HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994) VOLUME | List of contents Foreword General Introduction Section A: Biographical Section B: Research Section C: Oxford University by Peter Harper and Paul Newman NCUACScatalogue no. 47/3/94 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994), biochemist Compiled by: Peter Harper and Paul Newman Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1928-1993 Extent of material: 232 boxes, ca 2,600 items Depositedin: Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford Reference code: GB 0161 D.M.C. Hodgkin papers © 1994 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogueno. 47/3/94 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 THE ASSEMBLING OF THE MATERIAL, AND THE COMPILATION AND PRODUCTION OF THIS CATALOGUE, HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY A GENEROUS SUBVENTION FROM THE LEVERHULME TRUST D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY OXFORD OX1 3BG D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 LIST OF CONTENTS FOREWORD GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.222 A.1-A.53 Autobiographical and biographical A.54-A.155 Career, honours and awards A.156-A.181 Family and personal A.182-A.220 Miscellaneous biographical items A.221, A.222 Press cuttings SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.991 B.1-B.19 Early work B.20-B.48 Cholesterol B.49 Genins B.50-B.53 Toad poisons B.54-B.61 Sex hormones B.62-B.81 Theory, apparatus, techniques B.82-B.288 Insulin B.289, B.290 Sterols B.291-B.295 Tobaccoviruses B.296-B.313 Proteins B.314-B.316 Benzpyrene B.317-B.336 Calciferol B.337, B.338 Fatty acids B.339-B.471 Penicillin B.472-B.500 Gramicidin B.501, B.502 Lactoglobulin B.503-B.505 Ferritin B.506-B.828 Vitamin B12 14 15 18 28 30 33 34 36 37 39 39 40 41 43 61 61 62 65 65 67 68 84 87 88 88 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 Items Page B.829-B.847 Nitroso compounds B.848-B.851 Purpurogallin B.852, B.853 Lumisterol B.854-B.870 Miroestrol/Bromomiroestrol B.871-B.875 Ferroverdin B.876 Agravide B.877-B.896 Piloty compounds B.897, B.898 Sporidesmin B.899-B.928 Cephalosporin C B.929 Formazan B.930, B.931 SuprasterolII B.932-B.938 Thiostrepton B.939-B.982 Miscellaneous B.983-B.991 Large format SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY C.1-C.182 C.1-C.3 Sub-faculty of Chemistry C.4-C.23 Teaching C.24-C.56 Hodgkin’s research group C.57-C.66 Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal Society C.67-C.108 Funding and administration of research C.109-C.143 Equipment and supplies C.144-C.172 Accounts C.173-C.178 Somerville College C.179-C.182 Miscellaneous SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS D.1-D.200 D.1-D.125 Publications D.126-D.194 Lectures D.195-D.198 Broadcasts D.199, D.200 Addendum 116 118 118 119 120 121 121 123 123 125 126 126 127 131 133 134 134 135 137 138 141 144 146 146 148 149 162 169 169 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES Items Page E.1-E.193 170 F.1-F.179 192 SECTION G PEACE AND HUMANITARIAN INTERESTS G.1-G.204 G.1-G.156 Organisations and topics G.157-G.165 Visits and conferences G.166-G.171 Lectures and publications G.172-G.204 Miscellaneous SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.331 H.1-H.262 General scientific correspondence H.263-H.306 Shorter scientific correspondence H.307-H.331 References and recommendations SECTION J NON-PRINT MATERIAL J.1-J.83 J.1-J.30 Photographs J.31-J.79 Photographic slides J.80-J.82 Sound recordings J.83 Film BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 224 225 244 245 246 249 250 289 290 291 292 294 297 297 298 313 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 FOREWORD 6 The completion of this catalogue of the manuscript papers of Professor Dorothy Hodgkin OMis a significant event in the work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists. Like all such large-scale cataloguing projects it has had a long gestation. Professor Hodgkin approached the NCUACS’s Oxford-based predecessor organisation in 1981 for advice about her papers andvisited its offices in 1983. Contacts were maintained after the scientific archives project was transferred to Bath in 1987 and in 1991 Professor Hodgkin gave permission for the NCUACSto catalogue her papers for deposit in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The Unit's archivists made a numberof visits to the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford and Professor Hodgkin’s home to survey the very substantial accumulationsof papersin both locations. A detailed archival assessment of their quantity, nature and importance for a wide range of aspects of the history of science was prepared, and a funding proposal for submission to the Leverhulme Trust was developed. We were very fortunate to secure funding from the Trust for two years and Mr Paul Newmanwasappointed in 1992 to ¢atalogue the papers. Professor Hodgkin has been supportive throughout with advice and encouragement and Mr Newman has met the challenge of his first encounter with scientific archives with great success. The NCUACS would like to take this opportunity to record our gratitude to the Director of the Leverhulme Trust, Sir Rex Richards, and the Leverhulme Trustees for their support of the scientific archives work since the transfer of operations to Bath in 1987. This has taken the form of three major cataloguing projects: the papers of Sir John Kendrew (1987-1989), Sir David Phillips (1991- 1994) and Professor Dorothy Hodgkin OM (1992-1994). The three collections are deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford where they form an indispensable corpus of material for the history of twentieth-century British science. Peter Harper Archivist, NCUACS May 1994 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 7 The material was received at various dates between October 1991 and February 1994 from Professor Hodgkin and from the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory at Oxford University. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF DOROTHY MARY CROWFOOT HODGKIN Dorothy Mary Crowfootwasborn in Cairo in 1910 and brought up in East Anglia. She was educated at the Sir John Leman School, Beccles and Somerville College, Oxford where she read chemistry 1928-32. Apart from two years research at Cambridge University after graduation she remainedin Oxford for the rest of her career. Here for twenty-five years she combined teaching chemistry at Somerville, where her students included the future Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, with research at the highest level. She became University lecturer and demonstratorin 1946 and University Reader in X-ray crystallography in 1956. From 1960to official retirement in 1977 she was Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society. She also married and raised a family. In 1937 she married Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (died 1982); they had three children Luke Howard born 1938, Prudence Elizabeth born 1943 and John Robin Tobias born 1946. Dorothy Hodgkin carried out her first research at Oxford in 1931-32 with H.M. Powell on the structure of thallium diakyl halides. She then went to Cambridge to work for two years with J.D. Bernal who had just been appointed to start research on the study of crystals by x-ray diffraction and had begun to look at biologically interesting molecules. The international success of his investigations led to increasing demandsonhis research, and Hodgkin joined him to makethefirst measurements on materials sent for analysis. The research included workonsterols, vitamin B1 and the protein pepsin, and Hodgkin wrote her thesis for the Ph.D. degree at Cambridge onthe results of the research on sterols. On her return to Oxford she decided to concentrate on onecrystal structure in detail and (with C.H. Carlisle) correctly analysed cholesterol iodide, the first complex organic molecule to be determined completely by x-ray crystallography. Early in the Second World Warthe successful tests with penicillin extracts on infected mice by Howard Florey and his team in Oxford led to urgent attempts to determine its chemical structure. Hodgkin and her coworkers accomplished this in three years with x-ray techniques, showing conclusively that the formula of This x-ray determination was of national penicillin included 8 lactam and thiazolidine rings. importanceat the time, and wasto havea lasting effect on the development of antibiotics, since in D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 8 order to make synthetic drugs it is necessary to know the structure of the original material. She later elucidated the structure of cephalosporin C, an antibiotic closely related to penicillin. After 1948 Hodgkin began workon the x-ray analysis of vitamin B12 which is essential to the life of red blood cells in the body- the inability to absorb sufficient vitamin B12 from the diet leads to pernicious anaemia. Thered crystals of the anti pernicious anaemia factor were supplied by E.L. Smith of Glaxo Laboratories and after a lengthy step-by-step analysis lasting nearly ten years she and her team found the structure. The processing of data wasaided bythreeofthe first electronic computers located at Manchester University, the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington and the University of California, Los Angeles, and Hodgkin played a leading part in the campaign to provide computerfacilities at Oxford University. After the success of the vitamin B12 work Hodgkin and her team refocused their research effort on the crystal structure of insulin - she had takenthefirst x-ray photographsof insulin crystals in 1935 - and were able to announcethe three-dimensional structure of rhombohedral 2 Zn insulin in 1969. Research on insulin refinements continued into the 1980s. Apart from her scientific research career at Oxford University, Hodgkin undertook a numberof prominent public and professional responsibilities including in the UK, Chancellor of Bristol University, 1970-88, and President of the British Association for the Advancementof Science, 1977- 78, and internationally, President of the International Union of Crystallography, 1972-75. Hodgkin’s involvement in humanitarian and peace issues was given impetus by the Vietnam War. She became Vice-President of the Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam in 1965 and President in 1971. As President she visited North Vietnam in 1971 and 1974. Her second major commitmentin the area of peace andinternational understanding was to the Pugwash movement (Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs), which she served as President, 1976-88. Hodgkin waselected FRS in 1947 (Royal Medal 1956, Copley Medal 1976; Tercentenary Lecture 1960, Bakerian Lecture 1972), and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 for her determinations by x-ray techniquesof the structures of important biochemical substances. In 1965 she became only the second womanto be appointed to the Order of Merit. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub- sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphsare intended only to draw attention to items of particular interest. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 9 Section A (Biographical) presents records of Hodgkin’s career, honours and awards, 1928-90, including documentation of the award of the Nobel Prize and subsequent meetings of Nobel prizewinners. There are also family and personal correspondence, though papers relating to Hodgkin’s parents and husband wereretainedin family hands, drafts of an unfinished autobiography, shorter autobiographical writings, articles and interviews, and many requests for biographical information for which Hodgkin often prepared careful and detailed replies. Section B (Research) is by far the largest in the collection and comprises very extensive documentation of Hodgkin’s researchin x-ray crystallography including the major topics ofinsulin, penicillin and vitamin B12. It covers a period of sixty years from about 1928 to 1988. Most of the material was found in Hodgkin’s box folders which were labelled by topic. The contents of these boxes included correspondence, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, notes and data. Arrangementis chronological by topic. J.D. Bernal, with whom Hodgkin worked in Cambridge 1932- 34, and very manyofherlater collaborators including C.W. Bunn(penicillin) and E.L. Smith (vitamin B12) are represented in the papers by correspondence, drafts, notes and data. Section C (Oxford University) provides useful documentation of Hodgkin’s university teaching in the 1940s and 1950s, her research group and tenure of the Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal Society, 1960-77, the funding and administration of her research (Rockefeller Foundation, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Nuffield Foundation), and the provision of equipment and supplies including the use of computerfacilities at other institutions in the UK and USA and their development at Oxford. Section D (Publications, lectures and broadcasts) presents chronological sequences of material relating to Hodgkin’s scientific publications, invitation and public lectures and broadcasts, and editorial correspondencearranged alphabetically by publisheror journal title. There are substantial assemblagesof material relating to her Royal Society memoirsof J.D. Bernal and Kathleen Lonsdale. Not all Hodgkin’s scientific publications are documentedin this section. There are drafts for many scientific papers with the related research material in Section B, and Hodgkin’s Nobel Lectureis to be found in Section A with other documentation of the Nobel Prize. Drafts for a number of non- scientific publications and lectures are to be found in Section G. Section E (Societies and organisations) brings together documentation of Hodgkin’s involvement with 16 British and international societies and organisations including Bristol University, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Physics, especially its X-ray Analysis Group established 1943, the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) and the Royal Society. Her major commitmentsto Bristol University, where she was Chancellor for nearly twenty years, and D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 10 to the International Union, which she served as President and whosecongressesshe attended 1948- 93, are particularly well documented. In respect of Bristol there is a substantial sequenceof general papers and correspondence 1971-89, correspondence with Vice Chancellors A.W. Merrison and J.F.C. Kingman, Hodgkin’s speeches at degree congregations, and material relating to the Departmentof Architecture closed by the University in 1984 despite Hodgkin’s supportforits efforts to remain open. Although there is somerecord of all the |UCr congresses Hodgkin attended from 1948, the bulk of the surviving material dates from Hodgkin’s term as President, 1972-75, and includes general papers and correspondence and executive committee papers. The IUCr material reflects Hodgkin’s interest in bringing Chinese scientists into the international crystallographic community. There is also material relating to scientific relations with China amongst the Royal Society papers. Section F (Visits and conferences) presents a chronological sequence of material relating to Hodgkin’s scientific visits and conferences, 1936-93, though the great bulk of the material is from There is evidence of her interest in the period after the award of the Nobel Prize in 1964. maintaining scientific contacts with the USSR and China during the Cold War, the first of manyvisits taking place in 1953 and 1959 respectively, and of visa difficulties in respect of visiting the USA during the same period. She also made frequentvisits to Eastern Europe outside the USSR. India was another locus of valued scientific contacts and she made a number of extended visits, for example in 1974, 1978 and 1979. Not all Hodgkin’s extensive travel is documentedin this section. Records of her attendanceat International Union of Crystallography congressesare to be found in Section E with other IUCr material. Visits which bear on Hodgkin’s peace and humanitarian interests including Pugwash meetings and hervisits to Vietnam are to be found in Section G. Some visits of particular biographical significance (including the award of the Nobel Prize and subsequent Nobel meetings) are to be found in Section A. Section G (Peace and humanitarianinterests) brings together documentation of the wide rangeof peace and humanitarian causes with which Hodgkin wasinvolved. Her major commitments to the Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam and the Pugwash movementare particularly well documented. The activities of the Medical Aid Committee are recorded in general correspondence and papers, minutes and agendaand printed material; howeverthe surviving material relating to Hodgkin’svisits to Vietnam in 1971 and 1974 is disappointing in extent. The bulk of the Pugwash material dates from Hodgkin’s Presidency, 1976-88, and includes general correspondence and papers, committee papers, conference, symposia and workshop papers, Hodgkin’s addresses, and printed material. Of especial interest is the documentation of the Warsaw conference of 1982, which followed the Other organisations and topics represented in the section imposition of martial law in Poland. include the J.D. Bernal Peace Library, Palestine, Russian dissidents and Scientists Against Nuclear D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 11 Arms (SANA). The section also presents documentation of conferences attended by Hodgkin on peace and humanitarian issues, a numberof her lectures and publications on these topics, and an extended chronological sequence of shorter correspondencewith individuals and organisations, 1952-91. Section H (Correspondence) presents an alphabetical sequence of Hodgkin’s scientific correspondentsincluding distinguished mentors and contemporaries suchas J.D. Bernal, W.L. Bragg, J.W. Cornforth, P.P. Ewald, |. Fankuchen, H. Lipson, Kathleen Lonsdale, A.L. Patterson, Linus Pauling, M.F. Perutz, Robert Robinson, R.L.M. Synge and Dorothy Wrinch, and very many of the younger scientists from Britain and overseas who researchedin various capacities in her laboratory such as G.G. Dodson, J.D. Dunitz and David Sayre. The sequenceis noteworthy for the significant number of womenscientists who trained in Hodgkin’s laboratory including J. Glusker (née Pickworth) and B.W. Low. There is also an extended sequence of shorter scientific correspondence arranged chronologically 1933-91. Hodgkin kept together by topic much ofthe scientific correspondence relating to her principal research projects and this correspondenceis to be found in Section B Research. Section J (Non-print material) comprises photographs, photographic slides, sound recordings and film. There are photographs of Hodgkin, mostly undated, and with scientific colleagues including J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen, H.M. Powell and colleagues from Oxford laboratory, P.L. Kapitza and F.H.C. Crick, a photograph album recording Pugwash occasions, 1969-88, photographic slides for Hodgkin’s lectures especially on insulin and vitamin B12 work and three sound recordingsincluding the 1973 Nobel Guest Lecture and her Chancellor’s Address to the Bristol University Education Department in 1974. The bibliography was compiled for the catalogue from Hodgkin’s own incompletelists (D.108) and a search of the abstractliterature. Following the example of Hodgkin’s ownlists it includes in the numbered sequence her Ph.D. thesis. References in the catalogue are to this bibliography in the form Bibliog.... There is also an index of correspondents. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 12 LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL Papers of Hodgkin’s parents John Winter and Grace Mary Crowfootare retained in family hands. Papers of Hodgkin’s husband ThomasLionel Hodgkin are in the Rhodes HouseLibrary, Oxford and in family hands. Papers of Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866) are in the Library of the WellcomeInstitute for the History of Medicine, London. A photographalbum recording Hodgkin’s eightieth birthday celebrationsis retained in family hands. Videotapeinterviews of Hodgkin are held in the Archives of the Biochemical Society and the Library of the Royal College of Physicians, London. Two models showingthe crystal structure of vitamin B12 and two models made by Hodgkin to show the structure of pig insulin at a resolution of 2.8 Angstroms are held by the Science Museum, London. Drawings of Hodgkin’s hands by Henry Moore anda portrait of her by Bryan Organ are held by the Royal Society, London. A portrait by Maggi Hambling was commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery, London. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 13 We owe first duty of thanks to Professor Hodgkin for making her papers available for cataloguing and for information and advice particularly about family and biographical matters. Wealso owe a great debt of gratitude to Professor Judith Howard whose advice on the very extensive research materials was indispensable to the successful cataloguing of them. Timothy E. Powell of the NCUACSat Bath has helpedatall stages of the project with advice and information. Hazel Gott has earned muchgratitude for the patience and skill she has brought in the processing and revising of the catalogue. Peter Harper Paul M. Newman BATH 1994 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 14 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.222 A.1-A.53 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.54-A.155 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.156-A.181 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.182-A.220 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.221, A.222 PRESS CUTTINGS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 15 Biographical AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL Autobiographical writings A.1-A.9 Sloan Foundation Science BookSeries. Hodgkin was asked to write a scientific autobiography by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York as part of its Science Book Series. She devoted a considerable amountof time to this from the mid 1980s, but the book remained unfinished. A.1-A.8 Manuscript and typescript drafts. Eight folders. Photocopies only. Originals retained by Hodgkin and her family. A.Q Correspondence with the Sloan Foundation 1979-82, 1984-88. A.10-A.18 Shorter autobiographical writings. A.10 ‘The Dual Role of Women.’ 8pp. typescript re Hodgkin’s childhood and early scientific career. Folder also includes manuscript notes and exercise book inscribed ‘D. Hodgkin. Sudan notes. Feb. 1982’ found with typescript. A.11 ‘Dorothy Hodgkin - Early Education.’ Article in L’Umile Pianta, the official publication of the Charlotte Mason College Association, Spring 1985. A.12 ‘1917-1987.’ Manuscript and typescript drafts of article written by Hodgkin for Soviet Weekly on the 70th anniversary of the Russian Revolution; letter, 1987. The article is an account of Hodgkin’s first visit to the USSR in 1953 (see also F.7). A.13 ‘Chemistry in Oxford, 1928-1960.’ Transcript of seminar discussion in which Hodgkin took the leading part, describing her experience as a member of the Chemistry Department during this period. The folder also includes shorter manuscript drafts, correspondence, 1987- 89. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 16 Biographical ‘Penicillin.’ 8pp. typescript of lecture by Hodgkin on herrole in penicillin research, nd. A.15-A.18 Miscellaneousshorter autobiographical notes and drafts, nd. Fourfolders. A.19-A.23 Cvs, lists of honours, statements of research interests, short biographical notes, entries for biographical directories, etc. Five folders. Articles and interviews A.24 Typescript of untitled article in Ringier Swiss Illustrated (in German), 1956. A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 A.30 A.31 ‘The crowdedlife of a crystallographer’, New Scientist, 8 September 1960. ‘The Chemistry-Minded Mother’, Time, 6 November 1964. 3pp. untitled typescript for Contemporary British Chemists. correspondence 1969-70. Includes ‘Insulin in 3-D’, New Scientist, 21 August 1969. ‘Women of Achievement’, Woman’s Journal, October 1971. Article in Japanese journal, 1972. ‘Wir sprachen mit Dorothy Crowfoot-Hodgkin’, Therapeutische Berichte, February 1973. Article in journal of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, 1975. ‘Structures of life’, Chemistry in Britain, April 1977. Folder also includes correspondence, 1975-77, and transcript of interview on whicharticle was based. ‘Impact Interview with Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’, Journal of Chemical Education, [1977]. The interview is a published version of the interview on whichthearticle for Chemistry in Britain (A.30) was based. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 17 Biographical A.32 A.33 A.34 A.35 A.36 A.37 A.38 A.39 10pp. typescript of article by M.F. Perutz on ‘Forty Years Friendship with Dorothy’, 1980. ‘Profiles in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, February 1982. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin : Nobel Laureate’, ‘Wizard with Crystals. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’, in The Lady Laureates, by O.S. Opfell, 1986. 17pp. proof, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin Transcript of interview with L. Wolpert, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, 1987; proof; review. The interview was published as ‘Finding What’s There’ in A Passion for Science, eds. L. Wolpert and A. Richards, 1989. Transcript of interview, to be published as part of Heroines, by L.Tuttle, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, 1987. Typescript draft, manuscript revised draft by Hodgkin of biographical entry in W. & R. Chambers Dictionary of Scientists. Includes correspondence, 1989. 14pp. typescript for article in Shell Times on ‘Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Unravelling the complexities of insulin, penicillin and vitamin B12’, 1990. ‘Ein Leben in der Wissenschaft’, Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 1990. Qpp. typescript of paper on ‘Leadership and Gender in Science : D.C. Hodgkin and the Oxford School of Chemical Crystallography’ by P.G. Abir- Am; related research proposal. The paper was given at a session on Great Women Chemists at the 1990, which Hodgkin American Chemical Society Meeting, Boston, attended (see F.162). A.40 ‘Chemistry’s crystal seer’, New Scientist, 23 May 1992. Proof of Hodgkin’s entry in The Dictionary of Nobel Laureates in Chemistry; letter, 1993. A.41 Undatedarticles, transcripts of interviews. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 18 Biographical A.42-A.48 Correspondencere interviews 1956-91. A.42 A.43 A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 1956, 1958, 1964-69. 1970-74. 1975-79. 1980, 1982-85. 1986-87. 1988-89. 1990-91, nd. Requests for biographical information 1964-92 Hodgkin was often very generous with her time, providing detailed information in her replies. From 1988the replies are typed on the back of the letters. A.49 A.50 A.51 A.52 A.53 1964-65, 1967-68. 1970, 1972-76. 1977-79. 1980-81, 1985-87. 1988-89, 1991-92, nd. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.54 Letter from Hodgkin’s school chemistry teacher, C. Deeley, re books for Hodgkin’sfirst year at Oxford, 5 October [1928]. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 19 Biographical A.55 A.56 A.57 Testimonial written for Hodgkin by S.M. Fry, Principal of Somerville College, Oxford, 9 March 1931. Appointment as Research Fellow, Somerville College, Oxford 1933. University Demonstrator, Oxford University. Includes correspondence re salary. 1945-51. A.58-A.61 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society 1947. A.58 Notification of election to Fellowship. A.59-A.61 Letters of congratulation. A.59 A.60 A.61 A.62 A.63 A.64 A.65 A.66 A.67 A-G. H-M. N-Z. Governor of Royal Holloway College 1947. Hodgkin was nominated as a Governor by the Hebdomadal Council, Oxford University, but her nomination was disallowed by a regulationin the College’s Deed of Foundation stipulating that Governors should be men. Reader in X-ray Crystallography, Oxford University 1955. Foreign Memberof the Netherlands Academy of Science 1956. Includes letters of congratulation. Royal Medal of the Royal Society 1956. Includes letters of congratulation. Foreign Honorary Memberof the American Academyof Arts and Sciences 1958. Hon. D.Sc. Leeds University 1959. Includes letters of congratulation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 20 Biographical A.68, A.69 Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society 1960. A.68 A.69 A.70 A.71 A.72 See also C.57-C.66 Correspondencewith the Royal Society. Correspondencewith University Registry, Oxford University. Letters of congratulation. Honorary Memberof the American Society of Biological Chemists 1961. Hon. D.Sc. Manchester University 1961. Includes presentation address. Hon.D.Sc. Cambridge University 1961. Honorary Visiting Professor, University of Ghana 1962. A.73-A.91 NobelPrize for Chemistry 1964. There is evidence that Hodgkin was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry as early as 1957. She was awarded the NobelPrize in 1964 ‘for her x-ray determinations of the structure of biologically important substances’. A.73 Communication from the Nobel Committee for Chemistry to W.N. Lipscomb acknowledging receipt of his nomination of Hodgkin for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for 1957. A.74, A.75 Letters of congratulation, 1964. A.74 A.75 A.76 A-M. N-Z. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s speech of thanks on the occasion of the Nobel Award ceremonies. A.77-A.79 Hodgkin’s Nobel Lecture on ‘Thex-ray analysis of complicated molecules’ (Bibliog. 90, 1964). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 21 Biographical A.77 A.78 A.79 A.80 A.81 Preprint; proof of lecture, including Presentation Speech by G. Hagg. 22pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Correspondencere publication of lecture in Science and in Angewandte Chemie, 1965-66. Background material. Includes manuscript and typescript drafts of speech given by Hodgkin at a student celebration for the Nobel prizewinners at Stockholm, photograph. Articles arising from Nobel award. In English, German and Dutch. A.82-A.87 Meetings of Nobel Prize winners. A.82 20th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 29 June - 3 July 1970. A.83 A.84 Hodgkin gave a lecture on the ‘Structure of Insulin’. Correspondence re arrangements. Includes summary oflecture. Programme. 75th anniversary of the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, 7-13 December 1975. Correspondencere arrangements. Includes provisionallist of participants. Newspaperarticle (in Swedish). 30th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 30 June - 4 July 1980. Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘History and the x-ray analysis of protein crystals’. Letter re arrangements. Programme. 1p. ?summary of lecture. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 22 Biographical A.85, A.86 33rd meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 27 June - 1 July 1983. Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘Scientists in search of peace.’ A.85 A.86 A.87 Correspondence re arrangements. Programme. Manuscript and typescript drafts of lecture. 36th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 30 June - 4 July 1986. Correspondencere arrangements. A.88-A.91 Nominations 1966-90. Fourfolders. A.88 A.89 A.90 A.91 A.92 1966-67, 1969-70. 1971-72, 1974, 1976. 1977-78. 1980, 1984, 1986, 1989-90. Honorary Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Sciences 1965. A.93-A.97 Order of Merit 1965. Hodgkin was only the second womanto be appointed to the Order of Merit; the first was Florence Nightingale, in 1907. A.93 A.94 A.95 Letters of congratulation. List of members of the Order of Merit, 1966. 75th Anniversary of the Order of Merit, 17 November 1977. Includes invitations, order of service for members, typescript re history of the Order of Merit. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 23 Biographical A.96 A.97 A.98 A.99 85th Anniversary of the Order of Merit, 23 June 1987. Includes photographs, list of members of the Order of Merit, newspaper article, photocopy of journalarticle. Miscellaneous correspondence 1981, 1989, 1991. Hon. D.Sc. Sussex University 1965. Memberof the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts 1965. Visiting Professor, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology 1965. Honorary Fellow, Girton College, Cambridge 1965. A.100 Isabella d’Este Prize 1965. A.101 A.102 A.103 A.104 A.105 Hodgkin wasprovisionally awarded theprize, subject to the condition that she should be able to receive it personally from the President of Italy. She wasunable to travel at that time and therefore could not accept the award. President of the Oxford and District Branch of the Association for Science Education 1966. Hon. D.Sc. University of East Anglia 1966. Honorary Memberof the Society for Analytical Chemistry 1966. Corresponding Memberin Englandof the Puerto Rico Academyof Arts and Sciences 1966. ‘Daughter of Mark Twain’ 1966, 1972. Hon. D.Sc. Hull University 1966. Founder Memberof the Institution of Computer Science and Cybernetics 1967. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry 1967. A.106 Hon. D.Sc. University of Kent 1967. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 24 Biographical A.107 Hon. D.Sc. Reading University 1968. Hodgkin was unable to accept the proposed degree because commitments in New Zealand prevented her from receiving it. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1968. Hon. D.Sc. Harvard University 1968. Diploma of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 1968. Hon. D.Sc. Exeter University 1968. Honorary degree Zagreb 1969. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1970. Hon. D.Sc. Sheffield University 1970. A.108 A.109 A.110 A.111 A.112 A.113-A.116 Chancellor of Bristol University 1970. See also E.5-E.46. Appointment. Letters of congratulation 1970-71. Installation. Includes programme, speech given by Hodgkin. Newspaper and magazinearticles. A.113 A.114 A.115 A.116 A.117, A.118 Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. 1971. A.117 A.118 A.119 Notification of election. Letters of congratulation. Baly Medal of the Royal College of Physicians 1971. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 25 Biographical A.120 Honorary Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences 1972. Honorary degree University of Pennsylvania 1972. Hodgkin wasinvited to receive a degree but declined ‘on account of the actual time, and the feelings | have at the moment connected with the present state of the world and University functions.’ A.121 A.122 A.123 A.124 A.125 Hon. D.Sc. Brown University 1973. Honorary Memberof the Royal Irish Academy 1974. Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 1974. Includesletters of congratulation. Hon. D.Sc. Yale University 1974. Hodgkin wasinitially unable to accept the proposed degree becauseof a prior engagementin the USSR. Thevisit to the USSR was subsequently postponed, however(see F.88, F.89). President of the Oxford and District Branch of the British Diabetic Association 1974. Honorary Vice-President of the London International Youth Science Fortnight 1974. A.126 Memberof the Norwegian Academyof Science and Letters 1976. A.127, A.128 Foreign Memberof the USSR Academy of Sciences 1976. A.127 A.128 A.129 Notification of election. Letters of congratulation. Honorary Memberof the Indian WomenScientists’ Association 1976. A.130, A.131 Copley Medal of the Royal Society 1976. A.130 Notification of award. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 26 A.131 A.132 A.133 Biographical Letters of congratulation. Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1977. Includes letter of congratulation, correspondence re Gold Medal Lecture (see also D.147). Hon. D.Sc. University of Massachusetts 1977. Hodgkin wasinvited to receive a degree but declined becauseof ‘serious outstanding work | am trying to complete during this year.’ A.134 President of the British Association for the Advancementof Science 1977. Hodgkin held the post for one year. See also D.148, D.149, E.54-E.56. A.135 A.136 A.137 Retirement from Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal Society 1977. Professor Emeritus, Oxford University 1977. Election to Fellowship of Wolfson College, Oxford 1977. Longstaff Medal of the Chemical Society 1978. Hon. D.Sc. Council for National Academic Awards 1978. Hon. D.Sc. Bath University 1978. Honorary Memberof the Section of Endocrinology of the Royal Society of Medicine 1978. A.138 Honorary degree Open University 1979. Hon. D.Sc. Warwick University 1979. A.139 Honorary Fellow of the Bangladesh Physical Society 1980. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry 1980. A.140, A.141 70th birthday 1980. A birthday luncheon washeld at Somerville College, Oxford. Letters and messages of congratulation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 27 A.140 A.141 A.142 Biographical A-O. R-Z. Corresponding memberof the Bavarian Academy of Sciences 1981. Honorary Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge 1981. Honorary Member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1981. See also D.156-D.158. A.143 Kreeger-Wolf Professor North Western University 1981-82. Hodgkin wasinvited to be a Visiting Professor for one quarter during the 1981-82 academic year, but declined the invitation. Lomonosov Gold Medal of the USSR Academyof Sciences 1983. Includes letter of congratulation, manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s ‘Report on visit to the Soviet Union from Feb. 28 - March 10, 1983’. Foreign Memberof the Austrian Honour Award for Science and Arts 1983. Includes photographs. Visiting Professorship, York University 1984, 1987, 1990 Dimitrov Peace Prize, Bulgaria, 1984. programme for Hodgkin’s visit to Bulgaria. Includes letter of congratulation, A.144 A.145 A.146 A.147 A.148 75th birthday 1985. Letters of congratulation. A.149 A.150 Memberof the International Academy of Science 1985. Hon. LL.D. Dalhousie University 1986. A.151, A.152 International Lenin Peace Prize 1987. A.151 Notification of award, visit to Moscow, prize money. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 28 Biographical Letters of congratulation. Hon. D.Sc. Oxford University 1987. Includes letters of congratulation. Resignation as Chancellor of Bristol University 1988. Hon. D.Sc. St. Andrews University 1990. A.152 A.153 A.154 A.155 FAMILY AND PERSONAL Family A.156, A.157 Diana Royle (Dilly), sister. 1979-90, nd A.156 A.157 A.158 A.159 1979-80, 1983-88, 1990. Nd. Edward Hodgkin, brother-in-law. Elizabeth Hodgkin, daughter. 1975-89, nd 1967-88, nd A.160-A.162 Miscellaneous shorter family correspondence, in chronological order. 1943-92, nd. A.160 1943. Letter from Hodgkin to her mother re her progress in the penicillin research. 1955. Letters from Sir Frederic and Lady Hamilton re gift of £500 to Hodgkin. Lady Hamilton was the sister of Hodgkin’s mother-in-law, also called Dorothy Hodgkin. Consequently Hodgkin is referred to as ‘Dorothy junior’. Hodgkin used the moneyto publish archaeological work of her father in Samaria. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 29 Biographical 1957, 1960-79. 1980-92, nd. Manuscript notes re family tree. A.161 A.162 A.163 Personal correspondence A.164 Renfrew Christie 1985-87 Christie was a South African who had been imprisoned for his anti- apartheid activities. A.165 Maria Kostova 1984-86 Kostova was a Bulgarian teacher of English whom Hodgkin had knownfor many years. The correspondencerelates to a visit to England. A.166 James Moxon 1986-87, nd Moxonwasa friend of Hodgkin and her husband from their time in Ghana. A.167 Elizabeth Murray 1949-86, nd Murray wasa friend of Hodgkin’s from Somerville College Oxford, who led the expedition to Spain in 1936 (see A.189-A.195). She later became Principal of Bishop Otter College, Sussex. A.168 Francis Pagan 1966-80, nd Pagan was the son of the woman with whom Hodgkin boarded while attending the Sir John Leman School, Beccles. He was researching for a proposed biography of Hodgkin. A.169 Galina Shemetova 1979, nd Shemetova was a Russian friend of Hodgkin’s daughter, Elizabeth. The correspondence mostly relates to her application for a visa to visit the Hodgkin family. A.170 Elspeth Stanford 1979-89, nd D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 30 Biographical A.171 E.N. (‘Buzzer’) Wurr 1980-89, nd Wurr was a contemporary of Hodgkin’s from school. A.172-A.181 Miscellaneous shorter personal correspondence, in chronological order. 1950-92, nd. A.172 A.173 A.174 A.175 A.176 A.177 A.178 A.179 A.180 A.181 1950-51, 1960-61, 1964-69. 1970-75. 1976-79. 1980-82. 1983-84. 1985-87. 1988. 1989-90. 1991-92. Nd. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICALITEMS A.182-A.186 In chronological order. A.182 A.183 Typescripts of accountsof visits to Russia (later the USSR), 1892, 1899, 1923, and 1925 ‘as Delegate to the Bicentenary of the Russian Academy of Science.’ Probably same author(unidentified). Typescript ‘circular’ letter sent from British consulate in Leningrad, 1931. Includes general impressions of Soviet Union, account of visit by British Author and recipient party including Lady Astor and G.B. Shaw. unidentified. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 31 Biographical A.184 A.185 A.186 Typescript extracts [?from letters sent by J. Pickworth], which form a record of the progress of vitamin B12 research in Hodgkin’s laboratoryin Oxford, July 1954 - June 1955. ‘PNEU. The Journal of Parents National Education Union’, July/August/ Includes article re Hodgkin’s attendance at a PNEU September 1975. school in 1918. Calendar, appointments. probably from Hodgkin’s laboratory, 1976. Includes A.187-A.220 By topic. A.187, A.188 Appeals, charities, donations. 1985-91, nd. Twofolders. A.189-A.195 Archaeological and architectural interests. The material mostly relates to an expedition to Spain in 1936 which The Hodgkin made with friends from Somerville College Oxford. expedition was led by Elizabeth Murray (see also A.167). The material includes correspondence,postcards, photographs, manuscript notes, drawings. Seven folders. A.196-A.198 Archives and museum objects. A.196 A.197 A.198 Correspondence re Hodgkin’s manuscripts, 1973-92. Correspondence and papers re manuscripts of other members of the Hodgkin family, 1969-89. Correspondence re deposit of insulin models in the Science Museum, London, 1991. A.199-A.201 Autographs. Letters requesting Hodgkin’s autograph, signed photograph, etc. 1955-82, nd. Three folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 32 Biographical A.202, A.203 Finances. 1947-89. Twofolders. A.204 Health. 1976-90, nd. Includes Hodgkin’s account of her rheumatoid arthritis, from which she suffered from the late 1930s. A.205-A.209 Photographs andportraits. A.205 Correspondencewith the National Portrait Gallery, re photograph for the National Photographic Record, 1965-69. Correspondencewith the National Portrait Gallery, Maggi Hambling and others re portrait of Hodgkin by Hambling, 1984-88. Letter from Henry Moore and correspondence re Moore’s drawings of Hodgkin’s handsfor the Royal Society, 1978, 1989. Correspondencewith Graham Sutherland and othersre portrait of Hodgkin by Sutherland intended for the Royal Society, 1978-80. Sutherland died before the portrait was completed. A.206-A.209 Miscellaneous shorter correspondencere portraits and photographs. Four folders. A.210 Political interests. 1984-89. A.211-A.214 Requests for Hodgkin’s advice, opinions ona variety of topics. From 1989 Hodgkin’s replies are typed on the backoftheletters. 1947-91. Four folders. A.215 Schools. Correspondenceprincipally with and re Hodgkin’s school, the Sir John Leman School, Beccles, 1951-93. Includes a little correspondence re Crowfoot County Primary School, opened by Hodgkin’s father in 1952, and with the Borough of Beccles, 1965-73. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 33 Biographical A.216-A.220 Social invitations. 1965-91. Five folders. PRESS CUTTINGS A.221, A.222 1955-91. Twofolders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 34 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.991 This section comprises very extensive documentation of Hodgkin’s research in x-ray crystallography including the majortopicsof insulin, penicillin and vitamin B12. It covers a period of sixty years from about 1928 to 1988. Most of the material was found in Hodgkin’s box folders which were labelled by topic. The contents of these boxes included correspondence,drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, notes and data. The material has been arranged in chronological order by topic. At the end of the chronological sequence of topics there is some miscellaneous material followed by large format items. J.D. Bernal, with whom Hodgkin worked in Cambridge 1932-34, and very many of her later collaborators including C.W. Bunn (penicillin) and E.L. Smith (vitamin B12) are represented in the papers by correspondence, drafts, notes and data. The material is presented as follows: B.1-B.19 EARLY WORK B.20-B.48 CHOLESTEROL B.49 GENINS B.50-B.53 TOAD POISONS B.54-B.61 B.62-B.81 SEX HORMONES THEORY, APPARATUS, TECHNIQUES B.82-B.288 INSULIN B.289, B.290 STEROLS B.291-B.295 TOBACCO VIRUSES B.296-B.313 PROTEINS B.314-B.316 BENZPYRENE B.317-B.336 CALCIFEROL B.337, B.338 FATTY ACIDS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 35 Research B.339-B.471 PENICILLIN B.472-B.500 GRAMICIDIN B.501, B.502 LACTOGLOBULIN B.503-B.505 FERRITIN B.506-B.828 VITAMIN B12 B.829-B.847 NITROSO COMPOUNDS B.848-B.851 PURPUROGALLIN B.852, B.853 LUMISTEROL B.854-B.870 MIROESTROL/BROMOMIROESTROL B.871-B.875 FERROVERDIN B.876 AGRAVIDE B.877-B.896 PILOTY COMPOUNDS B.897, B.898 SPORIDESMIN B.899-B.928 CEPHALOSPORIN C B.929 FORMAZAN B.930, B.931 SUPRASTEROLII B.932-B.938 THIOSTREPTON B.939-B.982 MISCELLANEOUS B.983-B.991 LARGE FORMAT D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 36 Research EARLY WORK ca 1928-32 B.1-B.4 Notebooks Four hardback chemistry notebooks, probably undergraduate, used for notes on techniques, preparations, properties, nd. Include some loose items. B.5 ‘Crystallography’ Exercise book, dated July 1931, from the short time Hodgkin spent at Heidelberg during the summervacation betweenthethird and fourth years of her degree. Hodgkin studied methods of measuring crystals with a goniometer and of drawing crystals under V. Goldschmidt. B.6-B.11 Manuscript notes. B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 Nd. Probably undergraduate. ‘Electrochemistry’ ‘Molecular structure’, ‘structure of crystals’. diffraction. Includes notes on x-ray ‘Chemical Kinetics’. ‘Colloids’. Includes notes on ‘Methodsof determining size of particles by X rays’. ‘Stereochemistry’. ‘Quantum ‘Thermodynamics’, ‘Specific Heat of Solids’. ‘Chemistry Theory’, of the Photographic Plate’, B.12-B.18 Essays Nd. Probably undergraduate. ‘The relation between the thermal stability and the chemical stability of a molecule’. ‘The relation between the chemical reactivity and the thermal stability of molecules’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 37 Research B.13 ‘The criteria of Chemical Combination’. Answerto question on ‘Hydrolysis of a salt of a strong base and a weak acid’. B.15 B.16 ‘Chemiluminescence’. ‘The Hydration of lons’. ‘Chain Reactions’. B.18 ‘The Nature, Properties and Uses of Alloys’. Untitled draft found attached to the preceding but on unrelated topic, 21928, B.19 ‘The Crystallographic Properties of some Alkyl Thallium Compounds’. Thesis submitted for Final Honour School of Chemistry (PartII) and B.Sc. Degree. [1932]. CHOLESTEROL 1933-71 Cholesterol iodide was Hodgkin’s first x-ray analysis of an organic structure. B.20 B.21 X-ray films, annotated by Hodgkin and J.D. Bernal, of crystals of cholesterol bromide, cholesterol dibromide and cholesterolchloride, 1933. Box of x-ray films, annotated by Bernal, of crystals of cholesterol iodide, etc. [1933]. B.22-B.31 ‘Chiefly Cholesterol’. Contents of box folder so labelled, divided into ten for ease of reference. Manuscript drafts, notes and data re Hodgkin’s Ph.D. thesis, ‘X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols’, Bibliog. 15, 1936. B.32, B.33 Contents of untitled binder, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscriptnotesfrom the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1937. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 38 Research B.34, B.35 Contents of envelope divided into two for ease of reference. ‘X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols. Part I’ (with J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen), Bibliog. 30, 1940. Manuscript draft, incomplete, including 4pp. by Bernal. B.36 Contents of untitled folder. Typescript copy of ‘An X-ray Study of Compounds’ by F.O. Bell, probably sent to Hodgkin for information, nd. i-Cholesterol and Related Correspondence 1941, 1943, re work by Hodgkin and C.H. Carlisle on cholesteryl iodide. B.37, B.38 ‘The crystal structure of cholesteryl iodide’, Bibliog. 39, 1945. B.37 B.38 B.39 15pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. 44pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Cholesterol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Letter from Hodgkin to S. Abrahamsson, dated 18 October 1962, re her early research on cholesterol, with 3pp. manuscript draft from her Ph.D. thesis and two x-ray photographs. X-ray photographsand film. Some dated 1931, 1935 and 1962. Manuscript notes and data. B.40-B.42 ‘4-cholesterol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.40 ‘Crystal and molecular structure of 68-bromoacetyl and 68-chloroacety! 3,5 a-cyclo-5 a-cholestane(i-cholesteryl bromoacetate and chloroacetate)’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 119, 1971. 20pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. B.41 Correspondencere i-cholesterol 1967, 1971. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 39 Research B.42 B.43 ‘Listing of the Structure Factorsfori-cholesterol bromoacetate’. Computer printout, nd. Manuscript data, probably for Fourier analysis of cholesteryl bromide, nd. ‘Trial Fourier Analysis of Cholesteryl Bromide’, nd. Handdrawncholesteryl iodide projection, nd. B.44-B.48 Exercise books, nd. B.44 B.45 B.46 B.47 B.48 GENINS Data re dibromo cholesterol. ‘Cholesteryl bromide’. Patterson data. Data re cholesterol chloride. Patterson data for dibromo cholesterol chloride, dibromo cholesterol bromide, cholesterol chloride and cholesterol chloride hydrochloride. ‘Cholesteryl chloride’. Patterson data. 1934 B.49 ‘Genins’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘X-ray crystallographic measurements of some genins derived from Not digitalis’ (with J.D. Bernal), latest bibliographical reference 1934. listed in Bibliog. 5pp. typescript. Manuscript notes, data, handdrawn projections and sketches by Hodgkin and Bernal TOAD POISONS 1935-36 Hodgkin was given specimens of bufagin and cinobufagin to examine by H. Jensen. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 40 Research B.50 ‘A note on the X-ray Crystallography of the Toad Poisons, Bufagin and Cinobufagin, and of Strophanthidin’, Bibliog. 13, 1935. 4pp. typescript, with extensive manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.51, B.52 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from theliterature re toad poisons, 1935. Two folders. B.53 ‘The molecular weight of cinobufagin’ (with H. Jensen), Bibliog. 20, 1936. App. typescript draft; 3pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. SEX HORMONES 1935-36 B.54, B.55 B.56, B.57 B.56 B.57 B.58 The first x-ray crystallographic examination of a memberof this series was undertaken by J.D. Bernal in 1932. Manuscript notes and data re sex hormones by Hodgkin and J.D. Bernal, manuscript notes from the literature, sketches of crystals. A few pages dated 1935. Twofolders. ‘X-ray crystallographic data on the sex hormones, oestrone, androsterone, testosterone and progesterone and related substances’ (with J.D. Bernal), Bibliog. 19, 1936. 26pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and Bernal. 30pp. manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and marginal comments by Bernal. Tables; legendsto figures. ‘X-ray crystallographic examination of Testosterone’, nd. Bibliog. Notlisted in 3pp. typescript draft; 3pp manuscript draft by Hodgkin. B.59-B.61 Three exercise books, used for notes on sex hormonesbyBernal. B.59 ‘Pregnandiol’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 at Research B.60 B.61 Untitled [cover missing]. ‘Oestron’. THEORY, APPARATUS, TECHNIQUES 1935-60 B.62-B.65 Contents of untitled binder. B.62 ‘The interpretation of Weissenberg Photographs in relation to crystal symmetry’, Bibliog. 12, 1935. Proof copy; figures, annotated by Hodgkin. B.63, B.64 Tables of manuscript data. Two folders. B.65 Manuscript data, calculations, sections, by Hodgkin and J.D. Bernal. B.66-B.74 ‘Charts. Apparatus. Techniques. Early papers, mainly 1940s’. Contents of box folder so labelled. B.66 B.67 B.68 B.69 Manuscriptnotesfrom the literature, not by Hodgkin, latest bibliographical reference 1936. Contents of envelope, re delivery of Cu Anode Research Tube. Includes delivery notice, dated 17 March 1937, instructions for use, chart. Letter from W.L. Bragg, 1937. Attached is a typescript copy of ‘Structure- Factor Fields for the Plane-Groups C3m H3m Cé6m’, by Bragg and H. Lipson. Machine X-Ray ‘A Crystallography’, by A.D. Booth. Nd, latest bibliographical reference 1943. Calculation Structure for the of Factors in 3pp. typescript. Photographs; blueprints. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 42 Research B.70 ‘Comments on the Wooster-Martin Weissenberg Two-Circle X-Ray Goniometer’. 1p. typescript, not by Hodgkin, 1944. Typescript notes re the Buerger Equi-Inclination Weissenberg Goniometer, by E.G. Cox; letter from Cox, dated 11 February 1947. B.71 Contents of envelope sent to Hodgkin, 1949. ‘An Integrating Weissenberg-Apparatus’. 2pp. typescript. Plans; photographs. B.72, B.73 ‘Papers on technique from Bill Cochran - 1950s’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Miscellaneous typescripts, manuscript notes re experiments, photographs, stereographic projection, including typescript and manuscript notes by Hodgkin re practical course in Chemical Crystallography. One item dated 1953. B.74 B.75 ‘X-Ray Crystallographic Apparatus, Labyrinth Radiation Traps’. Third Angle Projection, 1958. ‘Proposals for New Beevers-Lipson Strips’, by L.J. Comrie and G.B. Hey, 1945. 4pp. typescript; 1p. table. B.76 Contents of untitled binder. B.77 B.78 Manuscript notes, data, manuscript notes from the literature. bibliographical reference 1947. Latest ‘X-ray analysis and molecular structure’, [?1949]. Notlisted in Bibliog. 17pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Formfactor Tables and Atomic Scattering Factors’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 11pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1960. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 43 Research B.79 B.80 ‘Weissenberg Photographs’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1p. typescript; typescript data. Nd. ‘Operating Instructions for the Nonius Integrating Weissenberg’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘X-ray tubes’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Patterson Synthesis’. 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Graphical Methods of Evaluating X-ray Diagrams’. 1p. typescript, incomplete, nd. B.81 ‘Patterson Fourier series in working out crystal structures’. 2pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin, nd. Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Hodgkin. INSULIN 1935-88 Hodgkin’s research on this topic began in 1935 when shetookthefirst x- ray photographsof rhombohedral crystals of insulin, given to her by Robert Robinson, Waynflete Professor of Chemistry at Oxford. The structure of insulin proved to be much more complicated than wasfirst imagined and, with a molecular weight of 5780, the measurements and calculations needed to show the arrangement of the atoms present were lengthy and difficult. Thus it was not until 1969 that Hodgkin and her team were able to reveal the three-dimensional structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin. Hodgkin’s research oninsulin refinements continued into the 1980s. For overviews of Hodgkin’s insulin research, see for example D.38, F.53. The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1935-88, although the bulk dates from the 1950s onwards. There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others including letters of congratulation 1969 arising from the announcement of the three-dimensional structure, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, notes and data. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 44 Research The material is presented as follows: B.82-B.132 Correspondence B.133-B.204 Drafts for reports and publications B.205-B.212 Notebooks B.213-B.284 Data B.285-B.288 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1935-83 There is an extensive correspondencewith colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondenceis presented asfollows: B.82-B.104 Correspondencewith individuals In alphabetical order B.105-B.132 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order Correspondencewith individuals B.82, B.83 T.L. Blundell 1970-81, nd From the late 1960s Blundell was one of Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in the insulin research. B.82 B.83 1970, 1973-75. Includes correspondencere scientific visits to Poland and India by Blundell, letter to Blundell from G.H. Snyder. Includes outline of research project proposed by 1976-78, 1981, nd. Blundell on ‘X-ray analysis of protein hormones : insulin and growth hormones’. B.84 D. Brandenburg 1971, 1973, 1975-76 B.85-B.88 A.S. Brill 1962-71, nd. Mostof the correspondence from 1962-64 is photocopied correspondence betweenBrill and J. Schlichtkrull (see B.100, B.101), sent to Hodgkin for information. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 45 B.85 B.86 B.87 B.88 B.89 B.90 Research 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965-66, 1968, 1971, nd. Includes Hodgkin’s correspondence with J.C. Kendrew commenting on draft of paperby Brill, and letter from B. Bleaney commenting on Brill’s conclusions. A.C. Chibnall 1942-46, 1962, 1974-75 1946, 1954-56 1964-82, nd R.B. Corey B.91, B.92 G.G. Dodson From the mid 1960s Dodson was oneof Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in the insulin research. The sequence includesa little of Dodson’s own correspondencewith others. B.91 B.92 B.93 B.94 1964, 1971, 1973, 1975. 1976, 1978-79, 1982, nd. J.T. Edsall P.T. Grant re cod insulin data and samples. 1976-77, 1981 1967-69, 1971 B.95 H. Gutfreund 1943-44, 1948-51, 1956, nd re crystallisation experiments with insulin samples. Includes correspondencere lactoglobulin. B.96 B.W. Low B.97, B.98 M.G. Rossman 1970-72 1962-70, nd D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 46 B.97 B.98 B.99 Research 1962-63, 1965-66. 1967, 1969-70, nd. K. and N. Sakabe 1975, 1978-83 The Sakabes were Japanesecrystallographers who corresponded with Hodgkin jointly. Includes photocopiesof letters sent by the Sakabesto R. Fourme in Paris. B.100, B.101 J. Schlichtkrull 1957-77 Schlichtkrull was based at NOVO Research Institute, Copenhagen. He devised the method by whichthe crystals of native insulin were grown for the x-ray analysis that led to Hodgkin’s elucidation of the three- dimensional structure of insulin. See also B.85-B.87 for photocopied correspondence between Schlichtkrull and A.S. Brill, sent to Hodgkin for information. See also B.199, B.200, B.203, B.220, B.221. B.100 1957-58, 1963, 1965, 1968. B.101 1973-75, 1977. B.102 D.F. Steiner 1969-77, 1982, nd Includes correspondence re Hodgkin’s visits to USA, May 1969, December 1972. See also F.45, F.72. B.103 W.A. Wooster 1968, 1971, 1977-78 Includes correspondence Principally re construction of insulin models. arising from invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pactforces in 1968, when Wooster was attending a symposium in Prague. B.104 H. Zahn 1966, 1968-69, 1971-72 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence B.105 1935. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 47 Research B.106 B.107 B.108 B.109 B.110 B.111 B.112 B.113 B.114 B.115 B.116 B.117 B.118 B.119 B.120 B.121 1937-39. 1940-42. work. Includes letters 1940, 1941, not obviously related to insulin 1945, 1947, 1949-50. Includes correspondence re First International Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 19-25 August 1949. Hodgkin was asked to contribute a paperoninsulin. 1951-52, 1954-55, 1958-59. 1963-65. 1966. Includes 1p. typescript draft re preparation of crystals. 1967. 1968. 1969 January-August. Includes letters of congratulation arising from announcementof elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of insulin. of congratulation (see B.114), 1969 September. correspondencearising from article re insulin in New York Times, letter enclosing Newsweekarticle re insulin research by Hodgkin’s group. Includes letters 1969 October-December. 1970 January-April. 1970 May-December. 1971 January-May. 1971 June-December. 1972 January-June. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 48 Research 1972 July-November. 1973 January-May. 1973 June-December. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977 January-May. written for textbook and sent to Hodgkin for comment. Includes typescript by D. Eisenberg re J.D. Bernal 1977 June-December. 1978-80. 1981, 1983. Nd. B.122 B.123 B.124 B.125 B.126 B.127 B.128 B.129 B.130 B.131 B.132 Drafts for reports and publications 1935-88 A chronological sequence of drafts for reports and publications by Hodgkin and hercollaborators, mostly kept together by her in boxfolders. There is also some related material such as correspondence, notes and data. B.133-B.136 Contents of untitled binder. B.133 ‘X-ray Single Crystals Photographsof Insulin’, Bibliog. 11, 1935. 8pp. manuscript draft. 1p. manuscript draft re ‘programmeof research’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 49 Research B.134-B.136 Manuscript notes and data. Fourier series, recrystallisation experiments. Three folders. Include ‘Chibnall’s insulin’, expenditure, B.137, B.138 ‘The crystal structure of insulin. crystals’, Bibliog. 23, 1938. |. The investigation of air-dried insulin 34pp. manuscript draft. Two folders. B.139 ‘Report for the Rockefeller Trustees on the work in progress in the Department of Crystallography, Oxford, 1941-2 assisted by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.’ 26pp. typescript, incomplete, re the research of Hodgkin’s group oninsulin and cholesterol iodide. B.140 ‘Someobservations on peptide chain modelsin relation to crystallographic data for gramicidin B and insulin’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 57, 1953. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Cowan. B.141 ‘A speculation on insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘A speculation on insulin’ (with B. Oughton), Bibliog. 65, 1956. 10pp. typescript. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. B.142 ‘A speculation on insulin’ (with B. Oughton), Bibliog. 65, 1956. 10pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.143 ‘Insulin crystallising exp[erimen]ts - early.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Letter from H. Gutfreund, 1956; reprint, 1955. Manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin. 4pp. typescript re ‘Crystallisation of insulin experiments’, nd. B.144 Contents of untitled folder. 3pp. manuscript draft; literature, latest bibliographical reference 1960. manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 50 Research B.145 App. typescript, incomplete, [of preliminary report] re pig insulin crystals, latest bibliographical reference 1960. Handdrawnfigures. B.146 ‘Various heavy atom derivatives.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin, 1961-62. B.147 B.148 B.149 ‘X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 99, 1966. 6pp. typescript; 10pp. manuscript draft. ‘A Report on Recent Calculations on Rhombohedral Insulin Crystals Containing Lead’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 100, 1967. 10pp. typescript; corrections by Hodgkin; legends to figures. 10pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and ‘The structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 110, 1969. 12pp. manuscript draft. B.150, B.151 Contents of untitled folder, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscriptnotesfrom theliterature, latest bibliographical reference 1969; manuscript notes. B.152 Untitled lecture on insulin. 11pp. manuscript draft, [?late 1960s]. Manuscript notes. B.153 Manuscript notes ?for lecture to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the isolation of insulin [1971]. B.154-B.161 ‘Insulin : the structure in the crystal and its reflection in chemistry and biology’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 139, 1972. 137pp. typescript including legendsto tables, tables. Eight folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 B.162, B.163 51 Research Manuscriptdraft re ‘studies on insulin action’ by G.G. Dodson; manuscript latest notes, bibliographical reference 1972. Twofolders. manuscript literature from the notes by Dodson, B.164 ‘EMR Report’ ‘Neutron Studies on Insulin’, by S.A. Mason, February 1973. 10pp. typescript; table. B.165-B.167 ‘Insulin - notes for paper. Old notes on A and B chains.’ Manuscript notes, May 1974 - January 1977. Three folders. B.168 Contents of untitled folder. ‘Work in China on the Structure and function ofinsulin’, Bibliog. 150, 1975. 7pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes; manuscript data re ‘corresponding p sections’, Peking and Oxford. B.169 ‘The Structure of Insulin in 4-Zinc Insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 152, 1976. 7pp. typescript, includes legendsto figures. B.170 ‘Insulin notes. Some useful for write up.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin, manuscript notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1976. B.171 ‘The insulin lecture.’ 32pp. typescript, transcribed from tape, with extensive manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. [?1978]. B.172, B.173 ‘Insulin. Biochem[ical] Soc[iety].’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.172 ‘Insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 166, 1983. 5pp. typescript draft; 3pp. manuscriptdraft. Typescript references, legends to figures; manuscript references. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 52 Research B.173 Manuscript notes and data. Brief correspondencere publication. B.174 ‘Transmission of conformational change in insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 167, 1983. 22pp. typescript. B.175-B.189 ‘The crystal structure of insulin. crystals at 1.5A resolution’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 171, 1988. VI. The structure of 2 Zn pig insulin B.175-B.179 75pp. typescript including references, figures. Five folders. B.180-B.183 Manuscript drafts. Four folders. B.184-B.188 Manuscript notes and data, by Hodgkin and G.G. Dodson, handdrawn figures. Five folders. B.189 B.190 Correspondence 1978, 1982, nd. ‘Progress report on thestructure of insulin’ (in collaboration), nd. 1p. typescript. ‘X-ray crystallographic studies onzinc insulin molecules’ (in collaboration), nd. 1p. typescript draft; 1p. manuscript draft. B.191 ‘Waterin insulin crystals’, nd. 3pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Protein and solvent structure in 2 Zn insulin’ (in collaboration), nd. 2pp. typescript. B.192 ‘The crystallography of insulin’, nd. 4pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 5pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 53 Research B.193 Untitled typescript re ‘the hydrogen bonding in the 2 Zn insulin structure refined to 1.5A resolution’, nd. 14pp. typescript; tables. B.194 Manuscript notes, probably for lecture on history of insulin research, nd. B.195, B.196 Miscellaneous shorter notes and drafts, nd. Two folders. B.197-B.201 ‘Paper writing material.’ B.197 ‘Paper writing material. Contents of folder so inscribed. Ramachandran plots. York structure plots. , Handdrawngraphs, plots; manuscript notes. B.198-B.200 ‘Insulin. Paper writing material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.198 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature; typescript data; photographsof crystals, x-ray photographs. B.199, B.200 Correspondence, mostly with J. Schlichtkrull re samples, 1958-71. See also B.100, B.101, B.203. B.199 B.200 B.201 1958, 1963, 1965-67. 1968-71, nd. ‘Insulin paper writing material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data; manuscript notes re Hodgkin’s collaborators on insulin. ‘Positions of alpha-carbon atom of the insulin dimer.’ 1p. typescript. ‘Codinsulin.’ 3pp. typescript. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 54 Research B.202, B.203 ‘Background material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.202 B.203 B.204 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notesfrom the literature, not all by Hodgkin; x-ray photographs. Correspondence with J. Schlichtkrull, 1957-58, 1979. See also B.100, B.101, B.199, B.200. ‘Background.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Photocopy of letter from C.H. Best to |. Pavel re 50th anniversary of N. Paulescu’s publication of paper on the secretion of the pancreas. ‘Parallele entre les travaux de Paulesco et ceux de Banting et Best.’ App. typescript. Notebooks 1937-67 B.205 Notebook, inscribed ‘Cholesterol Chloride Hydrochloride. Insulin.’ Manuscript data. One page dated May 1937. B.206 Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data re wet Zn insulin [1937]. B.207 Untitled exercise book. data, preliminary Manuscript calculations for maps. Includes some data re lactoglobulin. One page dated November 1938. including measurements from films, B.208 Notebook, inscribed ‘Insulin. M.M. Aitken. 1957-9.’ Miscellaneous manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. B.209 Notebook, inscribed ‘M.M.H.[arding]. Insulin. Exp[erimental] Work from Jan 1959.’ Manuscript notes and data, by Harding; loose x-ray film, manuscript notes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 55 Research B.210 Notebook, inscribed ‘General Notes (esp. Hartree curves).’ Handdrawn graphs, manuscript data. Includes some work re gramicidin. One page dated August 1967. B.211 Untitled notebook. Manuscript raw intensity data re wet Zninsulin, nd. B.212 Notebook, inscribed ‘Wet 2 Zinc Insulin.’ Manuscript calculations from data, nd. Data 1940-85 The material consists of handwritten and computer generated data, in the form of tables, maps, sections, mostly kept in folders and identified by title. There is also somerelated material such as correspondence andnotes. B.213 ‘Insulin early recryst[allisation] exp[erimen]ts.’ inscribed. Contents of folder so Manuscript and typescript data, brief manuscript notesre recrystallisation method, 1940. B.214, B.215 ‘Insulin. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 1st Pattersons. Wet and dry beefinsulin.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature; handdrawnPatterson mapsand sections, mostly re zinc insulin, including ‘The Patterson Harker map computed for Dr. Dorothy Crowfoot from data for “wet”insulin - x, y in 60ths and z in 30ths. Dorothy Wrinch 1947.’ B.216 ‘Insulin phosphate.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, including ‘Barbara [Low]’s measurements’, ‘F values’, ‘trial parameters for “chain structure”’, ‘tests on heavy atom effects’, ‘densities of Zn insulin crystals’. A few pages dated 1949, 1951. B.217-B.219 Contents of untitled folder, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript data re insulin phosphate, zinc insulin, wet and dry insulin, including handdrawn maps, ‘Fourier calcs.’, ‘Patterson points for Wrinch model’, ‘Point structures’. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1951. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 56 Research B.220, B.221 ‘Cubic insulin. Monoclinic insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. data, Manuscript notes and correspondencere ‘Schlichtkrull’s visit March 25th 1958’ (see also B.100, B.199, B.203); x-ray film. 1958-60. manuscript not by Hodgkin, with B.222 ‘Hg Scattering.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. A few pages dated May 1959 - October 1960. B.223 Contents of untitled folder. X-ray films; manuscript data from films, not by Hodgkin; letter to Hodgkin re 2 Zn insulin, July 1959. B.224 ‘4 Zn Ins[ulin]. Hg A. July 1959.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, calculations, graphs, not by Hodgkin. B.225 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data re ‘intensity distribution and Wilson Scale’, 4 Zn insulin, not by Hodgkin, July 1959. B.226 ‘2 Zn Insulin 3 D Data. October 1959.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. B.227 Contents of untitled folder. Computerprintout data re ‘2 Zn insulin sharpening constants Dec 1959’; manuscript data re intensity distribution, sharpening functions, not by Hodgkin, November 1959. B.228 ‘Insulin. calculations.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. S$[tructure] F[actor]s on helical structures. B. Oughton’s Manuscript notes and data, by Oughton and Hodgkin, handdrawn ‘transform of end-on projection of 4 chains in hexagonal close-packing’. [?1950s]. B.229 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data re ‘4 Zn Hg, Companion’, not by Hodgkin, April 1960. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 57 Research B.230 Contents of untitled folder. Computer printout data re ‘insulin Patterson rotation’, March 1962; manuscript data, includes ‘correlation of uranyl acetate with Hg’, not by Hodgkin. B.231, B.232 ‘2 Zn Ins[ulin] Projection. Fouriers.’ divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, Manuscript and computerprintout data re Pattersons and Fouriers, various hands, some pages dated March-September 1962. B.233 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data ?re E C Scaling, 2 Zn, 4 Zn, UO, insulin, not by Hodgkin, October 1962. B.234 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Trial Structure Phases’,‘Trial Phase Calculations’. July 1963. B.235, B.236 ‘Translation Function.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.235 ‘The General Translation Function Program’, by M.G. Rossman. 9pp. typescript, dated 19 April 1963. B.236 Manuscript data, computer printout data, October 1963. B.237-B.239 ‘Sayre Function.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computerprintout data, mostly re 2 Zn insulin. Various dates, 1963-70. B.240 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computer printout date re monoclinic insulin, derivative P21 insulin hko projection, April 1964. B.241 ‘9 Zn insulin data for Wilson Plot.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, computerprintout data, September 1964 - November 1965. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 58 Research B.242 ‘4 Zn insulin. inscribed. 6A Patterson. 3.2A Patterson.’ Contents of folder so Handdrawnsections, November 1964; computer printout data, February 1965. B.243, B.244 ‘Early attempts at cadmium andzinc free projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computer printout data, March 1965. B.245, B.246 ‘Wilson Plot. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Final Summary.’ Cod Insulin. Contents of folder so Manuscript data, including handdrawn Wilson Plots, not by Hodgkin; computerprintout data. Various dates July 1965 - September 1972. B.247, B.248 ‘Pb Ins[ulin] Diffractometer. Scaling and Wilson Plot Dec 1965 and 2.5A Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of data.’ reference. Manuscript data, handdrawn graphs and sections, not by Hodgkin; computer printout data. Various dates November 1965 - August 1967. B.249 HanddrawnFouriers and Pattersons with brief manuscript notes, January 1966. B.250, B.251 Pattersons.’ ‘Insulin. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 2-fold axis. Intensities. Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin. One page dated March 1967. Computer printout data, February 1966. B.252 Handdrawninsulin maps, January 1968. Oneroll. B.253, B.254 ‘Larry’s Refinement.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, August 1968; 1p. manuscript notes re planning of research. B.255 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript notes, handdrawn positions, various hands, re Zn insulin refinements. 1969-71. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 59 Research B.256-B.258 ‘Water molecules. Useful.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript correspondence 1978, 1980-81, nd. data, with manuscript notes intercalated, 1974-81; B.259 Handdrawn maps, October 1975. Oneroll. B.260, B.261 ‘A chain old maps.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Handdrawn maps, mostly with manuscript notes and data attached, April 1977 - October 1981. B.262 ‘Insulin. Contents of folder so inscribed. Calculation of absolute intensities. Glasgow Symposium.’ Manuscript data, manuscript notes, not all by Hodgkin. Various dates, 21950s - 21980. The folder was probably put together for a symposium held in Glasgow in September 1980 to mark the 80th birthday of the x-ray crystallographer, J.M. Robertson. See also F.134. B.263, B.264 ‘A chain tables.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, handdrawn maps, some with manuscript notes attached. A few maps dated March 1981. Letter, June 1981. Computer generated maps, January 1985. B.265 B.266 Handdrawn map,April 1981. Oneroll. ‘Insulin. Doubtful Calculations. Fly’s eye.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, handdrawn maps, sections, including ‘Peak system which might represent vectors due to structure within one molecule from projection 1) - dry insulin (cf. Wrinch) but which cannot do so from projection 2) - wet insulin’, nd. B.267 ‘2 Zn Insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, including ‘film factors’, ‘uncertain reflections’, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.268, B.269 60 Research ‘Water molecules. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Latest variants.’ Tables. Contents of envelope so Photocopied manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, with manuscript data by Hodgkin intercalated, nd. B.270, B.271 ‘Insulin. General phosphate. Hermanfield figures, etc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, sketches, various hands, including ‘Patt[erson] function cos cos’, ‘Patterson Insulin hol’, ‘Patterson Insulin okl Field Figures’, ‘Patterson Field Figures Insulin Rhombic’, ‘Insulin S.F.G. for strong reflections’, nd. B.272 Handdrawn ?Fourier refinement, probably insulin, nd. B.273, B.274 ‘Original Zn insulin intensity measurements?’ inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so including ‘* Data for wet zinc-insulin’; Computer printout manuscript and typescript data, including ‘Wet insulin - rhombohedral’, ‘Wet Zinc Insulin. Table of = F (hikl) for Pxyo series’, nd. data, B.275 ‘Insulin structure factor graphs.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, handdrawnsections, handdrawn‘Reciprocallattice of dry insulin’, nd. B.276-B.278 Handdrawn Zn insulin maps, nd. Three folders. B.279 B.280 B.281 Miscellaneous handdrawninsulin maps, sections, found together, nd. One roll. ‘Chinese’ handdrawn maps, not by Hodgkin, nd. One roll. ‘Insulin atomic positions in six molecules in hexamer projected along trigonal axis.’ Computer generated diagram, nd. Oneroll. B.282-B.284 Miscellaneous data. Three folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous 61 Research B.285 Examples of x-ray films, 1957. B.286-B.288 Models. B.286, B.287 ‘Drawings of Sections for Making Insulin Balsa Models.’ envelopeso inscribed, 1969. Twofolders. Contents of B.288 ‘Photographs. Insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Photographsof insulin model. STEROLS ca. 1936-42 The x-ray investigation of the sterols was begun byJ.D. Bernal in 1932 and hadasits object the determinationof the position of calciferol in the main sterol series. (See also B.317-B.336). B.289 ‘Old sterol notes and Harry[Carlisle]’s dibenzyl’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, data, Patterson and Fourier analyses, 1936. Someitems in J.D. Bernal’s hand. ‘Report of Preliminary Investigations.’ 6pp. typescript draft; 6pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin. B.290 ‘X-ray crystallography and sterol structure.’ Not listed in Bibliog. [71942]. 57pp. typescript. Incomplete. TOBACCOVIRUSES ca.1939-51 B.291 ‘Tables of Virus Data.’ Bernal. Examination answer book so labelled by J.D. Manuscript data, by Bernal. ‘Plant Viruses. X-Ray Data.’ 9pp. typescript, nd. Latest bibliographical reference 1939. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 62 Research B.292, B.293 ‘A comparison of x-ray measurements on air-dried tobacco necrosis protein crystals with electron microscope data’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 52, 1951. B.292 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections [by Cowan]; figures. 6pp. typescript; 3pp. typescript. B.293 2pp. manuscript draft, untitled, not by Hodgkin. Letter, 1949; manuscript notes and data. ‘Tobacco Necrosis Protein (Rothamsted Strain).’ 1p. typescript, nd. B.294 ‘Physical properties of virus solutions.’ 6pp. manuscript draft, nd. Refers to work by J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen, ‘who haveputthis so far unpublished paper in my hands’. B.295 Tables,lists of figures, legends; 1p. manuscript draft, 1p. typescript draft by J.D. Bernal. Loose manuscript and typescript pages by Hodgkin and Bernal, nd. PROTEINS ca.1939-74 The x-ray analysis of protein crystals began whenthefirst x-ray diffraction photographs of single pepsin crystals were taken by J.D. Bernal in 1934. At this time Hodgkin was working in Cambridge as Bernal’s research student, and together they published a note on pepsin (Bibliog. 7, 1934). B.296 ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp.typescript, re projects being carried out on protein crystals. [71939]. ‘Protein Crystals.’ 1p. typescript by Hodgkin, nd. ‘Research Programme submitted for a Beit Medical Research Fellowship.’ 2pp. typescript, by D.P. Riley, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 63 Research B.297 Untitled report submitted to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, by D.P. Riley, 1940. 31pp. typescript, re methaemoglobin, insulin, lactoglobulin. The report refers to work carried out in collaboration with Hodgkin. B.298 ‘The correlation of X ray data on air-dried insulin with vector models: a correction and an apology.’ 1p. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. This followed Hodgkin’s paper ‘A review of some recent work on protein crystals’, Bibliog. 31, 1941. B.299 Contents of untitled binder. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature re proteins, tobacco necrosis virus derivative, haemoglobin. One page dated 1944. B.300, B.301 ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.300 B.301 Letter from R.L.M. Synge, dated 1 May 1944, with 9pp.typescript, ‘Proteins and Evolutionary Theory’. Letter from A.P. Tulinsky, dated 24 September 1957. Handdrawnfigures and mounted photograph attached. copy of der Typescript Réntgendiagramme gewisser EiweiSstoffe |’, by K. Schiff-Dornberger, 1949. summary Deutung English of ‘Zur Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes and drafts by Hodgkin, nd. B.302-B.305 ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.302 B.303 B.304 Correspondence 1966-67. ‘Some characteristics of protein crystals’, Bibliog. 127, 1971. 12pp. typescript draft. 17pp. manuscriptdraft, with manuscript references and legendstofigures. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 64 Research B.305 ‘Towards the X-ray analysis of proteins’, nd. Notlisted in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. 2pp. typescript re history of research on protein structure, nd. B.306 ‘Some Ancient History of Protein X-Ray Analysis’ (with D.P. Riley), Bibliog. 106, 1968. 23pp. typescript. B.307-B.309 ‘Problemsin the x-ray analysis of proteins’, Bibliog. 145, 1974. B.307 B.308 B.309 14pp. typed copyof transcript of lecture. 21pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, including 1p. Nikolai manuscript copy by Hodgkin of Aleksandrovich [?] re x-rays, dated 2 October 1912. letter from [Federov] to Figures. B.310, B.311 ‘Protein Crystals’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. B.310 B.311 B.312 B.313 13pp. typescript. 22pp. manuscript draft. Miscellaneous shorter manuscript drafts, manuscript notes from the literature, nd. Mounted x-ray photographs and figures, with legends, probably for exhibition, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 BENZPYRENE B.314 Research 65 1940-42 elimination of body, after ‘The subcutaneousinjection. (2) Changed benzpyrene’ (with J.G. Chalmers), Bibliog. 33, 1942. 3:4-benzpyrene from the animal 1p. typescript draft of abstract. 3pp. typescript draft of part of paper, ‘Crystallographic examination of BPX, 6-hydroxy-benzpyrene and 4-hydroxy-benzpyrene’; 5pp. manuscript draft. Letter from Hodgkin to J.G. Chalmers dated 18 September 1941. B.315 ‘Report on the crystallographic examination of “BPF” and 6-hydroxy-3:4- benzpyrene’. 3pp. typescript draft; 2pp. manuscript draft. This report was probably written at the same time as the preceding, but was not published. B.316 Manuscript notes, data and drawings, mostly re crystals of ‘BPF’ and‘BPX’, 1940-42. CALCIFEROL 1941-56 The first x-ray crystallographic study of calciferol (vitamin D2) was In 1948 Hodgkin and J.D. Dunitz undertaken in 1932 by J.D. Bernal. resolved the conflict between the early crystallographic and chemical evidence on thestructure of calciferol by the complete x-ray analysis of a calciferol derivative (Bibliog. 44), but such was the complicated atomic arrangementin crystals of calciferol itself that it was not until 1976 that x- ray methods had advanced far enough for the arrangement to be established. B.317 B.318 Correspondencere obtaining sample of calciferol, 1941-42. Handdrawnprojections. One with [?J.D. Dunitz’s] manuscript inscription ‘3:iodo 4:nitro benzoate of calciferol : 1st Fourier projections on (010) June 1947’. Oneroll. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 66 Research B.319-B.323 ‘Calciferol Intensities and F values.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.319 ‘Work on 4-iodo; 5-nitro benzoateof calciferol done at Cal Tech during the period September, 1948 - September, 1949.’ 2pp. typescript of report [?by J.D. Dunitz]. Manuscript notes and data. B.320-B.323 Manuscript tables of data, nd. Four folders. B.324-B.331 ‘Calciferol.’ Contents of box so labelled. B.324-B.326 ‘Calciferol.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.324 Correspondence 1950, 1962. ‘Calciferol iodo nitrobenzoate - October 1950. Structure viewed normal to a (one molecule only being shown)’. By J.D. Dunitz. B.325 ‘Calciferol Final Refinements.’ 2pp. typescript notes, 1962. 1p. typescript notes re calciferol nitro-iodobenzoate, 1962. Printout data, 1962. B.326 ‘The crystal structure of a calciferol derivative’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 86, 1963. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Figures. B.327, B.328 Manuscript data re calciferol 4-iodo-5-nitrobenzoate. One page dated 2 July 1953. Twofolders. B.329, B.330 ‘The crystal structure of a calciferol derivative’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 86, 1963. B.329 22pp. typescript. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 67 Research B.330 B.331 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. ‘The structure of Calciferol - Vitamin D’. 2pp. typescript, nd. Manuscript notes and data, some by J.D. Dunitz, nd. B.332, B.333 ‘Calciferol. 1st 3-D Fourier Projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Handdrawnprojections and three-dimensional Fourier; manuscript data; 1p. typescript data; brief correspondence 1956, 1962. B.334 ‘Calciferol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn Harker section, Patterson projection and Patterson-Fourier projection [by J.D. Dunitz], nd. Oneroll. B.335 B.336 FATTY ACIDS Handdrawnfull three-dimensional observed Fourier, nd. Oneroll. Handdrawnfull three-dimensional calculated Fourier, nd. Oneroll. 1942-43 B.337, B.338 ‘Fatty Acids’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.337 ‘X-ray crystallographic examinationof fatty acids obtained from Mona wax’ (with C.H. Carlisle), nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript, incomplete. ‘Report on samples of Paraffin Wax Mixtures. March 31st 1943.’ 5pp. typescript. Correspondence 1942-43. B.338 Manuscript notes, data, shorter drafts re fatty acids, nd. Two x-ray films, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 PENICILLIN Research 68 1942-89 Early in the Second World Warthe successful tests with penicillin extracts on infected mice by Howard Florey and his team in Oxford led to urgent attempts to determine its chemical structure. Hodgkin and her coworkers accomplished this in three years with x-ray techniques. Since the research had been carried out under conditions of wartime secrecy,it was not until 1949 that Hodgkin and hercollaborators’ work wasfinally published in The Chemistry of Penicillin (Bibliog. 46). Research on penicillin refinements continuedafter the war. Professor Hodgkin explained the scientific importance of the penicillin analysis in a letter to the compilers of this catalogue (July 1991): ‘The usual way of establishing the structure of an organic natural product was by synthesis following experiments in degradation which suggested different possible structures. This proved impossible in the case of penicillin because the structure is unstable in the presence of the reagents Much later routes to produce stable 8 needed to make 8 lactams. Other lactams were discovered and put to the synthesis of penicillin. physical methods were inconclusive whichleft x-ray methods as the best evidenceof the penicillin structure. There was considerable hesitation in accepting x-ray evidence at first; now it is commonly usedfirst to find organic structures.’ spectroscopic particularly methods and The documentation of the penicillin research is of particular interest because of the importance of the molecule to medical science and the demonstration of the power of x-ray techniques in the solution of its Furthermore the enormous structure by Hodgkin and her coworkers. technical developments after the Second World War- especially the use of the electronic computer to process data - meant that the variety of methodspioneered in the analysis of penicillin were notin fact used again. The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1942-89, although the bulk dates from the last years of the Second World Warandthe period There is an extensive correspondence with immediately afterwards. colleagues, drafts for reports and publications, reports of work of colleagues in other laboratories sent to Hodgkin for information or circulated officially, notebooks, data, andillustrative material probably prepared for a penicillin display at the Science Museum, Londonaspart of an exhibition to mark the postwar International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. The material is presented as follows: B.339-B.367 Correspondence B.368-B.413 Reports and drafts B.414-B.431 Notebooks B.432-B.463 Data B.464-B.471 Illustrative material D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 69 Research Correspondence 1942-89 There is an extensive correspondencewith colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondenceis presented as follows: B.339-B.356 Correspondencewith individuals and organisations In alphabetical order B.357-B.367 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order Correspondencewith individuals and organisations Principally letters to Hodgkin. B.339 B.340 W.T. Astbury W.L. Bragg B.341-B.344 C.W. Bunn 1943-46 1944-45 1942-49 Bunn, who workedin research departmentsof Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, was one of Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in her work on His letters concern the ‘fly’s eye’ technique, preparation of penicillin. monograph (Bibliog. 46). 1942, 1944. 1945. } 946. Includes table of the final atomic co-ordinates of sodium penicillin 1947-49. patterns’. Includes 1p. typescript on ‘Intensities given by “fly’s eye” B.341 B.342 B.343 B.344 B.345 G.L. Clark 1946-47 re preparation of monograph(Bibliog. 46). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 70 Research B.346, B.347 A.H. Cook 1943-47 re samples sent to Hodgkin for crystallographic examination. B.346 B.347 B.348 1943. 1944-47. Design Research Unit 1950 re three-dimensional contour model of penicillin for 1951 Festival of Britain. B.349 Imperial Chemical Industries Limited 1944-47 Principally with |.C.I. (Dyestuffs) Limited, Manchester, re samples sent to Hodgkin for crystallographic examination. B.350 D. McLachlan 1946 re research on penicillin structure and possible joint publication. B.351, B.352 Medical Research Council 1943-47, 1949 re samples sent to Hodgkin, awarding of grants, use of equipment. Includes 1p. manuscript draft on ‘Notes for the Medical Research Council’. B.351 B.352 B.353 B.354 1943-45. 1946-47, 1949. Merck and Co., Inc. Office of Scientific Research and Development, Washington, DC. 1947, 1949 1944-48, nd. provision of samples for Hodgkin, publication. re correspondentis H.T. Clarke. The principal B.355 United States Department of Agriculture 1943-44, 1946-47 Principal correspondents are R.D. Coghill, R.T. Milner, N.C. Schieltz. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 71 Research B.356 Wellcome Chemical Research Laboratories 1943-45 re Hodgkin’s x-ray examination of penicillic acid. The correspondentis S. Smith. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1942-89 B.357 B.358 B.359 B.360 B.361 B.362 B.363 B.364 B.365 1942-43. 1944. 1945. 1946-47. Includes request for help in setting up penicillin display at the Science Museum, London, as part of an exhibition to mark the International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,[?1947]. See also B.463-B.471. 1948-49. Chemistry of Penicillin, contributed a chapter (Bibliog. 46, 1949). Includes correspondence re publication of monograph The to which Hodgkin and her collaborators 1958-59. 1961-63. 1964-65, 1967. 1970-72, 1986, 1989, nd. B.366, B.367 Papers and correspondencere patent case. Beecham Pharmaceuticals sought a written statement from Hodgkin supporting its view onthe crystallisation behaviour of ampicillin, 1977-78. B.366 B.367 1977. 1978. Includes 4pp. typescript, ‘Report on Hydrates of Ampicillin’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 72 Research Reports and drafts 1943-63 B.368 ‘Report onthe crystallographic investigationof insulin and penicillin 1942-3.’ 18pp. typescript, incomplete. B.369-B.383 ‘C.P.S. [Committee for Penicillin Synthesis] Reports. secret. labelled. 1940s - Bunn and D.C. papers and letters.’ Contents of box folder so Penicillin. B.369, B.370 Reports, June 1943 - April 1944. B.369 ‘X-Ray Crystallographic Measurements on certain Degradation Products of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.85.’ (With B.W. Low). 6pp. typescript, dated 23 June 1943. ‘Crystallographic measurements on the sodium salt of penicillin.’ ‘PEN.96. (With B.W. Low). a 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Derivatives of the aldehyde from penicillin.’ ‘PEN.98.’ (With B.W. Low). 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Crystallographic Comparison of Derivatives of synthetic r- and d-88- dimethylcystine with those of penicillamine.’ ‘PEN.101.’ (With B.W. Low). 2pp. typescript, dated 4 October 1943. ‘Crystallographic measurements bearing on the structure of penillo-l aldehyde.’ ‘PEN.112.’ (With B.W. Low). 3pp. typescript, dated 18 November 1943. B.370 ‘Some comparative measurements on compoundsbelonging to thedifferent penicillin series.’ ‘PEN.117.’ (With B.W. Low and G.M.J. Schmidt). 4pp. typescript, dated 2 January 1944. ‘A Report on some samplesof “penicillic” acids provided byI.C.I.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 7 January 1944. ‘Some comparative measurements on penicillic acids from various sources.’ (With B.W. Low). 3pp. typescript, dated 3 March 1944. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 73 Research ‘X-ray crystallographic measurementsin the penicillin series. |.’ (With B.W. Low and G.M.J. Schmidt). 2pp. typescript, dated 19 April 1944. ‘Crystallographic Comparison of Derivatives of synthetic r and d BB dimethyl! cysteine with those of penicillamine.’ (With B.W. Low). 2pp. typescript, nd. 5pp. manuscript draft re need for ‘a central calculating service for the use of x-ray crystallographers’, with reference to the penicillin work, nd. B.371 ‘The Structure of Penicillin.’ ‘C.P.S. 508.’ (With B.W. Low). 10pp. typescript, dated 29 May 1945. B.372 ‘The Structure of Penicillin.’ (With B.W. Low). 11pp. manuscript draft of preceding. B.373 ‘The structure of penicillin’ (in collaboration). 3pp. typescript, dated 1 May 1946. ‘The structure of penicillin.’ 2pp. typescript, nd. B.374 B.375 ‘x-Ray Crystallographic Measurements on certain Degradation Products of Penicillin.’ (With B.W. Low). 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, nd. Report of meeting, attended by Hodgkin, of the Penicillin Chemists’ Conference, 29 October 1943. Letters from C.W. Bunn, 1945. With handdrawn maps. 2pp. typescript on ‘Nomenclature’, nd. 1p. typescript on Racemic penicillamine acetone compound, nd. B.376 Handdrawnfigures, x-ray photograph. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 74 Research B.377-B.380 Duplicate copies of ‘Pen’ reports, not by Hodgkin, issued in a limited numberby the Secretary to the Research Panel of the Penicillin Conference and Chemical Committee. The reports form part of a numbered sequence, and some are printed on standard forms, over-printed ‘Property of the Therapeutic Research Corporation of Great Britain Limited’. B.377 ‘Penicillic Acid, and Optically Active Acid from Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.69’. 2pp. typescript, dated 15 February 1943. ‘Further Studies on the Degradation of Pencillin.’ ‘PEN.79.’ 6pp. typescript, dated 19 May 1943. ‘Penillic Acid.’ ‘PEN.81’. 2pp. typescript, dated 9 June 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.83.’ 8pp. typescript, dated 18 June 1943. ‘Penillic acid and Penillamine.’ ‘PEN.86.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 10 July 1943. B.378 ‘Studies on the degradation of penicillin Part Ill.’ ‘PEN.87.’ 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Studies on the degradation of penicillin. Part IV.’ ‘PEN.88.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 30 July 1943. ‘The Absorption Spectra of Penicillin and its derivatives.’ ‘PEN.89.’ 6pp. typescript, dated 4 August 1943, with figures. B.379 ‘The Degradation of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.90.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 16 August 1943. ‘A Discussion of the Structure of Penicillinic Acid and its Derivatives.’ ‘PEN.91.’ Qpp. typescript, dated 14 August 1943. ‘Crystalline Salts of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.94.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 2 September 1943. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 75 Research ‘Further studies on the degradation of penicillin. V.’ ‘PEN.97.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 16 September 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.99.’ 7pp. typescript, dated 29 September 1943. ‘Further studies on the degradation of Penicillin VI.’ ‘PEN.100.’ 5pp. typescript, dated 4 October 1943. B.380 ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.102.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 19 October 1943. ‘Further studies on the degradation of penicillin Vil.’ ‘PEN.103.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 23 October 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.105.’ 1p. typescript, dated 25 October 1943. ‘Addendum to Pen.106’. 1p. typescript, dated 27 October 1943. ‘Further Studies in the Degradation of Penicillin VIII.’ ‘PEN.109.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 8 November 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.110.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 8 November 1943. ‘Further Studies in the Degradation of Penicillin IX. ‘PEN.111’. 2pp. typescript, dated 17 November 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.113’. 4pp. typescript, dated 25 November 1943. ‘Penicillin’. ‘PEN.114’. 5pp. typescript, dated 11 December 1943. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 76 Research B.381, B.382 Typescript copies of C.P.S. reports, not by Hodgkin, 1944-45. B.381 ‘Microscopic Crystallographic Properties of Crystalline Penicillin Sodium’. ‘C.P.S.178’. 2pp. typescript, dated 24 February 1944; photographs. ‘Preparation of the Potassium Salt of Penicillin G’. ‘C.P.S.189’. 1p. typescript, dated 8 May 1944. ‘Report on Penicillin’. ‘Structure’. ‘C.P.S.190’. 2pp. typescript, dated 7 February 1944. ‘Penicillin. Interim Report on Structural Studies in Progress’. ‘C.P.S.227’. 5pp. typescript, dated 14 August 1944. ‘Polymorphic Forms and Hydrates of the Sodium Salt of Penicillin F’. ‘C.P.S.303’. 3pp. typescript, dated 5 October 1944. B.382 ‘Monthly Progress Report’. ‘C.P.S.332’. App. typescript, dated 10 November 1944. ‘Polymorphic Forms and Hydrates of Penicillin’. ‘C.P.S.373’. 11pp. typescript, dated 18 December 1944. ‘Biosynthesis of Penicillin’. ‘C.P.S.377’. 6pp. typescript, dated 6 January 1945; figures. B.383 Typescripts by Hodgkin’s colleagues in the Dunn School of Pathology Oxford (E.P. Abraham and E.B. Chain) and the Dyson Perrins Laboratory Oxford (W. Baker and R. Robinson), at ICI (C.W. Bunn and A. Turner-Jones) and at Leeds University (W.T. Astbury), 1943, 1945, 1946 and nd. B.384 ‘Miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Some comparative measurements on compounds belonging to the different penicillin series.’ typescript, 4pp. Hodgkin,[?1943]; tables. with manuscript additions and corrections by D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 77 Research ‘The structure of penicillin’ (in collaboration). 3pp. typescript, dated 1 May 1946. ‘Dihydropenillic acid.’ 1p. typescript, nd. B.385-B.391 ‘Penicillin Chapter. (Rockefeller copy).’ Contents of folder so labelled. B.385-B.387 ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. 103pp. typescript. Three folders. B.388-B.391 Tables; including x-ray photographs. Four folders. legends to figures; figures; manuscript notes; photographs, B.392-B.396 ‘Mss. of penicillin chapter. Spare copy’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.392-B.394 ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. 97pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Three folders. B.395, B.396 Typescript and manuscript tables, some with accompanying notes; legends to figures. Two folders. B.397-B.401 ‘Penicillin. Schieltz F; okl. Some expts. and old data. Draft of penicillin paper.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.397-B.400 ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Four folders. B.401 Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, including Sir Alexander Fleming’s paperin Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1929. 2pp. manuscript draft re Hodgkin’s progress on penicillin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 78 Research B.402, B.403 ‘Penicillin MSS. Original Tables etc.’ divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, Manuscript and typescript tables, legends to figures; shorter manuscript drafts.[1949]. B.404 ‘The X ray Analysis of the structure of penicillin’, Bibliog. 55, 1952. 22pp. manuscript draft. B.405-B.407 Contents of untitled folder. B.405 ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of penicillin’, Bibliog. 55, 1952. 5pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; figures, table. Letter re future publication, 1948. 3pp. untitled manuscript draft re progress of penicillin research. B.406 1p. manuscript notes re progress of x-ray analysis of penicillin. Manuscript list of names, with addresses. Pamphlet on ‘The Story of Penicillin’. Reprint by E.B. Chain and H.W.Florey on ‘Penicillin’, sent to Hodgkin by Chain. B.407 Shorter manuscript drafts, notes; crystals, nd. manuscript calculations re protein B.408-B.412 ‘Penicillin V’. Contents of box folder so labelled. B.408-B.411 Contents of untitled folder. B.408 ‘The crystal structure of phenoxymethylpenicillin’ (with S. Abrahamsson and E.N. Masien), Bibliog. 83, 1963. 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Report on Paper 62/119.’ 2pp. typescript comments. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 79 Research B.409 Figures with manuscript corrections; manuscripttable. B.410, B.411 Fourier calculations. Computer printouts, 1960. Twofolders. B.412 ‘The crystal structure of phenoxy methyl penicillin’ (with S. Abrahamsson and E.N. Maslen), Bibliog. 83, 1963. 21pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.413 Typescripts, not by Hodgkin, 1943, 1945, nd. Notebooks B.414 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Rubidium Penicillin Il. [010] 2nd Layer. Layer’. 3rd Manuscript data. One page dated ‘11.7.44’. B.415 Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin Il, ‘Final Fourier Summation Pot[assium] Penicillin ll. One page dated ‘2.3.45’. First stages.’ B.416 Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, synthesis’, ‘Line synthesis’. Two pages dated ‘27.3.45’ and ‘9.5.45’. ‘Error B.417 Untitled notebook. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, “Structure Factor calculations.’ A few pages dated between ‘March 31st 1945’ and ‘July 18th 1946’. B.418 Untitled exercise book, with contentslist inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘Final stage 2 dimensional Rb Penicillin Projection - Addition of Further Terms’. One page dated ‘8.4.45’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 80 Research B.419 Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re ‘Potassium Penicillin (hol) projection’, ‘B section of Rb Pen Projectn’. One page dated ‘18.10.45’. B.420 Untitled notebook. Manuscript notes, data, graphs, projections re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin. One page dated ‘26 Oct. 1945’. B.421 Untitled notebook. Manuscript data and structure factor calculations re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, nd. B.422 Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data and calculations re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘Interatomic distances’, ‘Fourier series’, nd. B.423 Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data, some not by Hodgkin, re rubidium penicillin, ‘Patterson- Harker’, nd. B.424 Untitled exercise book, with contentslist inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, sodium penicillin, ‘intensity data’, ‘Patterson projection’, nd. B.425 Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘2nd Patterson projection’, ‘Fourier’, nd. B.426 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin I! [010] [100]’. Manuscript data, nd. B.427 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin Il [010]’. Manuscript data, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 81 Research B.428 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin [100]’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. B.429 Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data re ‘amino derivative of penicillin’, ‘penicillamine ok reflections’, lactoglobulin, nd. B.430 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Penicillin’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re rubidium penicillin, penicillamimic acid, ‘Patterson-Harker’, nd. B.431 Untitled notebook. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re methyl penicillin sulphuride. Some loose manuscript notes, nd. Data The material is chiefly manuscript data, projections, maps, graphs found in Hodgkin’s envelopes and folders. There is also some later computer- generated material. B.432-B.436 Contents of untitled binder divided into five for ease of reference. penicillin-related Manuscript notes and data re work on various compounds, including crystallisation. The material covers the period 1942- 45 but was not found in chronological order. B.437 ‘Calcs. of angles. Penicillin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes ‘Potassium Handdrawn graphs; Penicillin photographed for okl reflections’, dated 6 September 1945, ‘8 lactam ring angles’, ‘Thiazolidine ring angles’, ‘Rubidium benzyl penicillin’. manuscript data. sketches; B.438-B.445 Manuscript tables, found together and divided into eight folders for ease Include tables headed ‘Atomic factors’, ‘Structure Factor of reference. ‘Final ‘Scattering calculations’, calculations’. A few tables are dated 1946. ‘parameters’, factors’, ‘hkl values’, B.446 ‘Plots of final str[ucture] Penicillin’. Contents of folder so labelled. Includes‘Potassium benzylpenicillin coordinates’ dated 25 November1946. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 82 Research B.447 Contents of untitled folder. ‘okl_ reflections’, figures, ‘Patterson section’, ‘Model based on latest projections’, re potassium benzylpenicillin, rubidium benzylpenicillin, sodium benzylpenicillin. One item dated ‘1.3.47’. B.448 Computer generated P-bromo-penicillin V vector maps, 1962. One roll. B.449, B.450 Contents of untitled folder, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printouts re P-bromo penicillin refinement round’, ‘final |F,|’, ‘final shifts, variances, positions’. 1964. Include V. ‘anisotropic B.451 B.452 B.453 B.454 Manuscriptdata, notall in Hodgkin’s hand, re potassium penicillin, nd. ‘(hko) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. ‘(hol) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. ‘(okl) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. B.455, B.456 ‘Penicillin. Parameter curves. Calculation of bond distances.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, handdrawn graphs. B.457 B.458 B.459 B.460 ‘Plotting and parameter charts. folder so inscribed, nd. Structure factor graphs’. Contents of ‘Experiments with Na Penicillin’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn maps, manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. ‘P-bromo-pen V. Final ISO.’ Handdrawn maps, nd. Oneroll. Sodium penicillin. Handdrawn Patterson and Fourier projections, nd. One roll. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 83 Research B.461 ‘P-bromo-penicillin V (,-p,),. Calculated at end of Iso#5.’ Oneroll so labelled. Computer generated difference synthesis, nd. B.462 Computer generated ‘KPMPEN Vector Map’, nd. Oneroll. Illustrative material This material was probably prepared for an exhibition held at the Science Museum, London, to mark the International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,[?1947]. See also B.360. B.463-B.465 ‘Exhibition blurbs, summaries etc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.463 B.464 Miscellaneous shorter typescript and manuscript drafts re the x-ray crystallographic investigation of the structure of penicillin. Typescript legends to figures and tables. Manuscript notes re history of penicillin research. B.465 Miscellaneousillustrative material. Photographs,figures, diagrams, some with accompanying captions. B.466-B.470 ‘Penicillin’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. X-ray photographs, miscellaneousillustrative material, captions, handdrawn projections. B.471 Material mounted on card. ‘Stages in the X ray analysis of the salts of benzylpenicillin.’ 1p. typescript. X-ray powder photographs, with captions. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 GRAMICIDIN Research 84 1943-67 Crystals of gramicidin S were first brought to Hodgkin from Moscow by R.L.M. Synge. B.472-B.474 ‘Gramicidin S 1940s’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.472, B.473 Letters from R.L.M. Synge, 1943-48. B.472 B.473 1943-45. 1946-48, nd. Includes 3pp. typescript ‘ “Gramicidin S”: the sequence of the amino-acid residues’, by Syngeetal. B.474 Letters from F. Sanger, 1945. Letters from T.S. Work, 1947, nd. B.475-B.479 ‘N-Acetyl Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.475 ‘Proposals For Further Work On Gramicidin and Gramicidin S’. 1p. typescript, by R.L.M. Synge,[?1944]. B.476 Three manuscript translations by R.L.M. Synge of Russian papers on gramicidin S, 1954. B.477 ‘Gramicidin S sulphate’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Gramicidin S$ flavianate’. 1p. typescript, nd. B.478 Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data and calculations, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 85 Research B.479 ‘Final List of Cell Dimensionsetc.’. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin, nd. ‘Correlation tables’. Manuscript data re dry acetyl gramicidin S and wet iodo acetyl gramicidin S. B.480-B.484 ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.480 B.481 Letters to Hodgkin, 1944-56, nd. ‘Summary of information on gramicidin S and proposals for further work’. 2pp. typescript, probably not by Hodgkin, July 1944. ‘A note on the x-ray crystallography of gramicidin S’ (with G.M.J. Schmidt). 2pp. typescript, dated 26 July 1944. B.482, B.483 ‘A crystallographic study of some derivatives of gramicidin S’ (with B.M. Oughton and G.M.J. Schmidt), Bibliog. 68, 1957. B.482 B.483 B.484 B.485 Manuscript drafts. 16pp. typescriptof earlier version of paper, with manuscript additions and corrections[?by Schmidt]. Manuscript notes, data and sketches, manuscript notes from the literature, nd. Notebooklabelled ‘Gramicidin S’ on front cover. Handdrawn projections pasted into notebook; manuscript data. A few loose notes, projections enclosed at front, one note dated 1945. B.486 ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence 1945, 1965, 1968. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 86 Research B.487-B.491 ‘Gramicidin’. Contents of box so labelled. B.487 ‘Adsorption experiments with gramicidin and related substances : the heterogeneity of tyrocidine’, latest bibliographical reference 1947. Not listed in Bibliog. 17pp. typescript [?not by Hodgkin]. B.488 ‘An x-ray crystallographic study of certain peptides’, Bibliog. 54, 1952. 1p. typescript draft; 2pp. manuscript draft, ‘An x-ray analytical study of certain crystalline peptides’. B.489 ‘Someobservations on peptide chain modelsin relation to crystallographic studies on gramicidin B andinsulin’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 57, 1953. 5pp. typescript of ‘Some observations on peptide chain modelsin relation to crystallographic data for gramicidin B and insulin’, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and [?Cowan]. B.490 B.491 B.492 Figures. Manuscript notes, sketches and data, nd. X-ray photographs,nd. ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of box so labelled. ‘Gramicidins’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Derivatives of Gramicidin S’. 1p. typescript data, nd. Manuscript notes and data, nd; 1p. manuscript notes from theliterature, bibliographical reference 1948. B.493, B.494 ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.493 Letters from R.L.M. Synge, 1951, 1954-55. 2pp. manuscript translation by Synge of Russian paper on gramicidin S. Typescript copyof ‘Preliminary Report on the Testing of Molecular Models for Gramicidin S with the Crystallographic Data’, by E.S. Komorowski and M.M. Harding, 1967; handdrawnfigures attached. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 87 Research B.494 B.495 B.496 B.497 B.498 B.499 B.500 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, handdrawnprojections. 4pp.untitled typescript, with tables. Latest bibliographical reference 1957. ‘A note on the x-ray crystallography of gramicidin S and gramicidin S flavianate’ (with G.M.J. Schmidt), nd. Notlisted in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript; table. Mounted x-ray photographs, typed captions probably for exhibition, nd. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from theliterature, nd. Miscellaneous handdrawnillustrative material, graphs, sketches, maps, nd. Oneroll. X-ray photographs, gramicidin S, nd. LACTOGLOBULIN 1946, 1947 Hodgkin took the first x-ray photographs of this protein with D.P. Riley in the mid 1930s. They published the results of this work in 1938 (Bibliog. 25). Howeverall the material presented here is of a later date. B.501 crystal ‘The bibliographical reference 1946. Not listed in Bibliog. 8-lactoglobulin’ structure of (with D.P. Riley), latest 19pp. typescript, with manuscript marginal comments by Hodgkin. Table of ‘Principal crystallographic data for lactoglobulin’. 1p. manuscript sketch by Hodgkin. B.502 ‘Notes on WetTabular Lactoglobulin’. 4pp. typescript, by K. Dornberger, nd. ‘Tabular lactoglobulin. F,” (okl) on (100)’. Handdrawn map,not by Hodgkin. Letter to Hodgkin, 1947. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 FERRITIN Research 88 1948-58 This protein was isolated in 1937. Hodgkin first published work onferritin in 1950 (Bibliog. 48). B.503, B.504 ‘Ferritin’. Contents of box folder so labelled. B.503 B.504 Manuscript and typescript notes, data and sketches, 1948. Typescript copy of ‘The structures of ferritin and apoferritin : some Latest bibliographical preliminary x-ray data’, by P.M. Harrison, nd. reference 1958. Part of the work was carried out under Hodgkin’s supervision. B.505 ‘WetFerritin’. Handdrawn map, 1957. Oneroll. VITAMIN B12 1948-84 Hodgkin’s research on this topic began in 1948 when E.L. Smith of Glaxo Laboratories gave her red crystals of a newly isolated anti-pernicious anaemia factor, named vitamin B12. Hodgkin and a varying group of young crystallographers carried out their analysis by the parallel investigations of four different crystal structures, dry B12, wet B12, the selenocyanide derivative of B12 (Se CN), and a hexacarboxylic acid or the ‘red fragment’ of B12. The crystal structures of the four B12 derivatives were then the most complicated ones which had beensolvedin any detail by x-ray analysis. See A.184 for a record of the progress of the vitamin B12 research in See B.554 for a later Hodgkin’s overview by Hodgkin of the vitamin B12 research. laboratory, July 1954 - June 1955. In the course of the research Hodgkin’s group collaborated closely with Smith at Glaxo, J.G. White at Princeton, and A.R. Todd at Cambridge; it was Todd who announcedthe solution of the structure of vitamin B12 in 1955. In view of the size of the molecule and the extensive calculations involved, the use of early electronic computers at the University of California, Los Angeles (K.N. Trueblood), Manchester University and the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington proved extremely important. Hodgkin’s research on vitamin B12 continued into the 1980s with work on the dimethyl-benzimidazole-cobamide (DMBC) coenzyme, factor V1a, neovitamin B12, and monocarboxylic acid. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 89 Research The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1948-84, although the There is an extensive bulk dates from 1950s and the early 1960s. correspondenceincluding Smith, White, Todd and Trueblood, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, a large numberof research folders, and data. The material is presented as follows: B.506-B.555 Correspondence B.556-B.628 Drafts for reports and publications B.629-B.635 Notebooks B.636-B.792 Research folders B.793-B.826 Data B.827, B.828 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1948-84 There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondenceis presented as follows: B.506-B.545 Correspondencewith individuals In alphabetical order B.546-B.555 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order Correspondencewith individuals B.506 H.A. Barker 1959-61, 1963 re crystallisation and study of the DMBC coenzyme. B.507, B.508 K. Bernhauer 1958-73, nd re factor Via, B12 monoacid. B.507 B.508 1958-59, 1961, 1964-67. 1969, 1973, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 90 Research B.509, B.510 R. Bonnett 1963-73, nd B.509 B.510 B.511 1963-64, 1968. 1970, 1973, nd. D.W.J. Cruickshank 1955-57 re calculations performed on electronic computer at the University of Manchester. See also H.59. B.512, B.513 A. Eschenmoser 1963-75, nd re metal free corrin, cobalt (Il) complex. B.512 B.513 B.514 1963-65. 1967-72, 1974-75, nd. J. Fieldhouse re construction of models of vitamin B12. B.515 K.A. Folkers 1969 1958-64 re the DMBC coenzyme. In 1948, Folkers’ team wasthefirst to isolate crystals of vitamin B12. B.516 J. Glusker (née Pickworth) 1955-56, 1979-83 Glusker was one of Hodgkin’s early collaborators in vitamin B12 research. B.517 A.W. Johnson 1953-68 Includes correspondencere publications, 1954-55. At that time Johnson was working on vitamin B12 with A.R. Todd at Cambridge University. B.518, B.519 P.G. Lenhert 1959-70, nd Lenhert came to Oxford from the USAas a postdoctoral fellow and worked with Hodgkin on the DMBC coenzyme. B.518 1959-65. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 91 Research B.519 1966-70, nd. B.520, B.521 F.H. Moore 1963-84, nd Moore collaborated with Hodgkin on the B12 monoacid and factor V 1a. B.520 B.521 B.522 1963, 1969-70, 1972-74. 1979-80, 1983-84, nd. B.H. O’Connor 1967-71, 1979, 1984 O’Connorcollaborated with Hodgkin on the B12 monoacid andfactor V1a. Includes research report, 1967. B.523 J.H. Robertson 1952, 1954-58, 1964 Robertson was one of Hodgkin’s early collaborators in vitamin B12 research. Includes typescript of ‘The structure of vitamin B12 : The X-ray analysis of air-dried crystals of the selenocyanate derivative.’ By Hodgkin, Robertson and J.S. Rollett, 1964. Notlisted in Bibliog. B.524-B.531 E.L. Smith 1948-66, nd Smith worked on vitamin B12 from 1938 and wasoneofthefirst to isolate crystals in 1948, supplying crystals to Hodgkin for x-ray analysis. The correspondenceincludes reports re vitamin B12 nomenclature. 1948-49. Includes correspondencere first samples sent to Hodgkin and typescript copy of draft by Smith on ‘The presence of cobalt in the anti- pernicious anaemia factor.’ 1950-52. 1953-54. 1955. 1956. B.524 B.525 B.526 B.527 B.528 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 92 Research B.529 B.530 B.531 B.532 1957-59. functioning of vitamin B12.’ Includes typescript copy of draft by Smith on ‘Biochemical 1960-61. 1962-64, 1966, nd. A.R. Todd 1952-58, 1964 Includes cutting from New York Times re Todd’s announcement of the solution of the structure of vitamin B12, 1955, and correspondence re publication. B.533-B.536 K.N. Trueblood 1953-63, 1971-72, nd Trueblood wasanearly collaborator on vitamin B12 and worked at UCLA, wherecalculations for Hodgkin’s work were processedby an electronic computer. B.533 B.534 B.535 B.536 B.537 B.538 B.539 1953-54. 1955. 1956-59. 1961-63, 1971-72, nd. K. Venkatesan re factor Vila. F. Wagner T.N.M. Waters 1962, 1964-65 1961, 1964, 1967-69 1965-69, 1972, 1979, nd B.540-B.543 J.G. White 1950-59 White, who worked at Princeton University, was one of the early collaborators in vitamin B12 research. B.540 1950-51, 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 93 B.541 B.542 B.543 B.544 Research Includes typescript copy of draft by White on ‘The Molecular 1955. Structure of Vitamin B12’, dated August 1955. 1956. 1957-59. B.T.M. Willis 1971, 1979-80, 1983 re the monoacid of vitamin B12. B.545 R.B. Woodward 1956, 1964 B.546 B.547 B.548 B.549 B.550 B.551 B.552 B.553 B.554 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1950-56. 1957. Includes reports and correspondencere vitamin B12 nomenclature. 1958-59. 1960-61. 1962-63. 1964. 1965-69. 1970-73. 1974-76, 1979. vitamin B12 investigations, 1975. Includes 5pp. typescript by Hodgkin re progress of the B.555 1980-84, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 94 Research Drafts for reports and publications 1950-84 Drafts for research reports and publications by Hodgkin and her collaborators mostly kept together by her in box folders. There is also some related material such as correspondence, notes and data. B.556-B.567 ‘Antipernicious anaemia factor.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.556 ‘Crystallographic measurements onthe antipernicious anaemiafactor’ (with M.W.Porter and R.C. Spiller), Bibliog. 49, 1950. 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 7pp. manuscript draft. 1p. typescript notes re ‘crystal morphology’. B.557 ‘On the Molecular Structure of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), latest bibliographical reference 1953. Notlisted in Bibliog. underthis title but may be an earlier version of Bibliog. 59. 8pp. typescript. ‘The Crystal Structure of Vitamin B12 - Part |’ (with J.M. Broomhead), nd. Notlisted in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. ‘The X-ray crystallographic study of the structure of Vitamin B12’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. Untitled 2pp. manuscript draft. B.558 ‘Conversion of Vitamin B12b into Vitamin B12’, by V. Petrov et al. 3pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1950. ‘A crystalline nucleotide-free degradation productof vitamin B12’, by A.R. Todd et al. 5pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 95 Research B.559-B.561 Shorter manuscript and typescript drafts, manuscript notes, data and calculations, manuscript notes from the literature. Some pages dated 1948-49. Three folders. B.562 X-ray photographs andfilm, 1948; photographsof crystals; figures. B.563-B.565 Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Structure factors’, ‘B12 CNS’, Finke values’, ‘Sign determination’, ‘Asymmetric synthesis’, ‘okl reflections’, ‘Density of Factor A’, ‘Red fragment formula’, computer printout. Some pages dated 1952. Threefolders. B.566, B.567 Correspondence 1948-54. B.566 1948-52. Includes abstract of report by Clara Brink, International Fellow 1951, re x-ray analysis of vitamin B12. B.567 1953-54, nd. B.568-B.573 ‘B12 publications.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.568 B.569 B.570 ‘On the Molecular Structure of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), latest bibliographical reference 1953. Not listed in Bibliog. 6pp. manuscript and typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. ‘The X-ray Crystallographic Study of the Structure of Vitamin B12’, published in French as ‘Etude cristallographique par les rayons X de la structure de la vitamine B12’, Bibliog. 60, 1955. 13pp. typescript. ‘The structure of vitamin B12’ (with A.W. Johnson and A.R. Todd), Bibliog. 64, 1955. 22pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.571 ‘The structure of vitamin B12 from X-ray analysis’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. ‘La radiocristallochimie : formule stereochimique de la vitamine B12’, by C. Stora, 1959. 20pp. typescript, in French. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 96 Research B.572 B.573 Shorter manuscript and typescript drafts, brief manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from theliterature. Correspondencere publications 1954-56. B.574, B.575 Contents of untitled folder. Typescript drafts, manuscript notes and data, one page dated 1954. Two folders. B.576-B.578 Contents of untitled folder. B.576 ‘The crystal structure of the hexacarboxylic acid derived from B12 and the molecular structure of the vitamin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 61, 1955. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The crystal structure of a cobalt containing degradation product of B12 and its bearing on the molecular structure of the vitamin.’ 7pp. manuscript draft. B.577 ‘Some observations on the crystal structure of a chlorine substituted vitamin B12’ (with M.J. Kamper), Bibliog. 62, 1955. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘X-ray analytical evidence on the structure of vitamin B12’ ‘Hamburg paper’, latest bibliographical reference 1955. Not listed in Bibliog. 7pp. typescript. B.578 Letter from A.W. Johnson, 1955. Manuscript notes and data. B.579-B.583 ‘The structure of vitamin B12. II. The crystal structure of a hexacarboxylic acid obtained by the degradation of vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 71, 1959. B.579-B.582 90pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections. tables and appendices. Fourfolders. Includes D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 97 Research B.583 Manuscript draft of appendix, entitled ‘On the intensity anomalies on the hexacarboxylic acid photographs’, by A. Vos, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; manuscript data. B.584 ‘Moleculesin crystals’, Bibliog. 75, 1961. 8pp. typescript, incomplete, of Royal Society Tercentenary Lecture, 1960. See also D.126. B.585-B.590 ‘B12 coenzyme.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.585 ‘The structure of the 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazolyl-cobamide coenzyme: an x-ray crystallographic study’ (with P.G. Lenhert), Bibliog. 77, 1961. 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The X-ray CrystallographicInvestigation of the 5,6-Dimethyl-benzimidazole- cobamide coenzyme’ (with P.G. Lenhert), Bibliog. 80, 1961. 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Lenhert. B.586-B.588 Glaxo Laboratories reports sent to Hodgkin by E.L. Smith, 1960-63. B.586 ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions Part 3.’ 8pp. typescript, dated 26 August 1960. ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and Analogues. Structure of B12 coenzymes.’ Isolation and Qpp. typescript, dated 15 January 1962. B.587 ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and AnaloguesPart 2.’ 15pp. typescript, dated 29 June 1962. B.588 ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and Analogues Part 3. A Practical Synthesis of Coenzyme B12.’ Qpp. typescript, dated 29 June 1962. ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions.’ 5pp. typescript, dated 1 February 1963. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 98 Research B.589 Correspondence 1959, 1961. B.590 B.591 B.592 B.593 X-ray film and photographs, photographs of crystals, sent to Hodgkin, 1959. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from theliterature, manuscript data re bond lengths, handdrawn maps. One page dated 1962. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. IV. The x-ray analysis of air-dried crystals of B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 81, 1962. 38pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. V. The structure of the air-dried crystals of vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 82, 1962. 38pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. ‘The determination of the crystal structure of factor V1a’ (with D. Dale and K. Venkatesan), Bibliog. 85, 1963. 7pp. typescript. B.594-B.601 ‘Wet B12. P. Galen Lenhert.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.594, B.595 ‘The structure of vitamin B12. VI. The structure of crystals of vitamin B12 grown from and immersedin water’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 87, 1964. 43pp. typescript. Two folders. B.596, B.597 B.598-B.600 Computerprintouts. Include ‘Planes’, ‘Angles and Distances for Wet B12’, ‘Fourier Sections’, ‘Molecular Axes’. Some pages dated 1959-62. Two folders. Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Atomic positions’, ‘B12 cell dimensions’, ‘calculation of atomic shifts’, ‘atomic coordinates of wet vitamin B12’, ‘interatomic distances’, ‘temperature factor graphs’. Some pages dated 1960-62. Three folders. B.601 Letter re wet vitamin B12, nd. Manuscript notes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 99 Research B.602 ‘Notes on the Molecular Geometry and Chemical Reactivity in Connection with the B12 Vitamins’, Bibliog. 88, 1964. 13pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Tables. B.603, B.604 ‘Vitamin B12 and the porphyrins’, Bibliog. 89, 1964. B.603 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. 13pp. typescript, incomplete. B.604 16pp. manuscript draft. Letter re publication. B.605 ‘The Structure of the Corrin Nucleus from X-ray Analysis’, Bibliog. 94, 1965. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.606 ‘Vitamin B12’, Bibliog. 95, 1966. 14pp. typescript; legends to figures, references. B.607-B.609 ‘Neutron Diffraction of B12.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. The material relates to a research report on ‘A neutrondiffraction study of vitamin B12’ submitted to the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. The correspondencedates the submission of the report to 1966. B.607 Two 4pp.typescripts, with manuscript additions and corrections; figures; manuscript notes. B.608, B.609 Correspondence 1960-78. B.608 B.609 1960, 1965-66. 1967, 1970, 1972, 1978. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 100 Research B.610 ‘The crystal and molecular structure of 2,3,7,13,18-hexamethyl-8,12- diethylcorrole’ (with H.R. Harrison and O.J.R. Hodder), Bibliog. 118, 1970. Qpp. typescript. B.611 ‘Cobyric acid. A.201 Paper.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. factor V1a’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 122, 1971. IX. The crystal structure of cobyric acid, 20pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Letter re publication. B.612-B.615 Contents of untitled folder. B.612 ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(Il)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester’ (by E.D. Edmond), 1971. 16pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.613, B.614 Shorter manuscript drafts, manuscript notes from the literature, manuscript notes and data. Two folders. B.615 B.616 Correspondence 1968-71, 1973, nd. ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(Il)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester’ (with E.D. Edmond),[1971]. Not listed in Bibliog. 14pp. manuscript and typescript draft, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; legendsto figures. B.617 ‘Metal Free Corrin Paper.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 16pp. untitled typescript draft, incomplete, of ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(Il)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester’,[ 1971]. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from theliterature. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 101 Research B.618 ‘Neovitamin B12.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Results and Discussion’. 10pp. manuscript draft. This forms part of ‘Further refinement of the crystal structure of neovitamin B12’ (with E.D. Edmond and H. Stoeckli- Evans), Bibliog. 138, 1972. ‘Crystallographic Investigation.’ 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Neovitamin B12’. 8pp. manuscript and typescript draft by R. Bonnett et a/, nd. bibliographical reference 1970. Latest Hodgkin is listed as an author, but her name has been crossed out. Letter from R. Mason, 1968. B.619, B.620 ‘Corrin bromide.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.619 and molecular 2,3,7,13,17,18 ‘Crystal hexamethylcorrole hydrobromide’ (with B.F. Anderson and T.J. Bartczak), Bibliog. 147, 1974. diethyl structure of 8,12 9pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; tables. B.620 Correspondencere publication 1972-73. Includes referee’s reports. B.621-B.626 ‘The Structure of Vitamin B12. The neutron diffraction analysis of the predominant monocarboxylic acid isomer obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin’ (in collaboration),[?1984]. Not listed in Bibliog. under this title but is probably a version of Bibliog. 169. B.621-B.624 49pp. typescript. Includes tables, figures. Four folders. B.625 B.626 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 10pp. manuscript draft, incomplete; manuscript legendstofigures. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 102 Research B.627 ‘The investigation of the structure of the O-monoacid of B12 by X-ray and neutron diffraction’,[?1984]. Not listed in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 4pp. manuscript draft; manuscript legendsto figures. Correspondence 1980, 1983. B.682 ‘B12 Nomenclature.’ 2pp. typescript, with manuscript additions by Hodgkin, nd. Notebooks B.629 Untitled notebook. Manuscript data re ‘hko’, ‘okl reflections’, October 1952. ‘Structure Factor Comparison - Oxford data, John White’s data’, August 1955. B.630 Untitled notebook. Manuscript notes and data by J.H. Robertsonre ‘Interpretation of the wet B12 Fourier’ and ‘Interpretation of the B12-Se CN (Dry) Fourier’, February 1953. Manuscript notes and data by Hodgkin re B12 Se CN co-ordinates, June- July 1956. B.631 Notebook, inscribed ‘J. Pickworth’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data, mostly re crystals and analysis of x-ray photographs. A few pages dated between October 1953 and April 1954. There are some loose pages, with manuscript notes and data by Pickworth, Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. B.632 Notebook, inscribed ‘J. Pickworth I’ ‘Thesis. Crystallographic Studies on the Structure of Vitamin B12 and Related Compounds’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data, including charts, handdrawnprojections and graphs pasted into notebook; loose x-ray photographs. Indexed. A few pages dated between October 1953 and April 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 103 Research B.633 Notebook,inscribed ‘J. Pickworth IV’ ‘B12. Cg Hg7 Ong Ny 4 P Co 12 HO 5:6 dimethylbenzimenazole N-a-D ribofinanoxide (2 or 3)-phosphate’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data re ‘first three-dimensional Fourier’, ‘Three- dimensional Fourier or Cobalt Phases Alone’, handdrawn sections, ‘Suggested Atomic Positions from 3-dimensional Fourier’, ‘Cobalt Atom Parameters’, ‘Patterson Projection’, ‘Calculated 3 dimensional Patterson’, ‘Absorption Corrections’, ‘AnomalousIntensities from Weissenberg Photos re lack of symmetry’. Two pages dated June, July 1954. Notebook used for manuscript ‘Record of Photographic Data’ re DMBC coenzyme, not by Hodgkin, August 1960 - February 1961. Notebook, inscribed ‘Eric Edmond Linacre College Co-l Corrin’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, computer printouts, x-ray film, July 1969 - December 1971. B.634 B.635 Research folders 1948-81 There are a large numberof research folders, usually identified on the coverby title. These titles have been used in the catalogue entries where appropriate. The folders may include notes,data, calculations, x-ray films and correspondence. B.636 ‘B12 : Chemistry.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. X-rayfilm, dated November 1948; manuscript notes and referencesby J.H. Robertson 1953-54; letter to Robertson from K. Lonsdale, 1954. B.637 ‘B12 : Summary.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, Includes 3pp. notes on ‘Vitamin references, mostly by J.H. Robertson. B12’, dated ‘14.10.49’, from Cambridge University (unidentified hand) and notes by Robertson from lecture on ‘Recent Advances on Vitamins’ given by K.A. Folkers, and dated ‘21.5.51’. B.638 ‘B12 (Wet). Intensities from the b-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. One page dated February and April 1951. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 104 Research B.639 Contents of untitled folder. ‘Structure Factors’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, March 1951. B.640 ‘B12 : General Summary.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript ‘collected B12 data’, by J.H. Robertson; typescript ‘Notes for Mrs Hodgkin’s paper on B12 at Stockholm’, May 1951; ‘Unit Cell Dimensions of B12 Derivatives’; ‘Refractive Indices.’ B.641 ‘B12 (Wet). Correlations of b and c axis intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, May 1951. B.642-B.644 ‘F hkl values Oxford and Princeton’ ‘B12 (dry) “Refinement” of the (hol) projection.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Intensity data dry B12.’ Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. A few pages dated between June 1951 and November 1955. B.645 ‘B12 (Dry). Fourier projection.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawnprojection; computer printout data; manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson, dated 1 October 1951. B.646, B.647 ‘CN Se-B12. Oscillations : a-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. B.646 B.647 B.648 X-ray films. One dated December 1951. Manuscript data, various hands. ‘B12 (dry) : Miscellaneous, from June[?Broomhead]’s Notebooks. F hkl figures.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, various hands, re three-dimensional Fourier, Weissenberg photographs,cell dimensions, structure factors; manuscript notes from theliterature, latest bibliographical reference 1951. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 105 Research B.649 ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). Correlation of the c-axis layer lines.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. One page dated 31 May 1952. B.650-B.653 ‘B12 (dry and wet). CN Se-B12 (dry and wet). Absolute scale and temp. factors.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data and calculations, not all by Hodgkin. A few pages dated between May 1952 and November 1955. B.654 ‘Absolute Intensity Scale for Anthracene.’ Folder so inscribed. Pasted inside front cover is a ‘Diary and Summary’, by J.H. Robertson, which begins, ‘about ist July[1952] Dorothy suggested use of Anthracene crystals to check Wilson scaling on B12.’ Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson, July 1952. B.655 ‘Studies of Pleochroism.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, by J.H. Robertson, re crystals of CN Se B12, dry B12, July 1952. B.656 ‘Factor A.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, by J.H. Robertson; x-ray film, July 1952-April 1954. B.657, B.658 ‘CN Se-B12. c-axis projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson, October 1952 - July 1953; handdrawn contours; computer printouts, October 1952. B.659 ‘Benziminazoles.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin; x-ray film, 1952. B.660-B.664 Contents of untitled folder, divided into five for ease of reference. Computerprintout data from the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington re CN Se three-dimensional Fourier analysis, February-March 1953. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 106 Research B.665 ‘B12-Se CN (dry). Parameters.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data and handdrawn graphs by J.H. Robertson; manuscript notes by Hodgkin. June 1953, August 1954. B.666 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript notes and data re recrystallisation of vitamin B12, B12 degradation products; manuscript notes from the literature; manuscript notes and data re penicillin, miroestrol, aureomycin, phalloidine. A few pages dated between October 1953 and March 1956. B.667, B.668 ‘B12-Se CN. Results of 3-dim[ensional] F[ourier] calculation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data and sketches by J.H. Robertson. November-December 1953. One page dated B.669-B.673 Loose papers found with the preceding. Manuscript notes and data, mostly by J. Pickworth, re ‘reinvestigation of ‘oscillation photo measurements’, ‘electron distributions’, intensities’, ‘revised co-ordinates for 26 atoms’, ‘1st Fourier. B12 Fragment. Inner Ring’, ‘B12 Fragment. Additional atomicintensities’, ‘B12 Fragment’. A few items dated between July 1954 and February 1955. Five folders. B.674 ‘B12. Red Fragment.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson; x-ray film. One page dated April 1954. . B.675-B.677 Contents of untitled folder, divided into three for ease of reference. 4pp. typescript re Manuscript notes, data and drafts, various hands; ‘Intensity measurements’, ‘Selecting atomic positions’. Several items dated between August 1954 and August 1957. B.678 ‘Vitamin B12 Fragment. inscribed. Atomic Parameters.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript data, by J. Pickworth, re ‘cobalt atom parameters’, ‘hol Patterson proj[ection]’, ‘structure from Fourier 1’; handdrawnfigures. One page dated 23 September 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 107 Research B.679-B.687 ‘Co-ordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into nine for ease of reference. Manuscript data, various hands, June 1955-July 1959; computerprintout data, April 1958 - April 1960. B.688, B.689 ‘B12 (Dry). two for ease of reference. Intensity Data.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into Manuscript notes and data, one page dated September 1955; letter from J.H. Robertson, dated 3 July 1955; letter from K.N. Trueblood, nd. B.690, B.691 ‘B12 (Wet). Harker Sections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, various hands; computerprintout data. March 1956. B.692-B.694 ‘CN Se-B12 (Dry). Collected Intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. One page dated April 1957. B.695-B.699 Loose papers found with preceding. Manuscript notes and data, various hands, re ‘correlated intensities’, ‘measured intensities’, ‘B12 Fragment’, ‘corrected intensities’, a few pages dated March 1957; two Glaxo Laboratories reports, sent to Hodgkin by E.L. Smith, re ‘Extension of Project on Antimetabolites of Vitamin B12’ and ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions’, 1961. Five folders. B.700 ‘CN Se-B12. C-axis oscillation photos.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, various hands. One page dated April 1957. B.701-B.707 ‘Black cobalt correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.701 Correspondence April 1957 - June 1964, nd. B.702-B.704 ‘The crystal structure of black nitrosyl pentammine cobalt dichloride’ (with D. Dale), Bibliog. 91, 1965. B.702 9pp. typescript; 8pp. manuscript and typescript draft. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 108 Research B.703 B.704 12pp. manuscript draft. Tables. Typescript pages, with corrections. B.705, B.706 Handdrawn and computer generated Fourier maps, computerprintout data and structure factors, re black cobalt, nd. Two folders. B.707 B.708 B.709 Manuscript notes and data ?re Fourier analysis of black cobalt, nd. Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript notes, data and calculations, not all by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Weightsof peaksin Patterson for P2,2,2,’; computerprintout datare air- dried B12; letter to K.N. Trueblood from J.G. White, May 1957; letter to Hodgkin from J.G. White, February 1959. ‘B12 (dry). To find the Co position. Comparison of F’s (and Fouriers)for 4 different Co positions. Contents of folder so inscribed. John White’s work?’ Computer printout data re ‘Air Dried B12. 1957.’ Photographof ‘hko projection 2 data.’ Param. set for SF5 23 Oct White’s Phases from Co alone B.710 Contents of untitled folder. Manuscriptdata re ‘water molecules’, ‘B12 Se CN water molecules’, ‘Amide groups, Spring 1959’. B.711 ‘DMBC Coenzyme.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintout data, July, October 1959; manuscript data,[by D. Dale], re ‘intensities observed’, ‘directives tape’, ‘comparison between Vitamin B12 and DMBC coenzyme’, October 1959; photographofcrystals. B.712-B.715 ‘DMBC CoenzymeIntensity Data.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, [1960] - August 1961. B.716 ‘DMBC Coenzyme F? On A Relative Scale.’ Contentsof folder so inscribed. Computer printout data, March 1961. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 109 Research B.717-B.719 ‘DMBC RawIntensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Computer printout data, [March 1961]. B.720-B.723 ‘DMBC CoenzymeIntensity Ratios and Intensity Correlation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, March-August 1961. B.724 ‘DMBC Coenzyme Sharpened F*.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintout data, 14 April 1961. B.725 ‘First DMBC Struc[ture] Factor Calculation.’ inscribed. Contents of folder so Computer printout data, 18 April 1961. B.726, B.727 ‘DMBC Coenzymemisc. distance-angles calcs. and molecular axescalcs.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, 9 June 1961 - July 1963. B.728 ‘Second DMBCStructure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF Coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintout data, 14 June 1961. B.729 ‘DMBC Misc. Materials.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data re ‘adenine angles and distances’, ‘third DMBC structure factor calculation June 30 1961’, ‘DMBC Coenzyme Fourier Peak Shapes July 6 1961’. B.730, B.731 Structure Factor Calc. and Distance-Angles from SF ‘DMBC 3rd Coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, 3-5 July 1961; handdrawn diagrams showing distance angles. B.732, B.733 ‘DMBC 4th Structure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, 11-12 July 1961. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 110 Research B.734, B.735 ‘DMBC 5th Structure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, 25-30 July 1961; handdrawn‘plots of scalefactor analysis’. B.736-B.739 ‘DMBC Intensities Unscaled But Sorted For Intensity Ratios.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Computer printout data, July-August 1961. B.740, B.741 ‘Sixth DMBC Structure Factor Calculation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, handdrawn diagramsfrom the data, 9-14 August 1961. B.742 ‘DMBC.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data re ‘DMBC distance angles’, 25 October 1961; manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re distance-angle calculations. B.743, B.744 ‘Seventh DMBC Structure Factor Calculation (Amide Groups Included).’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, handdrawn diagrams from the data, 11-23 July 1962. B.745, B.746 ‘The DMBCStructure Factor Calculation (Amide Groups C,7-N4, and C,,- N,5 Omitted). Fourier For Amide Groups and Cobalt.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computerprintout data, computer generated Fourier sections, 14-15 July 1962. B.747-B.750 ‘DMBC Hydrogen Atoms.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, dividedinto four for ease of reference. Computer printout data, manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re structure factor calculations, atomic coordinates, ‘DMBC methyl groupsrotated to improve inter atomic distances’, ‘H atomstrial calculation’, 24 July - 6 August 1962. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 111 Research B.751 ‘DMBC Coenzyme Constants and Directives.’ inscribed. Contents of folder so Computer printout data, 14-20 August 1962. B.752, B.753 ‘Adenosine removed. Fractional water removed.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data re structure factors, 17-20 August 1962. B.754 ‘Final DMBC Dist-Angles, and Molecular Axes, also 7th and 8th coordinate shifts.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintout data, 29-30 August 1962. B.755-B.758 Contents of untitled folder, divided into four for ease of reference. B.755 Letter from B.H. O’Connor, of the University of Western Australia, re neutron refinement of the B12 monoacid structure, 1967; photocopied manuscript notes and data, by O’Connor; letter from O’Connor, 1969. B.756 Photographsofcrystals. B.757, B.758 Handdrawn‘Sections from Fourier UWA/F9.’ Twofolders. B.759, B.760 ‘Papers and correspondence o monoacid.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. B.759 B.760 B.761 Correspondence 1967, 1976-79, nd. Manuscript notes and data, typescript data, handdrawn sections. One page dated 1981. Contents of untitled folder. Miscellaneous correspondence 1968, 1973. Manuscript figures, 1969, manuscript notes from the literature. Manuscript notes re ‘Eschenmoser’s H-Corrin Hydrochloride’, not by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 112 Research B.762, B.763 ‘Corroles.’ Contents of folder so labelled, divided into two for ease of reference. B.762 B.763 Correspondence 1969-70, 1972. Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. B.764-B.792 Undated research folders. B.764, B.765 ‘NC Se-B12 (Dry). Co and Se Structure Amplitudes.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. B.766 ‘NC Se-B12 (Dry). Interpretation of the Patterson.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson; handdrawn Harker Section. B.767 ‘CN Se-B12 : b-axis intensities. (Weiss).’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. B.768-B.772 ‘B12-Se CN (dry). F-calculations.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. B.773 ‘B12-Se CN (dry). Fourier 2.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, various hands. B.774 ‘B12-CN Se. Reciprocal Lattice Nets.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, data and graphs, by J.H. Robertson. B.775 ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). a-axis Weissenberg Intensity Measurements.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 113 Research B.776 B.777 B.778 ‘B12 (Wet). inscribed. Harker sections at x='s y= z=.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, various hands; computerprintout data. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). Corrections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. C-axis Weissenberg Intensities. Measurements and Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘3-dimensional Patterson (const. x). B12 fragment.’ Contents of envelope so inscribed, found with the preceding. Handdrawn Patterson sections. B.779 ‘B12. Spectroscopy.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, graphs and data, by Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. B.780, B.781 ‘Fourier 2.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Photographs of projections, each bearing manuscript inscription. B.782 ‘Princeton drawings.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Figures, some with manuscript annotations. B.783 ‘B12 (Wet). Method.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Attempt to place (hol) values on Abs Scale, by Wilson Manuscript data, various hands. B.784 ‘B12 (Wet). Intensities from the c-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, various hands. B.785, B.786 ‘Wet B12. Collected Intensity Data. F* values.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 114 Research B.787-B.789 ‘Wet B12. Structure Factors.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. B.790 B.791 ‘B12 (dry). inscribed. Intensity data and cell dimensions.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. ‘Graphs and reciprocallattices. Dry dichlor. B12. Comparison of F’s for dry B12 Oxford and Princeton and dry dichlor. B12.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, graphs, various hands. B.792 ‘B12 (Wet). a-axis intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. Data B.793 This consists of handwritten and computer generated data, in the form of tables, maps, sections. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). Fourier Projection (hko). Signs from Co and Se. Jan. 52.’ Handdrawn, by J.H. Robertson. Oneroll. B.794-B.805 Loose material found together and divided into twelve folders for ease of reference. Presented in order found. including Manuscript data, various hands, computer printout data, ‘Structure Factor Calculations’, ‘Absolute F* values. Vit. B12 Fragment’, ‘Observed F Values’, ‘Sharpened F? Values’, ‘Sin @ Values’, ‘Maximum Values’, ‘hko projection’, ‘proposed structure’, ‘values of products of cos and sin values 2xhx, 2xky, 2lz and calculations of A.,, and B,,,’. A few pages dated February 1953, April-December 1954, August 1956. B.806-B.811 Loose material found together and divided into six folders for ease of reference. Presented in order found. Manuscript data and handdrawn graphs, various hands, computer printout data, including ‘Vitamin B12 Fragment. 2nd Fourier’, ‘Co Structure Factor Calculation’, ‘measured intensities’, ‘corrected intensities’, ‘correlated absolute F* values’. A few pages dated 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 115 Research B.812 B.813 B.814 B.815 B.816 B.817 B.818 B.819 ‘Sections at constant Z. B12 Patterson -3 dimensional. Dry.’ Handdrawn, various hands, [?1950s]. Oneroll. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). [?1950s]. Oneroll. Fourier-Proj (hko).’ Handdrawn, not by Hodgkin, ‘B12 (Wet) hko Fourier Projection. Signs from Co only.’ Handdrawn, by J.H. Robertson, [?1950s]. Oneroll. ‘B12-Se CN. V.C. Diagram, based on Co and Se positions.’ Handdrawn, [?1950s]. Oneroll. ‘Wet B12 P3 x=0.’ Handdrawn map, [?1950s]. Oneroll. ‘Molecular Axes. R. Sparks. 6.5.60.’ Handdrawn, with annotation ?by K.N. Trueblood dated 29 August 1960. Oneroll. Computer generated sections from three-dimensional ‘DMBC Difference Fourier. Phases of 5th Structure Factor Calculation.’ 25 July 1961. One roll. Handdrawn‘I cobyric ester’ sections, 1974. Oneroll. B.820-B.822 Loose papers re B12 monoacid, found together and divided into three folders for ease of reference. brief manuscript notes, computer printout data; Manuscript data, handdrawn neutron Fourier maps, including ‘plot from first neutron diffraction positions of last side chain in w.[?ater]’, ‘B12 monoacid from neutron map by F.H. Moore’, ‘old positions’, ‘neutrondiff. diff. map’. A few pages dated July 1979 - November 1980. B.823 Contents of untitled folder. Handdrawn ‘O monocarboxylic acid neutron scattering’, ‘plot’. September 1981, September 1983. B.824, B.825 Computer generated sections from ‘B12 Difference Map from 11.92% Coords.’ [?1980s]. Two folders. B.826 ‘B12 Patterson sections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn sections, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous 116 Research B.827, B.828 Loose notes and data. Twofolders. NITROSO COMPOUNDS 1949-70 Most of Hodgkin’s work on the nitroso compounds wasdirected towards the solution of the structure of nitrosobenzene. This wasfinally achieved in 1969 by L. Brehm and O.J.R. Hodder. B.829 Contents of untitled folder. Letter, 1949; manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. B.830, B.831 ‘The crystal structure of the dimer of para-bromonitrosobenzene’ (with C. Darwin), Bibliog. 51, 1950. B.830 Two 4pp. typescripts. Correspondence, nd. B.831 Typescript data. Photographs of maps. B.832 ‘Crystal Structure Determination of the trans Dimer of Nitroso-Methane’ Notlisted in (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1955. Bibliog. 14pp. typescript. Includes tables, figures. B.833-B.835 ‘Trans-nitrosomethane dimer’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.833 ‘Crystal structure determination of the trans dimer of 1-nitroso-2-methyl- bibliographical H. propane/nitroso-iso-butane’ (with reference 1957. Notlisted in Bibliog. Dietrich), latest 15pp. typescript; 2pp. manuscript tables. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 117 Research B.834 ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso methane’ (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1958. Not listed in Bibliog. Qpp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; 1p. manuscript draft. B.835 Manuscript notes and data. B.836-B.842 Contents of untitled folder. B.836, B.837 ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso-iso-butane’ (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1958. Not listed in Bibliog. B.836 B.837 B.838 B.839 11pp. typescript; corrections by Hodgkin. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and Tables. Computerprintout data re ‘Nitrosomethane Transdimer’, 1959. ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso methane’ (with H. Dietrich), nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 5pp. manuscript draft. ‘The crystal structure determinationof the trans dimerof nitroso-methane’, by H. Dietrich. 5pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. B.840 Shorter manuscript drafts including ‘X-ray crystallographic measurements on trans 1:4 dichloro 1:4 dinitroso cyclohexane’. B.841, B.842 Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Okl Intensity Data’, ‘Atomic shift from difference Fourier’, ‘Sharpened F* values’, nd. Two folders. B.843, B.846 ‘Azoxy Fenzene. Nitroso benzene.’ Contents of box solabelled. B.843 trans Untitled bibliographical reference 1959. draft re the dimer of nitroso-iso-butane. Latest 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and [?]. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 118 Research B.844 Letter, 1959; 8pp. typescript of 4-4'-dibromoazobenzene crystal data. B.845, B.846 Manuscript notes, data; computer printout. Nd. Twofolders. B.847 ‘Nitrosobenzene’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence 1967, 1969-70; brief manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin, on the crystal structure of nitrosobenzene. PURPUROGALLIN 1950-52 Purpurogallin is an oxidation product of pyrogallol and work onits structure determination began in Oxford in 1948. B.848-B.851 ‘Purpurogallin.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.848 ‘First Report of the work donebyClara Brink in the Laboratory of Chemical Crystallography in Oxford during her holding of the Ohio State International Fellowship 1950-51.’ App. typescript. B.849-B.851 Manuscript notes and data, handdrawn maps, notall by Hodgkin. A few pages dated 1951-52. Three folders. LUMISTEROL 1952 Lumisterol was selected for study as one of the group of compounds found during the photochemical transformation of ergosterol to calciferol. B.852, B.853 ‘Lumisterol’. Contents of box folder so labelled. B.852 B.853 ‘A crystallographic examination of the structure of lumisterol’ (with D. Sayre), Bibliog. 56, 1952. 14pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and ?Sayre. 11pp. typescript. 1p. manuscript draft; manuscript notes and data. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 119 Research MIROESTROL/BROMOMIROESTROL 1956-71 X-ray analysis was used to determinethe structure of the plant oestrogen, miroestrol, in the form of its monobromo-derivative. B.854-B.869 ‘Bromomiroestrol. Miroestrol’. Contents of box so labelled. B.854-B.859 ‘Miroestrol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.854 ‘X-ray Crystallographic Determinationof the Structure of Bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. 11pp. typescript, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; letter attached, dated 19 May 1959, from N.E. Taylor. 7pp. typescript. Both versions differ substantially from the published paper. B.855-B.857 Correspondence, mostly with The National Institute for Research in Dairying (G.S. Pope) and the National Research Development Corporation (J.C. Cain), re miroestrol, 1956-60. B.855 B.856 B.857 B.858 B.859 B.860 1956-57. 1958. 1959-60, nd. Minutes of meetings, attended by Hodgkin, held at the NRDC about work on miroestrol. 31 July 1958, 11 September 1958. Shorter manuscript notes and drafts re miroestrol, bromomiroestrol, nd. Correspondence 1958-59, 1961, 1970-71. B.861-B.866 ‘Bromomiroestrol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.861-B.863 x-ray ‘The bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. crystallographic determination of the structure of D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 120 Research 22pp. typescript, with tables. 18pp. typescript and manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 17pp. typescript and manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.861 B.862 B.863 B.864 Correspondence 1959-60. Shorter monobromomiroestrol. typescript and manuscript drafts re bromomiroestrol, B.865 B.866 B.867 Typescript data bromomiroestrol positions, nd. notes and re bond lengths and deviations, Manuscript data and tables, nd. ‘Comparison of observed and calculated structure amplitudes’. Table. Manuscript notes and data, nd. B.868, B.869 X-ray films, bromomiroestrol, nd. Two folders. B.870 FERROVERDIN B.871 x-ray ‘The bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. crystallographic determination structure of of the 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and [?Taylor]. 1956-73 ‘Ferroverdin. 1956. Oneroll. Fourier projection along b,,-100 as zero electron density.’ B.872, B.873 ‘Ferroverdin’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.872 Correspondence 1969-70, 1973. Includes correspondencere publications on the structure of ferroverdin (Bibliog. 111, Bibliog. 142, Bibliog. 143). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 121 Research B.873 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from theliterature. B.874, B.875 Handdrawnthree-dimensional Fourier map. Incomplete. Twofolders. AGRAVIDE 1957 B.876 ‘Molecular Weight of Lagosin and Agravide’. 1p. typescript, dated 2 May 1957. Hodgkin’s name appearsat the bottom of the original typescript but has been crossed out and replaced by that of N.E. White. ‘Agravide’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Agravide cell dimensions’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. X-ray films, nd. PILOTY COMPOUNDS 1957-64 In 1902 O. Piloty isolated two compoundsof the composition 1:4 dichloro- 1':4'-dinitrosocyclohexane which he formulated as cis and trans isomers. Hodgkin and her collaborators beganthe x-ray analysis of both isomers in the 1950s, although no paper was published until 1982 (Bibliog. 164). B.877-B.880 Contents of untitled folder. B.877 B.878 B.879 B.880 Correspondence 1957, 1959-60. Manuscript and typescript drafts, nd. Manuscript notes and data, nd. Include 1p. headed ‘cis 1:4 dichloro "4" dinitroso cyclohexane’. Handdrawnfigures, maps, various hands. B.881-B.883 ‘CC/52 Cis Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 122 Research B.881 ‘Cis Piloty Compound’. 3pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin, nd. ‘List of calculated and observed structure factors’. Manuscript and typescript data, nd. Letter, 1961. B.882, B.883 Computerprintouts re Fourier analysis of cis Piloty compound, nd. Two folders. B.884-B.887 ‘CC/52 Trans Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, manuscript and typescript data, computer printouts, handdrawn Fourier projection and difference map, re structure factors, dichloro-1 ‘41. synthesis Fourier dinitrosocyclohexane, 1961. Four folders. difference synthesis, trans-1:4 of B.888 Contents of untitled folder. Handdrawn Fourier projection and difference map re trans Piloty compound, 1961. ‘A note on the Piloty compounds : cis and trans isomers of 1:4 dichloro- bibliographical 1'4'-dinitrosocyclohexane’ reference 1963. Not listed in Bibliog. collaboration), latest (in 10pp. manuscript draft. B.889-B.891 ‘Cis Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data; handdrawn Fourierprojections anddifference maps; computerprintouts. 1961, 1964. Three folders. B.892 Contents of untitled folder. ‘A Note on the Piloty Compounds: cis and trans isomers of 1:4 dichloro- bibliographical 11:4! -dinitrosocyclohexane’ reference 1963. Not listed in Bibliog. collaboration), latest (in 8pp. typescript. B.893-B.895 ‘Piloty’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, includes ‘Bond lengths’, ‘hol Intensity Data’; x-ray film; handdrawnPatterson projections, Wilson plots. Nd. Three folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 123 Research B.896 Notebook. Inscribed ‘Terrence J. Harper’ inside front cover and ‘cis 1-4 dichloro-1-4 dinitroso cyclohexane’ onfirst page. SPORIDESMIN 1959 Crystals of sporidesmin, a substance from the fungus Sporidesmium bakeri, were given to Hodgkin for x-ray analysis by R.L.M. Synge. B.897, B.898 ‘Sporidesmin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.897 Includes Manuscript notes, data, mostly not by Hodgkin, x-ray films. ‘Inactivated Sheep Poison from Fungus’, ‘Dick Synge’s crystals’, ‘Facial Eczema Toxin’. March-November 1959. B.898 1p. typescript draft, probably by Hodgkin, untitled, dated 8 May 1959. Letters from R.L.M. Synge, August-October 1959. Reprint 1959. CEPHALOSPORIN C 1959-73 Cephalosporin C, an antibiotic related to the penicillins, was first isolated Soonafter this Hodgkin by G.G.F. Newton and E.P. Abraham in 1955. made the first crystallographic measurements on the sodium salt of cephalosporin C. B.899-B.902 B.899 B.900 B.901 B.902 ‘Cephalosporin C correspondence Development Corporation’. Contents of folder so inscribed. National with Research and Correspondencere funding, reports 1959-66. 1959. 1960-61. 1962. 1963, 1965-66. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 124 Research B.903-B.909 ‘Cephalosporin C’. Contents of box so labelled. B.903-B.905 Patent specifications on cephalosporin C, 1960-61. Three folders. Include provisional and complete specifications, schedules of patents and patent applications. B.906-B.909 Researchreports for the NRDC, 1960-63. Four folders. Include typescript copy of ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of cephalosporin C’, by Hodgkin and E.N. Maslen, Bibliog. 76, 1961. B.910 ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of cephalosporin C’, by Hodgkin and E.N. Masten, Bibliog. 76, 1961. 18pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 2pp. manuscript data. B.911-B.916 ‘N.R.D.C. Reports on Cephalosporin C. labelled. Patents’. Contents of box so B.911-B.913 Patent specifications on cephalosporin C, 1960-64. Three folders. Include provisional and complete specifications, schedule of patents and patent applications. B.914-B.916 Research reports for the NRDC, 1961-64. Three folders. B.917-B.925 ‘Cephalosporin C’. Contents of folder so inscribed. The contents relate to the paper ‘Crystal and molecular structure of a synthetic compound related to the penicillins and cephalosporins, 3-benzyl 7-t-butyl 2,2-dimethyl-8-oxo-4-thia-1 aza-6aH-bicyclo[4.2.0] octane-38, 7a-dicarboxylate’ (with B.F. Anderson and K. Vijayan), Bibliog. 141, 1973. B.917-B.920 Manuscript and typescript drafts. Four folders. B.921 B.922 Correspondence 1969, 1972. Manuscript notes and data, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 125 Research B.923 B.924 Kalyani. ‘V. Calculations’. Cephalosporin Final Co-ordinates and Mean Plane Manuscript and typescript data, nd. 13pp. typescript, incomplete anduntitled, re ‘the irradiation of 5-acetyl-3H- pyrazole(l)’, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, nd. B.925 ‘Cephalosporin C’. 28pp. typescript, not by Hodgkin, nd. B.926, B.927 Envelopes of x-ray films, nd. B.926 ‘(001] Preliminary Weissenberg Oscillation’. ‘[100] Preliminary Weissenbergs Oscillation Photos’. B.927 ‘okl new photos’. ‘1kl new data’. ‘Degradation of Ceph C 5kl’. B.928 1p. typescript re molecular weight of cephalosporin methyl ester, nd. 1p. manuscript notes, nd. FORMAZAN 1960 B.929 1p. manuscript notes from theliterature, 1960. Manuscript data. Letter from J.M. Robertson, 1960. 13pp. typescript, untitled, [?by D. Dale]; computer printoutof ‘Niformazan Final Distances’, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SUPRASTEROLII Research 126 1961-63 Suprasterol Il is one of at least ten isomers ultimately produced by the ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol. The molecular structure of suprasterol ll was investigated through the x-ray analysis of a derivative supplied by J.W. Cornforth. B.930, B.931 ‘Suprasterol’. Contents of box so labelled. B.930 B.931 ‘The crystal structure of suprasterolII’ (with C.P. Saunderson), Bibliog. 78, 1961. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 5pp. typescript. crystal and Il 4-iodo-5 ‘The nitrobenzoate’ (with C.P. Saunderson), latest bibliographical reference 1963. Notlisted in Bibliog. suprasteryl molecular structure of 12pp. typescript. 1p. manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin. THIOSTREPTON 1965-72 The antibiotic thiostrepton wasfirst isolated in 1954. A great part ofits chemical structure was determined by Hodgkin and her collaborators by x-ray crystallographic techniques, the results of which were published in 1970 (Bibliog. 113). B.932-B.937 ‘Thiostrepton’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.932 ‘Consolidated report of work done on Thiostrepton during the period November 1965 to February 1967 by Dr. M.A. Viswamitra, at the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford’. 2pp. typescript; table of crystal data. ‘Thiostrepton (monoclinic form)’. App. typescript, by B.F. Anderson, dated 20 November 1968. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 127 Research B.933 ‘The structure of thiostrepton’ (with B.F. Anderson and M.A. Viswamitra), Bibliog. 113, 1970. ‘First Draft’. 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; 7pp. typescript, with abstract. 3pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin. B.934-B.936 Correspondence 1965-72. B.934 B.935 B.936 B.937 B.938 1965-68. 1969. 1970-72. Manuscript notes and handdrawnprojections, nd. ‘A brief summary of information on the chemistry of thiostrepton’. 2pp. typescript notes, nd. Handdrawn Pattersons and difference maps, publication, nd. One roll. probably for future MISCELLANEOUS Research folders B.939-B.957 Research folders B.958-B.974 Notebooks and binders B.975-B.982 Notes and data B.939-B.945 ‘Wolfenden Problems.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.939, B.940 ‘Xll. Crystal Structure’. B.939 Proof of chapter by Hodgkin. Latest bibliographical reference 1935. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 128 Research B.940 B.941 Typescript and manuscript draft of corrections to be made, nd.[?1950s]. ‘The crystal structure of pentaborane. B,H,’, nd. reference 1952. Latest bibliographical Two 3pp. typescripts of problems. ‘The Structure of Pentaborane’, nd. Bibliographical reference 1952. Two 3pp. typescripts of problems. 2pp. typescript of problems. B.942 Shorter manuscript drafts re pentaborane. B.943, B.944 Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin, re Patterson analysis of pentaborane. Twofolders. B.945 B.946 Computerprintouts re ‘DH Problem’, ‘Two-Dimensional Projection’, 1962. Contents of untitled folder. ‘The Crystallographic Investigation of Complex Organic Compounds’, latest bibliographical reference 1945. Not listed in Bibliog. 8pp. typescript and manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.947, B.948 Contents of untitled folder. ‘X-ray crystallographic studies of compounds of biochemical interest’, Bibliog. 45, 1948. 44pp. typescript, divided into two for ease of reference. B.949, B.950 ‘Hg.(NO.)-2H,0.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Fourier projections, printouts, manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, for Patterson analysis, 1957-59. Two folders. B.951 ‘Fourier Peak Heights and Shapes.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintouts 1959, 1962. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 129 Research B.952 Contents of untitled folder. ‘Report on specimens received from Dr. F.I.G. Rawlins, The National Gallery, sent by Dr. lv A.M. de Wild.’ 3pp. typescript; 1p. typescript data. See also H.194. B.953 ‘The error fourier file’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Computerprintouts, nd. B.954-B.957 Contents of untitled folder. Tables of manuscript data, nd. Four folders. B.954 B.955 B.956 B.957 ‘Table of 1000 cos 2xnx’. ‘Table of 1000 cos 2xnx’. ‘1000 sin 2xnx’. ‘1000 sin 2xnx’. Notebooks and binders B.958, B.959 Contents of untitled binder divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data, sketches re crystals and ?crystallisation of cholesterol, tribomobarbaloin, thiophthene, spartein sulphate, azoxy benzene, tetramethyl haematoporphyrin, 1933. Somenotesby J.D. Bernal. B.960-B.962 Contents of untitled binder divided into three folders for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data, sketches re crystals and crystallisation. miscellaneous, 1935-37. Very B.963-B.965 Contents of untitled binder divided into three folders for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data, sketches re crystals andcrystallisation of ferritin, insulin, penicillin, calciferol, sterols, 1945-50. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 130 Research B.966-B.968 Contents of untitled binder, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data, sketches, manuscript notes from theliterature re crystals and crystallisation of vitamin B12, ferroverdin, cephalosporin, penicillin, insulin, gramicidin, 1946-66. B.969 Exercise book. Manuscript data. One page dated ‘June 18'" 1946’. B.970 Notebook. Manuscript notes, manuscript notesfrom theliterature, very miscellaneous. A few loose items, including x-ray film from study of acoric acid. One page dated 1962; latest bibliographical reference 1965. B.971 Notebook. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature re vitamin B12, insulin, nd. Latest bibliographical reference 1965. B.972 ‘Ergometrine’. Exercise book so inscribed. Manuscript data re ergometrine methiodide and lactoglobulin, nd. B.973 Exercise book. Manuscript data [for Patterson analysis], nd. B.974 Exercise book. Manuscript data, nd. Notes and data B.975-B.978 Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, 1937-[?1980s]. Four folders. B.979, B.980 Manuscript and typescript data, mostly unidentified. Two folders. B.981 Unidentified handdrawn sections, nd. Oneroll. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 131 Research B.982 Unidentified ?Fourier refinement, nd. LARGE FORMAT Maps, projections etc. kept by Hodgkin (with the exception of B.990) in portfolios. B.983 ‘Dry B12.’ Original handdrawn Fourier maps, molecular projection plots, various hands, re wet and dry B12. 1955-56. B.984 Untitled. Vitamin B12 fragment. Patterson maps. One item dated 1956. Includes handdrawn projections, Fourier and B.985 ‘Dry B12’. Very miscellaneous. Includes handdrawn Fourier maps, projection of ‘John White’s coordinates’. Various dates 1956-62. B.986 ‘O Monoacid’. ‘[illegible]’. ‘Red nitroso cpd.’. Miscellaneousillustrative material, 1959-66. B.987 ‘Factor Via’. Computer generated difference maps, 1962-63; vector maps, 1962; Fourier’, [?Full]‘Anomalous Dispersion Fourier’. ‘Phase Fourier’, 1962; generated computer 1964; computer generated handdrawn ‘Heavy Atom Map’; Final 51a ‘Factor B.988 ‘Insulin.’ HanddrawnPatterson and Fourier maps, various hands, re 4 Zn insulin and 2 Zn insulin, heavy atom positions. 1958-65. B.989 ‘2 Zn insulin (old) and UO,insulin plotted on scale 1A = 1cm.’ Handdrawn and computer generated Patterson and Fourier maps, 1958-60; original handdrawn L-cystine three-dimensional diffraction data, 1966; Patterson. Includes work by M.J. Adams ?re insulin fragment (dithizone), 1962. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 132 Research B.990 Unlabelled ring binder. Handdrawninsulin Pattersons, various hands, May-October 1962. B.991 ‘Acetyl gramicidin S.’ Handdrawn Pattersons and Fouriers. Mostly the work of G.M.J. Schmidt. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 133 SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY C.1-C.182 C.1-C.3 SUB-FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY C.4-C.23 TEACHING C.24-C.56 HODGKIN’S RESEARCH GROUP C.24-C.31 Research, technical and secretarial staff C.32-C.34 Accommodation C.35-C.52 Visitors to laboratory C.53-56 Miscellaneous C.57-C.66 WOLFSON RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY C.67-C.108 FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH C.67-C.82 The Rockefeller Foundation C.83-C.96 Departmentof Scientific and Industrial Research/Science Research Council C.97-C.100 The Nuffield Foundation C.101-C.104 The Squibb Institute for Medical Research C.105 The Wagman Foundation C.106-C.108 The British Diabetic Association C.109-C.143_ EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES C.109-C.127 Correspondence with suppliers and governmentministries C.128-C.139 Computing C.140-C.143 Neutron Diffraction C.144-C.172 ACCOUNTS C.173-C.178 SOMERVILLE COLLEGE C.179-C.182 MISCELLANEOUS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 134 Oxford University SUB-FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY Reports by Hodgkin on periods of office as University Demonstratorin Chemical Crystallography, ?1946-50, 1950-54. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence, includes material re future of crystallography department. 1969-74. nd. C.1 C.2, C.3 C.2 C.3 TEACHING There are four There is only a small amount of material re teaching. binders of lectures material, probably in use in the 1940s and 1950s, althoughonly a few items are dated. Thereis also duplicated material for practical classes. Hodgkin gave up her teaching commitments in 1960 when she became Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society. C.4-C.7 Contents of binder divided into four for ease of reference. Two items are dated 1941 and 1951; latest bibliographical reference 1956. Manuscript notes onthe literature; manuscript drafts on ‘Intensity of x-ray of Weissenberg Photographs’; reflections’ and typescript drafts on ‘Crystallography’, ‘Crystallography in biology’ and ‘Crystallography in geology’. interpretation ‘The C.8-C.11 Contents of binder divided into four for ease of reference. A few items are dated between 1946 and 1949; latest bibliographical reference 1958. Manuscript notes on theliterature; lecture from course on ‘The structure of organic molecules’. lecture plans; manuscript draft of C.12-C.16 Contents of binder dividedinto five for ease of reference. A few items are dated between 1947 and 1959. Manuscript notes on theliterature; manuscript lecture notes; manuscript drafts on ‘Crystallography in biology’ and ‘Chemical problems’. Typescript draft on ‘X-ray analysis and molecular structure’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 135 C.17 C.18 Oxford University Contents of binder. One item is dated 1958. Manuscript notes on theliterature. ‘Old lecture notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed. A few items are dated between 1951 and 1954. Manuscript notes on the literature; manuscript lecture notes. C.19-C.23 Contents of folder so inscribed ‘Teaching problems in x-ray analysis’. divided into five for ease of reference. A few items are dated between 1936 and 1947. Manuscript notes; paginated duplicated typescripts of instructions for x- ray crystallography practical course, Part Il Physics and PartIl Metallurgy. HODGKIN’S RESEARCH GROUP The material covers the period 1945-80, although no formal research group wasestablished until 1960 on Hodgkin’s appointment as Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society. Research, technical and secretarial staff C.24-C.30 General papers and correspondence 1949-77. C.24 C.25 C.26 C.27 C.28 C.29 C.30 1949-50, 1958. 1961-62. 1964-67. 1968-69. 1971-72. 1973-75. 1976-77, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 136 Oxford University C.31 Lists of members of research group, 1959-71. Manuscript notes on research group, nd. Papers and correspondence re accommodation of group, 1961-74 At the beginning of this period the group was housed in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory. The group wasthen split between roomsin the Crystallography Laboratory and in the Departments of Physiology and In 1970 the group moved to the new Laboratory of Pharmacology. Molecular Biophysics. ‘Equipment, furnishings and surveying’. Contents of folder so inscribed, 1961, 1966, 1970-73. Architects’ plans for room in Pharmacology Department, 1961. Includes brief correspondence, 1961-62. General papers and correspondence, 1966-74. C.32 C.33 C.34 Visitors to laboratory C.35-C.51 Requests to visit/work with Hodgkin, 1945-80. C.35 1945-47. C.36 1948-49. C.37 1950-55. C.38 1956-59. C.39 1961-63. C.40 1964-65. C.41 1966. C.42 1967-68. C.43 1969. C.44 1970. C.45 1971. C.46 1972. C.47 1973. C.48 1974. C.49 1975. C.50 1976-80. C.51 nd. C.52 Curricula vitae, brief biographical details of visitors to laboratory. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous C.53 C.54 C.55 C.56 137 Oxford University Correspondence with University Chest, 1969-77. Correspondencere use of computerat the Rutherford Laboratory, Harwell by D. Sayre, 1972-73. Exercise book recording letters written by Hodgkin and membersof her group, identified by initials, 1974-76. Miscellaneous administrative papers and correspondence, 1945, 1971-77. Includes correspondence re accommodating Hodgkin in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory following her retirement. WOLFSON RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY Hodgkin was appointed Wolfson ResearchProfessorof the Royal Society in 1960. The post was funded by the Isaac Wolfson Foundation, and the Royal Society invited nominations from all Fellows (see A.68, A.69). The Royal Society provided funding for the formal establishment of Hodgkin’s research group, and continued to finance research and to pay for salaries until her retirement in 1977. C.57-C.63 Papers and correspondence, mostly with the Royal Society, 1961-82. C.57 C.58 C.59 C.60 C.61 C.62 C.63 1961, 1964-68. 1969. 1970. 1971. 1972. 1973-74. 1975-77, 1982. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 138 Oxford University C.64 Miscellaneous accounts. C.65, C.66 Reports. C.65 C.66 1960-70. 1971-75, 1977. FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH The Rockefeller Foundation 1941-64 The Rockefeller Foundation provided funding for Hodgkin’s early work on insulin, her work on penicillin and gramicidin S, and for the purchasing of It also helped to fund Hodgkin’s group on her new equipment. appointment as Wolfson Research Professor in 1960. C.67-C.72 General papers and correspondence 1941-64. C.67 C.68 C.69 C.70 C.71 C.72 1941-44. 1945-46. 1947-48. 1949-50, 1955. 1957-58. 1959-64, nd. C.73-C.77 Correspondence with Gerard R. Pomerat, Assistant Director, and later Associate Director, for the Natural Sciences of The Rockefeller Foundation. 1946-63. C.73 1946-47. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 139 Oxford University C.74 C.75 C.76 C.77 1948-49. 1952-55. 1956-58. 1959-60, 1962-63. C.78, C.79 Correspondence with University Registry and The University Chest re Rockefeller grant 1957-64. C.78 C.79 C.80 C.81 C.82 1957-60. 1961-64. Accounts 1957-63. Reports, typescripts and manuscript drafts. 1941-45, nd. Miscellaneous unidentified manuscript notes and drafts. Departmentof Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)/Science Research Council (SRC) 1948-76 In 1965 the SRC took over functions of the DSIR in respect of university science research funding. C.83-C.86 Correspondence and reports re DSIR funding 1948-65. C.83 C.84 C.85 C.86 1948-56. 1957-59. 1960-63. 1964-65. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 140 Oxford University C.87-C.92 Correspondence with SRC 1965-76. C.87 C.88 C.89 C.90 C.91 C.92 1965-66. 1967. 1968-69. 1970-71. 1972-73. 1974-76. C.93-C.95 Reports for SRC. C.93 C.94 C.95 C.96 1966-69, 1971. 1972. 1973, nd. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, statements of account 1967-75. The Nuffield Foundation 1949-59 C.97-C.99 Papers and correspondence, mostly re supportfor vitamin B12 research. C.97 C.98 C.99 1949-51. 1952-56. 1957-59, nd. C.100 Reports 1949-56, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 141 Oxford University The SquibbInstitute for Medical Research 1962-69 C.101-C.103 Correspondence re support for thiostrepton research. C.101 C.102 C.103 C.104 1962-64. 1965-66. 1967-68. Reports 1966, 1969. The WagmanFoundation 1969-70 C.105 Correspondencere support for insulin research. The British Diabetic Association 1970-76 C.106, C.107 Papers and correspondence re support for insulin research. C.106 C.107 C.108 1970-73. 1974-76, nd. Reports 1972-76, nd. EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Correspondence with suppliers and government ministries C.109 C.110 C.111 Unicam Instruments Ltd. Organon Laboratories. The Solus Electrical Co. Ltd. 1937-68 1938-39 1940-48 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 142 Oxford University C.112, 0.113 Hilger and Watts Ltd. 1941-73 C.112 C.113 C.114 C.115 C.116 C.117 C.118 1941, 1956-58. 1960-73. The British Drug HousesLtd. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd. Ministry of Supply. Eli Lilly and Co. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 1942, 1950 1945 1945, 1949-50 1946-49, 1954 1947-49, 1958 C.119-C.121 Board of Trade, Customs and Excise, re importing equipment. 1948-67 C.119 C.120 C.121 C.122 C.123 C.124 C.125 C.126 C.127 1948. 1949, 1967. Correspondence re importing Weissenberg goniometer, 1957-58. National Research Development Corporation. Joyce, Loebl and Co. Ltd. Research and Control Instruments Ltd. Labquip. Enraf-Nonius Ltd. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. 1955-56 1956-63 1961-62 1971 1973 1936-71 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 Computing Oxford University 143 The material relates to Hodgkin's role in bringing an electronic computer to Oxford. She was chairman of the Computation Committee of the Board of Faculty of Physical Sciences, which revealed, in 1947, the urgent need for additional computational facilities at Oxford, and there is some correspondence re the searchforfinancial support in establishing a computing unit. There is also material re calculations carried out for Hodgkin in respect of her research on vitamin B12 and penicillin at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, at the University of California at Los Angeles and at the University of Manchester. C.128-C.136 General papers and correspondence 1944-76. C.128 1944-45. C.129 1946. C.130 §©1947. C.131 1948-49. C.132 1950-51. C.133 1952-54. C.134 1955. C.135 1956-59. C.136 1964-76. C.137-C.139 Appointmentof Director of University Computing Unit 1956. C.137, C.138 Letters of application, references. 2 folders. C.139 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. Neutron Diffraction The material relates to the use of neutron diffraction facilities at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell for Hodgkin's studies of organic crystal structures. There is material re funding by the SRC, and some correspondence re the use of facilities at the Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin at Grenoble. Papers and correspondence 1967-73. C.140 C.141 1967. 1968-69. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 144 Oxford University C.142 C.143 ACCOUNTS 1970-71. 1972-73. C.144-C.165 Statements of account, invoices. C.144 C.145 C.146 C.147 C.148 C.149 C.150 C.151 C.152 C.153 C.154 C.155 C.156 C.157 1961, 1964-1965 June. 1965 July-December. 1966. 1967 January-May. 1967 June-December. 1968 January-June. 1968 July-December. 1969 January-May. 1969 June-December. 1970 January-June. 1970 July-December. 1971 January-June. 1971 July-December. 1972 January-June. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 145 Oxford University C.158 C.159 C.160 C.161 C.162 C.163 C.164 C.165 C.166 1972 July-December. 1973 January-June. 1973 July-December. 1974 January-June. 1974 July-December. 1975. 1976. 1977, 1981. Accounts Book, 1970-76. C.167-C.172 Order Books November 1964 - September 1972. C.167 C.168 C.169 C.170 C.171 C.172 November 1964 - January 1966. February 1966 - May 1967. February 1967 - March 1968. June 1967 - November 1968. December 1968 - May 1971. June 1971 - September 1972. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 146 Oxford University SOMERVILLE COLLEGE Hodgkin was made a Fellow of the College in 1935 (Honorary Fellow 1977). Forlecture on‘Crystallography and chemistry in the first hundred yearsof Somerville College’, see D.150-D.153. C.173-C.176 General papers and correspondence 1949-91. C.173 C.174 C.175 C.176 C.177 C.178 1949, 1965, 1967, 1970. 1972-74. 1976-77, 1985-91. nd. Somerville College Appeal. Papers and correspondence 1975, 1988-89. Miscellaneous drafts, manuscript notes. Includes 3pp typescript draft by Hodgkin, ‘Janet Vaughan. The Retiring Principal of Somerville’. MISCELLANEOUS C.179, C.180 Oxford Enzyme Group 1970-86. C.179 C.180 This group, of which Hodgkin was a founder member, was established in 1970 under the chairmanship of R.E. Richards in order to discuss and coordinate research in enzyme chemistry at Oxford. Papers and correspondence 1970-71. Includes report by Hodgkin dated June 1971. Papers and correspondence 1972-73, 1976, 1986. Includes transcript of seminar held at Nuffield College, Oxford, on ‘Academic Breakthroughs’, dated 24 January 1986, in which R.E. Richards discusses the formation of the Enzyme Group andits function within Oxford scientific research. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 147 Oxford University C.181 Oxford University Independence Fund. Papers and correspondencere fees for overseas students, 1967, 1970, nd. C.182 Molecular Biophysics Group. Correspondence re establishment of Molecular Biophysics Group, 1956, 1963-65. Draft by H.A. Krebs on ‘Molecular biophysics at Oxford’. ‘Molecular biophysics’. commemorate the opening of the new department. Typescript of lecture given by Hodgkin to Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994) VOLUME II Section D: Publications, lectures and broadcasts Section E: Societies and organisations Section F: Visits and conferences Section G: Peace and humanitarian interests Section H: Correspondence Section J: Non-print material by Peter Harper and Paul Newman NCUACScatalogue no. 47/3/94 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 148 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS D.1-D.200 D.1-D.125 PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.105 Drafts D.106,D.107 Reprints D.108, D.109 Lists of publications D.110-D.125 Editorial correspondence D.126-D.194 LECTURES D.126-D.167 Drafts D.168-D.194 Invitations to lecture D.195-D.198 BROADCASTS D.199,D.200 ADDENDUM Publications material received too late to present in main chronological sequence at D.1-D.105. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 PUBLICATIONS Drafts D.1 D.2 Publications, lectures and broadcasts 149 A chronological sequence of material relating to publications, or to the intention to publish. Where applicable reference has been made to the bibliography compiled for the catalogue and reproduced on pp.298-312. References take the form Bibliog.... ‘The structure of some hydrocarbons related to the sterols’ (with J.D. Bernal), Bibliog. 10, 1935. 1p. typescript only; 2 photographs. ‘X-ray single crystal photographsofinsulin’, Bibliog. 11, 1935. 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and marginal commentsby J.D. Bernal. D.3-D.5 ‘The interpretation of Weissenberg Photographs in relation to crystal symmetry’, Bibliog. 12, 1935. Manuscript and typescript drafts; manuscript notes. 3 folders. D.6 D.7 D.8 ‘A note on the x-ray crystallography of the toad poisons, bufagin and cinobufagin, and of strophanthidin’, Bibliog. 13, 1935. 7pp. and 6pp. typescript drafts with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Summary of x-ray work on crystals in organic compounds’. Not a publication but refers to work which formed the basis of D.2 and D.6 and was found with them. App. typescript. ‘X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols’, Bibliog. 15, 1936. 2pp. typescript, ‘Summary’ (of Hodgkin’s Ph.D. thesis). Unpublished but listed by Hodgkin with her published papers. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 150 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.9 ‘The crystal structure of insulin : crystals’, Bibliog. 23, 1938. | The investigation of air-dried insulin 14pp. typescript, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. D.10 ‘The molecular weightoffichtelite’, Bibliog. 27, 1938 App. typescript with manuscript additions by Hodgkin. D.11-D.14 D.11 ‘The crystal structure of creatine monohydrate’ (with H. Mendel), Bibliog. 58, 1954. Manuscript and typescript corrections by Hodgkin. drafts, with manuscript additions and D.12, D.13 Notes, diagrams, tables. 2 folders. Brief correspondence. D.15 D.16 ‘A crystallographic examination of the structure of morphine’ (with M. Mackay), Bibliog. 63, 1955. 15pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The structure of Vitamin B12. Part |. An outline of the crystallographic investigation of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 70, 1957. 43pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. D.17-D.21 ‘The structure of Vitamin B12. The crystal structure of a hexacarboxylic acid obtained by the degradation of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 71, 1959. Part Il. D.17 D.18 D.19 Typescript drafts, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Manuscript notes and drafts, incomplete. Data. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 151 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.20 D.21 D.22 D.23 D.24 D.25 D.26 Figures. Brief correspondence. ‘J.D. Bernal’, Bibliog. 79, 1961. 6pp. typescript; letter. ‘The structure of Vitamin B12. crystals of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 81, 1962. Part IV. The x-ray analysis of air-dried 39pp typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 2pp. notes. Brief correspondencerepartsIll, IV and V of this series of papers on the structure of vitamin B12. ‘The crystal structure of phenoxymethyl-penicillin’ (with S. Abrahamsson and E.N. Maslen), Bibliog. 83, 1963. 3pp. and 4pp. typescripts, incomplete. Manuscript additions by Hodgkin. relative position ‘The asymmetric unit’, Acta crystallogr., 17, 1964. Not listed in Bibliog. of independent molecules within the same 15pp. typescript by Hodgkin, M.M. Harding, E. Coller, M.G. Rossman and D.M. Blow. Hodgkin does not appearas an authorof the published paper. ‘Die R6ntgen - Molekiile’, Bibliog. 93, 1965. Strukturanalyse einiger biochemisch interessanter 14pp. typescript. D.27-D.31 ‘The structure of the corrin nucleus from x-ray analysis’, Bibliog. 94, 1965. D.27 12pp. and 11pp. typescripts, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, 3pp. typescript of ‘Postscript’. 1p. manuscript draft. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 152 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.28 Manuscript notes; data. D.29, D.30 Figures. 2 folders. D.31 D.32 D.33 D.34, D.35 D.34 D.35 D.36 D.37 Brief correspondence. ‘Vitamin B12’, Bibliog. 95, 1965. 17pp. manuscript draft; 14pp. typescript. ‘The crystal structure of insulin Il. An investigation of rhombohedral zinc insulins and a report of other crystalline forms’ (in collaboration). Bibliog. 97, 1966. 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The crystal structure of insulin rhombohedralzinc insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 98, 1966. Evidence for a 2-fold axis in Ill. 21pp. typescript, dated 1963. 7pp. manuscript draft of section entitled, ‘The translation function’, dated ‘10.1.63’, not by Hodgkin. ‘Comments and suggestionsoninsulinIll’, dated ‘4.8.64’, not by Hodgkin. 4pp. typescript of section on the translation function, headed ‘Withdrawn’, with marginal comments. ‘A report on recent calculations on rhombohedral insulin containing lead’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 100, 1967. crystals 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Crystalline modifications of ampicillin |. The trinydrate’ (with D. Hall and M.N.G. James), Bibliog. 109, 1969. 11pp. typescript. D.38 ‘The crystal structure of insulin’, Bibliog. 115, 1970. 9pp. typescript, with additions and corrections by Hodgkin; figures. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 153 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.39 D.40 ‘Thecrystal structureof insulin. IV. X-ray analysis of 2 zinc insulin crystals at 2.8A resolution’, 1970. Not listed in Bibliog. 24pp.typescript, with note attached: ‘This is an old (1970) accountof the 2.8A x-ray analysis of 2Zn insulin. This could perhaps be used asthe basis for a paper.’ ‘Atomic positions in rhombohedral2-zincinsulin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 120, 1971. 2pp. typescript of summary entitled ‘The crystal structure of insulin’. D.41 Obituary of ‘Professor J.D. Bernal’, Bibliog. 121, 1971. 6pp. typescript, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 8pp. manuscript draft. Newspapercutting of obituary. Brief correspondence. D.42 ‘Some characteristics of protein crystals’, Bibliog. 127, 1971. D.43 D.44 14pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. See also F.46-F.48. ‘The crystal structure of rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 128, 1971. 2pp. typescript; 9pp. data. The paper wasgiven at a symposium byJ.F. Cutfield. See also F.60-F.62. ‘The structure of a protein hormone,insulin’, Contemp. Phys., 1971. Not listed in Bibliog. 24pp. typescript by Hodgkin, T.L. Blundell, E. Dodson, G.G. Dodson and M. Vijayan. Hodgkin does not appearas an authorof the published paper. D.45 ‘The structure of large molecules’, Bibliog. 135, 1972. 8pp. typescript. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 154 Publications, lectures and broadcasts ‘The three dimensional atomic structure of insulin and its relationship to activity’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 136, 1972. 25pp. typescript. Not used. ‘Chemical and biochemical studies of the tyrosine residues’, bibliographical reference 1972. Not listed in Bibliog. latest 10pp. typescript. ‘Chemical and biochemicalstudies on the cystine disulphide groups’, latest bibliographical reference 1972. Not listed in Bibliog. 5pp. typescript, incomplete. ‘The three-dimensional structure of insulin and its reflection in the processesof the 8 cell’, latest bibliographical reference 1972. Notlisted in Bibliog. 13pp. typescript. ‘The structure of ferroverdin |. Monoclinic ferroverdin crystals’ (with Sofia Candeloro de Sanctis), Bibliog. 142, 1973. 16pp. proof. ‘The structure of ferroverdin Il. Rhombohedral ferroverdin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 143, 1973. 12pp. proof. and ‘Crystal 8,12-diethyl-2,3,7,13,17,18- hexamethylcorrole hydrobromide’ (with B. Anderson and T.J. Bartczak), Bibliog. 147, 1974. molecular structure of 10pp. typescript; figures; data. Brief correspondence, includes referee’s report. D.46 D.47 D.48 D.49 D.50 D.51 D.52 D.53, D.54 D.53 D.54 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 155 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.55 ‘The crystal and molecular structure of rac-15-cyano-1,2,2,7,7,12,12- heptamethyl corrin hydrochloride’ (with E.D. Edmond), Bibliog. 149, 1975. 14pp. proof. Brief correspondence. D.56 ‘Work in China on the structure and function of insulin’, Bibliog. 150, 1975. 3pp. typescript. Brief correspondence. D.57-D.73 ‘Kathleen Lonsdale 1903-1971’, Bibliog. 151, 1975. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Royal Society to write the memoir of the x-ray crystallographer, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, on her death in 1971. D.57, D.58 Typescript drafts, some incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; reprint of memoir. 2 folders. D.59 D.60 Manuscript notes; photographs. Notebook. D.60A Exercise book. D.61-D.67 Correspondence. Includes invitation from Royal Society to write memoir, extensive correspondencewith ThomasLonsdale, widower, requests for information and comments on drafts. D.61 D.62 D.63 D.64 April-June 1971. July-December 1971. 1972-73. 1974. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 156 Publications, lectures and broadcasts January-June 1975. July-December 1975. Requests for reprints of memoir. Obituaries, biographical articles about Lonsdale. D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 D.69-D.73 Lonsdale’s own material. D.69, D.70 Miscellaneous notes,drafts, articles and photographs. 2 folders. D.71 Autobiographical notes. D.72, D.73 Correspondence (photocopies). D.72 1927-31, 1942-43. D.73 D.74 D.75 The wartime correspondenceincludesletters written while Lonsdale was in prison for refusing to register for civil defence duties. 1949-52, 1959, 1968. ‘The structure of insulin in 4-zinc insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 152, 1976. 14pp. typescript; 4pp. typescript; letter. ‘Growing points and sticking points in x-ray analysis’, 1977. Notlisted in Bibliog. 11pp. typescript. Correspondence. D.76 ‘The molecular basis of insulin action’, Bibliog. 155, 1977. 11pp. typescript. Correspondence. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 157 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.77, D.78 ‘Crystallographic measurementsandthe structure of protein molecules as they are’, Bibliog. 156, 1979. D.77 D.78 D.79 31pp. typescript; corrections by Hodgkin; 5pp. manuscriptdraft. 15pp. typescript with manuscript additions and Brief correspondence. Manuscript notes. ‘Sir Ernst Chain 1906-1979’, Bibliog. 159, 1980. 3pp. typescript of obituary; 5pp. manuscript draft; letter. D.80-D.102 ‘John Desmond Bernal 1901-1971’, Bibliog. 160, 1980. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Royal Society to write the memoir of the x-ray crystallographer, J.D. Bernal, on his death in 1971. D.80 Manuscript and typescript drafts, many pages missing; figures. Reprint of memoir. D.81-D.84 Hodgkin’s notes and background material. D.81 D.82 D.83 D.84 Manuscript notes. Extracts from Bernal’s diaries and notebooks. Photographs. ‘Eulogies to the Memory of Abraham Nunez Bernal’, translated by V.V. This publication commemorates a Behar and sent to Bernal in 1940. Jewish martyr whose brother fled Spain in the seventeenth century to come to England, the first record of the name ‘Bernal’ in the British Isles. D.85-D.90 Correspondence. Includes invitation from Royal Society to write memoir, requests for information and comments ondrafts. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 158 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.85 D.86 D.87 D.88 D.89 1971-73. 1974-75. 1976-79. 1980-81, nd. Includes Correspondence with recollections by Bernal’s former colleagues, sent to Hodgkin by Eileen Bernal. 1971-81. widow, Eileen Bernal, Photographs. D.90 Miscellaneous other correspondence, 1966-89. D.91-D.102 Bernal’s own material. D.91 D.92 Autobiographical. Bibliographical. D.93, D.94 Miscellaneous typescripts, transcripts and articles. 2 folders. D.95-D.102 Correspondence(photocopies). D.95 D.96 D.97 D.98 D.99 W.T. Astbury K. Boll-Dornberger W.L. Bragg |. Fankuchen A. Hutchinson D.100 M.-F. Perutz 1930-37 1961, 1962 1930, 1934-40, 1942, 1965, 1967 nd 1923, 1927, 1937 1937 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 159 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.101 D.102 D.103 D.104 O. Rosenheim 1932, 1933 Miscellaneous correspondence 1927-39, 1960-70 ‘H NMR study of the peptide antibiotic thiostrepton’ (in collaboration), latest bibliographical reference 1981. Notlisted in Bibliog. 29pptypescript. Figures. ‘X-ray and neutrondiffraction studies of the crystal and molecular structure of the predominant monocarboxylic acid obtained by the mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin’, Bibliog. 168, 1984. 13pp. typescript, entitled ‘A neutron diffraction analysis of the predominant monocarboxylic of cyanobalamin’, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. hydrolysis obtained acid acid by the mild D.105 ‘ROntgenoskopie und Elektronenoskopie von dispersen Systemen, Faden, Filmen und Grenz schichten’. 2pp. typescript (in English) of review of article in German by W.Ostwald, [1930s]. ‘The calculation of 3-dimensional structure factors and electron density for hexagonaland trigonal space groups’, nd. Notlisted in Bibliog. 9pp. typescript. Reprints D.106 D.107 Incomplete set of Hodgkin’s reprints. Arranged chronologically. 1932-66. 1967-88. Publications, lectures and broadcasts 160 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Lists of publications D.108 Hodgkin’s publications (to 1976). Reprints (to 1983). D.109 Hodgkin’s collaborators’ publications: M.J. Adams, D.M. Blow, E. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, P. Eagles. Editorial correspondence Arranged alphabetically by publisher or journaltitle. D.110, D.111 Academic Press 1942-47, 1959, 1961, 1973 D.110 D.111 D.112 Correspondence re article entitled ‘X-ray crystallography and sterol structure’ which Hodgkin wrote for Vitamins and Hormones, VolumeIl, Bibliog. 38. 1942-47. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence. 1959, 1961, 1973. Annual Review of Biochemistry 1946-48, 1959, 1991 Hodgkin contributed a chapter on x-ray crystallography for the 1948 Annual Review,Bibliog. 45, and agreed to write an introductory chapter to the 1993 AnnualReview. Correspondence. D.113, D.114 The Chemical Society 1934, 1949-51, 1961, 1963 D.113 D.114 D.115 Brief correspondencere referees’ reports, 1934, 1961, 1963. Correspondencere Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, 1949- 51. The Clarendon Press 1966-67 Hodgkin was asked to advise on an edition of ‘Data for Biochemical Research’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.116 Nature 1956-57, 1964, 1966, 1971 Correspondencere letters on vitamin B12, 1956-57. Correspondencere writing obituaries, 1964, 1971. Correspondence re permission to reproducefigures, 1966. D.117 The Royal Society 1971, 1977 Letter re publication, 1971. Correspondencere submission of paper to the Royal Society by Hodgkin on behalf of D. Rogers, 1977. D.118 Not used. D.119-D.125 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1934-91. Invitations to write, requests for advice. D.119 D.120 D.121 D.122 D.123 D.124 D.125 1934, 1937. 1944-49. 1951, 1956-59. 1960-61, 1964-67. 1970-74. 1976-78. 1980-81, 1983-91. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 162 Publications, lectures and broadcasts LECTURES Drafts D.126 For Hodgkin’s lectures on non-scientific topics, see G.158, G.160, G.167- G.171. For her Nobel Prize lecture, see A.77-A.79. ‘Molecules in crystals’, [Royal Society] Tercentenary Lecture, Beveridge Hall, University of London, 23 July 1960. Bibliog. 75. 17pp. typescript; 27pp. manuscript draft; newspapercutting re lecture. Founders’ Memorial Lecture, Girton College, Cambridge, 1962. 2pp. manuscript draft. Letter re arrangements. Lecture on x-ray techniques and the structure of large molecules, 1965. 9pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. D.127 ‘X-rays and organic chemistry’, Humphry Davy Lecture, Royal Institute of Chemistry, 22 November 1968. Correspondencere arrangements. 16pp. typescript, incomplete. Correspondencere publication of lecture. D.128-D.133 ‘Botany and crystallography’, The Chemical Society Hugo Miller Lecture, Swansea, 3 February 1969; London, 13 February 1969; Canterbury, 12 March 1969; Reading, 17 March 1969. D.128 16pp. typescript. Manuscript notes. D.129 Correspondence with The Chemical Society re arrangements. Brief correspondencere possible publication of lecture. D.130 Correspondencere arrangements for Swansealecture. Brief correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 163 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.131 Correspondence re arrangements for London lecture. Brief correspondencearising. D.132 Correspondencere arrangements for Canterbury lecture. Brief correspondencearising. D.133 Correspondencere arrangements for Reading lecture. Brief correspondencearising. D.134 ‘Birkbeck, Science and History’, The First Bernal Lecture, Birkbeck College, London, 23 October 1969. Bibliog. 112. Brief correspondencere arrangements. Reprint; ‘Introductory remarks by Lord Blackett’. Brief correspondencearising. D.135 ‘X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin’, 1971. Qpp. typescript. D.136-D.139 ‘Insulin : chemistry and biochemistry’, The Bakerian Lecture of the Royal Society, London, 15 June 1972. Bibliog. 144. D.136 D.137 D.138 D.139 25pp. typescript; corrections by Hodgkin. 21pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and Summary of lecture. 26pp. manuscript draft; 6pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes. Correspondencere arrangements. Brief correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 164 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.140, D.141 ‘Cecil Frank Powell’, Bristol, 1972. D.140 15pp. typescript; 13pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Photograph of Powell sent to Hodgkin by Isobel Powell, widow. Miscellaneous background material. John Snow Memorial Lecture, Association of Anaesthetists, Bristol, 28 September 1973. D.141 D.142 2pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes. Menu, with list of past lecturers. Correspondencere arrangements. Brief correspondencearising. D.143, D.144 ‘Varieties of insulin’, The Sir Henry Dale Lecture, Society for Endocrinology, London, 30 May 1974. Bibliog. 146. Hodgkin also received the Dale Medal for 1974 on the same occasion. D.143 D.144 D.145 D.146 17pp. typescript; 2pp. proof of biographical sketch of Hodgkin. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising, re publication of lecture. ‘What should we learn : problems and experiences’, Bristol Education Department, 30 October 1974. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The structure of insulin and its biological activity’, The Banting Memorial Lecture, British Diabetic Association, Guildford, September 1976. 3pp. typescript; 5pp. manuscript draft. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising, includes correspondencere publication of lecture. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 165 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.147 ‘Insulin molecules - answers and questions’, Gold Medal Lecture, Royal Society of Medicine, 15 February 1977. 13pp. typescript; 3pp. manuscript draft. Correspondencearising re publication of lecture. See also A.132. D.148, D.149 ‘Discoveries and their uses’, Presidential Address, British Association for the Advancementof Science Annual Meeting, Bath, 4 September 1978. D.148 14pp. typescript; corrections by Hodgkin. 20pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and Manuscript notes; background material. D.149 Correspondencearising. See also E.54-E.56. D.150-D.153 ‘Crystallography and chemistry in the first hundred years of Somerville College’, James Bryce Memorial Lecture, Somerville College, Oxford, 2 March 1979. D.150 D.151 D.152 15pp. typescript; 22pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes. Correspondencere arrangements. Brief correspondencearising. D.153 Miscellaneous background material. D.154, D.155 ‘Microcosm : the world as seen by John Desmond Bernal’, J.D. Bernal Memorial Lecture, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 28 October 1980. D.154 17pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; 1p. abstract. References; figures; photographs. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 166 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.155 Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising, includes transcript of interview with Radio Eireann re Bernal. D.156-D.158 ‘Moments of discovery’, The Dalton Lecture, Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, February 1981. Bibliog. 163. D.156 D.157 D.158 16pp typescript; corrections by Hodgkin. 13pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and 16pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes. Correspondence re arrangements. Brief correspondencearising. D.159 ‘Insulin in crystals’, Ottawa, 17 August 1981. 8pp. typescript; 7pp. manuscript draft. D.160 Speech at Womenof the Year Luncheon, London, 17 October 1983. 3pp. manuscript draft. Letter re arrangements; programme, list of guests. Letter arising. D.161, D.162 ‘Marie Curie’, Service of Commemoration to mark the 50th Anniversary of the death of Marie Curie, Westminster Abbey, 3 July 1984. D.161 D.162 Typescript and manuscript drafts. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising; souvenir brochure; photographs. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 167 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.163 ‘New frontiers in biomolecular research’, Inauguration of the KrebsInstitute for Biomolecular Research, Sheffield, 21 April 1989. 3pp. typescript. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programme. Brief correspondencearising. D.164 ‘Crystallographic investigation of complex organic compounds’, nd. 10pp. manuscript draft, heavily amended by Hodgkin. ‘Insulin, its structure and biological activity’, nd. 7pp. typescript. D.165 Miscellaneous untitled drafts. D.166, D.167 Miscellaneous unidentified lecture notes. 2 folders. Invitations to lecture D.168 D.169 D.170 D.171 D.172 D.173 D.174 D.175 D.176 1942, 1948, 1950, 1956-57. 1961-64. 1965 January-August. 1965 October-December. 1966 January-June. 1966 July-December. 1967 January-June. 1967 July-December. 1968 January-June. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 168 Publications, lectures and broadcasts D.177 D.178 D.179 D.180 D.181 D.182 D.183 D.184 D.185 D.186 D.187 D.188 D.189 D.190 D.191 D.192 D.193 D.194 1968 July-December. 1969 January-April. 1969 June-November. 1970 January-June 1970 July-December. 1971. 1972 January-July. 1972 August-November. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976 January-May. 1976 September-December. 1977. 1978. 1979. 1980, 1982-85. 1987-88, 1990. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 169 Publications, lectures and broadcasts BROADCASTS D.195 ‘Schools Broadcast’. Manuscript draft, nd. D.196-D.198 Correspondence Most correspondence is with the BBC, chiefly about radio interviews. There is also some material relating to ITV, overseas television companies and independentfilm companies. D.196, D.197 Correspondence with BBC. 1959-60, 1965-69. 1971-74, 1977-78, 1984-86, 1988, nd. Correspondence with other companies, 1948, 1969, 1971, 1975-77, 1984, 1988-90. D.196 D.197 D.198 ADDENDUM Publications material received too late to present in main chronological sequence at D.1-D.105 D.199 ‘Memories of Sir Lawrence Bragg’, Bibliog. 172, 1991. 4pp. manuscriptdraft, not all in Hodgkin’s hand; 4pp. typescript. 4pp. typescript by J.D. Dunitz on ‘Encounters with Bragg’. Correspondence; review. D.200 ‘Angles on crystal faces. Appreciation: ‘Tiny’ Powell’, Bibliog. 173, 1991. Photocopy of newspapercutting. Twotypescript drafts, with manuscript additions and corrections. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 170 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.193 E.1 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR X-RAY AND ELECTRON DIFFRACTION E.2-E.4 BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY REVIEW BODY E.5-E.46 BRISTOL UNIVERSITY E.47-E.57 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE E.58, E.59 BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION E.60, E.61 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE E.62 CANADIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY E.63-E.67 CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.68 E.69 E.70 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES E.71-E.99 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS E.100-E.176 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY E.177 ROYALINSTITUTION E.178 ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY E.179-E.193 ROYAL SOCIETY D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 171 Societies and organisations AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR X-RAY AND ELECTRON DIFFRACTION 1944-49 E.1 Circulars re meetings, 1944, 1947, 1949. BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY REVIEW BODY 1972-73 The Review Body, to which Hodgkin was appointed, was established ‘to consider the role, constitution and functioning of the University of Birmingham and to make recommendations to Council for any desirable change’ (E.4). The Review Body reported in September 1972. Brief correspondence, November 1972 - February 1973. ‘Presentation of the Report of the Review Body by its Chairman the Rt. Hon. Jo Grimond, M.P.’ Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. Background material. 1 box. E.2 E.3 E.4 BRISTOL UNIVERSITY 1970-89 Hodgkin waselected Chancellor of Bristol University in 1970 and played an active role both within the University and in the city of Bristol. She retired in 1988. For material re her appointment and retirement see A.113-A.116, A.154. The material is presented as follows: E.5-E.19 General papers and correspondence E.20-E.26 Correspondencewith the Vice-Chancellor E.27-E.31 Drafts of speeches at degree congregations E.32-E.39 Department of Architecture E.40-E.44 Appeals E.45, E.46 Miscellaneous D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 172 Societies and organisations General papers and correspondence 1971-89 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 E.13 E.14 E.15 E.16 E.17 E.18 E.19 1971. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977-81. 1982. 1983. 1984-85. 1986. 1987. 1988 January-June. 1988 July-December. 1989, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 173 Societies and organisations Correspondencewith the Vice-Chancellor 1970-90 Sir Alec Merrison was Vice-Chancellor when Hodgkin became Chancellor; he was succeeded by Sir John Kingmanin 1984. E.20 E.21 E.22 E.23 E.24 E.25 E.26 1970-72. 1973-75. 1976-78. 1983-84. 1985-86. 1987. 1988-90. Drafts of speeches at degree congregations 1971-87 E.27, E.28 Manuscript and typescript drafts 1971-1987. E.27 E.28 1971, 1981-82. 1983-85, 1987. degree on unidentified recipient. Includes photograph of Hodgkin conferring honorary E.29, E.30 Manuscript drafts, nd. 2 folders. E.31 Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes and drafts, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 174 Societies and organisations Departmentof Architecture 1981-85 In 1981 cuts in university expenditure threatened with closure the Department of the Department’s efforts to remain open, it closed in 1984. Architecture. Hodgkin’s Despite support for The general papers and correspondencealso include some material re the establishment of the Bristol Centre for the Advancement of Architecture. The Centre, of which Hodgkin was a patron, was set up independently in the city as a responseto the closure of the university department. E.32-E.38 General papers and correspondence 1981-85. E.32 E.33 E.34 E.35 E.36 E.37 E.38 E.39 Appeals E.40 E.41 1981-1982 April. 1982 July-October. 1982 November. 1982 December. 1983. 1984-85. nd. Manuscript notes by Hodgkin re Departmentof Architecture. Papers and correspondence re appeals by individuals to Hodgkin as Chancellor. 1979-88 1979-1980 April. 1980 May-December, 1984. E.42-E.44 1988. 3 folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 175 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous 1971-72, 1982-83, 1987 E.45 Correspondencere the Salvation Army, 1971-72. Hodgkin was Vice-President of the Bristol Salvation Army Men’s Social Services Appeals Committee. E.46 International Centre for Child Studies, 1982-83, 1987. The Centre wasestablished in 1982 in conjunction with Bristol University. Hodgkin wasa Patron. Brief correspondence. Newspaperarticles re Centre. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENTOF SCIENCE 1977-79 Hodgkin wasPresident of the British Association for the Advancementof Science for the year 1977-78 and presided at the Annual Meeting held in Bath in September 1978. For material re her appointment see A.134. E.47-E.50 General papers and correspondence 1977-79, 1988. E.47 E.48 E.49 E.50 1977 January-July. 1977 September-December. 1978 January-June. 1978 July - 1979, 1988, nd. E.51-E.53 Miscellaneous Committee papers 1977-79. E.51, E.52 Minutes 1977-78. This incomplete sequence includes minutes of the General Committee, Policy Committee, Finance and Staff Committee and Council. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 176 Societies and organisations E.51 E.52 E.53 1977. 1978. Membership lists of General Committee 1977-79. E.54-E.56 British Association Annual Meeting, Bath, 4-8 September 1978. E.54 Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Memorabilia; photographs. E.55 E.56 E.57 Final programme; addendum tofinal programme. ‘Outline of President’s and Officers’ Engagements’. Committee papers. Miscellaneous papers re generalpolicy. BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION(BCA) 1980-91 The British Crystallographic Association was established in 1982. Hodgkin wasinvited to become Vice-President at its foundation and served on the Council of the BCA from 1982. E.58, E.59 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1980-91. Include minutes of meetings held to discuss the formation of the BCA. E.58 E.59 1980-81. 1982, 1984, 1989-91, nd. Includes manuscript notesre penicillin research for BCA meeting. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 177 Societies and organisations BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE 1968-73 The Society was founded in 1969 in the belief that the development of science ‘should depend uponthe social choices of the community and the personal choicesof the scientist’ (E.60). E.60, E.61 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1968-73. E.60 E.61 1968-69, 1971. 1972-73, nd. CANADIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY 1988 E.62 Results of Survey of Women Faculty by the Society’s Equal Opportunities Committee 1977-88. CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1947-91 Hodgkin became a Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1931, becoming a Life Fellow in 1971. In 1972 the Chemical Society amalgamatedwith the Royal Institute of Chemistry, later becoming the Royal Society of Chemistry. Hodgkin was Vice-President of the Chemical Society 1969-72. E.63-E.67 General papers and correspondence 1947-91. E.63 E.64 E.65 E.66 1947, 1966-67. Chinese scientists in Chemical Society Symposium, 1967. Includes correspondence re possible participation of 1968-70. 1971-72. 1973-74. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 178 Societies and organisations E.67 Includes Newsletter for women members of the 1977-78, 1982, 1991. Royal Society of Chemistry re The Dorothy Hodgkin Symposium on ‘Crystallography’, 9 April 1991. COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 1973-75 The Council for Science and Society was established in 1973 with the aim of promoting ‘the studyof, and research into, the social effects of scientific and technological development, and to disseminate the results to the public’. Hodgkin served on the Council 1973-75. E.68 General papers and correspondence 1973-75. Includes reprint of article in Nature on ‘A Corporate Conscience for the Scientific Community?’ and a list of Council members. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE 1982-83 E.69 Papers and correspondence re funding for higher education, level of financial support for students and limitations on student numbers in universities, 1982-83. Includes correspondence with Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, and Sir Keith Joseph, Secretary of State for Education. Manuscript and typescript notes; newspapercutting. INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1983-85 Hodgkin was made a Foreign Member of the Academyin 1972. E.70 Brief correspondence 1983-84, 1988; list of members of Council. Newsletters 1984-85. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 179 Societies and organisations INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1941-80 Hodgkin was a memberoftheInstitute of Physics for many years, and was particularly associated with the work of the Institute’s X-ray Analysis Group. The material is presented as follows: E.71, E.72 General papers and correspondence E.73-E.98 X-ray Analysis Group E.99 Crystallography Group General papers and correspondence 1941-73 E.71 E.72 1941, 1943-46, 1949, 1952. 1969, 1971, 1973. Includes brief correspondence re publication. X-ray Analysis Group 1943-69 The X-ray Analysis Group wasestablished in 1943 to ‘provide a meeting groundfor those interested in the theory and practical applications of X- ray diffraction’ (E.73). Hodgkin waselected to the committee in 1944; she also sat on the Fourier Service Panel, which discussed methods of crystallographic calculations. Conferences were held regularly by the Group, and material relating to them is to be found in the chronological sequence of papers and correspondencebelow. E.73-E.88 General papers and correspondence 1943-69. E.73 E.74 E.75 1943-44. 1945 January-August. Includes minutes of the first meeting of the 1945 October-December. Barker Committee which met to discuss the publication of the Barker Index, reference tables which would facilitate the identification of the surface of a crystal in conjunction with measurement and geometrical analysis. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 180 Societies and organisations 1946 January-May. 1946 June-July. Includes extensive correspondence re conference on ‘X- ray analysis during the war years’. 1946 August-December. 1947. 1948 January-March. 1948 April-November. nomenclature, report on the collection of crystallographic data. Includes correspondence re crystallographic 1949. 1950 March-July. Includeslist of members of the X-ray Analysis Group. 1950 September-November. 1951. Includes Institute of Physics Bulletin on the celebration of the 1952. fortieth anniversary of the discovery of x-ray diffraction. Includes material re International Tables for Crystal Structure 1953. Determination. 1966-67, 1969. E.76 E.77 E.78 E.79 E.80 E.81 E.82 E.83 E.84 E.85 E.86 E.87 E.88 E.89-E.97 Committee papers 1943-53. E.89 E.90 1943-44. Includes minutesofthe first meeting of the Committee of the X- ray Analysis Group (which Hodgkin did not attend). 1945. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 181 Societies and organisations E.91 E.92 E.93 E.94 E.95 E.96 E.97 E.98 1946. 1947. 1948. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. Manuscript notes by Hodgkin re X-ray Analysis Group. Crystallography Group E.99 Newsletters 1979-80. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY(IUCr) 1947-1993 The International Union of Crystallography, inspired by pre-Second World War international co-operation between crystallographers, held its first Congress and General Assembly at Harvard University in 1948. The aims to promote of the IUCr, as laid out in international co-operation in crystallography; to promote the publication of crystallographic research and of crystallographic works; tofacilitate the standardisation of methods and of units in crystallography; and to form a focusfor the relationship of crystallography to other sciences, through the |UCr’s membership of the International Council of Scientific Unions. its statutes (E.123), were: Hodgkin wasa participant in every Congress from 1948 to 1993. At the Kyoto Congress in 1972 she waselected President of the Union, a post she held until the Amsterdam Congress three years later. As President Hodgkin acted as chairman of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee, as the legal representative of the Union, and as the supreme representative of the IUCr in dealing with other bodies. She served on the Executive Committee of the IUCr from 1969 until 1978, after which she was noteligible for re-election. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 182 Societies and organisations The bulk of the material dates from Hodgkin’s Presidency and from the period that immediately followed. There is also a record of her attendance at IUCr Congresses. The material is presented as follows: E.100-E.120 General papers and correspondence E.121-E.152A Congresses E.153-E.168 Executive Committee E.169-E.176 Miscellaneous General papers and correspondence 1971-86, 1993 This chronological sequence includes photocopied material re !UCr commissions sent to Hodgkin for information. E.100 E.101 E.102 E.103 E.104 E.105 E.106 E.107 E.108 E.109 E.110 1971-72. 1973 January. 1973 February. 1973 March-April. 1973 May. 1973 June-July. 1973 August-September. 1973 October-December. 1974 January-February. 1974 March-June. 1974 July-December. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 183 Societies and organisations E.111 E.112 E.113 E.114 E.115 E.116 E.117 E.118 E.119 E.120 1975 January. 1975 February-March. 1975 April-June. 1975 July-September. 1975 October-December. 1976 January-May. 1976 August-November. 1977 January-July. 1977 September-December. 1978-86, 1993. Congresses E.121-E.124 1948-90 First General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Harvard University, 28 July - 3 August 1948. Hodgkin gave a paperon ‘Recent Work on Complex Organic Compounds’. E.121 Correspondence re arrangements, August 1947 - April 1948. Provisional list and final list of non-American participants. Programme. E.122 Abstracts of papers given at Congress. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 184 Societies and organisations E.123 General Assembly. Delegates to the General Assembly were nominated by the National Academies of countries adhering to the IUCr; all crystallographers could attend the Congress. Agenda; notes on the agenda. Minutes. Appendices. These are reports by the Provisional Commissions that had been setup to investigate areasof particular crystallographic importance. Hodgkin was a member of the Commission on Crystallographic Data (E.173). E.124 Photograph of delegates(identified by key). Newspaperarticle. E.125, E.126 Second General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Stockholm, 27 June - 3 July 1951. Hodgkin gave a paper on ‘The examination of the crystal structure of vitamin B12’. E.125 List of participants. ‘General Information’. E.126 Programme. E.127 E.128 Abstracts of papers given at Congress. Third General Assembly and International Congressof the IUCr, Paris, 21- 28 July 1954. Letter re arrangements. Agenda for the General Assembly; notes on the agenda. Fourth General Assembly andInternational Congress of the lUCr, Montreal, 10-17 July 1957. Brief correspondencere arrangements. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 185 Societies and organisations E.129 Fifth General Assembly and International Congressof the IUCr, Cambridge, England, 15-24 August 1960. Hodgkin chaired a session on Proteins and Related Compounds. A paper on ‘X-ray studies on the structure of insulin’, which she co-authored, was also given. Letter re arrangements, with attached letters of invitation to Chinese and Russian crystallographers. Circular re revision of By-Laws. Programme. E.130 Sixth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Rome, 9- 18 September 1963. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Letter arising, re non-participation of East German crystallographers. E.131 Seventh General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Moscow, 11-22 July 1966. Hodgkin gave a paper at the Congress, after which she and her husband, Thomas, travelled through central Asia. Correspondencere arrangements. Includesitinerary of journey through central Asia. Correspondencearising. E.132 Eighth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Stony Brook, New York, August 1969. Correspondencere arrangements. Includes correspondencere possible Chineseparticipation. E.133, E.134 Ninth General Assembly and International Congressof the IUCr, Kyoto, 26 August - 7 September 1972. Before the Congress Hodgkin visited China (F.68-F.71); she gave a special lecture at Kyoto on ‘Crystallographic Work on Insulin in China’. E.133 Correspondence re arrangements. Includes letter and questions sent to Hodgkin re interview, with her manuscript notes. Correspondencearising, October 1973. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 186 Societies and organisations E.134 ‘Agenda for Joint Meeting of Old and New. Members of Executive Committee’. With manuscript notes by Hodgkin. 3pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin; manuscript notes ?re history of the IUCr. Newsletter. Includes interview with Hodgkin. E.135-E.141 Tenth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Amsterdam, 7-15 August 1975. The congress marked the end of Hodgkin’s Presidency of the IUCr. E.135-E.138 Correspondence re arrangements, April 1973 - July 1975. Includes correspondencere writing a history of the IUCr and re organising a special session of the congress to mark thethirtieth anniversary of the founding meeting in London. F.135 E.136 E.137 E.138 E.139 E.140 E.141 1973 April, 1973 October - 1974 January. 1974 May-December. 1975 January-March. 1975 May-July. Correspondencearising, August 1975 - February 1976. Includes notes on a reportof the congress, correspondencere election of new officers of the IUCr. ‘Agenda and Appendices to the Agenda of the Tenth General Assembly’. 2pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin, probably of Presidential address. 14pp. typescript by P.P. Ewald on ‘The Development of the “New Crystallography” and ofits Union’. E.142-E.148 Eleventh General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Warsaw, 3-12 August 1978. Hodgkin chaired a plenary lecture by T.L. Blundell on ‘X-ray studies of the structure and organisation of biologically important proteins’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 187 Societies and organisations E.142-E.145 Correspondence re arrangements, June 1974 - February 1978. Includes correspondencere possibility of holding the congressin India. E.142 E.143 E.144 E.145 E.146 E.147 E.148 E.149 E.150 E.151 E.152 1974 June-December. 1975 January-March. 1975 April-August. 1978 January-February. Programme. Report; list of participants; memorabilia. ‘Agenda and Appendicesto the Agendaof the Eleventh General Assembly’. Twelfth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Ottawa, 16-25 August 1981. Hodgkin presented the Congress Discourse at the Opening Ceremony. She spoke on ‘Insulin in Crystals’. Letter re arrangements; programme. Thirteenth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Hamburg, 9-18 August 1984. Letter of invitation only. Fourteenth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Perth, Western Australia, 12-20 August 1987. Agenda of the General Assembly, with appendices. Fifteenth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Bordeaux, 19-28 July 1990. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Programme. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 188 Societies and organisations E.152A Sixteenth General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Beijing, September 1993. Oneletter only, 1989, re IUCr Executive Committee’s proposal to postpone the Congress until 1996 in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square shooting in Beijing. Executive Committee E.153-E.163 General papers and correspondence E.164-E.168 Minutes and agendas. E.153-E.163 General papers and correspondence 1970-84. E.153 E.154 E.155 E.156 E.157 E.158 E.159 E.160 E.161 E.162 E.163 1970-71. 1972. 1973 January-June. 1973 July-November. 1974 January-June. 1974 July-September. 1974 October-December. 1975. 1976-77. 1978-79. 1984, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 189 Societies and organisations E.164-E.168 Minutes and agendas 1971-78. E.164 E.165 E.166 1971, 1974. 1975. 1977. E.167, E.168 1978. 2 folders. Miscellaneous E.169-E.172 Acta Crystallographica (the journal of the |UCr). Miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1947-75. E.169 E.170 E.171 E.172 E.173 1947-50. 1971-72. 1973. 1975. Brief correspondence only re Commission on Crystallographic Data and Computing, of which Hodgkin was a member, 1950. E.174, E.175 Correspondencere scientific relations with China, 1971-78. E.174 E.175 E.176 1971-73. 1974-78. Correspondencere the writing of an historical account of the foundation of the IUCr, 1973-74. Reprint of ‘The International Union of Crystallography: Its Formation and Early Development’. By Harmke Kamminga, 1989. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 ROYALINSTITUTION Societies and organisations E.177 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. ROYALIRISH ACADEMY 190 1972-86 1979-80 E.178 Correspondencere visit to Dublin, December 1979, where Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘History and the x-ray analysis of protein’. While in Dublin she also presented a paperwith J. Rotblat to the National Committee for the Study of International Affairs on ‘Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs’. ROYAL SOCIETY 1947-93 Hodgkin waselected to the Fellowship in 1947 (A.58-A.61). E.179-E.182 General papers and correspondence 1958-92. E.179 E.180 E.181 E.182 1958-70. Includes correspondence, 1968, re proposed Leverhulme Visiting Professorship to Yugoslavia. Hodgkin wasinvited to apply. 1972-74, 1976. 1977-78. 1979-80, 1986-87, 1990, 1992. E.183-E.185 British National Committee for Crystallography 1947-61. The National Committee selected delegates to represent the Royal Society at the General Assembly of the IUCr and maintained contact between the Union and the Royal Society. Hodgkin sat on the Committee from 1947. Minutes and agendas 1947-61. E.183 E.184 1947-51. 1953, 1954. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 191 Societies and organisations E.185 1961. E.186-E.188 Exchanges. E.186, E.187 Papers and correspondence, mostly re visits by Russian and Chinese scientists, 1965-90. E.186 E.187 E.188 Includes report of visit of Royal Society delegation to China, 1965-78. 1972. 1980-90. Minutes and agendasof ad hoc meetings to consider the Royal Society’s relations with the Academia Sinica, 1965-66. E.189-E.192 Nominations 1955, 1967-93. 5 folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 192 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.179 This section presents a chronological sequence of material relating to Hodgkin’s visits and conferences, 1936-93, though the great bulk of the material relates to the period after the award of the Nobel Prize in 1964. There is evidence of her interest in maintaining scientific contacts with the USSR and China during the Cold War, the first of manyvisits taking place in 1953 (F.7) and 1959 (F.14) respectively, and there is evidence of visa difficulties in respectof visiting the USA (F.9) during the same period. She also made frequent visits to Eastern Europe outside the USSR. India was another locus of valued scientific contacts and she made a numberof extendedvisits, for example in 1974 (F.78-F.80) and 1978 (F.113-F.119). Not all Hodgkin’s travel is documented in this section. Records of her attendanceatInternational Union of Crystallography congressesare to be found in Section E with other IUCr material. Visits and conferences which bear on her well-known peace and humanitarian interests are to be found in Section G. These include the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs and her visits to Vietnam in 1971 and 1974. Somevisits of particular biographical significance (including the award of the Nobel Prize and subsequent Nobel meetings) are documentedin Section A. After the main chronological sequence there is a separate sequenceof invitations declined (or with no evidence of acceptance), 1945-89. There is also an addendum of material received too late to present in the main chronological sequence. F.1 Visit to The Netherlands, November 1936. Hodgkin visited The Netherlands, probably to speak to the Dutch Biochemical Society. The visit was arranged by J.D. Bernal and H.G.K. Westenbrink. Letter re arrangements. Letter arising. F.2 F.3-F.6 Seventh International Congress of Genetics, Edinburgh, 23-30 August 1939. Letter re arrangements, concerning the withdrawal of Russian scientists. Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Long Island Biological Association, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, 8-16 June 1949. Hodgkin wasinvited to the symposium on amino acids and proteins to give a paperon‘X-ray analysis and protein structure.’ Bibliog. 48. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 193 F.3 F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 Visits and Conferences Correspondencere arrangements. Programme Information re publication of papers. Manuscript draft, footnotes, bibliography of Hodgkin’s paper. 2pp. proof; brief correspondence re publication. Correspondencere reproducing figures from otherarticles. Miscellaneous background notes; photographs. Drafts of papers by Hodgkin, probably used as background material for symposium paper. Visit to USSR, 1953. Letter to Home Office, probably from Hodgkin and her husband, Thomas, re refusal to grant a visa to the Russian biochemist V.I. Oparin. The letter also refers to a visit made by the Hodgkins to the USSRearlier in the year. Manuscript draft of Hodgkin’s report on the ‘Last day in Moscow’. Folder also includes photographsofvisit and theatre programme. See also A.12. F.8 Visit to Zirich, November 1956. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture to the Department of Chemistryat the Laboratorium fiir organische Chemie. Correspondence re arrangements. F.9 Fourth International Congress of Crystallography, Montreal, 10-19 July 1957. Hodgkin wasinvited by W.N. Lipscomb to the Congress to give a paper on protein structure, subsequently to be combinedwith a visit to Lipscomb’s own departmentat the University of Minnesota. Visa problems, however, prevented her from visiting the USAatthis time. See also H.135. Later that year arrangements were made for Hodgkin to visit the USA and in Decembershe visited the University of Minnesota, UCLA andthe California Institute of Technology (Linus Pauling). Correspondencere arrangements. June-November 1956, July-December 1957. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 194 Visits and Conferences F.10 Visit to Copenhagen, 4-6 November 1957. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture to the Danish Pharmaceutical Society andto visit the NOVO Terapeutisk Laboratorium. Correspondencere arrangements. Visit to Scandinavia, 20-26 March 1958. Hodgkin wasinvited to give three lectures at The Technical University of Norway, Trondheim, on 20, 21 and 22 March. She then travelled to Swedenin orderto give a lecture at the University of Uppsala on 24 March and then a lecture in Stockholm on 25 March. Correspondencere arrangements. Includesitinerary for visit to Uppsala. F.12 Visit to Amsterdam, 6-10 May 1958. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Letters to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of its foundation. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.13 Visit to Finland and USSR, May 1959. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a paper at a conference in Leningrad, from where she and Thomas Hodgkin went on to Moscow. They hadvisited Helsinki on their way to the USSR. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.14 Visit to China, September 1959. Hodgkin wasinvited to visit China by the Chinese People’s Associationfor Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Brief correspondenceonly, including letter from K. Lonsdale re contacts with Chinese scientists. F.15 Visit to USA, ?early 1960. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture to a symposium at the University of Washington, Seattle. Letter re arrangements. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 195 Visits and Conferences F.16 Visit to USA, March 1961. Hodgkin gave a lecture at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, from where she travelled to the University of Chicago to give the Lee Lecture. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising, re offer of permanent professorship at the University of Chicago. F.17 Fifth International Congress of Biochemistry, Moscow, August 1961. Letter re arrangements. 6pp. draft, probably of paper on insulin given at conference. F.18 Visit to East Berlin, March 1962. Hodgkin wasinvited to a two-day colloquium to mark the opening of a new building for the Institut fir Strukturforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Correspondencere arrangements, in German. F.19 Visit to USA, 25-31 March 1963. Hodgkin visited the USAto participate in a symposium entitled ‘Chemistry in Medicine’, held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, to celebrate the 80th birthday of Dr. Donald D. Van Slyke. From there she planned to go to Boston. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising re publication of symposium proceedings. F.20 Visit to Zirich, June 1963. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Ziirich Chemical Society to give a lecture on her work on vitamin B12. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 196 Visits and Conferences F.21 Visit to Czechoslovakia, 21-28 September 1963. Hodgkin wasinvited to visit the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, and Prague. She travelled by car with Thomas Hodgkin from the International Congress of Crystallography in Rome, which took place on 8-18 September. Correspondencere arrangements. F.22 Visit to Algeria, 10-27 April 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited by the University of Algiers to give seminars related to the work for which she won the NobelPrize. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.23 Visit to Munich, 8-10 June 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture at the Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut der Technischen Hochschule. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. F.24 Ninth Latin American Chemical Congress, Puerto Rico, 1-6 August 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture, probably on the determination of the structure of vitamin B12. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter re publication of lecture. F.25, F.26 Visit to Japan and China, September-October 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited by the British Council to lecture in connection with the British Exhibition in Tokyo. She lectured at the Universities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka on the subjects of vitamin B12 and X-ray analyses of complex organic molecules. See also H.173. Leaving Japan after one week, she travelled to China via Hong Kong, visiting Canton and Shanghai. F.25 Correspondence re arrangements, including itineraries for visit to Japan and information for visitors. April-September 1965. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 197 Visits and Conferences F.26 Correspondencearising,includes two letters re publication of lecture given in Tokyo on the subject of vitamin B12. Typescript of lecture on the ‘X-ray analysis of large organic molecules’, given at Kyoto. F.27, F.28 Visit to Disseldorf, 27-28 October 1965. F.27 F.28 F.29 Hodgkin lectured to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen on ‘The x-ray analysis of some biochemically interesting molecules’. Bibliog. 93. Correspondence re arrangements, in English and German. 1964, April-October 1965. November Correspondencearising re translation of lecture into German andits publication. In English and German. Incomplete typescript of lecture. Visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited to lecture at M.I.T., spending a week there together with Thomas Hodgkin. Correspondence re arrangements. Letter arising. F.30 Visit to Ghana, December 1965. Hodgkin wasinvited to give the Aggrey-Frazer-Guggisberg Lectures atthe University of Ghana. Correspondencere arrangements, extract of lecture. Correspondencearising. F.31, F.32 Visit to The Netherlands and West Germany, 7-15 March 1966. Hodgkin wasinvited to lecture to Dutch universities by the Organisation of Students in Science and Technology. This was directly followed by a lecture in Aachen to the Chemical Institute there on the subject of ‘Crystallography and the Structure of Vitamin B12’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 198 Visits and Conferences F.31 F.32 F.33 Correspondencere arrangementsfor visit to The Netherlands. Correspondencearising. Correspondence re arrangementsforvisit to West Germany. Correspondencearising, includes correspondencere publication of lecture. Visit to Switzerland, May 1966. Hodgkin wasinvited to lecture, probably on the structure of vitamin B12, to a conference on Stereochemistry held near Lucerne. Correspondence re arrangements. F.34 Visit to the USA and Canada, May 1966. Hodgkin gave the Harvey Lecture, entitled ‘Some Observations on Crystallography, Chemistry, and Medicine’, Bibliog. 102, to the Harvey Society of New York, and also lectured at the Rockefeller Institute. From there she went to Buffalo, and then on the Ottawa. Correspondencere arrangements. Draft of Harvey Lecture; proof. F.35 Visit to Paris, June 1966. was to represent the of Hodgkin Crystallographyat the celebration of the tercentenary of the foundationof the Academie des SciencesdeI’Institut de France. International invited Union Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. F.36 Visit to Yugoslavia, 9-12 November 1966. Hodgkin wasinvited to Zagreb to the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 199 Visits and Conferences F.37 International Symposium on Conformation of Biopolymers, Madras, 18-21 January 1967. Hodgkin visited India to attend the symposium, but also toured extensively throughout the month of January, visiting the Universities of Delhi and Madurai, and lecturing at the National Chemical Laboratory, Poona, and at the Trombay Atomic Energy Establishment, Bombay. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.38-F.40 Gordon Research Conference on Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways, Meriden, New Hampshire, USA, July 1967. F.38 F.39 F.40 F.41 Hodgkin wasinvited to chair the session on ‘The Chemical Synthesis and Biosynthesis of B12’. Following the conference, shevisited Yale University, Washington D.C., New York, Purdue University and Ottawa, returning to London on 16 July. Correspondencere arrangements, includesitinerary. January 1966 - June 1967. Correspondence re meeting at National Academyof Sciences, Washington D.C., about contacts with Chinese scientists. January-June 1967. Correspondencearising, includes photographof participants (identified) at conference. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Corrin Symposium, University of Nottingham, 17-19 July 1967. Hodgkin gave a lecture entitled ‘Developments in the crystallographic analysis of the cobalamins’. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programmeoflectures. F.42 Visit to Zurich, 16 September 1967. Hodgkin was invited to give a lecture at a Symposium arranged to She probably lectured on celebrate the 80th birthday of L. Ruzicka. ‘Chemistry in Space’. Correspondencere arrangements. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 200 Visits and Conferences F.43 Visit to West Germany, March 1968. Hodgkin wasinvited to a conference at Hirschegg, where she gave a paper on the insulin work of her team. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.44 Fifth International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, London, 8-13 July 1968. Hodgkin wasinvited to serve as Vice-Chairman for the session devoted to ‘Biosynthesis’. Letter of invitation only. F.45 Visit to USA, May 1969. Hodgkin attended the Lilly Research Laboratories meeting on proinsulin in Indianapolis, on the way giving a talk on the structure of insulin to a colloquium held at the University of Chicago. Correspondence re arrangements. F.46-F.48 Second International Conference ‘de la Physique Théorique a la Biologie’, Institut de la Vie, Versailles, 30 June - 5 July 1969. Hodgkin gave a paper on ‘Some characteristics of protein crystals’, Bibliog. 127, and contributed to various discussions at the conference. F.46 F.47 F.48 Correspondencere arrangements, in English and French. Includes draft abstract of Hodgkin’s paper. February-March 1968, February-June 1969. Typescript of Hodgkin’s discussion remarks at conference, amended by Hodgkin. Correspondencearising, re publication of paper. 1971. July 1969 - January F.49, F.50 Visit to East Germany, October-November 1969. Hodgkin attended a meeting of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina at Halle, where she was the Royal Society’s official representative. entitled ‘Rontgenkristallstrukturanalyse’, held in Berlin in honour of the 60th birthday of K. Boll-Dornberger, where Hodgkin gave a paper on ‘Recent developments and results in X-ray analysis’. This was followed colloquium by a_ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 201 Visits and Conferences F.49 F.50 Correspondence re arrangements, August-October 1968, September 1969. February- Memorabilia, includes programmesfor both events. Correspondencearising, includes article (in German) on the Leopoldina meeting. F.51 Visit to Sudan, 11-29 March 1970. Hodgkin wasinvited by the University of Khartoum to act as an external examinerfor the Department of Chemistry. While in Khartoum she lectured to the department oninsulin. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.52 Ghana Association for Development Studies Second U.K. Conference on Trade, Industry and Development, Cambridge, 3-5 April 1970. Hodgkin was invited to deliver a paper on ‘The Role of Scientific and Technological Research in the Economic Development Programme of Ghana’. Invitation and programmeonly. F.53 Visit to Copenhagen, 19-21 April 1970. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Danmarks Farmaceutiske H¢jskole to give the Baggesgaard Lecture, on ‘The structure of insulin’, Bibliog. 130. While in Copenhagenshealso visited the NOVO Terapeutisk Laboratorium and the Carlsberg Institute. Correspondence re arrangements, November 1969 - March 1970. Letter arising. Reprint of lecture. F.54 A.L. Patterson Memorial Lecture,Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, 29 April 1970. Hodgkin lectured on ‘X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin’. Correspondence re arrangements; notice of lecture. Letter arising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 202 Visits and Conferences F.55 IUPAC International Symposium on Macromolecules, Leiden, 31 August- 4 September 1970. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture covering problemsin thefield of the structure of biopolymers. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondence re publication of paper; 2pp. manuscript draft. F.56 Visit to Basel, 17 October 1970. Hodgkin wasinvited to lecture on ‘The Crystal Structure of Insulin’, Bibliog. 115, at the first annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Crystallography. Correspondence re arrangements. Letter re publication of lecture; typescript. F.57 Third International Conference ‘de la Physique Théorique a la Biologie’, Institut de la Vie, Versailles, 21-26 June 1971. Hodgkin visited France to attend the conference having played role in its organisation. The conference was originally scheduled for December 1969, and then March 1970. Correspondencere arrangements, October 1969 - July 1970, March-April 1971. F.58 Visit to USSR, September 1971. Hodgkin visited the USSR with Thomas Hodgkin, spending time at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Brief correspondence re arrangements. F.59 Second International Symposium on Protein and Polypeptide Hormones, Liége, 28 September - 1 October 1971. Hodgkin wasinvited to chair a session on conformational studies of peptide hormonesand, together with T.L. Blundell, wrote a paper entitled ‘Some Features of the Conformation of Insulin Molecules observed in 2 Zinc Rhombohedral Insulin Crystals’. At the last minute, however, she was forced to withdraw from the symposium owing to problems regarding a visit to Vietnam. Correspondencere arrangements, January-September 1971. 7pp. typescript of paper. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 203 Visits and Conferences F.60-F.62 Visit to USA and Canada, October 1971. Hodgkin was invited to attend a symposium at the Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery ofinsulin. In conjunction with the Lilly symposium she tookpart in a course on diabetes held at Indiana University School of Medicine, where she gave a paperonthestructure of insulin. Hodgkin also declined an invitation to participate in a symposium on proteins held at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. In Canada Hodgkin gave a seminar to the National Research Council at Ottawa before attending a symposium on insulin action at the University This was followed by a lecture on the history of insulin of Toronto. research at the University of Calgary. Correspondencere arrangements for visit to USA, February-September 1971. Letter arising. Correspondencere arrangementsforvisit to Canada, March-October 1971. Correspondencearising from visit to Canada, including correspondencere publication of paper given at Toronto symposium. Visit to Moscow, 12-19 December 1971. Hodgkin visited Moscow in order to participate in the 80th birthday celebrations of Academician N.V. Belov. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. F.60 F.61 F.62 F.63 F.64 Symposium oninsulin, Royal College of Physicians, London, 11 May 1972. Hodgkin gave a paperon the atomic arrangementofinsulin in relation to its biological activity. Correspondence participation of Chinese scientists. September 1971 - May 1972. arrangements, includes re correspondence re D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 204 Visits and Conferences F.65 Sixth Hungarian Diffraction Conference, Sidfok, 28 May - 1 June 1972. Hodgkin lectured on the crystal structure of insulin, and gave a similar lecture in Budapest, which she visited after the conference. Correspondence re arrangements, includes programme and list of participants. Correspondencearising. F.66 Banting Memorial Lecture, Washington D.C., 24 June 1972. Hodgkin wasinvited by the American Diabetes Association to deliver the Banting Memorial Lecture as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the discoveryof insulin. Correspondencere arrangements. Typescript draft of lecture, on ‘The structure of insulin’, Bibliog. 137. Correspondencearising. F.67 Third Summer School on X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis, Poland, June- July 1972. Correspondencere application for visa only. F.68-F.71 Visit to China and Japan, August-September 1972. Hodgkin, accompanied to China by Thomas Hodgkin, visited laboratories in Peking and Shanghai where she discussed the research being carried out there on the crystal structure and biological activity of insulin. They also visited Soo Chou, Nanking and the area around Canton, mostly for ‘sight-seeing’ purposes. From China, Hodgkin went to Japan for the Ninth International Union of Crystallography Congress at Kyoto. Following the congress shevisited Nagoya University, where she lectured on‘The Crystal Structure of Insulin’. Documentation re the Ninth IUCr Congressis to be found at E.133, E.134. F.68 Includes Correspondence re correspondencewith Royal Societyre official Royal Society visit to China earlier in the year. See also E.186. arrangements China. for visit to D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 205 Visits and Conferences F.69 Correspondencearising from visit to China. Letter written by Hodgkin, probably to the members of her laboratory, while staying near Canton. Photographs. Report, ‘Visit to China 1972. By Dorothy and Thomas Hodgkin’. F.70 F.71 F.72 F.73 F.74 Correspondence re correspondencere Sino-Japanesescientific relations. arrangements for visit to Japan. Includes Correspondencearising from visit to Japan. Visit to USA, 12-16 December 1972. Hodgkin wasinvited to receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Science She also participated in a symposium of the University of Chicago. entitled ‘Molecular Aspects of Protein Structure’, where she talked on ‘The Structure of Crystalline Insulin’. Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. Fourth International Conference ‘de la Physique Théorique a la Biologie’, Institut de la Vie, Versailles, 28 May - 2 June 1973. Correspondence re arrangements. Symposium on Symmetry in Nature, Mexico City, June 1973. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a paper on ‘Symmetry and Biology’ at the symposium, which was organised by the American Association for the Advancementof Science. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 206 Visits and Conferences F.75 Symposium onthe Structure of Biological Molecules, Stockholm, 9-11 July 1973. Hodgkin wasinvited to give the Nobel Guest Lecture on ‘Problemsin the x-ray analysis of proteins’, Bibliog. 145, at the symposium, and also to chair a session on viruses. Correspondence re arrangements, February 1972, May-September 1972, January-June 1973. Correspondencearising re publication of lecture. 14pp. typescript. See also J.80 F.76 Symposium on ‘Chemie und Biochemie des Insulins’, Aachen, West Germany, 12-13 July 1973. Hodgkin and her group were invited ‘Semisynthese von Insulin’. to give a presentation on Correspondence participation of Chinese scientists. arrangements, re including correspondence re Letter arising. F.77 First European Crystallographic Meeting, Bordeaux, 5-8 September 1973. Hodgkin chaired a session on ‘Structures d’Interét Biologique’. Correspondence re arrangements. Letter arising. F.78-F.80 Visit to India, February-March 1974. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations to deliver the Azad Memorial Lecture for 1974. She combinedthis visit to India with a visit to Vietnam, travelling to Hanoi via Delhi and Calcutta in early February. Coming backto India at the end of February via the University of Dacca, Bangladesh, shevisited the SahaInstitute of Nuclear Physicsin Calcutta, the University of Madras and the National Aeronautical Laboratory at Bangalore before travelling to New Delhi for the lecture. Entitled ‘Wandering Scientists’, Bibliog. 148, the lecture was an account of the parts played by different scientists in the history of research on proteins, penicillin, vitamin B12 and insulin. Documentation re Vietnam visit is to be found at G.144. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 207 Visits and Conferences F.78 F.79 F.80 Correspondencere arrangements, October 1973 - March 1974. Includes itinerary for visit to Delhi. Correspondencearising, March-October 1974. Includes correspondence re offer of C.V. Raman Visiting Professorship at the University of Madras and correspondencere publication of lecture. 13pp. typescript draft of lecture. 13pp. typescript, incomplete, amended; 3pp. manuscript. Miscellaneous notes. F.81, F.82 Colston Symposium, University of Bristol, 2-4 April 1974. Hodgkin was invited to chair a session on the structure of fibrous biopolymers. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programme. November 1972, February-March 1974. Correspondence arising, includes correspondence re publication of Hodgkin’s introductory remarks as part of the proceedings. F.81 F.82 Typescript drafts, amended. Proofs. F.83 Visit to Hungary, [? June] 1974. Hodgkin attended the Second European Crystallographic Meeting at Keszelthy. Letter re arrangements only. F.84 Visit to USA, November 1974. Hodgkin wasinvited by IBM to speak at Yorktown Heights, New York as a Distinguished Lecturer. She spoke on protein crystals, following this by a visit to Yale University, where she gave a talk onhervisits to China and North Vietnam. Hodgkin then travelled to Cornell University, where she had offered to lecture on either insulin or vitamin B12. From Cornell she wentto Boston, and then to Harvard University. Correspondence re arrangements, June-October 1974. Correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 208 Visits and Conferences F.85 Visit to Israel, May 1975. Hodgkin was invited to lecture at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot. She also visited Jerusalem and Haifa. Letter re arrangements. Itinerary. F.86 Fifth International Conference ‘de la Physique Théorique a la Biologie’, Institut de la Vie, Versailles, 16-21 June 1975. Hodgkin gave a paper on gramicidin A and B. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising, includes note on Hodgkin’s paper. F.87 Wollforschung International, Aachen, West Germany, 2-11 September 1975. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a lecture on insulin. Correspondence re arrangements. 6pp. typescript of lecture; 2pp. manuscript. F.88, F.89 Visit to USSR, 5-15 October 1975. Hodgkin, as President of the International Union of Crystallography, was invited to Moscow to participate in the 250th Anniversary celebrations of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, originally planned for May 1974. F.88 F.89 Correspondencere arrangements, February 1974 - September 1975. Correspondencearising, text of speech by Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev and report on ‘The 250th Anniversary of the USSR Academyof Sciences’ by V.A. Kotelnikov. F.90, F.91 Visit to USA, October 1975. Hodgkin wasinvited to a conference on steroid hormonesat the Medical Foundation of Buffalo Research Laboratories to celebrate the publication of the Atlas of Steroid Structure, dedicated to her, J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen. She gave the keynote address, probably onthe early history of steroid structure. She then visited the University of Connecticut, where Following this Hodgkin went to Harvard she gave an informal talk. University to give the John T. Edsall Lecture on ‘The Structure ofInsulin in Crystals’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 209 Visits and Conferences F.90 F.91 Correspondence re arrangements, September-December 1974, May- October 1975. Correspondencearising. F.92-F.94 Visit to Italy, December 1975. Hodgkin wasinvited to Modenato participate in the celebrations of the Eighth Centenary of the foundation of the University of Modena. She received the honorary degree of Doctor in Medicine and Surgery and gave a lecture to the medical school on ‘The Structure of Insulin’. Correspondence re arrangements, December 1973 - March 1974, September-November 1974. Correspondencere arrangements, July-December1975. Includes summary of lecture. Correspondencearising. Photographs of degree ceremony. F.92 F.93 F.94 F.95, F.96 Workshop on the Crystallography of Molecular Biology, Erice, Sicily, 28 March - 10 April 1976. F.95 F.96 Hodgkin chaired the session on ‘Hormones’ and gave the introductory paper. She wasalso invited to lecture at the Universities of Parma and Bologna but declined. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programme, abstracts, August 1975 - March 1976. Correspondencearising, includes correspondencere possibility of Hodgkin becoming Director of the Erice Crystallography School. March-December 1976. Memorabilia. F.97-F.100 American Chemical Society Centennial, New York, 4-9 April 1976. Hodgkin wasinvited to give two papers at the meeting. Thefirst, ‘Growing Points and Sticking Points in X-ray Analysis’, was given at a Symposium on Analyses of Crystals of Biochemical Importance. The second, on ‘The Structure of Molecules in Crystals’, was given at a Symposium on Milestones in Physical Chemistry. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 210 Visits and Conferences F.97 F.98 F.99 F.100 F.101 Correspondence re arrangements, June 1975 - December 1975, March 1976. Includes programme. Correspondencearising. 6pp. typescript of ‘Growing Points and Sticking Points in X-ray Analysis’. 12pp. manuscript of preceding. Abstracts of Hodgkin’s papers. Abstracts of other papers given at symposium oncrystal analysis. Miscellaneous unidentified notes and diagrams. Visit to Yugoslavia, May-June 1976. of Yugoslav and Italian Hodgkin was invited crystallographers held at Dubrovnik, where she gave a lecture. She travelled to Yugoslavia with Thomas Hodgkin and their daughter, Elizabeth, visiting southern Yugoslavia after the meeting. a conference to Correspondencere arrangements. Letter arising. F.102 Ninth Congress,International Diabetes Federation, New Delhi, 31 October- 5 November 1976. Hodgkin chaired a workshop on the molecularbasis of insulin action, and gave a paperonthestructure ofinsulin. Correspondence re arrangements, June-October 1976. Brief correspondencearising. Reprint of paper. F.103 V Congreso Iberoamericano de Cristalografia, Madrid, 10-17 December 1976. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a paperoninsulin. Correspondence re arrangements. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 211 Visits and Conferences F.104 Visit to USA, February 1977. Hodgkin was invited to a meeting of the American Crystallographic Association at Monterey, California to receive the Fankuchen Award and to give a lecture. She then travelled to New York where she gave a lecture, as recipient of the award, at the Polytechnic Institute of New York. Correspondencere arrangements, includes abstract of a lecture, probably on protein crystals and the work of|. Fankuchen. Correspondencearising. F.105 ‘Endocrinology ’77’, Sixth International Conference, London, 11-15 July 1977. Brief correspondence re arrangementsonly. F.106-F.109 Fourth European Crystallographic Meeting, Oxford, 30 August - 3 September 1977. The meeting at Oxford coincided with Hodgkin’s retirement from herchair, and within the meeting there wasa function in her honour, to which former pupils and associates were invited. She also gave a lecture on ‘Insulin 1935-1977’. April-May 1974, November 1974 - Correspondence re arrangements. January 1975, October 1975 - February 1976, November 1976. Includes provisional programme. Correspondencere arrangements. January-August 1977. Includes revised programme. F.106 F.107 Letter arising. F.108 Printed programme. Supplements of abstracts and participants. List of participants from USSR. Information re travel to Oxford and registration. F.109 F.110 Lists of Hodgkin’s former pupils and associates, with addresses. International Council of Scientific Unions General Committee meeting, Budapest, 6-9 September 1977. Correspondence re arrangements, mostly re visa application. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 212 Visits and Conferences F.111, F.112 Visit to China, December 1977. Hodgkin visited China with G. Dodson, visiting the insulin groups in Peking and Shanghai, and discussing the possibility of China becoming a member of the International Union of Crystallography. F.111 Correspondence re arrangements. Miscellaneous notes by Hodgkin, includes names of Chinese scientists, itinerary. F.112 Includes report sent to Hodgkin by Dietrich Correspondencearising. Brandenburg and Helmut Zahn of the Deutsches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen, entitled ‘Visitors Glimpse at Scientific Research Institutes in China’. Also includes correspondencere future participation of Chinese scientists in international meetings. F.113-F.119 Visit to India, January 1978. Hodgkin visited India as President of the Symposium on Biomolecular Structure, Conformation, Function and Evolution held in Madras and as C.V. RamanVisiting Professorat the Universities of Madras and Bangalore. She gave the presidential address to the symposium and, at the Winter School on Current Trends in Biomolecular Structure which followed, gave a lecture on ‘The refinement of the crystal structure of insulin’. While in Madras Hodgkin also gave a public lecture on ‘Some experiences in X-ray analysis’. Hodgkin wasin India for a month, and received manyinvitations to lecture or to visit. Most were declined, but she spent some time in Bangalore, attended an Indian Pugwash Society workshop on ‘Guidelines for Delhi, and International participated in a workshop on ‘Chemical Evolution, Origin of Life and Evolution of Life Processes’ at Hyderabad. Scientific Cooperation for Development’ in F.113, F.114 F.113 F.114 F.115 Includes Correspondence re arrangements for correspondencewith International Union of Crystallography re sponsorship of symposium. Madras. visit to November 1975 - April 1977. June-December 1977. Programme for symposium and Winter Schoolwith abstracts. Information about Madras. Lists of participants. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 213 Visits and Conferences F.116 F.117 F.118 F.119 Two drafts of presidential address, entitled ‘Biomolecular structure, conformation, function and evolution’, Bibliog. 161. ‘X-ray analysis and biological structures’ is the title given in the correspondence. Correspondencere visits to Bangalore, Delhi and Hyderabad. Includes programmefor Hyderabad workshop. Invitations declined. Correspondencearising from Madrasvisit. Memorabilia. F.120 Insulin Symposium, London, 14-15 February 1978. Hodgkin wasinvited to chair two sessions of the symposium, arranged by the British Diabetic Association, the Society for Endocrinology and the Endocrine Section of the Royal Society. Correspondence re arrangements, includes programme. Correspondencearising. F.121-F.123 Visit to USA, 29 May - 3 June 1978. Hodgkin was invited to a conference entitled ‘The Origins of Modern Biochemistry - A Retrospect on Proteins’ held in New York and sponsored She gave a paper on by the New York Academy of Sciences. ‘Contributions of x-ray crystallography to protein structure’. Hodgkin was also invited to the Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, to receive an honorary degree and to participate in its tenth anniversary symposium, whereshe lectured on the structure of insulin. F.121 Correspondencere arrangements, August 1977 - May 1978. Programme, provisional programmefor biochemistry conference. Programme for Mount Sinai symposium. F.122 F.123 Correspondencearising, includes correspondencere publication of lecture on protein structure. Manuscript of lecture, an historical account of the application of x-ray crystallography to the study of proteins. Typescript of Hodgkin’s discussion remarks at biochemistry conference. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 214 Visits and Conferences F.124 International Symposium on ‘Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology’, Moscow and Tashkent, USSR, 25 September - 2 October 1978. Hodgkin wasinvited to give a paper andlater to contribute her paper, on ‘The geometry of A-chainsin insulin’, to a published collection of papers from the symposium. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programme. Correspondencearising. F.125-F.127 Visit to USA, October-November 1978. Hodgkin was in the USA as Visiting Fellow, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire while Thomas Hodgkin wasVisiting Professor. While in the USA she gave four lectures as Mead-Swing Lecturer at Oberlin College, Ohio, visited the University of Illinois, and was Venable Lecturer at the University of North Carolina. She lectured there and gave a seminaron the structure ofinsulin. At Dartmouth College Hodgkin was also Dreyfus Lecturer, lecturing on ‘Experiences in Structure Analysis: Proteins, Penicillin and Vitamin B12’ and on ‘The Structure of Insulin in Crystals’. F.125 Correspondence re arrangements with Dartmouth College, includes biographical note and notice of lecture. Correspondencearising. F.126 Correspondence re arrangements with the University of North Carolina. F.127 F.128 Letter arising. Biographical note, notice of lecture, list of previous Venable Lecturers. Correspondencere visits to Oberlin College and the University ofIllinois. Visit to India, January-February 1979. Hodgkin travelled widely in India, and gave an Academy lecture on in crystals’ at the Indian Institute of Science, ‘Structure of insulin Bangalore. She had beeninvited to attend a symposium in Bangladesh prior to hervisit to India, but probably did not attend. Letter re arrangements. Letter arising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 215 Visits and Conferences F.129 Third European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor, Zurich, 5-8 March 1979. Hodgkin gave the Plenary Lecture, on ‘New and Old Problems in the Structure Analysis of Vitamin B12’, Bibliog. 157. Copy of the newspaper ‘Chemische Rundschau’, giving programme of lectures. Typescript draft of Hodgkin’s lecture; reprint. F.130 2nd International September 1979. Insulin Symposium, Aachen, West Germany, 4-7 Letter re arrangements. Letter arising. Programme; supplement. F.131 Visit to India and Bangladesh, November 1979. Hodgkin visited Delhi, North Bengal University, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre near Bombay, and the University of Dacca. She was also interviewed by All India Radio. Correspondencere arrangements; miscellaneous notes. Correspondencearising. F.132 Visit to USA, April 1980. Hodgkin gave the Fae Golden Kass Lecture at Radcliffe College, Mass., entitled ‘The Discovery of the Structure of Penicillin and Vitamin B12’. She then went toAirlie, Virginia, to participate in a Symposium onInteraction There between Iron and Proteins in Oxygen and Electron Transport. Hodgkin gave a talk on MF. Perutz at a banquetheld in his honour. Letter re arrangements for Symposium, includes programme. Notice of lecture at Radcliffe College. Correspondencearising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 216 Visits and Conferences F.133 International Conference on Water and lons in Biological Systems, Bucharest, 25-27 June 1980. Hodgkin attended the Conferenceas a representative of the Royal Society, giving a special lecture entitled ‘John Bernal and the structure of water’. She and Thomas Hodgkin had spent ten days in Romania prior to the Conference, combining a holiday with scientific visits. Letter re arrangements. Programme of Conference; programme of concert; itinerary. Correspondencearising. F.134 J.M. Robertson Symposium, Glasgow, 4-5 September 1980. The Symposium washeld in honour of J.M. Robertson’s 80th birthday. Programme; reprint of article on Robertson. F.135, F.136 Visit to China, November-December 1980. Hodgkin and T.L. Blundell were invited to China by the Institute of Biophysics, Peking, to give a series of lectures there on the structural chemistry of bio-macromolecules. This wasfollowedbyvisits to Shanghai and Canton. F.135 Includes Correspondence re arrangements, April-November correspondencerevisit of the Japanesescientists, N. and K. Sakabe, to China. 1980. F.136 Information for visitors to China. Information re translation of lectures. Correspondencearising. Brief report on visit. F.137 Anglo-Chinese Symposium on proteins and nucleic acids, Oxford, 14-16 July 1982. Hodgkin gave a paperoninsulin. Letter re arrangements; programme. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 217 Visits and Conferences F.138 Visit to Israel and Jordan, April-May 1983. Hodgkin was in Jordan to lecture and visit the archaeological site at Jerash. She returnedtoIsrael to fulfil a scientific programme based at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot. Correspondencere arrangements. Itinerary re Rehovotvisit. Letter arising. F.139 Visit to Bulgaria, May-June 1983. Hodgkin visited Plovdiv, where she attended a symposium, probably onthe subject of vitamin B12. Letter re arrangements; 1p. manuscript notes re crystal growth. F.140 Visit to USSR, June 1984. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry to attend an International Symposium on ‘Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology’, to be held in Moscow and in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. After the Symposium she attended the opening sessions of the 16th Federation of European Biological Societies meeting in Moscow before returning to England. Correspondence re arrangements, Symposium. includes list of participants in F.141 Symposium on modern experimental and theoretical studies of crystal and molecular structure, Manchester, 11-13 September 1984. The symposium washeld to mark the retirement of D.W.J. Cruickshank. Brief correspondencere arrangements. F.142-F.145 Visit to USA, November 1984. Hodgkin was invited to the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, to attend a symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Patterson function. She lectured there, giving an account of her own use of the Patterson function. Before the Patterson symposium Hodgkin probably attended a one-day meeting at Du Pont & Co., Wilmington, Delaware, to discuss future scientific developments in molecular biology. She wasalsoinvited tovisit Harvard Medical School, but there is no evidence that she did so. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 218 Visits and Conferences F.142 Letter re arrangements for Patterson symposium; magazine on the Fox Chase CancerCenter, includes programme of lectures at symposium. Correspondencearising re publication of lecture, includes printed version of Hodgkin’s lecture. 4pp. notes, probably by J. Glusker, dated ‘4/7/66’. 170. Draft of Hodgkin’s lecture, ‘Patterson and Pattersons’, Bibliog. Includes introduction by J. Glusker, photocopyofletter from A.L. Patterson to Hodgkin dated 13 March 1938. References; figures for paper. Correspondence re arrangements for visits to Du Pont and Harvard Medical School. F.143 F.144 F.145 F.146 Visit to Brazil, ?1985. Hodgkin planned to spend some time in Rio de Janeiro, as a guestof the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Oneletter only, 17 May 1985, re prospectivevisit to Brazil. F.147 Thirtieth International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Congress, Manchester, 9-13 September 1985. Hodgkin, as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, was invited to the Opening Ceremony and Inaugural Plenary Lecture. Brief correspondence re arrangements. F.148 Visit to USSR, Japan and China, September-November 1985. Hodgkin travelled with Elizabeth Hodgkin, her daughter. They stayed in Hodgkin Moscow, and then took the Trans-Siberian Railway to Japan. visited Tsukuba while in Japan and then wentalone to Peking, having been invited by the Academia Sinica. She also visited Shanghai and Fuzhou University. Correspondencere arrangements, February-September 1985. Brief correspondencearising; 1p. manuscript notes re Fuzhou visit. F.149 Visit to Bulgaria, February 1986. Letter re visa only. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 219 Visits and Conferences F.150 Visit to USA, May-June 1986. Hodgkin was invited to attend a symposium on Insulin and the Insulin Receptor at the Medical Foundation of Buffalo, where she wasthe Ray A. and Robert L. Kroc Distinguished Lecturer, speaking on the structure of insulin. She then gave a seminar at The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan. This was followed by a symposium on Precision and Molecular Structures at the University of Washington, Seattle, where Hodgkin spoke on ‘Waterstructure in insulin’. Correspondencere arrangements, includes schedule of lectures for both symposia. Correspondencearising, includes photographs from Buffalo visit. F.151 Visit to USSR and China, September 1986. Hodgkin wasinvited to attend an International School on the Structure of Biological Macromolecules at Pushchino, USSR. This was followed by an International Conference on Molecular Structure in Peking, where she gave the Plenary Lecture at the closing session. Correspondencere arrangements, includeslist of participants, programme for Peking Conference; manuscript and transcript of lecture, on penicillin. Letter arising. F.152 Visit to USA, March 1987. Hodgkin wasinvited to give the Founders’ Lecture at the Scripps Clinic, La She gave twolectures, the first being on historical Jolla, California. perspectives on x-ray crystallography, and the second oninsulin. She then probably spent some time in Buffalo before attending the American Crystallographic Association Meeting at Austin, Texas. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondencearising, includes photograph taken at Austin meeting. F.153 Fourth International Conference on Waterand lonsin Biological Systems, Bucharest, 24-28 May 1987. Hodgkin was invited to lecture at the Conference, her lecture being entitled ‘The distribution of water in 2 zinc insulin crystals’. She visited Warsawprior to the Conference. Correspondencere arrangements, includes programme. ‘Instructions Proceedings. for Authors’, contributions to volume of Conference D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 220 Visits and Conferences Manuscript draft of lecture, pages missing; manuscript notes. Correspondence arising re publication of proceedings, manuscript draft foreword by Hodgkin. F.154 Federation of European Biological Societies Advanced Lecture Course. Crystal Growth of Biological Macromolecules, Bischenberg, France, 19-25 July 1987. Hodgkin wasinvited to give the opening lecture, on developments in biological crystallography. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. F.155 International Conference to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Pi Meson, Bristol, 22-24 July 1987. Letter re arrangements. Conference bulletin, preliminary programme, final programme, list of participants; memorabilia. Letter arising. F.156 Visit to USA, 23-28 April 1988. Hodgkin wasinvited to give the William J. Reddy Memorial Lecture at the in University of Alabama at Birmingham. crystallography’. She spoke on ‘A life Correspondence re arrangements, itinerary, notice of lecture. Correspondencearising. F.157 American Crystallographic Association Meeting, Philadelphia, 26 June - 1 July 1988. Hodgkin wasinvited to participate in a special Nobel Symposium, along with six other Nobel Laureates, on the topic ‘Methods and Applicationsin Macromolecular Crystallography’. Before this she gave the Jeanne Manery- Fisher Memorial Lecture on ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of insulin, 1935-1972 to the present’ at the University of Ottawa. Correspondencere arrangements, programme of meeting. Correspondencearising. Typescript and manuscript drafts of Hodgkin’s lecture. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 221 Visits and Conferences F.158 Summerschoolon Crystallography and its Teaching, Tianjin, China, 15-24 September 1988. Hodgkin was a member of the Honorary Committee and wasinvited to lecture at Tianjin University. Brief correspondence re arrangements, includes programme, ‘Travel Schedule’. Memorabilia. F.159 ‘25 Jahre Insulinsynthese’, Aachen, 23-25 February 1989. F.160 F.161 Hodgkin lectured on ‘Memories of the structure analysis of insulin’. Correspondence re arrangements, includes programme. Correspondencearising re publication of lecture. Symposium on Crystals and Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles, 17-20 March 1989. The symposium washeld in honour of K.N. Trueblood. Brief correspondence re arrangements; programme. Conference onInsulin Structure, Chemistry and Biology, York, 29 August- 1 September 1989. Hodgkin gave a special evening lecture at the conference, held to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 2 zinc insulin crystal structure determination. Programmeoflectures; list of participants; photograph ofparticipants. F.162 Visit to USA, April 1990. Hodgkin attended the 127th Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. She then went to Boston to give a paper on ‘My Life in Chemistry’ at a Symposium on Women in Chemistry. Correspondencere arrangements. Correspondencearising. Programmefor NAS Meeting. Abstracts of papers given at Boston Symposium. Includes paper by P.G. Abir-Am entitled, ‘Leadership and Gender in Science. D.C. Hodgkin and the Oxford School of Chemical Crystallography’. See also A.39. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 222 Visits and Conferences F.163 Sir Charles Frank 80th Birthday Symposium, Bristol, 15 April 1991. List of participants; programmeoflectures. Invitations declined F.164 F.165 F.166 F.167 F.168 F.169 F.170 F.171 F.172 F.173 F.174 F.175 1945-59. 1960-69. 1970-74. 1975. 1976. 1977. 1978. 1979-80. 1981. 1982-83. 1984-89. Miscellaneous unidentified material re visits. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 ADDENDUM 223 Visits and Conferences Material received too late to present in the main chronological sequence. F.176 Cobalamin ’88. Physiology of Vitamin B12, London, 26-29 September 1988. First International Symposium on Biomedicine and Hodgkin wasinvited to attend the symposium as a guest of The Children’s Medical Charity. As President of the symposium, she gave the opening address, when she spoke about previous symposia on vitamin B12. Brief correspondencere arrangements. List of participants; two typescript drafts of the address, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Brief correspondencearising. F.177 Canadian International Development Agency / Third World Academyof Sciences Conference on ‘The Role of Women in the Development of Science and Technology in the Third World’, Trieste, Italy, 3-7 October 1988. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Newsletter. F.178 Meeting on ‘Crystallisation of Biological Macromolecules’, King’s College, London, 14 December 1989. The meeting was organised by the Biological Structures Group of the Hodgkin was invited to give an British Crystallographic Association. introductory talk entitled ‘Historical perspective’. Correspondencere arrangements; programme. F.179 International Symposium. Thomas Addison and his Diseases : 200 Years On, Padua, 20-21 May 1993 and London, 25-27 May 1993. Hodgkin was a President of the Symposium, and attended the London session, where a special Presidential Symposium washeld asa tribute to her. Letters to Hodgkin re arrangements. Programme; final programme. Letter arising. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 224 SECTION G PEACE AND HUMANITARIAN INTERESTS G.1-G.204 Hodgkin wasinterested in a wide range of peace and humanitarian causes Of particular and made a major commitment to a number of them. importance were her involvement with Vietnam peace and humanitarian organisations in the 1960s and 1970s and her involvement with the Pugwash movement, of which she was President from 1976 to 1988. The material is arranged asfollows: G.1-G.156 ORGANISATIONS AND TOPICS G.1-G.6 J.D. Bernal Peace Library G.7, G.8 Greenpeace G.9-G.11 Institute for International Peace Studies G.12-G.21 Palestine G.22-G.94 Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs G.95-G.105 Russian Dissidents G.106-G.110 Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA) G.111-G.113 Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU) G.114-G.156 Vietnam G.157-G.165 VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.166-G.171 LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS G.172-G.204 MISCELLANEOUS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 225 Peace and humanitarian interests ORGANISATIONS AND TOPICS J.D.Bernal Peace Library The J.D. Bernal Library was an educational trust established with the full support of Bernal, and inspired by his work. It opened in Londonin March 1968 as a centre for peace research. Its aim was set out in a publicity leaflet (G.3): ‘by the dissemination and exchange of information and through prepared discussion, to make a contribution to solving the problems of peace confronting us.’ Hodgkin was a sponsorof the Library and, in 1971, was elected to the Chair of the Library Board. G.1-G.3 General papers and correspondence, 1967-81. G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G.5 G.6 1967-70. 1971-73, 1976, 1980-81. nd. The J.D. Bernal Peace Library Board. Minutes and agendas, 1967-72. ‘J.D. Bernal Peace Library. Biological Warfare’, February 1968. Report of a Conference on Chemical and ‘Tribute to John Desmond Bernal in his Seventieth year, by artists and scientists.’ ‘Newsletter’, 1971, 1976-77, nd. J.D. Bernal Peace Library Conference on ‘The Meaning of the U.K. Aid Programme’, 20-21 June 1969. Conference papers. 226 Peace and humanitarian interests D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Greenpeace The material relates to a Greenpeace campaign against the expansion of the nuclear power programmein the United Kingdom as an answerto the ‘greenhouse effect’. Hodgkin was one of a group of over 100 scientists who signed a declaration issued by Greenpeace which appearedin the national press. G.7 G.8 Papers and correspondence, 1989. Background material. Institute for International Peace Studies The Institute was based at the University of Notre Dame,Indiana, USA. A statement of purpose (G.11) described it as: ‘a center for multi- disciplinary research and teaching onthe critically important questions of peace, justice and violence in contemporary society’. Muchof the material relates to the search for a Peace Fellow from the United Kingdom to join an international group on an M.A. course in Peace Studies. Hodgkin became a memberof the International Advisory Board for the Institute in 1986, visiting Notre Dame in Octoberof that year to attend the inaugural meeting of the Advisory Board. G.9, G.10 General papers and correspondence 1986-89. G.9 G.10 G.11 1986 June-September. 1986 October - 1989, nd. Background material. Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. Photograph of membersof the Advisory Board(identified in G.10). 227 Peace and humanitarian interests D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Palestine The material is arranged as follows: G.12, G.13 Friends of Birzeit University. G.14-G.16 International Commission of Inquiry into Israeli Crimes Against the Lebanese and Palestinian Peoples. G.17, G.18 Newspapercuttings. G.19-G.21 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. Friends of Birzeit University University was an independent Palestinian Birzeit university near Jerusalem. The Friends of Birzeit University organisation was a charity established ‘to uphold Birzeit’s academic work and to upholdits right to academic freedom’ (G.12). Hodgkin was a sponsor from 1985. General papers and correspondence 1980-91. G.12 G.13 1980-87. 1988-91, nd. International Commission of Inquiry into Israeli Crimes Againstthe Lebanese and Palestinian Peoples, Nicosia, 15-16 August 1982 The Commission wasestablished in response to reports arising from the invasion of LebanonbyIsrael in June 1982. Hodgkin was a memberof the Presidential Committee of the Commission. G.14 List of participants; programme; list of statutes. ‘Findings and conclusions of the commission.’ Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. G.15, G.16 Reports, testimonies. 2 folders. Newspapercuttings 1970-89 G.17 G.18 1970-79. 1980-89. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 228 Peace and humanitarian interests Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1974-90 G.19 G.20 G.21 1974-79. 1980-83. 1984-85, 1988-90, nd. Pugwash conferences on science and world affairs The Pugwash movementhadits origins in the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, issued in July 1955. This called for a conference of international scientists to discuss the dangers of conflict that had arisen from scientific work, with particular reference to the then recently developed hydrogen bomb. The first conference was held in July 1957 in the Canadian town of Pugwash, Nova Scotia, thus giving the movementits name. The conferences became annual include development and environmental issues. This paralleled a significant increase in the number of participants. in scope to events, widening Hodgkin first attended a Pugwash conferencein 1962, but did not involve herself in the movement to any great degree until hesitantly agreeing (G.93) to her election as President at the Madras conferencein 1976 (G.39, G.40). From the mid 1960s Hodgkin had been committed to the problem of the warin Vietnam, thus precluding major non-scientific commitments elsewhere. She held the post of President until 1988, and the material documenting heractivities here is extensive. Of particular interest is the documentation of the Warsaw conference of 1982 (G.54), which followed the imposition of martial law in Poland. As President, Hodgkin attended most Council and Executive Committee meetings and presided over the opening sessions of the annual conferences, as well as presiding over and giving the closing addressat Typescript or manuscript drafts survive for the final plenary sessions. manyof these. The material is arranged as follows: G.22-G.35 General papers and correspondence. G.36-G.66 Conferences. G.67-G.80 Symposia and workshops. G.81-G.83 Executive Committee. G.84-G.87 British Pugwash Group. G.88-G.94 Miscellaneous. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 229 Peace and humanitarian interests General papers and correspondence 1962-92 1962, 1969, 1975-77. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985. 1986. 1987 January-August. 1987 September-December. 1988-92. Includes correspondencere detaining of the Romanian physicist, |. Ursu and Hodgkin’s efforts to secure his release. G.22 G.23 G.24 G.25 G.26 G.27 G.28 G.29 G.30 G.31 G.32 G.33 G.34 G.35 nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 230 Peace and humanitarian interests Conferences 1957-90 G.36 ‘Proceedings of the First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs. Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada, 7-10 July 1957. Published on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Pugwash 1982.’ ‘The Third Pugwash Conference - September 1958. By Professor Dame Kathleen Lonsdale.’ The third conference was held at KitzbUhel, Austria. G.37 Correspondence 1965-66 re 1966 conference, held at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hodgkin did not attend this conference, but attempted to organise a special session of the Pugwash Conference in Ghana,in orderto attract Chinese scientists in view of the special relations which then existed between China and Ghana. Plans for this were cancelled, however, after the fall of the government of Kwame Nkrumah. G.38 17th Pugwash Conference, Ronneby, Sweden, 3-8 September 1967. Registration form. ‘Final Report of Working Group 7. Resolution”.’ “Current Conflicts and their G.39, G.40 25th Pugwash Conference, Madras,India, 13-19 January 1976. The Conference marked Hodgkin’s formal assumption of the office of President of Pugwash. G.39 G.40 Correspondencere arrangements. Brief correspondencearising. ‘Opening Speechby the President of Pugwash.’ ‘Welcoming Address made to the Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi by the President of Pugwash.’ Press release. Includes text of Hodgkin’s concluding remarks. Newspapercuttings. Memorabilia. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 231 Peace and humanitarian interests G.41-G.43 27th Pugwash Conference, Munich, West Germany, 24-29 August 1977. G.41 Correspondencere arrangements. G.42 G.43 G.44 Correspondencearising. Typescript of Hodgkin’s closing address. Conference papers. Newspaper and magazinearticles (in German and French). 28th Pugwash Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, 1-5 September 1978. Letter re arrangements. Typescript of address by Hodgkin. Correspondencearising. G.45 29th Pugwash Conference, Mexico City, 18-23 July 1979. Minutes of 50th and 51st Sessions of the Pugwash Council. G.46-G.51 30th Pugwash Conference, Breukelen, The Netherlands, 20-25 August 1980. G.46 Typescript of ‘Statement’ by Hodgkin. Typescript of Hodgkin’s closing address. Brief correspondence with Radio della Svizzera Italiana re interview Includes manuscript notes by Hodgkin gave about the conference. Hodgkin re questions asked in correspondence. Manuscript notes. G.47 52nd and 53rd Sessions of the Pugwash Council. Minutes and agendas. List of participants at conference. G.48-G.51 Conference papers. 4 folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 232 Peace and humanitarian interests G.52, G.53 31st Pugwash Conference, Banff, Canada, 28 August - 2 September 1981. G.52 Brief correspondencere arrangements. Programme. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s closing remarks. G.53 G.54 Newspaperarticles. Conference papers. 32nd Pugwash Conference, Warsaw, 26-31 August 1982. Correspondence re arrangements, mostly re refusal of many Pugwash membersto attend the conference, following the imposition of martial law in Poland. Brief correspondencearising. Personal statement to the Press by Hodgkin re ‘the events of August 31st in Warsaw’. Newspaper cuttings, including letter from Hodgkin and M.M. Kaplan, secretary general of Pugwash, to The New York Times, headed ‘The Warsaw Pugwash Conference Did Not “Cower” to the Soviets’. G.55-G.57 33rd Pugwash Conference, Venice, 26-31 August 1983. G.55 ‘Remarks by Professor Dorothy Hodgkin at the closing session.’ ‘Report of the Secretary General for 1982-1983.’ List of participants; list of commissioned papers. Manuscript notes. Letter arising. G.56, G.57 Conference papers. 2 folders. G.58 34th Pugwash Conference, Bjorkliden, Sweden, 9-16 July 1984. Brief correspondence re arrangements. Minutes of the 63rd Session of the Pugwash Council. Includes programme of participants for 35th and analysis Conference. of geographical distribution D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 233 Peace and humanitarian interests G.59, G.60 35th Pugwash Conference, Campinas, Brazil, 9-14 July 1985. G.59 Programme; list of commissioned papers; list of participants. Minutes of the 64th and 65th Sessions of the Pugwash Council. ‘Report of the Secretary General for 1984-85.’ G.60 G.61 Conference papers. 36th Pugwash Conference, Budapest, 1-6 September 1986. Letter re arrangements. Programme; photograph. lists of commissioned papers; lists of participants; Minutes of the 67th Session of the Pugwash Council. G.62-G.64 37th Pugwash Conference, Gmunden am Traunsee,Austria, 1-6 September 1987. G.62 Brief correspondencere arrangements. Agendasfor the 68th, 69th and 70th Sessions of the Pugwash Council; nominations for new Pugwash Council; list of council decisions. Programme; list of participants. Manuscript notes. G.63, G.64 Conference papers. 2 folders. G.65 38th Pugwash Conference, Dagomys, USSR, 29 August - 3 September 1988. Programme; list of participants. Statement of the Pugwash Council on ‘Global Problems and Common Solutions’. ‘Messages of Goodwill for the Conference.’ Manuscript draft of Hodgkin’s closing speech. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 234 Peace and humanitarian interests G.66 39th Pugwash Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 23-28 July 1989. List of commissioned papers; list of working group topics. 40th Pugwash Conference, Egham, Surrey, 15-20 September 1990. Statement of the Pugwash Council - ‘Towards a Secure World in the 21st Century’; list of participants. Symposia and workshops 1969-88 Smaller groups met at workshops and symposia to discuss particularly topical problemsof international affairs. The material, arranged by year, mostly consists of agendasandlists of participants, with some scattered correspondence. G.67 1969, 1973, 1978-79. G.68, G.69 1980. 2 folders. G.70 G.71 G.72 G.73 1981. 1982. 1983. 1984. G.74-G.77 1985. 4 folders. G.78 G.79 G.80 1986. 1987. 1988. Executive Committee 1977-88 The Executive Committee approved and implementeddecisions of Council, which wasresponsible for Pugwashpolicy. It could also act in matters of Hodgkin, as President, was a policy when so authorised (see G.83). permanent member. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 235 Peace and humanitarian interests G.81 General papers and correspondence 1978-81, 1985-87, nd. G.82, G.83 Minutes and agendas, agenda items 1977-88. G.82 G.83 G.84 G.85 G.86 G.87 G.88 G.89 G.90 1977-85. 1986-88, nd. British Pugwash Group 1979-91 Hodgkin was a memberof the Executive Committee from 1980 to 1987. General papers and correspondence. 1979-82. 1983-85. 1986-87. 1988-91. Miscellaneous 1965-90 ‘Pugwash Newsletter’ 1965, 1967, 1974, 1982-90. 1 box. Newspapercuttings 1970-88. Papers and correspondencere award of the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize to the Pugwash Movement, 1987. Includes manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s acceptance speech, ‘Hope for the Future’. G.91, G.92 Olympia Prize of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, awarded to the Pugwash Movement, 1987, ‘for contributions to the preservation of nature or to the safeguarding of our cultural inheritance’. G.91 Correspondence. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 236 Peace and humanitarian interests Typescript of Hodgkin’s acceptance speech, with manuscript additions and corrections. Programmeof events; background material. Unidentified manuscript notes and drafts by Hodgkin, nd. Printed and duplicated background material. 1 box. G.92 G.93 G.94 Russian dissidents Papers and correspondencere dissident scientists and others, 1972-88. G.95 G.96 G.97 G.98 G.99 G.100 G.101 G.102 G.103 G.104 G.105 1972-73. 1974. 1975. 1976-77. 1978. 1979-81. 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985. 1986-88, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 237 Peace and humanitarian interests Scientists against nuclear arms (SANA) The purpose of SANA,asstated at its inaugural conference (G.107), was ‘to promote and coordinate the activities of scientists aimed at assisting groupsandindividuals concerned with halting and reversing the nuclear armsrace’. Hodgkin chaired the opening plenary sessionof the inaugural conference. G.106 G.107 General papers and correspondence 1981-87. Inaugural conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, 21-22 March 1981. Letter re arrangements. Programme; lists of participants; background material. ‘Statement of Aims and Functions.’ Newspapercutting. G.108, G.109 International Symposium on Problems and Prospects of Disarmament, London, 21-25 September 1983. Nuclear G.108 Brief correspondence. Programme; lists of participants; final statement. G.109 G.110 Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. Conference papers. Miscellaneous background material. Society for Anglo-Chinese understanding (SACU) SACU was founded in 1965: ‘to promote friendship and understanding between the British and Chinese peoples’. (G.113). Hodgkin wasa sponsorof the organisation from its foundation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 238 Peace and humanitarian interests G.111, G.112 General papers and correspondence 1965-86. G.111 G.112 G.113 Vietnam G.114 G.115 G.116 1965-67, 1969, 1972-73. Includeslists of sponsors, 1965. 1974-75, 1980-81, 1984-86. Miscellaneous background material. Hodgkin’s concern about the war in Vietnam led to her involvementin a number of organisations seeking to provide humanitarian aid. The most important of these was the Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam, of which she was made Vice-President in 1965, becoming President in 1971. There is extensive documentation of her activities within the Committee. As President, Hodgkin visited North Vietnam in 1971 and in 1974; only a little material relating to these visits survives (G.144, G.145). The material is arranged as follows: G.114-G.121 General papers and correspondence. G.122-G.136 Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam. G.137 World Federation of Scientific Workers: Scientists’ Appeal for Vietnam. G.138-G.141 International Commission of Enquiry into US Crimes in Indochina. G.142, G.143 British Hospital for Vietnam. G.144-G.156 Miscellaneous. General papers and correspondence 1965-93 1965-69. Includes correspondence with Bertrand Russell re War Crimes Tribunal. 1970-71. 1972. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 239 Peace and humanitarian interests G.117 G.118 G.119 G.120 G.121 1973-75. 1978-79. 1980. 1984-85, 1987-90, 1993. nd. Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam 1965-89 The Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam was founded in 1965. Itsinitial aim was to send ‘medical aid to the areas where the bombswerefalling, and the casualties highest - the National Liberation Front areas of South Vietnam’. It extended its terms of reference in 1966 to include ‘requests for medical aid from the Red Cross Society of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in Hanoi’. It continued to work in South East Asia after 1979 as Medical and Scientific Aid for Vietnam, Laos and Kampuchea, concerning itself with providing ‘scientific aid in relation to medical research’. (G.127). In 1965 Hodgkin was asked to become President by Joan McMichael, Honorary Secretary of the Medical Aid Committee. She declined, however, on the grounds that she was spending time in Ghana, where Thomas Hodgkin was setting up an institute of African studies, and that the President ought to be in England to support McMichael. Instead Hodgkin agreed to serve as Vice-President until 1971, when she becamePresident. G.122-G.131 General papers and correspondence 1965-89. G.122 G.123 G.124 G.125 G.126 1965-69. 1970-71. Includes letter to The Times written by Hodgkin and dated 29th 1972. December. 1973-75. 1976-77. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 240 Peace and humanitarian interests G.127 G.128 G.129 G.130 G.131 1978-79. Includes an historical account of the Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam. 1980-81. 1983-87. 1988-89. August 1989, with manuscript and typescript drafts. Includes Hodgkin’s obituary of McMichael, The Guardian, 16 Includes manuscript notes by Hodgkin, photographs, newspaper nd. article (in Hungarian). G.132-G.135 Minutes and agenda 1965-85. G.132 G.133 G.134 G.135 G.136 1965, 1967-69. 1970-72. 1973-76. 1977-78, 1980-81, 1985. ‘News Bulletin’, 1968-89. Not a complete sequence. 1 box. World Federation of Scientific Workers: Scientists’ Appeal for Vietnam 1967-68, 1971 The WFSW launchedtwo appeals, in 1967 and in 1971, for donations to replace scientific equipment lost in North Vietnam during the war. Hodgkin was a sponsor of both appeals. G.137 Papers and correspondence 1967-68, 1971. List of names of people invited to sponsor the [?1967] appeal; donations. list of D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 241 Peace and humanitarian interests International Commission of Enquiry into US Crimes in Indochina 1969-75 The Commission was established at the 5th Stockholm Conference on Vietnam in March 1970. Its task, as set out in G.138, was to: ‘deal with ... crimes of aggression against the fundamental national rights of the Indochinese peoples ... to gather and evaluate evidence of the crimes committed by the United States ... and to place this material at the disposal of world opinion.’ It organised a series of hearings and conferences, the meeting in Copenhagen in October 1972 being particularly well documented here. Hodgkin was one of the Deputy Chairmen of the Commission. G.138 5th Stockholm Conference on Vietnam, 28-30 March 1970. Correspondencere arrangements. Report on conference. Correspondencearising. G.139, G.140 International Commission of Enquiry into US Crimes in Indochina, Third Session, Copenhagen, 10-16 October 1972. G.139 Letter re arrangements. Programme; ‘Statement at the opening session’ by H. Goran Franck, Secretary General; list of participants; draft of concluding statement, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; photographs. G.140 Conference papers. ‘Homefor Christmas.’ Manuscript and typescript drafts ?of lecture given The lecture discusses the findings of the Copenhagen by Hodgkin. Commission and Hodgkin’s visit to Vietnam in 1971 (G.144, G.145). G.141 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1969-75. Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. Newspaperarticles. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 242 Peace and humanitarian interests British Hospital for Vietnam 1974-77 The British Hospital for Vietnam project proposedto build a hospitalin the district of Ky Anh in North Vietnam. It launched an appeal to raise the necessary funds in September 1975. Hodgkin was an Honorary Vice-President of the project. General papers and correspondence 1974, 1976-77. Minutes and agendas 1974-77. Miscellaneous G.142 G.143 G.144, G.145 Hodgkin’s visits to Vietnam, 1971, 1974. G.144 Correspondencere arrangements for 1971 visit. Manuscript notes by Elizabeth Hodgkin, daughter; memorabilia. Correspondencearising. Brief correspondencearising from 1974visit. Memorabilia. ‘Le Miracle Vietnamien.’ probably by Thomas Hodgkin, [71971]. Typescript draft of article arising from visit, Photographs from 1971 visit, some annotated. Hodgkin’s manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, nd. ‘A plea against slaughter’, The Times, 20 March 1971; correspondence arising. ‘Bombs over Thanhhoa’, New York Times, 7 January 1972; letter arising. G.145 G.146 G.147, G.148 Communiquéssent to Hodgkin by the Commissionfor Investigation of the U.S. Imperialists’ War Crimes in Vietnam, 1971-72. G.147 1971. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 243 G.148 G.149 Peace and humanitarian interests 1972. Papers and correspondencere role of the Jason Division of the Institute of Defense Analysis in Vietnam, 1972-73. The Jason Division was a group of leading American scientists who metto work on national security matters. G.150, G.151 Press releases and correspondence from the Vietnamese Embassy in London, 1980-89. G.150 G.151 1980-81. 1986, 1988-89. G.152, G.153 Newspaper and magazine articles, 1966-89. G.152 G.153 1966-74. 1975-81, 1989, nd. G.154, G.155 ‘The Vietnam Courier’ 1967-85. A newspaperpublished in North Vietnam. G.154 G.155 G.156 1967-74. 1975-81, 1985. ‘South Vietnam. In Struggle.’ 1971. A newspaperpublished by the South Vietnam National Frontfor Liberation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 244 Peace and humanitarian interests VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.157, G.158 ‘Science and Peace: The Nobel Laureates Answer’, Paris, 26-28 October 1983. Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘Science confronts Morality’. G.157 G.158 Programme; background information; poster advertising the event. Typescript and manuscript drafts of lecture. Memorabilia. G.159, G.160 ‘Symposium on Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and World Unity’, New Delhi, 24 March 1986. Hodgkin arrived in India on 20 March, lecturing the next day at the National Physical Laboratory, Delhi. She was one of three speakersat the Radhakrishnan symposium, organised to commemoratethelife and ideas of the former President of India. On March 25th she lectured in Bangalore on ‘Recent discussions within the Pugwash movement on disarmament’, returning to England the next day. G.159 Correspondencere arrangements, May 1985 - February 1986. Brief correspondencearising. G.160 Typescript draft of lecture at symposium, entitled ‘Radhakrishnan’. Manuscript draft of Bangalore lecture; manuscript notes. Itinerary; newspapercutting. notice of Bangalore lecture; invitation to symposium; G.161 International Scientists’ Peace Congress, ‘Ways out of the Arms Race’, Hamburg, 14-16 November 1986. Hodgkin was a memberof the Advisory Committee. Correspondencere arrangements, December 1985 - November 1986. Correspondencearising, December 1986, March-April 1989, re publication of proceedings. List of members of the Advisory and Organising Committees, and of speakers. Manuscript notes by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 245 Peace and humanitarian interests G.162 ‘A UNESCO Round Table for the Celebration of the International Year of Peace’, Paris, 15-16 December 1986. Brief correspondencere arrangements. Conference papers. Letter arising. G.163 ‘Congress ofIntellectuals for a Peaceful Future of the World’, Warsaw, 1986. List of participants only. G.164, G.165 International Forum of Scientists for a Test Ban, Moscow, 14-16 February 1987. Hodgkin was invited to participate in the Forum by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. There are references to a similar meeting in 1986, but there is no evidence that she participated. G.164 Correspondencere arrangements, 1986, nd. Letter arising. G.165 ‘Declaration’ of participants of 1986 meeting; paper from 1987 meeting. Photograph; manuscript notes (author unknown). Memorabilia. LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS See also G.158 and G.160. G.166 ‘A Writing for Mahatma Gandhi.’ Volume, Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1968. Gandhi Centenary Commemoration Hodgkin wasinvited by the National Committee for the Gandhi Centenary, New Delhi, to write an article for a volume commemorating the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi. Correspondence, August 1967 - April 1968. Typescripts, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; manuscript notes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 246 Peace and humanitarian interests G.167, G.168 ‘On Making Peace Possible.’ Sophia Lecture, Newcastle upon Tyne, 22 October 1981. G.167 Correspondencere arrangements, January 1979, 1980. Notice of lecture; ‘Guest List for Dinner Party’. Brief correspondencearising re publication of lecture in the journal Co- Existence. G.168 Typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; list of corrections to be made. Manuscript notes. Reprint of lecture in Co-Existence, vol.19, no.1, April 1982. G.169 ‘Shrimati Indira Gandhi.’ Manuscript draft [? of lecture] only, nd. G.170, G.171 Unidentified manuscript notes by Hodgkin re lectures, nd. 2 folders. MISCELLANEOUS The material is arranged as follows: G.172-G.199 Papers and correspondence. G.200-G.202 Newspaper and magazine cuttings. G.203, G.204 Printed and duplicated material. Papers and correspondence 1952-91 A chronological sequence of shorter papers and correspondence with individuals and organisations. G.172 G.173 G.174 1952-72. 1973. 1974-76. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 247 Peace and humanitarian interests G.175 1977-79. G.176 “1980. G.177 G.178 1981 January-May. 1981 June-December. G.179 1982. G.180 G.181 G.182 G.183 G.184 G.185 G.186 G.187 G.188 G.189 G.190 G.191 G.192 1983 January-October. 1983 November, December. 1984 January-August. 1984 September-December. 1985 January-May. 1985 June-August. 1985 September-December. 1986 January-April. 1986 May-August. 1986 September-December. 1987 January-April. 1987 May-August. 1987 September-December. Includes typescript and manuscript draft of ‘Prospects for Peace’ by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 248 Peace and humanitarian interests G.193 G.194 G.195 G.196 1988 January-August. 1988 September-December. 1989 January-June. 1989 July-December. G.197 1990-91. G.198, G.199 nd. 2 folders. Newspaper and magazine cuttings, 1954-90 G.200 G.201 G.202 1954-55, 1962, 1976-80. 1981-83. 1984-88, 1990, nd. Printed and duplicated material G.203, G.204 2 boxes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 249 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.331 H.1-H.262 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In alphabetical order with an indication of any information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. Hodgkin kept together by topic much of the scientific correspondencerelating to her principal research projects, and this correspondence is to be found in Section B Research. H.263-H.306 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. H.307-H.331 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS In chronological order. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 250 Correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE H.14 H.2 H.3 Abraham, E.P. 1977 One letter only re first recorded proposal of the 8-lactam structure of penicillin. Abrahamssohn, S. 1959-66 Abrahamssohn was a Swedish scientist who was awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in 1959 to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Adams, M.J. 1964, 1967-72 Adams did D.Phil research with Hodgkin and after a period at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana returned to Oxford University to make her career there. Research and recommendations. H.4 Addamiano,A. 1948-52, 1955 Addamiano was an Italian scientist who came to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory in 1948 supportedby the Italian government. Research. H.5 Adeoye,S.A. 1965-66, 1969 Adeoye came from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria to continue his postgraduate research in Oxford. Hodgkin had already become acquainted with Adeoye’s work when he wascarrying out research at the University of Ghana. Arrangementsfor visit to Oxford; recommendations. H.6 Aeschlimann, J.A. 1954-55 Aeschlimann was Vice President in charge of chemical research at Hoffmann-La Roche, Nutley, New Jersey. X-ray examination work for Hoffmann-La Roche. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 251 Correspondence H.7 Agarwal, R. 1976-77 Agarwal was based at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. Recommendations. H.8 Ambrose, E.J. 1950-51, 1957 Ambrose was based first at the Courtaulds Ltd Research Laboratories, Maidenhead, Berkshire and then from 1951 at the Chester Beatty Research Institute, London. Research on gramicidin S$ and fibrous insulin. H.9 Anderson, B.J. 1965-76 Anderson came from the University of Auckland to do postdoctoral research on thiostrepton in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He subsequently made his career in Australia and New Zealand. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research; recommendations. H.10 Andreeva, N.S. 1970-77 Andreeva was based at the Academy of Sciences of the USSRInstitute of Molecular Biology, Moscow. Visits. H.11 Astbury, W.T. 1935, 1937, 1952-53 Astbury wasbased at the University of Leeds where he wasProfessor of Biomolecular Structure 1945-61. Research; Royal Society discussion meeting on the structure of proteins (May 1952). Baker, E.N. 1968-69, 1977 Baker came from New Zealand to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory subsequently returning to New Zealand to makehis career. Recommendations. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 252 Correspondence H.13 Barker, H.A. 1959, 1961 Barker was based at the Departmentof Plant Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley. Vitamin B12 coenzymes. Bartczak, T.J. 1968-76, 1981 Bartczak came from the Institute of Polymers, Lodz, Poland for postdoctoral training in Hodgkin’s laboratory 1969-70. Arrangements to work in Oxford; publication. Basak, B.S. 1963-65, 1972, 1974 Basak wasProfessorof Physics at Presidency College, Calcutta. He came to Hodgkin’s laboratory in 1964 for training in computer applications in x- ray crystallography. Arrangements to work in Oxford; advice on external examiners. H.16 Bastiansen, O. 1958, 1963, 1966 Principally re visit of Hodgkin to Norway in 1958. Beevers, C.A. 1936-51 Beevers wasthe inventor with H. Lipson (q.v.) of the Beevers-Lipsonstrips for Fourier analysis. Beevers-Lipsonstrips; research. H.18 Bekoe, D.A. 1963-68 Bekoe was a WestAfrican crystallographer working in Ghana and Nigeria. Research; visit by Hodgkin to Nigeria; recommendation. H.19 Bentley, G.A. 1970-76 Bentley came from the University of Auckland to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He worked onthe crystal structure of 4-zinc insulin. Recommendations. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 253 Correspondence H.20 H.21 Bentz, E.J., Jr. 1965-66, 1970-71 Possible study at Oxford; visit to Oxford. Bernal, E. 1944-45, 1972, 1980-86 Wife of J.D. Bernal. H.22, H.23 Bernal, J.D. various dates 1935-69, nd Hodgkin worked with Bernal in Cambridge 1932-34. He subsequently became Professor at Birkbeck College London, Physics 1937-63, Crystallography 1963-68. Hodgkin lectured and wrote about Bernal on a number of occasions, preparing the biographical memoir for the Royal Society (Bibliog. 160, 1980). See D.22, D.41, D.80-D.102, D.154, D.155, F.133. For material re Bernal Peace Library see G.1-G.6. H.22 1935-39. Bernal). Photocopies of Hodgkin’s letters to Bernal (one to Eileen The years have been added to the photocopies by Hodgkin. For photocopiesof Bernal’s correspondencewithscientific colleagues see D.95-D.102. Originals in Cambridge University Library. H.23 1950 material relates to a 1943, 1950, 1956, 1965, 1967, 1969, nd. decision by the British Association for the Advancementof Science not to 1965 item is copy of a letter to Thomas re-elect Bernal to its Council. Hodgkin. H.24 Bijvoet, J.M. 1949-58, 1971-75 Bijvoet was basedat the University of Utrecht. H.25 Blackett, P.M.S. 1957, 1960 Blackett was a British physicist who was awarded the 1948 Nobel Prize in Physics. Research funding for crystallographic calculations on the Deuce computer at the National Physical Laboratory; requirements for neutron diffraction workin the UK. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 254 Correspondence H.26 Blow, D.M. 1956, 1974-76 Includes letter re Russian scientist refused visa to go to Israel. H.27 Blundell, T.L. 1989-90 1989 letter re Eastern Europeanscientists visiting UK. H.27A Boll-Dornberger, K. née Schiff various dates 1940-81 Kate Schiff was born in Austria and worked for her doctorate in V.M. Goldschmidt’s laboratory at G6ttingen. She came to England as a refugee working for a time with Hodgkin in Oxford. After the Second World War she returned to Germany with her husband Paul Dornberger and subsequently madehercareeratthe Institut flr Strukturforschung,Berlin- Adlersdorf, DDR. Includes biographical account by Hodgkin. H.28 H.29 Booth, A.D. Borisov, V.V. 1945, 1947, 1973 1967-76 Borisov came from the Academy of Sciences of the USSRInstitute of Crystallography, Moscow to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory 1976-77. Arrangements to work in Oxford. H.30 Borras-Cuesta, F. 1968, 1974-78 Borras-Cuesta came from the Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, to take part in the insulin research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Arrangements to work in Oxford; difficulties in carrying out research in Chile; recommendations. H.31 Bragg, W.H. 1939 Bragg wasa British physicist who with his son W.L. Bragg (q.v.) pioneered the technique of x-ray diffraction in the study of crystals. For this work they were jointly awarded the 1915 Nobel Prize in Physics. Oneletter only re publication of Bibliog. 30, 1940 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 255 Correspondence H.32-H.34 Bragg, W.L. various dates 1942-76 H.32 H.33 H.34 1942, 1945-49. 1954-57, 1959, 1965. Bragg’s letter of 6 May 1955 is ‘a wild proposal which youwill turn down right away’ for Hodgkin to come and workat the RoyalInstitution, London. 1969-71, 1976. Material re Bragg Symposium 1970, obituary, reviews, correspondencere Bragg papersat the RoyalInstitution, London. Bragg died in 1971. H.35 Brehm, V.E.L. 1968-72 Brehm came from the Danish Farmaceutiske H¢jskola, Copenhagen to do x-ray structural work on compounds of biological interest in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Arrangements to work in Oxford. H.36 Brink, C. 1949-50, 1952-53 Brink came from Leiden to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. H.37 Brodsky, B. née Doyle 1976-77 Brodsky came from the Rutgers Medical School, New Jersey to work on a crystal structure in Hodgkin’s laboratory. H.38 Bunn, C.W. 1949-55, 1969, 1973 Bunn wasanICI industrial chemist who inventedthe fly’s eye technique in x-ray analysis. For earlier correspondencere his collaboration with Hodgkin in penicillin structure analysis see B.341-B.344, B.375. Research; computerapplications in crystal analysis; recommendation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 256 Correspondence H.39 Candeloro De Sanctis, S. 1966-75, 1987, 1991 Candeloro came from the Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome with a scholarship from the Italian National Research Council to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory. She collaborated in the structure analysis of ferroverdin. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research; publications. H.40 Carlisle, C.H. 1948-58, 1968, 1976, 1980 Carlisle was a research student of Hodgkin at Oxford working on the crystal structure of cholesteryl iodide. He subsequently madehis career at Birkbeck College London succeeding J.D. Bernal in the Chair of Crystallography at Birkbeck in 1968. Research; recommendation. Institute of Physics X ray Analysis Group (XRAG); Includes ‘Synopsis of remarks by Prof. J.D. Bernal’ at autumn meeting of XRAG, 1952. H.41 Chain, E.B. Research. 1945, 1954, 1962 1945 letter includes Chain’s reaction to award of the Nobel Prize in Medicine (with Fleming and Florey) for work on penicillin. H.42-H.46 Chaudhury, A.M. 1973-79 Chaudhury was Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Physics at the University of Dacca who visited Hodgkin’s laboratory in June 1973 as part of a programmearrangedbythe British Council. He subsequently fell foul of the military regime in Bangladesh and was charged with corruption, spending a period in prison, before coming to Oxford as non-stipendiary Visiting Fellow of Wolfson College. Hodgkin made strenuous efforts on the Wolfson Chaudhury’s behalf Fellowship. provision for including financial Principally re Chaudhury’s difficulties with the Bangladesh authorities and efforts to enable him to take up the Wolfson Fellowship. H.42 H.43 1973-75. 1976 January-June. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 257 H.44 H.45 H.46 H.47 Correspondence 1976 July-December. 1977-79. Photocopied and printed background material. Includes copies of documents in the martial law case against Chaudhury, and newsheets published in London by opponents of the military regime in Bangladesh. Chibnall, A.C. 1942, 1947, 1980 Chibnall wasthe Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry at Cambridge 1943-49. Includes copy of Chibnall’s Bakerian Lecture on ‘Amino acid analysis and the structure of protein’ 1942. H.48 Cochran, W. 1950-1956, 1966 Cochran was based at the Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge and the University of Glasgow. H.49 Cook, J.W. 1934 Cook was based at the Research Institute, The Cancer Hospital (Free), Fulham Road, London. re paper on the pentacyclic aromatic hydrocarbon from cholesterol. Includes copy of paper andletter from Cook to Bernal. H.50 Cooper, A. 1961, 1965-69 Cooper came from the University of New South Wales to undertake D.Phil. research in Oxford under Hodgkin’s supervision. Research; recommendations; publication. H.51 Coppola, J.C. 1958-59 re possible D.Phil. work with Hodgkin at Oxford. In the end Coppola went to University College London to work with Kathleen Lonsdale (q.v.). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 258 Correspondence H.52-H.54 Cornforth, J.W. various dates 1945-89 Cornforth was a research student of Sir Robert Robinson in Oxford who subsequently worked at the National Institute for Medical Research, London, “Shell” Research Limited and the University of Sussex. He was awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (jointly) for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Research. H.52 H.53 H.54 H.55 Includes 1945-1957. crystallographic investigation of some phenol formaldehyde polymers’ dated Oxford August 1953. manuscript draft on ‘The 1961-63, 1976, 1989. Manuscript data, x-ray photographsetc. Coulson, C.A. various dates [1947]-1974 Coulson was RouseBall Professor of Mathematics 1952-72 and Professor of Theoretical Chemistry 1972-74, Oxford University. 1974 material relates to organisation of commemorative appeal after Coulson’s death that year. H.56 Coulter, C.L. 1968-75 Coulter was based at the Department of Anatomy, University of Chicago where he carried out research on a monophosphatederivative of vitamin B12. He spent a sabbatical year in Oxford 1970-71. Research; publication; recommendations. H.57, H.58 Cox, E.G. 1936-37, 1946-56, 1960, nd Cox was based at the Chemistry Department, University of Leeds. He subsequently became Secretary of the Agricultural Research Council. H.57 H.58 1936-37. Annual Reports of The Chemical Society. Principally re joint report on crystallography for inclusion in 1946-56, 1960, nd. 1954 correspondence re computing for Hodgkin’s vitamin B12 work. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 259 Correspondence H.59 Cruickshank, D.W.J. 1954, 1957, 1966, 1969-77 Cruickshank was a memberof E.G. Cox’s Department at Leeds University (see H.58). He subsequently held Chairs at Glasgow University and the University of ManchesterInstitute of Science and Technology. 1954letter is re computing for Hodgkin’s vitamin B12 work. H.60 Cutfield, J.F. 1969-76 Cutfield came from the University of Auckland to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He returned to New Zealand to a post at the University of Otago. Arrangements to work in Oxford; recommendations. H.61 Cutfield, S.M. 1970-71, 1975-76 Susan Cutfield came to Oxford with her husband J.F. Cutfield (see H.60) to work as a research assistant in Hodgkin’s laboratory. She subsequently becamean advanced student working under Hodgkin’s supervision for the D.Phil. degree. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research; recommendation. H.62 Dale, D.H. 1957-59, 1966, 1969, 1972 Dale came from RhodesUniversity, South Africa to do D.Phil. research with Hodgkin 1958-62. He subsequently worked at the UK Atomic Energy Research Establishment before moving to Australia. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research; recommendations. H.63 Dale, H.H. 1944, 1965 Dale was a British physiologist best known for his work on the chemical transmission of nerve impulses for which he was awarded(jointly) the 1936 Nobel Prize in Medicine. 1944 letters relate to use of xray tube in laboratory at the Royal Institution, London. H.64 Dargay, J.M. 1970-75 Dargay came from Drexel University, Philadelphia to do D.Phil. research with Hodgkin in Oxford. Arrangements to work in Oxford; progress report; recommendation. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 260 Correspondence H.65 Darwin, C. 1949-50 Darwin moved from Oxford to work in A.L. Patterson’s laboratory at the Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia. Recommendation; impressions of Patterson’s laboratory andlife in the USA generally; Conference on the Solid State at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; research. H.66 Dauben, W.G. 1951, 1954, 1961 Daubenwasbasedin the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley. Suprasterol. H.67 Davies, H. 1972, 1984 re crystallographic study of a compoundfor Biorex Laboratories. H.68 Delbaere, L. 1968-69, 1972-73, 1977 Delbaere came from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg to do postdoctoral research in Oxford supported by the National Research Council of Canada. Arrangements to work in Oxford; recommendation. H.69 Dhar, N.R. 1969 Dhar was basedat the Sheila DharInstitute of Soil Science, University of Allahabad, India. Principally letters from Dharwith details of his biography and agricultural research. H.70 Dietrich, H. von 1957-59 Dietrich came from the Chemical Institute of the University of Heidelberg to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Arrangements to work in Oxford; publications. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 261 Correspondence H.71 Dodds,E.C. 1937, 1940, 1955 Dodds was based at the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London. Research. H.72-H.74 Dodson, G.G. 1960-61, 1965-88, nd Dodson camefrom the University of Auckland to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory, becoming herprincipal colleague for a numberof years in research onthe structure and functionof insulin. He subsequently moved to the University of York where he became Professor of Chemistry. Research and career. 1960-61, 1965-71. Includes recommendations. 1973-77, 1979, 1981-82, 1986, 1988. Includes recommendations. Nd. Includes cvs. Donnay, J.D.H. and Donnay, G. various dates 1947-83 J.D.H. and Gabrielle Donnay were husband and wife working in mineralogical crystallography in the USA and Canada. H.72 H.73 H.74 H.75 H.76 Duax, W.L. 1966, 1981, 1988-89 H.77-H.79 Dunitz, J.D. various dates 1946-84, nd Dunitz came to Oxford in 1946 to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s After periods of research in the USA laboratory working on calciferol. including the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena he madehis career at the Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule, Zurich. Research and career. 1946-49. 1950-56. 1957-58, 1962-65, 1969, 1972, 1984, nd. H.77 H.78 H.79 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 262 Correspondence H.80 Edmond, E.D. 1967, 1969-71, nd Edmond camefrom the University of Edinburgh to do D.Phil. research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He worked onthe x-ray crystallographic analysis of crystals related to vitamin B12. Includes recommendations. H.80A Emelyanov,V.S. 1982-86, nd Emelyanovwasa leading figure in the Soviet atomic bomb project and became Chairman of the State Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy. Correspondence and papers re translation and possible publication of English language version of Emelyanov’s memoirs. Includes letter from Emelyanov giving permission for publication in England, and photograph of Emelyanov. H.81, H.82 Ewald, P.P. various dates 1934-86 the founders of structural Ewald was one of crystallography. He came to Cambridge as a refugee from Nazi Germany in 1937 subsequently moving to Queen’s University Belfast as lecturer and In 1949 he moved to the USA as head of the physics then professor. departmentat the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York. x-ray optics and_ Hodgkin first corresponded with Ewald in 1934 about her paper on the interpretation of Weissenberg photographs (Bibliog. 12). H.81 H.82 1934, 1939, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1974-76, 1979-80. 1986. Correspondence re Royal Society memoir of Ewald (d. 1985), draft memoir by H.A. Bethe, Hodgkin’s comments on draft, Hodgkin’s own memories of Ewald etc. H.83-H.85 Fankuchen, |. various dates [1930s]-1968 Fankuchen was an American crystallographer who came from New York to do postdoctoral research in England successively at Manchester, Cambridge and Birkbeck College London from 1934 to 1939 when he returned to the USA. He subsequently madehis career at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York. Research anda little personal news. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 263 Correspondence H.83 H.84 H.85 H.86 [1930s], 1940-41. biotin’ by Fankuchen. Includes ‘Some x-ray diffraction measurements on 1944-49, 1955-58. Bernal, 12 December 1945. Includes carbon of letter from Fankuchen to J.D. 1962-68. Donnay (q.v.). Fankuchen died in 1964. Includes reprint of ‘Memorial of Isidor Fankuchen’ by J.D.H. Ferguson, G. 1961, 1965-66 Ferguson came from Glasgow to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He worked for a year on monoclinic insulin before returning to Glasgow. Includes recommendation. H.87 Freeman, H.C. 1965-66, 1969, 1974 Freeman was an x-ray crystallographer in the Chemistry Department, University of Sydney. Includes recommendation. H.88 Friedmann, E. 1936, 1944 Friedmann was based at the Biochemistry Laboratory, Cambridge. H.89 Ganguly, A.K. 1973-74 Ganguly wasbasedat the Schering Corporation, Bloomfield, New Jersey. Structural elucidation of Schering antibiotics using x-ray crystallography. H.90-H.92 Glusker, J. née Pickworth 1953-57, 1966-80, 1984, 1987 Glusker was a student of Hodgkin’s at Oxford working for her D.Phil. She then did degree on a degradation product of vitamin B12. postdoctoral researchat the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena subsequently making her career at the Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia. Research and career. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 264 H.90 H.91 H.92 H.93 Correspondence 1953-57. Includes recommendation. 1966-73. Includes recommendations. 1974-80, 1984, 1987. Includes recommendation. Gopal, S. 1974, 1977-78, 1985-86 Gopal’s letter of 9 February 1985 refers to the planning of a seminaronhis father Radhakrishnan’s contribution to philosophy, religion, public affairs and world unity. See also G.159, G.160. Folderalso includes little correspondence 1977-78 with Gopal’s nephew G. Desiraju about the possibility of his doing some work at the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford. H.94 Gowenlock,B.G. 1955-59, 1966, 1984 Gowenlock wasbasedat University College Swansea when he approached Hodgkin about dimeric nitrosomethane crystallography. H.95 Grdenic,D. various dates 1956-87 Grdenic, who worked in Hodgkin’s laboratory for a period preceding the correspondence, was based at the Laboratory of General and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Zagreb. He was oneof the co-authors of a paper on the structure of ferroverdin with Hodgkin (Bibliog. 143). H.96 Greenaway,F. 1953, 1958, 1960 Greenaway wasbased at the Science Museum London. Museum exhibits including vitamin B12 models. H.97 Guss, J.M. 1967-71 Guss approached Hodgkin from the University of Sydney aboutfirst D.Phil. research and then postdoctoral research with her in Oxford. In the event he worked for his Ph.D. in Sydney and carried out postdoctoral research at Sheffield and Sussex Universities. H.98 Hardgrove, G.L. 1960-65 Hardgrove wasbasedat St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. Suprasterol research; sabbatical year in Oxford 1965-66. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 265 Correspondence H.99 Harding, M.M. née Aitken 1968-72, 1979, 1982 Harding was a student at Somerville College Oxford who did D.Phil. research with Hodgkin. She subsequently made her career at Edinburgh and Liverpool Universities. Includes cv. H.100 Harker, D. 1950-51, 1957, 1968, 1977 Harker was Director of The Protein Structure Project at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York. Research; recommendation. H.101 Harrison, H.R. 1966-70, 1973, 1981 Harrison came from Yale to do D.Phil. research in Hodgkin’s laboratory supported by a Marshall Scholarship. Includes recommendations. H.102 Harrison, P.M. née Cowan [1950s], 1955-59, 1968-78, 1991 Harrison studied chemistry with Hodgkin in Oxford and then researched there on ferritin and at King’s College London on fibrous proteins. She subsequently made her career at the University of Sheffield. Research and career. Includes ‘outline programme of work onferritin and apoferritin’ 1957 and recommendations. H.103 Haworth, R.D. 1937-38 Haworth was based at Armstrong College, Newcastle (University of Durham). Examination by x-ray crystallography of specimens sent to Hodgkin by Haworth. H.104 Hodder, O.J.R. 1970-71, 1975 Hodder was an Oxford chemical crystallographer with a particular interest in computer programmesfor structure analysis. Includes recommendations. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 266 Correspondence H.105 Hoskins, B.F. 1961-70 Hoskins came from the University of New South Wales to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research; recommendation. H.106 Hospital, M. 1970-74 Hospital was based at the University of Bordeaux. Visits to Oxford and Bordeaux; meeting organised by ‘Le groupe frangais de croissancecristalline’. H.107 Howard, J.A.K. née Duckworth 1966-75, 1991, nd Howard came from the University of Bristol to study for her D.Phil. supervised by Hodgkin and B.T.M. Willis at Harwell. She subsequently madehercareerat Bristol until 1991 when she movedto the University of Durham as Professor of Chemistry. Includes research report 1967, recommendations and cv. H.107A Huber, C.P. née Saunderson 1958-67 Huber came from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg to do D.Phil. research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. She subsequently returned to Canada to work in the Division of Pure Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa. Arrangements to work in Oxford etc. H.108 Hughes, E.W. various dates 1948-58, 1980-88, nd Hughes was basedatthe California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Visits to Pasadena; visa problems,etc. H.109 Huxley, H.E. 1968, 1974 1968 recommendation. 1974 the problem of muscular contraction and ideas about the sliding filament mechanism as relevant to Jean Hanson’slife and work. See also H.192. H.109A Iball, J. various dates 1946-61 Iball was based at Lever Brothers, Port Sunlight and then the University of St Andrews. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 267 Correspondence H.110 Isaacs, N.W. 1968-78 Isaacs came from the University of Queensland to do postdoctoral research with O. Kennard (q.v.) in Cambridge and then Hodgkin in Oxford. Research and recommendations. H.111, H.112 James, M.M.N. 1962-69, 1973-77 James came from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg to do D.Phil. research with Hodgkin, working on the crystal structure of antibiotic peptides related to penicillin. He subsequently made his career at the University of Alberta. H.111 H.112 H.113 Research and career. 1962-66. Includes recommendations. 1967-69, 1973-77. Includes recommendations. Jeffrey, G.A. 1945, 1952, 1965, 1975 The correspondence wasinitiated while Jeffrey was working at the laboratories of the British Rubber Producers’ Research Association. He subsequently made his career at the University of Leeds and in the USA. Research. H.114 Jensen, H. 1935-38 Jensen was based at the Laboratory for Endocrine Research, Johns Hopkins University when the correspondencewasinitiated. Joint paper on cinobufagin (Bibliog. 20, 1936). H.115 Jerslev, B. 1948-50, 1957 Jerslev came from the Danish School of Pharmacy, Copenhagen to study X-ray crystallography in Hodgkin’s laboratory, subsequently working at Princeton before returning to Denmark. Research and publications. H.116 Jones, E.R.H. 1940, 1946-47, 1950, 1988-89 Correspondence 1940, 1946-47, 1950 re samples sent by Jones to Hodgkin for x-ray analysis. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 268 Correspondence H.117 Kamenar, B. various dates 1963-88 Kamenar was a lecturer of Zagreb University who came to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory on nitroso compounds and on a molybdenum phenol complex. He was a former student of D. Grdenic (q.v.) Arrangements to work in Oxford etc. H.118 Kamper, M.J. née Harrison 1955-59 Reduction of Departmentof Scientific and Industrial Research maintenance allowancefor a married womanliving with her husband. H.119 Kendrew, J.C. 1949, 1967, 1969 Kendrew was the Cambridge x-ray crystallographer who was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly with M.F. Perutz (q.v.) for their research into the structure of globular proteins. 1949 correspondence re refereeing paper by Kendrew for the Royal Society. H.120 Kennard, O. various dates 1949-73, 1985, 1990 Kennard was based at the University Chemical Laboratory Cambridge, becoming Director of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre. Includes recommendations. H.121 Kennedy, A.F. née Cullis 1959-61 Kennedy worked as Hodgkin’s research assistant. Includes ‘Intended research- a study by x-ray crystallographic methodsof insulin and of related structures’, nd, and ‘Summary of x-ray work on insulin since October 1959’ by Ann Kennedy, 25 May 1960. H.122 King, H. 1937 King was basedat the National Institute for Medical Research in London. Ergometrine methiodide and methobromide. H.123 Kirz, J. 1971-73 Kirz was an Associate Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook who came to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory for a year. Arrangements to work in Oxford. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 269 Correspondence H.124 Knox, J. 1967-76, 1981, 1987 Knox was an American x-ray crystallographer who worked with C.K. Prout in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford on various organic complexes of molybdenum. Principally recommendations. H.125 Kon, G.A.R. 1934-35, 1941, 1946 Kon was based at the Organic Chemistry Department, Imperial College London. Specimens sent by Kon for x-ray examination by Hodgkin. Three 1934 letters are addressed to J.D. Bernal. H.126 Kratky, O. 1946-48, 1988 Kratky was basedatthe Institute of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, University of Graz when heinitiated the correspondence. H.127 Laqueur, E. 1935 Laqueur was based at the University of Amsterdam. Testosterone. H.128, H.129 Lewitova, A. 1971-76, 1984, nd Lewitova came from the Charles University, Prague to work in Hodgkin’s She laboratory supported by an EMBO Long Term Fellowship. subsequently married another researcher in the laboratory G.A. Bentley (q.v.). H.128 H.129 1971-73. Arrangements to work in Oxford. 1974-76, 1984, nd. Includes reports on research, recommendations and CV. H.130 Liang, T.-t. 1966-67 Liang workedfor a time in Hodgkin’s laboratory. His visit to the UK was cut short by the Cultural Revolution in China. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 270 Correspondence H.131 Linderstr¢ém-Lang, K. 1938, 1957 Linderstrém-Lang wasDirector of the Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen. H.132 Lindsay, D. 1970, 1973, 1977 In 1970 Lindsay was basedat the University of Sussex; he collaborated with Hodgkin’s laboratory on insulin research. Recommendations. H.133 Lindsey, J.M. née Broomhead 1949-50, 1954-55, 1976 Lindsey was employed as Hodgkin's research assistant supported by the Nuffield Foundation to work on vitamin B12. She subsequently made her career in Canada. 1950 correspondencerelates to scientific visit to USA and includes Lindsey’s reports on vitamin B12 work at Pennsylvania State College. H.134 Linek, A. 1954, 1974, 1978 Linek was based at the Czechoslovak Academyof SciencesInstitute of Solid State Physics, Prague. Advice for colleagues wishing to visit England. H.135 Lipscomb, W.N. 1955-59, 1978, 1980 Lipscomb wasbasedat the University of Minnesota, moving to Harvard in 1959. He was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. 1956-57 correspondencereinvitation for Hodgkin to lecture at University of Minnesota in conjunction with Fourth International Congress of Crystallography at Montreal and her US visa problems. Includes carbon of Hodgkin’s visa application. See also F.9. H.136, H.137 Lipson, H. 1942-91 Lipson was the inventor with C.A. Beevers (q.v.) of the Beevers-Lipson strips for Fourier analysis. After work at the Crystallographic Laboratory, Cambridge Lipson made his career at the University of ManchesterInstitute of Science and Technology where he was Professor and Head of the Physics Department for many years. Research; publications; visits. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 271 Correspondence 1942-45, 1948-53, 1958, 1960. 1965, 1968, 1972-73, 1976-77, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1991. H.136 H.137 H.138-H.140 Lonsdale, K. 1943-60, 1966, 1970 Lonsdale was an x-ray crystallographer based at the Royal Institution, London moving to University College London in 1946. Research; publications; visits. H.138 H.139 H.140 1943-45. 1946-1951. 1954-56, 1959-60, 1966, 1970. H.141-H.143 Low, B.W. 1943-58, 1971 Low wasone of Hodgkin’s students at Oxford and workedwith her on the structure of penicillin. She went to work in Linus Pauling’s departmentat the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 1946-47 and subsequently made hercareer in the USA. H.141 H.142 H.143 H.144 Research; publications; career. 1943-47. Includes recommendations. 1948-49. 1950-58, 1971. Includes recommendations. Lowe, G. Lowewasbasedat the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford. Research. H.145 Littke, W. 1972-73 1955-56 Littke was based at the Physical Chemistry Institute, Freiburg. Research. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 272 Correspondence H.146 Luzzati, V. 1952, 1956-57, 1959 Luzzati was based at the Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolecules, Strasbourg. 1956-57 correspondencerevisit to research centres in the UK. H.147 MacGillavry, C.H. 1937, 1952-53, 1965, 1976 MacGillavry worked in the Netherlands where she became Directorof the Crystallography Laboratory, University of Amsterdam. Correspondence 1952-53, 1965 re visits to the Netherlands. H.148 Mackay, M.F. various dates 1956-82, nd Mackay began research in x-ray analysis through assisting Hodgkin's research on the structure of vitamin B12. She subsequently made her career in Australia. Includes thesis report and recommendation. H.149 Magnéli, A. 1961, 1977 Magnéli was based atthe University of Stockholm and was 1977 President of the International Union of Crystallography. Includes draft of article by Magnéli to celebrate the 90th birthday of P.P. Ewald (q.v.) in 1978. H.150 Marshak, A. 1939, 1947 H.151, H.152 Maslen, E.N. 1955-69, 1975-76, 1979, 1984 Maslen came to Oxford from Australia on a Rhodes Scholarship and His principal subject for worked with Hodgkin for his D.Phil. degree. research wasthe structure of the antibiotic, cephalosporin c. He returned to Australia and made his career at the University of Western Australia, Perth. Research and career. H.151 H.152 1955-57, 1958-62. Includes laboratory notes on Penicillin V. 1965-69, 1975-76, 1979, 1984. Includes recommendations. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 273 Correspondence H.153 Mason, S.A. 1970-71, 1973, 1977 Mason came from the University of Melbourne to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory at Oxford and with B.T.M. Willis at Harwell. He subsequently moved to the Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin, Grenoble. Arrangements to work in Oxford; recommendations. H.154 Mathieson, A. McL. 1955, 1960, 1965-66 Mathieson was an Australian scientist working for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). Includes recommendation. H.155 Megaw, H.D. 1951, 1956, 1966 Includes recommendation. H.156 Mellor, D.P. 1956, 1958-60 Mellor was based at the School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales. Research. H.157, H.158 Mendel, H. 1950-53, 1967-74, 1978 Mendel cameto work with Hodgkin as a Ramsey Research Fellow from the University of Utrecht. He worked for his D.Phil. degree partly at Oxford and partly at Utrecht(with J.M. Bijvoet q.v.) on creatine and creatinine. He returned to the Netherlands and worked in industry before taking an academic postat the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Research and career. H.157 H.158 1950-53, 1967-69. Includes recommendation. 1970-74, 1978. Includes recommendations. H.159, H.160 Mercola, D.A. 1968-78, 1985, 1989 Mercola came from the University of California, Irvine to undertake postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory on the structure of insulin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 274 Correspondence H.159 H.160 H.161 1968-71. recommendations; cv. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research proposal; 1973-78, 1985, 1989. Recommendations; grant application; cv etc. Milledge, H.J. 1956, 1970-73 Milledge wasanx-ray crystallographer who workedwith Kathleen Lonsdale (q.v.) at University College London. Includes recommendations. H.162 Mills, O.S. 1963, 1965, 1974-75 Mills was an x-ray crystallographer based at the University of Manchester. Includes recommendations. H.163, H.164 Moore, F.H. various dates 1963-83, nd Moore came from the University of Auckland and, after a period as a researcher at Harwell, worked for his D.Phil. with Hodgkin at Oxford and B.T.M. Willis at Harwell on a neutron diffraction study of vitamin B12. He subsequently made his careerat the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering. Research and career. 1963-65. Includes ‘Summary of proposals for future work’, progress report 1965, recommendations and cv. 1966-67, 1970, 1972, 1974-76, 1983, nd. Includes recommendations. Murray-Rust, P. 1963, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1989 Includes recommendations. H.163 H.164 H.165 H.166 Needham, D.M.M. and Needham, J. various dates 1944-88 Includes ‘Memorandum onthe health of Dr Dorothy Needham FRS’, 1985. H.167 Neuberger, A. various dates 1934-76 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 275 Correspondence H.168 Nockolds, C.E. 1966-70 Nockolds came from Perth, Western Australia to do D.Phil. research with Hodgkin on the x-ray analysis of a monoacid derivative of vitamin B12. Includes recommendations. H.169 Norman, A.W. 1975-78 Norman was based at the Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Riverside. Vitamin D. H.170 Nowacki, W. various dates 1937-63, 1972-76, 1981 Nowacki was based at the Mineralog.-Petrograph. Institut, University of Bern. H.171 Nyholm, R.S. 1965, 1970-71. Nyholm wasProfessor of Chemistry at University College London. Includes thesis report. H.172 Nzokou, L. (variant Njoku) 1974, 1978-88 Nzokou wasborn in The Cameroons and received an advanced education He in chemistry at the University of Voronesz in the Soviet Union. subsequently held academic posts in Ethiopia and Algeria. Hodgkin had know Nzokou for many years, and actively supported his career. He addresses her as ‘Mama’ or ‘Maman’ in the correspondence. Includes recommendations and cv. H.173 Osaki, K. 1956-59, 1965-66 Osaki was a research scientist from Osaka University who worked in Hodgkin’s laboratory for a few months in 1959 supported by a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship. Osaki became Professorof Inorganic Chemistry at Kyoto University which Hodgkin visited in 1965. 1956-59 correspondence re arrangements for Osaki to work in Oxford. Includes copy of Osaki’s ‘Report of the European Trip (January-February 1959)’. 1965-66 correspondence re Hodgkin’svisit to Japan. See also F.25, F.26. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 276 Correspondence H.174-H.176 Patterson, A.L. various dates 1938-83 In a letter of 20 October 1966 (H.174) Hodgkin described Patterson as the person ‘who had made the mostdifference to x-ray crystallographic studies after the initial discoveries in 1912-15 of x-ray diffraction and structure analysis’. In her opinion his 1935 paper‘A direct method for the determination of the components of interatomic distancesin crystals’ had been‘usedin the solution of the vast majority of crystals studied anywhere since 1935’. Patterson who washeadof the Department of Molecular Structure at the Institute of Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia died in November 1966. 1938, 1948-49, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1966. Includes obituaries. 1969-70, 1980, 1983. Correspondence 1969-70 is with Patterson’s widow re visit to Philadelphia to lecture. Correspondence 1980, 1983 is re A.L. Patterson award of the American Crystallographic Association. ‘A.L. Patterson : Experiences in Crystallography - 1924 to date’. typescript autobiographical account. 13pp H.174 H.175 H.176 H.177, H.178 Pauling, L.C. various dates 1946-91 H.177 H.178 H.179 Pauling was an American theoretical chemist and biologist who received the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on intermolecular forces. He was also awarded the 1962 PeacePrize. Includes ‘The road to Stockholm’ presented by the Chemistry 1946-60. and Biology Stock Company, 3 December 1954, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. This dramatic production marked the award of the 1954 NobelPrize in Chemistry. 1965-91. Pepinsky, R. 1949-50, 1953, 1957-58 Pepinsky wasbasedat the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn and from October 1949 the Pennsylvania State College. He wasa pioneerin the use of the electronic computerin the analysis of x-ray crystallographic data. Research; visits. Includes ‘tentative’ programme for Conference on computers and the phase problem in x-ray analysis, Pennsylvania State College, 6-8 April 1950. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 277 Correspondence H.180-H.183 Perutz, M.-F. various dates 1939-92, nd H.180 H.181 H.182 H.183 Perutz was the Cambridge x-ray crystallographer who was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly with J.C. Kendrew for their research into the structure of globular proteins. 1939-49, 1955, 1958. crystal structure of haemoglobin 1st July 1943 - 1st August 1944’. Includes ‘Summary report on researches into the 1964, 1972-80. review. Includes article on origins of molecular biology and 1981-89, 1992. Includes reviews. Nd. Undated correspondenceanddrafts. Includes untitled draft ‘account of protein structure from the Xray side’ and ‘Enemyalien’, Perutz’s account of his Second World War experiences. Some of the correspondenceis on CrystallographicLaboratory, Cambridge, CavendishLaboratory, Cambridge and Peterhouse, Cambridge headed notepaper. H.184 Phillips, D.C. 1955-65, 1972 Phillips was based at the National Research Council, Canada and the Royal Institution, London before moving to Oxford in 1967 as Professor of Molecular Biophysics. Research and career. H.185 Pope, G.S. 1955, 1973, 1980 Pope wasbasedatthe National Institute for Research in Dairying, Reading. Research; recommendation. H.186 Prasad, J.S. 1975, 1977 Prasad came from the Physics Department, University of Mysore to work in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford supported by a Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship. Arrangements to work in Oxford; letters of thanks. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 278 Correspondence H.187 Raistrick, H. 1935-36 Raistrick was based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Raistrick’sfirst letter of 29 October 1935 is addressed to Professor Robert Robinson at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford. Aurofusarin. Ramachandran, G.N. 1964, 1966, 1972, 1981 H.188 H.189 Raman, S. 1959-60, 1972 1962-92 H.190, H.191 Ramaseshan, S. Ramaseshan spent a year in Hodgkin’s laboratory 1963-64 as a Senior Visiting Research Fellow. He then returned to India where he held a number of leading scientific positions including Director of Research, National Aeronautical Laboratory, Bangalore and Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Visits. 1962-77. 1979-92. Ramaseshan’s 60th birthday. Includes short tribute by Hodgkin on the occasion of H.190 H.191 H.192 Randall, J.T. 1947-50, 1955, 1974-75, 1981 1974-75 correspondence re Randall’s Royal Society memoir of Jean Hanson andin particular the history of the sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction. Includes correspondence with H.E. Huxley (q.v.) and drafts of relevant section of memoir. H.193 Rasmussen, S.E. 1970, 1972, 1976, 1979 Rasmussenwasbasedat the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark. He served for a term as General Secretary and Treasurerof the International Union of Crystallography. H.194 Rawlins, F.1.G. 1946-47 Rawlins was based at the National Gallery, London. Examination of organic compoundsfrom Holland. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 279 Correspondence H.195 Richter, F. 1955, 1961 Richter was basedat the Beilstein-Institut, Frankfurt am Main. Research. H.196 Riley, D.P. 1939-56, 1966, 1976 Riley was Hodgkin’s first research student who did pioneering work with her on both insulin and lactoglobulin. Includes recommendations. H.197 Rimmer, B. née Oughton 1961, 1973, 1977 Rimmer worked with Hodgkin as a Research Fellow 1952-61 onthe crystal structure ofinsulin. H.198 Roberts, K.C. 1936, 1939-40 The correspondencewasinitiated when Roberts was basedat the Rubber ResearchInstitute of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Research. H.199 Robertson, J.H. 1948-54, 1963-69, 1978 The correspondencewasinitiated when Robertson wasbasedat the Dewar Crystallographic Laboratory, University of Edinburgh. After research at Pennsylvania State College and at Oxford with Hodgkin (on vitamin B12) he made his career at the University of Leeds. Research and career. Includes recommendation. H.200 Robertson, J.M. 1937, 1945-50, 1955, 1989-90 Robertson was Gardiner Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, 1942-70. Equipment, International Tables, computational worketc. Includes photograph of plaque honouring Robertson’s work unveiled at Glasgow in 1989. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 280 Correspondence H.201-H.203 Robinson, R. various dates 1935-67, 1970-75 H.201 H.202 H.203 H.204 Robinson was Waynflete Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University, 1930- 55. He was awarded the 1947 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on plant products of biological importance, especially alkaloids. 1935, 1940, 1945, 1947, 1955-58, 1960, 1964, 1967. 1970-75. Includes Hodgkin’s ‘Memories of Robert Robinson’ prepared for tape recorded discussion between Hodgkin and Robinson. Transcript of tape recorded discussion. Rogers, D. 1956, 1966, 1968, 1976 Rogers wasbasedat University College Cardiff in 1956. He subsequently became Professor of Chemical Crystallography at Imperial College London. H.205 Rollett, J.S. 1949, 1954-55, 1967 Rollett did his Ph.D. research at the University of Leeds and then postdoctoral researchat the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena returning to the UK to work with Hodgkin at Oxford. H.206 Rosenheim, O. 1934-41 Rosenheim was based at the National Institute for Medical Research, London. The first letter in the correspondence is addressed to J.D. Bernal. Research and publications. H.207 Rossman, M.G. 1957, 1972, 1977, 1989 Rossman was an American x-ray crystallographer who collaborated with Hodgkin on insulin research. Includes recommendations. H.208 Rumanova, I.M. 1966-67, 1969-73 Rumanovawasbasedat the Academyof Sciences of the USSRInstitute of Crystallography, Moscow. Proposedvisit to Oxford. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 281 Correspondence H.209 Rumball, S. née Sheat 1965-67, nd Rumball came from the University of Auckland to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. She worked on the cadmium complexofinsulin. Includes recommendations. H.210 Sabesan, M.N. 1970-80 Sabesan camefrom the University of Madras to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Includes thesis report; recommendations; cv. H.211, H.212 Sakabe, N. and Sakabe, K. 1972-84, nd The Sakabes (husband and wife) came from Nagoya University to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory as part of an exchange agreement betweenthe Royal Society and Japan. They worked onthe refinement ofthe crystal structure of insulin. Arrangements to work in Oxford; research and publication. H.211 H.212 1972-75. 1976-84, nd. Includes recommendation. The undated correspondencerelates to the insulin research carried out during the Sabakes’ stay in Oxford and gives someindication of the working relationship between Hodgkin and her collaborators at this time. H.213 Sasvari, K. 1970-71, 1976, 1987 Sasvari was a Hungarian crystallographer based in 1970 at the Central ResearchInstitute for Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. H.214-H.218 Sayre, D. 1949-57, 1961-62, 1970-80, 1989 physics at Yale, and after wartime work at the Sayre studied Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pursuedaninterest in x-ray analysis of large molecules, first at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn (R. Pepinsky q.v.), and then at Oxford where he worked under Hodgkin’s supervision for the D.Phil. degree. Returning to the USA he workedfor a time at the Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, University of Pennsylvania before making his career in the research departmentof IBM, New York. He spent the academic year 1972-73 at Oxford with a Visiting Fellowship at All Souls College. Research and career. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 282 Correspondence 1949-50. 1951-55. Includes grant application, recommendations. 1955-57, 1961-62, 1970. Includes recommendations. 1971-73. 1974-75, 1977-80, 1989, nd. Includes cv, recommendation and Hodgkin's comments on book by Sayre’s wife Anne on Rosalind Franklin. H.214 H.215 H.216 H.217 H.218 H.219 Schmidt, G. 1950-51, 1954-55, 1975 After working with Hodgkin in Oxford Schmidt moved to Israel where he madehis career at the WeizmannInstitute of Science, Rehovoth. H.220 Schubnikov, A.V. 1944, 1946, 1954 Schubnikov wasDirector of the Academyof Sciences of the USSRInstitute of Crystallography, Moscow. H.221 H.222 Not used. Sheehan, J.C. 1982 Sheehan was an American organic chemist who solved the chemical synthesis of penicillin. History of penicillin. H.223 Shefter, E. 1963-69 Shefter came from the University of California, Los Angeles to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He returned to the USAto work at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Includes recommendation. H.224 Shoppee, C.W. 1946-55, 1964, 1977 Shoppee wasbased successively at the Chester Beatty ResearchInstitute London, University College Swansea and the University of Sydney. The first letter in the correspondenceis addressed to J.D. Bernal. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 283 Correspondence H.225 Spring, F.S. various dates 1936-51 Spring was basedat the University of Manchester and the Royal Technical College Glasgow. Thefirst letter in the correspondence is addressed to Bernal. H.225A Steiner, D.F. 1971, 1974-77 Steiner was based at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Chicago. He wasa close collaborator of Hodgkin in insulin research and was particularly known for his discovery of the biological precursor of insulin, proinsulin. Principally re proposedvisit to Oxford. H.226 Stoeckli-Evans, H. 1968-72 Stoeckli-Evans came from the University of Salford to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. Includes recommendation. H.227 Stora, C. 1945, 1951, 1958-60 Stora was a French chemical crystallographer basedin Paris. H.228 Synge, R.L.M. 1945-59, 1972, 1975, 1989 The very great bulk of the correspondence was conducted while Synge wasbasedat the Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeenshire. He subsequently moved to the Food ResearchInstitute, Norwich. Synge was awarded the 1952 Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly with A.J.P. Martin for their invention of partition chromatography. Research. H.229 Taylor, N.E. née White 1955-60 Taylor came from the University of Western Australia, Nedlands to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory supported by a Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation overseas studentship. After a period at the University of Cape Town shereturned to Australia. Includes thesis report. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 284 Correspondence H.230 Taylor, W.H. various dates 1934-71 Taylor was based at Laboratory, Cambridge. the Crystallographic Laboratory, Cavendish H.231 Thatcher, M.H. née Roberts 1970, 1983, 1985, 1988 Thatcher was a student of Somerville College Oxford who chose to do her Part II Chemistry with Hodgkin working on gramicidin. She worked as an industrial chemist for a time before reading for the Bar and entering politics. She became leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 and was Prime Minister, 1979-91. Includes draft letter from Hodgkin to Thatcher re Russia 1983 and Hodgkin’s recollections of Thatcher at Oxford written for A.L. Hodgkin 1970 and M.A. Epstein 1988. H.232 Thompson, B.P. 1965-69 Thompson came from the University of St Andrews to do postdoctoral research with Hodgkin. He subsequently worked for the British Council and was postedto India. Includes recommendations. H.233 Tischenko, G.N. 1962-64, 1971 Tischenko was based at the Academyof Sciences of the USSRInstitute of Crystallography, Moscow where she worked on derivatives of gramicidin S. Arrangements to work in Oxford. H.234 Tovborg Jensen, A. 1945, 1947, 1958-59, 1976 Tovborg Jensen wasbased at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural School, Copenhagen. H.235 Trueblood, K.N. various dates 1957-89, nd. Trueblood was based at the University of California, Los Angeles. He collaborated with Hodgkin on vitamin B12 research and crystallographic data from Hodgkin was processed on an electronic computer at UCLA. The first letter in the correspondenceis from J.D. Bernal re proposedvisit of Trueblood to the Soviet Union. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 285 Correspondence H.236 Vaciago, A. various dates 1958-76 Vaciago wasanItalian x-ray crystallographer who worked with Hodgkin in Oxford on a numberof occasions. Includes recommendation. H.237 Vainshtein, B.K. 1973-78, 1981, 1986-91 Vainshtein was the Director of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Crystallography, Moscow (in succession to A.V. Schubnikov q.v.). Includes recommendations. material re Anglo-Soviet scientific exchange, and H.238 Venkatappa, M.P. Venkatappa wasan Indian scientist working in the USA. H.239 Venkatesan, K. 1969-73 1961-86 Venkatesan wasanIndian scientist who did postdoctoral research with J.D. Dunitz at Zdrich and then with Hodgkin at Oxford where he worked on the B12 nucleus compound, Factor Via. He returned to India to make his career at the University of Madras and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Research and career. Includes recommendations. H.240-H.242 Vijayan, M. and Vijayan, K. 1966-91 Vijayan came from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory 1966-69, working on the crystal structure of insulin. He was accompaniedbyhis wife who wasalso a scientist. He then returned to Bangalore spending a further period in Oxford 1976-77. Research and career. 1966-69. Includes thesis reports. 1971-75. Includes photographs and recommendation. 1976-91. Includes recommendation. H.240 H.241 H.242 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 286 Correspondence H.243, H.244 Viswamitra, M.A. 1963-77 Viswamitra came from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory on the structure of the peptide antibiotic thiostrepton supported by a grant from the SquibbInstitute for Medical Research. He returned to Bangalore to makehis career, spending further periods of research in Oxford and Cambridge. Research and career. 1963-67. period Nov. 65 - Oct. 66’, and recommendations. Includes ‘Abstract of work done on thiostrepton during the 1968-77. Includes recommendations. H.243 H.244 H.245, H.246 Waters, T.N.M. 1963, 1967-75, 1979 Waters was based at the Chemistry Department, University of Auckland. He spent a sabbatical year in Oxford 1964-65 whenhecollaborated with Hodgkin in the study of a vitamin B12 derivative. He returned to Oxford Over the years he sent a numberof for the second half of 1971. postdoctoral students to work in Hodgkin’s laboratory. H.245 H.246 H.247 Research and career. 1963, 1967-71. Includes recommendations. 1972-75, 1979. Includes recommendations. Watson, K.J. 1960-72 Watson came from the University of Western Australia, Nedlands to do postdoctoral research in Hodgkin’s laboratory. He subsequently took up an appointmentat the University of Copenhagen. Includes recommendations. H.248 White, J.G. 1975 White was based at the Chemistry Department, Fordham University, New York. Sabbatical in Oxford. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Correspondence H.249 Wiebenga, E.H. Wiebenga was based at the University of Groningen. Visits. 287 1949-58 H.250 Willis, B.T.M. 1966, 1968, 1973-78 Willis was based at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. Correspondence and papers 1973-74 re meeting on Neutrons and Biology at the Rutherford Laboratory, 18 April 1974. Hodgkin talked on ‘Three dimensional crystallography’. H.251 Wilson, A.J.C. various dates 1949-58, 1974, 1976 Wilson was based at University College Cardiff and the University of Birmingham. Includes recommendation. H.252 Wilson, H. Wife of A.J.C. Wilson. H.253 H.254 Windaus, A. Woodward, R.B. 1972-73 1948 various dates 1956-86 Woodward wasbasedat the Department of Chemistry, Harvard. He was awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for outstanding achievements in organic synthesis. 1956 item is letter from Hodgkin re vitamin B12. Includes photograph of Woodward 1976 and Hodgkin’s ‘Memoriesof R.B. Woodward’. He died in 1979. H.254A Woolfson, M.M. 1971, 1975-79, 1989 Woolfson was Professor of Physics at the University of York. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 288 Correspondence H.255-H.257 Wrinch, D. various dates 1939-70, 1976-77 Wrinch was the creator of the cyclol theory of peptide structures. She moved to the USA before the Second World War and wasaffiliated with Smith College, Massachusetts for many years. H.255 1939, 1943-53, 1958, 1970. H.256, H.257 1976-77. biographical information, recollections. 2 folders. Symposium in honour of Wrinch’s memoir, obituaries, H.258 Wyckoff, R.W.G. 1947-53, nd Wyckoff was basedat the Laboratory of Physical Biology, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. He subsequently became Science Attaché at the American Embassy in London. Necrosis virus crystals; Hodgkin’s visa difficulties (1953). H.259 Yablochkov, L.D. 1983, 1987-91, nd Yablochkov was an Africanist who worked at the Institute of African Hodgkin’s husband Thomasfirst met him in Ghana Studies, Moscow. 1960-64. Visits to the UK. H.260 Zahn, H. 1957, 1965, 1972-75 Zahn was based at the Deutches Wollforschungsinstitut, Aachen. H.261, H.262 Zeidan, H.M.M. 1987-90 Zeidan studied and taught chemistry at the University of Khartoum. Hodgkin sought to help him take up someuseful research, preferably in the study of pollution, which would fit him better for an academic career in other universities. H.261 H.262 1987-88. Includes recommendations. 1989-90. Includes recommendation, cv, proposed research project. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 289 Correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE H.263 1933-36 H.280 1960-61 H.264 1937-39 H.281 1962-63 H.265 1940-41 H.266 1942-43 H.267 1944-45 H.268 1946-47 H.269 1948-49 H.270 1950 H.271 1951 H.272 1952 H.273 1953 H.274 1954 H.275 1955 H.276 1956 H.277 1957 H.278 1958 H.279 1959 H.282 1964-65 H.283 1966 H.284 1967 H.285 1968-69 H.286 1970 H.287 1971 (1) H.288 1971 (2) H.289 1972 (1) H.290 1972 (2) H.291 1973 H.292 1974 H.293 1975 H.294 1976 H.295 1977 H.296 1978 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 290 Correspondence H.297 1979 H.298 1980-81 H.299 1982-83 H.300 1984 H.302 1987 H.303 1988 H.304 1989 H.305 1990-91 H.301 1985-86 H.306 nd REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS H.307 1942-48 H.308 1952, 1956-59 H.309 1961-66 H.310 1967 H.311 1968 (1) H.312 1968 (2) H.313 1969 H.314 1970 (1) H.315 1970 (2) H.316 1971 (1) H.317 1971 (2) H.318 1972 H.319 1973 H.320 1974 H.321 1975 H.322 1976 H.323 1977-78 H.324 1979 H.325 1980-82 H.326 1983-86 H.327 1987 H.328 1988 H.329 1989 H.330 1990-92 H.331 Nd D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 291 SECTIONJ NON-PRINT MATERIAL J.1-J.83 J.1-J.30 PHOTOGRAPHS J.1-J.6 Photographs of Hodgkin J.7-J.14 Photographs with scientific colleagues J.15-J.21 Visits and conferences J.22-J.24 Laboratories, apparatus, models J.25-J.29 Domestic and family J.30 Photograph album J.31-J.79 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES J.31-J.53 Insulin J.54-J.58 Vitamin B12 J.59-B.79 Miscellaneous J.80-J.82 SOUND RECORDINGS J.83 FILM D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 292 Non-print material PHOTOGRAPHS Photographs of Hodgkin J.1 J.2 J.3-J.6 Photographs for Royal Society portfolio, 1947. India, 1974. Undated photographs, arranged in approximate chronological order, [1950s - ca.1990]. Four folders. Photographswith scientific colleagues J.7 J.8 J.9 J.10 J.11 Photograph of Hodgkin with J.D. Bernal, D. Fankuchen and |. Fankuchen, [1930s]. With H.M. Powell and colleagues from Oxford laboratory, [early 1950s]. With unidentified colleagues. Inscribed on verso ‘Exeter meeting of the Chemical] Soc[iety]. Announcementof str[ucture] of B12 '[?1955]. A.L. Patterson and colleagues, possibly in his room at the Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase, Philadelphia, 1961. With P.L. Kapitza. One photographis inscribed on verso ‘Dorothy Hodgkin and Peter Kapitza at K’s country house near Moscow. 1970-80’. Folder includes letter from Anne Kapitza, 1987, in which she writes ‘| am sending you a photo as a remembranceof your visits to our country place’. J.12 With F.H.C. Crick, 1987. The photographis labelled ‘5 March 1987 at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla CALIF. NIMSLO 3-D Photo by Mike Pique’. J.13, J.14 Undated photographs. Twofolders. J.13 J.14 With K. Boll-Dornberger. With D.C.Phillips. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 293 Non-print material Visits and conferences J.15 Kiev, 21953. See also F.7 J.16 J.17 J.18 J.19 Halle, East Germany, 1968. Spain, 71976. See also F.103. Eleventh General Assembly and International Congress of the IUCr, Warsaw, 1978. See also E.142-E.148. 29th Pugwash Conference, Mexico City, 1979. See also G.45. International Symposium on ‘Frontiers in Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Biology’, USSR, 1984. Moscow, July 1986. J.20, J.21 Japan, August 1986. Twofolders. J.20 J.21 Photographs, inscribed on verso‘at International House of Japan, Tokyo.’ Photographs of Hodgkin taking part in a television panel discussion with Linus Pauling and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Laboratories, apparatus, models J.22-J.24 Nd. Three folders. J.24 contains photograph inscribed on verso ‘This is a picture of B12 [model] | took out of the windowin your labin Oxford: thought you might enjoy it. Love Ed Stanford.’ Domestic and family J.25, J.26 Family photographs, [1938-1940s]. Twofolders. J.27 IImington, Photographs of Crab Mill, Warwickshire, with family members and colleagues. One photograph only dated 1977. the Hodgkin family home, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 J.28 J.29 Photograph album J.30 294 Non-print material Photographsat Crab Mill, [?1980s]. Photograph of Hodgkin family home, PowderHill near Oxford, inscribed to be sent as a greetings card by Hodgkin, nd. Presented to Hodgkin by the Pugwash Council at the 38th Pugwash Conference, Dagomys, USSR, on the occasion of her retirement from the Presidency of Pugwash, 1988. The album, which was signed by most members of the Pugwash Council, contains photographs of Pugwash occasions 1969-88. PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES Found in plastic sheets with slide-pockets. As far as possible the titles on the original filing cabinet drawer dividers have been reproduced as the catalogue entries. Insulin J.31 J.32 J.33 J.34 J.35 J.36 J.37 J.38 ‘Early insulin.’ ‘insulin first outline solution.’ ‘insulin second outline solution.’ ‘insulin third outline solution.’ ‘Insulin : third solution : crystal, hezamer, dimer, monomer.’ ‘details of the structure.’ ‘View of the str[ucture of] insulin.’ ‘insulin 6A resolution map.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 295 Non-print material J.39 J.40 ‘insulin 2.8A resolution map.’ ‘insulin ; 1.9A electron density maps.’ J.41 | ‘Insulin : orgn of the crystal structure. Concanavalin A,etc.’ J.42 J.43 J.44 J.45 J.46 J.47 J.48 J.49 J.50 J.51 J.52 J.53 ‘4 Zn [insulin].’ ‘4 zinc insulin.’ ‘hagfish i[nsulin] 1st row.’ ‘cubic insulin.’ ‘insulin crystals and history.’ ‘insulin and biological action.’ ‘insulin Pattersons, heavy atoms.’ ‘insulin history.’ ‘electron density.’ ‘insulin models.’ ‘LDH Slides - from Margaret Adams.’ Untitled. Vitamin B12 J.54 J.55 ‘Factor Via and synthetic corrins.’ ‘B12 Coenzyme.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 J.56 J.57 J.58 Miscellaneous J.59 J.60 J.61 J.62 J.63 J.64 J.65 J.66 J.67 J.68 J.69 J.70 J.71 J.72 296 Non-print material ‘B12 and neo B12 and B12 iodide.’ ‘B12 monoacid: X-rays.’ ‘neutron diffraction monoacid.’ ‘Penicillin.’ ‘penicillin, x-rays, peptides.’ ‘X ray analysis : Pattersons benzene, hexamethylenetetramenetartrates.’ ‘Sterols.’ ‘biological structures.’ ‘C.F. Powell.’ ‘Direct methods - reserpine, Ted Maslen.’ ‘Liquid crystals.’ ‘Hugo Miller Lecture - nonactin, patch only alcohol, hodg.’ ‘crystals and biological structures.’ ‘crystalline proteins : lysozyme, carboxypeptidase,etc.’ ‘various proteins.’ ‘history.’ ‘X-ray diffraction = benzene; boron hydride.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 297 Non-print material J.73 J.74 ‘TMVViruses.’ ‘haemoglobin and myoglobin.’ J.75-J.79 Untitled. Five sheets. SOUND RECORDINGS J.80 J.81 J.82 FILM J.83 Tape recording (% track mono 3% i.p.s.) of Hodgkin’s Nobel Guest Lecture on ‘Problemsin the x-ray analysis of proteins’, Bibliog. 145, 1974. This was presented in connection with the Stockholm Symposium on the Structure of Biological Molecules, 9-11 July, 1973. Includesintroductory address to symposium and introduction to Hodgkin's lecture. Cassette recording of Hodgkin’s ‘Chancellor's Address’, Education Department, Bristol University, 30 October 1974. Hodgkin’s address was entitled ‘What should we learn? Problems and The address includes biographical reflections, and was experiences’. introduced by the Vice Chancellor, Sir Alec Merrison. See also D.145. Cassette recording of Hodgkin’s Plenary Lecture on ‘New and old problemsin the structure analysis of vitamin B12’, at the Third European Symposium on Vitamin B12 and Intrinsic Factor, Zurich, 5-8 March 1979. Includes introductory remarks to the opening session by Lord Todd and K.A. Folkers. See also F.129. 16mm film ‘Crystal structure of the insulin dimer’, Computer Systems Laboratory, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1971. Running time approximately 8 minutes. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994) VOLUME Il Bibliography Index of correspondents by Peter Harper and Paul Newman NCUACScatalogue no. 47/3/94 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 BIBLIOGRAPHY 298 This bibliography has been compiled for the catalogue from Hodgkin’s own incompletelists (D.108) and a search of the abstractliterature. Following the example of Hodgkin’s lists, her Ph.D. thesis has been included. Referencesin the catalogueareto this bibliography in the form Bibliog.... 1932 1933 (with H.M. Powell) Layer chain structures of thallium dialkyl halides, Nature, Lond. 130, 131. (with J.D. Bernal) The structure of the Diel’s hydrocarbon C,, H,¢. Chemy Ind., Lond. 52, 729. (with J.D. Bernal) Crystal structure of vitamin B1 and of adenine hydrochloride. J. chem. Soc., p.716. (with J.D. Bernal) Crystalline phases of some substances studied as liquid crystals. Trans. Faraday Soc. 29, 1032. (with J.D. Bernal, B. Robinson & W.A. Wooster) Crystallography Annual Reports. Chemical Society, p.379. 1934 (with H.M. Powell) Crystal structures of dimethyl thallium halides. Z. Kristallogr. 87, 370. (with J.D. Bernal) X-ray photographsofcrystalline pepsin. Nature, Lond. 133, 794. (with J.D. Bernal) X-ray crystallographic measurements on some derivatives of cardiac aglucones. Chemy Ind. 53, 953. (with J.D. Bernal) Use of the centrifuge in determining the density of small crystals. Nature, Lond. 134, 809. 1935 (with J.D. Bernal) The structure of some hydrocarbonsrelated to the sterols. J. chem. Soc., p.93 X-ray single crystal photographs of insulin. 591. Nature, Lond. 135, 1) 2) 5) 6) 10) 11) D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 299 Bibliography 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) The interpretation of Weissenberg photographs in relation to crystal symmetry. Z. Kristallogr. (A) 90, 215. A note on the X-ray crystallography of the toad-poisons bufagin and cinobufagin and of strophanthidin. Chemy Ind., Lond. 54, 568- 9. (with J.D. Bernal) Molecular weight of calciferol and related substances. Chemy Ind., Lond. 54, 701-2. 1936 X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols. thesis, University of Cambridge. Ph.D. (with B.K. Blount) The veratrine alkaloids. cevanthrol, and the cevanthrol and cevanthridine. J. chem. Soc., p.414. crystallographic x-ray Ill. The preparation of of examination X-ray crystallographic measurementof phrenosinic (cerebonic) acid and its oxidation product. J. chem. Soc., p.716. (with W.S. Rapson & R. Robinson) Experiments on the synthesis of substancesrelated to the sterols. Part XI. The constitution of the condensation acetyl and methoxytetralone. J. chem. Soc., p.757. products hexene from cyclo (with J.D. Bernal) X-ray crystallographic data on the sex-hormones, oestrone, androsterone, testosterone, and progesterone, and related substances. Z. Kristallogr. (A) 93, 464. (with H. Jensen) Molecular weight of cinobufagin. J. Am. chem. Soc. 58, 2018. 1937 (with J.D. Bernal) X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of sterols and sex hormones. Chem. Weekblad 34, 2. The twocrystalline modifications of insulin. Nature, Lond. 140, 149. 1938 The crystal structure of insulin: |. The investigation of air-dried insulin crystals. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 164, 580. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 300 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) Bibliography Note on the molecular weight of 8-tocophery!l allophanate. In F. Bergel, A.R. Todd & T.S. Work, Studies on Vitamin E, PartIll. J. chem. Soc., p.258. (with D. Riley) Crystal structures of the proteins. An x-ray study of Palmer’s lactoglobulin. Nature, Lond. 141, 521. (with |. Fankuchen) The molecular weight of a tobacco seed globulin. Nature, Lond. 141, 522. The molecular weightof fichtelite. J. chem. Soc., p.1241. 1939 X-ray studies of protein crystals. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 170, 74. (with D. Riley) X-ray measurements on wetinsulin crystals. Nature, Lond. 144, 1011. 1940 (with J.D. Bernal & |. Fankuchen) X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the steroids. Part |. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 239, 135. 1941 A review of somerecent work on protein crystals. Chem. Rev. 28, 215. (with C.H. Carlisle) A determination of molecular symmetry in the a & diethyl dibenzyl series. J. chem. Soc., p.6 1942 (with J.G. Chalmers) The elimination of 3:4 benzpyrene from the animal body after subcutaneousinjection. 2. Changed benzpyrene. Biochem. J. 35, 1270. 1943 (with |. Berenblum, E.R. Holiday & R. Schoental) The metabolism of 3:4 benzpyrene in mice and rats. Cancer Res. 3, 151. (with B.W. Low)A note onthe crystallography of helvolic acid and the methyl ester of helvolic acid. Br. J. exp. Pathol. 24, 120. 1944 (with B.W. Rogers-Low)X-ray crystallography of Gliotoxin. Nature, Lond. 153, 651-2. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 301 Bibliography 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) (with B.W. Low) Crystallographic examination of patulin and claviformin. Lancet, Jan. 22nd, p.112. (with B.W. Rogers-Low) X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols. Vitamins & Hormones, p.2. 1945 (with C.H. Carlisle) The crystal structure of cholesteryl iodide. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 184, 64. (with G.M.J. Schmidt) X-ray crystallographic measurements on a single crystal of a tobacco necrosisvirus derivative. Nature, Lond. 155, 504. 1946 Protein Crystals. Usp. Khim. 15, 215-30. (with E.P. Abraham, A.E. Joseph & E.M. Osborn) Antibacterial substance from Arctium minus and Onopordon tauricum. Nature, Lond. 158, 744-5. 1947 Crystallography. Nature, Lond. 160, 193. 1948 (with J.D. Dunitz) The structure of calciferol. Nature, Lond. 162, 608. X-ray crystallographic studies of compounds of biochemical interest. A. Rev. Biochem., p.115. 1949 (with C.W. Bunn, B.W. Rogers-Low & A. Turner-Jones) X-ray In crystallographic investigation of the structure of penicillin. Chemistry of Penicillin. Princeton University Press. (with G.J. Pitt) Crystallography 1947, 1948, 1949. A. Rep. chem. Soc., p.57. 1950 X-ray analysis and protein structure. Cold spring Harbor Symp. 14, 65. (with M.W. Porter & R.C. Spiller) Crystallographic measurements on Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 136, the anti-pernicious anaemia factor. 609. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 302 Bibliography 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) (with G.J. Pitt & J. Thewlis) Crystallography 1950. A. Rep. chem. Soc., p.47. (with C. Darwin) Crystal structure of the dimer of p-bromonitroso- benzene. Nature, Lond. 166, 827. 1951 (with P.M. Cowan) A comparison of x-ray measurements onair- dried tobacco necrosis protein crystals with electron microscope data. Acta crystallogr. 4, 160. Crystallography, Introduction. Ann. Rep. chem. Soc. 1952 An x-ray crystallographic study of certain peptides. Intern. Congr. Biochem., Abstr. of communs., pp.159-60. X-ray analysis of the structure of penicillin. AdvancementSci. 6, 85-9. (with D. Sayre) A crystallographic examination of the structure of luministerol. J. chem. Soc., p.4561. 1953 (with P.M. Cowan) Someobservations on peptide chain modelsin relation to crystallographic studies on gramicidin B and insulin. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 141, 89-92. 1954 (with H. Mendel) The crystal structure of creatine monohydrate. Acta crystallogr. 7, 443. (with C. Brink, J. Lindsey, J. Pickworth, J.H. Robertson & J.G. White) X-ray crystallographic evidence on the structure of vitamin B12. Nature, Lond. 174, 1168. 1955 Etude cristallographique par les rayons X de la structure de la vitamine B12. Bull. Soc. fr. Minér. Cristallogr. 78, 106-115. (with J. Pickworth, R.J. Prosen, J.H. Robertson, K.N. Trueblood & J.G. White) Structure of vitamin B12. The crystal structure of the hexacarboxylic acid derived from B12 and the molecular structure of the vitamin. Nature, Lond. 176, 325. (with M.J. Kamper) Someobservations on the crystal structure of a chlorine substituted vitamin B12. Nature, Lond. 176, 551-3. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 303 Bibliography 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) (with M. Mackay) A crystallographic examination of the structure of morphine. J. chem. Soc., p.3261. (with A.W. Johnson & A.R. Todd) Structure of vitamin B12. Chem. Soc., Spec. Publ. no. 3, 109-23. 1956 (with B.M. Oughton) A speculation on insulin. Ciba Foundation, Colloquia on Endocrinology 9, 133-141. The structure of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 und Intrinsic Factor. Stuttgart. Europaisches Symposion Uber Ferdinand Enke Verlag, (with M.J. Kamper, M. Mackay, J. Pickworth, K.N. Trueblood & J.G. White) Structure of vitamin B12. Nature, Lond. 178, 64-66. 1957 (with B.M. Oughton & G.M.J. Schmidt) A crystallographic study of somederivatives of gramicidin S. Biochem. J. 65, 744. (with J.D. Dunitz & M.S. Webster) Structure of calciferol. Chem. & Ind., Lond., pp.1148-9. (with M.J. Kamper,J. Lindsey, M. Mackay, J. Pickworth, R.J. Prosen, J.H. Robertson, C.B. Shoemaker, K.N. Trueblood & J.G. White) The structure of vitamin B12. |. An outline of the crystallographic investigation of vitamin B12. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 242, 228. 1959 (with J. Pickworth, R.J. Prosen, J.H. Robertson, R.A. Sparks & K.N. Trueblood) The structure of vitamin B12. Il. The crystal structure of a hexacarboxylic acid obtained by the degradation of vitamin B12. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 251, 306-352. 1960 M.J. Kamper, K.N. Trueblood & J.G. White) Some (with observations on the structures of wet and air-dried crystals of vitamin B12. Z. Kristallogr. 113, 6. N.E. Taylor & J.S. (with Rollett) The x-ray crystallographic determination of the structure of bromomiroestrol. J. chem. Soc., pp.3685-95. Molecules in crystals. Nature, Lond. 188, 441-447. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 304 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) Bibliography 1961 Molecules in crystals. Notes Rec. R. Soc. Lond., 16. E.N. Maslen) The x-ray analysis of the structure of (with cephalosporin C. Biochem.J. 79, 393-402. (with P.G. Lenhert) Structure of the 5,6 dimethyl-benzimidazolyl- cobamide coenzyme. Nature, Lond. 192, 937. C.P. Saunderson) Crystal (with Tetrahedron Letters 16, 573-8. structure of suprasterol Il. J.D. Bernal. Scientific World V. (with P.G. Lenhert) The x-ray crystallographic investigation of the 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole-cobamide coenzyme. 2nd European Symposium on Vitamin B12 andIntrinsic Factor. Ferdinand Enke Verlang, Stuttgart. 1962 (with J. Lindsey, M. Mackay & K.N. Trueblood) The structure of IV. The x-ray analysis of air-dried crystals of B12. vitamin B12. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 266, 475. (with J. Lindsey, M. Mackay, R.A. Sparks & K.N. Trueblood) The structure of vitamin B12. V. The structure of the air-dried crystals of vitamin B12. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 266, 494. 1963 (with S. Abrahamsson & E.N. Maslen) The crystal structure of phenoxymethyl-penicillin. Biochem. J. 86, 514. X-ray crystallography in hormone research. endocrine research. New York : Academic PressInc. In Techniques in (with D. Dale & K. Venkatesan) The determination of the crystal Cryst. Crystal Perfect., Proc. Symp., structure of factor V 1a. Madras, pp.237-42. (with J.D. Dunitz, B.M. Rimmer & K.N. Trueblood) The crystal structure of a calciferol derivative. J. chem. Soc., pp.4945-56. 1964 (with C. Brink-Shoemaker, D.W.J. Cruickshank, M.J. Kamper & D. Pilling) The structure of vitamin B12. VI. The structure of crystals of vitamin B12 grown from and immersed in water. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 278, 1-26. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 305 Bibliography 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 93) 94) 95) 96) 97) 98) 99) Notes on molecular geometry and chemicalreactivity in connection with the B12 vitamins. In The law of mass action, det Norske Videnskaps Akademi, Oslo Universitetsforleget. Vitamin B12 and the porphyrins. Fedn Proc. Fedn Am. Socs exp. Biol. 23, 592. The x-ray analysis of complicated molecules. Prix Nobel, pp.157- 78. Nobel Foundation. 1965 (with D. Dale) The crystal structure of black nitrosyl-pentammine dichloride. J. chem. Soc., p.1364. Die R6ntgen Strukturanalyse komplizierter Molekiile. Chem. 77 (21) 954-962. Angew. Die Réntgen Strukturanalyse einiger biochemisch interessanter Molekiile. Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuir Forschung des Landes NR- Westfalen, p.159. The structure of the corrin nucleus from x-ray analysis. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 288, 294-305. 1966 Vitamin B12. Revista del Colegio de Quinicos de Puerto Rico 25, 6. (with M.J. Adams, E.J. Coller, G.G. Dodson & S. Ramaseshan) X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals. Am. J. Med. 40, 667. (with M.M. Harding, A.F. Kennedy, A. O’Connor & P.D.J. Weitzmann) of The crystal rhombohedral zinc insulin crystals and a report of othercrystalline forms. J. molec. Biol. 16, 212-226. ll. An investigation structure of insulin. (with E.J. Dodson, M.M. Harding & M.G. Rossman) The crystal structure of insulin. Ill. Evidence for a 2-fold axis in rhombohedral zinc insulin. J. molec. Biol. 16, 227-241. (with M.J. Adams, E.J. Coller, G.G. Dodson & S. Ramaseshan) X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals. Acta crystallogr. 21, A 156 (supplement). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 306 100) 101) 102) 103) 104) 105) Bibliography 1967 (with M.J. Adams, E.J. Dodson & G.G. Dodson) A report on recent calculations on rhombohedral insulin crystals containing lead. In Conformation of biopolymers (ed. Ramachandran), vol 1, pp.9-16. Academic Press. (with P.G. Lenhert) Structure of the vitamin B12 coenzyme. 7th International congress of biochemistry. Tokyo. Some observations on crystallography, chemistry and medicine. The Harvey Lectures, series 61. New York : AcademicPressInc. (with C.E. Nockolds, S. Ramaseshan, J.M. Waters & T.N.M. Waters) Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B12. (1) Crystal and molecular structure from x-ray analysis. Nature, Lond. 214, 129. (with F.H. Moore & B.T.M. Willis) Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B12. (2) Crystal and molecular structure from neutron diffraction analysis. Nature, Lond. 214, 130-133. (with A. Cooper) The crystal structure and absolute configuration of fusidic acid methyl ester 3-p-bromobenzoate. Tetrahedron 24(2), 909-22. 106) 1968 (with D.P. Riley) Some ancienthistory of protein X-ray analysis. In Structural Chemistry and Molecular Biology : a volume dedicated to Linus Pauling by his students, colleagues and friends (ed. A. Rich & N. Davidson). W.H. Freeman & Co. 107) 108) 109) 110) Vitamin B12. Proc. R. Inst. Gt. Br. 42, 199. 1969 (with D.H. Dale, B.F. Hoskins & F.D. Williams) The structure of the red nitrosylpentamminecobalt(iii) cation. Chem. Commun., pp.69- 70. (with ampicillin. |. The trihydrate. Nature, Lond. 220, 168. Hall & M.N.G. James) Crystalline modifications of D. (with M.J. Adams, E.N. Baker, T.L. Blundell, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, M.M. Harding, B.M. Rimmer & M. Vijayan) The structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin crystals. Nature, Lond. 224, 491. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 307 111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 121) 122) 123) Bibliography (with S. Candeloro, D. Grdenic, N. Taylor, B. Thompson & M.A. Viswamitra) The structure of ferroverdin. Nature, Lond. 224, 589. Birkbeck Science and History. College. First Bernal Lecture at Birkbeck 1970 B.F. Anderson & M.A. (with thiostrepton. Nature, Lond. 225, 233. Viswamitra) The structure of Introductory remarksto a discussion onthe structure and functions of proteolytic enzymes. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 257, 65. The crystal structure of insulin. Verh. schweiz. naturf. Ges., p.93. (with M.J. Adams & U.A. Raeburn) Crystal structure of a complex of mercury(I!) chloride and histidine hydrochloride. J. chem. Soc., A 2362. Insulin molecules. The extent of our knowledge. Pure appl. Chem. 26, 357-84. (with H.R. Harrison & O.J.R. Hodder) Crystal and molecular structure of 8,12-diethyl-2,3,7,13,17,18-hexamethylcorrole. J. chem. Soc., B 640. 1971 (with H.R. Harrison, E.N. Maslen & W.D. Motherwell) Crystal and molecular structure of 68-bromoacetyl and 68-chloroacetyl 3,5 a-cyclo-5 a-cholestane (i-cholesteryl bromoacetate and chloro- acetate). J. chem. Soc., C 1275-81. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.A. Vijayan) Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin crystals. Nature, Lond. 231, 506. Mercola & M. Obituary. Professor J.D. Bernal. The Times, 16 September. (with D. Dale, F.H. Moore, C.E. Nockolds, B.H. O’Connor & K. Venkatesan) The structure of vitamin B12 IX. The crystal structure of cobyric acid, factor V 1a. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 323, 455. (with T.L. Blundell, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & M.Vijayan) X-ray analysis and the structure of insulin. Recent Prog. Hormone Res. 20, 1. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 308 124) 125) 126) 127) 128) 129) 130) 131) 132) 133) 134) 135) 136) Bibliography Insulin molecules: the extent of our knowledge. Pure appl. Chem. 26, 375-384. X-rays and the structure of insulin. Br. med. J. 4, 447. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) The structure and biology of insulin. Biochem. J. 125, 50. Somecharacteristics of protein crystals. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Theoretical Physics and Biology. Institut de la Vie, Paris, p.58. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) The crystal structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 36, 233. The crystal structure of insulin. Kristallografiya 16, 1203. 1972 The structure of insulin. Dansk. Tidsskr. Farm. 46, 1. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, D.A. Mercola & M. Vijayan) The arrangement in three dimensions of the atomsin insulin molecules and crystals. /nsulin Action 1, 28. Scientific visits to China under arrangements between Academia Royal Society Sinica and the Royal Society 5-27 August 1972. Publication. (with D.A. Mercola) The secondaryand tertiary structureof insulin. In Handbook of Physiology, Section 7 : Endocrinology 1, 139. Washington : American Physiological Society. Gerhard Schmidt’s first researchesin x-ray crystallography. /srael/ J. Chem. 10, 649. The structure of large molecules. Growing Points in Science, p.97. H.M.S.O. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) The three dimensional atomic structure of insulin and its relationship to activity. Diabetes 21, 492. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 309 137) 138) 139) 140) 141) 142) 143) 144) 145) 146) 147) Bibliography The structure of insulin (The Banting Memorial Lecture 1972). Diabetes 21, 1131-50. (with E. Edmond & H. Stoeckli-Evans) Further refinement of the crystal structure of neovitamin B12. J. chem. Soc. Perkin Trans.Il (5), 605. (with T.L. Blundell, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) Insulin: the structure in the crystal andits reflection in chemistry and biology. Aav. Protein Chem. 26, 279. (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) The spatial structure of insulin and its Pept, Proc. Eur. Pept. Symp., 12th, relationship to activity. pp.255-69. 1973 synthetic compound related (with B.F. Anderson & K. Vijayan) Crystal and molecular structure of a penicillins and 2,2-dimethyl-8-oxo-4-thia-1- cephalosporins, aza-6 a H-bicyclo [4.2.0] octane-38, 7 a-dicarboxylate. J. chem. Soc. Perkin Trans.(|) 484-8. 3-benzyl 7-t-butyl the to (with S. Candeloro) The structure of ferroverdin |. Monoclinic ferroverdin crystals. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184, 121-135. (with S. Candeloro, D. Grdenic & N. Taylor) The structure of ferroverdin Il. Rhombohedral ferroverdin crystals. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 184, 137-148. 1974 Insulin, its chemistry and biochemistry (The Bakerian Lecture 1972). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 338, 251-275. Problems in the x-ray analysis of proteins (Nobel Guest Lecture 1973). Chemica Scripta 6, 145-157. Varieties of insulin (The Sir Henry Dale Lecture for 1974). Endocr. 63, 1-14. J. B.F. Anderson & T.J. Bartczak) Crystal and molecular hexamethylcorrole (with structure hydrobromide. J. chem. Soc. Perkin Trans.(I!) 977. 2,3,7,13,17,18 diethyl 8,12 of D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 310 Bibliography 148) 149) 150 151) 152) 153) 154) 155) 156) 157) 158) 159) 160 1975 Wandering Scientists (The Azad Memorial Lecture 1974). New Delhi : Delhi Press. (with E. Edmond) The crystal and molecular structure of rac-15- cyano-1,2,2,7,7,12,12-heptamethyl corrin hydrochloride, metalfree corrin. Helv. chim. Acta 58, 641-654. Work in China on the structure and function of insulin. Nature, Lond. 255, 103. Kathleen Lonsdale 1903-1971. Biogr. Mem.Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 21, 447-84. 1976 (with G.A. Bentley, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & D.A. Mercola) The structure of insulin in 4 zinc insulin. Nature, Lond. 261, 166. The structure of insulin. Proc. Int. Wolltextil-Forschungskonf., 5th 1, 361-76. X-rays and the structure of insulin. 4, 87-98. J. Natl. Sci. Counc. Sri Lanka 1977 The molecular basis of insulin action: The structure of insulin. Excerpta Med. 413, 155-62. 1979 Crystallographic measurements and the structure of protein molecules as they are. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 325, 121-48. New and old problems in the structure analysis of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12, Proc. Eur. Symp., 3rd, pp.19-36. 1980 (with E.J. Dodson & G.G. Dodson) The conformations observedin the N terminal A chain residues of insulin. Front. Bioorg. Chem. Mol. Biol. Proc. Int. Symp., pp.193-200. Obituary. Sir Ernest Chain 1906-1979. Chemy Br. 16 (5), 267. John Desmond Bernal 1901-1971. Biogr. Mem.Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 26, 17-84. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 311 Bibliography 161) 162) 163) 164) 165) 166) 167) 168) 169) 170) 171) 1981 Biomolecular structure, conformation, function and evolution. Proc. Int. Symp. 1, 1-5. (with J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & C.D. Reynolds) Evidence concerning insulin activity from the structure of a cross-linked derivative. Hoppe-Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Chem. 362 (6), 755-61. Momentsof discovery. Kristallografiya 26(5), 1029-45. 1982 (with D. Chantry, Fang Ming Mao & T. Harper) X-ray analysis of the Piloty compoundstrans- and cis- 1,4-dichloro-1,4-dinitrosocyclo- hexane. Acta crystallogr. B 38(12), 3152-5. 1983 Insulin. Structure and biological activity. Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR 6, 53-60. (with E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson & C.D. Reynolds)Insulin. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 11, 411-17. (with C. Chothia, G.G. Dodson & A.M. Lesk) Transmission of conformational changein insulin. Nature, Lond. 302, 540-3. 1984 X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of the crystal and molecular structure of the predominant monocarboxylic acid obtained by the mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin: outline. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 93, 195-6. (with F.H. Moore, B.H. O’Connor & B.T.M. Willis) X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of the crystal and molecular structure of the predominant monocarboxylic acid obtained by the mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin: Part Ill. Neutron diffraction studies of wet crystals. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 93, 235-60. 1987 Patterson and Pattersons. Fifty Years of the Patterson Function (ed. J.P. Glusker, B.K. Patterson & M. Rossi). Oxford University Press. In Patterson and Pattersons. 1988 (with T.L. Blundell, J.F. Cutfield, S.M. Cutfield, E.J. Dodson, G.G. Dodson, R.E. Hubbard & N.W. Isaacs) The crystal structure of insulin. VI. The structure of 2 zinc pig insulin crystals at 1.5A resolution. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 319(1195), 369-456. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 312 Bibliography 172) 1991 Memories of Sir Lawrence Bragg. In The Legacy of Sir Lawrence Bragg : Selections and Reflections (ed. J.M. Thomas & D.C. Phillips), Science Reviews. 173) Angles on crystal faces. Guardian, 18 March. Appreciation: ‘Tiny’ Powell. The D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 313 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AADAHL, Kaare ABIR-AM, Pnina ABRAHAM, Sir Edward (Penley) ABRAHAMS, SidneyC. ABRAHAMSSOHN, Sixten ACADEMIA SINICA ACADEMIC PRESSINC. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA ADAMS, Margaret Joan ADDIAMO,Arrigo ADEOYE, Samuel Abidoye ADISESHIAH, Malcolm S. ADLER, Erich ADMAN, Ellie ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron AESCHLIMANN, J.A. AFFORD, Paul AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS AGARWAL, Ramesh AGENO,Mario AHMED, Farid R. AITKEN, Eleanor ALEXANDROV,A.P. ALLEN, Kenneth W. ALL INDIA RADIO ALTMANN, S.L. AMADOU-MAHTAR M’BOW AMBROSE, E.J. F.11 A.45, A.52 H.14 E.102, E.104, E.105, £.107-£.110 E.116 B.39, H.2, H.111 E.115, £.116, £.132, £.175 E.187,F.64,F.95,F.111,G.24 D.110, D.111 A.127, A.144, E.113, E.131 E.136, G.22, G.23, G.25, G.27 G.28, G.96, G.164, G.174, G.191 E.169, E.170, E.171, £.172 B.110, B.111, D.152, F.107, H.3 H.4 H.5 F.113, F.119 F.11 F.150 A.93 H.6 G.13 G.197 B.128, H.7 H.39 E.106 - E.110, E.149 G.13 A.144, F.140, G.28, G.164 E.17 F.131 H.55 G.162 H.8 AMERICAN ACADEMYOF ARTS AND SCIENCES A.66, G.54 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 314 Index of correspondents AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT A.43 OF SCIENCE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY AMERICANDIABETES ASSOCIATION AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR X-RAY AND ELECTRON DIFFRACTION AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ANDERSEN, S.P. ANDERSON, Bryan Frederick ANDERSON, JohnStuart ANDRADE, Edward Neville Da Costa ANDREEVA,Natalia S. ANDREW,Edward Raymond ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL CO. LTD. ANGRY ARTS ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT APRAHAMIAN, Francis ARAKI, Takeshi ARIGONI, Duilio ARNOTT, Struther ARQUILLA, Edward R. ASHENHURST,RobertL. ASHTON, R. ASTBURY,William Thomas ASTWOOD, E.B. ATKINS, Edward AUDLIN-ERDTMAN,Gunhild A.46, A.47, A.118, F.162 B.116 E.1 G.41, G.97 - G.100, G.102 G.172, G.185 F.11 A.140, B.620, B.935, H.9 A.131, C.34 H.270 E.131, F.58, H.10, H.29 C.39 A.74, A.79 B.337 G.114, G.121 D.112 G.178, G.182, G.188, G.190 G.194 - G.197 H.303, H.304 G.196 F.33 A.155, H.207, H.280 B.118, B.119, B.121, F.102 F.72 F.27, F.28 A.59, B.107, B.339, B.359, D.95 H.11 B.82 F.82 F.11 BACHARACH, Alfred Louis B.317, H.265, H.266 BACON, G.E. BAILEY, Kenneth C.141 B.108 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 315 Index of correspondents BAJAY, J.S. BAKER, EdwardNeill BAKER, Sir John BAKER, Wilson BALASUBRAMANIAN, R. BALEVSKI, Angel BALL,Peter A.J. BAMBOROUGH, John Bernard (‘Bam’) BANERJEE, D.K. BANGHAM,D.R. BANGLADESH PHYSICAL SOCIETY BANNISTER, Allan BANNISTER, F.A. BARAMKI, G.A. BARKER, H.A. BARRINGTON, Ernest James William BARRINGTON-WARD, Rt Rev Simon BARTCZAK, Tadeusz J. BARTLEY, Walter BARTON, Sir Derek (Harold Richard) BASAK, B.S. BASTIANSEN, Otto BATTERSBY,Sir Alan (Rushton) BAULIEU, Ettienne BAYLEY,Peter BEAR, Richard S. BECKER, ErnestI. BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS BEEVERS,C. Arnold BEHRENS,Otto K. BEISBARTH, Heiner BEKOE, D. Adzei BELL, Ronald Percy BELOV. H.B. F.102 A.140, H.12 A.134 A.59, A.114 B.125, B.126 A.152, G.178 F.64 A.114, H.30, H.39, H.60, H.61 H.97, H.111 H.244 B.130 A.139 H.271 A.59, E.74 - E.79 G.12, G.13 B.506, B.589, H.13 B.125, H.292 G.196 B.620, B.762, H.14 H.102 H.281, H.299 F.37, F.118, H.15 D.90, F.11, H.16 H.303 B.860 F.153 H.268 H.269 B.366, B.367 H.17 F.60 B.549, B.550, H.281 E.113, H.18 A.59, B.359, H.275, H.276 H.293 F.13 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 316 Index of correspondents BELOV, N.V. BENNATHAN, Esra BENTLEY (née LEWITOVA), Anita BENTLEY, Graham Arthur BENTLEY, K.W. BENTZ, Edward J., Jr. BERMAN, Harry BERMAN, Helen M. BERNADOTTE, Count Lennart BERNAL,Eileen BERNAL, John Desmond J.D. BERNAL PEACE LIBRARY BERNHAUER, K. BERSON, SolomonA. BERTAUT,E-F. BEST, Charles H. BETHE, HansAlbrecht BETHGE, H. BEVAN, C.W.L. BEYOND WAR BHATT, Ray BHATTACHARYYA,P.K. BIJVOET,J.M. BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS BIRCH, Arthur John BIRDI, K.S. BLACK, Carl E. C.44, D.102, D.125, E.137 E.138, E.155, E.160 H.43 - H.45 B.117 - B.119, H.128, H.129 H.19 H.275, H.276, H.279 H.20 H.263 F.157 A.82, A.85, A.148 A.59, A.114, D.89, D.155 G.2, G.35, H.21 See also H.22 B.105, C.67, D.95-D.102, F.1 H.22, H.23, H.196, H.235 See also H.40, H.49, H.84 H.125, H.224, H.225, H.263 G.1-G.6 B.507, B.508, B.608 F.59 B.609 B.204 H.82 E.138 B.110 G.196 A.189, F.179 F.117 A.64, A.115, E.137, H.24 A.47 B.131, B.173 H.9, H.270, H.279 B.119 H.268 BLACKETT,Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron C.84, D.102, H.25, H.308 BASIL BLACKWELL BLAKE, Colin Charles Frederick BLANKENBURG, G. D.125 G.193 F.87 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 317 Index of correspondents BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix BLEANEY,Brebis BLOUNT,Bertie Kennedy BLOUT, Elkan Rogers BLOW,David Mervyn BLUNDELL, Thomas Leon BOARD OF TRADE BODANSKY,Miklos BODMER, Sir Walter (Fred) BOELHOMVER, W.C.R. BOGGS, JamesE. H.267 B.88 C.38 A.178, F.145, G.103, H.303 E.58, E.113, £.114, £.115, H.26 H.289, H.327 B.82, B.83, C.46, F.122, H.27 H.330 C.68, C.69, C.120, C.121 B.934, B.935 H.225A F.31 F.174 BOLL-DORNBERGER(née SCHIFF), Kate B.844, D.87, D.90, D.96, F.18 F.49, F.50 H.27A BOND, V.P. BONNETT,R. BOOTH, Andrew D. BOOTS PURE DRUG CO.LTD. BORISOV, Vsevolod Vasil’evich BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BORRAS-CUESTA,Francisco BOSANQUET,CharlesI.C. BOSE, D.M. BOWDEN, Frank Philip BOWEN, Edmund John BOYD, Sir John McFarlane BOYLE, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron BRADBURY, Edwin Morton BRADFORD, Henry Francis (‘Harry’) BRADLEY,D.E. BRAGG, Sir William (Henry) BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRANDEN, Carl-lvar BRANDENBURG, Dietrich F.19 B.509, B.510, H.292 H.28 B.106, B.111, B.358 H.29 F.174 F.107, H.30 A.172, A.174, A.175, G.167 H.277 H.271 A.65 A.59, C.130 D.124 D.189 H.280 A.47, A.48 B.109 D.72 A.59, A.88, B.68, B.340, C.68 D.61, D.97, D.134, E.71,E.74 H.32 - H.34, H.65 H.320, H.321 A.141, B.84, D.125, F.87, F.102 F.112, F.159 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 318 Index of correspondents BRANDT, Leo BRAUDE, E.A. BRAUN, Chuck BRAUNITZER, Gerhard BREHMM, V.E. Lotte BREHME WARNER, Katherine BRENNER, Sidney BREZHNEV,Leonid Ilyich BRILL, A.S. BRILL,R. BRINK, Clara, see SHOEMAKER F.27, H.283 H.275 F.125 B.115 H.35 F.4 F.57 See G.54, G.177 B.85-B.88, F.38 E.130 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF A.134, D.120, E.47 -E.50, E.54 SCIENCE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION D.196, D.197 BRITISH COUNCIL A.100, B.405, C.44, D.120, G.39 H.128 BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION E.59 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH DRUG HOUSESLTD. BRITISH HOSPITAL FOR VIETNAM BRITISH PUGWASH GROUP BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE BRITISH-SOVIET FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY BRITISH TABULATING MACHINE CO.LTD. BRITISH VIETNAM ASSOCIATION BROCKWAY,Archibald Fenner, Baron BRODSKY(née DOYLE), Barbara BROMER, William W. BRONK, Ramsey BROOKS, Chandler McC. BROOMHEAD, June M., see LINDSEY BROWN, David BROWN, Harrison BROWN, John BRUCE, Maxwell BRUNFELDT, Kay A.44, A.125, C.106, C.107 D.146 A.59, B.546, B.566, C.114 G.142, G.143 G.84 - G.87 E.60, E.61 G.192 - G.194 C.132 - C.135 G.120 G.114 H.37 B.113 B.118, B.120 F.34 H.278 A.117, E.112 - E.114, F.39 E.32 G.34 B.112 - B.114, H.283 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 319 Index of correspondents BRUS, Wfodzinierz BRYAN, Derek BRZEZICKI, Diane BUERGER, Martin J. BUFFA, Paolo BUFFONI, F. BUGG, Charles E. BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BULLARD, Sir Edward (Crisp) BULLARD, Giles BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron BUNN, Charles William BURCH, Cecil Reginald BURCHARDT,F.A. BURGERS,Willy Gerard BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BURTON, Michael BUSH, lan E. BUTLER, Neville BUTTERFIELD, H.C. BUTTERFIELD, Sir Herbert BUTTERWORTH, Alan BYERS, Nina BYSTROV,V.F. CAGLIOTI, Vincenzo CAIN, JamesC. CAINE, Sir Sydney CALLOW,Robert Kenneth CALOGERO,Francesco CAMBODIA TRUST G.98, G.100 A.179, G.111, G.112 C.29 H.268, H.279 A.74, F.92 - F.94 B.302 A.174, F.156, F.157, H.293 G.44 A.65, A.118, A.131 G.192 G.68, G.174, G.177, G.178 G.197 C.2, H.104 A.59, B.341 - B.344, B.375 D.67, D.176 - D.178, H.38 A.204 C.134 A.64, H.268, H.272, H.278 G.2, G.3, G.96, G.117, G.144 G.149, G.175 E.13, E.34, E.36, E.37 H.280, H.281 E.46 A.113, A.115, E.5 - E.7 A.72 B.117 G.119 F.140 H.4 B.855 - B.857, B.899 - B.902 D.174 H.263 G.27, G.189 G.120 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 320 Index of correspondents CAMPAIGN FOR COMPENSATION FOR VIETNAMESE G.120 VICTIMS OF CHEMICAL WAR CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT G.172, G.176, G.182, G.187 G.197 CAMPAIGN TO STOP THE WAR AGAINST ANGOLA G.178 AND MOZAMBIQUE CANADIAN BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY D.124, E.62, F.157 CANDELORO DE SANCTIS,Sofia CANNON, J.R. CANT,Elizabeth M. CAREY,Peter CARLISLE, Charles Harold (‘Harry’) CARLSTROM, Diego CARNACHAN, Gordon A. CARR, F.H. CARRINGTON, H.C. CARSTAIRS, G.M. B.872, H.39 B.546 B.480, H.276 G.120 B.36, B.111, B.119, C.127 D.88, H.40 F.75 B.121, B.122 B.317 B.349, H.277 E.48, E.49 CARTWRIGHT, Dame Mary (Lucy) A.67, A.99, A.131, D.126 CATHOU, Renata E. CATTELL,Doris CAUCHOIS,Y. CAUGHLAN, Charles N. B.115 H.101, H.271 H.267 F.104 CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION A.206, A.211, D.198 CETTO, Ana Maria CHADHA, M.S. CHAGAS, Carlos CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) CHALLONER, David R. CHALMERS,JamesG. CHANCE, Ronald E. CHAPPELL,Brian CHARNEY,Elliot CHAUDHURY, Abdul Matin CHEMICAL SOCIETY F.74 F.117 F.146 D.139, H.41 F.60 B.107, B.314, H.265 B.91, B.112, B.113, B.116 B.117, B.123 E.9 H.280 F.78, F.79, F.128, F.131 H.42 - H.46 B.529, B.547, B.620, B.701 B.762, B.864, B.921, D.54, D.62 D.113, D.114, D.129, D.131 E.63 - E.67 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 321 Index of correspondents CHEMIST-ANALYST CHEMISTRY AND INDUSTRY CHEMISTRYIN BRITAIN CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CHIDAMBARAM,R. CHIEN HO CHI-HSIANG WONG CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CHARITY CHILDREN’S TELEVISION WORKSHOP CH’IN LI-SHENG CHI TE-YU CHOTHIA, Cyrus CHOU PEI-YUAN CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill (Jack) CHRISTIE, Renfrew CHU SHANG-CHUAN CH’U TU-NAN CLARENDON PRESS CLARK, G.L. CLARK, Joan R. CLARK,John K.A. CLARK,V. Malcolm CLARKE, HansT. CLEMENTS,R.V. CLEMO, George Roger COCHRAN, William COCKROFT,Sir John Douglas CO-EXISTENCE COGHILL, R.D. COHEN, Louis A. COHEN, M.D. COLE, Frank E. COLEBROOK, Joan COLLAR, Arthur Roderick COLLER, Eleanor J., see DODSON A.44 B.860 A.30, D.79, D.127 A.59, B.89, D.139, H.47 F.37 F.132 H.287 - H.289 A.187, A.188, F.176, G.182 G.184 D.198 F.68, F.69 F.111, F.112 B.91 E.49, E.175, G.41, G.52 G.102 A.164 B.130 F.14 D.115 B.345, H.265, H.272 F.104 H.303 A.74, B.546, B.547, B.551 D.171 B.354, D.120 E.5 H.264 A.74, B.72, D.65, H.48, H.80 B.608 G.167 B.355 B.120 F.85 H.284 H.303 E.5 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 322 Index of correspondents COLLIER, J.G. COLON, Angel Alberto COMRIE,L.J. CONNELLY,J. Richard CONTEMPORARYJEWISH LIBRARY CONTEMPORARYSCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE G.7 F.24 A.59, B.359 F.66 G.105 A.196 COOK, Arthur Herbert COOK, J.W. COOMBS,ThomasL. COOPER, Anthony COPPOLA, JamesCiro COREY,Robert B. A.65, A.74, B.346, B.347, D.120 H.273 H.49 B.116 B.847, H.50 H.51 B.90, H.184 CORNFORTH, Sir John (Warcup) (‘Kappa’) A.93, B.551, D.188, H.52 - H.54 CORNFORTH, Rita H. CORT,J.H. COSSLETT,V.Ellis COTZIAS, GeorgeC. COULSON, Charles Alfred COULTER, Charles L. H.52 See also H.53 H.128, H.129 H.269, H.296 F.19 A.59, A.114, C.133, H.55 B.91, B.125, B.126, H.56 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY E.68 COWAN, Pauline M., see HARRISON COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon CRAIG, Barbara CRAIG, J. Kevin CRAIG, LymanC. CRAM, D.J. CRAMER, F. CRAVEN, Bryan M. CRAWFORD, JamesL. CROSS, L.C. CROSS,Paul C. CROWFOOT,Grace Mary (Molly) CROWFOOT,John R. CROWTHER, J.G. A.67, B.70, B.546, C.133 - C.135 E.81, H.57, H.58, H.205 C.174, C.175, D.152, H.64 G.192 H.273 A.88 H.70 D.75, F.97, H.56 B.123 B.701 F.15 A.160, A.189 H.80A H.266 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 323 Index of correspondents CRUICKSHANK, DurwoodWilliam John CUATRECASAS,Pedro CUSTOMS & EXCISE CUTFIELD, John F. CUTFIELD, Susan Mary CZECHOSLOVAK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES B.110, B.124, B.511, C.134 C.135, D.65, D.66, E.110, E.111 E.117, E.153, E.154, E.155 E.159, E.164, £.172, H.59 B.122 C.69, C.120, C.121 B.132, H.60 H.61 B.103 DAILY TELEGRAPH A.43, A.213, A.214, G.22, G.130 DAINTON OF HALLAM MOORS,Frederick Sydney, Baron A.59, D.162, E.50 DAISLEY, K.W. DALE, David H. DALE, Sir Henry (Hallett) DALITZ, Richard Henry DANG NGHIEM BAI DARGAY, Joyce M. DARWIN, Cecily DASE GOWDA,H.R. DAUBEN, Carol H. DAUBEN, William Garfield DAUBENY,R.P. DAVIES,David R. DAVIES, Harold, Baron DAVIES,I.J.T. DAVIES,J.S. DAVIES, Mansel DAVIES,R.P.H. DAVIS, David Michael DAWSON, lan M. DAYHOFF, Margaret DE BAAR, A.E. DEELEY,Christine DE HAEN, Christoph B.529 B.551, B.701, H.62 B.105, H.63, H.138 H.123 A.148, G.151 A.140, H.64 A.140, B.830, H.65 F.117 H.66 H.66 H.276 A.140, F.66 G.131, H.67 B.123 B.936 H.296 F.22, F.25 D.194 B.109, H.270, H.271, H.276 H.277 B.118 E.82 - E.85 A.54, A.59 B.91, B.125 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 324 Index of correspondents DELBAERE, Louis DELILAH FILMS DEMEREC,M. DENT GLASSER, L.S. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH(DSIR) DE RANGO,Colette DESIGN RESEARCH UNIT DESIRAJU, Gautam DEULOFEU, Venancio H.68 G.182 F.3 F.106 B.110, B.546, B.860, C.36, C.38 C.83 - C.86, C.131 - C.135 B.92 B.348 H.93 B.113, B.116 DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER A.109, A.140, A.148, E.138 LEOPOLDINA DEVERILL,J.J.P. DHAR, D.N. DHAR, Nil Rata DIAMOND, Anne DIAMOND, R. DIEHL, Harvey DIELS,O. DIETRICH, Hans von DIN, Allan M. DITCHBURN, Robert William DJU BO-SHEN DODDS,Sir (Edward) Charles DODSON(née COLLER), EleanorJ. DODSON, George Guy F.68 H.302 H.69 B.128, B.129 B.899, E.59 B.548 H.263 H.70 G.34 G.81 F.14 A.59, D.139, H.71, H.282 B.92, B.701 B.91, B.92, B.102, B.123, B.131 B.189, B.200, B.258, B.701 C.29, C.30, E.59, E.152, F.106 F.112, H.56, H.72 - H.74, H.110 H.128, H.129, H.190 DOGRA,R.N. DOLS, M.J.L. DONNAY(née HAMBURGER), Gabrielle (Gai) DONNAY,Joseph Désiré Hubert DONOHUE, Jerry DORNBERGER, Kathe, see BOLL-DORNBERGER DRENTH, JanD. DRENTH, Pieter F.78 H.263 D.66, H.75 H.75 H.271, H.279 E.137, H.305 A.64 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 325 Index of correspondents DRESSELHAUS,Mildred S. DUAX,William L. DUBEY,R.u. DUDNIK, Yuri V. G.120 A.140, E.120, E.152A, F.91 F.148, F.150 - F.152, F.157 H.76 B.117 H.304 DULVERTON, Frederick Anthony Hamilton Wills, E.35, E.37, E.38 2nd Baron DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) F.68 DUNITZ, Jack David DUNN, Michael F. DUNNE, C. Patrick DYSON, Freeman John EDMAN, Pehr EDMOND, Eric Dobie EDMUNDS, J.G. EDSALL, JohnTileston EHRENBERG, Anders EICHHORN, G.L. A.88, B.110, B.324, B.333 C.133, E.102, F.42, H.77-H.79 H.80, H.162, H.239 B.125 B.554 G.149 H.285 B.555, B.615, D.55, H.80, H.297 H.102 A.50, B.93, F.90, G.182, H.143 H.214, H.272 H.285 B.549 ALBERT EINSTEIN PEACE PRIZE FOUNDATION G.31, G.175, G.176 EISENBERG, David EISNER, Edward EKSTRAND, T. ELI LILLY INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION ELLENBOGEN, Eric ELLIOTT, A. ELLIS, Frank ELSON, E. ELTON, Leonard EMDIN, Stefan EMELEUS,Harry Julius EMELYANOV,Vassili S. B.128 G.106 H.271, H.272 B.360, C.117 H.270 - H.272 H.277 H.274 F.84 F.164 B.92 B.361 H.80A D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 326 Index of correspondents ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA ENGEL,P. ENGELHARDT,W.A. ENGLANDER, Alois G. ENNALS, David Hedley, Baron ENRAF NONIUS LTD. ENZ, Charles P. EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony EPSTEIN, William ESCHENMOSER, Albert Jakob ESTES,S.E. EUROPEAN NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT EVANS,Robert C. EVANS, Robert John Weston EVANS, Robert W. EWALD, Paul Peter EXCERPTA MEDICA FAJANS,Stefan S. FALCONER, Warren FALK,J.E. FANKUCHEN, Dina FANKUCHEN, Isidor FANTES,K.H. FARAGO, P. FASMAN, Gerald D. FASOLD, H. FEDOSEYEV,P.N. FEIL, Dirk FELD,B.T. FELDMAN, Richard B.117 C.28, C.29 E.131 G.194 G.196 C.126 G.191 H.231 G.27, G.28 B.512, B.513, B.609, B.615 B.759, D.31, D.55, D.177 H.7 G.187, G.188 B.360, E.78, E.121, E.136 E.137, E.169, E.176, H.34 H.263 G.197 B.126 A.140, D.64, D.66, E.135 - E.137 E.176, F.84, H.81, H.82 See also H.149 D.76, F.102 F.66 F.97, F.98, F.104 H.282 A.93, D.177, F.104, H.84, H.85 D.98, H.83 - H.85 B.525 A.30 B.125 B.115, B.118 G.164, G.191 E.137, E.138, E.139 G.24, G.39, G.82, G.83, G.178 B.92 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 327 Index of correspondents FENDER, Brian Edward Frederick FERGUSON, George FERRANTI LTD. FIELD, David FIELDHOUSE, John FIGARO MADAME FINNEY, D.J. FINNEY,John L. FISCHMEISTER, Hellmut FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FLEISCHER, E. FLOREY, Howard (Walter), Baron FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FLOYD, WF. FODOR, Gabor FOLKERS, Karl August FOOD AND POPULATION FORD, Boris C.2, D.194 D.131, D.174, D.176, H.86 C.134, C.135 E.18 B.514 A.45 C.130, H.268 B.554, B.759, D.88, D.134 H.272 H.43, H.45 B.486 A.99 C.89, E.19 H.269 H.268 B.353, B.515, B.589 G.174 E.38 FORD, Sir Edward (William Spencer) A.95, A.96, A.97, A.208 FOSSELL,Eric T. FOSTER, Brian FOURME, R. FOX, Alwyn H. FOX, S.W. FRANCIS, Marcus FRANK, Bruce H. FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FREEMAN, Hans C. FREEZE FREYCHET,Pierre FRIEDMANN, Ernst FRIEDMANN, Herbert C. FRIEDRICH, Wilhelm FRIENDS OF BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY FRIENDS OF THE EARTH FRIMPONG, J.M. B.120 F.155 B.99 H.268 B.361 H.265 B.91, B.127 A.74, C.38, D.140, E.7, E.103 H.294, H.295 C.40, H.87, H.168 G.184 - G.188, G.192, G.195 B.126 H.88 B.552, B.553, G.116, H.287 B.552, H.282, H.283 G.12, G.13 G.190, G.194, G.199 F.30 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 328 Index of correspondents FRITZ,Irving B. FROHLICH,Herbert FRUTON, Joseph Stewart FRY, Sara Margery FUESS, Hartmut FULLER, Watson FULTON, John Scott, Baron FUNDER, J.B. GAADE, W. GABRIELI, Francesco GALDECKI, Z. GALE, Ernest Frederick GALSTON, Arthur W. GANGULY,Ashit K. GARCIA-BLANCO,S. GARDNER, RichardL. GARRATT, John GARWIN, Richard L. GAY, R. GEE, Geoffrey GEMIGNANI, G. GEORGAKIS,loannis GERLIS, Laurence GHANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES GIACOMELLO, Giordano GIBBS, Sir Geoffrey GIBBS, Norman H. GIBSON, John F. GIEGE, Richard GILLETT, Nicholas GILMAN, Henry GINSBURG, David GITTUS,Elizabeth B.121, B.122, F.61, F.62 B.124, B.125, H.294 F.121, H.270, H.288 A.55 B.91, B.121, B.132, C.142 D.194 A.98 B.106 C.38, C.44, D.122 G.90 F.67 B.114-B.116 F.84, G.115 H.89 D.64, F.103 E.182 B.115, B.119 G.29 F.77 H.162 F.93, F.94 G.91 B.258 G.37 C.37 C.173 H.216, H.217 E.66, F.44 F.154 G.197 H.293 H.274 B.546 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 329 Index of correspondents GLAZER, Mike GLUSKER (née PICKWORTH), Jenny GODTFREDSEN, W.O. GOGGIN, Peter GOLDBERGER, MLL. GOLDSACK, D. GOMORY,R.E. GOODENOUGH, J.B. GOODWIN,E.T. GOPAL,S. GORBACHEV,Mikhail Sergeyevich GOSIOROVSKY, Milos GOUGOUTAS,J. Zanos GOVINDACHARI, T.R. GOWENLOCK, Brian G. GOWING, Margaret Mary GRANT,P.T. GRANT,Willis GRAY, Peter GRAYSTON, Kenneth GRDENIC, Drago GREENAWAY, Frank GREENPEACE GREENWOOD, N.N. GRUNEBERG,Hans GUINIER, André GULLAND, John Masson GUNN, Edith M. GUSS,Jules Mitchell GUTFREUND, Herbert GUTTE, B. GUTTERIDGE, William F. E.59 A.140, B.516, F.142, H.64 H.90 - H.92, H.191 See also A.184 H.282 E.17, E.34, E.35, E.37, H.261 H.262 G.149 B.116 F.84 C.56 B.361 G.159, G.166, H.93 See G.31 F.21 B.934 H.281 B.877, H.94 A.196, D.88, H.80A B.94 E.6 H.59 E.17 A.110, A.140, B.872, D.75 E.113, F.36, F.101, H.95, H.117 H.97 G.7, G.8 A.25 H.44, H.294 E.101, E.106 - E.108, E.112 E.113, E.154, E.158, E.159 E.174, F.86 A.59, H.57 F.14 H.97 B.95, B.143, E.14 B.125 G.87 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 330 Index of correspondents HAAS, David Jean HAGG, Gunnar HAGGETT, Peter HAHN, Theo HAIDER, Z. HALES, C.N. HALL, David HALL, SydneyS. HALLAS-M@LLER, K. HALPERIN, Israel HAMBLING, Maggi HAMILTON, Sir Frederic Howard HAMILTON, Mary Alice (Molly), Lady HANDLEY ASHKEN,M. HANIC, Frantisek HANSON, F.B. HAO WANG HARDGROVE, GeorgeL. HARDING (née AITKEN), Marjorie M. HARDMAN, Karl HARGREAVES,A. HARKER, David HARLE, Robert A. HARLECH TELEVISION HAROLD, Franklin M. HARPER, Terry HARRIS, Guy HARRISON, Brian HARRISON, Harvey Robert HARRISON (née COWAN), Pauline May HARRISON, Steve HART, Tony HARTE, Robert A. HARTKE, Werner B.117 A.74, 0.36, F.11, F.75, H.115 A.154, E.23, £.24 E.102, E.105, E.106, E.108 F.79 B.117 B.550, B.701, H.72 B.112 F.10 A.52, G.191, G.195, G.196 H.302 A.205 A.160 A.160 B.122, B.124 F.21 B.357, B.358, C.67, C.68, C.72 A.91, B.130 H.98 B.111, B.132, B.221, B.936 D.173, H.99 B.121, D.139 H.278 B.360, E.74, H.100 B.111 D.198 B.936 H.278, H.281 G.118, G.121 A.13 H.101 A.112, D.163 F.90, F.91 G.192 B.552 F.18 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 331 Index of correspondents HARTLEY, Sir Harold (Brewer) A.60, A.65, A.69, A.74, B.546 H.306 HARTLEY, Sir Percival HASSALL, C.H. HASSAN, MohamedH.A. HASSAN, Mustafa HAUPTMAN, Herbert HAUROWITZ,Felix HAVINGA, E. HAWKES, Jacquetta HAY,Alastair HAYNER, Anne HEILBRON, Sir lan (Morris) HEIN, W.H. HEINEMANN, Margot HEINRICH, H.C. HELLER, H. HELLMAN, Martin E. HENDERSON, J.G. HENDRICKS, Sterling B. HENRIQUES, Ursula HENRY, Norman F.M. HERMANN, Carl HERRALD, F.J.C. HESBURGH, T.M. HETEROCYCLES HETHERINGTON, Sir Hector (James Wright) HIGHAM, Norman HILGER & WATTS LTD. HILL, Robert (Robin) HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Percival) HINSHELWOOD, Sir Cyril (Norman) HIRSCH, Sir Peter (Bernard) HIRST, J. HITE, G. HODDER, O. John R. HODGES, Andrew P. A.60, H.267 H.281, H.282 F.177 F.51 F.90, H.275, H.277 F.19, H.279 H.275 A.175, A.176 G.119, G.125, G.126, H.326 G.10 A.60, B.36, H.264 F.50 D.155 B.549, B.573 D.144 G.193 B.552 H.306 G.21 C.37, D.65, D.66, E.105 H.268 B.351, B.352 G.9, G.10 D.124 D.73 E.8 B.934, C.112, C.113 D.87, H.269 See H.279 A.60, A.63 A.88, C.143 H.157 F.90, F.91 B.761, H.104 H.296 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 332 Index of correspondents HODGKIN,Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGKIN, Edward HODGKIN, (Prudence)Elizabeth HODGKIN, ThomasLionel HODGSON, DerekJ. HOFFMAN, Alan J. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE INC. HOLLINS, PeterJ. HOLMAN, AnnaEveleth HOMAN, J.D.H. HOOD, Christobel HOPF, Barbara HOPPE, Walter HOSKINS, Bernard F. HOSOYA, Sukeaki HOSPITAL, Michel HOVI, Vaind HOWARD (née DUCKWORTH), Judith A.K. HOWARTH, W.D. HOWE, Robert H.L. HOWELL, Simon L. HUBBARD, R.E. HUBER (née SAUNDERSON), Carol P. HUDDLESTON, MostRev.(Ernest Urban) Trevor HUGGINS, Maurice L. HUGHES, Edward W. HUGHES, George M. HUGHES, R. HULME, Ralph HUME-ROTHERY, William HUMPHREYS, O.W. HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES HUSH, Noel Sydney HUSIMI, K. A.60, A.65, D.61, F.68, G.103 H.231 A.158 F.179 D.88, D.155 See also H.23 F.126 H.217 H.6 B.128 H.263 B.111 A.60 B.551 B.108, B.550, B.551, F.23, F.43, F.165 H.105, H.153 B.552 B.125, E.152, F.77, H.106 F.13 E.59, H.107 E.8 B.553 B.114 - B.116 B.131, B.263 F.61, F.62, H.107A G.190, G.197 B.107, H.265 C.41, E.175, F.9, H.108 E.12, E.13 G.183, G.197 H.270 E.77, H.307 A.65 F.110 B.762 F.70, F.71 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 333 Index of correspondents HUSSEIN, Saddam HUTCHESON, Wendy HUTCHINSON, A. HUTCHISON, Clyde A. HUXLEY,Sir Andrew (Fielding) HUXLEY, Hugh Esmor See G.195 F.97 D.99 F.16 E.48, E.187 H.109, H.192 IBALL, John IBERS, James ILIESCU, lon IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (ICI) INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIAN WOMEN SCIENTISTS’ ASSOCIATION ING, Harry Raymond INGOLD, C.U. INGRAM, David INNES, Maureen INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE STUDIES INSTITUTE FOR WORLD ORDER INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ARTS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILD STUDIES INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY INTO ISRAELI CRIMES AGAINST THE LEBANESE AND PALESTINIAN PEOPLES B.363, D.191, H.109A, H.232 H.322 E.64, E.105, H.286 G.34 B.349, B.375, B.549, B.553 C.118, E.75 A.120, E.70, F.128 A.129, F.118 H.268 H.273, H.274 B.546 B.363 G.10 G.176 B.118 A.50, E.71 - E.99 E.46 G.14 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY INTO US G.139, G.141 CRIMES IN INDOCHINA INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS E.112, £.113, £.114, £.174 E.175 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL MEDIA PRODUCTIONS F.102 G.120 D.198 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR CHEMICAL G.181, G.189 SCIENCES IN DEVELOPMENT D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 334 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL IRVINE, Dennis ISAACS, Neil William ISLER, O. IYANAGA, 8S. JACKSON, George JAGODZINSKI, Heinz JAMES, Michael Norman George JEFFREY, G.A.(‘Jeff’) JENKINS,Right Rev. David Edward JENKINS,Felicity JENKINS OF HILLHEAD, Roy Harris, Baron JENSEN, Lyle H. JENSEN, H. JERSLEV,Bodil JIA-HUAI WANG JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JOHNSON, Carroll JOHNSON, John D. JOHNSON, Louise Napier JOHNSTON, C. Conrad JOLIOT, Jean Frédéric E.100 - £.121, E.123, £.128 E.129, E.133, E.135 - E.139 E.142 -E.144, £.149 E.153 - E.162, £.164, £.165 E.171, £.175, E.176 G.114 H.285 B.127, B.129, H.110 B.116 F.25 F.19 E.106, E.112, £.157 - £.159 H.298, H.322, H.323 B.124, B.366, F.61, H.111 H.112 E.171, H.51, H.113, H.309 A.172 C.29, C.30 A.153 B.113, C.39, C.47, E.102, F.95 B.105, H.114 A.74, A.140, F.10, F.53, H.35 H.302 B.517, B.567, B.573, B.578 D.31, F.41, H.273, H.276, H.282 F.104 H.275 A.188 F.60 G.172 JONES,Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) (‘Tim’) A.74, C.2, E.67, F.147, H.53 JONES, Richard JORDAN, Pascual JQ@RGENSEN, Klaus JOSEPH, Keith Sinjon, Baron JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY B.127 H.269 B.189, B.199 E.13, E.69 D.144 D.119 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 335 Index of correspondents JOYCE, LOEBL & CO. LTD. JUST DEFENCE C.123 G.180, G.184, G.189, G.191 G.193 KALCKAR, Herman KALMAN,A. KAMENAR, Boris KAMPER (née HARRISON), M.J. KAPITZA, Sergei P. KAPLAN, Martin KARLE, Isabella L. KARLE, Jerome KARPLUS,Martin KASS, Edward H. KASS, Lawrence KATCHALSKI-KATZIR, Ephraim KATO, Norio KATSOYANNIS,P.G. KAUZMANN, Walter KAY, Cyril M. KEARTON, Christopher Frank, Baron KEAY, Ronald William John KECK, Klaus KEKWICK, Ralph Ambrose KELLAR, J.N. KELLER, Andrew KELLER, Joseph B. KEMBALL, Charles F.38 C.45, F.65 A.140, D.75, H.117 B.547, H.118 A.91 G.22 - G.35, G.41, G.44, G.52 G.54, G.58, G.59, G.61, G.62 G.68 - G.72, G.76 - G.80 G.81 - G.83, G.90, G.91 F.104, H.294 A.89, A.90, E.109, H.275, H.277 B.125 H.303 See also H.305 B.554 G.21 A.140, E.100 - E.102, E.119 E.120, E.154, E.158, E.161 E.174, F.70, F.71, H.288 A.140, B.110, B.117, B.118 B.120 D.124 C.174, E.18 C.63, E.49, E.54, G.119 B.127 H.264 E.79 - E.81 F.81 G.149 A.111 KENDREW,Sir John (Cowdery) A.93, B.88, B.302, E.33, E.119 E.175, F.122, H.119 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 336 Index of correspondents KENNARD, Olga (Lady Bergen) KENNEDY,AnnF. KENNER, George Wallace KENT, Bruce KERR, K.A. KEYNES,Richard Darwin KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman KIDWAI, A.J. KILEY, JamesE. KIMURA,Kenjiro KING, Frederick Ernest KING, Geoffrey KING, Harold KING,J.N. KINGMAN, Sir John (Frank Charles) KIRZ, Janos KISTIAKOWSKY, George Bogdan KLEIDERER, E.C. KLOTZ,Irving M. KLUG, Sir Aaron KLUG, Harold P. KLYNE, William KNOWLES,Jeremy Randall KNOX, James KOCHAR, S. KOENIG, Donald F. KOETZLE, ThomasF. KOFOD, Helmer KOLASKAR, A.S. KON, G.A.R. KON, Stanislaw Kazimeierz KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KOSTOVA,Maria B.129, B.608, B.934, F.107 H.120, H.168, H.330 H.121 B.934, B.935, H.162, H.290 G.184 F.61, F.62 E.13, H.301 G.33, G.106, G.108, G.161 B.114, B.117, B.118 F.38 F.25 H.270, H.282 H.276 A.60, B.351, B.352, H.122 H.269 A.140, E.100-E.106, E.108-E.120 E.133, E.135-E.139, £.142-E.144 E.155 - E.161, £.164, £.171, £.174 E.175, E.176, F.70, H.34 E.23 - E.26, H.330 H.123 C.47, G.24, G.149 B.361 F.38 H.292, H.293 H.268, H.269 H.269, H.271, H.273 B.115 F.90, H.124 F.79 H.278 B.123 - B.125, B.128 F.53 F.128 A.60, H.125 B.546 A.131, D.149 A.165 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 337 Index of correspondents KOTELNIKOV,V.A. KRATKY,Otto KRAUT, Joseph KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KRETSINGER, Robert Harvey KRISHNAMURTI, V. KRISHNAN, R.S. KRYSTEVA,Milka A. KRYSZEWSKI, M. KUHN, Hans KUMBAR, Mahaderappa KUNDU, D.N. KURTI, Nicholas KYBERNETES LABQUIP LAMPITT,L.H. L’ANNUNZIATA, R LANCET LANG, Andrew Richard LANGE, Rainer H. LANSBURY HOUSE TRUST FUND LATIES, Alan M. LAVAKARE, P.J. LAW, John LAZARUS, Norman R. LE QUESNE, Mary LEAGUE FOR DEMOCRACY IN GREECE LECLERC Marc LEE, J. Alfred LEE, Michael J. LEE, Milton O. LEFEBVRE, Yvonne LEFEVRE, R.J.W. F.89 A.145, B.119, B.120, H.126 B.123 C.182, H.274 H.292, H.293 F.37 B.934, H.243 B.125 H.14 B.122, B.551 B.127 F.78 A.65,C.174, G.7, G.111, H.234 G.102 C.125 H.276 G.197 B.549 E.155, E.186 B.120, B.124 - B.127, B.131 C.50, F.130 G.176, G.177 H.92 F.115 A.43 B.122 B.111 G.173 B.365 D.142 E.17 B.604 F.157 H.263 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 338 Index of correspondents LEGAY,J.M. LEGGETT, Jeremy LEGGETT BAILEY, John LEMAL, David M. LENCI, Francesco LENHERT,P. Galen LEUTE, Richard LEVINTHAL, Cyrus LEVY, Henri A. LEWIS, Jack, Baron LEWIS, J.P. LEWITOVA,Anita, see BENTLEY LIANG DONG-CAI LIANG-LI LIANG TUNG-TSAI LIEBAU, F. LINDERSTRQM-LANG, Kaj Ulrik LINDLEY, Hugh LINDOP, Patricia LINDSAY, David Gordon LINDSEY (née BROOMHEAD), June M. LINEK,Allan LINNELL, John C. LINNETT, John Wilfrid LINSTEAD, Sir Reginald (Patrick) LIPSCOMB, William Nunn LIPSON, Henry Solomon LLEWELLYN,D.R. LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen LONSDALE, ThomasJ. LOVE, WarnerE. G.179 G.7 H.269 F.125 G.191 B.518, B.519, B.761 B.123 B.110, B.111 H.294 C.49 H.278 A.140, F.135, F.148 F.151, H.302 B.116, E.186, F.107, H.130 E.150 H.131 B.109 G.112 H.132 A.205, B.546, B.555, B.567 H.133 H.134 F.176 B.701 H.270, H.271 A.73, B.119, F.9, F.84, F.90 F.95, H.135 A.60, B.365, D.158, E.73, E.74 E.172, G.28, G.33, H.17, H.136 H.137, H.319 H.72 H.277 A.60, A.88, B.636, C.132, D.72 D.73, E.77, E.82, F.14 H.138 - H.140 D.61 - D.66, D.72 B.518, F.98 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 339 Index of correspondents LOW, Barbara Wharton LOWE, Gordon LUCE, Richard LU JIAXI LUKASZEWICZ, Kazimierz LUKES, Steven LUKES, Tom LUTTKE, Wolfgang LUYT, Sir Richard (Edmonds) LUZZATI, Vittorio LWOFF, André Michel LYNCH, Patrick LYNEN, Feodor LYTHGOE, Basil MacBRIDE, Sean MACDONALD, D. Keith C. MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn MacGILLAVRY, Carolina H. MACINTYRE, lain MACKAY,Alan MACKAY, Maureen Florence MACKENZIE, M.A. MCLACHLAN, D. McMICHAEL, Joan K. McOMIE, John F.W. McQUILLIN, MACRAE, T.F. MACK SMITH, Denis MADDOCK, Sir leuan MADDOX, John (Royden) A.60, A.141, B.96, B.359, B.365 C.130, H.108, H.141 - H.143 B.921, C.180, H.144 G.182, G.183, G.186 E.187, F.135, F.148 E.142, £.143, E.144, £.145 E.158 G.176, G.177 E.15 B.847, B.877, H.145 G.182, G.183 H.146 G.174, G.175 D.155 H.281 H.275 G.184, G.186 C.38, H.271 H.299 A.64, A.74, E.13, E.137, F.31 H.147 F.105 D.85, D.134, H.276 A.140, H.148 E.67 B.350 G.120, G.122 - G.129, G.142 H.268, H.269 H.276 A.74, B.524, B.531 H.217 E.49, E.50, E.54 H.43 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 340 Index of correspondents MAGNELI, Arne MAIN, Peter MAJOR, John MALINS, John MANDEL, M. MANDELA,Nelson Rolihlahia MANDELSTAM, Joel MANDERS,C.R.S. MANI, N.V. MANLEY, Gordon MANN, Frederick George A.83, A.88, A.89, A.90, E.118 E.119, E.139, £.161, E.162 E.175, E.181, F.75, F.113 H.149 B.111 See G.197 F.64 F.55 See G.197 H.284 F.25, F.26 B.701 H.277 H.292 MANSFIELD COOPER, Sir William A.71, D.180 MANTON, Irene MARCHESSAULT,R.H. MARGOLIASH, E. MARGOULIES, M. MARGREITER, H. MARK,H. MARKOV, M.A. MAROIS, Maurice MARKS,H.P. MARSH, R.E. MARSHAK, Alfred MARSHALL, Garland R. MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MARTINEZ-CARRERA,S. MARTIUS, Ursula MASLEN, Edward N. MASON, Joan MASON, Sir Ronald MASON, Sax A. MATHIESON, Alexander McL. H.291 B.364 F.38 F.59 B.362 F.121 A.152, E.26, G.34, H.305 F.46, F.48, F.57, F.73, F.86 F.166, F.168, F.170, F.174 H.263 E.153 H.150 B.120 A.131, D.62, D.65 D.64 H.139 B.552, B.899, H.151, H.152 H.305 B.552, B.618, C.42, H.283 H.309 C.142, C.143, H.153 B.128, B.129, E.103, E.104 E.106, E.107, E.108, E.109 E.157, E.158, E.159, H.154 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 341 Index of correspondents MATTHEWS,F.W. MATTHEWS,Paul Taunton MATTICE, WayneL. MAURI, Carlo MAXWELL,(lan) Robert MAXWELLFYFE, Sir David MAYER, Susan MEDAWAR, Sir Peter (Brian) MEDICAL AID COMMITTEE FOR VIETNAM (later MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC AID FOR VIETNAM, LAOS AND KAMPUCHEA) E.173 A.137 B.125 F.93, F.94 D.125, F.114, G.85 F.7 E.18 A.60, G.26 G.122 - G.135 MEDICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PREVENTION OF WAR G.177, G.178 MEDICAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST NUCLEAR WEAPONS G.180, G.185, G.191, G.192 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MEGAW,HelenD. MEHROTRA,R.C. MELLOR, D.P. MENDEL, Herman MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg MENDEZ,OscarL. MENKIN, Valy MENON, M.G.K. MENSAH, |.A. MERCK & CO., INC. MERCOLA,Daniel Anthony MERLYN-REES, Merlyn, Baron MERRISON,Sir Alexander Walter (Alec) MESELSON, Matthew METROPOLITAN-VICKERS ELECTRICAL CO.LTD. MEUNIER, P. MEYER, B.A. MEYER, Edgar MIAO FANG-MING MIHOC, Gheorghe MILLAR, I.T. MILLEDGE, H. Judith B.112, B.351, B.352, B.363 B.548 A.93, D.190, H.155 F.119 B.549, B.701, H.156 D.14, F.31, H.157, H.158 D.169 F.24 H.269 G.29 F.52 B.353 F.152, H.159, H.160 See G.175 A.113, A.115, A.131, A.154 E.6, E.20 - E.23, E.32, E.34, E.35 G.177 C.115 H.268 H.274, H.275 B.119, B.552, B.615 F.158 G.177 A.36 D.62, D.64, D.65, D.66, H.161 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 342 Index of correspondents MILLER, H.M. MILLER, Jane A. MILLS, Owen S. MILNER, R.T. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MINISTRY OF INFORMATION MINISTRY OF SUPPLY MISHRA,R.K. MISOGUCHI, Dorothy MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MITCHELL,J.W. MIYAKE, Shizuo MOGGRIDGE, R.C.G. MOGLICH, Friedrich MOINAT, Pierre MOORE, Francis Hugh MOORE, Henry MOORE, Richard D. MOORE, Stanford MOORE, Will MORAWETZ,Herbert MORF, Rudolf MORISON, R.S. MORRELL,Jack MORRIS, Ben MORRIS, Charles MORRIS, Howard R. MORRIS,Shirley J. MORSE, Sir Christopher Jeremy MOSHINSKY, Marcos MOTHES,Kurt MULLER, H.J. MULLINS,L. MURPHY,Randall B. MURPHY,William P. MURRAY,Elizabeth C.67, C.68, C.72 F.162 B.881, H.162 B.355 C.35 B.358 B.358, B.359, C.68, C.116 H.282 F.26 B.608, C.142, C.143 C.38 E.133, E.174, F.71 H.264 H.269 B.124 A.140, B.520, B.521, B.608 B.609, B.759, H.163, H.164 A.205 B.117, B.118 A.118, H.273 A.211 B.129 H.277 C.71 A.52, D.148 E.7, E.8 A.67 H.295 B.111 E.18, £.19 F.74 A.109, A.197, F.49 F.2 E.74 B.127, B.128 A.89, F.84 A.60, A.167, A.189, D.168 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 343 Index of correspondents MURRAY, Rosemary MURRAY-RUST, Peter MYRDAL,Alva NABI, Syed Nurun NADJAKOV,G. NAGAMIYA, Takeo NARAY-SZABO,I. NARDELLI, Mario D.174 H.165 G.27 F.131 H.297 B.131 C.44 F.96 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A.117, A.118, B.360, E.157 E.182, G.105, G.187, G.189 G.190, G.191, G.193, G.197 NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF A.196 CONTEMPORARYSCIENTISTS NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCHIN DAIRYING B.855 - B.857 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS NATURE NAYLER, J.H.C. NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle NEEDHAM,Joseph NEILANDS,J.B. NESTINGEN, Lyle E. NEU, Eva NEVE, R.W.J. NEW SCIENTIST NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NEW YORK TIMES NEW YORKER NEWNHAM COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE NGAYEN VAN HOANG A.205 B.363, B.855 - B.857 B.899 - B.902, C.122 E.69, G.10 D.148 B.532, B.549, B.573, B.872 B.935, B.936, D.56, D.74, D.90 D.116 B.363, B.364, B.366 A.61, D.90, H.166 A.61, D.86, H.166 H.280 B.115 E.67 B.115 D.122, D.123 F.121 B.115, B.532 A.44 A.142 E.117, G.144 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 344 Index of correspondents NIBLETT, W. Roy NICKLESS, G. NJOKU,L., see NZOKOU NKRUMAH, Kwame NOCKOLDS,Clive Edmund NOEL-BAKER, Philip John, Baron NORMAN, Anthony W. NORMAN, Sir Richard (Oswald Chandler) NORTH, Anthony Charles Thomas NOVAK, Grga NOWACKI, W. NUCLEAR WARFARE TRIBUNAL NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NYBURG, S.C. NYE, John Frederick NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) NZOKOU, Lazare O’BRIEN, ConorCruise O’CONNELL, James O’CONNOR, Brian H. OBSERVER ODELL, W.D. OFFENHARTZ,B. OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, WASHINGTOND.C. OGAWA,Iwao OH, Yow-Lam OLBY,Robert C. OLESEN, Henrik OLIVER, R. E.15 H.261, H.262 G.37 B.531, H.168 A.88 H.169 G.29 D.190 F.36 F.56, H.170 G.194 A.42, C.97 - C.100, E.37 F.61, H.277 E.15 B.548, D.21, D.61, D.62, £.64 H.161, H.171 A.174, A.175, H.172 A.177, F.30 G.185, G.195 A.140, B.522, B.755, H.285 H.296 A.42, A.44, A.206 C.44, C.46 B.551 B.354 G.192 H.284 H.301 B.553, B.554 C.26, C.141 OLLIS, William David ALEXANDER S. ONASSIS PUBLIC BENEFIT FOUNDATION G.91 H.303 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 345 Index of correspondents ONCLEY, J. Lawrence OOl, Tatsuo OPFELL, Olga ORDWAY,Fred. D. ORGANONINSTRUMENTSLTD. ORGEL, Leslie Eleazer ORVILLE-THOMAS,W.J. OSAKI, Kenji OSTER, Gerald OTTESEN, Martin OUGHTON, Beryl, see RIMMER OVCHINNIKOV,Yuri A. OVERMANN, Ronald J. OWEN, Maureen OWSTON, Phillip George PAGAN, Francis PAGE, James Ernest PAIN, Roger H. PALMER, Kenneth J. P’AN CH’UN PAPANDREOU, Andreas PICKERING, Sir George White H.143 B.123, B.124 A.50, A.51 H.269 C.110 B.546, B.549 H.226 H.173 H.269 H.247, H.289 A.127, B.121, F.124, F.140 F.167 See also H.303 B.365 H.302 H.151 A.168 B.333, H.274, H.276, H.280 B.122 H.268 E.63, F.25, F.26 See G.91 A.118 PARK, Daphne Margaret Sybil Désirée, Baroness A.46, A.47, A.153, C.175, C.177 PARKES,Sir Edward (Walter) PARSONS,Jonathan PARTHASARATHI, Ashok PASCU, loan PATON, David PATTERSON, Arthur Lindo PATTERSON, Elizabeth Knight PATON,Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) PAUL,lain C. E.69 H.271 F.117 G.34 B.116 B.106, H.174 - H.176 F.54, F.142, H.175 C.32, C.33 B.847, F.127 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 346 Index of correspondents PAUL, Sukla PAULING, Linus Carl PAULING, Peter Jeffress PAVEL,I. PAWELKIEWICZ, Jerzy PEACOCK, P.R. PEAKIN, F.H. PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PEKERIS, C.L. PELKE, E. PENGUIN BOOKSLTD. PENTZ,MJ. PEPINSKY,Ray PERLMAN, D. PERLMANN, Gertrude E. F.131 B.359, F.9, F.104, H.177, H.178 See also H.90, H.141 G.172, H.177 B.204 B.550, H.281, H.290 B.107 B.112 G.22 B.553, B.554 F.27 G.185, G.186 G.2, G.22, G.106, G.108 C.132, H.179, H.214 F.38, F.40 A.75, F.34, H.275, H.276 PERSSON (née ASTBURY), Maureen B.701 PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PESTELL, Catherine PESTKA, Sidney PETERS,Sir Rudolph (Albert) PETERSON, S.W. PETROV,V. PFEIFFER, E.W. PHAM VAN BACH PHILLIPS, Sir David (Chilton) PHILLIPS, D.M.P. PHILPOT,J. St. L. PICKWORTH, Jenny, see GLUSKER PILLAI, S.C. PILLING, Diana PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PIRIE, Antoinette (‘Tony’) A.88, A.90, C.68, D.65, D.88 D.90, D.100, E.135, F.122 G.105, G.178, H.34, H.180 - H.183 C.175 B.936 A.61, D.149, H.296 B.115, B.116 B.566 G.115 G.117 B.119, B.547, B.552, C.2,C.27 C.28, C.34, C.41, C.42, C.45 C.179, C.182, E.59, F.106, F.107 F.113, G.193, H.184, H.327 H.269 H.263 B.552 A.67, B.546 - B.548, B.551 G.100 A.176, H.270 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 347 Index of correspondents PIRIE, Norman Wingate(‘Bill’) PISK, Krunoslav PITT, Sir Harry (Raymond) PITT, Valerie PITTMAN, JamesA. PLACK,P.A. PLATTNER, PI.A. POHL,F.M. POLANYI, John Charles POLJAK,Roberto J. POLLOCK, Martin Rivers POMERAT,Gerard R. POPE, Gerald Seaton POPOV,E. POPOVA, Yana PORRITT, Sir Jonathan (Espie) Bt. PORTER, George, Baron PORTER, Joseph William Geoffrey PORTER, Polly PORTER, Rodney Robert POST, Ben POWELL,Cecil Frank POWELL, Herbert Marcus POWELLIsobel PRAISSMAN, Mel PRASAD, J. Shashidhara PRATT, John M. PRESS, Frank PRINGLE, John William Sutton PROUDFOOT,Mary PROUT, Charles Keith PTITSYN, Oleg Borisovich PUGWASH CONFERENCESON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS PULLETS, John B.293, H.267 G.197 A.107 B.132 F.156 H.276 H.269 B.119 G.34 H.243, H.326 H.290, H.292 C.73 - C.77, C.79 B.855 - B.857, B.860, H.185 B.121, B.122 B.554, F.139 G.190, G.194, H.261 A.131, D.176, E.65, E.177 E.187, G.9 B.525, B.566 A.61, A.69, A.114, B.566, D.14 F.137 F.34 D.175, G.137 C.34, C.44, C.98, C.133, 0.135 A.114, D.140, G.39 B.110, B.111 H.186, H.330 B.553 E.182, G.193 C.34, C.56, C.182, H.283 A.61 C.56 B.119 A.151, G.22 - G.35, G.39, G.41 G.44, G.52, G.54, G.58, G.59, G.61 G.62, G.67 - G.72, G.76 - G.80 G.81 - G.83, G.90, G.91, G.161 B.130 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 348 Index of correspondents B.118, B.365, B.921 A.108 A.134 D.194 See G.21 F.128 G.166 G.46 F.78 H.187 B.608, F.37, H.188, H.189 H.241 F.78 H.189 B.110, B.555, B.608, B.627 E.70, E.105 - E.108, E.110 E.142, E.143, F.37, F.78, F.106 F.117, F.128, H.190, H.191 A.61, H.192 C.106, C.107, F.102, H.293 H.330 B.363 A.141, D.67, E.100 - E.120 E.135 - E.139, E.143, E.144 E.154 - £.161, £.164, £.171 E.174, E.175, E.176, F.113 F.114 H.306 H.282 See G.31, G.54 G.194 F.120 PULLMAN, Bernard PUSEY, Nathan M. PYKE, Magnus Alfred QUINN, Charles M. RABIN, Yitzhak RADHAKRISHNAN, N. RADHAKRISHNAN, Sir Sarvepalli RADIO DELLA SVIZZERA ITALIANA RAHMAN, Inam RAISTRICK, Harold RAMACHANDRAN, Gopalasamudram Narayana RAMAKRISHNAN, Alladi RAMAN, Srinivasa RAMASESHAN, Sivaraj (Siv) RANDALL,Sir John (Turton) RANDLE, Sir Phillip (John) RAO, Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra RAPSON, Harry David Coleman RASMUSSEN, SvendErik RAYNER, J.H. RAYNOR, John Barrie REAGAN, Ronald REES, Edward REES,Lesley H. REES,Merlyn, see MERLYN-REES D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 349 Index of correspondents REICH, Edward REICHSTEIN, Tadeus REINER, L. RESEARCH. A JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ANDITS APPLICATIONS RESEARCH AND CONTROL INSTRUMENTSLTD. REYNOLDS,Thelma RICH, Alexander RICHARDS,A.N. RICHARDS,Frederic Middlebrook RICHARDS,Sir Rex (Edward) RICHARDS, W. Graham RICHMOND, Sir John (Christopher Blake) RICHTER, F. RIESER, Leonard M. RILEY, Dennis Packer RIMEL,Anita RIMMER (née OUGHTON), Beryl RINGIER SWISS ILLUSTRATED RIVA DI SANSEVERINO,Lodovico ROBERTS,K.C. ROBERTSON, John Harry ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROBINSON, Frank Arnold ROBINSON, F.C. ROBINSON, G.M. ROBINSON, Joan ROBINSON, J.P. ROBINSON, Peter ROBINSON, P.L. ROBINSON, Sir Robert RODD, Ernest H. B.115 H.268 B.107, H.266 F.5 C.124 C.36 C.41, E.63, E.137, G.37, H.284 H.287, H.297 B.354 F.38, F.84, H.303, H.310 A.141, A.205, C.180 C.2 G.19 H.195 F.125 H.196 D.85, D.86, D.87, D.88, E.180 H.268 A.141, H.197 A.24 E.114, F.95, F.96, F.168, F.169 F.170 H.198 A.50, A.141, B.523, B.567 B.636, B.688, B.689, B.929 D.179, F.106, F.107, H.199 A.61, C.44, D.61, D.62, D.66 E.189, H.200 A.65, B.114, B.115, B.358, E.67 H.266, H.267, H.273 F.25 H.263, H.268 G.111 G.22 E.13 H.163 A.89, A.93, B.361, H.201 - H.203 H.266 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 350 Index of correspondents ROGERS, Barbara Wharton, see LOW ROGERS,Donald ROGERS,Rita R. ROGERS-LOW,Barbara Wharton, see LOW ROLLETT, John Sydney ROMAN, Petra ROMERS,C. ROOKSBY,Harold Percy ROSE, Hilary ROSE, Steven Peter Russell ROSENHEIM, O. ROSS,Sir (William) David ROSSDALE, Michael ROSSMAN, Michael George ROTBLAT, Joseph ROWNY,EdwardL. ROY, Maurice ROYAL AUSTRALIAN CHEMICAL INSTITUTE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE ROYLE (née CROWFOOT), Diana(Dilly) RUBINSTEIN, Yael RUDERMAN,Malvin RUDINGER, J. D.117, D.131, H.204 G.34, H.303, H.328 B.109, B.860, B.864, C.136 H.151, H.205 G.34 B.847, C.41, C.47, C.48 H.270 A.53 E.18, G.119, G.177, G.195 H.290 B.317, D.101, H.206 C.63, C.68 G.123 B.97, B.98, F.39, F.95, F.96 H.3, H.207, H.210 G.23, G.24, G.29, G.32, G.55 G.67, G.81, G.84, G.85 G.28 F.35 A.107 A.105, D.121, D.127, E.65 C.41, E.177 A.122, D.155, E.178 A.58, A.65, A.68, A.127, A.130 A.135, B.82, B.551, B.661, C.25 C.26, C.30, C.33, C.39, C.44 C.57 - C.63, C.65, C.66, C.87 D.21, D.23, D.61, D.63, D.64, D.66 D.73, D.85, D.86, D.117, D.125, D.139, D.169, E.127, E.128, E.130 E.131, E.179 - E.187, F.5, F.25 F.36, F.49, F.51, F.69, G.85 G.119, G.164 A.46, A.47, A.136, A.139, E.67 A111 A.132, A.137, D.147 A.156, A.157 G.194 G.149 H.274 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 351 Index of correspondents RUETE, Hans Hellmuth RUMANOVA, Iskra M. RUMBALL(née SHEAT), Sylvia RUPLEY,JohnA. RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl BERTRAND RUSSELL PEACE FOUNDATION RUZICKA,L. RYDON, Henry Norman E.11 E.186, H.208 A.141, H.209 B.123 G.114 G.177, G.193 F.8 E.63, H.280, H.285 SABEL, W. SABESAN, Mandakolathur Natrajan SADANAGA,R. SAHA,N.N. SAKABE, Kiwako SAKABE, Noriyoshi B.112 F.121, H.210 E.174 A.49, E.137, F.37, F.78, F.79 F.168 A.141, B.99, B.258, F.107 F.135, F.148, H.211, H.212 A.141, B.99, B.189, F.107 F.135, F.148, H.211, H.212 SAKHAROV,Andrei Dmitriyevich G.35 SALAM, Abdus SALVATION ARMY SANDERSON, Edward W. SANDFORD, Sir Folliott (Herbert) SANGER, Frederick SASVARI, Kalam SAUNDERSON, Carol P., see HUBER SAYRE, Anne SAYRE, David SCHAY,D. SCHEFFOLD, R. SCHERAGA,Harold Abraham SCHERING CORPORATION SCHIELTZ, N.C. G.25, G.26, G.68, G.193 E.45 B.116 A.69, C.34, C.79 A.141, B.109, B.116, B.474 B.486, H.272 B.129, E.113, F.65, H.213 A.110, H.215, H.216 See also H.218 C.54, C.135, F.84, F.104 H.214 - H.218 F.65 B.551 B.126, B.486 H.89 B.355 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 352 Index of correspondents SCHIFF, Kate, see BOLL-DORNBERGER SCHLICHTKRULL, Jérgen SCHMIDT, Gerhard M.J. SCHMIDT-THOME, J. SCHULTZ, George SCHUMACHER, ErnstFriedrich SCHWARTZ, Laurent SCHWARTZ, Samuel SCIENCE SCIENCE FOR PEACE SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCES SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING SERVICELTD. B.85 - B.87, B.100, B.101 B.199, B.200, B.203, B.221 F.53 H.219 B.115 - B.117 B.91 F.20 G.149 H.278 A.75, A.79 G.172 A.198, H.96 B.608, B.609, C.54, C.87 - C.92 C.140 - C.143 D.124, F.121 B.359, C.128 - C.132, E.78 SCIENTISTS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS (SANA) G.106 - G.108 SCIENTISTS’ APPEAL FOR VIETNAM SEEDS, William E. SEIDEL, Karl SEIFERT,H. SEITZ, Paul L. SELBY,I.A. SEMENOV, Nikolai Nikolaevich SESHAGIRI, N. SEWELL, William G. SHAMIR, Yitzhak SHAO, M.C. SHARAT CHANDRA, H. SHAW, Walter N. SHEARMAN, Sir Harold SHEAT,Sylvia, see RUMBALL SHEFTER, Eli SHELL PETROLEUM COMPANYLTD. SHELLARD, E.J. SHEMETOVA, Galina G.137 B.546 G.197 B.550 G.114 B.127 A.91, H.300 B.119, B.127 F.68 See G.199 F.151 E.70 B.114 D.170 A.141, F.145, H.223 G.196 G.130 A.169 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 353 Index of correspondents SHEPPARD, Robert Charles SHILOV, AlexanderE. SHILOV, Eugene SHIUKIN, N. SHOEMAKER(née BRINK), Clara SHOEMAKER, D.P. SHOPPEE, Charles William SIDDIQ, A.K.M. SIGLER, Paul Benjamin SILVESTER, F.J. SIM, George SIMON, Sir Francis Eugene SIMONOV,V.I. SIMPSON, Harold SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINKER, Sir (Algernon) Paul SISSAKIAN, N.M. SIZER, Irwin W. SKRYABIN, G.K. SLACK,R. ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION SMIRNOVSKY,Mikhail Nikolaevich SMITH, Emil L. SMITH, Ernest Lester SMITH, G. David SMITH, G.L. SMITH, G.W. SMITH, H.G. SMITH, Ivor SMITH, John Charles SMITH, Ronald M. SMITH, 8S. SMITS, Donald W. B.935 H.302 H.278, H.279 H.277 A.141, B.109, B.546, B.547 B.566, H.36 A.141, C.43, E.102, E.111 E.114, E.132, E.158, E.160 F.113, H.36 H.224 F.128, F.131 C.48 G.28 H.319 A.64, H.268 A.152, E.106, E.113, E.136 D.62 D.62, D.180, H.280, H.289 F.22, F.26 A.75 F.29 F.63, F.88 H.277, H.280 AQ G.144 A.118, C.37 A.93, B.359, B.524 - B.531 B.566, B.567, B.573, B.589 B.699, D.177 F.150 B.91 H.282 B.550 B.114, B.115, B.117, B.118 H.267 B.117 B.356 E.128, E.138 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 354 Index of correspondents SNOW, George Alan SNYDER, Grayson H. SOCIETY FOR ANGLO-CHINESE UNDERSTANDING (SACU) SOCIETY FOR ENDOCRINOLOGY SOKOLOV,Yuri SOLUS ELECTRICAL CO. LTD. SONKSEN,P.H. SOUTHERN AFRICA COALITION SOVIET WEEKLY SPARKS, Robert A. SPEAKMAN, JamesClare SPENCER, M. SPERLING, Ruth SPRING, Frank Stuart SQUIBB INSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH SRINIVASAN, P.R. H.283 B.82 G.111, G.112 D.144 H.277 C.111 B.122, B.123 G.196 A.12, G.192, G.193 A.141, B.546 B.609, H.286 B.548 B.121 H.225 C.101 - C.103 F.121, F.122 SRINIVASAN, R. SRINIVASAN, Thambi STADTMAN, T.C. STANFORD, Edward STANFORD, Elspeth STEINER, Donald F. STEN ANDERSEN, V. STENHAGEN, Einar STENHAGEN, Stina STERN, E.A. STERNBERG, Heinz W. STOCKTON, (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Earl of STOECKLI-EVANS, Helen STOKER, Sir Michael (George Parke) STONE, Doris M. STONE, Francis GordonAlbert STORA, Cécile STORK, Gilbert E.114, F.78, F.79, F.113,F.114 F.119, F.174, H.290, H.325 F.78, F.79 B.302 H.293 A.170 A.141, B.102, E.132, F.45, F.66 F.72, F.84, F.102, G.182, H.225A F.10 H.2 H.270 G.96 H.276 A.69, G.172 A.141, H.226 G.26, G.81 F.34 C.47, H.107 H.227 B.550 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 355 Index of correspondents STOUT, George H. STRANDBERG, Bror STUART, David STRUCHKOV,Yu. T. SUDDATH, F.L. SU JU WEI SULLIVAN, Walter SUNDARALINGAM, M. SUNDARAM, K. SUNDAY TIMES SUNJIC, Marijan SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black Mclvor) SUTHERLAND, Graham (Vivian) SUTHERLAND, DameLucyStuart SUTOR, (Dorothy) June SUTTON, Brian J. SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SWANN, Brenda SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron SWEET,Robert M. SYKES, Marian SYMONS,Martyn Christian Raymond SYNGE, Ann SYNGE, Richard LaurenceMillington TAGER, HowardS. TAKEUCHI, Yoshito TALBOT,Timothy R., Jr. TAMM, G. TANAKA,Jiro TANG, Y.C. TANNER, Cecily TAYLOR, Charles A. H.280 A.83, H.288, H.320, H.321 H.324 H.329 F.157 F.107 B.115 B.552 F.114, F.119 A.42, A.43, A.206, G.191 G.199 A.93 A.205 D.180 D.149 F.178 A.61, A.131, H.275 B.107 E.68 B.921 D.175 H.282 D.87, D.88 B.300, B.472, B.473, B.480 B.486, B.493, B.898, D.88,G.1 H.228 F.150, H.302 B.119 F.54, H.91, H.92 D.102 F.70, F.71, H.211 C.41, F.26, G.37 H.282 D.175, D.176, E.139 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 356 Index of correspondents TAYLOR, D.A.H. TAYLOR, H.F.W. TAYLOR, Hugh 8. TAYLOR(née WHITE), N6el E. TAYLOR, William Hodge TA-YOU WU TEMPLETON, David H. TEPPERMAN, Jay THART,M.E. H.104, H.286, H.287 C.41, D.90 H.115 B.854, B.872, H.229 A.61, D.177, E.75, E.76, E.78 E.79, E.81, E.121, £.129, H.34 H.146 F.70 H.276 A.52 F.12 THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness A.141, E.69, G.31, G.34, G.183 G.189, G.195, H.231 THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH CORPORATION OF GREATBRITAIN THIMANN, Kenneth Vivian THIRD WORLD ACADEMYOF SCIENCES THOMAS,Sir John Meurig THOMASON, Doreen THOMPSON, Barry Pearce THOMPSON, Edward Palmer THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) THOMSON, R.O. THORPE, William Homan THYNNE, J.C.u. TILAK, B.D. THE TIMES TINBERGEN, Nikolaas TISCHENKO,Galina N. Kolayevna TISELIUS, Arne TODD, Alexander (Robertus), Baron TOLANSKY, Samuel TOLHOEK, H.A. TOMETSKO,Andrew M. TOMLINSON, Muriel Louise TOOMRE, Joyce TORI, K. B.357 D.110 F.177 D.199 H.269 H.232 A.175, G.30, G.185, G.186 E.179, E.186 B.121 H.283 F.89 F.37 A.44, D.41, G.124, G.146 G.30 A.141, F.140, H.233, H.329 A.88, B.546 A.202, B.359, B.529, B.532 B.573, C.174, E.181, H.264 H.311 H.172 B.123 H.306 F.132 H.293 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 357 Index of correspondents TOVBORG JENSEN, Aksel TOWNES, Charles Hard TRAN VAN HUNG TRENNER, N.R. TRESS,R.C. TRIPSA, Micara TRUEBLOOD, Kenneth N. TRUTER, Mary Rosaleen TSOUCARIS,G. TSOU CHENG-LU TULINSKY, Alexander TURNER, M.K. TURNER, Paul J. B.106, H.234 A.99, F.29 G.151 B.353 D.87, D.88, D.134 H.305 A.179, A.180, B.324, B.333 B.486, B.533 - B.536, B.688 B.689, B.708, D.21, F.38, F.160 G.21 D.131, H.290 B.127 F.135, F.136 B.300, C.49, D.139, H.278, H.290 B.539 B.130 UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Paul A.65, H.270, H.271, H.275 UEO,S. UK OPTICAL CO.LTD. ULRICH, Ute UNICAM INSTRUMENTSLTD. F.26 B.360 F.28 C.109 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION B.608, C.140, G.7 E.110, £.112, G.162, G.174 G.175 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITIES’ EDUCATIONAL FUND FOR PALESTINIAN B.355 G.19 - G.21 REFUGEES URRY, D.W. URSU, loanI. H.285 G.34 VACIAGO, Alessandro VAINSHTEIN, Boris Konstantinovitch B.881, F.96, H.236 A.128, A.152, E.131, E.157 E.163, E.187, F.58, F.63, F.88 F.140, F.148, F.151, G.30 G.144, H.29, H.233, H.237 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 358 Index of correspondents VALLADARES,Ariel A. van HEYNINGEN, William Edward (‘Kits’) VAN SYKE, Donald VAND, V. VARADARAYVAN, S. VASILESCU, Gabriela VASILESCU, V. VAUGHAN, DameJanet (Maria) VEALE, Sir Douglas VELIKHOV, E.P. VENABLE, Jack H. VENKATESAN, K. (‘Van’) VERDON-SMITH, Sir (William) Reginald VERKADE, P.E. VERMA,A.R. VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VIJAYAN, K. VIJAYAN, M. VISWAMITRA, M.A. VOGLER, K. VOORN, M.J. VOS,Aafje F.74 C.28 B.550 H.271 F.131 F.133 D.125, F.133, F.153, F.173 F.174, H.300, H.304, H.305 A.114, C.173, C.177, E.193 H.306 B.358, C.67, C.71, C.133 - C.135 C.182 G.164, G.188 B.111, B.132 A.141, B.537, F.131, H.210 H.239 E.15, E.19, E.24 B.547 E.142, £.143, £.144 D.192 B.921,C.63, G.159, H.240-H.242 A.141, B.129, H.240 - H.242 B.110, H.243, H.244 B.116, B.117 F.55 B.548, E.133, E.135, £.136 E.137, E.138, E.156, £.176 F.31, H.293 WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADE, Kenneth WAGMAN FOUNDATION WAGNER, Fritz WAIT, Eric WALD, George WALDEGRAVE,Geoffrey Noel, 12th Earl A.61, H.267 H.330 C.105 B.538, D.31 B.608 G.34, G.116, H.302 E.19 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 359 Index of correspondents WALDEGRAVE, William (Arthur) WALDMANN, Hans WALEY, Stephen WALKER, Brian W. WALKER, Hector M. WALKER, James WALLWORK,StephenCollier WALTON, Ernest Thomas Sinton WALTON, Sir John (Nicholas) WARDLAW,W. G.195 H.268 H.276, H.282 G.120 H.282 A.75, B.935, H.271, H.296 A.141, H.34 G.27 G.183 B.357 WARNER, Sir Frederick (Edward) G.189 - G.192, G.194 WARREN, B.E. WASER, Jug WATANABE, T. WATENPAUGH, Keith D. WATERMAN, Alan T. WATERS,Joyce WATERS,(Thomas)Neil (Morris) WATKIN, D. WATSON, Herman Charles WATSON, Kenneth John WATSON, James Dewey WATSON, T.J. WATTS,David Charles WAYS OUT OF THE ARMS RACE WEAVER, Warren WEBSTER, A.J.F. WEILER, G. WEISENBORN, F.L. WEISS, Joseph WEISS, R.J. WEISSBERGER, A. WEISSKOPF, Victor Frederick WEISKRANTZ, Lawrence E.74 B.364 H.173 F.150 F.39 A.141, B.555, B.627, B.759 A.141, B.539, B.627, B.759 H.19, H.60, H.61, H.245, H.246 C.30 B.123, B.129, B.302, E.19 H.280, H.285, H.330 B.934, H.247 F.60 C.2 B.131, B.173 G.161 C.68, C.70, C.71 E.18 H.263 B.935 H.23 E.101 - £.104, E.106, E.107 H.263 G.100, G.103 C.32 WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE G.33, G.70, G.81, G.82, G.100 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 360 Index of correspondents WELLCOME CHEMICAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES WELLS, Alexander Frank WELLS, Robert D. WENYON, Charles Morley WEST, A.R. WESTENBRINK, H.G.K. WETLAUFER, Don B. WHEARE, Ken WHEATLEY,PeterJ. WHIFFEN, David Hardy WHILLANS, Frank WHITE, A.W. WHITE, Eirene Lloyd, Baroness WHITE, John G. WHITE, N.E., see TAYLOR WHITING, M.C. WIEBENGA,Eno H. WIEDEKING, Claus WIESEL,Elie WIJERATNE, Brian WILCOCK, Bruce WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey WILKINSON, Sir Russell (Facey) WILLIAMS,Sir Frederick (Calland) WILLIAMS,G.H. WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WILLIAMSON, KennethL. WILLIS, Bertram Terence Martin (Terry) WILLS, Sir John Vernon WILSON, Arthur James Cochran WILSON, Harriett B.356 E.114 F.156 H.266 H.282 F.14 B.120 A.114 D.59 G.167, H.269 H.285 B.366, B.367 A.114 A.75, A.141, B.540 - B.543 B.708, H.248 H.277 H.249 A.28 G.193 A.46, A.52, F.172 B.114 C.113, G.184, H.288 E.66 B.358, B.359 H.270 F.51 B.552, E.193, G.7, H.303 B.129 B.521, B.522, B.544, B.608 C.141 - C.143, H.107, H.153 H.250 E.35 A.141, D.61, E.2, E.100 E.102 - E.105, E.107 -£.110 E.113, £.114, £.117, £.136 E.156, E.160, E.170, £.171 H.251, H.252, H.311 H.252 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 361 Index of correspondents WILSON, lan A. WINDAUS, A. WINDLESHAM, David James George Hennessy, Baron WINFIELD, Malcolm E. WINOGRAD, Shmuel WINSTEIN, Saul WITKOP, Bernhard WOLFE, C.L. WOLFEL,Erich WOLFENDEN, John WOLFENDEN, Richard V. WOLFSON COLLEGE, OXFORD WOLPERT, Lewis WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) WOMAN’S JOURNAL WOOD, Betty WOOD, Elizabeth A. (Betty) WOODWARD, Robert Burns WOOLDRIDGE, Mike WOOLFSON, Michael Mark WOOSTER, Nora Anna WOOSTER, W.A. (‘Peter’) WORK, Elizabeth WORK, ThomasS. WORLD CAMPAIGN FOR SOVIET JEWRY WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN WORLD FEDERATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS WORLD PEACE COUNCIL WRIGHT,Evan C. WRIGHT, John D. WRIGHT, Sir Paul (Hervé Giraud) WRIGHT,PeterE. WRIGHT, Winifred Booth WRINCH, Dorothy F.152 D.102, H.253 G.115 B.553 H.216, H.217 H.284 F.97, H.276, H.282, H.320 H.322, H.323 G.120 H.276, H.277 A.75, F.16, F.125, H.65 F.126 A.135 A.34, D.197, E.182 A.46, A.132, D.147 A.26, A.206 F.3 A.75, H.271 A.88, B.545, B.615, D.31 H.65, H.254, H.313 G.192 D.75, E.59, E.109, H.254A B.103, H.306 B.103, H.264 H.306 B.474, H.270, H.277 G.100 G.176, G.192 G.137, G.175, G.176, G.179 G.186 G.173 E.8 -E.12,E.18 H.285 G.182 F.152 H.275, H.277 A.93, H.255 - H.257 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS47/3/94 362 Index of correspondents WRONG, Owen M. WU LING-AN WUNDERLICH, J. WURR, E.N. (‘Buzzer’) WYART,J. WYCKOFF, Harold W. WYCKOFF, Ralph W.G. WYSSBROD, Herman R. D.193 E.187 H.275 A.171 E.137, E.138 F.38 E.136, E.137, E.138, H.258 B.130 YABLOCHKOV,Leonid Dmitrievitch YOU-CHI YOU-CHI TANG YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) YOUNG, RayA. A.152, H.259 F.148, F.151 A.141, H.302 B.110 E.102 - E.106 ZACHARIASEN, W.H. ZAGLADIN, V. ZAHN, Helmut ZALUT, Clyde ZAMYATIN, L. ZECHMEISTER, L. ZEIDAN, Hussain Mohammed Musa ZHDANOV,G.S. ZHENG-JIONG LIN ZICHICHI, Antonio ZIMAN, John Michael ZIMMERMAN, Arthur E. ZINN, Grover A. ZUCKERMAN, J.J. ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron F.16, F.72 G.71 A.141,B.104, F.32, F.76,F.159 H.260 B.114 A.151 B.548, D.121 H.261, H.262 H.275, H.294 H.301 F.96, F.168, F.170, G.193 G.195, G.196, G.197, H.304 H.329 E.5, E.12, G.96, H.287, H.304 B.122 F.127 H.293 A.61, A.65, D.88, D.102, H.276 H.277 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994) by Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 135/8/04 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 1 Title: Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin OM FRS (1910-1994), biochemist Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1919-2003 Extent of material: ca 535 items Depositedin: Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford Reference code: GB 0161 D.M.C. Hodgkin papers (Supplement) © 2004 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACScatalogue no. 135/8/04 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is madepossible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society TheBritish Computer Society Girton College Cambridge TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Astronomical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS BODLEIAN LIBRARY OXFORD D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.260 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.56 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES D.1-D.38 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS E.1-E.33 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.21 SECTION G PEACE AND HUMANITARIAN INTERESTS G.1-G.53 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE SECTION J NON-TEXT MATERIAL H.1-H.54 J.1-J.26 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 53 65 72 80 84 94 103 107 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 GENERALINTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 5 The present Supplementfollows the sequence and organisation of the first catalogue of Hodgkin’s papers, whichlaid special emphasis on herscientific and public work and was completed in 1994, shortly before her death (ref: NCUACS 47/3/94). At that time, many personal and family papers remained in family hands and were transferred on a temporary basis to the Bodleian Library Oxford for the use of Georgina Ferry whose biography, Dorothy Hodgkin. A Life was published by Granta Books, Londonin 1998. These are the papers whichare presented in this Supplement. In addition, Georgina Ferry has made available the following items: the typescript of the projected (incomplete) biography of Hodgkin by Francis Pagan (A.5); Elisabeth Crowfoot’s ‘Archaeological Biography’ of her mother (A.99); the correspondence and material relating to research on vitamin B12 which had beenpassedto her by K.N. Trueblood (H.27-H.33). PRESENTATION The publication of the first catalogue in 1994 has been followed not only by Ferry’s biography but by the Memoir written by G.G. Dodson for the Royal Society (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 48, 2002). The numberednotes and referencesin Ferry’s text document her use of the uncatalogued as well as the catalogued papers and her private interviews and research. References to such material in the present catalogue are given in the form (Ferry p...). The Memoir by Dodson includes a bibliography which presents Hodgkin’s writings thematically. Because ofits official standing as published by the Royal Society it supersedes the chronological listing given in Volume III of the 1994 catalogue and has been usedherein the form (Bibliography...). Although the distinction between scientific and personal papers hasvalidity, it is far from absolute, and while it is true that the family and personal correspondence constitutes the main contribution of the present collection, there is additional material from all aspects of Hodgkin’s life and work and considerable overlap with the 1994 catalogue. These referencesare given in the form (Hodgkin...item numben). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shownin the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub-sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs are intended only to draw attention to items of particular interest. Section A, Biographical and personal, is by far the most substantial, containing much new material relating to Hodgkin, her family and friends. Among the ‘Juvenilia’ at A.12-A.19 are notebooks and diaries, some home-made, recording her earliest work at home 1919-1924, including history, poems, nature study with her ownillustrations, and chemistry. Herintellectual brilliance was acknowledged by her election as Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1922 at the age of twenty-one (A.33), and continued steadily with world-wide honours and awards; a celebratory volume for her 80th birthday in 1990 (A.33) testifies to the esteem and affection she inspired. The draft biography by F. Pagan, which takes the story to 1939, is also of interest (A.5). The family correspondence at A.97-A.224 documents the attainments and activities of three generations: Hodgkin’s parents John and Molly Crowfoot; herself, her sisters and her husband; and her children. Hodgkin’s mother was a gifted and energetic woman (A.99-A.118 and introductory note). Her daughter Prudence Elisabeth (‘Liz’) followed family tradition in making a career in Africa from which she wrote regularly (A.139-A.153 and note). By far the largest component, however, is Hodgkin’s almost daily correspondence with her beloved husband Thomas, whom she met and married in 1937. This famous record of a great love as well as a personal and family accountis presented with a fuller introduction at A.156-A.207). Interestingly, here as in her correspondence with her previous mentor J.D. Bernal (see Section B), part of Hodgkin’s mind remainedin thrall to her research and she could move disconcertingly from an emotionallevel to practical laboratoryaffairs. The tradition of regular letter-writing, in a pre-electronic age, combined with open- heartedness and shared humanitarian and political concerns, links family members and also some of Hodgkin’s closest friends such as Margery Fry (A.235, A.236), Betty Murray (A.238-A.241) and - in a somewhatdifferent key - the flamboyant Somerville Fellow Enid Starkie (A.246). Section B, Research, while considerably less exhaustive than that previously catalogued, provides some useful complementary material, such as Hodgkin’s undergraduate notebooks, the work for her Oxford Part II thesis later published (B.15), her Cambridge doctoral thesis (B.29) and her earliest work on insulin (B.30, B.31). Correspondenceand papersrelating to J.D.Bernal (B.42-B.52) are of scientific and personalinterest, and this continues in Section D, Publications and lectures. In addition to Hodgkin’s drafts for her D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 7 writings on Bernal, there is a copy (D.9) of his dissertation ‘The analytic theory of point systems’, written as an undergraduate at Cambridge 1922-1923 entirely in his own time andfor his owninterest. It was never published but struck W.H. Bragg as so remarkable that he offered Bernal a post at the RoyalInstitution on the strength, it is said, of a glance at thefirst page. Section E, Societies and organisations, is short, but includes new material on the Children’s Medical Charity based at Westminster Hospital, and on L’Institut de la Vie. Section F, Visits and conferences, is also short. It deals with visits in Hodgkin’s later years, several of which are additional to those in the previous catalogue. Section G, Peace and humanitarian interests, contains some additional material on Birzeit University in Palestine, and also on severalinternational conferences on peace and disarmamentwhich Hodgkin attended in her later years. there is also the Judgment of the Nuclear Warfare Tribunal of which she was a member(G.8). Section H, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of MHodgkin’s scientific correspondents, including Hongying Liao, M.F. Perutz, D.P. Riley, C.H. Waddington and D. Wrinch. Of special interest is the sequenceof letters and data documenting the research on vitamin B12 by K.N.T. Trueblood in Los Angeles in collaboration with Hodgkin’s team at Oxford (H.27-H.33). This material, kindly passed on by G. Ferry, usefully complements the detailed entries of the previous catalogue. Section J, Non-text material, includes some interesting photographs of a 1924 trip to Egypt and the Sudan, drawings of mosaics and tesserae relating to archaeological finds by Hodgkin’s parents, and glass plates of early research on insulin 1935-1936. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grateful thanks are due to Georgina Ferry for her unique information and advice, and for making available three additional items of interest, to Steven Tomlinson of the Department of Western Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library, and to Dr T. E. Powell of NCUACSfor careful revision of the draft catalogue. J.B.Alton Oxford 2004 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL,A.1-A.260 ca 1918-2003 A.1-A.11 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.12-A.57 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.58-A.96 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICALITEMS A.97-A.224 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE A.225-A.260 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.1-A.11 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL 1947-1994 A.1-A.4 Autobiographical writings A.1 App corrected pencil draft describing Hodgkin’sfirst visit to the USSR in 1953. She wrote about this visit at greater length elsewhere (Hodgkin A. 12, F.7; Ferry pp.267-271). ca 1953, 71985, n.d. ca 1953 A.2 ‘Dorothy Hodgkin - Early Education’. 21985 3pp manuscript draft, probably for article Pianta’ 1985 (Hodgkin A.11). in ‘L’Umile A.3 ‘A life in science’. N.d. 17pp typescript draft with a few manuscript corrections, taking Hodgkin’slife up to 1977. A.4 manuscript 2pp crystallography. (incomplete) of work in X-ray N.d. Notes of publications, D.Phil. and B.Sc. theses supervised 1942-1975. A.5, A.6 Biography A.5 ‘Life of Dorothy Hodgkin’ 1978-1980s 1980s Typescript draft of a proposed full-length biography by Francis Pagan, a long-term acquaintance at Beccles, later a publisher. The work continues to 1939, when Hodgkin suggested it should await her own autobiographical account (never completed). (Ferry p.392; Hodgkin A. 168). Received by courtesy of G. Ferry, October 2002. A.6 Letters from Pagan aboutthe project and its progress. 1978-1982 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 10 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.7-A.11 Articles and interviews 1947-1994 A.7 A.8 AY A.10 A.11 Correspondence, drafts, information. 1947-1983. 1984-1994. Includes address given by M.F. Perutz at Hodgkin’s Memorial Service. Undated. Correspondenceonfilm and television appearances. 1978-1981 Requests for information A.12-A.57 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS ca 1918-1994 A.12-A.22 Early notes and juvenilia ca 1918-1931 A.12-A.14 Three hand-made notebooks, withillustrations and maps, on English history. ca 1919 Made during the short period when Molly Crowfoot was teaching her children herself at Nettleham near Lincoln. (Ferry pp.17-18). ‘Early Times’ ‘The coming of the Saxons, the Danes and the Normans’. ‘From HenryII to EdwardII’ A.12 A.13 A.14 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 11 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.15 A.16 A.17 Small red leather covered book, mainly containing hymns and pious poems in the hands of John and Molly Crowfoot. ca 1920 Some poems in Hodgkin’s hand are included: ‘The Rooks’, signed ‘D.M. Crowfoot Jan 17th 1920 Nettlenam Hall’ and ‘A Wonderful Voyage’ with a later manuscript note ‘written by D. Crowfoot aged 11-13. N.B. When | wrote this | had not read “Ancient Mariner” ’. Also included on a loose page is a poem ‘To Betty’. ‘Nature Diary’, small notebook with brown papercover, n.d., perhaps 1920 21920 Entries run 10 June-12 August (no year), with water- colour illustrations of birds, flowers etc. Entry for 17 July refers to her mother dyeing fabrics. ‘Nature Note Book P.N.E.U. [Parents National Education Union]. 21918-1922 Hodgkin attended a P.N.E.U. school at Burgess Hill, Sussex, 1918, and the book (descriptions of wild flowers with water-colour illustrations) may have been started then; several drawings are dated 1922. A.18 Small dark green ‘Chemistry Notebook of experiments done at home. Dorothy M. Crowfoot’. 1924 Both ends of book used. Notes on Borax beeds (sic) and other experiments one dated 1924, perhaps dating from work to amuse her sisters whenin quarantine for mumps (Ferry pp.28-29). A.19 Small red and green notebook ‘Joan Crowfoot. Science Chemistry’, also on ‘Borax beads’. 1924 Various experiments ticked, one marked 7/10 (?by Dorothy), from same period as A.18. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 12 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.20-A.22 A.20 A.21 A.22 Three Farmhouse School, Wendover, Buckinghamshire. notebooks Crowfoot, of Diana (‘Dilly’) from ca 1928-1931 The school was run byIsabel Fry, sister of Margery, who encouraged Molly Crowfoot about Dorothy’s entrance to Somerville College Oxford. (Ferry p.33). ‘Form IVa Farm notes’ ‘Form VI Farm notes’ No title. Pasted in press-cuttings on agricultural topics. 1931 A.23, A.24 Sir John Leman School, Beccles 1925-1926, 1963-1983 Hodgkin entered the school in 1921 aged 11. She remained there until she entered Somerville College in 1928 and retained contact with it thereafter. Hodgkin A.215. A.23 Miscellaneous material 1925-1926 Material includes: school report 1925 (Chemistry ‘Good on the whole’ Ferry p.31), Joan Crowfoot’s school report 1925, papers, some annotated, for Hodgkin’s School Certificate Examination (Hodgkin took the examination in July 1926 with success, Ferry p.32. See also J.17). timetable and set of question A.24 Later material 1963-1983 Includeslater letters from C. Deeley, Hodgkin’s chemistry teacher, and from other old school friends, miscellaneous material on school events 1963-1983. A.25-A.33 Somerville College, Oxford 1928-1992 Hodgkin went up to Somerville in October 1928, with an allowance from her aunt Dolly of £200 a year. She read D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 13 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 for the B.A. Honours Degree in Chemistry and wasable to specialise in X-ray crystallography for her ‘Part Il’ thesis under the supervision of H.M. Powell. After an important period in Cambridge 1932-1934 with J.D. Bernal, she accepted the offer of a Fellowship at Somerville and remained at Oxford until retirement. Before taking up residence at Oxford in1928, however, Hodgkin had spent the summer months with her parents on an archaeological expedition at Jerash in Jordan. She undertook the task of recording the mosaic designs of the excavated church pavements, which she completed, along with tesserae from later excavations (Ferry pp.36- 40, This contribution to archaeological research at an early ageis recorded at A.25. See also J.18-J.20. undergraduate 52-54) during days. her Letter from the Hodgkin for her work on mosaics, 3 July. President, Yale University, thanking 1928 Miscellaneousitems. 1929-1932 (Ferry Includes note re Hodgkin’s donation to the Girls’ Club Rotherhithe Ober- Ammergau Passion Play (Ferry p.58), letter to parents on work on tesserae 1930 (Ferry pp.52-54), of congratulation on First Class Honours (Ferry p.74). brochure letters p.58), tour for Correspondence from A.F. Joseph (‘Uncle Joseph’) on plans for future research and Hodgkin’svisit to Heidelberg summer 1931. 1931, 1933 Also includedis a later (1933) letter about ‘your celestial friend’ (Hongying Liao q.v.) and undated, unsignedletter on possible research at Uppsala (Ferry pp.62-63). Miscellaneous correspondencerelating to Hodgkin’s visit to Heidelberg in 1931. 1931 References Demonstrator in Chemistry, Bedford College London application Hodgkin’s for for post of 1931 Hodgkin applied post while completing her Part Il thesis and before her move to Cambridge was decided (Ferry pp. 70-72). (unsuccessfully) for the A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 14 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.30 A.31 A.32 A.33 Material relating to Oxford University Junior Scientific Club. 1932 Accounts, subscriptions, correspondence with college secretaries etc. Hodgkin was Treasurer, Trinity Term 1932. Manuscript notes on candidates for Oxford entrance. N.d. Miscellaneous items buildings, appeals, etc. on Somerville affairs, events, 1934-1992 Election as Fellow of the Chemical Society, February 1932, and a later letter on the award of the Longstaff Medal 1983. 1932, 1983 See also E.31-E.33 and Hodgkin E.63-E.67. A.34, A.35 Cambridge 1932 and later A.34 Miscellaneous correspondence. On career (Ferry p.75), houses and lodgings (Ferry p.83), award of of 25 guineas, Newnham College 1939. Muriel Onslow Prize the A.35 Miscellaneous items. A.36-A.57 Later career, honours and awards A.36 Marriage to Thomas Hodgkin, 16 December. 1932-1939 1932-1939 1933 1937-1994 1937 Notice, engagementand wedding. letters and telegrams of congratulation on A.37 Letters of congratulation 1955-1956 Congratulations 1955 (B12) and 1956 (Royal Medal). D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 15 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 Also letter suggesting Hodgkin should allow her name to go forward for the Chair of Chemistry, Westfield College London (no reply). A.38 Correspondence on possible chair at Leeds University. 1960, 1982 Hodgkin was actively considering this but declined when offered Research Professorship (Hodgkin A.68, A.69; Ferry pp.283-285). Wolfson Society Royal the first Included here is a letter at the closure of Hodgkin’s Extraordinary Fellowship at Wolfson College, 1982. A.39-A.41 Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1964-1983 (Hodgkin A.73-A.91; Ferry ch.8). A.39 A.40 special Presentation performance of Ghanaian dances given in Ghana to celebrate the prize. programme speeches, of 1964 Information, Conference. programme etc of 75th Anniversary 1975 Hodgkin lectured on ‘The structuresofinsulin’. A.41 Miscellaneous later material. various dates Declarations on disarmament, invitations to meetings and visits (especially 1983). A.42 Various career and honours 1966-1968 Includes (Hodgkin A. 108). Honorary D.Sc. Harvard University 1968 A.43 A.44 Congratulations on insulin structure. Honorary D.Sc., Brown University. 1969 1970 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 16 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.45 A.46 School speech days and prize-givings 1972-1974 Various career and honours. 1974, 1976 1974 Honorary D.Sc. Yale University; 1976 Honorary D.Sc. Modena University; Foreign Membership USSR Academyof Sciences; Honorary D.Sc. Amherst. A.47 Honorary Fellowship, Royal Society of Medicine. 1978 Correspondence. A.48 Honorary D.Sc, Open University 1979 1978-1979 Correspondence. A.49 A.50 A.51 Honorary President, World Cultural Council. 1982 Austrian Academyof Sciences: Election as Corresponding Member 1982, Honour Award for Science and Arts 1983. 1982-1988 Correspondence on awards, travel to Vienna for the ceremony, later correspondence on meetings, in particular the Centenary celebrations 1988 (Hodgkin A. 145). Lomonosov Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences Letters of congratulation (Hodgkin A. 144). 1983 1987 A.52 Onassis Prize Information, ‘Laudatio’ to Pugwash, Hodgkin’s speech of acceptance. The Prize was awarded to Hodgkin on behalf of the Pugwash Conferences, and accepted by her in Athens, 15 June. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 135/8/04 A.53 A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 Election as a Kentucky Colonel. 80th birthday Recollections and greetings from UK and overseas friends, colleagues, pupils etc. Bound volume of diagramsand drawings. Witha little loose material. cards, telegrams, letters, printout, Hodgkin celebrated her birthday at Crab Mill on Sunday 13 May 1990. Greetings (from Insulin Group). Letter on the naming of a minor planet in the solar system in Hodgkin’s honour. Illness and last days. 17 1990 1990 1993 1994 1994 A.58-A.96 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICALITEMS 1922-1994, n.d. A.58-A.67 Diaries A.58 Small diary bought in Florence, entries run 1 January-9 May 1923. Hodgkin spent this period with her maternal grandmother and auntat their Villa Lincolnia, San Remo. Her mother arrived from Khartoum on 16 April and they returned to London via Paris on 24 April. Hodgkin records herFirst Communion on Easter Day, 1 April (Ferry p.21). See J.12. 1923-1989 1923 A.59 Collins pocketdiary. 1945 Few entries, mainly by Luke Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 18 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.60 University of Bristol diary. 1972-1973 Few entries. A.61 Small black diary. Miscellaneous scientific and personal entries, pehaps used over a period. A.62 A.63 A.64 A.65 A.66 A.67 Deskdiary. Small pocketdiary. Small pocketdiary. Oxford University diary. Black diary Oxford University diary. A.68-A.71 Passports A.68 A.69 A.70 A.71 Passport issued 1970. Passport issued 1977. Passport issued 1984. Passport issued 1990. 1974 1979 1982 1983 1985-1986 1987 1988-1989 1970-1990 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 19 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.72-A.76 Other 1922-1925, n.d. A.72 A.73 Miscellaneous membership and other cards Small pocket-book size New Testament, from Hodgkin’s aunt Violet Holdsworth. N.d. N.d. A.74-A.76 Three journals kept by Dorothy Hood (‘Aunt recording their car journeys from Italy to London. Dolly’) 1922-1925 A.74 A.75 A.76 ‘Motor Tour San Remo-London and back 1922’. ‘San Remo to London 1924’. ‘San Remo to London 1925’. A.77, A.78 Houses N.d. A.77 Brief correspondenceonflats and houses occupied by the Hodgkin family. Include Bradmore Road; Powder Hill House, Boars Hill; 94 Woodstock Road (including note of burglary in which Hodgkin’s Royal Medal wasstolen); Crab Mill IImington. A.78 Memorabilia. Children’s drawings, poems, cartoons, sketches for plays at PowderHill and Ilmington. A.79-A.86 Money A.79 Bank book. 1927-1986,n.d. 1928-1930 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.80 Cash book ‘Michaelmas 1929’. Some later notes. Hodgkin’sdraft will. Gifts and loans to family and friends. Miscellaneousgifts, subscriptions, beggingletters. 20 1929 1970 N.d. N.d. A.81 A.82 A.83 A.84 A.85 A.86 Miscellaneous bank statements, income tax coding, college battels, university pension, travel, investments etc. 1931-1986 Correspondence and papers onestate of J.W. Crowfoot (Hodgkin’s father). 1927-1960 Correspondence and papers on estate of G.M. Crowfoot (Hodgkin’s mother) 1957-1958. 1957-1958, 1960 Also includesletter re legacy from Mrs G.M. Hood 1960. A.87 Health 1932-1962 Manuscript note of onset and progress of rheumatoid arthritis 1934-1945; prescriptions, doctors’ appointments 1932-1962. (Hodgkin A.204). A.88, A.89 Archives and models 1978-1984, n.d. A.88 Correspondence re Hodgkin’s manuscripts. 1980 and n.d. (Hodgkin A. 196). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.89 Correspondence on drawings and models. (Hodgkin A. 198). A.90-A.92 Personal A.90 Poems. 21 1978-1984 and n.d. 1941-1964 and n.d. 1941-1964, n.d. Includes poem by Thomas‘Looking back over four years’ (1941), poem for Thomas’s (1945), Ghanaian poem for Hodgkin’s Nobel Prize 1964, and others. Victory Party A.91 A.92 Christmas and New Year greetings cards, with messages by Hodgkin, Apparently not sent. A pattern for a ‘monkey suit’ made by Hodgkin for Pamela Wrinch Nicholson (daughter of Dorothy Wrinch q.v.), with a letter. N.d. N.d. A.93 Photographsandportraits 1960-1987 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence (Hodgkin A.205- A.209). A.94 Autographs N.d. Requests for (Hodgkin A.199-A.201). autographs, signed photographs, etc. A.95 Social invitations 1951-1994 Invitations and occasions (Hodgkin A.212-A.220). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.96 Press-cuttings Presscuttings, articles etc (Hodgkin A.221, A.222). 22 N.d. A.97-A.224 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE 1923-2003 The material is presented in alphabetical order, with a note of the family relationship when this is known. A.97, A.98 Elisabeth Grace Crowfoot 1939-1990 Elisabeth Grace, addressed as Liz, more usually as Betty, was born in 1914, the third of the Crowfoot daughters. Shetrained for the stage at the Central School of Drama, London, and acted at the Alexandra Theatre Birmingham, Festival Theatre Cambridge and the Maddermarket Theatre Norwich. Later she lived at Geldeston with her parents, and after their death at Riverview (in Geldeston). A.97 Letters to Thomas Not all dated. 1939, 1952- 1953, n.d. 1939 (coming of war), 1952-1953 (some asking Thomas’s advice on a novel or play she was writing, set in Palestine). A.98 Letters. ca 1940-1990 Very few dated. Early letters from Alexandra Theatre describe bombing raids on Birmingham and damage.Letters 1969 and 1970 describe visits to Katie and Jimmy Collins (q.v.). Later letters deal with settlement of parents’ estate. Letters from her son Johnny are also enclosed here. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 23 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.99-A.118 Grace Mary Crowfoot(‘Molly’) ca 1923-1983 Hodgkin’s mother, née Hood, was a remarkable woman. Born into a comfortable country family in 1877, she received no formal education. By her own talent and determination, her family connections and especially her marriage in 1909 to John Crowfoot and consequentresidence in Cairo, the Sudan and the Middle East, she made herself an authority on flowering plants, weaving and dyeing techniques, pottery and glass- making. She published extensively on thesetopics. however, Herletters are exceptionally difficult to date, since she and her husband spent several months each year on archaeological digs (where one or moreof their daughters might join them), returning to their Geldeston home between expeditions. The expeditions - to Nablus, Jerash and Samaria - the finds and the camp life are described in lively terms, and often result in requests to Hodgkin for help in identifying mosaics, crystals, plants and herbs. During her parents’ frequent absences, Hodgkin was responsible for her younger sisters and for domestic arrangements. Several of her parents’ letters refer to modest sums sent for Christmas and birthday presents and for householdbills. A.99 ‘Archaeological biography’ of her mother by Elisabeth Crowfoot. 1996 15pp typescript draft dated 13 November 1996. Received from G. Ferry, 22 October 2002. A.100-A.112 Letters. ca 1923-1957 A few of these letters are addressed to the family as a whole, or to her younger daughters. By far the majority are to Hodgkin. The dating offered is approximate as very few letters carry more than anindication of day and month. A.100 1920s. Sudan From Jerusalem. and British School of Archaeology, D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 24 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.101 1930, 1931. From Constantinople. Geldeston, Jerusalem, Jerash, Nablus, A.102 1932. A.103 1933. with proof-reading, References to ‘Mr Bernal’, ‘Mr Waddington’, Hodgkin’s help at Somerville, Molly's thoughtful letters of advice to her daughter on her emotional relations with Waddington, Christmas cheque £5 for the four girls. Hodgkin A.160, A. 189. Research Fellowship A.104 21935 Includes letters from Joan Crowfoot, in Palestine with her parents. A.105 1937. Includesa letter from Dorothy to her mother, 3 March. Engagements of Joan and Denis, Dorothy and Thomas, wedding arrangements. A.106 1938. Hodgkin’s Crowfoot’s research onivories and pottery. arrangements for pregnancy, birth, Molly A.107 1939. of Joan Birth rheumatism. Payne’s daughter Julian, Hodgkin’s A.108 1940. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 25 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.109 1941-21943 A.110 1944-21947. Several letters to Thomas on his application for Oxford Extra-Mural Dorothy’s rheumatism, comments on anarticle on the Sudan, post- warvisit to villa at San Remo. 1945 General Election, post, A.111 1950-1957. References to Hodgkin’s gift of £500 for the publication of John Crowfoot’s book (A.123), award to Hodgkin of Royal Medal and her mother’s journey to London to see her receiveit (Ferry p.279). letter (undated) Last to Scandinavia in March 1958 with requests for photographs etc on ancient textiles from contacts in Scandinavia. Mrs Crowfootdied in 1957. Hodgkin’s refers to trip A.112 A.113 A.114 A.115 Fragmentary or not datable letters, all periods and topics. 1930s Letters from Hodgkin to her parents. 1954, 1955 Miscellaneous notes and writings by Molly Crowfoot. N.d. Includes notes on the Roman toga; and ‘Account of the Relief Expedition, written by Grace Mary Hood Jan. 1909”. This is a 10pp typescript describing the effects of an earthquakein Calabria and Sicily and an expedition led by Molly and her sister Dorothy from San Remo,with a few otherfriends, to help the victims. Manuscript and typescript material Molly Crowfoot’s writings, especially on Palestinian folktales in collaboration with Louise Baldensperger. relating to N.d. Also note on Molly and her work by Elisabeth Crowfoot. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 26 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.116 Miscellaneouslater correspondence. 1957-1983 Includes a note on Molly Crowfoot’s lecture at Downe House 1928 and (1981) re deposit at Kew of her botanical drawingsof the Sudan. A.117 A.118 Correspondence with sculptor re headstones for Molly and John Crowfoot. 1957-1960 Photocopy of a letter to ‘My dear Dorothy’, welcoming the newsthat Molly’s plan for medical education for womenin the Sudan had been approved. No date or addressee. See A.221, letter from Diana Rowley to Hodgkin identifying the recipient as Dorothy Willis, who had sent the letter to her, and suggesting two possible dates 1916 and 1921. Hodgkin alsorefersto it in a letter to Thomasat A.199. A.119-A.122 John Winter Crowfoot 1924-1959, n.d. Hodgkin’s father (1873-1959) was described as ‘one of the legendary figures of Sudan archaeology’. He became civil servant in the the Department of Education in Cairo in 1901, moving to Khartoum as Assistant Director of Education in the Sudan 1903-1908, returning, after a further spell in Cairo, as Director of Education and Principal of Gordon Memorial College 1914-1926. On his retirement, he was almost immediately offered the post of Director of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem which he occupied 1927-1935. His excavations in Palestine were accompanied by his wife and from time to time by his daughters. He continued to publish the results through his retirement years, See A.120. A.119 Letters to Hodgkin. 1924-1939 Many are 1p only. From various sites especially Nablus, with details of excavations. Letter of 9 December 1924 describes the suppression of the mutiny. (Ferry pp.24-25). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 27 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.120 Letters to Hodgkin. 1941-1959 Letter 22 August 1955 welcomesgift from Hodgkin to help with publication of last volume of his studies of Samaria. See also A.111, A.123. A.121 Letters to Thomas A.122 Letters of condolence on the death of John Crowfoot (1959), obituary from Kush(n.d.). A.123 Sir Frederic and Lady Hamilton Correspondence with Sir Frederic and Lady Hamilton (like Dorothy Forster Hodgkin, one of the Smith daughters), on the gift of £500 to Hodgkin ‘Dorothy Junior. (Hodgkin A.160). 1942-1959 1959, n.d. A.124, A.125 Dorothy Forster Hodgkin (née Smith) 1937-1974 Hodgkin’s mother-in-law, wife of R.H. Hodgkin q.v. The Hodgkins had bought Crab Mill, Ilmington, for their It became a favourite weekend eventual retirement. retreat for all the family. Dorothy and Thomas Hodgkin in their turn as a retirement home, and as a used it peaceful retreat for colleagues. Mostof the letters are sent from Crab Mill; some from the early 1940s are from Queen’s College Oxford where Robin Hodgkin was Provost. Later letters (from 1968) are from The Grey House,Ilmington. Not all are dated. A.124 1937-1949 Early letters express joy at the engagement to Thomas (Ferry p.125). Many refer to Luke’s and Liz’s babyhood when they were often their grandmother. the charge of left in D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 28 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.125 1953-1974 and n.d. Includes references to hopes of Nobel Prize 1957, Luke’s marriage 1959. A.126-A.128 Edward Hodgkin 1939-1992, n.d. Edward Hodgkin was Thomas’s younger brother. He worked as a journalist for the Manchester Guardian and The Times (Hodgkin A. 158). A.126 1939-1971 and n.d. Includes a letter to Molly Crowfoot ca 1939, after a stay at Geldeston. A.127 ca 1973-1992 and n.d. Several letters postdate the death of Thomas andrefer to recollections received, appeal, publication of ‘Don Tomas’, photograph of Thomas’s grave. A.128 Letters from Edward Hodgkin to his parents during his army service in World War Il, none dated. 1939x1945 A.129-A.138 Luke Howard Hodgkin 1939-1954, n.d. Luke was Dorothy and Thomas’sfirst child, born 20 December 1938 and named after Luke Howard FRS, meteorologist and great-great-grandfather of Thomas. A gifted child, he learned to read, write and type at an early age and liked to enclose his own messagesto his father to be sent with his mother’sletters. A.129 Notes by Thomas on Luke’s language acquisition and behaviour 1939-1940 Included here is material re Luke Howard. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 29 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.130 Juvenilia. letters, Early puzzles, hieroglyphs, secret or invented languages, Old English place names. numerical language and A.131-A.137 Correspondence and material re Eton College. 1951-1954 Luke Hodgkin was a King’s Scholar. A.131 Letters from Hodgkin 1951-1952. A few from Thomas. A.132 Letters from Luke to Hodgkin. N.d. A.133 A.134 A.135 Letters from Edward Hodgkin (uncle), undated, and an earlier greeting 1942. 1942, n.d. Letters from Dorothy Forster Hodgkin (grandmother). 1951-1952 Greetings and messages from Toby and Liz Hodgkin (siblings). A.136 Shorter correspondencere Lukeat Eton. Includes letter from Molly Crowfoot asking Luke’s advice about Egyptian coins, 1954. A.137 Reports and classlists from Eton 1952-1953. 1950-1953 Also includes one report from Luke’s previous school, the Dragon School Oxford, 1950. A.138 Later correspondence. Includes some letters from Anna (née Davin), Luke’sfirst wife, and Jean (née Radford) his second wife. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 30 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.139-A.153 PrudenceElizabeth Hodgkin (‘Liz’) 1941-1994 Dorothy and Thomas’s second child was born on 23 September 1941. Like both her parents, she wasa lively and frequent letter-writer and like them, rarely dated letters fully. She shared their political and humanitarian interests, teaching in Zambia, the Sudan and, until the fall of Saigon, in Hanoi. In 1989 she joined Amnesty International. She witnessed several overseaspolitical upheavals and took a keeninterest in left-wing developments. correspondence Her and anthropological as well as personal interest, though many of the letters, with few dates and faint or indecipherable date stamps, are of uncertain order. (Hodgkin A. 159). historical is thus of A.139 Early material: 1941-1959 Memorial of baptism in Queen’s College Chapel, 1941. Birthdayletter from R.H. Hodgkin (grandfather) 1946. Letters and cards 1950s, including Oxford High School reports. Cambridge University entrance timetable 1959. A.140 Letters from Sudan, January-May. A.141 Letters from Cambridge. 1960 1962 A.142 Letters from Leeds. 1963-1964 Liz’s first teaching post wasin Leeds. A.143 Letters to Liz from Hodgkin 1962-1964 A.144 Letters from Zambia. 1965-1967, n.d. Mainly from Kasama where Liz was teaching. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 31 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.145 Letters from Khartoum University Departmentof History. 1968-1969, n.d. Includes cable of congratulation sent on solution of insulin 1969, andjoint letter from Thomas and Dorothy November 1969. Liz was teaching in the Department. A.146-A.148 Letters from Khartoum. 1970-1972 These letters cover a period of intense political unrest, demonstrations, arrests, dismissals of staff, occupation of the British Embassy and other manifestations. A.146 1970. A.147 1971. A.148 1972. A.149 Letters from Hanoi. 1974-1975, n.d. Only twoletters from 1975. A.150 1977, 1979. A.151 1981-1987. Includesletters from Nigeria and Mali 1983, Hanoi 1986. A.152 1991-1994. A.153 Undated and fragmentary. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 32 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.154 Robert (‘Robin’) Howard Hodgkin 1926-1942 Few letters engagement), 1942 (to Thomas). only, 1926, 1937 (to Hodgkin, on her R.H. Hodgkin, Thomas’s father lived 1877-1951. He was Provost of Queen’s College Oxford 1937-1951. A.155 Robin Allason Hodgkin 1958, 1961, 2003 Two letters only 1958, 1961, information on Abbotsholme School (R.A. Hodgkin was Headmaster), obituary 2003. Thomas’s cousin, brother of Alan Hodgkin FRS. A.156-A.207 ThomasLionel Hodgkin 1928-1983 Dorothy Hodgkin’s husband, whom she met at the home of Margery Fry while working at the Royal Institution at Easter 1937 and married in Decemberof the same year. Thomas Hodgkin (1910-1982) served in the Colonial Office in Palestine 1933-1936; he worked as a Staff Tutor for the Workers Educational Association 1939-1945. From 1946 to 1952 he wasSecretary to the Oxford Delegacyfor Extra-Mural Studies; visits to the Gold Coast (later Ghana) and the Sudanto initiate adult education courses led to a lifelong love for Africa and Africans. He undertook many subsequent journeys, studying the previous history of the regions growing nationalism and struggles for independence. He became the first Director of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana 1961-1965, and wrote widely on African history andpolitics. identifying himself and with their Thomas was himself a prolific and lively correspondent, with a distinctive small neat handwriting, sloping upwards and always leaving a wide left-hand margin often filled with addenda. Fewofhis letters survive in this collection; they are presented at A.156-A.159. Letters which were incorporated in other items are noted in the Index. Two collections of his letters have been published: Thomas Hodgkin: Letters from Palestine 1932-1936, ed. E.C. Hodgkin, London 1986, and Thomas Hodgkin: Letters from Africa 1947-56, ed. Elizabeth Hodgkin and Michael Wolfers, London 2000. The overwhelming majority of the material presented here D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 33 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 is Dorothy’s correspondence with her husband, from their engagement in 1937 to 1977. The correspondence continues steadily through his wartime absences in the north of England as a W.E.A.tutor and his later extended travels and residence in Africa, with varying gaps during his presencewith the family in Oxford. It forms a rich source of information about Hodgkin herself, her research and career, and also into the social and political activities of a liberal-socialist well-connected middle class family of the time. Thomas himself was a member of the Communist Party from 1936 to 1949; Dorothy did not take this step but she was an active memberof the Oxford Labour Party, attended its meetings and demonstrations, and always retained a favourable view of the Soviet Union. Dorothy aimed to send a letter each day (on more than one occasion she sent two on the same day), no matter what the hour, the conditions or the materials to hand. Manyletters are dog-eared, torn and dirty; some are on headed writing paper from Somerville College, various laboratories or Crab Mill, but more are on odd scraps of paper. They are written in college, in the laboratory, on trains or in train stations, at the dentist's, from hospital, in her garden, the University Parks, or during college committee meetings. They are almost always (Sundays are an exception) hurried or late, with Dorothy dashing out to catch the last post, missing it, and sometimesfinding an unpostedletter in her pocket several dayslater. Tantalisingly, and especially during the early years of her marriage, very few are fully dated, some notat all. Every effort has been madeto supply an approximate date from reference to academic, career or domestic context, events, to children’s development, or to the notes of the weather, garden or scenery which Hodgkin frequently included. Some have tentative dates added in Thomas Hodgkin’s hand. The airmail letters of the later years are more fully dated and postmarked. chronicles early the of the The content of the letters is of great interest. In the early years (1938-1944) Hodgkin was under much pressure with days full of ‘jobs’ as she called them, in house, college and laboratory. Her scientific work was advancing quietly on severalfronts with a growing research team and increasing respect from the wider scientific community. Her college responsibilities of committees, interviews and admissions, and the teaching of her ‘girls’ remained tasks which she_ great joy and sometimes in rather a rush. The births, babyhood and growth of her children, their ailments, absences and achievements at school, are a constant theme. not always with fulfilled, , D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 135/8/04 34 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 or Waddington, Added to these was the family tradition of casual entertaining. Colleagues from the laboratory like Carlisle or Riley, others from outside Oxford such as Bernal, Perutz associates, Somerville friends and wartime evacuees often arrived unannounced. Much hospitality was given and received. There were always maids and a cook to assist, but surprisinglylittle mention is made of wartime rationing and shortages. Labour Party Despite her fatigue - Hodgkin often writes of going to bed, or dropping off to sleep, at 9.30 - political or scientific discussions with friends would continue till 1.00 or 2.00 am, after which she mightfit in reading for the next day. Only once does she seem to buckle, writing in a letter dated ‘Monday’ (A.167, probably 1940) ‘Sometimes| feel depressed and wonder whetherit’s worth the struggle to keep this place and work going’. Otherwise she maintains an unruffled youthful alertness, unfazed by unheralded (or forgotten) events. During this period, husband and wife aimed to spend alternate weekends in Cumbria or Staffordshire where Thomas wasteaching, or in Oxford; she happy recollections, of these meetings. Though she herself had complicated arrangements to make before she could get away, her concern is always that Thomas might find the travel too exhausting. expectation, longing writes with or Hodgkin becoming dismissals, more or people or forthright issues, in bolder candidates From the middle 1940s the pace of ‘my hard working it growing recognition and days’ increased and with gains success. Modest though she was, confidence, giving in assessments of recommendations, for academic or other posts, more experienced in discreet ‘wire-pulling’, more prepared even to have Thomas and his visits fit into her own schedule of engagements. In the 1950s the letters are more factual on research meetings and conferences, with more technical detail than she previously gave to Thomas; this may reflect her growing fame and confidence, or perhapshis fuller comprehension of her work. Generoushospitality continued, as the family expandedto includevisiting colleagues and her children’s widecircle of friends. of Hodgkin enjoyed the ‘nice companionship’ of ‘a lovely houseful’, or ‘23 people to tea, of very mixed kinds, mostly unexpected’. organisation lost notoriously Hodgkin’s day-to-day chaotic. Missed posts, trains, overlooked dates, absence of pens, pencils and paper or scrambles against the clock were commonbut acceptedfactsoflife. On one occasion, after a visit to Cambridge for meetings with Perutz and Lawrence Bragg, she missed her sail was D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 35 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 letter connection from London to Oxford and spent a ‘horribly cold’ night on Paddington Station, catching the dawntrain and arriving home in Oxford at 7.30 to find Luke ‘somewhat weepy’ (undated letter at A.167, probably 1940). The last in the sequence (A.240), from ‘Seattle and San Francisco’ dated 20 February 1977, includes inadvertently brought the car keys with her, has no address or telephone numberfor her daughter Liz and no envelope for her non-airmail letter (written on Crab Mill paper). Yet here as always the tone is of tender unquestioning devotion. that she has_ the information The correspondencehas been drawn uponextensively by Ferry in her biography. Cross-references to her text and notes are given asfar as possible. A little material following Thomas’s death in 1982 is at A.205-A.207. A.156-A.159 Letters from Thomas. 1938-1982 Someof these are fragmentary and not fully dated, written in ink or faded pencil. Letters from Africa may be dated ‘your time’, ‘their time’. A.156 Miscellaneousletters and pages from letters 1938-1949. 1938-1949, 1982 Also included here is an obituary of Thomas 1982. A.157 Letters and fragments. Many during travels in Egypt and elsewhere in Africa. Includes 17 November 1959 letter setting out his wishes for ‘a good old-fashioned Christian burial’ (Ferry p.387) and other bequests. A.158 Letters and fragments. 1950s 1960s A.159 Letters and fragments 1970s, 1980s 1970s, 1980s Folder also includes miscellaneous manuscript notes. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 36 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.160-A.204 Hodgkin’s letters to Thomas. 1937-1977 Letters, cards, cables. A fuller note of contents is enclosed with the folders. A.160 July-September1937. First letters, engagement, holiday in Yugoslavia (Ferry pp. 123-130). A.161 September-December1937. Hodgkin’s and lactoglobulin. (Ferry p. 135). wedding that of her sister Joan; A.162 January-June 1938 Insulin paper, early pregnancy confirmed 24 April (Ferry p.165); or rheumatism in finger 1 June. hopeful diagnosis of absence of arthritis A.163 13 June-December 1938 Pregnancy, arrangements with Somerville; Oxford City by- election; meetings with Bernal; Royal Society meeting 18 November (Ferry pp. 163-172). A.164 January-April 1939 and n.d. abscess; Mainly news Thomas’s accident 3 February (Ferry pp.173 and 176); insulin controvery with D. Wrinch (Ferry p.155). Hodgkin’s breast of Luke; A.165 July-December 1939 Hodgkin’s stay in clinic at Buxton for arthritis/rheumatism treatment combined with letter’ and consultation with W.H. Taylor in Manchester (Ferry pp.177-178). ‘insulin writing Also outbreak of war, changesto research plans, arrivalof H. Carlisle and apparatus from Birkbeck College (Ferry pp. 183-184), ‘good idea’ on haemoglobin 29 November. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 37 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.166 January-June 1940 and undated. Internment of M.F. Perutz; visits from Bernal; work on insulin; meeting ?23 May with Iris Murdoch ‘charming classical exhibitioner’ and ‘staunch supporter’ of Labour Club. A.167 July-December 1940 and undated Arrival in Oxford of bombed-out East Londoners, and the Whitelock family (Ferry pp.180-182); insulin research and publications. A.168 January-March 1941 and undated. Departure of Whitelock family (Ferry p.182); research arrangements with Bernal; upset over ‘foul creatures’ in Luke’s [Rockefeller terrific Foundation] and embarrasing’ [January]; first mention of new pregnancy 9 February; work on diamonds. letter awarding Rockies’ ‘rather hair; from ‘the £1,000 A.169 April-June 1941 and undated. Mainly domestic newsand visitors. A.170 September-December 1941 and undated. Birth of Prudence Elisabeth 23 September; full daily dated letters from hospital to 6 October including 28 September praise for Soviet Russia’s system of childcare, parks and ‘that sort of atmosphere’ (Ferry p.267); further grant from ‘the Rockies’ 12 October; undated letter recalls herfirst meeting with Thomas (Ferry pp.120-121); undated letter ca 23 November on crystallisation of penicillin (Ferry p.194); visit from Bernal 6 December. A.171 January-June 1942 and undated Letters and cards, sent very frequently, sometimes twice per day, few dated or assignable. This was a very busy time for Hodgkin. She often says she hasfallen asleep over work or household chores, and has disturbed nights with the children. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 38 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.172 2 June-August 1942. Letters in August are from Geldeston, Norfolk. A.173 4 September-17 December 1942 and undated. Luke at Cutteslowe School 8 September; Rockefeller report on insulin; difficulties of working with penicillin October-November; working with B. Low (Ferry p.195); intensive experiments on insulin and penicillin; family chickenpox. A.174 January-April 1943 and undated. Includes ‘state of bliss’ at successful cholesterol analysis presented at Cambridge by H. Carlisle (Ferry p.189) 17 January; new treatment for arthritis with Dr Cyriax 6 February; letters to Thomas from ‘Audrey’ n.d.; receipt of insulin from A.C. Chibnall 15 February; tonsil extraction April. A.175 1 June-31 December 1943 and undated Few letters dated. Includes ‘a very exciting day’, synthesised penicillin; continued Rockefeller grant 29 September; membership of penicillin chemists’ committee (Ferry p.200). A.176 January-June 1944 and undated. Visit from Bernal 20 February; possible career moves; Luke’s preciosity (and mumps) (Ferry p.227); American penicillin brought by K. Lonsdale n.d. (Ferry p.203); interview with R. Robinson about organisation of the Crystallography Department(Ferry p.202). A.177 September-10 December 1944. Hodgkin’s miscarriage (2 letters from Shipston-on-Stour Hospital) September (Ferry p.207); appointment of Janet Vaughan as Principal of Somerville College (elected November); penicillin research; approach to Dragon School to take Luke 19 November. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 39 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.178 11 January-11 September 1945 and undated. Successful work on penicillin (“Am extremely cheerful’ 11 January); visit from K. Lonsdale with news that ‘M.R.C. would back me up to £3000’ 4 March; Bernal’s proposed researchinstitute 11 March (Ferry p.225); appointment as University Demonstrator n.d. (Ferry p.224). A.179 1946. Two notesonly, n.d. but after birth of Toby in May. A.180 1947. February-24 June 1947 and undated: 11 Thomasin Lagos and Accra. letters to Election to the Royal Society 14 March (Ferry p.229); refusal of visas for eight UK scientists to visit Soviet Union 24 June. October-18 6 Hodgkin’sfirst trip to USA (Ferry pp.231-235). November: letters from America on A.181 1948. March, to Thomasin Africa (oneletter only); July-August to Thomasfrom Hodgkin in America. A.182 1949. June, from Hodgkin at Cold Spring Harbor Conference (Ferry p.265); December, to Thomasin Nigeria (one letter only). A.183 1950. Twoletters only,January, to Thomasin Accra. A.184 1951. Threeletters only, January, March, to Thomasin Lagos. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 40 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 Lew Preparations for move to PowderHill, Boars Hill, Oxford. A.185 1952 August-December, to Thomas at Dakar and other French WestAfrican states. Family now living at Powder Hill. Some letters include contributions from children. A.186 1953. 4 January-5 March, to Thomas in French North and Equatorial Africa. Hodgkin’s postponed visit to Holland; news of Stalin’s death ‘comesas a sad blow’ 7 March. 16, 22 September,letters from Moscow on Hodgkin’sfirst visit to the Soviet Union, led by Bernal, very enthusiastic (Ferry pp.266-271; Hodgkin F.7). A.187 1954. Threeletters only, June-July, to Thomas in Addis Ababa. No letters survive for 1955 but letter of 8 January 1956 refers to correspondenceof the previous year. A.188 1956. Five letters only, others probably missing, January-June, to Thomasin French WestAfrica. A.189 1957. Four letters only, January-November. The Hodgkins were nowliving, together with Joan Payne and herchildren, at 94 Woodstock Road, Oxford. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 41 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.190 1958 May,3 letters only, to Thomasin Accra. Margery Fry’s Memorial Service; Honorary Degree for J.W. Crowfoot, Hodgkin’s father. 30 October-11 December, to Thomas at Islamic Studies, Montreal, Canada. Institute of Includes letter on ‘Nobel Prize troubles’; news of Anna Davin’s pregnancy and marriage ‘come Christmas’ to Luke, 30 October and later (Ferry p.282 and p.288); deputation on disarmament to House of Commons 11 December. A.191 1959 Twoletters only surviving, 6, 30 November, to Thomasin Mali. A.192 1960 January-Decemberand undated, to Thomasin Accra. Discussion of possible career moves to Leeds, or to Imperial College London; appointment to Wolfson Chair May (Ferry pp.283-284; Hodgkin A.68, A.69). A.193 1961. Five letters only surviving. Includes news of formal offer to Thomas of post of Director, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, with very favourable conditions 14 November. A.194 1962. February-November, to Thomas in Accra and other African centres. Includes brief reference to Cuban Missile Crisis ‘expecting the worst from Kennedy at midnight’ 23 October; award of Nobel Prize in Chemistry to M.F. Perutz and J.C. Kendrew ‘which 6 is November. nice and wholly extremely deserved’, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 135/8/04 42 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.195 January-July 1963. To Thomasin Accra. Frequent references to early days at Linacre House(later College), and to severe winter in UK; Hodgkin’s portrait by Sheila Fell delivered to Somerville College 15 February. A.196 October-December 1963. To Thomasin Accra. Arthritis attack described as ‘a silly two days with a bad right hand’ 10 November; eulogisitic report by Helen Gardneron visit by Robbins Committee on Education to Soviet Union 14 November; Thomasill with dengue fever 25 November. A.197 January 1964. To Thomasin Zaire and Accra. Steady progress with B12 research. A.198 June-July, October and undated 1964. Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on 29 October. The last dated letter in the folder is 22 October and there is in consequence no mention ofit here. A.199 1965. January-June, to Thomasin Accra. Offer to Hodgkin of Order of Merit 14 March and acceptance after telephone call from the Palace 17 March (Ferry pp.294, 295); many references to good progress on insulin research; last visit to Oxford by Bernal 23 May; offer in Governmentof African States (later New States) 31 May. to Thomas of newly-created lecturership September, from Japan, Hong Kong and China(includes one letter to Toby) (Hodgkin F.25, F.26; Ferry pp.340, 341). November, from Canada and USA. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 43 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 Letter of 7 November refers to her mother’s letter on medical education in the Sudan (A.118) then in the hands of Diana Rowley q.v. Hodgkin writes that it was ‘written originally to Dorothy Willis about medical education in the Sudan- starting a fund for same. | wonder what happened to it’. A.200 1966. Two letters only, 19 June, 5 November, from Hanoi, incomplete. A.201 1967. January-February, includes letters from India (Hodgkin F.37). June-July, includes letters from USA (Hodgkin F.38-F.40). A.202 1968. February, twoletters only. April-June, from Australia and New Zealand. Includes meetings with Katie and Jimmy Collins (Ferry p.335, see also A.232). A.203 1969. May, three letters only. August, 2 letters only. A.204 1977. One letter only, 20 February, from ‘Seattle and San Francisco’. Included here is a group of undatedor fragmentaryletters, all periods. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 44 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.205-A.207 Miscellaneous material re Thomas 1928-1983 A.205 Miscellaneous correspondence, some fragmentary. 1928-1981 Includes telegram 1959 from Paul Robeson accepting invitation to visit, on verso is Thomas’s shopping ist, perhapsfor the occasion. A.206 Letters of condolence on Thomas’s death. 1982-1983 Tolon, Also correspondence Greece, and publication of his autobiographical poem ‘Don Tomas’. re Thomas’s grave at A.207 Miscellaneous material on health, arrangementsfor the estate. finance, pensions, A.208-A.210 Toby Hodgkin (John Robin Tobias) 1946-1985 Hodgkin’sthird child, born May 1946. A.208 Juvenilia. 1946-1958 Identity card, school reports, letters to parents. A.209 1960s University of Newcastle 1964-1966, travels in India, Africa, Turkey, birth of son Simon. A.210 Later correspondence. 1970s, 1985 Including lettes from Judith (Toby'sfirst wife). A.211 Hodgkin relations 1937-1982 Alice Mary 1943; David 1969; Eliot 1982; Helen 1937- 1966 and undated. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 45 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.212 Junior Hodgkins Grandchildren, nieces and great-nieces. A.213 (Aunt Violet) Holdsworth A.214 Christabel Hood 1959 item re Hodgkin’s proposedvisit to family villa at San Remo. A.215 Dorothy (‘AuntDolly’) Hood Mainly about 1959 San Remo trip. See also A.74-A.76. Sister of Molly Crowfoot. Hodgkin’s financial benefactor at various times. A.216 Grace Hood Hodgkin’s grandmother, widow of Sinclair Hood. Grace Hood and her daughter Dorothy (see A.215) moved to Oxford soon after the beginning of the Second World War (Ferry p. 182). Included here is a letter from a war widow, author unknown, sent to Grace and Dorothy 16 December 1942. 1947 1938, 1959 N.d. N.d. A.217 Sinclair Hood 1956, 1977 A.218 Mary Keynes-Hamilton 1975 and n.d. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 46 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.219 Joan Payne (née Crowfoot) 1932-1982 and n.d. Correspondenceincludesletters 1979 re presentation of Joan Paynefor an Honorary MA degree. Hodgkin’ssister, born 1912. Joan took part with her parents in Middle East excavations in the 1930s. Her marriage to Denis Payne, and the birth of herfirst child took place at similar dates to Hodgkin’s. Joan and Dorothy shared the house at 94 Woodstock Road until the late 1960s, when Joan moved near Cumnor, Oxford. She worked ontheflint collections at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. A.220-A.223 Diana(‘Dilly’) Rowley (née Crowfoot) 1940-1991 and n.d. Hodgkin’s youngestsister, born 1918. Diana read Human Sciences at Somerville College Oxford. After her marriage to Graham Rowley, a Canadian archaeologist with special interests in Arctic reseach, she moved to Ottawa. Herletters, mainly typed, are long full accounts of family life, including accounts of her own and her husband’s research and publications, and expeditions to Northern Canada; they spent a sabbatical year in Cambridge 1968- 1969. Manyof the letters bring Easter, Christmas or New Year greetings, or are sent for Hodgkin’s birthday on 12 May. (Hodgkin A.156, A.157). Seealso A.20-A.22 for early school notebooksby Diana. A.220 21940, 1948-1959. A.221 1962-1969 and undated. Letter of 30 September 1965 refers to Molly Crowfoot’s letter about medical education in the Sudan, identifying the recipient as Dorothy Willis and suggesting two possible dates 1916, 1921. See also A.118, A.199 A.222 1970-1979. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 47 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.223 1981-1991 and undated. A.224 Shorter correspondence, with reminiscences. family connections, or Includes 13pp typescript account of ‘The Great William: William Miller 1769-1847’, an ancestor of the Crowfoot family at Beccles, sent with two undated letters from ‘Christabel’. A.225-A.260 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1928-1994 In alphabetical order. A.225 Antonius, K. 1937-1977 Includesa little material re George Antonius. Letter 14 May 1965 recalls early meeting during Hodgkin’s engagement to Thomas(Ferry p. 132). A.226 Baba, I. 1928-1931 Letters, cards, momentos. Baba wasa teacher at Beersheba Girls School. A.227 Bedri, B. and Bedri, Y. 1971, 1974 Old acquaintancesof the Crowfoot family. A.228 Bernal, E. A.229 Bosanquet, B. and Bosanquet, C. 1938, 1971- 1983 1960, 1981, 1982 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 48 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.230 Burnet, A. 1930s, 1983 Acontemporary of Hodgkin at Somerville College. A.231 Christie, R. 1985, 1987 Hodgkin A. 164. A.232 Collins, J. and Collins, K. 1965-1981 Katie Stevens was the children’s nurse, discovered in Cairo by Molly Crowfoot, who looked after the four Crowfoot daughters for several years. In 1915 she married Jimmy Collins and went to live in Australia in 1919. Hodgkin renewed acquaintance with them in 1967 during a visit to Australia and New Zealand. (Ferry pp. 14- 17, 235). Theletters are in Jimmy’s hand but from them both until Katie’s health deteriorated. Contact was made in 1965 after a long gap, and the Collins correspondedthereafter with many of the Crowfoot family, recalling early events. See especially letter of 18 March 1975, and letter to Joan Payne 6 January 1979. Includes photographs 1972, 1981. A.233 Davies, G. (later Koblenz) 1934-1994 Davies was a contemporary of Hodgkin at Somerville College, later sharing a flat with her in Cambridge (Ferry p.84). Correspondence 1934 re Cambridge; 1992-1994 from USA. Includes reminsicences of Cambridge days sentin 1979. A.234 Diamond, P. and Diamond, M. 1961 and n.d. Pamela Diamond was a daughter of Roger Fry. Includes brief correspondence from her husband Micu. A.235, A.236 Fry, S.M. 1932-1957 Margery Fry was Principal of Somerville College when D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 49 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 Hodgkin was an undergraduate. Sharing many political and humanitarian interests, she became a lifelong friend and confidant, though she resigned from Somerville in 1931. Her house in London became a frequent stop on Hodgkin’s visits and was whereshe first met Thomasin 1937. A.235 1932-1951. Letter of 12 October 1936refers to visit by ‘D.W.’ (Dorothy Wrinch) and asks Hodgkin to ‘cope with P’ (Wrinch’s daughter Pamela). Letter of December 1937 is addressed to ‘Beloved 2’. Also includes Dictionary of National Biography (by Thomas Hodgkin). obituary of Fry and entry for Fry in A.236 Nos. 1,2,3,7,9 of circular letters from Fry and Marie Michaelis on a world tour, September 1933-January 1934. A.237 Harrison, A. St B. Letter of 1942 is to John Crowfoot. A.238-A.241 Murray, K.M.E. 1942, 1962- 1965 1932-1982 She was Registrar Elisabeth (‘Betty’) Murray was a contemporary of Hodgkin at Somerville. She read history and shared Hodgkin’s archaeological and interests. Domestic Bursar at Girton College Cambridge 1938-1948 and Principal of Bishop Otter College Chichester 1948- 1970. Ferry refers passim to the attentive kindness Murray showed to Hodgkin at Oxford when she wasover- working. Murray'sletters, almost all carefully typed, often contain amusing accounts of 1930s life and travel, archaeological digs etc. (Hodgkin A. 167). A.238 1932-1939. A.239 1940-1944. From Girton College Cambridge. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 50 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.240 1950-1962. From Bishop Otter College where Murray continued to pursue archaeological interests. A.241 1970-1982. Letter of 16 December 1972 refers to Murray’s work on a biographyof her grandfather James Murray. A.242 Nzokou, L. 1971-1983 (variant Njoku, Hodgkin H.172) A.243 Pusey, N. 1927, 1928 Norah Pusey was a school friend of Hodgkin at John Leman School, with a similar interest in science. Unlike her, she was unable,for family reasons, to go on to higher education. (Ferry pp.20, 34). A.244 Sayre,A. 1956, n.d. Anne Sayre was the wife of David Sayre, who worked with Hodgkin (Ferry pp.243-245; Hodgkin H.214-H.218). The undated [1970s] letter refers to Anne’s proposed book on Rosalind Franklin. A.245 Stanford, E. 1970s-1990 Letters and cards (Hodgkin A.170). A.246 Starkie, E.M. 1937 Three letters marriage, and Somerville affairs. 1937, on Hodgkin’s engagement and Also included are Memorial Address by Sir Maurice Bowra 1970, and ‘Recollections of Enid Starkie’ by D. Davin 1971 (draft with corrections). Enid Starkie was a Fellow in French at Somerville Collge and oneofits most flamboyant characters. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 51 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.247 Thatcher, M.H. 1977, 1988, n.d. Miscellaneous drafts by Hodgkin, material on Palestine and Vietnam. press-cuttings and Lady Thatcher had been an early student of Hodgkin at Somerville (Hodgkin H.231). A.248 Wolfers, M. 1982 A.249-A.260 Shorter correspondence From friends and colleagues, all periods. Not all dated, some signed with first names only. Some have names addedin Hodgkin’s hand, probably at a later date. A.249 A.-B. Includes letters from Olga Bernard, a refugee taken in by Hodgkin in 1940 (Ferry p. 181), J.M. Bijvoet, J.L. Bullard. A.250 C. Includesletter recalling research from A.C. Chibnall. A.251 A.252 A.253 E.-F. G. Includes letter 1990 on the death of Maire Gaster (‘B.J.’), Thomas Hodgkin’s great love (Ferry pp.388-390). A.254 H.-J. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS135/8/04 52 Biographical and personal, A.1-A.260 A.255 K.-L. A.256 M. Includes letter from Lady Morton who took in Thomas, Dorothy and Lukein 1939 (Ferry p.176). A.257 N.-R. A.258 S. Includes letters from Ann Seidman on the return of her husband to Ghana after deportation and the Hodgkins’ intervention (Ferry pp.348-350); from L. Simpson with recollections of San Remo and Molly Crowfoot. A.259 T.-Y. Includes letters from Mary Whitelock, a refugee from the London Blitz whom Hodgkin took in with her children (Ferry pp. 181-182). A.260 First-name and unidentified signatures. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 53 SECTION B RESEARCH, B.1-B.56 1927-1983, n.d. B.1-B.25 NOTEBOOKS B.26-B.56 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE B.1-B.25 NOTEBOOKS 1927-1950 The notebooks are extremelydifficult to date. The format varies, there are few dates, and some may have been used from time to time over several years. Both endsof the books were often used and sometimes the middle also. Attributions are therefore tentative. B.1-B.16 Oxford 1927-1932 See Hodgkin B.1-B.4. B.12, B.13 and B.15 are of special interest in showing Hodgkin’s increasing focus on crystallography. B.1 Red hard-backed notebook 1927-21930 front At mathematics, in a young hand. notes book, of on Latin grammar and At rear of book, notes on Trigonometry, in a young hand. of centre In crystallography, Workbreaksoff. Possibly 1930. polarisation, book, notes and diagrams light, in Hodgkin’s later hand. on_ This may have been begun March 1927-Spring 1928 after School Certificate and during preparation for Somerville College Oxford (Ferry pp.32-33). B.2 soft-backed Red_ inscribed ‘Dorothy Crowfoot’. The book is numbered ‘2’ but no other numbered books have been found. notebook, covers loose, 1928 Physics experiments, class exercises, some marked by tutors, H.B. (?Herbert Bowman), R.T.L. (R. Lattey), others unidentified. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 54 Research, B.1-B.56 B.3-B.5 Three dark blue soft-backed notebooks. N.d. Oxford work, none dated. B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 BQ History experiments, techniques. of chemistry (perhaps from lectures), tests, N.d. Both ends of book used. Experiments, analyses, calculations. Both ends of book used. Some pagesin another hand. Notes, experiments, calculations on physical properties, surface tension, inertia, projectiles, viscosity etc. One page has headnote ‘Lecture 5’. Both ends of book used. At rear of book, loose pagesin another hand. N.d. N.d. Dark blue hard-backed notebook ‘Inorganic chemistry’. N.d. Probably lecture notes on history and properties of substances. Both ends of book used. Grey soft-backed notebook, bought in Oxford. Notes on chemistry, from lectures or perhaps Hodgkin’s own reading. Grey hard-backed notebook, bought in Oxford. Notes, perhapsfrom lectures, on kinetic theory of gases, radioactivity, a rays, early atomic physics. Not all of book used. Small dark blue hard-backed notebook, inscribed ‘Dorothy M. Crowfoot Somerville’. Experiments, analyses, practicals. miscellaneous calculations. At rear of book, N.d. N.d. N.d. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Research, B.1-B.56 B.10 Small dark blue hard-backed notebook (same format as B.9). Experiments, calculations, some notes in another hand. Notall of book used. Black hard-backed notebook. At front of book ‘List of experiments done’, on density, properties of liquids, molecular volume, vapour pressure etc. At rear of book miscellaneous calculations and some loose pages. 55 N.d. N.d. B.12 Small beige notebook‘Analysis of glass’ 1929-1930 Detailed accounts of experiments and analyses including Probably related to Hodgkin’s blue and green tesserae. analyses of specimens found on excavations at Jerash, 1929 (Ferry pp.52-54). parents her by For other material on Hodgkin’s work on mosaics, see J.18-J.20. B.13 Dark blue hard-backed notebook. 1931-1932 Work on indices. Also on gemstones and tesserae. diagrams, crystals, calculations, refractive Material in more than one hand. Included on loose pages is a manuscript cast-list for “As You Like It’, Hodgkin as Touchstone, her sister Betty as Rosalind. B.14 Small dark blue hard-backed notebook 1931 Manuscript note on front page ‘?Lecture notes from Sidgwick’s lectures, possibly 1931. D.H.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 56 Research, B.1-B.56 B.15 Black soft-backed notebook 1931-1932 Record of experiments 30 September [1931] to 21 June [1932], tabulated results and measurements of crystal analyses. This is the work submitted for Hodgkin’s Part Il thesis and published in conjunction with H.M. Powell in 1932 (Bibliog. 123). (Ferry pp 72-74; Hodgkin B.19). At rear of book, notes on the literature, latest date 1931. See also B.26. B.16 Green soft-backed notebook. Notes on the literature. Both ends of book used. Latest date 1932. B.17, B.18 Heidelberg (Hodgkin B.5). B.17 Soft-backed notebook, bought in Heidelberg. In front of book, German vocabulary. At rear of book, notes, diagrams, calculations on crystal analysis (Ferry p.62). B.18 Black hard-backed notebook. Miscellaneous content. Includes German vocabulary and, on loose pages, exercises in Germantranslation. Also notes, references and some more extended accounts on science and religion, European religious factions, intolerance etc, some possibly part of a translation exercise, others Hodgkin’s own work, possibly addedlater at Cambridge. 1932 1931 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Research, B.1-B.56 B.19-B.21 Cambridge B.19 Pages from a loose-leaf binder (in poor condition and discarded), bought in Cambridge. Someloose pages. Analyses and calculations, angles of investigations of various crystals. 16.5.33 using new Weissenberg camera. rotation, X-ray Includes 1p dated Some pagesare in another hand, perhaps J.D. Bernal. 57 1932-1934 1930s B.20 Small spiral-bound notebook. 1932 At front of book, science notes. In centre of book, a few notes on philosophy, science and society, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats. At rear of book, brief reference to 4 Scroope Terrace (‘caretaker and wife to cook’) where Hodgkin briefly lodged with her sisters Joan and Elizabeth in 1932 (Ferry p.83). B.21 Small green soft-backed notebook 1932-1933 Few pages used. A few dates in November and December referring Latest bibliographical reference 1932. to work with Weissenberg camera. B.22-B.25 Oxford 1934-1950 Four small loose-leaf notebooks, relating to Hodgkin’s teaching and examining at Oxford. The subjects for tutorial essays or problems set each weekgive a view of the scope of the university teaching programme atthe time. B.22 Examination questions in physics and chemistry 1934 (probably for College entrance examination), tutorial subjects various dates 1936-1938, comments on entrance candidates. 1934-1938 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 58 Research, B.1-B.56 B.23 Tutorial notes, mainly Hilary [Spring] term 1938. 1936-1937 At rear of book, some earlier notes, 1936, 1937. B.24 Tutorial notes. 1938, 1939 B.25 Tutorial notes, 1949-1950; tabulated examination results. 1949-1950, n.d. B.26-B.56 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 1922-1982, n.d. The material, assembled from miscellaneous sources among Hodgkin’s personal papers, is of necessity more fragmented than that contained in the labelled box-files from catalogued (Hodgkin, NCUACS 47/3/94). laboratory, previously her Oxford Of special interest are Hodgkin’s Cambridge doctoral thesis (B.29), the notes and reports on insulin dating from already the 1930s which complement the catalogued, research documentation relating to J.D. Bernal at B.42-B.52. correspondence and and the material B.26-B.29 Early work 1932-1936 B.26 ‘Layer-chain structures of thallium di-alkyl halides’, with H.M. Powell, Nature, Lond. 1932 (Bibliog. 123). Offprint of published paper. Work done while Hodgkin was still an undergraduate. See also B.15. B.27 Vitamin B1 hydrochloride 1933-1934 Notes, diagrams, calculations, including 3pp manuscript letter from Hodgkin describing her research on vitamin B1 hydrochloride, sent to R.A. Peters in answer to enquiries from him. Included here is a copyof ‘Crystal structure of vitamin B, hydrochloride’, Bernal, Nature, Lond. 1933 (Bibliog. 124). with J.D. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 59 Research, B.1-B.56 B.28 ‘Concrete memorandum forwarded to the Rockefeller Foundation, June 16th, 1935, J.N.’ 1935 3pp typescript with manuscript heading, perhaps by Joseph Needham. Section on ‘crystal physics applied to biology’ indicates intended useof X-ray crystallographic analysis. B.29 ‘X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols’, Hodgkin’s thesis submitted for Ph.D., Cambridge, 1936 (Ferry p.120). 1936 302pptypescript and manuscript. B.30-B.41 Workon insulin B.30 ‘The crystallisation of insulin’ 1935-1983 ca 1935 Brief one and a half page note, describing Hodgkin’sfirst successful crystallisation of insulin with a sample supplied by Boots Pure Drug Company and passed onto herby R. Robinson (Ferry pp. 109-112). Pages are numbered 8 and 9, Departmental Report. See also J.26. perhaps from a B.31 ‘X-ray single crystal photographsofinsulin’, Nature, Lond. 1935 1935 7pp typescript and manuscript draft, a fuller account of the experiment and the first paper to be published under Hodgkin’s name alone (Ferry p.114). With a letter arising. B.32 ‘Report for the Rockefeller Trusteees on work in progress in the Departmentof Crystallography Oxford 1941-42...’ 1942, 1943 25pp draft (Hodgkin B. 139). Enclosed here are related reports on research in Leeds by W.T. Astbury and Florence Bell (1941) and in Cambridge (on the crystal structure of haemoglobin) by M.F. Perutz and colleagues (1942-1943). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Research, B.1-B.56 B.33 ‘The crystal structure of insulin’ Drafts and headings for a paperor publication. Hodgkin wrote and lectured frequently on the subject and it is not possible to assign a firm date. B.34 ‘WetZn Insulin Intensities’ Diagrams, Patterson maps, 1p note on the work by Hodgkin. Some of the photographs are dated 1981, but the work predates this by manyyears. 60 N.d. N.d. B.35 B.36 B.37 B.38 B.39 Bundle bibliographic references. notes, of diagrams, calculations, a few 1937 Almost all on Zn insulin, some based on ‘Davy Faraday photographs’ (taken at Royal Institution 1937) (Ferry p.120). See also B.39, J.22, J.23 and Hodgkin B.206. Notes, calculations, contour and Patterson maps, on insulin and tobacco mosaic virus, n.d., one later page dated 1983. N.d., 1983 Notes, data, calculations; printout on zinc insulin molecule, June 1976. 1976 Notes, diagrams, correspondence from G.G. Dodson, ‘Michael’ [M.G. Rossman] ?1963; printouts dated July 1976, April and June 1977. 21963, 1976, 1977 Extensive manuscript notes, as found 1935-1942 Almost all on insulin, measurements, densities, wet and dry forms, some dated 1935, 1937, 1939, 1940, 1942. Includes 1p headed ‘Queries for Chibnall’, and pages from the ‘Davy Faraday’ series (see also B.35, J.21-J.23, J.26). A few notes also on lactoglobulin 1937 and on gypsum 1939. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Research, B.1-B.56 B.40 improved numerical method of two-dimensional ‘An Fourier synthesis for Lipson and C.A. Beevers, Proc. Phys. Soc. 1936, inscribed ‘with the Authors’ compliments’. crystals’, H. 61 1936 The Beevers-Lipson strips were a new and important advancein calculation methods. Hodgkin met Beeversin Manchester in November 1935 and wasthefirst customer for the strips when they became commercially available (Ferry pp. 115-116). B.41 ‘A discussion onthe protein molecule’, Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 1939. 1939 Report of meeting held 17 November1938, with papers by T. Svedberg, K. Linderstram-Lang, K.O. Pedersen, F.J. and J. Philpot, D.M. Wrinch, A. Neuberger, W.T. Astbury, J.F. Danielli, J.D. Bernal and others. This was the occasion when Hodgkin have a short, much- praised (and apparently unexpected) paper, under her maiden name one month before the birth of her son Luke (Ferry pp.170-172). Her contribution is on pp.35-36. B.42-B.52 Material relating to J.D. Bernal 1932-1981 Correspondence, notes and research, some dating from 1932 when Hodgkin (then Crowfoot) went to work in Bernal’s laboratory in Cambridge, and somerelating to other research projects. Hodgkin left Cambridge and returned to Oxford in 1934, and Bernal moved to Birkbeck College London in 1937. Their relations remained extemely close, on a personal and political level, as well as their mentor-pupil affinity which persisted. See Hodgkin and Ferry passim. See also D.5-D.39, Hodgkin’s publications about Bernal, whichinclude somefurther orignal material assembled by her at the time of writing. B.42-B.45 Letters and cards to Bernal 1932-1940 and n.d. These are all autograph manuscript, rarely fully dated. They are presented in approximately chronological order, with dates assigned on the basis of content or reference. All aspects of Hodgkin’s life and contact with Bernal are D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 62 Research, B.1-B.56 After her return dealt with, beginning with herfirst visit to his laboratory (August 1932) and the Ravenna conference (September 1932). to Oxford there are many references to her visit to consult him in Cambridge or arrangementsfor left-wing political meetings, juxtaposed, sometimes incongruously, with research information and ideas which occupied part of her mind in whatever emotional circumstances. Ferry draws on these letters extensively in G. biography of Hodgkin, particularly chapters 3-5. her Several of Hodgkin’s letters to Thomas include references to Bernal’s visits to Oxford on scientific or political matters. B.42 1932-1936. Includes undated letter, ‘| am so glad and excited about the virus’. B.43 1937. These cover the period of Hodgkin’s engagement and marriage to Thomas,and show herdelicacy in dealing with these topics with regard to Bernal. The letters have been extensively quoted byFerry. Hodgkin’s letter of 12 October is characteristic, moving from Oxford Labour Club lunches to her insulin paper, her plans for marriage in December and subsequent semi- detachedlife with Thomas, and changesin herrelations with Bernal which had clearly been of great moment to her. Letter of 19 December, written on honeymoon, describes her wedding and also pending workon lactoglobulin which she has delegated to Riley and Fankuchen. B.44 1938. Science, politics, pregnancy. Includes telegram ‘Nice boy born 5pm yesterday...’ and Hodgkin’s letter of 28 December describing her labour, early days with the baby‘rather a nice one’ and detailed comments onhersterols paper. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 63 Research, B.1-B.56 B.45 1939-1940 and undated. Includes undatedletter (spring 1940, Ferry pp.218-219) on Hodgkin’s ideas about the developmentof crystallography in Oxford, and her own uncertain plans. B.46 Photocopies of letters to Bernal sent to Hodgkin from the Bernalcollection at Cambridge University Library. 21934-1939 Perhaps sent to Hodgkin when she was writing her Memoir of Bernal, or for her own autobiography. The letters are not fully dated, and are not in order. Some attempts to date them have been madeincluding some,in blue biro, by Hodgkin herself. Tentative dates run 1934- 1939. The material is mainly concerned with research and publications and includes some detailed results, diagrams, Fourier mapsetc. B.47-B.51 Notes and research by Bernal. N.d. B.47 B.48 B.49 B.50 B.51 B.52 Letter by Bernal to Hodgkin on crystal research, and a forthcoming conference or meeting. Envelope (from Birkbeck College) of ‘Prints of figures for virus paper’. Envelope (from Birkbeck College) of ‘Prints of comparison of wet and dry chymotrypsin’. 4pp drawings and calculations on rhombohedral and hexagonal crystals. 8pp manuscript notes, calculations, diagrams onsterols. Correspondence, linkage, sent to Bernal by W.T. Astbury diagrams, photographs on_ protein 1935, 1941 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 64 Research, B.1-B.56 B.53-B.56 Miscellaneous various dates B.53 B.54 B.55 Shorter notes, diagrams, calculations by Hodgkin and others. Various dates and topics. various dates A4 block of notes taken at conference, perhapsin Italy. N.d. Some pagestorn out. A few speakers’ namesidentified. Notebookof notes taken at conferenceorvisit, perhaps in the USA. ca 1976 Many pages torn out. draft for speech on neutron bomb. Latest reference 1976. Mainly scientific but includes 1p B.56 Envelope of bibliographical reference cards. ca 1982 Latest bibliographical reference 1982. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 65 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES,D.1-D.38 1934-1983 The principal interest of this section is the extensive material on J.D. Bernal and Hodgkin’s writings about him (D.5-D.29) which usefully complements that previously catalogued in Hodgkin D.80-D. 102. Several other items documentor refer to publications not listed in the Bibliography in the Royal Society Memoir. D.1, D.2 Drafts and correspondencefor a proposed volume on the history of science, edited by R.T. Lattey for the Home University Library. Notlisted in Bibliography. D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 Correspondence from R.T. Lattey asking Hodgkin to undertake sections 19 and 20 (on atoms and molecules), a total of 12,000 words at one guinea per thousand words, June-August. includes Also manuscript draft. letter to typist and heavily corrected Another manuscript draft, on ’Atoms and molecules’, some paginated 1-40, and several loose pages. 2pp draft letter and note, no date or addressee, probably re Hodgkin’s paper ‘The interpretation of Weissenberg photographsin relation to crystal symmetry’ (Bibliography 130, Hodgkin B.62). ‘X-ray measurements on wet insulin crystals’, with D. Riley, Nature, 1939 (Bibliography 60). Typescript and manuscriptdraft, copy of published paper. 1934 1934 1935 1939 D.5-D.29 Publications and material relating to J.D. Bernal 1935, 1967- 1988, n.d. The material is presented asfollows: D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 66 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.5-D.17 Writings by Hodgkin and Bernal D.18-D.21 Correspondence D.22-D.29 Information in graduation from Bernal’s Oxford 1932, Immediately after Hodgkin went to work in laboratory in the Department of Mineralogy at Cambridge, where she remained until 1934. Bernal became and remained an important influence in herlife - perhaps second only to scientific mind suggested and Thomas. encouraged ideas for research; his strongly leftwing political views chimed with hers, though she did not quite follow him (or, later, Thomas) into the Communist Party; their her marriage but they remained on terms of deep affection and respect. relations changed after His fertile personal intimate in 1971 his death Hodgkin’s long acquaintance with Bernal often led to requests for information or contributions to publications. After she undertook two major commissions: the Biographical Memoir for the Royal Society, published in 1980, and a lecture ‘Microcosm: the world as seen by John Desmond Bernal’ delivered in Dublin, October 1980 and published in Proc. R. Ir. Acad., 1981. the course of In her writing, Hodgkin accumulated considerable information, correspondenceetc., which is at D.22-D.29. After the appearance of the Royal Society Memoir, she was contacted by Professor Alan Mackay who had traced and arranged publication of Bernal’s early (1923) paper ‘The analytical theory of point systems’. Hodgkin hadreferred to this paper, then apparently lost, in her Memoir (pp.24-26). A copy of the recovered workis at D.9. manuscript autobiographical Bernal ‘Microcosm’, with a few annotations by him, and by Hodgkin, is at D.11-D.16. A little correspondenceis at D.20, D.21. draft his of D.5-D.17 Writings by Hodgkin and Bernal D.5-D.9 D.5 ‘John Desmond Bernal’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 1980 (Bibliography 177). Hodgkin’s manuscript draft, paginated sections. heavily corrected, some 1980, 1984, nd 1980 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 67 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 Typescript and photocopyof first draft, paginated 1-73, and 3pplist of corrections. Typescript and manuscript drafts for the section ‘Writings about science and society’ (pp 63-66 of published Memoir) which gave Hodgkin some difficulty. Includes comments or and extensive manuscript corrections and additions by M.M. Gowing, quotedin part in the published version. corrections by others, Notes, anecdotes, quotations, family tree,. photograph etc., assembled by Hodgkin for the Memoir. Correspondencere Bernal’s 1923 paper on point systems. A copy published as Occasional Paper No.1, Department of Crystallography, Birkbeck College London, is enclosed. D.10 ‘Microcosm’, Hodgkin’s lecture to Royal Irish Academy, October 1980 (Bibliography 178) (Hodgkin D.154, D.155). 1980 33pp heavily corrected manuscript draft of lecture; proof with minor manuscript corrections. The title refers to Bernal’s unpublished autobiographical drafts and notes. D.11-D.16 Bernal’s typescript draft of his autobiographical account, with a few manuscript notes, by him and by Hodgkin. N.d. Theseare all miscellaneous sequences, some paginated, none dated but thought to have been begun in 1926. Some exist in several versions, not all aretitled. D.11 D.12 ‘Method’. ‘Personal influences’ D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 68 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.13, D.14 ‘Impersonalinfluences’ Very bulky folder, divided into two for ease of reference. Includes some longer paginated sequences. D.13 is philology, psychology, physics (2 versions); D.14 is economics, history (4 versions). D.15 ‘Problems’ Includes extended ‘Introduction’ 29pp, section on ‘The dynamics of human societies’ with a manuscript headnote ‘An shorter sequences. early essay 1920’, and several other D.16 Miscellaneous autobiographical accounts of Ireland, socialism at Cambridge, one short section dated 4 May 1935. sequences, some 1935, nd D.17 Otherwritings by Hodgkin on Bernal Nd, 1984 1p typescript recollections of Bernal, especially his visits to Hodgkin’s home in 1948 while lecturing at Ruskin College Oxford, nd. 1p manuscript tribute, written 1984 for Institute of Physics exhibition. Included here is a request for an advanceobituary notice from The Times, nd. D.18-D.21 Correspondence 1967-1988 D.18 1969-1980 Includes invitation to give Bernal lecture (Hodgkin D.134), draft article on Lysenkoism in Britain sent to Hodgkin for comment 1980. D.19 1981-1988 Includes paper on Bernal and thanks for Memoir from J.T. Edsall, Bernal World Scientific Conference on Disarmament 1988. information on J.D. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 69 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.20 Brief correspondenceand papersfrom Bernal. 1967, nd 1p manuscript note on monetary reform n.d., letter on scientific researchin Ireland 1967. D.21 Letters exchanged with Birkbeck College on Bernal’s retirement 1968 (copies, with a few manuscript notes by Hodgkin). 1968 D.22-D.29 Information 1971, 1972, nd Muchofthis is typescript or photocopied material, perhaps sent to Hodgkin for the Memoir. D.22 Note of private memorial service, 8 December 1971; and Memorial Service 24 January 1972. 1971, 1972 Hodgkin spokeat the 1971 service. Addresses at the 1972 service were by the Master of Birkbeck College (R.C. Tress), C.P. (Lord) Snow, J.C. Kendrew, (Lord) Blackett. (Lord) Zuckerman and S. P.M.S. D.23-D.25 Recollections of Bernal, from colleagues and friends. These were made, some from tapes, at the request of Eileen Bernal for a Festschrift. Many of the pieces are numbered 2-57 (not a complete sequence). 3 folders. D.26 Miscellaneous information on Bernal. Includes 1p manuscript notes on ‘Bernal the Rationalist’ by Thomas Hodgkin. D.27-D.29 Miscellaneousobituaries, tributes and articles, some with brief correspondence. 3 folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 70 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.30 Foreword to E. Ceausescu, Steriospecific Polymerization of Isoprene, to be published by Pergamon Press, 1982. 1982 Correspondence with Romanian Embassy and with Pergamon Press 1982, typescript of Hodgkin’s Foreword. draft D.30A Birthday tribute Croatica Chemica Acta, 1983. to Drago Grdenic, for publication in 1983 With correspondence. D.31 Preface to F. Langer, An Age of Stone, 1988 1988 2 versions D.32-D.38 Editorial correspondence 1935-1991 D.32-D.34 Correspondence publications, lectures, contributions by Hodgkin. editors with and colleagues re 1959-1991 The material deals with works many of which do not appearin the Bibliography of the Royal Society Memoir. References to related material in the previous catalogue are given whereverpossible, in the form Hodgkin... D.32 1959-1980 Insulin 1959 (Bibliography 38); Tribute to Gandhi 1968 (Hodgkin G.166); Obituary for E.B. Chain 1979 (Hodgkin D.79); Preface to A. Kelly, The Missing Half: Girls and science education (correspondence and twoversions of Hodgkin’s suggested preface, which was omitted from the publication as ‘half-hearted’) 1979-1980; Festschrift 1980. D.33 1981-1983 Dalton lecture, ‘Moments of discovery’ 1981 (Hodgkin D.156-D.158); correspondence on Sophia lecture ‘On making peace possible’ and its Co- Existence 1981-1983 (Hodgkin G.167, G.168); lecture at Manchester 1982; biochemical society transactions 1982. publication in D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 71 Publications and lectures, D.1-D.38 D.34 1983-1991 ‘Spiegelbuch’ 1983; Womenof the Year lecture (Hodgkin D.160; Ferry p.390) 1983; ‘Memories of Lawrence Bragg’ (Hodgkin D.199) 1990; ‘Tribute to Paul Ewald’ (Hodgkin H.82) 1991. The Women of the Year lecture was the occasion on which Hodgkin, invited to speak on ‘A woman’s best friend’, delivered a fervent tribute to Thomas. The lecture greatly moved its hearers and the occasion made £23,000 for the blind. The speech was broadcast on BBC Radio ‘Woman’s Hour’. D.35, D.36 Requests from editors and authors for articles, prefaces, reviews, comments. 1959-1983 All topics (Hodgkin D.119-D.125). D.35 D.36 D.37 D.38 1959-1982 1983 Requests to lecture (Hodgkin D.168-D. 194). 1935, 1978- 1983 Shorter letters of thanks. correspondence on lectures, arrangements, 1962-1983 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 72 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS,E.1-E.33 1959-1994 E.1-E.5 BRISTOL UNIVERSITY E.6 E.7 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENTOF SCIENCE BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION E.8-E.20 CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CHARITY E.21-E.26 L'INSTITUT DE LA VIE E.27 E.28 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR CHEMICAL SCIENCES IN DEVELOPMENT E.29, E.30 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY E.31-E.33 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 73 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.1-E.5 BRISTOL UNIVERSITY 1970-1994 Hodgkin was Chancellor of the University 1970-1988. Et Letters Chancellor 1970. of congratulation on Hodgkin’s election as 1970 (Hodgkin A.113-A.116, A.154). E.2 Speechesat honorary degree ceremonies. 1987-1988 (Hodgkin E.27, E.28). 2pp only manuscript draft 1987; manuscript notes on honorands 1988; typescript draft for graduation ceremony 1988, with reference to Thomas and Hodgkin House (see E.5), and letter arising. E.3 E.4 E.5 Correspondence on the Eighth International Biophysical Congress, held in Bristol. 1981-1983 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on various affairs of Bristol University and city. 1972-1983 Material relating to Hodgkin House. 1980s-1994 Hodgkin House wasan international hostel for overseas students created from the merger in 1984 of two previous hostels, Meridian Hall and St The combined hostel was named Hodgkin Houseasa tribute to Thomasandhis long devotionto Africa. Brigid’s House. A history of the hostel (enclosed) by C.W. Robert 1990, refers to the naming andto a visit by Hodgkin (pp 16, 18). Includes later letter 1994. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 74 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.6 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE 1994 (Hodgkin E.47-E.57). Brief correspondence. E.7 BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION 1994 (Hodgkin E.58-E.59). Brief correspondence 1994. E.8-E.20 CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CHARITY 1983-1988 (Hodgkin F.176). The Children’s Medical Charity was set up in 1982 in the Department of Experimental Chemical Pathology in the Vincent Square Laboratories of Westminster Hospital. Funding cuts were a persistent problem, most of the material being concerned with various attempts to raise funds and place the research and diagnostic work of the Charity on a firm basis. Diabetes, vitamin B12 metabolism and protein absoprtion were amongthe resarch interests of the Charity. In In 1986 it was floated as an Investment Trust, launchedin 1988, further Government decisions July 1986. proposed the of Westminster Hospital and Westminster Children’s Hospital and their replacement by a single hospital in Fulham Road. closure Hodgkin agreed to become a Scientific Adviser to the Charity in 1983. She took part in conferences and Open Days. In 1988, under the threat of closure, she agreed to become Hospitals DevelopmentFund. Westminster Patron a of the E.8 Invitation to act as Scientific Adviser. 1983 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 75 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.9 E.10 E.11 E.12 E.13 E.14 E.15 E.16 Minutes, accounts, research reports sent for information. 1983-1985 Drafts for Investment Trust Prospectus and for Appeal Brochure, May 1984, March 1985. 1984-1985 Copies of drafts, March 1985, with some annotations, deletions and notes by Hodgkin. Comments by Sir Peter Tizard (Medical Adviser) on research statements in the draft 1985. 1985 1985 Material relating to the launch of the Appeal, November 1985, and launch reception of the Investment Trust, June 1986. 1985-1986 Material relating to Open Day, April 1984, and Appeal, June photographs and messages from Hodgkin. 1985, with 1984-1985 Miscellaneous correspondence and material on research, funding, appeal. 1984, 1986 Correspondence on staff and research. 1985-1986 E.17, E.18 Material on the proposed closure of the Westminster Hospitals. 1988 E.17 E.18 Correspondence. Pamphlets and printed matter. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.19 Correspondence and material on ‘Cobalamin ‘88’, First International Symposium on Biomedicine and Physiology of Vitamin B12, 26-29 September 1988. (Hodgkin F.176). The conference was sponsored by the Charity. Hodgkin was the President and chaired the session on leukaemia. 76 1988 E.20 Correspondence and material on ‘Thomas Addison and his diseases: 200 years on’, 25-27 May 1993. 1993 (Hodgkin F.179). Hodgkin was a co-President. An unsuccessful attempt was madeto seek the Patronage of H.M. The Queen. A little personal correspondence and greetings from membersof the Charity are included. E.21-E.26 L’INSTITUT DE LA VIE 1984-1985 Papers and correspondence. It organised The organisation was founded in 1960 in Paris by Maurice Marois. on interdiscipinary themes mainly concerned with the life In 1985 it was proposed to establish a sciences. permanent centre for the Institut in Martinique, where several conferences had been held. conferences international attended conference Hodgkin served onthe international organising committee and France, Martinique, February 1985 but there is no correspondence from earlier conferences are documented in correspondence with Marois (Hodgkin F passim). Her attendance and papers Port de her. the in at E.21 E.22 List of International Organising Committee members. Material relating to 9th Conference, Lille, France, 2-4 July 1984. Participants, programme. 1984 1984 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 77 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.23 E.24 E.25 E.26 E.27 Material relating to meeting in Martinique, 3-10 February 1985. 1985 International Committee meeting, 1p manuscript notes by Hodgkin; manuscript notes proposed for speakers etc at meeting scheduledfor 1-8 July 1986 at Versailles. Documents relating permanentcentre in Martinique. to the proposal to establish a 1985 Includes a hostile representation from a local committee. Correspondence from members of Committee speakers. suggestions with the conferences International and 1984-1985 for Nomination of Marois for Nobel Peace Prize. INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS (Hodgkin E.71-E.99). Papers for Autumn Conference, X-ray Analysis Group, 13- 14 November 1959. 1984 1959 E.28 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR CHEMICAL SCIENCES IN DEVELOPMENT(IOCD) 1983 Information sent to Hodgkin by the President. IOCD was launched by UNESCOin 1981. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 78 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.29, E.30 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 1974-1993 Hodgkin wasPresident of the Union 1972-1975. (Hodgkin E.100-E.176). Correspondenceandpapers. E.29 1974-1975 Includes some material as President, and 1p typescript paper ‘Anomalous Scattering Madrid 1974’ by Hodgkin. forwarded to Hodgkin E.30 1979-1983, 1993 Personal correspondenceand greetings. E.31-E.33 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY 1990-1991 (Hodgkin E.67). The material relates to the 150th Anniversary Congress, Imperial College London, 8-11 April 1991, and the Dorothy Hodgkin Symposium on ‘Crystallography’ which washeld as part of the Congress on 9 April. E.31 Correspondence. 1990-1991 The symposium was organised by the Women Chemists’ Committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Hodgkin agreed to allow her name to be used ‘with some misgivings, as | find myself not quite in agreementwith the segregation of women as a special kind of group in Chemistry’. Hodgkin’s replies to letters from the secretary are often typed on the versoof the incomingletter. E.32 Women Chemists Newsletters 1 and 2 with programmeof symposium. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 79 Societies and organisations, E.1-E.33 E.33 Printed material about the Congress. See A.33 for Hodgkin’s election as Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1932. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 80 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES,F.1-F.21 1959-1989 A chronological sequence. Much of the material belongs to Hodgkin’s later years and is relatively brief. F.1, F.2 Visit to China, September-October 1959 1959 Britain-China The visit was arranged, Friendship Association, for Hodgkin to join a delegation to attend anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. of the tenth celebrations through the round the This was the first of Hodgkin’s visits to China. She lectured in Beijing on vitamin B12 and travelled with the delegation She also renewed acquaintance with Liao Hongying, who had read chemistry at gain permission to visit her family (Hodgkin F.14; Ferry pp335- 340). 1930s, and helped Somerville country. her in the F.1 F.2 Correspondence with J. Needham, Chairman of Britain- China Friendship Association, invitation, letter of thanks from China. Small block of manuscript notes of travel, excursions, notes on Hongying, 5 September-3 October. N.B. The writing is very uncertain and the notes may have been compiled at a late date. F.3 Visit to China, September 1965. Brief correspondenceonly. Hodgkin arranged to visit China as a guest of Academia Sinica, after a lecture tour in Japan (Hodgkin F.25, F.26; Ferry pp. 340-341). F.4 Visit to Moscow, USSR, December 1971 Correspondence with colleagues arranging visits, and about suitablegifts. Hodgkin wasinvited by the Soviet Academy of Sciences for celebrations of the 80th birthday of N.V. Belov (Hodgkin F.63). 1965 1971 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 81 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.21 F.5 Visit to Wroclaw, Poland, 14-17 August 1978. 1977-1978 Correspondence, arrangements. Hodgkin lectured on ‘Some reflections on metals in biological systems’ at a Symposium on Crystal Structure and Bonding of Metal Complexes (a post-Congress Symposium of the Eleventh IUCr Congress in Warsaw). F.6 Visit to Bulgaria, August 1978 Correspondence and arrangements (by Thomas), offical invitation from the Bulgarian Academyof Sciences. Hodgkin visited Bulgaria with Thomas, after the Wroclaw conference (F.5) and before the Pugwash Conferencein Varna (Hodgkin G.44). F.7 F.8 Visit to India, November 1979 1979 Brief correspondencere possible visit to Hyderabad. Visit to Bucharest, Romania, June 1980 1978-1979 Correspondence. Hodgkin lectured on water molecules at an International Conference on Water and lons in Biological Systems (Hodgkin F.133). F.9 Symposium oninsulin, London, 25 May 1982. Invitation and programme (ticked to indicate attendance). Bicentenary Scienze, Rome,Italy, 1982. celebration, Accademia Nazionale delle Letter only. 1982 1982 F.10 F.11 Meeting College Hospital London, 4 February 1983. Dependent Diabetes, on Insulin University 1983 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.21 Invitation to attend and lecture on structure of insulin (ticked to indicate attendance). Conference on ‘The planetis in peril: Nobel Laureates seek an answer’, Paris, France, 25-29 October 1983. Invitation to attend and contribute, with manuscript note ‘Yes, provisionally’. Workshop on Post-Nuclear fires, Royal Society, London, 13-16 May 1984. Hodgkin attended. Printed report only. Planned symposium and lectures in honour of J. Dunitz, Hamburg, West Germany, August 1984. Letter only (ticked and with manuscript note ‘autumn 1982’). F.12 F.13 F.14 82 1983 1984 1984 F.15, F.16 UNESCO Fifth International Symposium on Innovation and Society, Bucharest, Romania, 2-4 December 1985. 1979-1987 Hodgkin lectured on ‘The chemistry of stereoregularity’. F.15 F.16 F.17 Correspondence 1984, programme, letter of thanks 1987. 1984-1987 Report (author not known) on visit to Romania under British to research and collaboration in chemistry. reference Council auspices, with special Visit to USSR, Japan and China, September-November 1985. Travel and visa arrangements. colleagues in Japan. One letter only from Hodgkin travelled with her daughter Elizabeth and Peter Carter (partner) (Hodgkin F.148). 1979 1985 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 F.18 F.19 F.20 F.21 83 1988 1988 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.21 ‘Eco-Danube 88’, International Congress on Alternatives and Environment, October-November 1988. Invitation, ticked with manuscript note “?B12’. Conference on ‘The Role of Womenin the Development of Science and Technology in the Third World’, organised by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, 3-7 October 1988. Correspondence, information, with a few manuscript notes by Hodgkin. participants, programme, Hodgkin lectured on ‘The development and scientific advances | have taken part in during mylife’ (Hodgkin F.177). Brief manuscript notes taken by Hodgkin at conferences. 1989, n.d. Invitations uncertain. to conferences, declined or acceptance 1968-1987 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 84 SECTION G PEACE AND HUMANITARIANINTERESTS,G.1-G.53 1958-1993 slight, relatively The material here varies considerably in scope, some being Pugwash) representing a major component of Hodgkin’s activities. All, indicate some active commitment or continuing interest from her. Shorter items, with little or no correspondence, arelisted at G.50-G.53. however, others (such as G.1-G.49 ORGANISATIONS AND TOPICS 1958-1993 Presentedin alphabetical order. G.1 Amnesty International 1959-1967 Correspondence,information and papers. also material Includes for Portuguese Amnesty, and on Amnesty International Academic Freedom Day (Hodgkin declined to be a sponsor). Committee British on G.2, G.3 Anti-Apartheid Movement 1959-1982 Correspondenceand papers. G.2 G.3 1959, 1975. 1982. Includes acceptance by Hodgkin Sponsor in succession to Thomas. of nomination as G.4 Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd 1981 Material re Chemical Weapons Appeal. Hodgkin was an initial sponsor and made a financial contribution. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 85 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.5 British Soviet Friendship Society 1967 Brief correspondence re Hodgkin’s sponsorship and subscription for Illuminated Address presented to Soviet Ambassador on USSR 50th Anniversary Celebration 1967. G.6 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 1958-1974 Correspondenceand papers. Includes press release on deputation from the Women’s Group (including Hodgkin) to a group of women MPs on Geneva nuclear weapons agreement 1958; letter and draft article on Oslo conference on nuclear weapons (Hodgkin attended) by A. Pirie 1961; Hodgkin’s agreement to be a Sponsor 1965;letter in reply to Hodgkin’s protest to Minister on US and UK nuclear forces 1973; conference on arms industry, Bristol 1975. G.7 Martin Luther King Foundation Correspondence re symposium, 30 June 1969. Hodgkin attended (one dayonly). G.8 Nuclear Warfare Tribunal 1969 1985 Draft judgement and recommendations, evidence and commentary, with brief correspondence. The Tribunal was convened in London, 2-6 January 1985 to conduct ‘An examination of the legality of nuclear weapons’. Hodgkin was a member. G.9 Oxford Society for Social Responsibility in Science 1970 One letter Inaugural elsewhere). only, Meeting, recording Hodgkin’s chairing of the recorded March 4 1970 (not D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 86 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.10-G.15 Palestine 1980-1993 Correspondence and paperschiefly re Birzeit University. The material predates Hodgkin’s becoming, in 1985, a Sponsor university (Hodgkin G.12, G.13). independent Palestinian of this G.10 Correspondence and information about the closure of the university in 1979 and 1980, and growing anxiety about conditions on the West Bank. 1980 Continuing information, newsletters, press-releases and commentonBirzeit and Arab-Israeli affairs. 1980-1983 Newsletter of May 1983 refers to visits by Hodgkin and Eric Hobsbawm in April (see G.12, G.13 below). G.12-G.14 Correspondenceand papersrelating to Hodgkin’svisit to Israel, Birzeit and Jordan, April-May 1983 (Hodgkin F.138). G.12 Correspondence, messagesetc. Letters 1981 refer to a previousvisit and lectures at Birzeit by Hodgkin, 30 May 1981. Includes draft letter of thanks to Prince El-Hassan of Jordanfor her visit there. 1981-1983 1981-1983 G.13 Travel arrangements for travel to Amman via Vienna, formalities and arrangements for crossing to West Bank overAllenby Bridge. G.14 Hodgkin’s notes of names and addresses. Includes envelope with manuscript notes of her schedule of lectures and meetings. G.15 Material organisations, good causesetc. miscellaneous on Palestinian committees, 1980-1993 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 87 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.16-G.31 Peace 1958-1992 This is mainly material on the conferences devoted to peace and disarmament which Hodgkin attended, and often addressed, in her later years. They wereoften of an elaborate international nature and a full record has been kept of her involvement. G.16-G.18 G.16 G.18 Vancouver Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 24-26 April 1986. Centennial Peace and Disarmament that a document, the It was intended ‘Vancouver Proposals’, should emerge from the symposium, with broad support from the participants, setting out measures to halt the arms race, prevent nuclear war and encourage international peace. Hodgkin, Sean McBride and Alfonso Garcia-Robles (who later withdrew) were askedto draft the document. schedule; Invitation; itinerary; letters of thanks; despatch of Symposium proceedings, ‘End the armsrace: fund human needs’. participants; Hodgkin's 1985-1986 1985-1986 Correspondenceanddraft suggestions for the Proposals sent January 1986, some with a few manuscript notes. 1986 Drafts, Proposals, with much manuscript work by Hodgkin. correspondence statements, notes, on_ the 1986 G.19-G.22 86 Peace Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, August 1986 1986 Invitations, schedule, participants, letters of thanks. This was the city’s contribution to the UN International Year of Peace. Hodgkin attended the Peace Memorial Ceremony, and was on the panel on the theme ‘What science should be for peace’. She also visited Tokyo as a guest of the Japanese Pugwash Group; she received an invitation to visit Nagasaki on 9 August. G.19 Correspondence, March-December D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 88 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 Manuscript and typescript drafts for Hodgkin’s keynote speech‘In questfor international peace’, and herreply to a question-and-answer request. Background information on Hiroshima, Nagasaki, peace initiatives. Press-cuttings of the 1986 meeting (including Hodgkin), photograph of Hodgkin at Peace Memorial. G.20 G.21 G.22 G.23, G.24 Round Table for the Celebration of the International Year of Peace, Paris, France, 15-16 December 1986 1986 Hodgkin spoke on ‘The role and the use of science and technology for the construction of peace’. (Hodgkin G. 162). G.23 Invitation, Hodgkin’s manuscript notes taken at conference. participants, timetable, draft conclusions, G.24 Papers and submissions for consideration at conference. G.25-G.28 Nobel Laureate Conference on ‘Facing the 21st Century: threats and promises’, Paris, France, 18-21 January 1988. 1987-1988 Hodgkin chose ‘Disarmament and peace’ for her seminar and spokein the last session on ‘How shall we face the future?’ based on a stanza from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The conference was hosted by President Mitterand and organised by the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. (Ferry p.397). G.25 Correspondence, arrangements, Hodgkin’s choice of topic etc. invitation, schedule, travel 1987-1988 failure Includes a letter of complaint addressed to Wiesel about his his concluding speech at the conference. The letter, sent by the Secretary of International Physicians for Prevention of nuclear disarmament in mention to ae D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 89 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 Nuclear War, includes the consensus statement by the Disarmament and Peace Working Group. Manuscript notes and drafts for Hodgkin’s address. Printed texts of closing speeches by Wiesel and by Mitterand. Texts (in participants; list and brief cvs of participants. French) of abstracts and contributions by Shorter meetings on peace and disarmament. invitations, information on conferences and 1968-1982 Shorter information on organisations for peace and disarmament, some sponsored by Hodgkin 1958-1992 Miscellaneous manuscript notes made by Hodgkin at peace conferences. N.d. G.26 G.27 G.28 G.29 G.30 G.31 G.32-G.46 Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs 1969-1988 (Hodgkin G.22-G.94; Ferry pp 359-376). Most of the material deals with Pugwash conferences and symposia chronological sequence), with some correspondenceat G.44-G.46. (presented together as a_ primarily concerned with The Pugwash conferences, worldwide nuclear disarmament, began in 1957 (see G.46). Conferences and symposia became annual events at their scope and acquiring a complex organisation as many national groups developed worldwide. international widening venues, Though Hodgkin wasentirely in agreement with the aims of Pugwash, and attended conferences from 1962, she did not become actively involved until 1975 when she to become President, formally accepted an invitation taking overin 1976, and remainingin office until 1988. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.32 G.33 G.34 5th Symposium, ‘The role of science and scientist in national affairs’, Lazne, Czechoslovakia, 19-24 May 1969. Marianské world and Participants, programme, papers, including papers for Biological during symposium. Warfare meeting Study Group (Hodgkin G.67; Ferry pp 367-368). Conference, 26th and Development’, Muhlhausen, East Germany, 26-31 August 1976. ‘Disarmament, Security Typescript of Hodgkin’s closing address, with recollections of J.D. Bernal and others. 27th Conference, ‘Coexistence between the rich and the poor’, Munich, West Germany, 24-29 August 1977. Typescript and manuscript draft of Hodgkin’s closing speech. Also includes copy of speech by Lord Noel-Bakergiven at conference. (Hodgkin G.41-G.43; Ferry p 370). 90 1969 1976 1977 G.35 28th Conference, ‘Global Aspects of disarmament and security’, Varna, Bulgaria, 1-5 September 1978. 1978 Council’s Newsletter on Hodgkin’s speech. report on the conference; photocopy from (Hodgkin G.44). Hodgkin spent a short holiday in Bulgaria with Thomas before the Varna conference. See F.6. G.36, G.37 29th Conference, ‘Development and security’, Mexico City, 18-23 July 1979. 1979 (Hodgkin G.45). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.36 Miscellaneous papers. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s concluding remarks; agenda and minutes of Pugwash Council and Executive Committee meetings (annotated by Hodgkin); Council statement on Mexico City conference. Opening address, background papers. Conference, and 30th development’, Breukelen, The Netherlands, 20-25 August 1980. limitations, security ‘Arms G.37 G.38 91 1980 Agenda,participants, 1p note on proposed Symposium in France,April 1980. G.39 Symposium in Bucharest, Romania, 28-31 October 1983 1983 Brief correspondenceonly. of thanks by Hodgkin, and letter re Includes letters proposed nomination of Pugwash for Nobel Peace Prize (eventually awardedin 1995). G.40 35th Conference, Campinas, Brazil, 1-9 July 1985. 1985 Notepad of manuscript notes by Hodgkin, some for her concluding speech, some on papersor discussions at the conference; press-cutting. (See J.2, Hodgkin G.59, G.60). G.41 50th Pugwash Symposium, ‘Disengagement in Europe: towards arms reductions and weapon-free zones’, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 14-17 April 1988. 1987, 1988 statement Council brief correspondence. Includes cable requesting article from Hodgkin on history of Pugwash. participants, and list of Also included here is Hodgkin’s entry form for 49th Symposium ‘Common security Europe’, Mragowo, Poland, 23-26 May 1987. in D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.42 37th Conference, ‘Prospects for the future: towards a Palestinian-lsraeli 1-6 September 1987. Gmunden, Austria, peace’, 92 1987 Draft report of Working Group on ‘The Arab-Israeli confrontation’ annotations by Hodgkin); manuscript and typescript draft for speech or paper by Hodgkin; 1p typescript speech by G.A. Baramki, Birzeit University (see also G.46). (See J.3, Hodgkin G.62-G.64). G.43 Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Hodgkin taken at conferences. G.44-G.46 Correspondence 1976-1987 G.44 G.45 1976, 1979 1979 on Correspondence possible negotiations with China and her participation in Pugwash(Ferry p.371). February-October papers, and G.46 1981-1987 on to Correspondence to participate in a conference, 1981, 1983; letters from Anne Eaton, widow of Cyrus Eaton in whose house the first Pugwash conference had taken place, 1982, 1987. invitation Baramki G.A. Letter of 1987 explains the name: ‘Pagweakis the Indian for Deep Water and somehow became Pugwash...while “Pugwash” is not the most elegant word I’ve alwaysfelt Deep Water quite appropriate for the issues discussed there’. G.47 Scientists Against Nuclear Arms (SANA) 1981-1983 General correspondenceand papers mainly on setting up and inaugural conference of the society at the Open University, Milton Keynes. (Hodgkin G.106-G.110). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 93 Peace and humanitarian interests, G.1-G.53 G.48, G.49 Vietnam 1969-1981 (Hodgkin G.114-G.156; Ferry pp 362-367). G.48 General correspondenceand papers. 1969-1975 Includes brief exchange with Ngugen Thi Binh, 1969 (Ferry p.363); letter and photocopy of Hodgkin’s article ‘Bombs over Thanhhoa’ published in New York Times, 7 January 1972 (notlisted in Bibliography). (Hodgkin G. 146; Ferry p.366). G.49 MedicalAid for Vietnam. 1969-1981 (Hodgkin G.122-G. 131). General correspondence and papers. Includes a few circulars and committee papers, and a little personal correspondence from Joan McMichael, founder of the enterprise (Ferry p.362). Hodgkin accepted McMichael’s President in 1971 after the death of John Boyd Orr. invitation to become G.50-G.53 MISCELLANEOUS APPEALS 1959-1988 G.50 Russian dissidents. 1970-1988 Correspondence and papers (Hodgkin G.95-G. 105). G.51 Political prisoners, refusal of exit visas. 1969-1984 G.52, G.53 Appeals for sponsorship, contribution to good causes, signatureto protestletters, legal aid appeal. 1959-1985 2 folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 94 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE,H.1-H.54 1933-1994 are given References to correspondents appearing in the previous catalogue in the form Hodgkin.... wherever possible H.1-H.38 GENERALSCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE H.39-H.42 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE H.43-H.46 MISCELLANEOUS H.47-H.54 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS H.1-H.38 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1933-1992, n.d. H.14 H.2 H.3 In alphabetical order, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. Byers, N. 1975, 1982 Low temperature physics, nuclear freeze (Hodgkin G.119). Delbruck, M. Recollections of Cecil Powell. 1972 Dodson, G.G. 1969-1990, n.d. Includes research results and news, diagrams etc. Dodson was a crystallographer from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, who worked with Hodgkin from 1962 and became one of her principal collaborators on insulin. He became Professor of Chemistry at the University of York, and wrote the Memoir of Hodgkin for the Royal Society, 2002 (Hodgkin H.72-H.74 and passim). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 95 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 H.4 Dornberger (née Schiff), K. ca 1941, 1945, 1981 Includes 1p manuscript early calculations on insulin ca 1941. Kathe Schiff was an Austrian refugee, who worked with Bernal at Birkbeck and became an important recruit to Hodgkin’s group on the outbreak of war in 1939. After the war she returned with her husband Paul Dornberger to East Berlin (Hodgkin H.27A and passim, Ferry pp.183, 186, 383). H.5 H.6 Ewald, P.P. See Hodgkin H.81, H.82 and passim. Fankuchen, I. Early protein research. 1975, 1980 1937-1941, 1967, n.d. Correspondence continues from Dina Fankuchen after Isidor’s death in 1964. (Hodgkin H.83-H.85; Ferry pp.115, 130). H.7 Glusker (née Pickworth), J. 1982-1990 H.8 H.9 Jenny Pickworth was a Somerville pupil of Hodgkin, later joining the research team on vitamin B12 and becoming a close collaborator and friend. After her marriage she worked in America. (Hodgkin H.90-H.92 and passim, Ferry pp.256-261). Gupta, M.D. Harding (née Aitken), M.M. Research on gramicidin, recommendation. Harding was a Somerville pupil of Hodgkin, later working with her on insulin. (Hodgkin H.99 and passim, Ferry pp.306-314, 323-324). 1967-1977 1979-1980 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 H.10 H.11 Hartley, H. Howard (née Duckworth), J.A.K. (Hodgkin H.107; Ferry pp.398-400). 96 1965, 1972 1990, n.d. H.12 Hughes, E.W. and HughesR. 1952-1983 Letters from Eddie and Ruth Hughes, friends made on Hodgkin’sfirst visit to America in 1947. Letter of 25 May 1980 includes comments on Bernal. (Hodgkin H. 108). H.13 H.14 Kass, E. and Kass, A. 1980-1987, n.d. Liao, H. 1931-1959 Includes a letter to Joan Crowfoot 1937, and a collection of essays ‘The world belongs to all’ by Liao and Derek Bryan, with marginal markings by Hodgkin. Hongying Liao was a young Chinese Quaker who came to Somerville in 1930 to read chemistry; Hodgkin befriended and helped her. She returned to China, married a British diplomat Derek Bryan, and on his resignation from the Foreign Service she joined him in the work of the British- China Friendship Association. (Ferry pp.335-340). H.15 Lonsdale, K. 1946, 1960 Three letters only, 1946, 1960 (on Wolfson Research Fellowship). (Hodgkin H.138-H.140 and passim, Ferry p.238). H.16 Low, B.W. 1943 One letter only, 29 July 1943, ‘Red hot news!’ (on penicillin degradation products, sent to Hodgkin during a course of treatment for arthritis in Buxton). (Hodgkin H.141-H.143 and passim, Ferry pp.197-198). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 97 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 H.17 Luttke, W. 1961, 1983 (Hodgkin H.145). H.18 Megaw,H.D. 1930s-1950 Hodgkin knew Megawin Oxford and in Bernal’s group in Cambridge. Megaw worked for Mullard’s during the war, and waslater at Girton College Cambridge. Fewletters dated. (Hodgkin H.155; Ferry pp.78, 89, 101-102). H.19 Pauling, L.C. and Pauling A.H. 1946-1996 and n.d. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on Pauling and his affairs, not all dated. (Hodgkin H.177, H.178 and passim, Ferry, passim). H.20-H.22 Perutz, M.F. ca 1942-1993 Pertuz, a refugee from Austria, joined Bernal’s Cambridge laboratory in 1936. He became and remained one of Hodgkin’s closest and most admiring friends; her letters mention many informalvisits by him to her laboratory and home. J.C. Kendrew, Perutz set up the Cambridge With Laboratory of Molecular Biology in 1947. His work on haemoglobin won him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1962 jointly with Kendrew. (Hodgkin H.180-H.182 and passim; Ferry passsim). H.20 1940s-1958 Includes unfinished account, by Hodgkin, in the form of a letter to Thomas, after a visit by Perutz describing his experiences of wartime internment, ?1941-1942; letter from Perutz, ?1943; ‘Plan of research’ on molecular with structure a manuscript Bragg); correspondence 1950, 1958. haemoglobin, note (Lawrence ‘W.L.B.’ of postwar ?1945, H.21 1973-1992 Letters of 1990, 1992 haverecollections of early research (Ferry p.323). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 Miscellaneous material, mainly appeals. re Porton Down H.22 H.23 98 1993 1968 Papers Microbiological Research Establishment. and correspondence on the work of the H.24 Ramaseshan, S. 1983 and n.d. (Hodgkin H.190, H.191 and passim; Ferry pp.351-356). H.25 Riley, D.P. 21938-1939 Two letters only, on crystal research and on ‘Wrinchery’ (Dorothy Wrinch’s controversial alternative theories of protein structure) (Hodgkin H.196; Ferry pp.147-159). Hodgkin’sfirst research student, working oninsulin. H.26 Robertson, J.M. 1990, 1992 (Hodgkin H.200 and passim). H.27-H.33 Trueblood, K.N. and others 1953-1990 California Trueblood, an American crystallographer based at the University of at Los Angeles, was a key collaborator in the research on Vitamin B12. His access to the Computer (SWAC) maderapid extensive calculations possible. Standards Automatic large Western This material was made available for the collection by G. Ferry, who hadreceivedit from Trueblood. Correspondence with other members of Hodgkin’s and Trueblood’s teams is also included, and thereis a little personal material. (Hodgkin B.506-B.828 gives a full account of the research, Ferry pp.258-263 describes key events. References to publications in the form Bibliog.). H.27 1953-1954 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 99 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 /.. Includes the note of 8 July 1953 on hotel writing paper with Trueblood’s suggestions for collaborative work using the resources of SWAC, which launchedthe project (Ferry p.258); letters, cables, data. H.28 January-June 1955 Letter of 10 January includes Hodgkin’s outline plan for a series of five papers on the work. H.29 July-December 1955 arrangements Publication early announcementof B12 structure by A. Todd (Ferry p.265); correspondence about computer requirements at Oxford and the history of SWAC administration, September. (Bibliog. 31); H.30 January-August 1956 From August Trueblood was on sabbatical leave with a Fulbright Fellowship as a visitor in Hodgkin’s laboratory; publication (Bibliog. 34). H.31 August 1957-November 1958 and Hodgkin’s Includes Trueblood’s comments on award of Nobel Prize to Todd, little sad...because clearly it mattered to my father (Ferry p.287); comments and data for publications (Bibliog. 35, 37). found reply ‘I it a H.32 H.33 1959-1960 1969-1990 and n.d. Includes some personal material from Jeanie (Trueblood’s wife) and Louise (mother). H.34 Venkatesan, K. 1969-1982 (Hodgkin H.210, H.239 and passim, Ferry pp.351-352). D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 100 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 H.35 Waddington, C.H. 1933, 1941 Letter of 1933, from Berlin, comments on rise of Nazism (Ferry pp.97-100). H.36-H.38 Wrinch D.M. 1937-1984 Dorothy Wrinch interacted with Hodgkin’s life in many ways: as a friend and colleague in the 1930s; as the indirect cause of Hodgkin’s first meeting with Thomasin 1937; and as the proponentof a flawed theory of protein structure which Hodgkin found herself bound to oppose despite their long friendship. (Hodgkin H.225-H.227; Ferry pp. 147-160). H.36 Correspondence. Threeletters only. H.37 H.38 Correspondence with P.G. Abir-Am on her paper ‘The career of Dorothy Wrinch’, a copy of which is enclosed. Correspondence with Laszlo on a draft chapter ‘Dorothy Wrinch, or a daring Renaissance scholar in an age of patient data collection’, a copy of which is enclosed with a few marginal notes by Hodgkin. P. Includes 4pp typescript reply by Hodgkin and 4pp manuscript recollections of their friendship and difficulties over protein structure. 1937, 1944, 1969 1980 1984 H.39-H.42 SHORTERSCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1965-1994 and n.d. Brief exchanges, or single letters, on research in progress or proposed, requests to meet,results, etc. In alphabetical order. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 101 Correspondence,H.1-H.54 H.39 H.40 H.41 A.-G. H.-K. L.-S. H.42 V., W. and unidentified. H.43-H.46 MISCELLANEOUS for Requests discoveries, biographers andhistorians. reprints, or recollections for information on_ of colleagues, scientific from 1941-1990 1978-1990 H.43 H.44 H.45 H.46 Requests for advice on careers, university places and courses. 1941-1983 Requests to meet or give assistance to visiting scholars and delegations. 1944-1985 Letters of thanks from colleagues for greetings sent on birthdays and anniversaries. 1980-1988 H.47-H.54 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1952-1994 H.47 H.48 Theses 1979, 1980, n.d. Grant-awarding institutions 1979, 1981 Von-Humboldt Foundation 1979, Leverhulme Trust 1981. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 Correspondence, H.1-H.54 H.49, H.50 University appointments and promotions H.49 H.50 UK universities. Overseas universities. H.51-H.53 Elections and awards H.51 H.52 H.53 H.54 NobelPrizes. Royal Society. Royal Society of Chemistry. Personal requests 102 1959-1991 1979-1983 1959-1991 1952-1994 1965-1977 1952-1994 1982 1979, 1983 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 SECTION J NON-TEXT MATERIAL,J.1-J.26 J.1-J.16 PHOTOGRAPHS J.1-J.7 Photographswith colleagues or at conferences 103 ca 1923-1989, n.d. ca 1923-1989, n.d. 21957-1989, n.d. 1957 J.1 J.2 J.3 J.4 With colleaguesat café table (?Paris) With colleagues at Pugwash conference, G.40). Brazil (see 1985 With colleagues at Pugwash conference, Austria (see G.42). With colleagues at Pasadena. Transparencies. 1987 1989 J.5-J.7 Photographs of Hodgkin, one dated 1988. 1988, n.d. 3 folders. J.8-J.16 Domestic and family photographs ca 1923-1987 J.8 J.9 J.10 Envelopeof five photographs, with Luke and Liz. n.d. (mid 1940s) Four photographs at Crab Mill Miniature booklet of photographsof lona, With a manuscript note ‘visited by my mother and myself, a special holiday (note added 1984)’. (Ferry p.17). N.d. N.d. J.11 Hodgkin with a friend and car 21928-1930 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 104 Non-text material, J.1-J.26 J.12 Photograph of tennis match at San Remo. ca 1923 Inscribed on verso ‘Mdme Dahl and Miss Turtan playing for San Remo a Ladies Double against Bordighera which they won’. See A.58. (Ferry p.27). J.13 J.14 J.15 J.16 Photographat Epirus. Photographof ‘Georgia’s tree’ near Jerash Leather-covered album of ‘Photographs taken in 1924 Egypt and the Sudan’ (Ferry pp.21-25). Set of five photographs of Lady Thatcher with Russian colleagues ona visit to Mosow. Sent to Hodgkin to commemorate their long acquaintance (Ferry p.375). 1946 N.d. 1924 1987 J.17-J.20 DRAWINGS AND ARCHAEOLOGY 1926-1932 J.17 Drawings and sketches, of flowers andstill-life, a few signed ‘Dorothy Crowfoot’, one headed ‘Design V Upper, some with class marks or comments. pencil and water-colour, Work done at the John Leman Schoolin preparation for the School Leaving Certificate which Hodgkin took in 1926, achieving the highest overall mark of any girl candidate for the Oxford Local Examinationsthat year. Includes a mock ‘Certificate’ inscribed to ‘The most brilliant demoiselle in this treasured realm of England’ commemorating the result and award of a scholarship of £30 (Ferry p.32). 1 box. D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 105 Non-text material, J.1-J.26 J.18 J.19 J.20 Drawing of mosaics, tesserae, jewel crystals, based on work at Jerash, Palestine, during Hodgkin’s expedition with her parents 1928. 1931, n.d. One only signed and dated July 1931. Some flower and landscape sketches are also included. See also A.25, B.12. (Ferry pp.38-39, 52-55). Envelope of 1984)’. ‘Diakonicon mosaic photographs (note N.d. Contents of an envelope ‘Drawings of Mosaics and Byzantine Third Archaeology, International Ravenna,Italy, 25-30 September 1932. relating Christian mainly of Congress Patterns’ to the 1929, 1932 and notes Includes dated September 1929, some commercial cards, notes and drawings of the Book of Kells which Hodgkin saw, with Betty Murray, December1931 (Ferry p.69). photograph drawings, Hodgkin attended the Congress with her parents before starting research with J.D. Bernal at Cambridge (Ferry p.79). J.21-J.26 RESEARCH MATERIAL 1935-1945, n.d. Glass plates, photographs, specimens. J.21 Box of glass plates, box labelled ‘Tobacco Necrosis Virus’. N.d., 1935 Tobacco virus photographsare undated. Also contains photographsof insulin dated February 1935, perhaps Hodgkin’s first work on insulin from a sample given to her by R. Robinson. See also Ferry p. 109. J.22 Box labelled ‘Insulin glass plates’ ‘Dry insulin 1936 Davy Faraday Cr’. 1936 Photographsall inscribed ‘Davy Faraday (RoyalInstitution D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 “ 106 Non-text material, J.1-J.26 London) with dates in July 1936. J.23 Boxlabelled ‘Insulin’. J.24 J.25 J.26 Glass plates and photographs inscribed ‘Davy Faraday’ with datesin July 1936. Box of specimenslabelled ‘Barbaloin Rhistrick’s Cmpds’. Box of specimens, unlabelled, contents penicillin and derivatives, some with dates in 1945. large format of Envelope includes ‘photograph of Boots crystals 25.3.35’ (Ferry p.109), ‘Chibnall’s powder 16.6.35’ and other photographs 1935, 1936. photographs, See also B.30, B.39. 1936 N.d. 1945 1935-1936 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABIR-Am, Pnina G. ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron AITKEN, Sir Robert AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT ANTONIUS, Katy ASTBURY,William Thomas ASTON, Evangeline BABA, Isabelle BARAMKI, Gabriel A. BARBOUR, Nevill BARKER, H.A. BAWDEN, Marjorie, Lady BEDRI, Balghis BEDRI, Yusuf BEEDELL, Christopher BENTWICH, Norman BERNAL, Eileen BERNAL, John Desmond 107 H.37 A.249 A.38 G.1 G.2, G.3 A.225 B.52 A.224 A.226 G.12 A.122 H.32 A.249 A.227 A.51, A.227 G.47 A.122 A.228 B.47-B.51 See also B.42-B.46, B.52, D.5-D.9 BERTRAND RUSSELL PEACE FOUNDATION G.4 BHATT, R. Hashmukray BIJVOET, J.M. BINH, NguyenThi BIRZEIT UNIVERSITY BLOW, David Mervyn BOLL-DORNBERGER E.13, E.15, £.17, E.19, E.20 A.249 G.48 G.10-G.14 H.52 See DORNBERGER D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 108 Index of correspondents BONNETT, Raymond BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BOSANQUET, Barbara BOSANQUET,Charles lan Carr BOWMAN, Nora BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BREWER, Frederick H. BRISTOL UNIVERSITY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE BRITISH CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH-SOVIET FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY BUFFO, Paolo BULLARD, Sir Julian (Leonard) BUNN, Charles William BURGEN, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent) BURNET, Alice BYERS, Nina CAIRNS, Barbara, Lady CALVIN, Melvin CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT H.39 H.52 A.229 A.229 A.36 A.43, H.52 A.26, A.29 E.1-E.5 E.6 E.7 G.5 A.249 A.249, G.13 A.42 H.39 A.230 H.14 A.250 E.25 G.6 CANDELORODE SANCTIS, Sofia A.250, H.39, H.54 CARLISLE, Charles Harold (‘Harry’) CHAIN, Anne Beloff, Lady CHESNEY,Kathleen CHIBNALL, Albert Charles CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CHARITY CHOU PEI YUAN E.1 A.250 A.37 A.250 E.8-E.20 G.45 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 109 Index of correspondents CHRISTIE, Renfrew CLARK,Ronald W. COLLINS, Jimmy COLLINS (née STEVENS), Katie COLLINS, Lewis John, Canon CORNFORTH, Sir John (Warcup) (‘Kappa’) COULSON, Charles Alfred COULSON, C. Barrie COWAN, Mary COX,Sir (Ernest) Gordon CRAIG, Barbara Denise CROWFOOOT, Diana CROWFOOT, Elisabeth Grace CROWFOOT,Grace Mary(‘Molly’) CROWFOOT, Joan CROWFOOT, John Winter CRUIKSHANK, Durward William John DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DALYELL, Tam DAVIES (later KOBLENZ), Gwen DEELEY(later GARDNER), Christine (‘Chriss’) DELBRUCK, Max DESAI, M.V. DESIRAJU, Gautam DEVONSHIRE, Alice Mary, Dowager Duchessof DIAMOND, Micu A.231 H.43 A.232 A.232 G.7 A.93 G.48 A.42 A.250 A.38 A.32 See ROWLEY A.97, A.98 See also A.99, A.115 A.99-A.118, A.136 See also A.86, A.126 See PAYNE A.119-A.122 See also A.85 D.34, E.30, H.52 A.38 H.23 A.233 A.24 H.2 D.33 H.39 A.251 A.234 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 110 Index of correspondents DIAMOND, Pamela DINGWALL,Eric J. DODSON, George Guy DOMBEY,Norman DONNAY(née HAMBURGER), Gabrielle (‘Gai’) DORNBERGER(née SCHIFF), Katharina (‘Kathe’) DOW, Dorothea DOWNING, David Francis DUAX, William L. DUNMAN, Helen EATON, Anne EDSALL,John Tileston ENNALS, David Hedley, Baron ESCOTT, Sir (Ernest) Bickham SWEET- EWALD, Paul Peter FANG MING, Miao FANKUCHEN, Dina FANKUCHEN, Isidor FATT, Paul FEINMANN, Leslie FIELD, Kate FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears) FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FREIER, Shalheveth FREUDENBERG, K. FRIEDMANN, Herbert C. FRY, Sara Margery A.234 A.34, A.36 B.38, H.3 H.39 A.251 H.4 A.251 A.51 E.30 A.251 G.46 D.19 E.17 A.258 H.5 H.39 H.6 H.6 G.47 D.33 A.252 A.38 A.252 G.46, G.50 B.31 A.252 A.29, A.235, A.236 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 111 Index of correspondents GALE, Noel H. GARDINER, Margaret GARROD, Dorothy GASTER, Lucy GIBBERD, Kathleen H.44 A.253 A.36 A.253 D.33 GLUSKER (née PICKWORTh), Jenny H.7, H.28, H.31 GOLDANSKIl, Vitali GOWING, Margaret Mary GRIMOND, Joseph GUPTA, Maya Dutta GUTFREUND, Herbert (‘Freddie’) HAMILTON, Sir Frederic Howard HAMILTON, MaryAlice (‘Molly’), Lady HAMILTON, Mary KEYNES- HARDING(née AITKEN), Marjorie M. HARDY, Henry HARINGTON, Charles Robert HARPER, TerenceJ. HARRISON, AustenSt B. HARRISON (née COWAN), Pauline May HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HARVEY,JackV. HENDERSON, Isobel HIGHAM, Thomas HIPPE, Erik HIRSCHMANN, Ralph F. HODGKIN, Alice Mary E.25 A.88, D.7 A.253 H.8 E.14 A.123 A.122,A.123 A.218 H.9 H.43 A.37 A.254 A.237 A.254 H.10 A.24 A.36 A.122 H.40 A.40 A.211 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 112 Index of correspondents HODGKIN, David HODGKIN, Dorothy Forster HODGKIN, Edward HODGKIN, Eliot HODGKIN, Helen HODGKIN, John Robin Tobias (‘Toby’) HODGKIN, Judith (‘Judi’) HODGKIN, Luke Howard HODGKIN, Nancy HODGKIN, PrudenceElizabeth (‘Liz’) HODGKIN, Robert Howard(‘Robin’) HODGKIN, Robin Allason HODGKIN, ThomasLionel HOLDSWORTH, Violet HOOD, Christobel HOOD, Dorothy HOOD, Grace HOOD, Sinclair HOURANI, Albert A.211 A.124,A.125, A.134 A.126-A.128, A.133, G.48 A.211 A.211 A.208-A.210 A.209, A.210 A.129-A.138 A.126 A.139-A.153 A.139, A.154 A.155 A.131, A.156-207, D.26 See also A.97, A.129, A.236 A.36, A.139, A.213 A.214 A.215 A.216 A.217 A.122 HOWARD (née DUCKWORTH), Judith A. K. E.4, E.7,H.11 HUGHES, Edward W. HUGHES, Ruth INFOFFEN, Hans Herloff L’INSTITUT DE LA VIE INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR CHEMICAL SCIENCES IN DEVELOPMENT H.12 H.12 A.254 E.21-E.26 E.27 E.28 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 113 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY E.29, E.30 JAMALUDDIN, S.M. JAMES, Michael JENKIN, John G. JENSEN, Lyle H. JENSEN, Mildred JOHNSON, Louise Napier JONES, Sir Ewart Ray Herbert (‘Tim’) JOSEPH, A.F. (‘Uncle Joseph’) KAMENAR, Boris KAPITZA,Sergei P. KAPLAN, Martin KARLE, Jerome KASS, Amalie M. KASS, Edward H. KATO, Noria KELLY,Alison KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery KENIRY, Anthony J. KENNARD,Olga (Lady Bergen) KEYNES, Richard Darwin KEYNES-HAMILTON, Mary KING, JamesN. KIRK, George KOBLENZ KRATKY,Otto KRISHNAMURTI, V. H.40 H.40 H.43 H.46 A.254 H.54 H.43 A.27 D.30A, H.40 A.51 G.44, G.45, G.46, G.50 A.255 H.13 H.13 E.30, F.17 D.32 G.50 E.16 F.4 E.25 See HAMILTON, Mary KEYNES- E.29 A.122 See DAVIES, G. A.50 A.255 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 114 Index of correspondents KURTI, Nicholas LASZLO, Pierre LATTEY,R.T. LIANG Dong-cai LIAO Hongying LINNNELL, John C. LIPSON, Henry Solomon LOHMANN, Wolfgang LONSDALE, Kathleen, Dame LOTHIAN, Antonella (‘Tony’), Marchioness of LOUTIT, John Freeman LOW, Barbara Wharton LUTTKE, Wolfgang MACAULAY,Janet MACFARLANE, Robert Gwyn MACKAY,Alan Lindsay MACKENZIE, MandyA. McMICHAEL,JoanK. MARSHAK,Alfred MARTIN LUTHER KING FOUNDATION MATTHEW, Gervase OP MATTHEWS, David M. MEDAWAR, Jean, Lady MEGAW, Helen Dick MENDEL, Herman MEYER, Alan MEYER, Jean A.36 H.38 D.1 A.255, H.24 H.14 E.9, £.10, £.11, £.12, £.15 G.47 H.41 H.15 D.34 H.52 H.16 H.17 A.256 H.43 D.9 E.31 G.49 A.256 G.7 A.122 E.8, E.16 A.256 H.18 H.41 E.17 A.256 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS 135/8/04 115 Index of correspondents MITCHISON (née WRONG), Rosemary MOBERLY, Gwendolen, Lady MOORE,Francis Hugh MORRELL,Jack MORRIS, Charles MORTLOCK,C. Bernard MORTON, Beatrice E., Lady MUIR, Barbara MUIR, Helen A.256 A.136 H.41 H.41 A.38 A.122 A.256 A.88 A.32 MURRAY,Katherine Maud Elisabeth (‘Betty’) A.238-A.241 NARAY-SZABO,Gabor NEAME, Elizabeth NEEDHAM, Joseph NOSSAL,Sir Gustav Joseph Victor NOWACKI, W. NUCLEAR WARFARE TRIBUNAL NZOKOU, Lazare OXFORD SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE PAGAN, Francis (‘Frank’) PARK, Daphne Margaret Sybil Désirée, Baroness Park of Monmouth PARRY,J.H.M. PATTERSON, Elizabeth Knight (‘Betty’) PAULING, Ava Helen PAULING, Linus Carl PAYNE, Denis A.257 G.12 F.1, H.45 E.25 D.9 G.8 A.242 G.9 A.5, A.6 A.32, E.2 E.3 A.257 H.19 A.206, H.19 A.219 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 116 Index of correspondents PAYNE (née CROWFOO7T), Joan PENTZ, Michael J. PERRY OF WALTON, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert PICKWORTH, Jenny PINSKER, Z.G. PIRIE. Antoinette (‘Tony’) PLANT, S.G.P. POPPER, Sir Karl Raimund POWELL, Isobel A.104, A.219 G.47 A.48 H.20-H.22 B.27 See GLUSKER H.46 A.257, G.6 A.29 A.50 A.51 PUGWASH CONFERENCESON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS G.32-G.46 PUSEY, Norah RAE, lan D. RAMASESHAN, Sivaraj (‘Siv’) RAMSAY,L. RASMUSSEN, Svend Erik RILEY, Dennis Packer ROBERTSON, John Monteath ROGERS, Rita R. ROSE, Steven Peter Russell ROSSMAN, Michael George ROTBLAT, Sir Joseph ROUS, Peyton A.243 H.43 H.24 D.8 E.30 H.25 H.26 F.15 G.4 B.38 G.44 A.42 ROWLEY (née CROWFOOT), Diana (‘Dilly’) ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY A.104, A.220-A.223 See also A.20-A.22 E.31-E.33 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 117 Index of correspondents RYMAN, Brenda E. SALAM, Abdus SASVARI, Kalam SAYRE, Anne SAYRE,David SCHLICHTKRULL,Jorgen SCIENTISTS AGAINST NUCLEAR ARMS (SANA) SEABORG, Glenn Theodore SEIDMAN, Ann SELIGMAN, Brenda SIMPSON, Lily STARKIE, Enid Mary STEPKOWSKA,Eva T. STRACHEY,Julia P. STRUCHKOV,YuT. A.51 G.45 A.258 A.244 H.41 H.41 G.47 E.28 A.258 A.122 A.258 A.246 H.41 A.34 H.41 SWEET-ESCOTT, Sir (Ernest) Bickham See ESCOTT TAYLOR, T.W.J. (‘Tommy’) THATCHER, MargaretHilda, Baroness THICKNESSE,Grace THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THYNNE, John Corelli James TIZARD, Sir (John) Peter(Mills) TOWNES, Charles Hard and Frances TRAUB, Wolfie TRENAMAN, Nancy Kathleen TRESS, Ronald Charles TRUEBLOOD, Jeanie A.34 A.247 A.259 D.34 A.46 E.12 A.259 G.12 E.1 D.18 H.33 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 118 Index of correspondents TRUEBLOOD, Kenneth N. TRUEBLOOD, Louise URWICK,Sir Alan (Bedford) VASILESCU, Vasile VASILESCU, Viorica VENKATESAN, K.(‘Van’) VIJAYAN, K. VOGT, Marthe WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WATERS, Sir (Thomas)Neil (Morris) WEISS, MichaelA. WEISSKOPF, Viktor Frederick WELSH, EleanorT. WHIFFEN, David Hardy WHITE, John G. WHITE, Stephen WHITELOCK,Mary WIESEL,Elie WIGG, George Edward Cecil, Baron WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick WILLIS, Dorothy WILLMER, Edward Nevill WINTER, Marjorie WOLFERS, Michael WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) WOODGER,, Joseph Henry H.27-H.33 H.31, H.33 G.12 A.206, E.3, F.8, F.15, F.21 H.42 H.34 H.42 G.47 H.35 A.206 H.42 G.45, G.50 A.36 D.33 H.29, H.30 A.206, D.33 A.257 G.25 A.259 H.23 A.42 A.34 A.106 A.248 A.47 A.36 D.M.C. Hodgkin (Supplement) NCUACS135/8/04 119 Index of correspondents WOOLFSON, Michael Mark WRIGHT, Thomas WRINCH, Dorothy Maud WURR, Edmund N. (‘Buzzer’) YABLOCHKOV, Leonid Dmitrievitch ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron H.42 A.117 H.36-H.38 A.24 A.259 A.236