KENDREW, John Cowdery Vol1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew FRS (b. 1917) VOLUME | List of Contents Foreword Sections A - F General Introduction NCUACS catalogue no. 11/4/89 by Jeannine Alton J.C. Kendrew NCUACS 11/4/89 Title: Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Deposited in: Bodleian Library, Oxford Date of material: 1927-1988 Reference code: GB 161 Description level: Fonds Extent of material: ca 2000 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew FRS (b. 1917), molecular biologist NCUACS catalogue no. 11/4/89 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew The assembling of the material, and the compilation and production of this catalogue, have been made possible by a generous subvention from THE LEVERHULME TRUST NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SOME OF THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTED ACCESS. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: The Keeper of Western Manuscripts The Bodleian Library Oxford OX1 3BG NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew LIST OF CONTENTS FOREWORD GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A NOTEBOOKS, NOTES AND ESSAYS A.1-A.120 INTRODUCTION NOTEBOOKS School War service University (postwar) NOTES AND ESSAYS SECTION B INTRODUCTION A.119 A.120 War service A.28-A.31 School A.32-A.118 University SECOND WORLD WAR Later miscellaneous notes Correspondence and papers 1941-46 CAREER AND CORRESPONDENCE Career NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew REPORTS e o F O h W e a m e W w W “29 29 .30 yee Coastal Command Bomber Command Anti-submarine warfare Combined Operations Methodology .32-B.41 Middle East Command -42-B.47 South East Asia Command .48-B.53 Postwar papers HISTORY OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH B.54-B.60 Correspondence, papers, drafts SECTION C RESEARCH C.1-C.308 INTRODUCTION EARLY RESEARCH Reaction kinetics G.2-C.5 CG. 6-Gi 5 Information retrieval Computation on EDSAC I INFORMATION RETRIEVAL/DATA PROCESSING Polypeptide configuration 1953 Controlled shrinkage of protein crystals 1952 Adult and foetal sheep haemoglobin 1946-58 Protein solubility c.1949 PROTEIN ANALYSIS PROJECTS Procollagen 1951-52 Muscle 1947-54 NCUAGS 11/4/89 Gi22 6:25 C.24 X-ray experiments 1953 Not used. Material transferred to C.1 Chymotrypsinogen c.1956 Ca25,;-.6726 Correspondence "New proteins" 1947-69 EARLY RESEARCH REPORTS C.2T Reports 1946-53 MYOGLOBIN NOTEBOOKS (Kendrew and collaborators) C.28-C.40 Preliminary work C.41-¢.100 Main myoglobin programme C.101-C.116 Collaborators’ notebooks C.117-¢C.125 Atomic co-ordinates/amino-acid sequencing C.170-¢C.189 C.190-C.195 MATERIALS AND APPARATUS C.196-C.198 Miscellaneous C.126-C.129 Miscellaneous C.130-¢C.169 Preliminary work Main myoglobin programme Collaborators’ notes and data NOTES AND DATA (Kendrew and collaborators) Computer time .205-C.207 Densitometer ~199-6. 202 Supplies and specimens 2208 ,G.209 . 203 . 204 Optical diffractometer Microcamera NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew COLLABORATORS AND STAFF C.210-C.238 Individual files C.239-C.247 Chronological files CORRESPONDENCE -248-C.272 Aspects of myoglobin wehS-GIZ EL Atomic co-ordinates/amino-acid sequencing .278-C.291 Publications .292 Skeletal model .293-C.297 Ball-and-spoke model .298 Science Museum London .299-C.307 Correspondence MISCELLANEOUS Pantographs INTRODUCTION SECTION D D.1-D.39 MRC LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CAMBRIDGE Historical Research and administration Apparatus and equipment Buildings Staff NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION E CAMBRIDGE : UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE INTRODUCTION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Wied vel a2 Teaching and curriculum E.3-E.5 Committees E.6 Electoral and Advisory Boards PETERHOUSE E.7-E.10 Scholarship and entrance examinations E.11-E.13 Supervision Pe ade Prizes Esb5 BT 6 Mastership elections SECTION F F.1-F.232 INTRODUCTION EARLY HISTORY EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: INTRODUCTION TO SECTIONS F, G AND H EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANISATION (EMBO) Miscellaneous correspondence Preliminary meetings and correspondence 1963 Formal constitution and statutes .16-F.33 Relations with other organisations .34-F .42 Policy document cit .LO-F.15 .43-F.56 Funding .57-F.60 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MEMBERSHIP F.61-F.77 Pi78.F 379 Nominations and elections 1963-82 Circulars and lists 1964-75 COUNCIL F.80-F.118A Correspondence and meetings 1964-80 F.119-F.127 Membership and elections P1288 3129 Minutes and circulars 1963-74 1963-81 COMMITTEE .130-F.132 Membership .133-F.140 .141-F.149 Correspondence and papers Fellowship applications 1965-74 1964-74 1964-74 L530 Minutes 1965-73 COMMITTEE LABORATORY COMMITTEE .154-F.167 . 168 Minutes and circulars 1965-74 1965-74 1966-69 VESE-AR 153 Membership Correspondence and papers 1974-80 Meetings, correspondence and papers 1963-73 General administrative correspondence Correspondence and papers 1974-81 B20 hts Finance and accounts F209 °F 2210 Appointments F.229 Minutes F.169-F.208 ADMINISTRATION F.216-F.220 SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE B..221-F.. 228 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MISCELLANEOUS F230 ch 258 Press releases, articles, comments 1963-71 2 oe. Annual reports 1966-81 SECTION G EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CONFERENCE (EMBC ) G.1-G.150 INTRODUCTION EARLY HISTORY G.1-G.13 "Swiss Initiative" 1964-67 G.14-G.28 Intergovernmental meetings and negotiations G.29-G.35 Signing and ratification of Agreement 1969-70 1967-69 G.36-G.55 1969-79 MEMBERSHIP G.56-G.64 1968-76 SUBCOMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS "Andres" Working Group on future of Conference Steering Group of Laboratory Working Groups Organisation, structure, administration G.103-G.106 Enlarged legal sub-group .66-G.73 Laboratory Working Group II .74-G.87 Laboratory Working Group III .88-G.91 Laboratory Working Group IV .92-G.102 .107-G.114 Laboratory Working Group I Role of the laboratory Site of the laboratory Financial aspects NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CONFERENCE AND COMMITTEE PAPERS G.115-G.150 1967-81 SECTION H EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LABORATORY (EMBL) H.1-H.417 INTRODUCTION AGREEMENTS H.1-H.6 Te 6 Laboratory Agreement Headquarters Agreement THE BUILDING OF THE LABORATORY poo Mese? Temporary accommodation in Heidelberg H.183-H.202 -47-H.49 .50-H.55 Inauguration .21-H.34 Building Committee .13-H.20 Early planning and costing .35-H.46 Architects, tenders, plans Furnishing and interior design RESEARCH COMMITTEES AND WORKING GROUPS Provisional Scientific Advisory Committee (PSAC) Instrumentation Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Working Group Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Committee H.178-H.182 Biological Structures Scientific Purchases Committee RESEARCH DIVISIONS - HEIDELBERG Computer Policy Working Group H.152-Hol77 Cell Biology .141-H.151 Workshops .56-H. 68 .69-H.97 .98 oo .100-H.102 .103-H.140 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew OUTSTATION AT DEUTSCHES ELEKTRONEN SYNCHROTRON (DESY) - HAMBURG .203-H.205 Early History .206-H.210 Relations with DESY ~2ib-B. 213 DESY Committees .214-H.217 Staff .218-H.220 Equipment .221-H. 237 Research OUTSTATION AT INSTITUT MAX VON LAUE - PAUL LANGEVIN (ILL) - GRENOBLE .238-H.246 Early History 261 ILL - EMBL Building .248-H.254 ILL Scientific Council 3250 /296 Staff Equipment »2570-n. 262 Research H.280 Courses H.266-H.273 Seminars H.274-H.279 Lectures RESEARCH PROGRAMMES SEMINARS, LECTURES, COURSES Laboratory Research Programmes 1975-87 Existing, continuing, proposed new membership H.281-H.291 Visitors H.292-H.296 Staff MEMBERSHIP H.297-H.304 H.263-H.265 VISITORS AND STAFF NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew ADMINISTRATION .305-H. pOL2-H. Organisation and planning Committees ,SL9-H. 3, Finance 252 54H. O27-H, .334-H. Staff Association Miscellaneous Appointments DIRECTOR-GENERAL’S NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE H.345-H.358 Notes H.359-H.367 Kendrew’s appointments and career at EMBL H.368,H.369 Personal correspondence H.370-H.377 Director-General’s correspondence FINANCE COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL MINUTES H.378-H.417 1973-81 SECTION J SECTION K INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS , UK SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS, CONSULTANCIES Addenda : Lectures 1946-87 Correspondence with publishers and editors SECTION L LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, BROADCASTS L78-L.98 Radio, televison, films L.f-b.7 7 Lectures, publications, reviews L.99-L.144 L.145-L.149 CONSULTANCIES L.1-L.149 INTRODUCTION NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION M JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION MoT M2 Founding papers 1957-59 M.3-M.19 Correspondence with editors and authors M.20-M.37 Correspondence with Academic Press SECTION N VISITS AND CONFERENCES INTRODUCTION SECTION O CORRESPONDENCE INTRODUCTION PotBS P.18-P.40 BG —P Ey Appointments and staffing Poh? fe7 Miscellaneous SECTION P REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Theses and higher degrees Grant applications/research funding INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION R BIOGRAPHICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew FOREWORD Kendrew is The completion of this Catalogue of the personal papers 6: Siz John the Archives a significant event in the work of the National Cataloguing Unit for subject both in the nature of of Contemporary Scientists, its matter and in the manner of its achievement. This is not the only occasion on which we have undertaken the task of is the first time that an a living scientist. But it working on the papers of opportunity has been taken to examine such a large collection at a time when the subject was retiring from his major scientific and academic commitments, was still available to guide us and extremely grateful to Sir John for his ready co-operation in this task. in our analysis of its contents. We are The project has also been significant because it has provided an excellent opportunity to engage the experience and expertise of Mrs Jeannine the of All Archives and like to Centre. It is gratitude Alton, the completed record our Mrs Alton. to the Director, Sir Rex Richards, On behalf of NCUACS I time available to us without the dedication understanding help of the Leverhulme Trust. Trustees of the Leverhulme Trust, for their support. former Executive Director of the Contemporary Scientific been difficult to imagine how the task could have Finally, the project could not have been tackled without the generous would within researchers in the history of molecular biology will be greatly in her debt. June 1989 Director, NCUACS R.A. Buchanan and the NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received from Kendrew at various dates April 1987 to April 1989. Certain additional papers, chiefly those relating to his personal life or to ongoing concerns, remain in his charge during his lifetime. OUTLINE OF THE LIFE AND CAREER OF SIR JOHN KENDREW John Cowdery Kendrew was born on 24 March 1917. His mother, Evelyn Sandberg, was a distinguished art historian; she lived in Italy and the boy photography. Governor. In tutor of St. Catherine’s Major Scholar. While his main widely as possible as half-subjects birds and flowers, buildings and (later) at Bladon near Woodstock; from the range of subjects of both of which he became a They lived in Oxford and also early interests in natural history, Clifton College Bristol (Scholar, 1930-1936), subject was chemistry he made it his business 1936 he went to Trinity College Cambridge as a and Reader in Climatology at Oxford University. walking and cycling expeditions were frequent, with was brought up by his father Wilfred George Kendrew, Kendrew was educated at the Dragon School Oxford (1923-1930) and attended lectures in physics, mathematics and biochemistry, taking the last two and then in India and Ceylon with South-East Asia Command where he was up an undergraduate interest in radio developed in the Signals and worked first on radar and from 1940 on operational kinetics in the Department of Physical Chemistry. photographer and added a growing love of music; he was appointed as a Junior Scientific Officer at special reference to anti-submarine warfare, remain permanent features of his life. Most of his war service was spent abroad, in chemistry and immediately began research In June 1939 he graduated with First-Class Honours bombing accuracy and radio in Cairo with Middle East with architecture and of the Cambridge OTC, By December 1939, 1 of the Tripos. He kept up his to profit as he studied and Air Ministry skills as a archaeology, with aids. reaction following in Unit the research available; these, in Part Command NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew officer in charge of operational research and Scientific Adviser to the Allied Air Commander-in-Chief, holding the honorary rank of Wing Commander. Wartime travels and encounters were to have major effects on his future career. J.D. Bernal, met in Cairo, India and Ceylon, persuaded him of the importance of research into protein, and this was reinforced by a meeting with L.C. Pauling in the course of a roundabout journey home via Australia and America in the spring of 1945. Though he hesitated for some time and explored the possibility of remaining in Government service to continue operational research and planning for peacetime policies, he decided to return Cambridge, and began a collaboration with M.F. Perutz under the direction to of Sir Lawrence Bragg at the Cavendish Laboratory. Thus began a heroic period: in Kendrew's career and in those of his collaborators, in the subject of research - X-ray crystallographic analysis of protein structure - , in the Cavendish Laboratory and the University of Cambridge. In October 1947 the Medical Research Council set up a Unit for the long oO oO quarters exploring particular erystallography; After in Laboratory of as. its total staff; currently more in the cramped Molecular Biology, Study of the Molecular Structure of Biological Systems with Perutz and Kendrew and often tedious haul, spaciously housed than this was the origin of the now famous continued to work on haemoglobin) in 1962, requiring much manual experimentation as well as sperm-whale myoglobin as the most suitable for analysis he and his collaborators eventually succeeded in producing a and huts where such brilliant work was achieved in the 1950s. many possible problems and materials Kendrew chose myoglobin and three-dimensional model at a resolution of 6-A in 1957 and 2-A in was rewarded when he shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Perutz increasingly sophisticated computing resources to handle large amounts of data, of Peterhouse, as also of his undergraduate college, Trinity. Crick and J.D. Watson (both of the MRC Unit) shared the Prize in Physiology Medicine with M.H.F. Wilkins for the determination of the structure of DNA. principally through Peterhouse which had welcomed him during with responsibility for selection and tuition of undergraduate members, He was Director of Studies in Natural Sciences for many as well as holding several College offices. Kendrew had maintained his links with He later became an Honorary Fellow early postwar years as a Research Fellow 1947-1953 and later as Alongside the laboratory work, that annus mirabilis when F.H.C. Supernumerary Fellow. university life the years or a by X-ray 1959. This (who had NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew To this period also belongs Kendrew's marriage to Elizabeth Jarvie 1948 and subsequent divorce 1956. J.D. Watson, who was under Kendrew’s supervision as a research student, lodged at their home during his early days in Cambridge. From about the late 1950s Kendrew became more involved in scientific matters in the wider world. He was a founding member and first Honorary Secretary of the British Biophysical Society; in 1959 he undertook the Editorship of the new Journal of Molecular Biology which he retained until Lose, ; he was Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser Ministry of Defence 1960-1963; and he served on committees and advisory boards of the Royal Society where he had been elected to the Fellowship in 1960. With the award of the Nobel Prize this involvement gained momentum and an altogether new dimension in international terms with the development of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) and its Laboratory (EMBL) ; the first exploratory talks seem indeed to have coincided with the journey to Stockholm at the end of 1962. Here too the way was_ to be long and hard. The formation of an active international association of scientists working in molecular biology (EMBO) was in as and Secretary-General, of EMBC, project, agreement (1973), (EMBC) The Laboratory organisation did formal opening (1978). as Secretary-General on the Council of EMBO, but the formal funding and was even longer in reaching an first Director-General of the EMBL. which was especially dear to Kendrew, as Chairman of its Laboratory Committee and later its relatively easily achieved during 1963 and 1964, In all these developments Kendrew was closely involved, a secretariat and research programme in place (1974) and a was established by agreement by thirteen West European states. of such a body required intergovernmental political agreement and not come until 1969 when the European Molecular Biology Conference Presidency of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics 1964-1972. other commitments to national and international science science and scientific policy can be seen in his appointment Society and on other learned societies in particular the In Britain they include service on the Council for Weizmann Institute Israel 1964 and the Vice-Presidency service on the Defence Scientific Advisory Council the Council and other committees of Examples of increasing involvement Society and the Institute of Biology. also belong to these years. Policy and chairmanship of some of its and as Project Leader and committees and working 1974, continuing service on British Biophysical 1969- the Royal international Governor of the Scientific parties 1964-1972, Many policy NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew During the 1960s Kendrew continued his research on myoglobin, o refining the resolution to 1.4-A and determining the co-ordinates of virtually all the 2500 atoms in the molecule. In the later 1960s however his other commitments increasingly absorbed his time and energy and his official move to Heidelberg as Director-General of EMBL in 1975 marked the end of active research. The creation of the EMBL as a physical entity and more importantly as an international centre of excellence where several teams and research projects could co-exist and collaborate was a lasting achievement. In addition, or in consequence, Kendrew’s diplomatic skills, mastery of detail and experience in chairmanship made him constantly in demand on a wider stage. served, often as chairman, on the scientific councils or advisory boards He of laboratories or research institutions in Naples, Basel, Brussels, Stockholm, Heidelberg and others, on various UNESCO committees, and on many electoral boards for honours and appointments in Britain and abroad. His formal association with science at the international level may be said to have culminated in his service with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) as Secretary-General 1974-1980 and President 1983-1988. Cambridge, Kendrew’s Research brought Since 1987. his connections or until 1982 lived in his Council and then he has of ICSU, as house near His last appointment maintaining renewed twice, organisations, notably as Past-President continuing active John’s College until and Member of the Executive Board involvement with many him back to Oxford as President of St. when he retired on reaching the age of 65. appointment as Director-General of the EMBL was original contract of secondment from the Medical Economic Communities, and other international associations. Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Joint Research Centre of the European attention to material of particular interest. sections and many of the sub-sections and individual entries material is very extensive and provides information not only Additional explanatory notes or information accompany aspects of Kendrew's own career but on many of the The following paragraphs are intended only to The papers are presented as shown in the and organisations connected with it. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION the catalogue. of Contents. virtually all individuals the the draw separate body of on in The List NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew It should be said at the outset that the entire collection reflects on almost every page what are probably the best-known features of Kendrew’s personality: on the one hand his methodical and analytical power, his meticulous not to say obsessive insistence on accuracy and comprehensive documentation, shown in his lifelong interest in record-keeping and the devising of recondite systems for information storage and retrieval; on the other hand, an aloofness or elusiveness of temperament which sets certain limits to personal relations. There are a steadiness and control, a detachment combined with seemingly tireless application which constitute a formidable intellectual armoury and which are present from the earliest records. Thus, Section A (Notebooks, Notes and Essays) though mainly covering early school and undergraduate work 1930-39 is remarkable for its maturity and for the quantity and quality alike of the content. It is classified under a system of Kendrew’s own devising which, though intrinsically clear and flexible, involved careful pagination with at least two referents, and an appreciable measure of cross-referencing in order to amalgamate school and university work; as there are some 9000 manuscript pages of notes, not have A modern the the historian D.D. Woods, J. Needham, and essays, F.G. Mann, W.J. Pope, K. Bailey, I. Langmuir E.K. Rideal, F.P. Bowden, Second World War F.W. Aston, R.G.W. Norrish, counting notebooks identification of lecturers. scrupulous indexing of topics, The latter included most of the leading the degree of labour required would not the very full notes of lecture courses and and some visiting lecturers (J.E. Lemnard-Jones, J.A. Ratcliffe, W. Cochran, F.G. Hopkins, M. Dixon, figures in Cambridge science immediately before and after the been contemplated, let alone undertaken and carried through, by many. of intellectual or educational development will be grateful for aircraft patrol private reports on his analysis of the war situation at various dates, available at that time at a well-run school science department and a and future state of operational research and of his own career Section B (Second World War) chronicles Kendrew’s contributions to operational research, and contains original reports from an exceptionally comprehensive major "science" university. may be cited among very many others). by him and others. anda punched card, organisation of government A. Neuberger, D Keilin, therefore provides It also includes suggestions and proposals for the postwar various commands designed by him, picture of the several letters or overseas service to be used by of the plans, sequence education The total current his science, careful and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew crews to record incidents. Section C (Research) is one of the major components of the collection and furnishes a very full record of Kendrew’s research, including some of his collaborators’ work. It is concerned almost entirely with protein structure analysis, beginning in 1946, and includes the devising of computer programs to handle and process data on machines of progressive sophistication (EDSAC I, EDSAC II, Mercury, IBM 7090 and others), the many years of experimentation with types of myoglobin until in December 1952 sperm-whale emerged as the most promising crystal source, and the ensuing protracted sequence of diffraction pictures, phase determination, scaling, manual and computer calculations leading up to the establishment of contour maps and the final three-dimensional picture at successive Angstrém resolutions. There is also material on the concurrent and subsequent work on amino-acid sequencing by chemical methods in correlation with the crystallographic analysis. In addition to the main sequence of notebooks, notes and data, there is material relating to specimens, apparatus and models, and correspondence with collaborators and colleagues extending over more than twenty years. The progress of the work can thus be as_ the or on syntheses of the text. and period, of progress, section, but contains Section D (The MRC bench or in correspondence throughout the there are reports, work-allocations and their publication. the like written from the and covering key points such the excitement of the eventual followed in great technical detail. On a more immediately accessible level, Attention is drawn to these and other items identification of the best crystalline protein, project diaries, summaries of experimental findings, charts of interest in the introduction to Section C and at various points in the of entrance and scholarship examinations for Peterhouse and the "King’s Group" Structural Studies Division from 1969 (no.1) until his secondment to Heidelberg section and does not fully reflect Kendrew's work as lecturer and teacher, minutes and research proposals for Laboratory correspondence on the new building and His own extremely detailed notes full record of committee meetings (Cambridge: University and conducted by the Director M.F. Perutz, Laboratory Cambridge) is There are also agendas, service at Cambridge. on equipment and and some material Board meetings, its extension his committee of Kendrew’s own a relatively is another short body short Section E College) staff. inh. and a NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew colleges in the 1950s are again of interest for the history of education. Sections F, G and H are all devoted to the history of European molecular biology and constitute another major component of the collection, covering twenty years 1962-82. The extent of the material made it expedient to present it in separate sections for the Organisation EMBO (Section F), the Conference EMBC (Section G) and the Laboratory EMBL (Section H). A general introduction to the topic and to the material has been prepared as well as_ the specific introductions preceding each section. As has already been stated, Kendrew was closely involved in the movement from its earliest inception; held high office in its key committees and secretariat and was also active he in several channels of the science policy establishment in Britain such as_ the Council for Scientific Policy and the International Relations Committee of the Royal Society. His unique place at or near the centre of events makes his record of special value in several regards. It is remarkably complete and contains the early history or "founding papers" of all three European bodies, many of them in the form of manuscript or informal letters exchanged with distinguished colleagues throughout Europe as well as in Britain where the of EMBO, M.F. Perutz, official, research for molecular and time and A. Klug. In addition, negotiations, discussions and Cambridge MRC Laboratory agreements at personal, buildings and staffing; All aspects of the European national and international level; biology movement are thus covered: itself provided the first Chairman projects, membership and elections; incorporation in the present collection. the first Secretary-General of EMBO, J. Wyman, has and many founder members such as S. Brenner, H.E. Huxley, F.H.C. Crick global inflation and fluctuating European exchange rates in the 1970s; at Kendrew’s request made over his own papers and correspondence on the subject funding - made dangerously unpredictable for the laboratory project by the note. all stages are of the greatest interest, especially for the laboratory project; members to keep the project alive by personal contacts is and most of the items have a descriptive entry or introductory advances a proliferation of committees and working parties. Section H also includes documentation of his own career at EMBL. unfavourable comment and hostility is not neglected; concerned respectively with UK Kendrew's own notes of discussions, Each has an alphabetical list societies and organisations. Sections J and K are planning and problems of doubt, founder and with of and as The element international contents budgets, costings the efforts of evident in at many contexts. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Of special interest in Section J are the "founding papers" of the British Biophysical Society, papers of the Council for Scientific Policy including those of the Working Groups on molecular biology, on the proposal for EMBL and on the Dainton and Rothschild reports on the organisation of research, and the Council's Standing Committee on International Relations. There is also a full record of the High Energy Particle Physics Review Group chaired by Kendrew, and material relating to various committees and sub-committees of the Royal Society. Correspondence with W.L. Bragg and others at the Royal Institution provides useful links with Kendrew'’s research career during the myoglobin project; material for the Design Research Unit shows him in an unexpected role in the 1940s submitting ideas for industrial and design applications of scientific advances. On the international scene (Section K) there are records of Kendrew’s extensive service on the councils or advisory boards of institutions and laboratories and of their research programmes - examples among others are the Basel Institute for Immunology, the Laboratory of Molecular Embryology Naples, the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Munich, the Molecular Biology Department Free one of important by 1974. at a office from but chiefly by Kendrew’s most the International University of Brussels, begun in 1963, with the Weizmann Institute Israel. the United Nations University Tokyo - and good commitments and in which he held high Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) which remains The international scientific unions are represented include his folders of lectures and talks 1946-1987. documentation for his long and continuing association, Biochemistry (IUB) and Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB), Section L (Lectures, Publications, Reviews) was considerably expanded late stage in the compilation of the catalogue by Kendrew’s decision and and miscellaneous material on the fortunes and vicissitudes of the journal from other publications because of Kendrew’s long involvement with the lectures than previously available and include substantial courses M (Journal of Molecular Biology) has been treated separately in America and Japan, and various special invitation lectures. and have been extensively cross-referenced to related material, and other events elsewhere in the collection. Once again there are "founding papers", careful notes and analyses by Kendrew, its inception and as a Director of Academic These appear as addenda They contain many Editor-in-Chief from journal Press. invitations more conferences, to given Section as NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew its publishers over a time-span of thirty years. Section N (Visits and Conferences) is not extensive and is far from reflecting the extent of Kendrew’s travels. His notoriously peripatetic existence becomes apparent by the accumulation throughout the collection of references to journeys in connection for example with European molecular biology, or on behalf of ICSU and its constituent unions, or the official visits for the Council for Scientific Policy, or the regular visits and meetings at other laboratories and institutions. Sections 0, P and R are all short sections. Section 0 (Correspon- dence) is not extensive since Kendrew kept almost all his correspondence in the files or notebooks to which it related. One touches here on the reticent element in his temperament; the correspondence is open and friendly yet rarely develops into long-term exchanges. Section P (References and Recommendations) covers a long period and is international in range; some is subject to restricted access. Section R (Biographical) contains some interesting material on Kendrew’s career and appointments, including many offers of posts in Britain the It will be is and abroad. catalogue. myoglobin) and, seen that the collection comprises material Unsurprisingly, it contains little of a personal nature. A Bibliography and an extensive index of correspondents complete the full history of a major scientific discovery as such (the structure different nature and of potential interest in several fields of enquiry. and The material relating to the Journal of Molecular Biology in the many research proposals put forward by individuals unions and especially of their central body ICSU; of one field of European co-operation in the history The international aspects of science can be studied an important aspect of the scientific process: examples of how leading scientists membership and evolving preoccupations and the diffusion of changing a wider public awareness through the subject at a particular time. EMBO, EMBC and EMBL. including EMBL, educational process exceptional coverage various levels. the evaluation There is material scientific concepts developments in their intellectual training organisation, assemblies, saw the key on by at is of institutions of very There of and in of while there scientific reflects filtering to NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew communication of research findings and the criterion of peer-judgment. Of perhaps more specialised interest is the evidence of the scientific contribution to the war effort during the Second World War, seen here in the correspondence and reports on operational research in several fields of hostilities and in the responsibility exercised by people still in their early twenties. It should be recalled that the documents on all these topics include both official papers in the shape of minutes, reports and the like, and also Kendrew’s own meticulous notes, drafts and comments which greatly supplement the official material, and background correspondence and discussions which rarely form any part of them. Some sections or items in the collection may be subject to restricted access. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due primarily to Sir John Kendrew for initially allowing his papers to go forward for cataloguing, and for his continuing invaluable interest in the process. He has made himself freely available for consultation at every stage and placed his almost total recall at the disposal of the compiler. At his instance, Dr. R.G. Parrish and Professor J. Wyman have also made relevant material available from their own records. Professor Sir David Phillips has kindly given advice and information and helped to identify material on the joint Royal Institution - MRC Unit research. Dr. R.W. Members Manuscripts sources of Hazel Gott has Bodleian Library and of NCUACS have been unfailing information, advice and encouragement. faced the processing and revising of Dr. E.A. Leedham-Green of Cambridge University Archives and and former members of the staff of the Department of Western Lovatt of Peterhouse have helped with information on Kendrew’s Cambridge years. with remarkable resilience and aplomb. the catalogue NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION A NOTEBOOKS, NOTES AND ESSAYS A.1-A.120 INTRODUCTION NOTEBOOKS School War service University (postwar) A.28-A.31 School War service NOTES AND ESSAYS Azi19 AS b20 University A.32-A.118 Later miscellaneous notes NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION This section includes early school and university notebooks, notes and essays from 1930 to 1939, and one notebook each from Kendrew's war service (A.26) and his later Cambridge career (A.27). There are also some later miscellaneous research notes and postwar lecture notes (A.120). The laboratory notebooks, observations and notes relating to his principal postwar research on myoglobin and other proteins are in Section C. The most remarkable feature of the material presented here is the diligent care with which Kendrew wrote up his work even from the earliest stages of his career, culminating in the major indexed series of notes at A.40- A.117 which incorporates material from lectures, literature searches and laboratory experiments, drawing on school work as well as Cambridge sources, all classified under a system of his own devising. factors science all but later paginated, inscriptions were the essential bearing not historian of Although Kendrew’s own talents and diligence in building his career, standard hardback type, The school notebooks are of the work expected and attained at Clifton. mention should be made of the high level only contemporary legends such as "Set 4" in red ink showing where they fall into the major indexed series. loose pages of small quarto format from his school sixth form period onwards. recalls (private communication August 1988) that when he entered the sixth form No notebooks of this kind survive from Cambridge, Kendrew having come to prefer Holmyard and for the Headmaster N. Whatley. Holmyard prescribed not one of his own many textbooks which were widely used in set had rapidly to acquire a reading knowledge of scientific German. very thoughtful and marked with critical care, in the notebooks and in the essays at A.29. no translation was available and the schools at the time but a German text; The head of Science 1920-40 was the whom Kendrew recalls as and later scientific and other masters can be particularly good The general essays were written for of physics was seen on the Comments by these W.C. Badcock, editor E.J. Holmyard. A.30, often class at teacher. exercises of Kendrew The head a NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Kendrew did not reach Cambridge until 1936 and the war was to disrupt his and many other lives in 1939. But he had three years of exposure to some of the country’s most distinguished scientific minds and used the opportunity fully, offering Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry and Advanced Mathematics in Part I of the Natural Sciences Tripos and Chemistry in Part II. His extensive reading, assiduous lecture attendance and note-taking are dauntingly documented in the major indexed series, and the careful recording of lecturers’ and supervisors’ names is valuable for the history of education. On his return to Cambridge in 1946, the focussing of his interest in biochemical and crystallographic studies can be seen in the continuing meticulous lecture notes from 1946. His own work as lecturer and college supervisor and director of studies, for which equally careful records were kept, can be seen in Section E. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew NOTEBOOKS SCHOOL Notebook cover and front page. "Physics" with red ink indications for main index on Paginated 1-140. pp.1-56, pp.58-84, pp. 66-119; © "Light" "Electricity" 1930 "Mechanics" "Hydrostatics", 1931 Notebook "Physics", cover and front page. with red ink indications for main index on Paginated 1-140. pp.1-87 used, "Heat", 1931 1932. "Physics. magnetism. Lecture". Electricity and All pages used. Notebook "Physics. Mechanics and the properties of matter. Lap: with red ink indications for main index on cover and front page. Paginated 2-134. All pages used. 1932. Notebook Paginated 2-70. for main index on cover and front page. Notebook "Physics. Electricity and Magnetism. Lab", with red ink indications Paginated 1-70. pp.9-10, 1933 Not all pages used. Notebook Lecture". Paginated 2-50. Mechanics and the properties of matter. pp.2-38 used. 1932. pp.2-8, 1932 "Physics. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 30 A.7 Notebook "Sound. Lab.", on cover and front page. with red ink indications for main index Paginated 1-10. pp.1-4 used, 1933. Notebook "Light. Lab.", on cover and front page. main index system 41(b)-90(b). with red ink indications for main index Pagination added later to conform with pp.41(b)-86(b), 1933 Notebook "Heat. Lab.", on cover and front page. main index system 61(c)-110(c). with red ink indications for main index Pagination added later to conform with pp.o61(c) 106); 1933 Notebook "Sound. Lec[ture]", paginated 1-30. pp.1-15 used, 1933 Chemistry "Chemistry Lecture", paginated 1-68. pp.1-53 used, with Index at rear, 1931. Dated on front work Notebook "Chemistry Lecture", paginated 1-68. Notebook page 1931 but work continues to 1932 and includes revision for Clifton internal and School Certificate examinations. are dated 1932. Small school classification press cuttings stuck at rear, with red ink on cover and front page and index Notebook main later) on front page. 1-97. probably not part the with but on latest discoveries in physics, concerned Undated, Mainly table. of indications (probably for added format notebook "Chemistry", "Laboratory notebook", sequence. Paginated of elements and periodic index Paginated 1-40. pp.1-38 used, 1931. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew A.15 Notebook "Chemistry. Extra Lab. 1932", paginated 1-30. pp.2£-25 used,;. 1932. Notebook "Inorganic Chemistry Lecture". on front page). Undated but 1932 (see A.17). Paginated 3-139 (index Notebook "Inorganic Chemistry Lecture II", all pages used. 1932. paginated 3-69. Not Notebook "Chemistry Organic Lecture", paginated 2-72. pp.2-62 used, 1932. Notebook "Chemistry Organic Practical", with red ink indications for main index on cover and front page. Paginated 1-60. pp.1-33, 1932 pp.34-54, 1933. Paginated 1-64. 1933. "Inorganic Lab.", Paginated 71-137. "Inorganic Lab.", for pp.1-41, pp.42-60, pp.61-64, pp.71-112, 1934 pp.113-137, 1935. with red ink indications for main and index (probably added later) with red ink indications main and index (probably added later) Analyses, 1933 Volumetric analysis, 1933-34 Qualitative analysis [1933] Notebook index on cover and front page, on front page. Notebook index on cover and front page, on front page. Analyses, 1935. with red ink indications for main index on and index (probably added Paginated (probably added later) 241-260. "Chem. Lab.", cover and front page, Notebook on front page. pp.241-259, later) NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Notebook handwriting suggests a date 1932-33. "Inorganic Analysis", paginated 2-43. Undated ; Notebook Chemistry". C9325, (not standard school sequence format) Paginated 2-61. Not all pages used. "Organic Undated but Analyses, notes on the literature. undated and probably Notebook during Kendrew’s time at the Dragon School, Oxford. "Geography Notes", very early maps, Notes, in Climatology, Oxford University and he was attracted to the study of geography at one time.) (Kendrew's mnemonics. Reader father was A.23 WAR SERVICE Kendrew’s S.0. Book 135, signed and headed "Summary notes". runs notes of visits to coastal their equipment, 14 March 1941 and covers lists of air 22 November 1940 to UNIVERSITY (POSTWAR) of circuits and installations, Binder of "Filofax" pages inscribed "Peterhouse Cambridge", with index of topics as follows: Material a wide range of topics on radar and coastal air defence, including diagrams stations and squadrons, The visits were mainly to comments on personnel and equipment. squadrons in Scotland and in Northern Ireland, and the material was the basis of Kendrew's reports at B.26. post 1947. Mathematical formulae Mathematics Physics Statistics and probability General biology Psychology Sociology Archaeology Geography Botany Photography Chronology and notes on books and articles read. Own notes, Undated NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew NOTES AND ESSAYS SCHOOL Demonstrations and notes on explosives. Essays and questions on scientific topics, limits dated, various dates 1933-35. or preparation for revision as some written to time few examinations. A General essays written for E.J. Holmyard and N. Whatley. Miscellaneous shorter notes. to about Included reply omitted omitted from textbook on organic chemistry. here are two letters received by Kendrew at Clifton in word a _ phenomenon 1935 from J. Read on from Concise OED; 1932 from enquiries K. Sisam by him: UNIVERSITY Essays and questions "Supervision with Dr Feather 1938". "Supervision with Dr Mann 1937" (F.G. Mann, organic chemistry). "Supervision with Dr Feather 1937, 1938" University Lecturer in physics). (N. Feather, Trinity, Reader in Trinity, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew A.35 Miscellaneous essays, some for F.G. Mann, most for "Dr Hoar" [T.P. Hoar], others without attribution. A.32-A.34 notes. are A.35 is on the small quarto pages used for the main indexed on the large quarto often used in Cambridge in the 1930s. series of Teaching material Practical biochemistry, Michaelmas Term 1937. Material for 24 classes. Practical biochemistry, Lent Term 1938. Material for 22 classes. Practical biochemistry, Easter Term 1938. Material for 5 classes. Examinations Biochemistry, Physics, Sciences Tripos question papers: 1939 (Chemistry). Preliminary 1937, Mathematics), I 1938 (Chemistry, Natural Part Part II 1936, Some papers annotated by Kendrew. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Major indexed series of notes and lectures The consists of almost 9,000 manuscript pages of small This format. career postwar included 1946-50 (see A.49, A.61, A.91-A.93, A.104-A.107, A.111). and the Cambridge lectures extend to school notes and lecture notes period covered is Kendrew’s 1936-39, quarto undergraduate also courses main are but in method the "code-book", of classification is preserved separately format Kendrew's A.40 loose pages. topics: code prefix. physics lower case letters a-h, and for mathematics Roman numerals I-IV. at on basic physics, biology, mathematics, each with a for for biology Greek characters a-6 For chemistry this is upper case letters A-D, also written on the same is clear and flexible. There are four chemistry, It Within each topic the organisation is as follows: code prefix followed by numbered pages - systematic and notes on the literature eg, 6.1 -Cet72, notes numbered pages followed by code prefix - lecture notes eg. 320C. 113¢C- numbered pages followed by code prefix in brackets - A The laboratory notes eg. 1(C)-70(C). for few thus total sequence included. identified. the notes are also the sequences have an index of contents. "code-book" contains a detailed subject index of In addition Almost all elements, the methods, definitions, apparatus and instruments etc. compounds, Cambridge lecturers are always named and some of the main source invitation books are outside the routine university teaching programme lectures an provides also then exceptionally full conspectus of the intellectual training though it may be doubted how many took such diligent available, advantage of it. subject index. classification "Code-book", explaining including system and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Chemistry Code-prefix upper case letters, subdivided into: A. B. Systematic inorganic chemistry. Theoretical and general chemistry. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Systematic inorganic chemistry Systematic inorganic chemistry notes, group indexed, divided. each the whole paginated AO-A473 with some pages sub- arranged by groups, Part Lent page. B. I Lecture course "Inorganic chemistry", and Easter terms 1938, paginated 0A-33A. by H. McCombie, Index on first paginated BO-B165, index on front page, Theoretical and general chemistry General notes and notes on the literature (school and university material), some pages sub-divided. 1939, index on front page, paginated 143B-218B. Part II lecture course "Theoretical Chemistry" by Jones, paginated OB-77B. Part II lecture course "Crystal Chemistry" by Part Michaelmas 1938, index on front page, paginated 78B-142B. "Thermodynamics" J.E. Lennard- page, front Michaelmas 1938, by J.K. Roberts, R.C. Evans, II lecture course Lent 1939, index on Lent NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew A.47 Part index on front page, paginated 219B-243B. lecture course "Valency" by W.C. Price, II 7 Easter 1939, Chemical paginated 244B-247B. Society lecture "Fireworks" by Dr R.E.D. Clark, "Theories Lent and Easter terms 1950, index on front page, paginated 248B-412B. of molecular structure" by J.E. Lennard-Jones, Laboratory notes, little earlier school work, paginated 1(B)-202(B). mainly Cambridge work 1937-39 but includes a C. Physical chemistry R.G.W. Norrish, I II some pages sub-divided. Part Michaelmas 1937, index on front page, paginated 0C-111C. lecture course "Physical chemistry" by Part II lecture course "General physical chemistry", Michaelmas 1938 (by F.P. Bowden) Lent 1939 (by E.K. Rideal), index on front pages, paginated 113C-320C. General notes and notes on the literature, mainly university but some school material, indexes on pp.C0, C60, C160, paginated CO- C187, E.K. Rideal, index on front page, paginated 375C-432C. Part II lecture course "Surface reactions", Part Rideal, index on front page, paginated 321C-374C. lecture course "Colloids", Michaelmas 1938, by Michaelmas 1938, by E.K. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 38 A.56 Part II lecture course "Some aspects of biocolloids", Michaelmas 1938, by E.K. Rideal, index on front page, paginated 433C-475¢c. Part II lecture course "Electrochemistry", 1939, index on front page, paginated 476C-530C. by F.P. Bowden, Lent Part Allsopp, Lent 1939, index on front page, paginated 531C-582C. lecture course "The structure of molecules" by II C.B. Part II lecture course "Reactions in solution" Hughes, Easter 1939, index on front page, paginated 583C-615C. by E.A. Moelwyn- "Recent Lecture Langmuir paginated 616C-617C. the of developments in the study of films. GEC" [Irving Langmuir], 13 October By Dr 1937, "Modern Eirich, paginated 618C-636C. theoretical aspects (polymers)", Summer 1946, by F. 1939, compounds, front pages, paginated D1-D335, D. Organic chemistry notes and experiments October 1937 - February Laboratory paginated 1(C)-169(C). index mainly university but includes a little school some re- Systematic organic chemistry notes on acrylic on material, numbered and a jump in numeration at D130. paginated D700-D947 with a jump in numeration at D812. Systematic compounds (quinonoid rings), alicyclic, and others, indexes on D700, D760, Systematic (benzenoid school material, paginated D400-D698. on on front pages, many pages sub-divided, compounds little a chemistry notes chemistry notes rings), index on cyclic cyclic includes organic organic NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew A.66 chemistry "Organic the literature, school and university material, index on first page, paginated D1000-D1147. - general", notes notes and on I three-term Part W.J. Pope, Easter paginated 1D-5D, pages much sub-divided. index on front pages, Michaelmas 1936, lecture 1937, course "Organic by Lent and Easter 1937, P. Maitland, only, notes for Lent 1937 chemistry" II three-term Part by F.G. Mann, Michaelmas 1938, Lent and Easter 1939, index on front page, lectures all dated, very full notes paginated 6D-351D. chemistry" "Organic lecture course Part II by 1939, index on front page, paginated 352D-397D. lecture course "Stereochemistry", W.J. Pope, Lent "Some October 1937 by F.B. Kipping, paginated 398D-404D. compounds", aromatic lecture Chemical to Society 22 notes, Laboratory LCD) -179(D). analyses and experiments 1936-39, paginated Pp.78(D)-92(D) are "Report of work carried out at ICI Laboratory, Blackley, Manchester August 1938". NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Physics Code-prefix lower case letters, sub-divided into: Electricity Light Heat Mechanics: properties of matter Sound Atomic physics: general Crystal physics Philosophy and scientific method a__Electricity by experiments b. Light 1935-36, earlier and notes on the literature, Notes but paginated a0-al58, several pages sub-divided. includes a little school material, mainly university (to 1939) a115, indexes a0, on I lecture course Easter 1938, electricity, "Electricity" index on front pages, J.A. Ratcliffe, paginated laboratory notes some initialled W.C.B. Part Michaelmas 1937, Oa-204a. Practical Clifton, 131(a)-239(a); ALA. 3 and at [Badcock], paginated pages to be supplied from notebooks at b152, paginated b0-b234. Practical Cambridge 1937-38, paginated 241(a)-404(a). General notes, school and university material, indexes on b0 and laboratory notes and electricity, experiments, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 41 A.77 Part I lecture course, on front pages, paginated 1b-114b. by A. Wood, Lent and Easter 1937, index light, Practical 1935 notebooks at A.1, 117(b)-222(b). paginated 91(b)-110(b), A.8, A.2, laboratory notes and experiments, school earlier pages to be supplied from and university 1937-38 paginated at _ General notes, school and university material, indexes on cO and c36, paginated c0-c97, several pages much sub-divided. Part I lecture course "Heat", index on front page, paginated Oc-112c. by Dr H. Carmichael, Lent 1938, Practical heat, laboratory notes and experiments, at school 1935 paginated from notebooks at A.2, and university 1936-37 paginated 141(c)- TICE) | 111(c)-134(c), supplied earlier pages to be A.9, d front index on Mechanics: properties of matter school and university material, General notes, page, paginated d0-d125. Part I lecture course "Mechanics" index on front pages, paginated 1d-100d. 204(d). Practical mechanics, laboratory notes and experiments, at school 1935 earlier pages to be supplied from and university 1936-38 paginated 101(d)- notebooks at A.1, paginated 71(d)-100(d), Michaelmas 1936, by A. Wood, A.4, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew General notes, index on front page, paginated e0-e22. Part I lecture course "Sound", by A. Wood, Lent and Easter 1937, index on front page, paginated le-39e. Practical sound, laboratory notes and experiments 1936 paginated 11(e)-23(e); be pp.l(e)-10(e), supplied from notebook at A.7 referring to school work, to _ £ Atomic physics General notes and notes on the literature, school sub-divided. and university material, paginated f£0-f£103, index on front page, some pages I Michaelmas by F.W. Aston, g Crystal physics Most of this material is postwar. Part 1936, index on front page, paginated Of-22f. lecture course "Isotopes", Notes on the literature, index on front page, paginated g0-g5l. W. Cochran, Lent 1950, paginated 148g-179¢. Lectures on "Crystal Physics: Lent and Easter 1946, index on front pages, paginated Og-10lg. Lectures on "Fourier methods" by H.D. Megaw, Lent 1948, front page, paginated 102g-147g. "Some properties of the reciprocal lattice", selected topics" by W.H. Taylor, Lectures on index on by NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew h_ Philosophy and scientific method Notes paginated hl-h23. on the literature (made in last terms at school 1936) Code-prefix Greek characters, sub-divided into: Biochemistry Zoology Botany Physiology a Biochemistry Much of this material is postgraduate or postwar. sub- Part 1937, series F.G. Hopkins, E. Holmes, T.R. Parsons, E.H.F. Baldwin, D. Needham, M. Dixon, some divided. Michaelmas Given by a Dodie pelt, J. Needhan, pages Notes on the literature, page, paginated a0-a/5. I three-term lecture Lent and Easter 1938, university and postwar, index on front course "Biochemistry", of lecturers; names include D.D. Woods. Paginated Oa-353a, index on front pages. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 44 A.97 "Cell Michaelmas 1939, index on front page, paginated 354a-417a. oxidations", respiration biological and by M. Dixon, "Some Michaelmas 1939, index on front page, paginated 418a-432a. intermediary metabolism", aspects by Dr of Holmes, "Biochemistry of carbohydrates", index on front page, paginated 433a-483a. by D.J. Bell, Michaelmas 1939, "Enzymes", paginated 484a-535a. by M. Dixon, Michaelmas 1939, index on front page, "Plant biochemistry", front page, paginated 536a-587a. by N.F. Hill, Michaelmas 1939, index on "Organisation proteins", page, paginated 587a-620a. and physical A. Neuberger, by chemistry Michaelmas 1939, of amino-acids index on and front aspects of protein by by Professor chemistry", 23 November 1937, Ferry paginated lecturer from Harvard), "Some (visiting 621a-623a. of X-ray analysis and their application to "Methods problems", paginated 670a-699a. "Respiration and respiratory carriers", by D. Keilin, Lent 1946, index on front page, paginated 624a-669a. paginated 737a-766a (last note reads "course abandoned"). "Protein and enzyme kinetics", on front page, paginated 700a-736a. by K. Bailey, Michaelmas 1946, index on front page, by P. George, Easter 1946, index biological page, M.F. Perutz, "Proteins", Lent 1946, index on front NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew biochemistry, 1937, Lent 1938, laboratory notes index on front and pages, experiments, paginated A.108 Practical Michaelmas O(a)-151(a@). B__Zoology at Clifton 1936, index on front page, at Clifton 1936, index on front page, Notes paginated 08-1188. lectures on y__ Botany Notes paginated 07-1457. lectures on 6 Physiology Part II lecture course "Cell Physiology" by Hodgkin, D.K. Hill, Michaelmas 1946, Lent 1947, E.N. Willmer, A.L. index on front page, paginated 06-1296. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Mathematics Code-prefix Roman numerals, sub-divided into: General notes II Analysis III Vectors and statistics IV Differential equations I General notes Miscellaneous calculus, mechanics, index on front pages, paginated I O-I 74. mathematical trigonometry, algebra, notes, II_ Analysis by H.M. Taylor, Lent 1937, index on front pages, III Vectors and statistics "Analysis", paginated II 1-II 151. "Vectors, tensors, numerical methods, interpolation statistics", by R.S. Stoneley, index on front pages, paginated III O-III 172. Michaelmas 1937, Easter 1938, page, paginated III 174-III 232. Statistics. during war [LP comparison of loss rates" dated 1 November 1944. undated but probably done Includes on pp.III 225- the Index on front Unpaginated notes and calculations on tensors. “Summary. of ORS (B.C: Reporte. LTS (on poorer quality paper). Notes and calculations, 232. ,a Note on _ NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew IV Differential equations I lecture Part special functions, integrals", by F.C. Powell, Lent 1938, index on front pages, paginated IV 0-IV 133. "Differential equations, course Other University notes Notes, literature, July 1939 - January 1940, first research work with E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes. experiments, laboratory work, abstracts and notes on the on mutarotation, Kendrew's See also C.1. Includes: Malvern) February - June 1940 literature. scientific subjects Establishment, of small format "Filofax" notes on Made on same format as main university Notes on the literature (proteins, X-ray diffraction). Bundle but miscellaneous content and date. Notes on radar research carried out with TRE (Telecommunications Research on Also notes on Barkhausen-Kurz oscillators, aerials, valves etc. the notes but not paginated. Material extends. to 1962. Notes visits wisits to USA 1951, taken at visits and conferences, research laboratories and papers and discussions, including progress, Notes 1946-49. taken at lectures, mainly special lectures at Cambridge to in 1953. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION B SECOND WORLD WAR INTRODUCTION CAREER AND CORRESPONDENCE Bit Career B.2-B.24 Correspondence and papers 1941-46 REPORTS B. We 5B: B. B.. B. B. B. B.54-B.60 Methodology Postwar papers Bomber Command Coastal Command Combined Operations Middle East Command South East Asia Command Anti-submarine warfare Correspondence, papers, drafts HISTORY OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION Kendrew (private communication July 1988) describes how he came to be involved with radio research in prewar Cambridge as follows: "Being a contrary character, at my public school where almost everyone joined the OTC I refused to do so; at Cambridge, where almost no one joined, I proceeded to do it. I joined the Signals Unit, of which W.B. Lewis was - I think - Commanding Officer. Having joined, a friend (Jim Wilkins) and I discovered that Lewis had a contract with the War Office to develop ultra-shortwave two-way radio, and that needed spare-time help with this. The work was non-secret and had he no connexion with radar; the wavelengths involved were 3m and 66cm - very short by the standards of those days; but it meant that we could evade some uniformed parades and various tedious chores by enrolling ourselves with him in what I think was known as the Research Section - a I was headline of it. As and as far as When the War came my academic research, I remember we were the only members I had no idea about radar but read ‘Meet the walking wireless man’). friends going off to the armed services. I had heard a rumour that Lewis was involved in something which I did not find very satisfying with all my and I wrote to him with the result that I was recruited into TRE." track to the scoreboard at an athletic meeting at the White City (the consequence I had my picture in the newspaper relaying results from the interviewed by the Cambridge Recruiting Board and told to continue East, Junior Scientific Officer at the Air Ministry and he remained a Temporary Civil in October and December to instruct aircrew and controllers in the use of posted with the rank of Squadron Leader to Middle East Command, Command to study and advise on the installation and operation from December 1941 he was stationed in Cairo at Headquarters RAF Middle Servant with Honorary commissioned rank throughout. (Air Detection of Surface Vessel) equipment (B.26). career began in December 1939 when he was appointed a (see A.119) and in the autumn of that year During the early months of 1940 he worked Research (OR) with special reference to anti-submarine warfare, He worked on Operational In September 1941 he was visiting Malta officer of TRE accuracy and radio aids. His wartime was seconded interesting Coastal ASV; bombing as an to of ASV NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew concerned with coastal, bomber and army co-operation matters. During this period he produced a very successful "Handbook for aircrews and controllers", often referred to as a "Bible" (B.35). In December 1943, after a period of home leave, his rank was raised to Wing Commander on his move to South East Asia Command where he served in India and Ceylon as officer in charge of OR and, from June 1944, as Scientific Adviser to the Allied Air Commander -in-Chief His long period of overseas service ended when he handed over South East Asia. his command in February 1945 and returned via Australia, the South West Pacific After London where he rejoined the Air Ministry in 1945. June to USA and considerable thought about the prospects of remaining in government service, Kendrew accepted a Senior Department of Scientific and Industrial Research grant to continue his academic career at Cambridge and resigned from the Ministry with effect from 10 January 1946. The essential requirement of detailed and accurate data for the compilation of official OR reports chimed well with Kendrew’s meticulous temperament and fostered, if it did not inspire, a continuing interest in the indexing and organisation of information (B.25, Bw36; 8.375. 8.92). 3368, The and of London account Kendrew’s operational research in the RAF An contributions can be found in Air Ministry Air Publication wartime Origins and Development of Operational Research in the Royal Air Force, 1963. of HMSO, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CAREER AND CORRESPONDENCE documents Miscellaneous appointment 1939, 1941, Wing Commander December 1943. notification as Junior Scientific Officer Air Ministry career: December of commissions as Squadron Leader September Kendrew’s wartime on Correspondence and Papers 1941-46 The documents had been numbered and are the contents of Kendrew’s "Personal" or "D/O" These (Demi- Official) files and consist of letters, carbon copies, memoranda and shorter communications sent or received by him, principally during his overseas service at HQ RAF Middle East and with South East Asia Command. tagged by him, a new file being opened when the total reached about one hundred poor condition, and have been replaced with the contents divided into more manageable units while retaining their original order; it should be noted that this numerical order does not correspond to and the administrative letters themselves. The files thus created were bulky and in chronological order of writing, reflecting the postal referred delays items. often the _ in to there service documents Kendrew’s visits to colleagues, preparation and circulation cover all aspects of this extensive period:- news of friends serving elsewhere, has been no attempt to calendar the is delays and inadequacy of supplies and indication is given in the entries of material of career postings and promotions of self reports, with or A personnel. special full The during and personal Kendrew by others, testing of equipment, data collection etc. leit-motif Some interest, range of the correspondence. Kendrew to R.A. Watson-Watt on OR matters. Setting up OR in Cairo; Bes5) OR shortage of personnel in Cairo); Kendrew's manual for pilots (R.17, see proposal (July) to transfer him to India to initiate an and includes several letters from (strongly resisted because of pressure of work 11 September 1942 (numbered 1-25). 15 December 1941 - 15 December 1941 - 19 May 1943 Section of OR but NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 6 June - 23 August 1944 6-25 June (numbered 1-25). 17-30 June (numbered 26-50). N.B. Letters go up to 17 July. Kendrew’s situation theatre, and subsequently. letter in South East Asia, of 17 July is a full analysis of the future of OR in the his own career for the remainder of the the war Pacific and war 20 July - 7 August (numbered 51-75). 3-23 August (numbered 76-100). 22 August - 5 December 1944 N.B. 21 October. 22 August - 5 September (numbered 1-25). Letters go up 22 September - Reports and information on SEAC and Pacific theatre, move of ORS to by A.C, Menzies. by J.D. Bernal, proposed Ceylon, Kandy, visit visit 28 August - to 8 November (numbered 51-75). 16 September (numbered 26-50). been so reduced that the posting was not attractive to him. Kendrew's Visits by J.D. Bernal, A.C. Menzies, C.H. Waddington. letter of 78) refers to the opportunity offered him to return to UK as Officer in charge of ORS Fighter Command, and then Work J.D. Bernal, A.C. Menzies. view that the commitments of the Command had 5 December (numbered 76-100). 17 November (no. acclimatisation, 15 November - on night vision, reports, visit by his by NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 23 November 1944 - 27 February 1945 23 November - up to 5 January 1945. 20 December 1944 (numbered 1-30). N.B. Letters go 2-16 January 1945 January. (numbered 31-60). N.B. Letters go up to 29 29 January - 27 February (numbered 61-90). handed over OR Section to his successor, Kendrew on to Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines, USA and Canada. 4 February, leaving. return on 2/7. G.A. Roberts, ‘via UK Arrangements for tour of Australia, USA, January-April 1945. South West Pacific Area and are Mainly official signals, passes etc. Shorter 4 March 1946. correspondence the unnumbered contents of a "D/O" file and Miscellaneous correspondence December 1944 - These include continuing correspondence on Kendrew’s Pacific and American tour before returning to UK, exchanges with staff members, continuing work on OR and on postwar career plans, testimonials for former serving officers. overseas service in SEAC, December 1943 - October 1945. allowances, taxation during on pay, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Miscellaneous manuscript notes. is an assemblage of tightly written notes on a series This of small format (17mm x 9mm) early "Filofax" lined and graph pages, alphabetical with order devised by Kendrew and laid out on the first two pages of the sequence. follow the coded "Arrangement of notes" They are not in chronological or dividers. but It contains, "Operational" often in very condensed material is divided into two main areas on a wide variety of topics relating to air and The form, "Technical". information power, allied and hostile, in all theatres of war, radar and navigation aids, equipment, bombing analyses of performance in defence and anti-submarine official attack in documents operational or policy coverage being but there are sections under "TRE" and "RDF Hist." which incorporate material going back to 1930. and detection devices, warfare, research and visits to air stations, of activity committee derives variously from a Most entries are dated, July 1939 - May 1945, It published reports, Kendrew'’s study own the main circuits and etc. or decisions. A.26 See his A.119 for Kendrew’s notes on radar research February-June 1940, S.0O. for Book of notes on radar and coastal air defence November 1940 - March L94) A: 116 for notes. on: OR; NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew REPORTS of these bear the wartime classification "Secret" or "Most Several are by Kendrew, or by members of his OR units interest B.28 P.M.S. H.M. Barkla (private Most Secret". who feature in the correspondence files. in bearing notes by Kendrew about their history (see B.27, and Blackett (B.31) described as "classics" by communication November 1987). and there are copies of two papers Some are of 8.60) also by The material is duplicated typescript, sometimes with manuscript additions or corrections. Coastal Command Kendrew on arrangements for ASV (Air by Reports Surface squadrons, Various dates January-September 1941. installation inspections Vessel) visits, and of Command and flights to test equipment. Detection Coastal use in (not 52, 125, 210, 135, 142, 181, 186, 127, 128, 150, 160 March 1943, with June 212A, (undated diagrams report and unnumbered, Bomber Command folder 1941 143, unnumbered, 144, Kendrew’s set), ORS/CC. a _ complete running classification of Coastal Command reports - Nos. 133, carried out off Ireland), 146, Kendrew), 204, unpublished ORS/CC Report No. 218"), 222. 130.-(Cby, Kendrew),, 1S1:(by Kendrew) ; 132, 134 (undated report and diagrams by Kendrew on U-boat hunts 145, by 192 (with manuscript diagrams by Kendrew), 218 (with manuscript note by Kendrew "Draft of Miscellaneous reports and manuals 1941-42, 1944. ORS (B.C.) Reports nos. note 1944 and an undated report. S.176 (with a manuscript 1942, reports dated by Kendrew "Officially destroyed") ; Anti-Submarine Warfare 14, 40, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Combined Operations Miscellaneous papers 1942. OR Methodology P.M.S. Blackett October 1941, Two papers by "Scientists at the Operational Level" (ORS/CC 154), and "Note on certain aspects of the dated October 1942). Operational Research" (incorrectly methodology of Middle East Command Kendrew’s binder inscribed "ORS/ME Routine Reports on A/S [anti- submarine] manuscript index. and anti-shipping operations", with his run Reports numerical or chronological order, S30 EO 620, 22 29. December 28° oS hee 1941 - July oe eo sk 1943, not as follows: necessarily in R4 (missing), 5, papers V [Visit] Defensive operations. are variously classified ground RDF" Ri 36> Ro39). R43. Close- Direction operations February-July M [Memorandum] , or and are not necessarily in numerical Bomber R415, R230 54.32) The R [Report], chronological order. Kendrew's binder inscribed "ORS (ME) Bomber operations. [Radio support Finding], with his manuscript indexes for each topic. continued Kendrew’s J.C.K. his manuscript index. Defensive M18; Bi29, M27 M18. R21, Milly, B25, 9.5) M20 RAE, ground RDF February 1942 - August 1943: by There are four sections each with inscribed "ORS (ME) Miscellaneous Close-support R.40, R.48. December 1942 - August and Coastal Section". Via Vee Moe: Mozt, R345 oM23-32 , Mo R16. binder papers as 1943: 1943: NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Miscellaneous 1943: M.25, unnumbered, M.33, R.42. unnumbered: = Mola! reports on sea operations January 1941 - August M3. MS) MLS R24. OR. 26 eemissirio ) Miscellaneous without official numbers, March 1942 - June 1943. on sea operations reports short (by Kendrew), Papers on close-support and radio aids, M.6, correspondence and memoranda about R.7. unnumbered, M.7, R.7, M.9, January-September 1942: for See B.40 unnumbered. Miscellaneous March-November 1942. papers (by Kendrew), without official numbers, Paper listed for 12 September is missing. "The aircrews and controllers." operational employment of ASV Mk.II: a handbook for was originally ORS which It This Kendrew, separately. Kendrew's issued, RAAF Headquarters Melbourne n.d. is referred to "Bible". Folder very was (ME) Report no.17 of 1 July favourably received and in the correspondence, R.1/7 copy of includes revised edition of 1 August 1943 and version issued 1942, by issued often as first by as Miscellaneous 1943. reports part or all by Kendrew March, May, June of to to by but ORS (ME) those reports additional Education Publication Instruction and reports), abbreviations), and See B.60 for a historical report by ORS ME. no.34 preparation and design of log (Operational Includes R.49, technical terms and in no.1l mainly intelligence sheets, Miscellaneous Kendrew's binders. (Glossary related summaries card indexes (some annotations by Kendrew and others). 13, 20-23, °25-29,°31-35,; \41,.44-46, 49, 50,54, 57-59. Coastal Command Tactical Instructions (CCTI), RAF, ME but not produced by them. Coastal RAF, ME but not produced by them. Command Tactical Memoranda (CCTM), Nos;7 10 5.18).22-27 5295.30) Not a complete set. Not a complete set. circulated by HQ, 32-37, 4. circulated Nos. HQ, by 2, NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew B.39A Miscellaneous naval reports and memoranda. Correspondence aspects aids RDF system. thereto" of and memoranda 1942 about Kendrew’s report possible air co-operation with the army and (R.7 at B.34) suggesting wider use of "Some radio "Rebecca" Small Tobruk November 1942 (3) and tank hit in Western desert April 1943 (2). photographs of Italian submarine hit format off South-East Asia Command Progress January-December 1944. reports of ORS Air Command, by Kendrew, nos. 4-7, "Miscellaneous papers produced by self", 1944 miscellaneous notes, calculations, graphs. ("Pacific Report" n.d. and November 1943, October few - incomplete), a Air 6-11, and includes photographs of him on Command Memoranda nos. 13-21 February-December 1944 on bomb and depth charge trials in Ceylon jungle, is ORS Air Command Reports nos. (no.6 by Kendrew and others). 9-12, January-December 1944 by after ORS Air Command Memoranda nos. (no. 12, Kendrew explosions). ORS unnumbered Research Unit February 1945 on bomb and napalm trials. correspondence files. Folder American continuation of hostilities in Pacific theatre April 1944 L945: flame-thrower Some are referred to fatigue in tropical conditions etc. and for - May fuel, in the assembled by Kendrew on various two papers from Jungle report April 1944; 1944; Targets requirements, Australian and weapons preparation topics in of reports sources NB 16, 17 April, June radar N./7, site from NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Postwar Papers Reports, suggestions and plans by Kendrew on specific OR matters and on the organisation of government science. Operational research on “of - bombing, "Notes Manual Kendrew’s correspondence August 1945. visit to Washington on his way back from a _ project for the compilation of a datay.-*..°", 16 May 1945 comprehensive written ~ during with SEAC, "Operational note ciation of Scientific Workers]. "written for the Joint Sciences Committee, research in RAF Commands", December 1945 a A.Sc.W" [Asso- with Organisation of Science to the application of systems September C. Gordon (Air Ministry) August 1945. mechanical indexing manpower) "Notes on the national organization of science" August 1945. Register" is designed by Kendrew, (of an example of a punched scientific "On Central here Included patrol report, of his war service. the 1945. aircraft probably at an early stage Ideas on government science, and on own career, in the form of a letter to research generally" n.d. defence and its relation to post-war staffing of government post-war "The ministries, of scientific staffs card for strength in the NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew HISTORY OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Correspondence, Papers, Drafts Correspondence including work in Coastal Command and Middle East. 1948 Kendrew'’s with recollections and comments on his historian official of early ASV, OR own "Wise. short-hand which Kendrew taught himself during the war, n.d. -notes for a ‘talk-or C.63;. C.77, ¢-:117, C.126, C.127, C.169 and also in some of the informal talks at L.145. It may be appropriate here to point out that for all the stress laid on mechanical computation, and indeed the presence of EDSAC and other printouts, the notebooks are remarkable for the sheer quantity of calculations and tabulations, phase diagrams, electron density maps and the rest laboriously The letter W.L. own (C.288) is 2-A and worked by hand, by Kendrew as well as his collaborators, not to mention the to his of thanks and careful Bragg contributes excitement collaborators congratulation characteristically warm-hearted letters and Kendrew’s personal charge. of the final complete syntheses at 6-A and their publication is well captured in the correspondence at C.288, C.289. logging and summaries of experimental programmes which were always his enthusiastic as well as informative. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew EARLY RESEARCH Reaction kinetics Material 1939 collaborative in Proc. Roy. = relating to research with E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes, paper "The kinetics of mutarotation in Soc. 1/6; F940: January “1940; the results were published July a solution" as certain enzyme reactions of enzymic hydrolysis of non-reducing Material includes brief statement of research, "the experimental investigation first disaccharides instance the the technique employed will be the polymetric one, using the [Physical very sensitive instrument equipped in this Department Chemistry, Cambridge] charts and graphs of mutarotation and heat reactions of arabinose, lactose, maltose, mannose, xylose. by the late Professor Lowry", the ... in paper on "The mechanism of unimolecular included here are two manuscript and typescript drafts for Also a by Kendrew and M.H.J. Webb (a research student of Kendrew), one set the other April 1954, with brief calculations dated April 1953, in the hand of J.M. Bennett and a letter from I.F. Trotter. No (Material paper originally and transferred here on Kendrew's advice.) of this title is listed in the Bibliography. reactions" "Protein gas with found Analysis Projects" See also A.118. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INFORMATION RETRIEVAL/DATA PROCESSING Information Retrieval Correspondence methods, EGGS : with classification with special reference to punched cards 1946-49, 1951, colleagues on sorting and Includes letter December 1946 to Cavendish electronic project, systems USA. Laboratory) searching device and on his own electronic the on computer and correspondence 1947-51 on abstracting and indexing in E. Orowan (then working at’ research’ American Chemical Society and elsewhere J. von Neumann at UNESCO, from on 1946-52 card Correspondence 17 systems on supply of cards to Kendrew's design (his letter of April 1950 also mentions J.M. Mitchison as involved in design). A little correspondence with colleagues interested in the system is also included. manufacturers punched with of by punched to diagrams schemes", diagrams Kendrew, "Punching Kendrew’s on card notes and some annotated design (drawings and manuscript schemes", Specimens of punched cards for various purposes, Miscellaneous "Classification applications, topics to be referenced etc. Correspondence 1949-50 with manufacturers on supply of punch for cards included); also included is letter 1973 from a colleague still using one of the punches. or designed by Kendrew. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Computation on EDSAC I of the using 2- and methods Storage concerns material Automatic Delay of The (Electronic computation syntheses. Bennett later worked at Ferranti; Acta crystallogr., the Inaugural Conference of the Manchester University L951 % machine the for Patterson J.W. and _ who they published papers on the topic in and in the official publication of Computer, Kendrew's early collaborator on this work was he met at Cambridge through H.E. Huxley 3-dimensional Computer) Fourier EDSAC whom 1952 and 5, .€.196 See replacement by EDSAC II, for. the end of the: work on EDSAC ~I before its and also C.80, €.208, C.209. Notes and calculations "Miscellaneous programming ideas", n.d. c.1949 contribution to Barcroft volume published 1949. some on verso of "Two-dimensional sheets, some on verso of 1948, 1949 publications. low symmetry", n.d., some on EDSAC programme 1952 1954, undated 2-dimensional EDSAC sheets dated 1953, "EDSAC 3-D programme", notes. "EDSAG calculations, and another, some sheets dated 1954, "EDSAC 2-dimensional Patterson programme", some dated 1950, and later "modification" by D.W. Green 1955. Beh Go Crick, Miscellaneous notes, graphs, narratives on Patterson peaks, dated 1952 and referring to work on Pauling helix calculated and narratives by Kendrew, Notes, D.M. Blow programmes". 1956, 1957. programmes Patterson some by Fourier NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Work with J.W. Bennett Notes Bennett on "EDSAC Crystallographic Computations". and calculations (some by H.E. Huxley), short report by "Fourier methods", note by another on "probable error in synthesis calculations, notes, letter from Bennett, drafts etc. for arrangements, and publications. Group, "Some on Includes Institute of Physics Correspondence, papers Analysis paper on Symposium Stockholm July "Crystallographic electronic they University and calculations are included. conferences, X-ray November 1950 (Kendrew and Bennett presented a crystallographic EDSAC"), Determination paper digital whether Manchester notes is not clear of Digital Computer July 1951. was accepted but it Some additional Techniques in computations calculations Conference attended), high-speed Inaugural Structure 195 (Kendrew and Bennett's Advanced computer" with a with the See L.145 for texts of papers. for for X-ray Crystal proposal Computer Related material "The Anisograph", correspondence and information 1950. Analogue Research Structure Analysis, Pennsylvania 1949-50. EDSAC order codes. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew PROTEIN ANALYSIS PROJECTS are These titles or descriptions. which feature in the notebooks at C.30-C.34. in chronological Kendrew's Many refer to materials or experiments presented order, with Adult and foetal sheep haemoglobin 1946-58 Correspondence publications, August 1947 from paper Perutz later published in Proc. Roy. supplies, some addressed to M.F. Perutz including letter 18 draft and D.C. Hodgkin commenting critically on a haemoglobin (the joint paper by Soc., 194, 1948). research results, Kendrew foetal on on Muscle the on (see of 170, at MIT Fund Much of with 1947, letter Fellow results 1952-54 1950-54 material colleagues Protein solubility etc. work with 23 December 1952 announces the See C.20 for other collaborative work with Huxley. relates H.E. Huxley and includes reference methods, Correspondence to materials, to collaborative 1952 and to Huxley’s work as their joint paper in Nature, also C.220). Commonwealth Kendrew’s successful crystallisation of "the most marvellous myoglobin crystals, from sperm whale of all odd places" (see also C.25). Brief correspondence 1951-52. Graphs and diagrams, n.d., c.1949. Procollagen NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Controlled shrinkage of protein crystals 1952, Mainly Includes Huxley. Society Symposium, haemoglobin crystals", "Discontinuous final Acta crystallogr.,. is also included. agreed relating to collaborative papers by Kendrew manuscript draft of paper given to 7 February, and Chemical on "Stepwise lattice changes in Huxley’s heavily-corrected manuscript on and in A later letter (1965) on the work in haemoglobin crystals" 61953. changes title draft for version published under that lattice See also C.17. Polypeptide chain configuration Brief correspondence 1953, 1973. X-ray experiments 1953 Not used. for Kendrew to take X-ray on request calculations, Chymotrypsinogen Material transferred to C.l. Correspondence pictures of bacterial spores. Data collaborative Acta, 20.1956. to paper with Kendrew published in Biochim. biophys. attention. Kendrew’s own description on the folder is "New proteins". material proteins particularly search for diffraction The various some, the X-ray some sent by others for his interest or on for analysis, initiated by Kendrew the is correspondence 1947-69 with colleagues and suitability in the early years, suitable programme, Correspondence "New proteins" crystalline M.M. Bluhn, materials mainly by related X-ray and their in for NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Cre 1947. writing enthusiastically LOS2. 1952, recently myoglobins of various species. one of the most favourable protein crystals yet GPT). Includes a letter to H. Neurath from Kendrew 22 December "we whale is (See also whale an absolute gold-mine in the One form - from sperm whale - myoglobin: shape of struck about ... " 1953-69. EARLY RESEARCH REPORTS Reports 1946-53. by Kendrew on his research, teaching and publications crystallographic out addressed from Cavendish and Molteno Laboratories January of protein carried studies report, annual perhaps intended for departmental on "Report during 1946", and 1947. to Master of of an first year on foetal member", research haemoglobin, August 1948. Peterhouse on M.F. Perutz as Director and myself as Molteno Institute report June 1947 - June 1948. Report Fellowship July 1947 - June 1948; Unit with part-time myoglobin etc. Research refers to "formation of MRC's for the Study of the Fine Structure of Biological Systems, Dr independent horse to exploit it.") Reports to Master of Peterhouse 1948-49, 1949-50 (refers to work on H.E. Huxley, crystals), 1952-53 Fellowship, granting of “unlimited tenure" by MRC, successful identification of that remains is continuing difficulty in obtaining suitable (final "a very wide choice of experimental material, report on termination of 1951-52 (papers with J.M. Bennett, Research and all 1950-51, EDSAC), NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MYOGLOBIN NOTEBOOKS (Kendrew and collaborators) Preliminary work Binder of "Filofax" pages inscribed "Peterhouse Cambridge" (same format as A.27) with index of topics as follows: Mathematics Physics Photography Chemistry Biochemistry Crystallography EDSAC Protein structure Current research Haemoglobin Myoglobin c.1946-53 and includes own notes, notes on Physical methods of investigation runs Material literature, (Huxley, Crick, Perutz) etc. motes and Structure of other biological macromolecules and a little later (1970) material. Similar house at Linton, on Nature of life), meeting" 1946 etc. but material is mainly 1940s. books and articles read (extensive notes on Kendrew'’s Includes notes Szent-Gy&rgyi's "Haemoglobin lectures and conference papers, "Filofax" binder, inscribed with address of information from colleagues’ the research NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 76 C230 main notebook of small quarto pages (same format as Loose-leaf The indexed series of earlier university notes at A.40-A.117). material, 1946-53; there is an index listing the "Research notes - project numbers" which The projects are: each with a numbered thumb index covers various dates extensive, run 10-25, which card. is 10 Adult sheep methaemoglobin Experiments, 1947. data, crystallisation November 1946 - "Summer" ll Foetal sheep methaemoglobin Experiments, 1947. crystallisation, dialysis November 1946 - July 12 Horse myoglobin Removed for extended treatment in separate notebooks. CxiS2:. See C.31, 13. Foetal human methaemoglobin Crystallisation January-July 1948. of various samples November-December 1946, index 14 15 16 iF November- measurements, Whale myoglobin crystal preparation Horse methaemoglobin - shrinkage Refractive December 1946. Removed for extended treatment in separate notebooks. C.34. calculations of absorption coefficients, April-June 1947. Experiments January-July 1947, February-March 1951. January 1947, January 1948, August 1949. Miscellaneous X-ray experiments Ox myoglobin adjustments, to take fibre photographs, 18 Microcamera See C.33, Attempts camera NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 19 Theoretical calculations - chain configurations July 1949 - February 1950. 20 Miscellaneous biochemical work Tests on rat haemoglobin July 1949, gelatin November 1951. 21 Chymotrypsinogen Removed and kept with work on whale myoglobin. See C.34. 22 Lamprey haemoglobin Experiments November-December 1951. 23 Muscle are These Calculations and diagram June-July 1952, with a "Note g5Z : published and is the best source of information." is Lotmar-Picken material from dried muscle", See C.17. the joint paper with H.E. Huxley "Extractability of : November now The reference the 1952. However the paper very bad notes. Nature, 170, to is 24 25 Penguin myoglobin Sea-lion myoglobin Brief notes only, March 1953. Brief notes only, March 1953. the crucial experiment!". Preceding "Notes from January 1946 - August 1946" numbers, presumably because they antedate the system. with work on adult and foetal sheep methaemoglobin (nos. the main list) and are given a separate index of 11 references. "Identity methaemoglobin - the "project numbers" as listed above is which have of project They deal 10 and cross- Among the experiments is one dated July 1946 on the foetal orthorhombic monoclinic a series forms and no of of of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Grad Horse myoglobin 12 This is no. into a major research topic. to GC. 32. 12-34, 12-40, of the projects listed in €.30, developed It has its own index running 12-1 of which 12-29 to 12-34 appear separately at which is on work sources, The crystallisation, Fourier projections, phase calculations etc. mainly October 1946 - March 1949, re-examined November 1952. received examinations, specimens X-ray Patterson various from and Horse myoglobin Continuation of C.31, index numbers 12-29 to 12-34. Preparation using collaborators (including J.D. Watson). crystallisation February 1950 methods apparatus, various and and and - January with 1952 various Whale myoglobin the work There is whale its own a 15 further etc. analysed Institute Cambridge), 15-1 to 15-59. the sperm whale. The notebook has finback to crystallisation, elsewhere in the notebooks of the projects listed in C.30. At rear of book are notes on preparations and methods. narrowing down of various types of This is no. became eventually the material of choice for the main after whale, notes) running only, notebook (C.34). Whale myoglobin programme (blue and index Work in this book covers 15-1 to 15-29 separate continuation having been transferred to in diffraction December 1946 - October 1952, with an occasional Experiments on specimens prepared by J. Keilin (then working Molteno pictures etc., later note 1953, 1954. List: insC:30); Continuation of C.33 with index running 15-30 to 15-55 (and some a separate list of references further and to the other than whale: porpoise, seal, dolphin, penguin, tortoise, carp, and some mixed crystals. work is mainly the "1952 Programme" for "Crystallisation of beginning on the sperm whale material (the eventual choice) The whale October 1952. book also includes tests on many types of chymotrypsinogen 21 1953 (project no. September-October numbered in with M.M. Bluhm and R.G. Parrish, Entries continue to August 1954. rear of book is work on September-October subdivisions). myoglobin", At 1951, myoglobin the NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 79 Note is and The the pages. following notebooks C.35 last of the early notebooks to use quarto C.34 the format leaf preliminary Most have labelled divider cards to separate sequences binders. and many have an outline index at the front or for of material, a system of pagination with a code each sub-division. of letters and/or numbers but no explanatory codebook appears to survive. main series are all large There is et seq. quarto small loose in the dates material problems suitable of years, when initial from 1953 i.e. crystals were largely solved and heavy atoms and the final selection of "Type A" sperm of The obtaining main concern was with the determination of ligands for the attachment of whale Within each notebook the material may extend over a myoglobin. period including notes and calculations, charts, graphs, printouts, densitometer diagrams, electron density contour maps, narratives or summaries great of work majority hand, there members colleagues elsewhere. matters of special interest wherever possible. letters and memoranda or Attention is drawn to these and to other Cambridge and Royal Institution While in Kendrew’s in progress, of and is also diverse in work continues to be are also notes, correspondence. calculations, character, the own teams the and the of Pleochroism of monoclinic and sperm whale crystals. the at is on and and note with whom 1-11, pages front, notes, topics graphs listing Kendrew Topic 11 Extensive published See also 0:16. calculations, "Paramagnetic D.J.E. Ingram resonance results" myoglobin and haemoglobin of sperm and finback Work and of horse, subdivided into: numbered Index”. accordingly. and diagrams, ideas and critiques in pencil and ink with corrections and comments in red ink, March 1953 - May 1957. in the index material results and collaborative research incorporates correspondence, a with on "Electron spin resonance in myoglobin and haemoglobin", Nature, 178;.1956.. course of lectures by J. Griffith, Lent term 1958. "Intensity distribution", notes abso 0. (7 -Vie Luzzath. "Fourier theory", Cochran, Michaelmas term 1957. "Rotary dispersion", charts, correspondence P. Doty 1957. "Finback 3-D", Pattersons, notes, progress sheets 1954. Kendrew’s notes on a course of lectures by J. calculations, (see properties of haem proteins", Kendrew’s notes correspondence observations, F.H.C. Crick J. Donohue, "Magnetic 1954-56, charts, whale, on a NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CG. 37 of analyses, diagrams, photographs Included in the section on "Type D" Data, of myoglobin, identified as Type A through to Type L, with dates 1953-56. whale) is work myoglobins. for these. whales", 3 August 1953. types some pages (blue a manuscript draft perhaps for an outline programme of whale looking correlating blue titled "Rod directions in sperm monoclinic and blue An attempt to establish the directions by comparison between sperm monoclinic rods in Patterson projections, projected various Also and and a At rear of book, brief note on chymotrypsinogen. Miscellaneous work, subdivided into: - chemical work", including "Imidazole "Heavy atom programme" (undated notes), "Isocyanide programme" (Kendrew’s narrative and notes programme" (narrative and notes 1955), by Dintzis and Bodo, re-examined 1959). "Nitroso-compound "Dyes" (1955, 1954-55), progress on "Standard whale myoglobin. intensities", charts and calculations for finback "Experimental", mainly on camera settings, correspondence, 1956. "X-ray various types of myoglobin and ligands. pictures", detailed charts and observations 1954-57 on C which by but choice includes finback Material penguin, Kendrew runner-up Laboratory including to final heavy-atom". of sperm whale. contributions Work on seal myoglobin, notes on preparation of king in his 1963 Science article as a close who continued to work on seal myoglobin "Preparations", and sperm whale, 1955. H. Scouloudi years at the Royal Institution and later at the "Type refers the calculations, etc., most correspondence from from many Biophysics work, February-November 1956, May-July 1958. Kendrew to notes, data, EDSAC sheets, electron density contour maps and/or R. Hart and R.E. Dickerson at Cambridge and for Molecular periods of Only one page dated (January 1957). Work on type D; various exposures, X-ray precession camera photographs. in Kendrew's hand. heavy atom attachment, densitometer diagrams at Not all There are two main See also J.121. Oxford. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Main myoglobin programme begin on 5 May 1954 with the attachment of heavy atoms This is a sequence of stiff-backed looseleaf binders, all with a number and (from C.63 onwards) a descriptive title on the spine. They to and continue to November 1963, covering the X- type A crystals, Kendrew ray analysis programme at 6-K, numbered XXXIX these and are contains presented they include a much higher proportion of collaborators’ work. and 1.b-k. first 39 books in Roman numerals from I order is preserved (C.41-C.79); chronological order as far Subsequent possible; the last October dated books 1959. to of work 1.5-% 2-8, this the in as_ With very few exceptions, labelled sub-dividers, pagination proportion and, when usually been checked through by him. with code letters and figures. of in Kendrew’s collaborators’ work or data are included, the books are meticulously kept, with usually an index or list of contents and substantial own hand they have the work (up to C.79) is A very research record assembled by Kendrew. notebooks are here presented as a separate sequence archival convenience and partly because they represent mainly The the for final on the same topics, antedating or concurrent with these but kept in a collaborators’ notebooks (C.101-C.116) and the notes and data (C.170-C.195) and should be consulted as supplementary documentation. are preserved Other records different format, among the on it is I). the for and atom (Book heavy these which Narratives, in each book, contour maps, printouts. numerals used as pagination; some of the contour maps and EDSAC catalogue entries attempt to give dates the chronology of the multiple projects Type calculations, work by Bodo. scaling, May 1954 - September 1957. the Although work these can be no more than an approximation. In fact few dates are used except in Kendrew’s narrative logs of experiments, printouts, the main identification lies in the code and in correspondence; which letters constitute were going forward simultaneously. July 1955 - April 1957. standard Measurements, calculations, scaling and rescaling, Narrative at front of book runs July 1955 Type Includes some work by Dintzis and others. factors, contour maps, printouts. Type intensities. radial distribution. - June 1956. front. Measurements, scaling observations, Includes some Work on met-myoglobin heavy atom (Book II). (Book III). Index of topics heavy atom A A A at NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 82 C.44 A atom heavy (Book IV). Type Includes calculations, temperature and scaling factors, June 1957. some work by Dintzis, maps, contour index.of ‘topics Bodo and others. radial printouts. distribution September 1955 “at. front. Narratives, charts . - work Type A heavy atom (Book V). some by Dintzis and tables scaling, 1958:. of signs, Index of topics at front. others. Narratives, contour maps. October 1955 Includes calculations, - May A Type Includes scaling, graphs, printouts. heavy some structure factors, atom work (Book VI). by Dintzis sign determination, June 1956 - Decmber 1957. Index. and others. cf topics. iat -front. Calculations, contour maps, Type A heavy atom (Book VII). ¢ projection with ligands at work. graphs, contour map. Summaries, a and collaborators’ charts of observations, scaling, Pattersons, Index of topics at front: Includes 2.7 &. Few pages dated, July 1956 - June 1957. work. work. bak: Index A (Book data, Lorenz Fouriers, Summaries, IX). at front. difference Fouriers, Three-dimensional data 6-A. scaling, D.C. Phillips. Few pages dated, May-September 1956. Three-dimensional data Includes collaborators’ Includes some corrections, scaling, contour maps, Type A (Book VIII). collaborators’ radiation effects, graphs. Type summaries calculations, and data from LOD and Charts, contour maps, correspondence Few pages dated, June 1956 - May O57. h/a Relative Includes derivatives (Book X). Divider card 23.6 "Theory" includes notes collaborators’ work. by H. Wyckoff (a principal collaborator in this work) and F.H.C. charts, Crick. June- phase circles, November 1956. Type A heavy atom (Book XI). summary and Calculations, Calculations of .D,: Includes Index work. Few pages dated, February-June Index and summaries at front. Few pages dated, collaborators contour maps. Calculations, co-ordinate involving printouts, structure - methods results, graphs. at front. factors, graphs, single D., ao b NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Cc. 52 A derivatives. heavy atom (Book XII). Index Type diammine Includes work by structure factors, dated, May 1956 - May 1958. printouts, Wyckoff and others. Work on H_ and summary succinate for both Calculations, contour maps, graphs. 83 H and topics® Fouriers, Few pages heavy atom (Book XIII). A H. Wyckoff, Type summary at front. by history of the computations. Pattersons, distribution, printouts, contour maps. also who LA Includes collaborators’ work, contributed a note on MOtK ION He Intensity data, scaling, repeat computations, One printout dated November 1956. Index and in particular previous the radial graphs, Type A heavy atom (Book XIV). (main collaborator summary, contour maps, Fouriers, index contour maps, summary dated January 1957. and structure factors, Work on porpoise and sperm whale index and Aistribution, PCMA: distribution, graphs January-December 1956; J. Kraut) 1956; printouts, PCMS and H_ scaling, summary, scaling radial radifl am,: and A heavy atom (Book XV). Type each topic. intensities, b projections, scaling, contour maps. May 1957. Index for a and c projections, calculations, Pattersons, printouts, contour maps, Few pages dated January- Includes collaborators’ work. Work on PCMS and Au. A a and Data, Includes printouts, for each topic. Work on Au/PCMS Index scaling, structure factors, Index for each topic. Work with various heavy heavy atom (Book XVI). A heavy atom (Book XVII). Few pages dated, March-May 1957. c b, collaborators’ contour Data, calculations, Fouriers, contour maps, graphs. Type and projections. work. one page dated May 1957. Type projections. work. maps, Pattersons, graphs. Only one page dated May 1957. Work with various heavy atoms work. Includes collaborators’ for Type in Intensities, specific crystals. atoms Includes collaborators’ Only Index for each topic. contour A heavy atom (Book XVIII). scaling, tables maps, data 23D" of 3D NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 84 C.59 Type A heavy atom (Book XIX). Includes including Index for each topic as follows: collaborators’ or summaries Work on 6-& 3D Fourier synthesis. himself results. work reflections on but much is by methods Kendrew and on 21 out his part letter various related Kendrew factors, structure to Bragg of "Relative y". Notes, diagrams, graphs, calculations, reflections by to included. suggestions by W.L. Bragg with whom correspondence is "Phase In very determination pleased with the way this has gone, and think there will be very While I am away phase few major ambiguities of phase indeed ... reflexions, diagrams out to 2.8-R will be drawn for hkO and Okl the extend to just present isomorphous phase April-July methods." diagrams referred to.) is practical politics technique is virtually complete ... C.61A for the replacement whether it (See C.61, Kendrew writes: 1957. with July I am 3-R our see to to to 6-A "Structure factors". various heavy atoms. Notes, calculations, tables and charts for Only one page dated March 1957. "F values". for checking. Data, calculations, phase angles, Kendrew’s queries "Scaling”™. from investigations" April 1957. W.L. Bragg February 1957, Calculations, correspondence "Scaling radial distribution, summary by Kendrew of N.B. Work continues in next book. of by note (many topic later phase C.59). Notes, circles, Book XIX, Kendrew), revisions printouts. calculations, Index for each on "Testing of A heavy atom (Book XX). Some pages dated, March 1956 - June 1957. Type (continuation follows: "Zz Fourier projection". printouts. Work on 6-4 3D Fourier synthesis as Tables, calculations Includes Various dates July 1957 - October 1958 and computer] "3D Fourier synthesis of myoglobin - 6-8". and collaborators’ work. a Fourier routine" by C.L Coulter, October 1961. See C.59)). "Fourier synthesis including heavy atoms". charts, January 1958. Phase circle determinations, 61957, Extensive tables and - on heavy atom peaks November Book coded... myoglobin Kendrew’s colour- heavy notes atoms 1957 7090 [IBM XxXI. n.d. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 85 C.61A Unnumbered Book XXII. by W. Hoppe, M.M. Bluhm, n.d., laboriously drawn by hand, introduced. a and c projection phase circles. Work All these were before computerised methods had been (1957 see C.59). Book XXIII. front. printouts, contour maps, refinement programme. Co-ordinates of heavy atoms. collaborators’ work. Includes Index and summary at calculations, Tables, May-August 58: The remainder of the sequence bears a title as well as on the spine, and these are used in the entries. a number data processing" (Book XXIV). Data sheets and printouts, Includes work by Dickerson and others, at front of book, charts on "State of project" March, April "2-R calculations and graphs. and, 1959. cover. "2-8 hol refinement" (Book XXV), with Dickerson’s name on inside including front notes, summaries Various dates November 1958, March-July calculations, 1959. the work is descriptions Of < GWORK; graphs. programs, hand, Much his of in of Gold. diff F. Work mainly XXVII). January 1958, (Book graphs, program" program, radiation" (Book XXVI). "Comparison Statement various heavy atoms. by Graphs, calculations, data, contour maps, printout "radiation damage" is the The last section on January 1959 and includes a letter on "2-R Dickerson. (dated April 1958). dated subject from Kendrew to D.C. Phillips June 1960. June 1959. by XXVIIT). comparison of 6-R and 2-8 data, most work "Scaling - met" (Book Dickerson and others, checked by Kendrew. "Scaling graphs, by Dickers6n 4nd others. Work calculations, Printouts, calculations, Dickerson. for June-July 1959. May-June 1959. calculations, H am," (Book Printouts, printouts by of PCMS XXIX). NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C.69 "Scaling Au Double" (Book XXX). by Dickerson and others, a graph by Kendrew. May-June 1959. Printouts, calculations, graphs with extensive checks and comments and "Scaling nea. - corrections" (Book XXXI). Calculations and graph, "Correlation program), maps, by Dickerson and others n.d. results" (Book XXXII). calculations, (M. Rossmann’s extensive electron density and contour Printouts "Correlation diagrams, dated, July 1959. in results" (Book XXXIII). Extensive several hands including Dickerson’s. calculations, pages Few "2-8 - Least squares" (Book XXXIV). program), diagrams, scaling tests, charts, graphs. calculations by Dickerson and Printouts, others, (M. Rossmann’s densitometer March-August 1959. See C.75). mainly by printouts, August 1959. Myoglobin Phases 5 Int. "2-8 Book XXXVI. August 1959. Phase Refinements 3/8/59" (Book XXXVI). Printouts, data, calculations, Strandberg. program routine by for calculations, mainly by Dickerson, Programming "Phase refinement" (Book XXXV). Dickerson, graphs, July 1959. "2-8 random sampling, some checking by Kendrew. Run (1) 1959" (Numbered in error Mainly printouts with a very few notes. n.d. (August 195892 "2-8 Rossmann's At finer names of those involved, August 1959. Mainly printouts (M. achieve progress, Royal Institution, front of book are charts work being done at beek annotations, Similar material, " (Book XXXVII). (Book XXXVIII). on attempt to Fourier F Fy "2-8 Fourier ay sharp" program) resolution. of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 87 G19 "6 and 5.5-& Fourier (2-8 data)" (Book XXXIX). (M. Rossmann's program) with some annotations. Mainly printouts October 1959. is Kendrew’s the last book in This remaining looseleaf are presented in chronological order as far as_ contain numbered with each other. The books C.80-C.100, in the same format of stiff-backed binders and bearing a descriptive title on the spine, Some Kendrew's and may overlap chronologically with it and similar or closely related to that possible. sequence. sequence, numbered work in for and scaling checking non current". Programs, tests, notes and calculations, "EDSAC: Lorenz printouts corrections to be run on EDSAC II. Almost all the routines were written by R. Hart who was a principal collaborator in this work Calculations and until notes by Dickerson and others, of lectures book "Programming for EDSAC II" by H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer September- October 1957: he left the laboratory in August 1958. January-July 1958. course Kendrew on factors At rear notes 42pp. and _ are by of a determination, some Programs and routines for refine- Lorenz-polarisation and Also included are calculating revisions by Dickerson of programme , Roger Hart". "EDSAC program ment correction, others. notes Lorenz corrections, March 1958. by A.L. Hart, phase with by by all some by routines, Dickerson, Strandberg Instructions, Input program". March-May 1959. Patterson on alternative method printouts, tests, and Some printouts dated February 1958. "Correlation function Dickerson and Strandberg. "Scaling Program". checking, almost others. See C.73-C.78 and also correspondence at C.234. This programme, when several important aspects were coming to and Dickerson (a principal collaborator) America. "7-10 August 1959". using printouts, corrections and checking. little by Strandberg. random sampling graphs, notes, Almost all by Dickerson, a research a point was about to return to Work on phase refinement, Calculations, program. Routines and tests, by M. Rossmann’s particularly July 1959. critical period was the of a NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 88 c.85 "2-8 Myoglobin Phases 5 Int. printouts, comments by Kendrew. n.d. (August 1959). all checked, Run (2) 1959" (See C.76). Mainly Some graphs, notes, Some annotations by Dickerson and others, with a few notes. "M.T. Load Program. for EDSAC II, Dickerson, dated, June-September 1959. 2-R Phase Program 1959". test printouts and checks, graphs. a few later additions or revisions. Detailed routines Almost all by Few pages only 1959. Myoglobin "2-8 printouts, August-November modified 1960 to allow for phase output by Strandberg and others. Routines, Routines devised and used August 1959 by Dickerson and others, checks, notes, revisions. Program". Fourier Input 60 Heavy atom adjustments". proced- routines for phase runs, printouts, checks, calculations, August some by "Dickerson Aug. ures, density 1960, with reference back to "2-8 Phase Program Aug 1959"; notes Rossmann. Routines by Dickerson and calculations by programs contour charts, Loading Fourier Watson, maps. H.C. 1961 bao). but This work in Sa0, This was Myoglobin Absorption corrections". D.C. Phillips at the Absorption corrections". collaborative work between December 1960 - June 1961. includes correspondence and data exchanged. "15-2 material, mainly on myoglobin crystal no. on Watson, but a little in other hands. Similar with correspondence and data from Phillips to Watson, but includes a little work and Phillips July 1961 - May 1962. mainly by the need to interchange EDSAC and Mercury "15-2 Myoglobin 1960. printouts, (lo? Watson in Cambridge and and 1960, complicated (see also C.90, C.92). Detailed data, diagrams, charts, calibrations for myoglobin crystal H.C. Royal Institution Begins August was tapes February-May 1961. data". "15-8 Continuing Watson, including extensive comparisons, tests and merging between EDSAC and Mercury tapes. seal myoglobin and lysozyme. 5 Int. Run (4) Jan 1961". "o-R Myoglobin phases. Work mainly by collaborative 1961. work Printouts. Myoglobin Phillips merging between Scaling March and and 145, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 89 C.93 "15-8 Myoglobin 1961. tables, C.L. Coulter. Graphs and plots, calculations, notes, in several hands including Watson, Refinement details". Various dates August 1961 - November 1963. "Refinement Notes, by Watson. sic) ; calculations, routines, printouts, data runs, almost all Atom Parameters 1961 Heavy of and’ 1961"> October 1960 - December 1962. "2-R Myoglobin Phases 5 Int. Run (5) Feb '62". Printouts. Phases "2-R printouts, a few notes. Myoglobin 5 Int. Run (3) Aug '62". Checked "oR printouts maps. Myoglobin Special Sections program) (Rossmann’s (1)". electron density Calculations, and tables, contour Few pages dated, December 1960, January 1961. "9-8 Myoglobin Special Sections (2)". Earliest work November on 1960. helices. Similar material, mainly April-July mainly 1959, Printouts. Block Layout". Block layout". "2-R Myoglobin Data "1.5-R Myoglobin Data Printouts. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Collaborators’ notebooks (not These are laboratory notebooks, presented in alphabetical order, some of myoglobin or concurrent research. with, or kept as notes and data at C.190-C.195. in The work is sometimes preliminary to, the material later incorporated in the main sequence, collaborators all) the the of Information duration "Staff" folders at C¢,210-C. 238% about and of their participation in the work can be found in the the members of the team and the nature M.M. Bluhm "Bluhm - chemical work". of various types of myoglobin (horse, seal, blue, finback and sperm whale), chrymotrypsinogen. 16 February 1955. 7 October 1952 - crystallisation Preparation and "Bluhm - diary". later more sporadically). Laboratory diary 1953 (kept daily to 8 June, and entry is entries November Detailed notes, "Spectra etc.". Few pages used. Calculations and graphs. Entries run 3 May 1955 - some annotations and identifications by on various types of myoglobin and attachment of 10 October 1957; 1955 - January 1956 in the "Bodo - xtal growing 300-539". diagrams atoms. few Kraut, Last re-working some of the material. of material received from Royal Institution 11 March 1958. "TI Entries run 21 February - the Dintzis 1955-57 with comments, diagrams etc. calculations, heavy there are a J. Dickerson. was LE POMS". re-working of by and and a note on cover 10 March 1958 and are a_ heavy atoms Au and PCMS made a note by Dickerson 18 February 1958 when he (See next book C.105.) R.E. Dickerson and Dintzis) crystals with Register of gold tubes hand of n.d. (Bodo Bodo NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 91 C.106 "Photography Indexes diagrams, calculations etc. of material received, Book I". Both ends of book used and paginated. Tables, numbering conventions. 3 January - 26 September 1958. "2-R indexed and paginated. Photography of Myoglobin II". 26 September 1958 - Book Similar material, 14 July 1959. HM s Dintzrs Tables and calculations of photographs of myoglobin crystals and heavy is inscribed "Book I" but no later books survive. September 1955 - 1 July atoms 1956. book The 19 J... Kraut "Blue - porpoise". and porpoise myoglobin. Preparations and experiments on blue whale Few pages used. June-July (1956). in whale heavy October Anyway, to R.G. Parrish isomorphous various are covered in collection. of iodine and other experiments ClELO, G6. FEL "although the not mentioned. crystallization Also covered are the resultant effect on ©C.110) Parrish writes: In an accompanying note of books, is insertion heavy the period covered is Sept. notebooks sent by Parrish to Kendrew at his request for the Two 1986 present imidazole (attached the derivative intensity present efforts changes none toward successful. May 1954 during which time we did the species survey, identified the sperm isomorphous derivatization produce significant intensity changes and began the program to get heavy atoms into the structure." 1955. Parrish on "Species specificity of myoglobin", paper with Kendrew on "Imidazole complexes of myoglobin and _ position of the haem group", Nature, 175, published a collaborative paper with Kendrew and others 1954, and a the as preferred, without crystals (even showed atoms) atoms, 1952 that could Nature, 174, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew P.J. Pauling looseleaf Bulky finback crystal PLOG. “ROY. SOC. 4. 231, LIOb. whale structure myoglobin, binder of collaborative work with to their joint whale myoglobin II Finback related of on Kendrew "The paper myoglobin", Data, graphs, contour maps, electron density charts, sub-divided into: projection Fourier projection Fourier projection Fourier Intensity data ce b- a Origins and scaling Error in film measurement There are notes, revisions and checking by Kendrew, interspersed to with Pauling’s work; topic and are not in numerical order. 20 August 1954 - they are paginated but are allocated as The period covered is 12 December 1955, not in chronological order. B. Strandberg (1958). H. Wyckoff Unidentified April-July. Similar material. (1959). Relates to work with "Photography. Book I". "Wyckoff X-ray notes 1956". Records, diagrams, graphs, n.d. "Photography. Book II". Dickerson n.d. Various dates January 1956 - 1958. Notes on 3-D planes. Some notes in German. August-November 1957. Miscellaneous and scaling analysis. some related to haemoglobin notes and records, mainly on smoothing, structure factors, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Atomic co-ordinates/amino-acid sequencing in to of the but the and with Moore using is for organic Stanford programme, unnumbered conjunction main myoglobin crystallography. for Medical Research New York (C.273), of the amino-acid sequence of myoglobin had a timely research project by Kendrew as a series of stiff-backed looseleaf binders like Edmundson pursued this research first in America and those This and used They relate to a two-pronged analysis of the usually untitled. chemical myoglobin molecule structure The X-ray methods been determination as suggested as Rockefeller 1955 and from 1956 Institute then A.B. For the from 1961 to 1964 at the MRC Unit in Cambridge (C.219). crystallographers, resolution and later the even finer 1.4-& made it possible to identify many more co- By the time of ordinates to many of the atoms in the molecule. "From the results of his Nobel Lecture Kendrew was able to say: acid the residues of probability" the (Science, art cit. 1963). are known with almost complete certainty and 30 are known with a fair degree of achievement of the high 2-8 chemical studies, than previously, today some 120 and to assign side-chains W.B. Stein remaining spatial amino = X-ray early many and the the at 1.4-8 of 1970. the With Rome, Union an were not 16, 1963. The full with the atomic (1962). sequence courtesy Congress 1963 and of: 9-18 published; co-ordinate H.C. Watson, interactions of sequences collaborated on lists, (C.274 1.4- determination, International analyses, paper however, "Progress successively revised, = the September of side- chief he in papers on the amino-acid were in constant demand (C.275-C.277). Acta crystallogr., is included by structure" was delivered by H.C. Watson at the material covers a long period of time from June a resolution Sixth of abstract A D.C. Kendrew myoglobin (1961) and haemoglobin (1965) and also wrote on chain his collaborator circulated which resolution collaborative myoglobin International Crystallography, appears in the supplement to photocopy the abstract Phitlips at ¢C.289°. C225. when and Edmundson began work on the project to 1967 and the a The content and timespan of each sub- They include correspondence and work or results from and and in Kendrew'’s own hand his C.120-C.123, The Kendrew circulation little later work 1968, binder dividers. colleagues Watson. and careful may also be very diverse even within the considerable detailed work undertaken checking at all stages. lists of co-ordinates; A high proportion, collaborators, especially particular Edmundson labelled there is however, of the shows the of 1956 in See is also and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 94 Gully "Myoglobin sub-divided as follows: structure old material". Miscellaneous material, Tables and notes by "Chemical data". with A.B. Edmundson on peptide analysis; record sometimes "booming success", 1960 - May 1964. work in progress at the bench sometimes "bad on one occasion "paydirt". correspondence this is an interesting news", March Kendrew, of "S/C [side-chain] identification". drafts and revisions for lists. Detailed notes and March 1960 - July 1964. tables, "Interactions etc.". May 1962. Tables, diagrams, notes. December 1960 - "Sequence data". from data from R. Hill March-August 1962. conferences December 1960, Annotated material and sequence data received correspondence and June 1961, Notes, correspondence of haemoglobin and myoglobin and on "Homology". homology to collaborative paper "Comparison between the amino-acid sequences of sperm whale myoglobin and of human haemoglobin" Nature, 190, 1961. mainly probably related December 1960 - July 1963. Watson, with "Notes pre 6-& Fourier". in type A and also types B, January 1958. Early notes on heavy atom D, C, F myoglobins. attachment - 1956 June sub- Few pages tables, features". "Interpretation of 6-8 Fourier". Notes and diagrams n.d. Notes and diagrams, Miscellaneous material, some by Watson and "Chemical data". Notes and charts. "General others. structure current". Notes, charts, colour codes. May 1960 - September 1964. "Myoglobin divided as follows: "Bond lengths, models". dated, 1961. 1968". "S/G. February 1962 to "Final allocation November 1964 153 residues". "Interactions etc". and colleagues on configurations 1962. data on leucines from D.C. Phillips correspondence other Detailed notes and revision of Detailed notes and charts, "Sequence 1963. Miscellaneous charts, May 1964 - March October 1962 - March correspondence. identification". 1961, and from "Homology". Charts, data, data". NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C.LT9 "H.C. Watson. Myoglobin notebook". divided as follows: Miscellaneous material, sub- At front of book, untitled - miscellaneous notes, data, electron density charts, contour maps, December 1959 - April 1960. "Least all by Watson and includes printout by Dickerson June 1959). Notes and printouts June-September 1960 (not squares". "Holes in Fourier". Notes and charts. q "Sequence Edmundson. data". Notes and charts, includin & material from "Myoglobin co-ords". Charts (not by Watson). "Complete charts. myoglobin co-ordinates". Tables, electron density Untitled. amino-acids in myoglobin, n.d., c.1961. Notes by Kendrew for the 3-D co-ordinates of the 153 The notes were originally made in a small format notebook unlike according to Kendrew (private any elsewhere in the collection; communication a was direct sight of the 2-R model in the laboratory. subsequently separate sheet to fit into a standard looseleaf binder. July 1987) they were probably jotted down from apart and each page stuck on to a The book taken the helices (numbered A-H) of 2-8 setting out co-ordinates pp.1-53 p2 p3 pp.1-30 p4 = pp. 1-13 The pls on molecule. "2-8 Side-chains co-ordinates". as follows: notes are in three sections, povand. pa eight for Within each section the co-ordinates are based myoglobin the Each section is separately paginated: Tables and calculations. "Notes Notes on each amino-acid and likely identification, with some later notes and corroboration by Watson. "Summary amino-acids in helices A-H. Tables for All in Kendrew's hand. Three sets of work, sub-divided Probably preliminary work for identification of 151 above. by Kendrew, notes on S/Cs". on side-chains". "Co-ordinates". NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C7122 "1.5-R Side-chains". is This group, dividers. a detailed examination of 152 amino-acids and the haem the helices A-H being separated by sub- toa page, one The top half of each page gives the chemical identification, and and the lower half has notes on the X-ray findings first at 2-R then final A few notes have dates identification is in April, May 1962. reworkings and modifications at in upper right corner. 1 5-%: with The rear At 15pp. list and comments dated October 1965. "p4 co-ordinates plotted book of on 2-R Fourier". Untitled. by ordinates for Coulter least squares program" 1 March 1962. Printouts of co-ordinates, many checked and annotated "Proposed changes in co- Kendrew and with a front page list rear At 14pp. revisions" 25 April 1962. book of charts and notes of "Co-ordinate Printouts of co-ordinates on EDSAC, with notes Untitled. checking hands but density charts and contour maps. several in mainly Few pages only dated 1962-64. Watson. by and Electron also Also are the Later letter Watson. related undoubtedly work 1966-67, from R. Diamond almost all in Kendrew's version 8 October 1967 is also to preparation and circulation of co-ordinates and a little work by warning that "further revisions will a manuscript note of material to be listed dated manuscript lists and tables of factors in myoglobin July 1966 on his listings Work and the present set should not be regarded as revised hand; Untitled. of includes is myoglobin co- mainly ordinates Kendrew's and Watson’s "Myoglobin orthogonal coordinate and dihedral angle listing dated 1 April 1967" which was circulated 18 August 1967 be with final". required and A later 1970. there is lists (See of pro jected "Tabulations publications on co-ordinates. C.274). for manuscript included included papers", perhaps for other NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Miscellaneous so are because notebooks designated These more heterogeneous in content than those of the main myoglobin series or CG TZ F nevertheless are part of the myoglobin research and include some of the most accessible explanatory material and correspondence. C.128, C.129 have more general reference. because timespan. C.126; wider they cover they are a Kendrew and several collaborators relating to the Miscellaneous notes, data, correspondence etc. myoglobin sub-divided but mainly 1957-58, earliest date 1955 "General notes". by programme, as follows: "Exp." densitometer annotated Institution results, Pauling, T. Deeley, D.C. Phillips, Dickerson. Notes and diagrams for camera settings for 3-D pictures, several series of wedge tests (1958) Royal P.J. correspondence or notes by and Dintzis, data (1955), comparison Cambridge Kendrew, by of and Notes "Theo." reflections required at various Angstrém resolutions (1958), phases, scaling by Wyckoff (1956) and others, contour maps, phase determination (1957 by D.M. Blow). electron density charts, calculations number on of Of a by 27 of at in on _ the are his and Din, April "Notes special written interest obtained division project". equipment programme" required and the method of for W.L. Bragg rear of book, the probable timespan, project diary by Kendrew 24 to collaborators and various charts on will be a synthesis going as far out III as we can - probably to 16k. 3 preferably by the 3-dimensional Fourier synthesis with isomorphous Untitled, 1957 - and notes from or of myoglobin These outline the future programme, methods between Cambridge and the Royal Institution. II will be or Stage space April 10 December 1958 intercalated with related correspondence "State the 1958. the labour He writes: "Stage resolution 3 replacement. reciprocal heavy- atom method." NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 98 Gel27 Untitled. Kendrew and collaborators. 61, sub-divided but not always labelled, as follows: by Earliest date 1958 but mainly 1960- Miscellaneous notes, correspondence etc. data, Untitled. lectures", computer programs from C.L. Coulter 1961. Kendrew’s manuscript notes October "Cochran's 1961, notes on Fourier correspondence Transform on Untitled. Brief note on visitors to Unit September 1962. Untitled. Fourier transform, by Brenner, Antonini, and on Fortran 1960-61. on notes on "American trip" by Perutz, lectures correspondence Fourier, for 6-8 Contour maps Photographs of Fourier syntheses, "Structure", 1960", charts, from Watson on side-chains January 1961, Kendrew some dated 1958. haem of "Myoglobin 2-R and of helices. R1 model April Electron density letter miscellaneous notes by group and special section diagrams with a_ "Amino sequences 1958-61. acid comp." Notes and tables of various protein 3 Project February 1959 diary correspondence 1961, "Journal". with to intercalated and various charts on "State of project" (similar collaborators final material stages (Nature, 185, 1960), but also includes from 1 August 1960 plans to refine the Includes data or correspondence from Coulter, Dickerson, Phillips, L.H. Jensen. of work and publication of paper on 2-R to project diary at C.126). resolution to 1.5-8. Mainly related to - notes model July from and 10 or is all papers, 1959-71, Laboratory. discussions scientific at meetings hand, and attended by him programme of the consisting of his notes of "Conference notes and lectures". a chronological sequence of material talks and seminars given in by visitors or by staff members during its Open Days, in This lectures, Kendrew’s or by questions the other members of the MRC Unit, Unit and also of the papers given at the 1969 EMBO meeting at Konstanz on the Molecular though primarily on protein Biology structure, is thus not exclusively on myoglobin. The work is sub-divided as follows: This kept complement to Sections D (MRC Unit), N (Visits and conferences). was a late addition to the collection and though its contents are often an has _ been essential F (EMBO), L (Lectures) and item as an entity, The content, European proposed NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1959-62 D. Davies Polynucleotides 30 October 1959 Gierer TMV 20 January 1960 Anfinsen no title tr. d:. International First polypeptides, participants, notes). Madison Symposium on _ poly-a-amino Wisconsin, 19-23 June 1961 acids and (programme, See L.147 Gordon (programme, participants, 12pp.notes). on proteins, Conference New Hampshire 26-30 June 1961 See L.147, N.14. Gurd Chemical Studies of myoglobin 11 July 1960 Brenner Replicon n.d. Krimm Feather O'Brien no title 18 February 1963 25 February 1963 Brandén no title 25 March 1963 Green Lactoglobulin 13 May 1963 Luzzati Synthetic polypeptides 11 February 1963 1963-65 See L.147, N.17. 7 October 1963 24 January 1964 D. Blow Chymotrypsin 28 May 1963 Crickday Bonner Weizmann Conference, June 1963. Regulation of chromosome activity Holland visit to laboratories, see also L.148 12 October 1965 Conformation workshop, 24-25 June 1965 (7 pp. notes). Molecular interpretation of Bohr effect Structural Studies Division, account of work in hand Gordon 1965 (3lpp. notes). National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Conference on proteins, New Hampshire 28 June - 2 July Crick Talk to lab. 12-13 October 1964 See L.148, N.20. Klug Turnip crinkle virus 25 February 1965 See L.148, N.19. Perutz 4 February 1965 February 1964 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1967-68 Blow Travels in USA 17 August 1967 Perutz no title 23 May 1968 McLachlan Gordon Conference 1968 L9 July. £968 Symposium on symmetry and function of biological Nobel systems at the macromolecular level, Stockholm, 26-29 August 1968 (23pp. notes). See L.148, N.29. 1969 Diamond Real space refinement of myoglobin 8 July 1969 Clark tRNA crystals 29 September 1969 EMBO scientific part) (9pp. notes). discussion Konstanz 27-29 November 1969 (notes on See F.190-F.194. Crick Chromosome structure 19 October 1971 Notes on the literature, mainly 1961-68, sub-divided as follows: Indexing Proteins - general Proteins - part[icular] Haemoglobin DNA Miscellaneous NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew NOTES AND DATA (Kendrew and collaborators) the and than paginated documentation are more miscellaneous in character, and less rigorously These dated for preservation in the "official" sequence of notebooks, though the work is often concurrent and therefore follows a similar order. C.130-C.169 deal with research methods and species and the quest for the material best suited to X-ray specificity C.170-C.187 relate to the main myoglobin diffraction analysis; programme. C.190-C.195 also not exclusively so contain material relative to the main programme, The "collaborators’ notes and data" at in topic or date. techniques, selected but Preliminary work Horse haemoglobin and myoglobin Brief notes, electron density charts on haemoglobin. (EDSAC)". shape". Papers n.d. Diagrams, on molecular myoglobin. resolution 3D Patterson calculations. "Horse lattices, February 1949. Diagrams, Includes a note from W.L. Bragg, "Haemoglobin - Low calculations, printouts, December 1950 - January 1951. Horse myoglobin. headed "Pseudo-orthorhombic" and perhaps related to joint with myoglobin", Acta crystallogr., 7, photographs of myoglobin Fourier syntheses by R. Pepinski. lattices, ideas on structure, some paper horse pseudo-orthorhombic Correspondence myoglobin. machine". Pepinsky Le. “Veorter "A 1954. form of "Horse and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Blue whale "Blue Edsac Kendrew May 1952. whale myoglobin sheets, in (NH do so,", a.0 b,- calculations, defisity charts, ce pro jections , by checked all Blue whale in phosphate, December 1952. a, b, c Patterson. Similar material Penguin "Penguin imidazole orthorhombic". contour maps, intensity calculations October 1953. Printouts, density charts, Penguin a, b, c Patterson. Similar material n.d. b, ec projection. Diagram of "Intensity strip Printouts, density charts, Some dated July, September 1954. Early X-ray diffraction picture. Carp myoglobin a, lattices. "Carp non-principal projection". November 1952". Similar material October 1953. "Centred seal b, diagram October 1954. Printouts, density charts, Lattices A2, B’ diagrams. c face diagonals". "Wash seal a, c". "Centred seal". NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C.144 "Wash seal b". Similar material October 1953. "Wash seal monoclinic a". Similar material October 1953. "Monoclinic seal Lattice A". 1954. Similar material February, June "Seal myoglobin Lattice A’ b patterson". Similar material n.d. "Seal scaling charts, using above data. ‘Nodes and loops’ ". Graphs, radial distribution and Finback whale was the subject of extensive study 1950-54. This work (C.149-C.160) is Bluhm (C.161-C.164) and P.J. Pauling (C.165, C.166). the in Kendrew's own hand, and some is by M.M. Much of Work by Kendrew Manchester 1952". "Fly's eye work photographs, methods developed by H.S. Lipson. Printouts, contour maps, density sheets, calculations, lattices, graphs, ideas for structure etc., some dated November 1950, July LISE. Includes 9pp. summary of results. "Inequalities. graphs, one relation between the signs of structure factors" 1952, of which is enclosed. "EDSAC Finback whale May 1953". Cochran's rule. ‘Manual’ application of Cochran's rule". adaptation for EDSAC program etc. Notes, (only "A draft lattices, diffraction set dated 25 April 1953) based on paper by W. Cochran Routines and tables, dated May 1952 using optical Notes, graphs, (See also C.203.) a applying some calculations, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 104 c,153 "Fouriers of Finback. material, continues to June 1953. (EDSAC inequalities) May 1953". Similar whale 3-dimensional Patterson". "Finback density February, April, July 1954. charts, contour maps, calculations etc., Printouts (checked), dated some paginated and with a summary of contents, organisation as the stiff-backed binders and This is "Type F Inequalities". punched, format instead as loose papers in a folder. L953 to Cochran's for finback whale. and a substantial file of material, of the same kept The material runs December using Fouriers attempts but December methods and other programmes to obtain good various covers 1954 C.156-C.160 folders Five finback,. 1954 ;1955.. of contour maps and printouts for Fouriers of Work by M.M. Bluhm scaling Few dates. folders of Cit6E: €. 162 G.163,;.C,.164 intensities etc. Work by P.J. Pauling calculations and charts for Two folders of density sheets and contour maps. Two camera setting, finback whale. factors, for 3-dimensional structure of dates August 1954 - March 1955. This is work similar to that at C.111A on salt water changes finback ROY +500. related to the joint paper in projections, November 1954 - myoglobin, UG56:, Calculations and notes on Miscellaneous notes, contour maps etc., whale ,°237', calculations, in Proc. March 1955. a, b, c various NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Whale - Structure factors Notes, calculations and diagrams, all by Kendrew. whale finally attempt to explore research techniques and results. the "type A" crystals (not all Early work on selected) in Patterson fitting". "Whale crystals at different angles, early contour maps. dated EO S2 Various diagrams 1948-49 but one of the sets of drawings is dated graphs of The folder is May and 3 of structure factors for various models. a note by Kendrew summarising the results e.g. "Whale graphs, have enough improvement was obtained", sets of notes bear dates in February, March, May 1952. Structure Factors and Fouriers". Detailed calculations, tables Most good decisive Some "this looks pretty good" etc. absolutely Fourier", justify "not "no to a "Whale Similar project diary of work 13 June - Series a-n, material, IVC, in D. 9 July, no year given. calculations". a Perhaps includes Structure factor the order described. Also 19528 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Main Myoglobin programme Orthorhombic sperm whale and diagrams by Kendrew on "packing" and crystal lattices March A and B orthorhombic sperm whale, dated some Types Notes of ESS3. orthorhombic "Sperm sheets, contour maps, a, by R.G. Parrish, related to joint paper in Nature, 175, density c projections, some by Kendrew, some met-imidazole". graphs, Notes, 1955. b, "Sperm Kendrew n.d. orthorhombic ‘end-on' Fouriers". Work by Parrish and "Sperm orthorhombic a Patterson", November 1952, January 1953. n.d. have maps, some dated June 1954. of the Printouts, in order." orthorhombic b b projection from computation of the in the > origins I Monoclinic sperm whale inconsistencies whole "Sperm monoclinic met-imidazole". contour Kendrew. Patterson". calculations, With a later note 21 May 1955 by Kendrew checked the Everything seems "Sperm density sheets, "Because through photographs to the check totals of the Edsac. to be and calculations by Bluhm, only one page dated October 1953. "Reflections on Wissenberg Patterns". February-April 1953. Calculations, density sheets, and "Sections through 3-dim. Patterson of sperm monoclinic". Charts and notes by Bluhm Work by Parrish Notes NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C.L78 Scaling factors and checks by Bluhm. myoglobin. graphs, "Sperm whale calculations, including note on "Reconciliation of 3-dimensional results 2-dimensional little by Bluhm. 3-dimensional projections". synthesis". almost all printouts dated July Work (one by 16 Notes, 1953), with a Kendrew, Fourier". "End-on Notes Kendrew, a little by Bluhm. 1953. calculations, and by June 1953 and a later note November almost all .181-¢C.183 Three checks for Pattersons. folders of calculations, density charts, printouts and "Sperm whale myoglobin. Large and some additional, of values to be used on EDSAC tapes. 3-dimensional Patterson. EDSAC sheets". 1-12 scale charts by Bluhm checked by Kendrew, numbered Bluhn, checks’ and and data on on radial some with Includes Kendrew’s (see C.36), contour maps distribution. Printouts and 3-D Patterson". density sheets, calculations, by "Sperm monoclinic EDSAC outputs. calculations, all checked and corrected by Kendrew. Miscellaneous projections, corrections dated October 1954. Work intensity distribution for haemoglobin, myoglobin and ribonuclease sent by V. Luzzati 1954 notes and calculations by Bluhm. diagrams, including haem group n.d. Later work various hands n.d. on radial distribution, sections". diagrams Contour Fourier special maps and etc. in charts, "3-D a and graphs, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Collaborators’ notes and data In alphabetical order R.E. Dickerson and others calculations, Notes, Dickerson with Royal Institution; Phillips Kendrew Dickerson to V. Shore. preparation by but also by others and relating to collaborative work includes notes on verso of letter from from 12 May 1958 undated methods mainly etc., note and December 1957 - December 1958. an to H.M. Dintzis "Hel charts, densitometer readings etc. syntheses". Difference Notes, 1955. calculations, density Notes, scaling is in on haem group. 1955-56". maps etc. The material D.C. Phillips on Type D and Type F. "Type F tables, Kraut’s standard pages. Joe Kraut’s work contour work Work graphs, printouts etc., paginated 1-121 but not in numerical order, some dated 1960. factors, Includes brief notes by Kendrew on the format of the loose-leaf binders but was kept as loose 3M CsCl densitometer tests. "H. Wyckoff tests, irradiation tests, miscellaneous densitometer narratives, Extensive H. Wyckoff Includes notes". notes, - NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Unidentified Work on isocyanide spectra 1954-55. "Interesting note combination of myoglobin with isocyanide". unidentified hand in File cover has a manuscript the early work on NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Miscellaneous data, relating to checking 6-& Correspondence, 1957, obtained on EDSAC I against DEUCE computer at National Laboratory. Includes correspondence with J.S. analysis, dimensional the air permanently any time now small pieces". printouts, density sheets, contour maps, 3-dimensional Fourier synthesis Physical D.W. Green, on 3-dimensional 2- analysis explaining that "EDSAC 1 will be going off in from Kendrew 7 December Rollett July-October is at present programs EDSAC 2 letter EDSAG 1957 and ... on by a "An examination of the helices in myoglobin". for a paper so titled, of H.C. Watson, n.d. Manuscript draft with 6 tables and 3 figures, in the hand but 1960 or later. included is Also a brief outline by Kendrew for the paper under the title "The helical segments of polypeptide in myoglobin" and a note of two major collaborative papers intended for the series on "Structure of myoglobin" in Proc. Roy. Soc. of which I-V had been published 1950-59. The two mentioned in the note are "VII a three-dimensional Fourier synthesis of sperm whale crystals at 2-& resolution by Kendrew, Strandberg, Phillips and Kendrew, Shore" Phillips, These papers did not in fact appear and the work was published only in the shorter form of communications in Nature. "VIII Interpretation of a 2-R Fourier Dickerson, Shore". Strandberg, Watson and Dickerson, and by ? of of to on for 1965, "Aids proposal research interpretation interpretation computer generated models Material three-dimensional syntheses. on crystallography" renewal of Mainly exchanges with M.O. Dayhoff protein 1962 (with comments by Watson and Branden) and publication Atlas of Protein Sequence & Structure, later correspondence on probability research 1971. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MATERIALS AND APPARATUS Supplies and specimens on and and with whaling shippers, stations, the supply individuals 1952 when Kendrew and his team discovered the Correspondence colleagues suitable samples of myoglobin, also of various other species. December suitability to locate supplies; to sea various fish trains and airports. fisheries, of particularly of sperm whale but The earliest exchanges date from special trying Perutz joined the initial quest by writing to and from ships at were at overnight cables were sent members of the laboratory of sperm whale meat and no time was lost in times to collect specimens from cold stores, a colleague in Peru, despatched transport other and 1952-53. 1955-58. porpoise Optical diffractometer (much of this relates to the investigation of 1960-65 myoglobin by R.H. Kretsinger), 1972. See also C.150. Correspondence, lamp, related to optical apparatus devised by H.S. Lipson whom Kendrew approached Also includes high correspondence intensity light sources. masks and "pantographs" on optical Examples of are at C.308. the matter on the advice notes on the "Fly’s diffractometer W.L. Bragg. commercial suppliers drawings Eye" with and of on of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Microcamera Densitometer Drawings and diagrams by Kendrew and others. densitometers design suppliers, "Scanning correspondence "flying-spot" densitometer, 19575 A.C.0- North 1958; with paper (no author or correspondence with data". Drawings, blueprints, on M.H.F. Wilkins date) "Bluhm notes, information on photometer from F.H.C. Crick. Densitometer". calculations, Correspondence with graphs Bluhm by commercial firms, October-December 1953, Correspondence with supplier and colleagues on microdensitometer 1957-59. Miscellaneous rules and scales for use on densitometer in Kendrew's laboratory. AWRE routines Computer time Aldermaston. correspondence of time on IBM 7090 at on use/hire of computer Use 1959-61, C.L. Coulter 1960-62. Correspondence and information on myoglobin work on 7090 by Miscellaneous on various machines and at various institutions 1959-67, especially 1960-61 when EDSAC 2 was no longer capable of the fast computing required. time NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew COLLABORATORS AND STAFF posts research Correspondence and papers relating to doctoral, postdoctoral and team. other Applications USA, foundations; funded there or _ short-term are contracts. from various grant-giving institutions and some MRC staff members on long from UK and Europe, with the protein crystallography mainly from also come but publications, material may include applications and The for work in team, arrangements for funding, supply or importation of equipment, visits of varying duration, research proposals, progress and results, exchanges of information, etc. considerable Some period and include news of subsequent career. related correspondence with other colleagues others extend over brief exchanges, recommendations advanced degrees, are a Individual files Banaszak, L.J. 1962-66 the and had been hoped 1951-60 Work on guanidated myoglobin and GPDH. and others Bluhm, M.M. appointment, Bodo, G and others working as Scientific Assistant Includes a little correspondence 1951 when to make Kendrew's Bluhm was an MRC staff member, to Kendrew 1952-55. it analysis and material for 1952 appointment. 1973 conducted after Bodo had left MRC laboratory and atom Brdndén correspondence only, on arrangements. Correspondence returned attachment etc. a temporary MRC staff Bretscher, P.A. Brdndén, C-I myoglobin and others research, a year as Austria, 1957-60 member. Brief to on spent heavy 1962 1968, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Co2Z15 Coulter, C.L. and others 1959-66 funded worked 1960-62 on the 1.5-& Fourier synthesis 7090, Coulter on IBM Includes Crystallographic on protein structures" which discuss the work at 1.4-R. of myoglobin" and Institutes structure abstracts Association meeting June 1962 on "Recent "Refinement _ methods computed Health. American work for National given by Coulter papers by US the of of at Creighton, T.E. and others 1965-68 Dickerson, R.E. and others 1957-68 at worked Dickerson Science Foundation, a joint myoglobin co-ordinates etc. other and shorter visit July-August 1960. the laboratory, from January 1958 to publications, research US by funded National 21 August 1959 and for funding, results, Correspondence on and plans Dintzis, H.M. and others 1955-63 worked at the laboratory as a Rockefeller Fellow important contributions to the 1954- isomorphous Dintzis 595 replacement work. making to by US about funded 1959-71 National and others returning Foundation, Institutes sequencing, to America, some delays, Edmundson, A.B. and subsequently (February 1965) special equipment provided for the work by After attributed methyl-cellosolve) protein chemistry. Edmundson came to work in the laboratory on of Correspondence and the made After amino-acid Health, from October 1960 to September 1964. material Rockefeller over indefinitely to the laboratory, are also included. projects. illness particular on prolonged contact with solvents phase circles, discontinue Edmundson developed equipment, Structure Hoppe, W. research factors, obliged 1958-64 1957-58 and was an (in other work to NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C222 Huxley, H.E. and others 1950"55 mainly related to Huxley’s period Research and recommendations, at M.I.T. as Commonwealth Research Fellow, his return to the MRC Unit and provision of an electron microscope for his research. Jensen, L.H. and others 1959-62 Helices in 2-8 and 1.5-8 resolutions. See also C.127. Kraut, J. and others 1954-59 Kretsinger, R.H. and others 1963-73 Research and joint publication, draft paper on "The structure of porpoise myoglobin". Levitt, M. and others 1967-70 Levitt 1968 until the award of held an MRC Training Scholarship at the laboratory from a Fellowship at Caius in 1970. 1963-71 1951-56 correspondence is Pauling, P.J. and others Parrish, R.G. and others Parrish 54; and results. was a Merck postdoctoral fellow at the laboratory 1952- on funding and career, research programme Research, publications. Schoenborn, B.P. and others Pinkerton, M. 1955-61, 1969 1951-56 1964-69, 1974 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew C.232 Steinrauf, L.K. and others 1958-63, 1967 Stockell, A. Work on papain. 1958-59 Strandberg, B.E. 1959-65 Correspondence resolution and C.84). Strandberg July 1959 refers to crucial work and pressure to complete before finished their stay at laboratory stage of 2-8 R.E. Dickerson also (see Stryer, L. and others 1961-64 Watson, Hod: 1959, 1964-68 Watson 1959 - June 1968. had an MRC staff appointment at the laboratory December 1959-62 letter of myoglobin Wheeler, J. Wyckoff, H.W. and others programme. 1954-57, 1963 Kendrew's of the current state of the summary Wyckoff's 17 July 1955 includes a very clear Part time MRC staff member, working on EDSAC programming. reports on his research are also included. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Chronological files Shorter correspondence relating to applications to vist or Similar material to C.210-C.238 above, at the laboratory. work but less extensive. 1952-54. 1955-56. 1958-59. 1965, 1964, 1966. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CORRESPONDENCE Aspects of myoglobin years, ease of reference, below are the contents of Kendrew’s bulky for folders, C.248-C.272 descriptive sub-divided The material for each topic, which may extend over very titles. The content many elsewhere may e.g. and results, comments on publications, but Kendrew’s arrangement has been respected. is presented in chronological order. have some degree of overlap with correspondence preparation, on methods with his own of exchange of specimens Myoglobin - biochemistry 1947-81 1950-54. L950 297 . 1960-62. 1958-59. Looe. BOT 2. LORI e NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Myoglobin - Theory 1949-68 1949-53. 1956-1965; 96s Myoglobin - electrical - magnetic 1953-70 LOSS, L958. 1960-63. 1964, 1968, 1970. LOS 1958, £96) 962.65. Myoglobin - helix content 1955-62 Includes samples of micrographs. Myoglobin - electron microscopy 1954-63 1966. $955, 1957-56, 1962, Heavy atoms 1957-66 1957-60, 1965, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Myoglobin - physical chemistry general 1958-77 1958, 1961-63. 1964-65. E970. LOTS, 297 7. Myoglobin - oxygen reaction 1960-74 1960-62, 1966-67, 1970;.1972,21974. Myoglobin - 2-R Fourier 1960-67 1967. Porphyrin structure 1961-66 1960-62, of haem group. 1965, Correspondence and data 1961-66. Mainly on helical structure and position supplies, specimens, preparation methods, equipment etc. requests for information on Shorter correspondence 1954-75; NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Atomic co-ordinates/amino-acid sequencing by Kendrew work Correspondence 1955-59 with US colleagues on collaborative chemical suggested determination be undertaken by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research New York alongside the X-ray diffraction analysis in progress at the MRC Laboratory. of the amino-acid sequence of myoglobin, November 1955 for the to 2 The correspondence is mainly with S. Moore and W.H. Stein at the Rockefeller Institute, and with A.B. Edmundson who was the first to graduate the a Rockefeller Institute, postdoctoral Laboratory research (C.219). Some correspondence with other colleagues is included. later at Brookhaven and eventually as fellow work on the at the MRC initially project, student at exchanges The progress of the myoglobin project at a critical time. are of particular interest in chronicling the Kendrew’s 1967, lists of requests for tables, 74. August 1967, and Watson’s tables of co-ordinates circulated revised October 1967. April miscellaneous and chart of those supplied 1967- With of on from by of to to tables letter thanks, Kendrew research, sequencing reluctance colleagues on Cr2765 Cuz 15 February 1965 compiled letters and Watson information explains co-ordinates C. Levinthal of the distribute Kendrew'’s his prematurely. co- (C.274). or myoglobin model-building, requests to use some Correspondence simple requests for Kendrew's results, others with more detailed exchanges on work in progress, publications, 1960-67. Shorter correspondence distributing or requesting tables of ordinates Includes educational projects, or quote material. 1970-78. 1967-69. research C.276 SVT in 1967 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Publications General correspondence Kendrew and correspondence 1958-68 arising General myoglobin colleagues, of permission and published results and continuing work on myoglobin. from collaborators, editors and publishers. reprints to quote or reproduce material, congratulation, scientific exchanges requests related authors, to or received publications on from Includes letters photographs, thanks, from arising and letters of by some for January-May. January-May. June -December. June -December. 1968. June -December. January-May. 1964, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Myoglobin papers Correspondence (with synthesis Wyckoff and Phillips) in Nature, 181, and its publication August 1957 - January 1958 on the 6-R resolution Parrish, Dintzis; 1958. Bodo, Kendrew’s letter of Bodo, Wyckoff and Kraut, interest, summary of the work and future plans: sent to Parrish, Bluhm, Dintzis, is reproduced below for its historical 20 August, CAVENDISH LABORATORY, CAMBRIDGE 20 August, 1957 To save repeating myself, this is a circular letter to tell you that we finally managed to do a 3-dimensional Fourier synthesis of myoglobin the other day, with a resolution of 6 A. The phases were determined using 5 different isomorphous derivatives - mercury diammine, gold, PCMBS, mercury diammine + PCMBS, and gold + PCMBS - with an accuracy which I should estimate as + 20°; and therefore real. minutes using a 2-dimensional program of David Green’s modified for the purpose; repeated on DEUCE, the big machine at the National Physical Laboratory. and as a double check it has since been The calculation was done on EDSAC in 76 of which 100 were h0l’s 400 terms in all, and so The general shape of the Its position checks up exactly with The Fourier shows much more than I personally ever All the main features of the 2-dimensional Fourier of First of all the main parts of the polypeptide is the iron atom, which gives a is definitely on the hoped it would. chains are quite clear; peak 50% higher than the chains and is the most prominent feature in the pattern. that of the iodine peak in the 2-dimensional difference Fourier of p-iodo-phenylhydroxylamine. molecule corresponds pretty well with what we have said in earlier papers, and its position in the unit cell is precisely what was suggested by Howard Dintzis's salt-water difference- Fourier. the protein are now interpretable, and its highest peak, incidentally, turns out to be the iron atom. the chains is complicated and our old term "quasi-parallel" is an over-simplification! the average electron density of the chains drops to near average so that at this resolution they nearly fade out, or at least the turns are not distinguishable from salt bridges, etc.: the consequence is that it may not be possible at this stage to string together the various segments into a unique sequence. Several of the segments are essentially parallel (though not straight), but others run at right angles and so to speak tie the bundle together round the outside. The haem group is not in one sense it inside the molecule - Unfortunately when they turn corners The arrangement of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 124 outside, though in another one might say that it was buried in a cleft, though there is clear access for oxygen and other molecules. Our plan is to extend the resolution to A. using the same techniques as hitherto, though the phase determination will not be years. should clear up a lot of the doubtful points. resolution! (3,000 reflexions per derivative this time!). Maybe we can do this in 18 months or After that atomic so accurate. 2 This 3 I thought you might like to have this advance information about the latest results which, it goes without saying, would not have been possible to achieve without the efforts you made when you were in the Unit. from everyone here. All good wishes Why not come back for a while and help with the 3A stage? All the best - " also dated 17 August includes a generous letter of congratulation Folder W.L. Bragg thrill it was to see your structure yesterday ... appreciate your coming over so quickly to show it suggests synthesis was actually completed, was 16 August. from ("I feel I must write to say what a I did deeply to me"), which the "the other day" of Kendrew’s letter, when that and Bragg included 1960 on _ the and brief colleagues, 2-R again publication. in early January and January-February includes a little a pity to cut any manuscripts issue. are letters to and from Nature published the papers very rapidly, fascinating and meaty that it would be Also correspondence with Nature about publication. Correspondence its synthesis enthusiastically ("I with a real thrill ... so Ee out): the February collaborators and colleagues. resolution writes have been reading your paper and Perutz’ the paper describing these results is all of receiving 13 with written-up record of the 1.4-% work. the Included Watson, 1.4-R presented at Kendrew, International Sixth (photocopy Union of Crystallography, kindly of provided: presented papers on the research in 1962 (see C.215) but there is no fully Phillips and Blake, International Congress and Symposia of the resolution myoglobin structure determination" by here is the abstract of the paper "Progress supplement to Acta crystallogr., Rome, 9-18 September 1963 correspondence publishing in the Coulter also 1963, A 81, Coulter, Brdndén, by. Dic. Phillips). C.L. Also with 16, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Les c.290 (a)-(h) and caption for Figure 18 pp.94-95 "Crystal Series structure of myoglobin V", with Bodo, Dintzis and Wyckoff, Proc. ROY 150C'. L959. 20357 of Miscellaneous captions for exhibits. Circulation list for Kendrew’s publications c.1954-58. In July 1986 Current Contents, no.29 featured the 2-8 paper (Nature, 185) as "This Week’s Citation Classic" by which date it The 6-8 paper (Nature, 181) had been cited in 475 publications. had paper (Nature, 190) had been cited 405 times at the same date. cited 140 times and the amino-acid sequencing been 29 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MODELS Skeletal model By were originally designed by Kendrew and made up These Cavendish workshops. Repetition laboratories unofficially, and information on the matter. the workshops and later (from 1958) in the MRC Unit's own Cambridge other though Correspondence with MRC historical known as Kendrew models. to frequently, August 1963 - December 1960 Engineers they Ltd., US. manufactured by sold provides several others mainly 1965, being were They were in in Correspondence with colleagues, MRC and others on supply of models 1960-70. Cambridge Repetition Engineers, Ball-and-spoke model to many kind. small approached MRC in May 1965 with a view requests for models of the myoglobin correspondence and negotiations with MRC and Cambridge Engineering Laboratories who had a Barker should be formally licensed by NRDC to produce of the Research Development Corporation (NRDC) it was Preliminary circular letters to colleagues May 1965 - May 1966. Following Kendrew manufacture and sale. of business National that models. in May 1966; established, by Kendrew and passed on to Barker. molecule, commercial He suggested the services of A.A. Barker private After various discussions with MRC and agreed the Letters to colleagues about the scheme were circulated orders were received and processed, and priorities 4 Folders. Correspondence and priorities 1966-71. C.294-C.297 periodical orders, orders lists NRDC, and of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Science Museum London Correspondence models, advice on captions etc. with museum staff about loan or gift of Various dates 1958-77. various Correspondence Correspondence costs etc. methods, of atomic model-building and scientific illustration. colleagues and manufacturers with on 1953-58. models", often referred to elsewhere in the correspondence. "Pauling-Corey R.B. Corey, With on space-filling 1957. With manufacturers of expanded polystyrene/plastics. 1957-59: of 1960) Models, 1961-62. Molecular Exhibition and molecular models of the Biophysics report of the Conference of the committee Includes catalogue of British Biophysical Society Winter 1965; earlier Meeting on (September atomic Biophysical Chemistry Study Section of the US National Institutes of Health. Printed/duplicated information on model-building. 1966-67. and an and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MISCELLANEOUS Pantographs and "pantographs" (End Masks on) taken 1952 with the so-called "fly's eye" optical diffractometer based on the work of H.S. Lipson. of finback whale myoglobin See C.203. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION D MRC LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, CAMBRIDGE INTRODUCTION BUILDINGS APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION HISTORICAL NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION This is the last and current title of the famous institution where most of the brilliant early research was conducted which gave Britain its historical lead in protein crystallography and molecular biology. Under its original name of Unit for the Study of the Molecular Structure of Biological Systems it was set up in Cambridge by the Medical Research Council from 1 October 1947 with a staff of two, M.F. Perutz and J.C. Kendrew, housed in the old Cavendish Laboratory in Free School Lane. The Unit expanded rapidly - by 1950 F.H.C. Crick and H.E. Huxley were already working there and J.D. Watson arrived in Michaelmas 1951 - and was renamed the Molecular Biology Research Undt in’ 1956,. Although plans were put forward by Perutz, and accepted by the MRC, in 1958 for its expansion into a Laboratory of Molecular Biology with its own building, the work continued at the Cavendish in increasingly cramped conditions until 1962, when new quarters were opened by the Queen in _ the University Postgraduate Medical School on the New Addenbrooke's Hospital site. by A. Klug. of the M.F. Perutz in 1979, various gatherings, until he reached (until 1986) and was Chairman of Deputy Chairman the Laboratory Kendrew was retirement age Division of and Director celebrations, The records of his his successors being S. Brenner A further major extension was agreed in 1964. own research in Cambridge constitute Section C. Structural Studies until 1974 when he was seconded to EMBL. The fortieth anniversary of the first MRC Unit was marked in 1987 about some of these is at D.39. articles and TV programmes; information NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew BUILDINGS Architects’ plans Addenbrooke's site. January, March 1960 for laboratory on Architects’ plans June 1966 for extension. Correspondence Correspondence, laboratory, including little later material. mainly memoranda, negotiations on conducted by Perutz 1963-64 with extension MRC, research notes and ideas from colleagues and also to but a 1967, and for EMBL, or possible material 1965, accommodation for memoranda Miscellaneous correspondence European scientists, 1968. later on is documented in Section C. Much of the material deals with the laboratory's later needs for computer hard or software. Equipment for Kendrew'’s own research APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Computers Conferences MRC facilities for staff of MRC Units, 1958, computer needs and on access to computing 1962. General correspondence, memoranda, estimates, notes of discussions, Cambridge officials, requirements, 1961-69. meetings University, covering and committees, with computer firms, all aspects of in MRC computer purchase, hire or collaborative use of laboratory and colleagues and MRC and machines policy memoranda and notes from other members of Includes in reports received from colleagues working elsewhere. particular D.M. Blow, U.W. Arndt, laboratory, and also information and Correspondence, Cambridge University Titan machine. memoranda, discussion notes etc. 1963-69 on at Computer discussions (to a cost of 1966 memoranda, Correspondence, 1963-66 process £140,000. complaining of poor performance of machine. on purchase by MRC of Ferranti Argus 304 data from X-ray diffractometer, of letter by Includes notes copy of meetings and see D.11) at Perutz and time November papers 1963-67 on use of computer Correspondence Atlas Computer Laboratory. processing camera for slide making. Correspondence, memoranda, discussion notes, costings etc. 66 apparatus. performance of Ferranti apparatus. 1959- diffractometer poor of Includes Watts/Ferranti Hilger copy correspondence Miscellaneous See also D.9. purchase complaint Polaroid 1957-61 Perutz rapid on & of on by on NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Computing Staff Tabulated information by Kendrew and others on requirements computing staff for various members of laboratory. on those engaged. for A few notes Correspondence work Kendrew’s notes. as computing with successful applicants for full or part time Includes laboratory 1957-62. staff in Research Staff earliest Applications mainly vitae, 1962 but to 1969-73. curricula recommendations and a log of correspondence (compiled in work in laboratory, Material includes date correspondence, laboratory). NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION and minutes of laboratory Board meetings, administrative papers Miscellaneous agendas equipment, new laboratory, finance, a little correspondence. space allocation, proposals 1961, lists of personnel and research projects or sub-divisions 1964-74. for Includes requests for visitors, the in _ Miscellaneous laboratory: research reports and proposals by members of TMV 1964 K.C. Holmes, A. Klug X-ray diffraction n.d. unsigned Nucleic acid Chymotrypsin Mass spectrometry F. Sanger D.M. Blow F. Sanger NMR A.D. McLachlan for MRC to of visit Division (Chairman) , synopses Subcommittee talks accompanying demonstrations for symposia and study courses on the A.S.V. Burgen, R.D. Preston and P.M.B. Walker. Notices, applications etc. work of the laboratory 1967-73 and undated. of Arrangements Members of the Subcommittee were Structural Studies 9 May 1973. A.F. Huxley, Pe: J.A.B. Gray Includes programme, Phillips, timetable, and other background information supplied to Subcommittee, report on visit and comments. other business trips for 1975. Brief notes by Kendrew on various matters related to laboratory, including a breakdown of time spent in UK, at EMBL, on ICSU and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 135 D238 Structural Studies Committee Meetings 1-118, 3 March 1975. 10 February 1969 - agendas, Includes correspondence, allocation, financial Structural Studies Division. and space visitors, estimates and allocations relating to the work of the requirements, dealing with all aspects background papers staffing, apparatus and equipment minutes and some of N.B. For meetings 1-7 only the agendas survive. HISTORICAL Miscellaneous the laboratory in 1987. items commemorating the fortieth anniversary of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION E CAMBRIDGE : UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE INTRODUCTION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Bee ee E.3°=E.5 Teaching and curriculum Committees E.6 Electoral and Advisory Boards E.14 Prizes Bed5), EG E.7 -E.10 E.11-E.13 Supervision PETERHOUSE Scholarship and entrance examinations Mastership elections NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION The material in this section deals with Kendrew’s postwar career at Cambridge. Though by no means a complete record, it gives some picture of his involvement in university and college life. For virtually the whole of this period, that is from the start of the MRC Unit on 1 October 1947, Kendrew was a full-time salaried member of the staff of the Medical Research Council and indeed remained so until his retirement from EMBL in 1982. His own position, like that of the MRC Unit itself, was thus somewhat ambivalent vis-a-vis the organisation of the university and its collegiate life, but like many of his colleagues he made a full contribution to the requirements of research, teaching and administration at university level, while his connection with Peterhouse gave him a _ valued link with college life. Sciences Sciences he an own to 1953, and July 1947 he was elected 1953 until 1950-56 and a resigned in organised the Kendrew was College Lecturer in Natural research during the 1950s, accustomed efficiency; he continued to be actively involved Honorary Fellow in November 1975. Despite the intense pressure of his He was Director of Studies in Natural to a Supernumerary Fellowship from crystallography section of the MRC Unit, with many aspects of life at Peterhouse. elected to a Research Fellowship at Peterhouse July 1975 on his secondment to Heidelberg; Governing Body served on various committees. together with his responsibilities for the protein selection and tuition of scholars and undergraduates R.8, of his developing research and of the early growth of the he was Steward from 1955 to 1959 and as a member of the latter is held in the College Archives. Information about Kendrew’s appointments at Peterhouse is Official material relating to the of his Research Fellowship 1947-53 give They are included at C.27. succinct and interesting to the Master of Peterhouse during the with his 1956-67 and Kendrew’s annual MRC Unit. tenure accounts from 1 at reports NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Teaching and curriculum record. Notes of graduate supervision fees paid to Kendrew 1950-68, kept J2D.: Watson; oR Gs as Parrish, Poe. Bretscher. R.A. Crowther, Py Paueine, C.L. Nobbs, H.E. Huxley, include Names correspondence Brief subject suggested by J.W.S. Pringle and J.A. Ramsay. papers in Part I biology" 1959-60 of Natural cell and on proposed Sciences "Half Tripos, Committees Deer and of the General report Board on the 1968-70 on Committee and brief long-term Department. needs and _ departments; correspondence J.B. Hutchinson were E.C. Bullard, Copy of published report. Chairman of the Committee to administer the funding, of the J.C. Kendrew. December Committee scientific members The 1965 as no.4485 of the Cambridge University Reporter. was submitted in October and published in the Chairman was W.A. the discontinuation of the Department of Colloid Papers of Management for Biophysical Chemistry and Colloid Science, set up after Science staff and research of in July 1968, the G.B.B.M. Sutherland. but nominated Kendrew. Correspondence and material prepared by the "Professorial Group" discussion (Chairman A.S.V. Burgen, with group, Biological Sciences Sub-Committee, Visit of U.G.C. January 1970 the departments of biology and to discuss problems that may exist at Cambridge." "to learn as much as possible about the activities of M.F. Perutz was asked to join the Secretary D.F. Barton) for Sub-Committee. The was 21 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Electoral and Advisory Boards Material relating to the following, on which Kendrew served, has been passed to Cambridge University Archives, University Library Cambridge (Ref: KEN. A-F): 1969 Advisory Biophysics Committee on the Plummer Professorship of Elector Computing Service to the Directorship of the University Elector Biochemistry to the Sir William Dunn Professorship of Elector Genetics Advisory Physics to the Arthur Balfour Professorship of Committee on the Plummer Professorship of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew PETERHOUSE Scholarship and Entrance Examinations the time in at a held for at aiming separately candidates entrance as a commoner were held in March. These were Examinations exhibition were held in December; for their and marked in common; "King’s Pembroke, Entrance colleges. question. or examinations for those aiming held set the relevant group here was known as the Peterhouse, Colleges. individual scholarship examinations in small groups with papers examinations were usually organised by the and consisted of scholarship and Corpus Colleges Gonville College, Christi King’s group" and Caius, scholarship 1959, group Entrance 1951, the standard of questions set and analyses of performance, some with preliminary correspondence and drafts. and exhibition papers comments by Kendrew 1953-57, King’s with most for on 1963. 1956m. 1958; Full Sh L909 with notes and analyses performance tables of all candidates in King’s group 1954- Peterhouse entrance examination papers, of performance, 1950-59, 1962, Kendrew’s notes on interviews with Scholarship candidates 19535; 71959. 1952, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Supervision Kendrew’s notes on undergraduates supervised 1947-50. Miscellaneous Peterhouse undergraduates 1962-67. reading lists, correspondence with or about Correspondence on the supervision system at Cambridge, with W.B. Harland 1964, H. Butterfield (then Master of Peterhouse) 1965. Correspondence, for college prizes, (Tait Prize 1949, Sohan Lal Bhatia Prize in Physiology 1963-66). suggestions for titles etc. Prizes Mastership Correspondence and papers 1967-68. Correspondence and papers 1972-73. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION TO SECTIONS F, G AND H European collaboration in research and teaching in molecular biology was a cause to which many scientists devoted themselves from the early 1960s. Kendrew was closely involved with the movement from its first inception, holding major offices in committees, advisory boards and working groups, and, through his participation in many of the similar bodies of the UK scientific consultative establishment, playing some part in the direction of official opinion. Though the detailed history of the movement is exceedingly complex, its outline is simple. It began with the formation of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), set up after various preliminaries in February 1964. This was, and remains, a private organisation of scientists working in (EMBC); The proven of courses, success aiming to fellowships, promote research meetings and eventually led to a series to an agreement the field, with Statutes, shown from the by thirteen West intergovernmental admissions to seventeen. Funds for these purposes and the helpful initiative a Council and an elected membership, European Molecular Biology Conference of the EMBO programme over this period, earliest days by the Swiss Government, summer schools, and collaborative research. and teaching in Europe by long- and short-term grant from the Volkswagen Foundation for the three years 1966-68. were provided by small grants, and, from December 1965, by a major pump-priming always comparatively simple low-cost means such as fellowships and courses had not met the establishment of a major research institute or laboratory had fostering of European excellence in molecular biology with the administration and implementation thereof. for the scientific programme drawn up by EMBO which is The members of the Conference are representatives of it is clear from the very earliest and its principal role is to agree a is achieved relatively free from the agreement was reached in In this way the primacy of really serious opposition, not individual scientists, European states, increased by later to establish a scientific aims then entrusted their number bureaucracy. international governments, budget by documents While the 1969 EMBO's with that NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew been part of the plan and that this project was especially dear to Kendrew himself. It was written into all the manifestos and proposals, a Laboratory Committee with Kendrew as chairman was in being from 1964, a proportion of the Volkswagen grant was earmarked for feasibility studies and the EMBC budget included from the first a provison for laboratory working-groups. it 29s equally clear that the laboratory project was regarded as highly controversial, by governments because of its high and continuing costs (especially as presented in its first and grandiose form), and by many scientists and members of EMBO itself who disliked and saw no necessity for the concept of a large international institution which might cream off gifted researchers from national centres of excellence. The Laboratory proposal had to be _ soft- pedalled at the intergovernmental meetings, the plans themselves were scaled down, in Britain many high-level debates continued to show reluctance to admit the necessity for such an institution, and not all the members of EMBC were able to afford a contribution to the cost. Nevertheless the tenacity of the proponents of the laboratory scheme was rewarded when in May 1973 the Agreement was signed by ten of the thirteen EMBC states establishing the European roof. The memoranda, for In Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). By that date a site had been agreed at special facilities Heidelberg where Scientific Advisory The laboratory was consists of letters, formally opened in 1978. were well advanced and a Provisional they maintain separate offices under the same 1974 the Secretariat of EMBO as well as of EMBL moved to material relating to all these organisations which is here is of historical interest for its content and also for its provenance. Heidelberg, with temporary accommodation at other institutes in the town, plans collaboration with the “outstations" at Hamburg and Grenoble which offered Committee had been set up in October 1971 to establish a programme of research. There is also a considerable uniquely placed at or near the centre of the developing project. service as the first Director-General of the EMBL came informal discussions by groups of molecular biologists staple is Kendrew's own carefully-preserved accumulation of correspondence on the subject for incorporation. reports and drafts covering twenty years from he was Secretary-General of the EMBC 1970-74 served on its Council 1963-71 and 1975-77 and and Project-Leader 1971-74 then Director-General of the EMBL. as its Secretary-General 1969-74; also a founder member of EMBO, he was a founder member of EMBO, its Deputy Chairman Professor Jeffries Wyman, Secretary-General own papers and has made over his when Kendrew’s the earliest to 1982 to an files: He was’ thus In addition, preserved It and first 1963-69, end. The NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew amount of material of Max Perutz, the first Chairman of EMBO and a prime mover in the early meetings and the negotiations for the vital Volkswagen grant and the intergovernmental meetings; and there are letters, carbons or photocopies exchanged between most of the founder members of EMBO who were all leading scientists working for the encouragement of European collaborative research in the intervals of active laboratory life. The early history of EMBO and of the "Swiss Initiative" leading eventually to EMBC are thus very well documented in almost every aspect by original material. The records of the early history of EMBL are unique because of Kendrew's special commitment to the project; they include the preparatory studies carried out under EMBO and EMBC and also the building, research programmes and administration of the laboratory itself. Some of the political dimension of the project as it affected Britain can be traced in the papers of the Royal Society's International Relations Committee, the Council for Scientific Policy and less extensively of the Medical Research Council. Developments in other European member states can only be glimpsed in correspondence with colleagues and there is no official intergovernmental earliest The separate and remain material - there (Section G) interlinked in a careful material as such. present it in the Conference EMBC each of which has its own introduction and list of contents. and the Laboratory EMBL (Section H), abundance of material has made it expedient to It is of course acknowledged that this is sections for the Organisation EMBO (Section F), is some overlap when correspondence may range Nevertheless it has a justification both in chronology and, in some ways an artificial distinction and that - especially with the topics and when meetings and membership of committees were arranged to coincide Committee scientists and scientific administrators in Switzerland leading to the Both these organisations were obviously continuously involved with The EMBO material remains primarily the continuing story of a private scientific organisation traceable from 1963; was set up to decide a research programme and a project and it is much more difficult to the first surviving document here is of Kendrew was appointed Project Leader, political decision to establish EMBC: The choice has been made of 1971, political and administrative considerations a Provisional Scientific Advisory for EMBL when scientific, there is some overlap later, in separate sometimes uneasily, legal identities. and _ balances. system of checks over several July 1964. the laboratory assign a "starting Committee combined. date" were, through when Building NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew was established to determine site, specifications and choice of architect. Every effort has been made throughout to avoid or minimise overlap and cross-references have been provided whenever they seemed useful. The success of EMBO in weathering financial storms, bureaucratic takeovers and political indifference over so long a period, maintaining its own entity and developing to play a significant role in an intergovernmental institution such as EMBC and a major international facility such as EMBL is generally agreed to be largely due to the close network of distinguished scientists who knew and trusted each other as colleagues and friends. On: a practical level this means that many of the early documents in all_ three sections are letters exchanged with varying degrees of informality. Many are in longhand, or have manuscript additions and afterthoughts. Not all are dated, including many from J. Wyman; not all are signed, including many of the carbon copies from M.F. Perutz; these have been assigned a place and provenance from their content. It should also be remembered that the MRC Unit at Cambridge was Kendrew’s base until 1974 and that much of the work of EMBO, members of Perutz and Hoh. Huxley, Bo HeG. Grick, EMBO and its its Staff (S,. Brenner, A. Klus in addition «to EMBC and EMBL emanated from there, as well as letters on the unmistakable pink Kendrew) who were founder or very early members of copy paper apparently favoured there during the 1960s from the leading committees. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION F EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION (EMBO) Pel-h 239 INTRODUCTION EARLY HISTORY ol beg Preliminary meetings and correspondence 1963 iLO=Be15 Formal constitution and statutes ~ 16-833 Relations with other organisations .34-F.42 Policy document .43-F.56 Funding .97-F.60 Miscellaneous correspondence MEMBERSHIP COUNCIL Circulars and lists 1964-75 Minutes and circulars 1963-81 Membership and elections 1963-74 Nominations and elections 1963-82 Correspondence and meetings 1964-80 1965-73 Correspondence and papers Fellowship applications 1964-74 1965-74 1964-74 FUND COMMITTEE F.130-F. P.133-F* F.141-F. Membership He 150 Minutes NCUACS 11/4/89 . Kendrew COURSE COMMITTEE Lobb 53 Membership 1965-74 F.154-F.167 Correspondence and papers 1965-74 F.168 Minutes and circulars 1966-69 LABORATORY COMMITTEE F.169-F.208 Meetings, correspondence and papers 1963-73 ADMINISTRATION P2209 -P: 210 Appointments Pozilen 215 Finance and accounts FeZLG6=F 220 General administrative correspondence MISCELLANEOUS Pio2s07k 231. Re252 1974-80 Peg Minutes F.221-F.228 Correspondence and papers 1974-81 SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE 1966-81 Press releases, articles, comments 1963-71 Annual reports NCGUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION The earliest surviving documents (F.1) are dated January 1963. References in the correspondence, and Kendrew's later letter of 1971 included in the same folder, mention informal discussions in Geneva and Washington at the end of 1962 in which Kendrew, J.D. Watson, and V.F. Weisskopf took part and L. Szilard played a leading role. (Szilard's early involvement and strong encouragement of the project were subsequently commemorated in the Szilard Library at EMBL. See: Pr4h.> 8.46. Ho b4s “He 312)... At this early stage, throughout and indeed considerably later than 1963, the possible establishment of a central organisation and institute in Switzerland on the model of CERN was envisaged. The project was often referred to as CERB (the biological equivalent of CERN); other names and acronyms were European Fundamental Biology Organisation (EFBO) and European Biological Organisation (EBO). The crucial preliminary meeting, and the first attended by Perutz much close through personal F.61) and _ the (F.4-F.7). Here relationships with scientists This, like most (F.8, F.9), suggestions notably the two was held at CERN; research institute. of the early meetings, links with Switzerland continued for membership were requested (F.60, of the future shape of the organisation was determined, A provisional executive committee was appointed and met (later first Chairman of EMBO) was at Ravello in August 1963 constituent Council meeting was held in February 1964 (F.80). E. Kellenberger and others) and the encouragement of the Swiss government. purposes of funding research fellowships and courses and the establishment of a In aide-memoires and notes of meetings or discussions for private circulation. The first Council meeting ushered in a period of great activity, the drafting of a constitution (F.10-F.15), the formalisation aims (F.34-F.42) and the assuring of funds - EMBO is bound up with the problem of EMBO's relations with, no subscription or entrance fee. correspondence and reports and of international bureaucracy. were too narrowly confined or UNESCO entailed the slower pace and The funding problem was national boundaries or limited scientific aims, Some of these negotiations while others such as_ the or independence of, it was thought, well documented: organisations, some of which, documented (F.16-F.33) through also through elective and ramifications Council of Europe other by of EMBO'’s there is political are (Weisskopf , all closely NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew the event EMBO kept its independence and launched its scientific programme thanks to a three-year grant from the Volkswagen Foundation (F.43-F.49) which, together with the diplomatic efforts of the Swiss government, saw it through to the signing of the intergovernmental agreement to provide financial support. All these administrative and financial matters, and the continuing negotiations with the Swiss government, necessitated relatively frequent meetings of Council in 1964 and 1965 as well as private discussions or attendance at meetings which were reported to Council members by postal circular. The papers and correspondence for these early meetings are of considerable interest in tracing the growth of EMBO through the efforts and personal connections of its founder members. Although the rules of EMBO prescribe that the Council should meet "not less than once a year, normally in January or February", this steady state was rarely achieved. The movement towards the establishment of the Conference and the protracted negotiations for the existence, scope, site and funding of the Laboratory all required special meetings, the setting-up of working groups and the Council EMBO's Committee Fund May which 1964. 1965; the Course fellowships papers should be to the EMBC Full records From 1966 the material in Section G. short- and long-term implemented through the scientific programme was and the Laboratory Committee founding documents up to 1974. preparation of reports and position papers. and which met for the first time in November which received and evaluated applications for consulted in conjunction with those relating Committee which first met formally in July 1966; had its first meeting jointly with the World Health Organisation in the the second intergovernmental meeting of January 1968 of Kendrew's special involvement with it (he was its chairman from its inception until 1969) and because of the lukewarm and even hostile project encountered from scientists and politicians. records of the Laboratory Committee are of the intergovernmental meetings and to the other EMBO committees and its main task of all these committees are preserved here submission to EMBO members, European Molecular proposals and costs for to the Volkswagen (F.171-F.182) It met less regularly than Foundation, devised in 1967 Biology Conference. from their submitted to A major proposal to prepare particular was where interest reception The because the to which the was NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew agreement was reached to provide, initially for five years, resources for the EMBO programme. The cost of this first laboratory scheme was considered excessive and an important meeting of EMBO members and other scientists was held in November 1969 at Konstanz; here the scientific programme was revised and working parties were set up for each of the specific activities agreed as most appropriate for an international laboratory (F.190-F.194). The revised proposal (F.195, F.196) was published in February 1970 and discussed at the first plenary session of EMBC in April 1970. It was accepted in principle and the Conference set up its own working parties in November 1970 to consider specific aspects of the laboratory; these are documented in Section G. In addition to these three original committees, special EMBO committees were set up from time to time. Of these, the Symposium Committee is documented (F.221-F.229) from its inception in 1974 until its absorption in the Course Committee in 1980. The ad hoc Committee on rDNA which was set up Council in January 1975 was established as a Standing Advisory Committee by in January 1976. Its recommendation at its first meeting in February 1976 that a set up within the framework of EMBL led to _ the containment laboratory be laboratory, development of the "P4" facility. All the material relating to the containment including papers preceding and relative to the EMBO Committee, are in Section H. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew EARLY HISTORY PRELIMINARY MEETINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE Geneva 28 March laboratory Correspondence and papers, January - March, on plans for proposed international by Weisskopf. scientists to be No agenda or note of discussions are included; those invited included J. Monod, C.H. Waddington, A. Engstrém, H. Friedrich-Freksa, M. Delbruck, E. Amaldi, A.A. Buzzati-Traverso, L. Cavalli-Sforza. Includes Kendrew’s notes of costings, and meeting held at approached. chaired CERN Waddington’s C.H. objections continued to be made throughout the ensuing decade. March outlines centralised letter idea the of to of 11 a many of the which laboratory included Also Szilard Szilard's part in them. which in here is correspondence 1971 with a biographer Kendrew outlines the early discussions of and Geneva 28 June for choice at meeting Europe" meeting, "Proposal presented (Kendrew’'s "European Biological Ravello 16-17 September laboratory of molecular biology in ", an CERB, Organisation" Correspondence April - June on arrangements for of participants, matters for discussion. Draft and final "Record of Discussion on Molecular Biology ... papers international Waddington’s non-centralised EBO), comments by M. Delbruck. Organization Subcommittee" (Chairman: Buzzati-Traverso). meeting was held at the invitation of the The Society papers were further discussed and the EMBO was set with Laboratory Physical Waddington together a "Federal provisional executive committee (Chairman: and Perutz), a its summer course. The Kendrew and subcommittee (Chairman: Kendrew) Italian during a up, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew bSZ Correspondence February - August with organisers of meeting colleagues; discussions of proposals. and participants, invitation, proposed includes Correspondence July draft proposals, and French representation at meeting. with Szilard and August - Waddington re Correspondence meeting. October on Kendrew’s draft summary of _ the of Summary annotated agenda of meeting, proposals, ms. notes by Kendrew. proceedings of meeting, October, lists of participants, comments on Kendrew, by 29 Provisional Executive Committee, Brussels 12 December meeting This chairman by EURATOM. was organised by Buzzati-Traverso as The expenses were defrayed acted who in the absence of Perutz. meeting, no - for research WHO Wyman, French December 1963 proposal, continuing correspondence Participation in October - December. EMBO of proposal, of minutes), Wyman's account of meeting (there were Agenda formal January 1964. Correspondence Js cancer invitations and nominations. February 1964 the EMBO Council had its first meeting. In papers and correspondence for that and subsequent meetings 1964-80. Correspondence on choice of lawyer. Drafts Kendrew, first lawyers drafts meeting in July 1964. by and presented to the international further Council in Belgium and Switzerland were approached and the Swiss firm was chosen at FORMAL CONSTITUTION AND STATUTES EMBO Council in February 1964. constitution and regulations Kellenberger and Wyman, See F.80-F.118 drawn up. prepared Firms of for a Perutz, were The NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew E53 FB. ld: Manuscript notes and drafts, some dated January 1964, by Kendrew and others. Draft submitted by Belgian lawyers, with a little correspondence and comments, April - June 1964. Drafts drawn up by Swiss lawyers, by Kendrew and Perutz, June - September 1964. with annotations and comments Final versions of Rules and Statutes (English and French). Correspondence registration of EMBO in Switzerland (12 July 1964), drafts amendments of constitution, February 1964 - September 1965. members of EMBO and with Swiss lawyers with re and RELATIONS WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS of some private or by the to set up K.118 and K.119), F.16-F.26 1963-68 movement towards EMBO was involved UNESCO, ICRO, ILSI varying degrees numerous initiatives, World Health Organisation They are presented, scientific co-operation in the national and some international. these which are documented in The produced some several detail. order forward concurrently, making the story a complex one. 1960s semi-private, with of for convenience, in chronological though in fact meetings and negotiations were often going to a similar Attention is also drawn (F.169, initiative an international health research centre, to which reference is made in the correspondence. in November 1963 (F.17). the International Life Sciences Institute, was set up by a of P.B. Medawar whose scope and Its first meeting was ILSI, group the Princesse Liliane Foundation. were aims were very similar to those of EMBO. ICRO, in programme proposed Control Processes" (F.16). the International Cell Research Organization, was founded Biology was and Kendrew Molecular Biology Belgian and foreign scientists under the auspices among those closely involved in the plan, consultant as supported by as "convenor" on its "Panel 1, UNESCO's funds. serve was and to UNESCO Cell J. Brachet and 1962 to of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 154 held, similarity in many respects between EMBO and ILSI The to consideration of a merger of interests via UNESCO which provided Several meetings some administrative and financial assistance. were a "Study on the present needs for international cooperation in the basic biological sciences" (F.25). not and to to for intergovernmental support. EMBO however preferred become absorbed into a global institution of such scale an "Expert Committee" was set up to prepare "European" maintain search links and led the its in May, September - December 1963. Information programme, budget etc. about ILSI, constitution, governing board, December 1963 - February 1964. March - April 1964 Includes aproach to UNESCO, London (April). notes of discussions in Belgium and and 28 of UNESCO draft document by UNESCO, London group May - June 1964 meeting of working July - September 1964 notes of meetings Brussels 3 May, Arrangements May, "UNESCO Experts" in London 5 June. arising. Includes extract from EMBO Council meeting (financed by UNESCO) affirming Council's "intention to maintain complete independence both of of policy (Perutz, Kendrew) and ILSI (Medawar, Theorell, de Duve) London 22 July at which Medawar reported readiness of ILSI to negotiate agreement with up; UNESCO EMBO, correspondence, minutes etc. and other similar organisations in matters EMBO of UNESCO Expert Committee 19 October (official two separate private accounts by Wyman) and Minute correspondence November 1964 - January 1965 administration", Meeting and Expert Committee meeting with and of and was set NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew B23 March 1965 sets out clearly the objections both to letter to Correspondence of Perutz with Brachet and with MRC; clinically a Brachet oriented scheme and to a broad international scheme; the letter to MRC on general aims of EMBO was written for MRC Sub-committee meeting. meeting (hostile to the laboratory) for EMBO Council members. Perutz's report included Also the on is April - October 1965 Meeting of UNESCO Expert Committee 17 September and its report. of . report, correspondence and comments from 1966 Final colleagues. copy CERN 1964 1964 1964-66 See also Council’s COUNCIL OF EUROPE French Cancer Research Proposal Committee for Higher Education and Research Miscellaneous correspondence with F. Jacob, V.F. Weisskopf. Miscellaneous correspondence with F. Jacob, A. Haddow. B.8. January 1965 - January 1966 had The been research. Its Study Group included molecular biology for discussion at its Strasbourg meetings at The Hague June and Aarhus October March deemed unnecessary in view of the negotiations by the Swiss Government to convene an intergovernmental conference. April - November 1964, discussions at The Hague and Aarhus. concerned since 1963 with projects for combined correspondence and papers, See memo. at F.32. meetings and Further action was 1965 and March 1966. 1964, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 156 Hd Ou Interim January - June 1965 between Perutz and Correspondence A. Frank on "International Cooperation in Biology", including comments on meetings and EMBO affairs. Committee discuss Science on to Council of Europe "Note on Council of Europe action in the field of molecular biology" summarising negotiations. Reports Biology". of Interim Committee on "International Cooperation in EUROPEAN CELL BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION (ECBO) 1968-72 representatives at meetings Correspondence and papers re setting-up of ECBO, EMBO foundation plans. (J. Brachet, statutes, meeting, comments by ECBO on nominations of M.G.P. Stoker), Laboratory G.113 for later discussions on relations between EMBO and See ECBO. POLICY DOCUMENT history, timed name generally Drafts but in the French and programme, and a 36pp. booklet. philosophy advanced courses and booklet was study sessions, fellowship and teaching in April 1966 as and _ scientific publication of the It set programme three-year Foundation made available in English, booklet was an important element - hence the 1965 with the formal announcement of the December 1965) from the Volkswagen The "Policy Document" Government's initiative to launch an intergovernmental meeting leading to the establishment of the European Molecular Biology Conference. German, The "Document", out was published of EMBO’s fellowships, research grants, the case for a European laboratory of molecular biology, and financial estimates; the EMBO Statutes and Rules were also of the material had been prepared and agreed included. to by June grant coincide (made which enabled further studies of the laboratory project, to go ahead. printing. The document, a corporate version agreed by members of the EMBO Council, drew very largely on the early "Proposal for a European Cit. Organisation the Waddington "Draft of EMBO March 1965 by A.A. Buzzati-Traverso (F.34) and "Policy for drafts Research were assembled and circulated by J. Wyman and the final version to Kendrew who supervised arrangements for translation and sent Biology" other source materials for Operation and Activities of EMBO Fund" of May 1965 by J. Monod (F.35). August 1963; applied to it - in the Swiss Fundamental by Kendrew and of of Proposal Grants" were The NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew E57 Be 34 and Waddington'’s Kendrew's Traverso’s paper March 1965 (Perutz'’s copy with ms. and comments) ; heavily rewritten by him. revised version by Wyman; August paper, Buzzati- corrections Kendrew'’s copy, very 1963; Manuscript mainly by contribution on policy on research grants. and typescript drafts for sections of the Wyman and Kendrew, but including J. Monod’s document, draft Later heavily corrected manuscript and typescript draft. duplicated Two (one in Perutz’s hand). typescript drafts with manuscript corrections and Papers draft and correspondence arising. correspondence May - July 1965 on by Wyman to EMBO Council members 20 May, circulation their of comments draft July 1966 on to be French as of a with manuscript note by Wyman "Final document This (with version C. With printed". Final sent to JCK end of June for printing. Ch.4) was translated by Jacob and is covering letter by Wyman, June 1965. 1965 - May Kendrew's letter to his letter to Wyman 4 May Correspondence booklet. June 1965 - July 1966 re design and printing translation, Jacob request 1966 10 August refers to the delay in publication at the the Volkswagen Foundation; Correspondence circulation of printed version etc. of of mentions a possible site at Nice for the EMBO laboratory. Copy of booklet. of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew FUNDING EMBO formal Several after the successful Volkswagen December programme negotiations papers at F.43-F.49. initiatives in the search for funding were made in 1964 first most of these approaches in quantitative terms was to the Foundation which agreed a grant of in EMBO The the This enabled the for fellowships and courses to prove its value. and terms of the grant are well documented in 1965 for three years 1966-68. DM.2,748,000 meeting. Council The came Although the VW grant was crucial, there were other smaller sums which to survive administratively and start its fellowship programme on a small _ of individual members of EMBO and are presented at F.50-F.54. These usually resulted from the good offices in betimes in 1964 and helped the infant scale. EMBO F.43-F.49 Volkswagen Foundation February - March 1964 H. Friedrich-Freksa with first suggestion of Perutz’s circular giving includes letter (photocopy) to approach by replies Mainly estimates to put to VW Foundation; from VW. EMBO Council to of copy Includes O65. March - September 1965 March - September 1964 original grant application sent to Includes note of meeting 22 March with VW representatives. Continuing negotiations, amended application. October - November 1965 June VW NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.47 November - December 1965 3 December. Papers and correspondence for special meeting with VW to discuss Includes Wyman's memorandum terms of application, VW meeting and his annotated papers and copy of letter from on December heads 10 of four 2. Fellowships; expenditure: and 3. Courses planning the setting-up of a basis for a decision in principle 1. Administrative costs; 4. Costs relating to a central laboratory. studies on This covered confirming workshops; grant. work and as N.B. Wyman'’s memorandum refers to information from R. Kerschner of VW that "Volkswagen's interest in EMBO was originally aroused by a telephone call from Szilard just after the Ravello meeting. It to Us. this which led to the original Volkswagen approach was 1966 Mainly arrangements for administering grant. 1969-72 correspondence on final spending of VW grant. Later here A report Volkswagen Foundation on the utilisation of the grant." a copy of "EMBO Activities 1966-68. is Included the to _ fund at _ the made were 1964-66 donations Interpharma E. Katchalski. to the fellowship Research Council of Israel Various request of A E. Kellenberger. donation of S.Fr.42,000 was made through the good offices Support for two fellowships, arranged by A.A. Buzzati-Traverso. International Laboratory of Genetics and Biophysics Amis de 1'Université de Strasbourg A C. Sadron. was made through donation offices $1000 good 1964 of of of the 1964 1964 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.54 Sweden 1965 Support for A. Engstrém. two EMBO fellowships 1966) arranged by Other miscellaneous approaches Ford Foundation National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 1966-69 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE every effort has been made to assign a specific place While correspondence because occasionally They are retained here in chronological order. they deal with several topics in the affairs because they are peripheral to its main to a few escape classification usually of EMBO, concerns. and papers, from scientists, for information about EMBO, Requests science journalists and editors, some with suggestions for collaborative research or for projects to be undertaken by EMBO. EMBO. 1964. Science etc. following Council meeting of February 1964. Mainly arising from press release and articles in Nature, but referring to EMBL as well 1965-73. Similar material, as NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MEMBERSHIP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS to and the of EMBO. (F.61). meeting Committee Executive Provisional Perutz asked become members biologists of These were presented for consideration After European Chairman suggestions for membership from the founder members and scientists the Council (F.62-F.68). of Statutes and Rules, associate The constitutes Should the consulted in the early years of the circulars preserved at F.78. the Ravello meeting it was decided to invite some 100-200 4s for leading at issued With the formalisation of EMBO and the drawing-up the procedures for election of ordinary, established. and EMBO. are hence the importance especially Assembly by post by Council; General Assembly and supreme Council members were more in February 1964 and the General invitations nomination membership convened, election members closely powers organ not has of and be of sent from with after members, F. Jacob, F.63-F.67 G.N. Cohen, membership, A. EngstrSm, A.M. Liquori, E. Kellenberger, OGC.H. Waddington, of invitation to copy of first H. Friedrich-Freksa, Perutz's circular letter 1 November 1963 requesting for Katchalski, Sadron, Maaloe, Chantrenne and others. suggestions E. Gi, F. Lipmann, A.A. Buzzati-Traverso, 0. H replies L:L. Gavalli-Sforza, some with comments on EMBO (several hostile to laboratory) or including personal Letters of acceptance of membership, programme or scientific news. Final lists of original membership compiled by Kendrew; Perutz’s letter Council meeting. Letters 1964 declining membership. F.63 .64 oo .67 . 66 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.69 Election of Associate Members 1965-74. P./O-F.72 General correspondence on nominations, and elections for membership 1964-82. recommendations, ballots F.70 1964, 1966-68 BT 1969-70 F.72 L97L- 75, L98E-82 Letters of acceptance of membership, 1969-74. Papers and correspondence 1972-74 re new procedure for aimed membership scientists working in new fields. enlarging EMBO include at to of election younger Correspondence for discussion at Council meeting November 1972, circular to members and selected comments by them. procedure prepared drafts new and on be on work of 1974 with F. Jacob, M. Eigen, scientists requesting their consent to Correspondence with nominated 1974, 1975. The final membership G. Klein, M. Sela and the Correspondence Committee and other EMBO affairs. Election of Nominating Committee 1972-73. was S. Brenner, Chairman was N.K. Jerne. Membership lists. Miscellaneous circulars to EMBO members 1964-75. CIRCULARS AND LISTS Nominating N.K. Jerne NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE AND MEETINGS 1964-80 2 February 1964, Geneva This was the first formal meeting of Council. included relations with other organisations, registration. membership, elections to Matters discussed funding, constitution, Folder press releases, minutes. discusses and " 'Fundamental and Biology’ might be better from that point of view". includes correspondence preceding and following meeting, 28 January feels that " ‘Molecular Perutz’s circular letter of organisation presumptuous" proposed Biology’ name of is 12 July 1964 Comment by Council members April-May on proposal transmitted F. Jacob that part of French Government's Cancer Fund might channelled via EMBO to support research in French laboratories. by be 2 February 1965 Agenda, circulars, memoranda, minutes. Correspondence with members June-July. Agenda, circulars, arrangements, memoranda, minutes. in their countries. Reports by Council members on developments in molecular biology, and attitudes to EMBO, Correspondence, September 1964 - February 1965. correspondence with discussion notes, 8-10 May 1965 members NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 164 F.87 Circulars, draft minister Burckhardt). note on memoranda, minutes, heavily-corrected draft minutes, Swiss developments" "Further (meeting with Correspondence with members March-April, 15 January 1966 Agenda, memoranda, circulars, minutes. Correspondence with members and others July 1965 - January 1966. 14 January 1967 Agenda, minutes. arrangements, Perutz’s notes, Wyman’s notes of meeting, Correspondence Laboratory project, intergovernmental meeting). May 1967 June 1966 (elections ~- to Council, for and circular Conference, 21 January 1968 on Draft Arrangements Agenda, memoranda, circulars, minutes. Correspondence December 1967 - March 1968. Perutz’s Council members’ replies. Correspondence October 1968 - February 1969. Agenda, circulars, minutes and correspondence re minutes. Invitations, acceptances and arrangements. 12 January 1969 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Mogg Invitations, travel arrangements. Perutz and Wyman resigned as President being replaced by M. Eigen and and Kendrew this At meeting Secretary-General , respectively. 1 June 1969 Meeting European Molecular Biology at CERN on 2 and 3 June. preparation for Interim held the in Conference of Agenda, papers, minutes, correspondence, travel arrangements. 26 November 1969 Meeting Konstanz meeting on laboratory plans. held at immediately preceding (See also F.190-F.194.) discussion Agenda, papers, minutes, correspondence, Israel membership. B LO24. b . OS 17 January 1970 F.102 Agenda, papers (revised laboratory proposal, indicative scheme). 5 April 1970 28 September 1970 Correspondence, travel arrangements. Agenda, minutes, correspondence. Meeting held at CERN preceding meeting of EMBC 6-8 April. et seq.) circulars, minutes, travel arrangements, correspondence G.65 Joint meeting with Laboratory Committee. up of Laboratory Working Groups. Agenda, Fos) Agenda, on 25 & 28 November 1970 travel arrangements. circulars, minutes, (See also (See also setting NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F107 26 April 1971 Emergency meeting of Council and Laboratory Committee to discuss choice of site. Agenda, arrangements. circulars, memoranda, minutes, correspondence, travel 11 October 1971 Agenda, for laboratory, papers and proposals, correspondence. circular re setting-up of Scientific Advisory Committee 3 December 1971 Agenda, circular, correspondence, travel arrangements. ES-20;Aprel £972 A joint Committee, laboratory. meeting with discuss Provisional the reductions to in budget estimates Scientific Advisory for programme circulars, papers F.111-F.113 and proposals 4 November 1972 (See F.205-F.207.) Meeting laboratory. preceding "Haarlass meeting" on research Agenda, circulars, memoranda, papers, correspondence, minutes of meeting and of informal meeting 28 April 1972. Agenda, Katchalski memorials), correspondence, minutes. party, and replies April 1973 Working party on programme and activities of EMBO after 1974 set up A. Engstrém, J. Wyman, R.K. Appleyard. to EMBO members on draft report of Drafts November 1972 - May 1973 by several working party members (includes became final text), correspondence re meetings and drafts. heavily-corrected by version Kendrew which at November meeting; the members were N.K. Jerne, (A. Tiselius, Kendrew's circular working NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.114 12 January 1973 Agenda, minutes, correspondence, travel arrangements. 4 May 1973 Agenda, arrangements. papers and proposals, correspondence, minutes, travel PelLiGi oP tis 12 February 1974 R- LEG Agenda, memoranda, minutes of meeting and of informal meeting 20 October 1973, correspondence. Travel arrangements and correspondence. 10 January 1975 was the last meeting which Kendrew attended as This General, his successor being N.O. Kjeldgaard. set of papers (some annotated), and and to retiring members of EMBO Committees. on elections as officers of EMBO, Secretary- Material includes items Kendrew's letters to new correspondence on agenda At hybrid to and _ later Council biohazards. See the possible correspondence and notes on EMBO MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTIONS modifications research, DNA the the the H.100- Miscellaneous matters 1975-80. biohazards, design to of an ad hoc Committee on permit this meeting the Council discussed under Item 14 Nae: matter of Laboratory setting-up HelOZ, H.156-H wy. (1963) and original Council. Lists Kendrew, indicating duration of service on Council and type of membership (original member ; invited) and extending 1963-90. of Council membership compiled compiled by Wyman of Early lists "EFBO Executive elected; co-opted; and charts by Committee" NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.120-F.127 Nominations, membership of Council. recommendations and general correspondence on FoL20% 066 BotZe 1967 F122 1968 Ba f23 1969 F245 21970 F.125 LOL F.126 1973 Fid27 1974 MINUTES AND CIRCULARS Circulars sent to Council members July 1964 - July 1974. Minutes of Council 1963-81. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew FUND COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 1965-74 Correspondence H. Chantrenne (Chairman), Hayes, member. H.T. Witt, 1965-66 on orignal membership of Fund Committee: A.A. Buzzati-Traverso, J.A. Cohen, W. C.H. Waddington was a co-opted A. Engstrém. Membership 1969-70. Membership 1971-74. CORRES PONDENCE AND PAPERS 1964-74 policy salary scales, his fellowships at on fellowships, December 1964 - June 1965 Correspondence re appropriate salary scales. material consists of correspondence between members of Correspondence and EMBO proposal for operation and activities of EMBO fund". mainly with A.A. Buzzati-Traverso re support for "Draft his laboratory (Naples) the The draft reports, budgets Fund Committee and the EMBO Secretariat, and financial estimates, memoranda and papers on meetings of the Committee, press notifications. minutes and memoranda, notes on salary scales. Papers held in Cambridge 8 November 1965. meeting Includes policy paper, draft August and December 1965 and correspondence for and arising from first NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.136 1969-70 1972-74 FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS Includes documents, interview reports, recommendations. application letters and of enquiry, 1964-74 supporting 1964-65 1966 1970 OTE oi 1967 1969 1968 MINUTES 1973-74 1965-73. Minutes NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew COURSE COMMITTEE The committee was sometimes known in early correspondence as the The "Summer Schools Committee" or the "Committee on Courses". it as EMBO "Policy Document" published in April 1966 referred to "Committee on Courses" and "Course Committee", the latter form being preferred as from the first formal meeting in July 1966. MEMBERSHIP 1965-74 Correspondence Committee. period of service 1964-71 1965-66 Included here is Kendrew's chart of membership on original membership of Course and Membership 1969-71. Membership 1972-74. of FEBS. Includes co-operation with Course Committee on 15 for EMBO 1965-74 with other CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS March - December 1965 material deals with the organisation of EMBO summer schools notes, NATO), and (ICRO, courses organised policy FEBS, by organisations international applications support, The and courses, collaboration information others. Includes information on course. EMBO Arrangements policy Council drawn up by A. Tiselius (2 copies respectively annotated by M.F. Perutz and Kendrew), and note of meeting. EMBO support for "Course on Genetics and Physiology of Bacterial Viruses", from Naples Interpharma grant. "ad hoc January 1966; includes draft proposals on July - December 1965 Buzzati-Traverso) met (Director: for Meeting on Courses" held by A.A. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew B56 January - September 1966 and Relations Organisation Societies (FEBS), Experimental Biology and Medicine. co-operation with International Federation European (ICRO), of Cell Research Biochemical March - December 1966 Policy, paper on "The problem of EMBO courses". course proposals. meetings, Includes R.K. Appleyard’s June - September 1966 Proposed conference on spores. March 1966 - January 1967 support for Oxford University Summer School EMBO Biology and Biophysics. on Molecular January - October 1967 June 1968 - June 1969 May 1968 - January 1969 November 1968 - July 1969 Immunology workshop by J. Oudin (cancelled). Course held in Greece (some political objections were raised). 1970-71 EMBO Council January 1969. by W. Hayes Lecturers proposed scheme, and agreed by NCUACGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F165 December 1971 - October 1972 Includes from 1975 and renewal of EMBC Agreement. letter from J. Wyman on future policy for EMBO courses October - November 1972 EMBO support for Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Memorial Conference. 1974 EEC Sponsored Courses. MINUTES Minutes and circulars 1966-69. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew LABORATORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS, CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS L963-73 1963-64 and papers. Includes Kendrew’s "Notes for on an International Laboratory of Molecular Biology the Correspondence meeting to be held in Geneva under the sponsorship of WHO 1-2 May 1964" and Committee his membership was L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, H. Chantrenne, A. Tissieres and Kendrew (Chairman). See also K.118, K.119. the meeting. Laboratory The EMBO minutes of 1965 for case a European Laboratory "The Biology". Kendrew's draft 29 April 1965 prepared for committee and Council at request of Swiss government, with a few manuscript revisions by M.F. Perutz and J. Wyman. Molecular of which BF D7E-F ek82 Laboratory Proposal Document 1967 PUL LS on 23 September. was project drafts and memoranda, document was prepared, after consultation with members Several seconded from EURATOM as an assistant on the laboratory in 1967. the notes and documents are by M. Delauche who The of EMBO, for discussion at a meeting of the Laboratory Committee at The material includes correspondence on Nice the role of the laboratory, notes of the meeting and of the preparation of the final version, was submitted to the EMBC meeting in January 1968. draft prepared by R.K. Appleyard. Correspondence with colleagues on research projects to replies, discussions committee meeting. appropriate notes of preceding early drafts and comments notes of meetings and Research proposals. discussions, and meetings, laboratory, analysis of June. Includes suggested of a central April, May. NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew EES BLS July, August. Continuing correspondence, drafts and comments. draft quoted extensively from the drawn up by Wyman and Kendrew for discussion at meeting. Draft "Policy The document" and envisaged a series of appendices to be written by individual scientists in support of the case for the laboratory. Three F.H.C. Crick and J. See also F.177, F.178, F.184. Monod are included in the folder. of these appendices, by J.A. Cohen, original EMBO "Summary" of Nice meeting, drafts, comments, September. J. Wyman’s notes on meeting, notes, Information budgets various European laboratories sent to colleagues in preparation for final draft proposal. research programmes, laboratory for on costings Kendrew and by Tk LS Correspondence included. October 1967 - January 1968. re appendices for document, some of which are systems"), as of of B. Hartley, at Cambridge Antibody Problem"), conversations H.C. Longuet-Higgins Notes costings, November. (Appendix on "Organisms V.F. Weisskopf ("The experience M. Eigen and N.K. Jerne (Appendix on "The complete the F. Jacob M. Delbruck, solution to (Appendix on "Control Systems"). C. Levinthal, self-organising CERN and the proposal for a European biology laboratory"). by A. Katchalsky. ) 10 "Annexes" are listed, but a further unlisted Annex 11 Correspondence November - December, mainly comments on draft. Version submitted to EMBC. only Amended draft proposal for laboratory, 69pp, November. 6-10 are present and there is on research space and (N.B. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.183 1968 correspondence on laboratory matters; J. Wyman to O. Maalge inviting him to become Chairman in view of Kendrew’s move to office includes letter of Secretary- of General from committee General. .184-F.188 Committee meeting at Linton, Cambridge (Kendrew's home), 16 March 1969 Correspondence January - March. the Appendix to proposal document. Laboratory" EMBO by Includes note on "Teaching intended A.A. Buzzati-Traverso at as Papers R.K. Appleyard, proposal. circulated for 0. Maalge meeting, by and Kendrew, Buzzati-Traverso, laboratory on revised Memorandum and minutes of meeting, June, laboratory presented at Interim Conference, June. drafts and circulars March - proposed delegation note on the copy of U.K. including of assembled European countries, as a result Arrangements for meetings in March and June. Royal Society Discussion meeting, 21 October 1969 Information on present and future plans for molecular biology in various March meeting. in Nature, 224. This was a special meeting to discuss "greater participation Dak. particularly in its proposed laboratory or material signals concern in the scientific world at the laboratory proposal, immediately which scientific some of the papers. includes invitation, by Folder Kendrew, by Kendrew, note by C.H. Waddington, Kendrew's note of speakers and their opinions, report (apparently pirated) of meeting published papers contribution included in this sequence because it was debated and which is referred by and The the and the in laboratories". M.G.P. Stoker, Organisation participants, S. Brenner, Molecular "Konstanz meeting" precedes the programme in the European Biology list of at to draft is NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.190-F.194 The "Konstanz" meeting at a to was by was with special biology held Konstanz invitation and was This symposium "to discuss the present and future development of European molecular 1969. laboratory", Attendance EMBO The Laboratory Committee met twice during the meeting, members. on groups genetics, were appointed instrumentation more _ specific scientific programme for a revised laboratory proposal document. At the same meeting Kendrew agreed "to take on the directorship, if the project proved to be good". 27 and 30 November and at the second meeting working reference 27-30 not subcellular computation) to November to prepare a structures, confined (on and cell success of the "Konstanz" meeting was such that it became a the was plans The generic term for intensive research meetings of this kind; similar referred to as "Konstanz II" (F.205-F.207) and there were for a “Konstanz (019°(H.147).. Heidelberg occasion Haarlass near 1971 at in See C.128, H.345 for Kendrew'’s notes on the meeting. Circulars, circulated to participants, photograph taken at meeting. lists of participants, invitations, agenda, papers Circulars only. S. Brenner (Convenor). Working group on cell genetics. including comments on working group's Working group on subcellular structures. Correspondence and notes, report sent to "Notes on Embo meeting "including the two meetings of the Laboratory committee, Kendrew's notes for his opening remarks; eS unsigned but by J. Wyman. Correspondence, notes, draft report by H.E. Huxley (Convenor). Working group on instrumentation. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew POD. ots 196 Revised Laboratory Proposal Correspondence circulation of document December 1969 - May 1970. circulars meetings, and on preparation and of revised to Copy Conference as CEBM 70/12E, 76pp., and also of Kendrew’s "Summary of 1 January 1970. new proposals for an international laboratory", submitted February proposal EMBO's 1970, 16 Correspondence and circulars June - September 1970 re meeting of The Laboratory Hague, 28 this meeting was set up. Committee as part of joint EMBO/EMBC meeting at September - the Sites Subcommittee of the Laboratory Committee (See also F.105.) 1 October. At F.198-F.204 Sites Subcommittee Heidelberg, by 1971 Hamburg - as of as_ secretary. November 1970, conducted its in Germany", A. Tissieres the members H.E. Huxley, February 1971). and in its report (January Sites Its.,.$Report 22 February of visits January - July 1971, consultants and M. Delauche (November) and additional sites at also recommended the Heidelberg were with D.C. Phillips, its meeting at The Hague in September 1970 the EMBO Council At a sites subcommittee of the Laboratory Committee with appointed K.C. as QO. Maalge Chairman; and Holmes and C. Weissmann, The H. Zachau subcommittee met and visited possible sites at Munich (October), Karlsruhe CERN on. and a Selection 1971, "that the case for the Heidelberg site is by far the considered Meanwhile the official Sites Committee of EMBC, set strongest". own up the Conference in programme of July G.74- G.87.) See also G.78. sites Also included is correspondence on various other possible a for considerable near Geneva like that of CERN had been an early favourite and was not easily by Italy and Austria, nor of a possible French site at Nice (though see F. Jacob’s letter at F.202 and also F.40). Sites subcommittee: correspondence, arrangements for meetings, notes and memoranda on sites visited, report. See G.87 for other, later suggestions. No records survive here of offers September 1970 - March 1971. the idea of a In particular, appointment, laboratory which had been mooted, often for site. (See site made the time. abandoned. dated membership, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.199-F.204 Other possible sites for laboratory Greece 1966-70, 1976. Offer made in 1966 and renewed in 1970 of accommodation in part of the "Greek Institute of Basic Biological Research - Alexander Fleming" correspondence with members of EMBO Council, Greek colleagues and Lady Fleming (also a later letter 1976). founded by Amalia Includes Fleming. He 99 1966 F.200 19;20;;..1976 Cambridge, 1967-68. Correspondence and memoranda. Geneva/CERN, 1969-70. Correspondence and memorandum. Edinburgh, 1970. F.205-F.207 Culham, 1970-71 successful first meeting (see F.190-F.194). "Second Konstanz meeting", 4-7 November 1972. was generally referred to as "Second Konstanz" very was another meeting to discuss the scientific programme of it was held at the Hotel Haarlass, Heidelberg, of The was financed from $15,000 remaining from the Volkswagen It was larger than the previous meeting, and This the Laboratory; but the meeting Foundation grant. like it included invited guests as well as EMBO members. Arrangements, travel claims, accounts for meeting. Programme, notes on scientific sessions (18pp. meeting in unidentified hand. Correspondence, and final lists. suggestions for participants, draft December 1971 - November 1972. correspondence with speakers, ms.), manuscript notes Kendrew's on because circulars, circulars, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew F.208 Membership of Laboratory Committee Miscellaneous 1967-73. brief correspondence, lists of members etc., NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew ADMINISTRATION APPOINTMENTS - EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Appointment of R.K. Appleyard with effect from 1 August 1965. (seconded part-time from EURATOM) Correspondence and negotiations July 1964 - August 1965. Appointment of J. Tooze with effect from 1 June 1973. Correspondence and negotiations, Kendrew’s notes November 1972 - June 1973. FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS Bank accounts in Brussels and Geneva 1964-68. draft as submitted to EMBO Council, with comments and of first EMBC meeting (April 1967) by estimates for EMBO activities 1969-71, prepared at R.K. Appleyard, Revised replies, June-July 1967. Miscellaneous material on financial situation of EMBO, September 1967 - October 1968. Financial request with correspondence arising with M.F. Perutz April-May 1967. EMBO Accounts 1964, 1966-70, 1973-80. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE CORRESPONDENCE The correspondence consists mainly of exchanges 1965-73 R.K. Appleyard and J. Wyman, M.F. Perutz and Kendrew. between 1965. Price, Waterhouse as accountants. Setting-up of EMBO office at Brussels, 1967-68 1969-70 LOTT 7 Se resignation as Executive Secretary. Includes brief correspondence appointment of on Appleyard’s NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE as Heidelberg was to help to establish the reputation of the This was set up by Council in February 1974 to organise a series One of the of EMBO Symposia to be held annually in Heidelberg. laboratory aims at the dissemination of leading research ideas. at first organised privately by EMBO outside its general scientific programme under EMBC and therefore relied on independent finance and the first in the laboratory itself, in May 1978, coincided with its formal opening. The first symposium was held in 1975, The symposia were research centre major fees. and _ and_ for on a At its meeting in January 1980 the EMBO Council agreed that Symposium and responsibilities assumed by the Course Committee; were thus incorporated in the general programme through EMBC. the its the symposia supported dissolved Committee Standing should and be CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1974-81 Lot? 1975 1976 iists’ of Pie 22 #225 notes Organising programmes, of symposia, F.222-F.228 fund-raising, participants, Setting-up and membership of Committee 1974. Committee and Developmental Genetics Molecular Aspects of Gene Function The Structure and Function of Biological Membranes Organisation meetings, correspondence, press releases or articles. Minutes of Standing Symposium Committee 1974-80. Molecular Biologists Look at Green Plants Nucleic Acid - Protein Interactions Ribosome Structure and Function Molecular Neurobiology MINUTES 1978 1979 1980 1981 NCUAGCS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew MISCELLANEOUS Correspondence information transcripts and manuscripts. mainly with about EMBO, press EMBC and 1963-71 EMBL. on articles Includes and some Press cuttings, releases, comments 1964-71. EMBO Annual Reports 1966-81.