KENT, Peter

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR PETER KENT FRS (1913 - 1986) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper VOLUME II Sections F - J Index of correspondents Deposited in the Library, University of Nottingham 1993 NCUACS 43/5/93 All rights reserved University of Bath P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.427 The material covers 41 British, overseas and international organisations. The organisations are presented in an alphabetical sequence. While some entries are slight, dealing with membership, invitations to meetings and the like, others are more substantial both in their time-span and in the matters covered. Among the organisations best documented here are the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Geological Society, the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, the Royal Society and the Watt Committee on Energy. For material relating to the British Geological Survey see the entries for the Institute of Geological Sciences and the Institution of Geologists. Also of interest in this section is the material on local geological and natural history societies of which Kent was a member, including the East Midlands and Yorkshire Geological Societies and the Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Trusts for Nature Conservation. The material is presented as follows: ARTHUR HOLMES SOCIETY (DURHAM UNIVERSITY) AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (see INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES) BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CANADIAN SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS F.9 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY F.10-F.21 DAVID DAVIES MEMORIAL INSTITUTE FOR P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations EAST MIDLANDS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY F.24-F.30 FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE F.31-F.68 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA F.69 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON F.70-F.137 GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION F.138-F.143 HARKER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (HULL UNIVERSITY) F.144 INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES/BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM F.145-F.161 F.162-F.165 INSTITUTION OF GEOLOGISTS F.166-F.183 IRAN SOCIETY F.246, F.247 INTER-UNION COMMISSION ON GEODYNAMICS F.242-F.245 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES F.229-F.241 INTERNATIONAL TRUST FOR ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE F.255-F.264 LEICESTERSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY F.253 LAMONT-DOHERTY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY F.248-F.252 LEICESTER UNIVERSITY F.184-F.228 F.254 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations LINCOLNSHIRE NATURALISTS’ UNION F.265-F.274 LINCOLNSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION F.275-F.278 MACROBERT AWARD EVALUATION COMMITTEE F.279-F.311 MANCHESTER MUSEUM F.312 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION F.313-F.318 NATURE CONSERVANCY F.319-F.323 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION OPEN UNIVERSITY F.324-F.328 F.329, F.330 PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION F.331 ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL SOCIETY PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY F.332 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN F.418-F.427 YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY WATT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY WORLD CULTURAL COUNCIL F.341-F.344 F.345-F.389 F.392-F.410 F.411-F.417 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS ULSTER MUSEUM F.333-F.340 F.390 F.391 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS 1956-84 Kent was elected a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) in 1957. In 1976 he was elected an Honorary Member (see A.167) and in 1984 received a certificate marking 25 years membership (A.176). For AAPG conferences attended by Kent see section H. 1956-57. Chiefly re membership. 1965-66. Includes correspondence re Letter of recognition for AAPG Semi- Centennial celebrations 1966. Kent was asked to secure a Letter from the Queen. In the event a Letter was written by R.W. Marsh MP, Minister of Power. 1967-68. Chiefly re papers on evaporites of the North Sea and the Middle East. 1969-71. Includes correspondence re refereeing paper. 1972-75, 1979-84. He was For F.6 Election as Honorary Vice President. ARTHUR HOLMES SOCIETY (DURHAM UNIVERSITY) 1973. Kent became a Life Member of the British Association in 1943. Vice-President of Section C (Geology) 1966 and President 1972-73. British Association meetings attended by Kent see section H. 1943, 1971-74. Includes papers of General Committee meeting 24 August BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1943-82 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1975-77, 1982. CANADIAN SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS Kent was made an Honorary Member of the Society in 1979. Honorary Membership, 1979, 1982; Newsletter for March 1980. COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY 1971-72 The Council for Scientific Policy (CSP) was established in 1965 ‘to advise the Secretary of State for Education and Science in the exercise of his responsibilities for the formulation and execution of Government scientific policy’. It was wound up in 1972, its duties being subsumed within those of its successor body, the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC). Kent was appointed a member of the CSP in 1968 and served this body and the ABRC until 1977. Lists of CSP ‘papers returned..." Letter to F.S. Dainton from Kent enclosing 2pp typescript draft ‘Comments on Cmnd 4814...’, 13 December 1971; comments by F.A. Fidler on Cmnd 4814, 4 January 1972; letter to W.K. Reid, of the Department of Education and Science, from Kent, 4 January 1972; 3pp typescript ‘Arguments on the Green Paper by T.L. Cottrell, 15 January 1972. Kent seems to have returned the majority of the papers he was sent in connection with CSP business (see F.10), and the papers presented here relate solely to the response to the 1972 Green Paper Cmnd 4814 'A Framework for Government Research and Development’ and subsequent White Paper Cmnd 5046 (the Rothschild Report). Kent was a member of the CSP's Preparatory Group charged with responding to Cmnd 4814. 1972. Kent's ms notes on Royal Society meeting with Lord Rothschild, 11 January 1972; 3pp typescript ‘Comments by Lord Rothschild, FRS, on statements in letters to the Press about his report, and at his request circulated to Fellows attending meeting on Tuesday 11 January 1972'; ‘Memorandum by Lord Rothschild...’ intended as ‘a definitive presentation of my views on some of the major issues on which my critics appear to me misguided’, 20 January P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations ‘A note of evidence taken from Lord Rothschild by the [House of Lords] Select Committee on Science and Technology’, 26 January 1972. Note on CSP Preparatory Group (Green Paper) meeting, 18 January 1972, annotated on verso by Kent, and CSP [?draft] response to Cmnd 4814. Correspondence and papers re cross-examination of Dainton, A.E.Merrison and Kent for the CSP by the Select Committee on Science and Technology, 2 February 1972. Includes copy of minutes of their evidence. Other submissions on Cmnd 4814. Agricultural Research Council; Royal Society. Natural Environment Research Council (2nd draft and final version). F.17-F.19 11 F.22, F.23 on First and Fourth Miscellaneous later press-cuttings and articles re Cmnd 4814. Photocopies of press-cuttings re Cmnd 4814, 25 November 1971 - January 1972, circulated to CSP Preparatory Group. 3 folders. Cmnd 5046, July 1972; Cmnd 5177 ‘Select Committee on Science and Technology. Government observations Reports’, December 1972, annotated by Kent. folders. DAVID DAVIES MEMORIAL INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Advice on Institute's study of continental shelf waters around the UK. 2 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations EAST MIDLANDS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1964-83 Kent joined the Society shortly after it was founded in February 1964. He was a Trustee of the Society's Trust Fund and wrote a number of articles for its journal The Mercian Geologist. The material includes correspondence and circulars. 1964-67. 1967 material chiefly re establishment of Trust Fund. 1968. Chiefly re Trust Fund. Includes correspondence with J.H. Sykes re ‘Barnstone railway 1969. cutting project’ and meeting on ‘The Rhaetic of the East Midlands’, 12 December, introduced by Kent at which Sykes lectured on ‘Details of the Barnstone section’. 1970. Rhaetic in the 76, 1970). 1971. October. 1972-74. Geologist. Includes report on the excursion to Scunthorpe for The Mercian Chiefly re geological field excursion to Scunthorpe led by Kent, 17 Includes correspondence re review article by Kent ‘Problems of the East Midlands’ published in The Mercian Geologist (Bibliog. south-west of Grantham led by Kent, 18 July. 1975,1978,1982-83. 1982 material re geological field excursion to the area P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE 1974-78 The material is presented as follows: F.31-F.54 English Channel F.55-F.57 Falkland Islands F.58-F.68 Rockall English Channel Following unease at French moves in 1974 to begin exploratory drilling in a disputed area of the English Channel, Kent was asked in October 1975 to assist the Foreign and Commonwealth Office during arbitration ‘to delimit the course of the continental shelf boundary between the UK and France’ as the UK's scientific expert at the Court of Arbitration in Geneva. assist, and his comments on part The material is principally documents and maps relating to the UK and French claims, including British and French submissions (termed Memorials and Counter-memorials) and Kent's comments on them. 1974 November-December. Background correspondence re UK response to possible French drilling. Possibly passed to Kent by R.J.H. Beverton, Secretary of the NERC. 1975 October-December. Correspondence re case, including letter asking Kent to of the draft UK Memorial (submission) to the Court of Arbitration on the Hurd Deep Fault zone in the English Channel. memorial. 1976 January-March. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Hurd Deep. 1976 April-July. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re UK Counter- F.33-F.37 Copy of draft UK Memorial prepared following Kent's 1975 December. comments. 5 folders. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1976 August, September. Papers re French Counter-memorial. 1976 October, November. Re French Counter-memorial. 1976 December (1). Correspondence and papers re UK reply to French Counter-memorial. 1976 December (2). French reply. 1977 January, February. Includes 9pp typescript of Kent's 'Oral submission on the geological evidence’ and 4pp typescript of ‘Oral submission on the geology’ annotated 'Second version’. The Court of Arbitration began its deliberations in January 1977. Verbatim records of Meeting of the Court for 10, 18 and 23 February. folders. 4 Kent's ms notes, including short account of his experiences at the Court; letter of thanks from Foreign and Commonwealth Office, March 1977. March 1975. Retained in original binder. Kent reviewed [D.H.] Griffiths’ report on the structure of the Falkland Islands continental shelf on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in April 1975. The FCO was particularly interested in the hydrocarbon prospects of the area around the Falkland Islands. ‘Geology of the Region around the Falkland Islands’ by D.H. Griffiths et al, Miscellaneous background information: principally maps. 5 folders. The Falkland Islands P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Correspondence re Griffiths' report, including copy of Kent's review, 3pp typescript, June 1975. Newspaper cuttings re oil prospects in the region. Rockall In 1976 Kent was asked to advise on the strength of the UK claim to the Rockall Plateau and supervise the preparation of a report against rival claims from the governments of the Irish Republic and Denmark. The British government was anxious to restate the UK case, that the Plateau was linked to mainland UK by continental crust, without opening the way for a Danish claim on the Rockall Plateau based on the Faroes. 1976 May-September. Includes FCO request for up-to-date information on the geology of the Rockall area, May. 1976 October-December. Includes Kent's 11pp typescript first draft on the ‘Boundary between UK and the Irish Republic’, and later draft with ms and typescript corrections (not by Kent). 1977 February, March. Includes 'Aide-mémoire to Sir Peter Kent on The crustal structure of the NW British continental margin’ by D.K. Smythe and R. McQuillin, 9 March. This summarised evidence ‘for and against a continental crustal link of the Rockall Plateau to the UK continental shelf NW of Scotland’. Miscellaneous background information. 6 folders. 1977 May-August. Re preparation of final report for Law Officers. 1978 April. Correspondence re terminology employed in the report. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 1965-71 Kent was elected a member of the Geological Society of America in 1966. 1965-71. Re membership. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 1960-86 Kent was elected a Fellow in 1938 (see A.131A). 1963-66 and was President of the Society 1974-76. many committees and groups of represented in the surviving material. Society, the He served on Council He was a member of of which are all not He received the Society's Lyell Fund for 1949 and Bigsby Medal 1953 (A.136) and the Murchison Medal in 1969 (A.143). The material is presented as follows: F.70-F.76 General correspondence and papers F.77-F.112 Stratigraphy Committee F113 F.114-F.123 | Appeals Committee Committee for Sustained Industrial Support F.124-F.126 | Petroleum Geochemistry Group F.127-F.137 | Geological Society Club P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations General correspondence and papers These principally date from the period prior to Kent's Presidency of the Society and include very few ‘official’ papers such as papers for meetings of Council. 1969. would accept nomination as his successor, 6 October. Includes letter from T.N. George, President, asking whether Kent 1971. Includes correspondence re 1971 Appeal. 1972. Includes correspondence re membership of temporary working group on mineral extraction and the environment. Includes re Presidency of the Society and correspondence Stratigraphy Committee 1973. biographical material re F.W. Shotton, candidate for the Wollaston Medal. Jurassic Working Group The material is presented as follows: Triassic Working Group F.88-F.111 F.77-F.87 General Rite P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations General The Stratigraphy Committee was established in replace the Stratigraphical Code Sub-Committee, of which Kent was also a member. It published guides to stratigraphical procedure in 1972 and 1978, both co- authored by Kent. 1968 to Background material. Committee’, March 1967. Includes 'Report of the Stratigraphical Code Sub- F.78-F.87 Stratigraphy Committee meetings 1972-74, 1979-85. Correspondence and papers. The meetings in early 1972 were chiefly concerned with preparation of the Committee's ‘Concise Guide to stratigraphical procedure’, 83, 1972). The committee later published ‘A guide to stratigraphical procedure’, (Bibliog. 118, 1978). (Bibliog. F.78 1972 January , 1979-80 1982 1983 1984-85 F.81 : 1981 F.79 1972 February F.82 1973-74 F.80 1972 March-June 1972 July-September Triassic Working Group finally produced a report, considerably longer than originally The Triassic Working Group was established in 1966 by the Geological Society as one of a number of Working Groups to review the stratigraphy of In 1968 it was placed under the newly the Phanerozoic rock succession. In the case of correlation of the established Stratigraphy Committee. Triassic, described by Kent in 15 November 1966 (F.88) as ‘one of the most difficult in British stratigraphy’ it was felt necessary to organise up-to-date reappraisals of regional data on The Working Group, chaired by Kent, began work in 1967, the Triassic. holding a symposium on 1 November 1967, the results of which were published in a special issue of the Geological Society's Quarterly Joumal. The Working Group then went on consider three phases of the Triassic in the preparation of a correlation chart: the Rhaetic, the Keuper and the Bunter. a letter to M.G. Audley-Charles of It P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations envisaged in 1980 (A correlation of Triassic rocks in the British Isles, Bibliog. no. 127). Correspondence and papers 1966-83. 1966. Correspondence re paper on Triassic correlation by M.G. Audley- Charles. This was the most extensive survey of the subject then attempted and, although somewhat controversial, was a spur to the Working Group's activities. 1967 January-March. Re Audley-Charles's paper. 1967 April. following its reading at Geological Society Discussion meeting, 5 April. Re Audley-Charles's paper. Includes comments on the paper 1967 May. Includes correspondence re possible Trias Symposium. 1967 June. October-December. and papers re Chiefly correspondence 1967 June-August. Trias Symposium. 1967 Symposium, and re 'Aide-mémoire' by Kent on the Rhaetic. Group, 20 May. 1968 January-March. Chiefly re publication of Symposium proceedings, and Kent's 'Aide-mémoire’. Includes Kent's first ‘Progress Report’ of the Working 1968 April, May. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1968 June-November. Includes 2pp typescript ‘Recommendations for lithographical terminology applied to the Rhaetic Beds of Britain’ prepared for the Group by Kent, 3 July, and ‘Comments on the recommendations...’ by P.L. Robinson, 4pp duplicated typescript. 1969 January-June. Includes ‘General description of stratigraphic units in the Upper Trias of Great Britain’, 6pp typescript + figures found with minutes of meeting 29 April. 1969 July-October. 1970 January-June. Re meeting 17 February, and questionnaire on 'Keuper’ rocks of the British Isles. 1970 July-December. Includes ‘Progress Report’, revised questionnaire on ‘Keuper' rocks and typescript summary accounts by Kent of the Rhaetic of the North Midlands, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire and the North Sea + figures. 1971 January-June. Includes questionnaire on ‘Bunter’ rocks of the British Isles. 1971 August. circulated prior to Working Group meeting on 6 October. Chiefly replies to questionnaires on 'Keuper’ and ‘Bunter’ 1971 October-December. Chiefly re meetings 6 October and 1 December. Committee, 5 June, and draft correlation chart. 1972 January-March. Chiefly re meetings 2 February and 21 March to consider regional correlation charts. 1973. Includes 'Progress Report of the Working Party on the Trias’ by Kent, ‘Presentation on Progress of Triassic Working Group' for Stratigraphical 1972 April-December. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1975-76. Includes ‘Definition of new names for major stratigraphical units’ by G. Warrington and his ‘Report of visit to Vienna...’ for meeting of IUGS sub-commission on Triassic stratigraphy. 1978. Re Working Group Report. 1979, 1980, 1983. Jurassic Working Group This group was considerably less active than the Triassic Working Group. Kent was a member. 1966, 1973. F113 Appeals Committee Committee for Sustained Industrial Support 1977. Chiefly re compilation of appeal brochure. training scheme for promising honours graduates. The Appeals Committee was established in 1981 to raise money for the Society's archives and conservation programme and for the compilation of a Palaeographical Atlas. Kent was Chairman of the Committee. It held its first The Appeal succeeded in raising the meeting on 2 December 1981. £10,000 required Atlas but the employment of a conservationist on a permanent basis. In October 1983 the Committee launched an Appeal for funds to support its field-based for the not the further £80,000 for P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations material The correspondence re potential donors and Appeal letters and replies. meetings papers chiefly for is of the Committee, F.114 1981 F.119 1982 August F.115 1982 January, February F.120 1982 September, October F.116 1982 March F.121 1982 November F.117 1982 April, June F.122 1982 December F.118 1982 July F.123 1983 Petroleum Geochemistry Group In 1983 the Petroleum Geochemistry Group expanded its scope and widened its membership to become the Petroleum Group. Kent had been a member of the Petroleum Geochemistry Group and was also a member of the new Group, serving on its Committee. 1984-85 programme of events. Re 1982-83 programme of events. Kent spoke at the Petroleum 1982. Geochemistry Group's Discussion Meeting on the Origin of fossil fuels: biogenic vs non biogenic, London, 7 October 1982. See also H.122. 1983. Membership of Petroleum Group; 1983-84 programme of events. 1984. Kent spoke on 'UK on-shore exploration - historical review’ at the Group's meeting on on-shore UK exploration, London, 16 May 1984. See H.143. He was elected an Honorary Member in 1978. Kent was elected a member in 1960 and served on the Committee 1963-65. Geological Society Club P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Chiefly papers for meetings of the Club F.127 1960-64 F.128 1965-68 F.129 1969-70 F.1380 1971-73 1979, 1981 1982 1983 1984 F.131 1974, 1976-77 1985-86 F.132 1978 GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION 1937-85 Kent was elected a member in 1935 (life member from 1937). The material is chiefly re membership. There is also correspondence re arrangements for Association field excursions abroad for which there is no other evidence of Kent's participation. The excursion to Kenya in 1983 is documented at H.127-H.129. 1969-70. Chiefly correspondence re applications to join Association. 1937, 1967. Items 1937 are notes of thanks for services during Association field meetings, 1967 material is for Association field trips in east Yorkshire and north Lincolnshire. 1971-72. Correspondence re arrangements for Association excursion to Bulgaria, September - October 1971. Also includes ‘Oil and Gas production in Bulgaria’ by Kent, 6pp typescript, 15 October 1971 + 1p ‘Addenda’. excursion to Cyprus 24 April - 2 May 1984. Chiefly correspondence 1973, 1981. 1983-84. re arrangements for Association P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1985, nd. Correspondence re proposed excursion to Crete and Santorini, October, and re reunion of participants in ‘Long field meeting in Switzerland 6th - 21st September 1947', 2 November. HARKER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (HULL UNIVERSITY) 1978 Kent was Honorary Vice-President of the Society 1978-79. He was guest at the Society Annual Dinner, 1 February 1979. 1978. Invitation to act as Honorary Vice-President and correspondence re Annual Dinner. INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES/BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1972-86 of in Institute Sciences Geological The an amalgamation of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, the Overseas Geological Surveys and the Geological Museum as a component of the In 1984 the Institute was Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). renamed the Geological Survey and the Geological Museum transferred to the British Museum (Natural History). formed British 1965 was as F.147-F.161 F.145,F.146 — British Geological Survey Institute of Geological Sciences The material is presented as follows: re confidentiality of data. Material relating to Kent's service on the Institute of Geological Sciences Advisory Committee (previously the Geology and Geophysics Committee) of the Natural Environment Research Council 1968-73, and on the NERC Visiting Group to IGS is presented in section E. 1972-73,1977,1980-81. General correspondence, including correspondence Institute of Geological Sciences P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1982-83. Chiefly correspondence re possible reprint of IGS memoir ‘The geology and geophysics of coastal Tanzania’ by Kent, J.A. Hunt and D.W. Johnstone (Bibliog. 80, 1971), and progress towards publication of the ‘Chipping Norton Memoir’. British Geological Survey by _ funds 1984-85, together with withdrawal of In 1984 the proposed reductions in NERC funding of the British Geological Survey for individual Government Departments, led to serious concern for the future of the Survey. This concern was heightened by the proposed reorganisation of the NERC in its 1985 Corporate Plan. There was particular opposition to plans it were a university-based NERC directed to administer the Survey as if this was incompatible with the research institute. Survey's role as statutory requirements for the geological mapping of the UK, whose gathering of strategic data available for public use was vital British mineral and hydrocarbon resources. It was suggested that the Survey should be given a semi-autonomous status such as that enjoyed by the Ordnance Survey. It was argued that national body with to the full development of a at to the with those relating F.171-F.180 In response to calls for an independent review of the British Geological Survey a joint NERC/Advisory Board for the Research Councils study group into geological surveying was established under the Chairmanship of Sir Clifford Butler in October 1985 ‘To assess the UK needs for geological its scale, nature and quality - having surveying over the next 5-10 years - regard to the longer term prospects for public expenditure’. It received submissions from interested parties and reported in 1986. The correspondence and papers presented here should be consulted in conjunction Consultative Committee on British Support for Geological Science, established by the Institution of Geologists in November 1984, and those at F.378-F.381 re the Royal Society's Panel on Geological Surveying, established to liaise with the Butler study group. 1984 October-December. 1984 May-September. Includes letter from Kent to Tam Dalyell MP outlining the funding difficulties of the Survey, 4 September. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Copy of brochure prepared for 1985 January. 'Visit by the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Education and Science to the British Geological Survey, Keyworth on 31 January 1985’. Sent to Kent for information. The brochure sets out the history of the Survey, its staff and funding, and some of its activities. 1985 January-February. Includes letter from Kent to Sir Robin Nicholson, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Cabinet Office, setting out the case for the Survey. 1985 March. plan for the British Geological Survey’ by B. Kelk. Includes final draft of ‘A consultative document on a strategic 1985 April-August. Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science. Includes correspondence with P.L. Brooke MP, Under- 1985 October-December. Butler study group. Includes announcement of establishment of the 1985 December. Copy of NERC ‘Plan 2000". 1985 June. Kent's copy of Support of geophysics in the United Kingdom. A Working Party report (Royal Society, London, 1985). This Plan was formulated in response to criticism that much of Britain remained inadequately mapped geologically and set out a crash programme for the British Geological Survey to resurvey by the end of the century those areas of the UK covered by obsolete geological maps. Kent, November 1985. F.157-F.161 Submissions to the Butler study group. 1986 January-February. Includes correspondence re ‘Plan 2000'. £.157 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations B. Kelk, January 1986. D.A. Gray, January 1986. Geological Information Group, January 1986. Geological Society, January 1986. Institution of Geologists, January 1986. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, February 1986. S.L. and D.T. Donovan, February 1986. NERC, February 1986. 1963-64. February 1964. Membership, discussion meeting on Athabasca Tar Sands, 27 INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM 1963-85 Kent was elected a Fellow in 1963. He served on the Exploration and Production Committee 1965-66. Kent resigned from the Fellowship in 1978. 1972-78, 1985. 1965. Contributions to summer discussion meeting on Salt Basins. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations INSTITUTION OF GEOLOGISTS 1976-86 The Institution was founded in 1977 following a campaign by the Association for the Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists in the mid- 1970s. Kent became a Corporate Member of the Institution at the invitation of the President in November 1979, and was elected a Fellow in 1985. Among Kent's activities on behalf of the Institution were Chairmanship of the Consultative Committee on Sciences, sponsored by the Institution to lobby for the British Geological Survey, and in 1986 Chairmanship of the Joint Institution of Geologists/Geological Society Co-operation two organisations. Committee, Geological discussing possible Support merger British the for of The material is presented as follows: F.166 Association for the Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists F.167-F.170 | General correspondence and papers F.171-F.180 | Consultative Committee on British Support for Geological F.166 F.181-F.183 Sciences (CCGS) East Midlands Group Re meeting of East Midlands branch, Barnstone, Notts, 10 Association for the Promotion of an Institution of Professional Geologists 1976-77. January 1977. Kent was Guest Speaker at the meeting. 1981-84. Chiefly re membership. 1978-80. Includes invitation to join the Institution, August 1979. General correspondence and papers F.167 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1985 March, June. Item June 1985 is draft of Charter, Bylaws and Rules of the to Geological Society re possible merger of the two bodies. a covering letter with copy of Institution, The Geological Society had raised the possibility of a merger between the Society and the reply included the draft Charter of the Institution and a covering letter setting out the Institution's reservations about merging. Institution of Geologists. The Institution's initial 1985 November-1986 January. Fellow, and invitation to serve as Chairman of the Joint Geologists/Geological Society Co-operation Committee. Includes notification of Kent's election as Institution of Consultative Committee on British Support for Geological Sciences (CCGS) In response to the crisis believed to be facing the British Geological Survey (see F.147-F.161) the Institution of Geologists established a Working Group in November 1984 to organise the geological community's response and argue the case for maintained funding of the earth sciences. It agreed at its first meeting to widen its membership by bringing in representatives from industry and to establish itself as the Consultative Committee on British Support for Geological Science Funding for Research in the Geological Sciences. The first Chairman of the Working Group and the Committee was D.C. lon but on his death in September 1985, Kent was invited to serve on the Committee as Chairman. The Committee drafted a number of papers ‘Geological Sciences in danger’, ‘Funding for research in the geological sciences’ and 'Geology and Wealth: the future?’ for circulation and much of the material presented here relates to the preparation and circulation of the drafts and consideration of comments received at meetings of the Committee. 1986 June (3) For material relating to the Royal Society's Geological Survey Panel see F.378-F.381. 1985 September, October 1986 January, February 1985 January -April F.173 1985 May, August F.175 1985 November F.171 1984 November 1986 June (1) 1986 June (2) 1985 December F.172 F.174 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 East Midlands Group Societies and organisations F.181 Newsletters 1982-85. Not a complete sequence. Membership lists 1983 and 1984. Papers for AGM 1986. INTERNATIONAL TRUST FOR ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE 1969-86 The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature was the financial agent of the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature, founded in 1895 to Zoological Nomenclature and to give rulings on particular problems of nomenclature. Kent was a member of the Trust from 1969, serving as Chairman c.1970-84. He served on the Management Committee and its Appeal Subcommittee. International Code of and develop the maintain F.186 1972-74 F.187 1977-78 F.188 F.185-F.228 F.185 1969,1971 F.194 1980 July-December Correspondence re invitation to Kent to join the Trust, June 1969, with copy of 1947 Certificate of Incorporation. Correspondence and papers re general and committee meetings of the Trust 1969-86. Most of the material relates to fund-raising efforts 1980-84. 1982 March 1979 September-December 1981 November,December F.198 1981 June, July F.195 1981 January, February 1979 January, February F.196 1981 March-May F.199 1981 August-October 1982 January-March 1980 January-March F.189 1979 March F.197 1981 June F.193 1980 April-June F.190 1979 April-July F.200 F.201 F.202 F.191 F.192 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1982 April 1982 May, June 1982 June 1982 July 1983 October 1983 November,December 1984 January, February 1984 March 1982 September, October 1984 March, April 1982 November 1982 December 1984 May, June 1984 June 1983 January, February 1984 July-October 1983 February 1985 February-April 1983 March,April 1985 June 1983 May 1983 June 1985 August, October 1986 March, May 1983 July-September 1986 June The Board held its the IUGS Research Development Program in This body INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES (IUGS) 1981-85 Kent was a member of the IUGS Endowment Committee 1968-71 and the Advisory Board for Research Development 1982-85. re first meeting. The material is correspondence and papers for meetings of the Advisory was initially established as Board for Research Development. the Board of 1982 to ‘stimulate, encourage and facilitate international research programs in the geological sciences that will advance fundamental geological knowledge and aid the solution of regional and global resource problems’. The Board was to plan and manage the scientific programme and the fund-raising campaign for the |UGS Research Trust Fund. first meeting in January 1982 in Bonn. Its terms of reference were slightly revised, and its Official title changed, after this meeting. In 1972 |UGS and UNESCO launched a Correlation Programme (IGCP). National Committee for the IGCP are at F.367-F.377. joint International Geological Papers re Kent's service on the British 1981-82. Includes invitation to serve, 17 August 1981, and correspondence P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1982 January. Retained in original binding. Papers for first Board meeting, Bonn, 29-30 January. 1982 January-August. Minutes of first meeting; correspondence. F.232-F.235 1983 January. Papers for third Board meeting, Paris, 20 January. 4 folders. 1983 January, February. Kent's ms notes on proceedings and report for British National Committee for Geology; correspondence arising from the meeting. 1983 March-November. Correspondence, chiefly re membership of Board. 1984 February. Retained in original binding. Papers for fifth Board meeting, Orleans, 4-5 February. 1985 February. Papers for Board meeting, Paris, 5-6 February. Retained in original binding. Kent was unable to attend. 1985 February-May. Minutes of Board meeting; correspondence re meeting 1984 July. Correspondence. Includes 'Report of the IUGS Advisory Board for Research Development to the IUGS Council. and re Kent's resignation from the Board in April. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations INTER-UNION COMMISSION ON GEODYNAMICS 1971-74 Kent was a member of Working Group 7 (‘Epeirogenic movements of regional extent’) of the Commission from 1971. He served as a member of the British National Committee for Geodynamics. 1971. Invitation to serve and correspondence arising. Papers re proposal to establish an international oceanic tide gauge 1973. network. 1970-85 1979-86 IRAN SOCIETY 1983-85. Meetings. Kent became a life member in 1970. 1970,1971. Membership, meetings. LAMONT-DOHERTY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY arising and re meeting 25 October 1980. Kent Geological Observatory, Columbia University, New York, in 1979. He served two three- year terms. 1979, 1980. Invitation to serve on the Council, 12 July; correspondence joined the Advisory Council of Lamont-Doherty P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1981, 1982. General correspondence. 1983 March-September. Includes correspondence re arrangements for meeting 14 October 1983. 1983 October-December. Papers for meeting; correspondence arising. 1984, 1986. 1984. Chiefly correspondence re and papers for meeting 1 June LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 1974-76 Kent joined the Society in 1974. Membership and meetings. LEICESTERSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION LEICESTER UNIVERSITY 1967-78 F.254 Appeal to BP for funds to purchase Tilton Railway Cutting. ae Kent advised on aspects of geological research at the University and gave a number of lectures: ‘Structural evolution of the Zagros Mountains of Iran’, 16 February 1968 (D.108); 'The coastlands of East Africa. A stratigraphical and Structural study’, 10 May 1968 (D.108); ‘The search for North Sea gas (D.109)', 22 November 1968; ‘Salt mountains of the Middle East’, 9 January 1970 (D.111). In 1967 Kent was awarded one of the first Adrian Visiting Fellowships of the University. These were established for ‘distinguished men or women from industry or the public services or the arts who are willing, during the period of their association with the University, to provide general advice in their field of interest, or assist as consultants with specific research projects’. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations In 1972 Kent was awarded an Honorary D.Sc. by Leicester University (A.153). 1967 April-June. Chiefly re award of Fellowship. 1967 October-December. Includes correspondence re 1968 lectures. 1968 January-May. Includes material re Geology Department's East African Rift Valley project. 1968 June-December. university examination system’, drafted for the Vice-Chancellor, 24 June. Includes 3pp typescript note by Kent on ‘The Includes draft 'Proposals for the establishment of a planetary and 1969. space science centre in the University of Leicester’, 9 October. 1970 January, establishment of a space science centre at Leicester. February. Includes final version of proposals for the 1970 March, April. Includes copies of Geology Department's research proposals to NERC; proposal for establishment of Honours degree Geology with geophysics by M.A. Khan, and comments thereon, including Kent's, April. 1978. Retirement and death of Professor P.C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1970 May-December. 1971-73. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations LINCOLNSHIRE NATURALISTS’ UNION 1938-86 Kent joined the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union in 1938. He served a number of terms as President of the Geological Section and of the Union. Kent wrote a number of articles for the Union's Transactions and delivered the 1970 Presidential address ‘Lincolnshire geology in its regional setting’ (see D.113, D.114). 1938, 1946, 1949. Includes invitation to serve as President 1950-51. 1964. Chiefly re field excursion to Lincolnshire Wolds, 27 June. Kent was a leader of the excursion. 1965-66. Includes invitation to serve as President 1967-68 (declined). 1967-68. Includes invitations to serve as President of the Geology Section 1967 and President of the Union 1969-70 (both accepted), and papers for meetings. 1969 January-May. Chiefly re meetings. 1969 July-October. Chiefly re meetings. Geological Section. 1970 June-December. Includes material re field excursion to Colsterworth, 13 June. Kent was a leader of the excursion. 1978, 1981-86. Chiefly re meetings and Kent's service as President of the 1970 January-April. Chiefly re meetings and Kent's Presidential address. 1971-75. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations LINCOLNSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION 1964-86 The Trust was founded in 1948, as the Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Trust, to work for the conservation of Lincolnshire's remaining wild areas. The material is chiefly re meetings. F.275 1964-65, 1968 F.277 1973-76 F.276 1970-72 F.278 1980-86 MACROBERT AWARD EVALUATION COMMITTEE 1977-86 The MacRobert Award was administered by the Council of Engineering Institutions (later the Fellowship of Engineering) as the premier engineering The award, of a gold medal and prize of £25,000, was award in the UK. made annually on recognition of outstanding contributions to engineering or technology or in the practical application of national prestige and prosperity. Kent served as a Royal Society representative on the Evaluation Committee from 1975. the physical sciences which contributed to the the MacRobert Trusts behalf of in 1983 (1) 1981 (4) F.281 1978 (2) F.280 1978 (1) F.279 1977 1982 (1) The material is papers for meetings of the Committee, including submissions for the Award, press-releases Kent himself was awarded the MacRobert Award in 1970, jointly with H.R. Warman and A.N. Thomas, for surveying techniques pioneered on the Alaskan North Slope oilfields (see A.144-A.150). 1983 (3) 1979, 1980 (1) 1981 (2) 1983 (2) F.288 1981 (3) F.284 1980 (2) F.286 1981 (1) F.282 1978 (3) F.285 1980 (3) 1982 (5) 1982 (6) 1982 (2) 1982 (3) 1982 (4) F.283 F.287 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1983 (4) 1983 (5) 1983 (6) 1984 (1) 1984 (2) 1985 (1) 1985 (2) 1985 (3) 1985 (4) 1985 (5) 1985 (6) 1986 (1) 1986 (2) MANCHESTER MUSEUM 1983 F.312 Exchange re financial crisis at the Museum and its implications for the geological collections. 1978-85 F.313 1978-79 F.314 1980 F.313-F.317 F.315 1981 January F.316 1981 February-June MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Kent was a member of Council of the Marine Biological Association 1978-81. Chiefly correspondence re arrangements and papers for meetings of Council 1978-81. Miscellaneous later material re functions held by the Association, 1983-85. F.317 1981 October P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations NATURE CONSERVANCY 1968-73 The material is chiefly re the Nature Conservancy's review of its existing geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) to ensure all localities of appropriate scientific interest were being protected. Kent advised on phases three and four of the review: Jurassic and Permo-Triassic sites. 1969. Papers for meeting re Jurassic SSSIs, London, 7 February. 1972 February, March. Leeds and London, February. Papers for meetings re Permo-Triassic SSSls, 1972 July-September. Nature Conservancy re possible conservation of Jurassic Ironstone quarries to be abandoned by British Steel Corporation. Correspondence with 1982-85 Kent served as President from 1984. 1982. Includes April and September Newsletters. F.G22, F323 Nature Conservancy Geological Section circulars 1-8 (lacks number 6) 1968-73. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION 1984 May-November. 1983. Includes correspondence re proposed nature and archaeology trial on BP land at Eakring. This was completed after Kent's death (see A.187). 1984 February-April. Appeal to BP; presidency of the Trust. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 OPEN UNIVERSITY F.329 Societies and organisations 1970-85 1970, 1971, 1973. Correspondence re Open University (OU) proposal for co-operative teaching project, 1970; advice on BBC programmes for OU's Earth television programme ‘Resource conflicts’, broadcast 2 and 5 February 1973. in BBC OU participation Resources course, 1971; 1978-79, 1985. OU Chair in Earth Sciences. Chiefly correspondence re possible BP funding for second PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Kent resigned from the Palaeontological Association in 1978. Circulars 1963, 1972, 1976; brief correspondence re resignation 1978. 1957 1965-86 Letter acknowledging resignation. PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN Kent was a member of Council of the Society during his period working for BP in Papua New Guinea. 1966-67. Chiefly re meetings. Kent was a founder member of the Society in 1965, and served as Chairman 1966. He became an Honorary Member in 1970. Papers re formation of the Society, and summer field trip to north- 1965. east England, 16-18 September. Kent was leader on the last day. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1968-71. Chiefly re symposium on North Sea exploration to be organised by 1972. the Society. 1973-74, 1978-79. includes 1979 membership directory. 1981-84. Chiefly Newsletters. 1985. Newsletters. 1986. Newsletters. 1971, 1975-76. Chiefly re membership. 1978. Laboratory Committee. ROYAL INSTITUTION 1971-86 1977. Chiefly re Davy Faraday Laboratory Committee. Kent was elected a member of the Royal Institution in 1971. He was appointed a Manager of the Royal Institution and Chairman of the Davy Faraday Laboratory Committee 1977-80. He was a Vice-President 1979- 80. In 1980 he was asked to serve as the Royal Institution's representative on the Watt Committee on Energy (see F.392-F.410). 1979-86. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations ROYAL SOCIETY 1968-86 Kent was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1966 (see A.138- A.142). In 1971 he was awarded the Society's Royal Medal (A.151, A.152). Kent served on Council 1967-69 and on many committees of the Society. The material is presented as follows: F.345-F.350 General and miscellaneous F.351-F.355 Elections, grant applications and awards F.356 British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics F.357 British National Committee for Geodynamics F.358-F.363 British National Committee for Geology F.364-F.366 British National Committee for ICSU F.367-F.377 F.378-F.381 Geological Survey Panel F.386-F.389 Soirée Committee F.382-F.385 Ordnance Survey Committee British National Committee for IGCP 1972, 1973. Includes circulars, correspondence re possible discussion meetings General and miscellaneous P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Chiefly re proposed discussion meeting on ‘Geochemical reactions’ 1980. (later modified to ‘Geochemistry of burial diagenesis’). 1981, 1982. 1983, 1984. Includes correspondence re possible Royal Society support for Yorkshire Museum dinosaurs exhibition 1983, 1984. 1985, 1986. Elections, grant applications and awards F.351 1968, 1972-73 F.354 1980-81 F.352 1974, 1978 F.355 1982-85 F.353 1979-80 1973, 1978, 1980. British National Committee for Geodynamics this Committee 1968-78. He served on the Kent was a member of Seismology Subcommittee. British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics 1973, 1980. Letter 1980 re disbanding of Committee. Kent was a member of this Committee 1971-80. completion of the International Geodynamics Project in 1979. It was dissolved after the P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations British National Committee for Geology Kent was a member of this Committee 1968-72 and 1976-82. second period of service he chaired the Committee. During his Chiefly correspondence re and papers of Committee meetings. F.358 1973, 1977-78 F.359 1979 (1) F.360 1979 (2) F.361 1980 (1) F.362 1980 (2) F.363 1981-82, 1985 British National Committee for ICSU was a member of Kent (International Council of National Committee for Geology. the British Scientific Unions) as Chairman of National Committee for the ICSU British Chiefly papers of Committee meetings. F.369-F.372 F.365 1979 (2) F.366 1980-81 F.364 1979 (1) British National Committee for IGCP The IGCP (International Geological Correlation Programme) was launched by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) (see F.229-F.241) in 1972. The chief function of the Committee was to allocate travel and other grants for projects carried out under the auspices of the Programme. Printed material The material is presented as follows: Grant Allocations Panel Committee papers F.367, F.368 FiSfa-ory, P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Committee papers F.367 1975,1981 (1) F.368 1981 (2) Grant Allocations Panel F.369 1979 (1) F.370 1979 (2) Printed material F.371 1980-81 F.372 1981 F.373-F.375 ‘Geological correlation’, Newsletter of the IGCP. Volumes 1-5 (1973-77) and 11 (1983). 3 folders. F.376, F.377 Annual reports of UK contribution to the IGCP, 1976, 1980, 1981, 1983. folders. 2 Geological Survey Panel 1985 December. Letter re establishment of Panel; papers of first meeting, 19 December. This was established in 1985 to liaise with the ABRC/NERC study group into geological surveying chaired by Sir Clifford Butler (see F.147-F.161 and F.171-F.180). Kent served on the Panel, which was chaired by J. Sutton. and Kent's comments thereon. 1986 April-July. Includes copy of the British Geological Survey's ‘Plan 2000" Papers of meeting with Butler study group, 21 March. 1986 March. includes ms notes by Kent. 1986 January. Papers of second meeting, 8 January. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Ordnance Survey Committee Societies and organisations Kent was Vice-Chairman of this Committee from 1977 until its reorganisation In 1978 he chaired in 1981 as the Ordnance Survey Scientific Committee. an Society submission to the Department of the Environment's Ordnance Survey Review (Serpell) Committee (F.382). ad hoc subcommittee established to compile the Royal 1978 July. related correspondence. Copy of Royal Society submission to Serpell Committee, with 1978 November. Papers re Ordnance Survey digital mapping programme. 1979. February; papers for Committee meeting, 20 November. Report on Royal Society oral evidence to Serpell Committee 7 1980, 1981. December 1980; letter of thanks for service, 30 March 1981. Papers re digital mapping; papers for Committee meeting 9 F.390 F.387 1981 (1) F.389 F.386 1978-80 F.388 1981 (2) Soirée Committee Kent was a member of this Committee for the period covered by the papers. Invitations to be nominated for election to the Fellowship 1970 and 1981. ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS 1981 (3) 1970,1981 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations ULSTER MUSEUM 1983 F.391 Correspondence re funding from industry for purchase of dinosaur skeleton. WATT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY 1980-86 The Watt Committee on Energy was formed ‘to promote and assist research and development and other scientific or technical work concerning all aspects of Energy and to disseminate knowledge generally concerning Energy for the benefit of the public at large’. It held its first meeting in April 1976. A historical account of the Committee is to be found at F.392. Kent was appointed to the Watt Committee's Board and Executive as a representative of the Royal Institution in 1980, initially for a one year term. He was then asked to serve on the Watt Committee's Standing Committee on Finance and Business Planning, extending his period of membership. The material is presented as follows: F.392-F.405 | AGMs, Board and Executive meetings F.406-F.409 Consultative Council F.410 AGMS, Board and Executive meetings Standing Committee on Finance and Business Planning Although Kent only served one year on the Board and Executive, he continued to receive papers for meetings as a member of the Standing Committee. Memorial Lecture. Invitation to serve, 14 March 1980, and related correspondence re service, 1981; copy of 'The growth of an idea (an intimate history of the Watt Committee on Chesters, the 1980 Wilson Campbell Energy)’ by J.H. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations F.393-F.405 Papers for AGMs and meetings of the Board and Executive of the Watt Committee, with related correspondence. F.393 1980 March-May F.400 1982 June, July F.394 1980 June F.401 1982 September-December F.395 1980 July-December F.402 1983 February-May F.396 1981 January-February F.403 1983 June, July F.397 1981 March-May F.404 1984-85 F.398 1981 June-November F.405 1986 F.399 1982 January-May Consultative Council The Executive of the Watt Committee appointed Working Groups to undertake research projects for the Committee. Their work was presented in papers delivered to twice-yearly meetings of the Consultative Council of the each member institution. The results were published as Watt Committee Reports. representatives Committee, comprising from two The papers comprise notices, agenda, synopses of presentations, lists of participants etc for meetings of the Consultative Council. Kent attended a number of these and some of the papers bear his notes and annotations. Eighth meeting on surprise scenarios and energy policies for transport, 19 June 1980; ninth meeting on assessment of energy resources, 2 December 1980; tenth meeting on the European energy scene, 21 May 1981. industry: the challenge of waste disposal, 11 June 1985. Eleventh meeting on energy and electronics, 3 December 1981; twelfth meeting on energy for survival: the energy efficient society, 9 June 1982; thirteenth meeting on nuclear energy - a professional assessment, 2 December 1982; industry, commerce and the home, 7 June 1983. Fifteenth meeting on acid rain, 1 December 1983; sixteenth meeting on small-scale hydro-power, 5 June 1984; seventeenth meeting on the energy fourteenth meeting on conversion to coal: P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations Eighteenth meeting on passive solar design in buildings - realising the opportunities, 23 October 1985; nineteenth meeting on air pollution, acid rain and the environment, 4 December 1985. Standing Committee on Finance and Business Planning F.410 Papers for meetings 1982-83. WORLD CULTURAL COUNCIL 1982-85 The World Cultural Council, based in Monterrey, Mexico, awarded the Albert Einstein World Award of Science and Jean Jacques Rousseau World Award of Education. Kent was nominated a member of the Interdisciplinary Committee of Honorary Presidents in 1982 and asked to help choose recipients of the Award for 1984 and 1985. Brief correspondence re nomination and Cultural Council, 1982-83. information about the World F.412-F.414 Albert Einstein Award 1984. F.415-F.417 Albert Einstein Award 1985. Papers re scientists nominated and covering letters. 3 folders. Papers re scientists nominated and covering letters. the Society's Sorby Medal for 1973 (see A.165). Kent became a life member of the Yorkshire Geological Society in 1947. He was on the Society's Council 1962-68 and served as Vice-President 1964-65 and President 1965-66. He delivered the 1965 and 1966 Presidential Addresses on ‘The structure of the concealed carboniferous rocks of North- Eastern England’ (D.101-D.104) and ‘Outline geology of the southern North Sea Basin’ (D.105). These and a number of Kent's papers were published He was awarded in the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 3 folders. 1947-86 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Societies and organisations 1947, 1958, 1961. 1962. Lincolnshire, 21-23 September. Kent was a joint leader. Principally correspondence and papers re field excursion to north 1964. arrangements for AGM and Annual Dinner, 12 December. Includes correspondence re offer of Presidency to Kent and 1965. Includes correspondence re award of Sorby Medal to G.H. Mitchell. 1966-67. Hambleton Hills area, 17-18 September 1966. Kent was a joint leader. Principally correspondence and papers re field excursion to the 1969-70. and papers re field excursion to Principally correspondence 1971. Includes editorial correspondence. 1972-75, 1978, 1980. Includes 1972 membership list. 1972. Lincolnshire, 7-8 July. Kent was a joint leader. 1982-86. Includes correspondence re Presidency. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 SECTION G COMMERCIAL CONSULTANCIES AND COMPANIES G.1-G.267 BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) G.21-G.226 | LONDON AND SCOTTISH MARINE OIL (LASMO) G.227-G.264 THE MINWORTH GROUP G.265-G.267 MISCELLANEOUS G.265 The Guthrie Corporation Ltd G.266 Royal American Petroleum Corporation G.267 Wimpey Laboratories Ltd P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies BRITISH PETROLEUM (BP) of was BP's Chief Geologist appointed subsidiary Kent spent his working career with the Anglo-lranian Oil Company/BP. He was a Geologist with Anglo-lranian 1936-41, and with BP 1946-55. In 1956 he Australasian Petroleum, in 1957 Adviser to the President of BP Exploration (Canada) and was appointed President of BP Exploration (Alaska) in 1959. On his return to the UK Kent became Deputy Chief Geologist 1961, Regional Manager North and South America 1962, Technical and Regional Manager Western Hemisphere and America 1963, Chief Geologist 1966 and Assistant General Manager, Exploration 1971. He retired from BP in 1973 but was offered a contract as Consultant to the Exploration and Production Department, with particular reference to Iran, in June 1973. His position as member of the Exploration Advisory Group in of this consultancy. In June 1978 his contract was altered to exclude the northem Irish Sea and North Sea where Kent saw a potential clash of interests between his BP consultancy and his LASMO Directorships. Iran (see B.291-B.339) was part Kent's survey work for the company is to be found in section B. However, his later managerial duties for BP are poorly documented; much of the material presented here his retirement. his consultancy with BP relates to after ‘Exploration Policy’. Contents of Kent's folder so labelled divided into six for ease of reference: typescript memoranda and papers. ‘Oil prospects of the continental shelf throughout the world' by G.M. Lees, 10pp, 1 March 1946; list of ‘Countries in which BP has participated in exploration work since 1951', 11 February 1969. Miscellaneous papers re exploration policy criteria 1969, including ‘The economics of exploration for BP' by A.J. Bromley, 6pp + appendix, 8 October, with Kent's comments thereon. + figures, c.1970. ‘Exploration review 1970' by Kent, 16pp typescript, February 1970; ‘Future level of exploration activity’ by H.R. Warman, 2pp, 17 September 1970; ‘Geological appendices, 3 November 1970. ‘BP projected crude oil production to the year 2000', 3pp + tables, 20 November 1970; 'World crude availability: some long term projections’, 2pp Establishment’ Division Kent, 3pp by - + P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies ‘The urgent need to increase exploration’ by F.H. Mann, 3pp, 23 May 1972; drafts of sections for BP's ‘Ten-year Look Ahead’, September 1972. Kent drafted section ‘Ill Requirements of exploration policy 1972-1982’, 7pp. Miscellaneous papers re exploration policy 1972-73, including exploration in Europe by A.F.M. Matthews, 6pp, annotated by Kent; December 1972; and undated draft letter re salaries of scientific staff. ‘The status of BP's exploration’ by Kent, on 20 November 1972, 7 note 2pp, ‘BP General’. Contents of Kent's folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. Handbook for residential course for BP managers 6-25 October 1963. Kent is listed as a speaker on ‘Exploration’ for 10 October. BP management press summaries for 12, 16 and 19 September 1969. holdings of CFP (Compagnie Frangaise des Pétroles) The History of the Miscellaneous material re North Sea 1971. ‘Exploration and Production Forecast 1973-1977', 3 January 1973. Information on worldwide sent to Kent March 1971. Miscellaneous material 1974-75, 1981-82. Includes typescript notes by Kent on ‘Oil prospects of northern Italy - posthumous comment’, 7 April and ‘Oil maturation hypothesis’, 23 May 1975. 2pp typescript draft of Kent's review. British Petroleum Correspondence and papers re Company. Kent reviewed 'Volume |. The developing years 1901-1932’, published by Cambridge University Press in 1982, for the BP Explorer magazine. Includes synopsis of the history with chapter headings for volume one, and P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies G.14-G.20 Correspondence and papers re consultancy, 1973-86, chiefly re terms, fees etc. 1973-74. Correspondence re terms and activities of consultancy. Includes ‘The prospectiveness of continental margins' by Kent, 5pp typescript + figures, written for BP October 1974. 1976-77. Includes note on ‘Southern North Sea - Pre-Permian prospects’ by Kent, 2pp typescript, 17 November 1977, and draft 'Review of geological reports on the East Midlands’ by Kent, 10pp typescript, November 1977. 1978-79. 1980. Includes ‘Exploration of Lower Carboniferous Dolomites' by Kent, 3pp typescript, 3 January. 1985-86. Includes photographs from visit to Wytch Farm, Dorset, 15 May 1981. Includes draft review 'Deep reservoirs in South Dorset’ by Kent, 5pp typescript with extensive ms correction, March; papers for BP exploration seminar, London, 23-24 November; 'Comment on "Prospects of the Eakring oilfield" [by] D.J. Antia 1981' by Kent, 3pp typescript, 16 December. 1985. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies LONDON AND SCOTTISH MARINE OIL (LASMO) Kent was appointed Consultant to LASMO 1 August and non-executive Director 27 September 1977. He retired from the Board in April 1983 but was retained as Consultant to 1984. He advised on exploration strategy and policy in general terms as well as offering advice on specific prospects under consideration by LASMO and also played an important part in LASMO commercial policy such as advising on the Sixth and Seventh Rounds of applications for North Sea concessions. During the period covered by Kent's service with LASMO the company grew rapidly. In 1978 the annual production of oil and gas liquids was 0.39 million barrels, in 1983 it was 12 million barrels, with gross sales increasing from £5 million to £215 million in the same period. It expanded its holdings from the North Sea to include interests in Australia, the Middle East, Indonesia, the Philippines and the USA. The material is presented as follows: G.21-G.26 Appointment, terms etc Appointment, terms etc G.21 G.27-G.77 Correspondence, memoranda and papers G.78-G.184 Board and General Meetings G.185-G.190 Press-cuttings G.191-G.226 Charlton Thermosystems Ltd 1978-84. Correspondence re terms and conditions of service, retirement from Board Correspondence re appointment 1977. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies G.23-G.25 Payment of consultancy and Director's fees and expenses. G.23 1977-79 G.24 1980-81 G.25 1982-84 Miscellaneous and personal correspondence. Correspondence, memoranda and papers It The material is papers sent to Kent as Consultant and Director 1977-83. is arranged chronologically with indication of the principal subjects covered by the papers. Among the subjects covered are LASMO - Ranger Oil cooperation in the North Sea Ninian oil field and the 1982 LASMO acquisition of the non-US gas and oil interests of the Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas International. This expanded LASMO holdings worldwide, particularly in Indonesia (with BP) and Australia, and added to existing interests. an 1977 August, September. Well 23/27 (Ninian field), Guatemala. 1977 October, November. Guatemala. North Sea, cooperation with Ranger Oil, This material should be consulted in conjunction with papers of Board meetings presented at G.78-G.176. 1977 December. Sixth Round North Sea exploration licence applications, hydrothermal resources in Arabia. 1978 April, May. Sixth Round licences. 1978 January, February. Sixth Round cooperation with Ranger Oil and BNOC. 1978 March. Visit to BNOC Glasgow Office, exploration policy. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies 1978 June (1). Oil prospects off Ireland. 1978 June (2). Visit to Ranger Oil (Canada) Ltd, Calgary, 21-29 June. 1978 July (1). Ninian field. 1978 July (2). Exploration policy. 1978 August. Ninian field. 1978 September, October. Exploration in the Reed Bank off the Philippines. 1978 December. Ninian field. 1979 January (2). Deep-water drilling. 1979 February. Deep-water drilling, LASMO corporate strategy. 1979 January (1). Ninian field, cooperation with BNOC re deep-water drilling in Rockall Trough. waters. 1979 August, September. Meeting on LASMO holdings in UK and overseas 1979 March, April. March, and to P&O Oil Corporation, Houston, Texas, 5-6 April. Visits to BP Petroleum Development Co., Aberdeen, 1979 May-July. Seventh Round prospects. Reed Bank, Sixth Round applications, exploration policy, P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies 1979 October. Interests of Hercules in North Sea, Seventh Round, 'Farm out' of BNOC holdings in North Sea. 1979 November. Seventh Round. 1979 December. Seventh Round. 1980 January (1). Round. Acquisition of Ranger Oil (UK) properties, Seventh 1980 January (2). Representation of LASMO in Far East. 1980 February-April. Seventh Round negotiations, Persian Gulf wells. 1980 April. Ninian field. 1980 May (2). Seventh Round. 1980 June (1). Seventh Round. 1980 May (1). Seventh Round, meeting at Department of Energy, 20 May. acquisition of Coparex Norge A.S., sales of crude oil. 1980 August, September. Possible takeover of Hamilton Bros' UK interests, 1980 June (2). Visit of LASMO Directors to Ninian field, 27-28 June. 1980 July. data on block 22/2. Gabon, Seventh Round, acquisition of Bates Oil Co, technical P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies 1980 October-December. Seventh Round. 1981 January. awards. Oil taxation, Danish offshore exploration, Seventh Round 1981 February. Umm al Quwain, LASMO reorganisation, dividend policy. 1981 March-April. the Budget on LASMO, Gabon, Eighth Round. Seventh Round awards, LASMO organisation, effect of 1981 April. Prospect summary. May-June. 1981 in cooperation with Phillips Petroleum Co., possible LASMO rights issue, 1981 budget. Nigeria, development of T-Block North Sea in 1981 July (1). T-Block. 1 July, Norwegian offshore exploration, Texas Wytch Farm, BRINDEX (Association of British 1981 September, October. Independent Oil Exploration Companies) submission to Chancellor of the Exchequer re taxation of oil companies. 1981 July (2). Cousland (Mid-Lothian) onshore licence, visit to Calgary, Canada for Third International Conference on Arctic Geology and Petroleum prospects, 18 June - oil taxation, well 3/27-1. 1981 November, December. Possible acquisition of Berkeley Exploration & Production Ltd and Frontier Oil, Eighth Round, finance of Bates Oil Co., financial results for 1981. Eighth Round, Cousland licence, expansion in USA, 1982 January-March. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies 1982 April, May. Acquisition of non-US interests of Hudson's Bay Oil & Gas International (Hudbay), Indonesian interests. 1982 June, July. Equatorial Guinea, Hudbay acquisition, Indonesia. 1982 August (1). Hudbay acquisition. 1982 August (2). strategic assessment. Hudbay acquisition, Pena Creek field, Texas, LASMO 1982 August (3). Hudbay acquisition. 1982 September. Eighth Round. Board and General Meetings 1983 January, February. Beatrice field. 1983 April, May, July. Exploration guidelines, exploration in Canada. 1982 October-December. Canada, production forecast, Hudbay acquisition. General Meetings The material is presented as follows: G.78-G.176 Board Meetings G.177-G.184 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies Board Meetings Papers of monthly meetings of Board of Directors and committees, some annotated by Kent. From May 1980 some Board papers were presented in spiral bound volumes. G.78 1977 July G.79 1977 September G.80 1977 October G.81 1977 November G.82 1977 December (1) G.83 1977 December (2) 1979 February 1979 March 1979 April 1979 May 1979 June 1979 July G.84 1978 January 1979 August G.85 1978 February 1979 September (1) G.86 1978 March (cancelled) 1979 September (2) 1979 October (1) 1979 October (2) 1979 December G.90 1978 July G.88 1978 May G.87 1978 April G.91 1978 August G.89 1978 June G.93 1978 October (2) G.92 1978 October (1) 1979 November (2) 1979 November (3) 1979 November (1) 1980 April G.96 1979 January G.94 1978 November G.95 1978 December 1980 January 1980 February 1980 March P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies G.116 1980 May (1) G.117 1980 May (2) G.118 1980 June (1) G.119 1980 June (2) G.120 1980 July G.121 1980 August 1981 September 1981 October 1981 November (1) 1981 November (2) 1981 December (1) 1981 December (2) G.122 1980 September (1) 1981 December (3) G.123 1980 September (2) G.124 1980 October G.125 1980 November (1) G.126 1980 November (2) G.127 1980 December (1) G.128 1980 December (2) 1982 January (1) 1982 January (2) 1982 February (1) 1982 February (2) 1982 March (1) 1982 March (2) 1982 June (1) 1982 June (2) 1982 April (1) 1982 April (2) 1982 May (1) 1982 May (2) G.134 1981 April G.136 1981 May (2) G.133 1981 March (2) G.131 1981 February (2) G.130 1981 February (1) G.129 1981 January G.135 1981 May (1) G.132 1981 March (1) 1982 October (1) 1982 September (2) 1982 September (1) G.137 1981 June (1) G.138 1981 June (2) G.142 1981 August (2) G.140 1981 July (2) G.139 1981 July (1) G.141 1981 August (1) 1982 July (1) 1982 July (2) 1982 August (1) 1982 August (2) 1982 September (3) P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies G.170 1982 October (2) G.174 1983 March (1) G.171 1982 November G.175 1983 March (2) G.172 1982 December G.176 1983 April G.173 1983 January, February General meetings Papers for Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings. G.177 AGM April 1979 G.181 AGM & EGM May 1982 G.178 EGM November 1979 G.182 EGM September 1982 G.179 AGM & EGM May 1980 G.183_ EGM March 1983 G.180 AGM April 1981 G.184 AGM & EGM April 1983 Press-cuttings G.185-G.190 Chariton Thermosystems Ltd Contents of Kent's envelope: photocopies of press-cuttings, press-releases and company assessments 1982-83. The subject most extensively covered is the £43.6 million rights issue of March 1983. 6 folders. Kent, as the Charlton Thermosystems Ltd was a small company set up to manufacture and market electrical inventions of Mr John Charlton of Romsey, Hants. Kent was introduced to the company by a fellow Director of LASMO. In March 1980 he and J. Stephen, a physicist from the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, visited Mr Chariton for a demonstration of one of his most promising inventions, the Charlton Energy Unit. This was a system of heating which involved passing a low-voltage current through a cable buried in earth or concrete. Kent and Stephen reported favourably on the invention and LASMO decided to invest in the invention. On the issue of shares in the company in April 1980 LASMO took a 20% share-holding and lent it £240,000. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies only scientist on the LASMO Board was appointed an Alternate Director of Charlton Thermosystems. However the company failed to break even and in May 1983 it ceased to operate as an independent company, becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of LASMO. The material is presented as follows: G.191-G.206 General correspondence and papers G.207-G.226 Board and General Meetings General correspondence and papers October 1979, March 1980. Chiefly re visit of Kent and J. Stephen to inspect the Charlton heating unit, March 1980. April 1980 (1). LASMO investment in the company, April 1980. April 1980 (2). LASMO investment, April 1980. May, June 1980. Central Office of Information film on the heating unit, staff, assessment of the heating unit.. July-September 1980. Patenting the heating unit, forming joint company in the Republic of Ireland. March 1982. Patenting. October, December 1980. Patenting of and tests on the heating unit. January, February 1981. Tests on heating unit transformer, patenting. May-November 1981. Patenting. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies May-July 1982. Approach to British Rail, accounts. G.201-G.203 January 1983. Report on Charlton Thermosystems, 24 January. 3 folders. Chiefly re visit by Kent to Charlton Thermosystems, 9 January-May 1983. Folder also includes 4pp typescript February, and company problems. account by Kent of 'The Heat that failed - Charlton Thermosystems Ltd., 1980-1983’. ‘Charlton Thermosystems (Romsey) Ltd Briefing Notes’ for LASMO Board after its takeover. Board and General Meetings 1981 June 1981 July 1981 April 1981 May G.211 1980 November G.212 1980 December G.213 1981 January (1) G.210 1980 October G.208 1980 June, July G.209 1980 August G.207 1980 May 1981 October, December 1984 November 1983 May, August G.216 1981 March G.215 1981 February G.214 1981 January (2) 1981 August 1982 January 1982 May P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 THE MINWORTH GROUP Commercial consultancies and companies The material is presented as follows: G.227-G.245 Minworth Ltd G.246-G.264 Strontian Minerals Ltd Minworth Ltd Minworth Ltd was the controlling body of the Minworth Group of companies. It operated by bringing the commercial projects of Minworth companies to a viable mature stage and then seeking outside minority participation for further investment. Kent was appointed a Director of Minworth Ltd in 1982. He was offered the Chairmanship in May 1982, on this occasion declining, and in June 1983, when he accepted. Kent was involved in Minworth's re-opening of the Strontian barytes mine in Argyll to supply the North Sea gas and oil rigs with barytes and was appointed Chairman of Strontian Minerals Ltd, a subsidiary established to run this operation (G.246-G.264). The material is presented as follows: G.227-G.233 General correspondence and papers G.234-G.245 Board and General meetings July 1983. 1983 January-July. Kent's efforts on behalf of Strontian Minerals. 1983 July-December. Includes plan of mines development in Weardale, 22 Includes invitation to serve as Chairman and draft of Kent's letter Includes correspondence re Chairmanship, and re General correspondence and papers 1982. declining. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies 1984. Chiefly re sales of barytes of Strontian Minerals. 1985-86, nd. Softback pocket notebook used for notes on Minworth interests and policy from 1983. Most pages not used. Board and General meetings G.234 1983 G.235 1984 January G.236 1984 March 1984 September 1984 December 1985 February G.237 1984 May 1985 August 1985 November G.239 1984 July (AGM) 1986 July Strontian Minerals Ltd G.238 1984 July (Board) Board meetings In 1982 the Minworth Group established a subsidiary company to mine and process barytes, barium sulphate, at Strontian in Argyllshire. Barytes is the major constituent of drilling fluids and it was hoped to win contracts with the North Sea oil and gas industries hitherto dependent on foreign supplies. Kent was appointed a Director of Strontian in July 1983 and Chairman of the Board in September 1983. He resigned from the Board in May 1986. The material is presented as follows: General correspondence and papers G.246-G.250 G.251-G.264 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Commercial consultancies and companies General correspondence and papers G.246 1982 February. ‘Project appraisal and financing proposals in respect of the mining of barytes...' by P.W. Mason, Managing Director, Minworth Ltd. 1982 November, 1983. 1984 April-July. 1984 August-October. 1985-86, nd. Includes Kent's letter of resignation from the Board, 10 May 1986. Board meetings 1984 September 1984 December 1985 February 1985 May G.256 G.257 1984 June G.254 1983 November G.251 1983 July (1) G.252 1983 July (2) G.253 1983 September G.255 1984 January 1984 February, March 1984 October, November 1986 January 1985 September, October P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 MISCELLANEOUS Commercial consultancies and companies The Guthrie Corporation Ltd G.265 Invitation to serve as Consultant re North Sea, 10 March 1981 (declined). Royal American Petroleum Corporation G.266 Re Directorship, November 1983. Wimpey Laboratories Ltd advised Wimpey Laboratories Kent Generating Board) on earthquake risk assessment, 1983. (acting for the Central Electricity Brief correspondence, September-November 1983; background information. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES H.1-H.159 Not all of Kent's extensive travel and attendance at meetings and conferences is documented in this section. Kent's overseas research and survey work for BP is documented in section B. His visit to East Africa with the East African Archaeological Expedition led by L.S.B. Leakey, 1934-35, is documented at A.53-A.102. The visit for which most documentation survives is the 1968 International Geological Congress held in Prague. The proceedings were cut short by the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet occupation of Prague. Kent was leader of the UK delegation. The material includes accounts of the events by Kent and his wife, and memorabilia. The presentation is chronological as far as possible. Material relating to invitations either declined or for which there is no evidence of acceptance is placed at the end of the sequence for each year. Where applicable reference has been made to the bibliography in the Royal Society memoir of Kent (A.1) in the form Bibliog. ... Brief correspondence re arrangements. International Geological Congress, Tunis, September. Third World Petroleum Congress, The Hague, 28 May - 6 June. Letter re flight back to London. Not otherwise documented. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Inter-University Geological Congress, Nottingham, 30 December - 4 January 1954. G.M. Lees was to speak on ‘Earth contraction is the causal mechanism of mountain-building' but the paper was presented by Kent in Lees' absence. Brief correspondence; 5pp typescript draft ‘The Shrinking Earth and the impermanence of ocean basins' by Kent, commenting on the points raised by the discussion of Lees' paper. ‘The evolution of a shrinking Earth...’ by Lees, 92pp typescript with ms highlighting and correction. A covering page is annotated 'Paper read to the Inter-Universities Congress (by PEK) on behalf of Dr G.M. Lees, in 1953. A pre-Plate tectonics appraisal’. At the end of the draft are ms notes (?from post presentation discussion). Fourth World Petroleum Congress, Rome. Kent spoke on ‘Igneous rocks in the oilfields of the English Midlands’. Draft of Kent's contribution, 9pp typescript + summary and figures. Twentieth International Geological Congress, Mexico City, 4-11 September. itinerary. Kent attended this Congress on behalf of BP whilst working in Papua New Guinea. He remained in Mexico after the Congress until 24 September. He visited Fiji on his way back to Papua. Correspondence re arrangements and payment of expenses; proposed Circulars. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences ‘Oil prospects of southwest Mexico (Chiapas)', 3pp typescript photostat copy; annotated typescript list of slides on Mexican geology for '[?Papua and New Guinea] Scientific Society: Wednesday 13/2/57’, with brief summary of Kent's lecture 'A geologist in Mexico' given to Papua and New Guinea Scientific Society 15 February 1957. Printed memorabilia. Visit to New Zealand, November. ‘Geological reconnaissance of parts of New Zealand...Suggested itinerary for Dr Kent’. Not otherwise documented. Annotated programme; draft typescript with ms annotation. of Kent and Matthews’ contribution, 12pp 1966 H.13-H.16 Kent attended this Convention on behalf of BP. exploration in the North Sea’ (with A.F.M. Matthews). See also B.192. He spoke on the ‘Basis of International Convention (including 49th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists), Toronto, 18-21 May. correspondence re publication of Kent's contribution. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, St Louis, Missouri, 25-28 April. Press-release; notebook containing Kent's ms notes on proceedings; brief Kent spoke on 'The progress of exploration in the North Sea’. published as Bibliog. 60, 1967. This was P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Draft of Kent's contribution, 10pp typescript with ms annotation. H.15, 1.16 Figures for slides for the presentation. 2 folders. Australian Petroleum Exploration Association Conference, Sydney, 12-15 March. Annotated programme; ms notes on visit to Australia. See also B.427. British Association meeting, September. Kent was joint leader of Excursion C.3 to North Lincolnshire with Rawson, 2 September. P.F. Correspondence re excursion; duplicated typescript notes for excursion (Bibliog. no. 57). [?Inter] University [?Geological] Congress, Hull. Kent spoke on ‘Geological problems in North Sea exploration’. published as Bibliog. 65, 1968. Conference 1968 DWK Barker, Chairman 6/5/68’. Brighton, May. Ms notes for lecture on 'North Sea exploration’ by Kent, annotated ‘Brighton Draft of Kent's contribution, 12pp typescript. This was P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.21-H.42 Twenty-third International Geological Congress, Prague, 19-23 August. Kent was the official delegate of the Institute of Petroleum and head of the UK Delegation and was accompanied by his wife, M.B. Kent. The Congress was interrupted on 21 August by the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia and the occupation of Prague by Soviet troops. There was some discussion whether to continue the Congress, Kent among those arguing it should not be abandoned. The members of the Congress voted to continue the meeting and did The Technical University, in which the Congress was held, was by that time the only sizeable building in Prague still The Congress ended on 23 August, one day early, and the UK delegation was bussed out of the country (taking a number of non-British participants with it). in Czechoslovak hands. for two more days. so Kent wrote accounts of the meeting for the Royal Society, for a presentation on the Congress at the Geological Society on 11 December 1968, and for the Geological Newsletter of the International Union of Geological Sciences (Bibliog. 70, 1969). Correspondence re arrangements, 2 folders. Third circular; provisional list of participants. Papers for business meetings at the Congress. H.27-H.31 Kent's ms notes of pre-Congress 'Field-trip in Slovakia’. Kent's ms 'Notes taken at Emergency Meetings, Prague 1968’. ‘Excursion’. Memorabilia from pre-Congress field trip. Contents of Kent's folder divided into five for ease of reference: memorabilia relating to the pre-Congress excursion, the Congress and events following the invasion of Czechoslovakia. At H.31 is Kent's valedictory message to Czechoslovak colleagues issued on behalf of the UK delegates. Poster, press-cuttings, badges. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences ‘Delegation’. Memorabilia from Congress proceedings. ‘Invasion’. ‘Evacuation’. Includes press-cuttings. Comments of Kent's reported in The Times 27 August appeared to minimize the impact of the Soviet action. Kent wrote a Letter to the paper to correct this impression (see H.32). H.32-H.37 Correspondence and papers arising from the Warsaw Pact invasion and disruption of the Congress. 1968 August, September. Includes Kent's report on the Congress to the Royal Society; letters from Kent to the President of the Royal Society calling for a protest to the Soviet Academy of Sciences and to the President of the Institute of Petroleum advocating an end to preparations for the next World Petroleum Congress (due to be held in Moscow in 1971) 27 August; and Letter to The Times, September, in response to reported remarks of his in The Times of 27 August (see H.31) that ‘the International Geological Congress continued normally in Prague through the coup". 1969. Includes shortened version of Kent's presentation, sent to the Royal 1968 October (2). Includes ms and typescript draft ‘Prague and the Russian invasion’ by Kent and his wife, M.B. Kent. 1968 October (1). Includes material re Conference on the Czechoslovak crisis, Brighton, 14-16 October sent to Kent by St.J. Bates, conference organiser. Society, 7 January, and photographs taken during the Congress. 1968 December. Chiefly re presentation on the Congress held at the Geological Society, 11 December. Includes ‘Prague - August 1968' by Kent, 8pp typescript. This was subsequently published in the 'Geological Bulletin’ of the International Union of Geological Sciences 1968 November. typescript. Includes account of the Congress by J.B. Eby, 11pp P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.38-H.42 Miscellaneous printed material. H.38 Pamphlets etc. H.39-H.42 Newspaper cuttings July-October 1968. 4 folders. Kent had begun collecting newspaper cuttings on the crisis before he left for the Congress. At H.39 is copy of 'underground' Czechoslovak newspaper dated 24 August. Geological Society meeting, 15 October. Comments by Kent on paper ‘Marine geological survey off the north east coast of England’ presented by Dingle. H.44-H.46 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Dallas. H.45, H.46 Figures for slides. 2 folders. '|.P./A.A.P.G. Brighton 1969’. Kent and P.J. Walmsley presented a paper ‘North Sea progress’. This was published as Bibliog. 74, 1970. Typescript and ms draft of Kent and Walmsley's contribution as delivered + ‘Preliminary list of slides'; 14pp duplicated typescript + references and list of figures ?as submitted for publication. Figures. Kent spoke on ‘The geological framework of petroleum exploration in Europe and North Africa’. ‘Lecture copy’ of Kent's contribution, 16pp typescript with ms corrections + bibliography. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Offshore Symposium, 9-11 March. Kent spoke on 'BP offshore concessions - past and present’. Kent's contribution, 8pp typescript. H.50-H.52 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, June. Kent spoke on ‘Worldwide developments in the exploration field’. Correspondence with contribution from Oil and Gas Journal, 30 November 1970. participants; fellow copy of report on Kent's Kent's contribution, 12pp typescript, with ms list of slides. Figures for slides. Invitations for 1971 Kent's ms notes on proceedings. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Arctic Conference, San Francisco, February. Washington DC, 1-3 November. National Conference on Earth Science on the Geology and Evolution of Continental Margins, Banff, Alberta, 3-7 May. Geological Society of America and its Associated Societies Annual Meeting, H.54 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Alberta Society of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, January. Calgary, 20 Kent was Guest Speaker and spoke on ‘Recollections of a Field Geologist’. Correspondence re arrangements; report of Kent's lecture from Oilweek, 31 January; programme. Typescript and ms draft of Kent's contribution; ms list of slides. NATO Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, April. Kent spoke on ‘East African evidence of the palaeoposition of Madagascar’ and 'The continental margin of Tanzania’. These were published as Bibliog. 85 and 86, 1973. Correspondence re Kent's contributions; list of ?slides; typescript copies of Kent's contributions as prepared for publication. List of slides for Kent's contribution only. Twenty-fourth International Geological Congress, August. Kent spoke on 'An environmental review of the world's richest oil-bearing region - the Middle East' (with H.R. Warman). This was published as Bibliog. 82, 1972. Outline and summary of Kent's contribution; photocopied ms list of slides. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme; list of participants. Twentieth Inter-University Geological Congress, Keele, 2-5 January. spoke on 'Deep exploration of sedimentary basins and continental shelves’. Kent 1973 H.59, H.60 - P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.61-H.65 Visit to Australia, New Zealand and USA, 14 March - 8 May. Kent left on this lecturing tour two days after his Farewell Party at BP. His principal engagement was the Australian Petroleum Exploration Association Conference, Canberra, 26-28 March at which he was keynote speaker on ‘The Geology and Geophysics in the discovery of giant oilfields’. Kent delivered lectures on the North Sea in Adelaide, 21 March, Wellington and New York (Petroleum (Royal Society of New Zealand), 19 Exploration Society of New York), 18 May. He also lectured on oil and gas Iran, Alaska and the North Sea in Wellington (BP New exploration in Zealand), 17 April. In the course of his tour Kent visited colleagues at research centres in Australia, New Zealand and USA. April, Itinerary. Correspondence re arrangements for Conference. visit to Australia and the APEA List of slides for Adelaide lecture; Kent's contribution to APEA Conference, 15pp typescript + list of slides. Correspondence re arrangements to visit New Zealand and USA; itinerary. Geological Society Marine Studies Group Discussion Meeting on Some Scientific Objectives for Drilling and Coring at Sea, London, 16 May. Lists of invitees and participants at various functions; notice of lecture to BP New Zealand; lists of slides for New Zealand lectures; memos on 'New Zealand prospects’ etc prepared by Kent on his return. Address on 'The stratigraphy and tectonics of salt’. British Association Annual Meeting, Canterbury, Kent, 20-24 August. Kent was President of Section C (Geology) and delivered the Presidential Kent spoke on ‘The continental margin in petroleum exploration’. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; ms notes; summary of Kent's contribution. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Programme; tickets etc for social events. Summary of Kent's contribution, 3pp typescript with ms draft of introduction welcoming Sir Kingsley Dunham, President of the British Association to the lecture; ms notes; typescript notes for field excursions. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Energy in the 1980s, London, 15-16 November. The meeting was organised by Kent. He also chaired the first session. Programme; correspondence re arrangements. Invitations for 1973 H.70 Lyell Club Seventh J.H. Taylor Memorial Symposium on the Geologist and the Environment, King's College London, 14 February. Arctic Oil and Gas Congress, Le Havre, May. Joint Meeting of British geological societies, Manchester, 20-22 September. American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Convention on Major Successes in a Hostile Environment, Anaheim, California, 14-16 May. Letter re arrangements; programme; ms notes for Kent's contribution. Open University Geological Society Second Annual Conference on Geology and Man, Edinburgh, April. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on first page ‘Visits [...]' notes on visits within the UK January - November 1974. Used for ms Kent spoke on ‘Industry and the continental shelves’. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.73-H.76 Conference on Petroleum and the Continental Shelf of North West Europe: the Geology and the Environment, London, 25-29 November. Kent gave the keynote address on ‘The tectonic development of Great Britain and the surrounding seas' and chaired the final session at which he gave the summing-up speech. The keynote address was published as Bibliog. 98. Memo re invitation; annotated programmes. Brochure; list of participants. List of slides; summing-up speech, 5pp typescript. Correspondence, chiefly re Kent's contribution. Invitation for 1974 H.78 Conference on Geological Principles of World Oil Occurrence, Banff, May. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on fore edge ‘Visits’. notes on visits within the UK December 1974 - August 1975. Used for ms Letter re arrangements only. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on fore edge 'Geothermal power’ and ‘Basins AAPG Geneva’. International Convention ‘Il fenomeno geotermico e sue applicazione’, Rome and Pisa, 3- 5 March (see H.80), a visit to Aberdeen re North Sea, April, and later notes including visit to Sharjah, January 1980 and American Association of Petroleum Geologists meeting in Geneva, July 1984 (see H.144). International Convention 'Il fenomeno geotermico e sue applicazione', Rome and Pisa, 3-5 March (see also H.79). Used by Kent for ms notes on P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Thirteenth National Conference on Earth Science on Structural Types and Associated Oil and Gas Occurrences, Banff, 4-9 May. Kent spoke on ‘The North Sea and the broader problems of the North West European continental shelf, 'Orogenic development in Iran’, 'Epeirogenic movements in East Africa’ and gave the symposium 'recap' and summary. Bibliog. 103, 1975 gives ‘The search for giant oilfields' as the title of his contribution to the conference proceedings. Invitation participants; lists of slides. and correspondence re arrangements; programmes; list of Ninth World Petroleum Congress, Tokyo. Kent contributed to a Panel Discussion on global tectonics and petroleum occurrences but may not have attended the Congress in person. Brief correspondence re congress; papers re Panel Discussion. H.84, H.85 of Meeting, New Kent was ‘Antagonist’ major exploration tool. There were plans to publish the discussion proceedings but Kent's contribution is not listed in Bibliog. plate tectonics as a discussion on in a Petroleum Geologists Annual American Association Orleans, May (see H.83). Softback pocket notebook inscribed on fore edge 'UK continental shelf’. Used for ms notes on visit to Aberdeen, Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain meeting, 11 May and American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May (see H.84, H.85). Correspondence re publication of proceedings. Kent argued that the plate tectonics ‘hypothesis, although valuable in understanding and classifying regional structure, is not yet predictive on the scale required for hydrocarbon exploration’. Programme of discussion; ms and typescript drafts of Kent's contribution. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Geological Society Engineering Group meeting on Engineering Problems Associated 9 November. Conditions London, Ground Middle East, with the in Kent spoke on 'The geological background’. This was published as Bibliog. 114, 1978. Letter re arrangements, enclosing booklet of programme and abstracts; ms notes. Twenty-fourth Inter-University Geological Congress on Fuels from the Past - the Search for Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas, Durham, 3-6 January. Kent spoke on 'Oil exploration in the Middle East’. Annotated booklet of programme and abstracts; poster; ms notes. helped meeting ‘Vertical 1978 H.89-H.91 organise the and spoke on Letter of thanks only. Not otherwise documented. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins in the Light of Deep Drilling Results, October. Kent tectonics associated with rifting and spreading’. This was published as Bibliog. 130, 1980. programme. Kent spoke on 'The North Sea - Evolution of a major oil and gas play'. This was published as Bibliog. 128, 1980. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Conference on Principles of World Oil Occurrence, Calgary, Alberta, 26-28 June. Correspondence re arrangements and publication of Kent's contribution; Facts and P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences ‘Second draft’ of Kent's contribution, 19pp typescript with ms correction; ms draft of introductory remarks; ms lists of ?slides. Comments on ?earlier draft; miscellaneous background information. 1979 H.92-H.94 International Union of Geological Sciences Conference on Geodynamics Problems - Outlook to the 1980s, Zurich, 5-6 February. Kent spoke on ‘Evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental margins’. Correspondence re arrangements; programme and background information. Ms notes for Kent's contribution. Kent chaired the session on Oil. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Yorkshire Geological Society Symposium entitled Progress Report on Fossil Fuels - Exploration and Exploitation, Newcastle upon Tyne, 17 February. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on first page ‘International Union of Geological Sciences "Geodynamics problems..." '. Used for ms notes on proceedings. cooperation in collaboration of a Geological Atlas of the North Atlantic’. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists International Workshop on the Geological John's, Newfoundland, 17-22 June. The workshop was described by Kent in a note to the Royal Society as ‘the first stage in implementation of international a Canadian proposal for Kent gave the keynote address on ‘The history of the northeast Atlantic margin in a world setting’. This was published as Bibliog. 131, 1981. H.96-H.101 History of the North Atlantic Borderlands, St P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Correspondence re arrangements, including Kent's note on the Workshop for the Royal Society, April 1979, and list of participants. Kent's contribution, 9pp typescript + references; ms notes. Correspondence re publication of Kent's contribution. H.99-H.101 ‘Atlantic inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Outline maps St Johns’. Contents of Kent's envelope so European Association of Organic Geochemists Ninth International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Newcastle upon Tyne,17-20 September. Kent gave the opening address. Letter re arrangements; programme; ms notes for Kent's address; brief correspondence arising. H.103, H.104 Interim programme. Fourth Meeting of the Geological Societies of the British Isles, Sheffield, 19- 23 September. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on first page '..1979 1) Sheffield Geological Societies meeting’. Used for ms notes on proceedings, and also notes on 'Cambridge Workshop Jan. 1983' (not otherwise documented). Programme; list of slides; brief correspondence arising. Kent spoke on ‘The origin and development of onshore exploration in the United Kingdom". Joint Meeting on Onshore Exploration Kingdom, London, 30 October. and Production in the United P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Leicester University Geology Department Colloquium on the Deep Geology of the East Midlands and Surrounding Areas, 7 November. Invitation and programme; ms notes on proceedings. 1980 H.107, H.108 Twenty-seventh January. Inter-University Geological Congress, Sheffield, 9-12 Kent spoke on 'Economic risks in the search for oil’. Correspondence re arrangements; ms and typescript notes on economics of oil prospecting. Annotated booklet of programme and abstracts. correspondence re arrangements; programme; ms _ notes on Brief proceedings. Programme; ms ‘Comment on paper by A.M. Ziegler’ by Kent. Kent spoke on ‘Emergent salt plugs of the Persian Gulf region’. De la Beche Club Symposium on Evaporites, Imperial College London, 1 February. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the Origin and Evolution of the Earth's Continental Crust, London, 21-22 February. Shelf of North West Europe (H.73-H.76). Kent gave the summing-up address and wrote the introduction to the Conference proceedings. For notes on proceedings see B.212. Conference on Petroleum Geology of the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe, London, 4-6 March. This was a sequel to the 1974 Conference on Petroleum and the Continental Not listed in Bibliog. Fidat) Eat! P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Circular; correspondence re arrangements; annotated booklet of programme and abstracts. Correspondence re publication of proceedings; draft of Kent's introduction, 5pp typescript; ms notes. Twenty-sixth International Geological Congress, Paris, July. Kent spoke on ‘The structural framework and history of subsidence of the North Sea basin’. Kent was Royal Society representative at the meeting of the Council of the Congress. This was published as Bibliog. 126, 1980. Correspondence re arrangements; programme for colloquium on Geology in Europe at which Kent spoke; papers and ms notes of meeting of Council. Leicester University Saturday School on the Hidden Depths of the East Midlands, 29 November. Kent gave the summing-up address. Invitation; programme; ms notes. H.116-H.119 Kent was Chairman. Invitation; Royal Society of Arts lecture programme. Royal Society of Arts Lecture on ‘Modern seismic exploration for oil and gas’. participants. 2 folders. Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the Evolution of Sedimentary Basins, London, 3-4 June. Kent helped organise the meeting with M.H.P. Bott, D.P. McKenzie and C.A. Williams, and chaired the opening session. He also wrote an introduction to the published proceedings (Bibliog. 132, 1982). H.116, H.117 Correspondence with fellow-organisers re arrangements, and with possible P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.118 programme; abstracts. List of possible participants; ms notes re arrangements; annotated Ms and typescript drafts and proof of Kent's introduction; correspondence re publication. Birmingham University Geology Department Centenary celebration and lectures, 8-9 January. Kent spoke on'L.J. Wills and deep geology’. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; draft of Kent's contribution, 8pp typescript. De la Beche Club Symposium on Imperial College London, 12 February. Oil: Onshore Exploration in Britain’, of Kent's Correspondence contribution and of G.J. Candy's lecture on the West Midlands. arrangements; programme; summary re Kent spoke on ‘Exploration history in the East Midlands’. Geological Society Petroleum Geochemistry Group Discussion Meeting on Origin of Fossil Fuels: Biogenic vs Non-biogenic, London, 7 October. This meeting was held to discuss the claims of T. Gold regarding the origin of fuel hydrocarbons (see also F.124). Kent spoke on ‘Investigation of deep source gas’. EZ 82 Zechstein Workshop. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme. Invitation for 1982 H.123 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Visit to Australia, 2-24 March. Letter and telex re arrangements; itinerary; ms notes. H.125, 1.126 Geological Society Petroleum Geochemistry and Marine Studies Groups meeting on Marine Petroleum Source Rocks, London, 17-18 May. Kent chaired the first session and wrote the Preface to the published proceedings (Bibliog. 143, 1986). Brief correspondence re arrangements; annotated programme. Booklet of Chairman and proof of Preface.. abstracts; typescript drafts of Kent's opening remarks as H.127-H.129 Geologists' Association Field Excursion to Kenya, 13 August-4 September. H.127 Correspondence arising; memorabilia. Eleventh World Petroleum Congress, London, 28 August - 1 September. Correspondence re arrangements; itinerary. Excursion handbook with geological information on Kenya. Correspondence; typescript draft of Kent's introduction. Kent did not attend but gave advice on the itinerary of geological field trips and wrote an introduction on the general geology of the UK for the field trip handbooks. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.131-H.139 Greenwich Forum Conference on Britain and the Sea: Future Dependence - Future Opportunities, Greenwich, London, 14-16 September. Kent spoke on 'The sea's non-living resources - present and future’ (listed in programme as ‘Minerals from the maritime environment’). Correspondence re arrangements; list of participants; programme. Draft of Kent's contribution, 22pp typescript with ms corrections. Figures for preceding; ms and typescript additions to Kent's contribution. H.134-H.136 Copies of main papers. 3 folders. H.137-H.139 Copies of background papers. 3 folders. Yorkshire Geological Society Symposium on Oil, Durham, 10 November. Kent spoke on ‘Exploration for oil on land in the UK 1918-1964’. Invitations for 1983 H.141 North European Margin Symposium, Trondheim, Norway, 9-11 May. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme; summary of Kent's contribution; ms list of slides. Sochi, USSR, 7-14 December. International Symposium on the structure and dynamics of transition zones, Open University Symposium on Understanding the Earth, 5-6 October. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Oceanology International Conference and Exhibition, Brighton, Sussex, 6-9 March. Brief correspondence; programme for first two days. Geological Exploration, London, 16 May. Society Petroleum Group Conference on On-shore UK Kent spoke on 'UK on-shore exploration - historical review’. published as Bibliog. 139, 1985. This was Invitation; programme. draft of Kent's contribution, 9pp typescript + list of figures; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Conference on Fossil Fuels of Europe, Geneva, 15-18 July. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; ms notes. H.145, H.146 Open University Geological Society Conference on the Resourceful Earth, Cardiff, 6-8 July. Kent spoke on ‘Iran: oil and mountains’. This was published as Bibliog. 138, 1984. Correspondence re arrangements; programme and abstracts; miscellaneous information. on proceedings. Ms notes for Kent's contribution; draft of Kent's contribution, 7pp typescript + bibliography and lists of plates and figures; brief correspondence arising. Eleventh BP Environmental Forum, Ferndown, Dorset, 24-25 July. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme and guest list; ms notes P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences H.148-H.151 Conference on Landward Oil and Gas, London, 28-29 November. Kent spoke on 'A history and review of UK onshore exploration 1935-1984". Correspondence re arrangements; programme; list of participants. Draft of Kent's contribution, 7pp typescript; ms list material. of slides; illustrative Background information for Kent's lecture. Correspondence arising; transcript of discussions at the conference. 1985 Circulars; list of participants; handbook of programme and abstracts. Group photograph of participants (with key). H.154-H.156 British Association Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 26-30 August. H.152, H.153 Dunham-Durham Reunion, Durham, 14-17 September. This was a symposium to commemorate the seventy-fifth birthday of Sir Kingsley Dunham, Professor of Geology at Durham University 1950-66. Papers by others. Kent spoke to Section C (Geology) on ‘The future of offshore oil exploration’. Correspondence re arrangements. Draft of Kent's contribution, 10pp typescript. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Visits and conferences Joint Meeting of Sixth Birmingham, 19-20 September. the Geological Societies of the British Isles, Programme; conference news-sheet. Institution of Geologists East Midlands Regional Group meeting, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, 31 October. Kent spoke on ‘Oil exploration in the UK'. Invitation, annotated 'Accd' by Kent; list of slides. Invitations for 1986 and 1987 H.159 British Sedimentological Research Group meeting on Controls of Upper Carboniferous Sedimentation - North East Europe, Keele, Staffordshire, 12- 13 April 1986. British Association Annual Meeting, Bristol, 1-5 September 1986. Twelfth World Petroleum Congress, Houston, Texas, 26 April - Third Conference on Petroleum Geology of North West Europe, London, 26- 29 October 1986. 1 May 1987. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 SECTION J SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE J.1-J.33 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals. information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. In alphabetical order with an indication of J.34-J.65 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. J.66-J.79 REFERENCES AND APPOINTMENTS P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Arkell, W.J. Bassett, S.L. 1952-84 1936-49 1981 Bassett was an Australian student of archaeology researching the hominid fossils of the Kanam and Kanjera sites. She corresponded with Kent about the East African Archaeological Expedition of 1934-35. British Museum (Natural History) Re geological specimens donated to the museum. Butler, J.B. Chiefly re geological samples. Chapman, R.E. 1982-86, nd Clarke, W.J. 1967-71 Kent sent geological samples to Clarke of BP Research Centre, Sunbury, Middlesex, for identification and analysis. survey work for identification. Davidson was a member of staff of the Geologgy Department of the British Museum (Natural History). Kent sent him samples of belemnites from his Davidson, L. 1936, 1938 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence Dickson, J.A.D. 1967, 1969 Re Lincolnshire limestone. Dinham, C.H. 1937-38, 1946 Dinham was a member of staff of the Geological Survey and Museum. Kent sent him records of bore-holes and samples from his survey work in England. Earland-Bennett, P.M. 1968-70 Chiefly re Inferior Oolite ammonite found at Empingham. Falcon, N.L. 1941-83 1941, 1955, 1958-59. Includes account of visit to Colorado by Kent, 1955 but principally carbons of correspondence between Falcon and Kent (in Canada). Includes description of UK marine geolgical and Includes correspondence re Widmerpool Gulf, 1969. Fox, A.F. 1977-78, 1983 Ford, T.D. 1969, 1972 1964, 1966, 1981, 1983. geophysical research sent to Kent by Falcon, 7 December 1966 for comment in 1973. Includes draft of paper on ‘Ironstones' by Hemingway, probably sent to Kent Material 1983 re obituary of Fox for BP Explorer magazine. Hemingway, J.E. 1949-73 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence lvimey Cook, H.C. Kamen-Kaye, M. 1973-85 1973-77. Correspondence 1974-75 chiefly re Kamen-Kaye's mapping of the geological structure of East Africa and the adjacent seas. 1978-85. Includes Kamen-Kaye's ‘working map of exploration geology in the Mozambique-Madagascar basin’ sent to Kent 8 February 1980 with request for data. King, L. 1979-80 Reconstruction of Gondwanaland. Muir-Wood, H.M. 1936-39, 1952 Pakenham had served in the civil service in Zanzibar 1929-56. Rawson, P.F. 1967-85 Pakenham, R.H.W. 1977, 1981 Re ‘isolation of the vertebrates on off-shore islands [of East Africa] related to geological processes’. Muir-Wood was a member of staff of the Geological Survey and Museum. Kent sent her samples from his survey work for identification. 1958, 1973 Correspondence 1985 re preservation of geological site at Nettleton Hill, Lincolnshire. Rayner, D.H. Rickwood, F. K. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence Roberts, K.H. 1958-59 Correspondence between Roberts and Kent (in Canada), principally re latest developments and results of drilling in UK. Sahay, B. Re papers for publication. Senior, J.R. 1968-80 Correspondence 1969 chiefly re ammonites found in Inferior Oolite; that 1976-77 re Cephalopod Newsletter. Shotton, F.W. 1952, 1968 Correspondence 1968 re Clipsham ammonite. Strong, M.W. 1966 1934-66 re on Gryphaea; and Swinnerton, H.H. in Geology at Nottingham University (see Letter re formula for estimating crustal shortening, enclosing 1947 ‘Table for estimating crustal contraction due to folding of strata’ complied by Strong. Includes letter of 17 February 1946 from Swinnerton re possibility of Kent A.135); applying for Chair correspondence 1963-64 chiefly research 2pp typescript draft of obituary of Swinnerton by Kent. Includes correspondence 1969 re Palaeozoic floor of southern Britain. Sylvester-Bradley, P.C. 1958-73 1958-79 Wills, L.J. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1932-36 1937-40 1941-49 1950-55 1958 February-June 1973 August-December 1974 1975 1976 1977 1958 July-December 1978 January-June 1959 1962-64 1965-67 1968 1969 1978 August-December 1979 1980 January-May 1980 July-December 1981 1970 1982 1983 1984 1985 1972 1973 January-July 1971 January-June 1971 July-December 1986, 1987, nd P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Scientific correspondence REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS J.66-J.71 Examining J.72-J.77 References J.78, J.79 Honours and awards Examining 1965 1966, 1967 1968, 1969 : : , 1971, 1973 1977 1981-83 1973-78 ; ; : 1980-82 1984-86 References 1978, 1979 1983, 1984 Honours and awards 1966, 1969, 1971, 1972 1976, 1979, 1983 Correspondence at J.78 is re the Sedgwick Prize of Cambridge University. This was awarded every three years for an essay on a selected geological topic. J.78 1966-67, 1969-70 J.79 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABBOT, A.J. ABERDEEN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ABU DHABI PETROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED ADAM HILGER LIMITED ADAMS, C.G. ADAMS, Terence David ADCOCK, Cecil Milton ADDISON, J. B.342 D.129 D.78 D.81 B.56, B.57, F.94 B.465 B.158, J.41 B.298, B.301 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS C.5, E25, E.28, E.29,.E.31, E.32, E.34, E.35, F.191, F.192 AGER, Derek Victor A.157, B.10, E.30, F.89, F.91, F.96, F.98, F.102, F.112, F.140, H.116, H.159, J.53, J.57, J.68 A.96, A.235, D.116 ALCOCK, Leslie ALLEN, Percival ALLEN, John Robert Laurence AITKEN, William G. AITKENHEAD, N. B.125 H.55 E.30 J.52 ALBERTA SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS J.35 A.139, A.152, A.157, A.169, A.180, A.231, B.29, B.342, D.91, E.30, E.32, E.35, E.37, F.76, F.132, F.174, F.334, F.350, F.353, F.355, J.1, J.67, J.68 A.148, A.167, A.176, A.180, F.1- F.5, H.12, H.13, H.31, H.70, H.85, H.144, J.55 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS B.281, J.61 F.71, F.216 AMIRI-GARROUSSI, K. AMOCO EUROPE INC. ANDERSON, William ALVES, Wilfrid J.61 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents ANDREWS, Peter THE ANGLING FOUNDATION A.85 E.25 ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED A.130, A.131, A.134, A.135 ARAMCO OVERSEAS COMPANY J.60 ARCHER, Alan Arthur ARKELL, William Joscelyn ARMOUR, A.R. ARMSTEAD, H.Christopher H. ARMSTRONG, George ARMSTRONG, Sir William ARTHUR, Erik J.L. ARTHUR HOLMES SOCIETY (DURHAM UNIVERSITY) ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF AN A.157, F.62, H.131 B.86, B.93, B.152-B.154, B.254, J.2 E.25 E.32, J.57 F.421, H.69, J.49 E.16 G.13, J.65 D.110, F.6 F.166 INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGISTS AUDEN, Harold A. AUDLEY-CHARLES, Michael Geoffrey A.180, J.56, J.57, J.63 E.24 F.198 J.38 BAILEY, M.L. BAKER, F. Tom ATTENBOROUGH, Sir David (Frederick) ATHOLL, George lain Murray, 10th Duke of A.180, B.112, C.66, C.67, E.27, E.29, E.176, F.82, F.88, F.89, F.92, F.93, F.95-F.110, F.132, F.175, F.345, J.66, J.73, J.76 J.57 A.136, A.157, B.93, F.425, J.31, J.34, J.37, J.41, J.43 BALL, H.W. BALL, Sue BAKER, Peter E. BALKWILL, Hugh A.85, J.40, J.46 H.145, H.146 J.43 J.58 BARBER, Cecil Thomas P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents BARNARD, Peter David Weiste BARR, K.W. BARRON, Eric J. BARSS, David L. BASSETT, Michael G. BASSETT, Sue L. BATE, Raymond H. BATES, C.P. BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BATES, St John BATHURST, Robin Gilbert Charles BATSFORD, Sir Brian (Caldwell Cook) BATTERS, R.J. B.342 E.182, H.96 J.57 H.96, J.49 J.64 J.3 J.39 D.61 A.139, A.157 H.33, H.34 B.167 E.31 J.31, J.35 BELL, R.R. A.231 C.7, E.26, E.37, E.57, £.62 A.157, B.298, B.342 A.139, J.44 BENNISON, Allan P. BENTHAM, A. BECK, Rudi H. BECKETT, J. Angus BELL, G.T. (‘Peter’) BAXTER, Raymond Frederic A.58 D.78 J.50 A.74 BEAMENT, Sir James William Longman F.384, J.60, J.62 A.157, A.180, E.1, E.3, E.6, E.7, E.23, E.25, E.29, E.32, E.57, F.58, F.62, J.75 A.148, A.152, A.154, A.157, F.4, G.12, H.33, H.35, H.55, H.81, J.49 BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy BERMINGHAM, John BEST, Edward W. BEXON, Roger BICKMORE, David P. J.58, J.62 A.148, A.157, J.52 Index of correspondents P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 BINNIE, Geoffrey Morse BIRCH, Rex Leslie BIRKS, J. BISHOP, Walter William BLACK, John N. BLACK, W.W. BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLOOMSTEIN, Rex BLUNDELL, Derek John BONDI, Sir Hermann F.286 D.104 A.147, A.157, A.219, G.14, G.15, G.17, G.18, H.82 A.85, A.157, E.31, F.74, J.50, J.54, J.73 E27, £30 J.67, J.72 H.32 A.122 E.146, J.62 C.39, C.64, E.62, E.139, E.143, E.182, F.146, F.147, F.210 BOSTROM, Robert Christian E.35 BOSWELL, Percy George Hamnall A.53, A.58, A.60-A.62, A.64, A.76, A.77, A.130, B.93 BOWERMAN, James N. BOWES, Donald Ralph BOULTER, M.C. BOWEN, J.M. BOWETT, D.K. BOWMAN, J.S. G.195-G.199 J.46, J.47 E.31,H.116, H.117, J.51 BOTT, Martin Harold Phillips H.76 H.62 D.128 F.41 BOULT, WADE & TENNANT F.106 BOYLE, Edward Charles Gumey, Baron BRADSHAW, Anthony David BPB INDUSTRIES LIMITED J.73 J.43, J.44 A.219 B.57, J.62 BRADSHAW, Martin BRENNAND, T.P. A.219, J.50 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents BRIGHTON, Albert George B.57, J.41 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A.157, E.31, F.7, F.8, H.18, H.67, H.68, H.154, H.159 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION A.122, A.228, D.134, F.329 BRITISH GAS CORPORATION A.157, F.114 BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (formerly INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES) E.193-E.196, F.76, F.147-F.161, F.327 BRITISH GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY D.117 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) BRITISH NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION BRITISH PETROLEUM A.58, A.85, B.8, B.54, B.55, B.93, B.281, F.209, J.4 F.114, F.199, G.30, G.31, G.40, G.41 See also B.212 F.114, F.115, F.208-F.210, F.330, F.403, G.1-G.20, G.22, G.228- G.230, G.248-G.250, H.147, H.148 BRITISH RAIL G.200 E.35 G.228 E.2o D.43, F.124-F.126, H.122, H.125 BROWN, Sir (George) Malcolm BRITISH WATERWAYS BOARD BROOKE, Peter Leonard F.151, F.182, 7.154 BROOKS, Jim BROOKS, John R.V. BRITOIL PLC BRONNIMAN, Paul BRITISH STEEL CORPORATION B.112, B.135, F.28, F.272, F.321, F.425, J.46, J.49 F.130, J.47 A.165, A.180, D.56, E.24, F.145, F.147-F.149, F.151, J.62 A.139, A.157, A.164, A.219, F.127, A.180, F.3, F.73, J.39, J.40, J.47 BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp BULLERWELL, William BROWN, James P. BRUNSTROM, R. Geoffrey W. B.186, G.51 B.327 A.139, A.152, E.12 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents BULMAN, Oliver Meredith Boone BUREK, P.J. BURGEN, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent) BURK, Crighton A. BURMAH OIL TRADING COMPANY BURMAN, S.D. BURWOOD, Ralph BUTCHER, Norman Edward BUTLER, John B. A.61-A.63, A.65, A.136, A.139, A.152, A.157, F.420 F.243 F.349, F.350 B.342, B.343, D.40, H.82, J.49, J.50 J.62 J.63 J.74 J.63 J.5 BUTTERFIELD, Sir (William) John (Hughes) A.157, E.27, E.30, E.33 BUZZALINI, A.D. BYRD, W.D. F.3 H.76 CANN, Johnson Robin CASTLE LIME COMPANY LIMITED CASTON, Vivian Nicholas Donne CATER, M.C. F.9, H.81, H.89, H.96, H.98 C.23, C.67, E.127 CAAN, Albert J. CALLOMON, John H. CARTER, Peter John CASEY, Raymond D.119, H.64 F.355, J.44, J.45 J.34 B.342, B.465 CARISBROOKE CASTLE MUSEUM CANADIAN SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS B.138 B.112, B.148, D.19, D.54, F.351, F.419, J.41, J.47, J.48 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY GENERATING BOARD CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION A.53 Fite F.350 F.327, J.60 G.194 CHALONER, William Gilbert P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents CHAMBERLAIN, C. Kent CHAMPION, Colin R. CHANDLER, T.J. CHANNON, (Henry) Paul (Guinness) CHAPMAN, Richard E. B.37 B.163, G.20 E.31, E.33 A.236 A.158, A.180, A.234, A.236, H.124, J.7 CHARITIES AID FOUNDATION CHARLTON THERMOSYSTEMS LIMITED F.199 G.191-G.226 CHARNOCK, Henry E.25, E.31, F.58, F.59 CHARTER CONSOLIDATED LIMITED CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman (Guy) CLAPHAM, A.F. CLARKE, Anthony Michael John Kent J.53 A.143 E.26, J.50 B.494, B.495, F.130, H.117, J.49, J.51 CLIFT, S.G. COFFIN, Millard F. CLOTWORTHY, John H. A.235-A.237, A.241 G.19, J.62, J.63 CLARKE, Kenneth CLARKE, Richard CLARKE, W.J. CLEMENTS, Roy G. J.60 B.28, C.6 B.57 CLIPSHAM QUARRY COMPANY COCKS, Leonard Robert Morrison B.57, B.449, C.117, C.118, G.51, J.6 PAT? COMMITTEE OF HEADS OF POLYTECHNIC AND COLLEGE GEOLOGY DEPARTMENTS COLLETT, Michael Gerald COLE, Sonia COLLEN, J.D. F.248, F.251 A.85 J.59 B.184, J.42, J.44, J.64 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND PRINCIPALS _ E.35 COMMONWEALTH AGRICULTURAL BUREAUX F.203, F.204, F.206, F.209, F.217 CONNOLLY, Major M. COOK, Sir Alan Hugh COOPE, Brian M. COPE, Frederick Wolverson CORLISS, John O. CORON, M.S. CORPS, Edward Victor CORTAZZI, Sir (Henry Arthur) Hugh COTTRELL, Sir Alan (Howard) A.61 E.33, E.35 G.229 A.164, A.219, G.19, J.38, J.49, J.57, J.62 F.198 E.24 H.37 F.213 A.158, A.172, D.61, E.23, E.24, F.209 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY F.10-F.21 COVENEY, P.J. 5th Earl of Cranbrook B.111, D.55, J.50, J.52 F.91 J.50 B.8, B.9, B.29, B.55 COX, Leslie Reginald COX, Percy Thomas (‘Peter’) COX, Christopher Barry COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon E.31 G.16, G.17 COX, A. Glyn COX, Beris M. CRANBROOK, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, D.130 A.180, F.199, F.203, F.204, F.206- F.208, F.210, F.212, F.213, F.215 CUMBERLAND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY A.144, A.147, A.158, B.152, B.458 CRANDALL, K.H. CRICKMAY, C.H. F5 J.63 J.39, J.40 CRIPPS, David W. CRISP, Dennis John A.236, E.23, E.170 F.139 CROSSMAN, Patrick Danvers P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 CUMMINS, William Arthur CURL, S.J. CURRALL, Arnold E. CURRY, Dennis CURTIS, Charles David Index of correspondents F.27, F.29 E.179, E.182 A.219, F.420, F.427 J.42 F.347, H.125 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron A.148, A.152, A.158, A.231, E.6, E.27, E.30, E.34, E.35, F.10, F.14 DALYELL, Tam DANIEL, Dusan DAVID DAVIES MEMORIAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DAVIDSON, Leslie DAVIES, J.C.A. F.147 H.32, H.34 F.22, F.23 J.8 A.136 F.154 D.132 F.419 B.11 J.49 J.37 A.53, A.129 DENNISON, V.D. DEER, William Alexander DE LA BECHE CLUB DAVIS, G. Rex DAWSON, John Barry DE BOER, Gwyneth S. DENTON, Sir Eric (James) E.29, F.73 H.109, H.121 DELAIR, J.B. DELANY, F. E.24, E.30, E.31 E.24, E.26, E.27, E.29, E.31, E.32, E.34, E.35, F.382, J.49 C.74, E.26, E.28-E.30, E.34, E.35, G.51, J.57 A.181, E.29, F.313, F.314, F.316- F.318 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents DERBYSHIRE SILICA FIREBRICK COMPANY B.137, B.138 DEWEY, John Frederick B.342, F.150, H.144, J.62, J.65 DE WIT, Martin DICKSON, J.A.D. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY J.58 B.115, J.9 D.77 DILLEY, Frank C. DINELEY, David Lawrence DINGLE, Richard V. DINHAM, C.H. DIXEY, Sir Frank DIXIE, R. John M. DIXON, Colin James B.178, B.179, J.42, J.43, J.51 H.120 J.54 B.69, B.77, B.86, B.93, J.10 A.139, A.152, A.158, B.377, F.351, J.37, J.38, J.68 B.116, D.54, F.425, J.46, J.50 F.154, F.178 DOBSON, Rev. James Oran A.74, A.78, A.134 DOLLAR, A.T. John DONOVAN, Desmond Thomas B.260, B.269, B.278 DOUGLAS, A.G. DOUGLAS, J.A. DOWNIE, Charles DOBSON, Maxwell Richard H.102 H.107 E.176 A.232 J.41 DRAKE, Sir (Arthur) Eric (Courtenay) DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) A.139, A.219, A.237, B.11, B.194, E.27, E.28, F.73, F.160, J.43 H.35, H.37 DREW, Sir Arthur (Charles Walter) F.212 E.32 J.49 DREW, Robert DRIVER, A.V. DUCHROW, Harald DUDEK, Arnost A.154, A.158, E.32 J.59, J.60 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents DUDLEY, Harold E. DUFFIN, Chris DUNCAN, Ian G. DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) B.93 B.32, J.51 J.59 A.139, A.144, A.152, A.158, A.164, A.173, A.181, A.219, B.501, B.502, D.25, D.85, D.95, D.96, E.7, E.23- E.25, E.27, E.29-E.35, E.37, F.71, F.72, F.145, F.352, G.230, G.232, G.247, G.250, H.35, H.69, J.44, J.57, J.62 See also H.152, H.153 DUNNETT, G.M. E.33, E.34 DUNNING, Frederick Weir F.132, F.353, H.117, H.119 DUNNINGTON, Harold Vincent B.281 See also J.60 DYK, Robert A.148, A.181, E.35, H.76 EAGAR, Richard Michael Cardwell F.312, J.64 B.10, B.269, J.49 J.28, J.42-J.44 EAMES, Frank Evelyn EAMES, T.D. EARDLEY, Wendell A. EARP, John Rowland EARLAND-BENNETT, P.M. H.76, J.52 B.298 EAST MIDLANDS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS D.61 EDWARD ARNOLD (PUBLISHERS) LIMITED EDMONTON GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY EDMONDS, James Marmaduke EATON, G.L. EBY, J. Brian E.25 D.81 J.35 F.72 H.32, H.35 B.138 A.231, J.49-J.51 H.55 A.158, A.181, F.24-F.30 EASTWOOD, T. EDEN, Robert Arthur P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, Kenneth C. A.158, A.219, B.138, B.496, J.54 EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) A.236, E.27-E.29, E.32 EGLINTON, Geoffrey ELDER, Samuel ELLER, Mark G. ELLIOTT, Graham F. ELLIOTT, Richard Ernest F.347, F.348, H.125 A.148, A.158, B.230 J.59 B.342 F.26, F.27, F.93, F.105, F.109, J.55 ENERGLYN, William Davis Evans, Baron A.158 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTS H.102 EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION EVANS, Anthony Meredith E.31 E.189, E.190 B.342 A.136, A.139, J.38, J.39 B.291-B.339 EZRA, Derek J., Baron FALCON, Norman Leslie EVANS, William David EWING, R.C. EWING, Thomas E. J.59 J.61 J.50 EXPLORATION ADVISORY GROUP E.87, J.61 A.138, A.139, A.147, A.148, A.159, A.181, A.192, A.219, A.233, A.236, B.29, B.48, B.51, B.147, B.148, B.341, B.343, D.13, D.43, D.75, D.76, D.104, E.7, F.71, F.334, F.351, F.353, H.32, J.12, J.13, J.66 See also F.5, F.164 FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FEARNSIDES, William George A.152, A.159, F.355, H.69 FANNIN, Nigel G.T. FASBENDER, James R. D.72 B.342 A.139, J.37, J.40 FERGUSON, John P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 FERRIER, Ronald W. FIELD, R.A. FIRMAN, Ronald John FISH, Sir Hugh FITCH, A.A. FITCH, Frank John Index of correspondents A.148, A.159, A.181, E.25, G.13, J.51 J.51 A.179, B.91 A.181, F.152, F.156, F.173 F.336 B.48 FLEMING, Sir Charles (Alexander) A.159, F.211, F.213, J.62 FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FORD, Sir Hugh FORD, Trevor David A.159, F.148, J.56 F.346, F.354 B.125, F.27, F.255, F.257-F.259, F.262, F.263, H.114, J.14 FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE FORMAN EXPLORATION COMPANY F.31-F.67 G.51, G.62 A.159, E.32, E.34, H.69 G.31, G.32, G.38, G.77 J.62 FOTHERGILL, Colin Arnold A.139, A.152, A.159, F.335 FOX, Anthony Francis FOX, F. Glenn FRANCIS, Edward Howel FORREST, John Samuel FOWDEN, Leslie FOWLE, R.A. G.29 F.347 FOSTER & ASSOCIATES A.148, A.159, A.181, J.15, J.57 E.29 A.159, B.117, B.174, B.176, D.54, D.55, D.58, D.64, E.24, E.25, E.27, E.34, F.76, F.114, F.156, F.426, J.50 FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION J.63 J.61 J.39 J.63 FRANCIS, Tim FRANKL, E.J. FREBOLD, Hans FRENCH, W.J. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents FRIARY CONGREGATIONAL (later UNITED REFORMED) CHURCH FRIENDS OF SADLERS WELLS THEATRE FUCHS, Sir Vivian (Ernest) FUNNELL, Brian Michael A.159, A.179, A.239-A.241 A.252 A.59, A.61 J.58 GALLOIS, Ramues William D.55, J.56, J.64, J.71 GAMES, P.M. GANSSER, A. GAS COUNCIL GASS, lan Graham GAUNT, Geoffrey Douglas GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A.60 B.279 F.117, J.45, J.46 A.234, F.174, F.329, F.330, J.59 B.176 A.61-A.63, D.25, D.82 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF BULGARIA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON A.181, F.69 A.166, A.181 D.116, D.128 GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION D.3, F.138-F.143, H.129, J.66 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GREAT BRITAIN A.65, A.136, A.159, A.170, A.178, A.179, A.181, A.204, B.102, D.19, D.43, D.62, D.83, D.115, E.23, E.25, E.27, E.34, F.70-F.137, F.159, F.169, F.175, H.36, H.66, H.122, H.125, H.143, J.62, J.66 B.298, B.342 See INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES A.152, A.159, A.204, B.10, F.70, F.129, F.351, J.37, J.38, J.45 GILL, William Daniel GILLESPIE, J (‘lan’) J.52, J.53 B.309, B.343 A.139, J.60 GETTY, T.A. GIBBON, A.T. GEORGE, Thomas Neville P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 GLAESSNER, Martin F. GLASS, George P. GLENNIE, Ken W. GLOVER, Ronald Stanley GOLD, Thomas GOLLESSTANEH, A. GORHAM, Frank D., Jr GOULD, Howard R. GOWER, L.C.B. (‘Jim’) GOWING, Geoffrey S. GRAHAM & TROTMAN LIMITED GRANT, Patrick T. Index of correspondents J.42 H.69 F.337 J.61, J.62 J.64, J.77 See also E.179-E.188 B.343 J.58 F.241 J.74 A.159, F.420, F.421, F.423 D.83 A.171 GRANT, Paul GRAY, David Alfred B.288 D.25, F.158 A.174, D.63, H.120 GUSSOW, William C. B.279, B.343, J.41, J.65 GRIFFITHS, Donald Harrison GUERIN-VILLEAUBRIEL, G. GREENSMITH, John Trevor A.220, E.24, E.34 A.159, E.32 G.31 B.458, B.461 GULF EASTERN COMPANY GRAY, Sir John (Archibald Browne) GUTHRIE CORPORATION LIMITED F.144 HARKER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY HANCOCK, John Michael (‘Jake’) G.265 J.41 F.198 B.37 HALLAM, Anthony HALVORSEN, Odd HAMILTON, Douglas F.85, F.87, J.63 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 HARLAND, Walter Brian HARRIS, Arthur HARRIS, Thomas John HARRISON, J.M. HARRISON, John Vernon HARRISON, Ronald Keith HART, Edward HART, Malcolm Barrie HARWOOD, Gill HASSON, R.C. HAWKINGS, T.J. Index of correspondents A.150, A.159, B.304, D.25, D.82, D.115, E.175, F.72, F.81, F.89- F.94, F.103, F.229, H.35, H.37, J.37, J.63, J.66, J.69, J.75 B.77 D.78 J.55 J.42 See also J.49 D.64 J.60 E.176 H.123 B.279, B.309 H.89 HAWKINS, Alfred Brian D.83, F.76, F.148 C.4, C.34, J.61 HAWORTH, Richard T. HAY, R. HAY, William W. HEDBURG, Hollis Dow HEMINGWAY, John E. H.86 B.55 J.50 HAWKINS, Herbert Leader A.235, A.236, B.279, B.281, B.291, B.298, B.301, B.304, B.309, B.310, B.314, B.342-B.344, F.5, F.69, H.82, J.59 J.79 A.220, B.8, B.29, B.33, B.54, B.102, B.167, B.502, D.54, J.16 HENDERSON, Sir William (MacGregor) J.63 E.28 H.69 HIDE, Raymond HILL, Melvin J. A.159, F.199, F.201, F.207 HEMN, Mahmod HILLS, Edwin Sherbon P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents HINTON, Christopher, Baron A.144, A.150, A.159 HITCHEN, Charles Stansfield A.64 HITCHON, Brian HOBLEY, C.W. HOBSON, George Douglas HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HOLDGATE, Martin Wyatt HOLIDAY, Alan HOLLAND, Charles Hepworth HOLLIDAY, Douglas W. HOLLINGWORTH, S.E. HOLSER, William T. A.159, J.38, J.39, J.65 A.63, A.64 H.112 A.159, E.28-E.30, E.36, F.206 B.496 J.65 F.110 D.93, E.34, J.67 A.136, A.137 B.465, J.54, J.58, J.62 HOME OIL OF CANADA LIMITED D.104 A.58-A.61, A.63, A.65, A.81, B.93 B.32 A.159, A.165, E.25, E.29, J.70 HOWARTH, Michael Kingsley HOWITT, Frank HOPWOOD, Arthur Tindell HOUNSLOW, Mark HOUSE, Michael Robert HUDSON, Robert George Spencer B.11, B.57, D.54, J.48 B.125, F.3, J.41 F.351, J.65 A.181, J.56 HUBBARD, Julia Anne Elizabeth Bruce F.229, F.231, F.236, F.237 HURCOMB, Cyril William, 1st Baron HUTCHISON, Sir (William) Kenneth A.159, B.388 E.184, E.185 B.254 C.10, F.80, F.81 HUGHES, Norman Francis HUNT, John Anthony HUNTINGDON, Algernon Thomas HUDSON, John D. HUTCHISON, William W. F.186 H.69 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) IANOVICI, V. ILLING, Leslie Vincent Index of correspondents F.206, F.218 A.232 A.148, A.159, A.167, H.111, H.112 IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF KNIGHTS BACHELOR A.163 INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES (later BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY) INSTITUE OF PETROLEUM B.32, B.110, B.117, B.174, B.176, B.501-B.503, D.54-D.56, E.23- E.29, E.34, E.35, F.145, F.146, J.42, J.50, J.52, J.54 See also E.65-E.90 B.278, E.30, F.2, F.162-F.165, F.176, F.177, H.21, H.31, H.32 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS E.25, E.29 INSTITUTION OF GEOLOGISTS A.182, D.75, D.76, F.154, F.159, F.166-F.183, H.158 INSTITUTION OF MINING ENGINEERS F.175 INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANIMAL WELFARE J.62 A.252, F.184-F.228 IRISH GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION ION, Daniel Clark IRAN SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES F.199, F.209, F.210, F.212, F.215 INTER-UNION COMMISSION ON GEODYNAMICS F.242-F.245 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES F.229-F.241, H.37, H.92 INTERNATIONAL TRUST FOR ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE A.159, D.86, F.76, F.132, F.133, F.162, F.164, F.172, H.112, H.130 See also D.75, D.76, F.170 J.59 B.57, B.174, D.31, E.30, F.94, F.95, F.97, F.99, F.101, F.106, J.17, J.47 ISLE OF WIGHT NATURAL HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY A.182, F.246, F.247 E.35 J.34 IVIMEY COOK, Hugh Christopher JACKSON, M.P.A. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents JAMES, Eric John Francis, Baron JAMES, A.V. JAMES, John Herbert JAMIESON, W. JEANS, Christopher Vincent F.421 B.10, J.51 J.43, J.44 J.50 B.174, F.102-F.105, F.424, J.44, J.53-J.55 JEFFERS, John Norman Richard A.220, E.25, E.27 JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JENKIN, Charles Patrick Fleeming, Baron JENKINS, David A.L. JENKINS, D. JENKINS, Norman F.355 A.235 A.179, D.78 E.26 E.31 JOHNSON, George Anthony Lobjoit A.220, H.21, J.74 JOHNSON, Michael Raymond Walter B.28 J.36 D.64 J.60-J.62 J.37 J.56, J.61 JOHNSON, W.M. JOSEPH, Keith Sinjohn, Baron JONES, Ernest John Wallace JONES, Frederick George William JOHN WILEY & SONS LIMITED JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY F.188-F.196, F.198, F.201-F.206, F.209-F.215, F.217-F.221, F.223 J.58 B.281, B.343, C.118, J.18, J.19 C.74 D.83 E.176 JOYSEY, Kenneth Alan KAMEN-KAYE, Maurice KANES, W.H. KANTOROWICZ, John JONES, E.T. B.281, D.45, D.83 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 KAY, Marshall KAYE, Peter Index of correspondents A.159, F.4 D.54 KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron G.30, G.31, J.73 KEENLYSIDE, W.A.H. KEITH, Arthur KELK, Brian KELLAWAY, Geoffrey A. KELLING, Gilbert KELLY, Simon R.A. KENDREW,, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNA, Raymond John Boyd KENNEDY, William Quarrier J.46 A.64 C.12, C.13, F.152, F.154, F.158, F.161, F.173 D.54, J.35, J.36, J.41, J.44, J.50 B.281, F.175, F.176 J.58 A.159, F.201 B.86 J.50 KENNY, André A.120 KENT (later Booth), Judith Ann KENT (née SCOTT), Lorna Ogilvie KENT (née HOOD), Margaret Betty KENT (later Cooper), (Elizabeth) Helen A.67-A.71, A.73 A.67-A.71, A.73-A.78 KENT, Audrey KENT, Edward Louis KENT (née WOODWARD), Annie Kate A.67-A.71, A.73-A.78 A.193, A.213-A.218, A.219, A.224, B.14 See also A.156 B.342, B.343 A.193, A.195, A.213-A.218, A.219, A.224, A.240, A.241 See also A.225 A.180-A.186, A.223, A.224, A.234, D.78 KETTON PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED B.53 A.135, A.190, A.212-A.218 See also A.219-A.222 H.96, H.98, H.116 KERR, J. William KHADEM, N. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents KHAN, Mohammed Aftab KHOLIEF, Mahmoud M. KING, Lester KING, R.J. KING, William Bernard Robinson KNILL, John Lawrence KNIPE, Colin V. KNOWLES, Sir Francis KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KOWALSKI, Wlodzimierz R. KUGLER, Hans G. KURTI, Nicholas A.182, A.220, F.256-F.259, F.261- F.264, F.355, H.104, J.56, J.63, J.69, J.73, J.75-J.77 H.117 J.20 F.259, J.46, J.47 A.138 A.182, E.30, J.75 D.75, F.169, F.170, F.174 E.28, E.29 E.36, F.259 J.63 A.159, F.3, J.48 A.159, F.354 LAFFERTY, Vera F.231, F.232, F.236, F.237, F.241 LARMINIE, Ferdinand Geoffrey A.147, A.152, A.160, J.62 LAMBERT, Richard St. John LAMMING, Phillip D. KUWAIT OIL COMPANY LIMITED B.461-B.463 LAUGHTON, Sir Anthony (Seymour) A.160, J.43 F.248-F.252 A.220, E.30 LANCASTER-JONES, Peter Frank Farnham LAMONT-DOHERTY GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY A81 A.234, E.31, E.32, E.34, E.35, J.53, J.60 LAWSON, James Dixon LEAKE, Bernard Elgey LAW, James LAWS, Richard Maitland LEAKEY, Louis Seymour Bazett A.53, A.58, A.60, A.64, A.65, A.76, H.55 F.70 F.81 E.6, E.14, E.25, F.62, J.63, J.64 D.128, E.29, E.30, F.114, J.63 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents LE BAS, Michael John LEEDS GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION LEES, George Martin LEGGETT, Jeremy K. LEHNER, E. (‘Max’) LEHNER, Peter B.343, F.262, F.263 D.39, D.124, E.24 A.109, A.130, A.131, A.134, A.135, B.2, B.55, B.147, B.155, B.230, B.234, H.3, J.36, J.65 C.74 B.278 C.118, J.49, J.53 LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY F.253, F.258 LEICESTERSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION LEICESTER UNIVERSITY LEICESTER UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY LEONARD, Michael William F.254 F.255-F.264 B.278 D.117 LERCHE, lan LINTON, R.E. LINCOLN CITY AND COUNTY MUSEUM LINCOLNSHIRE NATURALISTS' UNION LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James A.144, A.160, E.1, F.353, J.76, J.77 LINSTEAD, Sir Hugh (Nicholas) E.29 A.136, A.160, B.93, B.113, D.20, D.31, F.256-F.274, J.31 LINCOLN ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE B.56, B.93 LINCOLNSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION J.66-J.68, J.71 A.179, A.180, F.114, F.206, F.207, G.21-G.226 LONDON MIDLAND AND SCOTTISH RAILWAY COMPANY B.93, J.34 A.160, A.231, H.127, J.22, J.48, J.51, J.54, J.63 LIVINGSTONE, D.A. LLEWELLYN, P.G. LONDON & SCOTTISH MARINE OIL COMPANY LIMITED LONDON UNIVERSITY D.78 B.86 A.160, E.35, F.275-F.278 E.25, E.27 B.123, F.258, J.44 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents LORD, Alan Richard LOVE, Leonard Gregory LOWRIE, Allen LUDFORD, Albert LUMSDEN, George Innes LUTON COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY LUTTIG, G. J.44 B.138 J.59 D.118 A.182 A.250 F.103 LYELL CLUB (KING'S COLLEGE LONDON) D.132, H.70 McBEATH, Donald Murray A.233, H.64 McCONNELL, Richard Bradford A.231, H.21, J.49, J.55, J.58 McCRONE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES LIMITED McCULLOCH, J.S.G. J.56 E.25 MACFADYEN, W.A. McGUGAN, Alan MaclINNES, Donald G. McKENZIE, A.E.E. McLAREN, Digby Johns McKENZIE, Dan Peter MACLACHLAN, D.I.L. J.34 H.119 F.3 J.37 E.62 F.99 MACFARLANE, Sir (David) Neil A.58, A.59, A.62, A.64, A.81, A.120 E.24, E.30, E.31 F.152, F.154, F.354, H.55, H.116, J.47, J.63, J.64 McNAUGHTON, Duncan A. MACROBERT TRUSTS McQUILLAN, Harry McQUILLIN, Robert B.215, D.72, E.187 F.209, F.212 McQUILLAN, Alan D. F.3 J.71 B.343, E.23, J.49, J.51 MADDOCK, Sir leuan P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION MANN, F.H. MANNING, Peter Inglett D.123 B.340 F.90, F.93 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM E.28, F.313-F.318 MARK TWAIN JOURNAL A.232 MARSHALL, Walter Charles, Baron E.23, E.32, E.34, E.35, H.69 MARTILL, David M. MARTIN, Alan John MASKA, Miroslav MASON, Sir (Basil) John MATHER, John Drummond B.32 A.147, A.160, F.146, G.18, G.19, H.117 H.21 F.150, J.61 E.132A, J.63 MATTHEWS, Drummond Hoyle A.233 J.59 J.40 D.92 A.145 A.169 MAYALL, Michael MAYER, Tony MATTHEWS, S.C. MAUBERGE, P.L. B.37, J.54 J.77 E.24, E.34 MEDMENHAM CLUB MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MELVILLE, Richard Valentine MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL A.140, A.149, B.327, F.3, H.76 A.160, A.182, B.39, B.55, B.154, B.155, E.12, E.14, F.187-F.196, F.198-F.213, F.215-F.224, J.42, J.43, J.60 See also F.355 MERRISON, Sir Alec (Alexander Walter) A.149, A.152, A.182, A.242-A.244 MENSFORTH, Sir Eric MEYER, Hans H. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 MEYERHOFF, Arthur A. MEYERHOFF, Diana MILLER, Julian MILLS, David Audley Corbett MINERAL PLANNING MINISTRY OF POWER MINWORTH LIMITED Index of correspondents A.148, A.182, F.3, F.4, H.112, J.62, J.65 F.5 A.103, A.149, A.220, A.231, A.238, H.64 F.145, F.423 H.151 F.2, J.44 G.227-G.245 MITCHELL, George Hoole A.160, B.167, F.421 MITCHELL BEAZELEY PUBLISHERS LIMITED D.84-D.88 MITCHESON, J.C. MONRO, Stuart K. MOODY, Richard T.J. E.3 J.62 H.127, H.129 MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin MOORE, Leslie Rowsell MORGAN, Dean A.O. MOSTAGHIAN, Ali MOTTRAM, Brian H. MOULTON, Alexander Eric MORBEY, S.J. MORELL, Virginia D.81 J.45 A.87, A.182 H.70, J.55 A.160, A.220, D.110, E.26, E.27, F.425 rt A.120, A.149, A.160, A.231-A.233, B.9, B.53-B.57, B.93, B.154, J.21 MUIR-WOOD, Helen Marguerite B.320 B.159 A.182 B.343 MOUNT, Trevor J. MUIR, Marjorie Doig MULLALY, H. Stephen MUNOZ, Robert R. J.45, J.53 E.32 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents MURRELL, Stanley Arthur Frank E.29, E.136, E.175 NABEG, Ali I. NAIRN, Alan Eben Mackenzie NAPIER, Elizabeth NASU, Noriyuki NATIONAL ADVISORY BODY FOR PUBLIC SECTOR HIGHER EDUCATION NATIONAL COAL BOARD NATIONAL STONE CENTRE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM NATURE NEALE, John William B.324 D.66, J.61 B.168 C.39 J.64 B.136, B.496, J.50 J.64 C.39, C.64, C.76, E.1-E.196, F.155, F.156 See BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) A.63, B.279, B.470, D.89, E.25, E.28, E.30, E.35 B.11, F.319-F.323, J.57, J.64 E.25, E.26 NESBIT, Roy Conyers NEVES, Roger NICOLAYSEN, Louis O. NIEUWENHUIS, H.K. NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield NICHOLSON, Sir Robin (Buchanan) NATURE CONSERVANCY (COUNCIL) A.140, A.183, B.174, F.355, F.419, F.422, F.427, J.60 D.119 NORTH NOTTS. MINING ENGINEERING SOCIETY NOBLE, Sir (Thomas Alexander) Fraser A.140, F.76 D.122 E.34 D.74 F.150 J.57 J.36 H.32 NOLAN, Thomas B. NORTH, F.K. A.153, A.160, A.171, J.53 NORTHWOOD, David P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL A.233-A.235 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE TRUST FOR NATURE CONSERVATION A.183, F.324-F.328 NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY NUFFIELD FOUNDATION OAKLEY, Kenneth P. OASTLER, Robert O'BRIEN, C.A.E. (‘Tim’) O'BRIEN, Peter Noel Somerville OGILVIE, William Paul O'HALLORAN, Dick O'HARA, Michael John OIL AND GAS JOURNAL D.116 F.192 A.85, A.120 J.63 A.160, J.49 B.325 D.104 B.408 J.76 H.50 OPEN UNIVERSITY F.329, F.330, J.70 A.246-A.248 F.249 D.90 ORBELL, Gerald ORR, David OSBORNE, Noel OWEN, H.G. OPDYKE, Neil D. OPEN EARTH J.46 G.19, J.63 B.408 OWEN, Archdeacon W.E. OLD WEST BRIDGFORDIANS ASSOCIATION J.22 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXBURGH, Ernest Ronald PAKENHAM, R. Hercules W. H.70 D.91 H.37 A.57, A.59, A.60, A.65 E.30, E.34, J.51, J.62 OWENS, Bernard OYAWOYE, M.O. B.343, F.353 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY PARROTT, Sir Cecil (Cuthbert) PARSONS, Colin F. PARSONS, E. PATON, Sir (Thomas) Angus (Lyell) PATTINSON, J.M. PEARSON, David A.B. PEARSON, S.G.B. PEDDER, Alan Edwin Hardy PENN, lan E. PENNELL, Montague Mattinson F.331 F.332 H.35 A.85, J.53, J.54 A.65 E.35 A.136, A.141, A.160 F.94, F.95, J.43 ern J.72 J.64 A.160, A.164, F.3, F.74, G.2, G.14, H.69, J.51 See also D.67-D.71 PENNY, Lewis Frederick PESL, Vaclav F.91, F.175, F.333-F.340, H.31 PERRIN, Robert M.S. PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand A.183, A.221, F.70, F.420, F.421 D.92 J.50 E.33 H.32 PERGAMON PRESS LIMITED PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SOCIETY OF LIBYA PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SOCIETY OF NEW YORK PETROLEUM EXPLORATION SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN F.127, J.33, J.75 D.107 H.64 E.35 J.61 A.136, J.38 PILLINGER, Colin T. PINFOLD, Ernest S. PETTIJOHN, Francis John PILE, Sir William (Dennis) PITCHER, Wallace Spencer A.160, A.221, F.73, F.75, F.100, A.160, A.221, E.23 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents PLAYER, Ronald Allen PLENUM PUBLISHING COMPANY J.72 D.66 PONSFORD, David Ronald Arthur E.26, J.46, J.47 PORTER, George, Baron PORTER, Jack W. PORTER, Jim H. PORTURAS, F. POWELL, David F. POWYS-LYBBE, Ursula PRENTICE, John Edward PRENTICE, Reginald Ernest PRINGLE, John A.237, E.31, E.32, E.35, F.342, F.392, F.402-F.404 H.116, H.117 H.50 J.61 H.117 A.244 A.160, E.30, F.27, F.355 E.31 B.93 QUENNELL, A.M. RADFORTH, Norman W. B.314, J.54 A.136, A.141, A.152, J.38 PRUETT, Frank D. PUGH, Sir William (John) RALEIGH, Barry RAMASWAMY, G. J.41, J.58 J.39, J.40 RAMSBOTTOM, William Hubert Craven RANGER OIL (CANADA) LIMITED B.29, B.168 A.183, D.42, D.54, D.62, D.93, E.29, F.83, F.110, F.425, H.18, J.23, J.76 J.62 F.82 J.36 RASTALL, Robert Heron RAWSON, Peter Franklin RAWSTRON, Eric Mitchell RAYMOND, L.R. A.183, F.250-F.252 A.179, G.34, G.43, G.44 B.138 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 RAYNER, Dorothy H. RAZANI, A. REA, W. John READ, William Alfred REED, William REES, Anthony I. REEVES, Rev. Joseph Wilfred REID, William Kenneth RICHARDSON, F.D.S. RICHARDSON, L. Index of correspondents A.141, A.160, A.183, B.10, B.167, D.38, D.104, D.105, F.423, F.424, F.426, J.24 E.25 F.114 E.102, £.115, £.131 C.5 &.12 J.49 A.160, F.10 B.35, B.93, B.230, B.234, B.269, J.38 B.53, B.54, B.57, D.13, D.24 RICHARDSON, W. Alfred A.130 RICHARDSON, W. Norman B. A.173 RICKWOOD, Frank K. ROLFE, W.D. lan A.147, F.94, J.76 ROBERTS, Ken H. ROBIN, Gordon de Quetteville ROBINSON, David N. F.198, F.211-F.215, F.222, F.223 F.176, F.177 A.141, H.62, J.26 E.24, E.25 RIO TINTO ZINC CORPORATION RIDD, Michael F. RIDE, W. David L. A.147, A.160, G.16, G.17, G.22, J.25 D.128 A.183, B.113, D.26, D.31, D.54, E.24, E.27, F.269-F.274, F.277, F.278, J.23 ROCHESTER, Foster Charles Lowry Lamb, 2nd Baron ROEBUCK, A. ROBINSON, Pamela Lamplugh A.160, F.95, F.97, F.98 J.74 A.230 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 ROOKE, Sir Denis Eric ROOP, Michael R. Index of correspondents ROWNTREE, Sir Norman (Andrew Forster) ROYAL AIR FORCE BENEVOLENT FUND ROYAL AMERICAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION A.141, A.160, H.69, J.42, J.46, J.47 H.55 E.33 A.252 G.266 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY A.64, A.160, D.7 ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL SOCIETY A.183, F.341-F.344, F.392, F.393, F.402-F.404 A.183, A.236, A.237, B.500, C.75, C.76, D.71, E.23-E.25, E.27, E.29- E.31, F.176, F.188-F.196, F.206, F.207, F.211-F.213, F.215, F.218, F.345-F.389, H.32, H.33, H.35- H.37, H.69, H.88, H.96, H.113, H.116, H.117, H.119 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS E.34, F.390, H.115 RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RUSSELL, Michael J. SABINE, Peter Aubrey SAHAY, Bhagwan E.28, F.347 A.232-A.235 A.251 J.57, J.63 SAGA PETROLEUM COMPANY RUSHCLIFFE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION RUSHCLIFFE BOROUGH COUNCIL A.141, A.149, A.161, A.164, D.64, E.25, E.26, E.29, F.145, F.146, F.350, H.35, H.37, J.62 J.37 G.36 J.27 H.117 SAIDI, A.M. SALAJ, Josef H.32, H.33 C.117,C.118 J.49 B.112, F.140 SAVAGE, Robert Joseph Gay SANDFORD, R.W. SANFORD, Robert M. SAPUNOV, Ivor P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents SAYER, Ann SCHIMANSKY, Louis F. SCHMIDT, Ruth A.M. SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCOTPET LIMITED SEAWARD, Mark Richard David SEIBOLD, Eugen SELLEY, Richard Curtis SENIOR, John R. J.48 A.120, A.135 H.36 E.35 G.27, G.28 F.266, F.267 F.229, F.231, F.237, J.62, J.63, J.65 J.70 J.28 SERPELL, Sir David Radford E.34, E.35, G.200 SETUDEHNIA, A. SEYFERT, Carl B.343 J.64 SEYMOUR, Michael D. G.230, G.249 F.337 J.35 H.125 SHELL UK SHILLITO, C.J.B. SIMON, Louis J. SIMPSON, E.S.W. SHIPMAN, Ross L. SHOTTON, Frederick William SIDNEY SUSSEX COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE A.136, A.141, A.152, A.161, A.174, A.231, B.57, B.137-B.139, F.88, F.90, F.91, F.104, F.108, F.110, F.351, J.29 See also F.74, J.33 B.37, J.41, J.42 SKEET, Sir Trevor (Herbert Harry) SKEMPTON, Alec Westley SLATER, James A. SLEDGER, C.W.A. A.249 H.64 D.96 Eas C.117, C.118, J.49 F.200, F.201 P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 SMITH, Alec James SMITH, Denys Barker SMITH, E. Gordon SMITH, Sir (James) Eric SMITH, Jeremy David Douglas Index of correspondents E.26, F.74, F.75, F.175, H.131, J.38 E.192, F.82, F.107, F.425 B.174, D.55, D.56, F.100 E.28, E.29 F.224, F.346 SMITH, Walter Campbell A.58-A.60, A.62, A.64, A.136 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON E.35 SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) A.235, F.209, F.216, F.217 SPAGHT, E. Monroe SPATH, Leonard Frank SPEERS, G.C. SPENCER, Anthony Mansell A.103, A.149, A.161 B.9, B.53, B.56, J.34, J.35 J.44 B.109, J.59, J.64 A.73 D.112 J.79 B.53 A.149, A.161, J.60 STEPHEN, Jim H. G.191, G.194-G.196 SQUIRES, S.H. STACEY, Andrew P. STANTON, R.L. STEWART, Sir Frederick (Henry) STEEL, Sir David (Edward Charles) STANTON IRONWORKS COMPANY LIMITED A.141, A.144, A.149, A.161, A.183, A.230, G.17 C.63, E.169, E.175 A.147, A.161, A.183, A.235, B.161, F.71, H.117, H.130, J.60, J.65 A.141, A.152, A.164, E.16, E.25, E.31, E.32, E.34, E.35 B.281, B.342, B.343, D.45 STOCKES, K.R. STOCKLIN, Jovan STOCKWELL, G.G. STONELEY, Robert STOW, Dorrik Andrew Vincent A.77 B.281 STOREY, M.W. Index of correspondents P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 STRACHAN, Isles STRAND, J.A. STRAW, Allan STRIDE, Arthur Harold Barton STRONG, M.W. STRONTIAN MINERALS LIMITED STUBBLEFIELD, Sir (Cyril) James STUBBS, G.M. SUGDEN, Theodore Morris SUPKO, Peter R. SUTHERLAND, Diana S. SUTTON, John A.174, D.63 B.461 B.57, F.266, F.271, F.419, J.46 F.72, J.53 J.30 G.246-G.264 A.161, B.36, B.270, B.342, E.35, F.334, F.351, J.35, J.36, J.38, J.62 B.288 H.119 C.117 D.64 E.33, F.242 SWARTZ, Frank M. SWINNERTON, Henry Hurd B.32, E.26, F.26, J.45, J.46, J.65 A.135 D.24, D.131 D.131 J.50 SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, Peter Colley SYKES, J.H. SYKES, Stuart Vernon (‘Bill’) A.61, A.74, A.130, A.134, A.195, B.9, B.10, B.56, B.93, J.31 SWINNERTON GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY) B.309, B.314, B.343, B.344, H.50, J.50 J.48 B.30, B.38, B.342, B.496, D.24, D.33, F.255-F.260, F.262, F.263, F.351, J.32, J.72, J.73 See also F.264 SYLVESTER-BRADLEY GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (LEICESTER UNIVERSITY) TABORIN, Jean TAITT, Alfred Harold A.109, A.131, A.141, B.9, B.24, B.93, B.152, J.35, J.65 TAITT, E.A. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 TALBOT, Chris J. TALWANI, Manik TARLING, Donald H. TAYLOR, Frank Mervyn TAYLOR, John C.M. TAYLOR, James Haward TAYLOR, Vern L. TCHOUMATCHENCO, Platon TEALE, Sir Edmund Oswald Index of correspondents B.281, B.288, J.49, J.71 F.248, F.249 D.41, E.28, H.57, J.50, J.63 B.11, F.24-F.27, F.29, F.30, F.85, F.94, F.105, F.110, J.43, J.62, J.64, J.73 H.112 B.55 B.310, B.314 J.49 A.60, A.65, A.81, B.93 THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness A.161, A.164, E.16, E.25, F.152 THOMAS, Alwyne Nicholson A.161, A.184, B.266, B.269, B.309, B.359, B.461, G.14, J.40, J.41, J.49 See also A.144-A.149 E.27 B.340 B.29, B.56, B.164, J.35 E.26, J.50, J.51 THE TIMES THOMAS, H. Dighton THOMAS, Richard THOMAS, David I. THOMAS, F.C. THURRELL, Reginald C. THOMPSON, David Barnard THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) A.61, A.63 C.74, D.94-D.97, E.25, E.31, F.148, H.32 TOTTENHAM-SMITH, R. Norman TINSLEY, Thomas William TREWAVAS, Ethelwynn J.63 H.33 J.65 E.33 J.51 A.231, J.53 J.41 A.130 TOKARSKI, A. TORRENS, Hugh S. TREVOR, Jack Carrick P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 TRICENTROL PLC TRIMBLE, George E. Index of correspondents F.212 B.309 TRUEMAN, Sir Arthur (Elijah) A.136, B.8, B.93, J.34 TRUMPY, Daniel Rudolf TWINN, Peter F.G. TYRRELL, Henry John Valentine ULSTER MUSEUM UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION (UNESCO) UNITED STEEL COMPANIES LIMITED J.58 C.25 F.344 F.391 E.23 B.86 VALLIER, Tracy L. VAN DER LINDEN, Willem J.M. C.117, C.118, J.50 J.55 VARKER, William John H.32, H.34 J.50 J.50 F.71 VINE, Frederick John WADE, D. D.39, E.29, F.421, J.42 A.141, A.184, B.343 VASS, Dionyz VERNON, Kenneth VERSEY, Henry Cherry A.233 B.314 B.341 WAGER, Lawrence Rickard VINCENT, Ewart Albert (‘David’) J.50, J.51, J.60, J.75 A.161, A.184, A.221, F.73, G.228, WALMSLEY, Peter James WALLACE, A.J. WALLACE, Peigi E.131, J.60 A.184, B.279 E.31, E.35, F.245 E.25, H.69, J.49 WALCOTT, R.1. WALKER III, Edward B. WALLS, Robin P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 Index of correspondents WALSH, John D. WALSH, Peter T. WALTERS, Sir Peter (Ingram) WALTERS, R. WALTERS, Stuart Max WANSBROUGH-JONES, Sir Owen (Haddon) WARMAN, Harry Robert WARREN, Peter Tolman WARRINGTON, Geoffrey G.266, H.127, J.49 B.139, J.45-J.47 A.235 B.395, J.42 E.29 E.29, E.35 B.278, B.291, B.340-B.344, B.501, B.502, E.32, F.3, J.50 See also A.144-A.149 A.178, A.183, B.501 D.39, E.192, F.91, F.93, F.99, F.107-F.111, J.44, J.49 WARWICK, Gordon Thomas WATT COMMITTEE ON ENERGY LIMITED B.137 F.392-F.410 WELLCOME TRUST WESTON, Irene WHITAKER, John H.McD. WAYLAND, Edward James A.57, A.58, A.65, A.78, A.81 WELLS, Maurice Kingsley WEST, Richard Gilbert WEBB, John Stuart WEGMANN, Rudi B.320, B.327 F.192, F.206 A.184, F.143 A.221, J.47 WESTOLL, Thomas Stanley WESTBROOK, Graham K. A.221, D.54, E.29, E.32, E.35 H.66 A.136, A.141, E.35, F.74, F.128 B.174 E.34 WHITE, Errol Ivor WHITE, E.J. WHITE, Stanhope (‘Sam’) WHITMARSH, Robert B. B.254, B.266, B.269 A.58, A.141 B.342, F.263, F.352 B.8, J.4 Index of correspondents P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 WHITTAKER, Alf WHITTAKER, John WHITTAKER, R.G. WHITTARD, Walter Frederick WHITTEN, E.H.T. WHITTINGTON, Harry Blackmore WHITWORTH, Thomas WICKLUND, Jim WIGAN AND DISTRICT GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY WILLIAMS, Sir Alwyn WILLIAMS, Carol A. WILLIAMS, David A.184, D.73, J.64 J.37 F.140 A.53 B.342 A.184, D.127, E.30, F.218, F.352, F.355, H.36, J.78 J.37 J.62 D.122 A.152, A.234, E.33, E.35, F.154, F.351, J.64 H.116, H.117, H.119 A.141, F.128 E.25, E.26, E.29 J.58 J.49 WILLS, Leonard Johnston WILLIAMS, E.C. WILLIAMS, J.C. WILLIAMS, J.J. WILLIAMS, Lou WILSON, Hugh WILSON, H.H. J.36 H.76 A.64 E.37 WILLIAMS, Shirley Vivien Teresa Brittain A.135, A.136, A.141, A.149, A.161, B.138, F.73, F.74, F.93, H.76, J.33 See also A.231, D.77, F.352 J.41, J.44 WILSON, Richard Christopher Lane A.136, B.9, B.43, B.69, F.419, J.36, E.24, E.30, E.32, F.329, H.70 F.242-F.244 G.231 WILSON, John Tuzo WILSON, Richard M.S. WILSON, Vernon P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 WINDLE, T.M.F. WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOOD, George Vincent WOOD, John E.R. WOODHEAD, Michael P. WOODLAND, Austin William WOODLAND TRUST WOOLLEY, A.R. WOFF, Hans WORLD CULTURAL COUNCIL WORLD OIL WORSSAM, Bernard Charles Index of correspondents J.53 A.234 C.5, D.129 A.161, B.143 J.47 B.112, B.176, D.104, E.34, E.35, E.93, F.26, F.103, F.145, H.111, H.112, J.43, J.44, J.46, J.54 A.252 B.310, J.50 B.343 F.411-F.417 D.93 J.60 WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton B.342, F.196 B.138, B.139 A.61 A.133 J.59 WORTLEY, H.A.S. WRIGHT, Anthony David WYNNE-EDWARDS, Vero Copner F.119, F.201 YOCHELSON, Ellis L. YORKE, Courtenay WRIGHT, C.W. WRIGHT, John E. D.58, E.37, F.40, F.41, F.58, F.59, J.53, J.61 A.236 A.141, A.161, A.165, A.184, B.35, B.167, D.31, D.93, D.104, D.105, E.35, F.418-F.427, H.95, H.140, J.58 YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY F.203, F.213, F.215-F.217, F.221 F.349, J.45 B.29 YORKSHIRE MUSEUM YOUELL, Ronald Frederick YULE, A.B. P. E. Kent NCUACS 43/5/93 ZEHNDER, John O. ZIEGLER, Peter A. ZIMAN, John Michael ZUNDEL, J. Index of correspondents A.161, A.237, H.62, J.62 J.58 E.26 B.314