HINTON, Howard Everest v3

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Howard Everest Hinton FRS (1912 - 1977) By Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 59/2/96 H.E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Howard Everest Hinton (1912-1977), entomologist Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1864-1979 Extent of material: 157 items Depositedin: Bristol University Library Reference code: GB 0003 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 59/2/96 H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The WellcomeTrust H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN BRISTOL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BRISTOL H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.121 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.36 24 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 29 H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 4 The papers werereceived in June 1995 from Dr James Hinton, son. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF HOWARD EVERESTHINTON Howard Everest Hinton was born on 24 August 1912 in Matehuala, Mexico. His parents had moved to Mexico in connection with his father's work as metallurgist and mining engineer. From the age of 15 Hinton was educated at schools in California before going on to the University of California at Berkeley where he was awarded his B.Sc. in 1934. He did postgraduate research at King's College Cambridge and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1939 (Sc.D. 1957). Hinton was appointed Junior Curator at the University Museum of Zoology in Cambridge in 1937. In 1939 he was madeAssistant Keeperat the British Museum (Natural History), a post he held until 1949 when he wasappointed Lecturer in Zoology at the University of Bristol. He remained at the University of Bristol for the remainder of his career, being made Readerin Entomology in 1951, Professor of Entomology in 1964 and Professor of Zoology and Head of Department in 1970. He resigned as Head of Department in July 1977 for reasons of ill-health and resumed his personal Chair. He died on 2 August 1977. Hinton begancollecting insects from the ageof nine, his interest in natural history acquired from his father, an amateur naturalist of some note. By the time he received his B.Sc. he had already seventeen published papers. His pre-war research was concentrated on the classification of beetles but Hinton's entomological interests were subsequently broadened, initially by his wartime work on insect pests of stored products, and then by his appointment as Lecturerat Bristol University, for which he was required to teach a wide range of entomological subjects new to him. Hinton developed his research interests to cover manyfields such as insect metamorphosis, insect pupae, respiratory adaptations, cryptobiosis in insects (in which connection he posited a new theory of the origin oflife on Earth) and insect coloration. He authored over 300 publications, his work culminating in the three volume Biology of Insect Eggs which he completed just before his death. Hinton also founded and edited the Journal of Insect Physiology and the journal /nsect Biochemistry. Hinton served as President of the Society for British Entomology 1954-1955 and the Royal Entomological Society of London 1969-1970. He waselected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1961. H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 5 Hinton was very consciousof his distinguished family background. His paternal great-great grandfather was John Howard Hinton, author of Elements of natural history and an introduction to systematic zoology, and his paternal great grandfathers were the mathematican George Boole FRS and James Hinton, an aural surgeon. His grandfather Charles Howard Hinton was Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. Great-great uncles included Sir George Everest FRS, the Surveyor Generalof India, and A.C. Haddon FRS. Hinton's first cousin once removed wasSir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor FRS. For a fuller account of Hinton'slife and work see the biographical memoir by G. Salt (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 24 (1978), 151-182, a copy of which maybe foundat A.3. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the ordergiven in the List of Contents. The collection, though small, includes significant records of Hinton's family background and early entomological research. Section A, Biographical, includes autobiographical drafts, notes made for his Royal Society personal record, tributes and obituaries and manyletters of condolence received by his widow Margaret Hinton, some with recollections of Hinton. The largest component of the section, however, is family material. There is correspondencewith his father and two brothers G.B. and J.C. Hinton, and also with moredistant relations. Of particular note is that with his first cousin once removed, Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, covering the period 1947-1974. There is also historical material relating to his great-great grandfather George Boole. The family correspondence and papers are supplemented by photographs of family members. Section B, Research, is particularly notable for its notebooks which cover Hinton's work collecting and classifying beetle specimens over the period 1928-1937. The notebooks are generally in the form of journals and often record not only Hinton's collecting activities but his plans for the future, social engagements etc. The period covered by the notebooksincludes Hinton's visit to South America in 1937 with the Percy Sladen expedition to Lake Titicaca. Hinton's subsequent journeys that year to the Amazon basin and French Guiana are also documented. Other material relating to the visit includes lists of specimens and photographs. The section also includes correspondence with V.B. Wigglesworth 1947- 1974, chiefly on various aspects of insect physiology, and material from a visit to China in 1960. There is an index of correspondents. T.E. Powell P. Harper BATH 1996 H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.121 A.1-A.11 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.12-A.28 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.29-A.89 FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.90-A.107 PHOTOGRAPHS A.108-A.116 ANTIQUITIES A.117-A.121 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.1 Obituaries: The Times, 4 August (notice of death) and 11 August 1977 (obituary by J.S. Kennedy). [Bristol] Evening Post, 4 August 1977. University of Bristol Newsletter, 18 August 1977 (by C.J. Mapes). Sociedad Mexicana de Entomologia information bulletin, September 1977 (by P. Reyes-Castillo). With 1p manuscript draft. Antenna 1, October 1977. King's College Cambridge Annual Report, November 1977. See also A.22. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical A.2 A.3 AA Appreciation of Hinton by T.R.E. Southwood, 4pp typescript, with covering letter to Margaret Hinton, 22 August 1977. Appreciation of 'Howard Hinton - The Pharate Adult’ by Miriam Rothschild, Antenna 2 (1978), offprint with covering letter to Margaret Hinton. Appreciation of Hinton by S. K6érner, 4pp typescript, delivered at Hinton's memorial service, 25 October 1977 (see also A.26). ‘Howard Everest Hinton’ by G. Salt, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 24 (1978), 151-182. Accountof Hinton by G.A. Parker sent to G. Salt, 17 February 1978. A.5-A.7 ‘Autobiography’. Contents of Hinton's binder so labelled divided into three for ease of reference: typescript pages of autobiographical accounts and reminiscences. A.8 A.9 A.10 A.11 Hinton's account of his period as a student at University of California Written for the Berkeley Department of Entomology and Parasitology. departmental related correspondence. newsletter Vedalia. The Folder includes Hinton took Bachelor of Science degree at the Departmentin 1934. Hinton's draft entries for his Personal Record of Fellows of the Royal Society. Curricula vitae: ca.1963, ca.1973. Biographical entries for Who's Who andother reference books. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.12 A.13 Hinton's birth certificate. Mexican Servicio de Migracion identity card, ca.1928. US Immigrant identification Card, 1928. US Alien Head-Tax receipt, 1928. A.14 Diploma of Graduation, Berkeley High School, 6 June 1930. Diploma of Graduation, Modesto Junior College, California, 16 June 1932. A.15 Partnership in Pacific Coast Biological Service (Biological Specimens & Butterfly Artwork). Hinton becamea quarter-partnerin the businessin 1932. Letter re partnership, 14 November 1932; contract, 14 December 1932; receipts 1932; later contract, May 1934. A.16 Report card, University of California, 28 December 1933. Copies of Hinton's Record, University of California, 20 February 1934. (For Hinton's Bachelor of Science Degree see A.28). A.17 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1961. Certificate; newspapercutting. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical A.18 Honorary Associate, Institute of Ecology of Mexico, 1967. President of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 1969-1970. A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 Grace H. Griswold Lectures in Entomology, ?USA, 6 and 7 November1969. Royal Society Scientific Publications Board (certificate of thanks for service only, 1970). Memberof Mexican Society of Entomology, 1971. Resignation as Head of Department from July 1977. University of Bristol Annual Report of Council for 1976-77, recording Hinton's appointment as an Honorary Investigator of the Institue of Ecology of Mexico andhis Public lecture on Mimicry, and including an obituary of Hinton by J.S. Kennedy. A.23-A.27 Death of Hinton, 2 August 1977. A.23-A.25 Letters of condolence to Margaret Hinton. 3 folders. In chronological order. A.26 A.27 A.28 Press-cuttings of Memorial Service, 24 October 1977. Later correspondence with Margaret Hinton, 1977-1979. Roll of Hinton's certificates: Bachelor of Science, University of California, 17 May 1934. Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 12 May 1939. D.Sc., University of Cambridge, 30 November 1957. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 10 Biographical FAMILY AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Family Hinton was very conscious of his distinguished family background. His paternal great-great grandfather was John Howard Hinton, author of Elements of natural history and an introduction to systematic zoology and his paternal great grandfathers were the mathematican George Boole FRS His grandfather Charles Howard and James Hinton, an aural surgeon. Hinton was Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University. Great-great uncles included Sir George Everest FRS, the Surveyor General of India after whom the mountain was named, and A.C. Haddon FRS. Hinton’sfirst cousin once removed wasSir Geoffrey Taylor FRS. A.29, A.30 General A.31-A.56 Hinton family A.57-A.62 Wattley family A.63-A.65 Stott family A.66-A.72 Taylor family A.73-A.79 George Boole General A.29 A.30 Family trees and associated notes and papers on distinguished family members. Correspondencewith researchers re Hinton and Taylor families 1968-1976. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 11 Biographical Hinton family A.31-A.37 George Boole Hinton (father) G.B. Hinton workedin Mexico for various mining companies. He held many positions but by training was an ore-testing specialist. He was an amateur botanist of note and collected many specimens for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. A.31 1918-1924. Correspondencewith R.B. Wattley, his brother-in-law. The Wattley was President of the National Drug Stores Corporation. correspondence relates to family matters and to orders from Hinton for equipment. Also includeslist of posts held by G.B. Hinton ca.1907-1922. The correspondence wassent to Hinton by Wattley in 1968, 1969 and 1970 (see A.59, A.60). A.32-A.36 Correspondencewith Hinton 1929-1942. Most of the correspondence dates from Hinton's periods of study in California and England 1932-1936. Hinton was supported by his father and wrote explaining his financial position, educational and career plans and current research. His father's letters include accounts of his two other sons and of his own careerandfinancial postion. A.32 A.33 A.34 A.35 A.36 A.37 1929, 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936-1942. 1943. Correspondencewith brothers re father's death andhis estate. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 12 Biographical A.38 Emily P. Hinton (née Wattley) (mother). One letter only, to her brother R.B. Wattley, 8 January 1918. Sent to Hinton by R.B. Wattley in 1969 (see A.60) Folder also includes letter of condolence to Margaret Hinton on her husband's death, 3 October 1977, annotated 'Kept for the stories about Howard's mother Emily Wattley[...]', found with family correspondence. A.39 Erica Hinton (née Deutchler) (step-mother). 1933, 1934, 1937. A.40-A.43 George Boole Hinton (brother). Chiefly re family, careers and future plans. Includesa little correspondence between G.B. Hinton and other family members. A.40 A.A1 A.A2 A.43 1932-1936. 1939-1962. 1964-1965, 1970. 1974-1977. A.44-A.48 JamesCottrell Hinton (brother). Chiefly re family, careers and future plans. A.44 A.45 1932, 1945-1949. 1952-1959. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 13 Biographical AA6 A.47 A.48 A.49 1960-1968. Includes correspondencere collecting curculionidae and other beetles 1967-1968. 1969, 1970. 1973-1976, nd. Margaret RoseHinton (née Clark) (wife). One letter only, 27 August 1956. A.50 Carmelita Hinton (née Chase) (aunt). Carmelita Hinton was best known for her progressive secondary school, founded in Putney, Vermontin 1935. Christmas card, nd; profile of Carmelita Hinton in Globe magazine, 26 November1972; ?draft letters to Carmelita, nd. A.51 Gale Everest Hinton (niece). Gale Hinton was a daughterof J.C. Hinton. 1970-1977, nd. Twoletters in Spanish. A.52 George Sebastian Hinton (nephew). George Hinton was a son of J.C. Hinton. 1968, 1975. A.53 Helen Jamie Laura Hinton (niece). Helen Hinton wasa daughterof J.C. Hinton. 1970, 1976. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 14 Biographical A.54 Steven Wattley Hinton (nephew). Steven Hinton was a son of G.B. Hinton. Onepostcard only, from Steven, 4 September 1959. A.55 Charles Howard Hinton (grandfather). Miscellaneous biographical information, including arrangements re estate 1934; correspondence re possible authorship by C.H. Hinton of a story called ‘the Unlearner’, 1976. A.56 JamesHinton Hart (nephew). JamesHinton Hart waskilled in Mexico in 1970. One letter only, 1969; newspapercutting from E/ Universal, 10 December 1970, re his death. Wattley family A.57 Ellen Archbald Wattley (aunt). 1934, 1949-1950. A.58 Julian St John Wattley (uncle). 1957-1960. A.59, A.60 Ralph Beverley Wattley (uncle). The bulk of correspondence concerns the will of G.A. Wattley (see A.61). On the death of Esther Wattley, his last surviving daughter in January 1968, the estate was divided among the surviving children and their issue. R.B. Wattley, Hinton and his two brothers were amongthe beneficiaries. R.B. Wattley sent Hinton correspondence betweenhim and Hinton's parents in 1968, 1969 and 1970 (see A.31, A.38). A.59 1968. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 A.60 A.61 15 Biographical 1969-1970. GeorgeAlbert Wattley (maternal grandfather). Twoletters to G.B. Hinton (senior) and G.B. Hinton (junior), 1932 and 1934; correspondence re estate of G.A. Wattley, 1962-1965 (see above A.59, A.60). A.62 Josephine Wattley (cousin). 1968-1969, 1973. Stott family A.63 Leonard Booie Stott (cousin). 1954-1962. Includes scientific correspondence. A.64 Mary Boole Stott (cousin). Correspondencere Mary Stott's estate, 1962-1964. Hinton was bequeathed the family silver bearing the Everest crest and his daughters Charlotte and Teresa received herjewellery. A.65 Jeanette Stott. 1954, 1963-1964. Taylor family A.66-A.71 Geoffrey Ingram Taylor(first cousin once removed). Hinton met Taylor when he cameto England in 1933 to study at Cambridge for his Ph.D. /... H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 16 Biographical The correspondencechiefly concerns family and personal matters. At A.69, A.70 is biographical information re Taylor, including obituaries and profile from the New Scientist and at A.71 is correspondence with G.K. Batchelor re the disposal of Taylor's estate. 1947-1959. Undatedletter ca.1953 gives Taylor's views on Chinese claims during the Korean warthat the US had employed bacteriological agents, and opinions on P.M.S. Blackett and J.D. Bernal. 1960-1969. 1972-1974. A.66 A.67 A.68 A.69, A.70 Miscellaneous biographical material. A.69 A.70 A.71 A.72 ‘Acrossthe Arctic Circle in Frolic, 1927', reprint of article by Taylor for Royal Cruising Club Journal, 1927; profile from New Scientist, 12 December 1957; obituaries from The Times, 30 June 1975 and Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 'News', October 1975. ‘An unfinished dialogue with G.I. Taylor’ by G.K. Batchelor, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 70 (1975); 'Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 1886-1975' by Batchelor, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 22 (1976). Correspondencewith G.K. Batchelor re Taylor's estate, 1975-1977. Ethel Lilian Voynich. Voynich wasthe aunt of G.I. Taylor. She was best-knownas author of the novel The Gadfly. Profile of Voynich in Look magazine, 8 July 1975;tribute on centenary of her birth; notice re will. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 17 Biographical George Boole Hinton developed an interest life later In mathematician who was his biographical material about him. great-great in Boole, eminent grand-father, and collected the A.73 Obituaries: Illustrated London News, 21 January 1865. Obituary Notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, ca.1865. A.74 Centenary of the publication of Laws of Thought by Boole, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 24 May 1954. Notice; newspapercutting from Irish Press; centenary issue of Proceedings of the RoyalIrish Academy 57A (November1955). A.75 Boole Centenary, 1964. Correspondence with N.T. Gridgeman re family connections etc. Includes Gridgeman's profile of Boole from the New Scientist, 3 December 1964. Programmefor Boole Centenary Celebrations, Lincoln, 7 November 1964. A.76 Correspondence with A.P. Rollett and others re family connections and Boole material held by Hinton, 1965-1970. Includes photograph of silver inkstand presented to Boole in 1849. A.77 Correspondence with D. MacHale, 1975-1977. MacHale waswriting a biography of Boole and later helped establish a Boole archive at University College Cork. A.78 Exchange with W.B. Lewis, October 1975. Lewis sent Hinton copies of correspondencehehad with G.I. Taylor in 1972- 1973 re Boole and otherfamily history. A.79 Miscellaneous printed material. H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 18 Biographical Personal correspondence A.80 Helen Baron Beem. 1956-1962. A.81 Maria Luisa de la Borbolla. 1969-1975. A.82-A.86 ‘J.D. Gall + E. Cornish'. Contents of Hinton's folder so inscribed. While at school and university in California Hinton stayed with the Gall family. Hinton became closefriends of the family including Mrs JennetD. Gall and her niece Ellen J. Cornish and continued to correspond with them. The correspondence chiefly concerns family and career news, although during the mid-1930s Mrs Gall also looked after some of Hinton's business interests in California. A.82 A.83 A.84 A.85 A.86 1934-1936. 1937-1940. 1944-ca.1960. 1961-1963. 1964-1974, nd. A.87, A.88 Henry Morris. Correspondence ca.1935-1936. 2 folders. Most letters are undated invitations from Morris for Hinton to dine or attend discussion meetings. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 19 Biographical Also includes at A.88 a letter of 4 January 1973, thanking Hinton for the loan of his papers relating to Morris for use in preparing a book onthe life and work of Morris. A.89 Miscellaneous 1973, 1977. PHOTOGRAPHS The photographshere are of family members. Mostare identified on verso. Wherepossible their relationship to Hinton has beenindicated. A.90-A.96 Hinton family A.97 Wattley family A.98-A.100 Stott family A.101-A.103 Taylor family A.104-A.107 Boole family Hinton family A.90-A.92 H.E. Hinton A.90 A.91 Hinton, with snake, 7November 1966. Hinton in Cuernavaca, October 1969, some with other members of the Hinton family, sent to him by Josephine Wattley, December. Includes covering letter. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical A.92 Portrait photographsof Hinton. 20 Plate from Bristol University Alumni Gazette, recording Hinton's election as President of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Group photograph of C.H. and Mary Ellen Hinton (grand-parents) and their four sons. Reproduction of pastel sketch of Mary Hinton. Childhood portrait photographs of the four sons, including G.B. Hinton (father). Other childhood photographsof the sons. G.B. Hinton (father). Miscellaneous,principally of Hinton's nephews and niecesas children. Most identified on verso. A.93 A.94 A.95 A.96 Wattley family A.97 First World Warpostcard inscribed on verso ‘Julian [St John Wattley] in the Great War 1914-18. Stott family A.98 Alice, Leonard and Mary Stott (cousins) as children. Alice Stott. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical 21 A.99 Portrait photograph of Walter Stott. First World War postcard inscribed on verso ‘Leonard [Stott] in the Great War(1914-18)'. A.100 Miscellaneous photogrphsofthe Stott family. Taylor family A.101 E. and M. Taylor. Margaret Taylor. Group photograph of Margaret and G.I. Taylor with A. and M. Stott and Professor Schoute. A.102 Portrait photographsof G.I. Taylor. A.103 Ethel L. Voynich. Reproduction of photograph of Wilfrid M. Voynich. Boole family A.104 George Boole. A note on verso records: 'Eniargement of "George Boole - copy" original in possessionof Sir Geotffrey Taylor[...] summerof 1864’. Print of Boole from //lustrated London News. A.105 Mary E. Boole. H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 Biographical 22 A.106 Group photograph of Mary Boole with her five daughters and five grandchildren. A.107 Alice Boole as a child. Lucy Boole. ANTIQUITIES Correspondence, papers and photographs re Hinton's collection of pre- Columbian, principally Oimec, artifacts from the state of Guerrero in Mexico. The bulk of the material relates to Hinton's negotiations with dealers and others re the sale of someof the pieces. A.108-A.112 '‘Olmec - Dealers’. Contents of Hinton's folder so inscribed divided into for ease of reference. A.108 A.109 Correspondence with dealers and others re value of Olmec antiquities, November 1967 - February 1968, May 1977. Lists of artifacts, annotated by Hinton with prices; list of auction houses and dealers in London. A.110 Newspapercuttings re Mexican antiquities etc, most in Spanish. A.111,A.112 Photographsof artifacts in Hinton's collection. 2 folders. A.113-A.116 Printed material. A.113 Mexican Museo Nacional de Anthroplogia guides: ‘Los Mayas’. ‘Olmecas, Zapotecas, Mixtecas'. H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 Biographical 23 A.114 A.115 A.116 ‘Gods and Men in Pre-Columbian Art', Emmerich, Inc., 6 October - 25 November 1967. exhibition brochure for André Illustrated wallchart of pre-Columbian Mexicanhistory (in Spanish). Observer magazine, 25 April 1971 with article on pre-Columbian Mexican history. MISCELLANEOUS A.117 Hinton's Boy Scouts of America membership card, 1927-1928. A.118 A.119 Poems. Miscellaneous newspapercuttings re Hinton. Contents of Hinton's folder: correspondence, chiefly with D.M. Ross, 1949, 1954-1956. of Acquired Correspondence1949is re Ross's presentation at 'Michurin Biology and the Inheritance Biology Group discussion, 15 July 1949. Includes typescript proceedings of meeting. Correspondence 1954-1956is chiefly re Association of University Teachers Council business, but letter of 25 April 1956 includes Hinton's views on Lysenkoandbiology. Characters’, Engels Society A.120 Miscellaneouspolitical material. A.121 Passports: 1947-1957, 1959-1964, 1964-1973, 1974-1984. H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 24 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1 - B.36 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 ‘Zoology notebook Howard Hinton July, 1928. August, 1928'. Manuscript and typescript notes, chiefly on animals encountered by Hinton, some dated 1929 and 1930. The notes were probably originally kept in a loose-leaf notebook. Pocket loose-leaf notebook with alphabetical dividers. Used chiefly for notes on specimens 1930-1932. At back is calendar 1929 and 1930. Leather-bound loose-leaf notebook usedfor ‘Miscellaneous Notes'. Used as a journal 29 May - 5 August 1932 and 21 May - 24 June 1933 (paginated 1- 27), for notes on collecting specimens, workin progress etc. Loose at back are notes on anatomy of stomachsofbirds andlist of 'Coleoptra in Hinton collection March 11 1929". The journal entries seem to have been madeduring visits to Mexico. Hard-backed pocket notebookinscribed inside front cover 'Howard E. Hinton [...] Notes for the latter part of the summer of 1933 Mexico’. Used as a journal 26 June- 18 July,for notes on collecting specimens. Soft-backed pocket notebookinscribed on front cover 'Notes | X-30-33 Il- 7-34 [...] Coleoptra'. Used as a journal for notes on work in progress and social activities. Soft-backed pocket notebookinscribed on front cover ‘NotesII II-7-34 - IIX- 25-34'. Used as a journal for notes on work in progress and socialactivities continuing from B.5, also includes notes on collecting specimens in Mexico, May- July. IIX-26- Hard-backed pocket notebookinscribed inside front cover ‘NotesII] 1934 to XII-30-1934'. Used as a journal for notes on work in progress and social activities continuing from B.6. The notes commence with an entry 'IIX-26-34 - London , W.2'. H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 29 Research B.8 B.9 Correspondence with P.C.L. Denier, Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, re exchangeof beetle specimens, 1934-1935. Someof the correspondenceis in Spanish. Hard-backed pocket notebook used as a journal for notes on workin progress and social activities, continuing from B.7, January - December 1935. Later entries are in Spanish. B.10-B.15 Expedition to South America, February - November 1937. Hinton was Entomologist and Interpreter on the Percy Sladen Trust expedition to South America, led by H.C. Gilson. The expedition was principally studying the flora and fauna in the area round LakeTiticaca in Peru and Bolivia. Hinton had a grant from the Wort's Fund towards his investigation of aquatic insects of the area. Hinton hadarrived at Lake Titicaca ahead of the main expedition. In July he left the expedition and went on to the Amazon basin where he researched until October, supported by a grant from the Balfour Fund, and then returned to Britain via French Guiana andTrinidad. Hard-backed pocket notebook labelled on front cover 'S. American Expedition 18-ii-1937 to 28-x-1937'. Used from the front as a journalchiefly for notes on collecting specimens, and at the backforlist of expenses. Hard-backed pocket notebook used as a journal for notes on collecting specimens 27 October - November 1937, and for ‘Checklist of American Dryopidae’. Most pages not used. B.10 B.114 B.12 Contents of Hinton’s folder. The bulk of the papers date from the South American expedition, but thereis a little earlier material. Lists of specimens from Bolivia, Brazil and French Guiana, June-November 1937 and ‘Bolivia vii-25-'37 to Brazil ix-23-'37'; '1937-38'list of 'Plaumann Collection - N. Teutonia 1936'; typescript and manuscriptlists of locations of finds, 1932-1935 and 1937; miscellaneous typescript and manuscript notes. ‘Titicaca Expedition 1937'. photographsfrom expedition, someidentified on verso. Contents of Hinton's envelope so inscribed: H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 26 Research B.14 B.15 ‘Titicaca + Brazil photographic negatives from the expedition. Negatives’. Contents of Hinton’s envelope so inscribed: Newspapercuttings re expedition; travel documentation for Peru and Bolivia; certificate of Hinton's Honorary Membership of 'El Centro Geografico de Puno’, 27 September 1937. B.15A Sketchesof insects by Hinton, possibly for a publication, 1940, 1941 B.16 Pocket notebook used for miscellaneous jottings. accounts 16 December 1944 - 13 February 1946. Most pages are missing. At back are personal B.17-B.25 Correspondencewith V.B. Wigglesworth 1947-1974. Wigglesworth was Quick Professor of Zoology at Cambridge. This is chiefly scientific correspondenceon insect physiology. Other subjects include examining and references for students, papers submitted to the Journal of Insect Physiology, of which Hinton waseditor. 1947, 1950-1953. 1954. Includes correspondence re diapause in lepidoptera, and shedding of the pupalcuticle. 1955-1956. Insect Physiology. Includes correspondence re editorial board of the Journal of 1957-1958. ‘connective tissue’ in Simulium larva. Includes correspondence re repair of woundsin insects, and 1959. 1960-1961. Chiefly re papers for Journal of Insect Physiology. B.17 B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 27 Research 1962. Includes correspondencere respiratory system of Calliphora. 1963-1964. 1965, 1974. B.23 B.24 B.25 B.26-B.30 Visit to China, 1960 Hinton visited the People's Republic of China at the invitation of the Academia Sinica. Correspondencere arrangements, January - August, December 1960. Hinton's manuscript notes madeduring thevisit. These include notes on staff and facilities of institutions he visited and lists of photographs taken. Hinton's typescript notes made onreturn, giving impressionsofthe visit, and later notes, somerelating to the border dispute with India. Photographsof Hinton in China. Miscellaneousprinted material, some re the China-India borderdispute. Bookreviews and notices of Mongooses, their natural history and behaviour by Hinton and A.M. Sarah Dunn (Edinburgh, 1967); poster for talk on Mongoosesto Bristol University Zoology Society by Hinton. Reports by Hinton on Royal Society exchangevisits to Bulgaria, 17 April - 1 May 1968 and Mexico, 5-27 October 1969. B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 B.30 B.31 B.32 H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 28 Research B.33-B.35 Newspaperandother press cuttings on Hinton's work. B.33 B.34 B.35 B.36 Work of Hinton and Murray Blum on dehydration and suspended animation of insects, 1960s. This work suggestedlife on Earth could havestarted on dry land rather than in the ocean. Institute of Contemporary Art Exhibition on ‘Illusion London, October - December 1973. in Art and Nature’, Hinton contributed to the exhibition displays and also wrote a chapterfor the exhibition book describing mimicry in plants and animals. Plague of ladybirds, August 1975, and mimicry, October 1975. to Letter development. Miriam Rothschild, 10 November 1975, chiefly re insect H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 29 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACADEMIA SINICA AYSTON, Elisabeth BATCHELOR, GeorgeKeith BEECHING, Jack BEEM, Helen Baron BLANC, Esther BLUM, Murray BOOLE, Gabrielle BOOLE, George BULLER, ArthurJ. BUNYAN, D. E. BURCH, Cecil Reginald CORNISH, Ellen J. COUPER, Aitken DENIER, Pedro C. L. DUFFY, Evelyn EVANS, John W. FINLAYSON, L. H. FIREHAUGH, F. W. FRANK,Sir (Frederick) Charles GALL, Jennet D. GORDON, R. M. GRAYSON, Kenneth B.26 A.23 A.71 A.45 A.80 A.30 A.25 A.76 See A.73-A.79 A.23 A.45 A.24 A.27, A.82-A.86 A.23 B.8 A.23 A.25 A.25 A.30 A.23 A.82-A.86 B.20 A.23 H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 30 Index of correspondents GRIDGEMAN, N. T. HART,JamesHinton HEATH, Mark HEWER, Tom HINTON (née Chase), Carmelita HINTON, Charles Howard HINTON (née WATTLEY), Emily P. HINTON (née DEUTCHLER), Erica HINTON, Gale Everest A.75 A.56 A.23 A.24 A.50 A.55 A.38 A.39 A.51 HINTON, George Boole (father) A.31-A.36, A.55 HINTON, George Boole (brother) A.37, A.40-A.43, A.55 HINTON, George Sebastian HINTON, George W. HINTON, Helen Jamie Laura A.52 A.30 A.53 HINTON, James Cottrell A.37, A.39, A.44-A.48 HINTON (née CLARK), Margaret Rose A.2, A.36, A.49 HINTON, Steven Wattley LEWIS, Wilfrid Bennett MacHALE, Des MACHINERY LLOYD MERRISON, Sir Alexander Walter (Sir Alec) MORRIS, Henry MORRIS, Sir Philip (Robert) NEVILLE, Charles A.54 A.30, A.78 A.77 A.44 A.23 A.87, A.88 A.25 A.25 H. E. Hinton NCUACS 59/2/96 31 Index of correspondents PACIFIC COAST BIOLOGICAL SERVICE PARKER, Geoffrey A. POPE, Robert D. PRIESTLEY, Michael PUTTE, E. B. van der QUINN, Jo RALFS, Marguerite RICHMOND, Sir Mark (Henry) ROGERS, Gordon ROLLETT, A.P. ROSS, Don M. ROTHSCHILD, Alix de, Baronne ROTHSCHILD, Hon. Miriam Louisa SALT, George SAVAGE, Bob SLEIGH, Michael A. SMITH, David C. SMITH, Eric SMITH, RayF. SOTHEBY AND COMPANY SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) STOTT, Mary Boole STOTT, Jeanette STOTT, Leonard Boole STEEDS, John A.15 A.4, A.27 A.23 A.24 A.68 A.38 A.89 A.27 A.23 A.76 A.25, A.119 A.108 A.2, A.23, B.36 A.4, A.23, A.27 A.23 A.25 A.23 A.25 A.8 A.108 A.2, A.23 See A.64 A.65 A.63 A.24 H. E. Hinton NCUACS59/2/96 32 Index of correspondents TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram VOYNICH, EthelLillian WATERHOUSE, Douglas WATTLEY, Ellen Archbald WATTLEY, GeorgeAlbert WATTLEY, G. B. WATTLEY, Josephine WATTLEY,Julian St John WATTLEY, Ralph Beverley A.30, A.66-A.68 See also A.69-A.71, A.102 A.72 See also A.103 A.24 A.57 A.61 A.55 A.62, A.91 A.58 A.31, A.38, A.59, A.60 WIGGLESWORTH, Sir Vincent (Brian) B.17-B.25 WILLIAMS, Peter C. YONGE, Sir (Charles) Maurice A.25 A.24