HUDSON, Robert George Spencer v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


CSAC 66/4/79 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of Robert George Spencer Hudson, FRS (1895 - 1965) and others relating to THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 1956-63 Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Julia Latham- Jackson Deposited in the Library, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London, 1979. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal . Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 tems Pages 2 4 24 25 26 SECTION A Correspondence and papers October 1956 - March 1963 A.1 - A.133 A.1-A.5_ Preliminary and Inaugural meetings A.14-A.22 Hudson's fund-raising corres- pondence 1957-59 A.6- A.13, A.23 - A.133 General Association correspondence and committee papers SECTION B Reports and correspondence on MSS submitted for Palaeontology B.1-B.7 SECTION C Minutes, circulars, printed material Corse.7 Index of Correspondents Note: Not all the material is yet available for consultation. Enquiries should be addressed in the first instance to The Librarian, Department of Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History), London. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE COLLECTION PROVENANCE 2 The material was received from Dr. W.S. McKerrow, a founder memberof the Palaeontological Association. the Association, which were in his charge, and additional material supplied by past It consists of the papers of R.G.S. Hudson relating to and presentofficers of the Association. The assembled material has been collated and presented chronologically as far as possible (though see A. 14 - A.22, A.54), and the correspondence is indexed. The main sequence deals with meetings of the various committees and the Council of the Association, its Demonstration and Exhibition Meetings and outings, and the publications policy, refereeing of manuscripts and editorial matters concerningits journal Palaeontology. Agenda and Minutes remain in the chronological sequence where they occur; many of these documents, especially those received from N.F. Hughes, bear annotations and additional information. Section C contains photocopies of all remaining Minutes and Circulars, 1956-63. NOTE ON THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION AND ITS OFFICERS The Association developed from the intiative of a group of young palaeontologists who had begun meeting at a Dining Club at the Gardenia Restaurant, London, early in 1955. At this time, Hudson was geologist and palaeontologist with the Iraq Petroleum Company and a Vice-President of the Geological Society of London; he was invited to join the group and played an important part in the early organisation and financing of the An Interim Committee was formed in November 1956, with Hudson as Association.* Chairman, and after a public discussion meeting on 30 January 1956 (also chaired by Hudson), the Inaugural Meeting was held on 27 February 1957. The first officers of the Association were: President: Vice-Presidents: Secretary: R.G.S. Hudson L.R. Cox, N.F. Hughes F. Hodson (until June 1957, when G. Thomas Treasurer: Editor: took over the office) W.S. McKerrow (until January 1960) W.H.C. Ramsbottom * For further information on Hudson and his career, see the Memoir by Sir James Stubblefield, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 12, 1966 pp. 321-333. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 3 As President, Hudson played an active part in the affairs of the Association. Manyof the early meetings were held in the offices of the Iraq Petroleum Company and A.14 - A.22 contain his correspondence with oil companies and industrial firms to raise financial support as a basis for the new enterprise. The aims of the Association were to advance the study of palaeontology by discussion and demonstration meetings, by field trips or joint meetings with other bodies, and by the publication of a new journal Palaeontology, in which 'the fullest possible illustration’ was to be an essential feature. The consequent importance of the Publications Sub-Committee, and the duties of the Editors, are reflected in the weight and detail of the correspondence in Sections A and B. The first Editor was W.H.C. Ramsbottom. As from 20 January 1960 a three- man editorial team was in operation, the two new members being N.F. Hughes and W.S. McKerrow, P.C. Sylvester-Bradley replacing the latter as Treasurer. arrangement involved frequent three-cornered exchangesof letters between the editors, This as well as with other officers and members of the Association, and authors of manu- scripts submitted for publication in Palaeontology. Some professional correspondence, information about research in progress and the like is also included in the corres- pondence. From March 1962, W.H.C. Ramsbottom relinquished the office of Editor on his election as Vice-President; G. Thomas joined N.F. Hughes and W.S. McKerrow on the editorial team, and C.H. Holland became Secretary. Note: Additional material relating to the launching of Palaeontology, contributed by W.H.C. Ramsbottom, is included as A.130-A, 133. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 SECTION A CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS A.1_ - A.129 A.] Preliminary correspondence October-December 1956. Includes discussion re formation of proposed body, variously referred to as 'Palaeontological Society', 'The Society of Palaeontologists', 'Palaeontologists'’ Association’ and 'Palaeontological Association’, drafts for 'First Circular’ (by N.F. Hughes, December 1956), memos. and statements of purposes of the association, and comments by senior palaeontologists. The 'Interim Committee’ met in Hudson's office at the premises of the Iraq Petroleum Company on 3 December 1956 and he headedthe list of signatories of its first circular. A.2 Correspondence, January 1957. Mainly comments on the 'First Circular’ and proposal for new association and publication. Includes analysis by N.F. Hughes of replies received, reactions and comments, suggestions for name of new journal and its contents, etc., agenda for meeting of Interim Committee in Hudson's office, 16 January 1957. A.3 Papers and correspondence re public discussion meeting 30 January 1957, Royal School of Mines, S. Kensington, and the preceding meeting of the Interim Committee. Includes: Letter from Hudson to Hughes (28 January) re preparation for meeting,and Hughes's ms. notes for his speech outlining aims and scope of new society and journal, financial prospects, analysis of replies to first circular. Letter from Hudson to Hughes (1 February) after meeting asking him to draft Second Circular (see A.4 for Hughes's draft). Copies of Second Circular and draft Constitution. A.4 Correspondence and papers re meeting of Organizing Committee in Hudson's office, 13 February 1957. Includes Agenda, copy of draft constitution, heavily annotated and with attached comments and amendments, lists of suggested membership of Council and Committees of the Association, notes re budget and publication of journal, N.F. Hughes's ms. draft for Second Circular as requested by Hudson in A. 3. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 5 A.5 Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re Inaugural Meeting, 27 February 1957, at Royal School of Mines, and the pre- ceding meeting of the Organizing Committee. Includes correspondence and memos. exchangedprior to meeting between members of Organizing Committee re Association and Journal, draft constitution (annotated by N.F. Hughes), ‘Memorandum concerning meetings’ (by F. Hodson), proposed agenda of Inaugural Meeting, letter from Hudson to Hughes requesting report on work of organizing committee (and ms. of Hughes's report), drafts for Third Circular by Hudson and by Hughes. A.6 Correspondence, March 1957. A.7 A.8 A.9 Mainly Hudson's letters and carbons re publication of journal, fund-raising, his note in Nature on the formation of the Association (copy included), meetings, membership, etc. Correspondence, April 1957, re possible meetings at Reading (June, declined), London, Sheffield (December) and Hudson's carbons of someofhis letters to colleagues nominated for various committees of the Association. Correspondence and papers, April 1957, mainly re analysis by W.S. McKerrow of first 150 members of the Association. Includes draft, and duplicated versions of McKerrow's paper. Papers re Council Meeting, 1 May 1957. Heavily annotated agenda, memos. on organisation of committees, Council memo. 2 (on publications), Council memo. 4 (on discussion-meeting at Sheffield). Includes W.H.C. Ramsbottom's draft paper on publication of journal, submitted to provisional executive committee on 6 April, the revised version of which became Council memo. 2. See also A.130-A, 133. Correspondence and papers, May 1957. Includes draft and duplicated versions of Minutes of Council meeting on 1 May, Hudson's letters and carbons re demonstration meeting in London (June), discussion meeting at Sheffield (December), fund-raising and membership; also included is N.F. Hughes's draft notice for June meeting. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 A.11 A.12 Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re Demonstration Meeting, held at Bedford College, London, 29 June 1957. Includes list of exhibits. Correspondence and papers re meeting of Council, 29 June 1957. Mainly exchanged between Hudson, Hughes and McKerrow re officials of Association. Includes Agenda of Council meeting, at which Gwyn Thomas became Secretary on the resignation of Frank Hodson, Minutes of Meeting, and of Demonstration Meeting 29 June. A.13 Correspondence and papers, May-July 1957. Mainly re circulars of information about Association and especially publication of new journal Palaeontology. Includes multiple drafts and comments exchanged between officials and members of Council. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 Correspondence and papers A.14-A.22 Correspondence re_ fund-raising, 1957-59 7 This correspondence was conducted by Hudson as President, and kept separate from other committee or publication material. It is accordingly presented here as an alphabetical sequence, although it breaks the chronolagical sequence preserved else- where. The folders contain Hudson's correspondence with industrial firms, mainly oil companies, appealing for support for the Association. by Hudson's original index card, with his note of the sums In most cases the correspondence is accompanied granted, The first appeal was made in 1957, for funds towards the general purposes of the Association and the publication ofits journal, Palaeontology. followed in 1959, with specific reference to assuring the con- A further appeal to selected firms tinuing publication of the journal. The folders are listed in alphabetical order, with dates and a brief indication of any material of particular interest. The names of individual correspondents appear in the general index on pp. 25-29, Hudson's misc. draft appeal letters 1957, and an incomplete 4 pp. draft letter 1959. Anglo-American Exploration Ltd. (Hudson's carbons only) Apex (Trinidad) Oilfields Ltd. Attock Oil Company Ltd. 1959 1957-59 1957-59 Includes correspondence with E.S. Pinfold, February- May 1957, asking his advice on the organisation of an appeal. A.14 A.15 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 Correspondence and papers A.17 A.18 A.20 A.21 A.22 British Petroleum Company Ltd. British Quarrying Company Ltd. Burmah Oil Company Ltd. Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. (Hudson's carbonsonly) Compagnie frangaise des Pétroles Esso Petroleum Company Ltd. Gulf Oil Corporation Hunting Technical Services Ltd. (Hudson's carbon only) Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. Iraq Petroleum Company (Hudson was Senior Palaeontologist with the Company) Kuwait Oil Company Ltd. National Coal Board Pan American International Oil Company (UK) Shell Petroleum Company Ltd. Standard Oil of California Stewarts and Lloyds Minerals Ltd. Trinidad Petroleum Development Company (Hudson's carbons only) Ultramar Company Ltd. United Steel Companies Ltd. 1957-59 1958 1957-60 1959-60 1959 1959 1959 1958 1957-60 1957-60 1957-59 1957 1959-60 1957-59 1959 1957 1957 1957-59 1957 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 A.23 A.24 A.25 Correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers, July 1957. Includes correspondencere relations with International Palaeontological Union (IPU), and misc. affairs of the Association, especially Publications Committee, and duplicated memo. circulated 29 July to Executive Committee on proposed Discussion Meeting to consider the nomenclature of 'Parataxa'. Correspondence and papers, August-September 1957. Includes agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting held in Hudson's room at Iraq Petroleum Company, 26 September 1957, correspondence re membership and meetings, Hudson's draft financial estimate. Corréspondence and papers, October 1957. Mainly re matters and agenda for meeting of Council at Hudson's office, 30 October 1957, financial position and outline programme for 1958; includes carbons of Hudson's letters written 4-5 November to implement decisions taken at Council meeting, and Minutes of meeting. A.26-A. 28 Correspondence and papers re Discussion Meeting, held at Sheffield, 13-14 December 1957. Oct .-Dec . 1957 A.26 A.27 A.28 Correspondence re organisation, timetable of papers, accommodation, etc., and letters of thanks following Includes programme, Report and Minutesof meeting. meeting. Oct.-Dec. 1957 Correspondence re Dinner of Association, held during the Sheffield meeting. Nov.-Dec. 1957 Correspondence re papers and exhibits proposed for the meeting. Nov . 1957 A.29 A. 30 Correspondence re Executive Committee meeting, 13 November 1957. Includes Minutes of meeting. Correspondence and papers, December 1957- January 1958. Mainly re Executive Committee meeting, 8 January 1958. Includes: Drafts and notes for papers on meetings, publications, membership, finances and publicity, many heavily annotated by N.F. Hughes. Agenda, draft programme for 1958, Minutes of meeting. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 10 Correspondence and papers A.3] Meeting of Council, 22 January 1958. Committee papers including Treasurer's report, Editor's report, draft Council's report, list of officers, etc. (many annotated by N.F. Hughes), and Minutes of meeting. A. 32 Joint Meeting of Palaeontographical Society and Palaeontological Association, held at Geological Survey Museum, London, 22 January 1958. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the Nomenclature of Parataxa, Includes: Official papers and written contributions presented to the meeting, and Report. Ms. and typescript drafts of contribution to dis- cussion by N.F. Hughes. A.33 Correspondence and papers, February 1958. Mainly re appeal for financial support. Includes Minutes of Executive Committee meetings in Hudson's office, 12 February 1958 and 18 March 1958. A. 34 Correspondence, March 1958. Mainly from Hudson re publications, editorial policy, and meetings. A.35 Correspondence and papers re appeal for financial support for the Association, February-May 1958. Includes multiple drafts of proposed appeal circular, drawn up by N.F. Hughes, with comments and revisions by colleagues, and notes of firms and organisations to whom appeal might be made, See also A. 14-A.22 for Hudson's fund-raising letters to oil companies and industrial firms. A. 36 Papers, March-May 1958. Re Council meeting, 12 March 1958, recognition of Association as a Charity, Statements of accounts, Circular 9 (announcement of Palaeontology), notices of Demonstration Meeting at Reading University, 10 May 1958, Minutes of Executive Committee meeting held at Reading, 10 May. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 11 Correspondence and papers A. 37 Correspondence and papers, May 1958. Letter from Hudson to M.A. Calver, with a draft paper on the organisation of the Publications Sub-Committee. A. 38 Correspondence and papers, June 1958. Mainly re meeting of Executive Committee on 4 June 1958. Includes Minutes of meeting, draft statement of account, further drafts and correspondence for proposed financial appeal circular. A.39 Correspondence and papers, June-July 1958. Mainly re papers and subjects for discussion (publications, finance) at Executive Committee meeting, 16 July 1958. Includes notes for meeting, Minutes, and duplicated sheet of information on responsibilities of Publications Committee and Editor. A.40 Papers for meeting of Council, 16 July 1958. Agenda, reports by Treasurer and Publications Secretary (many annotated by N.F. Hughes); Minutes of meeting. A.4] Correspondence, July-September 1958. Mainly Hudson's letters and carbons on various matters of finance and publications. Also includes Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 23 July 1958, and note of Executive Committee meeting, 8 October 1958. A.42 Correspondence and papers, October 1958. Includes programme of Demonstration Meeting, Bedford College, London, 18 October 1958 (annotated by N.F. Hughes) and Hudson's letters of thanks to organisers. A.43 Correspondence and papers, November~December 1958. Mainly Hudson's letters or carbons re meetings of Executive Committee, 12 November (Minutes included in A.44 below), and Publications Committee, 9 December. meeting, M.A. Calver, Secretary of the Publications Sub- Committee, was asked to suggest that authors of papers published in Palaeontology should make or obtain a contribu- tion towards the cost of publication (see A.54). Af the latter Includes also draft statement of accounts and financial estimates, 1958-62. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 12 Correspondence and papers A.44 Papers for Council meeting, 12 December 1958. Held at Cambridge during Discussion Meeting, 12-13 December: see A.45-A.53 below. A.45-A.53 Correspondence and papers re Association's meeting in Cambridge, 12-13 December 1958. This was a two-day Discussion Meeting held in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, by invitation of O.M.B. Bulman. and the Association held a Dinner in Queen's College at 8 p.m. on 12 December. The Council of the Association met at 5.30 p.m. The organising secretary of the meeting was N.F. Hughes, Vice-President of the Association, from whom the full record of the occasion was received. A.45 Circulars, programme of meeting, printed matter. A.46 A.47 A.48 N.F. Hughes's schedules and timetables for meeting and dinner, with lists of participants, papers, exhibits, drafts for circulars, etc. Correspondence re organisation of meeting, from officers of the Association. Formal acceptances or rejections of attendance at meeting (not indexed). A.49 Formal acceptances for Dinner. (not indexed) A.50 Table plan, menu, account, etc. for Dinner. A.51 Correspondence from contributors of papers. order: In alphabetical F.W. Anderson, T. Barnard, W.G. Chaloner, R. Cummings, C. Downie, R.P.S. Jefferies, G.A.L. Johnson, L.G. Love, P.C. Sylvester-Bradley. T. Burnaby, M.A. Butterworth, A.52 Correspondence from contributors of exhibits and displays. In alphabetical order: C.G. Adams, R.H. Bate, M.J. Hughes, A.H.V. Smith J. Chronic, D. Curry, K. Petakpaivan, Frank H.T. Rhodes, A.53 Letters of thanks, etc. received after the meeting. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 13 A.54 Correspondence re funding of papers, December 1958-April 1960. Correspondence and papers Material implementing the Executive Committee's suggestion at its meeting on 12 November (see A.44 above) that authors of papers accepted for Palaeontology should be asked to make or obtain a contribution to the cost of publication. The correspondence is mainly between M.A, Calver (Secretary of the Publications Sub-committee) and authors, with some administrative letters exchanged with R.G.S. Hudson. correspondence ends in April 1960, N.F. Hughes having taken over the office of Secretary from M.A. Calver. The The material is presented chronologically and is indexed. A.55 Correspondence, December 1958- January 1959. Mainly carbons of Hudson's letters re Executive Committee meeting , 7 January 1959; includes Minutes of meeting. A. 56 Correspondence and papers, January 1959. Mainly re meeting of Council, 28 January. Includes Agenda, Annual Report, nominations, accounts, Minutes of Council meeting, and related correspondence (mainly carbons of Hudson's letters). A.57 Correspondence and papers, February 1959. Mainly re Executive Committee meeting, 25 February. Includes Minutes of Executive Committee meeting and note of Publications Sub-Committee meeting, 17 February. A. 58 Papers, February-March 1959. Mainly re Annual General Meeting, Second Annual Address (given by Professor Gerhard Regnéll) and meeting of Council, all on 11 March 1959. Includes circulars, Agenda and Minutes, Annual Report, accounts, report of meeting of Publications Sub-Committee, etc. A. 59 Correspondence and papers, March-April 1959. Mainly Hudson's letters and carbons re publications policy and finance; includes report of Publications Sub-Committee, 14 April. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 14 Correspondence and papers A.60 Papers, April-May 1959. Mainly re Demonstration Meeting and meeting of Council held at University Museum, Oxford, 9 May 1959. Includes programme of meeting, Agenda and Minutes of Council, statement of accounts. A.61 Correspondence and papers, June 1959. Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 3 June 1959, and correspondence and memos. arising (from Hudson, McKerrow and Sylvester-Bradley) mainly concerned with costs, advertisements and publication policy for Palaeontology, and various ms. notes by N.F. Hughes. A.62 Correspondence and papers, June-August 1959. Includes Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 23 June (to consider increasing the annual printing and frequency of publication of Palaeontology) and correspondence arising; 16 July, and report of Publications Sub-Committee meeting, 28 July. report to Executive Committee by M.A. Calver, A.63 Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 30 September 1959, and ms. notes by N.F. Hughes. A.64 Correspondence, October 1959. Exchanged between Hudson, Hughes, McKerrow, Ramsbottom and Thomas, on affairs of the Association, especially officers, editorship and costs of Palaentology, membership of Council. Includes Ramsbottom's letter to Hudson of 21 October ex- pressing his wish to resign as Editor of Palaeontology. A.65 Papers for meeting of Council, 17 October 1959. Agenda, accounts and estimates, papers on proposal to increase the annual printing and frequency of publication of journal, Minutes of meeting. Copy of Circular 16 (programme of Demonstration Meeting on '‘Palaeontological Techniques') held on 17 October at British Museum (Natural History). A.66 Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 28 October 1959, with ms. notes by N.F. Hughes. At this meeting the Editorial board was enlarged to 3 persons (Ramsbottom, Hughes, McKerrow). R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 15 A.67 Correspondence, October-November 1959. Correspondence and papers Mainly re_ officers and Council members. Agenda, papers and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, 25 November 1959. At this meeting it was agreed to appoint 3 Editors for Palaeontology: P.C. Sylvester-Bradley was elected Treasurer to succeed W.S. McKerrow; Dr. T.D. Ford became Assistant Treasurer. A.68 Correspondence, December 1959. Exchanged between Hughes, McKerrow, Ramsbottom, Thomas re_ editorial procedure for Palaeontology, officers of Association, meetings, etc. A.69 Agenda and papers for meeting of Council, 16 December 1959. Copies of Circulars 17, 17A (details of Discussion Meeting on 'Lower Palaeozoic Faunas') held at Birmingham, 18/19 December 1959. Minutes of meeting of Council. A.70 Correspondence and papers, January 1960. Re Meetings of Publications Sub-Committee, and of Executive Committee on 20 January. A.71 Papers re Executive Committee and Publications Sub- Committee Meetings, 20 January 1960. Includes: Minutes of meeting, programmeof activities for 1960 and 1961, accounts. N.F. Hughes's drafts, and notes for both meetings and of discussion at them. A.72 Correspondence exchanged by editors and authors re popers for publication, procedures, meetings, etc., February-March 1960. Includes: N.F. Hughes's annctated agenda for meetings of Publications Sub-Committee and Council, 9 March 1960, and W.H.C. Ramsbottom's draft Editor's Report. Misc. ms. drafts and notes re editing procedure for Palaeontology, drawn up by Hughes, Ramsbottom and Thomas, January-March 1960. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 16 Correspondence and papers A.73 Papers re Annual General Meeting, 9 March 1960. Includes programme of meeting, Annual Report, list of members, accounts, Minutes of Executive Committee and Council meetings. A.74 Correspondence and notes exchanged between editors and authors, March-April 1960. Re papers submitted for publication. A.75 Papers re meetings on 4 May 1960. Includes: Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee and Council meetings, and various examples of pro-forma stationery to be used by the Association. Circular 20 - programme of Demonstration Meeting at B.P. Research Centre, 7 May 1960. A.76 Correspondence and notes, May 1960. Includes: N.F. Hughes's notes for agenda and report of Publications Sub-Committee meeting, 4 May. Correspondence exchanged between editors and authors re papers submitted for publication, and with Treasurer (P.C. Sylvester-Bradley) re charges for reprints. A.77 Correspondence, June 1960. Exchanged betweeneditors and authors. A.78 Interim balance, and financial estimates for 1961. June 1960. Annotated by N.F. Hughes. A.79 Correspondence and papers, 2-6 July 1960. Mainly re Publications Sub-Committee and Executive Committee meetings on 6 July, and re further financial appeals to be made by R.G.S. Hudson. Includes N.F. Hughes's notes and drafts for his report, multiple drafts and comments for revised 'Notes for authors' and final version, Minutes of meeting, N.F. Hughes's notes of action to be taken following meeting. A.80 Correspondence, 9-20 July 1960. Mainly between editors and authors re papers submitted for publication. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 17 A.81 Correspondence and papers, September 1960. Correspondence and papers Mainly re meetings of Publications Sub-Committee and Executive Committee, 20 September. Includes Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, Agenda (annotated by N.F. Hughes) of Publications Sub-Committee meeting. A.82 Correspondence, 23-30 September 1960. A.83 Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. Printed material re Association andits activities, October 1960. Includes programmeofvisit to London School of Printing and Graphic Art, heavily annotated by N.F. Hughes. A. 84 Correspondence, October 1960. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, and re meetings. A.85 Minutes of Executive Committee meeting, Agenda and notes for Secretary's report to Publications Sub-Committee meeting, 26 October 1960. A.86 Correspondence, November 1960. Exchanged betweeneditors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A. 87 Printed material re Association's activities, November- December 1960. Includes: Notes of special lecture by Dorothy Hill, 9 November. Agenda, papers and Minutes of meeting of Council, 9 November. Discussion meeting at Glasgow, 16/17 December. A.88 Correspondence, December 1960. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A,89 Meeting of Executive Committee, 17 December 1960. Includes: Minutes and papers, statement of account, list of Officers and Council, etc. N.F. Hughes's notes for Agenda and Secretary's report for Publications Sub-Committee, 17 December. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 18 A.90 Correspondence, 5-18 January 1961. Correspondence and papers Exchanged between editors. In his letter of 16 January, Ramsbottom expresses his wish to resign as editor (see A.92). A.91 Papers re meetings on 18 January 1961. Includes: Minutes of Executive Committee meeting. Minutes of Council meeting. Annual Report. Financial Statement. Circular 23 - Discussion and Demonstration meeting. N.F. Hughes's notes for Secretary's report to Publications Sub-Committee. A.92 Correspondence, 19-26 January 1961. Re publication of papers, and re W.H.C. Ramsbottom's wish to curtail or resign from his editorial work on Palaeontology. A.93 Correspondence, February 1961. Re editorial and publication matters. A.94 Papers re Annual General Meeting, 8 March 1961. Includes: Minutes of Executive Committee meeting. Agenda, papers and Minutes of Council meeting. Agenda of Publications Sub- Committee meeting. At this meeting, Council discussed the proposal by C.D. Waterston re_ listing of Type Material in British museums to be published as supplement to Palaeontology. A.95 . Correspondence, March 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A.96 Correspondence, April 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A.97 Meeting of Executive Committee, 3 May 1961. 2 copies of Minutes and statement of account, all with ms. annotations. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 19 A.98 Papers re meeting of Council, 6 May 1961. Correspondence and papers Includes: Agenda, Minutes and papers, especially draft circular on 'Palaeontological Documentation' arising from the proposal by C.D. Waterston. Circular 25 - programme, list of exhibits and information for Demonstration Meeting on 6 May. N.F. Hughes's ms. notes taken at Council meeting. A.99 Correspondence, May 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A. 100 Correspondence, June 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication. A.101 Paper re Meeting of Executive Committee, 13 July 1961. Minutes of meeting, financial statements and estimates. A. 102 Correspondence, July-August 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, reprint order arrangements, publication charges. A. 103 Correspondence, September 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, and meetings of the Association. A. 104 Papers re meetings, 4 October 1961. Includes: Minutes and papers of meeting of Executive Committee, and N.F. Hughes's ms. notes of the meeting. Circulars 26 and 27 re Discussion Meeting at Bristol, 15-16 December, and future meetings. A.105 Correspondence and papers, October 1961. Exchanged betweeneditors re papers submitted for publication, meetings and officers of Association, and proposed changes. G. Thomas handed over the major part of the work of Secretary to C.H. Holland from November 1961, and took over editorial duties on Palaeontology (see his letter of 25 October). Includes N.F. Hughes's notes on printing arrangements following a visit to OUP, and Cotswolds (plate printers). R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 20 Correspondence and papers A. 106 Correspondence from |. Strachan, October 1961, arising from circular on 'Palaeontological Documentation' supplements based on C.D. Waterston's proposal (see A.94). A. 107 Papers re meetings, 8 November 1961. Includes: Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee. Agenda and Minutes of Council. Council accepted the Executive Committee's proposals for officers and Council for 1962-63. Among other changes, W.H.C. Ramsbottom became a Vice-President, C.H. Holland Secretary, and G. Thomas an Editor; N.F. Hughes and W.S. McKerrow remainedas Editors. A. 108 Correspondence, November-December 1961. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, and re 'Palaeontological Docu- mentation' Supplements. C.D. Waterston was asked to edit these, but declined because of pressure of work, and |. Strachan agreed to undertake the task. A. 109 Misc. papers, December 1961. Includes: Treasurer's report. Draft Annual Report. Suggested programme 1962-63. A.110 Correspondence, January 1962. Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, and re meetings of the Association. Includes letter from Dorothy Hill re printing of J. geol. Soc. Aust. A.111 Papers re meetings, 14 February 1962. Includes: Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee meeting. Agenda and Minutes of Council. At this meeting |. Strachan was co-opted to the Publications Sub- Committee. A.112 Correspondence, February 1962. Re publication of papers, publications policy, arrangements for publication of Annual Address, and for Geologists’ Association field trip to be organised by McKerrow in May 1962. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 21 Correspondence and papers A.113 Papers re Annual General Meeting, 7 March 1962. Includes: Circular 28, programme of Annual General Meeting. Agenda and papers for meeting of Council. A.114 Correspondence, March 1962. Exchanged between editors and officers re papers sub- mitted for publication, arrangements for meetings of the Association. A.115 Correspondence, April 1962. Mainly re delays in publication. A.116 Correspondence, May 1962. Re papers for publication, and meetings of the Association. A.117 Papers re meetings, May 1962. Includes: Circular 29, programme of Field Demonstration Meeting, 5 May. Agenda, papers and Minutes of Executive Committee. Agenda and Minutes of Council. A.118 Correspondence, June 1962. Exchanged between editors and officers re papers sub- mitted for publication, publication policy, meetings of the Association. A.119 Correspondence, July 1962. Exchanged between editors, authors and officers re papers submitted for publication, reprints, etc. A. 120 Correspondence, August 1962. Exchanged between editors, authors and officers re papers submitted for publication, and meetings of the Association. A.121 Correspondence, September 1962. Exchanged between editors, colleagues, authors and officers re papers submitted for publication, meetings of the Association. Includes Agenda of Executive Committee meeting, scheduled for 3 October but cancelled because of the railwaystrike. The business was postponed until the next meetings of the Executive Committee and Council on 20 October. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 22 A.122 Correspondence, October 1962. Correspondence and papers Exchanged between editors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication and re 'Palaeontological Docu- mentation’ Supplements. Includes N.F. Hughes's ms. notes, probably for a report to Council, headed 'Pal. Soc. 9/10/62'. A. 123 Papers re meetings, October-November 1962. Includes: Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee. Agenda, papers and Minutes of Council. Programme and list of exhibits of Demonstration and Discussion Meeting on 'Micropalaeontology'. (all the above meetings were on 20 October) Agenda and Minutes of Executive Committee, 14 November. A. 124 Correspondence, November 1962. Exchanged betweeneditors and authors re papers sub- mitted for publication, documentation supplements, etc. A.125 Correspondence, December 1962. Exchanged between editors re papers submitted for publica- tion, publication delays, documentation supplements. A. 126 Papers re Discussion Meeting on 'Fossil Mollusca’, at Durham, 17-18 December. Programmeof meeting, list of exhibits, list of participants. A. 127 Papers re Association, December 1962. Includes: Treasurer's draft report, draft Annual Report. N.F. Hughes's ms. notes of his expenses for the year. A. 128 Correspondence and papers, January-March 1963. Exchanged between editors, authors and officers re papers submitted for publication, meetings of the Association, etc. Includes Agenda of Executive Committee and Council meetings on 6 February. A.129 Misc. requests from authors for instruction leaflet, standard numerals for plates, etc. (not itemised or indexed). R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 23 Correspondence and papers A.130-A.133 Additional material on Palaeontology. by W.H.C. Ramsbottom. Supplied A.130 Ramsbottom's notes for first meeting of Publications Sub-Committee on 7 May 1957, at which he presented comparative figures on format, estimates of publishing costs, etc. Included here is a copy of Council Minutes for meeting on 1 May at which Sub-Committee was set up (see also A.9, A.10). A.131, A.132 Correspondence with various printing and publishing firms re estimates for Palaeontology, December 1956- May 1957. Some of the correspondence wasinitiated by F. Hodson and continued by Ramsbottom. A.131 A. 132 A-C P-Y Not indexed. A. 133 Reviewsand letters of congratulation sent to Ramsbottom onfirst issue of Palaeontology. Not indexed. R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 _ 24 SECTION B REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE ON MANUSCRIPTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IN PALAEONTOLOGY B.1 - B.7 The material is in alphabetical order. B.] B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 A-D E-F G-K M-R S Misc. reports by Hudson (Hudson's carbons only). Various dates, 1959. Misc. schedules for publication of papers. not itemised or indexed) R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 25 SECTION C MINUTES, CIRCULARS, PRINTED MATERIAL C.1 - C.7 C.1 C.2 Misc. circulars, notes for authors and referees, forms for reprint orders, etc. issued at various times by Publications Sub- Committee of Palaeontology. Publications Sub-Committee Minutes of meetings, and Secretary's Reports to Executive Committee and Council, 2 July 1958 - 20 January 1960. Some of these Minutes have been kept in more than one copy when they bear different annotations or corrections. (Folder received from M.A. Claver, who was Secretary of the Publications Committee for this period, his successor being N.F. Hughes. ) C.3-C.7 Printed matter, minutes and circulars of the Association These are photocopies received from Dr. Colin T. Scrutton, Secretary of the Association, 1978. Other copies of these documents have been left with the accompanying correspondence where they occurred in the files, but this sequence provides an almost complete continuous official record. Constitution of the Association as adopted 1957. Draft Annual Reports, 1957-61. (The first of these gives an account of the origin, setting- up and early meetings of the Association. ) Minutes of the Executive Committee, 21 November 1956- 23 May 1962 (lacks 5 June 1957). Minutes of Council, 1 May 1957-20 October 1962. Circulars ] - 31A (lacks no.9). C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 26 ADAMS, C. G. ALLAN, J. ALLEN, J. K. R. ANDERSON, F. L. W. ARNOLD, Zack M. BALL, H. William BANNER, F. T. BARKER, R. Wright BARNARD, Tom BARR, F. BATE, R. T. H. BEILBY, Robert B. BENNISON, George BOUCKE, Fredric C. BRETT, Donald BURNABY, Tom P. BUTTERWORTH, Mavis A. CALDWELL, W. G. E. CALVER, Michael A. CAMPBELL, Kenneth S.. W. CASEY, R. CAVE, Richard CHALONER, William G. CHLUPAG, Ivo CHRONIC, John COLLINS, J. COOKSON, Isabel COPE, Frederick Wolverston COPELAND, Murray G. COX, lan Herbert COX, Leslie Reginald CUMMINGS, Robert CURRY, Dennis A.52 A.19 A.116 A.51 A.53 B.3 A.54 B.2 A.28, A.51, A.77 A.80 A.52 A.2]1 B.1 A.21 A.124 A.5]1 A.5t A.120 A.26, A.54, A.70, B.1 A.77, A.86, A.93, A.95 A.95 A.2 A5il A.108 A.52 A.77 A.76 A.18 A.77 A.20 A.72, A.76, A.99, A.114 A.5] A.52 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 27 DAVIES, W. DICKINS, J. MacG. DILCHER, David DOLLAR, A. T. John DOWNIE, Charles DUNLOP, Grace DURHAM, J. Wyatt DUROC-DANNER, J. EAGER, R. Michael EAMES, F. E. ELLIOTT, G. F. FALCON, N._ FARAHAR, R. L. M. FORBES, Colin L. FORD, Trevor D. FOX, Anthony F. GARDINER, Brian G. GEORGESCU, V. C. GORDON, W. A. GOLDRING, Ronald GREGERSEN, Albert GRIFFITH, John GUNTHER, A. E. HAFFENDEN, D. G. HAMPTON, John S. HARRIS, Tom M. HAWKER, L. HILL, Dorothy HODSON, Frank HOLLAND, Charles H. A.22 A.72, A.76, A.92 A.121 A.11, A.35 A.51, A.54, A.88, A.95 A.96 A.119 A.17 A.103, A.108, B.1 B.2 A.74, A.80, A.95, A.121 A.16 A.16 A.54 A.119 A.19 A.76 A.17 A.82 A.86 A.17 B.3 A.20 A.18 A.28 A.95, A.121 A.2 A.110 A.1, A.2, A.6, A.7, A.27, A.28, A.30 A.10, A.11, A.30, A.83, A.114, A.116, A.118, A.120, A.121, A.124 HOWARTH, M. K. A.103 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 28 HUDSON, Robert George Spencer HUGHES, M. J. HUGHES, Norman F. ILLING, Vincent C. JEFFERIES, R. JENKINS, T. P. H. S. B. JOHNSON, G. A. L. KAYE, Peter KIER, Porter M. KING, Basil Charles KIRKALDY, John Francis KNIGHT, George Ware LLOYD, Adrian LOVE, L. G. MACGREGOR, Roy McKERROW, W. Stuart S e r r P P B | r r r A.22 A.51, A.99 A.96 A.51, A.53 B.3 A.114 A.10 A.99 A.19 A.77 A.26, A.51 A.76, A.110 A.1, A.6, A.12, A.13, A.16, A.20, A.23, A.24, A.25, A.26, A.28, A.29, A.34, A.39, A.42, A.47, A.54, A.61, A.64, A.67, A.68, A.70, A.72, A.80, A.81, A.84, A.86, A.88, A.90, A.92, A.93, A.95, A.96, A.99, A. 100, A.102, A.103, A.105, A.108, A.110, A.112, A.114, A.116, A.118, A.120, A.121, A.122, A.124, A.125, A.128 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 29 MAMAY, Serge H. MIDDLEMISS, Frank A, A. 100 A.54 MILLER, Terence George A.2, A.80, A.86, A. 122 MOORE, Leslie R. MUIR-WOOD, Helen M. MURRAY, J. W. NEALE, John W. NEVES, R. PETAKPAIVAN, K. PHILLIPS, June R. R. PINFOLD, E._ RAMSBOTTOM, William H. S. C. A.95 B.4 A.112 A. 54 A.82 A.52 A.54 A.15 A.1, A.2, A.5, A.13, A.26, A.28, A.35, A.41, A.42, A.64, A.67, A.68, A.70, A.72, A.76, A.77, A.80, A.81, A.90, A.92, A.93, A.100, A.121, B.4, B.5 RAY, Clayton E. A.124 RAYNER, Dorothy H. A.13, B.3, B.5 RHODES, Frank H. T. RICHARDSON, John B. ROBERTS, John ROWELL, A. J. A.52 A.88 A.86 A.93 RUDWICK, Martin J. S. A.72, A.76, A.80, B.4 SARJEANT, William A. S. A.77, A.80, A.84, A.86, B.5 SELWOOD, E. B. A.54 Harold V. SMITH, A. SMITH, Jeremy J.D. STRACHAN,Isles STRUSZ, D. STUDER, W. E. SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, Peter Colley A.52, A.102, A.108 A.1, A.2, A.é A.106, A.122, A.124, A.125 A.96, A.99 A.15 A.7, A.26, A.34, A.51, A.53, A.61, A.67, A.76, A.80, A.93, A.102, A.118, B.3 R.G.S. Hudson/Pal. Ass. CSAC 66/4/79 TAINSH, H.R. TALBOT, G. W. TAYLOR, J. H. THOMAS, Gwyn 30 A.16 A.18 A.128 A.23, A.24, A.25, A.29, A.30, A.35, A.38, A.43, A.47, A.54, A.55, A.57, A.64, A.68, A.70, A.72, A.74, A.81, A.82, A.84, A.86, A.90, A.92, A.93, A.103, A.105, A.108, A.110, A.115, A.116, A.118, A.119, A.120, A.121, A.122, A.124, A.125 TOWNROW, John A. TRENCH, Brian A.99 A.20 WATERSTON, Charles D. A.54, A.108, A.115 WEBBY, B. OD. WELLINGS, F._ E. WHITE, Errol Ivor WILLIAMS, Alwyn WILLS, L. J. A.128 A.18 A.112 . A.74, A.76 A.119