GRAY, James v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SIR JAMES GRAY FRS (1891-1975) deposited in Cambridge University Library THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP y Archives Centre (CSAC 49/3/77) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific No. 77/10 All rights reserved 1977 CSAC 49/3/77 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Supported by the Royal Society and the Council of Engineering Institutions Report on the papers of Sir James Gray, F.R.S. (1891 - 1975) Harriot Weiskittel Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Deposited in Cambridge University Library, 1976 J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 Description of the collection The papers were received from Lady Gray and from Dr. Hans Lissmann at the Department of Zoology, Cambridge. Gray's work on animal locomotion comprises the major portion of the collection, but his early work on cell division and ciliary movement (and his return to this research towards the end of his career) is recorded in notebooks and working papers B.7-B.9, B.11-B.13, and C.1-C.4. B.10 is of interest in describing experiments with bull spermatazoa, which were brought to the attention of Sir Geoffrey Taylor and led to a sequence of papers published by Taylor 1951-52; see the memoir of Taylor by G.K. Batchelor, Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 22, 197 pp.613-614, 630. Autobiographical reminiscences of his career at Cambridge can be found in Gray's lecture 'Fifty years of Zoology at Cambridge’, item D.39. is of interest for military history. A hand grenade found with the military papers has been deposited in the Imperial War Museum, London. All items are manuscript unless otherwise indicated. Titles documents. Section A includes material relating to Gray's service in the A selection of Gray's films on animal locomotion has been offered First World War (maps, field orders, roll books, personal journals) which and descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the files or to the National Film Archive, London. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 Summary of the career of Sir James Gray . 1891 1911 1914 1914-18 1918 1919-23 1920 1923-37 1925-54 1929, 1937-59 1943-47 Educated Merchant Taylors’ School King's College, Cambridge Natural Sciences Tripos, Cl. Fellowship, King's College, Cambridge War service with Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment Awarded Military Cross and Croix de Guerre avec Palme Balfour Student, Department of Zoology, Cambridge Married Norah King Lecturer, later Reader in Experimental Zoology , Cambridge Editor, Journal of Experimental Biology Fellow, the Royal Society Professor of Zoology, Cambridge Fullerian Professor of Physiology, Royal Institution Knighted 1954 1959 1945-55 President, Marine Biological Association Contents of the handlist Biographical and personal President, British Association for the Advancement of Science Index of principal correspondents Correspondence and Committees Notebooks Working papers Lectures J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 A, Biographical (A.1 - A.21) Memoir, obituary notice, bibliography, portrait sketch. Miscellaneous souvenirs relating to Gray's early days at printed Cambridge: autographed menu, photograph and badge of King's College Boat Club Trials, 1909; letter from A.S. Shipley on the election of J. Stanley Gardiner to the Chair of Zoology, 1909; congratulation to Gray on his First Cl. Honours degree, 1911; programme for Zoology Department 'At Home', 1912; press-cutting announcing Gray's appointment as Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy; M.A. certificate, 1916. letter of 4 letters from Professor J. Stanley Gardiner: - to Gray's father, dated 13 November 1918, re Gardiner's wish for Gray to have a year at pure research ‘for | want him to go to the very top of the tree as rapidly as possible and | know he has the ability, the determination and the personal characters which help. | may say to you that he has the very best brain of any man | have ever had to deal with in my subject and | shall not be content until far beyond where | can reach'. | have seen him go in science (Photocopy of copy. ) - to Gray, dated 10 November 1918, re Gardiner's plans - to Gray, dated 13 November 1918, congratulating him (Gray was awarded a Balfour Studentship. ) - to Gray, dated 12 December 1918, re future of the Zoology Department: me to start our zoology afresh in view of new conditions’. ‘I want you all here to ... help for the Zoology Department after the war and asking Gray if he would like his position held open for him. on his M.C. and suggesting that he ‘have a year at Research for which | can probably find you a grant of £200'. August offensive 1918. Sir James Gray served in the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment, reaching the rank of Captain. He was awarded the Military Cross and the Croix de Guerre for action in the July- Miscellaneous photographs: family, school, holidays, Cambridge, Material relating to service in 1914-18 War war service. Letters written to Gray by his family and friends during the War. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 A.6. A.7. A.8. A.9. e Misc. maps of Palestine. Misc. maps of the Western Front, some with Gray's annotations, principally relating to the offensive of August 1918. Misc. German maps. Misc. press-cuttings and photographs re war in Middle East and on Western Front. A.10. Misc. Ms. field orders and information re Queen's Regiment August-September 1918. ray oA. Nats 14, » os Misc. duplicated Orders of the Day, Standing Orders etc. 1918. Army Book 152 (with some loose additional pages), Ms. notes by Gray of training programmes, begun 3 Dec. 1914. Black notebook, inscribed inside 'Nominal Roll "C" Coy 2/4 Queens'. Red ‘Company Roll Book', "D" Coy 2/5 Queens. Army Book 153, Ms. notes on general conduct of company and official procedures, inscribed 'J. Gray Capt” & Adj.'. 16. Army Book 153, inscribed 'J. Gray Ly’. (Last entry in the diary is 21 Sept.) This book covers July- Aug. 1918, and contains a journal of the offensive, casualty lists, Gray's orders as Commander "C" Coy., and his recommendations for awards for gallantry in the field. He embarked for Egypt 30 Nov. 1917, and the diary describes his arrival and service, his return to Europe and service on the Western Front especially July- Aug. 1918. Inserted on loose pages are his 'Notes on Modern Egyptians’, ‘The Desert', ‘Impressions of Malta' (1917), and an account of his hospitalisation in No. 24 Stationary Hospital, Kantara (see also A.19). 1933-1941 the award of the Croix de Guerre, ‘Malta at dawn', The last few pages contain an itinerary for commission as Second Lieutenant, dispatch, press notice and congratulary letter from the at course of instruction; 1914; members of his father's firm re 1918; "Xmas Day on a Troopship' and a diary entry for 4 December 1917; autographed menu, 7 November 1918; demobilisation order, 25 February 1919; etc. Gray's own impressions and observations: Miscellaneous documents and souvenirs: certificates of attendance A.20-A. 21 Account books: 1914-1932 Pocket diary, 1919. 10 October-31 December 1918. Gray's Diary, 1917-18. A.20 A.21 J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 B. Notebooks (B.1 - B.14) Undergraduate notebooks: Notebook entitled ‘Miscellaneous Biological Notes. August 1909' containing notes on the literature, and notes on an exhibition in the South Kensington Science Museum com- memorating Charles Darwin. Notebook labelled inside front cover with name and date (December 1909) and also with 'Notes on Physiology of Plants, L. Jost’ in another hand. at the beginning of the book are in Gray's hand; mostly notes on the literature with the subject headings: ‘Cave Animals', 'Crysomelid Beetles’, and ‘Fauna of the Sea'. perhaps a child's "Quiz". Notes later in the book are in another hand - The index and the notes they are ‘Lecture notes on vertebrata. Professor J. Stanley Gardiner' January 1911: book is missing. ) notes. and drawings. (The cover of the ‘Practical Invertebrate Zoology, October 1911': notes and drawings. (The cover of the book is missing. ) "Chick (cf. Balfour's Embryo)': notes. (The cover of the Many loose notes of a similar book is missing. ) are missing. ) Botanical notes and drawings. (The cover and first few pages Green notebook containing drawings of cell division, tabular Black notebook labelled on first page 'Cell Division etc. Millport 1921, Millport 1923, Millport 1924" containing laboratory notes, observations, drawings, and descriptions of laboratory procedures. nature are inserted in the notebook; some notes are on the literature. are in Gray's hand. summaries of data and laboratory observations on experiments with fish; ments with eels, nemertines, leeches. of the book: notes taken at Plymouth, 1935, on cell division experiments. extensive laboratory notes (1935-37) on experi- From the other end Red notebook labelled inside front cover ‘Radiation from Echinus Millport. Eggs. charts, tabular summaries of data, drawings of apparatus. not all Many loose notes, graphs and charts are inserted; April 1933' containing graphs and J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 B.10. Red notebook labelled inside front cover 'Millport. July 1951' containing notes and diagrams of laboratory experiments with sperm, time sequences of films recording the experi- ments. Continued in 1953. (See note onp.1.) Notebook labelled with name, address and date (July 1911). (Many of the notes and Subject index on first page. drawings are in another hand - perhaps L. Doncaster? ). Many loose additional pages were inserted at the end of the book; some of these have been extracted and listed separately as C.2. 'Misc. research. Cilia. Viscosity of sperm suspensions': file containing working notes, calculations, graphs and drawings. Two manuscript drafts, one beginning ‘the following experiments constitute an attempt to analyse the relationship of a growing cell to environment’. unpublished). its inorganic (c.1922. Blue notebook labelled on cover 'Cilia. 1930. cycles’ containing graphs of kinetic cycle. charts are inserted; most are labelled. i/ Abfrontal Loose graphs and Notebook, signed, with entry on first page 'Dogfish 1935! Also contains notes by Working Papers (C.1 - C.53) Most of the files are of a very miscellaneous containing record of photographs and experiments. Followed by a section titled 'Notes on Goldfish, Stickleback, and Xenopus in rotating tank'. K.C. Williamson and H. Lissmann on frogs and toads 1939-46. The files have been grouped according to broad areas of interest although the sections inevitably overlap somewhat as Gray often used his research in one field to augment his work in another. composition: notes, bibliographies, graphs, diagrams, calculations from the data, drawings, photographs, relevant correspondence, etc. Plymouth (1911). eggs of hybrids between species of Echinus by L. Doncaster and J. Gray (published as 'Cytological observations on the early stages of segmentation of Echinus hybrids ’) (see also B.11). | Drawings to accompany the paper. from Dr. C. Shearer of The Marine Biological Association, Doncaster's correspondence Manuscript of 'Cytological observations on the developing and segmentation E. miliaris 1921'. Notes on ‘conditions for fertilisation Cell Division (see also B.7, B.8, B.11) Many of the papers are undated. Drawings of cell division. 1911-13 J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 C2. Miscellaneous later notes, bibliographies and corres pondence on the subject of cell division. C.4. Ciliary Movement Notes, graphs, charts, bibliographical references, photographs, some correspondence (incomplete), review of Ciliary Movement in The Lancet. 1926, 1952-55 1928, oe. 1952 Undulatory Movement 'Flagella - Bacteria’: correspondence with colleagues, 1944-57 bibliography, notes, photographs. "Sperm - Sea Urchin': annotated offprint of ‘The propulsion of sea-urchin spermatozoa’ by J. Gray and G.J. Hancock, correspondence between collaborators (1953-55, 1961). Correspondence with Victor Rothschild re P. miliaris and re his comments on the 1955 paper pe Notes, calculations and drawings. 1951-55, 1961 "Sperm ~ Bull’: correspondence re Gray's paper ‘Movement 1954-58 of the spermatozoa of the bull': and drawings used in preparing paper. notes, observations ‘Sperm - Frog, Toad': correspondence, notes, drawings. c. 1955-56 correspondence. "Snake - One Right Angle’: diagrams, notes, draft titled 'Snake': ms. draft, notes, diagrams and calculations, minor ‘Theory of three contiguous segments exhibiting serpentine movement’. "Sperm - General': correspondence with Vishwa Nath plus typescript*note on the movement of sperm’sent by Nath; correspondence with colleagues in Britain (1951-57); typescript note on Ostracod sperm; bibliography (see also E.11, correspondence with Victor Rothschild on spermatozoa). are in Gray's hand). Misc. ms. notes, calculations, charts, graphs and bibliographies relative to work on undulatory movement (not all the notes "Snake - Two Unequal Angles': notes, calculations, drawings. "Snake - Two Right Angles': calculations, graphs, drawings. "Snake - Several Curves': graphs and notes. "Snake - Gliding': calculations, drawings. (Items C.10-C.15 probably represent work for 'The Mechanism of Locomotion in Snakes! published 1946.) J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 C.17-C.29. Fishes and Fish Propulsion Cade. ‘The upstream migration of salmon': manuscript, typescript, figures and drawings. ¢.1960 ; aon Portions of various ms. drafts on fish propulsion, including graphs and charts. Misc. work on fish propulsion: charts and graphs labelled ‘Rigid plate oscillating’, ‘Propulsive thrust for differ- ent values of -Q-and Vx'. annotations) of 'The Physical Aspects of Fish Locomotion, II’ by E.G. Richardson. Typescript (with Gray's . notes titled 'Current produced by a fish which is unable to move forward’ and 'The resistance encountered by a moving fish'; (See also C.45.) calculations. "Fish - Pseudo-Rheotropism': bibliographical notes, corres- 1936 pondence, o'fprint of Gray's paper 'Pseudo-Rheotropism in Fishes', diagrams, calculations, especially re stickleback and goldfish. = ‘Dogfish': ms. notes titled 'responses of normal fish' and ‘Overfishing': ms. draft and calculations. ‘Trout eggs': graphs and notes titled 'Buffering effect of ‘Fish - acceleration': experimental data, drafts and notes. top water', ‘viscosity and conductivity’, and 'Exosmosis from gelatin and agar’. ‘simple transection’, correspondence with A. Sand re their joint papers, ‘The locomotory rhythm of the dogfish' and 'Spinal reflexes of the dogfish’ (1936), diagrams and charts. amphibia, and jaws and jaw muscles of vertebrates. notes, bibliographical references, draft titled "Musculature of the dogfish', typescripts of lecture notes (probably not Gray's) on teleosts, elasmobranchs, "How fishes swim' published in Scientific American, August Correspondence with G.E. Gadd on fish propulsion and "Skeleton Muscles and Nerves - Branchial': drawings, 1957: correspondence from interested readers. Misc. correspondence te fish. 1950-59 "Fish': bibliography and notes on the literature. oscillating systems. 1949 1957 J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 Cia ‘Skeleton, Muscles and Nerves - Skull’: drawings, notes, bibliographical references. ak. "Skeleton, Muscles and Nerves - Girdle': drawings, notes, bibliographical references and notes, typescript titled ‘paired fins', typescript draft titled ‘comparative functional anatomy of the pectoral girdle of vertebrates’. Bibliographical material, diagrams, drawings, charts, notes (one set is entitled 'Long and short extrinsic muscles') relating to Gray's work on tetrapods (see also C.47). 'Gaits': one file of numerous graphs and diagrams of the speeds and stepping plots of various animals. (One set of notes is labelled 'all gaits can be divided into eight phases'. ) Typescript (46pp.) labelled ‘Strasser: Lehrbuch der Muskel - und Gelenkmechanik, 1908-13, pp.434-474. The position of standing of the quadrupeds'. translation of the work, with numerous figures and drawings. Supplement. English ‘Jumping': notes, bibliography, experimental data, drawings, correspondence. dolphins, porpoises. animal locomotion’. ) 1933-35, 1950 Correspondence. ‘Migration': bibliographical references and notes, 2 type- 1945-46 'Flight': various manuscripts and typescripts titled 'Flapping 1952-54 scripts (different versions) titled 'Migration of vertebrate animals', published in 1946. Aquatic mammals: correspondence and notes on whales, (Perhaps work for ‘Studies in flight', ‘Analysis of the flight of the pigeon', 'Wind tunnel tests on feathers', and ‘Balance and stability’. Bibliographical references, graphs, some correspondence. (Perhaps work for 'The flight of animals’ published 1955) (see also C.50). 1937-38 ‘The co-ordination of limb movements in the amphibia': Notes, experimental data, charts and typescript. drawings used in preparation for this paper and for papers on the effects of deafferentation on the locomotory activity of amphibian limbs (see also C.48). ‘Myriapods': several ms. drafts re locomotion in myriapods, bibliographical notes, drawings and photographs. Notes and experimental data for paper 'The mechanism of locomotion in the leech’. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 C.43. 'Earthworm': notes, experimental data and graphs for paper 'Locomotory reflexes in the earthworm’. C.44-C.53. Animal Locomotion This is work compiled by Gray for his book Animal Locomotion Many of the papers date from a much earlier — published in 1968. period of his career and were supplemented and/or reworked by Gray to take account of new findings and data. Corrected typescript of Animal Locomotion. Chapter Il "Mechanisms of Fish Propulsion’: misc. notes and Most of the notes are unlabelled and some are drafts. not in Gray's hand. Drawings, typescript for Chapter II, correspondence. Chapter V ‘Terrestrial tetrapod animals as mechaniceil systems’: typescript with numerous manuscript amendments and additions. Chapter VI ‘Amphibia’: annotated typescript; typescript of ‘Aquatic and terrestrial types of locomotion in the toad’; manuscript of ‘The effect of limb amputation on the ambulatory pattern'; and graphs. California, re statistics from jumping frog contests. diagrams Letter from official of Calaveras County, notes on the literature; Birds: bibliographical material. Chapter VIII 'Reptiles': notes on the literature. Chapter IX 'Flight of Birds': notes on the literature, drafts Chapter X 'Mammals': notes on the literature, manuscript for various manuscripts, miscellaneous notes and thoughts, mostly re gliding. ms. notes. manuscript and typescript of chapter, notes on the literature, notes on swimming in gastropods. ‘Anatomy and Function of Brains in the Lower Vertebrates': Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, London Fish: ms. notes, list of slides, coloured drawings. drafts, graphs and charts, correspondence. Lecture 2, Fish, Amphibia, Reptiles: 1945 Chapter XV 'Mollusca': Lectures (D.1 - D.70) Lecture 1. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 eS. Lecture 3. Birds: ms. notes. D.4. Lecture 4. Mammals: ms. lecture notes from a variety of sources (several are from Gray's courses of lectures at Cambridge), bibliographical references, coloured drawings. This series was originally given in 1944-45 and the first four lectures were repeated in 1946 in a slightly different form. Lecture |. Locomotion of Fishes: ms. notes for one lecture (probably given in 1946), typescript of another lecture on the same subject Given in 19447). Lecture Il. Evolution of Limb: ms. and typescript titled ‘Transition from aquatic to terrestrial life’ (1944), ms. (untitled) of 1946 lecture. Lecture II]. Co-ordination of Limbs: ms. draft notes, type- 2 sets of ms. notes for 1946 lecture. script of same name; Lecture IV. Adaptation of Limbs: ms. draft notes, typescript, list of slides. Lecture V. notes. Lecture VII. Lecture VIII. brain. Lecture VI. Adaptation to air: ms. notes. Re-adaptation to water. Snakes: ms. notes, Birds: ms. notes, photographs. Control of Movements: ms. notes, diagrams of "Life in the Sea’, 2 lectures 14 and 21 Feb. 1946: ms. typescript on snakes, ms. notes re dolphin with photographs of aquatic mammals. bibliographical references. ms. notes for Lecture II (Lecture | was a repetition of ‘Adaptation to Air' as delivered in 1945), list of slides, 2 sets of ms. notes for lectures on flight (one is dated 1953). Notebook containing lists of slides and films for lectures, "Flight' (single lecture), November: ms. notes. ‘Migration’: ms. notes. ‘Flight’, 2 lectures: J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 D.18-D.23. 'How Animals Move', Christmas lectures for Children. These lectures were later written up and published as a book of the same name. 12 1951-52 Lecture 1. The Machinery of Movement: programme of the series, 3 sets of ms. drafts (different versions), lists of demonstrations, correspondence re specimens and animals to be borrowed for exhibition from the Zoological Society of London and the British Museum of Natural History. 19; Lecture Il. Swimming: ms. notes. D.20. Lecture II]. Walking and Running: ms. notes. Doel. Lecture IV. Jumping, Creeping and Diving: 2 sets of ms. notes. D.22. Lecture V. Flying: ms. notes, with list of demonstrations. D.23. Lecture VI. ms. notes, list of slides, notes on insect flight prepared by F.S.J. Hollick (?). Flying (continued): D.24-D.27. Zoology Course lectures at Cambridge University D.24. Lectures': c. 1948-51 lectures. "Vertebrates. Part Il Lectures. References': careful, lengthy ‘Vertebrates. Part I] "Fisheries. BCourse.' Lectures 1 and 2: ms. notes for Many of the notes bear several notes by Gray on the literature. Schedules of lectures and practicals with notes of slides, sets of lecture notes of various dates including rough diagrams, list of slides and other visual aids. different dates and titles indicating that Gray reworked and rearranged the material each year. "Flight of Birds' (2 lectures, one given in York): mss. ‘The analysis of ciliary movement by optical methods': ms. "Microscopic Machinery': typescript. "Mechanism of Cell Division’: ms. draft. ‘The stroboscope in microscopy’: ms. 1953 1955-56 handout sheets, etc. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 0.33. "Aspects of animal locomotion' (7 different lectures): 4 sets of ms. notes with that title (one is labelled "Philos. Lect. 1948). I ms. titled ‘Physical aspects of animal locomotion’. 1 typescript titled 'Some aspects of locomotion in terrestrial vertebrates’, I ms. titled 'Some aspects of animal locomotion’ with note 'Germany'. "Problems in animal locomotion’ (6 different lectures, some are titled "Mechanical problems ...'): mss. ‘Animal language': 2 typescripts with ms. annotations. ‘British Contributions to Science’: 2 typescripts with ms. annotations. ‘Zoology. Past, present and to come': ms. ‘Careers in zoology': ms. ‘Fifty years of zoology re many autiobiographical reminiscences. gy g at Cambridge': ms. contains ‘Life of sperm', lecture to the Cambridge University "Fins and Wings': ms. ms. "Migration of animals': ms. "Life of spermatozoa': ms. "Man's Place in Nature’: ms. ‘Taxonomy - principles of classification': Natural Sciences Club: ms. notes and diagrams. "Biological aspects of animal behaviour': ms. ms. ‘Physiological analysis of animal locomotion': incomplete ms. ‘Propulsion mechanisms of the tetrapod limb', 'Tea party "Mechanism and Efficiency of Propulsion in Fishes': ‘The mentality of fishes', Evening Discourse, British Untitled notes for lecture on animal locomotion. Challenger Society Lecture: Association, 6 Sept.: typescript. lecture': ms. notes. J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 De "Physiological Aspects of Behaviour’, delivered in Oxford: ms. and list of slides. aX F ‘Undulatory movement','Tea Party Lecture: envelope con- taining notes titled "Mechanical forces and undulating movement', ‘Undulatory Movement', 'Undulatory Movement II’ and 'Pr. Il 1952". ‘Peripheral sense organs and locomotion’, Society of Experimental Biology Symposium, July 1949: ms. ‘Aspects of animal locomotion', Royal Philosophical Society, Glasgow, 2 February 1950: ms. ‘General problems of animal locomotion’, Holland, May: ms. ‘Role of peripheral sense organs', Holland, May 1950: ms. and figures. ‘Flight’, Holland, May 1950: ms. 'The locomotion of fishes', Elmhirst Memorial Lecture: ms. "Machinery of life', Fison Memorial Lecture, Guy's Hospital, London: envelope containing 4 sets of notes for lectures on this topic; lecturers 1925-51. history of the Fison Lecture with list of Society, Edinburgh and Glasgow: ms. ‘Cilia and flagella', Tea Party Lecture’ ms. list of slides. topic. Ms. for unidentified lecture on the same ‘Problems in animal locomotion', Marlborough Lecture: ms. "How animals find their way about', Leicester: ms. and "Some aspects of animal locomotion', Royal Philosophical ms. to the British Association, York, 2 September 1959: offprint, congratulatory letters to Gray after his address, annual report of the BA for 1959-60. ‘Flight of Birds', Jubber Memorial Lecture, Mill Hill, 'The proper study of mankind is man', Presidential Address ‘General principles of vertebrate locomotion’, Zoological Notes and list of slides for lecture in Bristol, 8 February. "Problems in animal locomotion', John Ray Society, 21 February 1960: ms. Society Symposium, 9 November 1960: ms. 1 November 1961: J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 D.70. "Physical aspects of animal locomotion', Manchester Mathematical Association, 22 September 1964: ms. Correspondence and Committees (E.1 - E10) Correspondence re undulatory movement. re reptiles (especially re snakes). re amphibia, - re flagella. re nematodes. re flight (includes correspondence with W.L. Bragg re observations on the flight of albatrosses, 7255). Correspondence re fish and fish propulsion. re fish and fish propulsion. 1931-34 1943-62 1933, 1946, 1963-70 1950-54, 1966 1958-70 1940-68 1933-53 1956-70 re animal locomotion (especially re tetrapods). 1936-65 Supervisory Group on Methods of Excluding Fish from Water Salmon Research Group, Salmon Research Committee, Department The file Misc. correspondence re publications, symposia and con- ferences, reviews. Correspondence with Victor Rothschild (Lord Rothschild) 1951-70 especially re spermatozoa, forms of waves and curvature . File includes lengthy comments by Rothschild on Gray's paper 'Undulatory propulsion’ (1953) and various notes, calculations, graphs and charts. in the collection. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland (Gray was Chairman of the Group from 1955 to 1968). includes chairman's notes, minutes for 1964-68, corres- pondence and papers re the Sub-committee on Research into the Passage of Smolts through Turbines. The duplicated reports, experimental data, maps and plans, graphs, financial statements of projects, and committee papers which Gray received by virtue of his office as Chairman have not been included Intakes, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Gray was chairman from 1955 to 1968). minutes of the group's meetings and correspondence. The file includes J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 EF Index of principal correspondents: Aglen, Anthony John Allen, Sir George (Vance) Andrews, James Peter Astbury, William Thomas Bailey, L. Bainbridge, Richard Barclay, Oliver R. Barnes, Harold Bawden, Sir Frederick (Charles) Beatty, R. Benjamin, Thomas Brooke Bennett, Geoffrey Thomas Bevan Brown, R. Bevilaqua, Paul M. Bidder, Anne Boyd, James Dixon Brabazon of Tara, John Theodore Cuthbert a Ey m M o m m m m m p M m A O M m M m P M O M t e w o w n O O — R A N A H M m W A O N N M N U R K O s O N n N Moore-Brabazon (Baron Brabazon of Tara of Sandwich) S B m © O 1. R, D. a: G. y l D O a h © = A n O , 1 0 C O O . 0 3 N Bradfield, J. Bragg, Sir (William) Lawrence Branover, Herman Brayshaw, A. Brown, Ralph Bryant, Cyril Burne, Richard Higgins Birth, E. Campbell, Richard D. Cannon, Herbert Graham Carter, Neal M. Chadwick, Nora K. Chapman, S. Claus, Gunther Cleveland, L. Cronstedt, Val Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope Currie, Ronald Dobell, Clifford Dole, Vincent P. Dott, H. Elton, Charles Sutherland Ennion, E. Evans, Sir lfor Farren, Sir William Scott Fawcett, Don W. Foerster, R. Fokker, A. Fox, Terence Robert Corelli Fraser, Francis Charles m M m m M O A N M A M O O M T Q O N O M M M O M Fulton, A. es PD: M. A. R. Ae J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 a. ete A, os ii Gilbert Gadd, G. Galbraith, Vivian Hunter Stanley Gardiner, J. Gianotti, F. Saverio Gold, T. (Thomas? ) Green, R. Hancock, G. Hancock, J. Hardy, Sir Alister (Claverling) Harmer, Sidney F. Harper, F. oa Harris, John Edward Hartley, Sir Harold Hartley, W. Hasler, Arthur D. Hill, Archibald Vivian Hindle, Edward Hoffman-Berling, H. Hora, S. Hotchkiss, Donald V. Howland, R. Huxley, Sir Julian Ingham, Albert Edward Inglis, Sir Charles Edward Jones, Sir (Bennett) Mel vill Jones, Frederic Wood Jordan, Lanay B. Kamer, J. C. Katz, Max Kerr, John Krakauer, Daniel Lacey, Leslie Ladborough, R. Landon, J. Lane, Frank W. Learoyd, C. Leeson, Frank Lester, J. Lewis, R. Lighthill, Sir (Michael) James Liston, Ronald A. Lissmann, Hans Werner Lowndes, A. Lucas, Catherine Lutyens, Robert McCutchen, C. McDonald, Donald A. Mackenzie, Sir Hugh (Stirling) Markham, Roy Matthews, G. Matthews, (Leonard) Harrison WwW. (£2 G. e. t; Ww. vande Mills, Derek W. WwW. A. V. +s m M a A A a M m g a m u o m m o m M m a M m m M m o M m m a n a a A > . = i @ s H O W A A A R A Y N W D N A M O C a o O O Q N O e S N O V N e R S ® N O N V N O = = J. Gray CSAC 49/3/77 ie PE R. G. Mitchison, John Murdoch Murray, R. os Nath, Vishwa Nayler, J. Neale, Morley Needham, Robert A. Nursall, J. Oldman, H. O'Reilly, Herbert Osborne, Bodwell D. Osborne, M. Pantin, Carl Frederick Abel Parkinson, D. Percival, A. Pijper, Adrianus Preston, Joseph Henry Pritchard, John Laurence Punnett, Reginald Crundall Relf, Ernest Frederick Richardson, Edward Gick Rivlin, R. Rosenblum, Edwin E. Ross, D. Rothschild, Miriam (Hon. Mrs. Miriam NG A. Cc. a Ls Lane) G. rt, WwW. Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor (Baron Rothschild) Sand, Alec Selman, G. Shearer, C. Snow, D. Steffens, Emil William Stocker, Bruce Arnold Dunbar Stoll, Paul A. Sullivan, Charlotte M. Swain, R. A. Swann, Sir Michael (Meredith) Thorpe, William Homan Tinbergen, L. Tinbergen, Nikolaas Trewavas, E. von Frisch, Karl Waddington, Conrad Hal Wallace, Harry R. Walters, Vladimir Westall, Thomas Stanley Wilkie, Douglas Robert Wolpert, Lewis Worrall, R. Worst, J. Wu, Theodore Y. Wynne-Edwards, Vero Copner Wyman, Robert Young, John Zachary Young, N. 2 N A I N N A | M A A M A A N A N A M M M A A O M M M M M M M M O M M O