HOGBEN, Lancelot Thomas Supplementary Part1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to LANCELOT THOMAS HOGBEN FRS (1895 - 1975) Material additional to CSAC 78/2/81 Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the Library of the University of Birmingham 1991 NCUACS 29/5/91 All rights reserved University of Bath Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to LANCELOT THOMAS HOGBEN FRS (1895 - 1975) Material additional to CSAC 78/2/81 Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the Library of the University of Birmingham 1991 NCUACS 29/5/91 All rights reserved University of Bath T Hogben (Supplement) L NcUACS 29/5/91 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Be? Abraham Cephalosporin Fund The Biochemical Society The British Library British Telecom plc The Geological Society The The The The Wellcome Trust The Royal Society The Society of Chemical Industry Institute of Physics Royal Society of Chemistry Wolfson Foundation T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 INTRODUCTION The papers in this collection were made available by Mrs Catherine Stoye, the daughter of Professor G P Wells FRS, in GulyeLyol. They were assembled by Professor Wells while preparing the Royal Society memoir of Lancelot Thomas Hogben (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 24, 1978, 183-221), and revising for publication Hogben's unpublished autobiography "Look Back with Laughter' (which in the event remained unpublished). This collection is supplementary to the principal collection of Hogben's papers catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC 78/2/81) now in the Library of the University of Birmingham. The additional material consists of Wells's correspondence with Hogben's family, friends and colleagues, his notes and drafts for the memoir, and printed and duplicated background material, and has been numbered to follow the related Nee previous catalogue. material in Section A of the previous catalogue. We are very grateful to Mrs Stoye for making the material available. A reprint of Wells's Royal Society memoir is item A.1l and the drafts for 'Look Back with Laughter' items A.3-A.20 in the Bath 1991 P Harper T E Powell T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A..35) = As1O3 As 35), AsO Obituaries and tributes. 2 folders. "Father and Son. The genesis of Lancelot Hogben FRS'. P Wells on Hogben's early environment Draft article by G submitted to Notes and Records of the Royal Society in 1980. journal 'because it does not deal primarily with a Fellow, but rather with his father'. It was rejected as outside the scope of the 25pp typescript. "Father and Son. Biographical Memoir of Lancelot Thomas Hogben FRS'. A supplement to the Royal Society's Revised version of the preceding submitted in January 1981 to Notes and Records which again declined to publish. Wells's letter to the editors of 15 January (included here) explains how he came to write the article and why he thought Notes and Records the appropriate place for dts 24pp typscript. "Chapter One A. A.40-A.77 Abercrombie, J and M Mudlarks and Onion Sellers'. Hogben's account of his early childhood in Portsmouth. lOpp typescript. Wells's correspondence with Hogben's family, friends and colleagues re the Royal Society memoir, Hogben's auto- Arranged in an alphabetical sequence. biography, etc. copies sold of Hogben's books. Includes information about dates of publication and George Allen & Unwin 1978-79 1977-79 T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Barrington, E J W Begg, M Bell, A’ oO 1976 Includes childhood reminiscence of H G Wells Boyd, JS K British Medical Journal Cawley, RH Chance, M Clow, A D Denton, E J 1976-81 1976 Edwards, J H Darlington, C Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre Glass, DV Gant was editorial director of the publishers William Heinemann Ltd. Finlayson, L H Gant, R 1976-81 Gibson, RJ T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Asa? CONE OG a2. Goodwin, LG Greene, H 1977-80 Helga Greene was Hogben's literary agent. Hogben, Bernard 1979 Bernard was the son of Hogben's younger brother Hamilton (1898-1967) . Hogben, Constance 1979 Constance was the widow of Hogben's younger brother, Bernard (1901-1973). A.51-A.53 Hogben, Dorothy 1979-81 Dorothy was Hogben's elder sister (b.1893). 3 folders. 1974 Hughes, B Rnignt, Ro Hogben, Lancelot Thomas A.53 includes copies of three letters from Hogben's father to Dorothy, 1917, 1918 and 1920. Includes letter from Hogben to Wells about his main scientific interests. 2 £olders: A.57, A.58 Lloyd, KA Landgrebe, F W 19/6, 19:79 1976, 1978 1976-80 T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Lowenstein, O McCrory (née Hogben), Sylvia 1976,1979,1980 Sylvia was the eldest of Hogben's four children. Includes Hogben family tree. McKeown, T Medawar, P B Midland Bank Trust Company Ltd 1976 The Midland Bank was the executor of Hogben's will. Pascal, R 1976,1979 Ross, ASC Montagu, I 1977,1978 W W Norton & Company Inc. 1977 ,1979 Includes information about dates of publication and copies sold of Hogben's books. Montagu's letter of 22 September 1978 describes his experience in Hollywood as ‘British University expert’ on the film ‘Charlie's Aunt'. memoir. Includes invitation to Wells to write the biographical Royal Society 1975-80 T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Sim, M Smith; Cc nd Society for Experimental Biology 1976 Includes programme, menus for 50th Anniversary Meeting 1974. Taylor, Sig au Taylor, W Thomson, A P Trinity College Cambridge 1976-79 1978-80 1975 Vick, FA Waring, H 1979 1976,1977 1977,1978 Werskey was the author of The Visible College: A Collective Biography of British Scientists and Socialists of the 1930s, 1978 Truelove, S Werskey, G other matters'. Includes 'Notes of a Conversation between Lancelot Hogben and Gary Werskey - 26 July 1968' and copy of a letter from Hogben to Werskey 21 January 1974 with ‘answers to some of your queries and my comments on T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Westoll, TS White, MJD Winton, FR 1976,1977 Wrighton, Zuckerman, S 4 folders 1976;,1978 Include copies of correspondence between Hogben and Zuckerman 1942-46 and of Hogben's memorandum ‘The claims of basic biological studies in the projected reform of the medical curriculum', nd. Notebook. "Early sections’. ‘Exiles of the Snow - Alfred Russell Wallace'. A. 78-A.103 Notes, drafts, printed and duplicated material, etc. "BM Discoveries Portsmouth Stoke Newington'. "LBL [Look Back with Laughter ] - the three versions'. With the exception of the notebook at A.78 the material is the contents of Wells's folders whose titles are reproduced in the catalogue entries. "Cape Town'. T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 ‘Social Biology at the London School of Economics C1L:9 30219817 ) iu "Vertebrate Colour Response’. ‘Mathematics for the Million and Science for the Citizen, 'The Pregnancy Test’. "Aberdeen and round the world (1937-1941)'. "Linguistics'. "Zoology & Medical Statistics at Birmingham and the War Office (1941-1961)'. ‘Ghana’. "Guyana'. ‘LTH - various works'. Syllabus, 'topics for home study, reading and preparation of notes', lecture and book lists for social biology course at Birmingham, 1942-45. "Bibliography'. ‘Godismus'. ‘Gossimus'. T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 Notes, correspondence etc re Hogben and religion. Notes etc re Wells's visits to Glyn Ceiriog, Clwyd, where Hogben lived towards the end of his life. 1976 and 1978. A.100-A.102 Miscellaneous notes, photographs. 3 toldexs: Photograph of Hogben's bust. T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABERCROMBIE, Jane ABERCROMBIE, Michael GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice BARRINGTON, Ernest James William BEGG, Michael BELL, Anne Olivier BIDDER, Anna BISHOP, Richard L A.41 A.41,A.62 A.98 A.54,A.98 CHANCE, Michael CLOW, Archibald DARLINGTON, Cyril Dean BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL CAWLEY, Robert H A.42,A.99 A.42 A.42 A.43 BOYD, Brig. Sir John (Smith Knox) CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE EDWARDS, John Hilton DENTON, Sir Eric (James) T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 FINLAYSON, Lawrie H GANT, Roland GIBSON, Robert J GLASS, David V GOODWIN, Leonard George A.45 A. 46 A.47 A.47 A.47 GREENE, Helga See A.48 WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD HOGBEN, Bernard HOGBEN, Constance HOGBEN, Dorothy KNIGHT, Richard H LOWENSTEIN, O HOGBEN, Thomas HUGHES, Brodie JONES, Reginald Victor McKEOWN, Thomas McCRORY (née Hogben), Sylvia LLOYD, Kathleen A DST Asoo T Hogben (Supplement) L NCUACS 29/5/91 MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) MIDLAND BANK TRUST COMPANY LTD MONTAGU, Ivor W W NORTON & COMPANY INC PASCAL, Roy ROSS, Alan SC SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY ROYAL SOCIETY A.38,A.66 SIM, Myre SMITH, Cedric TAYLOR, Stephen James Lake, Baron UNWIN, Rayner S THOMSON, Sir Arthur (Peregrine) TAYLOR, Wallis TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE TRUELOVE, Sidney T Hogben (Supplement) L NcuACS 29/5/91 VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur WARING, Harry WERSKEY, Gary WESTOLL, Thomas Stanley WHITE, Michael J D WINTON, Frank R WRIGHTON, ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron A.73-A.76