Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997) VOLUME | List of Contents Sections A - C General Introduction NCUACS catalogue no. 95/8/00 by Alan Hayward R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Title: Compiled by: Alan Hayward Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Date of material: 1928-1998 Reference code: GB 0014 Extent of material: 230 boxes, ca 5000 items Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 ODS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 95/8/00 © 2000 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the Research Support Libraries Programme. Rslp Research Support Libraries Programme R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CHURCHILL COLLEGE THE KEEPER OF THE ARCHIVES CAMBRIDGE R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.302 SECTION B SECOND WORLD WAR B.1 - B.613 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN C.1 - C.282 SECTION D RESEARCH TOPICS AND SCIENCE INTERESTS D.1 - D.456 E.1 - E.256 G.1 - G.448 H.1 - H.922 SECTION F SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS BF i275 SECTION H SECTION E DEFENCE AND INTELLIGENCE SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS L.1-L.140 LECTURES, SPEECHES AND BROADCASTS SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE SECTION J PUBLICATIONS J.1 - J.824 K.1 - K.495 SECTION K R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTIONM NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in May 1998 from the executors of R.V. Jones and in October 2000 from Churchill Archives Centre. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF R.V. JONES Reginald Victor Jones (known to many friends simply as R.V.) was born in Dulwich, London on 29 September 1911. He attended Sussex Road Elementary School, Brixton from where he won a scholarship to Alleyn’s School, Dulwich. In 1929 Jones was awarded an Open Exhibition in Natural Science to Wadham College, Oxford, where T.C. Keeley was his tutor, and graduated with first class honours in physics in 1932. He was awarded a Research Studentship and at F.A. Lindemann’s suggestion began developing new infrared detectors in the Clarendon Laboratory. Jones took his doctorate in 1934 and was elected to the Skynner Senior Studentship in Astronomy by Balliol College, with the intention that he should work with H.H. Plaskett on the infrared spectrum of the sun. These plans, however, were not to come to fruition. Instead in late 1935, with Lindemann’s encouragement, Jones took part in trials to detect aircraft by infrared. As a result of these trials the Air Ministry's Committee on Air Defence, chaired by Sir Henry Tizard, employed Jones from January 1936 to work at the Clarendon Laboratory on the development of an airborne infrared detector which could be mounted on night fighters. In October 1936 he was appointed as a Scientific Officer and full-time In January 1938 the airborne infrared project was terminated. After an initial decision to send Jones to the radar establishment at Bawdsey, Suffolk was reversed, he was posted to the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. This move was clearly a disappointment to Jones who viewed it as an ‘exile’ from the important task of air defence research. His stay at Teddington was short-lived, however, and in September 1939 he was attached to the intelligence services to investigate the German application of science to air warfare. An early member of Air Ministry staff. This move to intelligence work proved to be a masterstroke as Jones proceeded to play a vital role during the Second World War in identifying and counteracting German weapons developments. He built up a small staff at the Air Ministry, and arranged in 1940 for the transfer of his close friend from Oxford, Charles Frank, from the Chemical Research Establishment, Porton, Wiltshire. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 success was the identification and jamming of the radio navigational beams systems used by the German airforce to guide bombers to their targets. This achievement established his reputation and in 1941 Jones was promoted to Assistant Director of Intelligence (Science). He continued to make important contributions to the Allied war effort, playing significant roles in the success of the Bruneval Raid in 1942, the development of ‘Window’ and the Allied understanding of the German V1 and V2 rockets. A full description of Jones’ work during the war can be found in his autobiographical account Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1978), published in the United States as The Wizard War. In 1946, despite promotion to Director of Intelligence, Jones decided to leave Government service because of his unhappiness at proposals for the post war organisation of scientific intelligence. He applied for the vacant chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen and was successful, thanks in part to the vigorous support of Sir Winston Churchill. At the request of Churchill in 1952 he returned briefly to intelligence work as Director of Scientific Intelligence at the Ministry of Defence but this proved to be a largely unsatisfactory experience and he resumed his academic duties in Aberdeen at the end of the following year. titmeters. optical Upon his appointment to the chair of Natural Philosophy Jones was faced with a decision over which direction his research should take. His work for the Air Ministry had kept him out of academic research for about ten years and placed him at a disadvantage to many contemporaries. Much of his earliest research after the War related to crystal growing and under his guidance the Department of Natural Philosophy became a world leader in this field. During his years at the University of Aberdeen, however, the main focus of his research was the development of instruments capable of precise measurement, such as levers, capacitance micrometers, microbarographs and His ability to design highly sensitive instruments led to a number of important scientific contributions, highlighted perhaps by his work on the radiation pressure of Despite little teaching experience at the time of his appointment in 1946 Jones proved to be a popular lecturer. He captured the interest of his students by enlivening lectures with a variety of demonstrations, including the firing of a pistol to illustrate momentum conservation. Unfortunately Jones’ later years at the University of Aberdeen were clouded by disagreements with colleagues, particularly over the proposals of the Robbins Committee to expand higher education, to which he was opposed. retired in 1981. until his arthritis made travelling from Aberdeen difficult. He died on 17 December 1997. Jones remained busy following his retirement. He travelled widely to give lectures and attend conferences, frequently visiting the United States where he was held in very high esteem in intelligence circles. He also continued to serve on Royal Society and other committees in London light. He R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Jones contributed numerous research papers to scientific periodicals and a selection of these were published in 1988 under the title Instruments and Experiences (John Wiley & Sons). He also wrote and lectured extensively on defence and intelligence issues, education, the history of science and a variety of science-related issues. His best known publication, Most Secret War, achieved distinction as both a critical and commercial success and a follow up was published in 1989, Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann). Jones played an active role in public life after the Second World War, acting as chairman of numerous government committees and other bodies. These include the Infra-Red Committee of the Ministries of Supply and Aviation, 1950-1964 and the Air Defence Committee Working Party of the Ministry of Defence, 1963-1964. He also served the Royal Society in a number of capacities. He was a Vice-President, 1971-1972, Editor of Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 1969-1989 and Chairman of both the Paul Instrument Fund Committee, 1962-1984 and the Committee for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, 1970-1978. British National Jones was accorded numerous honours and awards. He was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1965. For his intelligence work during the War he received the CBE in 1942 and the CB in 1946 and was also honoured by the United States Government with the Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm in 1946 and the Medal of Merit in 1947. The high esteem in which Jones was held across the Atlantic was further demonstrated in 1993 when the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established the R.V. Jones Intelligence Award in his honour and made him the first recipient. His achievements were also given greater recognition at home with his appointment as a Companion of Honour in 1994. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. 1998. It covers the period from 1928 to For further information about Jones see ‘Reginald Victor Jones’ by Sir Alan Cook, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 45, 1999, 239-254. record of day-to-day activities is provided by a series of twenty nine pocket diaries which runs almost Section A, Biographical, documents Jones’ life from 1928 to 1997, including papers relating to his appointment at the University of Aberdeen as well as the numerous honours and awards he received. There are a few printed articles about Jones and several autobiographical drafts. The section also includes a long sequence of correspondence and papers assembled by Jones under the title ‘Bouquets and brickbats’ which reflect his many achievements and also some of his failures. A R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 continuously for the period 1957-1979. illustrating his public profile, and a sequence of invitations to various social events. There is also a significant collection of press cuttings, Section B, Second World War, is of great interest since it is for his work in scientific intelligence during the War that Jones is best known. There is a significant quantity of wartime documents, many of which were used in the writing of Most Secret War. These include copies of the Air Scientific Intelligence reports he wrote during the War, copies of intelligence reports he received and captured German documents. Jones’ work as a consultant to the Control Commission for Germany from 1948 to 1951 is also represented. In addition to the wartime documents there is also considerable material relating to the historical treatment of the Second World War, focussing on topics such as the German air raid on Coventry on 14 and 15 November 1940, Farm Hall and the Oslo Report and on individuals such as Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Henry Tizard and Lord Cherwell. The section also includes correspondence with wartime colleagues, British veterans of the War and former members of Resistance organisations. Section C, University of Aberdeen, covers Jones’ career as Professor of Natural Philosophy from 1946 to 1981. The material includes correspondence and papers relating to the administration of the Department of Natural Philosophy, the Faculty of Science and the University. documentation of Jones’ teaching, with two significant sequences of manuscript lecture notes. There is also of Aberdeen. Section D, Research topics and science interests, relates largely to Jones’ active research at the University includes correspondence with colleagues, drafts of publications and lectures, and manuscript and typescript notes. Research areas well represented in the papers include aether drag, capacitance micrometers, crystal growing, optical levers and radiation pressure. is arranged alphabetically by subject and The material There is also an interesting sequence of material on ‘lying saucers’, reflecting Jones’ interest in unexplained aerial phenomena. Section E, Defence and intelligence, documents Jones’ involvement and interest in defence and intelligence matters after the Second World War. His association with the Ministry of Defence is well represented, particularly his chairmanship of the Air Defence Committee Working Party in 1963-1964. His interest in the Strategic Defense Initiative (commonly known as Star Wars) is represented in this section as is his membership of an unofficial committee on hull-forms for warships in 1985-1986, chaired by Lord Hill-Norton. There is also material relating to a variety of intelligence issues, including a significant quantity of papers by S. Dedijer, the founder of the Research Policy Institute at the University of Lund, Sweden. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Section F, Science-related interests, brings together a number of Jones’ interests outside his academic research. The history of science is particularly well represented and includes papers relating to James Clerk Maxwell and the history of infra-red research. There is significant material documenting Jones’ concern with education policy, in particular the issues of university expansion and the teaching of science in schools. The section also includes a long sequence of papers assembled by Jones under the title ‘Quacks’, consisting largely of letters, circulars and pamphlets sent by numerous individuals and organisations, chiefly relating to unorthodox approaches to science. Section G, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1948-1997. It documents much of Jones’ attendance at conferences as well as his domestic and foreign travel. The material is divided up by country following his own arrangement, with much relating to the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany. The papers for a number of countries also include general correspondence with His German correspondents include several wartime friends and acquaintances living there. opponents who later became friends. Section H, Societies and organisations, is extensive, illustrating his many commitments outside academic life. His longstanding service to the Royal Society is substantially documented, particularly his work on the Paul Instrument Fund Committee and his editorship of Notes and Records. His service on numerous Government bodies is also well represented, including the British Transport Commission, the Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board, the Electronics Research Council and the Infra-Red Committee of the Ministries of Supply and Aviation. This section also includes papers relating to Jones’ attendance at International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences, together with correspondence about the activities of the Unification Church. Consultancy work by Jones is represented by material relating to the firms, A. & M. Fell Ltd and Hilger and Watts. Section J, Publications, presents a chronological series of drafts of books, articles, letters to newspapers, obituaries, reviews, and other contributions by Jones, covering the period 1946-1997. These drafts reflect the wide range of his interests, but are especially strong on the Second World War, intelligence issues, scientific research and education policy. The most substantial accumulations of material relate to Jones’ two major books, Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, 1978) his best- selling account of his scientific intelligence work during the Second World War, and its follow up Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann, 1989). The papers relating to this sequel also include drafts for a book covering Jones’ experiences before and after the Second World War, which he proposed to call ‘No Easy Chair’. Although plans to publish such an autobiographical account were abandoned the drafts nevertheless contain interesting biographical information. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 invitations he had to decline. Section K, Lectures, speeches and broadcasts, covers the period of about fifty years from the end of the Second World War to the final years of Jones’ life. He was a highly accomplished public speaker and many of his most prestigious lectures are documented here, together with the numerous Included here is a sequence of material relating to his lectures to the Senior Officers War Course at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. The section also contains a significant quantity of material representing his radio and television broadcasts. These papers include transcripts of recordings and are particularly extensive for the 1970s when he took part in a number of programmes about his scientific intelligence work during the War. Section L, Correspondence, is relatively short since many of the letters Jones received were filed by subject, with the result that they appear in other sections. There are, however, significant sequences of correspondence with two friends, Sir Harold Hartley and Henry Cobden Turner as well as material relating to references and recommendations by Jones. Section M, Non-textual material, consists largely of slides relating to the Second World War, research interests and the history of science. There is also a video cassette of the Memorial Service for Jones at King’s College, Aberdeen in 1998. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATIONS OF FURTHER MATERIAL Further wartime papers are held in the Public Record Office (DEFE 40). An extensive collection of Jones’ personal papers is held by his son, Mr Robert Jones. Bath 2000 Alan Hayward R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.302 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.21-A.111 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.112-A.200 ‘BOUQUETS AND BRICKBATS’ A.201-A.204 FAMILY A.205-A.233 DIARIES A.234-A.272 PRESS CUTTINGS A.273-A.302 SOCIAL INVITATIONS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1969-1998 Memorial service for Jones, King’s College Chapel, University of Aberdeen, 27 April 1998. Order of service. For a videotape of the service see M.50. Requests for information from publishers of biographical source-books, with copies of Jones’ entries, 1969-1993. 4 folders. Interviews and biographical articles. Cutting of an article entitled ‘Yuletide science’, New Scientist, 20 December 1978. Photocopy of October 1978. a short article on Jones in The Edward Alleyn Magazine, Correspondence and papers re an article on Jones by D. Nye entitled ‘A Minority of One’, 1978. The article consists of recollections of a memorable Christmas by a number of eminent scientists. The contribution by Jones relates to an episode on Christmas Eve, 1940. Cutting of an article on Jones, Aberdeen Leopard, November 1981. The article was published in the magazine The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street in December 1978. Includes photocopy of 9pp annotated typescript draft of the article. Correspondence and papers re an magazine Histoire, 1980. interview of Jones for the French Includes 4pp annotated transcript of the interview. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical The Quantum, no.4, July 1995. This University of Aberdeen publication contains an interview with Jones by Stuart Leadstone, a former student. A.12-A.20 Autobiographical writings. A.12-A.15 Contribution by Jones to The Making of physicists edited by R. Williamson (Adam Hilger, 1987). This was a book of reminiscences by physicists about their university studies The article by Jones was during the period between the two world wars. entitled ‘Oxford Physics in Transition: 1929-1939’. 1p manuscript notes; 29pp manuscript draft. 18pp annotated typescript draft. Correspondence relating to the article, 1985-1988. Background material. 12pp typescript entitled ‘The writer of my Biographical memoir for the Royal Society and others may be interested’, with background material, n.d. The main subjects of this typescript note by Jones are his failure to receive a knighthood and the difficulties he experienced at the University of Aberdeen. relating to his visit to Moscow in 1960, n.d. This material may have been assembled by Jones with a view to publishing a book of his anecdotes. A.17-A.20 ‘Cameos’. Contents of box file so labelled. Manuscript lists of subjects and titles, 1991-1992, n.d. ‘A kiss for the Queen’, annotated photocopy of 6pp typescript by Jones R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical ‘Missing persons’, annotated 5pp typescript re various security lapses, n.d. 8pp annotated typescript by Jones re a religious experience by his uncle, George May, n.d.; two letters to Jones from his uncle, 1935; photograph of George May, n.d. A.21-A.111 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1928-1996 School timetable, 1928. This timetable, written on the front of a blank postcard, bears the annotation ‘R.V. Jones’s timetable — Alleyn’s School Dulwich 1928-9 (Scholarship year)’. Appointment as a Companion of the Order of the Bath, 1946. Warrant, 1 January 1946. A.23-A.25 A.23 Appointment as Professor of Natural Philosophy, Aberdeen University, 1946. Letters to Jones from his referees, 1945-1946; manuscript draft letter of thanks from Jones to Sir Winston Churchill, 15 May 1946. Duplicated typescript copy of Jones’ application for the Chair of Natural Philosophy, 13 February 1946; two letters to Jones from W.H. Fyfe, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, re his appointment, May 1946. Citation, and list of other recipients, 9 August 1946. 2pp typescript memorandum by Jones re his possible resignation from the Air Ministry, 20 February 1946; 9pp typescript letter of resignation as Director of Intelligence (Research) by Jones, 31 May 1946, with reply, 29 July 1946. Award of the United States Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm, 1946. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Award of the United States Medal of Merit, 1947. Citation and certificate, 15 October 1946. Admission to Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1949. Letter to Jones re his election as a fellow, 7 March 1949. 2pp manuscript draft letter by Jones re Scientific Advisory Council, ca 1964. his possible membership of the A.30-A.46 Admission to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1965. A.30-A.43 Letters of congratulation, 1965. These are largely unindexed. 14 folders. Miscellaneous items. Papers relating to Jones’ formal admission to the Royal Society on 29 April 1965. 23pp typescript list of Fellows of the Royal Society who sent congratulatory letters. 4pp annotated typescript speech. Admission to the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Art, Manufactures and Commerce, 1969. Letter to Jones re his election, 10 March 1969. Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of York, 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of the Open University, 24 June 1978. Correspondence re arrangements, 1978; certificate. Photocopy of 3pp typescript speech by N.E. Butcher, presenting Jones for his Honorary Degree; 5pp typescript speech by Jones on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. Admission to the Fellowship of the College of Preceptors, 18 October 1978. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1978. 8pp typescript speech by Jones, with 8pp annotated typescript draft. Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws, University of Bristol, July 1979. 5pp annotated typescript draft Award of Associate Membership of the Association of Old Crows, 1982. Certificate, 30 July 1982. Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of November 1979. the University of Surrey, 30 At the congregation Jones was presented for his Honorary Degree by Sir Charles Frank. Correspondence, 1979-1980; certificate; speech by Jones on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. Printed booklet of addresses, containing Frank’s oration on behalf of Jones; certificate; photograph; etc. Certificate, 30 September 1983. Appointment as a Companion of Operational Research by the Operational Research Society. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Honorary Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, 1984. Certificate, 9 April 1984. A.58-A.78 Award of the R.V. Jones Intelligence Medal by the Central Agency (CIA), 1993. Intelligence Jones was the first recipient of this medal named in his honour. The award was presented to him at the CIA Headquarters, near Washington DC, on 27 October 1993. This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘CIA Medal’. A.58-A.62 Letters of congratulation, with replies by Jones, 1993-1994. 5 folders. Newspaper cuttings and photocopies of articles re the award, 1993. A.64-A.67 Correspondence and papers relating to the visit receive the medal, 1993-1994. to the United States to 4 folders. Studies in Intelligence 38, no.5 (1995). The address was given at a CIA Seminar on 26 October 1993. Photocopy of 11pp typescript address by Jones, with 9pp annotated draft. Jones’ seminar address was published in this CIA publication as ‘Some Lessons in Intelligence’. 1993 — but in fact | discarded notes and spoke extemporare’. The shorter of these two drafts bears the annotation by Jones ‘The above was the draft of what | thought of saying at the CIA Ceremony of 27 October 10pp and 6pp typescript draft speeches by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Photographs of Jones taken during the visit. 14 items, in 2 folders. Correspondence and papers relating to the 2nd R.V. Jones Intelligence Award, 1994-1995. Jones visited the United States 10-16 December 1994 and attended the ceremony as a guest. 2 folders. A.75-A.78 Correspondence and papers relating to the 3rd Award, 1996. R.V. Jones Intelligence Jones visited the United States 10-16 March 1996 to participate at the award ceremony. 4 folders. A.79-A.110 Appointment as a Companion of Honour, 1994. Contents of a box file labelled ‘CH letters’. Two newspaper cuttings re the honour, 1994. Correspondence re arrangements for Jones to receive the honour etc, 1994. 4pp typescript letter to the Prime Minister by |. Scott Sutherland seeking greater recognition for Jones’ achievements, 13 April 1989. 4 folders. Jones received many letters categories. This arrangement has been retained. of congratulation, which he arranged into A.82-A.85 ‘Aberdeen’. A.82-A.109 Letters of congratulation, 1994-1995. The letters are largely unindexed. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical ‘Academe’. 2 folders. ‘Formals’. 2 folders. ‘Friends’. 3 folders. ‘Science’. 3 folders. A.90-A.92 A.93-A.95 A.96-A.99 ‘Services’. 4 folders. A.100-A.102 A.103-A.105 3 folders. ‘Widows’. ‘Students’. 3 folders. ‘Westminster’. 1p manuscript list by Jones of telephone calls received, 11-13 June 1994. A.107-A.109 ‘Misc.’. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Two 2pp manuscript draft letters by Jones, declining possible job offers, n.d. A.112-A.200 ‘BOUQUETS AND BRICKBATS’ 1929-1997, n.d. This sequence of correspondence and papers was found in five box files labelled ‘Bouquets and brickbats’. The material relates to a wide variety of matters, including honours and awards received by Jones, his service on committees and the acceptance of articles by him for publication. There are also many letters of appreciation sent to Jones regarding his war work and his lectures and publications. Although largely complimentary some of the material relates to criticisms of Jones, which he appears to have felt quite sharply. Taken together with the material in the preceding sub-section this sequence provides a useful overview of Jones’ career. 1929, 1935, 1936, 1942. Includes correspondence re the award of a CBE in 1942. 1950-1953. 1954-1955. 1946. Includes letters relating to his appointment to the Chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. 1956-1957. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 A.118, A.119 1959. Biographical Includes correspondence re the award of the Duddell Medal of the Physical Society. 2 folders. 1960. Includes correspondence re an adverse referee’s report on Jones’ paper ‘The velocity of a transverse magnetic field’; invitation to join the Scientific Advisory Council (declined). light in 1961. Includes 2pp BBC audience research report on Jones’ radio broadcast ‘Emotion, Science and the Bomber Offensive’. A.122, A.123 1962. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. A.124, A.125 January-June 1963. A.126, A.127 July-December 1963. Includes letters Committee. Includes newspaper cutting of article re Jones entitled ‘Wolverhampton was saved by an unknown boffin’, 8 October 1962. Defence. Letters of congratulation to Jones re his secondment to the Ministry of The Times re the Robbins to Jones re his article in August-September 1963. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.130, A.131 1965. 2 folders. A.133, A.134 1967. 2 folders. A.135, A.136 1968. Includes letter to Jones inviting him to become an Honorary Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, 18 March 1968. 2 folders. A.137, A.138 1969. 2 folders. in the Department of Natural A.139, A.140 Includes correspondence re difficulties Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. Includes correspondence and papers re the award of an Honorary D.Sc. to Jones by the University of Strathclyde on 11 April 1969. 1973. Includes correspondence re the award of the Sir Harold Hartley Medal to Jones by the Institute of Measurement and Control. A.142, A.143 1972. 2 folders. 1970. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical Includes 2pp typescript letter to The Times re chaos at Heathrow Airport, 5 June 1973. A.145-A.147 1974. Includes newspaper cuttings re Jones’s work during the Second World War. 3 folders. A.148-A.150 1975. 3 folders. A.151-A.153 1976. 3 folders. A.154-A.156 TOZ7.. 2 folders. May 1977. 3 folders. A.157, A.158 January 1977. General correspondence; miscellaneous newspaper cuttings re Jones. Letters of appreciation and photocopies of press cuttings re the television broadcasts ‘The Secret War’ and ‘The Secret War of Dr Jones’, in which Jones appeared. Correspondence re the offer of a knighthood (declined by Jones). R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 A.160, A.161 1978. 2 folders. Biographical 1981. Includes brief correspondence re Jones’ election as an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. A.165, A.166 1982. 2 folders. 4 folders. A.171-A.173 1984. A.167-A.170 1983. Includes two letters to Jones from the Prince of Wales. This review was commissioned by The Times Higher Education Supplement but subsequently rejected. Includes photocopy of 8pp manuscript review by Jones of Cockcroft and the Atom by G. Hartcup and T.E. Allibone (Adam Hilger Ltd, 1984), with related correspondence. 2 folders. A.174, A.175 1985. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.177, A.178 1987. 2 folders. A.179, A.180 1988. 2 folders. A.182, A.183 1990. 2 folders. A.184, A.185 1991. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. A.190, A.191 1994. A.188, A.189 1993. A.186, A.187 1992, Includes certificate and citation for the Medal for Scientific Acumen, Artfully Applied in the Cause of Freedom, awarded to Jones by the CIA. 2 folders. Includes brief correspondence re the award of an Honorary Degree by the University of Aberdeen, June 1995. A.192, A.193 1995. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 A.194-A.197 1996. 4 folders. Biographical Photocopies of printed material re Jones, 1989-1991, n.d. A.201-A.204 FAMILY Letter to Jones from his father, 14 July 1934. following involvement her fears for the International 1940, 1951-1988 Photograph of Rosemary Jones (his youngest daughter), July 1961. Typescript drafts by Jones re his daughter, Susan Addison, following her death, 1992. Cutting of newspaper article in Glasgow Herald containing interview with Susan Addison (Jones’ eldest daughter) re her father’s reputation his with Cultural Foundation, 7 March 1979. University. A series of twenty nine pocket diaries, containing notes of appointments and meetings. These are mostly University of Aberdeen diaries, which include printed information about members of staff and the organisation of the A.205-A.233 DIARIES R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical 1940. Contains entries for the period January-May 1940. 1960-62. 1961-63. Contains entries for the period January 1962-March 1963. Contains entries for the period January 1961-March 1962. 1964-65. Contains entries for the period August-December 1963. 1962-63. 1963-64. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical 1966-67. 1969-70. 1971-72. 1972-73. 1974-75. 1975-76. 1973-74. 1976-77. 1977-78. 1978-79. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.234-A.272 PRESS CUTTINGS 1946-1995, n.d. This material was found together in four box files labelled ‘RVJ Press’. The press cuttings relate almost entirely to Jones and cover a wide variety of subjects. These include his war work, his research work at Aberdeen, lectures, defence and intelligence issues and social events attended by him. There are a small number of cuttings relating to his wife and children. 1949-1950. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical 1961-1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.257, A.258 1977. Includes documentary ‘The Secret War of Dr. Jones’, January 1977. 8pp typescript by Yorkshire Television press release re its 2 folders. 1979-1980. A.262, A.263 1982. 2 folders. 1989, 1991, 1993. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.273-A.302 SOCIAL INVITATIONS 1947-1979 This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Invitations’. It consists of invitations to attend dinners and various other social events, with copies of replies. 1961-1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.286, A.287 1967. 2 folders. 1972-1973. 1975. 2 folders. A.294, A.295 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Biographical A.298, A.299 1978. 2 folders. A.300-A.302 1979. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTION B SECOND WORLD WAR B.1-B.613 B.1-B.215 WARTIME REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS B.216-B.524 HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR B.525-B.604 CORRESPONDENCE WITH WARTIME COLLEAGUES AND VETERANS B.605-B.613 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War WARTIME REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS B.1-B.144 Air Scientific Intelligence reports B.145-B.179 “1939-1945 Documents’ B.180-B.192 German infra-red research B.193-B.203 Control Commission for Germany B.204-B.215 Miscellaneous Air Scientific Intelligence reports 1939-1971 B.86-B.105 V1-V2’ B.133-B.144 ‘Translations’ B.1-B.85 ‘Beams / Radar’ B.106-B.132 ‘Organisation’ a sequence of six box files labelled ‘A.S.| Reports’. Two lists of Air Scientific Intelligence reports can be found at B.1. Contents of This material is divided up by subject following the original arrangement by Jones. The reports and memoranda are duplicated typescript copies unless otherwise indicated. ‘Scientific Intelligence Report No.3’, 3pp typescript, 14 February 1940. Two 3pp typescript lists of Air Scientific Intelligence reports. ‘The Hitler “Waffe”’, 6pp + appendices, 11 November 1939. ‘Beams / Radar’ 1939-1946 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Night detection of aircraft’, 1p, 14 March 1940. ‘Monthly report to D.S.R [Director of Scientific Research] No.1 for April 1940’, 10pp typescript, 30 April 1940. ‘Report no.5. England’, 5pp, 23 May 1940. Indications of new German weapons to be used against ‘Report no.6. The Crooked Leg’, 11pp, 28 June 1940. 2pp typescript memorandum re a visit to ‘O.C., Bircham Newton, and the R.D.F station at West Beckham [Norfolk]’, 5 July 1940. ‘Report no.7. The Edda revived’, 5pp, 17 July 1940. ‘Monthly Summaries Nos. 3 and 4’, 6pp, 31 July 1940. ‘Knickebein, Cherbourg’, 1p, 4 August 1940. ‘Report no.8. Freya’, 5pp, 14 August 1940. ‘Monthly Summary No.5 for August 1940’, 6pp, 31 August 1940. ‘Interim report no.2. The X-Gerat’, 6pp, 24 September 1940. ‘Report no.9. Knickebein photographed’, 3pp, 20 September 1940. ‘Interim report. The X-Gerat’, 3pp, 11 September 1940. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Interim report no.3. The X-Gerat’, 1p, 5 October 1940. ‘Report No.10. The X-Gerat’, 12 January 1941. 22pp + appendices + photographs and figures. Card cover for the report annotated by Jones with the following information: ‘This copy has all Lywood’s comments, copied from his copy by Harold Blyth when C.A.S recalled the report. As regards his second comment on p.19 | sent him back his copy when the report was re-issued, having added to it Pitt’s reply to Walpole “The atrocious crime of being a young man...”. R.V.J 5:26 1: ‘Interim report. Benito’, 8pp, 5 February 1941. ‘Report no.11. 1941. The photoelectric steered bomb in Germany’, 9pp, 13 May ‘Interim report. Radio aids to German Nightfighters’, 3pp, 15 June 1941. ‘Report no. 12. German beam policy’, 20pp + appendix + photographs, 23 July 1941. policy’, 2pp typescript, 10 March 1942. ‘Report no.13. D.T.’, 42pp + appendices, 10 January 1942. ‘Radio aids to Flak’, 6pp, 17 January 1942. ‘The expected influence of the loss of Rebecca on German Airborne R.D.F. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 2pp memorandum re the discovery of apparatus in Holland and Belgium’, 6 April 1942. ‘a new type of German R.D.F. 1p memorandum re the discovery of apparatus’, 9 June 1962. ‘a new large Wuerzburg (“basket”) ‘Report no.14. German Applications of Infra-Red’, 6pp, 10 June 1942. ‘Interim report. German A.S.V.’, 1p, 20 June 1942. ‘Notes on German Nightfighters’, 4pp, 24 June 1942. ‘Report no.15. appendices + photographs and figures, 13 July 1942. The intelligence aspect of the Bruneval Raid’, 23pp + 2 folders. ‘German equipment for ship detection in the Straits of Gibraltar’, 5pp, 15 September 1942. ‘Report no.16. German knowledge of “Window”, 3pp, 24 October 1942. ‘Interim report. “Hoardings”, 5pp + figures, 21 November 1942. ‘Interim report. German coast watching R.D.F. Stations’, 3pp + appendix + photographs, 28 July 1942. ‘The effect of “Window” on German R.D.F. Defences’, 11pp, 4 January 1943. ‘Report no.l. German Nightfighter Control’, 44pp + appendices + figures, photographs and map, 29 December 1942. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Interim report. German R.D.F. in Air/Sea Warfare’, 3pp, 21 January 1943. ‘Repercussions of H2S on Air/Sea Warfare’, 2pp typescript, 23 January 1943. ‘Report no.ll. “J”, 5pp, 30 January 1943. ‘Report no.17._ 1943. The German controlled Nightfighter system’, 12 February 16pp + appendix + figures, photographs and map. Card cover for the report, with printed labelled attached. ‘Report no.18. Germonica’, 4pp, 27 February 1943. ‘Report no.lll. Mandrel results’, 5pp + map, 29 March 1943. ‘Interim report. Enemy A.S.V. investigation’, 2pp, 22 April 1943. Map entitled ‘German Night Fighters: areas and controls’, 24 April 1943. ‘Interim report. “Chimney”, 3pp + photograph and figure, 17 March 1943. ‘Interim report. German A.S.V.: Hohentwiel’, 2pp, 18 August 1943. ‘Amendment to Air Scientific Intelligence Report no.17’, 1p, 6 August 1943. ‘Report no.IV. Early German reactions to Window’, 8pp, 3 August 1943. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Interim report. October 1943. The effect of Window on German night defences’, 4pp, 4 ‘German nightfighter beacons’, 1p, 18 October 1943. ‘Report no.19. “Spanner”, 2pp, 27 November 1943. ‘Interim note on Italian radar’, 2pp, 4 December 1943. ‘Report no.20. December 1943. German ground radar characteristics’, 22pp + figures, 14 ‘Report no.21. Bomber losses and German claims from December 1942 to May 1943’, 6pp + appendices, n.d. ‘Report no. VI. “Flames”, 3pp, 8 January 1944. ‘Report no.23. February 1944. Control and plotting at a German G.C.I. station’, 15pp, 28 ‘Report no.101. German radar development’, 9pp, 6 March 1944. ‘Report no.89. The Fuge 25A bombing procedure’, 11 March 1944’, 5pp + figure, 11 March 1944. ‘Report no.103. German radar development’, 5pp, 25 April 1944. ‘Report no.22A (revised). Skagen and Bayonne’, 24pp + figures, 10 April 1944. ‘Report photographs and figures, 21 March 1944. no.24. Recognition of German ground radar’, 46pp including The location of German coastal radar between R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1p note re German successes with airborne radar, 4 May 1944. 4pp amendment list to report no.22A, 27 June 1944. ‘Report no.107. German radar progress’, 6pp + appendices + photograph, 29 June 1944. ‘Report no.27. Wurzburg anti-jamming devices’, 6pp + appendices, 12 July 1944. ‘Report no.73. July 1944. Raid-Tracking Organisation (Flugwegverfolgung)’, 3pp, 13 ‘Interim report on the FuGe 220 and FuGe 227’, 1p, 15 July 1944. ‘Report communications equipment’, 10pp + illustrations, 2 September 1944. characteristics Summary of German no.28. of decimetre ‘Interim report. Enemy use of American I.F.F.’, 1p, 9 August 1944. ‘Interim report. Jagdschloss’, 2pp + appendices + figures, 6 October 1944. ‘Report no.79. The present eclipse of the German nightfighters’, 15pp, 16 November 1944. Western Europe’, 98pp + figures, 10 December 1944. ‘Report no.29. Camouflage against H2S’, 3pp + photograph and maps, 5 December 1944. ‘Interim report. Heidelberg’, 3pp + appendix, 24 November 1944. The location of German radar and special radio stations in ‘Report no.30. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War notes 1p December 1944. re German nightfighter activities, with 2pp appendices, 15 ‘Report no.251. illustrations, 25 January 1945. German infra-red development’, 16pp + appendices + ‘Report no.31. Mannheim’, 7pp + appendix + figures, 25 January 1945. ‘Report no.109. 1945. Recent developments in German radar’, 9pp, 22 February ‘Interim report. Elefant —- German CH’, 3pp + figures, 20 March 1945. ‘Report no.83. 6pp, 26 March 1945. Recent developments in German route tracking and RCM’, fighters and Egon control’, 18pp + 2 folders. ‘Report no.33. of appendices + figures, 20 April 1945. Benito control ‘Report no.34. Characteristics of German ground radar’, 79pp + appendix + figures, April 1945. ‘Pigeons’, 1p, n.d. ‘Interim report. Air Scientific Intelligence in War, 1939-45’, 68pp, 1 1946. 2 folders. April R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.86-B.105 ‘V1-V2’ 1943-1945 B.86 ‘Interim report. German long range rockets’, 9pp. 26 June 1943. ‘Special notes. The Flakzielgerat 76’, 3pp, 14 September 1943. Untitled 9pp report re the likelihood of German research into long range rockets at Peenemiinde, 25 September 1943. ‘Report no.V. German pilotless aircraft’, 25pp + appendices + figures, 23 December 1943. ‘Interim report. BV 246’, 1p + figures, 26 April 1944. ‘Second interim report. BV 246’, 2pp, 6 May 1944. Photocopy of 3pp note re the German long range rocket, July 1944. This note was prepared for the War Cabinet ‘Crossbow’ Committee. ‘Crossbow Intelligence. First weekly summary’, 2pp, 30 July 1944. 1944. ‘Tentative report on the nature of lemon squeezers’, 1p cartoon, 10 August ‘Flying bombs launched from aircraft’, 1p, 1 August 1944. ‘Crossbow. Second weekly summary’, 1p, 6 August 1944. 1p additional notes to the second weekly report, 7 August 1944. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Crossbow. Third weekly summary’, 2pp, 13 August 1944. ‘Crossbow. Fourth weekly summary’, 1p, 20 August 1944. A4’, 41pp + appendices + photographs and figures, 26 ‘Interim report. August 1944. 2 folders. ‘Crossbow. Fifth weekly report’, 1p, 27 August 1944. ‘Crossbow. Sixth weekly summary’, 1p, 12 September 1944. ‘Scientific notes no.1. figures, 25 September 1944. Elementary theory of long range rockets’, 3ipp + 1p note relating to German rockets, 22 October 1944. ‘Most secret evidence concerning the nature of T-Stoff’, 3pp typescript, ca 1944. ‘Interim report. An analysis of rocket activity and rocket reporting in the first week of November 1944’, 7pp + figure and maps, 18 November 1944. ‘A sidelight on Mimoyecques’, 1p + appendix, 11 May 1945. ‘Interim report. Mimoyecques: HDP’, 1p, 26 April 1945. 1p note re the elevation of rockets fired against London, 11 January 1945. ‘Interim report. 10pp + appendices + figures, 1 March 1945. An explanation of the fall of shot pattern of the A4 Rocket’, R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.106-B.132 ‘Organisation’ 1939-1971 Reports and correspondence etc, scientific intelligence. largely relating to the organisation of B.106-B.117 Reports, 1939-1953, n.d. B.106 ‘A scientific intelligence service’, 14pp + appendices, 7 December 1939. ‘Report no.131. Air technical liaison between Germany and Japan’, 8pp, 16 October 1944. ‘Report no.32. The war organisation of German science’, 8pp + appendix, 29 March 1945. ‘An improved scientific intelligence service’, 6pp, 2 May 1945. ‘German scientists, October 1945’, 4pp, 18 October 1945. ‘A Scientific Staff College’, 4pp typescript + appendix, 8 November 1945. ‘Scientific intelligence in the SIS, 1939-45’, 12pp typescript and manuscript draft, ca 1945. ‘The peacetime establishment of air scientific intelligence’, 7pp + figure, 13 December 1945. intelligence, 17 November 1952. ‘The secret intelligence service’, 6pp, 15 April 1946. Untitled 16pp re problems in the organisation and staffing of scientific R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Atomic energy intelligence’, 9pp, 24 November 1953. ‘Casual sources’, 2pp, n.d. B.118-B.129 Correspondence and intelligence, 1939-1971, n.d. papers relating to the organisation of scientific 1939-1940. B.120, B.121 1942. Includes 3pp typescript note by Jones re the organisation of Hut 3 Bletchley Park, 2 February 1942. at 2 folders. 1943. 1944. 1944; visit to Romania by J.C.E. Jennings to examine radar by Jones, 29 of resignation July B.123, B.124 1p manuscript letter Includes correspondence re a equipment. Includes 2pp typescript letter to the Secretary of the Institute of Physics re the planning of post-war Science, 3 February 1943, with 3pp manuscript draft. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1949-1971. Includes 3pp typescript minute by Jones re atomic energy intelligence, 12 November 1953. n.d. Includes 2pp manuscript draft by Jones entitled ‘The duties of D.D.I. 4 and A.D.1. (Science) overlap’. Correspondence re lectures by Jones to Royal Air Force staff courses, 1943- 1945. B.131, B.132 Manuscript drafts and notes by Jones. 2 folders. ‘No.3. January 1945. A sequence of translations of German technical documents. ‘No.1. Mammut F.’, 15pp + figures, 13 November 1944. B.133-B.144 ‘Translations’ 1944-1946 This material was found together with a note by Jones identifying the material as ‘Mainly odd pages of Ms drafts concerning organisation 1941-4’, It includes drafts of talks by Jones ‘No.4. Giant Wirzburg turning gear’, 19pp + figures, 26 March 1945. Anti-jamming procedures for flak control radar’, 43pp + figures, 12 ‘No.2. FuMB 26 (“Tunis”)’, 21pp + figures, 14 November 1944, R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘No.5. Fine bearing presentation for Freya and Seetakt’, 13pp + diagrams, 9 April 1945. ‘No.6. Window Jamming and Spoofing in the Jagdschloss, 5pp + figures, 25 April 1945. ‘No.7. Wassermann M II and M IV Broadband Phase-shifter’, 9pp + figures, 7 May 1945. ‘No.8. “Radar News No.19”, 18pp + figures, 15 July 1945. ‘No.9. Gema Attachment in Wurzburg Riesen’, 16pp + figures, 15 July 1945. ‘No.10. “Elektra-Sonne”’, 30pp + figures, 17 July 1945. ‘No.12. January 1946. B.166-B.179 B.145-B.179 ‘1939-1945 Documents’ 1939-1982 Homing devices Max-A and Max-P’, 7pp + appendix + figures, 1 ‘No.14 (Revised Edition). Accuracy and deviation of the “Sonne” long wave beam system by day and night’, 10pp + figures, 18 March 1946. ‘V1-V2’ Contents of a sequence of three box files labelled ‘1939-1945 Documents’. The material is divided up by subject following the original arrangement by Jones. B.145-B.165 ‘Beams / Radar’ R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.145-B.165 ‘Beams / Radar’ 1940-1978 B.145-B.149 Correspondence, 1940-1976. B.145 1940-1941. 1943-1944. 1947-1950. 1962, 1976, n.d. attack on German R.D.F. 27/28th Account from German side’, 5pp typescript + sketches by 19 March 1942, with (Air Intelligence, Prisoner Interrogation), D’Antifer, Station, Cap I(k) 5 folders. B.152-B.156 ‘Paratroop February 1942. A.l. covering notes. ‘The Intelligence Aspect of the Bruneval Raid’, 4pp typescript by Jones, ca 1942. Reports, committee papers, memoranda etc relating to air warfare, 1942- 1945, 1951, 1955, 1973, n.d. Command in October 1945. ‘War in the ether. Radio Countermeasures in Bomber Command. Europe, 1939-1945’, photocopy of 69pp typescript + appendices + index, with card covers, 1978. This photocopied text was issued by the RDA Technical Information Center in 1978. The original text was issued by the Signals Branch of Bomber R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.158, B.159 ‘The Radio War’, photocopy of 94pp annotated typescript + appendices by R. Cockburn, T.R.E. (Telecommunications Research Establishment), 1945, with related material. 2 folders. Part of a German map of Belgium, n.d. This map is reproduced in Most Secret War with the description ‘Part of a German map stolen by a Belgian patriot (agent Tégal) 20 April 1942, showing the entire radar and searchlight dispositions in one box (No. 6B) of the Kammhuber Line. The box of 27 searchlights occupies a front of 30 kilometres’. Two sketches of a German radar station on the Island of Fang, n.d.; sketch of a Knickebein installation at Beaumont Hague, 1940. These sketches are reproduced in Most Secret War. Map of Bomber Command raid tracks for 8/9 September 1942, annotated by Jones; map showing the location of a German radar station at St. Pabu, near Brest. Both of these maps are reproduced in Most Secret War. Six sketches of a German fighter control station at Lantin, Belgium, signed ‘Jocky’, 1944. One of these sketches is reproduced in Most Secret War with the explanation that it is part ‘... of a set of sketches made by a Belgium patriot (a Brussels jeweller) who spent every night for a week in a German fighter control station which used the Y-system for locating its fighters’. Miscellaneous manuscript drafts and notes by Jones. Four photographs of a Junkers 88 nightfighter fitted with a Lichtenstein SN2 antenna, 1944. One of these is reproduced in Most Secret War. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.166-B.179 *V1-V2’ 1939-1982 B.166-B.170 Correspondence and papers, 1941-1982. B.166 1941-1950. 1964, 1971-1974. 1977. Includes letter to Jones from ‘LHM’, 9 April 1977, with 4pp typescript translation of a statement by H. Christiansen re the crash of a German V1 rocket on the island of Bornholm in August 1943 (see also B.573). 1980. Brief correspondence with M. Howard re Vis and V2s; photocopy of 27pp typescript draft chapter by Howard entitled ‘Crossbow’. ‘The Rechlin demonstration and new German weapons’, 4pp typescript, 22 December 1944. 2 folders. Reports, committee papers, memoranda etc relating to long range rockets, 1939-1944, n.d. ‘The future of long range rockets’, 10pp annotated typescript article by Jones, ca 1944, with photocopy of printed version. B.173, B.174 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War German map of London, 1940. This map is reproduced in Most Secret War, with the description ‘Flak regiment 155(W)’s battle map showing (dark spots) fall of V-1s on London as reported by German ‘agents’ and (white spots) fall of V-1s as indicated by radio transmitters mounted in sample missiles.’ Six plans of a V-1 launching site at Bois Carré near Yvrench, 1943. One of these is reproduced in Most Secret War. Photographs taken during the inspection of a crater caused by the first V-2 rockets to hit London, September 1944; photograph of a V-2 rocket, 1945. Printed material, 1948, 1978. Manuscript and typescript notes. This material was kept together in a box file labelled ‘I.R.’. See also B.605-B.613. Correspondence and papers, 1945. 1944-1946 B.180-B.192 German infra-red research 2 folders. Includes letter to F.C. Frank from R.H. Siddons, 13 February 1945, with typescript translations of notes by a Belgian glass blower who worked at Electroacustic K.G. in Kiel, Germany; letter to Jones from E.O. Salant, 29 August 1945 returning 2pp typescript notes and manuscript diagrams entitled ‘Paplitz’. Kutscher was Director of the Infra-Red Division of Electroacustic K.G. in Kiel. Jones was involved in interviewing him. B.181, B.182 Papers relating to the interrogation of E. Kutzscher, 1945. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War ‘Translation of German shorthand notes on ELAC and ZEISS infra-red D/F equipments’, 3pp typescript, n.d. B.184-B.191 Copies of reports sent to Jones re German infra-red research, 1944-1946, n.d. 8 folders. Two duplicated typescript research papers (in German), 1944, with 6pp typescript partial English translation. B.193-B.203 Control Commission for Germany 1948-1951 Jones served from 1948 on Research Branch of the Control Commission for Germany. the Physics Panel of Consultants to the The material relates to Jones’ service on the Physics Panel and includes correspondence and copies is arranged in chronological order. reports laws. and of It 1948-1949. B.193-B.195 Includes papers re the Physics Panel’s visit to Germany in 1949. This visit took place between 31 March and 9 April 1949. Its purpose was to investigate research work taking place in the British Zone of Germany to ensure that Law 25 on the Control of Research was being obeyed. Jones was accompanied by his fellow Panel members N.F. Mott and S. Chapman. 4 folders. Includes correspondence re a report by F.C. Frank and A.C. Menzies on the impact of research laws on German researchers. B.196-B.199 3 folders. 1950. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 B.200-B.203 1951. 4 folders. Second World War B.204-B.215 Miscellaneous 1938-1971 This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Angels’. miscellaneous papers relating to the Second World War. It consists of B.204-B.209 Correspondence, 1939-1953, 1967-1971, n.d. Includes 1p typescript entitled ‘Plan April Fool’ re an idea to drop a locked Suitcase containing a high explosive charge at a predetermined spot in Germany, sent to Jones with a note, 18 February 1942. 6 folders. 2pp typescript note by Jones re the development of ‘smell homers’, 23 November 1945, with related letter to Jones, 7 December 1945. Spp typescript notes with manuscript additions, annotated ‘RAF Staff College Lecture Notes’ on the first page, n.d. Various manuscript drafts and notes, mostly by Jones. 3pp manuscript notes of a talk by Jones at RAF Benson to the pilots of the Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, ca 1942. 4pp typescript and 1p photocopy of figures re the application of pulse methods to searchlights, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 27 January 1938. Various drawings and sketches of German equipment. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.216-B.524 HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR This material relates to the historical treatment of the Second World War. is arranged by topic. It B.216-B.289 Churchill B.290-B.300 Coventry B.301-B.309 D-Day B.310-B.321 Dowding B.322-B.338 Farm Hall B.339-B.363 Irving / Clark Lindemann B.400-B.409 Museums B.461-B.489 Radar B.410-B.460 Oslo Report B.364-B.399 Royal Air Force Miscellaneous B.498-B.523 Tizard B.490-B.497 B.524 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.216-B.289 Churchill 1946-1997 A sequence of material relating to Sir Winston Churchill, found together in seven box files. B.216-B.227 B.228-B.276 Correspondence with Churchill Publications and lectures B.277-B.288 General correspondence B.289 Newspaper cuttings B.216-B.227 Correspondence with Churchill 1946-1964 This material relates largely to the drafting of Churchill's The Second World War and includes drafts and proofs of chapters. 1946-1948. 4 folders. 1951. B.218-B.221 1950. Includes brief correspondence re the shortage of school teachers in science. 4 folders. Correspondence and papers re the chapter ‘The Pilotless Bombardment’ for volume VI of The Second World War. Correspondence re the chapter ‘ “Hitler's Secret Weapon’ ’ for volume V of The Second World War. B.223-B.226 1953. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1954-1964. B.228-B.276 Publications and lectures 1965-1996 A short sequence of material relating to publications and lectures by Jones about Churchill. B.228-B.246 ‘Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill 1874-1965’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of The Royal Society 12, November 1966. Manuscript notes, including notes for lectures on Churchill, 1965. 3pp typescript outline. B.230-B.233 Annotated photocopy of 140pp typescript draft. 4 folders. 2pp revised typescript, paginated 115 and 116. B.235-B.240 6 folders. B.241-B.246 Correspondence arising from the publication of the Memoir, 1967-1968. Correspondence relating to the drafting of the Memoir, 1965-1966. Boys Brigade (Hamish Forbes August 1969)’, n.d. 2pp typescript re the example set by Churchill, annotated ‘Written for the Mostly letters of appreciation. 6 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.248-B.251 Letters to The Times, 11 May 1981, and Daily Telegraph, 11 June 1981. The subject of these two letters was the consideration given by Churchill to the use of chemical and biological warfare in 1944. Jones wrote the letters in response to an item on the BBC television programme Newsnight, in which he felt Churchill had been misrepresented. Copy of a telex message sent to N.D. McWhirter by Jones, containing the proposed text of his letter to The Times, 8 May 1981; 2pp typescript letter by Jones to the Daily Telegraph, 3 June 1981. B.249-B.251 Correspondence and papers relating to the Newsnight feature, 1981-1982. 3 folders. B.252, B.253 Letters to the Guardian, January 1984. These were written in response to letters published by R.W. Johnson which suggested that Churchill had foreknowledge of the Coventry raid. Correspondence and papers relating to the letters by Jones, 1984. Speech at Churchill Commemoration Dinner, Rotary Club of Westerham, Kent, 26 November 1985. Photocopy of 2pp manuscript letter to the Guardian by Jones, 15 January 1984 (published on 20 January); 1p typescript letter to the Guardian by Jones, 25 January 1984 (unpublished). 1985-1986. Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1985-1986. Speech as Guest of Honour at Manchester, 21 March 1986. a Dinner held by the Churchill Club of 4pp manuscript notes for speech; correspondence re arrangements etc, R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.256-B.259 ‘Churchill’s anthrax bombs: a debate’ with J.M. Lewis, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 43, November 1987. This article was produced by Jones and Lewis in response to an article by B.J. Bernstein in the January/February 1987 issue of Bulletin. Annotated photocopy of 7pp typescript; annotated 8pp typescript. B.257-B.259 Correspondence and papers relating to the drafting and publication of the article, 1987. 3 folders. B.260-B.262 Address in tribute to Churchill, 26th Churchill Memorial Concert, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, 7 March 1992. 9pp typescript draft; photocopy of 11pp typescript. B.263-B.269 B.266, B.267 and manuscript draft material, annotated ‘1st Draft Concert programme. typescript 19pp (abandoned)’. Correspondence relating to the address, 1991-1992. 10th Crosby Kemper Lecture, Winston Churchill Memorial, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 29 March 1992. 2 folders. Correspondence relating to the lecture, 1991-1992, 1995. 1p manuscript notes for lectures, 30 March 1992. Photocopy of 24pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.268, B.269 Correspondence relating to Westminster College, 1992-1996. 2 folders. B.270-B.276 ‘Churchill and Science’ in Churchill edited by R. Blake and W.R. Louis (Oxford University Press, 1993). This collection of essays resulted from a Conference on Churchill at the University of Texas, USA, 21-23 March 1991. Jones was unable to attend the Conference owing to ill-health but nevertheless contributed a paper for discussion. 20pp annotated typescript draft, with 1p manuscript addition. Photocopy of 22pp typescript annotated by the editors. 24pp typescript. B.273-B.276 4 folders. 1956-1997 relating to B.277-B.288 General correspondence A sequence of correspondence with numerous individuals Churchill. Correspondence re arrangements for the Conference and re the publication of its proceedings, 1991-1993. 1970-1972. Correspondence with B. Collier re ‘Crossbow’. 1956-1957. 1959-1960, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 B.280, B.281 1974. Second World War 2 folders. 1975-1977. 1978-1979. 1980-1983. 1984-1987. 1988-1991. Newspaper cuttings Cuttings re Churchill. 1992-1994. 1996-1997. B.290-B.300 Coventry 1964, 1976. It consists largely of correspondence and papers relating to the German raid on Coventry on 14 and 15 November 1940. This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Coventry Enigma’. 1950-1988 1964, 1976-1997 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.293, B.294 1979. 2 folders. 1980-1983. B.296, B.297 1984. 2 folders. 1994-1997. B.301-B.309 D-Day 1976-1994 This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘D-Day’. Printed and typescript background material; manuscript notes by Jones. Countermeasures in the British Navy’, June 1976. Photocopy of 21pp typescript by B.M. Adkins entitled ‘The story of Radio R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.302-B.304 Papers sent to Jones by Elizabeth Sutton, 1981. Sutton worked at West Kingsdown RAF Station in 1944 under her maiden name of Wright. Brief correspondence with E. Sutton, September 1981. Annotated copy of ‘Air Scientific Intelligence Report no.22A (revised). The location of German coastal radar between Skagen and Bayonne’, 10 April 1944, with 1p manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton; list entitled ‘Radar post identifications’ with 1p manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton. The manuscript notes accompanying the report state ‘This is the document together with the notebook, which was used to supply all the information on the activity of the German Radar equipment along the coast of France prior to the ‘D-Day’ landings (June 6th 1944)’. Softback notebook inscribed ‘Beth Wright’ on front cover, April-June 1944, with intercalated manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton. This notebook accompanies the report at B.303. B.305-B.308 5pp typescript. 2 folders. B.306, B.307 Correspondence re The D-Day Encyclopedia, 1991-1993. Jones appears to have withdrawn his contribution from this publication owing to a disagreement with the publishers. Contribution by Jones on ‘Electronic Warfare’ to The D-Day Encyclopedia edited by D.G. Chandler and J.L. Collins, Jr. (Helicon, Oxford, 1994). General correspondence and papers re D-Day, 1991-1994. Photocopies of background material. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.310-B.321 Dowding 1970-1996 This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Dowding’. of correspondence and papers relating to 1st Baron Dowding. It consists B.310-B.315 B.316-B.321 General correspondence and papers Joint Appeal for the Lord Dowding Sheltered Housing Project, Scottish Advisory Committee B.310-B.315 General correspondence and papers 1970-1996 B.310, B.311 1970. Includes 1p typescript letter to The Times by Jones, 14 January 1970 (published on Slessor re Dowding, January-April 1970. 20 January); correspondence with Sir John 2 folders. 1982, 1987-1988. 3 folders. B.316-B.321 1987-1989 B.313-B.315 1989, 1993, 1996. Correspondence with J. Ray; photocopy of 231pp typescript by Ray entitled “Dowding should go”. The battle inside the Battle of Britain’, 1993. The material consists largely of papers relating to meetings. Jones served as a member of the Scottish Advisory Committee of this joint appeal by the Royal Air Forces Association and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund. The Project aimed to establish a new sheltered housing development for elderly and infirm former members of the RAF. Joint Appeal for the Lord Dowding Sheltered Housing Project, Scottish Advisory Committee Second World War R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 B.316, B.317 1987. 2 folders. B.318-B.320 1988. 3 folders. B.322-B.338 Farm Hall 1967-1997 This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Farm Hall’. It consists largely of correspondence and papers relating to Farm Hall and German nuclear fission research during the Second World War. B.322-B.335 3 folders. 1985-1989. B.322 1967, 1978, 1981. B.323-B.325 1984. Correspondence and papers, 1967-1997. 2 folders. Includes 9pp typescript draft foreword by Sir Charles Frank for Operation Epsilon: the Farm Hall transcripts (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1993), with related correspondence. B.328, B.329 1992. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 B.330-B.333 1993. Second World War Includes photocopy of 173pp typescript by P.L. Rose entitled ‘Heisenberg’s bombs: error and deception in the German atomic bomb project 1939-1945’. 4 folders. 1996-1997, n.d. B.336-B.338 Background material. B.336 Photocopies of printed material. Audio cassette labelled ‘Why Germany did not develop the atomic bomb. Sam Goudsmit 8.1V.75 Harvard Univ. Science Centre’. B.354-B.363 B.339-B.363 Irving / Clark 1960-1991 This copy of a talk by Goudsmit was made from a tape sent to Jones by G. Holton in 1981 (see B.322). Microfiche copies of the Farm Hall transcripts, Public Record Office class title WO 208/5019, 1991. R.W. Clark This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Irving R.W. Clark’. It consists largely of correspondence with David Irving and R.W. Clark relating to their writings on Second World War. B.339-B.353 David Irving R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.339-B.353 David Irving 1963-1991 B.339-B.351 Correspondence, 1963-1978. B.339, B.340 1963. Includes correspondence re Peenemiinde. 2 folders. B.341-B.346 1964. Includes 17pp typescript notes by Irving of an interview with Jones on 6th January 1964; 18pp typescript notes by Irving of an interview with Jones on 8 July 1964. 6 folders. B.347, B.348 1965. 2 folders. 1966. 1967-1969. 1977-1978. Includes correspondence re the Farm Hall transcripts. Includes correspondence relating to Irving’s book The Virus House. Includes correspondence re the accident on 4 July 1943 in which General Sikorski died. 2 folders. Includes 3pp typescript note by Irving of a conversation with Jones on 14 February 1978. B.352, B.353 Newspaper cuttings re Irving, 1964-1971, 1991. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.354-B.363 R.W. Clark 1960-1986 Correspondence with R.W. Clark relating to his books on the Second World War and biographies of various scientists. 1960. Includes correspondence re the development of the atomic bomb. 1963. Includes correspondence re Lindemann’s Minority Report of July 1936. 1964-1967. 2 folders. 1972-1981. B.360, B.361 1970. 1968-1969. Includes correspondence and papers re Einstein. 1983-1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.364-B.399 Lindemann 1956-1997 A sequence of material relating to F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell. was kept together in a box file labelled ‘Lindemann’. It B.364-B.379 Publications and lecture B.380-B.390 Correspondence B.391-B.399 Background material B.364-B.379 Publications and lecture 1959-1987 B.364 Book review of The Prof: a personal memoir of Lord Cherwell by R.F. Harrod (Macmillan, 1959). 3pp typescript; brief correspondence with T.C. Keeley re the book, 1959. 4pp manuscript draft; 3pp typescript. Letter to The Sunday Times, May 1963. Book review of The Prof in two worlds: the official life of Professor F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell by Lord Birkenhead (Collins, 1961). 2pp typescript letter by Jones, 14 May 1963, in response to a letter by Lord Boothby (published on 5 May 1963) re Lord Cherwell’s part in the bombing of Dresden; correspondence with The Sunday Times re publication, May 1963; newspaper cutting of Boothby’s letter. related correspondence, February-March 1967. 1p typescript letter by Jones re allegations by Lord Boothby against Lord Cherwell, with related correspondence, January 1967. B.368 2pp typescript letter by Jones re Boothby’s allegations against Cherwell, with Letter to the Sunday Express (declined), January 1967. B.368, B.369 Letter to the Daily Telegraph, 20 February 1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War Photocopies of newspapers cuttings relating to Lord Boothby’s accusations, 1967. Book review of The Virus House by D. Irving (William Kimber, 1967). 14pp typescript. Article on Lord Cherwell in The Encyclopedia Americana, ca 1967. 2pp annotated typescript draft; 2pp typescript; correspondence relating to the article, 1967. Article on Lord Cherwell in A biographical dictionary of scientists edited by T.1. Williams (A. & C. Black, London, 1969). 3pp typescript; correspondence relating to the article, 1966-1967. 3pp annotated typescript draft; 4pp typescript. Correspondence with the editors, 1967-1973. B.375-B.378 B.373, B.374 Article on Lord Cherwell in Dictionary of Scientific Biography volume 8, edited by C.C. Gillespie (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973). Lindemann Centenary Lecture, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 7 October 1986. Photocopy of 25pp transcript of the lecture. 4pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Beginning of Lindemann address’. Jones spoke on ‘Lindemann beyond the laboratory’. 38pp manuscript draft. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War Correspondence relating to the lecture, 1986-1987. 2pp manuscript notes by Jones entitled ‘Lindemann’, n.d. B.380-B.390 Correspondence 1956-1997 A sequence of correspondence and papers relating to Lord Cherwell, arranged in chronological order. 1956. Letter to Jones from Cherwell, 2 December 1956. 1957-1958. 1959-1962. 1963, 1967. 1968-1972 1976, 1982-1984. 1989-1992. 1987-1988. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1993 Correspondence with T. Wilson re Cherwell. 1994-1997. B.391-B.399 Background material B.391-B.393 ‘Some extracts from the Collection of Papers of Viscount Cherwell, at present held entitled, paginated 132-194 and 208-273. College’, 129pp typescript notes Nuffield so by These notes appear to have been sent to Jones by David Irving in 1963. Related material can be found at B.340. 3 folders. 3pp manuscript notes by Jones entitled ‘Extracts from the Cherwell papers’, n.d. B.397-B.399 Photocopies of typescript material. Newspaper cuttings re Lord Cherwell, 1957-1968 ‘Lord Cherwell and his part in World War II’, photocopy of 18pp typescript by J.L. Tuck, 1961. The first page bears the annotation by Jones ‘Given me by Amrom Katz of RDA Santa Monica. February 84’. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.400-B.409 Museums 1968-1997 Correspondence and papers relating to Jones’ association with the Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd and numerous military museums. This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Aircraft Museums’. B.400-B.406 Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd B.407-B.409 General correspondence B.400-B.406 Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd 1980-1990 Jones was a trustee of the company from 1981, when it was formed in an attempt to acquire and manage the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. 1980. Correspondence and papers re the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. 3 folders. B.401-B.403 1981. Includes correspondence and papers relating to the sale of the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. 1986-1990. 1983-1984. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.407-B.409 General correspondence 1968, 1981-1997 Correspondence with various military museums. Mostly invitations to attend openings and to support appeals. 1968, 1981-1982. 1983-1985. 1987-1997. B.410-B.460 Oslo Report 1947-1997 This material was found in four box files labelled ‘Mayer’, ‘M.O.L.’, ‘Oslo Reference’ and ‘Oslo Sequel’. B.410-B.428 Henry Cobden Turner 1953-1989 B.410-B.423 B.410-B.428 Henry Cobden Turner B.429-B.439 Mayer B.440-B.446 Arnold Kramish B.447-B.454 General correspondence B.455-B.460 Miscellaneous See also L.51-L.66. A sequence of correspondence with and relating to Henry Cobden Turner, arranged in chronological order. The material relates largely to efforts by Jones to have Cobden Turner's work rewarded with a public honour. General correspondence, 1953-1989. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.410, B.4114 1953-1954. Includes 7pp typescript memorandum re the value of the Oslo Report, with 5pp typescript draft. 2 folders. B.413-B.415 1956-1957. 3 folders. 1958-1962. 1964-1965. 1967-1968. 3 folders. B.419-B.421 1969. 7pp typescript biographical notes re Cobden Turner, n.d. Correspondence and papers relating largely to Cobden Turner's contribution to the invention of the proximity fuse. ‘Fuse’. Contents of plastic folder so labelled, 1954-1989, n.d. B.424-B.427 1978, 1986-1989. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.429-B.439 Mayer 1957-1997 This material relates largely to Hans F. Mayer, the man identified by Jones as the writer of the Oslo Report in his book Reflections on Intelligence. It was kept together in a box file labelled ‘Mayer’. B.429-B.431 ‘HFM’. Contents of plastic folder so labelled. Mostly correspondence with H. Cobden Turner and H.F. Mayer re the Oslo Report, 1957-1978, n.d. 1957, 1964-1967. Includes 3pp typescript letter headed ‘How Harry Cobden Turner was involved in the Oslo Letter’ and signed ‘The Oslo Person’, 18 July 1967. 1968, 1978. n.d. 1978-1986. 2 folders. 1988-1989. B.432-B.439 B.433, B.434 1987. Includes 2pp manuscript notes by Jones. Correspondence with Peter Mayer and his family, 1978-1997. Peter Mayer was the son of H.F. Mayer. The correspondence up to 1989 relates largely to his father, while that from 1990 is mostly of a personal nature. 1990-1992. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.437, B.438 1993-1995. 2 folders. 1996-1997, n.d. B.440-B.446 Arnold Kramish 1979-1997 This material was found together in a plastic folder labelled ‘Kramish’. The material relates to Arnold Kramish, an American scientist whose book, The Griffin, argued that Paul Rosbaud was the author of the Oslo Report. B.440-B.444 Correspondence with A. Kramish, 1979-1997. B.440 1979-1984. 1985-1986. 2 folders. 1996-1997. 2 folders. B.445, B.446 B.442, B.443 1994. Correspondence and papers relating to The Griffin (Houghton Mufflin, 1986) by A. Kramish, 1986-1988. 1947-1954. Includes 3pp proof book review by Jones for Nature. B.447-B.454 General correspondence B.447 1947-1997 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1961-1963. Correspondence with J. Mader re the authorship of the Oslo Report. 1974-1979. 1982-1985. 1987-1988. Includes correspondence re Paul Rosbaud. 1989-1990, 1996-1997. B.455-B.460 Miscellaneous 1947-1957, n.d. B.455 Newspaper cuttings of two articles re the Oslo Report, 1947, 1954. Includes papers sent to Jones by S. Ulrich re the ‘Domino Ring’, 1989. Intelligence. Menu for a Farewell Dinner on RMS Mauretania, autographed by fellow passengers; menu for a Farewell Dinner on RMS Queen Mary, 28 June 1953, autographed by passengers. It was during the return voyage from the United States in 1953 that Jones The incident is described in Reflections on met Harry Cobden Turner. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 3pp typescript memorandum re the contributions of Jones, Mayer and Cobden Turner to Allied victory in the Second World War, 8 January 1957. Jones, directly named in_ memorandum but are identified respectively as ‘Professor J’, ‘X’ and 'T’. Mayer and Cobden Turner are not this 7pp typescript translation of the Oslo Report, n.d. brief commentary on the Oslo Report’, annotated photocopy of 3pp ‘A typescript by Jones. Untitled 39pp annotated typescript by Jones re the Oslo Report, n.d. This appears to be a draft for Reflections on Intelligence. B.461-B.489 1974-1997 B.470-B.489 B.461-B.463 B.461 20pp manuscript draft. B.461-B.469 Publications B.461-B.469 Publications General correspondence ‘The History of Radar’, Physics Bulletin 36, 1985. This material was found together in two box files labelled ‘Radar’. Correspondence re publication, 1985. 11pp typescript R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.464-B.467 Biographical article on Sir Robert Watson-Watt for Dictionary of National Biography: supplement 1971-1980, edited by Lord Blake and C.S. Nicholls (Oxford University Press, 1986). 11pp manuscript draft; 1p manuscript notes. 5pp typescript; photocopy of 6pp typescript. Correspondence re the article, 1983-1984. Background material, 1974, 1976, n.d. B.468, B.469 Introduction to a brochure produced by the Communication and Electronics Museum, 1986. 2pp manuscript draft; photocopy of 2pp typescript. B.470-B.489 General correspondence 1974-1997 B.470, B.471 1974-1977. Correspondence; photocopy of the draft brochure. 1986. A sequence of correspondence and papers relating to the history of radar. 3 folders. Includes photocopy of 79pp typescript by A.F. Wilkins entitled ‘The early days of radar in Great Britain’, 1977. Includes 229pp typescript draft by C. Susskind entitled ‘History of Radar’. 2 folders. B.472-B.474 1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1982-1984. B.476-B.478 1985. Includes copies of abstracts and papers for the Institution of Electrical Engineers Seminar on ‘The History of Radar Development to 1945’, London, 10-12 June 1985. 3 folders. B.479-B.482 1986. 4 folders. B.483, B.484 1987. 2 folders. 1989-1991. 3 folders. 1996-1997. B.490-B.497 Royal Air Force B.486-B.488 1995. General correspondence This material was found together in a box file labelled ‘RAF Historical’. Royal Air Force Historical Society B.490-B.493 B.494-B.497 1968-1997 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.490-B.493 Royal Air Force Historical Society 1986-1995 Correspondence and papers relating to Jones’ association with the Royal Air Force Historical Society. Arranged in chronological order. He was a founder member of the Society, established in 1986, and gave its inaugural lecture (see K.319-K.321). 1986, 1988. B.491, B.492 1990-1991. Correspondence and papers relating to Photographic Reconnaissance in World War II (Jones was chairman). a seminar by the Society on 2 folders. 1992-1995. Correspondence re University Air Squadrons. 1968. 1973-1977. B.494-B.497 General correspondence 1968-1997 A short sequence of correspondence relating to the Royal Air Force. Arranged in chronological order. the Air League, 1996. Includes correspondence re the appointment of Jones as a Companion of Includes correspondence with Sir John Slessor re various issues. 1981, 1987-1988. 1991-1997. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.498-B.523 Tizard 1959-1982 This material was found together in two box files labelled ‘Tizard’. B.498-B.521 Publications and lectures B.522 B.523 General correspondence Background material B.498-B.521 Publications and lectures 1959-1982 B.498 ‘Scientists at War — Lindemann v. Tizard’, The Times, 6, 7, 8 April 1961. Photocopies of three articles by Jones re relations between Lord Cherwell and Sir Henry Tizard; 3pp annotated typescript letter by Jones, written in response to criticisms of the articles, n.d. 1p manuscript notes by Jones; 28pp manuscript draft by Jones. B.499-B.510 B.511-B.515 B.509, B.510 Background material. Includes photocopy of Tizard’s Royal Society personal record. 9 folders. 2 folders. B.500-B.508 Correspondence relating to the drafting of the Memoir, 1959-1961. ‘Henry Thomas Tizard’ with W.S Farren, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 7, November 1961. 68 (December 1964) and Nature. ‘Sir Henry Tizard 1885-1959’. The First Sir Henry Tizard Memorial Lecture of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Boscombe Down, Salisbury, 28 October 1964. This lecture was published in the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 34pp annotated typescript draft. B.512, B.513 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture, 1964. 2 folders. B.514, B.515 Correspondence arising from the lecture, 1964-1965, 1982. 2 folders. B.516, B.517 ‘Scientific Intelligence’. Aeronautical Society, Boscombe Down, Salisbury, 14 February 1978. 9th Sir Henry Tizard Memorial Lecture of the Royal 29pp typescript; 1p typescript summary. Correspondence relating to the lecture, 1977-1978; programme. 21pp annotated typescript. 18pp typescript. 2 folders. B.518-B.521 B.520, B.521 Correspondence relating to the lecture, 1978-1979. ‘Tizard’s ‘Great lesson of the last War ’, Annual Tizard Lecture, Westminster School, London, 8 March 1979. the galley proof of his biography of Tizard, 1964. Correspondence, including 13pp typescript comments sent to R.W. Clark re General correspondence 1959-1966 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War Background material Newspaper cuttings etc. Miscellaneous 1947-1981 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1947, 1949, 1979-1981. Includes brief exchange between Jones and R.J. Smeed, Bomber Command re the relative losses of aircraft to fighters and to flak, 1947. B.525-B.604 CORRESPONDENCE WITH WARTIME COLLEAGUES AND VETERANS B.525-B.541 ‘Old Comrades’ 1956-1997 B.525-B.541 ‘Old Comrades’ B.542-B.604 ‘Resistance letters’ The material was found together in two box files labelled ‘Old Comrades’. A sequence of correspondence with wartime colleagues and British veterans of the Second World War. Arranged in chronological order. 1980-1984. 1956-1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1988-1989. B.529, B.530 1990. 2 folders. B.531-B.534 1991. 4 folders. B.535, B.536 1992. Includes 2pp typescript draft appreciation of Y. Rocard by Jones (published in The Times, 31 March 1992). 2 folders. 2 folders. 1996-1997. B.539, B.540 1995. Correspondence This material was found together in four box files labelled ‘Resistance letters’. ‘Resistance letters’ B.542-B.561 Visits B.542-B.604 1964-1997 B.562-B.604 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.542-B.561 Visits 1981-1997 B.542, B.543 Visit to Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1982. Jones made this visit at the invitation of Paul March, Chief of the Danish Naval Intelligence Service at the outbreak of the War. He gave a number of lectures on defence and intelligence matters during this stay in Denmark. Correspondence and papers relating to the visit, 1981-1982. 2 folders. B.544-B.548 Visit to Paris, France, May 1982. Jones visited Paris to participate at a Diner-Débat de la Résistance on the subject ‘V1 et V2: les armes ultimes d’Hitler’. B.544, B.545 Drafts of a speech by Jones re the work of the French Resistance. These drafts are largely in English although Jones introduced and concluded his speech in French. 7pp typescript by Jones. 2pp manuscript draft by Jones; 8pp manuscript and typescript draft by Jones, with 2pp manuscript addition by the Vicomtesse de Clarens. 9pp manuscript draft (in English) of a speech by the Vicomtesse de Clarens; photocopy of 3pp typescript, annotated ‘Marie Madeleine’s speech 5.V.82’. This newspaper includes a report of the Diner-Débat. Correspondence relating to the visit, 1982. La Voix de la Résistance, November 1982. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.549-B.557 Visit to Wizernes, near St Omer, France, June 1987. Jones made this visit to participate at an Open Day arranged to publicise a project to build a Second World War Museum in the V2 rocket bunkers at Wizernes. Jones kept in touch with the project up to his death in 1997. Correspondence relating to the visit, 1987; 1p manuscript speech notes by Jones. Four photographs taken during the visit. Newspaper cutting and photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles re the Open Day; leaflet re the project. B.552-B.557 Correspondence and papers relating to the Museum at Wizernes, 1988- 1997. 1988-1990. 2 folders. B.553, B.554 1990. 1991, 1994. Correspondence with R. Hautefeuille and Y. Le Maner re various aspects of the Second World War. 1996-1997. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.558-B.561 Meeting of the Amicale des Déportés Politiques et de la Résistance des Camps de Dora-Ellrich, Institut Francais, London, 19 June 1989. Jones concentration camp in Germany. a speech at gave this reunion of prisoners from the Dora 4pp typescript by Jones (in English). 6pp manuscript draft by Jones and photocopy of 3pp typescript (both in French). Correspondence relating to the meeting, 1989. Background material for the speech by Jones. B.571-B.604 1977-1978. B.562-B.604 Correspondence 1964-1997 B.562-B.570 B.562-B.570 Vicomtesse de Clarens Vicomtesse de Clarens General correspondence A sequence of correspondence with the Vicomtesse de Clarens, 1977-1997. The content is largely personal. During the War she served as a member of the French Resistance under the codename Amniarix and provided British intelligence with vital information. She wrote the foreword to Most Secret War. Mostly re Most Secret War. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War 1981. Includes 2pp typescript and 3pp manuscript drafts of a letter by Jones re inaccuracies in A. Cave-Brown’s La Guerre Secréte, sent to the editor of Voix et Visages. Voix et Visages was the newsletter of Anciennes Déportées et Internées de la Résistances. was published in issue no. 177 (November-December 1981). the Association Nationale des The letter by Jones 1982-1984. 1986-1991. 1992-1994. 1995-1997, n.d. 1964, 1968-1969. B.571-B.604 General correspondence 1964-1996 Photograph of Jones with the Vicomtesse de Clarens at the Yorkshire Television Studios, December 1976. Correspondence with and relating to former members of Second World War Resistance organisations. Arranged in chronological order. 2 folders. Includes papers sent to Jones by P.A. March re the crash of a German V1 rocket on the island of Bornholm in August 1943 (see also B.168). B.573, B.574 1977. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.577-B.583 1980. Includes papers sent to Jones by J. Pomés-Barrére re information he collected on German V2 rockets in December 1943. 7 folders. B.584-B.587 1981. Includes correspondence re the failure of the French Resistance to warn Britain of the departure of three German warships from Brest on 114 February 1942. 4 folders. 3 folders. 1983. 2 folders. 1984. B.588-B.590 1982. B.593-B.595 B.591, B.592 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Second World War B.598, B.599 1987. Includes correspondence with B.A. Rerholt re heavy water. 2 folders. 1988-1989. 1992-1993. B.605-B.608 B.609-B.613 4 folders. B.605-B.613 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1943, 1945, n.d. material was received from Churchill Archives Centre, It supplements papers Duplicated typescript copies of reports sent to Jones re German infra-red research, 1945. This additional Churchill College, Cambridge in October 2000. relating to German infra-red research at B.180-B.192. 5 folders. Printed, duplicated typescript and photocopied papers (in German), largely relating to infra-red research, 1943, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN Jones was appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen in 1946. He held this post until retirement in 1981 when he was appointed Professor emeritus. UNIVERSITY, FACULTY AND DEPARTMENTAL POLICY C.80-C.136 STAFFING OF DEPARTMENT C.137-C.219 TEACHING C.220-C.225 ADMINISTRATION OF JONES’ RESEARCH C.226-C.262 MEDICAL PHYSICS C.279-C.282 C.263-C.278 STUDENT AND STAFF UNREST MISCELLANEOUS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen UNIVERSITY, FACULTY AND DEPARTMENTAL POLICY 1938-1998, n.d. this material is The bulk of the contents of Jones’ box files labelled ‘Departmental Policy’. However, the correspondence and papers also cover wider aspects of University and Faculty of Science policy bearing on the Department such as the expansion of Aberdeen University in the 1960s and 1970s, and on general questions of higher education policy. There is similar material relating to education policy at F.119-F.186. The material is presented in chronological order. Papers accommodation etc, 1938-1943. Natural Philosophy re Department staff needs, student This material was probably inherited by Jones from his predecessor (J.A. Carroll) on his move to Aberdeen in 1946. Includes 3pp typescript ‘Research programme over the next few years’. Jones’ manuscript notes and drafts on research topics, teaching, university policy etc, 1946-1947. 11pp duplicated typescript by Jones ‘Staff requirements in the Natural Philosophy Department’, ca 1946. Duplicated typescript papers of meetings of Faculty of Science, 9 December 1946 and 19 May 1947. January 1948. Duplicated typescript papers on co-operation in engineering between the University and Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen, November, December 1947. Duplicated typescript Mathematics and ‘Notes by Professor Allen on Natural Philosophy to Students of Engineering’, the Teaching of 19 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Report [?by the Natural Philosophy Department] on ‘Education in physics in the north east of Scotland’. 22pp duplicated typescript, 8 December 1948. 31pp duplicated typescript, 2 June 1949. ‘Natural duplicated typescript, 24 February 1950. Philosophy Department Interim Statement 1952-1957’, 25pp Duplicated typescript papers and correspondence re applied mathematics at Aberdeen, 1950. ‘1957-62 Quinquennial Proposals - Natural Philosophy Department’ by Jones, 3pp duplicated typescript, 4 May 1955. Duplicated typescript memoranda by Jones, 1956: Report on ‘Oceanography in Aberdeen’ with appendix ‘A geophysics unit at Aberdeen’ by Jones, duplicated typescript, 6 December 1955. ‘Science Faculty Policy 1960-1970’, 2pp, 14 February; ‘Science Faculty admissions and Natural Philosophy’, 2pp, 27 July; ‘Accommodation - Natural Philosophy’, 3pp, 21 November. Grants Committee, London, 14 May 1957. Letter from the University thanking Jones for his offer to accept a reduced Class Grant for the year, 14 January 1957. Papers for meeting of University of Aberdeen representatives with University R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Duplicated typescript ‘Memorandum No. 1’ and ‘Schedule 1’ for proposed new building for the Department of Natural Philosophy, 1958. 3pp duplicated typescript ‘Notes on staffing, 1958-62’ by Jones, 22 February 1958. ‘The advancement of Natural Philosophy’ by Jones, 8pp photocopied typescript, 1958. Duplicated typescript papers re library arrangements at Aberdeen, 1958- 1959. Papers preparatory to visit to Aberdeen by the University Grants Committee, 1961. Includes duplicated typescript memoranda by Jones: ‘Some possibilities in science ‘Tentative expansion plans 1964-1967’, 4pp, 4 February. onwards’, January; Faculty Policy, 1963 3pp, 25 Papers re Ph.D. degree, 1960, 1961. Jones had misgivings about the scale of university expansion suggested by the UGC. Spp manuscript and typescript draft and 3pp duplicated typescript of Jones’ memorandum opposing the proposal, 1 November 1960; manuscript draft of his letter of resignation, ca 1961. Jones resigned as Dean of Science when a proposal to allow members of research institutions in the vicinity of Aberdeen to take the University of Aberdeen Ph.D. was accepted by the Faculty of Science. (H.244-H.265). Duplicated typescript ‘digest’ of replies on ‘The difficulties of staffing physics departments’, compiled by Jones and sent by him to the Secretary of Marischal College, 18 January 1961. See also material relating to the Committee on Problems facing University Physics Departments in connection with which this digest was prepared 4pp manuscript and 3pp typescript drafts of note by Jones on ‘Salaries at the University of Aberdeen’, ca 1960. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Correspondence, chiefly bearing on staffing difficulties, 1961-1962. 8pp typescript with manuscript corrections ‘The new building’, ca 1961. Manuscript drafts by Jones, ca 1962: ‘Medical physics teaching facilities’, 4pp; untitled note on books taken out of the Library, 3pp. Untitled 3pp typescript and manuscript draft on the status and image of technology, ca 1962. ‘The Natural Philosophy Department. University of Aberdeen’, 1963. Introduction to the department for new staff and students. 19pp manuscript and typescript draft. 8pp duplicated typescript, 17 January 1963. Duplicated typescript papers of meeting of Committee anent Staffing Difficulties, 7 February 1963. Includes papers by Jones ‘Students and staff, 1963-4 onwards’ and ‘Recruitment of physics staff to Aberdeen’. who were not on Court. Correspondence with of Aberdeen, and Professor T.B. Smith, University of Edinburgh, re admitting Lecturers and Readers to University Court, 1964-1966. Jones feared this would undermine the positions of Heads of Departments to ‘Application University of Aberdeen for an Equipment Grant for the Natural Philosophy Department’, 13 April 1963. University Grants Committee by the the the Principal, Marischal College, University R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Jones’ speech at the ‘Opening of the Natural Philosophy Building’, 8pp duplicated typescript, 7 May 1964. Letters to the Principal, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, re bias towards arts of Aberdeen expansion, 13 and 18 July 1964. University subjects science social and in 5pp duplicated typescript letter from Jones to the University re increases in staffing required in the Department of Natural Philosophy, 9 December 1964. Departmental ‘Quinquennial Planning Statement 1967-72’ by Jones, 7pp duplicated typescript, 1 February 1965. Correspondence with the University re accommodation for the Department, March-November 1965. Typescript and manuscript drafts: Jones enquired about the money that had been allocated for a second new building for the Natural Philosophy Department. ‘M.Sc. degrees in Natural Philosophy’, 5pp, June 1965; ‘First Year teaching 1965-6’, 4pp, ca 1965. Exchange with Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College Oxford, re centralisation of departmental libraries, September, October 1966. 1967. Letter from Jones to F.G. Smith, Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield, Cheshire, re possibility of ‘our starting some radioastronomy here’ 15 December 1966. Minutes of special meeting of Faculty of Science, 16 February 1967; ‘Observations on Faculty Organisation’ by Jones, 1p typescript, 28 February R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Letter to Principal, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, re declining standard of typescript ‘Examination performance in First and Second Years, 1967-68’, November 1968. Year students, 3 May 1968; duplicated First Letter from Jones to Gaudie, Aberdeen University students’ newspaper, contesting remarks about his handling of the department, 10 January 1969. See also C.267, C.268 and C.273. ‘Natural Philosophy Library’ by Jones, duplicated typescript circular on the use of the departmental library, 27 January 1969. Papers on ‘The future of engineering’ considering the relationship between Robert Gordon’s Institute of Technology and the University of Aberdeen, February 1969. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1969. Photocopied correspondence and papers re departmental rota, 1969-1970. 11pp duplicated typescript by Jones on ‘The introduction of Physics III’, 25 September 1969. 1p duplicated typescript memorandum by Jones on ‘Applied Mathematics / Mathematical Physics / Natural Philosophy’, 22 April 1969. universities’, 9 October 1970. Photocopies of articles by Jones in the Times Educational Supplement, critical of the results of the Robbins report: Duplicated typescript papers re preparation of Quinquennial Estimates for 1972-1977. 1970. ‘Where Robbins went wrong’, 27 February; ‘Mediocrity is strangling the R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Photocopy of extract from University Senatus minutes recording Jones’ unsuccessful opposition to further expansion in the years to 1976-1977, 7 October 1970. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1970. Correspondence on Science, 1971-1972. intake of postgraduate students in the Faculty of Correspondence and papers re expansion of the University, with particular reference to student accommodation and teaching facilities, 1972. Exchange of theoretical/experimentai physics options, July, August 1972. Wolfendale, University A.W. with Durham, re the University Grants Committee, October-December 1973. February-August 1973. Correspondence and papers re Jones’ opposition to expansion of University, 1973. 2pp photocopied typescript ‘Note of dissent’ by Jones on the Faculty of Science’s decision to support the expansion of the University, 11 December 1972. Science, 14 November 1973. Includes 7pp photocopied ‘Note of dissent’ by Jones on the Senatus’ decision to accept the proposal for expansion, and correspondence with F.S. Dainton, November, December 1973. 4pp typescript draft by Jones ‘U.G.C. norms for accommodation in Physics’, 8 November 1973. Letter from Jones to the University on ‘Failure rates’ in the Faculty of Chairman of the R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Correspondence and papers re University expansion, 1974. 4pp photocopied typescript by Jones on ‘Some needs of scientific research in British universities in 1975’, 15 January 1975. Correspondence and papers re downward revision of estimate of national student numbers for 1981-1982. 1975. Includes correspondence with Dainton, Chairman of the University Grants Committee. Papers re visit to Aberdeen on 19 June 1975 of the Science Sub-Committee of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology, June-July 1975. 3pp photocopied typescript draft by Jones ‘Some topics relevant to the visit of the Physical Sciences Sub-Committee of the UGC, 1975’, 22 July 1975. Photocopied papers re allocation of University Grants Committee funding for 1976-1977. 1976. Letter from Jones to William Ross MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, re desirable attributes of and possible candidates for the Principalship of the University, 24 October 1975. typescript + 2pp bibliography, ca 1979. Report on ‘Research in physics at Aberdeen, 1978-1979’ by Jones, 6pp Faculty of Science departmental failure statistics, 24 February 1976. Spp typescript draft by Jones ‘Problems of large classes’, 29 April 1976. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1976-1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 2pp manuscript notes, September 1979. Correspondence, chiefly re Faculty of Science policy on student numbers, 1980. Correspondence re industrial dispute involving University examinations, April-May 1981. Correspondence and papers re Lecturership in Astronomy, May-June 1981. Includes 5pp typescript report by Jones on ‘Astronomy in the Natural Philosophy Department at Aberdeen’. 3pp manuscript draft of letter by Jones on his being asked to accommodation’ in the department, 18 July 1983. ‘quit the 2pp typescript with manuscript corrections entitled ‘Research programme over the next few years. Natural Philosophy Department. University of Aberdeen’, n.d. Untitled 15pp typescript draft beginning ‘The purpose of this memorandum is to direct attention to a difficulty in the operation of the Natural Philosophy J.D. Hargreaves explaining his reasons for Letter from Jones to not participating in a seminar on the recent history of the University, 31 October 1988. Department’, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.80-C.136 STAFFING OF DEPARTMENT 1948-1981 C.80-C.132 Academic staff C.133-C.136 Secretarial staff C.80-C.132 Academic staff 1948-1981 Correspondence and papers re general staffing levels of the department, 1949, 1964, 1971. Papers re academic staff applications and appointments, 1951-1971. In alphabetical order. Barron, H.W.T. Bates, W.J. Burfoot, J.C. C.83-C.127 Correspondence and papers re promotions, re-appointments etc, 1968- 1976. Correspondence and papers re members and prospective members of staff, 1948-1981. Buyers, W.J.L. 1968-1971 1964-1965 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Clarke, R.C. Davidson, S. Duncanson, A. Edwards, J. Elcock, E.W. Fincham, D.G. Finlayson, D.M. 1969, 1979 1955 1968-1972 1953-1958 1966 1969-1981 Flett, A.M. Foster, P.R. C.93 1969. C.93-C.99 Gadsden, M. 1964, 1977 Paul Instrument Fund application. Includes material re proposal by Gadsden and J. Baker for expedition to study the 1973 solar eclipse. 1970-1972. 19/4. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1975-1978. Chiefly Paul Instrument Fund work. February-March 1979. May-September 1979. Garlick, G.F.J. Giles, J.C. 1963 Gill, J.C. Hanna, R. 1959-1960 1951 1962, 1963 Glass, C. B.-l. Goodman, F.O. 1971, 1975, 1976 Henderson, C. Hirsch, P.B. Howie, |.M. 1967-1971 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1955-1963 1955, 1956 1955, 1956 Jones, D.A. Mcllraith, A.H. Mackinnon, L. Macmillan, N.H. MacNeill, K.G. MacWilliam, A.D. Melvin, J.S. Player, M.A. Myers, H.P. Noble, B. Paul, W. Pirie, J.D. 1971, 1976, 1977 1955, 1973, 1976 Richards, J.C.S. 1971, 1977 1968, 1971 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Robertson, |.S. Shand, W.A. Smith, T. C.122-C.125 Stevenson, R.W.H. C.122 1955, 1958, 1962. [1950s]. Departmental disagreemenis. 1969, ca 1980 1965, 1966 1949, 1950, 1964 1955-1978 1964, 1968. 1970-1978. Turnbull, D.T. Wraight, P.C. In 1969 Stevenson was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Rhodesia, Salisbury. This correspondence, nearly all incoming, dates from Stevenson’s period in Rhodesia and covers progress of research, visits of researchers from Aberdeen to Rhodesia, social news, retirement problems and the political situation in the country. 1948-1978. Miscellaneous recommendations, suggestions and advice re potential staff, R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.128-C.132 Miscellaneous staffing issues and problems, 1978-1979. C.128 Association of University Teachers industrial action, 1978. See also C.278. Department library, 1978. C.130-C.132 Staff meetings, 1979. C.130 January. February, March. December. 1970-1975. C.133-C.136 Secretarial staff 1950-1980 1950-1954. The correspondence and papers are chiefly re Jones’ concerns at the level of secretarial staffing in his department, the level of remuneration of the secretarial staff in respect of their duties, and appointments. 1977-1980. 1963-1969. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.137-C.219 TEACHING 1933-1982 C.137-C.183 Undergraduate C.184-C.219 Postgraduate C.137-C.183 Undergraduate 1933-1981 C.137-C.147 Administration C.148-C.171 Lecture notes C.172-C.183 Examination papers C.137-C.147 Administration 1955-1977 C.138-C.141 Duplicated typescript lists 1958-59 - 1976-77. Some annotated by Jones. of Natural Philosophy teaching arrangements, This material includes teaching arrangements and course syllabuses. Duplicated typescript memoranda and other papers on First Year teaching arrangements, 1964-65, 1970, n.d. 1973-74 - 1976-77. 1958-59 - 1962-63. 1963-64 - 1966-67. 1967-68 - 1971-72. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.142, C.143 Syllabuses and course outlines, n.d. 2 folders. 2pp typescript chart of ‘Department of Natural Philosophy average teaching hours per week’, 20 March 1961. Spp photocopied typescript ‘Problems of large classes’ by Jones, 29 April 1971. ‘Graduate survey’, 8pp manuscript note on results of survey prepared for Jones, ca 1969. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1955-1966. 1949-50. 1955-56. C.148-C.171 Lecture notes 1949-1981 C.148-C.165 Manuscript notes of undergraduate lectures on physics and history of science, 1949-50 - 1980-81. 1956-57. 1953-54, 1954-55. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1957-58. 1965-66, 1966-67. 1967-68, 1968-69. 1970-71, 1971-72. 1972-73, 1973-74. 1974-75, 1975-76. 1976-77. 1978-79. 1967. ‘Rockets equations’, 14 October 1957; ‘Civil defence lecture’, 24 November 1971; ‘Oxford’, 2 June 1972. Manuscript notes for public lectures found with preceding: C.166-C.171 Manuscript lecture notes on astronomy, 1967-1981, n.d. C.166 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1976-77. 1978-79. Manuscript notes on ‘The Moon’, with two photographs of the Moon found therewith, n.d. C.172-C.183 Examination papers 1933-1981 1940-1945. 1947-1949. 1950-1954. 1933-1939. Examination papers, with a little related material, from Natural Philosophy Department examinations, 1933-1981. 1960-1965. 1955-1959. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1967-1969. 1971-1979. 1980-1981. Manuscript and typescript draft questions (manuscript not all in Jones’ hand) etc, 1967-1979, n.d. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1949-1980. C.184-C.219 Postgraduate 1950-1982 C.193-C.207 C.208-C.215 Examining 1954-1981 C.184-C.192 C.184-C.192 Studentships C.216-C.219 Miscellaneous ‘Principles of Instrument Design’ This material relates to Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), later Science Research Council (SRC) support for postgraduates in the Department of Natural Philosophy. The bulk of this material relates to the establishment and administration of and students on Jones’ M.Sc. course ‘Principles of Instrument Design’. 1954-1955, 1959. Correspondence and papers re award of DSIR and SRC studentships for courses at Aberdeen, 1954-1981. Includes studentships. application for and Studentships notification of allocations of number of R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen 1962-1965. 1966-1967. 1969-1970. 1973-1974. 1975-1981. C.193 C.195-C.197 C.193-C.207 ‘Principles of Instrument Design’ 1965-1981 10pp typescript course outline, ca 1965. Correspondence and papers re application to the SRC for approval of the course, 1965-1966. December 1965. Correspondence re appointing teaching staff for the course, 1965-1966. C.195 November 1965. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen January-May 1966. Correspondence re course, 1967-1970. Examination questions, 1967, 1969, 1975, 1976, 1977. Papers re SRC review of the course, 1968-1969. 6pp typescript outline course syllabus for 1969-70. Correspondence re attempt to establish course in instrument technology at the University of Hull, 1969-1970. General correspondence, 1972-1974. General correspondence, 1977-1978. General correspondence, 1979-1981. Papers re SRC review of the course, 1979. Papers re SRC review of the course, 1974-1975. This material may be subject to restricted access. Correspondence and papers re examining of University of Aberdeen Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, 1951-1979. C.208-C.215 Examining 1951-1979, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.208-C.214 Ph.D. theses. C.208 1951. 1952-1953. 1958-1959. 1961-1963. 1967, 1969. 1977, 1979. M.Sc. theses, 1962-1977, n.d. C.216 Correspondence from prospective research students, 1950-1982. C.216-C.219 Miscellaneous 21 September 1972. 4pp duplicated typescript memorandum on Philosophy’ by Jones, 24 June 1965. Correspondence and papers re SRC Physics Committee visit to Aberdeen, General correspondence re higher degrees at Aberdeen, 1961-1970. 1950-1982 ‘M.Sc. degrees in Natural R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.220-C.225 ADMINISTRATION OF JONES’ RESEARCH 1953-1973 Papers re Jones’ own research grants, 1953-1973, arranged by title research grant. of ‘Diffraction Grating Ruling Engine’, Royal Society Paul Instrument Fund, 1953-1960 (see also D.111-D.115). ‘Rolled Metal Foil’, DSIR, 1957. ‘Optical and Investigations Grant-in-aid, 1958, 1963, 1965. Properties of Electrical Crystals’, Royal Society Scientific Crystal Growth, DSIR, 1959. C.226-C.262 C.255-C.262 of 1948-1981 MEDICAL PHYSICS small displacements and the mechanical stability Royal Society Warren Research Fund, 1959-1966. ‘Measurement of materials and assemblies’, Science Research Council, 1970-1973. Staffing C.226-C.254 Course and curriculum R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.226-C.254 Course and curriculum 1948-1981 3pp typescript draft on ‘Physical services in Aberdeen hospitals’, 18 October 1948. The note indicates the services provided to Aberdeen hospitals by the Department of Natural Philosophy. Minutes of meeting of Committee on Accommodation for Medical Physics with representatives of the Regional Hospital Board, 22 December 1955, and letter arising, 4 January 1956. 3pp typescript memorandum on ‘A medical physics unit’, ca 1950s-1960s. Letters from Jones re accommodation for medical physics, 20 May 1960 and 22 June 1961. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1961-1964. Correspondence and papers re medical physics course, 1963. Correspondence re future of medical physics at Aberdeen, 1964. This followed the death of the Reader in Medical Physics, H.D. Griffith. Minutes of meeting of the Committee anent the Staffing Position in the Medical Physics Unit, 19 April 1963. 1964-1965. Correspondence and papers re establishment of Chair in Medical Physics, ‘First year medical physics class data’, 12pp typescript, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen ‘Ist M.B. physics course. Information for Natural Philosophy Department, September 1965’ by D.D. Lindsay, 3pp duplicated typescript. Correspondence and papers re proposed cyclotron, 1965, 1967. Includes 20pp duplicated typescript ‘Proposal’ by J.R. Mallard, 1967. Mallard, the newly appointed Professor of Medical Physics, argued that the University should acquire a cyclotron. Syllabus for physics lectures for ‘1st M.B., Ch.B.’ 1966-1967. Correspondence, chiefly with J.R. Mallard, 1966. Correspondence and papers re proposed M.Sc. course in medical physics, 1967. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1968-1970. 1970, 1971. C.243-C.245 Correspondence and papers re Working Party on the Five Year Curriculum. the Correspondence re proposed increase in numbers of pre-clinical students, 1969. Following the recommendations of Royal Commission on Medical Education, this Working Party was established to look at the structure and content of a five-year pre-clinical medical course. March 1972. Jones was concerned about the place of physics teaching within the new course, which would reduce the time required to qualify medically by one year. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen May-December 1972. Correspondence re proposed B.Sc. unit course in medical physics, April, May 1972. Correspondence and papers re proposed unit courses in biophysics, 1973- 1974. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973-1975. Papers re proposed course in health physics, January 1976. Papers from meetings of Biophysics Steering Group, 1977, 1978. 2 folders. C.255-C.262 Staffing 1955-1967 C.252;.C.253 Papers re Aberdeen cyclotron appeal, 1979. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1977-1981. 4pp duplicated typescript outline of ‘Medical physics - content of lectures’, n.d. Research Assistant, 1964. Lecturer, Medical Physics, 1955. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen ©.257, C.258 Professor of Medical Physics, 1965. 2 folders. Lecturer in Natural Philosophy (Medical Physics) / Assistant Radiation Protection Officer, 1965. Lecturer in Medical Physics (Electronic Biomedical Engineering), 1965. Appointments and upgradings, 1966-1967. Radiation Protection Officer, 1967. C.263-C.278 STUDENT AND STAFF UNREST 1956-1979 C.263-C.277 Student disaffection 1956-1979 C.278 Staff industrial action C.263-C.277 Student disaffection Council’, 1961. The material chiefly documents student unrest at the University of Aberdeen in 1968 and 1969. There are student newspapers, notices and papers produced by the University authorities in response to the unrest. Jones was particularly unpopular with and was subject to personal vilification. Issue of Gaudie 10 October 1956, reporting Jones’ view that ‘University rules too rigid’. 6pp duplicated typescript ‘Memorandum of the Students’ Representative the student protestors R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.265-C.267 Material re student unrest, 1968. C.265 February-December 1968. Includes correspondence arising from article in Gaudie critical of Jones (see C.267). November 1968. Chiefly duplicated typescript papers re meeting of Senatus, 9 November, and action arising. Memorabilia including issues of Gaudie, October and November (issue of 27 November contains letter attacking Jones). C.268-C.273 Material re student unrest, 1969. C.268 Correspondence and papers re Jones’ reply to Gaudie, January-March 1969. See also C.42. Papers re visit Education and Science, February 1969. of Scottish Sub-Committee of the Select Committee on Correspondence and duplicated typescript papers re student representation, January-October 1969. universities but was unable to do so because of other commitments. Papers re meeting of University of Stirling Political Co-ordination Group, March 1969. Jones was invited to attend this meeting on student representation in R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen Correspondence and papers re incident at King’s College Aberdeen, 4 November 1969. Includes press report. Jones tried to prevent Robin Blackburn, a lecturer from the London School of Economics and candidate, from addressing Aberdeen Sociology students. of Aberdeen Rectorial University a Memorabilia including issues of Gaudie, January and February 1969. See also C.42. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1970. letter from Jones to Includes allegedly produced by the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (see also G.286). the New Scientist re material Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1971. Correspondence and papers re departmental student representation, 1973- 1979. Correspondence and papers re University links with South Africa, 1977- 1978. Jones did not support the idea of student departmental representatives but argued for the use of informal channels of communication between students and staff. See also C.128. Correspondence and papers re Association of University Teachers boycott of examinations, 1978. Staff industrial action R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.279-C.282 MISCELLANEOUS 1971, 1975, 1976 Letter from Jones to radioastronomy at Aberdeen, May 1971. R. Hanbury Brown re possible developments in Papers re holders of Chair in Natural Philosophy at Aberdeen, January 1975. C.281, C.282 Correspondence and papers re Department of Natural Philosophy Museum, 1975, 1976. Jones wished to establish a teaching museum within the department. Application to the Nuffield Foundation for grant to support the Museum, 1975. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1975-1976. Includes three photographs.
JONES, Reginald Victor Vol1
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin