TAAT ONT SS iON WD Dede LAAN Wr ON tres TAs b \ ig DI RT CAT, A Ad VY Report on the (1899- deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (CSAC. /73) by London WC?A 1HP Indian Institute, Broad Street Reproduced for the Contempora Archives Centre, — THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPT Quality House, Quality “ourt, Chancery Lane, TeQ yp om rt CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of WILLIAM HUME-ROTHERY OBE FRS (1899-1968) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Harriot Weiskittel All rights reserved Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford CSAC 1/73 WeH-R. C.S.A.C.1/73 The papers cover the years 1924 — 1968. There is a considerable number ‘of notebooks, working papers aid 7ectures for the later part of Hume—Rothery's career. Most of the material relaviug to his early work was destroyed by Hume-Rothery because of pressure of space;the only manuscript references now extant are in the letters to Mr. G.Hedley (Ivex 153). Some official correspondence relating to the period is Metallurgy, Oxford . in the Departme::t of L ory individually; others are to which they refer. i letters from his principal s ondents : eon throug: the Eolieotton eth the erietie papers Hume~Rothery's total Ceafness required his colleagues to make all their renarks to him in writing. Some of these conversation notes have been separately preserved and identified where possible (Items 21 — 23); others appear 2s random jottings in the notebooks and correspondence passin. Unless otherwise stated,all notebooks and lectures are manuscript. Some biographical material is revained by Mrs. E.Hume-~Rothery (widow), Cherry Orchard,Abberbury Road,Oxford,and Mre. A.D.Moss (Anuchter). 30.Crediton Hill, London N.W.6. publications are held in the Department of Metallurgy,Oxford,for eventual deposit in the University Archives. correspondence chiefly concerning Files (11) of os Summary of the career of Professor Hume-Rcther 1912 — 16 Educated at Cheltenham College (Scholar). 1916 1917 1918 1920 1922 1925 1925 1929 1931 Demy of Magdalen College vered Magdalen College,Oxfora. Honour School of Natural Science telat Entered Royal Military Academy,Woolwich. 29 Senior Demy,Magdalen College,Oxford. 1922 25 Worked on intermetallic compounds,Royal School of Mines. 32 Armourers & Braziers Company Re-e2rch Fellowship in Metallurev. Suffered attack of cerebrospinal meningitis resulting in tote= lo hearing; invalided out of army. Fellowship ,St.Edmund Hall,Oxford. 1932 — 42,Warreu Research Fellowship of the Royal Society. 1943 = 55 1958 — 66 Elected to the Isaac Wolfson Chair of Metallurgy,and to a Fsofessorial 1938 — 43 Fellow by Special Electicn,Megdalen College,Oxford. Lecturer in Metallurgical Chemistry, Oxford George Kelley Reader inMetallurgy,Oxford. Fellow of the Royal Society. Married Elizabeth Alice Fea. 1935 1937 1938 1951 1955 Ph.D. London. D.Sc.Oxon. O.B,E. AGe 1/73 f (cont.) 5 Opening of Department of Metallur vice on Basic Properties of Metals Committee,Ministry of Aviation. Consultant ,AeHR.E. ,Harwe! Contents of the Handlist. eorrea Houten rman Biographical and printed work Laboratory Notebooks Working papers Lectures Lecture Notebooks Publications Coxrespondence m r F f W w W N n n o a VIII. Index of Principal Correspondents O Handlist, le ee ig emanates Ete Biographical and printed work anata me ean ee Evans. (Phil.Trans. - 97.) See wiso Biographical note and list of public: cions,supplied by Mrs. E. Hume~Rotherye Memoir,by G.V.Raynor. (Biographical Memoirs of Mellows of the Reval. Society, Vol.15,November 1969). 'The Freezing Poinis,Melting Points,and Solid Solubility Limits of the Alloys of Silver and Copper gaee the Elements of the B Sub-Groups’, by WeHume~Rothery,G.W.Mabbott and K.M. Roy Ser. ,Series A, 23351 etc. on Iron and Steel’. Notebook, ‘Work on Lattice spacings of Alkalis and Alkaline Earths. June, July,tugust 1944*. Includes conversation notes. eee a Book! ,with Hume-Rothery's name and address,The Old Chemistry Department,The University Museum, ,Oxford. Notetuok,labelled in another hand 'Notes on other people's books Notes made on cost ana source of apparatus “pougnt 1926 onwards. Notebook,with name and address. Note. on articles read. Item 103. Il. eee Laboratory } Notebooks pa hele ste W.H-R. eee C. Je A Notebook,with name and address,'*Notes on odd pieces of work’. Notebsoc’. April 1950 — May 1962. er ” itp Caloulat: 9. Work',and 'Mg Alloy Freezing Point Cai 4 Notebuvk,with name and address. (Index at back of book by W.L.Hodge,I.CoLle.}. Note >book. Notebook, *Caicns. of Fe diagrams’. eeepc 'Mainly notes on papers eae name,address and index. Labelled in another hand Notebock,labelled in another hand 'Thinking aloud’, Notebook with loose pages inserted,'Ferrous Alloys! and 'Caiculations'. Feb.1960 — August 1963. Notebook, 'Theory of A Notebook, Notes on what we think needs adding to the Iron book* Notebook, with name andres 'Notes on other papers’. and index,labelled in another hand Notebcus, ‘Miscellaneous Freezing Point Research*. Diary for 1966 containing notes of conversations, Notebook of conversation notes, us papers File,various converzations,mostly unidentified. Notetcok with related correspondence and offprints,labelled in another hand 'Thinking and calculating’. "Corrections to Curves',dated 2.2.61. Article *Rule for Temperature Dependence of Solubility of Metals in Iror,by I.I. intlor. 1950, anmotated by Hume—Rothery. 'Vhermodynamics and Metallic Solid Solutions',pages numbered Ted me 32% Miscellaneous working papers,earliest dated 17 August i955. Miscellaneous working papers,dated Oct. ~ Nov. 1961, date in Iron, *Recalc.! of Fe diagrame 'Models of Wave Mechanics and Boundary Conditions’ re diffusior Paper on 'The N.F. Mott, with by Dr. S. mann . Binding Energies of Metals and Alloys by Ms annotations oy Hume—Rothery and Ms comments File labelled *Molybdenum Alloy Theory I'e File with note on cover, ? 'Misc. notes on Molybdenum Alloy', d e Work on Compound Molecules in Mg~Sn System, 21 December 4 March 1968-6 Work on the Engel~Brewer theorv of metallic structures. Correspondence with Professor Leo Brewer,. Professor Bryan Coles, Proféssor GE. Bacon, Professor Carl Koch, Dr. Borge Lum, Dr. Notes, calculations, and drafts. Richard Waterstrat. Ms. and proofs with corrections sok article 'The bem crm theories 229. of metals Annotated papers and articles on Eugel—Brewer theories by Nickel Allo Notebook, 1 ‘Notes for Chapter on Aluminium’, Correspondence and Ms articles on kngel—Brewer theories for Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics. abelled A Note on the Constitution of Manganese= ys,' by D.N. Tyler, C.C. Smith, and W. Hume-Rotnery. Ms. translation (perhaps by Hume~Rothery) of article by Haffe and Wagner, 'Thermodynamic Analysis of Liquidus Curves of Inter- metallic Compounds.' Note on Fe-N Close—packed hexagon:1 phase with Ms ap Professor J.W. Christian (Perhaps diaft for axticle a packed hexagonal alloys of ironasd@ nitrogen," Phil. Mag. (8), Ts 19556). ‘Typescrints with notes, 18 British Association lecture on Solid Solutions in Iron, deiivered at Sheff Pield. "A Note on the Freezing Points of Tinerich Magnesium Alloys,' by Ye W. EHume-Rothery and L. Stump. ‘Typescript. ip Ji Lecture on Gold Alloys, Typescript with notes, 16 pages. Vs see 0H MLE PME Lectures ok CHT ON a nA 45. 46. WHR. C.S.4.0.° W.H-R. C.S.A.C. 1/73 1/73 47. 48. 'New Lecture on Gold Alloys!; "Special Lecture on Copper, Silver & Gold’, Special Lecture on Theory of Cu Ag Av Solid Solutions’, Notebook *Special Lecture for Institute of Metals on Alloys of Iron ~ The Interstitial Elements! (with explanatory letter from Dr. R.C. Hurst). Lecture on the Constitution of Some Alloys of Iron, with typescript, 'Liquidus and Solidus Curves in General and Fe Alloys in Particular’, 'Special Lecture on Interstitial Elements in Iron Alloys’, ‘ist Lecture on Intermetallic Chemistry of Iron,' Royal School of Mines. "2nd Lecture on Intermetallic Chemistry of Iron,' Royal School of Mines, 13rd lecture on Iron Alloys: Interstitial Alloys;' Royal School of Minese ‘Institute of Metals lecture on Theory of Copper Alloys. Second draft. ist Part: Facts and Enpirical Theory'. 'Cu Alloys Lectures. 2nd lecture,' pages numbered 1 — 22. "Structure of Metals II. Lecture on “opper Alloys’, 'Furtner lecture on Ferromagnetism and Transition Metals’. 'Speciat lecture on Ni As Structure’, ‘Final version of lecture on Cu Alloys, pages numbered 1 -8 plus diagram , tInstitute of Metals lecture on the Theory of the Alloys of Copper’, 'Structyre of Metals and Alloys II. Special Lecture on Graphite in Cast Iron’, related correspondeyce, January-February, 1961. Intermetallic Compounds. Introductory address at Institute of Metals Discussion 15 December 1964. Typescript with notes. Lecture for National Physical Laboratory, 1st draft and 'Preliminary notes for lecture on tempering’. "Special lecture on Packing of Spheres’, "Additional Specific Heat Notes for lectures’, W.H—R. C.ScAcCe 1/73 10% 'The Metallic Atomst (typescript with corrections), pages numbered 1 19e — ‘Lecture on Zones and Phase Equilibria’ , 'Electren Theory lecture on Mg and a c.p. hexagonal structure’, '"Speciai Single Lecture on Intermediate Phases in Alloys’. ‘Lecture on Electron Theory of Alkali Metals’. "Lecture on Theory of Transition Metals' (typescript with notes) pages number@éd 1-9. "Lecture on the Problem of the Transition Metals' (typescript with notes) pages numbered 1 — 31. 'Two lectures on Electron Theory of Transition Metals. Preliminary Notes.'. "Special lecture on Theory of Transition Metals‘, 'A Note on the Writing of Scientific Papers and Theses' Notes, drafts, Mss and typescript. May 1957. Hatfield Memorial Lecture I. Sheffield, 19 May 1965. Typescript with notes. "Sheff" eld Lecture! Ms and typescript. 'Shefficld 2nd lecture’. 'Notes on Tetrahedral Compounds’, tLecture Note Summary of Last Section of Geneva Lecture’. Two lectures for Dounreay on Transition Metals, "Sheffield Lecture on Eutectic', 'Explenation of Eutectic Distribution Curve. 'Sheffieid Lecture on Theory of Copper Alloys,' April 1959. Notebeuk 'Sheffield,* inside ‘Sheffield Lecture on Titanium’. ‘Ath Dounreay Lecture: Alloy Structures: Empirical! , Two lectures fér Dounreay on Iron Alloys (typescript with notes) pages numbered 1 tnd Dounreay Lecture: Free Electron Theory", 3rd Dounreay Lecture: Brillouim Zones', ~ 27 (ist lecture), 28 — 70 (2nd lecture), "ist Dounreay Lecture: The Ideas of Wave Mechanics’, We-R. OcSALC. 1/73 ae '5th Dounreay Lecture: Electron Theories of Metals and Alloys' and related Correspondence, 1966 — 67.6 "Lecture on Experimental Methods for Determining the Consti- tution of Alloys at High Temperaturcs.'° (typescripts with Notes). Lecture Notebooks Notebook, labelled ‘Structure of Alloys I', Notebook, labelled 'Structure of Alloys II,' with name and address e Notebook, labelled ‘Lectures on Atomic Theory, 1961' Notebook, labelled "Zones Lectures, 1°62. W.Hume—Rothery', ‘Lectures on Ferrous Metallography and other Iron-Alloy Lectures’, Publications Thesis submitted for Part II, Honour School of Natural Science, Oxford, 1922. 100. 101. Vi. eon apron en at 102. 103. 'The Freezing Points. . .@Sub-Grouns' annotated copy. 117. 112. Veli Ste 114. Correspondence 'Elements of Structural Metallurgy,! Institute of Metals Mono— graph and Report Series, No. Related correspondence, 196i. 26, 'Electrons, atoms, metals and alloys,' 1963. relating to Dover edition and Japanese translation. ‘Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy,' Institute of Metals Monograph and Report Series, No. revisions. (see index on file cover). 3. Correspondence and notes for 'Metallurgical Equilibrium Diagram;,* with J.W. Christian and W.B. Pearson, 1952. Correspondence relating to new edition. 'The Constitution of Alloys of Gold and Mercury,' with C. Rolfe Journal of Less-Common Metals, 1967. TeVIEWS « 'The Constitution of Niobium—Cobait Ailoys,' Journal of Less— Common Metals, 12, corrections, Ms. addition, related correspondence. tNote on the Close--packed hexagonal phases in the later transi- tion series,' Acta. Met., 14, 560, Miscellaneous correspondence regarding various articles and 366, with J.K. Pargeter. Typescript with Related correspondence. 1966. Draft. 'Fart II.' Worla ware Part of Ms. lodged with W.W. Fea during Second 'The form of liquidus and solidus curves in binary alloys, ' Scripta Met., 2, JeW. Christian. Draft with related correspondence with 271. 'The Structure of Metals and Alloys' Institute of Metals Mono- graph _ and Report Series. edition ‘(revised i 1954, and Fourth edition (revis ed), (with G.V. Revver Vs Smailman and C.W. Haworth). 1962 Fifth edition (revised), 1969 —e R.E. 1936. Second edition, “19443 Third Drafts and working notes "Structure of Metals and Alloys,’ conversation notes and related correspondence. Structure of Metals and Alloys,' rolated correspondence. Structure of Metals and Alloys,' correspondence relating to translatione 'The Structure of Alloys of Iron: an Hlementary Introduction, ! Commonwealth and International Library of Science, Technology, Engineering and Liberal Studies, 1965. Working papers and Mss. 'The Structure of Alloys of Iron,' related correspondence 'The Structure of Alloys of Iron,' annotated covy. 'The ptructure of Metals and Alicys,* annotated copy. with J.A. Buckley. with vi. Jesse O. Betterton. with Professor Bryan Coles, Correspondence Correspondence, conversation notes and annotated offprints relating to consultancy at ABRE, Hamvrell, Correspondence etc. relating to Membership of Basic Properties of Metals Committee, Ministry of Aviation. with Dr: Larry Kaufman, Professor Charles Coulson's file of correspondence Hume—kothery . Professor Charles Coulsonfs file of correspondence Hume—Rothery,. with Professor Charles A. Coulson, with Professor Charles A. Coulson, WeH-R, C.S.AeCe 1/73 with Professor DR. Hartreee wita rrofessor DR. Hartreeo with Volker Heinee with Professor H, Jonese with WoM. Lomere with Ashok Sinhe. Miscellaneous Scientific Correspondence (see list on file cover). Royal Society correspondence on nomination of Foreign Member (to be consulted only with permission of the Keeper of Western Manuscripts) o Royal Society correspondence on pyblications policys Royal Society correspondence on nomination (to be consulted only with permission of the Keeper of Western Manuscripts) Application for Royal Society grat. Correspondence re British Association. Invitations to lectures Correspondence with Ministry of Aviationo Misecllaneous Appointments and Awards. Technical Report on ‘Structure of Alloys of Iron’, Photocopies of letters written to Mr. G. Hediey about the ‘the Electronic Structuxe of the Transition Metals'. Report of a conference held at Abingdon, November, 1952 by Basic Properties of Metals Committee (includes article by Hume= kothery) e proeress of Hume=Rothery's early researches in metallurgy. VIII. Index of Principal Correspondents (Numbers refer to items) ALLEN, Norman Percy, IFRS ALTMANN, Simon ANDREWS, K. W. ASKILL, J. BACON, Professor Geoerge Edward BALL, Professor John Geoffrey BARNES, Re Se BETTERTON, Jesse O. BLACKMAN, Professor Moses, FRS BREWER, Professor Leo BUCKLEY, J. A. CARMICHAEL, D. CATTERALL, J. Me A. CHRISTIAN, Professor Jack W. COLES, Professor Bryan DELBART, CG. 118 105, 106, 131 95 106 109, 36, 105 44%, 105, 150 95 EMLEY, E. M. ELLWOOD, E. G 132a, 133, 1534 142, 106, 143 132, EVANS, Ulick Richardson, FRS FINNISTON, Harold Montague, FRS COOPER, J. COTTRELL, Professor Sir Alan, FRS COULSON, Professor Charles Alfred, FRS 138 JONES, Professor Harry, FRS GOODEVE, Sir Charles, FRS GREIG, Professor James HARTREE, Professor D. 127 106, 121 HODGE, Sir William, FRS 105, 120, 141 HARRISON, W. HEADLAM-MORLEY, K. HEINE, Volker HOWARTH, C. W. W.H-R. C.S.A0C. 1/73 KAUFMAN, Larry KOCH, Professor Carl KURTI, Professor Nicholas, FRS LEAK, G. M. LINSTEAD, Sir Reginald Patrick, FRS LOMER, W. Me LONSDALE, Tame Kathleen, FRS LUNN, Borge McCANCE, ’ Sir Andrew, FRS 9 MASSALSKI, Dr. Robert MAXWELU, T. MENDELSSOHN, Kurt, FRS MORROUGH, Henton FRS MOTT, 3B. W. MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis, FRS WEWBURGH, R. 140 140, 142 105, 124 106 143 140 105, 106 P. 1054-712 ROLFE, C. ROSSOTTI, Francis ROTHERHAM, Lconard et 121, 113 106 132a, 140 120, 141 SCOTT, J. Re C. PFEIL, Leonard Bessemer, FRS RAYNOR, Prcefessor Geoffrey Vincent, PRS.’ PEARSON, W. PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf, FRS 121 WATERSTRAT, Richard WILLIAMS, L. R. WILLIAMS, ™1liam B. SODDY, Professor Frederick SIMON, Sir Francis, PRS SYKES, Sir Cuarles, FRS 120,121 140 SMALLMAN, Professor R. WALDRON, Professor M. ZIMAN, Profcssor Je ? 106 132a 139 106 141 127 36, 95 120 SKINNER, Professor H. SINHA, Ashok 140, 141 143, 149 140
HUME-ROTHERY, William v1
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin