THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of DR. DAY... Dee Pane T (1932-1969) deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Archives Centre (csac 13/7/74) by London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 74/21 1974 All rights reserved csac 13/7/74 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of DR. DAVID KIRBY (1932 — 1969) Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Harriot Weiskittel Listed by: Jeannine Alton D.Kye C.SAeC. 13/7/74 Description of the collection The papers cover the years 1961 — 69 and relate entirely to Dr. Kirby's work on embryology and reproductive physiology. received from Dr. WeD. Billington. Sir Alan Bullock, Master of St. Catherine's College Oxford and Short tributes are included by They were Mr. A.E.L. Todd. A file referring to Kirby's fellowship at St. Catherine's College, and to his accident, is in the care of the Master of St. Catherine's and may be consulted only with his permission. The David Kirby Memorial Fund provides a David Kirby Bursary, awarded annually in the University of Oxford (See Item 2). Summary of the career of Dr. Kirby b. 1932 Educated Melton Mowbray Grammar School 1950 ~ 52 1954 National Service, R.A.F. Durham University (Zoology) 1957 1958 1960 Research student, Department of Zoology, Oxford. D.Phil. Married Joan Wilson Ford Foundation Research Rellow, London Zoological Society Senior Research Officer 1963 1964 1965 Vv. I. 1. 26 Items 1,2 III. Lectures IV. Correspondence I. Biographical II. Laboratory notebooks Contents of the handlist Fellow and Tutor in Zoology, St. Catherine's College Oxford Dr. Kirby died in 1969 after injuries received in a car accident Senior Research Officer, Department of Zoology, Oxford (supported by the Medical Research Council) 154) Address by the Vice-Chancellor and Master of St. Catherine's College (Sir Alan Bullock) at Kirby's Memorial Service, 27 November 1969; biographical note by Mr. A.E.L. Todd, 19743 notes on the David Kirby Memorial Fund (Statutes, Decrees and Regulations of the University of Oxford, Chapter IX, Biographical memoir, Journal of Reproductive Fertility, 21, 379-381, 1970 Index to principal correspondents Biographical D.Ky. CeSeAeCe 13/1/74 Il. Laboratory notebooks 36 Ms. notebook: ‘operations 1* (in various hands) Ms. notebooks: ‘operations 2° notebook: "operations 3° notebook: ‘operations 4° " ‘ notebook: toperations 5, experiments' (in various hands) Ms. notebook: ‘operations 6, experiments’ _ III. Lectures 9 Notes for lectures on miscellaneous topics in reproductive physiology Correspondence re grant from Zoological Society of London re grant by British Empire Cancer Campaign re grant by the Nuffield Foundation 16. 1965 1966 1962 = 63 1962 — 63 1962, 1966 1968 — 69 - 1963 = 69 1963 — 69 re grant by Medical Research Council re various applications for research grants: University of Indiana Cecil Foster Fund (Oxford University) Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd The Spastics Society The Lackey Bequest (Oxford University) The Lalor Foundation The Pathfinder Fund World Health Organization National Insitute of Health The British Council The Royal Society Tenovus 1967 re lecturership in embryology, York 17. re testimonials and grants for students 15. Miscellaneous reports on research 18.—23. Scientific correspondence 1960 — 62 1963 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. D.Ky. CSAC. 13/7/74 Miscellaneous requests for reprints,to visit the lab etc Miscellaneous correspondence re equipment and animals used for experiments re publications, refereeing papers re invitations to lecture, to conferences and symposia miscellaneous correspondence Correspondence re St. Catherine's College; miscellaneous undated letters ¥: Index +o principal correspondents (numbers refer to Items) ADAMS, Professor W. E. BAGSHAWE, Dr. Kenneth D. BIGGERS, Professor J. Ds BILLINGHAM, Dr. Rupert E. FRS BISHOP, Dr. Marcus W. H. BLAND, Dr. Keith BRAMBELL, Professor Francis William Rogers FRS 19 26 19 BRYSON, David CHANG, Dr. M. OC. COWELL, Thomas CURREY, John BRUCE, Dr. M. He BRENT, Professor Leslie CLARK, Professor C. Ae CHESTER—JONES, Professor Ian BUTTLE, Professor Gladwin Albert Hurst EHRMANN, Dr. Robert L. DANIEL, Dr. Joseph C. DAVIES, Professor David Vaughan DEANESLEY, Dr. Ruth DICKMAN, Dr. Zeev DINSLEY, Dr. Marjorie 26 26 19,20,21,22 21,24, 27 18 DONOVAN, Professor Bernard T. 23 21 20 13 17 DeKy. CeSeAeC. 13/7/74 FINN, Dr. Colin 22 HADDOW, Professor Sir Alexander FRS 20,21,27 HANCOCK, Dr. James L. HARDY, Sir Alister FRS HARRIS, Professor Geoffrey W. FS HARVEY, Professor William R. HEPPLESTON, Professor Alfred Gordon HOGARTH, Peter J. HULL, Dr. Peter JONES, Professor I. C. KERR, Dr. Melville G. KROHN, Professor Peter Leslie FRS 26 17 19 22 22 19 21 10,19 McLAREN, Dr. Anne MANN, Dr. Cecilia MANN, Professor Thaddeus FRS 19,20, 21,23, 26,27 24 21,27 FRS 13,17,19,21,27 22 19 20 23 26 PETROV, Dr. Vladimir MAYER, Professor G. POTTS, Dr. Malcolm Me _ PARKES, Professor Sir Alan Sterling PRINGLE, Professor John William Sutton NEW, Dr. D.A.T. NOYES, Professor Robert 14 SCOTT, Professor James C. SIMMONS, Dr. Richard L. 20,21, 22 20, 22,24 ROWLANDS, Dr. I. We FRS 13517 10, 18,19, 22,27 OBER, Dr. William B. THORN, Sir Jules DeKye CoSeAcCe 13/7/74 VALLANCE, Dr. D. Ke VAUGHAN, Dame Janet WEIS-FOGH, Professor WILLIAMSON, Professor Mark WYNN, Dr. Ralph M YOUNG, Professor J. Stretton YOUNG, Professor John Zachary FRS ZIPPER, Dr. J. 23 12 j2 16,17,21 22 18,21 17 22
KIRBY, David v2
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin