CSAC 2/73 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of SIR JOHN LENNARD-JONES, K.B.E., F.R.S. (1894 = 1954) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in Churchill College Library, Cambridge 1973 Je LennardJones CSAC 2/73 1. Description of the collection. The papers cover the years 1906 54. They were received from Dr. John LennardJones,Sir John's son,who had already selected and arranged them in roughly chronological oroer for a possible biography of his father. This order has been preserved as far as possible. Sir John's daily journals for 1942 46 and 1952 54,the former covering his service as Superintendant of Armament Research and Director Generel of Scientific Research, Ministry of Supply,during the Second World War,are an important feature of the collection,and are listed separately (Items 22 - 29). Very little scientific work remained (see Items 20,85), though some of the lectures and correspondence deal with scientific subjects. Items 86 89 contain,in sealed envelopes,the private letters of Sir They may be consulted John Lennard-Jones to his wife for the years 1923 51. only with the written permission ot Dr. John Lennard-Jones (son),9,Well Road, London NW3, or of Mrs. R.Howard (daughter),Christ Church Vicarage,Reservoir Road, Prenton,?1r.Birkenhead,during their lifetimes,and thereafter without restriction. A bound complete collection of Sir John's work is in the University Library, Keele. Summary of the career of Sir John Lennard-Jones. b. 1894. 1912 ~ 15 Manchester University. 1914 1915 B.Sc. Manchester. M.Sc. Manchester. 1915 - 19 Pilot R.F.C. at National Physical Laboratory. Research in Aerodynamics with Boulton and Paul,and 1919 ~ 22 Lecturer in Mathematics,Manchester University. M.Sc. lianchester. 1922 ~ 25 Senior 1851 Exhibitioner,Trinity College,Cambridge. 192 1925 Ph.D.Cantab. Reader in Mathematical Physics,Bristol University. Married. 1927 ~ 32 1929 Professor of Theoretical Physics,Bristol. Rockefeller Fellow,University of Gottingen. 1930 ~ 32 Dean of Faculty of Science,Bristol. 1932 = 53 Plummer Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge. Je LennardJones CSAC 2/73 Summary of career (cont) 2, . 1932 54 Professorial Fellow, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 1933 Fellow of the Royal Society 1930. fey Scientist, Ministry of Supply (Mathematics Laboratory) 1940 45 Chief Superintendant of Armament Research, Ministry of Supply 1945 46 Chief Scientific Officer and Director General of Scientific Research, Ministry of Supply 1946 53 Chairman, Scientific Advisory Council, Ministry of Supply 1946 K.B.E.3 Sc.D. Cantab. 1947 - 54 Service on Research Panel, National Gallery 1948 & 49 President of Faraday Society 1952 1954. Appointed Principal, University College of North Staffordshire President, Section B, British Association; Hon. D.Sc. Oxon.; Longstaff Medal, Chemical Society Contents of the handlist I. Biographical Items 1 13 Page 2 II. Sciertific and Personal Correspondence 14 21 III. Personal Journals IV. Lectures, Sermons and Addresses V. Private Correspondence VI. Index of Principal Correspondents 22 29 30 = 85 86 89 3 4 4 6 7 Handlist i. 1. 2. Be Biographical Memoir, by Sir Nevill Mott. (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vole 1, November 1955). scientific papers and manuscript list of lecture notes,as received in collection. Typescript list of published School reports; letter from St. John's College, Cambridge Royal Flying Corps 1906 12 1915 J. LennardJones CSAC 2/73 4e Be 6. Te 8. 9. University of Manchester, correspondence with Horace Lamb University of Cambridge: correspondence with Horace Lamb and with Royal Commission for 1851 Exhibition re Lennard Jones's work during tenure of Senior Studentship Report on commuting at University of Cambridge Notes and correspondence re establishment of new college at Cambridge; application for grant Ministry of Supply: photograph,curricula vitae in Lennard Jones's hand, newspaper clipping re appointment to Advisory Council University College of North Staffordshire: Inaugural Address, newspaper clippings, drafts for two articles re University, article published in Cambridge Review, 7 March 1953 10. Obituaries 11. Fellow, American Physical Society Miscellaneous Honours: 1932 1933 Fellow of the Royal Society 1946 1947 1953 1953 K.B.E. American Medal of Freedom, Bronze Palm Hopkins Prize, Cambridge Philosophical Society Coronation Commemoration Medal 1912 = 15 1922 25 1952 ~ 54 1954 1932 53 12. The Davy Medal, Royal Society 1953 13. Miscellaneous photographs of Sir John Lennard-Jones, colleagues and departments. IT. Scientific and personal correspondence i4. 15. 16. Correspondence (scientific and personal) Correspondence (scientific and personal) Correspondence (scientific and personal) 17. Correspondence relating toDr. P.R. Manning 18. 19. 20. Correspondence relating to Dr. P.R. Manning Correspondence relating to University College of North Staffordshire "Some theoretical calculation of certain crystal potential constants and on the cubic crystal of least potential energy,' (with A.E. Ingham), Proc. Roy. Soc. A, JO7, 636. corrections Proof vith 1922 24 1925 1925 53 1951 - 52 1953 54 1953 54 1925 a a i 21. Correspondence with A.C. Hurley and others relating to papers by Hurley for Proc. Roy. Soc. 1953 = 54 J. LennardJones CSAC 2/73 Tit. Personal daily journals 22.6 23. 24 25- 26. 27. Cambridge (11 November 1952 13 April 1953) numbered 1 3 by Lennard-Jones Keele (14 April 1953 - 15 April 1954) numbered 1 18 by LennardJones i7 September 1942 31 October 1943 numbered 1 20 by LennardJones 1 November 1943 27 September 1944 numbered 21 35 by Lennard-Jones 28 September 1944 20 March 1946 numbered 36 ~ 61 by Lennard~Jones 21 March 1946 ~ 26 March 1953 numbered 62 80 by Lennard-Jones 28. Visit to Germany 14 23 July 1950 29. 'Progress of Work' 2 April 26 September 1942 Iv. Lectures, sermons and addresses 30. 'The Nonconformist Conscience,! Leigh Baptist, 13 July 31. 326 'The Religion of Healthy Mindedness,' sermon preached at Leigh Baptist Church, 24 December "Some Application of Crystal Measurements, Manchester, 20 February 33. 'Forecasting the Weather! 34. 356 *Concerning the Nature of Things,' Tyndale Literary Society, 27 February "Theories of Light and Theories of Matter,' Mathematical Association, Bristol, 1 February 36. 'Flight,' Bristol Scientific Club, 1 March 37. Chemical Dinner, Bristol University, 5 December 38. 39. *Modern Theories of Atomic Structure,' Quintic Club, Adams Society, Cambridge, 14 February 'The Organisation of Scientific Workers in Peace and War, Association of Scientific Workers, 2 November 40. Chemical Equilibria a) very high pressures, ' 19 May 41. 426 The Organisation of Armament Research, * A.R.D. Memorandum Address to the Staff, A.R.D.; Farewell Message to the Staff A.R.D., 28 August 1952 = DD 1953 - 54 1942 - 43 1943 - 44 1944, ~- 46 1946 ~ D2 1950 1942 1921 1922 1925 1927 1928 1929 1930 1930 1935 1938 1942 1945 1945 Je Lennard-Jones CSAC 2/73 43. 'Comoperation in Defence Science! 44. A5. 46. Evidence to Lord President's Committee on Scientific Manpower, 21 May 'The Chemist in Government Service,' Chemical Society, Cambridge, 12 November. Includes documents. Some War-time Experiences,' Chemical Society, Cambridge, 12 March. Includes documents... AT. 'The new place of Sciente in Higher Education Ae. 'The new place of Science in the Universities, The Barlow Report. 49. University Courses for Scientists? 50. 51. 'The Scientist and the State,' script of broadcast talk with Ms corrections. The Place of the Universities in the Commmity,' British Association discussion, 10 May 52. The Scientist and the State,' Dundee Rotary Club, 28 August 53. Cambridge Graduate Science Club, 28 May 54. 'The Education of the Man of Science,' and related documents 55. Faraday Society meeting, Liverpool University, 12 April 56. Cambridge Graduate Science Club, 27 May 57. Faraday Society Dinner, Trinity College, Cambridge, 25 Sept. 58. Corpus Dinner, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 5 December 59. Faraday Society Dinner, Trinity College, Cambridge, 6 August 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. University Education Today,' Keele Inaugural Address, Principal, Keele University. published address, and ceremony of inauguration. Notes and G.A.C. Dinner, Keele, 28 May Lecturers Association, Keele, 9 June Speech on visit of Staffordshire County Council, 11 June 65. Speech at opening of Bradwell County Primary School, 25 June 66. Address at end of term service, 28 June, Keele 67. Address to freshmen, Keele, 5 October 68. Introductory lecture, Foundation Yeer Course, Keele, 8 Oct. 1945 1946 1946 i947 nee ned. ned. neGe 1947 1947 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1952 n.d. 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 J. LennardJones CSAC 2/73 69. Staffordshire Society, 22 October 10. Pottery Federation, 29 October, Stoke 71. Presentation to Dr. Jenkins, Keele, 31 October 72. 73- 74. 75. 76. Introduction to lecture by Mr. Brimble, Editor of Nature,' Keele, 13 November 10th Anniversary dinner, Armaments Research Establishment, Fort Halstead, Riverhead, 11 December Speech of welcome, Conference of British Geographers, Keele, 2 January North Staffordshire Caledonian Society, Anniversary dinrier, Keele, 25 January Introduction to Morning Service, broadcast from University College, Keele, 31 January Ti. Speech at dinner, Harwood Hall, Keele, 5 March 78. 19.6 80. Speech at dinner, Senior Common Room, Keele, 22 March Speeches of welcome, Conference of Directors of Education, Keele, 23 24 March Speech of welcome, visit of headmasters and headmistresses, Keele, 26 March 81. Speech at degree day, Keele, 18 April 82. Speech to members of Staffordshire Society, Keele, 8 May 83. Speech at Commemoration, Keele, 30 June 84. Sermon for new academic year, Keele, October 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 85. Lecture notes, Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge (see note on file cover) 1938 = 52 Ve Private Correspondence To be consulted only with the written permission of Sir John's family; (see note in general description of the collection, p.1) 86. 1923 87. 1924 25 89. 1940 ~ 51 Te J. Lennard-Jones csac 2/73 VI. Index of Principal Correspondents ADCOCK, Professor F. E. AUCHINLECK, FieldMarshal Sir Claude John Eyre BUTLER, Sir Geoffrey CHAPMAN, Professor Sydney COULSON, Professor Charles Alfred DUNCAN, Sir Andrew FOWLER, Professor Sir Ralph HANSON, Professor D. HASSE, H. Re HOLLAND, Sir Thomas H. HURLEY, Andrew JEANS, Sir James Hopwood 7 16 15 14 18, 21 16 14, 16 16 15 14 21 14. LAMB, Professor Horace Ay de 16 MIERS, Sir Henry A. MILNE, E. A. NORRISH, Professor Ronald George Wreyford POPLE, Professor John Anthony SALMOND, Sir Geoffrey SANDYS, Duncan. SEWARD, Albert C. TYNDALL, Professor A. M. VICK, Professor F. Ae WATSONWATT, Sir Robert 14 14 16 21 15 16 13 12 16 Addendum A collection of lecture notes taken 1928 - 32 deposited by Professor C.A. Coulson in Cambridge University Library (Shelfmark: Add. 7807) includes careful notes of lectures given in Cambridge by LennardJones. Professor Coulson wrote (14 November 1973) "T suspect that these are the first lectures on theoretical chemistry (or perhaps more accurately quantum chemistry) that had been given in Britain."
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin