HILL, John McGregor v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir John McGregor Hill FRS (b. 1921) by Nicola L. Ashbridge and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 82/3/99 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir John McGregor Hill, FRS (b.1921) Compiled by: Nicola L Ashbridge & Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1946-1994 Extent of material: 15 boxes, ca 379 items Depositedin: Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge Reference code: GB 14 © 1999 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACScatalogue no. 82/3/99 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CHURCHILL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.9 SECTION B PUBLICATIONS, SPEECHES AND LECTURES B.1-B.339 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1-C.20 53 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 56 5 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers werereceived in March 1999 from Sir John Hill. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR JOHN MCGREGOR HILL John McGregorHill was born in Chester on 21 February 1921. He attended Richmond County Grammar School in Surrey from 1930 to 1939. After leaving Grammar School he continued his education at King’s College, London, where he obtained a 1“ Class B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics. Between 1941 and 1946, Hill served in the Royal Air Force, rising to the rank of Flight Lieutenant in the Radar Branch. After leaving the Royal Air Force Hill studied for a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, researching the life span of short-lived radio nuclei. In 1948 he was appointed Lecturer in Physics in the University of London. In 1950 Hill joined the Department of Atomic Energy of the Ministry of Supply at the Windscale Works in Cumbria, marking the start of his career in atomic energy. His first task was to work with engineers involved in the commissioning of Britain’s first production nuclear reactors, the Windscale Piles, built for the production of plutonium for military purposes. When the headquarters of the industrial section of the organisation moved to Risley, Cheshire, in 1954,Hill joined the production team, which at the time was trying to determine future development and industrial policies for nuclear power. As Manager of the Production Group, Hill oversaw the uranium diffusion plan at Capenhurst, the fuel manufacturing plant at Springfields, the reprocessing plant at Windscale and the power-generating reactors at Calder and Chapelcross. Appointed to the Main Board of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (as the Department of Atomic Energy had been renamed) in 1964, Hill received rapid advancement within the organisation (Deputy Director, Technical Director, Deputy Managing Director, Director, and Managing Director) succeeding Lord Penney as Chairman of the UKAEA on 16 October 1967, a post he held until 1981. Hill also served as a member of the Advisory Council on Technology, 1968-1970. In April 1971, Hill became Chairman of British Nuclear Fuels Limited, (formerly the Production Group of UKAEA), and in 1975 he succeeded Sir Charles Cunningham as Chairman of the Radiochemical Centre Ltd (later Amersham International plc). He retired as Chairman of BNFL in 1983 and Amersham International plc in 1988. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 6 AmongHill's honours and awards were the Melchett Medal of the Institute of Fuel in 1974, the Sylvanus Thompson Medalof the Institute of Radiology in 1978 and the Foratom Award in 1979, for his outstanding contribution to nuclear power in Europe. Hill was elected to the Fellowships of the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Chemical Engineers, the Institution of Electrical Engineers, the Institute of Energy (President 1988) and was made a Foreign Associate of the US National Academyof Engineering in 1976. Hill was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1981, the Fellowship of Royal Academy of Engineering in 1982 and was made a Knight Bachelor in 1969. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The materialin this collection covers the period 1946-1994. It is presented in three sections. Section A, Biographical, is slight. It includes biographical profiles and press cuttings, and papers relating to Hills appointment and retirement from the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA). Section B, Publications, lectures and speeches, is the main bodyof the collection. The bulk of the material (B.1-B.339) consists of articles, speeches and lectures given during the period 1965- 1983. This covers Hill's chairmanship of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and the material may have been assembledin that context. At B.340-B.366 are a few later speeches and lectures (1987-1994) and a setof Hill’s publications is presented at B.347-B.350. Section C, Correspondence, is principally a chronological sequence, covering the period 1980- 1983, of carbon copies of Hill’s correspondence to ministers in the Department of Energy and to others in various organisations and institutions in Britain and abroad. During this period Hill was President of the Institute of Energy, Chairman of British Nuclear Fuels and Chairman of Amersham International plc. Kept separately by Hill were letters from Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, who were both Prime Minister at the time of writing. There is also a chronological sequenceof references and recommendations. There is also an index of correspondents. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wearegrateful to Sir John Hill for making the papers available. 7 N. L. Ashbridge T. E. Powell Bath 1999 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 SECTIONA BIOGRAPHICAL 8 A.1-A.9 A.1, A.2 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.3, A.4 PRESS CUTTINGS A.5-A.9 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.1, A.2 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1946-1983 A.1 A.2 11pp autobiographical sketch, prepared for the Personal Records of Fellows of The Royal Society, n. d.; 1p photocopy of proof for Hill’s Who’s Whoentry for the 1983 issue. Biographicalprofiles written to help those introducing him as speaker, with a list of research carried out by Hill and a bibliography to 1950. The bibliographyrelates to offprints at B.347-B.350. A.3, A.4 PRESS CUTTINGS 1967-1994 A.3 A.4 Newspaper articles about Lord Penney’s departure as Chairman of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), and Sir John Hill’s arrival as the new Chairman. October 1967. Newspaper cuttings. Includes two articles about the Dounreay Fast Reactor and its closure in 1994. A.5-A.9 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1970-1988 A.5 A.6 Correspondence from the Ministry of Technology, London, informing Hill of his appointment as Chairman of the Nuclear Fuel Company and of the UKAEA,20 January 1970 — 20 February 1970. Programme from Manchester Polytechnic, 30 November 1972, at which Hill became an Honorary Fellow of Manchester Polytechnic. Conferment of Honorary Fellowships, JM Hill NCUACS82/3/99 Biographical A.7 A.8 A.9 10pp photocopied typescript of Hill’s job description as Chairman of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, September 1972. Details of the organisation of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, 5 December 1977. 7pp typescript with correspondence. Amersham Group Newsletter ‘Ambit’, Number 29, May 1988. Includesarticle about Hill’s retirement as Chairman of Amersham International plc in April 1988. J. M. Hill NCUACS 82/3/99 10 SECTION B PUBLICATIONS, SPEECHES AND LECTURES B.1-B.350 The bulk of the material in this section consists of articles, speeches and lectures given during the period, 1965-1983. This covers Hill's chairmanship of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and the material may have been assembled in that context. Thetitle ‘speeches and lectures’ is that given to the papers by Hill himself. At B.340-B.366 are a few later speeches and lectures (1987- 1994) and a setofHill’s publications is presented at B.347-B.350. B.1-B.339 ‘SPEECHES AND LECTURES’ B.340-B.346 LATER SPEECHES AND LECTURES B.347-B.350 OFFPRINTS B.1-B.339 ‘SPEECHES AND LECTURES’ 1965-1983 B.1, B.2 ‘Civil Aspects of Atomic Energy’ by Sir William Penney, Imperial Defence College, 15 February 1965. B.1 B.2 B.3 16pp typescript with manuscript corrections + list of slides. Correspondenceetc re arrangements, 12 November 1965 - 7 March 1967. Speech for UK Delegation in the General Debate during the 11th Session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 29 September 1967. 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.4-B.8 ‘1968 Speeches’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.4 Note of an Address given to the General Committee of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 12 March 1968. 20pptypescript. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 11 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 Publications, speeches and lectures After-dinner speech, British Week, Stockholm, Sweden, 2 October 1968. 14pp typescript with annotations. International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference, 1968. 13pp typescript. Speech for Sheen GrammarSchool Prize Giving, 18 October 1968. 7pp typescript with 3pp manuscript notes. ‘Constructive Uses of Atomic Energy’, notes for speech at American Nuclear Society/Atomic International Forum Conference, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington D. C., USA, 12 November 1968. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.9-B.16 ‘1969 Speeches’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.9 The Nuclear Engineering Society Dinner, Risley, Cheshire, 21 February 1969. 4pp manuscriptdraft; 10pp typescriptdraft. B.10 Address to the Industrial Development Corporation, 28 March 1969. 3pp manuscript. ‘The Structure of the British Nuclear Industry’, 23 July 1969. 7pp photocopied typescript + diagram. B.12 Opening addressto the International Conference on Fast Reactor Irradiation Testing, Thurso Technical College, 15 April 1969. 5pp typescript. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 12 Publications, speeches and lectures B.13 B.14 ‘The Prospects of Fast Breeder Reactors in the United Kingdom’, Article for Nuclear Active, South Africa, 1969. 9pp photocopied typescript + figures and table. Addressfor the International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference, 25 September 1969. 10pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.15 ‘Nuclear Power’, 5 December 1969. 13pp typescript with annotations. B.16 Interview for Forbes Magazine, 23 October 1969. 6pp typescript with annotation. B.17-B.27 ‘1970 Speeches’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.17 Talk to Atomic Weapons Research Establishment Senior Management Course, Ascot, Berkshire, 12 May 1970. 4pp manuscript. B.18 Introductory comments for British Nuclear Energy Society Journal, July 1970. 2pp proof copy with manuscript corrections. B.19 (?) Interview with Mr E. Lubbock, August 1970. 18pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 13 Publications, speeches and lectures B.20, B.21 ‘Prospects for the Peaceful use of Nuclear Energy in the 1970s’, article, 1970. B.20 B.21 10pp typescript + 3pp figures. ‘Prospettive sugli usi pacifici dell’energia nucleare negli anni’70’, version of B.20, August - September 1970. Italian Offprint of article from Notriziario del CNEN. B.22 Chairman’s speechat Safari | Inauguration Dinner, 1970. 8pp typescript. B.23 Round table discussion between Hill, V. Sarabhai and G. Seaborg, 5 September 1970. 5pp photocopied typescript. B.24 Speech for Mr. Michaels’ farewell, 1970. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.25 Speech to the International Atomic Energy Agency General Conference, September 1970. 12pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.26 UK Atomic Energy Authority 16th Annual Report Press Conference, 1970. 6pp photocopied typescript. B.27 Spencer Park School Prize Giving, 8 October 1970. 4pp typescript. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 14 Publications, speechesand lectures B.28-B.30 ‘1971 Speeches’ Contents of folder so inscribed. B.28 B.29 ‘The Need for Industry to Welcome Change’, Benton & Bowles Ltd Luncheon, 22 January 1971. 15pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘The Need for Change in Technological Industry’, Association, 28 April 1971. Electrical Research 16pp typescript with manuscript corrections. B.30 Notes for speech at the Nuclear Engineering Society, 26 October 1971. 6pp manuscript. B.31-B.33 ‘Graphite Structures for Nuclear Reactors’. Lecture given to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Conference, 7-9 March 1972. B.31 B.32 B.33 5pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 3 May 1971-3 February 1972. ‘Moderator Structure Design in the United Kingdom - A Historical Survey’ by J. D. Hart, N. Prince and C. R. Simons, n. d. (This paper was found with the preceding material). B.34, B.35 ‘The Nuclear Power Industry in the U. K. and Europe’, address given at the Hudson Institute’s ‘Study of the Corporate Environment in the 1980s’ seminar, St. James’s Square, London, 10 March 1972. B.34 Papers re seminar arrangements. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 15 Publications, speechesand lectures B.35 Correspondence re arrangements, 5 January 1972 - 4 May 1972. B.36, B.37 ‘Impact of Science and Technology on Energy’, seminar at the Royal College of Defence Studies, Belgrave Square, London, 15-16 June 1972. B.36 B.37 B.38 B.39 Papers re seminar. Correspondence re seminar, 16 February 1972 - 23 June 1972. ‘Trends in Nuclear Product Improvement’, Nuclex ‘72, 16 October 1972. 8pp photocopied typescript. ‘The Role of Nuclear Energy in the Total Energy Mix’, Atomic Industrial Forum, International Conference, November 1972. 14pp photocopied typescript. B.40, B.41 ‘A Survey of Nuclear Power in the UK’, article for International Atomic Energy AgencyBulletin, December 1972. B.40 B.41 photocopied 6pp corrections, contains 1pp manuscriptdraft. typescript; 10pp draft typescript with manuscript Correspondencere article, 7 August - 2 November 1972. B.42, B.43 ‘Nuclear Power - its present problems and future prospects’, Fuel Luncheon Club, London, 16 January 1973. B.42 B.43 9pp typescript; 9pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; 2pp typescript draft passage with manuscript corrections. Correspondencere speech, 25 October 1972 - 8 February 1973. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 16 Publications, speechesandlectures B.44 Nuclear Engineering Society, 2 March 1973. 5pp typescript. B.45, B.46 ‘The “Energy Crisis” and Nuclear Power’, Electrical Industries Club Lunch, London, 13 March 1973. B.45 B.46 10pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence and papers re speech, 25 January 1972 - 5 April 1973. B.47, B.48 Institution of Mechanical Engineers Steam Plant Group Convention, 3 May 1973. B.47 B.48 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence re convention, 12 December 1972 - 7 May 1973. B.49-B.52 ‘The Effects of Science and Technology on Energy’, Royal College of Defence Studies. This lecture was given on three occasions between 1973 and 1975. B.49 B.50 B.51 B.52 Correspondence re arrangements for 1973 seminar, 21 March - 4 June 1973. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for 1974 and 1975 seminars, 1 February 1974 - 12 June 1975. Papers re arrangementsfor structure of talk and seminar. ‘The Royal College of Defence Studies Course Handbook 1974’. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 17 Publications, speeches and lectures B.53-B.56 ‘Energy in the 1980s - Future Trends in Nuclear Power Generation’, Royal Society Discussion Meeting, London, 15-16 November 1973. B.53 B.54 B.55 B.56 10pp typescript of lecture. Correspondence and papersre discussion meeting, 24 September 1973 - 24 November 1973. ‘Future Trends in Nuclear Power Generation’. 8pp offprint, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London. A. 276, (1974), pp 587-601. Correspondence and papersre article, 16 November 1973 - 18 December 1974. B.57, B.58 BBC Radio 4 - “Half Speed Ahead”, interview with George Luce, 3 January 1974. B.57 B.58 8pp photocopied typescript of interview. Correspondence re interview, 23 November - 14 December 1973. B.59-B.61 ‘Nuclear Power and the Fuel Crisis’, Allerdale Wyld Memorial Lecture, Workington, Cumbria, 7 March 1974. B.59 B.60 B.61 15pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 2pp typescript of introductory comments re lecture. Correspondencere lecture, 3 May 1973 - 6 March 1974. Programmesfor earlier Allerdale Wyld Memorial Lectures. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 18 Publications, speeches and lectures B.62 ‘Nuclear Power and Fuels Now andin the Future’, World Energy Conference, Detroit, Michigan, USA, September 1974. 7pp photocopied typescript. B.63-B.65 ‘British Atomic Energy and the Decade Ahead’, Coal Industry Society Lunch, London, 7 October 1974. B.63 B.64 B.65 B.66 10pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondencere talk, 3 July - 22 October 1974, The Coal Industry Society Diary, 1971-1972. ‘Atomic ‘Newswatch’, 7 October 1974. Energy’, London Broadcasting Company radio programme 3pp photocopied typescript of interview with J. Murry. B.67-B.69 The Company of Launderers, London, 7 October 1974. B.67 B.68 B.69 5pp typescript. Correspondence re speech, 20 September - 16 October 1974. ‘The Craft of Laundering’ by Ancliffe Prince, 1970. B.70-B.72 ‘The Energy Situation and the Role of Nuclear Power’, Brough Lecture, Paisley College of Technology, Renfrewshire, Scotland, 17 October 1974. B.70 B.71 14pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 14pp photocopied typescript. 2pp typescript of press release following Hill’s visit to the Paisley College of Technology, with manuscript corrections; 2pp draft typescript. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 19 Publications, speechesand lectures B.72 B.73 B.74 B.75 Correspondence and papers re Brough Lecture, 13 March - 31 October 1974. Untitled notes for talk delivered at Pelindaba, South Africa, 6 November 1974. 8pp manuscript. ‘The Energy Situation and the Role of Nuclear Power’, H. C. Orsted Institute, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7 April 1975. (Revised version of Brough Lecture). 14pp typescript; 15pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; 14pp photocopied typescript of original Brough Lecture with manuscript revision. Correspondencere toast made at the Nuclear Engineering Society Dinner, 7 March 1975. 21 January - 7 March 1975. B.76, B.77 ‘The Case for Nuclear Power - A Reply’, article for publication in UN Development Forum, July 1975. B.76 B.77 This is a reply to articles by E. Teller and H. O. G. Alfven. 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondencere article, 27 June 1975 - 3 July 1975. B.78-B.80 ‘Nuclear Power Comes of Age’, 1975. B.78 B.79 B.80 9pp photocopied typescript; 9pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondencere article, 14 August 1975 - 3 June 1976. “Coal and Energy Quarterly’ Number 6, Autumn 1975, pp10-15. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 20 Publications, speeches and lectures B.81-B.83 ‘Nuclear Power Comes of Age’, British Nuclear Energy Society (BNES), Cockcroft Memorial Lecture, November 1975. B.81 B.82 B.83 Offprint of lecture from J. Br. Nuclear Energy Soc., Vol. 15 (1976), pp105- 109; 18pp typescript + list of slides and table. Correspondencere lecture, 16 September 1974 - 5 February 1976. Pamphlet inscribed ‘Effective Lecture Slides’; 3pp typescript tables; 1pp typescript ‘Notes on the preparation of papers’. B.84-B.86 ‘Nuclear Power: the achievements, the problems and the myths’, The Melchett Lecture, Imperial College, London, 20 November 1975. B.84 B.85 B.86 Offprint of lecture from the Journalof the Institute of Fuel, March 1976; 23pp typescript + 2pp figures, 3pp typescript; 2pp typescript inscribed ‘Vote of Thanks: Melchett Lecture’, with manuscript corrections and annotation. Correspondence and papers re lecture, 6 January 1975 - 28 November 1975. Miscellaneous papersre lecture, includes 1pp photocopied typescript entitled ‘Individual Responsibility in Health and Safety’ by Professor Sir Frederick Warner and photocopies of press cuttings re electricity companies, Financial Times, 7 November 1975. B.87-B.89 Institution of Gas Engineers, Autumn Research Luncheon, 25 November 1975. B.87 B.88 5pp typescript; 5pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence re meeting luncheon, 24 September 1975 - 28 November 1975. J. M. Hill NCUACS 82/3/99 21 Publications, speeches andlectures B.89 Invitation to Hill for the Institution of Gas Engineers Research Luncheon; ‘Official Programme for 41st Autumn Research Meeting’; pamphlet re The Institution of Gas Engineers. B.90, B.91 Royal College of Science Association Annual Dinner, 28 November 1975. B.90 B.91 B.92 4pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence re Annual Dinner, 23 May 1975 - 12 November 1975. ‘The Energy Situation and the Role of Nuclear Power’, Kingston Polytechnic, Surrey, 27 January 1976. Correspondencere lecture, 15 May 1975 - 28 January 1976. B.93, B.94 Address to the Annual Conference of the Atomic Energy Branch of the Integrated Propulsion Control System (IPCS), 7 February 1976. B.93 B.94 7pp photocopied typescript. Correspondence re address, 30 December 1975 - 6 February 1976. B.95, B.96 ‘The Role of Nuclear Power as a Fuel Industry’, Newcastle Fuel Luncheon Club Meeting, 27 February 1976. B.95 B.96 B.97 7pp typescript. Correspondencere lecture, 19 September 1975 - 9 February 1976. ‘Nuclear Power - the Role it can play in the Future’, Energy International Meeting, 9 March 1976. 8pp typescript. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 22 Publications, speeches and lectures B.98 ‘The Abuse of Nuclear Power’, Financial Times Conference on Nuclear Power andthe Public Interest - the implication for business, 8-9 July 1976. 12pp typescript; 12pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. B.99 International Symposium on Uranium Supply and Demand, London, 1976. 6pp typescript of remarks madeby Hill at symposium banquet on 16 June 1976. B.100 ‘The Casefor the Fast Reactor’, The Times, 29 July 1976. 5pp typescript. B.101 ‘The Case for the Fast Reactor - Essential for our way of Life’, Observer, 1 August 1976. 8pp photocopied typescript. B.102, B.103 ‘Nuclear Power Generation’, British Association for the Advancement of Science’, July 1976. B.102 B.103 B.104 11pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; 4pp proof copy of lecture with manuscript corrections. Correspondenceand papers re publication, 22 June 1977. ‘Nuclear Vistas’, The Observer: Energy Extra, 1976. 4pp photocopied typescript. B.105 “Our Future Dependence on Nuclear Power’, The Times, 1976. 5pp photocopied typescript. B.106-B.108 Talk to US National Committee of World Energy Conference, 15 November 1976. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 23 Publications, speechesand lectures B.106 B.107 B.108 8pp photocopied typescript; 15pp photocopies of transparencies used as illustrations for talk. Notes concerning a discussion with Marcus Rowden, Chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 17 November 1976. 1pp typescript. Correspondence and papers re meetings with the British Embassy in Washington DC, 30 November 1976 - 16 December 1976. B.109-B.111 ‘Nuclear Power Decision Making in a Democratic Society’, Civil Service College, Ascot, Berkshire, 23 November 1976. B.109 B.110 B.111 11pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondence re seminar, 23 September 1976 - 15 February 1977. Papers re briefing for seminar, includes 2 pamphlets for courses at the Civil Service College, dated 22-25 November 1976 and 7-10 February 1977. B.112 UK Atomic Energy Authority Annual Press Conference, 15 September 1976. 6pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. B.113 -B.115 ‘Radioactive Waste Managementin the UK’, International Symposium on the Management of Wastes from the LWR Fuel Cycle, Denver, Colorado, USA, 11-16 July 1976. B.113 10pp photocopied typescript. B.114 Correspondencere lecture, 4 March 1977. B.115 Published version in Atom, No. 240, (1976), pp250-253. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 24 Publications, speechesand lectures B.116 ‘The Energy Situation in the United Kingdom’, Energy International N. V., January 1977. 12pp typescript + figures. B.117 Toast given to the Institute of Bankers, 21 February 1977. 5pp typescript. B.118-B.121 Toast to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Annual Dinner, London, 23 February 1977. B.118 14pp typescript. B.119 B.120 ‘ist draft’ 7pp typescript; ‘2nd draft’ 9pp Several drafts of Hill’s toast: ‘Third draft’ 9pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 8pp typescript; typescript with manuscript corrections + 3pp manuscript notes attached to typescript. Correspondence re Institution of January 1977 - 14 March 1977. Electrical Engineers Annual Dinner, 4 B.121 Papers re arrangements for Annual Dinner. B.122-B.124 Speech for Closure of Dounreay Fast Reactor, 23 March 1977. B.122 B.123 5pp typescript of speech. Papers re arrangements for ceremony, including 1pp photocopied typescript of Hill's career, 10pp photocopied typescript of the Press Visit to Dounreay, (includes an extract from a speech made by Sir David Eccles), 6pp photocopied typescript of address made by Lord Hinton of Bankside, 2pp photocopied typescript detailing Lord Hinton’s life. B.124 Correspondence re DounreayPressVisit, 4 February - 25 March 1977. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 25 Publications, speeches andlectures B.125-B127 ‘The Energy Gap and the Fast Reactor’, Glasgow Symposium on the breeder reactor, University of Strathclyde, 25 March 1977. B.125 10pp typescript of lecture + note; 8pp draft of talk. B.126 Correspondencere lecture, 18 November 1976 - 4 July 1977. B.127 Papers re talk, including Lord Hinton of Bankside’s Symposium paper entitled ‘The Birth of the Breeder’. B.128-B.130 Speech given at the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (IMM) Dinner, 28 April 1977. B.128 B.129 B.130 13pp photocopied typescript of speech; correspondence. 7pp typescript of speech given after Hill’s at the IMM Dinner. IMM Bulletin, Number 848, July 1977. B.131, B.132 Speech madeby Hill at the Opening of the British Steel Works in Sheffield, 27 April 1977. B.131 8pp typescript of speech. B.132 B.133 1pp manuscript and 8pp typescript with manuscript corrections, draft of speech. Correspondence re arrangements for the Stainless Plate Open Day, 15 December 1976 - 13 May 1977. B.134-B.138 ‘Status and Programmefor the Fast Breeder Reactor in the UK’, Salzburg Conference, Austria, 2-13 May 1977. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 26 Publications, speechesandlectures B.134 B.135 B.136 B.137 B.138 18pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 16pp photocopied typescript draft with corrections; 1pp manuscript notes of Hill’s address at Salzburg. Opening comments for Conference, including 1pp photocopied typescript of the Chairman’s [W. B. Lewis] opening remarks; 9pp photocopied typescript of address given by R. W. Fri, Acting Administrator of the U S Energy Research and Development Administration at the Conference. Papers re Conference, includes 2pp photocopied article from Nuclear Fuel, 21 March 1977, notitle given; 10pp photocopied article ‘The Prospects for the World Nuclear Energy Market’, Nuclear Engineering International, (1976) pp 91-109. Correspondence re Conference, 17 January - 24 June 1977. Conference papers: 4pp photocopied typescript of oral presentation by N. L. Franklin at the Conference (presentation written in collaboration with Hill); 7pp photocopied typescript of statement made by J. S. Nye at the Conference, 2 May 1977; 2pp photocopied typescript of press conference given by Nye; 11pp photocopied typescript of C. Allday’s Conference paper ‘International Co-operation in the Supply of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Services’. B.139, B.140 ‘This House considers that our grandchildren will curse us for squandering their inheritance’, Union Society Debate, Durham University, Durham, 16 May 1977. Hill's opposed the motion. B.139 6pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 7pp of additional notes; 3pp typescript. B.140 Correspondencere debate, 14 April - 10 May 1977. B.141-B.143 ‘Nuclear Power - The Real Problems and the Emotional Issues of the Public Debate’, University of York, 19 May 1977. B.141 15pp typescriptof lecture. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 27 Publications, speeches and lectures B.142 B.143 Correspondencere arrangements, 9 November 1976 - 25 January 1977. Papers re lecture: 2pp press release inscribed ‘Combating Terrorism’ which highlights the Atomic Energy Authority's plans to produce a hijack-proof plutonium reprocessing system; 1p photocopyof press cuttings from 20 May 1977, reporting on Hill’s lecture at York. B.144-B.148 Seminar on Nuclear Policy, Civil Service College, Sunningdale, 13-14 May 1977. B.144 B.145 B.146 B.147 B.148 Papers outlining all three sessions of the seminar. 3pp photocopied typescript information; covering letter. Papers re Energy Policy Review. Correspondence re seminar, 28 April - 28 July 1977. Papers re briefing for seminar, including a press cutting from The Times, 12 May 1977; 2pp typescript inscribed ‘Explanatory Statement on MUF figures’; 8pp photocopied typescript entitled ‘The U. S. Presidential Nuclear Policy andits Implications’. B.149-B.151 ‘Ferritic Steels for Fast Reactor Steam Generators’, British Nuclear Energy Society Conference, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 30 May - 2 June 1977. B.149 B.150 B.151 4pp typescript of opening remarks for Conference. Correspondencere arrangements, 21 March- 11 July 1977. Conference programme. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 28 Publications, speeches and lectures B.152, B.153 ‘Implications of a large Nuclear Programme for Public Security and Civil Liberty’, King’s College, London, 2 June 1977. This event was organised by the Department of War Studies King’s College, London and sponsored bythe Nuffield Foundation. B.152 Papers re seminar arrangements, includes 3pp photocopied typescript inscribed ‘Societal Implications of Plutonium Utilisation’. B.153 Correspondencere arrangements, 7 April - 11 July 1977. B.154 ‘The Transport of Nuclear Fuel’, Energy International N. V., 1977. 6pp typescript; 6pp typescript with manuscript corrections; 14pp photocopied typescript of draft outline + diagram; figures and table. B.155 Conservative Party Energy Committee Meeting, 23 June 1977. Correspondencere arrangements, 3 May - 19 August 1977. B.156 ‘Nuclear Power and the Energy Future’, International Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, RoyalInstitution Forum, 11-12 October 1977. 3pp typescript of introductory remarks, 18pp photocopied typescript of lecture; correspondence re BBCtelevision documentary school programme about nuclear defence. B.157 Fuel Luncheon Club: Presidential Address, 18 October 1977. 7pp typescript; 7pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. B.158-B.161 B.158 ‘Geological Aspects of Uranium in the Environment’, lecture for symposium entitled Why Nuclear Energy? Department of Applied Geology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 12 November 1977. 11pp typescript of lecture given at the Strathclyde Symposium; photocopied typescript for Geological Society Miscellaneous Paper, No. 7, (1978), pp 4- 11; 8pp photocopyof proof with manuscript corrections. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 29 Publications, speechesand lectures B.159 B.160 B.161 Correspondence and papers re publication; 1p typescript of abstract for article; 1p manuscript of abstract; 3pp typescript of abstract with amended version of article. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 11 July 1977 - 14 February 1978. Papers given at Strathclyde Symposium: 8pp photocopyof typescriptentitled ‘Proving a potential site for the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste’, by J. D. Mather; 10pp photocopyof typescript, ‘Geological Aspects of disposalof solid, high-level radioactive waste’ by D. A. Gray. B.162, B.163 ‘Proliferation and Nuclear Power - The differences in the United States and Europe’, Mid Atlantic Club, London, 22 November 1977. B.162 6pp typescriptof talk. B.163 Correspondencere meeting, 4 May - 10 October 1977. B.164-B.170 ‘Nuclear Power in the Public Eye’, Royal Society of Arts, London, 25 January 1978. B.164 B.165 20pp typescript of lecture; 2pp typescript of list of slides used at the lecture; 1pp manuscriptlist of slides; 2pp typescriptoflist of those invited to lecture. Offprint of article, Atom, Number 257 (1978), pp 3-12; 9pp uncorrected proof of Royal Society of Arts Lecture. B.166, B.167 Correspondence re arrangements, 1 June 1977 - 18 August 1978. 2 folders. B.168 6 photocopied pagesof press cuttings, February - March 1977. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 30 Publications, speeches and lectures B.169 Programmes, pamphlets and booklets re Royal Society of Arts. B.170 Photographs of graphs, newspaper headlines, etc. B.171-B.175 ‘The Scope and Limitations of International Co-operation concerning the Nuclear Fuel Cycle’, Nuclear Energy Agency 20th Anniversary Symposium, Paris, France, 1-2 February 1978. B.171 18pp photocopied typescript of lecture. B.172 Correspondencere lecture, 2 September 1977 - 11 January 1978. B.173 Papersre lecture. B.174 Symposium programme. B.175 Other papers given at the symposium. B.176-B.178 ‘Energy and the Future’, Institute of Credit Management, Annual National Conference, London, 15 March 1978. B.176 B.177 B.178 13pp typescript of address; 11pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections; 3pp manuscript draft. There are manuscript notes inserted within the draft. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 20 June 1977 - 22 February 1978. Two programmes for the Conference from 1977 and 1978. Institute of Credit Management’s National J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 31 Publications, speeches and lectures B.179-B.184 ‘Nuclear Waste Disposal’, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 16 February 1978. B.179 B.180 B.181 B.182 B.183 B.184 18pp photocopied typescript of lecture + graph and one table attached; 2pp photocopied typescript with manuscript note of slides usedin lecture; 7pp typescript of lecture (differing slightly from final version of article and lecture). Offprint of article, ‘Nuclear Waste Disposal’, Atom, Number 259, (May 1978); 12pp photocopied typescript of article with slight amendments. 46pp typescript of the Institution of Electrical Engineers Question and Answer session, 16 February 1978. Correspondence and papers re lecture, 16 June 1977 - 11 July 1978. Photocopiesof slides usedin the lecture + tables. Press Release, ‘Nuclear Waste Disposal’, 15 February 1978. B.185, B.186 Nuclear Engineering Society Annual Dinner, 10 March 1978. B.185 B.186 B.187-B.193 B.187 7pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondenceand papersre Annual Dinner. ‘Nuclear Power and the Environment’, The Sylvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture, of Radiology (BIR) joint meeting and annual congress, 14 April 1978. Institute British 20pp typescript of lecture; 20pp proof copy of lecture with annotation and manuscript corrections; 20pp photocopied typescript with annotation and manuscript corrections. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 32 Publications, speeches and lectures B.188 B.189 Offprint of the Sylvanus Thompson Memorial Lecture, British Journal of Radiology, Vol. 52, (1979), pp2-13. Photographs of Windscale, Springfield, Hinkley Point ‘B’ and Haddam Neck Plant nuclear power stations; photographs of tables, diagrams and graphs; 2pp photocopied typescript inscribed ‘Radiation Exposure of the Public’. B.190 Correspondencere lecture, 29 June 1977 - 11 September 1979. 2 folders. B.191 B.192 4pp press release, ‘Nuclear Power and the Environment’, 14 April 1978. Booklet of the Joint Meeting andthirty-sixth BIR Annual Congress Scientific Exhibition, 13-14 April 1978. B.193 Handbookof the British Institute of Radiology, 1966. B.194-B.199 ‘Alternative Nuclear Power Systems’, Conference on Energy and the Spread of Nuclear Technology, Ditchley Park, Enstone, Oxfordshire, 28-30 April 1978. B.194 B.195 B.196 B.197 B.198 14pp typescript of lecture + graphs. Papers re arrangements for conference including 2pp photocopy of transparencies usedin lecture. Correspondence re arrangements, 1 September 1977 - 4 May 1978. Information about Ditchley Foundation. Photocopyof anarticletitled ‘Plutonium: when too muchis not a good thing’, The Times, 25 April 1978. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 33 Publications, speeches and lectures B.199 16pp photocopied typescript ‘The Case for Fast Breeder Reactors’. Lecture given by T. N. Marsham at the Ditchley Conference. B.200 Shell International Symposium, 16 May 1978. Correspondencere arrangements with attached booklet. B.201 Speech given at the opening of Risley Computer Centre, Risley, Cheshire, 19 May 1978. 4pp typescript. B.202 The Windscale Enquiry, Energy International N. V., 5 June 1978. 4pp typescript. B.203 The Times Special Report on Energy, October 1978. 2pp typescript entitled ‘Nuclear Power; correspondence re draft article. B.204, B.205 ‘Fuel - The Broader Perspective’, National Energy Management Conference, National Conference Centre, Birmingham, 10 October 1978. B.204 App typescript of speech. B.205 B.206 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1 September - 23 October 1978. ‘Factors Influencing the Growth of Nuclear Power’, Advisory Committee of EnergyInternational, 16 October 1978. 5pp typescript correspondencere paper. of paper; 4pp typescript with manuscript corrections; B.207, B.208 ‘The Fast Reactor - A Problem of Engineering and a Problem of Public Acceptance’, speech given to the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, during a series of lectures on ‘Energy and its Problems’. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 34 Publications, speechesand lectures B.207 13pp typescript + photocopies of transparencies used to illustrate talk; typescripts of figures. B.208 Correspondence and papersre lecture, 23 June 1978 - 28 November 1978. B.209, B.210 ‘The British Energy Scene’, North West Fuel Luncheon Club, 5 December 1978. B.209 B.210 B.211, B.212 B.211 B.212 5pp typescript; 5pp typescript with manuscript corrections and annotation. Correspondencere talk, 21 August 1978 - 4 December 1978. ‘The World Energy Situation and its Programme’, Oxfordshire, 26 January 1979. Colloquium, Culham effect on our Nuclear Energy Abingdon, Laboratory, Culham Correspondence re arrangements, 17 October 1978 - 6 February 1979. 36pp photocopied typescript, Culham Laboratory: Report, January - June 1978. Half-Yearly Progress B.213, B.214 ‘This House would Halt the Nuclear Programme’, Union Society Debate, Cambridge, 5 February 1979. Hill opposed this motion. B.213 B.214 6pp photocopied typescript of discussion with annotation and manuscript corrections. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1 August 1978 - 15 February 1979. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 35 Publications, speeches and lectures B.215-B.217 The Energy Show, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 19-25 February 1979. B.215 B.216 5pp typescript of Lunchtime address, 21 February 1979. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 26 July 1978 - 6 February 1979. B.217 5pp typescript of minutes for meeting held at the Institute of Energy. B.218-B.222 ‘The Quest for Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power’, British Nuclear Engineering Society Lecture, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 26 April 1979. B.218 B.219 B.220 B.221 16pp typescript of lecture; 16pp photocopied typescript, amended by ‘Mr Vey’ for reprinting in the Edison Electric Institution Journal. Offprint of lecture, Atom, No. 273, (1979), pp 2-8. Offprint of lecture, Nuclear Energy, Vol. 18, (1979), pp 301-309. Papers re lecture: 3pp typescript list of recipients + attached note; 22pp typescript inscribed ‘Discussion Contributions’. photocopied typescript inscribed ‘Replies’; 11pp B.222 Correspondence re lecture, 3 March 1978 - 14 December 1979. B.223-B.225 ‘The Role of Nuclear Power’ Glasgow Symposium on “Power for the 90s”, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, May 1979. B.223 9pp typescript draft of lecture; 10pp photocopied typescript of lecture with manuscript corrections and indications for slides. B.224 Correspondence re arrangements, 5 January - 7 May 1979. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 36 Publications, speeches and lectures B.225 Papers re seminar: 1p typescript of the ‘preliminary outline programme’; 1p typescript of the day’s agenda; background material. B.226, B.227 United Reprocessor Group (URG) presentation and cocktail European Nuclear Conference, Hamburg, West Germany, 7-11 May 1979. party at B.226 15pp photocopied typescript of address given by Hill, 10 May 1979. B.227 Correspondence re arrangements, 18 April - 27 April 1979. B.228-B.230 B.228 B.229 European Conference, Hamburg, West Germany, 7-11 May 1979. (ENS)/American Nuclear Society Nuclear Society (ANS) 9pp typescript of resumé; 7pp photocopied typescript draft of resumé with manuscript corrections. Booklet, titled ‘Nuclear Power Programmein Egypt: an information paper submitted to the European Nuclear Conference on Nuclear Power Options for the World’. B.230 Correspondencesentto Hill after the conference, 18 May - 25 May 1979. B.231-B.232 B.231 ‘The Driving Forcesof Proliferation’, International Conference on Reconciling Energy Needs and Non-Proliferation, Bonn, West Germany, 13-16 May 1979. 14pp typescript draft of lecture; 14pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; photocopied offprint with annotations of published version lecture of B.232 Correspondence and papers re lecture, 4 December 1978 - 29 April 1980. J. M. Hill NCUACS 82/3/99 37 Publications, speeches and lectures B.233-B.235 Foratom Award Ceremony, European Nuclear Conference, Hamburg, West Germany, 10 May 1979. The material relates to the speech given byHill after receiving the Foratom Award, for his contribution to nuclear power in Europe. B.233 3pp photocopied typescript of luncheon speech; 3pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. B.234 Correspondence re Award, 16 May 1979 - 11 July 1979. B.235 B.236 B.237 1pp typescript draft of press statement; 2pp typescript background note for the editor outlining Hill’s achievements. The Accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant’, Energy International N. V., May 1979. 16pp typescript + figures. ‘The Future Requirements for Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing’, Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing: Society of Chemical Industry Conference, May 1979. 13pp photocopied typescript draft of lecture; 11pp typescript of lecture; offprint of published version, Chemistry and Industry, 16 June 1979, pp 406- 409. B.238, B.239 British Nuclear Forum, Annual Lunch, 16" Annual General Meeting, London, 20 June 1979. B.238 B.239 5pp typescript of address. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 20 October 1978 - 25 June 1979. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 38 Publications, speeches and lectures B.240 ‘Nuclear Power - Choice of Reactor’, Electrical Power Engineers Association, National Executive Committee Weekend Seminar, 28-30 September 1979. Correspondence re arrangements, 6 August - 9 October 1979. No copyof speech. B.241, B.242 ‘Energy Choices for the Future’, Parliamentary Liaison Group for Alternative Energy Strategies, House of Commons, London, 29 October 1979. B.241 5pp typescriptof lecture list of slides. B.242 Correspondencere group meeting, 24 May 1979 - 21 February 1980. B.243-B.246 ‘That Britains Dependence on Nuclear Power will result in Disaster’, Union Society Debate, Oxford, 16 November 1979. Hill opposed the motion. B.243 5pp typescript; 6pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. B.244, B.245 Background material. 2 folders. B.246 Correspondence and papersre debate, 1 July - 16 November 1979. B.247, B.248 ‘This House believes that the nuclear source is an essential component in the overall British energy strategy’, University of Bristol Debating Society, Bristol, 25 January 1980. B.247 5pp typescript. B.248 Correspondencere arrangements, 11 January - 17 January 1980. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 39 Publications, speeches and lectures B.249-B.251 ‘Energy Choices for the Future’, Science in Society Debate Conference on ‘The Future of Nuclear Energy’, North East London Polytechnic, London, 30 January 1980. B.249 5pp photocopied typescript of address+ list of slides. B.250 1p photocopy of page from Time Out with small section on debate. B.251 Correspondencere arrangements, 5 July 1979 - 1 February 1980. B.252, B.253 ‘Nuclear Power and Society’, University of Kent Open Lecture, Canterbury, Kent, 29 February 1980. B.252 B.253 17pp typescriptof lecture. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 23 July 1979 - 4 March 1980. B.254, B.255 Young Members Annual Dinner, East India Devonshire Sports and Public Schools Club, 31 January 1980. B.254 B.255 B.256 5pp photocopied typescript of manuscript notes on backof typescript. lecture with manuscript corrections, 1p Correspondence re annual dinner, 4 February 1980. Parliamentary Labour Party Energy Group, House of Commons, London, 16 April 1980. Correspondencere discussion, 1 - 18 April 1980. B.257, B.258 Premiere of documentary film ‘Using Radioactivity’, Princess Anne Theatre, Piccadilly, London, 1 May 1980. B.257 2pp photocopyofHill’s introduction to the film. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 40 Publications, speeches and lectures B.258 Correspondence and papersre premiere, 21 March - 23 April 1980. B.259, B.260 Systems Reliability Service, 10" Anniversary, International Press Centre, London, 16 May 1980. B.259 2pp typescript corrections. of introduction to J. Locke’s speech with manuscript B.260 Correspondencere arrangements, 22 January - 29 April 1980. B.261, B.262 Uranium Supply, All-Party Minerals Group, House of Commons, London, 9 July 1980. Thetalk wasoriginally scheduled for 25 June 1980. B.261 B.262 4pp typescript of brief for talk with manuscript notes on the last page. Correspondence re talk, 23 April - 10 July 1980. B.263, B.264 Speech given at the International Atomic Energy Agency XIV General Conference, Vienna, Austria, 22 September 1980. B.263 14pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections and annotation inscribed ‘as delivered’; 11pp photocopied typescript of draft with manuscript corrections; 7pp typescript of speech; 2pp manuscriptdraft. B.264 Correspondence reHill’s speech, 12 - 18 September 1980. B.265, B.266 ‘Nuclear Power and Public Concern’, Leaders magazine, October 1980. B.265 B.266 5pp typescript ofarticle. Correspondence re arrangementsfor publication of Hill’s article, 9 April 1980 - 6 March 1981. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 At Publications, speeches and lectures B.267, B.268 ‘The Great Nuclear Debate’, Westminster Branch of the British Institute of ManagementDiscussion meeting, London, 14 October 1980. B.267 8pp typescript of lecture. B.268 Correspondence re arrangements, 21 September - 5 October 1979. B.269-B.271 Speech given at the JET Inauguration Ceremony, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 16 October 1980. B.269 B.270 3pp typescript of speech; correspondence re amendments to lecture; 2pp typescript of amended version of speech. Correspondence re arrangements and contents of speech, 7-21 October 1980. B.271 Papers re programme of proceedings. B.272, B.273 ‘The Real Problems and the Problems as perceived by the Public’, Institute of Petroleum, London Branch Committee, Annual Luncheon Meeting, London, 24 November 1980. B.272 10pp photocopied typescript of lecture with manuscript corrections; 8pp typescript of lecture. B.273 Correspondencere arrangements, 11 June - 28 November 1980. B.274-B.276 ‘After the Great Nuclear Debate’, Heriot Watt University Public Lecture, Edinburgh, 25 November 1980. B.274 B.275 18pp typescript of speech; offprint from for Atom, No. 291, (1981), pp 2-8. Correspondence re arrangements andletters of thanks for speech, 14 May 1980 - 5 January 1981. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 42 Publications, speeches andlectures B.276 Papers re background researchfor lecture. B.277, B.278 All-Party Minerals Group, House of Commons, London, 3 December 1980. B.277 B.278 Material re meeting, includes 3 typescripts by L. M. Curtis. Correspondence re arrangements and letters of thanks for lecture, 15 September - 4 December 1980. B.279-B.282 ‘Comparison of the benefits and risks associated with the utilisation of various energy sources’, Conference on the Hazard in Human Activities, Florence, Italy, 14-15 January 1981. B.279 B.280 B.281 16pp photocopied typescript of lecture with annotation and manuscript corrections; manuscript corrections + tables. 12pp photocopied lecture typescript of with Papers re conference, include 3pp manuscript notes written during Session 4 of the conference, 2pp manuscript inscribed ‘References’ + tables and slide material. Correspondence re arrangements, letters of thanks, 3 July 1980 - 22 June 1981. B.282 12pp typescript of lecture by G. Varasi given at conference. B.283, B.284 Untitled draft inscribed ‘How to Manage’, 6 February 1981. This draft was written after Hill was approached by Professor R. Wild, regarding his book ‘How to Manage’, a compilation of personal views on aspects of management. B.283 3pp typescript of article with annotations; 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections. J. M. Hill NCUACS 82/3/99 43 Publications, speeches andlectures B.284 Correspondence between Hill and Wild re article, 25 November 1980 - 28 September 1981. B.285, B.286 ‘International Collaboration in Nuclear Fuel Services’, article for Nuclear Engineering International, February 1981. B.285 B.286 8pp photocopied typescript draft with manuscript corrections (first page of article is missing); 7pp typescript. Correspondencebetween British Nuclear Fuels Limited, Nuclear Engineering International and Hill, 21 November 1980 - 17 February 1981. B.287-B.289 ‘The Question of Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power’, Dallas Lecture, Glasgow Junior Chamber of Commerce, Glasgow, 10 March 1981. B.287 B.288 B.289 16pp typescript of lecture. Correspondencere lecture, 10 September 1980 - 20 February 1981. Papers re lecture, includes 35pp photocopied typescript of lecture from previous year by Sir David McNee and 2pp photocopied typescriptlist of all Dallas Lectures since 1944. B.290-B.292 ‘Fact and Fiction in the Nuclear Debate’, British Nuclear Medicine Society, Annual Congress, Imperial College, London, 6 April 1981. B.290 B.291 B.292 17pp typescript of lecture; 14pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; 5p manuscript draft of lecture (this is only part of the lecture). Correspondence re arrangements, 24 October 1980 - 2 April 1981. Material related to congress, including articles possibly used by Hill when writing his lecture. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 44 Publications, speeches and lectures B.293-B.295 Council of Engineering Institutions (CEI) Northern Branch Annual Lecture, Departmentof Physics, University of Newcastle, 4 April 1981. B.293 B.294 B.295 16pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections; 17pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. An earlier version of this paper had been given as the 1981 Dallas Lecture, see B.287. Correspondence re arrangements, 4 September 1980 - 18 June 1981. ‘Fact and Fiction in the Nuclear Debate’, Northern Executive, Issue No. 2, (1981). B.296-B.298 ‘Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power’, Canadian Nuclear Association oo Annual International Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 7-9 June 1981. The theme of this conference was Canada’s Nuclear Contribution to World Energy Supply. B.296 B.297 B.298 7pp typescript of conference paper; slightly different 4pp photocopied typescript. Papers re arrangements, including agenda for conference and booklet. Correspondencere arrangements, 16 January - 13 July 1981. B.299-B.301 Address given at the Honorary Degree Ceremony, Bradford University, Yorkshire, 11 July 1981. Hill received an Honorary Doctorate in Science (D.Sc.) at this ceremony. B.299 B.300 8pp typescript of address with manuscriptcorrections. Papers re the ceremony,including biographical details of other recipients of honorary degrees. B.301 Correspondencere arrangements, 30 July 1980 - 13 July 1981. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 45 Publications, speeches and lectures B.302, B.303 ‘Twenty Five Years of Nuclear Power’, article for Nucear Active, October 1981. B.302 B.303 4pp typescript of article. Correspondence re publication, 16 June - 8 December 1981. B.304, B.305 ‘Twenty Five Years of Nuclear Power’, New Scientist, 19 November 1981, pp11-13 B.304 B.305 6pp typescript of article; 3pp photocopied offprint. Correspondencerearticle, 27 August 1981 - 1 December 1981. B.306, B.307 ‘The Future for Nuclear Power in Europe’, Nuclear Europe, No. 2, November 1981. B.306 B.307 B.308 B.309 B.310 3pp typescript of article. Correspondence re article, 7 October - 25 November 1981. Institute of Energy, North-Eastern Section Dinner Dance, 16 October 1981. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 24 April - 8 October 1981. ‘Fact and Fiction in the Nuclear Debate’, Industrial Fuel Economy Group, 20 October 1981. Correspondence re arrangements for lecture, 30 October 1980 - 6 January 1981. Lecture not included, see B.295. Kent & Sussex Branch Council of Engineering Institutions (CEI), 1981 Annual Lecture, Marconi Avionics, Rochester, Kent, 27 October 1981. Correspondencere arrangements, 31 January - 8 October 1981. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 46 Publications, speeches and lectures B.311, B.312 ‘Fact and Fiction in the Nuclear Debate’, Energy Industries’ Club Luncheon Meeting, London, 20 October 1981. B.311 5pp typescript of address. B.312 Correspondencere arrangements, 30 March - 1 October 1981. B.313, B.314 British Nuclear Energy Society International Conference on Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles, Café Royal, London, 9-12 November 1981. B.313 B.314 6pp typescript of opening address. Correspondencere arrangements, 23 June - 21 October 1981; programme. B.315, B.316 ‘Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power’, London and Home Counties Section, Institute of Energy, Royal Institution, London, 4 February 1982. B.315 B.316 7pp typescript of lecture. Correspondence between K. Barnham of Imperial College, London andHill, re his lecture at the Royal Institution, 9 March 1982 - 25 March 1982. B.317, B.318 ‘The Cost of the Fuel Cycle in the Overall Cost of Nuclear Power in the U.K.’, 15" Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Annual Conference, Tokyo, 8-10 March 1982. B.317 B.318 2pp typescript of synopsis; 8pp typescript of speech + list of slides; 8pp typescript of speech with annotations and manuscript corrections. Correspondenceand papers re Conference, includes 3pp typescript of BNFL Newsitem aboutHill’s speech and pamphlet from conference. B.319-B.321 The Institute of Energy Scottish Section, Annual Dinner, Royal Scottish Automobile Club, Glasgow,7 April 1982. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 47 Publications, speeches and lectures B.319 B.320 B.321 5pp manuscript of speech; 6pp typescript of speech; 6pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections. Correspondencere arrangements, 2 December 1981 - 17 March 1982. Papers re Annual Dinner, includes BNFL News item about Hill's speech in Glasgow. B.322-B.324 ‘Pressurised Water Reactor in the U. K.’ Institution of Mechanical Engineers Conference, London, 11 April 1982. B.322 B.323 B.324 4pp typescript of closing speech. Correspondencere arrangements, 10 February - 13 May 1982. Papers detailing the Conference agenda and delegates. B.325-B.327 ‘An Expanding Nuclear Programme and the World Energy Glut’, American Nuclear Society (ANS)/European Nuclear Society (ENS) Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 26-30 April 1982. Prior to this conference Hill had been elected Honorary Member of the European Nuclear Society (ENS). B.325 B.326 B.327 7pp typescript; 7pp photocopied typescript with manuscript corrections, 29 April 1982. Correspondence re arrangements, 4 September 1981 - 22 April 1982. Papers re conference, includes programmeand lecture by G. Vendryes. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 48 Publications, speeches and lectures B.328 Mesopotamia & Pieforce Annual Dinner, East India Club, London, 25 June 1982. 4pp typescript correspondence. of notes for speech with manuscript corrections; B.329, B.330 ‘Nuclear Power in a Reduced Energy Market’, Coal and Energy Quarterly, August 1982. B.329 7pp typescript of article. B.330 Correspondence between Hill and the National Coal Board re article, 11 May - 26 August 1982. B.331-B.333 ‘The Formation of Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power’, Uranium Institute, Seventh Annual Symposium, London, 1-3 September1982. B.331 B.332 B.333 7pp typescript corrections. of lecture; 5pp typescript of lecture with manuscript Programmesand background material. Correspondence re arrangements for the symposium, 24 March - 26 July 1982. B.334 ‘Sizewell Inquiry’, October 1982. 2pp typescript containing paragraphs requested by Sir Alistair Frame, Managing Director of UKAEA, following a meeting about the future of nuclear energy; 3pp typescript ‘Dounreay and the Fast Reactor’ with attached correspondencefrom Hill to Lord McAlpine. B.335, B.336 ‘The Problems of New Technologies in a Rapidly Changing EnergySituation’, Wilson Campbell Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 14 March 1983. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 49 Publications, speeches and lectures B.335 B.336 B.337 offprint from Proc. Annotated 16pp photocopied typescript of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 198A, (1983), pp107-112, (Originally published in Atom, May 1983). lecture; Correspondence between Hill and L. Maunder of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1 February - 29 July 1982. ‘Expectations in the World Energy Nuclear Market’, Energy International N. V., March 1983. 5pp typescriptof lecture. B.338 Foreword for Simon Rippon’s book‘Nuclear Energy’, n. d. 2pp typescript. B.339 Notes for talk to EEPTU Course, Esher, Surrey, 19 January 1983. 1p typescript of notes. B.340-B.346 LATER SPEECHES AND LECTURES 1987-1994 B.340 Ned Franklin Tribute, 27 January 1987. 29pp typescript of address given at N. L. Franklin’s Memorial Service; 5pp biographical note; correspondencere service, 27 January - 4 February 1987. B.341 Tom Marsham Memorial Lecture, University of Liverpool, 20 February 1991. 6pp typescript on T. N. Marsham’s life and career; correspondence; poster. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 50 Publications, speechesand lectures B.342 ‘The Formative Years of URENCO’, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, 5 June 1992. Urenco Limited was an organisation set up in Britain to oversee the operation of centrifuge plants. 7pp typescript of lecture with manuscript corrections; correspondence from R. Pannier of Urenco Limited, 17 June 1992 with correspondence dating from 1968 which relates to a presentation given by Hill to Urenco Limited in that year. B.343 ‘The Closure of the Prototype Fast Reactor’, 30 March 1994. 16pp typescript of lecture. B.344 Harwell 50" Anniversary, ca. 1996. 7pp photocopyof typescript for speech to celebrate 50" anniversary of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell. B.345 ‘The Problem of Nuclear Waste’, n. d. 6pp photocopied typescript of lecture with manuscript corrections. B.346 ‘The Case for Thorp’, n. d. 2pp photocopyof typescript written by Hill and W. Wilkinson. This is a reply to a paper written by Frans Berkhout entitled ‘Should THORP operate’. B.347-B.350 OFFPRINTS 1946-1994 A set of Hill’s publications from 1946 to 1994 are included here. They have been presented in four folders. B.347 1946 - 1950. ‘Rate of spread of discharge along the wire of a Geiger counter’, Nature Vol. 158, (1946), p 833. ‘The Decay of Barium'®’‘, Nature, Vol. 162, (1948), p 566. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 51 Publications, speeches and lectures The Half Philosophical Society, Vol. 44, (1949), p 440. of Thorium C', life time Proceedings of the Cambridge ‘The Decay of Holmium'™ Nature, Vol. 163, (1949), p 524. ‘Slow Neutron induced activities in Europium and Samarium’, Proceedings of the Physical Society, A, Vol. 63, (1950), p 126. B.348 1973 - 1977. ‘This is my answerto the Fuel Crisis’, Achievement, July 1973. ‘Future trends in Nuclear power generation’, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A. Vol. 276, (1974), pp 587-601. ‘Nuclear Power comes of Age’, J. Br. Nucl. Energy Soc., Vol. 15, (April 1976), pp 105-109. ‘Nuclear Power: the achievements, the problems — and the myths’, Melchett Lecture, Journalof the Institute of Fuel, (March 1976), pp 3-10. ‘Nuclear Power: The World’s Need’, Atom, Vol. 246, (April 1977), pp 59-62. ‘Nuclear Power Generation’, Physics in Technology, (July 1977), pp 152-156. ‘International Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons’, Proceedings of the Royal Institution, (October 1977), pp 287-296. 10pp photocopyof typescript only. ‘Today's economies should morereflect the economiesof the future’, Energy World, n. d. (Hill gave this address to the Fuel Luncheon Club on 18 October 1977). B.349 1978. ‘Why Nuclear Energy?’, Geological Society Miscellaneous Paper, No. 7, March 1978, pp 4-11. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 52 Publications, speeches and lectures ‘Nuclear Power in the Public Eye’, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. 126, (1978), pp 252-264. ‘Nuclear Waste Disposal’, Electronics & Power, (May 1978), pp 347-352. ‘Nuclear Power and the Environment’, Atom, Vol. 260, (1978), pp 159-164. B.350 1983 - 1994. ‘The Problems of New Technologies in a Rapidly Changing Energy Scene’, Wilson Campbell Lecture, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 198A, (1983), pp 107-112. ‘British Technology and the World Nuclear Industry’, Nuclear Energy, Vol. 23, (1984), pp 357-363. Editorial for Nuclear Europe Special Issue on Britain, January 1985. 3pp photocopyof typescript only. Introduction to Energy World: Bulletin of the Institute of Energy, No. 161, August 1988. ‘Science — the key to the World welive in’, Leading Speeches, Vol.3, (1991), pp 77-86. ‘Keynote Address — PFR: A Retrospective’, Nuclear Energy, Vol. 33, (1994), pp 249-254. J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 53 SECTION C CORRESPONDENCE C.1-C.20 C.1-C.14 CHRONOLOGICAL C.15,C.16 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE C.17-C.20 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS C.1-C.14 CHRONOLOGICAL 1980-1983 This correspondence runsin a chronological sequence, 1980 - 1983. The material consists of carbon copies of correspondencefrom Hill to ministers in the Department of Energy, and to others in various organisations and institutions During the period covered by this correspondenceHill was President of the Institute of Energy, Chairman of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd and Chairman of Amersham International plc. Britain and abroad. in C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 11 February 1980 - 30 March 1980. 1 July 1980 - 29 September 1980. 6 October 1980 - 23 December 1980. 19 February 1981 - 30 March 1981. 6 April 1981 - 29 April 1981. 6 May 1981 - 29 June 1981. 6 July 1981 - 29 September1981. 2 October 1981 - 23 December 1981. JM Hill NCUACS82/3/99 54 Correspondence 4 January 1982 - 28 January 1982. 1 February 1982 - 29 March 1982. 1 April 1982 - 30 June 1982. 1 July 1982 - 23 September 1982. 4 October 1982 - 23 December 1982. 4 January 1983 - 18 March 1983. C.9 C.10 C.11 C.12 C.13 C.14 C.15, C.16 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1972, n.d., 1991 C.15 C.16 Twoletters to Hill from British Prime Ministers. One letter is from Edward Heath, 28 March 1972, and the other is from Margaret Thatcher, n. d. Both letters were kept separately from the rest of the correspondence, presumably by Hill. Letter from Hill re nuclear research and development programmesand the future of nuclear design and construction in the UK, 26 September 1991. to J. M. Bird C.17-C.20 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1974-1982 Presentedin original, reverse chronological order. C.17 28 September 1981 - 16 August 1982. JM Hill NCUACS82/3/99 55 Correspondence 1 November 1978 - 14 July 1981. 10 October 1977 - 18 August 1978. 12 January 1974 - 14 March 1977. C.18 C.19 C.20 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 56 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AIR PRODUCTS EUROPE LIMITED ALLDAY, Coningsby A. L. HANCOX & PARTNERS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL PLC ANNAN IMPEY MORRISH, MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS APPLIED BIOLOGY INC, FLORIDA, USA ASSOCIATION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ATOMIC ENERGY BOARD, PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA ATOMIC ENERGY ESTABLISHMENT, EGYPT ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADALIMITED BABCOCK & WILCOX (OPERATIONS) LIMITED, POWER & PROCESS DIVISION BAKER, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron Baker of Dorking BATTELLE, PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABORATORIES BENJAMIN, C. B. BENN, Anthony Neil Wedgwood (‘Tony’) BENYON, Thomas Yates BIRCH, F. H. BRISTOL POLYTECHNIC BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BRITISH GAS CORPORATION BRITISH GAS MIDLANDS RESEARCH STATION BRITISH INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT C.13 C.1-C.5, C.13 B.320 B.137 C.6, C.10-C.11 See also UKAEA RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE C.5 B.305 C.7 B.301 B.230 B.298 B.48 C.11 B.190 C.5 B.147 C.13, C.14 B.182 B.305 B.58 B.43, B.85, B.88, C.7, C.8, C.9 C.7 B.268 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 57 Index of correspondents BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY BRITISH NUCLEAR ENERGY SOCIETY (BNES) BRITISH NUCLEAR FORUM BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS LIMITED BRITISH NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SOCIETY BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANYLIMITED BRITISH STEEL CORPORATION BROADHURST,J. S. BOOTH, Albert Edward CALLOW, J. H. CAMBRIDGE UNION SOCIETY CANADIAN NUCLEAR ASSOCIATION CARLISLE, Mark, Baron Carlisle of Bucklow CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, OHIO, USA CASTELLO, J. L. B.190 B.82, B.222, B.307 B.314 B.239 B.60, B.172, B.190, B.227, B.239, B.286, B.288, B.340, C.1- C.3, C.5, C.7, C.13, C.19 B.82, B.150 B.85, C.5 B.133, C.6 C.5 C.2, C.11 C.10, C.11 B.216 B.298 C.7 B.79 C.12 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY GENERATING BOARD B.32, B.278 CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC & SOCIAL INFORMATION, SWITZERLAND CHARLES BARKER WATNEY & POWELL, PARLIAMENTARY CONSULTANTS CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE, ASCOT, BERKSHIRE COAL INDUSTRY SOCIETY COMPANY OF LAUNDERERS CONSERVATIVE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT COOK,Robert Finlayson (‘Robin’) CORNING GAS WORKS, NEW YORK, USA B.77 B.278 B.110 B.64 B.67-B.69 B.155 C.12 B.182 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 58 Index of correspondents COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS COX, Peter B.222 B.294, B.310 C.7 CREMER AND WARNER, CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS B.312 DAILY TELEGRAPH DAVIS, Kenneth DIBBEN, lan DITCHLEY FOUNDATION DODD, C. DOXFORD ENGINES LIMITED DUNSTER, H. J. DURHAM UNION SOCIETY EAST MIDLANDS ELECTRICITY BOARD EDWARDS, J. ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERS’ ASSOCIATION ELECTRICITY COUNCIL ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, USA ELECTRONICS & POWER ELLIS, J. ENERGY RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD ENGLAND, G. ENTE NAZIONALE PER L’ENERGIA ELETTRICA, ITALY EURATOM SUPPLY AGENCY EUROPEAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY (ENS) EZRA, Derek, Baron B.126 C.14 C.17 B.196 C.8 B.294 C.4 B.140 B.43 C.6-C.8, C.11, C.13 B.240 B.196, C.3, C.19 B.222 B.182 C.8 C.7, C18 C.3 B.281 C.14 B.307, B.326 C.8, C.11 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 59 Index of correspondents FAIREY HOLDINGS LIMITED FERRANTI LIMITED FISHER, Frank FORMAN, Nigel Francis FORREST, John Samuel FRAME, Sir Alistair Gilchrist FRANK CASS & CO LTD FRANKLIN, Norman Laurence FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, EDINBURGH BRANCH GIBB, Frank R. GLASGOW JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GLOBE AND MAIL, CANADA GOWANS, Sir James Learmouth GRAHAM, Thomas Edward GREATBRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND CABINET OFFICE, LONDON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENTOF TRADE AND INDUSTRY MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY SAFETY AND RELIABILITY DIRECTORATE C.7 B.46 C.13 B.242 B.126, C.11 C.14 B.232 B.137 B.126 C.8 B.288 B.167 C.14 C.8 B.108, B.342 C.20 C.8 B.85, B.147, B.172, B.205, B.227, B.232, B.246, B.258, B.264, C.2, C.5, C.7, C.9, C.10, C.12, C.16 B.291 B.260 B.85 B.41, B.43 A.5 B.260 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 60 Index of correspondents GREENPEACE LIMITED GROVE, W.P. HARVARD UNIVERSITY, USA HAYMAN, Roy HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY, EDINBURGH HESELTINE, Michael Ray Dibden HINTON, Christopher, Baron Hinton of Bankside HOOLEY,Frank HOWELL, David Arthur Russell HUNT, David James Fletcher IM-PRESS, PUBLIC RELATIONS CONSULTANTS INDUSTRIAL FUEL ECONOMY GROUP INGLIS, G. H. INSTITUTE OF CREDIT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE OF ENERGY INSTITUTE OF FUEL INSTITUTE OF PETROLEUM INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF GAS ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY INSTITUTION OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERS C.1 C.9, C.11 B.190 C.7 C.15 B.275 C.11 B.126 B.242 C.2, C.3, C.6, C.7 C.14 B.68, B.72 B.309 C.2-C.4 B.177 B.216, B.307, B.320, C.7, C.8, C.10, C.13 B.85, B.216 B.273 B.103 C.10, C.18 B.82, B.150, B.222 B.120, B.182 B.88 B.32, B.48, B.323, C.19 B.128 B.222, C.5, C.18, C.19 J. M. Hill NCUACS 82/3/99 61 Index of correspondents INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL CIVIL SERVANTS INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY INTERNATIONAL GAS UNION IRELAND, Frank Edward ITEC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTS.V. JAPAN ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM INC JEFFERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY, USA B.94 B.137, C.13 B.96 C.7, 0.17 C.14 B.318 B.190 JENKIN, Charles Patrick Fleeming, Baron Jenkin of Roding B.82, B.85 JOHNSON, K.D. B. JONES, Aubrey JONES, Arthur HOPE- KAISER, Karl KENDREW,Sir John Cowdrey KINGSTON POLYTECHNIC, SURREY KLEIN, Franz Josef LAMONT, Norman Stewart Hughson, Baron Lamontof Larwick LAWSON, Nigel, Baron Lawson of Blaby LEADERS LLOYDS REGISTER OF SHIPPING LOCKE, J. H. LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY LONDON ELECTRICITY BOARD LONGWORTH, F. W. LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY C.9 C.14 B.328 B.232 C.4, C.5-C.6 B.92 B.232 B.258, C.6 C.8, C.11, C.14 B.266 C.7 C.13 C.9 C.11 C.4 C.4 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 62 Index of correspondents MACFARLANE, Neil MAITLAND, Donald James Dundas MARSHAM, ThomasNelson MARSHALL, Walter Charles, Baron B.155 C.5, C.7, C.8, C.12, C.13 B.196, C.5 C.13 MASON PITTENBURGH AND PARTNERS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS B.308, C.9 MAYNARD, J. C. MEDIA INSTITUTE,WASHINGTON DC, USA MELLOR, David John MENTER, Sir James Woodham MERZ AND MCLELLAN, CONSULTING ENGINEERS MONTREAL ENGINEERING COMPANYLIMITED, CANADA C.12 C.9 C.10-C.12 C.11 B.46 C.10 MOORE, John Edward Michael C.8, C.10, C.13 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING, WASINGTON DC, USA C.7, C.8, C.17, C.18 NATIONAL & GRINDLEYS BANK LIMITED NATIONAL COAL BOARD NATIONAL COAL BOARD, STAFF COLLEGE NATIONAL NUCLEAR CORPORATION LIMITED B.85 B.79, B.163, B.330, C.7, C.8, C.9, C.10 B.64 B.167 NATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD B.275, B.291, C.6 NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD NEW SCIENTIST NORTH EAST LONDON POLYTECHNIC NORTH WESTERN FUEL LUNCHEON CLUB NORTHERN ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES LIMITED NUCLEAR ENERGYBOARD, IRELAND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SOCIETY NUCLEAR EXCHANGE CORPORATION, CALIFORNIA, USA B.246 B.305 B.251 B.210 B.288 C.20 B.286 B.75 C.5 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 63 Index of correspondents NUCLEAR POWER COMPANYLIMITED B.82, B.137 NURSING RESEARCH UNIT N. W. GAS OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY, USA ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT(OECD) OKABE, Minoru OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron OXFORD UNION SOCIETY PAISLEY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY B.275 C.11 B.305 B.172 C.13 B.256 B.246 B.72 PALMER, Arthur Montague Frank B.155 B.248 PARLIAMENTARY ALL PARTY MINERALS GROUP PARLIAMENTARY LIAISON GROUP FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY STRATEGIES PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, USA PENNEY,William George, Baron PETER, Y. E. PHILADELPHIA ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN, USA PICK EVERARD KEAY AND GIMSON, CONSULTING ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS PONSONBY, Frederick Edward Neuflize, 10" Earl of Bessborough PORTILLO, Michael POWELL,Richard Royle PRIOR, James Michael Leathes, Baron REACTOR RESEARCH CENTRE, INDIA RIO TINTO-ZINC CORPORATION LIMITED RIPPON, Simon B.278 B.242 B.79 B.196 C.13 B.305 B.222 B.167 B.155 B.275 C.7 B.56 B.35 C.13 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 64 Index of correspondents RISO NATIONAL LABORATORY, DENMARK ROOKE, Sir Denis Eric ROOT & BROWN(U K) LTD ROTHSCHILD, Edmund de B.281 C.5 C.5 C.14 ROYAL COLLEGE OF DEFENCE STUDIES B.37, B.49, B.52 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ROYAL ORDANCE FACTORIES ROYAL SOCIETY SALMON, Alan SCOTSMAN SEDGWICK, PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTLIMITED S. G. WARBURG & CO LTD SHAW,T.L. SHELL CENTRE, LONDON SHELL INTERNATIONAL MARINE LIMITED SHILLING, John W. SIEMENS SILSOE, David Malcolm Trustram Eve, Baron B.91 C.14 B.54, B.16, C.7, C.19 C.20 B.224 C.14 B.79, B.85, B.205, C.6, C.8 B.222 B.200 B.85 C.6 C.4, C.5 B.186 SKEET, Trevor Herbert Harry B.262, B.278, C.7 SKODA WORKS, CZECHOSLOVAKIA SMITH, Peter SMITH, R. C. SOUTH OF SCOTLAND ELECTRICITY BOARD SPENCER, Sir Kelvin Tallent STEEL, Sir David Edward Charles B.305 C.10 C.9 B.224, B.275, C.3, C.11 C.13 C.5 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 65 Index of correspondents THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness B.167, C.13, C.15 THE TIMES THIRSK AND MALTON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION THOMASTILLING LIMITED TIMBS, Maurice C. UNION CARBIDE U K LIMITED UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY C.14 C.4 C.3 B.234 C.7 B.60, B.72, B.82, B.124, B.126, B.142, B.172, B.190, B.232, B.301, B 326, B.333, C.8, C.10, C.17, ©.18 ATOMIC ENERGY ESTABLISHMENT, WINFRITH, DORSET B.326 ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL: CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGYDIVISION B.160, B.172, B.182, B.190, B.281 ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, ALDERMASTON CULHAM LABORATORY RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE WINDSCALE AND CALDER WORKS, CUMBRIA UNITED REPROCESSORS GMBH, KARLSRUHE, GERMANY UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY, CANADA UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE UNIVERSITY OF KENT AT CANTERBURY UNIVERSITY OF LANCASTER UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL B.190, C.4 B.211, B.270, C.11 B.190, B.291, C.2 See also AMERSHAM INTERNATIONAL PLC B.60 C.9 B.301, C.7 B.56 B.208, C.9 C.10 B.253 B.232 B.341 J. M. Hill NCUACS82/3/99 66 Index of correspondents UNIVERSITY OF LONDON KING’S COLLEGE IMPERIAL COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY OF YORK URANIUM INSTITUTE, LONDON URENCOLIMITED WALDEGRAVE, William Arthur WARLEY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, WEST MIDLANDS WARREN, W.P. WAVEPOWER LIMITED WELSH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY WEST CUMBERLAND TECHNICAL SOCIETIES WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC SA, BELGIUM B.153 B.278, B.316, C.10 B.336 C.10 B.126, B.160 B.142 B.242, B.332, B.333 B.342 C.1 C.8 C.20 C.7 C.20 B.60 B.82 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION, USA B.298, C.6 WHITE, E. A. WHITLEY, S. WILD, Ray WILLIAMS, Alan John WYNDHAM SCHOOL, CUMBRIA C.7 C.19 B.284 C.13 C.8 YORKSHIRE ELECTRICITY BOARD B.120, B.182 ZALESKI, C. P. L. ZENTRALSTELLE FUR ATOMKERNENERGIE — DOKUMENTATION (ZAED), WEST GERMANY B.56