Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to LANCELOT THOMAS HOGBEN FRS (1895 - 1975) Material additional to CSAC 78/2/81 and NCUACS 29/5/91 Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the Library, Birmingham University 1995 NCUACS 53/2/95 All rights reserved University of Bath L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists has been made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Petroleum plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: LIBRARIAN BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BIRMINGHAM L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.105-A.136 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.11-D.76 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 INTRODUCTION The papers in this collection were received per Mrs Kathleen Lloyd, the residuary beneficiary under Hogben’s will, in September and December 1994. This collection is additional to the principal collection of Hogben papers catalogued in 1981(CSAC 78/2/81) and the supplementary collection catalogued in 1991(NCUACS 29/5/91). The material includes further drafts of the autobiography left unpublished at his death and the ‘Hogben files’ of his literary agent Helga Greene, and has been numbered to follow the related material in Sections A and D of the previous catalogues. We are very grateful to Mrs Lloyd for making the material available. P Harper T.E. Powell BATH 1995 L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.105-A.136 A.105-A.115 ‘Look back with Laughter’ The title of Hogben’s autobiography left incomplete at his death. received from Hogben’s Royal Society memorialist early, introductory note) see CSAC 78/2/81 A.3-A.20. G.P. Hogben Wells papers incomplete partial drafts the or in and For drafts other an (with Chapter 2 Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter Eighteen (originally numbered Nine), with manuscript corrections. One (originally manuscript numbered Twelve), Chapter Twenty corrections. Chapter Twenty, with manuscript corrections. Chapter Nineteen (originally numbered Ten), with manuscript corrections. Chapter XXIV, with manuscript corrections. Chapter Twenty Two (originally numbered Thirteen), corrections. Chapter Twenty Three (originally Fourteen), with manuscript corrections. manuscript with with L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Biographical and personal Epilogue. Appointment as Aberdeen, 1937. Regius Professor of Natural History at University of Phoenix.. Annual publication of the Adelaide University Union, 1938. Includes reviews of Mathematics for the Million Arithmetic edited by Hogben. by Hogben and Political Honorary degrees University of Birmingham and University of Wales, 1963. Cartoon from Saturday Evening Post, nd. Correspondence re cutting, text of plaque. memorial plaque for Hogben, 1975-1976, newspaper Verse. 1965, 1966 and nd. Includes information about family Family letters, relationships. - Job’ and ‘Second Sequence Keren- Typescript copies of ‘Sequence | Happuch’, nd. 1p. manuscript. Welsh typescript ‘Gwlad heb Gennhadwr'’, nd. ‘An explanatory approach to —> J is x to please’. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous typescript and printed material. Bound volume of press cuttings. A.126, A.127 Press cuttings found loose in A.125. 2 folders. Letter from A. Einstein, 19 January 1950, found loose in A.125. press cuttings in A.127. Relates to Press cuttings not found in A.125. A.130-A.136 Photographs. A.130 Hogben, 1943. Hogben, Welsh homes. In Ghana, nd. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.11-D.76 Helga Greene Literary Agency The papers presented here are the Helga Greene Literary Agency's ‘Hogben The files include Helga Greene and her files’ received per Mrs K.A. Lloyd. associates’ correspondence with Hogben and his publishers, the UK principally Allen & Unwin and Heinemann, and in the USA W.W. Norton. There are also manuscript notes, drafts including draft agreements, and publishers’ readers’ reports. in The Helga Greene Literary Agency became Hogben’s agent in 1953. D.69. See D.11-D.58 General correspondence, 1956-1975. 1956 January-June. 1956 August-November. 1957 January-June. 1958 July-December. 1959 January-June. 1958 January-June. 1957 July-December. 1959 July-December. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Correspondence 1960 January-May. 1960 July-December. 1961 January-June. 1961 July-December. 1962 January-April. 1962 May-August. 1962 September-December. 1963 January-June. 1964 January-June. 1964 July-December. 1963 July-December. 1965 March, April. 1965 January, February. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Correspondence 1965 May-August. 1965 September-December. 1966 January-March. 1966 April-June. 1966 July-September. 1966 October-December. 1967 January-April. 1967 May. 1967 June. 1967 July. 1968 January-June. 1967 November, December. 1967 August-October. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Correspondence 1968 July-December. 1970 January-March. 1970 April-June. 1970 July-December. 1971 January-June. 1971 July-December. 1972 January-June. 1972 July-December. 1974 July-November. 1973 January-June. 1973 July-December. 1974 January-June. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Correspondence 1975 January-August. Hogben died on 22 August. D.59-D.65 ‘Hogben-Lloyd post-mortem’. Contents of files so inscribed: correspondence 1975-1989. 1975 August-November. 1978-1979: 1980-1981. 1982-1985. D.66-D.68 Correspondence removed from general correspondence and ‘postmortem’ files, 1962-1983. Includes photocopy of 1968 letter from Hogben found with 1986-1989. 1980s correspondence and typescripts of chapters 17 and 18 and epilogue of Hogben autobiography dated in 1989. 1965 July-December. 1962, 1964, 1965 January-June. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Correspondence 1966, 1969, 1973, 1975, 1983. D.69-D.73 ‘Memoranda of agreement’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1953, 1955. 1961-1962. 1964, 1966. 1968-1970. Press cuttings found with Helga Greene Literary Agency papers. reviews. Principally Dr75; De76 Publications of the Glosa Education Organisation found with Helga Greene Literary Agency papers. Euro-Glosa was a proposed ‘interlanguage for Europe & the World’ which drew its inspiration from Hogben’s work on language and linguistics. 2 folders. L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ALLEN & UNWIN LIMITED D.1.3),D.1:77, D218, .D:20; D.24, D.25, D.29, D.30, D.33, D.34, D.36-D.40, D.42, D.44, D.47, D.48, D.52, D.54, D.63, D.64, D.66, D.67 BLANPIED, John W. D.22-D.24 BROCKWAY, George P. JONATHAN CAPE LIMITED CAWLEY, Robert H. COLONIAL OFFICE DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, INC EINSTEIN, Albert ©; 20,,D:21,DiZ5, D.26, D.28-D.37, D.42-D.45, D.47, D.49, D.51-D.53, D.57, D.61, D.66-D.68 DiZ7, D:32,:D:35; Diss, D.40, D.42, D.45 D.60 D.14, D.15 Det A.128 GOODEVE, Sir Charles Frederick Deiat GORDON WALKER, Patrick Chrestien D.28, D.43 GREENE, Graham Carleton FURTH, Charles GANT, Roland FOGES, Wolfgang D:13;.0:15-D:20; 'D.43 DE13s. Ds 72 DBE b.24: D:25)-D:29;-D:37, D:40, D.54, D.66, D.67 D.20-D.22, D.24, D.25, D.27-D.36, D.42-D.58, D.59- D.63 Dib0, Di52Z D'325;D735)D.36)1D.42; D.45, D.49 See also D.66 D.11-D.49, D.53, D.55, D.58 D.60-D.62, D.66-D.68 GREENE, Helga GROSSET & DUNLAP, INC L. T. Hogben (Supplement) NCUACS 53/2/95 Index of correspondents WILLIAM HEINEMANN LIMITED D.30-D.36, D.43-D.57, D.59- D.63 HURRY, Stephen D.55 See also D.66 MICHAEL JOSEPH LIMITED D.20-D.27, D.31 LLOYD, Kathleen A. D.60-D.65 LONGMAN GROUP LIMITED D.52 McCRORY (née Hogben), Sylvia Ennyd A.121, D.34, D.45, D.58, D.59, D.66-D.68 See also A.120 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY D.22-D.25 McMORRIS, William B. W.W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC D:26-D,28; D:30; D.31,; DIS7/"D.38, Di42, D:43. D.48-D.50 D.14, D.19-D21, D.25-D.38, D.42-D.47, D.49, D.51, D.53, D.57, D.61, D.65, D.66-D.68 PROFUMO, John Dennis ROWLAND, John D.46-D.48 THE OPEN UNIVERSITY PICK, Charles S. D.55 D.20 D:15:-D.16 D.54, D.55 D.65 ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL SECKER & WARBURG LIMITED PLENUM PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED D.56 D.46-D.49, D.57 D:25-D:27, D:29;, D:30, D.32-D.34, D.38, D.40, D.45, D.46, D.48-D.58, D.59-D.65, D.68 D.24, D.25, D.28, D.29, D.37, D.44, D.45, D.54 STEIN, Sol STEIN & DAY SORLEY WALKER, Kathrine