), Lindau meetings of Nobel Prize winners, and Indianapolis Enzyme Regulation Symposia. Blue large format hardback scrapbook containing material re 1949 visit to USA, including schedule of visit but principally miscellaneous memorabilia. See also F.8-F.16. Many loose items. See also F.20. Miscellaneous memorabilia including invitations, two photographs taken on board RMS Queen Mary. receipts and (loose) Blue quarto-size binder containing gatherings of items assembled by Krebs re his visit to USA in 1954. See also F.23-F.46. Small format scrapbook with record of journey to Oslo, 17-26 May 1952, including correspondence re arrangements and Krebs's ms. diary of events. Some loose items. See also F.314. Quarto-size ringback loose~leaf binder containing a collection of document in plastic covers re Krebs's visit to Charlotte North Carolina, January 1978. Correspondence re arrangements; invitations declined; and poster; newspaper~cuttings; miscellaneous memorabilia. Many loose items. Lerge format softcover scrapbook, with record of Krebs's visit to Houston, Mexico, Berkeley and Philadelphia, December 1961. See also F.99, F.10 lecture programme Some loose items. H .A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.38 Biographical and autobiographical 29 Blue large cuttings of interest to Krebs, c.1945-61. 1-54 and has format hardcover scrapbook containing miscellaneous press The scrapbook is paginated (on loose pages) a 2pp. typescript index. Red large format hardcover scrapbook containing miscellaneous sayings and quotations of interest to Krebs (typescript and printed), and press- cuttings, many of a biographical nature. scrapbook is paginated 1-108 and has (on loose pages) a Spp. typescript index. Vitamin C experiment and a photograph of the volunteers. Of particular interest are the press-cuttings re the wartime Some loose items. The Large format softcover scrapbook containing miscellaneous sayings and quotations of interest to Krebs (typescript and printed). items. Some loose H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.41-A. 399 DIARIES AND JOTTERS The material is presented as follows: A.41-A.79 DESK DIARIES 1943-81 A.80-A. 106 POCKET DIARIES 1942, 1954-81 A.107-A.114 PERSONAL DIARIES 1941-46, 1946-48, 1957-62 one. content. Certain broad distinctions may nevertheless be drawn. standard octavo format. A.115-A.399 = JOTTERS 1949-81 The Desk Diaries (A.41-A.79) are hard-backed engagement books of fairly Krebs was a compulsive recorder of information, but by no means a systematic The various sequences presented here are distinguished as much by format as by for example, Krebs kept notes at the rear of diaries on his health and its treatment. The entries are on the whole summary lists of appointments, meetings, visits, things to do at home or work, shopping lists, birthdays to remember, preparations for journeys, often crossed through as the tasks were performed. for the later years include more references to scientific work in hand, experiments to undertake, books and articles to be read, instructions for laboratory colleagues, notes of meetings and discussions, and a little more personal material; Diaries in his last years, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 3] Biographical and autobiographical The Pocket Diaries (A.80-A.106) with the exception of A.80 for 1942, are all Oxford University Diaries, a very small format until 1980. and some general notes but perforce in relatively compressed form. They record appointments The Personal Diaries (A.107-A.114) are few in number. The first of this portion. type (A.107, A.108) are exercise books used for diary entries extending over several years, and with some holiday notes by Margaret Krebs. The later diaries (A. 109- A.114) are anoctave sequence, some in handsome limp leather, all with the initials 'J.L.F.' stamped on the cover. There is also a change of content, or rather of pro- Personal engagements and memoranda become fewer; scientific information, ideas for experiments, etc. continue; but most of the pages are filled with drafts for speeches (many on the Oxford controversies of the period), letters, shorter writings, or reflections arising from conversations or reading. dated though they do not correspond to the calendar dates, and there are some blank pages unrelated to the holiday or travel periods which occur in the equivalent desk and engagement diaries. Most, notall, of these are diaries, except in format. They are small soft-backed books which Lady Krebs des- The original intention was cribes as 'bought at Woolworths' though some obviously originate abroad. to have begun this type of journal in 1949 and continued to the end of his life. They were in essence travel diaries in which he would record in careful detail his journeys, meetings, discussions, purchases, reflections on general topics, research ideas, etc. The small format and easy replacement suited Krebs's temperament perfectly, but at Krebs seems The Jotters (A.115-A. 399) are in many respects a development of the personal Some of the more extended writings on all the same time create problems of dating and attribution. to keep a jotter for each journey; sometimes, however, a year's travel or, more frequently, a complicated lecture and conference trip to several centres can be found in one book. In later years, Krebs's travel became so extensive that a considerable number of jotters would be used ina single year and Lady Krebs confirms that he would have five or six in use at the same time. Usually there is a starting date at the front or on the cover and the contents can be assumed to extend forwards but not retrospectively from it. Sometimes the pages are numbered; occasionally there is an index; the middle or rear pages are often used for general reflections while a more or less chronological sequence of events is recorded at the front. Many of the later jotters include autobiographical or self-analytical passages. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical topics, often become the basis of the short typescript notes found throughout the col- lection. Examples of pages torn out of jotters for this purpose can be found at A.134, A. 249, A.377 and many other jotters can be seen to have been mutilated in this way. All these categories of notebook, which are all autograph manuscript, may include ioose pages, letters, notes, press-cuttings, etc. which are mentioned though not always itemised in the catalogue entries. The variety of the material, which often overlaps disconcertingly with similar documentation elsewhere in the collection, makes this section an important supplementary source for Krebs's personal and scientific development. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.41-A.79 DESK DIARIES 1943-81 1943 Includes notes of meetings pasted in, and, as loose pages, press- cuttings, correspondence, note of diet administered to volunteers November 9th, letter of news of family and Jewish friends. 1944 Includes items pasted in, and as loose pages. 1945 Includes a few loose intercalated pages. 1946 1947 1948 1949 Includes a few intercalated pages, and some items as loose pages (at rear of book). See A.470-A.476. Includes a few loose intercalated pages. Includes a few intercalated pages, and items pasted in. At rear of book are Krebs's notes on negotiations with Sheffield over his possible move to Harvard Rem. & Refl., pp.180-185). Includes a few intercalated pages, and one letter. Note: the diaries for 1953 and 1954 are of different format from those preceding and following them. Includes a few intercalated pages. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.55 1957 Biographical and autobiographical Some health notes at rear of book. 1958 Some health notes at rear of book. 1959 Includes a few loose pages, and items pasted in. 1960 Includes a few loose press-cuttings. 196] 1962 1963 Includes a few intercalated items. 1964 Includes a few loose press-cuttings; some health notes at rear of book. at rear of book. Includes a few items pasted in and as loose pages. Includes a few press-cuttings, pasted in and as loose items. 1965 Includes Krebs's notes of negotiations about his post-retirement laboratory space, and some health notes of book. 1969 Includes a few items pasted in and as loose pages; some health notes at rear of book. Includes several items pasted in or as loose pages, and health notes at rear 1966 1967 1968 1970 1971 Includes a few items pasted in and as loose pages. Some health notes at rear of book. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A.70 1972 Biographical and autobiographical Includes a few items pasted in or as loose pages, and health notes at rear of book. 1973 Includes several intercalated items, and loose pages at front and rear of book; health notes at rear of book. 1974 Includes several items pasted in or as intercalated pages; health notes at rear of book. 1975 Includes several items pasted in. 1976 Includes a few items pasted in or as intercalated pages; brief health notes at rear of book. 1977 Includes a few items pasted in or as loose pages; brief health notes at rear of book. 1978 1979 1980 198] health notes Includes several items pasted in; health notes at rear of book. Includes several items pasted in, anda few loose pages; at rear of book. Includes several items pasted in and some loose pages intercalated and at front and rear; health notes. Includes several items pasted in and some loose pages at rear. Extensive health notes at rear of book. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.80-A. 106 POCKET DIARIES 1942, 1954-81 A.80 1942 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1965-66 1967 1967-68 1960-6] 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1975-76 1968-69 1969-70 1971-72 1972-73 1964-65 Diary for 1970-71 is missing 1980-81 1973-74 1974-75 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 HA. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.107-A.114 PERSONAL DIARIES 1941-46, 1946-48, 1957-62 Exercise~book used as diary, with many press-cuttings pasted in and others left as loose items; or inserted in the book. letters, postcards, notices of meetings also pasted in The entries run 23 December 1940-23 May 1946 and include domestic and scientific material, and also many press-cuttings on the progress of the war with comments and reflections by Krebs. Margaret Krebs about family holidays, children's progress, etc. the pasted-in material is similar to that sometimes chosen for the scrapbooks (qqv.) or used by Krebs in his autobiography. There are a few entries by Some of It includes: 11 March 1941 Acknowledgement of Krebs's letter to Churchill 'on the importance of home production' 6 May 1941 Meeting with J.G. Crowther about yeast production from bracken Rem. & Refl., p.123) 2 February 1942 Germany Letter from T. Davidson with news of relatives in 24 March 1945 Notice of conferral on Krebs of title of professor of biochemistry at Sheffield 18 May 1945 — Extract from letter from Canon A.C. Austen about his meeting with Krebs's family during the last days of the war (quoted in Rem. & Refl., pp. 147-48 when the date of the letter is given as 16 May). Also enclosed is a photocopy of a note from Maria and Gisela Krebs (date not legible) describing the meeting . Exercise-book used as diary, with press-cuttings pasted in and others left as loose items; letters, postcards, various personal and other items also inserted at front and rear of book. The content is similar to A.107 but covers a shorter period and is less consistently maintained. At rear of book - press-cuttings. At front of book - miscellaneous family letters, recommendation (1946, 1947) for Maria Krebs to visit England. including letters of Entries run 7 June 1946-25 October 1948. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.109-A.114 Sequence of limp leather diaries all with initials 'J.L.F.' on cover. A.109 A.110 A.111 A.112 A.113 1957 and 'Service' dated November 1956. Includes, at rear of book, 2pp. ms. notes on 'Use of power' 1958 1959 1960 With part index at rear. 1961 and University Research' dated 15 November, from D.D. Woods. With some loose pages, including note on 'Research Councils A.114 1962 The initials 'J.L.F.' are those of Krebs's father-in-law, Joseph Leo Fieldhouse. NB. 'HAK used up the unwanted diaries passed on May 1986.) by JLF!' — (Information from Lady Krebs, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Biographical and autobiographical A.115-A.399 JOTTERS 1949-81 These are too numerous, and their content too heterogeneous, to be described in detail (see the introductory note). Dates and places given by Krebs are quoted in inverted commas, and a little additional information is given where it is felt to be of special use or interest. Cross-references to Section F, Visits and Conferences, is like- wise given only exceptionally, since they can be linked relatively easily from the dates. In many cases, the jotters fill out the information or attest to shorter journeys not docu- mented elsewhere. : From the early 1970s almost all the jotters contain ideas, memoranda or narra- tives for Krebs's autobiography; in addition, from 1979 they all reflect his thoughts on evolution in preparation for the Dunham Lectures. The presentation is chronological as far as this is ascertainable; undated jotters are at A. 392-A.399. Several 'Teleology'. 'Norway' '1949 American Journey’. March-April. Paginated 1-128. '1949 after the Second World War (Rem. & Refl., pp. 155-157) . Hildesheim'. This was Krebs's first visit to Germany USA Notebook inscribed 'Material on fermentation chapters'. pages torn out. Some dated September 1951. There is alsoa 'Draft New York', see A.121. '1953 Various dates June-October 1953. pages On Spending One's Time’ (a 2pp. note headed 'Train Hook 21/6/53'). Heidelberg, Freiburg, Schweiz' (and several other journeys). Cover also bears a note 'See last April 1952 (and several other journeys in Britain and abroad). (and other material, some dated November 1952). Some pages dated September 1951. "Summer holiday 1952' H .A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 A. A A A AZZ . 123 .124 A.125 A A A 126 a .128 A Ms. and typescript notes of conversations with colleagues, or of papers heard, at conferences and meetings; mainly research in progress or projected, but includes a little personal material. Various dates, 1963, 1964. . « With typescript index (6 items). to USA March 1968, printed matter. With typescript index (20 items, of which no.1 is missing) « ‘Biochemistry notes’ Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes, notes on the literature, discussions with colleagues, notes on visit Item 10 is a note by G.K. Radda on Warburg's theory of photosynthesis; item 17 is Krebs's notes of a meeting of the Biochemical Society, 1967. Various dates, 1961-68. With typescript index (9 items). 'Ketosis' Contents of a ring-back binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes, correspondence, references, experimental results by T. Gascoyne, etc. Various dates, 1964-65. printed matter, bibliographical H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ‘Free energy changes' Contents of a ring-back binder so inscribed. One item only, 1965. ‘Redox states and mitochondria! Contents of a ring-back binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, correspondence. substantial draft, item 1] Various dates, 1965-67. With typescript index (12 items, of which nos.1, 2, missing). 10pp., on 'Redox State of Tissues and Cells', 1965; is "Article on Hepatic Coma for Besman's new journal’, 1967. Item 9 is a 3, 5, 6, 10 are D.67 No index, or numbering of items. ‘Redox states’ Contents of a ring-back binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, notes of discussions, on the literature, of further points for discussion, printed matter. Includes draft, 1966, for ‘Modena lecture’ on 'Some aspects of mitochondrial organisation’. Various dates, 1965-67. 16 are missing). ‘Pyridine nucleotide interrelations’ Contents of a ring-back folder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes, research ideas, drafts, a little related printed matter. Various dates, 1966-68. With typescript index (17 items, of which nos.1, 2, 4, 6, 9, Fo; TS, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ‘Pyridine nucleotide interrelations' Contents of a ring-back binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes, research ideas, results and calculati ions, laboratory results by cnlledaue Various dates, 1957-68. ltem 2 is on rat diets (1968). With typescript index (10 items, of which nos.1, 3, missing). 8, 9, T0-are There is a ms. note by Krebs 'taken to USA! against nos. 9 and 10). 0, BF ‘Biochemistry’ Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, ideas for future experiments, notes on the literature and on edlizaques results, correspondence, related printed matter. Item 10 is correspondence and drafts on ear ly work by Rosenfeld on carbohydrates. Various dates, 1966-73. With typescript index (31 items, of which nos.2, 9, 25 are missi No title. item 6 is Items 16-24, 25-3] Index, items 1, 3-8, 10-15 Contents of a spring-clamp binder. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, research ideas, discussions with colleagues, notes on the literature, experimental results by L.V. Eggleston (annotated by Krebs), related printed matter. is 7pp. draft for proposed work on amino acid degradation; note of discussions on research, lectures, etc. during a visit to America, October 1971; Morch 197] Various dates, 1970-71. With typescript index (24 items, of which no.3 is missing). a note of a discussion with Britton Chance, Item 2 item 10 is a H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ‘1970-1971! Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, discussions with colleagues, notes on the literature, ideas for research, correspondence, related printed matter. Item 13 (on diabetes and degenerative eye disorders) is dated 1964. Various dates, 1970-71 (and on item 1964). With typescript index (16 items). 21971" Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts. Several items are notes of dis- cussions with colleagues on research projects and methods, during a visit to America in July 1971. is ms. and typescript versions of a note on ‘Blood substitutes' (August 1971). Various dates, 1971. Item 6 With typescript index (7 items, of which no.4 is missing). Several of the items deal with work with J.B. Hoek and others on Item 7 (on Rotenone) is dated 1968. SF} * Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, research ideas, notes on the literature, discussions with colleagues, results, correspondence, related printed matter. liver metabolism. Various dates, 1968, 1970-71. Items 4-11, 13-14 With typescript index (14 items, of which no.12 (‘Blood substitutes’ - see D.74) is missing). There is an additional unlisted item. D379, DWw6 Index, items 1-3 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.77-D.79 Contents of a spring-clamp binder. No title. Research Ms. and typescript notes and ideas, discussions with colleagues, bibliographical references, correspondence, related printed matter, Item 23 is notes on the literature, laboratory results. notes, results and printed matter on fructolysis (1975). Various dates, 1972-75. a bundle of With typescript index (33 items). Index, items 1-17 Items 18-23 Items 24-33 Contents of a spring-clamp binder. No title. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, bibliographical references, research problems, discussions with colleagues, notes on Lipmann Symposium, July 1974 (Item 14), related printed matter, correspondence. is a draft on equilibrium systems. Various dates, 1972-75. Item 26 D. 8140.83 With typescript index (28 items). SES Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Items 21-36 Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, research ideas, notes on the literature, bibliographical references, comments on colleagues' results and ideas, Many items include correspondence or refer to related printed matter. discussions with colleagues (items 1, at Copenhagen meeting 1973'. a meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology at Oxford, 1972, on ‘Warburg on Measuring Rates’. Various dates, 1970-73. Item 20 is Krebs's introductory lecture at 3, 22-24, 32). Item 12 is 'Discussions With typescript index (36 items). Index, items 1-11 ltems 12-20 H.A, Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Loose papers of notes, drafts, research ideas, results by L.V. Eggleston, 1969. Moinly 1973. Found inside the binder, but not part of the contents as itemised in the index. D.85, D.86 "Liver cells' Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. two sets of material each with a ms. index by Krebs, all relating to work on liver cells. This binder contained Ms. and typescript notes, drafts, results, calculations by Krebs and collaborators, notes on the literature. Mainly on COo buffers, and on lysine. Various dates, 1973. With ms. index (15 items, of which nos.6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 are missing). 1973. With typescript index 4, 5, 6, 8, 11 are missing). Contents of a spring-clamp binder. With ms. index (11 items, of which nos.2, 3, Ms. drafts, laboratory results and experiments, mainly by Krebs but some by collaborators, principally related to work on histidine, lysine and methionine. The dated notes are 1973-74. Ms. and typescript notes, drafts, results, correspondence, on isolated liver cells and on lysine. Various dates, With typescript index (12 items). Contents of a spring-clamp binder. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, notes on the literature, discussions on research projects, results, correspondence, related printed matter. Includes material on histidine metabolism, Crassulacae, lysine, etc. (6 items, not numbered). No title. No title. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Loose pages of notes, drafts, printed matter, originally tucked into D .88 but not figuring in the index. Various dates, 1973-75. Contents of a spring-clamp binder. No title. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, notes on the literature. a few notes on proline dated 1970, but most of the material is dated 1974 and deals with equilibrium reactions. Some of it, headed There are There is no index. Contents of a spring-clamp P' Pp binder. No title. F Y Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, discussions with colleagues, correspondence, related printed matter, bibliographical references, research data from collaborators. Various dates, 1974-77. notes on books and articles, results, f f ? Item 21 No title. D.92, D.93 There is no index. Contents of a spring-clamp binder. Ms. notes and drafts, bibliographical references, notes on 'Valencia meeting’ (1975), correspondence, printed matter including some on sociobiological problems. on chirality. Various dates, 1975. Items 21, 22 is a substantial assemblage of material With typescript index (22 items). Index, items 1-20 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Contents of a plastic envelope, perhaps intended to be incorporated in a binder. Ms. notes and drafts, notes on books and articles, research ideas. Several items relate to evolution of metabolic cycles. Various dates, 1980-81, and some undated items. With typescript index (18 items, of which nos. 1, 17 are missing). 2, 4, Ite Contenis of a plastic envelope, pethaps intended to be incorporated in a binder. Ms. and typescript drafts, comments on ideas of others, notes on books and articles, printed matter and press~cuttings. Much of the material relates to the Dunham lectures given at Harvard in 1981 and to work on evolutionary theory. Various dates, 1980-81, and some undated items. With typescript index (21 items, of which nos.11, 20 are missing). 13 D.97-D.100 Items 14-19, 21 Contents of three spring-clamp binders kept by Krebs specifically as ‘Research projects! or ‘Biochemical problems'. The contents do not differ significantly from others in the s sequence which he identified by topic or by year. research See also D.207 for similar material kept with the projects in hand. Index, items 1-10, 12, Continued ‘Research projects’ Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. Ms. and typescript notes and drofts, notes on the literature, results, correspondence, related pee ted matter; ketosis, and calcium effect on gluconeogenesis. Various dates, 1962-69. With typescript index (6 items). experimental mainly on aspects of H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ‘Biochemical problems' Contents of a spring-clamp binder so inscribed. t i Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, discussions with colleagues, research ideas and methods, notes on the literature, bibliographical references, results by L.V. E Eggles ton and others, correspondence, related printed Item 3 (1958) 'General comment on redox work' is a draft for atter. a talk or lecture. Various dates, 1968-70, except for item 20 'Saline Media’ (1963) and item 21 'Alcaligenes'’ (1951). With typescript index (24 items). D.. 99}:Dx.}00 "Biochemical Problems 1969-70! Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, research ideas, discussions with colleagues, notes on the literature, experimental a correspondence, related printed matter, bibliographical references. draft on 'Changes in Redox State under Anaerobic os ditions'; item 22 (1970) is a note of discussions at ‘Marburg Symposium'; item 25 (1970) is a substantial assemblage of material on 'micresomal mixed function oxidases! Various dates, 1967-70. 5 (1969) Item is a With typescript index (34 items, of which nos.10 and 27, both on proline, are missing. Index, items 1-9, 11-20 Items 21-26, 28-34 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.101 - D.514 RESEARCH PROJECTS This covers the bulk of Krebs's research activity 1951 - 81. It is presented as a chronological sequence of topics, each dated from the first surviving notes or records. Krebs's own designations, where they existed on the original folders and boxes, have been retained. Un-named material has been supplied with an appropriate descriptive title on advice from Krebs's colleagues. Some of the topics are very substantial, extending over a long time=span and covering research ideas, laboratory work by Krebs and others, multiple drafts for publications, discussions with colleagues, scientific and editorial corres~ pondence, background and bibliographical material. | Others are brief, perhaps just a note for possible future research or a collection of annotated offprints on a topic to be explored later. Generally speaking, however, this can be said to form the basic Efforts have therefore been Correspondents are indexed material for Krebs's research, lectures and publications. made to link the work with the published papers, references being given in the form and colleagues identified where possible. H.A,. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research LIST OF CONTENTS TELEOLOGY 1951-54, 196] BUFFER SOLUTIONS STEERING AND FEEDBACK MECHANISMS KETOGENESIS / PYRUVATE METABOLISM SPECIFIC DYNAMIC ACTION OF FOODSTUFFS 1960-64 1961-66 127=D.% KETOGENESIS / INSULIN ANTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONES IN KETOGENESIS REVERSAL OF OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION / ATP DEPE =N DE! NT REDUCTIONS a8 SECONDARY. EFFECTS OF DINITR OPHENOL 196] OXALOACETATE AND SUCCINIC DEHYDRO- GENASE prot, i160 CO BUFFERS IN MANOMETRY H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 .161-D.164 GROWTH AND ENERGY Research .165 . 166 CONTROL OF GLUCONEOGENESIS ‘CITRULLINE’ SPOT .167-D.174 MUSCLE METABOLISM .175-D.177 PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE .178-D.180 KETONE BODIES . “ = ~ de 1 More fragmentary notes and drafts. . 109 Notes, references, background material. ie, Bit Later correspondence and papers, 1961. seo Correspondence with L. Rosenfeld on possible exchange of views on the subject. little background material. With a With a BUFFER SOLUTIONS Brief notes, references, data. Krebs's notes and drafts on teleology, complementarity, etc., various dates May-Septemier 1961. little background material. background material, some annotated. n.d., c.1955. With related H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.113-D.120 STEERING AND FEEDBACK MECHANISMS Research BRIS ‘Die Steuering der Stoffwechselvorgdnge' Typescript draft, with a few ms. corrections and covering letter, October 1955. (Bibliog. 179) ‘Regulation of Matabolism' 17pp. typescript and ms. draft for lecture. ‘Ann Arbor March 1960' and ‘Jerusalem April 1936’. With a ms. headnote lA4pp. typescript lecture or article on regulation of metabolism. No date or place. Included here are offprints of two of Krebs's publications on the subject (Bibliog. 178, 187). Notes, drafts, discussions. with H. Motz on origin of term 'feedback' 1955, and other notes, 1958, A962. Includes note of discussion Few dated. Background material, some annotated. Ms. and typescript bibliographical references. Ms. notes on feedback mechanisms, 1963, 1965. Witha ms. note by Krebs 'Regulation (earlier refs) collected for Physiol. Review (never written)’. Background material, some annotated. H.A,. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research KETOGENESIS / PYRUVATE METABOLISM Fao" Typescript draft with a few ms. corrections, and tables for an untitled paper; various dates, 1955-57. the accompanying experimental results have Miscellaneous references, some dated 1964, and headed 'Deuel Conference paper’. Brief correspondence on bovine ketosis, 1962. Later notes and drafts, March-April 1965. Offprints and background material, some annotated. .125-D.128 SPECIFIC DYNAMIC ACTION OF FOODSTUFFS Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, some dated 1957, 1958. Heavily~corrected ms. and typescript drafts, some dated 1959 and referring to work of K.L. Blaxter. Only one publication on this topic is listed (Bibliog. 194), a paper given at the Rona Symposium. ground material and notes by Krebs of discussions. Later ms. and typescript notes, drafts, experimental results (by Krebs and some by P. Lund). Includes figures for publication, and a copy of Bibliog. 194 with updated bibliography. 1962. Correspondence and discussion with colleagues on experiments, techniques, results, 1960-63. little related back pe . Includes a and typescript drafts, bibliography, references, references, bibliography, drafts, anc escriot list of contents. ndated ms. Undated a short ms. Various dates, 1961, witt with . SAP c f ‘ H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 ~t27-D-131 ANTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONES IN KETOGENESIS 1959-62 Research Tae Correspondence with colleagues, institutions and firms about specimens and supplies for proposed research, 1959-62. Research notes and data, suggestions for experiments, bibliographical references, by Krebs and collaborator. August 1960-September 1961 (and one page later data, August 1966). Background material. .132-D.138 KETOGENESIS / INSULIN 1959-65 Bibliographical references. ‘Biochemical Aspects of Ketosis' «132 Ms. and typescript notes and drafis, references, discussions with colleagues (some on writing-paper of HMS 'Queen Elizabeth’) none dated, correspondence (1964). Draft paper by Krebs, contributing to discussion arising from a presentation by C.H. Best on ‘Metabolic problems involving the pancreas, insulin and glucagon'. n.d., latest reference 1959. labelled 'Ketosis in Chicago'. II pp. duplicated typescript, with ms. headnote 'Amended Copy’. Perhaps earlier version of Ernest Dixon Memorial Lecture of same title Bibliog. 193). 'The Biochemical lesion in ketosis’ 3 drafts (all different) of paper given at Chicago, March 1960, and published 1961 (Bibliog. 198), in Krebs's original folder H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research 198, 200, 236). Offprints of Krebs's published papers on the subject, kept with the material (Bibliog. 193, ‘Inaugural Lecture: Some Aspects of Gluconeogenesis (The Relations between Gluconeogenesis and Ketogenesis ), given at the Third Symposium, on Energy Metabolism, of the European Association for Animal Production, held at Troon, Mey 1954 and published in the Proceedings (Academic Press, 1965); tion is not listed in the Bibliography. Included here is his this publica- Background material sent to or requested by Krebs, some annotated. D.139"D 157 REVERSAL OF OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION / ATP DEPENDENT REACTIONS / SECONDARY EFFECTS OF DINITROPHENOL 1960-64 D.139-D.141 Not all dated. 0.157 November 1960- July 1961 Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, almost all by Krebs but a few by Eggleston. Three folders as follows: Many relate to Bibliog . 199. Contents of a box so labelled, comprising notes, drafts, corres~ pondence, etc. relating to collaborative work principally with Krebs's original L.V. Eggleston (Bibliog. 199, 202, 208, 209). folders, some with descriptions, are at D.157. See also D.158 which is a continuation of similar work, also with Eggleston, but kept separately by Krebs. January-September 1960 Experimental data, tabulated results, calculations, etc., chiefly by Eggleston but with many ms. notes, suggestions for further experiments, etc. by Krebs. Five folders as follows: September- November 1961 and undated 'Draft of LVE' April-December 1963 and undated. D.142-D.146 D.140 D.14] H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 143 144 ~145 - 146 Research November-December 1960 January-October 196] 1962 August- November 1963, some headed 'Klingenberg" expts. ' -147-D.152 Publications and lectures . 147 . 148 . 149 Draft for slide lecture, 21pp. typescript. Part draft for slide lecture (different from above). Part draft for publication, with tables, on oxidation of succinate. - 150 Notes, drafts, references, some dated 1961. "The effect of dinitrophenol on the metabolism of oxaloacetate in animal tissues' q Heavily~corrected ms. and typescript drafts for a paper so titled, by Krebs and Eggleston, various dates, March 1962, October and All the above were in original folder labelled 'Welch Raw Meterial' and probably refer to Krebs's 1961 Welch lecture 'Biological reductions in complex systems’ (Bibliog. 202). 22 January 1964. No paper of this title is listed in the Bibliography, and it was probably not published (R. Hems, personal communication, 1984). ~ December 1963, and undated. Ms. notes for lecture on the subject given for ‘Biochemistry Part II', H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Correspondence Bucher, T. Chance, B. Ernster, L. Klingenberg, M. 1960 1960 1960 1960, 1963 Chance, B. 1964 Krebs's carbon only, on further research on reversal of oxidative phosphorylation. With related printed matter. Background material, some annotated. Krebs's original folders and box description. OXALOACETATE AND SUCCINIC DEHYDROGENASE 1961-66 1963-66, and a Includes some earlier data Continuing work with L.V. Eggleston. and drafts, 1961-62, another draft of unlisted paper on effect of DNP (see D.151 above), continuing drafts by Krebs substantial 12pp. draft by Krebs and Eggleston on 'Metabolism of Oxaloacetate'. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.159, D.160 COs BUFFERS IN MANOMETRY 196] Research D.159 Notes, drafts, bibliographical references, notes on the literature, correspondence from suppliers of ‘Warburg Flasks', June- September 1961. Offprints of articles by O. Warburg on manometry, and of Krebs's earlier (1951) articles on the subject (Bibliog. 140, 147). D.161-D.164 GROWTH AND ENERGY 1962 D.161 Ms. and typescript notes, drafts, calculations, research ideas, references. A few only dated, January, April 1962. In Krebs's original folder, labelled 'Growth and energy’. D.162 Elsden, S.R. D.162-D.164 Correspondence with colleagues, 1962 Includes copies of Elsden's reports on growth and energy to the A.R.C. Correspondence June includes invitation to Krebs to chair a session of the Society for General Microbiology symposium on ‘Comparative Aspects of Microbial Metabolism', in Sheffield, January 1963. Zeuthen, E. Includes report by Stoward to D.S.1.R. on Thermodynamics of bacterial growth. Stoward, P.J. Zamecnik, P. H.A, Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research CONTROL OF GLUCONEOGENESIS 1962-63 24pp. ms. notes and drafts, in spiral~bound foolscap pad, various dates December 1952-January 1963. Includes research ideas, experiments, discussions with colleagues, notes on the literature, etc. The work, though heterogeneous in nature, is dated continuously from 22 December to 5 January, including Christmas Day, and may represent Krebs's reading and thinking when the laboratory was closed for Christmas. Note for 3 January on 'Citrulline' appears in a typed version in D.166 below. 'CITRULLINE' SPOT 1962-63 Notes, drafts, correspondence, experimental results, by R.Hems and another, August 1962-January 1963. Derks and Grisolia on 'Citrulline-like Moterial' and of Krebs's ms. and typescript notes on the subject. Includes copy of paper by Drafts f notes ‘ correspondence main , » D.167-D.174 D.167-D.169 1962-64, 1967 concerned with lactate in In Krebs's original folder. MUSCLE METABOLISM drafts and narratives, Moy, September-October 1963. Krebs's dated notes, drafts, research ideas and discussions, experimental results, bibliographical references. Carbohydrate synthesis in striated muscle; correspondence, substantial Three folders as follows: exercise. 1962 1963 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Undated notes, bibliographical references; L.V. Eggleston, October 1963. includes some data by Brief publications and papers by Krebs. Includes contribution to discussion of the 'Oxygen Symposium! sponsored jointly by the International Unions of Biochemistry and Physiological Sciences at Oxford, September 1963, and notes for paper on 'Some aspects of the metabolism of muscular exercise! given at a seminar in the Department of Physiology, Oxford, June 1964 (arising in part from 1963 Symposium and subsequent research and correspondence with D. Cunningham, B.B. Lloyd - see D.172 below). Correspondence, 1963-64 Cunningham, D. Lloyd, B.B. Mesoro, E.J. Wlson; RE: Background material, some annotated. Correspondence with R.E. Davies, 1967, on early work on muscle metabolism. Includes a draft of letter by Krebs to A.V. Hill on same subject. In original folder labelled 'Pyruvate Carboxylase'. PYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE Notes and drafts by Krebs. App. draft by L.V. Eggleston ‘Location of pyruvate carboxylase’, October 1966. Various dates, 1962-66. Includes 1962-66 D.175-D.177 Ut ra H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Experimental assays and results, mainly by Eggleston, with a few notes by Krebs, various dates, 1954-65. Drafts and notes by W. Gevers and Krebs for collaborative paper ‘The regulation of phosphoenol pyruvate synthesis in pigeon liver', published 1957 (Bibliog. 244). D.178-D.180 KETONE BODIES 1962-65 Correspondence, drafts, data exchanged with L. Kastner, relating to her research and publications on ketone bodies in rat-liver preparations. See also D.130. Notes, drafts, amendments by Krebs, some dated 1964. ENZYME ASSAYS Correspondence, data and drafts from L. Kastner, 1963-65. Miscellaneous drafts, some with Krebs's amendments. Final 10pp. typescript version. live ' pyruvate carboxylase’; Contents of two folders so described, of notes, drafts, experimental data by Krebs and L.V. Eggleston. Extensive notes and drafts, mainly by Krebs but some by annotated by Krebs. Various dates, September 1963-Merc Notes of September 1963 and July 1964 of enzyme assays’; 1963-66 Sagi de i C es lrafi t a aratt ror a proposed paper by s Eggleston and of enzymes related to gluconeogenesis in rat pe oS f ! 5 i i . ‘ . Research Ms. drafts for papers, experimental data, tables, almost all by Eggleston, with a few ms. notes by | July-October 1965. r esults, etc. re NT@EDS. a a D.183-D.187 ISOTOPE EXCHANGES 1963-70 D.183 Notes, drafts, references, various dates 1963-65. brief notes for "Houston lecture’ dated January 1965. Includes Similar material, 1969 and undated. Notes for publication and paper. Includes ms. notes for 'Wirtheimer Paper’ on isotope exchanges, and typescript 'Discussion of paper by Robert Pitts', n.d. Also included here are copies of Krebs's papers Bibliog. 229, 233. 1969-70 1959 Ryman, B.E. Landau, B.R. In original folder labelled 'Wirtheimer'. In original folder labelled 'lsotope Exchanges'. Correspondence with colleagues re research and analyses. Background material. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.188-D.205 ISOLATED LIVER CELLS 1963-77 Research The earliest notes and drafts date from the 1960s (D. 188, D.189) but the bulk of the material dates from 1970 onward. event was the Alfred Benzon Symposium VI on 'Regulation of hepatic metabolism' at which Krebs chaired a session and gave a paper. papers (Bibliog. 332, 333) were published in the Proceedings. Krebs continued to work on isolated liver cells until shortly before his death (see D..513, D.514). D.H. Williamson also gave a paper and two collaborative See also D.534-F 539, An important Notes, drafts, data, mainly by Krebs, o few by Eggleston, on 'Cellularity determination’, 1963. Notes, drafts, research ideas and narratives on liver permeability, various dates 1956-67. permeability’. With original folder labelled 'Liver Brief notes and references, 1970. Notes and drafts, 1972. .193-D.195 Includes brief correspondence Extensive notes and drafts, 1973. forwarding results. Experimental data, results, calculations, by Krebs and others, mainly on the 'lysine effect', probably for paper at Benzon Symposium (Bibliog. 332). In original folder labelled ‘Copenhagen Material’. November-December 1972. exp. Nov-Dec 1972'. In original folder labelled ‘Early lysine January 1973. April 1973. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.196-D.199 Material on the preparation and use of isolated liver cells as experimental material, probably for paper at Benzon Symposiuin (Bibliog. 333). Krebs's notes and drafts, some dated January 1973. Continuing notes and drafts, various dates March=September 1973. Includes sketches and diagrams for equipment, and photographs. In original folder labelled 'Isolated liver cells paper’. Miscellaneous drafts, tables, figures, etc. for papers on isolated liver cells, n.d. Photographs of liver cells, December 1973 and January 1974 (the latter with identifications and comments by Krebs on verso). D.201-D.203 Correspondence with colleagues and information on isolated liver cells, 1972-73. cells). Includes some data and drafts. Continuing notes and drafts by Krebs, various dates, August 1975- April 1977. Draft of February 1977 is headed ‘Material for Paris Talk’. Berry, M.N. (a principal colladorator in the use and preparation of isolated liver Two folders as follows: Krebs's marginal comments. June-August 1973. Includes drafts for papers on preparation tech- niques, and comments by Berry on draft version of Bibliog 333, with D201 D202 D.201 D.202 October 1972-April 1973. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Cohen, P.P. Francis, M. Jones, M.E. Ontko, J.A. Raijman, L. Krebs's carbon only Schreiber, G. 1972 Programme and List of Participants for the Alfred Benzon Symposium VI on 'Regulation of Hepatic Metabolism', Copenhagen 20-24 May Lye 33 Also included here are offprints of publications by Krebs et al (Bibliog. 321, 3a2% S33), c.1964 ASPARTATE Background material, some annotated. Notes and tables on 'Some effects of aspartate ... on rat-brain cortex slices', prepared by G. Massieu during his period of work in Krebs's laboratory. (1967). Drafts and notes, most headed ‘Experiments to be don for investigation', etc., and some with names or init i workers allocated to specific projects. July 1965. e', ‘Problems researcl als ais or researcn Various dates, April 1964- RESEARCH PROBLEMS 1964-67 D.207 Ip of 0 4 r es . ¢ x ! aie gots The last note is headed 'Reg (Hems) and includes, as well as experimenrs TO Ie INStrucrion ANrange ror rne fransport of equipment from South Parks Road to the Radcliffe be unaertak yee et ets Dine wl Dia che ae aR Su a} . ' ° t H.A,. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Res search DRUG-INDUCED DIABETES 1965 Mainly correspondence with pharmaceutical firms and suppliers, and a with special reference to diuretics of the benzthiadiazine series. little background material, on drug-induced diabetes CALORIC HOMEOSTASI 1965 Brief ms. notes and annotated printed matter, kept in separat folder so inscribed by Krebs. D.210-D.222 ALANINE 1965-73 relates to publications in 1966 with B.M. Notton The oer and R. Hems (Bibliog. 235) and in 1973 with R. Hems and P. Lund (Bibliog. 322, 323). ‘Alanine! or ‘Alanine dehydrogen Mast of a She folders were labelled i Shorter notes and drafts, 1965, and undated, in various hands including Krebs, B.M. Notton and others. of Bibliog. 235. Notes and drafts 1967. proposed paper by Krebs, B.M. Notton and M. Stubbs on 'Stimulation of gluconeogenesis from alanine by phlorrhizin treatment in mouse kidney'. Lond don, and at Microbial Research Est ablich iment. Notes, drafts, cori respondenc e re supply and culture of Bec illus cereus and Bacillus ub tilis for work on alanine dehydrogenase July 1970. Includes re ports on cultures processed at fic verial College Not listed in the Bibliography. Brief notes, tables for paper, 19 Also included is reprint Includes draft dated March 1967 for a April= H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Continuing notes and drafts, May-December 1970. iw) Continuing notes and drafts, Pat (Lund)'. Biochem. J.' dated 21 May. 19742 f 'discussions with Reg (Hems) and Includes 10pp. heavily-corrected draft 'For T x : Various dates, January-October Continuing notes and drafts, May-September 1972, and January 1973. Undated ms. notes and drafts. Results, tabulated data, etc., some by Hems and Lund, most annotated by Krebs. ‘Accumulation of amino acids by the perfused rat liver in the presence of ethanol’. Heavily-corrected ms. and typescript draft with a ms. note 'Draft for final copy for B. J.' (Bibliog. 322). ‘Regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of urea! Miscellaneous drafts for lectures and papers, kept with above. Heavily-corrected ms. and typescript draft for paper by Krebs, Hems and Lund (Bibliog. 323). Background material, bibliographical references. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.223-D.238 REDOX STATE 1965-76 Research Contents of a box labelled 'Redox State / Wilson et al. / Marion etal'. widely and published many collaborative papers on the redox state, several of which are referred to or included. The reference is to Bibliog. 328, but Krebs lectured Notes and data D.223-D.226 Notes, drafts, experimental results, etc. for work with T. Gascoyne on rat liver homogenates (Bibliog. 260), by Krebs and Gascoyne, 1966-67. Notes, drafts, results, comments by Krebs. October 1966. Various dates, April- Similar material, February~July 1967 and undated. Heavily-corrected ms. and typescript draft (Bibliog. 260). D.227-D.229 'The redox state of the nicotinamide-adenine dinuclectides in rat liver homogenates' Experimental data by Gascoyne, most with comments by Krebs, January-April 1967. Notes, drafts, correspondence, etc. relating to collaborative paper published in Bicchem. J., 1974 (Bibliog. 328). Undated Notes, drafts, ideas by Krebs. Three folders as follows: 1965, 1966 ] 949.72 FORMED H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Correspondence with colleagues and collaborators, 1971-76 Harris, E.J. 1971 Includes related draft papers and printed matter. Erecifiska, M. 1973-74 Tager, J.M., Wilson, D.F. Includes related printed matter. Di233 Notes of discussions with collaborators, 1976. results’. Note on 'Wilson's Publications In Krebs's folder labelled 'Dave, Maria et al'. Earlier drafts for sections of paper, figures, etc. Multiple drafts (all with variants) and comments, for paper (Bibliog. 328) under its original title 'Thermodynamic Relationships between the Oxidation-Reduction reactions and the ATP synthesis in sus- pensions of isolated liver cells'. Background material, some annotated. Typescript draft for paper with M. Stubbs, titled 'Effect of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation on the redox-state of the hepatic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides', with ms. note 'p. 15-16 missing’. See D.307. D.238 ! Ofiprints of some of Krebs's publications on the topic (Bibliog. 260, 268, 284, 328), kept with material. QAO coh c ° H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.239, D.240 INTRACELLULAR pH 1966-71 Research D.239 Notes, drafts, notes on the literature, of discussions. dates, 1966-71. Various There is a fairly substantial draft, with tables and references, apparently for a proposed paper (3 November 1970) and also of ‘Discussion with Roughton' (24 November 1970). In Krebs's original folder. Printed matter, bibliographical references, some annotated. ADIPOSE TISSUE 1967 Drafts, notes, correspondence, experimental data by L.V. Eggleston. The work arises mainly from articles submitted to Krebs for comment 1967 January-April 1967. _ In Krebs's original folder. ROTENONE AND KETOSIS ., Biochem. J., and includes correspondence with authors. Notes and drafts on the ketogenic effects of amytal and rotenone, with a ms. note ‘Further Work on Rotenone and Ketosis'. conditions. Also includes note of 'Discussions with R.A. Freedland', July 1967, j on his proposed research on urea synthe under different nutritional Miscellaneous typescript and ms. tables, drafts, etc. mainly on growth rates and nutrients. an . ol oe 7-6 tite laadk Pe NUTRIENTS . { | } H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research CARNITINE 1967, 1969 Notes and drafts on metabolic effects of carnitine. HEPATOTOXIC AGENTS 1967-68 Notes, drafts, correspondence, and a little annotated printed matter, on the toxic effects of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. In Krebs's original folder. HUMAN LIVER DATA 1967-68 Data, notés, correspondence, related printed matter, on various enzyme levels in human liver. In Krebs's original folder. 1968 £0 D.247-D.249 Contents of a folder so inscribed. data, correspondence, relating to work with KETOGENESIS REGULATION OF TCA CYCLE Notes, drafts, W. Feldheim at Oxford. Notes, drafts, summary of Feldheim's research, notes for discussion etc., by Krebs, 1968. of paper and tables. Notes, experimental results, tabulated data, by Feldheim, with many annotations and revisions by Krebs. Correspondence with Feldheim, draft Lh ae Mt ce . oa In original folder. D.249 L ne . | H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research EXTRAHEPATIC KETOGENESIS 1968-69 Notes, drafts, ideas for experiments, several in bundles addressed to 'Len' (Eggleston), and including results, tables and drafts by Eggleston on 'Ketone body synthesis in rat heart homogenate’. In Krebs's original folder. D.251-D.253 ALCOHOL IN ANIMALS 1968-70 Contents of a folder so inscribed, perhaps related to collaborative paper with J.R. Perkins (Bibliog. 287). broadcast talk on the subject in December 1969. Krebs also gave a short Notes and drafts on 'Rumen', fauna', etc. ‘Table of Contents’ for proposed paper, miscellaneous information, press~cuttings, etc.; various dates, 1968-70. production by 'Alcohol y P , f - ’ 6pp. HOMEOSTASIS Draft material for 'unrehearsed interview! for broadcast on 'The Living World', December 1969. See also H.280. Correspondence, requests for information on intoxication in animals 1969. (Bibliog. 305). Notes and drafts, most headed 'Caloric homeostasis’ and dated May 1968 but includes some experimental data by L.V. Eggleston 1971. list of ‘Matters which should be included in the paper’, and brief correspondence. Krebs published a collaborative paper on the subject in 1971 Includes 9pp. draft summary of research on subject, Ip. nM H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.255-D. 261 METABOLISM OF ACETALDEHYDE 1968-77 Research Krebs's research notes and data begin in 1968, but the bulk of the material is correspondence and drafts exchanged with E. Fellenius who worked in Krebs's laboratory on the subject, April-August 1969 and for shorter periods subsequently. Notes and drafts by Krebs, data and results by L.V. Eggleston and R. Hems, various dates 1968-69, 1977. Correspondence with colleagues, 1968-69. Correspondence re visit by Fellenius, statement of proposed research programme. 1969. Includes arrangements, Fellenius's report on his work at Oxford, September 1969. Correspondence, 1971-72 Correspondence with Fellenius, 1970. Includes results, discussions on research, etc. Includes arrangements for visit by Fellenius, etc. of 31 November explains why he felt unable to sign as co-author of paper by Fellenius and K.-H. Kiessling. Krebs's note Draft paper, sent to Krebs by Fellenius, March 1971. In Krebs's original folder. Notes and drafts, various dates November 1968-November 1969. Several are headed 'Indianapolis' Krebs gave on ‘Rate control of the tricarboxylic acid cycle' (Bibliog. 286). RATE CONTROL OF TCA CYCLE | and the work relates to the lecture ! 5 pe pie D.262-D.266 1968~69 ' ‘a . Te © D.262 rc © , rm a ff e 4 ° ee fal] H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Undated notes and drafts, some headed 'Indianapolis' or referring to preparations for the lecture. Indianapolis lecture’ and Krebs's correspondence requesting information. Includes draft 'Comments on Draft for lecture, 15pp. typescript and ms. (lacks p.1) with an extra ms. page of concluding notes ending 'thank you for your endurance after two very arduous working days'. No date or place. 17pp. ‘typescript and ms. draft lecture, headed ‘Bristol March 1969', Background material, some annotated. «26/-D 271 METABOLISM OF WORKING HEART 1969-72 The various types June-December 1969 Notes, drafts, data, correspondence relating to collaborative work on the metabolism of working and non-working heart, with L.H. Opie, K.R.L. Mansford, P. Owen, R. Hems, M. Spry. of material are so closely interlinked that they are presented as a simple chronological sequence with no attempt at separation. the subject (Bibliog. 286). Undated notes, background material, bibliographical references. Includes 4pp. typescript note on 'Rate control of tricarboxylic acid cycle’ and a proof with ms. corrections of Krebs's paper on 1970 January-June 1971 April-May 1972 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.272-D.274 MITOCHONDRIA 1969-71 Research notes, correspondence, drafts, etc., mainly exchanged with E.J. Harris. 1969-71 dated May 1962. Includes an early note by Krebs on ‘Substrate competition' 197] Extensive background material, some annotated. H .A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.275-D.288 INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM / HY PERAMMONAEMIA / ORNITHINE TRANSCARBAMYLASE DEFICIENCY 1969-75. Krebs lectured regularly on disorders or special aspects of metabolism to students in the Oxford Madical School. One of these lectures, on Sir Archibald Garrod, the history of the Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry, and the formation of the concept of inborn errors of metabolism, was published in 1970 (Bibliog. 291). Notes and drafts for these lectures are at D.275-D.279, In 1970 a case was notified to Krebs of the specific metabolic disorders of hyperammonaemia and ornithine transcarbamy lase deficiency. He studied the case in collaboration with medical colleagues on the staff of the United Oxford Hospitals (as they were then known) and prepared a paper for publication in Archives of Disease in Childhood. This material is at D.286. The paper was not published. See also D.391. Notes and drafts for lectures Variously paginated notes and drafts, some dated H¥69,1970, For lecture on Garrod and the history of inborn errors of metabolism (Bibliog. 291). Notes and drafts for 'Bridge Course' lectures on inborn errors, March 1973. Notes, drafts, time-tadling, material for three 'Bridge Course! lectures on 'Special Aspects of Diseases of Metabolism', 15-17 November 1971. Brief correspondence, lecture schedules and notes, 1972, 1975. Brief notes for ‘Bridge Course' lectures, December 1973, and short introduction for December 1974 and February 1975. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Hyperammonaemia case Correspondence with colleagues on diagnosis, treatment, arrangement to demonstrate, 1970-72. Data and notes, by Krebs and others, 1970-71. Krebs's notes and drafts. earlier notes (1963) on dietary treatment of ammonia intoxication. Mainly 1973-75, but includes some -283-D. 286 Variously paginated notes and drafts for lectures and publication on the case. Notes for lecture or demonstration, various dates January-February 1971 (in Krebs's order, not chronological). The note for 29 January describes his personal interest in the case as a link with his experience in 1931 ‘as a clinician at Freiburg University with full responsibility for patients’. Bibliographical references. Inborn Errors’. In Krebs's folder inscribed ‘Literature. Childh. Shorter drafts, 1972, 1973, and undated. Miscellaneous notes, some dated July 1971 and headed 'Ciba’. Various drafts, in typescript and ms., some by Krebs or with ms. corrections by him and by others, some dated 1974, 1975; with brief correspondence re submission of paper to Arch. Dis. Extensive background material, some annotated by Krebs. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research GLUCOSE FFA CYCLE 1970 £ ideas for research and discussion on 'is there a Brief notes, lucose homeostasis separable from caloric homeostasis?’, correspondence. Various dates, October-December 1970. In Krebs's original folder. HORMONES AND GLUCONEOGENESIS 1970 Brief notes and drafts, December 1970. In Krebs's original folder. INTERMEDIATE LIVER METABOLISM 1970-72 D. 2922 2.293 PASTEUR EFFECT 1970-71 D.292 ae In Krebs's original Notes, drafts, data and results by R. Hems, with Krebs's annotations, various dates, December 1970, July 1972. folder inscribed 'Sauver', the work being developed from a paper by F. Sauer et al published in Eur. J. Biochem. 17, 1970, a copy of which is included. Notes and drafts, various dates, October 1970-December 1971. In Krebs's original folder inscribed ‘Pasteur Draft' and perhaps related to the paper he published in 1972 on 'The Pasteur effect and the relations between respiration and fermentation! (Bibliog. 316, German version Bibliog. 312). Background material, almost all annotated by Krebs. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.294-D.304 AMINOTRANSFERASES 1970-72 Research The work was conducted in collaboration with L.V. Eggleston. Two draft papers were in preparation (D.302, D.303) and Krebs also used the material for one of his lectures at Indianapolis (D .298-D. 301). Research notes and drafts Discussion notes and correspondence with M.F. Utter, 1970. Included here are some earlier notes (October-November 1968) of discussions with Utter on pyruvate carboxylase. Drafts, data, results, narratives, mainly by Krebs but some by Eggleston, January-November 1970. Similar material, but including many results, drafts, tables, etc. by Eggleston, and mainly on lysine metabolism, January-September 1971, April 1972. In Krebs's original folder inscribed 'Rat Tissue Aminotransferases' . Miscellaneous shorter undated notes and drafts. Drafts for lectures and papers 298 save 9pp. ms., headed 'Indianapolis. Amino acid’. .298-D.301 Ms. and typescript drafts for a paper, to be given at Indianapolis. Metabolism' (slide lecture). 6pp. typescript and ms. ‘Regulation of the supply of essential amino acids', dated 22 June 1970. 20pp. typescript 'Regulatory Mechanisms in Mammalian Amino Acid 7pp. ms. ‘Organ Distribution of Aminotransferases', n.d. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.302, D.303 Drafts for two papers by Eggleston and Krebs. Research D.302 ‘Paper A. 12 April 1972. Induction and depression of rat liver aminotransferases', ‘Paper B. human tissue', 19 April 1972. Comparative activity of aminotransferases in rat and Both in Krebs's original folder inscribed by him with Eggleston's initials and the titles of both pazers. but part of the work was used in Bibliog. 310. The papers were not published, Background material. D.305-D.307 OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION D.305 D.306 D.307 Drafts and notes, mainly 1971. Correspondence and results from R.L. Veech, 1971. ‘Effect of uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation on the redox-state of the hepatic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides’. Three drafts for a paper so titled, by Krebs and M. Stubbs, two with extensive ms. corrections mainly by Krebs, but some by M. Stubbs, and final typescript draft ready for submission. published but some of the material was published in 1979 by M. Stubbs in Pharmac. Ther., 7, 329-350 under the title Inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide translocase'. See D.236. The paper was not H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 . 308, D.309 KETONE BODY METABOLISM IN DIABETES 197] Research eee. Notes, drafts, etc. arising from work on the subject by N.B. Ruderman. Krebs's notes, points to be discussed with Ruderman, correspondence with Ruderman, 1971. Notes, drafts, tables, with ms. corrections by Krebs and others. ADIPOSE TISSUE 197] Notes, drafts, bibliographical references, some dated 1971; prodably arising from papers submitted for publication in FEBS Letters, some of which are included in the folder. 31] ~312 313 -314-D.316 Background material. .311-D.313 REDOX STATE IN BACTERIA 1971-72 Krebs's previous publications on subject (Bibliog. 245, 276, 285). Notes and drafts, various dates, May-July 1971, and 1972. Includes brief correspondence with colleagues. D.F. Wilson, 1973 Draft for paper 'Can the mitochondrial respiratory chain be considered as a system which approaches equilibrium', not by Krebs, but with ms. comments and corrections by him. Some pages dated 1973. REVERSIBILITY OF RESPIRATORY CHAIN Contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence and data from colleagues. R.L. Veech, 1971 pp.25-65 with two appendices. Perhaps related to Bibliog. 328. Notes and drafts, some dated 1973, 1974. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ALCOHOL METABOLISM IN LIVER 1971-74 Shorter drafts and notes, some dated 1971, 1974. .318-D. 329 RETINAL METABOLISM 1971-72 Notes and drafts Stapled folder of notes, bibliographical references, notes on the literature, 3pp. ms. outline for research project on retinal meta- bolism. R.A. Hawkins. Some by Krebs but mainly in another hand, perhaps Notes, drafts, research data, tabulated results, by Krebs and by R. Hems, some dated August 1971-February 1972. inscribed 'Eye Moterial'. In folder Similar material, for work on 'Avian (and other) Retina’, instructions for collaborators, draft tables, data and results by R. Hems, etc., some dated October 1971-November 1972. Lectures and publications 3 drafts, all with different ms. corrections and additions, llpp., Spp. references, tables 1-12. inscribed 'Retina Draft’. p.1 dated February 1972. The paper was not published. In folder Bibliographical references and notes on the literature, by Krebs. ‘The Energy Metabolism of the Retina’ Drafts for a paper by Krebs and R. Hems, with R.A. Hawkins appearing as a collaborator on later versions. preparation’. ‘Ultrastructure of the avian retina. retina of the domestic pigeon ...' (Bibliog. 315). 3 drafts, all with different ms. corrections and additions by Krebs. The second draft is dated February 1972; the third refers to the paper by Krebs, Hawkins and Hems, 1972 (D.322 adove) as 'in An anatomical study of the Krebs H ie CSAC 113/4/86 Research Miscellaneous notes, slide-list, etc. fora lecture on retinal metabolism, given in various locations listed on folder (Hull, Southampton, Jerusalem, University College London, Rehovoth, Leicester, Oxford Eye Hospital). Miscellaneous pages for a lecture on the subject, in German. Correspondence and information from colleagues. Berman, E.R. Hawkins, R.A. Michaelson, 1.C. 1971 1972 1971*72 Includes Krebs's research notes and ideas, notes of discussions with Michaelson on various occasions in 1972, etc. Vail, W.J. 197] Includes research notes, references, related printed matter. SALINE MEDIA 1971, 1976 Background material, some annotated by Krebs. Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, various dates, 1971, 1976. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.331-D. 341 CALORIMETRY 1971-78 Research Correspondence with colleagues and manufacturers, notes, drafts, results, etc. on the development of microcalorimetry for biological research. including research papers or reports sent to Krebs, in order to preserve the various contacts, visits and inter-related projects involved in the furtherance of the research. The material is presented as a chronological sequence, T.H. Benzinger, correspondence with whom from 1971 contributed to Krebs's involvement in the work, had worked in Krebs's depart- ment 1955-57. His principal collaborators at that time had been R. Hems and Kitzinger, and three papers were published in 1956 and 1959 (2). The chief correspondents in the present sequence are: G.T. Armstrong, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. T.H. Benzinger, National Bureau of Siandards, Maryland R.L. Berger, University of California Oxford K. Burton, University of Newcastle E.J. Prosen, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. Merch-May 197] June-October 1971 H.U. Bergmeyer, C.F. Boeringer GmbH, Germany G.P. Burn, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Radcliffe Infirmary, at conference on Microcalorimetric Investigations, Lund, July. Includes arrangements for demonstrating Bureau of Standards calorimeter in Krebs's laboratory, arrangements for him to consuit regularly on project at National Bureau of Standards, Washington, grant application, etc. Correspondence, results, discussion notes, list of participants 1972 1973 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research March-June 1974 Collaborative work, discussion of results and papers, with E.J. Prosen and K. Burton. July-December 1974 Correspondence, notes, related printed matter. 1975-76 Mainly Krebs's notes and drafts, some results by G.P. Burn. 1977 Includes miscellaneous drafts for paper by Prosen on microcalorimetric studies. Reports on microcalorimetry by G.P. Burn, nos.4-9, 12-14, various dates, 1975-78. Correspondence with suppliers, quotations, manufacturers’ literature. Background material. ACETYLGLUTAMATE Shorter notes and drafts. 1972 UREA CYCLE Bibliog. 323). Miscellaneous notes and drafts, probably for lectures at Kansas City and Indianapolis; some pages dated 1972 ( erhaps draft for H .A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.344-D. 48 AMINO ACID ANALYSES IN LIVER CELLS 1972-74 Research Several of Krebs's original folders on this subject are headed 'Schimassek' and refer to research findings by H. Schimassek (q.v.) which Krebs developed. Correspondence with colleagues, 1972-73. Notes and research ideas, 1973. Experimental data and resulis, mainly by R.C. Farrell, some by D. Wiggins, several annotated by Krebs or interleaved with his comments or suggestions, various dates, 1972. Similar material by Farrell, Wiggins and Hems, interleaved with notes by Krebs, various dates, 1973, anda little material 1974. An extensive folder. Background material. D.349-D.358 GLUCONEOGENESIS AND UREA SYNTHESIS 1972-74 Research da ta and results "LIVER PERFUSIONS. UREA SYNTHESIS' Bata and drafts by Krebs and collaborators (M. Stubbs, P. Lund, D. Wiggins) on various factors in urea synthesis, leading to the chapter contributed by Krebs, Lund and Stubbs on 'Interrelations between gluconeogenesis and urea synthesis’ in Gluconeogenesis (ed. R.W. Hanson and M.A. MehIman) 1976 (Bibliog. 347) Similar material, found as loose papers, various dates, 1973 and 1974. 'GLUCONEOGENESIS AND UREA SYNTHESIS. EGG WHITE DIET. MEAT DIET. NORMAL FED! Folder so inscribed (in the hand of M. Stubbs). 1973 and 1974 Folder so inscribed (in the hand of M. Stubbs). graphs, results, in various hands, many with annotations by Krebs. Various dates, mainly 1972, but a few 1974. Extensive data, Similar material , H.A. Krebs CSAC 1 13/4/86 Research Notes and drafts for paper (Bibliog. 347) These are extensively revised and corrected, mainly by Krebs, but some by M. Stubbs, and may incorporate similar data to that azove. Several have a ms. indication ‘Lardy Festschrift’, "Lardy Volume', etc. 1972 1973 Notes for June-July incorporate correspondence and discussions with L. Raijman and M.E. Jones. October 1974 November 1974 December 1974 Miscellaneous undated notes, drafts, tables, etc. Background materia!. .359-D.372 PENTOSE-PHOSPHATE CYCLE 1972-74 In addition, Krebs gave several The main bulk of the research notes and drafts are 1972-74, but see D.359 for some of much earlier date. Krebs's chief collaborator in this work was L.V. Eggleston, who died in January 1974 when their collaborative paper (Bibliog. 327) was in the press. Another colla’sorative paper (Bibliog. 329) was published in the same year. lectures and papers on the sudject in Britain and abroad (see D.369- D.371). Undated, mainly by Krebs, a few by Eggleston. 1949 (Ip. only), 1957 (1p. only), August-December 1972 Research notes, drafts, discussions 1973 1974 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Experimental results, dota, tables, drafts, summaries, mainly by Eggleston, with comments or annotations by Krebs. dates, December 1972-September 1973. folder. In Eggleston's original Various Lectures and publications ‘Regulation of the pentose phosphate cycle' (Bibliog. 327) Extensive drafts by Eggleston and Krebs. folder. In Eggleston's original Comments on paper, editorial correspondence with Biochem. J. re referees’ comments, offprint of published paper. ‘The regulation of the pentose phosphate cycle in rat liver' (Bibliog. 329). Various drafts and versions for lecture at Indianapolis, subsequently published. D.365 D.366-D. 368 Typescript and ms. draft by Krebs and Eggleston, with a ms. note ‘File away 2.5.74.' Typescript with ms. corrections, with a ms. note 'Use this for lecture’. Typescript with ms. corrections, with a ms. note 'Corrected copy'; list of references; proof of publication, with corrections. comments. The Symposium was organised by P. J. Randle. Krebs gave the last paper (on 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase) and ‘concluding comments’. Folder includes Colrespondence with organiser, programmes, list of participants, 12pp. draft for lecture, ms. notes for concluding Symposium on Aspects of Metabolic Regulation, University of Bristol, 15 February 1974, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Ip. ms. notes for lecture at Madrid, 20 May 1974 (using material of Bristol lecture). l5pp. draft for lecture in German at Dusseldorf, 24 May 1974 (using material of Bibliog. 329), Notes for visit to Washington (not dated), including tables for lecture on pentose phosphate cycle. Background material, bibliographical references, some annotated. . 373-D. 378 6- AMINO-NICOTINAMIDE Notes, drafts, data, discussions 1972, 1974 (several arising from discussions with H. Herken). Harris, R.A, Herken, H. McLean, P. Includes data, results, etc. Correspondence with colleagues 1976-77. Includes data by D. Wiggins. n.d., but Medina worked in Krebs's laboratory in summer 1973. Report so titled, tables, etc. by J. Medina, with ms. notes by Krebs. Medina's title on the folder has been amended by Krebs to 'On competition between acetate and oleate in perfused rat liver’. COMPETITION BETWEEN SHORT- AND LONG-CHAIN FATTY ACIDS IN PERFUSED RAT LIVER Extensive background material, some annotated. 1972-76 1977 £1973] H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research SULPHONAMIDES : 1973-74 Drafts, notes, data on sulphonamides and sulphanilamide. Includes experimental results by D. Wiggins with comments by Krebs. Various dates, November 1973-January 1974, FLUOROCARBONS 1973-74 Background material only, some annotated with reference to fluorocarbens as blood substitutes. D.382-D.395 OVER-MEDICATION 1973-78 J.599, J.600. Research notes and information Notes and drafts by Krebs, various dates, 1974, Undated notes, many with accompanying press-cuttings. This topic became one of Krebs's principal concerns in later life. Most of his own notes, drafts and annotations are headed 'Over- medication' but later the more technical term ‘latrogenic' was used, e.g. for the section which Krebs incorporated in the Dunham Lectures (D.459 et. seq.). For additional material about Krebs's involvement see Special Commission on Internal Pollution in Section Gand 1978 Correspondence from colleagues forwarding information: Clarke, C.A, Specimens of multiple prescriptions, from Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. MGe;sJ< Smith, D.G. eS 1973 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Lectures and publications Drafts for article, variously titled 'The Dangers of Over-Medication' and 'On the Mis-Use of Drugs', and published as 'On the overuse and misuse of medication', in Executive Health, 1974 (Bibliog. 334). First draft dated 12 August, second dated 2 September 1974. _ Two other drafts, with different corrections and revisions. Folder also includes copy of paper as published. ‘Abuse of Drugs (The Hidden Danger)’ Brief drafts, December 1973- January 1974, with a note 'Possible lecture subject for Indianapolis 1974". ‘Material used at a lecture at Hanover on 27 April 1974! (text in German). Ms. and typescript drafts for a lecture in German on over-medication. This was in fact the second of two subjects on which Krebs announced his intention to lecture. below). The first topic was hyperammonaemia (see ‘Overmedication' Miscellaneous drafts and notes for talk on carcine: enic agents, n.d. ‘ Ms. and typescript draft for lecture in German on hyperammonaemia. 19pp. typescript lecture, with a note ‘Philadelphia Oct.1974, Oxford Bridge Course Dec. 1974'. Drafts for talk at Oxford on overmedication, probably in Department of Clinical Pharmacology, April 1975. 1 box. Extensive background material. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research CRASSULACEAE 1974 Discussion note on possible collaborative research project with F.R. Whatley, correspondence, background material, February~ April 1974. CARNOSINE Brief notes and background material. D.398, D.399 SHUTTLES AND CARRIERS 1974 D.398 Notes and drafts on various factors in metabolic transport (malate, pyruvate, alanine, lactate, etc.), mainly January-February 1974, but includes letter from colleague on subject, 1972. Background material. D.400-D.408 HYPERLACTATAEMIA AND LACTIC ACIDOSIS 1974 Notes and drafts mainly related to work on collaborative paper by Krebs, H.F. Woods and K.G.M.M. Alberti, published under this title in the first issue of Essays Med. Biochem., 1975 (Bibliog. 337). Includes some earlier notes of the 1960s. Undated notes and drafts. Extensive drafts and notes for 'essay', by Krebs or by collaborators, with extensive revisions by Krebs, January-February 1974, Continuing drafts, July-September 1974. Shorter notes and drafts 1953, 1954, 1968. Continuing drafts, March=April 1974. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Extensive bibliographical references. Fina! draft for 'essay'. corrections. Typescript with very extensive ms. Drafts for letter to The Lancet, July 1974, arising from a letter (June 1974) by R.A. Kreisberg (also referred to in 'essay'), The letter was not published (perhaps not sent). Background material, some annotated. D.409-D.414 RENAL AMMONIA 1974 Notes, drafts, etc. mainly related to collaborative work with P. Vinay (q.v.) who worked in Krebs's ladoratory 1973-75 (Bibliog. 338). Notes and drafts, by Krebs and by Vinay, March=June 1974. 24 June is headed 'Notes on Pitts conference’. are for ‘Seminar - June 29' (probably at Oxford). Notes of 23 June Note of Background material. Typescript and ms. drafts Undated notes by Krebs and by Vinay. Pitts and perhaps related to Pitts For Pitts symposium see F.259, F.260. Continuing notes and drafts, July 1974, ‘Regulation of Renal Ammonia Production’. for Bibliog. 338. Typescript and ms. draft for lecture on subject, referring to work with Vinay and also to work of R. Symposium, June 1974. Includes copy of Bibliog. 233. H.A, Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.415-D.435 FOLATE / Byo / METHIONINE / HISTIDINE 1974-78 Research Material on these inter-related topics was kept together by Krebs in one box so inscribed. (Bibliog. 348, 350, 360) and the work is mentioned by Kornberg and Williamson as among the most important of his later research (Memoir, p. 377). He published several collaborative papers Notes and drafts Indexed bundle of ms. and typescript notes and drafts, discussions with colleagues, research ideas and results, etc. Various dates, Morch=November 1975. With typescript index (12 items, of which nos.6-10 are missing). This is material similar to that kept as 'Indexed notes and memoranda' at D.46-D.100, but here kept with other loose pages of drafts and notes. D.416 Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, February 1974, January-June 1973. D.417 D.418 D.421 D.422 D.421, D.422 D.419, D.420 Undated notes and drafts. Two folders. Continuing notes and drafts, 1976. Continuing notes and drafts, July-December 1975. Notes and drafts, mainly on histidine, related to collaborative paper with R. Hems (Bibliog. 348). in Bibliog. 360. Extensive notes, drafts, tables, etc. by Krebs and Hems, some dated 1975, 1976, but also including earlier notes of discussions on histidine with N. Cornell, 1972 and 1974. is on FIGLU as a substrate for glutamic dehydrogenase, later developed Experimenta: data and results, by Krebs and collaborators, various dates, January 1974. Note of 23 January 1975 H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Correspondence with colleagues Scrutton, M.C. 1975, 1978 Correspondence 1978 includes arrangements and programme for Symposium and Workshop on 'Gluconeogenesis and Its Regulation’, Oxford, September 1978. Remarks' and participated in the fina! genera! discussion. are ms. and typescript drafts dated January 1978 headed 'Notes on the history of regulation of enzyme activity’ perhaps intended for delivery at the Symposium (see also D.433). hairman, gave the ‘Opening Krebs was There Also included are drafts of papers by Scrutton on histidine, with comments by Krebs. Sellinger, O.Z. Includes related printed matter. Smith, R.M, 1976 1975-76 Lectures and publications Offprints of Krebs's publications, Bibliog. 348, 350 (annotated and revised). ‘Regulation of folate and methionine metabolism’. typescript (incomplete) draft for lecture, 5 January 1976. Ms. and 'The Regulation of Folate and Methionine Metabolism', by Krebs, Hems and B, Tyler. Heavily-corrected typescript and ms. draft for Bibliog. 350 dated January 1976. "Draft for the Lancet! 10pp. draft for article on cobalamine (vitamin By 9) deficiency. The article was not published and was perhaps not sent. 1976. "Histidine metadolism and methionine! Typescript and ms. draft with a ms. note ‘Philadelphia', 14 September ‘Univ. College Chem. & Physical Soc! App. ms. notes for lecture, 27 January 1976. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research "History of the Study of Regulation of Metabolism' Ip. ms. notes only, December 1977. Miscellaneous notes, April 1978, on control mechanisms at enzyme level, perhaps intended for symposium organised by M.C. Scrutton. Bibliographical references on folate and methionine. Background material, some annotated. PENTENOATE 19Z5 Notes and drafts by Krebs, experimental results and data by D. Wiggins on effects of pentenoate on urea synthesis; work arising from a paper by A.M. Glasgow and H.P. Chase, a copy of which is included. Various dates, March 1975 (some of Krebs's notes wrongly dated 1974). -438, D.439 LACTATE 1975-76 -438 L-GLUTAMATE TRANSPORT IN HEPATOCYTES 1975 Draft and diagrams for paper, by A. Kleinzeller annotated by Krebs, n.d.; bibliographical note by Krebs, October 1975. f Notes and drafts on carbohydrate and lactate as fuels of respiration, September 1975. Correspondence 1975, 1976 with A. Freminet including drafts of papers submitted for publication by Freminet. Background material, some annotated. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.440-D.444 METABOLISM OF BRANCHED-CHAIN AMINO ACIDS 1975-76 Research Drafts, notes, research material for lecture at Indianapolis and publication with P. Lund ‘Aspects of the regulation of the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids' (Bibliog. 355). is 1976 but see D.440 for earlier work by L.V. Eggleston. Most of the work Notes and results by Eggleston, 1970-71, with annotations and updating by Krebs. Extensive notes and drafts, discussions with P. Lund, D.H. Williamson for Indianapolis lecture, July-November 1976. Miscellaneous undated notes, drafts, tables, etc. for lecture and paper. Bibliographical references, 1975-76. Background material, some annotated. 1977 D.446-D.449 PURINE SYNTHESIS CHICK ENTEROCYTES Experimental results and research reports by J.W. Porteous (with some annotations by Krebs), June 1977. laboratory January-September 1977. Porteous worked in Krebs's (Kept with later material.) Notes, drafts, research ideas, problems for collaborators, experimental results, etc., mainly by Krebs and D. Wiggins, but also by Hems and G. Livesy. some earlier material, 1969-70 (see D.446). Related to Bibliog. 365, 393. Maierial used as a basis of lectures at various centres between September 1969 and May 1970; with ams. note 'Uppsala Philadelphia, New York Columbia, Reading, Chelsea, University College, Washington DC, Manchester’. ‘The Physiological Role of Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase’ Various dates, May 1977-October 1981 and undated; also 1977-81 p ) , PP’ ' Indianapolis, H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research 1977-78 1979-81 Background material and references, some annotated. GLUCAGON AND INSULIN IN BIRDS 1978 Brief correspondence and notes, January-February 1978. D.451-D.453 GLUTAMINE METABOLISM 1978-79 D.45] Ms. and typescript notes and drafts, diagrams, etc., a few only dated November 1978-October 1979, some probably intended for a lecture. Work related to Bibliog. 378, 381. Bibliographical references. CALCIUM CONCENTRATION IN SALINE Background material, including some draft papers by others, some annotated by Krebs. in his notes. Also included are correspondence with H. Rasmussen, 1969, and papers by Rasmussen and Nogata, 1969-70, to which Krebs refers Notes, drafts, background material, April 1979. Krebs H ff CSAC 113/4/86 D.455-D.458 BENZOATE 1979-8] Research The results of this collaborative work were not published until after Krebs's death, in Biochem. J., 1983 Bibliog. 396). of his notes and drafts are of very late date. Many Correspondence with A. Sols suggesting collaborative research on the topic, discussing results and drafts, etc., 1979-81. includes Krebs's letter to A.J. Sinskey requesting a meeting at Harvard to discuss benzoate. Also Drafts and notes, 1979-81. Work continues in the hand of D. Wiggins to December. Krebs's latest dated note is 18 September. Drafts and comments for published paper (Bibliog. 396). Ms. and typescript draft for a slide lecture on benzoic acid at Baltimore (ms. dated November 1979) and part of another talk or lecture, April 1981. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.459-D.511 EVOLUTION OF METABOLIC PATHWAYS 1979-8] The term 'evolution' is used ambiguously - as it was by Krebs - to cover the history or sequential tracing of metabolic pathways and more philosophical concepts of purpose and necessity; in this latter respect it forms a link with Krebs's ideas on 'Teleology' almost thirty years previously (D.101-D.111). The immediate trigger for the work was an invitation in 1979 to give the Dunham Lectures at Harvard in April 1981. Krebs's original intention was to lecture on juvenile delinquency, but he was persuaded to choose a topic more closely related to his life's work in biochemistry. He turned his mind immediately to the ideas and material to be included (R. Hems, personal communication 1984) and envisaged the lectures as a summation of the thinking on metabolic processes which he had expressed in more piecemeal fashion in previous research projects and publications. His third lecture enadled him to include some discussion of social and meral evolution, or order in society, which had become of increasing concern to him. During the lengthy gestation of the Dunham Lectures, Krebs took the opportu~ nity to give several lectures, and to publish several papers on the subject. Among of acetate could not provide an alternative to the citric acid cycle, and Krebs ack- nowledged his help in other papers, as well as referring to it constantly in his notes, these was the collaborative article with J.E. Baldwin in Na‘ure (Bibliog. 385); Baldwin had suggested to Krebs in March 1980 an important reason why direct oxidation is presented here as follows: placed on the topic and his wish to explore it adequately. Many of the drafts overlap, were cannibalised for later work or extended to incorporate new ideas resulting from discussions, correspondence or reading. The allocation of material is therefore hazard- drafts and lectures. The Dunham Lectures themselves were not published, as Krebs died before he could complete the manuscript (see especially D.502-D.505). The surviving material is very extensive and indicates the importance Krebs ous. It H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.459-D .473 D.474-D.490 D.491-D.505 D.506-D.510 0: 5H Research Notes and drafts Lectures, papers, publications The Dunham Lectures Correspondence Background material For further material on Krebs's visit to Harvard for the Dunham Lectures, see F.346-F.349. For additional research notes and ideas, see D.94-D.96,. and the ‘jotters' for the relevant period. Notes and dra In approximate chronological order; sequences kept together by Krebs on a particular topic have been retained (see, e.g., D.460, D.464, D.468, D.469). The importance to Krebs of his discussion with J.E. Baldwin on 30 March 1980 is very apparent from the notes. June, October 1979. Brief notes only. drafts for April 18-30 1980. metavolic cycles' as well as shorter notes. Includes 12pp. 'Comments on the evolution of Contents of a plastic envelope inscribed ' History’, April 1980. mainly notes and drafts arising from Krebs's discussion with J.E. Baidwin on 30 March. The two main topics are 'Comments on the oxidizability of acetic acid in living material’ and 'The Evolution of the citric acid cycle and other metabolic cycles'; the latter are ina ‘jotter' similar to those in Section A and there is alsoa ms. draft letter to Baldwin on the importance of his idea. references, a few dated April, October 1980. Contents of a plastic envelope inscribed 'Reaction Mechanisms'; various notes, drafts, calculations and diagrams, bibliographical May 1980. on 'Cyclic Processes' dated August 1971. Notes on 'Cycles' of 13 May incorporate earlier notes June-August 1980. _ H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Sepitember-December 1980. discussions with Baldwin, comments on joint paper in Nature, etc: . Includes notes arising from further January 1981 March-May 1931 Contents of a plastic envelope inscribed 'Evolution general. Creationism. Popper'; dated May, June 1981. notes, drafts, background material, some Contents of a plastic envelope inscribed ‘Multiple Use of Resources’; includes notes of discussion with G. Pontecorvo, June 1981. June-August 1981 September, October 1981 D.469 D.470 D.471 D.472, D.473 Undated. 2 folders. Lectures, / papers, t f publications = 'Cyclic Processes in Biology’ ‘The Evolution of Metabolic Pathways’ Two typescript and ms. ?Spp. typescript draft, with a ms. note 'For Italian Encyclopaedia’; latest reference 1976. Not listed in Bibliography. See H.420. drafts, 199p. with different annotations. The talk was given as a slide lecture at Miami, November 1980; a set of slides, notice of lecture and letter of thanks from Freshman Student audience are included. Reading', and the other 'Talk Edinburgh Meeting of Soc. Gen. Microbiol.' and has a ms. addendum. (The meeting was held in September 1981 and the paper was published in the Symposium Pro= ceedings (Bibliog. 387). Cycles' and 'The History of the TCA Cycle’. Also included is a notice of two lectures given by Krebs in November 1980 at Medical College of Georgia, on 'The Evolution of Metabolic One of the drafts is headed "Edinburgh H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.476-D.483 Research Lectures in German, on the evolution of the citric acid cycle and other metabolic cycles, given on various occasions November 1980- June 1981, at Halle, G&ttingen, Dusseldorf, Lindau and possibly other locations. The texts are basically the same, but all have different ms. corrections, deletions, amendments, etc., and some have indications of where given. (SUPP. Bibliog. 62.) "Halle 11.11.80' 10pp. typescript and ms. ‘Uber die Evolution des Citronensdurecyklus und andere cyklischer Stoffwechselwege', with a note ‘Halle script’ and a 3pp. summary headed ‘Lindau Halle Posted 1.5.81! ‘Lecture G&ttingen 27.5.80! Ms. and typescript drafts, anda letter, June. '7pp. typescript and ms. draft headed ‘Dusseldorf Lindau'. Another version, more heavily corrected. In German. Miscellaneous shorter drafts for lectures in German, 1981. 12pp. typescript and ms. draft, heavily corrected, headed 'Lindau' and 'Use at Munchen 1982'. Typescript drafts of lectures on evolution of citric acid cycle (9pp.) and on evolution of citric acid and other metabolic cycles (12pp.). deletions and alterations to be used as basis for Nature article. Three versions of above, all with variations and alterations follow ing discussions with or comments from Baldwin. loose pages of amendments and corrections. Ms. and typescript version of article as first drafted by Krebs under his name only; sent to Baldwin with covering letter, October 1980. Draft with Baldwin's and Krebs's names. lished, with copy of earlier paper (Bibliog. 387) marked with Reprint of paper as pub ~ D.484-D.486 Drafts and material for Nature article (Bibliog. 385). D.484 Miscellaneous H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 D.487 Research ‘Evolutionary concepts in biological thought’. Originally given as a 'keynote' lecture and subsequently published (Bibliog. 386). Twoversions, with different texts and corrections. 'The Evolution of Metabolic Pathways’. Heavily-corrected draft of talk given at meeting of Soc. Gen. Microbiol., Edinburgh, 1981, prepared for publication 23pp. Includes 3p. summary sent to symposium organiser, October 1980, and brief note from J.R. Krebs commenting on the draft. (Bibliog. 387), Miscellaneous shorter drafts, notes, references. Reprints of Krebs's publications kept with material (Bibliog. 113, 293, 310, 351, 387). The Dunham lectures. (Given at Harvard, 19, 21, 26 May 1981.) Synopsis of all three lectures. Miscellaneous drafts for introductory remarks. "Lecture 1' The general title was ‘Evolution and regulation of the metabolic pathways’ and the topics covered were 'Why Cycles?, The Usefulness of the Evolutionary Process, Comprehension of Metabolic Organization’. The titles of the three chapters prepared for publication before Krebs's death were; The Evolution of the Citric Acid Cycle The Evolution of Other Metabolic Cycles Linear Reaction Sequences Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes and drafts. Miscellaneous notes, drafts, tables, probably intended for first lecture. Includes 'Comment on biochemical evolution’ in which Krebs discusses the use of the term, and his report on audience reactions to a previous lecture by him on the subject. Multiple drafts, all with annotations, revisions, emendations, etc. 2. 3. "Lecture 2' H.A,. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research ‘Lecture III' Ms. and typescript notes and drafts. -496-D.501 Notes and drafts intended for Dunham lectures. -496 -497 -498 499 . 900 1980 198] On iatrogenic medicine (referred to in third Dunham lecture). Unidentified. Slides, diagrams, comments on slides. "Evolution, Harvard. Refs.' Drofts for proposed publication of Dunham lectures. See also D.507. Draft figures and tables. -906-D.510 Correspondence Miscellaneous drafts as edited for book. Typescript of introductory remarks, and first three chapters, sub- mitted to Harvard University Press after Krebs's death, December 1931. Editorial correspondence with Harvard University Press and with The Sciences re proposed book, 1981-82. intended for inclusion in Krebs's book of the Dunham Lectures. Including data, background material, notes of discussions in preparation for Dunham lectures. Includes Paulus's paper on evolution of the ornithine cycle 1980 n.d. 193] Blaxe, C. Gest, H. King, P. n.d. 1979-81 Newsholme, E.A. Paulus, Hs H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Quayle, J.R. 1980 Extensive notes, arrangements to meet, printed matter, etc. Walsh, C. 198] Background maieria! 1 box. CITRATE CYCLE 1980 Brief ms. notes only, mainly related to an article by P.J. Randle; a copy of the article (annotated by Krebs) with a covering letter from Randle, is included. D.513, D.514 HEPATOCYTES 198] The notes and Contents of folder inscribed 'Hepatocytes 1981'. drafts run June-Ocfober 1981 and represent some of Krebs's last work, on isolated liver cells and preparation techniques, based in part on an examination of methods described in papers by P.O. Seglen. A posthumous collaborative paper related to the work, 'The effect of cysteine oxidation on isolated liver cells', appeared in 1933 (Bibliog. 395). kept with the material (Bibliog. 347, 376). Undated ms. notes, folder of experimental data headed 'Seglen Comparison', 3pp. draft on ‘Manipulation of isolated liver cells’. Also included are copies of earlier papers by Krebs on the subject, Notes and drafts, June-October 1981 (last dated note is 26 October). H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.515-D.548 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES See the introductory note to Section D. D.515-D.529 Achronological sequence of dated material, 1950-81. D.530-D.545 An alphabetical sequence of material referring to specific research topics. D.547, D.548 Undated ond unidentified notes. Dated material (chronological) $990, 19Sz 1961, 1962, 1955, 1966 1967-69 1970 197] 1974 D. D. 1972-73 1974-75 Miscellaneous tabulated data by Krebs, D. Wiggins, R.C. Farrell, M. Stubbs, R. Hems H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Research topics (alphabdetical) Acidosis Aldolase ATP Citrate Synthase Histidine and methionine 33] .932 -933 .934-D . 539 Isolated liver cells 1975 and undated 1974--77 1974-78 A substantial collection of material, related to or developing from previous work on lysine but not kept with it. Notes and drafts, by Krebs, D. Wiggins, M. Stubbs. 1974-75 Notes and drafts, mainly on staining methods with trypan blue. 1977-78 Correspondence with T.F. Slater. ‘An explanation for the inhibition of glucose synthesis from lactate by ethanol in isolated hepatocytes’ A p Two heavily-corrected typescript and ms. Two drafts, one with extensive corrections in the hand of M. Spry, for a paper so titled. Drafts for paper given at Guildford (some pages dated June, July 1978). versions, one with title 'Criteria of metabolic competence of isolated hepatocytes' (Bibliog. 376). 1972, 1977 & undated Mono~oxygenase Pentose phosphate Krogh principle Mitochondria 1974 & undated c.1980 1976 1976 Background material, some annotated. Ketone 1969-70 & undated H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research Shuttles and Carriers App. ms. draft, dated 28 January 1973, and with a ms. note attached 'For autograph hunters’. Toxicity of glutamate nid. -¢.1978 D.547-D.548 Undated and unidentified notes 2 Folders, with Krebs's original designation ‘Memos’. H.A. Krebs CSAC 113/4/86 Research D.549-D.569 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES With the exception of the binder at D.549, these are loose octavo sheets of the standard format used for the Memoranda and, like them, are usually dated. have specific topic headings but most are an extensive unalphabetised series of references to work on all aspects of metadolism drawn from a wide range of journals. all additional to the bibliographies and background material kept elsewhere in Section D and especially with the 'Research Projects! at D.101-D.514,and testify to the importance attached by Krebs to maintaining a continuous overview of current research. They are A few The material is presented in year order as far as this is ascertainable. Spring-back binder, labelled 'References' on spine. Mainly 1957-65. 1960, 196] 1964 1965 1952 1963 Undated or miscellaneous 1979, 1930 1977 1973 1975 1976 or . 568