KENNEDY, John Stodart v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of JOHN STODART KENNEDY FRS (1912 - 1993) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in the College Archives, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 1994 NCUACS 49/5/94 All rights reserved University of Bath J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following The Institute of Physics The Royal Society societies and organisations: The Wellcome Trust J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LONDON J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1, A.2 Autobiographical A.3-A.22 Career A.23-A.34 Family and personal A.35-A.47 Diaries SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON Introduction C1, €2 Kennedy’s career at Imperial College C.3-C.6 ARC and Insect Physiology Group SECTION F SECTION D Introduction GAT Lectures and teaching D.42-D.50 Broadcasts D.1-D.41 Lectures and papers C.7-C.16 Research SECTION E PUBLICATIONS LECTURES, PAPERS, BROADCASTS Unindexed correspondence Scientific and general correspondence G.214-G.239 Shorter scientific correspondence SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS Introduction G.1-G.213 G.240-G.245 BE TEAS F.1-F.32 G.1-G.245 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION H REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS H.1-H.136 Items H.1, H.2 Theses and higher degrees H.3-H.39 UK research grants and fellowships H.40-H.51 Overseas research and travel grants H.52-H.81 UK appointments, promotions, awards H.82-H.97 Overseas appointments, promotions, awards H.98-H. 136 Editorial and advisory Introductory note SECTION J PHOTOGRAPHS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Kennedy’s room at the Department of Zoology Oxford, and from his home in Oxford. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JOHN STODART KENNEDY Kennedy was born in 1912 at Titusville, Pennsylvania. His father, an Anglo-Scottish engineer, had met his American mother in Bangkok where he was tramways manager and she was visiting her aunt and missionary uncle. The family settled back in England after the First World War, and Kennedy was conventionally educated at preparatory schools followed by Westminster School 1925-1928 where his developing interest in biology was encouraged. At University College London 1929-1933 several important steps were taken: he chose Animal Behaviour as his special subject in the Zoology course, became acquainted through lectures with the Mechanist/Vitalist controversy in the interpretation of animal behaviour, was increasingly active in left-wing politics (ne was a member home and family. From this time, Kennedy seems to have supported himself by savings, scholarships and grants. Birmingham University; this also brought him his first experience of field-work for a few months in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. A longer spell of field-work abroad seemed likely when Kennedy (by now married) accepted a post at the Rockefeller Foundation Malaria Research Laboratory at Tirana, After working for an M.Sc. at UCL under G.S. Fraenkel, Kennedy obtained, via B.P. Uvarov, a three- of the Communist Party) and virtually ceased all contact with his conservative and establishment Albania in 1938, but this proved short-lived when the laboratory was closed down in the wake of the year grant to work for a Ph.D. (awarded 1938) on locusts under the supervision of D.L. Gunn at needed a period of recovery on his return. appointments, he was again posted abroad as Research Officer in the Colonial Office’s Middle East Anti-Locust Unit; he served 1942-1944, travelling widely and organising both Soviet and RAF crop- conditions of the time, were of limited value; Kennedy himself became seriously debilitated and unpredicted invasion of Albania by Italy on Good Friday 1939. After various short-term dusting aircraft. He later described the work as ‘frustrating’ and indeed the results, obtained in the J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 During his Middle East travels, he had received an invitation from V.B. Wigglesworth to join his new Agricultural Research Council Insect Physiology Unit at the Department of Zoology Cambridge, and took up the appointment in 1946, working at the Field Station and University Farm. He also made a new family life there. His first marriage ended in divorce in 1946, and in 1950 he married Claudette, widow of a victim of Auschwitz where she herself had been imprisoned. They had two children and the marriage was very happy. Kennedy remained at Cambridge for twenty-one years, working continuously on aphids, concentrating - as he preferred to do - on research, keeping teaching and administration to a minimum, but producing a steady flow of published work which brought him an international reputation and, in 1965, election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. With the looming retirement of Wigglesworth and the consequent disbandment of the ARC Unit, Kennedy spent two worrying years 1965-1967 uncertain about the future location of his work. His ideal solution would no doubt have been to remain in Cambridge where family ties were by then strong, but this was not to be, and in 1967 he accepted an invitation from Imperial College London to move with a small group to the Field Station at Silwood Park. Here, with the rank of Deputy Chief Scientific Officer from the ARC and the title of Professor of Animal Behaviour from London University (later Emeritus Professor and Senior Research Fellow of Imperial College), he continued to work on aphids, moths and pheromones until 1983. Department of Zoology Oxford. With the help of grants from the Royal Society he continued research and publications on insect flight patterns, but towards the end of the 1980s concentrated comments on those of others; he finally published his views in his only book The new insect behaviour in various contexts’. This came to preoccupy him in his own writings and in his his activities on what he called in his autobiographical notes ‘anthropomorphic misinterpretation of Department of Zoology and Applied Entomology at Imperial College) of accommodation in the He then accepted an invitation from Professor Sir Richard Southwood (formerly Head of the sudden death occurred on 4 February 1993. Although Kennedy’s health was not strong - he had undergone major surgery in 1979 - he In 1984 Kennedy received the Gold Medal (Zoology) of the Linnean Society of London. In 1985 he received the Wigglesworth Medal of the Royal Entomological Society of London. anthropomorphism in 1992. maintained a serious involvement in research and in the activities of the Department, where his J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub- sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs are intended only to draw attention to items of particular interest. Section A, Biographical and autobiographical, documents most stages of Kennedy’s scientific career from the 1930s, including his wartime service, his period at Cambridge and subsequent moves to Imperial College and Oxford. There is virtually no personal material about Kennedy himself, but there are a few items relating to his parents and to his father’s ‘Vertical Lifter Aircraft’ which Kennedy attempted to promote at the very end of his life. This section also includes Kennedy’s own autobiographical notes, which have been drawn on in compiling this account. Section B, Research, presents the material alphabetically by topic. It includes notebooks, notes, diagrams and drafts and, for some topics, considerable correspondence. The timespan is wide, ranging from photographs and observations in Albania in 1939 to the drafts and exchanges of ideas leading up to his 1992 book The new anthropomorphism. Kennedy had a well-deserved reputation for devising experimental techniques and apparatus such as windtunnels and carousels. These are not documented other than by the photographs in Section J. several collaborative research projects. as a senior ARC staff member. See the introductory note to the section. There is also material on Section D, Lectures, papers, broadcasts, covers a considerable time-span, 1936-1987, and addresses a very wide spectrum of audience from informal college or departmental talks to specialist conferences. Kennedy gave several radio talks on locusts and aphids, though he does not seem to Section C, Imperial College London, includes material relating to Kennedy’s move to the College and of the Royal Society. standing connection with the Anti-Locust Research Centre and, after 1965, participated in the affairs are documented in this short section, which does however include a few items not listed there. The Section F, Societies and organisations. Kennedy’s involvement with professional organisations was kept deliberately restricted in order not to interfere with research time, though he had a long- have been a natural broadcaster. Section E, Publications. Kennedy’s bibliography included at A.2 lists 110 publications. Few of them publication history of The new anthropomorphism is recorded here. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Section G, Correspondence, is the most substantial of the collection, of interest both for the intensity of the scientific exchanges and also for some of the long-term sequences with friends and colleagues such as D.L. Gunn and V.B. Wigglesworth as well as with many overseas correspondents. The introductory note to the section describes in more detail the content and interest of the material. Section H, References and recommendations, is another substantial section. In addition to many grant applications which Kennedy refereed for UK and overseas institutions, there is an extensive section (with an introductory note) relating to his work for journals and publishing houses in careful comments and assessments of work submitted. Section J, Photographs. Of special interest are the many photographs taken 1942-1944 of the work of the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit. There are also photographs of windtunnels, and several group photographs of meetings and symposia. It will be seen that the collection well reflects Kennedy’s unbroken commitment to research, which he insisted was for him the only worthwhile activity. Teaching and administration were avoided or kept to the minimum acceptable. Participation in the activities of learned or professional groups, including editorial boards, was similarly restricted. There is for example no section on conferences the lectures in Section D at them; his own preference, however, was for small congenial meetings at the Cambridge ‘Bun Shop’ (a pub near the Department) or practical small-scale discussions in the laboratory. He was insistent on the publication of new findings when he was satisfied that they were disappointment when work was delayed. From earliest days his avowed aims, which he thought he scientifically adequate, and held colleagues and research students to the same course, expressing in the collection, though Kennedy did attend such gatherings from time to time and gave several of had found in Marxism, were accuracy and objectivity. They made him a fearsome antagonist in oral disinterested soul’. This enigmatic statement is perhaps the wisest conclusion. could lead him to overstate a case - which he would quickly acknowledge and withdraw if contrary almost endearing frankness. He went to great trouble with visitors and students. He and his wife evidence were forthcoming. His letters often pour out his ideas and ask for reciprocity with an Yet this is a partial, indeed a misleading view. His temperament was in many ways that of an In his autobiographical notes Kennedy quotes V.B. Wigglesworth’s description of him: ‘a enthusiast. His quest for ‘truth’ in his chosen field of animal behaviour was a lifelong passion which or written argument where he could be disconcertingly clinical in exposing unsound work, or could press for clarification with logic-chopping rationalism. On more than one occasion he described himself as a ‘cold fish’ and claimed to have difficulty in expressing emotion. Claudette extended warm friendly hospitality in their home to innumerable colleagues. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Mrs Claudette Kennedy for making the papers available, and to Dr. Catherine Kennedy for help in identifying some of the photographs. Jeannine Alton BATH 1994 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL CAREER A.23-A.34 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.35-A.47 DIARIES J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Biographical and Autobiographical A.1 Autobiographical account and bibliography, probably prepared for Royal Society 1992. Miscellaneous cvs, selected ‘significant items of work’, publications etc. Various dates 1937-1986. Poem, n.d. CAREER A.3 A.4 Registration at University College London 1930. Award of M.Sc. London, for thesis on ‘Cleaning movements in the blow-fly’ 1937. See D.1. Applications for posts at Bedford College London, University College Cardiff, Emmanuel College Cambridge 1937. Includes cv and testimonials Conferment of Ph.D. Birmingham, 1938 (programme only). Testimonials 1939. Correspondence with P.A. Buxton 1937 leading to Kennedy working as Avebury Student in the Department of Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. organisation of the work. Material relating to Kennedy’s wartime employment by the Colonial Office on of appointment 1942, arrangements for discharge 1944, medical examination showing Kennedy to be suffering from low blood pressure and exhaustion from overwork. Material 1944-1946 relating to Kennedy’s wartime employment by the Ministry of Supply at the Chemical Defence Experimental Station, Porton Down, from 1945 (starting date deferred because of overwork) to January of equipment requirements and 1946. Includes Kennedy’s outline the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit. Offer J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Biographical and Autobiographical and papers correspondence with General Agricultural Research Council, covering Kennedy’s period at Cambridge with ARC Insect Physiology Unit. Includes appointment January 1946, promotions, visits, conferences and reports etc. up to Kennedy’s move to Imperial College. See C.3 for similar material 1967-1982. exchanged 1946-1967 Conferment of D.Sc. University of London 1955. Brief correspondence, list of publications submitted. Application for post of Head of Department of Entomology, Rothamsted Experimental Station 1955. K. Mellanby was appointed. Kennedy’s correspondence with Wigglesworth for the period at G.200 refers to the matter. Correspondence, drafts. Correspondence on possible appointments 1957, 1959. Appointments at University of London. Fellowship, University College, 1966. Conferment of the title ‘Professor of Animal Behaviour’, 1967. Conferment of title ‘Emeritus Professor of Animal Behaviour’, 1977. Correspondence and papers 1965-1967 on the retirement of Wigglesworth, the consequent closure of the Cambridge ARC Unit and Kennedy’s future career. Although the closure had been foreseen for several years, Kennedy and his family suffered considerable strain as various enquiries and negotiations dragged on. Possible moves explored include Long Ashton Bristol, Anti-Locust Research Centre London, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Brunel Kennedy’s notes on his aims and requirements are also University. included. See also correspondence with Wigglesworth at G.201, with T. Weis-Fogh at G.194 and Section C passim for the eventual move to Imperial College London and the ARC Unit at Silwood Park. University College London, Glasgow University, Award of Linnean Medal for Zoology 1984, arrangements for presentation. General correspondence and papers exchanged with Agricultural Research Council on Kennedy’s pension and FSSU arrangements, 1975, 1977. Includes formal notification of retirement from ARC, at age of 65, 30 September 1977. Kennedy’s letter of 28 March gives details of his war service. Appointment as Research Associate, Department of Zoology, Oxford 1982, proposed Fellowship of Wolfson College, notification of research grants from Royal Society 1984 (£3000), 1987 (£9250 for work on ‘Antagonistic Induction’). J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Biographical and Autobiographical Invitation to Kennedy’s 80th birthday celebration, Queen’s College Oxford. Correspondence and papers 1991-1992 exchanged with N. Russell and his research project on ‘an investigation of creativity in the origin of scientific the biological sciences’. ideas and technical advances in Includes Kennedy’s selected ‘highlights’ of his research and publications, and arrangements for taped interviews to be deposited in the British Library National Sound Archive. Memorial meeting for Kennedy, 27 February 1993. Guest list, tributes from T.R.E. Southwood, James Kennedy, P. Miller. FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.23 Miscellaneous notes and information about the Kennedy and Stodart families. Miscellaneous biographical information about James John Stodart Kennedy (Kennedy’s father, known as Stodart Kennedy). Includes apprenticeship 1896, testimonials for work on Siamese tramway, Imperial Ministry of Munitions Canada, English Electric Company, Kennedy and Donkin Engineers etc. A.26-A.32 The ‘Multiple Aerofoil Vertical Lifter Aircraft’. Miscellaneous items relating to Kennedy’s parents, correspondence, notices of memorial services. This was a project which Stodart Kennedy developed during his service in Hong Kong. His attempts to interest engineers in the practical application of the design met with no success from 1915 onwards, but he persevered with various versions and improvements at intervals for many years. After the publication of his book The new anthropomorphism, Kennedy himself took up the threads and became persuaded of the feasibility of the idea, writing letters and memoranda and trying to interest engineers in the project. James J. Kennedy and an engineer colleague A.B. Raworth. Kennedy was for many years estranged from his family and had marked is interesting, differences of opinion and temperament from them. however, to see Stodart Kennedy approaching controversy in a similar fashion to his son, annotating documents and conducting a polemical argument with his correspondents in the margins of their letters. It Correspondence and papers 1915-1916. Includes ‘Memorandum on Airships’ and ensuing correspondence from Stodart Kennedy’s father He too met with no success before his death. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Biographical and Autobiographical Lecture on ‘Speed and Traffic’, with a manuscript note by Kennedy ‘Bases for private lecture by JJSK to a gathering of the staff engineers of Kennedy and Donkin, at St. Ermin’s Court near Broadway and St. James’s Park on April 6th 1934 (supposedly taking account of research and development up to the end of 1933).’ ‘Outline notes for and some wording for, a (probably informal) paper to be read at |.C.E.’, 1936. Versions and revisions of ‘Aviation Memo’ 1946, 1951. 1953 version, fully worked out with calculations and figures. Correspondence from Raworth 1962, after Stodart Kennedy’s death, enclosing correspondence and memoranda of 1948 about the project. Kennedy’s notes, memoranda, correspondence, arrangements for meetings etc. related to the project 1992-1993. Personal correspondence Shorter correspondence 1946-1987. Shorter correspondence, thanks for hospitality, letters of congratulation, condolence etc. 1962-1983. Includes Kennedy’s refusal of a post in Canada 1950 because of his dislike of North American politics, refusal of US visa in 1964, and other items of biographical and personal interest. Spiral-back diary 1975. Small pocket diary 1943 India and Middle East. DIARIES A.35 A.36 A.37 Spiral-back diary 1970. Spiral-back diary 1971. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Biographical and Autobiographical Loose pages March-December 1975, from spiral-back engagement diary. Spiral-back engagement diary 1976. Similar 1977. Similar 1978. Similar 1979. Similar Similar Similar Similar J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION B RESEARCH APHIDS BEHAVIOUR/BEHAVIOURISM B.25-B.31 ETHOLOGY KLINOKINESIS LOCUSTS PHASES AND MATURATION B.55-B.57 RESEARCH PROBLEMS MOSQUITOES B.43-B.53 MOTIVATION reflect this, and have been preserved wherever practicable. While the whole of Kennedy’s research career could be subsumed under the heading of animal physiology and behaviour, there were nevertheless certain themes, experimental animals or publication commitments which took precedence at various times. Kennedy’s own file descriptions The alphabetical presentation by topic as listed above has been adopted for convenience. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research The material may include notebooks, notes, diagrams and drafts for papers or publications. For some topics such as aphids (B.10-B.18) or ethology (B.30, B.31) there are specific related correspondence files kept as such by Kennedy; it should however be noted that correspondence may be included in several other folders than those designated, and that many of the topics are widely discussed in the general correspondence files in Section G. Photographs of some of the work are in Section J. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 APHIDS Research These were the focus of Kennedy’s research at Cambridge when he was a member of V.B. Wigglesworth’s ARC Unit of Insect Physiology in the Department of Zoology. Kennedy’s own work was mainly conducted at the Field Station at Storey’s Way and the University Farm off Huntingdon Road. remained with Wigglesworth’s Unit working continuously on aphids for 21 years until 1967 when the Unit was dissolved automatically on his retirement’. When Kennedy himself retired and moved to Oxford in 1983 he resumed research on aphids funded by a grant from the Royal Society. autobiographical notes says his he In ‘I Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Detailed experimental notes and observations, indexed by topic. Various dates 1946, 1947. Notes on visits to Rothamsted and Porton 1946. At rear of book, notes on work in Sudan and Middle East 1942, including a little personal material. See also B.33. At back of book, notes on work at Tirana 1938-1939, and also notes and experiments dated 1936 perhaps inherited by Kennedy from previous workers at the Rockefeller Foundation Malaria Research Laboratory. See also B.39-B.42. fields at on infested Various dates Notes on the literature, latest dates 1960s. Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Work meteorological information, University Farm, aerial photographs taken by RAF. See also J.10-J.17. including graphs, map of University patterns of Farm infestation, Experiments, notes and observations, indexed by topic. 1947-1950. on aphids. Notes, drafts, correspondence etc. 1957-1958 on various aspects of aphidology, some arising from publications by Kennedy and by others, probably preparatory material for Kennedy’s review (with H.L.G. Stroyan q.v.) Biology of aphids (Ann. Rev. Ent. 3, 1959). Correspondence with J.L. Auclair on ‘Plant resistance to aphids’; includes manuscript of paper by Auclair. Notes and ideas, some dated 1957-1958, for papers and work to be done 1947-1950 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research Notes and drafts, January-February 1958, mainly on sensory-motor functions. Notes, drafts, a little correspondence, 1958, on food intake. Draft papers, by L.R. Taylor, C.G. Johnson and others, on aphid flight curves and distribution, with manuscript comments by Kennedy. Notes and papers on colour vision of aphids, mainly relating to the work of V. Moericke (q.v.), 1950s, 1964. Material kept separate by Kennedy. Correspondence on aphids. The content is heterogeneous: information on material and methods, requests to visit or work in laboratory (see also G.239), arrangements for lectures, reprint exchanges, some more substantial exchanges. Content is similar to, but more specialised than, that in ‘Shorter Scientific Correspondence’ at G.214 et seq. 1946-1947 B.15 1960-1962 B.10-B.18 B.18 1968, 1977, 1987 B.19-B.22 B.19 B.16 1963-1964 Bal 7 1965-1967 1948-1950 1951-1953 1954-1955 1956-1959 Later work on aphids, at Oxford. Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Experiments, notes and observations on aphids on beans, by Kennedy and collaborators, indexed by topic. Various dates 1985-1988. 1987. Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Spine labelled ‘APHIDS 38-49’. Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Spine labelled ‘APHIDS 3’. Notes and observations for experiments numbered 38-49, mainly by Kennedy and/or with his comments. Various dates 1986-1987. Notes and observations for experiments numbered 50-58, mainly by Kennedy and with many notes and comments by him. Various dates 1986- J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research Hard-backed loose-leaf ‘ETHOLOGY APHIDS 10-37’. binder with thumb index. Spine labelled Notes and observations for experiments numbered 59-66, mainly by Kennedy or with his comments. Various dates 1987-1988. At rear of book, some additional notes on some of the experiments. BEHAVIOUR/BEHAVIOURISM B.23 Contents of folder labelled ‘Pavlov Sherrington’. Notes, drafts, a little correspondence, 1953, 1959, linked to Kennedy’s paper given at Cambridge Symposium on ‘Psychological Theories of Animal Behaviour’ (originally intended for publication in Quant. J. exp. Psychol. but in the end only circulated privately). Includes newsletters of Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR and other articles Soviet psychiatry etc. Pavlov, Behaviourism, conditioned reflexes, on Notes and drafts for articles and papers. notes and ETHOLOGY drafts for Kennedy’s contribution, There is considerable overlap in content between these folders and B.23, B.24 above, but Kennedy’s labelling of his material has been followed. Includes synopsis and notes for proposed book ‘Behavioural successions’ 1964, ‘Behaviour as physiology’, to Festschrift for V.B. Wigglesworth 1966, notes at meeting on ‘Patterning in Behaviour’ 1980. Thorpe 1963. 1949-1957. notes taken at Society for Experimental Biology Symposium on ‘Physiological Mechanisms in Animal Behaviour’ Cambridge July 1949, and at Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour meeting February 1955. 1959, 1963, 1967. Notes for ‘Ethology Conference’ 1959, notes on W.H. ‘Ethology Notes’. information. Includes programmes and Contents of folder so inscribed: notes, drafts, J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research Drafts, revisions, speaking and reading texts for Kennedy’s paper ‘Modern ethology as a subjectivist theory of animal behaviour’, given at a meeting in Cambridge of the Experimental Psychology Group. See B.23. Kennedy regarded this as a crucial statement of his thinking and included a copy with his later notes for his last publication. See B.48. ‘Recent developments in the theory of animal behaviour’, 23 page draft paper, latest reference 1953. Not listed in Bibliography. a as chain behaviour reflexes’. ‘Aphid Manuscript draft and notes. Related to Kennedy’s paper at Montreal ‘The experimental analysis of aphid behaviour and its bearing on current theories of instinct’, see correspondence with G.P. Baerends in B.30. hierarchically-organized of 1959. ‘Ethology Corresp.’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.30 1953-1958 B.31 1959-1987 KLINOKINESIS B.32 This had been a long-term interest of Kennedy, which he felt he had never adequately dealt with for publication. In a letter to J. Brady 18 May 1990 (G.24) he writes: “You may perhaps remember that Charles David and | (initially together with David Marsh and Peter Furness) were preparing a review on klinokinesis in 1973 because it was such a muddle, especially after Gunn had first rejected the whole idea but then withdrew his objections in view of the work on bacteria. But then Charles went off to Berkeley and the review never got finalized - although | still have the fat wallet-file | accumulated for it. | don’t think it would have dealt adequately with the point now at issue between the three B’s, which | think is now possible. Nevertheless, a draft MS dated 1975 that | still have does make the crucial point about two levels of description/ analysis that ‘While the basic klinokinetic response is quite simple, the resulting spatial manoeuvres take many forms and unnecessary difficulties arise when these two levels of organisation are confused’.” Various dates 1974-1986. This is the wallet-file referred to, and includes notes, drafts, references etc. I’ve made above. We said that J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 LOCUSTS Research The reactions of locusts to temperature and humidity were the subject of Kennedy’s doctorate thesis under D.L. Gunn 1935-1938, a period which included seven months’ field work in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The material here refers to Kennedy’s wartime work with the ‘Middle East Anti-Locust Unit’ 1942-1945 and later research. See also A.35, B.1, F.1, J.1-J.8. Tagged folder of letters and cables, reports and papers (some carbon copies) March 1942 - May 1944 on the work of the Anti-Locust Unit. The material follows Kennedy’s order i.e. the order in which he received or despatched items rather than chronological order disrupted by wartime delays. Includes setting-up plans, descriptions of team members’ tasks and scope of work, reports on results and future organisation. Kennedy’s detailed exchanges with B.P. Uvarov (mis-spelled as Uvaror in some of the official correspondence) rehearsing the frustrations of organising the complex operation in the Indo-Persian region, and his relations with the Soviet crop- dusting aircraft and their crews assigned to the project, are of interest. Correspondence and papers 1944-1945, relating to the above but not included in the folder. Official meetings to discuss anti-locust operations, correspondence. Miscellaneous data and reports on desert locusts in Sudan and Oman 1942, and a little related correspondence 1955. ‘Thoughts on the problem of a declining locust plague, with proposals for field studies.’ Paper by Kennedy, July 1947. October 1991 - March 1992. Correspondence and papers 1990-1992 on proposal for research on ‘Analysis of the causal factors in locust gregarization’, to be carried out at the Department to Zoology Oxford by S.J. Simpson, P.R. White and P.L. Miller. Kennedy and L. Barton Browne were advisers. Includes drafts, comments and discussions on proposal, Progress Report Correspondence and papers on locust plagues, 1979, 1980. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 MOSQUITOES Research This documents Kennedy’s work at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Malaria Research Laboratory, Tirana, Albania, work brought to an end by the Italian occupation of Albania at Easter 1939. See also correspondence with M. Bates (G.15, G.16) and B.1. Hard-backed, loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Experimental notes and observations, summaries of work, photographs of apparatus and sites, indexed by topic, on larval reactions to current, temperature and humidity. Hard-backed notebook of observations and data (not all hand) December 1938 - February 1939. in Kennedy’s Similar, work almost all in Kennedy’s hand, various dates October 1938 - April 1939, and also including brief notes January 1940 while Kennedy was working at the Wellcome Entomological Field Laboratory, Esher. MOTIVATION Notes etc. on reactions of mosquito larvae to wavelets in water. Includes photographs taken in Albania 1938-1939 probably removed from B.39, and notes for a talk on the subject given to the Entomological Society 7 October 1955. Considerations of animal consciousness, and of the scientific basis for studies of animal behaviour, underlay virtually all Kennedy’s research and writings. In the 1980s, however, they increasingly assumed a dominant position in his thinking, culminating in The new anthropomorphism (C.U.P. 1992), his last published work. In a letter to V. Labeyrie of October 1986, he writes: publishers can be found at E.9 - E.11. “| have resumed my 30-years-old polemical campaign in favour of a consistently materialist interpretation of animal behaviour and against the anthropomorphism which has never been abandoned and is now increasing.” See G.105. Similar statements, and discussions ensuing, can be found in the general correspondence in Section G as well as in the folders below. The material here consists of notes, correspondence and lectures, many exchanged with colleagues in the Department of Zoology Oxford, as well Correspondence with as painstaking drafts for the final publication. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research B.43-B.46 Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Ethology - Motivation - Documents’. B.43 Material relating to ‘Round-table Conference on Animal Nomenclature’, held at Cambridge 18-22 July 1949. Participants, report by W.H. Thorpe annotated by Kennedy. Correspondence and papers, requests for information and comment from colleagues 1984-1987. Correspondence, memoranda and notes 1984-1985 mainly with S.J. Simpson and P. Miller about a proposed collaborative book provisionally titled ‘Physiology and psychology in the study of animal behaviour’. Includes synopses, discussion notes etc. Correspondence and papers 1986-1989, mainly on Kennedy’s paper ‘Animal motivation : the beginning of the end?’ in Perspectives in chemoreception and behaviour, New York 1987. Notes etc. on ‘foraging’, ‘searching’ and ‘goal-directed’ behaviour 1983- 1989. Includes brief exchanges with J.R. Krebs. B.51-B.53 The new anthropomorphism Material 1987-1988 relating to the ‘Motivation Discussion Group’ at Oxford, arising from correspondence with J.Z. Young who opened the discussion at the first meeting. Miscellaneous notes 1975, 1984-1989. Also includes copy of Kennedy’s 1953 lecture ‘Modern ethology as a subjectivist theory of animal behaviour’ (see B.27). by chapters of draft synopsis, heavily corrected and revised, 1984-1989. Drafts, notes, revisions for book; working titles were ‘Animal motivation’ and ‘Neo-anthropomorphism’. Correspondence and papers relating to the Department of Zoology Animal Behaviour Research Group Oxford, mainly Kennedy’s lectures ‘Are animals motivated?’ given 1985-1989 to 3rd year undergraduate course. Also includes a little material on organisation, content and examination of the ‘Animal behaviour’ option at Oxford. Hard-backed loose-leaf binder with thumb index. Manuscript notes, drafts, quotations and notes from the literature, indexed J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Research Black spring-back binder. Corrected draft February-March 1991; corrections and notes on front and back fly-leaves as well as on manuscript. Black spring-back binder. Corrected draft April-May 1991, with ‘extra pieces to go into the galley proofs’ tucked into front. PHASES AND MATURATION B.54 Correspondence, notes and drafts c.1956-1960, some fragmentary, some more substantial. Includes heavily-corrected and revised manuscript ‘A biological characterization of aphids as specialized parasites of plants with rapid growth and development: the herb-colonizing viviparae’ November 1957, two copies, differently annotated, of Kennedy’s paper ‘VBW’s [Wigglesworth’s] “Physiology of insect metamorphosis”’ November 1957 and addendum 1958, unidentified draft. RESEARCH PROBLEMS B.55-B.57 Contents of folder so inscribed. 1948-1966. Includes Kennedy’s proposal for a period of part-time working at the Anti-Locust Research Centre. The time-span covered is 1948-1991 (and undated), thus including ideas for work at Cambridge, Imperial College and Oxford. Some are brief outlines for possible work by Kennedy or a research student, others include more developed ideas on work in progress or proposed. 1982-1991 and undated. 1967-1981. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION C IMPERIAL COLLEGE KENNEDY’S CAREER AT IMPERIAL COLLEGE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AND INSECT PHYSIOLOGY GROUP RESEARCH LECTURES AND TEACHING In 1967 Kennedy accepted the College’s invitation to come with a small group (in particular his long-term colleague A.R. Lees) to work in the Department of Zoology at the Field Station at Silwood Park, Ascot. T. Weis-Fogh at G.194. Though Kennedy regretted the necessity to move from Cambridge, he found his period at Silwood particularly isolated and distressed. C.1 gives some account of the protracted negotiations; This invitation was the culmination of a long and often stressful period of negotiation. The retirement of V.B. Wigglesworth as Quick Professor automatically entailed the disbandment of the ARC’s Insect Physiology Unit at Cambridge and the redeployment of its members. Kennedy, a further material can be found at A.15, and in the correspondence with Wigglesworth at G.201 and member of the Unit since 1946 and a senior scientist on the salaried staff of the ARC, felt remaining a member of ARC’s external staff. Officer, and he held the title of Professor of Animal Behaviour in the University of London, while Park productive and congenial. The ARC continued to fund a new group for the study of insect physiology within the Department of Zoology and Applied Entomology headed by Professor T.R.E (later Sir Richard) Southwood, and the College provided good laboratory accommodation and facilities. On a personal level, he was promoted by ARC to the rank of Deputy Chief Scientific J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Imperial College On his retirement at the age of 65 in 1977 Kennedy was made Emeritus Professor of the University and Senior Research Fellow of the College, where he continued to work until 1983 when he moved to the Department of Zoology at Oxford. Additional information about research and activities of the ARC group is to be found in some of the general correspondence files in Section G, especially those relating to long-term colleagues such as J.N. Brady, C.D. David, A.R. Ludlow, J.E. Moorhouse and M.J. Way. Note For convenience, the term ‘Silwood Park’ has been adopted to refer to the laboratory and its work. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Imperial College KENNEDY’S CAREER AT IMPERIAL COLLEGE C.1 Papers and correspondence 1963-1967, exchanged between Imperial College, ARC, Kennedy and others leading up to the move from Cambridge and the opening of the new group at Silwood Park. Papers and correspondence 1973-1985, on retirement arrangements, future of ARC Insect Physiology Group, Kennedy’s appointment as Senior Research Fellow (1977), and as Honorary Fellow (1981). AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AND INSECT PHYSIOLOGY GROUP C.3 correspondence on General and promotions, Kennedy’s membership of ARC Glasshouse Crops Research Institute visiting group and report, future of Silwood Park Group. 1967-1982, work, visits including and appointments conferences, reports Insect Physiology Group at Silwood Park. C.6 RESEARCH ARC staff at Silwood Park. Reports, staff lists, correspondence, information, memoranda, visits by ARC to Group. 1980-1988. Includes correspondence and memos on future of Group, and copy of Final Report 1982-1987. 1971-1979. Includes report by Kennedy on ‘The current American R & D effort toward insect pest control by manipulating behaviour : impressions from a visit in August-September 1976’. 1975 ‘Background research on tsetse behaviour’, project funded by Ministry of Overseas Development, later Overseas Development Administration, (ODA Scheme No. R.2107) and directed by Kennedy. J.N. Brady (q.v.) was appointed Research Fellow. Includes negotiations, budgeting etc. for initial application and periodic renewals, interim and final reports, correspondence, administration of grant etc. Cz 1968 C.8 1969-1971 C.7-C.10 C.9 1972 C.10:.. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Imperial College Report on ‘Host-plant finding behaviour in phytophagous Diptera in a large wind tunnel’, on ARC Grant AG8/129, 1975-1976. Annotated by Kennedy. ARC Grant Application by J.N. Brady and Kennedy for work on ‘Control by flying insects of their movements relative to the ground’ 1976, with a few notes and drafts for letters. Correspondence and papers 1973-1982 relating to collaborative research with of oviposition’. Visits, negotiations, project outline, report. ‘The mechanism and inhibition ICI Entomology Section, on C.14-C.16 Requests to visit or work at Silwood Park, letters of thanks from visitors. Includes some discussion of research in hand or proposed. C.14 1967-1969 C.15 1970-1979. C.16 1980-1983 LECTURES AND TEACHING Cis Miscellaneous material for second and third year work. Includes Kennedy’s third year lecture on ‘Behavioural Physiology in historical perspective’. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION D LECTURES, PAPERS, BROADCASTS LECTURES AND PAPERS D.42-D.50 BROADCASTS The chronological sequence D.1-D.41 covers the time-span 1935-1987 and shows Kennedy to have been throughout his career an assiduous disseminator of research results and theories. It varies in scope from brief notes or outlines for a university class or society to more fully-worked papers for a conference or discussion meeting; a little correspondence is sometimes included. The notes or drafts are normally dated and bear some indication of where and to whom they were addressed, but are not always fully titled. All the broadcasts at D.42-D.50 are for the British Broadcasting Corporation. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 LECTURES AND PAPERS D.1 1935 Lectures, papers, broadcasts ‘Cleaning movements in flies’. Report on work for M.Sc. at the Department of Zoology University College London 1933-34, under the direction of G.S. Fraenkel. 1936 Paper for Society for Experimental Biology, Birmingham, 1936 (part only). 1937 ‘Effect of temperature on locust behaviour in the field’, for Society for Experimental Biology, December 1937. 1938 ‘The origination of locust outbreaks’, for Royal Entomological Society, March 1938. Notes ‘UCL 1945’. 1941 1945 1948 Notes for ‘SEB Oxford’. Notes for ‘Paper read to Porton Civilian Officers Club’. London, 14 August. Aphid behaviour (Exhibit) Association of Applied Biologists, 23 July. ‘Locust migration. R. Ent. Soc. London’, 7 April. Zoo Tea Party 25 Feb.’ [at Zoology Department ‘Insect migration. Cambridge]. Remarks at discussion, Commonwealth Entomological Conference, J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1949 Notes for ‘Zoological Society Bristol University’, 28 November. 1947-51 Notes for talks to Part Il students, Cambridge. 1950 ‘Lamarckism, Locusts and Lysenko’, for Cambridge Natural History Society Entomological Section, 2 March. ‘Host specificity of aphids’, Entomological Society, 3 May. ‘Direction of Desert Locust migration’, British Association, 5 September. 1951 ‘Aphids as plant physiological indicators’ SEB (Botanists), 3 January. ‘The seductive particle’ for ‘Zoo Tea Party’, 19 October. 31pp. ‘Physiological relations between aphids and plants’, Queen Mary College London, 1 February. 1952 1953 ‘Insect behaviour in wind’ for ‘A.S.A.B.’, 27 February. ‘ARC Insecticides Meeting’, March. ‘Host finding and selection’ for ‘C.E.Z.A.’ 12 September. See photograph at J.22 ‘Cambridge Natural History Society’, 6 November. ‘Modern ethology as a subjectivist theory of animal behaviour’, manuscript draft for Kennedy’s paper for Experimental Psychology Group, Cambridge. See B.23, B.27. ‘Change of host preference with change of form in Aphis fabae’, for R. ent. Soc. meeting, 1 April. ‘Insect Flight Symposium’, August. ‘Is modern ethology objective?’ for A.S.A.B., 23 October. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1955 ‘WYE’ [College Ashford Kent], 25 January. Phases, 21 July. 1956 ‘Locomotory versus assimilatory behaviour in aphids’ for SEB, London, 6 January. ‘Zoo Tea Party’, 10 February. Ottawa, 23 September. 1957 Talk for visit to Cambridge by British Council course on ‘Insecticides in Applied Entomology’, 2 July. 1958 ‘Ethology’, for ‘RAH Dinner speech’, 18 June. ‘Ethology Conference Cambridge’, 14 October. 1959 1960 ‘Phases in aphids’, for ‘A.C.R.C.’, 4 December. ‘Colour vision in plant finding by aphids’ for SEB, 6 January. correspondence. ‘Natural experiments, or the future of insect natural history. Presidential Address to the Entomological Section of the Cambridge Natural History Society’, 24 February. ‘Bristol Zool. Soc.’ (on aphid behaviour), 25 January. ‘Aphid Dispersal’. Lecture at Helsinki, 28 June. Includes invitation and ‘Ent. Soc. Colour vision’, 2 March. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1961 ‘Eco-physiology of aphid dispersal’, Copenhagen 5 March. invitation and a little correspondence. Includes ‘Continuous polymorphism in locusts’, for ‘RES Symposium’, London, 21-22 September. 1963 ‘NAAS Visit’, 23 May. ‘Zoo Tea Talk : Flight-settling Coordination in aphids’, 8 November. 1964 ‘Intraspecific mechanisms in population regulation’, with M.J. Way, for XIl International Congress of Entomology, 9 July. 1965 ‘Zoo Tea Talk. More on behavioural coordination in aphids’, 21 October. ‘Reciprocal Glasgow, 11 May. With a little correspondence. innervation in aphid behaviour’, at Zoology Department ‘Behavioural ecology of aphids’, for Natural History Society Entomological Section, 11 February. ‘Release, priming and waning of behaviour patterns in aphids’, for ‘Ethological Conference Zurich’, 26 September. ‘Neurophysiology Group Cambridge’, 27 May. ‘Reflex analysis of instinctive behaviour’, Brunel University Biology Society, 6 December. Talk for Perse Girls’ School [Cambridge] Science Society 20 January. ‘Madingley seminar’, 10 November. 1966 1967 ‘Coordination of action patterns in an aphid’, Oxford, 23 May. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1968 ‘Integration of instinctive behaviour in aphids’, Southampton, 12 March (also at Reading Zoological Society, 28 January 1969). ‘Navigational aspects of responses to Chemical Industry Pesticides Group, 1 October. insect attractants’, Society of University of Durham Biological Society, 9 December (correspondence only). 1969 ‘Orientation of locusts’, Wageningen (Netherlands), 2 June. 1970 ‘Central integration of aphid behaviour’, Birmingham University Biological Society, 24 February. Civil Service Ecology Seminar, 10 November. ‘Integration of aphid behaviour’, Oxford, 10 May. Sussex University, 15 June. Correspondence only. ‘AAB at Silwood’, 18 June. ‘Love life of aphids’, 14 February. 1971 1972 1973 Association of Applied Biologists General Meeting on ‘The role of insect behaviour in pest control’, London, 12 March. Ashurst [Silwood Park], n.d. ‘Aphid migration, or how one thing leads to another’, Leeds, 15 January. With a little correspondence. ‘Changes of responsiveness in the patterning of behavioural sequences’, 14th International Congress of Entomology, Canberra, 23 August. ‘Insect migration’, Cambridge Natural History Society, 25 October. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1974 ‘Anemotaxis’, Fort Collins, lowa, 24 October. ‘Early stages of host-finding in aphids’, 1974. 1975 ‘Insect Migration’, Bangor, 6 February. ‘The emergence of behaviour’, correspondence. Cardiff, 27 February. With a little ‘Attraction and repulsion by chemicals’, Sussex, 9 December. 1976 ‘Behaviourally of Association of Applied Biologists, 6 April. discriminating assays attractants and repellents’, ‘Vertical movements of flying aphids’, Entomology, Washington, 27 August. 15th International Congress of effort in research and development’, Cambridge, 21 1977 ‘Current September. US ‘Gainesville 2nd talk’, 2 September. ‘Behavioural mechanisms of olfactory attraction’, Gainesville [Florida], 31 August. ‘Aphid behaviour - or how one thing leads to another’, Nottingham 27 January, Exeter, 24 November. Talk also given in lowa and Stanford 1974. With a little correspondence. Washington talk of August 1976 (D.34). ‘«Fall-out” of migrant Aphis fabae’, Association of Applied Biologists, 15 December. ‘Aphid migration or riding the wind without losing control’, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 10 February. ‘Vertical movements ... ’, East Lansing Michigan, 17 April. Includes part of ‘Behavioural components of pheromone action’, Rothamsted, 10 October. 1979 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts 1981 ‘Les médiateurs chimiques agissant sur le comportement des insectes’, Versailles Symposium, 17 November. 1984 ‘The saga of moth sex attraction’, Zoology Department Oxford, 2 May. Incorporating material used for seminars in America, November 1983. ‘Motivation and foraging’, Optimal Foraging Group Lunch Talk, Oxford, 7 November. 1985 ‘Animal motivation : the beginning of the end’, Amherst, 14 May. (Spoken version of contribution to Perspectives in chemoreception and behaviour, New York 1987). Also Talk for Ethology and Neurophysiology Group, Sussex, 17 June. given at Conference 10 October and for 3rd-year lecture, Oxford, 6 November. ‘Entomology Lunch Talk’, 9 February. 1986 1987 ‘Is modern ethology objective?’, Madingley Lunch Talk, 14 October. ‘Bun Shop’ [Cambridge] 18 November, with a manuscript note ‘Not delivered’. Contract, correspondence, scripts. BBC Third Programme, talk on ‘The migration of locusts’, recorded 5 December 1952 and also broadcast by Italian Radio. The talk was suggested to producer A. Clow by Kennedy on the basis of general interest aroused by his article ‘Man against locust’, Discovery, January 1951. BROADCASTS D.42 BBC Home Service, Science Survey, talk on ‘Locusts’, 31 October 1950. Contract, correspondence, script. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Lectures, papers, broadcasts Not used. BBC Woman’s Hour, talk on ‘How much do we know about ... migration of insects’, 23 March 1955. Correspondence, scripts. BBC Bush House Arabic Talks Unit. programme, 1956, 1957. Replies for ‘Question and Answer’ BBC Home Service, Science Review, short talk on ‘Colour vision in aphids’, 6 January 1960. Contract, script. BBC Network Three, The Animals’ World, short talk on ‘The Aphid’s world’, broadcast 25 May, repeated August 1960. Contract, correspondence, script. Contract, correspondence, drafts and broadcast versions, notes for discussion, Audience Research Report on discussion. Shorter correspondence on proposed radio and TV programmes 1962- BBC Third Programme, talk on ‘Natural Experiments’ by Kennedy , followed by discussion between him and J.W.L. Beament, 28 January and 10 February 1961. 1980. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS This section is relatively modest. Although Kennedy published extensively, and put his papers through many drafts, he did not regularly retain these after publication. The material does, however, include some shorter publications and reviews not listed in his bibliography. For other contacts by Kennedy with editors and publishing houses see H.98-H. 136. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 LECTURES AND PAPERS Publications E:4 ‘The behaviour of the desert locust’. Heavily-corrected 5pp. draft, perhaps abstract for Kennedy’s major paper in Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 89, 385- 542, 1939. Letter to Editor, Nature, 1946. Not listed in bibliography. Review of: Proceedings. In Science Progress 1963. Biological Transmission of Disease Agents, Symposium Not listed in bibliography. Correspondence 1963-1967 on collaborative article with M.J. Way, on ‘Intra-specific mechanisms in promised for Biological Reviews. Perhaps not completed; not listed in bibliography. regulation’, population Correspondence and corrections to Kennedy’s contribution ‘Behaviour as physiology’ to Insects and Physiology, 1967. and figures for collaborative paper with Correspondence and drafts for two articles, ‘Grasshopper’ and ‘Locust’, for Areté publishing company 1979. Not listed in bibliography. Correspondence 1982-1989 on /nsect Pheromones in Plant Protection (ed. Jutsom and Gordon), to which Kennedy contributed an assessment and a foreword. J.H. Choudhury on Draft Latest ‘Maturation feeding in the bark beetle Scolytus Multistriatus’. reference 1980. Kennedy published a collaborative paper with Choudhury on flight direction in bark beetles (Physiol. Ent., 5, 1980) but no paper of the above title is listed in the bibliography. willing to publish the book. Correspondence with Cambridge University Press 1990-1992, negotiations, referees’ detailed comments, corrections and additions, publishing arrangements and marketing, lists of reviewers. 1977, Correspondence 1989-1990 with Oxford University Press who were also Reviews of published book and a little correspondence arising. The new anthropomorphism (CUP 1992) J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Publications Draft, notes and material for biographical memoir of A.D. Lees, undertaken 1992 by Kennedy for Royal Society but left unfinished at his death. Includes correspondence, tributes etc. Requests to write books or articles, reviews etc. Declined. 1950-1983. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS ANTI-LOCUST RESEARCH CENTRE (ALRC) CENTRE FOR OVERSEAS PEST RESEARCH (COPR) later ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED BIOLOGISTS COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE OF ENTOMOLOGY MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON F.15-F.30 ROYAL SOCIETY SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY “VERRALL” ASSOCIATION OF ENTOMOLOGISTS Perhaps because of the primacy he accorded to research, Kennedy joined relatively few societies and organisations and kept his relations with them fairly firmly confined to professional matters (B.10-B.18). The correspondence at F.1-F.10, though held by Kennedy under the name of the organisation Anti- Locust Research Centre, could be considered ‘scientific correspondence’ such as that for aphids of publications, discussions and meetings. Many of the papers in Section D were given at meetings of the organisations listed here. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Societies and organisations ANTI-LOCUST RESEARCH CENTRE (ALRC), later CENTRE FOR OVERSEAS PEST RESEARCH (COPR) fi-:7 Contents of Kennedy’s bulky folder labelled ‘ALRC - Director’. Correspondence and papers 1937-1983, exchanged with successive Directors (B.P. Uvarov, T.H.C. Taylor, P.T. Haskell) and other members of the staff, on aspects of organisation, research projects, papers and publications by Kennedy and by others, visits, meetings, discussions and conferences. Much of Kennedy’s early research and subsequent publications were on locusts. His major publication was ‘The migration of the Desert Locust’ (Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 235, 1951) but he continued his interest, notably in phase transformation, throughout his career. 1937. One letter only, from Kennedy’s Sudanese guide. 1945-1946. Includes draft report on aircraft spraying against desert locust after trials in Kenya (1945). See J.5-J.8. 1947-1948. 1949-1951. 1952-1958. Publications and meetings. 1960-1966. terminology and on papers. Meetings and discussions, comments on locust phase 1967-1970. Imperial College (q.q.v.), Conference on Acridology. Secondment of J.E. Moorhouse to work at Silwood Park Silver Jubilee of ALRC International Study apportionment has been respected. Correspondence and papers 1951-1977, exchanged with staff members of ALRC/COPR and colleagues, including some reviews and discussions arising, comments on papers and drafts, notes of meetings, requests for information and reprints. 1971-1983. Reorganisation and change of name to Centre for Overseas Pest Research (COPR), Kennedy’s invitation to join Panel of Consultants (1974), collaboration with ARC Unit at Silwood Park. There is some overlap with the material at F.1-F.7 above, but Kennedy’s Contents of Kennedy’s folder labelled ‘ALRC General’. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Societies and organisations 1947-1957. 1961-1969. comments on papers. Glossary of terms in desert locust research and control, F.10 1974-1977. Comments on papers, meetings and material arising. ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED BIOLOGISTS Faia Correspondence 1950-1970, on publications (in Ann. appl. Biol.) and meetings of the Association, includes invitation (declined) to accept nomination as President 1970. COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE OF ENTOMOLOGY to Seventh Correspondence and papers 1954-1961, mainly Commonwealth Entomological Conference July 1960 with drafts etc. for Kennedy’s paper ‘The behavioural fitness of aphids as field vectors of viruses’ (Rep. Seventh Commonw. ent. Conf. London December 1960) and Kennedy’s collaborative publication with M.F. Day and V.F. Eastop A conspectus of aphids as vectors of plant viruses 1962. relating B12 F.13 F.14 E45 of plant papers. 1950, Conference of ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD Includes comments on Miscellaneous correspondence and advisory pathology terminology entomologists 1976 (Kennedy read his paper on pest control in USA, see C.4). Miscellaneous shorter correspondence. Various dates 1971-1980. Correspondence and papers 1970-1988 on affairs and publications of the Society; includes Kennedy’s election as Honorary Fellow 1974, Centenary reception 1985. General correspondence ROYAL SOCIETY J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Societies and organisations British National Committee for Biology Subcommittee on Biological Control The Subcommittee was set up in 1970 following an international meeting convened in Amsterdam 17-19 November 1969 by the International Union Biological of Society representative the of Subcommittee until 1977. Royal Chairman Sciences at (IUBS). meeting, Kennedy was served and the the as Material includes correspondence and papers, notes of discussions and telephone calls, drafts etc. relating to the formation of the International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) and the West Palaearctic Regional Section. July 1969 - August 1970. Preliminary meetings at Royal Society and Amsterdam including Kennedy’s notes and report, and official report, arrangements for Subcommittee’s first meeting 11 March 1970 and for general discussion meeting 20 May 1970. September 1970 - August 1971. Subcommittee meeting 16 September, IUBS meeting October. F.19 Elections 1980-1983. Sectional Committee 7 Kennedy served 1980-1983, having declined an invitation in 1978 in order to pursue active research. 1977-1980. Kennedy’s resignation as Chairman (successor: F.G.H. Lupton), attendance at IOBC Assembly, Kyoto, August 1980 as Royal Society representative, including his notes and report. 1974-1976 1986-1987 1973-1974 1981-1982 1971-1972 1978 1968 1980 1985 1969 1971 : ‘ ; : : J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Societies and organisations SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY F.3d Annotated programme for SEB Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting Cambridge 1974, Kennedy’s election to Honorary Membership 1991. “VERRALL” ASSOCIATION OF ENTOMOLOGISTS F.32 Miscellaneous invitations to meetings, membership lists. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.245 G.1-G.213 SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals and organisations, in alphabetical an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. indexed, order, dated with and G.214-G.239 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In alphabetical order, indexed. G.240-G.245 UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. the whole collection. biographical interest. particularly those by Kennedy himself; four, six or eight single-spaced foolscap pages are not opportunity to ‘think aloud’ and clarify his own ideas as he wrote. While remaining almost exclusively focussed on research into aspects of insect physiology and behaviour, many of the sequences are of considerable general and One of the most obvious features of the material is the length and detail of many of the letters, uncommon. Towards the end of such a letter, Kennedy often explains that he has used the correspondents would reply in kind, thus affording very detailed documentation of some point at This extensive section provides in many ways the most informative and characteristic material of views. he might also append notes of telephone calls, conversations and contacts with others, action issue. See G.174. In preparation for his replies, Kennedy might make manuscript notes or drafts, or add, in his fine pencilled hand, detailed comments in the margins of incoming letters, to which taken or proposed and the like. Thus, even if no reply survives, it is possible to reconstruct his Many (not all) of his J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Though the tone of Kennedy’s letters is almost invariably open and friendly, there is no doubt that his style could seem combative or hyper-critical. He claimed, no doubt with truth, that he welcomed straightforward criticism of his own work, and he expected others to share this feeling. Certainly the meticulous analysis he brought to bear on research data and findings, expression, and especially on terminology (particularly, as the years went by, of animal motivation and ‘anthropomorphism’) must have been testing to his correspondents. Occasionally, offence was taken, though apparently unintended, and a correspondence would be discontinued temporarily or permanently. Many sequences, however, show Kennedy as both disinterested and unusually concerned to dispel misunderstandings and avoid offence. When he felt he must send an unfavourable referee's comment to a journal, he regularly sent a copy to the author (if personally known to him) to explain his reasons, often with detailed suggestions to assist in the re-casting of the work. Of some biographical interest are the exchanges, some over a long time-span, with M. and N. Bates, D.L. Gunn, A. Milne and V.B. Wigglesworth. There are few political repercussions in these treatment; in 1975 he declined an invitation to examine a thesis from South Africa; with N. Tinbergen. papers; the correspondence with D. Davenport shows Kennedy replying with dignity to shabby its concern for accurate definition of terms, careful scrutiny of drafts or papers, and reference to correspondence with E.S. Sylvester (and elsewhere) refers to his being refused a US visa. consisting of but one or two exchanges. In content and tone it is similar to the main sequence in Kennedy’s perhaps delayed entry to the Royal Society is referred to in the brief correspondence The ‘Shorter scientific correspondence’ at G.214-G.239 is shorter only in extent and time-span, research in hand. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE G.1 A’Brook, J. 1962-1965 Rosette virus, aphid infestation in groundnuts. Career and appointments. Alexander, R.D. 1964, 1970, 1974 Group selection, population-regulating behaviour in insects. Includes some discussion on political attitude and scientific objectivity, argued at length. Material on teaching of Zoology at University of Michigan where Alexander worked. Alykhan, M.A. 1958-1960, 1972 Research and publications on black bean aphid. Arn, H. 1979, 1990 Auclair, J.L. 1962-1963, 1972-1973 Includes comments by Kennedy on paper by Arn on ‘Zigzag flight’. Correspondence 1962-1963 on aphid nutrition. Correspondence 1972 includes offer to Kennedy of post of Director of Biological Sciences, University of Montreal. 1982 July-December. Baker, an American entomologist, was based at the University of California at Riverside during the period of this correspondence, working principally on pheromones and insect olfactory behaviour. Includes drafts and comments on publications (often very detailed comments by Kennedy), telephone discussions, data and diagrams, plans for experiments, visits, career and appointments, and a little personal news. Baker, T.C. and others 1979-1990 1979-1981. 1982 January-June. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1983-1985. 1986-1987. 1988-1990. Banks, C.J. 1958-1959 Research and publications on effects of ants on feeding and excretion of bean aphid. Barton Browne, L. 1966, 1972-1975 Visits and publications. G.15, G.16 Bates, M. and Bates, N. 1939-1966 Marston Bates (nicknamed in early letters ‘Bastard’) was an ecologist member of the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation. He recruited Kennedy to work at the Foundation’s Malaria Research Laboratory in Albania and worked with him at Tirana until the laboratory was closed down after the Italian occupation at Easter 1939. Kennedy left for England on 14 April. Bates and his wife Nancy stayed on into June to supervise the last stages of the work and safe removal of the staff’s effects. The material contains Bates’s last reports of the work of the laboratory April-May 1939, but is of interest for its biographical episodes, including wartime experiences, some political reflections, letters to the Bates from Kennedy’s first wife Dorothy (nicknamed ‘Toad’) and a letter from him about their separation in 1942. There is also mention of the refusal of a US visa to Kennedy in 1964 which obliged him to cancel plans including a visit to the Bates. intellectual development on the subject. 17 December 1991 1970, 1987-1990 Bateson, P.P.G. Correspondence 1970 on book review. Correspondence 1987-1992 on behaviourism, anthropomorphism, motivation, including notes for meetings and discussions, detailed comments and summaries of ideas and papers. Kennedy’s letter of 6 October 1987 refers to his ‘35-year-long, one-man campaign against the anthropomorphism implicit in ethology’. In 1990 Bateson was asked by CUP to provide an assessment of Kennedy’s proposed book The new anthropomorphism, and this to further detailed discussions on the arguments of the book and on terminology; Kennedy’s letter his gives some account of led of 1939-1942. 1945-1966. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Bell, W.J. 1983-1987 This is a continuation of correspondence begun with Bell’s colleague at the University of Kansas, T.R. Tobin (see G.185) on pheromones, with special reference to Kennedy’s paper ‘Zigzagging and casting as a programmed response to wind-borne odour : The exchanges with Tobin became somewhat acrimonious; the continuation with of interpretation (Kennedy’s letter of 24 August 1984 refers to ‘my notorious concern with terminology’). Material also includes correspondence about new Journal of Insect Behavior, edited by Bell. a review’ (Physiol. Ent. 8, 1983). friendly though continuing to differences discuss Bell is Benjamin, P.R. 1984-1986 Binns, E.S. various dates 1961-1982 Kennedy was Binns’s supervisor at Cambridge for work on ‘host finding in aphids’. Correspondence includes research reports, publications (carefully edited by Kennedy), career and appointments and a little personal material. Birch, M.C. Klinotaxis. 1976-1985 a little personal Bradley, R.H.E. Bornbusch, A.H. grant applications and reports, Loss of virus from aphid stylet tips. Research projects, material. little general material on Imperial College affairs. Material includes appointment arrangements, salary and promotions, appointment of other team members, reports on overseas visits, research reports and papers, comments by Kennedy. little material on Physiological Entomology of which Brady and Kennedy were editors until 1982 when the editorship was handed on to MC. Birch. There is also a Brady was a long-term colleague who joined Kennedy at Silwood Park to work on the tsetse fly project funded by the Overseas Development Administration (see C.7-C.10, C.12). Brady, J.N. 1959-1960 1968-1990 Also a J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Broadbent, L. 1946-1967 Research, publications, including detailed comments by Kennedy on draft papers by Broadbent, and some by Broadbent on Kennedy’s paper ‘Aphid migration and the spread of plant viruses’ (Nature, 165, 1950), topics and speakers for aphid conferences. Broughton, W.B. 1965, 1971-1974 Correspondence 1965 is correspondence is on conferences and meetings. on song change in grasshoppers. Later Browning, T.O. various dates 1951-1992 Research in Australia, affairs of ICIPE, a little biographical material. Bursell, E. various dates 1969-1984 Includes comments by Kennedy on a draft paper by Bursell. Butler, C.G. Entomology at Rothamsted Experimental Station. Buxton, P.A. and others 1938-1941 Buxton was Head of the Department of Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where Kennedy worked for a time in 1938 and, with C.B. Williams, examined Kennedy’s Ph.D. thesis. appointments. The early correspondence dates from Kennedy’s period in Albania and includes some reflections on the laboratory there. Buxton’s letter of 23 November 1938 refers to Kennedy’s writing style as ‘this dreadful, abstract, sham German tongue that you seem to find easy’ and includes a parody (apparently by C.B. Williams) written in a ‘farcically Behaviourist style’. Kennedy refers to this episode in his autobiographical notes (see A.1). The correspondence also refers to the publication, supervised by Buxton in Kennedy’s absence, of his early papers on the Desert Locust (1939) and on the visual responses of flying mosquitoes (1940). Caldwell worked at Silwood Park on a Postdoctoral Fellowship of the US National Science Foundation. Includes research plans and arrangements, Kennedy’s notes for Caldwell’s research programme, and a note by him on ‘Juvenile hormone’, career and Caldwell, R.L. 1968-1984 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence G.32-G.35 Cardé, R.T. 1976-1991 For the period of Universities of Michigan (1975-1981) and Massachusetts. this correspondence, Cardé was working at the Includes material on research and publications (mainly on pheromones), mutual visits, career and recommendations. A little personal and political material is included. 1976-1979. 1980-1983. 1983-1986. 1987-1991. Carthy, J.D. various dates 1951-1969 Casas, J. 1986-1987 Discussion and comments on Casas’s work on ‘leafminer parasitoids’. See G.108. See also D.34 Chambers, D.L. and others 1975-1981 Includes comments by Kennedy on publications by Carthy, and a letter 27 February 1964 on scientific priority on ‘klinokinesis’ and his unfortunate experience with D. Davenport (q.v.). Mainly on Kennedy’s visit to Chambers’s US Department of Agriculture Research Service Laboratory at Gainesville Florida as consultant (and his report on the laboratory) 1976, and visit by Chambers’s colleague N.C. Leppla (q.v.) to Kennedy’s laboratory 1977. 1970-1982. Research at Anti-Locust Research Centre, reports on research, career and appointments. G.40, G.41 Chapman, R.F. and Bernays, E.A. various dates 1970-1972 Chandler, A.E.F. 1967-1971 Mainly comments by Kennedy on paper by Chandler on syrphid larvae. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1983-1992. Chiang, H.C. 1955-1958, 1965 Includes Kennedy’s notes on Chiang’s work with him in Cambridge. Choudhury, J.H. 1976-1980, 1985 Choudhury was a doctoral student of Kennedy at Silwood Park, later returning to Bangladesh. Material includes programme of work, funding difficulties, publication of joint paper on flight direction by bark beetles (Physiol. Ent. 5, 1980). See also E.7. Clark, L.R. 1950-1952, 1966-1970 Clements, A.N. 1985-1992 Davenport, D. 1958-1969 Correspondence on ethology and adaptation, klinokinesis. In G.47-G.49 David, C.T. and others 1969-1988 Kennedy always felt that he had been unjustly treated by Davenport and refers to the episode several times elsewhere in correspondence. Davenport and Kennedy envisaged joint work and publication and engaged in detailed and friendly correspondence (1959). 1960, however, Davenport abruptly cancelled the plan and decided to publish with two American colleagues, on the grounds of Kennedy’s ‘admitted political affiliation’. 1976-1982. David was a doctoral student of Kennedy at Imperial College 1969-1972; after a period of work at the University of California at Berkeley, he rejoined the ARC Group at Silwood Park as a Research Assistant from January 1976, later Research Fellow. Material includes notes and reports of various stages of doctoral and ARC work, grant applications and research reports, career and appointments. 1969-1975. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1983-1988. Dawkins, M.S. 1985-1991 Correspondence, memoranda and notes on motivation, including notes etc. on meetings in Zoology Department Oxford. Dawkins, R. Includes correspondence Phenotype and ‘Sociobiology and racialism’. 1982 on Dawkins’s book press comment, manuscript note 1980-1992 The Extended by Kennedy on Dethier, V.G. various dates 1951-1992 motivation. Research on aphids, the Symposium to honour Dethier 1985, when Kennedy gave his paper on ‘Animal motivation : the beginning of the end?’ into which, he said ‘I put everything | had’ (letter of 8 June 1985); also some discussions on Kennedy’s book. little material Includes a on For photographs taken at the Symposium, see J.30. 1986-1987 G.54-G.57 1959-1990 Dienske, H. and others Dingle, H. and others Possible experiment on self-awareness in chimpanzees. Dingle worked for a year 1962-1963 with Kennedy in Cambridge, on a post-doctoral Fellowship from the US National Science Foundation, returning to appointments in US at the Universities of Michigan, lowa and California at Davis, working mainly on insect migration. 1970-1990. Material includes notes and discussions on research, drafts and comments on papers by Dingle and by Kennedy, research programmes, grant applications and evaluations, career and appointments. Includes reference to Kennedy’s move from Cambridge to 1966-1969. Silwood Park, and the setting-up of ICIPE where Dingle spent 1969-1970. 1959-1963. 1964-1965. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Dixon, A.F.G. various dates 1959-1975, 1981 Research, publications, comments, grant applications mainly on sycamore aphid biology. Downes, A. 1952 Includes comments by Kennedy on manuscript report by Downes on work on mosquito swarms. Eastop, V.F. 1966-1975 Research, career and recommendations. Edwards, J.S. 1966-1970, 1991 Ellis, P.E. various dates 1950-1962 Research on marching behaviour of locusts (includes extensive comments by Kennedy on Ellis’s research findings). Not all Ellis’s letters are dated. Elton, C.S. Brief correspondence, on environmental control. El-Ziady, S. 1954-1963, 1970 Research data, drafts for joint publication resulting from period of work by El-Ziady in Kennedy’s laboratory at Cambridge, ‘Beneficial effects of the common Garden Ant on the Black Bean Aphid’ (Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 31, 1956). Correspondence 1970 concerns offer to Kennedy of Visiting Professorship at Kuwait University (declined). Mainly copies of Kennedy’s letters. Kennedy worked under Fraenkel 1933-34 for an M.Sc. at UCL. Fraenkel, G.S. various dates 1948-1964 Foster, W.A. 1969-1970 Proposed collaborative work on tsetse neuroendocrines. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Gallup, G.G. 1984-1992 Self-awareness in animals, with special reference to ‘mirror-reactions’ in monkeys. Neo-anthropomorphism. Includes detailed accounts by Kennedy of the history and development of his and others’ ideas on animal behaviour, motivation etc. and of possible test experiments. Gatehouse, A.G. 1971, 1975, 1984-1988 Includes comments and discussions on drafts of papers by Gatehouse, on migration. Gillett, J.D. 1979, 1985-1989 Gillett, $.D. (later Hogarth) 1966-1968, 1977 Work on locusts. Gillies, M.T. 1969-1979 Work on mosquitoes. Includes comments by Kennedy on draft paper. 1988 Goodwin, B. Genetics and evolution. 1962-1965 1937-1983 G.73 Graham, K. G.74-G.78 Gunn, D.L. and others included. The material is very copious for the early years, partly because of Kennedy’s periods in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1937) and Albania (1938- 1939). The intense, almost daily exchanges of notes, letters and drafts at certain times also reflect Kennedy’s meticulous preoccupation with terminology and definitions including klinokinesis which continued to preoccupy him. See B.32 Gunn was Kennedy’s supervisor for his Ph.D. at Birmingham when he was working on ‘the reactions of locusts to temperature and humidity’ with funding from the Imperial Institute of Entomology arranged by B.P. Uvarov. Kennedy published a collaborative paper with Gunn and D.P. Pielou ‘Classification of taxes and kineses’, Nature, 140, 1937. A little personal correspondence on career and appointments is also J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1937. Mainly notes and drafts for collaborative paper. 1938-1939. Includes letters from Albania on work and conditions. 1939-1946. Includes drafts and comments. 1951-1978. Includes substantial comments by Kennedy on Gunn’s commissioned article on locust control 1959 and letter May 1964 on his move from Cambridge. 1980-1983. Hardie, R.J. 1982, 1987-1992 Research, publication, career. annotated by Kennedy, on ‘spectral sensitivity’. Includes draft manuscript by Hardie, Henson, W.R. Hille Ris Lambers, D. Hinde, R.A. 1968-1992 factors in aphid research. Includes various dates 1953-1974 Design of flight chamber, recommendation. Various extensive comments (unfavourable) by Hille Ris Lambers on Kennedy’s and H.L.G. Stroyan’s review Biology of aphids and responses by Kennedy. Also comments on Conspectus of aphids as vectors of plant viruses, by Kennedy, M.F. Day and V.F. Eastop, 1962. Kennedy to G. Salt for his Royal Society Memoir of Hinton. 1968-1969. Research meetings and publications on animal behaviour. Includes some material on setting-up of MRC Unit on Behaviour at Cambridge. For a photograph of a meeting 1969, see J.27. Minor exchanges on various topics. Includes obituary tributes to Hinton after his death in 1977, by Kennedy and others, and recollections sent by 1970-1992. Tinbergen, manuscript by Hinde on nuclear proliferation. Ethology, motivation, comments on work of Lorenz and Hinton, H.E. 1959-1977 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Howse, P.E. and others 1968-1983 Research and publications, grant applications, laboratory visits. Huber, F. various dates 1968-1987 Later correspondence is on motivation, which Huber refers to as Kennedy’s ‘hobby-horse’. Ilse, D. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi 1946-1948 1991-1992 Mainly on formation of the ‘Friends’ of ICIPE, organisation and financing of Centre. Includes a little background information. It, Y. various dates 1953-1981 Jermy, T. 1977-1988 1945-1973, 1983 Johnson, B. 1952-1972 Johnson, A.W. 1970-1976 and exchanges of Visits Invertebrate Chemistry and Physiology at University of Sussex. information with Johnson’s ARC Unit of Johnson worked at Rothamsted Experimental Station for a doctorate (examined by Kennedy) before returning to Australia and Tasmania. Invitations to Kennedy to visit Research Institute for Plant Protection, Budapest, comments on draft paper. Not all Johnson’s letters are dated. Material deals with research on aphids, locusts, migration etc. and includes detailed comments and discussion by Kennedy on draft papers by Johnson. Johnson was a long-term friend of Kennedy, working at Rothamsted where he became Head of Entomology in 1961. G.93-G.96 Johnson, C.G. Research and publications on aphids. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1945-1952. 1953-1955. 1956-1963. Includes some disagreement about migration. 1983. 1966-1973, Includes discussion of research programme at Rothamsted. Johnson’s last letter, of July 1983, comments unfavourably on the election of Mrs (later Baroness) Thatcher to the Royal Society. Jones, M.D.R. 1964-1982 Research on ‘chirping’, excitation and inhibition, publications, career and appointments. Kacelnik, A. 1991-1992 Anthropomorphism, ‘foraging’, terminology. Kay, R.H. 1975-1979 ‘Phases’ in locust swarming, terminology. excitation, inhibition, ‘post-inhibitory rebound’. Kennedy, D. 1963-1975 Kay worked for an M.Sc. at Silwood Park under Kennedy’s supervision. Includes Kennedy’s notes for Kay’s research programme, career and appointments. Discussion on Also includes Kennedy’s tribute to Donald M. Wilson, a colleague of D. Kennedy at Stanford, accidentally drowned 1970. Research on Dutch Elm beetle, career and appointments. Keyserlingk was an M.Sc. student of Kennedy at Imperial College, returning to the Free University Berlin from 1975. Keyserlingk, H.C. von 1974-1984 Key, K.L.H. 1948-1953 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Kraan, C. van der 1981-1982 Work on wind-tunnel, moth pheromones. Kramer, E. and others 1975-1976, 1981-1984 Notes, correspondence, visits, discussion notes, corrected drafts and extensive comments by Kennedy on work by Kramer on honeybee, moths and walking insects. Labeyrie, V. various dates 1975-1989 Labeyrie was director of the Institut de Biocénotique Expérimentale des Agrosystémes, Université Frangois-Rabelais, Tours (later at Pau). Examinations, conferences. ‘Table Ronde’ on Host Finding. Includes Kennedy’s Chairman’s notes for a Lamb, K.P. 1952-1966 Laughlin, R. Flight chamber. Leppla, N.C. Lamb, a New Zealand entomologist, was a doctoral student of Kennedy at Cambridge. Kennedy declined at first to accept any supervising fees for him because of the inadequate financial resources available to him from the New Zealand authorities. Includes arrangements for work and funding in Cambridge, notes and comments on Lamb’s thesis and subsequent correspondence, drafts and comments on Kennedy’s collaborative paper with Lamb and C.O. Booth ‘Responses of Aphis fabae to water shortage in host plants’ (Ent. exp. appl. 1, 1958). reference to possible overlap of interests, priority and future plans. Memoranda, notes, drafts, extensive discussion notes and correspondence on work, especially on pheromones, at Rothamsted and Silwood Park, with Lewis was Head of Entomology Department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, from 1977 i.e. during much of the period of this correspondence. to Kennedy’s laboratory, and report on work and personnel at Visit Silwood Park. See G.38. 1969, 1973-1976 1977-1979 Lewis, T. 1975-1983 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence G.110-G.112 Ludlow, A.R. 1971-1987 Ludlow joined the ARC Insect Physiology Group at Silwood Park as an Experimental Officer in 1968, acting originally as research assistant to Kennedy, but developing a strong independent career especially in statistical and computational techniques. He and Kennedy published many collaborative papers 1974-1987. 1971. Early work on inhibition. Drafts etc., annotated by Kennedy. 1973-1975. Kennedy. Research programme, thesis and paper, annotated by 1976-1987. Drafts, comments, Ph.D. arrangements, appointments. McFarland, D. 1985-1990 Detailed notes, discussions and comments on drafts and publications by McFarland on motivation and anthropomorphism. Includes report on work. Malcolm, S. Migration. Motivation, rebound, reflexes. 1985-1986 Manning, A.W.G. 1987-1989 Madge, P.E. 1954-1964 Madge held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Cambridge 1960-1961. Career and appointments. Marsh came to the ARC Group at Silwood Park in 1968 to work for a Ph.D. under A.D. Lees. He subsequently worked as a Research Assistant on an ARC grant under Kennedy’s supervision, to 1976. Correspondence 1987 refers to Manning’s obituary of N. Tinbergen and Kennedy’s contacts with him. Marsh, D. 1968-1978 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Mamamorosch, K. 1959-1966 ‘Friendly viruses’, vectors. Mattingley, P.F. Conferences. 1961-1968 May, R.M. 1971-1972, 1984, 1987 Includes comments by May on Kennedy’s paper ‘Migration, behavioral and ecological’, 1985. Miles, P.W. 1967-1970 Grants, research programmes, appointments. Miller, J.R. Visits, publications. 1978-1982 Miller, P.L. some extensive, exchanges G.124-G.128 Milne, A. and others 1950-1969, 1982-1984 sometimes combative, various dates 1967-1974 Milne’s theory thereof, Comments on publications, reflex analysis. Milne worked at the ARC Unit of Insect Physiology, University of Durham School of Agriculture. Includes and controversies on scientific theories, in particular on population dynamics and been misunderstood and inadequately recognised. 1965-1969. Scientific polemics. Some autobiographical material. 1958-1961. Detailed discussion on population dynamics and migration. Some personal correspondence is also included. which he considered to have 1950-1953. 1962-1963. Similar. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1982-1984. Similar. Milthorpe, F.L. 1957-1958 Notes, drafts, correspondence on seed maturity and other problems in potato research. Includes comments by Milthorpe on draft paper by Kennedy on ‘Water relations of leaves from woody and herbaceous plants’ (Nature, 181, 1958). Minks, A.K. 1976-1983 Research, visits, meetings, publications on insect pheromones. Mittler, T.E. and others 1950-1974 Kennedy was an examiner for Mittler’s Ph.D. thesis at Cambridge (on aphid feeding). Includes report on thesis, research plans, visits, publications, career and appointments. Moericke’s letters usually in German. Moericke, V. 1951-1966, 1977-1978 Colour vision and host finding in aphids. Moore, I. 1983-1986 Kennedy’s letter of 8 January 1959 discusses concepts of vitalism and materialism in biological research. Administration (ODA) from 1970-1975, the maximum period allowed for Moorhouse was working at the Anti-Locust Research Centre (q.v.) in London when Kennedy submitted a proposal for a period of part-time work at the Centre to enable him (Kennedy) to obtain technical experience for research in locust response to wind-borne odour. This developed into a long-term collaborative project and publications with Moorhouse. Mainly detailed comments and suggestions by Kennedy on drafts of paper by Moore on pheromones. After a period (1967-1969) in Australia, Moorhouse worked with the ARC Group at Silwood Park on secondment from the Overseas Development G.134-G.138 Moorhouse, J.E. and others 1965-1987 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence secondment. Thereafter he was ‘on detached duty’ 1975-1977 and then on attachment as a permanent replacement for Kennedy as ‘officer-in- charge’. In 1987 he moved to Reading University. 1965-1967. Includes Kennedy’s proposal for part-time working at ALRC, correspondence, costings etc. for equipment at Silwood Park laboratory, outlines for papers. 1968-1969. Includes comments by Kennedy on Moorhouse’s thesis, and on draft papers. 1970-1977. Moorhouse’s secondment to ARC Group Silwood Park and renewals, administrative and financial arrangements, accommodation for research, plans and progress. Annual reports on project 1972-1976. Correspondence, research and publications 1981-1987. Nakamuta, K. 1986 Miller, H.J. 1958-1960 Mound, L.A. 1960 Aphid alighting behaviour. Miller’s letters are in German. Colour sensitivity in aphids, with reference to the work of V. Moericke (q.v.). retirement. Comments by Kennedy on paper by Nakamuta on ‘area-concentrated search’. Newth, D.R. various dates 1961-1975 Incoming letters from Newth only. Includes offer by Newth of research space at Glasgow for Kennedy’s J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Odhiambo, T.R. 1966-1980 Early correspondence is on Odhiambo’s research on locusts and his university career at Nairobi. Later correspondence and material relate to the setting-up and affairs of ICIPE (q.v.) of which Odhiambo was Director. Kennedy attended the Planning Conference with H.C. Pereira as Royal Society delegate in 1969, was a member of the Governing Board of ICIPE and was invited to become Director of Research in the Section of Insect Ecology and Genetics and to serve as External Examiner for its B.Sc. (both declined). Painter, R.H. 1956-1959 Aphid resistance in plants. Pantin, C.F.A. and others 1961-1962 Correspondence, memoranda etc. on the Report to the General Board, Cambridge University, of the Committee on the Natural Sciences Tripos. Pereira, H.C. 1970-1971 1961-1963 1946, 1990, 1992 Pouzat, J. 1979-1980 Phipps, J. Popov, G. Affairs of ICIPE (q.v.). Correspondence 1990 includes comments by Kennedy on the memorial article on Uvarov in Ann. Rev. Entomol., 1990, by Popov and N. Waloff, and includes a letter from her. See G.189. Correspondence 1976 is on army-worm research at ICIPE and elsewhere. Work by Pouzat on locomotor activity in bean weevil. Includes comments by Kennedy on draft paper. Correspondence 1974 includes Kennedy’s account of experience’. his ‘wartime Pringle, J.W.S. 1974-1976 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Prokopy, R.J- 1976-1986 Research, visits, career and recommendations. Includes correspondence about a retirement volume for V. Moericke (q.v.). G.152,.G:153 Rainey, R.C. and others various dates 1939-1991 Kennedy first met Rainey in 1937 at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In 1945, when Rainey was on leave from work in Africa on meteorological studies of insect flight, Kennedy introduced him to D.L. Gunn. Consequently, Rainey took up a post at the Anti-Locust Research Centre based in Nairobi and (1958-1978) in locust migration, army-worm, bollworm and other insect pests with special reference to atmospheric environment. UK, working on Correspondence is on various topics, often at several years’ interval, and includes comments often extensive and combative on draft and published papers, Rainey contributed by Kennedy to the Royal Society Memoir by R.J.V. Joyce (38, 1992). discussion meetings, recollections reviews, also of 1939-1965. 1975-1991. Rankin, M.A. 1974-1986 Roeder, K.D. Research, conferences. n.d.(?1960), 1967-1972 Research, discussions and publications on feedback and behaviour. Includes comments by Kennedy on paper on feedback. Kennedy’s letter of 10 November 1970 describes and analyses his view of the influence of Lorenz. For photographs of the wind-tunnel apparatus, see J.19. Wind-tunnel design, visits and discussions, comments on publications. 1976-1977, 1983 Roelofs, W.L. Roeder’s J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Gii57; G:158 Roper, T.J. 1984-1988 Mainly on post-inhibitory rebound and displacement activities, Kennedy’s publication on the subject ‘Displacement activities and post-inhibitory rebound’ referees’ comments, ethological theories. including Behav.) (Anim. 1985 33, 1984-1985. 1986-1988. Rothschild, M.L. 1969, 1978, 1985 Brief correspondence only. Sabelis, M.W. ‘Searching’ and ‘foraging’ strategies. Sanders, C.J. 1976-1982 1976-1979. 1980-1982 Sanders, a Canadian forest entomologist, worked with Kennedy at Silwood Park September 1977 - September 1978. Correspondence, notes, data, drafts etc. for two collaborative papers, published 1981 and 1982, on guidance systems for pheromone orientation in moths. Group November 1977 are included. He resigned from ill-health in 1979. Schneider’s letter of 28 October 1977 refers to Kennedy’s acceptance of membership of the Advisory Group at Max-Planck Institute of Invertebrate Physiology, Seewiesen; Kennedy’s notes taken at meeting of Advisory Radar studies of locust migration and pest control. Schaef, G.,W. and others various dates 1969-1979 Schneider, D. 1977-1981 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Schneirla, T.C. various dates 1946-1969 Mainly research and publications on locusts. G.166 Not used. G.167, G.168 Sch6ne, H. 1971-1984 Extensive comments and discussions, mainly on papers and book by Schéne on orientation, sent to Kennedy for detailed comment. Also includes review by Kennedy of English edition of book 1984. 1971-1976. 1977-1984. Shorey, H.H. 1968, 1972-1977 Slifer, E.H. 1961-1962 Light-sensitivity of aphid antennae. Includes comments by Shorey on early version of paper by Kennedy and D. Marsh ‘Pheromone-regulated anemotaxis in flying moths’ (Science, 184, 1974). Smart was a Ph.D. student of Kennedy at Silwood Park, funded by an SRC studentship, working on orientation reactions. He was appointed to the ARC Group in 1977 but did not take up the appointment. Not all Southwood’s letters dated. Includes correspondence and comments 1960 on a paper on migration by Southwood, and 1972 on a proposal for an ‘Environmental “Think-Tank”’, miscellaneous correspondence on Kennedy’s move to Department of Zoology Oxford 1982. Mainly career and recommendations. Includes arrangements, career and recommendations. research reports, notes and various dates 1960-1987 grant application, degree Solomon, M.E. 1954, 1958, 1968-1970 Smart, A.D. 1974-1980 Southwood, T.R.E. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Stroyan, H.L.G. various dates 1957-1965 Mainly detailed and extensive drafts, discussions and comments on collaborative paper by Kennedy and Stroyan ‘Biology of aphids’ (Ann. Rev. Ent., 3, 1959. The review article was commissioned for 4000 words. Several of the letters in these exchanges (at certain periods almost daily) approach or exceed that limit. Sutherland, O.R.W. various dates 1970-1979 Sylvester, E.S. 1963-1964 Correspondence etc. on seminar organised at Berkeley at which Kennedy was to speak. This was the occasion when he was refused a US visa, frequently referred to in correspondence of this date. Tambs-Lyche, H. 1952, 1957 Aphid research in Cambridge, collaborative paper with Kennedy on aphid resistance in field beans published in Ent. exp. appl., 1, 1958. G.179-G.181 Taylor, L.R. 1957-1987 Taylor, C.E. 1953-1965 Research, career and appointments. Taylor worked at Rothamsted Experimental Station. Taylor worked on aphid infestation on potatoes and beans. Kennedy was his External Examiner for his Ph.D. 1980-1987. Material includes detailed exchanges of views and comments on draft papers, and deposition 1973-1974, density-dependent mortality 1977-1978, and other less continuous exchanges on publications and theories. Some of the later material deals with papers etc. submitted to the Journal of Animal Ecology, of which Taylor was an editor. on aphid flight and behaviour 1957-1958, orientation 1957-1963, 1970-1974. 1976-1978. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Terrace, H.S. 1984-1985 Includes a little correspondence on Kennedy’s letter on animal motivation published in Antenna, 9, 1985. Thresh, J.M. 1964-1965, 1983 Gall mites on black currant 1964-1965, luteoviruses 1983. For photographs, see J.20. Tinbergen, N. 1965, 1986 Correspondence 1965 is an exchange of letters on Kennedy’s election to the Royal Society. In his letter of congratulation, Tinbergen admits that he had previously not supported Kennedy’s candidature because of what he saw as Kennedy’s ‘ideological-political convictions’ which he thought coloured his scientific attitude, but, having changed his views, had ‘made sure this was known in the relevant quarters’. Kennedy’s generous reply describes Tinbergen’s frankness as ‘like a dam breaking’. This episode meant much to Kennedy. He quotes Tinbergen’s letter in his autobiographical notes (A.1) and refers to it in other correspondence. It should be noted that the letter here is a photocopy. The original is not in the collection. Tobin, W.R. 1981-1983 Tinbergen’s letter of 1986 describes his health and current work on autistic children. The correspondence, on insect orientation systems, includes detailed, sometimes combative, exchanges and was continued by W.J. Bell (see G.18). University. Urban, a South African entomologist, worked with Kennedy at Silwood Park as a post-doctoral student for a year 1976-1977, working on colour vision in flying aphids. Kennedy had been asked in 1975 to act as an external examiner on Urban’s Ph.D. thesis, but had declined on political grounds, explaining his views in correspondence (included here) with V.C. Moran at Rhodes Treherne, J.E. various dates 1970-1989 Urban, A.J. 1975-1981 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Waage, J.K. 1977-1983 Research plans, work at Silwood Park, recommendations. Waloff, Z. 1940, 1968-1988 Waloff worked on locusts, at the Imperial Institute of Entomology and later at the Anti-Locust Research Centre. Correspondence, mainly comments on draft papers. Correspondence 1988 is on the tribute to the work of B.P. Uvarov, by G. Popov (q.v.) and Nadia Waloff (Zena Waloff’s sister). See G.148. Walters, K.F.A. 1979-1983 Walters worked under Kennedy’s supervision for several months at Silwood Park as part of his doctorate, for which Kennedy was also his External Examiner. Research, career and appointments. Way, M.J. 1956-1988 Waterhouse, D.F. 1967-1972 Waterhouse was Chief of the Entomology Division, CSIRO Canberra. Material relates to research, Association of Applied Biologists’ meetings, Kennedy’s move to Silwood Park, future of ARC Group. Research, affairs of ICIPE, Kennedy’s notes at International Congress of Entomology 1972. After working at Rothamsted Experimental Station, Way spent his career at Silwood Park, eventually becoming Director of the ARC Group and later Chairman of the Silwood Centre for Pest Management. Includes memoranda by Kennedy on his plans and preferences. Includes detailed discussions 1956-1958 on Tuberolachnus and plant-water relations. Weatherley, P.E. 1956-1961, 1973 Weis-Fogh Cambridge. Insect Physiology and Kennedy’s future position. at succeeded Correspondence is mainly on the fate of the ARC Unit of Wigglesworth Professor Zoology as of Weis-Fogh, T. 1960, 1965-1966 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Wellington, W.G. 1956-1957, 1966, 1974 Wensler, R.J.D. 1960-1977 Kennedy was Wensler’s supervisor for October 1959, on host plant selection by aphids. her Ph.D. at Cambridge from Grants, reports, career and appointments. Whitaker, M. 1967 Whitaker was a ‘Sandwich Assistant’ to Kennedy in Cambridge April- September 1967, working on wing dimorphism. Includes report on work. White, P.R. various dates 1983-1992 White was a Research Assistant at Silwood Park 1983-1986 on a bioassay project sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. G.199-G.203 Wigglesworth, V.B. 1942-1986 up Wigglesworth and Kennedy met in 1938 when Kennedy held a one-year studentship at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where Wigglesworth was Reader. Kennedy writes in his autobiographical notes that Wigglesworth was at that time his ‘scientific hero’. In 1943, when Kennedy was abroad with the Middle East Anti-Locust Unit, Wigglesworth wrote to enquire whether he would be interested in work with the in proposed new ARC Unit of Insect Physiology which was set Cambridge following Wigglesworth’s appointment as Reader in the Department of Zoology (later Quick Professor). Kennedy achieved most of his important work at the Field Station of the Unit, which remained in being until Wigglesworth’s retirement in 1967. The dissolution of the Unit, and transference of its members to other locations, caused Kennedy much anxiety, reflected in his dealings with Wigglesworth at that time as well as elsewhere in the collection. retirement, festschrift and farewell parties. Throughout their long association, Wigglesworth and Kennedy addressed each other by surname. Only in reply to a letter of condolence on his wife’s death in 1986 does Wigglesworth use the familiar ‘Dear John’. 1942-1946. Kennedy’s appointment to ARC Unit, arrangements etc. 1947-1967. General correspondence, reports etc. on work at Field Station, paper by Kennedy for Wigglesworth on ‘Reflexes and endogenous activity’ 1963. little personal correspondence on Wigglesworth’s Includes a J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence 1963-1967. Correspondence and memos on dissolution of the ARC Unit and relocation of personnel, negotiations for Kennedy’s future and his anxieties on the subject. 1966, 1967. Miscellaneous material, guest-lists, correspondence etc. for events to mark Wigglesworth’s retirement: ‘Top Floor’ (at Department of Zoology) party July 1966, informal dinner (at Kennedy’s home) September 1967. Includes Kennedy’s notes for toast. Miscellaneous 1967-1986. affairs, biographical notes by Kennedy on Wigglesworth 1976, ‘Some Memories’ of Wigglesworth personal correspondence. correspondence, published Caian ICIPE 1979, later little The in a Wiktelius, C.T. 1976-1980 Wiktelius, a Swedish aphidologist, visited and worked at Silwood Park March-April 1980 on a Royal Society European Scientific Exchange. G.205, G.206 Wilde, J. de and others 1958-1987 1976-1987. 1958-1969. Wilde, a Dutch entomologist working at Wageningen, was a long-term friend of Kennedy from their first meeting in 1948. Correspondence on visits and conferences especially information and notes on June 1969 symposium on ‘Insect and Hostplant’, research student at Silwood Park 1977, Kennedy’s delivery of the first Jan de Wilde Lecture (on animal motivation) 1986. See J.31 for photographs of the lecture. later writing became clear even when polemical or combative. Williams had been one of Kennedy’s examiners for his Ph.D. The other was P.A. Buxton (q.v.) who, as Kennedy records in his biographical notes (A.1) showed him ‘farcically Behaviourist style’ of his thesis. Kennedy was wounded by this, but his Two letters only, by Williams. No surviving reply by Kennedy. in confidence a parody by Williams of Williams, C.B. 1940, 1961 the J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence Wilson, F. 1972 Detailed comments by Kennedy on draft paper by Wilson ‘Biological control and related terms : suggested terminological changes’. G.209, G.210 Woodford, J.A.,T. 1964-1979 Kennedy was Woodford’s supervisor for his Ph.D. at Cambridge, funded by ARC. Research, reports, career and appointments. 1964-1968. 1967-1979. Wright, R.H. Wyatt, I.J. 1968-1971 1965 on aphids on Young, J.Z. draft paper by Wyatt, In alphabetical order. Indexed. In cases where Kennedy’s carbon alone Non ‘atomistic’ research in biology. SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Comments by Kennedy on chrysanthemums. survives, the name of the correspondent is included in the index. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Correspondence We - Wi, Y Unidentified or first-name signatures. Requests to visit or work in Kennedy’s laboratory, thanks for hospitality etc. 1952-1967, ie. during Kennedy’s period at University Field Station Cambridge. See C.14-C.16 for similar requests at Silwood Park and Oxford. In chronological order. UNINDEXED CORRESPONDENCE G.240-G.245 Requests and/or thanks for reprints, information, samples of material or specimens, permission to quote or reproduce material, figures etc. received or sent by Kennedy. A little discussion of research proposed or in hand is sometimes included. In chronological order. 1950-1959. 1960-1969. 1970-1979. 1940-1949. 1937-1939. 1980-1989. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION H REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS H.1-H.136 THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES UK RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS H.40-H.51 OVERSEAS RESEARCH AND TRAVEL GRANTS H.52-H.81 UK APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS H.82-H.97 OVERSEAS APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS H.98-H. 136 EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES 1969-1970. H.2 1976-1986 UK RESEARCH GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Agricultural Research Council / Agricultural and Food Research Council 1970-1974. 1976-1977. H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 H.7 H.9 1970. 1976. H.8 1979. 1982. 1984. University of London Linnean Society (Percy Sladen Memorial Fund) 1967-1970. Much of this material relates to the work of the Tropical Medicine Research Board, and grants made by the Board for ongoing research, based at Sussex University, on mosquito behaviour and vectors of malaria. Medical Research Council J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations 1972. 1972-1974. MRC Programme on mosquito behaviour. Subcommittee visit to brief correspondence arising. University Invitation, January Sussex report, 1973. 11 Material on implementation of the report of the Board’s Working 1974. Party on the anopheline vectors of malaria. 1975. 1976. 1977. H.16 Ministry of Overseas Development H.17 H.18 H.19 H.20 1969. 1977. 1973-1974. Nuffield Foundation Natural Environment Research Council 1984-1991. Royal Society 1976-1981. 1970-1975. 1982. H.22 H.23 H.21 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Science Research Council / Science and Engineering Research Council The material may refer to renewals or extensions of existing grants as well as to new applications. It is presented in chronological order. 1970. 1971-1973. 1975. H.26 Sey H.28 H.29 H.30 H.31 H.32 H.33 1979 (1). 1980. 1981. H.34 H.35 H.36 1979 (2). H.38 Tropical Development and Research Institute Wellcome Trust 1984, 1988. 1986. H.37 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Unidentified H.39 1968. OVERSEAS RESEARCH AND TRAVEL GRANTS Australia H.40 H.41 H.42 Australian Research Council Research Grants Committee 1969, 1971. Australian Research Council Research Grants Committee 1991. La Trobe University 1978. University of California, Riverside 1987. H.43 Eire H.44 1962. National Science Council 1977. National Science Foundation, Washington DC 1968. 1964, 1966. H.45 H.46 H.47 H.48 1963. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Switzerland H.50 H.51 References and Recommendations Swiss National Science Foundation 1979. Swiss National Science Foundation 1987. UK APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS Universities and institutions HOe H.53 H.54 Birmingham 1973-1974. Cambridge 1959-1961. Cambridge 1976-1978. H.55 H.56 H.63 Hull 1969-1970. Keele 1979. Leicester 1964. H.57 H.58 H.59 London, Royal Holloway 1974, 1977. Rothamsted Experimental Station 1969. Cabinet Office 1987. Civil Service and government institutions Zoological Society of London 1971-1975. H.60 H.61 H.62 Sunderland Polytechnic 1986. St. Andrews 1988. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 H.65 H.66 H.67 H.68 Personal references References and Recommendations Civil Service Commission 1970. Civil Service Commission 1971. Natural Environment Research Council 1967. Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute 1988. Scottish Office Establishment Division 1970. These are Kennedy’s references for candidates, some supplied at their own request, for academic and other appointments. Some may extend over several years and may include correspondence on research and careers, and updating of previous recommendations. 1957-1989. B (1974-1989). B, C (1975, 1967). F (1974-1978). L (1957-1958). M (1979-1980). H (1968, 1970, 1973). T, W (1975, 1976). Su, T (1970, 1973). N, P (1979, 1963-1968). R, Sa (1966-1967). S (1982-1983). J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Unidentified (1970). H.81 Requests to read or advise on manuscripts 1969-1975. OVERSEAS APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AWARDS Australia H.82 H.83 H.84 Ghana CSIRO 1966. Melbourne 1967. CSIRO 1980. H.85 Kenya H.86 Sudan Switzerland H.87 Khartoum 1975. Nairobi 1968-1969. University of Tasmania 1971, 1972. Basle University 1981, 1982. Tasmania H.88 H.89 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 United States H.90 H.91 H.92 H.93 H.94 Western Ontario References and Recommendations University of California, Berkeley 1966. University of California, Berkeley 1973. Harvard. Michigan State 1987, 1990. University of Texas, Austin 1988. H.95 McMaster University 1966, University of Western Ontario 1969. Zambia H.97 H.96 1971-1987. Requests declined University of Zambia 1969. EDITORIAL AND ADVISORY the trouble he took. A little material relates to Kennedy’s own publications, or to requests (almost always unsuccessful) for him to write books or papers, but the majority general correspondence, it testifies to the meticulous care Kennedy regularly lavished to ensure production of accurate work of scientific value; there are many expressions of gratitude from authors and editors acknowledging The material, in alphabetical order, consists of correspondence and papers exchanged with editors, authors and publishing houses. Some are relatively brief in date and scope, others cover a long period and may concern matters of publishing policy as well as advice on books or papers submitted for publication. concerns work submitted by others. Like the J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations long connection as Specialist journals with which Kennedy had contributor, editor or consultant include Animal Behaviour, Journal of chemical Ecology and Physiological Entomology. He also refereed regularly for Nature. a Academic Press 1983 Advice on proposed publication. H.99-H. 105 Animal Behaviour 1954-1985 formerly British Journal of Animal Behaviour Correspondence with successive editors and Includes invitation February 1962 to Kennedy to join the editorial panel of the journal. secretaries. H.99 1954-1961 H.103 1967-1968 H.100 1962 H.104 1969, 1971-1974 H.101 1963-1964 H.105 1980, 1981, 1985 H.102 1965-1966 Annals of Applied Biology 1959, 1971. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 1980. Detailed comments on paper submitted. Correspondence 1959 includes Kennedy’s review for the journal of J.D. Carthy’s An introduction to the behaviour of invertebrates (not listed in Bibliography). Comments on papers submitted. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 1976-1983. Bulletin of Entomological Research 1970, 1971. Chapman & Hall 1984. Comment on proposed book. Comments on papers submitted. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Environmental Entomology 1986. Comment on paper. Journal of Animal Ecology 1963, 1968. Correspondence 1963 relates to Kennedy’s review of W.H. Thorpe’s Learning and instinct in animals (not listed in Bibliography). Journal of applied Ecology 1973. Comment on paper. H.114-H.118 Journal of chemical Ecology 1976-1989. The Journal was founded in 1975. Editorial Board in March 1976 and served until 1988. Kennedy was invited to join the The correspondence is mainly with R.M. Silverstein, joint editor with J.B. Simeone, and includes Kennedy’s detailed comments on papers submitted and some personal correspondence on research, visits etc. 1982. 1983-1989. 1976-1978. 1979-1980. 1981. Includes correspondence etc. on paper by Kennedy and others, A re-appraisal of insect flight towards a distant point source of wind-borne odour, published in the journal (8, 1982). Comments on papers. Journal of experimental Biology 1953-1957. Journal of Entomology 1970-1973. Comments on papers. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Journal of Insect Physiology 1980, 1983. Comments on papers. Journal of theoretical Biology 1971. Brief correspondence only. Journal of Zoology 1974. Comments on papers. Laboratory Practice 1976. Comments on paper. H.125-H.129 Nature 1949-1987. letters or papers submitted for publication. Comments on Includes material on papers submitted by Kennedy and colleagues, a few book reviews by Kennedy, a little correspondence with authors and editors and some papers annotated by Kennedy for discussion with authors. 1949 (Review of publications on Desert Locust by D.L. Gunn et a/), 1959, 1967-1971. 1974. 1975-1977. Includes arrangements for visit of editorial staff of Nature to Silwood Park August 1976, Kennedy’s review of B.P. Uvarov: Grasshoppers and Locusts 1977. Brief correspondence only. 1978-1980. Includes Kennedy’s review of R.W. and J.R. Matthews: /nsect Behaviour 1978 and material relating to collaborative paper Guidance system used in moth sex attraction (288, 1980). 1983-1987. Includes material relating to collaborative paper Finding of a sex pheromone source by gypsy moths released in the field (303, 1983) with referees’ comments and authors’ reply. Penguin Science News 1956. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 References and Recommendations Pesticide Science 1977 Comment on paper. Physiological Entomology 1982-1992. Comments on papers. Royal Society 1974, 1976, 1980. Comments on papers submitted for the Society’s publications. Tropical Pest Management n.d. Comments on paper. Wiley & Sons Limited 1980. Brief correspondence only. reviews of papers, for unidentified Miscellaneous comments and publications 1976-1992. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 SECTION J PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH J.1-J.8 Middle East Anti-Locust Unit J.9 Chemical Defence Experimental Station, Porton down J.10-J.17 Cambridge University J.18, J.19 Windtunnel 3.20 Blackcurrant mite J.21-J.32 J.33-J.35 CONFERENCES, MEETINGS, GROUPS PERSONAL / INDIVIDUAL J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Photographs RESEARCH Middle East Anti-Locust Unit These complement the documents at B.33-B.35. Some are official RAF photographs, others taken by Kennedy or possibly by other members of the team. A few bear comments or identifications by Kennedy on the verso. Oman. RAF photographs. Some dated December 1942, January 1943. A few with comments by Kennedy. East, including Muscat and Middle photographs, and one by Kennedy. comments by Kennedy. desert townships. other December 1942. RAF A few with Middle East desert landscapes. RAF photographs. December 1942. A few with identifications by Kennedy. Four enlargements, Middle East. Aircraft and spraying. RAF photographs and some probably by Kennedy. for experiments and location of Several Work in East Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda 1944. RAF photographs. Locust swarms, sites East Africa. apparatus. identifications and comments on verso. RAF personnel, experiments, apparatus, observations and recordings in progress, workers wearing protective clothing, a few informal photographs. RAF photographs and a few probably by Kennedy. before moving to Cambridge. Envelope of photographs of ‘locusts “flying” on the roundabout, Porton 1945’. Official photographs of work of the Anti-locust flight, with descriptions on verso. Chemical Defence Experimental Station, Porton Down. J.9 Kennedy worked at Porton Down, for a relatively brief period 1945-1946 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Photographs Cambridge University Work at the University Farm 1947. See also B.3 J.10-J.17 8 Envelopes of ‘Brook Field Photos’, some by RAF, some by Kennedy, August 1947. Windtunnel J.18 J.19 Blackcurrant mite Miscellaneous photographs of Kennedy’s windtunnel apparatus n.d. Photographs of windtunnel apparatus designed by W.L. Roeloff, sent to Kennedy May 1976 (see G.156). J.20 Photographs of research by J.M. Thresh sent to Kennedy September 1964 (see G.183). J.21 J.22 Ji2a J.24 J.25 J.26 J.27 Symposium in Prague, 1959. CONFERENCES, MEETINGS, GROUPS 8th International Congress of Entomology, Stockholm, 1948. Symposium ‘Insect and Food-Plant’, Wageningen, 27 May 1957. Symposium on insect populations, Harpenden, September 1952 (with key). Meeting at Bellagio, Como, 10 April 1975 (identifications on verso). Association of Applied Biologists meeting, Edinburgh, 12 September 1962. Meeting at King’s College, Cambridge, July 1969. See G.82. Department of Zoology, Cambridge, 1959. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Photographs Conference on ‘Mechanisms of Perception and Orientation to Insect Olfactory Signals’, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 5-10 August 1984 (with key). Photographs (informal) taken at Symposium to honour V.G. Dethier, 1985. See G.52, D.39. Meeting at Wageningen, 1 May 1986, at which Kennedy delivered the first Jan de Wilde Memorial Lecture (identifications on verso). See G.206. J.32 Colleagues at unidentified conference (identifications on verso). PERSONAL / INDIVIDUAL J.33 Photographs of Kennedy, at a conference, with windtunnel also illustrated at J.18, and with colleagues and apparatus (one dated Cambridge January 1966, one dated November 1967). Portrait photographs of V.B. Wigglesworth. Two photographs at Silwood Park, early 1970s, of J.E. Moorhouse and of J. lons (technician), both in laboratory by windtunnel. Identification kindly made by C. Kennedy. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABERCROMBIE, Michael ABLE, Kenneth P. A’BROOK, John ACADEMIC PRESS A.15 G.214 G.1 H.98 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL / AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL A.11, A.14, A.17 C;1; C.2, C.3, C.4;'C:5, C6, C.11, Cat2 H.3 - H.7 ALEXANDER, W.G. ALEXANDER, Richard D. AJAYI, Olupomi ALYKHAN, Mohammed A. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY ANTI-LOCUST RESEARCH CENTRE / A.14, C.3 G2, Gis G.214 G.4 H.99 - H.105 H.106 G.5 Ai A.14, A.15, B.33, B.35 F.1 -F.10 ARN, Heinrich B.4, B.14, G.6 BAERENDS, Gerard P. AUCLAIR, Jacques Lucien BACON, John Stanley Durrant ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED BIOLOGISTS CENTRE FOR OVERSEAS PEST RESEARCH (ALRC / COPR) G.17 BARRINGTON, Ernest James William BATESON, Paul Patrick Gordon G.13 E47 H.61 F.21 BARTON BROWNE, Lindsay B.38, G.14 G.15, G.16 G.15, G.16 BATES, Marston BATES, Nancy BARDNER, Richard BARRASS, Robert BAINBRIDGE, Richard BAKER, Thomas C. BANKS, Charles John B.30, G.53 B.13 G.119 Gi7-G.12 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents BAWDEN, Sir Frederick (Charles) BEALL, Geoffrey B22) G.25;G:131 F.8 BEAMENT, Sir James (William Longman) D.49, F.21, F.28, G.145 BECK, G.A. (‘Doc’) BECK, Stanley D. BEDFORD, H.W. BEECH, Frederick Walter BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY BELL, George Douglas Hutton BELL, William J. BENJAMIN, Paul R. BENNETT, S.H. BERNAYS, Elizabeth A. BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy BIRCH, Martin Christopher BLANEY, Walter McAllister B.34 G.215 B.33 F.28 H.107 5.15 G.18 G.19 B.11 G.40, G.41 F.29 G.21, G.117 H.69, H.132 BLEST, A. David B.30, G.215 BOURKE, Terry V. BODENHEIMER, F.S. BOLWELL, Stephen BOOKER, R.H. BORDEN, John H. BOWDAN, Elizabeth BRADLEY, Roy H.E. F.8 G.85 G.215 G.215 BRADY, John Nafford BORNBUSCH, Alan H. G.22 B.54 E.10 G.23 BROADBENT, Leonard G.216 BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH BROUGHTON, William B. BUNTING, Arthur Hugh BURKHARDT, Richard C.5, C.10, C.13, G.24 G.216 H.108 H.69 G.216 BRO LARSEN, Ellinor G.25 A.34, D.20 G.27, G.114, G.145 BROWN, E.S. BROWNING, Tom O. BUDENBERG, Bill G.26 G.215 BULLOUGH, W-.S. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents BURROWS, Malcolm BURSELL, Einar BUTLER, Colin Gasking BUXTON, Patrick Alfred CALDWELL, Roy Lynn CALLAN, Harold Garnet CARDE, Ring T. CARTHY, John D. CASAS, J. CHAMBERS, Derrell L. CHANDLER, Anthony E.F. CHAPMAN & HALL CHAPMAN, John A. G.216 G.28 F.22, F.24, F.28, G.29 A.6, A.8, A.10, G.30 G.31 F.25 G.32 - G.35 G.36 G.37 G.38 G.39 H.109 G.195 CHEU; SP: CLOW, Archibald CHAPMAN, Reginald Frederick F.7, F.10, G.40, G.41 CLARK, Laurie R. CLEGG, James S. CHIANG, Huai C. CHITTY, Dennis F.8 G.42 G.217 G.43 G.44 G.217 G.45 CLEMENTS, Alan N. COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon CHOUDHURY, Jahangir Haider COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE OF ENTOMOLOGY F.9 DANTHANARAYANA, W. DAVENPORT, Demorest DAVID, Charles Thomas A.11,€.1, C3 E.9, H.109 CROWDEN, Alan E. H.41, H.42 G.46 G.88, G.218 D.42, D.43, H.130 ale DAVEY, Kenneth G. DAVIES, David E. G.9, G.47 - G.49 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents DAWKINS, (Clinton) Richard DAWKINS, Marian Stamp DAY, Max F. DeBACH, Paul DETHIER, Vincent Gaston DIEHN, Bodo DIENSKE, Herman DINGLE, Hugh DIXON, Antony F.G. DONCASTER, John P. DOWNES, Anthony DUNN, J. Arnold DUSENBERY, David B. G.51,G.72 B.50, E.10, G.50 G.218 F.16 G.52 G.219 G.53 G.54 - G.57, G.117 G.58 G.219 G.59 G.89 G.219 G.60 D.49, D.50 B.11, F.22, F.28, G.63 B.13, G.64 G.85 EASTOP, Victor Frank EDGE, David EDWARDS, John Stuart G.61 G.220 G.62 EL-ZIADY, Samira EMDEN, H.F. van (‘Van’) ELLENBY, Con ELLIS, Peggy E. ELTON, Charles Sutherland ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA G.229 FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) EVANS, Hedvig Tetens Nielsen G.220 H.110 H.111 G.220 FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FINLAYSON, Lawrence Hunter ETIENNE, Ariane EVANS, David A. FENNAH, R.G. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents FOSTER, William Andrew FOSTER, Woodbridge A. FOX, Harold Munro FRAENKEL, Gottfried S. GALLUP, Gordon G. GARDEFORS, Dag GARNHAM, Percy Cyril Claude GATEHOUSE, A. Gavin GELPERIN, Alan GERHARDT, H. Carl GILLETT, John David GILLETT, Sylvia D. (later HOGARTH) GILLIES, Michael Thomas GODZINSKA, Ewa J. H.71 G.65 A.5, A.8, E.4 A.5, A.8, G.66 G.67 G.221 F.30 G.68 G.221 G.221 A.15, G.69 G.70 Gifa, A.12, 6.126 G.222 G.222 G.222 G.72 G.73 G.222 B.46 GUTHRIE, D.M. GOODWIN, Brian GRAHAM, Kenneth GRAY, Jeffrey Alan GOOCH, Burwell C. E.9, E.10 B.11, G.1 GOLDSON, Stephen GREGORY, Philip Herries GUNN, Donald Livingston B.17, G.223 A.5, A.8, A.15, C.1 Red te 2s ied, tel 7, 2023 G.74 - G.78 HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson HADDOW, Alexander John HAGSTRUM, David W. HAGEN, Kenneth S. £26 G.223 G.223 G.223 G.223 HALGREN, Lee A. GRIFFIN, D.R. HAFEZ, M. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents HALLIDAY, Tim R. HAMILTON, William Donald HAMILTON, William J. HARDIE, Robert John (Jim) HARTLEY, Gilbert Spencer HARRINGTON, Richard HARRIS, John Edward HASKELL, Peter Thomas HAVELOCK, Eric Henry Edwardes HEINZE, K. HEKSTRA, G.P. HENDERSON, Sir William (MacGregor) HENDRICKSE, Ans HENSON, Walter R. HEWER, Humphrey Robert HILL, G.P. G.158 G.223 F.9 G.79 B.16 F.14 A.15 A.15, B.38, F.5, F.6, F.7, F.17 H.72 A.11 B.11 G.224 A.33, F.28 G.224 F.8, G.80 G.224 B.15 HILL, Robert (Robin) HOCKING, B. B.13 G.81 A.15, B.7, F.24, G.84 HOES, Erik-Jan HORN, Gabriel HIRST, John Malcolm HINDE, Robert Aubrey F.28 B.12 G.88 G.224 G.206 B.30, B.46, G.82, G.83 HINTON, Howard Everest HILLE RIS LAMBERS, Dick HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HOGARTH, S.D. see GILLETT HODGSON, Christopher John F.4 HORRIDGE, George Adrian HUNTER-JONES, Philip B.30 G.86 G.224 G.224 HOWSE, Philip Edwin HOYLE, Graham HUBER, Franz HUGHES, David HUGHES, R.D. A.33, B.46 Big, t 27, 0.166 G.85, G.224 HULL, R. 5.12, B.13 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents ILSE, Dora IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON IMPEY, Patrick INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY (ICIPE) ITO, Yosiaki IWAO, Syun’iti G.87 C4 C17 fo G.88 B.13, B.14, G.89, G.172 G.225, G.239 JELLIS, Rosemary E. JERMY, Tibor JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JOHNSON, Bruce JOHNSON, C.G. (‘Johnny’) JONES, Michael David Richard JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY D.48, D.50 G.90 G.91 G.92 B.10, B.11, G.93 - G.96 G.97 Hi2 H.114 - H.118 JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY H.113 H.119 H.120 J.121 H.122 H.123 G.153 JOYCE, Richard John Vernon JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY KEY; GER: KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) KENNEDY, Donald KERSHAW, William E. KACELNIK, Alex KAISSLING, Karl-Ernst KAY, Rosemary H. KEAY, Ronald William John J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents KEYSERLINGK, Harald C. von KLASSEN, Waldy KRAAN, Cees van der KRAMER, Ernst KREBS, John Richard KRING, James B. KROGH, August LABEYRIE, Vincent LABORATORY PRACTICE LACK, David Lambert LAMB, Kenneth P. LAMB, Robert J. LAUGHLIN, Roger G.102 G.225 G.103 G.104 B.47, F.30 B.14, G.225 Ro G.105 H.124 B.15, B.30 G.106 G.226 G.107, G.124, H.40 G.226 B.34 LEA, A. LEAN, O.B. LEWIS, Trevor LEE, Donald Lewis LEHRMAN, Daniel S. LEPPLA, Norman C. LICKERISH, Leslie A. G.38, G.108 G.109 LISSMANN, Hans Werner C.5, D.31 B.30, B.31 H.73 B.23 F.23 C.1 LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LIDDELL, Edward George Tandy LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick F16°F.18 LORENZ, Konrad Zacharias LUDLOW, Anthony Richard LOWENSTEIN, Otto Egon G.226 B.30 B.17 G.227 LUPTON, Francis G.H. F.24, H.133 G.110 - G.112 LOSCHIAVO, Sam R. LOWE, Alan D. J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents McCRAE, Angus McFADDEN, Peter D. McFARLAND, David McINTOSH, T.P. McLEAN, Donald L. MADDRELL, Simon Hugh Piper MADGE, Paul E. MALCOLM, Steve MAMAMOROSCH, Karl MANNING, Aubrey William George MARSH, David MARSH, R.W. MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) A.33 G.114 G.115 G.118 G.116 G.117 Rott F.16 MATHYS, Gus MAY, Robert McCredie MAYER, Doris MILES, Peter Wallace MILLER, James R. MILLER, Peter Lamont B.44 H.10 - H.16 G.228 F.3 G.122 MICHELSEN, Axel MILES, Gordon R. MATTINGLEY, Peter Frederick MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL C.5, G.134 - G.138 A.22, A.32, B.45, C.2, E.10 G.50, G.123 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD G.132 See also B.9, G.151 MOELWYN-HUGHES, Emyr Alun F.13 G.130 G.131 A.10 MINKS, Albert K. MITTLER, Thomas E. MILTHORPE, Frederick Leon B.54, G.124 - G.128 A.14, G.129 MOORE, Isaac MOORHOUSE, John Edward MOERICKE, Volker MILNE, Alec F.18 G.119 F.28, G.78, G.120 G.121, H.74 G.133 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents MORAN, V. Clifford MORDUE, William MOSBACHER, G.C. MOUND, Laurence Alfred MULLER, Hans J. MUNTZ, William R.A. NAKAMUTA, Kiyoshi NATURE NEWTH, David Richmond NIELSEN, Erik Tetens NISBETT, Alec NORRIS, Dale M. G.187 G.228 G.228 F.14, G.139 G.140 Baz G.141 F.10, H.125 - H.129 A.5, A.15, D.42, G.142 B.30, F.8, G.229 D.50 G.229 G.88, G.143 G.230 G.230 OLBERG, Robert M. ORDISH, George PAINTER, Reginald H. ODHIAMBO, Thomas Risley PALKA, John PALMEN, Ernst F.16 PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert) Charles PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PEARSON, Eric Omar PESTICIDE SCIENCE G.231 H.71 G.231 FeaZ G.231 G.144 G.231 D.19 G.78, G.146 H.131 PARKER, Alec PARRY, Donald A. D.49, G.145 PASKIN, Mike W.K. PENER, M.P. PETERS, Walter J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents PHELAN, Larry PHIPPS, John PHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY PITCHER, Roland Stanley POPOV, George POSNETTE, Adrian Frank (Peter) POTTER, Charles POTTS, William Herbert POUZAT, J. PREISS, Reinhard PRICE-JONES, D. PRINGLE, John William Sutton PROKOPY, Ronald J. PUMPHREY, Richard Julius G.231 G.147 H.132 G.231 G.148, G.189 A.33, C.3 B.14 C.9, G.231 G.149 G.104 B.10, B.11, B.14 A.15, C.10, F.23, F.26, G.150 G.33, G.151 F.3 RANKIN, Mary Ann RABB, Robert L. A.33, G.163 RAYNER, J.M. RILEY, Sir Ralph RAWORTH, A. Basil RAYNER, Alan D.M. ROBERT, Yves ROBERTS, Alan G.154 A.26, A.31 RAINEY, Reginald Charles A.33, F.4, F.8, F.22, F.26, F.28 RICHARDS, Owain Westmacott B.35;-F.9;-F. 10; 26 G.152, G.153 H.88, H.90 ROBERTSON, Forbes William ROTHSCHILD, Miriam Louisa B.14 G.232 G.159 5S G.155 G.156 F.9 ROWELL, C. Hugh Fraser ROSSEM, G. van ROTHMAN, Harry ROFFEY, Jeremy ROPER, Tim J. ROEDER, Kenneth D. ROELOFS, Wendell L. C.3, F.28 G.232 B.44, G.232 D.34 G.232 G.157, G.158 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON F.14 ROYAL SOCIETY RUSCOE, Colin RUSSELL, Nicholas F.15 -F.30, H.21 - H.24, H.133 G.232 A.21 SABELIS, Maurice W. SALT, George SANDERS, Chris J. SAUNDERS, David S. SAUNDERS, Sir Owen (Alfred) SAWICKI, Roman Mieczyslaw SAXENA, K.N. SCHAEFER, Glen W. SCHNEIDER, Dietrich G.160 F.28, G.84 G.161, G.162 £:12 C.14 F.30 G.233 G.163 G.134, G.164 SCHNEIRLA, Ted C. G.165 SCOTT, G.C. SHEBY, David SHEPPARD, P.O. SHOREY, Harry H. SCHURR, H.R. SCHWARZ, R.E. G.167, G.168 G.205, G.206 G.233 G.233 G.234 G.234 G.234 G.234 G.169 SCHONE, Hermann SEABROOK, William D. SCHOONHOVEN, Louis M. SILVERSTEIN, Robert M. (Milt) G.235 SIMPSON, Stephen James SMART, Andrew Douglas B.38, B.45, B.49, H.77 G.170 G.171 B.14 B.14 SLATER, Peter J.B. SLIFER, Eleanor H. G.15, H.114-H.118 SIMPSON, John E. SMITH, B.D. SMITHY, Floyd F. SMITH, Ray F. SNOW, William F. G.234 B.46, H.60 G.65, G.131 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOLOMON, Maurice E. SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) STAAL, G.B. STADDEN, B.W. STADDON, John E.R. STADLER, Erich STANTON, MLL. STRONG, Frank E. STROYAN, Henry Lindsay Gray SUDD, John Hilton SUTHERLAND, Oliver R.W. SWAN, D.C. SWENSON, Knud G. TAMMES, P.M.L. F.31 G.172 G.48, G.136, G.163, A.18, A.22 C.1, C.3, 0.4, C.7, C.8, C.13 F.28 G.31, G.173 G.235 B.7 B.44 G.235 G.234 G.239 B.10, F.14, F.16, G.174 H.78 G.175 F.8 G.235 G.176 G.96, G.179 - G.181 TAMBS-LYCHE, Helene TAYLOR, Lionel Roy TAYLOR, Robin A.J. G.177 B.12, B.14 G.178 SYLVESTER, Edward S. TAYLOR, Charles Edwin TAYLOR, Thomas Hugh Colebrook G.239 THOMPSON, Arthur Terence THOMSON, R.C. Muirhead THORPE, William Homan G.180 A.14, F.4 G.196 G.183 G.185 TOBIN, Thomas R. TRAPIDO, Harold G.182 D.29 G.30 THORSTEINSON, A.J. THRESH, John Michael TINBERGEN, Nikolaas TERRACE, Herb S. THOMAS, John Donald R93; 4,65 A.33, B.30, B.43, F.24 B.30, B.31, G.184 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents TREHERNE, John Edwin TROPICAL PEST MANAGEMENT URBAN, Alan Joseph UVAROV, Sir Boris Petrovitch VANDERPLANK, VARLEY, George Copley VINCE, Margaret A. G.187 A.5, A.8, B.33, B.34 F.1, F.2, F.3, F.4, F.5, F.9 See also G.148 G.148, G.189 WAAGE, Jeffery King WADHAMS, Lester J. WALOFF, Nadia WALOFF, Zena WAGNER, H. WALL, Clive G.188 G.236 G.234 G.236 WATERHOUSE, Douglas Frew WALTERS, Keith Frederick Arthur WATSON, David Meredith Seares B35; Fa, 5.2; ::9 G.152, G.189 G.197 ©.1;.C.2; F.17, F418 G.109, G.192 WEATHERLEY, Paul Egerton G.195 G.237 G.196 G.237 G.193 A.15, G.194 WENNER, Adrian M. WENSLER, Rita J.D. WESTOBY, Mark WHITAKER, Marilyn B.16, F.28, G.191, G.196, H.82 G.190 A.8 WAY, Michael James WEIS-FOGH, Torkel WEITZ, Bernard WELLINGTON, William G. C.8 J.S. Kennedy NCUACS 49/5/94 Index of correspondents WHITE, Michael J.D. WHITE, Peter Richard WHITE, Tom C.R. WIGGLESWORTH, Sir Vincent Brian WIKTELIUS, Carl Staffan WILDE, Jan de WILKES, Kathy WILLIAMS, Carrington Bonsor WILLIS, Mark WILLOWS, A.O. Dennis WILSON, Frank WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr WOODFORD, John Anthony Trefor WRIGHT, R.H. WYATT, lan James H.83 G.198 B.16 B.24, F.22, F.23, F.28 G.30, G.46, G.136, G.199 - G.203, J.34 G.204 F.17, G.205, G.206 B.46 F.22, F.24, G.207 G.237 G.237 F.16, G.208 A.33, C.2, F.28 G.209, G.210 G.211 G.212 G.126 G.237 B.31, B.49, G.213 YATES, Frank YOUNG, John Zachary YULE, William N. ZANGWILL, Oliver Louis WYNNE-EDWARDS, Vero Copner F.4