D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 THE ASSEMBLING OF THE MATERIAL, AND THE COMPILATION AND PRODUCTION OF THIS CATALOGUE, HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY A GENEROUS SUBVENTION FROM THE LEVERHULME TRUST D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS OXFORD OX1 3BG D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 LIST OF CONTENTS FOREWORD GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.222 A.1-A.53 Autobiographical and biographical A.54-A.155 Career, honours and awards A.156-A.181 Family and personal A.182-A.220 Miscellaneous biographical items A.221, A.222 Press cuttings SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.991 B.1-B.19 Early work B.20-B.48 Cholesterol B.49 Genins B.62-B.81 B.291-B.295 B.50-B.53 Toad poisons B.54-B.61 Sex hormones B.82-B.288 Insulin B.314-B.316 Benzpyrene B.289, B.290 Sterols B.296-B.313 Proteins Tobacco viruses Theory, apparatus, techniques B.503-B.505 Ferritin B.317-B.336 Calciferol B.506-B.828 Vitamin B12 B.337, B.338 Fatty acids B.339-B.471 Penicillin B.472-B.500 Gramicidin B.501, B.502 Lactoglobulin D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.829-B.847 Nitroso compounds B.848-B.851 Purpurogallin B.852, B.853 Lumisterol B.854-B.870 Miroestrol/Bromomiroestrol B.871-B.875 Ferroverdin B.876 Agravide B.877-B.896 Piloty compounds B.897, B.898 Sporidesmin B.899-B.928 Cephalosporin C B.929 Formazan B.930, B.931 Suprasterol II B.932-B.938 Thiostrepton B.939-B.982 Miscellaneous B.983-B.991 Large format C.1-C.182 C.1-C.3 C.24-C.56 C.57-C.66 C.67-C.108 Hodgkin’s research group SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY C.4-C.23 Teaching C.109-C.143 Equipment and supplies C.173-C.178 Somerville College Sub-faculty of Chemistry Funding and administration of research Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal Society Addendum PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS C.179-C.182 Miscellaneous D.195-D.198 Broadcasts D.1-D.125 Publications D.126-D.194 Lectures SECTION D D.1-D.200 C.144-C.172 Accounts D.199, D.200 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION G PEACE AND HUMANITARIAN INTERESTS G.1-G.156 Organisations and topics G.157-G.165 Visits and conferences G.166-G.171 Lectures and publications G.172-G.204 Miscellaneous Items E.1-E.193 F.1-F.179 G.1-G.204 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.331 H.1-H.262 General scientific correspondence H.263-H.306 Shorter scientific correspondence H.307-H.331 References and recommendations SECTION J NON-PRINT MATERIAL J.80-J.82 J.83 Film J.1-J.30 Photographs BIBLIOGRAPHY J.31-J.79 Photographic slides Sound recordings INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 FOREWORD The completion of this catalogue of the manuscript papers of Professor Dorothy Hodgkin OM is a significant event in the work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Professor Like all such large-scale cataloguing projects it has had a long gestation. Scientists. Hodgkin approached the NCUACS’s Oxford-based predecessor organisation in 1981 for advice Contacts were maintained after the scientific about her papers and visited its offices in 1983. archives project was transferred to Bath in 1987 and in 1991 Professor Hodgkin gave permission The Unit’s for the NCUACS to catalogue her papers for deposit in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. archivists made a number of visits to the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford and Professor Hodgkin’s home to survey the very substantial accumulations of papers in both locations. A detailed archival assessment of their quantity, nature and importance for a wide range of aspects of the history of science was prepared, and a funding proposal for submission to the Leverhulme Trust was developed. We were very fortunate to secure funding from the Trust for two years and Mr Paul Newman was appointed in 1992 to catalogue the papers. Professor Hodgkin has been supportive throughout with advice and encouragement and Mr Newman has met the challenge of his first encounter with scientific archives with great success. twentieth-century British science. The NCUACS would like to take this opportunity to record our gratitude to the Director of the Leverhulme Trust, Sir Rex Richards, and the Leverhulme Trustees for their support of the scientific This has taken the form of three archives work since the transfer of operations to Bath in 1987. major cataloguing projects: the papers of Sir John Kendrew ( 1987-1989), Sir David Phillips (1991- 1994) and Professor Dorothy Hodgkin OM (1992-1994). The three collections are deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford where they form an indispensable corpus of material for the history of May 1994 Peter Harper Archivist, NCUACS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received at various dates between October 1991 Professor Hodgkin and from the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory at Oxford University. and February 1994 from OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF DOROTHY MARY CROWFOOT HODGKIN Dorothy Mary Crowfoot was born in Cairo in 1910 and brought up in East Anglia. She was educated at the Sir John Leman School, Beccles and Somerville College, Oxford where she read chemistry 1928-32. Apart from two years research at Cambridge University after graduation she remained in Here for twenty-five years she combined teaching chemistry at Oxford for the rest of her career. Somerville, where her students included the future Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, with research at the highest level. She became University lecturer and demonstrator in 1946 and University Reader in X-ray crystallography in 1956. From 1960 to official retirement in 1977 she was Wolfson Research In 1937 she married Thomas Professor of the Royal Society. She also married and raised a family. Lionel Hodgkin (died 1982); they had three children Luke Howard born 1938, Prudence Elizabeth born 1943 and John Robin Tobias born 1946. The international success of Dorothy Hodgkin carried out her first research at Oxford in 1931-32 with H.M. Powell on the She then went to Cambridge to work for two years with J.D. structure of thallium diakyl halides. Bernal who had just been appointed to start research on the study of crystals by x-ray diffraction his and had begun to look at biologically interesting molecules. investigations led to increasing demands on his research, and Hodgkin joined him to make the first measurements on materials sent for analysis. The research included work on sterols, vitamin B1 and the protein pepsin, and Hodgkin wrote her thesis for the Ph.D. degree at Cambridge on the results On her return to Oxford she decided to concentrate on one crystal of the research on sterols. structure in detail and (with C.H. Carlisle) correctly analysed cholesterol iodide, the first complex organic molecule to be determined completely by x-ray crystallography. Early in the Second World War the successful tests with penicillin extracts on infected mice by Howard Florey and his team in Hodgkin and her coworkers Oxford led to urgent attempts to determine its chemical structure. accomplished this in three years with x-ray techniques, showing conclusively that the formula of This x-ray determination was of national penicillin included 8 lactam and thiazolidine rings. importance at the time, and was to have a lasting effect on the development of antibiotics, since in D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 is necessary to know the structure of the original material. order to make synthetic drugs it later elucidated the structure of cephalosporin C, an antibiotic closely related to penicillin. She After 1948 Hodgkin began work on the x-ray analysis of vitamin B12 which is essential to the life of red blood cells in the body - the inability to absorb sufficient vitamin B12 from the diet leads to pernicious anaemia. The red crystals of the anti pernicious anaemia factor were supplied by E.L. Smith of Glaxo Laboratories and after a lengthy step-by-step analysis lasting nearly ten years she and her team found the structure. The processing of data was aided by three of the first electronic computers located at Manchester University, the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington and the University of California, Los Angeles, and Hodgkin played a leading part in the campaign to provide computer facilities at Oxford University. After the success of the vitamin B12 work Hodgkin and her team refocused their research effort on the crystal structure of insulin - she had taken the first x-ray photographs of insulin crystals in 1935 - and were able to announce the three-dimensional structure of rhombohedral 2 Zn insulin in 1969. Research on insulin refinements continued into the 1980s. Hodgkin was elected FRS in 1947 (Royal Medal 1956, Copley Medal 1976; Tercentenary Lecture 1960, Bakerian Lecture 1972), and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 for her determinations by x-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances. In 1965 she became only the second woman to be appointed to the Order of Merit. Apart from her scientific research career at Oxford University, Hodgkin undertook a number of Bristol prominent public and professional responsibilities including in the UK, Chancellor of University, 1970-88, and President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1977- 78, and internationally, President of the International Union of Crystallography, 1972-75. Hodgkin’s involvement in humanitarian and peace issues was given impetus by the Vietnam War. She became As Vice-President of the Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam in 1965 and President in 1971. Her second major commitment in the area President she visited North Vietnam in 1971 and 1974. of peace and international understanding was to the Pugwash movement (Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs), which she served as President, 1976-88. only to draw attention to items of particular interest. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Additional explanatory notes, The material is presented as shown in information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub- sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs are intended of Contents. List the D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Section A (Biographical) presents records of Hodgkin’s career, honours and awards, 1928-90, including documentation of the award of the Nobel Prize and subsequent meetings of Nobel There are also family and personal correspondence, though papers relating to prizewinners. Hodgkin’s parents and husband were retained in family hands, drafts of an unfinished autobiography, shorter autobiographical writings, articles and interviews, and many requests for biographical information for which Hodgkin often prepared careful and detailed replies. by far in the largest the collection and comprises very extensive Section B (Research) is documentation of Hodgkin’s research in x-ray crystallography including the major topics of insulin, It covers a period of sixty years from about 1928 to 1988. Most of the penicillin and vitamin B12. material was found in Hodgkin’s box folders which were labelled by topic. The contents of these boxes included correspondence, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, notes and data. Arrangement is chronological by topic. J.D. Bernal, with whom Hodgkin worked in Cambridge 1932- 34, and very many of her later collaborators including C.W. Bunn (penicillin) and E.L. Smith (vitamin B12) are represented in the papers by correspondence, drafts, notes and data. 1960-77, the funding and administration of Section C (Oxford University) provides useful documentation of Hodgkin's university teaching in the 1940s and 1950s, her research group and tenure of the Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal her research (Rockefeller Foundation, Society, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Nuffield Foundation), and the provision of equipment and supplies including the use of computer facilities at other institutions in the UK and USA and their development at Oxford. Section D (Publications, lectures and broadcasts) presents chronological sequences of material relating to Hodgkin’s scientific publications, invitation and public lectures and broadcasts, and editorial correspondence arranged alphabetically by publisher or journal title. There are substantial assemblages of material relating to her Royal Society memoirs of J.D. Bernal and Kathleen Lonsdale. Not all Hodgkin’s scientific publications are documented in this section. There are drafts for many scientific papers with the related research material in Section B, and Hodgkin’s Nobel Lecture is to Drafts for a number of non- be found in Section A with other documentation of the Nobel Prize. scientific publications and lectures are to be found in Section G. Her major commitments to Bristol University, where she was Chancellor for nearly twenty years, and Section E (Societies and organisations) brings together documentation of Hodgkin’s involvement with 16 British and international societies and organisations including Bristol University, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Physics, especially its X-ray Analysis Group established 1943, the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) and the Royal Society. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 to the International Union, which she served as President and whose congresses she attended 1948- 93, are particularly well documented. In respect of Bristol there is a substantial sequence of general papers and correspondence 1971-89, correspondence with Vice Chancellors A.W. Merrison and the J.F.C. Kingman, Hodgkin’s speeches at degree congregations, and material relating to Department of Architecture closed by the University in 1984 despite Hodgkin’s support for its efforts to remain open. Although there is some record of all the IUCr congresses Hodgkin attended from 1948, the bulk of the surviving material dates from Hodgkin’s term as President, 1972-75, and includes general papers and correspondence and executive committee papers. The IUCr material reflects Hodgkin’s interest in bringing Chinese scientists into the international crystallographic There is also material relating to scientific relations with China amongst the Royal community. Society papers. (Visits and conferences) presents a chronological sequence of material relating to Section F Hodgkin’s scientific visits and conferences, 1936-93, though the great bulk of the material is from There is evidence of her interest in the period after the award of the Nobel Prize in 1964. maintaining scientific contacts with the USSR and China during the Cold War, the first of many visits taking place in 1953 and 1959 respectively, and of visa difficulties in respect of visiting the USA during the same period. She also made frequent visits to Eastern Europe outside the USSR. India was another locus of valued scientific contacts and she made a number of extended visits, for example in 1974, 1978 and 1979. Not all Hodgkin’s extensive travel is documented in this section. Records of her attendance at International Union of Crystallography congresses are to be found in Section E with other IUCr material. Visits which bear on Hodgkin’s peace and humanitarian interests including Pugwash meetings and her visits to Vietnam are to be found in Section G. Some visits of particular biographical significance (including the award of the Nobel Prize and subsequent Nobel meetings) are to be found in Section A. include the J.D. Bernal Peace Library, Palestine, Russian dissidents and Scientists Against Nuclear Section G (Peace and humanitarian interests) brings together documentation of the wide range of Her major commitments to the peace and humanitarian causes with which Hodgkin was involved. Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam and the Pugwash movement are particularly well documented. The activities of the Medical Aid Committee are recorded in general correspondence and papers, minutes and agenda and printed material; however the surviving material relating to Hodgkin’s visits The bulk of the Pugwash material dates to Vietnam in 1971 and 1974 is disappointing in extent. from Hodgkin’s Presidency, 1976-88, and includes general correspondence and papers, committee papers, conference, symposia and workshop papers, Hodgkin’s addresses, and printed material. Of especial interest is the documentation of the Warsaw conference of 1982, which followed the Other organisations and topics represented in the section imposition of martial law in Poland. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Arms (SANA). The section also presents documentation of conferences attended by Hodgkin on peace and humanitarian issues, a number of her lectures and publications on these topics, and an extended chronological sequence of shorter correspondence with individuals and organisations, 1952-91. H sequence of presents an Hodgkin’s alphabetical (Correspondence) scientific Section correspondents including distinguished mentors and contemporaries such as J.D. Bernal, W.L. Bragg, J.W. Cornforth, P.P. Ewald, |. Fankuchen, H. Lipson, Kathleen Lonsdale, A.L. Patterson, Linus Pauling, MF. Perutz, Robert Robinson, R.L.M. Synge and Dorothy Wrinch, and very many of the younger scientists from Britain and overseas who researched in various capacities in her laboratory such as G.G. Dodson, J.D. Dunitz and David Sayre. The sequence is noteworthy for the significant number of women scientists who trained in Hodgkin’s laboratory including J. Glusker (née Pickworth) and There is also an extended sequence of shorter scientific correspondence arranged B.W. Low. chronologically 1933-91. Hodgkin kept together by topic much of the scientific correspondence relating to her principal research projects and this correspondence is to be found in Section B Research. form Bibliog. ... The bibliography was compiled for the catalogue from Hodgkin’s own incomplete lists (D.108) and a search of the abstract literature. Following the example of Hodgkin’s own lists it includes in the References in the catalogue are to this bibliography in the numbered sequence her Ph.D. thesis. Section J (Non-print material) comprises photographs, photographic slides, sound recordings and film. There are photographs of Hodgkin, mostly undated, and with scientific colleagues including J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen, H.M. Powell and colleagues from Oxford laboratory, P.L. Kapitza and F.H.C. Crick, a photograph album recording Pugwash occasions, 1969-88, photographic slides for Hodgkin’s lectures especially on insulin and vitamin B12 work and three sound recordings including the 1973 Nobel Guest Lecture and her Chancellor's Address to the Bristol University Education Department in 1974. There is also an index of correspondents. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL Papers of Hodgkin’s parents John Winter and Grace Mary Crowfoot are retained in family hands. Papers of Hodgkin’s husband Thomas Lionel Hodgkin are in the Rhodes House Library, Oxford and in family hands. Papers of Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866) are in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London. A photograph album recording Hodgkin’s eightieth birthday celebrations is retained in family hands. Videotape interviews of Hodgkin are held in the Archives of the Biochemical Society and the Library of the Royal College of Physicians, London. Two models showing the crystal structure of vitamin B12 and two models made by Hodgkin to show the structure of pig insulin at a resolution of 2.8 Angstroms are held by the Science Museum, London. Royal Society, London. Drawings of Hodgkin’s hands by Henry Moore and a portrait of her by Bryan Organ are held by the A portrait by Maggi Hambling was commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery, London. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We owe a first duty of thanks to Professor Hodgkin for making her papers available for cataloguing and for information and advice particularly about family and biographical matters. We also owe a great debt of gratitude to Professor Judith Howard whose advice on the very extensive research materials was indispensable to the successful cataloguing of them. Timothy E. Powell of the NCUACS at Bath has helped at all stages of the project with advice and information. Hazel Gott has earned much gratitude for the patience and skill she has brought in the processing and revising of the catalogue. Peter Harper Paul M. Newman BATH 1994 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.222 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL A.54-A.155 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.156-A.181 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.182-A.220 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.221, A.222 PRESS CUTTINGS D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL Autobiographical writings A.1-A.9 Sloan Foundation Science Book Series. Hodgkin was asked to write a scientific autobiography by the Alfred P. She Sloan Foundation, New York as part of devoted a considerable amount of time to this from the mid 1980s, but the book remained unfinished. its Science Book Series. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Eight folders. Photocopies only. Originals retained by Hodgkin and her family. A.9 Correspondence with the Sloan Foundation 1979-82, 1984-88. A.10-A.18 Shorter autobiographical writings. A.10 ‘The Dual Role of Women.’ 8pp. typescript re Hodgkin’s childhood and early scientific career. Folder also includes manuscript notes and exercise book inscribed ‘D. Hodgkin. Sudan notes. Feb. 1982’ found with typescript. ‘Dorothy Hodgkin - Early Education.’ ‘1917-1987.’ Article in L’Umile Pianta, the official publication of the Charlotte Mason College Association, Spring 1985. 89. Transcript of seminar discussion in which Hodgkin took the leading part, describing her experience as a member of the Chemistry Department during this period. Manuscript and typescript drafts of article written by Hodgkin for Soviet letter, 1987. Weekly on the 70th anniversary of the Russian Revolution; The article is an account of Hodgkin’s first visit to the USSR in 1953 (see also F.7). The folder also includes shorter manuscript drafts, correspondence, 1987- ‘Chemistry in Oxford, 1928-1960.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical ‘Penicillin.’ 8pp. typescript of lecture by Hodgkin on her role in penicillin research, nd. Miscellaneous shorter autobiographical notes and drafts, nd. Four folders. Cvs, lists of honours, statements of research interests, short biographical notes, entries for biographical directories, etc. Five folders. A.15-A.18 A.19-A.23 Articles and interviews A.24 Typescript of untitled article in Ringier Swiss Illustrated (in German), 1956. ‘The crowded life of a crystallographer’, New Scientist, 8 September 1960. ‘The Chemistry-Minded Mother’, Time, 6 November 1964. 3pp. untitled typescript for Contemporary British Chemists. correspondence 1969-70. Includes Article in Japanese journal, 1972. ‘Wir sprachen mit Dorothy Crowfoot-Hodgkin’, Therapeutische Berichte, February 1973. Article in journal of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, 1975. ‘Insulin in 3-D’, New Scientist, 21 August 1969. ‘Women of Achievement’, Woman’s Journal, October 1971. for Chemistry in Britain (A.30) was based. ‘Impact Interview with Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’, Journal of Chemical Education, [1977]. The interview is a published version of the interview on which the article ‘Structures of life’, Chemistry in Britain, April 1977. Folder also includes correspondence, 1975-77, and transcript of interview on which article was based. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical 10pp. typescript of article by M.F. Perutz on ‘Forty Years Friendship with Dorothy’, 1980. ‘Profiles in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, February 1982. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin : Nobel Laureate’, ‘Wizard with Crystals. Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin’, in The Lady Laureates, by O.S. Opfell, 1986. 17pp. proof, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin Transcript of interview with L. Wolpert, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, 1987; review. proof; The interview was published as ‘Finding What’s There’ in A Passion for Science, eds. L. Wolpert and A. Richards, 1989. Transcript of interview, to be published as part of Heroines, by L. Tuttle, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, 1987. Typescript draft, manuscript revised draft by Hodgkin of biographical entry Includes correspondence, in W. & R. Chambers Dictionary of Scientists. 1989. Meeting, Boston, ‘Ein Leben in der Wissenschaft’, Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 1990. 14pp. typescript for article in Shell Times on ‘Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Unravelling the complexities of insulin, penicillin and vitamin B12’, 1990. 9pp. typescript of paper on ‘Leadership and Gender in Science : D.C. Hodgkin and the Oxford School of Chemical Crystallography’ by P.G. Abir- Am; related research proposal. Undated articles, transcripts of interviews. a session on Great Women Chemists at the 1990, which Hodgkin The paper was given at American Chemical Society attended (see F.162). ‘Chemistry’s crystal seer’, New Scientist, 23 May 1992. Proof of Hodgkin’s entry Chemistry; letter, 1993. in The Dictionary of Nobel Laureates in D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical A.42-A.48 Correspondence re interviews 1956-91. A.42 A.43 A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 1956, 1958, 1964-69. 1970-74. 1975-79. 1980, 1982-85. 1986-87. 1988-89. 1990-91, nd. Requests for biographical information 1964-92 1964-65, 1967-68. 1970, 1972-76. 1977-79. her time, providing detailed Hodgkin was often very generous with information in her replies. From 1988 the replies are typed on the back of the letters. Hodgkin’s first year at Oxford, 5 October [1928]. Letter from Hodgkin’s school chemistry teacher, C. Deeley, re books for CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1988-89, 1991-92, nd. 1980-81, 1985-87. A.50 A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Testimonial written for Hodgkin by S.M. College, Oxford, 9 March 1931. Fry, Principal of Somerville Appointment as Research Fellow, Somerville College, Oxford 1933. University Demonstrator, Oxford University. salary. 1945-51. Includes correspondence re A.58-A.61 A.58 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society 1947. Notification of election to Fellowship. A.59-A.61 Letters of congratulation. A.59 A.60 A-G. H-M. A.61 N-Z. Governor of Royal Holloway College 1947. Reader in X-ray Crystallography, Oxford University 1955. a Governor by the Hebdomadal Council, Hodgkin was nominated as Oxford University, but her nomination was disallowed by a regulation in the College’s Deed of Foundation stipulating that Governors should be men. Includes letters of congratulation. Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1958. Foreign Member of the Netherlands Academy of Science 1956. Includes letters of congratulation. Royal Medal of the Royal Society 1956. Includes letters of congratulation. Hon. D.Sc. Leeds University 1959. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society 1960. See also C.57-C.66 Correspondence with the Royal Society. Correspondence with University Registry, Oxford University. Letters of congratulation. Honorary Member of the American Society of Biological Chemists 1961. Hon. D.Sc. Manchester University 1961. Includes presentation address. Hon.D.Sc. Cambridge University 1961. Honorary Visiting Professor, University of Ghana 1962. A.73-A.91 Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1964. Letters of congratulation, 1964. A-M. N-Z. x-ray determinations of the structure of Communication from the Nobel Committee for Chemistry to W.N. Lipscomb acknowledging receipt of his nomination of Hodgkin for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for 1957. There is evidence that Hodgkin was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry as early as 1957. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964 ‘for biologically important her substances’. (Bibliog. 90, 1964). Manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s speech of thanks on the occasion of the Nobel Award ceremonies. A.77-A.79 Hodgkin’s Nobel Lecture on ‘The x-ray analysis of complicated molecules’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Preprint; proof of lecture, including Presentation Speech by G. Hagg. 22pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Correspondence re publication of lecture in Science and in Angewandte Chemie, 1965-66. Background material. Includes manuscript and typescript drafts of speech given by Hodgkin at a student celebration for the Nobel prizewinners at Stockholm, photograph. A.81 Articles arising from Nobel award. In English, German and Dutch. A.82-A.87 Meetings of Nobel Prize winners. A.82 20th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 29 June - 3 July 1970. Hodgkin gave a lecture on the ‘Structure of Insulin’. Programme. 75th anniversary of the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, 7-13 December 1975. Correspondence re arrangements. Includes provisional list of participants. Newspaper article (in Swedish). Correspondence re arrangements. Includes summary of lecture. 1p. ?summary of lecture. 30th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 30 June - 4 July 1980. Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘History and the x-ray analysis of protein crystals’. Letter re arrangements. Programme. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical 33rd meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 27 June - July 1983. 1 Hodgkin gave a lecture on ‘Scientists in search of peace.’ Correspondence re arrangements. Programme. Manuscript and typescript drafts of lecture. 36th meeting of Nobel Prize winners, Lindau, West Germany, 30 June - 4 July 1986. Correspondence re arrangements. A.88-A.91 Nominations 1966-90. Four folders. A.88 1966-67, 1969-70. A.93-A.97 Order of Merit 1965. Letters of congratulation. 1971-72, 1974, 1976. 1977-78. 1980, 1984, 1986, 1989-90. A.89 A.90 A.91 A.92 Honorary Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Sciences 1965. the Order of Merit. Hodgkin was only the second woman to be appointed to the Order of Merit; Includes invitations, order of service for members, typescript re history of 75th Anniversary of the Order of Merit, 17 November 1977. the first was Florence Nightingale, in 1907. List of members of the Order of Merit, 1966. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical 85th Anniversary of the Order of Merit, 23 June 1987. Includes photographs, list of members of the Order of Merit, newspaper article, photocopy of journal article. Miscellaneous correspondence 1981, 1989, 1991. Hon. D.Sc. Sussex University 1965. Member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts 1965. Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965. Honorary Fellow, Girton College, Cambridge 1965. Isabella d’Este Prize 1965. Hodgkin was provisionally awarded the prize, subject to the condition that she should be able to receive it personally from the President of Italy. She was unable to travel at that time and therefore could not accept the award. President of the Oxford and District Branch of the Association for Science Education 1966. Hon. D.Sc. University of East Anglia 1966. Honorary Member of the Society for Analytical Chemistry 1966. ‘Daughter of Mark Twain’ 1966, 1972. Hon. D.Sc. Hull University 1966. Corresponding Member in England of the Puerto Rico Academy of Arts and Sciences 1966. Hon. D.Sc. University of Kent 1967. Founder Member of the Institution of Computer Science and Cybernetics 1967. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chemistry 1967. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Hon. D.Sc. Reading University 1968. Hodgkin was unable to accept the proposed degree because commitments in New Zealand prevented her from receiving it. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1968. Hon. D.Sc. Harvard University 1968. Diploma of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina 1968. Hon. D.Sc. Exeter University 1968. Honorary degree Zagreb 1969. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1970. Hon. D.Sc. Sheffield University 1970. A.110 A.111 A.112 A.113-A.116 Chancellor of Bristol University 1970. A.117, A.118 See also E.5-E.46. Appointment. A.113 A.114 A.115 A.116 Letters of congratulation 1970-71. Installation. Includes programme, speech given by Hodgkin. Newspaper and magazine articles. Baly Medal of the Royal College of Physicians 1971. Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C. 197.1. Letters of congratulation. Notification of election. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Honorary Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences 1972. Honorary degree University of Pennsylvania 1972. Hodgkin was invited to receive a degree but declined ‘on account of the actual time, and the feelings | have at the moment connected with the present state of the world and University functions.’ Hon. D.Sc. Brown University 1973. Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy 1974. Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 1974. Includes letters of congratulation. Hon. D.Sc. Yale University 1974. Hodgkin was initially unable to accept the proposed degree because of a prior engagement in the USSR. The visit to the USSR was subsequently postponed, however (see F.88, F.89). A.127, A.128 Notification of election. Letters of congratulation. President of Association 1974. the London International Youth Science Honorary Vice-President of Fortnight 1974. the Oxford and District Branch of the British Diabetic Foreign Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1976. Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters 1976. Notification of award. Honorary Member of the Indian Women Scientists’ Association 1976. A.130, A.131 Copley Medal of the Royal Society 1976. A.126 A.127 A.128 A.129 A.130 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Letters of congratulation. Includes letter of Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1977. congratulation, correspondence re Gold Medal Lecture (see also D.147). Hon. D.Sc. University of Massachusetts 1977. Hodgkin was invited to receive a degree but declined because of ‘serious outstanding work | am trying to complete during this year.’ President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1977. Hodgkin held the post for one year. See also D.148, D.149, E.54-E.56. Retirement from Wolfson Research Professorship of the Royal Society 1977. Professor Emeritus, Oxford University 1977. Election to Fellowship of Wolfson College, Oxford 1977. Longstaff Medal of the Chemical Society 1978. Hon. D.Sc. Council for National Academic Awards 1978. Hon. D.Sc. Bath University 1978. Honorary degree Open University 1979. Hon. D.Sc. Warwick University 1979. Honorary Member of the Section of Endocrinology of the Royal Society of Medicine 1978. Letters and messages of congratulation. Honorary Fellow of the Bangladesh Physical Society 1980. A birthday luncheon was held at Somerville College, Oxford. Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry 1980. A.140, A.141 70th birthday 1980. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical R-Z. Corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences 1981. Honorary Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge 1981. Honorary Member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 1981. See also D.156-D.158. Kreeger-Wolf Professor North Western University 1981-82. Hodgkin was invited to be a Visiting Professor for one quarter during the 1981-82 academic year, but declined the invitation. Lomonosov Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1983. Includes letter of congratulation, manuscript and typescript drafts of Hodgkin’s ‘Report on a visit to the Soviet Union from Feb. 28 - March 10, 1983’. Includes letter of congratulation, 75th birthday 1985. Letters of congratulation. Hon. LL.D. Dalhousie University 1986. Visiting Professorship, York University 1984, 1987, 1990 Foreign Member of the Austrian Honour Award for Science and Arts 1983. Includes photographs. Dimitrov Peace Prize, Bulgaria, 1984. programme for Hodgkin’s visit to Bulgaria. Notification of award, visit to Moscow, prize money. A.151, A.152 International Lenin Peace Prize 1987. Member of the International Academy of Science 1985. A.149 A.150 A.151 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 A.152 A.153 A.154 A.155 Biographical Letters of congratulation. Hon. D.Sc. Oxford University 1987. Includes letters of congratulation. Resignation as Chancellor of Bristol University 1988. Hon. D.Sc. St. Andrews University 1990. FAMILY AND PERSONAL Family A.156, A.157 Diana Royle (Dilly), sister. 1979-90, nd A.156 A.157 1979-80, 1983-88, 1990. Nd. Edward Hodgkin, brother-in-law. Elizabeth Hodgkin, daughter. 1943. 1955. A.158 A.159 A.160-A.162 1975-89, nd 1967-88, nd Letter from Hodgkin to research. Miscellaneous shorter family correspondence, in chronological order. 1943-92, nd. Samaria. Lady Hamilton was the sister of Hodgkin's mother-in-law, also called Dorothy Hodgkin. Consequently Hodgkin is referred to as ‘Dorothy junior’. Hodgkin used the money to publish archaeological work of her father in Letters from Sir Frederic and Lady Hamilton re gift of £500 to Hodgkin. her mother re her progress in the penicillin D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 A.161 A.162 A.163 Biographical 1957, 1960-79. 1980-92, nd. Manuscript notes re family tree. Personal correspondence A.164 Renfrew Christie Christie was a South African who had been imprisoned for apartheid activities. Maria Kostova 1985-87 his anti- 1984-86 Kostova was a Bulgarian teacher of English whom Hodgkin had known for many years. The correspondence relates to a visit to England. James Moxon 1986-87, nd Elizabeth Murray 1949-86, nd Murray was a friend of Hodgkin's from Somerville College Oxford, who led She later became the expedition to Spain in 1936 (see A.189-A.195). Principal of Bishop Otter College, Sussex. Moxon was a friend of Hodgkin and her husband from their time in Ghana. Pagan was the son of the woman with whom Hodgkin boarded while attending the Sir John Leman School, Beccles. He was researching for a proposed biography of Hodgkin. 1979-89, nd The Shemetova was a Russian friend of Hodgkin’s daughter, Elizabeth. correspondence mostly relates to her application for a visa to visit the Hodgkin family. Galina Shemetova 1979, nd Francis Pagan 1966-80, nd Elspeth Stanford D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical E.N. (‘Buzzer’) Wurr 1980-89, nd Wurr was a contemporary of Hodgkin’s from school. A.172-A.181 Miscellaneous shorter personal correspondence, in chronological order. 1950-92, nd. A.172 A.173 A.174 A.175 A.176 A.177 1950-51, 1960-61, 1964-69. 1970-75. 1976-79. 1980-82. 1983-84. 1985-87. 1988. 1989-90. 1991-92. Nd. A.178 A.179 A.180 A.181 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS unidentified. Typescript ‘circular’ letter sent from British consulate in Leningrad, 1931. Includes general impressions of Soviet Union, account of visit by British recipient party Typescripts of accounts of visits to Russia (later the USSR), 1892, 1899, 1923, and 1925 ‘as Delegate to the Bicentenary of the Russian Academy of Science.’ Probably same author (unidentified). In chronological order. including Lady Astor and G.B. Shaw. Author and A.182-A.186 A.182 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical Typescript extracts [?from letters sent by J. Pickworth], which form a record of the progress of vitamin B12 research in Hodgkin’s laboratory in Oxford, July 1954 - June 1955. ‘PNEU. The Journal of Parents National Education Union’, July/August/ Includes article re Hodgkin’s attendance at a PNEU September 1975. school in 1918. Calendar, appointments. probably from Hodgkin’s laboratory, 1976. Includes A.187-A.220 By topic. A.187, A.188 Appeals, charities, donations. 1985-91, nd. Two folders. A.189-A.195 Archaeological and architectural interests. Seven folders. A.196-A.198 Archives and museum objects. A.196 A.197 The material mostly relates to an expedition to Spain in 1936 which The Hodgkin made with expedition was led by Elizabeth Murray (see also A.167). Somerville College Oxford. friends from Correspondence re Hodgkin’s manuscripts, 1973-92. The material includes correspondence, postcards, photographs, manuscript notes, drawings. 1955-82, nd. Three folders. Correspondence re deposit of insulin models in the Science Museum, London, 1991. Correspondence and papers re manuscripts of other members of the Hodgkin family, 1969-89. Letters requesting Hodgkin’s autograph, signed photograph, etc. A.199-A.201 Autographs. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical A.202, A.203 Finances. 1947-89. Two folders. Health. 1976-90, nd. Includes Hodgkin’s account of her rheumatoid arthritis, from which she suffered from the late 1930s. A.205-A.209 Photographs and portraits. A.205 Correspondence with the National Portrait Gallery, re photograph for the National Photographic Record, 1965-69. Correspondence with the National Portrait Gallery, Maggi Hambling and others re portrait of Hodgkin by Hambling, 1984-88. Letter from Henry Moore and correspondence re Moore’s drawings of Hodgkin’s hands for the Royal Society, 1978, 1989. A.206-A.209 Political interests. 1984-89. A.211-A.214 Requests for Hodgkin’s advice, opinions on a variety of topics. From 1989 Hodgkin’s replies are typed on the back of the letters. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re portraits and photographs. Four folders. Correspondence with Graham Sutherland and others re portrait of Hodgkin by Sutherland intended for the Royal Society, 1978-80. Sutherland died before the portrait was completed. 1965-73. little correspondence re Crowfoot County Primary School, Includes a opened by Hodgkin’s father in 1952, and with the Borough of Beccles, Correspondence principally with and re Hodgkin’s school, the Sir John Leman School, Beccles, 1951-93. 1947-91. Four folders. Schools. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Biographical A.216-A.220 Social invitations. 1965-91. Five folders. PRESS CUTTINGS A.221, A.222 1955-91. Two folders. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.991 section This crystallography including the major topics of insulin, penicillin and vitamin B12. It covers a period comprises documentation extensive Hodgkin’s research very of x-ray in of sixty years from about 1928 to 1988. Most of the material was found in Hodgkin’s box folders which were labelled by topic. contents of these boxes included correspondence, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, At the end of notes and data. The material has been arranged in chronological order by topic. the chronological sequence of topics there is some miscellaneous material followed by large The format items. J.D. Bernal, with whom Hodgkin worked in Cambridge 1932-34, and very many of her later collaborators including C.W. Bunn (penicillin) and E.L. Smith (vitamin B12) are represented in the papers by correspondence, drafts, notes and data. The material is presented as follows: GENINS STEROLS B.1-B.19 B.20-B.48 B.49 B.50-B.53 B.54-B.61 B.62-B.81 B.82-B.288 INSULIN B.289, B.290 EARLY WORK CHOLESTEROL TOAD POISONS SEX HORMONES THEORY, APPARATUS, TECHNIQUES FATTY ACIDS TOBACCO VIRUSES BENZPYRENE CALCIFEROL B.337, B.338 B.314-B.316 B.296-B.313 PROTEINS B.291-B.295 B.317-B.336 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.339-B.471 PENICILLIN B.472-B.500 GRAMICIDIN B.501, B.502 LACTOGLOBULIN B.503-B.505 FERRITIN B.506-B.828 B.829-B.847 B.848-B.851 VITAMIN B12 NITROSO COMPOUNDS PURPUROGALLIN B.852, B.853 LUMISTEROL B.854-B.870 MIROESTROL/BROMOMIROESTROL B.871-B.875 FERROVERDIN B.876 AGRAVIDE B.877-B.896 PILOTY COMPOUNDS B.897, B.898 SPORIDESMIN B.899-B.928 B.929 FORMAZAN B.939-B.982 B.983-B.991 B.932-B.938 THIOSTREPTON B.930, B.931 SUPRASTEROL II MISCELLANEOUS CEPHALOSPORIN C LARGE FORMAT D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research EARLY WORK ca 1928-32 B.1-B.4 Notebooks Four hardback chemistry notebooks, probably undergraduate, used for Include some loose notes on techniques, preparations, properties, nd. items. ‘Crystallography’ Exercise book, dated July 1931, from the short time Hodgkin spent at Heidelberg during the summer vacation between the third and fourth years Hodgkin studied methods of measuring crystals with a of her degree. goniometer and of drawing crystals under V. Goldschmidt. Manuscript notes. Nd. Probably undergraduate. ‘Electrochemistry’ Includes notes on x-ray ‘Chemical Kinetics’. ‘Stereochemistry’. ‘Molecular structure’, ‘structure of crystals’. diffraction. ‘Colloids’. Includes notes on ‘Methods of determining size of particles by X rays’. molecules’. ‘The relation between the thermal stability and the chemical stability of a molecule’. ‘The relation between the chemical reactivity and the thermal stability of ‘Quantum ‘Thermodynamics’, ‘Specific Heat of Solids’. ‘Chemistry Theory’, of Nd. Probably undergraduate. the Photographic Plate’, B.12-B.18 Essays D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘The criteria of Chemical Combination’. Answer to question on ‘Hydrolysis of a salt of a strong base and a weak acid’. ‘Chemiluminescence’. ‘The Hydration of lons’. ‘Chain Reactions’. ‘The Nature, Properties and Uses of Alloys’. Untitled draft found attached to the preceding but on unrelated topic, 21928, ‘The Crystallographic Properties of some Alkyl Thallium Compounds’. Thesis submitted for Final Honour School of Chemistry (Part Il) and B.Sc. Degree. [1932]. CHOLESTEROL 1933-71 Cholesterol iodide was Hodgkin’s first x-ray analysis of structure. an organic X-ray films, annotated by Hodgkin and J.D. crystals of cholesterol bromide, cholesterol dibromide and cholesterol chloride, 1933. Bernal, of Box of x-ray films, annotated by Bernal, of crystals of cholesterol iodide, etc. [1933]. Manuscript notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1937. ‘Chiefly Cholesterol’. Contents of box folder so labelled, divided into ten for ease of reference. Manuscript drafts, notes and data re Hodgkin’s Ph.D. thesis, crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols’, Bibliog. 15, 1936. Contents of untitled binder, divided into two for ease of reference. B.22-B.31 ‘X-ray D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Contents of envelope divided into two for ease of reference. ‘X-ray crystallography and the chemistry of the sterols. Bernal and |. Fankuchen), Bibliog. 30, 1940. Part I’ (with J.D. Manuscript draft, incomplete, including 4pp. by Bernal. Contents of untitled folder. Related Typescript Compounds’ by F.O. Bell, probably sent to Hodgkin for information, nd. i-Cholesterol copy of Study X-ray and ‘An of Correspondence 1941, 1943, re work by Hodgkin and C.H. Carlisle on cholestery! iodide. ‘The crystal structure of cholesteryl iodide’, Bibliog. 39, 1945. 15pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. 44pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.40-B.42 B.40 Manuscript notes and data. ‘1-cholesterol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Cholesterol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. X-ray photographs and film. Some dated 1931, 1935 and 1962. Letter from Hodgkin to S. Abrahamsson, dated 18 October 1962, re her early research on cholesterol, with 3pp. manuscript draft from her Ph.D. thesis and two x-ray photographs. Correspondence re i-cholestero! 1967, 1971. ‘Crystal and molecular structure of 68-bromoacety! and 68-chloroacetyl 3,5 a-cyclo-5 a-cholestane (i-cholesteryl bromoacetate and chloroacetate)’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 119, 1971. 20pp. typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Listing of the Structure Factors for i-cholesterol bromoacetate’. Computer printout, nd. Manuscript data, probably for Fourier analysis of cholesteryl bromide, nd. ‘Trial Fourier Analysis of Cholesteryl Bromide’, nd. Handdrawn cholesteryl iodide projection, nd. B.44-B.48 Exercise books, nd. B.44 B.45 B.46 B.47 Data re dibromo cholesterol. ‘Cholestery!l bromide’. Patterson data. Data re cholesterol chloride. Patterson data for dibromo cholesterol chloride, dibromo cholesterol bromide, cholesterol chloride and cholesterol chloride hydrochloride. GENINS B.49 ‘Genins’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 5pp. typescript. B.48 ‘Cholestery! chloride’. Patterson data. ‘X-ray crystallographic measurements of some genins derived from Not digitalis’ (with J.D. Bernal), latest bibliographical reference 1934. listed in Bibliog. H. Jensen. Manuscript notes, data, handdrawn projections and sketches by Hodgkin and Bernal Hodgkin was given specimens of bufagin and cinobufagin to examine by TOAD POISONS 1935-36 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘A note on the X-ray Crystallography of the Toad Poisons, Bufagin and Cinobufagin, and of Strophanthidin’, Bibliog. 13, 1935. 4pp. typescript, with extensive manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature re toad poisons, 1935. Two folders. ‘The molecular weight of cinobufagin’ (with H. Jensen), Bibliog. 20, 1936. 4pp. typescript draft; 3pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. SEX HORMONES 1935-36 The first x-ray crystallographic examination of a member of this series was undertaken by J.D. Bernal in 1932. Manuscript notes and data re sex hormones by Hodgkin and J.D. Bernal, A few pages manuscript notes from the literature, sketches of crystals. dated 1935. Two folders. B.54, B.55 B.56, B.57 B.59 Tables; legends to figures. 30pp. manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and marginal comments by Bernal. 26pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and Bernal. ‘X-ray crystallographic data on the sex hormones, oestrone, androsterone, testosterone and progesterone and related substances’ (with J.D. Bernal), Bibliog. 19, 1936. ‘Pregnandiol’. ‘X-ray crystallographic examination of Testosterone’, nd. Bibliog. Not listed in 3pp. typescript draft; 3pp manuscript draft by Hodgkin. B.59-B.61 Three exercise books, used for notes on sex hormones by Bernal. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Untitled [cover missing]. B.61 ‘Oestron’. THEORY, APPARATUS, TECHNIQUES 1935-60 B.62-B.65 Contents of untitled binder. B.62 ‘The interpretation of Weissenberg Photographs in relation to crystal symmetry’, Bibliog. 12, 1935. Proof copy; figures, annotated by Hodgkin. B.63, B.64 Tables of manuscript data. Two folders. B.65 B.66-B.74 Manuscript data, calculations, sections, by Hodgkin and J.D. Bernal. ‘Charts. Apparatus. Techniques. Early papers, mainly 1940s’. Contents of box folder so labelled. Includes Contents of envelope, re delivery of Cu Anode Research Tube. delivery notice, dated 17 March 1937, instructions for use, chart. Manuscript notes from the literature, not by Hodgkin, latest bibliographical reference 1936. Letter from W.L. Bragg, 1937. Attached is a typescript copy of ‘Structure- Factor Fields for the Plane-Groups C3m H3m C6m’, by Bragg and H. Lipson. Photographs; blueprints. 3pp. typescript. for in Machine X-Ray ‘A Crystallography’, by A.D. Booth. Nd, latest bibliographical reference 1943. Calculation Structure Factors the of D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Comments Goniometer’. on the Wooster-Martin Weissenberg Two-Circle X-Ray 1p. typescript, not by Hodgkin, 1944. Typescript notes re the Buerger Equi-Inclination Weissenberg Goniometer, by E.G. Cox; letter from Cox, dated 11 February 1947. Contents of envelope sent to Hodgkin, 1949. ‘An Integrating Weissenberg-Apparatus’. 2pp. typescript. Plans; photographs. ‘Papers on technique from Bill Cochran - 1950s’. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so Miscellaneous typescripts, manuscript notes re experiments, photographs, stereographic projection, including typescript and manuscript notes by Hodgkin re practical course in Chemical Crystallography. One item dated 1953. ‘X-Ray Crystallographic Apparatus, Labyrinth Radiation Traps’. Third Angle Projection, 1958. 4pp. typescript; 1p. table. Contents of untitled binder. ‘Proposals for New Beevers-Lipson Strips’, by L.J. Comrie and G.B. Hey, 1945. 11pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1960. ‘Formfactor Tables and Atomic Scattering Factors’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, data, manuscript notes from the literature. bibliographical reference 1947. 17pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘X-ray analysis and molecular structure’, [?1949]. Not listed in Bibliog. Latest D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Weissenberg Photographs’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1p. typescript; typescript data. Nd. ‘Operating Instructions for the Nonius Integrating Weissenberg’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘X-ray tubes’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Patterson Synthesis’. 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Graphical Methods of Evaluating X-ray Diagrams’. 1p. typescript, incomplete, nd. ‘Patterson Fourier series in working out crystal structures’. 2pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin, nd. Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Hodgkin. For overviews of Hodgkin’s insulin research, see for example D.38, F.53. INSULIN 1935-88 Hodgkin’s research on this topic began in 1935 when she took the first x- ray photographs of rhombohedral crystals of insulin, given to her by Robert Robinson, Waynflete Professor of Chemistry at Oxford. The structure of insulin proved to be much more complicated than was first imagined and, with a molecular weight of 5780, the measurements and calculations needed to show the arrangement of the atoms present were lengthy and difficult. Thus it was not until 1969 that Hodgkin and her team were able to reveal the three-dimensional structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin. Hodgkin’s research on insulin refinements continued into the 1980s. reports and publications, notebooks, notes and data. The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1935-88, although the bulk dates from the 1950s onwards. There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others including letters of congratulation 1969 arising from the announcement of the three-dimensional structure, drafts for D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research The material is presented as follows: B.82-B.132 Correspondence B.133-B.204 Drafts for reports and publications B.205-B.212 Notebooks B.213-B.284 Data B.285-B.288 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1935-83 There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondence is presented as follows: B.82-B.104 Correspondence with individuals In alphabetical order B.105-B.132 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order Correspondence with individuals T.L. Blundell 1970-81, nd From the late 1960s Blundell was one of Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in the insulin research. 1970, 1973-75. Includes correspondence re scientific visits to Poland and India by Blundell, letter to Blundell from G.H. Snyder. information. Most of the correspondence from 1962-64 is photocopied correspondence between Brill and J. Schlichtkrull (see B.100, B.101), sent to Hodgkin for ‘X-ray analysis of protein hormones : Includes outline of research project proposed by insulin and growth 1976-78, 1981, nd. Blundell on hormones’. D. Brandenburg 1971, 1973, 1975-76 A.S. Brill 1962-71, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965-66, 1968, 1971, nd. Includes Hodgkin’s correspondence with J.C. Kendrew commenting on draft of paper by Brill, and letter from B. Bleaney commenting on Brill’s conclusions. A.C. Chibnall R.B. Corey G.G. Dodson 1942-46, 1962, 1974-75 1946, 1954-56 1964-82, nd From the mid 1960s Dodson was one of Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in the insulin research. The sequence includes a little of Dodson’s own correspondence with others. 1964, 1971, 1973, 1975. 1976, 1978-79, 1982, nd. re cod insulin data and samples. 1976-77, 1981 1967-69, 1971 J.T. Edsall P.T. Grant 1962-70, nd re crystallisation experiments with insulin samples. Includes correspondence re lactoglobulin. H. Gutfreund 1943-44, 1948-51, 1956, nd B.W. Low M.G. Rossman 1970-72 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 1962-63, 1965-66. 1967, 1969-70, nd. K. and N. Sakabe 1975, 1978-83 The Sakabes were Japanese crystallographers who corresponded with Hodgkin jointly. Includes photocopies of letters sent by the Sakabes to R. Fourme in Paris. B.100, B.101 J. Schlichtkrull 1957-77 He Schlichtkrull was based at NOVO Research Institute, Copenhagen. devised the method by which the crystals of native insulin were grown for three- the dimensional structure of insulin. to Hodgkin's elucidation analysis x-ray that the led of See also B.85-B.87 for photocopied correspondence between Schlichtkrull See also B.199, B.200, and A.S. Brill, sent to Hodgkin for information. B.203, B.220, B.221. 1973-75, 1977. D.F. Steiner H. Zahn W.A. Wooster 1969-77, 1982, nd 1957-58, 1963, 1965, 1968. includes correspondence re Hodgkin’s visits to USA, May 1969, December 1972. See also F.45, F.72. 1935. Includes correspondence Principally re construction of insulin models. arising from invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact forces in 1968, when Wooster was attending a symposium in Prague. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1966, 1968-69, 1971-72 1968, 1971, 1977-78 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 1937-39. 1940-42. work. Includes letters 1940, 1941, not obviously related to insulin 1947, 1949-50. First International 1945, Congress of Biochemistry, Cambridge, 19-25 August 1949. Hodgkin was asked to contribute a paper on insulin. Includes correspondence re 1951-52, 1954-55, 1958-59. 1963-65. 1966. Includes 1p. typescript draft re preparation of crystals. 1967. 1968. Includes letters of congratulation (see 1969 October-December. Includes letters of congratulation arising from 1969 January-August. announcement of elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of insulin. B.114), 1969 September. correspondence arising from article re insulin in New York Times, letter enclosing Newsweek article re insulin research by Hodgkin’s group. 1972 January-June. 1971 June-December. 1970 January-April. 1970 May-December. 1971 January-May. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 1972 July-November. 1973 January-May. 1973 June-December. 1974. 1975. 1976. 1977 January-May. written for textbook and sent to Hodgkin for comment. Includes typescript by D. Eisenberg re J.D. Bernal B.129 1977 June-December. 1978-80. 1981, 1983. Nd. B.130 B.131 B.132 Drafts for reports and publications 1935-88 There is also some related material such as correspondence, notes and data. A chronological sequence of drafts for reports and publications by Hodgkin and her collaborators, mostly kept together by her in box folders. 1p. manuscript draft re ‘programme of reseerch’. ‘X-ray Single Crystals Photographs of insulin’, Bibliog. 11, 1935. B.133-B.136 Contents of untitled binder. B.133 8pp. manuscript draft. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.134-B.136 Manuscript notes and data. Fourier series, recrystallisation experiments. Three folders. Include ‘Chibnall’s insulin’, expenditure, B.137, B.138 ‘The crystal structure of insulin. crystals’, Bibliog. 23, 1938. |. The investigation of air-dried insulin 34pp. manuscript draft. Two folders. the ‘Report for the Rockefeller Trustees on the work in progress in Department of Crystallography, Oxford, 1941-2 assisted by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.’ 26pp. typescript, incomplete, re the research of Hodgkin’s group on insulin and cholesterol iodide. ‘Some observations on peptide chain models in relation to crystallographic data for gramicidin B and insulin’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 57, 1953. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Cowan. ‘A speculation on insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘A speculation on insulin’ (with B. Oughton), Bibliog. 65, 1956. 10pp. typescript. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. ‘A speculation on insulin’ (with B. Oughton), Bibliog. 65, 1956. 10pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Insulin crystallising exp[erimen]ts - early.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. literature, latest bibliographical reference 1960. 3pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the Letter from H. Gutfreund, 1956; reprint, 1955. Manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin. 4pp. typescript re ‘Crystallisation of insulin experiments’, nd. Contents of untitled folder. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 4pp. typescript, incomplete, [of preliminary report] re pig insulin crystals, latest bibliographical reference 1960. Handdrawn figures. ‘Various heavy atom derivatives.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin, 1961-62. ‘X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 99, 1966. 6pp. typescript; 10pp. manuscript draft. ‘A Report on Recent Calculations on Rhombohedral Insulin Crystals Containing Lead’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 100, 1967. typescript; 10pp. corrections by Hodgkin; legends to figures. typescript, 10pp. with manuscript additions and ‘The structure of rhombohedral 2 zinc insulin crystals’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 110, 1969. B.150, B.151 B.154-B.161 Untitled lecture on insulin. 11pp. manuscript draft, [?late 1960s]. Manuscript notes. 12pp. manuscript draft. Contents of untitled folder, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1969; manuscript notes. Eight folders. ‘insulin : the structure in the crystal and its reflection in chemistry and biology’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 139, 1972. Manuscript notes ?for lecture to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the isolation of insulin [1971]. 137pp. typescript including legends to tables, tables. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.162, B.163 Research Manuscript draft re ‘studies on insulin action’ by G.G. Dodson; manuscript latest notes, bibliographical reference 1972. Two folders. manuscript literature Dodson, notes from the by ‘EMR Report’ ‘Neutron Studies on insulin’, by S.A. Mason, February 1973. 10pp. typescript; table. B.165-B.167 ‘Insulin - notes for paper. Manuscript notes, May 1974 - January 1977. Three folders. Old notes on A and B chains.’ Contents of untitled folder. ‘Work in China on the Structure and function of insulin’, Bibliog. 150, 1975. 7pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes; manuscript data re ‘corresponding p sections’, Peking and Oxford. ‘The insulin lecture.’ 7pp. typescript, includes legends to figures. ‘The Structure of Insulin in 4-Zinc Insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 152, 1976. 32pp. additions and corrections, not by Hodgkin. [21978]. ‘insulin notes. Some useful for write up.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin, manuscript notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1976. Typescript references, legends to figures; manuscript references. ‘insulin. Biochem[ical] Soc[iety].’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Insulin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 166, 1983. 3pp. manuscript draft. extensive manuscript 5pp. typescript draft; B.172, B.173 typescript, transcribed from tape, with B.172 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.175-B.189 Research Manuscript notes and data. Brief correspondence re publication. ‘Transmission of conformational change in Bibliog. 167, 1983. insulin’ (in collaboration), 22pp. typescript. ‘The crystal structure of insulin. crystals at 1.5A resolution’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 171, 1988. VI. The structure of 2 Zn pig insulin B.175-B.179 75pp. typescript including references, figures. Five folders. B.180-B.183 Manuscript drafts. Four folders. B.184-B.188 Manuscript notes and data, by Hodgkin and G.G. Dodson, handdrawn figures. Five folders. Correspondence 1978, 1982, nd. ‘Progress report on the structure of insulin’ (in collaboration), nd. 1p. typescript. 1p. typescript draft; ip. manuscript draft. ‘Water in insulin crystals’, nd. 3pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin molecules’ (in collaboration), nd. 5pp. manuscript draft; manuscript notes. App. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘Protein and solvent structure in 2 Zn insulin’ (in collaboration), nd. 2pp. typescript. ‘The crystallography of insulin’, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Untitled typescript re ‘the hydrogen bonding in the 2 Zn insulin structure refined to 1.5A resolution’, nd. 14pp. typescript; tables. B.194 Manuscript notes, probably for lecture on history of insulin research, nd. B.195, B.196 Miscellaneous shorter notes and drafts, nd. Two folders. B.197-B.201 ‘Paper writing material.’ B.197 ‘Paper writing material. Contents of folder so inscribed. Ramachandran plots. York structure plots.’ Handdrawn graphs, plots; manuscript notes. B.198-B.200 ‘Insulin. Paper writing material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.198 the Manuscript typescript data; photographs of crystals, x-ray photographs. manuscript notes notes data, from and literature; See 1968-71, nd. B.199, B.200 1958, 1963, 1965-67. ‘Insulin paper writing material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence, mostly with J. Schlichtkrull re samples, 1958-71. also B.100, B.101, B.203. 3pp. typescript. Manuscript notes and data; manuscript notes re Hodgkin’s collaborators on insulin. ‘Positions of alpha-carbon atom of the insulin dimer.’ 1p. typescript. ‘Cod insulin.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.202, B.203 ‘Background material.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.202 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, not all by Hodgkin; x-ray photographs. Correspondence with J. Schlichtkrull, 1957-58, 1979. B.101, B.199, B.200. See also B.100, ‘Background.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Photocopy of letter from C.H. Best to I. Pavel re 50th anniversary of N. Paulescu’s publication of paper on the secretion of the pancreas. ‘Parallele entre les travaux de Paulesco et ceux de Banting et Best.’ App. typescript. Notebooks 1937-67 B.205 Notebook, inscribed ‘Cholesterol Chloride Hydrochloride. Insulin.’ Untitled exercise book. Untitled exercise book. including measurements from films, Includes some data re lactoglobulin. preliminary One page Manuscript data re wet Zn insulin [1937]. Manuscript data. One page dated May 1937. data, Manuscript calculations for maps. dated November 1938. Manuscript notes and data, by Harding; loose x-ray film, manuscript notes. Notebook, inscribed ‘M.M.H.[arding]. Jan 1959.’ Miscellaneous manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. Notebook, inscribed ‘Insulin. M.M. Aitken. 1957-9.’ Insulin. Exp[erimental] Work from D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Notebook, inscribed ‘General Notes (esp. Hartree curves).’ Handdrawn graphs, manuscript data. Includes some work re gramicidin. One page dated August 1967. Untitled notebook. Manuscript raw intensity data re wet Zn insulin, nd. Notebook, inscribed ‘Wet 2 Zinc Insulin.’ Manuscript calculations from data, nd. Data 1940-85 The material consists of handwritten and computer generated data, in the form of tables, maps, sections, mostly kept in folders and identified by title. There is also some related material such as correspondence and notes. Contents of folder so B.214, B.215 B.217-B.219 notes and data, manuscript notes from the ‘Insulin early recryst[allisation] exp[erimenlts.’ inscribed. 1st Pattersons. Wet and dry beef insulin.’ Contents of folder so ‘nsulin. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript and typescript data, brief manuscript notes re recrystallisation method, 1940. literature; Manuscript handdrawn Patterson maps and sections, mostly re zinc insulin, including ‘The Patterson Harker map computed for Dr. Dorothy Crowfoot from data for “wet” insulin - x, y in 60ths and z in 30ths. Dorothy Wrinch 1947.’ literature, latest bibliographical reference 1951. Manuscript data re insulin phosphate, zinc insulin, wet and dry insulin, including handdrawn maps, ‘Fourier calcs..’, ‘Patterson points for Wrinch Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the model’, ‘Point structures’. Manuscript notes and data, including ‘Barbara [Low]’s measurements’, ‘F? values’, ‘trial parameters for “chain structure”’, ‘tests on heavy atom A few pages dated 1949, 1951. effects’, ‘densities of Zn insulin crystals’. Contents of untitled folder, divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Insulin phosphate.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.220, B.221 ‘Cubic insulin. Monoclinic insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. data, and Manuscript correspondence re ‘Schlichtkrull’s visit March 25th 1958’ (see also B.100, B.199, B.203); manuscript x-ray film. Hodgkin, 1958-60. notes with not by ‘Hg Scattering.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. A few pages dated May 1959 - October 1960. Contents of untitled folder. X-ray films; manuscript data from films, not by Hodgkin; letter to Hodgkin re 2 Zn insulin, July 1959. ‘4 Zn Ins[ulin]. Hg A. July 1959.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, calculations, graphs, not by Hodgkin. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. ‘2 Zn Insulin 3 D Data. October 1959.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data re ‘intensity distribution and Wilson Scale’, 4 Zn insulin, not by Hodgkin, July 1959. Contents of untitled folder. Computer printout data re ‘2 Zn insulin sharpening constants Dec 1959’; manuscript data re intensity distribution, sharpening functions, not by Hodgkin, November 1959. Manuscript data re ‘4 Zn Hg, Companion’, not by Hodgkin, April 1960. Hodgkin, handdrawn Manuscript ‘transform of end-on projection of 4 chains in hexagonal close-packing’. [?1950s]. by Oughton and ‘Insulin. calculations.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of untitled folder. B. Oughton’s F[actor]s on S[tructure] structures. helical notes and data, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Contents of untitled folder. ‘insulin Patterson rotation’, March 1962; Computer printout data re manuscript data, includes ‘correlation of uranyl acetate with Hg’, not by Hodgkin. B.231, B.232 Fouriers.’ ‘2 Zn Ins[ulin] Projection. divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, Manuscript and computer printout data re Pattersons and Fouriers, various hands, some pages dated March-September 1962. Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data ?re E C Scaling, 2 Zn, 4 Zn, UO, insulin, not by Hodgkin, October 1962. Contents of untitled folder. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Trial Structure Phases’, ‘Trial Phase Calculations’. July 1963. ‘The General Translation Function Program’, by M.G. Rossman. Qpp. typescript, dated 19 April 1963. Manuscript data, computer printout data, October 1963. B.235, B.236 ‘Translation Function.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.235 B.236 B.237-B.239 ‘Sayre Function.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. - November 1965. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computer printout date re monoclinic insulin, derivative P21 insulin hko projection, April 1964. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computer printout data, mostly re 2 Zn insulin. Various dates, 1963-70. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, computer printout data, September 1964 Contents of untitled folder. ‘2 Zn insulin data for Wilson Plot.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘4 Zn insulin. inscribed. 6A Patterson. 3.2A Patterson.’ Contents of folder so Handdrawn sections, November 1964; computer printout data, February 1965. B.243, B.244 ‘Early attempts at cadmium and zinc free projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin; computer printout data, March 1965. B.245, B.246 ‘Wilson Plot. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Final Summary.’ Cod Insulin. Contents of folder so Manuscript data, including handdrawn Wilson Plots, not by Hodgkin; computer printout data. Various dates July 1965 - September 1972. B.247, B.248 Scaling and Wilson Plot Dec 1965 and 2.5A Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of ‘Pb Ins[ulin] Diffractometer. data.’ reference. Manuscript data, handdrawn graphs and computer printout data. Various dates November 1965 - August 1967. sections, by Hodgkin; not B.250, B.251 Contents of folder so B.252 B.253, B.254 One page dated March Handdrawn insulin maps, January 1968. One roll. Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin. 1967. Computer printout data, February 1966. Pattersons.’ ‘Insulin. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. 2-fold axis. Intensities. Handdrawn Fouriers and Pattersons with brief manuscript notes, January 1966. 1969-71. ‘Larry’s Refinement.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, handdrawn positions, various hands, re refinements. Computer printout data, August 1968; of research. 1p. manuscript notes re planning Contents of untitled folder. Zn_ insulin D.M.C. ‘Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.256-B.258 ‘Water molecules. three for ease of reference. Useful.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into Manuscript correspondence 1978, 1980-81, nd. data, with manuscript notes intercalated, 1974-81; B.259 Handdrawn maps, October 1975. One roll. B.260, B.261 ‘A chain old maps.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Handdrawn maps, mostly with manuscript notes and data attached, April 1977 - October 1981. ‘Insulin. Contents of folder so inscribed. Calculation of absolute intensities. Glasgow Symposium.’ Various dates, Manuscript data, manuscript notes, not all by Hodgkin. 21950s - 21980. The folder was probably put together for a symposium held in Glasgow in September 1980 to mark the 80th birthday of the x-ray crystallographer, J.M. Robertson. See also F.134. B.263, B.264 Handdrawn map, April 1981. One roll. ‘insulin. Doubtful Calculations. Fly’s eye.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘A chain tables.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, handdrawn maps, some with manuscript notes attached. Letter, June 1981. Computer generated A few maps dated March 1981. maps, January 1985. reflections’, nd. Manuscript data, handdrawn maps, sections, including ‘Peak system which might represent vectors due to structure within one molecule from - dry insulin (cf. Wrinch) but which cannot do so from projection 1) projection 2) - wet insulin’, nd. ‘9 Zn Insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, including ‘film factors’, ‘uncertain D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.268, B.269 Research ‘Water molecules. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Latest variants.’ Tables. Contents of envelope so Photocopied manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, with manuscript data by Hodgkin intercalated, nd. B.270, B.271 ‘Insulin. General phosphate. Herman field figures, etc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data, sketches, various hands, including ‘Patt[erson] function cos cos’, ‘Patterson Insulin hol’, ‘Patterson Insulin ok! Field Figures’, for strong ‘Patterson reflections’, nd. Field Figures Insulin Rhombic’, ‘Insulin S.F.G. B.272 Handdrawn ?Fourier refinement, probably insulin, nd. B.273, B.274 ‘Original Zn inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. intensity measurements?’ insulin Contents of folder so printout zinc-insulin’; Computer manuscript and typescript data, including ‘Wet insulin - rhombohedral’, ‘Wet Zinc Insulin. Table of = F (hikl) for Pxyo series’, nd. including data, Data wet for ‘F? B.279 B.276-B.278 Handdrawn Zn insulin maps, nd. Three folders. ‘Chinese’ handdrawn maps, not by Hodgkin, nd. One roll. ‘Insulin structure factor graphs.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, handdrawn sections, handdrawn ‘Reciprocal lattice of dry insulin’, nd. Miscellaneous handdrawn insulin maps, sections, found together, nd. One roll. Miscellaneous data. Three folders. ‘Insulin atomic positions in trigonal axis.’ Computer generated diagram, nd. One roll. six molecules in hexamer projected along B.282-B.284 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous Research B.285 Examples of x-ray films, 1957. B.286-B.288 Models. B.286, B.287 ‘Drawings of Sections for Making Insulin Balsa Models.’ envelope so inscribed, 1969. Two folders. Contents of ‘Photographs. Insulin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Photographs of insulin model. STEROLS ca.1936-42 The x-ray investigation of the sterols was begun by J.D. Bernal in 1932 and had as its object the determination of the position of calciferol in the main sterol series. (See also B.317-B.336). Contents of folder so 9pp. typescript, nd. ‘Report of Preliminary Investigations.’ 57pp. typescript. Incomplete. 6pp. typescript draft; 6pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin. ‘X-ray crystallography and sterol structure.’ Not listed in Bibliog. [?1942]. ‘Old sterol notes and Harry[Carlisle]’s dibenzyl’. inscribed. Manuscript notes, data, Patterson and Fourier analyses, 1936. Some items in J.D. Bernal’s hand. Latest bibliographical reference 1939. Manuscript data, by Bernal. ‘Plant Viruses. X-Ray Data.’ B.291 ‘Tables of Virus Data.’ Bernal. Examination answer book so labelled by J.D. TOBACCO VIRUSES ca.1939-51 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.292, B.293 ‘A comparison of x-ray measurements on air-dried tobacco necrosis protein crystals with electron microscope data’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 52,1951: 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections [by Cowan]; figures. 6pp. typescript; 3pp. typescript. 2pp. manuscript draft, untitled, not by Hodgkin. Letter, 1949; manuscript notes and data. ‘Tobacco Necrosis Protein (Rothamsted Strain).’ 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Physical properties of virus solutions.’ 6pp. manuscript draft, nd. Refers to work by J.D. Bernal and |. Fankuchen, ‘who have put this so far unpublished paper in my hands’. Loose manuscript and typescript pages by Hodgkin and Bernal, nd. PROTEINS ca.1939-74 Tables, lists of figures, legends; 1p. manuscript draft, 1p. typescript draft by J.D. Bernal. The x-ray analysis of protein crystals began when the first x-ray diffraction photographs of single pepsin crystals were taken by J.D. Bernal in 1934. At this time Hodgkin was working in Cambridge as Bernal’s research student, and together they published a note on pepsin (Bibliog. 7, 1934). 2pp. typescript, by D.P. Riley, nd. ‘Protein Crystals.’ 1p. typescript by Hodgkin, nd. ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 2pp. typescript, re projects being carried out on protein crystals. [71939]. ‘Research Programme submitted for a Beit Medical Research Fellowship.’ D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Untitled report submitted to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, by D.P. Riley, 1940. 31pp. typescript, re methaemoglobin, insulin, lactoglobulin. The report refers to work carried out in collaboration with Hodgkin. ‘The correlation of X ray data on air-dried insulin with vector models: correction and an apology.’ 1p. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. This followed Hodgkin’s paper ‘A review of some recent work on protein crystals’, Bibliog. 31, 1941. a Contents of untitled binder. re Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the proteins, tobacco necrosis virus derivative, haemoglobin. One page dated 1944. literature B.300, B.301 ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.300 B.302-B.305 B.302 B.303 copy Typescript Réntgendiagramme gewisser EiweiBstoffe |’, 1949. English summary of of by Deutung der ‘Zur K. Schiff-Dornberger, Miscellaneous shorter manuscript notes and drafts by Hodgkin, nd. Letter from A.P. Tulinsky, dated 24 September 1957. Handdrawn figures and mounted photograph attached. Letter from R.L.M. Synge, dated 1 May 1944, with 9pp. typescript, ‘Proteins and Evolutionary Theory’. 17pp. manuscript draft, with manuscript references and legends to figures. ‘Some characteristics of protein crystals’, Bibliog. 127, 1971. ‘Proteins.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence 1966-67. 12pp. typescript draft. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Towards the X-ray analysis of proteins’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. 2pp. typescript re history of research on protein structure, nd. ‘Some Ancient History of Protein X-Ray Analysis’ (with D.P. Riley), Bibliog. 106, 1968. 23pp. typescript. B.307-B.309 ‘Problems in the x-ray analysis of proteins’, Bibliog. 145, 1974. B.307 B.308 B.309 14pp. typed copy of transcript of lecture. 21pp. manuscript draft. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, including 1p. Nikolai manuscript copy Aleksandrovich [?] re x-rays, dated 2 October 1912. [Federov] Hodgkin letter from by to of B.310 B.311 B.312 with Figures. B.310, B.311 13pp. typescript. 22pp. manuscript draft. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘Protein Crystals’, nd. Miscellaneous shorter manuscript drafts, manuscript notes from the literature, nd. exhibition, nd. Mounted x-ray photographs and figures, legends, probably for D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 BENZPYRENE B.314 Research 1940-42 elimination The subcutaneous injection. Bibliog. 33, 1942. of 3:4-benzpyrene after (2) Changed benzpyrene’ (with J.G. Chalmers), animal body, from the 1p. typescript draft of abstract. 3pp. typescript draft of part of paper, ‘Crystallographic examination of BPX, 6-hydroxy-benzpyrene and 4-hydroxy-benzpyrene’; 5pp. manuscript draft. Letter from Hodgkin to J.G. Chalmers dated 18 September 1941. ‘Report on the crystallographic examination of “BPF” and 6-hydroxy-3:4- benzpyrene’. 3pp. typescript draft; 2pp. manuscript draft. This report was probably written at the same time as the preceding, but was not published. 1941-56 CALCIFEROL In 1948 Hodgkin Manuscript notes, data and drawings, mostly re crystals of ‘BPF’ and ‘BPX’, 1940-42. (vitamin D2) was The first x-ray crystallographic study of calciferol and J.D. Dunitz undertaken in 1932 by J.D. Bernal. resolved the conflict between the early crystallographic and chemical evidence on the structure of calciferol by the complete x-ray analysis of a calciferol derivative (Bibliog. 44), but such was the complicated atomic arrangement in crystals of calciferol itself that it was not until 1976 that x- be ray methods had advanced far enough for established. June 1947’. One roll. Handdrawn projections. One with [?J.D. Dunitz’s] manuscript inscription 1st Fourier projections on (010) ‘3-iodo 4:nitro benzoate of calciferol : Correspondence re obtaining sample of calciferol, 1941-42. the arrangement to D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.319-B.323 ‘Calciferol Intensities and F values.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.319 ‘Work on 4-iodo; 5-nitro benzoate of calciferol done at Cal Tech during the period September, 1948 - September, 1949.’ 2pp. typescript of report [?by J.D. Dunitz]. Manuscript notes and data. B.320-B.323 Manuscript tables of data, nd. Four folders. B.324-B.331 ‘Calciferol.’ Contents of box so labelled. B.324-B.326 ‘Calciferol.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.324 Correspondence 1950, 1962. ‘Calciferol iodo nitrobenzoate - October 1950. Structure viewed normal to a (one molecule only being shown)’. By J.D. Dunitz. 1p. typescript notes re calciferol nitro-iodobenzoate, 1962. Printout data, 1962. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Figures. ‘Calciferol Final Refinements.’ 2pp. typescript notes, 1962. ‘The crystal structure of a calciferol derivative’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 86, 1963. 22pp. typescript. ‘The crystal structure of a calciferol derivative’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 86, 1963. Manuscript data re calciferol 4-iodo-5-nitrobenzoate. One page dated 2 July 1953. Two folders. B.327, B.328 B.329, B.330 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not Hodgkin. by ‘The structure of Calciferol - Vitamin D’. 2pp. typescript, nd. Manuscript notes and data, some by J.D. Dunitz, nd. B.332, B.333 ‘Calciferol. 1st 3-D Fourier Projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Handdrawn projections and three-dimensional Fourier; manuscript data; 1p. typescript data; brief correspondence 1956, 1962. ‘Calciferol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn Harker section, Patterson projection and Patterson-Fourier projection [by J.D. Dunitz], nd. One roll. Handdrawn full three-dimensional observed Fourier, nd. One roll. B.335 B.336 B.337 Not listed in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript, incomplete. FATTY ACIDS 1942-43 B.337, B.338 ‘Fatty Acids’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn full three-dimensional calculated Fourier, nd. One roll. ‘X-ray crystallographic examination of fatty acids obtained from Mona wax’ (with C.H. Carlisle), nd. Two x-ray films, nd. ‘Report on samples of Paraffin Wax Mixtures. March 31st 1943.’ 5pp. typescript. Correspondence 1942-43. Manuscript notes, data, shorter drafts re fatty acids, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research PENICILLIN 1942-89 Early in the Second World War the successful tests with penicillin extracts on infected mice by Howard Florey and his team in Oxford led to urgent attempts to determine its chemical structure. Hodgkin and her coworkers accomplished this in three years with x-ray techniques. Since the research had been carried out under conditions of wartime secrecy, it was not until 1949 that Hodgkin and her collaborators’ work was finally published in The Chemistry of Penicillin (Bibliog. 46). Research on penicillin refinements continued after the war. Professor Hodgkin explained the scientific importance of the penicillin ‘The analysis in a letter to the compilers of this catalogue (July 1991): usual way of establishing the structure of an organic natural product was by synthesis following experiments in degradation which suggested different possible structures. This proved impossible in the case of penicillin because the structure is unstable in the presence of the reagents needed to make 8 lactams. Much later routes to produce stable f lactams were discovered and put to the synthesis of penicillin. Other physical methods were inconclusive which left x-ray methods as the best evidence of the penicillin structure. There was considerable hesitation in accepting x-ray evidence at first; now it is commonly used first to find organic structures.’ spectroscopic particularly methods and The documentation of the penicillin research is of particular interest because of the importance of the molecule to medical science and the demonstration of the power of x-ray techniques in the solution of its structure by Hodgkin and her coworkers. Furthermore the enormous technical developments after the Second World War - especially the use of the electronic computer to process data - meant that the variety of methods pioneered in the analysis of penicillin were not in fact used again. The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1942-89, although the bulk dates from the last years of the Second World War and the period There is an extensive correspondence with immediately afterwards. colleagues, drafts for reports and publications, reports of work of colleagues in other laboratories sent to Hodgkin for information or circulated officially, notebooks, data, and illustrative material probably prepared for a penicillin display at the Science Museum, London as part of an exhibition to mark the postwar International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Illustrative material The material is presented as follows: Reports and drafts Correspondence B.339-B.367 B.432-B.463 Data B.464-B.471 B.368-B.413 B.414-B.431 Notebooks D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Correspondence 1942-89 Research There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondence is presented as follows: B.339-B.356 Correspondence with individuals and organisations In alphabetical order B.357-B.367 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order Correspondence with individuals and organisations Principally letters to Hodgkin. B.339 B.340 W.T. Astbury W.L. Bragg 1943-46 1944-45 1942-49 1942, 1944. 1945. B.341-B.344 C.W. Bunn 1946. Includes table of the final atomic co-ordinates of sodium penicillin Ul. Bunn, who worked in research departments of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, was one of Hodgkin’s principal collaborators in her work on His letters concern the ‘fly’s eye’ technique, preparation of penicillin. monograph (Bibliog. 46). re preparation of monograph (Bibliog. 46). Includes 1p. typescript on ‘Intensities given by “fly’s eye” 1947-49. patterns’. G.L. Clark D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.346, B.347 A.H. Cook re samples sent to Hodgkin for crystallographic examination. 1943. 1944-47. Design Research Unit 1950 re three-dimensional contour model of penicillin for 1951 Festival of Britain. Imperial Chemical Industries Limited 1944-47 Principally with I.C.1. (Dyestuffs) Limited, Manchester, re samples sent to Hodgkin for crystallographic examination. D. McLachlan B.351, B.352 1943-47, 1949 1943-45. 1946-47, 1949. Merck and Co., Inc. re research on penicillin structure and possible joint publication. Medical Research Council re samples sent to Hodgkin, awarding of grants, use of equipment. Includes 1p. manuscript draft on ‘Notes for the Medical Research Council’. Principal correspondents are R.D. Coghill, R.T. Milner, N.C. Schieltz. Office of Scientific Research and Development, Washington, DC. United States Department of Agriculture provision re correspondent is H.T. Clarke. of samples for Hodgkin, publication. The principal 1947, 1949 1944-48, nd. 1943-44, 1946-47 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Wellcome Chemical Research Laboratories 1943-45 re Hodgkin’s x-ray examination of penicillic acid. The correspondent is S. Smith. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1942-89 1942-43. 1944. 1945. Includes request for help in setting up penicillin display at the 1946-47. Science Museum, London, as part of an exhibition to mark the International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,[?1947]. See also B.463-B.471. 1948-49. Chemistry contributed a chapter (Bibliog. 46, 1949). Includes correspondence re publication of monograph The collaborators of Penicillin, Hodgkin which and her to 1961-63. 1958-59. 1964-65, 1967. 1970-72, 1986, 1989, nd. 1978. Includes 4pp. typescript, ‘Report on Hydrates of Ampicillin’. Beecham Pharmaceuticals sought a written statement from Hodgkin supporting its view on the crystallisation behaviour of ampicillin, 1977-78. Papers and correspondence re patent case. 1977. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Reports and drafts 1943-63 Research B.368 ‘Report on the crystallographic investigation of insulin and penicillin 1942-3.’ 18pp. typescript, incomplete. B.369-B.383 ‘C.P.S. [Committee for Penicillin Synthesis] Reports. secret. labelled. Bunn and D.C. papers and letters.’ 1940s - Contents of box folder so Penicillin. B.369, B.370 Reports, June 1943 - April 1944. B.369 ‘X-Ray Crystallographic Measurements on certain Degradation Products of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.85.’ (With B.W. Low). 6pp. typescript, dated 23 June 1943. ‘Crystallographic measurements on the sodium salt of penicillin.’ ‘PEN.96.’ (With B.W. Low). 2pp. typescript, nd. 1p. typescript, nd. 2pp. typescript, dated 4 October 1943. the structure of penillo-| 3pp. typescript, dated 18 November 1943. ‘Derivatives of the aldehyde from penicillin.’ ‘PEN.98.’ (With B.W. Low). ‘Crystallographic measurements bearing on aldehyde.’ ‘PEN.112.’ (With B.W. Low). ‘Crystallographic Comparison of Derivatives of synthetic r- and d-88- dimethylcystine with those of penicillamine.’ ‘PEN.101.’ (With B.W. Low). 3pp. typescript, dated 3 March 1944. ‘Some comparative measurements on compounds belonging to the different penicillin series.’ ‘PEN.117.’ (With B.W. Low and G.M.J. Schmidt). ‘Some comparative measurements on penicillic acids from various sources.’ (With B.W. Low). 4pp. typescript, dated 2 January 1944. ‘A Report on some samples of “penicillic” acids provided by Cl: 2pp. typescript, dated 7 January 1944. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘X-ray crystallographic measurements in the penicillin series. |.’ (With B.W. Low and G.M.J. Schmidt). 2pp. typescript, dated 19 April 1944. ‘Crystallographic Comparison of Derivatives of synthetic r and d BB dimethy! cysteine with those of penicillamine.’ (With B.W. Low). 2pp. typescript, nd. 5pp. manuscript draft re need for ‘a central calculating service for the use of x-ray crystallographers’, with reference to the penicillin work, nd. ‘The Structure of Penicillin.’ ‘C.P.S. 508.’ (With B.W. Low). 10pp. typescript, dated 29 May 1945. ‘The Structure of Penicillin.’ (With B.W. Low). 11pp. manuscript draft of preceding. ‘The structure of penicillin’ (in collaboration). 3pp. typescript, dated 1 May 1946. ‘The structure of penicillin.’ 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘X-Ray Crystallographic Measurements on certain Degradation Products of Penicillin.’ (With B.W. Low). 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, nd. Report of meeting, attended by Hodgkin, of the Penicillin Chemists’ Conference, 29 October 1943. Handdrawn figures, x-ray photograph. 1p. typescript on Racemic penicillamine acetone compound, nd. Letters from C.W. Bunn, 1945. With handdrawn maps. 2pp. typescript on ‘Nomenclature’, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.377-B.380 a limited Duplicate copies of ‘Pen’ reports, not by Hodgkin, issued in number by the Secretary to the Research Panel of the Penicillin Conference and Chemical Committee. The reports form part of a numbered sequence, and some are printed on standard forms, over-printed ‘Property of the Therapeutic Research Corporation of Great Britain Limited’. ‘Penicillic Acid, and Optically Active Acid from Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.69’. 2pp. typescript, dated 15 February 1943. ‘Further Studies on the Degradation of Pencillin.’ ‘PEN.79.’ 6pp. typescript, dated 19 May 1943. ‘Penillic Acid.’ ‘PEN.81’. 2pp. typescript, dated 9 June 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.83.’ 8pp. typescript, dated 18 June 1943. ‘Penillic acid and Penillamine.’ ‘PEN.86.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 10 July 1943. 6pp. typescript, dated 4 August 1943, with figures. 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Studies on the degradation of penicillin. Part IV.’ ‘PEN.88.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 30 July 1943. ‘Studies on the degradation of penicillin Part Ill.’ ‘PEN.87.’ ‘The Absorption Spectra of Penicillin and its derivatives.’ ‘PEN.89.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 2 September 1943. ‘A Discussion of the Structure of Penicillinic Acid and its Derivatives.’ ‘PEN.91.’ Qpp. typescript, dated 14 August 1943. ‘Crystalline Salts of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.94.’ ‘The Degradation of Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.90.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 16 August 1943. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Further studies on the degradation of penicillin. V.’ ‘PEN.97.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 16 September 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.99.’ 7pp. typescript, dated 29 September 1943. ‘Further studies on the degradation of Penicillin VI.’ ‘PEN.100.’ 5pp. typescript, dated 4 October 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.102.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 19 October 1943. ‘Further studies on the degradation of penicillin VII.’ ‘PEN.103.’ 3pp. typescript, dated 23 October 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.105.’ 1p. typescript, dated 25 October 1943. 2pp. typescript, dated 8 November 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.110.’ 2pp. typescript, dated 8 November 1943. ‘Addendum to Pen.106’. 1p. typescript, dated 27 October 1943. ‘Further Studies in the Degradation of Penicillin IX.’ ‘PEN.111”. ‘Further Studies in the Degradation of Penicillin Vill.’ ‘PEN.109.’ 5pp. typescript, dated 11 December 1943. 4pp. typescript, dated 25 November 1943. 2pp. typescript, dated 17 November 1943. ‘Penicillin.’ ‘PEN.113’. ‘Penicillin’. ‘PEN.114’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.381, B.382 Typescript copies of C.P.S. reports, not by Hodgkin, 1944-45. B.381 ‘Microscopic Crystallographic Properties of Crystalline Penicillin Sodium’. ‘G:P.S. 1:78. 2pp. typescript, dated 24 February 1944; photographs. ‘Preparation of the Potassium Salt of Penicillin G’. ‘C.P.S.189’. 1p. typescript, dated 8 May 1944. ‘Report on Penicillin’. ‘Structure’. ‘C.P.S.190’. 2pp. typescript, dated 7 February 1944. ‘Penicillin. Interim Report on Structural Studies in Progress’. ‘C.P.S.227’. 5pp. typescript, dated 14 August 1944. ‘Polymorphic Forms and Hydrates of the Sodium Salt of Penicillin F’. ‘C.P.S.303’. 3pp. typescript, dated 5 October 1944. ‘Biosynthesis of Penicillin’. ‘C.PiS.377.- ‘Monthly Progress Report’. ‘C.P.S.332’. 6pp. typescript, dated 6 January 1945; App. typescript, dated 10 November 1944. 11pp. typescript, dated 18 December 1944. ‘Polymorphic Forms and Hydrates of Penicillin’. Hodgkin,[?1943]; tables. Typescripts by Hodgkin's colleagues in the Dunn School of Pathology Oxford (E.P. Abraham and E.B. Chain) and the Dyson Perrins Laboratory Oxford (W. Baker and R. Robinson), at ICI (C.W. Bunn and A. Turner-Jones) and at Leeds University (W.T. Astbury), 1943, 1945, 1946 and nd. ‘Miscellaneous’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Some comparative measurements on compounds belonging to different penicillin series.’ additions and corrections by 4pp. typescript, with manuscript ‘C.P.$.373’. figures. the D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.385-B.391 B.385-B.387 B.388-B.391 Research ‘The structure of penicillin’ (in collaboration). 3pp. typescript, dated 1 May 1946. ‘Dihydropenillic acid.’ 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Penicillin Chapter. (Rockefeller copy).’ Contents of folder so labelled. ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. 103pp. typescript. Three folders. Tables; including x-ray photographs. Four folders. legends to figures; figures; manuscript notes; photographs, B.392-B.396 ‘Mss. of penicillin chapter. Spare copy’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.392-B.394 B.395, B.396 B.397-B.401 B.397-B.400 ‘Penicillin. paper.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. Schieltz F; okl. Some expts. and old data. Draft of penicillin ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. 97pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Three folders. Typescript and manuscript tables, some with accompanying notes; legends to figures. Two folders. 2pp. manuscript draft re Hodgkin’s progress on penicillin. ‘The X ray Crystallographic Investigation of the Structure of Penicillin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 46, 1949. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the Alexander Fleming’s paper in Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1929. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Four folders. literature, including Sir D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.402, B.403 Original Tables etc.’ ‘Penicillin MSS. divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, Manuscript and typescript tables, legends to figures; shorter manuscript drafts.[1949]. ‘The X ray Analysis of the structure of penicillin’, Bibliog. 55, 1952. 22pp. manuscript draft. B.405-B.407 Contents of untitled folder. B.405 ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of penicillin’, Bibliog. 55, 1952. 5pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; figures, table. Letter re future publication, 1948. 3pp. untitled manuscript draft re progress of penicillin research. 1p. manuscript notes re progress of x-ray analysis of penicillin. Manuscript list of names, with addresses. Pamphlet on ‘The Story of Penicillin’. ain. Shorter manuscript drafts, notes; crystals, nd. manuscript calculations re protein B.408-B.412 ‘Penicillin V’. Contents of box folder so labelled. eer: by E.B. Chain and H.W. Florey on ‘Penicillin’, sent to Hodgkin by ‘Report on Paper 62/119.’ 2pp. typescript comments. ‘The crystal structure of phenoxymethylpenicillin’ (with S. Abrahamsson and E.N. Maslen), Bibliog. 83, 1963. 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.408-B.411 Contents of untitled folder. B.408 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.409 Figures with manuscript corrections; manuscript table. B.410, B.411 Fourier calculations. Computer printouts, 1960. Two folders. B.412 ‘The crystal structure of phenoxy methyl penicillin’ (with S. Abrahamsson and E.N. Maslen), Bibliog. 83, 1963. 21pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.413 Typescripts, not by Hodgkin, 1943, 1945, nd. Notebooks B.414 Exercise book, inscribed ‘Rubidium Penicillin II. [010] Layer’. 2nd Layer. 3rd Manuscript data. One page dated ‘11.7.44’. Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Il. First stages.’ ‘Error Untitled notebook. Manuscript data synthesis’, ‘Line synthesis’. Two pages dated ‘27.3.45’ and ‘9.5.45’. re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin ll, ‘Final Fourier One page dated Summation Pot[assium] Penicillin ‘2.3.45 : Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘Structure A few pages dated between ‘March 31st 1945’ and Factor calculations.’ ‘July 18th 1946’. page dated ‘8.4.45’. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘Final stage 2 One dimensional Rb Penicillin Projection - Addition of Further Terms’. Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re ‘Potassium Penicillin (hol) projection’, ‘B section of Rb Pen Projectn’. One page dated ‘18.10.45’. Untitled notebook. Manuscript notes, rubidium penicillin. One page dated ‘26 Oct. 1945’. data, graphs, projections re potassium penicillin, Untitled notebook. Manuscript data and structure factor calculations re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, nd. Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data penicillin, ‘Interatomic distances’, ‘Fourier series’, nd. calculations re potassium penicillin, and rubidium Untitled exercise book. Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Untitled exercise book, with contents list inside front cover. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, ‘2nd Patterson projection’, ‘Fourier’, nd. Manuscript data re potassium penicillin, rubidium penicillin, sodium penicillin, ‘intensity data’, ‘Patterson projection’, nd. Manuscript data, some not by Hodgkin, re rubidium penicillin, ‘Patterson- Harker’, nd. Manuscript data, nd. Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin II [010] [100]’. Manuscript data, nd. Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin II [010)’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Exercise book, inscribed ‘Sodium Penicillin [100]’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. Untitled exercise book. Manuscript data re ‘amino derivative of reflections’, lactoglobulin, nd. penicillin’, ‘penicillamine okl Exercise book, inscribed ‘Penicillin’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re rubidium penicillin, penicillamimic acid, ‘Patterson-Harker’, nd. Untitled notebook. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re methyl penicillin sulphuride. Some loose manuscript notes, nd. B.432-B.436 notes and data re work on various ‘Calcs. of angles. Penicillin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of untitled binder divided into five for ease of reference. The material is chiefly manuscript data, projections, maps, graphs found in Hodgkin’s envelopes and folders. There is also some later computer- generated material. penicillin-related Manuscript compounds, including crystallisation. The material covers the period 1942- 45 but was not found in chronological order. Includes ‘Potassium benzylpenicillin coordinates’ dated 25 November 1946. Manuscript tables, found together and divided into eight folders for ease Include tables headed ‘Atomic factors’, ‘Structure Factor of reference. ‘Final ‘Scattering calculations’, A few tables are dated 1946. calculations’. Includes ‘Potassium Handdrawn graphs; Penicillin photographed for okl reflections’, dated 6 September 1945, ‘B lactam ring angles’, ‘Thiazolidine ring angles’, ‘Rubidium benzyl! penicillin’. manuscript data. sketches; ‘Plots of final str[ucture] Penicillin’. Contents of folder so labelled. B.438-B.445 factors’, ‘hkl values’, ‘parameters’, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Contents of untitled folder. reflections’, figures, ‘Patterson section’, ‘Model based on ‘okl projections’, sodium benzylpenicillin. One item dated ‘1.3.47’. re potassium benzylpenicillin, latest rubidium benzylpenicillin, B.448 Computer generated P-bromo-penicillin V vector maps, 1962. One roll. B.449, B.450 Contents of untitled folder, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printouts refinement round’, ‘final Pe} ’, ‘final shifts, variances, positions’. re P-bromo penicillin Include V. ‘anisotropic 1964. Manuscript data, not all in Hodgkin’s hand, re potassium penicillin, nd. ‘(hko) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. ‘(hol) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. B.455, B.456 Manuscript data, handdrawn graphs. ‘P-bromo-pen V. Structure factor graphs’. Contents of Calculation of bond distances.’ Contents ‘Plotting and parameter charts. folder so inscribed, nd. ‘Penicillin. Parameter curves. of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. ‘(okl) sections. Potassium penicillin’. Contents of envelope so inscribed, nd. roll. Sodium penicillin. Handdrawn Patterson and Fourier projections, nd. One ‘Experiments with Na Penicillin’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn maps, manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. Final ISO.’ Handdrawn maps, nd. One roll. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘P-bromo-penicillin V (p,-/,)4: labelled. Calculated at end of Iso#5.’ One roll so Computer generated difference synthesis, nd. B.462 Computer generated ‘KPMPEN Vector Map’, nd. One roll. Illustrative material This material was probably prepared for an exhibition held at the Science Museum, London, to mark the International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry,[?1947]. See also B.360. B.463-B.465 ‘Exhibition blurbs, summaries etc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.463 Miscellaneous shorter typescript and manuscript drafts re crystallographic investigation of the structure of penicillin. the x-ray Typescript legends to figures and tables. Manuscript notes re history of penicillin research. Miscellaneous illustrative material. B.466-B.470 ‘Penicillin’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. Photographs, figures, diagrams, some with accompanying captions. X-ray photographs, miscellaneousillustrative material, captions, handdrawn projections. X-ray powder photographs, with captions. Material mounted on card. ‘Stages in the X ray analysis of the salts of benzylpenicillin.’ 1p. typescript. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research GRAMICIDIN 1943-67 Crystals of gramicidin S were first brought to Hodgkin from Moscow by R.L.M. Synge. B.472-B.474 ‘Gramicidin S 1940s’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.472, B.473 Letters from R.L.M. Synge, 1943-48. B.472 B.473 1943-45. 1946-48, nd. the amino-acid residues’, by Synge et al. Includes 3pp. typescript ‘ “Gramicidin S”: the sequence of Letters from F. Sanger, 1945. Letters from T.S. Work, 1947, nd. B.475 ‘Gramicidin S sulphate’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Gramicidin S flavianate’. 1p. typescript, nd. 1p. typescript, by R.L.M. Synge,[?1944]. B.475-B.479 ‘N-Acetyl Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Proposals For Further Work On Gramicidin and Gramicidin Ss’. Three manuscript translations by R.L.M. Synge of Russian papers on gramicidin S, 1954. Manuscript data and calculations, nd. Untitled exercise book. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Final List of Cell Dimensions etc..’. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin, nd. ‘Correlation tables’. Manuscript data re dry acetyl gramicidin S and wet iodo acetyl gramicidin S. B.480-B.484 ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.480 B.481 Letters to Hodgkin, 1944-56, nd. ‘Summary of information on gramicidin S and proposals for further work’. 2pp. typescript, probably not by Hodgkin, July 1944. ‘A note on the x-ray crystallography of gramicidin S’ (with G.M.J. Schmidt). 2pp. typescript, dated 26 July 1944. B.482, B.483 ‘A crystallographic study of some derivatives of gramicidin S’ (with B.M. Oughton and G.M.J. Schmidt), Bibliog. 68, 1957. Manuscript drafts. Notebook labelled ‘Gramicidin S’ on front cover. 16pp. typescript of earlier version of paper, with manuscript additions and corrections[?by Schmidt]. Manuscript notes, data and sketches, manuscript notes from the literature, nd. Correspondence 1945, 1965, 1968. manuscript data. Handdrawn projections pasted into notebook; loose notes, projections enclosed at front, one note dated 1945. A few ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.487-B.491 ‘Gramicidin’. Contents of box so labelled. B.487 ‘Adsorption experiments with gramicidin and related substances : the Not heterogeneity of tyrocidine’, latest bibliographical reference 1947. listed in Bibliog. 17pp. typescript [?not by Hodgkin]. ‘An x-ray crystallographic study of certain peptides’, Bibliog. 54, 1952. 1p. typescript draft; certain crystalline peptides’. 2pp. manuscript draft, ‘An x-ray analytical study of ‘Some observations on peptide chain models in relation to crystallographic studies on gramicidin B and insulin’ (with P.M. Cowan), Bibliog. 57, 1953. 5pp. typescript of ‘Some observations on peptide chain models in relation to crystallographic data for gramicidin B and insulin’, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and [?Cowan]. Figures. Manuscript notes, sketches and data, nd. X-ray photographs, nd. ‘Gramicidins’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Derivatives of Gramicidin S’. 1p. typescript data, nd. ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of box so labelled. M.M. Harding, 1967; handdrawn figures attached. Typescript copy of ‘Preliminary Report on the Testing of Molecular Models for Gramicidin S with the Crystallographic Data’, by E.S. Komorowski and 2pp. manuscript translation by Synge of Russian paper on gramicidin S. B.493, B.494 ‘Gramicidin S’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.493 Letters from R.L.M. Synge, 1951, 1954-55. Manuscript notes and data, nd; bibliographical reference 1948. 1p. manuscript notes from the literature, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research and Manuscript handdrawn projections. notes data, manuscript notes from the literature, 4pp. untitled typescript, with tables. Latest bibliographical reference 1957. ‘A note on the x-ray crystallography of gramicidin S and gramicidin S flavianate’ (with G.M.J. Schmidt), nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript; table. Mounted x-ray photographs, typed captions probably for exhibition, nd. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, nd. Miscellaneous handdrawn illustrative material, graphs, sketches, maps, nd. One roll. B.500 X-ray photographs, gramicidin S, nd. LACTOGLOBULIN 1946, 1947 8-lactoglobulin’ (with D.P. Riley), latest Not listed in Bibliog. crystal ‘The bibliographical reference 1946. structure of Table of ‘Principal crystallographic data for lactoglobulin’. 19pp. typescript, with manuscript marginal comments by Hodgkin. Hodgkin took the first x-ray photographs of this protein with D.P. Riley in the mid 1930s. They published the results of this work in 1938 (Bibliog. 25). However all the material presented here is of a later date. Letter to Hodgkin, 1947. ‘Tabular lactoglobulin. Fe (okl) on (100)’. ‘Notes on Wet Tabular Lactoglobulin’. 4pp. typescript, by K. Dornberger, nd. 1p. manuscript sketch by Hodgkin. Handdrawn map, not by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research FERRITIN 1948-58 This protein was isolated in 1937. Hodgkin first published work on ferritin in 1950 (Bibliog. 48). B.503, B.504 ‘Ferritin’. Contents of box folder so labelled. B.503 B.504 Manuscript and typescript notes, data and sketches, 1948. Typescript copy of ‘The structures of ferritin and apoferritin : some preliminary x-ray data’, Latest bibliographical reference 1958. by P.M. Harrison, nd. Part of the work was carried out under Hodgkin’s supervision. B.505 ‘Wet Ferritin’. Handdrawn map, 1957. One roll. VITAMIN B12 1948-84 carried out their by the analysis See A.184 for a record of the progress of the vitamin B12 research in Hodgkin’s See B.554 for a later overview by Hodgkin of the vitamin B12 research. laboratory, July 1954 - June 1955. Hodgkin’s research on this topic began in 1948 when E.L. Smith of Glaxo a newly isolated anti-pernicious Laboratories gave her red crystals of Hodgkin and a varying group of anaemia factor, named vitamin B12. young crystallographers parallel investigations of four different crystal structures, dry B12, wet B12, the selenocyanide derivative of B12 (Se CN), and a hexacarboxylic acid or the ‘red fragment’ of B12. The crystal structures of the four B12 derivatives were then the most complicated ones which had been solved in any detail by x-ray analysis. neovitamin B12, and monocarboxylic acid. In the course of the research Hodgkin’s group collaborated closely with Smith at Glaxo, J.G. White at Princeton, and A.R. Todd at Cambridge; it was Todd who announced the solution of the structure of vitamin B12 in 1955. In view of the size of the molecule and the extensive calculations involved, the use of early electronic computers at the University of California, Los Angeles (K.N. Trueblood), Manchester University and the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington proved extremely important. Hodgkin’s research on vitamin B12 continued into the 1980s with work on the dimethyl-benzimidazole-cobamide (DMBC) coenzyme, factor V1a, D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research The material, which is substantial, covers the period 1948-84, although the There is an extensive bulk dates from 1950s and the early 1960s. correspondence including Smith, White, Todd and Trueblood, drafts for reports and publications, notebooks, a large number of research folders, and data. The material is presented as follows: B.506-B.555 Correspondence B.556-B.628 Drafts for reports and publications B.629-B.635 Notebooks B.636-B.792 Research folders B.793-B.826 Data B.827, B.828 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1948-84 There is an extensive correspondence with colleagues and others which was kept together by Hodgkin in box folders. The correspondence is presented as follows: Correspondence with individuals H.A. Barker 1959-61, 1963 B.506-B.545 B.546-B.555 re crystallisation and study of the DMBC coenzyme. Correspondence with individuals In alphabetical order Miscellaneous shorter correspondence In chronological order 1969, 1973, nd. B.507, B.508 K. Bernhauer 1958-73, nd re factor Via, B12 monoacid. 1958-59, 1961, 1964-67. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.509, B.510 R. Bonnett 1963-73, nd B.509 B.510 B.511 1963-64, 1968. 1970, 1973, nd. D.W.J. Cruickshank 1955-57 re calculations performed on electronic computer at the University of Manchester. See also H.59. B.512, B.513 A. Eschenmoser 1963-75, nd re metal free corrin, cobalt (Il) complex. 1963-65. 1967-72, 1974-75, nd. In 1948, Folkers’ team was the first to isolate 1958-64 J. Fieldhouse re construction of models of vitamin B12. J. Glusker (née Pickworth) 1955-56, 1979-83 K.A. Folkers re the DMBC coenzyme. crystals of vitamin B12. Glusker was one of Hodgkin’s early collaborators in vitamin B12 research. 1959-65. includes correspondence re publications, 1954-55. At that time Johnson was working on vitamin B12 with A.R. Todd at Cambridge University. Lenhert came to Oxford from the USA as a postdoctoral fellow and worked with Hodgkin on the DMBC coenzyme. A.W. Johnson 1953-68 B.518, B.519 P.G. Lenhert 1959-70, nd D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.519 1966-70, nd. B.520, B.521 F.H. Moore 1963-84, nd Moore collaborated with Hodgkin on the B12 monoacid and factor V1a. 1963, 1969-70, 1972-74. 1979-80, 1983-84, nd. B.H. O’Connor 1967-71, 1979, 1984 O’Connor collaborated with Hodgkin on the B12 monoacid and factor V 1a. Includes research report, 1967. J.H. Robertson 1952, 1954-58, 1964 Robertson was one of Hodgkin’s early collaborators in vitamin B12 research. 1948-66, nd B.524-B.531 E.L. Smith Includes typescript of ‘The structure of vitamin B12 : The X-ray analysis of air-dried crystals of the selenocyanate derivative.’ By Hodgkin, Robertson and J.S. Rollett, 1964. Not listed in Bibliog. Smith worked on vitamin B12 from 1938 and was one of the first to isolate The crystals in 1948, supplying crystals to Hodgkin for x-ray analysis. correspondence includes reports re vitamin B12 nomenclature. 1948-49. Includes correspondence re first samples sent to Hodgkin and typescript copy of draft by Smith on ‘The presence of cobalt in the anti- pernicious anaemia factor.’ 1955. 1950-52. 1953-54. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 1957-59. functioning of vitamin B12.’ Includes typescript copy of draft by Smith on ‘Biochemical 1960-61. 1962-64, 1966, nd. A.R. Todd 1952-58, 1964 Includes cutting from New York Times re Todd’s announcement of the solution of the structure of vitamin B12, 1955, and correspondence re publication. B.533-B.536 K.N. Trueblood 1953-63, 1971-72, nd Trueblood was an early collaborator on vitamin B12 and worked at UCLA, where calculations for Hodgkin’s work were processed by an electronic computer. 1953-54. 1955. 1956-59. K. Venkatesan re factor V1a. 1961-63, 1971-72, nd. 1950-51, 1954. White, who worked at Princeton University, was one of collaborators in vitamin B12 research. 1965-69, 1972, 1979, nd B.540-B.543 J.G. White B.538 B.539 1950-59 the early F. Wagner T.N.M. Waters 1962, 1964-65 1961, 1964, 1967-69 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Includes typescript copy of draft by White on ‘The Molecular 1955. Structure of Vitamin B12’, dated August 1955. 1956. 1957-59. B.T.M. Willis re the monoacid of vitamin B12. 1971, 1979-80, 1983 R.B. Woodward 1956, 1964 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence 1950-56. 1957. Includes reports and correspondence re vitamin B12 nomenclature. 1964. 1965-69. 1970-73. 1962-63. 1958-59. 1960-61. 1980-84, nd. 1974-76, 1979. vitamin B12 investigations, 1975. Includes 5pp. typescript by Hodgkin re progress of the D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Drafts for reports and publications 1950-84 Drafts collaborators mostly kept together by her in box folders. research publications reports and for by Hodgkin and her There is also some related material such as correspondence, notes and data. B.556-B.567 ‘Antipernicious anaemia factor.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.556 ‘Crystallographic measurements on the antipernicious anaemia factor’ (with M.W. Porter and R.C. Spiller), Bibliog. 49, 1950. 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 7pp. manuscript draft. 1p. typescript notes re ‘crystal morphology’. ‘On the Molecular Structure of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), latest bibliographical reference 1953. Not listed in Bibliog. under this title but may be an earlier version of Bibliog. 59. 2pp. typescript. 2pp. typescript. 8pp. typescript. Untitled 2pp. manuscript draft. ‘The X-ray crystallographic study of the structure of Vitamin B12’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘The Crystal Structure of Vitamin B12 - Part |’ (with J.M. Broomhead), nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 5pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1954. ‘A crystalline nucleotide-free degradation product of vitamin B12’, by A.R. Todd et al. ‘Conversion of Vitamin B12b into Vitamin B12’, by V. Petrov et al. 3pp. typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1950. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.559-B.561 Shorter manuscript and typescript drafts, manuscript notes, data and Some pages dated calculations, manuscript notes from the literature. 1948-49. Three folders. B.562 X-ray photographs and film, 1948; photographs of crystals; figures. B.563-B.565 Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. CNS’, ‘Fin.o) reflections’, printout. Some pages dated 1952. Three folders. Includes ‘Structure factors’, ‘B12 Values’, ‘Sign determination’, ‘Asymmetric synthesis’, ‘okl ‘Red fragment formula’, Computer ‘Density of Factor A’, B.566, B.567 Correspondence 1948-54. B.566 1948-52. Includes abstract of report by Clara Brink, International Fellow 1951, re x-ray analysis of vitamin B12. B.567 1953-54, nd. B.568-B.573 ‘B12 publications.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.568 ‘On the Molecular Structure of Vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), latest bibliographical reference 1953. Not listed in Bibliog. 6pp. manuscript and typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. the Structure of Vitamin B12’, ‘The X-ray Crystallographic Study of published in French as ‘Etude cristallographique par les rayons X de la structure de la vitamine B12’, Bibliog. 60, 1955. 20pp. typescript, in French. ‘The structure of vitamin B12’ (with A.W. Johnson and A.R. Todd), Bibliog. 64, 1955. 22pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 13pp. typescript. ‘The structure of vitamin B12 from X-ray analysis’, nd. Not listed in Bibliog. 2pp. typescript. ‘La radiocristallochimie : formule stereochimique de la vitamine B12’, by C. Stora, 1959. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Shorter manuscript and typescript drafts, brief manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature. B.573 Correspondence re publications 1954-56. B.574, B.575 Contents of untitled folder. Typescript drafts, manuscript notes and data, one page dated 1954. Two folders. B.576-B.578 Contents of untitled folder. B.576 ‘The crystal structure of the hexacarboxylic acid derived from B12 and the molecular structure of the vitamin’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 61, 1955. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The crystal structure of a cobalt containing degradation product of B12 and its bearing on the molecular structure of the vitamin.’ 7pp. manuscript draft. 7pp. typescript. Letter from A.W. Johnson, 1955. Manuscript notes and data. B.579-B.583 a chlorine substituted 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘X-ray analytical evidence on the structure of vitamin B12’ ‘Hamburg paper’, latest bibliographical reference 1955. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘Some observations on the crystal structure of vitamin B12’ (with M.J. Kamper), Bibliog. 62, 1955. tables and appendices. Four folders. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. Il. The crystal structure of a hexacarboxylic acid obtained by the degradation of vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 71, 1959. B.579-B.582 9Opp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections. Includes D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Manuscript draft of appendix, entitled ‘On the intensity anomalies on the hexacarboxylic acid photographs’, by A. Vos, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; manuscript data. ‘Molecules in crystals’, Bibliog. 75, 1961. 8pp. typescript, incomplete, of Royal Society Tercentenary Lecture, 1960. See also D.126. B.585-B.590 ‘B12 coenzyme.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.585 ‘The structure of the 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazolyl-cobamide coenzyme : an x-ray crystallographic study’ (with P.G. Lenhert), Bibliog. 77, 1961. 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. ‘The X-ray Crystallographic Investigation of the 5,6-Dimethyl-benzimidazole- cobamide coenzyme’ (with P.G. Lenhert), Bibliog. 80, 1961. 8pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Lenhert. Qpp. typescript, dated 15 January 1962. ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and Analogues Part 2.’ 15pp. typescript, dated 29 June 1962. 8pp. typescript, dated 26 August 1960. B.586 ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions Part 3.’ B.586-B.588 Glaxo Laboratories reports sent to Hodgkin by E.L. Smith, 1960-63. ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and Analogues. Structure of B12 coenzymes.’ 5pp. typescript, dated 1 February 1963. ‘Partial Synthesis of B12 Coenzyme and Analogues Part 3. Synthesis of Coenzyme B12.’ 9pp. typescript, dated 29 June 1962. ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions.’ Isolation and A Practical D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Correspondence 1959, 1961. X-ray film and photographs, photographs of crystals, sent to Hodgkin, 1959. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, manuscript data re bond lengths, handdrawn maps. One page dated 1962. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. of B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 81, 1962. IV. The x-ray analysis of air-dried crystals 38pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not Hodgkin. by ‘The structure of vitamin B12. V. The structure of the air-dried crystals of vitamin B12’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 82, 1962. 38pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections, not Hodgkin. by ‘The determination of the crystal structure of factor V1a’ (with D. Dale and K. Venkatesan), Bibliog. 85, 1963. 7pp. typescript. B.594, B.595 B.596, B.597 B.598-B.600 43pp. typescript. Two folders. B.594-B.601 ‘Wet B12. P. Galen Lenhert.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. VI. The structure of crystals of vitamin B12 grown from and immersed in water’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 87, 1964. Computer printouts. Include ‘Planes’, ‘Angles and Distances for Wet B1 2: ‘Fourier Sections’, ‘Molecular Axes’. Some pages dated 1959-62. Two folders. Manuscript notes. Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. Includes ‘Atomic positions’, ‘B12 cell dimensions’, ‘calculation of atomic shifts’, ‘atomic coordinates of wet vitamin B12’, ‘interatomic distances’, ‘temperature factor graphs’. Some pages dated 1960-62. Three folders. Letter re wet vitamin B12, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Notes on the Molecular Geometry and Chemical Reactivity in Connection with the B12 Vitamins’, Bibliog. 88, 1964. 13pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Tables. B.603, B.604 ‘Vitamin B12 and the porphyrins’, Bibliog. 89, 1964. B.603 8pp. typescript, Hodgkin. with manuscript additions and corrections, not by 13pp. typescript, incomplete. 16pp. manuscript draft. Letter re publication. ‘The Structure of the Corrin Nucleus from X-ray Analysis’, Bibliog. 94, 1965. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.607-B.609 1960, 1965-66. B.608 B.609 ‘Vitamin B12’, Bibliog. 95, 1966. 14pp. typescript; legends to figures, references. ‘Neutron Diffraction of B12.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Two 4pp. typescripts, with manuscript additions and corrections; figures; manuscript notes. The material relates to a research report on ‘A neutron diffraction study of vitamin B12’ submitted to the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. The correspondence dates the submission of the report to 1966. 1967, 1970, 1972, 1978. B.608, B.609 Correspondence 1960-78. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 2,3,7,13, 18-hexamethyl-8, 12- ‘The diethylcorrole’ (with H.R. Harrison and O.J.R. Hodder), Bibliog. 118, 1970. and molecular structure of crystal Qpp. typescript. ‘Cobyric acid. A.201 Paper.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘The structure of vitamin B12. factor V1a’ (in collaboration), Bibliog. 122, 1971. IX. The crystal structure of cobyric acid, 20pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Letter re publication. B.612-B.615 Contents of untitled folder. B.612 ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(II)cobyrinic acid heptamethy! ester’ (by E.D. Edmond), 1971. 16pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. B.613, B.614 14pp. manuscript and additions and corrections by Hodgkin; legends to figures. typescript draft, incomplete, with manuscript ‘Metal Free Corrin Paper.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence 1968-71, 1973, nd. Shorter manuscript drafts, manuscript notes from the literature, manuscript notes and data. Two folders. ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(Il)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester’ (with E.D. Edmond),[1971]. Not listed in Bibliog. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature. 16pp. untitled typescript draft, incomplete, of ‘The crystal structure of lodo-Co(Il)cobyrinic acid heptamethyl ester’,[ 1971]. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Neovitamin B12.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Results and Discussion’. This forms part of ‘Further refinement of the 10pp. manuscript draft. crystal structure of neovitamin B12’ (with E.D. Edmond and H. Stoeckli- Evans), Bibliog. 138, 1972. ‘Crystallographic Investigation.’ 2pp. typescript, nd. ‘Neovitamin B12’. 8pp. manuscript and typescript draft by R. Bonnett et a/, bibliographical reference 1970. nd. Latest Hodgkin is listed as an author, but her name has been crossed out. Letter from R. Mason, 1968. B.619, B.620 ‘Corrin bromide.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.620 B.621-B.626 B.621-B.624 B.619 and 2,3,7,13,17,18 ‘Crystal hexamethylcorrole hydrobromide’ (with B.F. Anderson and T.J. Bartczak), Bibliog. 147, 1974. molecular structure diethyl 8,12 of Includes referee’s reports. Correspondence re publication 1972-73. Qpp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; tables. The neutron diffraction analysis of the ‘The Structure of Vitamin B12. predominant monocarboxylic acid isomer obtained by mild acid hydrolysis of cyanocobalamin’ (in collaboration),[?1984]. Not listed in Bibliog. under this title but is probably a version of Bibliog. 169. 10pp. manuscript draft, incomplete; manuscript legends to figures. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Includes tables, figures. Four folders. 49pp. typescript. B.625 B.626 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘The investigation of the structure of the O-monoacid of B12 by X-ray and neutron diffraction’,[?1984]. Not listed in Bibliog. 3pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 4pp. manuscript draft; manuscript legends to figures. Correspondence 1980, 1983. ‘B12 Nomenclature.’ 2pp. typescript, with manuscript additions by Hodgkin, nd. Notebooks B.629 Untitled notebook. Manuscript data re ‘hko’, ‘ok! reflections’, October 1952. ‘Structure Factor Comparison - Oxford data, John White’s data’, August 1955. Untitled notebook. Manuscript notes and data by Hodgkin re B12 Se CN co-ordinates, June- July 1956. Notebook, inscribed ‘J. Pickworth’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data by J.H. Robertson re ‘Interpretation of the wet B12 Fourier’ and ‘Interpretation of the B12-Se CN (Dry) Fourier’, February 1953. Manuscript notes and data, mostly re crystals and analysis of x-ray photographs. A few pages dated between October 1953 and April 1954. There are some loose pages, with manuscript notes and data by Pickworth, Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. pages dated between October 1953 and April 1954. ‘Thesis. Crystallographic Studies on Notebook, inscribed ‘J. Pickworth |’ the Structure of Vitamin B12 and Related Compounds’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data, including charts, handdrawn projections and graphs pasted into notebook; loose x-ray photographs. Indexed. A few D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘B12. Ce, Hg7 Oo9 Nyq P Co 12 HO Notebook, inscribed ‘J. Pickworth IV’ 5:6 dimethylbenzimenazole N-e-D ribofinanoxide (2 or 3)-phosphate’ inside front cover. Fourier ‘first three-dimensional Fourier’, ‘Three- Manuscript notes and data re or Cobalt Phases Alone’, handdrawn sections, dimensional ‘Suggested Atomic Positions from 3-dimensional Fourier’, ‘Cobalt Atom Parameters’, ‘Patterson Projection’, ‘Calculated 3 dimensional Patterson’, ‘Absorption Corrections’, ‘Anomalous Intensities from Weissenberg Photos re lack of symmetry’. Two pages dated June, July 1954. Notebook used for manuscript ‘Record of Photographic Data’ re DMBC coenzyme, not by Hodgkin, August 1960 - February 1961. Notebook, inscribed ‘Eric Edmond Linacre College Co-I Corrin’ inside front cover. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature, computer printouts, x-ray film, July 1969 - December 1971. Research folders 1948-81 notes and data, manuscript notes from the ‘B12 : Chemistry.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘B12 : Summary.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. X-ray film, dated November 1948; manuscript notes and references by J.H. Robertson 1953-54; letter to Robertson from K. Lonsdale, 1954. There are a large number of research folders, usually identified on the cover by title. These titles have been used in the catalogue entries where appropriate. The folders may include notes, data, calculations, x-ray films and correspondence. 1951. literature, Manuscript Includes 3pp. notes on ‘Vitamin references, mostly by J.H. Robertson. B12’, dated ‘14.10.49’, from Cambridge University (unidentified hand) and notes by Robertson from lecture on ‘Recent Advances on Vitamins’ given by K.A. Folkers, and dated ‘21.5.51’. Intensities from the b-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. One page dated February and April ‘B12 (Wet). Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Contents of untitled folder. ‘Structure Factors’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, March 1951. ‘B12 : General Summary.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript ‘collected B12 data’, by J.H. Robertson; typescript ‘Notes for Cell Mrs Hodgkin’s paper on B12 at Stockholm’, May 1951; Dimensions of B12 Derivatives’; ‘Refractive Indices.’ ‘Unit B.642-B.644 ‘B12 (Wet). Correlations of b and c axis intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, May 1951. ‘ hkl values Oxford and Princeton’ ‘B12 (dry) “Refinement” of the (hol) Contents of folder so inscribed, projection.’ divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Intensity data dry B12.’ Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. 1951 and November 1955. A few pages dated between June X-ray films. One dated December 1951. Manuscript data, various hands. B.646, B.647 ‘CN Se-B12. Oscillations : a-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. ‘B12 (Dry). Fourier projection.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Handdrawn projection; computer printout data; manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson, dated 1 October 1951. notes from the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1951. Manuscript notes and data, various hands, re three-dimensional Fourier, Weissenberg photographs, cell dimensions, structure factors; manuscript ‘B12 (dry) : Miscellaneous, from June[?Broomhead]’s Notebooks. F hkl figures.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.650-B.653 ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). Correlation of the c-axis layer lines.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. 1952. One page dated 31 May ‘B12 (dry and wet). CN Se-B12 (dry and wet). Absolute scale and temp. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of factors.’ reference. Manuscript notes, data and calculations, not all by Hodgkin. A few pages dated between May 1952 and November 1955. ‘Absolute Intensity Scale for Anthracene.’ inside front cover is begins, ‘about crystals to check Wilson scaling on B12.’ Pasted a ‘Diary and Summary’, by J.H. Robertson, which 1st July[1952] Dorothy suggested use of Anthracene Folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson, July 1952. ‘Studies of Pleochroism.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, by J.H. Robertson, re crystals of CN Se B12, dry B12, July 1952. B.660-B.664 B.657, B.658 ‘CN Se-B12. c-axis projections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson, October 1952 - July 1953; handdrawn contours; computer printouts, October 1952. ‘Factor A.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, by J.H. Robertson; x-ray film, July 1952-April 1954. re CN Se three-dimensional Fourier analysis, February-March 1953. Contents of untitled folder, divided into five for ease of reference. Computer printout data from the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington ‘Benziminazoles.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin; x-ray film, 1952. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘B12-Se CN (dry). Parameters.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data and handdrawn graphs by J.H. Robertson; notes by Hodgkin. June 1953, August 1954. manuscript Contents of untitled folder. B12, B12 Manuscript notes and degradation products; manuscript notes from the literature; manuscript A few notes and data re penicillin, miroestrol, aureomycin, phalloidine. pages dated between October 1953 and March 1956. recrystallisation of vitamin data re B.667, B.668 ‘B12-Se CN. Results of 3-dim[ensional] F[ourier] calculation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript data and sketches by November-December 1953. J.H. Robertson. One page dated B.669-B.673 Loose papers found with the preceding. B.675-B.677 ‘Vitamin B12 Fragment. inscribed. Atomic Parameters.’ Contents of folder so ‘oscillation photo measurements’, ‘electron Manuscript notes and data, mostly by J. Pickworth, re ‘reinvestigation of distributions’, intensities’, ‘revised co-ordinates for 26 atoms’, ‘1st Fourier. B12 Fragment. Inner Ring’, ‘B12 Fragment. Additional atomic intensities’, ‘B12 Fragment’. A few items dated between July 1954 and February 1955. Five folders. ‘B12. Red Fragment.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of untitled folder, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson; x-ray film. One page dated April 1954. 4pp. typescript re Manuscript notes, data and drafts, various hands; ‘Intensity measurements’, ‘Selecting atomic positions’. Several items dated between August 1954 and August 1957. page dated 23 September 1954. ‘cobalt atom parameters’, ‘hol Manuscript data, Patterson proj[ection]’, ‘structure from Fourier 1’; handdrawn figures. One by J. Pickworth, re D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.679-B.687 ‘Co-ordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into nine for ease of reference. Manuscript data, various hands, June 1955-July 1959; computer printout data, April 1958 - April 1960. B.688, B.689 ‘B12 (Dry). two for ease of reference. Intensity Data.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into Manuscript notes and data, one page dated September 1955; letter from J.H. Robertson, dated 3 July 1955; letter from K.N. Trueblood, nd. B.690, B.691 ‘B12 (Wet). Harker Sections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, various hands; computer printout data. March 1956. B.692-B.694 ‘CN Se-B12 (Dry). Collected Intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. 1957. One page dated April Five folders. B.695-B.699 Loose papers found with preceding. Manuscript notes and data, various hands. One page dated April 1957. ‘CN Se-B12. C-axis oscillation photos.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, various hands, re ‘correlated intensities’, ‘measured intensities’, ‘B12 Fragment’, ‘corrected intensities’, a few pages two Glaxo Laboratories reports, sent to Hodgkin by dated March 1957; E.L. Smith, re ‘Extension of Project on Antimetabolites of Vitamin B12’ and ‘Vitamin B12-dependent Metabolic Reactions’, 1961. 8pp. manuscript and typescript draft. ‘The crystal structure of black nitrosyl! pentammine cobalt dichloride’ (with D. Dale), Bibliog. 91, 1965. B.701-B.707 ‘Black cobalt correspondence’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.701 Correspondence April 1957 - June 1964, nd. B.702-B.704 Qpp. typescript; D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 12pp. manuscript draft. Tables. Typescript pages, with corrections. B.705, B.706 Handdrawn and computer generated Fourier maps, computer printout data and structure factors, re black cobalt, nd. Two folders. Manuscript notes and data ?re Fourier analysis of black cobalt, nd. Contents of untitled folder. Includes Manuscript notes, data and calculations, not all by Hodgkin. ‘Weights of peaks in Patterson for P2,2,2, ’- computer printout data re air- letter to dried B12; Hodgkin from J.G. White, February 1959. letter to K.N. Trueblood from J.G. White, May 1957; ‘B12 (dry). To find the Co position. Comparison of F’s (and Fouriers) for Contents of folder so 4 different Co positions. inscribed. John White’s work?’ Computer printout data re 1957.’ Photograph of ‘hko projection 2 data.’ ‘Air Dried B12. Param. set for SF5 23 Oct White's Phases from Co alone Contents of untitled folder. ‘DMBC Coenzyme.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data re ‘water molecules’, ‘B12 Se CN water molecules’, ‘Amide groups, Spring 1959’. Computer printout data, March 1961. Computer printout data, July, October 1959; manuscript data, [by D. Dale], re ‘intensities observed’, ‘directives tape’, ‘comparison between Vitamin B12 and DMBC coenzyme’, October 1959; photograph of crystals. ‘DMBC Coenzyme Intensity Data.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. ‘DMBC Coenzyme F? On A Relative Scale.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, [1960] - August 1961. B.712-B.715 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.717-B.719 ‘DMBC Raw Intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Computer printout data, [March 1961]. B.720-B.723 ‘DMBC Coenzyme Intensity Ratios and Intensity Correlation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Computer printout data, March-August 1961. ‘DMBC Coenzyme Sharpened F*.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data, 14 April 1961. ‘First DMBC Struc[ture] Factor Calculation.’ inscribed. Contents of folder so Computer printout data, 18 April 1961. B.726, B.727 ‘DMBC Coenzyme misc. distance-angles calcs. and molecular axes calcs.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, 14 June 1961. Computer printout data, 9 June 1961 - July 1963. ‘DMBC Misc. Materials.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Second DMBC Structure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF Coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data re ‘adenine angles and distances’, ‘third DMBC June 30 1961’, ‘DMBC Coenzyme Fourier structure factor calculation July 6 1961’. Peak Shapes Computer printout data, 11-12 July 1961. ‘DMBC 4th Structure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, 3-5 July 1961; distance angles. handdrawn diagrams showing B.730, B.731 SF ‘DMBC 3rd Coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Distance-Angles Structure Factor Calc. from and B.732, B.733 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 B.734, B.735 Research ‘DMBC 5th Structure Factor Calculation and distance-angles from SF coordinates.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, 25-30 July 1961, handdrawn ‘plots of scalefactor analysis’. ~ B.736-B.739 ‘DMBC Intensities Unscaled But Sorted For Intensity Ratios.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. Computer printout data, July-August 1961. B.740, B.741 ‘Sixth DMBC Structure Factor Calculation.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, handdrawn diagrams from the data, 9-14 August 1961. ‘DMBC.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data re ‘DMBC distance angles’, 25 October 1961; manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re distance-angle calculations. B.743, B.744 ‘Seventh DMBC Structure Factor Calculation (Amide Groups Included).’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Computer printout data, handdrawn diagrams from the data, 11-23 July 1962. B.745, B.746 Computer printout data, computer generated Fourier sections, 14-15 July 1962. ‘The DMBC Structure Factor Calculation (Amide Groups C,7-N4o and C,.- N,5 Omitted). Fourier For Amide Groups and Cobalt.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. August 1962. Computer printout data, manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, re structure factor calculations, atomic coordinates, ‘DMBC methyl groups rotated to 6 improve inter atomic distances’, ‘H atoms trial calculation’, 24 July - B.747-B.750 ‘DMBC Hydrogen Atoms.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘DMBC Coenzyme Constants and Directives.’ inscribed. Contents of folder so Computer printout data, 14-20 August 1962. B.752, B.753 ‘Adenosine removed. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Fractional water removed.’ Contents of folder so Computer printout data re structure factors, 17-20 August 1962. ‘Final DMBC Dist-Angles, and Molecular Axes, also 7th and 8th coordinate shifts.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printout data, 29-30 August 1962. B.755-B.758 Contents of untitled folder, divided into four for ease of reference. B.755 Letter from B.H. O’Connor, of the University of Western Australia, re photocopied neutron refinement of the B12 monoacid structure, 1967; manuscript notes and data, by O’Connor; letter from O’Connor, 1969. B.756 Photographs of crystals. B.759, B.760 Correspondence 1967, 1976-79, nd. B.757, B.758 Handdrawn ‘Sections from Fourier UWA/F9.’ Two folders. Manuscript notes and data, typescript data, handdrawn sections. page dated 1981. One ‘Papers and correspondence o monoacid.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Hodgkin. Manuscript notes re ‘Eschenmoser’s H-Corrin Hydrochloride’ Manuscript figures, 1969, manuscript notes from the literature. Contents of untitled folder. Miscellaneous correspondence 1968, 1973. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.762, B.763 ‘Corroles.’ reference. Contents of folder so labelled, divided into two for ease of B.762 B.763 Correspondence 1969-70, 1972. Manuscript data, not all by Hodgkin. B.764-B.792 Undated research folders. B.764, B.765 ‘NC Se-B12 (Dry). so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Co and Se Structure Amplitudes.’ Contents of folder Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘NC Se-B12 (Dry). Interpretation of the Patterson.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson; handdrawn Harker Section. ‘CN Se-B12 : b-axis intensities. (Weiss).’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘B12-Se CN (dry). Fourier 2.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, various hands. B.768-B.772 ‘B12-Se CN (dry). F-calculations.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into five for ease of reference. Manuscript notes and data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). a-axis Weissenberg Intensity Measurements.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘B12-CN Se. Reciprocal Lattice Nets.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, data and graphs, by J.H. Robertson. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘B12 (Wet). inscribed. Harker sections at x=% y= z=.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, various hands; computer printout data. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). Corrections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. C-axis Weissenberg Intensities. Measurements and Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘3.dimensional Patterson (const. x). B12 fragment.’ Contents of envelope so inscribed, found with the preceding. Handdrawn Patterson sections. ‘B12. Spectroscopy.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, graphs and data, by Hodgkin and J.H. Robertson. B.780, B.781 ‘Fourier 2.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Figures, some with manuscript annotations. Manuscript data, various hands. Manuscript data, various hands. ‘Princeton drawings.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘B12 (Wet). Method.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Attempt to place (hol) values on Abs Scale, by Wilson ‘B12 (Wet). Intensities from the c-axis.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Photographs of projections, each bearing manuscript inscription. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. F* values.’ ‘Wet B12. inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. B.785, B.786 Collected Intensity Data. Contents of folder so D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.787-B.789 ‘Wet B12. Structure Factors.’ Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. ‘B12 (dry). inscribed. Intensity data and cell dimensions.’ Contents of folder so Manuscript notes and data, not by Hodgkin. ‘Graphs and reciprocal lattices. Dry dichlor. dry B12 Oxford and Princeton and dry dichlor. so inscribed. B12. Comparison of F’s for B12.’ Contents of folder Manuscript data, graphs, various hands. ‘B12 (Wet). a-axis intensities.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript data, by J.H. Robertson. Signs from Co and Se. Jan. data, various hands, computer printout data, ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). ’52.’ Handdrawn, by J.H. Robertson. One roll. Fourier Projection (hko). This consists of handwritten and computer generated data, in the form of tables, maps, sections. Loose material found together and divided into twelve folders for ease of reference. Presented in order found. including Manuscript Vit. B12 Fragment’, ‘Structure Factor Calculations’, ‘Absolute F? values. ‘Observed F Values’, ‘Sharpened F* Values’, ‘Sin @ Values’, ‘Maximum Values’, ‘hko projection’, ‘proposed structure’, ‘values of products of cos A few and sin values 2mhx, 2xky, 2mlz and calculations of A,,, and B,,.’- pages dated February 1953, April-December 1954, August 1956. A few pages dated 1954. Manuscript data and handdrawn graphs, various hands, computer printout data, including ‘Vitamin B12 Fragment. 2nd Fourier’, ‘Co Structure Factor ‘correlated Calculation’, ‘measured intensities’, ‘corrected intensities’, absolute F~ Loose material found together and divided into six folders for ease of reference. Presented in order found. B.794-B.805 B.806-B.811 values’. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Sections at constant Z. B12 Patterson -3 dimensional. Dry.’ Handdrawn, various hands, [?1950s]. One roll. ‘CN Se-B12 (dry). [?1950s]. One roll. Fourier-Proj (hko).’ Handdrawn, not by Hodgkin, ‘B12 (Wet) hko Fourier Projection. J.H. Robertson, [?1950s]. One roll. Signs from Co only.’ Handdrawn, by ‘B12-Se CN. [?1950s]. One roll. V.C. Diagram, based on Co and Se positions. ’ Handdrawn, ‘Wet B12 P3 x=0.’ Handdrawn map, [?1950s]. One roll. ‘Molecular Axes. R. Sparks. 6.5.60.’ Handdrawn, with annotation ?by K.N. Trueblood dated 29 August 1960. One roll. Computer generated sections from three-dimensional ‘DMBC Difference Fourier. Phases of 5th Structure Factor Calculation.’ 25 July 1961. One roll. Contents of untitled folder. B.820-B.822 B.824, B.825 B.819 Handdrawn ‘I cobyric ester’ sections, 1974. One roll. data, brief manuscript notes, computer printout Loose papers re B12 monoacid, found together and divided into three folders for ease of reference. data; Manuscript handdrawn neutron Fourier maps, including ‘plot from first neutron diffraction positions of last side chain in w.[?ater]’, ‘B12 monoacid from neutron map by F.H. Moore’, ‘old positions’, ‘neutron diff. diff. map’. A few pages dated July 1979 - November 1980. Handdrawn sections, nd. Computer generated sections from ‘B12 Difference Map from 11.92% Coords.’ [?1980s]. Two folders. Handdrawn ‘O monocarboxylic acid neutron scattering’, ‘plot’. September 1981, September 1983. ‘B12 Patterson sections.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous Research B.827, B.828 Loose notes and data. Two folders. NITROSO COMPOUNDS 1949-70 Most of Hodgkin’s work on the nitroso compounds was directed towards the solution of the structure of nitrosobenzene. This was finally achieved in 1969 by L. Brehm and O.J.R. Hodder. Contents of untitled folder. Letter, 1949; manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. B.830, B.831 ‘The crystal structure of the dimer of para-bromonitrosobenzene’ (with C. Darwin), Bibliog. 51, 1950. Two 4pp. typescripts. Correspondence, nd. Typescript data. Photographs of maps. 14pp. typescript. Includes tables, figures. ‘Trans-nitrosomethane dimer’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Crystal Structure Determination of the trans Dimer of Nitroso-Methane’ Not listed in (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1955. Bibliog. 2pp. manuscript tables. ‘Crystal structure determination of the trans dimer of 1-nitroso-2-methyl- bibliographical propane/nitroso-iso-butane’ reference 1957. H. Not listed in Bibliog. (with B.833-B.835 B.833 Dietrich), latest 15pp. typescript; D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso methane’ (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1958. Not listed in Bibliog. 9pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; 1p. manuscript draft. B.835 Manuscript notes and data. B.836-B.842 Contents of untitled folder. B.836, B.837 ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso-iso-butane’ (with H. Dietrich), latest bibliographical reference 1958. Not listed in Bibliog. typescript; 11pp. corrections by Hodgkin. 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and Tables. Computer printout data re ‘Nitrosomethane Transdimer’, 1959. 5pp. manuscript draft. 5pp. manuscript draft by Hodgkin. ‘The crystal structure of the trans dimer of nitroso methane’ (with H. Dietrich), nd. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘The crystal structure determination of the trans dimer of nitroso-methane’, by H. Dietrich. Shorter manuscript drafts including ‘X-ray crystallographic measurements on trans 1:4 dichloro 1:4 dinitroso cyclohexane’. and [?]. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin. shift from difference Fourier’, ‘Sharpened F* 11pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin ‘Azoxy Fenzene. Nitroso benzene.’ Contents of box so labelled. trans Untitled bibliographical reference 1959. draft the re Includes ‘Okl Intensity Data’, ‘Atomic dimer of nitroso-iso-butane. Latest values’, nd. Two folders. B.841, B.842 B.843, B.846 B.843 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.844 Letter, 1959; 8pp. typescript of 4-4'-dibromoazobenzene crystal data. B.845, B.846 Manuscript notes, data; computer printout. Nd. Two folders. B.847 ‘Nitrosobenzene’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence 1967, 1969-70; brief manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin, on the crystal structure of nitrosobenzene. PURPUROGALLIN 1950-52 Purpurogallin is structure determination began in Oxford in 1948. an oxidation product of pyrogallol and work on its B.848-B.851 ‘Purpurogallin.’ Contents of box folder so labelled. B.848 ‘First Report of the work done by Clara Brink in the Laboratory of Chemical State Crystallography International Fellowship 1950-51.’ holding Oxford during Ohio the her of in B.849-B.851 B.852, B.853 1952 App. typescript. LUMISTEROL ‘Lumisterol’. Contents of box folder so labelled. Lumisterol was selected for study as one of the group of compounds found during the photochemical transformation of ergosterol to calciferol. Manuscript notes and data, handdrawn maps, not all by Hodgkin. A few pages dated 1951-52. Three folders. 1p. manuscript draft; manuscript notes and data. 14pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and ?Sayre. ‘A crystallographic examination of the structure of lumisterol’ (with D. Sayre), Bibliog. 56, 1952. 11pp. typescript. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research MIROESTROL/BROMOMIROESTROL 1956-71 X-ray analysis was used to determine the structure of the plant oestrogen, miroestrol, in the form of its monobromo-derivative. B.854-B.869 ‘Bromomiroestrol. Miroestrol’. Contents of box so labelled. B.854-B.859 ‘Miroestrol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. B.854 ‘X-ray Crystallographic Determination of the Structure of Bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. 11pp. typescript, incomplete, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; letter attached, dated 19 May 1959, from N.E. Taylor. 7pp. typescript. Both versions differ substantially from the published paper. B.855-B.857 B.861-B.866 1956-57. 1958. 1959-60, nd. Correspondence, mostly with The National Institute for Research in Dairying (G.S. Pope) and the National Research Development Corporation (J.C. Cain), re miroestrol, 1956-60. Minutes of meetings, attended by Hodgkin, held at the NRDC about work on miroestrol. bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. Shorter manuscript notes and drafts re miroestrol, bromomiroestrol, nd. ‘Bromomiroestrol’. Contents of folder so inscribed. x-ray crystallographic determination Correspondence 1958-59, 1961, 1970-71. 31 July 1958, 11 September 1958. B.861-B.863 ‘The B.859 B.860 of the structure of D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research 22pp. typescript, with tables. 18pp. typescript and manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 17pp. typescript and manuscript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. Correspondence 1959-60. Shorter monobromomiroestrol. typescript and manuscript drafts re bromomiroestrol, Typescript data bromomiroestro! positions, nd. notes and re bond lengths and deviations, Manuscript data and tables, nd. ‘Comparison of observed and calculated structure amplitudes’. Table. 1956-73 B.868, B.869 FERROVERDIN B.871 of the of B.870 x-ray Manuscript notes and data, nd. ‘The bromomiroestrol’ (with J.S. Rollett and N.E. Taylor), Bibliog. 73, 1960. crystallographic determination structure X-ray films, bromomiroestrol, nd. Two folders. 27pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin and [?Taylor]. on the structure of ferroverdin (Bibliog. 111, Bibliog. 142, Bibliog. 143). Correspondence 1969-70, 1973. Includes correspondence re publications Fourier projection along b,,-100 as zero electron density.’ ‘Ferroverdin’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Ferroverdin. 1956. One roll. B.872, B.873 B.872 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.873 Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature. B.874, B.875 Handdrawn three-dimensional Fourier map. Incomplete. Two folders. AGRAVIDE 1957 B.876 ‘Molecular Weight of Lagosin and Agravide’. 1p. typescript, dated 2 May 1957. Hodgkin’s name appears at the bottom of the original typescript but has been crossed out and replaced by that of N.E. White. ‘Agravide’. 1p. typescript, nd. ‘Agravide cell dimensions’. Manuscript data, not by Hodgkin, nd. X-ray films, nd. PILOTY COMPOUNDS 1957-64 B.881-B.883 Correspondence 1957, 1959-60. B.877-B.880 Contents of untitled folder. In 1902 O. Piloty isolated two compounds of the composition 1:4 dichloro- 1':4'-dinitrosocyclohexane which he formulated as cis and trans isomers. Hodgkin and her collaborators began the x-ray analysis of both isomers in the 1950s, although no paper was published until 1982 (Bibliog. 164). ‘CC/52 Cis Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data, nd. Include 1p. headed ‘cis 1:4 dichloro 1'4" dinitroso cyclohexane’. Handdrawn figures, maps, various hands. Manuscript and typescript drafts, nd. B.877 B.878 B.879 B.880 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘Cis Piloty Compound’. 3pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin, nd. ‘List of calculated and observed structure factors’. Manuscript and typescript data, nd. Letter, 1961. B.882, B.883 Computer printouts re Fourier analysis of cis Piloty compound, nd. Two folders. B.884-B.887 ‘CC/52 Trans Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, manuscript and typescript data, computer printouts, handdrawn Fourier projection and difference map, re structure factors, dichloro-1'4'- synthesis Fourier dinitrosocyclohexane, 1961. Four folders. difference synthesis, trans-1:4 of Contents of untitled folder. Handdrawn Fourier compound, 1961. projection and difference map re trans Piloty x-ray film; B.889-B.891 (in collaboration), latest 10pp. manuscript draft. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘Cis Piloty Compound’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes and data; handdrawn Fourier projections and difference maps; computer printouts. 1961, 1964. Three folders. ‘A note on the Piloty compounds : cis and trans isomers of 1:4 dichloro- bibliographical 1'4'-dinitrosocyclohexane’ reference 1963. Nd. Three folders. ‘A Note on the Piloty Compounds : cis and trans isomers of 1:4 dichloro- bibliographical 1':4'-dinitrosocyclohexane’ reference 1963. Manuscript data, includes ‘Bond lengths’, ‘hol Intensity Data’; handdrawn Patterson projections, Wilson plots. ‘Piloty’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of untitled folder. Not listed in Bibliog. (in collaboration), latest 8pp. typescript. B.893-B.895 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Notebook. Inscribed ‘Terrence J. Harper’ inside front cover and ‘cis 1-4 dichloro-1-4 dinitroso cyclohexane’ on first page. SPORIDESMIN 1959 Crystals of sporidesmin, a substance from the fungus Sporidesmium bakeri, were given to Hodgkin for x-ray analysis by R.L.M. Synge. B.897, B.898 ‘Sporidesmin.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.897 Includes Manuscript notes, data, mostly not by Hodgkin, x-ray films. ‘Inactivated Sheep Poison from Fungus’, ‘Dick Synge’s crystals’, ‘Facial Eczema Toxin’. March-November 1959. 1p. typescript draft, probably by Hodgkin, untitled, dated 8 May 1959. Letters from R.L.M. Synge, August-October 1959. Reprint 1959. and 1959-73 ‘Cephalosporin Development Corporation’. Contents of folder so inscribed. correspondence C with National B.899-B.902 CEPHALOSPORIN C Cephalosporin C, an antibiotic related to the penicillins, was first isolated Soon after this Hodgkin by G.G.F. Newton and E.P. Abraham in 1955. of made the first crystallographic measurements on the sodium salt cephalosporin C. 1963, 1965-66. Correspondence re funding, reports 1959-66. Research 1959. 1960-61. 1962. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.903-B.909 ‘Cephalosporin C’. Contents of box so labelled. B.903-B.905 Patent specifications on cephalosporin C, 1960-61. Three folders. Include provisional and complete specifications, schedules of patents and patent applications. B.906-B.909 Research reports for the NRDC, 1960-63. Four folders. Include typescript copy of cephalosporin C’, by Hodgkin and E.N. Maslen, Bibliog. 76, 1961. ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of ‘The x-ray analysis of the structure of cephalosporin C’, by Hodgkin and E.N. Maslen, Bibliog. 76, 1961. 18pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 2pp. manuscript data. B.911-B.916 ‘N.R.D.C. Reports on Cephalosporin C. labelled. Patents’. Contents of box so B.911-B.913 B.914-B.916 B.917-B.925 7-t-butyl ‘Cephalosporin C’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Research reports for the NRDC, 1961-64. Three folders. Patent specifications on cephalosporin C, 1960-64. Three folders. Include provisional and complete specifications, schedule of patents and patent applications. a The contents relate to the paper ‘Crystal and molecular structure of and cephalosporins, synthetic compound related aza-6aH-bicyclo[ 4.2.0] 3-benzyl octane-38, 7a-dicarboxylate’ (with B.F. Anderson and K. Vijayan), Bibliog. 141, 1973. Manuscript notes and data, nd. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Four folders. Correspondence 1969, 1972. 2,2-dimethyl-8-oxo-4-thia-1 to the penicillins B.921 B.922 B.917-B.920 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Kalyani. ‘V. Calculations’. Cephalosporin Final Co-ordinates and Mean Plane Manuscript and typescript data, nd. 13pp. typescript, incomplete and untitled, re ‘the irradiation of 5-acetyl-3H- pyrazole(I)’, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin, nd. ‘Cephalosporin C’. 28pp. typescript, not by Hodgkin, nd. B.926, B.927 Envelopes of x-ray films, nd. B.926 ‘(001] Preliminary Weissenberg Oscillation’. ‘[100] Preliminary Weissenbergs Oscillation Photos’. ‘okl new photos’. 1p. manuscript notes, nd. FORMAZAN “1kl new data’. ‘Degradation of Ceph C 5kl’. B.929 1p. manuscript notes from the literature, 1960. 1p. typescript re molecular weight of cephalosporin methyl ester, nd. Final Distances’, nd. 13pp. typescript, untitled, [?by D. Dale]; computer printout of ‘Niformazan Manuscript data. Letter from J.M. Robertson, 1960. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research SUPRASTEROL II 1961-63 is one of at least ten isomers ultimately produced by the Suprasterol Il ultraviolet irradiation of ergosterol. The molecular structure of suprasterol ll was investigated through the x-ray analysis of a derivative supplied by J.W. Cornforth. B.930, B.931 ‘Suprasterol’. Contents of box so labelled. B.930 ‘The crystal structure of suprasterol II’ (with C.P. Saunderson), Bibliog. 78, 1961. 6pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin. 5pp. typescript. crystal 4-iodo-5 ‘The nitrobenzoate’ (with C.P. Saunderson), latest bibliographical reference 1963. Not listed in Bibliog. suprasteryl molecular structure and of Il 12pp. typescript. B.932-B.937 B.932 1965-72 THIOSTREPTON 1p. manuscript notes, not by Hodgkin. ‘Thiostrepton’. Contents of folder so inscribed. A great part of its The antibiotic thiostrepton was first isolated in 1954. chemical structure was determined by Hodgkin and her collaborators by x-ray crystallographic techniques, the results of which were published in 1970 (Bibliog. 113). 4pp. typescript, by B.F. Anderson, dated 20 November 1968. ‘Consolidated report of work done on Thiostrepton during the period November 1965 to February 1967 by Dr. M.A. Viswamitra, at the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford’. ‘Thiostrepton (monoclinic form)’. table of crystal data. 2pp. typescript; D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research ‘The structure of thiostrepton’ (with B.F. Anderson and M.A. Viswamitra), Bibliog. 113, 1970. ‘First Draft’. 7pp. typescript, with manuscript additions and corrections by Hodgkin; 7pp. typescript, with abstract. 3pp. manuscript draft, not by Hodgkin. B.934-B.936 Correspondence 1965-72. B.934 B.935 B.936 B.937 1965-68. 1969. 1970-72. Manuscript notes and handdrawn projections, nd. ‘A brief summary of information on the chemistry of thiostrepton’. 2pp. typescript notes, nd. B.958-B.974 and difference for future B.975-B.982 Notes and data B.939-B.957 Research folders maps, probably MISCELLANEOUS Handdrawn publication, nd. One roll. Pattersons Notebooks and binders Proof of chapter by Hodgkin. Latest bibliographical reference 1935. ‘Wolfenden Problems.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘XII. Crystal Structure’. Research folders B.939-B.945 B.939, B.940 B.939 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Typescript and manuscript draft of corrections to be made, nd.[?1950s]. ‘The crystal structure of pentaborane. reference 1952. BeHg’ nd. Latest bibliographical Two 3pp. typescripts of problems. ‘The Structure of Pentaborane’, nd. Bibliographical reference 1952. Two 3pp. typescripts of problems. 2pp. typescript of problems. B.942 Shorter manuscript drafts re pentaborane. B.943, B.944 Manuscript notes and data, not all by Hodgkin, re Patterson analysis of pentaborane. Two folders. Computer printouts re ‘DH Problem’, ‘Two-Dimensional Projection’, 1962. B.947, B.948 44pp. typescript, divided into two for ease of reference. not by Hodgkin, for 8pp. typescript and manuscript draft, corrections by Hodgkin. with manuscript additions and Contents of untitled folder. ‘The Crystallographic Investigation of Complex Organic Compounds’, latest bibliographical reference 1945. Not listed in Bibliog. Contents of untitled folder. ‘X-ray crystallographic studies of compounds of biochemical interest’, Bibliog. 45, 1948. Computer printouts 1959, 1962. Fourier projections, printouts, manuscript data, Patterson analysis, 1957-59. Two folders. ‘Fourier Peak Heights and Shapes.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.949, B.950 ‘Hg.(NO,)5.2H,0.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Contents of untitled folder. ‘Report on specimens received from Dr. Gallery, sent by Dr. Iv A.M. de Wild.’ F.I.G. Rawlins, The National 3pp. typescript; 1p. typescript data. See also H.194. ‘The error fourier file’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Computer printouts, nd. B.954-B.957 Contents of untitled folder. Tables of manuscript data, nd. Four folders. B.954 B.955 ‘Table of 1000 cos 2xnx’. ‘Table of 1000 cos 2xnx’. B.956 B.957 Notebooks and binders data, sketches re spartein sulphate, ‘1000 sin 2xnx’. ‘1000 sin 2xnx’. B.958, B.959 Contents of untitled binder divided into two for ease of reference. crystals and 2crystallisation of Manuscript notes, azoxy cholesterol, tribomobarbaloin, thiophthene, benzene, tetramethyl haematoporphyrin, 1933. Some notes by J.D. Bernal. insulin, penicillin, calciferol, sterols, 1945-50. Manuscript notes, data, sketches re crystals and crystallisation. miscellaneous, 1935-37. Manuscript notes, data, sketches re crystals and crystallisation of ferritin, Contents of untitled binder divided into three folders for ease of reference. B.963-B.965 Contents of untitled binder divided into three folders for ease of reference. B.960-B.962 Very D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.966-B.968 Contents of untitled binder, divided into three for ease of reference. Manuscript notes, data, sketches, manuscript notes from the literature re crystals and crystallisation of vitamin B12, ferroverdin, cephalosporin, penicillin, insulin, gramicidin, 1946-66. Exercise book. Manuscript data. One page dated ‘June 18'" 1946’. Notebook. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, very miscellaneous. One A few loose items, including x-ray film from study of acoric acid. page dated 1962; latest bibliographical reference 1965. Notebook. Manuscript notes and data, manuscript notes from the literature re vitamin B12, insulin, nd. Latest bibliographical reference 1965. ‘Ergometrine’. Exercise book so inscribed. Exercise book. Manuscript data [for Patterson analysis], nd. Exercise book. Manuscript data, nd. Manuscript data re ergometrine methiodide and lactoglobulin, nd. Unidentified handdrawn sections, nd. One roll. Manuscript notes, manuscript notes from the literature, 1937-[?1980s]. Four folders. Manuscript and typescript data, mostly unidentified. Two folders. B.979, B.980 B.981 Notes and data B.975-B.978 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research B.982 Unidentified ?Fourier refinement, nd. LARGE FORMAT Maps, projections etc. kept by Hodgkin (with the exception of B.990) in portfolios. ‘Dry B12.’ Original handdrawn Fourier maps, molecular projection plots, various hands, re wet and dry B12. 1955-56. Untitled. Vitamin B12 fragment. Patterson maps. One item dated 1956. Includes handdrawn projections, Fourier and ‘Dry B12’. Very miscellaneous. Includes handdrawn Fourier maps, projection of ‘John White’s coordinates’. Various dates 1956-62. ‘Red nitroso cpd.’. ‘Factor Via’. ‘Insulin.’ ‘Factor 51a Final ‘O Monoacid’. ‘[illegible]’. Computer generated difference maps, 1962-63; vector maps, 1962; Fourier’, [?Full]‘Anomalous Dispersion Fourier’. ‘Phase Fourier’, 1962; generated computer 1964; Miscellaneous illustrative material, 1959-66. computer generated handdrawn ‘Heavy Atom Map’; 1962. Handdrawn and computer generated Patterson and Fourier maps, 1958-60; original handdrawn L-cystine three-dimensional diffraction data, 1966; Patterson. Includes work by M.J. Adams ?re insulin fragment (dithizone), Handdrawn Patterson and Fourier maps, various hands, re 4 Zn insulin and 2 Zn insulin, heavy atom positions. ‘2 Zn insulin (old) and UO, insulin plotted on scale 1A = 10m.’ 1958-65. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Research Unlabelled ring binder. Handdrawn insulin Pattersons, various hands, May-October 1962. ‘Acetyl gramicidin S.’ Handdrawn Pattersons and Fouriers. Mostly the work of G.M.J. Schmidt. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SECTION C OXFORD UNIVERSITY C.1-C.182 C.1-C.3 SUB-FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY C.4-C.23 TEACHING C.24-C.56 HODGKIN’S RESEARCH GROUP C.24-C.31 Research, technical and secretarial staff C.32-C.34 Accommodation C.35-C.52 Visitors to laboratory C.53-56 Miscellaneous C.57-C.66 WOLFSON RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY C.67-C.108 FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH C.67-C.82 The Rockefeller Foundation C.83-C.96 Department of Scientific and industrial Research/Science Research Council C.105 The Wagman Foundation C.97-C.100 The Nuffield Foundation EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES The British Diabetic Association The Squibb Institute for Medical Research Correspondence with suppliers and government ministries MISCELLANEOUS C.140-C.143 Neutron Diffraction C.173-C.178 SOMERVILLE COLLEGE C.144-C.172 ACCOUNTS C.128-C.139 Computing C.101-C.104 C.106-C.108 C.109-C.127 C.109-C.143 C.179-C.182 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University SUB-FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY C.1 C.2 C.3 TEACHING Reports by Hodgkin on periods of office as University Demonstrator in Chemical Crystallography, ?1946-50, 1950-54. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence, includes material re future of crystallography department. 1969-74. nd. There are four There is only a small amount of material re teaching. binders of lectures material, probably in use in the 1940s and 1950s, although only a few items are dated. There is also duplicated material for practical classes. and ‘The interpretation of Weissenberg Hodgkin gave up her teaching commitments in 1960 when she became Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society. Contents of binder divided into four for ease of reference. Two items are dated 1941 and 1951; latest bibliographical reference 1956. Contents of binder divided into four for ease of reference. A few items are dated between 1946 and 1949; latest bibliographical reference 1958. Manuscript notes on the literature; manuscript drafts on ‘Intensity of x-ray Photographs’; reflections’ typescript drafts on ‘Crystallography’, ‘Crystallography in biology’ and ‘Crystallography in geology’. Typescript draft on ‘X-ray analysis and molecular structure’. Contents of binder divided into five for ease of reference. A few items are dated between 1947 and 1959. Manuscript notes on the literature; manuscript lecture notes; manuscript drafts on ‘Crystallography in biology’ and ‘Chemical problems’. Manuscript notes on the literature; lecture from course on ‘The structure of organic molecules’. lecture plans; manuscript draft of C.12-C.16 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University Contents of binder. One item is dated 1958. Manuscript notes on the literature. C.19-C.23 ‘Old lecture notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed. A few items are dated between 1951 and 1954. Manuscript notes on the literature; manuscript lecture notes. ‘Teaching problems in x-ray analysis’. divided into five for ease of reference. 1936 and 1947. Contents of folder so inscribed A few items are dated between Manuscript notes; paginated duplicated typescripts of instructions for x- ray crystallography practical course, Part ll Physics and Part Il Metallurgy. HODGKIN’S RESEARCH GROUP The material covers the period 1945-80, although no formal research group was established until 1960 on Hodgkin’s appointment as Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society. C.24-C.30 C.24 C.25 C.26 C.27 Research, technical and secretarial staff General papers and correspondence 1949-77. 1976-77, nd. C.28 C.29 1968-69. 1971-72. 1949-50, 1958. 1961-62. 1964-67. 1973-75. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University Lists of members of research group, 1959-71. Manuscript notes on research group, nd. Papers and correspondence re accommodation of group, 1961-74 At the beginning of this period the group was housed in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory. The group was then split between rooms in the Crystallography Laboratory and in the Departments of Physiology and In 1970 the group moved to the new Laboratory of Pharmacology. Molecular Biophysics. ‘Equipment, furnishings and surveying’. Contents of folder so inscribed, 1961, 1966, 1970-73. Architects’ plans for room in Pharmacology Department, 1961. brief correspondence, 1961-62. Includes C.34 General papers and correspondence, 1966-74. 1956-59. 1961-63. 1970. 1971. C.35-C.51 C.37 1950-55. C.38 C.39 C.36 1948-49. C.35 1945-47. Visitors to laboratory Requests to visit/work with Hodgkin, 1945-80. Curricula vitae, brief biographical details of visitors to laboratory. C.43 1969. C.40 1964-65. C.41 1966. C.42 1967-68. 1972. 1973. 1974. 1975. 1976-80. nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Miscellaneous C.53 C.54 Oxford University Correspondence with University Chest, 1969-77. Correspondence re use of computer at the Rutherford Laboratory, Harwell by D. Sayre, 1972-73. Exercise book recording letters written by Hodgkin and members of her group, identified by initials, 1974-76. Miscellaneous administrative papers and correspondence, 1945, 1971-77. Includes correspondence re accommodating Hodgkin in the Chemical Crystallography Laboratory following her retirement. WOLFSON RESEARCH PROFESSORSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY C.57-C.63 C.61 C.62 1973-74. Hodgkin was appointed Wolfson Research Professor of the Royal Society in 1960. The post was funded by the Isaac Wolfson Foundation, and the Royal Society invited nominations from all Fellows (see A.68, A.69). The Royal Society provided funding for the formal establishment of Hodgkin’s research group, and continued to finance research and to pay for salaries until her retirement in 1977. 1969. 1970. C.59 C.60 C.57 C.58 1961, 1964-68. Papers and correspondence, mostly with the Royal Society, 1961-82. 1975-77, 1982. 1971. 1972. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University C.64 Miscellaneous accounts. C.65, C.66 Reports. C.65 C.66 1960-70. 1971-75, 1977. FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF RESEARCH The Rockefeller Foundation 1941-64 The Rockefeller Foundation provided funding for Hodgkin’s early work on insulin, her work on penicillin and gramicidin S, and for the purchasing of her new equipment. appointment as Wolfson Research Professor in 1960. fund Hodgkin’s group on also helped to It C.67-C.72 General papers and correspondence 1941-64. 1941-44. 1945-46. 1947-48. C.67 C.68 C.69 C.70 C.71 C.72 1957-58. 1949-50, 1955. 1946-47. Correspondence with Gerard R. Pomerat, Assistant Director, and later Associate Director, for the Natural Sciences of The Rockefeller Foundation. 1946-63. 1959-64, nd. C.73-C.77 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University 1948-49. 1952-55. 1956-58. 1959-60, 1962-63. Cis C.76 CHL C.78, C.79 Correspondence with University Registry and The University Chest re Rockefeller grant 1957-64. C.78 C.79 C.80 1957-60. 1961-64. Accounts 1957-63. Reports, typescripts and manuscript drafts. 1941-45, nd. C.81 C.82 Correspondence and reports re DSIR funding 1948-65. Miscellaneous unidentified manuscript notes and drafts. In 1965 the SRC took over functions of the DSIR in respect of university science research funding. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)/Science Research Council (SRC) 1948-76 1964-65. C.83 C.84 C.85 C.83-C.86 1948-56. 1957-59. 1960-63. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University C.87-C.92 Correspondence with SRC 1965-76. C.87 C.88 C.89 C.90 C.91 C.92 1965-66. 1967. 1968-69. 1970-71. 1972-73. 1974-76. C.93-C.95 Reports for SRC. C.93 1966-69, 1971. 1972. 1973, nd. C.94 C.95 C.96 The Nuffield Foundation 1949-59 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, statements of account 1967-75. Papers and correspondence, mostly re support for vitamin B12 research. Reports 1949-56, nd. C.98 C.99 1949-51. 1952-56. C.97-C.99 C.97 1957-59, nd. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University The Squibb Institute for Medical Research 1962-69 C.101-C.103 Correspondence re support for thiostrepton research. C.101 C.102 C.103 C.104 1962-64. 1965-66. 1967-68. Reports 1966, 1969. The Wagman Foundation 1969-70 C.105 Correspondence re support for insulin research. The British Diabetic Association 1970-76 C.106, C.107 1970-73. 1974-76, nd. C.106 C.107 C.108 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Papers and correspondence re support for insulin research. 1940-48 Correspondence with suppliers and government ministries The Solus Electrical Co. Ltd. C.109 C.110 Git 1937-68 1938-39 Reports 1972-76, nd. Unicam Instruments Ltd. Organon Laboratories. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University C.112, C.113 Hilger and Watts Ltd. C.112 C.113 C.114 C.115 C.116 C.117 C.118 1941, 1956-58. 1960-73. The British Drug Houses Ltd. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd. Ministry of Supply. Eli Lilly and Co. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. 1942, 1950 1945 1945, 1949-50 1946-49, 1954 1947-49, 1958 C.119-C.121 Board of Trade, Customs and Excise, re importing equipment. 1948-67 C.121 Labquip. Enraf-Nonius Ltd. 1948. 1949, 1967. Joyce, Loebl and Co. Ltd. C.122 C.123 C.119 C.120 National Research Development Corporation. Correspondence re importing Weissenberg goniometer, 1957-58. 1936-71 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. Research and Control Instruments Ltd. C.124 C.125 C.126 C.127 1971 1973 1955-56 1956-63 1961-62 D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Computing Oxford University The material relates to Hodgkin’s role in bringing an electronic computer to Oxford. She was chairman of the Computation Committee of the Board of Faculty of Physical Sciences, which revealed, in 1947, the urgent need is some for additional computational facilities correspondence re the search for financial support in establishing a computing unit. at Oxford, and there There is also material re calculations carried out for Hodgkin in respect of at the National Physical her research on vitamin B12 and penicillin Laboratory, Teddington, at the University of California at Los Angeles and at the University of Manchester. C.128-C.136 General papers and correspondence 1944-76. C.128 1944-45. C.129 1946. C.130 1947. C.131 1948-49. 1952-54. 1955. 1956-59. 1964-76. C.137-C.139 C.139 Neutron Diffraction 1967. C.132 1950-51. C.137, C.138 Letters of application, references. 2 folders. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence. Appointment of Director of University Computing Unit 1956. 1968-69. The material relates to the use of neutron diffraction facilities at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell for Hodgkin’s studies of organic crystal structures. There is material re funding by the SRC, and some correspondence re the use of facilities at the Institut Max von Laue- Paul Langevin at Grenoble. Papers and correspondence 1967-73. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University 1970-71. 1972-73. C.142 C.143 ACCOUNTS C.144-C.165 Statements of account, invoices. C.144 C.145 C.146 C.147 C.148 1961, 1964-1965 June. 1965 July-December. 1966. 1967 January-May. 1967 June-December. 1968 January-June. C.151 1969 January-May. C.149 C.150 C.152 C.153 1969 June-December. 1968 July-December. 1972 January-June. C.156 C.157 C.154 Gas5 1970 January-June. 1970 July-December. 1971 January-June. 1971 July-December. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University C.158 C.159 C.160 C.161 C.162 C.163 C.164 C.165 C.166 1972 July-December. 1973 January-June. 1973 July-December. 1974 January-June. 1974 July-December. 1975. 1976. 1977, 1981. Accounts Book, 1970-76. C.167-C.172 C.167 C.168 C.169 C.170 C.171 CGa7z2 February 1966 - May 1967. February 1967 - March 1968. June 1967 - November 1968. November 1964 - January 1966. Order Books November 1964 - September 1972. June 1971 - September 1972. December 1968 - May 1971. D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 SOMERVILLE COLLEGE Oxford University Hodgkin was made a Fellow of the College in 1935 (Honorary Fellow 1977). For lecture on ‘Crystallography and chemistry in the first hundred years of Somerville College’, see D.150-D.153. C.173-C.176 General papers and correspondence 1949-91. C.173 C.174 C.175 C.176 1949, 1965, 1967, 1970. 1972-74. 1976-77, 1985-91. nd. C.177 Somerville College Appeal. MISCELLANEOUS Papers and correspondence 1975, 1988-89. C.179, C.180 Oxford Enzyme Group 1970-86. Miscellaneous drafts, manuscript notes. Hodgkin, ‘Janet Vaughan. The Retiring Principal of Somerville’. Includes 3pp typescript draft by This group, of which Hodgkin was a founder member, was established in 1970 under the chairmanship of R.E. Richards in order to discuss and coordinate research in enzyme chemistry at Oxford. Oxford scientific research. Nuffield College, Oxford, on Includes transcript ‘Academic Breakthroughs’, dated 24 January 1986, in which R.E. Richards discusses the formation of the Enzyme Group and its function within Papers and correspondence 1970-71. June 1971. Papers and correspondence 1972-73, 1976, 1986. of seminar held at Includes report by Hodgkin dated D.M.C. Hodgkin NCUACS 47/3/94 Oxford University Oxford University Independence Fund. Papers and correspondence re fees for overseas students, 1967, 1970, nd. Molecular Biophysics Group. Correspondence re establishment of Molecular Biophysics Group, 1956, 1963-65. Draft by H.A. Krebs on ‘Molecular biophysics at Oxford’. ‘Molecular biophysics’. commemorate the opening of the new department. Typescript of lecture given by Hodgkin to