Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir John Cowdery Kendrew FRS (b. 1917) VOLUME Ill Sections L—R Bibliography Index of correspondents and organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 11/4/89 by Jeannine Alton NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION L LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, BROADCASTS L.1-L.149 INTRODUCTION LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, REVIEWS L.78-L.98 RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS L.99-L.144 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS ADDENDA : L.145-L.149 LECTURES 1946-87 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION Kendrew’s published output is not particularly large. He accepted the scholarly requirement to publish and to give public presentations of his research, and was in practice not only a conscientious but an accomplished lecturer. He preferred, however, to lecture from notes, with or without illustrative slides, and found preparing a manuscript for publication an uncongenial task and one that, to meet his own high standards, demanded more time than could be spared. Many of his invitation lectures remain unpublished and he sometimes made it a condition of his acceptance that he would not be required to produce a manuscript. He was furthermore under the constant and increasing obligation to attend and address conferences, to write, report and speak on EMBO/EMBL matters, to make formal presentations to committees and councils of many organisations, to produce official reports and to give semi- formal introductions, speeches and the like for and at EMBL; many of these himself His (L.74- in programmes, of the writings survive elsewhere in the collection. Not surprisingly, Kendrew found became the His major series of television lectures he repeated the series Cambridge MRC laboratory. the BBC and for the Italian RAI. Lei )e Or oO. write: or review. (E2141-h 144). basis of his book The Thread of Life; usually on his and Perutz'’s research or more generally on the work obliged to decline very many additional invitations to lecture Kendrew participated in, or advised on, frequent radio and television German for Bayerische Rundfunk, and also made several broadcasts in Italian for in Section: M. Journal of Molecular Biology (Academic Press) which has been treated separately correspondence with publishers and editors (L.99-L.140) may deal own published papers or reviews but also principal editorial responsibility was notably with Academic exchanges with publishing houses, Endeavour and Nature. includes some more with Kendrew's Press, for the The extended NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew ADDENDA : LECTURES 1946-87 (L.145-L.149) This material, made available for the collection at a late stage in the compilation of the catalogue, comprises Kendrew'’s notes, or sometimes his fully-written texts, for lectures or talks. They are held in 1loose-leaf binders of the same type as those used for the myoglobin and other research notes in Section C, and kept in chronological order with subdividers between each year or couple of years. They include lectures to college, institutional or in university societies in Cambridge and to professional and learned societies Britain and abroad, contributions to conferences, and many _ special invitation lectures or lecture tours particularly in America. The topics are usually some aspect of protein analysis, molecular biology or, later, European collaborative research; occasionally a more general theme is sounded in informal talks at Peterhouse, and very rarely some personal reminiscences may be included. The addenda are thus of considerable value, not only in greatly are given enlarging the perceived corpus of Kendrew's work as lecturer and speaker but other sections of the collection. The relevant cross-references also in complementing correspondence, notes and other documentation in several wherever possible. NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS, BROADCASTS with application correspondence June, of X-rays to the study of of a manuscript note "Draft notes for an article on Also included possible contributor, a1 page manuscript draft "Preliminary sketch of article on same "The matter", X-rays for Penguin Science News (never written)". are involvement with Penguin Science News as editor or and scientific period. September 1946 on Kendrew’s and philosophy" n.d. See also L.130. but probably structure method the of crystallographic "A haemoglobins", (unsuccessfully) at Trinity College, Cambridge." 99pp. sheep "Thesis submitted for the Prize Fellowship competition with a manuscript note 24 August 1946, foetal study adult.» and” “of "The biological implications of of foetal and adult sheep haemoglobin", 14pp. a crystallographic investigation The 1946) work bears the same date as the Trinity Thesis (24 August and is referred to as "this essay". F.J.W. was and a (with Perutz) on GR. HIT. members structure J.Se Adair: PerurzZ -as welt: myoglobin" and “De Kellin: and Myr: The organising committee Roughton who were the main executive Roughton and J.C. Kendrew, Butterworths the published volume of contributions to celebrating the work of Sir Joseph Barcroft held Haemoglobin ed. Scientific Publications London 1949. This Conference Cambridge 15-17 June 1948. Of. Kendrew editors of the volume. crystal of application macromolecules". Memorial in consisted as and Kendrew contributed two papers, on "The "The of X-ray crystallography to the study of biological manuscript contribution with many corrections and revisions) ; Correspondence with contributors to volume: Dervichian; Jonxiss) L. Pauling; Arrangements for conference, little correspondence. D.G. and a Maa Jope: (includes programme, list of participants, a H? Munto Fox *J.H Pe. A. Rossi-Fanelli C. Rimington; See L.145. C. de Duve; .BeM: NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew A. Vannotti corrections and revisions by Kendrew). manuscript (including contribution with many Also Sir Joseph) on receipt of volume. included here is letter of thanks from H. Barcroft (son of Correspondence with co-editor and publishers 1948-50. Royalties 1949-70. Institute York, 19-20 November 1948 on "Macromolecular Structures". of Physics X-ray Analysis Group Autumn Conference at the gave Kendrew some corpuscular proteins" and, with I. MacArthur, prepared a Special Report of the meeting which was published in J. scient. Instrum. (1949) 26: structure opening on "The talk, of Correspondence colleagues and collaborator; See L.145 for text of Kendrew’s paper. 1948 - July October 1949 with programme of meeting, organisers, abstracts. paper studies diagrams and of certain Soc. A, 203, 1950. Kendrew’s proteins", crystalline figures for collaborative "X-ray Cambridge PhD Thesis, dated 15 May 1949. Drawings, W.L. Bragg erystalline proteins", Proc. Roy. with and M.F. Perutz "Polypeptide chain configurations in 59pp. At Term 1950. 1 page comments by Kendrew on the course. Lent 97pp with a few pencil alterations made in 1952 and "Problems in protein crystallography" Black manuscript postgraduate lecture courses at Cambridge. loose-leaf At Lent Term 1952. crystallography", "Recent work in front of book: Kendrew’s binder of notes for rear of book: protein NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 2 Manuscript art. proteins", n.d. X-ray studies . notes for "Projected last section of Prog. Biophys. on but related to "The crystalline proteins: recent . in Prog. Biophys. biophys. Chem. 4, in . proteins". subunits article "Sketch 1954. and on of " . proteins", "Recent investigations of the structure of globular abstract in English and in Italian of paper given at conference at Pallanza 28-30 July 1955 and published in Rendiconti Istituto Lombardo, 89, 1955. the globular proteins"; with special reference "Structure of biological macromolecules, to a course of four lectures given at the Istituto di Chimica Generale, University of Padua, September 1956. and Manuscript correspondence re invitation, etc. typescript drafts of synopsis and arrangements, letters of lectures, thanks November 1951 - January 1956 with colleagues Correspondence chymotrypsinogen (specimens, leading molecular weight of chymotrypsinogen", 20-2 L996. up structure, on molecular weight etc.) and biophys. Acta, Biochim. to paper with M.M. Bluhm on "The crystal forms for paper draft, Structure manuscript in 1959. of the proteins", notes and calculations of nine lectures on "Methods and Procedures in Includes under first title "Three crystal forms of chymotrypsinogen". Correspondence only re lecture on "X-ray diffraction studies proteins" given at Kingston Technical College 17 February See L.146 for notes for lecture. "The course Structure Manchester College of Science and Technology 25 February 1957. 1959. Review for Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics, 87, "A Symposium on Molecular Biology" ed. a Crystal- at Kendrew’s contribution to Poster, lecture. correspondence Determination Diffraction" Li145 for Zirkle, brief by X-ray text or given only. See: R.E. of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Palo "The Structure of proteins", Kendrew's contribution to course on "The 17 November 1960. scientific basis of medicine", University of London, Brief notes for lecture. correspondence, notice of lecture only. See L.146 for "Riassunto emoproteine", "Submitted 1961 for a Turin prize wh. Kendrew and Perutz, publicazioni delle by sulla struttura di manuscript with a due note we did not get". Review of "Macromolecular Complexes" of the Institute of Biology, dated 27 August 1961. M.V. ed. Edds for journal Review of "Protein Structure" by H. Scheraga for Royal Institute of Chemistry, September 1961. lecture he was’ it was cleared clearance to part-time Typescript draft for Oxford lecture. given at International Conference on of the Royal United Service Institution (RUSI) the Ministry of Defence where and after some delay Duplicated version of Oxford lecture, manuscript pages, probably for RUSI lecture. "The impact of science on defence administration in the next ten years"; Defence Administration, Oxford, September 1961, and repeated with a few changes as "Science and the Services in the next ten years" at a meeting chaired Kendrew submitted the lecture by P.M.S. Blackett in March 1962. then for working for publication in the RUSI journal. Correspondence and memoranda, Ministry of Defence, March 1962. Correspondence publication 1961 - May 1962, and a little later correspondence 1963. Unedited Chairman's answers publication. introduction and concluding remarks, including and for questions suitability cut and intercalated with shorthand writer's report of RUSI with RUSI re lecture with official comments October lecture and (46pp), on NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.28 Correspondence Sweden. with A. Engstrém inviting Kendrew to lecture in "Science and Defence". Brief 19637, manuscript notes for lecture at Peterhouse, 24 January Review Statesman, June 1963, and correspondence. and Politics" by Lord "Science of L.31-L.49 Thread The London 1966, reprinted 1967, of Life: 1968. an introduction to Hailsham, for New molecular biology, The programmes were recorded at the Royal BBC College Surgeons of England between 25 November and 4 December 1963, and repeated was Bayerische The book was based on a series of ten lectures delivered on Television. of transmitted weekly from 4 January to in July 1964. recorded by Rundfunk, and repeated January to March 1966. 7 March 1964, "Der Faden des in Munich in August 1964 A German version, Kendrew Lebens", for The Scripts Hungarian, published by and there were Danish/Norwegian, German version was about an adaptation and this eventually appeared in approached by G. Bell & Sons Ltd. An American edition from Harvard translations Polish, Russian and The book was very successful. University Press appeared in 1966, in Japanese, Spanish. In January 1964, when the TV series was first announced, Kendrew for was publication in book form, June 1966. Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung Munich in 1967. Kendrew, a few by another. Shooting Surgeons November-December 1963. Faden des Lebens". additions of lectures as recorded in Royal Transcripts March 1964. "Der annotations, from transmissions of Manuscript for German College of and deletions mainly in the hand lectures January- version, with of scripts recorded NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Early outlines and plans "Dictation notes", 23pp manuscript draft, 4pp additions. 15pp material, models, diagrams etc. typescript outline with marginal indications of visual "First outline script" dated 7 October 1963. Correspondence Correspondence contract, arrangements for recording etc., May-December 1963. producer and others at BBC re with programmes, Includes for programmes. correspondence from colleague on electron micrographs Ltd., and etc. Most payment of with G. Bell fees for original broadcast in 1964 others, re editions, is with Sons _ American and German the correspondence lectures: contract with Bayerische and 1964-65. contract, negotiations with German publisher. approaches, Correspondence published translations S.L, Dennis, a director of the firm. & versions of lectures, of Correspondence and arrangements for German version of notes of models and material required, Rundfunk, repeat in 1966. Kendrew 1966, article Review 1 October 1966, casting doubt on the role of DNA, editorial comment suggesting that Kendrew shared this view; extract from The Thread of Life was printed in support. Correspondence and papers relating to Saturday and the an 1966. revised preface for German edition. English American editions, Elusive Code of Life" by B. Commoner in Japanese translation, October-December. arrangements for adaptation, Initial and "The NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew wrote a letter in rebuttal which was published with an editorial apology in the issue of 4 March 1967. Transcription into Braille, Hungarian, Danish/Norwegian, LO 67a Polish translations, preface for Japanese translation, paperback LLents: 1968. Polish, Russian, Spanish translations. W705 2971. Letters producers, but almost all with replies from Kendrew. of TV lectures, viewers a few answered from by BBC 3 folders. Letters from readers of published book, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1977. On the occasion of the lecture, "Information and Conformation in Biology". Reviews, mainly of German version of book. pp.i-xvi are the concluding section. This was the Herbert Spencer Lecture 1965-66, given in Oxford 17 November 1965. Kendrew used a fully-written text for the opening and closing sections but left the centre portion in note form to be accompanied by slides. He did to asked contribute a paper to a Festschrift for L.C. Pauling and offered This was accepted, the incomplete the Herbert Spencer Lecture. portion of the text being written up by the editors and revised by in under the same A volume dedicated Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology: to Linus Pauling by his students,colleagues and friends A. Rich and N. Davidson, W.H. Freeman & Company, 1968. Manuscript corrections, indications of slides etc. section timed at additions, Pp.1-11 are the opening pp.12-17 are notes for the slides, the writing-up, but in 1966 was lecture as with manuscript not complete title, appeared Kendrew. The paper, ed. of given, 13 minutes, NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Liat Proofs for corrections editors from the lecture text. Pauling and additions Festschrift contribution with by Kendrew to version extensive by prepared Offprint of published paper. Correspondence University: for delivery of text for deposit in Bodleian Library. Oxford invitation to give lecture, arrangements, requests colleagues 1964-67 with with and Correspondence 1966-68 with editors of Pauling Festschrift about Kendrew’s contribution. Later correspondence 1970 on lecture. Manuscript draft, "Sunday Times 9.1.66", written in reply to "Men or Molecules? Tilt at Molecular Biology" by F. Macfarlane Burnet. for letter or article, with manuscript note A to a 1966. See also ed. Columbia Molecular Structure Columbia on _ Sciences", Symposium at and Biological S. Devons by contribution correspondence. Transcript L.148. of lecture as delivered, Correspondence, Lecture The lecture was not published. Function", the 9 The Symposium papers were published under the title ePhysics,, Kendrew's "Relationship between the Biological and Physical May Biology and the physical sciences Ue Pee da 9697, 1967 (published January 1968), with brief correspondence. "The human being - subject of scientific research". draft a contribution to Romanian newspaper on "Cell function at the molecular for Kendrew’s level", See L.148 for text of lecture. Manuscript July Crookshank 1967. May of lecture, Scanteia, notice of Correspondence International "Polypeptide LOGY. not published. A Programme of Philosophical November 1969. at also spoke. the See L.148 for two versions of lecture. events and brief correspondence re Society Sesquicentenary celebrations Kendrew spoke on "Three-dimensional Cambridge October- molecules" Perutz NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 350 L. 58 Correspondence, notice of lectures for Kendrew’s course of Fred J. Robbins Lectures, Pomona College, Claremont, California 22-27 February 1968. The lectures were not published. in Included Kendrew to give the lectures. occasion. folder is earlier See L.148 for notes for lectures. correspondence 1962 He was unable to accept on inviting that Correspondence biological University for lecture. 1968 re Kendrew’s lecture on "Computers complexity" Board of Extra-Mural Studies. for IBM Course organised See L.148 for by and Cambridge notes 1967-70 re Kendrew’s Procter Union of Leather Chemists conformation and protein structure", summary of the lecture is enclosed, Lecture Societies, to on September but the text was 8 session on molecular biology at which Crick and See L.148 for text of lecture. to biology". re lecture and visit at Shell held 1969, and subsequently at 500th meeting of Research See L.148 for Symposium on "British Biochemistry: Correspondence Laboratories, Sittingbourne, 19-20 November 1969. notes for lecture. "Some remarks on the history of molecular contribution Present" December Series 30, 1970. See L.148 for text of lectures. Correspondence 1:977.0;, molecular biology research. correspondence on lecture and on at exhibition Kendrew’s and Past 15-17 Symposium Draft loan symposium. Biochemical published in Zurich, implications of lecture and summary, haemoglobin and myoglobin models re lectures at CERN, Includes correspondence Society the April and at on _ social May of for of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 109 the life sciences" given at Imperial Defence College 1971 on Kendrew'’s lecture on "Developments (later of Defence Studies). See L.148 text for Correspondence 1970, in Royal lecture. College of gave Kendrew 1972 See L.149 for notes for lecture. a similar lecture at the Police College in and a little correspondence about that is included July here. Correspondence, and See L.148 for text of lecture. private notice of Fison Memorial Lecture on "The public 1971. faces of science" at Guy's Hospital 8 June on anniversary Correspondence 25th Rijswijk, research programme of laboratory, the celebration meeting. first J.A. of 29 November 1972. Medisch Biologisch Cohen Memorial Lecture given on TNO, Includes material on personnel and be discussed at Laboratorium which were to See L.149 for notes for lecture. with Correspondence anniversary celebrations. special at draft of preface. jubilee issue and also attended and spoke at 1972. to mark the occasion 21 40th Kendrew contributed a preface for the meeting Includes See L.149 for notes for speech. Natuur en Techniek December Utrecht about its a at of 1/pp. given draft, General message European Assembly, greeting the genie and the bottle?"; first ESF Annual Science heavily corrected manuscript and typescript Very See L.149 for published text. "Recombinant DNA - 4th Lecture, Foundation, November 1977. Brief collection for G.N. Ramachandran, December 1982. Developing Countries (COSTED), March 1985. Introductory message for Science, Technology and Development, Technology publication ICSU's Committee on Science and celebration birthday a in 60th for of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.71A a Communities molecular biology today". An "overview" by volume of papers commissioned by the Commission "Japanese for European for were commissioned molecular biology, with that in Europe and the US. Kendrew of the proposal Papers from of to compare the status of each field in Japan in connection with the Japanese Program. nine experts in different an international Human Frontier Science fields March 1989. Reviews of Kendrew'’s books or articles. Shorter correspondence on lectures given by Kendrew, 1959-72. Invitations to lecture (declined) 1962-67. Ug6dN7 L960: : : 1970-72 1974-77, 1985. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew RADIO, TELEVISION, FILMS RADIO AND TELEVISION BBC 1960. with Kendrew, repeated November 1961. Perutz, TV "Eye on Research". on "Shapes of life", Bernal, transmitted 3 May 1960 and No. 5 J.D. Shooting script, contract, correspondence. 1962. BBC TV "The Prizewinners", December 1962 (contract only). BBC Overseas service. November 1962 (contract only). Interview on "The structure of life" 20 French’ BBC (contract only). service. Newsreel interview, 20 December 1962 BBC Italian service. 1962 (contract only). Interview "Londra Ultima Ora" 20 December RAI of from questions correspondence, #350 “April. (contrace, BBC Italian Programme. Interview November 1962 (brief Radiotelevisione Italiana. RAI correspondence only). Interview (in Italian) for BBC Lite: participants). General Overseas Service "Asian Club" on "The Structure Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on possible programmes. 1963. Radiotelevisione Italiana, February (contract, correspondence). participation 1964. programme on "Brain Drain" (contract). 1963. Molecules of Life", Week October 1963. "The transmitted as part of Cambridge Television Dawn University. Lecture, including statement of German Television. Shorter financial Shooting script, contract, Anglia Television BBC correspondence, Interview 25 February correspondence. See L.147 for text year 1963-64 (indicates more of lecture. West on: fees NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew programmes than survives in documents). BBC 1965. correspondence, The programme was later abandoned. Kendrew’s Horizon "The TV Model Makers". manuscript notes and draft Contract, script. TV "Fifty years a winner", BBC anniversary of W.L. Bragg. for Kendrew's contribution. programme to Nobel correspondence, outlines celebrate Contract, 1966. (contract, brief correspondence). Programme Third BBC "Science in Europe" 23 January BBC TV Horizon November; letter only, not otherwise documented. BBC proposed Third Programme series on technological progress. 1967. BBC Third Programme; invitation declined January. Third Programme "Some aspects of modern biology" 11 January BBC (contract only). Radiotelevisione RAI programme on "Molecular Biology", January (letter only). Contribution Italiana. to television "The Life Code" BBG s-1V Third World Service. Horizon: February Programme (contract, Contribution and _ strategic BBC correspondence). BBC December (contract only). 1968. decision making, 31 May (contract, brief correspondence). Interview on science Other miscellaneous correspondence on possible programmes. Miscellaneous notes of payments. 1968. ,~~talk..on Bernal and J.B.S. Haldane, July, also published in The Listener. BBC Radio 4 "New Worlds", 17 January (contract only). final script, audience research report, letter of Draft script, thanks from Bernal. Third Programme. "The: Origin of "Masters Science" Life! 1969. BBC to of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L289 1970. Anglia Television. Invitation declined, April. BBC External Services. Laboratory of Molecular Biology", November. Interview for "Centres of Research No.22 Script, brief correspondence. LOTT Molecular MR, Pollock: May. Biology, BBC Open University Foundation Course Radio Unit 17, with contributions by Kendrew, on W.L. Bragg, Contract, script, brief correspondence. BBG. «IV. Correspondence on "Controversy" programme BBC TV "Who calls the tune?", 14 February. Transcript. on Rothschild/Dainton Green Paper TV BBC correspondence). "The Nobel Prize". Interview April (contract, TV BBC September. Proposed documentary on biology; correspondence 1975-77 (contract, 1974. only). Interview October Radio Scotland. Overseas Regional Service. BBG brief correspondence). "The British Association", BBC Radio Three "Scientifically Speaking", June (contract discussion on BBC relationship between science and society, September (on occasion of meeting of BAAS under Kendrew's Presidency) (contract only). (contract, correspondence). Miscellaneous correspondence on proposed programmes 1975, Interview for "Science at BBC TV "The Secret War". 1976. Sea " NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Shell ‘Pitm Unit. Correspondence 1960-63 on film on myoglobin. Central Office of Information. Correspondence 1961-63 on film on structure of proteins. National Film Board of Canada. Correspondence, and Revolution in biology", 1966-67. synthesis", protein contract as consultant, script for film on "DNA "The outline for follow-up film on Anvil Films (for Educational Foundation for Visual Aids). Correspondence 1967-68 on film "Molecules and life". Brief correspondence 1974 on film on myoglobin. NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CORRESPONDENCE WITH PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS Academic Press Inc. LOST 53: contribution to The Proteins (1954). Contract, letter from W.T. Astbury, for Kendrew's Contract, 1952-58. collaborative Chemistry U2 C1957): correspondence with colleagues etc. for paper with F.H.C. Grick for Advances in Protein 1960-61. revised Chemistry. On proposed collaborative contributions with Perutz to edition of The Proteins and to Advances in Protein Press on Section M with Academic Journal of On various 1958-66. Includes correspondence 1966 with J.T. Edsall urging Kendrew to publish a full in Protein Chemistry. account of his work on myoglobin, preferably in Advances publishing projects. Annual Reviews Inc. for correspondence etc. See Molecular Biology. 1954-56. of Biochemistry, 26, collaborative paper with Perutz for Annual Review See L.129. L968. proposed by D.C. Phillips and F.M. Richards. Atlas of Protein Structures Correspondence, on publication comments etc. 19704715. 1957. On NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew W.A. Benjamin & Company 1962-65. Proposed "Lecture note and monograph series". Biopolymers 1962-64. reports on journal etc. Invitation to serve on Editorial Advisory Board, Blackwells Scientific Publications bo6a. 172. Cambridge University Press 1958, 1963. Requests for Kendrew to write book. 1968-74. Brief correspondence only, Current Topics in Developmental Biology Advice and comment on various publishing projects. 1965-70. Board of Advisory Editors. to Vol.II published 1977. Includes contract and draft of Kendrew’s Introduction on Kendrew’s service on Encyclopaedia of Ignorance 1974-81. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Endeavour Kendrew (L.112) 1976 publishers ICI had and as the when a long connection with Endeavour as a_ a member of its Advisory Panel from publication was transferred from to Pergamon Press. contributor 1965 until original the 1952259" E96. "Trace "The basis of evolution" (1959). elements chemical Includes in plant physiology" (1952) drafts for three reviews by Kendrew, published), molecular structure of proteins" (1954), (not "The here Included (declined) for Kendrew to accept editorship of ICI handbooks engineering. brief correspondence invitation on with 1946 is December suggestions for contributors, comments on papers submitted. 1965 - December Advisory panel 1967. meetings, January 1968 - December 1969. on draft Includes Includes editorial 1970 - December 1971. draft editorial on signing of EMBL January EMBL, comments on papers or ideas submitted. oS. Agreement, comments on papers submitted, suggestions for contributions etc. Advice on publications. English Universities Press 1974-76. 1963-64. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Hutchinson Educational Ltd. 1964-67. Russell's The Scientific Outlook for a proposed series. Advice on publications. Includes Kendrew'’s notes on Macmillan Minerva Nature 1982. Comments on proposed dictionary of molecular biology. 1966, 1974, J.F. Embling on EMBO history. TO72. Poy ls Includes letter (1974) from the editor 1983. comment There are also exchanges on policy matters General correspondence, on papers or letters submitted for 1969. Macmillan International Textbook Project. as contact with possible contributors, of his close connection with Academic Press. Correspondence with editor and with colleagues on Nature- Kendrew was envisaged made view he but later withdrew in of the molecular biology series, 1958-68. books, etc. J.R. Maddox friendly terms. including requests to review publication with (Editor 1966-73 and 1980-) with whom Kendrew was on 1973. Includes a draft letter to the Editor, on 1969-73, 1980, J. Monod, political BR Moh Perutcz., eIaACOD;, F. Sanger, published in 224, 93-94, and a manuscript draft of an unpublished 1973 number on "Science in Europe". article by Kendrew on EMBO for special 18 May aspects of AGSLWOLt = meetings, Kendrew, Appointments 1966, international PGs Crick ; and by NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew New Scientist Includes draft review =A. Engstrém by 1958-63. Ultrastructure correspondence DLOVOEY. 1963 . on Kendrew's article "The future of molecular by Kendrew of “and: J;B..binean Biological 1958, 1967-82. Includes copy of article on EMBL 1982. Oxford University Press Various 1966-72. Protein "The molecular basis of biology". of Molecules (see L.104) and Kendrew's outline for book on publication including projects, Atlas Penguin Science News See 1979. 1948-49. aiso: Lat. On Kendrew's article "The structure of proteins". Pergamon Press Ltd. Plenum Publishing Corporation Comments on proposed "Comprehensive Molecular Biology". Advance". Comments on proposed treatise on molecular biophysics. Political Quarterly number on Proposed special "Politics of Scientific 1973. 1966. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Science Journal 1966. Proposed article on enzymes. Science & Technology Quarterly (published by Science Council of Singapore) 1980. Invitation to serve on Advisory Panel. Scientific American 1966-67. molecular biology". On Kendrew's review of "Phage and the origins of Spectator LOPE 72. Umschau "EMBL europdische Europa", in DNA On "Forschung Uber Genetische Rekombination in EO /% adapted Europe" given at NAS Forum March 1977 (see N.47). Kendrew's paper "Research on recombinant from Kendrew'’s revisions of article on "Haemoglobin". 1980. interview English in Endeavour, corrected and corrected proof of German version. Service-Station", in 80, heavily second corrected draft (both in English) biologische with Kendrew published in Umschau, World Book Encyclopedia Includes first draft by Kendrew, 1963, 1965. On 4, 1980. 1980 and from editors and publishing houses, to write or molecular reviews, on scientific topics, contributions to encyclopaedias history of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Shorter correspondence Requests declined, books, memorial biology, EMBL etc. articles, volumes 1960-65. 1966-68. 1969-71. 1974-76, 1981, 1984. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew ADDENDA : LECTURES 1946-87 Lectures 1946/57 1947 1946, ere eee Space Group! on foetal and adult haemoglobin 15 November 1946. X-ray study,of adult and foetal haemoglobin. Foster Club” 6 February 1947. Lecture to Michael X-ray An read before Physiological Society Cambridge 18 January 1947. study of foetal and adult sheep haemoglobin. Paper 1949 1948, renin Myoglobin (notes for Space Group 22 April 1948). 1949. Myoglobin (introduction to paper to Barcroft Memorial Conference 17 June 1948). of Physics X-ray Analysis Group], York The [Institute 1948. Some recent research on proteins. Paper to ary Club? 8 February to XRAG 19 November See L.4-L.7. structures of some corpuscular proteins. Paper See L.8. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 365 Narrow-mindedness in the humanities. Paper read to Perne Society® Peterhouse 28 November 1949. 9 SUH boo teendreams Polypeptide Chains. Paper to Hardy Club? 3 February 1950. Paper to informal Protein Conference in Cambridge 6 July 1950. Fourier summations on the EDSAC. Space Group 9 November 1950. Some crystallographic calculations with EDSAC. Analysis Group [York] 17 November 1950. See also C.14. Paper to X-ray Talk at July 12 Crystallographic opening I9SLy See also Gil: computations with digital computers. conference of the Manchester Ferranti machine Recent British work in the X-ray study of proteins. Berkeley and Seattle August 1951. See N.1. Contribution to symposium on biophysics, Ann Arbor 31 July 1951. See N.1. See N.1. Recent Symposium on Protein Structure, American Chemical Society 4 September 1951. The structure of haemoglobin and myoglobin. Conference, New Hampshire 28 August 1951. studies of the structure of myoglobin. Contribution to 75th Anniversary Meeting of the Seminars at Paper to the Gordon See N.1. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew X-ray Recent myoglobin. Chemistry New York 11 September 1951. and Paper to International Congress of Pure and Applied crystallographic haemoglobin See N.1. studies of Paper to protein conference at Harvard 21 September 1951. Na, Recent American work on collagen. King's College London 31 October 1951. Paper to Physics Department, hoo Looe etna neeeepenmaas The end of the world. Talk to Perne Club 9 February 1953. See N.3. To the The helix and globular proteins. and 30 September 1953. Talk at Seattle and Harvard 16 Pasadena Conference 23 Report on America. [MRC] Unit 3 November 1953. new crystal forms of myoglobin. The helix in biology. Some September 1953. Kapitza Club® 1 December 1953. King’s College London 8 December 1955. density projection of L955 1954) coneipepeetcnpendeoahaceemtaeamibeionis Colloquium at An electron myoglobin. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 195651957, ——._ use The shapes Crystallography, collaborative N.4. of X-ray single-crystal measurements to determine of protein molecules. Madrid April Paper at International Union versions (Several 1956. paper with H.M. Dintzis and P.J. Pauling). the of of See Problems Talk to Scientists’ Lunch Club Cambridge 26 April 1956. the non-university research worker in of Cambridge. Phase Group London 16 November 1956. determinations in myoglobin. Paper to X-ray Analysis Shape in living organisms. Garphologists’ 30 January 1957. structure of proteins. The Science and Technology 25 February 1957. Lecture to Manchester See L.19. College of This Space Spoken version. See N.6. is a photocopy, Kendrew July (via Ld. Rothschild) Paris protein conference with a manuscript note by three-dimensional map of myoglobin at low resolution. Crystallographic studies of myoglobin. 27 July 1957. A Group, Cavendish Laboratory, 14 November 1957. N.B. "Original to Trinity College Library ESTE, Cambridge named after Sir Michael Foster (1836-1907). Space Group: Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge. a seminar for research students and crystallographers at the "tea club" of the Department Michael Foster of Physiology Club: the NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 368 Acy Club: Cambridge. a society for theoretical physics at the Cavendish Laboratory Perne Cambridge. Society: an undergraduate science society at Peterhouse Hardy Club: molecular See R.15. a society founded in Cambridge May 1949 for biophysicists and (1864-1934). biologists and named after Sir William Bate Hardy Kapitza Club: the Russian physicist P.L. Kapitza who studied and taught there 1923-32. a society founded at the Cavendish Laboratory Cambridge by Carphologists: a membership divided between medics and biologists. a Cambridge University society founded by F.G. Young, with NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.146 Lectures 1958/60 1958 of structure The Chemistry Lake Oxford 9 June, King's College London 3 July. Study Group Bethesda 15 January 1958. 24, Rockefeller Institute, To Biophysics myoglobin. City, Yale and Also at Biophysical Salt 31 January, 28, Three-dimensional map of myoglobin at low at. February and Institute of Physics 17 March. 22° January 1958. “Tech... Cal. Seminar Also at Brooklyn Polytechnic resolution. See N./7. Three-dimensional representation of myoglobin at low resolution. Harvard 14 January 1958. of a protein IVth Congress Friday Evening Lecture at Study structure of proteins. molecule. structure architecture Biochemistry of myoglobin. The Vienna 1 September 1958. The Discourse at the Royal Institution 21 May 1958. Three-dimensional Program in Biophysical Sciences Boulder Colorado 23 July 1958. 1959. 3D Club Cambridge 20 November 1958 and to Zoology Laboratory 13 February Architecture of Proteins. Chemical Society 18 November 1958. Lecture to Imperial College [London] myoglobin. structure [Michael] Talk to Foster of of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1959 Lecture Gothenburg 10 January 1959. at SIK [Svenska Institutet fSr Konserveringforskning ] See N.8. on proteins. Kingston Technical See L.16. X-ray College 17 February 1959. diffraction studies X-ray myoglobin. studies on a crystalline protein: the structure of MIT Crystallography Colloquium 8 April 1959. Physical methods in biochemistry - X-ray diffraction (with Low)... Atlantic Gity 15 April 1959. B.W. 3-dimensional structure of a protein The Conference of the British Computer Society, 1959. «= See N.IL, - myoglobin. Cambridge, First 24 June 14 October 1960. [for 19 structure of myoglobin, The November 1959. Cytology and Cell Physiology 16, Lecture to the Physics Keele, 13 October lectures on protein structure to Part 2 Zoology Class Two J.W.S. Pringle, Cambridge]. October 1959, also 12, Biophysics and molecular architecture. Society at University of North Staffordshire, £959° University Chemical Society 29 January 1960. Biochemical Tea Club [Cambridge] 4 The structure of myoglobin. The Chemical Society and Cambridge 1960 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SE 2-R Fourier of myoglobin. February 1960. Space Group, Cavendish Laboratory 18 of Structure February 1960. myoglobin. Colloquium at Royal Institution 29 Structure University Natural Sciences Club. Bristol myoglobin. of of Lecture to biological 4 March 1960, and University colloquium, College SO ELUCEULE’. PrOLCLIE of Variation in Micro-organisms" Hammersmith Hospital, 22 July 1960 and 20 July 1962. to course on "Enzymic Lecture Basis Structure "Biological 1960. of globular proteins. IUB/IUBS Joint Symposium Structure and Function", Stockholm 12 on September Evening discourse at’ May Harrogate 20 the and structure of globular proteins. The International Nylon Spinners Ltd. Pontypool 27 May 1960. Textile Conference, Wool for Molecular Laboratory Lecture at the See L.19, N.12. Gordon A. Alles 3 November 1960, X-ray analysis and the structures of myoglobin and haemoglobin. Lecture to Part 2 biochemists [Cambridge] 1 December 1960 and 22 dedication The structure of globular proteins. Biology, of the Caltech, also at British Postgraduate Medical Federation London 17 November 1960 and Cambridge Medical Society 14 February 1961. November 1962. NCUAGS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.147 Lectures 1961/1963 (N.B. last entry dated 2 January 1964) 1961 Denver 5 February 1961 (26pp. series. 2-hour seminars, Denver Medical School of text, notes and diagrams). protein structure. Globular Biology Colloquium, Courtaulds Coventry May, University of Illinois June. Harvard Rockefeller Institute March, Philadelphia, Medical School, Denver Harvard March. Series. 12 lectures for Biophysics PhD Course Harvard (34pp. and diagrams, and lp. draft examination questions). of timetable for both Harvard and Denver series, notes See N.13. 27 June the See C€.128. See C.128, N.14. Symposium on poly-a-amino-acids and Pontifical Academy of Science Rome a physical solution of a biological Clarendon Laboratory Oxford 24 November. Gordon Conference New 25 The structure of myoglobin: problem. Structure of globular proteins. Madison 22 June. Structures of myoglobin and haemoglobin. Hampshire October. 11 December (with letter of invitation). protein Korkes Memorial Lecture Duke University N. Carolina Determination myoglobin. structure of of the complete NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1962 Molecular Nottingham University 15 February. biology: a new approach in biology. Lecture at Protein crystallography. work of the Unit 20 March. General talk to MRC Laboratory on the Structure Tallahassee 1 June. of myoglobin. Lecture to University of Florida, Side-chain lecture 5 June. interactions in proteins. Brookhaven Symposium Structure St. Louis, Indianapolis, 66. PE FA June: of myoglobin and side-chain interactions. San Francisco Medical Center, Given at Eugene, Laboratory, See N.15. Arden of Health House 9 5 November developments Measurement and Recent Conference, November. Second International Congress in Automation Techniques in the myoglobin structure. and National Institutes X-ray work in protein chemistry. of Chemistry, Basel 19 October. Cambridge, 2 May. Protein structure and protein synthesis. and nucleic acids in biology. Natural Science Club Proteins February. Lecture at Harwell 20 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 374 Myoglobin Lebanon, 3 June. and the structure of protein. Sigma Xi Club Beirut Molecular Institute 11 June and Naples 22 June. of myoglobin structure and haemoglobin. Weizmann See N.17. Concluding remarks. Weizmann Conference June. See C.128, N.17. The molecules of life. and diagrams for recording broadcast in October.) ITV "Dawn University" 23 July. See L.81. (Text Recent advances in the structures of myoglobin and Munich 23 October. haemoglobin. Friday Evening Discourse with MFP [Perutz], November. Royal Institution 1 Notes in Talk Institute of Physics X-ray analysis of myoglobin. Postgraduate course Molecules of life. analysis and protein structure. Sixth forms, Clifton College 16 November. X-ray Analysis Group London 15 November. on the organisation of defence research in the UK. X-ray biochemistry 21 November. to Swedish Chiefs of Staff, Stockholm 2 January 1964. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.148 Lectures 1964-71 1964 structure, Protein Lecture to Thomas Young Club’, Emmanuel College Cambridge 22 January, also on tour of Holland at Leiden, Delft, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Groningen 10-14 February. synthesis and function. See C.128. Protein structure. Shell Laboratories Amsterdam 17 February. Forces the Gesellschaft Berlin 9 May. stabilising structure Of “2 proteins, Biology in the modern world. Rotary Club Cambridge 28 April. Savio: University Lecture, Cambridge Recent June. See N.18. Nobel meeting, Lindau 25 work on protein structure. proposed European Institute for Molecular Biology. Molecular biology, past present and future. Leeds 15 October. The [Society for Visiting Scientists] Discussion meeting 3 June. Talk at Board of Trade 26 November. International Laboratories. 21 October. Scientists’ Lunch Club, Molecular biology. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1965 Molecular Establishment] Aldermaston 20 January. biology. Lecture at AWRE [Atomic Weapons Research genetic determination of Lecture in Genetics, The University February. protein function. University College Special 3 London Myoglobin ligands. British Biophysical Society 8 April. Problems prediction of protein Conformation Workshop, Bethesda 24 June. in the conformation. Protein See C.128, N.19. X-ray diffraction studies of globular proteins. Conference New Hampshire 2 July. See €.128, N.20. Gordon Protein 1966 Belfast, 22 survey of the role macromolecules. in British of molecular models Molecular February. Introductory elucidating Biophysical Society London 20 December. of biological structure See L.55 Columbia Symposium on the Relationship between the Biological Physics, University and Physical Sciences 9 May. Chemical interactions and protein structure, Brookhaven, Columbia 10, molecular structure and biological function. Hans Sloane Memorial Lecture biology. See J.2. 13 May. See N.22. Helsinki 24 March, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Symmetry at International Congress of Biophysics Vienna 5 September. biological systems. Opening remarks in Se Second to Talk October, N.23-N.25. Biophysics and Biochemistry Institute Shanghai 15 Institute and Physics Institute October. Peking 6 See Impressions Tawney Group Cambridge” Chinese Understanding Cambridge 28 November. 24 November the of proletarian cultural revolution. Talk to Anglo- and to Society for See N.23-N.25. China, November 1966. science and Chairman Mao. Talk to MRC Laboratory 3 See N.23-N.25. 1967 See N.26. See L.56. proteins. The new biology. Eton Medical Society 17 February. analysis and the chemical reactions of The Crookshan and to Stokes Society X-ray Technical High School, March. Delft Wageningen and Nijmegen Universities 6-8 Cell function at the molecular level. Faculty of Radiologists 19 May, 20 November. May 1969). Pomona Some February. College. See L.58 (also at Madrid 28 March, Heidelberg 30 April, Munich 2 Evening lecture of the Robbins Lectures 22 Lecture, Cambridge chapters in the history of molecular biology. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew The Robbins Lectures. (18pp. correspondence.) notes and See L.58. Pomona College 22, diagrams, also 23, 26, photographs, 378 2/7 February. and notice Problems New York 10 May. See N.28. of sequence and conformation in proteins. Rochester Computers course 23 July. See L.59. and biological complexity. Lecture to Cambridge IBM Recent work on conformation of polypeptides. Symposium papers of Scheraga, Ramachandran, See €C.128, N.29. Summary of Nobel Liquori 29 August. Seminar: lst University 16 October. Sequence and conformation of proteins. Tokyo See N.27. 2nd Seminar: 22 October. Conformational change and protein function. Tokyo See N.27. the See Lecture: Methods of analysis and some new techniques. Tokyo 24 October. 3rd Seminar: See N.27. Tokyo University 16 October. Some crystallographic problems. X-ray crystallography and its application to 2nd Tokyo University 17 October. lst Lecture: study of protein structure. Ne? 7: See N.27. Lecture: 4th University 24 October. Lecture: 3rd_ Tokyo University 23 October. X-ray analysis as a tool in protein architecture. Public November. protein chemistry. Tokyo 22 October, The New Biology. Principles of See N.27. See N.27. See N.27. Lecture: Tokyo Osaka 3 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1969 X-ray analysis and the chemical reactions of proteins. Chemistry Department [Cambridge] 21 February. Physical Conformation of haemoglobin. Barcelona 25 March. See N.30. Some chapters in the history of molecular biology. March. See N.30. Madrid 28 Molecular Munich 2 May. See N.31. biology - a little history. Heidelberg 30 April, Amino-acid Leopoldina Academy, Halle, DDR 6 May. sequence as the determinant of protein conformation. Polypeptide Lecture, London 8 September (2 versions). International Union conformation and protein of Leather See L.60. Chemists 9th Procter Societies, See N.31. structure. the Society Biology and EMBO. See L.61. Lecture at See L.62. Sittingbourne Cambridge Philosophical Three-dimensional Sesquicentenary 28 October. molecules. Molecular Laboratories of Shell 19 November. See L.64. Some thoughts on the history of molecular biology. Society London 500th meeting 15 December. The molecular approach to biology: CERN 8 April. achievements and prospects. Biochemical See L.63. 1970 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 3-dimensional biology. structure and the development Chemical Society Zurich 13 May. of See L.64. 380 molecular The molecular approach to biology: Brookhaven 19 May. achievements and prospects. Developments June 1970 and 1971, BOP2 L 65. Seer in the life sciences. Imperial Defence College 9 repeated at Police College Bramshill 6 July Amino-acid sequences as the determinant of protein conformation. International August. See N.35. Congress of Physiology Brasov Romania 11 LOPE achievements science. See L.66. Fison Memorial Rio de Janeiro sSee-N, 38. Ni 39. in molecular biology. Sao Paulo 2 September, Recent August, 1972. public and the private faces of The Lecture, Guy’s Hospital 8 June. 30 Siemens Stiftung Munich 6 March George Stokes (1819-1903). Tawney evacuated World War and became an Honorary Fellow in 1946. was with the London School of Economics to Peterhouse in the Second society named after a scientific society at Pembroke College named after Sir Thomas Young (1773-1829). Young Club: a society at Emmanuel College, R.H. Tawney who named after Thomas Group: a Peterhouse Stokes Society: NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew L.149 Lectures 1972-87 J.D. Bernal (Kendrew's tribute to the Memorial meeting for Bernal. programme). “screntict. Birkbeck See 0.2 College as a 24 January Includes Developments in the life sciences. July. See L.65. Police College Bramshill 7 Support King's College Cambridge 1 November. of science by the state. "Science in Society" Group, J.A. Cohen Memorial Lecture. Rijswijk 29 November. See L.67. in science. 40th of and British See L.68. prospects. Natuur en Biophysical - retrospect anniversary Biophysics Society 20 December. Communication Techniek Delft 21 December. There are no entries for 1973. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 1974 Biology at Association March. molecular the Young Scientists] 27 February, level. Leicester BAYS Canterbury [British 6 BAYS The DESY outstation of EMBL. Hamburg 19 June. opportunities and challenges in European New Science Fair 2 July. biology. London Education for change. at Section X [British Association Annual Meeting Stirling] 5 September. Introductory remarks B.A. Introduction molecules". to Symposium on "Biological variations - genes and B.A. Stirling 4 September. LOPS 1976-79 birthday a la Recherche [Délégation Générale et EMBL and its programs. Scientifique DGRST Technique] Symposium Paris 13 November. See N.44. January, Scientists 60th N.45. Aharon [in error for Ephraim] symposium Jerusalem/Rehovoth European laboratory. co-operation Ebel's in molecular biology and Katzir See and defence. laboratory Strasbourg 16 May 1976. European the 27 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Laboratoire Martinsried 22 November 1977. biophysique de moléculaire Orléans 18 May, See N.49. Remarks on EMBL to MRC Cell Board 11 May 1977. the genie and the bottle? Recombinant DNA: Science Foundation] Lecture 1 November 1977. First ESF [European See L.69. Transcript Golden November 1977. Jubilee of speech by Sir John Kendrew on the occasion of the 5 [Clifton College] Science School the of Evolution University College Galway 10 May and Delhi 19 December 1979. the recombining of genes in nature and and by man. 1980s the his European Biology fOr (and Molecular Laboratory. biologist. temptations 8 Discourse to Royal Irish Academy Dublin The academic profession and genetical engineering: of June 1981. The Takk Internationale Rundfunk-Universitdt via Hessische Rundfunk spoken in German translation by another voice) 26 June 1980. Stockholm 24 September 1987. For A. Engstrém on International biophysics. retirement NCUAGCS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION M JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION FOUNDING PAPERS MOY M2 Correspondence and papers 1957-59 CORRESPONDENCE WITH EDITORS AND AUTHORS Correspondence and papers 1958-88 M.29-M.31 M.32-M.37 M.20-M. 28 Editorial correspondence 1959-87 CORRESPONDENCE WITH ACADEMIC PRESS General publication enquiries 1959-85 Personal correspondence 1958-88 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew INTRODUCTION In June 1957 Kendrew was asked by K. Jacoby, then Vice-President of Academic Press Inc. New York, to undertake the editorship of a new journal; the first provisional title was Journal of Molecular Biophysics but by August 1957 this had been changed to Journal of Molecular Biology, which it has remained. On receipt of the invitation Kendrew canvassed colleagues on both sides of the Atlantic for their views on the necessity and scope of such a publication in order to assure himself of firm professional support, as well as_ seeking agreement from his college and from the Medical Research Council to his taking on the additional responsibility. By March 1958 a distinguished Editorial Board had been formed, consisting of P. Doty, A.F. Huxley, R.L. Sinsheimer and M.F.H. Wilkins, with Kendrew as Editor-in-Chief; an Advisory Board was in process of formation with a letter of intent sent to leading scientists in the field. Meanwhile, Kendrew characteristically involved himself with the practicalities of publication, and such matters as format, layout, typeface, These was 1974, After some delays, the journal the leading printing conventions, length with policy took place initial difficulties, mainly attributable to printing The peak year of production publication in its field, of concern to editors and publishers soon fulfilled all expectations and became "founding papers" are preserved at M.1, M.2. after which the numbers of papers submitted, cover design and colour were discussed at so much so that by 1964 its size had become a matter somewhat declined until a re-organisation and decentralisation of its editorial Academic Press before Volume I No.1 of the journal appeared in May 1959. September 1987 Brenner was sole Editor-in-Chief. Editor-in-Chief from the initiation of the journal many of the distinguished editors on the 1 April 1961 when S. Brenner was appointed Assistant expansion and subsequent changes of the journal and of subscriptions, sequence at M.3-M.19. The membership of the Brenner were joint is included in the Kendrew was sole Editors-in-Chief been drawn from board had always 1985 Kendrew and Correspondence with in 1979-80 (M.13, M.14, «journal ~: was. international early stages, leaders in _ the greatly: -respected. Editor. Brom. research’ topics, editorial relevant until January and from i 1 (M.8-M.10). M.25). and.) the rapid NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Material relating to Academic Press is of several kinds. Rhee t Lest contacts were with its American Vice-President, K. Jacoby, and with C.M. Hutt, the Director of the UK office opened in 1959; in later years other directors, principally R.A. Farrand, Hutt'’s successor in the London office, were involved with the affairs of the journal. In 1969 Academic Press Inc. merged with Harcourt Brace, which from 1973 added the name of its President W. Jovanovitch. During the 1980s Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch took a more active hand in the running of its London office, with very considerable consequences for the personnel and policy of Academic Press; some of these can be seen in the sequence at M.20-M.28. In June 1968 Kendrew himself had been invited to become a director of the firm at a nominal annual fee of £50, and he remained so until March 1988 when he was removed from the Board following a shareholders meeting. In his capacity as editor and director he often advised on various publication projects (M.29-M.31, see also L.102). It should be noted that the Journal of Molecular Biology was launched, and continued to be edited, from Peterhouse Cambridge until 1975 and office premises in when Kendrew ceased to be a Fellow of the college Cambridge were obtained. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew FOUNDING PAPERS June 1957 - March 1958, K. Jacoby Correspondence desirability (Academic Press) but mainly with colleagues on the Kendrew's of new by appointment, Peterhouse and (reluctantly) by H. Himsworth of Medical Research 1958 to Council. proposed of new journal and inviting support. 28 March explaining genesis to Kendrew’s acceptance of editorship members of Advisory Board Kendrew’s draft letter of journal, consent negotiations and terms of some with a Includes Correspondence Press typeface, specimen pages, publication arrangements. and printers on publication of papers May 1958 - April 1959 with journal: and cover Academic design, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CORRES PONDENCE WITH EDITORS AND AUTHORS members a sequence from June 1958 to May 1988. The material is It deals with all aspects of editorial policy and academic content of the journal, and includes Kendrew’s circular letters and information to or re- rotation of Some organisation in correspondence general the journal. included, concerns the scientific content membership of Editorial or in response to changing requirements of the Editorial and Advisory Academic Press is also Boards, Advisory sequence changes Boards, but of with etc. the June 1958-1959. Complaints 1960-63. American Editors), of of from contributions, statistics, fees, appointment publication delays (especially S. Brenner as Assistant Editor, changes in Editorial Board. 1964-65. journal, editorial workload and fees. New appointments to Editorial Board, rapid growth of 1964. was required. Advisory Board: invitations to join declined or membership and changes 1959, 1962, on rapid growth of the journal and what Correspondence if any, February 1965 1965-66. Membership of Editorial Board: deferred 1964-73. Biophysica Acta (BBA). Similar information policy growth, replies received and opinions expressed, from and editorial its of and memoranda received Biochimica et action, of and their replies, and future of the journal especially in relation to 1966. to members of Editorial Includes Kendrew's circular letter to members of Advisory Board, similar problems faced circulars, Board material sent Includes Kendrew’s E.C. Slater Kendrew’s analyses graphs and their replies. on by on NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 389 M.10 Correspondence 1967 on discontinuance of the Advisory Board (one of the policy measures agreed by Editorial Board in 1966). 1967-68. General editorial correspondence. £970. format. Mainly with P. Berg on journal size and possible new September 1980. Correspondence, memoranda, notes, graphs, replies re-organisation aim up publication time and rationalising presentation of editorial system with the circular letter and - 1979 discussion proposed speeding papers Press). (see M.25 for related correspondence with drafts, on of of Academic correspondence, Continuing of journal, mainly relating to editorial announcement of new system for the journal's "21st birthday" in 1980, and new arrangements for editors. on re-organisation drafts etc. General authors 1982-84. 1984-85. and strains. on Includes to Correspondence on Protein Data Bank. circular and graph April 1983 of manuscripts sent Correspondence on availability of biological materials 1981-83. papers submitted, appointments to Editorial Board etc. Kendrew’s the journal annually 1958-82. correspondence with editors and Correspondence and papers on manuscripts rejected or disputed. 1984-85. authors. Includes letter from M.F. Perutz 12 November 1984 describing his new (for accelerated publication). discoveries on haemoglobin structure and ion channels correspondence General with editors and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CORRESPONDENCE WITH ACADEMIC PRESS Editorial correspondence deals sequence This with publication of the journal: printing changes in format or typeface; binding; or. commercial the the changes, delays or deficiencies in circulation; aspects rates and of subscription policy and appointments. Correspondents include scientific colleagues. are mainly directors of the firm, but may also May 1959-61. Early printing difficulties. 1962-63. birthday. Includes message from Kendrew for K. Jacoby'’s 70th Office LoS. 1964-68. Expansion of journal and Editorial Board. Technical LOL 75g tS: for Scientific and Mainly on office staff. Includes minutes of by LIGU, convened (OSTI) January 1969. a meeting on the Deposition of Data Information following talks by Kendrew and H.T. Hookway and held 29 Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch. 1979-80, new Biology and Medicine). Printing delays; re-organisation of journal; proposed Molecular Molecular other information Includes Medical Biology on changes at press and Journal of 1981-82. (later NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew M.28 of format Changes 1984-87. S. Brenner as joint Editor-in-Chief from 1 January 1985, subscription increases, honoraria. Academic Press meetings journal. of costs, Also included are minutes of to the referring specifically appointment frequency, 1984-87 and General publication enquiries 1959-85 Enquiries journals, translations etc. and advice on various See also L.102. publishing projects, books, 1959-64. 1965-69. 1970-74, 1985. and (with contract Editorship Personal correspondence 1958-88 Negotiations terms of original 1958-59. K. Jacoby). Miscellaneous modifications in remuneration and travel 1970-76. expenses, terms of agreement (with C.M. Hutt). editorship. Prolongation and termination of contract, changes in 1984-88. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Directorship of Academic Press 1968-70. Medical World Inc. (1969). consent from & Brace Invitation to join Board of Directors, Research Council, negotiations with Harcourt 1988. Notification of removal from Board. Fees and expenses 1970-87. 1958-66, correspondence, remuneration from Academic Press. on editorial fees, Miscellaneous documentation, and a little travel expenses and similar Royalties 1953-69. publications by Kendrew published by Academic Press. EOS - Ee eOn. Miscellaneous royalty statements and notifications for See also NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION N VISITS AND CONFERENCES 1951-86 INTRODUCTION The chronological sequence at N.1-N.60 gives only a partial picture of Kendrew’s actual attendance at conferences and meetings and the concomitant travel. A high proportion of his activities entailed frequent travel and references to such will be found passim throughout the collection; as examples, one could cite the regular meetings of EMBO, EMBC and ICSU, the official visits with the Council for Scientific Policy, and the meetings of the many international organisations or societies with which Kendrew was connected in a personal or representative capacity. A separate sequence at N.61-N.71 comprises the numerous invitations 1961-86 which Kendrew was unable to accept. While some of these are relatively summary, others, especially in the 1960s, involve major invitations to Material of the in of both undertake lecture tours or courses or accept Visiting Professorships. In later The notebook at ©C.128, conferences late _ stage, The notebooks at L.145-L.149, contains much supplementary material on conferences attended by Kendrew, added to the collection at a correspondence to which it sometimes gives rise. only to find himself obliged to cancel at a late stage. these kinds is of interest because of its extent and because particular those referred to at N.14, N.17, N.19, N.20, N.29. years, Kendrew often accepted invitations to attend, speak or chair sessions at interest not only in preserving the texts of lectures or talks given by Kendrew at conferences but in adding to the tally of meetings which he attended. also a late addition, are of special NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew North America 1951. was major trip, This a laboratories, and America (Ann Arbor, Hampshire, L.145 for texts or notes for the lectures. York and the East Coast) California, conferences and across Seattle, Gordon Conference New See July-September. locations the giving of lectures at including visits to New includes Folder lecturing programme but is mainly concerned with his to an OEEC mission to the US Chemical Congress, Chemists International Project (Yochinproj). some details of Kendrew's travel schedule and nomination and the Younger Gordon LOSS. Conference on Proteins and Nucleic Acids, 23-28 August Group correspondence. photograph (with key), list . of. participants, brief Conference on September 1953. Configuration of Polypeptide Chains, Pasadena, Includes invitation (from L. Pauling), travel arrangements, list of participants, correspondence re notice of conference prepared by Kendrew and published in Nature, 173, 1954. 2-7 L.145 of 1956. Madrid, research with Symposium, List of participants, programme. for Kendrew's paper on collaborative See L.145 for notes for Kendrew's lecture. See H.M. Dintzis and P.J. Pauling. International Union of Crystallography April 1956. See L.145 for spoken version in English of Kendrew’s contribution. Institute "Biological Structures and Computational Models", November myoglobin". Colloque sur la Structure des Protéines, Paris, Kendrew spoke on "Crystallographic studies on myoglobin". Correspondence, programme, list of participants, abstracts. on London, 16-17 in 25-29 July 1957. Programme only. determinations Conference Physics X-ray Analysis Kendrew spoke on "Phase Group NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Institute March 1958. of Physics X-ray Analysis Group meeting, London, W.L. Bragg and Kendrew presented papers. Notice of meeting, brief correspondence only. See L.146 for notes for lecture. Visit Uppsala, Stockholm and Gothenburg, 8-10 January 1959. at invitation of A. Engstrém, to Sweden, to lecture Correspondence September 1958 - January 1959. See L.146 for notes for lecture at Gothenburg. International IUPAP Contributions of Physics to Biology", Kendrew was on organising committee. Biophysics Programme, list of participants. Conference "Recent Cambridge, 6-9 July 1959. on "Working specificity’ ", Copenhagen, 14-18 September 1959. Conference genetic control ‘The on of protein of the Cambridge, 22-25 talk on "A Kendrew’s computers =; See L.146 for notes for lecture. Programme, his talk, Jacob. scientific three-dimensional Programme, application digital structure of a protein". abstract of list of participants, Kendrew's manuscript notes for and on contributions by others including J. Monod, F. First Conference of British Computer Society, June 1959. See L.146 for notes for lecture. Visit Address", 3 November 1960. Letter of thanks, travel receipts only. California Institute of "Dedication Technology to for NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew N.13 Visit to Harvard Medical School, March-April 1961. Correspondence only, mainly on request (declined) for Kendrew to write up his course of twelve lectures for publication. See L.147 for notes for lectures. Gordon Conference on Proteins, Rhode Island, 25-30 June 1961. expenses, Travel Kendrew under title of "Probing the protein puzzle". correspondence used in American Chemical Society's 1962 on and interview given by series radio 7147. See of myoglobin and haemoglobin". notes. for -for.. Kendrew's lecttire> “on; {Structures Arden House Conference, Columbia, New York, 5-7 November 1962. Programme, papers read. list of participants, Kendrew’s manuscript notes on E. 147 See... Kendrew’s developments in the myoglobin structure". «notes: for for lecture on ..:."Keeent on visit to Japan, which Israel, 1962-63 See N.27. projected 10-17 June 1963. Programme, biographical notes on participants. Weizmann Institute of Kendrew spoke on "Molecular See L.147 for Kendrew's lecture and for his concluding remarks. Correspondence eventually took place in 1968. Symposium on New Perspectives in Biology, Science, Structure of Myoglobin and Haemoglobin". See L.148 for notes for Kendrew’s lecture. 1964. spoke on "Recent studies of the structure of proteins". Programme, list of participants, correspondence. Lindau Kendrew Prize-Winners, Symposium of Nobel 22-26 June NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew N.19 on Conformational Workshop Institutes introduced prediction of protein conformation". Bethesda, Health, of one Problems in Proteins, 24-25 June 1965. of the sessions and spoke on "Problems 397 National Kendrew the in _ Correspondence only. See L.148 for notes for Kendrew'’s contribution. Gordon Conference on Proteins, June - of globular proteins". 2 July 1965. 28 Kendrew spoke on "X-ray diffraction studies New Hampshire, New Hampton, Programme, correspondence. list of participants, group photograph (with key), See L.148 for text of Kendrew’s lecture. 1965-67 Correspondence Toronto as Centennial Visiting Professor, Alberta, Ottawa and Washington. but later cancelled the visit. proposed on visit of to Kendrew accepted the invitation University with other visits to at on two in L.148 of and On 4:51 After Helsinki N.23-N.25 invitation interactions postponements Visit to China. the visit took place L.148 for Kendrew'’s lecture on "Chemical for notes for Kendrew's lectures in China, See protein structure". Correspondence to A.I. Virtanen, 23-25 March 1966. See talks on impressions of China given on his return. The visit was part of the Royal Society/Academia Sinica exchange plan. the autumn of 1966 between two phases of the Cultural Revolution. Society on his visit, and correspondence. Correspondence arrangements for travel and lectures. Typescript draft and published copy of Kendrew’s report to Royal Royal Society and with Academia Sinica and for with NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 398 N.25 Correspondence National Academy of Sciences 1966-69; Understanding 1966-67; abasing trom. A. Tissiéres 1972. visit: Royal 1966; Society for Anglo-Chinese Society Visit Exchange Scheme of the British Council. Holland 6-9 March 1967 under the to Foreign University Correspondence, visit. notices of lectures, Kendrew's report on his See L.148 for Kendrew's lecture. Visit to Japan, 13 October - 9 November 1968. Correspondence invitation, negotiations), 69 travel with 1966-68 re earlier travel schedule, continuing correspondence 1968- arrangements colleagues officials’ (see N.16 etc. and for on Kendrew’s trip and further exchanges with Japan. See L.148 for notes and texts for lectures and seminars. Visits to Brookhaven National Laboratory and to Medical Rochester (to deliver Walter R. Bloor lecture), May 1968. School the and key) 26-29 August Stockholm, Programme Systems 1968. (annotated) only. Macromolecular Level, group photograph (with See L.148 for notes for lecture. See L.148 for notes for Kendrew’s contribution. Symposium on Symmetry and Function of Biological Correspondence re Rochester visit, of Brookhaven visit. Nobel at Kendrew chaired a session and led a discussion. See L.148 for notes for lectures. Visit to Barcelona. 25-28 March 1969, Correspondence. to lecture in Madrid Spain, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 399 Noi Visit to Germany, universities. 30 April - 8 May 1969, to lecture in various Correspondence, notices of lectures, press notice. See L.148 for notes for lectures. and - papers, January 1968 visit to India under British Correspondence proposed visit Biophysics, and dates eventually commitments to EMBO projects. on the was to focus primarily on the Centre of Advanced Study in universities Various and heavy in 1969 and 1970 were proposed but Kendrew postponed asked to be included in University of Madras, mainly because of but many other the visit, cancelled itinerary. auspices; January centres Council 1970, his the Correspondence invitations. with colleagues and with British Council, N33) 34 Visit to planning. Colombia July 1970, as UNESCO consultant on science Correspondence, report. travel arrangements, schedules of visits, draft of of of Union programme, invitation International Congress photograph. Regional Sciences, on amino-acid sequences. Physiological Congress Romania, 10-16 August 1970, at which Kendrew lectured Copy of report as published, correspondence re continuation Kendrew's consultancy, photograph (identifications on verso). List of participants, programme (annotated). Table Ronde Roussel on "Chirality from mathematics to Paris, 26-28 the sessions. biology", Kendrew was ‘Moderator’ at one of See L.148 for notes for lecture. correspondence October 1970. 1969-70, and NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 400 N. oF Institut de 21-26 June 1971. la Vie Third International Conference, Versailles, Kendrew was on the organising committee. Programme, list of participants. Visit to Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4-7 September 1971, to lecture. Correspondence and arrangements. See L.148 for notes for lecture. Visit to Munich, on support". "The molecular approach to biology 6 March 1972, to lecture to Siemens Foundation international and its Notice of lecture, list of participants, brief correspondence. See L.148 for notes for lecture. OECD Colloquium on Science and Society, St. Paul de Vence, 5-7 June 1972. List of participants, programme, membership of "working groups", compte-rendus of working groups B and D, press comment. to China, 14-29 March 1974, as member of Royal Society Paris, 2-3 April 1973. Visit delegation. Lists of participants and lectures. Table Ronde Roussel on "Origin of Life", Kendrew was "Moderator". Programme, invitation. abstracts of Invitation and arrangements, Kendrew’s and report comments or revisions of drafts by others, a little later (1976) correspondence. Visit 250th Anniversary, October 1975. to Moscow for celebration of National Academy of Sciences schedule for Peking, to contribution A copy of the report on the visit is included. Kendrew’s lectures, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 401 N.44 "Rencontre biologie", Paris, 13-14 November 1975. Méthodes 75: physico-chimiques appliquées a la Kendrew spoke on EMBL. Correspondence, programme. See L.149 for notes for lecture. Symposium 1976. for 60th birthday of E. 13-16 Kendrew gave an address on "Scientists and defense". Katzir, Israel, May Invitation, correspondence, programme, two transcripts (slightly different versions) of Kendrew’s lecture. See L.149 for 13pp. manuscript text of lecture. Biophysics "EMBL and its scientific program". Colloquium, Giessen, June 1976. Kendrew spoke on Correspondence only. National Academy of Sciences Forum on "Research with Recombinant Kendrew was a "Principal DNA", Washington D.C., and on Speaker" referred to European initiatives. with Recombinant Committee as "Research the EMBO 7-9 March 1977. Europe" other well DNA in as of summary Kendrew’s correspondence, Bavaria, 10-16 May 1977. Correspondence, programme (annotated). Invitation, programme, talk, with several manuscript additions. International Systems", on "Biochemical Evolution". Symposium on "Dynamics and Regulation of Evolving Kendrew chaired the session See L.149 for notes for lecture. Visit to Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, Orléans,18 May 1977. Kendrew lectured on EMBL. Correspondence, Kendrew'’s notes on his visit. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew N.50 International Second Varna, Information Kendrew was a "Guest of Honour". Transfer", Colloquium 402 and October Chemical 1977. on "Physical 2-8 Bulearia; Correspondence Introduction for the published Proceedings. March 1976 - April 1978, programme, Kendrew's Visit Academy, representative for the principal ceremony on 13th. to Halle for 325th Anniversary celebrations of Leopoldina Society October. Kendrew Royal 13-16 was Programme, list of participants, brief correspondence. Lipmann Biology", Grignon, 18-20 July 1978. Symposium "Concepts on of Medical Recognition in Kendrew chaired a session. Programme, list of participants, correspondence. "Hearing" Ministry L979: on rDNA research and biohazards, for Research and Technology, Bonn, organised by German September 19-21 Retreat : by Press with Also and were Conference, Minister at contribution on "Inventing the future W. Szybalski and others who to the "Hearing" and corrected Rosenstiel science 1980. Correspondence, schedule of sessions, list of participants. and communication", Connecticut, Kendrew spoke on "The first protein structure". Remarks correspondence agreement. Kendrew’s sent for publication. ensuing in not of included are heavily-corrected transcript version scientific work. correspondence with organiser in to in correspondence contemporary on own Kendrew_ a discussion on "innovation" or "creativity" Programme, (C. Cohen) contribute science. with science list of participants, difficulty on Kendrew’s views on the history included here is earlier (1977) in 9-11 May innovation persuading and his reluctance to write or Greenwich, of talk to Also who had Cohen his NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 403 N. 56 EMBO Workshop on Stereochemical Systems, Cambridge, 10-15 August 1980. Kendrew chaired a session. Programme, list of participants, brief correspondence. Second International Congress on Cell Biology, August Scientific Advisory Board. 5 September Kendrew 1980. was - West Berlin, of member a 31 the Brief correspondence only. on "Relationships between structure and Symposium biochemical systems" in honour of A. September 1981. in molecular biology". in Rossi Fanelli, Rome, 28-30 Kendrew gave a plenary lecture on "Perspectives function Correspondence, programme (annotated). Anglo-Chinese function 1982. of proteins and nucleic Kendrew chaired a session. Biochemical Society Symposium on "Structure acids", Oxford, 14-16 and July Correspondence, schedule of meeting. 1982. Jor .62 1961-65 analysis 22-23 of "Structural lectured on University of Wurzburg, Correspondence, programme. Anniversary celebrations, INVITATIONS DECLINED OR CANCELLED 400th October Kendrew biomolecules by X-rays". 1980 1967-69 1983-84 .65 E979 . 64 1977-78 .63 1971-76 1981 1982 1985 1986 y ; ‘ : : . 66 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION O CORRESPONDENCE INTRODUCTION This section is not extensive, since Kendrew kept almost all his correspondence in the files or notebooks to which it related. The material is presented chronologically, with dates and a note of any material of special scientific or personal interest and of links with other sections of the collection. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Berg, H. Research projects. 1965, 1968 Bernal, J.D. ("Sage") VI66) tO 7L— 72 Correspondence beginnings of molecular biology. 1966 is on Kendrew’s projected history of the 1971-72 Correspondence Meeting correspondence with Zuckerman. and related material. is which Bernal for at on arrangements Memorial Kendrew includes See L.149 for Kendrew’s address the and spoke, for Bernhard, S. 1959-60, 1963 Correspondence 1959-60 is sequencing project. on research on trypsin, and myoglobin Bragg, W.L. Estimated crystallography. costings for viable research group in protein 1966 Chance, B. 1972 Federation for Advanced Brumwell, J.R.M. Proposed Study. of International Institutes Meeting on scientific policy of Labour Party. staffing. Two letters 8 February and undated [1954]. is are ribonuclease colleagues’ projects. (in part) a reply to Kendrew's of in 8 February Both on other Crick and _ is on myoglobin research, by myoglobin, 26 January at C.36. Crick, F.H.C. Correspondence Kendrew on 1954, 1956 sequencing and and collagen, on research long letters progress Letter of 1956 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 0.8 Dainton,;’ F.S. 406 1968 Areas implications. of research in biology with possible industrial Davies, D.R. 1959-60 Doty. P, 1960-61, 1964 Miscellaneous Biology and publication delays; models. content: articles for Molecular myoglobin research, samples and Journal of Rasabt J.T. 1960-62, 1965 refers to the first Fourier synthesis Research, publications, visits. 1961 letters 1962 and Kendrew; myoglobin, D.C. Phillips's work on lysozyme etc. 17 November several W.T. Astbury by K. Bailey of correspondence 1965 is on amino-acid sequence Kendrew's letter of obituaries of refer to 1.52; at Prank, PG. 1964-66 Green, D.W. on various types of Gurd, F.R.N. and others Research on lactoglobulin. Proposed research in polymer biophysics. Research principally on amino-acid sequencing. See C.35. myoglobin by Gurd and colleagues, Collaborative research. Globular proteins. Ingram, D.J.E, Haggis, G.H. 1955-57 1959-71 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Oey Lomer, W.M. Neutron diffraction. re Medvedev, Z.A. 1970 on etc. correspondence to launch his campaign for a public protest by the about the Drafts, letter of protest geneticist confinement in a psychiatric hospital of the Russian The first draft of the letter was by J. Monod (5 Z.A. Medvedev. Nobel June) of Laureates of willingness correspondence to also Kendrew's charts of those approached in UK and Europe and their reactions, and a little press comment on the Medvedev case. Western with UK Nobel Laureates about their comments on or re-wordings of draft; consists material Europe. sign, The In the event, Medvedev was released on 17 June. Neurath, H. 1975 5° 1979-82 Deutsches Material 1979-81 is correspondence and a little press comment on where the Neurath he resigned in July 1981. Krebsforschungszentrum (DFKZ) Heidelberg appointed Director in 1980 which from and was on by and 1961 Pauling 1967-68 Pervez, Mak. Olby, R.C. and others H.C. Watson Pauling, L.C. on paper by Kendrew History of nucleic acids. Comments amino-acid sequences, Nature, 190. 4£952.21957;; 1960 Research and finance at the MRC Unit. 1964, 1966, 1968 Phil DS. Daur. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 0525 Rotherham, L. 408 1972-73 Stein, W.H. Myoglobin research and sequencing. 0.27-0.29 Watson, J.D. 1952-55, 1963, 1966-67 1952-55 working Cambridge Correspondence period O27 Kendrew's at US supervision, National Cambridge University Board of Faculties, Watson’s letters from Pasadena on his RNA research, collaboration with R. Feynman etc. relating to Watson’s negotiations Research Kendrew’s including doctorate Council, on him report under with for for the a discovery, originally 1963, 1966-67. Correspondence Jim", and finally published as "The Double Helix" and on Watson’s account of 0.28 "Base DNA The Pairs" of book Watson's and M.H.F. Wilkins, put forward objections, corrections and the hope that publication might be deferred. controversial closest then 1968. several collaborators, in matter and ..F-HeG.:, Grick "Honest notably titled style was Material Wilkins, and drafts for the foreword contributed by W.L. Bragg. comments and correspondence from includes Crick and are on for nerve 1967 Draft and the research Wilkins’s memorandum on sent to Perutz Wilkins, M.H.F. of "Base Pairs" August 1966, 6.29 comment and with a very few corrections by him. on an amino-acid triplet hypothesis by Correspondence and drafts April - the future Correspondence January is S.R. Pele and its retraction. May Biophysics Research Unit King’s College London, organisation of the Unit. Conference Mexico City August 1981. on conference organised physical Correspondence "Current haemoglobin". on "Special Symposium" for Wyman's Correspondence birthday 75th Biophysics by Wyman chemistry International knowledge organised Wyman, J. 1981 is during VIIth state on of E975: 1975 L9SL of the in is of NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION P REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES APPOINTMENTS AND STAFFING P.18-P.40 GRANT APPLICATIONS/RESEARCH FUNDING MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL IN THIS SECTION MAY BE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTED ACCESS NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES 1957, 1959, 1960 1967-69 1971-74 APPOINTMENTS AND STAFFING departments, requests from colleagues seeking advice on Includes new research, promotions. the development of research in various biological fields. setting-up projected or The material is thus often of interest in charting existing facilities for make expanding to appointments wanting staff new or 1968 ESOT 30 : : : : ; : 1965 1966 1952 1964 1969 1967 1958-59 1969-72 196 1905 by Kendrew, memorandum prepared by the Department on its work. This in July 1974 and met Kendrew was one of the outside advisers, Phillips and M.H.F. Wilkins. Department of Crystallography Review Sub-committee Birkbeck College University of London on the others being Folder includes invitation to serve, arrangements, brief notes 1974. D.C. 1970-74 October was set up NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Bok 7 University of London Biophysics Advisory Committee Letters appointment recommendations 1966-82. of and periodic renewals, meetings and GRANT APPLICATIONS/RESEARCH FUNDING Air Ministry Australian Research Grants Committee 1970 SAO 7AS OT asc A.9 77 Belgium: Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique 1970-71 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research : : : : 1957-79 1957-70 1957-60 1961-64 1967-69 1970-71 Bree 1963-64 E20 1965-66 B23 Pi24 P...23-P*.30 Medical Research Council Madras University National Crystal Data Centre 1964-77 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda National Science Foundation 31.9652-41966 T9574, 1958), 1960, ESRD L979 PeS2 1970 PoE ak soe Pow NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew P.34-P.38 Science Research Council 412 1966-75 Be 34 1966 P35 1966-67 P.. 36 Pod 1967-69 1969 P38 L705 EO RZ,; EOD Volkswagen Foundation 1976-80 Wellcome Trust MISCELLANEOUS Shorter recommendations for awards and prizes. 1956, 1961, 1969 of Public Health Research Statements Institute 1978, Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre 1980. New York support for Personal NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew SECTION R BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION This section is concerned almost entirely with the events of Kendrew’s professional life. Material of a more personal nature remains in his charge during his lifetime. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Miscellaneous own career, prepared by him. material on Kendrew's family, and outline of his Schools Dragon Kendrew to open new Science Block 1968. Reports Oxford. School 1923-30; arrangements for College. Clifton programme of Scientific Society Conversazione 1934; Summer Term 1936 (leaving report); Notification £100 of Scholarship 1930; report for election as Governor 1964. 1935, Trinity College Cambridge School Certificate 1932, Higher Certificate 1935, Cambridge Entrance Scholarships 1934, Examination papers: 1934, 1936, with indications of questions attempted. 1944). a series of circular letters written to The university former September at a 1940 to personal was published as Letters from Cambridge 1939-44 (Cape, London, 1945) containing (10 December 6 October 1945 and are usually ‘topped and tailed’ by Press-cuttings Honorary Fellow 1972. Trinity members with news of the college and These are letters 14-69, war by A.S.F. Gow. "Parish Magazine", awards and degrees (8 September 1939) A version of the election as letters 1 sentence or so. "Magazine" to 64 of 1935-39; 29 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Post-war decisions of to a similar letter of W.L. Bragg outlining his career continuing in Government service, Correspondence and papers July 1945 - May 1946 on future career, possibility to Includes draft of Kendrew's letter of return to Cambridge etc. research 15 July 1945 plans, possible arrangement for release with effect from government employment, 10 his salary and tax arrangements. overseas service and appointments, Included here is from K. Sisam mentioning "your son" as "among a few very promising young men" in Cambridge science. a letter to Kendrew's father, May 1946, and Snow on 8 October to C.P. Kendrew’s decision summary of exact January 1946, dates of Peterhouse resignation from Fellowship and election at 1955; Peterhouse. letter on Research College to Correspondence Fellowship Lectureship 1967; Honorary Fellowship 1975. on 1947; Kendrew's career Stewardship Medical Research Council Miscellaneous accounts, battels, stipends etc. 1947-70. Correspondence, letters of appointment, promotions, arrangements with salaries and allowances Ministry of Defence, Peterhouse, NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Offers of posts 1945-49 Correspondence on possible appointments at: Courtaulds Board of Trade L. Baola cater Purdue University Guy's Hospital Medical School Physics Department Cabinet Office (History of Strategic Air Offensive) Societies 1940s Chemical Society and material relating to Festival of Britain 1951 Cambridge Philosophical Society Correspondence patterns part of crystal horse and whale myoglobin provided by designs in textiles. of a project by the Festival Pattern Group to use Kendrew structure as crystal NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Offers of. posts: 1953. £958 Correspondence on possible appointments at: University of Washington Seattle Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo Societies 1950s Institute of Biology Faraday Society Institute of Physics Biophysical Society Hardy Club Cambridge Letters of congratulation: first-name Fellowship of the Royal Society 1960 Telegram of notification of election. Letters and cables of congratulation B-Z. signatures. unidentified NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Scientific manpower and policy and information Correspondence scientists (the "Brain Drain"). friends Kendrew Sutherland in connection with official reports on the subject. 1962-63 on the of Includes material assembled by sent to G.B.B.M. W. Gratzer) in by him to America S. Zuckerman (especially and passed emigration and and by on and papers 1963-65 on the science policy of Correspondence the Labour Party, including Kendrew’s comments (unfavourable) on the party's material relating to 1964 General Election. statement science policy draft other and The Nobel Prize 1962 R22 R.23 some with of prize (telegram R.21-R.33 recollec- Relatives confirmatory Personal friends. and banquets, and family connections, Letters and telegrams of congratulation. Dragon School, Clifton, Trinity, Peterhouse. letter), Notification arrangements for prize-giving, visits to Uppsala and Lund, broadcast on Swedish Radio, Kendrew's speeches at official banquet and students’ dinner, membership of Faber Foundation and of Delta Society. R.21 tions of Kendrew's early life and family, and of his mother. the general public. Requests for autographs, photographs, help; First-name and unidentifed signatures. M (including Ministries) letters from Aero GH Ok = eh ON, > B Rol 0% Re27 tee R.30 2 20.74 ~26..% R.28 R29 R.32 ReoS NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew CBE June 1963 Letters of congratulation. Royal Medal of the Royal Society 1965 Letters of congratulation. Offers of posts 1960-69 Correspondence on possible appointments at: University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Biophysics Division) Yale University (Ford Chair of Molecular Biology) University of Sheffield (Chair of Physics) University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Director, Biophysics Division) Imperial College London Oxford University (Biophysics) University of California Los Angeles Medical Center (Professor of Biophysics) University of California San Francisco Medical Center (Biophysics Department ) University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Vice-Chancellor) Harvard University Medical School Florida State University Tallahassee (Institute of Molecular Biophysics) Glaxo Laboratories (Director of Research) University of California Los Angeles (Director, Institute of Molecular Biology) NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Birkbeck College London (Crystallography) UNESCO (Assistant Director Natural Sciences) Societies and honours 1960s American Society of Biological Chemists (Honorary Member) 1962 Biophysical Society (Council) 1962 Institute of Biology (Fellow) 1963 Faraday Society (resignation) 1963 American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Foreign Honorary Member) 1964 American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow) 1966 (Life Member) 1968 Honorary Doctorate of Science University of Keele 1968 (correspondence, citation) R.38-R.44 Knight bachelor 1975 R.38 Relatives and personal friends. Letters and telegrams of congratulation. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Foreign Member) 1969 First-name and unidentified signatures. M including Ministries and Ministerial departments. A - C including Cambridge. 643 %o Ne 24 R.39 .40 41 42 44 NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Societies and Honours 1970s US National Academy of Sciences (Foreign Associate) 1972. University College at Buckingham (Member of Academic Advisory Council) 1973, (Honorary Degree) 1983. Medical University Pécs Hungary (Honorary Degree) 1975. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Foreign Member) 1979. Societies and Honours 1980s University of Exeter (Honorary degree) 1982. University of Reading Society (Life membership) 1986. Indian National Science Academy (Foreign Fellow) 1988. Interviews and articles "Scientists on the brink" Arrangements for interview for series in Sunday Telegraph 1963. tions by Kendrew 1974. Transcript of interview on history of MRC funding corrections and revisions by Kendrew 1979. research manuscript Script of interview for New Scientist, with manuscript correc- January 1973, and organisation 18 Laboratory, with NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew R50 March 8lpp 25 "Historical under Technology. the transcript of interview with Kendrew conducted at EMBL project by Charles Weiner as part 1976 of the of the Recombinant DNA Documentation on on Controversy" of Institute Oral History Program, Massachusetts The wide-ranging interview discusses the involvement of EMBO and the organisation and committee structure ICSU in rDNA research, of at the laboratory. the building and work of the containment facility EMBL, transcript The deletions deposit in its present form in the MIT Archives. corrections, manuscript Weiner, but has by none by Kendrew who agreed to additions and its Miscellaneous published articles on Kendrew and his work. NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew BIBLIOGRAPHY (With solution. E.A. Moelwyn-Hughes) The kinetics of mutarotation in Proc.R.Soc.Lond:.A 176, 352-36/. (With M.F. Perutz) A comparative X-ray study of foetal and adult sheep haemoglobins. Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 194, 375-398. Preliminary erystel opr. 1. 3336: X-ray data for horse and whale myoglobins. Acta London: Butterworth. Foetal haemoglobin. Endeavour 8, 80-85. held in Cambridge, June 1948, (Editor, Conf. Barcroft. The structure of proteins. Penguin Science News 11, 125-156. with F.J.W. Roughton) Haemoglobin - Symp. on in memory of Sir Joseph based The crystal structure of horse myoglobin. In Haemoglobin - Symp. 26, 280-285. (With I. MacArthur) macromolecular X-ray November 1948 J.scient.Instrum.Physics Ind. (With M.F. Perutz) the study of biological macromolecules. Summarized proceedings of conference of the - York, structures to In Haemoglobin - Symp. in memory of Sir Joseph Barcroft, 161-179. The application of X-ray crystallography in memory of Sir Joseph Barcroft, 149-160. analysis group on NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew Review of: A.P. Rowe, One story of radar. Endeavour 8, 148. crystal The features: soc, Lond..A° 2015. 62-389), structure of horse met-myoglobin. I the arrangement of the polypeptide chains. General RFOC OR; (With tions in crystalline proteins. configura- Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 203, 321-357. W.L. Bragg and M.F. Perutz) Polypeptide chain (With J.M. Bennett) The computation of Fourier syntheses with digital 109-116. electronic calculating machine. Acta crystallogr. a 5, electronic a Conf. In Inaugural calculating machine. Nature, Lond. 170, 882. (With from dried muscle. H.E. Huxley) Extractability of the Lotmar-Picken material (With J.M. Bennett) The computation of Fourier syntheses with digital Manchester Univ. Computer, 35-37. 73 5357-5 9. Structure Institute of Technology 21-25 September 1953). H.E. Huxley) Discontinuous lattice changes in haemoglobin at Nature, California Lond. Acta crystallogr. 6, 76-80. (report on conference (With crystals. of proteins NCUACS 11/4/89 J.C. Kendrew 425 The crystalline proteins: hypotheses. Prog.Biophys.biophys.Chem. 4, 244-287. recent X-ray studies and structural (With I.F. Trotter) A pseudo-orthorhombic crystal form of myoglobin. Acta crystallogr. 7, 347-351. horse (With specificity of myoglobin. R.G. Parrish, J.R. Marrack and E.S. Orlans) The species Nature, Lond. 174, 946-949. Structure proteins. Bailey) II B New York, 845-950. I. In The Proteins (ed. H. Neurath and K. of: Review chemical structure Endeavour 14, 48-49. G.E.W. Wolstenholme of proteins. and M.P. Cameron (eds), Ciba Foundation The Symposium. 984. 38-51. Nature, and _ the investigations of the structure of globular proteins. a mechanical dictionary. Nature, Lond. 175, 206-207. Imidazole complexes of myoglobin (With position of the haem group. R.G. Parrish) Use of a computing machine as Lond. 176, Recent Istituto Lombardo (Rend.Sc.) 89, Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 237, 255-276. (With a-chymotrypsinogen: 562-563. (With
KENDREW, John Cowdery
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin