KEILIN, David v1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


HeCcoras Papers of Professor DAVID KEILIN,F.R.5S-. (1887 -— 1963) Listed by: Jeannine Alton 1973 Deposited in the University Library,Cambridge. Harriot Weiskittel D. Keilin CSAC 3/73 Description of the collection aamomn a oe ri acca RRA eS The papers cover the years 1867 — 1963. They were received from Mrs. Joan Whiteley (daughter), who retains during her lifetime the biographical material listed as Items 1 — 6, Professor Keilin was of Russian-Jewish extraction brought up in Warsaw. He was a student at the Sorbonne and began his scientific work in Paris before moving to Cambridge; his cosmopolitan background is reflected in the many foreign languages used in his notebooks, publications and corres— pondence, which are noted in the handlist. Professor Keilin began his scientific career’as an entomologist and parasitologist, and retained his interest in these subjects throughout his working life in addition to his developing concentration on the biochemistry of cell respiration. For this reason it has not always been possible to date He suffered from asthma and travelled little; this, “working papers precisely. together with the very wide range of his scientific interests, was responsible for his extensive correspondence. The collection includes material belonging or relating to other for example Dr. C.A. Macliumn, an early and neglected precursor scientists, of Keilin's work on cytochrome; there are Sir Ronald Ross and Professor G.H.F. Nuttall, Keilin's predecessor as Quick Professor of Biology and Director of the Molteno Institute, Cambridge University (Items 223 — 228). also correspondence and drawings of The numerous drawings, especially of parasitological subjects, are ? by been thought justification for retaining them (Items 220 - 222, and 229). of the execution has The high quality perhaps others. Keilin and Nuttall, y p ga C summary of the career of Professor Keilin A selection of books from Keilin's library, and much of his large Material relating to the Royal Society, the Agricultural Research collection of off~prints, are in the library of the Department of Zoology, Oxford University. Council, and the Chemical Defence Research Department, Ministry of Supply, has been returned to the appropriate authorities. Married Paris University Began work with Maurice Caullery in Laboratoire d’Evolution des Etres Organisées, Paris, on Pollenia Rudis Educated at Gorski Gymnasium, Warsaw Liege University 1897 ~ 1904. Moscow 1904. 1905 1887 b. . of ste cae . : ° ° 1914 1914 — 23 1915 D.Sc. (Sorbonne) Prix Passet, Société entomologique de France Ff . . . Work on morphology and biology of protists Invited to Cambridge to worl: with G.H.F. Nuttall, Quick Professor of Biology Work on Pediculus humanus 1920 — 25 Beit Memorial Research Fellow, Cambridge Began work on cellular respiration using mainly spectroscopic methods Moved with Nuttall to Molteno Institute for Research in Parasitology, Cambridge University lecturer it: Parasitology, Cambridge Work on cytochrome publisted Fellow of the Royal Society 1921 1925 1928 1931 — 52 Quick Professor of Biology and Director of the Molteno Institute; Professorial Fellow, Magdalene College 1934 — 63 1934 1934 Honorary Fellow, Work on Anabiosis 1955 193 1958 1939 1946 1952 Editor, Parasitology Royal Medal, Royal Society Croonian Lecturer, Royal Society Copley Medal, Royal Society Membre Associé Etranger, Académie des Sciences, Paris Work on enzymes, collaborating principally with E.F. Hartree (1934-58) and T. Mann (1937~44) Leeuwenhoek Lecture. Royal Society Magdalene College, Cambridge Contents of the handlist Se ee eee es ee I. Il. Biographical material Address Books III. Bibliographies Iv. Working notebooks V. VI. Cambridge University Publications VII. Conference VIII. Correspondence : om IX. Drawings Xe XT. Historical material* Index to principal correspondents 28 — 32 33 — 45 46 — 127 128 — 140 141 — 175 176 177 = 219 220 — 222 223 — 229 *Biographical and scientific material relating to Dr. C.A. Machunn, Sir Ronald Ross, Professor G.H.F. Nuttall Handlist Biographical material I. i. 26 8. Pe 10. 2 sets of Cambridge University diaries (Items 1 c/o Jesus College, Oxford) —- 6 retained by Mrs. Joan Whiteley, Autograph book of Mrs. Anna Keilin (Polish) Diary of Mrs. Anaa Keilin. 1921 (Polish), 1947 (English) Miscellaneous memoirs — Royal Society, Parasitology, Biochemical Journal, Enzymology. Four packets of private family letters, mainly in Polish, some French end English, numbered I — IV Cambridge Green wallet file concerning Molteno Institute 1906 — 63. (Keilin died 27 February 1963 at a meeting to discuss the Molteno) Miscellaneous photographs of Professor Keilin, his laboratories, and his associates, dated and identified when known. Miscellaneous souvenirs of Royal Society tercentenary celebration in Miscellaneous letters and documents including naturalisation papers. Miscellaneous letters and newspaper clippings (1 letter in Polish) De CSAC Keilin 3/73 11, ae Ge 136 Miscellaneous correspondence of Anna Keilin. Miscellaneous epigraphs collected by Keilin. Letter 1915, from J. Stanley Gerdiner inviting Keilin to Cambridge. Correspondence in French and Inglish 1914 ~ of job with U.S. Department of Agriculture. 16 relating to offer Miscellaneous letters of sympathy written by Keilin. Magdalene College, Cambridge: dinners and guests. Magdalene College, Cambridge: letter of election to Research Studentship 1916; correspondence with Master and President; Pepys Library Appeal. Autobiographical notes during illnesses. Miscellaneous private correspondence: mainly letters of con— gratulations to and from Keilin (in English, French, Polish, Chinese. ) : Certificates: D.Sc. (Sorbonne) 1918; MeAe Cambridge 1923, Certificate: Liége Certificate: Polish Academy of Sciences The Copley Medal The Royal Medal Obituaries and letters of sympathy. Letters re Keilin Memorial Lecture Honours , appointments and awards (in English and French ) Société entomologique de France Prix Passet (see also 107, 141) Royal Society Membre Correspondant, Société de Biologie, Paris Election to Quick Professorship: Medical Research Council Letters re Royal Medal Honorary BoctBraka, Brussels Académie des Sciences, Institut de France Honorary Doctorate, Bordeaux Letters re Copley Medal ee Honours and awards (in English, French, Italian, Dutch) Letters re Doctorate, Utrecht St. Vincent Prize, Turin Letters re Polish Academy of Sciences Foreign Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences New York Academy of Sciences (declined) American Society of Biological Chemists British Society for Parasitology Royal Society of the Arts (declined) Honours and awards (in English and French) Letters re Liége Letters re nemination for Nobel Prize Honorary Doctorate, Bologna Letters and Certificate, Académie des Sciences, Institut de France De. Keilin ra CSAC 3/73 fray - ; Lis ha Address books Pees ake Nn Rol eA Oe he 28 — Miscellaneous address books of scientific correspondents. Bibliographies 6 looseleaf notebooks, annotated bibliography (in Inglish, French, German). 2 sheaves of unbound bibliographies on parasites (in English, French, German). Looseleaf notebook, bibliography (in Inglish, French, German). Card—index bibliography. Sheaf of bibliographical cards (in English, French, German). Wallet file of miscellaneous annotated bibliographies (in English, French, German). Sheaf of bibliographical cards (in English, French, German). Working notebooks 1977 =~ 15 1911 1908 71910 Ms. notebook, Paris (in French), Ms. notebook (in French, German). Ms. notebook on larvae (in French). Ms. notebook, Paris (in French, English, German). 2 notebooks of observations on larvae, Paris (in French). Sheaf of cards describing field excursions and observations. Ms. notebook on larvae (in French, English, German). Ms. notebook on larvae (in French, German, Polish, English). 1930 — 33 Ms. notebook on cytochrome and other experimental observations (Keilin and Hartree). Ms. notebook on miscellaneous biochemical experiments (Keilin, Hartree, Mann and others). Ms. notebook on oxidases (in English, French, German). Ms. notebook on haematin and porphyrin. Ms. notebook on biochemical observations. 1913 = 15 1915 = 17 1915 — 18 1929 =~ 42 1921 —~ 24 1925 — 26 1926 — 40 1930 D.: Keilin CSAC 3/73 59. Ms. notebook on haemoglobin and spectroscope observations. 60. 61. Ms. notebook inscribed ‘Respiration of Gastrophilus. Y.L. Wang.! Ms e notebook on cytochrome observations. notebook M MS e Apo=zymase and Co—zymase. T.Mann' (in English, German, and Polish). II 'Reversion Spectroscope. Peroxidase. Ms. notebook (Hartree) tReconstruction of Hexosemonoplasphoric system. ' Ms. notebook (Hartree ) 'Methaemoglobins and Haemoglobin with notebook (Hartree) 'Catalase.! nitrate. * Ms. notebook ‘III Peroxidase. T. Mann.'* Ms e notebook ‘I Polyphenoloxidase. T. Mann.* Ms. notebook ‘II Polyhenoloxidase. T. Mann' (in Inglish, German) notebook Ms. bacteria’ (Hartree) ‘Insoluble enzymes of heart=-muscle etc. Ms. notebook (Hartree) ‘Oxidation systems. ? Mse notebook (Hartree) ‘Catalase II.? Ms. notebook Ms. notebook Ms. notebook notebook notebook Ms. notebook Ms. notebook notebook Ms. by Keilin). Ms. notehook (Hartree) ‘Spectroscopy. ! 'IV Polyphenoloxidase. T. Mann.! (Hartree) ‘Coupled oxidation,' 'Notatin' ‘IV Peroxidase. T. Mann' (Mann and Keilin) ‘III Polyphenoloxidase. T. Mann' (with Ms. notes (Hartree) ‘Insoluble enzymes of heart muscle etc.!? (Hartree) ‘Insoluble enzymes of heart muscle etc.! Ms. Bacteriat; also biochemical experiments. Hartree. (Keilin and Hartree) "Catalogue of Parasitic notebook (Hartree) *Insoluble Enzymes of heart muscle? (Hartree) "Yeast and Bacteria, Vol.2! "Different Observations! by Keilin, Dr. Joan notebook (Hartree) ‘Yeast and Bacteria, Vol.I'* notebook (Hartree) 'D.S.I.R.t notebook Keilin, ag D. Keilin e's CSAC 3/ if 2 cb O56 86. 87.6 89. 906 ok (Hartree ) 'Notatin (a ha pplications }* ante) notebook (Hartree) *Succinic Cytochrome Vol. 6! Ss. notebook on miscellaneous biochemical observations. notebook on miscellaneous experiments with yeast. notebook (Keilin and Hartree) 'Peroxidase Catalase Qy vol.7' notebook (Hartree) 'Glutathione Uricase Xanthinoxidase notebook (unidentified) on miscellaneous experiments notebook (unidentified) on miscellaneous experiments notebook on *Manometric Experiments.' notebook (unidentified) on experiments Ms. notebook on hemerythrin. Ure chrome. Ms. notebook of parasitological drawings. Early work? (French) Ms. notebook on oxidases (in Mnglish, German, French) Ms. notebook (Hartree) biochemical notes Ms. notebook on cytoch:omes and enzymes Ms. notes ‘Experiments’ (Parasitology) (Keilin and Mann) notes on books and journals Ms. notebook "Respiratory Carriers ard Enzymes ' Ms. notebook on metalloporphyrins and haematin notebook Ms. read (in English, German). Box file ‘Cytochrome and other haemoproteins'(Manuscript and typescript ) Box file ‘Cytochrome and other haemoproteins!t (manuscript notes and corrected typescript. Box file 'Laccase'’; bibliographies, correspondence, offprints, articles, Ms. draft on laccase by T. Mann. (in Rnglish, French) papers (in English, French, German ) Box file *Old Mss 3 envelopes. I Cycle évolutif de Pollenia rudis (Awarded Prix Passet ~ 197 Aw oc See ¢ al 'Cytochrome and Respiratory Enzymes.* Proceedings of the Royal Society B, additions. -' Manuscript, notes, errata. so nose 24, 141) (French) ‘Recherches sur les larves de Diptéres cyclorhaphes: 1915 Mis cellaneous biochemical notes, bibliographies and working 104, 206-252. Typescript with Ms. corrections and De kelvin Naan Q/T7Y Ae % VOAU *Caulleryella myia: Ms. draft. (in English, French, Portuguese) a! (Keilin and Bhatia) notes, drawings, Miscellaneous working papers on parasitology and respiration (in English, French, German) Ms. notes and drawings on various parasites, © é malaria ? thseptic life literaturet notes (early work perhaps assembled later for work on Anabiosis) (in Inglish, French) ‘Physiology of respiration in insects, 1miscellaneous notes, draft, bibliography of paper. (in Inglish, French, German ) Larvae and respiration in insects. Miscellaneous notes and drawings. (mainly in French) Karly work on parasitology in London and Cambridge, drawings, notes and scientific correspondence (in English, French) Notes on classification of larvae, Paris (French) Miscellaneous notes and working papers on larvae; Paris and Cambridge. (in French and English) Symbiosis. Notes and working papers (perhaps for lecture) Spectroscopic drawings and observations. Miscellaneous notes and working papers, biochemical 6.1955 Node Miscellaneous working papers: immunity, cytochrome Miscellaneous notes and working papers: biochemistry Experiments and notes on role of catalase Laboratory observations and graphs Miscellaneous notes and working papers. Enzymes and haemo- proteins Miscellancous notes and working papers. Hnzymes and haemo~ proteins Lecture on bile pigments Miscellaneous lecture notss: metallo—protein compounds; perox— idase, dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, porphyrin Viscellaneous notes and working papers: bicchemistry Cambridge University Lecture on Symbiosis Lecture on porphyrin Lecture on cellular respiration D. Keilin CSAC 3/73 Lecture on haemoglobin Notebook: lectures on parasitology, protozoa, and helminths Notebooks lectures on cytochrome Notebook: lectures and demonstrations Notebook: lectures on oxidases Notebooks examination questions Reports of Quick Professor and Molteno Institute Syliabus, reading lists, practical experiments, lecture abstracts Vi. Publications ‘Recherches sur les larves de Dipteéres cyclorhaphes,' Bulletin scientifique de la France et de Prix Passet, Société entomologique de France, 1914. 24, la Belgique, 1915. icra ag (see also (in French). Manuscript 107) ed "On cytochrome, a respiratory pigment common to animals syeast and higher plants, ' Proceedings of the Rosa 312—339, 1925. 2 fecesanigte with Ms corrections. Society B. 98, 1929 1929 1934 1946 — 54 (with Y.L.Wang), Bio-- Drafts with Ms corrections 1-66, 1944. Notes and drafts ‘Cytochrome and respiratory enzymes,' Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 104, 206-252, 1929. 2—page outline ‘Parasitology, "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th edition, 17, 276~280, 1929. fypescript with hs corrections ‘Mechanisms of cellular respiration,’ Croonian Lecture, The Royal Society, 1934. "Respiratory systems and respiratory adaptation in larvae and pupae of Diptera,’ Parasitology, 36, "Haemoglobin of Gast ophilus arcane: chemical Journal, 40, 855-866, 1946. Notes and drafts. ana of haemoglobin and of certain endoerythrocytic enzymes,’ (with Y.L. Wang), Biochemical Journal, 41, 491-500, 1947. Notes and drafts. 1951. Draft and notes. Work on enzymes ‘Carbonic anhydrase. (with I. Notes and drafts. "Specificity of glucose-oxidase (notatin)' (with E.F. Hartree ) Biochemical Work on blood formation (1946 — 54): correspondence with Dr. SH. Wajda and Sir Solly Zuckerman; comments on review of Wajda's Ms.-and published work, with Ms. and corrected type= script; related offprints by Wajda, Whitby and others; mis— cellaneous notes. (in English, Japanese) Mann), Biochemical Journal, 34, 1163-1176, 1940. Purification and nature of the enzyme,' 1944 1946 1947 Journal, 50, 331-341, D. Keilin CSAC 3/73 148. (cont ) properties with tl "Purification of catalase and methaemoglobin, (with E.F. Hartree), Biochemical Journal, 49, 88-106, 1951. Ms notes and draft "Cytochrome oxidase and the "Pasteur enzyme,"' (with E.F. Hartree), Nature, 171, 413, Ms draft 1953. "Biological catalysis of mutarotation of glucose,' (with E.F. Hartree), Biochemical Journal, 50, 341-348, 1951. Proof with Ms corrections, drawings. Work on nomenclature of cytochromes: correspondence, papers and comments. ‘The aerobic oxidation of dihydroxyfumaric acid in presence of peroxidase,* (with E.F. Hartree), Ms notes and drafts for article — ae om \ S ae . Work on cyanide: Ms notes and bibliographies "Distribution and diversity of haemoglobin, Acta Biochimica Polonica, 3, 439-457, 1956. Ms notes, drafts, typescript with Ms corrections. "Reactions of catalase with hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen donors,’ (with P. Nicholls), Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 29, 302—307, 1958. Manuscript, experimental results, typescript with Ms corrections 1953 1954 C1955 1956 1960 152, 'Haemerythrin,* Acta Biochimica Polonica, 7, 415-424, 1960. Ms drafts, annotated bibliography, notes, calculations, reprints and related correspondence. (in English, French, German) 'The problem of anabiosis or latent life,' The Leeuwenhoek Lecture, The Royal Society, 1958. Ms notes, working papers, drafts, bibliographies, correspondence, proofs with Ms cor rections, ist typed draft, printed copy. (in English, French, German, Italian) 'Effect of inhibitors on the activity of soluble succinic dehydrogenase and on the reconstitution of the succinic de- hydrogenase-cytochrome systems from its components,' (with Tsoo E. King), Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 163~187, 1960. Correspondence, Ms notes, proof with Ms cor- rections. correspondence, and related offprints. (in English, German) ‘Maurice Caullery 1868-1958," Biogravhical Memoirs of Fellows of 1960 the Royal Society, 6, 13-31, 1960. Ms notes, correspondence, proof with Ms corrections. (in English, French) ‘The problem of language in publications of works of scientific and other fields of learning,' Nature, 186, 912, 1960. Ms drafts, notes, bibliography and correspondence. Work on cyanide. Ms drafts, notes; amotated bibliographies, 1960 1960 D. Keilin CSAC 3/73 163. "Reactions o rr supposed formation of tion of haemoglobin, ' laboratory observation corrections. 35 191 er 9—770 hand), proof with Ms autoxida— Manuscript, the ‘Metabolism of Lumbricoides, cussion of paper, correspondence. MoH h ny Ss iscaris mn s dis— ‘Absorption spectra and some other properties of cytochrome © and of its compounds with ligands,’ (with W.D. Butt), Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society B, 156, 429-458, 1962. report by Butt. Ms notes, 166. 167.— 170. Miscellaneous reviews of books and papers: Ms notes and drafts 'The History of Cell Respiration and Cytochrome,' Cambridge University Press, 1964. Ms corrections. (in Inglish and German ) Ms notes and drafts, typescripts with 171s Parasitology: correspondence with Cambridge University Press on editorial matters 172. 175-6 Parasitology: correspondence with authors and referees 172. 173. Tide 175. Articles numbered by Keilin 1139 — 1219 1221 — 1231 1232 oz 1253 Ms 7 e tt " it A st it tt tt 't 1255 — 1294 Wilts Conference 176. Correspondence Correspondence, reports, Ms comments ret protozoa (in English, French, Italian) Miscellaneous correspondence with colleagues in other countries (in French, German, Polish, Russian) International Union of Biochemistry Symposiun, Canberra, 6 aad 7 September, 1959. on cytochrome nomenclature, sub-commission meetings reports. Keilin's annual reports on work. Correspondence re grants for Keilin's early work (including letters from Nuttall to Royal Society and M.R.C.); Keilin's application for Quick Professorship. Files of scientific correspondence arranged alphabetically according to correspondent. French, German, Russian, Polish) See Index, page 13. Correspondence of Keilin and Nuttall with Sir James Fowler re Beit Memorial Fellowship; res sample analyses (in Mglish, De Kein CSAC 3/73 4p ee iby re: MRC. grant; a wr OD wr 2 ints ania ‘pacers 1 work. grant from Wellcome Trust, Correspondence re? continuing Foundation research grants from Nuffield Corres ct la re various articles written for Proceedings of (including correspondence with Dr. W.D. Butt tor 1902 article Correspondence re various articles for Nature and the Biochem ical Journal Miscellaneous correspondence with Cambridge University Press, with L.P. Wilkinson re: Keilin's obituary of Pugh; with Geoffrey LaPage Professor L.P. bomtee Miscellaneous correspondence with various scientific journals Miscellaneous invitations to lecture (in English, French) Miscellaneous requests to visit the Molteno Institute Miscellaneous undated letters Requests for Keilin's offprints 1949 1951 Files of confidential correspondence to be consulted orly with Cambridge University p Library. A detailed list is included with the collection. ermission of the Keeper of Manuscripts, & p ’ TX. errno circ Drawings 220.— Historical material Material relating to C.A. Maclfunn 222. Keilin, Nuttall, Ross. (some dated) Miscellaneous parasitological drawings relating to work by ‘Physiological Atlas,* pen, ink and watercolor anatomical drawings by C.A. Maciunn Mrs. Anna Keilin, signed and dated. Scientific correspondence of Professor G.H.F. Nuttall (in Ing- lish, French) Obituaries of Nuttall; application for Quick Professorshi Ms notes by Nuttall: 'Mocquito breeding places! Jater—colour drawings of paresitological subjects by Letters from Sir Ronald Ross to Professor Nuttall 1867 - 1925 1873 % 9 @p ABDELL, Tahia M. ABDERHALDEN, Emil (German) ALDRICH, J. M. ALEKSEBVICH, A. (Polish) ALEXANDER, Charles P. ANDERSON, Sir John ARCAY de PERAZA, Professor Lucile BAKER, John Randal BALL, 5. Je BERNARD, Re D. BATE~SMITH, Edgar Cl BATHER, F. BAUME, R. de la Ae A. Thomas 180 189 180 » Eduard (German ) 177 180 Stuart BLES, Bertha BEIRUE, Bryan P. BuZZI, M. BIERICH, Re BLANCHARD, R. (French ) BIRBEL, G. L. BERTRAND, L. (French) BEQUAERT, D. Je De BECQUEREL, Paul (French) BERTHO, Alfred (German) 155 173 177 177 180 177 178 180 BLACKETT, Baron Patrick Mevnard 212 BONNER, Walter BORDAS, BLASCHKO, Herman Karl Felix BOUVIER, Professor BRAUN, Professor H. BOUET, Ge (French) BOIS, E. (French ) (French) (German ) 180, 225 CAMERON, Professor Thomas Wright Moir CAULLERY, Professor Maurice CHANCE, Britton a7 Professor Thomas C. CHIBNALL, Professor Albert Charles CHINN, Dr. Herman COLLIN, James E. COLTER, Professor J. Se CORBEANU, Radu (French) CORNER, Professor Edred John Henry DALE, Sir Henry Hallet F. DORMAN, F. Ge 4 DHERE, Ch cig : (French) DARTNELL, H. Je He DONCASTER, Le DESNUELLE, Dr. P. DAWES, Professor Ben DOBELL, Sir Clifford DICKENS, Professor Frank DANIELLIE, Professor James Frederic Owen EDSALL, John T. EFFLATOUN, H. ELLIOT, Alan EDDY, B. P, EDWARDS, F. ELLIOT, W. ees C. Be Ae 000K, Ronald Bi rman Professor H. (a lar FOULERTON, Alex G. Re FOX, Professor Harold ! FREETH, Francis Arthur FRENDENBERG, K. FULLER, Professor H. Vee GARDINER, Professor J. Stanley GEORGE, Professor Philip GIBSON, Professor Quentin Howieson GICIART, J. (French) GILLMAN, T. GOPEL, Walter (German) GOIL, M. Me GRIMSHAW, Percy H. HALL, R. HARMER, Se F, GRASSI, 8B. Wothle: David HARINGTON, Sir Charles Robert GRANOTA, Leopoldo (Italian) GREEN, Francis Henry Knethall HARRIS, Professor John Edward HAPPOLD, Professor Frank Charles HILL, Archibald Vivian C.H HENRI, Professor V. (French) HERFORD, Geoffrey Vernon Brooke HESELTINE, He Ke HENNESSY, J. Fe EARTREE, I. F, HAUROWITZ, Felix HENDEL, Friedrich HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril Norma: WT UN, rroressor Nowara Averes' aeaAaAn: MAuwanna Dant kes i ‘ HOARE, Cecil Arthur HOFFMAN~OSTENHOF, O. {OPKINS, Sir Frederick HOWARD, Le O. HYDE, Mary B. HURWITZ, J. JACKSON, Dorothy JAMES, B. Li JENKINSON, Francis JORDAN, A. JORISSEN, We JOHANNSEN, 0. M. Pe A. KADOMA, Professor Keizo KAMEN, Martin (Russian) KING, Tsoo E. KOLEZO, T. K. Je Le KEIFFER, T. KELLOG, V. KERTESZ, D. P. (Polish) KNOX, W. Hugene KREBS, Sir Hans S. (Russian) KOSHTOYANTES, Kh KORZHUJEV, Professor KINGSFORD, Reginald John Lethbridge LANKESTER, Sir Ray KROUGH, August KUHNAU, M. LAIRD, Professor Marshall LALAND, Professor S. LANGERON, M. (French) LAHAUSSOIS, Ch (German ) G. LATHE, Profess LEGER, LEIPER, LEMBER LIGHTBOWN, J. LILLY, Professor Virgil G. LISSITZKY, Dr. (French) LLEWELLYN, J. LUNDEGARDH, Professor Henrik LWOFF, A. MacDONALD, S. a © McILWAIN, H. MACIEK, (Polish) MADHESOK, Trena THOC)T MAGAT, I. oo MARGOLIASH, E. MARSHALL, Guy R. MANSION, J. MARCHAL, P. MALLOCH, J. Re MAGATY, Professor H. F, MARTIN, Charles J. MALLANBY, Sir Edward MASKELL, Professor HE. MANN, Professor Thaddeus MIRSLEY, Professor A. MEYERHOF, Professor 0. MEIJERE, J. C. . Hex de MELLOR, J. Ee M. MICHEL, J. F. L, Professor Bruno MARZINOWSKY, E. MASON, Howard MELLANBY, Ke MORRISON MORTON, Frofessor J. MOTTRAM, Je C. MOZOLOWSKI, Professor W. MUNRO, James: Watson MYRBACK, Professor Karl NELDAAM, Dorothy mR. Joseph NECRI, A. NEUBERGER, Professcr Albert NIELSEN, J. C. NICHOLLS, Peter NORRISH, Ronald George Wreyford NOWAK, W. Se We OHSHIMA, Kahu ONSLOW, H. PANTEL, J. F. C PANDE, B. Ps OPARIN, A. I. PAPPENHEIMER, A. Me OKUNUKI, Professor Kazuo PANTIN, Professor Carl Frederick 192193, 200, 201, 225. — 228 NUTTALL, Professor George H. Krishna PETERS, Professor Bernard George PARKES, Professor Alan Sterling PATTISON, Professor Bruce PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PICARDO, (French ) PHILLIPS, Henry PHILPOT, J. PILLAI, N. PUGH, QUASTEL, Professor Juda Hirsch RACOVITZA, Emile G. RAI, S. Le RASMUSSEN, Professor A. mesons Professor John Turt on RAWLINSON, W. Ae REES, Gwendolen REIDEL, M. REWELL, Re RIMINGTON, Professor Claude ROBERTS, 5. Je de p, Gerald D. \ RYLEY, John T. ROLLESTON, H. ROOTHOUIN, J. ROSE, John H. ROTHSCHILD, N. Ce ROTHSCHILD, Miriam ROCHE, Professor J. ROGERS, Professor W. RUDD, Professor Johan ROSS, Professor Ronald SAUNDERS. B. SAUNDERS, J. SCHIMITSCHEK, E. (German) SANGER, Frederick 1. SCHATZ, Gottfried SALMON, H. SALT, ee SANDLER, M. Jean Professor BR SHARP, SHELDON, J. SHIPLEY, A. SINCER, Thomas P. SINGH, Professor Kunwar SISAKIAM, Professor N. SLATER, Professor E. ¢. (Bill) SLATER, Sir William Kersh: SLAWINSKI, T. ‘Polish) SMART, John SMITH, Ernest Lester SMITH , SOYE! Ry Ae SPPART SI FULL g A ® SPICKETT, S. SMITH, Malcolm ee Professor J. D. SMITH, Kenneth Maniey SNOW, Baron Charles Percy SMITH, Professor James Eric SPROSTON, Nora STABLEFORP, D. STARE, Fred STRAUB, J. STOPPANI, ‘'Professo STEIN, Profes TAYLOR, Six George Axel Hugo Teodor William Robin Sir Henry Gerard June TILLY .RD, Je TISELIUS, Arne TISSIERES, Alfred TODD, Lord Alexander R. TURNER, Francis UNNITHAN, R. UTTANGI, J. UVAROV, Sir VILLENENVE, YEBER, H. (French ) WEIR, James R. WEISER , Jaroslav WADSW eg WAINWR WAJDA, WARBURG, Otto (German) WATSON, Professor David Meredith WILSON, Perry WIGGLESWORTH, Professor Vincent Brian WILLSTATTER, Professor Richard WESTENBRINK, Professor H. G. WILLINK, Sir Henry Urmston WHITBY, Professor Lionel WILKINSON, L. WILLIAMS, I. K. P. Ce ZEILES, Professor Karl (German) l, Sir Solly THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on further correspondence and papers of DAVID KEILIN (1887-1963) biologist deposited in Cambridge University Library Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (NRA 17358) THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, 1987 No 87/4 (CSAC 118/9/86) by London WC2A 1HP All rights reserved CSAC 118/9/86 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence of DAVID KEILIN FRS (1887 - 1963) Material additional to CSAC 3/73 Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper All rights reserved Deposited in the University Library Cambridge 1986 D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.87 A.1 -A.7 Biographical tributes and information A.8 -A.40 Career and honours A.41-A.87 Family letters and material SECTION B THE MOLTENO INSTITUTE CAMBRIDGE B.1-B.34 Bel. -3 13 Research and teaching B.14-B.34 History and administration SECTION C SECTION E SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE PHOTOGRAPHS LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received from Mrs. Joan Whiteley (Keilin's daughter) at various dates June-December 1986. Although the collection is essentially additional to that catalogued in 1973 (CSAC 3/73) it also incorporates documents relating to the Molteno Institute Cambridge (item 6 of the 1973 catalogue) previously retained in family hands DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The supplementary collection is particularly strong on biographical material relating to Keilin and his family, and includes several accounts, translations, summaries, explanatory notes and identifications prepared by Mrs. Whiteley. There is documentation for the early life and work in Paris of Keilin, his wife Section B contains a little research material for the Cambridge period and some from Manchester during the First World War, and by his daughter from Leeds during the Anna and his sister Marie (both doctors), and more sparsely of other members of their families. Of some interest are the sequences of letters written to Keilin by his wife Second World War, when each was pursuing a medical career. None of Keilin's replies vey of his struggles with ill-health and his unassuming and endearing personality. The to his wife survive but his frequent letters to Joan (A.73-A.78) are very interesting for documentary record in Section A is complemented by photographs assembled in Section E. their news of his research ideas and Cambridge affairs as well as for the picture they con- at his death, completed by his daughter and published in 1966. pondence for his own book The history of cell respiration and cytochrome left unfinished useful additional documentation for Keilin's long connection with the Molteno Institute before, during and following his appointments as Quick Professor and Director. The material held back from the 1973 collection is incorporated here. Section C (Lectures and Publications) is chiefly of interest for Keilin's draft review for Nature of a book by Warburg (C.3) and for its extensive drafts and corres- D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Section D (Correspondence), though slight, includes some exchanges with A. Szent-Gyérgyi and O. Warburg. Section E contains several interesting photographs of all aspects of Keilin's life, work, colleagues and family from 1907 to shortly before his death. Many of these were assembled and re-photographed by Mrs. Whiteley and bear dates and identifications by her. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our main thanks are to Mrs. Whiteley for her care in assembling, translating and identifying the material. | We also acknowledge with thanks the help of Dr. G.C. Stone (Hertford College, Oxford) in deciphering and translating documents in Polish and Russian. P. Harper J.B. Alton Oxford 1986 D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1 - A.87 A.1 -A.7 Biographical tributes and information A.8 -A.40 Career and honours A.41-A.87 Family letters and material Anna Keilin Joan Keilin (later Whiteley) A.41-A.55 A.56-A. 80 Other relatives and friends A.81-A.87 BIOGRAPHICAL TRIBUTES AND INFORMATION A.1 Keilin's own account of his scientific activity. probably 1945 (work with Y.L. Wang on leguminous plants). Spp., n.d., ‘Corrigendum to obituary notices' 'Student Days in Paris: before and after' 'Dr. Marie Keilin' (Keilin's sister, Mania) Accounts prepared by Mrs. Whiteley (J. Keilin) for the present collection. Miscellaneous biographical notes prepared after Keilin's death, by J. Keilin, P. Tate. life. Family trees and information assembled by Mrs. Whiteley for the present collection. David Keilin. A.4 of other members of the family contributed by various relatives. Family tree, outline of life, recollections List of addresses in Paris and Cambridge occupied at various times by David and Anna. A.5 Anna Keilin (née Hershlik). Family tree, outline of D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal Published accounts. A.6 _ 'Keilin, cytochrome and the concept of a respiratory chain', by E.F. Hartree, in Of Oxygen, Fuels and Living Matter, 1981. 'Keilin and the Molteno', by M.F. Perutz, The Cambridge A.7 Review, October 1986. CAREER AND HONOURS A.8 Early life and career Residence certificate issued by Warsaw police, 1896. School report, 1904. Two documents relating to military service, 1908, the second issued at Imperial Russian Consulate, Paris, deferring call-up until end of university studies but not beyond age of 27. Li€ge University, 1905 1915, and return to Paris for doctorate 1917. Russian passport, issued 1911 and used to 1921, with visas for Britain, Keilin is recorded on the passport as travelling with his sister, Hena (Niusha). Certificate of study; admission card to Botanical Gardens. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal A.10-A.13 Paris A.10 Personal documents. Residence certificate, 1905, with later additions 1908, 1911. Marriage certificates, July and September 1913. Letter, 1915, from J. Verne. Certificates of study, 1908 Zoology, Embryology; 1909 A.11 Botany; 1912 Geology. A.12 Diplame de Licencié és Sciences. Miscellaneous receipts and forms re certificates and dues. Doctorate, 1917. A.13 letter from G.H.F. Nuttall, arrangements made by M. Caullery, doctorate certificate (mention trés honorable). Includes application for visa, supporting Cambridge, 191 Election to Royal Society, 1928 Letter of congratulation (only one survives), fee receipts. Also included in folder is letter to Keilin, 1918, with news of teachers and friends. Miscellaneous biographical items, residence and military certificates, invitations, research and personal . Britain to live with her daughter and son-in-law, 1921. National Portrait Gallery; of registration for Stephanie ('Shifra') Hershlik, who came to passport; press cutting; Certificate Miscellaneous items, 1920s, 1930s D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous items, 1940s Card from colleagues in Paris, 1943. Telegram from J. Needham urging Keilin to apply for Chair of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 1943. Request (declined) to become first President of the newly-formed Society for General Microbiology, 1944. Letter from M. Caullery on Keilin's election as membre corres- pondant, Académie des Sciences, 1947. List of guests invited to Garden Party at Keilin's home on the occasion of the First International Congress of Biochemistry at Cambridge, 1949. Miscellaneous items, 1950s Copley medal (one letter only), 1951. Correspondence re Hon. Doctorate, University of Liége, 1952. Offer (declined) of election as Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, 1952. Greetings card from 'reunion of former Molteno and Cambridge biochemists', Shanghai, 1959. Miscellaneous shorter items. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal A.20-A.40 Keilin's death Letters of condolence, written jointly or separately to Anna and Joan Keilin, a few with replies. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A38 U-Z A. Lists compiled by Joan Keilin of those from whom letters were received; drafts of replies by Anna and Joan Keilin. Will, Estate account, assets and liabilities. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal FAMILY LETTERS AND MATERIAL Anna Keilin, née Hershlik A.41-A.44 Early life in Poland (documents in Russian). A.4] Birth certificate, 1886; and French translation, 1906. Residence certificate for 'Shifra' (Stephanie) Hershlik (mother), certifying her as a Russian citizen in town of Velun, Poland. See also A.16. A.42 School leaving certificates of Lycée at Lodz, 1902, and addendum, 1905, re qualification as primary school teacher; and French translation, 1906. A.43 with photograph. Diploma as primary school teacher, Lodz, June 1905, Doctorate, 1915. Receipts and dues. A.46 A.44 — Certificate of examination in Latin taken at boys’ school, Lodz, August 1905, with photograph. girls at that date. ) (Latin was not taught to A.45, A.46 Paris A.45 Dispense de grade, 1906. Testimonials to medical studies, 1915, 1916. Residence certificate, 1906, and later amendments. document, and entry authorisation for Britain, 1915. Russian passport issued 1905, with travel pass, 1913, as loose D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal A.47-A. 55 Britain A.47 Documents relating to medical career, 1915-20. Includes testimonials for Anna Keilin from Manchester Northern Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital, St. Mark's Hospital; correspondence re post at Cambridge, 1918; receipts and dues. brief Also included is certificate of pass in medicine, Society of Apothecaries, London, March 1920, and letter to David Keilin about medical studies, undated but one month before Apothecaries examination. notes contributed by Mrs. Whiteley, December 1986. in Polish, with résumé translation and Letter is Letters to David Keilin, 1915-17. With the exception of letters written from Paris in 1915 and included at A.48, the correspondence is addressed to David Keilin in Cambridge and sent from Manchester where Anna Keilin was working at the Manchester Northern Hospital for Women and Children. It consists of letters, postcards and telegrams, some on hospital headed paper; letter in Russian. p All p 1915 Almost all There is one Letters of 3 April, 31 May have résumé translations life in Manchester and to Anna Keilin's professional work at the hospital . 3 April, from David to Anna Keilin describing The content is mainly personal, but includes several references to are in Polish with occasional phrases in French and more rarely in English. a card or letter was sent almost daily and sometimes more than once aday. A.48 early days in Cambridge; 30 April, 31 May, Anna to David. in Polish. and notes contributed by Mrs. Whiteley, December 1986. Continued A.50 to 'Mon cher maftre' re a publication by Anna Keilin. 1916 October. Includes letter, 11 October, in French, A.49 1916 September. 1916 July, August. A.51 1916 November. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal 1916 December. Includes draft applications and requests A.52 for testimonials, in English and French, for a post in 'un hépital Londonien' [Charing Cross J, and a Christmas letter of family news from sister- and brother-in-law, Edzia and Horace Havre, working in Portugal. A.53 Undated and fragmentary letters, probably 1916. A. 54 1917 January. A.55 1917 February. Joan Keilin, later Whiteley Letters to her parents, written regularly during clinical medical training at Leeds, 1942-45, and undated. Content is mainly personal, but with frequent reference A.59 1943 March, April. A.57 1942 November, December. 1942 April, September, October. 1943 January, February. Letter of 22 February describes in Leeds and some information on Cambridge affairs. to course of study, lectures, operations and treatment, as well as details of wartime life A.58 a weekend visit to H.A. Krebs and family at Sheffield. Continued 1943 November, December. 1944 January, February 1943 September, October. 60 1943 May. 61 1943 June, July. 62 1943 August. A.56 .63 . 64 D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal A.66 1944 March-May . A.67 1944 June, July. casualties treated at Leeds. Includes description of military A.68 1944 August, September. A.69 1944 October, November. A.70 1945 January, February, April. A.71, A.72 Undated or fragmentary letters. Letters from Keilin to his daughter, with an occasional note by Anna, 1942-44. The content is mainly personal but with frequent reference to research in hand or planned, and activities. A.73 A.74 1942 October-December . 1942 January, April, September. meetings and discussions, publications by Keilin and Joan Keilin, appointments and news of colleagues at Cambridge and elsewhere. Some letters include a few sentences in Polish, The sequence provides a detailed and endearing picture of Keilin's personality and some are written when Keilin was confined to bed during his regular attacks of asthma. Undated and fragmentary letters. BSE 1943 August, October, December. A.78 1944 August. A.75 1943 January-March. A.76 1943 April-July. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal Telegram and letters from Anna to David Keilin, August 1943, from Leeds. In Polish. Two letters from Anna to Joan Keilin, April 1943, September 1944. In English. Miscellaneous later letters home written during holidays or conferences abroad, 1961, 1967. Other relatives and friends Most of these letters and cards are in Russian or Polish, and have translations, paraphrases, identifications or notes added by Mrs. Whiteley. Havre, Edzia (Keilin's sister) and Horace, 1943, 1944 and n.d. Keilin, Marie (Mania, Keilin's sister), 1923, 1924, 1944. A.8] Entin, Dunia (Keilin's sister) and Mordecai, 1928, 1937. Included here is Keilin's 1960 waiver of claim to the estate of his sister and family, most of whom died in the Warsaw Ghetto, in favour of his niece Irena Mitelman. notes and possible identifications by Mrs. Whiteley. Miscellaneous postcards, 1915-17, from family and friends, with Keilin, Motia (brother) and Genia, 1925, 1938. Keilin, Pahka, 1925. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Biographical and personal Letters, cards, etc. from friends: Filtez, UJ. Heyman, S. Ivanoff, S. and M. Kopeé ? Pavlovski 1918 1943 1916, 1918, 1944. photograph. Includes 1932, 1937 1928 D.-Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 SECTION B THE MOLTENO INSTITUTE, CAMBRIDGE B.1 -B.34 B.1 -B.13 Research and teaching B.14-B.34 History and administration See A.7 for an account of Keilin's long involvement with the Molteno. RESEARCH AND TEACHING B.1 Exercise book (covers detached) with some loose pages inter- calated. Both ends of book used. Experiments, results, graphs, most in Keilin's hand but some by another. February 1931, January 1932. Some pages bear dates, November-December 1930, Small red notebook of miscellaneous content. dated 'VII 1935'. Only one page Includes list of 53 matters to be investigated, experiments to do, ideas or notes on cytochrome and oxidases; notes for research on several topics; on Respiration of Ascaris Parasites’; problems'. miscellaneous other notes. list of 9 similar 'Experiments list of 9 'Collaborative list of 21 similar At rear of book, similar lists of 13 and 11 topics, and Small notebook of miscellaneous content, bibliographical references, addresses, etc. Mrs. Keilin. Miscellaneous notes. Miscellaneous notes, graphs, etc. on haemoglobin. Small loose-leaf notebook, n.d. Mainly chemical formulae and molecules. At rear of book a few later notes, 1968, by Notes on 'Estimation of haem capacity of proteins’. Notes and graphs on cytochrome c. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 The Molteno Institute, Cambridge Ms. lecture on ‘Porphyrin’ variously paginated, some pages dated 1943, 1944. Examination questions set by Keilin. List of lectures given by Keilin at Cambridge, 1937-58. B.11-B.13 Theses. B.1] 1928. Keilin's report. Keilin's report on doctorate thesis by A. Szent- 1929. 'On the function of peroxidase systems’ . n.d. early 1930s. Keilin's report on thesis by N.U. Meldrum. 1939. 1959. Ms. notes and comments. HISTORY AND ADMINISTRATION B.14 n.d. Notes and comments by Keilin, Hartree and (Part only) letter to G.H.F. Nuttall re Keilin's work, from U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1917, perhaps related to offer of post. ponsibility from that date. Grant applications and research reports to Medical Grant Committee and Medical Research Council for Keilin's work as assistant to Nuttall, 1922-29. Memorandum by Nuttall on the history and future of the journal, January 1932. Keilin and E. Hindle took over editorial res- Report for 1925 records discovery of cytochrome. Folder includes card from Nuttall, 1929. ‘Regarding Parasitol ogy' D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 The Molteno Institute, Cambridge Correspondence with Medical Research Council and Rockefeller Foundation re support from the Foundation for Keilin's work, 1932; press -cutting re gift. See also B.21. Keilin's letter re death of first Secretary-Librarian of Molteno, and support for family, 1934. Notes from J. Gray on research projects and personnel at Depart- ment of Zoology, n.d., 1930s. Letter from |. Molteno, 1940. Correspondence with Rockefeller Foundation re help for refugee scientist (1942) and re five-year grant for Keilin's research (1947). Photocopy of Keilin's letter to Medical Research Council re support for molecular biology and work of M.F. Perutz and J.C. Kendrew in Cambridge, 1947. Brief correspondence only re Nuttall Memorial Celebration, 1951. Correspondence, 1950-51, re Keilin's Report on 'The Molteno Institute of Biology and Parasitology’, prepared for Cambridge University General Board and relating to the future of the Institute. A copy of the report, and of Keilin's circulation list, are included. of successors and his future research plans, April, June 1952. Keilin's carbons of letters to others, setting forth his views on the qualities looked for in the head of a parasitology department, 1951. Keilin's carbons of letters re his forthcoming (October 1952) retire- ment as Quick Professor and as Director of the Molteno, election D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 The Molteno Institute, Cambridge Five bundles of ms. notes by Keilin, prepared as aide-mémoires for discussions with Secretary of Faculties, and with N.M.V. Rothschild, re affairs of the Molteno. attributed by Mrs. Whiteley from Keilin's private diaries July 1952. All bear dates on verso June- Notes for Keilin's speech at celebration of hundredth birthday of C. Warburton at Molteno, 1954. letter and photograph from Warburton to Mrs. Keilin, 1954. Also included here are brief Brief correspondence re Keilin's retirement research at Molteno, financial statements of Nuffield Grant expenditure, 1955, 1956. Papers, 1962, re future of the Molteno and proposed discontinuance of the Quick Professorship, all heavily annotated by Keilin. Reports of the Quick Professor of Biology, 1931-34, 1934-37, 1937-40, 1943-46, 1945, 1946-49, lists of publications. Miscellaneous printed matter on the history of the Molteno, its Includes miscellaneous Continuing correspondence, 1963, re Molteno and Quick Professor - ship and meeting of General Board, 13 February 1963, which Keilin attended by invitation and at which he died. ms. notes prepared for the meeting. Miscellaneous undated notes and jottings, mainly about the Molteno and its activities, but also includes 4pp. notes probably prepared for Council of the Royal Society. publications, and on Nuttall. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1 - C.32 Many of the documents have attributions or annotations added by Mrs. Whiteley. ‘Preparation of Cytochrome c', collaborative paper with E.F. Hartree, published in Biochemical Preparations, 2, ‘Cytochrome c'. 1949, under the title App. typescript with ms. corrections. ‘Effect of low temperature on the absorption spectra of haemo- proteins ...', collaborative paper with E.F. Hartree, published in Nature, 164, 1949. 9pp. typescript with ms. corrections. Review of O.H. Warburg: Schwermetalle als Wirkungsgruppe ‘2nd draft', 8pp. '‘Warburg', letter from Nature re review, 1949. dpp. list of 29 points of disagreement, headed 24pp. typescript. note by Mrs. Whiteley suggests a relation to collaborative 2 copies with different ms. corrections. Also included in folder is Keilin's copy of Warburg's 1929 papers on oxidation, bound together and with many annotations by Keilin. 'Cytochrome', collaborative paper with E.C. Slater, published in Brit. Med. Bull., 9, 1953. 'Cytochrome', 6pp. typescript with a few ms. corrections for a paper; paper with A. Tissiéres published as 'Haemoglobin in moulds' (Nature, 172, 1953). and diversity of haemoglobin' (Acta. Biochim. Polonica, 1956). Miscellaneous typescript and ms. draft, incomplete, for 'Distribution D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Lectures and publications C.7-€.30 The History of Cell Respiration and Cytochrome Keilin's posthumous book, prepared for publication by his daughter, C.U.P., 1966. This material is mainly typescript, copied up by Keilin's daughter from his notes or earlier drafts, and usually bearing ms. indications by her of where the material was to be, or had been, incorporated in the book. Many of the texts are very heavily annotated or revised by her. There are also some ms. notes, comments or suggestions in the hands of E.F. Hartree and E.C. Slater. A few of Keilin's own ms. or typescript notes survive. Cok Plans and outlines for book, some under original title 'Respiration and metallo-protein catalysts’ (see 1953 correspondence with C.U.P. at C.24), material for introduction. Chapter 3. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Ideas for mottoes. Multiple drafts and revisions. Chapter including discussion of work by Warburg. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Lectures and publications Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Naat Chapter 14. C.2z,.. G20 Bibliographical and other notes, several in Keilin's hand (Joan Keilin's lists enclosed). 2 folders. Correspondence Except for C.24, correspondence is conducted with Joan Keilin. Correspondence and contract with C.U.P., 1953, for book under its original title Respiration and metallo-protein catalysts, later amended to The History of Cell Respiration and Cytochrome. Correspondence with colleagues, readers and reviewers, 1965-67. Correspondence with C.U.P. re publication, publicity, reviews, U.S. publication, etc. Includes correspondence with Nature, 1968. Correspondence with colleagues re book, 1964, 1965. a 1964-66 O26 1967-69; T1975 D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Lectures and publications Publicity material, extensive lists of names and addresses for circulation. Reviews. Invitations to lecture, letters of thanks. Royal Academy of Netherlands 1938; of London 1952; Science Club Cambridge 1954; Cambridge 1954; Leeuwenhoek Lecture 1959. Harvard 1949; John Ray Society Cambridge 1954; University Natural History of Science Committee Correspondence with publishers and editors. Invitation to write book on Cytochrome and Other Enzymes of Respiration, 1939; Nature, 1954; Science Progress, 1961. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.1 - D.29 D.1 Adrian, E.D. 1939 Declining offer of appointment, and describing research. Agricultural Research Council 1941, 1946 Invitation to serve on ARC, letter of thanks at end of service. Barcroft, H. One letter only. Barcroft, J. 1943 1960 Keilin's carbon only, re Barcroft's papers. Buxton, P.A. Award of Jaffe Grant toR. Christophers. Conant, J.B. Dale, H.H. re ams. by Keilin submitted for publication. Keilin's resignation as Chairman, Pest Infestation Committee. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research See also B.28. Correspondence 1950 re benefaction; correspondence 1954 re_ celebration of 100th birthday of C. Warburton. Dobell, M. re C. Dobell. 1950, 1954 1930 1933 1945 1940 1949 Dirac, P.A.M. Hindle, E. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Correspondence Holiday, E.R. 1951 Institut International de Chimie-Solvay 1934 Invitation (declined) to 5th meeting, Brussels; list of participants. includes programme, Kapitza, P. 1945 Text of Keilin's telegram recommending treatment for hepatitis. Pp g Laidlaw, P.P. 1935, 1936 Preparation of cytochrome c. Lichtenthaeler, C. Book on cytochrome. Medical Research Council Letter of thanks at end of service. Meldrum, N.U. 1933, 1944 1933; later correspondence is with Meldrum's uncle Also included here is note by D.E.H. Whiteley, 1986, on the Meldrum family. Card only, and publisher re possible reprinting of his book on cellular respiration. 1938 Pope, W.J. Keilin's draft letter only, on diphtheria toxin. 1952 194] n.d., pre-1919 Mellanby, E. Quastel, J.H. Sherrington, C.S. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Correspondence Stern, K.G. 1938 Szent-Gyérgyi, A. 1932, 1936 Research and publications, mainly on fumaric, pyruvic and oxaloacetic acids. Thorson, G. 1960 Research at Marine Biology Laboratory, Copenhagen. Virtanen, A.|I. Haemoglobin research. 1945 Warburg, O.H. and others 1931-38, 1946 research, specimens, meeting. Also includes letter from Letters of congratulation to colleagues on honours and awards, and/or their replies. Various dates 1944-53 and undated. Correspondence 1946 is with F.J. Philpot on Warburg's postwar situation. Includes Keilin's letter of congratulations on Warburg's Nobel Prize for 1931; programme of conference on oxidation at Heidelberg, March 1932 (Keilin spoke on cytochrome) and correspondence arising; G. Millikan while working in Warburg's Institute, 1934, and Keilin's recommendation of Warburg for Hon. Fellowship of Chemical Society, 1938. Brief correspondence, 1945, 1960, on books and reprints. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 SECTION E PHOTOGRAPHS E.1 - E.18 Most of the photographs have dates and identifications by Mrs. Whiteley and some have been specially enlarged or re-photographed for the collection. Several of the portrait studies of colleagues are inscribed to Keilin. PAR IS AND WIMEREUX E.1 Garden of Paris laboratory, 1912. 3 photographs, 2 with Keilin. for early work on Pollenia rudis. The garden provided specimens Wimereux Zoological station. Station, expeditions, n.d., before 1915. The building Es E.4 MOLTENO INSTITUTE, CAMBRIDGE Colleagues and group photographs General view (2 photographs); hollow tree in grounds used for collecting specimens as in Paris. 3 group photographs of Nuttall, Keilin, Warburton and other staff, one (1924) with key. L.S. Robinson; E.L. Smith; Stoppany. 3 photographs, one signed and dated 1929. 3 photographs, one with A.V. Hill. A. Bach; M.S. Batia; H.H. Dale; R. Edman; W.M. Fletcher. S. Hecht; E. Mellanby; G.N. Minch. J. Barcroft. G.H.F. Nuttall. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Keilin in laboratory E.12 Keilin with colleagues Pa Photographs B. Straub; A. Szent-Gy&rgyi and family; H. Tamiya; Y.L. Wang. C. Warburton (2 photographs, one 1934 when Warburton, who lived to celebrate his centenary, was eighty); Weinberg; T.$. Work. Six photographs including Quick Laboratory in Medical Museum before move to the Molteno in 1921; with equipment; in laboratory ‘office’ 'Chemical Room' 1960s. 1930s; Seven photographs, with M. Dixon, E.F. Hartree, E.C. Slater, J. Parizek, and on an expedition from Molteno early 1920s. FAMILY AND PERSONAL Bote Student days in Paris, 1907-13 Receiving honorary degree, Utrecht, 1956. Photograph of Anna, David and Niusha Keilin, 1913 Five postcards of groups, some including Marie (Mania) and Niusha Keilin. Three photographs of Keilin at home with Anna, Joan, Ann Bishop. Keilin's parents; Warsaw 1936 (Motia, Dunia, Niusha and others); Picado (Paris c.1912). Photocopies of early photograph in school uniform, c.1897, and in Paris, ¢.1912; Cambridge 1919; at home (three photographs 1950s). sisters Dunia, Marie 1915, 1964; group in Family and friends. Keilin. lvanoff and D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ADLER, Saul ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Ist Baron AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL APPLETON, Sir Edward (Victor) ARNON, Daniel Israel BABBAGE, Dennis BACH, Stephen J. BACON, John Stanley Durrant BARCROFT, Sir Henry BARCROFT, Sir Joseph BARTLETT, Sir Frederic (Charles) BENNETT, Roger F. BERNFELD, Marcel A.20 D.1 aoe D.8 A.20 A.21 Aa f.27 A.21 D.3 See D.4 A.21 A. 21 A.21 BUXTON, Patrick Alfred D.5 A.21 Ase A.29 BRIGGS, G. BURNET, Jock BOREI, Hans G. BOYDEN, Alan BIDDER, Anna BISHOP, Ann A.22 A.22 B.23 A.22 A.22 BLASCHKO, Hermann Carl! Felix (Hugh) A.23 A.23 ANS AAT A.23 A eC 26 CHRISTOPHERS, Sir (Samuel) Rickard CHADWICK, Nora, Lady ‘M23 See also D.5 CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CONANT, James Bryant CARRODUS, S. M. CAULLERY, Maurice COLE, Leslie B. CRIPPS, Mary A.23 D.6 D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Index of correspondents DALE, Sir Henry Hallett DALEQ, A. M. de HAAS, Elizabeth DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH DIRAC, Paul Adrien Maurice DIXON, Kendal DIXON, Malcolm DOBELL, Clifford DOBELL, Monica DOBRZANSKI, Janina (née Pariska) DONNAN, Frederick George DRURY, Sir Alan (Nigel) A.24, D.7 A.24 A.24 D.8 D.9 A.24 A.24 See D.10 D.10 A.24 D.27 A.24 FILITZ, Julia A.25, A.87 See D.28 .14 81 81 A.25 D.28 B.17 A.25 A.25 EDWARDS, J. W. FLORKIN, Marcel ENTIN, Mordecai (Motek) FLEMING, Sir Alexander ENTIN, Dunia (née Keilin) FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FLETCHER, Sir Walter Morley A.25 FRYER, Sir John Claud Fortescue FPREETH,"H. Andrew FOX, Harold Munro D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Index of correspondents GALE, Arthur James Victor GEORGE, Philip GRANICK, Sam GRAY, Sir James GRAY, Norah, Lady GREEN, Frederick Charles GRIEVE, Gavin M. Macfarlane HARRIS, Leslie J. HARTREE, Edward F. HAVRE, Edzia (née Keilin) HAVRE, Horace HEYMAN, Genia HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL, Priscilla 26 .26 .26 A Cae C 26 A ‘Zl, A. A 7 oF 27 7 15 ATO, 11 a Ay 97 7 127 7 A A A A A D A A A A HOLIDAY ES 8: HINDLE, Edward HILL, Robert (Robin) HUMPHREY, George HOARE, Cecil Arthur HOLTON, Francis A. HORNE, Frank Robert HOLMBERG, Carl Gottfried JEVONS, Frederic Raphael JANXIS-HENKEMANS, W. — L. IVANOFF, Margaret IVANOFF, Serge D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 KAPITZA, Piotr Leonidovitch (Peter) Index of correspondents KEILIN, Anna KEILIN, Genia See D.14 A.41-A.55 A.84 KEILIN, Joan (later Whiteley) A.56-A.80, C.25, €.26 KEILIN, Marie (Mania) KEILIN, Motia KEILIN, Patka KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KING, Tsoo E. KNOX-SHAW, T. KODICEK, Egon KOPEC KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) A.28, A.83 See also A.3 A.84 A.85 A.28 A.28 A.28 A.28 A.87 A.28, D.28 See also A. 58 LEGGE , Jack LEONE, Enzo LEWY, Casimir A.29 D.28 A.29 D.15 O37 LEMBERG, Rudolf C;28 A.29 A.29 LAMBERT, Robert A. LADBOROUGH, Richard W. LAIDLAW, Sir Patrick Playfair LICHTENTHAELER, Charles LIEBECQ, Claude A.29 LIPMANN, Fritz Albert A.29 D.16 A.29 A.29 LINDNER, Fritz LINDNER, Hans LWOFF, André D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Index of correspondents MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph MARGOLIASH, Emanuel MARKHAM, Roy A.30 A.30 A.30, D.29 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SHG; B.t/, Bi2eeo 17 MELDRUM, Norman U. MELLANBY, Sir Edward MENDEL, Hertha MILLER, H. M. MILLIKAN, Glenn MITELMAN, Irena MOLTENO, MOLTENO, lan MORSHEAD, Sir Owen (Frederick) MORTON, Robert Kerford D.18 See also B.12 Bite, Git A.3] BD, }¥: D.27 A.31 See B.26 B.20 A.31 ad NEEDHAM, Joseph MOZOLOWSKI, W. MUNRO, James W. PANSKI, Richard NEUBERGER, Albert eta, Belo, 0-40, D.20 NOWINSKI, Winton W. NUTTALL, George Henry Falkiner PUGH, Leslie PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel POPE, Sir William Jackson PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand ol 31 32 32 .33 oa .87 233 al PAVLOVSKI, PHILPOT, Flora J. POMERAT, Gerard R. D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Index of correspondents QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch RAMSEY, Arthur Stanley RAMSEY, Lucy RAPKINE, Sarah RICHARDS, Ivor Armstrong RIGAL, Franz Heinrich RIGAL, Marguerite RILEY, James F. ROBRTSON, Muriel ROCHE, Jean ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROSENBERG, Jean ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Meyer Victor, Baron e e e a e e S E s y n t SAMUELS, Barbara SPINRAD, Leonard STEFANSKI, Witold STERN, Kurt G. SCOTT, Hugh SCUTT, Philip > e r e e O SALINDERS, Je 1. SLATER, Edward Charles (Bill) SHERRINGTON, Sir Charles Scott SALISBURY, Sir Edward (James) e e 36 C SUMNER, Charles P. SZENT-GYORGYI, Albert B.15 D.24 See also B.11 596 ny A.36 STRAUB, F. Bruno D. Keilin (Supplement) CSAC 118/9/86 Index of correspondents TAMIYA, Hiroshi TAYLOR, °E. ot, THOMPSON, W. R. THOMSON, Sir (Arthur) Landsborough THOMSON, J. A. Kerr THORSON, Gunnar THURSTON, June TISSIERES, Alfred TOPLEY, William Whiteman Carlton TSOU. Ge. le TURNER, Francis VERNE, J. VIRTANEN, Artturi Imari B.t5 D.18 520 a7 .37 .e 38 CaF .10 26 VOGT, Marthe Louise WARBURTON, Cecil Writtle: Co com. WHITELEY, Joan see KEILIN WANG, Y. L. WARBURG, Otto Heinrich B.28 See also E.11 WILLINK, Sir Henry Urmston WIGGLESWORTH, Sir Vincent (Brian) D.8 WOOLDRIDGE, H. WORK, Thomas S. . 38 A.38 D.27 A.38 A.38 A.38 A.38, D.28